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15 Best Things to do in Bologna (Italy)

Bologna serves as the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy and has a current population of approximately 387,000. with a greater metropolitan population of just over 1 million inhabitants. Bologna occupies a central location in Italy and lies to the north of Florence, to the South of Venice and to the South East of Milan. Throughout history, Bologna has served as a major cultural and economical hub in Italy and has been ruled by the Etruscans, Celts and Romans respectively.

From the 18th century onwards, this city was part of the Papal States until the Napoleonic area in the 1700’s. Major economies in Bologna include the manufacturing industry, and a strong financial sector. Furthermore due to its location, the city also serves as a major transport hub. As a major university city and its long history, Bologna has a wonderful array of cultural sights, fantastic architecture and high quality museums.

Lets explore the best things to do in Bologna :

1. Piazza Maggiore

Piazza Maggiore

As the central square in Bologna, the Piazza Maggiore is located right in the centre of the city and serves as an important historical place.

This square is packed full with important buildings including the Pallazo d’Accursio, the Palazzo del Podesta, the Basilica di San Petronio and the Palazzo Comunale.

Furthermore to the north west of the square sits the Piazza del Nettuno that contains the famous Fountain of Neptune.

Admire the fantastic architecture, visit the palaces and basilica, or sit and enjoy a fine Italian meal at one of the restaurants nestled in the Porticos.

A fantastic vibe and atmosphere can be found at the Piazza and open air movies and concerts are sometimes held here.

2. The leaning towers of Bologna

Asinelli & Garisenda Towers

Who would of thought that the famous tower at Pisa is not the only leaning tower? Bologna actually has a pair of leaning towers and one is taller than the iconic campanile! Bologna actually has a myriad of towers, but the two tall examples standing in the Piazza di Porta Ravegnana are the most legendary.

Asinelli and Garisenda are two tall towers that stand next to each other and are both named after important Italian families.

Asinelli stands at 97.2m and was used as a prison and a stronghold.

Garisenda stands only at 48m but has an extremely noticeable tilt and overhang of 3.2m.

Climb the towers for unparalleled views of Bologna and see the epic landscapes stretching for miles around.

3. San Petronio

San Petronio

This immense structure stands as the 10th largest church in the world by volume and presents a domineering presence in the centre of the Piazza Maggiore.

Dedicated to Saint Petronius who is actually the patron saint of Bologna, the church has a Gothic design and it is noted for both it sheer size and its unfinished front facade.

Originally constructed in 1388 through to 1479, the church has never been truly finished and its front facade is quite bizarre – the lower half features coloured marble stone work, whilst the top half remains bare and contains exposed brown brickwork.

Inside the church feels truly epic – The large brick columns adorned with decoration seem to stretch forever and the main altar draws your attention as you walk down the central aisle.

4. Archiginnasio


Listed as one of the most important buildings in Bologna, the Archiginnasio was once the main buildings of the University of Bologna and now houses the famous Anatomical Theatre.

This fantastic building was created in the 16th century and is located on the Piazza Galvani.

As a piece of historical architecture, the Achiginnasio is fantastic in its own right, but the Anatomical Theatre is undoubtedly the centre piece.

Created completely in wood, this small room has an immense amount of wood panelling and carved statues of famous medical practitioners.

Furthermore, in the centre of the room surrounded by seating platforms lies an ornate anatomical table.

This is the place where university students would have learnt about the human anatomy and watched dissections and demonstrations of surgery etc.

5. Bologna Archaeological Museum

Bologna Archaeological Museum

A fine museum in the heart of Bologna, the Archaeological Museum offers a fantastic insight into the history of the city throughout the ages.

Located on the Piazza Maggiore, the museum is easily accessible and is a fascinating place to visit.

The museum hosts a huge range of collections and is split into 9 different sections, these include: Prehistoric, Etruscan, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Numismatic.

Each collection contains a superb display of different artefacts such as Bronze Age tools, skeletal remains, pottery, weaponry, china and marble statues.

Due to the large collection and its variety, you could spend hours admiring the displays and learning about the ancient history of the region.

6. Bologna National Gallery

Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

Whilst some galleries display works from a variety of countries, the Bologna National Gallery contains works that are related someway to the Emilian region and the city – These paintings range in age as far back as the 13th century, up to the 18th century.

Located within the confines of the old university complex, the museum is within easy reach of the city centre and the main Piazza Maggiore.

Split into two main sections, the museum contains the Accademia Clementina and the Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts; the first of which contains a myriad of fantastic 13th century Byzantine paintings and the latter contains later works.

Notable pieces include the Ecstasy of St. Cecilia by Raphael and Christ and the Good Theif by Titian.

7. La Piazzola Market

La Piazzola Market

This historic market has been held in Bologna for hundreds of years and continues to prove increasingly popular with both the locals and tourists.

Located in the Piazza dell Agosto which can be found to the north of the city centre, the market features over 400 different stalls and is a truly fascinating sight to witness.

Here you can find practically anything for sale from clothes, shoes, fashion accessories, flowers, pottery and jewellery.

You will find the atmosphere captivating – The locals will haggle and shout, you will smell the different foods, spices and creations, and you will see the wider variety of different colour on display.

8. Monte della Guardia

Santuario della Madonna di San Luca sul Colle della Guardia

The longest portico in the world leads up to the top of Monte della Guardia.

This forested hill provides a fantastic escape from the city and reaches a height of approximately 300m.

You can find the hill to the south west of Bolongna in close proximity to the Reno River.

Walk the length of the portico and climb the slopes to reach the top of this wonderful hill.

At the top you will be greeted with unparalleled panoramic views of Bologna and the surrounding regions.

Furthermore, the delightful Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca is perched on top of the hill and is a fantastic church to visit in its own right.

9. Santuario di Madonna di San Luca

Santuario della Madonna di San Luca

As one of the oldest churches in Bologna, the Sanctuary of Madonna was first created in 1194 but not finished until 1765. This church sits on top of the Monte della Guardia and offers great views of the city of Bologna.

Towering over the surroundings, the main building features a central basilica and is created from an orange/pink material with green domes; its style is considered to be Baroque.

Inside, the sanctuary features a plethora of fantastic decoration and detailed frescos that depict important religious scenes.

Furthermore the is also an icon of the Virgin Mary that was supposedly painted by Luke the Evangelist.

10. Torre Prendiparte

Torre Prendiparte

As previously mentioned, Bologna was once full of tall, narrow stone towers during the Middle Ages – Only a handful still remain today in their original shape and design, one of which is the Torre Prendiparte.

This particular tower was constructed during the 12th century and stands at 59.50 metres high.

Located on the Piazza Prendiparte, the tower lies close to the two leaning towers and the Piazza Maggiore.

It now hosts a bed and breakfast establishment which offers a unique experience, but the levels of the tower are also still open and you can climb to the top and explore this wonderful building.

11. Oratory of Battuti

Oratory of Battuti

This small chapel located within the church of Santa Maria della Vita features a tremendous amount of design and decoration and is one of the rarely seen finds in Bologna – Many people simply forget it is there.

The Oratory was constructed in 1604 and was designed by Floriano Ambrosini.

Contained within the Oratory is a myriad of sculptures included statues of St. Proculus and St. Petronius, and also a variety of beautiful frescos.

If you tilt your head back, the ceiling presents you with a stunning depiction of the ascension of Madonna, and the walls feature other religious iconography.

12. Museo per la Memoria di Ustica

Museo per la Memoria di Ustica

A slightly haunting and sombre attraction, but nonetheless an important part of the history of Bologna – The Museum for the Memory of Ustica is dedicated to the fateful Ustica Disaster.

In 1980 a Douglas DC-9 filled with 81 passengers that was heading to Palermo was torn in pieces and crashed, killing all the people on board.

This disaster remains a true mystery and the cause of the crash is still under investigation and debated highly.

Inside this museum, you can see the reconstructed remains of the DC-9 place together with a collection of photographs and possessions from the unfortunate victims.

This dedicated museum is tastefully constructed and allows you to pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the Ustica disaster.

13. St. Stephen Basilica

Santo Stefano, Bologna

This historical religious complex is located in the Piazza Santo Stefano and features several different buildings including the Church of Saint John the Baptist, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the courtyard of Pilate.

As you walk through the first church, you might think that it is just one building, but as you step into the main arched courtyard you can see the various different buildings.

Each church has its own character, design and artwork and there is also a free museum that contains historical information about the complex.

14. Try a local dish of Tortellini

2 Cheese Tortellini with Artichokes, Olive Oil and Parmesan

Tortellini is one of the most popular traditional Italian foods in Bologna and most local restaurants will serve this tantalizing dish.

Traditionally, Tortellini ring shaped pasta is filled with various stuffing’s such as pork, prosciutto and cheese, and served in a form of chicken or beef broth.

Mystery and intrigue surround the origins of this food but Bologna is considered to be one of the best places to experience an authentic Tortellini dish.

Consider frequenting one of the restaurants surrounding the Piazza Maggoire, or venturing down the side streets to find a local eatery not geared towards tourists.

15. Explore the Porticoes

Portico, Bologna

Bologna is famed for its extensive Portico – A Portico is essentially a partially enclosed walkway that is lined with arches and columns.

As Bologna grew as a university city, so did the amount of Porticos present in the city.

It is reported that within the confines of the city centre, you can walk through 40km of corridors.

There are numerous different porticos scattered around the city but the most famous are the Bonaccorsi Arch and the walkway leading to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca.

Walk through the porticos and admire the wonderful ancient architecture.

15 Best Things to do in Bologna (Italy):

  • Piazza Maggiore
  • The leaning towers of Bologna
  • San Petronio
  • Archiginnasio
  • Bologna Archaeological Museum
  • Bologna National Gallery
  • La Piazzola Market
  • Monte della Guardia
  • Santuario di Madonna di San Luca
  • Torre Prendiparte
  • Oratory of Battuti
  • Museo per la Memoria di Ustica
  • St. Stephen Basilica
  • Try a local dish of Tortellini
  • Explore the Porticoes

12 Top Things to Do in Bologna, Italy

best places to visit in bologna italy

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

Located about halfway between Florence and Milan, Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. An old university city with lavish porticoed walkways and squares, fine historic buildings, and a storied medieval center, Bologna is well-known for its beauty. But it's also famous for its left-wing politics, as it's home to the former Italian communist party and its newspaper, "L'Unita." Of course, most people come here for the city's food scene. Because it's in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna, widely considered the greatest food-producing region of Italy, Bologna is nicknamed La Grassa—the fat one—which is also a play on the city's prosperous economy.

Bologna can be visited any time of the year although it may be pretty cold in winter and very hot in summer. The city is a transportation hub for several train lines, with easy access to Milan , Venice , Florence , Rome , and both coasts.

Try the Local Specialties

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The cuisine of the Emilia-Romagna region is some of the best in Italy, and Bologna is one of the best places to sample its range. There is so much more to try beyond just spaghetti bolognese, and at many restaurants, you can find other classics such as lasagna and tagliatelle drenched in ragu—a slow-cooked meat sauce—as well as handmade stuffed pasta like tortellini. The city is also known for its salami and mortadella. There are tons of excellent restaurants in Bologna , but if you're looking to celebrate a special occasion, book a reservation at I Portici , the city's (surprisingly) only Michelin-star restaurant.

Seek Out Architecture

Tripsavvy / Michaela Sieman

Bologna's compact medieval center has several beautiful churches, monuments, and civic buildings. As you explore the city, you can also enjoy its many porticoed sidewalks, which make window shopping all the more pleasant. The must-visit churches are the hilltop Santuario di Madonna di San Luca (Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca) and the Basilica di San Giacomo Maggiore (Basilica of San San Giacomo Maggiore), the latter of which has both Renaissance and Baroque influences. Other notable buildings include the Archginnasio of Bologna , which was once the University of Bologna's main building; today, it houses the Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio (Archinnasio Municipal Library) and the Teatro Anatomica (Anatomical Theater), where the academics used to dissect human corpses for study.

Explore the Main Squares

TripSavvy / Michaela Sieman

While visiting Bologna, you can square-hop between the beautiful central squares like Piazza Maggiore, which houses the Gothic Basilica of San Petronio , the Palazzo dei Notai , and the Archaeological Museum . In Piazza del Nettuno, you'll find an ornate 16th-century fountain in the center that is surrounded by medieval civic buildings. Make sure you go inside the Salaborsa Library to admire the interior.

Try New Flavors Along Via Clavature

East of Piazza Maggiore, the area along Via Clavature has several small, interesting food stalls, where you'll find a number of small markets on side streets. For example, Pescheria Brunelli is the oldest fish market in town and is well worth a visit. If you're short on time and looking for a quick bite, head inside Mercato di Mezzo . This covered market is a great place to pick up some edible or drinkable souvenirs and sit down at a casual restaurant.

Wander Around the Piazza Santo Stefano

In Piazza Santo Stefano, also called Piazza delle Sette Chiese (The Square of Seven Churches), you will find an unusual cluster of interlocking Romanesque churches. The oldest, the church of Santi Vitale e Agricola, is said to have been built on the ruins of Roman temples and columns. The church is named after two saints who became martyrs in Bologna during the era of Roman Emperor Diocletian, and are believed to have died on this site. There is also an interesting courtyard with a maze of little chapels.

See Art at Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

The Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna (National Art Gallery of Bologna) is one of Italy's best galleries. Housed in a former 17th-century Jesuit building, the museum has been open to the public since 1885. It contains a large collection of oil paintings dating back to the 13th century, with several important works of art spanning the Renaissance, Mannerism, and Baroque periods. See paintings by Italian artists such as Raphael, Titian, and the Carracis, before making your way to the art gallery's temporary exhibitions. After your visit, consider paying a visit to the Academy of Fine Arts , located within the same building.

Visit the World's Oldest University

Roberto Serra / Getty Images

Founded in 1088, the University of Bologna is the world's oldest university. You don't have to be a student to visit the Museum of Palazzo Poggi, which is filled with interesting exhibits on military architecture, ancient maps, natural history, physics, and human anatomy. Or, you can wander around the Botanic Garden and Herbarium; founded in 1568, it is one of the oldest botanic gardens in Italy. You can sign up for a tour if you want to take a deeper dive into the university's history, but a simple stroll through the campus is also a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

Enjoy Aperitivo

Image Source / Getty Images

Throughout Italy, the aperitivo, or the time to have a drink before dinner, starts sometime between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. The best place to go in Bologna for an Aperol Spritz or Negroni is Via Pescherie Vecchie, just off Piazza Maggiore. The street is lined with bars and restaurants offering outdoor seating, wines by the bottle or glass, tasty appetizers, and great people-watching. Mercato Delle Erbe , a foodstuffs market by day, becomes a lively nightlife destination after dark, with a bevy of restaurants and food stalls surrounding a central dining hall.

Climb Asinelli Tower

Getty Images

After helping yourself to a big meal, you can get your exercise in by walking up the 498 steps to the top of Asinelli Tower , which stands at 97.2 meters (319 feet) tall. Built by the Asinelli family in the 12th century, it is the world's tallest leaning medieval tower and the highest point in Bologna. From the top, you'll be able to see each of the city's major landmarks in addition to the surrounding countryside. Nearby is the Garisenda Tower, which is much shorter at 47 meters (154 feet) and, like its sister, leans slightly. Together, the two comprise Bologna's "Two Towers." Due to its steep incline, Garisenda Tower does not allow visitors. You can buy tickets in advance to climb Asinelli Tower on its official website .

Find the City's Hidden Canals

Fabrizio Tavaroli / Getty Images

Venice might be the most famous city in Italy for canals, but maybe that's because Bologna's are hidden away behind the buildings. You can get a peek into some of these canals by visiting the window on Via Piella , which allows viewers to look out over the Canale delle Moline. Or, consider booking a hotel or vacation rental that offers views looking down into the water.

Step Inside the Basilica di San Petronio

The Basilica di San Petronio, located off of Piazza Maggiore, is the city's oldest church. Dedicated to Bologna's patron saint, Saint Petronius, it was built starting in 1390, although it wasn't until 1954 when the basilica was officially consecrated. Within its walls, pay attention to the Music Chapel of San Petronia, the city's oldest musical institution, which features a 552-year-old organ that is still in use today. The basilica also houses the world's longest sundial, a 67.27-meter instrument built by the astronomer Cassini, as well as the Cappella Bolognini (Chapel of the Three Kings), whose walls display frescos by Giovanni da Modena.

Walk the World's Longest Portico

The Portico di San Luca, which runs for 3.8 kilometers (2.4 miles) and bears 666 arches, is the longest portico in the world. Constructed between the 17th and 18th centuries, it travels from Porta Saragozza up the Colle della Guardia hill, ending at the Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca . It was built so as to protect the sanctuary's icon from rain during the annual Feast of the Ascension, with the 666 arches—a number that is usually associated with "the beast"—intended to symbolize the Madonna's victory over the devil. While you can drive up to the church today, walking the route is a quintessential Bolognese experience.

No, Bologna is part of the Emilia Romagna region, which borders Tuscany.

The capital of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, Bologna is one of the world's top food cities and serves as a great jumping-off point to explore the culinary delights of the surrounding area. It's also home to the oldest university in the world, the University of Bologna, which was founded in 1088.

Spring and fall are the best times to visit Bologna, when the weather is mild and pleasant and you can find great deals on hotels and airfare.

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13 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Bologna

Written by Barbara Radcliffe Rogers Updated Dec 28, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Bologna, for all its size and importance as the capital of its province and of Emilia-Romagna, is an easy city to visit, and many visitors find it one of Italy's most appealing. Those who enjoy good food certainly do; it has the reputation as Italy's gastronomic capital.

Among Bologna's main industries are the manufacture of pasta and sausages, so be sure to try some while you're here. Along with visiting Bologna's tourist attractions, spend time absorbing the city's unique character: stroll beneath its long arcades - the famed portici, peek inside its elegant old shops, notice its architectural quirks and interesting brickwork, pause in one of the numerous cafés, and soak up some of the exuberance of its many students.

Most of its popular places to visit are within walking distance of Piazza Maggiore, and the arcaded streets make walking in Bologna pleasant in all kinds of weather. Find the best things to do in the city with our list of the top things to do in Bologna.

See also: Where to Stay in Bologna

1. Piazza Maggiore and Piazza del Nettuno

2. san petronio (basilica of st. petronius), 3. santo stefano (st. stephen basilica), 4. leaning towers, 5. sanctuary and portico of the madonna di san luca, 6. enjoy bolognese food, 7. archiginnasio anatomical theater, 8. bologna's portici, 9. san domenico (st. dominic church), 10. museo civico archeologico (archeological museum), 11. oratory of battuti, 12. basilica di san pietro, 13. pinacoteca nazionale (national gallery), where to stay in bologna for sightseeing, driving in bologna, map of attractions & things to do in bologna, bologna, italy - climate chart.

Piazza Maggiore and Piazza del Nettuno

It may seem as though everyone in Bologna were meeting friends at the same time in these two adjoining squares in the heart of the city. Conversation and laughter blend with the sound of water splashing in the magnificent Neptune Fountain , which gives Piazza del Nettuno its name.

Created by Giambologna in the 16th century, it is one of the finest fountains of its period. Nearly every major attraction in the city is within a few minutes' walk, as are the most important streets - among them the busy shopping street, Via dell'Indipendenza , and Via Galleria with its many old aristocratic mansions.

Elegantly arcaded Via dell'Archiginnasio runs alongside the great Basilica of San Petronius ; its still unfinished facade dominates one side of Piazza Maggiore. On the north side is the former Palazzo del Podestà (Governors Palace) with a tower, Torre dell'Arengo , dating from 1259. Under its vaulted dome, people whispering on one side can be heard by those on the opposite corner.

San Petronio (Basilica of St. Petronius)

When construction of the massive church that dominates one side of Piazza Maggiore began in 1390, it was designed to be even bigger than St. Peter's in Rome, but never quite made it. In fact, it was never finished, and the facade remains incomplete. In the tiny museum at the back of the church, you can see the designs that were submitted for the facade, including those by the great architect Andrea Palladio.

The interior, which was finished, is often referred to as the epitome of Gothic architecture in Italy , and each of the side chapels seems like a small church. Look for the strange line cutting across the floor of the nave; it is a meridian line.

Address: Piazza Maggiore, Bologna

Santo Stefano (St. Stephen Basilica)

While Bologna has no shortage of interesting and art-filled churches, Santo Stefano is the oldest and the most atmospheric. The complex of eight buildings could be called the cradle of faith in Bologna, built by the Benedictines between the 10th and 13th centuries to house the remains of Bologna's early martyrs, Saints Vitale and Agricola.

Chiesa del Crocifisso, the principal church, has a 12th-century external pulpit and a crypt dating to 1019; octagonal Santo Sepolcro opens onto a pillared courtyard adjoining a two-story cloister. In the simple third church, look for the capitals of various styles recycled from previous Roman and Byzantine buildings and for the 6th-century mosaic floors.

Address: Via Santo Stefano 24, Bologna

Leaning Towers

Pisa's may be more famous, but Bologna has a pair of towers that appear to tilt even more alarmingly because of their narrow shape. They are the best-known of the 20 towers that remain of the more than 100 that formed Bologna's 12th-century skyline.

Although they were necessary as both watchtowers and places of refuge in case of attack, their height also became status symbols for the noble families that built them. The 48-meter Torre Garisenda leans by more than 13 meters; you can climb the 498 steps inside Torre degli Asinelli for bird's-eye views of Bologna.

Address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, Bologna

Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca

The basilica stands atop a hill that commands views across the city and the Po Valley landscape, its classical interior highlighted by the striking floor of inlaid black, white, and red marble floor. The chancel is lined in equally striking variegated black and white marble.

But what distinguishes this basilica from all the others in Italy is the 3.8-kilometer covered arcade that connects the sanctuary to the city . This monumental structure is the longest portico in the world , with 666 arches, and was built between 1674 and 1793 to protect the Byzantine Madonna with Child icon in its annual procession into Bologna. The icon, said to have been painted by Saint Luke, has traveled this route to Bologna's Cathedral of San Pietro since 1433, when it was brought from a hilltop convent in the hope of a miracle to stop harvest-threatening rains.

This scenic walk, beginning at Piazza di Porta Saragozza, is a favorite - and free - thing to do in Bologna on Sundays, or you can take the San Luca Express, a tourist "train" from Piazza Maggiore. For even wider views, the San Luca Sky Experience is a panoramic terrace reached by climbing into the basilica's cupola.

Address: Via di San Luca 36, Bologna, Italy

Tagliatelle al ragu

Perhaps Bologna's greatest appeal to tourists, and the source of its fame throughout Italy, is its reputation as a culinary center. It's known for tortellini, tagliatelle, and other pastas , and its classic dish, tagliatelle al ragu, is known elsewhere simply as tagliatelle Bolognese. Cured meats are a local specialty, and this region is the home of the incomparable Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

You can experience and savor Bologna's culinary heritage. A good place to begin is in its markets and food shops . The narrow streets of the Quadrilatero, an area between Piazza Maggiore, via Rizzoli, via Castiglione, and via Farini, has been a market since Roman times, filled with little shops and outdoor stands selling all kinds of food, from garden produce, cheese, and fish to freshly made pastas and baked goods.

Opportunities to learn from Bolognese chefs and home cooks abound, from group classes to individual lessons on forming perfect tortellini. Another thing to do is join a specialized tour led by a local foodie . These will likely include visits to food markets and a number of traditional food shops, including a bakery, chocolatier, salumeria (deli), pasta maker, and gelato shop where you can sample some of Bologna's specialties.

Anatomical Theater

Once the main building of the University of Bologna, the Archiginnasio is now home to one of the most unusual places in Bologna, the classroom where medical students learned anatomy by watching as corpses were dissected. It's not this bizarre aspect that fascinates today so much as the exceptional interior and its unusual wood carving.

The highlight is Ercole Lelli's Spellati (Skinless), a life-sized wood sculpture of a man with the musculature and skeletal structure rendered in minute detail. Also in this building is the Stabat Mater lecture hall, its walls decorated with coats of arms. The University of Bologna, founded in the 11th century, is the oldest university of the Western world.

Address: Piazza Galvani 1, Bologna

Official site:

Beautiful porticoes in Bologna

Visitors to Bologna can't help strolling under the portici, the arcades that line so many of its streets. They are a welcome relief from the summer sun and shelter from the rain, as well as providing extra space to shops, which often display goods under them.

They began in the 11th century as overhanging upper stories of buildings in the growing city center, adding more living and storage space over the shops and businesses on the street level. As they became larger, they needed support beams and posts, and gradually the arcades grew. In the 13th century, new arcades were required to be tall enough for a rider to pass through on horseback, a rule that led to the elegant arched arcades we see today.

These portici are one-of-a-kind, constructed at different times and in different styles, often embellished with stone carving or other decoration. In all, Bologna has about 40 kilometers of these portici , the longest of which is 3.8 kilometers and leads from the city to the hilltop Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca. Bologna's portici are a candidate for 2021 UNESCO World Heritage Site designation.

San Domenico (St. Dominic Church)

At the death in 1221 of Saint Dominic, in this convent of the order he founded, work began on the church that took several centuries to complete. The marble tomb that enshrines his remains is reason enough to visit, carved in minute details by the greatest artists of the day, including Michelangelo and Nicola Pisano . The church's art treasures don't end here.

The outstanding wood inlay by intarsia master fra' Damiano da Bergamo in the choir was hailed by Renaissance contemporaries as the eighth wonder of the world. Each first and second Saturday of the month, at 10.30am and 3.30pm, free guided tours are offered to the chapels, choir, Inquisition rooms, St. Dominic's cell, and other places not usually open to the public.

Address: Piazza di San Domenico 13, Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico (Archeological Museum)

Even those who normally tune out at museums of antiquities will enjoy this remarkably up-to-date display of prehistoric and Etruscan finds from the surrounding area , as well as outstanding treasures from the Celtic, Greek, Egyptian, and Roman civilizations. There are only two other museums in Italy that can match its Egyptian collection .

The 15th-century Palazzo Galvani, close to Piazza Maggiore, has been skillfully repurposed to house the collections; no dry jumble of dusty relics here, but a modern museum of brilliantly displayed artifacts.

Address: Via dell'Archiginnasio 2, Bologna

Oratory of Battuti

Climb the stairs to the room above the church to find one of Bologna's unsung treasures, a small oratorio decorated in Baroque paintings, frescoes, and gilded carvings. Avoid a stiff neck by taking advantage of one of the benches to stretch out and look up at the perfectly splendid ceiling.

Around the room stand a group of 15 terracotta statues, Death of the Virgin , created by Alfonso Lombardi in the early 16th century. Watch for announcements of musical programs, which are held here because of the room's excellent acoustics.

Address: Via Clavature 8, Bologna

Basilica di San Pietro

The cathedral of San Pietro has undergone many changes since its founding in 910, including the addition of a choir by Pellegrino Tibaldi in 1575 and a nave, remodeled in the grandeur of the 17th-century Baroque style.

A door at the end of the side aisle on the left leads to a collection of artistic treasures donated over the centuries to use in religious celebrations. These include items belonging to several popes and a splendid processional cross given as recently as 1996.

Address: Via Indipendenza, Bologna

Pinacoteca Nazionale (National Gallery)

The Pinacoteca has a unique mission: to preserve and display works by artists who have lived and worked in Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna region, especially from the 13th to the early 19th centuries.

Some of the works have histories of their own, many have been rescued from churches that were closed or turned to other uses, and others have been returned to Bologna after Napoleon I carried them off to the Louvre in Paris . The museum collections include works by Raphael, Perugino, Tintoretto, and other Renaissance artists.

Address: Strada Maggiore 44, Bologna

Piazza Maggiore and Piazza del Nettuno, the Basilica, the excellent Archaeological Museum, and the pair of leaning towers that lead Bologna's list of tourist attractions are all clustered within a very short distance. Two major churches, Santo Stefano and San Domenico, are only a few blocks away, making Bologna easy to visit from any central lodging. Here are some highly rated hotels in Bologna:

Luxury Hotels :

  • The gleaming Grand Hotel Majestic Gia Baglioni , adjacent to the Basilica and Piazza Maggiore, has generous, well-decorated rooms in a beautifully restored historic building.
  • In the middle of the old town, just under famous medieval towers, the boutique Hotel Corona d'Oro 1890 has rooms with parquet floors, marble baths, and balconies - some with tower views.
  • Just off Piazza Nettuno and handy to shopping and restaurants, Art Hotel Orologio has traditional rooms in a converted historic mansion.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Cleverly themed rooms at Al Cappello Rosso , just off Piazza Maggiore, are all different and stocked with luxuries that include slippers, robes, and a selection of different pillows.
  • With bright, attractive rooms dressed in sleek, modern decor, Metropolitan Hotel is less than a five-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore, surrounded by restaurants and shops.
  • Close to the train station and within easy reach of the central attractions, NH Bologna De La Gare offers 156 soundproof rooms, including nine spacious suites on the top floor with beautiful views of the city.

Budget Hotels:

  • Filling the fourth floor of a classic building just off Piazza Maggiore, Panorama Hotel has large rooms with well-maintained shared baths.
  • Only a short walk from the Piazza Nettuna, Albergo Centrale Bologna is a 3-star hotel with compact but comfortable rooms in the center of the city. Breakfast is included, and the hotel is surrounded by restaurants.
  • The recently restored Il Canale Hotel overlooks the river and has a rooftop terrace with views over the city. An easy walk from Piazza Maggiore, the hotel has family-sized rooms.

Like most cities in Italy, the historic center is closed to automobiles. If your hotel is within this area - called the ZTL zone - be sure to ask them where to park before your arrival. The usual procedure is that they will put your license number on the ZTL whitelist for the period of your stay, which allows you to drive to and from the hotel.

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Exploring the Adriatic Coast: When you are in Bologna, you are within easy reach of a city whose art treasures are unique in Italy. Ravenna is filled with magnificent Byzantine mosaics, most of them in eight buildings that have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not far south on the Adriatic coast are Rimini's well-preserved Roman sites and beaches . For more general ideas to help plan your trip, see our article on the best places to visit in Italy .

Bologna Map - Tourist Attractions

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19 Top Places to See & Best Things to Do in Bologna, Italy (+Map & Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: April 23, 2024

19 Top Places to See & Best Things to Do in Bologna, Italy (+Map & Tips)

Visiting Bologna, Italy, for the first time and wondering what to see and do in the city? In this guide, we share the top places to see and the best things to do in Bologna coupled with our experience-based tips and practical advice to help you plan your trip. Find out!

The capital city of northern Italy’s Emilia Romagna region, Bologna is one of the largest and most interesting cities to visit in Italy . Ruled at various times by Etruscans, Celts, and Romans – and part of the Papal States until the 18th century – it has a rich and fascinating history.

With its beautiful UNESCO heritage-listed porticoes, incredible medieval buildings, and a distinctly authentic feel, Bologna is a unique and often underrated city just waiting to be explored.

However, surrounded by so many grand and world-known cities and other famous places in northern Italy, Bologna is often overlooked by international visitors planning a trip to Italy. But it’s absolutely worth a visit, also because you will find a much more authentic atmosphere here than e.g. in Venice or even in Florence …

In this guide, we share the main landmarks and top experiences in Bologna that make it well worth a visit, even if you are traveling from the other side of the world. Take a look!

Top places to see in Bologna, Italy

Interesting to know: Some of the best reasons to visit Bologna may be summed up by its three unique nicknames – La Rossa, La Grassa, and La Dotta – The Red, The Fat, and The Learned.

La Rossa (The Red) refers to the city’s distinctive terracotta-tiled rooftops and the flaming red color you’ll see decorating many of its walls. But the name also reflects Bologna’s political leanings. The city was strongly anti-fascist during the Second World War and the center of Nazi resistance, after which it became a Communist stronghold.

La Grassa (The Fat) pays homage to the excellent food you can experience in the region. Home to Parma ham, parmesan cheese, tagliatelle al ragù, mortadella, and balsamic vinegar, Bologna’s culinary scene is a food lover’s dream and the main reason some people come to visit.

La Dotta (The Learned) refers to the city’s university, which was founded in 1088 and is the oldest in the Western world. Bologna is a real student town with a great atmosphere, and also a dynamic and edgy appeal.

Bologna rooftops and cityscape

Good to know: Our list below is sorted starting with the most famous, must-see places in Bologna firs t. So if you are short on time, concentrate on the top 10 – 12 sites on the list (you should be easily able to cover all of these in a day). In addition, don’t miss #19 on our list – no visit to Bologna would be complete without experiencing its food! We share some restaurant recommendations as well.

For each of the main attractions in Bologna, we include some practical information and tips that you may want to know before your visit. In addition, we also created a MAP indicating all the best places in Bologna. You can find this interactive map at the bottom of the article.

TIP: If your time in Bologna is limited or if you want to get a good introduction to the city before you explore deeper, I highly recommend taking this highly-rated city walking tour . We did this tour first thing upon arrival and it was a great way to get the feel of the city and hear some stories and tips from a local guide.

Some of the people in our group were only in Bologna for a few hours or visiting Bologna for a day from Florence , others – like us – for a few days. We all found that this introductory city tour was well worth it.

Here are the very best things to see and do in Bologna:

1. Piazza Maggiore

The vibrant heart of the old city center, the public square of Piazza Maggiore is the main meeting point for locals and tourists alike. If you are visiting Bologna for the first time, this is an absolute must-see. Many other landmarks and most important places to see in Bologna are located just nearby too.

Piazza Maggiore is one of the best places to simply walk around and absorb Bologna’s lively atmosphere. It is lined with bustling cafes and surrounded by some of the city’s oldest and most impressive buildings. You’ll see grand palaces here, like the Palazzo d’Accursio (once Bologna’s Town Hall), along with Palazzo dei Notai, Palazzo del Podestà, Palazzo d’Accursio, and Palazzo dei Bianchi.

The Basilica di San Petronio is located on the other side of the square and to the northwest you’ll find the Piazza del Nettuno, home to the stunning Fountain of Neptune (more info about these sights is below). Just a few blocks to the east from here, you’ll see Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, the site of Bologna’s famous leaning towers.

The starting point for many of the city’s tours , Piazza Maggiore is also home to the Welcome Bologna visitor information center and the Biblioteca Salaborsa (Public Library).

In this central area, you can easily while away many hours, whether shopping, dining, or exploring the sights. If you’re lucky you may even catch an open-air movie or concert during your visit.

Be sure to pop back at night and enjoy an Aperol spritz as the crowds of the day give way to the laid-back buzz of the evening. The buildings are beautifully illuminated after dark and look quite stunning.

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy

2. Fountain of Neptune

The Fountain of Neptune is another must-see in Bologna. Built by Flemish sculptor Giambologna and located in the Piazza del Nettuno , this controversial stone and bronze artwork dates back to the mid-16th century. Depicting a naked Neptune surrounded by lactating mermaids, it is a structure that still raises eyebrows today for its sexual explicitness.

Originally commissioned by Cardinal Carlo Borromeo to beautify the Piazza Maggiore, the fountain was constructed where the cardo and the decumanus – Bologna’s main streets – intersected. Legend has it that some local women were so scandalized by the sight of the naked Neptune that he was fitted with bronze pants to save their blushes!

It was also customary for students to walk anti-clockwise around the fountain twice, to bring them luck before exams. Depending on when you’re visiting, you can still see students celebrating their graduations beside this iconic fountain today.

Good to know: Next to the main fountain there is a smaller one with drinking water where you can refill your bottles.

TIP: Whilst visiting the Fountain of Neptune, look towards the east-facing wall of the Palazzo d’Accursio. Here you will find the very moving Sacrario dei Partigiani (the Partisan Wall). This is a memorial to all those partisans who were executed there by the Nazis for their involvement in the city’s WWII resistance movement.

Fountain of Neptune in Bologna

3. Garisenda & Asinelli Towers

Did you know that Pisa isn’t the only place in Italy with a leaning tower? Bologna actually has two – the Asinelli and Garisenda Towers , locally known as the Due Torri .

Iconic symbols of the city, the towers were built in the 11th century by the Asinelli and Garisenda families. At the time of their construction, they would have been at the entry point of the ancient Via Emilia, serving as a warning to anyone thinking of invading!

It is likely that they were also built as a display of the families’ considerable wealth and importance! That being said, there were a lot of towers in the city at the time – 180, in fact. Today, only 20 remain, including the Prendiparte tower and the Galluzzi tower. The Asinelli and Garisenda Towers, however, are the tallest and most famous. They are located on Piazza di Porta Ravegnana in the old town.

The Garisenda Tower has a particularly steep overhang because the foundations have subsided. It has previously been lowered to prevent its collapse and is currently being restored. You cannot climb this tower.

But you can climb the Asinelli Tower and it’s definitely one of the best things to do in Bologna! The climb involves almost 500 very narrow, wooden steps, and is not for the faint-hearted. But if you are physically capable, it’s something you simply have to experience.

The 360° views from the top are incredible, with the entire city at your feet. You can see Piazza Maggiore and Basilica of San Luca to the west, the Roman road via Emilia to the southwest, and the verdant Emilia Romagna hills to the south. You also get a great view of the Garisenda Tower and Piazza de Porta Ravegana directly below.

See further for practical information for visiting the Asinelli Tower.

Garisenda and Asinelli Towers in Bologna

Good to know: Torre degli Asinelli is the most popular tourist attraction in Bologna and is open daily throughout the year, except on Christmas day. If you want to climb the tower, you have to reserve a timed slot in advance .

You can find more information and reserve your tickets on the official site . It’s also possible to buy a timed entry ticket in combination with some local food tasting . This ticket offers very good value and has the advantage that you can cancel up to 24 hours in advance if your plans change.

How much time do you need: The climb to the top took us less than 10 minutes, and about the same to get back down. Including the time to enjoy the views, we spent about half an hour at the Asinelli Tower. Also, you should arrive at least 5-10 minutes before your designated entry time.

TIP: If you are booking the combi ticket , do it in the morning (+-10-11.30 am). That way, you can use the food vouchers for lunch. If you are visiting Bologna in the high season, it’s also easier to do the climb early, before it gets too warm. We visited in May and went at 2 pm and it was really hot. In any case, be sure to take a bottle of water with you!

Bologna city view from Asinelli Tower

4. Clock Tower & Municipal Art Collections

Right on the Piazza Maggiore, you can visit another tower of Bologna – Torre dell’Orologio (the Clock Tower). The tower is part of Palazzo d’Accursio (or Palazzo Comunale), Bologna’s Town Hall . This impressive palace also houses the Municipal Art Collections .

If you want to climb at least one tower in Bologna and find the height of Asinelli Tower intimidating, then the Clock Tower might be a better option. It’s not nearly as high, but the views are really nice too. From the terrace at the lower level and also from the top of the tower, you have a unique aerial perspective of Piazza Maggiore and Bologna rooftops.

In addition, the ticket also includes entry to the Municipal Art Collections which are really impressive. Set inside the apartments of the former cardinals of Bologna, this is a combination of an art museum and palace chambers with some original decorations and furnishings. You can also see some important wooden crucifixes.

Palazzo d'Accursio (Palazzo Comunale) and Torre dell'Orologio in Bologna, Italy

Good to know: You only need about 15-20 minutes to visit the Clock Tower and you can quickly walk through the museum in about the same time too. All in all, I recommend planning 1 hour for a quick visit. We visited both – the tower and the museum – and spent about 50 minutes inside.

Practical information: You can get a ticket for the museum only or a ticket that includes entry to the museum and the tower (recommended). The tower entry is timed and can be reserved in advance, whereas if you are only interested in the museum, you can easily visit without any advance booking.

For more practical information and tickets see here .

It’s possible that you can visit the tower without booking in advance as well, but it will depend on the season/ day. Just to be sure, we booked our tickets in advance, but it wasn’t busy at all when we visited. Despite its super central location, it seems as if many tourists just pass by the Town Hall without visiting inside… And yes, it’s totally worth it; one of the top places to see in Bologna.

Art museum inside Palazzo d’Accursio in Bologna

5. Quadrilatero Neighborhood & Mercato di Mezzo

Quadrilatero neighborhood is home to the Mercato di Mezzo (Middle Market) and is an area you really have to experience in Bologna.

Foodies will say that this is the true heart of Bologna. The streets here are alive with stallholders shouting their wares and cafes spilling out onto the pavements. This is a noisy and vibrant area, an eclectic mix of sounds, smells, and colors.

Located just steps from the Piazza Maggiore, Quadrilatero has always been at the center of Bologna’s culinary scene. There were markets and food stalls here dating all the way back to the Middle Ages.

Nowadays, the area is the place to come for the very best regional specialties. These include locally produced balsamic vinegar, freshly prepared pasta, traditional cheeses, and some of the finest charcuterie you’ll ever experience.

Fruit and vegetables for sale in Quadrilatero area in Bologna old town

Be sure to take a stroll down Via Pescherie Vecchie . Lined with restaurants and food stores, it is one of the prettiest streets in the area, with picture-perfect yellow and terracotta buildings and decorative old street lamps.

If you are looking for a nice quick meal, check out Mercato di Mezzo . This is not really a market, but a food court where you will find stalls selling all kinds of local specialties.

TIP: When in Bologna, be sure to try the crescentine fritte – delicious, pillowy rectangles of fried dough that are usually topped with cheese and prosciutto. I’d go back to the city just for this!

Good to know: Come here for lunch or in the afternoon as that’s when the area is at its liveliest.

Mercato di Mezzo in Bologna

6. Seven Churches – Santo Stefano Complex

Piazza Santo Stefano is a triangular open space often used to host concerts and other cultural events. With Casa Berti, Palazzo Isolani, and Palazzo Bolognini Isolani on one side – and the 16th century Palazzo Bolognini Amorini Salina on the other – it is dominated by the Basilica of Santo Stefano .

Basilica of Santo Stefano ( Basilica Santuario Santo Stefano – Complesso delle sette chiese ) is a must-see in Bologna. This historical religious complex includes several different buildings, chapels, and courtyards, plus a free museum where you can learn more about its history.

The site has been restored multiple times. Despite its name, there are only 4 churches left rather than the original 7.

You start your visit at the 8th-century Church of the Crucifix , where you can see the 14th-century crucifix that gives the church its name. There is also an 18th-century sculpture depicting the “Lamentation over the Dead Christ” in the left nave, and a fascinating crypt under the presbytery stair.

From there you exit through a side door to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – the complex’s oldest building. It contains a shrine holding the relics of San Petronio (recovered here in 1141) and a natural spring symbolizing the River Jordan. You’ll see people crawling on their knees through a small hole in order to see the relics inside – it’s really special.

Next is the church dedicated to Vitale and Agricola – a master and servant who became the city’s martyrs when they fell victim to persecution by Diocletian in 305 AD. Here you can see the remains of a mosaic floor and the two decorated sarcophagi of Vitale and Agricola.

Finally, you exit into the “Courtyard of Pilates” – named for the spot where Jesus was sentenced – and move on to the Church of the Trinity , containing a wood sculpture depicting the Adoration of the Magi.

The tranquility and beauty of these buildings really must not be missed – and be sure to take a stroll around the peaceful cloisters at the end of your visit.

Basilica of Santo Stefano in Bologna

Good to know: The Basilica of Santo Stefano and most other sights here are open daily from early morning until around 7-7.30 pm. There is a 2-hour lunch closure between 12.30 and 2.30 pm.

There is no entrance fee and you don’t need any advance reservations in order to visit here.

This is one of the most unique religious sites in Bologna, it’s right in the heart of the old town, and really easy to visit. Definitely, one of the top places not to miss in Bologna!

We came here with our walking tour of Bologna’s highlights. It was nice to have a local guide who could tell us more about what we were seeing and quickly guide us through the labyrinth of different buildings of this impressive religious complex.

Santo Stefano Complex of Seven Churches in Bologna

7. Teatro Anatomico & Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio

Teatro Anatomico is one of Bologna’s most curious attractions. It is also one of the most popular places to visit, and is absolutely worth a few minutes of your time. Just to make things clear – this is not a theater , but a 17th-century anatomical lecture hall of Bologna University.

The Anatomical Theatre is located in the Archiginnasio Palace , the most impressive building of Bologna’s University in the heart of the old town. Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio was built in the 16th century and served as the seat of Bologna University until 1803.

Part of the city’s old medical school, Teatro Anatomico was damaged by bombing in WWII. It has been painstakingly restored using its original pieces. Built entirely from spruce wood and decorated with statues and astrological symbols, this lecture hall is really impressive.

The scene is dominated by the throne-like seat for the professor, flanked by the rather grisly Spellati (skinless) statues with their bodily anatomy exposed. There is a marble table in the middle of the room which – although it’s only a copy of the original – makes it easy to visualize how it was once used for the dissection of cadavers. You can take your place on the tiered seating and imagine how it must have felt to be a medical student at the time.

See if you can also see a spy hole in the wall. It was used by the church to make sure that classes were not teaching anything immoral.

Teatro Anatomico in Bologna, Italy

Good to know: Everyone is free to walk around and visit the impressive courtyard and several hallways of Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio. But you will need a ticket if you want to visit Teatro Anatomico or the library inside .

Be sure to also take a look at the beautiful library. You can only visit Stabat Mater Hall and not the actual library. But you can take a peek at the impressive library through an open door.

The entrance fee includes access to Teatro Anatomico and Stabat Mater Hall and is just a few euros. You only need 10-20 minutes for a visit. However, the number of people they allow inside at any given time is limited. So if you didn’t reserve a specific time slot in advance, it’s possible that you will have to come back a few hours later.

Practical information: Teatro Anatomico is open daily except on Sundays and some public holidays. You can reserve your ticket in advance here . It’s not a must but can be helpful if you want to visit at a specific time (which makes it easier to plan your day).

Archiginnasio Library in Bologna

8. Basilica di San Petronio & Terrazza di San Petronio

Basilica di San Petronio located on Piazza Maggiore is another place that you really should visit in Bologna. This is NOT the official Cathedral of Bologna, but it’s the most impressive church if the city.

One of Bologna’s most important buildings, the San Petronio Church is the 10th largest church in the world and the 6th largest in Europe. Dating back to the late 14th century, its unfinished front facade is a strange mixture of marble and brickwork – the result of a rivalry with Rome.

The church is dedicated to Saint Petronius – Bologna’s patron saint – and has many unique and distinctive features. These include the world’s longest indoor Meridian – which accurately marks the passing of days and seasons – and 22 smaller chapels. Inside one of these – the Cappella Bolognini – you can see an original depiction of heaven and hell inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy.

There are also some magnificent frescoes here, plus two ancient organs – one of which is the oldest functioning organ in the world.

Basilica di San Petronio in Bologna

TIP: If you are looking to do something unique in Bologna, see if you can visit Terrazza di San Petronio . This is a temporary viewing platform located on the outside at the back of the church. This part of the building is being renovated and they had to install metal stairs for the workmen to be able to reach the upper parts of the church. To help finance the renovation, they also added a small ‘terrace’ at the top of these metal stairs, from where tourists can enjoy unique views of Bologna.

Good to know: The Basilica is open daily from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 3 to 6.30 pm and the entrance is free of charge. They ask you to pay a small fee if you want to take pictures inside or visit Cappella Bolognini.

The panoramic terrace is only open on the weekends and holidays (when there are no construction workers) and only while the construction works last. There is a small fee and you can get a ticket on the spot. For more practical information and opening hours, see here .

I’m not sure how much longer these renovation works will be going on. But if you are visiting Bologna on a weekend, take a look if the terrace is still open. The views are well worth a short climb.

View from Terrazza di San Petronio in Bologna

9. Former Jewish Ghetto

Bologna’s former Jewish ghetto ( Ex Ghetto Ebraico ) lies in the heart of the medieval center. A network of covered bridges, suspended bridges, and alleyways, the area looks much as it did in ancient times.

Just as in most other places all over Europe, the ghetto was created following a 1555 order by Pope Paul IV that Jews be separated from the rest of the population in all territories of the Papal State.

The old ghetto in Bologna is a small area north of Via Rizzoli and between the streets of Via Oberdan and Via Zamboni. You only need 15-20 minutes for a visit here. It’s definitely worth passing by!

The area is really picturesque, with colorful houses and interesting street art. You’ll also find lots of artisan workshops and cool bars here, as the old ghetto has gradually become popular with Bologna’s younger crowd.

In addition, you can visit the Jewish Museum of Bologna ( Museo Ebraico di Bologna ) inside the ghetto to learn more about the area’s history.

Former Jewish ghetto (Ex Ghetto Ebraico) in Bologna, Italy

Good to know: At various places in the ex-ghetto, you’ll see informational signs with a hand-shaped map of the area.

These maps indicate some of the main points of interest in the neighborhood (see the picture below). Following their recommendations and reading all the info along the way, you can learn more about the ghetto’s history.

Map of the former Jewish Ghetto in Bologna

10. Sanctuary of Madonna di San Luca

The iconic Sanctuary of San Luca sits on top of the Monte della Guardia overlooking the city and is one of Bologna’s must-see attractions. However, it’s located quite far from everything else and so you’ll need to foresee a bit more time if you want to visit here.

Santuario di Madonna di San Luca is a place of worship dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It sits on the site of a 12th-century hermitage that developed into a monastic community. Their purpose was to guard an image of Mary and her child, which was said to have been painted by Luke the Evangelist (and explains the sanctuary’s name).

The interior of the Basilica is quite stunning. Inside the sanctuary, you can see beautiful frescoes and imposing columns, with the highlight being the icon of the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus. This sacred image is much revered in Bologna as it is believed to protect the city. It is carried down each May on a canopy to the Cathedral as part of a solemn religious ceremony.

For a higher-angle view, you can visit an observation deck for which you need to buy a ticket. It involves climbing a narrow spiral staircase of 110 steps into the church’s cupola and onto a small outdoor terrace. The view is nice with Bologna center in the distance and rolling hills that make you think of Tuscany… However, you only have partial side views and the terrace is tiny. It’s nice to see but not really a must.

Sanctuary of Madonna di San Luca - best things to do in Bologna

Getting there: The easiest way to get to the Sanctuary is by boarding the ‘San Luca Express’, a little tourist train from Piazza Maggiore. It runs daily the whole year round, with frequent departures. You can hop off at the sanctuary, visit it, and take the next ‘train’ back to the center. But many people just look around, take a few pictures while passing by, and don’t even get off.

You can get tickets for this little train on the spot or book this ticket that includes food tasting as well. Either way, you’ll have to see what the next available time is and if it’s busy, you may have to wait half an hour or even longer. Talk to the staff and see if you can put your name on the list for the specific departure. In the meantime, you can visit other places in the Bologna center.

Alternatively, you can take a taxi or even walk to the Sanctuary. Some even find the journey to reach the Sanctuary of Madonna part of its appeal. The route follows the beautiful, covered path of Portico di San Luca – the longest portico in the world.

It begins at Via Saragozza and then starts to rise at the Arco del Meloncello elevating you above the traffic. The incline is 10% so it can certainly be challenging, especially taking into account the long series of steep steps at the end! The walk gives you the chance to enjoy some really good views, including the soccer stadium, the city’s historic center, and the Colle dell’Osservanza.

TIP: If you have a few hours to spare and are looking to get a bit off the beaten path in Bologna, take a tourist train or a taxi to the sanctuary, visit inside, and afterwards walk back via the Portico di San Luca. This way you are walking downhill and it’s much easier. Still, the distance between the Sanctuary of San Luca and the city center is about 5 km (3 miles) and the walk will likely take you at least 1 hour. You’d need about 1.5 hours if you would do the same walk in the other direction.

Our experience: We took the tourist train to the sanctuary and walked back. In all honesty, I don’t know if I’d do it again. Instead, I would just check out the Portico of San Luca and maybe walk down for a couple of minutes – just for the experience. But I’d take the tourist train back to the center rather than walking all the way. There are better things to do in Bologna, and definitely, if your time is limited.

San Luca Express tourist train in Bologna

11. Bologna Porticoes

Bologna’s UNESCO world-heritage-listed porticoes are an intrinsic part of the city’s landscape. In the city center alone, you’ll find an incredible 40 km (about 25 miles) of arched walkways.

Originally built from wood in the late Middle Ages, these covered walkways were designed to create additional living space. Nowadays, they provide sheltered paths for strolling around the city, which is very convenient. If it’s hot, you can always find some shade, and if it rains, you can see and do a lot without ever needing an umbrella.

Good to know: There is not one ‘best’ place to see the Bologna porticoes. It’s something you will see all over the city. The longest portico is the one leading up to Santuario di Madonna di San Luca (see above).

However, some of the most noteworthy are the original wooden porticoes of Via Marsala and Casa Isolani on Strada Maggiore, and the porticos of Piazza Santo Stefano. You can also find some really pretty porticoes around Piazza Cavour.

Porticoes of Bologna - Piazza Cavour

12. Finestrella

‘Finistrella’ is Italian for window – and this may be one of the most unique views through a window in the city!

Located in Via Piella (see also our map further below for the exact location), the small ‘Canal Window’ looks out onto one of the few remaining sections of Bologna’s historic canals. Otherwise obscured from view, this section of Canale delle Moline is lined by colorful houses and is quite lovely. It almost looks like a picture come to life!

However, it’s worth noting that the canal sometimes dries up in the summer months, and some people find it’s not worth going out of your way to visit it. We found that it was totally worth a small detour, especially if you are visiting the Jewish Ghetto which is just nearby too.

Good to know: A hidden gem in the past, Finestrella is nowadays one of the most famous ‘instagrammable’ places in Bologna. Sometimes, you’ll see a long queue of people waiting to take a peek through this little window…

When we arrived, we had difficulties finding where Finestrella actually is and walked past it without realizing it. When we passed here on another occasion, there was a huge line and you really couldn’t miss it.

If you are also looking for it, the Finestrella is located to the right of the entrance of Trattoria dal Biassanot. It’s hidden in a colorful wall, under one of the typical Bologna porticos that is also used as a restaurant terrace. Normally, this little window is closed and since it has the exact same color as the wall, it’s easy to miss it if there’s nobody else around.

Finestrella, Bologna

13. Mercato delle Erbe

Mercato delle Erbe is another food court/market in Bologna city center and is a popular spot for dining.

Whereas the Quadrilatero is the best choice for its aged cheese and cured meats, Mercato delle Erbe excels in fresh, local produce and seafood. There is an actual market here, so not just restaurants or food stalls as in Mercato di Mezzo.

Housed in an attractive historic building whose foundation once belonged to a church, the market is filled with boxes of colorful fruits and vegetables. It also has several really nice restaurants.

Good to know: The building remains open after the market has closed and is a great place to enjoy an aperitivo along with the locals at the end of the day.

TIP: If you want to bring home some of the delicious local cheese, head to Formaggeria Barbieri. They will shrink-wrap it for you, making it easier to travel with. For lunch or dinner, I highly recommend NOI at Mercato delle Erbe. This restaurant serves delicious local food including the best crescentine fritte we had in Bologna. For dinner, it’s best to reserve a table in advance (this is the case in most restaurants in Bologna).

Mercato delle Erbe in Bologna

14. Basilica of San Domenico

Located a bit outside the main tourist area, Piazza San Domenico is a small cozy square, home to the Basilica of San Domenico . It’s well worth visiting if you have some extra time, but not a must if your time in the city is limited.

This Basilica is considered one of the most beautiful churches in Bologna. But the main reason to come here is to see the tomb of St. Dominic , founder of the Dominican Order. This monumental sarcophagus is called Arca di San Domenico and is absolutely impressive.

The tomb contains the three statues of Buonarroti. Often considered forgotten treasures because so few people know of their existence, these statues were made by Michelangelo. They include the candle-holder angel, the statue of San Petronio, and the statue of San Procolo.

Good to know: The Basilica is open daily in the morning (except Sundays) and in the afternoon. Just as most churches in Italy, it closes for a few hours around noon.

Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna

15. Museo Civico Archeologico

A visit to Bologna’s Archaeological Museum makes a great way to learn about the city’s development and progress throughout the years. It is located in the 15th-century Palazzo Galvani, just a short walk from Piazza Maggiore.

The exposition is divided into different eras – including Prehistoric, Celtic, Roman, and Greek – with various fascinating artifacts in each collection. But the most impressive part to visit is the Egyptian collection , which is considered among the most important in Europe and the third-largest in Italy. You can see some Egyptian mummies and other artifacts from ancient Egypt.

Other exhibits include those previously housed at the former Museo Universitario, along with a collection belonging to the painter Pelagio Palagi. You can also see items excavated locally between the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century.

When we visited, a big part of the museum was closed due to renovation works, and we found it a bit underwhelming. On the other hand, the Egyptian collection alone was worth seeing, and in the meantime, the rest of the museum is open again. So I’ll leave it up to you to decide if it’s worth it.

The good thing is that this museum is very centrally located and it doesn’t require much time. So if you are looking for additional things to do in Bologna, it’s worth considering.

Good to know: The museum is open daily except for Tuesdays. For practical information, see their website , or simply pop inside once you are in the city. You don’t need to buy tickets for the museum in advance; only if you would be interested in a specific temporary exhibition. Their website suggests booking in advance in order to avoid long lines, so maybe it can get busy at times. When we visited, it wasn’t busy at all.

Museo Civico Archeologico in Bologna, Italy

16. Giardini Margherita

Located just south of the city center, Giardini Margherita is the most popular park in Bologna. It retains much of its original layout, inspired by the classic and romantic parks of England.

Though the boating lake, zoo, and funicular railway it once contained are now gone, it is still a beautiful green space in which to relax. You’ll find several nice cafes here, a small lake with paved paths, plus multiple trails for walking or running.

During your visit, be sure to check out Kilowatt (known to the locals as Le Serre ) on the western side of the park. Formerly the park’s municipal greenhouses, the site has now been transformed into a multi-functional space. You’ll find co-working facilities here, a restaurant, a vegetable garden, live music, and lots more. It really is quite a unique venue and well worth visiting if you are looking to explore the more local side of Bologna.

Giardini Margherita in Bologna

17. Pinacoteca Nazionale

The National Art Gallery of Bologna is a museum is located in the former Saint Ignatius Jesuit novitiate, within the complex of the old university. Unlike other galleries which tend to display pieces from all over the world, this museum focuses on work with a connection to the Emilia Romagna region and the city of Bologna.

There are some incredible pieces to see here, some dating as far back as the 13th century. They are divided into two sections. The first – the Accademia Clementina – is filled with fascinating and ancient Byzantine paintings, whilst the second – the Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts – contains later works.

Paintings to look out for include Titian’s ‘Jesus Christ and the Good Thief’ , Vasari’s ‘Feast of St. Gregory the Great’ , and the ‘Ecstasy of St. Cecilia’ by Raphael. There is an entire room devoted to the work of Giotto and another dedicated to the Baroque painter Guido Reni.

Good to know: The museum is open daily except on Mondays. For more practical info, see their website .

Vasari painting Feast of St Gregory the Great at Pinacoteca Nazionale in Bologna

18. FICO – World Eataly

Update: FICO is currently closed. They say that they are working on an even bigger project. We will do our best to update this guide when there is more news. In the meantime, there are many other great opportunities to enjoy local food in Bologna – see further below!

FICO  – Italian Food Theme Park – is one of the more ‘local’ places to visit in Bologna. This is a theme park with a difference, devoted entirely to celebrating the diversity of Italian food.

Vast in scale, this unique attraction’s main focus is to show its visitors how food is made. With a motto of ‘dal campo alla forchetta’ (from field to fork), it takes you through the production processes of a variety of foods.

There is a big emphasis on agriculture and you can visit a huge outdoor area where the crops grown range from cereal and olives to fruit and truffles. You can also see stables with some 200 farm animals.

The rest of the attraction is indoors and is truly a foodie’s dream! In addition to 40 food factories, there are more than 40 kiosks or restaurants and plenty of shops to buy and taste all kinds of Italian produce.

On the other hand, often, the place feels a bit deserted and too big for the number of people coming here. So your experience will highly depend on when you visit and what your expectations are. I’d say it’s definitely not a must, but can be something nice to do in Bologna with kids or for people who have lots of extra time and are looking to get a bit off the beaten path.

Good to know: FICO is located on the outskirts of Bologna and is not a place you visit in a hurry. There’s an entrance fee, plus you have to pay extra for food.

FICO World Eataly, Bologna

19. Local Food

No guide to the best of Bologna would be complete without mentioning its food . The entire Emilia Romagna region is known as the foodie destination in Italy, and its capital city Bologna is a paradise for those who want to experience some of the best Italian food.

Some of the must-try regional specialties in Bologna include tagliatelle al ragù (the actual version of the world-famous spaghetti bolognese which originated in Bologna), lasagne bolognese, tortellini in brodo , Parma ham, mortadella sausage, parmesan cheese, and balsamic vinegar. Also the earlier-mentioned fried bread crescentine is not to be missed.

There are so many amazing places where you can eat in Bologna that it’s almost impossible to find a bad meal. If I can give you one piece of advice is to try to eat at as many different places as possible. From food courts, markets, or kiosks to local trattorias or high-end restaurants – food in Bologna is an experience in itself.

Here are some restaurant recommendations – 3 of our absolute favorites from all the places we ate in Bologna:

  • Ristorante Da Cesari . Simply the best meal of our entire trip to Florence and Bologna. Reserve in advance!
  • Osteria dell’Orsa . This is a very popular low-key restaurant. Great price-quality ratio. It’s a nice place for those looking for an authentic local experience. They don’t take reservations, so be prepared to queue, but it moves quickly.
  • NOI at Mercato delle Erbe – for the best crescentine in Bologna (the rest of the food was great too!). If you want to have dinner here, be sure to reserve. For lunch, come as soon as they open (or reserve).

For a quick lunch , try Mò Mortadella Lab. This is a very popular sandwich shop. However, they have no seating. For a really good gelato in the city center, check out Cremeria la Vecchia Stalla, Oggi gelaterias, or Cremeria Cavour. We indicated all these places on our map below.

Traditional mortadella sandiwch at Mò Mortadella Lab in Bologna

TIP: If you are short on time and want to try some traditional specialties in Bologna , one of the best ways to do that is by joining a local food tour. There are quite a few food tour options , sometimes in combination with some city highlights. If you are mostly interested in food, then this tour is the best option.

If you rather keep your flexibility but want to take advantage of local tips, you can also opt for a self-guided food tour where you get instructions and vouchers for different tastings in various local shops and restaurants in the city center.

With an extra day: One of the best excursions to do from Bologna is taking a gastronomic tour of the Emilia Romagna region. I recommend a tour that combines several places/foods in one. For example, this gastronomic tour visits a dairy factory (Parmigiano Reggiano cheese), a vinegar-production site (Modena vinegar), and a wine cellar (Lambrusco wine). Another popular option is a day tour to Parma where you visit factories specializing in Parmigiano Reggiano and Parma Ham.

Crescentine fritte at a restaurant in Bologna

Where to stay in Bologna

Bologna city center is rather compact so you can explore almost everything on foot. The best area to stay in Bologna is within 5-10 minutes walking distance from Piazza Maggiore.

Here are some hotel recommendations in this area:

  • 5* luxury: Grand Hotel Majestic gia’ Baglioni .
  • More-affordable luxury: Hotel Corona d’Oro .
  • One of the nicest price/quality/location 4* hotels: Art Hotel Commercianti .
  • Mid-range 3*: Hotel Accademia .
  • Lower budget: Albergo Garisenda .

Good to know! Bologna accommodation options are rather limited compared to places like Florence or Venice, so lodging here tends to be more expensive. Price/quality-wise, Bologna can be really expensive. Furthermore, it’s a university town and also a place that’s popular for meetings and corporate events. It might be hard to believe but it happens quite often that all the accommodations in the city center are fully booked.

We met an American solo traveler in Bologna who said he was only visiting for a day because he couldn’t find any accommodation in Bologna for that night. And when we were looking for a hotel for our trip about 2-3 months in advance, there was hardly anything available in the center. We opted for Hotel Accademia , not because it was our top choice, but because there was simply not much else to choose from within a short walking distance of the main attractions.

So if you want to stay in town, be sure to book your hotel in Bologna as soon as you know your travel dates. Alternatively, you can always visit Bologna from Florence for a day too. It’s just a short train ride away.

LEARN MORE: Florence to Bologna Train Info & Itinerary

Rooftop terrace of Hotel Touring in Bologna

Map of Bologna attractions

To help you plan your time, we created this map indicating all the best places to see in Bologna. We also indicated the restaurants mentioned in our guide.

As you will see, many of Bologna’s landmarks and best sites are located really close to each other. So you can see a lot in a short time and many people just visit Bologna for a day.

On the other hand, Bologna is a city that is worth exploring deeper and it’s worth staying longer just for the food too. So if you can, plan 2-3 days for Bologna – you won’t regret it.

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

So, this is our guide to the very best of Bologna. I hope that this inspired you to visit Bologna and also to spend more time in the city. But even if you only have (half) a day in Bologna, it’s absolutely worth a visit too!

I also hope that our personal, experience-based tips will help you make the most out of your time in Bologna. It’s an incredible town with such a unique atmosphere that we haven’t experienced anywhere else in Italy. Have a great trip!

TIP: If you are looking for more travel inspiration around Bologna, take a look at our 3-day Emilia Romagna itinerary . It takes you to some really beautiful places in the region – many of which are undiscovered by mass tourism and offer a much more authentic experience.

Some of our favorite places in Northern Italy:

  • Florence and Venice (must-sees, of course!)
  • Best places in the Dolomites
  • Best Towns in Tuscany
  • Siena and Montepulciano
  • … For more destinations, travel guides, and itineraries, please see our Italy travel guide . If you are wondering how to visit many of the best places in Italy in one trip, see our suggested 2-week Italy itinerary .

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Best things to do in Bologna, Italy

More guides and inspiration for visiting some of the most popular Italian cities:

  • Tips for Visiting Rome
  • Where to Stay in Rome
  • How to Get to Rome City from the Airport
  • Best Things to Do in Rome
  • Hidden Gems of Rome
  • Best Views in Rome
  • Ancient Rome Sites & Landmarks
  • Colosseum Levels & Tickets
  • Rome Underground: Best Places to See
  • 1 Day in Rome  
  • 2 Days in Rome  
  • 4 Days in Rome
  • Best things to do in Venice
  • 1 Day in Venice
  • 3 Days in Venice
  • Doge’s Palace, Venice
  • Gondola Ride in Venice  (what to expect & tips)
  • Visiting Venice with a baby or a toddler
  • Visiting Venice by car
  • Best Things to Do in Florence  
  • 1 Day in Florence  
  • Florence Rooftops with Best Views
  • Florence to Bologna Travel Info & Itinerary
  • Best Things to Do in Milan
  • 1 Day in Milan
  • Best Things to Do in Naples
  • 1 Day in Naples
  • Where to Stay in Naples
  • Best Day Trips from Naples
  • How to Get from Naples to Amalfi Coast
  • How to Visit Mt Vesuvius

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Wednesday 6th of March 2024

WOW, this is our first trip to Bologna and we are already loaded with a milllion things to see and taste, great work guys

Thursday 7th of March 2024

Glad to help, Glenn. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy all the amazing food. The food in Bologna is amazing!

John Signorelli

Sunday 15th of October 2023

I used numerous articles on your site for the trip I just completed with my wife. Bologna was not on my list before reading this article and boy would that have been a mistake to pass this up.

Of particular note was Basilica of San Domenico. I think there were 8 people in the church, including my wife and I. We also loved Osteria dell'Orsa as you described.

Your advice in all of your articles were awesome, and they made our trip perfect. Thank!!

Monday 16th of October 2023

Glad to hear that, John! And yes, Bologna is well worth a visit! I'd go back in a heartbeat, even if just for the amazing food...

Tuesday 18th of April 2023

Hello - thank you for posting this wonderful and informative site. We're hoping to visit Italy in May and are English speakers. We know polite words in Italian but should we postpone our trip until we become better versed in the language?

Hi Kelli, no, there is absolutely no need to postpone any trip because of the language. We don't speak much Italian either, nor Spanish, Portuguese, Icelandic, or Chinese..., but that never stopped us from traveling the world. You'll be just fine with English, and a few words of Italian plus a smile goes a long way. Enjoy your trip!

Monday 3rd of October 2022

After I finish planning next years trip I will start planning our trip to Italy/Greece. I am saving all of your Italy articles for that trip.

Sunday 9th of October 2022

You'll love Italy and Greece, Michael! Both are amazing places to see in Europe. Happy travels!

Climbing Asinelli Tower for these views of one of the best things to do in Bologna, Italy

16 Unmissable Things to Do in Bologna, Italy (Plus Food Tips)

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Bologna is one of the most underrated cities in Italy. Despite its beautiful historic centre, rich food culture, and lively yet relaxed atmosphere, it’s often overlooked by tourists on the usual Venice-Florence-Rome route.

This is a shame as there are so many things to do in Bologna from climbing medieval towers to fun food tours, and it makes a great base for exploring other attractions in the region.

We spent a week there and loved the mix of elegance and grittiness and, of course, all that delicious fresh pasta.

Our detailed Bologna travel guide shares our top tips for what to do in Bologna, where to eat and stay, the best day trips, how to get there, and a map with all our recommendations.

Where is Bologna, Italy?

What is bologna known for, video: what to do in bologna, foodie things to do in bologna, historic things to do in bologna, places to run or walk in bologna, day trips from bologna, more things to do in bologna, where to eat in bologna, cheap eats in bologna, where to stay in bologna, how long to spend in bologna, getting to bologna, bologna italy map, is bologna worth visiting, more italy posts.

Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. It’s located between Florence (to the south) and Venice (to the north) and is easily accessible by train.

Towards the end of this post, there are details on how to get to Bologna from major cities in Italy.

Back to Contents

Terracotta roofs in Bologna from the Asinelli Tower, one of the best things to do in Bologna, Italy

Bologna has three nicknames that reflect what it is best known for.

La Dotta (The Learned)

Bologna University, founded in 1088, is the oldest university in the western world and students came from all over the world to study there.

There is still a large student population which adds to the city’s vibrant atmosphere, especially at aperitivo time.

La Grassa (The Fat)

For many people coming to Bologna is a culinary pilgrimage. The Emilia-Romagna region is where many of Italy’s top products come from—balsamic vinegar, parmesan cheese, Parma ham, and mortadella.

The food here is rich and decadent and the markets are superb. I share the best things to do in Bologna for foodies below.

La Rossa (The Red)

Originally “The Red” nickname referred to the terracotta tiled roofs of the city, which are best seen from the top of Asinelli Tower .

In later years it also alluded to the city’s leftist political leanings, especially during and after World War II when it was a stronghold of the resistance against Nazism.

One of the many porticos in Bologna, Italy

The other unusual thing about Bologna is the high number of porticos that extend from almost every building.

These attractive arches were originally built from wood in the late Middle Ages to create extra living space and now have the advantage of offering protection from the rain and sun as you walk around the city.

Bologna is home to the longest portico in the world at nearly 4km. It starts just outside the city walls and extends up the hill to Santuario di Madonna di San Luca —one of the best places to visit in Bologna.

1) Take a Bologna Food Tour

Caffè allo Zabaione in Bologna

The cuisine is one of the main reasons to visit Bologna, and it’s well worth taking a food tour at the beginning of your trip to learn more about the food culture. It’ll help you make the most of the rest of your stay.

We did this four-hour Classic Bologna Food Tour with Sara of Taste Bologna . We started at the city’s best coffee shop sampling unusual flavours like Caffè allo Zabaione, which was like a dessert in a mini cup, and even I, a non-coffee drinker, enjoyed it.

We continued our tour around the markets and food shops, sampling olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar (and discovering what real balsamic tastes like) and learning about the best local products.

The Quadrilatero market area of Bologna on the Taste Bologna Classic tour

A highlight was a stop at a fresh pasta stop where we watched the ladies making tortellini (stuffed pasta parcels) incredibly fast and even tried rolling one ourselves (not as easy as it looks!).

Tortellini pasta makers in Bologna, Italy

Lunch was a picnic feast of all the products we’d picked up at one of the oldest bars in the world.

We enjoyed our food with a glass of the local sparkling Pignoletto on a big wooden table under photos of the famous clientele who’d visited in the previous decades. Of course, our final stop was for some amazing gelato.

Bologna is a very meaty city, but as vegetarians, we really enjoyed the tour and had plenty to eat.

It was helpful to learn from Sara which products (like tigelle or even some focaccia) are made with lard which is commonly used here.

Half a day spent eating your way around an Italian city is never going to be a bad experience. Not only did we get to try some local products, but we also learnt more about the city and its delicious food.

Check availability for the Classic Bologna food tour here .

Thank you to Taste Bologna who hosted us on their wonderful food tour. 

2) Go Food Shopping in the Quadrilatero

Via Pescherie Vecchie in the Quadrilatero area of Bologna, Italy

The Quadrilatero is one of the most atmospheric areas of the city.

This cluster of narrow streets off the main square has been Bologna’s market since the Middle Ages and is still full of delis and stalls selling giant wheels of parmesan, legs of ham, and pristine piles of fruit and vegetables.

Via Pescherie Vecchie is one of the cutest streets with terracotta and yellow buildings, old signs and ornate street lamps, and restaurant tables spilling onto the pavement.

The shops used to sell fish from the canals, but now you’re more likely to find chunks of cheese and fresh pasta.

We visited the area on our food tour .

3) Eat Your Way Around the Mercato Delle Erbe

Delicious Basilicata strawberries in April at the Mercato delle Erbe, Bologna, Italy

While the Quadrilatero is a good place to pick up cheese and cured meats, for fresh produce I preferred the Bologna food market, Mercato Delle Erbe .

The fruit and vegetables here are beautiful and most of them come from Italy. I was excited that strawberries from the Basilicata region were already in season in April.

There’s also an upmarket food court where you can snack on sandwiches, piadina, slices of pizza, or even have a whole meal.

We stayed in an apartment right across the road from the market, which was wonderfully convenient for shopping and quick meals.

Search for more apartments in the historic centre of Bologna here .

4) Enjoy an Aperitivo

The tradition of aperitivo—a pre-dinner drink with snacks—is strong in Bologna.

Just wander the streets from around 6pm and you’ll find plenty of bars offering everything from peanuts and crisps to buffets that are enough for a meal.

Sometimes the food is included in the price and sometimes you’ll pay €8 or €10 for a drink and buffet.

The Mercato delle Erbe and the bars opposite are good places for aperitivo in Bologna. We also liked Marsalino which from 6–9pm provides pizza toasts and crisps with your drink.

5) Try Local Specialities

Tortelloni stuffed with ricotta and herbs in a sage and butter sauce at Oltre, Bologna, Italy

Spaghetti Bolognese is not actually an Italian dish. Instead, locals eat tagliatelle al ragù , thick strips of fresh egg pasta with a meat sauce.

Another classic local dish is tortellini , meat-stuffed pasta dumplings typically served in broth.

Vegetarians should look for tortelloni (with an o rather than an i) which are larger pasta parcels stuffed with ricotta and herbs.

Make sure you get them with a sage and butter sauce as they can also be served with ragù.

For a cheap quick meal, try a piadina , a flatbread sandwich with an array of fillings to choose from. The dough is usually made from lard but a few places offer a version with olive oil instead—see my recommendations below.

The wine is also excellent. Try Pignoletto , a sparkling white like a fruitier Prosecco, or a red Sangiovese . We also enjoyed the sparkling red Lambrusco from nearby Modena.

And don’t miss the gelato—it’s so good here!

See the Restaurant section below for tips on the best places to eat in Bologna.

6) Climb Asinelli Tower

The view from Asinelli Tower, one of the top Bologna attractions, Italy

I love climbing Italian towers! Bologna’s beautiful terracotta tiled roofs are best admired from above, so make your way up the 498 steps of the medieval Asinelli Tower—one of the top things to do in Bologna.

From the top you can enjoy stunning 360º views of the smaller Garisenda tower , which leans precariously next to it, Piazza Maggiore , and the hills surrounding the city.

You must book your ticket in advance (€5 adults/ €3 children)—we booked on the Due Torri website about three hours beforehand, but at busy times book a few days ahead. I recommend going early as it gets very crowded.

Please note Asinelli Tower is currently closed for maintenance. You could alternatively climb the Clock Tower for similarly fantastic 360º views.

7) Stroll through Piazza Maggiore

Piazza Maggiore on a sunny spring day in Bologna, Italy

Piazza Maggiore is the main square and one of the top Bologna attractions.

Here you’ll find the Basilica di San Petronio , which was started in 1390 and is oddly unfinished—the bottom section ornate marble and the top stark brick.

Depending on the story this is either because the church ran out of money or the pope stopped construction as he didn’t like the idea of the plans for a cathedral bigger than Rome’s St Peter’s.

On the other sides of the square are grand palaces including Palazzo d’Accursio which was once the Town Hall.

Also, don’t miss seeking out Bologna’s whispering walls , two vaulted archways under Palazzo del Podestà  that can carry a whisper from one corner to another.

If you’d like to learn more about Bologna’s history, you can take a private guided tour around the historic centre. This group Bologna City Centre Walking Tour is another option to discover hidden gems.

8) See the Neptune Fountain

The Neptune Fountain with Basilica di San Petronio in the background, Bologna, Italy

Next to Piazza Maggiore is the 16th-century Neptune Fountain built by Flemish sculptor Giambologna. It is so beautiful that many cities across Europe copied it.

Despite representing a pagan god, the pope approved of the statue because Neptune is the god of water.

There used to be a port and canals in Bologna and water meant power and riches—it was an extremely rich city (and is still one of the wealthiest in Italy).

9) Visit the Seven Churches of Santo Stefano

Piazza Santo Stefano, Bologna, Italy

My favourite piazza in Bologna is Piazza Santo Stefano where beautiful porticos on both sides lead to a few outdoor bars and a complex of seven churches (well, only four remain).

Entry is by donation and it’s worth a wander around the maze of interconnecting buildings and peaceful courtyards.

If you’d like to learn more about the churches, visit on a private tour .

10) Visit the Archiginnasio and Teatro Anatomico

The Teatro Anatomico in Bologna, Italy

The Archiginnasio was once the main building of the University of Bologna and dates back to the 16th century.

Here you can visit the Teatro Anatomico (€3), an ornate anatomical theatre built in 1636 entirely from wood and decorated with statues.

Lectures were once given here with a cadaver laid out on the marble slab for dissection in the centre of the room.

There’s a spy hole in the wall where the church kept tabs on classes making sure that nothing too progressive was being taught.

My favourite part of the Archiginnasio building is the gorgeous portico in the entrance courtyard with frescoes on the ceiling.

The gorgeous fresco covered porticos in the courtyard of the Archiginasio, Bologna University, Italy

If you’d like to learn more, consider this Audio-Guided Archiginasio Tour .

11) Discover the Hidden Canals

Bologna's canal viewed from the Finestrella di Via Piella

Head north of the Two Towers and you’ll find the small remaining section of Bologna’s once extensive canals.

Look out for the Finestrella di Via Piella where you can get a framed view of the canals from a window in the wall.

If you are wondering what to do in Bologna to burn off all that pasta and gelato, there are some beautiful parks to the south of the city, perfect for walking or running as long as you don’t mind hills.

12) Santuario di Madonna di San Luca

The Portico San Luca in Bologna

The Santuario di Madonna di San Luca is a church upon a hill above the city and is a Bologna must see.

For us, the highlight was getting there on a 50-minute walk from the centre under the 666 arches of the Portico San Luca , the longest in the world.

Start by exiting the city from Porta Saragozza and follow the portico—it’s flat until the Arco del Meloncello and then it climbs uphill.

From the church you can enjoy views of the city and countryside. The best view is from the rooftop of the church known as the San Luca Sky Experience (€5 adults/ €3 children) which you reach by climbing a narrow spiral staircase.

If you don’t want to walk up to San Luca, you can take the San Luca Express bus , but the walk is worth it if you can.

The view from the top of the Santuario di Madonna di San Luca, Italy

13) Giardini Margherita

Giardini Margherita is a pleasant park just south of the city and is the closest and flattest place for a run—it’s about a 1.5km loop around it.

14) San Pellegrino Park

The view of San Luca from San Pellegrino park in Bologna, Italy

For a more challenging run or walk head up the hills to the Parco di San Pellegrino via the smaller Villa Spada park .

It’s only 4km from the centre, but you feel like you’re in the countryside with fields of wildflowers and views of San Luca and the city.

My early morning run up here was one of my Bologna highlights. It would be a lovely place for a picnic.

It’s worth spending a week or more in Bologna as it’s a great base for exploring the Emilia-Romagna region. We visited Modena and Ferrara , both a 30-minute train ride from Bologna.

You could also visit the elegant city of Parma (1 hour on the train) where Parma ham and Parmesan cheese originate and Ravenna (1 hour on the train) known for its exquisite mosaics. Florence is only 35 minutes away on the fast train.

If you’d prefer to take a tour, this popular Bologna Food Experience includes visits to local producers of Parmesan cheese, prosciutto ham, and balsamic vinegar (with tastings), plus a traditional multi-course lunch. 

Visiting a Balsamic Vinegar Maker

Barrels of balsamic, some up to 130 years old, at Acetaia di Giorgio, Modena, Italy

Modena is the home of balsamic vinegar and it’s also where the first few episodes of Master of None season 2 were shot, so we had to visit.

After an easy 30-minute train ride to get there, our first stop was Acetaia di Giorgio , one of the closest balsamic vinegar makers to the centre (a 30-minute walk from the train station or take a taxi).

It’s very much a family-run business. Giorgio’s family has been making vinegar for 130 years and the tradition is passed down to each generation—Giorgio is now working with his son-in-law to keep it alive.

Giorgio’s English-speaking wife Giovanna explained the vast difference between supermarket balsamic vinegar and traditional DOP balsamic vinegar which is strictly regulated for quality by a consortium.

The real stuff is made from 100% grape must with nothing added—it is cooked at a low temperature for a long time until it reduces to thick black liquid gold. It can only be made in Modena.

At the Acetaia the vinegar is aged in small wooden barrels for at least 12 or 25 years.

It’s a long, painstaking process where some of the vinegar is moved from one barrel to another as it evaporates, year after year.

Finally, we got to try the final product and it was like no vinegar we’d ever tasted, thick, sweet and intense.

The range of balsamic vinegars at Acetaia di Giorgio, Modena, Italy

The type of wood that’s used for the barrels really makes a difference—the juniper was spicy and the cherry fruity.

And the 25-year-old really does taste sweeter and richer than the 12-year-old—it doesn’t taste like vinegar at all.

Traditional balsamic is very expensive (the cheapest 12-year-old costs €45), but it lasts forever and you only need a few drops to transform a dish (try it on strawberries or parmesan).

We couldn’t resist buying a bottle—not only because it tasted so good and was a rare chance to buy real balsamic in Modena, but because we wanted to support this family who is working so hard to keep the traditions alive.

Tours are free but you must book in advance by email or phone. See the Acetaia di Giorgio website for details.

Eating in Modena

Modena has some of the best restaurants in the world including three-Michelin-star Osteria Francescana , so make sure you include a meal in your visit (and it’s a good idea to book).

We had lunch at the simple, traditional Da Danilo —the pumpkin tortelloni were good if a little sweet and we loved the ricotta tortelloni in a balsamic sauce.

We also enjoyed the local sparkling red Lambrusco wine and the thick black digestif nocino (well, it grew on me). There are lots of vegetarian options and it’s good value.

Pumpkin tortelloni and lambrusco at Da Danilo, Modena, Italy

Stop by Bloom afterwards for an excellent gelato.

Exploring Modena

The colourful buildings of Piazza XX Settembre in Modena, Italy

Modena is a pleasant city to wander and worthwhile stops are Piazza Grande , Mercato Albinelli , the Ducal Palace , and the Duomo where you can climb the Ghirlandina Tower .

It’s much less crowded than Bologna’s tower, but sadly you can’t open the windows to take photos at the top.

To learn more about this beautiful and historic city why not book this Private Modena 2-Hour Walking Tour ?

16) Ferrara

The Estense Castle in Ferrara, Italy

Ferrara is also worth a day trip to see the Estense Castle surrounded by a green moat.

Honestly, we preferred the outside to the inside, which was crowded with Italian school groups, but we did enjoy the views from the tower.

We had lunch at Osteria I Quattro Angeli with views of the castle and tried the local specialities cappellacci di zucca (pumpkin stuffed pasta) with butter and sage and torta tenerina (chocolate cake).

Cappellacci di zucca (pumpkin stuffed pasta) in Ferrara

On our list for next time are these other Bologna activities: 

  • Hands-On Home Cooking Class – Learn to make tagliatelle and tortelloni.
  • Gelato Museum – It’s a 30-minute drive out of the city, but it’s ideal for foodies who want to learn more about gelato and even try making their own. Reservations are essential. 
  • Visit a Vineyard – Take a tour of a family owned winery.
  • Explore Bologna by Bike – A Guided E-bike tour that includes food tastings.
  • Discover Bologna’s Best Street Art – Find the best murals with added fun on an E-Scooter.
  • Torre Pren diparte – Another tower to climb with a fantastic view. You can even spend the night in the one-room B&B here. 
  • Basilica di San Petronio – For €5 you can access the panoramic terrace on top of the basilica for beautiful views. Check the timetable on their website as it’s not open all day.
  • MAMbo – Bologna’s modern art museum. 
  • Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna – Bologna’s largest traditional art museum.
  • Arte Fiera – Italy’s longest running Contemporary Art Fair runs annually every February.
  • Ferrari Museum – A pilgrimage for the car enthusiast in your life.
  • FICO Eataly World – A foodie theme park. 
  • Certosa di Bologna – A huge and beautiful cemetery just outside the city. 
  • Explore Fascinating Relics in Bologna’s Churches – Amazing sights include the dramatic Renaissance sculpture, Il Compianto Sul Cristo Morto and the macabre mummified Catherine of Bologna sitting on a golden throne.

You don’t need a list of the best restaurants in Bologna—you really can go almost anywhere and get a fantastic meal.

That said, here are our favourites, all of which have vegetarian options (most places do but the choice can be limited).

If you’re not familiar with restaurant etiquette in Italy, see our guide to eating in Italy .

Sfoglia Rina

Vegan potato capellati at Sfoglia Rina, Bologna

I love Sfoglia Rina for a number of reasons. They make their own fresh pasta and only serve that and desserts, so it’s ideal if you don’t want an epic multi-course meal.

They open all day until 9pm so you can eat outside the usual strict Italian mealtimes. They also don’t have a cover charge and water is free (very rare in Italy).

The restaurant is housed in a cool and modern space with unusual lampshades and tables decorated with pots of fresh herbs.

Despite this it’s a casual place—the menu is on a blackboard and you write your table number and order on the notepad and give it to the waiter then pay afterwards at the till.

Most importantly, of course, the food is delicious. The menu includes traditional Bolognese dishes (tortelloni is the only vegetarian one) and a changing weekly menu of more creative plates of pasta.

There were four vegetarian options and one vegan (marked on the menu) when we visited.

We had the vegan potato capellati with a cherry tomato and sage sauce and black ravioli stuffed with peas and buffalo mozzarella mousse on the side.

Both were wonderful and it was refreshing to have a break from tortelloni which was the only thing we could eat in many places. All dishes are served with a side of vegetables and a roll.

Our torta tenerina chocolate cake was excellent and even better than the one we tried in its home town Ferrara.

The only downside of Sfoglia Rina is that it’s popular, so get there early for lunch or go outside the usual 12.30–2.30pm lunch hours.

We got in without waiting at 12 pm on a Monday but an hour later it was packed, and at the same time on a Sunday, there was a 40-minute wait.

Details:  Via Castiglione 5/B. Open daily 9am – 9pm. Website: Sfoglia Rina

Oltre is a mix of fancy and hipster and serves traditional Bolognese food with a modern twist.

The menu is quite small and there were no vegetarian mains, but when we asked, the waiter offered us the classic tortelloni filled with ricotta in a butter and sage sauce “fuori menu” (off the menu).

We shared a creamy potato and leek soup to start then both had the tortelloni and made yummy noises with every bite—it was the best pasta in Bologna that we had on our trip.

The chocolate fondant dessert was also wonderful.

It was our most expensive meal in Bologna (€63 for two), but it’s worth it for a more upmarket experience and would be even better for meat-eaters.

Details:  Via Majani 1/A. Open Thurs – Fri 7.30pm – 11pm, Sat – Mon 12.30pm – 2.30pm/ 7.30pm – 11pm. Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Website: Oltre.

Trattoria del Rosso

Green tortelloni with a walnut and saffron sauce at Trattoria Del Rosso in Bologna, Italy

Trattoria del Rosso is a simple, traditional restaurant that was recommended by our Airbnb host.

They had four vegetarian mains on the menu as well as two meat-free specials.

We had the gnocchi with vegetables—the gnocchi was good but the sauce a little dull—and the special green tortelloni with a walnut and saffron sauce, which was tasty but we couldn’t help comparing it to our perfect (but much more expensive) tortelloni at Oltre.

Overall it’s nothing special but good for a casual, affordable meal (€41 for two at the time of our visit).

Details:  Via Augusto Righi, 30. Open Mon – Sat 12pm – 3pm/ 7pm – 10pm and Sun 12pm – 3pm. Website: Trattoria del Rosso


We ended up going to Ca’Pelletti twice during our week in Bologna for a break from the heavier traditional fare.

It’s a casual cafe that serves food all afternoon so you don’t have to wait until 7.30 pm for dinner.

There’s no cover charge so it’s affordable (€24 for two) and you pay at the till so it’s quicker than most restaurants.

They are lots of vegetarian options including homemade pasta, soup, salads, and piadina. I liked the salads (you can choose your ingredients) and Simon’s gnocchi was excellent.

Details:  Via Zamboni, 4 and another branch on Via Altabella, 15 C/D. Open daily 9am – 11pm. Website: Ca’Pelletti

Ca’Pelletti was the cheapest sit-down meal we had and the following are faster food options with a few seats or you can get takeaway.

Mercato dell Erbe

There is loads of choice in this wonderful market. We liked the piadina (see below) and pizza slices at Forno.

There’s also a vegetarian stall at lunchtime, ironically in the old butcher shop (look for the sign Ex Macelleria ) that does inexpensive pasta and vegetable dishes. Sadly we ran out of time and didn’t get to try it.

Details:  Via Ugo Bassi 23. Food stalls open Mon – Sat 12pm – 2.30pm/ 7pm – Midnight and Sun 11am – 3pm. Vendors hours may vary. Website: Mercato dell Erbe

Piadina, flatbread sandwiches, are typically made with lard, but you can ask for a vegetarian version made with olive oil at Sfarina in the Mercato dell Erbe.

They have wholemeal and white dough options plus a few vegetarian fillings including a parmigiana with grilled aubergine, tomato sauce, and mozzarella.

La Tua Piadina in the market also has vegetarian piadina, but we didn’t have time to try it.

Details:  Mercato delle Erbe – Box 24. Open Mon – Sat 10am – 11pm. Closed Sundays. Website: Sfarina

O Fiore Mio

O Fiore Mio serves tasty pizza slices with a range of toppings. You choose the amount you want and pay by weight. Ideal for a quick meal.

Details:  Piazza Malpighi, 8e. Open daily 10.30am – 10pm. Website: O Fiore Mio

Cremeria Santo Stefano

You have to eat gelato in Bologna—it’s exceptionally good and the best place to try it is Cremeria Santo Stefano.

They won an award for the best gelato in Italy and the pistachio was the best I’ve ever had (and I’ve eaten a lot of pistachio gelato in Italy!).

Simon was a fan of the caffe bianco , and the chocolate fondant is incredibly rich.

Details:  Via Santo Stefano, 70/C. Open Tues – Sun 11am – 10pm. Closed Mondays. Website: Cremeria Santo Stefano

Sorbetteria di Castiglione

Sorbetteria di Castiglione is also a contender for the best gelato in Bologna.

They have a few unusual flavours—I loved the Dolce Emma with ricotta, caramelized figs, honey, and lemon. I’ve tried a similar flavour in a few places since but nothing comes close.

Details:  Via Castiglione 44d. Open daily 11.30am -Midnight. Website: Sorbetteria di Castiglione

The best area to stay in Bologna is within the city walls so you’ll be within walking distance of everything.

Anywhere within a 10-minute walk of Piazza Maggiore would be ideal. If you are planning to do some day trips, it’s also worth checking the distance from the train station.

We usually rent apartments in Italy as they are more affordable than hotels. We like having more space and a kitchen for healthier breakfasts than the usual croissant.

If you are on a budget, there are some cheap holiday rentals in the Bolognina neighbourhood north of the station, but I’m really glad we chose somewhere in the historic centre.

The apartment we stayed in is no longer available. It had the perfect location opposite the Mercato dell Erbe, just a five-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and a 15-minute walk from the train station. We walked everywhere.

A few options in a similar location include:

  • Apartment in the centre of Bologna – An elegant two bedroom with three bathrooms and a small patio that can sleep up to seven people. 
  • The Red Door – A quiet, two-bedroom apartment with modern decor, a spacious open plan kitchen/living room, and large terrace for al fresco dining.
  • Wonderful attic with two terraces – This two-storey apartment has three bedrooms and two terraces with views, and it’s just a one-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore. You can’t get more central. 

Search for more apartments in Bologna here .

Bologna Hotels

If you’d rather stay in a hotel, I kept seeing Hotel Centrale recommended in my research for its central location near Piazza Maggiore and historic building.

For a bit more luxury, consider Hotel Corona d’Oro or the extravagant five-star Grand Hotel Majestic “Gia’ Baglioni” .

Click here to search for more hotels in Bologna .

The portico along one side of Piazza Santo Stefano in Bologna, Italy

If you only have one day in Bologna, you can easily see all the major sights in the historic centre including everything in the Historic Things to Do in Bologna section above and still have time for a delicious meal and gelato.

The city does reward a longer stay, though. Bologna is becoming a popular weekend destination from the UK and other cities in Europe.

With two or three days you could see all the historic attractions plus have time for a food tour, the walk up to San Luca, shopping, and many more delicious meals.

Ideally, you’d spend a week in Bologna, like we did, to have time to take day trips to the surrounding area.

Bologna Airport is 6km north of the city and is served by budget airlines Ryanair and Easyjet. You could also fly to Florence or Parma. Search on Kiwi for cheap flights.

The best way to travel around Italy is by train. You can check train times to Bologna on the Trenitalia website . You need to use Italian place names (i.e Torino not Turin). 

Prices for the Freccia fast trains are much lower if you book online a few months in advance. Here are some journey times for the fastest trains:

  • Florence to Bologna – 35 minutes
  • Venice to Bologna – 1.5 hours
  • Rome to Bologna – 2 hours
  • Milan to Bologna – 1 hour

We travelled from Paris to Bologna by train with a change of trains (and enough time for lunch) at Turin. The entire journey took about nine hours and was comfortable and scenic.

Read our guide to traveling between London and Italy by train for more details.

In Bologna we got around everywhere on foot.

Bologna is absolutely worth visiting, and I hope you consider a visit to Bologna on your next trip to Italy.

It can easily be combined with major destinations like Florence and Venice and will give you a break from the tourist crowds as well as an opportunity to try all that delicious food.

  • Dos and Don’ts of Eating in Italy
  • 29 Unusual Things to Do in Rome to Escape the Crowds
  • 15 Best Day Trips From Rome
  • 17 Towns Not to Miss in Puglia, Italy
  • Salento, Italy: The Ultimate Travel Guide
  • 17 Best Things to Do in Bari, Italy
  • The Ultimate Guide to Lecce

Other Regions

  • 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Stay on the Italian Riviera
  • Hiking the Path of the Gods and Visiting the Amalfi Coast on a Budget
  • 16 Unmissable Things to Do in Matera, Italy
  • 12 Best Places to Visit in Sicily: Western Sicily Highlights

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Great post! Thank you!

Reply ↓

Fantastic information! Bookmarked immediately for use in my next trip. Thank you for including Vegan options!

This is an amazing post. I will always be certain to check your site before going anywhere!!!

Looks like you missed the whispering walls.

If you visit again you must try the Gnocco fritto and a glass of lambrusco di modena.

Thank you for this! I will be in Bologna for a week at the end of September and you have given me good choices for my visit. I especially appreciate the vegetarian food options you discussed. I am not strictly vegetarian, but I am not a big meat-eater either. I will definitely drop a pin on many of these restaurants. I’ve copied site information into calendar.

Best Recommendations! esp for vegetarians! loved Cremaria Santo Stefano for the Pistachio Gelato! mmmmm and the Tortelloni at sfoglia Rina

Hallo! Nice article! I am from Bologna, and you wrote really a good itinerary. I would suggest as a cultural thing to see also “Il compianto sul Cristo Morto”, a great dramatic sculpture of the Renaissance (I don’t think you have mentioned it). Also, the “Pratello” area ist an old area worth a visit, for a dinner or an aperitiv (it is full of nice bars and restaurants). Last to mention: if you come by car be careful NOT PARKING or DRIVING in the city center. Better to ask the host or hotel receptionist, many tourists don’t see the signals and get an expensive fine. Thanks for writing about Bologna!

Thank you for the tips, Fulvia! I really hope we can return to Bologna at some point!

Great article!!! From a Bolognese Girl i think you couldn’t write better! If everyone like to visit Bologna and taste a real Bolognese experience I can advice my farmhouse: It is a marvellous farmhouse very close to the city but in a peaceful and silent countryside area, where you can taste real home made bolognese food and wines. We have 8 elegant and delightful suites, and we are very close to the city (10 min) We are Bologna Welcome and Fico Eataly World Partners!

Thanks for such a helpful guide to Bologna. Based on your descriptions, with so much to do in Bologna, we will stay longer than the two days we were planning. This will be our third trip to Italy, and I can’t seem to get enough! This trip, we’ll arrive in and depart from Venice, explore some Northern Italy cities, and possibly fly to my ancestral region of Calabria.

I’m so glad you extended your stay! Even after spending a week there we’d like to go back to explore more of the region.

I’ve been to Italy a dozen times and it’s never enough! Enjoy! Erin

Hi Your website does not have an .english translation. Can you provide more information in .english?

The churches in Bologna have some amazing relics – most impressively is the mummified body of Catherine of Bologna sitting on a golden throne at Corpus Domini. You have to be buzzed into the back to see it and it is an absolutely incredible/bizarre thing to see. Also the university has some amazing collections of anatomical waxworks and other unique medical collections, which are definitely worth seeing.

That sounds crazy – thanks for the tip!

Great article. I have been to Rome and Milan but not Bologna. Your article inspired me to start a plan trip to Bologna next!

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The Lonely Planet guide to Bologna

Kevin Raub

Dec 4, 2023 • 6 min read

best places to visit in bologna italy

Find out where to eat, how to get around, and the best things to see and do in Bologna © RossHelen / Getty Images

Lovingly referred to as La Grassa (the fat one, for its hearty food traditions), La Dotta (the learned one, a nod to its famed university, founded in 1088) and La Rossa (the red one, for both its terracotta-hued buildings and its famously left-wing politics), Bologna presents a tantalizing trifecta of medieval might to visitors.

First and foremost, the city’s glorious food legacy, from which arose one of Italy’s most heralded dishes, ragù (please don’t call it bolognese), is arguably the country’s most coveted. Its university (known as Unibo) has ensured a steady stream of culture, innovation and forward-thinking enlightenment for nearly 950 years. And its medieval historic center, a stunning confection of UNESCO-listed porticos and boundless architectural gems, cements the entire easy-on-the-eyes patchwork together.

People walking in Via Pescherie Vecchie, a famous alley full of traditional stores and food stalls in the characteristic medieval city centre of Bologna, Italy.

When is the best time to visit Bologna?

Being at heart a big university town, Bologna is a dynamic city with plentiful cultural attractions, bars and restaurants that stay lively year-round. And with over 61km (38 miles) of porticos (nearly 40/25) in the center itself), the city is more manageable in inclement weather than most. But if we're talking ideal, then April (pleasant weather but not swarming with high-season crowds) and September to October (most of the crowds have thinned out) fit the bill. Avoid August when the city is hot, muggy and mostly closed – many Bolognesi flee the city for their summer holidays in more touristy locales.

One of the benefits of a summer visit, however, is Sotto le Stelle del Cinema (mid-June to mid-August) when Europe’s largest outdoor projection screen is set up in Piazza Maggiore for nightly movie sessions (book ahead!).

Is it easy to get in and around Bologna?

Bologna is Italy’s seventh largest city, but its medieval city center is best enjoyed on foot. From its western boundary at Porta San Felice to its eastern boundary at Porta Maggiore, it’s just 2.6km (1.6 miles) across. If you’d rather rely on public transport, the TPER bus system is well-connected throughout the city center and outlying suburbs. Tickets may be purchased at any tobacco shop (known as a tabaccheria ) or on board with coins and/or credit cards (including contactless). A 10-trip City Pass is €14.

Vehicles and exteriors of the Ferrari Museum in Italy

Top things to do in Bologna

Bologna’s best and most unique attractions are intrinsically linked to the city. Casa di Lucio Dalla , for example, is the fascinating home museum of legendary Italian singer-songwriter and Bologna native Lucio Dalla. Following suit with the city’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Music, San Colombano – Collezione Tagliavini is an extraordinary assembly of musical instruments amassed by the late octogenarian organist Luigi Tagliavini housed in a stunningly restored church. 

The Teatro Anatomico , part of the world’s oldest continually-operating university, is a jarring throwback to 17th-century medical school dissections. And don’t miss a wander around the atmospheric Quadrilatero , the city’s medieval market area, home to food stalls, greengrocers, delis, and divey wine bar Osteria del Sole , which has been slinging vino since 1465. Unfortunately, the city’s iconic twin towers, Torre degli Asinelli , were closed indefinitely in 2023 in order for engineers to evaluate their structural integrity.

Bologna’s aforementioned centuries-old porticos , one of Italy’s newest UNESCO World Heritage sites (2021), are everywhere you turn in the city. Besides providing cover for those on foot, these remarkable arched arcades are also historic feats of ingenuity and engineering, with representations spanning hundreds of years: medieval wooden porticoes, Gothic and Renaissance porticoes, 14th century beccadelli (semi-porticoes without columns) and 19th-century porticoes featuring court-architecture) among them. An organized tour of the most significant porticos is well worth investing an afternoon.

Another unmissable draw of Bologna – in cahoots with nearby Modena – is Motor Valley, home to a who’s who of legendary sports car manufacturers and their incredible museums. While only Museo Ducati is within the city itself, heavyweight luxury sports car icons Lamborghini is within easy reach on public transport (while Ferrari , Maserati and Pagani sit on the Modena side). For anyone big on cars or Italian design, these emblematic museums are imperative stops on any itinerary to the region.

Restaurant Drogheria della Rossa occupies an old pharmacy in Bologna

What to eat in Bologna

Where to begin? With pizza, risotto and gelato being notable exceptions, nearly all of Italy’s most widely-adored contributions to the global dinner table hail from Bologna and/or the surrounding region of Emilia-Romagna. Lasagna, tortellini, ragú (with tagliatelle, not spaghetti), mortadella, prosciutto (Parma), balsamic vinegar (Modena) and Parmesan cheese top the list, but there’s plenty more where that came from. 

Among the less famous (but every bit as delicious) dishes born in Bologna and/or Emilia, polpette con piselli (meatballs with peas), tortelloni di ricotta con burro e salvia (ricotta-stuffed pasta with butter and sage), gramigna alla salsiccia (pasta with sausage) and crescentine/tigelle (fried dough/bread rounds, stuffed with cheese, salumi etc) top the list. Sfoglia Rina is a great spot to acquaint yourself with local specialties but arrive early or settle in for a wait (they do not take reservations). Long dinner short, this is the land of egg pasta and all manner of pork! Vegetarians notwithstanding, Bologna is irrefutably one of Italy’s best cities for food and is in fact the main reason people visit.

How to get to Bologna?

The quickest way to reach Bologna is by air; the city is well-served by an international airport with flights from throughout the EU and beyond.

Arriving in Bologna by air

Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ) welcomes flights from around the EU as well as locations further afield such as London, Dubai, Istanbul and Casablanca, among others. A taxi to the city center runs between €15-20; and the Marconi Express people mover heads direct to the train station in under eight minutes for €11.

Arriving in Bologna by train

Bologna Centrale is a major high-speed rail station on Italy's main train line and most big cities of note are reachable on direct trains. Approximate travel times on Italy’s fastest train, Frecciarossa 1000, include Milan (one hour), Florence (38 minutes), Rome (two hours) and Naples (3.5 hours). The train station is a 15 to 20 minute walk from most locations in the center.

Arriving in Bologna by car

Like the train station, Bologna sits along Italy’s longest and most important highway, the A1 (Autostrada del Sole), which dissects the country from Milan to Naples. It’s part of the greater European routes E45 (Norway to Italy) and E35 (The Netherlands to Italy).

The basilica of Santo Stefano, Holy Jerusalem, known as Seven Churches. Emilia-Romagna region

My favorite thing to do in Bologna

Bologna is wonderfully walkable and first and foremost I love meandering through the medieval center, admiring the rusty-red architecture and popping in and out of the city’s UNESCO-listed porticos. My favorite piazza is undoubtedly Piazza Santo Stefano. The city’s most unique religious destination, Basilica di Santa Stefano , anchors the piazza, but it's otherwise just a superbly atmospheric and oddly triangular-shaped square lined with bars and cafes – ideal for an aperitivo . A perfect night for me would be local craft beers at Il Punto followed by dinner at my favorite in-the-know spot for traditional cuisine, Trattoria Bertozzi .  

How much money do I need for Bologna?

  • Hostel bed: around €50
  • Basic room for two: between €80–150
  • Self-catering apartment (including Airbnb): from €150
  • Public transport ticket: €1.50 for a single ride, €6 for a day ticket
  • Coffee: €1.10
  • Pint at a craft beer bar: €6
  • Tagliatelle with ragú: €12
  • Dinner for two with a bottle of local wine: €60

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Inside the walls of Provins, a commune in the Seine-et-Marne department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France., License Type: media, Download Time: 2024-05-24T21:21:51.000Z, User: bfreeman_lonelyplanet, Editorial: false, GL: 65050, netsuite: Online Editorial, full: Why visit Provins, name: Bailey Freeman

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best places to visit in bologna italy

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best places to visit in bologna italy

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best places to visit in bologna italy

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view of piazza maggiore bologna from torre asinelli, one of the best things to do in bologna italy

21 Best Things to Do in Bologna (Italy’s Foodie City!)

Oh, beautiful Bologna: as the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region and a foodie paradise, there are dozens of things to do in Bologna, Italy to captivate you during your visit (and yes, many of them are related to stuffing your face).

Bologna is one of our favorite cities in Italy–admittedly a hotly contested designation–and one that we plan to continue visiting again and again.

By now, we’ve visited Bologna several times, ranging from one day trips to a solid month spent “living” in the city.

Known as La Dotta (the learned, for its university), La Rossa (the red, for its architecture), and La Grassa (the fat, for its food), Bologna is such a stunningly beautiful city that perhaps the most remarkable fact about its beauty is that it may come second to its food in reasons to visit.

Planning a trip to Bologna and not sure where to start?

Here’s are the best things to do in Bologna, Italy!

Table of Contents

The Things to Do Bologna, Italy

What to eat in bologna, where to stay in bologna, italy, getting around when visiting bologna.

red buildings with porticoes on the side of the street in bologna italy

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Stop by the Piazza Maggiore.

Bologna’s main square is the perfect first stop on any trip to Bologna.

The Piazza Maggiore holds Bologna’s largest cathedral (San Petronio Cathedral), the elaborate Neptune Fountain, and some of the city’s best people-watching opportunities.

Grab a cappuccino or a spritz from one of the shaded cafes and enjoy watching the city go by.

front facade of bologna cathedral in piazza maggiore, one of the best attractions in bologna in a day

Climb the Asinelli Tower for an incredible view of Bologna.

Want to see a leaning tower in Italy but not planning to make it to Pisa?

Don’t worry: Bologna is actually home to a taller leaning tower than Pisa anyway! The leaning towers of Asinelli and Garisenda, also known as Bologna’s Two Towers , stand right next to each other.

I f you’re up for quite the climb (all 498 steps of it), Asinelli is available to tour and boasts incredible views over Bologna.

If you’re feeling brave, you can lean over up top (don’t worry, it’s enclosed and safe) to get a great view of the shorter Garisenda Tower beneath you.

As someone who is scared of heights, climbing this tower wasn’t my favorite thing in the world… but the views made it worth it.

There are only a limited number of people allowed to climb Asinelli at a time (we had to wait several hours for our time slot), so we recommend booking tickets and arranging a set time to climb in advance.

view of torre garisenda from torre asinelli, one of the best attractions bologna italy

Stroll down Via Drapperie and admire the food shops and restaurants.

Via Drapperie is one of the most picturesque streets we have seen in Italy (and considering how much we travel here, that’s really saying something!).

Imagine a small cobblestone street with towering buildings reaching up on either side, and then add in tons of food stalls, crowded shops, flower stands, and cafes with tables spilling onto the sidewalk–that’s Via Drapperie.

This is one of our favorite spots to photograph in Bologna, and it also makes incredible dog and people-watching!

In the early evening, grab some prosecco and a plate of cured meats (one of Bologna’s specialties!) and settle in to enjoy the show.

man slicing meat in a charcuterie shop in bologna italy

Visit San Petronio’s Terrace for great views of Bologna that also feature its famous towers.

Though Asinelli Tower provides the highest viewpoint within Bologna, San Petronio’s Terrace provides what is probably my favorite view.

I’m partial to any views that include a city’s most epic landmarks, and San Petronio’s Terrace boasts a wonderful view of Bologna’s leaning towers!

cityscape of bologna from San Petronio's Terrace

Eat your heart out.

Emilia-Romagna is one of Italy’s most foodie-friendly regions (this is the place that produces true parmigiano-reggiano and balsamic vinegar, after all), and the food is one of the major reasons to visit Bologna.

While you’re there, be sure to try the tagliatelle al ragu and the mortadella.

You’ve probably had less-than-ideal versions of both in the past, as they’re better known throughout the world by the names inspired by their origin: spaghetti bolognese and bologna (though I promise, mortadella is nothing like what you pick up in the average grocery store!).

Other specialities to try in Bologna include tortellini en brodo , parma ham, zuppa inglese , gramigna alla salsiccia , lasagna, and many more.

plate of tagliatelle al ragu on the table in bologna attractions

Hunt down the hidden canals of Bologna.

Venice isn’t the only place you can see canals in Italy!

Bologna is home to several canals that date back to the Middle Ages, but you’ll have to go on a bit of a scavenger hunt to find them.

Many of the canals have been closed off as the city has grown, or can only be seen from certain spots (there’s even one you can spot through a window!).

Luckily, Bologna makes it easy for people seeking out canal views.

The city helpfully provides a handy map of where the canals are located, and the walk through town is a great way to see more of Bologna along the way.

small canal lined by colorful buildings, one of the best hidden gems in bologna italy

Take a day trip (or four) outside the city.

Bologna may be the capital of Emilia-Romagna, but it’s hardly the only place worth seeing while there!

The city makes an excellent base for day trips around the region and beyond.

Consider a trip to Rimini for one of Emilia-Romagna’s best beaches, San Marino to visit the world’s fifth smallest country, Florence to get a taste of Tuscany, or Verona to chase the ghosts of Romeo and Juliet (or just to enjoy a delightful and underrated Italian city).

For foodies or those looking to stay close by, two of the best day trips from Bologna are to Modena (home of balsamic vinegar) and Parma (home to parma ham and parmigiano-reggiano ).

We consider our day trip to Modena and Parma –which included a tour of a parmigiano-reggiano factory–one of the best day trips we have ever taken anywhere in the world.

Book your food-filled day trip to Parma and Modena today!

kate storm and jeremy storm touring a parmigiano reggiano factory in parma italy

Visit the Anatomical Theatre and Library of Archiginnasio.

There’s something magical about wandering through opulent, historical universities.

There is just so much history and mystery (pardon the rhyme) in centuries-old centers of learning, all begging to be explored.

Add in a hefty dose of Italian beauty, and the picture gets even more inviting.

interior of Library of Archiginnasio belongs on list of what to do in bologna italy

The palace of Archiginnasio dates back to the 16th century, and has long belonged to the University of Bologna–and it is beautiful and interesting enough to belong on any list of things to do in Bologna.

The palace boasts a 17th-century carved anatomical theatre, which is easily the most opulent place imaginable for learning how to cut open bodies (trust us–it’s worth taking a look).

It’s also home to a remarkable library, which is lovely and stretches on as far as the eye can see (literally, as unfortunately most of it is closed to people who are not students–still worth a peek, though!).

anatomical theatre historical at university in bologna italy

Climb Torre Prendiparte.

Looking for a unique climb in Bologna?

Torre Prendiparte fits the bill.

Not only does this tower boast a fabulous view of Bologna, Italy from its terrace and an interesting history as a prison, but you can also sleep there if you like!

Tucked into a quiet square in Bologna that you would never know is there without a map, Torre Prendiparte is home to a tiny bed & breakfast that definitely fits the bill if you’re looking for unique accommodation in Bologna!

Torre Prendiparte as seen from street level

Pay a visit to the museum of the history of Bologna.

Want to get an overview of Bologna?

The “Museum of the Story of Bologna” is the perfect place.

Here, you can earn all about the different phases of Bologna’s history, and walk away with context that will help you enjoy the rest of your things to do in Bologna even more.

Learn all about the making of Emilia-Romagna’s most famous foods.

We headed to Parma during the end of our month in Bologna specifically to go on a food tour (that we maybe-kinda-sorta partially booked because of my desperate desire to see hundreds of wheels of parmigiano-reggian o aging in person), and had an absolute blast!

Throughout the day, we visited a parmigiano-reggiano factory (and yes, it lived up to expectations), a parma ham factory, and a passionate balsamic vinegar producer at his home/one-man production spot.

There was also a stop for a delicious lunch, of course, because what respectable food tour doesn’t involve lots of eating?

If you’re looking to spend a day getting out into the countryside of Emilia-Romagna while exploring the region’s specialties, we can’t recommend the Parma Delicacies Tour enough (not sponsored, we’re just big fans of well-run food tours).

As a bonus, we got back to Parma early enough that we were able to spend some time enjoying the town before catching our train back to Bologna!

Book your Parma Delicacies Tour to explore some of Emilia-Romagna’s best foods!

parma ham factory with hanging meat in emilia-romagna italy

Check out the Museum for the Memory of Ustica.

In Jun 1980, Itavia Flight 870 was en route from Bologna to Palermo when it exploded, killing all 81 people on board.

In the nearly 40 years since the flight has remained a source of controversy and contention.

It’s widely agreed that the plane was shot down by a missile, but less clear is who shot that missile, and why.

At the Museum for the Memory of Ustica, you can explore that question… with the plane itself.

The wreckage from the flight, along with personal artifacts from the victims, works to create a truly unique museum that highlights a violent and senseless tragedy.

This museum does have limited and somewhat strange hours , so if you want to make sure that visiting is one of the things you do in Bologna, be sure to plan ahead!

remains of a plane crash in a museum, one of the most interesting things to do in bologna italy

Admire the porticoes.

Bologna’s porticoes are not only beautiful, but they’re also one of our favorite features of the city from a functional standpoint.

These wide walkways flanked by columns keep you cool on hot days and dry on rainy ones, while also making sure that most roads have plenty of walking space that will never be interrupted by vehicle traffic.

Bologna is almost as famous for its gorgeous porticoes as it is for, say, tagliatelle al ragu , and while you’ll undoubtedly visit several, it’s worth taking a few minutes to sit and admire them in detail (perhaps with a coffee in hand)

people walking through portico bologna italy

Visit FICO Eataly World.

There is a Disney World for people who love Italian food instead of princesses, and it’s in Bologna.

Eataly World is new to Bologna, and is essentially an Italian food amusement park.

Whether you’re looking for food to buy to take home, a plate of food to eat immediately, an educational discussion on Italian food, or a cooking class, you can find it at Eataly World.

Unapologetically touristy (I wouldn’t expect to see many Italians there), Eataly World is definitely one of a kind, and if you’re curious, is worth adding to your list of things to do in Bologna.

interior of eataly bologna with hams hanging from the ceiling

Explore the markets.

Like any respectable Italian city, Bologna is home to more markets than you can count!

Be sure to stop by Mercato delle Erbe for food (parts of the market have even been converted into a food court, so no worries about bringing things home to cook!) and Campagna Amica for a delicious farmer’s market.

Outside the realm of food, you can visit La Piazzola for a clothes market with a more local feel, and Fiera del Libro to peruse all kinds of books!

flowers for sale at one of the markets best activities in bologna italy

Visit a winery near Bologna, Italy.

Though nearby Tuscany is a much more famous wine region from an international perspective, Emilia-Romagna holds its own!

The region is home to several different wines, the most typical of which is Sangiovese di Romagna.

If you’re going to be in Bologna for a few days, be sure to schedule a trip out to a nearby winery to soak in the views while you sample the local specialties!

emilia romagna countryside with small village in a valley

Pay a visit to the Bologna National Gallery.

Italy is bursting at the seams with art museums, but the Bologna National Gallery (or Pinacoteca Bologna ) has a special twist: it focuses on local work from Emilia-Romagna.

You won’t need a whole day here, but it is definitely worth stopping by for a couple of hours and getting a feel for what the style of Emilia-Romagna has been throughout the centuries.

The local art, unsurprisingly, reaches back much further in time than when the region has been part of a united Italy.

Stop by the Piazza Santo Stefano.

Small and quiet, Piazza Santo Stefano is located just a short walk away from Bologna’s leaning tower.

And, if you’re looking for a pretty spot to admire Bologna’s porticoes or simply somewhere to relax with a cup of coffee, this piazza is a great option.

small church in piazza santo stefano, one of the best places to visit in bologna italy

Try your hand at a cooking class in Bologna.

Bologna is known for some absolutely incredible food, and what better way to learn how to take the flavors of tagliatelle al ragu , tortellini en brodo , and more home with you finish working your way through all the things to do in Bologna than to make them yourself in a cooking class?

For something memorable, you can even book a cooking class in the home of a local family, like this well-reviewed class .

Book your Bologna cooking class today!

clocktower in piazza maggiore, one of the top things to do bologna italy

Climb to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca.

If you have an afternoon to spare, add climbing to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca to your list of what to do in Bologna!

The roughly hour-long walk from Piazza Maggiore to the sanctuary is mainly covered in beautiful porticoes, ensuring that the climb is shaded, dry, and lovely regardless of the weather.

Once you reach the sanctuary, you’ll be able to see beautiful views of Bologna down below!

Though you can also reach the sanctuary by car, the walk is a far more memorable way to experience one of the best attractions in Bologna.

Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca at the top of a tree colored hill near bologna italy

Stop by the archaeological museum.

One of the most extensive archaeological museums in Europe is housed right next door to the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna!

Home to exhibits that highlight artifacts from the Etruscans, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and beyond, the Museo Civico Archeologico in Bologna is an excellent place to step way, way back in time.

It’s also home to a beautiful courtyard featuring–what else?–porticoes.

No history lover should skip putting the archaeological museum on their list of things to do in Bologna!

courtyard of archaeological museum, one of the best museums bologna italy

No list of things to do in Bologna, Italy would be complete without a detailed breakdown of what to eat!

I know I covered it a bit already, but I can’t resist calling out a couple of special dishes again.

Truly, if you were to visit Bologna for one thing and one thing only, it should be for the food–it’s that good.

A full rundown of local cuisine could fill a book, but if you’re looking for a quick overview of great dishes to try, here’s what you absolutely can’t miss eating while in Bologna.

kate storm with a glass of wine at an outdoor restaurant bologna italy


True parmigiano-reggiano –also known as one of the best cheeses in the world–comes from the towns of Parma and Reggio Emilia, both of which are located within an hour of Bologna.

That means that the parmigiano-reggiano in Bologna is, hands down, some of the best in the world.

We personally love the cheese that has been aged 30+ months, as it has the sharpest taste and most crumbly texture, but preferences vary–many people love the creamier 24-month cheese!

Wheels of Parmigiano-Reggiano in a factory in emilia romagna

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

Forget the “salad dressing” you find on grocery store shelves at home!

Traditional balsamic vinegar is aged for a minimum of 12 years, preferably 25, and is more like a rich, almost-sweet-but-also-tangy syrup than a salad dressing.

Before trying it, the thought of dribbling a few drops of balsamic vinegar over strawberries, gelato, parmigiano-reggiano , or custard seemed utterly bizarre–but trust me. It is amazing.

If you’d like to learn more about the (literal decades) of work that goes into making traditional balsamic vinegar, consider heading out on a foodie tour to Modena !

barrels of traditional balsamic vinegar in modena italy

Tortellini en Brodo

Traditionally served on Christmas, tortellini en brodo (pasta in broth) is a very simple stuffed pasta dish.

It’s so simple, in fact, that you might be tempted to skip it in favor of heavier fare.

Definitely don’t!

While tortellini is delicious in all sorts of cream sauces (or smothered in pesto, which is our totally untraditional favorite way to eat it), the traditional dish is delicious and definitely worth sampling while in Bologna.

Crowded street in Bologna with outdoor restaurant, Florence to Bologna Train

Tagliatelle al Ragu

If there’s one dish you add to your list of things to do in Bologna, make it this one.

The real version of what the rest of the world knows as spaghetti bolognese is incredibly delicious.

When you think tagliatelle al ragu , picture thick, wide noodles that are big and strong enough to hold the meat sauce in a way that the spaghetti used in “regular” spaghetti bolognese never could.

Like tagliatelle al ragu , mortadella comes with a different name abroad–bologna (gee, I wonder where that name came from?!).

Don’t be fooled, though: while you can tell enough similarities between mortadella and bologna to see why they are compared, mortadella is in a whole different league.

At least 15% of any given mortadella is made up of small cubes of pork fat, giving it a smooth, creamy texture and a delicious taste.

mortadella sandwich on foccacia in italy

Prosciutto di Parma

Sweeter than the better-known salty proscuitto of nearby Tuscany, prosciutto di parm a is perhaps the most popular cured meat in Bologna!

We strongly recommend ordering a heaping plate of it (along with some mortadella and salame rosa ) at an outdoor cafe in Bologna, adding a cheese plate and a glass of wine, and digging into it as a delicious (and simple) meal.

cured meats cheese and aperol sprizes on via drapperie in bologna italy

Looking for a well-reviewed, centrally located place to stay when enjoying the best activities in Bologna, Italy?

Each of these properties is well-reviewed with an excellent, central location, and makes a fantastic place to rest your head while in Bologna.

Residenza Bianconcini  — Set in a historic building in the university district, the Residenza Bianconcini is especially noted in the reviews for its charming neighborhood close to major attractions and its delicious included breakfast!

Check rates & book your stay at Residenza Bianconcini!

B&B Second Floor  — Located a short walk from Bologna’s leaning towers and many other major attractions, this B&B has fantastic reviews across the board.

Check rates & book your stay at B&B Second Floor!

cityscape of bologna from asinelli tower, one of the best things to do bologna italy

When we spent a full month in Bologna, we opted for this spacious Airbnb  a bit away from the center of town.

The apartment was perfect for long visits (very clean, close to a grocery store, great wifi), but the 20-minute walk to the center of Bologna means that we wouldn’t recommend it for a short stay.

If you’re considering staying in an Airbnb, check out our best tips here .

people eating outside at one of the restaurants bologna italy under white table umbrellas

Bologna is a fairly compact city, and if you stay within walking distance of the Piazza Maggiore, you’ll be able to reach virtually all of the best things to do in Bologna, Italy on foot.

The train station (Bologna Centrale) is about a 20-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore, and each time that we’ve arrived in the city by train, we simply walk into town (when arriving at the airport, we take a taxi or Uber).

If you’re driving into Bologna as part of an Italian road trip , be cautious!

There are parking garages just outside the historic center where you can leave your car, but driving into the ZTL zones–which make up most of the historic center–can result in a hefty fine.

Unfortunately, a few of our family members found this out the hard way!

four photos of views of bologna italy, white text on orange background reads "the ultimate bologna bucket list"

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About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

8 thoughts on “21 Best Things to Do in Bologna (Italy’s Foodie City!)”

I would spend hours at the piazza! Gotta love some good old fashioned people watching. Rocking post!

Thanks, Ryan!

Awesome and super-comprehensive post! That view from the tower though, gulp! The museum to the crashed plane sounds really interesting and moving. A friend just got back from Bologna and really raved about it, and after reading this post I think I’ll have to put it on my list too!

Haha, right?? The view itself was manageable for me (very enclosed), but the way up was NOT FUN. Worth it, though!

I’ve been to Italy so many times, but never to Bologna. I’ve heard from so many travelers though that it’s their favorite place in Italy. Hopefully next year! 🙂

Fingers crossed for you! It’s a fabulous city. 🙂 Italy has so many delightful nooks and crannies, I think it will take a lifetime to get to them all!

We are headed to Bologna in June. Thanks for your posts. Did you happen to visit the Basilica Santo Stefano Complex? Thanks again!

Only to the piazza outside it! We haven’t been in that particular complex. 🙂 Hope you have an amazing time in Bologna!

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best places to visit in bologna italy

30 Best Things To Do in Bologna, Italy: Complete Bologna Travel Guide 2024

  • March 4, 2024
  • by Jenoa Matthes

Are you looking for the best things to do in Bologna, Italy? We’re sharing the best of Bologna in this travel guide, including what to see, where to eat, where to stay, and our insider tips.

Bologna is one of the most underrated destinations in Italy, and it also happens to be one of our favorite cities to visit in all of Europe. In total, we’ve spent over 2 months in Bologna during 4 separate trips, our most recent being in the fall of 2023, so we know a thing or two about what you should do here.

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy

Located in Emilia Romagna , just 40 minutes north of Florence by train , Bologna is the region’s capital and is known for its incredible cuisine.

As foodies, we were overwhelmed by the quality of the cuisine here. As the locals say, it’s almost impossible to eat bad in Bologna. With that being said, if you’re looking for the best place in Italy to try traditional Italian food, Bologna is the place to go!

Apart from the food, Bologna is filled with many historical sights, local shops, and gorgeous medieval architecture. Not only is it home to the oldest university in the world but also a UNESCO World Heritage site – its 62km worth of porticoes.

Ready to explore the 30 most amazing things to do in Bologna? Let’s do it! After you’ve read all about the best things to eat, see, and do here, make sure to scroll to the bottom for our Bologna travel guide , where we share all you need to know for your visit to this delicious Italian city.

What is Bologna known for?

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna has long been known as the “food capital of Italy,” but its identity is encapsulated within three unique nicknames: La Dotta, La Rossa, and La Grassa. Each offers a window into the city’s soul, capturing the essence of its history, culture, and gastronomy.

La Dotta (The Learned)

“La Dotta” pays homage to the University of Bologna. As the oldest university in continuous operation, it has long been a beacon of learning since its founding in 1088. This intellectual legacy continues to thrive, making Bologna an internationally known city for scholars.

La Rossa (The Red)

“La Rossa” nods to the terracotta red rooftops and buildings that surround the city. This vibrant hue is a signature of Bologna’s medieval architecture. As you meander through its streets, make sure to keep an eye out for these historic buildings, noticing the medieval rooftops and details.

La Grassa (The Fat)

Affectionately known as “La Grassa,” this nickname celebrates Bologna’s culinary traditions. This title is not about excess but richness—the richness of flavor, quality, and tradition in Bolognese cuisine. Bologna is the birthplace of many Italian delicacies such as mortadella, tortellini, tagliatelle al ragu, and so much more. Each of these iconic foods hail from the Emilia Romagna region, making Bologna a gastronomic paradise for food lovers and epicureans alike.

30 Best Things to do in Bologna Italy

1. university of bologna.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Visiting the University of Bologna is one of the top things to do in Bologna, Italy. Founded in 1088, it is considered the oldest university in the Western world and has remained a significant part of Italian history for centuries.

The old Bologna university is located in the Archiginnasio Palace, just off of Piazza Maggiore, the main square. The palace was built in 1563 with a goal to centralize all of the different schools (medicine, math, physics, etc.) in one building instead of having them located all around the city.

Devastatingly, the palace was bombed in 1944 during WWII and had to be reconstructed after the war.

The most important room in the palace is the 17th century Anatomical Theater built by Antonio Levanti. This room is where anatomy lectures were once held. You’ll notice a marble table in the center of the room that is a replica of the dissection table that was used during classes.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Additionally, the theater features two famous statues called the “Skinned Men” that were sculpted by Ercole Lelli in the early 1700s.

After your visit to the Anatomical Theater, walk down the hallway to Stabat Mater Hall. This used to be a lecture hall for students studying law. One of the highlights is taking a peek through the doorway on the lefthand side of the room. Here you can see the Municipal Library where thousands of historic books are on display.

Unfortunately, the library is closed to the public, so this is the best view you’ll get of it.

Make sure to take your time to wander around the palace and admire the beautiful decorations and paintings that cover the walls. Most of which are coats of arms representing students who had attended the school between the 16th-18th centuries.

Buy your tickets online at the official website , or you can purchase your ticket from the ticket booth on the second level of the palace. We recommend buying your tickets in advance during the peak season (June to September).

Opening hours: Monday – Saturday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Ticket prices: €3 per person Address: Piazza Galvani, 1, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

2. Wander Through the Porticos

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna is a city renowned for its culture, history and food. But one of the most unique features of this beautiful Italian city are the UNESCO World Heritage porticoes.

The historic porticoes were built starting in the 11th century and now span over 62 km throughout the city. From exploring their intricate designs to taking a stroll beneath them while admiring the views, wandering through Bologna’s porticoes is an absolute must-do activity.

Most beautiful porticoes in Bologna: Make sure to stop by and admire the porticoes surrounding Piazza Cavour. The ceilings are covered in beautiful fresco paintings that are well preserved.

3. Gelato Tasting

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna boasts more than 100 gelato shops, which is quite a feat for a relatively small city. You’re guaranteed to find good gelato in the city. In fact, we had the best gelato we have ever had in our life here.

As foodies, we have searched high and low throughout Italy for the best gelato, and Bologna’s gelateries always rank #1.

One of the best things to do in Bologna is to take yourself on a gelato tour to taste some of the  best gelato in the city . Here are a few of our recommendations.

Best Gelato Shops in Bologna

Cremeria Santo Stefano

This is consistently the top gelato shop in Bologna. We’ve been here more than ten times and it never disappoints. Why is it the best? The ingredients are fresh, the flavor is just right, and the texture is melt-in-your-mouth perfect. It’s a bit of a walk to get here from the main square, but for the best gelato ever? It’s worth it.

Our favorite flavors: Caffe Bianco and Crema Libanese Website: Cremeria Santo Stefano

La Sorbetteria Castiglione

You can’t go wrong with the gelato from La Sorbetteria. Try the Crema Michelangelo, made with caramelized almonds, amaretti, and cacao. If you prefer classic nut flavors, they do pistachio and almond gelato very well.

Our favorite flavors: Crema Michelangelo and Crema Elixir Website: La Sorbetteria Castiglione

best places to visit in bologna italy

Cremeria Cavour

This gelato shop is centrally located and has a lot of amazing flavors to choose from. The unique flavor combinations make this gelato shop a stand out in our books. Make sure to get your gelato with the chocolate cone – it is heavenly!

Our favorite flavors: 50 Special and Cioccolato e Rhum (chocolate and rum) Website: Cremeria Cavour

This is a small gelato shop that specializes in artisanal gelato with high quality and seasonal ingredients. Their flavors are creamy and fresh with a punch of flavor.

Our favorite flavors: Cioccolato all’Arancia (chocolate and orange) and Regno delle Due Sicilie (Sicilian flavors) Website: Gelatauro

For our full list of the must-try gelato in Bologna, check out our post on the 8 best gelato shops .

4. Taste the local specialties

Tagliatelli al Ragu Bologna food

The food was our main lure to Bologna and it did not disappoint. If you only have  a couple of days in Bologna , the one thing you need to do is eat, eat, and eat some more!

The Emilia-Romagna region is known for producing some of the best Italian food in the world. Parma ham, parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, and mortadella are just a few. You can even take day trips to Modena and Parma to see how these products are made and stored!

So what foods should you try while you’re in Bologna? Here are just a few of the many fabulous dishes.

What to eat in Bologna?

Tagliatelle al ragu

First and foremost, you have to try a ragu dish. The most famous and popular dish in Bologna is ragu served with homemade tagliatelle, an egg-based pasta. It’s a meat sauce that is heavy, rich, acidic, and perfectly balanced.

You may be wondering if this is the same dish as “pasta bolognese”? Technically, it is. However, we suggest that you never ask for this in Bologna because, well, that’s not what it’s called in Italy.

Try the tagliatelle al ragu from Oltre ?

best places to visit in bologna italy

This small hat-shaped pasta is often stuffed with a pork mixture. It’s best eaten as a soup with a meat-based broth and topped with some fresh parmesan.

If you’re visiting Bologna during the first week of October, then make sure to stop by the city’s Tortellini Festival in the Palazzo Re Enzo. Many restaurants from Bologna come together for a day to showcase their take on this classic pasta. It’s a fun way to taste many variations of this dish.

Try the tortellini in broth from Trattoria Bertozzi.

What’s the difference between tortellini and tortelloni? Tortelloni is simply bigger than tortellini. This pasta is usually stuffed with a ricotta and spinach mixture and served with sage and butter.

Additionally, during the fall, you’ll often find it stuffed with pumpkin, which is our personal favorite way to eat it.

Try the tortelloni from Sfoglia Rina – they make their pasta fresh everyday and often have a few flavors to choose from.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Lasagne Verde

You can’t leave Bologna without trying lasagne verde (green lasagne). It’s called green lasagne because the noodles are mixed with spinach to create a green-colored noodle.

The pasta is then layered with ragu and bechamel sauce, creating the perfect combination of rich and creamy flavors.

Try the lasagne verde from Golosita della Nonna – their take on this Italian classic is one of the best in the city.

Cured Meats

Emilia Romagna is known for producing some of the world’s most famous cured meats. Proscuitto, Culatello, Coppa, Mortadella . . . the list goes on.

Bologna is known for Mortadella, and you’ll find it all over the city in different pasta dishes, on top of pizza, and on sandwiches.

In fact, if you want to taste one of the best ways to eat this savory cured meat, head to Mo Mortadella Lab and try one of their famous Mortadella sandwiches. They have over 30 different combinations to choose from.

For the best tasting of cured meats and cheeses in Bologna, head to Salumeria Simoni located in the Quadrilatero for a “light lunch”.

Gnocco Fritto in Emilia romagna


No visit to Bologna is complete without tasting this delicious, fatty, and savory fried dough: Crescentina. Made with flour, salt, lard, and water, this Emilia Romagna staple is most often served with a plate of cured meats as an appetizer.

One of the best places to get this dish in Bologna is from Trattoria Da Me .

Sparkling Wines

The two main wines served in Bologna are: Lambrusco and Pignoletto. Both are sparkling wines with a light and fruity flavor. Because of this particular flavor profile, they pair well the rich and fatty foods from the region.

For a unique wine bar experience, head to Osteria del Sole , which has been open since the 15th century. They don’t serve any food, but don’t worry, you can bring your own food and purchase the wine here!

Check out our complete Bologna food guide for 27 traditional must-try foods.

5. Check out the markets

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna is home to several outdoor and covered markets. We are sharing two covered markets that are worth visiting, as they each offer different experiences.

Mercato delle Erbe

Mercato delle Erbe is a food lover’s haven. From meats and cheese to fresh pasta and locally sourced produce, you will find everything here to shop like a local and cook your own Italian feast.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try horse meat from Macelleria Equina on the far end of the market. We’ve tried it and it’s not our favorite for various reasons, but it is a regional specialty that can try if you’d like to.

Adjacent to the market are two food halls on either end. Here you’ll find many food stalls that are perfect for a quick bite to eat or drink. If you’re in the mood for pizza, grab a slice (or two!) from Mozzabella – our favorite pizza by the slice in the city.

Mercato di Mezzo

Mercato di Mezzo (The Middle Market) is Bologna’s first covered food market. Inside, you’ll find many food shops selling pasta, meats, cheeses, and more.

On the main level, you’ll find a stall selling fresh pasta, a bar to sit down for a drink, and another place selling fresh seafood. You can sit down on one of the communal tables to enjoy your drink or meal.

In the basement, you can grab a drink at Baladin Bologna, a bar serving hamburgers and other quick bites.

6. Climb the Asinelli Tower

best places to visit in bologna italy

As you’re walking around the center of Bologna, you’ll notice two tall towers that rise above the rest of the city. These towers are known as Le Due Torri (the two towers).

The shorter of the two is the Garisenda tower. This tower was built during the early 12th century and has been leaning for a very long time. In fact, in the 14th century, they had to shorten the tower due to the fear of it collapsing.

The Asinelli tower was built around the same time in the 12th century and was once 1 out of 180 towers built during the Middle Ages. The tower stands at 97.2 meters tall and is 498 steps to the top.

If you’re looking for the best panoramic views of Bologna, then you’re going to have to make the climb all the way of to the top! Trust us, the views are incredible and it’s not to be missed!

best places to visit in bologna italy

The best time to visit is in the evening when the lighting is best for photos.

Book your tickets for the Due Torri online at the official website . We highly recommend reserving in advance, as time slots book up quickly.

*Spring 2024 Update – The tower is currently closed for renovations. Therefore, it is not possible to climb to the top until the works are completed.

Opening hours: 10:00am – 5:15pm (fall and winter hours vary) Ticket price: €5 per person Address: di Porta Ravegnana, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy

7. Piazza Maggiore

best places to visit in bologna italy

Piazza Maggiore is not just any ordinary square; it is the soul and heart of Bologna. Built in the 1200s, this piazza is surrounded by beautiful architecture dating back many centuries.

The square boasts the iconic Basilica of San Petronio, the city’s largest church and Palazzo del Podestà, which once housed the city’s ancient government.

Other notable sights in the square include the Torre dell’Orlogio (the clock tower), and the medieval fountain of Neptune.

Surrounding the piazza are many cafes, restaurants, and shops selling local delicacies and souvenirs. If you’re into people watching, take a seat on one of the steps near the basilica and settle in for an hour or so.

8. Check out the Fountain of Neptune

best places to visit in bologna italy

The Fountain of Neptune is a monumental fountain located in Piazza Maggiore. It was commissioned by Pope Pius IV in the 16th century and was the first public fountain in the city of Bologna.

Designed by the architect Tommaso Laureti and sculpted by Giambologna, this iconic landmark features a bronze figure of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, which stands dominantly in the Piazza del Nettuno.

The fountain was built during the time when Bologna was under Papal rule. It symbolizes the power of the Pope and of the Catholic church.

Fun fact – the trident that Neptune is holding inspired the Maserati car logo.

9. San Petronio Basilica

best places to visit in bologna italy

The San Petronio Basilica is located in the Piazza Maggiore. The construction on the basilica began in 1390, but it was never finished – even to this day.

The interior of the church is quite simple overall. Inside, you will find a few chapels with beautiful frescos that can be visited for a small fee.

best places to visit in bologna italy

The most unique part of this basilica is the 17th century Meridian line designed by Cassini that runs across the church. Everyday at noon, the sun falls directly on the line in a different place indicating the altitude and exact placement of the sun throughout the year.

If you would like to learn more about the Meridian line, as well as the history of the church, then you can sign up for a private walking tour of the San Petronio Basilica and old university.

Opening hours: Everyday from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm / 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm Ticket price: Access to the main church is free. €5 fee to visit the museum, which includes Magi’s Chapel (Bolognini), Saint Sebastian’s Chapel, Saint Vincent Chapel Address: Piazza Maggiore, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

10. Seven Churches of Santo Stefano

best places to visit in bologna italy

From the outside, the Seven Churches of Santo Stefano looks just like any other church. However, once you walk inside, you will realize that this is not the case.

The Seven Churches of Santo Stefano is a historical religious complex dating back to 5th century that features several churches that were built during different time periods.

The Church of The Holy Sepulcher, a 5th century church, is the oldest of the seven churches. It features a replica of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Israel.

As you make your way through the other churches, you’ll notice remnants of beautiful frescoes, graves, and historical artifacts that serve as a reminder of how old this complex actually is.

The Santo Stefano complex is free to visit and is open every day. Plan on spending at least 20 minutes here. For opening hours and more details, visit the official site.

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 9:30am – 12:30pm and 2:30pm – 7:00pm | Monday 6:00pm – 7:30pm (only the basilica is open this day) Ticket price: Free Address: Complesso di Santo Stefano Via Santo Stefano, 24 – 40125

11. Walk to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca

best places to visit in bologna italy

Built between the 17th and 18th centuries, the Portico di San Luca is the longest portico in the world spanning a total of 3.8km. The portico takes you all the way up the Colle della Guardia hill until you reach the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca.

The walk begins at the Porta Saragozza, just outside the historic center, and usually takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. We recommend doing this in the morning to beat the rush and the afternoon heat during the summer.

The walk is mostly uphill with quite a few flights of stairs.

We have done this walk twice and it is one of our favorite things to do in Bologna. Not only do you get a good workout, but you gain an entirely new perspective on the city.

San Luca Express Train

If you prefer not to walk, you can opt to take the little tourist train, the San Luca Express up the hill instead. You can catch the train at the Piazza Maggiore. They usually have a little booth where you can sign up and pay.

best places to visit in bologna italy

It takes around 20-30 minutes to get to the Basilica of San Luca from the Piazza Maggiore on the train.

How to book the train & cost: Book your San Luca Express train tickets in advance, or you can book your tickets in person. Round-trip tickets cost €12 for adults and €3 – €6 for children (depending on their age).

Once you make it to the top of the hill, you can visit inside of the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca and enjoy the views. If you want panoramic views of the city and of the hills, then you can pay €5 for the San Luca Sky Experience and climb to the top of the dome for fantastic views.

For more information, check out our detailed guide on walking the Portico di San Luca.

Opening hours: Everyday from 7:00am – 7:00pm Ticket Price: The basilica is free to visit | €5 fee to climb to the top of the dome Address: Via di San Luca, 36, 40135 Bologna BO, Italy

12. Visit the Quadrilatero

best places to visit in bologna italy

The Quadrilatero is the oldest market in Bologna . Located just off of the Piazza Maggiore, the streets are lined with stalls selling fresh produce, fish, and local crafts. You’ll also find plenty of restaurants offering a nice setting for an aperitivo or a meal.

best places to visit in bologna italy

If you’re looking for a fantastic place to get a sampling of local meats and cheeses, then this is the place to do it.

We suggest stopping by Salumeria Simoni to try one of their charcuterie boards for a tasting of some local mortadella, prosciutto, and Parmesan cheese.The earlier you arrive the better – it gets pretty crowded in the afternoons and evenings.

13. San Pellegrino Park

best places to visit in bologna italy

If you are looking for an escape from the city , then San Pellegrino park is for you. The park is located right at the edge of the city and just below the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca.

We spent the afternoon wandering our way through the green hillside and enjoying the nice views of Bologna from the park. There are several walking trails that you can follow if you’re up for a bit of a hike, or you can simply take a leisurely stroll and enjoy being surrounded by nature.

To get to the park, you’ll follow Via di Casaglia up past Villa Spada until you arrive. It’s about a 3.5 km (2.2 miles) walk from Piazza Maggiore to the park, so make sure to take some water and snacks.

14. Find the Hidden Canals

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna has a network of “hidden” canals that were originally from the 12th century. While most of the canals run underground beneath the city, there are a few just outside of the city center that you can visit.

For the most iconic view, visit the Finestrella di Via Piella , which is a small window overlooking one of the main canals.

Social media has made this a popular tourist attraction, so you will most likely have to wait in line to get your perfect shot through the window. While this is neat to see, we think it’s a bit overrated and should not be a priority on your to-do list if you don’t have the time.

To avoid the line, go early in the morning.

15. Church of Santa Maria della Vita

best places to visit in bologna italy

This church was a new discovery (to us) on our most recent visit to Bologna in 2023. The Church of Santa Maria della Vita is home to one of the most important works of Renaissance art, the “Lamentation over the Dead Christ.”

This terracotta sculpture, created by Niccolò dell’Arca in the late 15th century, captures the raw emotion of grief.

best places to visit in bologna italy

The sculpture depicts the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and others mourning over the lifeless body of Jesus. We were in complete awe when we walked up to it. The way he sculpted the expression of fear and sadness on the women’s faces almost transports you to that very moment.

It’s definitely worth a visit if you have the time. You can find more information about the church on the official website.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00am – 18:30pm (last entry at 18.00) Ticket prices: €5 to visit the Lamentation of Niccolò Dell’Arca | €9 to visit the Lamentation of Niccolò Dell’Arca and Oratorio dei Battuti Address: Via Clavature, 8/10, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

16. Go on a Bologna Food Tour

best places to visit in bologna italy

One of the best ways to experience the regional cuisine in Bologna, Italy is by going on a food tour. On your Bologna food tour, you’ll get to sample the most popular local dishes and delicacies while also enjoying a unique cultural experience.

We’ve done a couple of foods tours here, and it is one of our favorite things to do in Bologna! Our guide took us through the city as we tasted local specialties and discovered some shops and foods that we would have never known about before going on the tour.

The Classic Bologna Food tour is our favorite food tour in Bologna (we’ve done it twice!), and it’s a great way to spend a half-day getting to know the city through food.

Check out our post on the 10 Best Food Tours in Bologna for a complete list of tours in the city.

17. Visit the Clock Tower and Palazzo d’Accursio

best places to visit in bologna italy

One of the most iconic sights in the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna is the Torre dell’Orologio (Clock Tower.) Standing at a height of over 60 meters, this impressive structure was built in 1334 and has been a symbol of time passing throughout its long life.

From the top of the tower, you can get stunning panoramic views across Bologna’s red-tiled rooftops and the Piazza Maggiore – it’s an experience not to be missed!

best places to visit in bologna italy

The clock tower is located at the Palazzo d’Accursio, which has been home to the local government since the 14th century. Along with your ticket purchase to the clock tower, you also get access to the Municipal Art Collections located inside of the Palazzo d’Accursio.

The interior features several rooms and halls that are elaborately decorated with beautiful hand-painted ceilings and walls. As an interior enthusiast, this was one of my favorite sights to visit in all of Bologna .

Even if you don’t have a lot of time, a visit to the art collections is worth a brief visit.

Reserve your tickets in advance online at the official site .

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 10:00am – 5:00pm Ticket prices: €8 for both the clock tower and art collections Address: Piazza Maggiore, 6, 40121 Bologna BO, Italy

18. Museo Civico Archeologico (Archaeological Museum)

Bologna’s Archaeological Museum has been around since 1881 and is housed in a 15th century palace located near the Piazza Maggiore.

The museum is home to an impressive collection of ancient artifacts, including Egyptian objects and ancient Roman and Greek art.

Book your tickets on the official site or in person at the museum. It’s not necessary to reserve in advance for this museum.

Opening hours: Everyday (except Tuesday) from 10am – 7pm Ticket prices: €6 per adult Address: Via dell’Archiginnasio, 2, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

19. Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna (National Art Gallery of Bologna)

best places to visit in bologna italy

Compared to other Italian cities that are known for their iconic museums and galleries, most people don’t necessarily visit Bologna for its art. However, the Pinacoteca Nazionale is home to some fantastic Italian artworks dating between the 13th to 18th centuries.

Located in the University District, the Pinacoteca Nazionale is one of the best art museums in the city. Inside, you’ll discover famous Renaissance and Baroque artworks, as well as many temporary exhibitions that are held throughout the year.

Book your tickets online on the official site or in person at the museum. No need to reserve in advance.

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 9am – 7pm (Wednesdays from 9am – 2pm) Ticket prices: €8 for adults | €2 for kids | Free with Bologna Welcome Card Address: Via delle Belle Arti, 56, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy

20. MAMbo (Modern Art Museum of Bologna)

best places to visit in bologna italy

Bologna’s Modern Art Museum opened in 2007 and is housed in a former bakery. It features modernist art from the mid-20th century to the present day.

The highlight of the museum is its collection of still life paintings by world-renowned artist and Bologna native Giorgio Morandi. In addition to his paintings, the museum also hosts annual exhibitions and has a collection of permanent artworks.

You can book your tickets on the official site online, or purchase them in person at the museum. No need to reserve in advance.

Opening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 2 pm – 7 pm | Thursday 2 pm – 8 pm | Friday, Saturday, Sunday and festivities 10 am – 7 pm | Closed Mondays Ticket prices: €6 per adult Address: Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14, 40121 Bologna BO, Italy

21. Museo della Storia di Bologna (Bologna History Museum)

best places to visit in bologna italy

The Museo della Storia di Bologna is located in Palazzo Pepoli in the heart of the city. This museum is dedicated to telling Bologna’s history dating all the way back to the Etruscans.

The experience takes you on a virtual journey by using modern technology, such as projected videos and virtual reality to get a unique view into the city’s past.

We paid an extra few euros to do the virtual reality experience and surprisingly loved it! This 25-minute virtual tour takes you through Bologna’s past, and you can choose three different options: the Roman era, the Medieval era, or ride through the ancient canals.

We chose the “Medieval experience” and thought it was really neat to wander through Bologna during the Medieval times. At the end, you can even fly over the city, which was our favorite part.

Book your tickets on the official website or in person. No need to reserve online in advance.

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 10:00am to 7:00pm Ticket prices: €12 per adult | Reduced tickets available Address: Via Castiglione, 8, 40125 Bologna BO, Italy

22. Take a Foodie Day Trip

best places to visit in bologna italy

If you are a foodie like us, then you’re most likely visiting Bologna because of the food. One of our favorite ways to immerse ourselves into the food culture is by visiting producers and farms of where many products are made.

To get a closer look and gain a better understanding of local Emilia Romagna foods, we suggest taking a day trip to either Modena or Parma (or both!).

Modena and Parma are located within an hour by train and car of Bologna. Both offer fantastic food-focused day trip experiences where you can meet with local producers and try many famous Italian products that are freshly made.

parmesan factory in bologna

Foodie day trip to Modena

In Modena , we recommend doing this balsamic vinegar tour where you can learn about the process of making this traditional Italian staple and enjoy a sampling straight from the producer!

If you prefer a more traditional food tour where you get to sample a few of the regional specialties (including balsamic vinegar), then this Modena food tour is for you! We’ve done this tour a couple of times and absolutely loved it.

Foodie day trip to Parma

In Parma , we suggest taking this small group tour where you’ll spend a half-day visiting a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory and a Parma ham producer. You’ll get to experience first-hand how one of the most famous cheeses in the world is made, as well as learn how one of the most delicious cured meats is produced.

With so much to see and taste, Modena and Parma make for a perfect day trip destination!

For the ultimate Emilia Romagna food experience, we recommend this full-day food tour that includes a wine tasting, a visit to a Parmigiano Reggiano factory, an Acetaia, and to a Parma ham producer.

23. Join a cooking class

best places to visit in bologna italy

If you’re looking for a unique and exciting way to explore the culinary culture of Bologna, Italy, then taking a cooking class is an absolute must.

Not only will you learn about traditional Italian dishes and their history, but you’ll also get hands-on experience in the kitchen and brush up on your pasta-making skills.

You’ll learn basic techniques such as kneading dough and rolling out pasta to learning how to make classic pasta sauces and stuffings.

So far, we’ve done three cooking classes in this region and have made all of the dishes back at home! It’s one of our favorite ways to learn while traveling.

We recommend this highly-rated pasta cooking class where you’ll learn how to make traditional Emilia Romagna dishes.

24. Visit a nearby winery

best places to visit in bologna italy

Emilia Romagna is known for its sparkling wines – Lambrusco and Pignoletto being the two main varietals.

Lambrusco is a red sparkling wine with a light flavor and low alcohol content that pairs well with many of the heavier, meat centric meals in the region. Pignoletto is a white sparkling wine with a touch of acidity and fruitiness that pairs well with many pasta dishes and salads.

With many wineries located within an hour or so of Bologna, why not take a day trip to a winery for a tasting?

Bologna Wineries to Visit

  • Opera 02 – Enjoy a tasting of their organic wines and lunch on the terrace with a wine pairing and incredible view
  • Umberto Cesari – Set atop rolling hills, this gorgeous estate offers wine tasting experiences throughout the week.
  • Manaresi – Located just a 25-minute drive from Bologna, this family-run wine estate specializes in Pignoletto varietals. You can sign up for a wine tour and tastings on their website.

Whether you’re a connoisseur or simply enjoy sipping on delicious wines, going wine tasting near Bologna is a fantastic way to escape to the countryside for the afternoon.

25. Learn how to make gelato the old fashioned way

best places to visit in bologna italy

Visiting Carpigiani Gelato University is a treat for any gelato lover. The university is located just outside of the city center and is considered the premier institution for learning the art of gelato making. Founded in 2003, the university has trained thousands of professionals and hobbyists in the art of gelato, sorbet, and pastry production.

If you want to learn the art of gelato-making yourself, you can sign up for week-long or month-long courses. Or if you are just curious about the history of gelato and want to learn how to make gelato the old fashioned way, then you can sign up for a one-day gelato-making class.

During the class, you’ll be guided through the museum as you learn about the origins of gelato and modern techniques used to make gelato. After the tour, you’ll make your own gelato using ancient and modern techniques.

While the day-course isn’t super intensive, it is a fun way to gain a better appreciation for this Italian treat and learn some skills to make your own gelato at home.

Book your masterclass experience at the Carpigiani Gelato Museum here. The price is €50 per person for a 2.5 hour experience.

How to get to Carpigiani from Bologna:

  • Take the #87 bus and get of the “Anzola E. Magli” stop. The building is right across the street from this stop. You can purchase your tickets on the bus or in advance from a tobacco shop.

26. Have a picnic in the Giardini Margherita

best places to visit in bologna italy

Located in the heart of Bologna, the Giardini Margherita is a beautiful public park that boasts 26 hectares of greenery and a historic lake.

Today, the Giardini Margherita is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. Visitors can stroll through the park’s winding paths, admire the colorful flowers and lush foliage, and relax on the grassy lawns.

If you’re looking for a nice respite from the city, shop for some picnic supplies in the city and spend an afternoon relaxing in the park.

Additionally, you can stop by Le Serre dei Giardini for a drink outside or for a bite to eat in their greenhouse or in the gardens. The restaurant serves fresh food and light drinks that are lovely on a nice afternoon.

27. Visit the Certosa Cemetary

best places to visit in bologna italy

The Certosa Cemetary in Bologna is a truly unique and fascinating experience. Located just outside the city center, this open-air museum gives visitors an opportunity to explore its ancient tombs and monuments dating back centuries.

It’s also home to some of Italy’s most renowned figures from the past, including artists, musicians, writers, politicians and more.

Not only is this one of Europe’s oldest cemeteries, but it’s also one of the most beautiful cemeteries we’ve ever visited.

We spent a couple of hours wandering around and admiring the unique architecture. You can walk to the cemetery from the city center, it takes about 45 minutes to get there from Piazza Maggiore. You can also opt to take a local bus, in which case takes about 20-25 minutes depending on traffic.

The cemetery is free to visit.

28. Take a day trip to one of the many nearby cities

best places to visit in bologna italy

Due to its central location in the region, Bologna is a fantastic city to settle into for a few days and take some day trips to nearby cities.

We’ve already mentioned Modena and Parma as must-see cities during your time in Bologna, but there are plenty more to visit.

Here are a few other day trips from Bologna we recommend:

Ravenna – The city of Byzantine Mosaics is just an hour and a half away by train from Bologna. You can visit all of the churches in one day, plus sample a delicious piadina sandwich. A local flat bread sandwich stuffed with cheese an meats.

Ferrara – Only 30 minutes from Bologna train, Ferrara is a wonderful Medieval city that can be seen in a half-day. Spend your time wandering the streets, visiting the Este Castle, and the Diamanti palace.

Dozza – A town known for its wonderul art murals that adorn the walls of the city, this can be combined with another day trip from Bologna if you are renting a car.

Ferrari Museum – Located just outside of Modena is the Ferrari museum. Car lovers flock from all over the world to visit the museum and factory where these idolized cars are made. You can either take a group day trip from Bologna or rent a car and visit yourself.

Rimini – If you’re wanting a bit of a beach getaway, then head to Rimini for a day on the Adriatic Sea. Rimini is known for its golden sandy beaches and ancient history. It combines the best of both worlds and makes for a great day trip from Bologna.

For a complete list of cities to visit, check out our article on the 23 best day trips from Bologna.

29. Join the Passeggiata on Sunday

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna

Every Sunday, the streets of Bologna come to life before dinner (4pm – 7pm) with locals and visitors coming together to take part in La Passeggiata.

This is a tradition that dates back centuries, and it’s an opportunity for people to stroll through the city’s charming streets and plazas, chatting with friends, making new acquaintances, and stopping by the local cafes.

La Passeggiata has become a beloved pastime in Italy, and it’s the perfect way to spend an afternoon if you want to experience some of the city’s vibrant culture. Sunday afternoons are bustling with people walking and talking, so join in on the fun and take part in this weekly Italian tradition.

30. Watch a movie at Cineteca di Bologna

While it may seem odd to suggest watching a movie in Bologna, this is a unique film experience that you won’t find in many other places around the world.

The Cineteca di Bologna is a foundation that restores old films. Here you can watch classics and lesser known films on the big screen that have been preserved and restored to their former glory.

Whether you’re a film buff or appreciate old films, this is a fun activity to do in the evening in Bologna.

Check out the programming schedule on the official website.

Don’t have time to see it all? Bologna top 10 list

best places to visit in bologna italy

If you don’t have time to see everything on this list but still want to experience the top Bologna highlights, then this section is for you.

Here are the 10 can’t miss things to do in Bologna if you only have a day or two in the city.

  • Visit the old University of Bologna and the Archignassio
  • Walk to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca along the longest portico in the world
  • Eat your way through the Quadrilatero market
  • Go on a food tour
  • Climb to the top of the Asinelli Tower
  • Wander around the Piazza Maggiore
  • Visit the Santo Stefano Complex
  • Eat your way through the city (gelato included!)
  • Take a day trip to Modena and Parma to visit the food producers
  • San Petronio Basilica

Your Map of Things to do in Bologna

From the best places to eat in Bologna to the city’s main attractions, this map will help guide you through the best things to do in Bologna.

If you prefer, you can book a Bologna walking tour to visit the essential sights with a guide, but if not, this map serves as a great way to discover all of the must-see Bologna sights.

Where to eat in Bologna

There are so many amazing restaurants in Bologna that it can be overwhelming deciding where to eat. Luckily, we’ve tried and tested many of the city’s most popular and highly-rated restaurants.

Below, we’re sharing some of our favorite food spots in Bologna based on the type of meal you are looking for.

Our favorite restaurants in Bologna

All of the restaurants listed here serve local cuisine, and you honestly can’t go wrong with any of them. For a complete list of Bologna restaurants, check out our guide on the top 35 places to eat.

best places to visit in bologna italy

  • Da Cesari *– A good place to try different varieties of pasta dishes. Try the tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms in the fall.
  • All’ Osteria Bottega * – Hands down, one of the best Bologna restaurants and one that we go back to every time we are in the city. Every dish is heavenly, but if you want something unique (and delicious!), try the roasted baby pigeon.
  • Caminetto d’oro * – Fantastic grilled meats and truffle pasta dishes.
  • Trattoria da me * – A great place to get crescentina and cured meats, plus local specialties like friggione.
  • Trattoria collegio di Spagna – Try the cotoletta alla bolognese and zucchini dishes.
  • Oltre * – The tortellini in the creamy Parmigiano Reggiano sauce is to die for and the tagliatelle is also very good.
  • Golosita della Nonna – Located outside of the city center in the Bolognina neighborhood, but worth the walk for the lasagne verde.
  • Sfoglia Rina – Affordable and handmade pasta dishes located in the city center.

*These are our top 5 restaurants in Bologna.

Cheap eats in Bologna

If you’re looking for something quick and cheap, you’re most likely going to find pizza or a type of sandwich. Luckily, the options in Bologna are top tier.

best places to visit in bologna italy

  • Mo Mortadella Lab – The best place in the city to eat a Mortadella sandwich.
  • I Panini di Mirò – Our favorite place for paninis in Bologna. We go here every time. Get the pork sandwich with BBQ sauce.
  • Forno Brisa – Good option for pizza by the slice with a couple of locations around the city.
  • Mozzabe lla – Delicious and cheap pizza squares located inside of Mercato delle Erbe.
  • Pasta Fresca Naldi – Homemade, takeout pasta served in a takeaway container. Good quality and affordable.

Bars in Bologna

  • Osteria del Sole – The oldest wine bar in town and one of the coolest experiences to have in Bologna. They only serve wine – no food. You can either pop in for a drink, or pick up some meats and cheeses from the Quadrilatero nearby and bring your own food.
  • Camera A Sud – A popular spot for aperitivo or to relax for a couple of hours with a drink in hand. You may need to make a reservation in advance on the weekends because it gets busy.
  • Signorvino – The prices may be higher here, but it’s the perfect spot to grab a drink with a view. Located in Piazza Maggiore, you can relax at sunset while sipping on an Aperol Spritz in the heart of Bologna.
  • Bar Volare – This bar is located on Via Belvedere, which is full of places to drink and is busy almost every night of the week.

Cafes in Bologna

Bologna has too many cafes to count. Here are a couple of cafes that we go back to time and time again.

best places to visit in bologna italy

  • Caffe Terzi – Our favorite cafe in the city serving amazing stuffed brioche and delicious coffees. They have an entire book of different coffee combinations, so make sure to give it a look! We always go for the cappuccino with chocolate on top.
  • Aroma Specialty Coffees – A small coffee shop serving up a wide array of combinations and flavors. Try the Caffe’ allo Zabaione or the Caffe della nonna for something unique.
  • Lampadina – A nice coffee shop with a large seating area, which is hard to come by in Bologna!
  • Caffe Rubik – A hoppin’ cafe with outdoor seating under the porticoes. They serve a delicious espresso and cappuccino!
  • Gamberini – A pastry shop and a cafe that makes for a nice spot for breakfast or for a mid-day snack.

Vegan options in Bologna

If you’re a vegan and wanting to visit Bologna, it’s going to be hard to eat many local dishes, as the food is focused on pork, butter, and cheese here.

Most restaurants serve vegetarian side dishes, such as baked potatoes, mixed salads, and grilled vegetables. You’ll just need to ask if they cook the vegetables in butter or not to be sure.

You also might be able to find some pasta dishes without cheese, butter, and eggs, but it’s definitely more difficult in this region of Italy. The pizza and sandwich options listed above are safe bets, as they all offer vegetarian options that can be purchased without cheese.

Here are some vegan and vegetarian restaurants that we love in Bologna.

  • Zazie – Wonderful place to get juices, salads, and soups.
  • Nectare – They serve everything from acai bowls to pre-made salads and dishes. We’ve been here a few times to get acai bowls for breakfast and they are affordable and delicious.
  • Flower Burger – A vegan burger restaurant with many different options and flavors. We really like the “flower burger.”
  • Beirut Snack – Fantastic falafel wraps and mezze style dishes. There is always a line, so be prepared to wait!

Tips for eating out in Italy

Eating out in other countries can be confusing and overwhelming sometimes. Here are a few tips to help you feel more comfortable with the customs in Italy.

  • Tipping is not necessary; however, if you really enjoyed your food or liked your waiter, then any sort of tip is appreciated. Usually a 10%-15% tip is fine.
  • Every restaurant charges a coperto , or a cover charge per person. This fee helps to cover the table fees – bread, linens, tableware, etc. Usually the cover charge fee is printed on the front of the menu. It ranges anywhere from €2-€5 per person at most restaurants.
  • On Italian restaurant menus, you’ll find appetizers, first courses, second courses, and then desserts. Pasta is served as the first course and meat is served as a second course. You do not have to order both courses.
  • Make sure to reserve your table in advance. Spots fill up quickly at popular restaurants. Unfortunately, this means you’ll most likely have to call and reserve. We recommend asking if they speak english over the phone, and if not, have Google Translate on hand to try asking in Italian. Not ideal, but it will get the job done.
  • If you don’t have time to make a reservation, or decide to eat somewhere last minute, you can always arrive right when the restaurant opens. Restaurants will often reserve a couple of tables for walk-ins for 2 people. We’ve done this several times and we’ll more often than not get a table.

Where to stay in Bologna?

The best neighborhood to stay in Bologna is the Centro Storico. This is the historical center of the city and most restaurants and attractions are within walking distance from here. It’s also the most charming part of the city.

Best hotels in Bologna

You’ll find many fantastic options for places to stay in Bologna. One thing to note is that there are limited hotels in the center, which means prices can get quite expensive during peak season (June, July, August).

Make sure to book well in advance (at least 2 months) to get the best rates and to have the best available options. Here are a few Bologna hotels that we recommend for your stay:

  • Best overall Bologna hotel: Art Hotel Commercianti – with a fantastic central location and amazing balcony views from some of the rooms!
  • Best Bologna luxury hotel: Grand Hotel Majestic gia’ Baglioni
  • Best Bologna boutique hotel: Casa Bertagni
  • Best Bologna mid-range hotel: Hotel Touring
  • Best Bologna hostel: Dopa Hostel

Check out our guide on the best 11 Boutique Hotels in Bologna for more hotel options.

How do you get to Bologna?

Bologna is connected with the rest of Italy and Europe via its international airport and central train station. With plenty of flights and trains arriving daily, you’ll have no issues finding your way here.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Getting to Bologna by plane

The Bologna international airport is called Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ). If you are flying from most places in Europe, then you should be able to find a direct flight to Bologna.

For those flying from international destinations (outside of Europe), you will have to fly into Milan, Venice, or Rome and then take a train to Bologna. Milan is the next closest airport.

How to get from the Bologna airport to city center

To get from the Bologna airport to the city center , you’ll want to take the Marconi Express monorail from to the Bologna train station.

The train runs every 7 minutes throughout the day and costs €11 each way or €20 round trip. You can review the timetable and book your tickets  here . You can also use contactless payment to purchase your tickets at the station. We used our credit card and it was super easy!

The monorail drops you off at Bologna train station. From here, it’s a 15-20 minute walk to the center of the city.

Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the airport to your accommodation. It takes around 15-20 minutes and is pretty reasonably priced.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Getting to Bologna by Train

The Bologna train station connects you to the rest of Italy. With Bologna being centrally located, it’s pretty quick to get to and from other major cities like Milan, Florence, Venice, and Rome.

  • Milan to Bologna train : High-speed train takes between 1h 5min to 1h 21min | Regional train takes 2h 50min
  • Florence to Bologna train: High-speed train takes 38 minutes | Regional train takes 1h 27min
  • Rome to Bologna train: High-speed train takes between 2h 3min to 2h 23min | Regional train takes between 5h 24min to 7h 56min
  • Venice to Bologna train: High-speed train takes 1h 33min | Regional train takes 2h 6min

We recommend purchasing your tickets via the Trenitalia website or app . The app is easy and straight-forward to use, which is why we always suggest downloading it for your trip to Italy. You can purchase tickets up to a few minutes before the train departs and easily access your digital tickets.

For the best-priced train tickets, always purchase tickets at least 3-weeks in advance, especially for high-speed trains. Prices go up significantly as you get closer to the departure date.

If you are arriving by train, then you can either walk to your accommodation or arrange a taxi from the station. It takes 15-20 minutes to walk to the center from the train station.

In 2023, it cost us €10 to take a taxi from the train station to our accommodation near Piazza Maggiore.

Renting a car in Bologna

Planning to rent a car during your trip to Bologna? We’ve rented a car here several times and have a few tips to help make it a smooth experience for you.

First things first, if you are only staying in Bologna and do not have any day trips planned, you do NOT need to rent a car. In fact, we would highly advise against it. Parking is limited and expensive and it’s not worth risking getting a ticket by driving in the city’s restricted zones.

We do recommend renting a car for the day if you plan to take a day trip that’s only accessibly by car. For example, if you want to go to San Marino or to the Ferrari factory, then renting a car for the day is a fantastic option.

We like to use Discover Cars for our car rentals in Italy. In the fall of 2023, we rented our car near the Bologna train station, picked it up early in the morning to pick it up, and then dropped it off that same evening. It’s convenient, quick, and easy.

The Bologna Welcome Card

best places to visit in bologna italy

The Bologna Welcome Card is a tourist card that provides access to many of the city’s most popular attractions at a reasonable price.

There are two types of cards that you can purchase:

  • The BW Card EASY – €25/person This card includes access to over 10 of Bologna’s museums plus the Asinelli tower and a guided walking tour of the city.)
  • The BW Card PLUS – €40/person This card includes everything on the BW Easy Card plus access to the City Red Bus tours and the San Luca Express train. It also gives you a discount on the Clock Tower tickets.

The card valid for 15 days from the activation date (or first day of use), so there’s no need to rush to see all of the sights within a couple of days.

Is the Bologna Welcome Card worth it? It totally depends on what you want to see in Bologna. If you plan to see a lot of museums, then you should definitely purchase a BW Card.

If you’re just planning to see a couple of the main sights, like the Asinelli Tower and the Basilica di San Luca, then we would not recommending purchasing a BW Card.

Festivals in Bologna

Bologna is home to many large events and festivals throughout the year. We’re listing some of the most popular events, so you can plan your trip around it if there is one you are keen on attending.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Tortellino Festival

This is one of the coolest food festivals in Bologna. Every year, on October 4th, the Palazzo Re Enzo in the Piazza Maggiore transforms into a pasta heaven.

21 chefs from the region cook up their own version of this classic pasta, and you can taste them all. We attended the festival in 2022 and got 6 bowls of tortellini between the 2 of us. We were stuffed!

The festival goes all day from 11:30am to 9:45pm. Be prepared to wait because the line is long!

The cost is €5 for 1 tasting or €45 for 9 tastings. Find more information about the festival on the official website.

Festival Dei Sapori

Every year, during the month of April, the Festival Dei Sapori (Festival of Flavors) takes over the Palazzo Re Enzo in Bologna to highlight the foods of different regions in Italy.

The event includes food tastings, cooking classes, panels, and more.

The festival is free You can find more information about the event on the official website.

Mortadella Festival

If you love mortadella, then you should try to visit Bologna around the end of September and beginning of October to attend this festival.

Over the course of 3 days, you’ll have the opportunity to taste many different dishes focused on mortadella as the star ingredient. From sandwiches to stuffed pasta, this is a wonderful way to discover the different tastes and possibilities of this Italian staple in Bologna.

For more information, including dates and times, check out the official website.

Il Cinema Ritrovato

Il Cinema Ritrovato is one of the largest film festivals in Italy. The Piazza Maggiore transforms into an open air theater, as well as many other locations around the city.

During the festival, visitors have the opportunity to watch many classic and restored films. Whether or not you’re a film festival, it’s a neat experience that’s not to be missed.

The film festival takes place during the summers months in July and August. For more information about tickets and the program, check out the official website.

Where to buy Italian souvenirs in Bologna

Bologna is one of the best city’s in Italy to buy souvenirs. Not only because it has amazing artisanal shops and food shops but also because things are reasonably priced here compared to larger Italian cities.

We’ve packed our suitcases full of pasta cutters, dried pasta, balsamic vinegar, and Parmesan cheese too many times to count.

If you’re wondering what souvenirs to take home, we have an entire post dedicated to the 19 Best Italian Food Souvenirs that you may want to read.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Without further ado, here’s where we recommend buying souvenirs in Bologna, plus what to buy from each shop.

This small deli is a great place to by vacuum sealed Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, condiments, jams, and other canned Italian goods.

Website: Tamburini Address: Via Caprarie, 1, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

Drogheria Gilberto

Good shop to buy chocolates and sweets and other typical products from Emilia Romagna.

Website: Drogheria Gilberto Address: Via Drapperie, 5/A, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

Antica Aguzzeria del Cavallo

Our favorite shop to buy handmade, high-quality pasta cutters. These are made with bronze and sourced locally.

Website: Antica Aguzzeria del Cavallo Address: Via Drapperie, 12, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

La Baita Vecchia Malga

Another deli with a fantastic selection of local goods, such as jams, dried pasta, and sauces.

Address: Via Pescherie Vecchie, 3a, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

Majani is the oldest chocolate maker in Italy, and it is based in Bologna. We like to buy a pack of their classic Cremino Fiat chocolates, which is a soft truffle-like chocolate often layered with hazelnut paste and coffee.

Website: Majani Address: Via de’ Carbonesi, 5, 40123 Bologna BO, Italy

Bologna Travel Guide

best places to visit in bologna italy

Below, we’re answering some of the most frequently asked questions about visiting Bologna. From when to visit to how long to visit and whether or not people speak English here, you’ll find all of the answers here.

Is Bologna worth visiting?

Yes, Bologna is definitely worth visiting ! With it’s fantastic food scene, historic architecture, authentic culture, and convenient location for day trips, you are sure to have an incredible time in Bologna.

We fell in love with Bologna the first time we visited and have since been back three times. The amazing food and wonderful people keep us coming back!

When is the best time to visit Bologna?

Bologna’s temperatures are more mild than Northern Europe; however, the city still experiences pretty hot summers and cold winters.

The best time to visit Bologna is from late spring to early fall. Specifically, we suggest visiting during the months of May and October when the temperatures are nice and the city is not too crowded.

We prefer to visit Bologna during October. The countryside is absolutely stunning during this time when the hills are dotted with red and yellow leaves.

There are also many fantastic food options during the fall season in Bologna. We’re talking mushroom pastas galore and pumpkin stuffed tortelloni.

How many days do you need in Bologna?

We recommend spending a minimum of 3 days in Bologna . You need at least two days to explore the city and then a third day to take a day trip in the region.

If you are wanting to see more of the region, then we suggest making Bologna your home base. Its central location makes it easy to visit nearby cities within an hour or two like Florence or Ravenna.

READ ALSO: One Day in Bologna Itinerary

How do you get around Bologna?

The best way to get around Bologna is to walk! Most of the main sights are in the historic city center and can be reached within a 15 to 20 minute walk no matter where you are in the city.

If you’re planning to visit somewhere outside of the center, then the bus is your best option. You can purchase single-use bus tickets at any tobacco shop in the city. The cost is €1.50 per ride.

We use the Google Maps bus option to help us get around Bologna by bus.

Do you need cash in Bologna?

In our experience, almost all restaurants and shops take card in Bologna. However, we always recommend having some cash on hand, since some places might have minimum card spend requirements (gelato shops) and you may need cash in this instance.

There are plenty of ATMs around the city, so you can easily take out cash if needed. We always travel with our favorite Charles Schwab debit card that reimburses us for all ATM fees while we’re abroad.

Do people speak English in Bologna?

Most of the people working at restaurants, shops, or the touristy sights know some English in Bologna. You shouldn’t have any issues getting around if you don’t speak any Italian.

As a common courtesy, we always recommend learning a few essential words before traveling to Italy like hello (buongiorno), thank you (grazie), and goodbye (ciao or arrivederci).

More information for your trip to Bologna

Bologna has some of the most delicious gelato in all of Italy . Check out our guide to the  best gelato shops in Bologna .  Looking to do a day trip from Bologna? There are so many incredible day trips from Bologna, including a food tour in Modena and a visit to the Ferrari factory in Maranello. Take a look at our article about the  23 best day trips from Bologna . Wanting to try some unique foods from Emilia-Romagna? Check out our article on the  most underrated foods in Emilia Romagna .  Wondering how to get from the Bologna airport to the train station? We have an  entire guide  to help you get to the city from the airport.

ITALY TRAVEL PLANNING GUIDE Italy Travel Insurance  – Should you get travel insurance for Italy? YES! We always get travel insurance before all of our trips for peace of mind. Check out  Travel Insurance Master  to find the best plan for you. Italy Rental Cars  – Is it safe to rent a car in Italy? Yes! We’ve rented a car in Italy too many times to count, and it’s definitely the most convenient way to get around the countryside. We rented our car through  Discover Cars  (our go-to rental agency), which helps you find the best rates no matter where you are traveling. Italy Phone Plans –  If your phone plan does not offer free coverage in Italy, then we suggest getting an eSIM. We used  Airalo  during our trip to Italy, and we had fantastic coverage the entire time. It’s easy to download and you can even top up via the app if needed. Italy Hotels –  Wondering where to book your accommodations for Italy? We’ve been reserving all of our hotels through  Booking  for years. Their messaging tool makes it easy to communicate with the hotels, and there are endless options to choose from.

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best places to visit in bologna italy


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Really enjoyed reading this article, your website is a great resource. Planning a motor home trip from Paris to Rome😊

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Hi Renee! Thanks for your comment. I’m happy to hear that you found this post useful!

Your trip sounds amazing! Happy to help if you have any other questions. – Jenoa

' src=

I’m SO happy to hear you’ve rented a car successfully, we have gotten SO much negativity and pushback from other forums that have nothing positive to say and make us feel as if we’re putting ourselves at GREAT risk of smash and grabs at every stop. We plan to keep our bags in the trunk while being out and about and can’t check into our rooms and not to access the trunk/show that’s where our bags are, and use other common sense tactics. Seriously, it is WONDERFUL to hear you guys have had a good experience renting a car. (We’ll be there in April 2024.). Thanks a million.

We’ll be driving from Valpolicella (Near Verona) in the afternoon of 4/14. We have a full day food tour of Bologna and Parm on 4/16.

It seems you guys really love Bologna, we’re weighing spending both nights in Bologna and exploring your top items there on 4/15.

Thoughts? Is this the best choice? Better than trying to cram in Modena and miss Bologna? Thanks.

Hi Melissa! Thank you for your comments. It sounds like you have a fun trip coming up!

We love both Bologna and Modena! We’d recommend exploring Bologna on 4/15 based on the information you gave us. Our only caveat is if you are keen on visiting the Ferrari museum, then we’d recommend doing Modena on 4/15.

And yes, you should be just fine renting a car and driving around Italy! Just be mindful to take precautions where possible, and you should be fine.

' src=

Great info! 🙂 Thank you soo much for sharing!! I really wanted to go to FICO Eatily but it says it is temporarily closed?? Do you know when they are re-opening? We will be there May 22-23. Also, did you find any gelato made with amarena cherries by any chance? 🙂 Thanks kindly 🙂

Hi Shirley,

FICO Eatily lost many vendors since COVID hit and as of 2024. We are not sure if or when they will re-open their doors.

In regards to gelato made with amarena cherries, we recommend visiting Oggi Gelato. They have an amareno cherry flavor called “Amarena di Cantiano”. They have a couple of locations in town. One is near the Mercato delle Erbe and the other is located near the two towers.

We hope you have a lovely trip!

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CLOCK TOWER OPENS AT NIGHT : from May 13 to Sept 15 will close at 9pm

ASINELLI TOWER IS CLOSED  for maintenance.   Info at Bologna Welcome in Piazza Maggiore 1/e

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Vertigo – Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes

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Rocchetta Mattei

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55 UNIQUE & BEST Things to Do in Bologna, Italy + Top Tours

From discovering the naughty hidden secret of neptune's fountain, climbing the world's tallest medieval tower to eating the tastiest tortellini, here are the best things to do in bologna.

Things to Do in Bologna - View from atop the Asinelli Tower

Table of contents

Here’s what we’ll cover in this Bologna guide:

Bologna: La Grassa, La Dotta e La Rossa

Bolognese dialect.

  • TOP THINGS to do in Bologna
  • UNIQUE THINGS to do in Bologna
  • Most Beautiful Churches in Bologna
  • Best Museums in Bologna
  • Best Food in Bologna
  • Things to do in Bologna with Kids

Where to stay in Bologna

Need to book accommodation don’t miss my detailed guide to the best hotels in bologna for all budgets, including apartments and family options..

best places to visit in bologna italy

The local dialect is also filled with unique terms. Among the most emblematic Bolognese words is “ Soccia ” (literally, “suck it”), a versatile interjection used for emphasis or exclamation. For instance, locals might say “ Soccia , che storia!” when enthralled by a fascinating tale. Another great one is “Vèz”, which literally means “old” and is commonly used in the sense of “buddy”.

If you’re unsure about which area to choose for your stay, check out this guide for recommendations on where to stay in Bologna .

Top things to do in bologna.

Things to Do in Bologna - Piazza Minghetti

Piazza Minghetti

Bologna, with its amazing assortment of historical gems and lively trattorias, doesn’t just satisfy expectations – it easily surpasses them.

Joining a  Bologna walking tour is a great way to explore the city and its top attractions, especially since it boasts one of Europe’s largest historical centers. You should also explore its intriguing history, and by participating in a history-focused tour of Bologna , you will discover the captivating stories and events that shaped this amazing city.

To catch the city at its liveliest, plan a visit in spring or fall when the weather is perfect for exploring and the university is buzzing with activity. On the other hand, be cautious about visiting in the summer, as the intense heat and humidity can ruin your adventure.

For the best times of the year and when to visit Italy , don’t miss my guide.

1. roam piazza maggiore.

Things to Do in Bologna - Piazza Maggiore - Basilica di San Petronio

Piazza Maggiore is the city’s central square and a testament to its rich history and vibrant culture. This square was among the first of its kind constructed since the fall of the legendary Roman Empire, predating famous examples in Florence and Siena! It was built in the 1200s when the forward-thinking municipality developed this land into a shared space for market days and a meeting space for residents. Today, you’ll find yourself surrounded by iconic structures such as the Basilica di San Petronio, Palazzo dei Banchi, and Palazzo d’Accursio.

This walking tour of Bologna is perfect for an in-depth exploration of Piazza Maggiore and all the top sights in the historic city center.

Things to Do in Bologna - Piazza Maggiore

2. See the charming Fountain of Neptune

Things to Do in Bologna - Bologna Day Trip Itinerary

Located just off Piazza Maggiore, Bologna’s cherished Fountain of Neptune was commissioned by Pope Pius VI in the 16th century and created by Giambologna. An intriguing rumor suggests that the Pope was embarrassed by Neptune’s ample proportions “down there” and requested a reduction. Although Giambologna agreed, it is believed that he secretly incorporated a visual surprise from a certain angle! Apparently, if you gaze upon the statue from the corner of the Sala Borsa, with your eyes pointed directly at Neptune, something quite surprising will catch your eye…yep, it appears that the statue is sporting a bit of an erection! How? Well, it seems that Giambologna used some clever perspective tricks with one of Neptune’s fingers to create the illusion.

Things to Do in Bologna - Fontana del Nettuno by Giambologna

3. San Petronio, one of Italy’s biggest churches

Things to Do in Bologna - Inside Basilica di San Petronio

The Basilica of San Petronio is the highlight of Piazza Maggiore, featuring a captivating unfinished facade. Originally designed to surpass St. Peter’s Basilica in grandeur, Pope Pius IV halted these ambitions. Inside, marvel at the world’s oldest functioning organ from 1470 and the charming Music Chapel. Be sure to visit the splendid Bolognini Chapel, home to Giovanni da Modena’s impressive frescoes of “Heaven” and “Hell.” Don’t forget to admire Cassini’s extraordinary 67.27-meter sundial during your visit!

Things to Do in Bologna - Basilica di San Petronio Bell Tower

Bolognini Chapel by Giovanni da Modena

4. Asinelli and Garisenda: The two leaning towers of Bologna

Things to Do in Bologna - Due Torri - Torre degli Asinelli - Torre Garisenda

Their inclination, caused by unstable soil and foundation problems, is carefully managed. One of the towers, the Asinelli Tower , is open to visitors who can climb its 498 steps for a breathtaking birds-eye view of Bologna. Booking is essential as tickets sell out in advance.

Things to Do in Bologna - View from Torre degli Asinelli

5. Torre Prendiparte

Things to Do in Bologna - Torre Prendiparte - View of rooftops

View from Torre Prendiparte

Things to Do in Bologna - Torre Prendiparte - Window

The Torre Prendiparte is another majestic tower that’s withstood the test of time. This tower once served as a stronghold for the influential Prendiparte clan and has functioned as a defensive fortress, a somber prison (with inscriptions from prisoners still visible), and currently operates as an exclusive bed & breakfast (though overnight stays are temporarily suspended). Standing at an impressive 60 meters tall, it is the second tallest tower in Bologna after Asinelli. Climbing the 12 floors to the panoramic terrace rewards you with stunning views of the city.

Things to Do in Bologna - Torre Prendiparte - Looking out of window

6. The world’s oldest university

The University of Bologna , established in 1088, is the oldest university in the Western world, and its historical landmarks offer a wealth of discoveries for inquisitive minds. Over nine centuries, it has amassed numerous valuable artifacts, including the world’s oldest Torah, written between 1155 and 1225. The University has also attracted notable Italian cultural figures such as Francesco Petrarca, Giosuè Carducci, Laura Bassi (the first woman to hold a university chair), and the renowned Umberto Eco, who taught Semiotics here.

7. The Archiginnasio’s Anatomical Theater

Things to Do in Bologna - Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio

8. The Botanical Garden and Herbarium

Established in the 1500s, the University’s Botanical Garden and Herbarium is a serene haven dedicated to the study of plant medicine. Spanning 2 hectares, this captivating sanctuary houses 5,000 plant species, such as unique succulents and fascinating carnivorous plants. Additionally, it features two greenhouses, expertly recreated natural habitats and a herbarium with an invaluable assortment of 16th-century dried plants.

9. Explore Palazzo Re Enzo

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo Re Enzo courtyard

10. The old town hall at Palazzo d’Accursio

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo d'Accursio - View from Torre dell'Orologio terrace

View from Torre dell’Orologio terrace at Palazzo d’Accursio

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo d'Accursio courtyard

It’s also from Palazzo D’Accursio that you’ll get one of the best views of Piazza Maggiore and Bologna. Don’t miss the Torre dell’Orologio (Clock Tower). The tower was added to Francesco Accursio’s house, and after his death, it was bought by the growing Municipality of Bologna. In 1444, it was turned into a bell tower with the installation of the first mechanical clock connected to a bell that rang every hour on the hour. From this moment on, the tower became a true point of reference for the entire city, as it not only marked the passing of time but also represented a reference marker for the regulation of clocks all over Bologna! To visit the Municipal Art Collections and Clock Tower, booking is essential. Get your skip-the-line tickets for the Clock Tower and Art Collections here.

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo d'Accursio - Civic Art Collection - Collezioni Comunali d'Arte - Sala Urbana

Civic Art Collection at Palazzo d’Accursio

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo d'Accursio - Collezioni Comunali d'Arte - Statue

11. The famous porticoes of Bologna

Things to Do in Bologna - Portico in front of Carabinieri office

Portico in front of Carabinieri office

Things to Do in Bologna - Porticoes at Piazza Cavour

Portico at Piazza Cavour

Bologna’s iconic porticoes define the city’s identity, spanning 62 kilometers and dating back to the 11th century. Ingenious builders, challenged by confined city walls, extended upper floors beyond their ground-level counterparts using attractive wooden or stone columns, creating inviting, covered walkways. These architectural wonders, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, display a variety of styles and eras. The crowning glory is the 3.8-kilometer walkway to the Madonna di San Luca Sanctuary, which holds a world record.

Things to Do in Bologna - Portico of San Luca

12. The city’s historic shops

Things to Do in Bologna - Antica Aguzzeria del Cavallo

13. Bologna’s Little Venice

Things to Do in Bologna - Little Venice

Explore the most beautiful churches in Bologna

Bologna boasts a fascinating array of historic churches, all permeated by rich artistry, cultural significance, and serene spirituality.

14. Basilica of San Domenico

Things to Do in Bologna - Basilica of San Domenico inside

Organs used by Mozart

Things to Do in Bologna - Basilica of San Domenico - Statue with candle Michelangelo

15. Church of Santo Stefano

Things to Do in Bologna - Santo Stefano Sanctuary

The Church of Santo Stefano , fondly known as “sette chiese” (seven churches), is a fascinating architectural collage of various structures assembled over time. It is said that in the 5th century, Petronius, the city’s bishop at the time, initiated its construction to resemble Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre. Over the years, it evolved into a vast interconnected network of buildings, making it one of Bologna’s most intriguing attractions.

Things to Do in Bologna - Basilica santuario Santo Stefano - Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro

16. Church of Santa Maria della Vita

best places to visit in bologna italy

L’oratorio dei Battuti

17. Cathedral of San Pietro

Things to Do in Bologna - Cathedral of San Pietro Bologna

18. Sanctuary of Madonna di San Luca

Things to Do in Bologna - Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca - Longest Portico in the world

Discover the Best Museums in Bologna

If exploring museums is your thing, Bologna won’t let you down. The city is home to various museums featuring captivating exhibits on multiple subjects, from art to communication.

19. MAMbo – Modern Art Museum

Looking for a dose of contemporary art? Make sure you visit MAMbo , the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna! This museum, which was once an industrial site, has been exhibiting a wide variety of Italian and international artists from the post-World War II era up to the present day since 2007. In addition, it presents a lively series of temporary exhibitions featuring art-world stars such as Marina Abramović and Ulay.

20. Palazzo Fava

Palazzo Fava is a stunning Renaissance mansion decorated with exquisite frescoes by the Carracci brothers. Within its walls, you’ll find the epic tales of Jason and Medea intermingled with that of Aeneas. This former palace is now an art haven, bursting with lively exhibitions and cultural events, as well as a collection of permanent pieces. Be sure not to miss the Caffè Letterario, a stylish café, and bookshop that offers tantalizing refreshments and captivating reads to complement your Palazzo Fava experience.

21. Museo Pelagalli – Museum of Communication

The Museum of Communication in Bologna is a fascinating institution that displays the evolution of communication technologies and their impact on society. Housed in a stunning historic building, the museum boasts 2000 authentic exhibits that showcase how humanity has evolved alongside technology. One exhibit that you shouldn’t miss is the special tribute to Guglielmo Marconi, the Bolognese superstar who invented the radio, which includes his personal belongings, scribbles, and photos.

22. Civic Archaeological Museum

Things to Do in Bologna - Archaeological Museum of Bologna courtyard

The Civic Archaeological Museum in Bologna is located within the beautiful 15th-century Palazzo Galvani. It provides a delightful escape into ancient history with an extensive collection of artifacts from prehistoric to Egyptian civilizations. The museum’s collection is one of Italy’s most important archaeological collections, thanks to meticulous excavations in the area spanning the 19th and 20th centuries.

Things to Do in Bologna - Archaeological Museum of Bologna - Exhibits

23. Museum of Palazzo Poggi

Things to Do in Bologna - Museo di Palazzo Poggi - Human Anatomy Museum

Museo della Specola

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo Poggi - Museo della Specola

24. Museum for the Memory of Ustica

The Museum for the Memory of Ustica is a touching tribute to the tragic Ustica Disaster. On June 27, 1980, a civilian airplane mysteriously crashed into the Tyrrhenian Sea near Ustica island, killing all 81 passengers and crew members. The museum displays the aircraft’s wreckage, which has been transformed into a compelling installation by the renowned artist Christian Boltanski. You can engage with the memories of the victims through evocative art, emotional testimonies, and thought-provoking exhibitions which encourage deep empathy and reflection. You’re sure to be moved during your visit here.

25. Industrial Heritage Museum

Bologna was already a hub of innovation even prior to the Industrial Revolution. Its silk-throwing machines propelled the city to the forefront of Europe’s silk production. Although these machines have been lost to history, a half-sized working replica can still be viewed at the Industrial Heritage Museum . The museum not only exhibits the replica but also highlights Bologna’s recent history and how its industries continue to innovate and push the boundaries of engineering. From machines that make tortellini to those that gave birth to iconic brands like Ducati and Lamborghini, the museum showcases it all.

26. Museum of San Colombano

Things to Do in Bologna - Museum of San Colombano - Tagliavini Collection - Hall

Located in Bologna, MAST (Manifattura di Arti, Sperimentazione e Tecnologia) is a contemporary art museum that showcases a diverse array of exhibitions and events. Housed in a converted industrial space, it offers a fascinating exploration of the interplay between art, science, and technology, making it a must-visit destination for culture enthusiasts.

28. Civic Medieval Museum

Things to Do in Bologna - Museo Medievale - Shield and tombstone

29. Bologna National Art Gallery

Things to Do in Bologna - Bologna National Art Gallery - Giotto Polyptych

Giotto Polyptych

Things to Do in Bologna - University District - National Art Gallery of Bologna - Archangel Michael

The Bologna National Art Gallery is situated in the old university complex and showcases an impressive collection of nearly 1000 artworks that celebrate the city’s artistic heritage. The paintings date from the 13th to the 18th century and include works by both local painters and renowned Italian artists such as Raphael, Titian, Parmigianino, Guido Reni, and Giotto.

Things to Do in Bologna - University District - National Art Gallery of Bologna - Alessandro Farnese

30. Museo Memoriale della Libertà

The Museo Memoriale della Libertà is a moving museum that recounts the tale of the city’s resistance movement in World War II. It provides a compelling and engaging experience through the reconstruction of events such as bombing raids and the rounding up of civilians. Additionally, the museum boasts a captivating collection of personal narratives, photographs, documents, and artifacts that offer valuable insights into the lives of the brave freedom fighters of that era. For military vehicle enthusiasts, the museum also houses over 50 tanks, planes, and trains you can explore.

31. Davia Bargellini Museum

The Davia Bargellini Museum , located in a charming 17th-century palace, is a hidden gem in Bologna. Upon entering, you will discover a remarkable collection of beautiful paintings, elegant sculptures, intricately crafted decorative objects, and furniture. The museum’s exhibit, “Curiosities from Old Bologna,” is particularly captivating, showcasing an intriguing assortment of puppets, ceramics, and other delightful oddities.

32. International Museum and Library of Music

Things to Do in Bologna - International Museum and Library of Music - Harps

33. Museo della Storia di Bologna at Palazzo Pepoli

The Museo della Storia di Bologna, housed in the historic Palazzo Pepoli, is a captivating museum that offers a rich and immersive experience of the city’s fascinating history from its evolution from its Etruscan and Roman roots to its medieval and Renaissance glory, and beyond.

The Etruscans called first named the area Velzna (or Felzna ) which the Romans later tweaked to Felsina (which perhaps means “fertile land”).

Time flies as you wander this multi-level museum with multimedia displays, interactive exhibits, and a wealth of archival materials that provide a comprehensive understanding of Bologna’s cultural, social, and political heritage and development. Each room has a theme harmoniously connects modern design with historical artifacts. There is even an entire room dedicated to the Bolognese dialect. I’ve never seen anything like this in any other museum! È fantastico!

Palazzo Pepoli itself is a splendid example of medieval architecture, and it provides a fitting backdrop for the museum’s collection. 

Things to Do in Bologna - Palazzo Pepoli - Museo della Storia di Bologna - Waterways

Enjoy all the Best Food in Bologna

Get ready to loosen your belt because Bologna has some serious food game. In fact, it’s widely recognized as Italy’s delicious food capital. For a deeper dive into the region’s culinary traditions, don’t miss this Bologna food tour.

34. Revel in the deliciousness of local cuisine

Things to Do in Bologna - Quadrilatero - Antica Salsamenteria Tamburini - Mortadella

Top travel tip: I spent 5 days traveling around Emilia-Romagna on this fantastic food tour with a local guide where not only did we eat and drink traditional culinary delights, but also got special access and private tastings not otherwise available to the public. Spots are limited, be sure to check availability and book your tour here. For more details on what to expect, here’s my experience on this Beyond Bologna food tour.

For a full-day culinary tour of Bologna’s famous foods and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at local factories and family-run producers.

Don’t miss my guide on what to eat in Emilia Romagna

35. visit fico world eataly.

In Bologna, where love for food knows no bounds, they even have a theme park dedicated to it: Fico Eataly World . This is a culinary wonderland just a stone’s throw from the city center, where the irresistible flavors of Italy come together in a grand, mouth-watering escapade. In this enchanting kingdom, food courts and cooking classes abound, with each step unveiling the secrets behind Italy’s finest food and wine.

36. Explore the Quadrilatero Old Market

Things to Do in Bologna - Quadrilatero - Market on Via Pescherie Vecchie

The Quadrilatero Market, an ancient marketplace with Medieval roots, is a lively and vibrant maze of narrow streets steeped in history and filled with mouth-watering culinary delights. Every turn brings you to a family-owned shop or a bustling café, eager to showcase their delectable creations. Additionally, this area is renowned for its specialized handicraft and commercial activities, with many being passed down through generations, adding to its rich tradition.

Things to Do in Bologna - Quadrilatero - Trattoria da Gianni

37. Learn local culinary secrets at a cooking class

Things to Do in Bologna - Tortellini pasta-making workshop

38. Join a food tour

Things to Do in Bologna - Prosciutto Crudo

Food tours are another excellent way to savor the essence of Bologna. Alongside expert guides, you’ll uncover the secrets behind local delicacies, forging a special connection to the city’s vibrant food culture. Whether exploring Bologna food with a local, discovering the culinary heritage of Emilia Romagna , or exploring some of the secret culinary hotspots around town , the options are endless.

39. Sample all of the city’s best gelato

Things to Do in Bologna - Eat a gelato at Cremeria Cavour

40. Take a wine-tasting tour

Things to Do in Bologna - Wine tour - Malvasia

Bologna, a vibrant city for food enthusiasts, treats wine as an equally important component of its culinary scene. The region boasts a wide range of wines that tantalize the taste buds, including the vivacious sparkle of Lambrusco, the rich and velvety appeal of Sangiovese, and the subtle charm of Pignoletto. To truly immerse oneself in the captivating spirit of these wines, a wine tour with a local winemaker is a delightful experience that should not be missed.

Unique things to do in Bologna

41. casa isolani.

Located on Bologna’s Strada Maggiore, Casa Isolani is a stunning 13th-century building that exhibits the grandeur of the medieval era. Its beautiful wooden portico, upheld by soaring oak beams, supports the third floor which extends gracefully over the street below. During your visit, keep an eye out for the three arrows embedded beneath the third floor, which have given rise to many legends. One goes that a noble gentleman once hired three assassins to kill his unfaithful wife. But when the beautiful (and sly) dame appeared at the window unclothed, the archers were so stunned that they completely missed their intended target! If you want to immerse yourself in the marvels of this ancient structure, you can even reserve a room at the cozy bed and breakfast located inside. Check availability and book your stay here.

42. La Piazzola Market

Experience the historic shopping extravaganza of Bologna at the Piazzola Market . Bursting to life every Friday and Saturday at Montagnola Park and Piazza VIII Agosto, this lively bazaar boasts over 400 diverse stalls featuring farm-fresh produce, handcrafted wonders, antique treasures, and trendy threads. Originally a humble cattle market dating back to 1251, the market has evolved into a bustling hub of activity attracting a mix of locals and visitors.

43. The places of Lucio Dalla

Things to Do in Bologna - Panchina Lucio Dalla statue in Piazza Cavour

Lucio Dalla statue in Piazza Cavour

Lucio Dalla, a renowned Italian singer-songwriter famous for hits like “Caruso,” was born and raised in Bologna, and his hometown played a crucial role in both his personal and professional life. Bologna is home to several significant places that pay tribute to Lucio Dalla’s lasting legacy and the city’s thriving musical culture, including the Fondazione Lucio Dalla , which was once his home and is now a museum, and the historic Ristorante Da Cesari , where Lucio often dined with his mother.

44. The city’s Jewish Ghetto

Things to Do in Bologna - Jewish Ghetto

The Jewish Ghetto in Bologna is a unique and charming part of the city that has retained its medieval character. It was established in 1555 by Pope Paul IV, who decreed that the Jewish community should live in a segregated area away from the rest of the city. The area is distinguished by its original structures and lack of traffic, which contribute to its distinctive ambiance. The narrow alleyways, suspended passages, and craft shops of the ghetto still evoke its rich history and heritage to this day.

Things to Do in Bologna - Ghetto Ebraico - Quiet street

Things to do in Bologna with kids

If you’re visiting Bologna with kids, you’ll be pleased to know there are many things to do for little travelers.

45. Buses and mini trains

Are you on a family trip to Bologna and wondering how to keep your kids entertained? Hop aboard the City Red Bus ! This hop-on-hop-off bus departs almost every hour from Piazza Maggiore and provides a fun and relaxing way to explore the city. The bus will take you up to the stunning San Michele in Bosco, where you can enjoy panoramic views of Bologna. If you want to explore the city’s narrow streets, try the CityBO electric mini train . Alternatively, you can take the San Luca Express , a mini train that follows the long portico from the city up to the Sanctuary of Madonna di San Luca.

46. Step into a time machine

The Time Machine in Bologna is an intriguing piece of technology that provides an unparalleled way to immerse yourself in history. Equipped with state-of-the-art VR headsets, you can venture into 3D simulations of various historical scenarios, including the ancient Roman streets of Bologna and the medieval settlements that were once scattered across the region. But that’s not all – this machine also features historical games, a glimpse into Tutankhamen’s tomb, and even a journey into Dante’s inferno!

47. Gelato Museum

Everybody loves a scoop of gelato! It’s not only creamy and colorful but also bursting with flavors that always leave us wanting more. And guess what? You can now experience the magic of gelato making by visiting the Gelato Museum in Bologna! This wonderland of all things gelato is located just outside the city. At the museum, you can explore the fascinating history and art of gelato making, learn how to whip up a batch yourself and indulge in a delicious tasting session. This is an experience that the whole family can enjoy!

48. Museum of Zoology

The Zoology Museum in Bologna is perfect for a thrilling animal adventure! This museum is home to over five million animal specimens, minerals, and fossils from around the world, making it a must-see attraction. Established in the 18th century, it’s one of Europe’s oldest and most significant zoological museums. Kids will have a blast exploring the collection, which features everything from tiny insects to massive mammals, including rare and endangered species. And the best part? It’s completely free!

49. Giardini Margherita

Giardini Margherita is Bologna’s largest and most beloved green oasis, spanning 26 hectares of lush greenery that make it a paradise for kids. The park offers a picturesque lake with a bridge, delightful playgrounds, and vast lawns where children can frolic freely. On bustling weekends, it’s a prime spot for people-watching. To recharge your batteries, visit the Chalet dei Giardini Margherita, a charming bar located on an island in the middle of the lake that adds a touch of magic to your visit.

50. The rides at Luna Farm in FICO

Luna Farm is a farm-themed amusement park located in FICO Eataly World where children can join Gianni the farmer and his animal friends. This fantastic park offers 14 exciting attractions, such as flying pigs, bumper cars, and a labyrinth, making it a perfect world for families to explore. In addition, there are immersive virtual reality experiences and interactive workshops that celebrate Italy’s rich agricultural heritage.

51. Geological Museum Giovanni Capellini

One of the things to do in Bologna that’s guaranteed to impress your kids is to visit the Geological Museum of the University of Bologna . This museum was founded in 1860 by Giovanni Capellini, a famous geologist who was the first to hold a chair of Geology in Italy. It boasts a collection of almost one million exhibits, covering over 500 years of educational activities and scientific research. Your kids can explore various rocks, plants, and fossils, and even get a glimpse of some of the ancient creatures that roamed our planet millions of years ago.

Delve into the region’s famous Motor Valley

Bologna and the Emilia Romagna region hold the key to Italy’s legendary sports car brands; thus, embarking on a journey through their fascinating museums is among the best things to do while in Bologna.

52. Ferrari Museum in Maranello

Things to Do in Bologna - Ferrari Museum in Maranello - Entrance

53. Enzo Ferrari House Museum in Modena

Things to Do in Bologna - Enzo Ferrari House Museum - Collection of Ferraris

Michael Schumacher’s Formula 1 car

Perhaps lesser-known but definitely worth visiting, is the Enzo Ferrari House Museum in Modena. A short 30-minute train ride from Bologna Centrale will take you to Modena Centrale. From here it’s just a 7-minute walk to this museum dedicated to the mastermind and life of Enzo Ferrari. 

In true Ferrari style, they’ve thought of everything, offering a free shuttle service that connects the Enzo Ferrari House Museum in Modena city centre to the Ferrari Museum in Maranello, some 30 minutes by car/shuttle or over an hour with public transport.

The Enzo Ferrari House Museum in Modena offers a unique glimpse into the life and achievements of Enzo Ferrari, the legendary founder of the Ferrari brand. This museum, located within the birthplace of Enzo Ferrari, provides an intimate setting to explore his personal history and his contributions to the world of automotive excellence.

Things to Do in Bologna - Enzo Ferrari House Museum in Modena

Inside the museum, you can explore a range of exhibits and artifacts that showcase Enzo Ferrari’s life, including personal belongings, photographs, and documents. One of the highlights is the opportunity to see Michael Schumacher’s Formula 1 car, a testament to Ferrari’s racing legacy.

The Enzo Ferrari House Museum provides an immersive experience where you’ll learn about Enzo’s passion for racing, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his relentless pursuit of excellence. Through interactive displays and multimedia presentations, visitors can delve into the world of Ferrari and gain a deeper understanding of the brand’s legacy and development of its logo throughout the years.

Things to Do in Bologna - Enzo Ferrari House Museum - Ferrari FXX 98

Ferrari FXX 98

54. Lamborghini Museum

Things to Do in Bologna - Lamborghini Museum Sant’Agata Bolognese - Orange, green and yellow cars

55. Ducati Museum

Things to Do in Bologna - Ducati Museum - Ducati 851 F90

Established in 1926 as a manufacturer of radios and adding machines, Ducati has grown to become the most prominent motorcycle brand in Italy. Situated just outside the historical center of Bologna, their factory headquarters houses the Ducati Museum , which exhibits the evolution of Ducati motorcycles. The collection features legendary models, rare prototypes, and limited editions. Additionally, you can enjoy an immersive experience with interactive displays and a virtual reality room.

Experience the ultimate thrill of a lifetime on a Ferrari, Ducati, and Lamborghini tour in Bologna or join this cars and food tour in Bologna for a taste of the region’s famous products!

best places to visit in bologna italy

Luxury Accommodation in Bologna

At the Grand Hotel Majestic , the top-rated hotel in the city, you’ll be transported to a bygone era of opulence and elegance. For a more intimate and cozy stay, the Art Hotel Commercianti is a stunning boutique hotel nestled inside a 12th-century building that once served as the local government. And if you’re looking for a unique experience, the Palazzo di Alcina is a luxury B&B situated in a 17th-century palace adorned with Renaissance art and breathtaking antiques.

Mid-Range Accommodation in Bologna

Hotel Porta di San Mamolo is conveniently situated near all the popular attractions and features a charming, leafy courtyard. If you choose B&B Casa Faccioli , you’ll be staying in the former residence of a prominent artist from Bologna, and can enjoy stunning views of the city’s iconic towers from your room’s balcony. Alternatively, Casa Bertagni is a unique and stylish guesthouse located in the university district, where you can immerse yourself in a blend of art, history, and culture.

Budget Accommodation in Bologna

The Dopa Hostel is a charming lodging situated in the heart of Bologna’s historic center, boasting a distinctive and lively ambiance, thanks to the unique and handmade furnishings. If you’re seeking a simple accommodation for a good night’s rest, then Hotel Perla or Hotel Panorama are perfect options. These hotels offer clean and comfortable rooms that come equipped with all the essentials.

Family Accommodation in Bologna

The Starhotels Excelsior is a gorgeous 4-star hotel close to the train station with spacious family rooms and plenty of amenities to keep your little ones entertained. Meanwhile, Hotel Touring is near the Basilica of San Domenico and offers a variety of services that are geared towards families, such as babysitting and stroller rental (plus a stunning panoramic terrace). Lastly, if you need more space, the Nuovo Hotel del Porto has convenient studios that can accommodate up to 5 guests.

Apartments in Bologna

Meet Me in Bologna is a modern studio apartment just a stone’s throw away from Piazza Maggiore, while Che Bello is a comfortable two-level apartment for up to 4 guests close to museums and theatres. If you’re planning on taking day trips, then Brilliant in Burgundy near the train station is ideal and features a charming balcony for drinks under the stars.

If you’re unsure about which area to choose for your stay, check out this guide for recommendations on where to stay in Bologna

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Don’t miss these guides to Bologna and Emilia-Romagna

  • What to Eat in Bologna: 15 MUST-Try Traditional Food and Drink in Emilia-Romagna

What to Do in Bologna in a Day (The PERFECT Bologna Day Trip Itinerary)

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  • The BEST EMILIA ROMAGNA Food Tour // Tastings, Cooking Classes & Factory Tours
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55 Best Things to Do in Bologna Italy

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Reading: Bologna > Things To Do in Bologna

Things To Do in Bologna

Find out the best things to do in Bologna : tips for those on their first visit and a list of secrets to discover for those who already know the beautiful Italian city . You will have a wonderful journey thanks to our guide!

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  • last update: 14 February 2024

Thing to do in bologna

  • 10 Must-see Places
  • Best Guided Tours
  • To Do in Bologna: 22 Tips

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Visit Bologna: the top 10 thing to see

You’ll find out  that visiting the town is  fun and easy. Let’s discover together the 10 things you must see in this wonderful and historical city. The exciting journey through the most famous landmarks is about to begin, a  thousand adventures await us !

1. The Two Towers

Thing to do in bologna - two towers

The Asinelli Tower and the Garisenda Tower are considered the symbols of the medieval city. The two towers dominate the historic center from above. They are an architectural legacy that still characterizes the urban landscape.

Their sight is part of the daily pleasures of the Bolognese people who love and respect the two guardian sisters of the city. A stop in Piazza di Porta Ravegnana is a must to contemplate these wonders in all their shape.

👉  Suggested Tour: The Two Towers and food tasting

2. San Petronio Church

cosa fare a bologna, italy, san petronio, piazza maggiore

The church of San Petronio is dedicated to the city patron. Although it is not the cathedral, it is certainly one of the most majestic buildings in the city. Be enchanted by taking a look at the marvelous facade overlooking Piazza Maggiore.

  You will find wonderful works of art upon entering it, including the frescoes by Giovanni da Modena as well as the longest sundial in the world .

This church has a lot to tell from the history of its construction to particular events that took place in this solemn building. Its sacred ground has been trampled by popes and emperors . In short, do not miss the opportunity to visit it!

👉  Suggested Tour: San Petronio and panoramic terrace

3. The Quadrilatero

Quadrilatero, Bologna Italy old market

The Quadrilatero is probably the most picturesque district of the historic center. In ancient times the area was dedicated to trade. Since the Middle Ages, the ancient streets have hosted the workshops of artisans and the headquarters of commercial corporations .

Today the tradition is still present and coexists with modernity. Walking through the narrow streets you will see shops of the famous luxury brands and small boutiques , delicatessens and restaurants with typical products.

👉  Find out the Best Food Tour in Bologna

4. The Seven Churches

Thing to do in bologna

Piazza Santo Stefano is one of the most fascinating places in Bologna, the complex of seven churches overlooking the square is a masterpiece of religious architecture. The Basilica of Santo Stefano is made up of seven religious buildings that have undergone variations and extensions over the centuries. In this way, the complex of seven churches represents the evolution that the city has had from its origins to nowadays.

5. Piazza Maggiore

Things to do in bologna

Piazza Maggiore is the heart of the city center and one of the oldest squares in Italy . It is there that the local people meet and the great events that animate the city take place. If you really want to experience the town, take at least a quarter of an hour and sit on the “ Crescentone ” that borders the square. From there you can observe what is happening around you and admire the magnificent palace that surround it.

6. L'Archiginnasio

Cosa vedere a bologna, archiginnasio

The Archiginnasio is located a few steps away from San Petronio and is certainly one of the most interesting buildings in the town. Born to host the lessons of the Alma Mater Studiorum (the oldest university in the world), it is a key place of Bolognese culture. The walls are adorned with beautiful heraldic coats of arms and some sections of this charming palace have a great artistic value. Not to be missed are the Stabat Mater Hall and the Anatomical Theater with the impressive teacher’s chair guarded by the “ Spellati ”, two skinned statues.

👉  Tour consigliato: Guided tour with food tasting

7. The Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca

San Luca, neve, capodanno a bologna, natale a bologna

The Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca or simply “ San Luca ” for the Bolognese people, is a place of worship strongly linked to the tradition of the city. This majestic church is located on the Guardia hill at a height of about 600 meters and its imposing structure dominates Bologna from above. You can easily reach it in different ways: by car, by bus, by a little train or  you can walk along the longest portico in the world , the one in via Saragozza . Whatever your choice, the panoramic terrace awaits you at the top from which you can admire the beautiful panorama .

8. The Neptune's Fountain

what to see in bologna - fontana del nettuno

The Neptune statue has rightfully been recognized as one of the heritage of the medieval age.  The beautiful fountain on which the god of the sea rests is a masterpiece of medieval art commissioned by the papal emissary Pier Donato Cesi . The beauty of the statue of Neptune derives not only from its majestic figure but also from the complex symbolism that is hidden in it. Discovering the secrets it hides will be one of the pleasures of your trip.

Read the article: The seven secrets of Bologna

9. The Little Venice

Cosa vedere a Bologna - Finestrella di via Piella - La piccola Venezi, sette segreti di Bologna

You probably don’t know it but Bologna is an ancient river town . Over time, almost all the naval canals of the town were covered. However, it is still possible to find visible traces of these in some parts of the city. The Finestrella (little window) of via Piella is a magical point where this is possible, it opens onto a stretch of underground river that re-emerges in the historic center. The image to which it gives life is defined by many as “Little Venice”. This is only one of the seven secrets of the city of the Emilia Romagna region , get ready to discover them all.

10. MAMbo Museum

cosa vedere a bologna, mambo, museo arte moderna bologna, italy

Without a doubt, the MAMbo is the most visited museum in the Emilia Romagna Region . The permanent collection can be visited through a thematic itinerary divided into nine sections. The museum, in addition to hosting the prestigious collection of modern and contemporary art , is often home to major international exhibitions.

If you like visiting museums, read our article on the 5 museums in the city not to be missed.

The Best Guided Tours

Whatever your tastes, you will certainly find what you are looking for, there are many itineraries and routes that will allow you to live extraordinary experiences .

You can enter the stalls of the ancient markets , contemplate with your eyes the wonderful Bolognese skyline and its soaring towers or be accompanied by a local guide .

Magnificent experiences are waiting for you, discover the unique itineraries and guided tours recommended by Bologna Guide!

walking tour to san luca - bologna, italy

Walking Tour to Church of San Luca

Quadrilatero, Bologna Italy old market

Sightseeing through the Quadrilatero, the Bologna Old Market

7 secrets of Bologna - 6 Venice Window

7 Secrets of Bologna – A journey through mystery

Bologna Food Tour

🏅The Best 7 Food Tours in Bologna

Bologna guide suggest you:, things to do in bologna: 22 tips.

Not sure what to do in Bologna ? Here are 22 unique things to do in the beautiful town! The activities are divided according to your knowledge of the city. They can be useful to those on their first visit as well as those who already know the place .

5 Things to do in Bologna for the first time

1. climb the asinelli tower.

The Asinelli Tower is one of the city’s landmarks, a building with an ancient history surrounded by legends. Reaching its summit is an experience not to be missed. The exciting view from the terrace will allow you to better appreciate the city skyline . The climb to the top is possible thanks to a wooden staircase of 492 steps , so put on comfortable shoes and get ready for a healthy and exciting physical activity.

A good way to tackle this adventure is to take a tour with a food tasting for a modest price . 

2. Eat in a typical Tavern

Bolognese cuisine is appreciated and known all over the world thanks to an ancient culinary tradition that began in the Middle Ages. Since ancient times, the prestige of the university has attracted people from all over the world.

This multicultural aspect has contributed to the mixing of different cultures , and not only in literary environments but also in the culinary environment, literally a real melting pot. There are many dishes, all to be savored!

o discover them all, we recommend our article: Bologna Food . Once you have decided what to taste, you just have to choose where to eat. About it you can read: Best restaurants in Bologna .

3. Admire the Compianto sul Cristo Morto

The Compianto sul Cristo Morto is an artwork full of pathos, worthy expression of the greatest Italian sculptural art. The Compianto is located inside Santa Maria della Vita church in Clavature street.

cosa fare a bologna, fontana del nettuno

4. Sit on the “Crescentone” and contemplate the facade of San Petronio.

Sometimes stopping in order to contemplate  the world and its continuous comings and goings can help us free ourselves from the anxieties and burdens that sometimes follow us even when we are traveling. The ideal place to do this is the large step in the main square called “ Crescentone ” by the citizens because it recalls the shape of the traditional focaccia .

5. Follow the itinerary to discover the Seven Secrets of the city

The Seven Secrets is an exciting journey that will allow you to visit the city from a different perspective than usual. This itinerary will open your eyes to a new and unknown world where mysteries take shape through statues and landmarks of Bologna .

11 Tips for those who have already seen the city

6. walking tour to san luca.

Surely one of the most loved habits of the local  people, this walk will take you along the longest portico in the world . It starts from Saragozza gate and then reaches the top of the Guardia hill where you can contemplate the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca . The route is certainly not the easiest but it has some pleasant surprises and it is a unique experience.

The sanctuary can also be reached by the San Luca Express train , here you can find the details of the tour.

7. Take a traditional cooking class

Bologna is the Italian capital of good food, each dish is rich in tradition and yet once your holiday is over, only a delightful memory remains.

Don’t worry, there is a way to bring home the wonderful flavor of Bolognese cuisine: learn the secrets of the Sfogline (the old ladies that make handmade pasta)! 

Here you can book your Bolognese cooking lesson.

8. Drinking wine in the oldest tavern of  Italy

Did you know that the Osteria del Sole is the oldest tavern in Italy ? There are written records that date it back to 1465 and, despite the passing of the years, the Sun has continued to shine, remaining a place of other times. In this medieval-flavored tavern, conviviality is a must.

9. Discover the Jewish ghetto

As in many European cities, a Jewish ghetto was established here too. The dark and narrow alleys of the ghetto have not undergone major changes and today give back to us a surreal image. Just say the name of the main street “ Via Dell’Inferno ” (hell’s street) to feel a shiver down your spine.

10. Go shopping in Galleria Cavour

Galleria Cavour is the place of excellence for l uxury shopping . Here you will find all the luxurious and high fashion boutiques you have always wanted. Just walking through the gallery, which is located under the ancient palace of the Pietramellara family , will make you feel like you are in a fantastic dream.

11. Ride a bike

Why not? A nice bike ride through the historic center is both fun and easy. In the city there are many cycle paths and bike parking areas. Bicycles are so popular among town residents that the municipality has even created a bike-sharing service, try it! (the page is available just in Italian, so sorry!)

cosa fare a bologna, mangiare il gelato

12.Taste the ice cream of the Cremeria Cavour

An ice cream that makes history, Cremeria Cavour (once Cremeria Funivia) is the perfect expression of the Bolognese ice cream tradition. For years the care and dedication of the ice cream makers is recognized by the local population. This is demonstrated by the patience with which the Bolognese people wait in line to taste this delicacy.

13. Feel the tradition in the old craft shops

The craftsmanship is kept alive and you can still find historic family-run shops in the town. Visiting these old shops is a way to contribute to the maintenance of that care and passion of work that is being lost over time.

14. Spend an evening between wine-bar and pub in Via del Pratello

If you are looking for a relaxed environment in which to spend a nice evening Via del Pratello is the place for you. Along the way there are several pubs , wine bars , restaurants and finger-food places. For years now, the area has become a haunt for those who love nightlife. Surely you will find what is right for you!

15. Explore Mercato delle Erbe, the old vegetable market

This beautiful place is located in the city center, in Ugo Bassi street . The Mercato delle Erbe is not only the city’s fruit and vegetable market , you will also find food shops with typical products. But the best is yet to come! Although the central area of the building has remained unchanged, the side rooms host restaurants and coffee bar where you can stop to eat and drink .

16. Enjoy the rain walking in the shelter of the porticoes

Just walk a few streets and you’ll notice that you’re in the city of Porticoes ! Even if the days are not sunny, don’t worry about it. Indeed, thanks to this beautiful architecture , the rain will no longer be an inconvenience but you can appreciate it while being comfortably sheltered by these beautiful arcades.

6 Things to do in Bologna that you probably do not imagine

17. admire the monumental cemetery of the certosa.

The Certosa is one of the most important cemeteries in Europe, in the 19th century the architectural and sculptural heritage of exceptional beauty made this place a stop on the journeys of Lord Byron , Theodor Mommsen , Charles Dickens and Jules janin .

18. Casa Carducci

The historic home where Giosuè Carducci spent his last years is now a space dedicated to culture. The Casa Carducci library consists of volumes collected by the poet and can be consulted freely. The rest of the building houses the Risorgimento Museum .

19.Cross the Cavaticcio park, learning that Bologna had a port

best places to visit in bologna italy

The charming Cavaticcio garden is just a few steps from the MAMbo . This enchanting place is what remains of the ancient port area. Despite the enormous changes it is still possible to see part of the Navile canal emerging inside the garden.

20. Attend an Aperitivo on the top of the tower

The Prendiparte tower is one of the 24 towers of the charming town that survived to the present day. Although the tower hosts a wonderful bed and breakfast now, on some occasions you can attend an aperitif on the terrace. Drinking wine on the top of the tower and enjoying the great view is certainly one of the most sensational things to do.

21. Finding the place where Maserati was born

Don’t you know? Maserati was born right here, not far from the Seven Churches . Today a plaque commemorates the place where the first headquarters of the prestigious car company stood. Engine enthusiasts will be proud to know this!

22. Have fun with vintage games at the Flipper Museum

If you thought that museums were just boring places where you have to contemplate in silence artworks, we will change your mind. At the Spazio Tilt is hosted part of the heritage of the Flipper Museum , over 400 specimens including pinball machines and video games . Important: every appliance can be used by visitors because these machines are designed to be used and not looked at.

Specola Museum in Bologna

Museo della Specola – Museum of Astronomy in Bologna

The Specola Museum of Bologna is the ideal place for all dreamers and for those who love contemplating the night sky, by visiting it you will be transported on a journey through the stars and the history of astronomy.

Botanical Garden and Herbarium in bologna

Botanical Garden and Herbarium

The Botanical Garden of Bologna is a surprising and fascinating place, this wonderful green space brings together a wide and unique variety of plants, flowers and trees from all over the world.

palazzo mercanzia bologna

Palazzo della Mercanzia In Bologna

The Palazzo della Mercanzia in Bologna, located on the square of the same name, is an authentic historical and cultural jewel. This palace is also the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Bologna, an institution that regulates the commercial and mercantile activities of the city.

The Museum for the Memory of Ustica

Museum for the Memory of Ustica

The Museum for the Memory of Ustica is a unique and moving place that offers a complete overview of the tragedy of 27 June 1980 and its effects on society. It is a place of meditation and reflection, but also of raising awareness and searching for the truth.

Via Zamboni, bologna

Zamboni Street

Zamboni Street is a historic street located in the center of Bologna. About 1 kilometer long, it connects the Two Towers to Porta San Donato, crossing the heart of the university area of the city. The street has played a significant role in the cultural life of Bologna thanks to the presence of the University of Bologna.

Villa Ghigi

The Villa Ghigi Garden

The Villa Ghigi Garden, located just outside Porta San Mamolo, is one of Bologna’s green gems. This enchanting park offers city dwellers and visitors an

villa spada in bologna

Villa Spada Garden

The Villa Spada Garden is one of the most characteristic green areas of Bologna, it extends for over 6 hectares and in some places reaches 120 meters in height. Inside the park there is no shortage of fabulous views created with great skill by a skillful mix of natural elements and architecture.

Porta San Felice Bologna, italy

Porta San Felice, ancient city gate

Porta San Felice is one of the ancient gates to the city of Bologna. Here’s what you need to know about a historic place with a strong strategic impact since the fourteenth century.

Porta Santo Stefano City Gate

Porta Santo Stefano, Bologna Ancient Gate

If you have decided to take a tour of Bologna, you cannot miss a visit to the ancient Porta Santo Stefano to take a walk among the porticoed corridors and the majestic buildings that will lead you straight to the wonderful Piazza di Santo Stefano, right behind the complex of the Seven Churches.

Porta san Vitale in bologna

Porta San Vitale, Bologna City Gate

Porta San Vitale appartiene alla terza cinta muraria della città di Bologna ed è un punto d’accesso storico del capoluogo emiliano, dalla bellezza senza tempo.

Porta mascarella bologna italy

Porta Mascarella, city gate

Porta Mascarella is part of the third circle of walls that once defended the city. Today it is a historic site of high cultural value.

Porta Lame, city gate, Bologna, Italy

Porta Lame, city gate

Situata a nord ovest del centro storico di Bologna, Porta delle Lame costituiva, insieme alle altre 12 porte, uno degli accessi nella terza cinta muraria

montagnola Bologna

The Montagnola Garden

The Montagnola Park is a green oasis in the heart of the historic center and, without a doubt, one of the most characteristic places in the city.

Porta donato bologna

Porta San Donato

Porta San Donato, also known as Zamboni, is one of the ancient gates that provided access to the third wall of Bologna

Porta Maggiore

Porta Maggiore, city gate

The ancient city is rich in historical monuments, such as its characteristics and ancient gates: let’s discover Porta Maggiore together

Porta Galliera bologna

Porta Galliera – City gate

Porta Galliera is part of the third wall of ancient Bologna and contains a very important story, arousing considerable charm among its visitors.

Accursi tower in bologna

Torre Accursi, Bologna Clock Tower

After a long restoration work, the iconic Torre Accursi, now known by all as the Clock Tower of Bologna, has finally returned to its ancient and immortal splendour. To fully experience the medieval charm of Bologna, you need to start right here.

Porta Saragozza Bologna

Porta Saragozza

Porta Saragozza is for Bologna an architectural structure of great charm, which still today wears its ancient medieval clothes, despite the fact that it has undergone various restoration interventions over the centuries.

Porta Castiglione Bologna, Italy

Porta Castiglione

If you are thinking of visiting Bologna you certainly cannot miss a view of its historic gates; one of the most famous is Porta Castiglione, also known as the “Porta dei canali”.


Brisighella 🏰 Complete guide to visiting the medieval village

Just cross the threshold of Brisighella, a splendid medieval village in the province of Ravenna, to feel transported back in time. Set in the lower

Sala Borsa Bologna

Sala Borsa, the Wonderful Library of Bologna

In this article we will tell you about one of the most important historical places in the capital of Emilia-Romagna: Sala Borsa. This wonderful library is a perfect example of a hidden gem!

Bologna Nightlife, nightclubs, clubs and discos

Bologna Nightlife: Clubs and Discos

  If you are looking for the best nightclubs in bologna? Here you will find all the information you need to organize your evening. Are

Fondazione Mast and museum in bologna

The Mast: museum and foundation

Born in 2013, the Mast of Bologna was created with the aim of becoming an international institution open to all, a place in which to learn the main techniques related to art, the world of photography and notions in the technological field.

Pinacoteca nazionale di bologna Art galley bologna

The Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

The National Art Gallery of Bologna, housed in the former Jesuit novitiate, is one of the most important museums in the Emilian city. It preserves a vast collection that includes Emilian painting from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century, although there are numerous non-Bolognese artists.

Re Enzo palace, bologna italy

Re Enzo Palace

Palazzo Re Enzo è sicuramente da annoverare tra gli edifici più maestosi di Bologna. Il solo guardare la sua facciata ti farà sognare di vivere

the archaeological civic museum mca of bologna

Archaeological Museum of Bologna

The Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna is strongly recommended for history lovers as well as for all those who wish to learn more about the roots and origins of our land.

Finestrella di Bologna little Venice in via Piella

The “Finestrella di Bologna” and the Little Venice in via Piella

The “Finestrella di Bologna” with over 19,000 posts on Instagram has become in a few years one of the most crowded attractions in the capital.

San Luca in Bologna

The Church of San Luca in Bologna

The Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca is a reference point for anyone who loves Bologna. Returning home from a trip, the sight of the sanctuary on the green Colle della Guardia warns us that our beloved city is nearby. Surrounded by legends and charm, this site is not just a place of worship but a real symbol that seems to watch over the city of Bologna from above.

Garisenda tower, the two tower of bologna, italy

The Garisenda Tower

The Garisenda is the faithful companion of the Asinelli tower and has been close to it since they were erected. The lower of the two towers is almost 48 meters high and is characterized by a steep slope that made it unusable for military purposes.

Church of San Francesco in Bologna

Church of San Francesco

The majestic and twisted structure of this Gothic style church will dazzle you as soon as you see it. Its construction dates back to 1263 and is perhaps the first example of French influence in Italian Gothic style


Christmas and new year eve in Bologna – All you need to know

To visit bologna you can not choose better, the days between Christmas and New Year Eve are perfect. the city is full of colored lights and the streets smell the scent of sweets and the sparkling winter air. With the new year knocking on the door you just have to enjoy the last days of 2018 starting 2019 in the best way.

Margherita Gardens of Bologna

Margherita Gardens

The Margherita Gardens are the ideal place to relax. A few steps from the center are the largest city park in the city.

palazzo d'accursio

Palazzo D’Accursio

Palazzo d’Accursio is one of the main historic buildings. Do not miss for any reason such an important place in the history and tradition of Bologna!

cathedral of san pietro, cathedral of san pietro, bologna

The Cathedral of San Pietro in Bologna

The most important church in Bologna is undoubtedly the Cathedral of San Pietro. Climb the bell tower and discover the “Grandma” who has been living there since 1594!

mercato delle erbe, bologna centro, dove mangiare a bologna

The Mercato Delle Erbe

The Mercato delle Erbe is a splendid example of how historic buildings can find a new function within the city center. Here is the place to shop and stop for lunch!

Borghi da vedere vicino bologna

5 villages to visit near Bologna

Near Bologna there are some of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Explore with us these medieval remains in search of the beauty that they hide among their tortuous alleys.

Mambo museum of modern art bologna

MAMbo – The modern art museum

The Mambo, the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna, is certainly one of the most beautiful museums to visit in the city. In our guide you will find useful information for your visit (such as hours and cost) and many curiosities. Following the nine thematic path you will find an extraordinary cross-section of modern and contemporary art that has characterized the Italian scene from the sixties to today.

San Domenico church in Bologna Italy

The Church of San Domenico

The Basilica of San Domenico is one of the most beautiful churches in Bologna, inside you will see the Arca di San Domenico which houses the remains of the saint. You can admire beautiful artworks of Italian artist including three statues of Michelangelo.

piazza maggiore, Bologna, Italy

Piazza Maggiore and the best squares to visit

Every good guide defines the main square, Piazza Maggiore, as the true center of Bologna. But many forget to explain why it is so important. Starting from Piazza Maggiore our guide will make you discover the most beautiful squares in the city

Bologna Tour - Panorama from Asinelli Tower

Discover the primacies of Bologna

Bologna is a world-famous city, but many travellers do not know that the it holds some primacies. The longest portico of the world is just one of them. Our guide will tell you what primacies the city has achieved through its history and what makes it a unique destination to visit.

Santo Stefano e le Sette Chiese

Seven Churches and the Basilica of Santo Stefano

The Basilica of Santo Stefano (mostly known as complex of Seven Churches) is of course a place to see in Bologna. This church is charming and show on its walls the scars of the ages, here you can see how the city was change during his history.

museum in bologna

Best 5 museum to visit in Bologna

Many places host artistic collection of different kind as well there are more than thirty museum. How to choose which one to visit first? In this post suggest you the best five museum to see in Bologna!

Archiginnasio bologna

The Archiginnasio and Anatomical Theatre

The Archiginnasio is a wonderful palace that deserves to be visited. Born to host the university lessons, is one of the most beautiful buildings to see, a place rich in history and culture!

San petronio Bologna

The Basilica of San Petronio – a must see church

You will be amazed by the Basilica of San Petronio. Its façade is the triumph of contrast between light and dark; at night the marble seems to shine with its own light and the bricks on the top combines with starry sky.

what to see in bologna - fontana del nettuno

The Neptune’s Fountain

The Neptune fountain is one of the top 10 attractions. The Neptune statue (Zigant in Bolognese slang, it means giant) is a landmark full of secrets to discover.

Asinelli tower, The two towers of bologna

The Asinelli Towers

The Asinelli and the Garisenda tower are the towers symbol of the medieval city and one of the best things to see. Climb the Asinelli Tower and reach his top is one of the things to do absolutely! Follow the tips of our guide and find out all the curiosity.

Bologna: Tourists FAQ

To really know it 100 years would not be enough. However, a day in the historic center will be enough to get a bit of its beauty.

In particular, we recommend you to:

  • Stroll in Piazza Maggiore and the Quadrilatero area
  • Contemplate the Two Towers from Via Rizzoli
  • Explore the Seven Churches complex

There are several activities that you can do for free by visiting the town of Emilia Romagna Region . Here are 6 activities not to be missed:

  • Visit the Botanical Garden in Irnerio street.
  • Follow the Seven Secrets tour .
  • Visit one of the Public Museums of the city on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Look out from the window of Piella street and see the “Little Venice”.
  • Reach the Sanctuary of San Luca through the Longest Portico in the World!
  • In summer, spend an evening at the  “ open-air cinema ” in Piazza Maggiore. In fact, during the event “ Sotto le Stelle del Cinema ” numerous visions of cult movies are offered completely free.

Bologna is magnificent in every season, it all depends on what you are looking for.

  • The month of December is ideal if you love the Christmas atmosphere and the markets, a giant Christmas tree is “planted” in the main square. If you want to learn more about it you can read: Christmas and New Year in Bologna .
  • During the spring , the city comes alive with outdoor events and concerts in city parks.
  • In the summer , cult films are shown during the “ Sotto le Stelle del Cinema ” exhibition and can be seen for free in the main square.

Staying at least 3 days in the city you can see all the main attractions :

  • Asinelli and Garisenda towers
  • San Petronio church
  • The Quadrilatero area
  • Seven Churches Complex
  • Piazza Maggiore
  • The Archiginnasio building
  • The Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca
  • Fountain of Neptune
  • The small window in Piella street and “The Little Venice”
  • The MAMBO – Museum of Modern Art of Bologna

Don’t forget to eat in a typical “osteria”, read our article to find out about the best restaurants in Bologna !

A visit on foot is perhaps the best way to enjoy the alleys of the city. The Central Station is about 15 minutes walk from the central square. Once there you can follow our 1 day itinerary.

Not sure what to do in Bologna when it rains ? No problem! First of all, remember that the historic center is surrounded by arcades and even without an umbrella you can avoid getting wet.

Among the most popular activities during a rainy day we have:

  • The traditional walk along Saragoza street, under the ancient portico of 4 km that leads up to San Luca Sanctuary.
  • Immerse yourself in the art and culture of one of the Best 5 Museums in Emilia Romagna Region .
  • Go to the Sala Borsa . Much more than just a city library, this property is worth a visit, at the very least.
  • Go to FICO Eataly World to discover the over 100,000 square meters dedicated to Italian culinary excellences.

The medieval architecture of Bologna is undoubtedly the ideal setting for a romantic evening .

Among the perfect places for a passionate kiss we have:

  • Piazza Santo Stefano
  • The Margherita Gardens

If, on the other hand, you are planning a romantic dinner, “ Vicolo Colombina ” and the “ Drogheria della Rosa ” are  the right restaurants for you.

If you are looking for an accommodation do not miss our article: Romantic Hotels in Bologna !

Between Christmas and New Year’s the streets come alive with lights and colors, there is so much to see and explore that you will be spoiled for choice.

In particular we suggest:

  • The Christmas Markets
  • Discover the Bolognese Nativity
  • Taste the “Panone”
  • Attending the Burning of the “Vecchione”.

For more details read our article: Christmas and New Year’s in Bologna

best places to visit in bologna italy

  • Accommodation
  • Guided Tours
  • Visit the Asinelli Tower
  • Walking Tour to San Luca
  • Car Parking
  • Taxi Service

best places to visit in bologna italy

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  • The 10 best things to do in Bologna, Italy in 2024
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Would you include the best things to do in Bologna in your itineraries? Just keep reading and discover them all.

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Embraced by the Po Valley, but a stone's throw from the gentle slopes of the Apennines, there's  Bologna , a lively melting pot of culture, art and architecture, but also full of things to do and thrills not to be missed .

In this article, we'd like to take you on a discovery of the things to do in Bologna so that you can get to know it in the most authentic (and fun) way possible .

So explore with us the things you should not miss during a stay in Bologna!

Things to do in Bologna, Italy: the 10 best things you shouldn't miss

things to do in bologna

The nicknames of Bologna are almost endless. We identify it with one color, red ; we call it "la Dotta" ("the Erudite") because one of the oldest universities in the world is located here. We call it "la Grassa" ("the Fat") because of its exquisite cuisine. Yet, the nicknames did not end there.

We also call it "Turrita" ("Towered"), for its beautiful skyline embellished with slender towers , and also "porticata" ("Porticoed"). After all, we know well, that if we want to explore the capital of Emilia on a rainy day, the umbrella may not even be needed.

In short, a city that, since the rich array of nicknames, presents itself as a jewel with infinite facets. In this article, we wish to introduce you to at least 10 of them .

Here, then, are the 10 unmissable things to do in the beautiful Bologna .

10. A walking tour of the City of Porticoes

best things to do in bologna italy

We anticipated this already in the introduction. One of the most interesting things to do in Bologna is precisely to walk through the streets of the city, going from one portico to another. You will find that, in this way, you will be able to cover much of the historic center.

However, if you want to learn more about the city of Bologna and go beyond the clichés (and the usual familiar sights!), we definitely suggest joining a guided tour .

Not only will you be able to appreciate more of the city's turbulent history and rich architecture , but you will also learn about its curiosities and secrets that make it one of the most popular destinations in our country.

best places to visit in bologna italy

9. The climb to the world's tallest leaning medieval tower

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best places to visit in bologna italy

We cannot say we have been to the capital of Emilia if we have not visited the Two Towers of Bologna, the most symbolic place in the entire city.

Well, the Asinelli Tower itself, at 97 meters high (318 ft), is believed to be one of the tallest leaning medieval towers in the world . It was erected in about 10 years, starting in 1109, and is one of 20 towers that you can still see adorning the Bologna skyline today.

Imagine the thrill of climbing its steps (nearly 500) and overlooking one of the most picturesque views in the entire city? At the end of the experience, you can refresh yourself with a tasting of local products.

8. A day among the excellence of Italian food and wine

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Why FICO Eataly World is such a great fair? In fact, it continues to attract thousands of visitors every year. As a matter of fact, the number is growing month by month, so much so that we have come to count 3 million visits over the course of an entire year!

Why so many visitors are fascinated by the  world's largest fairs dedicated to food and wine ?

On the one hand, there is the desire for discovery of excellence whose fame has crossed Italian borders for decades. On the other, however, there is also the opportunity to touch the endless delights of the Italian cuisine . You can not only taste and taste, but also touch them with your own hands. Here you can access workshops and courses to create the perfect Neapolitan pizza or even gelato!

7. Things to do in Bologna: the discovery of Accursi Tower and its great clock

thing to do in bologna italy

We are located in Piazza Maggiore, and this tower is part of the splendid Palazzo d'Accursio.

Many, however, know it because one of the largest clocks in Italy is located here, with a diameter of no less than 6.40 meters (20 ft)! For this reason, the Accursi Tower is also known as the Clock Tower of Bologna.

Why come here? For two reasons, essentially, of which we do not know which to prioritize. On the one hand, in fact, you will be able to see with your own eyes the complex and mesmerizing mechanism that makes the majestic clock work.

On the other hand, however, you will be able to visit the splendid municipal collections housed on the top floor of the Palace and learn more about the history, including artistic history, of the city. It's indeed one of the greatest things to do in Bologna!

6. A tasteful stop at the local market

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One of the most famous and picturesque districts of this city is undoubtedly the Quadrilatero.

So, if you are in Bologna, you cannot miss taking a walk through its splendid market , considered one of the oldest in the country. In its narrow streets, side by side, you will find craft stores and old stores where, from generation to generation, arts and crafts have been handed down.

The best way to visit this neighborhood, however, in our opinion, is also from a taste perspective! Tasting and sampling local products is a must , and we have found a way to make this experience convenient and super easy !

5. Among the best things to do in Bologna: a tour of its greatest Basilica

unmissable things to do in bologna italy

San Petronio is the largest basilica in the entire city . It is located in Piazza Maggiore and strikes visitors with its unfinished façade : in fact, the lower band is covered with marble, according to the 14th- and 16th-century style, while the upper band still has exposed bricks.

This great Bolognese basilica, however, is also worth a visit inside. In fact, you'll find the oldest organ in the world still working, made at the end of the 15th century, and the splendid Chapel of the Three Kings, with frescoes of Heaven and Hell. Don't forget to visit Cassini's sundial , one of the tallest in the world!

The church is generally open daily and admission is free.

4. The splendor of the world's longest portico

unmissable things to do in bologna

Yes, we are not only in the so-called "City of Porticoes", but also in the place with the longest portico in the world .

And how to visit it? You could decide to walk it (3.5 km /2.17 mi on an incline), or observe it comfortably aboard the San Luca Express.

This fabulous tourist train , in fact, will take you from the historic center to the Colle della Guardia. Right here is the Basilica of San Luca, the destination of one of Italy's most important Marian pilgrimages . You will have plenty of time to visit the church, the arcades and observe the magnificent panorama, softened by the wooded area that surrounds the hill. At the end, a new train will take you back to the center.

3. A walk in the Villa Spada Park.

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If walking around Colle della Guardia has made you crave a bit of nature, among the things to do in Bologna we certainly suggest you go to Villa Spada Park .

It covers a good 6 hectares and is embellished with beautiful holm oaks, laurels, cypresses and typical Mediterranean scrub vegetation . There is also an area dedicated to woodland, with dogwoods, maples and hawthorns, as well as a beautiful Italian garden embellished with statues.

As you climb the higher elevations of the park, you can also enjoy splendid views of the center.

2. The tour of the oldest seat of the University of Bologna

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The Archiginnasio is one of the most important buildings in the entire capital, as well as the ancient seat of the University .

In fact, the oldest university in the world was founded here in 1088. In fact, the term "University" was coined right here.

So, how great can be the excitement of delving into the discovery of this ancient place? You can learn about its history and vicissitudes, but also visit its most important places. In fact, you will be able to access the Municipal Library but also the splendid Anatomical Theater , rebuilt after World War II. Be sure to purchase skip-the-line tickets!

1. The best thing to do in Bologna to end the day on a high note.

best things to do in bologna italy

We thought long and hard about which things to propose to you to worthily crown your Bologna days, and the choice was not easy!

After visiting churches, towers, palaces and beautiful natural places, we thought there was only one thing missing: a tour of its wines !

Because, after all, we understood, this city is synonymous with art, architecture and history, but undoubtedly also with great food and wine!

So, with an expert guide, you can explore the streets of Bologna by letting yourself be led... by your palate !

Which things are you planning to do next time in Bologna?

With this article, we hope we have inspired you to visit one of the most eclectic and vibrant cities in our country.

In fact, in every respect, Bologna offers incredible opportunities and interesting things to do to anyone who has the desire.

So let this city itself lead you by the hand in its discovery.

Or, if you prefer, you can always let your five senses lead you ....

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best places to visit in bologna italy

Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

The Best Walking Tours in Bologna

A quiet street in sunny Bologna, Italy while taking a walking tour

Located in Northern Italy, Bologna is considered one of the food capitals of Italy . And given Italy’s culinary reputation, that must be saying something.

Food is what draws most visitors here ( it’s what drew me there ). I had heard it’s the place for foodies in Italy and I was not disappointed.

Unsurprisingly, there are lots of amazing food tours here that allow you to eat your way around town while learning about the region’s traditional cuisine. There are also wine tours galore plus plenty of history-oriented tours to ensure you learn about this food-centric city’s past.

In short, Bologna is the perfect place to take a walking tour. And, since I love walking tours of all kind, I took a bunch while I was in town. Some were great, some were ok, some where terrible . Here’s the best walking tours I took in Bologna to help you plan your visit:

Best Overall Tour

The Take Walks walking tour company logo

Take Walks is my go-to tour company in Italy, offering access to places that no other gets and featuring incredibly knowledgeable guides. I always have fun and learn a lot on these tours. I can’t recommend them enough.

Their Tastes & Traditions tour lasts 3.5 hours and includes nine mouth-watering offerings (plus coffee and wine). You’ll get to visit markets, sample artisan fare, and learn all about traditional cuisine. If you only do one tour here, make it this one.

Best Free Tour

Lisbon chill-out tour yellow logo

Free Walking Tour Bologna

Offered daily, this is the best (and most popular) free tour in town and a good introduction to Bologna. It lasts two hours and covers all the highlights, including Piazza Nettuno, the Jewish Ghetto, Piazza Maggiore, and more. It’s informative without being boring and perfect primer for first-time visitors. Just remember to tip your guide at the end!

While those are my favorite paid and free tour operators in town, Bologna as a lot more to offer walking tour companies. Here are three other companies I like a lot:

1. Do Eat Better

If you’ve still got an appetite, join Do Eat Better’s Traditional Food Tour . Led by an expert local guide, this 3.5-hour tour makes stops at four hand-picked eateries, where you can try fresh pasta, artisanal ice cream, locally sourced meats, and more (you’ll definitely leave full). I especially like that you not only get to try some amazing traditional food but get off the tourist trail and beat the crowds. It’s a must-do tour for foodies.

Tours start at 90 EUR.

Book here!  

2. Bologna Wine

If you’re like me and love vino, you’re going to want to book this guided wine tour . It’s led by a sommelier and features a wide variety of wines from around Bologna. You’ll visit lesser-known spots, try some unique vintages, and develop a deeper appreciation for the region’s wines. You’ll also get to stop at the city’s oldest tavern, which I think is really neat. Tours last 2-3 hours (depending on which you book) and include 2-5 glasses of wine (again, depending on the tour). The guides really know their stuff, so you’ll learn a ton on this tour.

Tours start at 69 EUR.

3. Travelhoo

To burn off all the amazing food you’ve been enjoying, take a guided bike tour with Travelhoo. Over the course of 2.5 hours, you’ll learn about Bologna’s long history and visit its main sights, such as Piazza Maggiore, the Basilica of San Petronio, and the Neptune Fountain. It’s a solid introduction to the city and how it came to be the food and wine hub that it is today.

While this is an active tour, the guide leads you at a leisurely pace, so you don’t need to be super fit to enjoy it.

Tours start at 75 EUR.

Bologna may not get the attention that Rome or Venice do, but when it comes to food, it holds its own. Take one of the walking tours above and learn about its history and culture and feast on the amazing eats that have put the city on the map for centuries!

And while these are my favourite tours in the city, the website GetYourGuide has lots more options so check them out if you’re looking for additional tours!

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Get Your In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!

My detailed 200+ page guidebook is made for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel while in Europe. It has suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on and off the beaten path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, safety tips, and much more! Click here to learn more and get your copy today.

Book Your Trip to Italy: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

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Hi, I’m Nomadic Matt, the New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and Ten Years a Nomad, as well as the founder of this website! And I’m here to help you save money on your next trip.

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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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People on a food tour exploring Bologna, Italy"


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best places to visit in bologna italy

An Italian Local Picked 15 Restaurants In Bologna You Should Know About

M ost tourists heading to Italy know about the country's strengths in the food department. While bad restaurants certainly abound, especially in heavily trafficked areas, there is no shortage of great food in Rome , Florence, and Venice, which tend to be among the top bucket list destinations for many visitors.

But there are some cities in Italy where you have to really struggle to get a bad meal. Where practically every restaurant -- with the possible exception of those harshly lit 24-hour joints with rotating mystery meats or sweaty day-old pizza slices -- can whip up satisfying, high-quality dishes made with excellent ingredients. One of those cities is Bologna, Italy's veritable foodie epicenter and the birthplace of tortellini, Bolognese sauce, mortadella, and true culinary grit. 

Nestled in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna region, the city also boasts an extensive array of shops and markets that sell some of the freshest and tastiest cheeses, cured meats (which you shouldn't store in the pantry) , and produce you will ever encounter. So let's take a look at how you can sample these delights at some of the best restaurants in town. As a local living near Bologna, I personally selected these spots based on my experience and on careful consideration of Italian professional review sites.

Read more: The 20 Best Olive Oils For Cooking

The first thing you'll notice when you walk into this charming little bistro behind the bustling Mercato delle Erbe is the decor. The look is modern without being trendy and there are plenty of quirks to keep your eyes entertained throughout your meal, like oddly shaped mirrors and interesting tchotchkes on the shelves.

The menu is equally whimsical but not inconsistent, by any means. The zucchini flan available on a recent visit was bright green and as beautiful on the plate as it was tasty in the mouth. The dill risotto came in green and yellow hues dotted with pops of color and flavor courtesy of the cotechino, a traditional Italian sausage . The desserts make ample use of interesting and unusual ingredients, such as the meringue with black sesame, bergamot, tangerines, and tonka beans. Be sure to make a reservation as the space is not that large, especially in the winter when no outdoor seating is available.

+39 051 267420

Via S Gervasio, 5d, 40121 Bologna BO

Vicolo Colombina

This is the ideal restaurant to visit if you're looking for traditional Bolognese cuisine, like tortellini in brodo di cappone, or tortellini in capon broth, in a more upscale environment. Tucked away in a charming alley behind the city's main square, Piazza Maggiore, this intimate spot boasts white tablecloths, attentive service, and an enviable wine list comprising local gems.

The menu, curated by chef Leonora Rinaldi, is characterized by traditional dishes combined with innovative touches. Take for example the beef cheek with celery root puree instead of a more typical potato side, or the potato and mortadella sformatino, which reimagines those ingredients into a flan-like creation. But at the same time, real tradition is not messed with here. The tortellini will come as advertised, with nothing by the classic broth, while the balsamic vinegar used on the salad is the real deal from nearby Modena -- not the pure grape must kind, which is not ideal for salads, but the high quality, protected geographical indication (PGI) version.

+39 051 233919

Vicolo Colombina, 5b, 40123 Bologna BO

Ristorante Matusel

For a good old-fashioned, hearty Bolognese with tagliatelle, go to Ristorante Matusel near the university campus, where you'll get that and several other classic Emilian dishes executed well and with no fuss. The decor, like the dishes, is spare but attractive, relying on the charm of the hardwood floors, plain wooden tables, and exposed wooden beams.

If you get only one pasta with Bolognese sauce while in Bologna, get this one. It hits all the right spots in terms of tradition, with no fancy distractions, and you can easily get it as a quick bite for lunch along with a decent glass of table wine. The price point is also decidedly favorable at only 9 euros for a good-sized portion. And if you're not in the mood for Bolognese, everything else is good here too, like the tortellini in broth and the seafood dishes like the fritturina di pesce del giorno, a traditional fried fish recipe.

+39 051 231718

Via delle Belle Arti, 20C, 40126 Bologna BO

Bologna is not a port town, but that doesn't mean it can't get fresh, good-quality fish. Indeed, one of the best places to find this delicacy is at a restaurant that is also a fish market, which is the case with Banco 32, located inside the Mercato delle Erbe. This casual spot boasts an industrial chic look, which is brought together by the addition of plenty of plants.

The wine list is clearly designed for fish, as you will find a long list of white, rose, and sparkling wines, but only a few options for red. This is your chance to learn to enjoy a good white wine and fish pairing if you haven't already. As for the food, the menu is dictated by what is fresh that day. You may be lucky enough to find the cajun calamari with potato and leak cream or their amberjack carpaccio with black figs. It just depends on the day.

+39 051 269522

Via S Gervasio, 3a, 40121 Bologna BO

For good quality pizza with interesting toppings, bring your friends to Mozzabella, a casual spot located in a food hall inside the Mercato delle Erbe. Large tables that can be pushed together and pulled apart make this spot ideal for large groups, and a few sharing plates with squares of pizza of varying flavors can be a great way to sample as much as possible.

In particular, don't miss out on the combination of ricotta, chopped pistachios, and mortadella, another Bolognese delicacy . Equally tasty is the vegetarian pizza with zucchini cream, ricotta, lemon-marinated shaved zucchini slices, mint, and wild fennel. Didn't get enough pizza on your first try? Don't worry, you can always go back for more until you're full, or you can wander around the shared seating area and pick up some other snacks or drinks available at some of the other food stands.

+39 051 550506

Via del Pratello, 65b, 40122 Bologna BO

Traditional Emilian restaurants are a dime a dozen in Bologna, or whatever the Euro equivalent of that expression is. But Oltre, as the name suggests, goes beyond, which incidentally, is the English word for "oltre." In practice, this means that in addition to Bolognese tortellini in broth , this restaurant will also serve up plenty of dishes made with international techniques and ingredients, like the kiwi mascarpone or the reverse taco, with mackerel and a green puree that resembles guacamole but is actually made with peas.

In general, chef Daniele Bendanti has drawn heavily from his childhood repertoire when putting together the menu. A case in point is a Bolognese take on classic canederli, a South Tyrolean dish, made here with mortadella, ricotta, melted Stelvio cheese, and fermented cabbage, all presented in an impeccable fashion. Indeed, the decor is another thing about this restaurant that goes beyond tradition. Unlike many casual trattorias, this eatery is decked out in sleek accessories and fancy touches like cutlery rests.

+39 051 006 6049

Via Augusto Majani, 1/b, 40121 Bologna BO

Sandwiches may be casual affairs, but that doesn't mean they're lesser foods than those fancy creations served on large round plates surrounded by pristine white tablecloths. Pigro, a sandwich shop proves this point, especially when it comes to anything involving its specialty meat, mortadella. Other great offerings include anchovies on toast with butter, a selection of prosciutto, and spicy pecorino Romano cheese .

As for the setting, don't expect one to speak of. This is some standing-only counter space, but this place is more about the takeaway vibe, where you can grab a quick lunch and walk with it, or bring it to Piazza Maggiore, find a seat on a step somewhere, and people-watch. That is not a bad deal. This is the city's main square, surrounded by the majestic Basilica di San Petronio, a 14th-century church dedicated to the city's patron saint, and Palazzo d'Accursio, which has been the equivalent of a town hall since the 1300s.

+39 366 508 9699

Via de' Pignattari, 1b, 40124 Bologna BO

Trattoria Serghei

Although the name of this restaurant doesn't sound particularly Italian, the food it serves is as local as you can get. Not only that, but it has been a longtime favorite among the Bolognese people, in part because of the old-timey charm it still exudes even as the world continues to turn. The decor, as much as the food, is a refuge from our fast-paced lives, though admittedly, the pace of life in Bologna is already several notches down from what you'd expect in an American city of similar size.

The tagliatelle is homemade by hand and provides the perfect canvas for the homemade bolognese sauce, which is thick and satisfying. Tortellini of various sizes, shapes, and styles are available, along with an excellent roasted rabbit. All of these dishes also make ideal accompaniments to the local wines available by the glass or bottle. The menu is generally kept short and sweet, which can only be a good thing -- too much choice would just leave you feeling overwhelmed.

+39 051 233533

Via Piella, 12, 40126 Bologna BO

Trattoria Di Via Serra

This is an ideal spot to dine if you need a good restaurant close to the train station or toward the other side of town, away from the madding crowd of the central streets. The food is no less delicious than what you would find in the more heavily trafficked areas, so don't hold back on the tortellini and tagliatelle.

But pasta isn't the only dish this restaurant serves up. If you've been in Bologna for a while and are starting to feel like you need to get some vegetables in you, you won't go wrong with the asparagus with hazelnut butter. For something heartier, try the gnocchi made with stone ground chestnut flour and flavored with a ragu sauce made with sausage and Savoy cabbage. Both of these dishes are dependent on the seasons, but you may be able to find the delicious ricotta cake with salted caramel any time of the year.

+39 051 631 2330

Via Luigi Serra, 9b, 40129 Bologna BO

Trattoria Da Me

The name of this restaurant is Italian for trattoria "at my place," and that's exactly what it feels like when you walk in -- like you're being welcomed as a friend into someone's home. The decor is homey and comfortable but not frumpy, with warm colors and soft lighting. The family who runs the place has owned it since 1937, and the original proprietors' granddaughter, Elisa Rusconi, now heads up the kitchen.

Likewise, the menu has kept things in the family, so to speak, with dishes like "tagliolini come piacciono a mio padre," which means "tagliolini as my father likes them," which is essentially pasta flavored with soft squacquerone cheese and friggione, a local sauce made with a base of onions, tomato, and lard. There are also less traditional items on the menu, and the chef is not afraid to branch out to other cultures, as with the fried chicken with coconut sauce.

+39 051 555486

Via S Felice, 50a, 40122 Bologna BO

A restaurant that has been around for almost 70 years and is still going strong is definitely worthy of inclusion in this list, not just for its reputation, but also for the quality of the food. This comprises classical Bolognese dishes like tagliatelle al ragu or pasta and meat dishes embellished with sophisticated touches like shaved truffles.

The wine list is dominated by equally local and classical wines, but what sets it apart from those of other restaurants is that many of the bottles come courtesy of the family cellar, which is run by Da Cesare's owner's brother, Umberto Cesari, who is especially known for his Sangiovese wines. During winter to mid-spring, start your meal off with a scrumptious artichoke flan with Parmesan sauce accompanied by a fresh artichoke salad. End it with a stiff bite of zabaglione semifreddo, which is enriched with a generous amount of marsala.

+39 051 237710

Via de' Carbonesi, 8, 40123 Bologna BO

Ristorante Al Cambio

For an extra special meal in Bologna, head slightly out of town to Ristorante Al Cambio, in the Dozza area. The decor is sophisticated but comfortable, with fine white tablecloths and padded chairs that resemble armchairs more than dining room seating. The menu strikes the same tone, offering classic dishes like lasagna and veal cutlets but executed in a way that goes above and beyond what most other restaurants can do in terms of quality.

And while Italian desserts can disappoint, especially if you compare them to the intricacies neighboring France can provide, that is not the case at Ristorante Al Cambio, where every dish is carefully considered. Thus, a simple cream-flavored ice cream with Fabbri amarena cherries hits the spot, providing the perfect balance between sweet, creamy, and acidity. All the while, you'll have access to one of the best wine lists in the area, which not only provides ample choice but also excellent quality selections. The best surprise, though, is that the bill isn't going to set you back as much as you would expect. Indeed, the restaurant has been recognized as one of the best value eateries in the whole country.

+39 051 328118

Via Stalingrado, 150, 40128 Bologna BO

All'Osteria Bottega

The recipes used in this restaurant are so traditional that chef Daniele Minarelli had to go and dig them out from the days of yore, in some cases recovering modes and methods that had fallen into disuse. The delivery system is just as traditional: You will start your meal with a charcuterie board of local cheeses and cured meats, followed by Bolognese tortellini or tagliatelle with ragu, and if you have room, you can even order a second course of breaded veal cutlet.

Finish it all off with a cake made with rice, straight from the kitchen of the chef's mother, figuratively speaking. Wash it all down with high-quality Emilian wines. Dining at this restaurant is all about traditional Italian dishes, so you're not going to find any interlopers in terms of ingredients. But that in itself is refreshing, as attempts at embellishing Italian cuisine go horribly wrong more often than not.

+39 051 585111

Via Santa Caterina, 51, 40123 Bologna BO

Most classic Bolognese food requires you to sit down at a table and use a fork and knife. No one wants to delve into a big plate of tagliatelle al ragu with nothing but their bare hands. But there is such a thing as Bolognese street food, no cutlery required, and Indegno can prove it in the form of the crescentina, which is essentially a fried bread made with flour, water, and lard, and then stuffed with cured meat and cheese, in the manner of a sandwich.

But while sandwiches, in general, aren't particularly special, the crescentina is the ideal way to sample Bolognese food products on the go. The carefully constructed bread, made with high-quality ingredients and proofed just enough to make this heavy fried food easily digestible, pairs beautifully with Bolognese mortadella or pecorino cheese. Other fried items here include various types of tortellini, which you can also eat with your hands out of paper folded into a conical shape for easy transport.

+39 051 014 3306

Via del Pratello, 84/A, 40122 Bologna BO

There is no shortage of pizza restaurants anywhere in Italy, which is why it can sometimes be hard to pick out the really good ones. As far as Bologna is concerned, one of those really good ones is Span, which boasts several central locations. The Neapolitan-style pizza is true to form, with a puffy, soft crust and a flat center packed with high-quality tomato sauce and mozzarella.

Especially flavorful are the mortadella, done in collaboration with Mortadella lab, a local deli that makes excellent cured meats, and the Coppa di Parma, made with prosciutto and artichoke hearts. These two have the added benefit of being made with hyper-local ingredients. This pizzeria also serves a number of classic red or white pizzas, along with calzones and fried pizzas. In other words, this place has something for everyone, including those who are just humoring their friends' pizza cravings and only want a nice, simple Caprese salad.

+39 051 281 5313

Via Laura Bassi Veratti, 1h, 40137 Bologna BO


I compiled this list of restaurants based on my knowledge of the city and its culinary scene, which I've experienced on each visit over the years from nearby cities where I've lived. I reviewed the first five restaurants on the list based on my personal experience of dining at these establishments, while the rest were gathered from recommendations from close friends who live in Bologna. I also included recommendations from professional Italian review sites like Gambero Rosso, which is the preeminent Italian guide to restaurants in the country.

The qualities I looked for in a restaurant were whether the website or a professional review site mentioned innovative ideas of the chef, attention to quality ingredients, the use of local products, or all of the above. I focused on restaurants that were mentioned multiple times across various reputable review sites and that also had good individual reviews on Google. Restaurants that were only mentioned once, or that had a bad overall score on Google were not included. I also considered where the restaurants are located in the city and what kind of food they serve, with a view to including a wider geographical area and a variety of budgets.

Read the original article on Tasting Table .

Bologna city, dishes

Stoked to Travel

Day Trips from Bologna: 8 of the Best Places to Visit near Bologna, Italy

The underrated city of Bologna in the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna is rising in popularity. But until recently, it always sat in the shadow of its tourist-magnet neighbours, including Florence, Rome, Venice and Milan.

Not only is Bologna the true home of some of the best food in Italy, such as tagliatelle al Ragù, lasagne and mortadella ham, but it is also an excellent base for exploring the region. This is mostly thanks to the efficient train network. Some of the best day trips from Bologna include Modena, home of Ferrari and Lamborghini and the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar. Or Reggio Emilia, famed for Parmigiano Reggiano (aka Parmesan cheese) and Ravenna , known for its UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

There’s an endless list of charming destinations in Emilia Romagna to visit as day trips, but here are my favourites.

So let’s jump in!

Best day trips from Bologna

Day trips from Bologna: Travelling by train

All of these day trips are based on using the highly efficient train network in northern Italy. Bologna Centrale station is conveniently located at the heart of the north-south route and the east-west route.

Trains are cheap, regular and comfortable on Italy’s high-speed train network.

You can either book trains on the day, or join a tour with a local guide who will handle all the logistics and transportation.

best day trips from Bologna

How to buy train tickets

At Bologna Centrale station, head to the main ticket hall. You can either queue and pay at a counter, using the ticketed line system. Or you can use one of the machines, all of which have the option to select English instructions. The machines are very straight forward to use, and accept both card payments and cash.

You must validate your train tickets before boarding a train. They are easy to buy at the small machines on the platform.

Generally, the day trips from Bologna in this guide, will be fine to book on the day. If it is the height of summer, then perhaps book one day before for ease.

Trains leave to all these destinations multiple times an hour in summer months. However, to guarantee a seat on to the destinations further afield, i would definitely book in advance.

When you get your ticket, make sure to double check which platform the train departs from. Confusingly, there are east and west platforms with the same number. The best way is to check the boards for the exact train number, instead of the destination.

Vineywards near Modena, Emilia Romagna

Where to stay in Bologna?

Bologna’s train station is around a 25-30 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore at the heart of the city. If you’re planning day trips from Bologna, then I recommend staying near the train station. There are a couple of great hotels nearby, including the NH Bologna de la Gare and the Mercure .

If you’d prefer to stay in the city centre, then I highly recommend staying at the Hotel Cavour . A beautiful hotel in a very central location. Other fantastic options include Art Hotel Commercianti , I Portici and Corona d’Oro .

Best day trips from Bologna – within Emilia Romagna

Famous for: Prosciutto di Parma ham and Parmigiano-Reggiono cheese

Train travel: 50 minutes / 99 km / approx. €6 each way

Parma is world-renowned for its famous export of Parma ham, locally called Prosciutto di Parma. And together with its nearby neighbour, Reggio Emilia, it also produces Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, aka parmesan. Both of these are certified DOP (designated origin of protection), so this is an essential day trip for all foodies .

Parma offers the chance to learn about the production, as well as plenty of opportunities to sample the produce. The city also earned the title of UNESCO Creative City for Gastronomy in 2015.

The town itself is also charming, and in 2020 is actually Italy’s Capital of Culture. Parma’s best known attractions include the medieval Piazza Duomo, the Cathedral, the Teatro Farnese, and the famous octagonal baptistry. You could also plan to attend the opera at Teatro Regio.

I recommend joining a morning walking tour, such as this one . Following this, you can browse the markets and sample some of the local wines, such as the fizzy Lambrusco. In the afternoon, visit the production factories for Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and Parma ham. But note you must join a tour to visit these. The factories are generally closed to public-viewing, except for tours. Here is an excellent tour taking in both factories .

Learning how Parmigiano-Reggiono cheese is produced in Parma

The production factories are generally still family-run, so you’re likely to be following a family member for the tour. You can learn the history behind the production, as well as the storage of the cheese and the curing of the ham. It was fascinating, plus it finished with delicious tastings!

Cheese factory near Parma

Famous for: Fast cars! As well as Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, the chef, Massimo Bottura and the singer Pavarotti

Train travel: 32 minutes / 50 km / approx. €4 each way

Modena is a fantastic day trip, offering a wide variety of attractions to appeal to everyone. And of course, it is the birthplace of two very famous Italians, Enzo Ferrari and Luciano Pavarotti. This tour here takes in the best of the city, including local food tastings.

Some of Modena’s most famous exports are its supercars. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and Pagani all originate from Modena, and are still designed and built here. Whether or not you’re a petrol head, the car museums and production factories are fascinating.

I highly recommend visiting the Enzo Ferrari Museum, where you can learn about the history of the car. Unfortunately, Ferrari’s production line is closed to the public (unless you are a Ferrari owner). But you can visit Lamborghini’s incredible factory on a guided tour.

Visiting the Motor Valley in Emilia Romagna

Note: All phones, cameras and personal belongings must be put in a locker before entering the production line.

You can also arrange a visit to nearby Maranello to take a Ferrari test drive tour on the track. This is a true a once-in-a-lifetime experience! To get to Maranello, you can take a quick taxi from Modena. Or you can join a tour such as this one , which will include transport.

Enzo Ferrari Museum near Modena

As well as being the home of the supercar, Modena is also famous for its production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar. One of the best things to do in Modena is to visit one of the famous family cellars. Here you can learn how and why they produce the world-famous sweet Balsamic Vinegar.

Traditional balsamic vinegar production near Modena

Finally, if you enjoy fine dining, make sure to visit Osteria Francescana. You will need to save up and book WELL in advance for lunch or dinner here. Winning the award for the World’s Number 1 Restaurant for several years running is no mean feat. The restaurant is owned by Massima Bottura who is world-renowned for serving some of the very best food in the world.

Modena’s picturesque city centre is also worth visiting, with the UNESCO World Heritage Piazza Grande at the centre. Spend an hour wandering the pretty cobbled streets, and make sure to visit the Mercato Albinelli food market. This tour here is an excellent 2-hour walking tour of the city with an English-speaking guide.

Modena is one of the best day trips from Bologna

Famous for: The prominent Este family, and its Renaissance architecture

Train travel: 35 minutes / 48 km / approx. €5 each way

Ferrara, in the east of the region, was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995 for its art and culture.

The Este family ruled this town for centuries, living in the imposing 14th century Este Castle in the centre. You can head inside on a tour to view the lavish rooms, and wander or cycle alongside the moat outside.

To fully appreciate the history, I recommend joining an insightful tour with a local such as this one . Or this tour here which includes travel from Bologna too.

best day trips from Bologna

Famous for: Being the capital of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, for the early Byzantine mosaics, and as the final resting place for Dante.

Train travel: 1hr10 minutes / 84 km / approx. €7 each way

Ravenna is famous for its dazzling collection of early Christian churches and Byzantine mosaics. The city is a must-visit for all lovers of art history!

Some of Ravenna’s basilicas or mausoleums look quite unassuming from the outside. But inside they are adorned with intricate mosaics, all of which are magnificently preserved.

Mosaics in Ravenna

Three key attractions not to miss are the Basilica San Vitale, the Basilica di Sant’Apollinare and the Galla Placidia Mausoleum. A combination ticket grants you access to these and several other sites and costs €9.50. I highly recommend joining a guided walking tour to fully appreciate these sites.

Ravenna is also the final resting place of the poet Dante Alighieri. I recommend visiting his tomb in the heart of town to learn about the fascinating history.

The city is also adjacent to a glorious stretch of beach at Marina di Ravenna, so you could also make a beach day too.

Make sure to read my detailed guide on the best things to do in Ravenna here .

Singita Beach Club in Ravenna

Famous for: Being a popular Italian beachside town, as well as the home of the famous filmmaker Federico Fellini

Train travel: 1hr30 / 121 km / approx. €8 each way

This iconic beach resort on the Adriatic Sea is much loved by Italians. But there’s so much more than the nine mile stretch of golden sand. Rimini is the birthplace of world-renowned Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini. His most well- known films are La Dolce Vita, Amarcord and 8 /12.

He was born in the city and many of his films draw inspiration from his childhood and life here. His favourite hotel was the Grand Hotel Rimini, which is well worth a visit. He also frequented many other areas, including the Cinema Fulgor.

There are also countless Roman ruins, museums and historical sites peppered throughout Rimini. Make sure to also visit the charming neighbourhood of Borgo san Giuliano. This colourful district dated back to the 11th century, and is awash with quirky street art and family-run trattorias. I recommend joining a walking tour here to make the most of your time in Rimini.

best day trips from Bologna

Best day trips from Bologna – further afield

These day trips are a little further afield, but definitely worth considering if you want to explore the neighbouring regions of Lombardy and Veneto.

Famous for: Its global influence in fashion and design, as well its stunning Duomo Cathedral. It is also home to The Last Supper, by Leonardo di Vinci.

Train travel: 1hr30 / 201 km / approx. €10 each way

A global powerhouse in the world of fashion and design, Milan has one of the world’s most iconic fashion weeks. Brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Missoni, Moschino, Prada and Versace all started in Milan.

It’s also packed with historical and cultural gems, as well as financial institutions as it is the economical capital of Italy. Milan is a huge city, but the best things to do are in its centre. This small group 3-hour guided walking tour takes in the all the best sites in the city, as well da Vinci’s The Last Supper at the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

Day trips from Bologna

Of course, make sure to visit the city’s central square at Piazza del Duomo. It’s popular with locals and tourists alike, and is typically very busy every day of the week. It’s a hive of activity with excellent shopping streets nearby, and plenty of places to eat and drink whilst watching the world go by. Nearby is also Italy’s oldest shopping mall, the Galleria Vittori Emanuele. It has a stunning glass dome and intricating detailing and design throughout – although the stores are typically very expensive, it’s worth walking through here just to admire the architecture.

Galleria Vittori Emanuele in Milan

For an amazing viewpoint of the square, make sure to visit La Rinascente shopping mall just nearby. Take the lift to the top and enjoy well-priced drinks and an excellent view. There are other more expensive bars bordering the square with entry as high as £25, so I recommend visiting this roof bar instead.

There are plenty of things to do in Milan, but one lesser known place to visit is the Terme Milano QC , a city centre thermal day spa. It has two floors, with an open air pool and an indoor pool, where you can spend the day swimming and relaxing. There are countless treatment rooms, with massages starting from around €88/£78/$99 (with all day entry). Finally, it has bottomless food and drink from 7-9pm, so at (€48, £43, $54), it offers excellent value.

best places to visit in bologna italy

Make sure to also visit Lievita Pizzeria , which serves some of the best pizza in Milan at reasonable prices and best of all, no tourists!

Famous for: As the setting for the Romeo & Juliet and for the Arena di Verona, which is still in use today

Train travel: 1hr / 144 km / approx. €9 each way

Verona is a beautiful, compact city that is easy to explore and enjoy in a day trip. Once in Verona, you can of course visit the Casa di Giulietta which is one of the most popular things to do in Verona. There is the option to pay to go inside, but visiting the courtyard and seeing the balcony is free.

The Arena di Verona located in Piazza Bra in the heart of the city is magnificent and the 8th largest amphitheatre from Roman times. The opera performs here, as well as other concerts, with the amphitheatre seating nearly 22,000 people. The Arena di Verona is actually better preserved than the Colosseum in Rome, with far fewer crowds and tourists!

Other gems in Verona are based around its Centro Storico, and the beautiful piazzas, castles and towers dotted around the city. The city is best explored on foot or on bikes , and I recommend this walking tour here if you’re looking to join an English-speaking guide to explore Verona.

I highly recommend Liston12 in Piazza Bra for a delicious affordable lunch, as well as one of the best wine bars in Verona at Vini Zampiera alla Mandola.

Make sure to read my detailed guide to Verona here , covering all of the best things to do the city.

Famous for: Its canals, gondola rides, St Marks Square and its nearby islands

Train travel: 1hr46 / 153 km / approx. €9 each way

Venice, one of the most famous cities in the world and one of the most popular places to visit in Italy. Drawing tourists from across the globe, arriving in their masses by both air and cruise ships, Venice is notorious for its crowds.

That being said, it’s still an iconic city and well worth a visit. Visiting as a day trip from Bologna also means avoiding the expensive hotel prices in Venice too.

Venice as a day trip from Bologna

The key sites in Venice are centered around the famous Piazzo San Marco (St Mark’s Square), Saint Mark’s Basilica and the Rialto Bridge. And of course, exploring the canals. You can easily explore these on foot, which allows you to freely wander in the stores and cafes. But the most romantic thing to do in Venice is of course to enjoy a ride in a gondola, but this is rather expensive (often €70 per hour).

This self-guided discovery tour is an excellent way to explore the city, using an audio guide and a walking map. Alternately, this 2 hour small-group walking tour is another great to explore Venice.

Make sure to read my longer guide to visiting Venice here .

Travelling by gondola along the canals in Venice

Places to Visit near Bologna, Italy

So there’s my guide covering the best day trips from Bologna, in the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna. It’s really easy to explore the surrounding area around Bologna and there are endless things to do and see.

I hope this is useful but please do let me know if you have any questions!

Don’t forget to also check out my Italy guides too, which are below:

  • How to spend a weekend in Venice
  • Visiting Murano and Burano as a day trip from Venice 
  • Best things to do in Verona
  • Best things to do in Ravenna

best day trips from Bologna

Wanna see more? Check my Instagram  here , my Facebook  here  or my Twitter  here !

Disclaimer:  This is an independent guide to day trips from Bologna and is based on multiple visits to Bologna.  The tourism board has supported some of these visits.

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Loved this. Picked up few ideas from here. The pic with the car is stellar!

Interesting Blog. Thanks for sharing these information with us. I didn’t knew there are such amazing places to travel near Bologna. Keep up the good work.

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