• Destinazioni

Un viaggio in Madagascar è un esperienza unica. Quest'isola sembra essere stata, per il Creatore, un terreno di sperimentazione per le specie animali e vegetali, un laboratorio per i progetti della natura. Il Madagascar è la quarta tra le maggiori isole del mondo. Non si tratta solo di un'isola ma di un vero e proprio continente in miniatura che presenta paesaggi e ambienti naturali molto ricchi e diversi tra loro così come un gran numero di specie animali alcune delle quali molto caratteristiche come i colorati lemuri ed i camaleonti. Viene considerato uno dei paesi dal punto di vista ecologico più ricchi del mondo, accogliendo tra le maggiori quantità e varietà di piante da fiore dell'Africa. Quasi interamente nella zona tropicale, vi si trovano anche estesi altipiani che arrivano sopra gli 800 metri dove si può godere di un clima mite. E poi le spiagge, e le isole, con insenature di sabbia bianca, caratterizzati da strutture alberghiere di diverso livello che accontenta i gusti di tutti.

Vivi la magia di un Tour e Mare in Madagascar con il tour operator specializzato in viaggi e tour in Africa da oltre 50 anni.

I nostri Tour

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tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Mare - 25 Dicembre

Oceani Africani

10 /giorni 7/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Explorer

L'Africa degli Animali

15 /giorni 12/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Smart Nord

12 /giorni 9/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Smart Sud

14 /giorni 12/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Isalo e mare

tour madagascar turisanda

Dagli Tsingy Rouges al mare

11 /giorni 8/notti

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Madagascar Best

17 /giorni 13/notti

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Madagascar Classic

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Experience

19 /giorni 16/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Nature

13 /giorni 10/notti

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Authentic

tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Adventure

Richiedi informazioni, informazioni madagascar.

Alcuni consigli di viaggo utili per organizzare al meglio un viaggio in Madagascar:

Qual è il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Madagascar?

Il Madagascar ha un clima tropicale, ma presenta variazioni a seconda delle regioni. La stagione secca, da aprile a novembre, è considerata il periodo migliore per visitare il Madagascar, poiché le temperature sono più moderate e ci sono meno probabilità di piogge. Questo periodo è anche il momento in cui la fauna selvatica è più attiva, rendendo l'osservazione degli animali selvatici un'esperienza eccezionale. Tuttavia, è bene considerare che anche durante la stagione secca possono verificarsi brevi acquazzoni, specialmente nelle regioni costiere.

Un viaggio in Madagascar è adatto ad una famiglia con bambini?

Un viaggio in Madagascar può essere un'esperienza avventurosa e formativa per tutta la famiglia. Il paese offre una vasta gamma di attività e attrazioni che possono coinvolgere e divertire i bambini, come esplorare parchi nazionali Isalo National Park o il Parco Nazionale di Ranomafana e osservare una ricca fauna selvatica, come lemuri, camaleonti e uccelli colorati. Ci sono anche riserve marine, come l'Isola di Nosy Be, che offrono opportunità di snorkeling e immersioni per esplorare i meravigliosi fondali marini e che possono offrire momenti di relax per i più piccoli. 

È meglio andare al Nord o al Sud del Madagascar?

Sia il Nord che il Sud del Madagascar offrono esperienze uniche e affascinanti. Il Nord del Madagascar è famoso per le sue bellezze naturali, le spiagge spettacolari e le isole tropicali, come l’isola di Nosy Be, la Riserva Naturale di Lokobe e il Parco Nazionale di Montagne d’Ambre. Il Sud del Madagascar, invece, è noto per i suoi paesaggi spettacolari, tra cui grandi formazioni rocciose, deserti di sabbia e riserve naturali. Per un’esperienza più completa del Madagascar è possibile organizzare un tour su misura che tocchi le principali attrazioni più caratteristiche dal Nord al Sud dell’isola. 

Quale soggiorno mare posso combinare con le escursioni in Madagascar?

Fare una escursione con una estensione mare è sicuramente una delle esperienze più complete che si possa fare. Ogni isola ha le sue peculiarità e straordinarietà, per questo nella scelta, ci sono diversi fattori da considerare, come gli interessi personali, il budget, la durata del viaggio e disponibilità. I resort più esclusivi di African Explorer sono a Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldive, Isola di Pemba e Isola di Mafia, Zanzibar e Réunion. Per pianificare l'itinerario, coordinare i voli e organizzare il trasferimento tra i due luoghi è sempre meglio rivolgersi ad un Tour Operator, esperto di viaggi qualificato.

Quali sono le migliori attività che posso fare in Madagascar?

Il Madagascar offre una vasta gamma di attività che possono essere svolte durante il viaggio. Tra queste, c’è l’osservazione della fauna selvatica unica al mondo, tra cui i lemuri. Inoltre, offre molte opportunità per fare escursioni e trekking in diversi paesaggi mozzafiato, come al Parco Nazionale di Tsingy de Bemaraha per ammirare cascate, formazioni rocciose spettacolari, flora endemica e panorami mozzafiato. Le isole come Nosy Be, Nosy Komba e Nosy Iranja offrono barriere coralline perfette per fare snorkeling e immersioni. Puoi anche esplorare le città, come Antananarivo.

African Explorer

Madagascar Tours & Vacations

Aerial view of a misty golden sunrise at the famous Avenue de Baobabs in western Madagascar

Madagascar showcases the very best of our wild, weird but oh so wonderful world.

With biodiversity to rival the Galapagos Islands, towns of historical significance, beautiful beaches of golden sand and a remarkable culture influenced by Europe, Africa and the East, Madagascar's rare riches are well worth discovering. Venture into national parks to experience profound moments in nature, mellow out on idyllic islands, stroll through heritage towns and spot quirky wildlife not found anywhere else on this earth.

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Madagascar Baobabs & Beyond

Articles of Madagascar

Galapagos or Madagascar? Which unique destination should be at the top of your travel list?

8 reasons why your next adventure should be in Madagascar

9 alternative travel spots for 2018

Wellness Travel in Madagascar. It’s now a thing

Madagascar at a glance

Capital city.


29.5 million

French, Malagasy

(GMT+03:00) Nairobi



Type C (European 2-pin) Type D (Old British 3-pin) Type E (French 2-pin, female earth) Type J (Swiss 3-pin) Type K (Danish 3-pin)

Learn more about Madagascar

Best time to visit.

With such a unique ecosystem and environment, going on holiday to Madagascar at different times of the year offers a variety of challenges and benefits. September to November is considered one of the best times to visit, as these months sit right in between the cool, dry winter and the hot, rainy season. This time is also considered the best time to view birdlife.

July to August offers cooler temperatures and the best chances for whale watching on the coast.

January to March is cyclone season, but this is also the best time to see flowering orchids.

Learn more about the best time to visit Madagascar.

Culture and customs

Madagascar is a relatively young nation with inhabitants only traced back 1,300 years. Throughout its history, multiple nations and peoples have influenced the culture and customs of modern-day Madagascar. While some of this history can only be speculated, it's known that much of it has come from Indonesian origins, alongside neighboring African and Arab cultures.

The official languages of Madagascar are Malagasy and French. French is still widely spoken across the country due to the nation being a former French colony.

Today, about 90% of the population identifies as Malagasy, further split into 20 ethnic groups. The largest of these groups is known as the Merina, who lived on the plateau. The country's religious practices are split between Christian and the traditional beliefs of the Malagasy people.

Geography and environment

This iconic island nation sitting off the coast of East Africa in the Indian Ocean, is home to one of the most precious and unique natural environments in the world. Its isolated location means that a distinct variety of animal and plant species have been able to thrive without outside genetic influences.

Possessing extinct volcanoes, hidden waterfalls, cool highlands, grassy plains, pristine beaches, and islands, Madagascar was once completely covered in forest - but due to high levels of deforestation, most forest cover has been lost. Some tracts of rainforest do endure today, but it's estimated that the current level of forest cover is only 1-2 percent of what it once was. Despite this loss, hundreds of species of plants and trees thrive all over the island, from huge, ancient baobab trees to thorny cacti and resplendent ferns.

Eating and drinking

Malagasy cuisine is highlighted by its fresh and tasty homegrown exotic produce alongside its unique local livestock, such as the zebu (a species of cow), and a variety of seafood. Many cultures across the world have contributed to the Malagasy cuisine of today including French, Indonesian, Indian, and nearby African nations.

Food to try in Madagascar

This national dish is made of cubed zebu meat (a local type of cow) and served with a light broth, tomato sauce, and rice. With all the bright colors, it resembles the Malagasy flag.

2. Henakisoa sy Ravitoto

This dish is made up of braised pork and pounded cassava leaves with an assortment of spices.

3. Malagasy chocolate

Because of the unique environment it's created in, Madagascan chocolate has a unique fruity, citrusy, and even forest flavor profile.

4.Henakisoa sy Amalona

One of the seven royal dishes, this traditional meal is made of pork and eel. While an unusual duo to most, this dish is a delicacy in Madagascar.

5.Tsaramaso Malagasy

A slow-cooked white bean and tomato dish cooked with zebu or pork as a stew.

Top things to do in Madagascar

Avenue of the baobabs.

Arguably one of Madagascar's most famous icons is the baobab tree. Walk under the towering trunks of the Adansonia Grandidieri variety, the tallest of the species, at the Avenue of the Baobabs found near the coastal town of Morondava.

Take a sunset stroll under these magnificent trees on our 11 days Madagascar Baobabs & Beyond tour.

Andasibe National Park

If you were hoping to see lemurs in Madagascar, Andasibe National Park is the place to be. Home to 11 species of lemur alongside many other native birds, reptiles, and frogs, the park feels alive with activity.

Enjoy Andasibe National Park by day and night on our 14 day Madagascar Adventure

The Small Tsingy and Great Tsingy

Come across the forest of rocks known as the Tsingys, roughly translated to ‘place where one cannot walk barefoot,' and you can definitely see why. Found in the Bemaraha National Park, these spiky natural limestone formations jut out from the ground. But don't worry; there are rope bridges to get you through.

Trek through and wander over the Big and Small Tsingy on our 24 day Madagascar in Depth adventure

Ranomafana National Park

A government-protected park, the Ranomafana is home to a huge variety of wildlife, from the world's smallest chameleon and striped civet to the famous golden bamboo lemur. Alongside the rare species, walk among stunning forestry and even some carnivorous plants.

Explore the Anja Community Reserve, Ranomafana, and Andasibe National Parks on a 14 day Madagascar Wildlife Adventure

Stop by the country's arts and crafts capital to see the beautiful creations handmade by the local people. See a woodcarver demonstration when you stop by a workshop to learn more about the region's crafts.

Meet the people and learn about their incredible craft during an Ambositra village visit when on our 24 day Madagascar in Depth tour

Chocolate making demonstration

Learn the secrets to the famous Madagascan chocolate during a hands-on demonstration class led by a local chef in Antananarivo.

What a perfect way to finish off your 14 day Madagascar Adventure than with a chocolate class.

Festivals and events

Public holidays that may impact travel:.

Martyrs' Day

Ascension Day

Whit Sunday

Whit Monday

Independence Day

Assumption Day

All Saints' Day

Please note  Madagascar public holidays may vary.

Madagascar is popular around the world for its specialty produce items such as coffee, chocolate, and vanilla, but there are many other unique souvenirs to find while on the Great Red Island.

It's also a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand generally have strict quarantine laws.

Things to buy in Madagascar

Vanilla is arguably one of the most famous exports to come out of Madagascar. Shop around for vanilla beans, paste, essence, and more.

Silk shawls (lambas)

Silk weaving is an important part of culture, especially in certain parts of Madagascar. In Sandrandahy villages, generations of mothers have passed the craft of making lambas to their daughters.

Wood carvings

Madagascan wood carvers are known for their woodwork. Find artwork, chess sets, wooden figures, and more.

Madagascan chocolate is shipped all over the world due to its rich and flavourful profile.

Just like chocolate, Madagascan coffee is world-famous and highly sought after.

Further reading

Similar destinations.

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Madagascar travel FAQs

Do i need a visa to travel to madagascar.

If you are visiting Madagascar as a tourist for over 15 days, you will need to purchase a visa. A 30 or 60 day tourist visa can be purchased at the Antananarivo airport on arrival. You may also be able to apply in advance at your nearest Madagascan Embassy.

You may be asked to provide evidence of onward travel or a return ticket.

If you are visiting Madagascar for less than 15 days, you may not need to purchase a visa, however, you will still need to pay a border control administration fee. If you wish to extend your tourist visa, you can apply to the immigration service to extend it for up to 90 days.

  • 15 days or less: approximately 10 Euros (48,299 MGA)
  • 30 day traveller visa: approximately 35 Euros (169,043 MGA)
  • 60 day traveller visa: approximately 40 Euros (193,192 MGA)

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure, and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 06/11/2023

Is tipping customary in Madagascar?

Tipping isn’t mandatory, but a little generosity will be received positively especially when considering the low wages that most service workers are typically paid. Setting aside a small amount for porters, guides and drivers is wise, as is leaving spare change or rounding up the bill at restaurants.

What is the internet access like in Madagascar?

Cyber cafes are found in some of the larger cities like Antsirabe, Fianarantsoa and Antananarivo. Smaller towns and remote areas will have far less access, so prepare to disconnect when traveling out of urban centers.

Can I use my cell phone while in Madagascar?

Cell phone coverage is generally good in Madagascar's large cities and towns, but less so in rural areas and on remote islands. Ensure you have global roaming activated before leaving home if you wish to use your phone.

What are the toilets like in Madagascar?

Squat/pit toilets are the standard in Madagascar except for western-style flushable toilets that are sometimes available in large hotels and other modern buildings. Carry your own supply of soap and toilet paper, as this is rarely provided.

Can I drink the water in Madagascar?

Drinking tap water isn't recommended in Madagascar. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water. Ask your leader where filtered water can be found, some hotels we stay in may have drinking water available. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Madagascar?

Major credit cards like Visa are usually accepted by large hotels and western-style restaurants in the capital but not by smaller vendors. Ensure you have adequate cash to cover purchases not able to be made on credit.

What is ATM access like in Madagascar?

ATMs that accept foreign cards can be found in large cities and the airport, although they're often unreliable or out of service. Be sure to carry a back-up method of payment in case ATM access becomes difficult.

Madagascar safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travellers?

Discretion is advised for LGBTQIA+ travellers in Madagascar. While same-sex relationships are legal, public attitudes in Madagascar are not widely accepting of LGBTQIA+ people. The age of consent for same-sex relations is 21. Same-sex marriage is not recognised. It is advised to be discreet and avoid public displays of affection.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting Equaldex or ILGA before you travel.

If you are travelling solo on an Intrepid group tour, you will share accommodation with a passenger of the same gender as per your passport information. If you don’t identify with the gender assigned on your passport, please let us know at the time of booking and we’ll arrange the rooming configuration accordingly. A single supplement is available on some tours for travellers who do not wish to share a room.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

THE 10 BEST Madagascar Tours & Excursions

Tours in madagascar.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Skip-the-Line Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Pushchair accessible
  • Service animals allowed
  • Infant seats available
  • Special Offers
  • Our Featured sort order ranks tours, activities, and experiences by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, your individual user browsing history and preferences while using Tripadvisor, the frequency of user clicks generally, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

tour madagascar turisanda

1. Madagascar Wildlife Tour for 02 days

tour madagascar turisanda

2. Half-Day Private Tour in Lemur's Park

tour madagascar turisanda

3. Lemur Day Tour at Andasibe Rainforest and Vakona Lodge Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

4. Antananarivo: Lemurs Park & City Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

5. Guided day tour to the Nosy Iranja Natural Island

tour madagascar turisanda

6. Antananarivo : Custom Walking Tour With A Guide (Private Tour)

tour madagascar turisanda

7. Private Tour Through the Wildlife of Madagascar and the Kingdom of Rova

tour madagascar turisanda

8. Two days tour to Andasibe NP

tour madagascar turisanda

9. Nosy be Full Day with Local Guide from Hell Ville

tour madagascar turisanda

10. Full-day jungle trek on Nosy Komba (Lemur island) with the Black Lemur Sanctuary

tour madagascar turisanda

11. Morondava: Tour to Kirindy Forest and Baobab Avenue

tour madagascar turisanda

12. Lokobe Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

13. Madagascar Wildlife Tour 14D/13N

tour madagascar turisanda

14. Full Day Private Budget Trip to Nosy Iranja

tour madagascar turisanda

15. Guided tour of the Nosy Komba and Nosy Tanikely Islands

tour madagascar turisanda

16. Day trip to two palaces - a tale of mountain-top kings and a murdering queen!

tour madagascar turisanda

17. Madagascar 7 Days Baobabs and Lemurs Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

18. 14-Day Classic RN7 Route Tour in Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

19. Guided tour to Lokobe Natural Park

tour madagascar turisanda

20. Nosy be tour by light car

tour madagascar turisanda

21. 5-day tour to discover the North of Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

22. Full Day Tour to Ampefy Village

tour madagascar turisanda

23. Morondava Day Tour to Kirindy Park and Baobab Avenue

tour madagascar turisanda

24. Private Tour for the Highlights of Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

25. 10 Days South of Madagascar Classic Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

26. Exploring Nosy Sakatia with guide

tour madagascar turisanda

27. Tsingy Tour 04 Days

tour madagascar turisanda

28. Two days tour to Ampefy

tour madagascar turisanda

29. Full-Day Exclusive Private Tour to Nosy Tanikely Marine Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

30. 3-Day Private Tour to Andasibe National Park

What travellers are saying.


Top Tours in Madagascar, Africa

Madagascar tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Skip-the-Line Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Pushchair accessible
  • Service animals allowed
  • Infant seats available
  • Special Offers
  • Our Featured sort order ranks tours, activities, and experiences by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, your individual user browsing history and preferences while using Tripadvisor, the frequency of user clicks generally, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

tour madagascar turisanda

1. Madagascar Wildlife Tour for 02 days

tour madagascar turisanda

2. Half-Day Private Tour in Lemur's Park

tour madagascar turisanda

3. Lemur Day Tour at Andasibe Rainforest and Vakona Lodge Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

4. Antananarivo: Lemurs Park & City Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

5. Guided day tour to the Nosy Iranja Natural Island

tour madagascar turisanda

6. Antananarivo : Custom Walking Tour With A Guide (Private Tour)

tour madagascar turisanda

7. Private Tour Through the Wildlife of Madagascar and the Kingdom of Rova

tour madagascar turisanda

8. Two days tour to Andasibe NP

tour madagascar turisanda

9. Nosy be Full Day with Local Guide from Hell Ville

tour madagascar turisanda

10. Visit to the Lokobe nature reserve and Ambatozavavy village

tour madagascar turisanda

11. Full-day jungle trek on Nosy Komba (Lemur island) with the Black Lemur Sanctuary

tour madagascar turisanda

12. Lokobe Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

13. Madagascar Wildlife Tour 14D/13N

tour madagascar turisanda

14. Full Day Private Budget Trip to Nosy Iranja

tour madagascar turisanda

15. Guided tour of the Nosy Komba and Nosy Tanikely Islands

tour madagascar turisanda

16. Day trip to two palaces - a tale of mountain-top kings and a murdering queen!

tour madagascar turisanda

17. Madagascar 7 Days Baobabs and Lemurs Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

18. 14-Day Classic RN7 Route Tour in Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

19. Guided tour to Lokobe Natural Park

tour madagascar turisanda

20. Nosy be tour by light car

tour madagascar turisanda

21. Morondava: Tour to Kirindy Forest and Baobab Avenue

tour madagascar turisanda

22. 5-day tour to discover the North of Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

23. Morondava Day Tour to Kirindy Park and Baobab Avenue

tour madagascar turisanda

24. Private Tour for the Highlights of Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

25. 10 Days South of Madagascar Classic Tour

tour madagascar turisanda

26. Exploring Nosy Sakatia with guide

tour madagascar turisanda

27. Tsingy Tour 04 Days

tour madagascar turisanda

28. Two days tour to Ampefy

tour madagascar turisanda

29. Full-Day Exclusive Private Tour to Nosy Tanikely Marine Reserve

tour madagascar turisanda

30. 3-Day Private Tour to Andasibe National Park

What travellers are saying.


tour madagascar turisanda

Madagascar Tours

Where natural history abounds without limits.

Cast adrift from the planet’s other land masses nearly 90 million years ago, Madagascar is one of Earth’s last frontiers, and an irresistible destination for adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts. The country’s long isolation from the rest of the world has created an evolutionary workshop where you’ll encounter many species found nowhere else: 80% of Madagascar’s wildlife is endemic! We’ve crafted several journeys take you inside the best locations this island-nation has to offer.

All Trips to Madagascar

tour madagascar turisanda

Small Group Adventure

Madagascar: Off the Beaten Path

From $7,795

tour madagascar turisanda

Magical Madagascar

From $6,995

tour madagascar turisanda

Private Journey

Madagascar Private Journey

tour madagascar turisanda

Cruise Collection

Sailing the Islands of Madagascar

Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Seychelles

From $12,280

Everything You Need to Know

From lush, green rainforests to stark limestone tsingy formations to the dry spiny desert, Madagascar has a huge range of ecosystems, geography, and microclimates—and every area supports its own endemic species. Berenty, in the south, is the best place to see dancing sifaka lemurs, while Ankarana, in the north, is home to crowned lemurs. See below to compare the differences between the major National Parks and know what to expect from each.

Madagascar has a tropical climate with many microclimates, so the weather can vary greatly depending on the time of year and region of the country. The north and south tend to be warm and dry, while the highlands, including the capital, Antananarivo, are cooler. The east is mostly rainforest, where wet weather is always a possibility.

The ideal time to visit is between April and November (there are heavy rains from December to March, so travel during that time is not recommended). Each season is unique and offers its own attractions. See below to understand the differences between each month and what to expect with each.


Madagascar has a wide array of things to see and do when you visit, and our itineraries make sure you get to experience the best of it all. We put together a list of the top things you have to do when you visit.

A tourist holding a chameleon.

Each park in Madagascar is home to endemic species and fauna unique to that particular environment. To understand where to find what you’re looking for and when the best time of year is to see it, read more below.

Two women enjoying a glass of wine in Madagascar.

There’s so much to see and experience in Madagascar that the design of your trip is especially important. You’ll need enough time in each park to take full advantage of opportunities for wildlife viewing, photography, and spending time with locals. We provided a sample day itinerary so you can know when to expect before you arrive.

A woman in Madagascar dancing.

Wilderness Travel’s long-term relationships in Madagascar give you the privilege of insider access and authentic cultural exchanges. Depending on the adventure you choose, you can visit a school that has been a success story for nearby families, travel to a fishing village by outrigger canoe, talk with local female weavers and see their hand-loomed designs, visit with traditional wood carvers and paper makers, dance to live Malagasy music, and visit a wildlife research center. See below to learn more about each of these experiences.

A lemur.

Not sure which Madagascar adventure is best for you? See below for a side-by-side comparison of each of our itineraries to help make your decision easier. Still unsure? Our Area Specialists are happy to answer any questions and explain the journeys in greater detail.

Experience Madagascar

A chameleon perched on top of a person's cap.

Extend Your Trip

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Anjajavy Extension

From $2,890

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Ankarana and Amber Mountain National Parks Extension

From $2,690

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Isalo National Park Extension

From $2,990

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Whale Sharks of Madagascar Extension

From $2,590


The trip was excellent; I’d highly recommend it. Really fun…the local guides and Trip Leader were all wonderful. I am so glad Wilderness Travel took care of everything.
Our Trip Leader was amazing. We couldn’t figure out how he timed everything so perfectly! He’s a treasure and a fabulous representative of WT and Madagascar.
A wonderful experience that exceeded my expectations—and I’m picky! I like the small group size, and there was ample opportunity both to hike and to mingle with locals at markets and in villages.
Amazing! High quality outdoor experiences, lodgings, and cuisine—then listening to the haunting calls of the indri echoing through the jungle.
This was our first experience with a group tour—what a great introduction! We did this trip to see wildlife, and were delighted with what we got to see. Beautiful country, wildlife, and people—thank you for making our first group trip unforgettable!
Our local guides clearly loved their country, and were amazing at finding and showing us the birds and animals.
I thoroughly enjoyed this trip. There was a great mix of experiences in Madagascar. Obviously a lot of planning went into making it so memorable. Thank you!
It was a true adventure! The country was gorgeous to see and experience, the people of the country were friendly, and the experience with the lemurs was off the charts!
Our Trip Leader and local guides’ depth of knowledge was unbelievable. That’s one reason I chose a tour company for Madagascar—it would be very difficult to obtain such quality guiding on ones’ own.

Talk to an Expert

Our Africa Specialists know every detail about our Madagascar trips. They will be happy to answer any questions and help you choose the journey that’s right for you. Contact us to learn more or book your trip today!

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Madagascar Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 34 most popular madagascar trips. compare tour itineraries from 62 tour companies. 33 reviews. 4.8/5 avg rating., popular madagascar tours.

Madagascar Adventure

Madagascar Adventure

  • Count how many species of lemur you can spot as you explore the Isalo National Park, Ranomafana National Park and Andasibe National Park.
  • Join a local guide on a night walk and catch sight of the exciting nocturnal species that come out when the sun goes down, like endemic butterflies, chameleons and mouse lemurs.
  • Learn more about the important Malagasy process of silk production by visiting an association outside the village where silk weavers use their craft to preserve local tradition and support local women in the community.
  • Support a noble cause while exploring Anja Community Reserve and the Mitsinjo Forest – these reserves are not just sanctuaries for wildlife but also beacons of community empowerment and conservation.
  • Take a hands-on chocolate-making class and learn the secrets that make Malagasy chocolate unique and delicious. Then, sample your creations with pastries, tea, coffee and rum!

Highlights of Madagascar

Highlights of Madagascar

  • Join experienced local trackers for the best encounters with lemurs in their natural habitats
  • Marvel at the amazing rock formations, spectacular canyons and natural swimming holes of Isalo National Park
  • See unique wildlife in the Andasibe Nature Reserve and in Ranamofana National Park
  • Discover the striking spiny forest in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park
  • Relax on the beach in the coastal town of Anakao and explore the small island of Nosy Ve

Madagascar in Depth

Madagascar in Depth

  • Wander around 800-year-old trees along the Avenue of the Baobabs.
  • Cross the Big Tsingy via suspended bridge.
  • Float down the meandering Manambolo River on a morning canoe trip.
  • Stay in a cottage deep within the Ranomafana National Park, surrounded by lush rainforest and countless species of flora and fauna.
  • See how many species of lemur you can spot in Isalo, Andasibe and Ranomafana national parks (there are 33 different types!).

Madagascan Discoverer

Madagascan Discoverer

  • Visit the Alley of Baobabs to see the ancient trees at sunset
  • Walk among the extraordinary limestone pinnacles of Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park
  • Explore Isalo National Park, home to amazing rock formations, spectacular canyons and natural swimming holes



Madagascar Baobabs & Beyond

Madagascar Baobabs & Beyond

  • Witness a spectacular pink and yellow sunset behind towering, 800-year-old trees along the Avenue of the Baobabs in the laid-back seaside town of Morondava.
  • Travel along the Tsiribihina River in a traditional barge, stopping to hike to hidden waterfalls, explore remote villages and camp among nature on the banks.
  • Trek through a forest of limestone karsts and cross a sheer drop on a suspended bridge at the Great Tsingy, keeping an eye out for native wildlife including 11 species of lemur.
  • Float down the meandering Manambolo River in a traditional dugout canoe, wind through a deep gorge and past rocky cliffs, soaking up the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Discover the emerald-green waters of Tritiva, an extinct crater surrounded by verdant forest, on a hike through the stunning Antsirabe district.

Cycle Madagascar

Cycle Madagascar

  • Discover the lush agricultural land of the north with paddy fields and orchards
  • Visit Ambositra, the arts and crafts capital of Madagascar
  • Explore Isalo National Park, with its amazing rock formations and natural swimming holes
  • Marvel at the dense rainforest and cascading falls of Ranomafana National Park
  • Relax on the white-sand beaches of the fishing village of Ifaty

Trekking in Madagascar

Trekking in Madagascar

  • Trek in Isalo National Park
  • Climb Peak Boby, the second-highest peak in Madagascar
  • See lemurs in their natural habitat
  • Relax on the beach in Ifaty

All Madagascar , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Madagascar

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Small Group Madagascar Tours

Small Group Madagascar Tours

1000 Views of Madagascar - 12 days

  • Ranomafana National Park - spend two days in Madagascar's premier national park, the final stronghold for many of its endemic lemur species
  • Isalo National Park - hike to the 'natural swimming pool' for a dip and spot lemur species including sifakas and ringtailed lemurs
  • Ifaty - unwind on the beach, snorkel along a stunning coral reef or head inland for a spot of bird-watching
  • Andasibe National Park - spot the Indri Indri - Madagascar's largest lemur, and visit a community reserve
  • Antananarivo - explore free time to explore the capital of Madagascar, known as the 'City of Thousands'

Like Nowhere Else on Earth: The Wildlife & Cultures of Madagascar

Like Nowhere Else on Earth: The Wildlife & Cultures of Madagascar

  • Hike into the wilds of Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, home to more than 300 species of orchid, 20 species of lemur and an astounding array of endemic species.
  • Join a naturalist on a 4X4 ride deep into Isalo National Park to search for the iconic Ring-tailed Lemur and Verreaux's Sifaka.
  • Spend three nights in the pristine and un-touristic coastal village of Anakao, learning about the local lifestyle and endemic flora and fauna.

Best Madagascar Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best Madagascar Tours by Price

Top Madagascar Attractions

  • Spotting a ring-tailed lemur or aye-aye on a trek through the rainforest.
  • Snapping a photo of Madagascar’s incredible baobab trees that look like something Dr. Seuss would dream up.
  • Catching a chameleon in the act of changing colors in its natural habitat, under the watchful eye of an expert guide .
  • Searching for rare fluorescent frogs and geckos on night walks from your lodge.
  • Watching for whales and dolphins off the coastlines.
  • Staying in secluded jungle lodges either in national parks or private reserves, some reached only by airplane
  • Relaxing on a beach or snorkeling in Nosy Be, the largest of Madagascar’s offshore islands, known as the “perfume island.”
  • Taking an excursion to Nosy Komba, an island near Nosy Be, to see black lemurs.
  • Visiting a bustling market in Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital city.

Madagascar Tours & Travel

Madagascar Attractions & Landmarks Guide

Madagascar, the world’s fourth largest island, is known as the “Galapagos of Africa,” serving as a kind of living laboratory in the Indian Ocean. After splitting off from mainland Africa around 100 million years ago, and now lying some 225 miles away across the Mozambique Channel, its endemic animal species developed fully apart from the rest of the continent -- and the world.

Almost all of its mammal species -- including the island’s famous lemurs, a primitive type of primates -- are found nowhere else on earth. (The two major exceptions are bats as well as some lemurs found on the nearby Comoros Islands.)

Madagascar’s biodiversity is among the richest on the planet. Some 11,000 endemic plant species blanket the island, and more species of both flora and fauna are being discovered every year -- even as many others become endangered and face extinction.

Madagascar’s birds, reptiles, and amphibians are also mostly endemic. The world’s biggest and smallest chameleons, the world’s biggest primates (400-pound lemurs, now extinct) and the world’s largest bird -- the elephant bird, also now extinct -- are or were all found here.

Lemurs Are the Stars

Lemurs are the big draw in the wildlife parade. Madagascar has more than 100 species or subspecies of lemurs including pygmy mouse lemurs, the world’s smallest primates. Among the better known species are ring-tailed lemurs, aye-ayes, indris and sifakas. Loss of habitat and hunting, however, have also left lemurs the world’s most endangered primates.

The country has been aggressively establishing parks and reserves to try to protect those remaining, and deforestation has dropped dramatically in those areas. But a healthy eco-tourism industry, bringing much needed jobs and revenues into an impoverished country, is essential to maintaining their rainforest habitats.

You can look for lemurs in a number of locations throughout the island. One of the best is Montagne d’Ambre National Park, a rainforest wilderness dotted with lakes and waterfalls in the northern reaches of the island. It’s also home to the world’s smallest chameleons, among the park’s 59 species of reptiles.

Another park in the northern part of the island, Ankarana Reserve, is also rich in wildlife and plant life, as is Andasibe National Park in eastern Madagascar, where you may see several varieties of lemurs, birds and chameleons. A private reserve, Palmarium Park, also on the eastern side of the island, showcases lemurs as well as various endemic trees and plants including orchids and mahogany trees.

Giant Baobabs

Giant baobabs, though, with their massive, gnarly trunks, are the most striking trees on the island. Madagascar is ringed by tropical beaches, which provide a great way to relax after tracking lemurs or spotting chameleons in the rainforests. One of the best places to recharge is Nosy Be, a much smaller island that lies about ten miles offshore, where the beaches are lined with palm trees and the snorkeling and diving are excellent amid the coral reefs.

The inland capital and largest city, Antananarivo (Tana), is built on hills and features steep stair-step streets, busy markets and old palaces to explore, while coastal Antsiranana (formerly Diego-Suarez) at the northern tip of Madagascar is located on a beautiful bay.

By far the best way to see endangered lemurs and other exotic wildlife on Madagascar is via guided tours, led by experts in navigating the local rainforests and highlands. You can rely on Stride to help you find the best outfitters on this unforgettable island.

The Different Ecological Regions of Madagascar

Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island and as such exhibits several microclimates and the temperature fluctuates dramatically. There are 5 major climate zones (also called biomes) in Madagascar:

1. Desert - Southern Madagascar exhibits desert landscapes, most notable for the “Spiny Forest” which only thrive in this particularly arid region of Madagascar. If you visit the Spiny Forest, you’ll see plants that belong to the “ Didiereaceae” family and are native to Madagascar - seen very little anywhere else on earth.

2. Savanna - The southern part of Madagascar is also where you’ll find large and flat savanna landscape, famous for the whimsically shaped Baobab trees.

3. Tropical Rainforest - Central Madagascar and the eastern coasts have high humidity and rainfall - the perfect conditions for Tropical Rainforest. Along the coasts the conditions are very similar to the Amazon basin. In the Lowland Madagascar rainforest is where you’ll find a majority of the famous ring tailed lemurs.

4. Mountain Range - There is also a large mountain range in Madagascar, running from the northern part of the island to the south. The highest peak is known as “ Maromokotro” in the Tsaratanana Reserve and is open to experienced climbers.

5. Wetland - The Madagascar wetland regions run along the coasts. Mangrove forests thrive in these ecosystems, as do a large majority of Madagascar’s diverse bird population.

Trip Reviews

Madagascar is an amazing experience..

Madagascar is an amazing experience. However, be prepared to spend the vast majority of time on this holiday sat down, either in a boat, minibus or in 4 x 4s. Trip n...

An amazing trip through this beautifully stunning and diverse country!

An amazing trip through this beautifully stunning and diverse country! Perfect balance between wildlife, culture and relaxation on the beach in the end! Andry, the t...

The country of Madagascar is amazing!

The country of Madagascar is amazing! The landscape and lemurs are fantastic but what really made the trip for me was the Malagasy people. So happy, helpful and frie...

Amazing sights and experiences

In a short time this trip takes you to a number of amazing sights and experiences. Meeting the lemurs and kameleons is magic, but driving and especially walking thro...

Overall a fabulous trip with some amazing experiences.

Overall a fabulous trip with some amazing experiences. Highlights included getting up close to chameleons and lemurs, interacting with the local people in rural area...

See all Madagascar reviews

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Jean Be Tours

A warm welcome to Jean Be Tours!

I am a licensed, experienced and professional tour guide and tour operator for Madagascar, speaking both English and French.

I am dedicated to ensuring that your stay on “the Big Island” is a truly enjoyable one. I can provide you with insight into the stunning nature and landscapes, the vibrant cultures and the fascinating legends of Madagascar. You will have the opportunity to meet the locals, take photographs and collect many beautiful, unforgettable souvenirs and memories!

  Learn more about me Why Choose a Legal Tour Guide?

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Experience the best of Madagascar!

With Jean Be Tours you can be sure you do not miss anything!

  • Quality – Enjoy your holiday, visit the best sights and attractions with an experienced guide! All excursions are carefully planned and carried out by experts.
  • Convenience and Comfort – Let us take care of all the details so you can fully explore, enjoy, take photos and above all… relax .
  • Safety – All of our tours are conducted by carefully selected partners, which operate according to high security standards.

Our selection of tours and excursions is extensive and carefully crafted to ensure you have a wonderful vacation and take in as many sights as possible. However, we are flexible and there is always room for personal preferences. if you have your own ideas or special requests, please let me know and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Car rental | Exploring Madagascar: a comprehensive tour guide | Why Choose a Legal Tour Guide?

Office opening hours

Monday to Sundays: 8 am – 7 pm During opening hours, Office can be contacted on: (+261) 34 17 478 38 (+261 34 ) 28 226 90

[email protected]


Tours and excursions

  • Tours and excursions can be private or for groups (from 5 to 30 or more people).
  • The tours below are a selection of the many available options.
  • Tours can be customized to your wishes, requirements and budget.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us!

The East and Northeast

21 days / 20 nights

' title=

  • Andasibe and Mantadia National Park
  • Wildlife, Lemurs, birds, snakes and reptiles
  • Marine excursion, coral reef, snorkling
  • Sainte Marie island / bike tour / beach
  • Marojejy National Park / Sambava city tour

Tsiribihina river tour – Tsingy

9 days / 8 nights

' title=

  • Tsiribihina river tour (by pirogue / canoe)
  • Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park
  • Spectacular landscapes and wildlife
  • Baobab Avenue / Baobab sunset
  • Culture, local traditions, beach

Southern Delight

17 days / 16 nights

' title=

  • Pangalana Channel Cruise
  • Manakara by Train
  • Ranomafana National Park
  • Andringitra NP (hiking and camping)
  • Isalo NP & Zombitsy Vohibasia Park

The Indri Indri (Wildlife) tour

4 days / 3 nights

Indri indri tour - Andasibe National Park

  • Beautiful rainforest in the east
  • Andasibe National Park
  • Indri Indri, lemurs, chameleons and orchids
  • Including a night walk Andasibe park
  • Antananarivo city tour and Digue Market

The North and Nosy Be

15 days / 14 nights

' title=

  • Ankarafantsika National Park
  • Ankarana National Park
  • Red Tsingy – Diego Suarez – Ramena
  • Amber Mountain National Park
  • Nosy Be island

Antananarivo City tour

2 / 4 / 8 Hours

Lemur Park and Digeu Market in Antananarivo

  • Historical buildings and monuments
  • Explore the bustling markets
  • Queen’s staircase, d’Andohalo Cathedrale
  • Lemur‘s Park (private reserve)
  • Comfortable, safe and fun

Madagascar Explorer

14 days / 13 nights

Andasibe NP - Tsiribihina river tour - Baobab avenue - Nosy Be

  • Andasibe Natural Reserve
  • Tsiribihina river tour
  • Baobab avenue and sunset
  • Seaside resort of Nosy Be
  • Nature, culture and beach

Andasibe – St. Marie island

8 days / 7 nights

Andasibe National Park - Saint Marie Island

  • National Park of Andasibe
  • Analamazaotra National Park
  • Wildlife, chameleons & birds
  • Sainte Marie Island
  • Beautiful idyllic beaches

Tsiribihina – Baobab avenue

6 days / 5 nights

Tsiribihina river tour – Baobab avenue

  • Traditional villages, local culture
  • Birds, lemurs and wildlife
  • Morondava beach resort

The Green East

7 days / 6 nights

The Green East of Madagascar, Andasibe National Park

  • Lush rain forest
  • Peyrieras private reserve
  • Andasibe National Park (Indri Indri)
  • The beautiful lakes of Ankanin’ny Nofy
  • Palmarium Reserve (lemurs, palms & plants)

Ambalavao to Manakara

5 days / 4 nights

Trekking: Ambalavao to Manakara

  • Trekking: Betsileo villages walking trails
  • Adventure, Trekking, Camping
  • Local culture, Tanala village
  • Local Boats, Photo Tours, Natural Pool
  • Lush and Humid Forest, Medicinal Plants

The South – Tana to Toliary

The South – Antananarivo to Toliary

  • Ambalavao – Anja Reserve
  • Isalo National Park
  • Zombitsy Vohibasia Park
  • Tulear and Ifaty beaches

Exciting Midwest and East

The exciting Midwest and East of Madagascar

  • Pyereiras Reptiles Farm
  • Andasibe & Analamazaotra NP
  • Ankanin,ny Nofy Palmarium
  • Sainte Marie Island, beaches

Madagascar Bird Circuit

19 days / 18 nights

Explore the rich biodiversity of bird species

  • Explore the rich biodiversity of bird species
  • Majunga – Ankarafantsika
  • Antsirabe – Ranomafana NP
  • Ambola: Tsimanapetsotse National Park
  • Tulear and Anakao beache

Madagascar Azur

29 days / 28 nights

Madagascar Azur, the big everything tour

  • Tsiribihina river & Tsingy
  • Kirindy forest reserve
  • Baobab alley (Morondava)
  • Train to Manakara
  • Route Nr. 7 (4 National Parks

Reptiles and Amphibians

the reptiles and amphibians of Madagascar

  • The unique Kirindy Forest Reserve
  • unique quality of flora and fauna
  • Chameleons, Geckos and Iguanas
  • Snakes and Turtles
  • Morondavca & Boabab Avenue

Outskirts of Tana

3 days / 2 nights

the reptiles and amphibians of Madagascar

  • Beautiful volcanic landscape
  • Waterfall “Chute de la Lily”
  • The Analavory Geyser
  • Private Lemurs park
  • The King’s Palace Antananarivo

United States_Flag

from pp Twin Share

Single Traveller

12 Day Classic Madagascar Small Group Tour

This tour is escorted by local city guides in each location. The local guides will join you during the included activities and local representatives will assist with transfer arrangements. Another portion is self-guided, whether conducted by rail, cruise, or land, and you will travel between destinations on your own, with free time to explore at your own pace.

This tour is categorised as 3 out of 5

Balanced exploration with walking tours : Our most popular style, this tour offers a good mix of planned activities and free time. Expect moderate daily walking tours, so pack comfortable shoes.

As a general requirement across all of our trips, you may be required to walk up and down stairs, get on and off transportation, handle your own luggage, and participate in all scheduled sightseeing that may be conducted on uneven ground and terrain. Any physical ailments you may have must be disclosed at the time of booking to determine your suitability and where required, supporting documentation may be requested to ensure that we are comfortable that you will enjoy your trip.

Experience a superior level of comfort. Our Small Group tours have been crafted for Inspiring Vacations travellers exclusively, with personal and unique experiences in mind. Travel with no more than 26 people, allowing for a more personalised and immersive experience. Please see the Important Information on your selected tour for the exact group size.

Take advantage of our 7 day cooling-off period. 

✓ Small group tour, up to 10 guests only ✓ Incredible sightseeing including lemur spotting at the Natural Reserve of Andasibe and Ranomafana National Park, nature hikes through the picturesque Isalo National Park and visit to Reniala Park home to baobabs, the spiny forest and some of the largest chameleons in the world ✓ 11 nights in hand-picked 3 and 4-star accommodation and lodges in prime locations ✓ Airport transfers included on the first and last day of your tour ✓ Breakfast daily ✓ Domestic flight from Tulear to Antananarivo ✓ Comfortable, dedicated transportation throughout ✓ In-depth sightseeing and entrance fees as per the itinerary 

✈ Needing international airfares to accompany your Inspiring Vacation? You will be able to access our flight portal after securing your package to add international airfares to your booking.

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Travel with the experts for a carefully curated, value-packed discovery of the world's most iconic destinations. Our tours are bursting with must-see sights, rich experiences and quality inclusions, all at an unbeatable price. Bucket list dreams are ticked off on these all-encompassing journeys.

Day 1 Antananarivo

On arrival in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, you will be welcomed and provided with assistance by one of our friendly staff before transferring to your hotel in the city.

Spend the rest of the day at your leisure.

Arrival airport transfers are included as part of your package. You will be met upon arrival at the airport and transferred to your hotel.

If Inspiring Vacations has not provided your international airfares, please ensure you provide your flight details via your Traveller Hub portal no later than 90 days prior to travel so that your transfers can be confirmed.

Please note: if you are arriving early and have made your own arrangements prior to your tour commencing, airport transfers will not be included. However, if you are purchasing pre-nights accommodation as part of your Inspiring Vacations package, airport transfers will still be provided to the starting hotel.

Day 2 Antananarivo Andasibe

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel this morning before we start our journey with a drive to Andasibe through the green and luxuriant vegetation of eastern Madagascar. Along the way we will see Merina villages spread in the rocky mountains before arriving at Andasibe in the afternoon and check-in to the hotel. This evening experience the forest from a different perspective as we enjoy a night walk. Your guide will point out night active lemurs and other nocturnal animals in their natural habitat.

Day 3 Andasibe

We start our morning with a visit to the Special Reserve of Andasibe to see the Indri, the largest lemurs on the island. This 810 ha reserve is unique with its endemic fauna and flora and contains a wide variety of orchids, canopy, and endemic animals like chameleons, tenrecs, and many birds. In the afternoon, we visit the V.O.I.I.M.A Community Reserve. Here you will also come across a variety of wildlife, ranging from brown lemurs, indri, chameleons, geckos and birds. This reserve provides a sustainable way of saving the remaining rainforests in the area by creating a livelihood for the local communities through reforestation projects.

Return to your hotel where the rest of the evening is at leisure. 

Day 4 Andasibe Antsirabe

Leave early this morning and head south to Antsirabe, across the highland landscape with its beautiful rice fields on display. The spectacular eroded hills called ‘lavaka’ remind us of the Far East with its rice fields and green landscape with vegetables and fruit trees. We stop in Ambatolampy for a quick visit to this huge agricultural city which is also known for its aluminium founderies where most of the countries utensils are produced in this town. We continue arriving in Antsirabe early in the evening. 

Antsirabe, known as the ‘The place of salt’ is an elegant city and known as the centre of the beer industry and home of the local Star Brewery. Founded by Norwegians in 1856, Antsirabe has many elements that makes it look and feel like a European city in the middle of Africa.

Day 5 Antsirabe Ranomafana National Park

After breakfast we drive to Ambositra, the centre of Madagascar's wood carving industry. The highlands are characterised by its architecture: The houses are made with ornately carved wooden balconies and shutters with bright colours. Further on we pass the ‘le col de tapia’, a type of tree resistant to bush fires. The landscape is still dominated by rice fields, pine forests, eucalyptus trees and rocky mountains. We turn off from the main road to reach our destination late this afternoon: Ranomafana National Park.

Check into your hotel where your evening is at leisure.

Day 6 Ranomafana National Park

The approximately 40,000 ha of Parc National de Ranomafana with its rain forest covered hills and abundant wildlife, has long been considered one of Madagascar’s highlights, and is one of the country’s most popular national parks.

Its entrance lies about 7 km from Ranomafana village and altitudes in the Park Range from 800 m to 1200 m. In addition to its densely forested hills, Ranomafana’s terrain is characterised by numerous small streams which plummet down to the beautiful Namorona River. Here, enjoy long walks in the national park spotting some of the lemurs, chameleons and other animals.

Day 7 Ranomafana Fianarantsoa Isalo

Enjoy an early breakfast before we leave Ranomafana and visit a local wine farm for a wine tasting near Fianarantsoa. 

We then head southwards to Ambalavao and visit the ‘Anteimoro Paper Factory’ which is a vestige of the Arabian civilization on the island. Afterwards, we take time to stop at a community-based silk weaving project run by the women's association "Soalandy" and learn the skillful techniques of this art and meet the women and how the cooperative is making a difference to the local community.

Later, we pass through the mountain chain of Andringitra, which serves as a transition between the dry south and green highlands with its famous ‘3 hillocks’ and its huge ‘Archbishop's Cape’. Along the way we will see from afar a spectacular huge granite dome with twin rock towers called ‘The Gate of The South’, which in fact marks the end of the highland and the beginning of the south. The ‘Bishop's Hat’ is another noticeable, imposing formation and a sacred location for the local people.

We then continue to Ihosy, the capital of the Bara tribes where we arrive at our retreat in the late afternoon/early evening. Positioned high in the Sandstone Mountains, enjoy incredible views from your lodge overlooking the Isalo National Park.

Day 8 Isalo National Park

Today, enjoy a hike in the incredible Isalo National Park. The park covers an area of 81,540 ha, comprising of the entire stretch of the Isalo massif. This huge mountain is spectacular with its eroded sandstone elevations. Along the way we will see vegetation like Uapaca bojeri, Pachypodium rosulatum or ‘elephant's foot’ and Aloe isaloensis, a native species of aloe endemic to Isalo. The eroded mountains also served as a place where the Bara kept their dead before they could bury them in their actual tombs. 

We start our climb and reach the massif after walking about 20 minutes, where we will have a spectacular view of the huge sandstone mountains with its beautiful colours and its strange and battered formations creating many different images like ‘the tortoise’, ‘the masks’ and ‘the crocodiles’. We see small streams of water, and rivers which are marked by lines of brilliant green, generally made up of numerous Pandanus pulcher and the delicate, slim-stemmed, feathery leaved palm Chrysalidocarpus isaloensis. Along the way, keep your eye out for sifakas, brown lemurs and ring-tailed lemurs, as well as fifty-five species of birds.

Day 9 Isalo Ifaty

Today we continue to Tuléar where this part of our journey brings us to new scenery among the dry forests of the west and the spiny desert of the south. On the way, we admire the different ‘Mahafaly tombs’ and the ‘Antandroy tombs’. After a short visit of Tuléar we drive to Ifaty, the driest part of the country. Situated in the Deep South, the landscape is dominated by the cactus-like, spiny forest of different euphorbiaceae and didieraceae.

Mangrove trees line the coast alternated by Vezo communities which earn their living from fishing. We will see many small pirogues with men who go out fishing twice a day, while children and women wait on the coast to collect the fish before taking them to Tuléar for sale.

Check into you charming hotel late this afternoon overlooking the magnificent lagoon of Ifaty.

Day 10 Ifaty

Today is free to enjoy the beautiful beach of Ifaty and the many experiences available to be purchased from the hotel. 

You may choose to partake in a diving or snorkelling excursion, or experience the Vezo fishermen's life. Why not visit the Reniala Forest where you can see two kinds of baobabs, spiny bush, and the ‘chameleon parsoni’, which is one of the largest chameleons in the world. Whale tours are available from July to mid-September where they come to the cool seas of Madagascar to give birth to their young.

Day 11 Ifaty Tuléar Antananarivo

Early in the morning we transfer to the airport for the flight back to Antananarivo. After check-in at the hotel, you have the afternoon free to explore the capital on your own. 

The capital of Madagascar is also called the ‘City of Thousands’ and it is where the first King started to unify the different kingdoms of the island. Tana was built in three stages: The high city, the first area occupied during the regal period where the old queen's palace is situated; the mid-city, where all the chic boutiques of the capital are found; and then the low city, which is the commercial area of the town. Walk from the high city to see the Rova, the queen's palace, and the house of the first minister during these days, which is now a museum. All of these were built by Frenchman Jean Laborde during the royal period. The mid-city, or the administration area, ends at the Rainiharo tombs and the lower town is situated in the main avenue called ‘L'avenue de l'independence’ dominated by the railway station.

Day 12 Antananarivo

Today is the end of our tour and you will be transferred to the airport for your onward flight.

Departure transfers are included as part of your package. You will be collected from your hotel at the appropriate time and transferred to the airport to meet your flight. If Inspiring Vacations has not provided your international airfares, please ensure you provide your flight details via your Traveller Hub portal no later than 90 days prior to travel so that your transfers can be confirmed.

What's Included

  • Small, intimate group experience – no more than 10 people
  • Partially Escorted - This tour is fully escorted from days 1-9. On days 10-12 to you will be assisted locally.
  • 11 nights’ accommodation in selected 3- and 4-star hotels and lodges 
  • Airport transfers included on the first and last day of your tour
  • 11 breakfasts Included 
  • Internal flights in economy class from Tulear to Antananarivo
  • Incredible sightseeing as specified in the itinerary 
  • Entrance fees as specified in the itinerary

Sightseeing Highlights

  • Natural Reserve of Andasibe – Great location for finding lemurs
  • Ranomafana National Park - Known for its rain forest covered hills and abundant wildlife
  • Fianarantsoa - The centre of wine industry in Madagascar
  • Ihosy - Drive through the capital of the Bara tribes
  • Isalo National Park - Hike in the park known for its beautiful vegetation and natural pool
  • Ifaty - An ideal place for diving, snorkelling, seasonal whale watching. 
  • Reniala Park - A small reserve hosting baobabs, spiny forest and some of the largest chameleons in the world.

Inspiring Sights

Experience unique wildlife endemic to Madagascar

Payment Terms

Flight information & booking options.

This is a land only package.

This package does not include international airfares. If you would like to add airfares to your booking our flight portal will be available via your Traveller Hub. The flight portal will allow you to search for all available airfares to your destination. The function works like most general flight search engines allowing you to select your preferred airline, book different cabin classes (eg. Business class) and view flight durations and transit times to your destination. 

The flight portal will be available via your Traveller Hub once the following criteria has been met:

  • Your booking is confirmed
  • Your departure date is within 11 months
  • You  have completed your passenger detail form

Visit our Flight Hub for more information on terms and conditions, amending your flights and information on luggage allowances. 

Aiport Transfers Information

Some of our packages will include airport transfers in either one or both directions when arriving or departing from your destination. To know if transfers are included please view the ‘inclusions’ section of your selected package. If airport transfers are stated, transfers will be included as advised.

If transfers are not included, we also offer the option to book your airport transfers using our online portal. Access to this portal is available through your Traveller Hub once your booking is confirmed. Transfers are readily available and do not need to be booked until your final hotel list has been confirmed. Once you have made a transfer booking, please refer to your confirmation email for all transfer details including a local contact number for the transfer company.

If you book pre and/or post-tour accommodation on your own arrangement, and the tour includes transfers, note that these will be forfeited. The transfers are only provided in line with the tour dates and pre and/or post-tour accommodation purchased through Inspiring Vacations when available.

Visa & Passport

It is the traveller's responsibility to ensure they have a valid passport. The passport must be valid for a minimum of six months from the intended date of return. Visas may be required for your destination. For further visa information, click here .

Important Information

Travelling in Madagascar Travelling by road in Madagascar can include some long travel days.  Road quality can vary from comfortable sealed roads to rough & bumpy dirt roads.  Distances covered can be in excess of 300 km (180 miles) per day or more than 6 hours journey time, subject to the road conditions.    

Luggage Due to limited storage capacity of your safari vehicle, we ask that luggage is kept to a manageable amount in a small soft bag – 15kg (33 pounds) max. Hard suitcases are not suitable.  It is also recommended to bring a day pack for use throughout the day.

Fitness Requirements While the tour itinerary should give you some guidance and overview to the expected requirements, to determine if this tour is right for you we categorise each of our tours in terms of their intensity. These guidelines are to ensure that each tour group is conducted as expected and to ensure the overall satisfaction of all Inspiring Vacations customers.

As a general rule, porterage is not included, therefore at all times you are expected to handle your own luggage where help may not be available.

This particular tour is categorised as a”3”

Moderate Tour : A good level of fitness and mobility is required, as this tour includes a moderate level of physical activity and is considered a medium-fast paced tour. You should be able to walk up and down stairs, get on and off the coach and able to walk reasonable distances of approximately 2 kilometres per day or more with ease. Any physical ailments you may have must be disclosed at the time of booking to determine your suitability. If you have any form of walking aids, other than a walking stick or hiking poles, then this tour is not suitable.

Tipping A friendly reminder that tipping is not included in your package. Tipping is not compulsory on your trip, but they can make a big difference to locals employed in the tourism industry and is a welcome way to show your appreciation. If you feel that your guide/s and driver have done an impeccable job, you can choose to give a gratuity, but this is entirely your decision.

The suggested tipping amounts for Africa is AUD$5-7 per person per day for the guide and AUD$3 per person person day for your driver, to be paid in either local currency or USD, so you will need to convert your currency depending on your preference. Please note that this information is to be used as a guideline only and is subject to change based on the recommendations that we receive from our ground operator. Tipping is not compulsory and should be done at your discretion.

Accommodation The accommodation listed is subject to change. Any changes will be of an equal or higher standard. Bedding configurations (double or twin) are requests only. All efforts will be made to meet your preferences, but we can’t guarantee your request will be available at all properties.

Single travellers When booking this tour, solo travellers will be presented with two options:

1 - Single Supplement By paying an additional $1,045.00 per person, in addition to the twin-share price, you guarantee the privacy of your own room throughout the entire trip.

2- Shared Room with a known friend If travelling together with a friend, you can opt to share your room with him/her and avoid paying a single supplement. 

You and your friend can create a unique booking each. Creating a unique booking, gives each of you the flexibility of making different travel arrangements (such adding extra accommodation, flights, etc), make separate payments and have individual access to our Traveller’s Hub

During the purchase path, you will need to provide your friend’s booking ID (if known) or at a minimum, your friend’s full name.

Triple Share Not available.

Travel Insurance Travel insurance is compulsory for this tour to protect yourself against the unexpected. In addition to the support that a policy may provide, you may be asked to present a copy of your travel insurance documentation while traveling.

Group Size Minimum of 2 people Maximum of 10 people

Children Children must be 12 years old or above (subject to confirmation) and share a room with parents at all times. Children are charged the same price as adults.

Age Limits Due to the physical nature of this trip and the remote locations visited, there is an age limit of 80 years. Every client over the age of 65 is required to submit a medical certificate or self-declaration of medical fitness before the start of the tour (please request this form from your travel consultant). 

Tour Style To meet the needs of various types of travelers, we choose to operate various types of tours, and depending on your selected package will mean different services are provided throughout your trip. The following descriptions of each tour style we hope will ensure that each traveller has appropriate expectations before they start their travels: 

  • Fully Escorted Days 1-9 - This tour is fully escorted by a dedicated tour leader who will accompany you throughout the tour. If your tour includes multiple countries, you will be met by a new tour leader in each country and any internal flights included will be unescorted.
  • Independent Days 9-12 - On these packages you will travel from city to city on your own, exploring at your own pace. We have arranged transportation in most cases and day tours for you to see the destination. Enjoy the time and flexibility to linger longer or pick up the pace and see as much as possible. The choice is yours.

Health & Mobility Requirements

All participants must be in good physical condition to fully engage in this journey. For the safety and welfare of yourself and fellow travellers, if you are feeling unwell prior to departure, we advise staying home and contacting us to arrange alternate plans.

Prior to selecting your trip, carefully review the itinerary to assess your ability to comfortably manage our travel style. Please be aware that if, based on evaluation by our leader or local representative, a participant is deemed unable to safely complete the itinerary, we retain the right to exclude them from all or part of the trip without reimbursement.

It is advisable to consult your physician for current medical travel advisories and any required vaccinations before embarking. We recommend carrying a first aid kit and any necessary medications in their original packaging, as they may not be readily available during travel. For those carrying medication, it's essential to check your government's foreign travel guidelines for local restrictions or regulations.

  • International airfares
  • Airport Transfer
  • Travel insurance (compulsory)
  • Optional activities
  • Personal expenses
  • Anything not mentioned in the itinerary

Departure Dates for 12 Day Classic Madagascar Small Group Tour

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Madagascar Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Madagascar is so much more than just an animated film. This island nation is home to thousands of different species of animals, making a wildlife tour an absolute must. Head to Morondava on the west coast, the gateway to the Avenue of the Baobabs with its many trekking options. Or, visit the beautiful Rova palace that towers over the country’s capital of Antananarivo .

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  • Multiday Tour
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  • October 2024
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  • Ranomafana National Park

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Madagascar - Travel Highlights and Travel Tips

While holidaying in Madagascar, one must visit the Antsiranana Bay

A famous island, situated within the Indian Ocean, a trip to Madagascar will make you come close to lush natural landscapes, diverse animal life and a rich cultural heritage. Although it is estimated that the majority (above 90%) of Madagascar's forests have been eradicated, travelers can still take excursions through the forests that remain and maybe even spot the famous ring tailed lemur! Check out these lush forests if you are planning a holiday to Madagascar, and you may find out the inspiration behind the animated movie. 

Travel Highlights

  • Go kayaking and fishing. Travelers can schedule kayaking tours led by guides. This is a popular way to see a good portion of Madagascar. Also, it is a great place for deep-sea fishing. Get away from the crowded beaches and go after some King Mackerel!
  • Plan a wildlife excursions. What better way to get a taste of the wildlife home to Madagascar? Although some of the roads have been for too long unattended, you may get a chance to spot a lemur, an animal endemic to Madagascar.
  • See the Baobab trees. This grove of mystical Baobab trees are sometimes over 800 years old, and beyond worthy of being caught on camera.

Travel Tips

  • For a good meal on a budget, check out some of the local marketplaces. A simple yet satisfying dish of chicken and rice with a vegetable side can be purchased for cheap.
  • Check out some local and informative podcasts. It's always surprising how much can be learned by tuning into a local’s podcast. This is a great way to get the inside scoop on the country you're visiting.
  • Be conscious of how you dress and be careful not to ‘flaunt’ your possessions.
  • Another way of not standing out is to pay for things with smaller bills. Doing so when you're out to eat or buying some souvenirs is a good way to not display exuberant wealth. 

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Tours Of  Madagascar

Madagascar Wildlife Safari


Baobab avenue and Tsingy

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Island Continent Tours Madagascar

Tour Operator since 1998.

We know and carefully select our suppliers for your comfort.

We plan your tour to the tiniest detail., we tour ourselves to experience beforehand what we will offer., we will listen attentively to your demands, desires, and wishes., we will design a tour according to your wishes., we will use our long experience and vast knowledge in the design., explore madagascar with us.

tour madagascar turisanda

Central Highlands

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Experience Madagascar with us

tour madagascar turisanda

Mada Tour Antoka

  • Emerald coasts
  • South contrast
  • Descent from tsiribihina
  • Pangalanes Canal
  • Isola di prugne
  • The ivondro palm grove


Our services, sainte marie, south contrast, plum island, a gem from the east coast, introduction.

Madagascar is a tourist destination recognized for its natural, cultural and human resources. Mada Tour Antoka is ready to show you the beauty of our treasure island. One of the specialist receptive tour operators on the East coast, competent and professional to organize your trip. Mada tour antoka adapts to your budget; we offer tours with car rentals. Custom tours off the beaten track, adventure tours and classic tours as well as seaside tours.

Our excursions on the East coast

Cultural tour and discovery on the pangalanes canal, unique adventure on rn5 (maroantsetra), sainte marie, a jewel of the east coast, the ivondro palm grove, plum islands, pangalanes canal.

  • A la carte and tailor-made travel design across the island.
  • Reception and transfer to the airport
  • 4 * 4 car and starex minibus rental
  • Hotel room reservation and domestic flights
  • Mini-cruise on the pangalanes canal from Tamatave to Mananjary
  • Visit of reserves and National parks
  • Getaway to the plum island
  • Adventure circuit to National Route 5 of Tamatave-Mananara- Maroantsetra (Masoala Park)
  • Discovery of the agro-tourist site in Melville (The Ivondro palm grove)
  • Transfer and shuttle by boat
  • Interpreter service

Our strengths

  • Payment by credit card on site
  • We have guides who speak several languages.
  • Responses and quotes as soon as possible
  • Adapt your stay to your budget

our testimonials

Palmeraie-union is an association of botanical enthusiasts based in Réunion / France Who regularly organizes trips for its members to Madagascar. To do this, Since 2015, we have developed a collaboration with the Mada-tour-Antoka travel agency based in Tamatave. I hereby confirm the very good collaboration with this agency which knows how to meet our expectations each time by organizing tailor-made stays, always very secure and which knows how to surround itself with quality local guides and service providers. This agency has Often able to find organizational solutions to requests for visits sometimes Remote or complex to organize, and always with great reliability and great Security. In view of the good quality of this partnership, I warmly recommend this Agency. Witness (s) : OLIVIER REILHES
Stays east coast of Madagascar 12 days (18/06/2015) We made a trip to the east coast of Madagascar in 2014 and we have very good memories. Witness (s) : Patrick Laget and Danie
Day trip on the Canal des Pangalanes (14/07/2016) I recommend Daniela for excursions in Madagascar. Personally, we went on a day trip with her which is undoubtedly the best day spent in Mada. THANK YOU Daniela .vero bacalou Witness (s) : Daniela
Bivouac on the Tamatave plum islands (30/06/2015) I thank Daniela for the attention she had for our support during my visit to the plum island my nephew also works as a guide currently traveling to Mauritius for his work again thank you to Daniela as well as to her assistant. Moise Lamaillle Witness (s) : Daniela

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September Sale   Book now for   up to 60% off!

Madagascar Signature 22Days /21Nights ( Comfort)

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  • Fully Guided
  • Personalized
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Image of a map showing the route of the tour

  • Explore Antananarivo's historic sites and shops
  • Ride a pousse pousse through Antsirabe's streets
  • Navigate the Tsiribihina River and spot wildlife
  • Trek through the UNESCO-listed Tsingy de Bemaraha
  • Witness sunset at the Avenue of the Baobabs
  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Antananarivo - Arrival
  • Day 2 Antananarivo
  • Day 3 Antananarivo/ Ambatolampy/ Antsirabe(168 km +/- 3 hours)
  • Day 4 Antsirabe - Miandrivazo (246 Km- +/- 5 hours)
  • Day 5 Miandrivazo - Masiakampy ( Tsiribihina River) -Nosy Ampela
  • Day 6 Nosy Ampela- Village Begidro- Berevo: (Discea of the Tsiribihina River)
  • Day 7 Berevo – Belo - Bekopaka (110 Km +/- 5 Hours)
  • Day 8 Bekopaka
  • Day 9 Bekopaka - Morondava (210 Km +/- 8 Hours)
  • Day 10 Morondava- Belo Sur Mer (100km +/- 5 Hours)
  • Day 11 Belo Sur Mer –Manja (105km +/- 6 Hours)
  • Day 12 Manja- Andavadaoka (210 Km +/- 8 Hours)
  • Day 13 Andavadaoka - Sally (110 Km +/- 3 Hours)
  • Day 14 Saly
  • Day 15 Saly –Ifaty (100 Km - +/-3 hours)
  • Day 16 Ifaty - Tulear -Ranohira (273 Km- +/-5 Hours)
  • Day 17 Ranohira (Visit National Park)
  • Day 18 Ranohira- Ambalavao- Andringitra (285km +/- 8 Hours)
  • Day 19 Andringitra
  • Day 20 Andringitra-Vohitsaoka-Ambalavao-Fianarantsoa (100km +/- 4 Hours)
  • Day 21 Fianarantsoa-Ambositra-Antsirabe (240 Km +/- 6 Hours)
  • Day 22 Antsirabe - Antananarivo- (170 Km- +/- 3hours)

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What's Included

  • Accommodation
  • Additional Services

Adventure Type

  • Group of 15 travelers max.
  • Fast booking confirmation
  • Carefully planned itineraries
  • Travel with like-minded people
  • Travel with your own group of min. 2 travelers
  • Choose your preferred dates and duration
  • Upgrade your accommodation
  • Customize the itineraries

Across Africa Tours & Travel

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Across Africa Tours & Travel

Number of tours

1 to 94 years old

Response time

within 2 days

Response rate

We provide unforgettable services to explore and discover Africa with exceptional local guides at better prices. We offer Luxury, Comfort Plus, Comfort and Budget trips to numerous African destinations. We have packages for families, youths, solo travellers and people who are open to spending as...

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A transparent overview of applicable fees.

Customer Reviews

  • Tour Operator Across Africa Tours & Travel 4.4
  • Lorraine · 25th March 2024 We saw more wildlife than we imagined was possible. Our guide Roberto took wonderful care of us, and our driver Telly... Show more
  • Edwin · 10th August 2024 I enjoyed this tour but there is some room for improvement in my opinion. There was a mixup with my hotel reservation... Show more
  • Fiona · 5th August 2024 Our guide Shaun was fantastic. Shaun worked really hard to make our experience the best it could be. He treated us... Show more

Dates & Availability

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  • Flexible payment options
  • Trusted and vetted operators
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  • Earn €50 in travel credits

To protect your payment and ensure your booking will be processed in Austria, never transfer or communicate outside of the TourRadar website or app.

  • Upcoming departures
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024
  • January 2025
  • February 2025
  • Friday 13 Sep, 2024 Friday 4 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Saturday 14 Sep, 2024 Saturday 5 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Sunday 15 Sep, 2024 Sunday 6 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Monday 16 Sep, 2024 Monday 7 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Tuesday 17 Sep, 2024 Tuesday 8 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Wednesday 18 Sep, 2024 Wednesday 9 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Thursday 19 Sep, 2024 Thursday 10 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Friday 20 Sep, 2024 Friday 11 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Saturday 21 Sep, 2024 Saturday 12 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates
  • Sunday 22 Sep, 2024 Sunday 13 Oct, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €3,905 Confirm Dates

Good to Know

  • Currency $ US Dollar

As a traveller from USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F.

  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Typhoid - Recommended for Madagascar. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Madagascar. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Tuberculosis - Recommended for Madagascar. Ideally 3 months before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Madagascar. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Rabies - Recommended for Madagascar. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Yellow fever - Certificate of vaccination required if arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission for Madagascar. Ideally 10 days before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 19th December 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 19th December 2024, a minimum payment of 30% is required to confirm your booking with Across Africa Tours & Travel. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 100 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and Across Africa Tours & Travel will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "Across Africa Tours & Travel" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Your money is safe with TourRadar, as we only pay the tour operator after your tour has departed.
  • TourRadar is an authorised Agent of Across Africa Tours & Travel. Please familiarise yourself with the Across Africa Tours & Travel payment, cancellation and refund conditions .
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
  • Accessibility Some tours are not suitable for mobility-restricted traveller, however, some operators may be able to accommodate special requests. For any enquiries, you can contact our customer support team , who are ready and waiting to help you.
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    Contatta i nostri Travel Designer dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 09:00 alle 19:00 al costo di una chiamata nazionale (festivi esclusi). 0244405555. Parti per un viaggio organizzato in Madagascar, tra natura e cultura incredibili. Affidati agli esperti e prenota le tue vacanze da sogno con Turisanda!

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