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Meaning of trek in English

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  • walk The baby has just learned to walk.
  • stride She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
  • march He marched right in to the office and demanded to see the governor.
  • stroll We strolled along the beach.
  • wander She wandered from room to room, not sure of what she was looking for.
  • amble She ambled down the street, looking in shop windows.
  • backpacking
  • bushwalking
  • footslogging
  • hoof it idiom
  • ultra-distance

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What Is Trekking? Complete Guide For Beginners

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Walking itself sounds like a pretty simple and easy activity.

Still, with a little training and effort, you can scale it up to be really challenging! Whether it’s a hidden waterfall deep in a forest, a mountain summit, or some other path less taken, trekking is a pretty advanced sport you can easily fall in love with.

Imagine being out there in the wild environments on your own or with a group of other nature lovers. You’re far away from crowds, city rush, or even some popular paths many hikers tend to take.

Sounds intriguing? Let’s delve deeper into a complete beginner guide and find out the essential thing— what is trekking, and what do you need to know about it?

tourists walk in the snow in the mountains during the winter holidays in the mountains, winter in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Table of Contents

What’s the Difference Between Trekking and Hiking?

First of all, let’s solve the trekking vs. hiking dilemma because many believe that they are basically the same thing.

Sure, they both include walking, the natural environment, and many other overlapping elements, but in reality, we’re talking about two different activities.

Hiking is a long, vigorous walk on footpaths or hiking trails that usually lasts for a couple of hours, one day, or perhaps overnight.

Trekking is a long yet energetic hike that lasts multiple days and is mostly in the wild natural environment. In other words, you can do it off hiking trails.

They’re both challenging in their ways. However, trekking takes a bit more time to prepare physically and while dealing with supplies. 

Man standing at base camp tent

So, What Is Trekking?

Trekking is what we’d call long-distance hiking.

It’s walking for longer than a day, sometimes even for a couple of weeks. Throughout the entire journey, you’re partially or entirely self-sufficient.

Of course, everyone has their reasons why they would start such an adventure. One of the main goals is to get away from the city rush and simply enjoy the stunning scenery.

Initially, people practiced trekking primarily in the mountains and often in some hardly accessible spots. Today it’s a sport becoming increasingly popular, which is why the term extends to different types of itineraries and terrains suitable for all levels.

People start their trekking journey with different motives, but in the end, a solid commitment to the goal is the critical element, whichever level they’re on.

Besides that, this sport can be an excellent chance for a social gathering and meeting new friends with similar interests. Imagine hanging out with other nature lovers walking on trails in astonishing regions of relatively unspoiled wilderness.

Important Tips for Trekking

Trekking sure sounds fun and exciting, but there are still certain things you should consider before planning your adventure.

Choose Your Route Carefully

Hikers using map and compass

As in every sport, you need to be aware of your limits.

Don’t start off your first trek with a trail that looks the best and the most intriguing. Be realistic and go for ones that are not too difficult for you.

First, start with a simple trek and build your strength gradually. You want to get to the point where you’re not struggling or scampering your way up.

Trekking is supposed to be a fun activity you’ll enjoy, so gather information about the trail you want to take.

While choosing your route, check the terrain’s type and length and the elevation change.

Start building your resistance by taking long walks. Wear a day pack when you’re climbing steep descents or inclines.

Also, it would be great to go through your first trekking expeditions with a group that can help and guide you through the whole process and potential issues.

Buy Good Trekking Equipment

Man choosing shoes for hiking

Trekking may be fun, but it’s not easy. Don’t make it even harder for yourself by buying low-quality equipment that can bring you additional troubles on your trip.

When it comes to trekking, good-quality footwear is a MUST.

The sport can get pretty demanding, so you don’t want to bother with blisters and pain in the ankles to save a couple of bucks. Invest in boots you’ll be able to use for a long time.

Trekking boots are specifically designed to endure different types of terrains. They’re also meant to keep you from slipping and hurting yourself.

The best would be to choose a pair that goes up to your ankles since they’ll support them the most.

It’s not just good footwear. A comfortable backpack is one of the essential parts of trekking equipment too. Pay attention to hip straps, proper back straps, and the support structure to keep your back safe and comfortable for long distances.

Pack Enough Water

Hiker on an excursion in the nature - Tourist having a pause while on a trekking tour.

Food and water are essential parts of your trekking route, so don’t underestimate the amounts you’ll need on your journey.

Remember, it’s better to have some extra water rather than be dehydrated and thirsty, especially when you don’t have any water source within reach. Bring some light snacks, such as energy bars, which will help to keep you going!

Choose Your Own Pace

Fantasy Adventure Composite Image of Man and Woman Mountaineering up Snow with Mountain Peaks in Background. Dramatic Sunset or Sunrise. Landscape from British Columbia, Canada.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Some other trekkers may be active in this world way longer than you, so it’s logical they are better prepared and can endure longer than you.

Also, remember that not everyone focuses on the same things while trekking. Some prefer to take things slowly to enjoy the scenery, while others prefer to avoid stopping multiple times and cover longer distances.

Trekking is not a race, so listening to your body and going at your own pace is essential.

Take as many breaks as you need. The journey is supposed to be challenging, true, but it’s also supposed to be an exciting experience you genuinely enjoy.

Whichever pace you set, stretch out your muscles before taking longer routes – that’s something your body will definitely thank you for later!

Don’t Forget to Check the Weather

Group of people, tourists hiking in mountains. Rainy day and fog in summer time.

Imagine you finally scheduled a trekking route, and while you’re enjoying your third day of the journey, you notice a storm approaching.

Just a couple of minutes of researching the weather in a place you want to visit can save you trouble with landslides, rain, or even snowstorms.

This is especially important when you’re planning to cross over rivers or other bodies of water. Trekking is generally a pretty safe activity, but it can be dangerous if you get caught in harsh weather conditions.

If the storm catches you after all, be flexible with your plans and look for shelters that will keep you as safe and dry as possible.

Two people sitting and resting. Kids in green forest at summer daytime together.

How to Pack for Trekking

The first thing you need to take care of when you’re going to trek is getting a good backpack. It’s the essential thing that will help you keep your supplies organized.

It’s also essential to get a high-quality item to evenly distribute the weight you are carrying so your back doesn’t suffer.

Now, let’s move to the packing itself.

One of the mistakes many newbie trekkers make is filling their backpacks with everything that comes to their mind, including neck pillows, speakers, snacks, and other things they “might need” during the trek.

It’s great to have these things with you, but the last thing you want on your trek is a heavy bag that constantly weighs you down.

Bring lightweight equipment and take food that doesn’t take up too much space. You can even find some lightweight foods made only for trekking. 

If you opted for a multi-day trek, bring a cookery set and enough water and food to last throughout that period. One of the good sides of traveling with a group is that you can distribute the weight of the things you carry.

Experienced trekkers and hikers often say it’s better to pack the sleeping bag first. After that, you can top it with heavier items.

Place them closer to your back to evenly distribute the weight and transfer some of it to your hips. Things you’ll be accessing more often, such as a jacket and water, should be on top so you can have them within reach.

travel hiking equipment tools, view from above

The Essentials for Trekking

The supplies you will take on your trek depend on the weather conditions, season, number of days you will stay, and the area you visit.

These are some things you can consider taking, but you’re the one who knows best what things you can’t go without.

Basic Stuff

  • Documents (an identity card)
  • Powerbank (for your phone or other gadgets)
  • First aid kit
  • A utility knife
  • GPS/Navigational devices
  • Light traveling towel
  • A couple of plastic bags if your clothes get wet
  • Toilet paper
  • Personal toilet kit (including toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Personal medical kit (paracetamol/aspirin for fever, vomistop for travel sickness in hilly parts, pain killers, your regular medications, bandages, plasters, etc.)
  • Sunscreen lotion
  • Lip balm (SPF 30+)
  • Mosquito repellant

Set necessary clothes for hiking

  • Lightweight T-shirt
  • 2 pairs of track pants and quick dry tees (better avoid denim)
  • 2-3 pairs of regular socks and 2 pairs of warm socks
  • Thermal wear
  • Gloves (2 pairs, one waterproof and one woolen)
  • Woolen cap that covers your ears
  • Poncho, umbrella, or raincoat

If It’s a Multi-day Trek

Campfire kettle at campsite plate for cooking, making tea or coffee. Outdoor food drink item set. Travel tools, camping explorer equipment. Nature picnic rest. Thermos with hot beverage.

  • Cookery set
  • Camping gear

Why Should You Try Trekking

Trekking culture is growing worldwide, especially in some non-touristy areas that are difficult to access.

Sometimes treks can be epic because of the breathtaking scenery. On the other hand, sometimes the thing you’ll remember the most about your journey is the superhuman levels of endurance and effort you’ll need to get to your destination.

Some trekkers are willing to go through whatever it takes because of the feeling they get when they reach the final destinations.

For others, it’s all about the trip and the camaraderie along the trail.

But all the treks have one simple thing in common—a sense of being on a special mission that makes this activity more than just a simple act of walking and turns it into a life-affirming journey.

Even though it doesn’t sound like this initially, trekking is more challenging than hiking. It’s a sport that tests your endurance, ability, and psychological and mental capacity. 

Greenland, Sermersooq, Kulusuk, Schweizerland Alps, group of people walking in snow

Where Can You Go Trekking?

It’s hard to tell which are the best treks in the world because everyone has different preferences and answers.

Some trails are epic because they require strenuous endurance and effort to reach the endpoint. Some, on the other hand, offer astonishing scenery.

For some, it’s all about the journey and those little joyful moments they experience along the trail. Others focus on the destination itself.

The great thing is that all the trekking fans can find something for themselves! What matters is transforming the everyday walking act into an exciting and life-affirming expedition.

Here are some of the fascinating destinations across the world where you can go trekking:

  • Kalalau Trail, Hawaii (moderate)

Distance: 11 miles (18 km) in one way

Time: 2 days

  • Routeburn Track, New Zealand (moderate )

Distance: 20 miles (32km)

Time: 3-4 days

  • Everest Base Camp, Nepal (moderate)

A group of orange tents at a climbers base camp in the Himalayas region

Distance: 80 miles (130km), round trip

Time: 2 weeks

  • Inca Trail, Peru (moderate)

Distance: 20 miles (33km) round trip

Time: 4-5 days

  • Markha Valley Trek, Ladakh, India (moderate)

Distance: 50 miles (80km)

Time: up to 7 days

  • Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (moderate)

Kilimanjaro. Tanzani

Distance: 23–56 miles (37-90km)

Time: up to 9 days

  • Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (shorten the route, moderate)

Distance: 62 miles (100km)

Time: 5-6 days

  • Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (full route, advanced)

Distance: 500 miles (800km)

Time: 35 days

  • GR20, Corsica, France (advanced)

Distance:104 miles (168km) round trip

Time: 15 days

  • The Haute Route, France-Switzerland (advanced)

Distance: 125 miles (200km)

  • The Torres del Paine Circuit, Patagonia, Chile (advanced)

Dramatic dawn in Torres del Paine, Chile

Distance: 85 miles (136km)

Time: 9 days

Don’t feel discouraged by this list if you’re not in a position to travel far away from the area where you live.

Every country offers its beauty and paths that are yet to be discovered, so don’t hesitate to do your research and let us know about the treks you’ve come upon!

Some Final Words

Trekking is an exciting activity that has grown in popularity over the past couple of years.

Many believe hiking and trekking are basically the same thing. However, the main difference is that hiking mostly takes place on marked routes and lasts for a couple of hours or up to a day.

Trekking lasts multiple days, and it’s mostly about exploring untouched nature and paths less taken.

The spirit of trekking is generally about enjoying the beautiful scenery, taking the time to stargaze, and discovering astonishing landscapes daily. Of course, everyone has their own goals and pace.

Get enough water and food, prepare your body, and don’t hesitate to spend more money on purchasing higher-quality equipment.

Trekking itself can be quite demanding, so you primarily want to avoid struggles that come with bad footwear or a backpack that doesn’t allow you to distribute the weight of your supplies equally.

Don’t forget to check the weather, explore the route you’re taking, and thoroughly list all the things you may need on this special journey. Be careful with the latter, you don’t want to overstuff your backpack and struggle with things you only thought you needed.

It’s a fun sport and an opportunity for you to test your endurance and mental and psychological capacity.

That’s it for now! Now it’s time to go out, explore the wilderness, and fall in love with this amazing long-distance walking activity. See you somewhere out there!


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Definition of trek

 (Entry 1 of 2)

intransitive verb

Definition of trek  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • peregrinate
  • peregrination

Examples of trek in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'trek.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Afrikaans, from Dutch trecken to pull, haul, migrate; akin to Old High German trechan to pull

Afrikaans, from Dutch treck pull, haul, from trecken

1835, in the meaning defined at sense 2

1849, in the meaning defined at sense 2

Dictionary Entries Near trek

Treitz's muscle

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“Trek.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 17 May. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of trek.

Kids Definition of trek  (Entry 2 of 2)

from Afrikaans trek, "to travel by ox wagon," from Dutch trecken "to haul, pull"

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Britannica English: Translation of trek for Arabic Speakers

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What does the noun trek mean?

There are four meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun trek . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the noun trek ?

How is the noun trek pronounced, british english, u.s. english, south african english, where does the noun trek come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun trek is in the 1840s.

OED's earliest evidence for trek is from 1849, in the writing of Edward Napier, army officer and author.

trek is a borrowing from Dutch.

Etymons: Dutch trek .

Nearby entries

  • tregetour, n. 1340–
  • tregetry, n. c1380–1540
  • tregetting, n. c1440
  • trehala, n. 1862–
  • trehalase, n. 1893–
  • trehalose, n. 1862–
  • treillage, n. 1698–
  • treillaged, adj. 1810–
  • treille, n. 1780–
  • treillis, n. 1706–
  • trek, n. 1849–
  • trek, v. 1850–
  • trek Boer, n. 1835–
  • trek-bok, n. 1824–
  • trek-cart, n. 1928–
  • trek chain, n. 1878–
  • trek-farmer, n. 1912–
  • trek fever, n. 1897–
  • trekker, n. 1851–
  • trekkie, n. 1888–
  • trekking, n. & adj. 1850–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for trek, n..

trek, n. was first published in 1914; not yet revised.

trek, n. was last modified in July 2023.

Revision of the OED is a long-term project. Entries in which have not been revised may include:

  • corrections and revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations which have been added in subsequent print and online updates.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into trek, n. in July 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1914)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View trek, n. in OED Second Edition

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Factsheet for trek, n., browse entry.

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Key Differences

How do you spell treck correctly, trek definitions, trek meaning in a sentence, trek idioms & phrases, a trek through the wilderness, a solitary trek, go the extra trek, begin a trek, make a trek, a trek to remember, a trek of a lifetime, trek across continents, trek through history, off the beaten trek, trek together, end of the trek, a trek for the brave, a cultural trek, trek with a cause, a scenic trek, a trek of endurance, a trek back in time, a trek of discovery, trek into the unknown, common curiosities, which vowel is used before trek, what is the verb form of trek, what is the root word of trek, what is the singular form of trek, which conjunction is used with trek, is trek a negative or positive word, what is the pronunciation of trek, why is it called trek, what is the plural form of trek, is trek a noun or adjective, is trek a collective noun, which preposition is used with trek, is trek an abstract noun, is trek a vowel or consonant, how do we divide trek into syllables, what part of speech is trek, what is the first form of trek, is trek a countable noun, is the word trek a gerund, is the word “trek” a direct object or an indirect object, what is the stressed syllable in trek, what is another term for trek, which article is used with trek, is the trek term a metaphor, how many syllables are in trek, how is trek used in a sentence, is trek an adverb, what is the opposite of trek, what is the third form of trek, is the word trek imperative, which determiner is used with trek, what is the second form of trek, share your discovery.

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noun as in long journey

Strongest matches

Strong matches

  • peregrination

verb as in journey

Weak matches

  • be on the move
  • be on the trail
  • hit the road

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Example sentences.

Writer Leath Tonino devised a 200-mile solo desert trek, following the path of the legendary cartographer who literally put these contentious canyons on the map.

So, we just made the decision to continue on with the trek, but to do it as conscientiously and as low-impact as possible.

He says that the team was able to show microbes would be able to survive the trek from Mars to Earth without shielding from the dangers of space if they clump together.

During their latest trek they checked these survey stakes and determined the speed with which the ice masses creep.

Until now, measuring these effects has required arduous treks through trackless swamps.

During his trek, Brinsley twice passed within a block of a police stationhouse and he almost certainly saw cops along the way.

The audience--tout Hollywood--stands to cheer his slow and painful trek from the wings to the table.

Overall, few travelers have made the trek into the desert of Sudan to see these architectural wonders.

In fact, some feminist critics have pointed to a long history of objectification in Star Trek.

Horst Ulrich, a 72-year-old German on a trek with a group of friends, watched four Nepali guides swept away by an avalanche.

If his partner's impedimentia was not too bulky, the ancient model was ready for another trek to the hills.

The mountaineers, indeed, suffered less than the townsfolk as being more accustomed than they to conditions of trek and battle.

The cool morning air made it bearable for man and beast to trek.

By the third day of their trek southward along the Great River, the soles of Redbird's moccasins had worn through.

Once more was there a cracking of whips, and the oxen, straightening out along the trek-touw (Note 3), moved reluctantly on.

Related Words

Words related to trek are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word trek . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

verb as in travel across area

  • journey over
  • pass through

noun as in migration

  • colonization
  • displacement
  • expatriation
  • homesteading
  • reestablishment
  • resettlement
  • transplanting

noun as in journey

  • pleasure trip

noun as in journey; people on a journey

  • exploration
  • undertaking

Viewing 5 / 51 related words

On this page you'll find 81 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to trek, such as: expedition, hike, odyssey, trip, footslog, and hegira.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Definition of trek noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • They reached the refugee camp after an arduous two-day trek across the mountains.
  • on a/​the trek

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daily trek meaning

This story was originally published in May 2019.

People from around the world lace up their hiking boots in Maine each summer to explore the state’s mossy forests, granite mountaintops and rocky shores. With public trails scattered throughout the state, the opportunities for adventure are seemingly limitless. But some outdoor destinations, in particular, see more foot traffic than others, and for good reason.

Certain areas of Maine are hiking hotspots, places where you can easily plan out several days of wilderness walking. In these locations, you can find family-friendly treks to waterfalls and remote ponds, and you can also tackle more challenging climbs over rugged terrain to bald peaks and abandoned fire towers.

When the weather in Maine is idyllic, these places can get a bit crowded as tourists travel by plane, cruise ship and camper to check them out — but don’t let that stop you from enjoying these locations for yourself. A little insider knowledge and extra planning can help you embrace these beautiful and popular hiking destinations with success.

Acadia National Park

Home to more than 120 miles of intersecting trails, Acadia National Park is a hiker’s paradise, attracting millions of people from around the world each year. While the park can be very crowded during the summer, there are a few things you can do to make this less frustrating and enjoy this Maine gem for yourself.

First of all, consider planning your hikes for early in the morning (most vacationers tend to sleep in) or in the afternoon (with a headlamp, just in case the sun sets). Weekdays are also usually quieter than weekends. Also, instead of heading to the most popular spots — Cadillac Mountain, Sand Beach and Thunder Hole — consider some of the less-traveled trails, such as the trails on Mansell, Norumbega and Beech mountains. And instead of driving and attempting to park in the crowded parking lots, hop on the Island Explorer bus to travel throughout the park for free.

Dogs are permitted in Acadia but must be leashed (no longer than 6 feet) at all times, and some of the trails — such as the Precipice and Beehive trails — are too steep for dogs. Also, consider purchasing a detailed park trail map to carry with you, and remember that all visitors must purchase a park pass, which is $30 per vehicle and $15 per person (if you take a bus) for a 7-day pass, and $55 for an annual pass. Maps and passes are available at Acadia visitor centers located throughout the island and online. For more information about Acadia National Park, visit or call 207-288-3338.

The Moosehead Region

The mountainous region surrounding Moosehead Lake is scattered with scenic trails, from the easy paths of Lily Bay State Park to the more challenging and remote hikes up Big Spencer and Big Moose mountains. The region even has some especially historic treks, including an easy walk into a B-52 crash site on Elephant Mountain and a steep climb up Mount Kineo, a site prized by the region’s indigenous people for its rhyolite rock, used to make tools.

In the middle of all these hikes, on the shore of Moosehead Lake, lies the town of Greenville, where you’ll find restaurants, shops and an outfitter for any last-minute hiking gear. The region is abundant in hotels, motels, rental homes and campgrounds. It’s also a great place for water sports, boasting the largest lake in the state. Moosehead Lake covers more than 74,000 acres.

If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you can try to complete the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit, a challenge to hike six specific mountains in the area. The area is also home to vast network of trails and wilderness lodges owned by the Appalachian Mountain Club, another great opportunity for adventure. For more information, visit or call 207-695-2702.

Baxter State Park

Home to more than 200 miles of hiking trails, Baxter State Park is home to pristine ponds, waterfalls and some of the state’s largest mountains, including Maine’s highest peak, Baxter Peak of Katahdin. The park also features a number of campgrounds, cabins and remote lean-tos, and nearby, in the town of Millinocket, there are additional lodging options.

While most people endeavor to climb Katahdin, there are many other great hikes in the park that will undoubtedly be less crowded. Doubletop Mountain, for example, has two bald peaks, as its name implies, and is nearly as difficult as Katahdin. Some easier mountains (though still challenging) include South Turner, Sentinel and The Owl. The Traveler Loop in the north end of the park is another popular trek.

While many of the hikes in the park are long, steep and rugged, there are a few easier treks, such as the hike to Little and Big Niagara Falls, the Blueberry Ledges Trail and the walk in to Sandy Stream Pond, a prime moose-watching location. Regardless of what trails you choose, any trip to explore the wilderness of Baxter takes some research and planning ahead. Campgrounds within the park often fill up quickly, and certain day use parking areas can also fill up, especially for Katahdin. For more information and to make reservations, visit or call park headquarters at 207-723-9616.

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A Guide to the Planets in Astrology and What They Mean in Your Birth Chart

"We reference the planets as symbols to better understand our lives," PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas says

daily trek meaning

We're all affected by the planets in our solar system.

Astrologically speaking, planets possess great significance, boasting specific meaning as they travel through different zodiac signs as they move through the sky. Mankind has followed them since ancient times, in addition to our two luminaries: the sun and the moon.

PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas explains how early humans noticed repeating patterns in the stars. Upon studying them, he says they realized the planets' movements had "effects on Earth" and "connections to personality."

Astrology has evolved into an art form, especially due to the planets' predictive nature. Not only can they be used to describe people's "astrological compatibility," but they can also be used as "a guide to how life will proceed at any given time."

"The planets and luminaries are characters in the theater of our lives, and the zodiac signs they dance within are like costumes and props," says Thomas. "The houses they reside within are like the acts, scenes and stage they are seen."

Ultimately, he says "we reference the planets as symbols to better understand our lives."

Read on to learn about the planets and luminaries' significance and their respective effects on your daily lives.


The sun is a luminary, considered the greatest beacon in our solar system. Without it, Thomas says "we would not exist" and "our solar system would not have formed as it has today."

The Earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun. It moves through each zodiac sign for about a month within the year. 

What is the meaning of the sun?

The sun is "vibrant and powerful," both physically and energetically. In astrology, Thomas says “it connects to leadership, vitality, confidence, power, fame, expression, individuality and consciousness.” 

He adds, “The sun often represents men or masculine figures,” noting, “It can also tie to one’s ego.”

How does the sun affect your daily life?

In a birth chart, the sun is referred to as as the Sun sign. Thomas says it’s “one of the most important factors" of who we are, as it "ties to our life force, self and identity.”

No matter the time, Thomas says the sun “colors the general collective’s energy and focus” every day. “The sun rules Leo,” he adds. 

Our radiant moon is our second luminary, despite its glow reflecting off the sun. We have 12 to 13 full moons in one year.

The moon’s lunar cycle is around 28 days and spends approximately “two to three days in each zodiac sign,” says Thomas. 

Depending on the cycle — beginning with its new phase, culminating with its fullest phase and repeating — Thomas says, “We experience powerful energies that she amplifies.” 

What is the meaning of the moon?

The moon has several meanings in astrology. It is particularly known for being “deeply connected to the people.” 

Thomas points out “emotions, habits, behaviors, instincts and the inner world” as a few factors affected. He says the moon “also aligns with family, our domestic or private lives and the past.”

In contrast to the sun’s masculine energy, Thomas says “the moon is often seen as a feminine figure.”

How does the moon affect your daily life?

In a birth chart, the Moon sign aligns with our inner worlds, says Thomas. Its energy reflects “the general mood that the human collective is experiencing on any given day.

“This aligns with your soul and can tie to your intimate, emotional life,” he continues. “The moon rules Cancer.”

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Mercury is known as “a personal planet,” similar to Venus and Mars. This is because they are closer to the sun and the earth astronomically, while astrologically, Thomas says they “align with more immediate, daily situations.” 

Aside from the moon, Mercury is the fastest-moving planet in the solar system. It retrogrades more than any other planet, which can affect the time it spends in each zodiac sign (typically, Thomas says it stays “three to four weeks” within a sign).

What is the meaning of Mercury?

Mercury has ties to “many of our daily affairs,” says Thomas, noting how it “aligns with communication, business, ideas and social connections.” It also has ties to “technology, academics and legalities,” in addition to “the media and the economy.”

In comparison to the sun’s masculine energy and the moon’s femininity, Mercury is viewed as a neutral force. Kyle says it is “not malefic or benefic, and neither masculine nor feminine.”

How does Mercury affect your daily life?

Mercury aligns with “your mind and how you communicate,” says Thomas. This depends on whether it is in retrograde or not, plus the zodiac sign it’s in. 

During retrogrades, Thomas says “situations and conversations often return from the past.” He notes, “Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.”

Venus, known as the “lesser benefic,” is a personal planet. Thomas says it rules “relationships, love, connection, beauty, art, fertility and profit.”

Therefore, the planet “is deeply connected to what makes us happy in an immediate way.” He notes its energy is often “indulgent, hedonistic and sensual.”

Venus spends around “four to five weeks in a zodiac sign,” says Thomas, noting that it takes “roughly eighteen months to go around the sun due to a retrograde phase.”

What is the meaning of Venus?

“Venus is a feminine force,” says Thomas. It is “the planet of beauty” and “aligns with harmony, peace and pleasure.”

Thomas says “love” aligns with Venus. While he notes “romantic attraction” is especially felt from the planet’s energy, he says “all kinds” of affection can be felt.

How does Venus affect your daily life?

Venus’ energy can impact romance sector on the day-to-day, depending on which zodiac sign it’s in. Thomas says that planet also “ties to one’s love languages, style and aesthetics.”

When Venus is in retrograde, Thomas says it’s likely we “cross paths with people from previous relationships or past life connections.” He adds, “Venus rules Taurus and Libra.”

Mars, a personal planet and the first “malefic” planet, is the opposite of Venus. While Thomas says it also “holds ties” to relationships, its “more often” connected to sex or conflict. 

Mars is also seen as a “timekeeper” of the zodiac, he says, as he takes “roughly two years to go around the sun.” It spends “roughly six to seven weeks” in a zodiac sign.

What is the meaning of Mars?

Mars is “a powerful masculine force” deeply tied to action, says Thomas. It can symbolize “courage, strength, competition and aggression.”

Also symbolizing passion, Thomas says it can “reveal desire, hunger, drive and one’s sex life and libido.”

How does Mars affect your daily life?

Mars can reveal “vitality, strength and ego,” says Thomas. As an energy of fire, he says it can also put forth “focus, attention and level of aggression at any given time.” He adds, “Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.”

Jupiter is often called “the Great Benefic,” says Thomas. It is the planet of “expansion, luck, growth and blessings.” 

Typically, Jupiter takes approximately “twelve to thirteen months” to go around the sun. It spends “about one year” in each zodiac sign or house in our natal chart. 

What is the meaning of Jupiter?

Jupiter is “a highly spiritual planet,” says Thomas. It’s connected to “wisdom, hope, spirituality and joy.” It often delivers our “greatest heights of prosperity and influence,” he adds. 

How does Jupiter affect your daily life?

According to Thomas, “Jupiter tends to bring more blessings, growth and opportunities” wherever the planet travels. In fact, he says it may feel as though we have “a winning touch” at that point in time.

Jupiter has the potential to “expand” anything it effects, better or worse. But fear not! Thomas says the planet’s energy “more often aids us in joyous ways.” 

Depending on where Jupiter resides in your birth chart, Thomas says we “often experience luck and abundance.” 

He adds, “Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.”

Saturn, known as the "taskmaster" and seen as a malefic force, ties to “society and larger structures in our lives." Thomas says this goes for all outer planets: Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

“Jupiter and Saturn are the only outer planets that the ancients were aware of in previous times,” explains Thomas. 

Saturn takes approximately “28 to 29 years” to go around the sun and it spends about “two to three years” in a zodiac sign.

What is the meaning of Saturn?

Saturn is considered “one of the strongest” planets of them all because it’s “significantly tied to time and structure.” 

Meanwhile, Thomas says Saturn is “a planet of karma and teaches through hard life lessons.” Therefore, he notes its association with “perseverance and restriction," plus “hardship and obstacles.” 

Through its connection to “maturity and those who are old and wise,” Thomas says Saturn “can also align with law, government, authority and tradition.”

How does Saturn affect your daily life?

Saturn is a planet that makes us earn our glory! Despite teaching through challenges, Thomas says it "often delivers our greatest achievements that we’ve had to work tirelessly to achieve."

On a collective level, he says the planet "aligns with global structures, governments and karma." Saturn rules Capricorn.

Uranus, the first “modern planet," is a higher vibration of Mercury. It is often titled the "Great Awakener.”

While the planet is known for bringing "liberation, freedom and bringing visions of the future," Thomas says it's also "the most unpredictable planet." This, meanwhile, can often "trigger surprises or chaos."

Uranus takes "about 84 years" to go around the sun and spends "about seven years" in a zodiac sign.

What is the meaning of Uranus?

Uranus focuses on "the unknown and freeing us from the past;" therefore, it often connects to "invention, humanitarianism, change and technology."

Interestingly, Thomas says the following areas are connected to Uranus: astrology, the internet, space and AI.

How does Uranus affect your daily life?

Uranus can have a personal affect on everyone, mainly revealing how we "seek freedom and pursue a progressive, future-oriented path." Thomas explains further, "It also aligns with how one embraces their utmost authenticity and eccentricity."

Thomas puts its simply: "Uranus is all about thinking outside of the box.” He adds, "Uranus rules Aquarius."

Neptune, another modern planet and nicknamed "the Great Dissolver," is the higher octave of Venus. Thomas says Neptune radiates the energies of "personal love and art" on a spiritual wavelength, which can bring "great beauty and love" — but also "fantasy, illusion and delusion," he notes.

Thomas says Neptune takes "165 years to go around the sun." It spends approximately "10 to 12 years" in a zodiac sign.

What is the meaning of Neptune?

Neptune is tied to "magic and spirituality" therefore, Thomas says it's generally linked to "dreams, religion and the mystical."

The planet is known for bringing "great visions" to those who are visionary artists or psychics. At the same time, however, Thomas says "it can also bring charlatans, deceivers or weakness."

How does Neptune affect your daily life?

Neptune's effect on your daily life depends on where it resides. On one hand, Thomas says there can be "great breakthroughs or ideas generated." On the other, he says "it can reveal what is being dissolved and scattered."

The themes of "religion and spirituality" will also be in effect depending on where Neptune stands. "Neptune rules Pisces," he notes.

Pluto, the higher octave of Mars and last modern planet, is regarded as "the greatest malefic of all." While it can be known for bringing "darkness," Thomas notes it can also "aid us in growing and being liberated from what no longer serves us."

The planet also aligns with "major power," he says. Among the areas its energy can be felt include "corporations, banks and dictators" — in addition to "those who dig to the greatest depths," like "psychologists, spies, detectives and thieves."

Pluto takes "roughly 248 years to go around the sun," says Thomas. It spends "about 12 to 15 years" in a zodiac sign. 

What is the meaning of Pluto?

Pluto is tied to "transformation, death and destruction," says Thomas. "It is an energy that forces us to change regardless if we want to or not."

Therefore, Thomas says Pluto "aligns with generational evolution... also connecting to the subconscious, too."

How does Pluto affect your daily life?

Pluto collectively represents "great power in our world," says Thomas. Personally, it reveals "pain" that can "transform" each of us.

Its energy is present daily, specifically when we are "exerting power or experiencing power struggles." Thomas says, "Pluto rules Scorpio."

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Red, yellow, green ... and white? Smarter vehicles could mean big changes for the traffic light

This undated photo provided by the University of Michigan College of Engineering shows vehicles as they drive through the Old Woodward Avenue and East Maple signalized intersection, which was retimed using the Optimized Signal as a Service (OSaaS), in Birmingham, Mich. Smarter vehicles could mean some of the most dramatic changes for the traditional traffic signal since the yellow light was added more than a century ago. (Jeremy Little/University of Michigan College of Engineering via AP)

This undated photo provided by the University of Michigan College of Engineering shows vehicles as they drive through the Old Woodward Avenue and East Maple signalized intersection, which was retimed using the Optimized Signal as a Service (OSaaS), in Birmingham, Mich. Smarter vehicles could mean some of the most dramatic changes for the traditional traffic signal since the yellow light was added more than a century ago. (Jeremy Little/University of Michigan College of Engineering via AP)

This undated photo provided by University of Michigan College of Engineering shows Dr. Xingmin Wang, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, showing off a visualization of connected vehicle trajectory data insights which aid in the optimization of traffic signals. Smarter vehicles could mean some of the most dramatic changes for the traditional traffic signal since the yellow light was added more than a century ago. (Jeremy Little/University of Michigan College of Engineering via AP)

This undated photo provided by the University of Michigan College of Engineering shows Jim Lollar, Mcity test facility manager, as he works inside of a traffic control cabinet at the Mcity Test Facility, identical to ones found at signalized intersections across the country. Smarter vehicles could mean some of the most dramatic changes for the traditional traffic signal since the yellow light was added more than a century ago. (Jeremy Little/University of Michigan College of Engineering via AP)

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As cars and trucks get smarter and more connected, the humble lights that have controlled the flow of traffic for more than a century could also be on the cusp of a major transformation.

Researchers are exploring ways to use features in modern cars, such as GPS, to make traffic safer and more efficient. Eventually, the upgrades could do away entirely with the red, yellow and green lights of today, ceding control to driverless cars .

Henry Liu, a civil engineering professor who is leading a study through the University of Michigan, said the rollout of a new traffic signal system could be a lot closer than people realize.

“The pace of artificial intelligence progress is very fast, and I think it’s coming,” he said.

Traffic lights haven’t changed much in the U.S. over the years. Cleveland debuted what is considered the first “municipal traffic control system” in 1914, historian Megan Kate Nelson wrote for Smithsonian Magazine . Powered by the electricity from the city’s trolley line, engineer James Hodge’s invention featured two lights: red and green, the colors long used by railroads. A police officer sitting in a booth on the sidewalk had to flip a switch to change the signal.

A few years later, Detroit police officer William Potts is credited with adding the yellow light, though as a city employee he couldn’t patent it. By 1930, Nelson wrote, all major American cities and many smaller ones had at least one electrical traffic signal .

FILE - Cruise AV, General Motor's autonomous electric Bolt EV, is seen on Jan. 16, 2019, in Detroit. General Motors' troubled Cruise autonomous vehicle unit said Monday, May 13, 2024, that it will start testing robotaxis in Arizona this week with human safety drivers on board. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

The advent of connected and automated vehicles, though, has presented a world of new possibilities for traffic signals.

Among those reimagining traffic flows is a team at North Carolina State University led by Ali Hajbabaie, an associate engineering professor. Rather than doing away with today’s traffic signals, Hajbabaie suggests adding a fourth light, perhaps a white one, to indicate when there are enough autonomous vehicles on the road to take charge and lead the way.

“When we get to the intersection, we stop if it’s red and we go if it’s green,” said Hajbabaie, whose team used model cars small enough to hold. “But if the white light is active, you just follow the vehicle in front of you.”

Although Hajbabaie’s research refers to a “white phase” and possibly even a white light, the specific color isn’t important, he said. Current lights could even suffice, say, by modifying them to flash red and green simultaneously to signal that driverless cars are in charge. The key would be making sure that it’s universally adopted like the current signals are.

Using such an approach would be years away, as it would require 40% to 50% of vehicles on the road to be self-driving in order to work, Hajbabaie acknowledged.

Waymo spokesperson Sandy Karp pointed out that the self-driving car subsidiary of Google’s parent company launched a fully autonomous ride-sharing service in Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, even without the addition of a fourth traffic light.

“While it is good at this early stage of AV development that people are thinking creatively about how to facilitate the safe deployment of safe AVs, policymakers and infrastructure owners should be careful about jumping too soon on AV-specific investments that may turn out to be premature or even unnecessary,” Karp said in an email to The Associated Press.

University of Michigan researchers have taken a different approach. They conducted a pilot program in the Detroit suburb of Birmingham using insights from the speed and location data found in General Motors vehicles to alter the timing of that city’s traffic lights. The researchers recently landed a U.S. Department of Transportation grant under the bipartisan infrastructure law to test how to make the changes in real time.

Because the Michigan research deals with vehicles that have drivers, not fully autonomous ones, it could be much closer to wider implementation than what Hajbabaie is seeking.

Liu, who has been leading the Michigan research, said even with as little as 6% of the vehicles on Birmingham’s streets connected to the GM system, they provide enough data to adjust the timing of the traffic lights to smooth the flow.

The 34 traffic signals in Birmingham were chosen because, like more than half of the signals nationwide, they’re set to a fixed-time schedule without any cameras or sensors to monitor congestion. Liu said although there are higher-tech solutions to monitoring traffic, they require cities to make complex and expensive upgrades.

“The beauty of this is you don’t have to do anything to the infrastructure,” Liu said. “The data is not coming from the infrastructure. It’s coming from the car companies.”

Danielle Deneau, director of traffic safety at the Road Commission in Oakland County, Michigan, said the initial data in Birmingham only adjusted the timing of green lights by a few seconds, but it was still enough to reduce congestion. Even bigger changes could be in store under the new grant-funded research, which would automate the traffic lights in a yet-to-be announced location in the county.

daily trek meaning

Roth 401(k) employer matches may trigger a tax bill for you. Here's what you need to know.

daily trek meaning

If your company’s offering you a Roth 401(k) match, you should contribute enough to trigger that free money and boost your retirement savings.

But take note: This financial move could lead to a tax bill.

SECURE Act 2.0, which passed in December 2022, allowed employers for the first time to match Roth 401(k) contributions directly into a Roth account. Before the new law, employers had to establish a second traditional 401(k) for their contributions to retirement funds.

There's a wrinkle in the new rules, though.

Remember that your Roth 401(k) contributions are taxed, which allows you, the employee, to withdraw the money during your retirement years without paying taxes on it.

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But it's different for your employer. Their contributions to your Roth 401(k) through matches are pre-tax, just like they would be if your company matched a traditional 401(k).

That means you’re on the hook to pay taxes on your company’s Roth contributions the year they're made.

“The biggest pitfall is remembering to...cover the employer contributions,” said Mark Steber, chief tax information officer at tax preparer Jackson Hewitt.

If, for example, your employer contributes $500 to your Roth 401(k), that's $500 of income you need to pay taxes on, he said. 

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What taxes will you owe?

  • You’ll owe federal taxes on the amount your employer contributes each year.

You’ll “receive a 1099-R with a Code G in Box 7,” said Mark Jaeger, vice president of tax operations at tax software company TaxAct. “This amount will be included as ordinary income on (your) tax return.”

  • If you live in a state with an income tax, you’ll owe tax there too, he added.

Do you report a Roth 401(k) on taxes?

Your contributions should appear on your W-2 , but since they're post-tax, you don't have to report them on your tax return.

But you'll have to report your employer's direct Roth 401(k) contributions, if any, shown on the 1099-R you should receive. That amount will be taxed.

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How can I pay the taxes?

You have a few options for paying the taxes, tax experts say:

  • Report the contributions on your tax return as part of your income and pay when you file your taxes.
  • Increase your federal withholdings from your W-2 by filing a new W-4 with your employer if you don’t want to have a larger tax bill when you file your taxes.
  • Make estimated tax payments each quarter to cover the additional taxes.

If you live in a state with income taxes, you may wish to do the same in that state, Jaeger said.

What are 2024 contribution limits for a Roth 401(k)?

  • The maximum amount you can contribute to a Roth 401(k) for 2024 is $23,000 if you're younger than age 50.
  • If you're age 50 and older, you can add an extra $7,500 per year in "catch-up" contributions, bringing your total for the year to $30,500.
  • Employer match contributions don’t count toward those personal contribution limits, but there’s a limit for combined employee and employer contributions. In 2024, it’s either 100% of your salary or $69,000 (excluding catch-up contributions), whichever is lower.

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How were Roth 401(k) matches handled before SECURE Act 2.0?

  • Before SECURE Act 2.0 , an employee would contribute money to a Roth 401(k) but a second traditional 401(k) was established for the employer contributions. 

For example, you contribute $2,000 to a Roth 401(k) with post-tax dollars, but your employer matched with $1,000 in pre-tax dollars into a traditional 401(k). 

“If I wanted to convert that traditional 401(k) over to a Roth 401(k), I would pay ordinary taxes (no special capital gains rate) on that $1,000, plus or minus any gains or losses earned through that account,” Jaeger said.

  • Now, after SECURE Act 2.0, contributions would look like this: you contribute $2,000 to a Roth 401(k) with post-tax dollars, and your employer matches $1,000 to a Roth 401(k).  Your employer issues you a 1099-R, and you must pay taxes on that $1,000.

How many companies offer Roth 401(k) matches?

More than 90% of retirement plans offer a Roth 401(k) option, according to brokerage giant Fidelity , but not many offer the match in its latest form so far.

Fifteen percent have added the optional provision of SECURE 2.0 to allow participants to elect Roth treatment of employer contributions, and one-quarter are actively considering this provision, said Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA), an industry trade group. Nearly 40% have not and will not implement this provision and the rest are unsure.

“Though many plan sponsors like this provision in theory, and the recent guidance has made it more attractive to offer, many don't want the added administrative complexity, especially if they already allow in-plan Roth conversions,” PSCA said.

Medora Lee is a money, markets, and personal finance reporter at USA TODAY. You can reach her at [email protected] and subscribe to our free Daily Money newsletter for personal finance tips and business news every Monday through Friday morning.   

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verb (used without object)

He managed to escape from a Siberian labor camp and trekked to Iran, a three-year journey.

He's trekked through the Himalayas and summited Mt. Kilimanjaro.

We trekked back to our hotel in the pouring rain.

  • South Africa. to travel by ox wagon.

verb (used with object)

  • South Africa. (of a draft animal) to draw (a vehicle or load).
  • a slow or difficult journey, hike, or trip.
  • a migration or expedition, especially by ox wagon.
  • a stage of such a journey, between one stopping place and the next.
  • a long and often difficult journey
  • a journey or stage of a journey, esp a migration by ox wagon
  • intr to make a trek
  • tr (of an ox, etc) to draw (a load)

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Derived forms.

  • ˈtrekker , noun

Other Words From

  • un·trekked adjective

Word History and Origins

Origin of trek 1

Example Sentences

During his trek, Brinsley twice passed within a block of a police stationhouse and he almost certainly saw cops along the way.

The audience--tout Hollywood--stands to cheer his slow and painful trek from the wings to the table.

Overall, few travelers have made the trek into the desert of Sudan to see these architectural wonders.

In fact, some feminist critics have pointed to a long history of objectification in Star Trek.

Horst Ulrich, a 72-year-old German on a trek with a group of friends, watched four Nepali guides swept away by an avalanche.

If his partner's impedimentia was not too bulky, the ancient model was ready for another trek to the hills.

The mountaineers, indeed, suffered less than the townsfolk as being more accustomed than they to conditions of trek and battle.

The cool morning air made it bearable for man and beast to trek.

By the third day of their trek southward along the Great River, the soles of Redbird's moccasins had worn through.

Once more was there a cracking of whips, and the oxen, straightening out along the trek-touw (Note 3), moved reluctantly on.

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  1. TREK

    TREK meaning: 1. to walk a long distance, usually over land such as hills, mountains, or forests: 2. a long walk…. Learn more.

  2. What Is Trekking? Complete Guide For Beginners

    Hiking is a long, vigorous walk on footpaths or hiking trails that usually lasts for a couple of hours, one day, or perhaps overnight. Trekking is a long yet energetic hike that lasts multiple days and is mostly in the wild natural environment. In other words, you can do it off hiking trails.

  3. TREK Definition & Usage Examples

    Trek definition: to travel or migrate slowly or with difficulty, often through rough or unsettled territory. See examples of TREK used in a sentence.

  4. TREK Definition & Meaning

    Trek definition: to travel or migrate slowly or with difficulty, often through rough or unsettled territory. See examples of TREK used in a sentence.

  5. trek verb

    Definition of trek verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  6. trek verb

    Definition of trek verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  7. trek

    a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot:. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content.

  8. trek noun

    Definition of trek noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  9. trek

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English trek1 /trek/ noun [ countable] 1 a long and difficult journey, made especially on foot as an adventure SYN hike a lonely trek through the forest see thesaurus at journey 2 informal a distance that seems long when you walk it I'm afraid it's a bit of a trek to the station. Examples from the ...

  10. Trek Definition & Meaning

    trek: [noun] a trip or movement especially when involving difficulties or complex organization : an arduous journey.

  11. trek

    Trek is a word from Afrikaans, the language of the Dutch settlers in South Africa. It meant "to journey or migrate by wagon." This word entered the English language in the mid-1800s. Throughout the 1800s, the British and Dutch struggled for control of South Africa. The meaning of trek. Definition of trek.

  12. trek

    trek - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.

  13. How To Blog DAILY While On Trail

    Leading up to my 2023 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, I dove deep into many blog posts on The Trek. My goal was to gain a deeper understanding of what the day-to-day on trail was like, in preparation for my own hike. Google webpage suggestions kept feeding me articles by the same blogger who was posting almost daily in 2022 (apologies, I ...

  14. trek, n. meanings, etymology and more

    What does the noun trek mean? There are four meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun trek. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. Entry status. OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised. See meaning & use.

  15. Daily Star Trek News

    Powered by Squarespace. Daily Star Trek News is the best resource for all the latest news - daily! - from Star Trek new and classic. Here you'll also find updates on the franchise from CBS and Paramount, and from Trek-adjacent shows like The Orville and Galaxy Quest.

  16. TrekToday

    Per the Star Trek On Paramount+ Twitter account, this week's episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks will feature yet another classic Trek alumnus. ...

  17. Trek vs. Treck

    Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide. "Trek" is the correct spelling denoting a long arduous journey. "Treck" is an incorrect spelling. Trek often refers to traveling especially on foot.

  18. Star Trek: Discovery's "For April, with love ...

    David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.

  19. 31 Synonyms & Antonyms for TREK

    Find 31 different ways to say TREK, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  20. trek noun

    Definition of trek noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  21. These Maine hiking hotspots are worth the trek for all levels

    1-minute hike: Lily Bay State Park in Beaver Cove. Watch on. The mountainous region surrounding Moosehead Lake is scattered with scenic trails, from the easy paths of Lily Bay State Park to the ...

  22. NIH Quietly Altered Definition For Gain-Of-Function ...

    Tabak testified on Thursday that the NIH did fund this research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but it "depends on [the] definition." The NIAID, which Fauci previously led, funded the nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance to study bat-based coronaviruses in China that consisted of the transfer of $600,000 to the WIV, the Daily Caller News ...

  23. A Guide to the Planets in Astrology and Their Meanings

    Venus, known as the "lesser benefic," is a personal planet. Thomas says it rules "relationships, love, connection, beauty, art, fertility and profit.". Therefore, the planet "is deeply ...

  24. What is the definition of inflation? What causes it? What to know

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  25. What Michael Cohen said and what it means in Donald Trump's trial

    Cohen said he was feeling pressure to silence Daniels to avoid her giving her story to the Daily Mail. "Just do it," Cohen said Trump told him. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford ...

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  28. Roth 401(k) matches under SECURE Act 2.0 may mean a tax bill for you

    But take note: This financial move could lead to a tax bill. SECURE Act 2.0, which passed in December 2022, allowed employers for the first time to match Roth 401 (k) contributions directly into a ...

  29. TREK Definition & Meaning

    Trek definition: . See examples of TREK used in a sentence.