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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure , Romance , Action , Historical genres. Written by the Author Nick_alderson . Read A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan novel online for free.

  •   -1 - Period Informations & Locations
  •   Chapter 1 - The Rice Fields
  •   -2 - Glossary of Characters
  •   Chapter 2 - A Broken Home
  •   Chapter 3 - Yumi Crafting
  •   Chapter 4 - Revenge
  •   Chapter 5 - A Deal
  •   Chapter 6 - Connections
  •   Chapter 7 - The Swan
  •   Chapter 8 - Niwa Akiko
  •   Chapter 9 - Market Day
  •   Chapter 10 - The Philosophy of the Sword
  •   Chapter 11 - The Horse and The Prince
  •   Chapter 12 - A Miserable Morning
  •   Chapter 13 - The Scorn of The Village
  •   Chapter 14 - Mount Fujiyama
  •   Chapter 15 - The Peaceful Lake and the Heavy Heart
  •   Chapter 16 - Flooding
  •   Chapter 17 - A Plan
  •   Chapter 18 - The Master
  •   Chapter 19 - Due Preparations
  •   Chapter 20 - Fight Day
  •   Chapter 21 - The Slaughter Begins
  •   Chapter 22 - Aftermath
  •   Chapter 23 - Pleasant
  •   Chapter 24 - Madness
  •   Chapter 25 - The Gaze of a Slighted Man
  •   Chapter 26 - Justice?
  •   Chapter 27 - The Price of Misinformation
  •   Chapter 28 - Bowmanship

A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

Hot adventure novel, martial world, fey evolution merchant, dual cultivator reborn [system in the cultivation world], legend of swordsman, martial god asura, battle through the heavens, emperor's domination, shadow slave, reincarnated with the strongest system, lord of the mysteries.


A Time Traveller's Guide to Feudal Japan

Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us? A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family. But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan. //Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane. The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster. Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pass? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth? Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand. "OORAH!" Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war god, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear. The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him. "ARM THESE SPEARS MEN! VICTORY SHALL BE OURS!" He stood in front of the charge of over 150 horsemen, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had accumulated in his body over these past years. The horsemen shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader. //I did not create the book cover. All credits go to the original creator.

They walked the streets with authority. The new men eyed the numerous corpses of the guards with shock. By now, the selected men had returned to the group, and they spread words of theirs and their leader's exploits. It did not take long for the story to circulate, and the men began to look at their leader in a new light.

They had seen what he was capable of when he sought to recruit them, but learning this made them clench their fists, and caused their hearts to beat faster with excitement. Not only was he a strong man, he was also terrifyingly competent. His method for capturing Okazaki had been perfect. There might have been numerous strategical ploys that he could have used, but he took the city from the enemy without losing a single man.

Perhaps his cause wasn't so lost, then. Perhaps even against Imagawa, they could cause damage, even if their force were not to grow since then.

They continuing chirping amongst themselves, as Gengyo lead by the front, talking with Jikouji.

"They're excited now. You just had to go and show off, didn't you?" The old man scolded. He was well aware of what the boy had been thinking. He was capable of thinking up something a little less risky, but he had settled on this merely for the excitement it would stir.

"It's fine, it's it?" He smiled at one of the cautious civilians as he made his reply. They were still hesitant about coming within striking range, but now that the guards were dead, they had no one to hide behind. "The commander made mention of a governor. I'm thinking that we pay him a visit. We might be able to use him." 

"A governor, eh? It would have been nice if we had something of that sort in Toyokawa, but all the administrative forces fled as soon as they learned of the death of their commander… It seems luck certainly was not with us." The old man lamented. "But still, trusting them – that's a stretch, isn't it?"

"What does it matter if they betray us? They will not be able to summon any forces to cause us any problems. We merely conquer, and ask of them what we require, before moving on. If they choose to remain loyal, then they will be rewarded once we have our victory. But if not, well, there are always new people we can put in charge."

"Old Imagawa isn't going to like this. First Toyokawa and now Okazaki in less than twenty-four hours. I'm sure he's starting to feel something akin to irritation."

"I imagine he is, and I do enjoy the picture of seeing his many chins wobble. But we will continue to move forward as such."

"That rice you sowed is of little use now… We did not have the time to wait to properly use it."

"No, but it will be useful in the future. It's a shame that we did not go on the warpath earlier in the year, then we could have ensured that all of Mikawa had hoed extra farmland to make way for more rice."

"That building's sizeable enough to house a governor. Should we pay him a visit?" Jikouji asked, noting a three storied building in the distance. It was rather grand indeed.

"Aye, that we will."

Their mass of five hundred men continued to crowd the streets as they drew closer to the mansion, and the civilians watched on with pained disgust and anguish. But all the while, Gengyo wore a carefree and kind smile, as though he were just another peace-loving monk. The blood on his orange robes did not do its part in making that image believable, however.

A pair of guards stood at the entrance to the courtyard, unwilling to move.

"STEP BACK FROM THE HOUSE OF THE GOVERNOR!" They barked, thinking that the loudness of their voices would do something to deter a five hundred strong army.

"Eh… We're just visiting. Is the governor this rude to all of his visitors?" Gengyo asked, looking hurt.

They stared at each other, the fear obvious in their eyes, but they made no attempt to reply, and simply held their yari lowered and crossed, preventing anyone from moving forward.

"Now this is quite the problem indeed. We merely wish to speak to your governor. We do not intend to kill you, nor anyone inside, nor even your precious governor. So, do us the honour of standing down, will you?" Gengyo attempted to convince them.

"WE OPERATE ON ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR. WE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN LEAVE THEM DISSATISFIED." They shouted pretentiously, though the polearms their wielded were quivering.

"I could just jump over and run in…" Gengyo reckoned, looking towards Jikouji for his approval.

"Enough! Stand down!" A voice came from inside the mansion, as a woman of elderly appearance slowly made her way down the steps. "You have come to take our city, then? And you look for the life of this old governor?" She spoke up them. Her voice was not indictive of her age. It was pleasant, and clear, and contained within it was the power that came as the result of decades of firm rule.

It took Gengyo a moment to collect himself before he made his reply. A woman? That was certainly unexpected. "How about you marry my friend, here? He's been quite lonely as of late." He opened with, pointing towards Jikouji.

Chapter 1: The Rice Fields

"Technological genius – Kasai Gengyo."

That seemed to be the only title people could use to describe him.

In his field of robotics, he was amongst the best. But that was all he had in his life – his work. The man never once desired the fame, or the money that came with his success. A simple life. Enough money to feed his family and live comfortably – providing that he had a family in the first place.

His only friend was his own creation. The world's first A.I. more intelligent than any human – SAPPHIRE. SAPPHIRE then produced an A.I. more intelligent than itself, and the process repeated. Till in the end, the peak of artificial intelligence was reached – the SAPPHIRE-1000.

Gengyo did not release this technology to the world.

No. He kept this technology to himself and at the age of 40 years old, he had one final question for it.

"Would it be possible for me to travel through time? To a simpler place… without computers. Somewhere where I can start a family in peace."

The response from the system was instantaneous.

[Request confirmed. Beginning transition…]

Gengyo was startled. He had not expected it to begin right away – he merely wanted to confirm the possibility.

"SAPPHIRE-1000! Wait! There are too many neg-"

But his voice was cut off as the room around him started to dissolve, replaced by an infinite blackness.

It was May in the province of Mikawa, and the rice fields were being ploughed and levelled ready for this year's seedlings. All the peasants above a certain age were helping out in the fields.

"Oi… Yoritomo, don't you think it's unfair that people get away with doing less work than us?"

"Mmm, yeah the old women and stuff… and Miura over there…"

"Look at him, Yoritomo. He's even got the nerve to take a break when he barely does any work."

"Huh? You're right… fuck. That's annoying. We could probably mess with him a bit, what d'ya reckon, Aritada?"

Aritada took a quick glance around the field to see if anyone was looking. No one would stick up for Miura, but still, it would better to do it without anyone noticing.

Everyone else was still hoeing away, eyes on their task. The sun was high and the day was scolding. The bamboo hats helped to take the worst of the heat away from the head.

Chuckling, Aritada's eyes narrowed as he picked up a stone and took aim.

Gengyo received a sudden blow to the temple, startling him out of his thoughts.

He felt the wound on his head with his fingers, as they returned sticky with blood.

'This pain... This blood. The sensations are too real for it to be a dream. But this body is certainly not my own - my hands were never this small, or this young.'

He glanced toward the two teens who were jeering at him, celebrating a successful strike.

Yoritomo was hunched over howling with laughter.

"Hahahaha, what a throw. The look on his stupid face!"

Whilst Aritada had a pleased expression on his face.

"Mmm, that'll teach him to slack off!"

Gengyo could hear every word of their conversation, and it did not take him long to piece the events together in his head.

'So… This is a different body? Interesting. I had wondered how my body might be able to deal with the stresses of time travel, but it seemed that was the wrong line of thought Still, this is quite the odd happening.'

The problem of time travel had been broached by many scientists, and the most reputable concluded it impossible. Einstein supposed that one would have travel faster than the speed of light – which is impossible for anybody with mass. Indeed, he was right. But who needs the body in order to time travel? Sentience is weightless.

But of course, such a conclusion was not the hard-earned result of a human mind. It was borne of the quick calculation ability of the SAPPHIRE-1000 A.I. system.

'Judging by the dress – those worn, ragged kimonos that are much too short, and those simple sandals on their feet. And the tools they're using… It seems I'm somewhere in the Edo period. Perhaps even earlier.'

"What a freak... That way he's looking at us, man. Does he want another stone his way?"

'Mmm. I appear to be the source of quite a bit of animosity. Was the previous host of this body a weakling? Perhaps. For now though, it would be best to keep my head down, and perform as is expected of me, so that I can gather some information.'

Wisely choosing to ignore the antagonism of the teens for now, Gengyo wielded his hoe with an enthusiastic vigour.

"Wow… look at him go. Perhaps we should throw more stones at him in future? At this rate he's going to be doing double the work."

Yoritomo nodded in agreement, whilst leaning on his hoe and with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Well, guess we can rest a bit. We deserve it right?"

"Too right. We shouldn't even be here man. We're soldiers! Look at these arms."

"Yeah. You're right. Totally right. We should be in old Yoshimoto's army getting ready to conquer Owari.

Gengyo heard every word they uttered, and froze slightly at the mention of 'old Yoshimoto' and Owari.

"Haha, listen to you calling our lord Imagawa 'old Yoshimoto'. You're a bold man Aritada. We'll definitely get our chance as soldiers – and then the whole of Japan will be calling our names. Yoritomo of the thousand cuts! People will travel from all over Japan just to bear witness to my swordsmanship."

'Shit… You're kidding. Imagawa Yoshimoto? To think, people refer to me as a genius, yet my own creation seems to have gone against me. Not only did SAPPHIRE send me back without asking for confirmation, it also sent me to a time as rotten as this. Peace - that was the plan.'

"Stupid… you don't even know how to swing a sword yet. Anyway we're definitely going to be yari…"

Yoritomo flinched a little at that, and scratched his head. He knew the truth of Aritada's words. The peasants would be merely be yari ashigaru – simple spear units – or if they had some skill with the bow, they might be might be yumi ashigaru.

"Hmph. Maybe I'll get some good loot in Owari and be rich enough to marry into a samurai family. Then I won't have to do this stupid ploughing anymore."

"Dream on. You know what the samurai families are like. There's no way they'll marry their oh-so-pure daughters off to peasant scum like us. You've seen the way the landowner looks down on us. He treats his fucking oxen better than us!"

At that Yoritomo grinned lecherously.

"Yeah, those women aren't as pure as you reckon. I've seen a few of them drunk – they're even dirtier than the village girls. Some even gave me some action – they may as well have married me."

"What bullshit. You can't even get the village girls to look your way with a mug like that. No chance those pompous little samurai daughters would even spare you a word – never mind their bodies."

"Whatever. Your loss."

The lamentations of the two peasant teens were heard by Gengyo, and he shared some of the sentiments as he continued to hoe at the ground.

'Mmm. The life of a peasant in this time period is tough, with the food taxes and compulsory military service when the landholder calls. In order to live as long as possible, and have any chance at starting a family, I'd have to…'

Gengyo froze his digging on that line of thought, and quickly admonished the plan he was about to propose.

'No. I can't spend this life dedicating myself to work just for the sake of money. It'll be better if I just enjoy what I can with my lot. That will surely be the most fulfilling way to live. Establish myself amongst the lower rungs - they'll be less drama that way.'

Unfortunately Gengyo's small pause was noticed, and another stone came his way.

This one missed – but only by a fraction.

Gengyo looked toward the two teens, only to have Yoritomo shout at him a second later.

"Back to work, shrimp!"

"Yeah you little bastard, it's time you start doing the same amount as the rest of us."

Gengyo studied them with his 40-year-old gaze. They were rather ordinary looking. Not that big, or that muscular, but still the previous host seemed to be completely at their mercy.

'You'd have to be rather weak to be pushed around by these two.'

Even though their actions were violent, he felt more pity for them than he did aminosity. Their behaviour would be correct, in time, but it was disappointing how ignorant they were. For them to behave so confidently despite their lack of any kind of assets was truly a wonder indeed.

But still, he resumed his hoeing without a hint of resentment. It was better not to cause a scene – at least not here.

Gengyo was not unattractive in his previous life, nor was he entirely socially incompetent. It was mere lack of experience caused by over devotion to his craft that was ended up being his weakness.

At the very least, he could confidently look in the eyes of these two pathetic children without fear and without flinching. It was not because of some false arrogance, or a lifetime spent receiving the approval of others. It was simply because he knew their experience to be inferior. No forty year old was going to be pushed around by some snot-nosed brats.

"Man. He's pretty obedient eh? Makes me want to be a samurai even more – having people like that under me."

Aritada looked toward him irritated.

"Can you stop with that shit? It's depressing, man. We can only hope to do well as soldiers. Being a samurai is impossible for us."

Gengyo continued to diligently hoe away. He was unused to the mental strain that physical labour brought, and he was beginning to tire.

'There's got to be a better way of doing this.'

Of course, ploughing could be done using oxen or horses, but Gengyo did not have any of those luxuries available to him. What he was looking for was a difference in technique.

'Like this?'

He adjusted his arms slightly, allowing the weight of the tool to do the work for him.

'Mm. Much easier.'

After reducing the strain on his muscles, he continued to think about his current circumstance.

'I don't know anything about the previous guy's life, or family or anything… It should be my priority to gather as much information as possible.'

Unfortunately, as the time travel was done as a transfer of sentience, only the accumulated experiences and memories of that belonged to him were kept.

His current situation was rather complicated for someone who sought a simple life, given the circumstances of the province in which he was inhabiting, and the social class he now belonged.

And so, he pondered upon the task ahead.

'Given that the land is being prepared the month, should be May. The battle of Okehazama will at most be in a month. Imagawa is going to start calling his men before then… so I need to immediately begin training the bow and get into a yumi unit to avoid being on the front line. That way my survival rate will be much higher.'

'And, since that battle was a complete slaughter for the Imagawa, I'm going to have to find a way of changing history a little…!"

A few hours passed, and an elderly peasant overseeing production on behalf of the landowner announced the end of the day.

"Oyyyyy. Day's over folks. Go home and get some dinner.'

At this Gengyo panicked slightly. He had no idea where his home was, nor who his family members were. He looked around the rice fields wildly for any sign of a family member.

'Sleeping outside on my first night here is going to suck. I wonder if this kid even had any family? Maybe I'm an orphan now…'

With the panic still running riot through his mind, he began to follow the crowd of people already leaving the field.

That was, until, a hand found its way to his shoulder, and the voice of a young woman filled his ear.

'"*Sniff* Tadakata-chan, you were really going to go home without me?"


For all you Strugglers out there, check out my new novel 'A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor'! May your struggles be rewarded!



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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel chapters.

List of most recent chapters published for the A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan novel. A total of 345 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Feb 10, 2022

Latest Release: Chapter 343 - Modern World

  • Chapter -1 - Period Informations & Locations
  • Chapter 1 - The Rice Fields
  • Chapter -2 - Glossary of Characters
  • Chapter 2 - A Broken Home
  • Chapter 3 - Yumi Crafting
  • Chapter 4 - Revenge
  • Chapter 5 - A Deal
  • Chapter 6 - Connections
  • Chapter 7 - The Swan
  • Chapter 8 - Niwa Akiko
  • Chapter 9 - Market Day
  • Chapter 10 - The Philosophy of the Sword
  • Chapter 11 - The Horse and The Prince
  • Chapter 12 - A Miserable Morning
  • Chapter 13 - The Scorn of The Village
  • Chapter 14 - Mount Fujiyama
  • Chapter 15 - The Peaceful Lake and the Heavy Heart
  • Chapter 16 - Flooding
  • Chapter 17 - A Plan
  • Chapter 18 - The Master
  • Chapter 19 - Due Preparations
  • Chapter 20 - Fight Day
  • Chapter 21 - The Slaughter Begins
  • Chapter 22 - Aftermath
  • Chapter 23 - Pleasant
  • Chapter 24 - Madness
  • Chapter 25 - The Gaze of a Slighted Man
  • Chapter 26 - Justice?
  • Chapter 27 - The Price of Misinformation
  • Chapter 28 - Bowmanship
  • Chapter 29 - Toda The Honourable Samurai
  • Chapter 30 - A Fly on the Wall
  • Chapter 31 - War
  • Chapter 32 - The War Council
  • Chapter 33 - A Harsh Lesson
  • Chapter 34 - The Importance of Family
  • Chapter 35 - A Friend
  • Chapter 36 - An Unexpected Responsibility
  • Chapter 37 - Yumi Ashigaru Exam
  • Chapter 38 - Yumi Ashigaru Exam (2)
  • Chapter 39 - Yari Training
  • Chapter 40 - Yari Training (2)
  • Chapter 41 - Final Preparations
  • Chapter 42 - A Chilling Fog
  • Chapter 43 - Playing With Ants
  • Chapter 44 - Chaos
  • Chapter 45 - An Awakened Giant
  • Chapter 46 - Courage or Folly?
  • Chapter 47 - A Womans Strife
  • Chapter 48 - A Dark Horse
  • Chapter 49 - A Life That Matters
  • Chapter 50 - A True Monster
  • Chapter 51 - A Pyrrhic Victory
  • Chapter 52 - A Final Charge
  • Chapter 53 - A Dream
  • Chapter 54 - Meeting with the Master
  • Chapter 55 - A Funeral Pyre
  • Chapter 56 - A Morbid Ceremony
  • Chapter 57 - A Conversation by the Candlelight
  • Chapter 58 - Into Tobishima
  • Chapter 59 - A Sealed Room
  • Chapter 60 - A Sealed Room (2)
  • Chapter 61 - The Lower Floor
  • Chapter 62 - Tortured Souls
  • Chapter 63 - Retribution
  • Chapter 64 - Righting The Wrongs
  • Chapter 65 - A New Home
  • Chapter 66 - Misunderstandings
  • Chapter 67 - The First Mission
  • Chapter 68 - Toyokawa
  • Chapter 69 - Recruiting
  • Chapter 70 - The Days Before Battle
  • Chapter 71 - The Final Training Session
  • Chapter 72 - The March
  • Chapter 73 - A Different Approach
  • Chapter 74 - A Cunning Plan
  • Chapter 75 - For Victory!
  • Chapter 76 - The Niwa Army
  • Chapter 77 - Favourable Results
  • Chapter 78 - Celebrations
  • Chapter 79 - Tōkaidō Road
  • Chapter 80 - A True Meaning
  • Chapter 81 - The Fury of Battle
  • Chapter 82 - Rejoice!
  • Chapter 83 - Matsudaira Motoyasu
  • Chapter 84 - Dengaku-hazama
  • Chapter 85 - A Storm
  • Chapter 86 - The Start to Chaos
  • Chapter 87 - East
  • Chapter 88 - Onwards
  • Chapter 89 - Betrayal
  • Chapter 90 - Monsters
  • Chapter 91 - Rage
  • Chapter 92 - Announcement
  • Chapter 93 - Death
  • Chapter 94 - A Farm
  • Chapter 95 - The Road Home
  • Chapter 95 - Companionship
  • Chapter 96 - Strangeness
  • Chapter 97 - A Speech

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Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan.//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pass? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand."OORAH!"Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war god, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him."ARM THESE SPEARS MEN! VICTORY SHALL BE OURS!"He stood in front of the charge of over 150 horsemen, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had accumulated in his body over these past years.The horsemen shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.//I did not create the book cover. All credits go to the original creator.

  • A Time Travellers Guide to Feudal Japan

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A Time Traveller’s Guide to Feudal Japan

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

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  • Nick_Alderson


Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?

A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.

But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan.

  • by Nick_Alderson

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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Romance, Action, Historical genres. Written by the author Nick_alderson. 345 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.

Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?

A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.

But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan.

//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.

The hooves grew closer to Nakatane’s position and their beating hearts grew faster.

Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pass? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?

Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.

Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war god, puncturing Ochi’s stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.

The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.


He stood in front of the charge of over 150 horsemen, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had accumulated in his body over these past years.

The horsemen shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

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Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?

A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.

But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan.

//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.

The hooves grew closer to Nakatane’s position and their beating hearts grew faster.

Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pass? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?

Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.

Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war god, puncturing Ochi’s stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.

The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.


He stood in front of the charge of over 150 horsemen, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had accumulated in his body over these past years.

The horsemen shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

6 Latest Chapters [ Updated 3 years ago ]

  • Chapter 343 - Modern World
  • Chapter 342 - Proof of Concept
  • Chapter 341 - New Workspace
  • Chapter 340 - Cheating
  • Chapter 339 - New Weapon
  • Chapter 338 - Relax

Chapter List

  • Chapter -1 - Period Informations & Locations
  • Chapter 1 - The Rice Fields
  • Chapter -2 - Glossary of Characters
  • Chapter 2 - A Broken Home
  • Chapter 3 - Yumi Crafting
  • Chapter 4 - Revenge
  • Chapter 5 - A Deal
  • Chapter 6 - Connections
  • Chapter 7 - The Swan
  • Chapter 8 - Niwa Akiko
  • Chapter 9 - Market Day
  • Chapter 10 - The Philosophy of the Sword
  • Chapter 11 - The Horse and The Prince
  • Chapter 12 - A Miserable Morning
  • Chapter 13 - The Scorn of The Village
  • Chapter 14 - Mount Fujiyama
  • Chapter 15 - The Peaceful Lake and the Heavy Heart
  • Chapter 16 - Flooding
  • Chapter 17 - A Plan
  • Chapter 18 - The Master
  • Chapter 19 - Due Preparations
  • Chapter 20 - Fight Day
  • Chapter 21 - The Slaughter Begins
  • Chapter 22 - Aftermath
  • Chapter 23 - Pleasant
  • Chapter 24 - Madness
  • Chapter 25 - The Gaze of a Slighted Man
  • Chapter 26 - Justice?
  • Chapter 27 - The Price of Misinformation
  • Chapter 28 - Bowmanship
  • Chapter 29 - Toda The Honourable Samurai
  • Chapter 30 - A Fly on the Wall
  • Chapter 31 - War
  • Chapter 32 - The War Council
  • Chapter 33 - A Harsh Lesson
  • Chapter 34 - The Importance of Family
  • Chapter 35 - A Friend
  • Chapter 36 - An Unexpected Responsibility
  • Chapter 37 - Yumi Ashigaru Exam
  • Chapter 38 - Yumi Ashigaru Exam (2)
  • Chapter 39 - Yari Training
  • Chapter 40 - Yari Training (2)
  • Chapter 41 - Final Preparations
  • Chapter 42 - A Chilling Fog
  • Chapter 43 - Playing With Ants
  • Chapter 44 - Chaos
  • Chapter 45 - An Awakened Giant
  • Chapter 46 - Courage or Folly?
  • Chapter 47 - A Womans Strife
  • Chapter 48 - A Dark Horse
  • Chapter 49 - A Life That Matters
  • Chapter 50 - A True Monster
  • Chapter 51 - A Pyrrhic Victory
  • Chapter 52 - A Final Charge
  • Chapter 53 - A Dream
  • Chapter 54 - Meeting with the Master
  • Chapter 55 - A Funeral Pyre
  • Chapter 56 - A Morbid Ceremony
  • Chapter 57 - A Conversation by the Candlelight
  • Chapter 58 - Into Tobishima
  • Chapter 59 - A Sealed Room
  • Chapter 60 - A Sealed Room (2)
  • Chapter 61 - The Lower Floor
  • Chapter 62 - Tortured Souls
  • Chapter 63 - Retribution
  • Chapter 64 - Righting The Wrongs
  • Chapter 65 - A New Home
  • Chapter 66 - Misunderstandings
  • Chapter 67 - The First Mission
  • Chapter 68 - Toyokawa
  • Chapter 69 - Recruiting
  • Chapter 70 - The Days Before Battle
  • Chapter 71 - The Final Training Session
  • Chapter 72 - The March
  • Chapter 73 - A Different Approach
  • Chapter 74 - A Cunning Plan
  • Chapter 75 - For Victory!
  • Chapter 76 - The Niwa Army
  • Chapter 77 - Favourable Results
  • Chapter 78 - Celebrations
  • Chapter 79 - Tōkaidō Road
  • Chapter 80 - A True Meaning
  • Chapter 81 - The Fury of Battle
  • Chapter 82 - Rejoice!
  • Chapter 83 - Matsudaira Motoyasu
  • Chapter 84 - Dengaku-hazama
  • Chapter 85 - A Storm
  • Chapter 86 - The Start to Chaos
  • Chapter 87 - East
  • Chapter 88 - Onwards
  • Chapter 89 - Betrayal
  • Chapter 90 - Monsters
  • Chapter 91 - Rage
  • Chapter 92 - Announcement
  • Chapter 93 - Death
  • Chapter 94 - A Farm
  • Chapter 95 - The Road Home
  • Chapter 95 - Companionship
  • Chapter 96 - Strangeness
  • Chapter 97 - A Speech
  • Chapter 98 - The Fields
  • Chapter 99 - Outlandish
  • Chapter 100 - An Unexpected Guest
  • Chapter 101 - Trust
  • Chapter 102 - Oxen
  • Chapter 103 - Stakeout
  • Chapter 104 - Ploughing
  • Chapter 105 - Mathematics
  • Chapter 106 - Preparations
  • Chapter 107 - Crime
  • Chapter 108 - The Haul
  • Chapter 109 - Merchant Miura
  • Chapter 110 - Work Ethic
  • Chapter 111 - A Surprise
  • Chapter 112 - Whats Her Name?
  • Chapter 113 - The Cove
  • Chapter 114 - Shipwright
  • Chapter 115 - An Oxens Burden
  • Chapter 116 - Worth
  • Chapter 117 - Talent
  • Chapter 118 - Tight-lipped
  • Chapter 119 - Trust
  • Chapter 120 - The First Steps
  • Chapter 121 - Unexpected Visitors
  • Chapter 122 - Judgement
  • Chapter 123 - Effective
  • Chapter 124 - Grateful
  • Chapter 125 - A New Employer
  • Chapter 126 - Future Plans
  • Chapter 127 - A First Impression
  • Chapter 128 - Matchlock Rifle
  • Chapter 129 - The Mission Ahead
  • Chapter 130 - Reign of Terror
  • Chapter 131 - The Raid
  • Chapter 132 - Folly
  • Chapter 133 - Victory?
  • Chapter 134 - Kitajo RETURNS
  • Chapter 135 - Recognition
  • Chapter 136 - Going Away
  • Chapter 137 - Countermeasures
  • Chapter 138 - Depature
  • Chapter 139 - The Heart of an Actress
  • Chapter 140 - Ruthless
  • Chapter 141 - The Second Raid
  • Chapter 142 - The Inn
  • Chapter 143 - Useless
  • Chapter 144 - Fraud
  • Chapter 145 - Consequences
  • Chapter 146 - An Old Monks Wisdom
  • Chapter 147 - Success
  • Chapter 148 - Problems
  • Chapter 149 - Solutions
  • Chapter 150 - The Temple
  • Chapter 151 - The Temple (2)
  • Chapter 152 - Oil and Water
  • Chapter 153 - Demands
  • Chapter 154 - Initiation
  • Chapter 155 - Impossible Odds
  • Chapter 156 - Sleep
  • Chapter 157 - Meditation
  • Chapter 158 - Test
  • Chapter 159 - Techniques
  • Chapter 160 - They Made It
  • Chapter 161 - The Return of a Child
  • Chapter 162 - The Canoneer
  • Chapter 163 - Ninja
  • Chapter 164 - Grandmaster Technique
  • Chapter 165 - The Fight
  • Chapter 166 - The Fight (2)
  • Chapter 167 - The Cannon
  • Chapter 168 - Hidden Technique
  • Chapter 169 - The Lone Dragons Judgement
  • Chapter 170 - At Sea
  • Chapter 171 - At Sea (2)
  • Chapter 172 - The Final Fight
  • Chapter 173 - Bounty
  • Chapter 174 - Home
  • Chapter 175 - Into Toyokawa
  • Chapter 176 - The Crowd, The Servant and The Woman
  • Chapter 177 - Emotion
  • Chapter 178 - Okazaki
  • Chapter 179 - Main Street
  • Chapter 180 - Governor
  • Chapter 181 - Firearms
  • Chapter 182 - Plans
  • Chapter 183 - Wedding
  • Chapter 184 - March
  • Chapter 185 - The Forest
  • Chapter 186 - Tricky
  • Chapter 187 - Imagawa Castle
  • Chapter 188 - March
  • Chapter 189 - Cannonball
  • Chapter 190 - The Messenger
  • Chapter 191 - Negotiations
  • Chapter 192 - Inwards
  • Chapter 193 - Repairs
  • Chapter 194 - For Hire
  • Chapter 195 - Treasure
  • Chapter 197 - Scout
  • Chapter 198 - Arrival
  • Chapter 199 - Declarations
  • Chapter 200 - Tunnels
  • Chapter 201 - Siege
  • Chapter 202 - Innovations
  • Chapter 203 - Bang
  • Chapter 204 - Hard Work
  • Chapter 205 - Unfortunate
  • Chapter 206 - A Plan
  • Chapter 207 - Stampede
  • Chapter 208 - Surrender
  • Chapter 209 - Very good.
  • Chapter 210 - Fight?
  • Chapter 211 - Casual Steps
  • Chapter 212 - Sake
  • Chapter 213 - Hangover
  • Chapter 214 - Tired Steps
  • Chapter 215 - Grand Goals
  • Chapter 216 - A Cunning Plan
  • Chapter 217 - The Grunts of a Piggie
  • Chapter 218 - Insanity?
  • Chapter 219 - Zenok
  • Chapter 220 - A Childish General
  • Chapter 221 - Fire
  • Chapter 222 - Another Wild Night
  • Chapter 223 - Inwards
  • Chapter 224 - Squeals
  • Chapter 225 - Revenge
  • Chapter 226 - The Miura Clan
  • Chapter 227 - A Vow
  • Chapter 228 - Focus
  • Chapter 229 - Wine
  • Chapter 230 - A Dog
  • Chapter 231 - A Drunk General
  • Chapter 232 - Takeda Shingen
  • Chapter 233 - Takeda Shingen(1)
  • Chapter 234 - Takeda Shingen(2)
  • Chapter 235 - The Ride
  • Chapter 236 - Peasant Lord
  • Chapter 237 - Oda Nobunaga
  • Chapter 238 - Winds of Battle
  • Chapter 239 - A Leaders Prospective
  • Chapter 240 - An Old Mans Deceit
  • Chapter 241 - Lightning
  • Chapter 242 - Parlay
  • Chapter 243 - Loose Words
  • Chapter 244 - Matsudairas Efforts
  • Chapter 245 - Surprises
  • Chapter 246 - Outnumbered
  • Chapter 247 - Mounting Opposition
  • Chapter 248 - Two Pieces
  • Chapter 249 - Man Down
  • Chapter 250 - A Battle To Win
  • Chapter 251 - Bloodied
  • Chapter 252 - Group Up
  • Chapter 253 - The Strongest Swordsman in History
  • Chapter 254 - A God
  • Chapter 255 - Glass Formation
  • Chapter 256 - Actor
  • Chapter 257 - Dead Man
  • Chapter 258 - Brother
  • Chapter 259 - A True Lord
  • Chapter 260 - Honourable Takeda-dono
  • Chapter 261 - Ridiculous Idea
  • Chapter 262 - Hes Mad
  • Chapter 263 - War and Peace
  • Chapter 264 - By the Candlelight
  • Chapter 265 - Long Reaching
  • Chapter 266 - Nobler
  • Chapter 267 - Wealth
  • Chapter 268 - Reconciliation
  • Chapter 269 - The Feast
  • Chapter 270 - The Feast(2)
  • Chapter 271 - Training
  • Chapter 272 - Training(2)
  • Chapter 273 - Training(3)
  • Chapter 274 - Letter
  • Chapter 275 - Departure
  • Chapter 276 - Ride
  • Chapter 277 - Waiting
  • Chapter 278 - Uesugi Kenshin
  • Chapter 279 - Oda Nobunaga(1)
  • Chapter 280 - Ninja
  • Chapter 281 - Wounded
  • Chapter 282 - Return
  • Chapter 283 - Accident
  • Chapter 284 - Plan
  • Chapter 285 - Campaign
  • Chapter 286 - Problem
  • Chapter 287 - Solution
  • Chapter 288 - The Forest
  • Chapter 289 - A Few Shots
  • Chapter 290 - Fire
  • Chapter 291 - Mission
  • Chapter 292 - Return
  • Chapter 293 - Medic
  • Chapter 294 - March
  • Chapter 295 - Retreat
  • Chapter 296 - March
  • Chapter 297 - Form Up
  • Chapter 298 - Cards
  • Chapter 299 - Entanglement
  • Chapter 300 - My Turn
  • Chapter 301 - Car Crash
  • Chapter 302 - Monsters
  • Chapter 303 - Victory
  • Chapter 304 - Kneel
  • Chapter 305 - Allies and Enemies
  • Chapter 306 - Ashes
  • Chapter 307 - Honour
  • Chapter 308 - Conquerers
  • Chapter 309 - Arrival
  • Chapter 310 - Fortress
  • Chapter 311 - Starry Sky
  • Chapter 312 - Cold Morning
  • Chapter 313 - Breakfast
  • Chapter 314 - Watchmen
  • Chapter 315 - Amusing
  • Chapter 316 - Reunited
  • Chapter 317 - Plans
  • Chapter 318 - To Future Victories
  • Chapter 319 - A Game
  • Chapter 320 - Small Chance
  • Chapter 321 - Drunken Fist
  • Chapter 322 - Drunken Generals
  • Chapter 323 - Rude
  • Chapter 324 - Shaken Hive
  • Chapter 325 - The Music of Cannon fire
  • Chapter 326 - Morning
  • Chapter 327 - Retreat
  • Chapter 328 - Armour
  • Chapter 329 - Demons
  • Chapter 330 - Seeds of Chaos
  • Chapter 331 - More Targets
  • Chapter 332 - Cunning
  • Chapter 333 - Careful Calculations
  • Chapter 334 - Swirling Formation
  • Chapter 335 - Machine
  • Chapter 336 - Carnage
  • Chapter 337 - Luxury

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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A time traveller's guide to feudal japan-chapter 1 - the rice fields.

"Technological genius – Kasai Gengyo."

That seemed to be the only title people could use to describe him.

In his field of robotics, he was amongst the best. But that was all he had in his life – his work. The man never once desired the fame, or the money that came with his success. A simple life. Enough money to feed his family and live comfortably – providing that he had a family in the first place.

His only friend was his own creation. The world's first A.I. more intelligent than any human – SAPPHIRE. SAPPHIRE then produced an A.I. more intelligent than itself, and the process repeated. Till in the end, the peak of artificial intelligence was reached – the SAPPHIRE-1000.

Gengyo did not release this technology to the world.

No. He kept this technology to himself and at the age of 40 years old, he had one final question for it.

"Would it be possible for me to travel through time? To a simpler place… without computers. Somewhere where I can start a family in peace."

The response from the system was instantaneous.

[Request confirmed. Beginning transition…]

Gengyo was startled. He had not expected it to begin right away – he merely wanted to confirm the possibility.

"SAPPHIRE-1000! Wait! There are too many neg-"

But his voice was cut off as the room around him started to dissolve, replaced by an infinite blackness.

It was May in the province of Mikawa, and the rice fields were being ploughed and levelled ready for this year's seedlings. All the peasants above a certain age were helping out in the fields.

"Oi… Yoritomo, don't you think it's unfair that people get away with doing less work than us?"

"Mmm, yeah the old women and stuff… and Miura over there…"

"Look at him, Yoritomo. He's even got the nerve to take a break when he barely does any work."

"Huh? You're right… f.u.c.k. That's annoying. Yo, Aritada you want to mess with him a bit?"

Aritada took a quick glance around the field to see if anyone was looking. No one would stick up for Miura, but still, it would better to do it without anyone noticing.

Everyone else was still hoeing away, eyes on their task. The sun was high and the day was scolding. The bamboo hats helped to take the worst of the heat away from the head.

Chuckling, Aritada's eyes narrowed as he picked up a stone and took aim.

Gengyo received a sudden blow to the temple, startling him out of his thoughts.

He felt the wound on his head with his fingers, as they returned sticky with blood.

'So it's real then… This blood is my own. These young, callused hands are also mine.'

He glanced toward the two teens who were jeering at him, celebrating a successful strike.

Yoritomo was hunched over howling with laughter.

"Hahahaha, what a throw. The look on his stupid face!"

Whilst Aritada had a pleased expression on his face.

"Mmm, that'll teach him to slack off!"

Gengyo could hear every word of their conversation, and it did not take him long to piece the events together in his head.

'So… This is a different body? Interesting. I had wondered how my body might be able to deal with the stresses of time travel, but it seemed that was the wrong line of thought.'

The problem of time travel had been broached by many scientists, and the most reputable concluded it impossible. Einstein supposed that one would have travel faster than the speed of light – which is impossible for anybody with mass. Indeed, he was right. But who needs the body in order to time travel? Sentience is weightless.

But of course, such a conclusion was not the hard-earned result of a human mind. It was borne of the quick calculation ability of the SAPPHIRE-1000 A.I. system.

'Judging by the dress – those worn, ragged kimonos that are much too short, and those simple sandals on their feet. And the tools they're using… It seems I'm somewhere in the Edo period. Perhaps even earlier.'

"What a freak... That way he's looking at us, man. Does he want another stone his way?"

'Mmm. I appear to be the source of quite a bit of aminosity. Was the previous host of this body a weakling? Perhaps. For now, I should keep my head down.'

Wisely choosing to ignore the antagonism of the teens for now, Gengyo wielded his hoe with an enthusiastic vigour.

"Wow… look at him go. Perhaps we should throw more stones at him in future? At this rate he's going to be doing double the work."

Yoritomo nodded in agreement, whilst leaning on his hoe and with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Well, guess we can rest a bit. We deserve it right?"

"Too right. We shouldn't even be here man. We're soldiers! Look at these arms."

"Yeah. You're right. Totally right. We should be in old Yoshimoto's army getting ready to conquer Owari.

Gengyo heard every word they uttered, and froze slightly at the mention of 'old Yoshimoto' and Owari.

"Haha, listen to you calling our lord Imagawa 'old Yoshimoto'. You're a bold man Aritada. We'll definitely get our chance as soldiers – and then the whole of Japan will be calling our names. Yoritomo of the thousand cuts! People will travel from all over Japan just to bear witness to my swordsmanship."

'Shit… You're kidding. Imagawa Yoshimoto? My peaceful family life is ruined before it even began. Ahhh what's up with this starting point? Didn't I tell SAPPHIRE I wanted to live a peaceful, simple life? How is Mikawa under Yoshimoto a simple life!?'

"Stupid… you don't even know how to swing a sword yet. Anyway we're definitely going to be yari…"

Yoritomo flinched a little at that, and scratched his head. He knew the truth of Aritada's words. The peasants would be merely be yari ashigaru – simple spear units – or if they had some skill with the bow, they might be might be yumi ashigaru.

"Hmph. Maybe I'll get some good loot in Owari and be rich enough to marry into a samurai family. Then I won't have to do this stupid ploughing anymore."

"Dream on. You know what the samurai families are like. There's no way they'll marry their oh-so-pure daughters off to peasant sc.u.m like us. You've seen the way the landowner looks down on us. He treats his f.u.c.k.i.n.g oxen better than us!"

At that Yoritomo grinned lecherously.

"Yeah, those women aren't as pure as you reckon, bro. I've seen a few of them drunk – they're even dirtier than the village girls. Some even gave me some action – they may as well have married me."

"What bullshit. You can't even get the village girls to look your way with a mug like that. No chance those pompous little samurai daughters would even spare you a word – never mind their bodies."

"Whatever, bro. Your loss."

The lamentations of the two peasant teens were heard by Gengyo, and he shared some of the sentiments as he continued to hoe at the ground.

'Mmm. The life of a peasant in this time period is tough, with the food taxes and compulsory military service when the land holder calls. In order to live as long as possible, and watch my kids grow up I'd have to…'

Gengyo froze his digging on that line of thought, and quickly admonished the plan he was about to propose.

'No. I can't spend this life dedicating myself to work just for the sake of money. It'll be better if I just enjoy what I can with my lot. That will surely be the most fulfilling way to live.'

Unfortunately Gengyo's small pause was noticed, and another stone came his way.

This one missed – but only by a fraction.

Gengyo looked toward the two teens, only to have Yoritomo shout at him a second later.

"Back to work, shrimp!"

"Yeah you little bastard, it's time you start doing the same amount as the rest of us."

Gengyo studied them with his 40 year old gaze. They were rather ordinary looking. Not that big, or that muscular, but still the previous host seemed to be completely at their mercy.

His thoughts contained a certain bitterness toward the previous host.

'How weak do you have to be to get pushed around by these two?'

But still, he resumed his hoeing without a hint of resentment. It was better not to cause a scene – at least not here.

They were average, simple minded teens but because of their bullying, they would have to be dealt with sometime soon.

'No woman is going to look my way if I'm being suppressed by the likes of them.'

Gengyo was not unattractive in his previous life, nor was he entirely socially incompetent. It was mere lack of experience caused by over devotion to his craft that was ended up being his weakness.

At the very least, he could confidently look in the eyes of these two pathetic children without fear and without flinching. It was not because of some false arrogance, or a lifetime spent receiving the approval of others. It was simply because he knew their experience to be inferior. No forty year old was going to be pushed around by some snot-nosed brats.

"Man. He's pretty obedient eh? Makes me want to be a samurai even more – having people like that under me."

Aritada looked toward him irritated.

"Can you stop with that shit? It's depressing, man. We can only hope to do well as soldiers. Being a samurai is impossible for us."

Gengyo continued to diligently hoe away. He was unused to the mental strain that physical labour brought, and he was beginning to tire.

'There's got to be a better way of doing this.'

Of course, ploughing could be done using oxen or horses, but Gengyo did not have any of those luxuries available to him. What he was looking for was a difference in technique.

'Like this?'

He adjusted his arms slightly, allowing the weight of the tool to do the work for him.

'Mm. Much easier.'

After reducing the strain on his muscles, he continued to think about his current circ.u.mstance.

'I don't know anything about the previous guy's life, or family or anything… It should be my priority to gather as much information as possible.'

Unfortunately, as the time travel was done as a transfer of sentience, only the acc.u.mulated experiences and memories of that belonged to him were kept.

His current situation was rather complicated for someone who sought a simple life, given the circ.u.mstances of the province in which he was inhabiting, and the social class he now belonged.

And so, he pondered upon the task ahead.

'Given that the land is being prepared the month should be May. The battle of Okehazama will at most be in a month. Imagawa is going to start calling his men before then… so I need to immediately begin training the bow and get into a yumi unit to avoid being on the front line. That way my survival rate will be much higher.'

'Since that battle was a complete slaughter for the Imagawa, I'm going to have to find a way of changing history a little…!"

A few hours passed, and an elderly peasant overseeing production on behalf of the landowner announced the end of the day.

"Oyyyyy. Day's over folks. Go home and get some dinner.'

At this Gengyo panicked slightly. He had no idea where his home was, nor who his family members were. He looked around the rice fields wildly for any sign of a family member.

'Sleeping outside on my first night here is going to suck. I wonder if this kid even had any family? Maybe I'm an orphan now…'

With the panic still running riot through his mind, he began to follow the crowd of people already leaving the field.

That was, until, a hand found its way to his shoulder, and the voice of a young woman filled his ear.

'"*Sniff* Tadakata-chan, you were really going to go home without me?"

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Chapter 144 - : 144, epic talent_1, chapter 143 - : 143, territory technology, crazy dave (thanks to the sleepless lord of the night for the song)_1.

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A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

  • Author(s): Nick_alderson
  • GENRES: Action - Adventure - Historical - Romance
  • STATUS : Ongoing
  • LAST UPDATED : 30-Mar-2021 00:11
  • View : 305,856

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary:

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan Chapters

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A time traveller’s guide to feudal japan.

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel


Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?

A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.

But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan.

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A Timeline of Feudal Japan’s ‘Nanban’ Trade with Europeans

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

Kyle Hoekstra

07 jun 2024, @kylehoekstra.

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

In 1542 or 1543, the first Portuguese merchants reached Japan. They landed on Tanegashima, off the Japanese island of Kyushu, and they did so by accident. But Portuguese sailors were dogged in pursuit of trade opportunities and their discovery of Japan heralded a new phase in the country’s history.

From the first arrival of Europeans until the early 17th century Sakoku Seclusion Edicts, Japan engaged in a period of trade dubbed the ‘Southern barbarian trade’ or Nanban trade. ( Nanban after the designation routinely applied to other people from southern China, Southeast Asia and beyond.)

The Portuguese’ arrival in Japan coincided with the turbulent Sengoku ‘Warring States’ period. While they might exploit this division and their own exotic appeal to their advantage (their matchlock arquebuses were of particular interest), the Portuguese also found themselves subject to the feudal lords’ reversals of fortune. The exchange quickly acquired a religious character as Portuguese missionaries identified Japan as ripe for Christianisation.

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

The encounter between the Japanese and the European interlopers has found purchase in modern culture: Martin Scorsese’s 2016 film Silence adapted Shūsaku Endō’s 1966 novel about the arrival of Jesuit priests in 17th century Japan. Meanwhile John Blackthorne, the fictional protagonist of James Clavell’s acclaimed 1975 novel Shōgun and two television adaptations, is loosely based on a real English navigator. William Adams arrived in Japan in 1600, the first Englishman to do so, and achieved influence as a high-ranking samurai in the service of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Timeline of Japan’s Nanban trade

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan, landing on the island of Tanegashima in the company of Southeast Asians, labelled nanban (‘southern barbarian’) by the Japanese.

Following the arrival of Spanish Jesuits including Francis Xavier to Kyushu, Catholicism began to develop as a major religious force in Japan. King John III of Portugal was particularly interested in converting Asians to the Jesuit religion, prompting Francis Xavier’s journeying initially to India, and then to Japan.

When Francis Xavier first came to Japan, he considered Buddhism a variation on Christianity.

The Jesuits funded missionary work with profits from their trade post in Nagasaki , which received richly laden Portuguese ships. In May 1580, Ōmura Sumitada, the Christian daimyo in control, gave Nagasaki to the Jesuits. This resulted in a religious domain taking shape in Japan with warlord allies.

When Christians were welcomed by rulers, it was generally because trade was believed to follow in their wake. For the subsequent social changes experienced in Japan, the period is also known as the ‘Christian century’.

a time traveller's guide to feudal japan novel

As Toyotomi Hideyoshi gradually unified Japan, he became concerned of Christianity’s influence. He condemned Christianity as a ‘pernicious doctrine’ and gave Jesuits 20 days to leave Japan. He relented, hesitant of disrupting trade. But he seized Nagasaki the following year, curbing European — and Christian — influence.

When the Spanish ship San Felipe was wrecked on Japan’s coast, its cargo and crew were captured by the local daimyo . Its pilot alluded to the links between existing Portuguese missionaries in Japan and the Spanish empire – for both Portugal and Spain were ruled by the same king at the time. Appalled by a perceived deception by the missionaries, Hideyoshi ordered the crucifixion of 26 Christians.

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17th century depiction of the 26 Martyrs.

Image Credit: Public Domain

The Dutch followed the Portuguese and Spanish, and in 1609 the Dutch East India Company was granted permission to establish a base at Hirado, near Nagasaki.

The Tokugawa Shogunate, which came to power in 1603, firmly outlawed Christianity. The Tokugawa pursued an isolationist foreign policy, prioritising domestic unity and Japanese control over foreign relationships.

Japan’s shōgun Tokugawa Iemitsu was at least partly influenced in his scepticism of the Portuguese and Spanish by the advice of English navigator William Adams.

The Sakoku Edict of 1635 was intended to eliminate foreign influence by forbidding Japanese from leaving the country, banning Catholicism and restricting ports open to trade. An anti-Christian inquisition was set up to crack down on practising Catholics. Suspects were sometimes required to step onto likenesses of Jesus or Mary, or face torture and death.

The isolationist policy more or less continued until 1854, when the United States bent the Tokugawa Shogunate ’s arm into signing the Kanagawa Treaty, which opened several ports to American vessels. (Commodore Perry had arrived with steam warships and threatened to burn Edo to the ground.)

Detail from a print depicting the 1854 Perry expedition.

Detail from a print depicting the 1854 Perry expedition.

Following the Shimabara Rebellion in which European Catholics were implicated, the Portuguese were excluded from Japan definitively. This meant that for the next 220 years, the Dutch were the only westerners allowed to access Japan. Their right to Hirado’s port was revoked. They were admitted only at Dejima, an artificial island in Nagasaki Bay which was the central route for foreign trade and cultural exchange with Japan between 1600-1869.

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    A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family. But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer.

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    A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family. But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer.

  13. A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

    A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Romance, Action, Historical genres. Written by the author Nick_alderson. 345 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.

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    And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan. A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan. Associated Names: Author (s): Nick_alderson. Genre (s): Action, Adventure, Historical, Romance. Year:

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