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Jumeirah Mosque

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Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai: A Practical Guide to Visit

The Jumeirah Mosque is the most important mosque in Dubai, embodying the city’s rich Islamic cultural heritage. Situated a stone’s throw away from the renowned Jumeirah Beach and one of Dubai’s most popular seafronts, this architectural wonder captivates with its traditional design embellished with intricate arabesques and a symmetrical facade flanked by two majestic minarets. Here, modernity and respect for cultural traditions converge harmoniously.

This is the ideal place to delve into the deeply rooted Islamic religious and cultural traditions of the UAE . Despite sometimes being overwhelmed by the city’s opulent lifestyle, modernity, and incredible architecture, the melodious call to prayer that resonates five times a day from its mosques serves as a reminder of the UAE’s close ties with their Islamic culture. The Jumeirah Mosque holds a special place in this, as it is one of the few mosques in Dubai that also welcomes non-Muslims .

Tourists from all over the world and of all faiths are welcome here. A visit to the Jumeirah Mosque offers a rare opportunity to explore the authentic and intimate aspects of local culture , providing insights into the teachings and customs of Islam. Guided tours, exhibitions, and various initiatives hosted within its walls allow visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the religion’s rites , traditions , and culinary customs , thus approaching a culture that is sometimes perceived as distant and enigmatic.

What you will find in this guide to the Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai:

Jumeirah Mosque: History and Interesting Facts

The Jumeirah Mosque is considered the most important mosque in Dubai and one of the most significant landmarks in the United Arab Emirates . It is also one of the most beautiful mosques to visit in the country. The reason for visiting is closely linked to its cultural tours , which allow people of all religions to discover more about Islam and local culture.

Commissioned between 1976 and 1979 by Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum , the then Emir of Dubai and a key figure in the formation of the modern UAE, as well as the father of the current ruler of Dubai, the Jumeirah Mosque is located just a few steps from the sea and from what is now one of the liveliest areas of the city: Jumeirah Beach and its extensive seafront. Interestingly, if you happen to find a 500 AED note in your wallet, take a closer look: the mosque graced the 500 dirham notes issued before 2023 , symbolizing its pivotal role in the city’s identity.

Jumeirah Mosque Dubai

Its beautiful traditional Islamic architecture is a fusion of tradition and modernity, influenced by the Fatimid and Abbasid styles, with motifs inspired by those traditionally found in the mosques of Syria and Egypt. Crafted entirely from luminous white stone, it shines particularly brightly under the sun and becomes very picturesque at sunset, when it takes on the warm hues of the golden hour.

Adorned with arabesques and geometric patterns , as well as decorations with Arabic calligraphy, the mosque’s silhouette certainly captures attention with its symmetrical lines, its domes, the two towering minarets , and the large central dome. Surrounding it is a quiet garden with fountains used by the faithful for ritual ablutions.

While Muslims can simply enter and pray, non-Muslims can visit the mosque on a guided tour . Inside, you can admire the large prayer room , arranged in a single room and capable of accommodating over 1200 worshipers. It is easy to be enchanted by the high arches with pastel-colored columns , by the light blue, cream, and pink palette that contrasts with the green of the large carpet that covers the floor, where the worshipers gather in prayer.

The mosque is adorned with intricate stained glass windows and elaborate floral patterns , illuminated by decorated chandeliers and lanterns. Across from the entrance, you can see the mihrab , a niche indicating the direction of Mecca. Visitors can also admire the attached rooms, the so-called majlis , which host exhibitions and cultural events. During the month of Ramadan , you can easily see locals gathering here for the traditional iftar (the meal that breaks the fast) or night prayers, called tarawih , reminding us that this mosque is not only a beautiful structure but an active and vibrant heart for the local Muslim community.

Jumeirah Mosque Tour: How to Visit the Mosque as a Tourist

The Jumeirah Mosque is one of the few mosques in Dubai that welcomes non-Muslim visitors , providing them with a unique opportunity to learn more about Islam and local culture. For over two decades, it has hosted initiatives from the “Open Doors, Open Minds” program of the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding . This program organizes guided tours of the mosque and thematic events aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of the culture, food, and Islamic traditions.

These initiatives offer an extraordinary chance to connect with the most authentic and lesser-known aspects of the United Arab Emirates . One of the most intriguing experiences, in our opinion, is the Cultural Lunches in the Historic District of Al Bastakiya . Here, you can sample various traditional local specialties and engage in conversations with locals about customs and traditions, including religious ones.

Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai by Night

If you wish to admire the interiors of the Jumeirah Mosque and learn more about Islam and its rituals, you could participate in one of the guided tours . These tours provide an interesting and broad – albeit concise – overview of local customs, prayers, and religious traditions. A notable feature is the opportunity to converse freely with the guide and ask questions , allowing you to satisfy any specific curiosities you may have about Islam and its customs.

Guided tours are open to everyone , regardless of gender, age, or religion. They cost AED 40 per person, last approximately 75 minutes , and are conducted every day except Friday. The tour is conducted in English , and photography is permitted. There are usually two tours per day , at 10:00 and 14:00 , and no advance booking is required. Simply arrive on-site at least 30 minutes before the tour and register. The registration point is located near the entrance. Please note that during the month of Ramadan , the timings may vary, so it’s advisable to inquire in advance.

Actually, a visit to the Jumeirah Mosque is not just a guided tour of the building, but an engaging experience that offers a glimpse into some often overlooked aspects of local daily life. The visit begins in the courtyard, where you can observe the fountains where worshipers perform ritual ablutions before prayers , known as wudhu . The guide will demonstrate how a Muslim performs these ancient purification rituals. The tour then proceeds to the interior of the mosque , where you can admire the large prayer room and sit on the expansive green carpet that covers the floor, right where the worshipers gather in prayer.

You will have the opportunity to learn how Muslims pray, and the guide will explain some basic prayer rituals. Here, the guide will also provide an engaging introduction to the Islamic religion and the five pillars of Islam. The topics covered are quite varied, ranging from the Hajj – the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should undertake at least once in their life – to daily customs and rituals, holidays, and cultural norms.

Jumeirah Mosque Dubai Interiors

The guides are often women , adding another layer of interest to the visit. One aspect that often piques the curiosity of visitors is the Hijab , the characteristic Islamic veil. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to learn more about this ancient tradition and how it is worn.

Another delightful aspect is that before the tour, you will be able to taste some traditional local specialties , such as authentic Arabic coffee, tea, and snacks like dates and luqaimat – delicious local sweets that resemble fried doughnut balls dipped in honey. You can also explore the exhibitions that are often housed in the majlis , the rooms around the mosque.

For instance, there is a permanent exhibition on Dubai’s past , with photographs and objects that narrate the story of local history in the era before the discovery of oil and up to the 1980s. There is often also the opportunity for women to have their hands decorated with henna and for everyone to take a photo with the falcon , a symbol of the Emirates.

Is there a dress code to visit the Jumeirah Mosque?

Yes, there is a dress code for visiting the Jumeirah Mosque . Visitors are asked to dress modestly and behave respectfully. It is recommended to wear long trousers and a shirt . However, there is some flexibility as long as your clothing is not transparent or overly revealing, and your shoulders and knees are covered. This applies to both men and women.

Women will need to cover their hair , so you may want to bring a scarf or something similar for this purpose. But don’t worry if you’re not adequately covered. You can borrow traditional attire like the kandoora for men and the abaya for women, as well as a sheila to cover women’s hair, free of charge. Also, remember that you’ll need to take off your shoes before entering the mosque.

How to Get to Jumeirah Mosque

The Jumeirah Mosque is situated on Jumeirah Beach Road , just a short distance from the La Mer neighborhood, at the northern tip of Jumeirah Beach . Given the absence of nearby metro stations, the most common ways to reach the mosque are by taxi or by taking a bus that stops close to La Mer.

Just a short walk away, you’ll find stops for buses no. 8 , 88 , 9 , and T10 . The first two bus routes provide a connection between the mosque and Deira as well as the Dubai Gold Souk . The third route links to the well-known Al Ghubaiba Bus Station , which also has a metro station. The last route, T10 , connects to the Dubai Mall and the Burj Khalifa , another location with a metro station.

Jumeirah Mosque Visiting Hours

Non-muslin tourists can visit the Jumeirah Mosque only on guided tours , which are conducted at 10:00 and 14:00 daily, except on Fridays. The exhibitions in the majlis are open every day from 9:00 to 17:00, with the exception of Fridays. For Muslims who wish to visit for prayer , the mosque is open every day, typically until 8:00 pm, although these times may vary.

Which Other Mosques in Dubai Are Open to Non-Muslim Visitors?

Don’t believe anyone who tells you that the Jumeirah Mosque is the only mosque in Dubai open to visitors. Anyone who says this likely has a superficial understanding of Dubai or has never visited. As a local, I can assure you that there are several other fascinating mosques in the city. Some of these are open to non-Muslim visitors , and even better, some offer free admission!

One of the most beautiful is the Al Farooq Omar Bin Al Khattab Mosque , inspired by the Ottoman style of Istanbul’s Blue Mosque . Although it may not be widely known among tourists, it stands as one of the largest mosques in the UAE and welcomes all visitors during non-prayer times. The Grand Mosque of Bur Dubai – located opposite the Dubai Museum – is also open to non-Muslim visitors (free of charge, with tours at 9:30 from Sunday to Thursday), as is the beautiful Mohammed Bin Ahmed Al Mulla Mosque in Dubai Marina .

Other interesting mosques can only be visited externally, such as the Al Salam Mosque and the beautiful Imam Hussein Mosque , also known as the Iranian Mosque (which is sometimes open for visits, just ask on-site). There are also a couple of contemporary architecture mosques that can be admired from the outside and sometimes allow tourists to take a peek inside. The most beautiful ones are the DIFC Grand Mosque (especially at sunset and in the evening), the City Walk Mosque , and the Mosque of the Light .

Things to Do and See Around the Jumeirah Mosque

The Jumeirah Mosque is located opposite the expansive Jumeirah Beach and the vibrant La Mer neighborhood. This area is one of Dubai’s trendiest, renowned for its numerous shops, restaurants, bars, and beach clubs. From here, you can enjoy long seaside walks or take a bus that travels the entire promenade up to the iconic Burj Al Arab .

A short stroll away is the Etihad Museum , which offers an intriguing overview of the history of the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, during your stay in Dubai, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the most beautiful mosque in the UAE, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi .

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Jumeirah Mosque

Jumeirah mosque: the complete guide.

Neil Farrin/Getty Images 

With the melodic call to prayer echoing through Dubai five times a day, and thousands of mosque minarets piercing the skyline, Islam’s influence is writ large across the city. To deepen your understanding of the world’s second-largest religion, pay a visit to Jumeirah Mosque, the only Dubai mosque that’s open to the public, and one of two mosques in the UAE that are open to non-Muslims. (Also see Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi.)

Guided Tours

The best way to familiarize yourself with Jumeirah Mosque and glean insight into the Islamic faith is by joining a guided tour. Run by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding , tours take place at 10 a.m., Saturday to Thursday—there’s no need to book in advance, but be sure to arrive early for the tour registration, which starts at 9:30 a.m. This relaxed tour delivers a great introduction to the Five Pillars of Islam, and in keeping with the SMCCU’s ethos of "Open minds, open doors," guests are encouraged to ask any questions they may have about the region and religion, with no topic off limits.

The 75-minute tour costs 25 dirhams (about $7) and concludes with water, dates, Arabic coffee, tea and Emirati pastries. Outside of these regular tours, private visits to the mosque can be arranged through the SMCCU. Or, if you’re traveling with 10 or more people, get in touch with the center to arrange a private group tour.

The Building

Jumeirah Mosque is located on Jumeirah Beach Road in the chic neighborhood of Jumeirah 1. Built in 1976, the mosque is made of carved white stone in the medieval Fatimid style of North Africa and the Middle East, complete with fortress-like crenellations and carved archways. The first thing you’ll notice from the outside is the pair of minarets (towers) that soar above the building – it’s from the balcony of these towers that muezzin makes his call to prayer throughout the day.

The mosque’s large central dome is surrounded by four smaller domes, each adorned with intricate stone carvings. Inside, the serene space is decorated in soothing tones of apricot, cream and duck-egg blue, with brass lanterns illuminating the central prayer hall and surrounding nooks.

During the tour of Jumeirah Mosque, you’ll learn about the importance of the Qiblah, a semicircular niche in the wall that indicates the direction of the Kaaba, or The Cube, in Mecca. It is here that the Imam stands to lead prayers five times a day, and where up to 1,200 worshippers turn to pray.

As this is a place of worship, dress rules apply. For women and men, shoulders and knees must be covered at all times, and your clothing should be loose-fitting and non-transparent. Ladies, you’ll also have to cover your head with a scarf—but don’t worry if you haven’t packed appropriate clothing; you can borrow traditional attire from the mosque.

Photo Opportunities

The SMCCU’s "Open mind, open door" policy extends to photography, with cameras allowed inside the mosque, making Jumeirah Mosque is the most photographed mosque in Dubai. While the cool white walls look great against a clear blue sky during the day, arrive at dusk for the most spectacular shots of the exterior. As the sun sets, the white stone transforms into a deep blush before melting into a soft golden hue. After nightfall, the mosque is lit from below to accentuate the stone carvings and elaborate details.

What’s Nearby

After your morning tour of Jumeirah Mosque, take a five-minute stroll to Jumeirah Public Beach, where you can take a dip in the Arabian Gulf, and photograph the iconic Burj Al Arab, Dubai’s most luxurious hotel and one of its coolest architectural works.

A 10-minute walk to the north, visit the Etihad Museum to witness the site where the United Arab Emirates was born. It was here in the Union House, in 1971, that the documents were signed to unify the Arab states.

To refuel and shop for designer homewares, clothing and jewellery, take a 15-minute walk (or 5-minute taxi ride) south of Jumeirah Mosque to Comptoir 102 , a hip concept store and café with a focus on handcrafted goods and wholesome organic food.

Have a cultural breakfast or lunch at the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding, followed by a walk through Dubai Museum , both located in the historic Al Fahidi Neighborhood, a 15-minute drive to the north of Jumeirah Mosque.

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Jumeirah Mosque

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Guided Tour in the Jumeirah Mosque

Location of the jumeirah mosque in dubai.

The Jumeirah Mosque stands as the largest mosque in Dubai and is also hailed as one of the most beautiful in the United Arab Emirates. Particularly enchanting in the evening when illuminated, the mosque exudes a magical aura. It’s no wonder that the Jumeirah Mosque ranks among Dubai’s top tourist attractions, drawing visitors who often capture its beauty through photography and frequent visits.

Constructed with modern Islamic architecture, the mosque features two towering minarets reaching a height of seventy meters each, accentuating its distinctive ivory-colored sandstone walls. Inside, the Jumeirah Mosque boasts intricate adornments with chandeliers, plasterwork, and vibrant embellishments. The Jumeirah Mosque gives  space for prayers for up to 1200 worshipers at a time.

The Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai

In contrast to other mosques in Dubai, the Jumeirah Mosque welcomes non-Muslim visitors. Daily guided tours, except on Fridays, offer an opportunity to explore the mosque for a nominal fee of 10 AED. Conducted in English, the 75-minute tour commences promptly at 10:00 AM, organized by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding. This organization aims to educate non-Muslims about Islam and its traditions.

During the tour, visitors delve into the mosque’s architecture, learn about Islamic principles, prayer rituals, the way of life according to the faith, and the five pillars of Islam. Embracing the motto “Open doors. Open minds,” participants are encouraged to ask questions about the mosque and the Islamic faith, which the guide gladly answers. Photography is permitted during the tour.

While reservations for the tour are not necessary, visitors should assemble at the main entrance of the Jumeirah Mosque by 9:45 AM. Children under five years old are not permitted on the tours. It’s essential to dress modestly when entering the mosque, meaning no bare arms or legs, with women required to wear a headscarf. If visitors lack appropriate attire, they can borrow a headscarf and abaya (cloak) free of charge during the tour. Additionally, shoes must be removed upon entering the mosque and can be stored in designated lockers provided at the entrance.

Situated in the older part of Dubai in the Jumeirah 1 district, along Jumeirah Beach Road near the new Pearl Jumeirah Island, the Jumeirah Mosque is easily accessible. Unfortunately, there’s no nearby metro station; the nearest one is World Trade Center, which requires a 20-minute walk to reach the mosque. Alternatively, visitors can take a taxi from the metro station, a journey of approximately 12 minutes. For those using public transportation, buses such as RTA bus lines 8, 9, and X28 stop in the vicinity of the mosque.

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زخارف مسجد جميرا الكبير في دبي

Guide to Jumeirah Mosque: A cultural landmark in Dubai

Drive anywhere in Dubai and you won’t get far without seeing at least a mosque or two. These mosques are places of worship for Muslims, but they’re also often spectacular works of architecture. Jumeirah Mosque, in particular, is one of the most famous mosques in the city. It is also one of the top cultural and historical places in Dubai. Being one of the few mosques in the UAE that allow non-Muslim visitors, Jumeirah Mosque Dubai is popular with residents and tourists who want to experience the culture of the city. The white stone facade, elegant minarets and beautiful landscaping of Jumeirah Mosque, located along the picturesque Jumeirah Beach Road make it a serene location.

Whether you’d like more information about the guided tours or are just curious about this iconic landmark, you’re in the right place. MyBayut shares all you need to know about the fascinating Jumeirah Mosque.

What’s special about this mosque?

Exterior view of Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai

While Jumeirah is popular for its quirky cafes and plethora of cosmetic and beauty clinics, the Jumeirah Mosque is actually one of the earliest landmarks of the area. It was built by the late HH Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai at the time. Things to know about the Jumeirah Mosque history is that construction began in 1976 and was completed in 1979. And one of the most interesting Jumeirah Mosque facts is that this landmark features on the AED 500 note!

Entrance of Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai

Widely regarded as one of the most photographed mosques in Dubai, Jumeirah Mosque stands out for many reasons. It’s made entirely out of pure-white stone, in the traditional Fatimid style that originates from Egypt and Syria and features intricate geometric designs, Arabic calligraphy and keel motifs on the domes. It’s also known as the ‘two minaret mosque’ for the two minarets that frame a central dome. Jumeirah Mosque can accommodate 1,300 people, although the congregational Friday prayers will see people praying in the outer areas of the mosque as well!

Jumeirah Mosque photos of main prayer hall

The compound of Jumeirah Mosque contains the mosque itself, lush landscaping and shaded walkways leading to an outdoor ablution area, and an indoor majlis. Step inside to the main prayer hall, and you’ll be mesmerised by the series of elegant arches and columns, plush green carpet and stained glass windows. On the opposite end from the entrance is the mihrab, a niche in the wall that indicates the qibla or direction of prayer. The peach and blue ceilings are inscribed with verses from the Holy Quran. There is beautiful calligraphy, geometric motifs, intricate designs and chandeliers throughout.

What is the Jumeirah Mosque Guided Tour?

Chandelier inside Jumeirah Mosque

Jumeirah Mosque is not only known for its stunning architecture but also being one of the few mosques in the UAE offering tours to non-Muslims visitors. These tours are run by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding with an ‘Open Doors, Open Minds’ policy. If you’ve ever been curious about the Islamic faith and local culture, the Jumeirah Mosque tour is a great place to start!

Ablution area of the mosque

The Jumeirah Mosque tour starts at the majlis, the traditional sitting area in an Emirati household, where visitors need to register 30 minutes before the tour. Here, visitors can enjoy Emirati refreshments, which will include Arabic coffee and tea. Afterward, the tour guide will lead visitors to the ablution area to explain and demonstrate wudu, which is a cleaning ritual before performing the prayer. Then, visitors will proceed inside the main prayer hall, where they can learn more and ask questions about the local culture and faith.


The guided tour takes place at 10:00 am from Saturday to Thursday. There are no tours of the mosque on Friday.

Dubai Transactions


While there is no entrance fee for the mosque, the guided tour costs AED 25 per person. No prior booking is required, although visitors must be at the entrance of the mosque 30 minutes before the tour.


Full view of Jumeirah Mosque Dubai

The mosque is located in the upscale neighbourhood of Jumeirah 1 , along the Jumeirah Beach Road. Wondering how to go to Jumeirah Mosque? If you’re coming from the direction of Abu Dhabi, take Exit 50 on E11 towards Al Safa Street/D71. Continue straight, then turn right onto Al Wasl Road/D92. Turn left onto 5B street, then 12A Street. Finally, turn right onto 17B Street and Jumeirah Mosque will be at the end of the road.

If you’re coming from the direction of Sharjah, take Exit 53 on E11 towards Al Dhiyafah Street/D73. Continue straight, then turn left onto Al Wasl Road/D92. From there, turn right onto 5B Street and follow the same directions as mentioned above to reach the mosque.

If you’re looking to use public transport, RTA buses 8, 9 and X28 stop near the mosque.

Worried about Jumeirah Mosque parking? There’s a large parking lot right next to the mosque, making it very convenient for visitors.


  • The best time to visit Jumeirah Mosque is usually during sunset when visitors can see the mosque lit up by the setting sun. It’s a beautiful sight to see and photograph, too!
  • The Jumeirah Mosque timings for the guided tour for tourists is from 10:00 am daily except on Friday. Otherwise, the Jumeirah Mosque visiting hours are from 10:00 am – 08:00 pm daily. 
  • When visiting the mosque, it’s best to wear modest clothing; women are requested to cover their hair with a scarf and keep their shoulders covered, according to the Jumeirah Mosque dress code. Visitors can also borrow traditional attire from the mosque itself.
  • After your visit to the mosque, you’ll find there is so much more to do in the area. Grab a quick bite to eat at the eclectic cafes along Jumeirah Beach Road and shop at Mercato Mall, widely regarded as one of the best malls in Dubai . Visit the beachside leisure hotspot of La Mer and work on your tan at the Jumeirah Open Beach!
  • Make sure to stay updated with the prayer times in Dubai before heading to the mosque.

And that wraps up our guide to the Jumeirah Mosque, one of Dubai’s most important landmarks! We highly recommend residents and tourists to visit this peaceful location and experience the solace of one of Dubai’s most beautiful mosque firsthand.

Want to see other iconic mosques in the UAE? Take a look at our handy guides to the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi , which can accommodate 41,000 people and Sharjah Mosque , one of the newest mosques in the country. And subscribe to MyBayut for more articles on cultural and heritage spots in Dubai.

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The ‘Open Doors. Open Minds’ journey started Over 20 years ago with the Jumeirah Mosque Visit. A real opportunity to learn and explore the mosque and to indulge in the culture.

Cost AED40 Registration starts 30 min prior to the visit. Includes Emirati Hospitality. Booking is not required. Timings may differ during Ramadan. Closed on Friday

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The Journey at the Mosque

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Jumeirah Mosque – Guide to tourist Mosque in Dubai

Jumeirah Mosque – Guide to tourist Mosque in Dubai

You can visit any part of Dubai and you will end up finding a mosque or two on every turn and corner. Mosques are a place of worship for Muslims, but often times they’re also spectacular works of architecture. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is the mosque that comes to mind when you think of famous mosques in UAE. But it is the Jumeirah Mosque that is the most famous in the city. It is one of the top cultural and historical places in Dubai. And is one of the few mosques in the city that allow non-Muslim visitors, making it popular among residents and tourists who want to experience the culture of Dubai.

If you want to grasp an insight into the Islamic culture of Dubai, then you must visit The Jumeirah Mosque during your stay in this glamorous city. Here is a complete guide on everything you need to about this tourist mosque in Dubai.

About Jumeirah Mosque

jumeirah mosque guided tour

The Jumeirah Mosque is one of Dubai's many iconic landmarks, and it is regarded as one of the most beautiful mosques in the UAE. Built in 1976 by the ruler at the time, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. The mosque is a stunning example of Islamic architecture, built on the same principles as Cairo's Al Azhar Mosque, which is eight times its size. It can hold up to 1,200 worshippers. The intricate architecture and design of the mosque shine even brighter when illuminated in the evening.

The architecture of the Jumeirah Mosque is notable for several reasons. It is entirely made of pure white stone, in the traditional Fatimid style of Egypt and Syria. The large central dome of the mosque is surrounded by four smaller domes, each with intricate stone carvings. Due to the two minarets that frame the central dome, the mosque is also known as the "two minaret mosques." The picturesque space is decorated in soothing tones of apricot, cream, and duck-egg blue on the inside, with brass lanterns illuminating the central prayer hall and surrounding nooks. The Jumeirah Mosque is renowned for being one of Dubai's most photographed mosques for its exquisite architectural design.

The Jumeirah Mosque's grounds include the mosque itself, as well as an indoor majlis, lush landscaping, and walkways that are shaded. As soon as you enter the main prayer hall, the elegant arches, columns, plush green carpet, and stained-glass windows will enchant you. Holy Quranic verses are engraved on the peach and blue ceilings. There are chandeliers, intricate designs, beautiful calligraphy, and geometric motifs all over the place.

One of the most interesting fact about the Jumeirah Mosque is that this landmark features on the AED 500 note!

The Jumeirah Mosque Guided Tour – What to expect

jumeirah mosque guided tour

The Jumeirah Mosque is known for its beautiful architecture as well as being one of the few mosques in the UAE that welcomes non-Muslim visitors. The Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding conducts these tours under the motto "Open Doors, Open Minds." The Jumeirah Mosque tour is a fantastic place to start if you've ever been interested in learning more about the Islamic faith and local culture.

The tour of the Jumeirah Mosque begins at the majlis, the traditional sitting area in an Emirati home, where visitors must register 30 minutes before the tour. You can enjoy Emirati refreshments here, such as Arabic coffee and tea. The tour guide will then lead visitors to the ablution area to explain and demonstrate wudu, a cleaning ritual performed before praying. Visitors can then proceed inside the main prayer hall, where they can learn more about the local culture and faith and ask questions.

The 75-minute tour costs AED 25 and includes water, dates, Arabic coffee, tea, and Emirati pastries. Outside of these regular tours, private visits to the mosque can be arranged through the SMCCU.

Timings and Entrance Fee

The guided tour takes from daily from 10:00 am except on Friday. Otherwise, the mosque visiting hours are from 10:00 am – 08:00 pm. The mosque has no entrance fee, but the guided tour costs AED 25 per person. There is no need to make a reservation, but visitors must arrive at the mosque 30 minutes before the tour begins.

Location and how to reach Jumeirah Mosque

The mosque is located in the upscale neighborhood of Jumeirah 1, along the Jumeirah Beach Road. It is easily accessible by various means of transportation which is what makes it one of the most visited tourist destinations.

The mosque is only 20 minutes by car from Dubai International Airport. Taxis and Uber are both widely available and reasonably priced modes of transportation in Dubai. If you are driving, stay on "Jumeirah Beach Road" until you reach the mosque. There is plenty of parking available near the mosque.

The Mosque is also easily accessible by public bus. You can take the E201 bus from Burjuman Metro Station and get down at the “Jumeirah Mosque” stop. Otherwise, you can also take the starting bus from Al Ghubaiba Bus Station and get off at the ‘Jumeirah Mosque’ stop. Once you exit the bus, you will see the mosque just a few steps away. Buses 8, 9 and X28 also stop near the mosque.

To reach the mosque through metro, you need to first take the red line to Union Metro Station and change to the green line towards Al Jadaf Metro Station. Get down at BurJuman Metro Station and follow the signs to Jumeirah Beach Road until you reach the mosque. You can also directly take the green line from Al Jadaf station to the BurJuman station.

Best time to visit the Jumeirah Mosque

jumeirah mosque guided tour

Even though the guided tours usually take place during the day, the best time to visit Jumeirah Mosque is around sunset, when the setting sun illuminates the mosque. It is a beautiful sight to see and photograph!

Things to know before visiting

• Wear modest clothing when visiting the mosque. According to the mosque’s dress code women should cover their hair and keep their shoulders covered whereas men should cover full length clothing covering from below their knees. You can also borrow the traditional attire from the mosque itself. • Plan your visit properly. Make sure you are awake of the prayer times in Dubai as visitors are not permitted inside the mosque during prayer times. Aim to reach at least 30 minutes early than the tour time. • Remove your footwear before entering the Mosque. • Do not touch or damage any material displayed in the mosque. • Since a mosque is a place of worship don’t litter, be respectful and behave modestly.

Places to visit nearby:

• Jumeirah Public Beach • Etihad Museum • Comptoir 102- A hip concept store and café with a focus on handcrafted goods         and organic foods. • Sheikh Mohammed Center for cultural Understanding • La Mer • Dubai Museum • Dubai Frame • Plethora of cafes and eateries lined up in Jumeirah • Burj Khalifa • Dubai Mall • Dubai Fountain

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Written by HiDubai Newswire

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Everything you need to know about the Jumeirah Mosque


  • September 12, 2023

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Everything You Need To Know About The Jumeirah Mosque

There’s a sense of freedom that comes with exploring the rich history and diverse culture of places far from home.

A visit to Dubai, the city where modernity meets centuries-old traditions, can quench this thirst for adventure as you immerse yourself in its mesmerizing architectural wonders.

One such marvel is the Jumeirah Mosque – an iconic symbol of Islamic heritage and an exquisite example of modern Islamic architecture. You don’t have to be religious or even knowledgeable about Islam to appreciate the beauty and significance of this grand structure.

As one of the few mosques open to non-Muslims, it welcomes visitors seeking spiritual solace or simply wanting a glimpse into Emirati culture and religion.

So come along, let your wanderlust guide you through our comprehensive exploration of everything you need to know about the remarkable Jumeirah Mosque!

Architectural Highlights And Design

Like a jewel in the heart of Dubai, Jumeirah Mosque stands as an architectural masterpiece showcasing the beauty and intricacy of Islamic design. The mosque’s exterior is adorned with stunning intricate carvings that captivate visitors from around the world. These detailed features not only enhance its visual appeal but also serve as a testament to the skilled artisans who meticulously crafted each element.

The mosque boasts traditional Fatimid-style architecture, characterized by large central domes flanked by smaller ones and twin minarets that reach for the heavens. Imposing yet elegant, these structures invite both admiration and contemplation from onlookers.

Upon entering this sacred space, one cannot help but be mesmerized by the exquisite Islamic patterns adorning every surface – from walls to ceilings, archways to windows – creating a symphony of shapes and forms that embody spiritual harmony.

As you explore further into Jumeirah Mosque’s awe-inspiring interior, it becomes evident how effectively this place of worship brings together elements of artistic expression and functional purpose. While providing a serene environment for prayer and reflection, it simultaneously serves as a cultural beacon where people can immerse themselves in Islamic history and tradition.

This dual aspect speaks volumes about the mosque’s role in uniting individuals through shared values while offering them an escape from life’s everyday demands – ultimately fulfilling their subconscious desire for freedom.

Historical Background And Significance

The Jumeirah Mosque, nestled in the heart of Dubai, is a testament to Islamic influences and religious significance. This architectural marvel has stood tall since its construction in 1979, bearing witness to the rapid development and expansion of Dubai as a global city.

Built from white stone in the traditional Fatimid style, this mosque serves not only as a place for worship but also as an important cultural center that bridges the gap between different cultures by inviting people of all beliefs to learn about Islam.

A visit to Jumeirah Mosque offers more than just an opportunity to admire its beautiful architecture; it provides an insight into the rich history of Islamic art and culture. As one steps inside this magnificent structure, they are greeted with intricate carvings, detailed engravings, and stunning patterns which showcase centuries-old traditions passed down through generations.

The large central dome surrounded by four smaller domes creates an atmosphere conducive to introspection and spiritual reflection while amplifying the melodic call to prayer. It’s no wonder that Jumeirah Mosque holds such great religious significance among Muslims living in Dubai.

The beauty of Jumeirah Mosque lies beyond its physical appearance – it represents a sense of unity and inclusiveness rarely found elsewhere. By opening its doors to non-Muslims through guided tours organized by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU), visitors can quench their thirst for knowledge on Islamic practices, customs, and values while savoring a taste of freedom from prejudice or preconceived notions about Islam.

In doing so, Jumeirah Mosque stands as a symbol against discrimination and promotes harmony among diverse communities that make up our world today.

Visiting The Mosque: Tours And Etiquette

‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’ This adage holds true when visiting the Jumeirah Mosque, a place of worship and an architectural marvel that welcomes people of all faiths to learn about Islam.

To make your visit a truly enriching experience, it is essential to adhere to certain etiquettes and join one of their organized tours. The Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU) offers guided tours six days a week at 10 am, except on Fridays. These tours provide guests with valuable insights into Emirati culture, Islamic traditions, and religious practices.

One important aspect to bear in mind while visiting the mosque is adhering to its dress code. Visitors must ensure modest clothing that covers shoulders, arms, and legs; women are also required to wear a scarf covering their hair during the tour. If you happen not to have appropriate attire or headscarves with you, worry not! The SMCCU provides traditional garments free of charge upon entering the mosque premises.

Being aware of prayer timings is another crucial factor: although tourists are allowed inside the mosque between prayers, they should avoid interrupting worshippers engaged in personal prayers or spiritual contemplation.

A visit to Jumeirah Mosque presents a unique opportunity for freedom-seeking individuals who wish to expand their knowledge about different cultures and religions while being captivated by exquisite architecture characterized by intricate carvings and geometric patterns.

By respecting local customs like abiding by the mosque dress code and taking note of prayer timings during your visit, you will leave this house of worship not only with memories but also with newfound respect and understanding for Islam’s rich history and cultural significance.

Cultural Understanding And Learning Programs

The Jumeirah Mosque, apart from being an architectural marvel, is also a hub for cultural understanding and learning programs. These initiatives encourage interfaith dialogues and foster a spirit of harmony among the diverse communities residing in Dubai. The Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU) manages these programs at the mosque, allowing visitors to learn about the local culture, customs, and religion.

One such initiative by SMCCU is the ‘Open Doors, Open Minds’ program which invites people from all walks of life to participate in interactive sessions on Islam and Emirati culture. By offering guided tours inside the mosque along with Q&A sessions led by knowledgeable guides, this program aims to dispel misconceptions surrounding Islamic beliefs and practices while promoting tolerance and peace.

Visitors are encouraged to ask questions freely during these sessions as they engage in meaningful conversations and broaden their horizons through cultural exchange.

As more individuals partake in these educational endeavors within the serene premises of Jumeirah Mosque, it becomes evident that knowledge can be a powerful tool for bridging gaps between different cultures and faiths. Programs like those offered by SMCCU serve as platforms where people can come together under one roof to appreciate each other’s beliefs without any judgment or prejudice.

Such experiences allow participants not only to gain fresh perspectives but also help nurture their inner desire for freedom – freedom from stereotypes, biases, and unwarranted fears rooted in ignorance. In light of recent global events stressing upon divisions rather than unity, these efforts at Jumeirah Mosque become even more significant toward fostering mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among various communities around the world.

Nearby Attractions And Experiences

Apart from the stunning Jumeirah Mosque, you’ll find plenty of nearby attractions and experiences that will make your visit even more memorable.

Beach proximity ensures that after a spiritual experience at the mosque, you can head straight to the sandy shores for some sun-soaking or dip in the refreshing Arabian Gulf waters.

The neighboring La Mer beachfront development offers various leisure activities such as water sports, shopping, dining, and entertainment options.

For those who have an adventurous palate and are eager to immerse themselves in local culture, there is no better way than trying out traditional Emirati dishes.

A short walk or drive from the mosque will take you to several restaurants serving authentic fare like harees, majboos or camel meat dishes.

Additionally, Dubai’s cosmopolitan nature provides countless opportunities to explore other regional flavors including Lebanese mezze platters or aromatic Indian curries.

As your day draws to a close following explorations around Jumeirah Mosque and indulging in exciting escapades, don’t forget to treat yourself with a serene sunset view by the beachside.

This simple act alone could spark feelings of freedom within you – a connection with nature’s beauty while witnessing its daily transition against the backdrop of awe-inspiring architecture.

So go ahead, breathe in deeply, and let this unforgettable experience linger on your mind long after leaving Dubai’s enchanting shores.

In essence, the Jumeirah Mosque symbolizes not just architectural beauty and historical significance but also a bridge between cultures.

It’s a place where visitors can step into another world, gaining insight and understanding of Islamic customs and traditions in an inclusive environment.

So when you find yourself wandering through the vibrant streets of Dubai, make sure to pay a visit to this gem of cultural exchange.

Who knows? You might leave with more than just memories – perhaps even a newfound appreciation for the local culture and religion.

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Jumeirah Mosque: A Symbol of Dubai’s Cultural Harmony

Nestled in the heart of Dubai , the Jumeirah Mosque stands as a testament to the city’s rich cultural tapestry and architectural grandeur. As a travel expert who has traversed Dubai’s landscape numerous times, I’ve witnessed the awe-inspiring beauty of the Jumeirah Mosque firsthand. This detailed blog post will take you through the mosque’s history, architecture, and the serene experience of its guided tours.

Jumeirah Mosque stands as an iconic symbol of Islamic architecture and culture, nestled in the chic and affluent district of Jumeirah, Dubai. This magnificent mosque is not only a place of worship but also serves as a beacon of cultural exchange, welcoming visitors from around the world to learn and appreciate the beauty and significance of Islam.

Constructed in the traditional Fatimid style, the Jumeirah Mosque is a stunning example of the grandeur and elegance of Islamic architecture. Its gleaming white facade, adorned with intricate geometric patterns and graceful arches, exudes a sense of serenity and spirituality that captivates all who behold it. The mosque’s towering minarets and majestic domes add to its imposing presence, making it a sight to behold both day and night.

One of the most remarkable features of Jumeirah Mosque is its commitment to inclusivity and education. Unlike many mosques around the world, Jumeirah Mosque opens its doors to non-Muslim visitors, offering guided tours that provide a rare insight into Islamic faith and culture. These tours, led by knowledgeable guides, offer a unique opportunity for people of all backgrounds to learn about Islam in a welcoming and respectful environment.

Inside the mosque, visitors are greeted by a tranquil atmosphere, infused with the soft glow of stained glass windows and the delicate fragrance of burning incense. The main prayer hall, with its soaring ceilings and intricately woven carpets, is a sight to behold, inspiring a sense of awe and reverence in all who enter.

During the guided tours, visitors have the chance to learn about the rituals and practices of Islam, as well as the history and significance of the mosque itself. From the importance of prayer and charity to the art of calligraphy and Arabic design, these tours offer a comprehensive overview of Islamic culture and tradition.

Beyond its role as a place of worship and cultural exchange, Jumeirah Mosque also plays an active role in the local community. It hosts a variety of events and activities, including lectures, workshops, and interfaith gatherings, aimed at fostering understanding and dialogue among people of different faiths and backgrounds.

In summary, Jumeirah Mosque stands as a shining example of the rich cultural heritage and religious tolerance that defines the city of Dubai. With its awe-inspiring architecture, commitment to education, and spirit of inclusivity, it serves as a testament to the values of peace, harmony, and mutual respect that lie at the heart of Islam.

The Jumeirah Mosque is not just a place of worship but a beacon of Islamic culture that welcomes visitors from all walks of life. It’s one of the few mosques in Dubai open to non-Muslims, offering a unique glimpse into the Emirati way of life. The mosque’s open-door policy echoes Dubai’s multicultural ethos, inviting tourists to partake in a journey of understanding and appreciation.

Jumeirah Mosque History

Constructed in the late 20th century, the Jumeirah Mosque has been a focal point of Dubai’s religious and cultural scene. It was commissioned by Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, the then ruler of Dubai, who envisioned a space that would encapsulate the spiritual and societal values of Islam. Since its inauguration, the mosque has played a pivotal role in the community, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and enlightenment.

The Jumeirah Mosque’s history dates back to 1976, when its construction began under the vision of the Late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. It was completed in 1979, during a period of rapid development in Dubai. The mosque was a generous gift from Sheikh Rashid to his son, the current Ruler of Dubai, HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Jumeirah Mosque Architecture

Designed in the traditional Fatimid style, which finds its roots in Syrian and Egyptian architecture, the mosque is a stunning structure that can accommodate up to 1,500 worshippers. Its design features a hypostyle hall, a high central dome, and a Qibla wall facing Mecca, adorned with intricate Arabic calligraphy and ornamentation, avoiding the depiction of human or animal forms in accordance with Islamic law.

The mosque’s architecture is a marvel, reflecting the Fatimid style that originated from Egypt and Syria. The intricate details and the pure white façade stand out against the blue sky, creating a visual symphony of peace and tranquillity. The minarets reach towards the heavens, while the domes represent the vastness of the universe, inviting reflection and introspection.

Jumeirah Mosque Guided Tours

Jumeirah Mosque tours are a must for anyone visiting Dubai. Conducted by knowledgeable guides, these tours offer insights into the Islamic faith and Emirati customs. Visitors can observe the prayer rituals, admire the mosque’s stunning interior, and engage in open discussions about religion and culture. The tours are a bridge between diverse peoples, fostering a deeper understanding of the Muslim world.

Jumeirah Mosque Conclusion

The Jumeirah Mosque is more than just a landmark; it’s a journey into the soul of Dubai. It represents the city’s commitment to tolerance and cultural dialogue. Whether you’re seeking spiritual solace or cultural enrichment, the Jumeirah Mosque is a place where all are welcome, and every visit leaves a lasting impression.

A Renowned Cultural Hub

The Jumeirah Mosque is one of the few mosques in Dubai open to non-Muslim visitors, offering a unique opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding through the “Open Doors. Open Minds.” program by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU). This initiative fosters interactive programs that build cultural awareness and tolerance among nationalities and cultures worldwide.

Jumeirah Mosque : Timelessness of this The Mosque even today

Today, the Jumeirah Mosque is not only a place for prayer but also a community center that hosts educational tours, cultural events, and discussions. It serves as a bridge between the past and the present, inviting people from all walks of life to appreciate the beauty of Islamic culture and the spirit of inclusivity that Dubai embodies.

In conclusion, the Jumeirah Mosque is more than just a building; it is a beacon of peace and understanding, inviting everyone to learn, reflect, and connect. Its doors remain open, echoing the message that in the heart of Dubai, there is a place for everyone. For more detailed information on visiting or participating in the cultural programs, please refer to the official resources provided.

Is Jumeirah Mosque free to visit?

Yes, the Jumeirah Mosque welcomes visitors without an entry fee, although donations are appreciated to support maintenance and community programs. Visiting the Jumeirah Mosque: A Blend of Culture and Architecture The Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai is not only a significant place of worship but also a cultural landmark that embodies the openness and diversity of the city. Built in the medieval Fatimid tradition, this mosque is renowned for its stunning architecture and spiritual ambiance. For those looking to visit, the Jumeirah Mosque offers guided tours that provide a deep dive into Islamic culture and Emirati traditions. The tours are conducted by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding under the program ‘Open Doors. Open Minds.’ and are available daily at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, except on Fridays. These tours are a unique opportunity for visitors of all faiths to gain insights into the local culture and religion.

The experience begins with traditional Emirati refreshments, followed by a tour of the mosque where visitors can learn about Islamic holidays, rituals, and customs. The mosque majlis is open from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM daily, providing a space for further exploration and understanding. Regarding the cost, there is a nominal fee for the guided tours. As of the latest information, the cost for an adult is AED 40, which is approximately 10 USD. This fee includes the tour and light refreshments, making it a valuable and enriching experience.

The Jumeirah Mosque stands as a testament to Dubai’s commitment to cultural exchange and understanding. It invites visitors to not only admire its beauty but also to engage with the community in a meaningful way. Whether you are a resident or a tourist, a visit to the Jumeirah Mosque is sure to be a memorable part of your Dubai experience. Remember to arrive 30 minutes before the program starts to register, and enjoy your visit to this iconic cultural treasure.

Why is Jumeirah Mosque famous?

The Jumeirah Mosque is renowned for its stunning architecture, open-door policy to non-Muslims, and its role in promoting cultural understanding.

The Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai stands as a beacon of Islamic culture and architectural magnificence. This mosque, famous for its stunning design, is not only a place of worship but also a symbol of Dubai’s commitment to cultural openness and understanding.

Constructed in the traditional Fatimid style, reminiscent of Syrian and Egyptian influences, the mosque was completed in 1979. It was a gift from the Late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum to his son, the current Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Jumeirah Mosque can accommodate up to 1,500 worshippers, reflecting the grandeur of its design and the importance of its role in the community.

What sets the Jumeirah Mosque apart is its inclusion in the “Open Doors. Open Minds.” program by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU). This initiative allows non-Muslim visitors to explore the mosque, partake in guided tours, and gain insights into the Islamic faith, promoting a message of tolerance and unity. The mosque’s interior is devoid of human or animal images, adhering to the principles of Islamic decor, and is instead adorned with intricate geometric designs and elegant Arabic calligraphy. These elements not only enhance the spiritual ambiance but also showcase the rich heritage of Islamic art.

The Jumeirah Mosque is not just an important place of worship; it is also among the most photographed mosques in Dubai due to its pure white stone construction and the intricate geometric designs that adorn its facade. Situated near the bustling Dubai Marina, the mosque’s beauty is amplified by its surroundings, making it an awe-inspiring landmark for both residents and visitors. In summary, the Jumeirah Mosque’s fame is attributed to its architectural beauty, cultural significance, and the role it plays in fostering a better understanding of Islam among people of all backgrounds. It stands as a testament to Dubai’s rich history and its modern ethos of openness and inclusivity.

What is the dress code for the Jumeirah Mosque?

Visitors are expected to dress modestly, with long sleeves and trousers or skirts. Women are also required to cover their heads, and traditional attire can be borrowed on-site. For men, it is required to wear clothing that covers the knees and shoulders. Shorts or skirts above the ankle are not permitted. It is recommended to wear loose-fitting attire rather than tight clothing. If a visitor does not have appropriate clothing, the mosque provides traditional Emirati attire, such as Kandooras, to borrow for the visit. Women visitors are expected to cover their heads with a headscarf and wear clothing that covers their arms and legs. Abayas and Sheilas are available to borrow upon entry to the mosque for those who may need them. This ensures that all visitors can participate in the mosque’s tours comfortably and respectfully.

The Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding manages the dress code at the Jumeirah Mosque and also offers a hygiene process where all garments are regularly cleaned. This thoughtful service allows everyone to experience the mosque without the worry of dress code compliance. By adhering to these guidelines, visitors can fully engage with the cultural experience the Jumeirah Mosque offers, making it a memorable and respectful visit.

The Jumeirah Mosque Dubai is a cornerstone of Dubai’s cultural and religious landscape. It offers a serene escape from the bustling city life and a chance to connect with the local heritage. Jumeirah mosque tours are regularly organized as part of city tours or specific cultural tours. Whether you’re planning to explore the mosque through guided tours or wish to witness its beauty on your own, the experience is sure to be enriching. Remember to respect the local customs and dress code, and you’re guaranteed an unforgettable visit to one of Dubai’s most cherished jewels.

For those looking to delve deeper into the experience, securing tickets for organized trips and tours can enhance the visit. The Jumeirah Mosque is not just a destination; it’s a passage to understanding the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity that defines Dubai. So, pack your bags, book your trip, and prepare to be captivated by the Jumeirah Mosque’s timeless allure.

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Mosque Dress Code For Tourists

jumeirah mosque guided tour

Here is the mosque dress code when visiting the Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai or the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi:

  If you are visiting a mosque especially the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, you need to have a more conservative dress code. For men and women, your legs and arms need to be covered – no shorts or skirts above the ankle. Additionally, your clothes should not be tight fitting – this is not the place for yoga pants! Try and ensure the fabric of your clothes is opaque as well, as see-through garments are inappropriate in a religious environment. Female visitors to the mosque will be asked to cover their hair; however, a headscarf will be provided to them upon entry. As a side note, you will be asked to remove your shoes.

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A Muslim-friendly guide to Moscow, Russia

In Travel Guide by Dina Dzhunskalieva May 2, 2020

A Muslim-friendly guide to Moscow

Moscow, the capital of Russia and home to an estimated 12 million people, may not be the obvious Muslim-friendly destination. However, the Muslim community in Russia grows year by year – various estimates place the current Muslim population in Russia at between 14 million and 20 million people. With this growth in the local Muslim population, the Russian capital is becoming increasingly Muslim-friendly. The proof? A rising number of Muslim-friendly cafes and restaurants, prayer facilities and festive Muslim events. 

Of course, no visit to Moscow is complete without a visit to the Kremlin, Red Square and St.Basil’s Cathedral. But how Muslim-friendly is Russia’s capital?

Here’s your Muslim-friendly guide to visiting this incredible city by local moskvichka , Dina Dzhunskalieva. 

Muslim-friendly experiences in Moscow

1. pray in one of the biggest mosques in europe.

The streets surrounding Moscow Cathedral Mosque fill with worshippers during Eid, despite the mosque’s 10 000 person capacity. Photo: AFP

The origins of Moscow Cathedral Mosque can be traced to 1904, but it was demolished and completely reconstructed in 2015. During the period of the Soviet Union, Moscow Cathedral Mosque was the only one in the city that remained open for Muslims to worship in. In September 2015 President Putin himself presided over the mosque’s inauguration ceremony, together with President Erdogan (Turkey) and President Mahmoud Abbas (Palestinian Authority). The impressive architecture features 72m-high minarets and a central dome decorated with no less than 12 kg of gold leaf, which looks especially beautiful on a sunny day, shining in all of its glory.  The new mosque can hold an estimated 10 000 worshippers, which is much needed in Moscow. During major celebrations such as Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha, it’s estimated that 100 000 Muslims gather outside the central mosque alone, filling the streets with worshippers offerring their Eid prayers.

Top Tip: Do not miss the opportunity to visit the small museum at the mosque, which has a number of historical artefacts from the Muslim world!

2. Try delicious authentic cuisine from Central Asia and the Caucasus at halal eateries

Moscow is a hub for ethnicities from all over Russia and post-Soviet republics. Every ethnicity has its national cuisine and with seven of Russia’s 22 republics being Muslim-majority populations, there is a sumptuous variety of halal local food on offer.

There are more and more halal cafes and restaurants opening in Moscow, and here are my personal top 3 recommendations that any foodie should not miss: 

  • “Chaihona Aiva”

An Uzbek restaurant with a great range of the main Central Asian dishes: plov, manty, samsa and more. Reasonable prices make this place even more attractive for tourists, as for locals. 

Beautiful interiors compliment the hearty Uzbek cuisine at Chaihona Aiva. Photo: Chaihona Aiva/TripAdvisor

Great spot if you want to try Caucasus cuisine without going to the Caucasus region itself. Home style chudu (crispy puff pastry with various fillings), Dagestani hinkal (dough-like dish served with garlic sauce and meat) and many more to enjoy. 

Crispy chudu parcels from Zhi Est. Photo: Zhi Est/TripAdvisor

Chinese cuisine, mainly represented by lamian – Lanzhou-style noodles. Tastes very close to Turkic laghman and very cheap, although the portions are huge. Also try the steamed bun and selection of various teas. 

Lanzhou-style noodles and lagman. Photo: Lanzhou/TripAdvisor

2. Experience Ramadan in a tent

Ramadan tents have been a feature of Ramadan in Moscow since at least 2003. Photo: Caucasian Knot

The Ramadan tent in Moscow offers iftar dinners and festive Ramadan activities for locals and Muslims who live in the city. On average, it hosts more than 500 guests every night. The budget organization of Iftars and entertainment programme come from Muslims themselves, first of all from the republics and communities which hold thematic evenings during Ramadan.

3. Listen to the most beautiful Quran recitation

The Moscow international Quran competition has taken place annually since 2000. Photo: VoiceofglobalUmmah.blogspot

Every year in Moscow, competitors from around the world gather to take part in an annual international Qur’an recitation competition. This year is the 20th Moscow Quran Reciting Competition, which was scheduled for 19th of April but has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This competition sees representatives from a number of Muslim states including Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Qatar as well as the Muslim-majority republics of Tatarstan, Dagestan and other regions.

Bookmark this travel guide so you can access it whenever a trip to Moscow is on the cards. In the meantime, check out more travel guides and tips over on our Inspiration Wall . 

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