Eternal Arrival

Travel in the U.S., Europe, & Beyond.

foothills of the mountains in kosovo with a clear river running through them

21 Awesome Things to Do in Kosovo, Europe’s Newest Country

People don’t know much about Kosovo, let alone visit Kosovo.

In fact, one of the most commonly Googled things about it is “where is Kosovo?” (hint: it’s in Europe).

And those that do know about the country probably have no idea about all the great things there are to do in Kosovo as a tourist.

Maybe they remember the 1998-99 civil war, or perhaps the continued conflict between Serbia and Kosovo about its status as a country.

Today, the dust has settled, and while resentments can still run high, Kosovo is not dangerous . But it’s much more than that. 

Kosovo is a gem of a country… and yes, I consider Kosovo a country, though I acknowledge that’s not a universally shared belief.

You should be aware that many countries in the world, particularly Serbia but also Russia and other countries within the Balkans, view it as a part of Serbia has that seceded illegally.

View from the fortress over the city of Prizren, Kosovo, on a cloudy day with mountains in the background, and a river bisecting the city in two.

However, I stand behind Kosovo’s right to independence.

As such, I have decided that comments negating its existence as a country will not be published, as it’s counterproductive to what I’m trying to do.

My goal here is to show that Kosovo is not a dangerous, conflict-riddled place, but rather an emerging gem for tourist.

While I won’t deny there are problems that still need to be worked out, these involve communities within Kosovo and Serbia — not tourists.

As a tourist, you’ll have no problems if you visit Kosovo today.

Kosovo’s primary language is Albanian due to the fact that most people from Kosovo are ethnically Albanian.

There is a large Serb ethnic minority, who speak Serbian as their first language.

That said, English is pretty widely spoken by the younger population (and half the country is under 25!). I had no trouble being understood in my eight days traveling Kosovo.

So without further ado, enjoy this quick Kosovo travel guide – and feel free to ask me any questions in the comments.

21 Top Things to Do in Kosovo: Prishtina & Beyond

An old Serbian church that is not used any more in the center of Pristina next to the National Library

For the few travelers who do visit Kosovo, there’s a tendency to visit Kosovo’s capital, Pristina (also written Prishtina in Albanian language – I’ve used the two interchangeably here) and then move on, skipping other key Kosovo destinations like Prizren and Peja.

I urge you to look beyond. Prishtina is fun and modern, and though I thought I’d be there only two nights, I ended up having so much fun that I extended my stay to four.

But I also loved the beautiful Ottoman architecture of Prizren and the stunning mountain scenery of Peja.

There are so many things to do in Kosovo, it’s hard to know where to start, but here are some of the best Kosovo travel destinations and experiences you should add to your bucket list!

Visit one of the country’s beautiful mosques.

The gorgeous main mosque in Prizren, Kosovo, with a stone wall in the foreground and tiled roofs of nearby buildings.

Kosovo is a majority Muslim country, although you should note that it is a very secular society.

While you will see some women wearing hijab and dressing modestly, most women prefer to dress in Western styles of clothing.

Kosovo has many lovely mosques that are very welcoming to outsiders.

In fact, in Kosovo’s capital, Prishtina, a group of four men beckoned us towards the mosque to visit – and then insisted on us taking photos of them afterwards!

Pay homage to its newness at the Newborn monument .

The Newborn nonument, unveiled in 2008 upon declaring independence, featuring clouds and barbed wire

Kosovo only officially gained its independence in 2008, making it the youngest country in Europe.

The Newborn monument in downtown Prishtina was created in honor of that moment.

Every year on the country’s anniversary, they repaint it in a different style representing that year’s theme.

When I visited in 2016, the monument was painted blue with clouds and barbed wire, which is said to symbolize its isolation within Europe due to the continued conflict with Serbia.

It’s an interesting, important Kosovo tourist attraction.

Air high five Bill Clinton’s enormous hands .

The statue of Bill Clinton with very large hands and buildings of downtown Pristina behind the bronze statue

OK, you can’t really high five Bill, as the monument is quite huge, but it’s definitely worth a visit.

Kosovo feels a kinship towards Bill Clinton, who came to their aid and rallied NATO to defend them in 1999.

He is memorialized in downtown Prishtina, just a short walk from the Newborn monument, another very famous Kosovo attraction.

You can also visit the nearby women’s clothing story called – what else? – Hillary, where I’m certain you can buy a great pantsuit.

Absorb the coffee culture.

The cafes on the river banks of Prizren Kosovo with an explosively colorful sunset behind the houses

All over the Balkans, coffee culture is huge! People from Kosovo often sit for an hour over a single espresso or cappuccino, chatting with friends.

One thing I loved witnessing is how older people maintain strong connections and friendships.

All over my time visiting Kosovo – especially in Prizren – I saw older men in their 60s and 70s drinking coffee in groups of three or four.

The older generation there has such a great sense of camaraderie and connection that I think we lack in North America and Western Europe.

You can get everything from Turkish-style coffee (as Kosovo was part of the Ottoman empire for several centuries) to more modern third wave-style coffee at hip cafés.

Check out the cafes and bars on the sidestreets of Prishtina .

A hip bar in Pristina, Kosovo with leather seats and teal walls

Raki Street is one of the small streets just to the right of Nene Tereze Boulevard.

There, you’ll find better cafes and bars than on the main street, which is where lots of locals go to hang. This was one of my favorite things to do in Kosovo!

A few of my favorite cafes in Prishtina are Soma Book Station and Half & Half.

There’s also Prince Coffee, which is so omnipresent that it’s basically the Starbucks of Kosovo.

In addition to a wide variety of espresso drinks and teas, they also offer the most epic dessert list of all time.

Top billing? Macarons which can be had for only 60 cents apiece!

Of all the things to do in Kosovo, this may be the most delicious.

Check out the hostel scene .

View from a balcony over the main street of Pristina

I traveled solo on my first visit to Kosovo back in 2016, when not many backpackers were traveling there.

Since I was alone that first time, I opted to stay in hostels so I could meet other travelers.

And good thing, too — I met so many amazing travelers who I really connected with.

In Prizren and Peja, you’ll be a little less spoiled for choice.

For Prizren, I recommend Ura Hostel .

For Peja, I recommend Sky Hostel in the city and Hostel Panorama if you want to be out in the countryside near great trails.

Copy the locals and take a nightly xhiro .

People walking around in Kosovo in a main square area with street signs and buildings

Kosovo isn’t exactly known for its tourist spots or “top 10s”, so some of the best things to do in Kosovo is just to people-watch and experience the culture the way the locals do.

The xhiro, confusingly pronounced the same way some people say “gyro”, is the Albanian word for the nightly stroll that Albanian and Kosovar people take.

Typically, the stroll leads through the main pedestrian plaza of whatever town or city in Kosovo you happen to be in.

It’s great to stroll there or grab a seat at a cafe and people watch.

Visit one of the world’s “ugliest buildings”.

The strange design of the Kosovo Library with bubble domes and what looks like barbed wire surrounding the entire building

The poor National Library of Kosovo gets quite a lot of flak.

It’s certainly not pretty, but I think it’s quite interesting, and maybe not worthy of being on the shortlist for world’s ugliest building.

However, it’s definitely one of the quirkiest points of interest in Kosovo!

Chat with the locals

A group of friendly locals outside of a mosque in Kosovo

The locals in Kosovo are so incredibly friendly, and they love to talk with outsiders. 

Most Kosovars are used to Peace Corps volunteers and people from the UN or NGOs living or working in their countries, but they’re a bit perplexed by Kosovo tourism since it’s a relatively recent phenomenon.

Don’t be surprised if people ask you “why are you here?” when visiting Kosovo.

They don’t mean it in an aggressive or foreboding way; they are genuinely curious why you have chosen to travel to Kosovo!

Visit the fortress in Prizren.

views over prizren from the fortress, with the city laid out below

Prizren is definitely one of the most picturesque places to visit in Kosovo, with its gorgeous Ottoman-influenced architecture.

For the best view, you’ve got to make your way up to the fortress (kalaja) in Prizren, which is free to enter.

You’ll enjoy stunning views of red-tiled roofs, minarets, and the Bistrica River that runs through the city.

It’s definitely one of the best tourist attractions in Kosovo’s charming second city!

Experience Prishtina’s nightlife.

A live blues show on Saturday night in Prishtina

I didn’t think Prishtina would be as fun as it was, but it was a blast. There’s a lot of fun things to do in Prishtina going on all the time, a lot of it free!

I got to see a free ballet performance of Romeo and Juliet at the National Theatre, a blues show at Soma (the classiest bar in Kosovo), and a hip hop night at Dit e Nat (the best brunch place in Kosovo).

There are also plenty of clubs in Prishtina if that’s your scene.

However, Kosovo nightlife is pretty much limited to Prishtina – you won’t find that much in the way of bars or clubs in other smaller cities.

Try rakia, the favorite liquor of the Balkans.

Rakia served with food

Rakia (or rakija) is a way of life in the Balkans and a pretty much unavoidable part of Kosovo travel.

Some hardcore Kosovar people even have it in the morning, claiming it kills the bacteria in your stomach.

While I certainly believe that (as certain raki have more in common with nail polish remover than any of their fruity origins), I don’t think I’ll be having any rakia with my toast anytime soon.

That said, into the night, rakia is the drink of choice.

I tried a delicious homemade pear rakia at Dit E Nat that was actually quite pleasant to sip (note that you sip, not shoot, rakia!)

Visit a Serbian Orthodox Church .

The gorgeous red monastery in Peja with forest behind it

The Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo are beautiful and historic.

Unfortunately, some Albanian extremists have tried to vandalize or even destroy these churches due to the conflict.

As a result, NATO and local police forces guard many of the churches.

At the Peć Patriarchate in Peja (the Albanian word for the town, which is also called Peć in Serbian language), you have to register your passport with the police to be able to enter.

It may seem extreme, but it’s worth it to see the incredible beauty of the monastery – a true Kovoso must-see.

Of all the things I saw in my week visiting the country, I’d say that hands down the Peć Patriarchate is one of the best places to visit in Kosovo.

Eat at a qebabtore.

a giant plate of various grilled meats with tomato and cabbage

Like the rest of the Balkans, Kosovars love their meat, and they love it grilled.

My favorite qebabtore (barbecue restaurant, similar to a  rostilj  in the rest of the Balkans) was in Prizren, at a restaurant called Alhambra.

There, you can get an epically large mixed meat plate for a mere 6 euros – plenty for two.

Definitely one of the best things to do in Kosovo…. as long as you’re not a vegetarian.

Or indulge in surprisingly good Asian food.

If you’ve been traveling the Balkans as long as I have been, you’re probably growing tired of grilled meat. Luckily Prishtina has some delicious international cuisines!

There is a Thai restaurant which, pulling no punches, is simply called Thai Restaurant which serves surprisingly legit curries (the noodles dishes, less so).

Just across the street, on the second floor of a shopping center, Himalayan Gorka churns out some fantastic Nepali momos, Himalayan curries, and Indian favorites like butter chicken.

All are a little pricier than local Kosovo food, but at under 10 euros a head including drinks, in the throes of serious grilled meat overload, it was worth it.

Go hiking in Peja’s Rugova Canyon.

The canyon in Rugova with rushing water

Give it time and Peja will become the adventure hotspot of Kosovo’s tourism sector.

The nearby Rugova Canyon is gorge-ous (pardon the pun) and there’s plenty of fun adventures to be had there.

Admire the stunning Drin Blanc waterfall, explore the magical “Sleeping Beauty” caves, and finish off with a visit to the above-mentioned Serbian church in Peja.

It can be a bit of a hassle to get to Rugova Canyon with public transportation, so I recommend taking a tour from Prishtina .

Squeal at the bear sanctuary.

As adorable as he is terrifying, but at least he's happy!

All over the Balkans, bears were kept in cages as entertainment at restaurants.

Luckily this practice is now illegal and falling out of favor, and this sanctuary is providing homes in a natural environment to many rescued bears from the region.

If you’re an animal lover, this is a definite must see in Kosovo. They have tons of space to roam free,high quality food, and they enjoy taking only-slightly-menacing walks around the perimeter with visitors.

It’s not far from Pristina and it’s one of the more unique places to visit in Kosovo!

See the rural countryside.

Cows on a field with a fortress and some trees in the distance and a van visible far away

The modern city of Prishtina turns into rural rolling hills quite quickly.

You’ll see farmers herding goats and sheep and cows hanging out on abandoned fortresses, such as Novo Brdo.

It’s a fascinating contrast and an insight into the fact that Kosovo is a country still modernizing at its own pace.

Visit the anthropology museum in Prishtina

Visit a little slice of the past in Prishtina at the antrhopology museum with many cultural artifacts

This museum is free to all and includes a personal guided tour, often by the curator himself!

It’s a great insight into Albanian Kosovars traditional way of life.

You get to see what traditional homes looked like, plus you can see wedding dresses, traditional jewelry, and many other fascinating things! A must if you visit Kosovo.

Shop at a traditional bazaar

The bazaar in the Old Town of Prishtina

Need something? Anything? The bazaar will probably have your back.

You can buy produce on the cheap, or if you need a deck of cards, hair dryer, iron, whatever, you can probably get that there too!

It’s a delightfully ragtag shopping experience.

Admire Kosovo’s mountains

foothills of the mountains in kosovo with a clear river running through them

Kosovo’s terrain is mountainous and lovely, with tons of potential for hiking.

Unfortunately, because Kosovo tourism infrastructure is just beginning, it can be a bit difficult to plan hiking trips.

There are sometimes buses from Peja bringing you to Rugova Canyon, but they don’t always run.

You may be left paying for a taxi or having to do an organized tour properly.

Be aware that there are still unexploded land mines throughout Kosovo (as with some other parts of the Balkans, like Bosnia, where there was armed conflict) so it’s inadvisable to hike off the path.

This is also why a guide is a good idea!

Where to Stay in Kosovo

Prishtina : For a luxury option, check out Swiss Diamond Prishtina .

Prizren: For a mid-range option, try Hotel Kacinari

Peja: For a mid-range/luxury option, check out Hotel Dukagjini — bonus that their restaurant is amazing and serves some of the best food in Peja!

Allison Green

Allison Green is a former teacher who has been travel blogging since 2016. She has a Masters in Teaching and a B.A. in English and Creative Writing. Her blog posts merge her background as an educator with her experience traveling to 70+ countries to encourage ethical, meaningful travel. She has been a speaker at the World Travel Writers Conference and her writing, photography, and podcasting work has appeared in National Geographic, CNN Arabic, CBC Canada, and Forbes, amongst others. Now a full-time traveler, she has lived in Prague, Sofia, New York City, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

70 thoughts on “21 Awesome Things to Do in Kosovo, Europe’s Newest Country”

That last photo is ridiculously beautiful. Would love to make it here the next time I am in the Balkans!

Also, I appreciate your Trump trolling. 😀

Oh man, it is so worth it! I more than doubled the time I planned to spend there. I’d love to go back and hike the mountains properly next trip.

And thank you! I really tried 🙂

Hi Allison, first of all thank you for visiting Kosova. Suggestion for you, when you visit the mountains of Kosova, venture into Plava and Gucia – the Montenegro side but still Albanian lands. If u like hiking and breath taking scenery the cursed mountains is the place to visit. Hope to see you there!!!!

Added to my neverending list – thank you!

I hadn’t given much thought to the place. I suppose its just hearing it on the news during the troubles that makes you put it on a back burner. It looks fantastic and I would certainly give it a wee explore once my hubby retires. Kosovo has much in common with Scotland , we are fighting to regain independence , they are independent but fighting for recognition.

I definitely think so… whenever I told people I had come from Kosovo, one of the first questions would be about safety. It’s a small country and you can see quite a bit of it in a week, and now that there are low budget flights to Prishtina you can even just go for a little weekend visit 🙂 I hope you do go and enjoy!

Interesting point about the parallels! I had never thought about it this way. I’ll be interested in watching to see what happens with Scotland’s independence in the future post-Brexit.

You had your independence vote. The voting age was even lowered from 18 to 16 specifically for the independence vote and you still didn’t get enough votes for independence. The majority voted to remain part of the UK. You can’t keep voting just because you don’t like the result.

Nice blog by the way.

I’d argue frequent votes are healthy for a society… especially when something as game-changing as Brexit happens.

Thanks for the tips! I’m headed to Prishtina from Skopje today, and looking forward to checking a lot of these things out.

I’m so glad you found it helpful!! I hope you enjoy Prishtina and do try to visit Prizren or Peja if you get a chance – they’re both stunning. Enjoy your trip! 🙂

Nice article! do you think it is absolutely safe for a female solo traveller to explore Kosovo?

Yes, definitely. Nothing is ever 100%, of course, but I walked alone many times including at night and never felt unsafe. Take normal precautions and you should be fine.

Kosovo is a safe place.. this is the first time that I’ve seen someone argue about Kosovo’s safety.

Lots of people have a bad image of Kosovo due to the wars there many years ago. Same with a lot of places in the Balkans. I agree that it’s safe but it’s also true that the perception is not positive in much of the world, because much of the world is very behind the times 😛

I was undecided to visit Kosovo until I read your article. Thanks and kudos!

That’s so great to hear, I hope you go soon! <3

Great Blog. Thanks, as a great introduction to Kosovo.

So glad you enjoyed! Hope you visit soon.

Hi Allison, about how long do you think it would take to take a drive up through the Rugova canyon and back? I am only going to be there in Peja for an afternoon and am just wondering if I will have time and how best to do it (hire a driver?) Thanks for any info you can provide 🙂

Hi Nicole, the best way to do it would be to hire a taxi for the day. It’s about an hour or so each way, and buses are infrequent. Hope you enjoy!

Awesome information Nice article. Really quick tips and tricks to enjoy the trip to Kosovo thanks specially Pristina

I’m so glad to have come across this at 11:30 pm! I’m moving to Kosovo in less than 3 months for a teaching job and there’s not much information on what to do in Kosovo! I’m super excited (even more so now) to take in the country and what it has to offer! Do you have any knowledge about traveling from Kosovo to Serbia? I hear different things about it (the hoops one must jump through) since there is tension. Thanks for posting this!!!

Hi Anjeline! I’m so glad you came across this too!! You will really love Kosovo. I’m imagining you’re moving to Prishtina? It’s not the most beautiful of cities, I’ll admit, but it’s SOOOO much fun – I’ve considered getting an apartment there for a month and calling it home base, that’s how much I liked it!

So, as far as I know, you can travel from Serbia into Kosovo no problem, but you can only travel into Kosovo from Serbia if you are an EU resident and use your national ID to cross… Since I had to use my passport, I was told I couldn’t cross from Kosovo into Serbia. The reason for this is that Serbia considers Kosovo part of Serbia, so when you try to cross the Kosovo-Serbia border they view you as having already “entered” Serbia but have no stamp. I personally did not try to cross the Kosovo-Serbia border. I entered via Albania and left via Montenegro. It’s very common to travel to Serbia via Skopje as Prishtina is only 2 hours away from Skopje 🙂 Of course, this is all totally subject to change! This was true one year ago 🙂

I’m going there tomorrow so hopefully I have enough time to get mingling with the locals (although some tend to give a weird eye due to my color) ha ha

People in Kosovo are very friendly and I’m sure you’ll find it easy to mingle with locals especially as you visually stand out. I was traveling in Kosovo with a black female friend and while she did get a lot of looks (and I might add a few flirtacious/bordering on inappropriate comments) we felt very welcome and safe there 🙂

Like Anjeline, we’ll be moving to Pristina in the not-too-distant future. The photo of the fresh produce at the market has me over-the-moon with happiness! (Where we currently live, the produce is usually looks dejected and overpriced.)

Thanks for sharing your experiences — just adding to the excitement!

Oh that’s so exciting to hear! I was similarly excited by the fresh produce — you may think that in places like Albania/Kosovo the produce would be lacking in quality, but the truth is, it is so much more organic and fresh than in the US supermarkets I was used to in inner city Brooklyn. Best of luck with the move and hopefully you’ll love Prishtina as much as I did! <3

I’m planning a trip by self to Pristine. I was already excited about it but now super excited. And now I have great suggestions to start with! I’ve never traveled out of the country but Kosovo and Poland are my top goals! Thanks for this.

Those are both beautiful countries but Kosovo is one of my personal favorites 🙂 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions I can help you with as you prepare for your trip!

Great list; you hit all of my favorites! I spent about a month in Kosovo in 2016. It was easily one of the most interesting countries I visited on my trip, both socially and politically. The one thing I would recommend to anyone traveling to Kosovo is to stay with local families. I did stay in one hostel in Prizren (ideal for enjoying the nightlife), but spent the majority of my time with a family, in Gjilan, I found on Staying with a local host allowed me to further immerse myself in Albanian Kosovar culture, develop lasting friendships, and experience more than I would have had I only stayed in a hostel. If you’re thinking about visiting Kosovo, do it!

Hi Kendra! Glad to hear you enjoyed your time in Kosovo as much as I did! I think that’s a great point – people in Kosovo are super friendly and welcoming, so I imagine staying with a local family would be a great way to immerse yourself in the culture 🙂 Hoping to go back to Kosovo next year and explore more and hopefully update this list!

Really good article. Lived there for 3 years just after the war and returned with my family in 2017. Lovely land even more lovely people. The ugliest building (the national library) has an interesting story behind it. The architect created it to represent the oppression of the Albanian people by the Serbian majority. It looks like your typical ugly communist building, but the white domes represent the Albanian traditional white hat the Plisa, and it is all behind bars representing the oppression. The Serbs approved the building not realizing the political statement being made.

Oh wow, I had no idea about the national library! That’s such a cool backstory, really awesome to know its history and the idea behind it. Now that you’ve explained it, it makes a lot of sense. Thanks so much for sharing!

Hello, I spent a few days this past August in Kosovo also. Nice write up. I didn’t realize you were a woman until the end. And I was thinking about all the (men’s) barber shops and how every man seemed to have a fresh haircut. $2. Yes, we were shocked at how friendly the locals were to Americans. It was a real pleasure traveling there and we will go back when they finish the Via Dinarica trail through Kosovo.

Thank you! That trail sounds really lovely – that’s the one that goes through Bosnia, right? I’m hoping to go back for a visit sometime soon.

I lived in Kosovo for 7 years. It’s an amazing and unique country with beautiful people. Another really cool place to check out is the waterfalls at Mirusha. Have you heard of that? It’s a series waterfalls that you have to climb up to. When you get to the top waterfall there are caves and a weird looking rock naturally formed like scull. It’s a really beautiful place.

I haven’t been to Mirusha, but I have heard of it — it looks absolutely beautiful! I didn’t hear about the caves or the skull looking rock, how cool! I definitely didn’t have enough time in Kosovo with only one week. I’m living not far away now in Bulgaria, so I’m hoping to return soon 🙂 Thank you for commenting and I definitely have to return and check out more 🙂

This is so kind of you saying this about my country!Thank You

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Hallo allison Danke dir dass du so schön über kosovo berichtest Ich bin Kosovar und gehe heute für 1 Monat auf meine Herkunft Suche Ich war paar mal in kosovo und habe nur Gutes erläbt War in gjeravica bjeket e nemura Vale de valbonja und noch vieles mehr Mach weiter so

Hi Toni, danke schön for your kind comment, I wish you a good month-long journey in Kosovo 🙂

Great article Allison, You put my mind at rest as I move to near Peja next month to work there. Nice to hear its similar to Scotland as that’s what I’m leaving behind.

ps Don’t worry about landmines next time you visit, we’ll get rid of those.

Hi Barry, thank you! Good luck with your upcoming move to Peja. I think you will really enjoy it. And best of luck with your work, that’s amazing what you’re doing!

Thank you for the beautiful words about my country , now i live in US but i miss my home my family my friends . We are very friendly people specially to those who helped us when we nedded the most . If you love mountains and try a different food and tradition Visit all the Albanian places

Hi Allison! Love your blog! Can you give a bit more information about where the last picture is taken? I can read it’s near to Peja, but where exactly? 🙂 thank you!

Hi Ine! If you are walking towards Patriarchate of Pec, pass it and keep walking further away from Peja, down the road. The road is not honestly that scenic beyond this one part, so I would recommend having a taxi or bus take you to Rugova Canyon instead 🙂

Great article Alison, thanks. I like your style!

Thanks Tim!

This post has placed Kosovo on my list for Eastern Europe 2019! I’m so glad i came across it. Thank you 🙂

You will not regret it, believe me!

Kosovo is a Great Country because of politic from serbia its destroyed and albanian would never try to destroy church we are the only country that we respect every religion serbian politic lie every day just to make kosovo bad country i respect people from serbia because its not their foult but the politic like in kosovo like in serbia are bad all criminals …..

Hi Leo, I’m actually reading and responding to this from Serbia now. The situation is very complicated and I respect Kosovo’s right to independence and love traveling Kosovo, but I don’t think Serbian politics are entirely to blame for all issues in Kosovo. Albania is lovely and certainly has a better track record with religious tolerance than Serbia, that’s for sure, but moving forward I think it’s better to try to promote a healthier dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo while respecting Kosovo’s self-sovereignty. Also Albania unfortunately did destroy many churches and mosques in the communist era, which I realize is the fault of Hoxha and his dictator cronies who tried to enforce athiesm, but you can’t really say Albanians have never destroyed a church. Anyway, especially now that Kosovo is de facto independent and has been for the last 10 years, I believe it is up to them to determine and create a better future. And I am rooting them on every step of the way 🙂

Albania and Kosovo are two separate countries, however! And as an kosovar, most, if not all, of our problems stem from the ottoman takeover and mostly the Kosovo War (when the Serbians committed genocide).

Yes, I know Albania and Kosovo are two separate countries… that’s why I call Kosovo “Europe’s newest county” in the title 😛 Just pointing out the dominant language is the same. I think today’s problems come from many sources, including both ones you mentioned, but at the end of the day – it’s up to Kosovars living there now to make it better for themselves and future generation 🙂

Thank you for giving the chance to “visit” this unique place again. I am glad people there are doing well, and moving on. God bless them, and may give you many wonderful trips and similar posts. Personally prefer travel posts which keep the politics by side, but appreciate your correctness and best intentions.

Hi Saśa – thanks for your kind comment. Unfortunately, I’ve found it’s impossible to extricate politics from travel – it’s present in every single part of it, whether you write about it or not. For example, the fact that I’m American gives me the right to visit over a hundred countries visa-free or with a simple e-visa, whereas people with Kosovo passports (or most African or South/Southeast Asian passports, etc.) struggle a lot to travel anywhere. I have a lot of love and respect for Serbia (have been there 3 times and count Belgrade as one of my favorite cities) and I respect how Serbs feel about the matter, I just am trying to keep this post from becoming the “KOSOVO IS SERBIA” back and forth that I see so many posts on Kosovo devolve into, which I think hurts both parties and diminishes tourists’ desire to travel to either country. Anyway, I truly appreciate your comment and wish you happy travels 🙂

I’m from Kosovo and when I saw this I was shocked at how good it was . I appreciate that you found the time to come here and visit our country .

Thank you! I hope to return soon!

Thanks for the lovely information Kate.

I am very excited to rub elbows with the Kosovo crowd as a Canadian.

You’re welcome! Have a good time!

I wasn’t planning on spending time in Kosovo during my next trip (Turkey back to France in about 3 months or more: Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and northern Italy) but now I’m like “mmm… Maybe I should spend a few days there…”. Thank you for the article.

Definitely do! It makes an easy side trip from Tirana, Albania 🙂 Or if you go via Bulgaria and Macedonia, that’s also quite easy. I run another site about the Balkans that should be useful for your trip — I wrote up the Tirana to Prishtina journey here: but you can navigate around and see what is useful for you!

Wow…..Awesome tips. I’m heading to Kosovo tomorrow for a short 3 days trip and I’m very excited about it.

Thanks a lot for helping us :))

You’re welcome! We have more tips on if you are continuing on around the Balkans 🙂

You have done a great job by shedding light on this less known region. I am planning my trip to Eastern Europe. Never showed interest in visiting Kosovo, but now i am including it too. Let’s ste foot in the youngest european country….

Sounds great Amish! Enjoy 🙂 It’s a wonderful place!

WOW, an amazing blog. Thanks Allison for this. Actually I am at Kosovo and Kosovo is pretty and an incredible place. So, the people are here nice and the food is amazing.

Thank you Donat, have a great time

Nice article – albeit with a few cringeworthy and unself-aware American takes on things. Grrat to see you had a good time in Kosovo.

I don’t really know what to make of the condescension to compliment ratio of this comment. I’m glad you somehow found it useful despite how cringeworthy and unself-aware and American I am!

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  • 7 Must See Attractions In...

7 Must-See Attractions in Kosovo

Prizren, Kosovo

Kosovo has been gaining popularity with foreign visitors and for good reason – its untouched natural jewels and friendly people shape the perfect conditions for an unforgettable trip on the Balkan Peninsula. Here is Culture Trip’s pick of the best attractions in Kosovo.

The capital pristina.

Pristina is a city full of lively young people where crumbling Soviet-style buildings co-exist with modern shiny luxury hotels and contemporary art. Experience the coffee culture of the city during the day and the rakia culture in the evening (rakia is the local strong spirit). Both involve slow drinking accompanied by conversations and time shared with friends and strangers. Stroll in the old part of Pristina where a handful of old-style houses and elderly men sitting in front of them will transfer you back in time. On your way back, stop by the Newborn Monument in the center of the city – a tall inscription whose letters are decorated in different symbolic style every year. Then head to Bill Clinton Boulevard where, tucked between blocks of flats, you will find the statue of Bill Clinton waving. This American president did a lot to help Kosovo during the 1999 war with Serbia and this is why he is much respected in the country.

Pristina, Kosovo

1. The ski slopes in Bjeshkët e Sharrit Mountains (Šar Mountains)

The ski resorts in Bjeshkët e Sharrit Mountains, also known as Šar Mountains, offer Alpine-style accommodation and new slopes to explore for less than half of the price you would pay in Austria or Italy. The ski resort of Brezovica has slopes for all levels – beginners, advanced, extreme, and features one untreated slope with powder. The highest point of the resort is 2,200m (7,200 feet).

Brezovica, Kosovo

The picturesque town of Prizren

With its fortress perched on a hill over the town, beautiful mosques and churches and the lazy Prizren Bistrica River curving between the red-roofed houses, Prizren is a photogenic old-time town. A 30-minute walk will take you on top of the fortress from where you can admire the best panorama of Prizren and its surroundings. Prizren is famous for its jewelry and bridal fashion boutiques, so don’t miss taking a look at the local artists’ creations. When you are tired of walking, have a seat at one of the riverside benches and enjoy the view or head to one of the restaurants to taste the local cuisine.

3. The Peć Patriarchate Monastery

The Patriarchate of Peć

4. The Marble Cave

Natural Feature, Museum

The Marble Cave in Kosovo

5. Visoki Dečani Monastery

Visoki Dečani Monastery in Kosovo

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kosovo best places to visit

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What to see in Kosovo – my favorite places

Kosovo (alongside with Moldova ) is probably the least known and visited country in Europe.

While the Balkans is blooming with popularity, getting thousands of visitors each month, Kosovo tourism is just starting to take off.

The youngest country in Europe ( Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008 ) is still unknown to many.

It has only one major tourist attraction that is among Balkan highlights – Prizren – and when you ask travelers what to see in Kosovo there will most likely not even know about this one.

I’ve been twice to Kosovo so far and I can assure you the country has lots to offer, especially to more curious and adventurous visitors.

Here is my mini cheat-sheet of Kosovo tourism, your answer to what to see in Kosovo!

Kosovo essentials

Planning a trip to Kosovo? Here are the services I always use and personally recommend:

  • Accommodation : I always book a place to stay on
  • Tours: when I decide to go on a tour I either use Viator
  • Get insured for your trip to Kosovo with SafetyWing

Table of Contents

Is it worth to visit Kosovo?

First things first.

If you keep wondering is it worth to visit Kosovo, while the countries nearby are so interesting and beautiful (I’m looking at you Albania , Montenegro , Croatia and Bosnia ) my answer is simple – YES.

Kosovo tourism is still unspoiled, the country is visited only by a handful of people who are not afraid of the unknown land.

And that what makes it even a more attractive destination to visit as everything around feels just real, not made for tourists! Another bonus – even if the local currency is Euro, Kosovo is really cheap!

kosovo tourism

Is Kosovo safe?

Again – YES.

I felt completely safe for all the time.

True, there was a violent civil war not so long ago and there are still tensions in the country but for a tourists visiting Kosovo there is nothing to worry about.

I was traveling solo there and didn’t have a single awkward or nervous situation, I also don’t know of any other travelers who had any sort of issues in Kosovo.

Everyone around was super friendly, trying to help me even when I didn’t need it. I was out in Prizren and Pristina in the evening (mostly in the center but still) and no one bothered me at all.

Also due to the specific situation of Kosovo there are numerous foreign forces looking after the country.

You might see soldiers walking up and down the main boulevard of Pristina but there is no need to worry – they simply want to show off, behaving like on a runway and looking like a million bucks.

Just like in every other place, use your common sense, don’t do things you wouldn’t do at home and you will be more than fine! Kosovo is really safe!

I wrote the whole post about Kosovo safety where I share my and other travelers’ opinions – click here to read “Is Kosovo safe?” post!

people of Kosovo

What to see in Kosovo

Kosovo isn’t the most spectacular country in the Balkans but it has its moments.

The cities might be not the most beautiful you will ever see but chances you will fall for its cafes, vibe, landscape and people are very high. Kosovo really has a lot to offer to travelers!

Below are my top places to visit in Kosovo:

Second biggest city in Kosovo and a picture perfect gem of the country (at least in the Old Town). If there is one place you need to visit in Kosovo it has to be Prizren.

Have you seen the picture of the old stone bridge, the mosque and the lush mountains in the background? That’s Prizren! And in reality it’s even more beautiful!

The Old Town is bustling with numerous cafes and restaurants, too many to count, cobbled streets are filled with tables ready for you to relax over an exceptional cup of coffee.

Shadervan – the main square – seems to be always full of people, just hanging out, doing their businesses.

But the highlight of Prizren is Kaljaja – the fortress with the most spectacular view you will see in Kosovo.

It’s an easy hike up there from the Old Town and you are easily entitled to spend most of your day up there. Kaljaja, alongside with Shadervan, is the place to be in Prizren.

Rumours say it’s the most beautiful during sunset – I wish I could confirm this but when I was about to hike up there the thunderstorm rolled over Prizren…

what to see in Kosovo - Prizren

I’m really hoping to return to Prizren, maybe in August for Dokufest – a world famous International Documentary and Short Film Festival.

But I’m also hoping to explore more of the city, to dwell into its rough backstreets with abandoned houses . Prizren is so much more than postcards show!

what to see in Kosovo - Prizren

One of the least beautiful capitals in Europe yet among the most interesting (and my favorite) ones!

Pristina is vibrant, cool, chic, cosmopolitan in a way.

The monuments you find there are rather boring (unless we talk about the National Library of Kosovo – probably the most amazing brutalist building I’ve seen, the one that started my love for this architecture style – yet Pristina makes you feel ecstatic.

There is just something about this city that holds you tight and doesn’t want to let you go!

what to see in Kosovo - Pristina

My story with Pristina was very similar to the my affair with Yerevan, Armenia . After the first visit I was more or less indifferent – it was fine but the city didn’t blow me away.

However, shortly after I started thinking about Pristina more and more often, dreaming of return to get to know it better. And so I did!

I’ve spent 4 days in Pristina, the city that can be “done” in 2 hours, and I’d return there in a heartbeat!

My days were filled with some of the best cafes I’ve ever visited, great brutalist architecture, warm evenings, delicious food, good street art (including Mr.Chat I know from Sarajevo ) and amazing people.

If you’re into slow travel Pristina is a place for you!

what to see in Kosovo - Pristina

Kosovska Mitrovica

The most challenging place to visit in Kosovo, the one that has been on my mind for a long time.

The city is divided into the Southern (Albanian) and Northern (Serbian) part, with the ongoing tension between these two.

I must admit I was slightly afraid to visit Mitrovica but, as always, it turned out there was nothing to worry about and it was only my mind playing tricks.

I’m kind of fascinated with divided city and Mitrovica was such an interesting place to explore.

As soon as you cross the (blocked and protected by international forces, like Italian Carabinieri) bridge everything changes: alphabet, currency, license plates (on the Serbian side most of the cars don’t have any) or the places of worship. Even people look different.

I can’t decided which side I liked more as Northern has one of spomeniks yet Southern had a great cafe with umbrellas.

Politics aside, Mitrovica makes a perfect day trip from Pristina and for me it’s a must when you visit Kosovo!

what to see in Kosovo - Mitrovica

A getaway to Rugova Canyon and Prokletije Mountains and home to Patriarchate of Peć – UNESCO World Heritage Site.

But for me it was just a laid-back city with the fanciest coffee I had in Kosovo (for just 2€!), good street art and a decent bazaar. I didn’t even go to Patriarchate of Peć because coffee.

It was a good place to spend a relaxing afternoon at but of all the places I’ve visited in Kosovo it’s the last one on my personal list.

However, if mountains are your thing don’t miss Peja!

what to see in Kosovo - Peja

My biggest surprise in Kosovo! Gjakova was badly damaged during the war but after the recent renovation it’s blooming again!

You can spend at least few hours in the Grand Bazaar only, an unique place with numerous craft workshops and cafes, the oldest and largest bazaar in Kosovo.

The main lane, lined with cafes is decorated with artistic installations by local artist Mimoza Rraci and it looks just amazing. I dare to say it’s the most beautiful cafes area I’ve ever seen!

But Gjakova is more than that, the whole town with the surrounding mountains is a lovely place to visit and another perfect day trip from Pristina or Prizren.

what to see in Kosovo - Gjakova

Kosovo tourism – practical information

How to get to kosovo.

Recently there are more and more low cost flights to the Balkans – you can fly directly to Pristina from Germany, France, Hungary, Switzerland or England (I paid 60€/return from Berlin to Pristina in May 2016) or you can get to Skopje, Macedonia and take the bus to Kosovo – it’s super easy!

From Skopje buses to Pristina depart more or less every hour, the journey takes a little bit over 2 hours. In November 2014 and May 2016 I paid 5€ for one way ticket.

Public transport in Kosovo

To my great surprise the public transport in Kosovo was excellent.

There are frequent and cheap buses between cities, there might not be the most comfortable ones but decent enough to survive the 2-3 hours journey.

At the bus stations you will have no problems with finding the right bus as each destination has a dedicated platform – if it’s not written anywhere people will point you to the right place before you even ask them for help!

Just keep in mind that sometimes the last bus leaves rather early, around 6pm.

Here are the prices of tickets in May 2016: Prizren – Gjakova 2,50€; Gjakova – Peja 2,50€; Peja – Prizren 4€; Prizren-Pristina 3€, Pristina – Mitrovica 2€.

Where to stay in Kosovo

I stayed in Prizren for 2 nights (from there I did a day trip to Gjakova and Peja) and then in Pristina for 3 nights (with a day trip to Mitrovica).

You can also stay in Pristina for your whole stay and do day trips from there – the country is really small and it’s 2 hours journey to each of the interesting place.

I stayed at the hostel in Pristina that I don’t really recommend but here you can find some better options!

If you decide to stay in Prizren here you can book your hotel (for some reason the one I stayed at is no longer available).

Travel insurance

I never travel without the insurance as you never know what might happen on the road and better safe than sorry ( I’ve learnt my lesson ).

I can recommend SafetyWing that offer the insurance dedicated to travelers just like you and me.

Click here to get the insurance policy for Kosovo here.

love, kami 2

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You went to Kosovo and you didn’t go to Visoki Decani ???

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I was hoping to but I simply didn’t have time, it’s not so easy when you depend on public transport only.

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Jay (from Vancouver, Canada)

Hi Kami!! Great travel blog – I just love your passion and enthusiasm in the places you visit. It’s so nice seeing the pictures of the places you describe – it makes me want to buy a plane ticket and travel right now! I know you are quite busy – but if you get a chance, could you recommend any good places to visit or places to eat in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Singapore (That’s if you’ve traveled there). I’m heading there in about a month’s time :-)

Thanks again for sharing your wonderful trips!

Thank you Jay! Unfortunately I haven’t been to both Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yet (although I’m going to the second one later this year) so I can’t help you with any recommendations. But for places to eat I always find foursquare application the best! Have a great trip!

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Ellan Orlanes

Hey kami, I’m planning my trip to kosovo next year after my contract, I would like to ask if I can go also to Skopje just by bus from kosovo without needing any important documents? If you have time please kindly reply. Thanks for sharing your trips and godbless.

Yes, there are regular buses between Kosovo and Macedonia (especially Pristina and Skopje) and there’s just a regular border control on the border. Maybe check with your embassy if you need any extra documents when entering any of those countries but other than that all is fine there!

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Ja zamierzam się wybrać w maju na 3 dni w Góry Przeklęte i na dwa dni z Berane do Pei:)

doskonały plan! Najlepiej porozmawiaj z Kingą z Floating My Boat , ona sie zna na górach na Bałkanach!

Trochę się boję bo będę sam ale może się odważę, zauważyłem że jest nawet połączenie z Berane w Czarnogórze do Pei:)

Kinga też była sama i dała radę :) nie ma czego się bać!

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Well, now I MUST go to Kosovo! :-) Thanks!

well, now you must! ;)

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Victoria @The British Berliner

‘Love this post Kami!

I’m aware that Kosovo is not as popoular as some of the other Balkan states, but I feel enormously inspired to visit, as I’m freaky like that lol! Well done. ‘Love the photographs and the information breakdown!

Thank you! You definitely should go, Kosovo is really fascinating! I bet you’d enjoy it too!

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Stefania - the Italian Backpacker

It’s funny how sometimes while you visit a city you think that you don’t like it so much after all, but after you’ve returned you start to think about it often. For me it happened with Athens: not the most beautiful city in Europe maybe but I keep thinking about it and I returned there already once! Thank you for this post: I didn’t know much about what to see in Kosovo before reading it.

I had a similar yet different story with Athens – I didn’t really feel like going as I thought it’s not the city I’d like. And then I loved it! I’d really love to return there!

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Great post, Kosovo is another place I really want to visit. I met a couple from there on a bus from Skopje to Greece last year and they were so friendly and interesting, really made me curious about Kosovo. Good to see you went to Mitrovica, it seems like an interesting city (not just because of the divide) but I suspect not many tourists go there. Love the cafe with the umbrellas!

Thank you! Kosovo is really interesting, and so underrated, I’d definitely recommend going there! And yes, I haven’t seen any other tourists besides me and my friend in Mitrovica so I asusme it’s not the most popular city ever :)

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Nice article. But, you did not visit Gracanica (monastery, Ulpiana, other Serbian monuments)? Not to mention Visoki Decani, Pecka Patrijarsija. You did not visit Kosovo.

Thank you. I don’t want to mix politics here but since my country recognize Kosovo as the independent country I do visited Kosovo. And the fact that I didn’t go to all the monasteries doesn’t change it.

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It doesn’t jump out as a place to go on holiday, but it looks gorgeous and with it being cheap and safe too you’ve convinced me! I love to head places that aren’t too obvious. I might be visiting a friend in Serbia this year so perhaps I can combine the two in one trip…

Definitely try to go to Kosovo too! It’s a wonderful place, still unspoiled by the mass tourism! And the coffee really is to die for!

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The only reason I know anything about Kosovo is because I knew someone from there. Ever since then I thought it would be a really cool place to visit!

It really is! Such an underrated place!

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Douglas Rezende

super plan! Zajrzyj do Kingi (link w tekście), na pewno Ci się jej post przyda!

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Thanks for the honest description of Kosovo and the free publicity! :) Kosovo is a safe and a beautiful place to visit, especially the West Side (Prizren, Gjakova and Peja) with some very beautiful nature. I saw recently that Peja added a little Zip Line as well :). I plan to visit Rugova Mountain (near Prizren) in August! I have heard/seen pics of it and looks amazing!

Anyway, thanks for visiting Kosovo and writing about it! We need more blogs like this that are not about politics and war stories. Blogs like yours will bring more tourists to Kosovo and connect people.

Enjoy your travels! Sounds like a great way to live your life!

Thank you! I really enjoyed my time in Kosovo and I’m glad I can promote the country! The zip line sounds so great, I would love to return to try it out! Thanks for telling me about it!

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Hi! This was great. I’m going there in a couple weeks and now I’m really excited! I will be there for 4 days, what would be the 1-2 day trips I MUST take while there in your opinion?

Where will you be based? If in Pristina then I definitely suggest Prizren and Gjakova or Mitrovica. Kosovo is really interesting, I’m sure you will like it there!

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I found your site very useful! I am heading to Kosovo on Monday. It will be my Country #109 (per UN) or #1`17 (per the App Been, that considers, for example, England, Scotland, Wales, Puerto Rico etc. as “countries”.

I will base myself in Pristina and have 3 nights/ 2 days on hand. Based on your blog, I will do Pritzen one day and either of the other options on the other day. Then move to Bosnia.

By the way, do you know how can I get to Sarajevo from Pristina? Another question – is there a border checkpoint between Serbia and Kosovo where they may need a Covid PCR negative as I will not have one from Serbia since I will go in there on Sunday from England with one.

Thanks again for your lovely post!

I’m so very sorry for this terribly late answer! I really hope your trip to the Balkans was great and you enjoyed Kosovo and all the other places you’ve visited. All the best!

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Bryan John Smith

Thanks for this blog. I want to make a stop in Prizren and Pristina. I’m trying to work out how to get there from Dubrovnik. The bus timetables seem odd. Any suggestions on the best way to do this in a day?

I don’t think it’s possible to go to Prizren and/or Pristina on a day trip from Dubrovnik, it’s too far away. I’m not even sure there are direct connections from Croatia to Kosovo.

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Visit Kosovo: The Ultimate Kosovo Travel Guide

  • Europe / The Balkans
Someone, somewhere, remembers these two and is glad that guns were silenced and tanks were turned back and hatred was not allowed its reign over this piece of land. Naomi Hamill, How To Be a Kosovan Bride

Europe’s Newest Country

Europe’s youngest nation is wise beyond her years. Take everything you already know about Kosovo and put it to one side – if you come in with an open mind, you’ll end up leaving with a new outlook.

The best thing about travelling in Kosovo is meeting the people, whose warmth – forged in fire as it may be – is completely overwhelming at times. This is a country where you’re often greeted with a comforting hand on the shoulder, where strangers approach you on the street with a genuine curiosity, and bakers beckon you to join them in front of their ovens and taste the fruits of their labour. Kosovar hospitality is just one of the many things that made my two weeks in the country so special. That, and the coffee – baristas here make the best macchiatos on earth.

Kosovo is tiny, but there is no shortage of tourist attractions. The untamed splendour of Rugova Canyon and the Accursed Mountains are worth a mention, but it’s the cities that really make an impression. Pristina , the capital, is a cacophony of cafes, street art, restaurants and creative spaces. Take a selfie at the Newborn Monument , a sculpture that evolves its appearance every year to keep pace with Kosovo’s ongoing metamorphosis.

Prizren , the cultural capital, is a perfect juxtaposition, with its stone bridge, elegant mosque and cobbled old town. There’s Peja , the gateway to nature, and my favourite place in Kosovo, Gjakova , with its sprawling undercover bazaar and artisan workshops. Meanwhile, the divided city of Mitrovica and contested Medieval Monuments in Kosovo are a reminder that ‘country’ is still a contentious word in this part of Europe.

Of the 12 Balkan countries , Kosovo surprised me the most and is the one place I tend to recommend wholeheartedly to anyone who asks.

Kosovo Travel Guide: The minaret of a mosque in Prizren, Kosovo.

Kosovo travel essentials

Please note: Some of these links are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link (at no extra cost to you). Learn more .

April-September (great weather, perfect for hiking, still uncrowded).

How long in Kosovo?

2 full days each for Pristina and Prizren; 7-10 days for the highlights.

Daily budget

45-50 USD per person per day (mid-range hotel; local meals; bus fares; museum tickets).

Getting there

Fly into Pristina; bus from any neighbouring country; train from North Macedonia.

Kosovo visa

Visa-free for most passports (stay up to 90 days).

Getting around

Hire a car; use intercity vans, buses or taxis.

Where to stay

Hostels, family-run guesthouses or hotels.

Tours & experiences

City walking tours, transfers and nature experiences.

Explore Kosovo

Discover all the best things to do in Kosovo with my latest travel guides.

The city of Peja, Kosovo.

Perfect Kosovo Itinerary for 7-10 Days of Travel

The mosque and Bistrica river in Prizren, Kosovo.

10 Captivating Things to Do in Prizren, Kosovo (City Guide & Travel Video)

A man walks past a row of wooden shops inside the bazaar in Gjakova Kosovo.

10 Things to Do in Gjakova, Kosovo’s Loveliest City

A large floor mosaic inside the National Library of Kosovo.

12 Things to Do in Pristina: A Culture-Filled, Coffee-Fueled Travel Guide to Kosovo’s Capital City

A windy road viewed from above.

Where to Go on a Balkan Road Trip: 20 Epic Self-Drive Itineraries

Looking to get off the beaten path in Europe? Here are 25 of the best alternative European city breaks, as recommended by travel writers.

25 Offbeat & Alternative European City Breaks

My kosovo favourites.

Bjeshket e Nemuna National Park (from Peja).

Must-eat meal

Flija (layered pie with a creamy filling) & a macchiato.

local experience

Cafe hopping in Pristina, Kosovo’s coolest city.

best souvenir

Hand-made filigree jewellery from Prizren.

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Visit Kosovo: Complete Itinerary of the Best Things to do in Kosovo

August 26, 2017 by Karen Turner 23 Comments

If you’re doing a Balkan trip, you might be passing through Kosovo.  Often, Pristina, Kosovo is a transfer point for Balkan buses, but Kosovo is much more than Pristina.

If you only visit Pristina, you’ll miss out on the many other things to do in Kosovo. Kosovo tourism is still developing, so expect friendly locals, cheap hotels, and a lot of beautiful places. Keep reading for a Kosovo itinerary with the best places to visit in Kosovo.

kosovo best places to visit

This is a travel guide to Kosovo for independent travelers.  Although many people take tours in Kosovo, they are not necessary as Kosovo is safe with a robust bus system, friendly locals, and low crime. It is not a war zone.

However, there are regions ( Mitrovicë ) more prone to ethnic tensions that may not be advised for visitors ( check travel advisories beforehand).  I consider it one of the best countries to visit on a budget.  Let’s just get this of the way now saying that Kosovo is a country is political.

  • 1 Table of Contents
  • 2 Where is Kosovo?
  • 3 Kosovo’s History: A Quick Explanation WHY it matters
  • 4 Kosovo Travel Basics
  • 5 Visiting Kosovo and Serbia on one trip
  • 6 Why visit Kosovo?
  • 7 Quick summary of the best things to do in Kosovo
  • 9 Where to eat in Pristina
  • 10 Where to stay in Pristina
  • 11 How to get from Pristina Airport into City 
  • 12 Day Trip from Pristina
  • 14 Day Trips from Peja
  • 16 Day Trip from Gjakova
  • 18 Weekend trips from Prizren & Day trips from Prizren
  • 19 If you’re interested in moretips for Kosovo, check out Lavdi’s blog for insider tips from a Kosovo local. ​(Thank you to Lavdi for helping me edit/double check this guide!)
  • 20 Have you visited Kosovo? 

Table of Contents

Where is kosovo.

  • A brief history of Kosovo
  • Which currency is used in Kosovo?
  • Is Kosovo safe? Yes
  • Visa to Kosovo
  • Why Visit Kosovo?
  • Quick summary of things to do in Kosovo
  • Pristina.  Best things to do in Pristina & Day Trips from Pristina
  • Peja.  Best things to do in Peja & Day Trips from Peja.
  • Gjakova.  Best things to do in Peja & Day Trips from Gjakova.
  • Prizren.   Best things to do in Prizren & Day Trips from Prizren.

Kosovo is nestled in the Balkans. It’s in between Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, and Macedonia.  It’s okay if your geography isn’t great, however Kosovo has a great bus network to/from other countries, which makes both Prizren and Pristina great transfer points for buses in the Balkans.

Many people only visit Prizren or Pristina en route to other places; however, this tiny country has incredibly friendly locals who speak good English, gorgeous architecture, great transportation, a unique blend of cultures, and natural beauty.

Kosovo’s History: A Quick Explanation WHY it matters

That said, Kosovo has had many difficulties becoming recognized by different institutions (including the United Nations) as a result of Serbia’s contention that Kosovo is part of Serbia. As a result, Kosovo citizens have some of the worst passports in the world , marginally better than the passport of South Sudan and North Korea.

Kosovo is getting recognized by more countries, but Kosovo is not universally recognized as an independent country (hence why you might read that Kosovo is a disputed territory).  Simply, writing that Kosovo is a country is inherently political.

However, I call Kosovo a country and I am lucky to call Lavdi, a born and raised Kosovo citizen who has struggled to travel with a Kosovo passport, a friend.

(Edit: I’ve now visited Serbia and I understand this post may be very difficult for many Serbians, but I’ve met Serbians who have visited Kosovo recently.  They commented that they did not feel that people were hostile in any manner and if anything, many Albanians that they met wanted to practice Serbian with them as it had been many years since they had spoken with them.  However, others preferred to speak in English.)

Kosovo Travel Basics

Bus Station in Kosovo. Find out more about travel in Kosovo with tips for your visit to Kosovo.

  • The currency that is used is the Euro.
  • The predominant language and ethnic group is Albanian. Serbians and Serbian speakers are the biggest minority group. There are other ethnic groups as well.
  • Albanians and Serbians are culturally and religiously distinct .
  • Cities often have two names: An Albanian name and a Serbian name.
  • Kosovo has a robust bus system although you need to double-check the schedule one day before you leave (or just hop on the next bus). You typically pay on the bus.
  • Hitchhiking is easy (and fairly normal).  Buses in Kosovo run regularly between major cities, but schedules are less regular for smaller cities/natural parks.

Visiting Kosovo and Serbia on one trip

Why visit kosovo.

Kosovo is one of those countries that make you want to travel more and it’s also one of the best countries for Americans to visit.  People in Kosovo are very kind to travelers, sometimes to the point that you wonder what you’ve done to deserve the kindness that others show to you.

If you’re American, it’s due to America’s role in advocating Kosovo’s independence.  If you’re from anywhere else, it’s simply because you’re a tourist and Kosovo is developing itself as a European destination for tourism.

Simply:  You will feel welcome here.

People from Kosovo are often happy that you’re visiting their country as a tourist and out of ALL the countries in the world, you’d decide to spend your money visiting their country.  Be expected to answer the question on why you’ve decided to visit Kosovo.

View from Rooftop in Peja Kosovo, one of the most beautiful cities in Kosovo. Visit Kosovo for amazing cities and nature!

It might seem strange, but given Kosovo’s issues being recognized as a country, you will feel like a beloved guest everywhere you go.

Expect random acts of kindness: free desserts, strangers thanking you for coming to Kosovo, free rides to faraway towns, and strangers offering to help you.

As someone who has traveled many places, I have never experienced a country like Kosovo–and it’s really become a special place to me.

Kosovo is a place that can seem like a backpacker’s paradise as it’s inexpensive, but do not mistake its low costs for a lack of interesting things to do. It just means that Kosovo tourism will be booming in a few years once people realize how much is possible within this tiny country.

Quick summary of the best things to do in Kosovo

Hiking in Kosovo. Find out more about the best hikes in Kosovo and other things to do in Kosovo.

  • Visit Kosovo’s gems: Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, and Pristina
  • Visit Kosovo’s beautiful mosques!
  • Visit Kosovo’s UNESCO protected medieval monasteries. 
  • Explore Kosovo’s beautiful markets
  • Go hiking in Kosovo’s mountains!
  • Experience the ridiculously warm hospitality of Kosovo citizens.
  • Experience Kosovo’s historic cities and its new cities’ fascinating architecture

How many days to spend in Pristina?  One day in Pristina is probably enough, but maybe two days if you’ll be using it as a transit hub.

This modern capital of Kosovo hosts some of the most fascinating architecture and quirky statues that I’ve seen in a long time.  Pristina isn’t the most beautiful city, but it’s full of things to do.

Admittedly, if you only visit Pristina, you might be wondering where all the beautiful places in Kosovo are, but I encourage you to continue reading as Pristina is lovely and modern, but it’s not beautiful in a historic way as the other cities in Kosovo.

National Library of Kosovo. One of the ugliest buildings in the world...? Find out more things to do in Pristina!

One of the best things to do in Pristina includes the National Library of Kosovo , which reminds me of the Hunger Games. I was just fascinated by the architecture!  It’s surrounded by the University of Pristina.

If you’re a fan of the Clintons [or not], say hi to Bill Clinton’s statue in Pristina and stop into Hillary I or Hillary II .  A fan of Hillary Clinton created a line of women’s business clothes inspired by her wardrobe.

Of course, you’ll find the infamous pant suits, but you’ll also find other suitable business clothes.  Gender equality remains a significant issue in Kosovo with many women not part of the labor force. As a result, I found this quirky store inspired by Hillary Clinton interesting.

Hillary Clinton inspired store in Kosovo. Find out more quirky things to do in Pristina Kosovo!

If you’re into shopping , I recommend saving some euros to shop in Pristina in stores that aren’t necessarily inspired by Hillary Clinton.  Overall, Pristina felt even more fashionable than Amsterdam.

I ended up splurging on a fashionable jacket (30 euros) that I still use regularly. I routinely felt horribly underdressed when we were in Pristina as I went in my backpacker chic combination of hiking sneakers with jeans, and a hiking jacket.

A post shared by Lavdi Zymberi (@kosovogirltravels) on Jun 10, 2017 at 8:30am PDT

Some other things to do in Pristina include visiting the NEWBORN sign built to celebrate Kosovo’s independence, visiting the free Ethnographic Museum about Albanian traditions, and visiting some of Pristina’s ornate mosques .

Where to eat in Pristina

Pristina has some really cool and modern places to hang out in that make you feel like you’re anywhere in Europe.  If you’re looking for a more chill alternative place, eat at the cafe/restaurant Dit’ e Nat’ or hang out at Soma Bookstation , a bookstore/cafe/restaurant in Pristina.  We had a formal and delicious meal at Pishat for those looking for a good restaurant in Pristina.

Where to stay in Pristina

How to get from pristina airport into city , day trip from pristina.

Gračanica Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery only about 20 minutes from Pristina that has been recognized by UNESCO. They are in the process of preserving the frescos and renovating the beautiful church in accordance with UNESCO requirements.

View of Peja from a rooftop. Read more tips for the best things to do in Peja and the most beautiful places in Kosovo!

Peja was a city in Kosovo that surprised us in a good way.  Everything I read focused on Prizren and Pristina, but Peja felt very cosmopolitan yet accessible.

We spent our evenings trekking along Esad Mekuli street stepping into the various cafes for a drinks and macarons. We had a tasteful dinner in a beautiful environment at Art Design.

The Bazaar of Peja. Visit Kosovo for incredible markets. Read more about Kosovo tourism!

The Bazaar of Peja was also non-touristy and fascinating for travelers interested in learning more about Kosovo’s  cultural traditions. I spent a while admiring the extravagant and traditional gowns outside the many dress shops.

I was standing outside of one of the shops admiring a beautiful gold and white dress when the shopkeeper invited me in. She showed me her technique of hand-sewing each of the dresses with gold thread, which was incredible to see.  These elaborate gowns are created for brides as well as recently married women.

However, the other beautiful gowns are for married women attending a traditional Albanian wedding. Next to the Bazaar, you’ll find Peja’s historic mosque. Women will need to dress modestly to enter the mosque and it’s possible to pick up a hijab at one of the nearby shops in the market.

At night, we spent our evening cafe hopping along the main cafe street although I fell in love with Green Cafe for their delicious drinks and their live Albanian music.

Albanian folk music varies depending on the region, however we heard something that resembled Tallava [one of the styles of Albanian music you’ll hear] the most.  I found Albanian music to be upbeat and energetic. (It will make you want to dance!)

Finding live Albanian music can take some work, but it’s worth checking ahead online which cafes will have live music.

Prince Coffee Shop in Kosovo. Eat here for delicious macarons and coffee in Kosovo.

Day Trips from Peja

Patriarchy of Peja / Patriarchy of Pec in Peja, Kosovo. Read more about the best things to do in Peja Kosovo & a complete itinerary!

The Patriarchy of Peja (Serbian: Patriarchy of Peć) is a must if you visit Peja. This UNESCO Serbian monastery dates back to the 13th century.

This Eastern Orthodox church is actually a series of three churches that were connected together at a later point in time to form one church, however it is absolutely magnificent in terms of its interior.

Patriarchy of Pec monastery in Peja, Kosovo. Planning to visit Kosovo? Read more tips on the best places to visit in Kosovo!

It is an easy day trip, even on foot from Peja. You’ll need to carry your passport with you and possibly have to give it to the police outside of the monastery.

The setting itself is very calm, however there have been some attempts to burn down this historic building, which has resulted in the police verifying the identities of everyone who enters the property.

From the Patriarchy of Peja, you can see the beauty of the Rugova mountains with its dazzling streams and views, even if you don’t have much time in Peja.

If you’re into hiking , you will want to spend at least 2 days hiking in the Rugova canyon and the surrounding Accursed Mountains.

It’s even possible to do a climbing course / via ferrata Ari for an epic view of the canyon.  Similarly, there’s just a lot of hiking in the Rugova canyon and a lot of beautiful waterfalls.

Without a car, this area is harder difficult to access, however hitchhiking down the main road is possible (according to others) with a lot of patience for waiting… (We were not successful.)

There are some other stunning areas along the road between Peja and the Montenegro border, however you’ll need to plan where you want to go accordingly as there are specific entry points to various “famous” areas in the National Park, including Gjeravica (the second tallest mountain in Kosovo).

We did not give ourselves enough time to do proper hiking in the Accursed Mountains in Kosovo, but there’s also some mountaineering possible for those interested in more intense outdoor activities in Kosovo.

White Drin Waterfall in Kosovo. One of the most beautiful places in Kosovo. Read more tips for your visit to Kosovo!

One of the prettiest waterfalls in Kosovo is White Drin Waterfall (Ujëvara e Drinit të Bardhë).  This beautiful waterfall (and one of the largest waterfalls in Kosovo) is about 20 minutes from Peja by car, but it is easy to spend most of a day here.   It’s possible by mini-bus (which doesn’t run often) or hitch-hiking towards Fierze [plus walking].

 Ujvara e Drinit, one of Peja's best restaurants with a view. Click for more reasons to visit Kosova!

We struggled to find this waterfall until we realize that you had to pass directly through one of Peja’s best restaurants, Ujvara e Drinit , which has situated itself directly before the waterfall.  The food at this restaurant is exceedingly fresh with massive portions and you’ll want to have the smoked trout if you eat here.

The White Drin Waterfall is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Peja–and certainty one that you’ll not want to miss.  The surrounding water has a beautiful color and it’s especially beautiful in autumn.

Radac Caves in Kosovo. Find out more about adventure travel & caving in Kosovo along with other adventure activities in Kosovo!

After walking near the top of the waterfall, you can follow a sign to the newly opened Radac Caves (Shpella e Radacit).   These beautiful caves, known as the Sleeping Beauty caves, are home to hundreds of bats. It’s possible to explore the public areas with a reservation.

It is also possible to go caving in the underground canyon (which is still being explored and mapped out). However, you must make a reservation at least 2 days beforehand to allow them to get the equipment.

Cave spelunking (with a private guide who speaks quite good English) costs about 20 euros. (Click for more information about  caving in Kosovo ).

Decani Monastery - Outside Peje (Pec) - Kosovo - 03

The Decani Monastery is another Serbian UNESCO protected monument in Kosovo. The monastery dates back to the 1300s and is one of the most well protected monuments as a result of the various arson attempts to destroy it.

The Decani Monastery has some of the best preserved frescoes of the Serbian Orthodox monasteries in Kosovo, so it is worth a visit.

You will need to give your passport to the NATO troops (who protect the building) at the checkpoint prior to entry. It’s a possible day trip from Peja although it’s probably best to stop off in Decani en route from Peja to Gjakova.

Grand Bazaar in Gjakove, Kosovo. Find out more about the most beautiful cities in Kosovo!

This market town has a really interesting laid back vibe. If you’re traveling from Peja to Prizren, it’s likely that you’ll transfer (or at least pass through) Gjakova by bus.

Gjakovë is famous for the oldest bazaar in Kosovo [ Grand Bazaar ] (although it’s partially rebuilt now). There’s something so charming about the beautiful wood lined stalls with artisans showing off their crafts and the many cozy cafes to sip coffee in as night falls. (It’s pronounced like Jack-o-va.)

Grand Bazaar Market in Gjakova Kosovo. Find out the best things to do in Gjakova with tips for Kosovo tourism.

 If you’re not entirely sold on Kosovo, you need to spend even one hour strolling the romantic and wide Çarshia e Madhe to soak in the culture and architecture.

Unfortunately, the main street of the Grand Bazaar in Gjakova was partially destroyed in World War I, World War II, and during the Kosovo War, however the residents have come back following a mass exodus of the population during the war.

Gjakova has many artisans that specialize in horse-related crafts if you’re looking for a unique gift to bring home with you although there’s no shortage of shops in this historic Balkan trading town.

Hadum Mosque in Gjakova. One of the best things to do in Gjakova, Kosovo. Visit this Balkan country!

Most important of all is the Hadum Mosque , which dates back to the 1500s. This beautiful and ornate mosque is built in a classic Islamic-Kosovar style, but its ornate paintings all over amazed me.

We had visited several mosques by this point, but the ornate decorations lining the dome certainly amazed me.

The most famous mosque of Gjakove is typically open day time to tourists, so however it’s good to say hi to the friendly imam who welcomes anyone into his mosque.


Non-muslim women aren’t required to wear a hijab although appropriate dress is still important , but it’s considerate to cover your hair when entering a mosque. Part of the mosque, including the historic library, was destroyed during the war, but they are slowly restoring the building to its pre-war beauty.

It is also possible to visit some of the preserved homes of traditional homes, including the home of Abdullah Pashë Dreni.  He was an Albanian tribal leader and a member of the Ottoman army, however his home boasts traditional Kosovo style architecture and artifacts. (We spotted a cute kitty there too!)

If you’re considering staying in Gjakova, you’ll find a few guesthouses.  As there aren’t that many options, I recommend booking in advance.

Day Trip from Gjakova

Prizren is one of the most beautiful cities in Kosovo and the second that you arrive, you’ll understand why anyone who visits only Pristina is missing out on one of Kosovo’s most beautiful places.

Prizren is a historic city in the southern part of Kosovo. Those passing through Kosovo from Macedonia are likely to travel through Prizren, which makes it an important transfer point for Balkan buses.

Prizren itself was mostly untouched by the Kosovo war, however the areas around Prizren suffered. However, Prizren is considered to be one of Kosovo’s most diverse cities in terms of ethnicities, which makes Prizren a nice introduction to Kosovo in terms of food/culture/history/nature.

You’ll also find many historic ruins around the city for history lovers.  Note: There are easy bus connections to Skopje from Prizren and Pristina from Prizren.

View from the Kaljaja Prizren Fortress in Kosovo. One of the must see attractions in Kosovo!

Any visitor to Prizren cannot miss Prizren fortress ( Kaljaja) for an free and epic view over the city. It’s best to visit close to sunset.  The Kaljaja dates back to medieval times and was built by the Byzantines with some later renovations from the Ottomans.   I found it fascinating to wander around its spacious grounds and to sit on the edge enjoying the best view of Prizren.

The church of the Holy Savior Church in Prizren Kosovo from the best instagram spot in Prizren!

On your way up to the fortress, you may pass the entrance to the Church of the Holy Savior , a Serbian Orthodox church viewable from the fortress which dates back to the 1300s.

It was set on fire in 2004 and as a result, it may not be open for visitors when you visit Prizren.  There is a gate and a security guard, however if the security guard is not there, you cannot enter the church property.

The Stone Bridge, the famous bridge of Prizren. Read the must-see sites in Prizren and top attractions in Kosovo!

One another must-see in Prizren (and Kosovo) is the historic and iconic Stone Bridge (Ura e Gurit) of Prizren.

This bridge was originally built back to the 1500s, however heavy floods in the 1970s destroyed it. The locals rebuilt it with love and it serves as the major pedestrian bridge in Prizren.

Those interested in Kosovo’s cultural heritage will want to visit the Sinan Pasha Mosque.  It is an Ottoman-style mosque dating back to the 1600s, however this large mosque is also said to be built with parts of a nearby Serbian monastery that fell into disrepair. Some of its paintings have faded due to water damage.

Most locals and tourists hang out in the main part of the city at night, which has a lively bar/cafe culture around the square surrounding Sheshi i Shadervanit. We were also lucky enough to spot a wild hedgehog, which made its way into the city centre (somehow).

Thanks to the recommendation of our hosts at Driza’s House, we ended up visiting a small local traditional restaurant (with amazing food)  at the top of the stairs above the movie theatre DokuKino  with live traditional Albanian music (and dancing) on the night that we were there.

Most cafes in Prizren typically play modern Albanian music and some standard European music, so we enjoyed this cafe.

We stayed at Driza’s House , which is a small hostel with a lot of character. It’s run by a young Albanian couple, one of whom grew up in the very house that you’re staying in.  It’s ridiculously clean and social. If you’re looking for a memorable experience, stay here.  We found the owners so helpful in terms of figuring out logistics for Kosovo.

If you’re interested in more tips for Kosovo , check out Lavdi’s blog for insider tips from a Kosovo local . ​(Thank you to Lavdi for helping me edit/double check this guide!)

Have you visited kosovo .

kosovo best places to visit

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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August 27, 2017 at 4:30 am

I really did not know much about Kosovo and never really thought about visiting but know I am really intrigued. The history is really fascinating and nice to hear it is a great place to visit on a budget. Adding to my list, so pinning for future reference.

August 27, 2017 at 6:09 am

Fantastic posts! Awesome that you’re dispelling any fears that people might have about traveling to such a beautiful area. Loved the Hillary Clinton stores.

August 27, 2017 at 7:53 pm

This is just wonderful! Really informative and helpful. Thank you so much.

August 27, 2017 at 8:49 pm

Ugh, I’m so jealous! My husband and I had this whole trip to the Balkans mapped out, and then we couldn’t go. Looks like a fabulous destination to see some fall foliage 🙂

August 27, 2017 at 8:51 pm

Very detailed post and beautiful writing. As an ethnic Serbian I have mixed feeling about this type of post due to the fact that the land was forcefully taken and our national landmarks going back to the 14th century were destroyed in the process. Nevertheless I hope that piece and mutual understanding from each side will come to flourish in the future.

August 27, 2017 at 9:48 pm

Hi Matea, Thank you for reading and I know that it’s a difficult topic. (I really respect that you’ve left a comment and I will be keeping it.)

I also am truly sad that these historic landmarks have been destroyed. I only hope that we can continue to preserve the ones that exist now and I am hopeful as I saw careful painting restorations to faded paintings going on when I visited Gračanica.

I only wish the best for the region with the end of tensions in the future and of course, it will take time for the wounds from both sides to heal. 🙂

Best, Karen

August 27, 2017 at 9:28 pm

argh your post is making me want to spend more time on my upcoming trip than I had planned. I am even more excited now. I can’t wait to see that Hillary shop! Too funny! Peja sounds really cool and I love all the Ottoman influence everywhere. You wrote this guide just in time for me…thanks!! LOL

August 28, 2017 at 1:16 pm

I really knew nothing about Kovoso before reading, but know I’m armed with knowledge! Seems to be definitely worth a visit some of the old towns look beautiful

August 28, 2017 at 7:32 pm

Comprehensive to say the least. I love the mixture of things to do. The elaborate gowns and macaroon hunting in the cities, nature for the explorers, monastery for the history buffs, Kosovo has it all. Great Guide for future travelers.

August 28, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Wow this was so in-depth and informative, I learned a ton! Hearing about how welcoming the people are made me really want to visit! Thanks for opening my eyes to the beauty and history of this country!

August 29, 2017 at 3:35 am

What an interesting read. I had no idea what a beautiful and accessible place Kosovo was. Thanks to your post it’s certainly on my radar now.

September 3, 2017 at 11:25 pm

You did not explore Gjilan region. It has a lot of things to see and explore. Its not just 4 cities mentioned in your blog. Read about Gjilan and Novobrdo.

September 7, 2017 at 11:40 am

Hi Kastriot, I didn’t, however I’m happy to update the post with more information about this region. Feel free to shoot me an email as I don’t know much about the region.

October 12, 2017 at 10:55 pm

I am just back from Kosovo and this country marked me like hardly any other. Unfortunately we didn’t have the time to visit Gdakova or do a hike in the Rukova canyon. 3 days are just not enough to explore Kosovo. We had lunch in the ArtDesgin restaurant too, such a quaint place 🙂 I also wanted to thank you for putting me in touch with Lavdi. She is such a smart girl and I am looking forward where the travel road will lead her. The generosity and kindness of Kosovo people will accompany me for a long time. Thank you for sharing so much in-depth information.

October 17, 2017 at 3:55 pm

Dear Karen and Jacob,

I’m must thank you for promoting Kosovo as touristic destination and sharing your impression with other people, how good is to visit Kosovo, very nice people to meet, nice attractive and historic places to visit, food is perfect …just perfect place … i would like to inform you that You can not visit Kosovo in short period of time, cause there are much more to see in Kosovo.

November 13, 2017 at 1:51 am

Hi! Thank you so much for this truly informative blog. I had been searching for information on Kosovo as we intend to go there as a family this Dec. We have yet to book our flight as prices continue to rocket because we want to keep our options open. I had my doubts on whether it is a country worth spending more than a week there. However, this blog post did it! I read it and sent the url to my hubby to read it too. We’ll search for the best-priced flights and with God’s will, we’ll be there next month. Can’t wait to plan out our itinerary there! Thanks again.

November 13, 2017 at 12:45 pm

There are a lot of places to visit especially during winter season. A week is enough to go through beautiful ski center and different cities as well as restaurants.

Fly to Austria or Turkey and then to Kosovo its much cheaper.

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June 24, 2018 at 12:14 am

Hello, Interesting and good reads. Does anyone have any experience or advice on car camping in Kosovo and the region? Thanks!

kosovo best places to visit

June 25, 2018 at 2:10 pm

I’d check on travels of a bookpacker. They went overland.

June 26, 2018 at 10:25 pm

Hello, I will do that, thanks for the advice!

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November 14, 2020 at 6:16 am

Hi Joe, There’s Camping ground in Prevalla only in summer time not sure if you can camp in your car ,but if you have tent or RV definitely can and you’ll love it there it’s very popular place where most Kosovars spent their weekend up there. Day trips many cottages and tents are up there and it’s super safe lots of fun. Locals cook a traditional dish called Flia by fire and a special tool they hike up the surrounding trails you can pick fresh wild blueberries and wild edible mushrooms delicious also you can find wild strawberries around. Also Brezovica is not just a ski resort not too far from Prevalla there’s restaurants a store up they and lots of cottages usually privately owned. Many trails and beautiful place. If you drive down through a village called Firaje where you can hike the longest mountain in Balkan . Mountain Luboten and they have the purest air in the country. There’s also Gjoli a water sitting in the middle of mountains it’s intriguing. Locals very helpful and welcoming some would offer to hike with us and show us around. There’s few restaurants along the river and offer delicious fresh trout and other comfort food or traditional dishes. It’s worth visiting my visit last year was 4 weeks and my 14 year old wants to go back again we all loved all places we’ve seen including Budva, Montenegro, Croatia all along the Adriatic Sea including Albania and Greece.

[…] This is Kosovo. Vacation days are what I live for, so I only take off days that are tied around weekends and/or public holidays to maximize my time off.  By “sewing together ” public holidays with weekends to take off the day bridging it with the weekend PLUS +/- 1 day before and after, I get a five/six day vacations with only two vacation days used.   (This is how I snuck over to Kosovo!) […]

[…] of the most unexpected places to find beautiful fall foliage is Kosovo in the Balkans! Just an easy trip from the picturesque city of Prizren, you’ll find the Sharr […]

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15 of The Best Places To Visit In Kosovo

Most popular tourist attractions in kosovo.

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Most Beautiful Places to Explore in Kosovo

Table of Contents

W hat was once a highly disputed territory between the Byzantine and Ottoman empire has now become a story waiting to be told. While Kosovo is not a completely modernized country, it has a rich history, which is told through classical architecture, some of which were recognized as UNESCO World heritage sites.

Sunset view of old stone bridge and old Ottoman Sinan Pasha Mosque photo via Depositphotos

As territories begin to modernize, the beauty of nature becomes a rare asset, which is why Kosovo is a sight to behold. Thus, here are the places you can visit for your Kosovo adventure:

Mother Teresa street in Pristina via Depositphotos

As the country’s capital, Pristina is the most vibrant city, the center of entertainment, healthcare, and commerce. It also has a rich culture through its historical sites, such as mosques and monuments.

This city also has a lively environment, with plenty of shopping malls, coffee shops, and pubs. Pristina is an excellent place to stay if you want a good blend of traditional and modern culture.

Gracanica Monastery

Gracanica Monastery photo via Depositphotos

As you roam around Pristina, the Gracanica Monastery is a UNESCO heritage site that you cannot miss. Externally, this site, inspired by Serbian architecture, is complemented by tomb-shaped structures.

Internally, original paintings, treasures, and Byzantine decorations are used. Tragically, the original paintings and treasures were destroyed by a fire but were soon compensated with similar versions.

Kosovo Museum

Kosovo Museum located in the city of Pristina photo via Depositphotos

The Kosovo Museum is inspired by Austro-Hungarian architecture, which focuses on archaeology, ethnography, and natural science.

The gallery features paintings and relics from the Dardanian, Romanian, and Illyrian eras. Later on, the museum displayed artifacts from the Kosovan liberation war.

Newborn Monument

Newborn Monument by Karrota via Wikipedia CC

If one symbol can synthesize what Kosovo went through, then the Newborn Monument is the perfect representation. Unveiled in 2008, this monument reminds Kosovo’s independence from Serbia.

This 10-foot tall, 79-foot long monument is spelled out as “NEWBORN” to signify the country’s rebirth. In fact, the monument is repainted annually to celebrate years of freedom.

Germia Park

Germia's Swimming Pool by Bdx via Wikipedia CC

Germia Park is a nice getaway from the crowds of Pristina. This park is filled with forests that contain multiple pine trees, faunas, and other floral species.

The scenery makes a great place for hiking, biking, rock climbing, and playing on the basketball court or playground. You can also go skiing, provided it is winter and you have equipment.

Bear Sanctuary

In the Bear Sanctuary, you finally have a chance to witness these creatures other than seeing them on TV. This 16-hectare area serves as a lifetime habitat for bears previously kept as pets and restaurant bears.

In fact, Kosovo banned the private ownership of bears since they were trapped in poor traps and used as restaurant attractions. As of now, there are 20 bears and counting in this sanctuary.

Prizren is one of the best places to visit in Kosovo

If you’re looking for a more traditional Kosovo lifestyle, then Prizren is definitely the right spot. Known as the second-largest city, Prizren is filled with traditional homes and landmarks such as the Pasha Mosque and The Church of Our Lady of Ljevis, a UNESCO heritage site.

There are also plenty of outdoor activities, such as hiking and skiing. Other traditional aspects of Prizren are the Serbian-Kosovan dishes and the Dokufest film festival.

Rugova Canyon by Arba Hatashi via Wikipedia CC

Rugova is a haven for snow and mountain lovers. This breathtaking valley is filled with mountain villages, peaks, and canyons.

In regular seasons, hiking and mountain climbing are some of your best activities. Rugova is a great place to go snowboarding and skiing during the snowy season.

Memorial of Adrian Krasniqi in Peja, Kosovo via Depositphotos

After exhausting outdoor activities in Rugova, the city of Peja is right around the corner. Peja has its fair share of tourist sites like other cities, such as the Zenel Beg Tower, the City Center, and the Patriarchate Monastery, another UNESCO heritage site.

Souvenir shops and local restaurants also feature the city’s signature Peja cheese.

Ethnological Museum

Ethnological Museum, Pristina by Ardianlumi via Wikipedia CC

Another vital part of Peja is the Ethnological Museum. This museum features artifacts from Kosovo’s historical events, such as the Kosovo War, Serbian Civilization, and the Ottoman Empire.

Some relics you can find are weapons, royal dresses, utensils, and folk musical instruments.

Sinan Pasha Mosque

Sinan Pasha mosque in Prizren, Kosovo photo via Depositphotos

Constructed with chiseled stones, the Sinan Pasha Mosque was built by the Ottoman Empire to spread Islam. This structure has a rectangular design layout with a stone-carved staircase.

Meanwhile, the mosque contains paintings of Arabic verses from the Al-Quran, the holy book of Islam.

Bjeshket E Nemuna National Park

Bjeshket E Nemuna National Park by Gashi Bujar via Wikipedia CC

This park definitely hits the mark if you’re looking for a natural and refreshing atmosphere. The location’s geological structure, geographical location, and hydrological components create a natural experience unlike any other.

Some of the things you can admire here are the flora, fauna, mountains, streams, and a river. Given that the park has a lot to offer, you can go climbing, hiking, and even fish catching.

Gazivoda Lake

Gazivoda Lake by Bobik via Wikipedia CC

Gazivoda Lake is a unique body of water shared by Kosovo and Serbia. It was actually formed by the dams of the Ibar river.

This lake is filled with plenty of fish and fauna. The scenery is complemented by hills near the lake.

Mirusha Waterfalls

Mirusha Waterfalls in Kosovo by Flutur Gerbeshi via Wikipedia CC

Mirusha Waterfalls is a sight to behold for nature lovers. It is filled with 13 river lakes and 12 waterfalls, surrounded by a 10 km canyon.

In fact, the tallest waterfall in this area is 22 meters. You can also see caves and cliffs that complement the background of waterfalls.

Traditional Bazaars

Stalls on the Gjilan Bazar market photo via Depositphotos

Bazaars are common in the cities of Kosovo. The bazaars can cater to your needs if you need anything, even if you’re saving money.

Unlike in other countries, bazaars offer various products that aren’t limited to only certain items. Affordable products such as food, hairdryers, and even a deck of cards are accessible in bazaars.

Kosovo Travel and Tour Packages

To help you plan your visit to Kosovo, we listed the best places and other amazing tourist attractions in Kosovo. We also listed some of the best Kosovo travel and tour packages, excellent flight deals, and accommodation.

Searching for the best hotels, resorts, and affordable flights in the nearby Cities? Check out our list of affordable Kosovo hotels and resorts via Agoda  and Booking , or you may also see available Airbnb properties in the city.

Want more updates about other beautiful tourist attractions in Kosovo? Follow #TeamOutofTown,  on  Facebook , Twitter ,  Instagram , and  Pinterest for more travel ideas.

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Must-see attractions in Kosovo

Visoki Decani monastery; Shutterstock ID 50370370

Visoki Dečani Monastery

Built in the early 14th century by Serbian king Stefan Dečanski, this monastery is in a beautiful spot beneath the mountains and surrounded by pine and…

A brown bear cools off in a pool at the bear sanctuary near the Badovc lake on August 19, 2015 in Badovc, during a heat wave in Kosovo. AFP PHOTO/ARMEND NIMANI        (Photo credit should read ARMEND NIMANI/AFP/Getty Images)

Bear Sanctuary

In a remote, forested spot beyond the village of Mramor, this sanctuary houses European brown bears that were rescued from captivity by the charity Four…

Patriarchate of Pec (Pec Monastery), Pec, Kosovo; Shutterstock ID 657266746; Your name (First / Last): Brana V; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Kosovo BiE 2018

Patriarchate of Peć

This church and nunnery complex on the outskirts of Peja are a raw slice of Serbian Orthodoxy that has existed here since the late 13th century. Outside…

Historically restructured home from the central Balkans. High dynamic range photo.

Emin Gjiku Ethnographic Museum

This wonderful annex of the Museum of Kosovo is located in two beautifully preserved Ottoman houses enclosed in a large walled garden. The English…

PRIZREN, KOSOVO - APR 10: Cityscape of second biggest city of Kosovo at sunset with red roofed houses and mosques and river in the background a mountain range in Prizren, Kosovo on April 10 2013.; Shutterstock ID 177472613; Your name (First / Last): Brana V; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Kosovo BiE 2018

Prizren Fortress

It's well worth making the steep 15-minute hike up from Prizren's old town (follow the road past the Orthodox Church on the hillside; it's well signed and…

GRACANICA, KOSOVO - JULY 27,2014 - Gracanica is Orthodox monastery located in Kosovo. Gracanica was constructed on the ruins of an older 13th-century church of the Holy Virgin.; Shutterstock ID 209970181

Gračanica Monastery

Southeast of Pristina in the Serbian town of Gračanica is the ancient Gračanica Monastery, completed in 1321 by Serbian king Milutin. The monastery, which…

PRISTINA, KOSOVO - JULY 29, 2014: Fatih Mosque is the main city mosque and it is located in the center of the old town. Islam is the main religion in Kosovo.; Shutterstock ID 214757011

Sultan Mehmet Fatih Mosque

The 'imperial mosque', as locals call it, was built on the orders of Mehmed the Conqueror around 1461, and although it was converted to a Catholic church…

kosovo best places to visit

Museum of Kosovo

Pristina's main museum has recently reopened after extensive renovations. Displays begin back in the misty times of the Bronze Age. There are some…

Regional Museum

The top-floor of this Ottoman-era house, located behind a rather less-than-traditional petrol station, is filled with local crafts and furniture and has…

Gadimë Cave

Discovered in 1969, this impressive marble cave is full of quite extraordinary crystallised stalagmites and stalactites that have formed over millions of…

Food Market on Saturday Morning, Peja, Kosovo. (Photo by: Ken Ross/VW Pics/UIG via Getty Images)

Cheese Market

The town's bustling daily bazaar makes you feel like you've just arrived in İstanbul, and it's a great place to see local farmers and artisans hawking…

Street scene in downtown Pristina, the capitol of Kosovo.  Many mosques are located in this predominantly Muslim nation.

Jashar Pasha Mosque

This mosque, which was fully renovated in 2015 as a gift from the Turkish government, has vibrant interiors that exemplify Turkish baroque style.

Novo Brdo Fortress

The hills east of Pristina have been mined for silver for hundreds of years and the 13th-century Novo Brdo fortress is a testament to the importance that…

Albanian League of Prizren

In the late 19th century the Albanian League was established in Prizren to push for greater rights for the town's Albanian community. This calm and…

National Gallery of Kosovo

This excellent space approaches Kosovan art from a contemporary perspective (don't expect to see paintings from the country's history here) and is worth a…

Čaršija e Madhe

The oldest surviving bazaar in Kosovo and reputedly the longest in the Balkans, the Čaršija e Madhe dates from the 15th century, though it was badly…

Sinan Pasha Mosque

Dating from 1615, the Sinan Pasha Mosque is the most important in Prizren, and it sits right at the heart of the old town, overlooking the river and the…

Hadum Mosque

This gorgeous mosque somehow managed to survive the terrible damage that Gjakova underwent during the Kosovo War. Its striking arabesques and impressive…

Mirusha Waterfalls

These small but pretty double waterfalls cascade over the rocks into a deep pool that's perfect for swimming in. And in summer plenty of locals do! The…

National Library

Easily one of Pristina's most notable buildings, the National Library, completed in 1982 by Croatian Andrija Mutnjakovic, has to be seen to be believed …

St George Cathedral

Dating from 1856, this Serbian Orthodox Cathedral was badly damaged during 1999 and the 2004 riots. Today it's been fully restored but access is generally…

Prizren Ethnological Museum

This friendly little museum has an interesting exhibit of costumes, handicrafts and household implements. It's across the river from the old town. Opening…

Newborn Monument

These iconic block letters in downtown Pristina look a bit scrappy and worn these days, but they captured the imagination of the fledgling nation when…

Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš

Prizren's most important site is the Orthodox Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš, a 14th-century Serbian church that was used as a mosque by the local…

Independence House of Kosovo

This small house opposite the stadium is devoted to former president Ibrahim Rugova and Kosovo's recent independence movement. English-speaking guides…

Clock Tower

This 26m-high tower dates from the 19th century and was central to the bazaar area, as it dictated when stalls should close for prayers. Following damage…

Carshi Mosque

Due to renovations, this majestic 15th-century mosque was closed to the public at the time of research.

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Best places to visit in Kosovo

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Kosovo is a safe and beautiful tourist destination. A hidden gem to explore during your next Balkan trip. Especially if you enjoy stunning mosques, orthodox churches, delicious pastries, natural parks, and friendly locals. Keep this Kosovo travel guide handy when preparing your holidays in Kosovo as it includes all the best places to visit in Kosovo. 

River, stone bridge, and mosque minaret in privaren. One of the best places to visit in Kosovo

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008. It has since been recognized as an independent country by over 100 nations. However, this land of 1.8 million inhabitants is not recognised by the UN. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this travel blog and my travels to every country in the world, Kosovo will be treated as a country.

Thus, Kosovo is Europe’s youngest country and along with Moldova one of the least visited spots in the old continent.In Kosovo you’ll find modern airports, brand-new motorways, affordable prices in Euro, and a very young population. In fact, more than 50% of Kosovars are below 25 years of age.

kosovo best places to visit

Kosovo awaits visitors with cozy towns, Ottoman mosques, Serbian churches, Byzantine castles, Turkish coffee, and hilly mountains and delicious cuisine . There’s many interesting places to visit in Kosovo and this post has them all.

Best urban places to visit in Kosovo

1. pristina.

Pristina, with 200,000 inhabitants, is Kosovo’s capital and largest city. It offers an interesting cultural mix and balance between the old and the new.

Pristina features a walkable downtown with interesting churches, mosques, markets, food stalls, museums, shopping malls, and parks. The best things to do in Pristina include visiting the Newborn monument, National Museum of Kosovo, and Bill Clinton Statue.

kosovo best places to visit

And the National Library, a masterpiece of brutalism much crazier than those in Kyrgyzstan , Armenia , or Georgia . It looks like boxes covered in chains and topped with white domes. Exploring its facades is a must in any list of Pristina things to do. You can see more of them on my Instagram and Tiktok pages.

If you’d like to explore Pristina with a guide, check out these free tours of Pristina and these private tours of Pristina . There’s also day trips to Pristina from Skopje and day trips to Pristina from Albania .

Prizren is the second biggest city in Kosovo and my favorite for tourism in Kosovo. Home to 95,000 inhabitants, its byzantine houses, 16th century stone bridge and beautiful ottoman mosques will quickly get your heart.

Likewise, the many restaurants and cafes spread among its old town are easy to enjoy and tough to forget. It’s a stunning spot that resembles Mostar is Bosnia Herzegovina .

Stone bridge, mosque and old houses in privaren. One of the best places to visit in Kosovo

When visiting Prizren get lost through its old town as if you were exploring an old Medina in Fes or Marrakech . Just make sure to step by Prizren Fortress Kaljaja and Sinan Pasha Mosque.

Looking for a guided tour of Prizren? Check out these tours of Prizren in English and these day trips to Prizren from nearby Skopje , Tirana , and Sofia .

3. Pec / Peja

Known as Pec in Serbian and Peja in Albanian , the city’s name means cave in both languages. This city of 50,000 inhabitants in the Accursed Mountains is one of the best bases for hiking in Kosovo. 

Red roofs, green fields and mountains in Peja.

Pec has a nice compact city center home to the Zenel Beg Tower, interesting street art, souvenir shops, and plenty of restaurants. There’s also a great local bazaar where you can buy famous Pec cheese, a delicatessen among food in Kosovo .

Thanks to its mountains, the Ethnological Museum and the Patriarchal Monastery, Pec makes an excellent destination for culture and nature. And is a must add when planning what to see in Kosovo.

Gjakova, standing between Pizren and Pec, is home to the biggest bazaar in the Balkans. Extending for over 1 km and hosting more than 500 stalls, Gjakova’s old bazaar makes the perfect spot for shopping, bargaining, chatting with locals, taking photos and people watching. 

Mosque in Gjakova, one of the best places to visit in Kosovo

In Gjakova you’ll find plenty of Turkish-style houses, old tombs, a clock tower, coffee shops, and 16th century Ottoman mosques. The Saint Paul and Saint Peter church and the city’s ethnological Museum are also worth a visit.

Best remote places to visit in Kosovo

5. gračanica monastery.

Gracanica is a 14th century Serbian Orthodox Monastery home of stunning wall paintings. It was built by a Serbian King on the ruins of an even older church. And it’s dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary. 

Gracanica Monastery, one of the best places to visit in Kosovo

The place has suffered from several fires, been damaged during the Ottoman times and the Great Turkish War, and bombed twice in 1999 by NATO airplanes.

Nevertheless, the monastery has been restorated and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gracanica is away 10km south of Pristina and its entrance fee is €4. During your visit you’ll get to see multiple tombs, an inner chamber decorated in antique Byzantine style, and its marvelous wall paintings.

6. National Park Bjeshkët E Nemuna

One of the Kosovo things to do that every nature lover will enjoy is exploring the National Park of Bjeshkët E Nemuna. The park offers stunning landscapes, rich flora, and a number of wild animals including reptiles, chamois, lynx, roe deer, gray wolves, eagles, and even brown bears. 

Lake, trail and grass

Th is National Park lies at the west of the country, over 130km from Pristina, and shares a border with the Albanian Valbonë Valley National Park. The area is incredibly biodiverse and makes a great spot for trekking, hiking, and mountain climbing.

In fact, it’s home to Gjeravica, Kosovo’s highest peak at 2,656 meters above sea level, so it’s definitely a must visit for mountain lovers. Its rivers and streams are also great for swimming, sunbathing and fishing in the summer months.

7. Sharr National Park

Sharr National Park is one of the best places to visit in Kosovo as it’s one of the biggest and highest in the Balkans.


In this great spot for hiking Kosovo you’ll find glacier lakes, forests, caves, and gorges. Sharr is also home to 1500 types of plants, 200 species of birds, 140 kinds of butterflies and mammals such as deers, gray wolves, lynx, and brown bears.

8. Gazivoda Lake

Gazivoda lake is the largest lake in Kosovo and a great answer to what to do in Kosovo on a hot day. This man-made lake was built in 1977 by river Ibar to provide drinking water and better irrigation to the northern and central areas of Kosovo.

Located near the border with Serbia , the lake is over 100 meters deep on average and has become home to a large variety of fish. 

Azure mountain lake

The magnificent nearby scenery, packed with hiking opportunities, and the artificial lake-beaches perfect for a picnic under the sunshine make Gazivoda the ultimate swimming spot in Kosovo. There’s boats available to renting as well, if you don’t fancy the cool temperature of a mountain lake.

9. Rugova Canyon

Rugova Canyon is the nicest canyon to visit in Kosovo. It’s in the Prokletije Mountains, 90 km from Pristina and very close to Pec. It originated due to the retreating Pec glacier and since 1985 it’s a protected natural heritage area.

It’s 25 km long and has a maximum depth of 1,000 meters, which makes it one of the longest and deepest canyons in Europe. Rugova Canyon is also part of the Peaks of the Balkans trail, which takes over 10 days to complete as it crosses several peaks in Alabania, Kosovo, and Montenegro . 

There’s thirteen traditional villages in the area and plenty of glaciers, lakes, streams, cliffs, peaks, canyons, and caves. Thus, it’s the perfect place for trekking, hiking and mountaineering all year round.

kosovo best places to visit

During the summer months Rugova canyon offers a great spot for paragliding, speleology, and rock climbing. To the point it’s home of the only via ferrata in the Balkans.

In winter time, the place transforms into the world’s 4th best skiing resort according to the International Ski Federation and delights local and foreigner skiers and snowboarders.

10. Mirusha Waterfalls

Mirusha waterfalls are a series of 12 waterfalls spread among 13 lakes. A stunning natural phenomena to watch and hear when you visit Kosovo. Located halfway between Pristina and Pec, it’s reachable in a 30min walk from the village of Gremnik.

Mirusha Waterfall, one of the best places to visit in Kosovo

The waterfalls descend from high white rock cliffs, the highest of them being over 22 metres, and carve several caves and canyons on their way. The are is a great hiking spot and a good place to spot some rate birds. It’s also possible to swim on the lakes.

Recap on the best places to visit in Kosovo

Kosovo is a wonderful country to explore all year round. Here you’ll find beautiful old cities such as Prizren and interesting modern ones such as Pristina, the country’s capital. If you have the time, venture deeper into the midlands and explore the city Pec and its monastery, or the city of Gjakova and its bazaar.

kosovo best places to visit

Nature lovers will also have a great time in Kosovo, a landlocked country home of stunning mountains and two national parks: Bjeshkët E Nemuna and Sharr. If you’d like to enjoy the outdoors but are not into hiking, a visit to Gazivoda lake or the Mirusha waterfalls becomes a must when visiting Kosovo.

Take some time to unwind in a local cafe, enjoy some baklava, feast on cevapci and borek , and chat with the friendly locals. A trip to Kosovo is always a good idea. If you need further inspiration visit my Instagram and Tiktok pages for insights on my own trip. Happy travels.

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10 Amazing Places to Visit in Kosovo in 2024

Kosovo is a secret gem as it is one of the lesser-known destinations in Europe. Whether you are a nature lover or culture buff, this country offers so much to tourists. There are so many incredible places to visit in Kosovo including Prizren and the beautiful Gazivoda Lake.

The Republic of Kosovo lies at the centre of the Balkans and is a self-declared independent country. Although many countries recognise Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia, several countries do not, making this country’s political history a little complicated.

This article is going to tell you everything you need to know including the most popular Kosovo attractions and the most authentic dishes to try.

Table of Contents 1. Pristina 2. Kosovo Museum 3. Prizren 4. Rugova Canyon 5. The Bear Sanctuary 6. Gazivoda Lake 7. Bjeshket E Nemuna National Park 8. Gracanica Monastery 9. Mirusha Waterfalls 10. Peja 11. Transport 12. Food and Drink 13. Weather 14. Safety 15. Accommodation

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The Best Places to Visit in Kosovo

1. the capital city of pristina.

Pristina is the beautiful capital city of Kosovo and is one of the most popular places to visit in the country. Aside from the beautiful architecture, coffee shops and nightlife; the city has a lot to offer.

The National Library of Kosovo is found within the city and is known for its interesting and ‘very ugly’ design. Although the exterior of the building leaves a lot to be desired, the library itself is home to over 100,000 books and has a total area of around 16,500 square meters.

The Newborn Monument is also found within Pristina. As Kosovo only gained its independence in 2008, that makes it the youngest country in Europe. The monument was created to honour this, and every year on Kosovo’s anniversary the building is repainted a different colour.

Some of the other sights to see within Pristina include the Clock Tower, the statue of Bill Clint on and the Ottoman Bath. The city of Pristina is definitely one of the best places to visit in Kosovo as it offers an array of authentic experiences and cultures.


2. Kosovo Museum

The Kosovo Museum is located within the city of Pristina and is the National Museum of Kosovo. It is the largest museum in the country and was founded in 1949. The building itself has some of the most intricate architecture within the country, but the Museum exhibits are also a must-see.

The museum consists of three different parts in total; these are the museum itself, the Museum of Independence and Emin Gjiku’s Housing Complex. The main museum has departments of natural science, archaeology and ethnography and offers a brilliant insight into the country’s culture and history.

3. Prizren (One of the Best Places to Visit in Kosovo)

If you are looking for a hidden gem, then visiting Prizren is a must. Often known as the ‘prettiest city in Kosovo’, Prizren is located along the banks of the Lumbardhi River and on the slopes of the Sar aka Sharr mountains.

Although it is the second most populated city in Kosovo, Prizren offers a relaxed and atmospheric vibe. Colourful festivals are frequent in this city and most of the popular sights are located close together, making the city easy to explore.

Some of the most popular things to do in Prizren include visiting the Prizren Fortress, walking along the Old Stone Bridge and marvelling at Sinan Pash Mosque . If you love adventure, then hiking in the Sharr Mountains National Park should also be on your list!

Our partners at Get Your Guide offer tours of Prizren.


4. Rugova Canyon

Rugova Canyon is considered to be one of Europe’s deepest and longest canyons. With an impressive depth of up to 1,000m and a length of 25km (16 miles), you can see why this spot has made it onto our ‘places to visit in Kosovo’ list.

Rugova Canyon was created by water erosion and the retreat of the Peja glacier. Today, the Peja Bistrica river runs through the canyon. In 1985 it was declared a protected monument of natural heritage due to its incredible landscape and geological values.

If you are an adventure seeker, then the canyon offers amazing opportunities to rock climb, explore caves and hike. Visiting the Rugova Canyon is by far one of the best things to do in Kosovo and shouldn’t be missed.

5. The Bear Sanctuary

In the Balkans bears used to be kept in cages for entertainment purposes at restaurants and other public venues. Luckily today this practice is illegal, and now this sanctuary is providing homes to many rescued bears.

There are currently around 20 bears at the sanctuary and they have 16 hectares of land to roam. The sanctuary has been open since 2013 and has become a popular tourist attraction in Kosovo.

If you love animals, then this is a must-see whilst visiting the country. However, be prepared to get a little closer than you’d expect. The bears sometimes like to take walks around the perimeter, so sometimes you can get a pretty close view of them!

6. Gazivoda Lake

Gazivoda Lake is the largest and most beautiful lake in Kosovo. The lake is so large that it even extends over the border into Serbia. It is a man-made lake that was built in 1977 to supply drinking water and irrigation to north and central Kosovo.

With an average depth of over 100m, the lake is home to plenty of aquatic life. It is also the perfect spot to do a bit of wild swimming if you don’t mind the temperature of the water!

The surrounding area offers plenty of hiking opportunities, where you can get amazing views of Gazivoda Lake below. There are also lots of areas to head out on mountain bikes, and even a couple of beaches located along the lakeside where you can relax and take a picnic.

7. National Park Bjeshkët E Nemuna

National Park Bjeshkët E Nemuna is located in Western Kosovo and is a popular tourist attraction. The National Park is huge and covers an area of over 63,000 hectares, offering beautiful scenery ranging from mountainous terrain, glistening lakes and dense forests. It is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kosovo, so make sure you add it to your itinerary.

Some of the most popular activities to do here include fishing, sightseeing, hiking and even mountain climbing. The highest peak in the country is located here and makes for an intense climb. The mountain is called Gjeravica and sits at an impressive height of 2656m above sea level.

If you are a nature lover, there is also an abundance of flora and fauna located here. The area is incredibly biodiverse and is home to a number of large mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. If you are lucky you might get to spot wildcats, roe deer, grey wolves, lynx or even brown bears.

National Park, Kosovo

8. Gračanica Monastery

Gračanica Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox Monastery that was built in 1321 by the Serbian King Stefan Milutin. The monastery was dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary and was even constructed on the ruins of an older 13th-century church of the Holy Virgin.

The monastery has had a traumatic past and has undergone many restorations. It suffered damages during the Ottoman rule, the battle of Kosovo, the Great Turkish War, the second siege of Vienna and it was even bombed twice in 1999 by NATO airplanes. Unfortunately, the majority of original paintings and treasures from the monastery have been lost either in the various fires or damages the monastery has suffered throughout the centuries.

The monastery was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006 and has been attracting tourists from all across the world ever since. So even though we can’t see the Gračanica Monastery’s original historic art pieces, we can still marvel at its architectural beauty.


9. Mirusha Waterfalls

The Mirusha Falls are a series of waterfalls that are found within Mirusha Park. These waterfalls and the 13 lakes that are located here are popular spots for tourists and a great place to swim. The waterfalls are located between each lake, with the highest waterfall being 22m (72 ft) high.

Within the park, there are various caves and canyons to explore that have been carved out by the waterfalls over time. There are also plenty of hiking opportunities that will give you superb views over the lakes and waterfalls if you get high enough.

These waterfalls are located about halfway between Pristina and Peja so are the perfect stop-off whilst visiting these destinations. The walk starts from the village of Gremnik and is about a half-hour walk through the countryside.

Mirusha Waterfall

Peja is the fourth largest city in Kosovo and is also known by its Albanian name Pejë or its Serbian name ‘Peć’ which translates to ‘cave’. That is presumably due to the popular caves and Rugova Canyon located nearby.

Peja is often a popular spot for hikers as it’s the gateway to the Accursed Mountains (which are also known as the Albanian Alps).

Aside from going hiking, there are plenty of other things to do in Peja. Some of the most popular places to visit include the old Bazaar, the main square and simply eating lots of authentic dishes in the cities restaurants. The Patriarchate Of Peć is also located just outside of Peja.

Getting to Kosovo

If you are flying into Kosovo, then you will be arriving at Pristina International Airport. The airport is located about 20km outside of the capital city, but there are plenty of transport options. There is a bus that runs from the airport into the city centre which is by far the cheapest option, or you can choose to get a taxi.

Generally travelling overland from neighbouring countries into Kosovo is quite difficult. Some border crossings are for locals only, and others you need to transit via a third country. Another thing to be mindful of when travelling overland is the border between Serbia and Kosovo. Political tensions are still relatively high between these countries, and border crossings can be complicated.

The border town of Mitrovica can see sporadic outbreaks of violence as the town is mixed Serb and Kosovo Albanian separated by a river. Pay attention to local news when travelling in the region.

Important Note:

If you enter Kosovo from Albania, Montenegro or North Macedonia, you may not be able to enter Serbia afterward as Serbia deems Kosovo Serbian territory and you will have no entry stamp. Even travelling to and from Serbia may cause issues if they see a Kosovo stamp in your passport.

When I travelled from Serbia to Kosovo in 2010 I was held up at the border when returning to Serbia, taken off the bus and searched (no one else was). They didn’t spot the Kosovo stamp as it was well hidden on a page with many others so I was allowed back in. Check up to date travel new or with your embassy before going.

Getting Around Kosovo

There are various ways to travel around Kosovo including hiring a car and getting public transport.

Renting a hire car is probably the most popular choice as there are plenty of great places to visit in Kosovo. Even though the country is relatively small in comparison to other European countries, the popular sights are located a fair distance away from each other.

Buses connect most of the major towns in Kosovo so are a great way to get around. Tickets are very cheap, and the timetables are often the most convenient. You can travel by train throughout the country but journeys are often slow, so are best avoided unless travelling a long distance.

Whether you choose to get a hire car or public transport, be prepared for a bumpy journey. The road quality in Kosovo is poor, and you are very likely to come across large potholes and uneven surfaces.

The best food dishes to try in Kosovo

Here are some of the tasty dishes in Kosovo that you need to try!

Sarma – Sarma consists of a filling that is surrounded by leafy vegetables. There are many different versions of this dish so the fillings can vary. However, typically the filling consists of minced meat, rice, herbs, seasonings, red pepper and often a tomato sauce. The wrapping usually consists of cabbage, collard greens or sauerkraut leaves.

Flija – Flija is typically described as a stack of layered pancakes, and contains two different mixtures. The first mixture is used for the batter and consists of flour, water, salt and eggs. The second mixture is used as a filling and consists of oil, butter and yoghurt.

Šarski sir – Šarski sir is a salty cheese that is made with sheep’s and cow’s milk. It is produced in two varieties; hard (which is more traditional) and soft. It is often paired with bread, salads or pie.

The weather in Kosovo

The summers in Kosovo are generally warm and very clear, whilst the winters are known to be freezing with plenty of snow. The warmest month to visit Kosovo is in August, where temperatures reach an average high of 28°C. The coldest month to visit is in January with an average low temperature of -4°C. The summer season in Kosovo lasts from June to September, with the cold season lasting from November to March.

The best time to visit Kosovo

The best time to visit Kosovo is generally between April to September. This means you will miss out on the freezing temperatures and snow. The weather between this period will generally be mild to warm, with less precipitation. However temperatures in July and August can get extremely hot, so if you are hiking you need to bear this in mind.


Is Kosovo Safe to Visit?

Although Kosovo has had its problems, it’s considered to be a fairly safe country to visit. However, there are a few things to be mindful of. Although crime does occur in the cities, the majority is petty crime including pickpocketing, theft and card fraud.

The other major thing to be wary of when exploring Kosovo is where you are walking. Due to the years of conflict, landmines and unexploded bombs once littered Kosovo. A lot of them were cleared in a de-mining project, but some could still remain in rural and unexplored areas. Always stick to well-worn paths!

People have also been known to steal manhole covers for scrap metal throughout the country so keep your eyes down when walking.

It goes without saying to avoid talking politics with people you meet. It’s also a good idea not to have any Serbian items on you when travelling in Kosovo.

Accommodation in Kosovo

When it comes to staying in Kosovo, there are plenty of accommodation choices. Here are accommodation choices for some of the destinations we have covered in this article.

Pristina Hotels

Budget accommodation: Prishtina Center Hostel (A double room with balcony) Mid-budget accommodation: Downtown Apartments (A superior studio) Luxury accommodation: Swiss Diamond Hotel Prishtina (A business double room with breakfast included)

Prizren Hotels

Budget accommodation: Deni House (A large twin room) Mid-budget accommodation: HANI I VJETER Boutique Hotel (A double room with terrace) Luxury accommodation: Hotel Kacinari (A king suite with breakfast included)

So is Kosovo worth visiting? If you love culture, nature and authentic experiences then yes! There are so many incredible places to visit in Kosovo, that there is something for everyone no matter their travel style. You can visit the beautiful cities of Pristina and Prizren, hike through the beautiful national parks or learn about the countries history at Kosovo Museum. There are so many incredible things to do, so make sure you add this country to your (ever-growing) bucket list!

Bay of Bones Museum Ohrid

About the author: Steve Rohan is a writer from Essex, England. He has traveled to over 60 countries, lived in Armenia, China and Hong Kong, and is now living the digital nomad life on the road.

Steve prefers “slow travel” and has covered much of the world by train, bus and boat. He has been interviewed multiple times by the BBC and recently featured in the documentary Scariest Places in the World . See the About page for more info.

Where I am now: Yerevan, Armenia 🇦🇲

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Home > Top Things To Do In Kosovo

Top Things To Do In Kosovo

Post author Ana

Written by our local expert Ana

Croatian born Ana is an avid traveler who is always looking for the next travel story from the Balkans to share. Her passion is creating travel itineraries and in-depth guides.

It may be a small country, but there are plenty of things to do in Kosovo, from seeing ancient churches and mosques to beautiful nature.

Balkans Travel Blog_Top Things to do in Kosovo

Kosovo is not a country that you automatically think of when trying to come up with another Balkan bucket list location . The thing is, though, if you avoid this beautiful country, you’re missing out!

Kosovo is well known for the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, but putting that sad part of Kosovo’s history aside, you should know that things have changed. Unfortunate historical events shouldn’t define a country, after all.

While once a war-torn part of the globe, Kosovo is now a very safe country for tourists and welcomes more and more visitors every year. Will you be one of them?

Balkan Flags_Kosovo 1

You might not be that aware of where Kosovo is, in fact, and possibly don’t know which countries are near Kosovo either! To answer the question of ‘where is Kosovo?’, Kosovo is in Europe, and it is within the Balkans .

Kosovo is landlocked with Serbia , Macedonia , Albania , and Montenegro as its neighbors, Kosovo has its own unique culture. Still, it certainly influences those countries around it, too, and from former foreign rulers.

Pristina, the capital city, is a great place to visit and is home to a huge amount of old versus new and many Kosovo attractions in general. You can easily walk around the city and explore without even needing to use public transport, and there are plenty of great accommodations to choose from !

Because it’s quite likely that you don’t know that much about what to do in Kosovo , let’s give you the low down before letting you in on some of the best things to do when you visit Kosovo.

Skip Ahead To My Advice Here!

How To Get To Kosovo

Things to do in Kosovo - Orthodox Church

Pristina International Airport is the only international airport in Kosovo. So, that means you need to visit the capital as part of your stay.

There are countless flights every day to and from major cities in Europe, but you could also enter Kosovo via a land border from another Balkan country .

Do you know what language they speak in Kosovo? The official answer is Serbian and Albanian , with differences as you travel across the country. Having said that, English is widely spoken in key tourist hot spots.

If you intend to drive, you’ll pass some fantastic scenery, and driving around the Balkans , in general, is a great idea. This way, you avoid the not-so-on-time public transport options.

What you might have a problem with is renting a car from another Balkan country and taking it to Kosovo. For this reason, verify if there are any restrictions before you make a decision. For ease of travel, flying to Pristina and then hiring a car from the airport is the most convenient transportation option to and around Kosovo.

Here is how you can get from Macedonia to Kosovo.

List of cities in kosovo.

Notable towns and cities as part of your Kosovo itinerary should be:

Things To Do In Prizren Kosovo - National Library

We’ve already mentioned that this is the capital city. There are plenty of fun things to do in Pristina , and you’ll also find a fun cafe vibe here, as well as plenty of modern amenities to enjoy, such as great restaurants and all kinds of shops.

This is also the location of Kosovo’s main museums, including the Museum of Kosovo and the Emin Gjiku Ethnographic Museum.

A local Pristina travel guide will help you see the main sites and give you lots of interesting information on Kosovo’s history. Pristina is also where you will find the majority of the Kosovo nightlife, so that is something to bear in mind if you’re keen to party .

See what to do in Pristina here. 

Find the best pristina accommodation options for any budget here..

Things to do in Kosovo - Prizren in Kosovo

A historically significant place to visit and a change from the capital in many ways. You’ll find old examples of architecture, fantastic views, and the famous bridge made of stone. There’s plenty of Byzantine and Ottoman architecture, as well as beautiful mosques and winding alleyways. Prizren is about an hour away from the capital, making it super-easy to visit, even without a car.

Check out our top 10 things to do in Prizren here.

Here is where to stay while in prizren. .

One Month In The Balkans - Inside view of the Patriachte of Pec Monastery in the Dukagini valley close to Pec in Kosovo

In the west of the country, surrounded by some of the highest Kosovo mountains and even more beautiful scenery, you will find Peja, quite close to Montenegro . Nearby you’ll find the Rugova Canyon, which has  plenty of outdoor activities . The Old Town offers superb cultural exploration, home to a Turkish bazaar, beautiful religious monuments, and vibrant cafes.

This is another town you can easily reach from the capital. Even though it’s a small city, it’s a very sweet one, with beautiful architecture and a calm vibe. You’ll find many old churches and mosques side by side. However, the top attraction has to be the bustling Grand Bazaar, which is 1 kilometer long and the longest bazaar in the Balkans. This is a great place to add to your Kosovo sightseeing list, for sure.

With plenty of nods to Roman history, this is a very interesting city to visit, and it’s almost like going back in time. This ancient city in northern Kosovo is home to several magnificent monuments. Sights you can’t skip include the Vojinovic Tower and Vojinovic Bridge, Vushtrri Fortress, and a few historical mosques.

If you love wine and raki, this is your destination. The homemade raki knocks your socks off and is one of the biggest Kosovo tourist attractions!

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Is kosovo safe.

Balkan Flags_Kosovo 2

We have to include this section because so many people ask whether Kosovo is safe or not. Let’s be completely clear: Kosovo is safe.

As with all countries in the world, avoid talking about previous tensions and wars throughout history and not get involved in political conversations of any kind. If you see large protest-type gatherings, avoid them. This is the type of advice you will see time and time again in any country, but it applies more so in Kosovo.

The one thing we do need to mention about Kosovo’s safety is to try and avoid the city of Mitrovica. The simple reason is that there are tensions there between ethnic groups, and it’s best to stay out of it. On the border with Serbia , the north of the country is where any trouble would likely be. Steer clear of that part (for now at least), and you’ll enjoy your stay in Kosovo without issues!

The other piece of advice is about unexploded landmines dating back to troubles during the ’90s. As with most Balkan countries, the overwhelming majority of these mines have been cleared, and you won’t have problems on main roads; however, if you venture off-road, this is something you should be aware of. Stick to the marked routes.

Best Things To Do In Kosovo

Things to do in Kosovo - Mountain valley

Visit The Imperial Mosque In Pristina

Kosovo is a mainly Muslim country, and as a result, you’ll find many beautiful and intricately designed mosques wherever you go. The Imperial Mosque in Pristina is one of the most beautiful you’ll see. A visit should definitely be on your list.

Dating back to 1461, built by Sultan Mehmet II Fatih of the Ottoman Empire, this is a stunning and peaceful place to head to. Remember, though, to dress properly when visiting any mosque, covering your head if you are a woman, removing shoes , whether male or female and making sure that arms and legs are covered modestly.

Visit Pristina’s ‘Newborn’ Monument

One of the most photographed places in the whole of Kosovo is the ‘newborn’ sign in the capital. This pays homage to Kosovo’s independence in 2008, which effectively made it the youngest country in the whole of Europe, hence the sign. Every year it gets repainted in a different style, so a picture taken one year will never be the same as the next.

Chill Out In A Coffee Shop

Yes, you can do this anywhere, but Kosovo, and the rest of the Balkan countries, have a great coffee culture. You’ll find pavement cafes everywhere. Sit in the sun and soak up the rays, enjoying a cup of java as you watch the world go by. People-watching opportunities are plentiful, especially in the capital!

You’ll easily find a friendly local to chat to, and you could even try something most people seem to enjoy Turkish coffee . Beware, it’s very strong and very thick, so you might prefer to stick to a latte!

Enjoy An Authentic Night Out On Raki Street

The capital’s side streets are ideal for enjoying nights out in a more authentic manner. Raki Street ( called that because you literally can enjoy as much raki as you like ) is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the local culture. As a side note, the prices on these streets are far lower than where the tourists go on the main streets, which is an easy way to save cash .

Take Part In The Xhiro

In the evenings, you will see a strange sight – people just getting up and going out for a walk, quite a lot of people. This is called the ‘xhiro,’ and it is a way of life in Kosovo. This is a way for people to walk off their evening meal, catch some fresh air, and catch up with locals. Kosovo overall is a very friendly country, and you’ll be able to meet all sorts of people. It’s quite the sight to see and join in if you can.

Visit Prizren’s Fortress

This fortress constructed by the Ottomans is one of the most visited spots in the whole of Kosovo, not just Prizren. The fortress is free to enter, and the view from the top is simply divine. It’s an incredible place for sunrise and sunset watching.

Enjoy The Nightlife In Pristina

The capital city is a great place to enjoy a spot of nightlife and probably one of the most vibrant places in the entire country. You’ll find music from all over Europe, clubs, bars, and some incredible restaurants to line your stomach before you head out. Be sure to try some authentic Kosovo food , including cevapcici , which is quite common across the whole of the Balkan region. This is a type of skinless sausage , and it’s delicious.

One of the best places to eat in the whole of Kosovo is called a gebabtore. This is a barbecue meat restaurant where you can get all your local delicacies.

Explore Rugova Canyon

If outdoor adventures are your thing, then head to Peja and the nearby Rugova Canyon, one of Europe’s deepest and longest canyons. Caving here is very popular, with stunning underground crystals, as well as stalagmites and stalactites to explore. The area is also famous for walking, hiking, biking, and generally enjoying nature.

Visit The Bear Sanctuary At Novo Selo

Very close to the capital you will find one of the most astonishing sights – bears! Once upon a time, bears were mistreated by the tourism industry and used for entertainment. Thankfully that is now illegal, and these beautiful creatures are roaming free and healthy in this wonderful sanctuary.

Ski In The Sjeshket E Sharrit Mountains

Whether you’ve skied before in your life or not, this is the best place to go for winter sports fun and stunning views. You’ll also hear these mountains called the Sharr Mountains, and they offer alpine fun at a fraction of the price you would pay in the more well-known ski resorts across Europe.

Brezovica is the best place for beginners, but it also has some higher-quality runs for experienced skiers. The highest spot is around 2,200 meters, which gives you an idea of the views.

See The Pec Patriarchate Monastery

Located close to the entrance to the Rugova Canyon, you will find one of the most beautiful buildings, called the Pec Patriarchate Monastery. This is an Orthodox monastery that dates back to the 13th century. It is part of Kosovo’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site , the Medieval Monuments of Kosovo, which gives you an idea of its importance. Set with the Rugova Canyon in the background, the view is impressive.

Visit The Marble Cave

Another popular natural spot to visit is the Marble Cave, which is very close to the capital, and therefore easy to reach. Parts of the cave are still to be explored, but the parts that are open to the public are really spectacular. This is one of the best places in Kosovo for nature lovers.

Visit Visoki Decani Monastery

If you’re a fan of history, head to the burial place of the Serbian King Stevan Decanski from the 14th century. This beautiful monastery is quite close to Peja and is another site that’s part of the above-mentioned UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Stroll The Longest Bazaar In The Balkans

In the town of Gjakova, about halfway between Prizren and Peja, lies one of the top things to do in Kosovo . The Grand Bazaar is a kilometer long and home to no fewer than 500 shops. It’s the longest bazaar in the Balkans, a place that should be on any visitor’s to-do list. Other nearby attractions include the Hadum Mosque and a clocktower.

Hike Bjeshkët E Nemuna National Park

Located near Rugova Canyon and Pec, Bjeshkët E Nemuna National Park is one of the two national parks in Kosovo . Its natural diversity is nothing short of impressive, ranging from mountains and valleys to forests and lakes. There’s epic hiking here, as well as superb wildlife watching; the park is home to wolves, deer, mountain goats, and even brown bears.

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Best Places To Stay In Kosovo

Kosovo has plenty of options for accommodation, but to give you a few starters, here are some great places to stay in a few of the main towns and cities.

Hotel Hani, Peja

This small, family-run hotel is the ideal spot when staying in Peja and even provides an airport shuttle to make your life easier. Rated as five stars, it’s like a home away from home, with an on-site restaurant that serves delicious, mouth-watering meals with authentic hints. Free parking is also available so that you can explore the local area in and around Peja with ease.

Hotel Princi I Arberit, Pristina

Another five-star choice, this hotel is a great and central place to base yourself during your exploration of the capital city. The outside swimming pool is ideal for those traveling with kids , and the spa and wellness center is suitable for people who fancy a treatment or two. The on-site bar and restaurant will be a great welcome home vibe after a long day of sightseeing.

Astoria Luxury & Spa, Gjilan

A modern place to stay, this hotel gives you a luxury spot to rest your head, while the on-site spa is ideal for ultimate relaxation. Rooms are ultra-modern and spacious and have a coffee machine in every room, taking care of your morning brew. The bar and restaurant are also fantastic for international and local dishes.

Hotel International Prishtina & Spa

Staying in the capital means five-star luxury, and this hotel certainly fits the bill. There is a swimming pool and bar with a spa and wellness center on-site to complete your amenity list. Rooms are large, modern, and there is free WiFi to keep you connected.

Hotel Albatros, Prizren

If you’re with the kids, staying at this Prizren hotel is ideal. The hotel has an outdoor pool during the summer months, the perfect way to cool down. Overall, this hotel is a central and comfortable choice and also offers airport shuttles to make life easier. Check out the on-site restaurant for some mouthwatering local dishes.

Here is a full list of ideas on where to stay in Kosovo.

These are some of the best places to visit in Kosovo, a country that you might not have had on your visit list, but that should be on it now!

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  • What To Eat And Drink In Kosovo
  • Where To Stay In Kosovo
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  • Kosovo To Serbia – How To Enter And Leave Kosovo Legally

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5 Best Places to Visit in Kosovo

5 Best Places to Visit in Kosovo

Whether you consider it a country or not (we consider it separately as a country on our list of Balkan countries as it has its own currency and passport rules), one thing is undeniable: Kosovo is beautiful.

From the little-discovered hiking trails around Rugova Canyon to the frenetic cityscapes of Prishtina, there’s so many interesting places to visit in Kosovo that it’s well worth spending at least a week in Kosovo if you can.

Here, we’ll cover our favorite places in Kosovo – from cities to mountains to monasteries – to inspire your Kosovo trip.

Prishtina (also written Pristina)

Of course, where can we start except the capital of Kosovo? This funky city is a place of contrast, from the hipster brunch spots, coffee shops, and sleek bars downtown to the Old Town with its bazaar where you can purchase anything from a sack of potatoes to a curling iron.

It’s most definitely not a “pretty” city, to put it one way – the architecture is a bit ramshackle and it’s not really a place where you come with a list of the top 10 things to see and do and check them off quickly. Lots of people will tell you it can be seen in less than a day – I strongly disagree and spent 4 days based here and could have happily stayed longer checking out the cool bars, cafés, and restaurants.

Kosovo - Pristina Prishtina - Nightlife Bar

Be sure to check out the Newborn monument, which pays homage to Kosovo’s (unevenly recognized) independence. The theme changes yearly and the monument is repainted.

It’s also interesting to see the Bill Clinton memorial in downtown Prishtina. Clinton is somewhat revered here due to his role in helping to organize the NATO bombings against Serbia which put a halt to the escalation of ethnic violence in the region. Don’t miss the Hillary store nearby, selling – what else – pantsuits and fancy women’s workwear.

Kosovo - Pristina Prishtina - Bill Clinton statue

Strolling down Nene Tereza Boulevard is a must, especially in the evening when all the locals come out for the nightly xhiro –  the Albanian word for a leisurely, aimless early evening stroll. There are also countless coffee shops to enjoy here where you can get a taste of Kosovo’s café culture.

Some other interesting places to visit include the Ethnographic Museum, visiting the beautiful Imperial Mosque, and one of the so-called “ugliest buildings in the world,” the National Library.

Kosovo - Pristina Prishtina - National Library

One of the most gorgeous cities in Kosovo, Prizren is far more beautiful than Prishtina and much quieter. It’s a great place to spend a few days although for me, I think two days is a good amount of time to explore the city and absorb its beauty as it is rather small.

Kosovo - Prizren - Rainy day mosque

When in Prizren, be sure to walk up to the fortress (kalaja) for an epic view (best at sunset!) over the entire city.

You also shouldn’t miss the Sinan Pasha Mosque which is at the heart of town and is one of the most important Prizren landmarks.

Kosovo - Prizren - Fortress view

I also recommend walking alongside the river and stopping for coffee at one of the cafés with a view of the river (and eating some of the cheapest macarons you’ll ever get to taste in your life!). There is also some interesting street art alongside the river area.

Peja (also written Peć)

This beautiful city nestled in the mountains is a wonderful place to explore if you are interested in doing some hikes while in Kosovo. Its proximity to the beautiful Rugova Canyon make it popular amongst hikers and lovers of nature. As with elsewhere in the Balkans, always hike on the path, as the risk of stepping on an unexploded landmine left over from the conflict is still present.

Kosovo - Peja - Hike

Check out the downtown of Peja and enjoy their coffee culture, explore the old bazaar, step inside the old mosque, and eat a meal at the fabulous Dukagjini restaurant.

To see another side of Peja, explore the Peć Patriarchate, a gorgeous red-toned Serbian Orthodox Monastery that is on the edge of town. Be aware that you will need to turn over your passport while you visit.

Kosovo - Peja - Pec Patriarchate Serbian Monastery

Visoki Dečani Monastery

About a 30-minute drive from Peja, many people include this beautiful 14th century monastery as a part of their Peja itinerary.

Kosovo - Monastery - Pixabay

While Kosovo is majority Muslim, there are a number of Serbian Orthodox monasteries and churches in various states of preservation or (sadly, more often) decay.

While Dečani Monastery was badly damaged during the war in 1998 and 1999, it has been renovated and revitalized with help from both Serb and Albanian populations. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 2004, but it has been listed as endangered due to the ongoing tenuous political situation in Kosovo.

Gračanica Monastery

Forming another part of Kosovo’s only UNESCO site (although the UNESCO site lists it as Serbia as it does not recognize Kosovo), Gračanica is a must-visit place in Kosovo for any history lover.

Kosovo - Gracanica - Gracanica Monastery

Built in the 14th century atop the ruins of a 6th-century basilica, this is one of the best places to see the ornate mural work that Serbian Orthodox churches are known for.

Plus, it’s only 5 kilometers outside of Prishtina, making it quite easy to visit here on a day trip outside the city!

Before You Come to Kosovo

Make sure you have  travel insurance  before you come to Kosovo. This part of the world is safe, and we absolutely love traveling here! But things happen on the road, and having travel insurance keeps incidents from ruining your trip. Recently my aunt fell on a train in France and needed surgery, but luckily her travel insurance covered the costs in full. Thank goodness!

For travel insurance, I use World Nomads . I’ve been a happy customer of theirs for almost three years, and I’ve never had an issue when making a claim. I’m happy to refer them to anyone I meet.

Get a travel insurance quote for your trip here.

kosovo best places to visit

Originally from California, Allison has been living in Bulgaria for the last two years and is obsessed with traveling around the Balkans. She has been published in National Geographic, CNN Arabic, Matador Network, and the Huffington Post. She loves befriending dogs, drinking coffee, geeking out about wine, and cooking food from around the world.

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Just wanted to tell you that Kosovo is not part of Serbia anymore. Kosovo is Indipendent from 17.02.2008, so be carefully hurting people with the text.

We are aware! We are also aware that some people in the Balkans do not consider it a country yet, so we are trying to respect all viewpoints, even though our personal point of view is that Kosovo is an independent country and should be treated as one 🙂 Regardless of what you believe, it’s a place to be visited and enjoyed! I truly loved my time there.

Hello Allison I think that the indepedency of Kosovo is more important than what people say and never again don’t call Kosovo Serbia becuse you’ll get negative rewievs from all country.

Hi Afrim, we literally say in the first sentence of the post that we consider Kosovo a separate independent country and it has all the makings of an independent country – its own currency, borders, and passports. We are both from a country which reecognizes Kosovo’s independence. However, there are many countries (87 I believe) who do not consider Kosovo a country, and that is a fact whether you like it or not. I understand it can be painful that your independence is contested but that is the reality. We are trying to give respect to both viewpoints and acknowledge the reality of the complicated situation, despite our personal beliefs that Kosovo is an independent country.

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kosovo best places to visit

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Top 15 BEST Places to Visit in Kosovo

The still-disputed Republic of Kosovo is known for its historical change of rulers from the Byzantine kings to the Ottoman Sultans. The country is small in area but rich in art and history, there are plenty of places to visit in Kosovo .

There are many Kosovo points of interest. The mosques built during the Ottoman rule and the castles and the monasteries constructed during the Byzantine Empire still exist beautifully in this landlocked country . Some of the ancient establishments of this Republic even come from the 13th century.

The country has a lot of areas to develop for sure, but the elegant natural beauty of this country is unbound to any limitations.

The state is full of young spirits as more than 50% of Kosovo’s people are below the age of 25. Pristina is the capital of the Republic of Kosovo, whereas Pec and Prizren are other famous towns. The cities are full of adventure as they seem to reflect a high culture interested in serving their tourists.

The best natural places to visit in Kosovo are the National Park, the Gazivoda Lake, Rugova Mountain Ranges, Germia Park, and the Mirusha waterfalls .

So what are you waiting for? Book a trip to Kosovo for the next vacation and come across this new country seeing some very ancient monuments and the best of nature and also, it’s in Europe !

The hilly mountainous forest ranges include skiing opportunities in winter, hiking opportunities in summer , and beautiful sceneries throughout the year. Remember, this is a developing country, so don’t go expecting any skyscrapers or insanely bright nights like Vegas. But it packs up a grand tour with traditional pubs and some cozy places.

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Table of Contents

What are the top places to visit in Kosovo?

National park bjeshkët e nemuna.

A national park situated in the west of Kosovo occupies a considerable area of 624.88 square kilometers. It was established in 2013 with a view of creating a new tourism site in the country. The name Bjeshkët E Nemuna means the cursed mountains.

The environment is ever-green with a variety of flora and fauna residing here. The park has a lot to offer, including a lovely river, some beautiful streams, and magnificent hilly mountains with green plants and trees.

Activities include sightseeing, fish catching, hiking, and mountain climbing . This national park is at the very top amongst the list of places to visit in Kosovo. The highest peak of Kosovo, Gjeravica, with a height of 2656 meters from the Adriatic Sea level, is also placed here.

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points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo national park bjeshket e nemuna gjeravica

The capital and the largest city of Kosovo have mostly Albanian residing here. With near about 20 monuments, a few mosques and a church from the Ottoman and Byzantine ages, the town is rich in history, as well as the center of the country’s commerce, entertainment, and healthcare.

There is the UNESCO’s world heritage site listed Gracanica Monastery from the fourteenth century, the elegant Kosovo Museum, the Ottoman Bath, a clock tower, and a public fountain.

The local people love enjoying festivals throughout the whole year-round in the city. Visit the local coffee shops, the swimming pools, and the shopping malls if you’re looking for activities in Kosovo’s capital. Also, taste the local Peja beer while in the pubs of Pristina as the city also has a vibrant nightlife.

Where to stay: Best hotels in Pristina

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo pristina

Gazivoda Lake

It is the largest lake in Kosovo. The lake is formed due to the dams of the river Ibar. The lake is shared by both Kosovo and Serbia . Its area is near 12 square kilometers of which, Kosovo has more than 9 square kilometers, and Serbia has about 3 square kilometers.

With an average depth of more than 100 meters, this lake is the abode to many aquatic faunas and a variety of fishes. A magnificent scenery can be seen from the hilly areas outside the vast lake. Tourists all across the world visit this lake when they reach Kosovo for a tour.

Read also:   Top 17 Most Beautiful and Best Lakes in Europe to Visit

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo gazivoda lake

Placed Northwest from the city of Peja or, locally, Pec, Rugova is a natural ecstasy with mostly forest ranges in mountain surfaces. The best time to visit Rugova Mountains is in the snows of winter as this is also the 4th best Skiing and snowboarding destination in the world, according to the International Ski Federation.

The mountainous Rugova consists of 13 traditional villages in the hilly regions. The entire Peja can be seen from a place in Rugova called Qafa-e-Qyqas (the Cuchoo’s Neck). With a lot of streams, lakes, glaciers, cliffs, and caves, the site is best for experiencing the fun of activities like mountain climbing, hiking, skiing, and snowboarding.

A visit to the mountains of Rugova is an integral part of Kosovo tourism.

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points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo rugova mountain

Gračanica Monastery

Established in 1321 AD, the Serbian King Milutin dedicated the monastery to the Holy Virgin Mary. It is set 5 kilometers southeast of the capital city of Pristina at the Gracanica village.

The monastery is built following a multiple-tombs shape and a Serbian structure. The inner side is designed magnificently and decorated beautifully with an antique Byzantine culture.

The original paintings and treasures were lost in a fire after a jubilee of the establishment. The monastery was listed on the heritage sites list in 2006, due to its architectural beauty and marvelous paintings. The site seems to be attracting tourists on a much grander scale ever since.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo gracanica monastery

Also called Peja in the local tongue, the city of Pec has an area of 602 square meters and 95 villages. The main attractions in Pec of Kosovo are the Patriarchal Monastery of Pec, the Ethnological Museum, the Zenel Beg Tower, the City Center, and of course, the Rugova canyon and mountains.

The Patriarchate Monastery is also included in UNESCO’s world heritage list. The beautiful Bistrica River flows beside the town. You should check out the Peja Bazar as you go sightseeing in the city. Some more establishments back from the 14th century can be seen there.

Visit the local shops to buy souvenirs to take back, and the restaurants to eat and taste the famous Pec Cheese. Activities in Pec include rock climbing, skiing, hiking, and paragliding with the local experts from the Aeroclub of Pec.

Where to stay: Best hotels in Peć

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo pec

Kosovo Museum

The museum, created in 1949, is the most significant museum of Kosovo inside Pristina. It was working on three particular subjects of ethnography, archaeology, and natural science; the museum started collecting paintings and relics for the exhibition.

Later it also started gathering artifacts that represent the struggle of the Kosovans in their liberation war. There is an ethnological museum and an archaeological park that also belongs to this museum.

The monuments and artifacts express mostly ancient archaeology, alongside some examples of ethnography. The structure of the building is also very refined. Your Kosovo travel guide should include this place only if you are in Pristina and a few days in hand, as the museum is often closed for renovation.

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points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo museum pristina

Being the second most populated city of Kosovo, Prizren is also situated at the bank of Bistrica and the base of the Sharr Mountains. The town is famous mostly for the traditionally designed houses and the historically old mosques.

The Kalaja Fortress is amongst the entire Kosovo attractions. There are also some cathedrals and museums in this pleasant city. The Church of Our Lady of Ljevis, listed in UNESCO’s heritage sites list, is another center of Prizren tourism. The Sinan Pasha Mosque, Mustafa Pasha Mosque, and the Bajrakli Mosque are prominent amongst the whole nation.

The Dokufest film festival held in the enchanting Old Town of Prizren is another reason to visit the city for tourists coming from foreign countries. The town also offers tasty Serbian-Kosovan cuisine and some reputable shops. Outdoor activities like hiking and skiing are easily perforable as the town is literally at the foot of a vast mountain .

Where to stay: Best hotels in Prizren

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo prizren

Ethnological Museum

The ethnological museum is located in the town of Peć. The entry fee is only a euro, but it provides so much in their exhibitions. The materials on the show are the ancient weapons used in the Kosovo war, the royal dresses of the past kings and their home utensils, relics from the typical lifestyle of the ancient civilizations in Pec, and some old folk musical instruments that are entirely vintage stuff.

There are also some elements that come from even the Ottoman period and of the old Serbian civilization. The site is indeed one of the Kosovo country points of interest.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo ethnological museum pec

Germia Park

The most prominent natural park in Pristina, Germia, is situated in the northeastern part of the capital of Kosovo, with a vast area of 62 square kilometers. Here resides more than 60 species of faunas and more than 600 species of floral species.

The beautiful pathway or the hiking trail of Germia Park is surrounded by pine trees. You can also rent a bicycle for a couple of euros to stay there for two hours and roam around the park.

It offers a rock-climbing wall, a basketball ground, and a playground along the trail. The swimming pool of the park is enormous, and the inner restaurants also provide great food with luxury cuisine.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo germia park pristina

National Library

When you are on the premises of the library, you will be more likely amazed as well as stupefied. The whole architecture or the construction is just shocking to everyone because it is more like small floating rectangles, like a square-shaped tomb.

From being established in 1944, after 70 years, the library has managed to gather more than a hundred thousand books . A Croatian architect designed the building but, there are debates about if it is, only the best or just the worst.

There are two reading chambers with 400 chairs. The total area inside is somewhere around 16,500 square meters. The library , being renowned as an exciting place, is amongst the core places to see in Kosovo if you go to Pristina.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo national library pristina

Patriarchate of Peć

This place is mainly an ancient monastery from the 13th century in the order of Serbian Orthodox churches inside the city of Pec in Kosovo, near the Rugova Mountains and Bistrica River.

The main monastery is divided into four different monasteries, and the Patriarchate of Peć controls all of them. There is an extensive collection of religious monuments inside the monastery.

The tall tower and the 750 years old tree inside the monastery area are peculiar matters and of great interest among the tourists. A great Kosovo tourism includes this UNESCO’s world heritage listed site if you visit Pec while in Kosovo.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo patriarchate of pec

Mirusha Waterfalls

Mirusha waterfalls are a sequence of moderate waterfalls that form the nearby 13 lakes in Mirusha Park. The waterfalls are magnificent to watch and pleasant to hear. There are some generally unseen birds in the park.

The park also consists of a variety of canyons and caves. The place is very enchanting for nature lovers . The walls of these waterfalls are white and made of stone in some relatively high cliffs. The highest waterfall inside the entire park is about 72 feet in altitude.

The whole park is in a mountainous range, providing the opportunity for a superb view of the lakes.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo mirusha waterfalls

Sinan Pasha Mosque

It is a very lovely mosque found in the city of Prizren and demonstrates traditional design from the 17th century Ottoman or Turkish rule in Kosovo. The Ottoman rulers built this mosque with the aim of spreading the religion of Islam.

There are some great paintings of Arabic Verses from their holy book of the Al-Quran. The walls inside the mosque are also designed very beautifully with Arabic letters and sentences.

The inner chamber of the mosque was being damaged due to rain, and the mosque was plastered with lead plates later on. This holy religious place is built upon an area of 196 square meters and is rectangular.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo sinan pasha mosque prizren

Prizren Fortress

Also known as the Kalaja fortress, it was built somewhere around the 11th century. It is a magnificent antique fort made by the Byzantines, in the city Prizren too. To reach this splendid fort, you will need a 10-15 minutes hike in the bursting heat if you go in the tour season. But everyone coming back from the place always has a smile of satisfaction, which indicates the hike was worth it.

The place is almost like a small city as it was developed by the Byzantines while they used it as a center of governance. After Byzantine rule, it went into the hands of the Ottoman and later became a ruin of Kosovo’s independent war.

Now it is a great tourism site and undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in Kosovo. Travel to Prizren fortress while in Prizren as it is a great site to explore and open to public display.

points of interest where to go and places to visit in kosovo prizren fortress

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About me

Evan Kristine a.k.a Pretty Wild World is a professional travel blogger with over 10 years of experience in content creation. Originally from the Philippines, she's been living in Finland for 15+ years working as a chef and entrepreneur in Tampere, Finland.

She's an expert in Finland travel and explores the country often sharing her insights and tips in this blog and social medias. She also splits her free time either going for weekend getaways in Europe or galavanting to different European destinations on her holidays. All her useful Europe travel guides are also in this blog!

Evan Kristine is also the food blogger behind at The Kitchen Abroad and on her free time, she enjoys decorating her 75m2 apartment and shares her experience over at Solía Avenue .

A true master of her own life and despite her busy schedule juggling life as a chef, blogger, and entrepreneur, she still finds time to read 50+ books a year and indulge in several hobbies like hiking, working out, yoga, and painting.

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How to see tonight's northern lights – the strongest in 20 years

A rare geomagnetic storm not seen for nearly 20 years could cause a stunning aurora borealis on 10 and 11 May

By Leah Crane

10 May 2024

the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern lights, putting on a show over Achmelvich beach, Sutherland, in the Highlands of Scotland, UK.

People across the UK and US may glimpse a special light show tonight

Marc Hilton/iStockphoto/Getty Images

The aurora borealis, or northern lights, are expected to be more active than they have in decades the evening of 10 May, according to an announcement by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They could be visible as far south as Alabama in the US and Scotland in the UK. This marks the first severe geomagnetic storm watch from NOAA since 2005.

This shimmering green, purple and red glow in the sky occurs when charged particles from the sun smash into Earth’s atmosphere. The sun emitted several huge plumes of particles, called coronal mass ejections (CMEs) between 8 and 9 May, and they are expected to reach Earth on 10 and 11 May.

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When these particles reach Earth, many of them are deflected by the planet’s magnetic field. But the field is weaker around the poles, so some of them manage to sneak in and hit the atmosphere, where they impart energy to its constituent gas molecules. When these molecules re-emit the energy, it comes out as the light that we see as the aurora . The colour of the aurora depends on what type of gas was hit and where in the atmosphere it is located – green, the most common colour, comes from oxygen molecules around 120 to 180 kilometres up in the air.

The more powerful the CME, the more particles sneak into the atmosphere and the brighter and bigger the aurora is. The CMEs that just blasted off the sun are more powerful than any that have hit Earth since January 2005. Solar storms this powerful can even disrupt satellites and the electrical grid by releasing powerful currents that may damage their components.

To see the aurora, you need to be as far as possible from any major light pollution – it can be impossible to spot even an incredibly powerful aurora from urban locations. Once away from city lights, let your eyes adjust to the darkness and look to the northern sky.

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In the US, people may see the aurora by late 10 May or early 11 May over most of the northern half of the country, and potentially as far south as Alabama to northern California, according to NOAA. As for the UK, the Met Office predicts it will be visible across the northern half of the country toward the end of 10 May or early 11 May – but there is a chance the entire country could glimpse it.

Auroras may appear in photographs as bright, shimmering sheets of light , but to the human eye, without the power of a long exposure time, they tend to look more like a faint, shifting green glow. For those that live outside of the Arctic Circle, this may be the clearest auroral show in 19 years.

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