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Aimee Mann  

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Aimee Mann (born September 8, 1960) is an American rock and folk rock singer, songwriter, guitarist and bassist, hailing from Richmond, Virginia, U.S.

Subsequent to graduating from high school in Richmond, Virginia, Aimee Mann moved to Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. and enrolled at the Berklee College of Music. She didn’t stay long however and soon found herself in the Boston punk band The Young Shakes, who released the EP “Bark Along with The Young Shakes” in 1983. The same year the singer founded the new wave band ’Til Tuesday with classmate any boyfriend Michael Hausman. The band released three studio albums “Voices Carry” in 1985, featuring the title track which earned the MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist, “Welcome Home” in 1986, and “Everything’s Different Now” in 1988.

’Til Tuesday broke up in 1990 when Mann departed to pursue a solo career, which resulted in the 1993 debut album “Whatever”. The album earned a host of critical praise despite not fairing considerably well commercially, and brought the singer back into the minds of music fans. After battling with her label to be freed of her contract, Mann’s subsequent album “I’m with Stupid” was the last to be released through Geffen Records in 1995. The album was received with much the same critical and commercial response as the first, and gave credence to the view that Mann’s songwriting ability was up there with Elvis Costello and Andy Partridge.

In 1999 the singer-songwriter won both an Academy Award and a Grammy Award for her soundtrack to the Paul Thomas Anderson film “Magnolia”, and founded her own label SuperEgo Records. Mann went on to release the full-length album “Bachelor No. 2” in the spring of 2000, succeeded by the self-released album “Lost in Space” in 2002. In 2004 the CD/DVD “Live at St. Ann’s Warehouse” was released documenting her summer tour, and was followed by highly acclaimed concept album “Forgotten Arm” in 2006.

After releasing the Christmas album “One More Drifter in the Snow” in 2006 and the full-length “@#%&! Smilers” in 2008, Mann receded from the spotlight, working on a musical for “Forgotten Arms”, though had a small but memorable cameo appearance on the TV show “Porlandia”. In 2012 the singer-songwriter returned to release her first album in four years “Charmer”, produced by Paul Bryan.

Live reviews

Few artists command a more dedicated fanbase than does Aimee Mann. Since starting her solo career in the mid-1990s, the former Til Tuesday lead singer has released a series of strong albums along with perhaps her best known turn with the song “Save Me” in the movie Magnolia.

Her shows, which feature her leading a crack four-piece band through her observational and sardonic tales of disillusionment, offer almost note perfect versions of her song catalog. Occasionally the band will step back and Mann will even perform one of her songs accompanied by only her acoustic guitar. The effect is equal parts haunting and intense. Lest the mood become too serious, Mann uses her self-deprecating wit and talent for stage banter to keep the audience riveted to her shows.

For the past year, Mann has been working with indie rock superstar Ted Leo, with the duo releasing an album under the moniker of Both. Thus, Aimee Mann fans can not only hear her perform material she wrote alongside Leo, but during live shows a few of her older songs find their way onto set lists or encores.

In fact, her new material with Leo is much more upbeat than some of her previous work. Perhaps influenced by her counterpart, the material she's crafted for the Both tour possesses almost a punk-pop swagger that's refreshing and exciting to hear live.

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One of the best shows I've ever been to! Love, love her and her music and her live performances don't disappoint. She witty, funny, and not afraid to be honest and real. Her opening act was great, and it was nice to see the opener and main show come together. Also, the venue was beautiful and kinda small, which only added to the experience. She is beautiful and amazing, and I would definitely go again.

MaggieKG’s profile image

Another exceptional performance by Aimee. This was my fourth time seeing her live.

The set list was a little bit more downbeat than previous years, but still good. I will continue to go to her shows as long as she's touring!

bkhcltnc’s profile image

Ammie Manns X-Mas special was wonderful its been a while since Ive enjoyed anything good or new for X-Mas, and Ammie did it. The last new thing I liked is CHRISTMAS WRAPPING by the WAITRESSES. So Ammie is now the front runner

mark-gayeski’s profile image

Great show! Small venue which was great. Apparently it was the same set as her Park West show, but I didn't go to that one. The backing band was awesome, solid. Overall a very enjoyable show.

dadams.chi’s profile image

Hello, Aimee! When will you come to Brazil or Latin America? I have missed when you came to Argentina about a decade ago and you have never come back. We miss you in South America.

fabio-ornelas’s profile image

It was a fantastic show. All of the performances were wonderful. A beautiful night and fabulous music performed by a host of talented people! Yay Lincoln Center Out Of Doors!

meredith-brothers’s profile image

Aimee Mann's voice is so amazing, it seems inhuman. I've always loved her music, but seeing her live was an experience. I'll probably see her every time she comes to town!

Saltmania’s profile image

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Aimee Mann

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Biografie - Aimee Mann

Aimee mann fan-report: bewertungen und rezensionen, 12 bewertungen (ø 4,25), happy-sadness der besonderen art.

Kann man mit traurigen Liedern sein Publikum glücklich machen? Aimee Mann bewies an diesem Abend, dass dieses Paradoxon definitiv der Wahrheit und auch ihrem musikalischen Repertoire entspricht. Im gut besuchten Gloria Theater lieferte sie an diesem Abend einen sagenhaft intensiven und persönlichen Auftritt ab, der auch technisch keine Wünsche offen lies. Eingängige Melodien, bewegende Texte und gute Soundqualität. Was will man als Konzertbesucher mehr? Abgerundet wurde der Abend von ihrem Support-Act Jonathan Coulton, welcher auch einige der Songs auf ihrem neuen Album geschrieben hat. So kam es dazu, dass sowohl Aimee als auch Jonathan im Set des jeweils anderen mitwirkten und so den Abend noch abwechslungsreicher machten. Alles in allem macht dieser Auftritt Lust auf mehr. Singer-Songwriting auf ganz hohem Niveau. Gerne gerne wieder!!!

Tolles Konzert

Incl. Support Jonathan Coulton, beide gigs waren super, Künstler haben sich gegenseitig auf die Bühne geholt! Tolle location auf der Reeperbahn.

Super Event!!!

Aimee Mann ist eine großartige Künstlerin. Sie live zu sehen und hören ist immer wieder ein tolles Erlebnis. Ihre Stimme klingt live einfach fantastisch. Und das Gloria in Köln ist dafür die perfekte Lokation. Ich würde immer wieder hingehen.

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Aimee Mann Tickets

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Nach fünf Jahren Kreativpause veröffentlicht Aimee Mann endlich ihr langersehntes neues Album. Im Gegensatz zum rockigeren Vorgänger „Charmer“ besinnt sich die Künstlerin auf dem neuen Werk „Mental Illness“ wieder auf ihre Wurzeln. Die (Be)-sinnlichkeit in ihren Songs ist endlich wieder da. Aimee Mann macht da weiter, wo sie mit „Wise Up“ und dem epischen Magnolia-Soundtrack aufgehört hat. Am 22.10.17 verzaubert sie damit alle Hamburger im Mojo Club live.

Die melancholische Dichte aller Songs auf „Mental Illness“ gibt dem Hörer das Gefühl zurück, er säße unmittelbar am Set von Magnolia und sähe Meisterregisseur David Lynch bei der Arbeit zu. Dabei hat der Titel „Mental Illness“ vordergründig nichts mit der weltpolitischen Entwicklung zu tun. Ein Freund habe ihr zu dem Titel geraten, als dieser Aimee Mann fragte, worüber das neue Album denn handele und sie mit „…dem üblichen Wahnsinn…“ antwortete.

Nichtsdestotrotz darf man „Mental Illness“ getrost als Statement einer Künstlerin ansehen, die ihren eigenen Blick auf den aktuellen US-Präsidenten hat: „Ich bin, wie viele andere auch, 100%-ig sicher, dass Trump an einer ‚narzisstischen Persönlichkeitssörung‘ leidet. Ob das allerdings ausreicht, um ihm eine Geisteskrankheit zu attestieren, weiß ich nicht.“ Zumindest handeln einige Songs auf „Mental Illness“ von einem Soziopathen… Im Oktober kommt Aimee Mann , die die berühmte NEW YORK TIMES einmal als ‚eine der besten Songwriter ihrer Generation‘ nannte, für drei Shows nach Deutschland.

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“The theatrical prompt puts good use to Mann’s more maudlin songwriting instincts and gives her occasion to indulge in lush orchestrations.” —The New York Times

“Queens of the Summer Hotel is nearly flawless.” —No Depression

In support of the new release, Mann confirms a select run of headlining tour dates this fall and winter. Kicking off on November 13, the shows include multiple performances at Los Angeles’ Largo at the Coronet and New York’s City Winery.

Mann started developing the new music in 2018 when she agreed to write songs for a stage adaptation of Girl, Interrupted, Susannah Kaysen’s memoir about her psychiatric hospitalization in the late 1960s. It was material that Mann understood well, having had her own struggles with mental illness. The resulting music comes together in Queens of The Summer Hotel.

In many ways Queens of The Summer Hotel is the unintentional part two to Mann’s 2017’s Grammy-winning album Mental Illness , both exploring themes of self-harm, depression and suicide. However, Queens of The Summer Hotel was written more quickly than any of Mann’s previous records. The assignment to write songs for someone else’s project offered Manna sense of liberation, freeing her to enter another person’s consciousness and story—and a brand-new set of musical structures—through the lens of Kaysen’s own alienation. Although several different characters narrate the songs, they’re not strictly tied to any narrative. But together, they form a portrait of one woman’s crisis of disassociation as seen through another woman’s eyes.

After several albums with ’Til Tuesday, Mann began her solo career in 1993 with the album Whatever and made a name for herself through her independent success and the founding of her record label, SuperEgo Records. Along the way, Mann forged a powerful new sound driven by her distinctive singing style—stripped-down, folky, acoustic but also forceful and cerebral, exploring psychological themes with dark wit and an eye for the world’s ugliest power plays.

In 2017, Mann released her acclaimed album Mental Illness , which won Best Folk Album at the 60th Annual Grammy Awards. The New York Times proclaimed, “ Mental Illness wallows in its troubles, and it’s an exquisite wallow,” while the Los Angeles Times declared “Every doomed syllable is sacred and every tragic rhyme fits, as though each song were a puzzle to which only Mann knows the solution.”

In addition to her solo albums, she has appeared on many film soundtracks, most notably the score for Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia , with “Save Me” landing her Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for Best Original Song. Mann has also made numerous cameo appearances in films such as The Big Lebowski and TV shows like Portlandia and The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story , in which she sang an indelible cover of The Cars’ song “Drive.” Other extracurricular activities include performing for President Obama and the First Lady at the White House and starting a Podcast with Ted Leo called “The Art of Process.”

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Aimee Mann :: Charmer

Aimee Mann

Aimee Mann - Albumcover von "Charmer" Foto: V2. All rights reserved.

Man hat diese Stimme ja durchaus vermisst. Zumindest, wenn mal wieder im Nachtprogramm eine Wiederholung von „Magnolia“ lief, und diese wundervolle Szene kommt, in der die Protagonisten leise, verzweifelt, eindringlich „Save Me“ singen. Dass Aimee Mann mehr Können im Oeuvre hat als die paar Songs für den zu Recht gefeierten Soundtrack sollte sich inzwischen herumgesprochen haben.

Vier Jahre sind ins Land gegangen seit ihrem letzten Album „@#%&*! Smilers“. Ihr neues, achtes Studioalbum erscheint bei uns am 21. September. Es hört auf den Namen „Charmer“ und der Titelsong, den sie momentan via NPR als freien Download anbietet, ist genau das. Ein Charmeur – beschwingte, kraftvolle Popmusik, natürlich mit Manns unvergleichlicher Stimme, die hier eher lakonisch denn um Rettung barmend klingt. Lediglich das Keyboard hätte man sich ein wenig dezenter gewünscht, das tackert „Charmer“ nämlich doch vielleicht ein wenig mehr in die 80er, als der Song verdient hat. Dafür sind die Lyrics recht treffend. Wer kennt sie nicht, diese „Charmer“, denen man immer wieder erliegt, obwohl man ihnen nicht so recht trauen will…

„When you’re a charmer The apples fall And you’re quite the little collector You got ‘em all

When you’re a charmer People respond They can’t see the hidden agenda You got them along“

Das Album „Charmer“ ist laut Mann übrigens vom „Super Pop“ der 70er und 80er inspiriert, was dann wohl die Keyboards erklärt und erahnen lässt, dass man sie noch öfter hören wird auf dem Album. Produziert wurde es von Ryan Freeland, aufgenommen hat sie es im Stampede Origin Recording Studio in Los Angeles. Freuen darf man sich auf das Duett „Living A Lie“, das sie zusammen mit James Mercer von den Shins singt.

Auf Tour kommt Aimee Mann dann Angang 2013. Hier die Daten:

20.01.2013 Berlin – Columbia Club

21.01.2013 Hamburg – Fabrik

22.01.2013 Köln – Gloria

>>>> Download: Aimee Mann – „Charmer“ (rechte Maustaste, „Sichern unter…“)

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  • I'm with Stupid  ( 60 )
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  • Lost In Space  ( 76 )
  • Mental Illness  ( 58 )
  • The Aimee Mann and Ted Leo Christmas Show  ( 8 )
  • The Forgotten Arm  ( 52 )
  • The Return of Aimee Mann's Christmas Show  ( 8 )
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with special guest Jonathan Coulton

  • Date Mar. 04 , 2024
  • Event Starts 8:00 PM
  • Venue Turner Hall Ballroom
  • Doors Open 7:00 PM
  • On Sale Availability On Sale Now

Event Details

Aimee Mann is one of the most distinguished singer-songwriters of her generation. Her successful solo career has spanned several decades with several Grammy nominations, two Grammy award and the release of nine critically acclaimed solo albums, including the profoundly popular soundtrack for the film Magnolia, which garnered an Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination for Best Song in 2000. Her 2018 album, "Mental Illness", won a Grammy for Best Folk Album.

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For group sales information, please email  [email protected]  or call (414) 286-6200. Inquiries can also be submitted via our  Group Sales Page .

Please note that group rates are typically offered for groups of 20 or more, but are sometimes offered for groups of 10 or more. Discounts range from 10-20% but vary from show to show (not all shows support a group rate due to high demand or other restrictions).

Bag Policy & Prohibited Items

SMALL PURSES ONLY, PLEASE. PURSES ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH To efficiently create a positive and safe experience for all patrons, only small purses (13″W x 4″D x 9″H and smaller) are allowed into the theater and all are subject to search.

All other bags  including backpacks and oversized purses are  strictly prohibited  and  bag storage is NOT available  at The Pabst, The Riverside, Turner Hall Ballroom or The Back Room @ Colectivo.  

THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE PROHIBITED AND ARE NOT ALLOWED INTO ANY OF THE VENUES. Weapons, laser pens, signs, banners, electronic smoking devices (vapes, Juuls, etc.), oversized bags, backpacks, outside food and beverages including water, cans, bottles, alcohol, illegal substances, iPads/tablets, selfie sticks, laptops, professional audio recording devices (unless approved by artist), and any professional photography equipment. The use of vape pens inside the venues are prohibited as well.  

PLAN AHEAD: LEAVE YOURSELF EXTRA TIME Plan to arrive 30 minutes before you want to be in your seat  to allow time to go through our security check.  Please leave large bags at home or in your car.

We are not responsible for any personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Thank you for helping to make all of our events efficient, enjoyable and safe for all.

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    Melde dich für den Aimee Mann Ticketalarm an und sichere dir Tickets für Aimee Mann bei Eventim! ... (1995) bereitete. Erneut waren die Kritiken besser als die Verkaufszahlen. 1998 hatte Aimee Mann einen Kurzauftritt als deutsche Nihilistin in dem Film The Big Lebowski. Größerer Erfolg war Aimee Mann beschert, als sie 1999 acht Titel zum Soundtrack des Films Magnolia beisteuerte, darunter ...

  4. aimeemann2023 :Aimee Mann

    Upcoming Tour Dates. Music. Queens of the Summer Hotel. 2021. BUY NOW. Mental Illness. 2017. BUY NOW. Charmer. 2012. BUY NOW @#&*! Simlers. 2008. BUY NOW. One More Drifter in the Snow. 2006. BUY NOW . The Forgotten Arm. 2005. BUY NOW. Lost in Space. 2002. BUY NOW. Magnolia (Music from the Motion Picture) 1999. BUY NOW. Bachelor No. 2 ( Or, the Last Remains of the Dodo) 2000. BUY NOW. I\'m With ...

  5. Aimee Mann

    Werk. Aimee Mann besuchte ab 1978 das Berklee College of Music in Boston, brach ihr Studium aber nach der Zwischenprüfung ab, um mit ihrer ersten Punk-Rock-Band The Young Snakes Musik zu machen. Die Band veröffentlichte 1982 die EP Bark Along With The Young Snakes.. 1983 war sie Mitgründerin der New-Wave-Band 'Til Tuesday.Deren erstes Album Voices Carry erreichte Platz 19 der ...

  6. ROLLING STONE präsentiert: Aimee Mann live in Deutschland

    Aimee Mann kommt im Oktober für drei Auftritte nach Deutschland. ROLLING STONE präsentiert.

  7. Aimee Mann Tickets 2024

    Aimee Mann Tickets für alle Konzerte der aktuellen Aimee Mann Tour. Top Auswahl für günstige Aimee Mann Tickets mit super Sitzplätzen. Sichern Sie sich Ihre Aimee Mann Eintrittskarte für alle Aimee Mann Konzerte 2024.

  8. Aimee Mann Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024)

    Aimee Mann tours & concert list along with photos, videos, and setlists of their live performances.

  9. Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann wurde als Tour-Opener von Steely Dan gestrichen ... Highlights waren Deutschland-Gigs von Depeche Mode, The XX oder Bob Dylan. Doch auch im zweiten Halbjahr 2017 geben viele Stars ...

  10. Aimee Mann Concert Setlists

    The Both Jon Brion Aaron Celentano Dolph Chaney Elvis Costello Madison Cunningham Evan + Zane The Florida Björkestra Ben Folds Alloy Fox Dillon Francis David Garza Mike Gordon Hurray for the Riff Raff Jordan Rowe Ted Leo The Long Winters Aimee Mann & Michael Penn Michael McDermott The Mountain Goats Josh Ritter Squeeze & Aimee Mann 'Til Tuesday Glenn Tilbrook KT Tunstall

  11. Tour Archive

    © 2024 - Aimee Mann. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions. Amazing Websites by

  12. Aimee Mann wurde als Tour-Opener von Steely Dan gestrichen

    Aimee Mann 2020. Foto: Getty Images. Roy Rochlin. All rights reserved. Die Gründe für das Ende der Zusammenarbeit sind auch der Sängerin nicht bekannt. In einem handgezeichneten Comic, den sie...

  13. Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann macht da weiter, wo sie mit „Wise Up" und dem epischen Magnolia-Soundtrack aufgehört hat. Am 22.10.17 verzaubert sie damit alle Hamburger im Mojo Club live.

  14. Review: Aimee Mann

    Jetzt erst recht, dachte sich Aimee Mann: Ihr findet mich traurig, kriegt ihr eben eine Depriplatte. So lässt sich die Geschichte zum neuen Album der US-amerikanischen Songschreiberin erzählen.

  15. Tickets und Termine für Aimee Mann live on Tour

    Momentan sind uns keine Termine bekannt. LAUT.DE-PORTRÄT Aimee Mann. Aimee Mann gehört mit Künstlerinnen wie Heather Nova und Tori Amos zu den faszinierenden Songwriterinnen, die in...

  16. Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann wurde als Tour-Opener von Steely Dan gestrichen. Neuerscheinungen . 8 neue Alben, die sich diese Woche lohnen (und ein Ausfall) Hier anhören: Franz Ferdinand veröffentlichen Anti ...

  17. Aimee Mann

    Queens of The Summer Hotel, the new album from Aimee Mann, is out now via her own Super Ego Records. In support of the new release, Mann confirms a select run of headlining tour dates this fall and winter.

  18. Aimee Mann wurde als Tour-Opener von Steely Dan gestrichen

    Aimee Mann 2020. Roy Rochlin Getty Images. Mittlerweile wird Mann auf der Website von Steely Dan auch nicht mehr als Tour-Opener aufgeführt. Anschließend postete sie auf Twitter: „Alles sei...

  19. Tour Info

    © 2024 - Aimee Mann. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions. Amazing Websites by

  20. Review: Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann wurde als Tour-Opener von Steely Dan gestrichen Die Gründe für das Ende der Zusammenarbeit sind auch der Sängerin nicht bekannt. Von Rolling Stone

  21. Review: Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann :: Charmer. von RS 13.08.2012 . Artikel Teilen

  22. Aimee Mann Tour Statistics: 2022

    Artists. > M. > Mann, Aimee. > Tour Statistics. Song. Tour Statistics. Other. Songs. Albums. Avg Setlist. Covers. With. Concert Map. Songs played by year: 2022. View the statistics of songs played live by Aimee Mann. Have a look which song was played how often in 2022!

  23. Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann is one of the most distinguished singer-songwriters of her generation. Her successful solo career has spanned several decades with several Grammy nominations, two Grammy award and the release of nine critically acclaimed solo albums, including the profoundly popular soundtrack for the film Magnolia, which garnered an Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination for Best Song in 2000.