Rues de France

Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (Beffroi)

Bâtiments nommés à proximité.

  • Médiathèque François Mitterrand - 212 m
  • Collège La Bruyère - 206 m Avenue de Roubaix 3
  • Dojo de l'Europe - 362 m Allée d'Arras 9

Services à proximité Avenue de Roubaix

  • Parking - 144m - - accès public - pas de frais Allée Andy Warhol
  • Parking - 313m P+R Mayer - Fil Bleu 89 Rue de Jemmapes 37100 Tours Heures d'ouverture: 24/7
  • Parking - 248m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Parking - 276m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Parking - 360m - - pas de frais 1 Rue D'Armentières
  • Parking - 211m - - pas de frais Allée Andy Warhol
  • Parking - 194m - Rue de Tourcoing
  • Parking - 249m - - pas de frais
  • Parking - 149m - - pas de frais Allée Andy Warhol
  • Parking - 328m - - pas de frais Allée d'Arras
  • place de parking - 135m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • place de parking - 269m -
  • place de parking - 231m - Allée Andy Warhol
  • place de parking - 170m - Allée Andy Warhol

Banques et Finances

  • Banque - 454m Caisse d’Épargne Tours-Europe 19 Avenue de l'Europe 37100 Téléphone: +33 821 22 71 21
  • ATM - 390m - - La Poste Avenue de l'Europe
  • École - 191m Collège Jean de La Bruyère
  • École - 206m Collège La Bruyère 3 Avenue de Roubaix Téléphone: +33 2 47 54 12 43
  • auto-école - 241m Route 666 - Frédéric BERRY Rue de Jemmapes Téléphone: +33 2 47 46 24 73 Email: [email protected]
  • Maternelle - 281m La Petite Gabare - CISPEO Rue de Tourcoing Accueil des enfants de 0 à 4 ans
  • Boulangerie - 314m La Maison Rabel 3 Esplanade François Mitterrand 37100 Téléphone: +33 2 47 51 70 45
  • salon de beauté - 236m Beauty n'Style institut Rue de Jemmapes
  • Boucherie - 410m Boucherie du beffroi 23 Avenue de l'Europe 37100 Téléphone: +33 2 47 53 04 46 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 08:00-13:00,15:30-19:00; Sa 07:30-19:00; Su 08:00-13:00
  • Marchand de journaux - 290m Tabac-Presse Le Beffroi Avenue de l'Europe

Sports et Loisirs

  • Basketball - 242m - Allée Andy Warhol
  • Tennis de table - 396m - Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • Piscine - 701m Piscine du Mortier - Mairie de Tours - accès public Rue de la Bassée Téléphone: +33 2 47 21 66 15 Heures d'ouverture: Mo 12:00-14:00; Tu 12:00-14:00,18:00-20:30; We 11:30-18:00; Th 12:00-14:00,18:00-20:00; Fr 12:00-14:00,18:00-21:00; Sa 12:00-18:00; Su 09:00-13:00,14:30-17:30; SH 11:00-19:00; Dec 25,Jan 01,May 01 off

Aliments et Boissons

  • Bar - 455m Café de l'Europe 24 Avenue de l'Europe 37100

Soins de Santé

  • Pharmacie - 135m Pharmacie du Beffroi Rue de Tourcoing
  • Pharmacie - 211m Pharmacie Mutualiste Rond-Point du 19 Mars 1962

Services Publics et Sociaux

  • Mairie - 304m Mairie Annexe de Saint-Symphorien Rue de Jemmapes
  • Case postale - 387m - - La Poste Avenue de l'Europe
  • centre communautaire - 197m Espace Loisirs Jeunes de Tours Nord - Ville de Tours Allée Andy Warhol
  • Poste - 379m Tours Chateaubriand - La Poste Avenue de l'Europe 37100 Téléphone: 3631 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-17:30; Sa 09:00-12:00
  • Police - 494m Police municipale - accès privé Avenue de l'Europe Téléphone: +33 2 47 51 03 62
  • Bibliothèque - 212m Médiathèque François Mitterrand Rue de Tourcoing Téléphone: +33 2 47 54 30 42
  • garde d'enfants - 363m Espace Petite Enfance Europe Chateaubriand 1 Rue D'Armentières Téléphone: +33 2 47 54 47 14
  • Parking Vélo - 79m - Avenue de Roubaix
  • Parking Vélo - 295m Beffroi - Fil Bleu - Fil Bleu - accès public - frais Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • Parking Vélo - 252m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Parking Vélo - 278m - Avenue de Roubaix
  • Parking Vélo - 202m - Rond-Point du 19 Mars 1962
  • Parking Vélo - 170m - - accès privé Avenue de Roubaix
  • Parking Vélo - 158m - Avenue de Roubaix
  • Parking Vélo - 144m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Parking Vélo - 354m - Rue François Hardouin
  • Parking Vélo - 212m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Parking Vélo - 193m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Parking Vélo - 292m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Parking Vélo - 283m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Parking Vélo - 208m - - accès privé Rue de Tourcoing
  • Parking Vélo - 257m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Parking Vélo - 388m - Rue d'Armentières
  • Abri - 207m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Abri - 221m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Abri - 248m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Abri - 385m - Avenue de l'Europe
  • Abri - 301m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Abri - 234m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Corbeille - 251m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Recyclage - 72m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 238m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 305m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 369m - 1 Rue D'Armentières
  • Recyclage - 198m - Rue de Tourcoing
  • Recyclage - 166m - Avenue de Roubaix
  • Recyclage - 394m - Rue de Calais
  • Recyclage - 327m - Rue de Calais
  • Recyclage - 329m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 381m - Rue de Jemmapes
  • Recyclage - 351m - Rue de la Bassée
  • Recyclage - 96m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 241m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 184m - Rue de Lille
  • Recyclage - 205m - Rue de Tourcoing
  • Recyclage - 318m - Rue François Hardouin
  • Eau potable - 282m - - Tours Métropole Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • Fonds social - 185m Point Information Jeunesse de Tours Nord - Ville de Tours Allée Andy Warhol
  • Fonds social - 280m Secours Populaire Francais Tours Nord - Secours Populaire Francais Rue de Tourcoing
  • Fonds social - 327m Léo Lagrange Europe Rue de Tourcoing
  • Fonds social - 257m ADMR tours nord Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • Fonds social - 360m Relais Assistants Maternels - Tours Nord - Ville de Tours Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • Fonds social - 210m Forum Europe - Ville de Tours Rue d'Armentières
  • Fonds social - 213m Mission Locale Touraine Rue d'Armentières
  • Fonds social - 204m France Service Rue de Tourcoing
  • office-estate_agent - 264m Tours Habitat - Tours Métropole Val de Loire Rue de Jemmapes
  • Station de Charge - 149m - - Ville de Tours Rue de Tourcoing
  • marché - 277m Marché du Beffroi - Ville de Tours Rue d'Armentières Heures d'ouverture: Th 08:00-12:45
  • shop-shoe_repair - 485m Cordonnerie de l'Europe Avenue de l'Europe Téléphone: +33 2 47 54 12 41 Heures d'ouverture: Tu-Fr 08:30-12:30,14:30-19:00; Sa 08:30-12:30
  • Distributeur automatique - 221m Fil Bleu Rue de Jemmapes
  • Distributeur automatique - 235m Fil Bleu Rue de Jemmapes
  • Horloge - 303m - 3 Esplanade François Mitterrand
  • dojo - 362m Dojo de l'Europe 9 Allée d'Arras 37100 Tours

Rues adjacentes

  • Rue de Calais
  • Allée Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • Rue de Jemmapes
  • Allée d'Arras
  • Rue Delaroche

 Étiquettes OSM

  • Prix immobilier au m 2
  • Vendre avec efficity
  • Achat immobilier

efficity vous propose une estimation de votre bien immobilier en France

Exemple : 5 avenue du Général de Gaulle 94300 Vincennes

Prix m 2 immobilier Avenue de Roubaix, Tours

Quel est le prix moyen au m 2  avenue de roubaix, tours .

Estimation de prix efficity au mois de Juin 2024

Prix m 2 bas 2 710 €

Prix m 2 moyen 3 100 €

Prix m 2 haut 3 760 €

Vous souhaitez connaitre le prix de vente de votre bien ?

Prix immobilier au m2

Le prix au m² moyen Avenue de Roubaix à Tours (37) en Juin 2024 est de 3 100 € et peut se situer entre 2 710 € et 3 760 € en fonction du type et des caractéristiques du logement.

  • Le prix au m² est plus important qu'à Tours : +6%
  • Le prix au m² est plus important que dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire : +28%

Tours (37) : les dernières estimations réalisées en ligne

Estimation d'un appartement à tours (37000) 1 pièce, 27 m2.

Prix de vente estimé 98 900 €

Prix m 2 estimé 3 663 €

Estimation d'un appartement à Tours (37000) 5 pièces, 144 m2

Prix de vente estimé 567 500 €

Prix m 2 estimé 3 941 €

Estimation d'un appartement à Tours (37000) 2 pièces, 28 m2

Prix de vente estimé 95 900 €

Prix m 2 estimé 3 425 €

Estimation d'un appartement à Tours (37000) 4 pièces, 98 m2

Prix de vente estimé 279 000 €

Prix m 2 estimé 2 847 €

Estimation d'une maison à Tours (37000) 193 m2

Prix de vente estimé 756 200 €

Prix m 2 estimé 3 918 €

Estimation d'un appartement à Tours (37100) 4 pièces, 88 m2

Prix de vente estimé 261 600 €

Prix m 2 estimé 2 973 €

Liste des prix immobilier au m 2

Prix au m 2 des rues à proximité.

  • Allée d'Arras Prix m2 : 2 760 €
  • Allée de Jemmapes Prix m2 : 2 380 €
  • Allée de la Claise Prix m2 : 2 380 €
  • Allée de la Vienne Prix m2 : 2 360 €
  • Allée Jean-Michel Basquiat Prix m2 : 3 050 €
  • Allée Lucien Guitry Prix m2 : 2 930 €
  • Avenue de l'Europe Prix m2 : 3 470 €
  • Avenue de Roubaix Prix m2 : 3 100 €
  • Rond-Point des Trois Rivières Prix m2 : 2 720 €
  • Rond-Point du 19 Mars 1962 Prix m2 : 3 170 €
  • Rue d'Ypres Prix m2 : 2 470 €
  • Rue de Calais Prix m2 : 3 140 €
  • Rue de Jemmapes Prix m2 : 3 000 €
  • Rue de la Bassée Prix m2 : 2 250 €
  • Rue de Lille Prix m2 : 3 210 €
  • Rue de Narvik Prix m2 : 2 770 €
  • Rue de Rotterdam Prix m2 : 2 490 €
  • Rue de Tourcoing Prix m2 : 3 130 €
  • Rue du Maine Prix m2 : 2 080 €
  • Rue Faraday Prix m2 : 2 820 €
  • Rue François Hardouin Prix m2 : 3 160 €
  • Rue Henri Hertz Prix m2 : 2 810 €
  • Rue Jacques Thenard Prix m2 : 3 070 €
  • Rue Louis Bréguet Prix m2 : 2 650 €
  • Rue Marcel Rabache Prix m2 : 1 950 €

Prix au m 2 en France

  • Angers Prix m2 : 3 150 €
  • Bordeaux Prix m2 : 4 440 €
  • Dijon Prix m2 : 2 720 €
  • Grenoble Prix m2 : 2 560 €
  • Le Havre Prix m2 : 2 290 €
  • Lille Prix m2 : 3 410 €
  • Lyon Prix m2 : 4 470 €
  • Marseille Prix m2 : 3 400 €
  • Montpellier Prix m2 : 3 540 €
  • Nantes Prix m2 : 3 640 €
  • Nice Prix m2 : 5 060 €
  • Paris Prix m2 : 9 600 €
  • Reims Prix m2 : 2 600 €
  • Rennes Prix m2 : 3 840 €
  • Saint-Étienne Prix m2 : 1 270 €
  • Strasbourg Prix m2 : 3 600 €
  • Toulon Prix m2 : 2 930 €
  • Toulouse Prix m2 : 3 450 €

Les biens à vendre à Tours

appartement 2 pièces - 45m2 à Tours (37000)

Tours (37000)

Appartement - 45 m²

149 000 €

Frederic Dupoix consultant immobilier chez efficity

Appartement - 39 m²

125 000 €

Nathalie Magnan consultant immobilier chez efficity

Local Commercial - 50 m²

297 000 €

Elvire Cizel consultant immobilier chez efficity

Appartement - 76 m²

274 000 €

Vincent Limas consultant immobilier chez efficity

Appartement - 95 m²

local-commercial 2 pièces - 55m2 à Tours (37000)

Local Commercial - 55 m²

La carte des prix au m 2

Avenue de Roubaix, Tours - 3100 € /m²

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Avenue de Roubaix sur la carte de Tours.

Sur la page montre le schma du passage et de l'emplacement de Avenue de Roubaix, sur le plan de la ville de Tours . Le image satellite permet de voir à quoi ressemble le bâtiment et la région environnante. Une photo 3D de Avenue de Roubaix à partir de l'altitude du vol d'un oiseau aidera à mettre une image plus précise dans la tête. Ici vous pouvez voir toutes les rues voisines, les routes et les sites.

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Avenue de Roubaix, sur le plan Tours

Image satellite avenue de roubaix.

  • Rue Fromont, Tours
  • Rue Pierre Et Marie Curie, Tours
  • Rue Jules Verne, Tours
  • Rue Frederic Joliot Curie, Tours
  • Rue de la Tour de Guise, Tours
  • Rue Christian Huygens, Tours
  • Rue Theophane Venien, Tours
  • Rue du Capitaine Pougnon, Tours
  • Rue de Trianon, Tours
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  • Rue de Ballan, Tours
  • Rue de Tournai, Tours
  • Rue Giraudeau, Tours
  • Allée des Capucines, Tours
  • Rue Miquel, Tours
  • Allée Nicolas Mignard, Tours
  • Rue Francois Richer, Tours
  • Place Choiseul, Tours
  • Place Michelet, Tours
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The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Roubaix (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Roubaix (France)

Embedded in the massive European Metropolis of Lille, Roubaix was an industrial boom town in the 19th century when it was boosted by a thriving textile trade.

By the end of the 20th century this industry had dwindled and the city had to find a new identity.

But a lot of the splendour from the glory days is waiting if you know where to look.

Exciting new cultural attractions have opened up and Roubaix’s huge outlet mall has become a cross-border shopping destination.

There’s much to keep you entertained in these parts, but you’re also never far from Lille and the neighbouring towns in the conurbation, which all deserve a visit.

Lets explore the best things to do in Roubaix :

1. La Piscine Museum

La Piscine Museum

The city’s museum opened in 2000 and is nothing short of spectacular.

For starters the venue is a converted 1930s Art Deco swimming pool: The pool chamber, its galleries, tiled walls and fabulous stained window form the main exhibition hall, while a former textile factory next door provides further exhibition space.

It’s all a cultured backdrop for exhibits that chart Roubaix’s textile industry and its incredible archive of thousands of samples dating back to 1835. There are also fabrics from Ancient Egypt, a revolving fashion collection, fine ceramics and painting by the likes of Tsugouharu Foujita.

2. La Manufacture

It’s only right that you should pull on the cloth-making thread while you’re in Roubaix.

The city has maintained its textile heritage at La Manufacture, a museum in the former Craye factory.

The 19th-century building is gigantic, and when you enter you’re struck by a hall of machines from different periods.

There are hand-operated looms from medieval times and 21st-century computerised machines, as well as all of the equipment that was here when the factory shut down.

Textile workers put on demonstrations with this machinery, and the museum has also kept an emotive audio archive of accounts about the old times from foremen, weavers and spinners.

3. Villa Cavroix

Villa Cavroix

You can see where a big chunk of the textile wealth was spent at this astonishing modernist house in Croix.

Villa Cavroix was built for Paul Cavrois, a textile industrialist and designed by the illustrious Robert Mallet-Stevens.

The residence was cutting-edge when it was finished in 1932, and has only recently been restored and opened to the public after decades of neglect.

But everything is as it was in the 1930s, although some rooms have been left clear of furniture to let you appreciate the mastery of Mallet-Stevens’ design, and the exceptional quality of the marble and wood used for panelling and floors.

4. Parc Barbieux

Parc Barbieux

Found just to the south of the centre, Roubaix’ main park has an interesting origin story: The water channel that meanders through the centre of the park is the vestige on abortive attempt to link the centre of Roubaix with the Marque River.

That project began in 1840 but was abandoned half-way though, before the banks and mounds that the works left behind were turned into a flowing English garden at the turn of the 20th century.

Come here in summer if you’re stuck for things to do with the family as there’s a mini-golf course, pedalos, rowing boats, a pétanque court and a smattering of kiosks.

5. Église Saint-Martin

Église Saint-Martin

There has been a church on this spot for around a thousand years, and although nothing remains from the Romanesque building the nave has columns that were sculpted in the 1400s.

The rest was given a comprehensive neo-Gothic makeover in the middle of the 19th century.

The architect in charge was Charles Leroy, who had a prodigious output all across the North of France and especially in the Lille area.

Inside, take a peek at the polychrome altarpiece of St John the Baptist, dating to around 1540, as well as paintings by the vaunted 19th-century fresco artist Victor Mottez.

6. City Hall

Roubaix Hôtel de Ville

Roubaix’s Hôtel de Ville is a wonderful document of when the city was at its peak.

Victor Laloux, the man who designed the Gare d’Orsay (now Musée) in Paris, was commissioned for the job with 1903. Together with the sculptor Alphonse-Amédée Cordonnier he created a Neo-Renaissance ode to the city’s textile industry.

Look for the frieze on the facade of the central pavilion, which has six 2.40-metre figures representing all of the activities that were the lifeblood of Roubaix: Cotton-harvesting, cotton-washing, spinning, weaving, dyeing and conditioning.

7. Paris-Roubaix


Roubaix Velodrome is the finish line for the legendary Paris-Roubaix cycle race.

On the UCI World Tour, this one-day event in mid-April is a “Monument” or classic.

Winning the Paris-Roubaix is a big achievement for pro-riders, but it doesn’t come easy as much of the course is on rough country tracks and cobblestones.

The surface is so hard-going that the race has been dubbed Hell on the North and a Sunday in Hell, and special gear has been designed specifically for the course.

Whether you’re watching along the gruelling route or at the finish line no cycle fanatic will want to miss this spectacle.

8. McArthurGlen Roubaix

McArthurGlen Roubaix

A pillar of the city’s redevelopment program is this sizeable designer outlet, which opened a few years ago a couple of minutes south of the centre.

The mall pulls in shoppers from Lille and across the border in Belgium, and has 75 stores for a catalogue of premium and designer brands: Calvin Klein, Guess, Lacoste, Desigual. name it, they’re here.

Dotted among the stores are a few places to rest your weary legs and get lunch or a cup of coffee, plus you’ve got free Wi-Fi, a children’s play area and helpful staff that are trained in several languages.

9. Usine Motte-Bossut

Usine Motte-Bossut

None of Roubaix’s other industrial behemoths come close to this old cotton mill for whimsy and grandeur.

The Usine Motte-Bossut looks like a giant castle, with an entrance like a gatehouse and a chimney stack shaped like a turret.

There’s no missing it, as the factory was built next to the Roubaix Canal, right in the middle of the city on Rue du Général-Leclerc.

The bulk of the building is from the 1840s but extensions were made up to the 1920s.

It all closed down in the 80s but was soon renovated and now holds the National Archives of the World of Work, part of the French Ministry of Culture.

10. Verlaine Message Museum

Verlaine Message Museum

Under ten minutes from Roubaix, in Tourcoing, is a museum in a huge Nazi bunker at the former headquarters of the 15th German Army.

Radio Londres was the French Resistance station broadcasting from London during the war.

On 5 June 1944, the night before the Normandy Invasions, it sent out coded messages in the form of snippets of poetry by the likes of Paul Verlaine to warn the Resistance to mobilise.

This is the German bunker that first intercepted those messages, and you have a lot to pore over down here: There’s communications equipment, a generator, signal detectors and all kinds of military paraphernalia.

11. Brasserie Cambier

Brasserie Cambier

On the way to Lille in the town of Croix there’s a craft brewery putting on tours every Saturday afternoon.

Cambier is a throwback to the breweries that used to be a mainstay of cities in the Nord region in the 19th and 20th centuries.

On the tour you’ll be guided around the brewhouse for an accessible step-by-step explanation of how Cambier make their “Mongy” craft beer, which comes in several varieties including blonde, IPA and triple.

It all ends with a tasting session and the chance to buy a bottle or two.

Make sure you pick up one of the brewery’s stylish glasses to take home.


Lille’s Modern Art Museum is in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, under 15 minutes from Roubaix if the traffic is kind.

The institution has a lofty status in Europe because its collections bridge all of the 20th and 21st century’s big movements.

It’s also one of the world’s top museums for Outsider Art or Art Brut: This movement celebrated self-taught recluses and psychiatric ward patients, and their paintings still hold the power to fascinate and shock.

For contemporary art you have the likes of Pierre Soulages and Daniel Buren, while the20th-century galleries are sensational packed with works by Picasso, Modigliani, Braque, Paul Klee and Joan Miró.

13. Old Lille

Old Lille

You can’t say no to a a sightseeing trip to Lille’s venerable centre as it’s only a few minutes down the road.

The entre core of the city is protected, and you’ll know why when you walk its cobblestone streets.

Lille’s Flemish influence is obvious in graceful monuments like the Mannerist 17th-century Vieille Bourse, where the city’s merchants would thrash out deals.

On the neighbouring Grand Place with its stately gabled buildings you’ll be in no doubt that you’re in a major urban centre.

Tick off the world-class Palais des Beaux-Arts, the  Renaissance Lbirairie Furet du Nort, Lille’s UNESCO-listed belfry and return to Roubaix exhausted but satisfied!

14. Parc Zoologique

Parc Zoologique

For a low-cost day of family fun look no further than Lille’s Parc de la Citadelle: Beside the bastions of Vauban’s 17th-century military base is the city’s zoo, open from spring to autumn.

Youngsters will be thrilled to see zebras, panthers, rhinos, monkeys and all kinds of tropical birds.

The best thing for parents is that the zoo is run by the municipality and is absolutely free.

The entire park is ringed by the Deûle Canal, which affords gentle walks on its leafy banks, and the park’s lawns are dotted with exotic tree species, like the giant sequoia planted in the 1800s,.

15. Food and Drink

carbonade flamande

So close to the border, and in a region of France that was Flemish for much of its past, the cuisine is a comforting blend of French and Belgian.

In cosy traditional “brasseries” many of the specialities will be cooked with beer, and this goes for the “Welsh”, the local name for a Welsh rarebit: Cheese melted with beer, mustard and spices and slathered on toast.

Beer is also the base for carbonade flamande, a braised beef stew, and goes into the batter for beignets (traditional donuts) and even crêpes!

15 Best Things to Do in Roubaix (France):

  • La Piscine Museum
  • La Manufacture
  • Villa Cavroix
  • Parc Barbieux
  • Église Saint-Martin
  • Paris-Roubaix
  • McArthurGlen Roubaix
  • Usine Motte-Bossut
  • Verlaine Message Museum
  • Brasserie Cambier
  • Parc Zoologique
  • Food and Drink

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Spring Classics Bike Tours - Paris-Roubaix 2024 Itinerary

Join us on the ultimate Spring Classics bike tour to experience VIP race access, ride the famed cobbles, and sip coveted Trappist beer.

Paris-Roubaix 2024 Day-to-Day

Arrival / departure.

Where to Arrive

Brussels National Airport (BRU)

Pick-up location :

Park Hotel, Kortrijk, Belgium

Pick-up time :

Where to Depart

Drop-off location :

Drop-off time :

Additional Arrival Information

We suggest that you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your Spring Classics cycling tour, which will enable you to adjust to the time zone and minimize the risk of missing the trip start due to flight-related delays. For the Paris-Roubaix trip, we recommend that you fly into Brussels National Airport (BRU). There is frequent bus and train service from the airport to the center of Brussels, where you’ll need to catch a train to Kortrijk. The trip to Kortrijk from the Brussels National Airport takes approximately 60 minutes. The train station in Kortrijk is located right across the street from the Park Hotel. For more information about connections from the airport please consult or for train information train information .

Your Trek Travel guides will meet you at the Park Hotel (Stationsplein, 2, Kortrijk, Belgium) at 8:00 AM on the first day of the trip. After meeting your guides at the hotel, your Paris-Roubaix cycling tour begins as your guides introduce you to the features of your Trek bike and ensure you a perfect, comfortable fit. Then it's time to spin your legs through the Flemish countryside and build anticipation for riding Paris-Roubaix. If you will be late for the pick-up or are going to miss it altogether, please inform your guides. If you cannot reach them, please call our first hotel, The Park Hotel (+32 56 22 03 03), and leave a message with your expected arrival time and contact details.

Additional Departure Information

You will say farewell to your guides at 10:00 AM at Park Hotel before you take the train from Kortrijk to your final destination. Please allow adequate connection time for a flight or train to accommodate possible traffic delays.

Day 1 Welcome ride in Flanders Fields and France

Welcome ride in Flanders Fields and France

Welcome to your Paris-Roubaix cycling tour! Your Trek Travel guides will meet you at the Park Hotel at 8:00 AM and introduce you to the features of your Trek Domane bike before ensuring a perfect fit. We'll have the tires set up specifically for riding cobbles as well as extra bar tape for additional padding to ensure comfortable riding. Then it's time to spin your legs through the Flemish countryside with cobblestones hills and build anticipation for the riding of ... Welcome to your Paris-Roubaix cycling tour! Your Trek Travel guides will meet you at the Park Hotel at 8:00 AM and introduce you to the features of your Trek Domane bike before ensuring a perfect fit. We'll have the tires set up specifically for riding cobbles as well as extra bar tape for additional padding to ensure comfortable riding. Then it's time to spin your legs through the Flemish countryside with cobblestones hills and build anticipation for the riding of Paris-Roubaix. Tonight, you'll meet the rest of your travel companions and talk about the week ahead with a lively social hour followed by a fantastic meal together in a local restaurant. Read More

Meals included

Lunch | Social Hour | Dinner

Explore the West Flanders countryside

Highlight of the Day

Explore the West Flanders countryside

Test out you bike and legs on your first spin in Belgium around the beautiful Flemish countryside with historical sites, beautiful architect... Test out you bike and legs on your first spin in Belgium around the beautiful Flemish countryside with historical sites, beautiful architecture, and those famous and fun cobbles! Read More

Ride Options

Ride Option 1


Kortrijk to Sint Bernardus - Approximately 62 mi | 100 km and 3,110 ft | 950 m

Day 2 Spin on a warm-up ride in the beautiful Flemish countryside

Spin on a warm-up ride in the beautiful Flemish countryside

Prepare yourself for race-lover's nirvana as you head out on your Trek bicycle today for a little warm-up before tomorrow. Enjoy a ride in the Flemish countryside and feel free to stop for a coffee or beer along the way. In the afternoon, you may decide to hit the beautifully designed Wellness Avenue Spa for a massage or to relax in the pool. Check in with your guides to discuss final adjustments and fine-tuning for your bike to ensure you're completely ready for to... Prepare yourself for race-lover's nirvana as you head out on your Trek bicycle today for a little warm-up before tomorrow. Enjoy a ride in the Flemish countryside and feel free to stop for a coffee or beer along the way. In the afternoon, you may decide to hit the beautifully designed Wellness Avenue Spa for a massage or to relax in the pool. Check in with your guides to discuss final adjustments and fine-tuning for your bike to ensure you're completely ready for tomorrow’s epic event. Dine in the restaurant of your choice tonight before heading to bed early in anticipation of an incredible (and early) day tomorrow. Read More

Ride in the Flemish countryside

Ride in the Flemish countryside

Canals, bike paths, windmills, countryside and some cobbles — a leisurely ride to prepare the legs for tomorrow.

Kortrijk Countryside Ride - Approximately 34 mi | 54 km and 740 ft | 225 m

Day 3 Tackle the Paris-Roubaix Challenge Citizen Ride and watch the finish of women's Pro Race

Tackle the Paris-Roubaix Challenge Citizen Ride and watch the finish of women's Pro Race

Welcome to the "Hell of the North." It’s an early start with a morning shuttle to the beginning of the Paris-Roubaix Challenge. Test your mettle on a partial Paris-Roubaix racecourse over which the pros will battle for supremacy tomorrow. You can choose between the shorter and longer course. Both of them include the iconic cobblestone sections of the race and legendary sector Carrefore de l’Arbre. Later, you’ll enjoy a well-deserved lunch and watch the finish ... Welcome to the "Hell of the North." It’s an early start with a morning shuttle to the beginning of the Paris-Roubaix Challenge. Test your mettle on a partial Paris-Roubaix racecourse over which the pros will battle for supremacy tomorrow. You can choose between the shorter and longer course. Both of them include the iconic cobblestone sections of the race and legendary sector Carrefore de l’Arbre. Later, you’ll enjoy a well-deserved lunch and watch the finish of the elite women race. After you witness the Femmes battle, you will head back to the comforts of your Kortrijk hotel. Shower and relax before sharing your race stories and insights tonight during dinner together at the hotel. Read More

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

Test yourself in the Paris-Roubaix Challenge

Test yourself in the Paris-Roubaix Challenge

These cobbles or pave are nothing short of brutal. Today you get to experience first-hand what it's like riding over this bumpy surface, g... These cobbles or pave are nothing short of brutal. Today you get to experience first-hand what it's like riding over this bumpy surface, giving you an appreciation of just what it is like for the pros tomorrow when they race for glory in "The Hell of the North." Learn about the Paris-Roubaix Challenge. Read More

Paris-Roubaix Challenge Short - Approximately 44 mi | 70 km and 940 ft | 280 m

Ride Option 2


Paris-Roubaix Challenge Long - Avid Option - Approximately 90 mi | 145 km and 1,650 ft | 510 m

Day 4 Experience the exciting Paris-Roubaix Pro Race Viewing

Experience the exciting Paris-Roubaix Pro Race Viewing

Get ready for the highly anticipated Paris-Roubaix day! Experience the pinnacle of classic cycling events, where enthralling tales, mythical legends, and iconic status captivate spectators. Witness the electrifying finish at Roubaix Vélodrome from your VIP seat, immersed in the heart of the action. Feel the adrenaline as riders unleash their explosive sprint, and cheer on the road heroes. Tonight, raise a toast to great riding, new friends, monumental achievements,... Get ready for the highly anticipated Paris-Roubaix day! Experience the pinnacle of classic cycling events, where enthralling tales, mythical legends, and iconic status captivate spectators. Witness the electrifying finish at Roubaix Vélodrome from your VIP seat, immersed in the heart of the action. Feel the adrenaline as riders unleash their explosive sprint, and cheer on the road heroes. Tonight, raise a toast to great riding, new friends, monumental achievements, and the indelible memories of your Spring Classics cycling tour! Read More

Breakfast | Lunch | Social Hour | Dinner

The Hell of the North!

The Hell of the North!

An electric day as you get to watch this incredibly race. VIP viewing and access in the velodrome make this an experience of a lifetime! Lea... An electric day as you get to watch this incredibly race. VIP viewing and access in the velodrome make this an experience of a lifetime! Learn about the Paris-Roubaix Pro Race. Read More


Paris-Roubaix Race Viewing VIP Access to the Velodrome Finish

Day 5 Say farewell

Say farewell

Feel free to sleep in and ease into your day with a warm pain au chocolat and café au lait . You will say farewell to your guides at 10:00 AM at the Park Hotel before taking the train from Kortrijk to your final destination. Please allow adequate connection time for a flight or train to accommodate possible traffic delays.

If a date is marked as Private, it is reserved for a private group.

Looking to travel with a small group or looking for a custom date? Call our trip consultants at 866-464-8735

What is the Difference?

Ultimate luxury:.

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.

Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.

These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.

On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Road : 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Road : 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Road : 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Road : 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel:  4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - reserve:.

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself

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  • France Guides
  • October 24, 2023

16 Best Things to Do in Roubaix

If you’re planning a trip to France, don’t forget to include the charming city of Roubaix in your itinerary. Located in the Hauts-de-France region.

Roubaix may not be as well-known as its neighboring cities such as Lille or Paris, but it definitely has a lot to offer. From art museums and historic buildings to shopping centers and charming parks, this hidden gem in France is a must-visit for travelers looking for a unique and authentic experience.

Don’t miss out on exploring Roubaix during your next trip! So much to see and do in this charming city.

1. La Piscine Museum

Located in an old Art Deco swimming pool, the La Piscine Museum is a must-visit for art lovers. The museum houses a collection of sculptures, paintings, and decorative arts from the 19th and 20th centuries. It also hosts temporary exhibitions, making it a dynamic and constantly evolving space.

Address: 23 Rue de l’Espérance, 59100 Roubaix, France

Opening Hours:

  • Sunday 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Monday – Thursday 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 20 69 23 60

For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

La Piscine Museum

2. La Manufacture

For those interested in fashion and design, La Manufacture is a must-see destination in Roubaix. This former textile factory turned cultural center offers visitors the chance to learn about the history of textile production in the region and see contemporary designs from up-and-coming fashion designers.

Address: 29 Av. Julien Lagache, 59100 Roubaix, France

  • Sunday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday – Saturday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 20 20 98 92

La Manufacture

3. Villa Cavroix

Designed by renowned architect Robert Mallet-Stevens, the Villa Cavroix is a prime example of modernist architecture. This beautifully preserved house provides an insight into the lifestyle and design trends of the early 20th century.

Address: 60 Av. du Président John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 59170 Croix, France

  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 20 73 47 12

Villa Cavroix

4. Parc Barbieux

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and relax at Parc Barbieux, a peaceful and picturesque park in Roubaix. With its lake, playgrounds, and walking paths, it’s the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon.

Parc Barbieux

5. Église Saint-Martin

One of the most iconic buildings in Roubaix is the Église Saint-Martin. This stunning neo-Gothic church is a symbol of the city’s rich history and serves as a reminder of its strong Catholic roots.

Address: Contour de l’Église St Martin, 59100 Roubaix, France

Phone: +33 3 20 73 56 57

Église Saint-Martin

6. City Hall

The Roubaix City Hall, with its grand architecture and beautiful gardens, is another must-see for history buffs. Take a guided tour to learn about the building’s fascinating history and see stunning views of the city from the top of its tower.

Address: 17 Grand Place, 59100 Roubaix, France

Phone: +33 3 20 66 46 00

City Hall

7. Paris-Roubaix

Cycling enthusiasts will be familiar with the Paris-Roubaix race, one of the most prestigious races in professional cycling. Every year, thousands of fans flock to Roubaix to witness this iconic event and experience the excitement and energy it brings to the city.


8. McArthurGlen Roubaix

For a bit of retail therapy, head to McArthurGlen Roubaix, one of the largest designer outlet centers in Europe. With over 70 luxury brands offering discounts of up to 70%, it’s a shopper’s paradise.

Address: 44 Rue Mail de Lannoy, 59100 Roubaix, France

  • Sunday Closed
  • Monday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 28 33 36 10

McArthurGlen Roubaix

9. Parc du Palais de Justice

Located in the heart of Roubaix’s Old Town, Parc du Palais de Justice is a charming green space with beautiful gardens and a playground for children. It’s the perfect spot for a leisurely walk or picnic.

Parc du Palais de Justice

10. Verlaine Message Museum

Step into the world of French poet Paul Verlaine at this unique museum dedicated to his life and work. Located in his former home, the Verlaine Message Museum offers a glimpse into the daily life of this influential literary figure.

Address: 4 bis Av. de la Marne, 59200 Tourcoing, France

  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Monday – Saturday Closed

Phone: +33 3 20 24 25 00

Verlaine Message Museum

11. Brasserie Cambier

Sample traditional French cuisine at Brasserie Cambier, a family-run restaurant that has been serving up delicious dishes for over 40 years. With its cozy atmosphere and mouth-watering menu, it’s no wonder it’s a local favorite.

Address: 2 Rue Jean Monnet Bâtiment M, 59170 Croix, France

  • Sunday – Tuesday Closed
  • Wednesday – Friday 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Phone: +33 7 72 37 56 14

Brasserie Cambier

Art and nature blend seamlessly at the LaM (Lille Métropole Museum of Modern, Contemporary and Outsider Art). With its impressive collection of modernist and contemporary art, as well as a sculpture garden, it’s a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

Address: 1 All. du Musée, 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France

  • Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 20 19 68 68


13. Old Lille

Take a short trip to neighboring Lille and explore the historic Old Town. With its charming cobblestone streets, beautiful architecture, and quaint shops and cafes, it’s a great place to spend an afternoon.

Old Lille

14. Parc Zoologique

Animal lovers will enjoy a visit to the Parc Zoologique in Roubaix. This small but well-maintained zoo is home to a variety of species, including lions, giraffes, and monkeys.

Parc Zoologique

15. Cimetière de Roubaix

While it may seem unusual to visit a cemetery as a tourist attraction, the Cimetière de Roubaix is worth a visit for its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere. It’s also the final resting place of several notable figures from the city’s history.

Address: 1 Pl. Chaptal, 59100 Roubaix, France

Hours Open: Sunday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Phone: +33 3 20 83 76 11

Cimetiere de Roubaix

16. L’Usine Roubaix

For a unique shopping experience, head to L’Usine Roubaix, a converted textile factory turned shopping center. With over 50 stores offering discounted prices on designer brands, it’s a great place to find some bargains.

Address: 228 Av. Alfred Motte, 59100 Roubaix, France

Phone: +33 3 20 83 16 20

L’Usine Roubaix

In conclusion

Roubaix may not be the most well-known city in France, but it certainly has something for everyone. From its rich history and culture, modern and vibrant atmosphere, to its charming parks and unique shopping experiences, Roubaix is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. So if you’re planning a trip to France, don’t forget to include this charming city in your itinerary. Happy travels!

Simply France

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What to see in Roubaix northern France

  • Janine Marsh
  • Nord-Pas de Calais

Man dances before a wall of art in Roubaix

Roubaix in northern France, once an industrial powerhouse city has undergone a regeneration and is emerging as a centre of art and culture …

A once thriving textile town, Roubaix is a district that’s undergone enormous change as the world of industrial output has shifted. No longer the powerhouse of production that it once was, a land of thousand chimneys, its factories largely closed, Roubaix suffered a deep recession. But the city has undergone a seismic shift in recent years. And now it’s becoming a major destination for art and culture lovers.

If you’re visiting Lille, it’s a short and easy journey to Roubaix by tram or metro and a worthy detour. On arrival, head to the tourist office, a short walk from the station, opposite the world renowned La Piscine museum. Here you can find out what’s on and where. The tourist office is more like a communal centre. It’s welcoming and there are tables and chairs for anyone to use. You can even get a drink here and relax in the courtyard. There’s also a shop which sells recycled art by artists who work locally (who can resist a stylish belt made from recycled bike tyres?). And, it’s this that gives you the first indication of how Roubaix is regenerating.

Roubaix – an emerging leader in the art world

avenue de roubaix tours

The locals have a saying in Roubaix “à la roubaisienne” – it means to keep going. And, that’s just what they’ve done as the town has moved on from its industrial past to take a new direction – a major cultural destination with a focus on art, recycling, street art and fashion. There are two museums: La Piscine and La Manufacture. Le Colisée theatre puts on outstanding shows, Ballet du Nord is based here, there are several art galleries, dozens of art studios and the street art scene is thriving.

Street art in Roubaix

The town has a vibrant collection of street art, its narrow alleys and the walls of industrial buildings are perfect open-air galleries. And, there are two brilliant, innovative art studios in Roubaix which are open to the public on the first Sunday of each month – and they are seriously worth visiting.

Ateliers Remyco

avenue de roubaix tours

Opened in the spring of 2019, Ateliers Remyco art studio complex is dedicated to urban culture, graffiti and street artists and puts Roubaix in a leading position for street art. There are 15 artists based in the studios as well as a fashion designer who takes street art as her muse.

This project aims to both support and offer management to street artists as professionals whose art is their potential career. There are some seriously good artists here. Mr VOul is already well-known – he only ever paints images of himself, with a trademark top hat and clown face. Max Giaquinto whose prints are humorous, playful and ethereal has made a mark locally. He likes to leave his artworks in public spaces for people to find and keep. Then there’s Freak the Lab whose signature style always features a smile and big eyes – an indication to open your mind…

The studios are high energy, community-minded and great fun to visit. They’re looking into rechargeable spray cans to be more environmentally friendly and they work with local kids to teach them about street art. They also run workshops, put on events and concerts and have plans to open a bar.

Go on the first Sunday of the month. Meet the artists and buy a piece of their artwork before the prices rocket. This place is going to turn out the stars of the street art world. Details:

Atelier Jouret

Artists at Ateliers Jouret

Ateliers Jouret opened in 2017 in a former historic textile traders building. 40 artists now work here and sell their works direct to the public. There are fashion designers, sculptors, ceramicists, photographers, textile designers, digital print artists, a glass blower, jewellers and even a puppet maker.

The quality of work here is quite simply outstanding. Professional, artistic, unique pieces that you can buy when they’re open to the public on the first Sunday of the month. In fact it’s gained such a great reputation for its fabulous art sales that on some Sundays, more than 1000 people from near and far, turn up to meet the artists and buy something beautiful.

The artists who work here come from around France to use the inspirational space, like Yon Costes, a former martial artist turned painter as well as a dancer. Influenced by Korean styles, he paints with an enormous paintbrush. And Anne-Laure Eustace a fashion designer who studied in Paris, Vienna and Australia. She works only with French fabrics, particularly ecological materials from Mulhouse, Colmar, Lyon and Armentières. Her collection of tops, dresses and coats can be tailored to fit perfectly. You can see some of her extraordinary work in the Museum of Manufacture.

And there were so many more amazing artists. It’s rare to be able to meet up with artists of this calibre, to buy their unique artwork from handmade cards, lampshades and homeware and fashion to paintings, glass and jewellery. And, they were so welcoming. Details:

Street art festival

Each September for ten days, Roubaix holds a big street art festival called #XU. The event celebrates music, art, dancing plus outdoor and street art. Artists come from all around the world to participate. You’ll find details on Roubaix Tourist office website (link below).

Art deco swimming pool in Roubaix

Roubaix is home to La Piscine, an world-class museum which was once a municipal swimming pool. It has a stunning collection and is exquisite in its own right. Read more about La Piscine …

Passion for fashion

Next to La Piscine you’ll find Le Vestiaire (27 rue de l’Espérance). It’s part of the Maisons de Mode project which proactively seeks to identify and encourage the top designers of tomorrow. Shops include fashion, accessories and homeware plus a very nice café. Around the corner in Avenue Jean Lebas are more boutiques belonging to this innovative project. Details:

More on the local area

Museums, monuments and art venues of Lille Villa Cavrois – an art deco jewel The Lens Louvre Museum

Find out what’s on in Roubaix: Discover what’s on in France with

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avenue de roubaix tours

  • Practical information

Take a tour of our machinery and discover the textile adventure of yesterday and today!

Individuals, the guided tour.

Approx. 1 hour – FR (Unfortunatly just in french) Tuesday to Sunday at 2.30pm and 4pm, no reservation required.

Accompanied by a guide, choose a lively and sensory visit! In one hour, to the sound of machines and demonstrations, you will discover the major stages in the history of weaving, from the Middle Ages to the present day. From wool to fabric, follow the epic story of the actors of textile history!


30 mins approx – FR – EN (English subtitles available) Tuesday to Sunday 2pm to 6pm, last departure at 5.30pm.

On your mobile phone or on a tablet provided, you can access several recorded sequences, to be viewed along a route marked on the ground. Starting up the machines, archive images, historical and technical points… this audiovisual immersion will allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the history of the site!


• Opening times Tuesday to Sunday, 2pm to 6pm.

• Guided tour times Tuesday to Sunday, 2.30pm and 4pm and at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm from 23 December to 7 January (Length of visit: approximately 1 hour)

→ Entrance fees • 6€ with guided tour (Just in french) • 4€ with video-guided tour (English subtitles) or open visit • Free admission to temporary exhibitions (the temporary exhibition is included in the entrance fee)

→ Reduced rates 4€: Groups of 10 people or more, children aged 8 to 18, jobseekers, students, disabled people and an accompanying person (site labelled tourism and disability), Ambassadors of Roubaix, Friends of La Piscine museum, holders of the Intersites Proscitec pass, the Eurometropole tourist card, the Eclats leisure card)

→ Free access Children under 8, journalists, holders of the City-Pass Lille Métropole, holders of the C’ART pass musées de la métropole lilloise (, holders of the Pass Pro Tourisme card, students of the ENSAIT, ESAAT, ESMOD and Informa schools, and for tour guides.

Other means to visit

Combined tickets.

La Piscine Museum, La Villa Cavrois and La Manufacture are joining forces to offer you two combined tickets: A good idea to discover these essential places at a good price.

– La Piscine & La Manufacture : 13,50€/pers (instead of 17€) – Ticket valid for 6 months – La Villa Cavrois & La Manufacture: €10.50/person (instead of €15.50) – Ticket valid for 1 year

→ Tickets on sale at the museums concerned and at the Roubaix Tourist Office

billet couple la manufacture roubaix


Thanks to the C’ART, enter the Manufacture free of charge for one year! The C’ART offers free and unlimited access to 14 museums of the European Metropolis of Lille and their temporary exhibitions.

• SOLO card: 40€ / pers.* • DUO card: 60€ / pers (valid for the holder and a guest)* • YOUTH card: 20€ / pers (under 26 years old)* •TRIBU card: 65€ / pers (holder + 4 pers)*

*Detailed conditions on the C’Art website

→ Discover the C’Art programme

c'art la manufacture roubaix


With the City Pass, you can enjoy more than 40 cultural and tourist sites in the city, including transport! The guided tour of the Manufacture and the museum’s temporary exhibitions are included in the City Pass.

– 24h Pass: 25€ / pers. – 48h Pass : 35€ / pers. – 72h Pass: 45€ / pers.

(On sale at Roubaix Tourism Office.)

→ All about the City Pass

citypass la manufacture roubaix

Groupes scolaires

Group visits.

Programs for adults

Explore the museum’s collections accompanied by a knowledgeable guide who has experienced textile history for his or herself, and try a hands-on weaving, sewing, or design workshop at La Manufacture .

Guided Group Tour

Listen to the clamor of machines and immerse yourself in the world of a textile factory in operation. The tour will cover all of the key technical and social innovations that have revolutionized the process of weaving. Over the course of an hour, the various exhibitions and tour will demonstrate how wool is spun first into thread and then woven into fabric. You’ll also have the chance to hear the stories of the men and women whose lives and work became a part of textile history.

Lenght : 1 hour Cost: €100 for groups of up to 25 people from Tuesday through Saturday (€150 on Sundays). Tours offered in English, Dutch, and French

For information and reservations, please contact : [email protected]

avenue de roubaix tours


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  1. Google Maps

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  2. Comment aller à Avenue De Roubaix, Tours en bus ou tram?

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  3. How to get to Avenue De Roubaix, Tours by Bus or Light Rail?

    Moovit helps you to find the best routes to Avenue De Roubaix using public transit and gives you step by step directions with updated schedule times for Bus or Light Rail in Tours.

  4. Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (Beffroi)

    Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (Beffroi) Sur cette page, vous pouvez trouver une carte de localisation, ainsi qu'une liste des lieux et des services disponibles sur ou à proximité Avenue de Roubaix: Hôtels, restaurants, installations sportives, centres éducatifs, distributeurs automatiques de billets, supermarchés, stations d'essence et plus.

  5. 2 avenue de Roubaix, 37000 Tours

    Tout sur la voie 2 avenue de Roubaix, 37000 Tours : prix immobilier (m2), immeuble par immeuble. Evolution du m2 et estimation immobilière des appartements et maisons 2 av. de Roubaix, 37000 Tours.

  6. 15 avenue de Roubaix, 37000 Tours

    Tout sur la voie 15 avenue de Roubaix, 37000 Tours : prix immobilier (m2), immeuble par immeuble. Evolution du m2 et estimation immobilière des appartements et maisons 15 av. de Roubaix, 37000 Tours.

  7. Avenue de Roubaix, 3, Tours

    Get directions to Avenue de Roubaix, 3 and view details like the building's postal code, description, photos, and reviews on each business in the building

  8. Collège la Bruyère

    Découvrez Collège la Bruyère (3 Avenue de Roubaix, 37000 Tours) avec toutes les photos du quartier, le plan d'accès, les avis et les infos pratiques : horaires, ...

  9. Discover the park

    Discover the park - Avenue de Roubaix at Tours

  10. Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (37000, 37100, 37200)

    Mai 2024 - Découvrez le prix immobilier au m2 de Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (37000, 37100, 37200) : prix immobilier (m2), immeuble par immeuble. Evolution du m2 et estimation immobilière des appartements et maisons Av. de Roubaix, Tours.

  11. Avenue de Roubaix, Tours (37100)

    Juin 2024 - Prix immobilier au m2 Avenue de Roubaix (Tours 37100) et estimation de votre bien immobilier, maison ou appartement, Avenue de Roubaix en juin 2024. Cote efficity et évolution du marché immobilier Avenue de Roubaix (Tours 37100). Prix moyen au mètre carré : 3100 €/m2 (Juin 2024).

  12. Avenue de ROUBAIX Tours

    Plan Avenue de ROUBAIX à Tours, retrouvez les informations disponible sur cet emplacement : hotel, restaurant, musée, tourisme, jardins

  13. Avenue de Roubaix sur la carte de Tours.

    Carte détaillée Tours, France, le schéma de l'emplacement, les 3D photos, et image satellite Avenue de Roubaix.

  14. 15 Best Things to Do in Roubaix (France)

    Discover the best things to do in Roubaix, a former textile powerhouse in France, with The Crazy Tourist. Visit museums, gardens, markets and more.

  15. Spring Classics Bike Tours

    Trip Itinerary. Spring Classics Bike Tours - Paris-Roubaix 2024 Itinerary. Join us on the ultimate Spring Classics bike tour to experience VIP race access, ride the famed cobbles, and sip coveted Trappist beer.

  16. The BEST Roubaix Tours and Things to Do in 2023

    Find the top-rated and best-reviewed tours and activities in Roubaix for 2023. From prices and availability to skip-the-line options and mobile tickets, get all the information you need to make the most of your trip to France.

  17. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Roubaix (UPDATED 2024)

    8. La Condition Publique. 22. Points of Interest & Landmarks. 9. McArthurGlen Roubaix. 206. Factory Outlets. Just 20 minutes from Lille or 90 minutes from Brussels, McArthurGlen Roubaix is ideally situated for visitors to both France and Belgium; there is even a metro stop on-site.

  18. 16 Best Things to Do in Roubaix

    16 Best Things to Do in Roubaix: La Piscine Museum, La Manufacture, Villa Cavroix and Église Saint-Martin and more >>>.

  19. The BEST Roubaix Tours 2024

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  20. What to see in Roubaix northern France

    What to see in Roubaix northern France. Janine Marsh. Nord-Pas de Calais. Roubaix in northern France, once an industrial powerhouse city has undergone a regeneration and is emerging as a centre of art and culture …. A once thriving textile town, Roubaix is a district that's undergone enormous change as the world of industrial output has ...

  21. Visit

    Installée sur le site de l'ancien tissage Craye, spécialisé depuis 1914 dans le tissu d'ameublement, La Manufacture est un musée dédié à la mémoire et à la création textile. ... • Guided tour times Tuesday to Sunday, 2.30pm and 4pm and at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm from 23 December to 7 January ... 29 avenue Julien Lagache 59100 ROUBAIX ...

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