Top Things to Do in Bandarawela - Bandarawela Must-See Attractions

Things to do in bandarawela, explore popular experiences, tours in and around bandarawela.

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  • Visit Around Ella with diyaluma falls

bandarawela trip place

  • Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela

bandarawela trip place

Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela

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Food Adventure Sri Lanka ( 11N / 12D)

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TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,

bandarawela trip place

Tuk Tuk safari and Picnic in The Tea Plantation from Ella,Haputale & Bandarawela

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From Ella: Transfer to Mirissa/Unawatuna/Galle & Yala/Udawalawe Safari Day Trip

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Tea Plantation Tour in Ella, Sri Lanka

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Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory Tour in Ella Sri Lanka

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From Ella :- All-Inclusive Ella 5 Icons Day Tour...

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Top Attractions in Bandarawela

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Other Top Attractions around Bandarawela

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Private Sightseeing Tours

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Tours & Sightseeing

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Outdoor Activities

What travelers are saying.


  • Amba Estate
  • The Nazareth Chapel of the Good Shepherd Convent
  • Upper Diyaluma Waterfall
  • Dhowa Rock Temple
  • St Anthony's Church
  • Diyaluma Waterfall and Natural Pool Bath With Lunch
  • TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,
  • Ella Sir Lanka Most Beautiful Train Ride In the World by Jason
  • Hirumal Tours
  • Sri Lanka Trekking Club

Explore Bandarawela

Plan your trip to bandarawela: best of bandarawela tourism.

nice water strams

Essential Bandarawela

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Bandarawela Is Great For

Nature and wildlife tours.

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Eat & drink

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A Quick Guide to Bandarawela & Haputale, Sri Lanka

  • Last Updated February 26, 2023
  • Sri Lanka , Asia

Described by Lonely Planet as having ‘little to attract tourists’, I feel like the global guide book purveyors have done Bandarawela a disservice. Although it is best described as the quintessential rural Sri Lankan commercial centre – it consists of just a couple of traffic-clogged roads lined with 4 and 5 story buildings making it a little claustrophobic, while at street level, the hustle of markets, shops, and street food vendors give it a typically chaotic air – but it does have its charms.

The guide books may be right in that the town centre doesn’t hold as much appeal as the neighbouring tourism hub of Ella, but both Bandarawela and nearby Haputale are spectacularly situated in the heart of Sri Lanka’s hill country. This means that they are perfectly placed as bases for getting out and exploring the surrounding hills; short hikes through tea plantations to the stunning viewpoint at Lipton’s Seat or wandering the fields around the tea factory at Dambatenne.

Haputale, in particular, is picturesquely perched on a high ridge, giving views that can stretch all the way to the southern coast on a clear day or inland across the country’s vast plains. Yes, the towns themselves may have little to attract tourists, but the majestic scenery and pull of outdoor pursuits may cause you to pause here for a couple of days.

Buddhist Monks in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

Where to Stay in Bandarawela

As Bandarewala isn’t a mainstay on the tourist trail through Sri Lanka’s hill country, accommodation options can be few and far between. However, the time-warped  Bandarawela Hotel  may be worth a visit in and of itself. One of the only hotels in town, the Bandarawela began life as a planter’s clubhouse 1893 and still sits atop a long and winding driveway at the entrance to the town like a rambling wooden reminder of the past.

It’s been over 90 years since the owners stopped updating the décor and furniture, meaning that the hotel is a veritable time capsule – you half expect to see a group of men in pith hats and Gurka shorts to come rambling through the lobby, elephant guns in hand – with wrought iron beds, polished wooden floors and faded sepia photographs adorning the walls. It certainly is unique and the perfect place to stay if you have even a passing interest in the area’s colonial history.

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Things to do Around Bandarawela & Haputale

As I mentioned above, there is little in Haputale and Bandarawela themselves to detain you: both towns comprise a few streets packed with cafes, shops and markets but there are a few religious landmarks in Bandarawela that are worth stopping by. Most notable are the pristine Buddhist Temple where young monks mill around in their orange robes and the Church of Ascension, a pretty stone church that dates back to 1908. The only building of similar note in Haputale is St. Andrews, a simple, neo-gothic church dating back to the town’s Victorian past with a quaint cemetery full of memorials to Ceylon’s former tea planters.

The best way to see what the area really has to offer is to don your hiking books and head into the hills outside of town.

Buddhist temple Bandarawela Sri Lanka

Dambatenne Tea Factory

Of all the cultural and commercial exports that Sri Lanka has given to the world, it is tea that is synonymous with the island. The plant was first introduced to Sri Lanka commercially by Scottish-born James Taylor in in 1967 when he purchased a nineteen-acre plot of land near Kandy. The tea trade soon took off with hundreds of speculators and colonial planters clearing huge areas of land to cultivate Ceylon’s green gold.

However, it was another Scot, James Lipton, that really put Ceylon tea on the map. In 1890 when stopping off on the island en-route to Australia, he bought up 5 bankrupt tea plantations in order to cut out the middleman in his thriving tea-selling business. Before long, Lipton owned the world’s most successful tea empire.

Dambatenne Tea Factory in Sri Lanka

Of all his plantations, Dambatenne was Lipton’s favourite. The factory can still be found between Haputale and Bandarawela, equidistant from both. While many of the tea factories around Sri Lanka have modernised, the slightly dishevelled Dambatenne site still produces tea much the same as it did when it was first built in 1890, with much of the old machinery and process remaining unchanged for 130 years. Tours are available, however, there is no tea for sale on-site and if you want to see the whole factory in operation, it is best to arrive before noon.

When : Daily 8am – 6pm Cost : Tours are Rs.250 per person

Tea picker in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Climb Lipton's Seat

Lipton’s seat, perched high above Dambatenne and named after its owner, is one of the finest viewpoints in all of Sri Lanka, so much so that Sir Thomas Lipton often came up here to admire the scenery, often bringing business associates so he could wow them with the splendour of his plantation. The winding road up from Damatenne leads you through hillocks of perfectly manicured tea plantations where tamil women in colourful saris work their way up the slopes with hessian sacks on their back filled with carefully picked leaves.

bandarawela trip place

It’s around 7km by curving hillside roads from the factory to Lipton’s seat, although rather than trekking around wide hairpins, it’s possible to speed up the journey by taking short cuts up stone steps that are hidden between the rows of tea bushes. Gradually, as you get higher, the views become more expansive until you reach the highpoint at the statue of Thomas Lipton at the hill’s summit where the 360-degree vista of the surrounding countryside stretches all the way to the coast on a clear day.

Allow yourself around 2 hours to complete the hike, although, as mist and clouds can obstruct the view on most afternoons, I would recommend reaching the summit early morning. Even if you don’t fancy the uphill slog, you can reach the Seat by tuk tuk for a few hundred rupees and enjoy a leisurely walk back to Dambatelle.

Liptons seat Sri Lanka

A slice of little England in the heart of the Sri Lankan countryside, the colonial mansion of Adisham was built by Sir Thomas Villiers and named after the Kent village where his father was chaplain. After arriving in Ceylon destitute, Villiers began working as a clerk at Elbedde tea plantation in Bogawantalawa before earning enough capital to purchase the Dickoya tea plantation. It is here that he constructed his imposing, Tudor-style manor house in 1931.

The Roman Catholic Church purchased the property in 1961 and converted it to a Bendectine abbey where a small group of Black Monks belonging to the Sylvetrines suborder have lived ever since. Only the sitting room and library are open to visitors but the monastry runs an onsite shop selling home-made preserves and the well-manicured gardens are particularly popular with locals.

Where : Welimada Road, 3km West of Haputale When : Saturday & Sunday 8am – 1pm or 2pm – 4pm

Take the One of the World's Most Scenic Train Rides

First constructed by the British in the mid-19th century as a way to transport the produce of the regions bountiful tea plantations, the line that weaves its way through the lush hill country from Ella, Haputale, and Bandarawela to the quaint, English-country-styled town of Nuwara Eliya and onwards to the nations cultural capital of Kandy is said to be one of the most beautiful train journeys in the world.

Train in Sri Lanka

The trip to Nanu Oya, near Nuwara Eliya, takes anywhere between 3 and 4 hours, stopping off at all manner of delightful hill country towns and railway stations along the way. At each destination, locals scurry out onto the platform only to be replaced by a new influx of passengers, joined by men that squeeze their way down the packed carriages with baskets of fruit, freshly cooked rotis and urns of steaming Sri Lankan tea that they sell for just a few rupees.

A few intrepid passengers sit in the open doorways, their dangling legs swaying with the carriage’s motion and their heels beating against the train’s metal body, only pulling them inside to avoid battered railway signs or approaching tunnels. As you look from the windows at the countryside unfurling before you like lush green blanket tumbling across hills and valleys, speckled with plantation houses, tea fields and lanky, lurching palms, it’s easy to see why people hold this route in such high regard. Occasionally the scenery gives way to villages and hamlets where local life is in full swing: children running and laughing on the side of the rails, farmers tending to their fields and women preparing their washing. Eventually they fade into view, once again being replaced with waterfalls and mountains.

This is quintessential Sri Lankan experience and, in a world where hyperbole seems so commonplace, one that actually lives up to the hype. I’m in no doubt that this may be the most beautiful train journey in the world.

Give Back by Taking Part in the Region's Tree Planting Program

With both responsible travel and carbon offsetting currently the zeitgeist for ethically conscious travellers, tree-planting campaigns are on the rise throughout the world. Tree’s and vegetation are such important life-givers: They reduce soil erosion and flood risk, provide vital habitat, improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in their trunks, branches and roots, before releasing oxygen back into the air. Trees help to mitigate climate change and tree planting is an important tool in battling the ongoing climate crisis. Sri Lanka is no stranger to the climate emergency. In Uva province, soil erosion is a major issue and warming has led to an increase in fires destroying natural habitat.

A School kid planting trees in Badulla, Sri Lanka

I am very much of the mindset that travel is about reciprocity, it’s an exchange: People are welcoming you to their country and ideally, you should be able to offer something in return. During my stay in Bandarawela, I was lucky enough to take part in the inaugural tree planting initiative on Alugolla Hill – an area particularly susceptible to soil erosion and landslides – where, together with local government officials, military personnel, school children and the Badulla Buddhist Society, we set about planting 200 trees over the course of a morning.

The tree-planting project is hoping to increase their activities and plant over 1000 trees within selected areas in Badulla. If you would like to take part in this project or a similar one in a different region, get in touch with the  Sri Lanka Tourism  who will be more than happy to help facilitate you.

Where to Eat & Drink in Bandarawela

Like with hotel choices in Bandarawela, good restaurants are also a little hard to come by. The town mostly comprises of a mishmash of shops and cafes, but the town’s supermarket has a great selection if you are looking to cook for yourself and the small fruit and vegetable market opposite the bus station gives you the chance to haggle with the loquacious locals. There are a good number of tiny booths along Badulla Road stacked high with delicious roti and samosas that you can buy for as little as 10 Rs (just 4p) each.

The best place for a sit-down meal in town is probably  Gami Gedara Restaurant , a ramshackle little place on the top floor of a block of shops on the eastern end of Badulla Road. The food is served as a buffet but they have a delicious array of typical Sri Lankan curries, sides and grilled fish.

Alternatively, the atmospheric dining room at the  Bandarawela Hotel  (dinner served between 7.30pm and 10pm) harks back to a by-gone time of pristine white table clothes and fussy service that is a perfectly charming place to wind down after a day of hiking. The food is usually a 3-course set menu with a choice of Sri Lankan and Western dishes. It’s also worth popping into the hotels small but quirky bar.

Street food seller in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

Getting In & Out

Haputale is part of the main railway line that snakes its way through Sri Lanka’s hill country, halfway between Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya) and Badulla. Trains from Nanu Oya can get fairly busy, but heading the other direction to Kandy or Colombo, you should have no issue booking a 2nd or 3rd class ticket on the day. Buses leave from the centre of town – although there is no actual bus station – leaving for Colombo (every 30 mins; 6 and a half hours), Badulla (hourly; 1 and a half hours), and Bandarawela (every 20 mins; 30 minute trip).

Bandarawela is also on the main hill country railway line, half way between Ella and Haputale, making travel to and from these destinations very easy. Otherwise, you can catch a bus from the bus station on the east side of the town, travelling to destinatons such as Kandy (8 daily; 4 hours), Nuwara Eliya (6 daily; 1 hour 45), Ella (every 10 mins; 30 minute ride), and Colombo (every 30 mins; 7 hours).

School kid in Bandarawella, Sri Lanka

I visited Bandarawela as a guest of Sri Lanka Tourism, however, all views are my own.

Picture of Dave McClane

Dave McClane

bandarawela trip place

David McClane is a photographer and travel writer based in Leeds, UK. Since first picking up a camera on a yearlong journey through Central and South America in 2014/2015, He has carefully documented his travels through almost 50 countries.

Tea picker in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

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THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Bandarawela

Things to do in bandarawela, explore popular experiences, tours in and around bandarawela.

bandarawela trip place

  • Visit Around Ella with diyaluma falls

bandarawela trip place

  • Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela

bandarawela trip place

Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela

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Food Adventure Sri Lanka ( 11N / 12D)

bandarawela trip place

TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,

bandarawela trip place

Tuk Tuk safari and Picnic in The Tea Plantation from Ella,Haputale & Bandarawela

bandarawela trip place

From Ella: Transfer to Mirissa/Unawatuna/Galle & Yala/Udawalawe Safari Day Trip

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Tea Plantation Tour in Ella, Sri Lanka

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Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory Tour in Ella Sri Lanka

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From Ella :- All-Inclusive Ella 5 Icons Day Tour...

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Top Attractions in Bandarawela

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Other Top Attractions around Bandarawela

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Private Sightseeing Tours

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Tours & Sightseeing

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Outdoor Activities

What travellers are saying.


  • Amba Estate
  • The Nazareth Chapel of the Good Shepherd Convent
  • Upper Diyaluma Waterfall
  • Dhowa Rock Temple
  • St Anthony's Church
  • Diyaluma Waterfall and Natural Pool Bath With Lunch
  • TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,
  • Ella Sir Lanka Most Beautiful Train Ride In the World by Jason
  • Hirumal Tours
  • Sri Lanka Trekking Club
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4 Beautiful places to visit in Bandarawela for Nature Lovers – Beautiful Sights Up in the Hills

  • June 7, 2021

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Located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, Bandarawela is a great destination to visit if you’re planning to sightsee Sri Lanka. From famous waterfalls to serene landscapes, here’s a look at some of the most beautiful places that the region has to offer.

bandarawela trip place

Glen Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls you can see in Sri Lanka. This is a sight that you’ll have to appreciate from a distance as it is impossible to get close to it because of the terrain. Nonetheless, the white plumes of water that gush down can make for quite the spectacle.

Bomburu Ella Falls

If you’re looking for  places to visit in Bandarawela , you can’t go wrong with a trip to the Bomburu Ella Falls. You can actually see this wonder up close – all it’ll take is a small trek through a jungle path and you’re there!

Dambethenna Tea Factory

If you’re staying at a centrally-located hotel in the region – say, for instance, the  Bandarawela Hotel  – you should definitely consider visiting the tea estates that are all around you. In this regard, you can’t do much better than the spectacular sights of the Dambethenna Tea Factory.

Diyaluma Falls

Considered to be the second-largest waterfall on the island, Diyaluma Falls can be a truly magnificent sight to see up-close. The rock pools that surround the falls are also frequented by local elephant populations – and you might just catch sight of them if you’re lucky.

Bandarawela, like most of Sri Lanka’s hill country, is full of amazing sights to see and discover – it’s sure to be a treat for anyone that’s fond of nature and exploration.

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Visit Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

On the southern edge of the hill country, Bandarawela has been popular with Sri Lankans and foreign visitors alike for many years and is one of the oldest tea planters' resting places in the country.

The surrounding area offers some fantastic period accommodation while the beautiful scenery and usually idyllic climate provides a refreshing change from the heat of the low country and the cool environs of Nuwara Eliya .

Bandarawela is a great base for exploring the hill country's scenic and less visited attractions.

Ella and Dowa Temple

The drive to Ella is a short and picturesque one, passing the small atmospheric Dowa Temple which boasts a four meter high Buddha carved into the rock face. It is a very peaceful spot and usually only frequented by locals and monks rather than travelers.

Audley Travel Specialist Niall

Start planning your tailor-made trip to Bandarawela by contacting one of our Sri Lanka specialists

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The Tea Country

Start planning your trip to Bandarawela

Map of bandarawela, places & hotels on the map, places near bandarawela.

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  • Udawalawe National Park 24 miles away
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  • Adam's Peak 34 miles away
  • Yala National Park 39 miles away
  • Kandy 40 miles away
  • Sinharaja Biosphere 47 miles away
  • Tangalle 58 miles away
  • Pallepola 61 miles away
  • The Southern Coast 68 miles away
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  • Bentota 74 miles away
  • Dambulla 76 miles away
  • Polonnaruwa 77 miles away
  • Galle 77 miles away
  • Colombo 79 miles away
  • Sigiriya 79 miles away
  • Minneriya National Park 83 miles away
  • Negombo 84 miles away
  • Passikudah 86 miles away
  • The Cultural Triangle 94 miles away
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Bandarawela in Sri Lanka

Tea Factory

Buddhist Rock Temple

Hiking Trails

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Places to Stay

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Villa Perpetua

Villa Perpetua in Bandarawela makes for the perfect base to savor the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka. Nestled on the side of a verdant slope, this villa-style hotel looks out on a panorama of lush rolling hills.

Other Interesting Places

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Pallepola is a typical rural town close to Matale, set at the heart of Sri Lanka’s picturesque Central Province. The tranquil surroundings dotted with verdant farms and coconut plantations make for a relaxing getaway.

bandarawela trip place

Explore architectural and cultural wonders at Anamadua that showcase the Buddhist heritage of Sri Lanka. Set in the northwest, Anamadua’s ancient rock inscriptions and Buddhist temples such as Parmakanda Vihara are as much sites of archeological significance as of historic appeal

bandarawela trip place

Discover the many marvels of Gal Oya National Park, one of Sri Lanka’s most beautiful wildlife sanctuaries. Located 3.5 hours from Kandy, the park area includes the magnificent Senanayake reservoir, the country’s largest man-made lake.

Gal Oya National Park

bandarawela trip place

Kurunegala is essentially a beautiful and busy ‘junction’ town, as it would have been called in its colonial heyday. It acts as a crossover or interchange point between your important Sri Lankan destinations of Colombo and Anuradhapura or even Kandy and Puttalam.

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Kalpitiya is one of those rarities of the 21st century – an isolated piece of paradise with astounding natural beauty but still relatively unexplored by tourism.

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Jaffna is the capital city of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, and has always been a major hub for its deep, creative culture of Hindu tradition.

bandarawela trip place

Udawalawe National Park lies southeast of Colombo and rests at the feet of Sri Lanka’s Hill Country. There are believed to be 250 wild elephants who have made Udawalawe their home, with a further 200 who roam around.

Udawalawe National Park

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Mirissa and Weligama are small towns known for their famous stilt fishermen and dolphins, located on the southern coastal tip of Sri Lanka, just 200 kms from the Equator.


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Meaning the city of lights is built at 19 meters above sea level amidst lush vegetation.

Adam’s Peak

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Best places to visit in nuwara eliya, explore ancient city – polonnaruwa, galle city tour, badulla & bandarawela – place to visit, things to do in kandy.

Badulla is a beautiful ancient city located southeast of Kandy and almost fully encircled by the Badulla River and verdant tea plantations whilst the Namunukula mountain range blinds a misty silhouette known as the “Badulla Blanket” over the area. Badulla is become a wonderful tourist destination for both local and foreign Visitors. With its beauty and gorgeous views, Bandarawela and Ella are the best place to visit in Badulla. When you are in here Cool and calm climate, beautiful environment would definitely relax your mind and body.  Babarakands, the highest in Sri Lanka add colors to its natural beauty. The sacred Muthiyangana Rajamaha Vihara, located in Badulla Town is one of the prominent Buddhist attractions in the region and also you can enjoy the agricultural area where tea, vegetable and paddy are cultivated. Travel through train into Badulla is an attractive and amazing train journey probably the greatest train ride in Sri Lanka.

Adishm Bungalow

bandarawela trip place

Adishm Bungalow is situated in just 2 km Haputale town situated on 10 acres of land is in the ideal place, surrounded beautiful orchards that yield English fruit and spacious grasses and birds’ sanctuary and thick forest cover you are in to enjoy nature’s beauty. It was built by British noble man and a planter Sir. Thomas Lister Villiers, a British governor in 1931. This country house was designed by R. Booth and F. Webster in accordance to the Tudor and Jacobean style. Not only the roof but also the doors, windows, stair case and floors were all covered with flat Burma teak. All the materials, used to build the bungalow were imported from England.

Dambatenne Tea Factory

bandarawela trip place

The colonial Dambatenne Tea factory is located in the Haputale town, Sri Lanka. This long white factory was built by Sir Thomas Lipton. Dambatenne tea factory is the long-lasting manufactures and a distributor of Lipton’s Tea Ltd. In todays the factory has made a reputation among the travelers and tourists as a place to be toured where they can learn about the tea making process. The main attraction is machines that used to tea making process, these machines are huge old withering tray which was used in Colonial era is still remained today.

Lipton’s Seat

bandarawela trip place

Lipton’s seat is one of the attractive observation points of Sri Lankan Tourism. It is located on the top of the Poonagala hill near the Dambetenna tea factory in Poonagala, Sri lanka. The place gets this name ‘Lipton’s seat’ after the famous tea planter Sir Thomas Lipton used to discover and enjoy the area. To reach the place you have to climb about 7 km through rich tea plantations. when you are in Lipton’s you can view entertain and have a conspicuous panoramic overlooking destination in Sri lanka view of the Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Central and Eastern provinces including 7 districts. If you are lucky to be here in a clear sky day it will be breath taking.

Diyaluma Falls

bandarawela trip place

Diyaluma Falls attract so many tourists to Sri Lanka. It is a high ranked water fall in Sri Lankan Tourism whether it is considered as the 2nd tallest waterfall in Sri Lanka and the 361 highest waterfalls among the world. Diyalum falls make its impressive view during the rainy season and  Cascading down an escarpment of the Koslanda Plateau, the falls leap in one clear drop to a pool below, this views made from the head to the foot of the fall are absolutely brilliant and stunning. The water fall besides with impressive sights of a huge forest consisted of many indigenous plants, trees and herbal plants.

Dunhinda Falls

bandarawela trip place

Dunhinda water fall can be seen at Soranathota where you have to take about 5 kilometers from Badulla town in Sri Lanka. This high ranked tourist destination is about 64 meters (210 feet) in height. It is evident that you will be amazed of the beauty of the waterfall when you approached the destination. Dunhinda got this name as it is like smoky dew drops spray which jumps from a high gap of Badulu River which goes through the Badulla town. It is even more fascinating on the months from November to March as it carries a huge volume of water in this rainy season of Sri Lanka. To reach the fall you have to walk nearly a 1 km of distance on foot. But it will bring you a fascinating experience to see wild birds, butterflies, monkeys, deers as it worth very much for the tourists interested in wild life.

bandarawela trip place

Ella is one of the best tourism sites to travel. Ella is a peaceful small village nestled in a valley at about 1000m elevation covered with farmland growing vegetables, tea plantations, and rice fields, all making the landscape very lush and green with Stunning views. The views through Ella Gap are stunning, and on a clear night you can even see the subtle glow of the Great Basses lighthouse on Sri Lanka’s south coast. Easygoing walks through tea plantations to temples, waterfalls and viewpoints make your holiday enjoyable.

bandarawela trip place

Ella rock located at Ella town is a great answer to the travelers whom are expecting surprise. The destination is connected with hiking, nature, panorama, train tracks, tea plantations and waterfalls. Hike to Ella rock which is about a 4 hour steep climb. The journey will take you up to the hill for a stupendous view of mountain ranges and the valley. If you are starting form Ella train station, you would enjoy the rail walk too. The way up to the rock is full of diversity and you will be passing a waterfall, the rubber tree forest and tea plantations.

Nine Arch Bridge

bandarawela trip place

The magnificent Nine Arch Bridge between Ella and Demodara station is one of the engineering marvels in the early 20th century. The bridge, which is almost 100 years old, has been built with blocks of stone and cement without any strengthening iron or concrete. The giant arches take the bridge on a curved path to link to mountains. The Bridge was commissioned in 1921 under the British Government.

Bogoda Bridge, Badulla

bandarawela trip place

Muthiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya

bandarawela trip place

Muthiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya is a landmark which will carry you to the time of Buddha. One of the most venerated religious places it is believed that the sacred jaw-bone is placed in the Stupa. Lord Buddha had arrived to Sri Lanka three times after his Enlightenment. Muthiyangana is one of those 3 destinations. At that time there were 3 major tribes in Sri lanka called Deva, Naga and Yaksha. Lord Buddha was invited to visit Badulla by the King of Deva tribes Indaka. Legends say that the Stupa is contained of Buddha’s Sacred hair and Mukthaka Dathu (few drops of sweat which had turned in to pearls). In addition to the history of the temple you will find a beautiful Makara Thorana (Dragon Pandol) at the entrance to the Maha Viharaya. It should be noted that the Muthiyanagana Raja maharya becomes fully crowded with Pilgrims and tourists on Poya Days. It’s better if you can wear full white dresses on the way to the temple and respect Lord Buddha.

Dowa Rock Temple

bandarawela trip place

Dowa Rock temple is one of the essential tourism sites in Badulla, Sri Lanka. Many travelers are attracted to the temple because of its calm and beautiful environment. It is considered as a Buddhist donation which dates back to the King Walagamba era. King Walagamba had so many hiding places to get protection from enemies. Some believe that the Dowa Rock temple is also such a place that used by King Walagamba. A 38 feet uncompleted Buddha statue carved on a rock cliff can be seen in the temple, it can be identified as Mahayana iconography. The paintings in the image house are developed with Kandiyan style. The 38 feet Buddha statue and the beautiful gateway to the temple are the most valuable attractions of the temple. Hence a beautiful river was flown near the temple. But today the river has turned into a stream due to the lack of water resources. Inside the temple you will be see a tunnel which used by king as a secret tunnel.

bandarawela trip place

The hill Stag hill in other names Fox hill is located in Diyatalawa, Sri Lanka. Diyatalawa is a garrison city in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. Diyatalawa is a unique holiday station, resort for both local and foreign travelers all around the world. Other than that Fox hill is the place where annual Fox Hill motocross organized by the Sri Lanka Military Academy takes place. Foxhill Super cross is one of the thrilling motocross events in Sri Lanka. The track was built according to the international standards of racing, runs for about 2 km in distance. Fox hill super cross is a marvelous excitement to the both local and foreign visitors. Travelers whom are wishing to hiking, is a great occasion to enjoy and to entertain the bio diversity in Diyatalawa area in a cool climate with an average temperature around 16°C.

Mark’s Church, Badulla

bandarawela trip place

The Church was consecrated by Bishop James Chapman on 25 April 1857 in memory of Major Thomas William Rogers, Assistant Government Agent of Uva province. He died in 1845 June 7th under tragic circumstance, struck by lightning at Sherwood estate in Haputale.

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bandarawela trip place

Bandarawela - Discovering Sri Lanka

Travel and respect, explore and smile, be curious and kind. have wild trips, travelling to bandarawela.

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Bandarawela, a pretty good destination in Sri Lanka (all info about the whole country here) . We will answer the most important questions: what to visit , when to go , how to get to Bandarawela and what means of transport to use to get around . We will describe typical foods , the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation . We will list also the places to see around Bandarawela , and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here. So, if you are travelling through Sri Lanka, here's everything to know about Bandarawela for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Bandarawela


What to visit in Bandarawela

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Bandarawela along with some information about them: 1. Lipton's Seat: It is a viewpoint from where one can get some breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and tea estates. This place is named after Sir Thomas Lipton who used to be a tea planter in Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 2. Demodara Nine Arch Bridge: It is a railway bridge that was built during the British colonial period in Sri Lanka. The bridge is famous for its architectural design and the spectacular views of the surrounding lush green forests and tea plantations. 3. Dunhinda Falls: It is a waterfall that is located about 5 kilometers from Bandarawela town. The waterfall is about 64 meters high and is surrounded by lush green forests and rocks. It is a popular spot for nature lovers and adventure seekers. 4. Diyaluma Falls: It is the second-highest waterfall in Sri Lanka, with a height of about 220 meters. It is located about 30 kilometers from Bandarawela town and is surrounded by scenic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. 5. Adisham Bungalow: It is a British colonial-era bungalow that was built in 1931 by Sir Thomas Villiers. It is now converted into a monastery and is open to visitors who can witness some of the interesting artifacts and antiques that are on display. 6. Ravana Ella Falls: It is a waterfall that is associated with the Ramayana legend. As per the legend, Ravana, who was the king of Sri Lanka, kidnapped Sita, the wife of Lord Rama and kept her hidden near this waterfall. The waterfall is surrounded by lush green forests and is a popular spot for nature lovers. These were some of the famous tourist attractions in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka. In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Sri Lanka, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Bandarawela

Bandarawela, located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, has a pleasant climate throughout the year with temperatures ranging between 15- 28°C. However, the best time to visit Bandarawela is from December to February, when the weather is cooler and drier. This is also the peak tourist season in Sri Lanka, so it’s important to book your accommodations in advance. If you want to avoid the crowds, you can also consider visiting in the shoulder months of March-April and August-September. However, keep in mind that the weather might be slightly unpredictable during these months, with occasional rain showers. You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday !

How to get to Bandarawela

There are a few options to get to Bandarawela in Sri Lanka. Here are some of them: 1. By train: The easiest and most scenic way to get to Bandarawela is to take the train. There are daily trains from Colombo Fort Station to Bandarawela. The journey takes around 6-7 hours, but the views of the tea plantations and mountains are breathtaking. You can buy tickets at the station or online. 2. By bus: You can take a bus from Colombo to Bandarawela. Buses leave from the Colombo Central Bus Stand and take around 5-6 hours. There are also buses from Kandy and Nuwara Eliya to Bandarawela. 3. By taxi: You can also hire a taxi from Colombo or another city to take you to Bandarawela. This is the most expensive option, but it is also the most convenient as you can stop along the way and take in some of the sights. No matter which option you choose, the journey to Bandarawela is sure to be an unforgettable experience. To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner . To hire a car to visit Bandarawela, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Bandarawela

Here are some typical foods of Bandarawela, Sri Lanka with a short description for each of them: 1. String Hoppers (Indi Appa) - String hoppers are made of rice flour and served as a patty of steam-cooked thin noodles. They are often served with coconut sambol or dhal curry. 2. Milk Rice (Kiribath) - Kiribath is a special dish made from rice cooked in coconut milk and typically served during special celebratory occasions. 3. Dhal Curry - Dhal curry is a flavorful lentil-based curry that is usually served with rice or roti. It's a popular vegetarian dish. 4. Kottu Roti - Kottu Roti is a popular street food that originated in Sri Lanka. The dish consists of shredded roti bread that is stir-fried with vegetables, eggs, and meat or seafood, and is topped with a special sauce. 5. Coconut Sambol - Coconut sambol is a traditional accompaniment to many Sri Lankan dishes. It is made with freshly grated coconut, chili, red onion, lime juice, and salt. 6. Pol Sambol - Pol sambol is another popular type of sambol made with grated coconut, chili, red onion, lime juice, and salt, but it also includes Maldive fish flakes. 7. Hoppers (Appa)- Hoppers are a type of pancake made from rice flour and coconut milk, usually cooked in small wok-shaped pans. A popular snack, hoppers can be served plain or with a range of savory or sweet toppings. 8. Jackfruit Curry - Jackfruit curry is a plant-based curry made with unripe jackfruit and a mix of spices and coconut milk, giving it a creamy and slightly sweet taste. 9. Sweets (Watalappan, Kokis and Kavum) - Watalappan, Kokis, and Kavum are all popular Sri Lankan sweets made from coconut milk and rice flour, and often flavored with jaggery, spices and cardamom, sesame, or coconut. You can find general info about typical foods in Sri Lanka here .

Is Bandarawela an expensive destination for tourists?

Bandarawela is not considered to be a particularly expensive destination for tourists in Sri Lanka. Accommodation in the town is available in a range of price points, with budget guesthouses and mid-range hotels being the norm. Food and drink are also relatively affordable, with restaurants and cafes catering to a variety of budgets. That being said, the overall cost of a trip to Bandarawela will depend on factors such as the time of year you visit and your personal travel preferences. Peak tourist season (December - January) will generally be more expensive in terms of accommodation and other services, while traveling during the off-peak season may result in lower prices. Additionally, the cost of activities, tours, and transport can vary depending on how you choose to experience the area.

Where to find accomodation in Bandarawela

Is bandarawela a safe destination for tourists.

Yes, Bandarawela is generally considered a safe place for tourists to visit. However, as with any destination, it is important to take basic safety precautions such as not leaving valuables unattended and being aware of your surroundings. It is also recommended to only use licensed and reputable tour operators and transportation services. Finally, it is always a good idea to check with local authorities for any safety updates before traveling to any destination. You can find general info about safety for tourists in Sri Lanka here . Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Bandarawela.

What type of travelers will enjoy Bandarawela the most?

Bandarawela in Sri Lanka is a versatile destination that can be enjoyed by different types of travelers. Couples who love natural beauty, serenity, and outdoor activities will enjoy the place the most. The scenic tea plantations, picturesque landscapes, and waterfalls create a romantic backdrop that lovebirds will surely appreciate. However, young people looking for fun and adventure can also indulge in mountain biking, hiking, and nature walks. Families can also enjoy Bandarawela by exploring the tea factory and learning about the tea-making process, taking a train ride and visiting the nearby attraction of Ella Rock. Bandarawela is a great place to unwind and relax in the lap of nature, and thus suits all ages and stages of life.

How to get around Bandarawela

To move around Bandarawela (Sri Lanka), you can use a variety of transportation modes including tuk-tuks, taxis, buses, and trains. Tuk-tuks are a popular mode of transportation in Sri Lanka and are readily available in Bandarawela. Taxis are also available but are relatively more expensive than tuk-tuks and may have fixed rates rather than metered fares. Buses are the cheapest mode of transportation in Bandarawela. They run frequently and can take you to nearby towns and villages. Trains are also available but are less frequent than buses. However, they offer scenic views of the tea estates and are a popular mode of transportation among tourists.

What to see around Bandarawela

There are many beautiful places to visit in a day trip from Bandarawela. Here are some suggestions: 1. Ella - A picturesque town with lush green tea plantations, stunning views of waterfalls and hiking trails to Little Adam's Peak and Ella Rock. 2. Haputale - A charming town known for its tea estates, scenic walks to Lipton's Seat and hilltop viewpoints like Dambatenne Tea Factory. 3. Demodara Nine Arch Bridge - A scenic railway bridge with nine arches built during the British colonial period, located between Demodara and Ella. 4. Buduruwagala - A 1000-year-old rock temple with exquisite carvings of Buddha statues, located near Wellawaya. 5. Rawana Falls - A stunning waterfall located in the town of Ella, which is believed to be associated with the Ramayana epic. 6. Diyaluma Falls - A mesmerising waterfall with several cascades, located near Koslanda. 7. Dowa Temple - A historic temple with elaborate wall paintings and sculptures, located in Badulla, about 20 kilometres from Bandarawela. These are just a few suggestions. There are many other interesting places to explore in the region, depending on your interests and preferences. For every travel information about Sri Lanka you can click here . Wild Trips is the Wikipedia of travel: in the unfortunate case you find an error, please write to us to correct it... Thank you! Follow us on Facebook if you like wild trips around the world and beautiful itineraries in Italy: .

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Here you can find a list of destinations in Sri Lanka , each with a link to the page with detailed description about what to see and what to do: Colombo: what to see and do Kandy: what to see and do Galle: what to see and do Anuradhapura: what to see and do Negombo: what to see and do Nuwara Eliya: what to see and do Bentota: what to see and do Sigiriya: what to see and do Hikkaduwa: what to see and do Trincomalee: what to see and do Yala National Park: what to see and do Ella: what to see and do Dambulla: what to see and do Kalpitiya: what to see and do Mirissa: what to see and do Unawatuna: what to see and do Tangalle: what to see and do Polonnaruwa: what to see and do Arugam Bay: what to see and do Kalutara: what to see and do Nilaveli: what to see and do Wadduwa: what to see and do Tissamaharama: what to see and do Batticaloa: what to see and do Habarana: what to see and do Pasikuda: what to see and do Jaffna: what to see and do Ratnapura: what to see and do Kithulgala: what to see and do Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage: what to see and do Hambantota: what to see and do Koggala: what to see and do Chilaw: what to see and do Wasgamuwa National Park: what to see and do Matara: what to see and do Balapitiya: what to see and do Marawila: what to see and do Ambepussa: what to see and do Uda Walawe National Park: what to see and do Tangalle: what to see and do Kandy Lake: what to see and do Weligama: what to see and do Bandarawela: what to see and do Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary: what to see and do Haputale: what to see and do Kataragama: what to see and do Talalla: what to see and do Knuckles Mountain Range: what to see and do Hatton: what to see and do Ratmalana: what to see and do Kalkudah: what to see and do Dikwella: what to see and do Udawalawe: what to see and do Habarana Lake: what to see and do Kithulgala Rafting: what to see and do Kitulgala: what to see and do Madu River: what to see and do Udawalawe National Park: what to see and do Pidurangala: what to see and do Lunugamvehera National Park: what to see and do Ella Rock: what to see and do Horton Plains National Park: what to see and do Kaudulla National Park: what to see and do Minneriya National Park: what to see and do Kalpitiya Lagoon: what to see and do Wilpattu National Park: what to see and do

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  • Uva Province
  • Bandarawela

The Best Attractions In Bandarawela

  • 1. Amba Estate Bandarawela
  • 2. Anthony's Church Bandarawela
  • 3. Sri Lanka Trekking Club Bandarawela
  • 4. Horton Plains National Park Ohiya Horton Plains National Park is a protected area in the central highlands of Sri Lanka and is covered by montane grassland and cloud forest. This plateau at an altitude of 2,100–2,300 metres is rich in biodiversity and many species found here are endemic to the region. This region was designated a national park in 1988. It is also a popular tourist destination and is situated 8 kilometres from Ohiya, 6 kilometres from the world famous Ohiya Gap/Dondra Watch and 32 kilometres from Nuwara Eliya. The Horton Plains are the headwaters of three major Sri Lankan rivers, the Mahaweli, Kelani, and Walawe. In Sinhala the plains are known as Maha Eliya Plains . Stone tools dating back to Balangoda culture have been found here. The plains' vegetation is grasslands interspersed with montane forest and... From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • 5. Baker's Falls Ohiya
  • 6. St Benedict's Monastery - Adisham Haputale
  • 7. Dambatenne Tea Factory Haputale
  • 8. Dunhinda Falls Badulla Dunhinda Falls is a waterfall located about 5 kilometres from Badulla town in Sri Lanka.The Dunhinda Falls is one of Sri Lanka's most beautiful waterfalls.The waterfall, which is 64 metres high gets its name from the smoky dew drops spray, which surrounds the area at the foot of the waterfall. It's also known as Bridal fall as the shape of the waterfall reflect a bridal veil. The water fall is created by the river called Badulu Oya which goes through the Badulla town. From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • 9. Buduruwagala Yala National Park
  • 10. Bambarakanda Falls Beragala

Bandarawela Videos

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  • Mahiyangana
  • Mahiyanganaya
  • Tanamalwila

Top Things to Do in Bandarawela - Bandarawela Must-See Attractions

Things to do in bandarawela, explore popular experiences, tours in and around bandarawela.

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  • Visit Around Ella with diyaluma falls

bandarawela trip place

  • Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela

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Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela

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Food Adventure Sri Lanka ( 11N / 12D)

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TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,

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Tuk Tuk safari and Picnic in The Tea Plantation from Ella,Haputale & Bandarawela

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From Ella: Transfer to Mirissa/Unawatuna/Galle & Yala/Udawalawe Safari Day Trip

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Tea Plantation Tour in Ella, Sri Lanka

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Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory Tour in Ella Sri Lanka

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From Ella :- All-Inclusive Ella 5 Icons Day Tour...

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Top Attractions in Bandarawela

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Other Top Attractions around Bandarawela

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Private Sightseeing Tours

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Tours & Sightseeing

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Outdoor Activities

What travellers are saying.


  • Amba Estate
  • The Nazareth Chapel of the Good Shepherd Convent
  • Upper Diyaluma Waterfall
  • Dhowa Rock Temple
  • St Anthony's Church
  • Diyaluma Waterfall and Natural Pool Bath With Lunch
  • TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,
  • Ella Sir Lanka Most Beautiful Train Ride In the World by Jason
  • Hirumal Tours
  • Sri Lanka Trekking Club

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  • 10 Places To Visit In Badulla For A Fulfilling Vacation In Sri Lanka In 2024

23 Mar 2023

Being a major city of the island nation Sri Lanka’s Uva Province, Badulla has its administrative importance. Its location in country’s lower central hills equally makes it a popular tourist destination. Sri Lankan visitors keep a visit here in the itineraries for multiple reasons. The location of Badulla on the southeast side of Kandy and also due to being surrounded by the Badulu Oya River turns it into one of the worth exploring places. Furthermore, nature lovers feel the serenity of this place where tea plantation surroundings bring its mesmerizing appearance. There is no dearth of places to visit in Badulla like assessing the Namunukula Ranges to the ruins and monuments which remind of former King of Kandy and many other beautiful buildings which British built during colonial rule. The oldest operational railway line built by the British and tea gardens are worth visiting.

Top 10 Places to Visit in Badulla

Badulla has fast emerged into a major tourist destination to explore Sri Lanka for many decades. The scenic beauty of this region enchants all visitors and so are splendid its parks, tea gardens, and historic locations that make it best suitable eco-tourist spot. The listicle below has 09 notable places to visit in Badulla which you mustn’t forget adding in your itinerary.

  • Muthiyangana Temple
  • Kataragama Devalaya
  • Old Welekade Market
  • Dunhinda Falls
  • Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge
  • Halpewatte Tea Factory
  • St. Mark’s Church
  • Fox Hill Event
  • Demodara Railway Station
  • Dhowa Rock Temple

1. Worshipping in Muthiyangana Temple

Muthiyangana Temple View

Image Source

Ancient Buddhist temple, Muthiyangana Temple is one of those Badulla visiting places located in the midst of city. Being a popular Buddhist shrine due to its unique identity of one out of the 16 sacred Buddhist Solosmasthanas, this temple welcomes visitors willing to learn Buddhism religion in the Sri Lankan context. According to Buddhists belief, it was here that Gautama Buddha had visited. Travelers make it mandatory to visit this temple to re-impose their faith in the Buddhism religion. This temple has become a national landmark today. Existing since the 4th century, its 65 feet high Muthiyangana Stupa is visited by the believers of the Buddhism religion.

Must Read: 15 Things To Do In Ella To Take Your Sri Lanka Trip To The Next Level

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2. Spend Good Times in Badulla’s Kataragama Devalaya

Spend Good Times in Badulla’s Kataragama Devalaya

Dedicating the Sinhalese deity Kataragama Deviyo, popular Sri Lankan ancient temple of Kataragama Devalaya remains a must visit the site in Badulla nowadays. It is historically important location that also reminds the golden past of this area. The temple site is enlisted into the Archeologically Protected Monuments list. History lovers find much to explore here and know more about this region’s past. Although the exact construction date is still unknown, some historians claim that it exists since the 17th century while the regional King Vimaladharmasuriya I (1592–1604) ruled the Kingdom of Kandy to build this Devalaya. The Pilimageya or worshippers’ spot as shrine room is a most visited place inside this monument. Rich architecture of this monument through the carved timber columns the presence of Kandyan era paintings make it worth exploring place during a Sri Lankan tour.

3. Shopping in the Old Welekade Market

Shopping in the Old Welekade Market

Shoppers looking for some souvenirs during their Sri Lanka visit won’t ignore the famous Old Welekade Market in Badulla. More than buying local stuff like some of the finest handcraft items, this market appeals to the travelers as they feel as if they are back to the past era. The British had built a historic colonial building here in 1889 which looks amazing.

Old Welekade Market in this building’s pavements enchants the visitors. This protected building is a replica of the great British architecture. It is now listed as an Archaeologically Protected Monument where locals spend quality times. The location of Old Welekade Market on the escarpment close to the paddy fields denotes to the local name Welekade which is translated as “the shop of the paddy fields.”

Suggested Read: Viharamahadevi Park: A Handy Guide To Explore This Nature’s Paradise In Sri Lanka

4. Visit the Dunhinda Falls

Dunhinda Falls View

Nature lovers and all those tourists wanting to indulge in some adventure, don’t miss the 64-meters high Dunhinda Falls waterfall, one of the popular places to go in Badulla, Sri Lanka. As this popular fall is located at a distance of fewer than 5 kilometers from the city area, tourists plan their visits at ease. Famous amongst all Sri Lankan waterfalls, this waterfall has gained immense popularity. In fact, it is also mentioned in some of the literary works. Local and international travelers ensure that Dunhinda Falls are added in their itineraries. It won’t be wrong to say that a Sri Lankan tour will remain incomplete without visiting this beautiful waterfall.

5. Spending Some Time Near the Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge

Spending Some Time Near the Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge

Tourists exploring Sri Lanka should rather customize their itineraries for fun-filled and adventure vacationing plans. Visiting country’s oldest surviving wooden bridge namely, Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge would give you a feeling that you travel back to the ancient era. This wooden bridge maintains the distinction of its existence since 4 centuries by now. It is accessible from the Badulla city at a distance of just 13 kilometers.

It was during the Dambadeniya era that Bogoda Wooden Bridge was built in the 16th century. It used to connect the ancient cities of Gallanda Oya and Badulla until Kandy then. Today, it boasts as one of the most sought after heritage sites in Sri Lanka. Ancient Bogoda Buddhist Temple has located nearby this bridge.

Suggested Read: Sri Lanka In January: Best Places To Visit & Stay

6. Exploring the Famous Halpewatte Tea Factory

Halpewatte Tea Factory

As Sri Lanka is one of the select few tea producing countries in the world, its famous Halpewatte Tea Factory seeks the attention of each and every visitor. As the factory remains open from morning to evening every day except on Sundays, tourists can make an ideal 3 hours exploration plan here. It appeals to nature lovers who look at the fascinating tea processing stages and thus feeling the aroma of a variety of teas processed there. It is one of the best places to go in Badulla .

7. Visit St. Mark's Church

Visit St. Mark's Church

Old St Mark's Church of Badulla in Sri Lanka is visited by the tourists irrespective of their religious beliefs. Built in the memory of Major Thomas William Rogers, this church distinguishes itself as the first one getting sanctified by the 1st Bishop of Colombo Rev. James Chapman on April 25, 1857. This Anglican Church has been welcoming visitors every day. Ever since it was declared Archaeologically Protected Site alongside its bell tower in 2008, it gained popularity as country’s notable heritage monument. The number of visitors too increased in volumes thereafter. It is a famous tourist destination nowadays.

Suggested Read: The Ultimate Guide To Sri Lanka’s Dambulla Cave Temple

8. Looking at the Memorable Fox Hill Event

Looking at the Memorable Fox Hill Event

The Fox Hill in Sri Lankan central highland area of Badulla seeks the attention of all visitors with its incredible 1,499 m altitude. Visitors feel fascinated seeing this great destination of nature and adventure. An annual Fox Hill Motor Cross at the Fox Hill appeals to all. Organized annually under the patronage of the Sri Lanka Military Academy, the prestigious motor racing event in Sri Lanka welcomes the visitors from worldwide locations. Fox Hill is popularly called Nariya Kanda in the local Sinhalese language. Its major attractions include rock art on the hills which appeal to all visitors, who visit such travel places in Badulla throughout the year.

9. Explore the Beauty of Demodara Railway Station

Explore the Beauty of Demodara Railway Station

Out of many wonderful locations in Sri Lanka which can’t be missed out by the tourists, Demodara Railway Station remains a popular tourist attraction. Its beauty lies in the fabulous design of this station in between the Udoowara and Ella railway stations which captivate everybody’s attention. While railways turn from platforms to enter into a tunnel towards the railway station, it gives an amazing view. Being country’s 3rd last Main Line station, Demodara Railway Station connects with the capital city Colombo at a distance of just 277.71 kilometers.

Suggested Read: 5 Enchanting Places To Visit In Badulla In Autumn For A Perfect Vacation In Sri Lanka

10. Dhowa Rock Temple

entrance to dhowa temple

One of the beautiful places to visit in Badulla Sri Lanka , Dhowa Rock Temple is a protected heritage site. It is a small, ancient village located in the lofty mountains of Uwa province. Famous for its beautiful sculptures and paintings that adorn the walls of the temple, this place is a popular attraction in the area. The ornamental gateway and the huge stupa are some of the highlights of the temple. There are even a cave and a tunnel. However, no one is permitted to go inside the tunnel. There are a number of folklores associated with the cave and tunnel.

Further Read: The Definitive Guide To National Museum Of Colombo In Sri Lanka

Above mentioned 10 destinations in Badulla, Sri Lanka will give you unique feel while you tour to the island nation. Each site has its own unique perceptive identity which collectively makes this small city a popular destination to tour and explore during a Sri Lankan visit. What are you waiting for? Plan your Sri Lanka tour and ensure that Badulla is added in the itinerary.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Places To Visit In Badulla

What are the special places in Badulla?

Some of the Badulla famous places include Dunhinda Falls, Muthiyangana Temple, St. Mark’s Church, Halpewatte Tea Factory, and Dhowa Rock Temple.

How to travel Badulla by train?

You can plan a trip to Badulla by train from Colombo as the train passes through mountains and tunnels, offering enchanting views of nature.

What is the best time to visit Badulla?

February, March, May, and June, are the months with pleasant climatic conditions. These months are suitable for visiting places in Badulla that are famous tourist attractions and for indulging in outdoor activities.

Why is Badulla famous?

Badulla is popular among tourists because of its ancient architecture, sacred shrines, and natural beauty exhibited in the form of wooden bridge, temple & church, and waterfalls.

Is Badulla worth visiting?

Yes, Badulla is a worth visit destination in Sri Lanka and Badulla tourist places are a proof of that. One can explore the important places in Badulla in a day or two.

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Top Things to Do in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka - Bandarawela Must-See Attractions

Things to do in bandarawela, explore popular experiences, tours in and around bandarawela.

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  • Visit Around Ella with diyaluma falls

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  • Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela

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Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela

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Food Adventure Sri Lanka ( 11N / 12D)

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TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,

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Tuk Tuk safari and Picnic in The Tea Plantation from Ella,Haputale & Bandarawela

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From Ella: Transfer to Mirissa/Unawatuna/Galle & Yala/Udawalawe Safari Day Trip

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Tea Plantation Tour in Ella, Sri Lanka

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Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory Tour in Ella Sri Lanka

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From Ella :- All-Inclusive Ella 5 Icons Day Tour...

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Top Attractions in Bandarawela

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Other Top Attractions around Bandarawela

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Private Sightseeing Tours

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Tours & Sightseeing

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Outdoor Activities

What travellers are saying.


  • Amba Estate
  • The Nazareth Chapel of the Good Shepherd Convent
  • Upper Diyaluma Waterfall
  • Dhowa Rock Temple
  • St Anthony's Church
  • Diyaluma Waterfall and Natural Pool Bath With Lunch
  • TukTuk Safari in Tea & Spice plantation,View Points,Upper Diyaluma WaterFalls,
  • Ella Sir Lanka Most Beautiful Train Ride In the World by Jason
  • Hirumal Tours
  • Sri Lanka Trekking Club


  1. THE 10 BEST Places to Visit in Bandarawela (UPDATED 2024)

    See ways to experience (5) 2. Amba Estate. 103. Speciality & Gift Shops. Amba Estate is an organic farm in the Uva Highlands of Sri Lanka. The farm is about 30 minutes drive from Ella, perched in a small valley above the Ravana-Ella Waterfalls, with views of Ella Rock and Lipton Seat.

  2. Bandarawela, Sri Lanka: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    Bandarawela Tourism: Tripadvisor has 2,484 reviews of Bandarawela Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Bandarawela resource. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help Center. Plan Your Trip to Bandarawela: Best of Bandarawela Tourism ... By sakukidentalhospital. 2,685. PLAN YOUR TRIP. Bandarawela ...

  3. Top Things to Do in Bandarawela

    Things to Do in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka: See Tripadvisor's 2,409 reviews & photos of 19 Bandarawela attractions. ... But this place still remain its charm and iconic chaple intact. ... We planned our trip from day to day, Hiran showed much flexibility and provide several unexpected discoveries and provided helpful advice once we got to the major ...

  4. Bandarawela, Sri Lanka 2023: Best Places to Visit

    1. from AU$132 per adult. Private Car with Driver for 8 Days Tour In Sri Lanka. 29. from AU$991 per group. Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela. 3. from AU$180 per adult. Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela.

  5. Plan Your Trip to Bandarawela: Best of Bandarawela Tourism

    Bandarawela Tourism: Tripadvisor has 2,469 reviews of Bandarawela Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Bandarawela Tourism resource. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travellers' Choice Help Centre. Plan Your Trip to Bandarawela: Best of Bandarawela Tourism. Essential Bandarawela. Do. Places to see, ways to wander ...

  6. Plan Your Bandarawela Holiday: Best of Bandarawela

    Bandarawela Tourism: Tripadvisor has 2,478 reviews of Bandarawela Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Bandarawela resource. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travellers' Choice Help Centre. Plan Your Bandarawela Holiday: Best of Bandarawela ... By sakukidentalhospital. 2,685. PLAN YOUR TRIP. Bandarawela. Essential ...

  7. The BEST Bandarawela Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    Combine a transfer from Ella, Haputale, or Bandarawela to Matara, Mirissa, Weligama, Unawatuna, Galle or Hikkaduwa area with a thrilling day trip to Yala National Park. Experience the immense biodiversity of this park on this Sri Lankan animal safari. Be picked up from your accommodation in Ella, Haputale, or Bandarawela.

  8. A Quick Guide to Bandarawela & Haputale, Sri Lanka

    The best place for a sit-down meal in town is probably ... 6 and a half hours), Badulla (hourly; 1 and a half hours), and Bandarawela (every 20 mins; 30 minute trip). Bandarawela is also on the main hill country railway line, half way between Ella and Haputale, making travel to and from these destinations very easy. Otherwise, you can catch a ...

  9. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Bandarawela

    Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela. 3. 4WD Tours. from. $116. per adult (price varies by group size) Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela. 2. Adventure Tours.

  10. Visit Bandarawela on a trip to Sri Lanka

    Bandarawela is just one of the places you could visit on your tailor-made trip to Sri Lanka. Let Audley help you to create your perfect itinerary ... Start planning your tailor-made trip to Bandarawela by contacting one of our Sri Lanka specialists. 01993 838 925. 01993 838 335; Make an enquiry; Excellent TrustScore 4.8 | 3662 reviews.

  11. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Bandarawela (Updated 2024)

    Things to Do in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka: See Tripadvisor's 2,452 traveller reviews and photos of Bandarawela tourist attractions. ... But this place still remain its charm and iconic chaple intact. ... We planned our trip from day to day, Hiran showed much flexibility and provide several unexpected discoveries and provided helpful advice once we ...

  12. Things to do in Bandarawela

    Porawagala is a lovely scenic area that is located hardly 3 kilometers away from Bandarawela town. One of the most significant tourist attractions in Bandarawela, this place will take you away from all the hustle and bustle of city life and will place you in the heart of nature. It has a combination of grasslands, woodlands, waterfalls, and moun...

  13. 4 Beautiful places to visit in Bandarawela for Nature Lovers

    Located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, Bandarawela is a great destination to visit if you're planning to sightsee Sri Lanka. From famous waterfalls to serene landscapes, here's a look at some of the most beautiful places that the region has to offer. Glen Falls. Glen Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls you can see in Sri ...

  14. Visit Bandarawela on a trip to Sri Lanka

    Bandarawela is just one of the places you could visit on your tailor-made trip to Sri Lanka. Let Audley help you to create your perfect itinerary ... Start planning your tailor-made trip to Bandarawela by contacting one of our Sri Lanka specialists. 617-223-4521. 617-223-4190; Make an inquiry; Start planning your trip to Bandarawela

  15. Bandarawela

    Bandarawela is a scenic hill town that nestles at the heart of Sri Lanka's tea region in the Badulla district. The pleasing climate and verdant scenery make it an all-year-round getaway destination. The erstwhile colonial town offers a balanced mix of cultural attractions and natural wonders worthy of exploration. While the hilly terrain is a...

  16. Badulla & Bandarawela

    Badulla & Bandarawela - Place to Visit. Badulla is a beautiful ancient city located southeast of Kandy and almost fully encircled by the Badulla River and verdant tea plantations whilst the Namunukula mountain range blinds a misty silhouette known as the "Badulla Blanket" over the area. Badulla is become a wonderful tourist destination ...

  17. 5 Most Blissful Places To Visit In Bandarawela In March

    5 Places To Visit In Kalmunai For Photography One Must Visit In Sri Lanka! 3. Bomburu Ella Waterfalls. Image Source. Bomburu Ella Falls also known as Perawella Falls, is situated in the Nuwara Eliya district. Unlike other waterfalls, this is not a single waterfall but a collection of 10 little jungle falls.

  18. Bandarawela

    This place is named after Sir Thomas Lipton who used to be a tea planter in Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ... That being said, the overall cost of a trip to Bandarawela will depend on factors such as the time of year you visit and your personal travel preferences. Peak tourist season (December ...

  19. The Best Attractions In Bandarawela

    Poonagala viewpoint is the best place to visit (2019) Poonagala is a place located to near bandarawela city. we can see beautiful area in 360 degree level. Ella sri lanka located near Bandarawela has become one of the shortest out of the destination of foreign tourists. A place has been given value by the tourist them selfs.

  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Bandarawela

    Visit Around Ella with diyaluma falls. 4. Rail Tours. from. S$130. per group (up to 4) Reserve. Tuk Tuk safari and Picnic in The Tea Plantation from Ella,Haputale & Bandarawela. 5.

  21. 10 Best Places to Visit in Badulla On Your Sri Lanka Trip!

    The listicle below has 09 notable places to visit in Badulla which you mustn't forget adding in your itinerary. Muthiyangana Temple. Kataragama Devalaya. Old Welekade Market. Dunhinda Falls. Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge. Halpewatte Tea Factory. St. Mark's Church. Fox Hill Event.

  22. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Bandarawela

    Udawalawe National Park Jeep Safari From Ella / Bandarawela. 3. 4WD Tours. from. £94. per adult (price varies by group size) Trekking & Picnic in The Tea Plantation From Ella, Haputale & Bandarawela. 2. Adventure Tours.

  23. Badulla to Bandarawela

    Superline Travels operates a bus from Badulla Main Bus Station to Bandarawela twice daily. Tickets cost Rs. 2100 - Rs. 2300 and the journey takes 39 min. Alternatively, Sri Lanka Railways operates a train from Badulla Station to Bandarawela 5 times a day. Tickets cost Rs. 80 - Rs. 250 and the journey takes 1h 26m.