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  • Lake Malawi National Park
  • Likoma Island
  • Livingstonia

Liwonde National Park

Majete wildlife reserve.

  • Mount Mulanje

Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

  • Ntchisi Forest Reserve

Nyika National Park

  • Satemwa Tea Estate
  • Viphya Plateau
  • Zomba Plateau
  • Northern Lake Shore
  • Southern Lake Shore
  • Ntchisi Forest
  • Nyika Plateau
  • Malawi Itineraries
  • Malawi Gallery
  • South Luangwa National Park
  • Lower Zambezi National Park
  • Livingstone & Victoria Falls
  • Kafue National Park
  • Liuwa Plain National Park
  • North Luangwa National Park
  • Luambe National Park
  • Liuwa Plain
  • Livingstone, Victoria Falls
  • Zambia Itineraries
  • Zambia Gallery
  • Bazaruto Island
  • Benguerra Island
  • Ilha de Mozambique
  • Gorongosa National Park
  • Ilha De Mozambique & Nuarro
  • Bartholomew Dias (Inhassoro)
  • Maputo & Machangulo
  • Massinga Beach & Morrungulo
  • Tofo & Barra
  • Vilanculos & The Islands
  • Mozambique Itineraries
  • Mozambique Gallery
  • Pemba Island
  • Mafia Island
  • Fanjove Island
  • Mnemba Island
  • Tanzania Gallery
  • Walk Malawi – 9 nights
  • Conservation Malawi – 10 nights
  • Malawi Highlights – 12 nights
  • Malawi Luxury – 13 nights
  • Malawi South to North – 21 nights
  • Lake Malawi Extensions
  • Hippos & Hides – 9 nights
  • Two Rivers Comfort – 9 nights
  • Two Rivers in Style – 9 nights
  • Two Rivers Luxury – 9 nights
  • South Luangwa Southern Explorer – 10 nights
  • Zambia In Style – 11 nights
  • South Luangwa Adventure – 12 nights
  • The Lower Zambezi Explorer – 13 nights
  • The Luangwa Valley – 13 nights
  • Classic Zambia – 14 nights
  • The Kafue Explorer – 14 nights
  • Three Rivers Luxury – 15 nights
  • Three Rivers – Wild & Authentic – 15 nights
  • The Instagrammable Itinerary – 16 nights
  • Wild Zambia – 19 nights
  • Diving & Yoga Adventure – 14 nights
  • Diving, Dunes and Dolphins – 16 nights
  • Far and Wild Honeymoon – 8 nights
  • Zambia & Malawi Luxury – 10 nights
  • Green Season Luxury – 13 nights
  • Zambia and Malawi Family – 13 nights
  • Sunsets and Safaris – Mid Range – 14 nights
  • Sunsets and Safaris – In Style – 15 nights
  • Sunsets and Safaris – Luxury – 15 nights
  • South Luangwa and Northern Malawi – 15 nights
  • Southern Malawi & South Luangwa – Classic – 16 nights
  • Adventure Green Season – 17 nights
  • Southern Malawi & South Luangwa – In Style – 17 nights
  • A Walk on the Wild Side – 21 nights
  • Whales & Wildlife – 14 nights
  • River Ocean Explorer – 14 nights
  • Zambia & Mozam in Style – 14 nights
  • Wild Africa – 20 nights
  • MalZamBique Combo – 21 nights
  • The Big Three – 21 nights
  • Wildlife and bird safaris
  • Beach Retreat
  • Crafted Luxury
  • Adventure junkies
  • Honeymooning
  • Family Holidays
  • Walkers’ paradise
  • Scuba freak
  • Fish fanatics
  • Meet the Team

best safari locations malawi

The Ultimate Malawi Safari Travel Guide

Malawi safari travel guide 2024.

Malawi, often called the “ Warm Heart of Africa ,” is gaining worldwide recognition as a top safari destination. It’s in Southeastern Africa and has diverse landscapes, from the Great Rift Valley to the shores of Lake Malawi, known for its clear waters and abundant fish. Unlike other African destinations, Malawi offers a more intimate experience with wildlife alongside the thrill of safari.

Malawi has become popular among travellers seeking off-the-beaten-path safari experiences. Its appeal lies in its scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, and less-crowded parks, which provide opportunities for personal and up-close wildlife encounters. Whether visitors are interested in observing the wildlife, bird watching, or participating in conservation efforts, Malawi offers unparalleled grace and hospitality.

In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of planning a safari in Malawi, including the best times to visit for optimal wildlife viewing and navigating the journey into its wild heart. We’ll also highlight the top destinations that make Malawi a must-visit for nature enthusiasts, provide details about the diverse wildlife visitors can expect to encounter, and shed light on the conservation efforts essential to preserving Malawi’s natural heritage. Whether you are an experienced safari-goer or a first-time adventurer, Malawi’s untouched beauty and rich biodiversity will leave a lasting impression.

Best Time to Visit Malawi for a Safari

Malawi has a distinct wet and dry season, each offering unique advantages for safari-goers. Understanding these seasonal changes when planning your trip is essential, especially if you’re keen on spotting specific wildlife or engaging in certain activities.

Dry Season (May to October): The dry season is the best time for wildlife viewing in Malawi. With thinner vegetation and scarce water, animals gather around permanent water sources, making them easier to spot. The risk of malaria is lower, and there are fewer mosquitoes, making for more comfortable safari conditions. It can get quite hot in September and October, especially in lower-lying areas like Liwonde National Park, but temperatures vary, with warm days and cooler nights.

Wet Season (November to April): During the wet season, Malawi’s landscape transforms with lush, green scenery as the rains arrive. Wet season is a paradise for bird watchers as migratory birds arrive and many species begin their breeding seasons. While wildlife viewing can be more challenging due to thicker vegetation and more dispersed animals, the parks are less crowded, offering a more private experience. Additionally, newborn animals are commonly seen during this time, adding a tender aspect to safaris.

When planning your visit, consider what you want to experience most. The dry season offers the best wildlife viewing conditions, while the wet season appeals to those interested in birdwatching, photography, and experiencing the vibrant life of the landscape after the rains.

best safari locations malawi

How to Get to Malawi’s Parks

When planning your safari adventure to Malawi, you have several options. Most international visitors fly into Lilongwe, the capital, or Blantyre, the country’s commercial hub. You can also enter Malawi overland from neighbouring countries such as Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique.

If you choose to fly, you can use Lilongwe’s Kamuzu International Airport (LLW) or Blantyre’s Chileka International Airport (BLZ), the main gateways for international travellers. Some airlines offer flights from Europe, Asia, and other African countries, often with layovers in regional hubs like Johannesburg, Nairobi, or Addis Ababa. Upon arrival, you can find car rentals, taxis, and local flights to domestic destinations.

For those travelling by land, you can overland entry from neighbouring countries, with bus services and car rentals available for travel into and around Malawi.

When travelling to the parks from Lilongwe:

  • Liwonde National Park is approximately 3 to 4 hours from Lilongwe and accessible by private vehicle or organised transfer. Mvuu Camp Airport is an airstrip serving the Park, making it very accessible, especially for those who wish to combine a Zambia safari with a Malawi safari and lake experience.
  • Majete Wildlife Reserve, located in the southern region, is about a 4-hour drive from Lilongwe. It showcases Malawi’s diverse landscapes.
  • Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, to the northeast of Lilongwe, can be reached by road in about 3 hours. Its terrain is more rugged than that of the southern parks.
  • Nyika National Park, situated in the north, is the most remote destination. It’s approximately a 6 to 8-hour drive from Lilongwe or a charter flight to Chelinda airstrip, ideal for those looking to save time and witness stunning aerial views of Malawi’s landscapes.

Here are some travel tips:

  • While self-driving is possible, hiring a vehicle with a driver familiar with the local roads and conditions is recommended, especially for those unfamiliar with driving on the left side.
  • Consider local flights for longer distances or remote destinations like Nyika and Liwodne to maximise your safari time.
  • Many lodges and safari operators offer transfer services from Lilongwe or Blantyre, ensuring seamless park access.

Planning your journey to Malawi’s parks requires considering distance, time, and the kind of experience you wish to have. Whether you opt for scenic routes by road or the efficiency of local flights, the journey to the heart of Malawi’s wilderness is an integral part of the safari adventure.

best safari locations malawi

Top Malawi Safari Destinations

Malawi has nine fantastic national parks and wildlife reserves with extraordinary landscapes, wildlife and experiences. We are going to concentrate on the four most popular safari destinations. Each has its own charm and offers intimate encounters with the natural world. From the riverine splendour of Liwonde to the rugged terrains of Majete, the ancient forests of Nkhotakota, and the elevated beauty of Nyika, you’re about to discover the essence of Malawi’s wilderness. 

Join us as we explore the distinct characteristics and conservation triumphs that make each park a critical piece of Malawi’s safari allure, promising adventures that resonate with the soul of every traveller.

Often called the jewel of Malawi’s national parks, Liwonde is famous for its river landscapes and diverse wildlife. The Shire River flows along its western border and is a lifeline for the park’s animals, especially during the dry season. Visitors can expect to see lots of elephants, hippos, and crocodiles. The park also has a thriving rhino population, making it a key destination for those hoping to catch sight of these endangered creatures. Safari-goers can enjoy boat safaris on the Shire River, game drives, and walking safaris for an up-close encounter with nature.

In recent years, African Parks has been working on restoring Liwonde’s predator population. Cheetahs, absent from the park for a century, were reintroduced in 2017. A founder population of lions was brought back in 2018, and wild dogs were reintroduced in 2021. Additionally, in 2019, 17 black rhinos were relocated from South Africa to Liwonde in one of history’s largest international black rhino translocations.

lion roaring in Majete

A great conservation success story, Majete has become a thriving “Big Five” destination thanks to African Parks’ restocking efforts. Located in the southern region of Malawi, this reserve offers rugged terrain, including the dramatic Chikwawa Escarpment and the broad Mkulumadzi River.

In addition to the “Big Five,” Majete is home to a variety of wildlife, including herds of zebra, buffalo, sable, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest, klipspringer, cheetah, giraffe, and a reintroduced African wild dog. Bird enthusiasts will be delighted to know Majete is home to over 300 bird species, including four species of vulture, Pel’s fishing owl, cuckoo hawk, and local specialities such as Livingstone’s flycatcher, Boehm’s bee-eater, and racket-tailed roller, all commonly spotted in the area.

Tongole Wilderness Retreat

Located east of Lake Malawi, Nkhotakota is Malawi’s oldest and largest reserve (1,800 km2). This vast wilderness area, characterised by dense forests and rugged terrain, has also been managed by African Parks, which has led to significant wildlife recovery and restocking programs. Elephants, buffalo, and various antelope species are increasingly sighted, and the reserve offers a truly wild safari experience.

In 2016 and 2017, one of the most extensive wildlife restoration efforts took place, introducing 500 elephants and 2,000 other animals to Nkhotakota. Additional introductions occurred in 2022. These momentous events reignited hope for tourism and preserving the reserve as a crucial wildlife habitat.

Zebra - Chelina Lodge, Nyika National Park

This park, located on the Nyika Plateau , is known for its stunning landscapes, including rolling hills, lush grasslands, and dense patches of montane forests. It is particularly famous for its flora, with over 200 orchids flowering in the rainy season. The park is also a haven for leopards, zebras, and various antelope. Its high altitude makes it a unique safari destination in Africa, offering game viewing, trekking, and mountain biking opportunities.

Nyika offers fantastic trekking and mountain biking opportunities, as well as traditional 4×4 excursions and safaris. The park is teeming with attractions, including waterfalls, a neolithic rock shelter, trout pools, and even a ‘magic lake,’ all amidst breathtaking vistas and exciting wildlife encounters.

Each destination offers a glimpse into Malawi’s diverse ecosystems and the conservation efforts revitalising its natural heritage. Whether it’s the aquatic life of Liwonde, the restored majesty of Majete, the untouched wilderness of Nkhotakota, or the highland wonders of Nyika, Malawi offers unforgettable safari experiences for every type of traveller.

Malawi Wildlife

Malawi boasts diverse landscapes that provide a stunning setting for a wide variety of wildlife, making it an appealing destination for nature lovers and enthusiasts. The country’s dedication to conservation has played a vital role in preserving and highlighting its natural heritage, allowing visitors to observe a wide range of species in their natural habitats.

Big Cats and the Big Five

While Malawi may not be as well-known for its big cat populations as some African countries, it offers the chance to see these magnificent predators in the wild. Leopards are the more commonly sighted of the big cats, especially in the woodland and forested areas of Nyika National Park and Majete. Lions have been reintroduced to Majete Wildlife Reserve, where they are thriving, making Majete a key destination for those hoping to glimpse the king of the beasts in Malawi.

The “Big Five”—lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo—is a big draw for safari-goers. Malawi strives to become a “Big Five” safari destination. Thanks to successful conservation and reintroduction efforts, Majete Wildlife Reserve offers an opportunity to see these iconic African mammals.

Leopards and Lions aren’t the only big cats spotted in Malawi. Cheetahs were reintroduced to Liwonde National Park in 2017 after being absent for over 20 years. The reintroduction program has succeeded, with several litters of cubs being born in the park since then. 

Popular Wildlife

Malawi is home to a wide variety of wildlife. The country boasts large populations of hippos and crocodiles that dominate the waterways. Elephants and zebras are common, especially in large herds in Liwonde National Park. Antelope species such as sable, kudu, and waterbuck roam the plains and woodlands in large numbers, while the unique African wild dog can sometimes be spotted in Majete.

Malawi’s diverse landscapes and central position close to the equator make it a haven for birdwatching, with around 650 bird species, 10% of which are not seen in other parts of southern Africa. The country’s varied habitats, from lakeshores and wetlands to woodlands and mountains, provide rich opportunities for bird enthusiasts. From African fish eagles and hammerkops to scimitar-billed wood hoopoe and Lilian’s lovebirds, Malawi offers visitors a stunning array of birdlife to discover and admire. 

The national parks, wildlife reserves, and forest reserves are ideal for birdwatching, offering natural habitats and expert guiding. The best time for birdwatching in Malawi is towards the close of the dry season to the end of the wet season, providing the greatest opportunities to see a wide range of bird species, including migratory birds. Whether it’s the sight of African fish eagles diving for fish or the colourful display of sunbirds in the woodlands, Malawi’s bird-watching experiences are sure to captivate and inspire.

Lila Breasted Roller, Malawi

Conservation Efforts

Malawi’s diversity and abundance of wildlife are a testament to the ongoing conservation efforts nationwide. Organisations like African Parks, in partnership with the Malawi government, have been instrumental in anti-poaching operations, habitat restoration, and wildlife reintroduction programs, ensuring that Malawi’s natural beauty and biodiversity can be enjoyed by future generations.

Wildlife and Conservation Efforts

Malawi’s commitment to wildlife conservation is a cornerstone of its growing popularity as a safari destination. Through innovative and collaborative efforts, the country has made significant strides in protecting its natural heritage and ensuring the sustainability of its ecosystems and the wildlife that inhabits them.

African Parks

At the forefront of conservation in Malawi is African Parks, a non-profit organisation directly responsible for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities. In Malawi, African Parks manages Liwonde National Park, Majete Wildlife Reserve, Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve and Mangochi Forest Reserve, focusing on restoring these areas to their former glory through law enforcement, wildlife reintroduction, and community engagement.

Wildlife Reintroduction and Rehabilitation

One of Malawi’s most notable conservation successes is reintroducing species lost to poaching and habitat destruction. Majete Wildlife Reserve has transformed from a depleted area devoid of most major wildlife to a thriving ecosystem home to over 12,000 animals, including the Big Five. Similarly, Nkhotakota has seen the largest elephant translocation in human history, with over 500 elephants moved to the reserve to reduce pressure on habitats and help repopulate the area.

Other significant wildlife reintroductions to Malawi parks include:

  • July 2017: Cheetahs return to Liwonde
  • August 2018: Lions return to Liwonde
  • November 2018: Giraffe reintroduced to Majete
  • July 2019: Cheetahs return to Majete
  • 2021: Wild Dogs reintroduced to Liwonde & Majete

Anti-Poaching Efforts

The aggressive stance against poaching has been integral to Malawi’s conservation achievements. By establishing well-trained and equipped ranger teams, implementing aerial surveillance, and using advanced technology, African Parks and the Malawi government have significantly reduced poaching activities, ensuring the protection of the country’s wildlife.

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust (LWT) operates the Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, a sanctuary for orphaned, injured, and confiscated wildlife. Their main goal is to care for these animals and release them back into the wild whenever possible. In addition to being a sanctuary, LWT functions as an educational hub, advocates for policy change and conducts research on wildlife welfare, management, and conservation medicine. Through their multifaceted approach, they play a crucial role in protecting Malawi’s wildlife and securing its future.

Community Involvement

Malawi recognises that long-term conservation success depends on local support, so efforts have increasingly focused on involving communities in conservation activities. Initiatives include education programs, sustainable development projects to improve livelihoods, and involving locals in tourism operations, ensuring conservation efforts also benefit the local population.

International Support and Recognition

Malawi’s conservation efforts have garnered international attention and support, with various organisations and governments contributing to funding, technical expertise, and global awareness campaigns. This international collaboration has been crucial in amplifying the impact of local conservation initiatives.

Malawi’s wildlife’s resilience and rejuvenation are testaments to the effectiveness of these conservation efforts. The country’s commitment to preserving its natural landscapes and biodiversity enhances visitors’ safari experience and sets a benchmark for African conservation success.

Cheetah, Majete, Malawi

Types of Safaris and Activities

Malawi offers a wide range of safari experiences to cater to different interests and adventure levels, thanks to its diverse landscapes and strong commitment to conservation. From traditional game drives to immersive cultural exchanges, visitors can explore natural wonders and connect with local communities.

Game Drives

Game drives in Malawi allow visitors to explore vast landscapes in search of wildlife. Experienced guides lead these drives in open vehicles, offering insights into ecosystems and animal behaviours. Morning and afternoon drives capture different aspects of the park’s life, while nocturnal drives allow sightings of night-time creatures in some areas.

Boat Safaris

Boat safaris along the Shire River at Liwonde National Park and Majete offer close encounters with hippos, crocodiles, and various bird species. You’ll also have great sightings of animals on the riverbanks, as much of the wildlife comes down to the river to drink or graze on the fertile plains near the water’s edge. Additionally, elephants, especially young male bulls, enjoy playing in the shallow waters near the banks and will put on a great display for anyone on a boat safari. Visitors to Nkhotakota can paddle canoes on a boat safari down the Bua River as the might river cuts through the dense bush.

Walking Safaris

For a more intimate connection with the wilderness, walking safaris accompanied by armed guides allow visitors to explore the bush on foot, learning about tracking, flora and fauna, and the ecosystem’s smaller, often overlooked aspects. This immersive experience offers a deeper understanding of the natural environment and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Other Activities

Nyika Plateau is perfect for mountain biking and trekking, offering stunning landscapes of rolling grasslands and wildflowers. Along Lake Malawi, snorkelling and diving reveal an underwater world of colourful cichlid fish unique to this freshwater lake.

Malawi’s approach to safari experiences is holistic, blending wildlife viewing with cultural insights and conservation awareness. This diversity ensures that every traveller can connect with the country’s natural beauty and cultural richness, creating a truly memorable safari adventure.

Kuthengo Camp, Game Drive,

Malawi Safari Accommodation Options

As Malawi’s reputation as a safari destination grows, so does the diversity of its accommodation options, catering to a wide range of preferences and budgets. From luxurious lodges that offer an escape into the heart of the wilderness to eco-friendly camps that emphasise sustainability, here’s a closer look at the lodging options available, with examples for each category to help you plan your stay.

Exclusive Lodges

Exclusive lodges in Malawi provide exceptional comfort and exclusivity, combining stunning locations with high-end amenities. These lodges often feature personalised services, such as private guides for game drives and in-room dining, ensuring a bespoke safari experience.

Kuthengo Camp in Liwonde National Park is set by the Shire River. It offers spacious safari tents with all the necessary comforts, including solar-powered lighting and outdoor showers, enhancing the connection with nature.

Chelinda Lodge in Nyika National Park offers a unique highland experience. Its log cabins overlook the rolling grasslands, home to zebra, antelope, and rich birdlife.

Mid-Range Options

Mid-range accommodations offer a comfortable yet affordable safari experience, balancing convenience and natural immersion. These options often include comfortable lodging, en-suite bathrooms, and communal dining areas, making them ideal for families and groups.

Thawale Lodge in Majete Wildlife Reserve is nestled within the reserve’s heart. It offers comfortable tented chalets and a chance to spot wildlife from the lodge’s viewing deck.

Mvuu Lodge in Liwonde National Park is renowned for its waterfront setting, allowing guests to see elephants, hippos, and birds from their private decks.

Eco-Friendly Camps

Focused on sustainability, eco-friendly camps are designed to have minimal environmental impact. They utilise renewable energy, water-saving measures, and eco-friendly construction materials, providing a responsible travel option.

Mumbo Island in Lake Malawi National Park offers a rustic yet comfortable experience on a pristine island. Its entire operation runs on solar power and eco-friendly principles, making it a fantastic extension of your safari experience.

Each accommodation option in Malawi ensures a comfortable and memorable stay and supports conservation efforts and sustainable tourism practices. Whether you’re seeking the luxury of a secluded lodge or the eco-consciousness of a sustainable camp, Malawi’s accommodations enrich your safari experience while respecting this exceptional destination’s natural beauty and biodiversity.

Mvuu Lodge, Liwonde

A Malawi Safari for Every Traveller

Malawi’s vast array of safari experiences and diverse accommodation options make it an appealing destination for all travellers. Malawi has something special whether you’re a family looking for an educational adventure, a solo traveller seeking solitude and discovery, or a couple on a romantic getaway.

Families: Safaris in Malawi are an incredible way to bond over shared experiences and discoveries. Many lodges and camps cater to families with children, offering family-friendly accommodations and activities designed to educate and entertain guests of all ages. Educational game drives, cultural visits to local communities, and wildlife conservation talks can inspire young minds, making Malawi a fantastic choice for a family holiday combining adventure and learning.

Example Family Accommodation: Mvuu Camp in Liwonde National Park offers family units and a range of activities suitable for children, making wildlife viewing accessible and engaging for the younger guests.

Solo Travellers: Malawi offers a safe and welcoming environment for exploring independently and connecting with nature and local cultures. Solo travellers can join group safaris, which provide opportunities to meet like-minded adventurers or opt for private tours for a more personalised experience. Malawi’s warm hospitality ensures solo visitors feel at home, whether staying in a secluded eco-camp or partaking in community tours.

Honeymooners: Malawi’s stunning landscapes and secluded lodges offer the perfect backdrop for a romantic getaway. Honeymooners can enjoy private dinners under the stars, sunset boat safaris, and intimate accommodations that provide privacy and spectacular views. The tranquil setting allows couples to unwind and enjoy each other’s company in nature’s most beautiful surroundings.

Example Lodge for Honeymooners: Chelinda Lodge in Nyika National Park provides a unique highland retreat with cosy log cabins and private fireplaces. It is ideal for romantic evenings after a day of exploring the vast plateaus.

Adventure Seekers: Malawi’s varied landscapes offer thrilling activities beyond the traditional game drive for those craving adventure. Mountain biking through the hills of Nyika, hiking to remote waterfalls, or kayaking on Lake Malawi are just a few of the activities that can elevate the safari experience for adventure enthusiasts.

Example Camp for Adventure Seekers: Mumbo Island Camp offers an array of water-based activities, including kayaking and snorkelling in the clear waters of Lake Malawi, perfect for those looking to add a bit of adventure to their safari.

Malawi’s appeal as a diverse safari destination lies in its ability to provide unique experiences tailored to the needs and interests of every traveller. From the depths of its national parks to the heights of its plateaus, Malawi invites visitors to explore its natural beauty and cultural richness, ensuring a memorable journey for all who venture here.

best safari locations malawi

How Long Do I Need to Take a Malawi Safari?

Planning the ideal duration for a safari in Malawi involves considering several factors, including the diversity of experiences you wish to enjoy, travel times between destinations, and the depth of engagement you desire with each location. Malawi offers a rich tapestry of landscapes and wildlife, making it tempting to extend your stay to absorb as much as possible. Here are some considerations and recommendations to help you decide how long to spend on your Malawi safari adventure.

Short Stay (7 Days)

A shorter trip is perfect for those with limited time or who are combining their visit to Malawi with other destinations in Southern or East Africa. Focusing on one or two parks, such as Liwonde National Park for its riverine landscapes and wildlife or Majete Wildlife Reserve for the Big Five, can offer a fulfilling safari experience. These trips often concentrate on game drives and possibly a boat safari, offering a snapshot of Malawi’s natural beauty.

Medium Stay (14 Days)

This duration allows for a more relaxed pace and the opportunity to explore three or more different environments. You could combine the lush, wildlife-rich settings of Liwonde and Majete with the unique landscapes of the Nyika Plateau, offering a chance to experience Malawi’s varied ecosystems. Including cultural visits or a day or two relaxing by Lake Malawi can add another dimension to your safari experience.

Long Stay (21 Days)

An extended trip is advisable for those who wish to immerse themselves in Malawi’s wonders fully. This allows for a deeper exploration of each park, participation in a wider range of activities (such as walking safaris, community visits, and conservation projects), and time to absorb the beauty and tranquillity of the natural surroundings. An extended stay also offers the flexibility to venture into less-visited areas, such as the Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, and to enjoy leisure activities at Lake Malawi.

Factors to Consider:

  • Travel Time: Internal travel can be time-consuming, so account for travel days between parks when planning your itinerary.
  • Season: The time of year may influence the duration of your stay; for instance, during the dry season, wildlife viewing is generally more concentrated, possibly requiring less time in each park.
  • Interests: If your interests extend beyond game drives to birdwatching, hiking, or cultural experiences, consider allocating more time to each location.

Recommended Approach: Many travellers find a stay of 14-21 days to be a sweet spot. This duration offers a balanced experience that captures the essence of Malawi’s safari offerings without feeling rushed. It allows for exploring multiple parks and various activities, providing a comprehensive and enriching safari experience.

Lion, Majete

Budget: What Does a Malawi Safari Cost?

A safari in Malawi can vary significantly in cost, influenced by several key factors, including the time of year, the choice of accommodation, the mode of transportation between parks, and the types of activities included in your itinerary. Understanding these factors can help you budget effectively for your trip, ensuring a memorable experience that aligns with your financial considerations.

Time of Year

The season can impact safari costs, with the dry season (May to October) being the peak period for wildlife viewing. Due to increased demand, prices for lodges and safari tours may be higher during this time. Conversely, visiting during the wet season (November to April) might offer lower rates, although some areas may be less accessible and wildlife viewing can be more challenging.

Level of Accommodation 

As discussed earlier, accommodation options in Malawi range from exclusive lodges to eco-friendly camps. Luxury lodges, offering exclusive amenities and services, are at the higher end of the budget spectrum. Mid-range accommodations provide a comfortable yet more affordable alternative, while eco-friendly camps can offer a unique experience at a lower cost. The choice of accommodation is a significant factor in the overall cost of your safari.

Exclusive Lodges and Camps: Prices can range from $400 to over $700 per person per night, including meals, game drives, and other activities.

Mid-Range Options: Rates may vary from $250 to $400 per person per night, typically covering meals and activities.

Eco-Friendly Camps: These can cost between $150 and $300 per person per night, depending on the level of comfort and services provided.


Your choice between driving or flying between destinations also affects costs. Self-driving might be more economical, but navigating local roads and conditions requires comfort. Flying, whether on commercial flights or chartered planes to remote airstrips, offers convenience and time-saving but at a higher price. Consider the transfers to and from airports or lodges, as these can add to the cost.

Safari Activities

The types of activities you choose can influence the overall cost. Standard game drives might be included in the accommodation price, but additional activities like boat safaris, walking safaris, cultural tours, or special conservation experiences may incur extra charges.

Budgeting Tips:

  • Early Planning: Booking your trip well in advance can secure better rates, especially for lodges and flights.
  • Travel as a Group: Group rates for accommodations and activities can offer savings compared to individual pricing.
  • Consider Package Deals: Some tour operators offer safari packages that include accommodations, transportation, and activities at a bundled price, which can be more cost-effective than booking separately.

Elephants, Majete Wildlife Reserve

Preparation and What to Pack for Your Malawi Safari

Going on a safari in Malawi requires thorough preparation, from understanding the latest travel requirements to packing appropriately for your adventure. Here are updated guidelines covering visa requirements, health advisories, and a checklist of what to pack to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Travel Requirements

As of 7 February 2024, Malawi has lifted the visa requirements for nationals of 79 countries, including the UK, USA, France, Italy, and Germany, allowing visa-free entry. This significant change makes accessing Malawi easier for many travellers seeking to explore its natural beauty and wildlife.

Nationals of countries not on the visa-exempt list are still required to obtain a visa. Malawi has introduced an e-visa system, facilitating the application process online. Travellers needing a visa are strongly encouraged to apply for their e-visa to streamline their entry into the country.

Checking the most current visa and entry requirements before your travel is crucial, as policies can change. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Malawi and has at least two blank pages.

Health and Safety Tips:

Vaccinations: Consult with a travel medicine specialist or your doctor well before your trip to ensure your vaccinations are current. It’s essential to have protection against hepatitis A and typhoid and to ensure your routine vaccinations are current. Note that a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers arriving from countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission.

Malaria: Malawi is a malaria-endemic area. Prophylactic medication, the use of insect repellent, and sleeping under mosquito nets are recommended to prevent malaria.

Travel Insurance: Comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical treatment and evacuation is highly recommended. Ensure that your policy covers all safari activities.

General Safety: While Malawi is generally welcoming and safe for tourists, practising common sense safety measures, such as safeguarding valuables and being cautious in unfamiliar areas, especially at night, is advisable.

What to Pack

A thoughtful packing list enhances the safari experience, ensuring you’re prepared for various activities and weather conditions:

  • Light, breathable fabrics in neutral colours like khaki, brown, and green
  • Long-sleeved shirts and trousers for protection against the sun and insects
  • A fleece or sweater for cool mornings and evenings
  • Waterproof jacket for the rainy season
  • Sturdy walking shoes or boots
  • Hat, sunglasses, and a scarf or bandana

Essential Gear:

  • Sunscreen with high SPF and lip balm
  • Insect repellent with DEET
  • Personal medical kit
  • Binoculars and camera equipment
  • Headlamp or flashlight
  • Reusable water bottle

Travel Documents:

  • Passport with at least six months validity beyond your stay
  • Travel insurance documentation
  • Vaccination certificates, particularly for yellow fever
  • E-visa confirmation (for nationalities that require a visa)
  • Cash and cards for personal expenses

Additional Tips

  • Respect local customs and dress modestly, especially when visiting communities.
  • Electrical sockets in Malawi typically use the British-style three-pin plug, so a universal travel adapter is recommended.

Following these updated guidelines and packing accordingly will make you well on your way to a memorable Malawi safari. With peace of mind, you’ll be ready to explore the unparalleled beauty and wildlife diversity of the Warm Heart of Africa.

Safari goers in Liwonde National Park

Embark on Your Malawi Safari Adventure

As we end this guide to safaris in Malawi, it’s clear that this captivating country has something for everyone. With its stunning national parks and diverse cultures, Malawi promises adventure, peace, and memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re excited about spotting the Big Five, eager to explore its birdwatcher’s paradise, or want to take in the beauty and tranquillity of the African wilderness, Malawi welcomes you with open arms.

The recent ease in visa requirements for nationals of 79 countries, including the UK, USA, France, Italy, and Germany, makes now an opportune time to consider Malawi for your next safari adventure. With its commitment to conservation, community involvement, and sustainable tourism, a safari in Malawi is not just a journey through nature but a step towards supporting sustainable travel and wildlife preservation.

As you prepare for your journey, remember to check the latest travel advisories, ensure your health and safety preparations are thorough, and pack thoughtfully for the experiences ahead. Malawi’s diverse accommodations, from luxury lodges to eco-friendly camps, ensure your stay is comfortable, memorable, and aligned with your travel values.

Safari Awaits!

Are you ready to embark on a safari adventure that transcends the ordinary? Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa, awaits with its unmatched beauty, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. Start planning your journey today and experience the magic of a Malawi safari for yourself. Whether you’re seeking solitude, adventure, or a family getaway, Malawi has something special for you. 

Contact us, explore our inspiring itineraries and recommended lodges and experiences , and take the first step towards an unforgettable African safari adventure. Malawi is not just a destination; it’s a journey into the heart of Africa’s soul.

Want to learn more about safari in Malawi?

Malawi safari faqs, what is the best time to visit malawi for a safari.

The best time to visit Malawi for wildlife viewing is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this period, vegetation is thinner and animals are more likely to be spotted around water sources, making wildlife viewing easier.

Which are the top safari destinations in Malawi?

Liwonde National Park: Known as one of the best places for wildlife viewing, Liwonde is home to a significant population of elephants, hippos, and various bird species. It also offers the chance to see the endangered black rhino.

Nyika National Park: Situated in the northern highlands, Nyika is famous for its rolling grasslands and is ideal for seeing antelopes, zebras, and a rich array of birdlife. The park’s elevation makes it a good spot for hiking and mountain biking.

Majete Wildlife Reserve: A success story in conservation, Majete has been restocked with wildlife over the past decades and now boasts the Big Five: lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, and rhinos.

What kind of accommodations can I expect on a Malawi safari?

Accommodations in Malawi range from exclusive lodges and tented camps to more rustic chalets and camping sites. Many lodges offer amenities like swimming pools, gourmet dining, and guided safari tours, ensuring comfort amidst the wilderness.

What activities can I enjoy on a Malawi safari besides game drives?

Boat safaris: These are especially good in Liwonde National Park and along the Shire River, where you can see crocodiles, hippos, and a variety of water birds.

Walking safaris: Offered in several parks, these provide a more ground-level view of the ecosystem and a chance to track animals on foot.

Cultural tours: Many safari trips include opportunities to visit local villages and learn about the Malawian way of life, enhancing the cultural richness of your trip.

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Malawi Safari Tours & Holidays

Malawi is a great choice for a well-rounded safari holiday. Dubbed ‘the warm heart of Africa’, it’s an amazing country to visit for people wanting to experience African life, culture, scenery and wildlife. Malawi isn’t a prime wildlife destination where people fly in and out of parks and hardly interact with the local people or get a feel for general life – it’s quite the opposite. So, if your interest in Africa goes beyond the quintessential African safari, Malawi might well be the country for you.

14-Day Malawi Family Safari Holiday

14-Day Malawi Family Safari Holiday

$7,193 to $9,260 pp (USD)

Malawi: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Liwonde NP, Lilongwe (End)

Tour operator has an office in United States

4.9 /5  –  149 Reviews

12-Day Malawi Highlights Adventure

12-Day Malawi Highlights Adventure

$6,144 pp (USD)

Malawi: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Thyolo Mountains, Liwonde NP, Lake Malawi, Lilongwe (End)

Crafted Africa   Tour operator has an office in Malawi

5.0 /5  –  68 Reviews

12-Day Northern Self-Drive Camping Expedition

12-Day Northern Self-Drive Camping Expedition

$2,714 to $3,502 pp (USD)

Malawi: Self-drive Budget Camping & Lodge

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , South Viphya FR, Nyika NP, Chintheche (Town & Beach) , Nkhotakota WR, Lilongwe (End)

Land & Lake Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Malawi

4.6 /5  –  24 Reviews

6-Day Malawi Wildlife & Beach Safari

6-Day Malawi Wildlife & Beach Safari

$1,815 pp (USD)

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Cape Maclear (Lake Malawi) , Mumbo Isle (Lake Malawi) , Blantyre (End)

Indigo Safaris

4.8 /5  –  128 Reviews

best safari locations malawi

5-Day Best of Malawi

$3,157 pp (USD)

Malawi: Shared tour (max 7 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , Liwonde NP, Nankoma (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (End)

Barefoot Lodge And Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Malawi

Not yet rated

best safari locations malawi

14-Day Malawi off the Beaten Track Safari

$6,418 to $7,061 pp (USD)

Malawi: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Resort

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , South Viphya FR, Nyika NP, Lake Malawi, Nkhotakota WR, Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

12-Day Northern Malawi Self Drive Lodge Based

$2,272 to $2,617 pp (USD)

Malawi: Self-drive Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , South Viphya FR, Nyika NP, Chintheche (Town & Beach) , Nkhotakota WR, Lilongwe Airport (End)

best safari locations malawi

8-Day Malawi Safari, Nature & Beach-Private Accommodated

$2,395 pp (USD)

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Zomba Plateau, Cape Maclear (Lake Malawi) , Mumbo Isle (Lake Malawi) , Blantyre (End)

13-Day Luxury Malawi Safari

$6,160 to $8,272 pp (USD)

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Liwonde NP, Cape Maclear (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

11-Day Best of Wildlife

$6,666 to $7,260 pp (USD)

Malawi & Zambia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Zomba Plateau, Liwonde NP, Dzalanyama Forest, South Luangwa NP, Mfuwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

12-Day Classic Malawi Safari & Beach Holiday

$6,152 to $8,132 pp (USD)

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Liwonde NP, Lake Malawi, Cape Maclear (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

½-Day Experience Lilongwe City

$99 pp (USD)

Malawi: ½ Day tour Private tour

You Visit: Lilongwe

best safari locations malawi

13-Day Malawi Mountains & Safari Adventure

$6,169 to $6,786 pp (USD)

Malawi: Private tour Mid-range Mountain Hut & Lodge

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , Blantyre (City) , Mt Mulanje, Zomba Plateau, Liwonde NP, Mumbo Isle (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (End)

1-Day Biking to Dzalanyama Forest

$165 pp (USD)

Malawi: Day tour Private tour

You Visit: Lilongwe (Start) , Dzalanyama Forest, Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

13-Day Malawi Honeymoon Safari

$8,725 to $12,315 pp (USD)

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Liwonde NP, Lake Malawi, Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

10-Day Women in Malawi

$3,751 pp (USD)

Malawi: Shared tour (max 12 people per vehicle) Mid-range Camping & Lodge

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Zomba Plateau, Liwonde NP, Mumbo Isle (Lake Malawi) , Dzalanyama Forest, Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

16-Day Southern Malawi & South Luangwa

$6,485 to $7,365 pp (USD)

Malawi & Zambia: Shared tour (max 12 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Blantyre (Start) , Majete WR, Thyolo District, Zomba Plateau, Cape Maclear (Lake Malawi) , Mua Mission (Highlight) , Dzalanyama Forest, South Luangwa NP, Mfuwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

16-Day Zambia Malawi Livingstone Trail

$3,905 pp (USD)

Malawi & Zambia: Shared tour (max 12 people per vehicle) Mid-range Camping & Lodge

You Visit: Lusaka (Start) , Kafue River, Lower Zambezi NP, Petauke (Town) , South Luangwa NP, Kuti WR, Mt Mulanje, Liwonde NP, Mumbo Isle (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (City) , Lilongwe Airport (End)

Sunway Safaris

4.5 /5  –  30 Reviews

best safari locations malawi

12-Day Zambia and Malawi

$2,721 pp (USD)

Malawi & Zambia: Shared tour (max 12 people per vehicle) Budget Camping & Hotel

You Visit: Livingstone (Start) , Victoria Falls, Kafue River, Lower Zambezi NP, Lusaka (City) , South Luangwa NP, Lake Malawi, Lilongwe (End)

best safari locations malawi

12-Day Valley & Lake – Zambia and Malawi Adventure

$6,970 to $7,732 pp (USD)

Malawi & Zambia: Shared tour (max 14 people per vehicle) Luxury Lodge & Bush Camp

You Visit: Lusaka (Start) , South Luangwa NP, Lilongwe (City) , Nankumba (Lake Malawi) , Lilongwe (End)

Vanaway Travel & Tours

5.0 /5  –  1 Reviews

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8 Questions About Malawi Safaris

Ariadne van Zandbergen

Answered by

Ariadne van zandbergen.

best safari locations malawi

When is the best time to visit Malawi?

“A Malawi safari is possible at any time of the year. July to October, which corresponds with the middle and end of the Dry season, is the best time for wildlife viewing. At this time, the bush thins out and animals gather around remaining water sources. However, this isn’t the case in Nyika National Park, which is located at high altitude and tends to be very cold during these months. The warmer summer months from November to May tend to be more pleasant and productive for wildlife viewing on the Nyika Plateau. Malawi is a varied country with a lot to offer aside from safari activities, so most people will visit some of the parks as part of a more general tour. The cooler, drier months from May to August usually offer the best travel conditions throughout much of the country. October can be extremely hot.”

What are the major attractions?

“Lake Malawi is the third-largest lake in Africa and covers about 25% of the country’s area. It forms part of a string of Rift Valley lakes and is by far the biggest attraction of the country. There are several resort areas along the lake offering sandy beaches as well as excellent diving and snorkeling. This friendly, laid-back country offers a great introduction to Africa, and tourism establishments are refreshingly integrated with local communities. Malawi is not a prime wildlife destination, but there are several good Malawi safari packages including options such as Liwonde National Park and Majete Wildlife Reserve. Nyika National Park is a scenic park at high altitude offering a very different experience from the bush safari destinations. There are also several forest reserves, and hikers are catered for on Mt Mulanje and Zomba Plateau.”

How much does a Malawi safari cost?

“Malawi vacations tend to be relatively affordable. In fact, the country had long been a popular backpacker destination before other tourism facilities developed, and today budget travelers remain well catered for. In recent years, more establishments have opened up for midrange and upmarket package tourism. As anywhere in Africa, safaris tend to be some of the more expensive activities on a holiday. Liwonde National Park is Malawi’s most established safari destination and it offers accommodation for three different markets: camping, a standard midrange camp and a luxury exclusive lodge. So no matter your budget, Malawi safari prices should be well within your reach.”

What is the wildlife viewing like in Malawi?

“Malawi is a very scenic country, but it’s not primarily a wildlife destination. Having said that, the parks have improved hugely in recent times and its reputation as a wildlife destination is growing steadily. Majete Wildlife Reserve is a Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino) destination and part of it has been set aside as a private concession for the famous Robin Pope Safaris. With the help of African Parks, Majete has been regenerated and restocked from almost nothing, and it is rapidly becoming a top wildlife destination. Another gem to include in Malawi safari trips is Liwonde National Park. This very scenic park is on a beautiful stretch of the Shire River and boat-based safaris here are particularly rewarding. Hippos and crocodiles are abundant, and elephants can often be found drinking as well. Nyika National Park, which is more reminiscent of the European countryside than the African bush, offers a more low-key experience. Many antelope species can be seen grazing on the grassy hills, and leopards are often spotted on night drives.”

How safe is Malawi for tourists?

“Malawi is a safe country to visit. It is politically very stable and it lacks big cities on the scale of Nairobi, Dar es Salaam and Johannesburg, which are usually the crime hot spots of any country. The rural nature of Malawi makes it almost a hassle-free destination. Of course, there is some petty crime in the cities (as is the case all over the world), so normal safety precautions should be taken when walking around unguided.”

How do you select a reliable tour operator for a Malawi trip?

“Malawi is not a mainstream destination and it isn’t on many general tour operators’ portfolios. A good place to start looking is on There are several Malawi tours on offer, as well as links to operators that do bespoke Malawi packages. Always check the online reviews for customer satisfaction and avoid any operators with limited or too much negative feedback.”

What type of accommodation can I expect?

“Although Malawi initially mainly catered to backpackers, there is now a full range of accommodation available when on a safari tour. Different levels and styles of accommodation can be found in most parks, including the old-style luxury tented camp. On a different level of class is the exquisite lodge run by Robin Pope in Majete Wildlife Reserve. A full range of accommodation options is available along the shores of Lake Malawi, ranging from small resorts and boutique hotels to backpacker hostels, campgrounds and guesthouses.”

What can I expect from a safari in Malawi?

“Malawi is a friendly, off-the-beaten-track destination that will appeal to those with a general interest in Africa: its people, wildlife and scenic beauty. Malawi holidays are usually, but not exclusively, centered on the wildlife. Depending on your interests, you can focus your itinerary more toward the parks and reserves, or the lake and general African life. Most people will spend some time on the lake as well as in the parks. The diving and snorkeling is fantastic, and the calm freshwater lake makes the whole experience easier than sea-based activities.”

Malawi Safari Reviews

best safari locations malawi

Stephen is a travel writer and avid conservationist whose work appears in prestigious magazines such as Africa Geographic and Travel Africa.

Dynamite comes in small packages

Known as the warm heart of Africa, Malawi is an enchanting and welcoming country that is undoubtedly home to the friendliest people in all of Africa. While it might lack the abundant wildlife resources and expansive protected areas of some...

Full Review

best safari locations malawi

Sue is an award-winning writer who specializes in African travel and conservation. She writes for national newspapers, magazines, Rough Guides and Lonely Planet.

Malawi: More than ‘the warm heart of Africa’

Malawi is well known as the ‘warm heart of Africa’ because of its welcoming, friendly people. While that moniker is certainly true, there’s much more to this tiny country than meets the eye, and its people are just one reason to...

The warm heart of Africa - a destination full of natural diversity

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BLOG: Malawi Safari: Best Places to Visit at Lake Malawi & Beyond

Thursday, 23 November 2023

In this blog by Stephanie Parker of African Budget Safaris , we take a look at some of Malawi’s finest attributes with some stunning photography that truly encapsulates the beauty of this undiscovered African gem:

A Malawi safari is not on everyone’s radar! While this African country may not be the first destination that springs to mind when thinking of a safari holiday, for those in the know, it’s quickly becoming one of Africa’s best-kept safari secrets!

And that’s because, despite being one of Africa’s poorest nations, Malawi hosts a wealth of awe-inspiring landscapes and wildlife-spotting opportunities. From the sun-kissed golden sand stretches and the crystal-clear turquoise waters of Lake Malawi to the lush, forested mountains and remarkable safari parks of the hinterland, this unassuming country has it all!

But the true heart of Malawi lies in its people.

Anyone who’s been to this incredible country will tell you that Malawian people are some of the friendliest, most welcoming people you’ll ever meet.

best safari locations malawi

So it’s no wonder that Malawi is affectionately known as the ‘warm heart of Africa’!

When visiting Malawi, many travelers head straight for the tropical paradise of Lake Malawi and it’s easy to see why! However, be sure not to overlook the numerous other enchanting locations this country offers, including safari destinations well worth trading your water’s edge hammock for.

In this blog, you’ll find expert recommendations from African Budget Safaris for the best places to visit at Lake Malawi, along with top tips about where to go on a Malawi safari adventure.

Best Places to Visit at Lake Malawi

Spanning a remarkable one-fifth of this landlocked nation, Lake Malawi’s captivating sandy shores and serene waters draw visitors from around the world.

best safari locations malawi

While there’s plenty to do here if you’re feeling active, including scuba diving, sailing, and kayaking, honestly one of the best activities is to simply sway lazily in a hammock, taking in the endless views of the gentle, lapping turquoise waters.

Life by the lakeshore has an easygoing rhythm that invites you to relax and savour the moment and, thanks to Malawi’s subtropical climate, unwinding in the warm sunshine is easy!

Another thing that makes Lake Malawi special is its remarkable biodiversity – offering more fish species than any other inland lake – and who could forget about the famous music festival Lake of Stars, which returns to Lake Malawi in 2024.

Surrounding this vast lake are other stunning places and numerous islands to explore too.

Here are a few gems you won’t want to miss…

Lake Malawi National Park

Lake Malawi National Park, the world’s first freshwater reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is somewhere not to be missed when considering the best places to visit at Lake Malawi.

Located along the southern edge of the lake, just a two-hour drive from Lilongwe, it encompasses much of the surrounding lakeside peninsula (an area of water that is of particular importance thanks to its biodiversity) and the Marelli archipelago – a collection of tiny islands.

best safari locations malawi

The park’s rugged landscapes provide a striking contrast to the lake’s remarkably calm waters.

The unique freshwater ecosystem here teems with diverse tropical fish species, many of which are only found in Lake Malawi, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

Cape Maclear: A Tropical Paradise

Cape Maclear, nestled along Lake Malawi’s edge within the national park, is the lake’s most renowned holiday spot.

best safari locations malawi

Families and backpackers flock to this picturesque haven, where a golden sandy strip, beach bars, and lakeside accommodations create a lively, yet relaxed atmosphere.

Amidst the travellers, you’ll witness traditional lakeside life, with local fishermen paddling in the crystal-clear waters. So whether you’re into watersports, hiking, sunbathing, or exploring local villages and craft markets, Cape Maclear offers it all.

Mumbo Island: Eco-Friendly Private Island Escape

Just 10km from Cape Maclear lies the beautiful Mumbo Island, a pristine, completely uninhabited spot save for the guests of the Mumbo Island Camp.

This luxury, eco-friendly retreat is the only accommodation on the island and has been designed with sustainability as its priority. Stay in a walk-in tent, or a charming reed bungalow with eco facilities, and spend your days exploring the dappled forests and secret beaches.

best safari locations malawi

Mumbo Island remains a truly unspoiled sanctuary, far from the hustle and bustle of civilization, making it one of the best places to visit at Lake Malawi if you’d like a truly unique and peaceful getaway.

But don’t be fooled into thinking Lake Malawi is all this country has to offer; this off-the-beaten-track destination has more hidden gems to explore!

Safari in Malawi: True Wilderness Exploring

A decade ago, a Malawi safari was not something that most people would not have considered, nor could it be highly recommended for those wishing to see Africa’s most iconic animals.

The good news is times have changed!

Malawi has experienced a remarkable wildlife renaissance in recent years, led by incredible conservation efforts and a series of animal reintroductions. Because of this, the country now boasts several reserves and national parks offering great wildlife safari experiences.

A true Big 5 safari destination, with lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, and rhinos all present, Malawi is also home to cheetahs, various antelope species, and some lesser-known ‘big cats’ like caracals and servals.

best safari locations malawi

But you want to know the real bonus of a Malawi safari?

The untouched wilderness!

The national parks and wildlife reserves here are completely unspoiled because mass tourism simply hasn’t yet developed widely in this country. Without the convoys of tourist-packed 4×4 vehicles characteristic of some African game parks, Malawi safaris avoid the crowds and offer truly off-the-beaten-track experiences.

So if you crave a safari adventure that feels untamed and remote, Malawi is the place to be!

Indeed this country boasts a bountiful nine national parks and wildlife reserves, each with its unique charm, so consider combining at least a couple for the best variety of wildlife, habitats, and landscapes.

best safari locations malawi

Here are a few of our favourites…

Liwonde National Park

Liwonde National Park is Malawi’s most visited park and offers some of the best river-based elephant, crocodile, and hippo viewing in Africa.

best safari locations malawi

Home to the rare and critically endangered black rhino, along with large herds of elephants, antelope species, and an astonishing array of birdlife, you can take a guided, early morning bush walk here, followed by a leisurely boat safari on the croc and hippo-dotted Shire River.

Then, for a truly intimate African safari experience, kick back in the evening and watch the wildlife at the water’s edge from the comfort of your camp.

Majete Wildlife Reserve

Majete Wildlife Reserve is a real hidden treasure: a Big 5 safari spot without the crowds!

best safari locations malawi

In recent years, this game reserve has reintroduced over 3,200 animals, including leopards, elephants, buffalos, rhinos and lions. Cheetahs, zebras, elands, and sable antelopes all call this place home. Plus, there are over 300 bird species.

Explore this tranquil wilderness on guided nature walks or game drives, and then finish up with a relaxing sunset boat safari.

It’s a wildlife paradise without the masses!

Mount Mulanje: Malawi’s Hiking Region

Mount Mulanje, fondly known as the ‘Island in the Sky,’ proudly stands as Malawi’s tallest mountain.

best safari locations malawi

Rising dramatically above the plains, this natural wonder is one of around 20 peaks that form the Mulanje massif – a high-altitude plateau in this region of East Africa.

Explore this area to discover densely forested ravines, pristine mountain streams, and cascading waterfalls. Perfect if you love hiking!

Though not a typical safari spot, Mount Mulanje is a biodiversity hotspot and shouldn’t be missed!

Its rich flora and fauna are a testament to its natural splendour and, from majestic black eagles soaring in the skies to agile blue monkeys leaping through the treetops, you’ll encounter a variety of wildlife.

Related Malawi Safaris: ● 6-Day Lake Malawi & Zambia Safari in South Luangwa Valley ● 16-Day Malawi & Zambia Safari: Budget Small Group Tour ● 7-Day Southern Malawi Safari – Budget Lodge Tour ● 7-Day Northern Malawi Safari – Budget Lodge Tour

If you like the sound of combining a tropical lake getaway with some incredible wildlife spotting in an unspoiled and stunning location, browse the affordable Malawi safari tours on African Budget Safaris or speak to one of their African Travel Experts for more advice.

best safari locations malawi

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Malawi Tours & Safaris

4 best malawi tours & safaris for 2024-2025, highlights of malawi and zambia, malawi adventure, highlights of malawi, malawi and mozambique: wildlife and waves, 4 best malawi luxury tours & safaris for 2024-2025, 7 best places to visit in malawi for 2024-2025, lake malawi, liwonde national park, majete wildlife reserve, nyika national park, top 10 malawi hotels for 2024-2025, chelinda lodge, blue zebra island lodge, kumbali country lodge, pumulani lodge, mumbo island, mkulumadzi lodge, kuthengo camp, huntingdon house​​​​​​, zomba forest lodge, malawi travel guide.

  • Lake Malawi . A   freshwater lake that borders three countries: Malawi, Tanzania , and Mozambique . It's also known as Lago Niassa (Nyasa in Spanish, after an extinct tribe) and is shaped like South Africa's famous Table Mountain. The deep blue waters are home to hundreds of species of fish - more than any other lake in the world. Lake Malawi is fringed with white-sand beaches ringed by palm trees, creating dreamy vistas of azure water and feathery palms. And if you're lucky, you might spot dolphins or elephants at play in the lake-side waters.
  • Liwonde National Park  is a place you can go to see African wildlife in its natural habitat. Visitors use boats to take safaris on the Shire River or safari on foot or by 4x4 vehicle. The park’s varied habitats contain many species of mammals and birds, including elephants, hippos, crocs, and large antelope. Other wildlife that can be seen include leopards, black rhinos, and eland.  
  • Majete Wildlife Reserve . A conservation and tourist site, located in the Lower Shire Valley in southwest Malawi, 70km from Blantyre's Chileka airport and 3 hours from Lake Malawi. Majete's recovery, restoration, and preservation of endangered species have made it one of Malawi's most popular wildlife reserves.
  • Nyika National Park . Malawi's largest national park, located on the Nyika Plateau, a highland massif on the Malawi-Zambia border. As a mountain catchment area, the plateau aims to protect various critical ecosystem functions, including water production and a refuge for rare wildlife and flora.
  • Lilongwe . The capital of Malawi and is home to a quarter of the country’s population. It's also a great place for tourists and travelers looking for some adventure and new experiences. The city is home to numerous markets and shopping areas, providing endless options for those looking to stock up on necessities or souvenirs from the south.
  • Thyolo .  Much of Malawi's product is cultivated in the Thyolo Region in southern Malawi. Green tea estates and purple jacaranda trees dominate the area. Mount Mulanje, Malawi's highest peak, is located here.

Best Times to Visit Africa

Malawi frequently asked questions, top malawi travel destinations, top experiences in malawi.

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Central african wilderness safaris are your best choice for discovering malawi's wondrous wildlife on display in our parks. with our expertly trained guides, head out on an adventure through the unspoilt wilderness., hand in hand..., central african wilderness safaris are proud to support a number of community projects in malawi. when you explore with us, you automatically get involved too., our lodge collection, liwonde national park, chelinda lodge, nyika national park, chelinda camp, heuglin's lodge, plan your dream trip today.

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Malawi, Location

Malawi is dominated by the enormous and scenic Lake Malawi, remarkably over 600km in length.

Malawi, Location Image 1

The lakeshore and islands are home to a number of good quality beach lodges.

Malawi, Location Image 2

A wide range of water-based activities are available, including sailing and kite-surfing.

Malawi, Location Image 3

Diving and snorkelling are particularly interesting due to the high numbers of endemic cyclid fish in the lake.

Malawi, Location Image 4

Safari in Malawi is not as strong as in neighbouring Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Malawi, Location Image 5

The reserves here are relatively small but contain some wonderful scenery.

Malawi, Location Image 6

However predator numbers are relatively low.

Malawi, Location Image 7

For this reason, we often combine safari in the prime South Luangwa area of Zambia with time down here on the lake.

Malawi, Location Image 8

Wherever you go in Malawi, cultural visits to local villages are a real highlight and much appreciated by the locals.

Malawi, Location Image 9

Another highlight is to stay on one of the famous tea plantations.

Malawi, Areas

Malawi contains five main areas of interest ...

Malawi, Areas Image 1

Liwonde is the strongest and prettiest wildlife reserve in the country.

Malawi, Areas Image 2

Majete is a fenced reserve which offers greater chances of predators.

Malawi, Areas Image 3

The Lake Malawi area contains a handful of high quality beach lodges.

Malawi, Areas Image 4

On the remote Likoma Island, Kaya Mawa is the best beach lodge in the country.

Malawi, Areas Image 5

Deep in the south, Huntingdon House is the best of the tea plantation lodges.

Malawi, Accommodation

The lodges in Malawi are generally owner-operated, simpler and lower cost than in more established countries.

Malawi, Access

Access is via the airports at Blantyre and Lilongwe, getting around largely by road.

Malawi, Seasonality

The best time for Malawi is generally during the May-Oct dry season, but there are good reasons to visit during other months.

Malawi, Downsides

The main potential downsides are the limited range of  lodges, the lack of predators on safari and adverse weather Nov-Apr.

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For a unique adventure check out our Trans-Serengeti Balloon Safari!

Mvuu Lodge

Malawi Safari

Shire River - Malawi

Majete Safari and Lake Malawi Adventure

Trekking, self-drive and beach adventure in malawi, zambia & malawi "livingstone trail", southern malawi scuba, safari and tea, majete wildlife reserve, liwonde national park, nkhotakota wildlife reserve, nyika national park, ​malawi has experienced an incredible wildlife transformation over the last few years, making a malawi safari holiday a unique and exciting experience..

Numerous wildlife reintroductions and translocations to several protected areas have included the Big 5 – lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard – as well as cheetah, giraffe and a variety of antelope species. Once considered to be a destination for a third of fourth visit to Africa, Malawi now offers a rewarding first safari experience.

The increased wildlife is matched by a great choice of safari accommodation, including mid-range and top end luxury lodges and camps. This is ideal for adventurous family holidays to Malawi and provides true romance for couples and Malawi honeymoons .

This safari revival can be largely attributed to the exceptional conservation work of African Parks, an internationally renowned non-profit organisation, which is responsible for the management of 4 of Malawi’s key protected areas - Majete Wildlife Reserve, Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, Liwonde National Park and Mangochi Forest Reserve. To find out more about the African Parks story read our article where to see the Big 5 in Malawi .

The safari experience offered in Malawi is made even more captivating by the variety of habitats and safari activities. You can go in search of animals on traditional 4x4 game drives, on a boat safari, walking safari, or even explore by canoe or mountain bike. Each of the country’s premier protected areas is unique, with its own highlights with respect to the iconic animal species found there. This makes it well worth considering combining more than one area in your itinerary.

Malawi leaves you spoilt for choice. The pleasure of a boat cruise on the Shire River in Liwonde National Park, teeming with hippos and crocodiles, and drawing an abundance of antelope species, elephants, and spectacular birdlife. Nyika National Park, possibly one of Africa’s most unique safari experiences, with its rolling hills, grazed by herds of roan, eland, zebra and a variety of other species. Now fully restored to its former glory, Majete Wildlife Reserve, has witnessed reintroductions of thousands of animals, including lion, leopard, buffalo, black rhino, elephant, cheetah and giraffe. Alternatively, escape to the vast 1,800 square kilometres of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, for unrivalled tranquillity in this little visited haven for nature.

Malawi has undoubtedly emerged from the shadows of some of the neighbouring safari giants, such as Tanzania and Zambia, and has become the all-round destination, with something for everyone.


Unique Malawi Safari Holiday Ideas

Walking Safari In Majete Reserve

  • Lake Malawi
  • £4285 PP

Mvuu Camp Sunset Over Shire River

  • Tea Estate Stay
  • £3905 PP

Fishermans Rest Hiking

  • Mount Mulanje
  • Liwonde & Lake Malawi
  • £4590 PP

South Luangwa National Park

Luangwa and Lake Safari Adventure

  • South Luangwa
  • £4945 PP

Mumbo Island Sea Kayak

  • Victoria Falls
  • Lower Zambezi
  • South Luangwa National Park
  • Mulanje Massif
  • £3300 PP

Zambia And Malawi Family Hero

Zambia & Malawi Family Safari

  • £7685 PP

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Places to visit

Malawi safari destinations

Mkulumadzi Majete Walking Safari

The place to go for a truly thrilling wildlife safari

Liwonde Boat Cruise

Rugged bushland and lots of wildlife

Kayaking At Sunrise Tongole Malawi  Ag V2 Watermarked1

A tranquil wilderness and one of Malawi's largest reserves

Chelinda Lodge Landscape

One of Malawi’s loveliest spots

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Cathy travelled to Tanzania and Zanzibar in December 2023 on a trip organised by Alistair .

Favourite places to stay

Best Safari Lodges Malawi

Mvuu Lodge Scenery

Beautifully designed safari tents surrounded by hippo or ‘Mvuu’

Mkulumadzi Suite

The perfect combination of luxury and isolation in Malawi

Tongole Executive

Tongole Wilderness

Beautifully crafted villas visited by elephants

Kuthengo Veranda

A very small peaceful camp with a truly wild feeling

Mvuu Camp Hippo

Family-friendly chalets and campsite on the Shire River

Chelinda Lodge View

Chelinda Lodge

A hidden gem with spectacular views of the Nyika hills

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Self Drive Malawi


Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa that is often overlooked as unpopular a safari destination. However, this hidden gem is home to a variety of diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes that make for a unique and unforgettable African wildlife safari experience.

One of the most popular wildlife safari destinations in Malawi is Liwonde National Park, which is known for its large population of elephants, hippos, and crocodiles. Visitors can embark on guided game drives, boat cruises, and walking safaris to witness these magnificent animals in their natural habitat.

Another must-visit wildlife safari destination in Malawi is the Majete Wildlife Reserve, a conservation success story that has reintroduced numerous species, including elephants, lions, and rhinos, to the region. Visitors can stay in luxurious lodges and camps within the reserve and participate in guided game drives, bush walks, and night drives to spot these incredible animals.

In addition to its wildlife reserves, Malawi is also home to the idyllic Lake Malawi, which offers the perfect beach escape after a wildlife safari adventure. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, swim in the crystal-clear waters, and enjoy water sports such as snorkeling, diving, and kayaking. Whether you are a wildlife enthusiast or a beach lover, Malawi offers African wildlife safari experience like no other.

Self-Drive Malawi

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Explore Our Itineraries

Popular Wildlife Safari Packages

Malawi Wildlife Safari

Southern Wildlife Safari Experience

Destinations: Majete, Satewa, Zomba Plateau, Liwonde & Lake Malawi

Duration: 15 Days

Group Size: Maximum 5 pax per vehicle

Price: From US $ 2875

Self Drive Malawi

Northern Loop Safari Adventure

Southern malawi self drive experience, why visit  malawi.

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Stunning Wildlife Reserves

Malawi is a hidden gem when it comes to wildlife safaris. The country boasts stunning wildlife reserves, including Liwonde National Park, Nyika National Park, and Majete Wildlife Reserve, all offering incredible opportunities to see a diverse range of animals in their natural habitats.

Authentic Experiences

One of the main reasons to choose Malawi for your coming wildlife safari adventure is the country’s relative lack of commercialism and tourism. Unlike other popular safari destinations, such as South Africa, Tanzania or Kenya, Malawi offers a more authentic and off-the-beaten-path experience. You won’t have to deal with large crowds or over-commercialized attractions, allowing you to truly immerse yourself in the beauty of the African wilderness.


The price of wildlife safari holiday in Malawi is quite affordable in comparable to other southern African Countries

Malawi is a safe and welcoming country for travelers, making it an ideal choice for those considering driving for the first time. The roads are generally well-maintained and easy to navigate, and the local people are friendly and eager to help visitors make the most of their safari experience. With its abundant wildlife, beautiful landscapes, and authentic charm, Malawi is truly a perfect choice for those looking to explore Africa on their own terms.

Bet Time For Wildlife Safari in Malawi

Before planning your Wildlife safari to Malawi, it’s crucial to understand Malawi’s climate. The country experiences three main seasons: the rainy season, the cool dry season, and the hot dry season. Each season offers a unique experience, making Malawi a year-round destination, but with specific attractions depending on the time of year.

The Rainy Season (November to April)

The rainy season in Malawi brings life to its landscapes, transforming the country into a lush, green paradise. This period, however, is not the most recommended for safari due to the potential for heavy rains that can make some roads difficult to navigate. The risk of encountering impassable or washed-out roads is higher, especially in more remote areas.

The Cool Dry Season (May to August)

The cool dry season is often considered the ideal time to visit Malawi. The weather is pleasant, with daytime temperatures ranging from 17°C to 27°C (63°F to 81°F). This period also coincides with the peak safari season, as the drier landscape makes wildlife easier to spot around waterholes and rivers. Roads are generally in good condition, allowing for smooth travel across the country.

The Hot Dry Season (September to October)

The hot dry season brings hotter temperatures, which can reach up to 37°C (99°F) in some parts of the country. While the heat may be intense, this season provides an excellent opportunity for game viewing, as animals concentrate around the dwindling water sources. However, if you’re planning to visit northern regions or explore Lake Malawi, be prepared for the heat and ensure your vehicle is equipped with air conditioning.

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Malawi Big 5 bush & beach safari

Safari experiences that you will not find with any other travel company. We know Africa best and will get you to the right place & time to enjoy the greatest shows on Earth!

This Malawi bush & beach safari combines the Big 5 Majete Wildlife Reserve conservation success story and laid-back sand-in-your-toes relaxation on the shores of Lake Malawi .

Because both destinations are in southern Malawi, the linking road transfers are hassle-free - the ideal combo safari.

Combo safari magic: Big 5 bushveld + the beach life

Length: 7 days / 6 nights Group Size: To suit you Location: Majete Wildlife Reserve and Lake Malawi - Malawi Departure Dates: March - November 2024 Highlights: Bush & beach combo, Big 5 plus cheetahs & wild dogs, learn about one of Africa's conservation success stories, optional Gule Wamkulu cultural dance, white sand beaches and water activities on Lake Malawi

Prices and dates

Airport meet and greet

All road transfers


At Pumulani: drinks, laundry, all non-motorized activities (fishing, sailing, nature/village walks, sunset cruises on the dhow, kayaking)

All excursions and entrance fees as per itinerary

All National Park fees

English speaking driver

All flights, visas & airport taxes

Travel and medical insurance

At Thawale: All drinks

At Pumulani: Premium drinks, scuba diving, motorized watersport (snorkelling excursion, waterskiing, fun tube)

Routing: Arrival at Blantyre should be before 14h00 so that there is time for a road transfer to Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Details: Upon arrival at Chileka Airport in Blantyre, you will be met by a local English-speaking representative. Your road transfer will be through Blantyre and down the Chikwawa escarpment into the Shire Valley - Majete Wildlife Reserve . Majete is one of Malawi‘s hidden Gems - a Big 5 haven and one of Africa's conservation success stories.

The park is known for its towering granite hills, open savannahs and beautiful miombo woodlands. Two giant rivers – the gentle Mkulumadzi River and the mighty Shire River – converge in Majete on their journey from Lake Malawi further north to join the Zambezi River and, finally, the Indian Ocean.

Thawale Lodge overlooks a waterhole that regularly attracts a wide variety of wildlife, including a family of elephants that often frequent the area. 

Included Meals: Dinner

Overnight: Thawale Lodge

You will spend your safari days on morning and afternoon activities by game drive vehicle, foot or boat. Majete is a true wilderness where every trip into the bush with our team of experienced guides will feel like an adventure. Although finding the Big 5 is a focus for some, the wide variety of other mammal and avian species and the stunning landscape will fill your day and leave you ready for a good night's rest.

Included meals: Breakfast, lunch & dinner

You will be picked up shortly after another delicious Thawale breakfast for the 5-hour road transfer from Majete Wildlife Reserve to Lake Malawi , arriving in time for lunch.

Lake Malawi is an African Great Lake – the southernmost lake in the East African Rift system and a popular inland beach destination as a finale to top off that exhilarating wildlife safari. The water is usually exceptionally clear for a freshwater lake, with visibility extending further than 30m. Beneath the warm cerulean waves, you will find underwater scenery decorated by electric flashes of vibrant fish. Measuring 570km in length and 75km at its widest point and 700m at its deepest, Lake Malawi is the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume), and the third-largest in Africa (behind Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika).

The hillside villas of Pumulani enjoy awesome views over the lake, as do the bar and dining areas, infinity pool and lake-shore bar down at the water's edge.

Overnight: Pumulani

Your sun-kissed days in paradise will be spent snorkelling, kayaking, water-skiing, fun tube, wakeboarding, sailing, fishing, scuba diving, mountain biking, village tours and bird watching. Or simply hanging out at Pumulani with your book - the choice is yours

You will be collected from Pumuluani for the 4-hour road transfer to Lilongwe in time for your outbound flight. Your outbound flight should be no earlier than 14h00.

Included meals: Breakfast


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Absolute Zambia Safaris

Best of Malawi Safari & Tour

This trip showcases Malawi’s wildlife in Majete Wildlife Reserve and Liwonde National Park, as well as the best of Malawi’s beaches on Lake Malawi and the best of Malawi’s smiling people.

  • Majete Wildlife Reserve is Malawi's finest wildlife attraction and home to the Big Five Safari.
  • Some of Africa's best elephant, crocodile, hippo, and general wildlife Viewing
  • Home to the rare and critically endangered black rhino
  • Birder’s delight (Pel’s fishing owl, Boehm's bee-eaters, Lillian’s love birds, and Livingstone’s flycatcher)
  • Cape Maclear is a leading tourist destination
  • Explore Snorkelling, hiking, boat cruises, kayaking, and diving.
  • 2 nights on Bed and Breakfast Basis at Latitude 13 degrees Hotel or similar in Lilongwe, Activities include; 1 x Tour of Dedza Pottery, KuNgoni Centre of Arts and Craft(Museum, Art Gallery, Showroom and Campus)
  • 2 Nights on Full Board Basis at Cape Mac Lodge or similar Cape Maclear activities includes;(a morning boat cruise, village tour, and sunset cruise).
  • 3 Nights on Full Board Basis at Thawale Camp in Majete Wildlife Reserve inclusive of Two game viewing activities per day( Game drive/ Sundowner game drive/Boat ride/Sundowner boat ride/Bird walk)
  • 3 Nights on full board at Chimwala Camp in Liwonde National Park inclusive of two game viewing activities per day (Game Drive & Boat Safari).
  • 3 Nights on full board at Chimwala Camp in Liwonde National Park inclusive of two game viewing activities per day (Game Drive & Boat Safari).
  • Travels: All Road Transfers throughout the Trip

The Itinerary

best safari locations malawi

Arrival in Lilongwe, Malawi

Meet & Greet by Our driver on arrival at Lilongwe International Airport and then transfer to Latitude 13 hotel where you will overnight on bed and breakfast.

It’s a short drive of about 30 minutes check-in and then you will have the rest of the afternoon at leisure.

Cape Maclear on the shores of Lake Malawi

Today you depart for Cape Maclear on the shores of Lake Malawi. On your way, you will have few points to stop and experience a few things.

Dedza Pottery

A pottery centre that makes clay pots and other acts of international standard. Abut87km from Lilongwe as you ascend the plateau, you will have time to visit the showroom, the art centre where they make the different materials and have time to have some coffee with the famous Dedza Cheese Cake.

Golomoti Escarpment

The Golomoti Escarpment acts as walls of the Great East African Rift Valley protecting Lake Malawi from spilling over into the Zambezi Valley. Only 24km long as you descend, you will drop from 1600 metres above Sea Level to just about 700 metres above sea Evel in the Bwanje Valley. As you descend you will experience some of the best views of the valley and Lake Malawi.

KuNgoni Centre of Arts and Craft at Ma Mission

Kungoni Centre of Arts and Craft is an old missionary settlement. The missionaries came to this place in 1902 to set a mission station. Over time the centre grew into a centre of religion in that part of the country. There is now a museum where some of the best cultural artefacts are kept, a showroom where you have some of the best artworks done by the local community and an art gallery where you view some of the best artworks done so far. On this trip, you will be conducted in the museum, art gallery and showroom. You will also have an opportunity to look around the campus hat has lots of vintage buildings and other facilities.

You will depart this centre and head for your last leg of the trip arriving at Cape Maclear later afternoon. You will check-in at Cape Mac Lodge or similar other facilities on a bed and breakfast basis.

Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is a freshwater body. It is the 3rd largest in Africa and 2nd deepest in Africa. It is also called the calendar lake because it is 365 miles long with an average of 80km wide. Some people call it “Lake of Stars” because when early European explorers got to the lake, at night they saw fishermen lighting the surface of the lake with their fishing lights that reflected like stars. Lake Malawi has more fish species than any other lake in the world.

Cape Maclear is a beach village on the Southern part of the lake at Namkumba Peninsula. It is described as the best beach in Africa on a lake and one of the best on Lake Malawi. Cape Maclear is part of the Lake Malawi National Park. This Park is considered the first aquatic park in the world that was declared around the 80s. It was specifically declared to protect the Cichlids Fish, a multicoloured fish species endemic to Lake Malawi.

The luxurious lodge is in a stunning location and activities include game-drives, boating safaris, bush walks, hiking Majete Hill, black rhino tracking, cultural tours, birding trips on the Shire River and game-viewing from a hide.

Guests are free to be as energetic or as idle as they please although at least one activity per day is encouraged to best enjoy Majete.

best safari locations malawi

Full day at Cape Maclear

Today you are full day at Cape Maclear. You will first go on a boat cruise on Lake Malawi. These are local boat engine powered. You will visit Illalla Pass, circle Domwe Mountain, visit Thumbi Island, feed the eagles and cichlids fish, play around the islands, visit Otters Point and head to the historical graves. You will return to your lodge for lunch and some rest. Early afternoon you will do a Chembe Village Tour and return to the beach at about 16hrs for your sunset cruise. The sunset cruise takes you to Otters Point where you moor your boat and just enjoy the sun setting over Lake Malawi. Cape Maclear experiences one of the best sunsets over the lake. You will return to your lodge for your night on a bed and breakfast basis.

Depart for Majete Wildlife Reserve

Today you leave just after breakfast for your trip to Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Majete Wildlife Reserve is our southernmost park. It is set in the Lower Shire River, our biggest river in Malawi. The park straddles the river. The most important thing is that this is the only BIG 5 park in Malawi. It has lions, leopards, elephants, Buffaloes and rhinos.

Travelling to Majete is a long distance. You will pass through the Bwanje Plains, go up the Kirk Range and cross the Shire River into the Shire Highlands. You will have your lunch break in Blantyre, Malawi’s commercial and biggest city. After our lunch and simple travel through Blantyre, you will proceed on to Majete Wildlife Reserve checking in at Thawale Camp on full board. After checking in you will proceed on your first game activity, an afternoon/evening game drive which will; take you p to 20hrs when you return to camp for your night.

best safari locations malawi

Day 5 & 6

Full days in majete wildlife reserve.

Today you start your game activities early just after your early breakfast. This takes you for 4hrs and returns to camp around 11 am. You have time to rest and have your lunch. More rest and you go into your afternoon/evening game activity returning to camp around 20hrs for your dinner and night.

Departing Majete heading to Liwonde NP

Today you will have breakfast and your morning game activity then you head to Liwonde National Park. After your morning activity, you proceed to Blantyre, have your lunch in Blantyre and proceed to Liwonde National Park checking in at Chimwala Camp on full board. You will get there in time for your afternoon/evening game activity then back to the camp in time for dinner and later bed time.

best safari locations malawi

Day 8 & 9

Explore the liwonde national park.

You will have two full days to explore Liwonde National park with 2 game activities, a boat safari in the morning and a game drive in the afternoon/evening. You will start your activities just after breakfast probably a boat safari.

This is one of the most amazing activities in Liwonde National Park. The Shire River passes through the park. Animals converge on both sides of the river to graze, swim and drink water. This being the only perennial river in the park, this becomes even more interesting and exciting during the dry season when both water and green grass is found in and around the river.

You will do your boat safari in the river, coming in close contact and up loose with both aquatic and land animals. You will return to camp for your lunch, relaxation. Thereafter you will head back to your afternoon/evening game activity then return to camp for your dinner and bed time at leisure.

Departing for Lilongwe

Breakfast then morning activity which will either be a game drive or a boat safari then back to the lodge to check out and depart for Lilongwe .

Passing through and on top of the Kirk Range, you will have time to meet many Malawian communities by the roadside all the way passing through the Malawi/Mozambique Border for a good 80km. You will be arriving in Lilongwe late afternoon. You check-in at Latitude 13 Hotel for your last night on Bed and Breakfast.

best safari locations malawi

Departure / Transfer to Lilongwe Airport

Today you will have breakfast then check out and depending on your flight time you will be transfered to Lilongwe International Airport.

What's not included

Visa Fees & Person Travel/Medical Insurance Cover - All Flights - Extra Meal (lunch/dinner in Lilongwe) - Extra Activities - Laundry Services and Anything of personal nature - Covid PCR test - if applicable

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WELCOME TO Nkhata Bay Safaris

We are a 100% Malawian Owned Tour Operator. We'll show you the best of Northern Malawi - the Warm Heart of Africa!

Overview Of Company

Nkhata Bay Safaris is a team of Malawian safari guides operating out of the stunning lakeside location of Nkhata Bay in northern Malawi. Visitors to Nkhata Bay are amazed at the beauty of Lake Malawi, the attractive and fascinating town and the wealth of nature that surrounds this part of Northern Malawi. With more than 10 years experience we take our guests on safaris to the best of Malawi – national parks where you may hardly see another vehicle during your stay in pristine wilderness.

best safari locations malawi

Our safaris aren’t about resorts with golf courses and spas; we want to show you the beauty of a safari in the wild places of Malawi and the warmth of our people. As we were born and grew up right here in Nkhata Bay we are in a unique position to guide you through the culture, traditions and language of our country. Whether you want to camp in the middle of nature, stay in a small luxury lodge or swing in a hammock overlooking Lake Malawi we can organise the perfect trip for you.


North (tour) nyika , vwaza marsh & livingstonia.

This Safari leaves from Nkhata Bay or Mzuzu on arrangement any day. We recommend that you book in advance. This tour takes you to the two excellent nature reserves of Malawi's northern region with Nyika National Park as the jewel in its crown. In contrast to Nyika's unique mountain plateau, the Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve is set in typical African savannah and, of course, you also get to spend some time by the most beautiful of Africa's Rift Valley lakes--Lake Malawi. There is no second park like the Nyika Plateau on the continent.Its landscape is unique. This safari comes either as a chalet or camping tour.

Southern (Tour) south Luangwa National Park (Zambia), Liwonde, Zomba Plateau ,Mulanje Mountain, Majete Game Reserve, Lengwe National Park

This Safari leaves from Nkhata Bay or Mzuzu on arrangement any day. We recommend that you book in advance. This is one of our most famous safaris. It takes you to all the highlights of the Southern part of the country. An advantage are the short distances between the places. This allows you to spend more time at each place and enjoy the attractions. From the third day this safari is the same as the safari “9 Days Southern Malawi”, but offers 2 days in Senga Bay at the lake in addition.

best safari locations malawi

Designed By Lu-Tec Cs Consultancy

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10 Best places to stay in Malawi: Safari Lodges & Hotels

Are you planning to visit The Warm Heart of Africa , and looking for the best accommodations in Malawi ? Look no further! This is your guide to the best places to stay in Malawi , handpicked by me to give you the best possible experience.

Best accommodations and safari lodges in Malawi

With the majestic Lake Malawi, the captivating Liwonde National Park, the pristine Nyika Plateau, and the rugged landscapes of Majete Wildlife Reserve and Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, Malawi stands as one of the most inspiring and beautiful countries for a safari in Africa. Yet, Malawi is more than just a safari destination. It also offers enchanting tea estates, stunning mountain plateaus like the Zomba Plateau, rich cultural experiences, and beautiful places to stay.

Malawi isn't called 'The Warm Heart of Africa' for nothing and deserves to be explored. This hospitable safari country has also been ranked as the 8th safest country to visit in Africa for 2024 by the Institute of Economics and Peace in the Global Peace Index . Craft your Malawi itinerary with this curated list of the 10 best places to stay in Malawi :

Heuglin’s Lodge in Lilongwe

Heuglin's Guesthouse Lilongwe Malawi

Heuglin's Lodge in Lilongwe is a fully catered guest house with home-cooked meals in the residential suburbs of Lilongwe, an ideal place to stay for sightseeing in Lilongwe, Malawi’s capital city, and the perfect start for a safari in Malawi . Heuglin’s is only 5 minutes from the city center and 35 minutes from Lilongwe International Airport in Malawi.

The lodge, which is named after the Robin Chat that is often seen in their beautifully decorated garden, has plenty of birdlife and a large swimming pool. Heuglin’s Lodge is part of Central African Wilderness Safaris (CAWS) and has four spacious en-suite bedrooms with TV, a small fridge, and a coffee station.

affordable guesthouse in Liwonde Malawi

This hotel in Lilongwe was the perfect relaxing base for my first day in Malawi after a safari in Zambia . Offering a stable Wi-Fi connection, I could even make some calls through WhatsApp to catch up with some work. I loved their lounge area with views of the garden. The staff was extremely welcoming, and the friendly chef cooked us a 3-course dinner; a wonderful place to stay in Malawi.

Best place to stay in Lilongwe

In summary, I highly recommend Heuglin's Lodge and Guesthouse as one of the best places to stay in Lilongwe Malawi because of the good price/quality ratio with comfy beds, good food, and a well-maintained garden with a swimming pool close to the city center. So, looking for an affordable hotel to stay in Lilongwe ? Look no further and check out Heuglin's Lodge .

Looking for a more luxury boutique hotel in Lilongwe? Have a look at Latitude 13 Degrees .

Tongole Wilderness Lodge in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

Tongole Wilderness Lodge in Nkhotakota Malawi

Tongole Wilderness Retreat in Malawi is a luxury eco-lodge located deeper along the Bua River within the Miombo woodland of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, that comprises 4 luxurious thatched riverside suites and a family cottage.

Best safari lodge in Malawi's Nkhotakota Reserve

The suites are extremely spacious with a huge bath (with a view), a comfy bed, a perfect hot shower, and a wonderful private wooden deck with a table and chairs, overlooking the Bua River. Tongole Wilderness Lodge also has a swimming pool.

Swimming pool Tongole Lodge Nkhotakota Malawi

From Lilongwe, it will take you 4 to 5 hours by road to get to Tongole Wilderness Retreat, but it’s also possible to fly to the Nkhotakota airstrip only 27 minutes from Lilongwe.

Elephants at Tongole Safari Lodge

Elephants in Nkhotahota and Tongole Lodge Malawi

If you’re lucky, you can even enjoy elephants at Tongole Lodge passing by the river to drink, or some hippos wallowing in the river. If you don’t see them, you will hear them. Also, keep an eye out for crocodiles sunbathing on the rocks.

Wild Pigs at Tongole Lodge in Nkhotahota Malawi

Other animals you can spot near Tongole Wilderness Retreat in Malawi are baboons, warthogs, waterbuck, bushbuck, and in the evening even wild pigs!

Bohms Bee Eater Nkhotakota Malawi

There are also lots of bird species around Tongole safari lodge in Malawi , like kingfishers, Böhm's bee-eater, the red-billed hornbill, and the Fish Eagle.

Build with local natural materials

Tongole Wilderness Lodge in Nkhotakota Malawi

Tongole blends in perfectly with its natural surroundings and has some lovely local Malawian artworks to admire. I love that they built the lodge by using the natural resources of the environment.

Tongole Safari Lodge Malawi

Tongole Wilderness Lodge is the only luxury lodge within Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve in Malawi and I highly recommend staying here when visiting this unspoiled wildlife area which has been partly managed by African Parks since 2015. In 2016, they carried out a huge translocation of 500 elephants and 2,000 game animals, which is great for the park’s development.

Malawi Tongole Wilderness Lodge Nkhotakota

Nkhotakota is the third-largest protected area in Malawi and also one of the least known, with very few tourists visiting. You still can’t compare this reserve with other wildlife reserves such as Liwonde National Park, but it’s a very rugged and scenic reserve with a varied landscape full of hills, valleys, and rivers.

Oryx at Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Malawi

BirdLife International has classified Nkhotakota as an Important Bird Area (IBA) with over 280 bird species recorded so far. The reserve is also the perfect dark sky reserve for stargazing and star photography.

Safari activities at Tongole Lodge

Safari Activities Tongole Lodge and Nkhotahota Reserve

The safari activities at Tongole have a low environmental impact, allowing you to enjoy the tranquil wilderness. Tongole Wilderness Lodge offers scenic walking safaris , varying from short strolls along the river to longer hikes within the Miombo woodland.

walking safari nkhotakota reserve malawi

Each sundowner is at a wonderful spot within the reserve, for example along the river, at a hide overlooking an area where sables come to visit or at a waterfall.

Sundowner Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Malawi

Apart from that, the reserve offers scenic game drives but because of the dense vegetation, it's harder to spot wildlife that hides within the forest.

Safari Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Malawi

The lodge offers Wi-Fi in the main area, but it’s not always stable.

Best place to stay for safari in Nkhotakota

In conclusion, Tongole Wilderness Lodge is one of the best luxury places to stay in Malawi for ethical eco-tourists who aren’t only visiting Africa to tick off the Big Five . If you book your stay at Tongole, you appreciate all aspects of the ecosystems that Nkhotakota and Tongole Wilderness Lodge in Malawi offer.

Looking for a safari in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve ? SafariBookings offers several safari tours in Malawi that include Nkhotakota .

Bua River Lodge in Nkhotakota

Bua River Lodge Nkhotakota Malawi

Bua River Lodge in Malawi is a small, boutique eco-lodge offering secluded, thatch-covered safari tents on a full-board basis. Each tent provides maximum privacy, within the woodland, along the river, or on a small island accessible by a bridge. On your private deck, you can enjoy the pristine wilderness and the Bua River .

Bua Rive Lodge is one of the best places to stay in Nkhotakota Malawi

The thatched main lodge is located right on the banks of the river, featuring a restaurant, bar, lounge, and reception area. It has three main levels, as well as an upper viewing deck that provides amazing views of Namdinga Pool; a watering hole where animals come to drink. This mid-range safari lodge in Malawi is 100% solar-powered and uses fresh water from its borehole.

Bua River Lodge Nkhotakota Malawi

Bua River Lodge also supports the local communities outside the reserve, with most of the staff coming from surrounding villages. They also use local food and materials only. Apart from Tongole Wilderness Lodge, Bua River Lodge is one of the best hotels to stay in Malawi 's Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.

Mvuu Lodge in Liwonde National Park

Mvuu Lodge best place to stay in Liwonde Malawi

Mvuu Lodge is along the Shire River in Liwonde National Park , overlooking the beautiful Namagogodo Lagoon. Mvuu Safari Lodge in Malawi has 5 tented chalets with private viewing decks of the lagoon and an extra outdoor shower for that adventurous "Africa feeling".

Mvuu Lodge best place to stay in Liwonde Malawi

Mvuu means hippopotamus, referring to the many hippos that live in the Shire River and lagoon. You can view the hippos up close from the wooden hippo viewing lounge.

Hippo viewing deck Mvuu Wilderness Lodge Malawi

When arriving at Mvuu Lodge in Liwonde National Park by boat, a wooden pathway over the lagoon leads you to the swimming pool area with sun loungers surrounded by fever trees, a yoga area, the dining room, and the main lounge area.

Boat safari Mvuu Wilderness Lodge Liwonde

The location of Mvuu Lodge and Mvuu Camp is pretty picturesque and the views are fantastic. I also love the fact that it’s a family-owned lodge by Central African Wilderness Safaris .

Liwonde National Park Mvuu Wilderness Lodge Malawi

Mvuu offers Wi-Fi in the main (reception) area and has installed StarLink to stay connected while exploring Liwonde National Park.

Safari activities at Mvuu Wilderness Lodge

Safari activities at Mvuu Wilderness Lodge Malawi

Mvuu offers a lot of safari activities , like game drives, walking safaris, boat safaris, hide viewing, sundowner safaris, night safaris, and bush dining experiences.

Game Drive Liwonde National Park Malawi

The wildlife viewing in Malawi's Liwonde National Park is pretty well along the riverside and the views are stunning.

If you visit Malawi, Liwonde National Park is a must-visit, managed by African Parks since 2015 and with Mvuu Lodge you can’t go wrong.

Find Safari Tours in Malawi that include Liwonde National Park .

Shire River Trail

Shire River Trail at Mvuu Liwonde National Park

We also went bush camping in Liwonde National Park for 1 night, where we walked from Mvuu Lodge through varied vegetation and landscapes to our tented camp.

Walking Safari in Liwonde National Park Malawi

The tent set-up was pretty luxurious, with a bed and other furniture inside. The Shire River walking trail along the Shire River is a must-do for a more intimate bush feeling!

Bush camping with Central African Wilderness Safaris Malawi

Experiencing Liwonde National Park on foot, you will also have an eye for the smaller things that are part of the ecosystem. A knowledgeable guide and ranger will accompany you.

Favorite safari lodge and place to stay in Malawi

Mvuu Safari Lodge is my favorite accommodation in Malawi

Mvuu Wilderness Lodge by Central African Wilderness Safaris is my favorite place to stay in Malawi and Liwonde National Park is one of my favorite (new) African parks. I love the various landscapes and you don't have to drive far or long to find animals as elephants are often seen within the property. Apart from that, we spotted lions within a 10-minute drive from the lodge.

elephants at Mvuu Lodge Malawi

The wildlife sightings on the game drives and walking safaris are very good and the location of Mvuu Lodge and Mvuu Camp within Liwonde National Park is perfect.

I highly recommend adding Mvuu Lodge to your Malawi safari itinerary for a minimum of 3 nights to experience the best of all safari activities in Liwonde , including a sundowner boat safari on the Shire River where you can watch hippos, elephants, and many birds on the banks of the river while the sun is slowly setting.

Sunset Boat Safari Liwonde Malawi

I highly recommend opting for the Shire River Walking Trail if you have enough time to spend in Malawi's surprising Liwonde National Park.

Mkulumadzi Lodge in Majete Wildlife Reserve

Mkulumadzi Lodge is best place to stay in Majete Malawi

Mkulumadzi Lodge in Malawi by Robin Pope Safaris lies in a 7,000-hectare private concession on the banks of the Shire River in the heart of Majete Wildlife Reserve in Malawi. The safari lodge has 8 amazing and spacious chalets with private viewing decks facing the river, shaded by beautiful leadwood trees and wild mango trees.

Mkulumadzi Lodge by Robin Pope Malawi

You can either reach Majete Reserve in Malawi by car or fly into Majete Airstrip . You can only reach Mkulumadzi Lodge, by crossing the Mkulumadzi River over a 60–70 meter suspension bridge. This also means, the staff is carrying your luggage over the bridge to the lodge so don't pack too heavy  

Suspension bridge Mkulumadzi Lodge Malawi

I visited the lodge in early October, during the hottest month of the year. It’s a great time for wildlife viewing but be prepared for high temperatures between 40 and 45 degrees. Luckily, the lodge has an outdoor swimming pool to cool off in between game drives.

Pool Mkulumadzi Lodge Malawi

Safari activities at Mkulumadzi

Apart from game drives in Majete Wildlife Reserve , you can also spend time at two of the (photography) hides in Majete where animals like impala, waterbuck, nyalas, warthogs, and baboons come to drink.

Game drive Majete Wildlife Reserve Malawi

If you spend enough time at the water holes and luck is on your side, you might be able to see all the Big Five animals passing by to drink.

Safari activities Mkulumadzi Lodge Majete

The vegetation in Majete Wildlife Reserve Malawi  is mainly Miombo Woodland, with granite-topped hills and lush riverine forests. The vegetation is pretty thick, so it can sometimes be a challenge to spot wildlife.

Elephant in Majete Wildlife Reserve Malawi

Unlike Mvuu Lodge or Kuthenga Camp in Liwonde National Park, Majete doesn’t offer boat safaris. It’s the same river that floats in Liwonde, but the Shire River in Majete is more rough and rocky with no possibilities for boat safaris.

Shire River Majete Wildlife Reserve Malawi

The park used to offer game walks as well, but the walking safaris are on hold until the trained African Park rangers can lead these walks together with a guide from the lodge. This means that Majete Game Reserve currently only offers safari game drives to spot wildlife in Majete , including a night game drive . On our night drive , we had a leopard sighting and my first-ever sighting of a Mozambique Spitting Cobra.

Leopard Majete Wildlife Reserve Malawi

SafariBookings offers several safari tours to Malawi that include Majete Wildlife Reserve .

Wonderful food

Good food at Mkulumadzi Lodge Malawi

Mkulumadzi Safari Lodge in Malawi serves a delicious lunch and dinner in the main area, with views of the Shire River, and depending on how many days you stay, they also tend to set up a dining experience under the stars right at the river which is cooler because of the small breeze.

Mkulumadzi Lodge Dining Experience in malawi

In the morning, they serve breakfast at the boma on the banks of the river with a small fire; a great way to start your day!

Amazing view of the Shire River

Mkulumadzi Lodge has the best view in Majete Reserve Malawi

Their best feature is the location, with excellent views of the Shire River where you can find hippos or crocodiles bathing in the sun.

Hippos in the Shire River in Majete Reserve Malawi

The lodge also offers a star bed experience that could easily be one of my favorite experiences at this lodge, but I haven’t spent a night on their star bed. According to other guests, the views and sunrise are magnificent. You can also opt for a cultural village visit to learn more about the Malawi culture and their experience of living alongside a wildlife reserve.

Best place to stay in Malawi's Majete Reserve

In summary, Mkulumadzi Safari Lodge by Robin Pope Safaris is one of the best places to stay in Malawi and the best place to stay in Majete Wildlife Reserve  for many reasons: the staff is extremely friendly, the food is delicious, and the rooms are very spacious with a private verandah overlooking the river. The views of the Mkulumadzi River are simply magical. It's one of those hotels in Malawi where you could sit on your patio or the main deck all day, enjoying the views. Even from the pool you have these wonderful river views. So looking for a place to stay for safari in Majete? Check out Mkulumadzi Lodge .

Game Haven Lodge in Chimwenya Game Park

Game Haven Lodge in Chimenya Game Reserve

Game Haven Lodge lies within Chimwenya Game Park which is part of the Shire Highlands. The lodge is only 25 km from Blantyre and has a lot of locals visiting the lodge and the game park.

Sunset Chimwenya Game Park Malawi

Chimwenya Game Park in Malawi has 8 species of wildlife within its 500-acre reserve, including wildebeest, waterbuck, zebra, duiker, oryx, eland, and giraffe. Some of Malawi’s most popular birds are along the Chimwenya stream within the park.

Things to do at Game Haven Lodge Malawi

Eland on game drive in Chimwenya Game Park Malawi

Game Haven Lodge offers guided walks, mountain biking, self-drives, golf, and lake visits with braai facilities. There are at least 15 different mountain bike trails through the park, and the golf course has 9 holes. If you’re not into active things, you can relax at their swimming pool, where you will most likely find locals with kids cooling off as well.

Swimming Pool Game Haven Lodge Malawi

When you opt for a short 1.5-hour game drive through the reserve, you can spot all the animal species in one game drive.

Wildebeest Game Haven Lodge Malawi

I must be honest, if you are a well-traveled safari enthusiast, and you visited parks like Liwonde, South Luangwa, Maasai Mara or for example Serengeti or Kruger National Park, then this reserve might not meet your expectations. However, the lodge does a great job of conserving a small piece of nature and is conveniently located in the Thyolo Tea Estate  area. So why not enjoy the animals in this reserve and the lovely views!

Restaurant Game Haven Lodge Malawi

In the evening, you can enjoy a meal at the Ambrosia restaurant of this hotel or ask the staff to bring food to your room to watch the sunset from your private verandah.

Lake Bvumbwe Chimwenya Game Park

If you’re more the Braai-type opt for a Barbecue along Lake Bvumbwe at Nswala Mao Lounge Bar.

Satemwa Tea Estate visit with guide from Game Haven Lodge

One of the main reasons to book your stay at Game Haven Lodge is that it's very close to the Satemwa Tea Estate and other tea estates in the area to discover. A friendly guide from the lodge drove me around the Thyolo area to explore various tea estates.

Game Haven Lodge in Chimwenya Game Reserve Malawi

While staying at the Game Haven Hotel in Malawi, they gave me the spacious Nyala Room . It’s a stylish garden-view cottage with a full en-suite bathroom featuring a bathtub, shower, basin, and toilet. The living room has a coffee station and a flat-screen television with digital satellite channels, including a fireplace and verandah with views of the Chimwenya Game Park woodlands and the golf course. In the bedroom, there’s a king-sized bed with a mosquito net and a desk with a chair.

Private Verandah Game Haven Lodge Malawi

In my opinion, the specific cottage I stayed in, needs an upgrade as the interior looks dated. The paint on the wall is peeling and shows signs of moisture. If they can work on that, it's one of the better  hotels to stay in Malawi 's Thyolo district. I would recommend to stay max 2 nights. The Wi-Fi worked very well inside and near the room. I could do some video calls through WhatsApp while sitting on my private outdoor verandah, so that was a plus for this lodge.

Book your stay at Game Haven Lodge and view the latest prices and availability on Booking .com.

Huntingdon House Satemwa Tea Estates

Huntondon House Satemwa Tea Estate Malawi

Step back in time at Huntingdon House , a Colonial Gem on Satemwa Tea Estate. Originally constructed by Maclean Kay in 1928, Huntingdon House breathes colonial charm and timeless character. This magnificent family property is the centerpiece of Satemwa Tea Estate, offering a unique experience for travelers to Malawi seeking a blend of history and luxury.

Manicured Gardens and Hidden Terraces

Huntingdon House Thyolo Malawi

Surrounded by wonderful gardens, Huntingdon House beckons guests to explore secret patios and terraces. The estate, with its rich history dating back to 1874, is one of Malawi's earliest land claims and stands proudly as a respected tea and coffee producer . Managed by third-generation members of the Cathcart Kay family , the estate invites visitors to enjoy themselves in the legacy of Satemwa Tea Estate.

Tea Tales and Family Memories

Satemwa Tea Estate Malawi

Huntingdon House offers a unique opportunity to learn about the remarkable memories, discover the variety of teas exported from the estate, and delve into the fascinating history of Satemwa Tea Estate . The estate's residents welcome visitors to become a part of their story and explore the heritage that has been nurtured for generations.

Unique Suites in one of the most historical hotels in Malawi

Malawi Tea Estates best place to stay

The house, with its historical significance, has 5 distinctive suites. Each individually decorated suite, reflects the character of this grand residence.

Huntingdon House Satemwa Malawi

From the original children's nursery to the resident priest's quarters and private chapel, each area of the house has a story to tell. I also really loved their library and outdoor patio to have a Satemwa  high-tea or coffee.

Best accommodation in Thylo Malawi

Best Hotel in Malawi to explore the Tea Estates

In conclusion, Huntingdon House is the best hotel to stay in Malawi if you want to visit several Tea Estates and learn more about the processing of tea in Malawi. It's a historic gem that has to be part of your Malawi itinerary.

Who wouldn't want to sleep in this wonderful residence in the middle of the Satemwa Tea Estates? Find various Malawi Tours and Itineraries that include a visit to the Tea Estates.

Zomba Forest Lodge

Zomba Forest Lodge best place to stay in Malawi

When visiting Malawi, you can’t miss out on the off-the-beaten-path Zomba Forest Lodge . An intimate guesthouse in the mountains that feels like a home away from home, visiting a family (Tom and Petal) with their two dogs.

Zomba Forest Lodge on Zomba Plateau Malawi

A true gem in 20 acres of mixed woodland near Zomba Plateau that feels like being on a forest retreat. I loved the atmosphere of this place and its beautifully well-maintained forest garden hosting many colorful birds, butterflies, plants, flowers, and trees.

Best place to stay in Zomba Malawi

The woodland varies from indigenous rainforest in the valley by the stream, to pine on the slopes and giant eucalyptus trees overhanging the garden.

Garden Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

The intimate Zomba Forest Lodge in Malawi has only 5 lovely decorated and colorful en-suite bedrooms.

room Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

Just like in the shared living and dining room, the owner, Tom, created most of the artwork.

Back to nature

Back to Nature at Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

Zomba Forest Lodge is a great place to fully connect to nature  and disconnect from your busy daily life. Enjoy some hammock time listening to the sounds of nature or have a walk in their garden, which is a real treat for bird enthusiasts. In the rainy season, they also have delicate flowers, like the beautiful orchids.

Mindful Photography in Zomba Forest Lodge Garden

I loved wandering around in the garden, spotting various birds and butterflies , and doing some mindful photography. Their garden has 3.5 km of nature trails. The paths are clean, and you can’t get lost. You also don’t have to worry about predators sneaking into the garden.

Forest Retreat in Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

They do have leopards and hyenas on the plateau, but they are rarely seen. However, you might hear the laugh of a Hyena at night. In the morning, Blue monkeys often come to visit the garden; a real treat!

Spot blue monkeys at Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

There’s no Wi-Fi or electricity , so use that to your advantage to recharge your body, mind, and soul . A perfect forest retreat. No electricity doesn’t mean you will sit in the dark. The lodge has a solar station with lots of solar lanterns and also paraffin lamps and candles. So each night you will have a cozy candlelight dinner .

dingin area Zomba Forest Lodge

In the winter, they will use the fireplace to keep warm and heat the place. Another advantage of being surrounded by a forest is that you will probably sleep very well!

Explore the Malawi trips that include Zomba Plateau .

Best healthy food in Malawi

Zomba Forest Lodge has the best food in Malawi

In all of Malawi, I had the best food at Zomba Forest Lodge . The owners take their home-cooked food seriously, and what they offered for lunch and dinner was very different (positive) from what I ate in the rest of Malawi.

Breakfast Zomba Forest Lodge Malawi

Their delicious healthy food happily surprised me. Tom and Petal served lunch in their garden and dinner was indoors (it can get chilly at night).

Things to do at Zomba Forest Lodge

things to do in Zomba Malawi

Apart from garden walks, you can drive down to Zomba city in 25 minutes. What I liked was the lively and colorful Zomba market. At the Zomba Market, you will find lots of fruit and vegetable stalls, a fish, and meat area, but also a section with second-hand clothes, furniture, street food, and household products.

Zomba Market Malawi

Everything you need, you can find on the Zomba Market , and you will meet friendly vendors everywhere. Zomba town also has botanical gardens.

things to do in Zomba Malawi

Since Zomba Forest Lodge is on the Zomba Plateau, opt for a guided hiking trail. For example, to Mulunguzi Dam or William’s Falls .

William's Falls Zomba Plateau Malawi

The guides have expert knowledge about the Plateau, and it’s a great way to give back to the local community. Tom and Petal also helped set up the Zomba Tour Guide Association , so for the best quality guides, book a guide that is part of the association.

Zomba Treez Conservation Project

Zomba Treez Conservation Project Malawi

Tom and Petal started a wonderful conservation project, named Zomba TREEZ (The Reforestation of the Environment and Ecosystem of Zomba), where they work with local communities and the Forestry Department to reforest and protect over 300 hectares of forest on the Zomba Plateau.

Zomba Treez Seedling Project Malawi

Why? Because many people need wood for cooking and heating, Malawi has lost a lot of its trees, about 85%, in the past 40 years. If this continues, there won't be enough trees for the growing population. Zomba TREEZ wants to make people aware of the problem, plant more trees, let trees grow naturally, and prevent fires. The goal is to keep more water, stop soil from washing away, have clean air and water, and protect Malawi's plants and animals.

Zomba Treez seedling project Malawi

During my visit to Zomba Forest Lodge, I visited their tree seedlings project . With the help of the surrounding community (in return for funding for example, their schools or local choir), they've planted or protected over 250 hectares, which is about 250,000 trees so far, which is a fantastic milestone in preserving Zomba Forest.

Best Guesthouse in Malawi

In summary, I highly recommend adding Zomba Forest Lodge to your Malawi itinerary. I consider this place as the best guesthouse in Malawi with even better food than you get in some of the luxury hotels in Malawi . At Zomba Forest Lodge, you will experience a different kind of luxury by disconnecting from daily life and slowing down in their peaceful garden in the middle of the forest plateau while eating the healthiest food I got in all of Malawi.

Blue Zebra Island Lodge in Malawi National Park

Blue Zebra Island Lodge Lake Malawi National Park

Blue Zebra Island Lodge lies inside Lake Malawi National Park on Nankoma Island and therefore the perfect base to explore Lake Malawi NP and two other small islands that together form the Marelli Island Archipelago.

Blue Zebra Lodge Lake Malawi

Blue Zebra Lodge in Malawi has its private Island meaning no other people besides staff and guests are welcome on the island which gives you a very exclusive feel within this UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Lake View Safari  Tent Blue Zebra Lodge Lake Malawi NP

Blue Zebra Lodge in Lake Malawi is just 2 hours from Lilongwe and offers 3 different room types from executive chalets to lake view tents and the smaller safari tents with a garden view and/or partly lake view. The infinity pool with sun loungers is the best way to relax and cool off during the hottest times of the day.

Pool Blue Zebra Island Lodge Malawi

Around this Malawi lake resort, you will also find several comfortable and secluded lounges to relax, read a book, or admire Lake Malawi’s wonderful views.

Things to do at Blue Zebra Lodge

Things to do Blue Zebra Lodge Malawi

In the morning, you can opt for one of their walking trails where you can spot many birds and beautiful trees, like the ancient Fig Tree and a huge Baobab.

Baobab Tree Nankoma Island Lake Malawi National Park

You can go around Nankoma Island in 45 to 60 minutes, and you can also go all the way to the top to have a marvelous view of the neighboring island with no inhabitants; only nature.

birdwatching Nankoma Island Lake Malawi National Park

Other activities you can do at Blue Zebra Island Lodge are kayaking on Lake Malawi around the island, birding, and indulging yourself in their spa or yoga.

Blue Zebra Lodge Kayaking Lake Malawi NP

This lodge at Lake Malawi also offers free use of snorkeling equipment to view the colorful fish of the coastline. Snorkeling is a wonderful thing to do at Blue Zebra Lodge. The more adventurous can try water sports like waterskiing, and wakeboarding.

Sunset boat tour Blue Zebra Lodge Malawi

A must-do during your stay at Blue Zebra Hotel in Malawi is the sunset cruise that departs at 16.00. The sunset boat tour cruises around 1 or 2 islands to enjoy the beauty of Lake Malawi National Park.

Marelli Island Archipelago Lake Malawi National Park

I spotted many birds, including Fish Eagles and a lost crocodile. When the sun is setting, you can enjoy a sundowner, for example, a local Malawi Gin Tonic with some popcorn; a great way to end your day.

Sunset Boat Cruise Blue Zebra Lodge Lake Malawi

Book your Malawi Safari Tour that includes Lake Malawi !

Best view of Lake Malawi

Blue Zebra has best view of Lake Malawi

They gave me one of the lake-view tents with a private deck overlooking the lake. If you fancy a bit more privacy, then watch the sunset from your private deck; either in the hammock, on the chairs, or from a sun lounger.

Sunset Lake Malawi National Park

From Blue Zebra Island Lodge, you have the best views of Lake Malawi and the sunset is magical.

Eat & Drink at Blue Zebra

Restaurant Blue Zebra Lodge Malawi

The lodge provides all meals on a full-board basis and offers a variety of tasty options to suit everyone's preferences and dietary requirements. I had good food that meets the international standards.

Food at Blue Zebra Island Lodge Malawi

Additionally, at the Fig Tree Bar, you can enjoy a wide range of drinks and cocktails, including some special drinks from Malawi, like the Malawi Gin and Tonic.

Best place to stay at Lake Malawi

In summary, Blue Zebra Island Lodge is the best lodge or hotel in Lake Malawi National Park offering first-class views of Lake Malawi. Located on a private island within the UNESCO World Heritage site, it's one of the reasons why I rate Blue Zebra Island Lodge as one of the best places to stay in Malawi . So, if you are looking for a place to relax at Lake Malawi, definitely add Blue Zebra Lodge to your Malawi itinerary or check out other accommodations at Lake Malawi .

A more expensive recommendation is staying at Likoma Island in Mozambique waters off the North Eastern shore of Lake Malawi. The island includes one of Malawi’s top luxury lodges, Kaya Mawa, starting from 390$ PPPN in a standard room.

Norman Carr Cottage, Monkey Bay

Normann Carr Cottages Monkey Bay Malawi

Experience the Warm Heart of Africa at Norman Carr Cottage in Monkey Bay .

The Legacy of Norman Carr

Sunset at Norman Carr Cottages Monkey Bay Malawi

Awaken your senses to the echoing call of the African Fish Eagle at Norman Carr Cottage, a charming retreat on the southern shores of Lake Malawi. Once the residence of the legendary Norman Carr , famed for his Zambian walking safaris , Carr constructed this idyllic getaway in the early 1970s.

Wonderful accommodations

Norman Carr Cottages Best place to stay Lake Malawi

Nestled beneath a canopy of indigenous trees, Norman Carr Cottage offers spacious en suite rooms featuring king-size beds, signature open-air showers, and captivating views of Lake Malawi.

View Lake Malawi Norman Carr Cottages Monkey Bay Malawi

Indulge in fully catered home-cooked meals in the open beach dining area, and for the adventurous, camping is available as well.

Restaurant Norman Carr Cottage Monkey Bay Malawi

The above images from Norman Carr Cottage were captured by Denis Costello from

Norman Carr also has another lodge: Norman Carr Chikulu Eco Lodge on the exclusive southeastern shore of Lake Malawi. As the only lodge in this remote region, it offers a serene and less settled atmosphere. This eco-friendly haven is a unique experience for nature lovers and offers boat or road transfers between the lodges.

Activities at Norman Carr Cottage

Activities Norman Carr Cottages Malawi

Enjoy the magic of Lake Malawi during activities like water skiing, canoeing, morning snorkeling trips, and feeding fish eagles from the “Bonnie Alfie” launch. End your day with a sunset cruise and a Malawi sundowner, witnessing the mesmerizing sun setting over the lake.

Bird watching lake malawi national park

Book your stay at Norman Carr Cottage or view availability and the latest prices.

10 Best places to stay in Malawi

Best Safari Lodges and Hotels in Malawi

As you explore Malawi, each place you stay is like a different part of a story written by the beautiful landscapes and friendly people of 'The Warm Heart of Africa.' From the shores of Lake Malawi to the wild places where animals live, from quiet tea estates to tall mountains, Malawi has many different experiences to offer.

This guide to the 10 best places to stay in Malawi  isn't just a list; it's an invitation to enjoy the beauty, culture, and kindness that make this place special. Each place you stay can be a memory you'll always remember, and I hope your time exploring Malawi is as special as the country itself.

In summary, these are my  top ten safari lodges and hotels to stay in Malawi :

  •  Heuglin's Lodge
  •  Tongole Wilderness Lodge
  •  Bua River Lodge
  •  Mvuu Lodge
  •  Mkulumadzi Lodge
  •  Game Haven Lodge
  •  Huntingdon House
  •  Zomba Forest Lodge
  •  Blue Zebra Island Lodge
  •  Norman Carr Cottage

Looking for more hotels in Malawi, for example, a place to stay in Blantyre , Mzuzu, or Cape Mclear? Have a look at these affordable and luxury hotels in Malawi .

Would you rather book a complete safari tour ? View all Malawi Tours and Holidays :

best safari locations malawi

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Sable antelope

Sable antelope

Where to see Sable antelope in Malawi

The sable is one of Africa’s most handsome antelope and renowned for its combative nature, able even to face down lions. Shy, and restricted in range, sightings of this species are always special.

About image

Quick facts about Sable antelope

The sable belongs to the ‘horse-like’ antelope tribe (Hippotraginae), along with oryx and the slightly larger roan. Scientists recognise four subspecies, among which the giant sable of Angola is Critically Endangered. Adult males are a striking glossy black, with a white belly and badger-like white face stripes. Their majestic profile is accentuated by a powerful neck and long, backward-arching horns. Females and young are slimmer and chestnut-brown, with shorter horns. Small herds of females and young, accompanied by a single bull, frequent moist savanna woodland, where they both browse and graze. Males defend the herd against predators, going down on their knees to strike sweeping blows with their horns. They are known to have killed lions.

Record horn length (male)

Age at which young male leaves natal herd

Range countries

Estimated population (IUCN, 2017)

The top camps for seeing sable antelope in Malawi

Based on 16 reports by our travellers since Jul 2018, visitors at these camps in Malawi have the best chances of sighting sable antelope.

Best chances to see

Good chances to see

Some sightings

No sightings yet

Top 10 camps for sable antelope

% of travellers who saw sable antelope

Where to see sable in Africa

Sable range from south-eastern Kenya to northern South Africa. Always quick to retreat from disturbance, they are among more prized antelope sightings on safari.

Top tips for viewing sable

Sable are never easy to find. The largest populations occur in the miombo and mopane woodland belts of southern Tanzania, western Zambia and northern Zimbabwe and Botswana. Top spots include Nyerere National Park / Selous (Tanzania), Hwange and Matobos (Zimbabwe), Moremi (Botswana) and Liwonde (Malawi), while a small herd in Kenya’s Shimba Hills National Reserve also offer reliable viewing. Like roan, their close cousins, sable seldom linger in the open, but their daily visits to water offer an opportunity to observe the herd, with youngsters shepherded carefully among the adults. Be content to watch from a distance, as the noise of vehicles will often send them retreating towards cover. Lone bulls may be confident enough to allow a closer approach.


Our best Malawi holidays for sable antelope sightings

Based on our travellers' reports, these ideas for Malawi safaris are likely to give the best sable antelope sightings

Itinerary image

Utaka Cichlid Safari


Explore two of Malawi's safari parks - Majete Wildlife Reserve and Liwonde National Park - before finishing your trip with some beach time: relaxing, snorkelling and sailing in Lake Malawi National Park.

US$4,340 - US$5,700 per person

Itinerary image

Red Zebra Cichlid Safari


Explore two of Malawi's highlights, with a safari in rugged, remote Majete Wildlife Reserve before some beach time: relaxing, snorkelling and sailing in Lake Malawi National Park.

US$3,400 - US$4,500 per person

Itinerary image

Hyena Safari


Mix relaxation and adventure on a safari combining the South Luangwa with Victoria Falls and the beaches of Lake Malawi. These three locations are among the most iconic in southern Africa.

US$8,630 - US$11,910 per person

View all holidays to Malawi

best safari locations malawi

More information about sable antelope in our other destinations

Click here for detailed information about sable antelope in other countries, including the places for sighting sable antelope.


South Africa


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Malawi Safari Lodge & Accommodation

Swimming pool at Rafiki Malawi Safari Lodge

Luxury Safari Units

Our Safari Units consist of en-suite, private verandah accommodation, that offer you a unique, tranquil wilderness experience, with all the necessary comforts and luxuries to make your safari holiday special.

Camping facilities at Rafiki Malawi Safari Lodge

Camping Facilities

For those looking to immerse themselves in nature, Rafiki Safari Camp offers full camping facilities, for a unique and “up-close” wilderness experience.

The Boma at Rafiki Malawi Safari Lodge

With idyllic views and a self-service bar, the Boma is a comfortable, common area for occupants of our Safari Units to enjoy.

Self Catering at Rafiki Malawi Safari Lodge

Self- Catering

Rafiki Safari Camp offers self-catering accommodation options with a separate and tranquil dining place in The Boma, offering sweeping views of the natural bush, mountains and on occasion, even some African wildlife.

Set adjacent to the Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve , Rafiki Safari Camp is a Malawi Safari Lodge from which to have an authentic wilderness experience. Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve in Malawi is something of a birding mecca and this newly revitalised game park is now stocked with some of Africas favourite large species of game, making your wilderness safari holiday complete.

Owner-run Rafiki Safari Camp boasts spacious, en suite Safari Units, each with a private verandah, providing Safari accommodation, as well as, full camping facilities. All accommodation is family friendly. A beautiful Boma to while away the evenings, listening to crickets chirping, night-jars calling and maybe the occasional elephant making itself known. We are a self-sustainable, solar powered and eco friendly lodge and camp site. The perfect Malawi Safari Lodge

Rafiki Malawi Safari Lodge

Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Park Trips

Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve is an untouched jewel, having been recently [...]


Other Activities on Safari

Other activities on Safari available in the area include; Walks [...]


Guided Game Drives and Walking Safaris

Guided game drives and walking safaris are arranged by us, [...]

“I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.”

Ernest Hemingway


View of the Bua River on our new walk from our pedestrian gate into Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve. #walkingsafari #nkhotakota #wildernessexperience #wildlife

Animals Around The Globe (US)

Animals Around The Globe (US)

10 Best African Countries for Safari

Posted: April 30, 2024 | Last updated: April 30, 2024

best safari locations malawi

Unleash the explorer within and embark on a journey that echoes with the rhythmic heartbeat of the wild! If you’re craving the ultimate safari adventure, look no further. We’ve meticulously curated the ultimate guide to unveil the 10 Best African Countries for Safari, designed especially for intrepid travelers yearning to witness nature’s grandeur up close.

Investigate the 10 Best African Countries for Safari below:

best safari locations malawi

#1 Botswana

Recommended Tours:

Thus, poachers are seen as enemies of the people. As a result, Botswana has come into view as Africa's most sought-after ecotourism destination. Starting from the Chobe National Park to the Moremi Nature Reserve, you'll be able to witness numerous gems all around the country.

Back in 2014, Botswana widely banned the hunting of wild animals and implemented strict laws which are still in practice. The country resumes its zero-tolerance for poaching and their very own environmental minister, Tshekedi Khama, has even launched a shoot-to-kill policy for poachers.

Botswana, with its wildlife conservation and natural parks, is a haven for nature lovers. It is currently in the top 5, as its approach to the protection and conservation of wildlife is worth the praise. As a country, it is very forward-thinking, some may even call it aggressively forward-thinking when it comes to its preservation and anti-poaching laws.

<p><strong>Recommended Tours: </strong></p> <p>Not only do they have some of the best conservations, but Kenya is also home to 1100 different species of birds, 115 amphibians, 280 reptile species and not to mention 390 species of mammals. It is without any doubt, one of the best places to go for a Safari and witness wildlife.</p> <p>When it comes to parks and national reserves, Kenya houses 16 national reserves and 25 national parks. Along with that, the country also boasts numerous private conservations which are open for visitors.</p> <p>Kenya, as a country for Safari, is a force to reckon with. Its stunning wildlife environment is too phenomenal to put into words. Most of the African countries will not be able to even compete with their national parks and wildlife conservations. If you don't visit there at least once in your life, you're missing out on a huge chunk of excitement.</p>           Sharks, lions, tigers, as well as all about cats & dogs!           <a href=''>           Click here to get to the Animals Around The Globe profile page</a><b> and hit "Follow" to never miss out.</b>

Not only do they have some of the best conservations, but Kenya is also home to 1100 different species of birds, 115 amphibians, 280 reptile species and not to mention 390 species of mammals. It is without any doubt, one of the best places to go for a Safari and witness wildlife.

When it comes to parks and national reserves, Kenya houses 16 national reserves and 25 national parks. Along with that, the country also boasts numerous private conservations which are open for visitors.

Kenya, as a country for Safari, is a force to reckon with. Its stunning wildlife environment is too phenomenal to put into words. Most of the African countries will not be able to even compete with their national parks and wildlife conservations. If you don't visit there at least once in your life, you're missing out on a huge chunk of excitement.

<p><strong>Recommended Tours:</strong></p> <p>Its fertile land provides a safe and comforting home to around 200 mammal species. This includes elephants, hippos, monkeys and so much more. Along with 650 bird species and 5,500 plants. Even though the country is still underdeveloped and most of the population live in rural households, its national parks, and sight-seeing destinations are on the top 10 of our lists.</p> <p>Even though many would face some difficulties in locating Malawi on a map, given how tiny it is, the country is home to the world-renowned Lake Malawi National Park. This is practically one-third of the country and is the most biodiverse lake in the world.</p>           Sharks, lions, tigers, as well as all about cats & dogs!           <a href=''>           Click here to get to the Animals Around The Globe profile page</a><b> and hit "Follow" to never miss out.</b>

Its fertile land provides a safe and comforting home to around 200 mammal species. This includes elephants, hippos, monkeys and so much more. Along with 650 bird species and 5,500 plants. Even though the country is still underdeveloped and most of the population live in rural households, its national parks, and sight-seeing destinations are on the top 10 of our lists.

Even though many would face some difficulties in locating Malawi on a map, given how tiny it is, the country is home to the world-renowned Lake Malawi National Park. This is practically one-third of the country and is the most biodiverse lake in the world.

best safari locations malawi

Most of the land in Namibia is occupied by the Kalahari and Namib Deserts. Along with that, the country also has 12 national parks and many other areas which are protected. So, if you go there for a safari, you'll have many rich areas to see and explore.

When it comes to countries with the least amount of population, Namibia is one of them. Which proves to be a good thing for nature. This is because most of the land in Namibia is still unspoiled by human filth or any sort of development, giving nature a chance to breathe.

best safari locations malawi

In the country's Volcanoes National Park, you'll find 10 habituated gorilla families. Groups of 8 trekkers can visit them for one hour per day. But that's enough to get the best African safari experience. And as a nature lover, you'll enjoy the experience to the max.

If you've been around for some time, you'll be familiar with Rwanda's mountain gorillas. They were famously broadcasted and their fight for survival was shown on  National Geographic . This was all thanks to the late  Dian Fossey  back in the 1970s who advocated for the rights of these mountain gorillas throughout her life.

Considering the tragic history surrounding the mass genocide of the people of Rwanda back in 1994, it's truly a blessing what the country has achieved in the past 25 years. There have been countless investments in infrastructure. This has resulted in the country being a very fast-growing destination for ecotourism.

best safari locations malawi

#6 South Africa

But given all the advantages, it's safe to conclude that South Africa also suffers from over-tourism. I mean, if you have so many great attractions, people will flock towards it. Chances are that you'll find yourself in the middle of dozens of unruly visitors who are not too keen on obeying the rules. This occurs mostly during the peak seasons.

Annually, the country has one million visitors. Its biggest attraction is the Kruger National Park with its enrichment in biodiversity. Visitors there also have the liberty to self-drive, thus, getting a first-person private but superb experience. 

For some time now, South Africa has been climbing the charts to become one of the most popular destinations for African safaris. Given its location, South Africa is a very convenient and cheap destination for people from the United States. Besides that, the country also boasts a well-developed infrastructure which makes it perfect for luxury travelers as well.

best safari locations malawi

#7 Tanzania

One of the most popular locations would be the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The country is also a haven for 1100 different bird species. It's no wonder that Tanzania gets this much rep. Especially when the country boasts so many wonders.

We talked about Kenya being the top destination for Safari. Now Tanzania here takes second place in being the continent's most popular safari destination. And why shouldn't it? The country has 16 national parks and an extraordinary amount of wealth and wildlife wonders for the people to witness.

best safari locations malawi

Some of its natural attractions include housing the highest mountain range in Africa. It also has the world's largest free-standing volcano and the second-largest freshwater lake. With its 30 national parks and other wildlife reserves, Uganda boasts many more sanctuaries which are worth the visit. Especially if you're a lover of nature and wildlife.

Often called "The Pearl of Africa", Uganda is certainly a great pick for an African safari. Its reputation as being one of the best ecotourism destinations comes from the country's natural attractions and wildlife.

<p><strong>Recommended Tours:</strong></p> <p>Out of its 20 national parks, the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is home to many wildlife animals such as African elephants, Angolan giraffes, Cape buffalo, etc. Other than that, there are many private ownerships of National parks, notably the Kasanka National Park which is near the basin of Lake Bangweulu. It's a safe place where visitors can see 400 different avian species.</p> <p>Zambia may be a bit far down the list of popular destinations for your African safari, but many consider it to be a destination for diversified and immersive safari experiences, and making a notable feature on our 10 Best African Countries for Safari guide. The country is steadily focusing on conservation as their president has shown a keen interest and is working on building the nation's economy as well as the infrastructure.</p>

Out of its 20 national parks, the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is home to many wildlife animals such as African elephants, Angolan giraffes, Cape buffalo, etc. Other than that, there are many private ownerships of National parks, notably the Kasanka National Park which is near the basin of Lake Bangweulu. It's a safe place where visitors can see 400 different avian species.

Zambia may be a bit far down the list of popular destinations for your African safari, but many consider it to be a destination for diversified and immersive safari experiences, and making a notable feature on our 10 Best African Countries for Safari guide. The country is steadily focusing on conservation as their president has shown a keen interest and is working on building the nation's economy as well as the infrastructure.

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  1. 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages

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  2. What to do and Where to Stay on Safari in Malawi

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  3. Lake Malawi National Park

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  4. Why Malawi safari adventure holidays have something for everyone

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  5. 3 Amazing Places You Can See in Malawi

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  6. Malawi Safari Tours and Accommodation Guide

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  6. Boat and car Safari in Malawi 🇲🇼


  1. The Ultimate Malawi Safari Travel Guide 2024

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  3. Safaris

    Safaris. Two of the great attractions of Malawi's national parks and wildlife reserves are their completely unspoilt wilderness and the absence of mass tourism. When you take a safari in Malawi you really do feel you're looking at a scene that David Livingstone would recognise from 150 years ago. There's a real touch of the Garden of Eden ...

  4. 19 Malawi Safari Tours (Offered by Top Rated Operators)

    Compare 19 Malawi safari tours offered by specialized tour operators. Find the best deals using the largest marketplace for African safaris. Best price guarantee! ... When is the best time to visit Malawi? "A Malawi safari is possible at any time of the year. July to October, which corresponds with the middle and end of the Dry season, is the ...

  5. Wildlife safaris in Malawi

    10 days • 3 locations. BLANTYRE AIRPORT TO LILONGWE AIRPORT. Explore two of Malawi's safari parks - Majete Wildlife Reserve and Liwonde National Park - before finishing your trip with some beach time: relaxing, snorkelling and sailing in Lake Malawi National Park. US$4,340 - US$5,700 per person.

  6. Exceptional Malawi holidays & safaris

    VICTORIA FALLS AIRPORT TO LILONGWE AIRPORT. Mix relaxation and adventure on a safari combining the South Luangwa with Victoria Falls and the beaches of Lake Malawi. These three locations are among the most iconic in southern Africa. US$8,630 - US$11,910 per person.

  7. BLOG: Malawi Safari: Best Places to Visit at Lake Malawi & Beyond

    7-Day Northern Malawi Safari - Budget Lodge Tour. If you like the sound of combining a tropical lake getaway with some incredible wildlife spotting in an unspoiled and stunning location, browse the affordable Malawi safari tours on African Budget Safaris or speak to one of their African Travel Experts for more advice.

  8. Where to see the Big 5 in Malawi

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    Majete Wildlife Reserve. A conservation and tourist site, located in the Lower Shire Valley in southwest Malawi, 70km from Blantyre's Chileka airport and 3 hours from Lake Malawi. Majete's recovery, restoration, and preservation of endangered species have made it one of Malawi's most popular wildlife reserves. Nyika National Park.

  10. Central African Wilderness Safaris

    Central African Wilderness Safaris is a small, family-run operation that has been leading safaris across Malawi since 1987. A passion for Malawi's diverse and thriving wildlife and her vibrant, friendly people are at the heart of what we do. Whether its listening to the roar of lions under glittering skies in Liwonde National Park, hiking ...

  11. Malawi safaris with Africa Travel Resource

    Encircled by Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, Malawi is a beautiful and very authentic little country, a quiet backwater, with guest accommodation in fewer than 30 good quality camps and lodges and offering a wide range of safari and marine activities. Malawi is dominated by the enormous and scenic Lake Malawi, remarkably over 600km in length.

  12. Malawi Safari 2023/24

    Malawi Safari. Malawi has experienced an incredible wildlife transformation over the last few years, making a Malawi safari holiday a unique and exciting experience. Numerous wildlife reintroductions and translocations to several protected areas have included the Big 5 - lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard - as well as cheetah ...

  13. Wildlife Safari in Malawi: Unforgettable African Safari Experiences

    Another must-visit wildlife safari destination in Malawi is the Majete Wildlife Reserve, a conservation success story that has reintroduced numerous species, including elephants, lions, and rhinos, to the region. Visitors can stay in luxurious lodges and camps within the reserve and participate in guided game drives, bush walks, and night ...

  14. Safari

    Length: 7 days / 6 nights. Group Size: To suit you. Location: Majete Wildlife Reserve and Lake Malawi - Malawi. Departure Dates: March - November 2024. Highlights: Bush & beach combo, Big 5 plus cheetahs & wild dogs, learn about one of Africa's conservation success stories, optional Gule Wamkulu cultural dance, white sand beaches and water ...

  15. Malawi Safari Vacations

    As this is a shoulder season month, costs are lower than during peak times. All Malawi safari lodges along Lake Malawi's shores re-open, yet many of the bushcamps in Zambia are still closed. Temperatures are high, but humidity is on the way down. By this time of year, most of the migratory birds have started to fly away.

  16. Best of Malawi Safari & Tour

    Majete Wildlife Reserve is Malawi's finest wildlife attraction and home to the Big Five Safari. Some of Africa's best elephant, crocodile, hippo, and general wildlife Viewing. Home to the rare and critically endangered black rhino. Birder's delight (Pel's fishing owl, Boehm's bee-eaters, Lillian's love birds, and Livingstone's ...

  17. Welcome to Nkhatabay safaris in Malawi

    Nkhata Bay Safaris is a team of Malawian safari guides operating out of the stunning lakeside location of Nkhata Bay in northern Malawi. Visitors to Nkhata Bay are amazed at the beauty of Lake Malawi, the attractive and fascinating town and the wealth of nature that surrounds this part of Northern Malawi. With more than 10 years experience we ...

  18. 10 Best places to stay in Malawi: Safari Lodges & Hotels

    Tongole Wilderness Lodge in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve. Tongole Wilderness Retreat in Malawi is a luxury eco-lodge located deeper along the Bua River within the Miombo woodland of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, that comprises 4 luxurious thatched riverside suites and a family cottage.. The suites are extremely spacious with a huge bath (with a view), a comfy bed, a perfect hot shower, and a ...

  19. Best safaris for Lion in Malawi

    Our best Malawi holidays for lion sightings. Based on our travellers' reports, these ideas for Malawi safaris are likely to give the best lion sightings. 11 days • 4 locations. VICTORIA FALLS AIRPORT TO LILONGWE AIRPORT. Mix relaxation and adventure on a safari combining the South Luangwa with Victoria Falls and the beaches of Lake Malawi.

  20. Malawi Safari Tours

    A safari to Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi is the largest lake in malawi and the third largest Lake in Africa making it almost the size of the country Belgium. A safari to the Lake will give you a chance to see many qaua life and enjoy all that the Lake has to offer in form of activities like boat riding, fishing, snokerlling, kayaking and biridng.

  21. Where to Go in Malawi

    4. Mount Mulanje: Malawi's Hiking Region. At just over 3 000m, Mount Mulanje is Central Africa's highest peak. This granite mountain range is where to go in Malawi for a fantastic hiking experience and sensational views of the surroundings. Situated just 65 km east of Blantyre, Mount Mulanje is host to a network of trails winding through tea ...

  22. Best safaris for Sable antelope in Malawi

    11 days • 4 locations. VICTORIA FALLS AIRPORT TO LILONGWE AIRPORT. Mix relaxation and adventure on a safari combining the South Luangwa with Victoria Falls and the beaches of Lake Malawi. These three locations are among the most iconic in southern Africa. US$8,630 - US$11,910 per person. View all holidays to Malawi.

  23. Rafiki Safari Camp

    Owner-run Rafiki Safari Camp boasts spacious, en suite Safari Units, each with a private verandah, providing Safari accommodation, as well as, full camping facilities. All accommodation is family friendly. A beautiful Boma to while away the evenings, listening to crickets chirping, night-jars calling and maybe the occasional elephant making ...

  24. 10 Best African Countries for Safari

    It is without any doubt, one of the best places to go for a Safari and witness wildlife. When it comes to parks and national reserves, Kenya houses 16 national reserves and 25 national parks.