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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Travel Agency in the Philippines

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Are you passionate about traveling and want to turn your love for exploring new places into a successful venture? Starting a travel agency in the Philippines can be a lucrative business opportunity for those who have a passion for travel and a flair for organizing unforgettable vacations.

However, setting up a travel agency from scratch can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to begin. That’s why we have prepared this step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process and get your travel agency up and running in no time.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand the legal requirements for starting a travel agency in the Philippines. You will need to register your business with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and obtain the necessary permits and licenses. This will involve preparing the required documents, such as a business plan, financial statements, and proof of capitalization.

Once you have completed the legal formalities, it’s time to focus on building your travel agency’s brand. This involves choosing a memorable name and designing a visually appealing logo that reflects the essence of your agency. Creating a strong online presence by building a professional website and leveraging social media platforms can also help you attract potential customers.

You may also consider partnering with reputable airlines, hotels, and tour operators to offer a wide range of travel packages and ensure the best deals for your clients. Building strong relationships with these industry partners will not only enhance the credibility of your agency but also provide you with access to exclusive offers and promotions.

Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any business, and your travel agency is no exception. Utilize both online and offline marketing strategies to create awareness about your agency and attract customers. This can include online advertising, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and participating in travel expos and events.

Providing exceptional customer service is vital in the travel industry, as word-of-mouth recommendations can make or break your business. Assemble a team of knowledgeable travel agents who can provide personalized recommendations, handle bookings, and ensure a seamless travel experience for your clients. Utilize technology to streamline your operations and provide real-time assistance to your customers.

Starting a travel agency requires careful planning, dedication, and a thorough understanding of the travel industry. By following these essential steps, you can lay a solid foundation for your travel agency and embark on a rewarding entrepreneurial journey in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

Research and Planning

Starting a travel agency in the Philippines requires thorough research and careful planning. Before diving into the business, it is important to gather information and understand the industry. Here are some key steps to help you with your research and planning:

1. Market Analysis:

Conduct a detailed analysis of the travel industry in the Philippines. Look into the current market trends, customer preferences, and demand for different types of travel services. Identify your target market and understand their needs and expectations.

2. Competitor Analysis:

Analyze the competition in the travel agency sector. Identify the key players, their services, pricing strategies, and target audience. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage.

3. Legal Requirements:

Research the legal requirements for starting a travel agency in the Philippines. Familiarize yourself with the necessary permits, licenses, and registrations. Ensure compliance with regulations and consider consulting with a lawyer or legal advisor.

4. Business Plan:

Create a detailed business plan that includes an executive summary, company description, market analysis, competitor analysis, marketing and sales strategies, financial projections, and operational plans. A well-written business plan will serve as a roadmap for your travel agency.

5. Funding:

Determine the financial requirements for your travel agency and explore funding options. Consider personal savings, loans from financial institutions, partnerships, or seeking investors. Develop a financial plan to estimate the costs of setting up and running your business.

6. Partnerships:

Establish partnerships with travel suppliers such as airlines, hotels, tour operators, and transportation providers. Research and negotiate contracts to ensure competitive pricing and availability of services for your clients.

7. Technology:

Research and invest in travel agency management software that can streamline operations, reservations, and bookings. Having a user-friendly website and online booking system will also be crucial for attracting customers and providing convenient services.

8. Marketing and Promotion:

Create a marketing plan to effectively promote your travel agency. Utilize a mix of traditional marketing methods such as print media, brochures, and direct mail, along with digital marketing strategies such as social media, online advertising, and search engine optimization. Be active on relevant travel forums and platforms to build your reputation and reach potential customers.

By conducting thorough research and careful planning, you can set a strong foundation for your travel agency in the Philippines. Keep in mind that the travel industry is dynamic and constantly evolving, so staying updated with the latest trends and innovations will be essential for long-term success.

Identify Market Opportunities

Before starting a travel agency in the Philippines, it is important to identify the market opportunities available in the industry. Understanding the market trends and demands will help you tailor your services and target the right audience.

One way to identify market opportunities is through market research. Conduct surveys and gather data to analyze the preferences of potential customers. This will provide insights into what services they are looking for, their preferred destinations, and their budget range.

Another way to identify market opportunities is by researching competitors. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses to get an idea of their target market and the services they offer. Look for gaps or areas that are not being fully served by existing travel agencies. This will allow you to position your agency in a unique way and offer services that cater to an untapped segment of the market.

Stay updated on the latest travel trends and developments in the Philippines. Monitor changes in traveler preferences, such as the rise of eco-tourism or the increasing demand for experiential travel. These insights will help you adapt your services to meet the evolving needs of the market.

Furthermore, consider partnering with local businesses or hotels to leverage their customer base and expand your reach. This could include collaborations with tour operators, airlines, or even travel bloggers to promote your services and attract more customers.

Identifying market opportunities is crucial for the success of your travel agency in the Philippines. By understanding the market and tailoring your services to meet the needs of customers, you can position your agency for growth and profitability.

Conduct Market Research

Before starting a travel agency in the Philippines, it is essential to conduct thorough market research. This research will help you understand the current trends, demands, and competition in the travel industry.

Here are some key steps to conduct market research:

1. Identify your target market: Determine the specific demographic or type of travelers you want to cater to. This could be honeymooners, adventure tourists, budget travelers, etc.

2. Analyze the competition: Study your competitors in the travel agency industry. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points. This will help you position your agency effectively in the market.

3. Understand customer preferences: Conduct surveys or interviews to gain insights into what customers look for in a travel agency. This will help you tailor your services to meet their expectations.

4. Research travel destinations: Stay updated with the latest travel destinations, attractions, and activities. This knowledge will allow you to offer unique and exciting travel packages to your clients.

5. Study market trends: Keep an eye on the latest industry trends, such as the growing popularity of sustainable travel or the rise of digital nomads. This will help you adapt your services to the changing needs of travelers.

6. Evaluate potential risks: Identify potential risks that may affect the travel industry, such as natural disasters or political instability. This will help you develop contingency plans to ensure the smooth operation of your agency.

By conducting comprehensive market research, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions to set up a successful travel agency in the Philippines.

Legal Requirements

Starting a travel agency in the Philippines requires compliance with certain legal requirements. Here are the key steps you need to follow:

1. Business Registration: Register your travel agency as a business entity with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Choose a unique business name and determine its legal structure, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.

2. Mayor’s Permit: Obtain a mayor’s permit or business license from the local government unit (LGU) where your travel agency will be operated. This permit ensures that your business complies with local regulations.

3. BIR Registration: Register your travel agency with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for tax purposes. You will be issued a Tax Identification Number (TIN) and need to comply with tax obligations such as filing tax returns and paying taxes.

4. DTI Registration: If you choose to operate your travel agency as a sole proprietorship, register it with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to secure your business name and establish its legitimacy.

5. Tourism Accreditation: Apply for accreditation with the Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT). This accreditation ensures that your travel agency meets the quality standards set by the government and allows you to promote and sell tour packages.

6. Travel Agency License: Apply for a travel agency license from the DOT. This license grants you the legal authority to operate as a travel agency in the Philippines.

7. Insurance Coverage: Obtain insurance coverage for your travel agency, including general liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. This coverage protects your business and clients from potential risks and liabilities.

Ensure you comply with all the legal requirements to operate your travel agency legally and protect your business interests. It is advised to consult with a lawyer or business consultant to navigate through the legal process smoothly.

Register Your Business

Before launching your travel agency, it is important to register your business with the appropriate government agencies in the Philippines. This will give your agency the legal recognition and authority to operate.

1. Register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Contact the SEC and submit the necessary documents to register your travel agency as a corporation or partnership. The required documents usually include articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other supporting documents.

2. Register with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

If you are operating your travel agency as a sole proprietorship, you will need to register with the DTI. Submit the necessary documents, such as a completed application form and payment of registration fees.

3. Obtain the necessary permits and licenses

Check with the local government unit (LGU) where your travel agency will be based to determine the specific permits and licenses you need to operate legally. This may include a mayor’s permit, barangay clearance, and other permits depending on your location.

4. Secure a Certificate of Authority to Operate as a Travel Agency

Apply for a Certificate of Authority to Operate as a Travel Agency from the Department of Tourism (DOT). You will need to submit various documents, including your business registration papers, proof of financial capability, and a list of your tour packages.

Note: Always consult with a lawyer or business advisor to ensure you comply with all legal requirements and regulations.

Once you have completed the registration process and obtained all the necessary permits and licenses, you are ready to start operating your travel agency in the Philippines.

Get the necessary permits and licenses

Before you can legally operate a travel agency in the Philippines, you need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. This ensures that you are compliant with the regulations and guidelines set by the government. Here are the steps to get the required permits and licenses:

It is crucial to complete the necessary paperwork and meet all the requirements to avoid any legal issues in the future. Keep in mind that the requirements may vary depending on your location, so it’s best to reach out to the respective authorities for specific instructions.

Once you have obtained all the permits and licenses, you can confidently start your travel agency business in the Philippines and begin offering your services to clients.

Setting Up Your Office

Setting Up Your Office

Once you have successfully registered your travel agency and obtained all the necessary licenses and permits, it’s time to set up your office. Having a professional and organized workspace is crucial for the success of your travel agency. Here are some steps to help you set up your office:

  • Choose a suitable location: Look for a location that is easily accessible and convenient for both your clients and employees. Consider factors such as foot traffic, parking availability, and proximity to major transportation hubs.
  • Furnish your office: Invest in comfortable and functional furniture such as desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and shelves. Make sure to choose furnishings that match your brand image and provide a welcoming atmosphere for your clients.
  • Equip your office: Purchase the necessary office equipment such as computers, printers, scanners, and telephones. Install software that will help you manage bookings, keep track of client information, and generate reports.
  • Set up a reservation system: Implement a reservation system that allows you to easily book flights, accommodations, and other travel services for your clients. Choose a reliable software or online platform that integrates with your back-office operations.
  • Organize your paperwork: Create a filing system to keep track of important documents such as client contracts, vendor agreements, and financial records. Use folders, labels, and digital storage solutions to ensure everything is organized and easily accessible.
  • Establish a professional image: Display your travel agency’s logo and branding throughout your office space. Use professional signage, brochures, and business cards to create a cohesive and professional image for your business.
  • Ensure a comfortable waiting area: Create a comfortable waiting area for your clients with seating, magazines, and perhaps a small refreshment station. This will help create a positive first impression and make your clients feel welcome.
  • Implement security measures: Install security systems such as CCTV cameras and alarm systems to protect your office and ensure the safety of your staff and clients. Implement data security measures to protect client information and comply with data privacy regulations.

Remember, the key to setting up a successful travel agency office is to create a comfortable and professional environment where clients can trust and rely on your services. Take the time to plan and invest in setting up your office properly, and it will pay off in the long run.

Choose a Location

When starting a travel agency in the Philippines, choosing the right location is crucial to your success. The location should be easily accessible to both tourists and locals and ideally situated in a popular tourist area.

Consider factors such as foot traffic, proximity to transportation hubs, and the presence of other travel agencies in the area. Being in a location where tourists naturally gather will increase your visibility and boost the chances of attracting potential customers.

Additionally, you want to select a location that aligns with your target market. For example, if you plan to specialize in adventure travel, consider setting up shop near outdoor recreational areas or popular hiking spots.

It’s also important to consider the cost of renting or purchasing a space in your desired location. Keep in mind that in highly sought-after tourist areas, rental prices may be higher. Conduct market research and budget accordingly to ensure that you can afford the location you choose.

Finally, do your homework and check local regulations and requirements for operating a travel agency in the chosen location. Some areas may have specific zoning restrictions or licensing requirements that you need to fulfill. Be sure to abide by all legal requirements to avoid any future complications.

Key points to consider when choosing a location for your travel agency:

  • Easily accessible and in a popular tourist area
  • Consider foot traffic and proximity to transportation hubs
  • Align with your target market
  • Cost of renting or buying a space
  • Check local regulations and requirements

Taking the time to carefully choose the location for your travel agency can greatly contribute to its success. So be sure to evaluate all the factors and make an informed decision.

Purchase Equipment and Supplies

Purchase Equipment and Supplies

Once you have completed the necessary legal requirements and obtained your license to operate a travel agency in the Philippines, it is time to purchase the equipment and supplies you will need to run your business.

Here are some essential equipment and supplies to consider:

  • Computers/laptops and related accessories such as keyboards, mice, and monitors
  • Printers and scanners for printing travel documents and scanning important paperwork
  • High-speed internet connection for research, communication, and online bookings
  • Telephone lines and mobile phones for effective communication with clients and suppliers
  • Furniture such as desks, chairs, and filing cabinets for a comfortable and organized office space
  • Travel agency software and booking systems for managing reservations, itineraries, and customer information
  • Office supplies like paper, pens, files, folders, and stationery
  • Marketing materials including brochures, business cards, and promotional items
  • Travel guides and maps to assist clients in planning their trips
  • Insurance policies to protect your business and clients from unforeseen circumstances

Make sure to research and compare prices from different suppliers to get the best deals. Consider the quality and durability of equipment and supplies to avoid frequent replacements and repairs.

Having the right equipment and supplies will help you provide efficient and professional services to your clients. It will also contribute to the overall success and reputation of your travel agency in the long run.

Developing Your Services

Once you have established your travel agency, it is important to develop a range of services that will attract customers and meet their travel needs. Here are some steps to help you develop your services:

By researching the market, you can gather information about popular travel destinations, customer preferences, and competitors’ offerings. This will help you identify gaps in the market and create unique travel packages that cater to the needs and interests of your target audience.

Offering a variety of travel packages, such as adventure tours, beach getaways, and cultural experiences, will attract a wider range of customers and increase your chances of making sales. Additionally, providing personalized services, such as customized itineraries and tailored recommendations, will make your agency stand out from the competition.

Collaborating with local partners, such as hotels, tour operators, and transportation providers, can help you offer competitive prices and unique experiences to your customers. Building strong relationships with these partners will also enhance your reputation and credibility within the industry.

It is important to stay updated with industry trends, such as popular destinations, emerging travel technologies, and sustainable tourism practices. This will enable you to adapt your services and stay ahead of the competition.

Lastly, providing excellent customer service is crucial for the success of your travel agency. Make sure to respond to customer inquiries and concerns promptly, go the extra mile to exceed their expectations, and ask for feedback to continuously improve your services.

By following these steps and continuously refining your offerings, you can develop a strong and competitive range of services for your travel agency in the Philippines.

Define Your Target Market

Before starting a travel agency, it is crucial to define your target market. This will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts to reach the right audience.

To determine your target market, consider factors such as demographics, interests, and travel preferences. Identify the type of travelers you want to attract, such as adventure seekers, luxury travelers, budget-conscious individuals, or corporate clients.

In addition to demographics, consider psychographics, which include factors such as personalities, attitudes, and motivations. For example, some travelers may prioritize relaxation and leisure, while others may seek cultural immersion or outdoor activities.

Research existing market trends and competition to identify any gaps or opportunities. Look at the demand for different types of travel experiences and destinations among your target market.

Consider creating buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. These personas can help you understand their needs, pain points, and desires. Use this information to develop tailored products, itineraries, and marketing messages that resonate with your target market.

Remember that your target market may evolve over time, and it’s important to stay agile and adapt your strategies accordingly. Regularly review and refine your target market based on customer feedback, industry changes, and emerging travel trends.

By defining your target market, you can focus your efforts on reaching and serving the right customers, increasing the chances of success for your travel agency.

Create Attractive Packages

One of the key factors in attracting customers to your travel agency is the packages you offer. Creating attractive and enticing packages can help you stand out from the competition and capture the attention of potential clients. Here are some tips on how to create attractive packages for your travel agency:

By following these tips and creating attractive packages, you can increase the chances of attracting customers to your travel agency and stand out in the competitive travel industry.

Establish Partnerships

One crucial step in starting a travel agency is to establish partnerships with various travel suppliers and service providers. These partnerships will help you offer a wide range of travel options and services to your clients.

Here are some key partnerships to consider:

  • Airlines: Collaborate with airlines to secure competitive rates and special deals for your clients. Partnering with multiple airlines can provide your agency with more options and flexibility.
  • Hotels and Accommodations: Establish relationships with hotels, resorts, and other accommodation providers to offer your clients a variety of options. Negotiate discounted rates and exclusive deals to attract more customers.
  • Transportation Services: Partner with car rental companies, tour operators, and other transportation service providers to offer your clients convenient and reliable transportation options during their travels.
  • Travel Insurance Providers: Collaborate with reputable travel insurance companies to offer your clients comprehensive coverage and peace of mind during their trips.
  • Local Tour Guides and Agencies: Establish partnerships with local tour guides and agencies to offer unique and customized experiences to your clients. These partnerships can provide insights into local attractions, culture, and customs.

Building strong and reliable partnerships is essential for the success of your travel agency. Regularly communicate with your partners, stay updated on the latest offerings and deals, and ensure excellent customer service.

Marketing and Promotion

Once you have set up your travel agency in the Philippines, marketing and promotion are crucial for the success of your business. Here are some strategies you can use to effectively market and promote your travel agency:

  • Create a Professional Website: Having a well-designed and user-friendly website is essential for attracting potential customers. Make sure to include detailed information about your services, packages, and contact details.
  • Utilize Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be powerful tools for reaching a wider audience. Regularly update your profiles with captivating travel content, promotions, and discounts.
  • Engage with Influencers: Collaborate with popular travel influencers or bloggers who have a significant following. They can promote your services and create engaging content about their travel experiences with your agency.
  • Offer Special Deals and Packages: Attract customers by offering exclusive deals and packages. This could include discounted rates, free upgrades, or additional perks for booking with your agency.
  • Attend Travel Expos and Events: Participating in travel expos and events will give you the opportunity to showcase your travel agency to a targeted audience. Network with potential customers and establish partnerships with other related businesses.
  • Partner with Hotels and Airlines: Establish partnerships with hotels and airlines to offer special rates and packages to your customers. This will not only attract more customers but also add value to your services.
  • Collect and Display Customer Testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews or testimonials about their experience with your agency. Display these testimonials on your website or social media platforms to build trust and credibility.
  • Optimize for Search Engines: Implement search engine optimization techniques on your website to improve its visibility in search engine results. This will help potential customers find your travel agency when searching for related keywords.
  • Offer Referral Programs: Incentivize your customers to refer your travel agency to their friends and family by offering discounts or rewards for successful referrals. Word-of-mouth recommendations can significantly boost your client base.

By implementing these marketing and promotion strategies, you can effectively showcase your travel agency in the Philippines and attract a steady flow of customers.

Build a Professional Website

Having a professional website is essential for any travel agency. It acts as a virtual office where potential customers can learn more about your services and make bookings. Follow these steps to build a professional website for your travel agency:

1. Choose a domain name: Select a domain name that is relevant to your travel agency and easy for customers to remember. It should also be available for registration.

2. Purchase web hosting: Find a reliable web hosting provider that offers fast and secure servers. Consider the amount of storage space, bandwidth, and security features they provide.

3. Design your website: Depending on your budget and technical skills, you can either hire a professional web designer or use website building platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Joomla. Choose a clean and user-friendly design, and make sure to include important information about your agency, such as contact details, services offered, and testimonials if available.

4. Create engaging content: Write compelling and informative content for your website’s pages, such as a home page, about us section, services page, and blog (if applicable). Use relevant keywords to optimize your website’s visibility in search engines.

5. Add booking functionality: If you offer booking services, integrate a secure and user-friendly booking system into your website. This will allow customers to make reservations directly from your site.

6. Optimize for mobile devices: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive. With more people using smartphones and tablets to browse the internet, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

7. Include social media integration: Link your website to your travel agency’s social media accounts. This helps increase your online presence and allows customers to connect with you through multiple channels.

8. Test and launch: Before launching your website, thoroughly test all its features and functionality to ensure everything is working correctly. Make any necessary adjustments or fixes before making your website live.

9. Update and maintain: Regularly update your website with fresh content, promotions, and news. Also, ensure that your website’s security measures are up to date to protect customer information.

By following these steps, you can build a professional website that showcases your travel agency’s services and helps attract more customers.

Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms are one of the most effective ways to promote your travel agency in the Philippines. With millions of active users, these platforms provide a vast audience to engage with and attract potential clients. Here are some tips on how to effectively utilize social media for your travel agency:

Remember to regularly monitor your social media accounts, respond quickly to messages and comments, and analyze your analytics to track the effectiveness of your social media strategies. With a well-planned and executed social media presence, your travel agency in the Philippines can reach a wider audience and attract more clients.

Advertise Your Services

Once you have set up your travel agency in the Philippines, it’s important to advertise your services to attract potential customers. Here are some effective ways to advertise your travel agency:

By implementing these advertising strategies, you can effectively promote your travel agency and attract a steady flow of customers in the Philippines.

Can I start a travel agency from home?

Yes, it is possible to start a travel agency from home in the Philippines. With the advent of technology and the internet, more travel agencies are operating virtually, with agents working from home or remote locations. This setup can help reduce overhead costs and offer flexibility to both the agency and its employees. However, you would still need to fulfill all the necessary legal requirements and obtain the required permits and licenses from the government.

What are the requirements for starting a travel agency in the Philippines?

The requirements for starting a travel agency in the Philippines include obtaining a business registration from the Department of Trade and Industry or the Securities and Exchange Commission, securing a mayor’s permit from the city hall, registering with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and obtaining accreditation from the Department of Tourism.

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How to Start a Travel Agency Business Philippines


A surprising fact is that starting a travel agency business in the Philippines does not necessarily require a huge amount of capital. Therefore, aside from being profitable, it could be exciting and fun for an entrepreneur who loves the travel industry.

With people showing a lot of great travel destinations on social media, it is no wonder many Filipinos have become more interested in traveling. Therefore, owning a travel agency in the Philippines may be a profitable business as we look into the near distant future.

Let us take a look at the steps on how to set up a travel agency in the Philippines. We will also be exploring the option of a travel franchise in the Philippines for those interesting in the franchising option!  

Table of Contents

Steps On How To Set Up A Travel Agency In The Philippines

1. the travel agency business plan.

Because your business plan is the draft for your travel agency business , you could consider including the following information:

Executive Summary: This briefly introduces the business and summarizes your plan. For instance, you could decide whether to have a travel franchise in the Philippines or your travel agency (and what benefits and restrictions both possess). Its also wise to include a description of the business, the target market, financial estimates, and the solutions to possible difficulties in setting up a travel agency in the Philippines.

For those who have significant capital to start a travel agency in the Philippines, you could apply for accreditation from the International Air Transport Association, which will prove valuable in brand trust.  

* The International Air Transport Association manages airlines, passenger agents, and cargo agents internationally. Therefore, getting accredited would allow travel agency owners to sell domestic and international plane tickets acting as agents for airline companies. The business would also be allowed to re-book, re-issue, or re-validate issued tickets and endorse them to other airlines if needed.

On the other hand, those who do not have accreditation do not have the authorization to release tickets. Therefore, either they purchase from an accredited agent or the airline. 

Travel Business Summary: This summary details the distribution of the ownership and the requirements for starting up, such as the capital and location.If you plan to have a fairly small travel agency, a capital of 50,000 PHP to 100,000 PHP could be enough to cover required documents, office equipment, utilities, and lease. 

More space and more people would be needed for more travel agencies with critical operations such as partnerships or corporations since there could be more clients. An estimate of 450,000 PHP + is often wise with this scale of business.

Services And Products: You would determine what services or products you could provide to the visitors in this section. Always remember the upsell and cross-selling to maximize your business profit 😉

Market Analysis : This provides more detailed information about the target market and the business’ competitors. 

Business Strategy: This section describes the plan on how to operate and build a travel agency business in the Philippines further through marketing and product or services pricing. 

Financial Summary : This states the business’ income and costs projections . Even those this is the last section on our list. However, some would suggest that this is one of the essential areas of business. Therefore, it is recommended to spend time studying the costs, prices, and any potential opportunities/threats.

2. Philippines Travel Agency Permits And Licenses 

When setting up a travel agency business in the Philippines, you will need to register at the Department of Trade and Industry . This is also required if you plan to start your travel agency business in the Philippines alone or at home. For a corporation or partnership travel agency, the business would need to be registered at the Security and Exchange Commission . 

You can refer here for the detailed list of requirements of how to set up a travel agency in the Philippines. In addition, you may wish to familiarize yourself with other legal requirements for setting up a travel agency business in the Philippines. Republic Act 1478

3. The Office Location And Space

Owners need to consider many factors when looking for an ideal location. The most important could be the accessibility to the intended market. Second, the location should be convenient for them. Lastly, the business owner needs to make sure that the space is affordable. 

Although office space can be expensive, starting a travel agency in the Philippines does not need a large office space as long as the staff could effectively attend to the clients.

A space of 10 to 15 sq meters could be enough for a home-based travel agency. If you are considering a commercial space with high foot traffic, a space of 60 to 200 sq meters could be also enough to entertain walk-in clients. 

4. The Travel Agency’s Equipment

One of the essential steps on how to set up a travel agency in the Philippines is choosing the equipment. These could include computers with good specs, printers, fax machines, landline phones, mobile phones for office use, photocopying machines, CCTV cameras, and vaults.

Sofas and tables to accommodate walk-in clients, desks, chairs, cabinets, and tables are some of the office interior essentials. 

5. The Travel Agency Staff

When you are starting to build a travel agency in the Philippines, one of the most critical areas is hiring the right people and having the right team. If your budget is low, Fear not! This is because some travel agency tasks can be computer-generated, saving you time and money. (such as squareup that can make an appointment fast and effortless)

As the business flourishes, having at least two staff members in the office to attend to more customers would be ideal. Aside from catering to walk-in clients, you could offer a more variety of your services.

Expanding the business further, you have the option to hire two employees responsible for ticketing and making reservations, a cashier or an accountant, a receptionist to take calls and take care of the walk-in clients, and a messenger to bring and pick documents. 

Although it is not difficult to train staff to make travel reservations, it would be an advantage to get graduates in tourism with a computer reservation system background. Hiring people with experience working for a travel agency is always a good option.

6. Travel Destinations, Packages, And Promos

Depending on your target market, you could decide on what destinations are most famous or profitable. For example, you could target families with children, young adults, senior citizens, backpackers with different tastes, interests, and lifestyles, or business and corporate travelers. 

Since destinations are different, the travel agency needs to collect data on hotels, air flight schedules, a list of tourist spots and beaches, and insurance, among many others. But, again, you could anticipate what information your clients would need. 

Moreover, you could be open to specific preferences clients could have. You could also offer travel packages to make their decision easier. Preparing packages for some destinations could help your clients. Although pamphlets could be helpful, owners could not expect all clients to decide right away due to some considerations such as travel duration and price. 

Since you would prepare a database, you would choose airlines, hotels, resorts, and tour operators to partner with. Clients who are on a budget usually check out promo packages. Nevertheless, it still depends on the travel experience they want and their travel schedule. 

Therefore, the ones you would choose could be based on affordability, the convenience of the target market, and profitability.

It would not be a good idea to risk cheaper options with a partner that has a questionable reputation. Even though the price would come at a premium, working with a good reputation partner could go a long way. 

7. Marketing For Your Travel Agency In The Philippines

Just like other industries, there are many ways to market a travel agency business. If you were able to build a travel agency in the Philippines with great branding, you could reap many benefits. 

To do this, you could give attention to your business’ brand name and logo. Then, you may promote by putting up signages outside your office, malls, and other public places.

You could also take part in travel events and expos or sponsor a booth. Aside from promoting, you could meet people from the same industry, such as vendors and potential partners. 

Having a travel agency in the Philippines, it is crucial to establish an online presence. This method is cost-effective and affordable since it can be targeted and measured. You could have a website that contains destinations, packages, airfare promos, and blogs so that potential customers can access much information. (also helps with SEO/website visibility)

Moreover , it could save more time for receptionists since they can focus on other work or clients. 

In this age, social media is vital in advertising businesses. Creating a Facebook page , Instagram, or Twitter account is an essential step on how to set up a travel agency in the Philippines. On Facebook, you could promote your agency’s travel packages and create engagement. On Twitter, you could answer queries and post whenever you have a new blog post. On Instagram, you could highlight photos of different interesting destinations.

Nevertheless, the most effective promotion would be word of mouth. Therefore, it is a good idea to make clients happy by offering competitive rates and top-notch service. 

Starting A Travel Agency In The Philippines: Bonus!

8. client profiling.

You could include this step after you see the initial turnout of having a travel agency business in the Philippines. You could start establishing a client profile based on the clients you had. In client profiling, you could make an outline of the client type, travel preferences, packages or services availed, travel months, and destination. 

It would be a great idea to create a system for managing customer relationships. You could send a promotional email that is relevant to the previous services they had.

For instance, you could offer a previous client a cheaper package with a similar experience at a different destination. Upselling could work if you keep track of your previous clients’ preferences. Offering group travel for seasonal travelers would also be a good idea at the early start of your travel agency in the Philippines. Some are delegates for school or a religious group who would go on a pilgrimage. 

The goal is to make these customers return. Nevertheless, the competition is stiff. To stand out, it would be best to be better and stand out from others. Here are some good selling points:

  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Truthful Advice About Travelling
  • Great Prices
  • One-Of-A-Kind Product Packages And Services
  • Supporting Charities
  • Complete Support Post-Sales

9. Making Profits From Your Travel Agency Business

With hard work in the right direction, there is often a reward. Many factors affect a travel agency’s income, such as the target market, packages offered, and partners. As an estimate, the profit could be around 10,000 PHP for a small travel agency per month, and on peak seasons, it could be 50,000 PHP or more. This profit could be x5, x10, or more depending on the scale o the business.

Commissions and airline bookings’ markups from tours could anyways between 3% to 10% . A more significant number of customers might be needed depending on the business design.

Once you have enough budget, you could hire more staff to add services and equipment such as visa processing at consulates and embassies, passport applications, and assistance in completing the documents, photocopying, or travel insurance application. 

Travel Franchise In The Philippines, Hosting And Tips

It does not matter if it is your first time to start a travel agency in the Philippines or an experienced owner; having a travel agency franchise or host agency could be easier and less risky. Since a travel franchise in the Philippines would mean working with big travel businesses, you could establish a professional network and boost your profits. 

Having a franchise, you could have your travel agency operate it and take advantage of an established name in the industry at the same time. Furthermore, as a franchisee, you would be provided with training, systems, promotions, and building a travel agency business in the Philippines. 

As for having a host agency, you are a member of an organization. So, by joining one, you could get reasonable rates. However, the marketing, training, and support are limited and not as strong as what a franchise could give you. 

If you are still confused about whether to get a franchise or host to start a travel agency in the Philippines, here are essential points you could consider:

Tools And Assistance: When you find a franchise, the marketing programs, training, technology tools, and business advancement coaching are reliable in terms of starting and growing your travel agency business in the Philippines. For a host agency, these are limited. Therefore, you might need to find external sources for support and training. 

Cost: Getting a franchise would mean paying higher upfront costs, including tools and assistance. It would be cheaper if you opted to go with a host, but a word of warning, obtaining the tools and assistance, could add up on costs. 

Commission: Royalty is paid for most of the franchises. Royalty is a small percent of your overall sales. For a host, the amount varies, and it usually uses commission splits or shared commission. 

Brande Name: You could gain integrity when you find a franchise from an established and reputable name in the industry. This could be most helpful when you are just starting. As for a host agency, you would have to create a name and awareness alone since it does not offer a recognizable name. 

Here is an original package from WOW Philippines Travel Agency . For a 250,000 PHP franchise package, you would get:

  • Use Of The Name And Logo
  • Professional Training For Staff
  • Usage Of The Agency’s Website
  • Hotels, Tours, Airlines, Resorts, And Transfers Proprietary Contract Rates
  • 3-Year Renewable Contract
  • Laptop With Information And Proprietary Program
  • All-Year-Round Support
  • Marketing Assistance Through Social Media
  • Promotional Use Of The Agency’s Travel Photos And Videos

Addional Tips When Starting A Travel Company Philippines

Tip 1: niche.

As mentioned, the competition in the travel industry is stiff. Therefore, it is essential to decide the niche that owners would like to succeed in. The agency could focus on giving services to corporate clients or offering domestic travel. You could further expand if you had enough budget. You could offer tours abroad or take on foreign clients.

Tip 2: Suppliers

The success of your travel agency could depend much on your tie-up with airlines, resorts, hotels, tour guides, and bus operators. Therefore, you could choose your supplier based on the quality of its service, how cost-effective it is, and the convenience it would give to your clients. It would not be good to take risks here, so it would be best to deal with trustworthy suppliers. 

Tip 3: Promos

Most people are busy, so they would want everything to be convenient, even traveling. Therefore, they may be willing to spend more if that means going on vacation stress-free. Owners could take advantage of this by creating pre-arranged tours. A package that provides the airfare, transfers if needed, hotel accommodation, and itinerary on the destination of choice. 

Tip 4: Website Optimization

With a lot of people using the Internet, it would be crucial that potential customers could see your travel agency when they type keywords and search online. This is termed search engine optimization ( SEO ). Most customers would not likely access if the site did not make it to the top search results. Therefore, you could focus on making your business website rank. You could do this by obtaining a fast site and utilizing keywords in your site’s content. 

travel franchise in the Philippines

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As per IATF Resolution No. 2 (s. 2022) on the ENTRY, QUARANTINE and TESTING Requirements of inbound travelers to the Philippines

A. FULLY VACCINATED (Filipino and Foreign Travelers)

- No pre-departure COVID-19 Test requirement - Must have received the 2nd dose in a 2-dose series or a single dose COVID-19 vaccine more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/port of embarkation.

B. UNVACCINATED or PARTIALLY VACCINATED (Filipino and Foreign Travelers)

1. Travelers 15 years and older shall present a remotely supervised/laboratory-based Rapid Antigen Test administered and certified by a healthcare professional in a healthcare facility, laboratory, clinic, or other similar establishment taken 24 hours prior to the date and time of departure from country of origin/first port of embarkation in a continuous travel to the Philippines, excluding lay-overs; provided that, he/she has not left the airport premises or has not been admitted into another country during such lay-over. 2. Travelers 15 years and older who fail to present a negative pre-departure testing shall be required to undergo a laboratory-based Antigen Test UPON ARRIVAL at the airport. 3. ACCOMPANIED minors below 15 years of age who are NOT VACCINATED for any reason whatsoever shall follow the quarantine protocols of their parent/s or an accompanying adult/guardian traveling with them. 4. UNACCOMPANIED minors below 15 years of age who are NOT VACCINATED for any reason whatsoever shall follow the protocols set forth in Section B (1) and (2) above. NOTE:- Any inbound traveler, whether Filipino or Foreign national, who shall test positive for COVID-19 through rapid antigen test shall be subjected to the latest prevailing quarantine and isolation protocols of the DOH.

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travel agency requirements philippines 2022

How to Start a Travel and Tour Agency Franchise in the Philippines

From seat sales to tour packages, the Philippines is ramping up its efforts to set up the travel and tourism industry for a resurgence. In 2022, visitor arrivals in the Philippines reached the 2-million mark , accounting for ₱100 billion in estimated visitor receipts. The industry’s expected annual growth rate is at 5.49% , resulting in a projected market volume of US$5.5 billion by 2028.

With these figures, it’s easy to see why there’s a renewed interest in exploring the diverse beauty of the archipelago and why many find the industry an alluring place to start a venture. Franchising offers an enticing entry point for capitalizing on the expanding tourism market in the Philippines.

So, before inquiring for a business loan in the Philippines to start your travel agency franchise, here’s a guide to get valuable insights and practical tips to help you begin this exciting entrepreneurial journey.

Requirements and Costs of Getting a Travel and Tour Agency Franchise

Before you set off on this business venture, map out the requirements and costs involved. Let’s explore the process of acquiring a travel and tour franchise in the Philippines, covering types, requirements, initial investment, and ongoing expenses. 

D ifferent Types of Travel and Tour Agencies in the Philippines

  • Retail travel agencies assist with creating itineraries, finding deals, arranging transportation and accommodation, handling refunds and cancellations, and managing insurance and travel documents.
  • Online travel agencies (OTA) connect buyers with travel products like airfare, lodging, car rentals, and holiday packages with a focus on personalized customer experiences.
  • Wholesale travel agencies buy everything in bulk from airlines, hotels, and transportation companies and then sell them to retail travel agencies .

After figuring out the type of franchise you want to set up, you need to provide requirements to get started. Take note that these are for new franchises only .

How to Start a Travel and Tour Agency Franchise in the Philippines - Zenith Capital

Starting a travel agency franchise in the Philippines involves expenses depending on factors in your business plan , like location, business size, office setup, staffing, and marketing efforts. Initial costs usually fall between ₱500,000 to ₱1,000,000 or more. Remember to budget for things like licenses, permits, office space, tech needs, and staff training to make this ballpark figure more accurate.

Best Practices for Running a Successful Travel and Tour Agency Franchise in the Philippines

Though lucrative, the industry can be a tough one to navigate. Here are some of the best practices you can do for your growing travel venture.

General tips

Choose a strategic location.

You want to be noticed by your audience. Opt for a spot with high visibility and accessibility, ideally near terminals and malls.

Offer competitive prices and packages

You can stand out amidst the competition by providing value-driven pricing and appealing packages tailored to your customer’s preferences.

Provide excellent customer service

Ensure excellent customer service and keep your clients coming back by training your staff to deliver knowledgeable, courteous, and responsive services that build loyalty and enhance your reputation.

Maintain a good reputation

To get to the top, you need to uphold high standards of integrity and service quality. Address customer feedback and concerns to cultivate and maintain a positive reputation in the industry.

For Attracting and Retaining Customers

Create a website and social media presence.

With a captivating website and engaging social media presence, you can effectively showcase your services and connect with potential customers through compelling content and meaningful interactions.

Build a loyal customer base

Your customers are the lifeblood of your franchise. Prioritize customized experiences, attentive service, and ongoing communication for strong customer relationships, loyalty, and repeat business.

Ask for referrals and testimonials

Word-of-mouth recommendations and testimonials from satisfied customers are invaluable assets for your franchise, amplifying your reach and helping build your credibility to attract more prospects. After all, nothing’s more convincing than a happy customer and five stars.

Join travel fairs and expos

Travel fairs and expos showcase your business and tangibly engage with potential customers. Eye-catching displays, exclusive deals, and interactive activities create a lasting impression on attendees and provide quality leads.

For Managing and Growing the Business

Hire and train qualified staff.

Being the face of your franchise, your staff should deliver exceptional customer experiences. Invest in hiring qualified individuals who are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and customer-oriented.

To supplement their efforts, provide comprehensive training so they can assist customers, handle inquiries, and represent your brand effectively and professionally.

Keep track of finances and inventory

Implement robust accounting systems and inventory tracking software to manage cash flow , as well as other business growth strategies . Regularly reconcile accounts, track sales performance, and evaluate financial data to pinpoint areas for improvement and optimize profitability.

Comply with laws and regulations

Operating a travel and tour agency franchise entails adherence to various laws and legislations governing the industry. Assess whether you need to file a PhilGEPS Certificate of Registration . Not only do these keep you in business—preventing financial challenges like fines—but they also boost client trust.

Seek new opportunities and partnerships

Continuously explore new opportunities and partnerships to expand your franchise’s reach and offerings. Apart from identifying trends within the travel industry, you can benefit from forging strategic partnerships with airlines, hotels, tourism boards, and other industry stakeholders to enhance your product offerings.

For Overcoming Challenges and Risks

Cope with seasonality.

Travel and tour agency franchises experience fluctuations in demand due to seasonal variations in travel preferences. Consider offering specialized packages and promotions tailored to different seasons and target markets. 

For example, a hot spring package during the cold rainy season or water rafting for the hot summer seasons. You can also try being creative by promoting off-peak destinations or seasonal activities to attract customers year-round.

Deal with competition

Competition in the sector can also be a source of inspiration for your innovation and improvement. Differentiate your franchise by emphasizing unique selling points, such as personalized service, exclusive partnerships, or niche offerings, and make sure to stay one step ahead.

Handle complaints and disputes

Adopt a proactive approach to addressing customer complaints by training your staff to pay close attention to what customers have to say, empathize with their concerns, and offer timely resolutions.

Adapt to shifting customer preferences and market trends

The travel industry is constantly evolving. Stay agile and responsive by monitoring customer behavior, preferences, and feedback regularly. The ones who listen rise to the top because they know what their customers want and need.

Chart Your Course to Travel and Tourism Success

Although establishing a travel and tour agency franchise in the Philippines is a considerable investment, it’s clear that this industry holds significant promise for ambitious entrepreneurs. Franchising provides access to well-established brand equity with ongoing support structures. However, success in this sector demands adaptability, innovation, and a keen grasp of market dynamics.

At Zenith Capital, we’re dedicated to bolstering your entrepreneurial aspirations with tailored small business loans and other financial solutions. Our range of funding options can cater to your unique needs, whether you’re launching a new franchise or expanding existing operations.

With our expertise and resources, we’re ready to provide the financial backing you require. Take the next step toward making your entrepreneurial dreams come true, and contact us today. Apply now !

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Rizza Templonuevo is not just an accomplished finance professional and business leader, but also a loving wife and a dedicated mother of two. With a passion for helping businesses grow and thrive, she brings her extensive knowledge and expertise as Vice President of Zenith Capital Credit Group Corporation to help countless SMEs and corporations across the Philippines access the financing they need to succeed.

When she’s not busy with work, Rizza enjoys immersing herself in the worlds of fashion and social events, as well as traveling to new and exciting places.

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Pinoy Bisnes Ideas

How to Start a Travel Agency in the Philippines

  • Home Based Business

Starting a travel and tour agency needs only little capital. It can be a fun, exciting, and profitable business for any aspiring entrepreneur. The business has a high potential since the travel and tour industry is steadily growing as the population increases and per capita income continuously expands its market. Besides the income from the business is the chance to enjoy the perks of traveling at wholesale prices.

A travel and tour agency sells services and products relating to travel. As such, besides the expected airline tickets; you can also sell tour packages, car rentals, cruises, hotel accommodations, and many other items to supplement your main product line.

Here are the important things to do in setting up this business:

1. Decide first on the type of travel agency you want to setup. If you have substantial capital you may want to be an IATA (International Air Transport Association) member so that you can issue airline tickets. However, it is possible for non-IATA agencies to partner with IATA agencies to be able to obtain tickets for their customers.

2. Register your business. Come up with a meaningful name that will leave a favourable impression on your target market and register it with the DTI if sole proprietor or SEC if a corporation. Then get a barangay clearance before obtaining a mayor’s permit and registering with the BIR. Later on you may want to be accredited with the Department of Tourism to improve your marketing.

3. Find a suitable location. Go to where your customers are plentiful. Your place will also make a statement on the quality of your service. So do not locate in a rundown, crime ridden, out of the way location.

4. Apply with IATA if you wish to issue tickets yourself. After you have established your local legal requirements you can now apply for IATA membership. Note that you will need several million pesos for this. If you plan to be an IATA agency you should go to their website at where you can download their application form and read carefully the procedures on how to fill out this form.

5. Buy the necessary equipments. Only standard office equipment is needed. A computer with internet connection, a fax machine, and at least two telephones.

6. Train your employees well. A wrong booking may land your customer in the wrong country! Therefore those in charge of talking with the customers must already know what to do because mistakes will be very costly. Training in computer reservation systems like Amadeus or Abacus is important for efficient operations.

7. Join a trade association. It would benefit your business if you will join a travel agency association. You get trainings, familiarization tours, plus the credibility in belonging to a national group. Besides the other requirements, you usually would need the endorsement of a member of the association for your application to be accepted.

8. Market your business. There are many ways to market your business. Travel agencies here often resort to advertising in the newspapers. Some pay for spots in the yellow pages. There are many who focus on direct marketing and have a sales person or themselves make sales calls on corporate clients. However, besides all these, it is now vital to have a website and do some internet marketing for there is where an increasing number of customers look for their travel agencies.

The travel business is booming and now may be the best time to take advantage of this trend. With only a moderate amount of capital and a lot of energy, a person may find financial success and personal fulfillment in this venture. To find out more about this business you may attend a one-day seminar on the topic.

Click here to view details of the training program:

*Originally published by the Manila Bulletin. Written by Ruben Anlacan, Jr. (President, BusinessCoach , Inc.) All rights reserved. Re-posted with permission. By: Business Coach, Inc.

Tags: IATA Philippines profitable business Travel Agency

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Avatar of Ejay

Hi po. Is anyone here have the idea or details how to start up a small travel agency? Please help me. Thanks in advance

Avatar of Edz

Hello, I am so much interested in putting up a travel agency business. I appreciate anyone’s assistance.

Avatar of Aeris


Avatar of Hector Azarcon

Please send me detailed information. I’m very much interested in setting up a Travel Agency.

Avatar of Riks

Hi, are you now operating your travel business?

Avatar of Rajiv Bose [email protected]

Hi, We are travel wholesaler in India and we have team of hardworking Filipinoes working with us. If you wish to know about travel business and our company, kindly contact me through my email address or directly to our website. We can provide you our best rates in the market. We can provide you with trainings that you needed to be travel agent.

Avatar of Mary Joy Nalangan

Hi, interested with the wholesale rates.

Avatar of Teresa

if you want to try the business homebased I highly recommend Ms Monica. She has community and guidance for beginners

Avatar of Mags

May CP number po ba sya or email? interested din po ako to know how

Avatar of Vhaine

Hello, pwede pong malaman if magkano ang capital para po sa travel agency? and paano po ang process? thanks in advance

Hello, nakapag start ka na ba ng travel business mo? Ako rin kasi 🙁 i want to start but idk how 🙁

Avatar of Fermin

You can check WCA Travels system…pwd ka homebased lang


Hello, Sir! This is EG owner of Travellopedia. We can help you start your own travel agency business with a very minimal capital. Kindly text me at 09518135517.

Hi, can you go to our website@ and kindly send me a shout out. I can call you directly on your WhatsApp. Let’s discuss this further if you’re interested. I can’t ask your private number here to protect your privacy if you know what i mean.

Avatar of Reese

if you will start homebase roughly 10k -40k you will have na. as for me I only invested 10k+ with mentorship na.

Avatar of Jen Espina

can you send me details mam about travel agency to start up

Avatar of Samriena

How much the Capital? Where I can take the seminar?

Avatar of Mark Henriz A. Nicolas

is there any seminar dates po for starting a travel and tour business po ? Thank you po

Avatar of Vanessa

Try to attend ng seminar sa Travel Depot. Di pa ako nagttraining pero I think it’s a good company. They will give you direct suppliers na mismo and no royalty fees whatsoever. Seems promising din iba nilang affiliates na successful na ngayon so super excited nako to start my business soon!

Avatar of Ana

Hi.. To those interested in put up their own travel agency portal.. You can check wca travel and tour we are looking for affiliate and franchisees can text me for the details 0915 064 8982.. Thanks

Avatar of Sheila

Im planning to have a home based travel agency. Please help. Thanks

Avatar of Sam

Seminar on How To Put Up Your Own Travel Agency by The Travel Depot, check us out

Hi ms sheila.. You can check wca travel and tour we are looking for can text me for the details 0915 064 8982

Avatar of Ronnie Ruben

Good day! I’m planning to put a Travel Tour Agency, (Non-IATA), How to start it and to whom i can partner with AITA agencies?

Avatar of pearl

Hi. I’m planning to start a home based travel agency. do I still need the required documents like dti/permit etc? TIA

Avatar of ven

How to start a home based portal ticketing agency? How much is the capital

Avatar of Sugar Elupre

Hl Van. May I get your email so I can send you the details about how to start the travel business? Or, you can call at 09176800968 or view our website at to know more.

Avatar of Nazma

How to start a home based portal ticketing agency?

Hello Nazma! We can help you put up the travel agency home-based or officebased. Please view our facebook @The Travel Depot or website at or call 09176800968 to know more

Hello po… Pwedi malaman ilan Ang capital for home based ticketing agency..

Avatar of Frederick

Hello Kindly send me sa dettails How much po salamat po

Avatar of fatima mago

hi good day mam/sir im looking for travel agency on how to get home base portal travel agency. please let me know. thank you so much:) looking forward to your precious response.

Avatar of Ynad

Hi. Pwede po pasend ng lahat ng mga detalye regarding s travel and tour business

Avatar of Ann

Papano mag avail ng portal at magkano po

Avatar of Hana Cacayorin

Good day! This is from Far Eastern Travel Agency! We are offering our home based portal travel agency. May I know your email address so we can send you an email. If you’re interested you can contact me 09179450042 or email me [email protected]. For more info you can check our website,

Avatar of Micko

Hi pwede pa send lahat ng kailangan regardig based travel and tour business..tnx

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travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT lists requirements and protocols for arriving foreign leisure guests

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Tourism Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat today, 4 February 2022 (Friday), issued a reminder to foreign tourists coming to the Philippines in the next days to prepare all requirements to ensure a seamless travel experience.

Puyat made the statement, following the issuance of Inter-agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases’ (IATF-EID) Resolution No. 160-B, which details the new entry, testing and quarantine protocols for foreign nationals coming from 157 visa-free countries arriving from abroad, effective February 10, 2022.

“The new guidelines issued by the IATF are an indication that, while the country has opened its borders to fully vaccinated business and leisure visitors, it is doing so with utmost care and with full regard for the health and safety of both visitors and the general public.”, Puyat said.

Based on the IATF –EID Resolution 160-B, all arriving visitors must be able to present the following:

– Acceptable proof of vaccination

– Negative RT-PCR Test Taken within forty –eight hours (48 hours) before the date and time of departure from the country of origin / first port of embarkation in a continuous travel to the Philippines, excluding lay-overs for their return journey

– Valid tickets for their return journey to the port of origin or next port of destination not later than thirty (30) days from date of arrival in the Philippines

– Passports valid for a period of at least six (6) months at the time of their arrival to the Philipiines

– Travel insurance for COVID-19 treatment costs from reputed insurers, with a minimum coverage of USD 35,000 for the duration of their stay in the Philippines

The Tourism chief reiterated that only fully vaccinated foreign visitors will be allowed entry to the country. Children below 12 years old will be exempted if they are traveling with fully vaccinated foreign parents.

In the case of unvaccinated foreign children below 12 years old that are travelling with their Filipino parent/s, they shall be allowed entry and shall be required to follow the entry, testing, and quarantine protocols that apply to their Filipino parent/s. Meanwhile, those between 12-17 years old must follow the protocols based on their vaccination status, and shall be accompanied by their parents during their facility-based quarantine.

Based on the resolution, an individual is deemed fully vaccinated if he or she received the second dose in a two-dose series or a single dose vaccine more than 14 days before the date and time of departure from the point of origin.

While foreign visitors will not be required to undergo facility-based quarantine, Puyat reminded arriving travelers that they should continue self-monitoring and report to the local government unit of their destination should they exhibit any of the symptoms of the virus.

“The opening of our borders to eligible foreign visitors and the rebound of the tourism industry can only mean the restoration of the livelihood of millions of Filipinos working in tourism-related establishments and businesses who have been displaced by the pandemic. It will contribute greatly to the eventual revival of the Philippine economy”, Puyat added.

For the full guidelines, please see IATF-EID Resolution 160 B ( ).

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Published:February 7, 2022

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DOT welcomes long holidays for 2023; PBBM signing of Proclamation No. 90 important stimulus to PHL domestic tourism in 2023: DOT chief

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PHL visitor arrivals reach 2M; tourism revenue hit 100B – DOT Chief

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Philippines hailed as World’s Leading Dive and Beach Destinations

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PHL Tourism Chief initiates tourism cooperation talks with Italian Tourism Minister

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Palawan cited “Most Desirable Island” in 21st Wanderlust Travel Award

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Outlook for Philippine tourism positive – tourism chief

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DOT launches 1st North Luzon Travel Fair

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Tourism chief to lead PHL contingent to WTM, brings listening tours to FILCOM in UK

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PBBM oks easing of stringent travel restrictions

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PHITEX 2022 yields record high 173M sales leads

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One Health Pass replaced with PHL’s ‘simpler’ eARRIVAL CARD system

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Philippine Experience Caravans to roll out 2023 – Frasco

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DOT relaunches Philippine Tourism Awards

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DOT exceeds 2022 target arrivals; PBBM rallies support for tourism as admin’s priority sector

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Siargao, a priority for Tourism Development — Frasco

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DOT bares tourism wins under PBBM’s first 100 days

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Tourist Rest Areas for PHL’s top destination – Cebu

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Tourist Rest Areas launched in Mindanao

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FY 2023 DOT budget submitted to plenary; Senators press for higher tourism budget

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DOT celebrates Philippines’ back to back wins at Conde Naste Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards; Boracay claims spot as top island in Asia anew

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Frasco secures CA nod as Tourism Chief

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DOT receives HOR nod for P3.573 B budget for 2023

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First ever DOT-DOLE nat’l tourism job fair opens

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Tourism Chief tackles plans to revive industry, entices foreign investors in New York briefing

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PBBM pronouncements at UN meet an “excellent representation” of PHL – Secretary Frasco

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DOT-DOLE 1st Philippine Tourism Job Fair pre-registration now open, more than 7k jobs available to tourism job seekers- Sec. Frasco

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DOT Chief welcomes IATF recommendation to make masking optional when outdoors

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More than 1,500 tourism jobs to be offered in joint DOT-DOLE job fair

Dot to ink tourism job fair program – trabaho, turismo, asenso with dole; domestic, international jobs to be available to tourism job hunters.

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Thailand to offer tourism job opportunities to Filipinos– Frasco

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PHL tourism chief pushes for increased connectivity, interoperability of vax certs, equalization of opportunities, and sustainability in APEC tourism ministers’ meet

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Philippines strengthens tourism ties with Thailand

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20 intl, local dive and marine experts take centerstage at PHIDEX 2022

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Measures in place to ensure safe travel to PHL – Tourism Chief

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Frasco eyes visitor-friendly, “distinctly Filipino” air, seaports in PHL

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DOT celebrates Philippine Accessible Disability Services, Inc. (PADS) Dragon Boat Team historic four gold medal haul

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DOT to facilitate interagency effort to strengthen Filipino Brand of Service

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DOT to coordinate on quake-hit tourist destinations, heritage sites

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PBBM cites tourism as top-priority; orders infra development, enhancement of Filipino brand

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DOT chief takes “Listening Tours” to Luzon

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DOT Chief affirms support to National Museum of the Philippines; proposes inclusion of museums in tourism circuits

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Boracay, Palawan and Cebu hailed World’s Best Islands; DOT celebrates back-to-back accolades for PHL destinations

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Marcos push for Tourism Infra strengthens industry, raises PHL global position – DOT Chief

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DOT lauds Boracay’s inclusion in TIME’s 50 World’s Greatest Places of 2022

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DOT lauds Cebu-based group win in int’l dance competition

Statement of tourism secretary christina garcia frasco on banaue.

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Tourism chief Frasco to go on ‘listening tours’ starting this week

Dot reports increase in domestic tourism in 2021.

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Incoming tourism chief receives warm welcome from employees, vows to bring “LGU perspective” to DOT

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DOT’s Philippine International Dive Expo (PHIDEX) returns to Manila next month

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First Davao Dive Expo slated on June 24

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DOT touts ‘future farms’ as new and sustainable tourist attractions

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DOT pitches PHL as ideal retirement destination in Japan Expo

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DOT positions New Clark City as premier tourism investment hub

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PH’s significant recovery in travel and tourism hot topic in Routes Asia 2022

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DOT’s KAIN NA! takes foodies to a multi-sensory adventure

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DOT Presents “Escape: Stories from the Road” Podcast

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Second (2nd) Online Master TESOL Certification Course

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DOT, MMC Foundation partnership brings ER bikes to three Metro Manila tourist sites

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DOT spotlights PWDs and women in tourism with new “It’s More Fun for All” campaign

Media release from the department of tourism.

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PHL scraps COVID pre-departure test for fully vaccinated, boostered tourists

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DENR, DOT and DILG unveil Year of Protected Areas (YoPA) Campaign marking 90th anniversary of Protected Area establishment in the Philippines

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Department of Tourism and Mickey Go Philippines introduce Pinoy Mickey Funko Pops

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DOT launches “Keep the Fun Going” sustainable tourism campaign with gamified challenges

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DOT reminds AEs on proper flag etiquette

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DOT 49th Anniversary speech of the Tourism Secretary

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DOT pushes for 100% vaccination of active tourism workers

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DOT calls for lowering of testing price cap, certification of more saliva test facilities

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PHL may be next filming location as Tourism Summit brings in Hollywood execs

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WTTC Investment Tour Highlights Viable Opportunities in Clark, Central Luzon

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WTTC lauds PH successful hosting of Int’l tourism Summit

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Closing and Congratulatory Message during the Closing Ceremony of the 21st WTTC Global Summit of the DOT Secretary

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WTTC: ‘Astonishing Recovery’ for Philippines’ tourism sector

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World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Exhibition Booths

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WTTC Opening Ceremony Welcome Remarks of the DOT Secretary

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WTTC bullish on PH tourism recovery amid Covid-19 pandemic

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PHL Foreign tourist arrivals breach 200k mark – DOT Chief

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DOT, partner agencies celebrate Filipino Food Month

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WTTC announces speakers for its 21st Global Summit in the Philippines

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DOT seeks return of Korean tourists, PH’s top market

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DOT inks partnership with PNP, PDEA to beef up security in tourist destinations

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DOT Launches Digital Travel Magazine “7641”

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PHL says “All systems go for full reopening on April 1”; Removes EED as entry requirement

Phl logs more than 100,000 visitor arrivals since feb. 10 reopening.

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DOT meets with Japanese tourism execs to boost inbound tourism arrivals

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Statement of the DOT on hotel rooms occupancy guidelines

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PH opens doors to all foreign tourists with easing of arrival requirements starting April 1

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Travel to PHL is “easier”, more fun – Puyat

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DOT Launches “Sounds More Fun in the Philippines” Playlist on Spotify

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT hopeful on higher tourism growth with downgrading of NCR, 38 areas to Alert Level 1

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Intramuros visitors up by 132% in February

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT bares higher tourist influx since reopening

Dot welcomes iatf approval to accept the national vaxcert of 12 additional countries.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

PH receives 9,283 inbound tourists; DOT upbeat on higher arrivals in months ahead

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Puyat: Walk-in booster shots available for Boracay visitors

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

All systems go for PHL reopening for international travel- Puyat

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Kids’ vaccination to make family travels safe, more fun

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Save the date for the World Travel & Tourism Council Global Summit in the Philippines

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT: PH to accept fully-vaxxed tourists from visa-free countries starting Feb. 10

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT supports ‘Pharmacy and Drive-thru Vaccination Sites’ rollout in Baguio City

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT Launches “ASMR Experience the Philippines” Project

Dot to hold 2-day conference on english as second language (esl).

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

PH cities, hotels bag ASEAN tourism awards

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Booster shots rolled out for fully vaxxed tourism workers; 50% of NCR hotel staff already “boosted”

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT trains over 30,000 tourism professionals amid pandemic

Dot welcomes eased travel movement between gcq and mgcq areas for tourism revival, hotel in ‘poblacion girl” fiasco suspended, fined, intramuros gives vulnerable population a breathing space, dot launches website with exclusive travel deals for balikbayans.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Anilao Underwater Shootout stages a successful comeback

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT’s KAIN NA! makes a comeback in Tagaytay

Dot earns unwto citation for have a safe trip, pinas ad.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Brgy. Bojo in Aloguinsan, Cebu bags UNWTO best tourism village award

More than 95% of tourism workers in dive establishments already vaccinated against covid-19: dot.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT: PHL to welcome Int’l tourists soon

Dot welcomes shortened quarantine days for balikbayans, dot asks lgus to simplify entry requirements in tourist spots, miceconnect 2021 positions boracay as asia’s premier bleisure destination, dot releases latest list of domestic destinations waiving rt-pcr tests for fully vaxxed visitors, dot grants incentives to fully vaccinated individuals visiting intramuros.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Statement of the DOT on waiving RT-PCR requirement to Boracay for fully vaxxed tourists

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Anilao underwater ‘shootout’ is back

Puyat, dot execs pitch ph tourism in japan travel mart, dot welcomes eased restrictions in mm under alert level 2, free swab tests for domestic tourists starting nov. 1, dot lists destinations without testing requirement, with projected 100% inoculation rate by next month, boracay will soon waive rt-pcr testing for fully vaxxed visitors.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Domestic Travel Welcome-Back: DOT, TPB launch ‘It’s More Fun with You’ ad and ‘Have a Safe Trip, Pinas’ Viber Stickers

22 divers pass dot guide training in anilao.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

PH cited Asia’s top beach and dive destination anew in 2021 World Travel Awards

Dot bullish on camiguin’s reopening, boosts covid-19 vax drive, dot clarifies travel guidelines for ncr residents under alert level 4, alert level 3, good for tourism jobs and businesses as holidays near – puyat, 2nd tourism & technology forum: readying for a different future.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT vaccination drive for tourism workers continues in Pampanga

Dot welcomes easing of age restrictions for interzonal travel, less quarantine days for travelers an ‘encouraging development’ for tourism industry – puyat.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Vaccination of Rizal tourism workers crucial to industry’s recovery — DOT

Dot welcomes siargao, palawan and boracay win in int’l travel mag awards, over 43k safety seals issued as more businesses apply, dot backs call to shorten quarantine of fully vaxxed travelers, dot calls for cooperation to ensure success of expanded operational capacity of restaurants in ncr.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT lauds Samar LGU vax drive for tourism workers

Message of secretary berna romulo-puyat on the celebration of world tourism day, dot ensures compliance of accredited hotels, resorts to new iatf alert level system guidelines.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Cebu vax drive for tourism workers gains traction with more than 50% inoculated

Puyat bares phl hosting of international tourism conference in march 2022.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT and TikTok launch #GandaMoPinas Campaign as local borders reopen

Dot invites esl teachers to free online master tesol certification course.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT launches “More Fun Awaits” global campaign to showcase travel preps

Statement of the department of tourism (dot), statement of the department of tourism on the inclusion of palawan in t+l’s top islands in asia, world list, more than 50% of country’s tourism workers vaccinated against covid-19 – dot chief, intramuros site visit of dot secretary berna romulo-puyat.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Intramuros sites and Rizal Park to reopen September 16

Philippines boosts participation in expo 2020 dubai, highlights pinoy food, local tourism businesses receive dot, tpb philcare kits.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT, partner agencies drive up promotion of Filipino food experience

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

More than 7.5k tourism workers in Baguio have received Covid vax – Tourism Chief

Dot, tpb distribute p19m worth of materials to promote safety protocols.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT, NTF bring vaccination rollout for tourism workers in Siargao Island

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT: 95% of tourism workers in NCR vaxxed vs Covid-19

Sustainability is key to tourism industry’s recovery — puyat, dot lauds private sector for vaccine rollout in el nido.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

PHITEX 2021: Beyond Business slated for September 19-23

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Puyat leads vaccination drive for Pampanga tourism workers

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

More than 75% of Bohol tourism workers eyed for inoculation with second vaccine roll-out

More than 70% of tourism frontliners in metro manila vaccinated vs covid-19 — puyat.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022


Dot, bpos to hold job fair, statement of the department of tourism.

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

DOT targets increased inoculation of tourism workers in more destinations

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

Puyat: More vaccines coming for Palawan tourism workers

Dot statement on nesthy petecio’s silver medal finish in the tokyo 2020 olympics.

Philippines Travel Requirements: Open Destinations for Leisure Tourism and Restrictions

Philippines Travel Requirements: Open Destinations for Leisure Tourism and Restrictions

Guide to the Philippines

Is the Philippines open for tourism?

Can foreigners travel to the philippines, are foreigners allowed to enter the philippines now, is it safe to travel to the philippines now, are us citizens allowed to travel to the philippines, what requirements are foreigners required to present to enter the philippines, is an international certificate of vaccination (icv) required by the bureau of quarantine (boq) to enter the philippines, what to do upon arrival at a philippine airport, is quarantine required for international travelers entering the philippines.

  • Airlines Flying to the Philippines

Vaccines accepted in the Philippines

  • Which Philippine destinations don't have an RT-PCR test requirement for fully vaccinated travelers?

If you are vaccinated can you travel without COVID test?

Will you be able to travel without covid vaccine, which top philippine destinations have opened for travelers, baguio city, batangas province, bohol island, boracay island, cebu province, coron, palawan island, el nido, palawan island, metro manila, surigao del norte province (including siargao), tagaytay city, vigan, ilocos sur, other luzon destinations open for travelers, abra province, albay province (including legazpi city), bataan province, batanes province, benguet province, cagayan province, camarines norte province, camarines sur province, cavite province, clark freeport zone, pampanga, ilocos norte province, isabela province, laguna province, masbate province.

  • Nueva Ecija Province
  • Nueva Vizcaya Province

Occidental Mindoro Province

Oriental mindoro province, pampanga province, pangasinan province, puerto galera, puerto princesa, palawan island, quirino province, quezon province, rizal province, san vicente, palawan island, sorsogon province, subic, zambales, tarlac province, zambales province, other visayas destinations open for travelers, aklan province, antique province, bacolod city, biliran island, capiz province, dumaguete city, eastern samar province, guimaras island, iloilo city, iloilo province, leyte province, negros occidental province, negros oriental province, northern samar province, romblon province, siquijor island, tacloban city, other mindanao destinations open for travelers, bukidnon province, butuan city, cagayan de oro city, camiguin island.

  • Cotabato City

Davao Region

General santos city, lanao del norte province, misamis occidental province, misamis oriental province, sarangani province, south cotabato province, sultan kudarat province (including tacurong city), sulu province.

  • Surigao del Sur Province

Tawi-Tawi Province

Zamboanga city, zamboanga del norte (including dipolog city), zamboanga del sur, zamboanga sibugay, who are allowed to travel under the different community quarantine tiers in the philippines, enhanced community quarantine (ecq), modified enhanced community quarantine (mecq), general community quarantine (gcq), modified general community quarantine (mgcq), tips for traveling in the philippines during covid-19.

Traveler wearing face mask

Last updated: July 31, 2023

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has heavily affected the tourism industry. Leisure tourism has opened up in the Philippines, but travel restrictions have been put in place to control the further spread of the virus.

For those who want to travel to the re-opened destinations and top tourist spots in the Philippines , we’ve collected the information you need to plan your vacation in the new normal. Read on to find out which Philippine destinations are open for leisure travel, what their travel requirements are, and other restrictions and guidelines imposed by the national and local government units. 

  • Check out  reasons why you should visit the Philippines
  • See our  2-week Philippine itinerary packages

Guide to the Philippines newsletter sign up

International travelers:    Yes, the Philippines is open to all international tourists. Foreigners from visa-required countries will not need an exemption document to enter the country but will still need to follow the immigration rules set by the government.

All inbound travelers will also be required to register via the eTravel Portal, which replaces the One Health Pass requirement. Travelers may register within 72 hours from their arrival in the Philippines or upon arrival. The pre-registration form may be accessed at . For travelers who were not able to pre-register, there will be special lanes set up for arriving passengers to comply with the eTravel registration.

Domestic travelers: Yes (to re-opened destinations only and with restrictions)

Traveling within the Philippines is allowed for tourists but is limited to select destinations and with restrictions.

See our popular Philippines Tour Packages

Relaxing 4-day beachfront mithi resort bohol package from manila, amazing 4-day movenpick boracay 5-star resort package with airfare from manila or clark & transfers, fuss-free 3-day bohol package at mithi resort with airfare from manila & transfers.

Yes, the Philippines is open to international tourists. Foreigners from visa-required countries will still need to follow the immigration and visa procedures set by the government. 

  • Read our guide on airports in the Philippines
  • Book our  Philippines 1-month itinerary tour package

All travelers from outside the Philippines are required to register via the eTravel Portal. This replaces the One Health Pass requirement. Travelers may access the registration form at . The form can be filled out within 72 hours from arrival in the Philippines. For travelers who were not able to pre-register, there will be special lanes set up for arriving passengers to comply with the eTravel registration.

Foreigners are allowed to enter the Philippines. All foreigners are also required to register with the eTravel Portal, which replaces the One Health Pass requirement. The registration form may be accessed at . Travelers can pre-register within 72 hours from their arrival in the Philippines or comply upon arrival. For travelers who were not able to pre-register, there will be special lanes set up for arriving passengers to comply with the eTravel registration.

In terms of health, the national government and the local government units have safety guidelines in place to lessen the spread of COVID-19. These include social distancing and the requirement of a negative COVID-19 test result and/or a vaccination card or certificate when crossing local borders. Following these rules will reduce your chances of contracting the disease. 

Mask-wearing and the presentation of proof of full COVID-19 vaccination are no longer mandatory in tourist spots. For your own safety, it is still encouraged to wear a mask in crowded places.

Tourist spots are generally safe, but it’s always best to be alert, make sure all your belongings are secure, and be cautious when interacting with strangers.

Guide to the Philippines newsletter sign up

Yes, because the United States of America is one of the non-visa required countries . But note that like all foreign visitors, US citizens must follow the other requirements set by the government.

Below are the following requirements for foreigners traveling to the Philippines:

Foreign nationals of non-visa required countries 

Registration via . This must be filled out within 72 hours from their arrival or travelers can comply upon arrival at the special lanes for eTravel registration.

A ticket back to the port of origin or the next port of destination outside the Philippines scheduled within 30 from arrival. An Entry Exemption Document (EED) must be secured for those staying beyond 30 days.

  • Read our article on travel insurance in the Philippines

Must come from a non-visa required country under EO 408

Those traveling with their Filipino spouses and parents need to provide proof of filiation

Foreign nationals with valid and existing visas

Valid visa and/or ACR I-Card

A ticket back to the port of origin or the next port of destination outside the Philippines scheduled within the allowed maximum stay in the Philippines.

Proof of vaccination is not required to enter the Philippines, but it may be required when crossing local borders. An International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV) is accepted as proof of a traveler’s fully vaccinated status, but other documents may also be accepted in its place. These include a VaxCertPH digital vaccination certificate or a national/state digital certificate of the foreign government where they were vaccinated, which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement.

How to get an ICV

ICVs are issued by the country where you got the vaccine. If you got your vaccines in the Philippines, you can get your ICV by booking an appointment via . It costs PHP300, and a PHP70 convenience fee will also be charged. Alternatively, you can apply for a vaccination certificate via to prove your fully vaccinated status when entering the Philippines.

After you land in the Philippines, you need to follow the guidelines set by the IATF. 

A quarantine is not required for international travelers entering the Philippines, but a seven-day self-monitoring period is highly encouraged.

Airlines Flying to the Philippines 

These airlines have flights to the Philippines:

Philippine Airlines - The flag carrier currently has flights from Australia, Canada (including Vancouver (YVR) to Manila), Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, and the USA, including Los Angeles (LAX) to Manila, San Francisco (SFO) to Manila, Hawaii (HNL) to Manila, and New York (JFK) to Manila routes.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) - The airline has flights from Japan.

AirAsia - The airline has flights from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Aseana Airlines -The airline has flights from South Korea.

Cebu Pacific - The airline has flights from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates.

China Airlines - The airline has flights from Taiwan.

Emirates -  The airline has flights from the United Arab Emirates.

Etihad Airways - The airline has flights from the United Arab Emirates.

Japan Airlines - The airline has flights from Japan and the USA.

JetStar - The airline has flights from Singapore.

Korean Air - The airline has flights from South Korea and the USA.

Malaysia Airlines - The airline has flights from Malaysia.

Qatar Airways - The airline has flights from Qatar.

Singapore Airlines - The airline has flights from Singapore.

Thai Airways - The airline has flights from Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, and Thailand.

Turkish Airlines - The airline has flights from Turkey.

There are currently 8 COVID-19 vaccines which have Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Here is the list:




Sputnik V 


Which Philippine destinations don't have an RT-PCR test requirement for fully vaccinated travelers?

Guide to the Philippines newsletter sign up

Yes, fully vaccinated travel is available in the Philippines, but not for all destinations. Several destinations in the Philippines have opened to fully vaccinated tourists, exempting them from the requirement of obtaining a negative RT-PCR or rapid COVID test for travel.

Here is the list of destinations fully vaccinated travelers may visit without having to undergo a COVID-19 test : 

Destinations in Luzon without RT-PCR for fully vaccinated:

Camarines Norte

Camarines Sur

Ilocos Sur (including Vigan)

Nueva Ecija

Nueva Vizcaya

Occidental Mindoro

Oriental Mindoro

Puerto Princesa

Subic Bay Freeport Area

Destinations in Visayas without RT-PCR for fully vaccinated:

Eastern Samar

Negros Occidental

Negros Oriental

Destinations in Mindanao without RT-PCR for fully vaccinated:

Davao de Oro

Davao del Norte

Davao del Sur

Davao Oriental

Misamis Occidental

Sultan Kudarat

Surigao Del Norte

Surigao Del Sur

Zamboanga del Norte

Yes. Some destinations in the Philippines only require travelers to present a government-issued ID to enter, but others still have a negative RT-PCR test or antigen test result as part of the requirements before you can board a domestic flight in the Philippines. Some destinations also require a mandatory quarantine for travelers, as well as a negative test result after a number of days in the destination.

Here is a list of the top destinations in the Philippines that are now accepting travelers including fully vaccinated individuals. Take note of their travel requirements for entry:

Baguio, located in Benguet of Northern Luzon, is a popular weekend getaway because of its cold climate. Also known as The City of Pines, it is home to family-friendly parks, cultural villages , and outdoor recreational sites like Camp John Hay .

Baguio City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Baguio travel guide for the travel requirements

*A fully vaccinated individual is someone who has more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received the second dose in a 2-dose vaccine; or more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received a single-dose vaccine

Batangas is a popular destination near Manila famous for  Batangas mountains and heritage sites like Taal Volcano and Taal Heritage Town. Some of the best Batangas tourist spots are the  Batangas beaches  and islands like Fortune Island and Laiya Beach.

Batangas Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Booking confirmation at Batangas resorts or hotels

Some municipalities may have additional requirements, so check with the LGU of your destination prior to your travel. 

Check our Batangas guide for the travel requirements

See our popular Philippine Scuba Diving Packages & Courses

Boracay island scuba diving with instructor & equipment, boracay introductory scuba diving with divemaster, gear & underwater photos, boracay discover scuba diving with gears & padi instructor.

Bohol is an island province in the Central Visayas region famous for its natural attractions , such as the geological formations of Chocolate Hills , which you can explore on one of the  countryside tours . 

Bohol Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should instead present a Vaccination Certificate generated from . On October 30, it was announced that the province will also be temporarily accepting vaccination cards in lieu of the vaccination certificate. It will continue to do so until the DOH website ( ) is fully operational. 

For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated, a negative RT-PCR or saliva RT-PCR test result taken 3 days prior to travel. Children aged 11 and below are exempted from this requirement.

Asymptomatic individuals are exempted from presenting proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result.

Read our Bohol travel guide for the travel requirements

See our popular Bohol Vacation Packages

4-day premier bohol beach club resort package with breakfast & airport transfers.

Boracay Island is known for being home to one of the best beaches in the Philippines and the world. Its powdery white sands and clear blue waters in the 4-KM White Beach is a popular destination for both local and international travelers. Here you can enjoy banana boat riding , paraw sailing , and helmet diving .

Boracay Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Valid ID with proof of Philippine residency or a passport for foreigners and OFWs

Pre-booking at DOT-accredited hotels and resorts in Boracay

  • Read our Boracay travel guide for the travel requirements
  • Check out our Boracay island hopping guide
  • Browse our list of some of the best hotels in  B oracay  including hotels in Boracay for family

See our popular Boracay Vacation Packages

Luxurious 5-day boracay package at 5-star movenpick resort & spa with airfare & chocolate hour, stress-free 4-day boracay package at tides hotel with airfare from manila or clark & island hopping.

Also known as the Queen City of the South, Cebu City is believed to be the oldest city in the country and is home to historical and cultural tourist attractions including Magellan’s Cross and Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu. It is also where the famous Sinulog Festival takes place.

Cebu City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card with a QR code that verifies their vaccination status or a vaccination certificate from .

Negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours before arrival or a negative antigen test result taken within 48 hours prior to arrival or a negative saliva test result taken within 48 hours before arrival.

Read our Cebu travel guide for the travel requirements  

Browse our list of some of the best hotels in Cebu

The island province of Cebu is well-known for its cultural and natural landmarks, pristine beaches , and unique experiences like Monad Shoal thresher shark diving in Malapascua , Badian canyoneering to Kawasan Falls , and sardine run in Moalboal .

Cebu Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They must instead present a vaccination card or certificate that shows their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers are encouraged to get a negative antigen test result 24 hours before their departure for Cebu. They can also get tested for free upon arrival at the Mactan-Cebu International Airport.

Read our Cebu travel guide for the travel requirements

Lapu-Lapu City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Browse our list of some of the best hotels in  Lapu-Lapu City

Mandaue City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment or a Certificate of Quarantine Completion showing the holder’s vaccination status.

Negative RT-PCR swab test result taken within 72 hours before arrival or a negative Antigen Test Result taken within 48 hours before arrival

*A fully vaccinated individual is someone who has more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received the second dose in a 2-dose vaccine; or more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received a single-dose vaccine.

Browse our list of some of the best hotels in  Mandaue City

See our popular Cebu Vacation Packages

4-day fascinating culture & nature tour package to cebu & bohol with accommodations & transfers, scenic 1-week beaches & nature vacation package to cebu, puerto princesa & el nido palawan, 3-day cebu ultimate budget vacation package with hotel, transfers & add-on tours.

While Coron is separated from mainland Palawan, it has the same natural wonders the province is famous for, like stunning beaches, beautiful islands , and breathtaking limestone cliffs. It’s also known for its clear freshwater lakes and wreck diving spots.

Coron, Palawan Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Pre-booking in any of the DOT-accredited Coron hotels and resorts

Read our Coron travel guide for the travel requirements

  • Read our Coron island hopping guide  and our Coron diving guide

See our popular Coron Vacation Packages

Budget-friendly 4-day coron palawan package at skylodge resort with flights from manila & tour, stress-free 5-day coron palawan package at bacau bay resort with flights from manila, comfy 4-day coron palawan budget package at ruhe suites with flights from manila, tour & transfers.

Thanks to its pristine beaches, clear turquoise waters, and limestone cliffs, El Nido is known as one of the best island destinations in the world. A popular activity among travelers is exploring its islands and lagoons via an island-hopping tour .

El Nido, Palawan Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our El Nido guide for travel requirements

  • Check out our El Nido island hopping guide

Metro Manila is the National Capital Region of the country. In Manila, the capital city, you’ll find Rizal Park (commonly known as Luneta) and the walled district of Intramuros .

Metro Manila travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Manila guide for travel requirements

Related articles: 

Best hotels in Manila

Best beach resorts near Manila

Where Kids are Allowed in and Near Manila

Best mountain resorts near Manila

See our popular Manila Vacation Packages

Family-friendly overnight lime resort manila staycation with buffet breakfast & dinner, enriching 10-day nature & heritage tour package to cebu, bacolod, negros & iloilo from manila, fancy 3-day crimson hotel alabang package with daily breakfast & one-time dinner.

Surigao del Norte is famous for Siargao Island, a tear-drop-shaped island that is known for being one of the top Philippines surfing spots . You can find here white sand beaches with turquoise waters and big waves in surf spots like Cloud 9. Its surrounding islands are best explored via a Siargao island hopping tour .

Surigao del Norte Province and Siargao travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test and must instead present a vaccination certificate issued by the Department of Health or a domestic COVID-19 vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccination establishment.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 48 hours from arrival or a negative antigen test result taken 24 hours prior to arrival.

Children 17 years and below are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test.

Read our Siargao guide for the complete travel requirements

Because of its stunning views of Taal Volcano and Taal Lake coupled with its cool weather and endless options for Tagaytay hotels , Tagaytay City in Cavite province is a popular weekend destination for those living in nearby areas.

Tagaytay City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Tagaytay guide for the travel requirements

Read our articles on the best hotels in Tagaytay and the best Tagaytay hotels with a view of Taal Lake

Vigan City in Ilocos Sur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its Spanish colonial-era buildings and cobblestone streets. You can learn more about the city's history and culture when you join Vigan tours . You may also head north to enjoy the tourist spots in Ilocos Norte to add to your Ilocos itinerary .

Vigan, Ilocos Sur travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed to enter for leisure purposes. They must present a valid vaccination card that shows their fully vaccinated status.

Pre-booking at DOT-accredited hotel in Vigan or with a DOT-accredited travel agent. Tourists are not allowed to stay in the private residences of their friends or family.

Read our Vigan travel guide for the travel requirements

See our popular Ilocos Vacation Packages

Fascinating 7-day history, heritage & nature tour package to laoag, pagudpud & vigan ilocos, 2-day scenic ilocos norte & historic vigan shared tour package from manila, scenic 6-day historical ilocos norte & vigan tour package with manila flights, hotel & transfers.

Check out some of the other re-opened Luzon tourist spots in this list to explore beyond the popular destinations: 

Abra is a landlocked province in the Cordillera Administrative Region of the Philippines. It is famous for its waterfalls, caves, and other natural sites like the 206 KM Abra River.

Abra Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They must instead present a vaccination card that proves their fully vaccinated status. 

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours before arrival or a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to arrival.

Albay , a province in Bicol, is the home of Mayon Volcano, an active stratovolcano known for its perfect cone shape. This province is also home to natural sites, churches, islands and beaches, and more.

Albay Province (including Legazpi City ) travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Legazpi guide for the travel requirements

See our popular Albay Vacation Packages

5-day epic sightseeing & adventure tour to albay with proxy by the oriental legazpi with transfers, incredible 1-week nature sightseeing tour package to albay & sorsogon in bicol from manila, exciting 5-day sightseeing & adventure package to albay with hotel sentro with airfare & transfers.

Baler is a popular surfing town in the Philippines. Aside from being home to the surf spot called Sabang Beach, you can also find here the biggest Balete tree in Asia at the Balete Park and Millenium Tree.

Baler travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed to enter Baler for leisure purposes. They need to show a vaccination certificate from or a valid vaccination card.

For those coming from areas under Alert Level 3, a negative antigen test taken within 72 hours before arriving in Baler is required. Valid ID

Pre-booking at any of the DOT-accredited Baler hotels and resorts

Children aged 12 and below may present a medical certificate instead of a vaccination card or certificate

Banaue is a municipality in the province of Ifugao. It is most famous for the Banaue Rice Terraces and Batad Rice Terraces, the latter being recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Banaue travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* individuals aged 12 and above are allowed entry. They must show a valid vaccination card or certificate that proves their vaccination status.

Registration with the Banaue Municipal Tourism Office Facebook Page . You need a printout or electronic copy of your approved travel booking confirmation.

Pre-booking at Banaue hotels and resorts

Payment of the PhP50 environmental fee

The same requirements apply to minors aged 5 to 17. Children below 4 years old are strongly discouraged from traveling to Banaue.

Read our Banaue guide for the travel requirements .

Bataan Province is rich in historical, cultural, and natural attractions. This destination is home to World War II sites,  bird watching sites, turtle sanctuaries, waterfalls, mountains, and more. It is the location of Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar, the first heritage resort in the Philippines.

Bataan Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test. They instead must present a vaccination certificate from to show their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals need to present a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48 hours prior to arrival in the province.

Pre-booking at Bataan hotels and resorts

Read the Bataan travel requirements here

Batanes is the the smallest and northernmost province in the Philippines. It boasts quaint lighthouses, rolling hills beautiful beaches, and stone houses. 

Batanes Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed to enter the province for tourism purposes. They must present a vaccination card or a vaccination certificate from to prove their vaccination status. 

Those ineligible for vaccination need to present proof of ineligibility like a medical certification or a birth certificate for those below 5 years old.

Pre-booking at any of the DOT-accredited Batanes hotels or resorts

Read our Batanes travel guide for the travel requirements

  • Read about Batanes tourist spots

Apart from Baguio City, Benguet is also home to Mount Pulag and its capital La Trinidad, which is famous for its strawberries and colorful hillside houses.

Benguet Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed entry into the province and are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test. They instead must present a vaccination card to show their fully vaccinated status.

For unvaccinated children aged 12 to 17, a negative RT-PCR test result must be submitted.

Children aged 11 and below are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test.

Cagayan province is known for its natural attractions, including Palaui Island and Callao Cave. It is locted in the most northeastern area of the Luzon mainland.

Cagayan Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They instead need to show a valid vaccination card that proves their vaccination status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must show a negative antigen result 

Fully vaccinated children aged 12 to 17 are allowed entry into the province but they must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated adult at all times. 

Camarines Norte in the Bicol region is a province known for its pristine beaches, islands, and waterfalls. It is home to Calaguas Islands, a group of islands and islets featuring powdery white sand and clear waters.

Camarines Norte Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals may just present their vaccination card or certificate to be allowed entry into the province

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals must report to the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office of the LGU of their destination.

Camarines Sur in the Bicol region is a province known for its island-hopping destinations and watersports. Caramoan Islands, which is famous for its secluded white sand beaches and coves, is located in this province.

Camarines Sur Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed to enter the province. They need to present their vaccinated card which proves their fully vaccinated status.

Cavite is a province in the Calabarzon Region known for its historical and cultural attractions. It is home to the Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine and Museum, where the Philippine Declaration of Independence was declared. 

Cavite Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Check out our article on the best resorts in Cavite

Clark, Pampanga is located in Central Luzon, Philippines. Aside from being home to Clark International Airport, it is home to well-known cultural landscapes and natural attractions like the Clark Museum and Puning Hot Spring.

Clark Freeport Zone travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Ilocos Norte is home to Laoag and Pagudpud, two must-visit places in the province. A trip to Ilocos Norte will allow you to check out Laoag tourist spots , which include historical spots like the Paoay Church, as well as the natural attractions of Pagudpud including Saud Beach. You may also visit Vigan in Ilocos Sur province with an Ilocos itinerary . Check our our list of the best Ilocos Norte Laoag hotels that you can stay in for your trip. 

Ilocos Norte Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative RT-PCR test result. They instead need to show a valid vaccination card that validates their vaccination status.

  • Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must show a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 60 hours from arrival or a negative antigen test taken within 24 hours before arrival.

Children below 12 years old are not required to undergo testing provided that the parent or guardian they are traveling with is fully vaccinated.

Isabela is known for its Spanish-era churches, but it is also home to natural attractions, including Dicotcotan Beach and Dibulo Falls

Isabela Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

La Union, also known as the Surfing Capital of the North, is famous for being a laid-back surfing destination. Aside from Urbiztondo Beach, where numerous surfing activities and lessons are held, the province also offers a diverse set of attractions like Tangadan Falls and Poro Point & Lighthouse.

La Union travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals from Alert Levels 1 and 2 are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They must instead present their vaccination card that shows their fully vaccinated status

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals and those coming from Alert Level 3, regardless of vaccination status, must show a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 3 days prior to arrival

Registration via NAPANAM

Children aged 11 and below are exempted from the testing requirements

Pre-booked arrangement from a DOT-accredited tour operator or La Union hotels and resorts

*A fully vaccinated individual is someone who has more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received the second dose in a 2-dose vaccine; or more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received a single-dose vaccine 

Check out our articles on the best resorts in La Union and top tourist spots in La Union

The province of Laguna is known for Pagsanjan Falls and Mount Makiling, but it also has heritage sites like the town of Pila. It’s located around 40KM south of Manila.

Laguna Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our articles on the best resorts in Laguna and top tourist spots in Laguna

The province of Masbate is home to stunning natural attractions like Ticao Island, Catandayagan Falls, and Palani White Beach. 

Masbate Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test. They only need to present their vaccination card or vaccination certificate from .

For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals, a negative antigen test result is required

Children aged 12 and above must take a rapid antigen test upon arrival

Nueva Ecija Province 

Located in the Central Luzon region, the province of Nueva Ecija is home to Minalungao National Park and Pantabangan Lake.

Nueva Ecija Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from showing a negative COVID-19 test result and instead need to present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative antigen test result.

Nueva Vizcaya Province 

The landlocked province of Nueva Vizcaya shares Mount Pulag with Benguet and Ifugao. The province is also known for its Ammungan Festival.

Nueva Vizcaya Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated individuals* are allowed to enter the province for leisure purposes. They need to present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.

Occidental Mindoro is located in the western half of the island of Mindoro. Apo Reef, the world’s second-largest contiguous coral reef, can be found in the waters of the province.

Occidental Mindoro Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* domestic tourists are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated domestic tourists need to present a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 48 hours prior to arrival

Foreign tourists need to provide proof of their fully vaccinated status and a negative RT-PCR test result taken 48 hours before arrival in the province. They also need to provide outbound tickets to their next destination and a passport that is valid for at least 6 months.

Booking with a DOT-accredited accommodation establishment

When booking tours, book with DOT-accredited tour operators or coordinate with the Municipal Tourism Office of your destination. DIY tours are not allowed.

Oriental Mindoro is located in the eastern section of Mindoro Island. The province is famous for its pristine beaches and beautiful waterfalls. The province also serves as the jump-off point for those who want to visit the majestic Mt. Halcon.

Oriental Mindoro Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48 hours prior to arrival in the province.

Children aged 11 and below may enter the province if they are traveling with a fully vaccinated parent or guardian.

Symptomatic individuals will not be allowed to cross the border and enter the province

Pampanga in Central Luzon is known as the Culinary Capital of the Philippines. One of the most famous Filipino foods that originated in Pampanga is sisig, which is made from chopped pork liver, cheeks, and ears. Pampanga is also known for its colorful festival called the Giant Lantern Festival held during Christmas season. 

Pampanga Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Check out our article on the best Pampanga resorts and hotels with pools

Browse our list of some of the best hotels in Pampanga

Pangasinan is located in the Ilocos Region of Luzon and is famous for its Hundred Islands, which is made up of 124 beautiful islets dotting Lingayen Gulf. The province has several beaches, too, as well as waterfalls and caves.

Pangasinan Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Should the LGU of destination require a negative COVID-19 test result, fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from this requirement. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment or a Certificate of Quarantine Completion showing the holder’s vaccination status.

Some LGUs may require unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers to present a negative RT-PCR test result or a negative rapid antigen test result taken 48 hours prior to arrival.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers from areas under Alert Level 3 are not allowed to enter the province. The LGU of destination may also impose additional requirements on those coming from these areas.

Registration with

Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro is famous for its white-sand beaches and unique dive sites. Visitors can also visit Tamaraw Falls, twin falls that are about 3 floors high.

Puerto Galera travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Registration via

  • Pre-booking with any of the accredited Puerto Galera hotels and resorts

Tourists who are symptomatic upon arrival will not be allowed entry

Read our Puerto Galera travel guide for the travel requirements

  • Read our guide to diving in Puerto Galera

Puerto Princesa is most known for the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park or the Underground River. The river is a declared UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Puerto Princesa travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Puerto Princesa guide for the travel requirements

  • Browse our list of some of the best hotels in Puerto Princesa

A landlocked province in  Cagayan Valley, Quirino is known for its many waterfalls and caves including Maddela Falls and Aglipay Caves.

Quirino Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They must instead present a vaccination card or a vaccination certificate from to prove their vaccination status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative antigen test result taken within 48 hours before arriving in the province.

Quezon Province is known for its colorful Pahiyas Festival. Travelers also frequent it for its beaches and mountains including Borawan Beach and Mt. Banahaw, the highest mountain in the region.

Quezon Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Selected areas and Quezon Province resorts are open to domestic and foreign tourists. Check this post for the full list of open destinations in Quezon Province and their requirements.

Rizal is one of the go-to destinations for those in the nearby destinations looking for a quick getaway. Here you can explore the Masungi Georeserve and the Pinto Art Museum. 

Rizal Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Check out our articles on the best hotels and resorts in Antipolo Rizal and the top tourist spots in Rizal

Sagada has continued to attract travelers thanks to its many unique tourist attractions, which include its Hanging Coffins and Mount Kiltepan’s sea of clouds.

Sagada travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They instead need to present a vaccination card or certificate showing their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative antigen test taken within 24 hours before arrival in Sagada

Children aged 11 years old and below are exempted from the above requirements provided they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Pre-booking of at least one night at any of the DOT-accredited and LGU-certified Sagada hotels or resorts

Registration with at least two days before arrival

Read our Sagada travel guide for the travel requirements

San Vicente is located in the northwestern area of Palawan and is known for Long Beach. At 14.7KM, it is the longest beach in the Philippines and the second-longest in Southeast Asia.

San Vicente, Palawan Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They instead need to present a vaccination card or a vaccination certificate from to prove their vaccination status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals coming from outside the province need to present a negative RT-PCR test result taken 72 hours prior to arrival. 

Fully vaccinated individuals coming from Palawan are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They must instead show a vaccination card or a vaccination certificate from to prove their vaccination status. 

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals coming from Palawan need to present a negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours prior to their arrival. 

Read our San Vicente guide for travel requirements

The southernmost province in mainland Luzon, Sorsogon boasts of many natural wonders including Subic Beach. Nature lovers will also enjoy a visit to Bulusan Volcano Natural Park. 

Sorsogon Province requirements for leisure travelers:

Registration with

Subic is a municipality of Zambales and lies northwest of Manila. Many travelers go to the Subic Bay Freeport Area where they can visit a zoo, an aquarium, and a forest trail.

Subic Bay Freeport Area travel requirements for leisure travelers:

  • Those who are coming from a higher quarantine status or alert level and are over 65 years of age, have comorbidities, or are pregnant must be fully vaccinated*. They should present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment or a Certificate of Quarantine Completion showing the holder’s vaccination status.

Read our article on the best resorts and hotels in Subic  

This landlocked province in Central Luzon is known for Mt. Pinatubo , parts of which you can explore with the help of 4x4 vehicles.

Tarlac Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Registration with

Medical Certificate 

Located in the Central Luzon region, Zambales is known for its many coves and beaches, including Anawangin Cove, Nagsasa Cove, and Capones Island.

Zambales Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They must present a vaccination certificate from or a vaccination card.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative RT-PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to travel.

Children aged 17 and below who are traveling with fully vaccinated parents or guardians are exempted from the vaccination and testing requirements.

Pre-booking with DOT-accredited Zambales resorts or hotels

Check out other must-see Visayas tourist spots in these re-opened destinations: 

Aklan, a province in the Western Visayas Region, is famous for Boracay Island, a vacation spot among locals and international travelers. The province is also known for its cultural and natural attractions, as well as its annual Ati-Atihan Festival.

Aklan Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Antique, a province in the Western Visayas Region, is blessed with natural resources. It is famous for its weaving sites, forests, mountains, beaches, and the Kawa Hot Bath in Tibiao.

Antique Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed to enter Antique for leisure purposes. They must present their COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate to prove their fully vaccinated status. 

Those who are ineligible for a COVID-19 vaccine may enter, provided they can present a medical certificate to prove their non-eligibility.

Pre-booking at DOT-accredited hotels and resorts in Antique

Bacolod , a city located in Negros Occidental, is popular for its cultural attractions, local cuisine, and ancestral homes. Also known as the City of Smiles, it is home to the colorful festival in the Philippines called MassKara Festival.

Bacolod City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They must instead present a vaccination certificate from or a vaccination card.

For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers, a negative antigen test result taken within 48 hours before their arrival is required.

  • Browse our list of some of the best hotels in Bacolod City

The island province of Biliran is located in the Eastern Visayas region and is known for its natural attractions including the Sampao Rice Terraces and Napusoan Falls.

Biliran Island requirements for leisure travelers:

Only fully vaccinated* asymptomatic travelers are allowed to enter Biliran Island. They need to present a COVID-19 vaccination certificate from or a vaccination card issued by their LGU to prove their fully vaccinated status.

A Biliran QR code from

The province of Capiz is known as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines, thanks to its 80-KM coastline. Its capital Roxas City is home to the Manuel Roxas Shrine and the Roxas Cathedral.

Capiz travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Dumaguete , The City of Gentle People, is a laid-back destination in Negros Oriental. The city is not only rich in history, but also in marine life as it is the gateway to Apo Island, a 24-hectare marine sanctuary, which is one of the most famous Dumaguete tourist spots .

Dumaguete City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Read our Dumaguete travel guide for the travel requirements

Eastern Samar is known for Homonhon Island,  where the explorer Ferdinand Magellan is thought to have first landed. Tourists also visit it for its nature parks and surf spots.

Eastern Samar Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

This island province located in the Western Visayas region is known for its beautiful beaches and its religious sites which include Navalas Church and Balaan Bukid Shrine.

Guimaras Island Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

  • Asymptomatic travelers are exempted from presenting proof of their vaccination and health declaration forms, but they may be subject to a COVID-19 test upon arrival if deemed necessary by the LGU.

The capital of Iloilo Province, Iloilo City is known for its Dinagyang Festival, which happens every January. You can also visit other tourist attractions, including Molo Church and the Iloilo River Esplanade

Iloilo City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test, but they must present a vaccination certificate from or a vaccination card issued by their LGU. Those vaccinated abroad must present a vaccination card issued by a competent foreign authority.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals need to provide a negative RT-PCR test result issued not later than 72 hours before the date of travel.

Read our Iloilo guide for the travel requirements

Iloilo , a province located in the Western Visayas Region, is well-known for its heritage churches, pilgrimage sites, delicious cuisine, and natural tourist spots . It is also home to a popular island-hopping destination called Islas de Gigantes.

Iloilo Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They should instead present a vaccination certificate to prove their fully vaccinated status.

For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals, a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to arrival is required. They also need to secure a Notice of Coordination from the city or municipality of their destination. Children 5 years old and below are exempted from this requirement.

  • Read our Iloilo island hopping guide

Leyte is located in the Eastern Visayas Region, and many travelers flock to it for its tourist spots which include Kalanggaman Island and Lake Danao National Park.

Leyte Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Negros Occidental is known as the Sugarbowl of the Philippines as it produces over half of the country’s sugar. In Talisay City, you’ll find The Ruins, the remains of an ancestral mansion of the family of a sugarcane baron.

Negros Occidental Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test. They only need to present their vaccination card with certification issued by the local vaccination center or vaccination certificate from .

  • For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals, a negative antigen test result taken within 48 hours before arrival is required. Travelers arriving via the province’s seaports and airport can also avail of the free antigen test upon arrival at the province.

Negros Oriental is located in the Central Visayas region. Apart from its capital, the city of Dumaguete, the province is also known for Apo Island, a protected marine reserve that has become a popular diving and snorkeling spot.

Negros Oriental Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Northern Samar is known for the geologic rock formations that can be found in Biri Island as well as the pink sand beach of Sila Island.

Northern Samar Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Those coming from abroad, regardless of their vaccination status, need to provide proof of facility-based quarantine, a medical certificate, and a negative RT-PCR test result taken 48 hours prior to departure.

This port city in Leyte in Eastern Visayas is the province’s largest. One of its most popular attractions is Lake Danao, a lake that is shaped like a guitar and is volcanic in origin.

Ormoc City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to arrival or a negative antigen certification by a licensed medical professional 

Romblon is known as the Marble Capital of the Philippines as it is one of the biggest producers of marble in the country.  Tourists often visit the province to see its stunning unspoiled beaches, including Bon Bon Beach and Tiamban Beach.

Romblon province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative RT-PCR test result provided they can present a complete COVID-19 vaccination card or certificate.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers must secure a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours before their arrival. 

Siquijor is an island province located in Central Visayas. Many people believe the island to be enchanted and one of its top attractions is a centuries-old Balete tree and the natural spring that flows beneath it.

Siquijor Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Located in Eastern Visayas, Tacloban City is home to the Sto. Nino Shrine and Heritage Museum, where you can see artworks and artifacts dating back from the Marcos era.

Tacloban City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

There are a lot of Mindanao tourist spots to explore. Check out these destinations that are also open to domestic tourists: 

Known as the food basket of Mindanao, Bukidnon is a major producer of rice and sugarcane. It is famous for its natural attractions, including Mount Kitanglad and Mindamora Falls.

Bukidnon Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated minors are not required to present a negative COVID-19 test provided they are traveling with a fully vaccinated parent or guardian.

Butuan is an urbanized city in the CARAGA region of the Philippines. It is home to multiple heritage sites, mountains, eco-parks, and natural attractions like Agusan River and Bunawan Eco Park.

Butuan City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Cagayan de Oro is the capital of Misamis Oriental province. It is also known as “The City of Golden Friendship” and is home to some of the best whitewater rafting experiences in the country, one of the best rainy season activities in the Philippines . 

Cagayan de Oro City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Pre-booking with any of the Cagayan de Oro hotels or resorts

Registration with , OPcoorS , and

Camiguin Island is located in the Northern Mindanao region which is famous for its many natural attractions, including White Island, Mantigue Island, and Tuasan Falls. It’s also known for its Lanzones, and every October, the province holds the Lanzones Festival.

Camiguin Island travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. Instead, a vaccination card or certificate showing the traveler’s fully vaccinated status is needed.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals need to present a negative RT-PCR test result valid within 24 hours prior to their departure.

All minors must be accompanied by fully vaccinated adults. Children aged 12 to 17 years old must also be fully vaccinated, while children aged 5 to 11 must at least have had their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Visit , fill out the Health Declaration Form, and upload the other requirements. You will be given an ID with a QR code that you need to print out.

Read our Camiguin travel guide for the travel requirements

Cotabato City 

Cotabato City, located in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, is full of waterfalls, lakes, and other natural attractions. 

Cotabato City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Compliance with the Triage Procedure upon arrival at Cotabato Airport 

Davao City is the most populous city in Mindanao and is home to Eden Nature Park and the Philippine Eagle Center.

Davao City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

No documents are needed to enter Davao City except for those that will be needed for security checks, such as a valid ID. This is valid for all travelers regardless of their vaccination status.

Check out our list of some of the best Davao City hotels

Davao , the Crown Jewel of Mindanao, is blessed with natural attractions. It is the home to the Philippine Eagle Center (sanctuary of the National Bird of the Philippines) the pristine Samal Island, and Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the Philippines. 

Davao de Oro travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Davao del Norte travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Those visiting Samal Island need to be fully vaccinated* and must be able to present a vaccination card to prove their fully vaccinated status.

Check out our list of the best Samal Island resorts

Davao del Sur travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Davao Occidental travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test. They instead need to present a vaccination certificate from

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals need to present a negative RT-PCR or antigen test result taken within 48 hours prior to travel.

Davao Oriental travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test but must be able to present a vaccination card to prove their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals need to present a negative antigen result taken 72 hours prior to arrival in the province.

Children aged below 5 years old must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent or guardian

Read our Davao travel guide for the travel requirements

Located in the Soccsksargen Region, General Santos City is known for its tuna. You can visit the city’s Fish Port Complex for fresh tuna or even attend the Tuna Festival in September.

General Santos City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Lanao del Norte can be found in the Northern Mindanao region. It’s famous for its natural attractions, including Tinago Falls and Maria Cristina Falls.

Lanao del Norte Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Travel itinerary or booking confirmation

Negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to arrival if coming from a high-risk area based on the IATF declaration

Entry permit from the local municipal government if staying more than 7 days

Travelers may be denied entry if they have symptoms

Located in the Northern Mindanao region, Misamis Occidental is famous for its beaches, seafood, and one of the most popular tourist spots in the province, Sapang Dalaga Falls.

Misamis Occidental Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated individuals* are exempted from showing a negative COVID-19 test result and instead need to present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative antigen test result taken 72 hours from their arrival.

Minors are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result if they are traveling with a parent or guardian who is fully vaccinated.

Misamis Oriental is famous for its many natural attractions including Mapawa Nature Park. Its capital Cagayan de Oro is known as “The City of Golden Friendship.” 

Misamis Oriental Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Pre-booking with a local resort

The province of Sarangani is full of natural attractions including Gumasa Beach, Nalus Falls, and Pinol Cave.

Sarangani Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative RT-PCR test result.

South Cotabato is located in Southern Mindanao and is known for its T’nalak Festival which is held in July to celebrate the anniversary of the province.

South Cotabato Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Travelers coming from areas under Alert Level 3 or higher are required to present a vaccination card proving their fully vaccinated* status. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative RT-PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival.

The province of Sultan Kudarat is located in the southwestern portion of Mindanao. It is known as one of the top producers of coffee in the Philippines and for its many caves that you can explore.

Sultan Kudarat Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are allowed to enter Sultan Kudarat province. They must present a vaccination card or certificate that proves their fully vaccinated status. 

COVID-19 Contact Tracing System card

Sulu Province is part of the Sulu Archipelago in Mindanao and is home to Bangas Island and the Walled City in Jolo.

Sulu Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test and instead must present a vaccination card that proves their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to secure a negative RT-PCR test result.

Surigao del Sur Province 

Surigao del Sur is home to many natural attractions including the Enchanted River and the Britania Group of Islands. You can also visit religious spots like San Agustin Parish Church and San Nicholas de Tolentino Cathedral.

Surigao del Sur Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 48 hours from arrival. 

Tawi-Tawi is home to the longest sandbar in the Philippines, located in Panampangan Island. Tourists should also check out Bud Bongao Peak and the Sama Dilaut and Tausug Stilt Houses in Sitangkai.

Tawi-Tawi Province travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals are exempted from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result. They must instead present their vaccination card that shows their fully vaccinated status.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours of their arrival in the province. They must also undergo 10 days of quarantine, and partially vaccinated adults must complete their second dose in Tawi-Tawi. 

Children below 12 years old are exempted from the testing requirement provided they are traveling with a fully vaccinated parent or guardian.

Known as the City of Flowers, Zamboanga City is host to what is arguably one of the biggest Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May, a flower festival) celebrations and the colorful Regatta de Zamboanga vinta race in the Philippines.

Zamboanga City travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Fully vaccinated* individuals need to present their vaccination card that shows their vaccination status. 

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative RT-PCR test result taken 5 days before arrival or a negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours prior to arrival.

Read our Zamboanga City guide for the travel requirements

Zamboanga del Norte is known for Dakak Park and Beach Resort, which boasts of a white-sand beach 800 meters long. 

Zamboanga del Norte travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers need to present a negative antigen test result taken within 5 days prior to arrival.

Children aged 11 years old and below are exempted from the testing requirement.

Visiting Zamboanga del Sur will give you the chance to visit its top tourist attractions which include Puting Balas Sandbar and Pulacan Falls.

Zamboanga del Sur travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Those coming from areas under Alert Level 3 must be fully vaccinated. They need to present a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment and a negative antigen result taken within 48 hours prior to arrival or a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours before arrival.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative antigen result taken within 48 hours prior to arrival or a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours before arrival.

The province of Zamboanga Sibugay is located in the Zamboanga Peninsula in Mindanao and is known for tourist spots like Buluan Island and Malagandis Falls.

Zamboanga Sibugay travel requirements for leisure travelers:

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated travelers must present a negative antigen or  RT-PCR test or result.

The national government in the Philippines, through the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), has imposed tiers of quarantine (community quarantine) per region which are also the basis for which industries and activities are allowed to open/operate. 

Health and emergency frontline service personnel

Government officials and frontline personnel

Humanitarian assistance actors (HAA) with authorization

Persons traveling for medical/humanitarian reasons

Persons going to the airport for travel abroad

Repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and Overseas Filipinos (OF) returning to their residence

Other persons transported through the efforts of the national government.

Priests, Pastors, Imams, or other religious ministers conducting necrological services

Immediate family members of the deceased (from non-COVID causes) attending the wake

Individuals who are working in veterinary clinics

Individuals who are working as security personnel in operational industries

Persons who will report to work for industries that are allowed to operate

Persons who need emergency medical aid or assistance

Persons with quarantine passes who will get essentials like food and medicine

Persons who will get or buy essentials like food and medicine

People traveling within the country with a secured Travel Authority document

Individuals attending important gatherings with 10 or fewer people

Individuals traveling to places under GQC and areas not under quarantine, except for leisure purposes

Students going to school once face-to-face classes are allowed

Movement for people in areas under MGCQ with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Resumption of all work in the private and public sectors at full capacity with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Public transportation with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Use of private vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles 

Resumption of all flights will resume with the enforcement of required minimum health standards.

Work operations in government offices with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Normal physical classes in schools with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Gatherings (including religious gatherings) of up to 10 people with the enforcement of required minimum health standards

Tourists on White Beach, Boracay Island

Traveling during a pandemic can be challenging because of the travel requirements and restrictions imposed. Here are some helpful tips you can take note of when traveling in the Philippines during COVID-19: 

1. Prepare your documents in advance based on the travel requirements of your destination's local government. 

2. Pre-book your DOT-accredited hotel or resort or book Philippines package deals that include accommodations, flights, and transfers. 

3. Not all local destinations have government-arranged transfers to/from the airport. You can book private transfers to/from the airport in advance. 

4. Pre-book tours and activities with DOT-accredited tour operators only. 

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Intentional Travelers

Philippines travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

We aim to keep this post updated about Philippines travel in 2024 with official Philippines travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours.

As restrictions can vary based on the traveler’s citizenship, we will focus primarily on rules affecting U.S. citizens.

Last update: February 21, 2024. Originally published: October 2020.

Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of our links, we may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.

* Get our free Post-Pandemic Travel Checklist *

February 2024:  “Our main requirement for travel to the Philippines was completing an online form within 72 hours of arriving. Our airline reminded us to do the same process before departing the Philippines as well. The form asks for flight info, countries visited in the last 30 days, and whether you have been sick or exposed to someone ‘known to have communicable/infectious disease’ in the past 30 days. We then received a QR code to show at the airport. We did not need to show the QR code upon arrival or departure (airline staff told me it’s actually for Philippine passport holders only). At immigration they had no questions for us on arrival or departure.” – Michelle & Jedd, Intentional Travelers, American digital nomads
Photo credit: Anwar Y January 2024: “I visited the Philippines for 3 weeks in January with visits to places on 4 major islands across the country [Luzon, Bohol, Cebu, and Palawan]. Overall tourism was open and accessible within the country, flights between islands were the easiest, with long overland travel times (due to local-roads / lack of highways). We did not experience any travel restrictions while within the country. There is a pre-arrival form that must be filled out that is used for tracing but really we didn’t find it used much beyond immigration. There were requirements for providing hotels for contact tracing but it was haphazardly enforced, such as only 1 bus company asked for this information. Access to all services is open, we did notice that for many services employees were masked but there was no requirement for tourists to mask. We found covid tests readily accessible and often in vending machines such as in the airport. One thing of note is that people did appear to be sick. My entire group ended up sick (non-covid) but the sinus cold did impede our ability to do some activities (scuba diving).” – Anwar Y of Beyond My Door , American traveler

At the end of the post, we share on-the-ground perspectives from local residents and travelers to the Philippines so you can get a true sense of what to expect. We’re thankful to one of our team members from the Philippines for co-creating this post with us!

Table of Contents

Is the Philippines open for travel? Can I travel to the Philippines right now?

Effective July 2023 , all travelers are allowed entry in the Philippines without restrictions. The following are no longer required to enter the Philippines:

  • Proof of Vaccination
  • Proof of negative Covid test (for unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers)
  • Travel insurance

However, travelers must still meet the following requirements:

  • As of April 2023, all travelers, including children. are required to register via the Electronic Travel Declaration System no earlier than 72 hours from the intended arrival.
  • Passport must be valid for at least six months at the time of arrival.
  • Have booked a return or outbound ticket (affiliate link).

U.S. citizens are allowed visa-free entry into the Philippines for 30 days.

See the list of visa exempt countries here.

Philippines travel restrictions  have changed over time, please check back for updates.

Quarantine rules in the Philippines: What happens if I get Covid?

All travelers arriving in the Philippines are not required to quarantine.

Foreign tourists who  test positive for Covid while in the Philippines must continue to isolate and undergo quarantine.

For cases with moderate to severe symptoms or belonging to the immunocompromised category, isolation of 10 days from onset of signs and symptoms is required. Patient may be required to be admitted to a health care facility based on the advice of the attending physician.

For severe cases and immunocompromised cases , isolation is required and may end only upon the advice of their health care provider.

Patients with mild symptoms or asymptomatic are advised to isolate at home for five days or until fever-free for at least 24 hours without using antipyretics such as paracetamol, whichever is earlier.

Foreign tourists may be required to cover the costs of quarantine accommodations or hospitalization.

Recommended Quarantine Hotels in the Philippines:

Bayview Park Hotel Manila – Located at the heart of Manila, near the Ninoy Aquino International Airport and US Embassy, Bayview Park Hotel has modern and cozy rooms with air conditioning, cable TV, personal safe, and free Wi-Fi. The hotel also features an outdoor swimming pool and coffee shop with local and international dishes. Estimated cost for a 14-day stay is $748-$997. Book this hotel >

Hotel Durban – Hotel Durban is located in Makati, Manila. The hotel features air conditioned rooms, restaurant, bar, and free Wifi. Estimated cost for a 14-day stay is $471-$871. Book this hotel >

Somerset Millennium Makati – Somerset Millennium is a high-end hotel conveniently located in the vibrant business district of Makati City, 30 minutes from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The hotel offers elegant rooms with free Wifi, air conditioning, and flat screen TVs. There’s also an on-site restaurant, fitness center, spa, and swimming pool. Estimated cost for a 14-day stay is $1657-$1888. Book this hotel >

Radissan Blu Cebu – The Radissan Blue is one of Cebu’s top rated five star hotels. It has swimming pool, spa, fitness center, on-site restaurant, and airport transfers. Rooms come with air conditioning, Wifi, and a fantastic breakfast. Estimated cost for a 14-day stay is $1022-$1498. Book this hotel >

Can I travel to the Philippines in May 2024? Can I travel to Philippines this Summer?

The Philippines is open to tourists in May. Read on for details and check back for updates.

What is it like to fly to Manila MNL Ninoy Aquino International Airport right now? Philippine Airlines reports p assengers are no longer required to wear face masks, though it is still recommended.

Do I have to quarantine when traveling to the Philippines? No. Only travelers who test positive will need to quarantine. See details above.

Does Philippines check COVID-19 symptoms of incoming travelers? Travelers undergo a passive thermal scan upon arrival in the airport. Hats must be removed, otherwise just walk through.

Does Philippines require a negative Covid 19 test for travelers? No. As of July 2023, a negative test is no longer required for travelers to enter the Philippines.

Do I have to undergo a Covid test upon arrival in the Philippines? No. Covid test upon arrival is no longer required.

Does Philippines require a proof of Coronavirus vaccine for travelers? No. A proof of Coronavirus vaccine is no longer required.

Do I still need to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine if I have been vaccinated? Quarantine and negative Covid test is no longer required for travelers.

Is a booster shot required for travel to the Philippines? At this time, booster shots are not required in the Philippines. There is currently no expiration period set for the validity of vaccinations.

Do I need to provide proof of vaccination or test for domestic flights in the Philippines? Most destinations within the Philippines no longer require a proof of vaccination or test for domestic flights.

However, local authorities may have specific requirements. It is recommended to check with the destination’s local government unit (LGU) through their official website or Facebook page for the latest rules and guidelines.

What healthcare options are available to travelers in the Philippines who get the virus?   Philippine hospitals and clinics are open. Foreign visitors can get PCR or antigen test at  the Philippines Department Of Health accredited testing centers .

Foreign visitors who get the virus would pay out of pocket for medical services. The medical expenses for the treatment will vary depending on the severity of the condition, the hospital where the patient is admitted, confinement duration, and other factors.

For travel insurance that covers Covid, check out Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing >

What service businesses and restaurants are open in the Philippines? Markets and groceries, which are considered essential businesses, remained open throughout the duration of the community quarantine in the Philippines.

Restaurants are permitted to accept dine-ins. Malls, personal care services, and entertainment establishments are also back in business following health and safety protocols.

More hotels, resorts, and other accommodation establishments are allowed to operate under different community quarantine classifications and cater to local travelers.

Do I need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative test to enter or stay at hotels, resorts, and other accommodation establishments in the Philippines? Most accommodation establishments in the Philippines no longer require a proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.

It is advisable to visit the hotel website or official social media pages to know their latest guidelines. Additionally, contacting the establishment directly is recommended for any clarifications.

What public gatherings are allowed in Philippines? Public gatherings are allowed but must follow health and safety protocols.

Are face masks required in the Philippines? As of July 2023 , wearing of face masks is no longer required in the Philippines.

Are buses running in the Philippines? Yes. Public transportation is available in the Philippines, including buses, jeepneys, trains, tricycles, and vans.

Will the Philippines impose new Covid restrictions? What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, the Philippines has imposed nationwide as well as localized COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable.

How has the Coronavirus impacted the Philippines?

The first case of the Coronavirus was confirmed in the Philippines January 30, 2020 and the country was placed under a State of Public Health Emergency on March 8, 2020.

As a measure to limit the spread of the virus, lockdowns or community quarantines have been imposed since March 15, 2020. Despite implementing strict lockdowns, the country still experienced surges in cases, reporting more confirmed cases and deaths than any other Southeast Asian country.

The onslaught of the virus put the country into recession with mass unemployment. The restriction on travel also affected tourism, which is a large industry in the country. 

Over two thirds of the population has been vaccinated in the Philippines.

In July 2023, the State of Public Health Emergency has been lifted throughout the Philippines. All restrictions due to Covid 19 are no longer in effect.

For the current situation in the Philippines, including: total COVID-19 positive cases; total cases in the Philippines; and COVID-19 testing in the Philippines, please see the Philippines Department of Health site .

What should you pack for safely traveling in the Philippines?

😷 Face Masks – Face coverings are optional but recommended in crowded areas. Find N95 masks at Bona Fide > or designer options at Vida >

💊 Medicine – Bring enough prescription and over-the-counter medication for your entire trip to avoid trips to the clinic.

💳 Vaccine Card Holder – Protect that paper CDC card when traveling abroad (if your country doesn’t offer a digital version). Get a simple plastic protector > or Vegan leather clippable > or Leather passport + card combo holder >

👃 Covid self-test – The most studied rapid antigen self-test with FDA emergency authorization.  NOT valid to enter countries. Use for your own peace of mind. Order from CVS > or Walmart >

💧 Sealed water bottle – Make sure your reusable water bottle has a lid that’s not exposed to the air. We use one of each of the following: Shop insulated water bottles with protective lid > Shop water bottles with purification filter and protective lid >

✈️ Travel insurance that covers Covid – We’ve started using Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing for affordable evacuation, international medical, and trip coverage.

What do Philippine locals and recent travelers say about visiting the Philippines now?

What is it like to visit the Philippines right now? It’s our goal to provide regular updates here from real people on the ground, to help potential visitors know what to expect. The following are subjective opinions only. Official travel guidance can be found above.

November 2023 – Gladis of Happiness on the Way , Filipina citizen:  “I flew from Frankfurt to Clark International Airport (Philippines) in September and was surprised by the low number of tourists. I’ve traveled around Clark and Manila for a month and most of the businesses like cafes, restaurants and even tours are all back – I love how I was able to see famous spots with less tourists!

Healthcare, testing, and local attractions are fully operational in most cities and touristy towns. Hotels and restaurants provide sanitizers, and staff are vaccinated with open-air setups. Airports in the Philippines have synchronized e-travel for smoother lines. Most popular destinations have maximum tourists now, so booking ahead is advisable to secure your spot.”

June 2023 – Liza of Always in Spain : “I’m in the Philippines for one month (May to June 2023) to visit family and travel around the country.

Tourism in the Philippines is thriving again! Tourist attractions are open without restrictions, tour operators are offering services again, and transportation (air & land) look fully open for domestic travel so it’s easy to get around the country.

Aside from having to complete a declaration upon arrival, things are back to normal in the Philippines. Some people still prefer to mask up (especially indoors) but it’s not obligatory.

Pharmacies are plentiful in the large cities so you have easy access to home testing kits and over-the-counter medication if you need it. If you’re traveling to more remote areas, it’s a good idea to have your own emergency medical kit just in case.”

February 2023 – Kieren of Wales Guidebook , UK traveler:  “My girlfriend and I visited the Philippines for 10 days in February 2023 with a return trip from Bali. Tourism in the Philippines is mostly back to normal. Aside from being asked to wear masks at airports and onboard with some airlines, there were no other Covid requirements or restrictions and I can highly recommend visiting at this time.

Although signage regarding Covid restrictions (such as mask wearing) are still on display across the country, these are rarely enforced. You may still see staff wearing masks in supermarkets and shopping malls. Pharmacies are readily available in most areas frequented by tourists and the level of English is usually enough to get any medicine you need. Chain pharmacies, such as Watsons, are more likely to speak a good level of English.”

October 2022 – Jennifer Terri, Philippines:

September 2022 – Elizabeth, visitor from UK:   “I visited the Philippines for a 3-week trip to explore its top destinations. The locals are still wearing masks, however, it’s a bit more relaxed, especially in the open public area. When you enter an establishment, you will be asked or expected to put on the mask.

Most businesses related to tourism are open or in service such as airlines, hotels, and tour agencies. Locals seems to be getting back on travelling as well, but it seems like the airlines are not well-staffed resulting in long queues, although very little delay.”

July 2022 – Angeline of , resident:  “All tourist destinations in the country are open and locals mostly enjoy them now. It is the best time to visit as there are still few tourists around and you can easily get cheaper rates for hotels and tours as companies need tourists.

The islands and beaches have gone through a bit of a break so they’ve become more vibrant and marine animals are plenty. There are still no long lines or crowds either.”

March 2022 – Camille, resident of the Philippines: “Things are finally the closest it’s been to “back to normal” after two long years of strict quarantine rules. Everything feels much more relaxed and people are happy to go out, dine out, party, and travel. Even though it feels like back to normal, most people still comply with wearing masks almost everywhere so this is something foreigners should expect and be sensitive in following.

Many places still are at limited capacity though, so lines are long and crowds can be packed. As much as possible, we appreciate it when tourists are understanding of any delays or mishaps. There’s a period of adjustment since it’s only been recently that things are as they were before. Many workers have been affected and are now happy to get back to work, so patience and tips are appreciated. At the end of the day, tourism has always played a big part in our economy so you’ll definitely feel welcome.”

July 2021 – Ailene, resident of Manila: “The Philippines does not currently allow tourists to enter the country. Majority of the residents are hesitant to the reopening of the borders to foreign tourists because of the fear that our healthcare system would collapse if there will be a surge in Covid cases. In Metro Manila, people (except children and senior citizens) are free to move within the city as long as the curfew, social distancing, face mask, and face shield rules are observed. Traveling to other places outside Metro Manila is also possible. Travel restrictions are generally being followed. However, there were some instances when people were caught violating the rules such as faking their Covid results, partying, and not following the curfew. Access to healthcare is a little difficult. In some hospitals and clinics, patients without an appointment will not be allowed to enter. But virtual consultation is also available. Getting tested for Covid is easier. People have an option to get tested at clinics, hospitals, drive through testing centers, or at home. Access to local attractions is possible as long as the needed requirements are provided. A negative Covid test is required in some destinations, while a health certificate is enough for some. Right now, the safest and preferred places to travel to are private resorts and outdoor open areas like parks and beaches where interaction with other people can be avoided as much as possible. Restaurants, groceries, and other food service can be accessed easily. Although public transportation is available for travelers, it is safer to travel in private vehicles.”

June 2021 – Tina of , resident of Philippines: “Many provinces in the country are not yet open to tourism, and those that are already open have requirements that need to be followed. Locals have varying reaction to their place opening up to tourists. Some support the opening due to financial reasons, while those that are not in favor are concerned that these tourists might spread the virus in their place. Travel restrictions are being followed by locals and visitors, but I’ve heard of stories of some people who do not follow it but are able to get away with it. As for the healthcare and testing, most of the hospitals and testing centers are available in the capital cities. Some provinces that have opened for tourism require visitors to register in an app and wait for the approval of their visit before they could travel. This is required for contact tracing purposes.”

Even if you can’t go to the Philippines right now, you can still get started planning your Philippines trip for the future.

Check out our other Philippines travel resources: – Best Places to Visit in the Philippines on a Budget

If you have questions or updates about travel to the Philippines during the Coronavirus crisis or post-pandemic, please let us know in the comments below. *Please note that we are not able to advise travelers regarding specific situations outside of the free information provided above. We recommend working with a professional travel agent if you need assistance particular to your trip.

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What travelers need to know about current Philippines travel restrictions, health and safety, and recent trip reports, updated regularly | Intentional Travelers

Disclaimer: Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result of information provided through Any information provided here is issued as general information only.

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We have booked a trip to the Philippines next month. We have not been vaccinated for covid19, Earlier it was mentioned that we had to take a corona test to enter the philippines. Last weekend all corona measures in the Philippines were scrapped, see source:

I don’t want any surprises, Can you please confirm to me if we need to take a corona test to fly to the Philippines (from Madrid) or if it is therefore not necessary anymore now. In addition, I am also asking for more clarity on the inernal movements.

Hello Falko. Since the State of Public Health Emergency has been lifted in the Philippines, all rules and restrictions due to Covid 19 are no longer in effect. This means that you are no longer required to present a negative Covid test to enter the Philippines. For traveling within the Philippines, restrictions are also no longer in effect. However, it is still advisable to check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines. You may also check for the latest COVID requirements by destination through this websites:

Hello, I’m a little confused on one issue. I’m a US citizen unvaccinated and would like to fly to the Philippines. I know what tests, etc I need to actually fly to the philippines, but what is not clear to me based on conflicting information is will I be required to take another covid test on arrival if the 24 hour one taken before flight was negative? One thing I don’t want to happen is discover I have to have another one when I arrive as I really hate them since they are so unnecessarily intrusive, and I’ve read some places that you will need a second one on arrival regardless of the results of the preflight test. I would be flying to Cebu. Thank you for your time.

Hello Sam, thank you for visiting our blog. According to the current entry rules , unvaccinated or partially vaccinated “travelers 15 years and older who fail to present a negative pre-departure testing shall be required to undergo a laboratory-based Antigen Test UPON ARRIVAL at the airport.” Therefore, if you can provide a valid and negative pre-departure Covid test when you arrive in the Philippines, then you will no longer have to test upon arrival at the airport.

Thank you for answering my question, that is good news. Just one other question please. Where do I look to find what remotely supervised covid tests are accepted by Philippines government on arrival since I don’t want to take a test in a clinic?

Hello Sam. Unfortunately, we cannot find updated information about remotely supervised tests accepted by the Philippines. It seems like no updates have been published but we’ll let you know if we find updated information regarding this. You may also contact the Philippine Department of Tourism official Facebook page or a Philippine embassy near you to get information about remotely supervised tests.

Is a negative COVID test result required for return travel from the Philippines to the United States?

Hi. Regardless of departure point, test results are not required going to the US, and as of this month (May 2023), noncitizen nonimmigrant air passengers no longer need to show proof of being fully vaccinated either.

I will be on vacation soon in the Philippines and resorts (specifically at Pico de Loro, Batangas and Los Banos, Laguna) still require a certified negative covid-test for stay. Where can I get this certified covid-19 rapid antigen test?

Hello Yeen. Thank you for visiting our blog. You can see the list of licensed Covid 19 testing facilities in the Philippines here: Philippine Department of Health Licensed Covid-19 Testing Laboratories

I am traveling to the Philippines in July 2023. I see that the Philippines currently still requires a negative Antigen Test for entry. Once a traveler has entered the country and wants to travel to different locations (such as Tacloban, Cebu City, Bohol, etc.) does a traveler have to provide a clean test at every domestic airport in the Philippines to board the plane if I stayed at each different location for 3-5 days? I need clarification as the domestic air carriers (Cebu Pacific, Air Asia, etc.) indicate that you need at least a negative Antigen Test to board on their websites. Any comments from recent travelers in the Philippines would be helpful. Thank you

Hi Greg. It is correct that the Philippines still require proof of a negative COVID test for entry if a traveler is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. For travel within the Philippines, most destination no longer require a negative test for domestic flights. However, please note that some destination may still require a negative test and other documents for domestic travel depending on the local authorities’ regulations. We recommend that you check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines and requirements.

You may also check for the latest COVID requirements by destination through these websites:

We hope this helps and thank you for visiting our blog!

Hello, we are scheduled to go to the Philippines February 1st. We will be flying to japan January 27th and then from japan to Manila February 1st. Then from Manila to Boracay on the 2nd of February. We are American us citizens unvaccinated. What are the requirements and regulations for us? Will we be allowed to go with the new covid laws?

Hello Vee. Thanks for visiting our blog. Based on the current travel requirements and your status as an unvaccinated U.S. citizens, the following are the requirements you need:

For travel to Japan, you will need to provide a pre-travel COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure from the country/region of origin. You may check the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs webpage or the U.S. Embassy in Japan webpage for details.

For travel to the Philippines, you will need the follwing: – negative Antigen test certificate from a clinic conducted within 24 hours of departure from the country of origin – complete a BOQ e-Health Declaration Card (e-HDC), including children – passport valid for at least six months at the time of arrival – return or outbound ticket to your country of origin or next country of destination.

Once you’re in the Philippines, the requirements to travel to Boracay are the following: – Tourist Arrival Form – Confirmed Boracay Hotel Booking slip/voucher – Passport (for Foreigners)

You may also contact the Boracay/Aklan Tourism facebook page for more details.

Hello, we are Polish Filipino marrige and we are not vaccinated. We are planing to Visit Philipinnes in the middle of January 2024. Do you think it will be still required to do the PCR covid tests before travel? Since I read about Thailand, Laos, Vietnam is already fully open (no covid tests, no vaccinated etc). When they will fully open the Philippines? Regards

Thanks for visiting our blog. We don’t have any special information about the government’s future plans about travel restrictions, however, we will be sure to update this post when we see that anything changes.

Hello there, i am filipino-american citizen. I am unvaccinated and my vacation and my 4yo son to cebu by october. What are the restrictions for us since we don’t want to get vaccinated. From cebu international airport do we have to book a hotel for quaratines that are doh accredited and for how many days? Is it possible to choose our own place to stay while waiting for pcr test? And also does me and my son need a pcr test before we travel to Philippines? And also do we need return ticket or not needed? Hope to hear your response. Thank you

Hi Isabel. Thanks for visiting our blog! The current restriction states that foreign nationals (including Balikbayans) visiting the Philippines without a visa must be vaccinated. Unfortunately, you won’t be allowed entry into the Philippines based on the current rules. The same goes for your 4-year-old son since he will follow the rules that are applicable to you. However, if you will enter the Philippines with a visa or if you have double citizenship (Filipino and American) then it’s possible that you and your son may be allowed entry. We recommend that you contact or visit the Philippine Embassy in your area to see if there are any exemptions applicable to you that will allow you to visit the Philippines. Hope this helps.

Hello hoping to travel to the Philippines but I am unvaccinated are they open for unvaccinated foreign travelers yet?

Hi Mark. You’ll find the answer to that in our post and we’ll continue to update it as rules change.

Please note that on the PAL site ( ) it states that valid return ticket(s) to the original port of origin or next port of destination for not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines is/are required. Since I want to go for 3 months can I assume this is now impossible? Please help

Hi Norman! Thanks for visiting our blog. Tourists entering the Philippines visa-free are allowed to stay for not more than 30 days. Thus, the need for a valid return ticket to your country of origin or your next destination dated not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines. If you want to stay in the Philippines for more than 30 days, you will need to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. You need to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate near you for information on how to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. I hope this helps.

I am a Filipino citizen with Philippine passport and vaccinated, I will be traveling with my family to Philippines – my husband american citizen fully vaccinated, but my 1.5 yrs old son also american citizen and not vaccinated. We are just planning to stay in the Philippines for 1 week just for my son to meet my parents. My question is, will he/we still need to be in quarantine? Thanks

Hi Camille. Thanks for visiting our blog. According to the Philippine’s quarantine rules, children below the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated must follow the quarantine protocols of the parents traveling with them. Since you and your husband are fully vaccinated and do not need to quarantine, your son is not required to quarantine as well. You may also contact the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for more information regarding entry requirements.

I heard the quarantine laws recently changed. I am a US citizen fully vaccinated. I have two questions…

1) Do I still have to quarantine? 2) Will I be admitted with a work visa?

Thanks for visiting our blog. If you are traveling to the Philippines from the United States and fully vaccinated, you still need to quarantine at a government approved facility until the result of a RT-PCR test taken on the 5th day of quarantine is released. If the result is negative, you’ll be allowed to continue the quarantine at home until the 10th day. You can check the post for more details about quarantine rules in the Philippines. Regarding your work visa, if it is valid and existing, then you may be allowed to enter the Philippines. We advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area to get more information and before attempting travel.

Travel to the Philippines My legal wife is an ex-Philippine citizen having been “required” to give it up on becoming a Canadian citizen, more years ago than I’m “allowed to divulge”! I’m a naturalized Canadian citizen originally from the UK, a few years ago shall we say! Am I correct in believing my wife can travel “home” without a pre-authorized but will we granted a “tourist” visa on arrival, and that I may accompany her getting a “balikbyan” visa on arrival?

Vaccine “Combo” Canada considers us “fully” vaccinated against COVID-19 with 1st Dose Pfizer-BioNTech & 2nd Dose Moderna Mrna vaccines, but is this “combo” accepted by the Philippines?

Vaccination-Quarantine I understand that as we are “fully” vaccinated we will be required to “reside” at a hotel for 7 days with a PCR test on Day 5, and if the PCR test is clear we can then shorten the full 14-day period to 10 days? Can the hotel be “of our choice” if that hotel provides such facilities, or are their only “designated” hotels to choose from? At the hotel do we have full access to its facilities such as swimming pool etc if open, or are we “imprisioned” in our rooms for the duration?

Post-Quarantine Travel in the Locale Are there any restrictions for “ALL” in moving around the locale to say attend golf courses if open, and can we travel by public transport. Are there any “AGE” restrictions as we are seniors, although the exact ages are a “closely guarded secret”!

Travel to Provences On arrival into Manila can we “immediately” transfer to the domestic airport for travel to the Provences for quarantine, or do we have to quarantine in Manila before moving on?

Best wishes William & Lourdes

Hello, William and Lourdes, and thank you for visiting our blog. These are important questions you have, and travel restrictions can certainly be confusing, not to mention constantly changing. We are only able to track a limited set of scenarios, which we post for free on the blog. To answer specific questions beyond what’s in our post, we would recommend working with a travel agent to ensure your trip needs are met. We’ll also see where we can better clarify some of the information in our post in the coming days. Best regards.

I would like to get a visitor visa for the Philippines as I plan to marry my fiancé who is a Philippine resident in January 2022. Can you guide me to websites so that the visa process for the Philippines can be simplified if that is possible, or inexpensive visa service for the Philippines? Thank you for any help you can provide me. Anthony

Hi Anthony. Thank you for your question. As we do not have personal experience using a visa service ourselves, we can only recommend doing a web search for “philippines visa services” and checking for recent user reviews. Perhaps one of our other readers will be able to chime in with a suggestion in the future.

Hi – Is there a quarantine exception offered for emergency travel from the U.S. (fully vaccinated) such as caring for sick/dying family member?

Thanks for visiting our blog. We are not aware of emergency exceptions at this time. With the many changing rules, we have to focus on those that apply to the majority of travelers, so a travel agent or visa service that specializes in the Philippines may be more help for specific scenarios or exceptions.

Hi! Fully vaccinated foreign travellers who have been in a green list country for at least 14 days are allowed to enter the Philippines without any problems as long as they quarantine 7 days in an approved facility, right? So for me who live in Italy, the only way I can currently access the Philippines would be to travel to Albania (green list country) right after I get my second dose, stay there 2 weeks and then fly from Albania to the Philippines.

Hi Andrea, thank you for visiting our blog. That is a very good question. The Philippines’ green lane was created to lessen the quarantine period of fully vaccinated individuals who are allowed to enter in the Philippines. Therefore, it is important to determine first if you belong to any of the traveler categories who can enter the Philippines. For foreign citizens, you must have a valid and existing Philippine visa. If without a visa, you must be a former Filipino or a family member traveling with a former Filipino. You can check the complete details of who can enter the Philippines here .

If you are one of those travelers who are allowed to enter, fully vaccinated, and traveling from Albania or any of the countries in the Philippines’ green list, the quarantine period would only be 7 days.

Hi Ailene and thank you for your kind reply. I guess I will need a visa and probably an exemption document which I have now idea how to get and if there are any requirements I don’t think I meet them anyway since the purpose of the trip would be to visit my girlfriend hence why I am considered as a mere tourist.

I’m from Arizona currently looking for a way to travel to the Philippines ASAP to marry my fiance. I have my vaild US passport, however found myself needing a tourist visa with a possible certificate of entry as well..would you recommend going through a travel agency, a family member who is Filipino, or waiting for the covid travel restrictions to be lifted? Point me in the right direction or any vaild news will be greatly appreciated. Thanks & God bless.

Hi Chris. Without a valid and existing visa, you would need to wait for restrictions to change. We’ll be sure to update this post as we get more news. In general, we do recommend working with a travel agent who is familiar with Philippine visas to help navigate the ever-changing travel situation these days.

Chris You and so many others are in the same situation. I am looking into flying my Fiance to another country, (Mexico, Columbia or Costa Rica) Getting married there Then fly back together on a Balikbayan Visa.

Hi! We want to visit Philippines in February. If we are vaccinated with 2 doses do we still need to do a covid test? We need to fill out a form before entering the Philippines? but for Boracay? Thank you!

Hello Cristina! Based on the current Philippine travel rules, a booster is no longer required for entry, therefore, you no longer need to provide a negative Covid test. However, you need to register on the Philippines eTravel website and you can register up to three days in advance of your departure. For Boracay, a filled out tourist arrival form, hotel booking, and passport for foreign tourists are required. You can check details here or you may contact the Aklan government through their Facebook page for additional information.

Hi! I was just wondering, are fully vaccinated senior citizen (60 years and older) coming from Canada allowed to enter Philippines? Are there any travel restriction for their age group? Thanks a lot!

Thanks for visiting our blog. We’ve been focusing on requirements primarily for US citizens, as it can vary by country and it’s a challenge to track all the changes. I would double-check with the Canadian State Department and/or a travel agent for more specific guidance. It’s my understanding that the age group restrictions don’t apply for entering the country but rather for going out and about once there – so far this has only been relevant to Philippine residents and will likely change with local vaccination rates eventually.

Hi, thank you for a really good blog. I am fully vaccinated norwegian man, and I wonder if you know anything about when it will be possible to travel to the Philippines. Cebu is a possible destination. If you dont know, because I think no one can know for sure now, what will be your educated guess. I have a close friend I want to visit there.

I’m glad you’ve found our blog helpful. I wish we had more insight as to when things will open up more. Some countries in Southeast Asia have indicated that they may wait until a majority of their own population is vaccinated, so it really is uncertain. We’ll do our best to provide updates here as they come out.

I am a fully-vaccinated US citizen. Do I understand correctly that I can fly into Cebu with no quarantine requirements? What covid-related requirements would I be subjected to (e.g. tests, etc). Thank you!

Hi James. Thank you for visiting our blog. Travelers flying in directly to Cebu don’t have to quarantine at the hotel, provided that they receive a negative test result conducted immediately upon arrival at the airport. Please note that this is applicable only to permitted foreign nationals. We recommend that you contact the local government of Cebu or the Cebu-Mactan International Airport for complete details and requirements. Also, as of today, only US citizens with visa, US citizens who are former Filipinos, and US citizens who are family members and traveling with a Filipino citizen or former Filipino are allowed entry in the Philippines. Please see the Philippine Bureau of Immigration page for complete details. It is also advisable to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.

My daughter was born in Manila in 2020. What do i need to do to get to the philippines? The philippines embassy in los angelas doesn’t replay to my emails and nobody picks up the phones. please help

Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. If you’re not able to find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.

I’m from Canada and I’m also a citizen here. I don’t understand why United States citizen foreigners are allowed in the Philippines but not Canadians when their country is much worse with the current situation with the covid virus. Or are Canadians allowed also? Thank you.

Hello and thanks for visiting our blog. Because the majority of our blog readers are from the US and rules do vary by country and change frequently, we have chosen to focus on restrictions for Americans in this particular post. This does not mean other nationalities are excluded from entering the Philippines. I would suggest checking the Canadian State Department website for details that apply to your home country.

Thanks for all the info! Hoping to head to the Philippines December of this year, of course plans are put on hold until then.

I’m planning a trip in August. Do you think the borders will be reopened? If so, I want to go to Iloilo directly, can I quarantine there instead of Manilla even though I have a 1h change (stopover because of a direct flight with terminal as Iloilo) of plane there? Thank you

Hi. Thanks for visiting our blog. We do our best to keep this post updated as things change, but we don’t have any special insight as to when changes will happen in the future. For advice on specific trip questions that you can’t find in our post, we recommend seeking a professional travel agent. Safe travels.

My American boyfriend planning to come and meet me this coming month of July. He should get a visa in US before coming here in the Philippines or he could get a visa when he landed here in the Philippines then? His destination will be in Kalibo, Aklan. Any idea about the protocols travelling to Kalibo, Aklan? And if he need to be quarantine for 14 days? He’s already fully vaccinated with Moderna vaccine. He is also tested in Covid and had a negative results. Thank you.

Thank you for visiting our blog. Traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic so he would need to arrange a visa before traveling. You can find details on the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page . Please note that we are not able to advise travelers regarding specific situations outside of the free information we already provide above. If you’re not able to find answers for your particular trip in our post, we recommend working with a professional travel agent to ensure your personal trip needs are met.


Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. I hope you’ll find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above. If you need further assistance, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.

i don’t know how accurate your info is as i work with a filipino here in the US and he watches Philip news online and told me that if you fly into Cebu which is where i go not Manila that you get a temp check at the airport and only have to quarantine for 1 day not 14 like u said, also can you answer this question. I being a American and traveling with a passport the bureau of philippines website said if your traveling to the PI for less then 30 days you don]t need a tourist visa just your passport…any truth to that?? Thanks

Hi Will. As a general rule, a mandatory quarantine of 7-14 days is required for persons traveling to the Philippines. In the Province of Cebu, it is true that quarantine is no longer a requirement as of March 31, 2021. However, this is only for repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and returning non-OFWs. You can visit the Cebu Provincial Tourism Office page for more information about this.

About traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic. Please check the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page for information and updates on who are allowed entry into the Philippines at this time.

Thank you so much for the information, that helps a lot….can’t wait to be there, but I know it may get delayed again. Just as long as everyone is safe and protected I can wait. I love the Philippine people, such beautiful souls.

I have rescheduled my trip from USA Arizona to Lapu-Lapu city where I will be staying with my friend who lives there this coming August….4th time rebooking since COVID. I will be there for 3 weeks. I have my COVID vaccination already and got a Hepatitis A vaccine. Do you know what other vaccines are required? Also, will I need to get a Visa since I am on a limited stay? Been trying to get there since last May, but want to be safe for everyone there. I am so looking forward to being with my friend this has been 2 years in the making. Thank you for any information you can give.

Hi Kenneth. I hope your trip will finally come to fruition. As you know, it’s still a difficult time to plan travel and the situation continues to change month to month. According to the State Department, U.S. citizens must have a visa to enter the Philippines for all travel purposes. The best place to find vaccination requirements and recommendations would be through the CDC:

I am a Physician in Mexico with a Philippine wife. She is returning there on May 2. I am wondering what I need to travel only to Manilla in June or July only to accompany her back to Mexico. I would have no problem staying at motel around Manila for the approximately 30 days that I will be there. Any help on this ?

Hello and thanks for visiting the blog. Your ability to enter the Philippines as the spouse of a Filippino citizen in June/July will depend on whether the suspension is lifted for foreign nationals. We will do our best to update this post as the situation changes. Please refer to our post for other protocols and recommended hotels for quarantine in Manila. For further assistance, you may wish to work with a travel agent.

Planning to come home to the Philippines on May from a very long time (1982) since I left PI.. I am now a Us Passport holder, am I qualified as a Philippine balikbayan? Do I need to get a Philippine visa? Is my husband the same?

Hi Nimfa. Thanks for visiting our blog! Under the Philippines Balikbayan Program , you are considered a “balikbayan”. You can visit the Philippines and stay for 1 year without a visa. Your husband can also get the same privilege as long as he is traveling with you.

However, please take note that traveling to the Philippines has been recently suspended until April 19, 2021. Check our blog for updates on who will be allowed entry in May. We also advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.

With vaccines starting to arrive in PI and some places starting to make roll out plans- Any idea when tourist visas will start to be processed again and citizens will be able to take a trips out of PI?

Hi Dan. Thank you for your question, but I’m afraid we don’t have any special insight about when the Philippines will make changes to travel protocols.

i am now in the us, i left manila last march and coming back in april, do i still need to book a hotel for quarantine? most articles i see are for ofw’s and balikbayans.

also, do you know kung sino sasagot ng food ng magku-quarantine? coz hindi makakalabas yun tao to buy food and water. just wondering.

Hi Cher. Yes, you still need a confirmed booking at any accredited quarantine hotel in Metro Manila for at least 7 days (or 6 nights) from the date of your arrival. This is to accommodate the schedule of your RT-PCR test (which will be on the 5th day) and the release of the result. Your food during your stay at the hotel will be at your own expense. You may also have food from outside the hotel delivered to your room, but you need to check with the rules and regulations of the hotel first if it is allowed.

You may check the Philippine Airlines or the Philippines Travel website for the complete guidelines. I hope this helps.

Hello Is there a list of the hotels like in Manila or Subic that might be quarantine hotels and what the costs would be for the 14 day duration. .

Hi Bob. The current list of accredited hotels by the Bureau of Quarantine can be found here: You would need to look up the costs for individual hotels that interest you.

What is the best website to get Current travel updates for traveling to the Philippines this spring if possible.

Hi and thanks for visiting our blog. We are doing our best to update this post on a weekly basis with current information about travel to the Philippines. Your home country’s State Department website is probably the most reliable source. To get an official answer for your Spring travel, you can contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate (if in the United States).

The Philippine Airlines website is the most up to date regarding travel restrictions.

If one has had a coronavirus vaccine in the US, can one come to the Philippines without the need to quarantine and have the Covid test? I should have my second round of the Moderna vaccine on March 4th. Could I travel to the Philippines shortly after that time if I have a card proving that I had the vaccine?

That is a good question and I think many are wondering the same thing about other destinations as well. We can’t predict when the Philippines will reopen to travelers, nor what they will choose to require in terms of vaccines. From what I’ve read, I would guess that most destinations will continue to require a Covid test regardless of the vaccine since the timeline for immunity after vaccination is still uncertain.

I look forward to the country opening again. It is certainly one of my favorites!

Can I book myself on June or July to go to manila since they ( Department of Tourism ) mencioned that they will reopen the country for international tourism around June so ????

Hi Ricardo. We cannot predict if you’ll be able to fly into Manila at that time. What we personally are doing is making sure any flight we book is fully refundable, or can at least be changed to a later date without change fees if travel is not allowed for our original flight date. This will depend on the particular airline’s terms and conditions.

Do you know when is the date or anything that the Philippine government is gonna let foreigners for tourism cause I’ve been planning this trip for a year and its getting the people so angry that we cant go to the Philippines and nobody can give me a straight up answer.

Hi Clint. Thanks for your question. We know how frustrating it can be to have travel plans up in the air. Unfortunately, most countries do not have set dates for opening tourism yet because so much depends on ever-changing situations, both domestically and internationally.

Covid is spreading rapidly and nobody is vaccinated there stay home and keep you and the Philippines safer

The Philippines has no intention of opening up to tourism any time soon. The president has said that when the country is between 70 to 80 percent vaccinated it will reopen the country it currently is at 19%. So if you want to take a vacation start thinking of an alternative destination or your going to be waiting for at least a year.

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Covid-19: Rules for entering the Philippines valid from February 10, 2022


Switzerland and the Philippines


Local news, 08.02.2022

For more details, please refer to Resolution No. 160-B of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

 Covid-19: Rules for entry into the Philippines valid as of 10 February 2022

As of February 10, 2022, foreign nationals traveling to the Philippines for business and tourism purposes may enter the Philippines without visas, provided:

  • they are a citizen/national of the countries entitled to a stay not exceeding thirty (30) days ( Advisory Bureau of Immigration, Annex A );
  • they are fully vaccinated;
  • they carry/possess an acceptable proof of vaccination according to the competent Philippine authority’s requirements;
  • they present a negative RT-PCR test taken within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/first port of embarkation in a continuous travel to the Philippines;
  • have valid tickets for their return journey to the port of origin or next port of destination not later than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines;
  • have passports valid for a period of at least six (6) months at the time of arrival to the Philippines; and
  • obtain, prior to arrival, a travel insurance for COVID-19 treatment costs from reputed insurers, with a minimum coverage of USD 35,000.00 for the duration of their stay in the Philippines.

For more details, please refer to Resolution No. 160-B of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Visa-free foreign nationals who fail to fully comply with the conditions and requisites set above shall be denied admission into the country and shall be subject to the appropriate exclusion proceedings.

For further information and updates, please consult any available information by the Philippine Government, for instance the website of the Bureau of Immigration BI, BI Facebook page or the Embassy of the Philippines in Bern .

For reasons of competence, the Embassy of Switzerland in Manila assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of any information relating to the entry into the Philippines.

Start of page Last update 14.10.2021


Category: Guide

Updated covid-19 travel requirements to the philippines in 2022.

WhatALife Contributor

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travel requirements philippines covid

Planning to travel to one of Asia’s best tropical destination? Here are the basic COVID-19 travel requirements you need to visit the Philippines in 2022.

Due to various strains of COVID-19, the Embassy of the Philippines released updated guidelines for Non-OFW and Foreign Nationals planning to visit or stay here in the Philippines as the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) released Resolution 159 dated January 27 of 2022 and Resolution 160-B dated February 3 of 2022.

Foreign nationals that are fully vaccinated from non-visa required countries and foreign nationals with valid visas and entry exemption documents shall be allowed to travel to the Philippines only if they comply with the following requirements: 

  • Passports that are valid for at least six (6) months at the time of arrival.
  • Return and outbound ticket for their country of origin or next country destination;
  • 1. World Health Organization International Certificates of Vaccination and Prophylaxis;
  • 2. VaxCertPH; or
  • 3. National/State digital certificate of the foreign government which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement (unless otherwise permitted by the IATF); (See the list of accepted, recognized vaccination certificates in the next section.)
  • Negative Reverse Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test  taken within forty-eight hours (48Hrs) prior to departure from the country of origin.
  • Register at  at least three (3) days prior to departure to get a QR Code.

Read: TRAVEL GUIDE: How to get your One Health Pass QR Code

Upon arrival at the airport, submit your One Health Pass QR Code and vaccination card to the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) personnel for validation.  No quarantine is needed  but self-monitor for any COVID-19 sign or symptom for seven (7) days. In addition, if you exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, immediately inform your hotel or accommodation to coordinate with the local authorities in the area.

List of Countries/Territories/Jurisdictions With Accepted Recognized Vaccination Certificates

  • Brunei Darussalam
  • The British Virgin Islands
  • Czech Republic
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • New Zealand
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Republic of Korea
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Switzerland
  • The Netherlands
  • Timor-Leste
  • United Kingdom
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States of America

There are also different COVID-19 restrictions you need to follow in different locations in the country. This is because of the different IAFT Alert Levels updated every fortnight. As of writing, the latest Alert Level update is for March 1 to 15, 2022 .

These are the basic travel requirements in the Philippines during COVID in 2022. We will also be adding new blogs related to updated travel requirements for different destinations around the country. So, stay tuned and happy travels! – WhatALife!

Sources: ( ), ( )

Also Read: Planning to travel in CdeO? Here are the basic travel requirements you need to kno w

travel agency requirements philippines 2022

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Malacañang approves further easing of Philippine travel requirements

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Malacañang approves further easing of Philippine travel requirements

TRAVEL. In this file photo, balikbayans arrive at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang has approved the recommendation by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) to further ease travel restrictions for people entering the Philippines.

Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, via orders from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., issued a memorandum on Friday, October 28, approving the IATF resolution released on October 4.

The IATF is composed of representatives from several government agencies, and is tasked with managing the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.

The IATF’s Resolution No. 2 (series of 2022) states that fully vaccinated travelers need not test prior to traveling. A person is fully vaccinated when they have completed a two-dose series or a single dose COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before leaving to travel to the Philippines.

Proof of vaccination includes a World Health Organization International Certificate of Vaccinations of Prophylaxis VaxCertPH, a vaccination certificate from a foreign government, and other proofs of vaccination.

For the unvaccinated, or those whose vaccination status cannot be validated, the requirements are:

  • For those 15 years and older (whether Filipino or a foreign national), a negative rapid antigen test result from a laboratory and administered by a health professional – which means self-tests aren’t allowed. The test must be taken within 24 hours of departure from their country of origin.
  • For travelers 15 and above who did not take a pre-departure antigen test, they must undergo an antigen test upon arrival at the airport. The test must be administered and certified by a healthcare professional and should be laboratory-based.
  • Unvaccinated minors accompanied by adults will follow the quarantine protocols of their parents or the adults accompanying them.
  • Unvaccinated minors travelling solo are required to take pre-departure laboratory-based antigen exams or take one upon arrival at the airport.

Travelers who end up testing positive for COVID-19 in the antigen test will undergo quarantine procedures as specified by the Philippines’ health department.

The Philippines has long waived testing requirements for fully-vaccinated foreign nationals but required a negative RT-PCR test results for unvaccinated foreign travelers .

Pandemic protocols have eased rapidly in the first months of the Marcos administration. The President recently signed an order that made mask-wearing optional both indoors and outdoors. –

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Travel Advisory July 24, 2023

Philippines - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise increased caution to the Philippines due to  crime, terrorism, civil unrest, and kidnapping.  Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do Not Travel to:

  • The Sulu Archipelago, including the southern Sulu Sea, due to  crime, terrorism, civil unrest,  and  kidnapping .
  • Marawi City in Mindanao due to  terrorism  and  civil unrest .

Reconsider Travel to:

  • Other areas of Mindanao due to  crime, terrorism, civil unrest,  and  kidnapping .

Country Summary : Terrorist and armed groups continue plotting possible kidnappings, bombings, and other attacks in the Philippines. Terrorist and armed groups may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities. The Philippine government has declared a “State of National Emergency on Account of Lawless Violence in Mindanao.”

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to the Philippines.

If you decide to travel to the Philippines:

  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Avoid demonstrations. 
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.   
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .   
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for the Philippines.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

The Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist and armed groups continue to conduct kidnappings on land and at sea for ransom, bombings, and other attacks targeting U.S. citizens, foreigners, civilians, local government institutions, and security forces.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in the Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea as U.S. government employees must obtain special authorization to travel to those areas.

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Marawi City in Mindanao – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Civilians are at risk of death or injury due to conflict between remnants of terrorist groups and Philippine security forces in Marawi.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Mindanao as U.S. government employees must obtain special authorization to travel there.

Mindanao – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

The Philippine government maintains a state of emergency and greater police presence in the Cotabato City area, and in the Maguindanao, North Cotabato, and Sultan Kudarat provinces.

Terrorist and armed groups continue to conduct kidnappings, bombings, and other attacks targeting U.S. citizens, foreigners, civilians, local government institutions, and security forces.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Sufficient space for an entry visa stamp.

No (for tourist travel under 30 days).

Required for travelers from countries with yellow fever.

50,000 pesos/$10,000.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy manila.

1201 Roxas Boulevard Manila, Philippines 1000 Telephone: + (63) (2) 5301-2000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: + (63) (2) 5301-2000  Fax: +  (63) (2) 5301-2017 Email:   [email protected]

U.S. Consular Agency - Cebu City Ground Level, Waterfront Hotel Salinas Drive Lahug, Cebu City Philippines 6000 Telephone:  + (63) (32) 231-1261 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila: + (63) (2) 301-2000  Fax: +(63) (32) 231-0174 Email:   [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Philippines for information on U.S.-Philippines relations. 

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Visit the website of the  Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines  in Washington, D.C., for the most current visa information.

If you remain in the Philippines beyond the “admit until” date stamped in your passport by immigration authorities, you may be subject to fines and detention by the  Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI).

Certain foreigners must apply for an  Emigration Clearance Certificate  (ECC) from BI before they may depart the Philippines.

See the Philippine Bureau of Immigration  (BI)'s website for information about Philippine visas, exit clearances, and Alien Certificate Registration (ACR). 

See the  Philippine Retirement Authority  (PRA)'s website for information about the Special Retiree Resident Visa (SRRV).  

U.S. citizens who intend to work in the Philippines should contact the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for information.

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors or foreign residents of the Philippines. 

We advise all U.S. citizens against traveling with potentially prohibited items, such as firearms, on their person or in their checked baggage. While at the airport or traveling in country, possession of prohibited items such as live or spent ammunition or firearms, or anything resembling such items -- whether it be a souvenir, gift, or artifact – may subject the traveler to prosecution and stringent penalties by local authorities.  Learn more about how to avoid problems when traveling abroad with firearms.

Check with your airline to determine whether a particular item is allowed for transport, as well as with the appropriate authorities in the Philippines – such as the  Philippine National Police  and  Bureau of Immigration  – as well as the appropriate authorities in any transit countries.

You can find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our website.

Safety and Security

Terrorism:  Terrorist groups, and those inspired by such organizations, are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less-sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to target crowds more effectively. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights)

U.S. citizens should remain alert to the potential for explosions and bombings as part of pre-planned attacks, as well as the threat of kidnapping.

Terrorist and armed groups continue plotting possible kidnappings, bombings, and other attacks in the Philippines. Terrorist and armed groups may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities.

The Philippine government has declared a “State of National Emergency on Account of Lawless Violence in Mindanao.” On August 24, 2020, dual suicide bombings in Jolo, Sulu, Mindanao, killed 15 people and injured 77 others.

For more information, please visit our website  here .

Crime:  Confidence games (con games), pickpocketing, Internet scams, and credit/ATM card fraud are common. Be wary of unknown individuals who attempt to befriend you, especially just after you arrive in country. Do not accept food, drinks, or rides in private vehicles from strangers, even if they appear to be legitimate. Solo travelers have been drugged and robbed by strangers after accepting an invitation to visit a tourist destination.

Kidnappings, physical assaults, murder-for-hire, and other violent crimes occur in the Philippines. Philippine government law enforcement agencies are engaged in a nationwide counter-narcotics campaign that has resulted in a sharp increase in violence between police and individuals suspected of involvement in the drug trade. As part of this campaign, law enforcement is engaged in aggressive search and buy-bust operations that could affect foreigners.

Taxis or ride-sharing applications are the recommended form of public transportation. However, taxi drivers and/or individuals using stolen taxi cabs have committed robberies. Ask the hotel, restaurant, and/or business establishment to call a reliable taxi service for you.

  • Do not enter a taxi if it has already accepted another passenger.
  • Request that the taxi driver use the meter to record your fare.
  • Wait for another cab if the driver is unwilling to comply with these requests.
  • Make a mental note of the license plate number of your taxi, or text it to someone, should there be a problem.

When driving in the city, make certain that vehicle doors are locked and windows are rolled up.

Travelers have been stopped and robbed shortly after leaving Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport in a taxi or private vehicle. 

One common form of credit/ATM card fraud involves an illicit electronic device attached to ATM card readers that retrieves and records information, including the PIN, from a card's magnetic strip. Refer to the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) website for more  information .

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the FBI pages for information on scams.

Internet romance and financial scams are prevalent in the Philippines. Scams are often initiated through Internet postings/profiles or by unsolicited emails and letters. Scammers almost always pose as U.S. citizens who have no one else to turn to for help. Common scams include:

  • Romance/online dating
  • Money transfers
  • Lucrative sales
  • Gold purchase
  • Contracts with promises of large commissions
  • Grandparent/relative targeting
  • Free trip/luggage
  • nheritance notices
  • Work permits/job offers
  • Bank overpayments

Victims of Crime:   U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance.

Report crimes to the local police at the 911 hotline and contact the U.S. Embassy at +(63)(2) 5301-2000. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care.
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent.
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion.
  • Provide a list of local attorneys.
  • Provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution.
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home.
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport.

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism:   Please check with the  Philippine Department of Tourism  before traveling. The safety standards you might expect of transport and tour operators, including adventure activities such as diving, are not always met. Sufficient safety equipment may not be provided, and recommended maintenance standards and safety precautions may not be observed. Always use available safety equipment, such as lifejackets or seatbelts, even if others do not. If appropriate safety equipment is not available, use another provider. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout the country. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . If you are planning to dive, the  Diver’s Alert Network (DAN)  provides information on diving accident management. 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

The judicial process in the Philippines typically is lengthy, extending for years rather than weeks or months, and individuals charged with a crime can be held in indefinite pre-trial detention as their case makes its way through the judicial system. Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in the Philippines are severe.

Convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.

If a traveler is found to have any amount of drugs on his or her person, or nearby, when arriving or departing from the Philippines, he or she will be charged with trafficking. Trafficking is a non-bailable charge, and the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. If you intend to enter the Philippines with a prescribed controlled substance (e.g., medical marijuana), obtain clearance from the Philippine government first. 

Since June 2016, Philippine authorities have conducted a public campaign against illegal drugs. This has resulted in armed confrontations between authorities and suspected drug dealers and users.

Always carry a copy of your passport in the event that you are asked about your citizenship. You may be questioned by authorities if you take pictures of certain buildings, especially government buildings or military installations. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs could land you immediately in jail.

The Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI) may consider the participation of foreigners in demonstrations or political rallies in the Philippines to be a violation of the terms of admission. Foreign nationals who participate in demonstrations, political rallies, or other activity deemed anti-government in nature may be detained and deported for violating Philippine immigration laws.

In the Philippines, any adult in the company of a minor under 12 years old who is not related within the “fourth degree” may be subject to a severe penalty. U.S. citizens should be aware of this law both to avoid unlawful behavior and to protect themselves against potentially frivolous accusations.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website for more information.

Faith-Based Travelers:  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers: There is no prohibition on entry into the Philippines by LGBTQI+ individuals. Transgender travelers should be aware that immigration officials may require supporting documents if the gender in the traveler’s passport does not reflect the gender expression of a transgender person. According to Philippine law, an individual’s sex must match that assigned at birth as reflected on the official birth certificate, even in cases of post-operative sex reassignment.

Same-sex relationships are not illegal in the Philippines, but they lack legal recognition. No federal law prohibits discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals. Several cities, however, have passed local ordinances protecting LGBTQI+ rights. Despite these legislative efforts, LGBTQI+ individuals continue to face discrimination and harassment.

See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights Report  for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities:  Streets, buildings, and public transportation may lack facilities for persons with disabilities. Most public buildings are inaccessible to persons with physical disabilities or mobility impairments.  Government efforts to improve access to transportation for persons with disabilities are limited due to weak implementing regulations.

There are local stores in the Philippines for durable medical equipment (DME) and some pharmacies also carry limited medical supplies and equipment.

  • For information regarding disability laws, please visit the Philippines National Council on Disability Affairs website.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

For emergency services in the Philippines, dial 911.

Ambulance services are not widely available, and training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards. Not all ambulances are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.  For more information about TRICARE medical services overseas (a health care program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families), including possible vaccinations, please visit their Tricare-overseas website . 

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See  our webpage  for more information on insurance overseas. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the Philippine Bureau of Customs to ensure the medication is legal in the Philippines.

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Air Quality: Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a  list of doctors and hospitals  in the Philippines. We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Health facilities in general:

  • Adequate health facilities are available throughout the country but health care in rural areas may be below U.S. standards.
  • Public medical clinics lack basic resources and supplies.
  • Hospitals and doctors often require payment “up front” prior to service or admission.
  • Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.
  • Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions.
  • Hospitals usually require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before admitting a patient.  
  • U.S. citizens have lodged a large number of complaints about unethical business practices, prices, and collection measures against some of the  hospitals in the Philippines. Travelers should make efforts to obtain complete information on billing, pricing, and proposed medical procedures before agreeing to any medical care.  
  • Be aware that some hotels or resorts may have exclusive agreements with medical providers, which may limit your choices in seeking emergency medical attention. 
  • Medical staff may speak little or no English. 
  • Generally, in public hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight in non-emergency wards. Consider hiring a private nurse or having family spend the night with the patient, especially a minor child.

Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery:

  • U.S. citizens have suffered serious complications or died during or after having cosmetic or other elective surgery.
  • Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry. People seeking health care overseas should understand that medical systems operate differently from those in the United States and are not subject to the same rules and regulations. Anyone interested in traveling for medical purposes should consult with their local physician before traveling and visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for more information on medical tourism.
  • We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation in the event of unforeseen medical complications.
  • Your legal options in case of malpractice are very limited in the Philippines.
  • Although the Philippines has many elective/cosmetic surgery facilities that are on par with those found in the United States, the quality of care varies widely. If you plan to undergo surgery in the Philippines, make sure that emergency medical facilities are available and professionals are accredited and qualified. 


  • Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with few controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication to the United States. Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States. Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States. Please visit the  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  and the  Food and Drug Administration  websites for more information.

Water Quality:

In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe, although you should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

Adventure Travel:

  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about  Adventure Travel .

The following diseases are prevalent:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Chikungunya
  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about  Resources for Travelers  regarding specific issues in the Philippines.

Air Quality:

  • Air pollution is a significant problem in several major cities in the Philippines. Consider the impact seasonal smog and heavy particulate pollution may have on you and consult your doctor before traveling if necessary.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Vehicle traffic is dense and unpredictable. The road system is frequently congested, and drivers are often undisciplined. Consider the risks of driving your own vehicle if you are not used to Philippine road conditions. Avoid driving off the national highways and other paved roads, especially at night. Be extra vigilant when crossing the street. Do not expect vehicles to stop.

Traffic Laws:  If you are involved in an accident, contact the local police, and attempt to stay inside your car until the police arrive before engaging with the other driver. Do not attempt to negotiate with drivers until police arrive. Drivers often ignore or do not yield to emergency vehicles, which may delay their arrival to the scene of an accident.

Always have a valid driver’s license and relevant documents with you when driving. Please review the following notices circulated by the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) to avoid scams and requests for bribes from apprehending officers:  List of Traffic Violations and Penalties,  No Contact Traffic Apprehension Policy,   and Procedure in Settling Traffic Violations  The MMDA also publishes guidelines on  what to do during vehicular accidents . 

Public Transportation:  Exercise caution while traveling by inter-island ferryboats or other public transportation. Avoid overcrowded or unsafe transport. There have been 19 major inter-island ferryboat accidents since 2012, two with significant loss of life. U.S. government employees are advised not to use inter-island ferry boat services unless they are the only means of transportation available. There have also been a series of bus accidents due to poor bus maintenance or driver error. While taxis are the recommended form of public transportation, there have been safety issues using taxis. Please refer to our Safety and Security section for more information.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Visit the  Philippine Department of Tourism website , the national authority responsible for road safety.

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of the Philippine’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of the Philippine’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page.

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to the Philippines should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the  U.S. Coast Guard homeport website  and the  NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Philippines . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, philippines map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


Antigua and Barbuda

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba

Bosnia and Herzegovina

British Virgin Islands

Burkina Faso

Burma (Myanmar)

Cayman Islands

Central African Republic

Cote d Ivoire


Czech Republic

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dominican Republic

El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea

Eswatini (Swaziland)

Falkland Islands

France (includes Monaco)

French Guiana

French Polynesia

French West Indies

Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Martin, and Saint Barthélemy (French West Indies)


Isle of Man

Israel, The West Bank and Gaza


Marshall Islands


New Caledonia

New Zealand

North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

Papua New Guinea

Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of the Congo

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia

Sierra Leone

Sint Maarten

Solomon Islands

South Africa

South Korea

South Sudan


The Bahamas


Trinidad and Tobago


Turks and Caicos Islands

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

Vatican City (Holy See)

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PHILIPPINE ENTRY & QUARANTINE REQUIREMENTS (Filipinos & Foreigners, Vaccinated & Unvaccinated)

PHILIPPINE ENTRY & QUARANTINE REQUIREMENTS (Filipinos & Foreigners, Vaccinated & Unvaccinated)

By continuing to read this article, you agree to double check with the authorities or other concerned entities for the latest updates.

‼️ This post was last updated in February 2022. For a more updated list of requirements and protocols, PAL has created a neat summary on their website here .

Effective FEBRUARY 2022, changes to the entry process and quarantine protocols for international flight passengers arriving in the Philippines (including the Ninoy Aquino International Airport or NAIA, Clark International Airport, and Mactan Cebu International Airport) will be implemented, following the latest resolution by the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID Resolution No. 159 – S. 2022).

The requirements and protocols vary depending on your vaccination status. Passengers are classified into two types:

  • FULLY VACCINATED. You’re considered “fully vaccinated” if it has been at least 14 days since you received your second jab of a two-dose vaccine (or your only shot of a one-dose vaccine), and your vaccination status can be verified independently by Philippine authorities upon arrival.
  • NON-FULLY VACCINATED. This includes those who are completely UNVACCINATED or PARTIALLY VACCINATED. If your vaccination status CANNOT be independently validated by the authorities, you’ll be required to follow protocol for NON-fully vaccinated.

If you’re traveling with children below 12 years old who cannot be vaccinated: the testing and quarantine protocol of the accompanying parent or guardian shall apply. (As of December 2021, minors 3 years and below with no symptoms are exempted from taking the RT-PCR test or presenting a negative RT-PCR test result. If minor 3 and below has symptoms, the usual testing and quarantine protocol shall apply.)

The color coding of countries of origin of international travelers is temporarily suspended. Previously, countries and territories are categorized into RED, GREEN and YELLOW, depending on the local COVID-19 situation, but that will no longer be applied.

Here are the entry requirements and protocol for international passengers arriving in the Philippines. Note that this post only covers items that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Other immigration and customs requirements still apply and must be met.

❗️ Keep in mind that because policies change quickly, frequently and erratically, it is still best contact the authorities directly for the most updated list.


For Fully Vaccinated

  • Present Negative RT-PCR test result taken within 48 hours before departure OR negative antigen test taken within 24 hours before departure.
  • Present proof of full vaccination. See list of acceptable documents below.
  • NO hotel quarantine needed
  • Self-monitor for symptoms until DAY 7 from arrival

These are on top of other Immigration and Customs requirements that may apply to you.

For Non-Vaccinated, Partially Vaccinated, Unverifiable Vaccination Status

  • Undergo hotel quarantine until release of negative swab test result. Here are your options: List of Accredited Quarantine Hotels!
  • Take swab test on DAY 5.
  • Self-monitor for symptoms at home until DAY 14 from arrival

Additional Requirements for Foreigners

Effective 10 FEBRUARY 2022. Resolution No. 160-B, s-2022.

For Foreigners Entering Visa-Free

These may refer to former Filipino citizens who have Balikbayan privelege under Republic Act No. 9174, provided they are not restricted nationals OR nationals of the countries below who are entitled to a stay not longer than 30 days (Executive Order 408, S. 1960, as amended):

1. Andorra 2. Angola 3. Antigua and Barbuda 4. Argentina 5. Australia 6. Austria 7. Bahamas 8. Bahrain 9. Barbados 10. Belgium 11. Belize 12. Benin 13. Bhutan 14. Bolivia 15. Botswana 16. Brazil 17. Brunei Darussalam 18. Bulgaria 19. Burkina Faso 20. Burundi 21. Cambodia 22. Cameroon 23. Canada 24. Cape Verde 25. Central African Republic 26. Chad 27. Chile 28. Colombia 29. Comoros 30. Congo 31. Costa Rica 32. Cote d’Ivoire 33. Croatia 34. Cyprus 35. Czech Republic 36. Democratic Republic of the Congo 37. Denmark 38. Djibouti 39. Dominica 40. Dominican Republic 41. Ecuador 42. El Salvador 43. Equatorial Guinea 44. Eritrea 45. Estonia 46. Ethiopia 47. Fiji 48. Finland 49. France 50. Gabon 51. Gambia 52. Germany 53. Ghana 54. Greece 55. Grenada 56. Guatemala 57. Guinea 58. Guinea Bissau 59. Guyana 60. Haiti 61. Honduras 62. Hungary 63. Iceland 64. Indonesia 65. Ireland 66. Israel 67. Italy 68. Jamaica 69. Japan 70. Kazakhstan 71. Kenya 72. Kiribati 73. Kuwait 74. Kyrgyzstan 75. Lao PDR 76. Latvia 77. Lesotho 78. Liberia 79. Liechtenstein 80. Lithuania 81. Luxembourg 82. Madagascar 83. Malawi 84. Malaysia 85. Maldives 86. Mali 87. Malta 88. Marshall Islands 89. Mauritania 90. Mauritius 91. Mexico 92. Micronesia 93. Monaco 94. Mongolia 95. Morocco 96. Mozambique 97. Myanmar 98. Namibia 99. Nepal 100. Netherlands 101. New Zealand 102. Nicaragua 103. Niger 104. Norway 105. Oman 106. Palau 107. Panama 108. Papua New Guinea 109. Paraguay 110. Peru 111. Poland 112. Portugal 113. Qatar 114. Republic of Korea 115. Romania 116. Russia 117. Rwanda 118. Saint Kitts and Nevis 119. Saint Lucia 120. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 121. Samoa 122. San Marino 123. Sao Tome and Principe 124. Saudi Arabia 125. Senegal 126. Seychelles 127. Singapore 128. Slovakia 129. Slovenia 130. Solomon Islands 131. South Africa 132. Spain 133. Suriname 134. Swaziland 135. Sweden 136. Switzerland 137. Tajikistan 138. Thailand 139. Togo 140. Trinidad and Tobago 141. Tunisia 142. Turkey 143. Turkmenistan 144. Tuvalu 145. Uganda 146. UAE 147. UK and Northern Ireland 148. Tanzania 149. USA 150. Uruguay 151. Uzbekistan 152. Vanuatu 153. Vatican 154. Venezuela 155. Vietnam 156. Zambia 157. Zimbabwe

Here are the requirements:

  • Must be fully vaccinated , except for minor children under 12 years of age traveling with fully vaccinated foreign parent.
  • Valid proof of vaccination . Authorities must be able to independently verify this. See list below.
  • Negative RT-PCR test result taken within 48 hours before departure from country of origin OR Negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours before departure from country of origin (or first port of embarkation if on a continuous journey to the Philippines excluding layovers provided that passenger has not been admitted into another country or has not left the airport premises).
  • Return or onward ticket , dated not beyond 30 days from date of arrival in the Philippines
  • Passport , with at least six months validity from arrival time in the Philippines
  • Travel insurance for COVID-19 treatment from a reputable insurance company, with coverage of USD 35,000 minimum for the duration of your stay in the country

NO facility- or hotel-based quarantine , but shall self-monitor for symptoms for 7 days from the date of arrival.

Visa-free foreigners who fail to fully comply with all the requirements shall be denied entry into the country and be subject to exclusion proceedings.

For Foreign Children Traveling with Filipino Nationals

  • For NON-fully vaccinated foreign children under 12 years of age accompanied by their Filipino parent , the entry, quarantine, and testing protocols that apply to their accompanying Filipino parent shall be followed.
  • For foreign children from ages 12 to 17 accompanied by their Filipino parent, the quarantine, and testing protocols that apply to their vaccination status (i.e. fully vaccinated or non-fully vaccinated) shall be followed. When facility-based quarantine is required, the unvaccinated children shall be accompanied by either foreign or Filipino parents during their quarantine.

Immigration and customs policies also apply.

For Foreigners Entering Through 9(a) Visa

Foreign nationals from visa-required countries or restricted foreign nationals may enter the Philippines through an entry exemption document (EED) issued provided that ALL these requirements are met:

  • Full vaccination status (except children below 12 years old)
  • Valid proof of vaccination (see list below)
  • Negative RT-PCR test result taken within forty-eight (48) hours before departure from the country of origin OR Negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours before departure from country of origin (or first port of embarkation in a continuous journey excluding lay-overs provided that they have not been admitted into another country and have not left the airport premises during the layover)

If all conditions are met, NO facility-based quarantine is required, but shall self-monitor for symptoms for 7 days from the date of arrival.

However, foreign nationals who fail to present an acceptable proof of vaccination shall be required to undergo hotel-based quarantine until a negative test result, taken on Day 5, is released. Then, they shall undergo home quarantine until Day 14.

For Foreigners with Other Visa Types

  • Fully vaccinated foreign nationals who are holding valid and existing visas other than 9(a) visas may be allowed entry provided that they present proof of vaccination. No facility-based quarantine is required but 7-day self-monitoring for symptoms apply.
  • NON-fully vaccinated foreign nationals shall be denied entry into the country and be subject to appropriate exclusion proceedings.

Foreign nationals who fail to provide a valid or acceptable proof of vaccination shall be required to undergo facility-based quarantine until the release of a negative result of RT-PCR test taken on DAY 5. They shall also be required to undergo home quarantine until DAY 14.

Accepted Proof of Vaccination

To prove your vaccination status, present any of the following:

  • VaxCertPH . Here’s how to get one!
  • International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICV) , issued by the Bureau of Quarantine and World Health Organization. Read: How to Get an International Certificate of Vaccination from BOQ.
  • National or state certificate from the foreign government accepting VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement (unless otherwise specified by IATF)
  • Other proofs of vaccination accepted by the IATF

The Philippine authorities must be able to confirm or verify that the certificate or proof of vaccination is valid or authentic.

In addition, the vaccine you received must meet the following:

  • If vaccinated in the Philippines , the vaccine you got must be in the list of the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or through a Compassionate Special Permit (CSP).
  • If vaccinated abroad , the vaccine must be in the Emergency Use Listing of the World Health Organization.

Philippine Airport Arrival Guides

For a more detailed step-by-step guide to the AIRPORT ARRIVAL PROCESSES in the Philippines, check out these posts:

  • NAIA Arrival Protocol
  • Clark Airport Arrival Protocol
  • Cebu Airport Arrival Protocol

More Tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Related Posts:

  • NAIA ARRIVAL Protocol & Requirements for OFWs, Non-OFWs & Foreigners
  • CLARK AIRPORT International Arrival Process & Requirements (OFWs, Non-OFWs, Foreigners)
  • Canceled AIRASIA Flight due to COVID-19? Here’s How to REBOOK or REFUND!
  • How to Contact the BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION in the Philippines
  • How to Get a VACCINE CERTIFICATE Online (Step-by-Step Guide for Filipinos)

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Hi, I read on the PAL website that there must be only one person in each hotel room for the quarantine-upon-arrival. I am planning on traveling with my husband and I think it’s absolute BS that they won’t even allow married couples to stay together. It seems like another way for the govt. to squeeze out as much money from travelers. I haven’t seen that rule posted anywhere other than the PAL website so I’m hoping that it is just false info. I sure hope it is but if you know any information confirming this, please let me know. Thank you.


I have the same issue. Please confirm!

Melissa Suzanne Reichenbacher

How can you pre register for your swab test if you are not a PAL passenger (we are flying JAL, entering as eligible foreigners).


Same question. I am flying United.


Same question. I am boarding Korean Air. I am trying to search for pre-booking/pre-payment of PCR test/screening or any consolidated info regarding what to do upon arrival. But I cant find a thing except in PAL!

May D. Yu

Hi, I plan to go to Sfo thru PAL, so it would be aconnecting flight from Cebu( Mactan Int’l Airport) . Also when comming back home it would also be a connecting flight from SFO -MANILA-CEBU? May I know what is the procedure?


It was a very frustrating how IATF hire poorly trained personnel with limited knowledge of what they are doing in checking OFW’s,balikbayan,foreigner papers.They could even identify if rapid test PCR and Rapid test ( NAAT) are the same ,but NAAT is more specific than PCR. Google What is the difference between NAAT and PCR.


Holy hell, you need a degree in quantum mechanics to visit…this is idiotic

Al D.

Please update this post. New rule says that foreigners who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are barred from entering PH. Reference:

Yosh Dimen

Hi Al, yes, we’ve just included Resolution No. 160-B. Thanks for always letting us know!

Never mind, I see that the post has been updated.

Ariel B Lunzaga

Does NAIA require now (February, 2022) vaccine card upon entry?


Returning Filipino from USA. Will IATF accept PCR-NAAT result taken within 48 hours? Or does it have to be RT-PCR. Thanks


My flight details :Saudi to Dubai with 17hours layover time- Philippines. The airline provided a hotel accomodation for the 17hrs waiting in DUbai. Afterwards, dubai to philippines. Do I need to do quarantine upon arriving in the Philippines or no need?


Hi, I’m flying from Bangkok to Los Angeles with a 3 hour layover in Manila. Do I need to get a PCR test within 48 hour still? I talked with a woman from the airline but I think she had no idea what she was talking about. She told me I need to do the Onehealthpass and Traze APP, which I’m pretty sure is not true since I just have a layover and am not leaving the airport. So I’m wondering if what she told me about needing a PCR test within 48 hours of the flight is also incorrect for simply transiting through Manila en route to Los Angeles. Appreciate any guidance.

Hello, The Poor Traveler. There’s an update on the testing requirements. Foreign travelers and Filipinos can now present negative ANTIGEN test results for entry in the country. Reference:


Hi!im a former filipino changed to a korean national.Do I have to get travel insurance for covid 19 with coverage 35,000usd?where and how?

Ian Gordon

Can anyone advise of the requirements for international transfers through terminal 3?

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South korean visa: list of travel agencies accredited by the embassy.

Accredited Travel Agency for Korea Visa Application Philippines

How and where to apply for a South Korea Visa in the Philippines? Who are the accredited travel agencies that are dsignated to accept Korean visa application?

South korea visa application designated travel agencies accredited by the embassy.

South Korea Visa Application Designated Travel Agencies


  • Visa-Free Entry to South Korea starting June 1, 2022
  • South Korea Visa Requirements and How to Apply
  • How to Check your South Korean Visa Application Status Online?
  • Nami Island and Petite France Day Tour from Seoul
  • A Peek into North Korea from the Demiliratized Zone (Day Tour from Seoul)


  • If you have limited time (let's say 3 days and 2 nights only) and you want to maximize you time in Seoul, I highly recommend that you take the early morning flight from Manila and late night flight from Seoul. This will allow you to have full days on your first and last days in Seoul. Please see my recommended Seoul, South Korea Sample Itineraries to help you plan your trip.
  • When booking for a hotel in Seoul, you may consider areas such as Myeong-dong and Jongno . These places are best for this itineraries. CLICK HERE TO SEARCH FOR HOTELS AND HOSTELS IN SEOUL.
  • To save on travel expenses, I highly suggest that you join group tours - especially for trips outside Seoul such as Nami Island and Petit France , Everland , and DMZ Tour .
  • Use a Discover Seoul Pass to enjoy discounted rates, and an all-access tour to the top destinations, shrines, palaces, temples, and tourist spots in Seoul. You may read my review on the Discover Seoul Pass - HERE . It can also be used as T-Money Card that you can top up and use when taking the trains and buses in Seoul.
  • To help you plan your trip, check out my post SEOUL BUDGET TRAVEL GUIDE with an ₱8,000 Pesos DIY Itinerary for suggestions and recommendations on top things to do in Seoul, tourist spots, and attractions. It also includes information on visa requirements and process, transportation, suggested tours, sample itineraries, and more.


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    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.


    2 Unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and those whose vaccination status cannot independently confirmed/verified by Philippine authorities PHILIPPINE EMBASSY, SINGAPORE 31 January 2022 AD-009-2022 Page 2 of 2 @PHinSingapore (65) 6737 3977 #PHinSG


    Additional Requirements for Foreigners. Effective 10 FEBRUARY 2022. Resolution No. 160-B, s-2022. For Foreigners Entering Visa-Free. These may refer to former Filipino citizens who have Balikbayan privelege under Republic Act No. 9174, provided they are not restricted nationals OR nationals of the countries below who are entitled to a stay not longer than 30 days (Executive Order 408, S. 1960 ...

  23. SOUTH KOREAN VISA: List of Travel Agencies Accredited by the Embassy

    Below is the list of accredited travel agencies by the South Korean Embassy to accept/process Korean visa applications in the Philippines as of October 7, 2022. This list includes the name of the travel agency, contact number, and their office address or branches nationwide. 1. ABOEX TRAVEL AND TOURS 0917 811 0461

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    We are proud of the work our teams worldwide are doing to facilitate travel, promote people-to-people ties, and bring economic benefit to local communities and key sectors across the United States. The positive momentum of 2023's record-breaking year for visa processing continues in 2024. In the first half of fiscal year (FY) 2024 (October 2023 to March 2024), […]