
How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Travel Agent Salary 2024

There's a whoooole lot to consider when looking at how much travel agents make. Beyond the more obvious factors (like working hours or having more experience), here are a few things that impact a travel agent's income.

  • Employee vs. Self-employed? The vast majority of leisure travel agents are now entrepreneurs (most of whom align with a host agency ). This is a change from the old-school days when most travel agents were storefront agency employees. Why does this matter? Because there are going to be a lot more factors that impact income for those who run their own business compared to employees who clock in and out of a 9 to 5.
  • Travel Agent Niche: A corporate advisor will typically earn a higher salary than leisure/vacation travel agents. However, within the leisure sector, niche makes a big difference. Adventure and luxury travel, for example, earned higher averages than family and Disney travel in some of HAR's more recent research reports .
  • Time Investment: Self employed travel advisors who set their own schedules work varied hours. Time investment also has a huge impact on earning potential.
  • Industry Experience: Experience level also plays a large role in travel advisor income, with travel advisors typically making more as they get a foothold in the industry.

Travel Edge Network Host Agency

The thing with travel advisors in the 21st century is that there is no "norm." Organizations outside the industry that report on travel agent salaries are ill-equipped to offer a nuanced picture. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics , for example, doesn't include self-employed travel advisors in their data, only employees.

Here's the thing though. Being self employed is, by far, the most popular pathway to becoming a travel agent .

Organizations reporting on travel agent salaries outside the travel industry aren’t aware of the nuances of our field.

So that’s why we’re here! :)

As a company that focuses solely on travel advisors, we’ll break down some of those nuances so you can get a more accurate picture of travel agent salaries. I know you're curious to know if travel agents make good money but it not quite as simple as yes or no.

We’re going to dig into some in-house data to break down travel agent salaries and earnings into digestible categories.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • ALL travel agents (employees and self-employed: hosted and independent)
  • Self-employed travel agents (includes hosted travel agents and independently accredited agents).
  • Travel agent employees (advisors who get 'ye old W2, employed by a travel agency)
  • Corporate travel advisor employees and corporate travel managers (employees who book corporate travel)

So take a seat. Pour a waterfall of melted butter on a mountain of popcorn and settle in!

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? All of 'Em.

Phocuswright's 2023 US Travel Agency Landscape offered a great overview of current travel advisor income. They offer a big picture look at how much all advisors earn based on experience.

Here's the key takeaways:

  • Overall, 39% of advisors earned less than $25,000 per year. However, 80% of advisors in the lowest income bracket had been selling travel for two years or less.
  • Experienced agents, typically earned $50,000+ annually and 25% of experienced travel agents earned $100,000+ annually.

In summary?Experience has a big impact on income! That's in large part due to commissions not being paid until after a client travels or in the case of cruises, 30-60 days prior to departure. It makes the first few years tough if you depend on commissions.

But don't get discouraged if you're just starting out! Travel agents can make good money but it can take some time to build up your client base and to start to see the money coming in.

Here's more on how much self-employed travel advisor earn their first few years.

7DS Accelerator

What does the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Say About Travel Agent Salaries?

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) offers a somewhat different vantage point. While Phocuswright's number reflect primarily home-based independent advisors, BLS data predominantly profiles travel advisor employees.

The BLS data has shown a 26% increase in travel advisor salaries over the past decade. The graph below illustrates how it's increased over time.

TA Employee Income Increase Over Time, BLS

The BLS’ latest numbers (2024) reported an average travel agent salary of $50,040 1 .

Here’s a few things to keep in mind about the BLS numbers:

  • BLS only profiles employees. The BLS site sums it up here: “Estimates do not include self-employed workers.” Here at HAR, we survey full-time and part-time self-employed travel agents in addition to employees.
  • BLS only looks at full-time travel agents. Here's how they crunch their numbers, "Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a 'year-round, full-time' hours." 2

Alright, so we took a look at the BLS data, which you now know skews heavily towards employees. Because of that, it doesn’t reflect the true industry landscape where the majority of travel advisors are self-employed.

So let's dive in to see if self-employed travel agents make good money!

What does HAR's research say about how much ALL travel agents make?

Host Agency Reviews' survey respondents were 95% self-employed and 5% employees.

Here's a birds-eye view of average travel agent income of our survey respondents. We break it down into full-time advisors and all advisors (both FT and PT).

Average Income, All Travel Advisors

When homing in on experienced and full-time advisors, results from HAR’s 2023 survey clock in higher than the BLS number, with data indicating that full-time travel advisors earned a $56,632 a year on average.

Another angle you can figure out how much travel agents make is by looking at how much travel agents make per booking . We've got a whole article on the subject but the key takeaway is about 10% per booking, with the average booking size being $4,375 in 2023. 3

Since it’s hard to get accurate numbers on how much a travel agent makes when we look at everyone—corporate/leisure, employee/self-employed—next up, we’ll take a detailed look at average travel agent salaries for:

  • self-employed advisors,
  • travel advisor employees,
  • travel managers,
  • and corporate travel advisors.

Gotta cover all our bases! 😀

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Self-Employed Travel Agents

Self-employed travel advisors are those who run their own businesses (rather than work as an employee). I’m going to throw some industry lingo at you now. Are you ready?

The self-employed category contains two primary segments of advisors:

  • Hosted advisors (those who use another agency’s accreditation number, called a host agency ) and
  • Independently accredited travel advisors (those who have their own travel accreditation

Here’s the big picture you need to know about self-employed advisors. Over time, the number of self-employed advisors has been growing exponentially, while the number of storefront travel agencies has decreased. In particular, hosted agencies have become the leading path to bringing new talent to the travel agency distribution channel.

So how much do self-employed travel agents make?

In our 2023 travel advisor research reports , full-time hosted advisors with 3+ years of experience earned $60,146 on average and their independently-accredited counterparts earned $76,252.

Why the income drop for hosted advisors?I chat more on that in this Masters in Travel podcast episode .

Here's the short story: we know two big factors that influences how much a travel agent makes is their experience level and if they work full time or part time. Hosted advisors are more likely to be newer to the industry and to work part time. The median years of experience for hosted advisors was 5 years , compared to 18 years for independent travel agents.

It’s important to note that income levels for hosted and independently-accredited advisors from our 2023 survey, which is looking at 2022 data, are still slightly impacted from the ripple effects of the pandemic. Check out our longitudinal report for a 5-year look at travel agent income before the pandemic outbreak for a more realistic take on earning potential self-employed travel agents.

Owner Deductions (and how it impacts how much self-employed travel agents make)

I want to bring up one last thing that complicates things when it comes to self-employed travel agent salaries. Because why not? You've already read this far! 😊

When we're talking about income for self-employed agents, income/salary numbers can be artificially deflated.

Why? Three things:

  • Business owners may not be reporting all of their income. Since cash transactions leave no paper trail for the IRS to follow, many small businesses won't report cash transactions and in not doing so, they lower the income/earnings they report to the government.
  • Business owners get write-offs. I can write off my office. I can write off my work trips. I can write off my work phone and meals with colleagues where I discuss business. When I do that, it lowers what I report for my taxable income (ahem, salary) to the IRS. Not only that, but travel agents will vary WILDLY in terms of how much of their income they write off. (Take a look at what travel expenses you can (and can't) write off .)
  • Salary and income are separate things for some business structures. Depending on the agency's business structure, the owner may pay themselves a salary (say $45k) but the income of the company may actually be much higher. All the IRS requires with these S Corp business structures is that the owner pays themselves a “reasonable” salary. ( Learn about the different travel agency business structures .)

So, keep those things in mind when you're looking at earning potential.

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Travel Agent Employees Only

This section on employee travel agent salary is going to give you numbers that will be close to what you can expect if you get hired on at an agency. Travel agent employee salaries have less variance when compared to self-employed travel agents.

For the majority of travel advisor employees, income is not dependent on commissions alone.

The set salary of a travel agent employee offers stability not afforded to self-employed advisors. Additionally, employees also often receive benefits and are not subject to the added complexity and expense of paying business taxes .

When looking at travel advisor employees only, HAR’s salary data lands much closer to what the BLS reports. In HAR’s 2023 survey, salary only employees made $50,792. But if you ever wondered if travel agents make good money, they def can! Full-time travel agent employees earning salary and commission brought home $88,909 . 😲

Employee compensation models play a substantial role when it comes to how much a travel agent employee makes. The graph below takes a look at the average travel agent income of the three most common compensation models.


Lesson on that? If you're looking for an employee position at a travel agency, find one that pays salary, plus commission! 😀

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Corporate Employees & Travel Managers

Corporate travel advisors.

Corporate travel advisors (those who book travel for corporations) typically earn more than those who sell leisure travel. Below offers a look at corporate travel advisor income compared to leisure travel advisor income (among FT advisors).

Average Income, Corporate & Leisure

Do you have an interest in becoming a Corporate Travel Agent? You can sink your teeth into a few juicy tidbits of info here: 

  • HAR’s article, Breaking into corporate travel
  • Our podcast interview (below) with corporate agent Karen Hurlbut:
  • A podcast interview with entertainment travel specialist Molly Williams who moves bands around the world:

Travel Managers

Looking ahead on the corporate travel agent career trajectory, Travel Manager/Supervisory positions start with a much higher baseline.

Business Travel News (BTN) report on Travel Managers/Supervisors' salary cover people working for corporate entities as an in-house advisor (not working for a travel agency). The overall average for a corporate travel manager salary registered at $128,439.

Nice, huh?! You can make some pretty good money as a corporate travel agent. :)

Beyond Travel Agent Salaries, Why Advisors Love Their Jobs

We've looked at travel agent salaries from a whole bunch of different perspectives. You made it through the spinning, twirling madness of data acrobats. 

HAR’s research reports offer a ton of info on travel agent salaries. But ultimately, how much you make as a travel agent depends on a lot of factors, including:

  • what type of advisor you are (corporate, leisure, employee, self-employed, etc.),
  • what type of travel you sell,
  • your experience level,
  • hours worked,
  • and all that other fun stuff!

While naming one number for a travel agent salary is impossible, there is one thing that is consistent among all the surveys: the majority of travel advisors are happy with their career choice. 

HAR’s 2023 Hosted Travel Advisor Survey indicated that 95% of advisors would choose to become a travel advisor again if given the choice.

Corporate travel managers taking BTN’s survey were a bit more lukewarm in response to travel agent income satisfaction. 48% of travel managers reported their earnings were equitable, 12% felt “well compensated,” and 41% felt their salary was “low for responsibilities.”

Travel agent career satisfaction in 2022

And here’s the thing to remember about being in the travel industry. It goes beyond dollars.

Many advisors report that the primary benefit of working in travel is rooted in a personal passion for travel and the ability to share their love of travel with others.

Additionally, advisors often have access to great travel experiences they may not otherwise via familiarization trips or travel advisor rates for those who reach sales thresholds or meet requirements. 

In general, positions in travel may offer a lower salary than other industries. But here’s the kicker, occupations in other industries don't include travel benefits and working in travel !

Interested in Becoming an Advisor? Here’s Where to Start

This leads us to the question of what type of travel advisor career you’d like to pursue.

Do you want to become a self-employed travel advisor so you can have the creativity to book the type of travel you love and the flexibility to be your own boss? Or do you want the structure of 9-5 with benefits and the income security of a travel advisor employee?

Employees at a travel agency may have a salary cap if their compensation model is strictly hourly/salary (about 42% of employees), but for those who own their own business, the sky's the limit. Plus, it's hard to put a price on visiting beautiful places, touring the newest properties , and the freedom and flexibility to work anywhere that goes with owning your own home-based travel agency.

How do you decide what type of travel you want to sell? Do you want to do leisure or corporate? If you do leisure, which types of travel agent niches are the most lucrative? If you go the corporate route, how do you break into booking business travel ? 

💕 If you're thinking of joining the industry, here are a few resources you're gonna love: 💕

  • Starting a travel agency from home
  • Free 15-page travel agency business plan template
  • HAR's nifty course on how to start a travel agency!

7 day setup accelerator course free trial

We’re here to help! If you have questions about what route to take or how to get started, give us a holler in the comments or reach out to us at [email protected] .

  • https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes413041.htm ↩
  • Source: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes413041.htm ↩
  • Source: Hosted Advisor Report 2023 ↩

About the author

Author Steph Lee

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How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Fora’s Full Guide

Fora Author Fora Travel

The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel


As a modern travel agency, we have insight, data and experience on how much travel agents make. Below, we break down all the factors that go into travel agent pay, including how to maximize your earnings if you choose to become a travel agent .

How do travel agents get paid? 

Travel agents are paid commissions for the properties and services (car rentals, tours, etc.) they book for clients. This is typically a percentage — five to 15 percent — of the total price of the room, rental car or experience. Additionally, many travel agents charge planning fees for building custom itineraries. The exact amount varies by agent and by the itinerary’s complexity, but $250 per week of travel planned is a common starting point.

Related article: Is Being a Travel Agent Worth It? Fora Discusses the Pros & Cons  

Can you make ‘good’ money as a travel agent? 

Absolutely. Our top bookers earn north of six figures annually (read our article on Fora travel advisor salaries ). The more you book, the more you earn.  And if you become a Fora Advisor , you get to work at your own pace, on a schedule that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Factors that might affect how much a travel agent makes

Image courtesy of Turtle Bay Resort

A lot of factors go into how much travel agents make. Here are some of the most common ones.

The host agency that the travel agent chooses (and the resources the agency provides)

Most travel agents partner with host travel agencies to gain access to an IATA number — booking travel without one is nearly impossible — as well as the agency’s resources and tools. 

Choosing the right host agency can have a profound impact on how much a travel agent makes. You have to consider the agency’s prerequisites. Some agencies require that incoming agents complete some sort of travel agent school before enrolling in their program. Then, virtually all agencies charge a subscription fee and take a percentage of their agents’ commission in exchange for access to the agency’s tools and resources. 

As such, it’s important to weigh the value the agency offers against their fees and commission split. At Fora, we include everything you need to be a successful travel agent in our monthly subscription ($49). This cost covers our extensive range of tools and resources. You’ll receive comprehensive travel agent training , access to time-saving tools like our in-house booking platform marketing resources and access to a wealth of invaluable insider travel knowledge. Our commission split is 70-30 (you take home the larger percentage). And Since travel agents are independent business owners, these costs can be written off as expenses come tax season.

The travel agent’s niche

The type of travel an agent books matters. Not all travel agent jobs — or niches — are the same, and some are more lucrative than others. For example, a successful luxury travel advisor tends to book higher-value lodging and experiences. But volume matters, too. More approachably priced products can still generate substantial income when sold at scale. 

Full- or part-time schedules

Fora Advisors have the flexibility to work as much as they want. (As remote travel agents .) Some agents treat their position as a part-time endeavor alongside another job or caregiving duties. Others jump into travel advising full time.

Related article: Travel Agent Commission: How Does it Work?

5 Ways to maximize your earnings as a travel agent

Here are a few ways to boost how much you can make as a travel agent.

1. Consider adopting a niche

A niche can go a long way in boosting how much a travel agent makes. Rather than trying to be good at everything, niche travel agents become great at one or two aspects of travel — at least to start. This allows them to build a wealth of knowledge in their niche that will impress clients, potentially drawing in business from new clients seeking a similar trip. 

At Fora, there’s no limit to the type of niches an advisor adopts. You could specialize in selling cruises, Disney vacations, trips to a certain location (such as Las Vegas or Barcelona) — whatever you’re most passionate about. Plus, you can continue to adopt additional areas of expertise. 

Related articles: How to Become a Cruise Travel Agent (It's Easier Than You Think) & How to Become a Disney Travel Agent: Fora’s Full Guide  

2. Expand your partnerships with hotel reps, tour operators and other travel-related services

Incentives like complimentary travel perks — hotel room upgrades, extended check-in/out, spa credits, etc. — give travel agents an edge over online travel agencies (OTAs) like Booking.com. Expanding these partnerships boosts the value and depth of a travel agent's services.

By becoming more attractive to potential clients, these agents increase their earnings potential. Of course, expanding partnerships is no easy feat without the backing of a top-tier host agency. 

Fora partners with all major hotel groups, allowing our travel advisors to unlock VIP perks for their clients at thousands of hotels around the world. And Fora’s HQ is constantly working to expand its network of partnerships.

3. Work with a travel company that cares about your success

As mentioned earlier, your choice of host agency is critical. 

At Fora, we offer unwavering support to all our advisors, plus loads of resources, including a bevy of marketing materials, an advanced travel advisor training program and access to an engaged community filled with travel experts. 

4. Give your clients the star treatment (because thoughtful advisors will get repeat business)

Possibly the most important factor affecting how much a travel agent makes: their customer service skills. Travel is a human-first business, after all. Relationships matter. Putting the time and effort into making sure your clients have an amazing experience will pay dividends. Not only will you likely win their future business, but you could win the business of their family members, friends and peers, too. In fact, most of our top-earning agents grew their businesses first by word of mouth. Enthusiasm spreads.

Related article: How to Get Clients as a Travel Agent: Fora's Top 3 Tips  

5. Keep at it

Patience and dedication have a dramatic effect on how much travel agents make. You’re not going to start with a dozen clients planning 20 trips. It takes a lot of time and effort to get to that point. Building a business takes time (and courage). But travel planning can be a very rewarding career.

Apply to become a Fora Advisor & start earning right away

Overall, travel planning can be a rewarding (and flexible) career for those willing to put in the work. 

Fora only enhances that flexibility and earnings potential by equipping you with all the tools, training and support you need to be successful. Upon becoming a Fora Advisor, you can start earning money by booking travel right away. Apply to join Fora today.

How much do travel agents make: FAQs

Read on for a few answers to common questions regarding how much travel agents make.

In a literal sense, how do travel agents get paid?

Our guide to how travel agents get paid covers this topic thoroughly. Generally, commission payments are sent some time after the agent’s client completes the commissionable service. The exact window varies by service and brand and so on. 

At Fora, we handle invoicing and chase payments on our advisors’ behalf. This dramatically cuts down on the amount of time they have to spend on administrative tasks, and speeds up the time it takes to get paid.

“The benefit of Fora handling commission tracking and payments is that it streamlines the entire process, ensuring accuracy and timeliness while reducing administrative burden,” said Fora Advisor Chanda Daly . “This allows me to focus more on growing my business and less on the complexities of financial management.”

Advisor - Chanda Daly

  • Wellness & Spa ,
  • Group Travel ,
  • Family Travel

How do you make six figures as a travel agent?

It’s a bit of a cliché, but patience, dedication and great customer service all make a big difference. It takes a lot of hard work to build up a client base that facilitates six-figure earnings. Choosing the right travel agent host agency can also go a long way in equipping you with the right tools, industry knowledge and resources to attract clients and craft dream vacations for them.

More travel advisor resources

Check out these travel advisor resources:

How to Market Your Travel Business Like a Pro: Tips from the Experts  

How to Become a Luxury Travel Agent: the 2023 Guide  

Travel Agent Certification: Options and FAQs  

Debunking 3 Myths about Becoming a Travel Advisor  

A Window into Fora's Certified Training   

Book a Cruise With a Virgin Voyages Travel Agent   

Why Group Bookings Are Great: Tips from an Expert

Are you the go-to person for travel tips?

Transform your passion for travel into your dream job. We'll set you up with everything you need to succeed as a travel advisor. From training to top-notch tech, marketing assets, community, commission tracking & payments (and more), we've got you.

Travel Agent Salary

How much does a Travel Agent make? The average Travel Agent salary is $59,448 as of July 29, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $51,731 and $67,488 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target. 

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Travel Agent Salary in Major Cities

Travel agent salary by state.

  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
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Travel Agent Salary by City

Average salary range for travel agent, average base salary.

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Average Total Cash Compensation

Includes base and annual incentives

View Average Salary for Travel Agent as table

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Similar Jobs to Travel Agent

Comments about travel agent, travel agent frequently asked questions.

Recently searched related titles: Corporate Travel Agent , Travel Associate , Travel Counselor

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Jobs with a similar salary range to Travel Agent : Hotel Reservations Agent , Ticketing Agent , Mailhandler

Last Update: July 29, 2024

Travel agent salary

The average salary for a travel agent in the United States is around $31,222 per year.

Travel agents earn an average yearly salary of $ 31,222 . Wages typically start from $ 20,138 and go up to $ 48,405 .

50 % below national average ● Updated in 2023

Travel agent earnings by seniority

Top-level travel agent earnings begin at :.

$ 23.27 per hour

$ 48,405 per year

travel agent salaries

Senior-level travel agent earnings begin at :

$ 18.91 per hour

$ 39,326 per year

travel agent salaries

Mid-level travel agent earnings begin at :

$ 15.01 per hour

$ 31,222 per year

travel agent salaries

Junior-level travel agent earnings begin at :

$ 11.92 per hour

$ 24,787 per year

travel agent salaries

Starting level travel agent earnings begin at :

$ 9.68 per hour

$ 20,138 per year

travel agent salaries

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Travel agent salary by state

How do travel agent salaries compare to similar careers.

Travel agents earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than highway maintenance workers but more than postal service clerks.

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)

Average Pay

Travel Agents Salary

Average travel agents base salary in the united states.

Average Base Salary

$55,533 Per Year

Salary Range: $33,489 to $87,013

Travel Agents Salary



How Much Does a Travel Agents Make Per Year in the United States?

The national average salary for a  Travel Agents is $55,533 per year in the United States. It can vary depending on the employer and the skills required for that position, but generally, it will be about $55,533 or more annually for a gross salary . Taxes impact salaries, so to get the net salary we’ve crunched the data and gotten the tax information on what the take-home pay would be after the effective income tax rates.  

Jobs That are Similar to a Travel Agents

  • Travel Agent Salaries  
  • Tour Agent Salaries  
  • Corporate Travel Agent Salaries  
  • Travel Coordinator Salaries  

Technology Used

Microsoft Excel – Spreadsheet software

Microsoft PowerPoint – Presentation software

Intuit QuickBooks – Accounting software

Travel Agent CMS – Data base user interface and query software

Sabre Central Command – Enterprise resource planning ERP software

Colibripms Software Colibri – Customer relationship management CRM software

DataSwell – Business intelligence and data analysis software

Apollo Reservation System – Calendar and scheduling software

Knowledge and Expertise

Customer and Personal Service

Sales and Marketing

Computers and Electronics



Soft Skills

Active Listening

Service Orientation

Reading Comprehension

Social Perceptiveness

What is the salary range of a Travel Agents?

Travel Agents salaries vary depending on the company you work for, your experience level, industry, education, and years of experience. The average annual salary is around $55,533 but a Travel Agents can earn a base salary anywhere from $33,489 to $87,013 per year with some companies paying more than others.

Pay ranges on average for a Travel Agents job title only vary a good amount, which may mean that there are many opportunities to earn more income in the future regardless of the employers or your location, industry, and experience.

A salary range that varies also means there is ability to move up within the company, as there may be as many opportunities for advancement or to change your job title. This opportunity for  advancement can help with can increase their job satisfaction and motivation.

What are the Highest Salaries for a Travel Agents?

The highest Travel Agents salaries in the top 10% earn more than $87,013 per year . The salary range for the top 75% – 90% is between and $70,392 and $87,013 annually.

This salary data and salary estimates come from our Average Pay’s salary database of carefully collected and detailed information about pay across many industries and categories, along with different types of labor data.

What are the Lowest Salaries for a Travel Agents?

The lowest Travel Agents salaries are in the bottom 10% of earners who make less than $33,489 per year . The salary range for the lowest 10% – 25% is between $33,489 and $40,895 annually.      

What is a Good Salary for a Travel Agents?

If we only look at the data for Travel Agents salaries and we don’t compare it to any other jobs,  a good salary for a Travel Agents job would be over $55,533 per year . This is the average salary for this position in the United States.  An excellent pay for a Travel Agents would be anything over the top 75%, which is $70,392 annually .

How Can I Increase My Salary as a Travel Agents?

There are a few ways you can increase your average salary for a profession as a Travel Agents. One way is to get promoted to a higher level and take on more duties within your employer. Another way is to gain more experience and skills in your career. You can also try negotiating higher compensation next performance review, when you are up for renewal or starting a new contract with a business.

Finally, you can look for a new job at a different employer that pays more. One thing not to overlook is companies often give their employees incentives and benefits outside of salaries. The total compensation, like healthcare, paid vacation days, 401k matches, bonuses, overtime, professional development, a career path in the company, and other benefits, need to be considered, which can add up to a lot more money than just a salary increase.

What are the Top Paying Industries for a Travel Agents?

The top paying industries for a Travel Agents job vary depending on the position’s specific responsibilities, employers, and qualifications. However, some common reported high-paying industries for include the following:

  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
  • Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services
  • Finance and Insurance

Related Jobs For a Travel Agents

Travel Agent

Corporate Travel Agent

Travel Coordinator

Travel Counselor 

Travel Professional

Travel Consultant

Travel Service Consultant 

Does a Travel Agents Have a Good Quality of Life?

Based on an average 2-bedroom apartment rental price, a Travel Agents would pay 15.63% of their monthly take-home pay towards rent. That’s $1,310 per month or $15,720 yearly for a two-bedroom apartment.

The rent is less than 30% of the monthly take-home pay for an Travel Agents, which can helps lessen a financial burden and impact their quality of life.

This is because a high rent-to-income ratio would leave less money each month for other expenses, such as food, transportation, recreation, and activities. It can lead to financial stress, impacting overall job satisfaction and motivation.

Considering the cost of living in a city when considering whether to accept a job offer is essential. If the cost of living is too high, it might not be worth it, even if the salary is good.

Does a Travel Agents make good money?

 In general, a Travel Agents can make a good salary. The national average salary is $52,632 annually which is less than the average Travel Agents salary, meaning most earn a livable wage. According to data and labor statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average Travel Agents pay is above the median salary.

However, salaries can vary depending on the company you work for, what you are responsible for, education, college degree, work experience, job market, and your experience level. The highest-paid can earn upwards of 87,013 per year, while the lowest-paid income is less than 33,489 annually.

If you want to maximize your earnings as a Travel Agents, take on more responsibility, and gain more experience in related skills. Also, build interpersonal skills and strong leadership skills, get a certification in your field and then negotiate for a higher salary next performance review, when you are up for renewal or starting a new contract with a business.

The best thing you can do is develop yourself and gain knowledge. Many courses, additional training, and professional development opportunities in your area can help increase your skills and development in your job or related field.

You can also get your resume reviewed and look for a new employer that will hire and pay more or look for a career change that is hiring and may interest you more.

Salaries are also relative to the cost of living in different parts of the country. For example, the compensation for a Travel Agents will need to be higher if it is in or closer to larger cities like New York City or some states like California. The increase in pay in these areas is because of the higher than average cost of living and more interested applicants for employment versus someone living in a small town. With the cost of housing increasing  and medical care premium costs, it is essential to ensure you are getting paid what you are worth.

How do I know I’m being paid fairly as a Travel Agents?

The easiest way is to see how close your current salary is to the average pay for your position in your state and city. If your income is below the estimated average wage in your area, you can try to negotiate for a raise.

You can use our research and tools to discover the average salary for a Travel Agents in your city or region to see if you are being compensated fairly. You may also compare your income to similar jobs and careers to determine whether you are underpaid or overpaid. Lastly, you can set up job alerts to see how the job market trends.

A few other ways you can research whether you’re being paid fairly as a Travel Agents is to do a job search to look at job postings for similar positions and see the estimate for the listed salary range. You can also talk to people in your network who have similar jobs and ask them what they earn. Finally, you can try negotiating a higher pay when you are up for renewal, having a performance evaluation, or starting a new contract.

What Factors Determine the Salary of a Travel Agents?

The money a Travel Agents can make each year greatly depends on a few components that determine an average base salary.

The company you work for is one of the main factors that affect how much a Travel Agents earns.

The compensation will also depend on the location, as some states and cities have a higher cost of living than others. Other factors that affect compensation are the number of hours worked, company size, job type, level of experience in your career, and location.

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Travel Agent Salary in The United States

The average Travel Agent Salary in The United States is $45,600 per year . Salaries range from $38,400 to $59,900 . The average Travel Agent Hourly Wage is $14.25 per hour . Hourly wages range from $12.00 to $18.70 . Salaries and wages depend on multiple factors including geographic location, experience, seniority, industry, education etc.

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Travel Agent Salary in the US

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Frequently asked questions about the salary of the Travel Agent

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Salary for Travel Agents

Also known as:  Auto Travel Counselor, Certified Corporate Travel Executive, Certified Travel Counselor, Corporate Travel Expert, Travel Agent, Travel Consultant, Travel Counselor, Travel Service Consultant

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See more salaries for hospitality and tourism professionals.

The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 57.37 percent nationwide in that time.

Travel Agents tend to make the most in the following industries:

In general, they earn less within the industries below:


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  • United States

Travel Agent

$60,172 (usd)/yr, $28.93 (usd) /hr, $6,980 (usd) /yr.

The average travel agent gross salary in United States is $60,172 or an equivalent hourly rate of $29. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $6,980. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States. An entry level travel agent (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $36,055. On the other end, a senior level travel agent (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $74,987.

Data powered by ERI's Assessor Platform .

This page is a promotion for the Assessor Platform and is not intended for professional use.

Professionals should subscribe to ERI's Assessor Platform .

ERI's compensation data are based on salary surveys conducted and researched by ERI. Cost of labor data in the Assessor Series are based on actual housing sales data from commercially available sources, plus rental rates, gasoline prices, consumables, medical care premium costs, property taxes, effective income tax rates, etc.


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$67,589 (USD)

Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Travel Agent will increase 12 % over 5 years.

This chart displays the highest level of education for: Travel Agent , the majority at 47% with bachelors.

Typical Field of Study: Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations

the United States

Cost of living is calculated based on accumulating the cost of food, transportation, health services, rent, utilities, taxes, and miscellaneous.

The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. It is a federal union of 50 states, the federal capital district of Washington, D.C., and 326 Indian reservations. The 48 contiguous states are bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The State of Alaska lies to the northwest, while the State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The United States also asserts sovereignty...

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How Much Do Travel Agents Make?

Woman looking at computer over beautiful vista

If you possess an entrepreneurial spirit, love visiting amazing destinations and enjoy the freedom to work practically anywhere, then becoming a travel agent may be just the right career move for you. Best of all, you’ll get paid for doing what you love!

Therefore, one of your first questions before making the decision to start your own travel business will most likely be, “How much money do travel agents make?” Providing an answer to the seemingly simple question of travel agent pay is a lot more complex than you might think.

Our comprehensive guide below will address all your travel agent salary questions as you consider embarking on an exciting new career in the travel industry!

How Much Do Travel Agents Make Working From Home?

If you are considering starting your own home-based travel business, you’ll naturally want to know how much your travel agent salary will be. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to the question, “How much do travel agents make working from home?” That’s because travel agent salary varies depending on several factors, including:

  • Location — Average travel agent salaries vary considerably according to where you locate your business. Remember that it doesn’t necessarily matter where you live, it’s more important how and where you market to travelers that will make the difference.
  • Niche — Setting yourself apart from other travel agents by specializing in specific types of travel or destinations can increase your travel agent salary.
  • Experience — Becoming an expert in specific destinations can help you gain new clients and increase your travel agent income.
  • Marketing Strategy — Marketing your business directly to target clients will determine the amount of leads you will receive and sales you will make.

Other issues to consider when trying to figure out how much travel agents make include the average hours worked per week, travel industry training, and whether being a travel agent will serve as your primary income.

Another important factor when considering travel agent salary is getting the right tools and partnerships in place to make your travel business successful. This involves connecting with a host agency such as TPI to provide the expertise and resources you need to start your own travel business. Your travel agent salary can increase significantly through the partnership with a host agency.

Man laughing on phone at desk with computer

What Do Travel Agent Salary Surveys Tell Us About Travel Agent Income?

Beware of typing “travel agent salary surveys” into Google because you will come across a lot of wildly fluctuating travel agent salary data. For one thing, there are a variety of different types of travel agents – ranging from home-based travel businesses that partner with host agencies to traditional storefront travel agents and corporate travel agents.

Therefore, lumping all the different kinds of travel agents into an average travel agent salary can result in very misleading data to say the least. If you want to find out more specific data related to travel agent salaries, you’ll need to search by the specific type of travel agent (for example, “average home-based travel agent salary for 2021”).

In addition, Host Agency Reviews offers a detailed breakdown of different travel agent salaries in its annual Travel Agent Income Survey. Another important travel agent salary resource to consult is the Travel Institute’s report, The Changing Face of Travel Agents, which covers the four “Cs” of today’s rapidly changing travel agency environment: composition, certification, contentment and compensation.

How to Become a Higher-Earning Travel Agent with TPI

Higher-earning travel agents usually possess more travel industry training and experience than those less experienced travel agents who are just starting out. However, by partnering with a host agency like TPI, these higher-earning travel agents can get even more revenue out of their travel business. That’s because they can enjoy the rewards of the host agency’s strong vendor relationships, which will, in turn, allow them to earn higher commissions.

Woman looking at camera with tablet in hand leaning on desk next to computer

Why Earning Commission Means You Can Make More As A Travel Agent

Starting a travel business out of your home means that your earnings will typically come in the form of commissions, as well as service fees. A commission is simply a percent-age of the total cost of the booking that gets set aside for the travel agent who booked the trip. Therefore, the more you book, the more commissions you earn!

Travel agents receive commissions from various suppliers such as:

  • Hotels and Resorts
  • Ocean and River Cruises
  • Tour Operators
  • Car Rental Agencies
  • Travel Insurance Carriers

For example, if you book a cruise for a client that costs $1,500 and your commission is 10 percent, you will earn approximately $150 from booking the cruise.

When you work with a host agency like TPI, you pay a travel agency fee. TPI determines its fees based on our commission split structures. We offer multiple split structures, so you decide how much you pay in fees and how much of your commission you keep.

In exchange for the resources and benefits of partnering with a host agency like TPI, you can expect to take home approximately 70 to 90% of your total earned commissions. Since major vendors work in bulk with host agencies, you can expect to earn higher commissions.

Now Is The Perfect Time To Become A Travel Agent

After a turbulent year in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the perfect time to become a travel agent and run you own travel business! That’s because the travel industry has regained momentum in 2021 for the following reasons:

  • Travel restrictions have become less stringent in many of the most sought-after destinations.
  • Most Americans have received vaccinations and are anxious to travel and explore the world again.
  • These travelers will want to rely on the expertise of travel agents to navigate the ever-changing travel landscape brought forth by the pandemic.

Best of all, an experienced host agency like TPI can support you on the journey to a successful career as a travel agent. With our extensive training and support system, you will learn all the ins and outs of the travel industry. From then on, you’ll be on the path to achieving success as a travel agent in no time!

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Rockstar Success Stories

I started my career like many others, with big dreams and a passion for travel. I opened my business in 2010 as an independent agent — working on my own trying to take on the world. After finding a mentor in the industry, I was introduced to the idea of host agencies. I worked with several host agencies over the years, but joining TPI in 2012 was the best move for my business.

Steven Gould Goulds Travel

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a travel agent’s salary.

How much money a travel agent makes depends on a variety of factors, including where you live, how much experience you have, your marketing strategy, and what kind of travel niche you choose to focus on, among others.

How much money does a travel agent make in Florida?

As one of the world’s top vacation destinations, Florida is home to world-famous theme parks and a cruise industry that’s on the verge of a major post-pandemic comeback. Therefore, travel agents who start their businesses in Florida typically make salaries slightly above the national average.

How much money do travel agents make per booking?

How much a travel agent makes per booking varies widely depending on the type of booking. That’s why many travel agents wisely choose to specialize in a lucrative niche travel market.

What is the average salary of a travel agent?

According to Host Agency Reviews, the average annual salary for a hosted travel agent with 3+ years of experience was $44,312 in 2020. Keep in mind that travel agent salaries fluctuate significantly based on many of the factors listed throughout this article. In addition, since the travel industry is gaining post-pandemic momentum, the average 2021 travel agent salary should end up being higher than the past year.

How do travel agents get paid?

Travel agent pay usually comes from commissions vendors provide on vacation packages, tours, cruises, hotels, resorts, travel insurance and other add-ons.

Partner with TPI for Travel Agent Success

If you’re ready to become a successful travel agent and rock the travel industry, TPI is here for you! At TPI, we will provide you with all the training, marketing tools and latest technology you need to get started as a home-based travel agent. Then you can start growing your travel business very quickly. Find out how you can connect with TPI today.

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How to Become a Travel Agent: The Definitive Guide

How to Become a Travel Agent

If you’re passionate about traveling and working with people, learning how to help people make travel arrangements can lead to a lucrative and rewarding career.

Travel agents assist people who are planning trips and sell transportation and lodging towards different destinations.

They may also advise individuals and groups on what destination to choose and what to visit.

When assisting their clients, travel agents take into account the client’s budget and preferences.

They usually work in travel agency offices but nowadays they may also work from home because this profession includes a lot of phone calls and computer work.

Get information on Travel Agent Training programs by entering your zip code and request enrollment information.

Job Description

What Does a Travel Agent Do?

Job responsibilities vary depending on the place of employment.

During busy months travel agents may work overtime to accommodate customer’s needs.

Some travel agents specialize in selling vacation packages while others specialize in corporate travels.

Travel agents usually do the following:

  • Make travel arrangements for their clients
  • Determine their clients’ needs based on budget and preferences
  • Plan and arrange excursions, day trips, and tour packages
  • Calculate total costs
  • Book reservations for their clients
  • Give details to clients about the documentation they need
  • Advise clients about the destinations, weather conditions, and local customs
  • Access travel information through a reservation system called Global Distribution System (GDS)
  • Stay in contact with hotel managers, transport companies, and other providers of travel-related services.
  • Make alternative arrangements if any incidents occur before or during the trip

Travel agent salaries vary widely depending on the employee’s skills, education, and certifications but also on how many travel packages they sell because many travel agents are paid a fixed salary plus commission on sales.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage reported by travel agents in the United States was $42,350 as of May 2020.

This means that half of all travel agents make less than this amount and half make more.

Salaries vary widely depending on the industry of employment, level of experience, region, and a variety of other factors.

The lowest 10 percent reportedly made less than $25,230 while the highest 10 percent made more than $73,360 annually.

The above numbers include the money travel agents earn from commissions.

The highest paying industry for this profession is Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities, a sector where travel agents were reportedly remunerated with $64,540 per year.

The biggest employer for travel agents are companies in the field of Travel Arrangements and Reservation Services.

Travel agents who worked in this sector reportedly made $46,590 per year, on average.

Some travel agents work in the field of Nondepository Credit Intermediation where the average salary for this profession was $46,430- higher than the average across all industries.

Travel agents who work companies that provide management services earned slightly more- with the average calculated at $50,460.

Salaries also vary depending on the state and the local economy.

Travel agents who work in Washington reportedly made $62,040 per year while those in New Mexico, South Dakota, North Dakota, Georgia, Mississippi, and Kentucky make less than $40,000 per year.

The BLS reports that the top-paying metropolitan area for travel agents is San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara CA, where this profession was remunerated with $65,040 per year, on average.

Annually National Average Salary: $46,580

Monthly national average salary: $3,833, hourly national average salary: $22.39, average annual salary by state, annual average salary: top 5 states.

The top earning state in the field is Connecticut, where the average salary is $66,480.

These are the top 5 earning states in the field:

Average Monthly Salary by State

Monthly average salary: top 5 states.

The top earning state in the field is Connecticut, where the average salary is $5,500.

Average Hourly Salary by State

Hourly average salary: top 5 states.

The top earning state in the field is Connecticut, where the average salary is $31.96.

How to Become a Travel Agent

Step 1 finish high school.

The first step if you want to become a travel agent is to finish high school because a high school diploma or equivalent will usually be required by your employer or post-secondary training program.

Step 2 Finish Post-Secondary Training

Travel Agent programs are available at many community colleges, trade schools with classes focusing mostly on:

  • Reservation systems
  • Regulations regarding international travel

Step 3 Become Certified

Although not all states require travel agents to be certified, you may need a business license before being allowed to sell travel packages.

Becoming certified by The Travel Institute or the International Air Transportation Association can help improve your employment and earning prospects.

Education Requirements

There there are no formal education requirements for travel agents but it’s best to finish a post-secondary training program in order to improve your employment prospects in this highly competitive field.

Training programs are available at many technical schools and community colleges and can last between a few months and a few years depending on the type of credential/degree you are seeking.

Many certification programs are also available online giving you the opportunity to learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

Ashworth College-Online Travel Agent Training Program

A training option that offers you the opportunity to learn from anywhere, this online certification program offered by Ashworth College gives you access to online reservation software simulations, online libraries and labs, and many other perks.

The curriculum covers a variety of topics, such as:

  • North American Aviation and Airports
  • International Travel
  • World Tours
  • The Hospitality Industry
  • Meetings and Marketing
  • Building an Itinerary

The program costs $699 if paid in full or $899 if paid in monthly installments.

Community College of Baltimore County – Travel Agent Training, Continuing Education Certificate

This online training program covers all the important topics you need to know before starting a career in the travel industry.

Students learn about:

  • Hotels and Resorts
  • Airline Industry
  • Ground Transportation
  • International and Domestic Travel
  • Reservations and Pricing
  • Specialty Travel

The International Air Transportation Association (IATA)

IATA offers different types of travel and tourism training for all professional levels: from entry-level travel agents to senior management.

All courses lead to an internationally recognized IATA accreditation.

Two of the courses offered by IATA are BSP Essentials for Travel Agents (e-learning) and Geography and Travel Planning (e-learning).

The BSP Essential Course costs $399 and covers a lot of information about the Billing and Settlement Plan.

The Geography and Travel Planning course costs $100 and teaches students how to plan travel itineraries, read maps, use city and airport codes, sell travel packages, and help them understand different modes of transport.

Video About The Career

Certification Requirements

Although this is not a requirement, becoming certified by the International Air Transportation Association will give you an internationally recognized credential.

You can also improve your employment prospects by taking the Travel Agent Proficiency Test administered by The Travel Institute.

The Institute offers different levels of certification:

  • Certified Travel Associate
  • Certified Travel Counselor
  • Certified Travel Industry Executive

You need 12 months of industry experience before becoming a Certified Travel Associate.

With an online full payment plan you will need to pay $450- this includes access to online materials and testing fees.

If you want to purchase the classes in print, this will cost you $550.

You will need a minimum of 5 years of experience in the industry before applying for the Certified Travel Counselor credential.

Course materials and exam fees for this certification level sum up to $550.

After gaining 5 years of experience in the field you can also become a Certified Industry Executive if you pass an exam.

The program materials and testing fees sum up to $550.

There are also other credentialing institutions, such as the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) who offer certification for specific fields or types of travel services.

CLIA also offers four levels of certification:

  • Elite Cruise Counselor

It is important to mention that some states may require a business license if you want to sell travel services so it’s best to check the requirements that are applicable in your area before starting a career in this field.

Employers also offer on-the-job training on the computer software that is used within the travel industry.

Average Training Program Duration: 0-6 Months

Popular programs, job outlook.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for travel agents will be declining 26 percent from 2019 to 2029.

This decline will be caused mostly by the fact that many travelers choose to book their trips using the Internet.

However, some people prefer to use the services of a travel agent that helps them filter through the multitude of information and options that are available.

Travel agents who are certified and experienced are expected to have the best job prospects.

If you have the first-hand experience of living in a foreign country, this can help you find employment in an agency that prefers travel agents who are specialized in specific destinations.

Employment Growth Projection: 5%

That's a higher than average projected growth of 3,300 jobs.

Travel Agent: Interest Over Time

Should you become a travel agent, overall satisfaction: medium.

When asked if they are happy with their career choice, travel agents rate their career happiness 3 out of 5 stars, which puts this profession in the bottom 32 percent of all careers, according to Career Explorer.

Average Salary: Medium

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary reported by travel agents in the United States was $42,350 as of May 2020- which means that half of all workers in this profession earned less than this amount while half earned more.

Salaries for travel agents vary depending on a variety of factors and are heavily influenced by the number of travel services they sell.

The lowest 10 percent of all travel agents earned less than $25,230 (which is much less than the national average) while the top 10 percent made more than $73,360.

However, salaries are also determined by the region of employment and a variety of other factors.

According to BLS, Washington is the top-paying state for travel agents.

In this state, the median annual wage reported by workers in this profession is $62,040.

Other states where salaries were above $50,000 are Arizona, District of Columbia, California, and Massachusetts.

There are also places, such as South Dakota, Georgia, or Mississippi, where salaries were below $40,000 per year.

Job Growth Outlook: Low

If you want to start a career as a travel agent you should know that this profession is projected to decline in the future as more and more people prefer to book their vacations through dedicated websites and mobile applications.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for travel agents is projected to decline 26 percent from 2019 to 2029.

Job openings may stem from the need to replace travel agents who retire.

Education Duration: 0-6 Months

As mentioned above, if you are a good communicator who’s passionate about sales, traveling and enjoys working with people, you can start a career in this profession a few months after finishing college.

However, becoming certified and earning a degree in the field will surely help you improve your earning prospects and will give you an advantage over the other applicants for a travel agent position.

Personal Skills Needed

To be able to perform well at your job, as a Travel Agent you will need many personal skills:

  • Good Communication Skills
  • Customer Service Skills
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Good Time Management Skills
  • Organizational Abilities

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. how much training do i need as a travel agent.

Education and certification requirements vary depending on the type of job you are targeting and the location where you want to practice.

Some states require travel agents to hold a business license and licensing requirements also vary depending on the state so it’s best to contact your state’s licensing agency to find out more on this subject.

A diploma or certificate from a trade school can help you find a job in the field and program duration varies between a few months and 2 years depending on the school and the curriculum.

Becoming certified by the Travel Institute is another way to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

Experience requirements for certification vary between 1 year and 5 years, depending on the credential you are targeting.

Another credentialing institution is The Cruise Lines International Association.

Q. Where Can I Find Employment as a Travel Agent?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, travel agents held approximately 82,000 jobs in the United States, 72% of them working for companies that provide travel arrangements and reservation services.

The same institution reports that 17 percent of all travel agents are self-employed.

Other industries where travel agents held jobs are:

  • Nondepository credit intermediation
  • Management of companies and enterprises
  • Credit intermediation and related activities
  • Travel accommodation

The states with the highest employment level for travel agents are Florida, California, New York, Texas, and Illinois.

Q. How Much Does It Cost to Become a Travel Agent?

Training costs vary depending on the program you choose and the duration.

Shorter online programs are available and these are usually less expensive and offer you the opportunity of learning at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

The Travel Institute offers certification programs that cost $450 in the online format and $550 in print.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this field, a two-year associate’s degree program in travel and tourism can improve your employment prospects and help you advance in your career.

In-state students who are enrolled in associate’s degree programs pay between $4,000 and $5,000 per year, on average while out-of-state students pay between $8,000 and $9,000.

Four-year bachelor’s degree programs in travel and tourism are also available at some colleges and universities.

Travel Agent Information by State

Similar careers, certified interior designer, certified personal trainer, data entry clerk, floral designer, professional translator, purchasing manager, wedding planner, administrative assistant, athletic trainer, aviation manager.

Avatar for Jackie Lin

One aspect I found particularly useful is the detailed explanation of different types of travel agents, from corporate to leisure and everything in between. Understanding these distinctions can help you decide which path suits your interests and skills best. The guide also does a great job of highlighting the importance of technology in today’s travel industry. Familiarizing yourself with booking systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and social media marketing can greatly enhance efficiency and reach.

Avatar for Anthony Ford

Having worked as a travel agent for several years, I can attest to the value of the information presented in this guide. It provides a realistic overview of what it takes to succeed in this field. The recommendation to start by working with a host agency is excellent advice. Host agencies provide support, training, and access to booking systems and suppliers, which can be incredibly helpful when you’re just starting out. The guide also emphasizes the importance of building a personal brand and marketing yourself effectively, which is crucial in attracting and retaining clients. Using social media, creating a professional website, and soliciting client testimonials can all help build your reputation. This guide is a must-read for anyone serious about becoming a travel agent.

Travel agent Moscow - Jobs and Salary, How to find a job

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Average Salary in Moscow 2024

How much money does a person working in moscow make.

travel agent salaries

A person working in Moscow typically earns around 124,000 RUB . Salaries range from 31,300 RUB (lowest average) to 552,000 RUB (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

Salary Variance

This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries in Moscow vary drastically between different careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.

Pay Scale and Salaries in Moscow

Median and salary distribution Moscow monthly

Salary Structure and Pay Scale Comparison

Median salary, maximum and minimum salary, minimum wage, starting salary, and the salary range, salary range, minimum wage, and starting salary.

Salaries in Moscow range from 31,300 RUB (starting salary) to 552,000 RUB (maximum average salary, actual maximum is higher). This is not the minimum wage as per the law, only the lowest reported number in the salary survey that had thousands of participants and professionals from all over the country.

Median Salary

The median salary is 106,000 RUB , which means that 50% of the population in Moscow earns less than that while the other half earns more. The median represents the middle salary value. Generally speaking, you would want to be on the right side of the graph with the group earning more than the median salary.

Percentiles and Salary Scale

Closely related to the median are two values: the 25th and the 75th percentiles. Reading from the salary distribution diagram, 25% of the population in Moscow earn less than 76,300 RUB while 75% of them earn more. Also from the diagram, 75% of the population earn less than 160,000 RUB while 25% earn more than that.

Pay Scale Structure

We grouped the most common and recurring salaries into brackets to give more insight into what salary to expect. This method is more accurate than just the average salary and gives more insights into how salaries are actually distributed in Moscow. Around 65% of all reported figures are in the range 70,000 RUB to 180,000 RUB. Approximately 20% fall under the 70,000 RUB cap. Ten percent of wages are from 180,000 RUB to 230,000 RUB. Only 5% of people grossed 230,000 RUB or more.

Salary Comparison by Years of Experience

How does a person's salary progress over time.

Salary Comparison By Experience Level

Salary is primarily determined by the level of experience one possesses, with higher levels of experience resulting in higher wages. In Moscow, employees with two to five years of experience typically earn an average of 32% more than entry-level and junior workers in all industries and fields. Individuals with more than five years of experience tend to earn an average of 36% more than those with less than five years of experience. After ten years of work, salaries increase by 21%, with an additional 14% increase for those who have worked for over 15 years. These figures should be used as rough estimates, as considering individual job titles can lead to more accurate assessments.

Salary Comparison By Education

How does the education level affect your salary.

Salary Comparison By Education

The correlation between higher education and higher salary is widely acknowledged, but how much of an income increase can one expect from obtaining a degree? We conducted a study in Moscow comparing the salaries of professionals with different levels of college degrees who held similar positions in various industries. Our results showed that individuals with a certificate or diploma earned an average of 17% more than those who only completed high school. Those who obtained a Bachelor's Degree earned 24% more than their counterparts with a certificate or diploma. Professionals with a Master's Degree earned 29% more than those with a Bachelor's Degree. Finally, those who held a PhD earned an average of 23% more than those with a Master's Degree while performing the same job.

Is investing in a Master's degree or an MBA worth it? Is pursuing higher education worth the investment?

Earning a Master's degree or any post-graduate qualification in Russia is a substantial financial commitment, with tuition fees ranging from 521,000 RUB to 1,560,000 RUB and a duration of around two years. It's important to note that during this period, any salary increases are unlikely, assuming ongoing employment. Salary reviews are typically conducted after completing the program and obtaining the degree. Many individuals pursue advanced education as a means of transitioning to higher-paying positions, and the statistics indicate that this is an effective strategy. On average, individuals who change jobs after earning a higher degree receive a salary increase of about 10% more than the typical annual raise. Ultimately, deciding whether or not to pursue advanced education depends on a variety of factors, including the personal situation and experience. However, if one can afford the financial costs of obtaining a higher degree, the return on investment is likely to be worthwhile, with the ability to recoup the costs in approximately a year.

Salary and Compensation Comparison By Gender / Moscow

Salary comparison by gender Russia monthly

Though gender should not have an effect on pay, in reality, it does. So who gets paid more: men or women? In Russia, the average difference between the salary of male and female employees is 8% across all career fields.

43 Careers That Pay Women More Than Men!

Average Annual Salary Increment Percentage in Moscow

How much are annual salary increments in moscow how often do employees get salary raises.

Employees in Russia are likely to observe a salary increase of approximately 8% every 17 months.

Annual Salary Increment Rate Russia

The term Annual Salary Increase usually refers to the increase in 12 calendar month period, but because it is rare that people get their salaries reviewed exactly on the one-year mark, it is more meaningful to know the frequency and the rate at the time of the increase.

How to calculate the salary increment percentage?

The annual salary Increase in a calendar year (12 months) can be easily calculated as follows: Annual Salary Increase = Increase Rate x 12 / Increase Frequency

Worldwide Salary Raises: All Countries and All Jobs

World Average Annual Salary Increment

Salary Packages and Schemes

Not all compensation increases are reflected directly in the salary. Some companies offer upgraded packages to their staff instead of cash money. The figures displayed here account only for direct increments to the base salary.

Bonus and Incentive Rates in Russia

How much and how often are bonuses being awarded share this chart    tweet          get chart link http://www.salaryexplorer.com/charts/russia/annual-salary-bonus-rate-russia.jpg 100% of surveyed staff in russia reported that they haven't received any bonuses or incentives in the previous year while % said that they received at least one form of monetary bonus. those who got bonuses reported rates ranging from % to % of their annual salary. received bonus % no bonus 100% types of bonuses considered.

The most standard form of bonus, where the employee is awarded based on their exceptional performance.

Occasionally, some companies like to celebrate excess earnings and profits with their staff collectively in the form of bonuses that are granted to everyone. The amount of the bonus will probably be different from person to person depending on their role within the organization.

Granted upon achieving an important goal or milestone.

These types of bonuses are given without a reason and usually resemble an appreciation token.

Bonuses Are Not Commissions!

People tend to confuse bonuses with commissions. A commission is a prefixed rate at which someone gets paid for items sold or deals completed while a bonus is in most cases arbitrary and unplanned.

Bonus Rates Comparison by Career Field

What makes a position worthy of good bonuses and a high salary.

Revenue generators usually get more and higher bonuses, higher salaries, and more frequent salary increments. The reason is quite simple: it is easier to quantify your value to the company in monetary terms when you participate in revenue generation.

Bonus Comparison by Seniority Level

Top management personnel and senior employees naturally exhibit higher bonus rates and frequencies than juniors. This is very predictable due to the inherent responsibilities of being higher in the hierarchy. People in top positions can easily get double or triple bonus rates than employees down the pyramid.

Salaries for specific job categories

Choose a job category to explore specific salary details, salaries for popular jobs. salaries by occupations..

travel agent salaries

Average Hourly Wage in Moscow

The average hourly wage (pay per hour) for all employees in moscow is 720 rub.this is the rate that the average individual gets paid for every worked hour., about the hourly pay rate.

The hourly wage is the salary paid in one worked hour. Usually, jobs are classified into two categories: salaried jobs and hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay a fixed amount regardless of the hours worked. Hourly jobs pay per worked hour. To convert salary into hourly wage the above formula is used (assuming 5 working days in a week and 8 working hours per day which is the standard for most jobs). The hourly wage calculation may differ slightly depending on the worked hours per week and the annual vacation allowance. The figures mentioned above are good approximations and are considered to be the standard. One major difference between salaried employees and hourly paid employees is overtime eligibility. Salaried employees are usually exempt from overtime as opposed to hourly paid staff.

What is the minimum hourly rate of pay?

The minimum pay rate per hour for a person in Moscow is 180 RUB. This is the minimum as per the gathered data in the salary survey not the minimum hourly rate mandated by law.

Salary Comparison By City

Government vs private sector salary comparison.

Where can you get paid more, working in a private company or the government? The difference between the public or government sector salaries and the private sector salaries in Russia is 6% on average across all career fields.

Improve the data by anonymously submitting your salary details

Salary Statistics and Calculation Guide

What is considered to be a good and competitive salary in moscow.

It is extremely difficult to give an exact figure of a good salary when no specific job is selected, however; an estimate can be provided based purely on the cost of living. A good compensation in Moscow would range anywhere between 106,000 RUB and 160,000 RUB.

Gross Salary (before tax) and Net Salary (after tax)

All salary and compensation figures displayed here are gross salary figures, that is the salary before tax deductions. Because taxes may differ across sectors and locations, it is difficult to accurately calculate the net salary after tax for every career.

Base / Basic Salary

The base salary in Moscow ranges from 31,300 RUB to 76,300 RUB. The base salary depends on many factors including profession, experience, and education. It is not easy to provide a figure with very little information, so take this range with a grain of salt.

What is the difference between the median and the average salary?

Both are indicators. If your salary is higher than both the average and the median then you are doing very well. If your salary is lower than both, then many people earn more than you and there is plenty of room for improvement. If your wage is between the average and the median, then things can be a bit complicated. We wrote a guide to explain all about the different scenarios. How to compare your salary

travel agent salaries

©Salary Explorer 2024

NFL's highest-paid RBs: See full list of 2024 running back salary rankings

Portrait of Jim Reineking

Saquon Barkley was one of the most sought-after free agents during this offseason.

Still, the three-year, $37.75 million contract he received from the Philadelphia Eagles was not enough to make him one of the top three highest-paid running backs in the league.

Just below Barkley on the highest-paid list at the position are some other running backs who got big contracts with new teams: Josh Jacobs (with the Green Bay Packers ), Joe Mixon (with the Houston Texans ), D'Andre Swift (with the Chicago Bears ), Derrick Henry (with the Baltimore Ravens ) and Tony Pollard (with the Tennessee Titans ).

DO YOU LIKE FOOTBALL? Then you'll enjoy getting our NFL newsletter delivered to your inbox

Who is the highest-paid NFL running back?

The San Francisco 49ers ' Christian McCaffrey signed a four-year contract extension with the Carolina Panthers in 2020. His 2022 trade put the onus on the 49ers to absorb the richest deal given to a running back.

NFL STATS CENTRAL: The latest NFL scores, schedules, odds, stats and more.

2024 NFL RB salary rankings

Here are the running back salary rankings for the 2024 season based on average annual value, according to Over The Cap :

1. Christian McCaffrey, San Francisco 49ers: $16 million (4 years, $64.06 million)

2. Alvin Kamara, New Orleans Saints: $15 million (5 years, $75 million)

3. Jonathan Taylor, Indianapolis Colts: $14 million (3 years, $42 million)

4. Saquon Barkley, Philadelphia Eagles: $12.6 million (3 years, $37.8 million)

5. Josh Jacobs, Green Bay Packers: $12 million (4 years, $48 million)

6. Joe Mixon, Houston Texans: $9.9 million (2 years, $19.8 million)

7. Rhamondre Stevenson, New England Patriots: $9 million (4 years, $36 million)

8 (tie). D'Andre Swift, Chicago Bears: $8 million (3 years, $24 million)

8 (tie). Derrick Henry, Baltimore Ravens: $8 million (2 years, $16 million)

10. Tony Pollard, Tennessee Titans: $7.3 million (3 years, $21.8 million)

11 (tie). James Conner, Arizona Cardinals: $7 million (3 years, $21 million)

11 (tie). Aaron Jones, Minnesota Vikings: $7 million (1 year, $7 million)

13. Miles Sanders, Carolina Panthers: $6.4 million (4 years, $25.4 million)

14. Devin Singletary, New York Giants: $5.5 million (3 years, $16.5 million)

15. Bijan Robinson, Atlanta Falcons: $5.5 million (4 years, $21.9 million)

16. Kyle Juszczyk (FB), San Francisco 49ers: $4.6 million (2 years, $9.1 million)

17. Jahmyr Gibbs, Detroit Lions: $4.5 million (4 years, $17.8 million)

18. Austin Ekeler, Washington Commanders: $4.2 million (2 years, $8.4 million)

19. Raheem Mostert, Miami Dolphins: $4.13 million (1 year, $4.1 million)

20. Alec Ingold (FB), Miami Dolphins: $4.07 million (3 years, $12.2 million)

21 (tie). Jamaal Williams, New Orleans Saints: $4 million (3 years, $12 million)

21 (tie). Zack Moss, Cincinnati Bengals: $4 million (2 years, $8 million)

23 (tie). Patrick Ricard (FB), Baltimore Ravens: $3.8 million (3 years, $11.3 million)

23 (tie). Antonio Gibson, New England Patriots: $3.8 million (3 years, $11.3 million)

25. Najee Harris, Pittsburgh Steelers: $3.3 million (4 years, $13 million)

26. Gus Edwards, Los Angeles Chargers: $3.3 million (2 years, $6.5 million)

27. Travis Etienne, Jacksonville Jaguars: $3.2 million (4 years, $12.9 million)

28 (tie). Deejay Dallas, Arizona Cardinals: $2.8 million (3 years, $8.3 million)

28 (tie). C.J. Ham (FB), Minnesota Vikings: $2.8 million (2 years, $5.6 million)

30. A.J. Dillon, Green Bay Packers: $2.7 million (1 year, $2.7 million)

31. Reggie Gilliam (FB), Buffalo Bills: $2.3 million (2 years, $4.6 million)

32. Nick Chubb, Cleveland Browns: $2.28 million (1 year, $2.28 million)

33. Justice Hill, Baltimore Ravens: $2.26 million (2 years, $4.5 million)

34. Breece Hall, New York Jets: $2.25 million (4 years, $9 million)

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Big-name players with 2025 options and what they might do

Mark Feinsand

Mark Feinsand

Earlier this week, we released our first free-agent power rankings for the upcoming Hot Stove season, and while we included Blake Snell and Matt Chapman – two players expected to opt out of their contracts to give free agency another try – there are dozens of players whose immediate future won’t be determined until after the season.

Some have player options or opt-out clauses, giving them an opportunity to test the free-agent market if they choose. Others have vesting options that won’t be determined until the season is complete, while many have club options in their contracts, giving teams the decision on whether to bring them back for 2025.

MLB.com looks at more than two dozen of these players and the situations that will play out in the early days of the offseason.

Opt-out clauses

Gerrit Cole, RHP, Yankees Remaining contract: 4 years, $144 million Age at start of 2025 season: 34

Cole is five years into the nine-year, $324 million deal he signed in December 2019, a contract that includes the ability to opt out and become a free agent again this offseason. Should Cole decide to opt out – a big if, given his injury-shortened 2024 campaign – then the Yankees can void the opt-out by adding another year at $36 million to the end of the contract, locking up Cole through 2029, making his total deal worth $360 million over 10 years.

Mitch Haniger, OF, Mariners Remaining contract: 1 year, $15.5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 34

Haniger can opt out of the final year of his three-year, $43.5 million contract, but injuries and underperformance the past two seasons make it unlikely that the 33-year-old will choose to test free agency. Haniger, who played in only 61 games with the Giants in 2023, has 12 home runs and a .643 OPS in 106 games this season.

travel agent salaries

Nick Martinez, RHP, Reds Remaining contract: 1 year, $12 million Age at start of 2025 season: 34

Martinez earned $14 million in 2024, the first year of the two-year, $26 million contract he signed in November. The right-hander can opt out of the final year and test the market again, and given his strong performance for Cincinnati (3.64 ERA in 101 1/3 innings), Martinez could look to secure a longer deal in free agency.

Robbie Ray, LHP, Giants Remaining contract: 2 years, $50 million Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Ray has made only six starts since the beginning of 2023 and has been uneven in his 27 2/3 innings this season, making it an extreme long-shot that the 2021 AL Cy Young Award winner will opt out of his deal.

travel agent salaries

Player options

Cody Bellinger, OF/1B, Cubs Remaining contract: 2 years, $52.5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 29

Bellinger signed a three-year, $80 million deal with the Cubs last winter, one which includes player options for 2025 ($27.5 million) and 2026 ($25 million). Bellinger’s numbers this season have been average (13 homers, .756 OPS), but he’s been better since returning from the IL on July 30, hitting four homers with an .822 OPS in 18 games. A strong finish could prompt him to test the market again this winter.

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Matt Chapman, 3B, Giants Remaining contract: 2 years, $35 million Age at start of 2025 season: 31

Chapman has been extremely productive after a slow start (.599 OPS in his first 44 games), belting 15 home runs with an .872 OPS over his past 82 games. The third baseman was part of the “Boras Four” that waited for most of last offseason before signing his three-year, $54 million deal that includes player options for 2025 ($17 million, $2 million buyout) and 2026 ($18 million, $3 million buyout). Barring injury or a poor finish to the year, Chapman could give free agency another shot entering his age-32 season.

Wilmer Flores, INF, Giants Remaining contract: 1 year, $3.5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Flores has a $3.5 million player option for the final year of the three-year, $16.5 million contract he signed in September 2022. Should Flores decline the option, however, the Giants would then hold an $8.5 million club option, giving them an opportunity to keep Flores with a raise from the $6.5 million he’s earned in each of the past two seasons. Flores’ subpar season (four home runs, .595 OPS in 71 games) ended with a late-July knee injury, leaving him in a tricky spot, as declining his option could wind up sending him to the open market off a down year.

Lucas Giolito, RHP, Red Sox Remaining contract: 1 year, $19 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 30

Giolito (elbow surgery) didn’t throw a pitch for Boston in 2024 after signing a two-year, $38.5 million deal last December, so it would be a complete shock if he didn’t exercise his player option for 2025. If he does, the Red Sox will then hold a $14 million club option on Giolito for 2026, though that could become a $19 million mutual option with a $1.5 million buyout if the righty pitches 140 innings next season.

Rhys Hoskins, 1B, Brewers Remaining contract: 1 year, $18 million ($4 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 32

Hoskins signed a two-year, $34 million contract with the Brewers in January, earning $12 million in 2024 with an $18 million player option ($4 million buyout) for 2025. After missing all of 2023 following ACL surgery, Hoskins has been a solid fit in Milwaukee, hitting 20 home runs with 60 RBIs and a .730 OPS in 99 games. If he exercises his option, Hoskins will then have an $18 million mutual option ($4 million buyout) for 2026.

travel agent salaries

Clayton Kershaw, LHP, Dodgers Remaining contract: 1 year, $5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 37

As long as he is healthy at the end of this season, Kershaw’s option can escalate significantly based on his number of starts and/or relief appearances of at least three innings. Unless he opts to retire, it seems likely that the three-time NL Cy Young Award winner will return to the only club for which he has ever pitched, though it remains to be seen if he’s ready to make that decision immediately after the season.

Sean Manaea, LHP, Mets Remaining contract: 1 year, $13.5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Manaea is having one of the best seasons of his career, going 9-5 with a 3.48 ERA in 25 starts. The southpaw signed a two-year, $28 million deal with the Mets in January, but his performance could prompt him to opt out of the final year and test free agency again this winter.

Jordan Montgomery, LHP, D-backs Remaining contract: 1 year, $22.5 million Age at start of 2025 season: 32

Montgomery inked a one-year, $25 million contract for 2024 just days before the regular season began, though the deal included a $20 million vesting player option for 2025 that kicked in once he made 10 starts. His 19 starts this season have boosted that option to $22.5 million, and with 23 starts, it will escalate to $25 million. Montgomery has pitched poorly this season (6.44 ERA), making it unlikely that he would decline the option to become a free agent.

Emilio Pagán, RHP, Reds Remaining contract: 1 year, $8 million Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Pagán inked a two-year, $16 million contract in November that included an $8 million player option for 2025. The righty has thrown just 25 2/3 innings this season, making only one appearance between May 20 and Aug. 10 due to a lat injury that resulted in a pair of stints on the injured list. Pagán is likely to exercise his option and stay in Cincinnati.

Blake Snell, LHP, Giants Remaining contract: 1 year, $30 million Age at start of 2025 season: 32

Snell’s two-year, $62 million deal with San Francisco included a $30 million player option for 2025, leaving him with a chance to test free agency for a second straight year. Snell has been outstanding since the beginning of July (1.03 ERA in eight starts, including a no-hitter ), and after struggling to find a long-term deal last winter, the two-time Cy Young Award winner could very well look for such a deal entering his age-32 season.

travel agent salaries

Michael Wacha, RHP, Royals Remaining contract: 1 year, $16 million Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Wacha’s two-year, $32 million deal has been a great signing for the Royals, as the right-hander is 10-6 with a 3.33 ERA in 22 starts this season. After earning $16 million in 2024, Wacha – who has had a very positive influence on Kansas City’s young clubhouse – can earn the same salary in 2025 if he triggers his player option, or he can decline it and give free agency another try this winter.

Vesting options

Nathan Eovaldi, RHP, Rangers Remaining contract: 1 year, $20 million Age at start of 2025 season: 35

If Eovaldi throws 29 more innings this season, he will reach the 300-inning mark since the start of 2023, triggering a $20 million player option for next season. The 34-year-old is aiming for his fifth straight year with a sub-4.00 ERA, so even if he throws enough innings to earn the option, it’s no lock that he would take it rather than testing the free-agent market.

Justin Verlander, RHP, Astros Remaining contract: 1 year, $35 million Age at start of 2025 season: 42

The two-year, $86.66 million contract Verlander signed with the Mets in December 2022 included a $35 million vesting option for 2025 that triggers if he throws 140 innings this season and has no injury to his right arm. A shoulder injury kept Verlander out for the first three weeks of the season, while a neck issue kept him on the IL from June 9 through Aug. 21. Verlander has thrown only 62 innings this season, making it extremely unlikely he can reach 140 innings.

Club options

Kyle Gibson, RHP, Cardinals Remaining contract: 1 year, $12 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 37

Gibson is 7-5 with a 4.22 ERA in 24 starts this season, one of three St. Louis starters to log more than 130 innings to this point. Gibson’s option is for the same salary he earned in 2024, making it a distinct possibility the Cardinals will exercise the option for back-end rotation depth.

Eloy Jiménez, DH, Orioles Remaining contract: $16.5 million option ($3 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 28

Jiménez’s deal includes club options for 2025 and 2026 ($18.5 million, $3 million buyout), and while the White Sox sent $4 million to the Orioles to pay down almost all of his 2024 salary, it would be a surprise for Baltimore to exercise the option for 2025, though a reunion on a new deal is a possibility.

travel agent salaries

Craig Kimbrel, RHP, Orioles Remaining contract: 1 year, $13 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 36

Kimbrel earned $12 million in 2024 after signing a deal with Baltimore, which needed a new closer after Félix Bautista’s Tommy John surgery knocked him out for the entire season. Kimbrel blew six of his 29 save opportunities this season, costing him the closer’s role by the end of July. With Bautista slated to return in 2025, it would be surprising to see the Orioles exercise Kimbrel’s option.

Brandon Lowe, 2B, Rays Remaining contract: 1 year, $10.5 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 30

Lowe is in the final year of the six-year, $24 million deal he signed with the Rays in March 2019, but the contract includes club options for 2025 ($10.5 million, $1 million buyout) and 2026 ($11.5 million, $500,000 buyout). Although those salaries are hefty by Rays standards, it would make sense for Tampa Bay to exercise the option even if the plan is to trade Lowe – who has 16 homers and an .820 OPS in 77 games in 2024 – before next season.

Lance Lynn, RHP, Cardinals Remaining contract: 1 year, $11 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 37

Lynn signed a one-year, $11 million contract with the Cardinals last November, giving St. Louis a club option for 2025 in the deal. Lynn is 6-4 with a 4.06 ERA in 21 starts this season, though a knee injury has slowed him this month. Even with his reasonable salary, it’s far from certain that the Cardinals will pick up the option.

Manuel Margot, OF, Twins Remaining contract: 1 year, $12 million ($2 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 30

The Twins paid only $4 million for Margot after acquiring him from the Dodgers, who paid $6 million of his $10 million salary in 2024. Los Angeles will also be kicking in the $2 million for the buyout if Minnesota declines his club option, which the Twins are expected to do after the season.

Marcell Ozuna, DH, Braves Remaining contract: 1 year, $16 million ($1 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 34

Ozuna is completing the four-year, $65 million deal he signed in February 2021, and after pacing Atlanta’s offense in virtually every category this season, it would be a surprise if the Braves didn’t trigger the option to keep the slugger.

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Jorge Polanco, 2B, Mariners Remaining contract: 1 year, $12 million ($750,000 buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 31

Following a dismal first half (.197 average, five home runs and a .566 OPS in 61 games), it seemed like a long shot that Polanco would have his $12 million option exercised for 2025. Since the All-Star break, the 31-year-old has seven homers and a .902 OPS in 27 games, giving Seattle something to think about after the season.

Anthony Rizzo, 1B, Yankees Remaining contract: 1 year, $17 million ($6 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 35

Rizzo has been on the injured list with a fractured right forearm since mid-June, playing in only 70 games this season. The 35-year-old has eight homers and a .630 OPS in 2024, and with internal options like Ben Rice and DJ LeMahieu under contract for 2025, the Yankees are unlikely to pick up Rizzo’s option.

Eugenio Suárez, 3B, D-backs Remaining contract: 1 year, $15 million ($2 million buyout) Age at start of 2025 season: 33

Suárez has been productive in his first year with Arizona, but after making $11 million in 2024 (the final year of his seven-year, $66 million contract), his salary would jump to $15 million if the D-backs exercise the option. Jordan Lawlar could take over at third base, or Arizona could look to find a less expensive option if they let Suárez go.


6 moves the ravens can make to get under the salary cap, share this article.

The Baltimore Ravens have one of the deepest rosters in the NFL, an MVP at quarterback, a rushing champion at running back, and an urgent need to get under the salary cap before the start of the 2024 regular season.

After setting their 53-man roster and signing 15 players to the practice squad, Ravens GM Eric DeCosta believes the team is actually  over the cap . DeCosta confirmed that it will be cleaned up when Baltimore becomes cap-compliant. He also said the Ravens will create enough space to allow them to add players when needed.

“There’s a lot of different things that we can do,” DeCosta said.

The Ravens are currently over the cap but GM Eric DeCosta said “we have some flexibility to make some moves, and we will in the next week be cap compliant.” pic.twitter.com/9YkWVupnrT — Jamison Hensley (@jamisonhensley) August 29, 2024

With the team preparing for the season opener against the Chiefs in Kansas City, we project six moves DeCosta can make to get a salary cap complaint and then some.

Rstructure Lamar Jackson

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GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN – AUGUST 24: Lamar Jackson #8 of the Baltimore Ravens watches action during the first half of a preseason game against the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field on August 24, 2024 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)

Cap savings: $11,100,000

Extension for Marcus Williams

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Jan 20, 2024; Baltimore, MD, USA; Baltimore Ravens safety Marcus Williams (32) reacts after a play against the Houston Texans during the second quarter in a 2024 AFC divisional round game at M&T Bank Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

Cap savings: $8,632,000

The talented safety counts $18 million against the cap this season, and a new deal would create $8 million in space for Baltimore.

Restructure Marlon Humphrey

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Baltimore Ravens cornerback Marlon Humphrey (44) takes a break during a joint practice with the Green Bay Packers on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at Ray Nitschke Field in Ashwaubenon, Wis. Tork Mason/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin

Cap space: $7,905,000

Humphrey counts $22 million against the cap, and a restructure would create almost $8 million.

Restructure Mark Andrews

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BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – NOVEMBER 05: Mark Andrews #89 of the Baltimore Ravens celebrates a win over the Seattle Seahawks at M&T Bank Stadium on November 05, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland. (Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)

Cap hit: $4,937,500

The Ravens have Isaiah Likely ascending, and while a contract extension may not fit the plan, restructuring Andrews can create almost $5 million.

Restructure Roquan Smith

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Baltimore Ravens linebacker Roquan Smith (0) runs through a drill during a joint practice with the Green Bay Packers on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at Ray Nitschke Field in Ashwaubenon, Wis. Tork Mason/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin

Cap saving: $3,656,250

Contract extension for Brandon Stephens

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Jan 20, 2024; Baltimore, MD, USA; Houston Texans wide receiver Nico Collins (12) runs the ball against Baltimore Ravens cornerback Brandon Stephens (21) and linebacker Roquan Smith (0) during the second quarter of a 2024 AFC divisional round game at M&T Bank Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

Cap hit: $1,648,800

Stephens deserves a new deal; a solid extension would create almost $2 million in space.

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10 recently cut or waived players the ravens should consider adding, ravens sign 15 players to the initial 2024 practice squad, 6 moves the ravens can make to get salary cap compliant for 2024 nfl season, 7 takeaways from the ravens' initial 53-man roster for 2024, ravens 53-man roster: baltimore's 5 most surprising cuts, ravens 53-man roster: instant analysis of each position group, every nfl team's most surprising roster cut.

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2025 NBA free agents to consider, if Rockets open cap space

If the rockets choose to open salary cap space in 2025, here is an initial look at potential nba free agents to consider next summer..

Portrait of Ben DuBose

Depending on what the Rockets choose to do with the contracts of Alperen Sengun, Jalen Green, and Fred VanVleet ( all have some level of contractual uncertainty in 2025 ), Houston could reportedly have up to $69 million in space beneath the NBA’s salary cap during the 2025 offseason.

Ideally, general manager Rafael Stone won’t need it. The hope is that in 2024-25, the young and improving Rockets will further build on a strong 41-41 showing in 2023-24 — in which Houston’s 19-win improvement was the biggest annual jump of any NBA team.

And if the Rockets do continue their growth, Stone could look to retain and extend all three of Sengun, Green, and VanVleet, which would take away most — if not all — of that potential cap space.

But if things go wrong in 2024-25, Stone and the Rockets do have the ability to pivot to a different plan. So, should Houston need to do that, who are the best options potentially on the 2025 free agency market? Per HoopsHype and Spotrac , here are some of the standout names:

  • Brandon Ingram , 26-year-old forward, New Orleans Pelicans
  • LeBron James , 39-year-old forward, Los Angeles Lakers (player option)
  • Jamal Murray , 27-year-old guard, Denver Nuggets
  • Julius Randle , 29-year-old forward, New York Knicks (player option)
  • Rudy Gobert , 32-year-old center, Minnesota Timberwolves (player option)
  • Kyrie Irving , 32-year-old guard, Dallas Mavericks (player option)
  • Jimmy Butler , 34-year-old forward, Miami Heat (player option)
  • James Harden , 35-year-old guard, Los Angeles Clippers (player option)
  • Myles Turner , 28-year-old center, Indiana Pacers
  • Aaron Gordon , 28-year-old forward, Denver Nuggets (player option)
  • Jonathan Kuminga , 21-year-old forward, Golden State Warriors ( restricted, matching rights )
  • D’Angelo Russell , 28-year-old guard, Los Angeles Lakers
  • Alex Caruso , 30-year-old guard, Oklahoma City Thunder
  • Naz Reid , 25-year-old forward/center, Minnesota Timberwolves (player option)
  • Brook Lopez , 36-year-old center, Milwaukee Bucks
  • Josh Giddey , 21-year-old guard, Chicago Bulls ( restricted, matching rights )
  • Malcolm Brogdon , 31-year-old guard, Portland Trail Blazers
  • Khris Middleton , 33-year-old forward, Milwaukee Bucks (player option)

It’s worth noting, of course, that cap space doesn’t have to be used on a signing in free agency. It could also be used to help facilitate a trade. But should the Rockets go the free agency route — as they did in July 2023, when they used significant financial flexibility to sign the likes of VanVleet, Dillon Brooks, Jeff Green, and Jock Landale — this is an early look at some of the plausible options.

More: The Athletic: Rockets are NBA’s most compelling franchise for 2025 offseason


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