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Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Bible Verses About Journey

What does the bible say about journey.

Have you recently trusted in Christ alone for salvation? Now it’s time to start your journey. Your Christian journey will not be easy, but God will give you strength to press on daily and overcome any situation. God promises to work in your life until the end to make you more like Christ. The Christian life is like a huge adventure with Christ.

25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Journey

You might have to take a few pit stops, you might get a flat tire here and there, you might go through a few thunderstorms , but though all your experiences, fruit is being built. You are becoming stronger, and your faith and reliance in Christ is growing.

God will take out bad habits and sin from our life. God has given us various things to help us on our journey such as prayer. We must spend time with the Lord daily . We are to have an intimate relationship with God. We are given the Bible to help us walk uprightly.

Scripture will help us connect and focus on the Lord. It will protect us from many different situations in life and give us daily wisdom. God has given believers the Holy Spirit to help us on our walk of faith. He will guide us in the right direction.

He will show us what to do. He will convict us when we’re going the wrong way. He will show us things in our lives that are holding us back and more.

We can also pray to the Spirit for help, peace, and comfort in times of trouble. We might be in the world, but we are not to follow the worlds desires. Allow your journey to glorify God.

Christian quotes about journey

“ My life is my journey with God . It may be hard sometimes but I am assured it would be all worth it.”

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”

Trust in the Lord on your long journey.

1. Proverbs 3:5– 6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and do not rely on your own understanding.  Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

2. Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord , and whose hope the Lord is.

Journey of life with God

God will work in your life to conform you into the image of Christ. The little things that you might go through are to help change you.

3. Romans 8:29 For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son , so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers .

4. Philippians 1:6 I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

5. 2 Peter 3:18 Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.

6. Colossians 2:6-7 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

You will have to go through many trials and different obstacles.

7. James 1:2-4 Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance . But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.

8. Romans 5:3-5 Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Now this hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

9. John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”

10. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Press on with your journey of faith

11. Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Keep your eyes on your captain or you will get lost and distracted.

12. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith ; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

You will not get through your walk of faith without prayer.

13. Luke 18:1 Jesus told his disciples a parable about their need to pray all the time and never give up.

14. Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit , and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints .

God gave you a helper. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life and guide your life.

15. John 14:16 I will ask the Father to give you another Helper , to be with you always.

16. Romans 8:26 At the same time the Spirit also helps us in our weakness , because we don’t know how to pray for what we need. But the Spirit intercedes along with our groans that cannot be expressed in words.

Meditate on the Word: Allow God to guide you through His Word.

17. Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

18. Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Imitate Christ and do the will of God.

19. Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do , and he will establish your plan.

20. John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “ My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.

On our journey we must continually avoid Satan, confess our sins, and forsake them.

21. Ephesians 6:11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to s tand firm against all strategies of the devil.

22. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

23. 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Examples of journey in the Bible

24. Jonah 3:2-4 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it.  Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.”

25. Judges 18:5-6 Then they said, “Ask God whether or not our journey will be successful.” “ Go in peace,” the priest replied. “For the LORD is watching over your journey.”

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God . I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.

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Luke 1:37 – “For No Word From God Will Ever Fail.”

© 2013 – 2023 Bible Reasons – All Rights Reserved

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Experiencing God on Our Journey of Faith

Experiencing God on Our Journey of Faith

god home journey

  • Be available to God — don't believe our schedule is too full to find faith.
  • Be open to experience God in fresh ways — to encounter him in places and times we don't see as necessarily religious or comfortable.
  • Be hospitable to God and his people — welcoming others in the name of God become ways we welcome the presence of "The Holy" into our lives.
  • Be committed to right living instead of settling for being religious — right living means we are concerned about pleasing God and how we treat others.
  • Be willing to making agenda changes in life — our experiences of God and with God often call us to explore new ideas, new lands, and new people.
  • The Psalms : The collection of the Psalms in our Bible offers us the language of life we can use to address God. There are psalms of joy and sorrow, rejoicing and lament, peace and tumult, praise and anger, confidence and desperation. Spend time in the Psalms to help broaden your vocabulary to address God, and you will also find that God is much bigger and much more gracious than you have previously known. In doing so, you will also discover that the Almighty longs to draw near in every situation of life, not just those rosy, all is great, days of spiritual strength.
  • Matthew : For 19 centuries, Matthew was the gospel of God's people. When we lost Matthew from our regular reading, we lost a precious gift. Matthew was written to help us know and experience Immanuel — God with us on our journey. Matthew reminds us that we can experience God on our journey through the long story of Scripture that ends in Jesus ( Matthew 1:23 ), radical and loving community ( Matthew 18:20 ), compassionate care of those in need ( Matthew 25:40 ), and in walking beside people until Jesus' will transforms them into authentic disciples ( Matthew 28:19-20 ). {Be sure and read the context of these passages for their full impact!} God wants us to experience him as Immanuel, the God whom we can experience in our journey of faith.

god home journey

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  • Finding Jesus: Experiencing Jesus as Immanuel
  • Leave, God, and Bless!
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The Hollow Knight Beta is a beta build of Hollow Knight which was first sent to Kickstarter backers in September 2015. [1] It was also released as a sneak peek for Humble Monthly Bundle subscribers on the 3 February, 2017. [2] The beta was released to everyone on 21 September, 2020, after being posted by Team Cherry on the Hollow Knight Discord server . [3]

All of the major changes between the beta and the final release version of Hollow Knight are documented below.

The beta can be downloaded here .

Found along the path leading to Greenpath. He is held in the mandibles of a Vengefly King, and the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him. If saved, he complains that the Knight got in the way between him and his "prey", he introduces himself and boasts about his supposed mighty deeds.

If he is not saved before acquiring the Mantis Claw, he dies in this location, with his nail and shell remaining. Hitting his shell here grants the Neglect achievement.

If he is saved in Greenpath, Zote shows up in Dirtmouth, where he once again talks to the Knight in an arrogant fashion.

Zote can be found in a corridor leading back to the storerooms of the City of Tears. He has forgotten the Knight and introduces himself again.

Found stuck in spider webs, presumably having been captured by the beasts of Deepnest. Once again the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him, though this time leaving him does not result in his death. If saved, he once again complains about the Knight meddling in his supposed heroics.

The Five Great Knights of Hallownest once stood beneath the throne as the kingdom's protectors. They are revered figures who are often mentioned in historical records but only as a group. Information on the individual Great Knights is sparse, with Relic Seeker Lemm noting that their names and appearance seem to have been erased from history.

The Five Great Knights are:

  • Ze'mer ( Grey Mourner )
  • Ogrim ( Dung Defender )

By the time the Knight returns to Hallownest, three of the Great Knights have either died or disappeared. Only Ogrim and Ze'mer are known to be alive.

The Great Knights are depicted in Ogrim's cave below his boss arena as statues made of dung:

Five Great Knights Dung Statues

  • 2.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 3.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 7 How to Acquire
  • 12 How to Acquire
  • 14.1 Dirtmouth
  • 14.2 Forgotten Crossroads
  • 14.3 King’s Pass
  • 15 Audio differences
  • 16.1 Cornifer
  • 16.2 Elderbug
  • 16.3 The Last Stag
  • 16.5 Quirrel
  • 16.7 Snail Shaman
  • 17.1 Enemies
  • 17.2 Bosses
  • 18.1 Abilities
  • 18.4 Invincibility frames
  • 19.1 Cornifer
  • 19.2 Iselda
  • 19.3 Confessor Jiji
  • 19.4 Last Stag
  • 19.5 Menderbug
  • 19.6 Salubra
  • 20 Miscellaneous differences
  • 22.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 23.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 27 How to Acquire
  • 32 How to Acquire
  • 34 References
  • 35 Description
  • 37 How to access
  • 39 How to Acquire
  • 41 Sub-area: Land of Storms
  • 43 How to Acquire
  • 45.1 Hall of Gods
  • 47.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 48.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 52 How to Acquire
  • 57 How to Acquire
  • 58.1 Locked Lifeblood Room
  • 59 Deep Docks
  • 61.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 62.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 66 How to Acquire
  • 71 How to Acquire
  • 72.1 Tuner Memory
  • 74 Deep Docks
  • 77.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 78.1 Dream Nail Dialogue
  • 82 How to Acquire
  • 87 How to Acquire
  • 89 References

Grey Mourner2

Located in the Resting Grounds where she is known as the " Grey Mourner ", Ze'mer is the only remaining Great Knight besides Ogrim. Sheo refers to her as "mysterious Ze'mer". She is not native to Hallownest, originating from "lands serene", a location from which she also brought Delicate Flowers . There is not much known about Ze'mer when she was a Great Knight, but Ogrim remarks on how she told stories.

After her Mantis lover died, Ze'mer turned to mourning and retreated to her house in the Resting Grounds. She dissipates after the Knight delivers the Delicate Flower to the grave of her lover.

White Knight Dead

Dryya had a hard front, and Nailmaster Sheo refers to her as "Fierce Dryya", although she is noted to have been a caring type. Ogrim mentions that he misses her wisdom. She was tasked with standing guard over the White Lady in the Queen's Gardens .

After defeating numerous Mantis Traitors , evidenced by the pile of their corpses aside Dryya's own, they eventually overwhelmed her. The White Lady is not aware of Dryya's death.

Dream Nail Dialogue


Referred to as "kindly Isma" by Nailmaster Sheo, there is little known about Isma, but her strength seemed to surpass that of Ogrim's, and her nature seemed to be kind and understanding. Ogrim and Isma had a very close relationship, even more so since he seems to be protecting her grove specifically. Isma’s powers and capabilities are not specifically stated but seem to have some relation to acid, as her tear or "blessing" grants acid immunity. Her grove is referred to as the "source of acid blight."

She can be found within the Royal Waterways , in Isma’s Grove. She appears to be dead and her body can be seen attached to a wall by plant growth; making the cause of her death the most questionable.

  • ...Ogrim... there's no time...

False Knight Statue

Hegemol is the only Great Knight whose whereabouts are largely unknown. He was the favourite Great Knight of Nailmaster Sheo, who calls him "Mighty Hegemol". He was a towering figure but soft spoken, which was surprising for somebody of his stature. Ogrim mentions that he misses Hegemol's humour.

A statue of Hegemol can be found outside the City of Tears , requiring the City Crest to open the gate to the city.

While Hegemol was sleeping, his armoured shell was stolen by a Maggot who wanted to defend his siblings. It is unknown whether Hegemol is alive after this or if he was murdered by the maggot. While the False Knight who stole his shell wields a mace with an armoured bug attached to the end, Hegemol himself is always shown without any weapon.


The most loyal of the Five Great Knights, Ogrim is found in the Royal Waterways where he is known as " Dung Defender ". He hopes to meet the other Great Knights again and see Hallownest be reborn. Although he misses Isma in particular, he is not able to visit her grove due to his duties and an oath that he swore. Due to this, he seems to be unaware of Isma's fate and the fate of the other Great Knights.

The Love Key is an Item in Hollow Knight .

Opens the door inside the Tower of Love where the Collector can be fought.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Location in the City of Tears where the Love Key can be used

How to Acquire

Found on a corpse in the southeast of the Queen's Gardens above the path to the Fungal Wastes . Retrieving the key requires Isma's Tear .

Location in Queen's Gardens

  • The large dead Husk Dandy holding the Love Key can be Dream Nailed , providing the dialogue:

Four of the five Great Knights and the Pale King in Dung Defender's dream

  • A fight with Dryya was planned early in development but was later cut . A Kickstarter update described her as:
  • Ogrim was revealed as a boss in a Kickstarter update with a different backstory:
  • In early development, Herrah the Beast was named Hegemol. This was later changed to her current name.

Area differences

The beta only contains King's Pass , Dirtmouth , and the Forgotten Crossroads . Some parts of these areas have remained the same in the release version, while some were still incomplete and are missing certain aspects. The following is a list of most major differences in the beta areas compared to the areas in the release version of Hollow Knight .

Audio differences

Several audio changes were made in the release version compared to the beta, although overall most audio stayed the same.

Dialogue differences

Most dialogue of NPCs is different in the beta.

Enemy and boss differences

Several enemies and bosses have behaviour changes, location changes, or visual changes.

Gameplay differences

The gameplay of the beta has some notable differences, including different abilities and combat.

NPC differences

Some NPCs are missing from their location in the release version, or found in different locations. They may also have different behaviour in the beta compared to the release version.

Miscellaneous differences

  • ↑ Blog post of 1 September, 2015.
  • ↑ Tweet by Team Cherry on 24 January, 2017.
  • ↑ Message with the Beta download link . 21 September, 2020. Retrieved 26 June, 2021.

Godmaster Icon

Godhome is an area that is located in the Dream Realm . It has several locations where bosses can be fought.


Godhome's architecture generally consists of gold-coloured pillars and archways. It has clouds in the background and yellow-gold dreamcatchers fading in and out throughout the area. Golden leaves cover some of the rooms.

Screenshot HK Godhome 01

Pillars near the entrance

The west part of Godhome contains the entrance and exit of the area. There are pillars which lead to the main atrium. This atrium holds the five Pantheons where bosses can be fought in a certain order once they are unlocked. The lower atrium has four of the five Pantheons, with a Bench in the upper part. The lowest part of the atrium contains the Hall of Gods , a Lifeblood door which unlocks after finishing Pantheons with Bindings equipped, and a Hot Spring in the very south-east.

Godhome Panth1-3

The first three Pantheons

The upper part of Godhome's atrium is unlocked after completing the Pantheon of the Knight and then striking the structure above this Pantheon, which is followed by a short cutscene guiding the player. It contains another Hot Spring and the Pantheon of Hallownest at the very top. A Bench can be accessed by dropping down on the east side of this Pantheon. The entrance to the Land of Storms, a sub-area of Godhome, is located on the west part of the upper Hot Spring. It can be opened after completing all Pantheons with all Bindings and then dropping down on the west side of the Pantheon of Hallownest.

Land of Storms Centre

The Land of Storms

Godhome exists in the mind of the Godseeker . The Godseeker's physical body is located in the Junk Pit , but inside Godhome she and the other Godseekers are present. The Godseekers are originally from a land called the Land of Storms where they served the Gods of Thunder and Gods of Rain . [1] At some point their gods forsook them, prompting the Godseekers to find new gods, which they searched for in Hallownest . [1] [2]

The Godseekers use Godhome to attune themselves to the voices of the gods through ritual combat in order to ascend ever higher. [3] [4] They aim to use their Godly focus to find a God of Gods. [5] [6]

How to access

Screenshot HK Godseeker 03

Godseeker's cocoon in Junk Pit

Godhome can be accessed by using the Dream Nail on Godseeker in the Junk Pit. Godseeker can be freed from her sarcophagus with a Simple Key .

To reach the Junk Pit, the Desolate Dive / Descending Dark Spell has to be used on the ground below the Bench in the Royal Waterways . The Junk Pit can be entered by destroying a breakable wall near Flukemarm's location.

  • Inhabitants
  • Points of Interest

Sub-area: Land of Storms

After clearing all Pantheons and filling out all the Binding notches for each Pantheon (Master, Artist, Sage, Knight, and Hallownest), a crack opens in the wall of a secret area. This area is accessible by dropping off the left side and hugging the wall of the platform on which the Pantheon of Hallownest is found.

The Land of Storms is a small, near-empty sub-area with a singular path that leads through post-apocalyptic ruins. The atmosphere is also accompanied by howling winds, thunder and distant lightning. Additionally, the path is littered with the masks of Godseekers . Once reaching the end, the Knight is greeted with an airy room with the corpses of 2 massive figures looming in the background, these are possibly the "Gods of Thunder" and "Gods of Rain" . On the ground is an item. Upon inspecting, it unlocks the Journal entry for the Weathered Mask .

Special Rooms

Hall of gods.

Hall of Gods-tablet

The Hall of Gods is a massive room filled with the statues of previously encountered Bosses now under the name of "Gods". Note that many bosses here are not actually gods, or are debated over, but are considered as such by the Godseekers regardless. It is found at the very bottom level of Godhome. Each boss can be re-fought here an unlimited number of times with three different difficulties: Attuned, Ascended, and Radiant. When a new statue of a boss has just been unlocked the circle outside of the Hall of Gods and to the upper right of the door glows.

Locked Lifeblood Room

Godhome Locked Lifeblood Door

Located on the bottom floor of the first area within the Godhome, to the left of the Hall of Gods doorway.

The notches represent the total number of unique Bindings earned/collected throughout the Pantheons. Completing any Pantheon with an active Binding fills in the notches surrounding the locked door unless that Binding was already collected.

Reaching the first major notch opens the door and grants Lifeblood Masks when partaking in the Pantheons, while reaching consecutive major notches increases the number of Lifeblood Masks granted.

This page lists all Lore Tablets found in Hollow Knight: Silksong .

Tuner Memory

Tuning device

When using the Dream Nail on the Godseeker in the Junk Pit after completing the first three Pantheons, there is a 2% chance that, instead of being transported to Godhome, the Knight finds themself in this memory. The area contains an open space that bears a resemblance to the Howling Cliffs . Moving west leads to the Godseeker who is partially hidden in the background. At the end of this area is a temporary tuning device which can be inspected, after which the Knight is transported out of the memory and into Godhome. After entering it for the first time, this area cannot be entered again.

Entrance and exit of Godhome

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Weathered Mask Hunter's Journal entry: "Gods of Thunder, Gods of Rain! Why forsake thy servants? Will Our minds be left suffering, to ache alone?"
  • ↑ The Godseeker : "These winds carry Us to thee, dear Gods..."
  • ↑ The Godseeker: "Through ritual combat are We attuned to the voices of the Gods."
  • ↑ The Godseeker Dream Nail dialogue: "O Gods of Hallownest, show Us your might! We shall attune Ourselves to thee and ascend ever higher!"
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Our Journey with God

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“Life’s a journey, not a destination,” Steven Tyler sang in the rock band Aerosmith’s 1993 song, “Amazing.”

Amazing doesn’t quite describe the quirky fact that the very same phrase Aerosmith used in 1993 was used in 1920 by Methodist pastor and theologian Lynn H. Hough in a Sunday school lesson outline on the New Testament letter of 1 Peter: “ life is a journey and not a destination .” However, we may want to hear the rest of the quote to make sense of it:

Life is a journey and not a destination; that the heart must be set upon those matters of character which are eternal and not upon those matters of sensation which pass away.

I think Steven Tyler would have been as shocked as Lynn Hough that their view of life was shared in this instance.

Yet, both of them echo a reality woven throughout the Scripture about our lives as human beings: we are on a journey through our days. Ideally, that journey is with God, but regardless of whether we believe in God or not, “journey” is the way we experience life.

One of the places where this comes clear in Scripture is in a little section of the Old Testament Book of Psalms known as the Psalms of Ascent.

The Psalms of Ascent consist of 15 psalms, from 120 through 134. While there are different ideas about what the “ascent” referenced in this group is all about, the most likely possibility is that these psalms were sung and prayed by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. They were traveling to the temple in celebration of the three main festivals of the Hebrew people: Passover, Pentecost, and Booths (Exodus 23:14-17). No matter where they were, they would ascend toward Jerusalem because it was on the heights, but also because it was symbolically the spiritual high point where God dwelt with human beings.

These pilgrim songs, these road-trip prayers, acted like a soundtrack for the people of God in their travels. They took the Hebrew people back to the nomadic faith journey of Abraham and the liberation journey of the Exodus. It was a reminder that they were a people on the way with God.

These psalms do the same for us today as well. They remind us that our life with God is a journey. It is a journey with God, but also a journey with his people on the way to the eternal kingdom.

The writer to the Hebrews in the New Testament describes God’s people as “foreigners and strangers on earth … looking for a country of their own” (Hebrews 11:13-14). With the Psalms of Ascent we sing and pray a soundtrack for the pilgrimage of our life with God, not just to Jerusalem, but to the eternal country that is our heavenly home in God for eternity.

In these Psalms of Ascent we see what it means to be shaped spiritually by God and his truth more than the surrounding context of our world. In a culture set on instantaneous achievement, instantaneous acquisition, instantaneous food out of a microwave or vending machine, we know life does not really work that way. The Psalms of Ascent slow us down enough so that we can take our time on a journey with God. There are certain things that we need in our lives, in our souls, if we are really going to grow with God over the long haul. These psalms show us what it means to grow over time, not in an instant; what it means to live life on a pilgrimage, where we draw nearer to seeing God in space and time every hour of our lives.

Beginning with the Lord in Our Distress

In the 2010 movie The Way we follow Tom, an American doctor, who receives the shocking news that his estranged adult son has unexpectedly died in a storm while hiking the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of Saint James. Dealing with his unresolved grief, Tom decides to honor his son’s desire to complete the Camino by embarking on the historical pilgrimage himself. Unprepared and not physically conditioned for it, Tom’s journey takes him beyond himself. He encounters his need for others, his need for resolution of his grief, and his need for a deeper spiritual meaning in life.

The film is moving to watch and parallels some of the real reasons people walk this historic pilgrimage path today. Some friends of mine run a hostel at the end of the Camino, in the beautiful city of Santiago de Compostela. Time and again they encounter people who are searching for something in their lives. Many are in the midst of distress and the walk along the Camino de Santiago becomes a pilgrimage not only physically but spiritually, as they seek a breakthrough to a deeper, more spiritual reality in life.

For most of us, the journey of our lives involves moments of distress. This is how Psalm 120 begins.

(Read Psalm 120:1-2)

When we think about going on a spiritual journey, this may feel like a strange way to start. However, it shouldn't feel strange because the beginning of our own journey with God involves coming to the end of ourselves. It begins with us saying, “Save me, God.”

Life is all about this. If life is about nothing else, it's about realizing that we are, if I can borrow bit of a language from Alcoholics Anonymous, powerless to change ourselves. We need a higher power. You may know that AA has its roots in Christianity. This acknowledgment that change happens when we come to the end of ourselves and reach out to God is just what we see in Psalm 120:1-2. Of course, that is not just true of alcoholics. It's true of anyone who exists on earth.

If you've been on the journey with God, you know this. So many times in our lives, we come to the end of ourselves because of physical situations in our lives, because of spiritual realities that we're dealing with, because of emotional difficulties in our lives, because of relational things that are happening, or even the broader challenges in the world around us. Sometimes simply reading the news is enough to bring us to the end of ourselves.

The journey with God begins by simply saying, “I do not have it in myself to make it in the abundant life, the best life possible and so, God, would you save me because I actually am in distress in one way or another.” That beginning is marked by honesty with God .

Sometimes when people come to church they think they need to put on a game face. It’s the religious game face with the religious answers and the religious smile that says everything is great. But the reality is different. We come to worship from a lot of different places and some of us are not great now. Don't misunderstand me. God is still great. God is still good. He's still almighty. However, there are moments of distress that come in our lives, when one of the most spiritual things we can do is to admit it before God and everybody else. It doesn't mean we stay in that place forever, but we say, “God, I need you.” Wherever we are coming from in this moment today, it is good to simply express to God, “I need you.”

When we get honest with God in prayer—admit that we have needs, admit that we have distress, admit that we have come to the end of ourselves—something new begins. It says in Scripture that God is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). That does not mean we have to walk around heavy-hearted all the time. It does means that when we cannot carry ourselves, God loves to step in and carry us. The meaning of the incarnation of Jesus is that God steps inside of humanity’s broken existence that he might carry us back to himself; that we might be reconciled back to God through Christ. The honest admission of our need to God is the beginning of our journey with God.

Distress can open something up for us when we call to God, when we let him be, as verse two says, our Savior. That's the personal name of God, Yahweh : “Yahweh, please save me from lying lips and from deceitful tongues.” Now, here's the reality about distress. Sometimes there is distress inside of us and at other times there is distress surrounding us. God is the kind of being who, when we say, “I need you, I'm in distress,” he is there and he saves. Whether it's the internal distress or the surrounding distress, God is a Savior big enough for the external and the internal distress in our lives.

Is anybody in distress today? Are you feeling it on the inside? Are you feeling it around you? Do you feel it in the nation? Do you feel it in the world? God is not bound by what's inside of us or what's beyond us. He is the Almighty God and God is also close at hand.

Untangling Falsehood with God’s Truth

Have you ever had somebody tell lies about you? There is nothing you can do about it. I mean, you could try. I’m not encouraging this, but you could punch the person in the face so they couldn't talk. You could try that, but it would not stop the root of the problem. Maybe you wish you had a mute button on other people. Just be careful. They may wish they had a mute button on you, too.

What can lies do to you? Well, lies can do some things to you. They can ruin your reputation. They can make things very difficult for you. They can make circumstances bad. They can make people you love become people you hate. What can lies do to you? A lot of things, but not everything. There is a limit on what lies can do. The real question is: What can God do in the midst of lies?

(Read Psalm 120:3-4)

Sounds extreme, doesn't it? How does God feel about lies? Well, this is what it says in Proverbs 12:22, “Yahweh detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

When lies come against us or when lies come out of our mouth, God is not full of joy. He detests that. Why? Because he is a God of truth and there will come a day, the scriptures tell us, when the truth will be revealed. If I needed a sermon illustration, I could easily just point at the news. Again and again, no matter how hard we try to hide things that are in the darkness, the truth comes out. There will come a day when all the lies that people use to cover over darkness will be brought into the light. Honestly, it will be a scary moment when the lies of our lips are shown to be the lies that they are.

It says here in Psalm 120 that God advocates for truth and he actually stands against those who are liars. This reflects what Jesus says in John 8:44 about the devil. “When he [the devil] lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). The problem is that sometimes we learn the native language of the devil and we take it inside of ourselves. The apostle Paul says this to the early church: “Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices” (Col. 3:9).

Contrary to lying is loving one another, carrying each other's burdens, and being a person who is trustworthy and true. Scripture offers us a picture of the end of human history, that shows even if there are lies that have been placed out there, God will come and brings the fullness of his kingdom. What is that kingdom like? This is the way it is described in Zephaniah 3:12-13:

I will leave within you the meek and humble. The remnant … will do no wrong; they will tell no lies. A deceitful tongue will not be found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.

This does not sound like the rulers of the earth, does it? This describes the fulfillment of Psalm 120. God is at work in the midst of the world, and though lying lips may do things to us in our lives, God is our defender standing in the truth, standing against the father of lies and all those who have learned his language, even when it gets inside of us. God stands against that and calls us to be the kind of people who are not only standing in the truth ourselves, but are actually protected by the father of truth. This is the invitation to a becoming a different sort of person, living by a different sort of story, in the midst of a different sort of journey?

Living for Peace in the Midst of Conflict

“Well,” you may say, “that sounds good, Matt, but my life is not like that. You don’t know what my workplace is like and what my neighborhood is like.” I understand that. But listen to what the Psalmist says next.

(Read Psalm 120:5)

Meshek and Kedar may be a bit confusing. Meshek is in present-day Turkey, beyond the northern-most border of the land of Israel, and Kedar is located in present-day Saudi Arabia, south of the land of Israel. These are two foreign peoples located at the extreme opposite ends of Israel.

When the people would go on pilgrimage, they would come from a lot of different places around the land. This writer of Psalm 120 is not saying that he’s necessarily living in these places, but that these two peoples serve as figurative names of the barbarian people that he is in the midst of (Kidner, Psalms 73-150, p. 430). He’s saying, “Oh man, the people I live in and around, they remind me of the heathen barbarians. That's the way that I feel right now. They are these people far off in the furthest reaches and not at all like God’s people.”

We could ask ourselves, who or what is our Meshek and Kedar today? Meshek and Kedar are different things for each of us. They are places we feel like we find ourselves amidst people where God’s truth and way is not upheld. They are the places we find ourselves where a kind of heathen imagination and imagination that's far from God takes us captive. Meshek and Kedar represent what’s happening when we find ourselves trying to live for God, trying to be on pilgrimage, trying to see the celestial city that we're aiming for, trying to hear God's voice, but all we can hear is the rumblings of the chaotic mindset contrary to God around us.

Do you ever experience these sorts of realities? It is almost as if the psalmist feels unable to see beyond the chaos into the destination of the journey. “Woe to me that I dwell in Meshek, that I live among the tents of Kedar. Too long have I lived among those who hate peace.”

The prayers in the Psalms of Ascent are songs of a people on the journey with God, even in the midst of people, lands, and times that are at odds with God. As we take this pilgrimage with God, we join in prayer together, singing these songs many times in a land and in the presence of people that seem to be against us. Even when we feel like someone is against us or like the territory or environment is at odds with our faith journey, it is an opportunity.

The journey with God starts right where we are, right in the midst of the chaos of the world around us. We cannot wait to get to another place that is difficulty-free to start the journey. Instead, we start the journey in the midst of opposition, right in the places that are not for peace, right in the places that seem to be dead-set against God's ways, even the places where conflict and lies seem gathered around. In the mist of those places, the people of God can step forward and say, “In this place, I am for God. I am for truth. I am for his ways.” That is where the journey begins.

The prayers of the people on pilgrimage arise from a community joining together on the journey in an alien, or even hostile, place. They sing these song as they journey together, and that, too, is instructive to us. The journey with God is not just something you do on your own. The Psalms of Ascent are a communal journey. Imagine a group of a cluster of people off on the very edges of Israel, maybe past Syria, towards the land of Meshek, and they’re beginning to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. As they traverse the land, they begin to sing Psalm 120. One person starts the song and the hearts that are heavy and the minds that are worn out from living amidst a people opposed to God begin to join in with the song together. Sometimes you just need somebody else to start the song so you can join in and get going on the journey together as well.

This week I received a song like that. Actually, it was a WhatsApp message from one of our friends who serves in another part of the world and is enduring some great hardships and violence. She reached out to a number of us requesting prayer and many of us responded with little messages of encouragement, saying things like, “We’re with you and we're praying for you.” After a while, she responded: “Thank you, Lord, for giving me spiritual family that can never be taken away!”

These prayers and songs of the people on the journey with God are prayed together. They are sung together because we need each other, and it's when we pray and sing together that our hearts are lifted up beyond the circumstances and the environment that’s opposed to God or us. When we reach out to one other and say, “We’re with you. We journey together,” the burden becomes lighter. We carry one another's burdens, lift one another's arms when we cannot go on, and we start to sing the songs of the Lord.

That's the journey of the people of God. It's not just one person but clusters of people. Is there a group of people around you who lifts your arms when you cannot rise? Are there people around you who can start to sing the song when you cannot sing the song yourself? Is there somebody there you can reach out to and say, “Pray for me because I am dwelling in the land of Meshek and Kedar.” We need each other.

(Read Psalm 120:6-7)

When we read this psalm, for some of us it is easiest to relate to the troubles dwelling in Meshek and living in Kedar. But the movement of this psalm is toward peace, not toward sitting in the darkness or giving into the hatred around us.

That word, “peace,” is the well-known Hebrew word shalom . It’s one of the most prominent words in the Hebrew Bible. It does not simply mean inner peace or the absence of conflict. It means that everything is right and good in God’s world as he intends it to be. Biblical peace is not just personal, but is a social and relational peace. It means that the community is truly together, not just living without strife, but actually living with things being right, good, and harmonious, individually and together.

In light of the context of Meshek and Kedar, peace here means God’s people are free from judgment, oppression, and warfare. It means God’s people are living the good life, the way that God intended it to be, regardless of their setting. That is true both personally and in relationship with other people. Shalom .

This is the intention of God, but the world we live in feels so different. It is full of strife. We encounter that every day in some form. We see it in the major cities of our world, and we see it in our own city. We feel it in our families and in our friendships. We experience it in ourselves. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). Then James writes, “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness” (James 3:18).

Now, in a world of chaos and division, in a world of hatred and injustice, in a world where people use each other and things, it can look like the world is going to hell in a hand basket. In a world like that, the tendency for us, even as Christians, is sometimes to slide into hopelessness or hatred.

However, Psalm 120, which begins the journey of the Psalms of Ascent declares,

Even though I'm in the midst of an environment that's at odds with God, I choose to be the kind of person who does not slide into hopelessness. Neither do I slide into hatred. I set my eyes on God. I begin the journey with God. I choose to be a person aiming for the good life—the life of true shalom— in myself and for the community of God and for those beyond that sphere, so that people might be blessed through me, even as Abraham was called to be a blessing to every nation of the earth (Genesis 12:1-3).

This is peace-making, this bringing of blessing, is a mark of the journey with God from the very beginning.

Of course, the truth about intending to do something like that is we cannot create it ourselves. But there is One who can. His name is Jesus. He was spoken about by the prophet Isaiah, who described the Messiah as “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). When he spoke with his disciples before the suffering of the Cross, he said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can bring his peace into our lives and also bring his peace through us into the world around us.

As we think about the nature of our spiritual journey with the Psalms of Ascent, I would like to suggest four ways we can respond and make this real for us in our own lives.

First, some of us need to simply begin the journey and stop waiting for everything to get better. We should not wait for God to lift us out of the land of Kedar and Meshek, but begin with God right where we are.

Second, some of us in this place need to call out to God with honesty and brokenness. Perhaps you have been afraid to be honest with God in your life. This is the moment that can change. The journey with God is one that is marked by honesty and vulnerability. And so, perhaps the biggest step for some of us is simply to call out to God from the honesty of our lives, saying, “God, I’m in distress. I need your help. I want to begin with you.”

For others of us, God may be telling us that we need community in our lives. Perhaps that means reaching out to somebody else around you and asking, “Would you pray with me that I might be touched by God and his saving work in my life?” Even now, some of us need to reach out to others in our lives and say, “I need a group of people around me who can help me journey on the way.”

The truth is that we're not meant to do it alone. But I really believe there are some of us who have slid into hopelessness and God wants to replace that hopelessness with his peace. Maybe it's the hopelessness of your circumstances. Maybe it's the hopelessness of your health. Maybe it's the apparent hopelessness of the world or the strife in our nation. It really does not matter what form your hopelessness takes. It's time to take the hopelessness and bring it to the Cross of Christ and say, “God, would you be my peace.” It will not help us to crawl into some quiet place inside of ourselves or to hunker down somewhere in society when what we really need to do is crawl into the presence of God and let him be our hope.

Lastly, some of us have slid into the tendency of hatred toward others, and it is time to shed hatred because that is antithetical to the ways of God who wants to be our peace and, through us, shed peace upon others. Though we live in the tents of Kedar and dwell in Meshek, God wants to move us through the place of a hatred, and into the place of peace. Maybe today is the day to say,

God, I choose to let go of hatred toward myself. I choose to let go of hatred toward somebody in my family. I choose to let go of hatred toward some category of people in the world or toward some place in the world. Instead, God, I'm drawing near to you. I want you to be my peace. I want to go on the journey with you.

Let me simply say out loud that we cannot hide in our hatred. It will not protect us. Our hatred actually makes us vulnerable. But in the presence of God, we can draw near and enter the place of peace.

Wherever we are at this morning, let’s join together on the journey with God, letting the Psalms of Ascent be the songs, the prayers, the soundtrack for our journey.

Matt Erickson serves as the Senior Pastor of Eastbrook Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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God With Us: A Journey Home

“This is a beautiful re-telling of the most beautiful story ever told.”

—Karen Swallow Prior , Professor of Christianity & Culture, and author of On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books

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Transform your children’s experience of life in this sad, wonderful world as they journey home to God by following Scripture’s epic story.

Hardcover with full-color illustrations 268 pages

Written by Jeremy Pierre Illustrated by Cassandra Clark

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Learn more about the unique approach of God With Us with videos from author Jeremy Pierre (scroll down for more)

Introducing God With Us: A Journey Home — Why another storybook Bible?

“God with Us delivers truth with imagination, creativity, and beautiful illustrations. The gospel message becomes clearer with every turn of the page. Like a symphony of truth that crescendos to the final fanfare, God with Us ends with a finale that connects the gospel dots and offers an invitation to believe. Bravo and well done!” Marty Machowski , Pastor and author of The Ology , Wonderful , Long Story Short , and other gospel-centered resources for church and home

Scripture Is Our Letters From Home

Imagination Restored

A Real, Not Ideal World

Jesus Journeyed Too

“The one and only thing I dislike about God with Us is that it was published too late for me to read it to my children. But I am carefully setting aside my copy and am already looking forward to someday reading it to my grandchildren. I have every confidence they will enjoy it and benefit from it.” Tim Challies , Writer, Reviewer, and Blogger at

About the author and illustrator

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Jeremy Pierre lives in Louisville, Kentucky with his wife Sarah and their five children. He is a former literature professor who now teaches counseling and theology, but never quite got away from his first love. He earned his B.A. in literature from Cedarville University, his M.A. in literature from Cleveland State University, and his M.Div. and Ph.D. in Counseling and Theology from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He teaches at Southern and pastors at Clifton Baptist Church.

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Cassandra Clark , a Mississippi native currently based in Connecticut, is an illustrator who enjoys living quietly and working with her hands. In 2011, Cassandra graduated with her B.A. in Visual Arts. She has been commissioned by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Covenant Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, The Gathering, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Reformation Heritage Books, Shepherd Press, Paul’s Leather Co. and Jonathan Shull Design for various illustration projects. Cassandra continues to work on various publications, as well as keeping up more privately commissioned projects.

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Blog / 25 Journeys of the Bible

Drew Reichard

25 Journeys of the Bible

25 Journeys of the Bible from Bible Gateway

1. In Genesis 11:1-9 , Noah’s descendants migrate from Mount Ararat to Babel:

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.   As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there…But the  Lord  came down to see the city and the tower the people were building…[and] the  Lord  scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city…

2. In Genesis 12:1-9 , Abraham trusts God and travels from Ur of the Chaldees to the land of Canaan:

The  Lord  had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you…So Abram went, as the  Lord  had told him…

3. Once there, Abraham then must leave Canaan and stay for a time in Egypt, as told in Genesis 12:10-20 :

Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe…

4. Rebekah leaves her homeland of Haran to be Isaac’s wife in Canaan in Genesis 24 :

“The  Lord , the God of heaven, who brought me out of my father’s household and my native land and who spoke to me and promised me on oath, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give this land’—he will send his angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son from there…”

5. Isaac, like his father, Abraham, commands Jacob not to marry a Canaanite woman, but to return to his family’s people for a wife ( Genesis 28-29 ):

“…May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.   May he give you and your descendants the blessing given to Abraham, so that you may take possession of the land where you now reside as a foreigner, the land God gave to Abraham…”

6. In Genesis 32-35 , Jacob wrestles with God and His promises as he goes from Haran to Bethel:

Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac,  Lord , you who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’   I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.   Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children.   But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’” … Then God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God,who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau.”

7. Jacob’s son Joseph is sold by his brothers from Canaan to Egypt in Genesis 37 :

…when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.

8. God puts Joseph in a position to aid his family when they flee the drought in Canaan to live in Egypt ( Genesis 42-46 ):

Then ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. … So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.

9. By Exodus 2:15 , God’s people are enslaved in Egypt, and Moses flees from Egypt to Midian:

When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.

10. From Moses’ return as God’s mediator who leads the Israelites out of Egypt to Joshua’s leadership at Jericho, God leads his people gradually back from from Egypt to Canaan. Abraham’s line has come full circle, and God’s promises are never once forgotten.

11. Famine once again calls God’s people into exile in Ruth 1 . This time, however, God calls Ruth (a Moabite) out of Moab to go back to Bethlehem with those returning there.

In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab.   The man’s name was Elimelek, his wife’s name was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Kilion. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem, Judah. And they went to Moab and lived there. … So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabite, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.

12. In the days when God’s people were looking for a king, God granted their wish by leading Saul out of Gibeah to Samuel in Ramah ( 1 Samuel 9 ):

…Now the day before Saul came, the  Lord  had revealed this to Samuel:   16  “About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin. Anoint him ruler over my people Israel; he will deliver them from the hand of the Philistines. I have looked on my people, for their cry has reached me.”

13. After God rejects Saul as king, Samuel is told to go to Bethlehem to anoint David. ( 1 Samuel 16 ):

“…I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”

14. When David is anointed king over Judah in 2 Samuel 2:1 , the Lord names the town where he should go:

David asked, “Where shall I go?” “To Hebron,” the  Lord  answered.

15. Word of the Lord continues to spread throughout the world in the days of King Solomon ( 1 Kings 10 ):

When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the  Lord , she came to test Solomon with hard questions…

16. Rehoboam is also called to a journey to accept his mantle as king. He travels from Jerusalem to Shechem in 1 Kings 12:1 :

17. Elijah, a prophet of the Lord, flees Jezebel—wife of Ahab and queen of Israel—and goes up to Mount Horeb where God reveals himself ( 1 Kings 19 ):

Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there,   while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness.

18. in 2 Kings 5 , Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, travels from Syria to Samaria to be healed by the God of Israel:

19. The captives of Judah, exiles in Babylon are allowed to return to Jerusalem when the Lord moves the heart of Cyrus king of Persia in Ezra 1 :

“‘The  Lord , the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah.   Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the  Lord , the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them…'”

20. Even the Romans were unwitting subjects to God’s will when Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world, sending Joseph to Bethlehem where Jesus was to be born ( Luke 2:1-4 ):

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.

21. Like the queen of Sheba visiting Solomon, once again foreign kings are compelled to journey for news of the Hebrew God ( Matthew 2:1-12 ):

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem   and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

22. Once the Great Commission has been given, Acts is the account of those earliest missionary journeys. God’s Word is to be spread to all nations and all peoples, and Philip follows this command by going to Samaria in Acts 8:5 .

23. Saul to converted on the road to Damascus where he had traveled from Jerusalem to attack the Jesus movement in Acts 9:

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.   He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him,  “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

24. In Acts 11:19-26 , Barnabas goes out from Jerusalem to plant a church in Antioch:

Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, spreading the word only among Jews.

25. And finally, Paul goes himself to the heart of Jewish persecution in Rome, so that he may spread the Gospel there ( Acts 21:16-28:31 ).

Some content taken from Willmington’s Guide to the Bible , by Harold L. Willmington. Copyright 2011. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. (Available for purchase at )

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The Hunger to Know Him (#944)

In their conversation about ways to help people experience the life of Jesus, Kyle and Wayne find themselves contemplating where they found spiritual hunger when they jumped off the performance treadmill. In their early days, spiritual hunger might have been more religiously inclined, in the sense of trying to earn God's favor or increase their status as a zealous follower. How has that changed when the need to earn his favor was displaced by their confidence in his love? What motivates them now to live deeply inside his reality?

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Daily Devotional No One is Too Far for God to Reach

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’ For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’”

Romans 10:9-13

May 29, 2024

Ponder This

While I was a pastor in Florida, I had a group of men I would meet with for prayer. We felt the need for revival in our city. We decided to start by praying for the meanest man in our city. And I said, “How do you get the meanest man saved?” We agreed you begin to pray for him and then you witness to him. After a long time praying, I went by his house and knocked on the door. I presented Jesus Christ to him and asked, “Would you like to be saved?” He said he would, and I led him in the sinner’s prayer. He gave his heart to Christ in the same way a little boy would trust Christ as his personal Savior. I’ve never been able to forget that. The man everybody was afraid of became a follower of Christ. God had softened his heart by prayer. There is no man, no woman, no boy, no girl too difficult for God to save.

  • Who are some people you believe are very far from God? How often do you pray for them?
  • Why is it important to trust God’s power to transform hearts over our ability to share or persuade?

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“SATSANG” is “SAT” (Truth) + “SANG” (Union) i.e., union with Truth. One who has attained Enlightenment is “SAT”, and the company of an Enlightened live person is called SATSANG.

Qualities of an Enlightenment person, as given in different spiritual epics of the world-

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Grayson Murray, Winner of Two PGA Tour Titles, Dies at 30

Murray, who was outspoken about his depression and alcohol abuse, had begun a comeback after several volatile years, winning this year’s Sony Open in Hawaii.

The golfer Grayson Murray in profile wears a white cap, green shirt and dark pants. He is holding a golf club.

By Emmett Lindner

Grayson Murray, the professional golfer who won two PGA Tour titles and was outspoken about his battles with depression and alcohol, died on Saturday. He was 30.

His death was confirmed in a statement on Saturday by the PGA Tour. He died by suicide, according to a PGA Tour statement that was released on Sunday on behalf of his parents.

“We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone,” the statement said. “It’s surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world.”

After a successful 40-foot putt to win the Sony Open in Hawaii in January, Murray rose to 46th in the Official World Golf Ranking, a career high. The event marked the height of a comeback run after several volatile years as Murray struggled with his mental health.

In a news conference after winning the Sony Open, Murray said that for a time he would drink during tournament weeks.

“Best thing and worst thing that ever happened to me was winning my rookie year, but also feeling like I was invincible,” he said. “I’m a different man now, and I would not be in this position right now, today, if I didn’t put that drink down eight months ago.”

He added that he had attended rehabilitation for a month. “I hope I can inspire a lot of people going forward that have their own issues,” he said. Murray had failed to gain PGA Tour status for several months last year after a series of off-course events mirrored a decline in his play.

An alcohol-related incident at a hotel bar in Hawaii in 2021 led to his suspension from the PGA Tour. Afterward, he posted to social media.

“Why was I drunk?” he wrote, adding that he was an “alcoholic that hates everything to do with the PGA Tour life and that’s my scapegoat.”

The golfer Phil Mickelson, who has struggled with a gambling addiction , responded at the time on social media , saying “If I can help in any way I’d be happy to.”

This year, Murray played well enough to qualify for the Masters Tournament and P.G.A. Championship. On Friday, he withdrew from the second round of the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas, citing an illness.

Grayson Murray was born on Oct. 1, 1993, in Raleigh, N.C., according to an ESPN biography. Mr. Murray is survived by his parents, Eric and Terry, and his brother, Cameron, and sister, Erica, according to the statement.

He attended Wake Forest, East Carolina and Arizona State Universities, and at 16 he became the second-youngest player to enter the Korn Ferry Tour, according to the PGA Tour.

He continued to gain prominence, playing in the U.S. Open at the age of 19 and clinching a win at the 2017 Barbasol Championship, sinking a five-foot putt for a one-stroke victory.

After losing his PGA Tour card for the 2023 season, and following an angry outburst directed at Jay Monahan, the PGA Tour’s commissioner, he seemed to have found his swing again. He won two Korn Ferry Tour tournaments last year, regaining his PGA Tour eligibility, and finished in the top 10 at two events.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or go to for a list of additional resources.

Because of an editing error, the headline on an earlier version of this article misstated the winning record of Grayson Murray. He won two PGA Tour titles, not tours.

How we handle corrections

Emmett Lindner writes about breaking and trending news. He has written about international protests, climate change and social media influencers. More about Emmett Lindner

The Criterion

May 24, 2024, journey of the heart / jennifer burger, a wish: rooted in god’s love, let us build his kingdom through our lives.

Jennifer Burger

(Jennifer Burger is program manager at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis and a member of St. Simon the Apostle Parish in Indianapolis. She is also a spiritual director.)  †

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Ichabod Toward Home: The Journey of God's Glory

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Walter Brueggemann

Ichabod Toward Home: The Journey of God's Glory Paperback – September 30, 2005

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  • Print length 160 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date September 30, 2005
  • Dimensions 5.9 x 0.37 x 8.8 inches
  • ISBN-10 1597524344
  • ISBN-13 978-1597524346
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Wipf & Stock Publishers; Reissue edition (September 30, 2005)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 160 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1597524344
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1597524346
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 8 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.9 x 0.37 x 8.8 inches
  • #9,876 in Old Testament Bible Study (Books)
  • #18,761 in Christian Bible Criticism & Interpretation

About the author

Walter brueggemann.

Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is the world's leading interpreter of the Old Testament and is the author of numerous books, including Westminster John Knox Press best sellers such as Genesis and First and Second Samuel in the Interpretation series, An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination, and Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes.

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Champions once again. Back to back treble winners 🏆🏆🏆 Alhamdullilah for everything!🙏🏽🔴⚪️ — Osman Bukari (@OsmanBukari9) May 26, 2024
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Tik Tok cult exposed in latest Netflix documentary: Wilking sisters' journey in Dancing for the Devil

The latest netflix documentary unveils the darkside of tik tok as it features story of a cult formed on the platform.

Derek Doneen’s three part crime documentary adds to the cons side of Tik Tok as it features mind boggling story of two sisters and a Korean pastor accused of a chain of frauds from embezzlement to sexual abuse and more. The Netflix docuseries follows the journey of the Wilking sisters as they fall victim to the pastor Robert Shinn as they follow their dream to rise to fame through Tik Tok.

Courtesy: Netflix Netflix documentary Dancing for the Devil exposes Tik Tok dancers' cult

The Wilking sisters: Melanie and Miranda

Melanie and Miranda are popularly known by their user handle ‘Wilking Sisters’ on Tik Tok. The sisters began their journey with an account together where they posted short, peppy dance videos. By 2020, the sisters had a follower reach of 3 million on platform. This is when they were introduced to Robert Shinn by Miranda’s boyfriend James “BDash '' Derrick. The sisters joined the management company 7M and its affiliated church Shekinah, both run by Shinn. In 2021, the Wilking sisters stopped posting videos together. Miranda’s estranged behaviour after joining 7M did not sit well with her parents– Dean and Kelly Wilking and sister Melanie.

Also Read: Netflix mocked for trying to profit off highly popular K-drama after ignoring it when released

Shinn: the self proclaimed ‘man of God’

Robert Shinn is the clever-brain behind the organisation of this Tik Tok based cult. As portrayed in the Netflix documentary, Shinn used to ask the Tik Tok dancers to cut off ties from their loved ones. He used to seduce the artists with promises of success and asked them for money in the name of ‘church purposes’. He also proclaimed himself as the “man of God” who can guide the artists in life and help them differentiate heaven from hell.

Dance for the Devil: The 7M Tik Tok cult

The documentary is an effort by Doneen to narrate the story of cult with family at centre. The aim is to showcase the pain and difficulties that related family members go through when an individual becomes a part of such cults.

As reported by The Guardian, Doneen said “There are a lot of deeply compelling cult documentaries out there “That said, we also didn’t want to make the same show that [audiences] have already seen. It’s really important for us to approach it from a different perspective, one that places the victims and the families at the centre of it and allows them to tell their own story, in their own words, in a way that doesn’t make it about the cult leader.”

The Netflix documentary will stream on 29 May, 2024.

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  1. God Home Journey

    God Home Journey is the awakening process through which you are reminded of your true identity and you begin your journey back to God Home. The fire of this ultimate knowledge (Brahm Gyan) burns ignorance from its roots, and transforms all dimensions of your life irrespective of your background, faith, or belief system. Bliss, peace, and deep ...

  2. WHO AM I?

    MAAsterG's spiritual discourse ('Vaani) is the ultimate knowledge about life, carrying the most powerful positive energy."Mission 800 crore" is the dream of ...

  3. 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Journey With God (Life)

    Trust in the Lord on your long journey. 1. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight. 2. Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

  4. "Our Journey with God"

    When we journey with God, we pursue a relationship with God and life consistent with God. That's why we earnestly pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven ( Matthew 6:9-10 ). We want our lives to reflect the reality God wants to bring to life in our world in his kingdom ...

  5. Experiencing God on Our Journey of Faith

    Matthew reminds us that we can experience God on our journey through the long story of Scripture that ends in Jesus ( Matthew 1:23 ), radical and loving community ( Matthew 18:20 ), compassionate care of those in need ( Matthew 25:40 ), and in walking beside people until Jesus' will transforms them into authentic disciples ( Matthew 28:19-20 ).

  6. Godhome

    Godhome is an area that is located in the Dream Realm. It has several locations where bosses can be fought. Godhome's architecture generally consists of gold-coloured pillars and archways. It has clouds in the background and yellow-gold dreamcatchers fading in and out throughout the area. Golden leaves cover some of the rooms. The west part of Godhome contains the entrance and exit of the area ...

  7. God Home Journey

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  8. God with Us: A Journey Home

    "God With Us: A Journey Home is a marvelous story Bible for children. This extraordinary book develops the unfolding drama of God's purpose to bring his children home to him. Jeremy Pierre describes the peril of mankind, estranged from God, and the dangers of the journey home. The artistry of Pierre's writing is elegant in its simplicity ...

  9. Help Someone Home to Heaven

    Almost Home. The journey home is long, and at times grueling. But God is faithful to bring us into our heavenly home ( 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 ). He will use others to help you fight sin, and he will use you to help others. So, keep resisting, keep reminding, keep rejoicing, and keep rescuing. Do not lose heart.

  10. Our Journey with God

    This is how Psalm 120 begins. (Read Psalm 120:1-2) When we think about going on a spiritual journey, this may feel like a strange way to start. However, it shouldn't feel strange because the beginning of our own journey with God involves coming to the end of ourselves. It begins with us saying, "Save me, God.".

  11. God with Us: A Journey Home

    So God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to cross that distance, making a way for people to follow him on their own journey home. God with Us seeks to connect a child's experience of a hurting world with the larger story of God's redemption of all things, inspiring them to courage and to joy for their journey.

  12. God With Us

    Author Jeremy Pierre and illustrator Cassandra Clark want to awaken children to a brave journey―a journey home. This beautifully illustrated tale traces the theme of God's presence through the storyline of Scripture. People were created to be with God but lost their nearness to him at the fall. So God sent his Son Jesus Christ to cross that distance, making a way for people to follow him ...

  13. Bringing God Home: A Spiritual Guidebook for the Journey of Your Life

    Praise for Bringing God Home "A profound book. As we set out to bring God home, we are the ones who return home." --Archbishop Desmond Tutu "Forrest Church is a perfect guide through the oceans of belief." --Diane Ackerman "Bringing God Home is a book whose arrival could not have come at a more important moment in human history." --Faye Wattleton "Intensely human and mystically ...

  14. HOME

    WE'D LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT YOU. Need someone to talk to? Reach out! We are always here to listen. We love connecting, sharing, and fellowshiping. Are you curious to learn more about the life of a disciple of Jesus? We are frequently on the move, so who knows, we might even be in your area! Let's connect and get in touch.". Get in touch.

  15. God With Us: A Journey Home

    On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books. Transform your children's experience of life in this sad, wonderful world as they journey home to God by following Scripture's epic story. Hardcover with full-color illustrations. 268 pages. Written by Jeremy Pierre.

  16. 25 Journeys of the Bible

    3. Once there, Abraham then must leave Canaan and stay for a time in Egypt, as told in Genesis 12:10-20: Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe…. 4. Rebekah leaves her homeland of Haran to be Isaac's wife in Canaan in Genesis 24: "The Lord, the God of heaven ...

  17. The God Journey

    The Hunger to Know Him (#944) In their conversation about ways to help people experience the life of Jesus, Kyle and Wayne find themselves contemplating where they found spiritual hunger when they jumped off the performance treadmill. In their early days, spiritual hunger might have been more religiously inclined, in the sense of trying to earn ...

  18. Daily Devotional: No One is Too Far…

    Display God's Word in Your Home. A Blueprint for Blessedness and Laws for Living. These foundational building blocks are beautifully imprinted on 12 x 16 calligraphy paper for you to frame and display in your home

  19. Satsang

    The collective vibration of positive and blissful people walking towards the same destination - God Home - is rare, highly uplifting, and speeds up one's transformation. ... Sole purpose of these retreats is the advancement of each individual's God Home Journey; All attendees bear their own individual expenses, including TRUE MASTER ...

  20. Grayson Murray, Winner of Two PGA Tour Titles, Dies at 30

    After losing his PGA Tour card for the 2023 season, and following an angry outburst directed at Jay Monahan, the PGA Tour's commissioner, he seemed to have found his swing again.

  21. Journey of the Heart: A wish: Rooted in God's love, let us build his

    Journey of the Heart / Jennifer Burger A wish: Rooted in God's love, let us build his kingdom through our lives. My husband and I recently worked on a Tobit marriage prep weekend at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis, and during one of the breaks I noticed one of the engaged couples outside picking a stray dandelion and blowing the gray fluffs into the wind.

  22. Ichabod Toward Home: The Journey of God's Glory

    Brueggemann discusses the attitude and approach to Christian Scripture by the modern church, focusing on an exegesis and interpretation of a passage from 1 Samuel about the Glory of God related to the Ark. Brueggemann reviews the story of the wars with the Philistines, when the Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant and took it to the temple ...

  23. Osman Bukari celebrates domestic treble with Red Star Belgrade

    Sports News of Wednesday, 29 May 2024. Source: 2024-05-29 Osman Bukari celebrates domestic treble with Red Star Belgrade

  24. How faith shaped Michael Penix Jr.'s journey to Atlanta

    FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — Atlanta has a fond history with southpaws, from Tom Glavine to Michael Vick to Max Fried. In due time, Michael Penix Jr. will have the chance to join them. The NFL draft is ...

  25. Tik Tok cult exposed in latest Netflix documentary: Wilking sisters

    The sisters began their journey with an account together where they posted short, peppy dance videos. By 2020, the sisters had a follower reach of 3 million on platform.

  26. Charles Leclerc F1 Journey: A Childhood Dream Come True

    The first home win for Charles Leclerc came on the back of a battle between dream and curse. ... God Father - Jules Bianchi ... The year 2023 was a setback in Leclerc's journey as he had to finish ...