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50+ Travel Questions That Will Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

travel poll questions instagram

It is no secret that the Stories feature on Instagram can really drive your engagement. Not only that, but it allows you to get to know your followers better and what type of content they respond to.

The Questions sticker on Stories is my go-to to interact with followers, and I love to ask engaging questions about my favorite subject…TRAVEL! Within 24-hours of posting a travel question, I start reposting responses, tagging the account that answered. In turn, the follower I tagged may acknowledge the repost with a heart, a thank you, or even repost the answer on their stories, usually tagging my account as well.

Occasionally, a follower will send a direct message saying how much they enjoy answering the questions I ask and sometimes even state so in their own story repost of their answer. Since this is a popular way to interact and make people think about their own travels, I figured I would compile a list of my highest-performing questions that you can use!

Here is my top 50 travel questions list for you to use:.

1. What is the most memorable road trip you’ve been on?

Instagram Stories Question

2. Do you have a dream road trip you would like to do? If so, where?

3. What road trip snacks do you love to bring/buy?

4. If you are planning a road trip this year, where will you go?

5. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s worth visiting.

Instagram Stories Question

6. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s NOT worth visiting.

7. What’s the best thing you’ve brought back from your travels? (souvenir/other)

Instagram Stories Question

8. Name a strange/unusual tourist attraction where you live.

9. If traveling was back to normal, where would you go?

(This question is one I asked during the coronavirus quarantine and received dozens of responses.)

Instagram Stories Question

10. Name a travel-related film/tv show you enjoy.

Instagram Stories Question

11. What is your favorite hotel brand/chain or hotel in general?

12. What are you doing this weekend?

13. Where did you go on your last trip?

Instagram Stories Question

14. What holiday is only celebrated in your country?

(I love questions like this because it is one we can all learn from. Maybe it’s a holiday you and your followers have never heard of and want to learn more about. This is a great question to find out more about another country and its culture.)

15. Name a dish/dessert you keep dreaming about after having it in your travels.

(People love talking about food, so be prepared for a lot of engagement on this one!)

16. What’s the most incredible natural phenomenon you have witnessed?

( This about your own experiences. Have you seen the northern lights, a geyser, or Niagara Falls? Chances are your followers have seen some pretty amazing things too, some things you may not have ever heard of. This question can help grow your bucket list as well as those of your followers.)

17. What is the most dangerous/adventurous thing you have done in your travels?

18. What is your favorite website/app to book travel?

19. If you won a trip to go anywhere, where would you go?

20. What is your favorite place to go in the city you currently live?

21. Where did you go on your first international trip?

22. Where did your family take you for vacation when you were a child?

23. What is your favorite body of water?

24. In what place have you seen the best night sky? (i.e. stars, northern lights, etc.)

25. What is your favorite beach?

26. Where is the most memorable trip you’ve been on so far?

27. What is your favorite travel accessory/gadget?

28. What is your drink of choice on an airplane?

29. What is the strangest/most interesting thing you’ve eaten in your travels?

30. What has travel taught you?

31. What is your favorite travel quote?

32. Name a place you feel has been affected by over-tourism.

33. Where is the best hike you’ve ever done?

34. Where have you seen the best sunset?

35. Where is the most environmentally-conscious place you’ve visited?

36. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

37. Why do you travel?

38. What tour company have you used in your travels?

39. What is your favorite airline?

40. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

(A great question to get to know your followers better.)

41. Where do you wish you were right now?

42. What is your favorite city for architecture?

43. What is your favorite city for food?

44. What do you do for exercise when you travel?

45. What camera equipment do you bring with you when you travel?

46. In how many cities have you lived?

47. How long was your longest trip?

48. What is your favorite airport you’ve traveled through?

49. Who is your favorite travel companion?

(You can take this one a step further and have them tag the person. That way, when you share, you can tag both your follower and their travel buddy who may end up following you if they aren’t already!)

50. Respond with a travel-related emoji & I will repost a photo from your feed.

(This one is my absolute favorite and I use it often. Why? Well, everyone wants to get their account seen, gain more followers and increase engagement on Instagram. Sharing is a fantastic way to showcase some of your followers’ amazing travel photos and, oftentimes, they will repost one of your photos in return. I have had followers message me to say thanks and that they received several more followers because I shared one of their photos. It is a win-win!)

Instagram Stories Question

Bonus: Polls!

Using the poll sticker is another fun way to help drive engagement, and they are quick and easy for people to scroll through your Stories and answer as there are only two choices.

Here are a few high-engagement travel-related polls I have used in my own stories with the “This or That” theme:

  • Solo Travel vs. Group Travel
  • Travel by Car vs Travel by Plane
  • London vs. Paris
  • Beach vs. Mountains
  • Adventure Trip vs. Relaxing Trip
  • Plan It vs. Wing It
  • Sightseeing vs. Shopping
  • Tourist Spots vs. Hidden Gems
  • Airbnb vs. Hotel
  • Local Street Food vs. Fancy Restaurant

Instagram Stories Question

If you use Instagram questions, it is always a great idea to repost answers and tag the account that answered. If you reshare others’ content, yours will most likely be reshared as well, increasing followers and engagement. Remember, Instagram is a community and sharing is caring! Check out my Instagram page here .

Feel free to bookmark this list for your future travel-related Instagram questions and polls. And please share any other travel-related questions you have had great engagement on in your social media posts in the comments.

increase engagement on instagram stories

This post may contain affiliate links with which I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.


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142+ Instagram Poll Questions to Ask Your Followers

Updated on March 9, 2024

20 min to read

travel poll questions instagram

Content Writer

Digital Marketing

Social Media

Published June 9, 2022

142+ Instagram Poll Questions to Ask Your Followers

If you need copy-paste Instagram poll questions to skyrocket views and user engagement, you’re in luck. 

This epic list of 143 poll questions will help your clients—from life coaches to food bloggers—skyrocket their reach.

You’ll also find essential IG tools tips, and FAQs to build a successful poll strategy on Instagram. 

Let’s jump right in.

Table of contents

What you’ll learn:, what are instagram story polls.

  • Instagram poll questions formats

5 Top Tips for Asking Instagram Poll Questions in 2022

Best instagram poll questions for generating user engagement in 2022, best instagram poll questions for your client’s marketing campaigns in 2022, best instagram poll questions for real estate clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for fashion clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for food clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for health clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for tech clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for life coaches in 2022, best instagram poll questions for travel clients in 2022, best instagram poll questions for beauty clients in 2022, how to check instagram poll results, why creating instagram poll questions is great for boosting engagement, common mistakes to avoid when creating instagram poll questions.

  • FAQs for creating Instagram poll questions

Streamline your social media marketing campaigns

Instagram polls work through the interactive sticker found in Instagram Stories. 

The poll sticker allows two different answers (‘Yes’ or ‘No’ by default) to a customizable question. You can check the poll results as soon as they’re entered by respondents. 

There are three reasons why an Instagram Story poll is an excellent tool for social media marketing agencies. 

First, a poll is a form of interactive content that can pique the interest of your client’s target audience. And depending on your question, they can be really fun to answer. 

The second reason is that polls help you extract valuable insights from the target audience. 

Lastly, you can create polls using a mix of content types—not just images. You can add a poll on top of your client’s most viewed Instagram video , their feed posts, and so on. 

travel poll questions instagram

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Instagram poll questions formats 

Poll question formats you use can vary and depend on each client’s campaign and objective. 

Check out the common Instagram poll question format types below. 

This or that

Instagram polls that ask to choose between This or That is a great way to spark audience interest and narrow their focus on things your clients want to highlight. 

For instance, you could run a versus style poll for a client’s retail product or fashion-related campaign. You can even use it as a way to conduct competitive research.   

Leverage Yes or No style polls to get a quick pulse on client audiences’ feelings or two cents about a product, offer, or topic. 

It’s a more creative and engaging way to get instant feedback and understand your client’s audiences and their preferences better. 

Emoji sliders

Using reaction stickers or emoji sliders in your Instagram polls offers a more fun and interactive way to capture viewer responses. 

You can select the Emoji Slider in the Instagram Stickers icon on the menu to add it to your Story.   

Instead of selecting or providing answers to your client’s poll questions, the polling feature allows audiences to rate how much they enjoy something on a sliding scale. 

For instance, viewers can choose a heart eyes emoji to show high interest. 

Consider using emojis associated with each client’s brand to give the poll questions a more branded experience for audiences and boost engagement.  

Would you rather

Create polls that ask “Would You Rather” questions to get audiences to vote between two scenarios. 

Creating Instagram polls like these are engaging since they’re fun and they get audiences to imagine what they would rather do. 

Ensure you present your scenarios clearly and concisely so it only takes a few seconds to understand the question, or you’ll take the fun out of the experience. 

To make the most out of Instagram polls, here are a few quick tips you should remember: 

1. Add teasers (for polls with a correct answer) 

You can use Instagram polls to bring traffic back to your client’s website. A cool trick is to insert a link sticker that takes users to your client’s web content and write a caption like “tap here for the answer!”

Suggested Article: 431+ Best One-Word Instagram Captions to COPY & PASTE! [2022]

Add teasers.

2. Use emoji slider polls

Emoji sliding scale polls are not only entertaining, they also allow you to collect a range of answers from Instagram users. 

Polls are also incredibly flexible. You can customize the emoji, edit the question, and combine it with a range of other stickers and text.

Use emoji slider polls.

3. Let them pick what’s better

If you can’t decide between two options—no matter what it is about—you can always let your client’s audience make the choice. For example, if your client recently launched two versions of the same product, ask them which version they prefer. 

Let them pick what’s better.

4. Use quizzes

Running a quiz with multiple choices on Instagram story is technically a poll. The only difference is, you can add up to four possible answers instead of just two.

Use quizzes.

5. Time your polls wisely

To maximize the visibility of your client’s poll, pick a time when you usually get the most engagement. 

For starters, publish Stories between 11 AM and 12 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Just be sure to analyze user engagement and fine-tune your posting schedule over time. 

Pro tip: Use Vista Social to create an automated posting schedule for your client’s social media—not just on Instagram, but pretty much every other relevant social media network as well.

For more information, check out our in-depth comparison on Loomly vs Hootsuite vs Vista Social .

143 Instagram poll questions to ask your followers in 2022

Ready to have fun with Instagram poll stickers?

It’s about time we get to the juicy stuff.

Let’s kick things off with funny Instagram poll questions you can ask anytime. 

Not only are these questions charming, they’re also a great way to get to know your follower base on a personal level. These are also funny things to comment on Instagram posts, so read on and have some fun with these ideas.

1. Which superhero would you rather be in real life?

Ask your audience to pick between two famous superheroes, understand how their associated superpowers relate to your client’s product’s features, and use that information for future messaging. If they picked “The Flash,” emphasize how your client can help their audience get speedy results. 

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2. How focused are you?

Ask this question simply to catch the audience off-guard and spark engagement. Some of the possible answers could be: A) Extremely focused, B) Sometimes focused, or C) The background image looks cool.

3. Which celebrity would make a …? 

Vampire, werewolf, immortal—think of any noun and a couple of celebrities who could play the part.

4. Would you rather have this or that?

Think of two equally-rewarding things and have the audience worry about which one to choose. 

A good example would be: “Would you rather have $50,000 monthly or $50 million right now?”

5. Do you like pineapple on pizza?

Some issues, like putting pineapple on pizza, divide people into two contrasting groups—usually resulting in intense, in-depth discussions. 

Additional user engagement polls for Instagram in 2022

6. POV: You’re a billionaire, but will lose one of your senses. What will it be?

7. You can have a lifetime supply of any food, but you can only choose one.

8. Have you ever answered a poll with a random answer?

9. For $1 million, you need to spend one week on a deserted island with just one tool. What will you bring?

10. Pick one: Love, wealth, or health?

11. Would you rather lose your voice or your hair?

12. Which fictional character would you rather have as president?

13. You can have the power to create, destroy, or change—choose one. 

14. Pick a superhero you’d like to be with in a zombie apocalypse. 

15. You can only use one social media platform, which is it?

The best questions to ask on Instagram Story aren’t always fun. 

Sometimes, they’re asked solely to help your clients update their Instagram marketing strategy. 

16. What should we talk about next?

Present your client’s followers with two topics and ask them which one should they blog about next. Don’t forget to share the post through the Instagram app to maximize reach. 

17. How much do you love our product?

Use an emoji slider to have followers rate their experience with your client’s product or service. This simple Story post allows you to extract feedback that clients can use for future improvements.  

18. When do you check Instagram?

Ask your client’s followers to state if they’re more likely to check Instagram in the morning or at night. 

19. Would you rather connect via email, live chat, or phone call?

Let your client’s audience voice out their preferred communication channel. This can help B2C clients with customer service and B2B clients with lead generation. 

20. What should we do next?

Present your client’s audience with two items in your client’s product roadmap and have them decide which one should be done first. Not only can this help clients improve user experience, it also shows followers that the brand is in-touch and listens to feedback. 

Additional marketing polls for Instagram in 2022

21. Who is your favorite author from our blog? 

22. What event will you attend in the coming months?

23. How would you rate your last conversation with us?

24. How do you use our product?

25. Where did you find out about us?

26. What’s your preferred way to learn a new skill online?

27. When doing research, would you rather read blog posts or watch a tutorial video?  

28. Would you rather shop online or in-store?

29. If you had $1,000 to spend today, what would you buy?

30. Do you use a credit card?

If your agency manages real estate clients, here are some poll questions that can help them raise awareness and boost engagement. 

31. Would you live here for a month for $10,000?

Show your client’s followers a poorly maintained living space and ask followers if they can live there in exchange for a reward. Another version of this question would be: “If you need to spend 10 days here with no supplies, who are you taking with you?”

32. Which interior/exterior do you prefer? 

Have your client’s audience vote for the exterior or interior design style they prefer out of two choices. Not only will this help real estate clients improve their service, it will also help them refine content ideas for their Instagram marketing strategy. 

33. This property only costs $20,000: True or False?

Post about your client’s most impressive and cost-effective project and have followers guess the price. 

34. Wood flooring or carpet? 

Create an Instagram Story poll question to help clients figure out the more popular option among two choices. You can ask similar questions regarding door finishes, yard ornaments, lighting, and so on. 

Suggested Article: 487+ Best, Most Popular, Viral Hashtags for Instagram this 2022

35. What is more important when buying a new home?

Polls make it easy for real estate companies to understand what features potential home buyers look for.  

Additional Real Estate Polls for Instagram in 2022

36. Suburbs, country, or city? 

37. What’s the biggest reason to back out from purchasing a property?

38. Which celebrity has the best house?

39. Pools: Indoors or outdoors?

40. Your bedroom can only have one piece of furniture other than your bed, what will it be?

41. Mountainside or beachfront?

42. If you can only paint your house with one color, which would it be?

43. You’re moving into a new home: which room would you remodel first?

44. Basements: Yes or No?

45. What would you do if you have a yard this big?

For most fashion brands, building an Instagram presence is a must. 

Below are some Instagram poll ideas agencies can use to help them. 

46. Who rocked it better?

Compare two influencers or celebrities who wore the same outfit and have your client’s followers decide who rocked it better. 

47. Wear or tear?

Show off your fashion client’s most unique outfits and ask their audience if they’d rather wear or tear them. 

48. Left or right?

Show two outfit ideas from your client and ask their audience to pick their favorite. This poll idea can be used to compare whole outfits or individual pieces, like shoes or shirts. 

49. Color choices 

You can ask your fashion client’s followers to pick between two colors of the same fashion item.

50. Would you buy this? 

Look for original, eccentric outfits or fashion items and ask your client’s followers if they would buy them.

Additional fashion polls for Instagram in 2022

51. You can only wear one color your whole life, which will it be?

52. Oversized or fit?

53. Pick your favorite fashion designer.

54. Flats or heels?

55. Slow fashion or Fast Fashion?

56. Do you change your bag for every outfit?

57. Which type of footwear can’t you live without?

58. Have you started shopping for the Holidays?

59. Pants or shorts? 

60. You can only wear one headwear for the rest of your life. What would you pick?

Instagram and foodies have a long, wonderful history together. Here are some Instagram poll ideas for your food clients: 

61. Where would you take your business clients to lunch/dinner?

Ask the Instagram audience where they’d take their business clients for lunch or dinner. 

62. Which restaurant should I visit next?

If your client is a food blogger, you can let their Instagram followers decide which food place to cover next. 

63. Would you eat this?

Look for your client’s most bizarre food adventures and ask their followers if they’ll give it a try. 

64. You have 5 minutes to finish this with a person. Who are you taking?

Show a photo of an absurd quantity of food and ask followers who can help them finish it within a set time limit. 

65. Yum or yuck?

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Ask your client’s Instagram audience if they think a particular food is appetizing or not. 

66. One has to go

If your client is a restaurant, show their audience two items from their menu and ask which one they can live without.

Additional food polls for Instagram in 2022

67. Which condiment goes with everything?

68. How hot do you like your wings?

69. Which cuisine can’t you live without?

70. You can only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life: Choose wisely. 

71. Which goes better with this, wine or coffee?

72. Would you put cheese on this?

73. Can you eat this in one minute?

The health niche, including topics like fitness, dieting, and home remedies, is big on Instagram. Below are some poll questions for clients in this niche: 

74. How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

Using an emoji slider, ask your client’s followers to share how many glasses of water they drink in a day. 

75. Would you rather exercise or change your diet?

Ask your client’s followers if they’d rather exercise or change their diet to lose weight. This can help your health client get more engagement from their content in the future. 

76. How many hours of sleep do you get?

Let your client’s audience share the amount of sleep they get using an emoji slider. 

77. Diet A vs Diet B? 

Do a comparison of two popular diets and let followers pick which one they’d rather use. You can also compare health products, workout routines, and so on. 

78. How stressed are you?

Ask your client’s Instagram followers to share the level of stress they experience using the poll sticker or emoji scale slider.  

Additional health polls for Instagram in 2022

79. What competitive sport is funniest with drunk players?

80. What is your fitness goal? (lose weight or gain muscle)

81. Which celebrity would you rather spot you at the gym?

82. Do you count calories?

83. When was your last physical examination?

84. Would you rather have great teeth or great hair?

85. This is healthy. Do you agree?

86. What’s the best drink for a hangover?

Tech Instagram bloggers, brands, and influencers can use polls to get their audience’s opinions on specific subjects. 

Here are some of the poll question ideas you can use to help them with this goal: 

87. Would you upgrade to the …?

If your client is covering the latest tech in their industry, use polls to check if their followers will upgrade to the new product. 

88. Product A vs Product B

Instagram users in the tech space love to compare. So, use a poll and give them a platform for their opinions. 

89. Would you rock this …? 

Phone cases, custom keyboards, gaming setups—there’s always room for choices in the tech niche. Poll them up and see which options stick out. 

90. Battle of flagships

Ask your client’s followers which flagship product from premium brands, like Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft, would they choose. 

91. Do you use this tech feature? 

You can use polls to determine how many of your client’s followers use tech features like HDR, high refresh rates, and wireless charging.

Additional tech polls for Instagram  in 2022

92. What smartphone are you getting this year?

93. Which is the least useful tech feature?

94. What keyboard shortcut can’t you live without?

95. If you can pick a keyboard shortcut you can use in real life, what would it be?

96. Where do go for the latest in all things tech?

97. Which gadget have you spent the most on?

98. Which tech event have you attended?

Here are five Instagram poll ideas that agencies can use to increase engagement for personal development, productivity, and personal finance clients.  

99. Will you attend this event? 

Polls can be used to preemptively gauge the level of attendance to events like speaking engagements and seminars. 

100. What’s your go-to motivation source? 

Let your client’s audience choose between two things, like coffee, reading, or exercising. 

101. Do you turn music on or off for productivity?

If the majority of answers are “Yes,” you can post about productivity music playlists. 

102. Investment A or Investment B? 

For personal finance clients, you can run a poll that lets the audience pick between two or more investment opportunities. 

103. How often do you read books?

If your client’s followers are into books, you can plan for more book-related content on their Instagram accounts. 

Suggested Article: Content Pillars for Instagram: Examples, Tips, And Steps

Additional life coach polls for Instagram in 2022

104. Which quality are you looking for in a life coach?

105. Would you openly share your personal achievements with the public?

106. Which self-help book have you read? 

107. Are you a night owl or an early bird?

108. How often do you procrastinate?

109. If you have an hour to interview an author, who will it be?

110. You can replicate the success of one billionaire, who will it be?

111. Which time management tools do you use right now?

112. Pick the biggest obstacle between you and your goals this year. 

113. You get to drive one car for a year: take your pick.

Here are some Instagram poll ideas for your travel clients. 

114. Which is the best budget destination …?

Use polls to let the Instagram community decide the best budget travel destination. 

115. What is your ideal adventure? 

Give the audience contrasting choices like going to the beach versus hiking. 

116. If you have to spend a week without internet, where would you rather be?

Compare two destinations, be it countries, resorts, or remote travel spots. 

117. One thing you must check out when traveling

Some of the possible answers to this poll would be food, architecture, and local events. 

118. Should I do this? 

If your client is a solo blogger, post an Instagram Story about an activity like cliff diving or parasailing. 

Additional travel polls for Instagram in 2022

119. You get to migrate to a country of your choice, but you can’t travel anywhere else. Where will it be?

120. Which of the continents do you want to see next?

121. Pick one: travel agency or DIY?

122. If time travel exists, which era would you go to?

123. You can only visit one: 

124. Have you ever gone cruising?

125. Which foreign language would you rather learn?

126. What’s the best way to travel? (car, plane, boat, etc.)

127. Which place are you least likely to visit?

128. Who are you taking on this trip?

129. If you can teleport for 10 seconds, where would you go?

130. The best view: mountain range, sunset at the beach, or northern lights?

Finally, here are some Instagram poll questions for your beauty clients.

131. Long hair or short hair?

For beauty blogger clients, you can poll followers on whether they like their hair long or short. 

132. Would you rather have good hair or good eyebrows?

In the beauty niche, polls can be used to gauge which among two things is more important for the audience. 

133. Cold or hot showers?

Simple questions like this can help beauty brands on Instagram get to know their audience on a deeper level. 

134. Do you sleep with makeup on?

If the audience answers yes, you can create content about tips on effortless makeup removal. 

135. Do you use the same products?

Depending on the audience’s answer, your client may or may not have to start talking about new products from different manufacturers. 

Additional beauty polls for Instagram in 2022

136. Straight or curly hair?

137. Which lipstick brand do you trust with your life?

138. You can only wear one: eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, or foundation? 

139. If you can do the makeup of one celebrity, who will it be?

140. Which Hollywood glow-up is the most impressive?

141. What the most disgusting skincare advice have you tried?

142. Which summertime makeup item can’t you live without?

143. You’re no longer allowed to use this makeup item, what are you using instead?

You can view and analyze the results of your clients’ Instagram poll questions by swiping up on the Story while the poll is still running. 

You should see the number of votes for each option, including the percentage breakdown of the poll responses. 

Instagram poll questions can be excellent engagement boosters. 

Here are the top reasons why:

  • Polls are a great way to facilitate engaging interactions. They can draw the attention of your clients’ audiences and spark conversations that lead to higher engagement. 
  • Polls on Instagram are more than just tools to get followers to interact with your clients’ accounts. These can help your clients gather insights into their audience’s opinions, preferences, and interests but in a more fun and interesting way. 
  • Engaging Instagram polls helps “impress” the algorithm. The algorithm loves it when audiences interact with your content, which makes polls a great tactic to increase engagement rates. The higher your clients’ engagement rates, the more likely they’ll get featured in other users’ Instagram feeds and recommended accounts to follow. 
  • Instagram polls are quick and easy to make with high audience engagement potential. You can whip up your client’s fun poll in seconds with a few taps and see the response and interactions come rolling in. 
  • An Instagram poll adds fun to your clients’ content, making it more engaging and encouraging audience interactions.  
  • Polls foster a sense of community and belonging among our clients’ followers. It helps you connect with your followers and form lasting bonds with audiences. 
  • Instagram polls are highly shareable, expanding your client’s reach and giving them more opportunities to engage and convert followers into customers. 

Steer clear of these common pitfalls when creating Instagram poll questions. 

  • Offering too many options . You can make a poll with up to four options, but this can be too much for some people. Try to stick to the minimum (two choices) to keep it simple and avoid overwhelming your clients’ audiences. The more overwhelming your clients’ polls are, the less likely people are to answer them. 
  • Using boring questions . Creating a snappy and exciting poll is one way to increase engagement since it encourages followers to respond. Don’t use dull or overly complex questions, though, as these can make viewers swipe away without a second thought. 
  • Not promoting your client’s polls . Like any social media and Instagram content, your clients’ polls can get lost in a sea of posts if you don’t let people know about them. Draw attention to creative Instagram polls by sharing them across your clients’ other content and social media pages. It helps maximize the polls’ visibility and reach, enticing more people to participate. 
  • Ignoring relevance . Sure, Instagram polls are meant to be fun to engage your followers, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be relevant. Ensure your clients’ polls align with their brands and resonate with target audiences, especially if they monetize Instagram content. Try not to jump too far with random, unrelated, or off-brand topics since this can disengage or confuse your clients’ followers. 

[Must read: How to Monetize Instagram in 2024: Tips, Policies, Timelines ]

  • Not doing anything with the results . Polls can be a goldmine of insights if you play your cards right. So remember to analyze the data and act accordingly based on the results. For example, leverage the results to tweak your client’s content strategy, launch a new product, or weave in the feedback to improve service quality. 
  • Overusing polls . Too much of anything is bad—and the same goes for Instagram Story poll ideas. Mix up the type of poll with fun questions and create other content, such as carousel posts, Reels, text-based updates like those on Instagram theme pages , and other content types. Doing so helps keep your clients’ Stories and feeds fresh and dynamic. Repetitive polls or any content can get annoying, which can lead to unfollows or get your clients’ accounts blocked.

[Must read: How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Instagram ]  

FAQs for creating Instagram poll questions in 2022

1. are instagram polls anonymous 2022.

No—Instagram polls are not anonymous. The user who created the poll will be able to see the users who participated as well as their answers. 

2. Can you do a poll with 3 options on Instagram?

Yes, you can create a poll with 3 or more options using the quiz sticker rather than the classic poll sticker. 

3. How do I do a poll on Instagram? 

To run an Instagram poll, you need to do the following: 

  • Open the Instagram app
  • Create a new Story
  • Insert the poll sticker
  • Type in your question along with the possible answers

4. How long do Instagram Story polls last?

Instagram Stories only last for 24 hours, so Story polls will expire after that period. 

People can vote or answer the poll until the Instagram Story poll expires. 

5. Can you still access the Instagram Story poll after it expires?

Yes, if your client created the Instagram Story poll. 

Once the poll expires, your client can check the results in the archive after it expires in Stories. 

6. Can you see who answered your Instagram polls?

Yes, you can see the Instagram users who answered your clients’ polls. 

Only the account that ran the poll can view the responses, which are in the Story’s viewers list. 

If you share the results in your client’s Story, the photos and usernames of the people who answered the poll will not show. 

7. Can you include GIFs or images directly in your poll questions?

No, but you can include a GIF or photo in the background before adding the poll Sticker on Instagram Stories.

8. Is there a limit to the number of polls you can post daily?

Instagram doesn’t limit the number of polls you can post in a day. 

But don’t overdo it and mix up your client’s Instagram content. 

Posing too many Instagram poll questions can overwhelm and even bore your clients’ audiences, so balance it out.

Managing Instagram polls isn’t as easy as it sounds. And with tons of potential questions to ask, the planning and execution stage can be exhausting for agencies. 

Vista Social takes a lot of pressure off of social media marketers by automating a bunch of social media tasks. This includes scheduling content, automating first comments, and curating content.

Other Handy Vista Social features include the following:

  • Content calendar for seamless content planning, development, and management. You can easily schedule weeks or months’ worth of posts for your clients and see everything in the calendar, including drafts, scheduled, and published content such as Instagram Reels, carousel posts, and Stories. 
  • AI Assistant powered by ChatGPT that can instantly generate captions, descriptions, taglines, and more for your clients’ Instagram and other social media posts. The tool helps you create engaging posts quickly, saving you a lot of time and effort.
  • Link in bio tool with Vista Page, a customizable micro website and landing page containing everything followers and potential customers need to know about your clients. You can create and customize your clients’ Vista Pages to include lead capture forms, calendars for appointment bookings, and even payment options. 
  • Hashtag and username generator tools powered by AI to help you find relevant and popular hashtags for posts and new social media handles if your clients want to change name on Instagram , TikTok, etc. 
  • Reporting and analytics tools that give you post-level performance insights and profile data comparisons. You can use the insights to adjust your clients’ content and social media marketing campaigns and improve results.

To learn how Vista Social can streamline your social media marketing campaigns, create a free account today.

About the Author

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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travel poll questions instagram

Interactive Instagram Polls and Questions for Travel Lovers

Instagram Polls and Questions for travel lovers

Table of Contents

  • What Are Instagram Polls? 
  • Why to Use Instagram Polls and Quizzes?

Interesting Instagram Poll and Questions for Travel Lovers

Using to generate instagram story polls, best practices for instagram story polls.

With an estimated active monthly user base of over 2 billion people, Instagram exerts a lot of influence in the world of social media. Given its innovative features and wide reach, this platform offers incredible opportunities to leverage your love for travel. You should definitely think of interactive Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers.

But to do that, you need to be aware of how to engage your audience as a travel lover.

Enter Interactive Instagram Polls.

This feature can drive interactions with your audience and boost your engagement. It can attract attention, spark conversations, and help you achieve valuable feedback from your audience.

For a feature that was introduced in 2017 , Instagram Polls have climbed the popularity chart at a great speed. Today, it’s an intrinsic part of the Stories feature on Instagram.

So, how do you use this feature to your advantage? If you aren’t sure, don’t stress yourself. This article has your back.

What Are Instagram Polls?

Instagram polls refer to a visually appealing interactive feature that allows you to ask questions to your friends and followers and view the results as they vote. You can add up to 4 options for them to choose from.

The responses are available in real time, including the percentage of votes for each option. This feature comes in the form of an interactive poll sticker in Instagram stories, available in both video and photo formats. You can even share the outcome of your poll in your stories.

Instagram polls

Think of an Instagram poll as a fun way to generate interest and engage your audience. You can use Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers to understand what your friends and followers like and make informed decisions based on the feedback.

Why to Use Instagram Polls and Quizzes ?

Did you know that about 500 million people use Instagram stories every day? When you want to grow your followers, tapping into this resource using Instagram polls can be highly beneficial. 

Let’s explore some of the key benefits of using interactive Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers.

1. Boost Instant Engagement

Instagram polls are a great way to capture the attention of your audience and drive interaction. This feature engages your followers instantly by allowing them to share their responses to the travel question you asked with just a simple tap.

Your audience is more likely to interact with your Story rather than skip it when they are asked to give their opinion about something. This makes them feel engaged and valued. 

2. Receive Real-Time Feedback

While there are many ways to collect travel-related feedback, most of them are time-consuming. When you need immediate feedback, Instagram polls can be your go-to option.

They can help you to get feedback about anything in real-time, right from selecting a travel souvenir to trying out a much-hyped street food dish.

3. Discover Audience’s Interests

Instagram is a visual medium that you can leverage for business based on the interest of your audience. Polls and quizzes empower you to discover your audience’s opinion about travel and related aspects.

For instance, you can ask for their opinion about a new travel service or product before launching it. If the idea appeals to your audience, you can go ahead enthusiastically.

If the response doesn’t sync with your expectations, you may consider making changes to your offering to increase its chances of acceptance. This can help you to generate leads and drive sales.

4. Create Relevant Content

Responses to Instagram story questions for travel can provide ideas for posting relevant content. By analyzing your poll stats, you can identify the type of content that your audience prefers. This can help you to create better and faster content.

When your audience starts liking and sharing your posts, it can boost your reach and help you to grow your account. You will also have a clear idea of the kind of travel content that works for you and polish your skills along similar lines.

5. Generate Curiosity and Excitement

Creating curiosity about your travel posts is an effective means to keep your audience hooked. One way of achieving this objective is through polls and questions on Instagram Stories.

An interactive poll allows your audience to participate by making a choice. If their guess is correct, they are left with a feeling of satisfaction. If not, then they are surprised.

In both scenarios, your posts will drive interactions and generate excitement among your audience.

6. Encourage Social Responsibility

There’s no denying that Earth is the only place for us to live, travel, and enjoy life. This makes it necessary for everyone to be responsible for the planet. When it comes to traveling responsibly and spreading awareness about it, polls and quizzes can be a great way to do so.

For instance, you can share information about how humans are destroying nature and ask if your followers think it’s right to litter travel destinations or leave behind trash when visiting a tourist spot.

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Are you looking for interesting travel Instagram poll ideas? While there are plenty of them, we have curated some of the popular options for you to consider.

Here are a bunch of exciting poll ideas that can help to captivate and engage your followers.

1. This or That

Go for ‘this or that’ polls when you want to create fun comparisons. This poll idea is a hit with wanderlusts.

You can ask your audience to choose between any two options, such as ‘Tourist Hotspots or Offbeat Places?’, ‘Solo Travel or Group Adventures?’, ‘Planned Vacation or Sudden Trip?’, etc.

pool and quiz ideas in Instagram

2. Yes or No

Boost quick responses with ‘yes or no’ story questions for travel. These are simple but effective polls that can easily engage your audience.

You can pose any question when using this poll, such as ‘Do you wake up late on vacations?’, ‘Do you like architectural sites?’ or ‘Have you tried any adventure activity during your last vacation?’.

Yes or No question idea

3. Pick an Option

Opt for ‘pick an option’ polls or quizzes to get your audience’s opinion about something. You can create a question and offer 2 to 4 options to your audience.

Pick an option

Such polls or quizzes can include questions like ‘Which is the best city to spend Christmas when in Germany?’, ‘What travel accessory is a must for hiking trips?’, ‘Which city is known as the “City of Love”?’, etc.

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travel poll questions instagram

4. Travel Destinations

Ask your audience to pick a travel destination for you from two or more given options. You can also ask them to guess your destination.

travel destination

Image Source

It is an extremely popular poll that helps to enhance engagement with ease. Your poll options can be like ‘Turkey or Maldives?’, ‘France or Switzerland?’ or ‘London or Kuala Lumpur?’.

5. Food Fun

Trying out local dishes or famous culinary delights forms an integral part of most travel ventures. Get your audience to share their opinion of which famous item you should try eating when you visit a place.

For instance, you can create polls like ‘Burger or Pizza?’, ‘Souffle or Pie?’, ‘Sushi or Dim Sum?’, ‘Vanilla or Chocolate,’ etc.

Food fun questions

6. Creative Questions

When it comes to travel Instagram poll ideas, you can be as creative as you want. Form questions that are out of the box to draw the instant attention of your audience.

Make sure that the questions should be compelling enough to make them stop scrolling and start engaging. For instance, you can create polls like ‘Would you go to Hogwarts or Narnia?’, ‘Will you stay in a haunted hotel – Yes or No?’, etc.

You can also post about unplanned travel instances, such as ‘We are late for the flight. Shall we make it – Yes or No?’, ‘It’s snowing. Should we cancel or continue with our plans?’ etc.

Creative questions

Won’t it be great if you have a tool that can enhance your creativity by 10 times and generate Instagram Story questions for travel effortlessly? Well, it’s quite possible. empowers you to experience this magic with its state-of-the-art AI technology.

Now, you can craft visually stunning and captivating Stories to elevate your Instagram game. You can generate personalized templates for seamless story creation. The user-friendly interface of helps to bring alive your Story polls by enabling you to add and edit media elements.

The best part is that also allows you to schedule your Instagram stories in advance. This ensures that your content is published when your audience is most active, ensuring maximum visibility.

In short, if you are planning to win the Internet story game, can be your most potent tool.

Not all Instagram Story polls and questions for travel lovers are created equal. While some polls are dynamic enough to captivate the target audience, others fall flat.

If you want to maximize the impact of your interactive Story questions for travel, here are a few best practices to follow:

1. Keep Your Story Polls Short and Crisp

Aim to create polls that your audience will be able to answer in just a few seconds. If you have lengthy travel Instagram poll ideas, consider splitting the question across several Stories. 

2. Set a Goal for Your Poll

When you have a goal for a poll, you can structure it better. While you don’t need a goal for every poll, it does help to have one.

3. Think About Content Relevance

A relevant Story poll always works better at engaging an audience. So, try to come up with poll questions that will find relevance with your followers.

4. Opt for an Eye-Catching Design

An Instagram Story poll featuring a great design can draw the attention of your audience instantly. You can use professional design templates to create Story polls with eye-catching designs.

5. Mind the Poll Timing

Using your Instagram Story polls at the right time can ensure maximum visibility and engagement. Try to go for the peak hours when your followers are most active on the platform.

Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers offer incredible opportunities for travel lovers to create enjoyable experiences on Instagram. They can engage your audience and enhance interaction. You can leverage polls to gain insights about the opinions and preferences of your followers.

If you want to maximize the impact of your Instagram Story polls, you need to use the right tools for the purpose. is a highly effective tool that can help you create exceptional polls and questions effortlessly. Empowered by AI technology, the platform also allows you to create templates for polls.

Create a free account and start exploring Predis for the best outcomes.

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travel poll questions instagram

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.

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61 Best Instagram Poll Question Ideas for Stories 2024

travel poll questions instagram

Aim to understand your target audience? Instagram Polls are the best way to interact with your followers and clients. Since Instagram rolled out this function in 2017, it has become integral to the social platform and its ‘Stories’ feature. 

Therefore, if you want to keep in touch with your audience and conduct valuable marketing research, check out our list of the most creative ways to use Instagram Polls in your Stories.

Table of Contents

What Is an Instagram Poll?

An Instagram Poll is a feature that can be used for communication with your audience on Instagram. You can find this interactive sticker on ‘ Stories ‘ and launch your poll, which will be available within 24 hours. 

Once you share your question, your followers will start voting so that you can see your poll results in real-time.

The Instagram poll could be an image or video, depending on what you decide to share. Video editing is now easier than ever; there are numerous tools on the web that you can use to create videos for Instagram polls, for example, a new Video editor from Visme .

Why Does Instagram Poll Matter?

Instagram polls are perfect for gathering information about your followers for both personal accounts and online businesses. Users use this feature to:

  • increase interaction with the audience;
  • boost the followers’ engagement;
  • and analyze their views and reactions.

Receive real-time user feedback and improve your Instagram activity to draw more potential followers’ attention. You can also increase engagement with your audience by writing clever creative Instagram captions .

How to Create an Instagram Story Poll?

Creating an Instagram poll is pretty simple! Use this simple step-by-step guide to launch the poll in just a few clicks:

Step 1 : Open Instagram and create a new story

1 instagram poll how to create 2 867x1536 1

Step 2 : Tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen and scroll down to choose the ‘Poll’ sticker out of the existing options.

instagram poll stories

Step 3 : Type in the question and responses for the poll.

do you like poll stories

Step 4 : Customize the poll (resize or reposition it if necessary).

4 instagram poll how to create 4 873x1536 1

Step 5 : Tap ‘Your Story or ‘Send To >’ to share your story with the question.

61 Instagram Poll Ideas: Questions for Instagram Stories

A diversity of Instagram poll ideas can increase your engagement on Stories and keep your followers entertained. 

If you are searching for creative or fascinating poll questions, we are ready to suggest you 61 great question examples for any case. Look through the following lists to pick the most appropriate solutions for your blog or business page on Instagram

Brief ‘Yes/No’ Questions Poll Instagram Questions

1. Do you agree? Answer: Yes / No

2. Do you like this? Answer: Yes / No

3. Would you wear that? Answer: Yes / No

4. Would you buy this? Answer: Yes / No

5. Do you want to be famous? Answer: Yes / No

6. Do people need to trust you before they buy from you? Answer: Yes, for sure! / Nope!

7. Should we do this? Answer: Yes / No

like poll stories

8. Do you want to have your own brand? Answer: Yes please! / No

9. Would you join us? Answer: Yes / No

10. Is it necessary to brand yourself with specific colors? Answer: Yes, it’s essential / No, it’s not

11. Do you want to lose weight? Answer: Yes / No, I’m good

12. Would you like to learn more about mindset & personal development? Answer: YES / No, thanks

13. Do you need help with marketing or social media? Answer: Yes / No

14. Want to join our latest webinar? Answer: Yes / No

15. Is it necessary to post on Social Media every day?

A) Definitely, yes! B) No

16. Is Email Marketing essential for online businesses? Answer: It sure is! / No, waste of time

17. Do you like this outfit? Answer: Yes / No

18. Have you read this book? Answer: Yeap / No, haven’t heard about it

‘Would You Rather’ Poll Instagram Questions

19. Would you rather get: $1M right now / $150,000/yearly

20. Would you rather have a vacation on:  Island / Big city

21. Would you rather see: Your future / Your past

22. Would you rather: Be free / Be rich

Instagram poll stories

23. Would you rather: Read minds / Be invisible

24. Would you rather speak: To animals / Multiple languages

25. Would you rather be: a man / a woman

Understanding Your Followers’ Preferences

26. What do you think of this green shirt? Answer: Love / Hate

27. How do you feel about …? Answer: Awesome / Not bad

28. Should we add beef to our menu? Answer: Go / No

29. How do you like this dress color? Answer: Stunning! / Boring

dress do you like poll stories

30. Which one do you prefer? Answer: Brand 1 / Brand 2

31. Which do you like more? Answer: Right / Left

32. Which color is better? Answer: Mint / Purple

33. Which one is your favorite? Answer: 1/ 2

34. Do you prefer? Answer: TikTok / Instagram

35. What’s more important for you? Answer: Brand / Price

36. Do you own a car? Answer: Yes / No

37. Can you swim? Answer: Yes / No

38. Have you ever surfed? Answer: Yes / No

39. Have you seen this series on Netflix? Answer: Yes / No

40. Have you been to (place or event)? Answer: Yes / No

‘Your Favourite’ Poll Instagram Questions

41. You wish to have a…

A) Cat B) Dog C) Parrot

42. What’s your favourite travel destination?

A) Forest B) Mountains C) Ocean

43. What’s your favourite holiday?

A) Valentine’s Day B) Thanksgiving C) Christmas

44. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

A) Vanilla B) Chocolate D) Strawberry

45. What’s your favorite hot drink?

A) Latte B) Mint tea C) Hot chocolate

46. Are you a…

A) Morning person B) Night person

47. What do you prefer to watch?

A) TV B) YouTube c) Netflix

48. What kind of workout do you prefer?

A) Cardio B) Gym C) Fitness

49. Which interior design style do you prefer?

A) Modern B) Bohemian C) Minimalistic

50. Your favorite go-to weekend activity?

A) Hiking B) Relaxing in bed C) Clubbing

51. What would you wear on a date?

A) Mini B) Jeans C) Low-cut dress

Random Poll Instagram Questions

52. Which are you more scared of?

A) Predators B) Spiders C) Snakes

53. What is your must-have makeup item?

A) Highlighter B) Lipstick C) Mascara

54. How would you like to spend your weekend?

A) Cinema B) Shopping C) Dancing

55. How do you like your coffee?

A) Black B) With soya milk C) Without sugar

56. What is your favorite Marvel superhero?

A) Doctor Strange B) Iron Man C) Scarlet Witch

57. Which season do you like the least?

A) Spring B) Summer C) Fall D) Winter

58. Who is your favorite color this season?

A) Pink B) Olive C) Grey D) Coral

59. What are your favorite flowers?

A) Tulips B) Daisies C) Violets

60. What type of music do you usually listen to in your car?

A) Rock B) Pop C) Rap

61. Which food is your favorite?

A) Lasagna B) French fries C) Pancakes

Instagram Poll Templates from Canva

In this collection, we have put together some best Instagram poll templates from Canva. You can customize them as you want and download them.

Get to know me: This or That?

Edit in Canva

Get to know me: This or That? instagram poll canva

2. Ask me Anything: Instagram Poll template


3. This or That: Study from Home Instagram Stories


4. Place question here: Instagram Stories

canva stories

5. Photo collage Instagram Stories

6 instagram poll ideas canva

6. Nice photo collage for Stories

Nice photo collage for Stories canva

7. Ask me Anything

7 instagram poll ideas canva

8. This or That: Get to Know Me

8 instagram poll ideas canva

9. Choose Outfit Instagram Stories

Choose Outfit Instagram Stories

10. What shows to wear: Instagram Stories Poll

10 instagram poll ideas canva

11. Plan next trip: Instagram Poll

11 instagram poll ideas canva

12. Whose side are you? Instagram Stories Poll

12 instagram poll ideas canva

13. Championship game Instagram Poll

13 instagram poll ideas canva

14. Help me to Choose: Instagram Poll Template

14 instagram poll ideas canva

I hope you like these tips on creating perfect Instagram Poll Stories. Don’t hesitate to use Instagram templates from Canva. They will save your time and effort.

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travel poll questions instagram

Nancy Young

Nancy is a founder of Onedesblog and a copywriter with over 8 years of experience. She loves creating showcases with beautiful graphics resources, photography, and cooking. You can read more about Nancy in About Me section or say hi on Twitter .

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travel poll questions instagram

20 Engaging Poll Questions for Instagram Stories

poll questions for Instagram

With over 2 billion users worldwide , Instagram is one of the most sought-after apps to build an engaged community. Poll questions for Instagram offer an interactive and fun way to connect with your followers, gather valuable insights, and spark meaningful conversations.

From “This or That” options to fashion, travel, and food inquiries, thoughtfully crafted IG poll questions can help excite, entertain, and encourage your audience to participate.

This article will explore how you can use engaging poll questions to keep your Instagram stories interactive. Additionally, you will gain access to 20 fascinating poll questions to capture your audience’s attention through Instagram stories. So, let’s get started!

What are Story Polls on Instagram?

Around 500 million people use Instagram Stories daily. Hence, whether you are a business owner seeking feedback or wanting to grow their followers, using good poll questions for Instagram can be highly beneficial. This interactive feature appears as a sticker on the Story, making it visually appealing and exciting.

Users can use Instagram story polls to ask questions and provide two response options for their followers. Once followers view an Instagram poll question, they can tap on their preferred choice to vote.

poll questions for Instagram

Furthermore, as voters respond, the poll creator can see real-time results, including the percentage of votes for each option. Polls for Instagram story games are available in both photo and video formats. This makes them a versatile tool for engaging followers and gathering valuable feedback.

Besides, you can quickly spark conversations and create new content based on your audience’s interest as per IG Poll questions results.

How to Create an Instagram Story Poll?

For Instagram poll questions to work, you need to add an interactive sticker that allows you to insert two answers for your audience to tap on. Besides, you can also use the feature in the form of fun poll questions , engaging quizzes, or simple this and that stickers.

travel poll questions instagram

Follow this step-by-step guide to create an engaging poll for your Instagram Story:

Open Instagram

Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and ensure you are logged into the account you wish to create Stories for.

Access Stories

Long-press your profile picture in the top-left corner of the Instagram home screen and tap “Add to your story” when the option appears.

poll questions for Instagram

Capture or Select a Photo/Video

Take a photo or video using the Stories camera, or select one from your camera roll by tapping on the mobile gallery.

Add a Poll Sticker

Once you have added your photo or video, tap the sticker icon (a smiley face) in the top-right corner of the screen. From the sticker tray that appears at the bottom, select the “Poll” sticker.

Create Your Poll Question

Enter your poll question in the “Ask a question” field. For example, “Which color do you prefer?” or “What should I post next?” etc.

Customize Poll Options

Edit your poll question’s default response options (Yes/No). Tap on the text to type your custom options.

Position and Resize

Move and resize the poll sticker on your photo or video by dragging it to the desired location on the screen. You can also pinch the screen with two fingers to adjust its size.

Post Your Story

Once satisfied with your poll, tap “Your Story” to publish it to your Instagram Story. Your followers can now view and interact with the poll for 24 hours.

Check Poll Results

As people vote on your poll, you can see real-time results by swiping up on your Story. This will also enable you to view the percentage of votes for each option.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created an Instagram Story Poll. Now, sit back and watch the engagement as your followers participate and vote on your poll question.

Top Tips to Create the Best Instagram Story Polls

Poll questions for Instagram are a powerful tool to engage your audience and gather valuable insights based on what you are seeking from your followers. To create polls that increase your Instagram engagement  and spark meaningful interactions, consider these top tips:

Keep it Short and Clear

Keep your Instagram poll questions concise and straightforward. A clear and simple question will encourage more people to participate and make it easier to choose between the options.

travel poll questions instagram

Use Engaging Visuals

Pair your Instagram poll questions with eye-catching visuals. Remember, whether it’s a vibrant image or an attention-grabbing GIF, visuals enhance the appeal of your polls and make them more enticing to your audience.

Provide Compelling Options

Craft fun poll questions and response options that are interesting and relevant to your audience. Moreover, ensure each option is appealing and prompts a thoughtful decision from your viewers. The goal is to compel viewers to tap an option without skipping to the next Story.

travel poll questions instagram

Add Personality and Humor

Infuse your brand’s personality into the poll questions. Use a friendly and humorous tone to connect with your audience and make the experience enjoyable. Everyone loves a good personality.

travel poll questions instagram

Incorporate Emojis

You can always add a touch of fun and expressiveness to your polls with relevant emojis. For instance, emojis help convey emotions and make your polls visually appealing.

travel poll questions instagram

Tap into FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity in your poll questions. For example, highlight that participating in the poll will provide your audience exclusive insights (relevant to the poll answer). When the audience finds an incentive for themselves, they are more likely to participate.

Experiment with Question Formats

Keep your IG poll questions fresh and engaging by trying different creative Instagram Story ideas and question formats. Mix it with multiple-choice questions, “this or that” scenarios, ranking preferences, or open-ended questions.

poll questions for Instagram

Align with Your Content Strategy

Ensure your Instagram story poll ideas align with your content strategy and resonate with your target audience. For this, tailor the questions to relevant and exciting topics for your followers. Remember, you can’t just expect any random poll question to work well.

Encourage Feedback

Use Instagram poll questions as an opportunity to gather feedback from your audience. Ask open-ended questions that allow your followers to share their thoughts, ideas, or suggestions.

Monitor and Respond

Make sure to monitor the results of your polls regularly. Also, engage with your audience by responding to their choices or comments. Showing genuine interest in their opinions and fostering conversations around the poll topics will help you build a thriving Instagram community.

Above all, just experiment, be creative and have fun connecting with your followers through engaging Instagram Stories .

Interesting Instagram Story Polls Ideas

You can use various formats to spark more engagement through Instagram Story polls. Finding the best one depends on the information you want to collect from the audience.

Here are some exciting poll ideas that work well every time to captivate your followers:

This or That

Create fun comparisons with “This or That” polls. Ask your audience to choose between options like “Coffee or Tea?”, “Beach Vacation or City Adventure?” or “Netflix or Books?”

poll questions for Instagram

Encourage quick responses with simple “Yes or No” polls. Pose questions such as “Do you love weekends?”, “Have you ever tried skydiving?” or “Are you a dog person?”

Travel Destinations

Appeal to wanderlust by asking your audience about their dream travel destinations. Poll options like “Paris or Tokyo?”, “Bali or Maldives?” or “New York or Los Angeles?”

Favorite Food

Explore your audience’s culinary preferences with polls like “Pizza or Sushi?”, “Burgers or Tacos?” or “Ice Cream or Cake?” etc.

poll questions for Instagram

Fashion Choices

Engage your audience’s sense of style with polls like “Casual or Formal?”, “Sneakers or High Heels?” or “Bold Colors or Neutral Tones?”

poll questions for Instagram

Daily Routine

Gain insights into your followers’ habits with polls about their daily routines. Ask questions like “Morning or Night Person?”, “Gym or Yoga?” or “Reading or Watching Movies?”

Product Preferences

Understand your audience’s favorite products with polls like “iPhone or Android?”, “Nike or Adidas?” or “Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts?”

Fitness and Wellness

Encourage a healthy lifestyle with polls about fitness and wellness. Pose questions like “Cardio or Strength Training?”, “Meditation or Yoga?” or “Gym or Outdoor Workout?”

Explore different topics and connect with your followers through creative poll questions!

Best Way to Use Instagram Story Polls

Instagram story poll questions offer a dynamic way to engage your audience and create interactive content. Hence, to maximize their impact and encourage active participation, you should consider the following Story engagement boosters :

Use Quizzes

Transform your polls into engaging quizzes to test your audience’s knowledge or preferences. Create trivia questions about your niche or industry and challenge your followers to choose the correct option.

Add BTS and Teasers

Offer behind-the-scenes (BTS) glimpses of your work or upcoming projects through polls. Share sneak peeks, teasers, or work-in-progress content, and ask your audience for feedback or opinions.

Insert Emoji Sliders

Increase visual appeal with emoji sliders in your polls. Instead of “Yes or No,” use emoji sliders to gauge your audience’s feelings or opinions on a scale. For example, ask them to rate their excitement with a “fire” emoji slider.

poll questions for Instagram

Use Polls at the Right Time

Time your polls strategically for maximum engagement. Consider peak hours when your audience is most active on Instagram . Also, align your polls with trending topics or events to attract more viewers.

The secret to maximizing the visibility of your Instagram Story polls is to experiment with different poll formats and stay authentic to your brand. You can even use SocialBu to schedule your Instagram stories in advance.

Fun Instagram Story Polls to Boost Engagement

Your Instagram Story poll questions should be fun, relevant, and aligned with your brand to encourage maximum participation from your followers.

Here are some polls to ask on Instagram that can pique your followers’ interest. It is advisable to alter them according to your niche to sky-rocket your interactions on Instagram stories:

“Guess what’s cooking in my kitchen!”

“pick my next blog topic”.

Social Media Marketing

Productivity Tips

“Choose my next outfit for a night out!”

Casual Jeans

“Which color scheme do you prefer for my website?”

Pastel Tones

Bold and Vibrant

“Help me decide on a new logo!”

Modern and Sleek

Fun and Playful

“Should I start a weekly Q&A session?”

Yes, that sounds great!

No, stick to regular content.

“Guess the landmark I’m visiting today!”

Eiffel Tower

Statue of Liberty

“Help me pick a new color palette for my brand!”

Earthy Tones

Bright and Bold

“Which podcast topic should I cover next?”

Personal Growth

Business Tips

“Vote for the next giveaway prize!”

Custom Merch

“Help me decide my next blog post topic!”

Social Media Strategy

Time Management Tips

“Which travel destination do you prefer?”

Beach Resort

Mountain Retreat

“Pick my outfit for today!”

Casual Chic

Elegant Formal

“Guess the landmark in this photo!”

Sydney Opera House

“Which dessert would you indulge in right now?”

Chocolate Cake

“What should my next Instagram caption be about?”

Motivational Quotes

Travel Stories

“Help me decide on a new profile picture!”

Smiling Portrait

Candid Shot

“Vote for the next DIY project for my home!”

Home Office Makeover

Bedroom Redesign

“Which social media platform is your favorite for business?”

“pick a new theme for my upcoming content series”.

Wellness Wednesday

Marketing Tips Thursday

Final Words

Individuals, brands, and influencers widely use Story Polls on Instagram to create enjoyable storytelling experiences on the platform. They are an excellent way to enhance engagement with your audience by encouraging participation and gaining insights into your followers’ preferences and opinions.

To make the most of poll questions for Instagram, focus on creating relevant and captivating poll questions aligned with your brand’s niche. Also, experiment with various poll formats and capitalize on trending topics to increase participation.

Drop your favorite Instagram story poll ideas in the comments below!

Are the poll options in Instagram Stories customizable?

Yes, the poll options in Instagram Stories are fully customizable. You can type any text you want for each option, allowing you to create engaging and relevant choices for your audience.

Is it possible to see who voted on my Instagram poll?

No, Instagram keeps poll responses anonymous, and you cannot see who voted on your poll. This privacy feature encourages more users to participate without feeling self-conscious about their choices.

How long do Instagram poll results stay visible?

Instagram poll results stay visible for 24 hours after the poll is posted. Once the 24-hour period expires, the results will no longer be accessible to you or your audience.

Can I use images or GIFs in my poll questions?

No, you cannot add images or GIFs directly to poll questions. However, you can easily add a GIF in the background before inserting a poll sticker.

Can I add more than two options to an Instagram poll?

Instagram Story polls are limited to two response options: one for “Yes” and another for “No” or any other choice you customize.

Are there any limitations on the number of poll questions I can post daily?

There are no specific limitations on the number of poll questions you can post daily. However, balancing and avoiding overwhelming your audience with too many polls is essential.

How can I analyze the results of my Instagram polls?

To analyze the results of your fun poll questions on Instagram, swipe up on your Story while the poll is still active. Here, you will see the number of votes for each option and the percentage breakdown of the responses.

Are there any best practices for creating engaging poll questions?

To create engaging Instagram poll questions, keep them concise, relevant, and aligned with your audience’s interests. Use a mix of fun and informative topics to encourage active participation and feedback from your followers.

Zara Fahad

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I’ve Been Polling My Travel Instagram and Here Are the Results

If you didn’t know, Instagram created a way for users to poll their audience through Instagram stories about a year ago. I have fully taken advantage of this feature because it is a way for me to not only connect with my audience, but to also find out exactly which way my audience swings. Not only for the content that I write, but also for the content that I post. I gathered the responses from about 10 different polls to show the preferences and travel styles of my audience.

Question 1: Would you rather explore Europe or Asia?

Europe: 69% / Asia 31%

Question 2: Would you rather spend a month traveling Europe or Asia

Europe 57% / Asia 43%

I asked question 1 about 2 months before I asked question 2. I have noticed a trend over the past few months toward exploring Asia. Not only is the US dollar stronger in Asia, but I feel that Asia isn’t posted online as much as Europe. Influence is strong though. Once a few of the larger Instagram travel accounts start to post dreamy, beautifully edited photos then everyone else begins to follow the trend toward that area. Right now, I have seen an influx of Vietnam posts! I will still say that I would rather travel to Europe than Asia in the current moment, however, I am planning a trip to Asia early next year!

  • Need some Europe inspiration? Check out these posts.
  • Need some Asia inspiration? Check out these posts.

Question 3: Have you been to Singapore?

Yes: 35% / No: 65%

travel poll questions instagram

Ever since I traveled to Singapore back in September, I have been telling everyone to go there! I immediately felt comfortable, safe and it was so clean! The futuristic nature of the city also amazes me, not to mention Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay! If you missed some of my posts from Singapore, check them out below. I am sure it will convince you to add it or move it up on your bucket list of travels.

  • I Ate at the World’s Tallest Urban Microbrewery. Here’s My Experience
  • Marina Bay Sands
  • Gardens By The Bay – Singapore
  • 48 Hours in Singapore

Question 4: Don’t lie, do you find yourself picking places to travel for the Instagram photos?

Yes: 80% / No: 20%

travel poll questions instagram

This one was interesting for me. As I mentioned in the first few questions, a lot of the Instagram photos come from the influence of another Instagrammer. I have found myself saving images of places that I want to travel to for future reference. I don’t really pick my photos based on the photos I want to take for Instagram, but rather I choose the places I want to travel and then will research all the amazing places to take photos afterward. Here are some amazing photos that were taken from being influenced by another person:

Question 5: What’s your preferred vacation?

Beach: 70% / City: 30%

travel poll questions instagram

In general, I was in the minority. I can really only enjoy hanging out at a beach and relax for 1-2 days. I am the type of traveler that wants to knock out a ton of sites and cities in just a few days, especially if I had to fly more than 10 hours to get there. The Maldives was a good example. We were there for our honeymoon for a week. The thing that made the trip worth it was the Dubai, London and Singapore layovers. I was able to knock out 4 places in 2 weeks!

Question 6: Have you been to Las Vegas before?

Yes: 74% / No: 26%

travel poll questions instagram

Out of all the places I have traveled out of my home state of Washington, this is the city I have traveled to the most. I counted the other day and in the 9 years of being of drinking age, I have been to Las Vegas 12 times! It is my favorite city to write about in my blog as well. I have managed to stay at a different hotel each time as well as explore different activities each time as well! If you want some Las Vegas inspiration for you 26% who haven’t made it there yet, check out these posts below:

  • Stratosphere Thrill Rides
  • Everything You Need to Know About Slotzilla
  • Travel With Me: Brooklyn Bowl
  • Travel With Me: Seven Magic Mountains
  • Travel With Me: Black Tap Las Vegas
  • Travel With Me: 5 Clubs to Visit in Las Vegas
  • Travel With Me: Top Golf
  • Travel With Me: All About Las Vegas Cirque Du Soleil
  • A Guide to Las Vegas Hotels

Question 7: Do you prefer to fly in the AM or PM?

AM: 66% / PM: 34%

travel poll questions instagram

I hands down agree with the majority here. Even though the morning of an early flight is brutal, I would much rather arrive in a destination earlier in the day vs. later. Since I have to pay for a hotel or AirBNB stay that night anyway, I would rather get there before or right at check in time to take advantage of any amenities the property may have. Oh, and I always get to the airport in record speed because I am avoiding all of that crazy Seattle traffic!

Question 8: Do you prefer an aisle or window seat on a flight?

Aisle: 36% / Window: 64%

travel poll questions instagram

As I stated in the picture, I love sitting window. However, I have a husband who much prefers the aisle. We switch off sacrificing our preferences by taking the dreaded middle seat. My absolute favorite thing to do is get that amazing airplane window photo! Like this one:

travel poll questions instagram

Question 9: Do you prefer beer or wine?

Beer: 20% / Wine: 80%

travel poll questions instagram

As a die hard beer lover, I was so sad to see that so many of you much prefer wine! My preferred beer style is a good, hoppy IPA! Some of my favorite breweries are Ninkasi, Fremont Brewing, and Lucille. However, a fun thing to do with my girl friends on a Sunday is a day of wine tasting where I then prefer a nice, full bodied red.

Question 10: Do you live in the city or the suburbs?

The City: 30% / The Suburbs: 70%

travel poll questions instagram

I have always been a suburbs gal. I love parking lots and large retail stores. However, it is nice to get my city time in by traveling there Monday – Friday for work. I can experience the cool mom and pop restaurants, but escape home to my comfort.

If you didn’t answer my polls on Instagram, I would love to know how you would have answered these! Did you agree with the majority? Where did you differ?

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How to Make a Poll on Instagram & Asking the Right Questions

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If you’ve spent any time at all this past week perusing the Instagram Stories of your friends and followings, then you know exactly what I mean when I say “Instagram Poll”.

The new Instagram Stories feature launched on October 3rd, and users jumped at the chance to create, share, and test their peers. As polls continue to make their presence known, the ways in which you can utilize this tool + newfound information from your followings is astounding.

Let’s get into it, but first, let’s give you a quick debriefing on how to make a poll on Instagram.

How To Make an Instagram Poll

Take a photo and/or video using IG Stories and click on the sticker icon in the upper right hand corner.

So Why Are Polls Important?

Great question. Why IS this new tool taking over your friends + followings IG Stories seemingly overnight? INSIGHT. The insight “POLLS” is now providing is a simple solution to an issue Instagram users have been facing for a while now. We can now effectively communicate with our masses without requesting private DM’s or comments on photos, although asking a question in a caption is a great way to generate engagement on your page.

Check out more: Tips to Boost Instagram Engagement Rates

Using a poll to better understand what your following wants to see will help bloggers, influencers, and companies alike, curate better content. Better content = more engagement, more engagement = better chances of being seen by new eyeballs. In the content race we currently all find ourselves in, new eyeballs will one day translate to more opportunities, app downloads, etc.

Depending on your niche, “POLLS” can be a great way to better connect with the people who interact with you on a daily basis. For example, here is a list of potential questions you can be asking your followings if you fall into any of the below categories:

Business Instagram Poll Questions

Instagram Poll Ideas - Business

Option #1: Would you partake in a collaboration giveaway? (a) sure! (b) not interested

Option #2: What do you think of our new Fall themed inventory? (a) love! (b) not my cup of tea

Option #3: Would you be interested in themed screensavers? (a) yes! (b) nope

Blogger/YouTube Poll Ideas

Instagram Poll Ideas - Bloggers

Option #1: What type of content would you like to see next? (a) collab (b) product review

Option #2: If we hosted a meet and greet, would you come? (a) duh! (b) not interested

Option #3: Should I wear outfit 1 or outfit 2? (a) Def. 1 (b) 2 all the way

Instagram Poll Questions for Celebs

Instagram Poll Ideas - Instagram Celebs

Option #1: Should I eat this avocado toast? (a) yum! (b) Ew! No! Carbs!

Option #2: Where should I travel to next? (a) Bora Bora (b) give us photos

Option #3: Do I actually use Tea to stay in shape? (a) lol of course (b) not a chance

As you can see, the Instagram poll questions + answers combinations are endless. And aside from providing crucial information to you as a creative, “POLLS” also give us a great way to better engage with our followings. In such an oversaturated market, relatability and authenticity are characteristics hard to come by. But if your followings feel more involved with your day to day decision making, then the invisible bond they’ve already begun creating with you is strengthened.

Not only that, BUT (and you didn’t hear this from me) you can actually see who answered what to these questions! After the poll has been posted, view your IG Stories, get to your poll screen and swipe up. This will allow you to see how many votes have been conducted, who voted for what, and who viewed your story and decided not to vote at all!

The next time you’re faced with the daunting task of making some type of decision, remember that “POLLS” exists and there is currently a plethora of people willing to help you out with an answer. I’d like to think of “POLLS” as the millennial version of flipping a coin.

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53 Instagram Poll Questions to Engage Your Followers

Instagram poll questions

It’s great if you just want to increase how many followers you have on your Instagram account. However, a high engagement rate indicates that you are sharing valuable content that people are paying attention to. Moreover, they interact with your content, which is the equivalent of getting gold stars in school. 

More engagement means growth, which in turn, leads to a bigger audience. 

One way to naturally connect with your followers and get them engaging is through Instagram Story Questions , Quiz, or Poll questions. 

The poll sticker on Instagram lets your followers choose either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. So, it’s best for asking very straightforward yes/no questions or having them choose between two options. 

Alternatively, you can use the Quiz sticker to give them some multiple choice answers to pick from. However, you’ll need to highlight one as correct. So, just be sure to let your followers know that there is no right answer but that you had to put one in. 

Now, what Instagram poll questions can you ask? Well, we’re glad you are wondering. 

53 Instagram Story and Poll Questions To Engage Your Followers

Here are some great poll questions you can ask on Instagram to get to know and engage with your following . Feel free to adjust the answers or tweak the questions to suit your style or your business.

Humorous Questions 

  • If you were an animal, what would you be? 

A) Chinese Crested Dog 

B) Giant Flemish Rabbit 

C) Fire-Breathing Dragon 

D) Unicorn 

  • Who do you think should run for president?

A) Beyonce 

B) Oprah Winfrey 

C) The Rock 

D) Leonardo DiCaprio 

  • How detailed-oriented are you? 

A) Very 

B) Not so muhc (see what we did there ;))

C) It depends 

Would You Rather … 

  • Would you rather

A) Have ice cream 

B) Eat a donut 

C) Opt for a salad 

  • Would you rather 

A) Work from home 

B) Work at the office 

C) Work at a coffee shop 

B) Read minds 

C) Be Superman-strong 

D) Be invisible 

A) Bungee jump

C) Dive with sharks 

Your Favorite 

  • What’s your favorite social media platform ? 

A) Instagram 

B) Facebook

D) LinkedIn 

  •  What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? 

A) Chocolate 

B) Vanilla 

C) Rocky Road 

D) Pecan Salted Caramel 

  • What’s your favorite holiday? 

A) Christmas 

B) New Year’s 

C) 4th of July 

D) Thanksgiving 

  • What’s your favorite sleeping position? 

A) On your side

B) On your tummy 

C) On your back 

D) Cuddled up next to your dog 

This or That Instagram Poll Questions

  • . What do you prefer? 

A) Hamburgers 

B) Pizza 

  • Where would you like to live? 

A) Countryside 

B) City 

  • What do you prefer to watch? 

A) TV series 

B) Movies 

  • What do you prefer to drink? 

A) Water 

B) Soda 

Woman looking at her phone


  •  If you could have one, what would you choose? 

A) Personal trainer 

B) Personal chef 

C) Personal makeup artist 

D) Personal assistant 

  • What food do you like the least? 

A) Brussels sprouts 

B) Mushrooms 

C) Olives 

D) Stinky tofu 

  • How would you spend your ideal weekend? 

A) Shopping with all the money in the world 

B) Chilling and drinking cocktails at the beach 

C) Sightseeing natural and man-made wonders 

  • What’s your favorite color this year? 

A) Magenta 

C) Emerald 

D) Coral 

  • What’s your favorite make-up item? 

A) Concealer 

B) Lipstick/gloss 

C) Mascara 

D) Eyeliner 

Getting to Know Me 

  •  What’s my favorite movie? 

A) Me Before You

B) Independence Day 

C) Mamma Mia 

D) Enchanted 

  • Where do I love to chill? 

A) In the mountains 

B) By a lake

C) In my living room 

D) On a beach 

  •  Do I? 

A) Spend money 

B) Save money 

  •  How old am I?

A) In my 20s 

B) In my 30s

C) In my 40s 

D) In my 50s 

  • What am I scared of? 

A) Dogs 

B) Spiders 

C) Snakes 

D) Coyotes 

Open-Ended Questions 

For these, you can either use the question sticker or use the quiz sticker to give some options to choose from. 

  •  Which [sports team] will win [name of match or sporting event, e.g. the Super Bowl]?
  • Who do you think will win [Lead Actor/Actress] in a [Drama Movie] at the Academy Awards? 
  • Who do you think will take home the Grammy for the [most popular artist]? 
  • What are you thankful for at this moment? 
  • When you were a kid, what was your dream profession? 
  • If you could time travel, where would you go and what would you like to see? And why? 
  • What can’t you live without? 
  • Who motivates you? 
  • If I give you $2,000, what will you spend it on? 
  • What’s your favorite app on your phone? 
  • What’s one movie and TV series you can watch over and over again? 
  • What are some weird questions to ask to get to know someone? 
  • What would you tell the 18-year-old version of yourself? 
  • What’s the best compliment you ever received? 
  • What’s your real-life superpower?

Relate It to Your Industry (Using The Questions Sticker)

  • Give us your top 5 tips about _____. 
  • What topics would you like us to cover on our blog? 
  • What is your weakest _____ skill? 
  • Do you have any questions about _____? 
  • If we host a 30 min live Q&A, what would you ask? 
  • What’s your strongest skill? 
  • What would you like to see from us (next season, next year)? 
  • What product or service do you wish we offered? Why? 

Do You Want To (Yes/No Answers)

Do you want to…

49. …learn how to create and launch a successful e-course? 

50. …be healthier? 

51. …learn more about how to develop healthy habits? 

52. …learn more about XZY product or service?

53. …see a live tutorial on how to use our product or service?

A family having a picnic and laughing together at phone

Start Asking Some Instagram Poll Questions!

Creating Instagram poll questions and fun quizzes is a fun way to use Instagram’s’ stickers to engage with your audience. Plus, you get to know your followers so you can tailor your content to fit their needs and continue to provide value. 

Remember to be creative with the questions. You can do industry-related questions, fun questions, and even some weird ones to catch your followers’ attention.

travel poll questions instagram

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Bizarre Journeys/Burcu Basar

Travel poll – 50 queries.


I recently ran an instagram travel poll where I posted 50 travel related questions. Around 150 people participated in the travel poll (did I tell you how big I am on social media?) and it was great fun. I promised I would list the final results in one single post and also give my own answers.

While I first thought I should not give any explanation on why I voted a certain way as no one else had the chance, I changed my mind as it may be a good opportunity to kick off a discussion. Please feel free to list your own reasons in the comments section and thank you once again for your participation.

#1 They send you up to Moon for free for five days. You feel extreme nausea for 23.5 hours per day (can’t vomit – no sleep) and still gain 15 pounds but you get to walk on the Moon for 0.5 hours a day. Would you go?

A. Armstrong is overrated  %29

B. I`m already there  %71

BJ: Taking into the account the fact that I felt nauseous even when typing this question, good luck to me but the offer is too good to turn down.

#2  When traveling abroad, knowing there is a little chance of running into someone I know:

A. I could wear my PJs to be comfy  %43

B. Still travel in style  %57

BJ: PJs to be comfy – not surprising since I can almost do the same in Istanbul – where I live.

#3 You are in India. Gandhi starts his Salt March (you know what a big deal it will be) and you can walk with him for a week or take your USD 100,000 and keep traveling for long long time. 

A. You are such a materialist  %15

B. I love to travel  %85

BJ: I would walk with Gandhi as I am still under the influence of my recent trip to New Orleans, Louisiana where the focus of my travel was the slavery period.

#4 Which one do you like best? 

A. Italy  %79

B. France  %21

BJ: I like France best as it is from one of those destinations, which does not try hard to please you (does not try at all). You either keep up with its own rules and rhythm or leave. One other country, which gives me a similar feeling is China and I love it.

#5 I sometimes go see movies when I travel:

A. What a waste  %47

B. Me too  %53

BJ: It is a lot of fun to find those theaters where they show the English language movies with no dubbing and they usually show interesting movies .

#6  Which comparison irritates you the most?

A. Traveler v. Tourist  %65

B. Solo v. Group Traveler  %35

BJ: Traveler v. tourist – I find it to be very discriminating and discouraging.

#7 Whatever you have planned for the new years eve tonight, would you ditch your plan (and tell your significant other you are too sick to go out) for a two hours long hot air balloon ride over Masai Mara during Great Migration?

BJ: Yes, I could give up the next five new years eves as well.

#8 Which type of movies make you want to travel?

A. City of God & Slumdog Millionnaire  %33

B. The Beach & Out of Africa  %67

BJ: The Beach and Out of Africa – visuals!

#9 Favorite mode of accommodation

A. Hotels %48

B. Airbnb %52

BJ: Definitely hotels and here is why – I don’t like Airbnb

#10 Which one has a more beautiful landscape?

A. Norway %61  

B. Scotland   %39

BJ: Norway – feels like first love to me.

#11 I have been to Japan three times but still cannot use chopsticks:

A. Go kill yourself  %45

B. Chopsticks are overrated %55

BJ: I am not proud of this but thank you for not killing me.

#12 I would prefer spending the New Years eve:

A. On a plane flying business class to Kyoto – Japan (for vacation) with champagne being served at every different time zone  %32

B. Watching the fireworks in Sydney from a fancy rooftop hotel room reserved for you for the day  %68

BJ: Definitely on a plane to Kyoto – don’t they say that it is all about the journey + the anticipation of getting to Japan.

#13 I would quit my job on 2 January 2018 and start traveling the World if I had already saved up:

A. USD 75,000  %47

B. USD 500,000  %53

BJ: USD 75,000 as I would otherwise get too old to get on the road and my career plan has always been long term travel since the day I started working.

#14 People who get to the airport early:

A. Have no life %28

B. I could live in one %72

BJ: I could live in one as airports feel like no mans land to me – such neutral grounds.

#15 Traveling makes me feel smarter:

A. You are delusional %16

B. Same here %84

BJ: It makes me think more.

#16 If both were completely free – I would prefer staying in:

A. A stylish hotel room   %51

B. Cozy home with a local family  %49

BJ: Stylish hotel room as I like my privacy and I’m sure the local family loves their own.

#17 If they paid you USD 500 for it, would you accept to return from your Sydney trip without seeing the Opera House?

A. Show me the money  %45

B. Terrified of the offer  %55

BJ: Show me the money as I tend to feel less moved by man-made landmarks and Sydney is much more than the Opera House.

#18 If you had a chance to live in one – which one you would pick?

A. London %62

B. New York City %38

BJ: New York City with its never ending streets.

#19 Which region has the best airlines? (Turkey being the dividing line) 

A. East  %66

B. West  %34

BJ: Definitely East .

#20 I would want to see Svalbard when there is 24 hours of:

A. Daylight  %80

B. Complete Darkness  %20

BJ: Complete darkness as I think it would be a stranger experience (and I had the chance to see it under 24 hours of daylight ). 

#21 My jetlag is always much worse when I travel West – how about you? 

A. West  %58

B. East  %42

BJ: Definitely West. It may also have to do with the fact that I am usually a lot more motivated to start exploring right away when I travel East whereas I can get more lazy in West and try less hard to beat the jetlag. 

#22 I do more shopping when I travel:

A. East  %45

B. West  %55

BJ: West – I always wanted to be someone who would buy cool clothings in Japan but I am – at age 37 – still in my GAP years and I lost hope.

#23 When traveling abroad, do you feel slight shame when you get your coffee from Starbucks (but still can’t help it)?

A. No – give  me my mocca  %44

B. I can’t live with myself  %56

BJ: No – give me my mocca (black coffee in my case) – which ever place is there to get a coffee, it is legitimate for me.

#24 Why do you prefer Italy over France? 

A. People  %50

B. History  %50

BJ: I don`t  but if I did, it would be because of the history and San Peter’s Square in Rome.

#25 To get a direct flight to your destination – would you mind paying extra (up to USD 250)?

A. Crazy?  %44

B. Why Not  %56

BJ: Why not as direct flights also means more miles in most cases.

#26 Northern Lights are overrated:

A. Easy for you to say  %81

B. Shut those lights off  %19

BJ: Shut those lights off – probably because I love Scandinavia so much that I cannot stand its overall beauty being overshadowed by the Northern Lights .

#27 Which movie suits you travel style better?

A. Into the Wild %58

B. Sideways %42

BJ: Into the Wild.

#28 I prefer having my breakfast at the hotel:

A. Could not care less  %60

B. So convenient  %40  

BJ: So convenient – and I get up way too early to find anywhere open outside of the hotel to get breakfast but more importantly coffee.

#29 Why do you prefer London over NYC?

A. More welcoming  %27

B. Europe is cooler  %73

BJ: I don’t and I also think that NYC is cooler.

#30 I want to see:

A. Lofoten Islands, Norway  %62

B. Hokkaido, Japan  %38

BJ: Hokkaido nowadays.

#31 In respect to a specific travel destination – it is more fund to do:

A. Pre-trip reading  %69 

B. Post-trip reading %31

BJ: Post-trip reading – as post-trip reading makes it much easier to put it all in the context.

#32 I still buy guide books:

A. Have you heard of blogs?  %47

B. LP Forever  %53

BJ: LP Forever as it saves me time since I am quite used to its style. 

#33 I wish I had talent to document my travels through: 

A. Photography  %71

B. Illustration  %29

BJ: Illustration as it involves a greater level of creativity.

#34 Which movie hits closer to home for you?

A. Lost in Translation  %44

B. Up in the Air  %56

BJ: Lost in Translation – probably one of the best movies ever made and so reflective of the traveling experience in Japan.

#35 If you had 3 hours to visit a city during a layover   – what would you do?

A. One more city, yay!  %74

B. Pour me some wine  %26

BJ: Pour me some wine – not because 3 hours is too short of a time but I also love wine a little too much.

#36 To understand if I love a place:

A. I need two days into the trip  %63

B. A week after the trip  %37

BJ: A week after the trip as it usually takes sometime for all I have seen and experienced to sink in.

#37 When you first started traveling, you thought you were so cool just because:

A. You took the subway  %34

B. Skipped the restaurant and ate a sandwich sitting on a bench in a park watching the locals  %66

BJ: You took the subway – I still could not move to the sandwich stage.

#38 Now that you are an experienced traveler, you think you are so cool just because:

A. You do Airbnb   %38

B. You can even join a tour group and not feel ashamed  %62

BJ: Join a tour group and not feel ashamed – whatever it takes and also, I don`t like Airbnb.

#39 Do you always come back from an inspiring trip with a desire to build a new habit? If yes – any success?

A. Man of my word  %27

B. Yes – for maybe a day  %73

BJ: Yes – for maybe a day. One can dream.

#40 You feel closer to:

A. Robinson Crusoe  %43

B. Jack Kerouac  %57

BJ: Robinson Crusoe for sure – my childhood hero. I hope someone makes a decent movie out of the book during my lifetime.

#41 Which one would you pick?

A. Free business class tickets for 2 weeks in each of Japan, Australia and Argentina  %31

B. Ground and sea travel to any country in the World for 6 months (your starting point being Istanbul)  %69

BJ: B – as it would be much more fun to plan the whole trip.

#42 You feel happier: 

A. Right after breakfast when you are about to start exploring  %61

B. Sit down for a dinner after a full day of exploring  %39

BJ: A – excitement of the day + I am generally much happier person in the mornings.

#43 Life would  be more bearable if there was a ban on the following travel related statement: 

A. We felt like locals %50

B. Getting out of the comfort zone %50

BJ: I will go with the “locals” one as I think it is practically impossible, yet people keep saying it.

#44   Which destination gives you the butterflies?

A. Vietnam  %25

B. Iceland  %75

BJ: Iceland .

#45 When you travel abroad, the moment you understand that the people sitting at the table next to you speak your native language – you try to: 

A. Remain incognito  %75

B. Get eye contact  %25

BJ: Remain incognito.

#46 Which TV Show is better? (I had to put this in here even though I know it is not directly travel related).

A. Breaking Bad  %68

B. Six Feet Under  %32

BJ: Six Feet Under

#47 When on plane, do you try to see less important movies and save the big deal ones for a bigger screen?

A. Christmas Carol in a plane  %55

B. Star Wars in a plane  %45

BJ: Star Wars in a plane – I cannot fight the urge (not literally though as I have never seen a Star Wars movie in my life)

#48 Traveling makes me feel

A. Opinionated  %84

B. Confused  %16

BJ: Opinionated – but a little too much sometimes especially right after the trip.

#49 If traveling for a year, you would want to see:

A. 5 countries  %30

B. 10 countries  %70

BJ: 5 countries in one year – I want to focus on lenghtier trips as it also immensely helps with the photographic output. 

#50 When traveling abroad – it is less cool to use:

A. Hop-on Hop-off Bus  %49

B. Taxi  %51

BJ: Taxi – as it means that I lost my way.

Thank you for reading through this long travel poll. I hope to publish an updated travel poll soon – the 2020 version!

travel poll questions instagram

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How to create an Instagram Poll on your Story

How to view and share results of your instagram story poll.

  • Ideas for Instagram Polls

How to send an Instagram Poll via direct message

How to make an instagram poll to ask questions or survey your followers.

  • To make an Instagram Poll, start by creating a new Story post by swiping right on Instagram's home screen.
  • Ask a yes or no question or any question with two options, then share the poll to your Story.
  • View the results of your poll at any time within 24 hours of posting by swiping up on the Story slide.

Whether they're just for fun or for informal research purposes, Instagram Polls are a fun way to interact with your Instagram followers. You can customize the question and the two responses (or stick to a straight-forward yes or no) and choose a background from your camera roll.

Once responses start rolling in, you can see how your followers voted, and even get a breakdown on how many people voted for each option and who exactly voted for each. After you collect responses, you can share the results with your followers so they can also see how people voted overall (but not who voted for what).

Here's how it's done.

1. Open the Instagram app . Tap your profile icon at the top-left of the screen or swipe right to add a Story. 

2. Take a photo by tapping the circle on the bottom of the screen or choose a photo or video from your camera roll to post by tapping the small picture icon at the bottom-left of the screen. You can also tap the "Aa" Create icon to pull up a blank background.

3. Tap the Stickers icon , which looks like a square smiley face, at the top of the screen to pull up a menu of post additions.

4. In the pop-up menu, tap the Poll icon to ask a question with two answer prompts. To ask a sliding scale question, tap the Sliding Scale icon , which should be located next to the Poll sticker option. 

5. Tap the Ask a question… field, then type your question or a quick phrase on whatever topic you want people to vote on. For a regular poll, tap the Yes and No boxes to change the responses, or keep the boxes as-is if that works for your question. For a sliding scale poll, select an emoji to add to the sliding scale. 

6. When you're finished editing the question and response fields, tap Done .

7. Tap Your Story to share your poll with all your followers, or Close Friends to share the poll with your Close Friends list. You can also search for a friend or choose one from the Suggested list to send the poll via direct message. 

1. To view the results of an Instagram poll you've created, open the Instagram app and tap your profile icon at the top-left of the screen to view your Story.

2. On the Story slide with the poll, you'll see the overall results. For more information on how many people voted and what each person voted for, swipe up on the Story slide or tap Seen by on the bottom-left of the screen.

3. To share the results of your poll to your Story, tap Share Results , then select Your Story or Close Friends .

1. Open the Instagram app on your device and tap the Messages icon in the top-right corner. 

2. Select a recent conversation or tap the New Message icon in the top-right corner. 

3. On the message screen, tap the blue camera icon next to the textbox at the bottom of the screen. 

4. Take a photo or select one from your camera roll, and tap the Stickers icon , which looks like a square smiley face, in the top-right corner of the screen. 

5. Select Poll in the pop-up menu. 

6. A poll box will appear over your image — type your poll question into the Ask a question section, and tap inside the Yes and No boxes to change the answer options. 

7. When your poll is ready, tap Send at the bottom-middle of the screen. 

travel poll questions instagram

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50 Engaging Instagram Story Poll Questions to Ask Your Followers

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Are you a business owner looking to market and grow your business on social media?

Do you want to engage your followers and increase interaction on Instagram?  

One of the easiest ways to do this is by asking them poll questions in your stories. 

Polling provides an interactive way to get valuable feedback from your followers, start conversations and create content tailored specifically to their interests.

50 instagram story poll questions blog image

In this article, we’ll explain what Instagram Story Polls are and how to create them, and we’ll provide 50 engaging Instagram Story poll questions you can use to capture the attention of your followers and keep them entertained.

From fun questions to deep inquiries, these 50 questions will get your followers thinking and talking. 

Let’s get started!

What are Instagram Story Polls 

Instagram Story Polls are interactive questions that you can pose to your followers in the form of a poll. 

With Instagram Story polls, you can engage with your followers and get valuable feedback by asking them open-ended or closed-ended questions. 

You can also ask multiple-choice questions to learn more about their preferences and interests.

instagram story poll questions blog image 1

Using poll questions on Instagram is a great way to increase engagement and start conversations. 

You can ask your followers fun trivia questions or more serious inquiries, depending on what you want to learn from them. 

By doing this, you’ll be able to get valuable feedback that can help you create content tailored specifically for them.

How to Create an Instagram Story Poll 

Once you know how to do it, creating an Instagram story poll is easy! All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  • First, open your Instagram app. To add a Story, swipe right on the screen or tap your profile icon in the top-left corner. 

instagram story poll 1

  • Next, take a photo or select existing media from your camera roll.  

instagram story poll 2

  • Once you have an image loaded, tap on the square happy face icon in the top right corner. This will open the sticker tray. 

instagram story poll 3

  • Type “Poll” in the search bar and select the “Poll” sticker. 

instagram story poll 4

  • Tap the “Ask a question…” field, then enter the question you want people to vote on. Then tap in the answers section to edit the answer options. Tap “Add another option” to add up to four answer choices.  

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  • Use the color wheel to change the background color. After customizing your poll, exit the editor by tapping “Done” in the top right corner. 

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  • Before you post your poll, you can move or resize the sticker as needed and add other text or stickers to make the poll more exciting. 

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  • Once you’re ready, tap the arrow in the bottom right corner to post your story. To share your poll with all of your followers, select the “Your Story” option. To share it with just your close friends, select the “Close Friends” option. 

instagram story poll 8

And that’s it – that’s all it takes to create an Instagram Story Poll! 

When the votes start coming in, you can check out the results and even see a breakdown of who cast each vote and how many people selected each option. 

After gathering responses, you can share the results with your followers so they can see how people voted overall.

Now that you know how to create a story poll, here are 50 engaging Instagram Story poll questions to ask your followers.

travel poll questions instagram


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50 Engaging Story Poll Questions

These 50 Story Poll questions will help you boost engagement on Instagram. 

  • Private chef 
  • Maid  
  • Nanny 
  • Use the emoji slider feature to let your audience rate how much they love your products. 
  • Netflix 
  • HBO Max 
  • Heck, yes! 
  • Not a chance
  • Already have 
  • Sight 
  • Sound 
  • iPhone 
  • New Kids On The Block  
  • Backstreet Boys
  • Boyz II Men 
  • Yes, please! 
  • No thanks 
  • $1 million now 
  • Absolutely! 
  • Yassss! 
  • [insert the wrong answer]
  • [insert correct answer]
  • Future 
  • Brand 
  • Price 
  • [insert something you can teach]
  • Plane 
  • Chocolate 
  • Swirl them together!
  • Video 
  • River 
  • Energy drink 
  • TikTok 
  • Facebook 
  • YouTube 
  • No way 
  • Winter 
  • Spring 
  • Summer 
  • Pizza 
  • Mountains 
  • Bustling city 
  • Country 
  • Suburbs  
  • Let me think 
  • Neither 
  • Receive 
  • Beyonce 
  • Madonna 
  • Brittany Spears  
  • Night owl 
  • Early bird 
  • Space 
  • Use the emoji slider feature for people to submit their answers. 
  • Hell, yes! 
  • Spender  
  • Cocktail with friends 
  • Hot bath and a book 
  • Netflix & snacks
  • Museum 
  • Spiders 
  • Heights  
  • [insert a topic]
  • Movie  
  • Yes, please!
  • Maybe 
  • Football 
  • Baseball 
  • Basketball 
  • Mornings  
  • Evenings 
  • Weekends 

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FAQs about Instagram Story Polls

Does it cost anything to make an Instagram Story Poll?

No, creating an Instagram Story Poll does not cost anything. It is completely free to create and post a poll in your story!

Are polls on Instagram anonymous? 

No, Instagram polls are not anonymous. Users who participate in the poll can see the poll results and how each person voted. 

Can you create a poll on Instagram with more than two options? 

You may make a poll with up to four choices.

How long will people be allowed to respond to the poll? 

People can only vote in the poll while the Instagram story is live; after 24 hours, the story will expire.

Can you still access the poll after the story expires?

Yes, the creator of the poll can check the poll and the result in the archive.

instagram story poll questions blog image 2

How to Get Social Media Content Done For You

Using Instagram polls can really help you boost your engagement by better connecting with your followers, but keep in mind that it’s just one type of content on one platform. 

If you need more content ideas, done-for-you captions, professionally designed graphics, and other social media help, then check out the social media content club . 

With the Social Media Content Club Membership, you’ll never have to worry about what to post on social media again. 

With four types of content done for you every single day, we do all the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.

Why not give us a try today and see for yourself? 

We offer a 7-day free trial , so you can explore all the features of the membership before making a commitment.

content club social images 2

Creating an Instagram Story Poll is a great way to increase engagement and get valuable insights from your audience. 

By using these 50 Engaging Instagram Story Poll Questions to Ask Your Followers, you can learn more about what resonates with your followers and create content tailored specifically for them. 

Best of all, creating an Instagram Story Poll is free and easy to do! So why not give it a try today? Good luck!

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Polls are a great way to see what people think and get clear numbers on their preferences. For businesses and influencers, using polls is not only fun but also a super handy way to connect with their audience.

Launching a new product?

Run a poll!

Want help in choosing an outfit?

Want to Know What’s Fan Favorite?

Whether used for gathering feedback, conducting market research, or simply entertaining followers, Instagram polls can grab and connect with your audience in real-time. The best part is they can be created and scheduled in advance using a handy Instagram scheduler , freeing you up to focus on other creative things.

This guide will explore the world of Instagram Polls, the different formats, best practices for crafting compelling questions, and showcasing how a social media scheduler can become your secret weapon for effortless engagement.

What Are Instagram Polls/Instagram Poll Stickers?

Instagram Polls and Instagram Poll Stickers are interactive features that allow users to engage with their audience and gather feedback on various topics. These features are part of Instagram Stories, which are temporary posts that disappear after 24 hours.

With Instagram Polls, users can ask a question and provide two customizable options for their followers to choose from.

Want to Supercharge Ready to Boost Your Instagram Engagement Instantly?

Our scheduling tools will help you analyze the best times to create instagram polls for better engagement..

When creating a poll on Instagram Story, users can add a Poll sticker from the sticker tray, customize the question and answer choices, and then share it with their followers. Followers can then respond to the poll by selecting one of the options provided.

The results are visible to the creator in real-time, showing the percentage of votes for each option.

Instagram Polls are versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as gathering opinions on product preferences, asking for feedback on content ideas, or simply engaging with followers on fun and interactive topics.

Related article:  How to Manage Instagram Followers in 2024

Why Use Instagram Polls?

Here’s a detailed look at why you should consider using Instagram Polls in your social media strategy:

Audience Engagement

Feedback and insights, market research, content creation, increase reach and visibility.

Engaging content like Instagram Polls can increase your reach and visibility on the platform. When followers interact with your polls, it signals to Instagram that your content is engaging, which can boost its visibility in their feeds and attract new followers.

Promote Interaction

Related article: How to Grow Instagram Organically in 2024

Steps to Create an Instagram Poll

Creating an Instagram Poll is a straightforward process that adds an interactive element to your Stories. Here are the detailed steps to create an Instagram Poll on post or story:

Open Instagram and Access Stories: Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device and tap on your profile picture or swipe right from the home feed to access the Stories camera.

A snapshot of Instagram

Capture or Upload Content: You can either capture a photo or video using the camera function within Stories, or you can upload existing content from your camera roll by swiping up on the screen.

A snapshot of Instagram

Access Stickers: Once you have your content ready, tap on the sticker icon at the top of the screen. This will open a tray of various stickers and interactive features that you can add to your Story.

A snapshot of Instagram

Select Poll Sticker: In the sticker tray, look for the “Poll” sticker. It’s usually represented by a colorful poll icon with two options (Yes/No by default, but customizable). Tap on the Poll sticker to add it to your Story.

A snapshot of Instagram

Customize Poll Question: After adding the Poll sticker, you can customize the question by tapping on the text that says “Ask a question…” You can type in your question, such as “Which color do you prefer?” or “What’s your favorite feature?”

A snapshot of Instagram

Customize Poll Options: Below the question, you’ll see two options by default (Yes/No). Tap on each option to customize them according to your poll question. For example, if your question is about colors, you can change the options to “Blue” and “Red.”

A snapshot of Instagram

Share Your Story: After customizing your Instagram Poll, you can preview your Story to see how it looks. If everything looks good, tap on the “Your Story” button at the bottom of the screen to share your Poll with your followers.

A snapshot of Instagram

By following these steps, you can easily create and share engaging Instagram Polls to gather feedback, spark conversations, and increase interaction with your audience on the platform.

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5+ Instagram Poll Ideas to Inspire You

Instagram Poll ideas are versatile and can be adapted to suit different industries, niches, and marketing goals. They not only drive engagement but also provide valuable insights and foster meaningful interactions with your audience. Here are some unique Instagram Poll ideas.

Product Feature Poll

Engage your audience by hosting a Product Feature Poll. Present different features of a product or service and ask followers to vote for their favorite. For instance, if you’re a tech company, you could ask which feature users find most valuable in your latest gadget. This not only gathers feedback but also showcases key product strengths.

A snapshot of Instagram

Host a Survey

Go beyond simple polls by hosting a comprehensive survey. This could be about customer preferences, satisfaction levels, or market trends.

Use Instagram Stories to introduce the survey and direct followers to a survey link (e.g., Google Forms) for detailed responses. Surveys provide in-depth insights and demonstrate your commitment to understanding your audience.

A snapshot of Instagram

Polls About Current Events

Stay relevant and spark conversations by creating Polls About Current Events. Cover trending topics or news relevant to your niche and ask for opinions or predictions. This shows your brand’s awareness of the world around it and encourages audience participation in topical discussions.

For example, if you are a fashion store, ask about dresses celebrities wore at a recent fashion event!

A snapshot of Instagram

This or That?

This classic poll format never gets old. It’s simple yet effective for gauging preferences and sparking conversations. Tailoring these polls to your niche can provide valuable insights into your audience’s likes and dislikes while making them feel involved in your content.

For Example:

  • Fashion: “Floral or Stripes?” Here, you can showcase two different outfits or patterns and ask your followers to pick their favorite. This not only engages your audience but also helps you understand their style preferences, which can be useful for future fashion-related content.
  • Food: “Pizza or Pasta?” Share tempting images of both dishes and let your followers decide which they crave more. This can lead to interesting discussions about favorite recipes or restaurants.
  • Travel: “Beach or Mountains?” Use stunning travel photos to captivate your audience’s imagination and get them to share their ideal vacation spot. This can also inspire future travel-related content.

A snapshot of Instagram

Test Your Audience’s Knowledge: Fun & Educational Quizzes

Create educational content through Polls by asking questions that prompt learning or awareness. For instance, a sustainability-focused brand could ask followers to vote on eco-friendly practices they’d like to learn more about. This positions your brand as a source of valuable information and expertise.

A snapshot of Instagram

Challenge Polls

Encourage your followers to take on a fun challenge and use the poll to see who’s in.

  • “Up for a 30-day fitness challenge? Yes or No?”
  • “Ready to try a week without social media? Dare or Not?”

Share progress and results from the challenge to maintain engagement and motivation. Posting regular updates or shoutouts to participants can also create a sense of community and encourage more people to join in.

A snapshot of Instagram

Rate This Look

Perfect for fashion influencers and brands, this poll asks your audience to rate an outfit or a product, helping you gauge their opinions and preferences. It’s a simple yet effective way to engage your followers in a topic they care about. Like:

  • “Rate this summer look: Hot or Not?”
  • “Do you love this new product packaging? Yes or No?”

A snapshot of Instagram

Favorite Picks

Help your followers make decisions by asking them to choose between their favorite items or activities. This type of poll can reveal a lot about your audience’s tastes and preferences, making it easier to tailor your content. For example:

  • “Which dessert do you prefer: Chocolate Cake or Ice Cream?”

A snapshot of Instagram

Best Practices for Instagram Poll

Instagram polls are a dynamic tool for engaging with your audience and gathering valuable insights. These interactive features allow you to ask questions, present options, and invite participation from your followers.

By utilizing best practices such as clear objectives, compelling questions, visual appeal, and timely analysis , you can create polls that drive engagement, foster community interaction, and inform your marketing strategies. Let’s explore the key best practices for maximizing the effectiveness of Instagram polls.

Define Clear Objectives

Know your audience, create compelling questions, offer meaningful response options, use visuals effectively, keep polls short and time-sensitive, encourage interaction, analyze and act on results, promote sharing and participation, maintain consistency.

By following these best practices, you can create engaging and effective Instagram polls in comments that resonate with your audience and support your marketing objectives.

In conclusion, Instagram polls offer a powerful way to instantly boost engagement on the platform. By following best practices such as defining clear objectives, creating compelling questions, using visuals effectively, encouraging interaction, and analyzing results, you can use polls to connect with your audience, gather valuable feedback, and strengthen your brand presence on Instagram.

Incorporating polls into your content strategy not only increases engagement but also fosters a sense of community and drives meaningful interactions with your followers. Instagram polls as a versatile tool to enhance your social media presence and keep your audience actively engaged. In addition, there are many instagram poll apps you can use to create Instagram polls and engage your audience effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how to boost a poll, 2. what are some good poll questions for instagram, 3. do polls increase engagement, 4. how do i get more post-engagement, 5. what are the most engaged followers, 6. how to make a poll on instagram in chat, resources for you.


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25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas

In a world of wanderlust and digital storytelling, Instagram has emerged as the ultimate platform for showcasing travel experiences. Picture-perfect landscapes, vibrant cultures, and awe-inspiring adventures have found their virtual home in the captivating realm of Instagram. For local tour operators and safari providers, Instagram travel content management offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage audiences, attract travelers, and showcase the hidden gems of their destinations.

Imagine this: You’re standing atop a majestic mountain, a panorama of breathtaking vistas spreading out before you. The crisp air tingles with excitement as you capture the moment—a moment that speaks of the wonders your local tours can unveil. This is the essence of travel, and Instagram is the canvas that paints these stories.

Let’s dive into 25 creative Instagram travel content ideas tailored for local tour operators, backed by insights and data to guide your journey toward crafting compelling narratives and enticing visuals.

Table of Contents

25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas

  • Showcase Authentic Local Experiences: Share snippets of local cuisines, traditional crafts, or unique rituals—offer a glimpse into the authentic essence of the destination.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Tour Previews: Tease upcoming tours with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, showcasing preparations, guides, and exclusive spots.
  • User-Generated Content Contests: Engage your audience by hosting contests encouraging travelers to share their experiences using a specific hashtag.
  • Historic Narratives and Fun Facts: Combine stunning visuals with intriguing historical facts or folklore about landmarks or attractions.
  • Interactive Polls and Quizzes: Foster engagement through interactive polls or quizzes about destinations or travel preferences.
  • Local Wildlife and Nature Spotlights: Feature the biodiversity of the region, from rare birds to picturesque flora, fostering an appreciation for nature.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with travel influencers or micro-influencers to showcase your tours and reach a broader audience.
  • Day-in-the-Life Series of Guides: Highlight a day in the life of your tour guides, sharing their perspectives and insights.
  • Travel Tips and Hacks: Provide valuable tips, packing hacks, or insider knowledge about the destination to aid potential travelers.
  • Stunning Aerial Views: Utilize drone photography or breathtaking aerial shots to showcase the destination’s beauty from a unique perspective.
  • Local Art and Street Performances: Highlight the vibrant art scenes and street performances unique to the destination, showcasing cultural richness.
  • Transformational Journey Series: Share inspiring stories of personal transformation or growth experienced by travelers during your tours.
  • Time-lapse Videos of Scenic Views: Captivate your audience with mesmerizing time-lapse videos showcasing sunrise, sunset, or bustling cityscapes.
  • Environmental Sustainability Initiatives: Showcase efforts toward sustainability, conservation, or responsible tourism practices, resonating with eco-conscious travelers.
  • Virtual Tour Experiences: Offer virtual tours or live sessions, giving audiences a taste of what your tours entail.
  • Local Community Spotlights: Introduce followers to local heroes, artisans, or community-driven initiatives making a positive impact.
  • Inspirational Travel Quotes: Pair stunning imagery with motivational quotes that resonate with the travel spirit and ignite wanderlust.
  • Travel Challenges or Quests: Create challenges encouraging followers to explore hidden gems or complete tasks within the destination.
  • Seasonal Content and Festivities: Align your content with seasonal events, festivals, or celebrations unique to the destination.
  • Interactive Stories and Q&A Sessions: Use Instagram Stories to conduct Q&A sessions, encouraging audience interaction and addressing queries.
  • Travel-themed IGTV Series: Develop episodic IGTV series exploring different aspects of travel or destination highlights.
  • Cinematic Storytelling: Craft visually compelling stories through cinematic sequences, immersing viewers in the journey.
  • Adventure Sports and Thrilling Activities: Showcase adrenaline-pumping activities or extreme sports available through your tours.
  • Local Cultural Exchanges: Highlight moments of cultural exchange between travelers and locals, fostering a sense of connection.
  • Travel Testimonials and Reviews: Share authentic testimonials and reviews from satisfied travelers, building credibility and trust.

Travel Content Shared by Other Travelers Inspire Trust

The travel content ideas for Instagram presented here are not just theoretical musings—they stem from the pulse of Instagram’s travel community. According to a study by Socialbakers, travel-related content receives 9.6% higher engagement rates than other industries on Instagram. Furthermore, incorporating user-generated content increases trust among consumers , with 76% of travelers believing that content shared by other travelers is more honest than branded content (Stackla, 2021).

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Anna-Katri Räihä (@adalminasadventures)

Those statistics underline the importance of authenticity and interactive engagement in captivating an audience within the travel sphere on Instagram.

The pulse of the Instagram travel community

The pulse of the Instagram travel community resonates with a vibrant blend of visual storytelling, wanderlust-driven exploration, and a quest for authenticity.

Storytelling on the frontlines to solve customer pain points and increase direct bookings

It thrives on the immersive power of captivating imagery, transporting users to distant landscapes, cultural treasures, and off-the-beaten-path adventures . This community pulsates with a hunger for unique experiences, craving authenticity in content that goes beyond the ordinary tourist snapshots.

Understanding the needs of emerging luxury travel markets and personas

Engaging with this community means embracing a spirit of discovery, encouraging user-generated content, and fostering a sense of connection through shared narratives. It’s an ecosystem where stunning visuals, insightful captions, and interactive engagement reign supreme, drawing strength from the desire to uncover hidden gems, celebrate diverse cultures, and inspire others to embark on their transformative journeys .

Positive Luxury: Personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences

At its core, the pulse of the Instagram travel community beats with the collective passion for exploration, storytelling, and the endless allure of the world waiting to be discovered.

FAQs Instagram content ideas for Travel Companies

How do you make good travel content worth sharing on instagram.

To strategically make good travel content shareable on Instagram, focus on creating visually captivating imagery or videos that evoke emotions, tell a compelling story, showcase unique experiences, use popular or trending hashtags, encourage user engagement through interactive elements like polls or questions, collaborate with travel influencers or feature user-generated content, and maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and eager to share your content.

How do I grow my travel page on Instagram?

To grow your travel company page on Instagram while attracting qualified leads and genuinely interested travelers, focus on strategic content creation . Curate captivating visuals and informative captions that highlight the unique experiences and value your travel products offer. Utilize targeted hashtags, collaborate with influencers aligned with your travel niche, and engage with your audience authentically through stories, polls, and Q&A sessions. Encourage user-generated content and testimonials to build trust. Prioritize quality over quantity to attract an audience genuinely passionate about your offerings, fostering a community of engaged travelers seeking authentic experiences.

How to get travel content ideas on social media?

To generate travel content ideas on social media , understanding both the audience and destinations is key. Engage with the audience through surveys, comments, and feedback to grasp their preferences and interests. Research destinations thoroughly, exploring local culture, landmarks, and unique experiences. Create content aligning with the audience’s travel desires , offering valuable insights, tips, and captivating visuals that showcase the destination’s authenticity. Blend storytelling with informative posts, leveraging trends, user-generated content, and real-time updates to resonate deeply with the audience’s travel aspirations, ensuring a compelling and tailored social media travel content strategy for instance.

How do you post travel content on Instagram?

No magic way, just be real and imaginative! Jet-set your Instagram feed: Mix stunning scenery, cultural snapshots, and wanderlust-inducing moments. Craft engaging captions, sprinkle with travel tips, and embrace authenticity. Hashtag wisely, tag locations, and invite followers to explore the journey with you. Voila! Bon voyage to captivating content!

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram remains a potent tool for local tour operators to captivate audiences, tell compelling stories, and beckon travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys. By leveraging these 25 travel Instagram content ideas, grounded in data-backed insights and engagement strategies, tour operators can elevate their Instagram presence , enticing adventurers to explore the hidden wonders of their locales.

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Remember, behind every captivating Instagram post lies an opportunity to spark curiosity, forge connections, and invite individuals to become part of the mesmerizing tales only travel can weave. It’s time to unleash the magic of your destination and invite the world to embark on unforgettable adventures.

Sources: Socialbakers. Instagram Industry Benchmarks. Stackla. (2021). The State of UGC [User-Generated Content].

What type of content is most authentic

Source :

Additional readings for travel content creators

Embarking on a digital odyssey, travel bloggers and content creators chart a course through the realms of inspiration and discovery. As storytellers of wanderlust, they navigate the landscape of possibilities, unveiling a mosaic of travel experiences. From the whispers of ancient cities to the untamed beauty of nature’s wonders, their canvas is vast and ever-evolving. Here lie 25 ideas, not just posts, but portals that beckon the curious, crafting narratives that transcend borders and ignite the imagination

Here are 25 post ideas for travel bloggers and influencers:

  • Destination Guides: Detailed posts highlighting must-visit spots, local tips, and hidden gems.
  • Packing Essentials : Share packing lists or tips for different types of travel experiences.
  • Travel Itineraries : Curate sample itineraries for various durations or travel styles.
  • Accommodation Reviews : Detailed reviews or experiences from hotels, hostels, or unique stays.
  • Budget Travel Tips : Offer advice on how to travel on a budget, including money-saving tips.
  • Food and Culinary Experiences : Showcase local cuisines, street food, or dining experiences.
  • Travel Photography Tips : Share photography techniques or editing tips for stunning travel photos.
  • Solo Travel Insights: Discuss safety tips, empowerment, and experiences from solo trips.
  • Adventure Activities : Highlight adventurous experiences like hiking, diving, or extreme sports.
  • Cultural Immersion : Feature cultural traditions, festivals, or local customs.
  • Sustainable Travel: Promote eco-friendly practices, ethical tourism, or responsible travel tips.
  • Travel Mishaps and Lessons : Share funny or insightful stories from travel mishaps.
  • Travel Vlogs : Create video content capturing travel experiences or day-in-the-life vlogs.
  • Local Transportation Guides : Offer guidance on navigating public transport or getting around.
  • Travel Hacks : Provide time-saving or life-hacking tips for smoother travel experiences.
  • Travel Challenges : Challenge followers to complete tasks or visit specific places and share their experiences.
  • Destination Comparisons : Compare similar destinations or different travel experiences within a region.
  • Travel Apps or Gadgets : Review useful travel apps, gear, or gadgets that enhance the travel experience.
  • Q&A Sessions: Engage with followers through live or recorded Q&A sessions about travel.
  • Travel Inspirational Quotes : Share motivational quotes or sayings paired with stunning travel photos.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content : Showcase the making of content, bloopers, or personal insights.
  • Local Art and Handicrafts : Feature local artisans, crafts, or unique souvenirs.
  • Day Trips or Excursions : Highlight day trip options or off-the-beaten-path excursions.
  • Travel Safety Tips: Offer advice on staying safe while traveling, including health and security tips.
  • Future Travel Plans : Tease upcoming trips, share plans, or seek suggestions from followers.

These ideas can help diversify content and engage audiences while providing valuable insights and inspiration for travel enthusiasts.

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How To Do a Poll on Instagram: A Beginner's Guide

Rebecca Riserbato

Updated: November 17, 2020

Published: September 30, 2020

I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but checking Instagram is one of the first things I do in the morning.

how to instagram poll

But, I know I'm not alone.

Did you know that Instagram went from one million users in December 2010 to over one billion in 2020 ?

In fact, it's one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. So, you might be wondering, "How can I use this platform?"

Well, a great way to engage with your audience is through an Instagram poll.

According to HubSpot research, quiz or poll stickers are one of the most popular Instagram Story formats .

Polls are a great way to keep in touch with your audience and even conduct market research.

In this post, let's learn how to set up a poll on Instagram and discuss how you can use this feature.

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How To Do a Poll on Instagram

  • Open Instagram and swipe left.
  • Make sure you're posting to Story (underneath the record button).
  • Take the video or picture you want to post.
  • Click the sticker icon on the top right.
  • Scroll down and choose poll or look for the sliding poll.
  • Type in the question and responses.
  • Click Send To and then share your poll to your Story.
  • Track results.

1. Open Instagram and swipe left.

To get started with Instagram polls, the first thing you need to do is open the app. Then, you'll swipe left. This will take you to the screen where you can post on your Stories.

2. Make sure you're posting to Story (underneath the record button).

Once you're here, make sure that you're posting to your Story. Underneath the record button, you'll see whether you're posting a Story, a Reel, or going Live.

To post a poll, make sure you're posting to your Story.

3. Take the video or picture you want to post.

Now, just take the video or picture you want to post.

If you have it saved, you can just select the content from this screen by clicking on the picture icon on the bottom left. This will take you to your camera roll where you can select a video or image.

4. Click the sticker icon on the top right.

To add the poll, click on the sticker icon on the top right. It's the third icon from the left.

5. Scroll down and choose poll or look for the sliding poll.

Now you should see different sticker options including location, time, questions, and more. Scroll down and choose the poll icon.

You can either do a question and answer poll, or a sliding poll. To choose a sliding poll, you'll want to scroll until you find the slide bar option.

6. Type in the question and responses.

If you chose the question and answer poll, it's time to type in your question and the possible responses.

If you chose the slide bar, you'll want to type in your question and then add an emoji to the sliding bar.

7. Click "Send To" and then share your poll to your Story.

Now all that's left to do is post. To do this, just click "Send To" and then share the post on your Story.

8. Track results.

Once you've posted a poll, it's time to wait for the responses. To view the results, you'll want to watch your Stories.

Then, click the "Seen by" icon in the bottom left corner. This will show you who voted and the results.

Here, you'll also see a button to "Share Results." You can click that and post the results to your Story to let your viewers know the outcome of the poll.

When you're creating a poll, remember to place it strategically.

You don't want people to have problems voting because of the placement. Make sure your poll is placed near the center, and not too high or low that the other Story icons block it.

As you can see, posting a poll on Instagram is a simple process. But, how do you use this feature?

Here are some of the top ways you can use Instagram polls:

  • Learn about your audience. Polls are a great way to talk to your followers. You can learn about their interests and opinions using a simple poll.
  • Market research. Instagram polls can also help you discover what your audience wants to see from your brand. For example, I've seen a powder protein company ask questions on what flavors customers want to see and then deliver on those flavors. This makes your audience feel like they're a part of a community and like you value their opinion.
  • Gather feedback. If you want to know what your customers think, why not just ask them? You can use polls to gather feedback and information from your followers.
  • Share your content. Instagram polls are a great way to get your audience interested in the content on your site. Hopefully, the poll will strike enough interest that your followers go to your site to see a blog.
  • Enter a giveaway. I've seen plenty of influencers use the sliding bar to gather giveaway entries. After posting a few Story slides on the giveaway, the last slide usually says, "Slide this bar so I know you entered."
  • Increase engagement. Polls are very helpful for the Instagram algorithm. The more engaged your audience is with you, the more likely they are to actually see your content in their feed.

Ultimately, the point of using Instagram polls is to engage with your followers and capture their attention. To learn more about Instagram marketing, you can take HubSpot's Instagram Training course .


Don't forget to share this post!

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  • Ask RAI / Inspiration / Solo Travel / Travel / Travel Trivia

Top Travel Questions | 200 Fun + Engaging Questions About Travelling To Ask

Published February 8, 2023 · Updated February 8, 2023

Fun Questions to ask Travel the world

Travelling the world is a dream for many, myself included . I quit my job in 2012 to travel and have been living out of a suitcase ever since. A countless number of adventures and an immeasurable number of conversations later , I think back on all the questions I’ve been asked through it all by fellow travellers I have met along the way as well as friends back home. Find a collection of these travel questions in this post . Answer as many as of these questions about traveling as you can and use them as conversation starters the next time you find yourself on an adventure of your own. 

If you’d like to know my personal answer to any of these questions, feel free to contact me or start a conversation of our own on insta . Enjoy!

Whether you find yourself waiting at the airport, on an overnight journey by bus or train, or simply hanging with new found friends while abroad, these questions make for some perfect conversation starters and are sure to get the good vibes flowing . 

I’ve split this into sections to make it easier to read. You will find a list of fun travel questions , interesting and enticing questions about travelling as well as some random would you rather questions. Maybe you’re looking for some travel trivia or an engaging travel question for Instagram — find it all ⬇⬇

Be sure to save this post or bookmark it to easily find it during your next journey. Let’s get into it….

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What to ask people who travel? Find a list of fun questions about traveling that are bound to keep the conversation flowing from beginning to end!

Travel Questions about travelling

  • You win the lottery tomorrow. Where are you travelling to first?
  • What is your favourite aspect about traveling?
  • What is the weirdest food you’ve ever tried while traveling ?
  • What are sure signs of being a travel addict?
  • Are you a city traveller or nature explorer?
  • Have you ever hitchhiked? If not, would you ever consider doing it?
  • Are you a member of the mile high club?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise?
  • Choose one famous person or celebrity to travel with?
  • Have you ever flown first class?
  • How many countries have you been to ?
  • What is your favourite city ?
  • Where you would you rather be right this moment?
  • Do you prefer a window seat or aisle seat on a plane?
  • What is the most exotic food you’ve tasted?
  • Where is the weirdest place you’ve slept during your travels?
  • Would you rather go on a safari, have a city break, or visit a tropical island ?
  • Have you ever been camping while abroad?
  • What is your favorite travel song ?
  • How many of the 7 wonders of the world have you seen?
  • What is the best and worst thing about travelling to a new country?
  • Beach or mountains ?
  • What is your most valuable travel possession?
  • Have you fallen in love while travelling?
  • What is your favourite vacation song about summer and the beach ?
  • What movie and/or has inspired a previous trip of yours?
  • What’s a funny or strange travel story of yours?
  • Have you ever been on a safari?
  • What is your drink of choice on a plane?
  • What is you go to remedy for jet-lag?
  • What is the favorite stamp in your passport?
  • Do you have any embarrassing travel stories?
  • What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done during your travels?
  • What characteristics make for a cool travel partner?
  • Have you ever been snorkelling? If so, where?
  • What is the best gift to give to a traveller?
  • Describe a dream travel experience?

Check out this list of the: 10 best cheap tropical islands to visit around the world


I am a huge fan of not just fun travel questions to ask, but also deep and open ended questions that are often accompanied with some insightful responses and interesting debates. What are some questions about travel?

fun travel questions for instagram on travel to ask

  • How does travel and seeing the world inspire you?
  • How many countries do you want to discover in your life?
  • How often do you travel? How many days in a month/weeks in a year are you away from home?
  • Where do you feel most at home?
  • What has been your biggest adventure so far?
  • Why do you travel?
  • What is the most exotic destination you’ve been to?
  • What are some of the lessons that travel has taught you?
  • What has been your worst trip or worst travel experience?
  • What can you not travel without?
  • Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?
  • Have you ever made any of these mistakes while flying ?
  • How do you feel on your return home?
  • What travel experiences are at the top of of your bucket list?
  • When you’re not on the open road, what is the thing you miss most about travelling?
  • Are there more advantages to travelling alone or with others?
  • What is your best travel tip ?
  • What has been your biggest travel mistake?
  • What cities would you love to discover?
  • What is the best airport for a long layover ?
  • When you’re away, what do you miss most about home?
  • Who do you usually travel with?
  • What is the difference between a tourist and a traveller?
  • Do you think its safe to travel during the covid-19 pandemic?
  • Did you have any bad travel experiences?
  • What has been the most stressful part about travel for you?
  • If you could choose one place to live anywhere in the world, where would you most like to live?
  • What is your main concern when travelling?
  • Do you have a favourite airline?
  • What is the scariest thing that has happened to you while traveling?
  • When do you feel the most alive?
  • Do you travel with a fixed plan or usually just wing it?
  • What’s been the biggest struggle you’ve experienced about travel?
  • What is your favorite childhood travel memory?
  • How has corona covid-19 affected your traveling lifestyle?
  • Do you think countries closing their borders was a good move?
  • How do you feel about a travel pass?

The important of travel and exploring the world cannot be stressed enough. Here are the 10 key advantages of travelling

Keep reading for more ideas + fun traveling questions to ask …


How do you talk about travelling? In developing a conversation, few things compare to getting into the head of the other person. Here are a number of thought-provoking questions on travel to get to know someone a little better.

Engaging Questions about travel fun

  • What do you think is the main benefit of travel ?
  • What does the concept of home mean to you ?
  • Is it the journey or the destination that’s most important to you?
  • What motivates you to travel?
  • What is the biggest barrier to long term travel?
  • What about traveling do you enjoy the least?
  • What is the very first place you’ve visited?
  • What has been your best trip?
  • Have you ever gotten really lost while abroad?
  • What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  • What characteristics and traits are essential for being a traveler?
  • What is your preferred means of transport when traveling?
  • Do you have any destinations that you would not like to visit?
  • What is the most beautiful city you’ve visited ?
  • Do you learn a few phrases of the local language before visiting a new country?
  • Which country has the best food?
  • What is your earliest travel memory of being on vacation?
  • Do you make friends easily while on the road?
  • What are some of the disadvantages of long term travel?
  • Are you a fan of trying out local foods?
  • How do you choose where to travel to? 
  • Which places hold a special place in your heart?
  • What’s the best travel advice you’ve received?
  • What is your travel style? Relaxing beach island vacation or city-to-city explorations?
  • What are your thoughts on ecotourism and being a responsible tourist ?
  • What is the worst injury you’ve gotten while traveling?
  • Which island would you love to visit with your family ?
  • What would surprise people the most about long term travel?
  • Are you enticed by the life of a digital nomad ?

Care about how many countries you’ve been to? Here’s why you should stop counting


It’s bound to be an interesting and enlightening talk with these deep thinking questions for a travelling companion. How do you ask travel questions?

Fun Travel questions to ask

  • How has travel changed you throughout the years?
  • What is your favourite part about travel?
  • Where did you travel to internationally for the first time?
  • If you could travel to anytime in the past , where would you go?
  • Where would you love to explore next?
  • Where was the last place you’ve been to?
  • What is the longest you’ve been away from home for?
  • What is the longest flight you’ve taken?
  • Do you plan and book your holidays yourself or do you get it done through a travel agency or third party agent?
  • Have you ever lived in another country for an extended period of time? If so, where?
  • What travel advice would you give to someone traveling internationally for the first time?
  • What is the most trouble you’ve been in while traveling?
  • Have you ever gotten scammed while in another country ?
  • Do you prefer to travel solo or as part of a group?
  • Where would you like to go on vacation to?
  • Where is the best place you have hiked in?
  • Where do you prefer to stay? Hotel/hostel/apartment/couchsurfing?
  • Have you explored a lot of your home country ?
  • What do you think is the biggest advantage of solo travel?
  • Who is the most interesting person you’ve met during your travels?
  • Have you ever missed a flight?
  • Are you a member of any frequent flyer programs?
  • Which place would you not visit again?
  • If you speak more than one language, which language is the easiest and hardest to learn?
  • What is your favorite museum?
  • What is a typical meal like from your country ?
  • What travel apps you you use most often?
  • How many passports have you gone through?
  • What home food do you miss most when travelling abroad?
  • Are there any aspects of a foreign culture that you will never get use to?

Speaking of a foreign culture.. Here are: the most strange and exotic foods eaten across the world


Travel and exploring the world is my favorite past-time. But you already knew that, right? Here are travel questions to ask to get you talking about past vacations , favorite destinations, future travel aspirations, and bucket list places . What to caption a travel photo?

Engaging and interesting Questions on Travel

  • Where is the most amazing place you’ve encountered during your travels?
  • Do you prefer to travel to famous and popular destinations or off the beaten track spots?
  • How many photos are saved on your hard-drive in total?
  • What is your favourite foreign cuisine?
  • What is your favorite word for travel ?
  • What inspires you to travel?
  • Do you usually bring back souvenirs for your trip?
  • What travel quote do you live by?
  • What country (or countries) would you like to visit the most?
  • How many days until your next vacation?
  • What place should everyone see at least once in their lifetime?
  • Are there any popular places or destinations you’d like to avoid?
  • What is the best place to visit in your own country?
  • What are your favourite countries?
  • Do you prefer novel stimulating experiences or a chilled out relaxed vacation?
  • Do you keep a journal to document all your experiences exploring the world?
  • What was the most recent road trip you took?
  • What is your best-loved national park?
  • What is your favourite tropical island ?
  • What is your favourite city for a weekend break ?
  • What is the most money you’ve spent on a plane ticket? Where’d you go?
  • What is your favorite foreign dessert ?
  • Where was your first vacation with your family ?
  • What is your most prized travel possession?
  • Which city has the best street food?
  • What one place do you have to visit before you die?
  • Are you planning on travelling again soon in a post pandemic world?
  • Which country has the most beautiful flag ?
  • How does travel bring meaning to your life ?

I’ve had a lot of misadventures and crazy travel experiences over the years. Here are a couple of my misadventures


A simple format of intriguing and fun questions for traveling. Present these to your fellow travelers with these odd, funny, and interesting scenarios to get into some great conversations.

Map world Travel Questions

  • Would you rather lose all your travel photos or all of your money?
  • Would you rather travel back in time and meet your ancestors or forward in time to meet your descendants?
  • Would you rather travel the world by plane, train, or ship?
  • Would you rather see a lot of countries for a little bit or get to know one in-depth?
  • Would you rather explore the deepest part of the ocean or outer space?
  • Would you rather upgrade your flight to first class or your hotel room to the penthouse suite ?
  • Would you rather go hiking, visit museums, or to the beach ?
  • Would you rather be the last person left on earth, or be one of the first people on Mars but you’ll never come back home?
  • Would you rather swim with dolphins or go shark cage diving?
  • Would you rather be able to pause, rewind, or fast forward time?
  • Would you rather only speak English or speak every language in the world except for English ?
  • Would you rather travel the whole world but never finding love or finding your soulmate but never being able to travel?
  • Would you rather be able to speak all languages or be able to talk to animals?
  • Would you rather explore the dessert heat of the Sahara or the icy landscape of Antarctica?
  • Would you rather have the super power of teleportation or flying?
  • Would you rather have a summer beach vacation or a winter mountain trip?
  • Would you rather discover the jungle on an African safari or the sea on a cruise?
  • Would you rather sleep in a room in a haunted hotel or filled with snakes?
  • Would you rather walk the entire Great Wall of China or climb Mount Kilimanjaro ?
  • Would you rather live the life of a king alone or live like a nomad with your friends and family ?
  • Would you rather watch the rising sun or the setting sun ?
  • Would you rather go on lots of small trips or one long trip?
  • Would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing or be able to ask your future self one question?

I hope you’ve appreciated this complete set of travel questions. I’ve included more than enough vacation questions to fuel those conversations with a traveler or while discovering the world. What are some of your favorites? And did any of these reveal some insights or breakthroughs?

>> Read next:

Keep the conversation going with these 100+ epic questions for road trips The ultimate list of quotes about travelling and smiling to keep the positive vibes flowin’ The top 10 advantages of travelling the world The best vacation songs to include on your summer playlist Should you talk to strangers ?

Happy travelling! Rai

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I love this site. Continue the good work!

Thanks a lot.

This list is amazing! 💯

Glad you like 🙏

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7 Instagram Strategy For Tours & Travel Agencies

Instagram plan for travel agencies

Are you the owner of a travel agency and curious to know how to promote your business on Instagram? If so, then you have come to the right place. Here at Waffle Bytes , we specialize in managing various types of Instagram and other social media platforms for our clients. We also have expertise in managing travel pages on Instagram.

In this article, we will share our experience in managing travel pages. We will also provide insights on the kind of content that resonates with people on travel pages, as well as strategies for generating organic leads and utilizing paid ads.

Let’s dive into Instagram marketing for travel agencies

On This Page:

Content Strategy for Instagram Travel Pages 

Content is king on Instagram, and if you blindly post only about offers, you are doing it wrong; it will not work. 

To understand why content matters, you have to understand the psychology of people on Instagram. People use Instagram for fun; they are not using it to buy something. However, when they see photos of other people traveling or travel videos showcasing different places, it sparks an idea.

Here is the content strategy and content types for Instagram tour and travel pages:

Travel Reels

The average time people spend watching Instagram Reels is 30 minutes per day. Therefore, the first content format we need to target is Reels. You have to create travel Reels to engage people and build a community. However, do not create reels with generic or stock videos, as this type of content appears fake and boring. Instead, try to create reels using user-generated videos. You can ask your clients or purchase relevant videos, but avoid using stock footage. 

Here are some examples of different types travel reels that can inspire you:

1. Tag Someone or Tag a Friend

This type of Reels receives high engagement because it prompts people to take specific actions, such as tagging someone, tagging their friends, or sending it to the third person on their Instagram DM list

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yelo Holidays (@yeloholidays)

2. Reels of Places

Reels about places are the best way to inject the idea of a travel destination, but it requires creativity and an understanding of video editing.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by JustWravel™ (@justwravel)

Travel Meme Marketing

Memes are the best way to attract travel lovers because they are the foundation of Instagram. Most people use Instagram primarily for memes. You just have to create memes that relate to places or life events appealing to travel enthusiast. Here is an example:

Lastly, find a person who has a good sense of humor, or hire an agency, to create memes and entertain people. Incorporating humor into your content can yield positive results in engaging your audience and generating interest. With the right comedic touch, you can capture people’s attention and leave a lasting impression. Consider leveraging the expertise of individuals or agencies skilled in meme creation and humor to maximize the impact of your content.

Informative Post 

Along with entertaining your audience, sharing informative posts is the next task in your Instagram travel strategy. Most travelers love to consume information, tips, and itineraries about the places they are planning to visit, such as the price per person, distance, and places to visit on a trip. 

Here is an example of an informative travel post:

Customer Feedback & Reviews 

Customer feedback is essential for both the company and the people who will avail of your services in the future. Even in this digital era, people read reviews before booking a trip or buying a product. Therefore, it is crucial to gather customer feedback and showcase it on your Instagram, along with their photos and their booking experiences with you. This will help gain the trust of your future customers and spread positive word of mouth.

Engage Followers with Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are the best way to engage with your followers using polls , quizzes , countdown stickers and the ‘ Ask Me a Question ‘ feature. 

For example, you can create quizzes about different places, conduct opinion polls to gather insights on their upcoming travel plans, use the countdown sticker to indicate validity of offers, and give your followers the freedom to ask you anything related to travel with the ‘ask me a question’ feature. These features provide valuable information about your followers’ preferences, allowing you to effectively predict their likes and dislikes.

Travel Giveaways & Contents 

How does this sound? ‘ Win a luxury holiday in Bali, Indonesia. ‘ Exciting, right? Absolutely! Giveaways and contests are an excellent way to attract an audience because you’re offering something for free, and everyone loves freebies. Therefore, consider launching online contests or giveaways and encourage the audience to complete specific tasks, such as following our page, commenting, and tagging five friends for a chance to win a trip to Manali.

Always remember, don’t be fake and don’t lie. Fulfill your promises made during the giveaway.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Halo Flights US (

Influencer Marketing

If your budget allows, consider stepping into influencer marketing. Instagram has numerous influencers, including those in the travel niche. Collaborating with influencers can provide several benefits to your business, such as:

  • Reach a Wide Audience : When you collaborate with influencers, you have the advantage of exposing your brand to people who may not be familiar with you.
  • Build Trust : Gen Zers value influencer recommendations more than those from friends and family. When influencers mention in their videos, ‘You must visit this place, and you can book with XYZ app,’ it helps build trust among their audience.
  • Increased Bookings and Sales : Influencer marketing can lead to direct conversions, with their followers engaging with your brand, visiting your website, and ultimately booking your travel services or purchasing your products.

Here is the guide for influencer marketing you can read: Influencer marketing guide and message outreach template !

In Conclusion

These are all strategies that we believe can help your travel business succeed on Instagram. However, to execute these strategies effectively, it’s important to have talented individuals on your team or consider hiring an agency like Waffle Bytes. Implementing the mentioned strategies requires a content calendar and a skilled content strategist who can guide you on what to post and when.

If you already have an in-house team, that’s great! They can work on implementing these strategies. However, if you’re facing challenges in managing your travel page and need professional assistance, feel free to contact us. You can reach us by phone at + 91 87001 63222 or through our contact form .

At Waffle Bytes, we have the expertise and experience to help you navigate the world of Instagram marketing and drive success for your travel business. Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements and explore how we can assist you in achieving your goals.

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Hi, I am Tarun, and I have been working as a Digital Marketing Executive at Waffle Bytes since 2021. I am passionate about PPC and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and I consider myself a philosopher of these field.

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How to Use Instagram Stories: 14 Tricky Questions Answered

Learn the basics of how to use Instagram Stories, then move on to some Instagram Stories tips and tricks to help you stand out from the crowd.

cover image

Table of Contents

Instagram Stories have all kinds of built-in tools and functionalities. But they can be tricky to find, and even trickier to use. Read on to learn everything you need to know about how to use Instagram Stories to make the most of the powerful real estate at the top of the app.

Get your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now . Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

What are Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories are vertical, full-screen photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. They appear at the top of the Instagram app interface rather than in the news feed.

Stories can include interactive tools like stickers, polls, and AR filters to make your content really pop. Here’s how to get started with the format.

How to post an Instagram Story

  • In the app, click the plus icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • At the bottom of the screen, choose STORY from the menu.
  • Tap the white circle at the bottom of the screen to take a picture, OR…
  • Press and hold the white circle to record video, OR…
  • Tap the switch-camera icon on the bottom right to switch to the selfie camera, OR…
  • Swipe up (or select the square camera roll icon on the left) to use pre-existing photos or videos.

Instagram Story photo of house plant

On the left of the screen, you can select a format to experiment with: Create, Boomerang, Layout, or Hands-Free.

How to check your Instagram Story views

If your Insta Story is still live (meaning less than 24 hours have passed since you posted it), just tap the Your Story icon on the app main page to see a viewer count for your Story. Tap the number in the bottom left to get a list of the people who make up those Instagram Story views and see any likes your Story got.

After 24 hours, once your Instagram Story has disappeared, you can still access insights , including reach and impressions. (Reach is the number of unique accounts that viewed your Story. Impressions is the total number of times your Story was viewed.)

Here’s how:

  • On the app’s homepage, tap your profile photo at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Tap the menu icon in the top right and select Insights .
  • Choose the time period you’d like Insights for: 7, 14, or 30 days, the previous month, the last 90 days, or a custom timeframe.
  • Scroll down to Content You Shared and tap on Stories .
  • Tap the Sort & filter icon to choose your metric and sorting options.

Instagram Story views reach

How to schedule Instagram Stories

Posting Stories regularly is a good way to keep your audience engaged. But having to interrupt your workflow throughout the day to create and post Stories can become pretty disruptive.

Scheduling Stories into your social media posting schedule allows you to use your time more effectively. You can also plan your Stories content to complement your other social posts and integrate effectively into any ongoing campaigns.

To schedule an Instagram Story using Hootsuite:

1. Head to your Hootsuite dashboard and select Create → Post from the left-hand menu.

2. In the Composer window, select the account you want to post your Story to.

3. In the Content section, switch to the Story editor using the dropdown menu on the right side.

schedule Instagram Stories using Hootsuite Composer

4. Click on the upload icon to add your image or video. Or click on the library icon to choose assets from your media library.

Videos must be between 1 second and 60 minutes long, and images must be less than 30MB. Both have a recommended aspect ratio of 9:16. You can only add one file per Story.

Note: If you want to add text or stickers in your Story, make sure they’re part of your image or video file. Text included in the caption field of Composer will not be included in your Story.

You can easily edit your images using Canva without leaving your Hootsuite dashboard. To get started, click on the Canva icon in the bottom right of the Composer window. Then, select Instagram Story .

Canva icon select Instagram Story

Once you’re done editing your image or video, simply click the Add to post button in the top right corner of the screen, and your file will be attached to your post draft.

add to post after editing picture on Canva

5. Preview your Story and click Schedule for later to select a time for it to go public. Then, click the yellow Schedule button — and you’re done!

schedule Instagram Story for later using Hootsuite

You can now view, edit, or delete your scheduled Story in your Hootsuite calendar.

scheduled Instagram story Hootsuite Composer

Try for free

How to use Instagram Stories stickers

To add a sticker to your Instagram Story:

  • Start creating your Story.
  • Once the photo or video is ready to go, tap the sticker icon at the top of your screen—it’s the square that’s smiling and has a folded corner.
  • Select the type of sticker you’d like to use. Each type has its own properties. We’ll explain some of the most common below, but you can also experiment to see how each one behaves when you tap on it. You can pinch and drag to relocate and resize each sticker.

Instagram stories sticker icon

Link stickers

To add a link to your Instagram Story, use the Link sticker:

  • Tap the stickers icon .
  • Choose the LINK sticker
  • Enter the URL of the link you want people to visit.
  • In the Customize sticker text field, enter the text you want to appear on the link sticker itself. This can be much shorter than the URL, or you could use a CTA like Learn More .
  • Tap the sticker to change the color, and pinch and drag to position it where you want it.

link sticker URL

Polls, quizzes, and questions

Polls, quizzes, and questions on Instagram Stories give you an easy way to engage with your audience, and to encourage them to engage with you. You can also gather valuable feedback to power future content ideas and campaign strategies.

To create an Instagram Story poll:

  • Choose the POLL sticker.
  • Enter your question.
  • Enter your potential responses. The default is Yes/No, but you can type any response.
  • Let your poll run for 24 hours.
  • Don’t forget to share the results!

instagram story poll yes or no to computer glasses

Source: @goingawesomeplaces

Quizzes are similar, except that you give your followers a few options to choose from, and they get immediate feedback about whether they made the right choice.

To create an Instagram Story quiz:

  • Choose the QUIZ sticker.
  • Enter your question prompt.
  • Enter your potential answers.
  • Tap the correct answer. It will be highlighted in green so people get feedback about their choice.

The West Coast Traveller Instagram Story quiz name the BC town

Source: @thewestcoasttraveller

Finally, IG Stories questions offer a completely customizable way to make your Stories interactive.

Instead of asking your followers what they think, the questions sticker allows your followers to ask you questions. Think of it as the Instagram equivalent of an AMA (ask me anything).

To use Instagram Stories questions:

  • Tap the sticker icon.
  • Choose the QUESTIONS sticker.
  • Customize the text of the question prompt.

You’ll find the questions in your viewers list. Tap any question to share it and reply. The identity of the asker will not be revealed.

Of course, you can also get creative with the questions sticker and use it to ask for any kind of commentary from your followers:

Smartless birthday celebration question sticker for card

Source: @smartless

Adding a hashtag sticker to your Insta Story makes it discoverable to a wider audience.

There are two ways to add a hashtag to your Story:

  • Use the #HASHTAG sticker.
  • Use the regular text function (tap the text sticker—the one that says Aa) and use the # symbol.

Either way, once you start typing, Instagram will suggest some popular hashtag ideas to get you going. You can add up to 10 hashtags to your Stories, but we recommend sticking to just a couple of the most relevant.

Team Coco story hashtag

Source: @teamcoco

How to use GIFs on Instagram Stories

GIFs are a great way to add movement and color to even the most static Instagram Story. Here’s the easiest way to add one:

  • Tap the sticker icon and select the GIF sticker.
  • Choose from your recently used GIFs, trending GIFs, or search to find the perfect GIF for the current Story.
  • Tap the GIF you want to use to add it to your Story.
  • Pinch and drag the GIF to reposition and resize.

add gifs to Instagram Story

You can also upload your own GIF or post a GIF directly from GIPHY. For details, check out our blog post on how to add GIFs to Instagram .

travel poll questions instagram

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

How to use saved audio on Instagram Stories

There is no built-in functionality to add saved audio to an Instagram Story, but there are a couple of workarounds. These are legitimate methods that won’t get you into copyright trouble.

For either method, you need to start by saving some audio. Do that by tapping on the name of the audio track on any Instagram content and clicking the save button on the top right of your screen.

Use the Music Sicker to add saved audio to an Instagram Story

Note that this option only works for music, not original audio tracks. In this method, your Saved Audio library is essentially acting as a reminder file.

  • From your Instagram profile, tap the menu icon (three lines) and select Saved .
  • Tap Audio , then Music and find the track you want to use. Write down the name of the song. (Or just remember it if that works for you!)
  • Create your Story and tap the Music sticker.
  • Search for the track you just wrote down and add it to your Story from the Instagram Music Library.

Here are some more tips for adding music to your Instagram Story :

Use Reels to add saved audio to an Instagram Story

In this workaround, you’ll use saved audio to create a Reel, then share the Reel to your Story. It’s not seamless, but it’s the only option for using saved audio other than music tracks.

  • From your Instagram profile, tap the menu (three lines) icon and tap Saved.
  • Tap Audio , then select the track you want to use.
  • Tap Use audio .
  • Make sure you have Reel selected in the bottom menu (rather than Post). Add your photos and clips to complete your Reel. When you’re ready, click Share . If you don’t want the Reel to appear on your main grid, turn off the slider option for Also share to Feed .
  • Go to your Reels tab and click on the Reel you want to share
  • Tap the Share icon and then tap Add to story .
  • Resize the Reel as desired and tap Your Story.

How to use original audio on Instagram Stories

As seen in the section above, there’s no elegant way to add someone else’s original audio to your Instagram Stories. Instead, you’ll have to create a Reel and add that to your Story.

To add original audio from your saved audio library, follow the steps above under the heading Use Reels to add saved audio to an Instagram Story .

Here’s what to do if you are scrolling through Instagram Reels and come across original audio you want to use right away:

  • Tap on the Reel from which you want to use the audio.
  • Tap the name of the original audio track at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Tap Use audio.
  • Follow steps 4 through 7 from the section above to add the Reel to your Story.

For more details, check out our post on how to share Reels to your Instagram Story .

How to use Instagram Story filters

First up, let’s clarify. Technically, Instagram Story filters are the minor color and sharpness changes you can make by swiping on your Story. There are only 13 of them, all named after cities.

With the exception of the black-and-white Tokyo, does anyone use these in 2023?

Instagram Story filters Rio de Janeiro

When most people talk about Instagram Story filters, they are actually talking about the feature that is technically known as camera effects. Here are two ways to use them:

  • Start a new Story and choose from one of the effects indicated by circles at the bottom of the screen. Tap the switch camera icon at the bottom right to use the selfie camera. Scroll left to reveal more effects, or scroll all the way to the end and tap the magnifying glass to search for a specific effect. You can then browse trending effects or browse by categories such as appearance and humor.
  • If you see a Story with an effect you like, tap the name of the effect in the top left of the screen, then tap Save effect to save it for later, or Try it to use it right away.

camera effects instagram story options

Sources: @dothedaniel / Instagram

How to change the layout of Instagram Stories

Different layouts are built right into the Story editor. Here’s how it works.

  • Start a new Story and tap the Layout icon in the left menu.
  • Tap the 4-part grid to reveal additional options. You can choose to include two, three, four, or six photos in your layout.

Another option is to start a Story and open Create Mode (more on that in the next section). Then tap the stickers icon and scroll down to choose the camera roll sticker . Do this multiple times to add more photos to your Story.

If you want to get even more creative with the layout, you can use a third-party tool like Canva, which is built into the Hootsuite Composer. We’ve even got some free Instagram collage templates for Canva for you right here .

Here’s a detailed walkthrough of the various options for how to use layout on Instagram Stories:

How to use Create Mode on Instagram Stories

Create Mode is an Instagram Stories feature that allows you to post an Instagram Story without any photos or video. Just like for other Story types, you can still use stickers to customize your Story.

To use Instagram Stories Create Mode:

  • Start a new Story and tap the Aa Create Mode icon on the left of the screen
  • Start typing, or swipe through the options at the bottom of the screen to create a memory, question, countdown, quiz, or other option.
  • Tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen to add more effects.
  • Tap the color icon at the bottom right of the screen to change the background color.
  • Share your Story.

How to add a location to your Instagram Stories

Places and businesses may have a location page. Users can find the location page under the Places tab when they search, or by tapping on the location in another user’s post. If your Story ends up there, you could end up with a lot more views.

And if you have a brick-and-mortar business, your location page is where your happy customers can showcase their experience with you, and potential customers can check you out. (In order to set up a location page for your business, you’ll need an Instagram business account .)

To use a location sticker on an Instagram Story:

  • Tap the sticker icon and select the location sticker .
  • Choose your preferred location from the list (could be a store, a street, a city — get as broad or as specific as you like).
  • Tap and drag to adjust the sticker’s color and size and location so it complements your Story’s look.

Cartems Donuts location

Sources: @its.andrea.firmani and Matchstick Davie location page

How to add captions to Instagram Stories

If you’re posting videos, captions are a great way to make your content more accessible. It’s also handy for those of us who choose to watch most Stories with the sound off.

Instagram will auto-create captions for your video Stories if you add the captions sticker.

  • Start creating your Story. The captions sticker will only appear if you use a video.
  • Once the video is ready to go, tap the sticker icon at the top of your screen.
  • Tap the Captions sticker .
  • Instagram will auto-create captions. It’s a wise idea to take a look and see how good a job the tool did at capturing what you actually said. If it got something wrong, tap the text to edit any word.
  • You can change the caption font and color by tapping on it. When you’re happy with the captions, tap Done.
  • You can pinch and drag the caption to relocate and resize it as you would with any other sticker.

Captions sticker

How to use Instagram Story Highlights

Stories don’t have to disappear after 24 hours. Highlighting keeps them pinned to your profile until you choose to delete them. This is a great way to showcase your best, brand-defining content.

Each highlight can contain as many Stories as you like, and you can keep adding to them as you post new content.

How to add an Instagram Story to a highlight:

  • If the Story is less than 24 hours old and still visible on Instagram, just tap Your Story to open it, OR…
  • If the Story is more than 24 hours old, retrieve it from your archive. Tap your profile icon at the bottom right, then tap the menu icon (three lines) in the top right. Tap Archive . Scroll back to the Story you want to highlight.
  • In the lower right corner of the screen, tap the Highlight icon .
  • Choose the highlight to which you’d like to add the Story, OR…
  • Create a new highlight.

add story to Instagram highlights

Check out our full guide to Instagram Story highlights, including covers .

How to use Instagram Stories shopping

If you haven’t already set your business up for Instagram Shopping, you’ll need to do that first. Check out our step-by-step guide to setting up Instagram Shopping for all the details.

Once you’ve got your account set up, just use the shopping sticker to make your Stories shoppable.

  • Create your Story as usual.
  • Before you share, tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen.
  • Tap the Product sticker .
  • Choose the product, collection, or storefront from your catalog that you want to tag. You can also choose to tag a product from another business, which will allow them to reshare the story.
  • Tap the sticker to edit the name of the product or service you’re promoting.
  • Move and adjust the shopping sticker by dragging and tapping.

London Drugs Instagram stories shopping

Ready to start scheduling Instagram Stories and save time? Use Hootsuite to manage all your social profiles and schedule posts to all major networks from a single dashboard.

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Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts, Stories, Reels, and Threads with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

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Christina Newberry is an award-winning writer and editor whose greatest passions include food, travel, urban gardening, and the Oxford comma—not necessarily in that order.

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Breaking down the world's Wine Regions #brighttrip #travelsmarter #wine

Posted: June 10, 2024 | Last updated: June 10, 2024

Learn more at <a href=""></a> Leave a comment with any questions you have and we’ll make sure to include it in a future video. Make sure to subscribe to the channel to learn how to travel smarter ===== FOLLOW ON SOCIAL ===== Bright Trip Newsletter: <a href=""></a> Bright Trip on IG: <a href=""></a> Bright Trip on Pinterest: <a href=""></a> Bright Trip on Facebook: <a href=""></a> Bright Trip on Twitter: <a href=""></a> ===== ABOUT BRIGHT TRIP ===== Bright Trip creates video-based travel courses to help you travel smarter. From our location courses that visually demystify places like Tokyo, London, Costa Rica, or Cape Town to our skills courses that cover how to travel solo, with kids, or how to document your travels more effectively and efficiently - each course is created by real travelers, like you, and aims to create a community of curious travelers that are eager to travel smarter. Our prefered music platform is MusicBed try it out <a href=""></a> For business inquiries: [email protected] #brighttrip #travelguide #travelsmarter

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  1. Travel Poll Instagram Story Template

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  2. The Best 53 Instagram Poll Questions To Ask Your Followers

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  3. How To Write Instagram Poll Questions That Maximize Engagement in 2024

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  4. Instagram story polls idea travel

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  5. How to Create Polls on Instagram in 2022 (Easiest Guide)

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  6. The Most Popular Instagram Poll Questions

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  1. 50+ Travel Questions That Will Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

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  2. 142+ Instagram Poll Questions to Ask Your Followers

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  3. Interactive Instagram Polls and Questions for Travel Lovers

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  6. 61 Best Instagram Poll Question Ideas for Stories 2024

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  8. 20 Engaging Poll Questions for Instagram Stories

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    Create a new Instagram Story by tapping the "+" icon and selecting "story". 2. To add a sticker to the video or image, tap the sticker icon at the top right of the screen (it looks like a smiley face square). 3. Fill in your question and your 2 responses (otherwise it defaults to "Yes" and "No.") Customize the text and add ...

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    Open the Instagram app on your device and tap the Messages icon in the top-right corner. 2. Select a recent conversation or tap the New Message icon in the top-right corner. 3. On the message ...

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    Tap the "Ask a question…" field, then enter the question you want people to vote on. Then tap in the answers section to edit the answer options. Tap "Add another option" to add up to four answer choices. Use the color wheel to change the background color. After customizing your poll, exit the editor by tapping "Done" in the top ...

  19. Instagram Poll Ideas for an Instant Engagement Boost

    Promote your poll in Instagram Stories, use engaging visuals, ask compelling questions, encourage sharing, collaborate with influencers, and analyze and respond to results promptly. An Instagram poll in the caption can help you a little bit to build connections for boosting. 2.

  20. 25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

    To strategically make good travel content shareable on Instagram, focus on creating visually captivating imagery or videos that evoke emotions, tell a compelling story, showcase unique experiences, use popular or trending hashtags, encourage user engagement through interactive elements like polls or questions, collaborate with travel influencers or feature user-generated content, and maintain ...

  21. How To Do a Poll on Instagram: A Beginner's Guide

    Scroll down and choose the poll icon. You can either do a question and answer poll, or a sliding poll. To choose a sliding poll, you'll want to scroll until you find the slide bar option. 6. Type in the question and responses. If you chose the question and answer poll, it's time to type in your question and the possible responses.

  22. Top Travel Questions

    Travelling the world is a dream for many, myself included.I quit my job in 2012 to travel and have been living out of a suitcase ever since. A countless number of adventures and an immeasurable number of conversations later, I think back on all the questions I've been asked through it all by fellow travellers I have met along the way as well as friends back home.

  23. 7 Instagram Strategy For Tours & Travel Agencies

    Engage Followers with Instagram Stories. Instagram stories are the best way to engage with your followers using polls, quizzes, countdown stickers and the 'Ask Me a Question' feature.. For example, you can create quizzes about different places, conduct opinion polls to gather insights on their upcoming travel plans, use the countdown sticker to indicate validity of offers, and give your ...

  24. How to Use Instagram Stories: 14 Tricky Questions Answered

    Polls, quizzes, and questions. Polls, quizzes, and questions on Instagram Stories give you an easy way to engage with your audience, and to encourage them to engage with you. You can also gather valuable feedback to power future content ideas and campaign strategies. To create an Instagram Story poll: Tap the stickers icon. Choose the POLL sticker.

  25. Breaking down the world's Wine Regions #brighttrip #travelsmarter ...

    18 Things to Never Do in the Shower. I moved from the US to Ireland. Here are 11 things that surprised me most. Trump accused of demanding special treatment for his New York probation interview ...