chenonceau castle

These Are the 22 Most Enchanting Castles in the World

Get ready to live out those childhood fairy-tale fantasies.

Their fabled halls give insight into the triumphs (and tragedies) of their rulers while the intricate frescoes and tiles decorating the grand banquet rooms honor the greatest artists of that time. The tall turrets give in-depth architectural lessons on the ornate styles that reigned during that time and beyond. And one cannot overlook the eclectic fabrics and furnishings preserved over centuries, which still can be found in many of the palaces' original meeting rooms. Simply put, castles serve as palatial time machines allowing guests an extravagant glimpse into the past. From a Danish palace rebuilt after a devastating fire to a Japanese fortress that echoes the beauty of nature, these enchanting estates hold bountiful tales to fill up volumes of storybooks. Below, the 22 most beautiful castles in the world that will leave you full-heartedly believing in “happily ever after.”

Alhambra in Granada, Spain

view of the famous alhambra, granada, spain

The Alhambra sits high above the city of Granada as a symbol of Spain's rich history. Ibn al-Aḥmar, the founder of the Naṣrid dynasty, first commissioned the hilltop palace and fortress in 1238. As different leaders came to power, the Moorish complex grew to include three distinct areas: a quarter for the royal family, a military base, and a quarter for the court officials.

During his reign, Charles I ordered the destruction of areas in the palace in an effort to build more Renaissance-style structures. However, guests can still see the original Moorish tile work and architecture in the restored Naṣrid buildings throughout the complex.

Castillo San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, Puerto Rico

el morro, castillo castle san felipe

Construction for Castillo San Felipe del Morro , also known as El Morro, took nearly 250 years to complete. The Spanish began building the fort in 1539 at the very top of Old San Juan. The six levels of the fortress were strategically designed to give inhabitants an advantage over any enemy ships coming to the harbor. By the time it was completed in 1790, El Morro was already given the reputation of being unconquerable, winning numerous attacks—including one from Sir Francis Drake in 1595 and a 1625 invasion from the Dutch. The fort was never defeated.

Today, the fort is considered a World Heritage Site, and the National Park Service established it as a museum

Château de Chenonceau in Chenonceaux, France

chenonceau castle

Surrounded by manicured formal gardens, Château de Chenonceau appears as though it’s elegantly floating over the reflective Cher River. The original structure can be traced back to the 11th century, but it was Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II, who commissioned Philibert de L'Orme to build the castle’s hallmark feature, the arched bridge, in the 16th century.

From one powerful woman to another, Catherine de' Medici made Chenonceau her favorite residence after the death of the king in 1559. There was never a night when the French queen wasn’t dazzling guests within the castle walls with her Grand Gallery and impeccable hosting skills. It’s even believed the first-ever fireworks display in France was held on the grounds to celebrate the ascension of her son Francis II to the throne.

The château suffered extreme damage during World War II, after the occupation of German troops and the Allies bombed its chapel. In 1951, the Menier family tapped architect Bernard Voisin to return the gardens and structure to their majestic state.

Peleș Castle in Sinaia, Romania

romania, sinaia castle

Taken by the enchanting Bucegi Mountains, King Carol I commissioned the construction of a neo-Renaissance-style castle in the quaint village of Sinaia during the 1860s. The royal summer house contains 160 rooms, all of which have a distinctive theme. For example, the theater on the grounds asserts a storybook feeling with exquisite frescoes by Austrian artists Gustav Klimt and Franz von Matsch climbing the walls and ceiling.

After years of serving as a royal residence, Peleș Castle eventually was abandoned when Romania fell under Communist rule. The castle reopened as a public museum after the revolution in 1989.

Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, Mexico

view of chapultepec castle against sky in mexico city during sunny day, mexico

Mexico City's Chapultepec Castle is the only castle within North America to ever house actual sovereigns. Viceroy Bernardo de Gálvez ordered the construction of the fortress in 1785 to serve as the home for the commander in chief of the Spanish colony, New Spain.

Years after the Mexican War of Independence, the regal structure was repurposed as a military academy and later became the site of the Battle of Chapultepec during the Mexican-American War in 1847. Eventually, it would once again act as an official royal residence for Emperor Maximilian I and his wife, Empress Carlota. Maximilian helped devise the castle's current floorplan and neoclassical style, but his reign was cut short in 1867 when President Benito Juárez regained power. Today, the castle holds the National Museum of History, which educates locals about the country's cultures and history.

Qaitbay Fort in Alexandria, Egypt

qaitbay citadel alexandria

Construction of this austere fortress on the Mediterranean Sea began in 1477 after Sultan Al-Ashraf Qaitbay learned of Ottoman troops advancing toward Alexandria. The castle plans were cleverly laid out on the ruins of the fallen Pharos Lighthouse, where workers could salvage pieces of the previous structure to build red granite columns in the mosque and entrance.

Eventually, the Ottoman Empire captured Egypt, but the citadel still functioned as a military fort until the British bombardment of 1882. The imposing and stunning structure was left neglected on the harbor until the 20th century, when the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities stepped in to rebuild it to its original glory.

Since the revolution of 1952, the citadel has functioned as a maritime museum, detailing the victories and losses of Egyptian naval troops.

Matsumoto Castle in Matsumoto, Japan

matsumoto, japan november 21 2015 matsumoto castle, one of japans premier historic castles, along with himeji castle and kumamoto castle, its known as crow castle due to its black exterior

The origins of Matsumoto Castle date back to 1504, when the Ogasawara clan started to build a fort to fend off invaders. Only a few years after its completion, the military fortification was captured by the powerful warlord Takeda Shingen. As the castle switched hands throughout history, its design evolved into a tall three-towered structure with inky black walls and roofs that earned it the nickname the “Crow Castle.”

Around 1872, the castle faced possible demolition as developers wanted to build newer buildings and housing complexes on the site. However, the residents of Matsumoto started a campaign to save the building and eventually, the city government acquired it.

Fast-forward to today, Matsumoto Castle has officially been named a national treasure of Japan and one of the last standing examples of a daimyo castle.

Bojnice Castle in Bojnice, Slovakia

bojnice, slovakia august 30, 2019 old beautiful medieval castle in bojnice, slovakia, europe unesco heritage landmark

According to written records found at the Zobor Abbey, this Romanesque castle might have first been built as a wooden fort as early as 1113. Stone slowly began to replace the wood, and by the 16th century, the Gothic castle boasted Renaissance elements.

While he might not have been the first owner of the fortress, King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary might have been one of the first to invest in its future. The ruler would often come to the small city to work on his decrees and dictate them under a linden tree on the grounds that now bears his name.

It seems construction never ceased, as owner after owner continued to renovate the exteriors or add rooms until the castle ultimately landed in the hands of Count Ján Pálfi. Taken by the romantic castles of France's Loire Valley, the aristocrat sought to create his own fairy-tale castle filled with his impeccable collection of antiques, tapestries, and artwork. With its enchanting appearance, Bojnice Castle has become one of the most visited castles in central Europe, with thousands of guests exploring its hallowed halls each year.

Fasil Ghebbi in Gondar, Ethiopia

ethiopia march 24 fasilides castle, royal fortress enclosure of fasil ghebbi unesco world heritage list, 1979, gondar region, ethiopia photo by deagostinigetty images

Emperor Fasilides commanded the construction of the imposing fortress-city in 1636 after he broke from tradition and founded the new capital city of Gondar. Previously, Ethiopian emperors would travel through the territories of the country, living off the food offered by locals and staying in tents. From its inception, Fasil Ghebbi stood as a symbol of change in Ethiopia.

Situated on top of a high plateau, the castle complex consisted of living quarters for the royal family and a series of gardens, temples, libraries, and even a swimming pool. Each ruler after Fasilides continued to enlarge the medieval-style fortress, but it was Fasilides’s grandson Emperor Iyasu the Great who filled the palace with the ivory sculptures and gem-encrusted ceilings often referenced in archival documents.

Fasil Ghebbi saw much damage throughout the centuries because of an earthquake and attacks by foreign troops. After damage from British air raids during World War II and conflicts with Somalia and Sudan, the castle complex fell into disrepair for many years. Eventually, it made its way on to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979 and was restored to the prominent attraction it is today.

Nakhal Fort in Nakhal, Oman

a date palm plantation sits behind nakhal fort in oman approximately 120 kilometres to the west of muscat, nakhal fort has a history which dates back to the pre islamic period it was re built by omani architects in the 17th century

Upon first glance at the magnificent fortress above Oman's Al-Batinah plain, you might notice its rather irregular shape. The original structure of Nakhal Fort , which predates the Islamic era, was built around a large boulder at the foot of Mount Nakhal, causing it to look a bit imperfect.

The fort was built as a way to protect nearby trade routes from any looters or attacks and grew to include a mosque, residential spaces, and reception halls. Not to be overlooked are the odder additions like the hidden nooks where soldiers would dump hot date juice on invaders.

Most days the fort operates as a museum with historic artifacts, but if you happen to visit on a Friday, then you’ll be greeted by friendly goats at the weekly market held within its walls.

Red Fort in Delhi, India

red fort in india

Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan laid the foundation of Red Fort , or Lal Qila, after moving the empire’s capital from Agra to the newly built city of Delhi. Behind the rather modest red sandstone façade lay an intricate web of inlaid-paneled halls and chambers mixing traditional Mughal style with elements of Persian, Timurid, and Hindu design.

Red Fort remained the official seat of the Mughal Empire until the Indian Rebellion of 1857, when countless precious gems housed within its walls were stolen and Bahadur Shah II was forced out of power. However, it would serve an important role in India gaining its independence from British rule, as it was the landmark where Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, would deliver his “Tryst with Destiny” speech.

Every year on India’s Independence Day, the current prime minister delivers a speech from the ramparts of Red Fort, highlighting its national importance.

Château de Chambord in Chambord, France

the 'chateau de chambord' castle

A magnificent display of French Renaissance architecture, Château de Chambord boasts more than 400 rooms, 280 fireplaces, and 80 staircases and a decorative moat, making it one of the most captivating structures built by the French monarchy.

King François I began construction on the grand château in the Loire Valley as a weekend hunting retreat in 1519. Enthralled with the astonishing work of Leonardo da Vinci, François insisted elements of the castle, such as the double helix staircase, be directly inspired by the Italian polymath.

Francois ultimately found the monumental residence to be too elaborate and stayed there for only a few weeks throughout his reign. The castle rather served as a symbol of the French monarchy’s power and lasting influence.

Château de Chambord hosts several events throughout the year for visitors to discover the history of the Renaissance marvel including during the holiday season, when it is decorated with thousands of lights.

Pena National Palace in Sintra, Portugal

pena national palace, sintra, portugal

Influenced by Middle Eastern and European Baroque styles, the Pena National Palace represents the eccentric and colorful flair of 19th-century Romanticism in Portugal. King Ferdinand II designed the castle on a hill in the Sintra Mountains to be a summer home for the Portuguese royal family.

The vibrant shades decorating the façade indicate the palace’s sections such as a red clock tower and restored convent and a yellow new palace. The palace was frequently used by the royal family until the revolution of 1910 when the Portuguese monarchy was overthrown.

After years of disrepair, the castle was finally restored later in the 20th century and is now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site as part of the cultural landscape of Sintra. Today, guests can trek up the castle's lush, hilly landscape to explore the various architectural styles that make up the Pena National Palace.

Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau, Germany

panoramic view of the castle neuschwanstein from the bridge

King Ludwig II of Bavaria commissioned Neuschwanstein Castle in 1868 as an escape from the public eye and political turbulence. After Prussia conquered Austria and Bavaria during the Austro-Prussian War, Ludwig was effectively stripped of his powers but still yearned for a kingdom of his own to rule.

In a letter to his longtime friend German composer Richard Wagner, Ludwig wrote about his vision for Neuschwanstein: "There will be several cosy, habitable guest rooms with a splendid view of the noble Säuling, the mountains of Tyrol and far across the plain; you know the revered guest I would like to accommodate there.”

While Ludwig never got to see Neuschwanstein in its finished state, “the castle of the fairy-tale king” opened to the public in 1886 and remains one of the most popular in all Europe.

Castel del Monte in Andria, Italy

italy apuli andria castel del monte

Much mystery surrounds the Castel del Monte and its purpose for being built. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II ordered the construction of the citadel in 1240 in a rather remote area of southern Italy with no means of protection. After it was built, the decorated emperor soon abandoned the castle, leaving many questions surrounding his intentions.

Revered as a masterpiece of medieval architecture, the fortress’s layout consists of an octagonal base and tower at each corner and eight trapezoidal rooms on each of the two floors. It’s thought the geometric layout may have a deeper symbolic meaning with references to the Holy Grail and the relationship between humanity and God.

No matter its original purpose, the octagonal castle has become one of southern Italy’s most visited landmarks and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site .

Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød, Denmark

frederiksborg castle and gardens, hiller denmark

Located on three small isles on the Castle Lake, the distinguished Frederiksborg Castle was built as a symbol of King Christian IV’s power as ruler of Denmark and Norway. The Renaissance castle was a royal residence for 100 years before a major fire in 1859.

With only the chapel and the audience chamber surviving the flames, a nationwide lottery and collection were held to raise funds to rebuild the palace. After the royal family decided it would no longer stay at the castle, Frederiksborg reopened in 1878 as the Museum of National History.

Today, the world-renowned museum illustrates the history of Denmark through its impressive collection of portraits and historic paintings and the interiors of the castle.

Windsor Castle in Windsor, England

prince harry marries ms meghan markle atmosphere

The oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world, Windsor Castle has acted as an official royal residence for more than 900 years. William the Conqueror began building Windsor around 1070 as both a residence and a fortress to guard the western approach to London.

The castle has seen many renovations from the countless monarchs who have lived on the property, including Queen Victoria, who added a private chapel. In 1992, a fire ravaged the chapel, along with more than 100 rooms that were destroyed. Windsor was fully restored to its original state five years later.

The property remains a favorite within the royal family with many weddings being held at the ground's famous St. George’s Chapel. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip often escaped to the quiet palace for restful weekends. The queen has spent much of her time at the castle since April 2021, when her husband died and was buried there.

Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland

autumn weather oct 21st 2019

Standing tall on the crags of Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle exudes a sense of authority and nobility throughout Scotland’s capital. Archaeologists believe humans have occupied the castle’s site since the Iron Age, but its royal ties can be traced back to only the 12th century when King David I built St. Margaret’s Chapel in honor of his mother.

Throughout the centuries, members of the monarchy reimagined the royal palace as a residence and military fortress. A notable decorative element remains above the door of the palace—the gilded initials “MAH,” for Mary, Queen of Scots, and her second husband, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley.

After the Union of the Crowns in 1603, Edinburgh Castle was reserved as a military base. Today, guests are welcome to explore the various buildings and ancient artifacts of the Scottish monarchy like the Stone of Destiny.

Himeji Castle in Himeji, Japan

himeji castle, himeji, hyogo, japan

Its elegant white façade and jaw-dropping early 17th-century Japanese castle architecture have earned Himeji Castle the nickname “White Heron Castle” for its resemblance to a bird taking flight.

Originally built in 1346 as a fortress against local shoguns, the complex above the Inland Sea comprises 83 buildings with specialized systems of defense and protection devices. However, Himeji Castle was never used in battle but instead repurposed as a more residential castle.

In 1931, the Japanese government designated the site a national treasure. Guided tours are offered in both Japanese and English of Himeji and its cherry blossom garden.

Vianden Castle in Vianden, Luxembourg

unverified content vianden castle, located in vianden in the north of luxembourg, is one of the largest fortified castles west of the rhine with origins dating from the 10th century, the castle was built in the romanesque style from the 11th to 14th centuries gothic transformations were added at the end of this period the castle fell to ruins in the 19th century but it has now been fully restored and is open to visitors

Overlooking the River Our in northern Luxembourg, Vianden Castle was first built on the site of an ancient Roman watchtower between the 11th and 14th centuries. It served as the royal residence of the count of Vianden until the beginning of the 15th century.

At the turn of the 16th century, the castle was left abandoned after a series of marriages and political actions combined the House of Vianden and the House of Nassau. Throughout the years, many kings and two locals attempted to restore the fallen castle. When the state finally gained ownership in 1977, it slowly began to be pieced back together.

By 1990, Vianden Castle had been restored as authentically as possible. It has since become a European treasure for people to explore.

Headshot of Sarah DiMarco

Sarah DiMarco (she/her) is the associate editor at VERANDA, covering all things design, architecture, art, gardens, jewelry, travel, wine and spirits. She also manages social media for the brand.

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best castles to visit in the world

The History Hit Miscellany of Facts, Figures and Fascinating Finds

20 of the World’s Most Beautiful Castles

Discover the most impeccably preserved and incredibly ornate castles around the world, from germany's picturesque neuschwanstein castle to france's towering mont saint-michel..

best castles to visit in the world

Harry Sherrin

24 nov 2020.

Castles across the globe are endlessly diverse. Medieval Europe gave birth to stone fortresses and motte and bailey structures. In early modern Japan, on the other hand, ornate timber structures such as the Himeji Castle were constructed.

While castles vary in style from region to region, they largely share a common purpose: to guard lands and people of importance.

Given the significance and fortitude of these structures, countless historic castles still exist around the globe in incredible states of preservation.

Here are 20 of the most beautiful castles to visit in the world.

best castles to visit in the world

1. Neuschwanstein Castle

A fairytale castle built for an introverted and reclusive king, Neuschwanstein Castle is an idyllic mountainous escape. Rather than being a copy of any specific medieval castle, Neuschwanstein combines many different architectural and decorative motifs, culminating in this beautiful, idealistic and extravagant monument to ‘Mad’ King Ludwig.

Today, Neuschwanstein boasts over 1 million visitors a year, making it one of the most heavily visited castles in Europe. It is also one of the most photographed buildings in the world.

best castles to visit in the world

2. Alcazar of Segovia

The Alcazar of Segovia is an imposing medieval fortress which embodies much of what one would consider to be the ideal vision of a fairytale castle, complete with picturesque turrets and cliff-top location. Having started life as an Arab fort, in the 13th century, the Alcazar of Segovia made the transition from military stronghold to palatial residence and was slowly renovated in a gothic style.

Today, visitors to Alcazar of Segovia can tour this magnificent site and climb into its towers for great views of the town.

best castles to visit in the world

3. Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Castle has been the official Highlands home of the British royal family since the reign of Queen Victoria. Having fallen in love with the Highlands after their first visit in 1842, it was in fact Queen Victoria and Prince Albert who built Balmoral Castle between 1853 and 1856.

Today, parts of Balmoral Castle and its grounds are open to the public, with audio guides available (included in the admission price) detailing the workings of the estate and its history. There are also a series of exhibitions at Balmoral Castle related to the royal family.

best castles to visit in the world

4. Bojnice Castle

Bojnice Castle (Bojnicky zamok) is seen by many as Slovakia’s most romantic castle, with a history dating to the 12th century. The castle has undergone many changes over the centuries. In its present form it is more similar to a French chateaux or Bavaria’s Neuschwanstein than to other Slovak fortresses.

Known to exist since at least 1113, the castle passed through many an aristocratic hand and underwent several changes in style until the 17th century saw it pass into the hands of the Palfi family. It was Count Jan Palfi who, in the late 19th century, renovated the castle in the romantic style seen today. Bojnice Castle has been part of the Slovak National Museum since 1950.

best castles to visit in the world

5. Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel is an imposing historic village in Normandy, France, which dominates the skyline from its position atop a small rocky island. Joined to the coast via a causeway, Mont Saint-Michel is best known for its Benedictine Abbey and Parish Church.

Today, visitors flock to Mont Saint-Michel to view the remarkable Abbey and Church and to stroll through its ancient streets. Many other sites remain, including the medieval ramparts, the Mont Saint-Michel Museum of History, a Maritime Museum and the 14th century Tiphaine’s house.

best castles to visit in the world

6. Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge in 1385 and is now a popular tourist attraction operated by the National Trust. The castle itself, of quadrangular design, is characterised by a great moat and courtyard. The living quarters were built into the walls, which surround an open courtyard.

Today, visitors are invited to explore this beatiful castle and its surrounding grounds. Families and school children are also welcome, and there are a wide range of events and activities taking place throughout the year.

best castles to visit in the world

7. Gyantse Dzong Castle

Gyantse Dzong or Gyantse Fortress is one of the best preserved dzongs (fortified monasteries) in Tibet, perched high above the town of Gyantse on a huge spur of grey brown rock. Constructed around 1390, the castle we see today guarded the southern approaches to the Tsangpo Valley and Lhasa.

The original fortress, known as Gyel-khar-tse was attributed to Pelkhor-tsen, son of the anti-Buddhist king Langdharma. He probably reigned from 838 to 841 CE. The present walls were supposedly built in 1268.

best castles to visit in the world

8. Schwerin Castle

Schwerin Castle is a picturesque palace which seemingly floats upon Schwerin Lake. Whilst it is thought that there was a fort on this location as early as the 10th century, the beginnings of Schwerin Castle date back to 1160, when Henry the Lion built a castle there. It was only from around 1843 that Schwerin Castle began to take the form we see today. Vast renovation of the building took place, with only some of its older parts having been kept.

Schwerin is now both the seat of the local government and an art museum displaying pieces ranging from the ancient to the twentieth century. Some of the most important pieces at Schwerin’s museum are its 17th-century Dutch and Flemish paintings.

best castles to visit in the world

9. Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle’s current main structure dates back to 1609, although a fortification of some form was first built on the site in the 14th century. Himeji is also known as Shirasagi-jō (‘White Heron Castle’), due to its striking white exterior, and was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993. The castle was passed into the ownership of the state in 1869.

Today, Himeji is of the most popular castles in Japan for tourists and can be visited year-round. Visitors can access the top level of the castle for magnificent views across the city of Himeji from the summit. Himeji is also popular during Japan’s cherry blossom season in spring (mid-April is recognised as the season’s peak), when the many cherry blossom trees around the castle grounds are in full bloom.

best castles to visit in the world

10. Castel del Monte

Castel del Monte in Italy is a medieval palace originally built as a hunting lodge by the Emperor Frederick II and later used as his seat of power. With its set of perfectly octagonal towers, it was also a great example of symmetry in medieval building. The castle is not only extremely well defended, with thick limestone walls, but it blends the influences of the cultures to which Frederick II had been exposed and had learned about.

Visitors to Castel del Monte can tour its two floors. Much of the original splendour, such as its marble walls, has now disappeared, but traces appear here and there.

best castles to visit in the world

11. Coburg Castle

Coburg Castle, the former seat of the Dukes of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, is one of Germany’s largest and most impressive surviving medieval fortress complexes. Dominating the town of Coburg in Upper Franconia, it was first mentioned as ‘Koburk’ in a document from 1056 and the self-styled ‘Fränkische Krone’ or Franconian Crown is both a stunning castle as well as being home to one of the most important art and cultural history collections in Germany.

Today, visits to the castle take in centuries’ worth of architecture and meticulous restoration. Highlights include the Heated Stone Chamber, the Memorial Room, the 19th-century Lutherkapelle and the Bear Enclosures. There are works by old German masters Cranach, Dürer, Grünewald and Holbein as well as stunning collections of Venetian glassware and sculptures from prolific 15th and 16th century sculptor and woodcarver Tilman Riemenschneider.

best castles to visit in the world

12. Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle was originally constructed as a fortification in 1119 by Robert de Crevecoeur, a lord under William the Conqueror. In 1278, Leeds Castle took on a different role, as a royal palace to King Edward I, who expanded it, adding further elements such as an impressive barbican.

Today, Leeds Castle is a leisure facility, housing an aviary and a maze along with a dog collar museum. Guided tours are available for groups and schools and audio tours are also available.

best castles to visit in the world

13. Carcassonne

Carcassonne, known as “La Cite” is a fortified town in southern France whose important strategic position between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic led to it being inhabited since before the Ancient Roman era. Throughout its history, Carcassonne has been considered untouchable. Even before its walls were built it was the subject of two failed sieges in the 13th century and, during the Hundred Years’ War, an attack was never even attempted.

There is much to see at Carcassonne, including its incredible double fortified 3 km walls and 52 towers. There are audio guided tours of the majestic citadel and visitors can explore the cathedral, both built by the then ruling Trencavels.

best castles to visit in the world

14. Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers is a stunning example of Crusader-era military architecture and was the headquarters of the famous Knights Hospitaller during the 12th and 13th centuries.

Built to withstand a siege for up to five years, Krak des Chevaliers stands atop a 650-metre high hill which dominated the route from Antioch to Beirut. It is perhaps the best preserved example of a Crusader fortress in existence today, and is an awe-inspiring example of medieval military architecture.

best castles to visit in the world

15. Castle of Good Hope

The Castle of Good Hope (Casteel de Goede Hoop) in Cape Town is the oldest surviving colonial building in South Africa and the current seat of the military in the Cape. It was built by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) between 1666 and 1679 as a maritime replenishment station.

Visitors enter through its large gateway bearing the coat of arms of the United Netherlands, built in 1682 to replace the original sea-facing entrance. Inside, there are a number of exhibitions, including the Castle Military Museum exploring past battles and wars, the William Ferh Collection of period paintings and a replica of the original Castle Forge.

best castles to visit in the world

16. Castillo de Chapultepec

Chapultepec Castle (Castillo de Chapultepec) is an 18th century structure in Mexico City’s Chapultepec Park, now containing Mexico’s National History Museum (Museo Nacional de Historia). Original construction of Chapultepec Castle began in 1785, but it was only completed after Mexico achieved independence and later refurbished as the home of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg in 1864, before becoming the residence of Mexico’s presidents.

Parts of Chapultepec Castle are still dedicated to their time as Emperor Maximilian’s home, however today, most of Chapultepec Castle is dedicated to the National History Museum. Within its twelve halls, Mexico’s National History Museum charts the country’s diverse history, from the Pre-Hispanic era through to Spanish colonialism, Mexico’s revolution and its independence.

best castles to visit in the world

17. Hohensalzburg Fortress

Hohensalzburg Fortress, also known as Hohensalzburg Castle, in Salzburg, Austria, is an incredibly well preserved citadel and one of the largest remaining medieval fortresses in central Europe. Hohensalzburg was built in 1077 by Gebhard von Helfenstein, also known as Prince Gebhard I of Helffenstein and Archbishop Gebhard, and was later expanded over the centuries, including by Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach in the 16th century.

Inside Hohensalzburg Fortress is the Fortress Museum displaying, amongst other things, a collection of ancient weaponry, Roman coins and historic musical instruments. Visitors can also see several state rooms as well as torture chambers. The views from Hohensalzburg Fortress are spectacular and these alone are worth the trip.

best castles to visit in the world

18. Shirvanshahs’ Palace

Shirvanshahs’ Palace (Palace of the Shirvanshahs) is a 15th century castle and complex in the old city of Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku. Originally constructed by the ruler Shirvanshah Khalilulla I and his son, Faruk, Shirvanshahs’ Palace had both royal and religious significance. However, Shirvanshahs’ Palace is somewhat incomplete as construction was halted in 1501 when Faruk was killed in battle.

Upon first entering Shirvanshahs’ Palace, visitors go into a central courtyard through which they can access the residential parts of the palace. Much of the Shirvanshahs’ Palace is in ruins and other aspects were subject to thorough renovations, not all of them entirely sympathetic. However, Shirvanshahs’ Palace contains many beautiful and authentic structures and inscriptions.

best castles to visit in the world

19. Edinburgh Castle

A royal residence, a vital stronghold and an iconic structure, Edinburgh Castle is one of the most famous castles in the world. Archaeologists have found evidence of human settlement on the rock on which the castle sits as early as 900 BC, the late Bronze Age. Over the following centuries, Edinburgh Castle continued to play its role as a crucial defensive structure as well as becoming an integral part of Scotland’s history.

best castles to visit in the world

Today, visitors to Edinburgh Castle can explore the castle’s history through a series of guided tours and exhibitions. Amongst its many attractions are the Scottish National War Memorial and National War Museum, the Mons Meg, a giant cannon gifted to James II in 1457 and the Great Hall, built by James VI in 1511. Royal exhibitions include The Honours of Scotland jewels which, along with Scotland’s coronation stone, the Stone of Destiny, can be found in the castle’s Crown Room.

best castles to visit in the world

20. Castel Sant Angelo

Castel Sant Angelo in Rome was originally constructed as the magnificent Mausoleum of Hadrian, the 14th emperor of Rome from 117AD to 138AD. It is unclearly as to exactly when Castel Sant Angelo was built, but most sources date it to between 123 and 139 AD. A fortress-like structure, successive Roman emperors and other leaders used Castel Sant Angelo for a variety of purposes. It later turned into a medieval stronghold and a prison.

Today, Castel Sant Angelo houses a museum which tells the story of its history, from the Roman remains of the Mausoleum of Hadrian to remnants of the fortified castle, the original prison cells and the papal apartments.

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Home » Travel Guides » World » 25 Most Beautiful Medieval Castles in the World

25 Most Beautiful Medieval Castles in the World

Despite the Middle Ages also being referred to as the Dark Ages, a period associated with an overall decline after the fall of the Roman Empire, certain beautiful relics, like medieval castles, have survived through the centuries.

All over Europe, you can find these strongholds, each with its unique features. Some perched on top of a mountain, others seemingly floating above water, and some nearly hidden by the leafy cover of trees, medieval castles had to be both functional, durable, and easy on the eyes, considering that many were an escape to the royalty and aristocrats.

Many of Europe’s medieval castles are iconic and easily recognized, while others are off the beaten path. Here is my pick of the 25 most beautiful medieval castles in the world.

1. Eltz Castle, Germany

Eltz Castle, Germany

Eltz Castle has steadily become one of the most-photographed castles on Instagram with many landscape photographers choosing to capture it during the eerie hours of the day.

The castle sits on top of a hill surrounded by a thick forest, adding to the mysterious feel. Located in Rheinland-Palatine, known as the Moselle wine region famous for Riesling wine, due to its secluded position, it feels worlds away.

Just like many medieval castles, Eltz Castle has seen its fair share of conflict but was never destroyed over the centuries. Interestingly, Eltz Family has possession of the castle to this day.

2. Eilean Donan, Scotland

Eilean Donan, Scotland

Eilean Donan is perhaps one of the most well-known medieval castles, easily recognized by almost anyone. Partly, thanks to being featured in the 1986 film Highlander, but also as one of the must-see places in the Western Highlands of Scotland. This highland gem is located on an island between three sea lochs – Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh.

Historically, it was a stronghold for the Clan Mackenzie and was established in the 13th century. Unfortunately, the original castle suffered destruction in the 18th century during the Jacobite rebellions and was rebuilt in the 20th century.

3. Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

Another Scottish beauty is the Edinburgh Castle. Sitting on top of Castle Rock, it overlooks the capital of Scotland. Unsurprising, considering the majority of medieval castles had strategic locations; the key was being able to see the enemy and remain difficult to reach.

A dramatic history didn’t spare Edinburgh Castle due to the tensions between England and Scotland. During the First and Second Wars of Scottish Independence, the ownership of the castle changed between the Scottish and the English several times.

To this day, Edinburgh Castle remains a top attraction for anyone visiting the city and tourists can take part in various guided tours and events. And if that’s not your cup of tea, why not simply enjoy the stunning views?

4. Bran Castle, Romania

Bran Castle, Romania

When talking about medieval castles, mentioning Romania is a must. Most people will immediately think of Dracula and Transylvania. Many consider Bran Castle in Central Romania directly linked to Bram Stoker’s character, however, no direct links to that exist.

Bran Castle sits atop on a former Teutonic Knights stronghold dating back to the early 13th century, but the castle itself first appeared in documents dating back to 1377.

The castle is approximately 2500 feet above the sea level and rises from between surrounding trees. It overlooks the picturesque village of Bran, and the several towers and turrets give it a mysterious mood.

Nowadays tourists can visit the castle and wander through the narrow stairways leading to 60 timbered rooms, interestingly, many of them connected by underground passages.

5. Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

Kilkenny Castle in Ireland is a signature Anglo-Norman stone castle which actually started out as a wooden fort in the second half of the 12th century. Over the centuries the castle has gone through several changes and to this day bears elements of various architectural styles, mainly Gothic Revival.

Its location historically was a strategic point controlling the crossing of River Nore. These days, the castle is surrounded by vast gardens with manicured lawns, where visitors can slowly enjoy and observe the castle. Visitors can also tour the castle interiors and immerse themselves in historic magnificence.

6. Mont-Saint-Michel, France


Few places in the world are as magical as the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in France. The awe-inspiring island located where Normandy and Brittany meet is otherworldly and unique. Even though not technically a castle, it would be difficult for anyone to deny its magnificence.

What sits on top of the island is a medieval monastery attracting pilgrims for centuries. The legend tells that bishop Aubert from a nearby town was ordered by Archangel Michael himself to build a church on top of the island. Construction of a Benedictine abbey begun in the late 10th century.

The scenery surrounding the island is everchanging as the tides of the bay can recede quickly, revealing a completely different view. During the low tide, the island can be reached on foot, and hundreds of tourists visit each day. Museums, parish church, and the abbey are open for visitors.

7. Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle

Possibly one of the most famous castles in Europe is Windsor Castle in England, which has been the home of British royalty for centuries. Ever since Henry I ruled over England in the 12th century, this Berkshire palace has been used by the reigning monarch and therefore has had the longest occupancy for a palace in Europe.

The castle is surrounded by 13 acres of land and features a fortification, a palace, and a small town. These days the castle features a Georgian and Victorian design based on a medieval structure, with Gothic features.

As you would expect in any home of a monarch, impressive and renowned art pieces feature within the castle.

Being one of the three official residences of the Queen, it is still fully operational and attracting tourists is not its main purpose. Visitors can expect to visit State Apartments as well as the St George’s Chapel and witness changing of the Guard.

8. Castel del Monte, Italy

Castel del Monte, Italy

Not surprisingly, most people expect to see sharp towers rising above treetops when thinking of medieval castles. However, not all fit this description, and Castel del Monte in Southern Italy certainly stands out.

The 13th-century citadel in Apulia region was built by Emperor Frederick II. The ascetic and fortress-like octagon facade features elements from classical antiquity, the Islamic Orient and north European Cistercian Gothic.

The castle sits on a rocky peak in a secluded forest, and the building itself has undergone no significant structural changes.

9. Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra, Granada

The palace and fortress complex in Andalusia, Spain, known as Alhambra, was built in the 13th century by Nasrid emir Mohammed ben Al-Ahmar of the Emirate of Granada. Built on top of former Roman fortification ruins, it became a royal palace in 1333, and a century later the site became the Royal Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. The legend has it, Christopher Columbus got an endorsement for his expedition there.

Alhambra strongly reflects the Moorish architecture elements signature to the reign of the last Muslim dynasty on the Iberian Peninsula.

The number of visitors allowed to go to Alhambra is highly limited therefore visits should be planned well ahead of time. Alhambra includes the Royal complex, Court of the Myrtles, Hall of the Ambassadors, Hall of the Abencerrajes, a Court of the Lions and fountain and other features.

10. Vianden Castle, Luxembourg

Vianden Castle

In the small European country of Luxembourg, nestled between France, Germany, and Belgium, there is one of largest fortified castles west of the Rhine – Vianden Castle.

Even though origins date back to the 10th century, the castle was steadily built over three centuries between the 11th and the 14th century. Vianden Castle is an example of the Romanesque style with semi-circular arches, even though there were Gothic additions later on.

Just like many other medieval castles, Vianden Castle lies on top of a hill overlooking the town of Vianden.

Until the early 15th century it was the seat of prominent counts of Vianden with close connections to the Royal Family of France and the German imperial court.

11. Château de Suscinio, France

Château de Suscinio

In the North West of France on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, there is Château de Suscinio. Designed to be the residence of Dukes of Brittany, this late-medieval castle features a moated castle, a ruined chapel, a dovecote, and a few ruined outbuildings.

Château de Suscinio originally was meant to be a manor for managing the agricultural estate, however, in the mid-12th century, it was extended to a castle.

During the Wars of the Roses, the castle housed Jasper and Henry Tudors as well as other exiled Lancastrians of England.

The castle is surrounded by marshes where exceptional fauna and flora are present.

Château de Suscinio is a unique medieval example of Western European fortresses as it remains well-preserved while others have suffered significant damage due to cannon fires.

12. Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork Castle, also known as Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork, is a 13th-century castle and fortress in Northern Poland. According to UNESCO, it is the largest castle in the world measured by land area.

When it was completed in 1406, it was the largest brick castle in the world. Due to a growing number of Teutonic Knights, the castle was expanded several times. At one point, it housed over 3000 knights.

Due to its strategic location near the Baltic Sea and River Vistula, Teutonic Knights were able to collect tolls from trading ships and barges.

The castle was heavily damaged during World War II but since has been rebuilt and is open for visitors.

13. Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania

In a way similar to the Malbork Castle in Poland, the Trakai Island Castle in Lithuania is another unique, large brick castle in Eastern Europe. Located on Lake Galvė, the construction of the castle begun in the late 14th century and it was finished in the first decade of the 15th century.

Trakai was one of the main centers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It had great strategic importance but lost its military significance soon after the Battle of Grunwald when the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was defeated by the Lithuanian-Polish army.

Before being heavily damaged and eventually fallen in despair in the 17th century, it also served as a prison.

The castle was reconstructed in its original style in the 1960s.

14. Bodiam Castle, England

Bodiam Castle, England

Part of England’s historical significance these days can be appreciated through the many castles scattered across the country, and Bodiam Castle is among one of the most well-known medieval examples after Windsor.

The 14th-century moated castle in East Sussex was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge, a former knight of Edward III. It was meant to defend the area against French invasion during the Hundred Years’ War.

Bodiam Castle is one of the few quadrangular castles and has chambers on the outer walls and inner courts. To this day, unfortunately, the interior of the castle has not remained.

The castle features a central courtyard, and there are rounded and square towers, originally built for defense. There are three coats of arms in the arch above the main gate.

15. Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

A romantic and almost fairytale-like is the Bojnice Castle in Slovakia. Unsurprisingly, one of the most-visited attractions in Slovakia.

Built in the 12th century and restored in the late 19th century, Bojnice Castle was first owned by Matthew III Csák, who received it in 1302 from the King Ladislaus V of Hungary.

The castle is perched on a travertine hill and these days feature an artistic and historical museum within the castle walls. In late spring, International Festival of Ghosts and Spooks take place.

The castle is surrounded by a vast and beautiful park which is an integral part of this remarkable castle.

16. Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria

Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria

From fairytale to ghostly, the next in our list is the Hohenwerfen Castle in Austria. Surrounded by the Berchtesgaden Alps and the adjacent Tennen Mountains, this medieval rock castle lies approximately 25 miles south of Salzburg.

The fortification was built in the late 11th century to serve as a strategic bulwark on top of a 500 feet high rock. Over the years it served not only as a military base for Salzburg rulers but also as a residence and hunting retreat.

Later on, the castle gained an eerie reputation due to being used as a state prison.

These days the castle complex serves as a museum showcasing the history and the vast weapons collection. An interesting addition is the Falconry Centre offering flight demonstrations using various birds of prey, including eagles, falcons, hawks, and vultures.

17. Château de Pierrefonds, France

Château de Pierrefonds

An exceptional example of defensive medieval military architecture is the Château de Pierrefonds in France. Robust and gargantuan in its appearance, the many towers appearing from above the treetops and the light facade of the castle certainly have a certain appeal.

It was built in the late 14th and early 15th century. It was later destroyed and remained a ruin for more than two centuries. Napoleon I bought it in 1810 for less than 3,000 francs.

Since 1862 it has been a monument of great historical significance in France and underwent a major restoration in the late 19th century.

Through the years it has been featured in many films and TV series which has made it even more recognizable worldwide.

18. Corvin Castle, Romania

Corvin Castle

While most people think of Dracula when they hear the name of Transylvania, this part of Romania is truly renowned for its castles. We already mentioned Bran Castle, and this list would not be complete without also mentioning Corvin Castle.

The castle was built at the very end of the Middle Ages and is designed in a Gothic-Renaissance style. Corvin Castle is actually one of the largest castles in Europe.

The castle features a large and imposing structure with tall towers, bastions, an inner courtyard, diversely colored roofs, and rows of windows and balconies decorated with stone carvings. The Buzdugan Tower was built for defensive purposes. Its exterior is decorated with geometric elements.

The castle served as a fortress until the mid-14th century when it became the residence of Transylvania’s voivode, Iancu de Hunedoara.

19. Hluboká Castle, Czech Republic

Hluboká Castle, Czech Republic

Many of the castles built during the Middle Ages served as military strongholds meant for defense, and that certainly can be seen in their appearance. Hluboká Castle in the Czech Republic is not among those and prominently features a Gothic design and therefore has a rather romantic quality about it looking from a modern standpoint.

Even though it was built in the second half of the 13th century, the castle was expanded during Renaissance, then rebuilt into a Baroque castle. It then was rebuilt again after Johann Adolf II von Schwarzenberg ordered the reconstruction of the castle to resemble the romantic style of England’s Windsor Castle.

20. Doorwerth Castle, Netherlands

Doorwerth Castle, the Netherlands

Not far from Arnhem lies the charming castle of Doorwerth situated on the river Rhine. The first castle, probably a wooden structure, was first mentioned in records around the second half of the 13th century. Later it was rebuilt from stone.

The castle of Doorwerth has a unique and truly delightful appearance. Its picturesque surroundings add to the character, and despite being surrounded by a moat, it feels inviting.

The grounds of the castle feature one of the oldest trees in Holland. The acacia tree was planted there around the year 1600.

Nowadays the castle is open for visitors, it has three museums, and the impressive great hall is available for events and receptions.

21. Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg, France

Château Du Haut-Kœnigsbourg

Overlooking the Alsatian plain towards the Black Forest, perched in the Vosges mountains is the Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg. The first records of a castle built in the mountains date back to 1147.

This medieval castle has all the necessary features for a fortress and the strategic location allowed for observation and fall-back, if necessary.

On the ground floor, it features the living quarters and the keep as well as the grand bastion. The first floor features more living quarters, and beautiful chambers are featured on the second floor.

The castle is built from pink sandstone, which is widely featured in this region of France and Germany.

22. Fenis Castle, Italy

Fenis Castle, Italy

Fénis castle is situated on the top of a small knoll unlike many other castles built for military and defense purposes. Despite its defense structure, its function was only to be the seat of the Challant family.

Its design is robust but harmonious. Its pentagonal layout features corners with round towers. An exception is the south-west corner, which has a massive tower and the southern corner with a square-plan tower. The keep is enclosed in a double perimeter wall, with watchtowers linked by a walkway.

The square tower offers access to the castle and the inner courtyard has a semicircular staircase and wooden balcony, decorated with exquisite frescoes.

23. Castillo de Coca, Spain

Castillo de Coca

In Central Spain in Segovia sits Castillo de Coca. The unique design of the castle will seem like something featured in Game of Thrones to most, but in reality, this 15th-century castle is one of the best examples of Spanish Mudejar brickwork. It incorporates Moorish Muslim design and construction with Gothic architecture.

The bricks used in the construction of Castillo de Coca are different from regular bricks as they are hardened to withstand enemy onslaught.

Geometrical patterns featured in the castle are a hybrid of Moorish Muslim and Christian Gothic architecture.

The defense system of the castle features three tiers consisting of wall circuits enclosed within a moat and a central keep.

24. Karlštejn, Czech Republic

Karlštejn Castle, Czech Republic

Built in the mid-14th century, Karlštejn Castle in the Czech Republic served as a place for safekeeping the Imperial Regalia, crown jewels, holy relics, and other royal treasures.

The castle is located approximately 20 miles from Prague and is one of the most-visited attractions in the Czech Republic.

As intended in its purpose, the castle had an extensive defense system. Not only is it located on a hill, but it also features a moat, a drawbridge, a battlement, two gates, and a bastion. The architectural elements are mainly Gothic.

25. Burghausen Castle, Germany

Burghausen Castle, Germany

Burghausen Castle, with almost all of its medieval fortifications intact, is one of the largest castle complexes in the world and the longest, according to the Guinness World Record company.

This medieval Bavarian castle was the second residence of the dukes of Lower Bavaria.

It is built in Gothic style with an inner courtyard and five outer courtyards.

Located near the borders of Germany and Austria, the castle offers unmatched views of its surroundings and is a must-see when visiting Lower Bavaria. The gallery within the castle has a collection of late Gothic panel paintings and a monumental picture cycle illustrating the history of Bavaria.

25 Most Beautiful Medieval Castles in the World:

  • Eltz Castle, Germany
  • Eilean Donan, Scotland
  • Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
  • Bran Castle, Romania
  • Kilkenny Castle, Ireland
  • Mont-Saint-Michel, France
  • Windsor Castle, England
  • Castel del Monte, Italy
  • Alhambra, Spain
  • Vianden Castle, Luxembourg
  • Château de Suscinio, France
  • Malbork Castle, Poland
  • Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania
  • Bodiam Castle, England
  • Bojnice Castle, Slovakia
  • Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria
  • Château de Pierrefonds, France
  • Corvin Castle, Romania
  • Hluboká Castle, Czech Republic
  • Doorwerth Castle, Netherlands
  • Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg, France
  • Fenis Castle, Italy
  • Castillo de Coca, Spain
  • Karlštejn, Czech Republic
  • Burghausen Castle, Germany

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20 Most Beautiful Castles in the World

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on April 15, 2024

Built by kings and queens of years gone by to protect and rule their realms, castles had not only to be able to withstand attack but project power and wealth for all to see. As such, sturdy keeps and imposing walls were erected alongside marvelous palaces, full of ornate and elaborate chambers, halls, and throne rooms.

In addition to the astounding architecture on show, these castles were often built at strategic and spectacular settings at the mouths of valleys, at the entrance to mountain passes, or on glittering lakeshores. Add in the weight of history, and these architectural marvels set amongst breathtaking scenery make for some of the most beautiful castles in the world.

20. Hohenwerfen Castle [SEE MAP]

Hohenwerfen Castle

Perched upon a rocky mount with the breathtaking Berchtesgaden Alps lying in the background, Hohenwerfen Castle certainly makes for an epic sight. Built between 1075 and 1078, the castle and its sturdy walls are set in the gorgeous valley of Salzach, which lies just to the south of Salzburg in Austria .

Throughout its history, it not only acted as an imposing fort, residence, and hunting retreat for the Archbishops of Salzburg, but also as a state prison. Now a museum, Hohenwerfen Castle is well worth visiting for its fascinating history and stunning setting amidst the mountains.

19. Trakai Island Castle [SEE MAP]

Trakai Island Castle

As the name indicates, this magnificent castle is set upon a small island with the sparkling waters of Lake Galve surrounding it. Located just outside of Vilnius, the imposing red brick fortification was once of the utmost strategic importance to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

First erected in the second half of the 14th century, the castle and its magnificent Ducal palace were restored to their original look and style in the 1960s. The Gothic and Romanesque features of Trakai Island Castle look particularly arresting when viewed from across the shimmering waters of the lake.

18. Castello di Miramare [SEE MAP]

Castello di Miramare

Very elegant and refined, the brilliantly white walls of Castello di Miramare stand out delightfully against the glimmering waters of the Gulf of Trieste. Lying a stone’s throw away from Trieste in the northeast of Italy, the castle was built in the 1850s to house Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian and his wife.

Very befitting of the Hapsburgs, the beautiful setting and design of the castle are perfectly complemented by lavish gardens and a spectacular seashore park. Now a very popular museum, Castello di Miramare attracts visitors from all over the world, who come to see its original furnishings and rooms in all of their splendor.

17. Predjama Castle [SEE MAP]

Predjama Castle

Set directly in the side of a large, craggy cliff face, Predjama is certainly one of the most visually arresting castles on Earth. Nestled in the mouth of a cave, its advantageous position made it very hard to attack, and defenders could replenish their supplies through a hidden network of cave passages.

Built and destroyed numerous times over the centuries, Predjama Castle can be found just a short drive away from Slovenia’s capital of Ljubljana. A great time of year to visit is in July, when it hosts a colorful and chaotic medieval festival and jousting competition.

16. Kylemore Abbey [SEE MAP]

Kylemore Abbey

Originally known as Kylemore Castle, this fantastic fortification in the west of Ireland was turned into a Benedictine monastery by Belgian nuns fleeing the fighting of World War I. Built in 1868 to be the private home of a wealthy doctor, the Victorian-style buildings and Gothic church of the estate are beautifully reflected in the waters of Pollacapall Lough.

With delightful mountains, reflective lakes, and gushing rivers all around it, Kylemore Abbey has long been one of County Galway’s most popular attractions, and many people come to stroll around its landscaped gardens.

15. Conwy Castle [SEE MAP]

Conwy Castle

Located in the north of Wales, Conwy Castle was built all the way back in 1283 by Edward I of England, who was attempting to conquer his unruly neighbors. Set at a strategic spot on the banks of the River Conwy, the imposing castle played a crucial role in many battles and wars for centuries to come. Featuring not only two hulking barbicans but eight large and impenetrable towers, the castle is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of military architecture in Europe.

While its massive silvery-grey stone walls and riverside location certainly make for a beautiful sight, its interior is no less impressive due to its well preserved medieval royal apartments.

14. Bamburgh Castle [SEE MAP]

Bamburgh Castle

Built atop a wind-swept bluff on the northeast coast of England, the large and looming Bamburgh Castle has a long and fascinating history for visitors to delve into. Once the site of a Celtic Brittonic fort, some form of fortification has remarkably stood in the same spot ever since the year 420.

Constructed in the 11th century by the Normans, the current castle long acted as an important outpost for the English monarchs because of its proximity to the Scottish border. Due to its romantic and desolate seaside setting and its majestic turrets and crumbling crenellations, the photogenic Bamburgh Castle has featured in numerous books and films over the years.

13. Chateau de Chillon [SEE MAP]

Chateau de Chillon

Lying at the eastern end of Lake Geneva, Chateau de Chillon makes for a spectacular sight, particularly when the snow-covered Dents du Midi are visible in the background. An earlier version of the castle was first built by the Romans to guard the strategic passes through the nearby mountains.

Set on a small island that is connected to the lakeshore by a delightful little bridge, the Swiss chateau features some arresting and artistic architecture, which is magically reflected in the waters around it. A popular day trip from Geneva, Chateau de Chillon also has some elegant halls and courtyards for visitors to check out, as well as an atmospheric crypt.

12. Windsor Castle [SEE MAP]

Windsor Castle

Famed around the world for being the home of the British royal family, Windsor Castle has long been one of the United Kingdom’s most popular tourist destinations. Remarkably, the castle is not only the longest-occupied palace in the world, but also the largest.

The sheer size and scale of the royal residence beggars belief, and taking a tour around the luxurious and seemingly never-ending state apartments is simply a must. Originally built in the 11th century, Windsor Castle’s Georgian and Victorian design, extravagant Baroque interiors, and refined Rococo furnishings all make it one of the finest and fanciest castles on Earth.

11. De Haar Castle [SEE MAP]

De Haar Castle

Rising from amidst a tangled mess of lovingly landscaped rose gardens, the elegant turrets and towers of De Haar Castle appear all the more magical. Neo-Gothic in design, the beautiful castle is set just outside of Utrecht in the Netherlands, with magnificent moats, lakes, and gardens all around it.

Its interior is no less impressive, as its two hundred rooms are all lavishly decorated with priceless paintings and fabulous furnishings. While the earliest mention of the castle is in 1391, the current romanticized version dates to 1892, when it was restored and refurbished from its ruinous state.

10. Corvin Castle [SEE MAP]

Corvin Castle

Built in a marvelous Gothic-Renaissance style, Corvin Castle in Transylvania is one of the largest castles in the whole of Europe. Set on a hilltop overlooking the Zlasti River, the 15th-century fortress proudly boasts a number of lofty towers, as well as impregnable walls and a sturdy drawbridge.

Numerous myths and legends swirl around the Romanian castle. Its attractive and fairytalesque look has seen it featured in numerous television shows and films.

9. Cochem Castle [SEE MAP]

Reichsburg Cochem

Set in a scenic spot overlooking the town of Cochem and the Moselle River, the castle of the same name is surrounded by rolling greens hills, with lush forests and vineyards all around it. While a castle has stood on the same hilltop since at least the year 1130, the original was destroyed by the marauding troops of Louis IV in 1688.

Restored and rebuilt in a gorgeous Gothic Revival style, the current castle is now a popular tourist attraction in the German Rhineland. While Cochem Castle is fascinating to explore, the views from its turrets and towers of the valley, town, and river below are just as spellbinding.

8. Swallow's Nest [SEE MAP]

Swallow's Nest

The delightfully named Swallow’s Nest can be found perched dramatically on the edge of a clifftop in the Crimean Peninsula. Overlooking the shimmering waters of the Black Sea, the daintily decorated castle was built in 1911 following very romantic Neo-Gothic designs.

Having featured in numerous films in Soviet times, the Swallow’s Nest is now a popular place to visit amongst tourists, who come to ogle at its precarious setting, refined architecture, and the stunning views on offer.

7. Spis Castle [SEE MAP]

Spis Castle

Located in the northeast of Slovakia, Spis Castle has dominated its surroundings ever since it was built in 1241. Due to its cultural, economic, and political importance to the Kingdom of Hungary, the castle kept growing in size until it became the enormous fortress it is today.

Boasting impressive and imposing stone walls and towers, as well as a wonderful Romanesque palace, Spis Castle now serves as an interesting and educational museum. With commanding views out over the hills and valleys to be enjoyed from its battlements, this magnificent fort is not to be missed out on when in Slovakia.

6. Hohenzollern Castle [SEE MAP]

Hohenzollern Castle

Whether viewed emerging from the treetops which surround it or from amidst the clouds which swirl around its walls, Hohenzollern Castle always makes for an epic sight. Perched atop of a prominent mount of the same name, the castle and Gothic Revival palace exhibit some astounding architecture, and the halls and chambers within are just as delightfully decorated.

While the current castle was only completed in 1867, a fortress has stood upon the same mount since at least the 11th century. One of the most visited castles in the whole of Germany, Hohenzollern is still owned by the royal house of the same name.

5. Alcazar of Segovia [SEE MAP]

Alcazar of Segovia

Shaped very much like the bow of a ship, Alcazar of Segovia has long attracted sightseers due to its distinctive design and breathtaking setting. Indeed, the castle’s magnificent keep and slim towers look particularly dashing, considering they are perched atop a rocky outcrop overlooking the confluence of two rivers.

Located in the center of Spain, its well-preserved palace is full of elegant rooms and halls that are covered in art and fine furnishings. Now a popular museum, the Alcazar of Segovia also has a well-equipped armory and collection of weapons for visitors to peruse.

4. Bran Castle [SEE MAP]

Bran Castle

Commonly known outside of Romania as ‘Dracula’s Castle,’ Bran Castle certainly looks the part. The forbidding fortress lies hidden in a forest in Transylvania. Despite its eerie appearance, however, the castle only has tenuous links at best with the cruel and barbaric 15th-century ruler Vlad the Impaler, who inspired Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula.

Clever marketing ploy aside, Bran Castle is definitely worth visiting for its amazing architecture and beautiful setting in a lush valley. In addition to this, visitors can now enjoy exploring the castle’s many rooms, which house the extensive art and furniture collection of Queen Marie.

3. Pena Castle [SEE MAP]

Pena National Palace

Certainly the brightest and most daringly designed and decorated castle on this list, Pena Palace – as it more commonly goes by – really is as unique as they come. Awash with color, the vivid yellows and reds of its walls shine forth from its prominent hilltop setting in the Sintra Mountains just outside of Lisbon.

Completed in 1854 in a Romanticist style, its imaginative design is a joy to gaze upon, and the views from its ramparts and gardens aren’t half bad either. Taking in all its fantastic features and exotic and extravagant architectural styles is sure to be one of the highlights of any trip to Portugal.

2. Eilean Donan [SEE MAP]

Eilean Donan

Located at the point where three lochs meet, Eilean Donan in Scotland is truly blessed when it comes to its spectacular setting. While the original castle is thought to have been built on the small island sometime in the 13th century, the current romanticized and reimagined reincarnation only dates to the 20th century.

Although its crumbling grey walls and undistinguished features may not look quite as impressive as many other castles, it is its gorgeous surroundings that really set it apart. Having featured in countless films and television shows over the decades, Eilean Donan is certainly one of the most famous and recognizable castles in the whole of Europe.

1. Neuschwanstein Castle [SEE MAP]

#1 of Most Beautiful Castles In The World

Perched atop a forested mount with the majestic Bavarian Alps behind it, Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria looks as if it has just emerged from a book of children’s fairytales. Only completed in 1886, the castle’s delightful design draws from both romanticism architecture and Ludwig II’s love and appreciation for the operas of Richard Wagner.

Fittingly, the photogenic palace, with its beautiful towers and glorious entrance, actually served as the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty castle in Disneyland. Full of incredible artworks and precious paintings, the interior of the castle is no less exceptional. Visitors can take a tour around its luxurious halls and chambers. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany, Neuschwanstein Castle is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful castles in the world thanks to its fabulous design and breathtaking setting.

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10 castles around the world for you to live out your fairytale dreams

For the history buffs and fairytale lovers alike..

The pathway leading up to Windsor Castle, bordered by lush green grass and trees.

Beyond the stunning architecture of castles, there’s a lot more history, culture, and mystery that draws travelers to visit from all around the world. Historically built for self-defense, castles were also the homes of royals and nobility, signifying medieval might and wealth. Today, these towering structures—often centuries old—are open for us to explore. From the medieval grandeur of European-style castles to traditional strongholds in Japan, each castle on this list has its distinct appeal, promising an enchanting trip that will take your breath away.

Ready to step into the magical world of castles? Here are 10 of the most beautiful and famous castles around the globe to add to your bucket list.

1. Schloss Neuschwanstein, Bavaria, Germany

An aerial view of the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany atop a hill surrounded by greenery

Set in the idyllic countryside of Bavaria, Germany , Neuschwanstein Castle looks like it came straight out of a fairytale. In fact, it is the very castle that inspired the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. It’s no wonder that it is one of the most visited castles in the world. Located nearby is the equally impressive Hohenschwangau , where the late King Ludwig II spent his childhood. Both castles require admission tickets—travelers recommend joining a skip-the-line tour with stopovers at both.

For history buffs, you can check out the Museum of the Bavarian Kings to learn about the castles’ lineage, while thrill seekers and adventurers can hop on the Tegelberg Cable Car for gush-worthy views from above.

2. Château de Chambord, Loire Valley, France

Front facing view of Château de Chambord

Nestled in the heart of the Loire Valley in France , the Château de Chambord and UNESCO World Heritage Site reflects the Renaissance era through and through. It currently holds the title of the largest walled and enclosed park in Europe, with an expansive garden of about 13,500 acres. It’s also home to the famous double helix staircase, designed by the great Leonardo Da Vinci.

While you’re in the Loire Valley, don’t miss the chance to try the aromatic wines that the area is known for. Go on a behind-the-scenes tour of the valley's vineyards and sample a variety of locally produced wines and delicacies. If you have time, ease into the evening breeze with an intimate tour and picnic amongst the vines.

3. Windsor Castle, Berkshire, United Kingdom

A castle tower with a British flag swaying in the air

Escape from the bustling streets of London with a trip to Windsor Castle , located just 20 minutes away by train from Paddington Station. This gothic-style castle is an ancient marvel—it is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. It even served as the backdrop for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding in 2018.

While its exterior is impressive, Windsor Castle’s beauty shines from within. Take a half-day tour through Windsor’s inner gems—its gorgeous chapel for starters. Admire the intricacy of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House and the sheer grandeur of the state apartments.

If you want to experience British drinking culture, check out Windsor & Eton Brewery for a pint or two while learning about the brewing process. Don’t miss the chance to stroll down to Eton College too—you might just bump into some of England’s future aristocrats.

4. Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle atop Castle Rock Hill against a blue sky

Perched on Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle in Scotland is a historic fortress with a commanding presence over the city. Set against clear, expansive skies, its ancient beauty and charm are best enjoyed at sunrise or sunset.

Embark on a guided tour through the most besieged castle in the U.K. and check out the Scottish Crown Jewels, Stone of Destiny, and the famous One O'Clock Gun. Don’t miss the National War Museum of Scotland that’s conveniently located within the castle too. If you’re traveling with kids, consider an interactive Harry Potter-themed walking tour that includes Edinburgh Castle as one of its stops.

Traveler tip: Besides Edinburgh Castle, the nearby Calton Hill is another great sunset viewing spot, where you can admire the National Monument against the radiant sky.

5. Chapultepec Castle, Mexico City, Mexico

A neatly curated garden within a castle, with a fountain in the middle.

At a whopping elevation of 7800 feet above sea level, Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City offers a feast for the eyes with its gorgeous architecture. Other than the National Museum of History (temporarily closed until further notice), be sure to check out its impressive murals and beautiful stained glass on display too. While the castle grounds close at 5 p.m., linger around Chapultepec Park for a stunning view of Mexico City from every angle at dusk.

If you love museums, walk over to the nearby National Museum of Anthropology for a lesson on Mexico’s pre-Columbian history. Join a private tour around the museum for more intel on historical artifacts like the Mexica Sun Stone and deepen your appreciation for Mexican culture.

When the food cravings hit, you can head over to Rulfo Paraje Latino for authentic Mexican tapas and drinks right down the street, or Teppan Grill for some hot-off-the-grill meat and sushi.

6. Himeji Castle, Hyogo, Japan

A Himeji Castle in spring time, surrounded by cherry blossoms

Often referred to as the “White Heron Castle” because of its snow-white exterior and curved edges that resemble wings, Himeji Castle situated in the Hyogo Prefecture stands strikingly through the seasons. It’s also the first castle in Japan to be registered as a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site.

During cherry blossom season from March to May, Himeji Castle transforms into a breathtaking scene with light pink and white flowers that frame its facade. The fall season is just as spectacular when the castle is adorned with fiery red and orange leaves. Regardless of the season, we recommend walking through the castle grounds with a guide to uncover its history together and better appreciate its significance.

If this has set you in your feels, read our guide on the best times to head to Japan .

7. Alcázar of Segovia, Segovia, Spain

Alcázar of Segovia castle at dusk, with streaks of pink and purple against a predominantly blue sky.

Known as the “Palace of the Kings of Castile”, the Alcázar of Segovia in Spain is nothing short of a Spanish fairytale dream come true. It did inspire Walt Disney World’s Cinderella Castle in Florida after all. Beyond its beautiful architecture, you’ll be wowed by the Spanish UNESCO Heritage Site’s huge collection of tapestries, stained glass windows, paintings, and furnishings. This full-day tour offers a stress-free journey to Alcázar from Madrid and even includes a stopover at the neighboring city of Avila .

After all that exploring, dig into a feast fit for kings at Meson Don Jimeno , conveniently situated at the foot of the castle. Alternatively, indulge in elevated Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine at the Michelin-starred Restaurante Jose Maria , just a 15-minute walk away. End the day at Hotel Don Felipe where you’re sure to be treated like royalty.

8. Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic

A glowing golden castle by a river

If you’re captivated by architectural wonders, culture, or literature— Prague Castle is the answer for you. Located in central Prague , it is the largest castle in Europe with over 700 rooms, though the state rooms are closed off to the public.

Start at the St. Vitus Cathedral to see the burial place of former Czech kings before heading to the second oldest church in Prague— St. George’s Basilica —for its impressive Romanesque architecture. Literary lovers, end your exploration with a literary adventure through the Golden Lane and try to spot the home of the late Franz Kafka, a famous novelist who lived there in the early 1900s. For a better idea of the castle’s history, you can also join a guided walking tour .

9. Castello di Amorosa, Napa Valley, United States of America

Castello di Amorosa surrounded by vineyards

Experience the idyllic countryside vibes of California at Castello di Amorosa , the youngest castle featured in this guide. Winemaker Dario Sutti completed this Napa Valley castle in 2007 which was inspired by 14th-century Tuscan medieval castles. The 121,000-square-foot castle winery houses antiques from around the world and consists of eight levels in total—four above and underground respectively. With so much to uncover, join a small-group tour for an exclusive look into its Great Barrel Room, Great Hall, Chapel, and—true to its medieval influence—its very own torture chamber.

Travelers recommend visiting during the harvest season from August through October when you can enjoy the full wine-making experience from farm to table.

10. Osaka Castle, Osaka, Japan

Osaka Castle adorned with accents of gold and turquoise.

With beautiful castle park grounds —that are exceptionally beautiful during cherry blossom season—the Osaka Castle in Japan is nothing short of inviting. The castle is adorned with gold embellishments on its walls and roof, a testament to the late Japanese feudal lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi’s obsession with gold. This extravagantly adorned castle houses unique artifacts on every floor, with spectacular views of the surrounding park and cityscape at the top.

Explore the castle grounds and surroundings on a relaxing bike tour , or spice up your trip and go-kart through the streets of Osaka dressed up as your favorite Super Mario character.

You’re sure to be hungry after, so an indulgent sukiyaki (a Japanese hot pot dish) lunch at Hokuto GEMS Namba awaits you. End of the night at Dotombori District , the heart of Osaka’s nightlife with a delectable array of bars, restaurants, and theaters.

best castles to visit in the world

The World’s Most-Visited Castles and Palaces

From Paris to Beijing, these historic castles and palaces draw millions of visitors for a glimpse of the lifestyles of the rich and famous

Casey Hatfield-Chiotti, Travel + Leisure

Neuschwanstein Castle

Imagine a castle: it probably looks a lot like Germany's Neuschwanstein Castle , the turreted inspiration for Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Each year, more than 1.5 million travelers are inspired to make the steep walk or catch a horse-drawn carriage to reach this castle perched on a rocky outcropping in the Bavarian countryside.

"People have always been interested in celebrities and powerful people and their homes," says Cordula Mauss, PR officer for the Bavarian Administration of State-Owned Palaces. "Immediately after the death of Ludwig II in 1886, the first tourists came and wanted to see what their king had built as his private residence."

While castles, palaces and châteaux naturally pique such curiosity, not all have Neuschwanstein's European fairy-tale looks. Some of the world's most-visited castles, found across Asia, feature red exteriors, pagodas and gates.

Consider Bangkok's gold-spired Grand Palace , where Thai kings lived for 150 years, and where 8 million annual visitors now traipse through ornate rooms, manicured gardens and temples, including one that houses a revered Buddha carved from a single block of jade.

Other longtime royal residences have been repurposed as museums. St. Petersburg's riverfront Winter Palace , for instance, is the sixth-most-visited castle, thanks to the appeal of masterworks by Titian and da Vinci along with lavish restored interiors, where Catherine the Great once held court.

America's closest approximation is California's Hearst Castle , though it fell short of our top 20 list with only 750,000 annual visitors. And while Windsor Castle squeaked in at No. 19, Buckingham Palace didn't make the grade (567,613 annual visitors), nor did Romania's Bran Castle (542,000) or a single Irish castle. Ireland's most visited, Blarney Castle , welcomed 365,000 in 2013.

That said, there can be a downside to having too many visitors—these are delicate, historic structures that have existed for hundreds of years, and some, like Neuschwanstein, limit the daily entries. But it's hard to stem curiosity when it comes to the lives of the blue-blooded.

The Methodology: To tally up the world's most-visited castles, Travel + Leisure  gathered the most recent data supplied by the attractions themselves or from government agencies, industry reports and reputable media outlets. In most cases, it was 2013 data.

See eight destinations below and the  full 20  on  Travel + Leisure .

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No. 1: The Forbidden City (Palace Museum), Beijing

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 15,340,000 (Source: China National Tourist Office)

Each day, tens of thousands of visitors pour through the Forbidden City to see the 178-acre walled compound that once shielded the Imperial Palace from public view—while housing Chinese emperors and their extensive entourages. (To handle the volume, the government has started requiring advance ticket sales during festivals and holidays and prohibiting annual ticket holders from visiting during peak seasons.) Bright red buildings topped with golden pagodas exemplify traditional Chinese architecture, while the Palace Museum showcases art, furniture and calligraphy.

No. 2: The Louvre, Paris

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 9,334,0000 (Source: Atout France, the France Tourism Development Agency)

The largest and most famous museum in the world—displaying masterpieces like La Gioconda (the Mona Lisa) and the Winged Victory of Samothrace—got its start as a palace. The U-shaped Louvre housed generations of French kings and emperors beginning in the 12th century, and the remnants of the original fortress that occupied the site (built for King Philippe II in 1190) can be seen in the basement of the museum. The building was extended and renovated many times. Head to the decorative arts wing for a glimpse of Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie's opulent state apartments, built between 1854 and 1861.

No. 3: Grand Palace, Bangkok

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 8,000,000 (Source: Thailand Tourist Services)

Royal offices are still used within the Grand Palace , and state visits and royal ceremonies like the Royal Birthday Anniversary of the current King Bhumibol Adulyadej are held there each year. This was also the official residence of Thai kings from 1782 to 1925 and counts numerous buildings, halls, and pavilions set around open lawns and manicured gardens. The palace’s Temple of the Emerald Buddha is considered one of the most sacred sites in Thailand. Its Buddha was carved from a single block of jade, and his garments, made of pure gold, are changed in a royal ceremony three times a year to reflect the Thai seasons.

No. 4: Palace of Versailles, France

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 7,527,122 (Source: Versailles Press Office)

When Louis XIV built Versailles in the late 1600s, it became the envy of other European monarchs in Europe, and the opulent estate retains an unmistakable allure. Versailles gets seven times the visitors of any other château in France (apart from the Louvre); it helps that it's easily accessible from Paris. No other palace in the world can match the grandeur of Versailles's Hall of Mirrors, dripping with chandeliers, and Marie Antoinette’s bedroom, decorated with hand-stitched flowers. The vast grounds are free most days and an attraction in themselves, with 50 water fountains, a parterre (formal garden), a grand canal, and other sites like the Grand Trianon, built for Louis XIV as a refuge from court life, and Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon.

No. 5: Topkapi Palace, Istanbul

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 3,335,000 (Source: Go Turkey, Official Tourism Portal of Turkey)

With a lovely setting overlooking the Bosporus and Sea of Marmara, Topkapi Palace was the royal residence for about 400 years until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920s. The sultan lived with his wives, concubines, mother and children in the harem, under the fierce protection of eunuchs. Look for the Privy Chamber of Murat III, with its indoor pool, gilded fireplace and walls decorated with blue, white, and coral Iznik tiles from the 16th century. The Palace Kitchens reopened in September 2014, displaying fine china and large cookware. And the complex also includes courtyards, gazebos, gardens and the Imperial Treasury. An emerald-and diamond-studded bow and quivers sent by Sultan Mahmud I to the ruler of Persia is just one example of the lavish gifts on view.

No. 6: The Winter Palace (State Hermitage Museum), St. Petersburg, Russia

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 3,120,170 (Source: State Hermitage Museum Press Office)

Catherine the Great and Nicholas I are among the Russian royals who occupied this green-and-white baroque palace along the Neva River from 1762 to 1917. Today, the palace is a museum with one of the finest collections in Europe, including works by Titian, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci (Benois Madonna). Much of the palace was destroyed by fire in 1837, but the beautifully restored interiors speak to the opulent tastes of the Russian elite. St. George Hall (a large throne room) features two tiers of windows, double Corinthian pink marble columns, patterned parquet floors and gilt bronze details.

No. 7: Tower of London

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 2,894,698 (Source: Association of Leading Visitor Attractions)

This medieval fortress on the north bank of the River Thames was built to intimidate Londoners and keep out foreign invaders. The oldest part of the structure, the White Tower, dates back to the 12th century. While it originally served as a royal residence, the tower has become notorious for its use as a prison and the site of executions that included Henry VI and Lady Jane Grey. Millions flock to the tower today to see historical reenactments as well as the British Crown Jewels, among them, the Sovereign's Sceptre containing the Great Star of Africa, the largest colorless cut diamond in the world. In 2014, the tower's moat was filled with 888,246 ceramic red poppies in remembrance of British soldiers who died in World War I—an example of art installations and events held regularly.

No. 8: Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

best castles to visit in the world

Annual Visitors: 2,870,000 (Source: Schönbrunn Palace)

Austria's most-visited site is this Rococo palace , a summer retreat for Hapsburg emperors from the 1700s until 1918. Of the 1,441 rooms, the most famous is the Mirror Room, with white and gold Rococo decoration and crystal mirrors, where Mozart is said to have performed his first concert at age six. The palace's elaborate gardens can claim the world's longest orangerie and the site of the first zoo (est. 1752). The guided Grand Tour provides access to all 40 rooms open to the public, including the Gobelin Salon with tapestries from Brussels and the Millions Room, an office paneled in rare rosewood.

See the next 12 most visited castles and palaces  on  Travel + Leisure .

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The 26 most beautiful castles in Europe

By Caitlin Morton

Hohenwerfen Castle Austria

What is it about castles that are so alluring to travellers? Aside from getting us one step closer to living out our fairytale fantasies, the staggering structures showcase some of the world’s best architecture , most stunning landscapes , and maybe even a ghost story or two.

There’s perhaps no better place on earth to find awe-inspiring castles than in Europe , where it seems like you can’t visit a city or take a road trip without stumbling upon some sort of royal dwelling. Here you’ll find medieval stone walls, sky-high towers, and bridges arching over glittering moats, everywhere from the Bavarian Alps to the Mediterranean coast. Check out this list of the 26 most beautiful castles in Europe, and get ready to feel like the true royalty you are.

Neuschwanstein Castle Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle is not only one of the most beautiful castles in Europe, but it is also one of the most recognisable castles on the planet – thanks in large part to the fact that it served as inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Originally built at the behest of reclusive King Ludwig II as a private retreat in 1886, the majestic structure boasts a clifftop location and ornate rooms; today, it attracts some 1.4 million visitors every year.

Pena Palace Portugal

Pena Palace, Portugal

Inspired by German Romantic architecture, Pena Palace – situated on top of a hill in Sintra – looks like a Disney castle with its pink and yellow towers, ornamental buttresses, and cartoonish gargoyles. The interiors are equally dramatic. Don’t miss the intricately carved ceilings and walls of Queen Amelia’s apartments and the striking all-white reception room. (Bonus: Sintra is only 40 minutes from Lisbon , meaning you really have no excuse not to visit.)

Guaita Tower San Marino

Guaita Tower, San Marino

San Marino may be tiny – under 62 square kilometres, and completely surrounded by Italy – but it still has some pretty impressive sites. The capital city is known for its three hilltop towers (you can even spot them on the country’s coat of arms), the prettiest of which is Guaita Tower. It was constructed atop Monte Titano in the 10th century , and it is now open year-round to visitors.

Palace of Versailles France

Palace of Versailles, France

You can’t talk about European castles without immediately mentioning the Palace of Versailles, the picture-perfect definition of French grandeur and opulence. The 17th-century gilded palace and 1,977-acre estate are the lasting legacies of King Louis XIV, and even French citizens consider it a bucket-list-worthy marvel. Set aside at least a full day to explore the Royal Stables, Hall of Mirrors, and endlessly mesmerising gardens.

Hohenwerfen Castle Austria

Hohenwerfen Fortress, Austria

Another medieval, mountaintop castle, Hohenwerfen Fortress is one of the most stunning sites in all of Austria – and that’s saying something. The 11th-century castle overlooks the scenic Salzach River Valley (about 35 miles south of Salzburg), offering Christmas markets and falconry demonstrations along with its daily tours.

Alczar of Segovia Spain

Alcázar of Segovia, Spain

The Alcázar de Segovia was once a medieval fortress, but it was rebuilt in its current, castle-like style following a fire in 1862. Today, visitors can explore its museum, multiple halls and secret passageways, and towers overlooking Segovia’s town square. Then, be prepared for some equally impressive interiors. They’re marked by stained glass windows, polished suits of armour, lavish dining and dancing halls, and so many canopied beds.

Culzean Castle Scotland

Culzean Castle, Scotland

This clifftop castle sits off the western coast of Scotland , surrounded by water on one side and opulent gardens on the other. Culzean Castle was built in the late 1700s by the 10th Earl of Cassilis, who reportedly wanted the structure to be an open sign of his wealth and class – just check out the flamboyant landscaping, extensive collection of paintings, and dramatic central staircase for proof. The castle’s top-floor apartment once served as Dwight D. Eisenhower’s holiday home (a thank-you gift from Scotland following his efforts during WWII); today, it serves as a six-bedroom vacation rental that you can book online . 

Most beautiful castles in Europe Bamburgh Castle England

Bamburgh Castle, England

Bamburgh Castle rises like a mirage over the white-sand beaches of Northumberland . The medieval castle dates as far back as the 5th century, and it has appeared in many stories and poems over the past several centuries. (Some scholars believe it even served as inspiration for Sir Lancelot’s castle in Arthurian legend.) More recently, it has appeared as a backdrop in films like Elizabeth (1998) and Macbeth (the Michael Fassbender version from 2015).

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Castello di Miramare

Castello di Miramare, Italy

Just a 30-minute drive north of Trieste – the photogenic heart of Friuli Venezia-Giulia – Castello di Miramare has one of the most scenic locations of all the castles on this list. Formerly home to Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, the 10th-century structure sits above the blue Adriatic on a lush, 54-acre park. It’s certainly not your average beachside attraction.

Corvin Castle Romania

Corvin Castle, Romania

It may not have inspired any vampiric novels, but this 15th-century Gothic fortress has enough nightmarish features to rival Bran Castle. Ogle at the exterior of doubly thick impenetrable walls, a colossal drawbridge, and countless rectangular and circular towers once used to keep watch and house prisoners. Inside, view the massive dungeon and torture chamber, plus the remains of the “bear pit,” where human remains were fed to the castle’s resident bears. Fun times all around.

Bled Castle Slovenia

Bled Castle, Slovenia

There’s a reason (well, many reasons) why Lake Bled is one of Slovenia’s most popular sites, featuring emerald waters, a church-dotted islet, views of the Julien Alps, and, of course, a Disney-like castle on a hill. Climb your way up the forest trail to see Bled Castle’s orange-roofed towers and 11th-century walls up close, then turn around to be afforded some of the most picture-perfect views of the lake you’ll ever find.

Bojnice Castle Slovakia

Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

Bojnice is two hours away from Bratislava, and it’s certainly worth the drive to be able to see the town’s towering, amusement park-esque castle. The neo-Gothic palace was originally built in the 12th century (although it was rebuilt several times to reach its current design), and it is now part of the Slovak National Museum , meaning it is open to public tours nearly every day of the year. Be sure to check out the creepy-but-cool travertine caves hidden under the castle.

Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark

Built in the early 17th century, this stunning Renaissance castle sits on three lake islets in Hillerød, just north of Copenhagen . The castle complex is known for its exquisite gardens and for housing the Danish Museum of National History.

Hohenzollern Castle

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

Situated atop a 768-foot bluff in the foothills of the Swabian Alps, this picturesque castle is more than just nice to look at: With its many towers and fortifications, it’s considered a relic of 19th-century military architecture. It’s perhaps most exceptional on overcast days when it sticks out above the fog – a literal castle on a cloud. When you visit, take one of the guided tours (they get crowded) or explore on your own. There’s a pretty beer garden inside the castle that’s perfect for a German-style rest, too.

Most beautiful castles in Europe Alhambra Palace Spain

Alhambra Palace, Spain

Granada is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain , thanks in large part to the mighty Alhambra that overlooks the town’s historic buildings and cobblestone streets from its hilltop location. The Moorish palace complex was constructed starting in 1228, and it now serves as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Spain’s top tourist attractions.

Château de Chenonceau France

Château de Chenonceau, France

The entire Loire Valley is a treasure trove of beautiful castles, but Château de Chenonceau easily rises to the top of the pack – both in terms of beauty and popularity. The current château was built on top of an old mill starting in 1514, while the trademark bridge and gallery were added about 60 years later. Today, the river-spanning structure and surrounding gardens are one of the most-visited attractions in the entire country.

Castel del Monte Italy

Castel del Monte, Italy

Proving that castles don’t need moats and pointed turrets to be beautiful, Castel del Monte sits pretty on a rocky hill in southern Italy (about three hours from Naples ). The citadel and castle were built in the 13th century by Emperor Frederick II, whose culture and creative vision shine through the merging of classical and Muslim architectural influences, and the complex’s perfectly octagonal towers.

Kylemore Abbey Ireland

Kylemore Abbey, Ireland

Mountains, valleys, lakes, and streams all combine to make Connemara one of the loveliest regions in Ireland . See: Kylemore Abbey, in the heart of the Connemara mountains. This impressive structure was built in 1868 as one of the great neo-Gothic castles of the period. It is now a Benedictine abbey run by nuns, and the church and gardens have been completely restored.

Predjama Castle Slovenia

Predjama Castle, Slovenia

The Gothic-style Predjama Castle is easily one of Slovenia’s most dramatic structures, built directly into the side of a 404-foot cliff that hides a network of cave passages. Tours of the castle are available year-round, although hibernating bats in the caves restrict underground tours from May through September .

Château de Chambord France

Château de Chambord, France

While it’s not one of the best-known French palaces (hello, Versailles), Château de Chambord is certainly one of the loveliest. Located inside a wooded park in the Loire Valley, the majestic building brings plenty of drama to the landscape – and that’s before you have a chance to see the swirled staircase, intricate ceilings, and 17th- and 18th-century furnishings inside.

Eilean Donan Castle Scotland

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

Scotland practically overflows with ancient stone castles and ruins, but there’s something extra special about Eilean Donan Castle. Perhaps it’s the castle’s charming bridge and moss-covered walls, or its spectacular location among the lochs of the Highlands. Or perhaps it’s because it served as inspiration for DunBroch Castle in the movie Brave . Whatever the reason, we’re here for it.

Egeskov Castle Denmark

Egeskov Castle, Denmark

Constructed in 1554, Egeskov Castle is known as the best-preserved moat castle in all of Europe. The Gothic-style castle complex comprises 280-year-old hedge mazes, and two buildings with 200 windows and 66 rooms (sadly, only six bathrooms).

Bran Castle Romania

Bran Castle, Romania

Romania has its fair share of beautiful castles, but none are quite as legendary as Bran Castle. The former residence of Queen Marie of Romania and the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel, Dracula , the national landmark sits high up on a hill along the border between Transylvania and Wallachia, with prime views of the surrounding mountains and forests.

Alczar of Seville Spain

Alcázar of Seville, Spain

Moorish influences can be seen all over the city of Seville , but the UNESCO-listed Alcázar of Seville is one of its best-known landmarks – and not just because it was used as the royal palace of the House Martell in Game of Thrones . Built and rebuilt starting in the early Middle Ages, the complex consists of palatial buildings (expect arched windows, gilded domes, and intricate tilework) and meticulously maintained gardens.

Trakai Island Castle Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania

Reconstructed in the second half of the 14th century, Trakai Island Castle sits on a postcard-perfect island in Lithuania’s Lake Galvė. The town of Trakai is only 14 miles west of Vilnius, meaning you can easily make the day trip out to see the castle’s Gothic-style architecture, brick-and-stone chapel, and gorgeous surroundings for yourself.

Conwy Castle Wales

Conwy Castle, Wales

The Welsh town of Conwy is defined by its 21-tower medieval fortress, which features a gorgeous castle surrounded by fortified walls stretching three-quarters of a mile. The structure was commissioned by King Edward I back in the 13th century, which makes its well-preserved state all the more impressive. Visitors are welcome to visit the castle and walk a complete circle around the battlements, including venturing up the towers via spiral staircases.

A version of this article originally appeared on Condé Nast Traveller U.S.

16 Best Castles In The World You Can Visit

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Have you ever traveled to your favorite destination, maybe the Maldives or Dubai, and wondered how life was like back then hundreds of years ago? Well, it was awesome! How do we know? Castles! And the best castles in the world will transport you back in time to forgotten eras.

Visiting a castle should always be near the top of your bucket list. These fortresses still carry their glory and when you step your foot in one, you will stop imagining how life was before and actually start feeling it, living it!

You can experience first-hand the life of kings who conquered many battles, the queens who stood by them, and the people who put their sweat, blood, and in some instances, lives, into constructing these outstanding fortresses that have stood the test of time.

In this article, we are going to put together 16 of the best castles around the world you can visit. The list also includes the best castles in Europe. But first, here’s a summary of the best castles in the world , with more info on each castle following below!

The Best Castles In The World Are:

Best Castles Around The World

1. Neuschwanstein Castle

Best Castles In The World

This castle stands in the Bavaria Alps in Germany and it was in this place that Ludwig II spent his childhood. The castle attracts over 1.5 million every year making Neuschwanstein one of the most visited places in the world.

Best time to visit. You can visit this castle at any time of the year, be it when its peaks are covered by snow or gleaming-white due to the summer sun. Nevertheless, Neuschwanstein receives around 6,000 daily tourists so it may be best to avoid visiting during the peak months in the summer like July and August.

To beat the long waiting lines, try to arrive at the Ticketcenter Hohenschwangau as early as possible, even before it opens. Alternatively, you can get there any time after 3pm when there are small crowds.

Another useful tip is to plan for your Neuschwanstein Castle visit on weekdays or schedule your tour during the off-season. Additionally, if you want to treat yourself or family to a great experience during the end of the year’s festive seasons, the number of tourists to Neuschwanstein usually drops considerably between the months of November and April.

Interesting fact.  Neuschwanstein Castle inspired Disney’s Magic Kingdom castle.

2. Karlštejn Castle

Best Castles In The World

This fairy tale castle is located in Czechia (the Czech Republic) and was built by Emperor Charles IV in 1348AD.

Best time to visit . If you are planning to visit Karlstejn, there is no best time to visit throughout the year—it’s great all year round! The red roof architecture of Karlstejn Castle, with its lush hidden gardens, and the majestic winding River Vltava will constantly provide new charming perspectives every time you visit. Whether it is Spring, Winter, Autumn, or Summer, just pack your bags and get ready for a wonderful experience.

Interesting fact. After Germany took over the Czech Republic in 1939, Adolf Hitler spent the night in the Karstejn Castle “proudly surveying his new possessions.”

3. Pena Palace

Best Castles In The World

Pena Palace is located in Sao Pedro de Penaferrim, Sintra, Portugal. It is nestled on top of the Sintra Mountains overlooking the city of Sintra. This Portuguese gothic castle constitutes one of the major modern day’s expressions of Romanticism.

Additionally, the castle is still used by the country’s president for state occasions. Apart from being a Portuguese national heritage, the palace is also one the country’s Seven Wonders and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Best time to visit . The medieval village that surrounds Pena Palace makes it one of the best castles you can visit. But like any astounding place on earth, it’s better before the large crowds arrive. If you want to enjoy your tour best, consider arriving at Pena Palace around 9am to beat the morning crowd or late afternoon around 5pm when the crowd grows thin. This will work especially well if your hotel is in Sintra. And why not? Sintra has one of the most prestigious hotels in Portugal called The Tivoli Hotel Seteais Palace.

Interesting fact.  If you are in Lisbon on a clear day, you can actually see Pena Palace.

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4. malbork castle.

Malbork Castle In Poland

Take a trip to Central Europe and you will find one of the best castles in Europe. Malbork Castle is also popularly known as the Castle of the Teutonic Order, and this 13 th  Century Teutonic palace is specifically located in Malbork town of Poland. It was famously enlarged and enhanced when the Grand Master seat was moved from Venice to here. Today, it occupies a staggering 21 hectares, making it the world largest castle by land area.

Best time to visit . Malbork Castle is open to the public all year long, from 9am to 8pm. The area around the Castle features crystal clear lakes and rivers, making Spring to early Autumn the best time to visit.

Interesting fact.  Malbork Castle is the world’s largest castle built in brick and the largest brick structure in the world. The castle was originally called Marienburg, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus’ mother.

5. Hohenzollern Castle

Best Castles In The World

This castle is located in the southernmost city of Deutschland and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany.

Best time to visit. If you are planning on visiting Hohenzollern Castle, do so between May and September when the days are longer.

Interesting fact. The castle was completely destroyed by Swabian rulers in 1423 but was built again in 1454. This time bigger than before.

6. Eltz Castle

Best Castles In The World

Another one of Germany’s medieval castles. This 12 th  Century castle was built above a 70m tall hill surrounded on three of its sides by the Elzbach River in Wierschem, Germany.

Best time to visit. Eltz Castle can be best explored when you arrive early in the morning, between 9.30 and 11.00 or late afternoon between 3.30 and 5.30. Tours of the castle normally begin every 15 minutes.

Interesting fact. Despite Germany being hit heavily during the two world wars, Eltz Castle was never touched and is one of the best-preserved castles in Germany.

7. Eilean Donan Castle

Best Castles In The World

This is one of the castles you can visit in Britain. It is located on Eilean Donan Island in Scotland. If you are Scottish, you have probably seen it on shortbread tins and calendars!

Best time to visit . Just like many of the world’s best castles, the best time to visit Eilean Castle is very early in the morning and late in the afternoon. The castle has varying opening and closing hours so check the official site for up to date info.

Interesting fact . Eilean Castle is currently owned by the Macrae family, the Highland Scottish clan. Many people are familiar with the castle from seeing it in movies, as it has been featured in close to ten movies.

8. Windsor Castle

Best Castles In The World

Windsor Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the world. It is located in Berkshire, England, and this castle is a royal residence of the British royal family.

Best time to visit. Unlike other castles in this list, Windsor castle has limited public access, but you can still visit. If you want to catch the Changing of the Guard ceremony, arrive at the place at 11.30 or earlier. There is no Changing of the Guard on the Lord’s day (the Guards deserve a day off to tour the castle too!)

Interesting fact . Windsor Castle is the longest-occupied palace in the world.

9. Oberhofen Castle

Best Castles In The World

This castle is located on the shores of Lake Thun in Switzerland, was built around the 13 th  Century, and is the home of a living museum.

Best time to visit. The castle is only open between May and October, from Tuesday to Sunday from 11am-5pm. In July and August, the castle closes at 6pm.

Interesting fact. The castle features a tower that is actually in the lake!

10. Schwerin Castle

Best Castles In The World

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Best Castles In The World

Schwerin Castle is located in the city of Schwerin, Germany and has been the home of the dukes and grand dukes of Mecklenburg. With so many German castles making this list we’d not be surprised if you began to wonder which country has the most castles in the world. (Surprisingly the answer is actually Wales, not Germany!)

Best time to visit. The castle is open from March to November between Tuesday and Sunday. There are usually no large crowds in Schwerin Castle so you can visit any time of the day or year and enjoy it without the fuss!

Interesting fact. Schwerin Castle can be seen in the movie Kingsman: The Golden Circle .

11. Castello Scaligero

Castello Scaligero

The only Italian castle to make this list of the best castles around the world, it’s nonetheless fully deserving of its place. Located in the Lombardy region of Northwest Italy, Castello Scaligero is one of the best preserved of Italy’s thousands of castles.

Owned by the noble Scaligeri family, the Lords of Verona, this castle was built in the 13 th Century. Strikingly beautiful as it is perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking Lake Garda , this castle has had a rich and full history having been in the hands of the Italians, French and Austrians at various points.

There is a lot to learn about the history of this castle and region by visiting here. And, what’s even better, making your way to the top of the tower will reward you with an exquisite view of Lake Garda.

Best time to visit.  Since it can still be a bit wet and cold here even as late as April, we’d recommend visiting Castello Scaligero from May to September.

Interesting fact.  In 1924 tombstones were discovered with Latin markings to the pagan goddess Iside, indicating that the ancient Etruscans were perhaps the first inhabitants of the area surrounding Lake Garda.

12. Swallow’s Nest Castle

Best Castles In The World

This castle is located in Gaspra, Ukraine. Built between 1911 and 1912, Swallow’s Nest castle hangs on top of Aurora Cliff, 40-meters high.

Best time to visit. Swallow’s is open between 9am-7pm from May to October and 9am-4pm from November to April. The castle is closed on Mondays.

Interesting fact. The Swallow’s Nest castle was first built by a wounded general who visited Crimea while seeking treatment after being given the land by the empire.

13. Balmoral Castle

Best Castles In The World

Another Scottish castle making the list. Balmoral Castle is situated in Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Best time to visit. The castle is not usually crowded so if you are planning for a visit, it opens at 10am and closes at 5pm.

Interesting fact. Did you know that Balmoral Castle is royal property and that Queen Victoria personally laid the castle’s foundation stone back in September 1853? Now you know.

14. Chateau de Pierrefonds

Best Castles In The World

This medieval structure is situated in the County of Valois, France and it was built in 1328AD.

Best time to visit. The castle is open daily from 9.30am-6pm between May and August, and 10am-1pm between September to April. It is closed on Mondays.

Interesting fact. The entrance to Chateau de Pierrefonds is located in the weakest part of the wall.

15. Chateau de Chambord

Best Castles In The World

This castle is located in Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France. It was built in 1519 and is one of the world’s most popular chateaux.

Best time to visit. Planning for a tour of Chateau de Chambord? It is open from 10am-5pm from October to March. The castle opens every day except for Christmas and January 1 st .

Interesting fact. There are over 400 rooms in the Chateau de Chambord, and 84 staircases.

16. Hohenschwangau Castle

Best Castles In The World

Hohenschwangau Castle is a half hour walk away from Neuschwanstein Castle (the 1 st castle mentioned on this list). Built by King Maximilian II of Bavaria in the 19 th Century, this is where King Ludwig II of Bavaria stayed as a child.

Best time to visit . The castle is open from 10am-4pm during Winter and 9am-6pm during Summer, but is closed on December 24 th and January 1 st . Visit during the Summer for the best odds for a fantastic day, but seeing it in the snow around December-March would also be a great choice!

Interesting fact.  The castle was first mentioned in 1397 under the name of “Schwanstein”, meaning that at some point in the 19 th Century it switched its name with Neuschwanstein Castle.

What do you think is the best castle in the world? Did it make the cut in our list? Did we miss it out? Leave a comment below.

Suggested next reading:   6 Of The Best Castles To Visit In England That Have Incredible History

best castles to visit in the world

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Chris Newton

Published by Chris Newton

Hi, I'm Chris - a web developer who likes to travel. My favourite travel destinations are Italy and France; Italy because I loved seeing all the religious history in Rome, and France because I met my beautiful wife there! While becoming a dad has kept me from travelling lately, I still enjoy learning French and learning from different cultures. If you'd like to know more, you can read more about me here . View all posts by Chris Newton

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19 of the most beautiful castles in the world

Feel like royalty at these famous castles on tour.

There’s nothing more magical than looking up at a magnificent castle in a foreign land—except, perhaps, venturing inside. Walking through the grand doors of famous castles around the world is like being transported into a universe only seen in history books or movies. As you walk the corridors of royals past on our castle tours , you might just feel like royalty, yourself.

You’ll get to know their vast chambers and grounds and learn all about the history, cultures, and events that shaped our society into what it is today. So, what are you waiting for? Explore some of the best castles to visit on your next trip.


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best castles to visit in the world

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The Best Castles in the World

Looking for the best castles in the world?

We’ve visited dozens of castles on our trips to six continents (we haven’t made it to Antarctica yet, but there are no castles there, anyway), and we’re always amazed by the sheer size and beauty of the castles we’ve visited.

Of course, the best or most beautiful castle in the world really depends on your point of view. In this post, we’ve included some of our favorite castles that visually made us say “wow”, and that have a cool history or story behind them.

Our best castles in the world list includes the biggest castles in the world (either the Prague Castle or the Windsor Castle depending on who you’re talking to), what we think may be one of the oldest castles in the world (Goreme Castle, Turkey), as well as cool and unusual castles built into the surrounding rock like the mountainside cave covering Predjamski Castle or castles built on Tibetan mountaintops (Potala Palace) and so forth. Some of these are among the most famous castles in the world as well as some you probably have never heard of before.

What got them on this list is that in their own way, each one is an amazing castle in its own right.

So, before we start, what exactly defines a castle? Can a monastery or church be a castle? Turns out, the definition of a castle is pretty simple. The Merriam Webster dictionary says a castle is “a large fortified building or set of buildings”, “a massive or imposing house” or “a retreat safe against intrusion or invasion”.

Here they are: our top 20 most beautiful castles in the world, with beautiful castle photos to prove it.

Schloss Schwerin Castle, Germany

The Schloss Schwerin Castle in Germany is about as close to a fairy tale castle that you’re ever likely to find. It’s surrounded by lakes and forest, and features stunning towers that reach into the sky that are topped with golden domes and pinnacles.

Schwerin Castle was built between 1847 and 1857 by Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. It’s said there has been a building on the site since around 1160. You can visit this castle at the  Schwerin Museum , Germany.

Blarney Castle, Ireland

The medieval Blarney Castle is near Cork, Ireland, and it dates from way back in 1446. It’s one of Ireland’s most famous attractions, and brings in thousands of visitors who want to climb to the top and kiss its famous Blarney Stone.

While there’s the castle itself to visit, there’s also over 60 acres of gardens, waterways, and grounds to explore.

There’s an admission fee to visit, but it can be well worth the cost  if you take the time to walk around the ample grounds and check out the castle’s interior.

Osaka Castle, Japan

Osaka Castle is beautiful in and of itself, but it really comes to life during cherry blossom season, when the blooms turn the landscape of Osaka Castle Park gorgeous shades of pink.

The castle is one of Japan’s most well known attractions, and was built in 1583 by feudal lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi, whose love of gold is seen in the gold embellished exterior of the castle.

Uchisar Castle, Goreme, Turkey

We caught our first peek at this ancient castle in Turkey on a  balloon ride over Cappadocia . (See the  video here ).

The castle is made out of solid rock, with rooms and stairways hollowed out of the rock itself. I couldn’t find any confirmed information on the castle’s age, but UNESCO says   “It is believed that the first signs of monastic activity in Cappadocia date back to the 4th century at which time small anchorite communities, acting on the teachings of Basileios the Great, Bishop of Kayseri, began inhabiting cells hewn in the rock.”

Today, Uchisar Castle is largely a crumbling ruin, and visitors are banned from visiting due to the risk of collapse. Most of the rooms on the north side of the castle are now used as pigeon houses.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle looks like it was plucked straight from your favorite fairy tale, and it’s easily one of the most famous castles around the world, with up 6,000 people visiting a day.

It’s located in Bavaria, Germany, and was built for King Ludwig II. The name means “new swan stone”, and was named after Wagner’s the Swan Knight.

There are only 14 rooms currently finished inside the castle, and they’re all on view for visitors.

Bonus Note: Neuschwanstein’s white limestone facade and blue turrets are rumored to the inspiration for the castle in Disney’s Cinderella.

Lichtenstein Castle, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle (Schloss Lichtenstein in German) is privately owned, and operates as a tourist attraction today. It’s located in the Swabian Jura of southern Germany, an hour’s drive south of Stuttgart.

The Lichtenstein Castle is popular with German tourists, but fewer international tourists visit these days. The current castle was built between 1840 and 1842, however the original castle on the site was built back around 1200.

In terms of size, Lichtenstein is a relatively small castle, however, with stunning views of the Echaz Valley and Swabian Alps it more than makes up for that with its beautiful scenery.

Pena Palace, Portugal

We visited the Pena Palace on a cool spring day a few years ago, and it absolutely wowed us.

You’ll find Pena Palace (Palácio da Pena in Portuguese) just outside of Lisbon, standing high above the municipality of Sintra, Portugal.

It’s a fine example of 19th century Romanticism style of architecture. It was built by King consort Ferdinand II in 1847, and purchased by the Portuguese State in 1889. Today, it’s a museum and tourist attraction, and we’d say it’s well worth a visit.

Tip! Don’t forget to check out the expansive grounds when you visit. It makes a perfect place for a picnic!

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

The Prague Castle is thought to be the largest ancient castle in the world, at about 70,000 square meters (750,000 square feet).

The castle has a long history, dating back to the 9th century, and it has been used by kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia. Today, the castle is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic.

Bonus tip! Don’t expect to be alone when you visit. With 1.8 million visitors every year you’ll have plenty of company.

Mont Saint Michel, France

The Mont Saint Michel is one France’s most stunning sights. Mont Saint Michel is a medieval monastery that’s perched high on top of a small island.

The island is located about a kilometer off the coast, and dates back to 709.

Today, Mont Saint Michel is one of France’s most iconic tourist attractions.

Matsumoto Castle, Japan

Matsumoto Castle is an easy day trip from Tokyo. A National Treasure of Japan, and the current structure dates back to 1594.

The Matsumoto Castle is also known as the crow castle because of its black exterior.

It’s a beautiful place, and an especially good choice for visiting Japan with kids .

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

The 13th century Eilean Donan is one of the most iconic and visited castles in the Highlands of Scotland. It’s situated on an island at the point where three great sea lochs meet, making for some stunning views.

Want to stay on the grounds at the Eilean Donan? It’s possible to stay on site at the Eilean Donan Cottage only a stones throw from the ancient castle.

Egeskov Castle, Denmark

Egeskov Castle opened in 1554, and it is Europe’s best preserved Renaissance water castle. It’s located near Kværndrup, in the south of the island of Funen, Denmark.

There’s a lot to enjoy here, from touring the castle and grounds, to enjoying exhibitions and events involving lots of amazing local food and drinks.

Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle is unique in that it’s a currently active royal residence. In fact, it’s the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world. The original castle was built in the 11th century, and it’s still possible to visit. If you’re lucky, you may even catch the Queen in residence!

Duart Castle, Scotland

Duart Castle (Caisteal Dhubhairt in Scottish Gaelic) is a castle perched on a craggy cliff on the Isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland. The castle dates back to the 13th century.

It was brought back from ruin in 1911, and to this day, it’s still privately owned by the MacLean clan .

Swallow’s Nest, Ukraine

Swallow’s Nest is a small castle perched precariously over the Crimean Sea.

It overlooks the spa town of Gaspra. While it looks like a castle architecturally, it’s not a castle in the truest form, because it wasn’t built to protect its occupants.

A large earthquake in 1927 closed the castle for close to 40 years because of damage to the underlying rock. Today, it houses an Italian restaurant.

Peleș Castle, Romania

Peleș Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. It was built between 1873 and 1914 for King Carol I.

It was originally used as a summer residence, and today it operates as a museum. Its extravagant looks led to it being featured in the 2009 movie The Brothers Bloom as well as many TV movies.

Potala Palace, Tibet

Admittedly, Tibet isn’t the first place you think of when trying to picture a castle.

That said, the Potala Palace has a long history, and was the residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India during the 1959 Tibetan uprising. Today, it’s a museum, and on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It’s located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China.

Predjamski Castle, Slovenia

One of the world’s most dramatic castles, Predjama Castle is a Renaissance castle nestled within a cave mouth in south-central Slovenia. It’s in the village of Predjama, and was built around the 12th century.

In the summer, you can visit the caves underneath the castle.

Dundas Castle or Craig-E-Clare, New York

Dundas Castle is the lone castle from the USA in this list. It was built between 1915 and 1924, and is located in Roscoe, New York, and was modeled after Dundas Castle. It is also known as Craig-E-Clare.

Sadly, it’s currently abandoned, and has a long history of misfortune. The original owner, Ralph Wurts-Dundas, died in 1922 as the castle was being finished. His wife Josephine Wurts-Dundas, was committed to a sanitarium soon after. It was inherited by their daughter, who was swindled out of a great deal of money by the caretakers of the castle. She was admitted to a mental institution herself.

After that, the Dundas Castle went through various owners, including a time as a children’s summer camp. It was bought by a Masonic chapter as a retreat, but it was abandoned by the Masons (who still own the building).

Arolsen Castle, Germany

Arolsen Castle was built in the early 1700s, in Bad Arolsen, Hesse, Germany.

The baroque-style castle is still inhabited by Wittekind, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont and his family.

The castle is now a museum with daily tours.

Bride on the Steps of Cathedral Se, Porto, Portugal

While the Cathedral Se in Porto, Portugal doesn’t technically count as a castle (as it wasn’t built to protect its occupants), it’s so beautiful, and one of our favorite buildings in Portugal, that we’ve included it in this list.

Cathedral Se is located in the historic city center of Porto, and it’s still a working church, with mass celebrated at 11 am every day.

If you’re lucky, you’ll even see a wedding in progress, like the day we did!

Tip! Are you lucky enough to have visited one of these amazing castles? We’re always looking for ways to remember our travels. We realized long ago that if we took a souvenir from every place we’ve visited around the globe we’d now have a house full of fridge magnets and t-shirts! Instead, we love to preserve our travel memories in other ways. There are a lot of amazing things you can do with your travel pics, including creating custom, photo themed smartphone covers, HD metal prints, and framed collages.

Would you visit any of these castles? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks for sharing this amazing travel experience guide with us, this Castles Really so beautiful to visit with friends and family.

Well I love those pictures especially Neuschwanstein because you can build it in Civ V

The Matsumoto Castle is also known as the crow castle because of its black exterior. this is all about the mini things and really do not know much about the castles just hear all these in the stories but saw this first time in real . Great thanks to the author

Hi, nicely done and written, always great to find new information in your blog . so useful and practical for me.

Great post for us. Hoping to read your next exclusive Article. so thank you.

Beautiful photo of Eilean Donan Castle. Of course the amazing castle has featured in many famous films including Highlander, one of the most magical movies ever!

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13 Medieval Castles to Visit for Fascinating History and Stunning Architecture

From fortresses to ornate palaces, these medieval-style structures are worth traveling for.

Steven Casale is a New York City-based freelance writer and digital strategist. He specializes in food, travel, and lifestyle content for publications like Tasting Table , Travel + Leisure , The Lineup , and

best castles to visit in the world

The castle many Americans are most familiar with is the one that comes before every Disney film. Castles herald a fairy tale with a happy ending, an architectural translation of a generic fantasy that has been embedded into our psyche since we were children.

No wonder we're so obsessed with them.

As we get older, the truly fascinating nature of these structures reveals itself. In centuries past, they've doubled as fortresses and military barracks. They've concealed the secrets of some of the most influential people in history. They were built as symbols of wealth and victory, though their histories are often dark and violent.

Here are 13 incredible medieval castles you can visit for a glimpse into royal history.

Alcázar de Segovia, Spain

At the confluence of two rivers near the Guadarrama mountains in Spain is Alcázar de Segovia , one of the country's most distinctive medieval castles. It is known for its unique shape resembling a ship's bow. Originally built as a fort in the 12th century, it eventually became the preferred residence of the Castilian monarchs for much of the Middle Ages, housing notable figures like Queen Isabella I. After the royal family moved to Madrid, the castle was used as a prison and the headquarters of the Royal Artillery School before being converted into the museum it is today.

Château de Foix, France

In France's southern region of Ariège, the Château de Foix was once a refuge for the Cathars, a religious group persecuted by the Catholic Church. Surrounded by the Pyrenees mountains and overlooking the medieval town of Foix, the 12th-century castle is now home to a museum documenting the lives of the castle's former counts and their families. These stories are brought to life by costumed interpreters, interactive workshops, and immersive sets with olfactory experiences.

Palácio Nacional da Pena, Portugal

Portugal's colorful Palácio Nacional da Pena is one of the country's most beloved national sites, with a history dating back to the Middle Ages. Originally home to a 12th-century chapel and a monastery, the site was left in ruins following an earthquake in 1755. In the 19th century, King Ferdinand II transformed the property into his summer residence. The medieval-style structure's red chapel, domed turrets, and North African-inspired arches make the surrounding woodlands seem magical. The best part? It's just an hour's train ride from Lisbon.

Himeji Castle, Japan

Himeji Castle in the Hyōgo Prefecture is one of Japan's most stunning examples of feudal-period castle architecture. Though the site dates to 1333, its bones have undergone many renovations; today it's made up of a network of 83 buildings, including turrets, storehouses, and residences that were used until the 1860s. Known for its elaborate white façade, the castle is often called the "White Egret Castle." It's open year-round for tours, but the most popular time to visit is in spring when the cherry blossom trees are in bloom.

Malbork Castle, Poland

Covering 52 acres, Malbork Castle in northern Poland is the world's largest fortress by land area. The Teutonic Knights, a Catholic religious order involved in the Crusades, built this UNESCO-listed brick behemoth in the 13th century. Following the Middle Ages, the castle was home to Polish kings. Much of the castle was destroyed during the German occupation of Poland in World War II, though it has since been restored. Now a museum, the site consists of three fortified castles and other buildings that can be explored with an audio guide.

Fortress Hohensalzburg, Austria

The archbishops of Salzburg built Festung Hohensalzburg , one of Europe's largest medieval castles, in the period of the Holy Roman Empire. In the 19th century, the castle was made accessible via the Festungsbahn funicular, which climbs the hillside right to the castle. Distinctive features include the decorated Golden Chamber and the Salzburg Bull, a 200-pipe organ played daily.

Tintagel Castle, England

Tintagel Castle off the coast of England's Cornwall region is often cited as the place of King Arthur's (mythical) conception. The site dates back to the Roman period, though the castle that stands here today was built in the 1230s. Owned by Prince William (who is the Duke of Cornwall as well as the Prince of Wales) and managed by English Heritage, the castle attracts visitors looking to delve into the area's ancient past. Below the castle, visitors can explore Merlin's Cave, which is believed to be haunted by the ghost of the mythical magician.

Corvin Castle, Romania

Local legend has it that this castle in the Romanian city of Hunedoara houses a few spirits with unfinished business. The Gothic-Renaissance castle — known for its tall towers, heavily adorned balconies, and broad windows — was built in 1446 at the behest of John Hunyadi, a Hungarian military leader. According to the lore, a group of Turkish prisoners were ordered to dig the castle's well and would only be granted freedom when they reached water. When the well was finished 15 years later, their captors broke the promise, and many claim there's an inscription on its wall that reads: "You may have water, but you have no soul."

Eltz Castle, Germany

This gorgeous medieval castle endured wars with little damage — in fact, it's looked pretty much the same since the 15th century when it accommodated three noble families. Today, it's still owned by the Eltz family, who have had it for 34 generations. And we're not the castle's only admirers. Back when Germany's national currency was the Deutsche Mark, its spires featured prominently on every 500-mark bill printed between 1961 and 1995.

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

Considered one of the most beautiful castles in Scotland , this medieval site in the Scottish Highlands dates to the 13th century when the castle kept watch over the meeting point of three lochs. After being attacked by English troops in the 1700s, the original fortress was left in ruins for years before being rebuilt in the 1930s. Today, Eilean Donan Castle is one of Scotland's most-visited spots and a popular spot for weddings.

Castello di Moncalieri, Italy

Before the Italian Republic, there were the royals like the House of Savoy, whose reign stretched from Piedmont to Sicily. One of their many abodes was Castello di Moncalieri , overlooking the Po River just outside Turin. Originally a fortress built by Thomas I around 1100, the structure was turned into a palace during the 15th century. The historical site now welcomes visitors for guided tours of its royal apartments and hosts performances, festivals, and other special events.

Bran Castle, Romania

You may know this spot by its more popular moniker — Dracula's Castle. Officially known as Bran Castle , the fortress earned its nickname for being the only castle in Transylvania that fits author Bram Stoker’s description of the fictional vampire’s abode. The original structure, built out of wood in 1212, was destroyed by the Mongols before being rebuilt out of stone a few centuries later, and it finally became the residence of Romanian royalty in the 20th century. It now functions as a museum, which documents the region's history and the site's cultural importance as the "home" of Count Dracula.

Cairo Citadel, Egypt

Head to Cairo to see one more unique medieval castle, The Citadel of Sultan Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (or Saladin as he's commonly known). Located on the Muqattam Hills, the structure acted as both a strong fortress and a gorgeous vantage point, providing royals with panoramic views of Cairo. The castle, which started construction in 1176, became the official residence of the rulers of Egypt in 1207. Today, visitors to the Citadel will find the Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha and several museums inside, including the National Military Museum.

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10 of the most fairytale-esque castles of the world

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Although fairytales don't exist anywhere other than story books, there is still a way to get a taste of the magical and charming tales we heard and read as children through castles. A top contender in the list of tourist destinations, castles tell an incredible story of history, grandeur and architecture. Fictional tales and historical books narrate the legends and myths of castles; their grandeur and majesty has enchanted people all across the globe. But first, let's answer a crucial question: what's the difference between a castle and a palace, and are they interchangeable? A castle is a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat. A palace, on the other hand, is the official residence of a sovereign. As Dan True posits: "A castle is a mix between fortress and palace, in that it is both the local administrative centre of the feudal world, a prestigious home for its owner, and a defensible structure ensuring him command of the surrounding countryside."


Photo caption: View of the Palace of Versailles. Photo credit: DEA/G.SIOEN/Getty Images

Here are 10 of the world's most incredible castles:

1. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Chateau de Versailles, France

France is known to hold a number of famous architectural wonders of the world and Versailles happens to be one of them. Louis XIII's old hunting pavilion was extended by his son Louis XVI into the massive palace it is today. The expansion was designed and supervised by renowned architected as Louis Le Vau, Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Rober de Cotte. The palace is a magnificent example of French Baroque architecture and is the most famous royal chateau of France. Today it is a UNESCO world heritage site and is open to visitors from all around the globe.

Photo caption Orangerie Palace of Versailles built in 16811686. Photo credit DEA PICTURE LIBRARYGetty Images

2. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Windsor Castle, England

As a country resident of the British monarchy, the Windsor castle sits upon an extensive 13-acre of land. Constructed in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England, the castle features Georgian, Victorian, Gothic, Baroque, and modern architecture. Expanded and renovated over the centuries, the castle is still a royal residence for the Queen, and parts of which are open to the public. The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2018 took place at St George's Chapel at Windsor.

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Photo caption Windsor Castle and its formal gardens in Berkshire 1970. Photo credit Central PressGetty Images

3. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel is an island about one kilometer off the country's northwester coast between Brittany and Normandy. Built high on a peak, the Mount is one of medieval architecture's greatest achievements. It became a pilgrimage center after St Aubert, bishop of Avranches, built an oratory there, and soon after in 966 a Benedictine abbey was built there. The abbey church that towers over the island is built in 11th-12th century Romanesque style with a choir in Flamboyant Gothic style. Today it's one of the most highly visited monuments in France, being a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list.

Photo caption Classic view of famous Le Mont SaintMichel tidal island in beautiful evening twilight at dusk Normandy...

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Photo caption Bodiam Castle near Robertsbridge Sussex is a moated castle ruined in the Civil War. Photo credit Angelo...

5. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Castello Aragonese, Ischia, Italy

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Photo caption The Castle Aragonese Ischia Ponte Campania Italy. Photo credit Antonio CaponeAGFUIGGetty Images

6. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Spiš Castle, Slovakia

Built in 1209 and destroyed soon after, the Spis Castle is one of Europe's largest castles in terms of area. Reconstructed in the 15th century, the castle lies on the north-western region of Eastern Slovakia. The Romanesque castle was rebuilt into Gothic style by the noble Zapolsky family. The castle was rebuilt again in Renaissance style before it was consumed in a fire in 1780. Today it serves as a museum and exposition piece open for tourists to visit.

Photo caption Castle on a landscape Spissky Hrad Spisska Kapitula Slovakia. Photo credit DEA  W.BUSSDe AgostiniGetty Images

7. World's Most Beautiful Castles: Prague Castle, The Czech Republic

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Photo caption Prague Castle in lights panoramic view from Vysehrad Czech Republic Europe. Photo credit DaLiuGetty Images

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Photo caption Kilkenny Castle in Ireland. Photo credit John WangGetty Images

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Photo caption The romantic night of Bojnice castle. Photo credit Zoltan DurayGetty Images

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Travel Culture

9 of the Best Castles in the World

  • Post Author: Maite Echeverria and Ambar Mejia
  • Post published: July 8, 2020
  • Post Category: Czech Republic / Europe / Itineraries / Portugal / Romania / Spain
  • Post Comments: 0 Comments

If you didn’t already know, one of our favorite travel activities is finding the best castles in the world. Not only because of the stunning architecture, but also because castles can transport you to a faraway past or a fairytale land. Castles are also often surrounded by awe-inspiring scenery.

Whether it was built for solitude like Neuschwanstein Castle, or built as a fully fortified village like Ait Benhaddou or Mont St Michel, the views tend to be jaw-droppingly gorgeous!

Here we have gathered a list of nine of the best castles in the world to feed your wanderlust and inspire your future travel plans.

Let’s dive right in!

Peterhof palace.

best castles to visit in the world

This palace was occupied and destroyed by German soldiers during the Siege of Leningrad (old name of St Petersburg). Shortly after the occupation ended though, naval engineers partnered with proud local volunteers to begin its reconstruction. It was shortly renamed Petrodvorets in order to de-Germanize the name (Peterhof means Peter’s Courtyard in German), but this was only until 2009 when the original name was restored. In 1990, it was declared a UNESCO heritage Site as part of the Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments.


Mont St. Michel

view of church at castle mont st michel in france

Seemingly impossible, this beauty is built right on top of a rock island. It is part of what makes it one of the most beautiful castles in the world. Mont St Michel is surrounded by flat land that is very affected by the tides. The island becomes completely surrounded by water during high tide, providing a great opportunity for incredible shots (and yes in-credi-ble as in almost impossible to believe!). Don’t worry if you visit during low tide, though. At this time, the land surrounding Mont St. Michel is uncovered and perfect for a stroll, so you can get different perspectives all around the island. However, it can be dangerous. We advise you visit the exterior with a tour guide.

abbey at caslte mont st michel, france

Mont St. Michel is also home to a thrilling legend. As the story goes, the Archangel Michael appeared to the local bishop, Aubert of Avranches, in a dream. He asked him to build a church on this island. At first, the bishop ignored the request. So naturally, the Archangel came back a little exasperated and poked a hole through the bishop’s head. Needless to say, this was enough motivation! The skull with the hole is now on display at the church of Saint-Gervais in Avranches–in case you’re interested.

Another interesting tale about this fortified island comes hundreds of years later during the Hundred Year’s War. Despite repeated attacks, the English couldn’t conquer the island. This resilience inspired the French to continue the fight, including the famous badass Joan of Arc! Make sure to visit the statue in her memory at the door of the St. Pierre church here in Mont St. Michel.


Quinta da Regaleira

best castles to visit in the world

Hidden amongst the lush greenery of Sintra ’s hillsides stands one of the most beautiful palaces in the world. Quinta da Regaleira is a place of wonder and mystery. It was built between 1904-1910, making it the youngest on our list. The architecture is a mix of many styles, almost coming alive within the magnificent gardens that surround it. You can find emblems of secret societies among its intricate designs symbols.

Initiation Well in palace Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra, Portugal

It’s gardens are part of  Quinta da Regaleira’s  magic. You can get lost for hours among the grottoes, fountains and tunnels. Make sure to search for the initiation well hidden among the tunnels. If you’re thinking it sounds eerily like a rite of passage into a secret society, you’d be right! It symbolizes the initiation ceremony into the Knights of Templar. Set aside at least two hours for your visit. You can’t rush through this one.


Neuschwanstein Castle

view of neuschwanstein castle, germany

Imagine stepping right into the pages of a fairy tale. Princesses in faraway castles and fire-breathing dragons protecting the grounds are lost among the mountains covered in lush, green foliage. What you’re picturing likely resembles Neuschwanstein (minus the mythical creatures of course).

view of bavarian alps from neuschwanstein castle, germany

King Ludwig II wanted to live his days in peace, far away from crowds, with the mountains and trees for company. Naturally, it’s now one of the most breathtaking castles in the world. That means we get incredible views over the Bavarian Alps, and, even better, that the landscape change with the  seasons. You can go multiple times and get a completely different vibe. It’s no wonder it is one of the most visited castles in the world.


Ksar Aït Benhaddou

view over castle ksar ait benhaddou, morrocco

Almost blending perfectly into the landscape, Aït Benhaddou is one of the most beautiful, popular, and well maintained ksars in Morocco.

The popularity can easily be explained. It is a perfect example of Berber earth architecture, and stands in an oasis right next to the Asif Ounila river surrounded by trees. If that wasn’t enough to move you, it sits at the foothill of the Atlas mountains, lending it a background right out of this world. 

Despite being from the 17th century, it is very well maintained. Not impressed? Did we mention  everything is made of red clay and wood! Deterioration can happen incredibly quickly. I was reading it can take as little as 20 years of neglect for these construction types to become ruins.

view over castle ksar ait benhaddou, morrocco

The houses are still in use by some families, though most people have moved across the river to more modern housing. Fun fact: It has been featured in many movies like Gladiator, the Mummy, and Babel. It’s also been on Game of Thrones.

Oh and if this wasn’t enough to convince you to visit this impressive castle, it has been a UNESCO Site since 1987.

La Alhambra

Best Castle in the World La Alhambra in Granada, Spain

Next on our list of the nine best castles in the world is another one of our favorites. I’ve visited it three times already! Somehow, I still haven’t managed to see all of it. In a country as rich in UNESCO sites as Spain , La Alhambra stands as one of Spain’s most stunning and historical castles.

Originally a military fortress, La Alhambra watches over the maze-like streets of Granada, Spain . It isn’t just one of the most beautiful castles in Spain. La Alhambra is one of the top 10 examples of Islamic architecture in the world! “Wait, Islamic architecture in SPAIN?” That’s because the Moors, a nomadic Berber tribe from North Africa, occupied most of the Iberian peninsula for almost 800 years. Granada–and La Alhambra–was the last Moorish kingdom to fall, ending the Spanish Inquisition. By that point, the Moors had already left their mark all over Spain and Portugal’s modern culture.

Best Castle in the World La Alhambra in Granada Spain

Because it’s one of the most preserved castles in Spain, it offers a peek into the Moorish influence that spanned across the peninsula. Inside, you’ll find intricate walls, sweeping patios, and lush gardens. You’ll definitely enjoy getting lost in one of the most photogenic places I have ever visited. That’s why it made our list of the 9 must-do activities in Granada, Spain . Plan for at least a three-hour visit. Many people can even stay there half a day.


Peles Castle and Pelisor Palace

Best Castle in the World Peles Castle in Sinaia, Romania

If you love castles, you have to put Romania on your bucket list. It is a treasure chest of castle magic. After hitting the highway full steam, we zipped into the pearl of the Carpathian mountains, aka the town of Sinaia. Here we found two of the most iconic castles in Romania. Peles Castle and Pelisor Palace sit surrounded by the jagged Carpathian Mountains and thick, green forests. If it sounds dreamy, it’s because it totally is!

Side view of Pelisor Palace in Peles Castle Complex

Built for King Carol I, Peles Castle is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Europe! King Carol I later built Pelisor Palace, for his heir and nephew, King Ferdinand I, and his wife, Queen Maria. Because it acted as their year-round home, Queen Maria designed several of the rooms herself in art-nouveau style with Byzantine and Celtic elements.

Check out our tips and tricks to get the most out of your visit to this stunning castle complex.


The Fortified Church of Biertan

Biertan Castle Fortified Church in Romania

The Fortified church of Biertan has to be one of the most unique castles we have ever been to. I didn’t even know churches could BE castles, but here comes Romania having hundreds of them! (I did say Romania was the castle jackpot.)

Fortified churches are common near Biertan. They were used by the Saxons to protect villagers from Ottoman invaders. (The Ottomans in Romania are a whole thing best explained here ).

Pulpit of Fortified Church of Biertan Castle in Transylvania Romania

What’s fascinating about this castle is that everything looks like it was frozen in the medieval ages. Inside you’ll see many of its original elements like 16th century painted pews, original tapestries, and original banners. It also houses the original altar, which is the largest in Transylvania!

Visit our Six Storybook-Worth Castles in Romania post to learn more about this unique castle.


Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle Courtyard in Krakow, Poland

We’re going to end our list of the nine best castles in the world with a true gem. But first, POP QUIZ! Did you know the center of Krakow is one of the twelve original UNESCO Heritage Sites IN THE WORLD (mic drop). If that’s not enough to make you visit one of our favorite European cities, the Wawel Castle will definitely seal the deal. Its colorful mix of Romanesque, Renaissance and Gothic architecture adds a touch of magic to Krakow’s dreamy, cobble-stoned streets.

Dressed in legends of dragons and fire, Wawel Castle used to be the home of Polish Kings when Krakow was the Polish capital. Naturally, Wawel is one of the most important, beautiful and largest castles in Poland.

It’s impossible to miss during a visit to Krakow. The castle lies in the heart of its old town right on the banks of the Vistula River. It’s strategic location high up on Wawel Hill made it a perfect settlement so it’s believed the site can be traced back to tribes from 200,000 BC.  The Wawel Castle has since been rebuilt and renovated many times because of fires, wars, and theft. 

You can tour the colorful, eclectic grounds for free. However, you have to pay to visit the interior of the castle, the cathedral, and the dragon’s den.


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750 Best Castles in the World to Visit

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De Haar Castle near Utrecht, Netherlands

Welcome to our main castles page where we feature the 300 best castles to visit in the world. Below you can scroll through our many dedicated articles showcasing many castles in a variety of countries including Germany, England, France, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland, Poland and Russia. Structure types include castles, chateaus, palaces and manor houses – all with historical significance.

I’ve been a castle fan for years, since childhood. I love history. Every castle has many stories to tell. They were often seats of power, but also served as government houses, vacation homes for the rich and monarchs and proved to be pivotal locations for significant historical events.

Our selections are based on popularity, personal preference, visitor data, design and historical importance. When we set out to create this epic castle series, we had no idea there were so many incredible structures throughout Europe. Enjoy our galleries and articles. Check back as we continually add new countries to our collection.

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A castle with a lush green garden.

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A collage of five mansions in Newport, Rhode Island.

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4. 37 of the Best Spanish Castles and Palaces (Photos)

A collage of four Spanish castles and palaces.

See photos of 37 of the Best Spanish Castles and Palaces.

Get to know Spain a little better by learning about its many historic castles, fortresses, and palaces. The country is incredibly rich in history dotted by surviving centuries-old structures that existed long before the Romans made their mark.

5. 14 of the Best Danish Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses (Photos)

Egeskov Slot castle in Denmark.

View photos of 14 of the Best Danish Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses.

Denmark is one of the world’s oldest monarchs and one of its most popular castles is not just open for the public to enjoy, but it’s also still inhabited by the count of Ahlenfeldt-Laurvig-Bille and his family. Known as the Egeskov Slot, the Renaissance castle that sits on the island Funen (Fyn) near Odense got its name Egeskov which is Danish for “oak wood” because it is believed that an entire oak forest was felled just to build it .

Intended as a manor around 1405, it was built by Frands Brockenhuss and his wife Anne Tinhus to be the castle as we know it today. Its owners changed hands 31 times before it was finally opened to the public in 1989 by its current owner.

6. 13 of the Best Castles in Romania (Photos)

Peles Castle in Romania.

Click this link to see photos of 13 of the Best Castles in Romania.

Romania is home to many impressive castles, palaces, and manor homes but the Peles Castle stands out as a primarypiece of German new-Renaissance architecture and is celebrated as one of the finest castles not just in the country but throughout Europe.

It also holds the prestige of being a former home of the Romanian royal family. Enchanted by the picturesque town of Sinaia, King Charles I (the first Romanian king) commissioned the construction of the castle in 1873 and was completed in 1883. The architects were Johannes Schultz and Karel Liman and the designers JD Heymann from Hamburg, August Bembe from Mainz and Berhard Ludwig from Vienna.

Peles Castle was the first electrified castle in Europe because its electricity was produced by its own plant. It was also one the most modern of its time.

Fortunately, the castle was saved and remained unchanged during the Communist era. It was returned to the Romanian government after the 1989 revolution and declared as a museum in 1953 .

7. 44 Best Italian Castles, Villas and Palaces (Photos)

Miramare Castle in Italy.

Discover 44 Best Italian Castles, Villas and Palaces here.

Italy is known for its stunning villas, castles, and palaces. One of its gems is a majestic white castle that stands on the Gulf of Trieste. Castello di Miramare (Castle of Miramare) was built in the 1850s by Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Hapsburg for his wife Charlotte of Belgium. It was designed by Austrian architect Carl Junker and was completed in 1860.

The lovebirds only got to enjoy their love nest for about four years before they left for Mexico where they were crowned Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlota of Mexico. In 1867, Maximilian was executed by a firing squad. It is believed that Charlotte went insane and lived in seclusion afterward.

The Castle continued to be inhabited on and off by the Habsburgs until it was opened to the public as a museum in 1955.

8. 15 of the Best Castles in Japan (Photos)

Himeji Castle in Japan.

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Japanese structures easily stand out because of their unique architecture. If there’s only one castle to visit in Japan, it’s hands down the Himeji Castle, also known as White Heron Castle because of its elegant white appearance. It’s widely regarded as the country’s most spectacular castle and also registered as a UNESCO  world heritage site .

Himeji Castle is one of Japan’s 12 original castles. The finest surviving example of early 17th-century Japanese castle architecture has never been destroyed by war, earthquake, or fire. First erected 400 years ago during the Shogun period, it was constantly fortified and was only completed in 1609 .

Located in the former capital city of Kyoto, feudal primarys of the castle kept it in good order from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Now under the protection of the national and local governments, the castle was reopened to the public in 2015 after extensive renovations.

9. 29 Best Castles in Switzerland (Photos)

Aarburg Castle in Sweden.

Get to know 29 of the Best Castles in Switzerland here.

While Switzerland is better known for its political neutrality and banking system, it would be remiss to ignore its share of amazing castles and manor houses. The most famous is the Aarburg Castle located on a steep rocky hillside in the town of Aarburg.

With its impressive architecture, the castle complex is classified as a Swiss heritage site of national importance. It’s believed to have been built around 1200 by the Lords of Büron. It fell through a change of ownership many times over the centuries until the Canton of Argau took over in 1804. It now serves as a juvenile detention center .

10. 15 of the Best Castles in Portugal (Photos)

Pena Palace in Portugal.

See photos of 15 of the Best Castles in Portugal here.

Portugal is bathed in culture and although many of its magnificent castles and palaces were destroyed during the Lisbon earthquake, it still boasts some incredible ones such as The Palacio Nacional da Pena or Pena Palace. Standing on a hilltop in the Sintra Mountains, it’s a prime example of 19th century Romanticism architecture. It’s also one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal and classified as a world heritage site.

Ferdinand August Franz Anton from Austria who later became King Ferdinand II ordered the construction of the palace which took place between 1842 and 1854 . German architect Baron Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege created the primarypiece.

The Portuguese State classified Pena Palace as a national monument and transformed into a museum in 1889.

11. 25 Best Palaces in India (plus Castles and Forts – Photos)

Mysore Palace in India.

Click here to see photos of 25 Best Palaces in India.

Next only to Taj Mahal, Mysore Palace or Amba Vilas Palace is the most famous tourist attraction in India receiving more than six million visitors in a year. It’s a historical palace located at the heart of Mysore city and was the royal residence of its erstwhile rulers, the Wadiyar Dynasty of Mysore Kingdom (1399-1950).

The original Mysore Palace was built in the 14th century by Yaduraya Wodeyar. It was reconstructed and renovated several times until it was rebuilt in its modern form in 1897 during the regime of Krishnaraja Wodeyar III after the former wooden palace was destroyed by fire. British architect Lord Henry Irwin was commissioned to build the new palace. It was completed in 1912 at a cost of Rs. 4147913 .

12. 16 Jaw-Dropping Mountain Top Castles (Photos)

Hohenzollern Castle

See photos of 16 Jaw-Dropping Mountain Top Castles.

Don’t miss out on this jaw-dropping mind-boggling collection of mountain top castles. These castles are a sight to behold including the Hohenzollern Castle in Germany. Perched 855 meters above sea level and on a conical mount Zoller, the castle stands proud as a thousand old fortress in the heart of Baden-Württemberg between Lake Constance, the Black Forest and Stuttgart.

The first Hohenzollern House dates back to 1061. In the 11th century, it was deemed “Crown of all Castles in Swabia” and “ the most fortified House in Germany ” only to be destroyed in 1423. It was reconstructed as a more massive fortress but was turned into ruins again until King Frederick William IV of Prussia reconstructed it in the 19th century.

Though still privately owned by the Prussian line and the Swabian Royal House of the Hohenzollern, it’s one of the most visited castles in Germany with over 350,000 visitors a year.

13. 37 Best Austrian Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses (Photos)

Kreuzenstein Castle in Austria.

Discover photos of 37 Best Austrian Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses.

Burg Kreuzenstein or Kreuzenstein Castle is a medieval hilltop castle overlooking the village of Leobendorf. What’s interesting about the castle is that it’s constructed on the remains of an old medieval castle that fell into ruins during the Thirty Years’ War and it was made to look like an authentic medieval castle using sections of medieval structures the Wilczek family purchased throughout Europe.

The castle dates back to the 12th century and was built by the Counts of Fombach. It was passed down to various owners until it fell to the hands of the Count Johann Nepomuk Wilczek who began reconstruction on the castle in 1874. Architect Carl Gangolf Kayser oversaw the reconstruction until his death and was replaced by Ritter Humbert Walcher of Molthein and the artist Egon Rheinberger. It took 30 years to be completely reconstructed and was reopened to the public on June 6, 1906 as a tourist destination and museum.

14. 41 Best Swedish Castles, Palaces and Manor Homes (Photos)

Trolle-Ljungby-Castle in Sweden.

Click this link to see photos of 41 Best Swedish Castles, Palaces and Manor Homes.

Trolle Ljungby Castle is a Renaissance style castle in Sweden with a history that stretches back to the 14th and 15th centuries. Back then it was just called Ljungby and was home to the Bille family for generations until it was sold in the 1460s and has since been passed down to various owners.

The various owners of the estate oversaw the reconstruction and extension of the property during their possession. Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister inherited the Ljungby estate but granted in 1830 the transfer of entailment from Trolleburg to Ljungby, which led to its current name Trolle Ljungby.

The castle has been privately owned by Wachtmeister family since 1804 and is closed to the public although visitors are welcome to visit the gardens.

15. 25 Best Hungarian Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses (Photos)

Schossberger Castle in Hungary.

Get to know 25 of the Best Hungarian Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses.

The Schossberger Manor is only one of the many historic castles, palaces, mansions, and manor houses praised as architectural primarypieces in Hungary. Sitting at the highest point in a sleepy town called Tura, the manor was built from 1873 to 1883. Baron Sigismund Schossberger was the initial owner who commissioned the famous architect Miklós Ybl to design the castle.

Designed to resemble French Renaissance castles, Schossberger wanted an estate befitting his knighted status and his growing family. The estate was passed down to Schossberger’s son Victor and to Victor’s two children who failed to maintain the castle.

It was used for shelter by the Germans in 1944, as a war hospital in 1945, a primary school in 1946, a national monument in 1958, a primary school again until 1973, and has been sold several times since the 1980s. The current owner is said to be Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s son-in-law, István Tiborcz , who plans to transform the castle into a 5-star hotel.

16. 41 Best Belgian Castles and Chateaus (Photos)

Marnix Castle in Belgium.

View photos of 41 Best Belgian Castles and Chateaus.

Belgium is a small country but full of fabulous castles, chateaus, palaces, and manor houses. One of them is Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde Castle or locally known as Kasteel Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde or Bornem Castle. Located in the town of Bornem, it was first fortified during the 10th or 11th century as a defense against Viking raids.

Spanish nobleman , Pedro Coloma, Lord of Bobadilla, bought the Bornem Lands in 1587 and became Lord of Bornem. He was succeeded by his son Alexandre and Pedro’s grandson Jean-François Coloma became the first Count of Bornem after the Bornem Lands was elevated to a county in 1658.

The De Marnix family leased the castle and bought it in 1773. In 1880, Count Ferdinand de Marnix ordered the 16th-century Bornem Castle to be demolished and replaced it with a Renaissance Revival style castle built by the architects Henri Beyaert and E. Janlet. In 1884, Count Ferdinand added “de Sainte Aldegonde” to his family name so the castle became known as Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde Castle.

It’s still privately owned and inhabited but a part of the castle is used as a museum and can be visited.

17. 49 Best Czech Republic Castles, Chateaus and Palaces

Zleby Castle in Czech Republic.

Check out 49 of the Best Czech Republic Castles, Chateaus and Palaces.

The Žleby Castle goes way back before 1289 as a Gothic fortress built by the Lichtenburg family. Charles IV, Roman Emperor and the King of Bohemia bought the castle in 1356. It was rebuilt in the Renaissance style after the Hussite Wars in the late 15th century and in the Baroque style again in the late 16th century.

The ancient Tyrolean house of Auersperg owned the castle from 1754 to 1945 when it was confiscated by the state . It’s now managed by the National Heritage Institute and open to the public.

18. 60 Best Polish Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses (Photos)

Moszna Castle in Poland.

View photos of 50 Best Polish Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses.

Poland is home to incredible historic palaces, estates, manor houses, and castles in all shapes and sizes. The Moszna Castle is a fairytale castle located in a small village of the same name in Opole, Poland. “Moszna” comes from the family name “Moschin,” the family who bought a large estate in the village in the 14th century. Legend has it that the castle was built as a monastery and shelter for the Knights of the Temple of Solomon .

The von Skall family owned the castle from 1679 to 1771 when Heinrich Leopold von Seherr-Thoss purchased it at auction. It was sold in 1866 to Hubert von Tiele-Winckler from Miechowice. The castle belonged to the Tiele-Wincklers until the end of the war.

In 1972, the castle was used as a hospital for treating neuroses and is now an exclusive hotel.

19. 50 Best Scottish Castles and Manor Houses (Photos)

Glamis Castle in Scotland.

Click here to see photos of 50 Best Scottish Castles and Manor Houses.

Scotland is well-known for its castles with the Glamis Castle one of the oldest and most stunning. Located in the heart of Angus, the Glamis Castle goes way back to ancient times and started as a fortified royal hunting house owned by the Scottish Crown.

Sir John Lyon of Glamis began transforming the old royal hunting house into Glamis Castle in 1404 and was completed in 1484 after his death. The Castle is a witness to over 1,000 years of history and has been the ancestral seat to the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne since 1372. It also served as an inspiration to Shakespeare’s Macbeth as well as the childhood home of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and the birthplace of Princess Margaret.

Simon Bowes-Lyon, 19th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne currently resides in the castle and is also open to the public for guided tours.

20. 33 Best Irish Castles and Manor Houses (Photos A to Z)

Ashford Castle in Ireland.

Explore photos A to Z of 33 Best Irish Castles and Manor Houses.

There are many incredible castles and manor houses in Ireland, including the Ashford Castle in County Mayo. Its long history begins in 1228 as a primary stronghold of the Anglo-Norman de Burgo dynasty until 1589 and saw a change of ownership several times.

Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness acquired it in 1852 and added buildings in the neo-gothic style. Guinness managed the property until 1915 when his son died. The castle then went to the Iveagh Trust before it was sold in 1939 to Noel Huggard who transformed the castle into a private country hotel.

21. 33 Best Castles in the Netherlands

Castle De Haar in Netherlands.

Learn more about the 33 Best Castles in the Netherlands.

Castle de Haar or locally known as Kasteel de Haar is located in Utrecht, Netherlands. It’s the largest castle in the country and considered one of the most luxurious castles in Europe. Its history dates back to 1931 when the De Haar family inherited it from Hendrik van Woerden. It remained with them until 1440 when the last male heir died without any children.

The Van Zuylen family lived in the castle until it burned down in 1482. It was rebuilt in the 16th century but fell into ruins again in the mid-1600s. The Rothschild family inherited the castle and hired architect Pierre Cuypers to rebuild it in 1892 which was only completed 15 years later .

The castle is now open to the general public through guided tours.

22. 70 Magnificent Russian Palaces and Mansions (Photos)

The Wooden Palace in Russia.

Explore 70 Magnificent Russian Palaces and Mansions (Photos).

The Wooden Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Moscow. It was built in 1667 without the use of any fasteners, nails or hooks. Each of the 26 buildings is connected by passages and halls and the entire complex divided into male and female parts. The Tsar and his sons occupied the male parts including the ceremonial chambers while the Tsarina and their daughters occupied the female parts.

Contemporaries referred to the Wooden Palace as the “Eighth Wonder of the Word .” It served as the favorite summer residence of the royal family and fell into gradual decay in the 18th century during the time of Catherine the Great.

Catherine initially planned to restore the palace before changing her mind and ordered to demolish it. Detailed plans of the palace still exist so the Moscow Government built a full-size replica in 2010 and relocated it to the far end of Kolomenskiy park . It’s now open to the public as a museum.

23. 50 Best Castles in Germany (Photos)

Stolzenfels Castle in Germany.

Check out these photos of 50 Best Castles in Germany.

Home to the world’s most popular castle, Germany has many more spectacular castles such as the Stolzenfels Castle located in the district of the same name. Regarded as the epitome of Rhine Romanticism , it was built between 1242-1259 by the Prince-Bishop of Trier Arnold von Isenburg, who used it for levying the Rhine toll until 1412.

It was destroyed by the French during the Nine Years’ War and the site gifted in 1823 by the city of Koblenz to King Frederick William IV of Prussia, who used it as his summer home and commissioned the famous architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel to rebuild the castle in the Neo-Gothic style beginning 1836.

The Stolzenfels Castle was inaugurated in 1842 and has since been open to the public.

24. 73 Best Castles and Manor Houses in England (Photos)

Warwick Castle in England.

Click here to see photos of 73 Best Castles and Manor Houses in England.

England is one of the top places that pops into mind when it comes to historic and magnificent castles and manor houses. Its collection includes some of the world’s finest, most famous, and loaded with culture and history. Topmost of the list is Warwick Castle which dates back to the 10th century and now serves as a tourist attraction.

25. 44 Most Beautiful French Chateaus (Photos)

Chateau Pichon Lalande in France.

Discover the 44 Most Beautiful French Chateaus here.

You’d be hard put to run out of beautiful and popular chateaus, palaces, and castles to visit in France. There’s just so many of these mesmerizing and lavish homes including the Chateau Pichon in the Pauillac appellation of the Bordeaux region of France. Baron Joseph de Pichon Longueville divided his estate to his two children, Raoul and Virginie. Raoul got the Château Pichon Longueville while Virginie got the Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande.

Vineyard owners Edouard and Louis Miailhe bought the Château in 1925. It later gained international renown as a winery before it was sold in 2007 to  the Louis Roederer Champagne house, another family firm.

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Famous castles: Where are the best castles in the world?

Most famous castles in the world

What is so appealing about famous castles?

Whether it’s the best castles in England or elsewhere in the world, there is something majestic and awe-inspiring about visiting the most famous castles. It may be the history soaked walls that have so many untold stories or the plush grounds that surround most of the most beautiful castles in the world.

Taking a trip to some of the best castles in the world is an excellent way to globe-trot; not only do you get to immerse yourself in local culture but you get to learn a thing or two about History along the way.

Check out our list of the best castles in the world and get some inspiration for your next trip.

What are the best castles in the world?

Edinburgh castle, scotland, himeji castle, japan, mont saint-michel, france, gyeongbokgung palace, south korea, windsor castle, england, red fort, india, neuschwanstein castle, germany, hue citadel, vietnam.

Famous castle, wide perspective of Edinburgh castle

The iconic Edinburgh Castle sits upon Castle Rock and greets you as you enter the city. It is one of the most famous castles in Scotland, and I was left speechless when I visited the grounds a few years ago. If you are lucky enough to visit, you will be greeted with a view of the city below and the Scottish countryside beyond.

The castle is steeped in history. It has lived through invasions, sieges and nationalistic power struggles, during the Scottish battles for independence, yet it still stands in all glory.

READ MORE: Find out why Scotland is one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world

Famous castles, Japanese style Himeji castle with its white walls

Himeji Castle is one of the most famous Japanese castles. It sits overlooking the city below. As one of the oldest castles in Japan, it has survived its fair share of bombing and destruction since it was built in 1333.

It is widely regarded as the perfect example of Japanese castle architecture and has advanced defensive structures for a castle built in its period.

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Best castles in the world, Mont Saint-Michel at low tide

Mont Saint Michel, regarded as one of the best castles in France, was built on a tidal island to give it a strategic advantage against aggressors. It is among the best castles in the world and true work of architectural beauty.

Legend has it that Archangel Michael ordered the bishop to build a church on the island and construction began in the 10th century. Owing to the changing tides surrounding the island, you are treated to a different view depending on what time you come.

Most famous castles, tourists at the entrance of Gyeonbokgung Palace

The architectural design of Asian castles is in stark contrast with those in Europe. Adorning intricate design and unique architecture, some of the most beautiful castles in the world can be found throughout Asia.

South Korea’s Gyeongbokgung Palace was built in 1936 and has served as the home of royalty since the Joseon era. Despite the best attempts of attackers to destroy the ancient castle throughout the ages, it still stands strong and is worth visiting.

READ MORE: We explore Seoul in pictures

Famous castle, view of Windsor Castle with the British flag

Windsor Castle is one of the most famous castles in England because it has been home to the royal family for hundreds of years. Since the 12th century, under King Henry I, the castle has been home to the monarchy.

Today it is a significant tourist attraction, but guests don’t get unbridled access because it is still a fully functioning residence of the Queen. However, you can explore the 13 acres of land, and St George’s Chapel.

Famous castles, outside view of Red Fort spotting the Indian flag

Unlike the architecture of famous medieval castles, the Red Fort is genuinely unique and one of the most beautiful castles in the world. It was commissioned by Shah Jahan in 1638 and was styled after his favourite colours, red and white.

Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major tourist attraction in Delhi. The Red Fort also appears on the back of ₹500 notes in Indian currency.

READ MORE: Why everyone should celebrate Holi in India at least once

Best castles in the world, full view of Neuschwanstein Castle

Regarded by many as one of the best castles in Germany, the Neuschwanstein Castle is jaw-dropping. It was built for King Ludwig II where he resided until he died in 1886. The unique surroundings transition from Alpine foothills near the Austrian border to the hilly terrain in the north.

Today it is considered one of the most beautiful castles in the world, and around 1.3 million people visit the dwelling every year.

Famous castles, view of the roof of the Hue Citadel with details

Immerse yourself in the beautiful citadel that forms the central portion of the city of Hue. You will be welcomed by thick stone walls that surround an inner moat which is 10km long .

The impressive structure has taken a hammering from conflict since its inception in 1804 but has undergone substantial restoration efforts and is still breathtaking. It’s a great place to learn about Emperor Gia Long and the Nguyen Lords who used to control Vietnam.

READ MORE: Discover Vietnam in our complete Vietnam Travel Guide

Shaping your trip round famous castles

Having some of the best castles in the world as focus points for your upcoming holidays is a great idea.

You will not only see cool castles but will also get an opportunity to learn about the feudal society that much of the world progressed from. Walking the ancient castles is always an adventure and a great way to learn.

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best castles to visit in the world

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The World's 35 Most Captivating Castles

Located around the world, these grand, historic, real-life castles are the original mega-mansions. Check out some of the most beautiful castles in the world.

castle, luxury, arts and culture, world’s best, france, mont saint-michel

Mont Saint-Michel, France

Built high on a peak, Mont Saint Michel near Normandy, France, is one of medieval architecture's greatest achievements.

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Highclere Castle

Highclere Castle, England

You’ve already seen some of Highclere’s rooms and grounds if you were a fan of the popular TV drama Downton Abbey . Built around 1679 in Hampshire, England, as a country home, Highclere is owned by the 8th Earl and Countess of Carnarvon. Brides dress in the elegant bedrooms before descending the oak staircase to the saloon, with its 50-foot ceiling.

Once owned by Ireland's beer dynasty, the Guinness family, as a vacation home, the circa 1228 Anglo-Norman Ashford Castle on Cong's stunning Loch Corrib may be as close as you can get to spending the night at Downton Abbey. The property is epic in its many appointments, including the 350-acre grounds featuring an Instagram-ready formal garden and a variety of American tree specimens imported by the hotel owners. The warm and welcoming ruby lobby with fireplace and second level balcony library is stocked with lovely hardbound books from local antiquarian bookshop Rare & Recent Books where you can sit in window seats overlooking the grounds and read or just daydream. The hotel underwent a $75 million renovation in 2015 and Red Carnation Hotel owners Stanley and Beatrice Tollman have spared no expense to make sure guests feel nestled in the lap of luxury. For active, outdoorsy types, the options are endless from trout and salmon fishing to horseback riding, and deliciously aristocratic pursuits like falconry and archery. Foodies can stage a private dinner or tasting in the dramatic wine cellar or watch a film in the plush red velvet and vintage-film poster-appointed screening room where the free popcorn and candy flows. The hotel owners have gone to great efforts to make their hotel feel not just grand but fun and unapproachable. Staff is never haughty and there is fun built into many of the offerings, whether the grownup fun of cocktails and billiards in the man cave Billiards Room or the retro time warp of an American-style diner with a soda fountain where you can dine on Elvis's favorite sammie. Visiting in the off-season post-summer means prices for a stay decrease significantly, and there is much to recommend scraping together your dollars or pounds for even one magical night at this one-of-a-kind property.

Ashford Castle, Ireland

Once owned by Ireland's beer dynasty, the Guinness family, as a vacation home, the circa 1228 Anglo-Norman Ashford Castle on Cong's stunning Loch Corrib may be as close as you can get to spending the night at Downton Abbey. The property is epic in its many appointments, including the 350-acre grounds featuring an Instagram-ready formal garden and a variety of American tree specimens. Ashford is now a hotel which underwent a $75 million renovation in 2015 and Red Carnation Hotel owners Stanley and Beatrice Tollman have spared no expense to make sure guests feel nestled in the lap of luxury. For active, outdoorsy types, the options are endless from trout and salmon fishing to horseback riding, and deliciously aristocratic pursuits like falconry and archery. Foodies can stage a private dinner or tasting in the dramatic wine cellar or watch a film in the plush red velvet and vintage-film poster-appointed screening room where the free popcorn and candy flows. The hotel owners have gone to great efforts to make their hotel feel not just grand but fun and unapproachable. Staff is never haughty and there is fun built into many of the offerings, whether the grownup fun of cocktails and billiards in the man cave Billiards Room or the retro time warp of an American-style diner with a soda fountain where you can dine on Elvis's favorite sammie. Visiting in the off-season post-summer means prices for a stay decrease significantly, and there is much to recommend scraping together your dollars or pounds for even one magical night at this one-of-a-kind property.

Eilean Donan castle on Isle of Skye in Scotland

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

While not technically on Isle of Skye, Eilean Donan Castle is just across the bridge from the island, and worth a stop if you are driving the A87 to get to Skye. Built on a small tidal island, it is a picturesque stop along the way, or if time permits you can tour the stone fortress for around a $5 admission fee.

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100 Best Castles in Europe to Visit Once in a Lifetime

best castles in Europe to visit

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Europe is beautiful for so many reasons, but its castles really do set it apart from the rest of the world. And the best castles in Europe allow you to step back in time while admiring their magnificence.

Wars were fought, kingdoms created and alliances formed in castles across Europe. If you fancy yourself as a history buff, or simply want to marvel at their spectacular designs, you’ve come to the right place.

Raise the drawbridge and discover the 100 best castles in Europe to visit at least once in a lifetime.

1 – Alcázar of Segovia, Spain

Alcázar of Segovia, Spain - best castles in Europe

Located in the city of Segovia, Alcázar of Segovia is a medieval alcázar and UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s shaped like the bow of a ship, which makes it one of the most distinctive castles in Europe.

2 – Bodiam Castle, England

Bodiam Castle, England - best castles in Europe

Bodiam Castle is a 14th-century moated castle in West Sussex. It was built by a former knight of Richard III and used to defend the English against a French invasion during the hundred years’ war. Today, it acts as a majestic castle made of fairytale stuff.

3 – Aragonese Castle, Italy

Aragonese Castle, Italy - best castles in Europe

Sat next to Ischia, at the northern end of the Gulf of Naples, is where you will find Aragonese Castle. It stands on a rocky volcanic islet and adds to the stunning natural beauty of Ischia. Make sure that you take plenty of pictures on your visit.

4 – Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg, France

Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg, France - best castles in Europe

Located in the commune of Orschwiller in the Bas-Rhin département of Alsace, Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg is a medieval castle that features nine centuries of history. It has witnessed European conflicts and rivalry between lords, kings, and emperors.

5 – Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland - best castles in Europe

Sat perched on Castle Rock, above the city, Edinburgh Castle dominates the skyline. The historic fortress was voted the UK’s top historical landmark and is Scotland’s number one paid-for tourist attraction. The oldest part, St Margaret’s Chapel, dates back to the 12th century.

Learn about Edinburgh Castle tickets price .

6 – Château de Chambord, France

Château de Chambord, France - best castles in Europe

Château de Chambord’s distinctive French Renaissance architecture makes it one of the most recognised chateaus in the world. It was commissioned by King Francis I and imagined by the great Leonardo da Vinci.

7 – Heidelberg Palace, Germany

Heidelberg Palace, Germany - best castles in Europe

Demolished in the 17th and 18th centuries, Heidelberg Palace is a ruinous landmark in Heidelberg. The impressive ruins are marked as one of the most important Renaissance structures in the northern Alps, and a visit today includes the chance to see The Ottheinrich Building.

8 – Doge’s Palace, Italy

Doge's Palace, Italy - best castles in Europe

Constructed in Venetian Gothic style, Doge’s Palace is a popular landmark in the city of Venice. There are rooms and chambers to discover at Doge’s Palace, many of which represent Venetian administration and political history of the Venice Republic.

Read and learn how to book Doge’s Palace tickets .

9 – Dublin Castle, Ireland

Dublin Castle, Ireland - best castles in Europe

A major Irish government complex, Dublin Castle is a key tourist attraction in Ireland. It was built in the early 13th century and has state apartments, a medieval section and a Chapel Royal.

10 – Winter Palace, Russia

Winter Palace , Russia - best castles in Europe

Official residence for Russian emperors between the 18th and 20th century, Winter Palace is the most famous building in St. Petersburg. Part of the State Hermitage Museum, it’s also one of the city’s most visited tourist attractions.

11 – Spiš Castle, Slovakia

Spiš Castle, Slovakia - best castles in Europe

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the ruins of Spis Castle make up one of the largest castles in Europe. A visit to Spis Castle with an audio tour lasts for around 90 minutes and details a storied history that dates back to the 12th century. It’s one of Slovakia’s most popular attractions.

12 – Tower of London, England

Tower of London, England - best castles in Europe

The Tower of London sits on the north bank of the River Thames and holds command of the London skyline, which it’s done so for more than 1,000 years. Visit this architectural wonder to see the world-famous crown jewels and learn about the castle’s haunted history.

Read and learn to book Tower of London tickets .

13 – Queluz National Palace, Portugal

Queluz National Palace, Portugal - best castles in Europe

Located in the Lisbon district of Queluz, The Palace of Queluz is an 18th-century building that was once the official royal residence. The Baroque provides grand designs and features several lavish staterooms, including the impressive Throne Room.

14 – Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria

Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria - best castles in Europe

The medieval castle of Hohenwerfen is located in the Austrian market town of Werfen. Surrounded by lush green hills, the rock castle sits 623 metres above Werfen and has done so for more than 900 years. A tour at Hohenwerfen will see you discovering the hidden corners of the castle.

15 – Palace of Westminster, England

Palace of Westminster, England - best castles in Europe

Better known as The House of Parliament, the Palace of Westminster is one of London’s most iconic buildings. It has stood firm for more than 900 years and sees more than one million visitors each year.

16 – Real Alcazar of Seville, Spain

Real Alcazar of Seville, Spain - best castles in Europe

This royal palace is historically known as al-Qasr al-Muriq, commonly known as the Alcázar of Seville, and officially known as Real Alcazar of Seville. The masterpiece is located in Seville and was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

Learn about Real Alcazar of Seville tickets price .

17 – Peleș Castle, Romania

Peleș Castle, Romania - best castles in Europe

The picturesque town of Sinaia is the home of Peles Castle, one of the most stunning castles in Europe. It was the first-ever castle to have electricity, and each room is decorated in a different style or theme. The Music Room, for example, is carved entirely from teak.

18 – Castel del Monte, Italy

Castel del Monte, Italy - best castles in Europe

Castel del Monte is a citadel and castle in Andria in the Apulia region of southeast Italy. The masterpiece features medieval architecture and was built in an octagonal shape, with each of the eight corners featuring an octagonal tower.

19 – Caernarfon Castle, Wales

Caernarfon Castle, Wales - best castles in Europe

Recognized as one of the greatest buildings of the Middle Ages, Caernarfon Castle sits on the banks of the River Seiont. The building took 47 years to make and cost £25,000, which translates to £17.3 million in today’s money.

20 – Buda Castle, Hungary

Buda Castle, Hungary - best castles in Europe

A historical castle and palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest, Buda Castle is a huge complex with plenty to discover. From the castle, you can see the river Danube and views of Parliament — plus learn plenty of history about Hungary.

21 – Buckingham Palace, England

Buckingham Palace, England - best castles in Europe

The other residence of Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous palaces in the world. It’s located in London and sees around 15 million visitors per year, most of which come to observe the world-famous Changing of the Guard.

Learn how to book Buckingham Palace last minute tickets .

22 – Český Krumlov Castle, Czech Republic

Český Krumlov Castle, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

Hidden in a remote corner of South Bohemia is Cesky Krumlov Castle. It’s one of Europe’s most important monuments thanks to the preservation of its original layout, which dates back to the 14th century.

23 – Château Comtal de Carcassonne, France

Château Comtal de Carcassonne, France

The restored 12th century Château Comtal de Carcassonne sits atop a hill and features a museum so you can explore its history. A visit here will see you learn about Lady Carcas, a legendary character from the city of Carcassonne.

24 – Gravensteen Castle, Belgium

Gravensteen Castle, Belgium - best castles in Europe

The mysterious “Castle of the Counts”, otherwise known as Gravensteen Castle , is steeped in political and social history and is the only remaining castle with a moat in Flanders. Visit the Gravensteen and discover its unique torture equipment. Don’t worry, though — it’s inactive.

25 – Linderhof Palace, Germany

Linderhof Palace, Germany - best castles in Europe

Ludwig II, King of Germany in 1864, had a knack of commissioning castles. Linderhof Palace didn’t go to initial plans but ended up being a spectacular Bavarian palace with its landscaped gardens and extravagant bedroom.

26 – Nesvizh Radziwiłł Castle, Belarus

Nesvizh Radziwiłł Castle, Belarus - best castles in Europe

If you’re looking for stunning, diverse architecture, head to Nesvizh Radziwiłł Castle. It’s considered Belarus’ most beautiful palace and has a charming garden that makes it one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country.

27 – Drottningholm Castle, Sweden

Drottningholm Castle, Sweden

A trip to Drottningholm Castle is the chance to visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the exotic Chinese Pavilion pleasure palace, the palace theatre and the palace gardens during your visit.

28 – Miramare Castle, Italy

Miramare Castle, Italy - best castles in Europe

Set on the Gulf of Trieste near Trieste, Miramare Castle is a 19th-century building and overlooks the sea. It’s surrounded by a huge park that is full of rare and exotic tree species.

29 – Malahide Castle, Ireland

Malahide Castle, Ireland - best castles in Europe

Malahide Castle is just 30 minutes from Dublin and has over 800 years of heritage. The medieval castle has private rooms and collections to explore, not to mention tales to hear from the Talbot family who calls Malahide Castle home.

30 – Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín of Grenada, Spain

Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín of Grenada, Spain - best castles in Europe

The Alhambra, otherwise known as the Red Fortress, features beautiful gardens of the Generalife, which are located outside the fortress. Adjacent is The Palacio de Generalife, which was once the summer palace and state to The Alhambra.

Learn how to book Alhambra last minute tickets .

31 – Bamburgh Castle, England

Bamburgh Castle, England - best castles in Europe

Located in the village of Bamburgh, on the northeast coast of England, Bamburgh Castle is a Grade I-listed building and a royal fortress. Visit today to hear ghost stories, legends and myths of a castle that has stood strong since the 11th century.

32 – Château de Chenonceau, France

Château de Chenonceau, France - best castles in Europe

You’ll find the Château de Chenonceau near a small village called Chenonceaux, in France. There’s a picturesque garden to explore, plus the chateau itself — which is a Renaissance masterpiece – clearly, one of the most beautiful castles in Europe to visit.

33 – Karlštejn Castle, Czech Republic

Karlštejn Castle, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

The Gothic Karlstejn Castle was founded in 1348 by Charles IV and was a safe place for the Bohemian crown jewels and holy relics. A trip to the castle today is a chance to learn about its past royal treasures.

34 – Herrenchiemsee New Palace, Germany

Herrenchiemsee New Palace, Germany - best castles in Europe

Modeled on Versailles, Herrenchiemsee New Palace was designed as a “Temple of Fame” for King Louis XIV. Today, the large staterooms are among the highlights, as is the Great Hall of Mirrors.

35 – Leeds Castle, England

Leeds Castle, England

Contrary to popular belief, Leeds Castle isn’t located in the city of Leeds. You’ll find it in the county of Kent, where you can enjoy its beautiful surroundings that include the islands in a lake formed by the River Len.

36 – Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork Castle, Poland - best castles in Europe

One of the world’s largest castles, Malbork Castle is located in Poland, in the coastal city of Gdansk. The castle covers more than 52 acres and is considered the largest brick structure ever built by humans. Try a night tour and enjoy seeing the medieval walls illuminated in all their glory.

37 – Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes, Greece

Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes, Greece - best castles in Europe

Also known as Kastello, the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes is a medieval castle and one of the few examples of Gothic design in Greece. Previously a citadel, today it’s a top tourist attraction with 24 rooms open to the public.

38 – Château de Chillon, Switzerland

Château de Chillon, Switzerland - best castles in Europe

Located on a rock on the banks of Lake Genova near Montreux, Château de Chillon is a romantic island castle. Dating from the 11th century, it is the most visited historic building in Switzerland.

39 – Schönbrunn Palace, Austria

Schönbrunn Palace, Austria - best castles in Europe

Once the principal summer residence of the Habsburg rulers, today Schonbrunn Palace is a premier tourist attraction in Vienna. It features 1,441 rooms and is known as one of the most important architectural, cultural, and historical monuments in Austria.

Read more about Schönbrunn Palace tickets .

40 – Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

One of the world’s most famous castles, Neuschwanstein Castle was built in the 19th century and was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria. It sits on a hill in the German alps and looks like something straight out of a Disney movie. It is one of the most famous castles in Europe to visit.

Learn more about Neuschwanstein Castle tickets price .

41 – Royal Palace of Brussels, Belgium

Royal Palace of Brussels, Belgium - best castles in Europe

The Royal Palace of Brussels signifies constitutional monarchy. It also happens to be a popular tourist spot, thanks to its grand rooms that include the Empire Room, Large Antichamber, and Main Stairway. It’s free of charge to visit between July and August.

42 – Rosenborg Castle, Denmark

Rosenborg Castle, Denmark - best castles in Europe

Located in Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, Rosenborg Castle dates back to 1606 when it was a country summerhouse. If you’re visiting, make sure you see the Knights’ Hall, which features coronation thrones and three life-size silver lions standing guard.

43 – Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania - best castles in Europe

Lake Galve surrounds Trakai Island Castle. Constructed in the 14th century, today the castle has museum exhibits that are open to visitors. It also hosts concerts and festivals.

44 – Château de Versailles, France

Château de Versailles, France - best castles in Europe

In English, Château de Versailles is known as the Palace of Versailles and is located on the outskirts of Paris. A visit here is the chance to see The Hall of Mirrors, its prestigious art collection, and The Grand Chapel. The Château de Versailles is one of the best castles to visit in Europe for first-time visitors.

Learn more about Versailles Palace tickets price .

45 – Orava Castle, Slovakia

Orava Castle, Slovakia - best castles in Europe

Situated on a high rock above the Orava River in the village of Oravský Podzámok, Orava Castle features Romanesque architecture and is considered to be one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. A trip here involves furnished rooms, large courtyards, torture rooms, and weapon collections.

46 – Mir Castle Complex, Belarus

Mir Castle Complex, Belarus - best castles in Europe

Mir Castle Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is located in the Grodno Province of Belarus. It was built in the 15th century with a Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance design. The complex was later updated in the late 19th century to include surrounding landscaped gardens.

47 – Castle Lednice, Czech Republic

Castle Lednice, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

Castle Lednice was built in the 1800s as a Renaissance château. Visitors will enjoy several tour routes, which include royal apartments, rooms of the small princes and princesses, and the Puppet Museum.

48 – Château de Vaux le Vicomte, France

Château de Vaux le Vicomte, France - best castles in Europe

Château de Vaux le Vicomte is a Baroque French chateau 55km from Paris. Its garden was the inspiration for Versailles, and the chateau is the largest private estate listed as a Historical Monument in France.

49 – Vianden Castle, Luxemburg

Vianden Castle, Luxemburg - best castles in Europe

One of the largest fortified castles west of the Rhine, Vianden Castle was built in Romanesque style between the 11th to 14th centuries. Explore the many rooms and enjoy breathtaking views of the local countryside during your visit.

50 – Castle De Haar, Netherlands

Castle De Haar, Netherlands - best castles in Europe

Situated just outside Utrecht, the Castle De Haar is the largest castle in the Netherlands. Visit this magical castle and its spectacular gardens, and feel like a trip back in time.

51 – Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

Eilean Donan, Scotland - best castles in Europe

Situated in the Scottish Highlands, Eilean Donan Castle is probably one of the most iconic monuments to visit in Scotland. Spectacularly sited on a small island at the head of Loch Duich, a visit of the Eilean Donan Castle will embark you on a journey through time and history.

52 – Sforza Castle, Italy

Sforza Castle, Italy - best castles in Europe

Sforza Castle is located in Milan, Italy’s capital, and was built in the 15th century. A visit there today provides the chance to see the magnificent architecture and several of Milan’s museums and art collections that are housed in the castle.

53 – Moszna Castle, Poland

Moszna Castle, Poland - best castles in Poland

Dating from the 17th century, Mozna Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in Europe to visit. With its fairy-tale style, Mosna Castle is a must-see castle for any travelers visiting the region.

54 – Corvin Castle, Romania

Corvin Castle, Romania - best castles in Europe

Located in the heart of Transylvania, Corvin Castle is one of the most spectacular Gothic-style castles and an important cultural landmark of Romania. For the ones looking for dark stories, the castle has been connected with the history of the unfamous Vlad the Impaler – the real Dracula.

55 – Castillo de Coca, Spain

Castillo de Coca, Spain - best castles in Europe

Castillo de Coca is probably the best example of Arab Spanish fortifications in Spain. The castle dates back to the late 15th century and is a masterpiece of Mudejar and Gothic military architecture.

56 – Château de Chantilly, France

Château de Chantilly, France - best castles in Europe

Château de Chantilly is located 50km from Paris, in the town of Chantilly. It’s known as one of the finest jewels in the crown of France’s cultural heritage and has the second largest collection of antique paintings after the Louvre.

57 – Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

Founded in 880, Prague Castle is an ancient symbol of the Czech Republic. It’s the largest coherent castle complex in the world, with an area of almost 70,000 m². It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Learn more about Prague Castle tickets price .

58 – Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle, England - best castles in Europe

Windsor Castle is one of the most famous castles in Europe and is home to Queen Elizabeth II. It’s located in the English county of Berkshire and receives more than one million annual visits per year, thanks to its association with the royal family.

59 – Predjama Castle, Slovenia

Predjama Castle, Slovenia - best castles in Europe

Predjama Castle is a Renaissance castle built within a cave mouth and is perched on the edge of a 123-metre high cliff. During your visit, make sure you discover the secret tunnels and medieval marvels of this historic castle.

60 – Royal palace at Aranjuez, Spain

Royal palace at Aranjuez, Spain - best castles in Europe

The official residence of the Royal Family, the Royal Palace of Madrid features an impressive 135,000 square foot of floor space. It has almost 3,500 rooms and is the largest-functioning palace in Europe.

61 – Conwy Castle, Wales

Conwy Castle, Wales - best castles in Europe

Head to Conwy Castle and walk the complete spiral staircases to discover this 700-year-old castle. You can see the mountains of Snowdinia in the distance from what is known as one of the most impressive medieval castles in Europe.

62 – Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany - best castles in Europe

Hohenzollern Castle is the ancestral seat of the imperial House of Hohenzollern and is the third of three hilltop castles built on the site. Located in Württemberg, Hohenzollern Castle features many grand showrooms where you can marvel at its history.

63 – Castelo dos Mouros, Portugal

Castle of the Moors, Portugal - best castles in Europe

Perched on a high hilltop above the town of Sintra near Lisbon, Castelo dos Muros, also known as Castle of the Moors in English, is an ancient fortress that played an important role in Portugal’s road to independence.

64 – Caerphilly Castle, Wales

Caerphilly Castle, Wales - best castles in Europe

Located in South Wales, Caerphilly Castle is a spectacular medieval fortification. The castle is one of the biggest fortresses in all Europe, and also the second-largest in Britain, just behind the famous Windsor Castle.

65 – Château d’Amboise, France

Château d’Amboise, France - best castles in Europe

From the 15th to 19th century, Château d’Amboise was a place of residence for French kings. The chateau is an expression of French royal luxury and is located in Amboise. Leonardo da Vinci’s tomb is preserved at the castle.

66 – The Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland

The Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland

The Royal Castle in Warsaw has been the official residence of the Polish monarchs throughout the centuries. It is a must-see monument for every travelers visiting Poland.

67 – Royal Palace of La Granja of San Ildefonso, Spain

Royal Palace of La Granja of San Ildefonso, Spain - best castles in Europe

The Royal Palace of La Granja of San Ildefonso is an early 18th-century building and royal landmark. A trip here is the chance to see the Glass Factory and the spectacular, Versailles-like gardens. Both are icons of the majestic palace.

68 – Eltz Castle, Germany

Eltz Castle, Germany - best castles in Europe

Sat in the hills above Moselle River between Koblenz and Trier, Eltz Castle is a majestic gem surrounded by an enchanting forest. The castle is still in its original condition and was untouched by wars. Since its construction in 1157, Eltz Castle has been owned by the same family.

69 – Norman Palace, Italy

Norman Palace, Italy - best castles in Europe

Once the seat of the Kings of Sicily, Norman Palace is a royal palace in Palermo. It has a 17th-century courtyard and the Palatine Chapel. Norman Palace also enjoys UNESCO World Heritage status.

70 – Beaumaris Castle, Wales

Beaumaris Castle, Wales - best castles in Europe

Built as part of Edward I’s campaign to conquer north Wales, Beaumaris Castle remains as architectural beauty. The fortress is unfinished but still manages to reflect an example of near-perfect symmetry that visitors can enjoy.

71 – Kalmar Castle, Sweden

Kalmar Castle, Sweden - best castles in Europe

Kalmar Castle has been standing strong for more than 800 years and has plenty of history to discover. Exhibitions at the castle include the chance to see extravagant costumes from previous eras and the rooms that brought the castle to life.

72 – Wartburg Castle, Germany

Wartburg Castle, Germany - best castles in Europe

Located in the town of Eisenach in Thuringia, Wartburg Castle is the first-ever UNESCO World Heritage designated castle in Germany. Visitors to the castle will get the chance to explore over 1,000 years of German history.

73 – Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain

Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain - best castles in Europe

Learn more about Royal Palace of Madrid tickets price .

74 – Castel Nuovo, Italy

Castel Nuovo, Italy - best castles in Europe

Typically referred to as Maschio Angioino , Castel Nuovo is a medieval castle in Naples. Its imposing size and scenic settings make it one of Naples’ most recognizable landmarks.

75 – Ludwigsburg Palace, Germany

Ludwigsburg Palace, Germany - best castles in Europe

Ludwigsburg Palace is a 452-room palace complex in Ludwigsburg and spans across 18 buildings. It’s the largest palatial estate and features scenic gardens which bring the overall size to 79 acres.

76 – Château de Cheverny, France

Château de Cheverny, France - best castles in Europe

First opened to the public in 1922, Château de Cheverny has been in the same family for more than six centuries. Visitors will enjoy its richly furnished interior and its throwback to the old way of French life.

77 – Kronborg Caslte, Denmark

Kronborg Caslte, Denmark - best castles in Europe

Another Renaissance fortress, Kronborg Castle sits above a narrow peninsula between Denmark and Sweden. The castle is known for its recognizable spires, towers, columns, sandstone, and copper roofs. It’s no surprise that this stunning place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

78 – Palace of the Popes, France

Palace of the Popes, France - best castles in Europe

Avignon in Southern France is where you will find the Palace of the Popes. It’s one of the largest medieval Gothic buildings in Europe and served as a fortress and palace. It was the residence of the popes for over six decades.

79 – The State Chateau of Hluboká, Czech Republic

Hluboká nad Vltavou Castle, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

Explore the complex at The State of Chateau Hluboka and soak up its charming character, original furnishings before strolling the scenic park. It’s known as one of the most romantic sites in Europe.

80 – Alnwick Castle, England

Alnwick Castle, England - best castles in Europe

Alnwick Castle is a fortress and country house in the county of Northumberland. It’s home to Harry Potter-inspired events, dragon quests and a fascinating history that dates back to 1096.

81 – Stirling Castle, Scotland

Stirling Castle, Scotland - best castles in Europe

One of the largest castles in Europe, Stirling Castle is also one of the country’s most important sites. Knights, nobles and foreign ambassadors indulged in the castle’s extravagance, which is now a tourist hotspot where you can see the grand designs and meet lively costumed characters.

82 – Würzburg Residence, Germany

Würzburg Residence, Germany - best castles in Europe

Viena, Paris, Genoa, Venice and Amsterdam all inspired the Würzburg Residence. There are a total of 40-period rooms open to the public, as well as court church. Expect to see an array of furniture, tapestries and paintings during your visit.

83 – Château de Vincennes, France

Château de Vincennes, France - best castles in Europe

Located in the town of Vincennes, to the east of Paris, Château de Vincennes is a 14th and 17th century French royal fortress. A wander around the chateau is a chance to immerse yourself in French history.

84 – The Moscow Kremlin, Russia

The Moscow Kremlin, Russia - best castles in Europe

The fortified complex of The Kremlin is one of Russia’s most noticeable landmarks and a top tourist attraction. It included five palaces, four cathedrals, and the famous Kremlin Wall. Today, the Kremlin serves as the official residence of the Russian president and sees 2.5 million visits per year.

Learn more about Kremlin of Moscow tickets price .

85 – Royal Palace of Caserta, Italy

Royal Palace of Caserta, Italy - best castles in Europe

The Royal Palace of Caserta is a former royal residence and was one of the largest palaces constructed in Europe during the 18th century. It revolutionized world architecture, and many people visit today to marvel at its structure.

Learn more about Royal Palace of Caserta tickets price .

86 – Sanssouci Palace, Germany

Sanssouci Palace, Germany - best castles in Europe

Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sanssouci Palace reflects an era of Prussian kings and queens. The palace sits beside a vineyard and features 18th-century interior decoration full of elegance and style.

87 – The Hofburg, Austria

The Hofburg, Austria - best castles in Europe

The Hofburg is located in Vienna and is the official residence of the president of Austria. Visitors can marvel at its 13th-century architecture and visit an on-site museum that details the history of The Hofburg.

88 – Château d’Angers, France

Château d'Angers, France - best castles in Europe

The bands around the 17 towers at Chateau d’Angers are unique in that they feature tufa, which doesn’t appear at any other chateau. There’s also a tapestry, which is called the Tapestry of the Apocalypse and is a major piece of medieval art. This is one of the best medieval castles in Europe to visit.

89 – Dinant Citadel, Belgium

Dinant Citadel, Belgium - best castles in Europe

Located on a rocky outcrop is where you will find the citadel of Dinant, a 9th-century castle in the province of Namur. A trip to Dinant offers spectacular panoramic views over the Meuse Valley. So get your camera ready.

90 – Château de Bonaguil, France

Château de Bonaguil, France - best castles in Europe

Château de Bonaguil was classified as a Monument Historique in 1862 and has been ever since. In other words, it’s a pretty big deal. It’s just two hours from Bordeaux and Toulouse and is regarded as an outstanding state of conservation.

91 – Warwick Castle, England

Warwick Castle, England - best castles in Europe

One of the UK’s most popular castles, Warwick Castle is over 1,000 years old and was built by William the Conqueror. Visitors can choose to stay overnight and learn all about the castle’s storied history, which includes great battles and ancient myths.

92 – Loket Castle, Czech Republic

Loket Castle, Czech Republic - best castles in Europe

Situated near Karlovy Vary, Loket Castle is a Gothic-style castle dating from the 12th century where the Czech kings came to rest and enjoy hunting.

93 – Bran Castle, Romania

Bran Castle, Romania - best castles in Europe

You will find one of the world’s most famous castles perched dramatically on a hill in Transylvania. Bran Castle, otherwise known as the home of Dracula, was the inspiration for the fanged vampire, who was created by novelist Bram Stoker. The castle sees more than 800,000 visitors per year.

94 – Pena Palace, Portugal

Pena Palace, Portugal - best castles in Europe

Pena Palace is less than half an hour from Lisbon and is perched atop a sprawling green hill. Since its construction in the 19th century, the palace has cemented itself as a popular landmark. A visit here is a chance to see one of the most extravagant and opulent palaces in Europe.

Learn more about Pena Palace tickets price .

95 – Hampton Court Palace, England

Hampton Court Palace, England - best castles in Europe

Another royal palace (there’s a fair few in the UK), Hampton Court Palace is located in the borough of Richmond Upon Thames and was a favourite with King Henry VIII. Visitors can learn plenty about the former king during a visit thanks to his Great Hall and the Tudor Kitchens.

96 – Louvre Palace, France

Louvre Palace, France - best castles in Europe

The Louvre is one of Paris’ most prominent landmarks and is a former royal palace. It’s located on the Right Bank of the Seine. Popular attractions include The Winged Victory of Samothrace, The Raft of the Medusa, and The Coronation of Napoleon. it is one of the most visited castles in Europe.

Learn more about Louvre Museum tickets price .

97 – Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

Kilkenny Castle, Ireland - best castles in Europe

Built-in 1195, Kilkenny Castle is the primary tourist attraction in the medieval town of Kilkenny. Plenty of people flock to the castle to see its grand country house and 50 acres of parkland.

98 – Amalienborg Palace, Denmark

Amalienborg Palace, Denmark - best castles in Europe

Home to the Danish royal family, Amalienborg is located in Copenhagen and features four identical classical palace facades with rococo interiors around an octagonal courtyard. The main attraction, however, is the Royal Guard, who are called Den Kongelige .

99 – Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

Bojnice Castle, Slovakia - best castles in Europe

Located northeast of Bratislava, the fairy-tale Bojnice Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in Europe to visit. Built in the 12th century, visitors will enjoy its stunning Gothic and Renaissance elements.

100 – Lichtenstein Castle, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle, Germany - best castles in Europe

Lichtenstein Castle is a privately owned tourist attraction in the Swabian Jura in southern Germany. It was designed in the neo-Gothic style and is known as a “fairytale” castle. In fact, it was inspired by the romantic novel Lichtenstein .

We hope you enjoyed our selection of the best castles in Europes to visit. Don’t hesitate to comment below and tell us what are your favorite ones 🙂

Europe Chevron

Germany Chevron

The 10 Most Beautiful German Castles 

By Siobhan Reid

Neuschwanstein Castle. Aerial

No one knows exactly how many German castles there are in Deutschland , but the number is estimated to be around 25,000. One theory as to why there are so many: Germany shares borders with nine neighboring countries (the most of any European nation), and during the Holy Roman Empire, it was divided into many more independent states—which necessitated border defenses and fortifications.

The sheer number and diversity of castles in Germany makes it somewhat of a pilgrimage destination among castle-loving travelers. There are hillside fortresses, grand art-filled palaces, and island castles smack dab in the middle of the Rhine River. And if you’re willing to lace up your hiking shoes, Germany even has trails for ticking off several castles in one go.

While you’ll probably need more than one trip to see the country’s best castles, the good news is that many of these landmarks are set amid spectacular landscapes—the Swabian Alps , the majestic Rhine River, the largest English-style park in central Europe—serving as jumping off points for discovering beyond the big cities. Here are 10 must-see castles to add to your list.

Hohenschwangau Castle or Schloss Hohenschwanstein  is a 19th century palace in southern Germany.

Hohenschwangau Castle

This Bavarian burg is the less popular sister of the nearby Neuschwanstein castle , but we can assure you that it's no less awe-inspiring. Famous Italian set designer Domenik Quaglio painted the walls with scenes depicting Germanic history, and many of its rooms are a riotous mix of prints, fabrics, and styles—leading many visitors to declare that Hohenschwangau is the most beautiful of King Ludwig II’s castles. Also designed by Quaglio are the castle’s stunning gardens, the highlight of which is a small hedge maze with a ‘gooseman’s’ fountain and views of the dense forest.

Know Before You Go: The castle can be visited on its own or as part of a combined visit with Neuschwanstein, which is currently undergoing renovations.

While You’re Here: In the summer, you can take a cable car to the top of the Tegelberg for panoramic views of the Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein castles along with the Alps and the Forggensee reservoir.

Burg  Stahleck near the town of Bacharach on the Rhine River Germany

Stahleck Castle

Perched high in the Rhine Valley , overlooking miles of grape vines and the half-timbered houses of Bacharach (described by Victor Hugo as “the world’s prettiest town”), Stahleck Castle is as postcard-perfect as they come. During its centuries-old history, the German castle has played host to knights, counts, and noblemen; today, however, Stahleck is one of the country’s most popular youth hostels, with bunk beds around 50 euros a night!

Know Before you Go: You don’t need to book a room to enjoy Stahleck in all its medieval splendor. But you should be prepared to work for the views: it’s about a 20-minute walk uphill from the center of Bacharach, with uneven pathways and steep stairs. Once you’ve made the ascent, reward yourself with a cup of coffee or mug of wine on the castle’s scenic terrace, which overlooks the Rhine River.

While You’re Here: Discover the vineyards of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, which radiates outwards from Bacharach. The region has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is blanketed with family-run wineries that specialize in Riesling and other Middle Rhine varieties.

View of the Marksburg and the Rhine Valley nature landscape. Outdoors Nature Scenery Aerial View and Urban

The Marksburg

This 11th-century fortress is one of the only castles in the Middle Rhine that was never attacked or destroyed, owing to its formidable location nearly 300 feet above the river. With its impenetrable defensive ramparts, it even resisted an attack during World War II.

Know Before You Go: While its interiors are not nearly as opulent as some of the other castles on this list, The Marksburg is nonetheless eminently photogenic, with its towering mountaintop setting and river views. A guided tour takes visitors through the structure’s tunnels and four gates, the Romanesque-style great hall, and its collection of gleaming armor from various time periods.

While You’re There: The region boasts more than 40 castles from the Middle Ages, making it easy to continue on your castle-viewing adventures. In addition to the Stahleck castle (later on this list), there’s also the 13th-century Rheinfels ruin and the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Stolzenfels, a jewel of Prussian romantic architecture.

Image may contain Nature Water Outdoors Architecture Building Castle Fort Land Moat and Pond

Muskau Palace

The vision of nobleman and bon vivant Prince Pückler, Muskau Palace is one of the most eccentric castles in Germany . The property— a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest English-style landscape park in central Europe—straddles the German and the Polish border, with a footbridge that connects the two countries. Its sprawling grounds are scattered with roughly 800,000 trees (for reference, Central Park has 18,000); there’s a greenhouse where pineapples and other exotic fruits grow; and its neo-Renaissance castle, which was reconstructed in 2003, features a selection of love letters exchanged between the prince and his many suitresses.

Know Before You Go: Prince Pückler was endlessly inspired by the world of English landscaping. He even wrote a seminal book on the subject that’s still referenced by horticulturalists today. It’s worth visiting the permanent exhibition at the castle’s museum to learn more about the life of the prince, who poet Henrich Heine characterized as the “most fashionable of eccentric men—Diogenes on horseback.”

While You’re There: The palace is a 10-minute drive from another one of Saxony’s most recognizable landmarks: the Instagram-famous Rakotzbrücke bridge , which has a dramatic arched shape that creates a reflection of a perfect circle in the waters below.

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Hohenzollern Castle

Just 40 miles south of Stuttgart is one of Germany’s most dramatic castles , set high on a bluff in the foothills of the Swabian Alps. The fortified structure was built atop the ruins of another castle and completed in 1867 in the Gothic Revival style, with 140 rooms decorated in gilded surfaces, marquetry flooring, and portraits of the Prussian royals. While the castle has not been lived in for centuries, it’s still owned by the Prussian branch of the royal family. Tip: you’ll know when Prince George Frederick is there when the royal family flag flies high on the tower.

Know Before You Go: The castle houses an impressive collection of royal artifacts, including Frederick the Great’s royal crown and uniform. The property is also home to an open-air cinema screening German-only flicks and a brewery producing its custom PREUSSENS beer.

While You’re There: The nearby city of Tübingen is a quaint university town with sidewalk cafes, atmospheric pubs, and a pretty waterfront best explored on a Stocherkahn, a flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow that’s exclusive to the city.

Neuschwanstein Castle. Aerial

Neuschwanstein Castle

Unlike many other German castles, Neuschwanstein (which literally translates to New Swan Stone castle) wasn’t built as a defensive structure. Instead, the Bavarian palace was built as the lavish private retreat of King Ludwig II in 1886 in the style of old German knights’ castles, with interiors done up in golds, silks, and 13-foot chandeliers. Attracting some 1.4 million visitors every year, Neuschwanstein is perhaps best known for serving as inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle . Don’t leave without making it to the castle’s two-story Throne room, which evokes the splendor of Byzantine churches with its painted cupola, gleaming floor mosaics, and jewel-like gold chandelier.

Know Before You Go: To escape the crowds, consider visiting between November and April and, if possible, arrive at the ticket center early in the morning or after three in the afternoon. Note that the castle will be undergoing renovations until 2024, so not all rooms will be accessible as part of the guided tour.

While You’re There: Neuschwanstein is one of the most photographed landmarks in all of Germany, but it’s far from the only attraction in the Allgäu highlands. Other must-sees include the Marienbrücke bridge, which hovers over the Pollät gorge and offers one of the best views of the castle, and the medieval town of Füssen, known for its baroque abbey, art-filled museums and high-altitude perch in the Alps.

View of the Moyland Castle in BedburgHau Germany 6 July 2017

Moyland Castle

This moated castle in the Lower Rhine dates to the 14th century, but its neo-gothic grandeur and imposing spire was only added in the 19th century by architect Ernst Friedrich Zwirner, the master builder of the iconic Cologne cathedral. Today, the handsome fortress is also home to a museum housing the world’s largest collection of works by German artist Joseph Beuys.

Know Before You Go: Moyland’s original furnishings and historic rooms were looted by the Allies during World War II, so the castle doesn’t have the same grand, atmospheric interiors as some of the other castles on this list.

While You’re There: Leave enough time to wander its gardens, which features a herb garden (planted with over 350 local and foreign varieties), a collection of 530 different hydrangea varieties, and roughly 70 works of art scattered throughout the grounds, including works by German artist Erwin Heerich and Basque sculptor Eduardo Chillida.

Germany MecklenburgVorpommern Schwerin Schwerin Castle at dusk

Schwerin Castle

Modeled off the Loire Valley’s Château de Chambord , the Schwerin Castle offers a slice of French Renaissance palatial architecture on an island in northeast Germany. Like Chambord, Schwerin castle is also surrounded by water, its monumental arches, turrets, and staircases reflected in the pools below. It’s also one of the last true residence palaces in Germany.

Know Before You Go: The castle contains a whopping 653 rooms—living rooms, parlors, ballrooms, and one-of-a-kind ‘throne’ bedrooms—decked out in gilded surfaces, oil paintings, sumptuous fabrics, and fine china. You could easily spend a whole day getting lost inside, but don’t leave without strolling around the castle’s impressive gardens, spanning 60 acres and comprising an orangery, geometric “floating meadow,” and statues of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses by 18th-century Baroque sculptor Balthasar Permoser.

While You’re There: Known as the “City of Seven Lakes,” Schwerin is a paradise for water sports, particularly sailing, kayaking, fishing, and swimming. Visitors can also explore the city’s extensive network of lakeside trails and paths on foot or bike, or take a boat cruise to popular lakeside destinations like Zippendorf and the island of Kaninchenwerder.

Pfalzgrafenstein Castle

Pfalzgrafenstein Castle

Located on the tiny Falkenau island in the middle of the Rhine River, this compact castle was built in 1326 as a toll-collecting station. Those who refused to pay were thrown into the structure’s dungeon. Various features have been added over the centuries, including its pentagonal tower, baroque tower top, and turrets.

Know Before You Go: Today, visitors can take a quick ferry from the town of Kaub to the castle, which is now a museum. From Pfalzgrafenstein, look up to the vineyard-covered hills to glimpse another area landmark: the 13th-century Gutenfels Castle.

While You’re There: Active travelers who want to see Pfalzgrafenstein and other Rhine castles might consider embarking on the Rhine Castles Trail , which starts at the Mouse Tower—another historic toll-collecting station—in Bingen and stretches north 120 miles to city of Koblenz. You’ll pass some 20 castles along the way and cross through the wine regions of the Middle Rhine, Ahr, and Moselle.

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Architecture Building Castle Cliff and Fort

Lichtenstein Castle

This privately-owned Gothic-style castle was literally carved into the side of an exposed cliff on the edge of the Swabian Alps. A 30-minute guided tour takes visitors throughout the castle’s first and second floors, including the armory, a chapel with glass paintings from the 15th and 16th century, and the spectacular wood-paneled Knight’s Hall (look up to admire its exquisite painted ceiling).

Know Before You Go: The best time to visit is fall, when the trees in the wooded Echaz valley turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, serving as a vivid backdrop. Note that the castle is closed during December and January, and is only opened on the weekends during the months of November, February, and March.

While You’re Here: Lichtenstein is a starting point for many of the area’s top hikes. Consult the castle’s website for more information and to download maps of the best routes.

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Maps of northern lights forecast show where millions in U.S. could see aurora borealis this weekend

By Alex Sundby

Updated on: May 11, 2024 / 8:54 PM EDT / CBS News

Americans as far south as Alabama and Northern California were being treated to a show of the northern lights this weekend from a powerful geomagnetic storm which reached Earth, officials said. If the weather conditions are right, people in wider areas on the map could look up and see the aurora borealis .

The storm prompted government forecasters to warn of potential disruptions to communications systems, the power grid and satellite operations, but it also put on a fantastic light display in the night sky Friday. 

"The aurora is when we get energized particles that have left the sun in more quantities than usual, and they interact with Earth's magnetic barrier," Shawn Dahl, senior space weather forecaster for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, explained to CBS News.

The geomagnetic storm reached Earth Friday evening as an "extreme" G5 , according to the NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center. Geomagnetic storms are ranked from G1 to G5.

"This one is pretty large, It think it's pretty extreme, we got to the G5, which is the highest in terms of strength," said Dr. Nour Rawafi, an astrophysicist with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.

It marks the first G5 geomagnetic storm to reach Earth since October 2003. A G5 is so large it can disrupt satellites we rely on for communications and GPS. Elon Musk's Starlink satellites were reporting "degraded service."

Dahl explains a G5 storm can potentially disrupt the GPS we use on our phones.

"It could, because most of our phones are single-frequency GPS systems," Dahl said. 

Experts say the aurora borealis will likely be viewable again Saturday night, with the best chance to see the northern lights between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. Sunday. 

The Aurora Borealis, Or Northern Lights, Visible From Large Swath Of North America

"If you happen to be in an area where it's dark and cloud free and relatively unpolluted by light, you may get to see a fairly impressive aurora display, and that's really the gift from space weather, is the aurora," Rob Steenburgh, a space scientist with the NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, told reporters Friday morning.

Northern lights map for Friday night

A map from the center showed the aurora would be visible for much of the northern half of the U.S. Friday night. A red line on the map shows how far south the aurora forecast went.

A map from the Space Weather Prediction Center shows the aurora forecast for the U.S. on May 10, 2024.

The National Weather Service's St. Louis office said people in the area should leave the city for the best possible chance to view the northern lights.

"Get away from city lights into a dark, rural surrounding and look north," the office said on social media . "Aside from some clouds associated with a passing front, much of the time looks mostly clear."

The prediction center notes on its website that people don't need to be directly underneath the aurora to see it. Instead, it can be observed from as much as 620 miles away.


The weather service's office for the San Francisco Bay Area had been less optimistic when asked if there was a chance for a nighttime show there. 

"Probably not, but I'll still look up while walking my dog," the office said . But the weather service turned out to be wrong, the northern lights were visible from the Bay Area. 

Northern lights in California

Northern lights map for Saturday night

Friday night wasn't the only opportunity for a northern lights show. The storm was expected to last through the weekend, and the prediction center released a forecast map for Saturday night.

A map from the Space Weather Prediction Center shows the aurora forecast for the U.S. on May 11, 2024.

Officials said people in the southern U.S. who can't see the aurora with their naked eyes could still take some dazzling pictures with their phones.

"Cellphones are much better than our eyes at capturing light," the Space Weather Prediction Center's Brent Gordon told reporters Friday. "Just go out your back door and take a picture with a newer cellphone, and you'd be amazed at what you see in that picture versus what you see with your eyes."

Stunning photos showed the vivid display of the northern lights over Europe and the U.K. after nightfall there on Friday.

Northern lights shine in the night sky

— Michael George contributed to this report. 

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • National Weather Service
  • Aurora Borealis
  • Northern Lights

Alex Sundby is a senior editor at In addition to editing content, Alex also covers breaking news, writing about crime and severe weather as well as everything from multistate lottery jackpots to the July Fourth hot dog eating contest.

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The 40 Most Beautiful Castles You Can Visit in the United States

Posted: May 16, 2024 | Last updated: May 16, 2024

<p>Sitting pretty in the middle of New York City's Central Park is one of the country's most famous castles. <a href="">Completed in 1872</a>, the park's co-designer, Calvert Vaux, wanted the Gothic structure to serve as a surprising landmark for visitors to discover on their walks.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Belvedere Castle (New York)

Sitting pretty in the middle of New York City's Central Park is one of the country's most famous castles. Completed in 1872 , the park's co-designer, Calvert Vaux, wanted the Gothic structure to serve as a surprising landmark for visitors to discover on their walks.

<p>Walter E. Scott was a con man and gold prospector who convinced a Chicago couple, Albert and Bessie Johnson, to build this <a href="">1922 Spanish-style castle</a> in Death Valley National Park, California. Though Scott never owned or lived in it, he <em>was</em> the inspiration behind its name.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Scotty's Castle (California)

Walter E. Scott was a con man and gold prospector who convinced a Chicago couple, Albert and Bessie Johnson, to build this 1922 Spanish-style castle in Death Valley National Park, California. Though Scott never owned or lived in it, he was the inspiration behind its name.

<p><a href="">Iolani Palace</a> is the only official royal residence located in the United States and is located in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii. The island's last two monarchs lived in it from 1882 to 1893, but it later fell into disrepair—until it was renovated and reopened in 1978. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Iolani Palace (Hawaii)

Iolani Palace is the only official royal residence located in the United States and is located in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii. The island's last two monarchs lived in it from 1882 to 1893, but it later fell into disrepair—until it was renovated and reopened in 1978.

<p><a href="">Francis Bannerman VI</a>, a Scottish-born owner of a military surplus supply company, built this castle in 1901. A fire destroyed it in 1969, leaving it to become the ruins you see today in the middle of the Hudson River in Beacon, New York. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Bannerman Castle (New York)

Francis Bannerman VI , a Scottish-born owner of a military surplus supply company, built this castle in 1901. A fire destroyed it in 1969, leaving it to become the ruins you see today in the middle of the Hudson River in Beacon, New York.

<p>It took 15 years to build this <a href="">13th-century replica of a Tuscan castle</a>, located in the middle of California's Napa Valley. The wait was worth it: It's a huge tourist attraction today, offering tours and wine tastings.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Castello di Amorosa (California)

It took 15 years to build this 13th-century replica of a Tuscan castle , located in the middle of California's Napa Valley. The wait was worth it: It's a huge tourist attraction today, offering tours and wine tastings.

<p>The Sinagua people built this <a href="">20-room castle</a> on a cliff approximately 800 years ago in what is known today as Camp Verde, Arizona. While it's too fragile to allow tourists inside, the view from below makes it worth visiting.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Montezuma Castle (Arizona)

The Sinagua people built this 20-room castle on a cliff approximately 800 years ago in what is known today as Camp Verde, Arizona. While it's too fragile to allow tourists inside, the view from below makes it worth visiting.

<p>Located in Tarrytown, New York, this 1838 mansion <a href="">overlooking the Hudson River</a> is one of the country's best examples of Gothic Revival architecture. It was built for New York City Mayor William Paulding and was later bought by railroad tycoon Jay Gould. Today, it serves as a museum and wedding venue. Fun fact: It was also a filming location for <a href=""><em>The Gilded Age</em> on HBO</a>.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Lyndhurst Mansion (New York)

Located in Tarrytown, New York, this 1838 mansion overlooking the Hudson River is one of the country's best examples of Gothic Revival architecture. It was built for New York City Mayor William Paulding and was later bought by railroad tycoon Jay Gould. Today, it serves as a museum and wedding venue. Fun fact: It was also a filming location for The Gilded Age on HBO .

<p>Newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst built this <a href="">Julia Morgan-designed castle</a> in San Simeon, California, to serve as his private residence. He lived in it while it was being renovated, but unfortunately, his failing health meant he never saw it finished and he moved out of the 165-room estate in 1947. It's currently a museum that's open to the public.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Hearst Castle (California)

Newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst built this Julia Morgan-designed castle in San Simeon, California, to serve as his private residence. He lived in it while it was being renovated, but unfortunately, his failing health meant he never saw it finished and he moved out of the 165-room estate in 1947. It's currently a museum that's open to the public.

<p>In 1900, the owner of New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, George C. Boldt, built this 120-room <a href="">castle for his wife, Louise, on an island in the St. Lawrence River</a> in Alexandria, New York. Sadly, Louise died unexpectedly months before it was completed, so a heartbroken George stopped construction and it was left vacant for 73 years—until the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority restored and opened it in 1977.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Boldt Castle (New York)

In 1900, the owner of New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, George C. Boldt, built this 120-room castle for his wife, Louise, on an island in the St. Lawrence River in Alexandria, New York. Sadly, Louise died unexpectedly months before it was completed, so a heartbroken George stopped construction and it was left vacant for 73 years—until the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority restored and opened it in 1977.

<p>Located near the center of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. is this <a href="">Norman-style structure</a>. It was made from red sandstone in 1855 and served as the home and office of Joseph Henry (the first Secretary of the Smithsonian). However, today it's the visitors center for the Smithsonian Institute.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Smithsonian Institute Building (Washington, D.C.)

Located near the center of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. is this Norman-style structure . It was made from red sandstone in 1855 and served as the home and office of Joseph Henry (the first Secretary of the Smithsonian). However, today it's the visitors center for the Smithsonian Institute.

<p>Henry Chapman Mercer, an archaeologist, artifact collector, and tilemaker, built this beauty in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, from 1908 to 1912. He chose a combination of <a href="">medieval, Gothic, and Byzantine architectural styles</a> for his home, which also served as a museum for his tiles and prints.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Fonthill Castle (Pennsylvania)

Henry Chapman Mercer, an archaeologist, artifact collector, and tilemaker, built this beauty in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, from 1908 to 1912. He chose a combination of medieval, Gothic, and Byzantine architectural styles for his home, which also served as a museum for his tiles and prints.

<p>After George Vanderbilt visited the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina, in 1898, he fell in love with the area and built this estate. The <a href="">250-room French Renaissance chateau</a> took six years to build, with the help of architect Richard Morris Hunt and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Now, the estate boasts an award-winning vineyard and winery.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Biltmore Estate (North Carolina)

After George Vanderbilt visited the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina, in 1898, he fell in love with the area and built this estate. The 250-room French Renaissance chateau took six years to build, with the help of architect Richard Morris Hunt and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Now, the estate boasts an award-winning vineyard and winery.

<p>Look familiar? This Newport, Rhode Island, estate was also <a href="">built by a Vanderbilt</a> (this time Cornelius Vanderbilt II) and designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt in the late 19th century. The 70-room mansion was inspired by Italian Renaissance palaces from 16th-century Genoa and Turin.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

The Breakers (Rhode Island)

Look familiar? This Newport, Rhode Island, estate was also built by a Vanderbilt (this time Cornelius Vanderbilt II) and designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt in the late 19th century. The 70-room mansion was inspired by Italian Renaissance palaces from 16th-century Genoa and Turin.

<p>Previously known as Gresham Castle, this Victorian stunner in Galveston, Texas, was built by lawyer and railroad entrepreneur Colonel Walter Gresham and architect Nicholas Clayton<a href=""> from 1887 to 1892</a>. It went on to serve as a Catholic bishop's residence—hence the new name.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Bishop's Palace (Texas)

Previously known as Gresham Castle, this Victorian stunner in Galveston, Texas, was built by lawyer and railroad entrepreneur Colonel Walter Gresham and architect Nicholas Clayton from 1887 to 1892 . It went on to serve as a Catholic bishop's residence—hence the new name.

<p>Back in 1926, this 25-foot limestone castle tower was built in honor of Caleb and Ruth Clark, pioneers of <a href="">Madison County, Iowa</a>. The three-story tower overlooks the Middle River valley and is only accessible by a narrow, one-way, winding road.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Clark Tower (Iowa)

Back in 1926, this 25-foot limestone castle tower was built in honor of Caleb and Ruth Clark, pioneers of Madison County, Iowa . The three-story tower overlooks the Middle River valley and is only accessible by a narrow, one-way, winding road.

<p>In 1890, John Clement Trube (who was from Kiel, Denmark) built this <a href="">Danish-inspired castle</a> home in Galveston, Texas, with the help of architect Alfred Muller. The castle was declared a Texas Historic Landmark in 1965.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Trube House (Texas)

In 1890, John Clement Trube (who was from Kiel, Denmark) built this Danish-inspired castle home in Galveston, Texas, with the help of architect Alfred Muller. The castle was declared a Texas Historic Landmark in 1965.

<p>Also known as <a href="">Lucknow Estate</a>, this Moultonborough, New Hampshire–based structure was built from 1913 to 1914 by shoe manufacturer and millionaire Tom Plant. It served as his escape in the Ossipee Mountains and was designed to keep harmony with nature.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Castle in the Clouds (New Hampshire)

Also known as Lucknow Estate , this Moultonborough, New Hampshire–based structure was built from 1913 to 1914 by shoe manufacturer and millionaire Tom Plant. It served as his escape in the Ossipee Mountains and was designed to keep harmony with nature.

<p>Based on St. Thomas, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands, this castle has had many different lives. It was first built by the Danes in the <a href="">late 1600s</a> as a stronghold to help reinforce Fort Christian. It was later purchased by the U.S. Government in 1933 and turned into a hotel to help promote tourism. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited it in 1934.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Bluebeard's Castle (Virgin Islands)

Based on St. Thomas, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands, this castle has had many different lives. It was first built by the Danes in the late 1600s as a stronghold to help reinforce Fort Christian. It was later purchased by the U.S. Government in 1933 and turned into a hotel to help promote tourism. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited it in 1934.

<p>This circular fortification made out of red sandstone was built in the early 19th century on Governors Island, New York, to protect New York City from a naval attack. However, as of 2003, it was transferred to the <a href="">National Park Service</a> under the administration of the Governors Island National Monument.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Castle Williams (New York)

This circular fortification made out of red sandstone was built in the early 19th century on Governors Island, New York, to protect New York City from a naval attack. However, as of 2003, it was transferred to the National Park Service under the administration of the Governors Island National Monument.

<p>Prominent Boston businessman William Lindsey built this castle to serve as his home in 1915. After changing hands, it was donated to Boston University in 1938. Today, the <a href="">Tudor Revival-style castle</a> is used by the school for receptions and concerts and is also rented out for special occasions.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Boston University Castle (Massachusetts)

Prominent Boston businessman William Lindsey built this castle to serve as his home in 1915. After changing hands, it was donated to Boston University in 1938. Today, the Tudor Revival-style castle is used by the school for receptions and concerts and is also rented out for special occasions.

<p>In 1914, actor, director, and playwright <a href="">William Hooker Gillette</a> built this castle in East Haddam, Connecticut, as part of his estate. Even though the outside looks like ruins, the inside is full of modern innovations—making it especially unique.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Gillette Castle (Connecticut)

In 1914, actor, director, and playwright William Hooker Gillette built this castle in East Haddam, Connecticut, as part of his estate. Even though the outside looks like ruins, the inside is full of modern innovations—making it especially unique.

<p><span>In 1892, <a href="">Catholina Lambert</a>—</span>the owner of a prominent silk mill—built this Medieval Revival home in Paterson, New Jersey. His goal was to replicate the castles he remembered from his childhood in Great Britain. It was originally called Belle Vista, but the name changed when it was sold to the City of Paterson in 1923 after Lambert's death.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Lambert Castle (New Jersey)

In 1892, Catholina Lambert — the owner of a prominent silk mill—built this Medieval Revival home in Paterson, New Jersey. His goal was to replicate the castles he remembered from his childhood in Great Britain. It was originally called Belle Vista, but the name changed when it was sold to the City of Paterson in 1923 after Lambert's death.

<p>George Owen Knapp, the founder of Union Carbide, built this California home in 1916—but it was <a href="">destroyed in 1940</a> by a forest fire. Only the sandstone foundation, fireplace pillars, and walls of the original structure remain, making it a popular destination for hikers and photographers.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Knapp's Castle (California)

George Owen Knapp, the founder of Union Carbide, built this California home in 1916—but it was destroyed in 1940 by a forest fire. Only the sandstone foundation, fireplace pillars, and walls of the original structure remain, making it a popular destination for hikers and photographers.

<p>Construction began on this estate, located on Dark Island near New York's Chippewa Bay, in 1905. It was commissioned by <a href="">Frederick Bourne</a>, the fifth President of the Singer Sewing Machine Company—hence the name. It remained in possession of the original owners until the mid-1960s. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Singer Castle (New York)

Construction began on this estate, located on Dark Island near New York's Chippewa Bay, in 1905. It was commissioned by Frederick Bourne , the fifth President of the Singer Sewing Machine Company—hence the name. It remained in possession of the original owners until the mid-1960s.

<p>This sight for sore eyes on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was built in a Gothic architecture style that almost blends into the city streets. Today, it serves as a beautiful <a href="">wedding venue</a>. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Morningside Castle (New York)

This sight for sore eyes on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was built in a Gothic architecture style that almost blends into the city streets. Today, it serves as a beautiful wedding venue .

<p>This 60-foot spire built into a rocky beach cliff in Laguna Beach, California, was originally built in 1926 by the owners of the house at the top of the cliff to serve as a private staircase to the beach. However, over the years, the tower has changed hands—once even supposedly belonging to <a href="">Bette Midler</a>.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Victoria Beach Pirate Tower (California)

This 60-foot spire built into a rocky beach cliff in Laguna Beach, California, was originally built in 1926 by the owners of the house at the top of the cliff to serve as a private staircase to the beach. However, over the years, the tower has changed hands—once even supposedly belonging to Bette Midler .

<p>These Ancestral Puebloan ruins once served as home to 2,500 people and were built between 1200 and 1300 A.D. Today, they are part of the <a href="">Hovenweep National Monument</a>, which spans across southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Hovenweep Castle (Utah)

These Ancestral Puebloan ruins once served as home to 2,500 people and were built between 1200 and 1300 A.D. Today, they are part of the Hovenweep National Monument , which spans across southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah.

<p>In 1900, Howard Gould and his wife, actress Katherine Clemmons, purchased the Sands Point, New York, property that <a href="">Castle Gould</a> and three more mansions would be built on. This one was designed by architect Augustus N. Allen in 1902 and was inspired by Ireland's Kilkenny Castle.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Castle Gould (New York)

In 1900, Howard Gould and his wife, actress Katherine Clemmons, purchased the Sands Point, New York, property that Castle Gould and three more mansions would be built on. This one was designed by architect Augustus N. Allen in 1902 and was inspired by Ireland's Kilkenny Castle.

<p>Perhaps the most famous castle in the country is this beauty at the <span>Walt Disney World Resort (not to be confused with Sleeping Beauty Castle in California's Disneyland)</span>. It was <a href="">inspired by many real palaces</a>, most notably Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. It took 19 months to build and opened in July 1971.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Cinderella Castle (Florida)

Perhaps the most famous castle in the country is this beauty at the Walt Disney World Resort (not to be confused with Sleeping Beauty Castle in California's Disneyland) . It was inspired by many real palaces , most notably Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. It took 19 months to build and opened in July 1971.

<p>The <a href="">oldest masonry fort</a> in the United States is located in St. Augustine, Florida. Castillo de San Marcos is a Spanish stone fortress that was built over 315 years ago to defend Spain's claims to the New World. Today, it's a National Monument, where people can explore the rooms soldiers used to live in.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Castillo de San Marcos (Florida)

The oldest masonry fort in the United States is located in St. Augustine, Florida. Castillo de San Marcos is a Spanish stone fortress that was built over 315 years ago to defend Spain's claims to the New World. Today, it's a National Monument, where people can explore the rooms soldiers used to live in.

<p>This French-style chateau dates back an entire century and remains the <a href="">second-largest home ever built in America</a>. The sprawling Huntington, New York, estate now serves as both a hotel and site for special events. It's become a celebrity hotspot as well, serving as Kevin Jonas's wedding venue and Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" music video set.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Oheka Castle (New York)

This French-style chateau dates back an entire century and remains the second-largest home ever built in America . The sprawling Huntington, New York, estate now serves as both a hotel and site for special events. It's become a celebrity hotspot as well, serving as Kevin Jonas's wedding venue and Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" music video set.

<p>After their European honeymoon, wealthy newlyweds Rex and Caroline Martin began construction on this <a href="">Palace of Versailles-inspired structure</a> in 1969. However, following their 1975 divorce, it remained vacant for nearly 30 years. Now, it serves as a boutique hotel and center for public events. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

The Kentucky Castle (Kentucky)

After their European honeymoon, wealthy newlyweds Rex and Caroline Martin began construction on this Palace of Versailles-inspired structure in 1969. However, following their 1975 divorce, it remained vacant for nearly 30 years. Now, it serves as a boutique hotel and center for public events.

<p>With quirky features, like a fire-breathing dragon and rooftop walkways, visiting <a href="">this Colorado attraction</a> is an adventure in every sense of the word. The entire structure was built by a man named Jim Bishop over the course of 60 years. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Bishop Castle (Colorado)

With quirky features, like a fire-breathing dragon and rooftop walkways, visiting this Colorado attraction is an adventure in every sense of the word. The entire structure was built by a man named Jim Bishop over the course of 60 years.

<p>Built in the late 1920s, this once served as the <a href="">laboratory of John Hays Hammond Jr.</a>, an inventor who held 19 pipe organ technology patents. Between the medieval arches, winding stairwells, and seaside views, be sure to bring your camera for this one. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Hammond Castle (Massachusetts)

Built in the late 1920s, this once served as the laboratory of John Hays Hammond Jr. , an inventor who held 19 pipe organ technology patents. Between the medieval arches, winding stairwells, and seaside views, be sure to bring your camera for this one.

<p>This mysterious gatehouse dates back to the 1890s and was inspired by <a href="">German and English baronial castles</a>. Located in the heart of Ohio's North Chagrin Reservation, there are hiking trails and picnic areas nearby to make a full day out of your visit.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Squire's Castle (Ohio)

This mysterious gatehouse dates back to the 1890s and was inspired by German and English baronial castles . Located in the heart of Ohio's North Chagrin Reservation, there are hiking trails and picnic areas nearby to make a full day out of your visit.

<p>The <a href="">165-year-old Baton Rouge statehouse</a> overlooks the Mississippi River. Its Gothic design and castle-like inspiration is even more stunning in person. In 1994, the building reopened as the Center for Political and Governmental History, which is now known as the Museum of Political History. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Louisiana's Old State Capitol (Louisiana)

The 165-year-old Baton Rouge statehouse overlooks the Mississippi River. Its Gothic design and castle-like inspiration is even more stunning in person. In 1994, the building reopened as the Center for Political and Governmental History, which is now known as the Museum of Political History.

<p>While cathedrals aren't <em>castles </em>per se, they have several traits and architectural elements that closely resemble them—making them just as glorious to admire. This one, for example, was D.C.'s longest-running construction project that <a href="">first began in 1907</a>. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Washington National Cathedral (Washington, D.C.)

While cathedrals aren't castles per se, they have several traits and architectural elements that closely resemble them—making them just as glorious to admire. This one, for example, was D.C.'s longest-running construction project that first began in 1907 .

<p>This California winery was first built in 1989. Steve Ledson designed the entire <a href="">16,000-square-foot French Normandy property</a> himself, with some help from his son. While the exterior has everything from turrets to fountains, you'll find even more gorgeous features inside—including over five miles of wood inlays and mosaics. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

"The Castle" at Ledson Winery (California)

This California winery was first built in 1989. Steve Ledson designed the entire 16,000-square-foot French Normandy property himself, with some help from his son. While the exterior has everything from turrets to fountains, you'll find even more gorgeous features inside—including over five miles of wood inlays and mosaics.

<p>This 19th-century Staten Island fortress took 14 years to complete. It's named after <a href="">Stephen Weed</a>, a New Yorker who was killed during 1863's Battle of Gettysburg. The contrast of the enormous brick structure and the Manhattan skyline makes for an eerily beautiful picture. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Battery Weed (New York)

This 19th-century Staten Island fortress took 14 years to complete. It's named after Stephen Weed , a New Yorker who was killed during 1863's Battle of Gettysburg. The contrast of the enormous brick structure and the Manhattan skyline makes for an eerily beautiful picture.

<p>While this house might not look as showy as the others, it has a pretty lengthy history. Arthur Allen first <a href="">bought the land in 1650</a> and constructed this huge brick estate 15 years later. In 1676, those fighting in the Bacon Rebellion seized the property and looted it—hence the name. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Bacon's Castle (Virginia)

While this house might not look as showy as the others, it has a pretty lengthy history. Arthur Allen first bought the land in 1650 and constructed this huge brick estate 15 years later. In 1676, those fighting in the Bacon Rebellion seized the property and looted it—hence the name.

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Where to See the Northern Lights on Sunday Night

The best weather conditions for viewing the colorful light display will be in much of the West while New England was “a question mark,” a forecaster said.

A purple-filled sky and a yellow horizon above a mountain range in Utah during a geomagnetic storm.

By Amanda Holpuch

The spectacular aurora borealis, the nighttime light display triggered by solar flares that has been so unusually prevalent since Friday, could be visible again on Sunday night in much of the United States as a powerful geomagnetic storm continues.

The aurora borealis, or northern lights, has been observed from locations much farther south than usual, including much of the United States, Britain and some parts of Central America.

The glowing green, pink and purple lights will be visible again on Sunday night in places with clear, dark skies, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

“There’s a chance that what’s coming at us later today could be quite comparable to what we saw Friday into Friday night,” Mike Bettwy, the operations chief of the Space Weather Prediction Center, said on Sunday. “Our forecast is for it to be right up to that level.”

There were reports of the lights being visible in Puerto Rico, South Florida and parts of Central America on Friday night, Mr. Bettwy said, and it could happen again on Sunday night if the storm is as intense.

He said the aurora “ebbs and flows without much reason,” making it hard to predict the best time to view the phenomenon.

“Generally, the darker the sky is, the higher the chances that you’ll see it,” Mr. Bettwy said.

In places with a lot of bright lights, like a city, it is more difficult to see.

Cloudy weather can also block the view. This could pose a challenge for those hoping to see the northern lights in the central United States, where rain and storms are forecast.

Tony Fracasso, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center, said that the best chances for clear skies would be in much of the West, as well as from Ohio toward the Mid-Atlantic and possibly in North Dakota and Minnesota.

New England was “a question mark,” he said.

In the United Kingdom, thunderstorms were moving north across Wales into northern England and Scotland on Sunday night , but it was clearer in the south and east.

If you are in a clear area, take a picture or record a video with your cellphone. The camera’s sensor is more sensitive to the wavelengths made by the aurora and may reveal an image different from what you can see with the naked eye.

This weekend’s show is the result of the most powerful geomagnetic storm to reach Earth since October 2003. When geomagnetic activity increases, auroras become brighter and more active, and they expand to regions where they are not usually seen.

The Space Weather Prediction Center has a five-level scale to rate geomagnetic storms. A watch was in place on Sunday for conditions to reach the fourth level or higher.

On Saturday, the storm’s conditions were at the third and the fourth levels, with a period of level-five conditions early in the day, the center said.

Geomagnetic storms can interfere with power grids, communications and navigations systems, but there had been no significant impacts from the storm as of Sunday morning, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The storm will continue into Monday, the Space Weather Prediction Center said.

Amanda Holpuch covers breaking news and other topics. More about Amanda Holpuch

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  26. Where to See the Northern Lights on Sunday Night

    The glowing green, pink and purple lights will be visible again on Sunday night in places with clear, dark skies, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather ...