Plan Your Trip to Postojna: Best of Postojna Tourism

View to Predjama village

Essential Postojna

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Postojna Is Great For

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  • Camping Pivka Jama
  • Hotel Center
  • Pizzerija Minutka
  • Gostilna Ob Kaminu
  • Okrepčevalnica Prepih
  • Cuk Gostilna Pizzeria
  • Bistro Štorja
  • Postojna Cave
  • Predjama Castle
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  • Adventure in Planina cave
  • Postojna Caves and Predjama Castle. Private trip.
  • Private Transfer from Postojna to Ljubljana Airport (LJU)

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The Ultimate Guide To Postojna Cave And Predjama Castle

Published: September 10, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Emmye Bill

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Welcome to the ultimate guide to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle! Nestled in the picturesque region of Slovenia, these two attractions offer a fascinating glimpse into the country’s rich history and stunning natural wonders. Whether you’re a nature lover, history enthusiast, or simply seeking a unique adventure, a visit to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is a must.

Slovenia, located in Central Europe, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, charming towns, and warm hospitality. And within this hidden gem lies Postojna Cave, a mesmerizing underground labyrinth, and Predjama Castle, a fairytale-like fortress built into a cliffside.

Postojna Cave is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovenia, attracting visitors from all over the world. With its intricate network of tunnels, magnificent rock formations, and diverse wildlife, the cave offers a truly awe-inspiring experience. On the other hand, Predjama Castle stands as a testament to medieval architectural brilliance and fascinating tales of daring knights and noble lords.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the history, exploration tips, nearby attractions, and other essential information for visiting Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. So, let’s embark on an unforgettable journey through the depths of nature and the heights of medieval fortresses.

Brief History of Postojna Cave

The history of Postojna Cave dates back millions of years, with its formation attributed to the forces of nature. It all began with the gradual dissolution of limestone rocks by acidic water, giving birth to vast underground chambers and intricate passages.

The cave’s earliest human inhabitants were believed to be the ancient Celts, who utilized its chambers for various purposes, including religious ceremonies. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that Postojna Cave gained international recognition and became a popular tourist attraction.

In 1818, a local innkeeper named Luka Čeč discovered the cave’s entrance. Realizing its potential as a tourist attraction, he developed the cave’s infrastructure to accommodate visitors. With the construction of walkways and electric lighting, Postojna Cave officially opened its doors to the public in 1819.

Throughout the years, the cave underwent further enhancements and advancements to improve visitor experience. Today, it stands as one of the most well-developed and accessible show caves in the world, attracting millions of visitors annually.

Postojna Cave’s geological marvels continue to captivate visitors. Spanning over 24 kilometers (15 miles), the cave comprises several chambers adorned with breathtaking stalactites, stalagmites, and other unique formations. The most famous of these chambers is Brilliant, known for its stunning white stalagmites resembling chandeliers.

Aside from its geological wonders, Postojna Cave is also known for its vibrant underground ecosystem. It is home to various species, including the enigmatic olm, a blind, cave-dwelling amphibian. This fascinating creature, often referred to as the “human fish” due to its human-like skin color, has become a symbol of the cave and is highly revered by scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

Postojna Cave’s historical and geological significance has earned it numerous accolades and recognition. It has been declared a natural monument, while the nearby Proteus Cave Laboratory serves as a research center for the study of subterranean life forms.

Today, a visit to Postojna Cave offers a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of ancient history and marvel at the wonders of nature. Join us as we explore this breathtaking underground realm and unravel its secrets.

Brief History of Predjama Castle

Perched majestically on a sheer cliffside, Predjama Castle is a medieval fortress steeped in history and legend. Its origins can be traced back to the 13th century, during the era of knights, chivalry, and feudalism.

The castle’s strategic location, built directly into the rock face of a towering cliff, provided a natural defense against invaders. Originally constructed by the Patriarch of Aquileia, Predjama Castle served as a defensive fortress, safeguarding the nearby region of Carniola.

One of the most intriguing tales associated with Predjama Castle is the legend of Erazem of Predjama, a cunning nobleman who defied the Habsburg Empire in the 15th century. Erazem, known for his rebellious nature, turned Predjama Castle into a haven and stronghold as he launched daring raids on the Habsburg forces.

The most famous exploit of Erazem occurred in 1471 when he successfully withstood a siege, using a secret tunnel that connected the castle to a nearby cave system to ensure supplies and escape routes remained accessible. This audacious act earned Erazem the reputation of a “Robin Hood” figure and solidified the castle’s place in history as an impregnable fortress.

Over the centuries, Predjama Castle underwent several renovations and expansions, adopting a primarily Renaissance architectural style. However, it managed to retain its medieval charm and defensive features, including a drawbridge, battlements, and a network of hidden passages. The castle’s interior has also been beautifully preserved, showcasing period furniture, artifacts, and artwork.

Today, visitors can explore the corridors and chambers of Predjama Castle, stepping back in time to experience the life of medieval nobility. Highlights include the impressive Knight’s Hall, the Chapel, and the fortified living quarters. The castle also hosts various cultural events and performances throughout the year, immersing guests in the rich history and ambiance of the medieval era.

Predjama Castle’s striking appearance and captivating legends have made it a popular destination for filmmakers and adventurers alike. It has been featured in films such as the James Bond movie “The Spy Who Loved Me” and continues to inspire countless stories of knights, outlaws, and romantic intrigue.

Don’t miss the chance to visit Predjama Castle and explore its fascinating history. Discover the secrets hidden within its walls and marvel at its breathtaking location, offering sweeping views of the surrounding countryside. Predjama Castle is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of medieval architecture and a true gem of Slovenia’s cultural heritage.

How to Get to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

Located in southwestern Slovenia, both Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle are easily accessible from various parts of the country. Here are the different transportation options available:

  • By Car: If you prefer the flexibility of driving, renting a car is a convenient way to reach Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. From Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, take the A1/E61 highway towards Koper and exit at Postojna. The drive takes approximately 45 minutes. There is ample parking available near both attractions.
  • By Public Transport: Slovenia has an extensive public transport network, making it easy to reach Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle by bus or train. From Ljubljana, take a direct bus to either destination. The journey takes about an hour. Alternatively, you can take a train from Ljubljana to Postojna and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach Predjama Castle.
  • Organized Tours: Another convenient option is to join an organized tour from Ljubljana or other major cities in Slovenia. These tours typically include transportation to and from the attractions, as well as guided tours of both Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. It’s a hassle-free way to explore both sites while gaining insights from knowledgeable guides.

Once you arrive at Postojna Cave, the entrance is easily accessible from the parking area. Guided tours are available in multiple languages, allowing you to explore the cave’s wonders with an experienced guide. The tour includes a train ride that takes you deep into the cave, followed by a walk through the illuminated passages.

To reach Predjama Castle from Postojna Cave, you can take a short drive or hail a taxi. The castle is located approximately 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) away, and the journey takes around 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can join a guided tour that includes transportation between the two attractions.

Overall, reaching Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is convenient and straightforward, whether you choose to drive, use public transport, or join an organized tour. Once there, prepare to be enchanted by the natural wonders of Postojna Cave and the medieval allure of Predjama Castle.

Admission Fees and Opening Hours

Before planning your visit to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the admission fees and opening hours of these attractions. Here’s what you need to know:

Postojna Cave:

Postojna Cave offers various ticket options, depending on your preferences and the areas you wish to explore. Here are the general admission fees:

  • Adults: [insert price]
  • Children (6-15 years): [insert price]
  • Students and seniors: [insert price]
  • Children under 6 years: free

Keep in mind that these are approximate prices, and it’s a good idea to check the official website for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, guided tours are included in the admission price, ensuring that you have a knowledgeable guide to lead you through the cave’s wonders.

The opening hours of Postojna Cave vary depending on the season:

  • November to March: [insert opening hours]
  • April to October: [insert opening hours]

Again, it’s advisable to check the official website or contact the attraction directly for the most accurate and current information regarding opening hours.

Predjama Castle:

The admission fees for Predjama Castle are separate from Postojna Cave, as they are two distinct attractions. Here are the general admission fees for Predjama Castle:

Similar to Postojna Cave, guided tours are typically included in the admission price at Predjama Castle.

The castle’s opening hours are as follows:

Again, it’s important to note that these opening hours may vary, especially during public holidays or specific events. It’s recommended to check the official website or contact Predjama Castle before your visit.

By familiarizing yourself with the admission fees and opening hours of both Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, you can plan your visit accordingly and make the most of your time exploring these magnificent attractions in Slovenia.

Exploring Postojna Cave

Postojna Cave offers a mesmerizing underground adventure that will leave you in awe of its captivating beauty. Here’s what you can expect when exploring this natural wonder:

Guided Tours: To ensure a safe and informative visit, exploring Postojna Cave is done through guided tours. The tour begins with a scenic train ride that takes you deep into the cave, providing a glimpse of its vastness. From there, you will continue on foot with an experienced guide who will navigate you through the illuminated pathways and share fascinating insights about the cave’s geology, history, and unique formations.

Stunning Formations: As you venture deeper into the cave, be prepared to be amazed by the extraordinary stalactites and stalagmites that adorn its chambers. The intricate formations, forged over thousands of years, come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, creating a surreal and magical atmosphere. Highlights include the Brilliant chamber, famous for its white stalagmites resembling chandeliers, and the Concert Hall, renowned for its excellent acoustics.

Subterranean Wildlife: Postojna Cave is not only a geological marvel but also home to a rich subterranean ecosystem. The most famous resident is the olm, a rare blind amphibian that has adapted to life in the darkness. Often referred to as the “human fish” due to its pale skin color, the olm is a symbol of the cave and a fascinating sight to behold. During the tour, your guide will provide interesting facts about the unique creatures that call the cave their home.

Interactive Exhibition: After the guided tour, you have the opportunity to visit the Postojna Cave Exhibition Center. This interactive exhibition offers a deeper understanding of the cave’s geological processes, its ecological significance, and the ongoing scientific research being conducted. It’s a great way to complement your cave exploration and learn more about the natural wonders you have witnessed.

It is important to note that the average duration of a guided tour in Postojna Cave is around 1.5 hours, but this can vary depending on the specific tour and any additional activities or exhibitions you choose to explore.

Exploring Postojna Cave is truly a remarkable experience, immersing you in the subterranean wonders that lie beneath the surface of Slovenia. Prepare to be amazed as you delve into the depths of this underground labyrinth and discover the breathtaking beauty hidden within.

Highlights and Points of Interest in Postojna Cave

Postojna Cave is a treasure trove of natural wonders, filled with unique features and stunning formations. Here are some of the highlights and points of interest you can expect to encounter during your visit:

Brilliant Chamber: As one of the most impressive chambers in the cave, the Brilliant Chamber lives up to its name with its breathtaking white stalagmites resembling chandeliers. The formations glisten and sparkle, creating a magical ambiance that is truly awe-inspiring.

Concert Hall: Another notable feature of Postojna Cave is the Concert Hall. This chamber is not only renowned for its size but also for its exceptional acoustics. In the past, it has hosted various musical performances and concerts that take advantage of the natural reverberation of sound in the cave.

Spaghetti Hall: Prepare to be amazed by the Spaghetti Hall, where delicate formations of thin and elongated stalactites hang from the ceiling, resembling strands of spaghetti. It’s a unique sight that showcases the diversity of shapes and structures within the cave.

White Hall: The White Hall is a visual feast for visitors, featuring numerous stalactites and stalagmites of varying sizes and shapes. The contrast between the white formations and the dark surroundings adds to the dramatic beauty of this chamber.

Skylight: Within the cave, you’ll also come across an enchanting natural phenomenon known as the Skylight. This opening in the cave’s ceiling allows natural light to filter down, illuminating the chamber and creating a magical play of light and shadow on the formations below.

Underground River: As you explore Postojna Cave, you’ll encounter an underground river that flows through the chambers. The crystal-clear waters add an element of serenity to the surroundings and offer stunning reflections of the cave’s incredible formations.

Olm Exhibition: As mentioned earlier, Postojna Cave is home to the enigmatic olm, a rare amphibian that has adapted to life in the darkness of the cave. To learn more about this fascinating creature, make sure to visit the Olm Exhibition, where you can gain insights into its unique biology and behavior.

These are just a few of the many highlights and points of interest you can discover during your exploration of Postojna Cave. Each chamber and formation offers a mesmerizing experience, showcasing the marvels of nature that have been crafted over thousands of years.

Prepare to be captivated by the underground wonders of Postojna Cave as you uncover its hidden treasures and witness the breathtaking beauty that lies within its depths.

Tips for Visiting Postojna Cave

Visiting Postojna Cave is an exciting adventure, and to make the most of your experience, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

1. Book Tickets in Advance: Postojna Cave is a popular attraction, especially during peak tourist seasons. To avoid long queues and ensure your spot, it’s recommended to book your tickets in advance, either online or through a reputable tour operator.

2. Dress Appropriately: The temperature inside the cave remains a constant 8-10°C (46-50°F) throughout the year, so it’s important to dress warmly and comfortably. Wear layers and comfortable footwear suitable for walking on uneven surfaces.

3. Arrive Early: To make the most of your visit and have a more relaxed experience, try to arrive early in the day. This allows you to avoid crowds and have more time to explore the cave at your own pace.

4. Follow the Guided Tour: To fully appreciate the cave’s wonders and learn about its geological and historical significance, it is highly recommended to follow the guided tour. The guides are knowledgeable and provide valuable insights that enhance your understanding of the cave’s unique features.

5. Respect the Rules and Regulations: Postojna Cave has certain rules and regulations in place to ensure the preservation of the cave and the safety of visitors. Please follow these guidelines, including not touching the formations and staying with the guided group at all times.

6. Capture Memories: Photography is allowed inside the cave; however, the use of flash and tripods is prohibited. Make sure to bring a camera or smartphone to capture the beauty of the cave, but remember to be respectful of other visitors and avoid creating obstructions.

7. Bring Essentials: Along with warm clothing, consider bringing a small backpack with essentials such as water, snacks, and a light raincoat in case of sudden weather changes. Some areas of the cave may be damp and slippery, so bringing a small towel or extra grip shoes could be useful.

8. Plan for Additional Activities: In addition to the cave tour, Postojna Cave offers other activities, such as the Vivarium and Expo Cave Karst exhibitions. Take some time to explore these attractions to further enrich your visit and expand your knowledge of the cave’s ecosystem.

9. Check for Special Events: Throughout the year, Postojna Cave hosts special events and concerts, adding an extra level of enchantment to your visit. Check the official website or local listings to see if any events coincide with your planned visit.

10. Explore the Surrounding Area: Postojna Cave is located in a scenic region of Slovenia that offers other attractions and activities. Consider extending your visit to explore nearby sites, such as Predjama Castle or the beautiful countryside, adding even more to your Slovenian adventure.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on a memorable and enjoyable journey as you explore the wonders of Postojna Cave.

Exploring Predjama Castle

Perched dramatically on a cliffside, Predjama Castle offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval history and architectural ingenuity. Here’s what you can expect when exploring this captivating fortress:

Guided Tours: Exploring Predjama Castle is best done through a guided tour. Knowledgeable guides provide insights into the castle’s history, architectural features, and intriguing legends associated with the nobleman Erazem of Predjama. The tour takes you through the castle’s various rooms, corridors, and hidden passages, allowing you to immerse yourself in the medieval ambiance.

Awe-Inspiring Architecture: Predjama Castle’s architectural brilliance is evident as you wander through its well-preserved rooms. Marvel at the medieval stonework, Renaissance additions, and defensive features such as the drawbridge and battlements. The castle’s strategic location attached to the rocky cliff face is a testament to the skill and innovation of the architects who designed it.

Living Quarters: Step into the past as you explore the castle’s living quarters, including the Great Hall, the Castle Chapel, and the Knight’s Hall. Admire the period furniture, intricate woodwork, and artistic details that transport you back to the heyday of chivalry and nobility.

Hidden Passages: One of the most intriguing aspects of Predjama Castle is its network of hidden passages. These secret tunnels allowed the castle’s occupants to move discreetly and obtain supplies during times of siege. Exploring these passages gives you a sense of the castle’s strategic advantages and the ingenuity of its inhabitants.

Spectacular Views: From the castle’s elevated position, enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Slovenian countryside. Take in the rolling hills, verdant forests, and picturesque landscapes spread out below, offering a memorable backdrop to your visit.

Castle Events: Predjama Castle hosts various cultural events and performances throughout the year, bringing its storied past to life. Keep an eye out for special events, such as medieval reenactments or concerts, which further enhance the castle’s ambiance and provide a deeper immersion into its history.

When exploring Predjama Castle, take your time to appreciate the architectural intricacies, historical significance, and the captivating stories that surround it. Through guided tours and immersive experiences, Predjama Castle offers a memorable journey back in time to the world of medieval knights and noble lords.

Highlights and Points of Interest in Predjama Castle

Predjama Castle is a marvel of medieval architecture and history, nestled in the picturesque Slovenian countryside. Here are some of the highlights and points of interest that await you during your visit:

Cliffside Location: One of the most remarkable features of Predjama Castle is its unique location. Built into a towering cliff, the castle appears as if it is emerging from the rock face, creating a dramatic and awe-inspiring sight that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Medieval Fortifications: As you explore the castle, take note of the impressive fortified walls, bastions, and towers that once served as the castle’s defense against potential invaders. The architecture exemplifies the defensive strategies employed during medieval times.

Living Quarters: Step into the castle’s well-preserved living quarters and imagine what life was like for its noble inhabitants. Highlights include the Great Hall, adorned with ornate decorations, and the Knight’s Hall, where knights once gathered for feasts and celebrations.

Erazem’s Secret Passage: Discover the legend of Erazem of Predjama, a nobleman who defied the Holy Roman Empire. The castle is renowned for its hidden secret passage, which Erazem used to receive supplies and evade capture during a year-long siege. Learn about the daring adventures and intrigues associated with this legendary figure.

Castle Chapel: Visit the Castle Chapel, a place of worship within Predjama Castle. Admire the architectural details and experience the serene ambiance of this spiritual space as you imagine the castle’s inhabitants seeking solace within its walls.

Breathtaking Views: Climb to the highest points of the castle to enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Take in the rolling hills, lush forests, and quaint villages that stretch as far as the eye can see. The vantage point provides a stunning backdrop for memorable photos.

Castle Events: Predjama Castle hosts various events and reenactments, bringing the castle’s history to life. Experience medieval jousting competitions, knightly tournaments, or traditional music performances that transport you back in time and provide a deeper immersion into the castle’s rich heritage.

These highlights and points of interest offer a glimpse into the captivating world of Predjama Castle. From its remarkable cliffside location to its intriguing legends and architectural splendor, a visit to this medieval fortress will transport you to a bygone era of knights and noble intrigues.

Tips for Visiting Predjama Castle

Visiting Predjama Castle is a unique and fascinating experience that offers a glimpse into medieval history. To make the most of your visit, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Check Opening Hours: Before planning your visit, make sure to check the castle’s official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on opening hours. This will ensure that you arrive during the designated visiting times and avoid any disappointment.

2. Guided Tours: Joining a guided tour is highly recommended to fully appreciate the castle’s history and architectural features. Knowledgeable guides provide interesting insights, stories, and historical context that bring the castle to life. Guided tours are available in multiple languages to accommodate visitors from around the world.

3. Dress Comfortably: Predjama Castle requires climbing stairs and walking through uneven surfaces, so be sure to wear comfortable footwear and dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Keep in mind that some areas of the castle may not be heated or air-conditioned, so layer your clothing accordingly.

4. Photography: Photography is permitted within the castle, so don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning architecture and panoramic views. Be respectful of other visitors and avoid using flash photography in sensitive areas or rooms.

5. Respect the Rules: Predjama Castle is a historic site, and it is important to respect the rules and regulations in place to preserve its integrity. Listen to the instructions of your guide, refrain from touching artifacts or decorations, and be mindful of any restricted areas.

6. Take Your Time: Predjama Castle is a place with rich history and intricate details to explore. Take your time to admire the architecture, artwork, and scenic views. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere and allow yourself to be transported back in time.

7. Explore the Surroundings: The area surrounding Predjama Castle offers beautiful natural landscapes and charming villages. Consider taking a leisurely stroll or hike in the countryside after your castle visit to fully appreciate the beauty of the Slovenian countryside.

8. Check for Special Events: Predjama Castle hosts various events, such as medieval reenactments, concerts, and exhibitions. Be sure to check if any special events are taking place during your visit, as they can provide a unique and immersive experience in the castle’s historical ambiance.

9. Plan for Refreshments: While there is no restaurant within Predjama Castle itself, there are nearby options for dining and refreshments. Consider bringing a snack or finding a local eatery to replenish your energy during or after your visit.

10. Combine with Postojna Cave: Predjama Castle is located in close proximity to Postojna Cave. Consider combining your visit to both attractions for a full day of adventure and exploration. Many tour operators offer combined ticket options and transportation between the sites.

By following these tips, you’ll ensure a memorable and enjoyable visit to Predjama Castle, where history comes to life and the medieval atmosphere is palpable.

Nearby Attractions and Activities

Located in the picturesque Slovenian countryside, Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave are surrounded by a plethora of attractions and activities. Here are some notable nearby places to explore:

Pivka Park: Located between Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave, Pivka Park offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in nature. The park features hiking trails, picnic areas, and stunning landscapes. Enjoy a leisurely walk amidst the beautiful scenery and discover the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

Skocjan Caves: Just a short drive from Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave, the Skocjan Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore a network of cave passages, awe-inspiring underground canyons, and colossal cave chambers. The natural beauty and geological significance of the Skocjan Caves make them a must-visit attraction for nature enthusiasts.

Lake Cerknica: Located approximately 30 minutes away, Lake Cerknica is the largest intermittent lake in Slovenia. Depending on the season and weather conditions, the lake’s water level can fluctuate dramatically, offering a unique and ever-changing landscape. Explore the lake by foot or bike, or enjoy birdwatching and other activities on its shores.

Ljubljana: Slovenia’s capital city, Ljubljana, is approximately an hour’s drive from Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave. It offers a wealth of attractions, including the iconic Ljubljana Castle, picturesque old town, vibrant riverside promenade, and numerous museums and galleries. Stroll along the charming streets, savor delicious cuisine, and immerse yourself in the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Idrija: About a 40-minute drive from the attractions, the town of Idrija is known for its rich mining history and lace-making tradition. Visit the Idrija Gewerkenegg Castle, explore the Mercury Mine, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and learn about the intricate art of Idrija lace. Immerse yourself in the town’s fascinating heritage and traditional craftsmanship.

Vipava Valley: Situated about 40 kilometers west of Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave, the Vipava Valley is a paradise for food and wine lovers. Surrounded by rolling hills and vineyards, the region offers excellent opportunities for wine tasting, sampling local delicacies, and enjoying the picturesque countryside. Explore charming towns like Vipava and taste their renowned wines and regional cuisine.

Črni Kal: A short drive from Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave, Črni Kal is a small village known for its impressive rock-climbing opportunities. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you can test your climbing skills on the village’s towering limestone cliffs or simply enjoy the panoramic views they offer.

These are just a few of the many nearby attractions and activities to explore when visiting Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave. From natural wonders to cultural heritage, the region offers a diverse range of experiences to complement your journey through Slovenia’s captivating countryside.

Accommodation Options near Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

For those looking to spend more time exploring the wonders of Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, there are several accommodation options available in the surrounding area. Here are some recommendations for places to stay:

1. Hotel Jama: Located near Postojna Cave, Hotel Jama is a popular choice for visitors seeking convenience and comfort. The hotel offers modern rooms, a restaurant serving Slovenian cuisine, and amenities such as a spa, fitness center, and free Wi-Fi. With its proximity to Postojna Cave, it’s an ideal base for exploring the cave and its surrounding attractions.

2. Hotel Sport: Situated in the town of Postojna, just a short drive from both Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, Hotel Sport offers comfortable accommodation, a restaurant, and a bar. The hotel is known for its friendly staff and convenient location near the town’s shops and restaurants.

3. Guesthouses and Apartments: There are numerous guesthouses and apartments available in the area, providing a more intimate and home-like experience. These accommodations offer comfortable rooms or self-contained apartments with kitchenettes, allowing guests to prepare their own meals. They often come with friendly hosts who can provide local tips and recommendations.

4. Farm Stays: For a unique and authentic experience, consider staying at a traditional Slovenian farm. These farm stays offer comfortable accommodation, often with picturesque surroundings and the opportunity to learn about rural life. It’s a great option for those seeking a tranquil retreat while still being within reach of the cave and castle.

5. Camping: If you prefer a more outdoorsy experience, there are campsites in the area where you can pitch your tent or park your camper. Camping is a budget-friendly option and allows you to enjoy the natural surroundings. Some campsites offer amenities such as showers, laundry facilities, and on-site restaurants.

It’s important to note that during peak tourist seasons, it is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially for hotels and guesthouses. This ensures availability and allows you to secure the best rates.

Whatever your preference and budget, there are accommodation options near Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle to suit every traveler. Consider your needs, location preferences, and preferences for amenities when choosing where to stay, and enjoy a comfortable and convenient base for your exploration of these captivating Slovenian attractions.

Dining Options near Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

After a day of exploring Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, you’ll likely have worked up an appetite. Luckily, there are several dining options available in the surrounding area that offer delicious Slovenian cuisine and international flavors. Here are some dining recommendations near Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle:

1. Restaurant Jama: Located near Postojna Cave, Restaurant Jama offers a delightful dining experience with a focus on traditional Slovenian cuisine. The menu features a variety of dishes prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, including specialties such as “štruklji” (rolled dumplings) and “žganci” (buckwheat spoonbread). The restaurant also boasts a selection of Slovenian wines to complement your meal.

2. Gostilna Na Gradu: Situated in the vicinity of Predjama Castle, Gostilna Na Gradu is a charming restaurant housed in a restored farmhouse. It offers a diverse menu, blending Slovenian and international flavors. From hearty traditional dishes to gourmet creations, there is something to satisfy every palate. The restaurant’s picturesque setting and warm atmosphere provide a memorable dining experience.

3. Gostilna Pr’ Kovaču: Located in the village of Rakitnik, a short drive from Predjama Castle, Gostilna Pr’ Kovaču is a family-run inn and restaurant known for its warm hospitality and authentic Slovenian cuisine. The menu features homemade dishes made from local ingredients, including game meat, traditional stews, and delicious desserts. It’s a great option for those seeking a taste of traditional Slovenian flavors.

4. Restaurant Kras: Situated in the town of Postojna, Restaurant Kras offers a blend of Mediterranean and Slovenian cuisine. The menu showcases fresh seafood, grilled meats, and a variety of vegetarian dishes. The restaurant is known for its friendly service and stylish ambiance, making it a popular choice for both locals and tourists.

5. Local Pubs and Cafés: If you’re looking for a more casual dining experience or a quick bite, there are numerous local pubs and cafés in the area where you can grab a sandwich, burger, or a cup of coffee. These establishments often offer a relaxing atmosphere and a chance to mingle with the locals while enjoying a light meal or refreshment.

Whether you’re in the mood for traditional Slovenian dishes, international cuisine, or a casual dining experience, you’ll find a range of dining options near Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle to satisfy your culinary cravings. Exploring the local gastronomy adds an extra dimension to your visit, allowing you to savor the flavors of Slovenia while immersing yourself in its rich cultural heritage.

A visit to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Slovenia’s natural and historical wonders. From the mystical underground realm of Postojna Cave to the captivating medieval fortress of Predjama Castle, these attractions offer a unique blend of natural beauty, architectural marvels, and rich cultural heritage.

Postojna Cave’s awe-inspiring formations, subterranean wildlife, and interactive exhibitions make it a must-see destination for nature enthusiasts and curious travelers. The guided tours provide a captivating experience, unveiling the secrets of this ancient underground labyrinth.

Predjama Castle, perched on a cliffside, evokes a sense of medieval grandeur and intrigue. Explore its hidden passages, admire its fortifications, and immerse yourself in the tales of knights and noble lords that echo through its corridors.

While visiting these attractions, take advantage of the nearby sites and activities that further enrich your Slovenian adventure. From the natural beauty of Pivka Park and Skocjan Caves to the cultural delights of Ljubljana and Idrija, the region offers a wide range of experiences to suit every interest and preference.

Ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit by following the tips provided, whether it’s booking your tickets in advance, dressing appropriately for the cave’s constant temperature, or respecting the rules and regulations in place to preserve these unique sites.

Make the most of your visit by indulging in Slovenia’s culinary delights at nearby restaurants, sampling traditional Slovenian cuisine, or enjoying international flavors. The dining options in the area cater to a variety of preferences and offer a delightful gastronomic experience.

In conclusion, a visit to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle promises a journey through Slovenia’s captivating landscapes, history, and natural wonders. Immerse yourself in the depths of the cave, marvel at the medieval fortress, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Experience the beauty and heritage of Slovenia as you explore these remarkable attractions and unlock the secrets they hold.


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Postojna cave, queen of the underground world.

Welcome to the world's most captivating cave with magnificent cave formations and diverse fauna. Take an unforgettable ride on Postojna Cave's underground train and experience a fascinating subterranean paradise shaped by tiny droplets over millions of years.

We are open every day, even during holidays and in bad weather.

Perfect daily plan: visit the Predjama Castle first and see the Postojna Cave in the afternoon.

PJ 2018 galerija 4

A World-Famous Natural Marvel

Postojna Cave is the only place where you can see the most precious brilliant in the form of a cave formation and also meet the baby dragons . Just like the world above the surface, Postojna Cave boasts towering mountains, murmuring rivers and vast subterranean halls. It is a real challenge for explorers and the cradle of speleobiology.

The Breathtaking Brilliant

The magnificent five-metre -tall bright-white stalagmite called Brilliant is a symbol of Postojna Cave and the Slovenian Karst. Standing next to it is an ornament-rich column.

The water slowly dripping down the stalagmite deposits a thin layer of flowstone, giving the Brilliant its shiny white colour.

travel to slovenia postojna

A One-of-a-Kind Train Adventure

Take a ride on the underground train and enjoy a 3.7-km-long journey on the world's only double-track cave railway. The wonderful Murano-glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of Postojna Cave's Dance Hall make for a fairytale atmosphere.

The world's first railway in an underground cave was opened in Postojna Cave in 1872.

travel to slovenia postojna

Meet the Baby Dragons

Olms have been captivating people's imagination since time immemorial and legend has it that they are actually baby dragons . They remain something of a mystery even today and are considered the largest cave-dwelling animal that can go without food for up to 10 years .

travel to slovenia postojna

Following in the Footsteps of Famous Visitors

Over the past  200 years , Postojna Cave has been visited by more than  39 million  visitors from all over the world. The most distinguished ones have shared their impressions about the cave in the Golden Book of Visitors . 

travel to slovenia postojna

Come into the Wonderland!

Get a ticket and embark on an unforgettable Postojna Cave Park adventure. Why don't you extend your visit – there are too many experiences and adventures to fit in in a single day. Choose an overnight stay to your liking.

Discover the Mysterious Underground World

Are you thinking of coming for a visit? Visitors from all over the world day are dazzled by Postojna Cave day after day. Take a ride on the cave train and get ready to be mesmerised!

since the discovery of the largest part of the cave

a fun ride on the cave train

of underground passages, galleries and halls

visitors from all over the world

See all the sights and save money! Choose the Perfect Experience package.

An adventure for every visitor.

Postojna Cave is open daily , including on public holidays. The cave tour, which includes a cave train ride and a walk along an easy footpath, takes an hour and a half . Each Postojna Cave tour is accompanied by tour guides , who provide visitors with tour commentary in Slovenian, Italian, English or German, presenting the cave's splendours in detail. Visitors can also use audio guides available in no fewer than 17 languages.  Cave tours are suitable for all visitors , including families with young children and visitors with mobility impairments. The temperature inside the cave is constant throughout the year (10 °C), so warm clothing and sports footwear are recommended.

We recommend you read all the important information before your visit. 

Postojna Cave visit

(boarding time: 15 minute before the scheduled visit), wonderland stories.

travel to slovenia postojna

Luka Čeč – The Man Who Discovered Postojna Cave

travel to slovenia postojna

Subterranean Giants

travel to slovenia postojna

Baby Dragons' Secret Stories

Discover even more amazing stories from the postojna cave park.

€ €

Welcome to Postojna!

“This is a new world. This is paradise,” exclaimed Luka Čeč upon the discovery of the Postojna Cave back in 1818. And since then we have been one of the wonders of the world.

Stop and have a look on the city trail

At the bora’s doorstep, a place full of stories and mysterious legends.

In a place where winds from all sides of the sky meet, there is a post that is famous all over the world for the Postojna Cave. But those who are not just looking just for a stop, will find genuine contact with karst nature, people, and legends here.

The very name Postojna invites people to stay with us, as it also means “to stay a little”, which you will soon realise, is not without reason.

We joyfully welcome you with open arms and our thousands of years of history, mysticism, legends and top-notch offer. 

But the experience – that you will create yourself.

Here, where the Postojna Pass has been connecting the Mediterranean and Central Europe since ancient times, nature still creates wonders of the karst. Postojna is a true treasure of world-renowned attractions with its wonderful and mysterious underground world as well as its unique green karst landscape.

Notranjska Museum Postojna

Predjama castle, planina cave, postojna cave.

We are saying that “empty bag does not stand upright”, so quickly select your favorite among the many culinary experiences that will satisfy everyone – those who swear by traditional Slovenian cuisine and those who enjoy great pizzas, fish lovers or various meat and vegetable specialties.

Bon appétit! 

Bistro Štorja

Inn and pizzeria minutka, restaurant and pizzeria čuk, restaurant erasmus, restaurant and coffee shop bar-bor, restaurant magdalena, prepih diner, pizzeria studenec.

Notranjski muzej Postojna

Around Postojna

Planinsko polje

From the Field to the Cave

All’ombra del Nanos

Sheltered by Nanos

There is always something going on here, especially in the summer months, when traditional festivals and various cultural, musical, sports and other events take place in many places in the Municipality of Postojna. Stay with us for a while and see for yourself that we also know how to have fun and laugh! 

Furmanski praznik

Useful information

Postojna is considered a safe city with a low crime rate, so we hope that your experience will also be just and only pleasant. 

Getting to Postojna is easy. Travel by plane, train, bus or car. We have selected all the information you need for you! 

Police: 113 Information centre, fire brigade, ambulance : 112

Roadside assistance, towing service: 1987 Veterinary station Postojna – 24h on-call service: +386 (0)5 700 1000

 Visit our sights on foot, by bike, or by public transport. Postojna connect

Postojna is part of the Green Karst

Green Karst is an area, our little piece of heaven between the Alps and the Mediterranean. It is karst in the sense of a geological term that describes ancient rocky areas where water has eroded over millions of years and carved its way through the rock. On its way, it created natural karst wonders, such as caves, sinkholes, underground rivers, swallow holes and cave-ins, and intermittent lakes. 

travel to slovenia postojna

Postojna connect

Postojna Connect is an online application with which we want to present the possibilities of sustainable mobility to the visitors of our destination. Support our efforts by choosing sustainable forms of mobility. Together for a clean environment, a better quality of life, and a better experience.

travel to slovenia postojna

You need help with planning a visit to Postojna? Stop in our tourist information center, where we will be happy to help you. For smarter transport around Postojna you can use the Postojna Connect application.

  • analitične namene – spremljamo vedenje uporabnikov, zato da lahko izboljšamo delovanje strani,
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  • priljubljene - za shranjevanje priljubljenih vnosov.
  • Welcome to sLOVEnia
  • Experiences

Postojna cave

Unveiling the Subterranean Wonder: Exploring Postojna Cave

Nestled in the heart of Slovenia lies a realm of underground magic that has captivated visitors for centuries – Postojna Cave. As one of the most mesmerizing natural wonders in Europe, this limestone marvel offers an otherworldly experience that will leave you in awe of the Earth’s hidden treasures.

A Journey into the Depths: Postojna Cave’s Grandeur

Step into the mysterious realm of Postojna Cave, and you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of stalactites and stalagmites that have been patiently sculpted by the passage of time. The grandeur of the caverns and halls will take your breath away as you venture deeper into the vast underground network, which spans over 24 kilometers. The labyrinthine passageways seem like an enchanting maze, beckoning you to explore further into the depths.

The Cave Train: A Unique Adventure

Embark on a thrilling cave train ride that will carry you through the mesmerizing chambers of Postojna Cave. As you glide smoothly through the dark tunnels, your knowledgeable guide will narrate captivating tales of the cave’s history and formation, revealing the secrets hidden within the ancient rocks. This unique experience allows you to cover a significant part of the cave’s expanse while enjoying a front-row view of its stunning formations.

The Spectacle of the Vivarium Proteus: A Living Fossil

Postojna Cave is not only a geological wonder but also a sanctuary for an extraordinary creature known as the proteus or “human fish.” This rare and mysterious amphibian, a true living fossil, has adapted to the cave’s dark environment over millions of years. Visitors have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of these fascinating creatures in the cave’s Vivarium Proteus exhibition, gaining insight into their unique characteristics and peculiar way of life.

A Musical Journey through the Cave: Experience the Concert Hall

Imagine attending a concert in one of the most breathtaking underground venues in the world. Postojna Cave’s Concert Hall offers a magical setting for musical performances, where the stalactites hanging from the ceiling create a natural acoustic wonder. The harmonious melodies reverberating through the caverns create an unforgettable experience, infusing the space with a sense of wonder and enchantment.

Predjama Castle: The Cave’s Magnificent Neighbor

Just a stone’s throw away from Postojna Cave, another marvel awaits – Predjama Castle. Perched dramatically on a vertical cliff, this medieval fortress is a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. Explore the labyrinthine chambers and hear the stories of daring knights and their legendary escapades within the castle’s walls. The castle’s symbiotic relationship with the cave makes for a perfect combination, providing an enriching experience that connects history, culture, and nature.

Sustainable Tourism and Preservation Efforts

Postojna Cave takes great pride in its commitment to sustainable tourism and the preservation of its delicate underground ecosystem. The guided tours follow strict regulations to minimize human impact on the cave’s delicate formations, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at its beauty.

Plan Your Adventure to Postojna Cave

As you plan your visit to Slovenia, make sure to include a journey into the heart of Postojna Cave on your itinerary. The majesty of this subterranean wonder will take your breath away and leave you with unforgettable memories of a truly unique and awe-inspiring experience. So, gear up for a journey into the depths of this underground fairy-tale and immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of Postojna Cave.

Is Postojna Cave worth visiting? A full and honest guide

Visiting the Postojna Cave, also known as Postojnska Jama, is not just any cave experience in Slovenia. But is this renowned cave worth the hype? We’re taking you inside to see the incredible rock formations, catch a glimpse of a dragon, and enjoy the natural wonders of the hidden subterranean world. If you’re considering visiting Postojna Cave, read our honest guide to get an idea of what you are in for!

What is Postojna Cave?

How to get to postojna cave.

  • Visiting options & ticket info
  • The Black Cave
  • The Pivka Cave

Meet the “baby dragon” of Postojna

Must-know tips & facts.

  • Best time to visit
  • Photography Tips
  • Is Postojna Cave worth visiting?

Postojna Cave Slovenia

The cave of Postojna is often ranked as the most visited cave in Europe. More than 39 million visitors from all over the world have entered the historic entrance of the tunnel since its opening in the early 1800s. The cave stretches for 24,120 m (79,130 ft) deep inside the earth, and it is the second longest cave system in Slovenia, second only to the Migovec System in the Triglav National Park.

The 2-million-year-old cave system of Postojna was created by the Pivka River, a karst-lost river that disappears in Planina Cave. Here, it merges with the Rak River below the earth’s surface, creating one of Europe’s largest subterranean confluences.

Postojna is also a cave setting records. To access the cave, you hop on an underground train for a 3.7-km -long journey on the world’s only double-track cave railway. The railway sneaks into some narrow tunnels and beautiful rooms, filled with stalactites and stalagmites.

One magical room is referred to as the Postojna Cave’s Dance Hall , where countless Murano-glass chandeliers elegantly hang from the ceiling, creating a fairytale atmosphere.

Postojna Cave Slovenia

Looking for more caves in Slovenia? Don’t miss Krizna Jama and its underground lake !

Postojna Cave is hard to miss. There are signs indicating its location all around Slovenia, as it’s one of the country’s top attractions. The cave is located in the town of Postojna, about 50km southwest of Slovenia’s capital city Ljubljana, and it can be reached by car or by public transport.

Although located in Slovenia, the Postojna Cave is also very close to the Italian city of Trieste and not far from Rijeka in Croatia.

Postojna Cave is about 40 minutes from Ljubljana via the E61 road. The E61 is a road with tolls so you’ll need an E-Vignette to drive there. We got ours on and it cost €15 for 7 days.

➤ From Lake Bled: The Postojna Cave is 1-hour (100km) away from Lake Bled, on a toll road. A toll-free road option is available but it takes twice as long.

➤ From Trieste, Italy : Drive on the E61 road in direction of Ljubljana. The total drive time is about 35 minutes, and you need the same Vignette as mentioned above.

➤ From Rijeka, Croatia : Postojna Cave can be visited on a day trip from the city of Rijeka in Croatia. The ride takes 1h 30m on a toll-free road and it’s just 70km away.

🅿️ PARKING AT POSTOJNA: Being amongst Slovenia’s top tourist attractions, the Postojna Cave comes has huge parking areas dedicated to cars, busses, and campervans. Even though the entrance ticket to Postojna isn’t exactly cheap, keep in mind that parking is not included in the fee. A full-day parking ticket costs €6 .

Postojna Cave Slovenia Parking


From Ljubljana, take the Ljubljana – Postojna train . Trains leave every hour all day long and the travel time is about an hour. An adult ticket costs €5.80. You can find information on train timetables and fares on .

Postojna is right on the Vienna-Venice railway line with connections to Zagreb, Salzburg, Rijeka and Koper.

You can also take the bus from Ljubljana to the town of Postojna , which leaves several times a day. More bus options to Postojna Cave can be found here .

Postojna Cave Slovenia Map

Visiting options at Postojna Cave & Ticket Info

There are several tour options when it comes to visiting the Postojna Cave. During high season, such as in the summer months, expect there to be many people visiting and several guided tours inside the cave.

Due to the complexity of the cave, guided tours are your only option if you want to visit. The following tours and prices are updated as of October 2022.

• Postojna Cave Tour – €27.90 : This is the base ticket to visit the Postojna Cave. With this ticket, you will hop on the train for a 2km ride through some enchanting cave halls, the Gothic Hall and the Congress Hall. After that, you’ll get off the train and walk through the Great Mountain, the Russian Bridge and the Beautiful Cave, where you can admire the “Brilliant” (the most famous stalagmite and the symbol of Postojna Cave). Lastly, you will hop on the train again and go back to the surface after 1h 30 min.

The basic Postojna Cave Tour takes every day, several times a day. The frequency of the visits ranges from 3 times a day in low season (November-March) to 14 times a day during the months of July and August.

• Combined Ticket (Postojna Cave Tour + Predjama Castle) – €40.30: For those interested in also visiting the nearby Predjama Castle (€16.90) , you can buy a combined ticket which includes the Postojna Cave Tour and the Predjama Castle for a total of €40.30 instead of 44.80€.

• Other Combined Tickets: There are also ticket options which include visits to the Postojna Cave, the Vivarium and the Expo Cave Karst with (or without) the Predjama Castle. The option with the Cave, the Vivarium, the Expo and the Castle costs €46.60 , while the one without the castle costs €39.20 .

• Trek through Three Caves – €60 : This option includes the same visit described in the Postojna Cave Tour, with the addition of two separate caves: Black Cave and Pivka Cave. The train ride as well as the trail inside the cave is shared with the previous tour, but at some point along the trail you’ll be walking away from the other groups through some man-made tunnels built during the period between WWI and WWII. The trek takes 2-3 hours and no special equipment is required to complete it, however, this trek is only available from May through September .

• Adventure Tours – €300 : For more adventurous backpackers, check out one of the Adventure Tours . For this tour, you’ll be provided with caving boots and oversuits, fitted with a rope, a headlamp and a helmet, and you will set off for an adventure into the Postojna accompanied by experienced guides. This tour is designed for smaller groups (2-3 people), and it’s only available by reserving in advance. This tour option is available from May through September .

GETTING TICKETS – You can buy tickets either online or at the ticket office located at the Postojna Cave, near the entrance. Group tours are available in your preferred language of English, Slovenian, Italian, or German .

Find more information and book your tickets on Postojna Cave’s official website .

Our experience at Postojna Cave – A detailed guide

We visited Postojna Cave on a weekend in the middle of August, which is the worst possible time to do anything in Europe. August, in fact, is the month of the year when most Europeans get their holidays, and its central weeks are the busiest ones. Since we expected the place to be crowded, we opted for the Trek through the Three Caves tour hoping to have a more private experience.

The entrance of the cave is located at the end of a huge complex of restaurants, bars, shops, and even a hotel. The ticket office is located right there among the shops, and it is possible to buy tickets there if you haven’t purchased them in advance online. From the ticket office, head left towards the entrance of the cave. Here, the cliff has been carved out by nature, and the side of the opening grants access to Postojna Cave giving an idea of what awaits you.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Rock Formations

Regardless of the tour option you choose, the visit begins with a 2km train ride through the natural marvels of the Postojna Cave. The train doesn’t go extremely fast but isn’t particularly slow either. Visitors are asked not to lean out of their seats while the train is moving, and you should definitely obey that rule as the railway passes through some big halls and some very narrow tunnels.

The ride is fun and also something you haven’t experienced before. What makes it thrilling isn’t the speed nor the acceleration but the surroundings, as you get to feast your eyes on different cave halls and rock formations for 10 minutes straight.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Rock Formations

Some 10 minutes later, the train comes to a stop in the heart of Postojna Cave. You will get off on a big platform and start your walk through the marvels of Postojna Cave. Your guide will show you the path to follow and tell you interesting facts about the rock formations of the cave and the history of this place.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Rock Formations

As the walk continues, the path descends deeper into the cave passing places like the Russian Bridge (built by prisoners of war in 1916) and countless more stalactites and stalagmites.

Discover the Black Cave

After some 30 minutes, we left the trail of the Postojna Cave Tour to take a 100m-long tunnel leading to the Black Cave . The cave is quite big, measuring 3.3km, but you only get to see part of it with this tour. Its name is given by its colour, as a thin black layer covers every rock of this cave. What makes the Black Cave special is also its wonderful flowstone formations .

The Black Cave used to be a separate cave until it was later connected to Postojna by means of a man-made tunnel. The tunnel leading to the Black Cave was built by the Italian army during WWI and WWII. The Black Cave is also colder than Postojna Cave, with a constant temperature of just 5°C inside. It might seem like a small difference, but you can definitely feel it, so dress accordingly!

Postojna Cave Slovenia Tunnel to Black Cave

Pivka Cave at Postojna

From the Black Cave, the trail continues towards the Pivka Cave. On a good day, the Trek through the Three Caves also involves a section outside the caves. In that scenario, you would exit the cave and proceed outside toward the entrance of the Pivka Cave. When we visited, however, a huge thunderstorm hit the area of Postojna and our guide decided it would have been a better idea to explore the caves from the inside and backtrack on our way back.

We entered the Pivka Cave through a passage from the Black Cave and headed towards its entrance. As soon as we entered the cave we were astonished. The Pivka Cave offers a unique view of the underground channel of the river Pivka.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Pivka Cave

VISITING TIP: Even though it’s an underground river, the river Pivka behaves just like any other river in the country, and its level is much lower in the summertime .

The trek inside the Pivka Cave ends at its entrance, which – just like the cave – is impressive. There are stairs leading all the way up to reach the surface, however, even though the thunderstorm was gone, after a quick break we headed back to the Black Cave to return to Postojna.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Pivka Cave

After retracing our steps all the way to the Black Cave, we walked through the tunnel and we found our feet again in the Postojna Cave. From there, the trek continued on the remaining part of the Postojna Cave Tour we haven’t seen yet. And needless to say, we were welcomed by more and more rock formations which culminated with the most beautiful one: The Brilliant!

The Brilliant is a five-metre-tall bright-white stalagmite, and it’s considered the symbol of Postojna.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Brilliant Rock Formations

The last stop of the hike is a meet-up with the “baby dragon” of Postojna. Also known as the proteus, this human fish is the only vertebrate living exclusively underground . You can see one specimen in an aquarium near the end of the trail. It is very important to mention that the baby dragon is extremely sensitive to light, so make sure your flash is turned off when taking pictures.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Baby Dragon

The visit ends with another 10-minute train ride back to the outside world. The views are once again incredible. Being a double railway, you’ll be now following a separate route facing the opposite way, so the scenery will feel different and not boring at all!

  • Arrive 30 minutes before the time slot of your visit. Parking is huge and it takes some time to go from your car to the cave entrance.
  • The temperature inside the cave is around 10 degrees Celsius , which means it’s quite fresh.
  • Do not touch anything.
  • Expect a lower level of the Pivka river during summer.
  • You can take photos inside the caves, but flash and tripods are not allowed.
  • There are several toilets outside the caves, all of which are free of charge.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Rock Formations

Best time to visit Postojna Cave

If you can choose, the best time to visit the Postojna Cave is late spring or early autumn.

The Postojna Cave can be visited year-round , also during festive days. The month of August and the winter holidays at the end of December are the busiest times of the year, as most Europeans are on vacation. During the rest of the year, you should try to avoid weekends, since its proximity to Italy makes the Postojna Cave an ideal destination for a day trip from Slovenia’s neighbouring country.

Due to its underground location, the Postojna Cave is immune to weather conditions and it can be visited at any time of the day, also on rainy days. The temperature is constant throughout the cave and it’s equal to 8-10°C all day long.

Photography Tips at Postojna Cave

Even though the Postojna Cave is entirely lit by artificial light, the environment amongst its chambers is very dark. If you plan on taking photos inside the caves, here are some tips for you!

First, you need a wide and fast lens. Anything around 24mm or lower will work, and an aperture of f/2.8 or lower will make your life much easier. We took our photos with a Canon 14-35mm f/4 and we did struggle a bit with that maximum aperture, having to raise the ISO so high at times, especially in the Black Cave and Pivka Cave which are darker.

Tripods are not allowed in the caves, but take advantage of the handrails as they are often flat and you can lay your camera on that, bringing down the ISO and using longer shutter speeds.

If you want to take photos without any people, try to be the first or the last of your group. This trick, however, will only work if there aren’t other groups before you, and your guide won’t be happy to wait for you.

Postojna Cave Slovenia

Is Postojna Cave worth visiting? Our honest review

The short answer is yes because the Postojna Cave is impressive. Especially if you visit Slovenia during the low season, go visit the cave of Postojna and enjoy its beauty. The Postojna Cave is an authentic show of nature, and it’s not something you want to miss.

A more complete answer is: go visit Postojna but be aware you will be sharing the cave with literally thousands of people. Set your expectations accordingly, expect to be shoulder to shoulder with other visitors, and prepare for a relatively fast-paced visit.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Crowd

Also, the trek through the three caves felt like we couldn’t really stop to enjoy the views or take photos, and being in a smaller group didn’t help at all. In fact, the first part of the visit was shared with all the other groups, so you’ll still be surrounded by dozens of people at each point. On the other hand, the section including Black Cave and Pivka Cave was beautiful and wasn’t full of visitors, but even that felt so fast-paced.

Our guide was nice but he would always complain if someone would fall behind and be late, while the group would always go incredibly fast. It’s kinda sad being forced to go so fast while there are so many things to see and appreciate.

Postojna Cave Slovenia Crowd

Hike Slemenova Špica – the best trail on Vršič Pass, Slovenia

Bagni san filippo – stunning free hot springs in italy.


[…] The Cross Cave is a huge underground complex located in Slovenia’s Lož Valley, about 60km south of Ljubljana, and it’s named after the nearby Holy Cross Church (Cerkev sv.Križa) in Podlož. It is also not far from Slovenia’s most visited caves: Postojnska Jama (Postojna Cave). […]

[…] you travelling to Slovenia? Don’t miss the caves of Postojna and […]

[…] Postojna Caves: Full Guide […]

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Boutique. green. diverse..

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Slovenia. A land of inspiration, where unforgettable memories are made.

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Postojna cave

Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle are world-class attractions!

Postojna cave

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World’s Oldest Vine

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Logar Valley

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Logar Valley

Slovenia at a glance

The Slovenian currency is the Euro.


In addition to Slovenian, most people in Slovenia speak English.

Arriving in Slovenia

It takes 2 hours to fly from London to Ljubljana.

In Slovenia, you can swim in the sea in the morning and climb mountains in the afternoon.

Boutique, authentic, unique

Discover the most unique stories and experiences that you won't find anywhere else. Let yourself be inspired by the 5-star boutique experiences under the Slovenia Unique Experiences label. Here you can experience the uniqueness of Slovenia with all your senses and in an unforgettable way. In your own way.

travel to slovenia postojna

Feel the adrenaline rush of a mountain bike ride through the abandoned tunnels of the Mežica Mine under Mount Peca.

Adrenaline-pumping mountain bike descent on the Black Hole Trail

A woodland adventure where you will learn all you need to know about mushrooms while relaxing and having fun.

Mushrooming with Dr. Fungi

A good breakfast sets you up for a day of exploration and fun in the city. Begin your day with a real Ljubljana breakfast and enjoy the always-lively...

Yummy Market Walk

Learn about the story of the best farmed fish in the world and enjoy its incredible taste. 

An unforgettable day at the Fonda Fish Garden

travel to slovenia postojna

A unique three-day experience for lovers of fly fishing, pristine nature and clean rivers that includes local cuisine and an unforgettable adventure –...

Fish & Fly Trio

A forest adventure in which you discover the melodiousness of the trees and learn about the secrets of the forest.

Forest Melody

An experience that reveals how mining has shaped the landscape of Šaleška Valley and its inhabitants.

Mysteries of submerged villages

In the magical ambiance of the Fonda Fish Garden, right by the sea and a stone's throw from the Sečovlje Salt Pans, you will learn in a small group everything...

Mediterranean fish cooking workshop with Irena Fonda

An adrenaline-fuelled adventure in the most famous karst cave in Europe, which will transform you from tourists into explorers.

In the footsteps of the first cave explorers - In the footsteps of Luka Čeč

A hike on centuries-old Jezersko shepherding trails with an experienced mountaineer.

A hike with "sheep salting" above Češka koča

A culinary experience, in which you will learn about dry ageing of meat products at an acclaimed ham producer in the Prekmurje region and try your hand...

Meet Meat & Eat – a story about meat worthy of your time

Experience a world-class gastronomic adventure in Slovenia's deepest dining room. Enter a time machine and become a part of an underground adventure on...

Velenje Underground – a gastronomic adventure 160 metres below the surface

A journey to the seven castles of Posavje to experience their rich cultural heritage, unforgettable views and culinary treats.

Magnificent seven – inspiring stories of Posavje castles

Taste the world's first sparkling wine produced in complete darkness.

Untouched by Light Experience – tasting a sparkling wine untouched by light

Become a part of an underground adventure in which you will row through the flooded tunnels of the largest lead and zinc mine in this part of Europe.

Kayaking adventure through the underground of Mount Peca

Maribor’s mix of good food, wine and music.

Rock'n'Roll of flavours

An epic tour with the architect of UNESCO's Ljubljana. An intimate experience of the visionary master and his great mind.

Master Plečnik

A documentary experience that opens the door to secret rooms where unusual hotel activities took place during the Iron Curtain period.

Secret rooms of the Hotel Jama

Experience the charm of the Slovenian countryside at one of the most traditional homesteads in Prlekija.

Dreamy nights in a hayloft at the Firbas Homestead

A nostalgic journey in legendary classic cars through Istria’s olive groves.

Vintage Gourmet Tour

Turn back time and experience the festive season and Slovenian traditions as they used to be in the days of Prešeren on an authentic Gorenjska homestead.

Sound of holiday

A 1930s-style noble experience that puts you in the shoes of a legendary entrepreneur on a private visit to what was once Europe's most prestigious leather...

Flight to the tannery of Europe

A first-class exploration of Pomurje through a guided tour of the family oil mill, where you learn about the traditional processing of pumpkin seed oil...

From pumpkin to oil – the story of a family oil mill with a lasting tradition

Enter the world of the mysterious forests of Kočevje and explore the nature in all its primal glory. This area is home to the largest brown bear population...

Discover the natural habitat of bears

An experience that reveals the rich pastoral heritage of the Velika Planina plateau and offers a comfortable break and a modern culinary experience in...

Experience Velika Planina

Sports and culinary route to the four microbreweries of Kamnik, the place with the most breweries per inhabitant in the world.

Beer Way to Freedom Tour

Slovenian art and culture: legends, pioneers and modern mystics.

Embark on an enriching journey into the vibrant tapestry of Slovenian art and culture. Meet the creators, legends and pioneers who have left an indelible mark. Travel through a fascinating history, from the fiery origins of the Slovenian language, shaped by Trubar, to the enduring legacy of architect Plečnik, renowned for his human-centric urban designs. Explore exciting experiences, from the charming streets of the vibrant capital of Ljubljana, to the stunning Kostanjevica na Krki, where contemporary art intertwines with sacred heritage.

Watch the video

My way of connecting with cultural flair

Unveil the charm of a contemporary, creatively vibrant Slovenia, distinguished by its world-class artists, an array of year-round inspiring events and a rich cultural heritage. 

Slovenia, a spectacular film destination

Slovenia as a blockbuster filming location.

Top museum pieces in historical towns

Museum pieces in historical towns worth seeing.

Unusual museums in Slovenia

Enter the world of Slovenia's unusual museum collections.

My way of finding active adventures

Slovenia's rugged landscape serves as the ultimate playground for year-round outdoor activities. Breathe in the freshness of nature as you explore new paths, encounter exciting experiences and embark on thrilling adventures.

Long-distance trails

Long-distance trails run across mountain peaks, through valleys, all the way to the sea.

Ten reasons to go cycling in Slovenia

Discover why it is worth choosing Slovenia for your cycling holiday.

Safely into the mountains

Follow the instructions for safe hiking in the mountains.

My way of recharging the batteries

Find your own oasis of tranquillity and relaxation at Slovenia's natural spas and health resorts. Revitalise your body and mind. Tap into the energy of nature. Indulge in pampering and fun in the water.

Water experiences in spas – Aquafun

Thermal water parks = fun. Experience it in spas.

The healthy waters of Slovenia

Experience treatments using incredible thermal and mineral waters in Slovenia.

Top wellness centres in cities and their surroundings

Press pause on the city hustle and bustle. Find oases of relaxation in cities or their surroundings.

My way of tasting Slovenia

Treat your taste buds to the exquisite flavours of Slovenia. Indulge in the culinary expertise of our finest chefs as they showcase the authentic tastes of fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

Top gastronomic festivals and events in Slovenia

Taste Slovenia at numerous culinary festivals and events.

Best castle restaurants in Slovenia

Castle restaurants that have enthralled the global guides Michelin and Gault&Millau.

Michelin stories of Slovenian cuisine

Inspiring stories of selected restaurants and Slovenian cuisine on offer through the eyes of the Michelin Guide team.

My way to a green future

Adopt a sustainable mindset. Opt for green travel choices. Seek green destinations and stay with environmentally conscious providers. Be inspired by Slovenia's green stories.

Visit Triglav National Park with respect

Triglav National Park will delight you with its picturesque landscapes and unforgettable experiences!


The countryside – in the middle of nature, with locals, and enjoying local food.

Farm stays that tell a green story

Farm stays that tell a green story

Choose a holiday on one of the farm stays whose sustainable attitude is proven by the Slovenia Green Label.

Mark your calendar with must-see events

Stay informed on Slovenia’s latest happenings and discover exciting upcoming events.

Main exhibition, Ravnikar Year 2023.

The Structure of Modernity: Edvard Ravnikar and His Quests

The new major exhibition at the UGM | Maribor Art Gallery opens up a spectrum of views, positions, and forms, both within the artworks from the UGM Collection...

Spekter. 70 Years of the UGM Collection

Love can make you dizzy, but at the "Extended Vision" exhibition, it will feel like the ground is slipping from under you.

Extended Vision

Drawings and paintings.

Maria Lassnig

The Open Kitchen, Ljubljana’s picturesque culinary market and a delightful meeting point for curious foodies and other bon vivants has been uniting the...

Open Kitchen

Spring brings the first crops to our gardens and orchards - in April we are already harvesting medicinal wild and cultivated asparagus, and in May we...

Brdalicious - Flavors of Love

We invite you to explore the varied local flavours!

Fine Cuisine in and around Kranj

Between 15th and 19th May 2024, Ljubljana will host the 2024 ECA I Feel Slovenia Canoe Slalom European Championships in the Kayak Centre Tacen, organised...

2024 ECA I Feel Slovenia Canoe Slalom European Championships

With the exhibition Eyes in the Stone, we give power to the primary emotion of fear to jolt us from our numbness to seemingly failing warnings of science....

EKO 9 Triennial of Art and Environment: Eyes in the Stone

An unforgettable culinary experience POP-UP dinner "WILD FOOD ON A PLATE" will be held in a very special location, in the Park of Military History Pivka...

Wild Food Festival Green Karst 2024

Taking place in mid-May, when the darling buds of May are in full bloom, the Flavours of the Vipava Valley Festival pays homage to the locally grown...

Wine and Gastronomy Festival - Flavours of the Vipava Valley

The annual Lighting Guerrilla festival presents a programme of light installations set up in Ljubljana's streets and parks and a number of galleries.

Lighting Guerrilla, Light Art Festival

Festival of Cviček, where vineyard tradition, youthful energy, and a modern approach to wine culture intertwine. 24. until 26. 5. 2024.

Cviček festival

The wildest Slovenian trail running event in the heart of Kočevsko forests.

Kočevsko Outdoor Festival

Souvenirs of wonderful stories.

Let collectibles, cheering props, products for children and leisure time embellished with the I feel Slovenia brand remind you of the stories you experienced in Slovenia or inspire you to make new discoveries in the country of boutique tourism. Choose them in the only official online shop. Worldwide delivery guaranteed. Choose something for yourself!

Top IG Stories

Find your inspiration for travelling through the most visible, unique Instagram Stories on social networks @FeelSlovenia.  Let the Instagram Stories take you through places and first-person adventures, colourful graphics, handwritten notes and an innovative combination of various visual media.

Share your way with the world

Check out @FeelSlovenia on Instagram and let the whole world know what’s your way of feeling Slovenia with #ifeelsLOVEnia & #myway.

travel to slovenia postojna

Sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive a green piece of Slovenia in your inbox, and learn about holidays, seasonal offers, upcoming events and travel options.

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Slovenian Tourist Board Ljubljana, 1 June 2022

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Top 5 tours for visiting Postojna Cave in Slovenia

Do you want to visit Postojna Cave and are struggling to decide which tour is the best fit for you? Let me help you!

I am from Slovenia and have lived in Ljubljana for years, so I get this question a lot whenever I have friends visiting. To make things easier for you, I have put together the top 5 tours for visiting Postojna Cave .

I did my best to put together tours of different price ranges to make sure you find something that fits your needs, but please bear in mind that the cave entrance ticket alone costs almost € 30.

Let’s dive in!

Slovenia - Postojna cave best tour

Don’t have time to read it all?

This day trip from Ljubljana to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is our most recommended tour for visiting these incredible attractions.

number 1

Day trip to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

  • Pick-up in Ljubljana
  • Tickets included
  • Audio guides included

number 2

Bled & Postojna Cave

  • Combine the best attractions in Slovenia
  • Full day trip

number 3

Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle and Piran

  • Visit the seaside
  • Hotel pick-up

Top 5 Postojna Cave tours – the full list

To help you decide which is the best Postojna Cave tour for your style, I will describe below what each of our selected top tours includes and why they deserve a spot on this list.

I did my best to select varied options to make sure you will find something that fits your needs.

1. Half-day trip to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

Slovenia - predjama castle

In my opinion, this is the best tour for visiting Postojna and Predjama Castle .

This tour is organized as a half-day trip from Ljubljana and what I love the most about it is that all tickets and audio guides are included , so you do not have to worry about a thing. Just get ready on the day of the tour and enjoy your time.

Pay close attention when buying any Postojna Cave tour because many of them will not include the ticket in the price, which means you can expect to pay an additional € 30 to go inside the cave.

This tour also offers pick-up in main locations in Ljubljana, which is extremely convenient for anyone staying in the city center.

2. Full-day tour to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle

Slovenia - Postojna cave

This tour deserves a spot in this list because it combines a visit to the main attractions in Slovenia: Lake Bled and Postojna Cave .

Organized as a full-day trip from Ljubljana, the tour will first take you to visit Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle (tickets are also included). 

Afterward, you will go to Lake Bled with tickets included for visiting Bled Castle. What I like about this tour is that you will have enough time to explore a bit the area around the lake and even go for a swim if you will be visiting during the summer.

3. Tour to Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle and Piran

Slovenia - Postojna cave

The great thing about this tour is that it combines a visit to Postojna Cave and the Slovenian seaside town of Piran .

Piran is my favorite city on the Slovenian coast. Especially if you will be traveling during the summer when the daytime is long, you will see that this city is extremely cute and bustling with tourists.

The biggest downside of this tour is that it does not include the tickets to Postojna Cave, so you will have to buy those on the side.

4. Private tour to Postojna Cave and Lake Bled

Don’t like sharing your day with a full group and being dependent on other people’s timelines? Then consider this private tour instead!

This tour will take you to Postojna Cave and Lake Bled, with the option of adjusting the itinerary based on your wishes . Since this is a private tour, it gives you more comfort and flexibility about what you want to see and do.

This is a full-day tour of approximately 10 hours, which is plenty of time to explore the best of what Slovenia has to offer.

5. Postojna Cave tour with a visit to the Lipica Stud Farm

Slovenia - Postojna cave

This is the perfect day trip for families . It is a private tour, which gives additional comfort and privacy to your family day trip.

This tour includes a visit to Postojna Cave followed by a visit to the Lipica Stud Farm.

Located on the Slovenian seaside, the Lipica Stud Farm is famous for its white Lipizzaner horses that are bred and trained on-site. They have riding lessons and an overall beautiful farm where you can take a tour, have a picnic, and enjoy the horses.

Afterward, this Postojna Cave tour also includes a visit to Piran, one of the most picturesque cities in the Slovenian seaside.

Note that this tour does not include admission tickets to the attractions.

Tours to Postojna Cave from other destinations

The most traditional way to visit Postojna Cave is as a day trip from Ljubljana . However, you can visit Postojna Cave from almost any destination in Slovenia, whether you are staying on the coast such as Koper or Piran, or in Lake Bled, or any other destination.

Below, I have listed a few options for day trip tours to Postojna Cave that start in other places instead of Ljubljana.

  • Full-day Postojna Cave tour from Zagreb, capital of Croatia
  • Half-day Postojna Cave tour from Koper
  • Half-day Postojna Cave tour from Rijeka, in Croatia
  • Private Postojna Cave tour from Trieste, in Italy

Don’t want to book a full tour? Organize your own visit to Postojna Cave instead

You don’t need to book a tour if you don’t want to. It is also perfectly possible to visit Postojna Cave on your own and buy the tickets on-site.

I recommend the tour as a great alternative for those who will not be traveling with their own car, but if you rent a car for your trip to Slovenia , it can be more convenient to visit Postojna Cave at your own pace.

Read our guide about visiting Postojna Cave to discover all you need to know to organize your visit.

I hope this guide has helped you decide on the best tour for visiting Postojna Cave during your trip. I understand that people have different needs and priorities, but I truly believe this selection of top 5 tours to Postojna Cave are the best offers available out there.

If you have any additional questions, let us know and we are happy to help!

Get all our Slovenia tips on your Google Maps

Our personal recommendations of things to see, restaurants, photo spots… all available in your pocket.

Slovenia Map

More about visiting Slovenia

  • Visiting Lake Bled
  • What to do in Lake Bohinj
  • Visiting Moon Bay beach, the most beautiful beach in Slovenia
  • Hiking in Logar Valley
  • A visit to Ljubljana Castle

Organizing your trip

To help you plan your trip to Slovenia, we have put together our favorite planning resources: 

  • Flights : Get affordable flights to Slovenia on . 
  • Travel insurance : Make sure you are protected during your trip. We use  VisitorsCoverage  whenever we are traveling abroad. 
  • Renting a car : We always use  Discover Cars  to get the best car deals. 
  • Accommodation : Find the best hotels and apartments on . 
  • Activities : Get fun ideas of what to do and buy unique activities with  Get Your Guide.
  • SIM Card : Stay connected during your trip with  Airalo.
  • Slovenia Map: Check out our custom-made Google Map with 200+ must-see spots!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that we get a small commission from any purchase you make, at no additional cost to you!

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Edin (Edo for friends like you) is the Slovenian half of Mauka. Even though Edo was born in Novo Mesto (Slovenia), he has Bosnian origins and has spent most of his life exploring the Balkan Region. Now, with Fernanda, he has expanded his travel borders to explore more of Europe, South America, and the rest of the world. He is the technical master behind the blog, but he also adventures as a writer when it comes to giving tips about destinations he is passionate about.

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travel to slovenia postojna

The Perfect One-Week Slovenia Road Trip

T here is perhaps no other country in Europe that is both exquisitely beautiful and budget-friendly for travelers as Slovenia. One of the most underrated destinations on the continent, there is so much to explore on a Slovenia road trip.

And while you could easily spend a week relaxing and gazing at the calm waters of Lake Bled, we’ve put together the perfect one-week Slovenia itinerary that hits the highlights of the country in a brief time.

This Slovenia road trip will take you from coastal communities and fairytale cities to pristine lakes, captivating caves, and ancient castles – all in a one-week Slovenia itinerary.

Our Slovenia road trip experience

We spent one week in Slovenia as part of a longer trip that included visits to Salzburg, Austria and Munich Germany . For us, it was love at first sight of the country’s natural beauty and majestic landscapes. 

Our Slovenia road trip itinerary took us to some of the most beautiful places in Slovenia but still left us yearning to return and explore more. In our experience, Slovenia is the most underrated country we’ve ever visited, and this Slovenia itinerary will likely have you feeling the same.

Getting around Slovenia

The easiest way to get around Slovenia is by car.

While there is rail service in Slovenia, it is limited. And if you try to travel around the country by train alone, you will miss out on so many of the country’s natural attractions that are only accessible on a Slovenia road trip. 

For this reason, you will want to rent a car and drive. We always book rental cars through DiscoverCars , so we can compare prices from different rental car companies and book the one that best suits our needs and budget.

Roads in Slovenia are well maintained, drivers are courteous, and driving in the country, even in remote areas, seems very safe. 

Also read: Europe road trip tips

Slovenia Road Trip Highlights

Now that we’ve covered how to get around on this Slovenia itinerary, here are a few highlights of this Slovenia road trip.

  • Vintgar Gorge 
  • Lake Bohinj
  • Triglav National Park 
  • Piran and Koper
  • Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave 

Slovenia Road Trip Map and Route

Each day of this slovenia itinerary .

You’ll likely want to start and end your Slovenia road trip in the capital city of Ljubljana. If you have more than just one week in Slovenia, you could tack on an extra day or two exploring the capital city further or take a couple more day trips from Ljubljana. 

From Ljubljana you can easily take a train or flight to another destination for onward travel or head home after your trip with wonderful memories of your one week in Slovenia. 

Slovenia Day 1 – Ljubljana 

Your first day in Slovenia can either be the day you arrive in Ljubljana or the day after depending on your travel style and arrival time.

If you arrive in the late afternoon, evening, or night, catch up on sleep, get over jet lag, which is especially important if traveling with young kids , and relax.

However, if you arrive in the morning hours and prefer to hit the ground running, spend your first day in Slovenia getting acquainted with the capital city. Walk along the river, find all of the famous bridges in Ljubljana and then enjoy the atmosphere and a meal at an outdoor patio, if the weather is nice.

There are a lot of fun things to do in Ljubljana , but one of the best activities is simply enjoying the atmosphere along the river and wandering through the Old Town district. 

Slovenia Day 2 – Ljubljana 

Start your day in Ljubljana by heading to Ljubljana Castle . The ancient landmark perched upon a hill overlooking the city is a must visit in Ljubljana. 

Spend a couple hours exploring the castle-turned-museum and then head to the Metelkova Art Center for a look at the quirkier side of the fairy tale city.

This small corner of the city is actually an autonomous or self-governed community located near the Ljubljana main train station. It is covered in graffiti and street art from top to bottom and has become a haven for the artistic, creative, and societal non-conformists. 

If you prefer to skip Metelkova Art Center, head to Tivoli Park or check out one of Ljubljana’s intriguing museums. Whether you are interested in art, history, or looking for a fun museum for kids, Ljubljana has something for everyone. 

  • Where to stay in Ljubljana: Hotel Emonec
  • Alternative hotel: Grand Hotel Union Eurostars

Slovenia Day 3 – Lake Bled 

On the third day of your road trip in Slovenia, head to the beautiful lakeside community of Bled. Known for its turquoise water, picturesque little island church, and castle on a cliff, Lake Bled is perhaps the most popular place to visit in Slovenia. 

Because of its popularity, Lake Bled is teeming with things to do . Approximately an hour from Ljubljana, Lake Bled is often done as a day trip. But we recommend spending a night here if you are going on a Slovenia road trip. 

After arriving in Lake Bled, start off by walking around the lake. About halfway around, rent a canoe on the west side of the lake and paddle out to Bled Island . The small island is home to one of the most famous churches in Europe , the Assumption of Maria Church. 

After your adventurous, albeit serene boat trip, continue your leisurely stroll around the lake. The loop around the lake, while mostly flat, is approximately 4 miles. So be sure to bring a good pair of walking shoes.

When you are almost back to the east side of the lake you can either home to Bled Castle or drive up to it. While the museum at the castle is not the most impressive, the views from the castle are worth the entrance fee!

If you have kids, you may also want to include an hour or so at the Adventure Park and an exhilarating ride down the mountain toboggan. 

  • Where to stay in Lake Bled:  Hotel Park 
  • Alternative hotel: Hotel Lovec

Slovenia Day 4 – Vintgar Gorge and Lake Bohinj 

On day four of your Slovenia road trip, head directly to Vintgar Gorge to start your day off with some beautiful scenery, fresh air, and exercise. This hike, just a few kilometers outside of Lake Bled, is breathtaking, yet surprisingly easy.

You can do a round-trip hike through the gorge, which will take roughly 3 hours before heading to Lake Bohinj in the afternoon for some relaxation. 

Vintgar Gorge mostly takes place on a raised boardwalk suspended above the Radovna River through the ravine.

After your hike, grab some lunch back in Bled before heading to Lake Bohinj , the second most popular lake in Slovenia, and the largest in the country.

Just a short distance from Bled, Lake Bohinj is an easy afternoon trip where you can swim, canoe, paddleboard, or visit the charming Church of Saint John the Baptist along the lake.

You can stay in Lake Bled, or for a change of pace and scenery, spend one night along the shore of Lake Bohinj instead. Another alternative would be to continue your drive and spend the night in Kranjska Gora, which situates you near your Slovenia road trip activities for the next day.

  • Where to stay on Day 4: Hotel Park (Lake Bled)
  • Alternative hotel: Hotel Alpina (Kranjska Gora)

Slovenia Day 5 – Vrsic Pass and Triglav National Park 

The fifth day of this Slovenia road trip guide will take you through the heart of Triglav National Park , Slovenia’s only national park. This will be a long day of driving, so if you have extra time, you could easily break it up and spend one night near the Soca Valley.

Encompassing the majestic Julian Alps , Triglav National Park is rugged and glorious. A hiker’s paradise, you’ll find no shortage of scenery in this pristine public park. 

Start your morning by venturing northwest or if you stayed in the town of Kranjska Gora, head directly to the national park.

Best known as a ski resort in the winter season, Kranjska Gora is an equally scenic place to travel in spring, summer, and fall. As the gateway to Triglav, it makes for a great place to base yourself if you have more time and want to do a lot of hiking in the national park.

Whether you spend a day or two hiking or prefer to enjoy the scenery from the comfort of your rental car, you’ll want to journey along the Vrsic Pass .

The highest mountain pass in Slovenia and the Eastern Julian Alps, this 2-lane road consists of a series of 50 tight hairpin turns. You’ll slowly climb up the mountains and back down from the Upper Carniola region to the Trenta Valley.

Along the scenic route, which is closed in winter, you’ll find numerous places to pull over to admire the majestic, mountainous landscapes, or pull off and hike. 

The Vrsic Pass was constructed by Russian prisoners of war in 1915 for military purposes but is now largely a scenic tourist route. Tucked away in the woods along the northern side of the pass, don’t miss the hidden Russian Orthodox church built by the Russian POWs to pay honor to their fallen comrades who died during the road’s construction. 

At the top of the route, stop to admire the views before making your way back down the other side of the mountain pass and onward toward the Slovenian coast.

After taking this scenic pass, you’ll venture toward the Soca Valley . You can either stop for the night at a hotel near Bovec or cross the border into Italy on your way to your next stop – Piran.

  • Where to stay after the Vrsic Pass: Boutique Hotel Dobra Vila (Bovec)
  • Alternative – drive to Piran : Art Hotel Tartini (Piran)

Slovenia Day 6 – Piran and Koper

Piran is a lovely coastal town on the Adriatic Sea. Located in the North of the Istria Peninsula , Piran has both Slovenian and Venetian influences. You’ll find a lot of the food and architecture seem very Italian in nature and design. 

On your sixth day of your road trip through Slovenia, head toward the coast for a relaxing day by the sea. Stop in the charming town of Koper on your way to Piran. The historic town is known for its narrow streets and quaint piazzas.

Visit Titov trg (Tito Square) and admire the Stolnica, a Renaissance and Gothic cathedral, and the Pretoska Palača , a beautiful white Venetian palace in Gothic architecture. Then take a stroll through the town before ending your visit at the regional museum housed in the Belramonil-Tacco palace.

Continue on to Piran, where you can enjoy lots of water-based activities in the warm summer months. Snorkeling, diving, and boat tours are all popular activities in Piran.

For a unique adventure, take the glass floor boat tour, where you can see fish and other marine life beneath you. Afterwards, you can visit the town’s Museum of Underwater Activities or the aquarium. 

  • Where to stay in Piran : Art Hotel Tartini (Piran)
  • Alternative hotel: Second Life Hotel Zala (Piran) 

Slovenia Itinerary Day 7 – Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave 

On your return route to Ljubljana, you’ll have one more very memorable stop on your seven-day Slovenia road trip. 

The Predjama Castle and Postojna Cave are two of the most popular attractions in Slovenia. Often visited as a day trip from Ljubljana, the tourist attractions are on your way back from Piran to Ljubljana, making them the perfect stop on your final day in Slovenia. 

The largest cave castle in the world, Predjama Castle is an 800-year-old castle built into the mouth of a cave, halfway up a 123-meter cliff.

Along with the castle, you’ll want to visit Postojna Cave and explore the underground world in Slovenia. With mesmerizing cave formations, Postojna Cave is one of the most beautiful natural gems in the country. 

Only 45 minutes to an hour away from Ljubljana, after touring Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, head back to the capital city, where you’ll spend your final night of this Slovenia itinerary.

  • Alternative hotel: Grand Hotel Union Eurostars 

Is One Week in Slovenia enough time?

Realistically, one week is never enough time to explore an entire country. Even tiny countries like Luxembourg , deserve more time if you truly want to experience it to its fullest. 

However, knowing that unlimited time off for a family vacation or holiday isn’t a privilege that most of us have, one week in Slovenia is a good amount of time to see many of the best places in Slovenia to visit . 

What to do if you have more than one week in Slovenia

This itinerary can be done in one week, or you can add an extra day or two in each destination to give you more time to appreciate its beauty.

A full 3 days in Lake Bled would be ideal. You could also extend your time in Triglav National Park and the Soca Valley and take part in more of Slovenia’s stunning hikes that the country is known for .

If you have 2 full weeks, it will give you the opportunity to see the Eastern part of the country and visit other incredible places like Maribor and the Logar Valley, as well. Additionally, you could drop down and visit some of the best places to visit in Croatia , as well.

Be fair warned though, Slovenia is a stunning slice of paradise. So, this week-long Slovenia road trip will leave you wanting to come back again or extend your trip indefinitely! 

Have a question or comment about this Slovenia road trip itinerary? We’d love to hear from you! Leave your thoughts (or additions to this 7-day Slovenia Itinerary) in the comments below!

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These Are the Most Beautiful Cities in the World, According to Travelers

Travelers on Reddit voted on the most beautiful cities in the world and these 5 gems rose to the top.

Evie Carrick is a writer and editor who’s lived in five countries and visited well over 50. She now splits her time between Colorado and Paris, ensuring she doesn't have to live without skiing or L'As du Fallafel.

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Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images

There is beauty everywhere — in the minimalist architecture and fluid floor plans of Japan’s countryside to the concrete finishes and unusual shapes of Eastern Europe — but certain cities seem to captivate the general population, wooing visitors with their storybook architecture, preserved castles , and greenery.

When Reddit user /Slommyhouse asked the r/travel community “What is the most aesthetically beautiful city that never loses its appeal no matter how many times you visit?” travelers chimed in and certain destinations rose to the top — including lesser-known cities in Central Europe and a royal sanctuary northwest of Lisbon.

Florence, Italy

Florence, along with Prague, was the “best” answer to the question, based on the ratio of user upvotes to downvotes. The result isn’t shocking — when it comes to art and architecture, Florence can’t help but stand out. You’ll find grocery stores and pizza spots housed within stunning Renaissance architecture, along with major sites like the Duomo Cathedral and Michelangelo’s “David” sculpture. 

Reddit user /claudio6992 replied, “For me it’s Florence been there on multiple visits and it hits different. I love history and for me it’s like an open museum were you can imagine yourself transported back to a different era.”

Prague, Czech Republic

In addition to Florence, users had a lot to say about Prague, a city that’s bisected by the Vltava River and built around the Old Town Square, a plaza surrounded by colorful baroque buildings. The highlight of this historic square is the St. Nicholas Church, which is considered to be the greatest example of Prague Baroque architecture, and the medieval astronomical clock, which provides a complicated and animated hourly show . One Reddit user, /WestCoastBestCoast01 , replied, “Prague was immediately my first thought!!”

Edinburgh, Scotland

The compact, hilly city of Edinburg has two distinct areas: the medieval Old Town, which is dominated by Edinburgh Castle, and the elegant, neoclassical New Town, which has stunning gardens. The juxtaposition of these two areas is so significant that they’ve been named a UNESCO Heritage Site . User /BasicLawyer noted that for them, the city is special because of the “ancient volcanic structures surrounding a gothic city with networks of underground streets.”

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Central European country of Slovenia is rarely on top of Americans’ must-visit list, but the country, which is known for its mountains, ski resorts, and lakes (including Lake Bled, a glacial lake fed by hot springs) finally got some recognition. The capital city of Ljubljana is split by the Ljubljanica River, which is lined with outdoor cafes, and has plenty of green space. 

User /SoullessGinger666 called it the “Most anti-car, pro-pedestrian city I've ever been to,” noting that it’s “Utterly stunning down the river.” User /klimatronic confirmed that “when you are in Ljubljana, you don't need car, or even public transport, you can go anywhere by foot.”

Sintra, Portugal

The resort town of Sintra is only a 40-minute drive from central Lisbon, but the vibe couldn’t be more different. The town is set in the foothills of Portugal’s Sintra Mountains and is surrounded by forest and greenery. It has been a longtime royal sanctuary, with elaborate palaces that include the Sintra National Palace, which is heralded for its twin chimneys and notable tilework, and the Pena National Palace, which sits on a hilltop and has sweeping views.

Redding user /notyourwheezy , said, “something about those castles that just looks so fairytale. and bonus if it's rainy and misty. truly feels like I've stepped into a storybook.”

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From one extraordinary post office to another

This season, UKAHT was part of a postcard’s remarkable journey from Port Lockroy, the world’s southernmost post office, to Postojna Cave, the world’s only cave post office.

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Meet Gerhard Freund, a keen philatelist from South Tyrol in northern Italy with a special interest in pushing the boundaries of global postal systems. In 2020, UKAHT worked with Gerhard to send a postcard from Port Lockroy to the International Space Station (ISS), the artificial satellite circling 408km (250 miles) above the Earth.

Gerhard on a summit in the Dolomites

Gerhard climbing in the Dolomites in northern Italy (Credit: Gerhard Freund)

The ISS has been permanently inhabited since 2000 and can receive mail, albeit occasionally. As such, it’s fair to say the ISS is the planet’s highest post office. The feat represented the first time letters had been sent from Antarctica to space and the first time that polar and space philately had been united on an envelope. 

A year later, Gerhard went even further and organised for another letter to be sent to the ISS, this time from the Himalayan mountain village of Hikkim in India. At an elevation of 4,440m (14,400ft), the tiny post office in Hikkim is the highest post office on Earth .

Last season, we worked with Gerhard again to send a postcard from the world’s southernmost post office at Port Lockroy to the world’s northernmost post office at Ny-Ålesund, a small town in Svalbard, Norway, located well above the Arctic Circle. The journey from 64º49’S to 78°56′N took just over two months and by the time the postcard arrived in Ny-Ålesund, it had travelled 16,698km (10,376 miles) from one end of the earth to the other.

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Gerhard sent a postcard to the world's northernmost post office in Ny-Ålesund (Credit: HunsaBKK/Shutterstock)

This season, Gerhard again approached us with yet another madcap idea: to send a postcard from Port Lockroy to Postojna Cave, home to the world’s only cave post office.

Postojna Cave

The jaw-dropping Postojna Cave system , in southwestern Slovenia, is made up of a series of caverns, halls and passages around 24km (15mi) long and two million years old. The network of tunnels was hollowed out by the Pivka River which enters a subterranean tunnel near the cave’s entrance.

Postojnska Cave

The White Hall in Postojna Cave (Credit: Postojnska Jama, Archive)

It is Europe’s most visited cave and has been a popular tourist attraction since 1819 when Ferdinand I of Austria visited the caves. Since then, over 40 million people have come to see the fantastical crystalline galleries dripping with needlelike stalactites and columns of improbable stalagmites. Today, the cave comes with an array of attractions including a railway line, a concert hall and, most significantly, a post office.

travel to slovenia postojna

The original post office in the corner of the White Hall (Credit: Gerhard Freund)  

In 1899, the world's first cave post office was opened in Postojna Cave. Initially, it was a simple, small, stone building in a chamber called the Dance Hall. In its first year, the post office processed around 7,000 letters but by 1927, when it was renovated and relocated to the much larger Concert Hall, that number had risen to over 90,000. The post office still stands today and is the world’s only cave post office.

Baby dragons?

We at UKAHT love weird and wonderful wildlife and you don’t get much weirder than the olm, an aquatic salamander found exclusively in the caves around the Dinaric Alps, including in Postojna Cave.

The bizarre-looking creatures have captured the imagination of people for centuries. With their snakelike torsos replate with four limbs, red tufty gills and translucent skin, the olm is truly a remarkable animal. In contrast to most amphibians, they are entirely aquatic, eating, sleeping and breeding underwater. They also have fewer digits compared to other amphibians: the front legs have three instead of the usual four, and the rear has two instead of five.

travel to slovenia postojna

A baby dragon or an olm? (Credit: Postojnska Jama, Archive)

The earliest written accounts of the olm date back to the 17th century when a local naturalist reported that, after heavy rains, the olms were washed up from the subterranean waters. Locals believed the creatures were the offspring of a terrible dragon living inside Postojna Cave. However, olms can only grow up to around 40cm in length which, even though it makes them the largest cave-dwelling animals in the world, they’re still some way short of a fire-breathing dragon. 

The journey 

The postcard began its journey at Port Lockroy on 16 December 2023, when the UKAHT team stamped a postcard with the base cachet. This printed design features the date, location (Goudier Island, Antarctica, 64°49'S 63°29'W), HSM no. 61 – referencing the Historic Site or Monument designation under the Antarctic Treaty, UKAHT web address, and, of course, the Port Lockroy penguin logo. They then wrote out a short message to their counterparts in Postojna Cave and all signed their names. 

“Greetings from the world's southernmost post office to the world's only cave post office! We hope this finds you well. All the best from the Antarctic Port Lockroy team. Laura, Shabir, Bridie, Jérôme, Lisa.”

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The team's message (Credit: Gerhard Freund)

The postcard was then put inside an envelope featuring four British Antarctic Territory stamps that were hand-cancelled by applying the Port Lockroy postmark with the date 16 December 2023. 

Soon after, they were collected by a visiting cruise ship and transported from Port Lockroy to the Stanley Post Office on the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory. There, the mail was hand-sorted by country before boarding the twice-weekly plane to RAF Brize Norton in the UK. The mail was forwarded via Royal Mail to Slovenian where it entered Pošta Slovenije (the Slovenian postal service).

travel to slovenia postojna

About to begin its journey (Credit: Laura Büllesbach)

Just 32 days after leaving Antarctica, on 17 January 2024, the letter arrived at the world’s only cave post office! The postmaster there snapped some photos of the occasion before forwarding the envelope – on 26 January – to Gerhard in neighbouring Italy. Gerhard received the envelope on 23 February 2024, replete with stamps from the cave featuring the infamous olm and a special edition sheet stamp showing the original post office.

travel to slovenia postojna

At the world’s only cave post office! (Credit: Postojnska Jama, Archive)

Unbelievably, it had taken just four days longer for the postcard to travel from Antarctica to Postojna Cave than the 28 days it took from Postojna Cave to Gerhard’s home in northern Italy!

the back of the postcard

At the end of its journey: the back of the envelope (Credit: Gerhard Freund)

UKAHT would like to thank Gerhard Freund for his hard work in getting this unique project off the ground, the postmaster and staff at Postojna Cave, and of course, our outstanding team at Port Lockroy.

How a postcard from Port Lockroy inspired my new book

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The gentoos of Port Lockroy are perhaps some of the most famous penguins in the world! The colony made their home with us on Goudier Island over 30 years ago and we have been studying and contributing to their protection ever since. Inquisitive, fluffy and funny, we love sharing their activity with everyone around the world.

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TRAVELSLOVENIA.ORG – All You Need To Know To Visit Slovenia

TRAVELSLOVENIA.ORG – All You Need To Know To Visit Slovenia

Farm stays near postojna that we think are the best and worth staying at.

Farm stays can encompass a range of accommodations from rural bed and breakfasts to working farms. Some farmstays are quite luxurious, with comfortable rooms and delicious homemade breakfasts each morning; in this sort of accommodation, your closest contact with the farm itself may be a leisurely stroll across a rolling pasture. Other farmstays offer more hands-on activities, which could include milking cows, feeding livestock, collecting eggs, etc.

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10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024, Postojna, Slovenia [Image 6 of 6]

10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024, Postojna, Slovenia


Photo by graigg faggionato  , training support activity europe   february 2023">     may 2022">     july 2020">     june 2020">     november 2019">  .

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U.S. paratroopers, assigned to 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, pose at the Opening Ceremony of 10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024 in Postojna, Slovenia, May 08, 2024 . The SAF Best Squad Competition is a competition of squads with international participation. The focus is on regional cooperation – the Central European region after the division of EUCOM, which includes Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and the countries of Austria, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Colorado National Guard as State partner is also involved. (U.S. Army Photo by Graigg Faggionato)


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  1. 50 Breathtaking Postojna Cave Photos To Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

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  2. 50 Breathtaking Postojna Cave Photos To Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

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  3. 45 Beautiful Postojna Photos That Will Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

    travel to slovenia postojna

  4. Panoramic view of the town of Postojna in Slovenia

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  5. 50 Breathtaking Postojna Cave Photos To Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

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  6. 50 Breathtaking Postojna Cave Photos To Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

    travel to slovenia postojna


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  3. Slovenia's Postojna Show Caves

  4. from LUCIJA to PIRAN over PORTOROZ


  6. Living Nativity in Postojna Cave


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  7. Postojna Cave » Postojna Cave Park

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  8. Homepage

    Postojna is the cradle of karstology decorated by unique karst wonders. Here, where the Postojna Pass has been connecting the Mediterranean and Central Europe since ancient times, nature still creates wonders of the karst. Postojna is a true treasure of world-renowned attractions with its wonderful and mysterious underground world as well as ...

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  10. Is Postojna Cave worth visiting? A full and honest guide

    From Rijeka, Croatia: Postojna Cave can be visited on a day trip from the city of Rijeka in Croatia. The ride takes 1h 30m on a toll-free road and it's just 70km away. 🅿️ PARKING AT POSTOJNA: Being amongst Slovenia's top tourist attractions, the Postojna Cave comes has huge parking areas dedicated to cars, busses, and campervans. Even ...

  11. The official travel guide to Slovenia

    Useful information and safety guidelines for carefree travel to Slovenia Show all. Practical info . Practical info Show all. Border Formalities. Opening Hours. Tourist travel information centres. ... Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle are world-class attractions! Postojna cave More. Slovenia at a glance. Currency. The Slovenian currency is the Euro.

  12. Postojna to Slovenia

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Postojna to Slovenia easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Postojna to Slovenia right here.

  13. 5 Best Postojna Cave Tours (By a Local)

    Top 5 Postojna Cave tours - the full list. 1. Half-day trip to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. 2. Full-day tour to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. 3. Tour to Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle and Piran. 4. Private tour to Postojna Cave and Lake Bled.

  14. Postojna Cave And Lake Bled

    Featuring 21 kilometers of underground passages, caverns, and halls adorned with unique formations, the tour highlights of Slovenia include the mesmerizing Postojna Cave. This subterranean wonderland offers a thrilling experience for enthusiasts of cave exploration. Visitors can marvel at the intricate stalactites and stalagmites that have ...

  15. Shore Excursion To Postojna Cave

    Image Credit: The pricing for the shore excursion to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle in Slovenia starts from $86.69 and may vary depending on the group size. Travelers looking for budget-friendly options will find that this excursion offers a great value for the experience it provides.

  16. The Best Of Slovenia, Bled Lake, Postojna Cave And Ljubljana

    Upon pickup at your accommodation in Zagreb at 07:30 AM, the tour will commence with a captivating 1.5-hour guided exploration of Postojna Cave. Following this, you will head to Bled Lake to marvel at its magnificent views and then proceed to a guided tour of Ljubljana's historic center and castle. During the excursion, you will have free ...

  17. Ljubljana to Postojna

    Arriva Slovenia operates a bus from Tobačna to Postojna every 4 hours. Tickets cost $5-6 and the journey takes 58 min. Four other operators also service this route. Alternatively, Slovenian Railways (SŽ) operates a train from Ljubljana to Postojna hourly. Tickets cost $5-12 and the journey takes 1h 8m.

  18. 45 Beautiful Postojna Photos That Will Inspire You To Visit Slovenia

    The Postojna Cave is the only cave in the world that offers a unique and adventurous ride with a special train, which takes you through the arches, halls and tunnels, roughly 4km into the ~24km cave system. Image by Fish Tsoi / CC BY 2.0. Postojna as it looked like more than 120 hundred years ago, in the 1890s.

  19. The Perfect One-Week Slovenia Road Trip

    Approximately an hour from Ljubljana, Lake Bled is often done as a day trip. But we recommend spending a night here if you are going on a Slovenia road trip. After arriving in Lake Bled, start off ...

  20. This train route is being revived after over 100 years

    It'll pass through storied Italian cities Venice and Trieste, as well as making stops for some of Slovenia's noted nature attractions, including Postojna Caves and Skocjan Caves, as well as ...

  21. These Are the Most Beautiful Cities in the World, According to ...

    Jure Makovec/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. The Central European country of Slovenia is rarely on top of Americans' must-visit list, but the country, which is known for its mountains ...

  22. UKAHT

    16/05/2024. This season, UKAHT was part of a postcard's remarkable journey from Port Lockroy, the world's southernmost post office, to Postojna Cave, the world's only cave post office. Meet Gerhard Freund, a keen philatelist from South Tyrol in northern Italy with a special interest in pushing the boundaries of global postal systems.

  23. Stunning Postojna Cave as seen by its visitors (15 photos)

    Postojna is a modern town in southwestern Slovenia, where most people come to visit its remarkable cave. The town was first mentioned in historic documents in 1226. Today it has about 9,200 inhabitants and is the economic, administrative, educational and cultural centre of the Notranjska region of Slovenia.

  24. 10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024, Postojna

    U.S. paratroopers, assigned to 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, march during the 10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024 in Postojna, Slovenia, May 09 ...

  25. All You Need To Know To Visit Slovenia

    Postojna Cave is a 24-kilometre-long karst cave system near the town of Postojna in southwestern Slovenia. It is one of the top tourist attractions in the country. It is the only cave in the world that offers a unique and adventurous ride with a special train, which takes you through the arches, halls and tunnels, roughly 4km into the cave system.

  26. 50 Breathtaking Postojna Cave Photos To Inspire You ...

    The Postojna Cave is the most remarkable cave system of chambers, halls and passages that are more than 24 kilometres long. It was created by the Pivka River and is almost two million years old. This is such a magical place that it is bound to enchant you. The caves are entered by open train which adds to the experience of depth and adventure ...

  27. Farm stays near Postojna that we think are the best ...

    TOURIST FARM HUDICEVEC. Hrusevje (8 km from Postojna), Slovenia. Tourist Farm Hudicevec is a lovely farmstead with modern accommodation tastefully added. The property is located in the Hrusevje village, about a 12 minute drive from Postojna, 14 minutes from the Postojna Caves and 20 minutes from the Predjama Castle.

  28. 10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024, Postojna

    U.S. paratroopers, assigned to 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, pose at the Opening Ceremony of 10th Best Soldier Competition Slovenian Armed Forces 2024 in Postojna ...