Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Le Cinque Terre sono un piccolo paradiso in Italia, dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Cinque bellissimi borghi costieri circondati da colline e vigneti, con spiagge affascinanti incastonate tra grandi scogliere con case suggestive e colorate.

Questa destinazione è una delle destinazioni più popolari in Italia, ricevendo sempre più turisti ogni anno. Vi mostreremo un percorso ideale attraverso le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni , in modo da non perdervi nessuno dei suoi luoghi più belli. Cosa aspettate per scoprire questo gioiello?

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Cosa vedere alle Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

L’opzione migliore per muoversi attraverso questo insieme di villaggi è quella di noleggiare un’auto, anche se è così sovraffollato dai turisti, a volte troverete molto difficile trovare parcheggio.

Pertanto, un’altra grande opzione è quella di utilizzare il treno. I cinque villaggi sono collegati da una linea ferroviaria ad alta velocità , in 23 minuti si percorrono le Cinque Terre da un capo all’altro. Questo è veloce!

Si consiglia di informare la compagnia telefonica, perché è necessario attivare il roaming nella stagione in cui si viaggia. Così, potrete avere Internet durante tutto il vostro viaggio senza dipendere dal WIFI. Ottimo per trasmettere ai vostri cari quanto sia bella questa parte d’Italia.

Guida turistica delle Cinque Terre: 1° giorno

Il primo giorno conoscerete alcuni dei borghi più belli di questo luogo, li visiterete con calma e godrete della tranquillità che li caratterizza.


Pueblos de Cinque Terre

E’ la prima località delle Cinque Terre se si parte da La Spezia, questo paese è diviso in due parti che sono collegate da un tunnel sotterraneo.

Le sue case sono dipinte con i tipici colori liguri, seguendo una struttura di case torri, con un’altezza di tre o quattro piani. Una curiosità è che per entrare nelle case, gli abitanti possono farlo dal piano terra e attraverso il piano superiore.

Salire la Torre dell’Orologio per ottenere le migliori viste di questa bella città, ha anche una piccola spiaggia di ciottoli dove è possibile fare un tuffo.

que ver en Cinque Terre en 3 días

I visitatori di questo gruppo di paesi non possono mancare la visita a Vernazza.

E’ senza dubbio il il villaggio più pittoresco e originale della regione per la sua particolare posizione, una delle immagini più iconiche delle Cinque Terre!

Bellissimi e colorati cottage situati su una grande scogliera che formano una piccola spiaggia proprio sotto di loro. Visitate la Chiesa di Santa Margarita de Antiochia, il Belforte, una cinta muraria che difendeva il piccolo borgo dai pirati e visitate uno dei suoi numerosi punti panoramici.

3 días en Cinque Terre

Situato sulle rocce di una vertiginosa scogliera, è il paese più alto e allo stesso tempo il più piccolo delle Cinque Terre, ha vista sul mare, ma non vi ha accesso.

Ha un punto di vista così alto che si possono vedere i quattro villaggi rimanenti della zona, una vera meraviglia. Per accedervi è necessario scalare la nota Lardarina.

Visita le rovine del Castello di Corniglia, la Chiesa di San Pietro e l’oratorio di Santa Catalina, circondato da vigneti!

Cinque Terre en tres días

Uno dei villaggi pittoreschi che dovete assolutamente vedere, molti esperti dicono che è il più antico di tutti.

Si distingue per essere situato anche su grandi scogliere, ma questa volta la roccia ha un colore scuro. Camminare per le sue strade labirintiche, quasi tutte finiscono per raggiungere il mare, un viaggio romantico e bellissimo.

Via dell’Amore

guia de viaje por Cinque Terre

Se vi piacciono le escursioni, questo è il sentiero più popolare nelle Cinque Terre , non potete perdere l’occasione di percorrerlo.

Un chilometro di strada che collega Riomaggiore a Manarola, è senza dubbio il percorso che permette di godere dei migliori panorami e paesaggi delle Cinque Terre. Questo percorso si trova in mezzo alla roccia, sul mare….. Affascinante!

Terminate la giornata nel borgo più famoso e suggestivo, il Riomaggiore, fate la notte lì per iniziare la mattina seguente il percorso.

Guida turistica delle Cinque Terre: 2° giorno

Il secondo giorno è ancora occupato, le Cinque Terre hanno molto da offrire, quindi iniziate presto il vostro percorso attraverso altri affascinanti villaggi vicini.

sitios para visitar en Cinque Terre

Questo è il più grande villaggio delle Cinque Terre , anche se le facciate non sono le più suggestive e colorate, vale la pena scoprire il cuore della città e perdersi nelle sue strade. Godetevi un piatto tipico locale, godetevi una piacevole conversazione con i suoi abitanti e imparate a conoscere la più pura atmosfera italiana. Prendetevela comoda!

Spiaggia di Monterosso

que ver en Cinque Terre

La immensa spiaggia di questo piccolo villaggio di pescatori è grande, divertirsi in questa grande spiaggia di sabbia. Ha una lunga passeggiata con varie bancarelle di artigianato e chioschi, che si trova a pochi metri dalla stazione. Perché non godersi un po’ di sole e un buon bagno?


tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Un altro piccolo paese che si può visitare in questa zona è Portovenere, che non fa parte dei cinque paesi delle Cinque Terre, ma che ha molto da offrire. Una gemma nascosta . Famoso per il suo affascinante centro storico e la sua grande fortezza che si affaccia sul golfo. Non lasciarla senza aver visitato il simbolo della città: la Chiesa di San Pietro!

Isole Portovenere

Escapada a Cinque Terre

Che ne dici di una gita in barca attraverso le isole vicino a Portovenere? Non si può partire senza aver visitato le isole Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto, dichiarate Patrimonio Naturale.

Scopri alcune delle famose grotte dell’isola Palmaria, le più famose sono Azzurra e Byron.

Alla fine della giornata, godetevi il resto del pomeriggio su una delle sue spiagge, godetevi il bel tempo e le sue acque invitanti. Guardate il bellissimo tramonto dalla vostra tranquilla amaca!

Guida turistica delle Cinque Terre: 3° giorno

Il terzo ed ultimo giorno è quello di conoscere alcuni angoli preziosi e perduti di questo piccolo paradiso del Mediterraneo. Andiamo a prenderli!

Isola Palmaria

Ver Cinque Terre en tres días

Anche se il giorno prima di visitare il mare vicino a quest’isola, vale la pena passare un po’ più tempo con essa e conoscerla dall’interno.

Offre una splendida vista su Portovenere dal lato dell’isola che domina il villaggio di pescatori. In questa zona, troverete le famose “terme”, alcune delle quali sono spiagge private e altre pubbliche.

Per anni, quest’isola è stata una zona militare, questo ha permesso di preservare la fauna e la flora, soprattutto uccelli e rettili. Un angolo verde in mezzo al mare, lontano dalle grandi città.

Santuari delle Cinque Terre

Ruta por Cinque Terre

Fai un percorso attraverso i 5 meravigliosi santuari di questi piccoli villaggi. Da visitare il Santuario della Madonna di Soviore a Monterosso, il più antico costruito nel 643, con elementi di stili diversi, come il romanico, il gotico e il barocco.

Il Santuario della Madonna di Reggio a Vernazza, si distingue per ospitare al suo interno la Vergine Nera con il Bambino, detta “L’Africana”.

Più tardi, il Santuario delle Grazie a Corniglia, la Salute a Manarola e uno dei più belli, il di Montenero a Riomaggiore.

viaje a Cinque Terre

Questo piccolo borgo si trova fuori dalle Cinque Terre, ma per la sua vicinanza è un luogo nascosto che vi consiglio di scoprire. Un angolo segreto della Toscana!

Nel Medioevo era l’unica porta d’ingresso alla Toscana, un luogo ricco di storia, cultura e belle tradizioni. Il suo centro storico è incredibile, un fascino particolare attraversa tutti i suoi angoli. È conosciuta anche come “La città del libro”. Volete sapere perché? Andate a scoprirla!

Passeggiate tranquillamente, nel tardo pomeriggio, visitate le sue mura, situate in cima alle verdi colline. Al suo interno ospita il Museo delle Statue Stele, un’esposizione di misteriose stele megalitiche.

Da queste pareti si può contemplare un tramonto perfetto per dire addio a questa parte del paese. Oh, bella Italia!

In breve, un percorso attraverso le Cinque Terre è uno dei più belli nascosti nel paese d’Italia. Bellissimi villaggi situati in una meraviglia naturale, le sue grandi scogliere, le sue acque blu e le sue case a torre colorate sono qualcosa di unico al mondo. Come non potrebbe essere considerato patrimonio dell’umanità? Un vero paradiso!

Alcuni suggerimenti per il tuo viaggio alle Cinque Terre

La valuta utilizzata in Italia è l’euro , quindi non avrete alcun problema al momento del pagamento, anche nella maggior parte dei ristoranti e delle strutture ricettive che accettano pagamenti con carta di credito.

In Italia la lingua parlata è l’italiano , è una lingua molto simile allo spagnolo, quindi non avrete problemi a capire o sapere cosa intendete. Inoltre, sono molto abituati ai turisti spagnoli, alcuni parlano spagnolo meglio di noi. La cosa più importante è sapere quale documentazione è necessaria per viaggiare in Italia.

Essendo membro dell’Unione Europea è sufficiente avere il proprio DNI in vigore, anche se è consigliabile portare con sé il passaporto in caso di disagi durante il viaggio.

Cinque Terre in 3 giorni PDF – DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE

Potete scaricare questa guida con il nostro Itinerario consigliato per vedere Cinque Terre in PDF per averla a portata di mano durante il viaggio, stampata o sul vostro Smartphone senza dovervi collegare a Internet.


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Liguria, itinerario di 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre


Cosa vedere in 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre in Liguria

Se avete più giorni a disposizione per visitare la costa della Liguria, l’itinerario di 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre che vi proponiamo di seguito può essere unito ad un itinerario on the road di altri 3 giorni tra Genova e Sestri Levante .

Iniziamo la scoperta delle Cinque Terre , cinque bellissimi borghi a picco sul mare tra Genova e La Spezia, diventati Patrimonio dell’Unesco nel 1997. Innanzitutto, quali sono le località che fanno parte delle Cinque Terre? Parliamo dei borghi di Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore .

Dove soggiornare

Levanto e La Spezia sono i punti di partenza ideali per poter visitare la zona. Oltre che per comodità di spostamenti, sono molto consigliati anche dal punto di vista economico, in quanto risultano essere la scelta migliore nella ricerca di alloggi a prezzi accessibili. Molti infatti sono gli affittacamere, alcuni dei quali offrono ottime soluzioni andando ad includere anche voucher per la colazione da utilizzare in bar vicini.

Come muoversi

Il mezzo ideale per gli spostamenti è sicuramente il treno . In pochi minuti infatti si raggiungono tutti i borghi e si evita di scontrarsi con le difficoltà di parcheggio che in queste zone non sono poche.

Costo: 4,00 € a persona per tratta . In alternativa ci sono abbonamenti per uno o più giorni (comprensivi anche delle tratte di trekking).  Vedi qui le tariffe                                

Se tempo a disposizione e condizioni climatiche ve lo permettono, vi consigliamo di percorrere almeno un tratto a piedi . Non sono percorsi molto complicati, affrontabili anche con un buon paio di scarpe da ginnastica. Anche se, in base alla nostra esperienza, dei buoni scarponi da montagna vi faranno stare più sereni.

Sconsigliamo l’auto , soprattutto se visitate queste zone nel weekend, in quanto come dicevamo prima i parcheggi sono difficili da trovare e molto limitati.

Monterosso è il borgo più grande delle Cinque Terre ed è diviso in due da un promontorio, il cui tunnel di 100 metri circa rappresenta l’unico collegamento.

Raggiungendo Monterosso in treno arriverete nella zona di Fegina , dove verrete accolti da una spiaggia molto ampia e da un mare davvero da favola. Procedendo nel lungomare arriverete poi nel centro storico, dove stretti caruggi colorati puntellati da piccole enoteche e negozietti artigianali si susseguono tra loro.

Dopo aver girato per i vicoletti di Monterosso, vi consigliamo di intraprendere il sentiero Azzurro . Circa 2 ore di camminata tra alberi e coltivazioni a terrazza che, cercando di arrampicarsi sulla scogliera, danno quel brivido adrenalinico da strapiombo che, nell’immaginario collettivo, si rifà maggiormente ad uno scenario tipico della montagna più che del mare.


Il sentiero vi condurrà fino a Vernazza (e per i più intrepidi fino a Corniglia).

Sentiero Azzurro :

–           Livello : nel complesso facile, il tratto iniziale/finale più intenso dato il dislivello

–           Durata : 1,30 h/1,50 h

A mano a mano che ci si avvicina al paesino, a conclusione del percorso di trekking, Vernazza inizia a far capolino. Muretti a secco e campi coltivati a picco sul mare fanno da contorno a questo piccolo borgo.

Da visitare : oltre alla chiesa dedicata a S. Margherita d’Antiochia e al Castello Doria vi consigliamo di dirigervi verso il porto di Vernazza per scattare delle bellissime foto immortalando il paesino.


L’unico borgo tra le Cinque Terre a non avere un affaccio diretto sul mare ma al contempo ad avere una delle viste più belle della zona.

Per poter arrivare in cima al paesino, dovrete salire la scala Lardarina , una scalinata in mattoni con 377 gradini e 33 rampe, davvero faticosa ma molto affascinante.

Anche qui vi consigliamo di perdervi tra i vicoletti fino ad arrivare ad una terrazza panoramica a picco sul mare.

Esperienza PLUS : assaggiate il buonissimo gelato (o la granita) ai limoni di Corniglia.


Il borgo che più di tutti ci incuriosiva, soprattutto per le innumerevoli foto viste dal ristorante Nessun Dorma . Conosciuto e rinomato per i suoi vini, sede della cooperativa vinicola delle Cinque Terre, Manarola ha degli scorci davvero incredibili , resi ancor più belli e unici dai meravigliosi tramonti che dalla scogliera cadono lentamente sul mare, regalando ai nostri occhi dei colori indimenticabili. Esperienza plus : pranzo o tramonto al ristorantino Nessun Dorma, un’esperienza con panorama da favola!



Riomaggiore dista da Manarola una manciata di minuti in treno . Fino al 2012 era possibile anche percorrere il sentiero della Via dell’Amore a piedi. Purtroppo però oggi, ma a seguito di una frana, il percorso non è più accessibile.

Riomaggiore è un altro dei tanti regali che madre natura ha fatto ai liguri. Un piccolo borgo racchiuso tra vegetazione e scorci pazzeschi . Bellissime sono poi le abitazioni dipinte con i colori tipici di queste zone e sviluppate in altezza su due o tre piani. Da non perdere la zona del porticciolo, in cui scattare la classica foto simbolo di Riomaggiore.

La visita alle Cinque Terre si è ormai conclusa, ma le bellezze da vedere non sono ancora finite.



Come raggiungerla.

via mare : un’esperienza da provare! Costo del traghetto 8,00 €/a tratta/a persona

via terra : attraverso la linea P in 35 minuti si raggiunge Portovenere da La Spezia.

Portovenere rappresenta un mix perfetto di tutto ciò che la natura ci ha donato e delle meraviglie che con l’arte abbiamo creato.

Appena si arriva nel paesino si vede il piccolo porticciolo contornato da caratteristiche e colorate casette. Sul promontorio, arrampicata sulla scogliera vicino al Castello, si trova la Chiesa San Pietro , risalente al V Secolo e costruita su un antico tempio romano.

Da non perdere : la grotta di Byron, contornata dalla scogliera su cui si erge per l’appunto la Chiesa di San Pietro. Un esempio di come arte e natura sappiano integrarsi in modo così efficace tra loro.

Dove mangiare :  imperdibile uno stop a La Bottega del Fritto con vista sul porto.


Lerici l’abbiamo scelta all’ultimo, attratti dal suo suggestivo castello arrampicato sulla scogliera, a completamento di un pomeriggio già di per sé indimenticabile. Con le sue lunghe spiagge impreziosite da un piccolo e grazioso centrino, ha ospitato nel tempo personaggi illustri tra cui Mary Shelley e Lord Byron.

Lerici è proprio il giusto paesino da vedere come degna chiosa finale di questo meraviglioso on the road della Liguria, che tanto abbiamo sospirato e che così profondamente abbiamo assaporato.

Liguria: on the road di 3 giorni da Genova a Sestri Levante

Come visitare il lago di braies in trentino alto adige, potrebbe interessarti anche, liguria: on the road di 3 giorni da..., liguria: cosa vedere da ponente a levante.

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Peccato che la via dell’Amore non sia più percorribile. Ricordo di aver passeggiato lì e su parte del sentiero Azzurro. Era insolito camminare in un ambiente che sembra montano ma in realtà si affaccia sul mare!

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Purtroppo non più…ce ne siamo accertati prima di andare! Perché avremmo tanto voluto percorrerla!

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Ultimo aggiornamento: maggio 2024.

  • Best of Cinque Terre
  • Cosa fare e vedere

Visitare le Cinque Terre in tre giorni

In questa pagina:

  • Dove soggiornare
  • Come risparmiare

Senza fretta e al tempo stesso senza dilungarvi nelle visite dei monumenti delle Cinque Terre ci vorranno 3 giorni . È la durata ideale per riuscire a visitare tutti e cinque i paesi, ammirare appieno l’architettura, visitare i meravigliosi sentieri delle Cinque Terre. Se volete anche riposarvi in spiaggia, visitare le città più vicine alle Cinque Terre, fare trekking per i sentieri più lunghi, allora dovrete fermarvi per più tempo, non vi annoierete!

Se volete visitare il Sentiero Azzurro, sarebbe meglio visitare tutte le tratte aperte in un giorno, dato che per accedervi occorre acquistare la Cinque Terre Card (prezzo nel 2024: 7,50 euro). Attenzione! I prezzi sono dinamici e aumentano in estate o nei weekend. Leggi di più qui .

Cosa visitare in 3 giorni?

Vista dal lungomare, Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italia

In tre giorni alle Cinque Terre potrete vedere tutto! Prenotate pure l’hotel in uno dei cinque paesi a scelta e leggete con attenzione il nostro sito.

Partite dalla descrizione di tutti i paesi delle Cinque Terre e dei sentieri famosi . Provate la cucina locale , vi consigliamo vivamente di cenare in uno dei ristoranti o bar nella parte alta di Vernazza.

Almeno una volta viaggiate via mare da un paese all’altro, ad esempio da Vernazza a Manarola, e ammirate la bellezza dei paesi dal ponte del battello.

Date uno sguardo alla pagina “ Come trascorrere il tempo ”, per qualsiasi età ci sono esempi di escursioni, consigliate dai turisti che hanno già visitato le Cinque Terre.

Create la vostra vacanza unica e originale alle Cinque Terre!

Dove è meglio soggiornare?

Sul nostro sito abbiamo analizzato in dettaglio la questione. La regola principale del soggiorno alle Cinque Terre è quella di prenotare in anticipo , meglio poi annullare la prenotazione in caso di cambi di programma che pagare un sovrapprezzo quando sono rimasti pochi posti disponibili. Maggiori informazioni alla pagina “ In quale città soggiornare ”.

Come risparmiare in treno

Alle Cinque Terre è molto utilizzato il biglietto speciale cumulativo, la Cinque Terre Card , un particolare biglietto di viaggio. Ci sono due tipi di biglietti simili: il primo include l’accesso ai sentieri pedonali brevi e i viaggi su autobus urbani, il secondo include gli stessi servizi con l’aggiunta dei viaggi in treno. Quindi, se in un giorno prevedete numerosi spostamenti tra i paesi, meglio acquistare la Cinque Terre Card. Così potrete risparmiare significativamente!

Alberghi romantici

Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

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Hotel economici

11745 recensioni

Appartamenti in Cinque Terre

10547 recensioni

Testo stampato dal sito web

Alberghi consigliati

Prestate attenzione ai seguenti alberghi, potrebbero interessarvi.

Margherita, Italia

Prezzo: medio. Maggiori informazioni

Arpaiu, Italia

Prezzo: abbordabile. Maggiori informazioni

Affittacamere La Torre, Italia

Affittacamere La Torre

Prezzo: basso . Maggiori informazioni

vacanze per famiglia

Itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

tour cinque terre

In uno dei tratti più suggestivi della costa ligure di Levante si trovano le Cinque Terre , antichi borghi marinai sospesi tra il mare e le montagne. Le Cinque Terre sono una meta perfetta per trascorrere una vacanza balneare in estate ma anche solo un weekend di primavera o autunno. Quale visitare delle Cinque Terre? Ovviamente tutte!

monterosso a mare bambini

I cinque borghi sono uno più suggestivo dell’altro, considera che dal 1997 sono Patrimonio dell’Umanità tutelato dall’Unesco. 

In questo articolo ti propongo un itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni , proprio quello che abbiamo seguito noi. Si tratta di un itinerario che lascia tempo al relax perché quando si è genitori e si hanno bambini…beh, di tempo per riposarsi non ce n’è mai abbastanza.


Per apprezzare davvero le Cinque Terre bisogna conoscerle . Decidere di trascorrere un weekend o le vacanze qui senza sapere cosa vedere, dove dormire o come spostarsi può rovinare la vacanza. Proprio per questo, prima di introdurti il mio itinerario, ti rimando alla lettura di questo articolo. Scoprirai la particolare conformazione delle Cinque Terre e scoprirai indicazioni per raggiungere e visitare la Cinque Terre nel migliore dei modi.


Il primo giorno ti consiglio di dedicarlo alla scoperta di Monterosso a Mare , il borgo delle Cinque Terre che ti lascerà a bocca aperta per il suo mare da sogno. Ritengo Monterosso il borgo delle Cinque Terre meno caratteristico ma sicuramente quello con le spiagge e il mare migliore per le famiglie con bambini. La spiaggia principale di Monterosso a Mare , chiamata di Fegina , è una delle più family-friendly ma in questo articolo troverai altre spiagge per bambini delle Cinque Terre . Se decidi di visitare le Cinque Terre in estate dedica il giusto tempo alla vita da spiaggia. Quando si apriranno le porte del treno ti troverai di fronte ad un mare è un sogno!

Ma Monterosso a Mare è apprezzato anche per il suo carinissimo centro storico fatto di carruggi (enoteche e negozietti artigianali meravigliosi) e la Villa di Montale , l’abitazione dove il poeta trascorse gran parte della sua vita. Non dimenticarti di visitare la torre Aurora, ai piedi del colle di San Cristoforo, tra la spiaggia di Fegina e quella del porto di Monterosso. Si tratta di una tre torri di guardia erette a Monterosso per difendere il borgo dalle incursioni dei pirati. A Torre Aurora puoi anche fermarti per un pranzo con vista alle Cinque Terre .

Termina qui la tua visita di Monterosso a Mare, destinazione…aperitivo con vista. Riprendi il treno direzione La Spezia e scendi a Corniglia . Scendi dal treno e poi…sali! Corniglia infatti è l’unico borgo delle Cinque Terre che si trova in cima ad un promontorio e non ha sbocchi sul mare. Il panorama da lassù è magnifico, guarda che mare!

Per raggiungere il centro di Corniglia dalla stazione ferroviaria hai due opzioni. La più bella, ma più impegnativa (soprattutto per chi ha bambini poco sportivi), è quella di percorrere la scala lardarina . Si tratta di una scalinata in mattoni con 377 gradini e 33 rampe, davvero faticosa ma molto affascinante. Si arrampica sulla montagna fino al centro di Corniglia. La seconda opzione per raggiungere Corniglia dalla stazione è quella di prendere il bus che parte all’uscita dalla stazione dei treni (inclusa nelle Cinque Terre Card ). A te la scelta.

Una volta arrivato a Corniglia perditi tra per le sue meravigliose e colorate viuzze, goditi il panorama e assaggia il buonissimo gelato (o la granita) ai limoni di Corniglia. Concludi con un aperitivo con vista al Bar La Terrazza in Via Fieschi 215.


Il secondo giorno del tuo itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre parte dal mare. Iniziamo la giornata all’insegna del relax. Dirigiti a Vernazza, il borgo delle Cinque Terre che ho nel cuore. Scendi dal treno, prendi la strada in discesa e dirigiti verso il mare e ti troverai in una…cartolina.

Come vedi dal video (seguimi su Instagram per non perderti i miei viaggi in real time) ti troverai in una baia racchiusa tra le montagne. Ai lati la coloratissima piazzetta del borgo e la Chiesa Santa Maria di Antochia . A pochi metri da qui troverai anche il porticciolo più caratteristico delle Cinque Terre.

La spiaggia di Vernazza è libera e molto piccola. In alta stagione è molto affollata ma ti assicuro che ne vale la pena. Gustati una focaccia ligure sul bagnasciuga oppure prova lo street food da Pippo a Vernazza .

Visita il Castello Doria a picco sul mare e la sua torre cilindrica chiamata il Belforte .

Ora scopri le viuzze del borgo con i suoi negozietti carinissimi e ritorna verso la stazione.

No, non è ora di rientrare. Passa sotto il sottopassaggio della stazione, percorri la strada in salita e imbocca il sentiero di gradini sulla destra. Ti troverai sulla prima parte del Sentiero Azzurro che collega Vernazza a Corniglia. Non dovrai farlo tutto, la tua destinazione è il Ristorante la Torre . Prenota per tempo e fai un apericena dei più belli della tua vita.

La salita non è facile, ci sono molti gradini ma il nostro duenne Ludovico li ha fatti senza problemi (e io avevo le infradito). Da lassù rimarrai a bocca aperta. Guarda che sogno!

punti panoramici cinque terre


L’ultima giornata della vacanza alle Cinque Terre la dedichiamo a Manarola e Riomaggiore . Anche se sono i borghi più piccoli delle Cinque Terre sono altamente scenografici. Partiamo con la visita di Manarola, un borgo costituito da case che si inerpicano sulla montagna, a ridosso del mare.

Sui tetti delle case e sul promontorio potrai sempre vedere delle installazioni di Natale (non illuminate in piena estate ovviamente). Qui infatti, l’8 dicembre di ogni anno, si accende il Presepe di Manarola , il più grande al mondo.

Il borgo di Manarola è particolarissimo soprattutto grazie alle barche parcheggiate davanti alle case, come se fossero automobili. A parte la passeggiata mozzafiato nei vicoli del borgo ti consiglio di visitare la e di fare un aperitivo pazzesco al Ristorante Nessun Dorma . Si tratta di uno dei locali con vista più famosi e instagrammabili di tutta Italia. Per trovare posto ti consiglio di scaricare la loro app : in questo modo puoi prenotare il tavolo e fare una fila virtuale mentre ti godi gli scorci incredibili di Manarola. Portati il costume e fai un tuffo nel mare, tra i faraglioni della baia.

Dulcis in fundo spostati al borgo di Riomaggiore , la più orientale delle Cinque Terre. Da Manarola puoi raggiungere Riomaggiore solo in treno perché la meravigliosa e famosa Via dell’Amore (sentiero che collegava questi due borghi) è chiusa da anni a causa di una frana. A Riomaggiore ti consiglio di visitare la Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista , il Castello ma soprattutto di perderti tra i suoi carruggi . Le case torretta a picco sul mare ti lasceranno a bocca aperta. Ti lascio sotto il reel pubblicato su Instagram dove puoi vedere i colori di Riomaggiore.

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Dormire alle Cinque Terre è super scenografico ma difficilmente si può dire che sia comodo o economico . Gli hotel sono pochi perché principalmente il tessuto ricettivo delle Cinque Terre è fatto da b&b e affittacamere .

Voglio che tu tenga in considerazione che qualsiasi struttura ricettiva delle Cinque Terre tu scelga tendenzialmente è spesso difficile da raggiungere. Per esempio potresti essere costretto a portare la tua valigia arrampicandoti su gradini e salite. Molti edifici storici, inoltre, non hanno l’aria condizionata quindi se vuoi visitare le Cinque Terre in pieno agosto considera questo fattore. Oltre a questo, i parcheggi alle Cinque Terre sono praticamente inesistenti.

Una buona opzione per godersi solo il meglio delle Cinque Terre è quella di dormire a Levanto come abbiamo fatto noi. In questo articolo trovi i dettagli di dove dormire a Levanto . Potresti anche decidere di pernottare a La Spezia considerato il collegamento ferroviario ma secondo me non ne vale la pena. Levanto è molto più bella e sarai già in vacanza.

Ora che hai scoperto come visitare le Cinque Terre in tre giorni ti consiglio di scoprire cosa fare con i tuoi bambini alle Cinque Terre , tra parchi giochi ed avventure.

Se ti è piaciuto l’articolo condividilo e tienilo sempre con te utilizzando i pulsanti qui sotto. Grazie!


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Gorgeous Cinque Terre 3 Day Itinerary

3-Day Itinerary in Cinque Terre

Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso al Mare, Riomaggiore and Corniglia: these are the fabulous five villages composing that part of Liguria called Cinque Terre.

Definitely worth visiting for its naturalistic trails, colorful fishermen houses and lovely beaches, it also offers delicious typical food such as delicious focaccia and great wines as well.

This article is all about my personally experienced 3 day itinerary in Cinque Terre . Hope you’ll find it useful for your next trip!

What Does This Cinque Terre 3 Day Itinerary Include?

  • a logical, organized, time-saving, stress-free and smooth travel plan starting from Corniglia to Manarola, Riomaggiore, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare.
  • useful information on when to go to Cinque Terre, local attractions, hiking trails and transportation to and among the five villages.
  • my suggestions and considerations on what to wear in Cinque Terre and things to bring based on my personal experience.

1. how to get to cinque terre

Cinque terre are reachable from any parts of Italy, either drivin g or by train as the villages are well connected with both highways and trailways.

In case you’re driving, either your own car or a rental car (se e how to rent a car in Italy here ), be aware that parking lots in Cinque Terre are very few. Therefore, I advise you to stay in a place that has parking included.

Driving to Cinque Terre: My Insider Tips

Try not to drive at night as roads are tiny and winding and they’re not just “one way”: when it gets dark it’s harder to see well as there are only a few street lights scattered here and there along the street.

1.1 how to get to cinque terre from milan by train: best solution 

Even though some say Cinque Terre could be a perfect day trip from Milan , I don’t agree with that as this area deserves at least 2 or 3 days to be really enjoyed. From Milano Centrale take the Intercity to Monterosso : it takes about 3 hours and it’s a direct train.

1.2 how to get to cinque terre from Florence by train: best solution 

Take the Frecciargento from Firenze Campo di Marte and reach Riomaggiore . The journey takes only 2h30, but you have to change trains in La Spezia Centrale.

1.3 how to get to cinque terre from Rome by train: best solution 

Take the Frecciargento from Roma Termini and reach Riomaggiore . The journey takes 4h, and you have to change trains in La Spezia Centrale. 

>> More info on train timetables on Trenitalia Official Website .

2. Is the Cinque Terre Train Card worth it?

If you decide to follow this Cinque Terre 3 day itinerary, the Cinque Terre Train Card is not really worth it.

In case you’re traveling in high season (summer months) with kids, a group or people over 70, then I recommend you to purchase it. In all other cases it’s not that convenient.

>> Check out all the prices of Cinque Terre Train Card here .

3. When to Go to Cinque Terre: Best Season

In my personal opinion, I think the best time to go to cinque terre is summer as you can fully enjoy the refreshing waters of the five villages. However, temperatures tend to get high between June and August so you need to get up early, especially if you want to take a hike on the trails. 

Spring is a nice option too: April and May are sunny months, but maybe you won’t be able to swim in the sea – I think it’s still a bit too cold for that. 

I don’t really recommend winter and fall and days are way shorter and you’re more likely to find cloudy or rainy days: you wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy the beautiful colors of the sea.

4. What to Wear in Cinque Terre

To travel around the five villages you need the necessary equipment. Below you’ll find what to wear in Cinque Terre and unmissable things to bring along with you.

  • sneakers for the hiking trails: you don’t really need trekking shoes – the walking paths are on hills not mountains – but you definitely want to have a pair of decent sneakers with you. All in all, you’ll be walking on large rocks, steep steps and earthy paths so you don’t want to be wearing sandals.
  • water shoes (especially in Corniglia rocky beach): rocks in the water are slippery and, unless you want to jump right into the sea from the rocks, you might want to consider having a pair of water shoes. They’ll come in handy!
  • an insulated water bottle : in summer you definitely need one.
  • a swimming costume, beach towels and flip-flops : as you are in Cinque Terre you cannot miss sunbathing on the sandy Fegina beach in Monterosso al Mare, right?
  • sunscreen and hat : highly recommended for both sunbathing and hiking, especially in the hot season. Temperatures are quite high!

5. Where to Stay in Cinque Terre: Best Village

This 3 day itinerary in Cinque Terre is based on my personal experience: I stayed in Corniglia as I though it was the best option for me: I could easily reach the other villages as I was right in the middle, and I also had a free parking included in my accommodation.

However, you can adjust this itinerary to your needs: for example, if you’re going to Cinque Terre from Milan by train you’d better start in Monterosso al Mare. It’s also ideal if you’re planning to stay there for a few relaxing days on the sandy beach.

On the other hand, if you co me from the south (Florence, Rome, Naples) you’d find Riomaggiore a more suitable option.

6. Cinque Terre 3 day Itinerary

Day 1: corniglia.

Start your itinerary in Corniglia in the morning .

Follow the “to the sea” signs and enjoy the crystal clear water of this small bay.

How to Get to Cinque Terre

Enjoy your day sunbathing and relaxing. When you’re satisfied, go up the stairs (yes, unfortunately this is the only way to go back!), take a shower and explore the beautiful borgo with its tiny streets, colors and stop for a drink .

Aperitivo: Where to Eat in Corniglia

Cinque Terre 3 day itinerary

I had a refreshing basil cocktail at KM0 for as little as € 5.00 and it comes with some focaccia ligure topped with small diced tomatoes and taggiasche olives. Are you ready for a typical Ligurian aperitivo?

Among the typical products in Corniglia you’ll find honey and basil ice cream flavors. I had the basil one at Gelateria Alberto , and it was amazing! With just € 2.00 you’ll get two scoops.

Day 2: Manarola and Riomaggiore

After a good night sleep in the peaceful town of Corniglia, get ready for today’s adventure! You’re going to visit Manarola passing by the small village of Volastra and then reach Riomaggiore .

How to Reach Manarola from Corniglia

Cinque Terre are famous not only for the beauty of the villages and the sea but also for the hiking trails stretching out on the hills and vineyards producing Schiacchetrà DOC and other fine Ligurian wines .

Why don’t you take a close look at those beautiful grapes and take a nice walk in nature?

Now, you have two options : choose according to your physical shape and willingness to wake up early – at least in summer.

Option A: Corniglia-Manarola-Riomaggiore Hiking Trail

Start off from Corniglia on path 587 (ex n. 7A), then proceed on 586 (former 6 / D). Once you get to Volastra take path 506 (ex 6) to get to Manarola.

My insider tips:

Always follow the red and white signals on rocks, walls or anything else around you.

Hiking trails in Cinque Terre

Hiking Trail Requirements

To do this trail you need to wake up early (at 6.30 am max) and be in a decent shape (not a couch potato all year round) and here’s why. The first 30 mins from Corniglia are quite steep and there is basically no wind up there so chances are you’re going to sweat a lot.

After this first part, the rest is very easy and you won’t have any problems.

Why waking up that early?

When I did this trail it was cloudy, luckily. However, even in that condition, I kept sweating because it was really hot . Consider that it was the end of June, so you can understand how temperatures rise in July and August.  

Also, this trail is 2h30 – 3h hiking in the hills from Corniglia to Manarola. Therefore, if you start your hiking at 7 am, you’ll get to Manarola at around 9.30 am which is not too bad but I do not recommend you to start this trail after 7 in the morning.

Why should I take the path instead of the train?

Once you pass the first 30 mins, you’ll thank yourself for your choice.

First of all, you’ll be walking surrounded by nature.

Also, you’ll get to see the dry stone walls and vineyards (my favorite part), where they grow grapes for local wines such as Cinque Terre DOC and Sciacchetrà DOC .

Here, you may see people already working on the fields, and the view is absolutely astonishing . Stop for a moment to enjoy this beauty!

Equipment : sneakers, bottle of water.

Toll : no toll ticket needed for this trail

Dry Walls in Cinque Terre

Option B: Cinque Terre Express Train

If you feel the trail is not meant for you, go down the 377 steps of Lardarina stairway heading to the station. With just as little as € 2.10* you’ll get the ticket to Manarola and will be there in 3 mins. 

Trains run every 30 mins: check the timetable beforehand so that you’ll avoid waiting for a long time.

*low season price in 2022. In July and August train tickets are € 4.00.

Regardless of the option you choose, you’ll eventually end up in Manarola . Take a stroll in the small village (it’s small indeed!) and enjoy the magical atmosphere.

Once you’ve visited Manarola, head to the station after the tunnel and take the train to Riomaggiore .

Spend your afternoon in Riomaggiore: I had a lot of fun in the main road as it’s packed with cozy places to eat typical food of Cinque Terre .

To go back to Corniglia take the train (check the timetable beforehand) and enjoy the beautiful view of the sea from the train window.

Snack in Riomaggiore

Stop in one of the cafés along the main street and have breakfast with a “ cappuccio e brioche ”..or focaccia , if you like it better!

Once you’re ready, head to the station after the gallery and take the train to Riomaggiore .

Again, it runs every 30 mins and costs around € 2.20 in low season, € 4.00 in high season.

What to Eat in Riomaggiore

There’s plenty for all tastes! I took farinata with pesto and focaccia di Recco at Pizza & Faina.

The typical Ligurian rice cake (torta di riso) and unconventional focaccia with lemon can be found at Bakery Rosi Roberta Di Baudinelli.

You can also try mixed fried fish and veggies (fritto misto) at Tutti Fritti.

Farinata with pesto typical food of Liguria

—> You may also like

5 Hacks on How to Make Your Focaccia Bread Fluffy

Day 3: Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare

Kickstart your day with the most famous hiking trail of Cinque Terre : you’ll be walking for around 1h 30 (around 4 km) on the Sentiero Azzurro 592-3 (SVA2), the Blue Path .

Less challenging than the previous one, this trail connecting Corniglia-Vernazza-Monterosso Al Mare is subject to a toll ticket (€ 7.50 for the daily pass).

On the trail, after about 20 mins walking, you’ll see a cozy café with a nice vista on Corniglia : stop by for a fresh lemonade made with their huge, juicy local lemons.

the Blue Path Cinque Terre

Like the other trail, try to wake up as early as you can: I recommend starting your trekking at 7 am so that you reach Vernazza at 8.30/9 am, take a stroll there (have breakfast in one of the colorful cafés) and at 10 am get back on trail for Monterosso.

I happened to do the Vernazza – Monterosso at 11.30 am and it was the worst thing ever. It was sunny and the heat didn’t help me much hiking up the hills!

In Vernazza village you’ll see signs for Sentiero Azzurro path number 2, also designated as 592-4 (SVA2). About 3.5 km and 1h 30 walking, I particularly loved this part of the trail.

The sea colors are stunning and it’s just like having a walk in a surreal world. Way better than the train, promise!

Vernazza Cinque Terre

At the end of the Blue Path n° 2, you’ll see the biggest village of Cinque Terre: Monterosso al Mare.

You’ll arrive there at around noon, so take your time to enjoy a nice focaccia . Spend the rest of the day exploring the borgo and relaxing on the sandy beach of Monterosso al Mare, either at the equipped beach (you need to pay for the day) or in one of the very few free spots left.

If you choose the latter, make sure you bring the right equipment with you (sun umbrella, sunscreen and beach towels).

Where to Eat in Monterosso al Mare

Where to Eat in Monterosso

At San Martino Gastronomia I tried trofie al pesto and Linguine with taggiasche olives, Monterosso anchovies (typical product of Monterosso), pine nuts and capers, all accompanied by a bottle of Cinque Terre DOC 2018 .

Now that you’ve visited the marvelous Cinque Terre you must go to Portovenere , the 6th village which has never been officially part of the Cinque Terre National Park but it’s as beautiful as the other five villages.

—> Read about typical food and wine of Cinque Terre and Liguria:

Cinque Terre Best Traditional Food

Sciacchetrà DOC, Sweet Wine from Cinque Terre

All Types of Focaccia Bread in Liguria

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A Broken Backpack

Perfect 3 Days In Cinque Terre Itinerary

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Feb 6, 2023 | Europe , Italy , Travel Tips

Cinque Terre is a picturesque area in Italy made up of five villages: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso al Mare. The villages are connected by walking trails and offer stunning views of the coastline.

Cinque Terre is a popular tourist destination and can be crowded, so it’s important to plan your trip in advance.

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Here is a suggested 3-day itinerary for Cinque Terre . Depending on the location of your accommodation, you might need to switch it up a bit.

Cinque Terre

Arrive in Cinque Terre and check into your accommodation. Spend the afternoon exploring the village in which you’re staying. Our favorite villages are Riomaggiore, Manarola, and Corniglia. I also recommend staying in one of these three villages.

If you decide to explore one of the nearby villages on your first day, make sure to stop at one of the many viewpoints to take in the stunning views of the coastline.

In the evening, enjoy a traditional Italian meal in one of the villages.

In the morning, start your day with a hike to another village. Depending on where you’re staying, you could opt for the nearby villages of head to the further one.

For example, you could head to Monterosso al Mare. Once you arrive in Monterosso al Mare, spend some time relaxing on the beach before heading to Vernazza. You can learn more about the best beaches in Cinque Terre by reading our guide.

In the evening, enjoy dinner with a view in Vernazza. 

Vernazza has some of the most beautiful restaurants. In fact, the views from some of the restaurants are pretty iconic.

Cinque Terre

Spend your last day in Cinque Terre exploring the coast from the sea. Rent a kayak, or a boat, or simply join a boat trip to see Cinque Terre from a different perspective.

Depending on your departure time, you should have enough time to soak in the views one last time.

Cinque Terre Travel Tips

Below you’ll find a lot of travel tips for visiting Cinque Terre. Then, we’ll dive a bit deeper to help you plan an unforgivable trip to Cinque Terre.

  • Cinque Terre can be crowded, so it’s important to plan your trip in advance. For example, you should book your accommodation in advance as there are not a lot of options and they can get sold out quickly. The same applies to boat trips or activities.
  • Cinque Terre is a hilly area, so comfortable walking shoes are a must!
  • There are many stairs in Cinque Terre, so be prepared for a bit of cardio. The villages of Cinque Terre are connected by walking trails. Be sure to pack water and snacks for the hike. If you’re there during summertime, bring sunscreen too.
  • Cinque Terre is known for its seafood. Try the traditional dishes like focaccia with anchovies, or spaghetti with clams.
  • Cinque Terre is a popular tourist destination, so there are many souvenir shops.
  • Cinque Terre is a beautiful area that can be crowded during the summer. If you’re looking for a more relaxed trip, consider visiting in the off-season.
  • To access some hiking trails, you’ll need to buy a ticket. Tickets can be bought at the Cinque Terre National Park office or at the train station.

The price of the tickets has increased in 2022. Here’s an overview:

  • The Cinque Terre Card for one day: EUR 18.20
  • The Cinque Terre Card for two days: EUR 33
  • The Cinque Terre Card for three days: EUR 47

Cinque Terre Card Prices

Best Time To Visit Cinque Terre

The best time to visit Cinque Terre depends on what you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a more relaxed trip, consider visiting in the off-season. April to June and September to October are considered the shoulder seasons and offer milder weather and smaller crowds.

July and August are the busiest months, so if you’re looking to avoid the crowds, consider visiting in the off-season. The weather is still nice, and you’ll be able to enjoy Cinque Terre without the crowds.

Cinque Terre

Where To Park In Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is a hilly area, so there is limited parking. If you’re planning on visiting by car, it’s best to park in one of the larger towns like Monterosso al Mare or La Spezia and take the train to Cinque Terre.

Parking in Cinque Terre is expensive and can be difficult to find. If you do choose to drive, be sure to arrive early to find a spot.

We suggest you book accommodation that provides parking and walk between the villages instead of using the car.

How To Get Around Cinque Terre

The best way to get around Cinque Terre is by train. Cinque Terre is located on the Genoa-Rome railway line and there are trains connecting the villages of Cinque Terre. The trains are frequent and run on a schedule, so be sure to check the timetable in advance.

You can also get around Cinque Terre by boat or ferry. They depart from the ports of each village. Tickets can be bought at the port or at the Cinque Terre National Park office.

Finally, if you’re in Cinque Terre, you should also use your feet to explore the area. Cinque Terre is known for its walking trails with stunning views.

If you’re planning on doing a lot of hiking, get a Cinque Terre Card. It will give you access to the trails and to the train if you ever get tired at some point.

Cinque Terre

How To Reach Cinque Terre From La Spezia

Cinque Terre can be reached by train from La Spezia. Cinque Terre is located on the Genoa-Rome railway line and there are trains connecting Cinque Terre to La Spezia. The journey takes about 30 minutes.

You can also reach Cinque Terre by boat from La Spezia. Boat trips are a unique way to see Cinque Terre.

If you’re driving, Cinque Terre can be reached by car from La Spezia. Depending on the village you wish to visit, the length of the trip can change.

Cinque Terre can also be reached by bus from La Spezia, but we recommend the train over the bus. It’s faster and you will avoid feeling carsick on the windy roads.

Best Places To Stay In Cinque Terre

There are many accommodation options available in Cinque Terre.

If you’re looking for the easiest options, consider staying in one of the larger towns like Monterosso al Mare or La Spezia and taking the train to Cinque Terre.

If you’re looking for a more authentic experience, consider staying in one of the smaller villages like Vernazza, Manarola, or Corniglia. There are limited accommodation options available in the smaller villages, so be sure to book in advance. These villages are also great options if you’re planning on doing a lot of hiking .

Finally, consider staying in Riomaggiore if you wish to hike, but also enjoy the several restaurants. It’s one of the biggest towns and they have some of the best restaurants in the area. Riomaggiore is located at the beginning of the Cinque Terre hiking trail and offers more accommodation options.

Learn more about the best areas where to stay by reading our guide on the best places to stay in Cinque Terre .

Staying In Cinque Terre?

Make sure to book a stay in one of the best hotels in Cinque Terre. Best hostel: The 5 Terre Best mid-range hotel: MADA Charm Apartments Best luxury hotel: La Vista di Marina by The First

Final Thoughts On Cinque Terre Itinerary

Cinque Terre is a beautiful area of Italy and offers something for everyone.

Cinque Terre is the perfect destination whether you’re looking for a relaxing trip or an adventure-filled vacation. Be sure to plan your trip in advance and consider the best time to visit Cinque Terre based on what you’re looking for.

Visiting Italy soon? Make sure to read the following guides:

  • How many days in Cinque Terre
  • Is Cinque Terre worth visiting
  • Rome in 4 days

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Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre, Italy

last Updated: April 24, 2024 cinque terre italy

FYI: Affiliate links may be sprinkled throughout the awesome, free content you see below. I’ll receive a small commission when you purchase from my links (at no extra cost to you), which I’ll totally blow on adult things like boba tea and avocado toast. As always, thanks for the support.

Headed to Italy and looking to spend 3 days in Cinque Terre?! I’m sharing everything you need to know to plan the perfect Cinque Terre itinerary — when to go, where to stay, where to eat, and of course, all the fun things to do!

Imagine eating authentic Italian pizza while watching the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. Learning how to make homemade pesto with an aperol spritz in hand. Sunbathing on one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Italy. Wandering tiny towns full of colorful homes and quaint, cobblestone streets. That’s Cinque Terre in a nutshell. And it’s absolutely glorious.

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre, meaning “Five Lands”, consists of five small coastal villages (Riomaggiore, Manarola , Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso al Mare). Luckily, this Cinque Terre itinerary visits them all! Think picturesque harbors, winding cliff pathways, pastel-colored houses, and sweeping vistas full of terraced vineyards. Can’t forget about all that trofie al pesto and sage butter gnocchi (mmm… I’m drooling just thinking about those meals!).

After stepping off the train, heading to our hotel high up in the hills of Manarola, and then taking our first look at the sea, we were in awe. I can promise you, you’ll never want your 3 days in Cinque Terre to end. There’s a reason over three million travelers visit each and every year. 

Honestly, it’s my new favorite area of Italy. Our trip exceeded all my expectations and then some; yes, it’s touristy, but I swear, it’s one of the prettiest destinations in all of Italy (and that’s a tough call because there’s just so much scenic beauty in this country) .

Get ready for this Cinque Terre itinerary – you’ll never wanna leave this famous coastal landscape! I know I didn’t!

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

3 Days in Cinque Terre At-A-Glance

  • Day 1: Beach at Monterosso al Mare and Vernazza Harbor
  • Day 2 : Corniglia Views and Pizza Sunset in Riomaggiore
  • Day 3: Nessun Dorma Pesto Class, Boat Tour, and Fresh Pasta in Manarola

So let’s get to it – the most perfect 3 day Cinque Terre itinerary coming right up! But first, some important logistics!

3 Days in Cinque Terre Itinerary Logistics

Where is cinque terre.

Cinque Terre is in Northwestern Italy in the Italian Riviera right on the Mediterranean coast. It’s located in the Liguria Region (along with Genoa – the region’s capital, La Spezia, and Sanremo), and not terribly far from major cities like Pisa, Milan, and Florence.

Although it’s in the north, it’s on the opposite side of the country from Venice, so don’t expect to travel between the two fast!

If you’re hoping to visit both the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre (like plenty of people do), remember they are pretty far apart. Amalfi is located on the southern edge of Italy’s Sorrentine Peninsula, in the Campania region… quite far from the villages of Cinque Terre.

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How to Get to Cinque Terre

Regardless of where you’re coming from, it can be a bit tricky to get to Cinque Terre. 

Why? Because if you look at a map, there’s no specific place in Italy called Cinque Terre – it’s a region comprising those five tiny villages I spoke about earlier. You’ve gotta know exactly where to go (and by that, I mean which town you wanna visit).

Also, there’s no Cinque Terre airport, so regardless of where you fly into, you’ll need to take the train to the 5 villages. So yea, it’s a little more challenging to reach than the bigger cities in Italy, but well worth it! I promise!

Flying to Cinque Terre

Okay, so here’s the thing. You can’t fly to Cinque Terre directly (there’s no airport here!), but you can fly to an airport nearby. If you’re coming from the states, I recommend flying into one of these airports and then taking the train to the villages of Cinque Terre.

How to decide which airport to fly into? Look at flight prices and flight schedules. Some airports offer more international arrivals than others, so it’s really worth looking into all the possible airports.

  • Pisa (Galileo Galilei International Airport, PSA): ~50 miles, 1 ½ hours away, by far the closest airport to Cinque Terre. You need to first take the Pisa Mover to the main train station (only takes about 5 minutes), then take the train to La Spezia (about 1 ½ hours).
  • Genoa (Cristoforo Colombo International Airport, GOA): ~55 miles, 2 hours away via train
  • Florence (Florence Airport, FLR): ~85 miles, ~ 3 ½ hours away via train
  • Milan (Milan Malpensa Airport, MXP): ~160 miles, ~4 hours away via train. The furthest away on this list, but MXP has so many international flights so definitely check out the airport in Milan. 

Once you fly into one of these airports near Cinque Terre, you’ll then need to take the train! Info below! I promise you the long journey is worth it!

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Taking the Train to Cinque Terre

If you’re flying to an airport near Cinque Terre or heading to the five villages from elsewhere in Italy, you’ll most likely be taking the train. Unfortunately, there are no reliable bus options, so the train is your best bet.

Thankfully, Trenitalia ( the primary train operator in Italy) has direct connections to La Spezia from Rome, Florence, and Pisa (the closest airport). Wait… La Spezia? I thought we were going to Cinque Terre! 

Yup, you’ll most likely need to connect in either La Spezia (south of the five towns) or Levanto (directly north of Monterosso al Mare). For further details on train times and prices, check out the Trenitalia website.

Once you get to Cinque Terre, the Cinque Terre Express train runs between La Spezia and Levanto in Sestri Levante, stopping at each village every few minutes.

Psst – Monterosso is the only one of the Cinque Terre villages that is served by long distance Intercity trains. If you end up here and your accommodation is elsewhere, you’ll need to take the Cinque Terre Express train.

If you’re crazy like us and decided to head from Venice to Cinque Terre, you’ll need to take a connecting train. First from Venezia San Lucia to Milano Centrale (2 ½ hours), and then from Milano Centrale to Monterosso (3 hours). 

Honestly, although the train travel was only about 5 ½ hours, it literally took ALL day and I wouldn’t recommend doing it this way. We essentially lost an entire day of our trip and had a difficult time figuring out which train times would be best (we were worried about missing a super tight connection).

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Driving to Cinque Terre 

Honestly, I don’t recommend driving to Cinque Terre. While there’s a few parking lots outside the town centers, you won’t be using your car in Cinque Terre itself, AT ALL. Plus, the roads are narrow and windy through the mountains, there’s not a bunch of parking (and it can be quite expensive), and you’ll probably get a ticket or two (parking laws are very strict here).

If Cinque Terre is part of a much longer Italy road trip and you’re planning to drive over here, don’t fret. Just find a parking lot. I highly recommend finding a parking lot where you can simply drop your car off, leave it there for the duration of your stay in Cinque Terre, and then pick it back up once you’re leaving the area.

Check out the Park Centro Stazione underground parking garage at the La Spezia Centrale train station – you can park for 24 hours for €30 (the daily rate). You can then take the Cinque Terre Express Train directly to the villages.

Definitely not the most convenient way to head to Cinque Terre, but it’s possible. If you’re following this Cinque Terre itinerary, you definitely don’t need a car, promise!

How to Get Around During Your 3 Days in Cinque Terre

By Train 

During your 3 days in Cinque Terre, you’ll undoubtedly be taking the train plenty of times! It’s by far the best way to get between the villages. Each of the five towns of Cinque Terre has its own train station, and they’re all connected on the Cinque Terre railway. Trains run about every 20 minutes, although standing there in the blazing sun it definitely felt longer sometimes (and the schedule never seemed to match up…).

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Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to get from one village to the next. A few minutes at most! It takes less than 30 minutes to get from one end of the railway to the other (including to La Spezia).

Like other big cities, Cinque Terre has its own transportation pass, the Cinque Terre Pass (very unique name, I know, haha). If you want unlimited travel on the Cinque Terre Train (all the way from La Spezia to Levanto, with all the five villages in between), you’ll wanna grab the Cinque Terre Train Card.

You can purchase the card for either 1 day, 2 days, or 3 days. We used the train a few times a day and loved not having to worry about getting (and paying for) train tickets each and every time. You can purchase the pass at any train station in Cinque, or at any of the Tourist Info Points.

I didn’t actually realize there was a ferry running between the villages until we got to Cinque Terre. And lemme tell ya — seeing the villages from the water is an activity in and of itself! 

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Taking the ferry is a great way to see the rugged cliffs of the coastline as well as the turquoise water and of course the colorful fishing villages from a different viewpoint. But there’s an even better way… a boat tour, which I’ll get into later. 

The ferry runs from the end of March until the beginning of November.

Psst – the ferry doesn’t run to Corniglia since there’s no water access there. It does make stops in Portovenere though, and less frequently in La Spezia and Levanto. 

Boat vs Train? I still choose the train, as they come way more frequently. Take a guided boat tour instead (and you won’t be smashed with hundreds of other passengers on board and even get to swim in the refreshing sea)!

Once you’ve taken the train into one of the 5 villages, you can then get around entirely on foot! The five towns are pretty small (albeit a bit hilly, especially heading up to Corniglia), and you can really see so much in a short amount of time.

We walked A TON in Cinque Terre, and highly recommend wearing comfy shoes. Leave your strappy sandals and cute espadrilles at home if you know you’ll be getting in your steps. I saw a few girls struggling in heels on the uneven cobblestone – don’t be one of them. Save your cute shoes for dinner wherever you’re staying (basically, whenever you know you’re not walking a lot, haha).

By Car 

I do NOT recommend a car to get around Cinque Terre. The villages themselves are car-free (for real, you won’t see any cars), and there’s super limited parking outside the village centers. Once you realize how fast and easy the train is, you’ll be glad you left your car at home.

Driving to Cinque Terre? Park your car outside the main villages (in La Spezia) for the duration of your stay in Cinque Terre. There’s really no reason for a car in Cinque Terre, and it’ll just prove to be more of a hassle anyways.

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When to Plan Your 3 Day Cinque Terre Itinerary (Weather and Crowds)

Is there really a bad time to visit Cinque Terre? With Liguria’s mild Mediterranean climates, a visit from mid-March to mid-October will probably be pretty perfect! Of course there’s pros and cons to each season, which I’ll explain a bit here!

Summer: May — September (High Season)

May through September is Cinque Terre’s busy season, and boy does it get busy. Crowds seem to increase every year – everyone wants to see the sweeping vistas and explore the colorful fishing villages (can’t blame them!). 

The beaches in Monterosso al Mare are overflowing with tourists (get there early). You’ll need to make dinner reservations at popular restaurants. And book accommodation months in advance. Still, the weather will be at its best, with the highest chance of clear, sunny skies and gorgeous beach weather.

Try to avoid school vacations and especially Italian National holidays, as this is when the five towns see the highest number of visitors.

Whatever you do, do whatever you can to avoid visiting Cinque Terre when a cruise ship is in port (La Spezia) — thousands of people will be pouring into the small towns! Find the schedule here .

For reference, we visited Cinque Terre in late June. The days were long and hot and sweaty, and the towns were pretty crowded. We still had a fantastic time, but we would have preferred slightly cooler weather (since we were dripping half the time).

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Spring and Fall: April and October (Shoulder Seasons)

In my opinion, the best time to visit Cinque Terre is during a shoulder season, either Spring or Fall, specifically mid to late April or mid to late October. 

The massive crowds have not yet arrived (Spring) or have already gone home (Fall), the temps are cooler than sweaty summer, and you’ll be able to score some deals on accommodation and airfare to Italy. It starts to get rainier and kinda chilly in late Fall, so you may be taking a chance on weather if you visit in late October.

Winter: November — March (Low Season)

Like any other season, there are pros and cons to spending 3 days in Cinque Terre in the winter months. It’ll be very quiet and some restaurants will be closed, the weather may not be perfect (definitely expect some rain and gray skies), and the train and ferry schedules are reduced.

Although it never gets crazy crazy cold during the day (expect low 50s), it may dip into the 30s at night.

A bonus is that the hiking trails are free of charge, but heavy rains may close some of these paths. There’ll likely be some maintenance work going on as well (makes sense to do the work during low season).

But that just means you’ll be able to save money on accommodation and flights (everybody likes that).

An Overview of the Five Villages

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

I highly recommend visiting all 5 villages during your 3 days in Cinque Terre. And luckily, this 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary visits them all! 

While the villages are similar in nature (they’ve all got dreamy seaside views, cobblestone streets, and pastel-colored houses), they’ve also got their own personality and appeal. Some are more peaceful and quiet, some are known for their delicious restaurants and cuisine, and some are great for sunset!

Here they are from north to south:

Monterosso al Male

Monterosso al Male, more frequently known as simply “Monterosso” is the largest and most developed of the 5 villages.

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

If you’re looking to head to the beach on your Cinque Terre itinerary, definitely head to Monterosso. You’ll find the best beaches in Cinque Terre over here, and we loved our morning at Fegina – those orange umbrellas are so iconic to the area. And of course it felt amazing to cool off in the sea (we were visiting in late June and boy was it was hot!).

Not everyone realizes this, but there’s actually two parts to Monterosso – the new town (with the gorgeous Fegina Beach) and the charming old town center. They’re split by a tunnel and you can easily walk between the two.

Whatever you do, don’t miss the harbor in Vernazza – it’s super picturesque and probably my favorite part of the village! It’s actually the only natural harbor in Cinque Terre.

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

Vernazza is the most photographed town in Cinque Terre for a reason. There’s a medieval tower, a gorgeous small beach at the port which gets crazy crowded in the summer (it’s super tiny), and the colorful houses in town are just so cute!

The views from above the town are absolutely out of this world (and I highly recommend hiking a short distance here). It’s where the famous viewpoints are – you’ll need your Cinque Terre pass for this. I’ve actually got a huge art print of Vernazza hanging above my couch in my living room which I finally got to see in person on the walk from Vernazza to Corniglia!


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Corniglia is the only village without any sea access, and is the hardest to reach since the train platform is well below the actual town. You’ll need to walk up 377 steps to reach the village, or you can take the shuttle if you’re lucky enough to catch it like us!

It’s the most authentic of the villages, since there’s way less tourists over here and more locals out and about. Meaning Corniglia is way less crowded – perfect when you’ve had enough of all the tourists!

Despite the lack of sea access, it’s still got gorgeous views of the water and it’s surrounded by vineyards.


Manarola has to be my favorite village in Cinque Terre . In my opinion, it’s the most picturesque and charming of all the villages; there’s such a magical atmosphere and we could have spent hours sipping aperol and limoncello spritz’ watching the world go by. I still dream about those multicolored houses hidden high in the hills overlooking the sea.

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

It’s well-known for Nessun Dorma, a famous restaurant with the best views, where you can take a pesto-making class and have a long leisurely lunch of Italian Bruschetta platters and refreshing white wine. Trattoria dal Billy, another super popular restaurant, offers fresh seafood overlooking the sea, the vineyards, and the town below.

There’s no beach here in Manarola, but you can sunbathe, cliff dive, and swim from the cliffs and rocks surrounding the marina.


This is where everyone goes for sunset on the rocks with a pizza in hand (and yes, of course it’s included on this 3 day Cinque Terre itinerary)!

The town of Riomaggiore feels and looks like a real-life postcard. Everywhere you look is absolutely unreal.

Don’t miss a cone of fried fish at Tutti Fritti or Il Pescato Cucinato – delicious!

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

Where to Stay in Cinque Terre 

When planning a Cinque Terre itinerary, you’ve essentially got two categories of where to stay. You can either stay in one of the five villages within Cinque Terre itself, or on the outskirts of Cinque Terre in a nearby city. 

The Five Villages: 

If you want easy access to the other villages and wanna be in all the action 24/7, I recommend staying in one of the 5 towns. There aren’t a lot of traditional hotels in the five villages (most accommodation options are small guesthouses), so book early if you know you wanna stay in a typical hotel-like setting. No generic resorts or strips of hotels here!

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Psst – Affittacamere directly translates to “landlord” in Italian, but this is just another way of saying the place is a guesthouse! They’re kinda like Italian Airbnbs – where the host doesn’t always live on site and you’ll rarely see them. Typically, these guest houses provide a folder with all the info you need instead.

Tip: Regardless of what town you stay in, I highly recommend packing light. There’s lots of stairs/hills in the villages, and the last thing I’d wanna do is drag around a huge suitcase to my accommodation!

We chose to base ourselves in Manarola here during our 3 days in Cinque Terre, and were thrilled with our choice! It felt busy but not too busy, and nights watching the sunset overlooking the pastel-colored houses were so romantic!

Manarola is the most charming and romantic of the 5 villages, a little more homey and a little less touristy than the others, and perfect for couples who want a little romance. And photographers, too, since the views are outstanding.

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

I’m so glad we stayed in Manarola — the quiet and relaxing evenings were lovely after busy days in the sun. It’s one of the most popular areas to stay, so book far in advance.

  • Da Baranin (where we stayed and loved, with a great breakfast on the patio every morning and gorgeous views of the terraced hills!)
  • Il Sogno di Manarola by The First (a brand new luxury option with views overlooking Manarola – where I originally wanted to stay but it was already sold out!)
  • Marina Piccola (modern hotel full of contemporary design features in the heart of Manarola)
  • La Torretta (luxury accommodation with a hot tub and free aperitivo every night)

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

I swear, every photo of Riomaggiore looks like a postcard. While there’s no swimming here, you can lay out your towel and sunbathe on the rocks. It’s got a younger feeling than the other villages, with the busiest and most dynamic nightlife. Plus, it’s the best place to stay within the five towns if you’re on a budget.

  • Cinque Terre Residence (traditional hotel with a lovely garden plus outdoor hot tub)
  • Affittacamere Le Giare (small guest house with balconies with sea views)
  • Crêuza de Mä (luxury accommodation with a hot tub overlooking the Ligurian coast!)

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Corniglia is the hardest town to access, so it’s not recommended for those with mobility issues. It’s also the only town not on the water, although it has some stunning sea views from above. With that being said, it’s the most peaceful place to stay (with more of a local feel), with lots of cafes with leafy terraces and fantastic views – the perfect place to enjoy a peaceful morning coffee.

Corniglia is best for hikers, those who want an off-the-beaten-track feel, and those looking for good budget options.

  • Locanda il Carugio Guesthouse (modern rooms with a great design aesthetic and great terrace)
  • Hanging Garden Hotel (located in the heart of Corniglia)
  • Arbanella (affordable option with views of the vineyards and lush green hills)

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

This town is one of the bigger ones in the area (and the most popular), full of restaurants and hotels. Meaning it’s also one of the busiest – book well in advance! With its super pretty harbor, it’s great for couples and photographers, and people who don’t mind crowds. 

  • Hotel Gianni Franzi (a pink hotel on top of a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean)
  • Rollando Affittacamere (super cute and authentically Italian!)
  • Rooms Elisabetta Carro (such amazing views from here!)

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

Since Monterosso is mostly flat and the most developed (easier to find things you may have forgotten at home), it’s the best option for families and those with mobility issues. There’s lots of traditional hotels and even some hostels here for those on a budget.

Plus, if you’re looking to stay near the beach, Monterosso has by far the best beach in the entire Cinque Terre area. 

  • Locanda Il Maestrale (historic, family run hotel in the heart of the old town)
  • MìaChì (a contemporary feel decorated with clean lines, plus many rooms with private terraces)
  • Villa Tanca Hotel (luxury accommodation with sea views)

Nearby Cities:

If you don’t mind being outside the main tourist villages and wanna save quite a bit of money, opt to stay outside the 5 towns. Both La Spezia ( Affittacamere I Gatti delle 5 Terre is a great choice) and Levanto (check out La Madonetta ) are great options. 

With trains coming every 20 minutes or so, it’s super easy to get right into the heart of Cinque Terre in a few minutes. Train travel to La Spezia and Levanto are actually included in the Cinque Terre Express train network. 

You’ll miss the magical moments of the 5 villages once the sun goes down and the day trippers clear out, but it may be worth it to save some decent money.

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Are 3 Days in Cinque Terre Enough?

If you wanna see all 5 villages without making a mad dash for each one, I highly recommend spending at least 3 days in Cinque Terre. This will give you ample time to explore each village, take a few short hikes on the trails, and even do a boat trip along the coast.

I think you can get by with 2 if that’s all you have time for, but we’re super glad we spent a full 3 days in Cinque Terre. If you’re a big hiker and wanna hike between a few of the villages (granted the trails are open) AND wanna do everything on my 3 day Cinque Terre itinerary, you may wanna tack on an extra day or 2.

Depending on where you’re coming from, it may take some time to reach Cinque Terre, so stay a few days and enjoy the area! 

What About a Day Trip?

If all you have time for is a day in Cinque Terre, it’s possible to visit from nearby cities (Florence, Milan, and/or Pisa). BUT you’ll be rushing around A LOT and it’ll be hard to take in the dreamy atmospheres of the different villages. 

You most definitely won’t be able to visit all 5 towns with just one day in Cinque Terre, and I recommend visiting no more than 3. 

In addition, Cinque Terre unfortunately experiences massive over tourism. By visiting for only a day (either on a guided day trip or on a cruise), you’re not exactly pumping much money into the local economy. 

I don’t say this to deter you from visiting as a day trip, but to remind you to shop local, eat at restaurants in the villages, and promise to stay longer next time.

Check out these popular day trip options from other nearby spots:

  • From Florence: Cinque Terre Day Trip with Optional Hike and Lunch 
  • From Milan: Cinque Terre Day Trip 
  • From Pisa: Cinque Terre Day Trip with Italian Wine Tasting by Minivan 
  • From Montecatini Terme: Cinque Terre and Portovenere Tour 
  • From Lucca: Cinque Terre Day Trip with Italian Wine Tasting by Minivan   

Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

Other Important Tips and Faqs for your Cinque Terre Itinerary

  • Say Cinque Terre correctly! Nothing screams ignorant tourists than completely butchering the name of the area (I’ve totally done that around the world so now I make a point of learning the correct pronunciation).  The typical Italian pronunciation is “chin-qwa terra”.
  • There’s only one main beach in all of Cinque Terre. Craving a beach day? Head to Fegina Beach in Monterosso. Other villages have rocks and small patches of sand to sunbathe on, but no true beaches.
  • Invest in the Cinque Terre Treno card. This gives you unlimited train travel within the entire network (between all the towns and La Spezia and Levanto) for the number of days you buy it for.
  • Cinque Terre is a National Park! While there’s no entrance fee to Cinque Terre National Park, you’ll need a special pass if you wanna hike between the villages.
  • Eat all the trofie al pesto you can. Honestly, it’s so, so, so good. And very well-known in Cinque Terre. It’s actually the regional pasta type!
  • The villages are hilly and steep! Wear comfy shoes and leave those heels at home.

Hiking in Cinque Terre

Love to hike? You need to add hiking a few scenic trails into your Cinque Terre itinerary! Many people who visit Cinque Terre are looking to hike between the villages. The five towns are all connected to each other via coastal pathways, the mountains, and even the railroad! 

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While I haven’t done the entire hike myself, I’ve heard from others it’s a pretty fantastic hike. 

The most famous (and most popular) path in all of Cinque Terre is the Blue Path – and it’s actually the easiest! It connects all five villages. You can hike the entire walking trail (12km from Riomaggiore to Monterosso, passing all five villages), or do shorter sections between villages. It takes about 5 hours to hike the entire trail.

Make sure to bring lots of water and slather on that sunscreen – there’s not a lot of shade on the trails. Also, make sure to either wear tennis shoes or hiking boots – sandals will NOT cut it here and open-toed shoes have even been banned!.

Cinque Terre Trekking Card: Do note you must have a pass in order to hike the trails (although the trails are free from mid-November until the end of March). If you know you’ll be using the trains a lot as well, opt for the pass that combines both trekking and the train! If you forget to buy the pass before your hike, don’t worry – you can buy one at every start of a trail in each village.

Be aware of trail closures: Before you set out on your hike, triple check that it’s open. Not all routes are open due to heavy landslides, and some routes take years to clear. 

As of now, the trail between Riomaggiore and Manarola (Lover’s Lane) and Manarola to Corniglia are closed (due to a landslide). They’re planned to reopen in 2024, although that could change depending on weather and construction. Find more info here , and just remember, trail availability can change overnight.

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Cinque Terre vs Amalfi Coast

Since many people only have time for one, I thought it was a good idea to do a short comparison of Cinque Terre vs the Amalfi Coast. Honestly, both destinations are downright beautiful, and I highly urge you to visit both (eventually). Deciding which one to choose for your trip kinda depends where else in Italy you’re going. One isn’t better than the other!

Cinque Terre is much cheaper than the Amalfi Coast, but of course this truly depends on your accommodations, where you eat, what activities you do, etc. However, it’s pretty clear that the Amalfi Coast is a much more expensive destination than Cinque Terre. I’d say Amalfi is better for family-friendly accommodations, while Cinque Terre is more compact and quicker to get around.

You honestly can’t go wrong with either!

Best 3 Days in Cinque Terre Itinerary

Note about this Cinque Terre itinerary : 

  • This Cinque Terre itinerary doesn’t account for any longer hikes. If you’re keen to hike between the villages, add an extra day or two or eliminate a few of the activities listed below. We enjoyed just wandering through the towns, sipping on spritzes, and people watching, so you can easily add in some more adventurous activities if you’ve had enough of relaxing.
  • Feel free to switch around the days as you like! What I listed below is merely a suggestion, and since the train runs so frequently between villages, you can easily swap a few things if you prefer.
  • I recommend getting to Monterosso Beach early in the morning, since it gets crazy busy, and don’t miss a sunset in Riomaggiore. My two must-do’s!
  • I typically like to have a plan so I make sure I hit all my must-do’s on a trip, especially on a shorter trip like 3 days in Cinque Terre. It does get kind of tiring hopping on the train numerous times a day (sometimes the wait time is longer than you anticipate, especially in the hot sun), so I’d limit the number of villages you visit in a day to two.

Cinque Terre Itinerary Day 1: Monterroso de Mare and Vernazza 

Morning: Beach Time in Monterroso de Mare 

First up on this Cinque Terre itinerary – some beach time! I always like to take things a bit slower on my first day in a new area, especially when I may be battling jet lag or too many boring train rides.

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So for your first morning of your 3 days in Cinque Terre, I recommend heading to Monterroso and making a beeline straight for Fegina Beach. There’s beautiful orange and green umbrellas to rent, that gorgeous turquoise water, and sparkly sand! Kinda reminded me of the beach clubs in Nice and Cannes, although way less pretentious, and way cheaper. Expect to pay about €25 for two comfy sunbeds and a parasol for the day.

We hung out for a few hours, relaxing on our chaise lounges, sunbathing in the hot Italian sun, and cooling off in the water when we got too sweaty. Visiting in summer does that to you no matter how hard you try! 

Walk along the boardwalk above the beach for those classic beach shots of the rows and rows of umbrellas popping against the waters. Don’t miss the iconic rock resembling a fin – you’ll see what I mean from up here!

If you still have a little energy left (the sun always knocks me out!), walk through the tunnel into Monterroso’s Old Town. Here you can browse local boutiques and art shops, as well as taste some Italian wines at Enoteca Internazionale (the oldest wine shop/bar in town).

Feeling peckish before lunch? Try the famous Monterosso anchovies, they’re lightly fried and oh so salty and delicious.

Afternoon and Early Evening: Lunch and Explore Vernazza

Take the train one stop to Vernazza – it’s time for lunch!

Late Lunch at Ristorante Belforte

We chose to eat at Ristorante Belforte after hearing rave reviews about this special spot.

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It’s easily the most romantic restaurant in Vernazza, and I can totally see why! The restaurant is inside a former CASTLE, with sweeping ocean views from almost every table! It’s a great special occasion restaurant – hey, you’re in Cinque Terre for 3 days – that’s special enough in my book!

Not only are the views and atmosphere great, our lunch was phenomenal as well. The menu is full of fresh seafood and fish and pasta, and we splurged and got some lobster! When in Vernazza! Save some room for the tiramisu – I heard it’s outta this world (we were too stuffed to try it unfortunately).

Our waiter was so entertaining and friendly (such a unique character), and we ended up chatting with him for a while! That’s what leisurely lunches in Italy should be all about, right?! 

Do note that Ristorante Belforte is one of the most popular restaurants in all of Cinque Terre, meaning you’ll probably need a reservation. We had our hotel make a reservation for us a few days in advance and got one of the best tables in the house!

Vernazza Viewpoints 

Once you’re full from lunch, burn off some of those calories on some short hikes. 

Viewpoint #1: You can’t visit Vernazza and not see that postcard perfect shot on everyone’s Instagram! Thankfully, this view can be found in just 15 minutes on the hiking trail towards Monterosso (just follow the signs from the main square). 

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I admit we were not prepared and it was a tad harder than we anticipated (I totally should’ve worn sneakers). There were SO many stairs at the very beginning, and just when we thought the stairs would end, they just kept on going. I should have realized this since the viewpoint literally looks out at the town below, meaning it’s high up. Bring enough water and get ready for insane views.

Make sure to bring your Cinque Terre Card since it’s part of the paid hiking trail!

Viewpoint #2: Head back to the main square, and start the trail in the opposite direction – this time to Corniglia. Again, you’ll be walking up quite a few flights of stairs before the path diverges with even more stairs. 

Luckily I went the correct way the first time (fingers crossed you do the same) and found the view! You won’t need to show your Cinque Terre card since this viewpoint is before the trail officially starts.

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Unfortunately the fence was completely broken off in the exact spot where people typically stand to take photos – not sure if that was intentional (maybe locals got sick of influencers…) or if it broke by mistake. Still a pretty view regardless!

THIS is the view of the print we have hanging in our living room – and I had no clue it was here in Vernazza before heading to Cinque Terre! It was so special seeing it in person after having it in our house for a few years already.

Stroll Around the Harbor and Wander the Town

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You earned a gelato (or two) – head back to Piazza Marconi (Vernazza’s main square) and make a beeline for Gelateria Vernazza. This spot is the best place in Vernazza for ice cream, and everyone knows it. If you’re craving something a bit creamier, head to Il Pirata delle 5 Terre for a ricotta and pistachio cornetto instead.

Don’t leave without strolling around the harbor and sunbathing on the small beach. Yes, it’s super small so there won’t be much room, but I’m sure you can find a spot to squeeze your towel onto.

Night: Dinner at Trattoria dal Billy (Manarola)

Once you’re done exploring, it’s time for dinner! Since we based ourselves in Manarola, we chose to eat at Trattoria dal Billy, another super popular restaurant in the 5 towns. Make a reservation in the high season. 

You’ll need to climb up a rather steep hill and up some steps, so be prepared! Our hotel was actually only 3 minutes away from Trattoria dal Billy, so I made the climb a few times a day, haha. If I can do it multiple times during our 3 days in Cinque Terre, you can do it once!

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Here they offer fresh seafood and pasta overlooking the sea, with views of the vineyards and even the town below. Definitely ask for an outdoor table or at least a table next to the window!

For your first official dinner in Cinque Terre, order the regional speciality – trofie al pesto! It’s a short and twisty pasta, and I admittedly had never heard of it before visiting! And mmm, that pesto; absolutely delicious!

After dinner we caught glimpses of the sunset and a delicious gelato, and it was a magical start to our 3 days in Cinque Terre.

Cinque Terre Itinerary Day 2: Corniglia and Riomaggiore

Morning: Explore Corniglia

Not everyone has Corniglia on their Cinque Terre itinerary, but I wanted to visit all 5 towns so off we went! I thought it’d be silly to only visit 4 of the 5 villages — Cinque Terre does mean “5 Towns” afterall! 

Plus, if you have a full 3 days in Cinque Terre, you’ll probably have the time. We only spent about an hour or so here and then made our way to Riomaggiore for the rest of the day.

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Corniglia is smaller and way less touristy than the other villages, and it’s got a more local vibe to it. I mean, the town only has a population of about 150 people, whoa! Many people skip it since there’s no sea access, but that’s just part of the charm – take note of the architecture in town, stare out at the sea views, and try some warm focaccia (mine had olives in it and was delish).

Getting to Corniglia can be kinda a pain, as the town is high up in the hills and it’s far from the train station (and unfortunately there’s no elevator here)! Meaning yes, you gotta walk up the 350+ steps along a series of staircases – thankfully, there’s fantastic views along the way. 

There’s also a shuttle which comes sporadically, which we were lucky to randomly catch! Walking down is so much easier, haha. You’ll need the Cinque Terre train pass in order to use the shuttle (worth the cost of the pass alone, haha), so just keep this in mind.

Don’t leave without grabbing a cone at Albert Gelateria – it’s arguably the best gelato in all of Cinque Terre. The Basil flavor is their speciality, made with basil grown in Alberto’s very own garden!

If you have tons of energy left, you can walk on over to Vernazza (you’ll need to switch things up on my Cinque Terre itinerary though). The scenic walk is about 2 miles and takes about an hour. We stumbled upon the start of the trail while we were exploring Corniglia and I have to say, even walking the first few minutes is absolutely gorgeous!

Afternoon and Evening: Explore Riomaggiore and Pizza Sunset on the Rocks

Next up – Riomaggiore! This is the town you probably initially think of when you think of Cinque Terre. It’s got those red and yellow buildings stacked right on the water, and it’s oh so Cinque Terre. A true Italian dream, and I couldn’t get enough.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this town, and shh – we actually came here twice during our 3 days in Cinque Terre (once in the AM and then at sunset). Totally wish I had this Cinque Terre itinerary before we visited, haha.

Iconic Viewpoint at the Riomaggiore Marina: THIS is the classic viewpoint of Riomaggiore – put in “Vista Panoramica di Riomaggiore” into Google Maps and it’ll take you right there! We spent way too much time here taking photos, and this proved easier said than done since it was OH SO CROWDED. That’s Cinque Terre in the summer for ya!

Psst – you don’t need to rent a boat to get this view from the water. There’s some rocks you can walk out to instead if you’d like.

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Fried seafood at Tutti Fritti: Riomaggiore is known for its takeaway fried seafood in a cone, so of course we had to try it! Extra crispy and extra delicious. They make every single order right then and there – the fried calamari is amazing, but there’s lots to choose from.

Homemade pasta and tiramisu cooking class: If you’re not interested in visiting Corniglia this morning, you’ll have a full day to spend in Riomaggiore! 

This pasta and tiramisu cooking class looks absolutely fantastic – what better place to learn how to prepare two kinds of homemade pasta and a classic Italian dessert than in Italy! You even get to make your own sauce. Plus complimentary prosecco and snacks! Sign me up. 

Castello di Riomaggiore: We randomly came across this spot by taking some random elevator up the side of the cliff (hey, we were curious and wanted to see where it went, haha). To our surprise, we got the most amazing views without even a minute of hiking! It was relatively quiet and mostly locals enjoying the view. 

I later learned you can hike up the super steep cliffs, but hey – go and find the lift instead! You can go inside the castle if you’d like for just 2 euro, but from what I read it’s not really worth it (not much to see).

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Pizza with a View: One thing you cannot miss out on – watching the sunset dip behind the colorful homes while eating a pizza and sitting on the rocks of Riomaggiore. What’s more Italian than that?! 

Trust me – you won’t be the only one; this place gets crowded (which makes it super easy to figure out where in the marina to sit, haha). It’s kinda a cliche at this point (everyone does it), but there’s a reason for this!

Plan to come early to secure your spot – there wasn’t much room on the rocks by the time we got there about 45 minutes before sunset (our take away pizza took longer than we anticipated to get).

The perfect way to end day 2 of your Cinque Terre itinerary!

Cinque Terre Itinerary Day 3: Manarola 

I’m saving my favorite village for last — Manarola ! This is where we chose to stay and absolutely LOVED the multicolored houses high in the hills. With all of Manarola’s scenic beauty, you can easily stay all day if you’ve got the time. 

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There’s a reason most people consider Manarola to be the most beautiful out of all the five towns in Cinque Terre.

Morning: Pesto Class, Cliffside Cocktails, and Views at Nessun Dorma

If there’s one thing you do in Manarola, make it a meal (or class) at Nessun Dorma. First of all, the restaurant is legendary, and easily has the most iconic view in all of Manarola. Ever see a photo of those pastel-colored houses above the water? That’s taken from here at Nessun Dorma! Since we decided to base ourselves in Manarola, I found myself over at this “viewpoint” way too many times, haha.

I honestly had no idea what to expect, but the pesto making class was tons of fun and the staff was hilarious. I had no idea how much strength you need to smash the fresh basil leaves! And their story is oh so inspiring (they actually ended up winning the land years back after no one else wanted it).

After we (finally) finished blending all the ingredients for the pesto (cheese, olive oil, a few pine nuts, and fresh basil), it was time to eat! We all got gorgeous spreads of Italian bruschetta, olives, salami, and cheeses, and of course some delicious wine. 

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Such a good value and such good views. Still hungry afterwards? Order another delicious platter – they’re all droolworthy! Try both the aperol and limoncello spritzes – super refreshing. 

Psst – I took my time after the class and sat with my wine admiring the views. No need to rush, just remember there’s plenty of people waiting so don’t be a jerk and hog the table forever.

Sign up for the pesto experience here on their website. I highly recommend adding this to your Cinque Terre itinerary – such a unique experience and so fun! 

Not feeling pesto but still want that same view? No worries! You can either head up to Nessun Dorma and take in the view (almost the same from the waiting area) or make a reservation for a meal. You’ll need to download the Nessun Dorma app (do this in advance before you leave for your trip) and use it to reserve your spot in line. 

Unfortunately you can’t make a reservation for a specific time. It works a bit differently – you essentially sign in for a place in line on the app and see how many people are in front of you. Keep refreshing. Don’t go too far – sometimes the electronic line moves faster than you think! I’ve heard of people waiting for hours though, when there’s something like 95 parties ahead of them. 

Afternoon: Scenic Boat Ride 

Seeing the 5 villages from the water gives you such a different perspective. And it was one of my favorite activities during our 3 days in Cinque Terre. Ohhhh, those landscapes were absolutely incredible from the Mediterranean Sea – there’s a reason Cinque Terre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

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I had the time of my life drifting along, witnessing the most azure-colored waters and admiring the towns from afar. This is something I’d 100% do on my next trip to Cinque Terre, easily.

  • Psst – if you’d rather book your pesto class and boat tour in one easy click, check this out ! Such a great way to spend a day in Cinque Terre!
  • Prefer a sunset boat tour from Manarola? This one got great reviews! Such a great thing to do on a honeymoon or if you want a romantic night with your love!

Up for something a bit more adventurous? Head out on a kayak trip! You’ll paddle past hidden coves, rugged cliffs and of course the bright, pastel hues of the five villages. It’s great if you wanna go at a slower pace, plus, you can get much closer to the cliffs and caves than any boat could. Check out this kayak tour and read reviews here (note that it starts in Monterosso).

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If you’re traveling on a budget (or just wanna save some cash), you can create your own DIY boat tour of Cinque Terre by public ferry. Head directly to the ticket office – a full-day ferry pass for unlimited use costs about €30 per person. 

Using the ferry obviously isn’t as remarkable as taking a semi-private boat tour, as the ferry will undoubtedly be crazy crowded (200-300 people) and there’ll be no commentary. But still a great option if you wanna see the towns from the sea. 

Night: Sunset in Manarola and Take Away Pasta

End this 3 day Cinque Terre itinerary with one last delicious meal and a sunset view!

On the way to our hotel our first night, we were beyond starving, and came across this tiny trattoria on the street. It’s super unassuming from the outside, super casual on the inside (literally just a takeaway counter) and we had no idea what to expect. There’s no table service and even no toilet, and your pasta comes in take-out containers. The place is fuss-free, and is simply called “Take-Away Pasta”.

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But OMG – the fresh pasta was heaven on Earth. Every pasta is homemade by hand, and the sauces were absolutely delicious. Well worth the short climb up the hill. Don’t miss this tiny spot in Manarola.

I think the sage and butter gnocchi was my husband’s favorite thing he ate in Italy that trip (I’m not disagreeing, every bite was delectable). We still talk about those fluffy pillows weekly, even months later! 

Order some trofie al pesto, gnocchi (a must!), and tiramisu, pick up a bottle of red wine, and head down to the water to watch the sunset over Manarola. The perfect end to a perfect 3 days in Cinque Terre.

Hope this helps you plan the best Cinque Terre itinerary possible! We had an absolutely fantastic 3 days in Cinque Terre, and cannot wait to plan our next trip!

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The World Was Here First

The Perfect 2 to 3 Days in Cinque Terre Itinerary

Last Updated on January 26, 2024

by Olivia Ellis

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tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Mapping out a 2 to 3 days in Cinque Terre itinerary is an excellent way to ensure you see the best of these gorgeous villages on the Italian Riviera.

While most people tend to go to the Amalfi Coast while searching for the famously beautiful views of the Italian seaside, Cinque Terre is a fiercely charming competitor located in the Liguria region. Translating to “5 Towns,” this area is a gorgeous and colorful collection of 5 villages lining the coast and it is a truly breathtaking corner of Northern Italy .

Table of Contents

How Many Days in Cinque Terre?

Deciding how many days to spend in Cinque Terre depends on a few factors; how much time you have to begin with, your interest in each particular town, and whether you’d want or not want to visit all 5 villages in Cinque Terre National Park. 

If you’re interested in spending a little time in each of the 5 towns, 3 days would be ideal.

For travelers who’d prefer just to see the most popular towns, seeing Cinque Terre in 2 days would probably be sufficient. If you’re only taking a day trip to Cinque Terre , you’ll only be able to see a couple of the towns.

If you’re someone looking to spend at least a day in each town and maybe go on a day trip nearby, a week minimum is how long you’d want to plan for your trip. 

Beautiful Riomaggiore

Getting To & Around Cinque Terre

The most convenient way to get to Cinque Terre is by train. So if you’re flying into one of the major cities in Italy that’s nearby, you’ll want to make your way to the central train station of the city that you’ve flown into.

From there, you’ll take the most convenient train to La Spezia, the second largest city in the Liguria region (after Genoa ) that also sits around the corner from Cinque Terre. From La Spezia, take the train line Cinque Terre Express in the direction of Levanto, (when you leave, you’ll go the other direction towards La Spezia).

The Cinque Terre Express runs through each of the centers of the 5 towns, making it super easy to travel between them. The time it takes between towns varies from 5 to 15 minutes, making each trip a quick one. With trains running about 4 times every hour, you also don’t need to worry if you miss a train. You can view schedules here .

If you know that you’ll be traveling between the towns frequently on your trip or you’ll be staying outside of the Cinque Terre, you have the option to purchase the Cinque Terre Card. The card allows for unlimited access to the Cinque Terre Express as well as entry to any of the many trails and paths within the Cinque Terre. 

There are three ways of getting around Cinque Terre, by train, by boat, and by foot. Depending on your route, you may want to just get around by one mode of transport or a combination.

If you choose to get around by train, the Cinque Terre Express is your only option. For those that are interested in more of a physically demanding trip, you can hike between each town. The distance between all five villages is 7.5 miles and consists of various routes depending on where you’re going to and from.

Many of the pathways are quite rugged so it’s important to be prepared with the correct clothing and shoes. If you choose this way, it’s going to give you some of the most breathtaking views of the coast and is completely worth it.

The final way to travel between the towns is by boat. This is likely the most scenic way but is also going to be the most expensive. The cost will vary depending on where you’re starting and going to and there are even options for sailing tours that cover a number of towns. If it’s within your budget, try to at least take one boat ride during your time in Cinque Terre. 

If you’re someone who likes to travel by car, it’s extremely important to note that cars are prohibited within the towns so you won’t be able to travel within or between the Cinque Terre by car.

Manarola Train Station

2 to 3-Day Cinque Terre Itinerary

Whether you’re looking to spend the day lounging at the beach, eating vibrant pesto in its homeland, or getting lost in alleys dating back to the 11th century, you’re bound to have an unrivalled trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cinque Terre. 

Day 1 – La Spezia, Riomaggiore & Manarola

Your trip to Cinque Terre will begin in the city of La Spezia, which in itself is also quite an interesting city to spend some time in. 

You’re also likely going to be thinking about where you should stay during your time in Cinque Terre. The 5 towns of the Cinque Terre are ideal spots for your accommodation but are going to be on the higher end for costs. 

La Spezia is a great option for accommodation if you’re on a budget but still want to be close to the towns. Most places if you stay within the city are within walking distance from the train station to take the Cinque Terre Express.

The San Giorgio Castle in La Spezia is worth a visit as it’s one of the major sites of La Spezia going back to the 13th century as the city’s fortification defence system. Within the castle’s archaeological museum you can find traces of the region’s history going back to the Copper Age and Ancient Rome! 

The Naval Technical Museum in La Spezia is the biggest in Italy and quite interesting even if you aren’t someone inclined towards the Naval world. The museum offers a great insight into the Italian Navy in modern days as well as its history. 

If you’re feeling jet lagged or rather tired, a great place to grab a coffee by the train station in La Spezia is Caffetteria Orefici . Enjoy a hot and creamy espresso with a true fluffy Genovese Focaccia before making your way to Cinque Terre. 

City of La Spezia

Explore Riomaggiore

The first town in the Cinque Terre after leaving La Spezia is Riomaggiore. Riomaggiore is known for its lovely pastel buildings perched high on the cliffs that tower over the Mediterranean as well as its magical sunsets almost every night. 

If you’re looking to stay within the Cinque Terre during your trip, Riomaggiore is a great option to have as your base in Cinque Terre.

The old town of Riomaggiore is quite small but can’t be missed, literally and figuratively. From the train station, you’ll be just a stone’s throw away from the picturesque historic centre. 

The best way to take in the town is to slowly stroll down Via Colombo and maybe grab an ice cream or pop into one of the many artisanal shops lining the street. You can also do a pasta-making class here!

Fritto Misto

Something that can’t and shouldn’t be missed when spending time on the Italian Riviera, is classic, fresh seafood. One of the most common ways to enjoy salty seafood by the sea in Italy is to eat a various selection of seafood fried and then placed in a cone for your enjoyment.

A great spot for fritto misto in Riomaggiore on Via Colombo is Il Pescato Cucinato. The seafood is all fresh and is likely the spot locals would send you to if you were to ask them for the best fritto misto. 

Old Town of Riomaggiore

Castello di Riomaggiore

A superb way to get idyllic views from Riomaggiore is from the castle located within the town. From Via Colombo, you’ll walk to the end of the street and find a staircase that will take you to the top and then to the castle. 

It will take about 45 minutes to reach the top but you won’t regret it once you’re surrounded by the most breathtaking views. The castle itself doesn’t offer much today as it’s pretty much a shell of what was, but the once fortress is still quite interesting to see. 

Head to Manarola

The second town that you’ll visit today, is Manarola. The train from Riomaggiore to Manarola takes no less than 3 minutes and about a 30-minute hike if you’re up for it and the paths are open. 

Manarola is likely the most recognizable of the 5 towns and what some would also call the most romantic. Manarola was built on a high rock over 70 meters above sea level giving it extreme views but also many stairs and inclines! 

If you choose to take the hiking trail from Riomaggiore to Manarola, you’ll want to take the famously romantic Via Dell’Amore, or “Love Alley”. The Via dell’Amore is likely the easiest part of the entire trail that connects the 5 towns of Cinque Terre. 

So if you want to hike at least one part of the park, this is the easiest. The trail is only 1 km and offers amazing scenery between towns. 

Via dell Amore

With a short time in Manarola, one of the best ways to get a feel of the town and also spend some time relaxing by the sea is to hang out at the Marina. Spend time watching fishing boats be brought into the harbor, sipping granita, and taking in the sweet Mediterranean sun. You can also go wine tasting if you want to wind down at the end of the day.

As Manarola doesn’t have many spots to swim, the Marina is also the perfect place to spend some time in the water while taking in the beautifully colorful town from above. 

The Sunset Spot

One of the best look-out points and sunset view spots in all of Cinque Terre is likely from Punta Bonfiglio’s viewpoint in Manarola. Any famous photos from Cinque Terre that you’ve probably seen have likely been taken from here! 

From the seaside point at the Marina, you’ll follow the walkway on the right side that will bring you to the bar, Nessun Dorma. Here you’ll have the perfect opportunity to enjoy an aperitivo or just a drink and watch the sunset on one of the most marvellous spots in the Cinque Terre. 

Sunset in Manarola

Day 2 – Vernazza & Monterosso 

Visit monterosso.

If you’re following a 2-day Cinque Terre itinerary, this will be the last day of your trip and will bring you to the town of Monterosso. 

Monterosso al Mare is the largest of the 5 towns and is the best town to visit if you want to spend time lounging at the beach due to its large stretches of sand and crystal clear waters. 

The town is also a great town to make as your base if you’re looking to stay within Cinque Terre during your trip. The town consists of two parts; the old town and the new town. 

The old town is the more “beautiful” part that you’re likely more familiar with and will want to wander around, and the new town consists of a train station, some beaches, and a few car parks.

Fegina Beach

Fegina Beach is located in the new part of the town and is the largest sandy beach in the town of Monterosso as well as the only sandy beach in Cinque Terre. 

The beach has gorgeous rocks hugging the coast, aquamarine waters, and also probably the cleanest waters of Cinque Terre.

Due to its popularity especially in the peak of summer, you’ll want to reserve chairs and parasols ahead of time so you don’t arrive and are without a space. If you want to be more active, you can go on a kayaking tour or a boat tour.

If there’s no space upon arrival, continue onward to Spiaggia Il Gigante which is also a great option considering Monterosso is also known for having the best beaches in Cinque Terre.

Fegina Beach in Monterosso

Statue of the Giant

Located at the end of Fegina at the beginning of the marina, “il Gigante” or the Giant, is one of the most unique statues and sculptures in Cinque Terre. 

Built from reinforced concrete and iron and 14 meters high, the statue represents Neptune holding the waves of the sea away from the town of Monterosso. Unfortunately, due to allied bombings in 1937, the Giant took a large hit and lost a large part of its makeup. 

Today the body and head of Neptune still stand strong but continue to weather over time due to the water. Due to its fleeting nature, the Giant is quite an interesting feature of the town to visit and take in from the crystalline water of the Mediterranean. 

Wander the Old Town

Wandering through the “caruggi” or small colorful alleys of any Cinque Terre town is truly an enchanting experience. Monterosso has one of the most beautiful historic areas of Cinque Terre and should be on your itinerary. 

While wandering the magical medieval streets of the “borgo antico” or old town, you’ll come across many restaurants, gelato shops, and artisanal souvenir shops if you’re looking to bring home souvenirs either for yourself or others. 

Make sure to stop in the Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista from the 14th century with its unique black and white stripes, unlike any other church design.

Exploring Monterosso

Explore Vernazza

No 2 days in Cinque Terre are complete without heading to the town of Vernazza. Vernazza is a fortified town with evidence of its existence going back as early as 1048. Vernazza is also known by some to be the most beautiful village in Italy and is worth the visit for you to decide for yourself. 

Santa Margherita d’Antiochia

The church of Santa Margherita was constructed in the 13th century in the typical Gothic-Ligurian style of the time, with an octagonal tower, small arches, and domes. Much of the church was destroyed in later years and then was renovated in 1750 with classic Renaissance architecture. 

The church is located by the small piazza in the center of the town and is interesting to visit with the mix of architecture, as well as the uniquely stunning views as it’s directly on the sea.

Sunset Boat Trip or Dinner on Land

A great way to end the day depending on your budget is to either take a sunset boat trip or enjoy a delicious dinner in Vernazza with sublime views of the town and the sea. 

There are various tour groups and boat companies offering boat tours that lead you around the pristine Cinque Terre coastline and also offer snacks and drinks while on board. If you’re looking for a cheaper option or an option on the land, head to one of Vernazza’s incredible restaurants with memorable views. 

Ristorante Belforte is a favourite but due to its popularity because of its impeccable views and food, reservations in advance are recommended. 

Vernazza - one of the five towns of Cinque Terre

Day 3 – Corniglia or Portofino

If you’re spending 3 days exploring Cinque Terre, your final day will either be in the 5th and final Cinque Terre village of Corniglia, or on a day trip to Portofino, another stunning and well-known town on the Italian Riviera. 

Corniglia is the smallest, middlemost, and also most underrated town located within the Cinque Terre National Park and is perched high on the hilltops. One of the biggest benefits of it being the most underrated town is that there are way fewer tourists and way more space for you to explore. 

Wander the streets of the town, grab an artisanal gelato at Gelateria Corniglia and take in the stunning views in the direction of Manarola from La Torre. In Corniglia, the amount of locals to tourists is a lot higher than in the other towns, so if you’re looking for more of a local feel in Cinque Terre, Corniglia is the town for you. 


If on your third and final day in Cinque Terre you’re looking to get out of the area and discover a different part of the Italian Riviera, the town of Portofino is a lovely option. There are no direct trains from La Spezia to Portofino, so you’ll also need to take a bus. 

From La Spezia train station it takes a little over an hour to arrive at Santa Margherita Ligure. From Santa Margherita Ligure you’ll then take the 787 bus to Portofino. The bus ride takes 15 minutes.

Portofino is a fishing village of just around 400 people that sits close to Genoa. While it’s become a bit of a jet-setting destination for the rich and famous, there’s still so much to offer off the beaten path and away from the glitz and glam. 

Although due to its popularity, costs are quite expensive which makes Portofino a great stop for a day trip.

Spend time wandering within the gorgeously colored “Piazzetta” , people-watching with the locals and taking in the colorful houses. We can thank the ancient Italian traditions for these colored buildings we have to bring us joy. 

The San Martino Church goes back to 1100 CE, making it one of the most ancient churches in the region, and inside you’ll find a plethora of gorgeous paintings. 

Before you leave, don’t forget to make the short climb to the ancient Portofino Lighthouse giving stunning views of the Riviera. To this day, the lighthouse is still active with its gatekeeper still in residence! 


Where to Stay in Cinque Terre

L’Approdo Dell’Ammiraglio – If you’re looking for a good, mid-range base for exploring Cinque Terre, then this cosy guesthouse in La Spezia is an excellent option. They have a number of bright and clean rooms on offer and a great location for exploring the area.

Miramare Apartments&Suites – If you’re looking for a suite or a fully-furnished apartment, then this aparthotel in La Spezia is an excellent choice for you. They have a range of different places to choose from and a fantastic location perfect for seeing the beautiful towns of Cinque Terre.

La Serra Sul Mare – For those who want to stay within Cinque Terre itself, this luxury hotel in Monterosso is an excellent option. They have a wonderful location within five minutes from the beach, comfortable rooms on offer (all with their own balcony!) and there is even a free shuttle service from the centre of the village.

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse more Cinque Terre hotels!

Each town within the Cinque Terre has an abundance of things to offer. Whether you find yourself in Riomaggiore or Corniglia, there’s certainly going to be something to suit you. You’re bound to have an incredible trip on this breathtaking stretch of the Italian Riviera that makes up Cinque Terre National Park.

Are you planning to visit Cinque Terre? Have any questions about this itinerary? Let us know in the comments!

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

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About Olivia Ellis

Olivia is a writer for The World Was Here First. Originally from Michigan, USA, she is currently living in Athens, Greece exploring Europe and filmmaking. When she’s not travelling or writing, Olivia can be found cooking delicious new recipes from around the world, reading, and spending time outdoors.

Hi Olivia, your articles on Northern Italy are very interesting and helpful, and a lot of thought and preparation has gone into them. We are still exploring the various options for 3-4 weeks next May/June including Milan, Cinque Terra, Lake Garda, Verona, and then maybe over the border into Switzerland. I would recommend to anyone planning a holiday in the region. Thank you. Regards, Geoff

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Greta's Travels

Cinque Terre Itinerary: How to Spend 2 or 3 Days in Cinque Terre, Italy

Posted on Last updated: January 13, 2024

Looking for help with your Cinque Terre itinerary? You’ve come to the right place!

In this article I have outlined everything you need to know to spend two or three amazing days in Cinque Terre. Including how to get around these five towns, the best things to do, where to stay and more.

My father is from La Spezia, a city just 15 minutes away from Cinque Terre, and I was lucky enough to regularly visit this part of Italy while growing up.

In this Cinque Terre itinerary I have included all of my insider local tips, to ensure you have the best time possible on your trip to Cinque Terre.

You can visit Cinque Terre in two days, but I chose to include an expanded itinerary for three days in Cinque Terre, so that you can go beyond the main tourist sights and visit a local gem.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in, and discover the charming seaside villages of Cinque Terre!

  • 1.1 About Cinque Terre
  • 1.2 How to get around Cinque Terre
  • 1.3 Where to stay for your Cinque Terre itinerary
  • 1.4 Best Cinque Terre tours
  • 1.5 Are two days in Cinque Terre enough?
  • 1.6 Best time to visit Cinque Terre
  • 1.7 Do you need travel insurance for 2 days in Cinque Terre?
  • 1.8 What to pack for 3 days in Cinque Terre
  • 2.1 Explore Corniglia and its views
  • 2.2 Hike from Corniglia to Vernazza
  • 2.3 Discover Vernazza
  • 2.4 Hike from Vernazza to Monterosso
  • 2.5 Relax in Monterosso
  • 3.1 Start the day in Manarola
  • 3.2 Have lunch at La Scogliera
  • 3.3 Embark on a boat tour
  • 3.4 Explore Riomaggiore
  • 3.5 Watch the sunset in Riomaggiore
  • 4.1 Walk along the Porto Venere promenade
  • 4.2 Visit San Pietro church
  • 4.3 Swim by Lord Byron’s grotto
  • 4.4 Visit Castello Doria

Admiring the colourful houses of Vernazza - a must-see on any Cinque Terre itinerary

Admiring the colourful houses of Vernazza

The colourful houses of Manarola in Cinque Terre

The colourful houses of Manarola in Cinque Terre

Logistical tips for your Cinque Terre itinerary

Before we dive into the best things to do in Cinque Terre in two or three days, I want to go over some logistical information that will make your stay in Cinque Terre run as smooth as possible.

About Cinque Terre

First things first, what exactly do we mean by Cinque Terre? Cinque Terre is one of the most famous destinations in Italy , but I often find not many people understand how it’s composed.

By Cinque Terre (or Five Lands in English) we mean a string of five seaside villages located on the coastline of the Italian Riviera, in Liguria.

The five towns are Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.

There is also a Cinque Terre National Park, which obviously includes the five towns, as well as an area of 4,300 acres beyond the towns.

Admiring the colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy

Admiring the colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy

How to get around Cinque Terre

First things first: resist the temptation to rent a car and drive. It may seem like a romantic idea to hit these winding coastal roads and lap up the scenery, but in reality this is not practical.

Those roads really are winding, and narrow, which can be more than a bit hair-raising when cars are coming from the other direction – or if you’re not used to driving on this side of the road.

Plus, parking is basically impossible in any of the Cinque Terre towns unless you’re super lucky, or get everywhere early. In short, I’d avoid cars and driving.

The best way to get around is by train. The main towns of Cinque Terre are well connected by direct trains.

They run regularly, the journey time between the towns is super short (around five minutes each!), and they’re surprisingly cheap.  

Hiking along the Sentiero Azzurro in Cinque Terre - one of the best ways to get around Cinque Terre, regardless of how long your Cinque Terre itinerary is

Hiking along the Sentiero Azzurro in Cinque Terre

Express trains, for example, run every 15 minutes and cost €5 for an adult and €2 for children.

There’s also the Cinque Terre Train Card; costing €18.20, which gives you unlimited train travel for the day, as well as access to the 12-kilometre Sentiero Azzurro ( or Blue Trail in English) hiking path in Cinque Terre National Park, which connects the five main towns.

There’s also a Cinque Terre Card just for trekking. This doesn’t give you access to the trains, but it does get you entrance to all the hiking trails in the park, and costs just €7.50.

It just depends on how much time you’ve got to spend in the area (a weekend in Cinque Terre, for example).

Another way to get around the Cinque Terre is by boat. This service runs between the main towns, from March until November.

A one-day boat ticket (i.e. unlimited travel) costs €30 per day – expensive, but worth it if you’re into views and travel by sea.  

Vernazza, one of the main towns in Cinque Terre, Italy

Vernazza, one of the main towns in Cinque Terre, Italy

Where to stay for your Cinque Terre itinerary

You’ll be surprised to hear that the  best place to stay in Cinque Terre , isn’t actually in Cinque Terre.

I always recommend staying in La Spezia, a fairly big city just a train ride away, as it’s better connected to the rest of Italy and considerably cheaper. Here are some accommodation options for every budget.

Budget:  Grand Hostel Manin   – This hostel has spacious dorms, a friendly atmosphere and is located in the heart of La Spezia. From here you can easily get to the train station and Cinque Terre!

Click here to see prices and availability at Grand Hostel Manin!

Mid-range: Hotel Nella   – You will need a car to stay here, but the views and experience are worth it. Located in La Foce, the hills above La Spezia, this hotel has cosy rooms in a peaceful countryside setting. 

Book your stay at Hotel Nella here!

Luxury: The First – La Vista di Marina   – If your Italy travel budget allows for it, then this is the perfect place to stay. Located beachfront in Riomaggiore, this apartment has insane views over the sea and iconic Riomaggiore landscape. 

Click here to see the latest prices and availability at The First – La Vista di Marina!

The colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy

The colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy

Best Cinque Terre tours

Given you only have two or three days in Cinque Terre, there are a couple of guided tours that you can join, which will make your time in Cinque Terre simply perfect. I have listed them below.

From Monterosso: Cinque Terre Kayak Tour  – Starting in Monterosso, this active tour gives you the opportunity to see Cinque Terre from a completely different angle!

Click here to book your kayak tour of Cinque Terre!

From La Spezia: Cinque Terre Full-Day Boat Tour   – If you don’t want to worry about organising how to get around Cinque Terre, you can spend a whole day sailing across the stunning Ligurian Sea!

Check out prices & availability for a Cinque Terre full day boat tour!

Cinque Terre: 2-Hour Private Boat Tour  – If you want to splurge a little bit, you can opt for this private boat tour option!

Click here to book your private Cinque Terre boat tour!

Vernazza: Panoramic Vineyard Trekking Tour with Wine Tasting  – This tour combines hiking with wine tasting, does it get any better than this?!

Click here to book your Cinque Terre hiking & wine tasting tour!

Admiring the colourful houses of Manarola - the highlight of any Cinque Terre itinerary

Admiring the colourful houses of Manarola

Are two days in Cinque Terre enough?

Absolutely. You can see Cinque Terre in two days. It’s just enough time to take it all in. Some travellers visit Cinque Terre on a day trip , but I wouldn’t recommend that.

This will allow you to see most of the beaches, wander around the cute towns and soak up the culture and history of the area. It’ll also give you a bit of time to hike at least part of the Sentiero Azzurro.

There are four main sections of the hike, and the shortest part is only a kilometre long. So regardless of time, you’ll be able to stroll at least a little bit of this stunning hiking trail and see some beautiful towns along the way.

However, if you can steal an extra day from your Italy itinerary and up your time to three days in Cinque Terre, I would say it is totally worth it.

This extra day will allow you to travel to Porto Venere, another town not technically part of the Cinque Terre but just on their doorstep – it’s a much more local, less touristy place to visit.

This small village is totally worth visiting, and extending your Cinque Terre itinerary to make time for it.

The colourful houses and harbour of Vernazza in Cinque Terre, Italy

The colourful houses and harbour of Vernazza in Cinque Terre, Italy

Best time to visit Cinque Terre

Obviously, the summer months are the most popular time to visit Cinque Terre, but high season is way too busy. There are crowds absolutely everywhere, and even long queues of people hiking the Sentiero Azzurro.

Needless to say, this will definitely dampen the whole experience.

Instead, I’d say plan your Cinque Terre itinerary for the shoulder season, which falls in spring to early summer, and then again in early autumn.

The weather is still nice, the boats are still running, and the Sentiero Azzurro is still open for business.

Just outside Monterosso al Mare in Cinque Terre

Just outside Monterosso al Mare in Cinque Terre

You may be tempted to visit out of season, for example if you’re visiting Italy at Christmas , but think again: late autumn and winter brings cold, rainy weather to the Cinque Terre region.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, visiting in winter could also mean missing out on the Sentiero Azzurro, as it may be closed this time of year (for safety reasons due to heavy rain).

However, the trails are actually open all-year round, and they’re even free to hike between November and March – great if you’re on a budget.

Some restaurants and hotels could be closed out of season though. And again: the weather is not great.

The cute streets of Monterosso al Mare, Cinque Terre

The cute streets of Monterosso al Mare, Cinque Terre

Do you need travel insurance for 2 days in Cinque Terre?

After my personal experience spending two nights in a private hospital in Tenerife, and having to pay for it out of pocket (it wasn’t cheap), I always recommend getting travel insurance .

You might not end up needing it, but for a small fee, you can get a solid Italy travel insurance and travel without worries. Personally, I suggest getting your travel insurance with  Heymondo .

Heymondo offers tailor made travel insurance, providing the best value for money for your specific trip. You can also buy it once you’re already abroad and have forgotten about it before flying (which, if you’re anything like me, is quite likely).

Besides the usual cancellation, medical expenses, luggage coverage and general travel insurance services, Heymondo also has a 24/7 doctor chat and instant assistance through their app.

As a Greta’s Travels reader, you get 5% off your Heymondo travel insurance !

Click here to get your 5% off Heymondo travel insurance!

Hiking along the Sentiero Azzurro in Cinque Terre - the highlight of any Cinque Terre 3-day itinerary

What to pack for 3 days in Cinque Terre

Besides the usual travel essentials , and whatever is already on your  Italy packing list , you don’t really need anything specific for your Cinque Terre itinerary.

That said, here are a couple absolute must-haves you don’t want to forget.

Fast drying towel  – If you plan on swimming in Cinque Terre, you’ll need one of these. I like these because they dry quickly and don’t take up a lot of space in your bag.

Comfortable shoes – Especially if you plan on hiking part of the Sentiero Azzurro, you will need shoes that you’re comfortable walking in!

International adaptor  – It’s a bit more expensive than the country specific adaptors, but I like using an international adapter so that I only need that I can take everywhere

Power bank  – Whether it’s for Google Maps or taking photos of the charming streets of Cinque Terre, you don’t want your phone dying on you!

Steel water bottle  – If you want to cut down on your plastic consumption and save some cash in the process, don’t forget a water bottle that you can refill.

Hiking along the Sentiero Azzurro in Cinque Terre, Italy - the highlight of my Cinque Terre 2-day itinerary

Hiking along the Sentiero Azzurro in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque Terre itinerary: Day 1

Explore corniglia and its views.

It’s a good idea to start a weekend in Cinque Terre in Corniglia. Once a Roman village, it’s the middle of the five towns that make up the region, and is a good jumping-off point for pretty much everywhere.

Spend some time exploring the town and lapping up the panoramic views from its clifftop location.

It’s often overlooked as it’s the smallest village, and you can’t swim here, due to its location perched on top of a cliff, but it’s a great first taste of the Cinque Terre.

The cute streets of Corniglia in Cinque Terre, Italy

The cute streets of Corniglia in Cinque Terre, Italy

Hike from Corniglia to Vernazza

It’s hiking time. This will be your first introduction to the Sentiero Azzurro , the famed cliffside hiking trail that connects all the Cinque Terre towns.

If you’ve hiked the Path of the Gods in Amalfi Coast , this trail will remind you of that. They’re both coastal trails, with incredible views over the sea and unique perched towns like Positano .

The section that runs from Corniglia to Vernazza is 3.5 kilometres, and takes between an hour and a half to two hours to hike, depending on how quickly you can go.

The hike is moderate to difficult, but you’ll be rewarded the whole way with some sweeping views of the sparkling Cinque Terre coastline.

Time for a lemonade with views over Corniglia

Enjoying a lemonade while hiking from Corniglia to Vernazza

Discover Vernazza

You’ll be charmed from the moment you enter Vernazza – it’s the best known and most-visited Cinque Terre town for a reason. This is a real representative of what this region looks like.

Once you’ve gotten over its cuteness, you can go for a dip in the sea at one of two coves next to the Vernazza harbour, to cool down after your hike.

Exploring the town further, you’ll find the 12th-century Church of Santa Margarita d’Antiochia among other medieval loveliness.

You can spend some time wandering through the charming streets of Vernazza, tasting delicious focaccia, and maybe even a gelato!

View over Vernazza from the start of the Sentiero Azzurro, enroute to Corniglia

Arriving in Vernazza on the Sentiero Azzurro hiking trail from Corniglia

Hike from Vernazza to Monterosso

Your hiking adventures on this Cinque Terre itinerary continue as you embark on the trek from Vernazza to Monterosso!

This 3.8-kilometre portion of the Sentiero Azzurro takes around two hours to complete and, again, it’s moderate to difficult.

Experienced hikers should have no trouble, but if you’re not used to hiking, leave plenty of time. Plus you’ll want to stop and enjoy those epic views over the vineyards and turquoise sea regardless of your fitness level!

The coastline of Cinque Terre in Italy

The coastline of Cinque Terre – can you spot Vernazza in the distance?

Relax in Monterosso

Officially Monterosso al Mare, this town is the largest of the five Cinque Terre towns.

It has the distinction of having a sandy beach, the only town here to have one (it’s what makes it one of the best beaches near Milan ), and is well known for its lemons and anchovies.

It’s divided into two parts, the older and newer, and connected by a cool underground tunnel.

You will arrive in Monterosso pretty tired from your hike, so spend a little time exploring the picturesque streets of the town, and then head straight to Spiaggia di Fegina for a swim to cool down and relax!

You can end the first day of your Cinque Terre itinerary here with a delicious dinner at one of the many seafood restaurants in town.

Fegina Beach in Monterosso al Mare in Cinque Terre

Fegina Beach in Monterosso al Mare, Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre itinerary: Day 2

Start the day in manarola.

Day two of your Cinque Terre itinerary begins in Manarola.

Manarola is possibly the most famous town in Cinque Terre, with its jumble of pastel-coloured houses clinging to the rugged cliffs.

It may not have a beach, but there are rocks here that people dive off and lounge around on, so you can go for a dip if you like.  

Have lunch at La Scogliera

La Scogliera is an Insta-famous restaurant in Manarola, which is rightly sought after due to its iconic view of the town’s colourful houses, not to mention its seafood pasta dishes and grilled octopus.

With no reservations available, the only option at La Scogliera is to queue. Head there early, so you can grab your number and wait for your turn! And while it’s pricey, the views from here really are awesome.

View over Manarola from La Scogliera

View over Manarola from La Scogliera

Embark on a boat tour

One of the most iconic ways to see the Cinque Terre region is from the sea.

From the waves down below you can get a glimpse of how the towns have grown up on their cliffside settings, and really get a feel for the impressive landscape as a whole.

If you’ve only got two days in Cinque Terre, or less time, a boat trip could help give you a more well-rounded view without having to travel so far.

Thankfully there are a whole host of different boat tours to make this possible.

The beautiful streets of Manarola in Cinque Terre, Italy

The beautiful streets of Manarola in Cinque Terre, Italy

Seeing the towns from a different perspective, often with no crowds and the opportunity to go for a swim, all make boat tours in Cinque Terre a pretty attractive offering.

This particular tour , for example, gives you the chance to see the Cinque Terre villages by sea, and swim and snorkel. It’s only a small tour (up to 10 people).

If you’ve got a little more money to spend, then you could also opt for a private tour of Cinque Terre , which takes in all the best sights of the coastline on a three-hour journey.

Or you could head out on a speedboat on this four-hour boat tour , which starts out in La Spezia and takes you out to swimming spots and features commentary from a professional guide.  

Click here to book your boat tour in Cinque Terre!

Vernazza, one of the towns of Cinque Terre, seen from the Sentiero Azzurro

Vernazza, one of the towns of Cinque Terre, seen from the Sentiero Azzurro

Explore Riomaggiore

After your boat tour, hop on a train and head over to Riomaggiore, the last of the five towns of Cinque Terre.

The section of the hike from Manarola to Riomaggiore is actually one of the most famous; the “Via dell’Amore” (“Lovers’ Lane”), but it has unfortunately been closed for years due to renovation works.

If you travel by train it will only take you a few minutes to reach Riomaggiore from Manarola.

Spend some time exploring the cute town, divided into three parts by the rocky landscape and connected by tunnels. Again, there’s no beach here, but that doesn’t stop people splashing around in the sea.

Watch the sunset in Riomaggiore

This is the best sunset spot in Cinque Terre. I recommend grabbing some pizza, a few beers and some nibbles, and taking them down to the harbour.

Here you can find a spot on the rocks to enjoy your food and drinks of choice as the sun slips below the sea. A beautiful way to end the second day of your Cinque Terre itinerary.

Sunset over the perched colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy - the best way to end two days in Cinque Terre

Sunset over the perched colourful houses of Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque Terre itinerary: Day 3

You’ll be able to see all of the main sights of Cinque Terre in two days. That said, if your Italy itinerary allows for an extra day, then it’s definitely worth spending three days in Cinque Terre.

If you have enough time to make your Cinque Terre itinerary three days instead of two, then it’s best spent enjoying the medieval fishing town of Porto Venere.

This small seaside settlement is famously situated on the Golfo dei Poeti (“Gulf of Poets”), and lies at the southern end of the Cinque Terre.

While not technically one of the five towns that make up the Cinque Terre, it is the honorary Sixth “Terra” (or land) and is still part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site that includes the main five towns and the national park.

Regardless, Porto Venere is an ancient town. It’s thought to date back to the middle of the first century BC and has a whole lot of charm, where colourful multi-storey houses nestled at the water’s edge surround its historic core.  

Plus Porto Venere is easy to get to – all you have to do is take the bus from La Spezia (around 20 minutes). Here are some of the best things you can do in Porto Venere for your final day in Cinque Terre.

The harbour and colourful houses of Porto Venere - a great town to visit if you can spend three days in Cinque Terre

The harbour and colourful houses of Porto Venere

Walk along the Porto Venere promenade

The waterside promenade is the best place to see the everyday life of Porto Venere. There are plenty of restaurants and bars here, all on the backdrop of boats bobbing around in the marina.

Here you’ll find the old gate to the city, which is the historic entrance to the main street: the 12th-century Via Capellini.

From the promenade, there are several charming streets where you can make detours to simply wander and soak up all the cuteness of the town.

The cute streets of Porto Venere in Italy

The cute streets of Porto Venere in Italy

Visit San Pietro church

Scenic doesn’t quite do this place justice. San Pietro Church is perched on the top of a cliff at the end of town and has a truly dramatic setting, which makes its striking black-and-white marble exterior stand out even more.

Get closer to this 13th-century church, and you’ll see Gothic characters carved in its door among other beautiful details.

It was actually consecrated in the 1100s, and was initially built over a pre-existing Roman temple. As you can expect, the views from here – not just of the church itself – are incredible.

Beautiful corners and windows in Porto Venere

Beautiful corners and windows in Porto Venere

Swim by Lord Byron’s grotto

The Golfo dei Poeti is named after English poets Lord Byron and Shelley, and it comes from one particular moment in 1822 when Byron swam across the bay to San Terenzo to visit Shelley.

The cave from where Byron began his epic swim can be visited to this day, although it’s partially collapsed.

Visit Castello Doria

The centrepiece of Porto Venere is its castle, Castello Doria. These ruins are what remains of a 12th-century fortress, thought to be situated on an older site.

It was a key point of contention during the conflict between Pisa and Genoa in the 13th century.

It’s cool to walk around here (admission €5; lots of steps!) and soak up some of the best views of the town and surrounding landscape.

Grotta di Lord Byron in Porto Venere, a great spot for swimming and sunbathing

Grotta di Lord Byron in Porto Venere, a great spot for swimming and sunbathing

Final thoughts on visiting Cinque Terre in 3 days

There you have it, the ultimate Cinque Terre itinerary! Have you been to Cinque Terre before? How did you find it? Let me know in the comments below!

In my opinion, Cinque Terre is one of the most beautiful places in Italy. It often gets overlooked by Rome , Milan , Venice , Florence , or even Matera , but unjustly so.

The sight of these colourful fishing villages, perched on top of the cliffs over crystal clear water is something unlike anything else you’ll ever see.

The towns of Cinque Terre are a unique sight, which will leave you speechless. As one of my favourite  quotes about Italy says; “ The name of Italy has magic in its very syllables.”  And Cinque Terre is part of that magic.

I hope you have found my Cinque Terre itinerary useful in planning your trip!

I wanted to give you an idea of what you can do in Cinque Terre in two days, and how you can make your itinerary even better by extending it to three days in Cinque Terre.

If you have any questions, just let me know in the comments below!

Discover my Cinque Terre itinerary web story here!

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Photo collage of a blonde girl standing in front of the view of Manarola, Riomaggiore at sunset and the harbour of Porto Venere with text overlay saying

Cinque Terre in 3 Days: a guidebook for getting the most out of your visit

Cinque Terre is a corner of northern Italy with a breathtaking beauty that, nestled between the mountains and the intense blue of the sea, offers a wide range of activities.

Ana Caballero

Ana Caballero

Cinque Terre in 3 Days: a guidebook for getting the most out of your visit

Sunset in Cinque Terre | ©Diana Robinson

Cinque Terre is a National Park that is home to five of Italy's most beautiful villages: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare . These jewels are located in the province of Liguria and are known for their picturesque and colorful little houses suspended on steep cliffs by the sea, their magnificent landscapes and their trails that connect the various localities. If you are considering how long to go, three days is the ideal time.

Day 1: Discover Monterosso al mare and picturesque Vernazza

The most common, and also the most comfortable, way to visit the five towns that make up Cinque Terre is by train , since all the towns, with the exception of Corniglia, have a station near the historic center and the travel time between them is minimal. If you choose this means of transport, it is best to take the Trenitalia Cinque Terre Express , as you can take as many trains as you need during the day.

Due to the high prices of accommodation in Cinque Terre, many tourists choose to stay in La Spezia , although you can also find a wide range of hotels in Monterosso. However, trains leave quite frequently so you will have no problem getting around the Ligurian coast.

Now, for your first day, I have prepared an itinerary that starts in Monterosso al Mare , the largest town in Cinque Terre and ends in Vernazza , considered by many the most beautiful town of the five.

Visit Monterosso al Mare, the largest town in Cinque Terre

In addition to being the most populated town of the five, Monterosso is home to the largest beach in Cinque Terre. Divided into a public and a private area , this beach with crystal clear waters is perfect for swimming and cooling off if you travel to Cinque Terre during the summer .

Monterosso al Mare is made up of two areas separated by a hill under which there is a tunnel that keeps them connected. In one of these areas you will find the charming historic center and the port , which are worth a stroll, and in the other, you can find both the train station and its most famous beach, the beach of Fegina .

Despite being the largest town, it is possible to travel around Monterosso in just over an hour, so if the weather is nice you will have time to relax on the beach or even do some water activities . Of course, don't forget to visit its main monuments such as the Church of San Francesco , the Church of San Giovanni Battista or the Villa Montale .

Head to your next destination, Vernazza

Once you have finished your visit to Monterosso, your next stop will be the charming town of Vernazza . To get there there are several options, including following the footpath that connects the two towns. However, this section of the route can be a bit hard, so if you are not used to this type of activity, I recommend taking another means of transport.

A fun option to move around would be to do it by boat , as the views of the villages from the sea are spectacular. However, it is a less economical alternative to the train, and may not be particularly pleasant if you travel to Cinque Terre during the winter .

If you make the journey by train, you will see that a few meters from the station is the main street of Vernazza , where there is a wide range of stores and restaurants , and the central square , where the famous Church of Santa Margherita is located. Vernazza stands out especially for its seaside town atmosphere, its picturesque colorful houses and narrow, sloping streets. Once there, I recommend a pleasant stroll through the historic center on foot.

Take a break to taste the local gastronomy

After a long morning of walking, what better plan than to take a break to enjoy the exquisite dishes of this Italian region? For this reason, I recommend that you choose among some of the magnificent restaurants that you can find in the central square and take the opportunity to try some local cuisine.

One of the most typical dishes of Liguria are the delicious trofie , a type of pasta with an elongated and intertwined shape that is usually served with Genovese pesto . It is also common in this area to find different pasta dishes accompanied by seafood or fish , such as the famous spaghetti ai frutti di mari .

But if you are interested in learning more about the cuisine of the area, do not hesitate to book a gastronomic tour of Cinque Terre , where an expert will accompany you during the tour and tell you the secrets of this spectacular corner of Italy.

Continue your walk and climb up to a very special viewpoint.

Once you have finished your lunch, you can walk to the port of Vernazza , one of the most prominent of all Cinque Terre, and take a walk along the seashore or take some pictures of the most striking. Next to the port is a small pebble beach where you can swim or sunbathe.

Next, I recommend that you make a small effort and go up to what is considered one of the best viewpoints of Vernazza. To get there, you will have to start from the central square and go up some stairs in front of the church, at the base of which you will find a sign indicating the beginning of the path to Monterosso .

You will have to follow the signage of this path and continue along it for a small stretch of the road, you will be up in less than 15 minutes and I assure you that the views make the effort worthwhile. Please note that in order to access many of the trails you will need to show your Cinque Terre Card .

End the day watching the sunset from Doria Castle

A visit to the Doria Castle is a must if you decide to visit Vernazza. This imposing fortress was once guarding the town on a small rock, unfortunately, today only a tower remains standing and can be visited for about 2 € approximately.

From this point the views of the town are spectacular and if time permits, I strongly advise you to wait to see the sun set, as I assure you it will be an experience you will not forget.

Day 2: Take a route to visit Riomaggiore, Manarola and Corniglia

As you can see Cinque Terre has a lot to offer . For your second day in Cinque Terre I have prepared an itinerary that passes through the three towns that you still have to visit: Riomaggiore, Manarola and Corniglia.

Start the day in the highest village of Cinque Terre, Corniglia

Although the town of Corniglia sometimes goes somewhat unnoticed compared to the other villages that make up Cinque Terre, the magnificent views that you can find from the top of the hill that hosts this small town will make it worth investing a little of your time in a visit.

Corniglia is the only town in Cinque Terre that has no access to the sea , besides being the smallest of all. However, one advantage that some travelers choose to skip this point of the tour is that the town is much quieter than the others, making it an ideal place to enjoy the calm and stroll without a crowd of tourists.

If you decide to arrive by train you should be prepared for the Scalinata Lardarina , a staircase that has almost 400 steps and that takes you from the station to the historic center . This picturesque village is located on top of a mountain, about 90 meters above sea level . Of course, the views from the top are unbeatable. Another option if you are not convinced by the idea of climbing the endless stairs would be to take a minibus that is included in the Cinque Terre Card . Some of the monuments you can visit in Corniglia are the Church of San Pietro or the Church of Santa Caterina .

Visit Manarola, the next stop on your itinerary

Once you have explored the town of Corniglia, which will take you no more than an hour, you can return to the train station and head to your next destination, Manarola . Manarola is one of the most beautiful and well-known villages in Cinque Terre and is particularly striking for its fantastic architecture , with its colorful houses perched among the rocks, its magnificent views and its stone beaches and cliffs .

Once there, I recommend that you walk around Manarola and get lost in the explosion of colors of its narrow streets. Going down to the port, you can also find a natural balcony from where the views of the town are spectacular and perfect to take some pictures.

If it is open during the season of your trip, I recommend you to go to the restaurant with the best views of Manarola , the Nessun Dorma , where you can enjoy a good wine and a typical Italian appetizer, such as bruschettas . Although if you are really passionate about wine, do not hesitate to book a wine tasting in Manarola . Finally, don't forget to walk along Via di Mezzo , the main street. There, you will find many local craft stores and restaurants where you can buy a delicious focaccia for lunch.

Stroll along the famous Via dell'Amore

The next and last stop of the day is the charming village of Riomaggiore . However, to get there I recommend that you take a very special road. As mentioned above, one of the attractions of Cinque Terre is its famous trails . And in particular, the best known of all, the Sentiero Azzurro , or "blue trail", which is a path along the sea that connects all the villages .

If you are a lover of hiking, you have the option to consult the official website of Cinque Terre trails and make the itinerary changing the trains for this route on foot. However, I am going to make special emphasis on you not to miss one of its sections, known as the Path of Love .

The Path of Love, or Via dell'Amore is the section that connects Manarola with Riomaggiore and is one of the most traveled routes both for its beauty and for being the easiest to walk.

Discover Riomaggiore, the last of the Cinque Terre villages

After less than half an hour's drive, you will reach Riomaggiore. This town in Cinque Terre has a charming historic center and, like some of the other neighboring villages, is made up of colorful little houses perched on a rock formation .

One of the highlights of Riomaggiore is its picturesque pier , from where you can have a fantastic panoramic view of both the harbor and the crystal clear waters of the sea. Other main attractions are the Church of St. John the Baptist and Riomaggiore Castle , which is located in the highest part of the village.

If you are spending the night in Cinque Terre or its surroundings, I recommend that you take the opportunity to see the magnificent sunset from its small cove, or choose a more original option and book a boat tour at sunset .

Day 3: Take an excursion to another of Liguria's treasures, Portovenere

If you are traveling to Cinque Terre for two days or touring Cinque Terre in one day , it will be best to focus on touring the five locations so as not to miss anything, however, since your stay is somewhat longer, you have the opportunity to take the opportunity to take an excursion and get to know a little more of the beautiful Liguria region.

Enjoy your visit to Portovenere

To get to Portovenere you have several different options depending on where you start from. The first would be by public transport. If you are staying in La Spezia, you can take a bus directly to Portovenere. If on the other hand you are staying in one of the towns that make up Cinque Terre, you can take a direct ferry or transfer in La Spezia.

However, if you are up for a good hike, a fun way to get to Portovenere would be to book an excursion with a local guide through the trails of the area starting from Riomaggiore.

Once there, you can enjoy walking the streets of this small fishing village that is located in the Gulf of Poets . Like the previous towns, Portovenere lies parallel to the sea and is populated by the characteristic colorful houses of this area of Italy. Some of its main attractions are the port , Byron's Cave and the Church of St. Peter . I also recommend you to walk along Via Capellini , which is the heart of the town and, in and around it, you will find a wide variety of restaurants.

Finish the trip with a last walk and a nice dinner

If after your trip to Portovenere you are still not too tired, an option for your last night is to take a walk in La Spezia , which is only half an hour away by bus.

Some of the activities to do in La Spezia are a stroll along the harbor , walk the Thaon di Revel Bridge , visit its most emblematic squares, Piazza Garibaldi and Piazza Europa , visit its Cathedral or, if you have time, the imposing Medieval Castle of San Giorgio . In addition, in its historic center you can find a wide range of bars and restaurants to enjoy a fantastic last dinner in Liguria.

If, on the other hand, you are staying in one of the towns of Cinque Terre , you can take advantage of the remaining afternoon strolling, watching the sunset over the sea and saying goodbye to the gastronomic delights of the area.

The Best Travel Guide to Cinque Terre

  • Cinque Terre in 2 Days: everything you need to know
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in October
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in April
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre at Night
  • Cinque Terre in 1 Day: all you need to know
  • Best Things to Do in Cinque Terre
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in November
  • 10 Best Food Tours of Cinque Terre
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in December
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in Summer
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in September
  • 10 Things to Do in Cinque Terre in Winter

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tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Cinque Terre: itinerario di 3 giorni

Le Cinque Terre sono considerati i migliori borghi da visitare in Liguria. Piccole città coloratissime con una vista spettacolare nel blu della Riviera Ligure, sapranno sicuramente rapirvi. Ma come si arriva alle Cinque Terre? Cosa si visita? Ecco a voi l’itinerario da svolgere in 3 giorni. 

Manarola, Liguria.

Cosa sapere prima di andare alle Cinque Terre

Prima di scoprire le informazioni turistiche delle Cinque Terre, vediamole nel dettaglio. Si tratta di cinque luoghi nella zona del levante ligure, nel particolare, partendo da destra verso sinistra, troviamo: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore . Per la loro ricchezza culturale e naturalistica, sono stati dichiarati Patrimonio dell’Unesco nel 1997.

Vi consigliamo di visitare le Cinque Terre con la buona stagione, ma non in quella estiva in quanto il caldo è davvero torrido e rischiereste di non fare delle belle escursioni a causa delle temperature elevate. Prendetevi quindi un bel weekend tra la primavera e l’autunno per godervi al massimo le Cinque Terre. In tutti i borghi ma anche nei dintorni, è possibile affittare affittacamere o alloggi con colazione. Per rischiare di non trovare, prenotate con largo anticipo perché sono zone turistiche molto frequentate, anche dai liguri.

Per muoversi alle Cinque Terre lo spostamento ideale è sicuramente il treno. In poco tempo si possono raggiungere i borghi senza pensare al parcheggio, che in queste zone di trova lontano oppure è davvero poco. Il costo del biglietto è di 4 euro per persona per tratta , ma è possibile anche pagare un abbonamento per più giorni, come nel nostro caso. Se vi piace il trekking alcuni tratti potrete effettuarli a piedi: abbiamo pensato anche a questo percorso nei tre giorni del tour.

Vernazza, Liguria.

Giorno 1: Monterosso al Mare e Vernazza

La prima giornata parte proprio da Monterosso al Mare, il borgo più grande e popoloso delle Cinque Terre. Una volta arrivati sarete nella zona di Fegina , con una spiaggia ampia e mare cristallino. Passeggiando per il lungomare arriverete nel centro storico, con i tipici carruggi colorati e con i negozietti tipici. Rimanete a Monterosso per intraprendere il sentiero Azzurro : sono circa 2 ore di cammino all’interno del Parco Nazionale delle 5 Terre che portano a Vernazza. Un percorso a picco sul mare, attraversando le coltivazioni a terrazza e osservando l’incontro tra la montagna e il mare cristallino. Si tratta di un sentiero semplice che diventa, tuttavia, un po’ più complicato e con del dislivello alla fine.

Vernazza ti accoglierà con i suoi muretti a secco e i campi coltivati a picco sul mare. Un piccolissimo borgo che vale davvero la pena osservare. Tra gli edifici da vedere la chiesa di Santa Margherita d’Antiochia e il Castello Doria . Per una buona visuale sul paesino recatevi al porto di Vernazza.

Giorno 2: Corniglia e Manarola

Dopo Vernazza troviamo Corniglia, l’unico borgo che non ha un affaccio diretto sul mare ma, allo stesso tempo, offre un’ottima vista col suo promontorio a 90 metri sul livello del mare . Per arrivarci vi consigliamo il treno, della quale prima abbiamo mostrato i prezzi e le convenzioni. Se volete arrivare fino in cima al paesino salite la scala Lardarina, una scalinata di mattoni composta da 377 gradini e 33 rampe: un po’ di fatica per godersi la vista! Ora prendete il treno per arrivare a Manarola, uno tra i borghi più instagrammati di sempre.

La cittadina, infatti, è famosa per il ristorante Nessun Dorma, che offre una totale vista suggestiva sul mare. Fatevi stupire dai colori e dai carrugi, piccole vie, di Manarola. Una peculiarità di questo borgo è che le luci di Natale sono sempre ben visibili: ogni 8 dicembre viene infatti acceso il presepe di Manarola, uno dei più grandi al mondo.

Riomaggiore, Liguria.

Giorno 3: Manarola e Riomaggiore

Il modo migliore per raggiungere Riomaggiore da Manarola era a piedi, percorrendo la Via dell’Amore . Purtroppo, nel 2012 u na frana ha reso il percorso inaccessibile. Tuttavia, il comune ha dichiarato che sarà disponibile nuovamente a partire dal 2024. Ad ogni modo, per raggiungere la città vi consigliamo ancora una volta il treno, pratico e veloce.

Riomaggiore è un bellissimo borgo con scorci davvero suggestivi. Da non perdere la Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista e il Castello , da godersi soprattutto al tramonto. Perdetevi tra le vie tipiche della Riviera Ligure, con le casette colorate che finiscono sul mare.

Da qui termina il nostro viaggio alle Cinque Terre, ricco di sapori liguri e di tantissima natura . Non dimenticare di scaricare la nostra applicazione per condividere il tuo prossimo viaggio. Solo qui puoi trovare i viaggiatori migliori!

E tu hai mai pensato di trascorrere qualche giorno nelle 5 terre?

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3 Days Escorted tour of Cinque Terre, with local tastings

3 Days Escorted tour of Cinque Terre, with local tastings

Excursion of 3 days to the beautiful region of Cinque Terre

Join our sensational 3-day escorted tour to discover the Cinque Terre , a land rich in natural treasures and exciting scenarios. You will visit the villages perched on the Ligurian Coast , overlooking the sea , and you will have the opportunity to taste the culinary delights of the region .

3 Days Escorted activity of Cinque Terre, with local tastings highlights: 

  • Admire the five miles of rocky coastline enclosed by two promontories
  • Discover the breathtaking natural paths and beaches of the Cinque Terre
  • Visit the picturesque villages and their treasures, perched on the Ligurian Coast
  • Let a local wine producer tell you all about the history of local wine
  • Get the opportunity to taste the century-old culinary traditions of this region

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

3 Days Escorted activity of Cinque Terre, with local tastings

With this 3-day escorted tour you will stay in an elegant boutique B&b and you will have the chance to visit the Cinque Terre , one of the most beautiful and fascinating areas in Italy . Get ready to admire the unspoiled landscapes of the Cinque Terre and taste the typical culinary delights with exclusive activities.

Day 1: Arrival in the Cinque Terre

Independent arrival at the Cinque Terre and overnight stay in a boutique B&b , located in one of the picturesque villages.

Day 2: Guided Tour of the Cinque Terre

This day includes a guided tour to discover the routes that most beautiful of the Cinque Terre . You will meet a professional tour guide who will take you on nature trails and through the narrow streets of the villages, showing you the most beautiful and evocative sights of the region . Hike along the paths of Cinque Terre , admiring the amazing landscapes that have succeeded in remaining untouched during the centuries, far away from the confusion of the cities. You will get to breath the real essence of these places, some of the better preserved of the Mediterranean. Drive along the Ligurian Coast you will admire the sceneries of this area that since 1997 has been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO . In the afternoon, you will be back at your hotel in the Cinque Terre .

Day 3: Wine tasting and end of the tour

The last day of the 3-day escorted tour will be dedicated to the tasting of the culinary local products . With a private visit to a typical wine estate , you will have the opportunity to taste some of the best local wines . A local wine producer will take care of revealing all the secrets of local wine production, and lead you through its terraced vineyards.  You will discover the history of the DOC wine traditions of the Cinque Terre , which is result of the hard work of man on those vast hills. At the end of the tasting we will conclude the tour.

  • Day 1: Arrival at the Cinque Terre
  • Day 2: Guided tour of the Cinque Terre
  • Day 3: Food tasting and check-out
  • 2 nights in a B&B boutique in Cinque Terre
  • 2 breakfast
  • 1 full-day tour of the Cinque Terre
  • 1 wine tasting
  • Transfer to reach the meeting point
  • Tips (optional)

Meeting point information and local telephone numbers at your destination are included on your Confirmation Voucher.

We suggest you wearing comfortable clothes and shoes.   Upon request, we can also organize a private transfer service to reach the Cinque Terre.   Please consider that this tour includes a walking and standing part. We suggest bringing with you hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, hat, camera, and depending on the weather conditions also rain cloths.   Please inform us in advance about any food allergy or dietary restriction.   Due to extraordinary or to unforeseen circumstances, acts of force majeure the tours might be subject to change.


How to “Do” Cinque Terre In 3 Days: Guide & Itinerary

Planning a trip to the Italian Riviera? Looking for the perfect Cinque Terre 3-day itinerary? We’ve got you covered.

cinque terre in 3 days what to do manarola

Arguably Italy’s most charming stretch of coastline, Cinque Terre is a postcard-perfect collection of 5 fishing villages nestled in the mountains along the Ligurian Sea. This place is worldwide famous for a lot of reasons,  but one of its most significant claims to fame is its beauty. If you’re planning on visiting Italy , Cinque Terre definitely deserves a spot on your itinerary.

But what is “Cinque Terre”, exactly?

The term “Cinque Terre” is used to describe an area that includes several towns, not one place, so if you search for train schedules for the Cinque Terre you won’t find one. The Italian term can be translated as “five lands,” and refers to the 5 beautiful villages of Riomaggiore , Manarola , Corniglia , Vernazza, and Monterosso al Mare.

As you can see from the map below, the 5 towns are really close to each other , so it’s easy to visit the whole area in just 3 days if you plan your itinerary right. I mean, I’d totally spend a month here if I could, and let’s be honest, you want way more than 3 days in Cinque Terre, but if you’re pushed for time, you can easily cover a tour of all the must-see sights over a weekend.

cinque terre in 3 days what to do map

This is not the sort of place to race around with a checklist of sites and “must-do” activities, so this won’t be that type of guide. I’d highly encourage you to spend time just relaxing and enjoying the little things.

So, to help you plan your trip, I’ll lay out some tips on how to get there, how to get around, where to stay, what to see, and a sample 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary to help you plan your visit. Keep scrolling!


The closest airports to Cinque Terre are Pisa, Genova, Milan, and Florence . You can reach the Cinque Terre from any of these cities by train or car, but no doubt, Cinque Terre is best reached by train .

  • The closest airport is Pisa and it’s about a 1.5-hour train ride.
  • Milan Malpensa is the largest airport in Northern Italy, and direct trains travel between Milan Central station and Monterosso several times per day, with a travel time of approximately 3 hours.
  • Traveling from Rome , you would take the train to La Spezia Centrale, a town close to Cinque Terre.

You can check and book the combination that is more convenient for your travel plans.

If you are arriving by car , I’d highly suggest staying in the neighboring towns of the Cinque Terre region, such as Levanto or La Spezia, as you will have a much easier time finding parking.


There are basically three ways to move from one village to another: you either walk, take the train or the boat.

  • The walking trail is 12 kilometers and runs along the coast through all five villages, from Monterosso in the north to  Riomaggiore in the south. Even if you’ve never hiked before, it’d be sacrilege to skip the walking trails that wind their way along this gorgeous coastline.
  • The train is a very easy and convenient way to get from village to village and runs approximately three times an hour. Each of the five villages has small train stations that you can use, and you will be able to purchase your train tickets from the train station easily. The cost of the single train ticket is 4€.
  • The boat runs less frequently, but I highly recommend taking it at least once, as the view from the sea gives you the possibility to appreciate the colorful buildings against the neutral backdrop of the hills.

A good option is the Cinque Terre Card , which bundles the price of the trains between the five villages (but not ferries) and a hiking day-pass. A 1-day pass is 16 € and a 2-day pass is 29 €. If you are thinking about whether you should get the card or not, ask yourself: will you be hiking? And will you be taking the train at least three times in a day? If so, buy the Card.


Don’t get overly caught up in the process of choosing which village to stay in – they are all wonderful and they are close, really close. Like, BFF close .

If you want that postcard-pretty view , then I’d suggest staying in Manarola, Riomaggiore or Vernazza . If you’re looking forward to spending some time on the beach, then Monterosso will be the best one for you. Corniglia is very pretty but getting there requires taking a “little” hike of 365 steps upon exiting the train station before you reach the town.

Alternatives include staying in Levanto (which comes with an equally gorgeous beach) and La Spezia – significantly cheaper and crowd-free without all the crazy hiking stuff of Corniglia. The only hassle is the train frequency – there are mostly only two trains every hour.


In my Cinque Terre 3-day itinerary, you’ll be staying in Monterosso , but this is only a suggestion, purely meant to offer a good idea of how much you can fit into the time you have. It can be totally redesigned, starting and ending in any of the towns in the Cinque Terre. So, from the stunning beaches of Monterosso to the hidden coves of Riomaggiore, here’s how to “do” the Cinque Terre in 3 days:


cinque terre in 3 days what to do monterosso

Benvenuto alle Cinque Terre! You’ll likely be arriving tired, probably hungry, so let’s not plan too much for today. I’d suggest finding a place on the promenade and watching the sunset with a glass of Prosecco. Or you could just laze on the beach all day. Sound more like you? Yep, me too.

Monterosso is definitely the biggest kid in the family. Her structure isn’t as vertical as her other sisters’ and is made up of an old town, a new town, lots of sandy beaches, some larger hotels, and a long seaside promenade.

In warmer weather, your first afternoon in the Cinque Terre is the perfect excuse to slip into your swimsuit and wash off all the travel stress with a dip in the sea . The beach in Monterosso is the largest and most “typical” looking, but there are smaller and rockier beaches in the other towns.

For the most part, I’d recommend spending whatever time you have on your first day just enjoying the view, exploring the town you’ll be based in, soaking in the atmosphere, and figuring out where you’ll eat dinner that night . It’s also good to sort out the necessary Cinque Terre Card  for the following days.

DAY 2 (morning) – VERNAZZA

cinque terre in 3 days what to do vernazza

Dedicate the first part of your second day to Vernazza , the coast’s most picturesque destination. Fuel up with a quick breakfast – aka  cornetto and cappuccino –  then spend the morning exploring the pretty town.

To get to Vernazza you can either start the hiking trail from Monterosso (it’ll take one hour and a half) or simply hop on the train from Monterosso (it’ll take 1 minute, easy-breezy).

Vernazza is a one-street town with a church built on the water. The wide main street is filled with shops, restaurants, and tourists! Must-see are the castle , the remains of the old wall that protected against pirates, a gorgeous waterfront piazza, and a natural harbor with a super tiny beach.

DAY 2 (afternoon) – CORNIGLIA

cinque terre in 3 days what to do corniglia

Dedicate the afternoon to Corniglia , the only village without a harbor. To get there you can either start the hiking trail from Vernazza (one hour and 15 minutes) or simply hop on the train.

Lacking a harbor and therefore crowds of tourists, the village feels well preserved in some sort of dreamy Italian time capsule. The Baroque-styled Church of San Pietro and the ruins of a fortification located on the cliff are the sights not to be missed. Corniglia was built far above the ocean and it is much calmer than the other villages, so if you need a moment away from the crowds, get there asap. It is indeed a long walk up, so you can totally give yourself a double-scoop  gelato treat when once you’ve reached the main square! And yes, Gelato in Italy really is that good.

DAY 3 (morning) – MANAROLA

cinque terre in 3 days what to do manarola instagrammable

Start your third and last day in Manarola! A gorgeous little harbour below and beautiful wine vineyards above, Manarola is by far my favourite town. A darling street cuts right through the village, with rainbow coloured homes sitting on a cliff above crystal clear waters where you’ll swim for hours. And once you dry off, there are plenty of historic churches to visit, as well as an ancient bastion .

Finally, don’t you dare leave Manarola without a big fat slice of pesto focaccia , one of the specialities of this area. Remember, if you haven’t had five minutes alone with a square of Ligurian focaccia, you haven’t experienced bread nirvana.

DAY 3 (afternoon) – RIOMAGGIORE 

cinque terre in 3 days what to do riomaggiore

Say Arrivederci to Manarola and head to Riomaggiore! This is perhaps the most authentic village. To get there from Manarola, you can either take the train or walk through “Via Dell’Amore”, which translates to the “street of love.” The path is flat and paved, and will only take about 30 minutes.

A bit rougher around the edges, Riomaggiore is the largest village and sprawls along the steep hillsides. It has one main street, a harbor, a rocky beach, a castle, and a church. The village is famous for its restaurants , which offer some of the freshest seafood in the area. From the small rocky beach of Riomaggiore, you’ll be also able to witness spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea, and the most instagrammable sunset in Cinque Terre

cinque terre in 3 days what to do riomaggiore instagrammable sunset

….and there you go! An itinerary for 3 days in Cinque Terre that will have you smiling for a long, long time.

My final travel tips at this point are simple: get lost and eat everything in sight , literally. Also wine it up , because they make their own and it’s divine. Finally, mingle with the locals , it’s the best way to get a sense of a place. No matter what happens, I can guarantee you won’t leave this place without a big smile on your face (and a few extra pounds!).

Did you ever visit Cinque Terre? Which one is your favourite Cinque Terre village?

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Travel Blog al femminile di ROBERTA FERRAZZI

Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre: itinerario e trekking di 3 giorni a piedi in Liguria

Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre: 3 giorni di trekking in Liguria lungo il littorale UNESCO

  • Redazione Le Cosmopolite

Il Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre , con i suo pittoreschi borghi affacciati ad un mare cristallino, è la meta ideale per un trekking tra la natura adatto a tutti i livelli. Da Levanto a Portovenere , passando per le variopinte Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore , avrete modo di gore della bellezza di un territorio Patrimonio UNESCO unico e di rilassarvi tra passeggiate , gite in barca , bagni di sole, degustazioni di vino e scorci mozzafiato. In questo articolo vi racconto cosa sono le Cinque Terre, cosa fare e vedere , quali sono i trekking nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre da non perdere, dove trovare La Via dell’Amore e condivido con voi un itinerario di 3 giorni a piedi in questo angolo idilliaco della Liguria .

Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre

Il Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre è un’area suggestiva, tra il fiabesco ed il romantico, che colpisce sempre dritto al cuore. Lungo le sue verdi pendici si trovano i deliziosi borghi antichi delle Cinque Terre, luoghi d’incantano tutti da scoprire. Un modo decisamente slow e allo stesso tempo dinamico per godere a pieno di questo territorio è visitarlo a piedi. In questo articolo vi suggerisco – tra le altre – un itinerario trekking di tre giorni alle Cinque Terre , sperimentato con un locale e vi do tanti consigli utili per organizzare il soggiorno e la visita in questa pittoresca parte del littorale ligure .

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

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Cosa sono le Cinque Terre: il territorio UNESCO in Liguria

Cosa sono le Cinque Terre ? Con il termine Cinque Terre si identifica un’ area del littorale ligure caratterizzato da antichi borghi variopinti inseriti nel 1997 dall’UNESCO nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità  come “paesaggio culturale”.

Cinque Terre: Manarola

Dove si trovano le Cinque Terre

Le Cinque Terre si trovano in Liguria , tra le città di La Spezia e Levanto, e costituiscono il Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre e l’ Area Marina Protetta Cinque Terre , che dal 1999 sono entrati a far parte del Santuario dei Cetacei . Le  Cinque Terre distano circa 10 Km da La Spezia , 85 Km da Genova , 170 Km da Firenze e 220 km da Milano .

Quali sono le Cinque Terre e cosa vedere

Il nome Cinque Terre deriva dal numero di borghi che costituiscono questo territorio. Quali sono le Cinque Terre ? La risposta è presto detta. Le Cinque Terre sono gli antichi borghi di Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore . Il borgo più a Nord è Monterosso, quello più a Sud è Riomaggiore .

Cinque Terre: Manarola

Come arrivare alle Cinque Terre

Il modo migliore per arrivare alle Cinque Terre è in auto o in treno.

Come arrivare alle Cinque Terre in treno

Arrivare alla Cinque Terre in treno è facile. Le principali stazioni ferroviarie per raggiungere le Cinque Terre sono:

  • le stazioni ferroviarie di Genova Piazza Principe e Genova Brignole , comode per chi arriva da Milano o Torino .
  • la stazione ferroviaria di La Spezia , sulla linea Pisa-Genova che attraversa la Riviera Ligure di Levante e la Versilia.

Treno: biglietti, orari e prezzi icon

Come arrivare alle Cinque Terre in auto

Per arrivare alle Cinque Terre in auto le uscite dell’autostrada consigliate sono:

  • La Spezia , da qui dovrete seguire le indicazioni per La Spezia e Le Cinque Terre.
  • Carrodano , da qui dovrete seguire le indicazioni per Levanto e le Cinque Terre.

Come spostarsi alle Cinque Terre

Ci si può spostare alle Cinque Terre in tre modi:

  • In treno , le corse sono frequenti, in particolare durante la stagione estiva, e i treni locali fermano in tutte le stazioni dei borghi delle Cinque Terre .
  • In autobus , con il servizio di linea di Explora 5 Terre , che parte da La Spezia e permette di visitare Riomaggiore, Manarola, Volastra, San Bernardino, Corniglia, Vernazza e Monterosso e tutti i Santuari delle Cinque Terre .
  • In battello , con collegamenti giornalieri che in primavera ed estate partono da La Spezia, Lerici e Portovenere verso le Cinque Terre. Monterosso, Vernazza, Manarola e Riomaggiore sono inoltre servite, nell’arco della giornata, da linee di navigazione interne , con capolinea Monterosso.

Dove dormire alle Cinque Terre

Tutti i borghi del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre sono luoghi magici in cui soggiornare. L’area conta circa 300 strutture ricettive , tra cui hotel, B&B e appartamenti di tutti i livelli e per tutte le tasche. Per gli amanti dei viaggi di lusso in zona c’è un solo hotel 5 stelle a Portovenere , il Grand Hotel Portovenere , ubicato in un monastero del 1600 sul lungomare è dotato di Spa e centro benessere.

Prenotare un hotel alle Cinque Terre

Prenotazione hotel icona

Offerte hotel alle Cinque Terre

Non dimenticate di dare un’occhiata anche alle offerte hotel alle Cinque Terre nel box di seguito per trovare una sistemazione al miglior prezzo . 😉

Trekking alle Cinque Terre: sentiero basso e sentiero alto

Ci sono due principali itinerari trekking nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre , che vi permetteranno di visitare questo territorio unico della Liguria. A causa di frane e smottamenti è bene fare sempre un check dei sentieri aperti e di quelli chiusi al momento della vostra partenza. 😉

Sentiero Azzurro delle Cinque Terre

Il sentiero basso , Sentiero Verde Azzurro (SVA2, 592-1) , un itinerario trekking che si snoda a ridosso del mare da Monterosso a Riomaggiore .

La Via dell’Amore alle Cinque Terre: da Riomaggiore a Manarola

Il Sentiero Azzurro di cui sopra comprende anche il famoso percorso La Via dell’ Amore delle Cinque Terre , una romantica passeggiata di 1 Km , che va da Riomaggiore e Manarola .

Alta via delle Cinque Terre

La così detta “ Alta via delle Cinque Terre ” fa parte del sentiero alto n°1 “Alta via dei Monti Liguri” , un percorso trekking che si percorre in quota lungo il crinale del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre , da Levanto a Portovenere e viceversa. L’alta via delle Cinque Terre va da quota zero sul livello del mare, fino a raggiungere 800 metri di dislivello, per poi ridiscendere a quota zero. E’ lungo 40 km circa e per percorrerlo occorrono 10 o 11 ore . Solitamente si consiglia di iniziare l’ escursione con partenza da Levanto, poiché la salita da questo lato è più dolce. Effettuare il percorso in un solo giorno è consigliato ai camminatori più allenati, per tutti gli altri è meglio vengano previste delle soste intermedie.

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Trekking organizzati alle Cinque Terre

Se al “fai da te” preferite l’idea di partecipare a trekking organizzati alle Cinque Terre , in modo da evitare brutte sorprese di percorsi chiusi e variati, vi segnalo che potete trovate in loco delle ottime escursioni con guide esperte . 😉

Itinerario trekking alle Cinque Terre di 3 giorni

Quello che vi propongo di seguito è un itinerario trekking alle Cinque Terre di 3 giorni che ho fatto con un locale. Un trekking adatto a tutti. L’itinerario prevede partenza e ritorno su Levanto , che è facilmente raggiungibile sia in auto che in treno. Il percorso si snoda lungo la costa dell’appennino ligure nella natura del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre e fa tappa a:

  • Monterosso al Mare
  • Riomaggiore
  • Portovenere

Celendario del programma di viaggio: itinerari e tour icon

Itinerario Cinque Terre: Levanto, Monterosso e Manarola

Primo giorno nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre. Raggiunta la stazione di Levanto si segue la strada fino a raggiungere l’inizio del percorso che inizia accanto al castello medievale e alle antiche mura cittadine. Il sentiero che da Levanto a Monterosso copre una distanza di  circa 8 km ed è percorribile in 2 h 30. Il dislivello è limitato e il percorso è dolce e si snoda tra le rocce e gli alberi di corbezzolo, dai frutti zuccherini, con una vista mozzafiato sulle acque cristalline del Mar Ligure . Una passeggiata nel bosco adatta a tutti.

Dopo una bella camminata si arriva sulla spiaggia di Monterosso . Qui, oltre a godere del magnifico panorama, se la stagione lo consente ci si può fermare per un po’ di relax al mare e un bel tuffo rinfrescante. Prima di partire date un’occhiata alla curiosa cariatide Il Gigante , scolpita nella roccia della Villa Pàstine dallo scultore ferrarese Arrigo Minerbi per sorreggerne la terrazza. Finita la visita di Monterosso si raggiunge Manarola in treno.

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Durante questo trekking di tre giorni alle Cinque Terre pernottiamo nella variopinta Manarola . Il borgo ligure offre diverse soluzioni in cui alloggiare e online vi sarà possibile trovare le offerte di hotel a Manarola . 😉

Prenotazione hotel

Presepe di Manarola

Forse non tutti sanno che Manarola è famosa per il presepe , un esempio di solidarietà e collaborazione che coinvolge tutta la città. E’ un presepe imponente disposto sulle colline a ridosso del centro storico e si caratterizza per le statue a grandezza naturale realizzate con materiale riciclato, che rappresentano i personaggi della quotidianità di Manarola . Il presepe viene solitamente inaugurato ad inizio Dicembre con un bello spettacolo di accensione delle luci e fuochi d’artificio. Se farete questo itinerario alle Cinque Terre in inverno non perdete questo suggestivo evento natalizio ! 😉

Itinerario Cinque Terre: Riomaggiore – Portovenere

Il secondo giorno nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre si parte da Manarola e si va a Riomaggiore in treno. Da qui inizia una lunga e impegnativa camminata da Riomaggiore a Portovenere . Un percorso di 13 Km circa e 600 metri circa di dislivello . Il percorso si snoda tra i boschi e conduce prima al borgo di Campiglia , dove è d’obbligo fare una tappa di ristoro, e poi alla romantica Portovenere . Visitata Portovenere ci dirigiamo in autobus a La Spezia, dove prendiamo il treno che ci riporta a Manarola.

Cinque Terre: Manarola

Itinerario Cinque Terre: Vernazza e Riomaggiore

Il terzo giorno è l’ultimo giorno di trekking nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre. Si parte da Manarola con il treno verso Vernazza. Da Vernazza si tocca prima il borgo di Corniglia , poi si passa sopra a Manarola per arrivare infine a Riomaggiore. Il percorso è lungo circa 14 km e presenta 650 metri di dislivello . Durante il trekking non perdete l’occasione per visitare questi luoghi fiabeschi e concedetevi almeno un’ora e mezza per visitare Vernazza e Riomaggiore . Giunti a Riomaggiore saliamo a bordo del treno che ci riporta alla stazione di Levanto, tappa che segna la fine di questa memorabile escursione nel territorio UNESCO ligure.

Cinque terre: Riomaggiore

Mappa del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre

mappa icon

Cinque Terre Card

L’ ingresso al Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre è a pagamento . Si può acquistare il biglietto in loco oppure prendere la Cinque Terre Card sul sito del Parco. Il ricavato della card è utilizzato per il mantenimento e al mobilità all’interno dell’aera protetta. La Cinque terre Card ha due versioni:

  • Cinque Terre Trekking Card , che comprende tra le altre l’accesso all’area Parco e l’utilizzo del servizio bus   gestito da ATC all’interno dei paesi.
  • Cinque Terre Treno card , che comprende tra le altre l’accesso all’area Parco, l’utilizzo del servizio bus   gestito da ATC all’interno dei paesi e un numero illimitato di viaggi in treno nelle stazione dell’area.

Quando andare alle Cinque Terre

A mio avviso il periodo migliore per fare trekking alle Cinque Terre è in primavera o da fine agosto, inizio settembre agli inizi di dicembre . Io ho fatto il trekking a Dicembre, con le maniche corte e 16 gradi di giorno, una temperatura ideale! 🙂

Cosa fare alle Cinque Terre

Cosa fare alle Cinque Terre ? Se dopo aver fatto una bella passeggiata lungo uno dei percorsi del littorale ligure, avrete ancora voglia di novità, ecco qualche idea per occupare il tempo tra i borghi del sito UNESCO.

Degustazioni di Vino delle Cinque Terre e Sciacchetrà

Fare una degustazione dei vini locali è sicuramente in cima alla lista delle cose da fare alle Cinque Terre anche quando piove . Meritano una menzione particolare i vini liguri come il vino Cinque Terre e il ricercato Cinque Terre   Sciacchetrà . Non mi dilungo oltre perché a presentarvi questi nettari degli dei ci ha pensato la nostra sommelier Sara, con un articolo dedicato proprio ai vini delle Cinque Terre . Il consiglio è di non perdere l’occasione di fare una degustazione di vini autoctoni durante la vostra vacanza nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre . 😉


Giro in barca alle Cinque Terre

Dopo tanto camminare perché non fare una gita in barca alle Cinque Terre per vedere la costa, ricamata dai filari delle vigne, da una prospettiva nuova? Potete scegliere tra diverse tipologie di giri in barca e crociere , tra cui vi suggerisco di non perdere i suggestivi tour al tramonto . 😉

Crociere, navi e traghetti icon

Gita in kayak alle Cinque Terre

Per rimanere in contatto con la natura ed immergersi in un’esperienza acquatica nell’ Area Marina Protetta Cinque Terre , potete scegliere di partecipare ad una gita in Kayak alle Cinque Terre lungo una delle coste più belle d’Italia.

Biglietto d'ingresso - ticket icon

Giro a cavallo alle Cinque Terre

Se amate la natura e le passeggiate a cavallo , una caso da fare alle Cinque Terre è proprio cavalcare sul litorale ligure immergendosi completamente nei colori e nei profumi del mare e dei boschi delle Cinque Terre.

Tour guidato - icona

Guida delle Cinque Terre

In conclusione, l’esplorazione del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre attraverso tre giorni di trekking lungo il suggestivo litorale UNESCO si rivela un’esperienza straordinaria che va oltre la semplice scoperta di panorami mozzafiato. Questo itinerario offre non solo la possibilità di immergersi nella bellezza incontaminata della natura, ma anche di abbracciare la ricchezza culturale e storica di questa regione affascinante. Dai pittoreschi borghi alle scogliere a picco sul mare, ogni passo è un viaggio attraverso la storia e la tradizione, arricchendo il cammino con emozioni autentiche. La varietà di sentieri, la gastronomia locale e l’ospitalità dei residenti contribuiscono a creare un’esperienza indimenticabile, rendendo il trekking nei sentieri delle Cinque Terre un’opportunità imperdibile per gli amanti della natura e degli itinerari di viaggio unici. 😉

Redazione Le Cosmopolite

Benvenuti in LE COSMOPOLITE, il travel blog al femminile dedicato alle donne viaggiatrici fondato e diretto da ROBERTA FERRAZZI. Il nostro obiettivo è ispirare e guidare le donne alla scoperta di avventure straordinarie in giro per il mondo. Nel blog troverai tante idee, consigli e racconti personali per pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio ed esplorare mete affascinanti. Vogliamo incoraggiare le donne a sentirsi forti, capaci e sicure di sé nel perseguire i loro sogni di viaggio. Unisciti a LE COSMOPOLITE in questa meravigliosa avventura e scopri il mondo attraverso gli occhi di una donna viaggiatrice!

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Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: consigli su come visitarle al meglio

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Vernazza

Le Cinque Terre sono sicuramente una delle zone più particolari e caratteristiche dell’intera Liguria : i n questo tratto di costa che si affaccia sul mar Ligure, cinque piccoli borghi sembrano aggrapparsi con tutte le loro forze ai pendii scoscesi sui quali sono stati costruiti, per non cadere all’improvviso nelle acque sottostanti. Questo equilibrio all’apparenza precario è stato reso possibile dagli agricoltori del luogo, che nel corso dei secoli hanno modellato questi ripidi dislivelli rendendoli un po’ più miti, con terrazzamenti utili allo sviluppo delle coltivazioni. E’ stata proprio questa collaborazione fra elementi naturali ed aggiustamenti umani che ha reso questo paesaggio unico nel suo genere, facendo sì che l’Unesco lo inserisse nel 1997 tra i Patrimoni dell’Umanità. In questo articolo, ho pensato di proporvi l’ itinerario delle Cinque Terre che abbiamo fatto noi, procedendo da est verso ovest, e visitando nell’ordine Riomaggiore , Manarola , Corniglia , Vernazza e Monterosso al Mare.

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: consigli su come visitarle al meglio

Per pianificare al meglio un vostro eventuale viaggio in questo territorio, ho pensato di suddividere il post in 5 consigli (uno per ogni borgo delle Cinque Terre!), sulla base della mia recente esperienza.

I miei consigli sulle Cinque Terre: come visitarle al meglio

1) Dove alloggiare: una buona base di partenza per visitare le Cinque Terre (e anche per risparmiare qualche Euro!) è Levanto , proprio alle porte del Parco Nazionale. Noi ci siamo trovati molto bene al B&B Cinque Terre da Levanto , un piccolo B&B che dispone anche di un noleggio biciclette gratuito. Con queste abbiamo raggiunto in appena 5 minuti la stazione, da dove abbiamo iniziato la visita ai borghi.

2) Cosa fare alle Cinque Terre: all’interno del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre è possibile trovare paesi incastonati nella roccia per gli amanti dell’arte e della fotografia, piccole spiagge e fondali limpidi per chi preferisce il mare e lunghi sentieri immersi nella natura per gli appassionati del trekking.

3) Come si visitano le Cinque Terre: i modi per visitare comodamente le Cinque Terre sono sostanzialmente due, il treno e il traghetto; la macchina è assolutamente da escludere per l’estrema difficoltà nella ricerca dei parcheggi.

La Via dell’Amore, che consentiva di raggiungere a piedi i cinque paesi con una passeggiata a picco sul mare, è purtroppo ancora oggi chiusa in seguito alla frana del 2012.

4) Le Cinque Terre in treno: l’itinerario via mare è di sicuro molto affascinante, ma onde evitare possibili “malesseri”, abbiamo optato per il treno, che si è rivelato davvero comodissimo. Le corse sono veloci, puntuali e frequenti, e da un paese all’altro ci si impiegano appena due o tre minuti.

Il biglietto giornaliero può essere acquistato in qualsiasi stazione per 18 Euro, e consente di salire e scendere ad ogni fermata per quante volte lo si desideri. Con solo 1 Euro in più si può acquistare il biglietto con validità due giorni.

Da dove alloggiavamo ci siamo diretti prima verso la meta più lontana (nel nostro caso Riomaggiore) e da lì abbiamo proseguito a ritroso fino alla più vicina (Monterosso), procedendo così da est verso ovest.

5) Quanto restare alle Cinque Terre: secondo il mio parere, un weekend in questa zona è più che sufficiente: se ci si limita alla parte dei borghi, questi possono essere visti tranquillamente in un’unica giornata o in due al massimo. Se invece ci si vuole dedicare alla parte escursionistica bisogna mettere in preventivo qualche giorno in più, ma da grande atleta quale sono non ho preso minimamente in considerazione tale possibilità!

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: visitarle in un giorno da est a ovest

Riomaggiore potrebbe essere definito come il “borgo dei murales” delle Cinque Terre, visto che spesso ci si imbatte in questi grandi quadri variopinti a cielo aperto. La sua via principale è disseminata di piccoli negozi di alimentari dove è possibile comprare degli stuzzichini da gustare seduti su una panchina o intanto che si va in giro: in particolare vi consiglio i coni ripieni di frittura di pesce, noi siamo arrivati qui proprio all’ora di pranzo e ci siamo davvero leccati i baffi.

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Riomaggiore

Manarola è una frazione di Riomaggiore, quindi è davvero di dimensioni ridotte. La sua peculiarità è quella di sembrare un presepe di casette colorate, ed inerpicandosi anche di poco per alcuni sentieri non troppo difficoltosi è possibile immortalare queste abitazioni variopinte dall’alto. Sicuramente particolare è l’allestimento di grandi figure che riproducono la via Crucis nei terrazzamenti dedicati alla coltura degli ulivi.

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Manarola

Corniglia è il borgo che mi è piaciuto di meno, ed è anche il più piccolo e il più difficilmente raggiungibile dal mare. La salita a piedi per arrivare in cima è ardua e faticosa, perché questo borgo rimane arroccato su una rupe piuttosto alta; per fortuna con il biglietto del treno giornaliero è anche compreso un autobus gratuito che dalla stazione ti scarica direttamente sulla piazza centrale del paese… indovinate un po’ io come sono salita?

La discesa invece è più fattibile, e la si può affrontare abbastanza comodamente grazie alla scalinata della Lardarina, che consente di raggiungere la stazione ammirando il panorama sottostante. D’altro canto gli autobus sono così frequenti che aspettando appena dieci minuti alla fermata sono stata “incentivata” a prenderlo anche per la discesa…

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Corniglia

Vernazza è il borgo a mio parere più pittoresco, perché la sua piazza principale sfocia direttamente sull’acqua attraverso una microscopica spiaggetta; qui potete scegliere se visitare la chiesa di Santa Margherita d’Antiochia o sedervi su una delle panchine per ammirare il via vai lento delle piccole barche dei pescatori. Da non perdere assolutamente l’imboccatura un po’ nascosta che conduce ad una suggestiva spiaggia acciottolata.

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Vernazza

Monterosso al Mare  è il borgo che ho preferito, ed è anche il più grande e quello dalle spiagge più estese. Imperdibile è la statua del Gigante che raffigura Nettuno e che domina dall’alto uno sperone di roccia, però non fatevi mancare neppure una visita a Villa Montale, residenza dove il celebre poeta trascorreva le ferie estive, e un bel giro nel centro del paese, sicuramente il più movimentato dal punto di vista dei divertimenti.

Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: Monterosso al Mare

Allora cosa ne pensate, le vacanze estive si stanno avvicinando inesorabili, ve lo concederete almeno un weekend qui alle Cinque Terre? 

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#Sensomieiviaggi: la pioggia dei miei viaggi

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anche io avevo amato vernazza! bellissime tutte e cinque 🙂

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Ora costa 18 euro il biglietto treno

Grazie Fabio per l’informazione, ho aggiornato con il nuovo costo!

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Eh sì, però Vernazza e Monterosso restano le mie preferite!

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Sai invece che a me piace molto Corniglia proprio perché diversa dalle altre. Comunque sono tutte belle ed abitando vicino ci posso andare sempre 🙂

Ah, allora sei fortunata! 🙂

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Ciao, senti volevo chiederti, siccome noi abbiamo un bambino di 7 anni che non cammina troppissimo, sai dirmi se in ogni paesino delle 5 terre c’è la possibilità di spostarsi in bus se per esempio vogliamo andare in alture per fare delle foto panoramiche?

Volevo anche chiederti se questi treni che percorrono le 5 terre, sono strapieni d gente, perchè soffro di claustrofobia e mi angoscia un po’ l’ idea del treno con finestrino ermeticamente chuso e stracolmo d gente, specie nel tragitto più lungo quando andrò da La Spezia e Monterosso, poi pensavamo d fare i paesini a ritroso; dic che in una giornata gliela faccamo a visitare tutte e 5 le località?

Ciao, allora, io non ho utilizzato autobus quindi non saprei dirti quanto sono riforniti i singoli paesi…Per quanto riguarda invece i treni quando siamo andati non erano gremiti di gente, però era aprile, molto probabilmente se vai in estate la gente aumenterà. Le località invece si riescono a visitare comodamente tutte e 5 in giornata!

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Ciao, volevo rispondere alle tue domande innanzitutto in ogni paesino c’e’ il pulmino del parco delle cinque terre che ti porta fino in fondo al paese e di conseguenza ti riporta fino in cima alla strada panoramica dove potresti scattare delle foto panoramiche, per quanto riguarda il treno va ad ondate cioè se prendi il treno delle 14,30 e’ strapieno mentre se prendi quello dopo delle 14,49 vuoto, comunque sia non c’è quasi mai un diretto che parte da La Spezia e va a Monterosso si ferma ogni circa 10 minuti fa tutte le fermate, in una giornata ce la fai benissimo a visitare tutte basta vedere quale vuoi trascorrere più tempo sono belle tutte ma io ti consiglio Monterosso e’ la più grande delle altre 4 ci sono sentieri dove arrivi a Manarola che dire sono da visitare almeno una volta nella vita consiglio il periodo giusto fine settembre inizio ottobre sembra esserci un po’ meno gente salvo tempo permettendo ( vedi alluvione ottobre )

Grazie Marco per le tue risposte ed informazioni aggiuntive! 🙂

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Le cinque terre! Il fiore all’occhiello della mia provincia…anche se migliroabile per tante cose! Con mio marito ogni anno ci facciamo una giornata dedicata a questo paradiso! Noi preferiamo “i barconi”, che sono sicuramente più cari e anche sconsigliati se si soffre il mal mare…ma la vista dal mare dei paesini che si arrampicano sulla roccia, la salsedine ed il profumo di mare soni qualcosa di impagabile! Certo…ad Aprile avrei optato per il treno anche io, che è decisamente più comodo e consente spostamenti più frequenti! Ps la mia preferita è Vernazza ❤ 😉

Ciao Lucia, se un giorno ci torno voglio provare il barcone anch’io, dev’essere spettacolare! 🙂

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Ah che bellezza le 5 Terre. Ora che mi ci fai pensare, non so perché non ne ho mai parlato sul blog! A me piacciono tutte tantissimo, ma forse la mia preferita è Vernazza. Difficile scegliere, però! Sono una più bella dell’altra. E anche Levanto da una parte e Lerici/Portovenere dall’altra sono altre bellissime perle…insomma, è un litorale davvero imperdibile per me che amo i colori e i borghi arroccati! 🙂

Sono stata anche a Levanto e a Portovenere, mi sono entrambe piaciute moltissimo, conto di parlarne presto sul blog!

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Mi piacciono tantissime le tue foto, come sono colorate! E’ quasi imbarazzante, lo so, ma devo ammettere di non essere mai stata alle Cinque Terre! E’ una vita che voglio andarci ma poi alla fine rimando sempre… eppure non abito neanche troppo lontano! Mi segno il tuo post per quando -finalmente- riuscirò a organizzarmi.

Ciao Diletta, sì alla fine si fa sempre così, tendiamo ad andare nei posti più lontani e a tralasciare invece quelli dietro l’angolo!

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Le adoro e cosi i tuoi post, le foto, i suggerimenti.. Corniglia è l’unico borgo che ancora non ho visto, ma rimedierò molto molto presto!!

Ciao Elena, sì forse Corniglia è una di quelle un po’ meno conosciute, ma un bel giro lo merita comunque!

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Adoro questi posti che frequento assiduamente senza mai stancarmi, Belli sia d’estate che d’inverno. Luoghi affascinati da scoprire . Io tra tutti preferisco però Manarola 🙂

Concordo Mariacarla, io ci sono stata solo in primavera, chissà che atmosfera particolare deve esserci qui in inverno!

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Ho parlato anche io più volte sul blog delle Cinque Terre. Le adoro, son in assoluto tra i miei luoghi del cuore. Vedere le loro foto è sempre un gran piacere 🙂

Allora vado subito a vedere quello che hai scritto anche tu! 🙂

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Che bello questo post di consigli sulle Cinque Terre. Mi piacciono così tanto che spesso torniamo in quei luoghi dove sono stata con mio marito nei primi tempi in cui eravamo fidanzati. Monterosso è bellissima 🙂

Ciao Elisa, sì Monterosso è anche una delle mie preferite!

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Le 5 terre sono splendide. Da bambina sono stata a Monterosso al mare, ma vorrei tornarci presto.

Anch’io ero stata parecchi anni fa, ma un ripasso periodico di questi luoghi fa sempre bene!

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Ciao, noi abbiamo una bambina di 3 anni che comunque cammina molto ed è brava. Partiremo a visitare le 5 terre da Monterosso al mare. li troviamo un parcheggio per la macchina? oppure dove ci consigli di parcheggiare? Grazie mille

Ciao Katia, sì a Monterosso c’è un parcheggio proprio a ridosso sul mare, tra la Statua del Gigante e la stazione! Ti consiglio di metterla lì, perché in quelle zone il parcheggio gratuito è un lontano miraggio! 🙂

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Ci sono stato a novembre, un giorno solo. Sono ligure io e le Cinque Terre sono un patrimonio di cui bisogna andar fieri, a livello mondiale. La mia preferita è invece Manarola. Spero tu non ti sia persa il classico ma eccezionale scatto fotografico dal sentierino che parte dal mare! In ogni caso, ognuna caratteristica a modo suo.

Esatto Pietro, dovete proprio andarne fieri di queste meraviglie! 🙂 Sono davvero tutte bellissime e caratteristiche, ma le mie preferite restano Vernazza e Monterosso! 🙂

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Ciao! Grazie per il tuo post 🙂 Sono di Barcellona e vorrei andarci ma sto guardando voli e i più economici sono a Bologna e poi pensò che andare verso Firenze sarebbe la migliore opzione? Da dove iniziano le cinque terre? Cioè, dove devo andare prima di tutto? Grazie mille

Ciao Cristina, da Bologna la strada più corta per raggiungere le Cinque Terre è andare verso Parma e poi da lì verso La Spezia. Le Cinque Terre partono da Monterosso a Portovenere. Buon viaggio se deciderai di raggiungerle!

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Ciao io ho due micro cagnolini trovo difficolta’ nel portarli con me per la maggior parte li porto nello zaino ma si possono portare in treno in bus e all’interno del parco?

Ciao Debora, sì secondo me essendo di piccola taglia non dovresti avere problemi a portarli con te!

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Ciao bel blog. Però per visitare le Cinque Terre il modo migliore è viverle e dormire in uno dei 5 comuni. Levanto e La Spezia non fanno parte delle Cinque Terre

Ciao Filo, grazie! Eh sì, in effetti non hai tutti i torti, la nostra è stata più che altro una scelta strategica per risparmiare qualche Euro! 😉

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Visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

In uno dei tratti più suggestivi della Riviera Ligure , sospese tra il mare e i monti, si trovano le Cinque Terre, una meta perfetta per trascorrere un weekend in Italia . Cinque piccoli borghi caratteristici, incastonati tra un mare cristallino e il verde delle alture, che meritano di essere scoperti con un ritmo lento per essere apprezzate nel migliore dei modi. In questo post vi suggeriamo un itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni .

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Cose da sapere prima di visitare le Cinque Terre

Per apprezzare davvero le Cinque Terre bisogna esplorarle con calma , lasciandosi cullare dal ritmo del mare e passeggiando immersi nella natura. Un weekend lungo non sarà tantissimo tempo, ma è di certo un giusto compromesso per apprezzare questo magnifico angolo di Riviera Ligure.

Prima di partire con il nostro itinerario vogliamo, brevemente, darti qualche indicazione per visitare questa zona nel migliore dei modi.

tour 3 giorni 5 terre

Come arrivare alle Cinque Terre

Se arriverete in aereo gli aeroporti di riferimento sono il Cristoforo Colombo di Genova e il Galileo Galilei di Pisa. Da lì potrete proseguire in treno.

In treno, invece, la stazione di riferimento è La Spezia. Da lì partono a intervalli regolari i treni regionali per le Cinque Terre.

In auto potrete raggiungere La Spezia in autostrada (A15 Parma – La Spezia) e poi prendere la Litoranea SS 370. Altrimenti potrete prendere la A12 Genova – La Spezia, uscire a Brugnato e proseguire in direzione Monterosso.

Come muoversi alle Cinque Terre

Muoversi alle Cinque Terre con l’auto vi sarà pressoché impossibile: le zone interdette ai veicoli sono molte e i parcheggi sono pochi e carissimi. Il suggerimento, allora, è quello di spostarsi con i mezzi pubblici . Le Cinque Terre sono ben collegate tra loro da treni, autobus e anche battelli.

Se vi piace camminare potreste approfittare dei suggestivi sentieri che si snodano tra un borgo e l’altro.

Il nostro suggerimento è quello di acquistare la Cinque Terre Card che vi farà risparmiare su moltissimi servizi all’interno del Parco.

Dove dormire alle Cinque Terre

Gli alloggi delle Cinque Terre possono essere davvero molto cari, per cui pensate di prendere in considerazione la possibilità di alloggiare a La Spezia e da qui spostarvi ogni giorno con il treno per esplorare i bei borghi nei dintorni.

Giorno 1: La Spezia

Il giorno d’arrivo potreste dedicarlo a quello che è il secondo Comune della Liguria per popolazione. Le cose da fare a La Spezia sono tante, ma tra queste non dovrete assolutamente perdere il Museo Navale . Al suo interno, infatti, è custodita una collezione unica che annovera più di 150 modelli di navi e imbarcazioni di vario genere!

Dopo una visita al Museo, un ottimo modo per entrare immediatamente nello spirito delle Cinque Terre è quello di iniziare a scoprire i piatti tipici della zona. Allora perché non partecipare a un tour enogastronomico nel centro di La Spezia alla scoperta delle prelibatezze della zona?

Siete pronti ad assaggiare gli sgabei (frittelle di pasta di pane), la mesciua (una zuppa), i testaroli e l’ottimo pesce fresco della zona? Noi di Do Eat Better Experie nce vi aspettiamo!

Giorno 2: Monterosso e Vernazza

Se avete deciso di visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni, la seconda giornata dovreste dedicarla all’esplorazione di due dei borghi più caratteristici della zona: Monterosso e Vernazza .

Monterosso è la località più popolosa delle Cinque Terre. Il paese è diviso in due da un promontorio sotto il quale è stato scavato un tunnel per permettere gli spostamenti in modo agevole. Da una parte si trova la Stazione del treno e la grande spiaggia, dall’altra il porticciolo e il centro storico vero e proprio.

Da non perdere una visita alla Chiesa di San Giovanni e alla Chiesa di San Francesco . A Monterosso si trova anche Villa Montale , l’abitazione dove il poeta ha trascorso gran parte della sua vita.

Se è estate non perdetevi la possibilità di fare una bella nuotata nelle acque cristalline della spiaggia di Fegina .

A pochi minuti di treno da Monterosso, tornando in direzione La Spezia, si trova Vernazza. Il paese è raggiungibile in meno di 2 ore anche attraverso un sentiero, ma il tragitto è abbastanza impegnativo per cui informatevi bene prima di mettervi in cammino.


Una volta raggiunto il piccolo borgo dovrete assolutamente salire al Castello Doria per ammirare il meraviglioso panorama che si gode da lassù!

Scendendo verso il mare, invece, vi ritroverete nella caratteristica cornice di quello che è considerato da molti il porticciolo più caratteristico di tutte le Cinque Terre.

Giorno 3: Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore

L’ultima giornata del vostro lungo weekend alle Cinque Terre potreste dedicarla all’esplorazione degli altri 3 borghi.

Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore sono molto piccoli e si girano in poche ore. Se userete il treno per spostarvi da un paesino all’altro non avrete problemi a visitarli tutti.

Corniglia è l’unico borgo delle Cinque Terre a non affacciarsi direttamente sul mare: il paese, infatti, si trova in cima a un promontorio alto circa 90 metri. Il panorama è magnifico! Per raggiungere il centro dalla Stazione ferroviaria si può prendere il bus o percorrere una scalinata di più di 300 gradini: a voi la scelta!

Il paese di Manarola si sviluppa intorno al corso del torrente Groppo, oggi coperto. Le case si inerpicano sulle alture a ridosso del mare, creando un’atmosfera davvero suggestiva. Nel borgo non dovrete perdervi la visita alla Chiesa di San Lorenzo . Ricordatevi, inoltre, che ogni 8 dicembre viene acceso il celebre Presepe di Manarola , considerato il più grande del mondo!


Infine, prima di rientrare, non dimenticatevi di dedicare un po’ del vostro tempo anche a Riomaggiore, la più orientale e la più meridionale delle Cinque Terre. Nella parte alta del paese vi consigliamo di visitare la Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista e il Castello , se arriverete per l’ora del tramonto assisterete a uno spettacolo davvero unico!

Questi erano i nostri consigli per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni: speriamo possano esservi utili!

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tour 3 giorni 5 terre

3-Day Cinque Terre Itinerary: A Taste of Italy’s 5 Lands

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Coordinating travel between five Italian villages that notably lack cars can make the process of creating a Cinque Terre itinerary a bit daunting.

Trust me, I’ve literally been there and done that.

Fortunately, I’m spinning my first-hand experience into this easy-to-follow guide so that you can minimize your time planning – and maximize your time exploring!

From travel logistics, to how to divvy up your time, to the best activities in each town, I’ve got you covered in this detailed guide to Italy’s five lands.

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Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Customizable 3-Day Cinque Terre Itinerary

What & where is the cinque terre.

Before we launch into this 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary, let’s go over some logistics of what you can expect here.

The Cinque Terre – which translates to “five lands” in Italian – consists of five vibrant fishing villages perched along the Italian Riviera coastline. From south to north, the towns include Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso al Mare. Together, they comprise Cinque Terre National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Italy’s smallest national park.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Part of the Liguria region of Northern Italy, these picturesque towns are characterized by steep terraces, sprawling vineyards, and colorful harbors.

Why Is the Cinque Terre So Popular?

Once an under-the-radar destination, the Cinque Terre has become an incredibly popular tourist draw.

NOT-SO-FUN FACT: The Cinque Terre experiences an influx of about 2.5 million visitors every year! While this beautiful region certainly gets the attention it deserves, the unfortunate reality is that it’s battling overtourism .

Key Cinque Terre Attractions & Draws:

  • It’s car-free – The five towns are exclusively geared toward pedestrians and cars are not permitted (with the exception of commercial vehicles). This helps create a more peaceful and less hurried experience (when it’s not peak tourist season).
  • Great hiking – There are a variety of hiking trails throughout the five villages, from beginner to intermediate.
  • Beautiful harbors – The village harbors offer stunning views and are a perfect jumping off point for a refreshing swim.
  • Delicious food – The region is known for its pesto and its freshness is unmatched!

Best Time to Visit Cinque Terre & How Much Time to Dedicate

As I’ve shared in detail in my 50 key Cinque Terre tips , the ideal time to visit is during the shoulder season when crowds are more moderate.

Although a day trip here is doable, it’s not advisable, particularly if you’re looking to adopt more of a “slow travel” mindset. Plus, spending at least one night here is a great way to “pay your tourism dues” by supporting the villages with your lodging dollars.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

In any case, I’ve intentionally allotted three days to this Cinque Terre itinerary, as that’s what I personally believe is the minimum needed to do this region justice.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to shorten your trip to one or two days, you can handpick your favorite suggestions from this guide to best align with your travel schedule.

Today’s Agenda: Settle in and explore your new backyard.

Personally, I tend to avoid planning a big agenda on the first day that I arrive somewhere new. As you may have experienced, unexpected events often tend to arise on travel days, whether traveling takes longer than you anticipated, public transportation is running behind, etc.

For these reasons, I’m keeping the first day of this Cinque Terre itinerary fairly light, as compared to the next two days.

Traveling to the Cinque Terre

First things first, you’ll need to figure out how you’re getting to the Cinque Terre. I recommend omitting a car from the equation altogether, as you won’t be able to drive while you’re here anyway.

Instead, you’ll want to take the train into La Spezia Centrale from your connecting city and then catch a local to the town where you’re basing yourself. You can keep up to date with the train schedule here .

As I’ve mentioned in my Cinque Terre suggestions , you’ll probably need to arrange to meet up with your apartment host, so be sure to reference that post before traveling.

Explore the Village You’re Staying In (and How to Choose)

Unless you’re arriving to the Cinque Terre super early, it’s wise to spend the first day settling in and exploring the town you’re staying in.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Now for the big question: Where should you stay?

Honestly, this one was a real head-scratcher for me. I’m usually indecisive when it comes to selecting a hotel in one town, so just imagine my FOMO with five !

Fortunately, all of my initial doubt (and the corresponding lack of reliable resources online) led me to create this comprehensive guide to uncovering the best Cinque Terre town for you!

I highly recommend giving it a gander if you’re even just the teeniest bit unsure of where to base yourself.

In it, I’ve given a full (and honest) overview of the towns, including pros and cons to make your decision-making easier and your trip planning more enjoyable.

Today’s Agenda: Pick two to three towns to explore and get a lay of the land. 

Good morning and welcome to your first full day in the Cinque Terre! Today, I suggest picking two to three towns to explore.

Visiting three towns is totally doable if you get a reasonably early start. Alternatively, if you have tours planned or you’d simply prefer to take things slow, limiting it to two is probably best.  

However, before we dive in further, you may be wondering why I didn’t suggest visiting the four towns outside of your home base.

While it’s certainly possible to squeeze the remaining four towns into your second day agenda, it’s really not necessary. Since this 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary affords you the luxury of time, you’ll probably find it more enjoyable to divide your time between your final two days.

Honing in on two to three towns means you can enjoy each at a more leisurely pace. In addition, you’ll have more time to experience your chosen towns in depth, whether by doing a fun tour or simply relaxing at one of the beautiful Cinque Terre beaches!

How to Get Around

Since I’ve left hiking off the schedule until tomorrow, the best way of getting around on your second day will be by train.

Fortunately, the Cinque Terre has a fantastic and super convenient train system connecting each of the towns (as well as La Spezia).

You can read more about the train system and check out the schedules before you go.

Select the Towns You’ll Visit

Now that you have a sense of what’s reasonable to do in a day and how to get around, it’s time to select your towns.

Although you can spontaneously hop about to the different villages, I’d suggest at least loosely mapping your journey in advance. This way, you won’t waste time sitting idly at the train station or traveling unnecessarily long distances.

Instead, you’ll make your life so much easier by visiting neighboring towns (or towns near each other).

To help take the guesswork out of your itinerary planning, I’ve put together my suggested town duos and trios for your second day in the Cinque Terre.

Recommended 2-Town Combinations:

  • Riomaggiore & Manarola
  • Vernazza & Corniglia
  • Vernazza & Monterosso

Recommended 3-Town Combinations:

  • Riomaggiore, Manarola & Corniglia
  • Corniglia, Vernazza & Monterosso

Once you’ve chosen your towns, take it one step further and suss out how you’ll spend your time in them.

Again, I’ve taken the heavy lifting out of the equation by sharing my top activity recommendations for each of the five towns. Mix and match as you see fit; I recommend starting with the activities that interest you most. Then, if time allows, you can add in some others!

I’ve also included some dinner recommendations for each of the villages. This way, you’ll have restaurant options handy regardless of which town you land in come evening.

Best Things to Do in Riomaggiore

Discover the riomaggiore harbor.

Riomaggiore has one of the most photogenic harbor areas throughout the five towns, so it’s no wonder it’s one of the top Cinque Terre Instagram spots .

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Just keep in mind that this is definitely one of the area hotspots. I suggest arriving in the morning to avoid bumping elbows with other eager travelers!

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Try a Tasty Fish Cone

Something many people recommend – and I will definitely have to try next time – is a fish cone, a local delicacy.

In case you’re wondering what the heck a fish cone is, it’s exactly what it sounds like! If you’ve ever seen those paper cones that are used to hold French fries, it’s just like that but for fish instead.

In particular, Tutti Fritti in Riomaggiore comes highly recommended. This fish-and-chips-takeaway restaurant is great for a quick on-the-go meal.

PRO TIP: Opting for grab-and-go meals over pricier sit-down alternatives is one of my key tips for the Cinque Terre . This convenient meal option is a great way to cut travel costs in this touristy region.

How to Get Here:

Tutti Fritti is located at Via Colombo, 161, 19017 Riomaggiore.

Riomaggiore Restaurant Recommendations:

  • Trattoria La Lampara (Seafood) Via Malborghetto, 10, 19017 Riomaggiore
  • Rio Bistrot (Ligurian) 19017 Riomaggiore
  • Fuori Rotta (Ligurian) Via Telemaco Signorini, 48, 19017 Riomaggiore

Best Things to Do in Manarola

Explore & photograph manarola’s picture-perfect harbor.

Similar to Riomaggiore, the big draw of Manarola is also its beautiful harbor area, one of the best places to take photos in the Cinque Terre .

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Unsurprisingly, this spot is a popular gathering place for photographers, particularly around sunset.

Visit the Vineyards & Do a Wine Tasting

A great way to enjoy a literal taste of Manarola is by trying the Sciacchetrà, the delicious white wine that the area’s known for!

This particular tour includes a tasting of three unique Cinque Terre white wines and a light stroll around one of Manarola’s beautiful vineyards with views to boot. Cheers to that!

Enjoy an Aperitivo with a View at Nessun Dorma

If you wish to linger and admire the harbor area, then I highly recommend getting yourself a table at Nessun Dorma .

This fan-favorite restaurant is spectacularly perched above the town, offering visitors a breathtaking vantage point over Manarola.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Although they don’t have the typical pizza/pasta offerings on their menu, they make a mean bruschetta and aperitivo!

Just make sure to reference my best Cinque Terre recommendations before you go so that you’ll know how to get on their waitlist; they don’t accept standard reservations!

Manarola Restaurant Recommendations:

  • Nessun Dorma (Appetizer platters, salads, sandwiches) Località Punta Bonfiglio, 19017 Manarola
  • Trattoria dal Billy (Seafood) Via A. Rollandi, 122, 19017 Manarola
  • Ristorante Il Porticciolo (Seafood/Italian) Via Renato Birolli, 98, 19017 Manarola *Temporarily closed

Best Things to Do in Corniglia

Wander through the medieval old town.

While Corniglia is often overlooked because it’s the one town of the five that’s not adjacent to the sea, it has one of the most special village centers, in my opinion.

Unlike the other villages which are more spread out, the charm of Corniglia’s old town is in its narrow passageways and hidden nooks.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Exploring here is like winding through an intoxicating labyrinth; you never know what treasures you may find hiding around its corners!

Admire the Hillside Views

Although reaching Corniglia can be a challenge (read my Cinque Terre village guide to see what I mean), its position offers some unique advantages!

One of the perks of such a steep location is that Corngilia has views for days . Truly, they’re remarkable.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

So even though swimming is off the table here (since this town doesn’t have a harbor area), you definitely won’t miss out on any seaside views!

Corniglia Restaurant Recommendations:

  • Ristorante La Posada (Ligurian) Via Stazione, 11, 19018 Corniglia
  • Bar Pan e Vin (Italian) Via Fieschi, 123, 19018 Corniglia
  • KMO (Italian) Via Fieschi, 151, 19018 Corniglia

Best Things to Do in Vernazza

Hang out at vernazza harbor.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Of all the town harbors, Vernazza is home to my personal favorite. Not only are the views gorgeous, but it’s such a fun place to relax, people watch, and even enjoy some yummy focaccia from one of the local shops.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

Although the harbor area can get pretty busy, it’s a wide enough space where you can spread out at a popular time (more so than in Riomaggiore, for instance).

Just keep in mind that the current can get pretty strong here and certain sections may be roped off if you come on a particularly rough day.

Shop for Souvenirs in Vernazza Village

Vernazza’s main village is also my favorite of the five towns.

Although there’s just one central street that runs through the heart of Vernazza, there are some really cute shops here. I just love the overall vibe of the village.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

One of my favorite stores is La Bottega Vernazza, located at the start of the village near the train station. It’s such a cozy and charming store with stone ceilings and tons of character.

They sell everything from gourmet pasta, to wine, to jams.

Visit Doria Castle

One of Vernazza’s most underrated gems is Doria Castle, the longest standing fortification in the Cinque Terre.  

Although most of the surrounding area is now considered ruins – with the exception of the tower – it’s a stunning place to look down from and enjoy the spectacular view over Vernazza.

What to Know Before You Go:

Castle Hours: 10AM – 7PM (September to April) & 10AM – 9PM (May to August ) Entrance Fee: 1,50EUR ($1.69USD)

You can access Doria Castle from the narrow staircase next to the harbor.

Vernazza Restaurant Recommendations:

  • Ristorante Belforte (Seafood) Viale Alessandro Guidoni, 19018 Vernazza *Temporarily Closed
  • La Torre (Seafood) Preteccia, 1, 19018 Vernazza
  • Il Gambero Rosso Vernazza (Seafood) Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 7, 19017 Vernazza *Temporarily Closed
  • Bar Gianni Franzi (Seafood) Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 1, 19018 Vernazza

Best Things to Do in Monterosso al Mare

Go swimming at one of monterosso’s beautiful sand beaches.

The northernmost village along the Cinque Terre, Monterosso is most often sought out for its beautiful beaches.

If you’re at all familiar with the Mediterranean region, then you already know what a rare find a sand beach is, which is why tourists tend to flock to Monterosso.

Although there are four beaches on Monterosso, Spiaggia Fegina is my personal favorite.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

The other three beaches include:

  • Il Gigante Bathing Resort (Fegina)
  • Portiglione Public Beach (Fegina)
  • Tragagià Public Beach (Monterosso Vecchio)

Explore the Vibrant Old Town

Despite being the most “resort-like” of the five villages, Monterosso has a truly underrated old town as well.

Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

I suggest building some time into your schedule to explore, wander the streets, and capture some of the best Cinque Terre photo spots , of course!

Take a Kayak Tour

From what I’ve heard, exploring the Cinque Terre by boat is one of the most special ways to experience it.

So if you’re open to putting in some elbow grease on a fun, interactive experience, you should consider a kayaking tour from Monterosso.

During this tour, you’ll enjoy commentary from a local guide, discover hidden coves, and enjoy an unrivaled perspective of the five villages.

Monterosso al Mare Restaurant Recommendations:

  • Miky (“Inventive” Ligurian) Via Fegina, 104, 19016 Monterosso al Mare
  • Enoteca da Eliseo (Wine Bar) Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 3, 19016 Monterosso al Mare
  • Ristorante L’Ancora della Tortuga (Seafood/Pasta) Salita dei Cappuccini, 4, 19016 Monterosso al Mare

Today’s Agenda: Explore Cinque Terre from new heights with an invigorating hike! Then, treat yourself to a food tour and fill in any town gaps.

For the final day of this Cinque Terre itinerary, it’s time to go out with a bang!

Personally, I can’t think of a better grand finale for your last day than a hike. In addition to getting your blood pumping a bit, hiking is truly the key to unlocking the most incredible views this region has to offer.

Regardless of your experience level, there’s at least a footpath or two you can enjoy while you’re here.

If you’re unsure which path to take, I recommend hiking to your favorite town from day two. This way, you can spend extra time there when you arrive.

Although I’ve already shared my best hiking tips for the Cinque Terre , my main piece of advice is don’t delay your hike for too long! The earlier you get out there and start hiking, the more enjoyable it will be.

I recommend checking out the different hiking trails as you plan so you’ll know what to expect, where to start from, etc.

Get a Taste for Italy’s Liguria Region on a Fun Food Tour

After a refreshing morning of hiking, you’ll probably be pretty hungry.

So why not satisfy your cravings with a fun food tour?

Whet your appetite with one of these exciting options so that you can learn about the regional cuisine and potentially peek behind the scenes of grocery shopping at a local market!

Fill in Any Town Gaps from Yesterday

Since it’s your final day, why not use any extra time you have to visit the town(s) you may have missed on day two?

I’d suggest taking the train, as this really is the most efficient way of getting around.

Also, to ensure you go out with a bang, don’t forget to reference my handy restaurant recommendations for each of the different towns!

I hope this Cinque Terre itinerary will be a helpful resource for you as you plan your adventures to Northern Italy. Plus, you can check out my full 2-week Italy itinerary for even more inspiration!

Have you visited Italy’s five lands yet? Let me know about your experience in the comments below!

Planning a trip to the Cinque Terre? Check out my other area guides:

  • Best Cinque Terre Town to Stay in Based on Your Travel Style
  • 50 Key Cinque Terre Tips for First-Time Visitors: The Ultimate Guide
  • 15 Stunning Cinque Terre Instagram Spots You Can’t Miss

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Are you planning a trip to Italy’s five lands? This customizable 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary has everything you need to plan a memorable escape to Northern Italy’s Liguria region. From when to visit, to where to stay, to the best Cinque Terre things to see throughout Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso, you’ll find it all in this detailed Cinque Terre travel guide! #vernazzaitalythingstodo #liguriaitaly #cinqueterrethingstosee

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Quattro giorni alle Cinque Terre: itinerario giorno per giorno

Aggiornato il: Oct 9, 2022

E’ arrivato un po’ all’improvviso questo viaggio di fine estate, per concludere il mese di agosto e cominciare settembre nel migliore dei modi.

Due donne, mille treni e chilogrammi di focaccia (o di gelato?).

Le Cinque Terre sono uno dei luoghi italiani più famosi all’estero e anche più visitati dai turisti stranieri. Sono una meta amata da tante personalità: chi le percorre a piedi tramite i percorsi di trekking , chi predilige il relax in alcune calette nascoste , chi desidera scoprire il patrimonio vinicolo e culinario della zona. Insomma sono una meta molto ricca!

Noi abbiamo scelto come base La Spezia per visitare la zona con il treno : è infatti risultata una scelta davvero comoda perché non abbiamo avuto problemi di parcheggio e, essendo i treni molto frequenti, abbiamo potuto organizzare il viaggio day by day senza affannarci troppo.

Siamo partite da Padova in treno, meta La Spezia con un cambio a Firenze. Arriviamo in terra ligure e la prima cosa che cerchiamo è un supermercato per procurarci il cibo per i giorni a seguire. Troviamo l’appartamento prenotato su AirBnb, ci sistemiamo e voliamo alla scoperta della prima meta ligure.

E via che inforchiamo un altro treno che in circa 20 minuti da La Spezia arriva a Levanto, l’ultimo paese dopo le famose Cinque Terre. Forse uno dei meno frequentati e dei meno scelti. Qui l’atmosfera rispetto alle altre mete è diversa, meno anni 60 e più moderna.

La spiaggia di Levanto è molto frequentata, sono presenti diversi lidi con le file di lettini e ombrelloni e ciò che ho apprezzato è stato osservare un gruppo di ragazzi durante una lezione di surf in quell’acqua meravigliosa. Levanto è gabbiani liberi , profumo di mare e lungomare affollato di biciclette . Ma anche case vecchie colorate di arancione , panni stesi ad asciugare e negozietti piccoli piccoli in cui letteralmente annoiarsi.

La nostra passeggiata per la città è stata allietata da un caldissimo sole, da mille foto scattate e dal gelato della gelateri "Il pinguino" che abbiamo mangiato sedute su una panchina di legno. Peccato non avessimo messo il costume, altrimenti il bagno sarebbe stato d’obbligo!

La prima sera abbiamo deciso di rilassarci in appartamento per riposare e ripartire il giorno successivo alla grande scoperta dei borghetti marinari più famosi della Liguria.

La mattina dopo siamo partite di buon’ora per arrivare alla stazione di La Spezia ed acquistare il biglietto Cinque Terre Express : esiste quello valido un solo giorno (16 euro) per i più temerari che desiderano visitare tutte e cinque le terre in meno di 24 ore, mentre noi abbiamo acquistato il biglietto valido due giorni (29 euro) in modo da dividere la nostra visita e assaporare tutto con più calma.

Il biglietto Cinque Terre Express consente di accedere ai treni regionali e/o treni regionali veloci a qualsiasi ora e per quante corse si desidera nell’arco della sua validità , inoltre consente l’ accesso all’area Parco Cinque Terre (ad esempio in alcuni tratti del percorso di trekking) e all’ uso degli autobus all'interno dei paesi.

Biglietto in tasca e si parte alla volta delle prime due terre da visitare.


Verso Riomaggiore , il borgo più orientale, ancora prima di scendere dal treno abbiamo ammirato il colore del mare che ci ha riempito gli occhi di tutte le sue meravigliose e incredibili sfumature, fino alla fine del nostro viaggio. Riomaggiore è caratterizzata da quel gruppo colorato di case disposte a torretta le une sulle altre, la classica foto delle Cinque Terre che vediamo ovunque. Qui, pur di prendere il sole i turisti si incastrano sugli scogli più alti come dei contorsionisti, con i loro enormi occhiali da sole e gli asciugamani colorati. Devo dire la verità che mi è sembrato dal primo istante di essere capitata dentro ad un film anni 60 , l’atmosfera che si respira da queste parti è proprio quella della “Dolce Vita”.

Immaginate gli abitanti di queste case arroccate, quando ogni mattina aprono i balconi e l’aria frizzantina assale ogni angolo di casa...è super cinematografico !

Oltre alle miliardi di foto scattate abbiamo deciso di salire lungo la via principale della città, che prosegue ripida e porta verso i terrazzamenti di viti tipici di questa zona. In questo modo abbiamo ammirato ancora da più in alto la distesa infinita di acqua azzurra che lascia davvero a bocca aperta.

Nelle diverse mete delle Cinque Terre si ha la possibilità di visitare chiese e castelli ma noi abbiamo deciso di goderci la natura e l’aria aperta in ogni istante. Per questo motivo abbiamo poi proseguito, sempre in treno, fino a Manarola , la seconda meta della giornata.

Anche qui la caratteristica principale sono le case variopinte che si inerpicano sul costone di roccia a picco sul mare. Passeggiando abbiamo ammirato le imbarcazioni adagiate lungo le strade proprio sotto ai balconi delle case, ad ingombrare la via pedonale.

Al termine della via principale, seguendo il percorso che porta fino al famoso locale “Nessun Dorma” (dove per mangiare a pranzo c’è una fila spaventosa), si arriva al punto panoramico in cui scattare qualche foto all’intero borgo.

Inoltre proseguendo fino all’entrata del locale sulla sinistra trovi un giardinetto in cui fermarti all’ombra per consumare il tuo pranzo al sacco (vista mare), proprio come abbiamo fatto noi! Abbiamo preso l'occasione per riposare le nostre gambe affaticate, dato che questa zona della Liguria è tutta fatta di sali e scendi non indifferenti e la voglia di ammirare questo patrimonio dal punto più alto, ci ha portate ad affrontare dei trekking improvvisati super soddisfacenti, ma stancanti.

Questo dolce riposo ci è servito per arrivare preparate (forse non proprio) alla prossima meta.

Corniglia è stata la terza meta della nostra seconda giornata alle Cinque Terre, appena scese dal treno avrai due opzioni: salire con il bus navetta oppure salire a piedi, ma secondo te noi cosa abbiamo scelto? Ecco un caldo pomeriggio di fine agosto abbiamo salito le 33 rampe di scale che portano fino al paese, per un totale di 382 scalini , che ci hanno letteralmente tagliato le gambe in due. Ma niente paura, ci siamo immediatamente consolate con un enorme gelato fresco alla "Gelateria Corniglia"!

Devo dire che, nonostante la difficoltà, mi sento di consigliarti la salita a piedi in modo da goderti ancora di più l’arrivo a Corniglia.

I caruggi di Corniglia , ossia le viette che a serpentina attraversano il paese, sono davvero caratteristici: stretti, quasi tutti all’ombra e popolati di negozietti e localini di ogni genere.

Lungo la via principale però fai attenzione, perchè ad un certo punto sulla destra trovi un piccolo cartello vicino ad alcune scale in discesa con scritto “Via per il mare” , prendi quella direzione se vuoi scoprire Corniglia fino in fondo. Tieni conto che la stessa scalinata poi devi percorrerla a ritroso per risalire al paese. Per non farci mancare nulla noi abbiamo deciso di scendere, convinte di poter fare un bel bagno ristoratore, invece le onde erano davvero alte e non c’era nemmeno posto per poter appoggiare i nostri zaini.

Sconsolate abbiamo ripreso la via in salita e a questo punto, tra sete e vesciche ai piedi, abbiamo deciso di riposarci in un piccolo giardinetto all’ombra. Ed è qui, che ci è venuto il lampo di genio...perchè non andare direttamente a Monterosso, solo per fare un bagno fresco e riposare? Ovviamente per scendere dal borgo di Corniglia fino alla stazione abbiamo preso il bus navetta , non serve specificare il perchè giusto?

Monterosso ha una delle spiagge più comode e attrezzate delle Cinque Terre e quindi ultimo sforzo per arrivare stanche ma felici fino alla nostra oasi di pace. La nostra giornata si conclude con una bella dormita sotto al sole , un bagno fresco , un’ enorme focaccia in riva al mare (abbiamo fatto il bis da "Il meglio della Focaccia") e un tramonto di fine estate , che ci ha accompagnate durante il ritorno in treno fino a La Spezia.

Il nostro terzo giorno lo abbiamo dedicato alle ultime due terre da scoprire.


Vernazza è quella delle Cinque Terre che più mi è piaciuta , non so dare una giusta motivazione, perchè credo che tutte si somiglino, ma Vernazza mi è rimasta nel cuore. La trovo più spaziosa e ariosa , adoro il molo con le barchette attraccate , i t errazzamenti di vigneti che scendono quasi a toccare il mare , i colori vivi sotto il sole cocente ...

Abbiamo camminato tra i caruggi del paese fino a scoprire il punto panoramico , che fa parte del percorso di trekking, dal quale abbiamo scattato numerose fotografie. Abbiamo deciso infatti di ritornare proprio ad ammirare questi scorci meravigliosi più tardi durante il tramonto.

Infatti abbiamo proseguito per trascorrere un pomeriggio di meritato relax verso Monterosso , dove abbiamo preso un ombrellone e due lettini (30 euro in due, 15 euro a testa) in un lido sul lungomare. Mai nessuna scelta fu più azzeccata di questa!

La spiaggia è composta da ciottoli e sassi, ma abbiamo comunque fatto una passeggiata sotto il sole, abbiamo recuperato le forze con delle belle dormite , letto i nostri libri , ascoltato musica e mangiato chili di gelato per combattere il caldo. Proprio per questo motivo Monterosso non l’abbiamo visitata molto, per noi è stata meta per poter trovare quel po’ di riposo che caratterizza la vacanza al mare.

Nel lido dove abbiamo trascorso il pomeriggio relax abbiamo deciso di cambiarci d’abito per trascorrere la serata fuori, infatti siamo tornate a Vernazza e abbiamo cercato il punto più alto in cui ammirare il tramonto : qui abbiamo vissuto uno spettacolo naturale che ha ripagato di tutte le salite e le fatiche fatte in questi giorni. Vernazza colorata dalla luce rosa è ancora più bella!

E per viziarci un pochino abbiamo cenato con un buon fritto di pesce all’osteria “Il Baretto” di Vernazza , concedendoci anche un ottimo dessert.

Ecco così concludersi il nostro giro nelle Cinque Terre, ma non è finita qui...

Il quarto giorno abbiamo deciso di rimanere a letto di più e siamo partite più tardi per raggiungere Portovenere.


Per raggiungere Portovenere da La Spezia abbiamo preso l’ autobus 11/P da una delle fermate in centro a La Spezia (ci è stata indicata da un gentile signore all’interno del tabacchino dove abbiamo acquistato il biglietto). Il biglietto per il bus costa 3 euro e il viaggio ha la durata di circa 25-30 minuti.

Scese a Portovenere abbiamo subito ammirato il porto colorato ricco di negozi , locali e gelaterie . Tenendo i negozi a destra e il porto a sinistra si prosegue lungo la strada pedonale (Via Calata Doria) per arrivare fino alla Grotta di Byron e alla Chiesa di San Pietro.

La Grotta Byron attira moltissimi visitatori ed è una cavità naturale dall’animo misterioso che emana un’energia altamente spirituale. Il suo nome è dovuto a Lord Byron, quel poeta di origine inglese che trascorse una parte della sua vita proprio qui, nel Golfo dei Poeti . Si narra che Lord Byron, poeta maledetto e libertino, spesso si rifugiasse in questa grotta per meditare e che partì da qui a nuoto per arrivare a Lerici, per raggiungere il suo amico Shelley.

Verso la Chiesa di San Pietro non dimenticare di affacciarti alle finestrelle sotto al loggiato per ammirare il paesaggio meraviglioso che si apre sul mare blu. Uno spettacolo!

Sempre dalla Grotta di Byron, salendo verso la collina puoi arrivare al Castello Doria che sormonta Portovenere. Durante la salita incontri la Chiesa di San Lorenzo e due torrioni di avvistamento in pietra. Se cerchi bene puoi trovare il luogo adatto per scattare delle foto meravigliose e per osservare il mare che arriva fino all’infinito. Qui siamo rimaste davvero senza parole!

Attraverso la Porta del Borgo puoi entrare nel centro storico di Portovenere, dove trovi negozi di artigianato, alimentari, bar, botteghe di souvenir e tanto altro. Terminato il giro ci siamo fermate a pranzare e mangiare un gelato sedute su una panchina all’ombra davanti al porto.

Devo dire che la giornata così calda ha reso il colore del mare ancora più azzurro, lucente, quasi accecante. Abbiamo avuto modo di entrare così in contatto con questi luoghi che terminare il nostro viaggio proprio a Portovenere è stato come mettere la ciliegina sulla torta .

Era da diverso tempo che desideravo visitare questa parte d’Italia e ne sono rimasta affascinata. Il periodo in cui siamo state alle Cinque Terre è stato tra fine agosto e i primi di settembre ed è un ottimo momento per godersi qualche bagno al mare tra una visita e l’altra, senza la troppa folla dei mesi di luglio e agosto.

Alla fine dei conti la nostra amata Italia non delude mai .

Mi auguro che questo itinerario giorno per giorno possa esserti utile nell'organizzazione della tua visita alle Cinque Terre e non dimenticare di chiedermi qualsiasi consiglio in merito. Buon viaggio!

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  1. Cinque Terre travel

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre

  2. protezione Motivo vivere cinque terre spiagge migliori femminile grano altro

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre

  3. Ejemplo Leia Interprete cuales son las cinque terre torre Murciélago Destructivo

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre

  4. Manarola Cinque Terre Italy Wallpapers

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre

  5. Cinque Terre Hiking Tours

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre

  6. Is this the closest airport for Cinque Terre?

    tour 3 giorni 5 terre


  1. Cinque Terre, Italy 🇮🇹 4K Walking Tour

  2. Cinque Terre Italy

  3. I GIORNI della settimana

  4. Ligurian Monorail Cinque Terre

  5. Cinque Terre Day trip from Florence with optional Hiking Tour

  6. 2023 Cinque Terre Trail Running Tour


  1. Guida completa e percorso di 3 giorni alle Cinque Terre La Meraviglia d

    DOWNLOAD Cinque Terre GUIDE IN PDF. Anche gli utenti che hanno visto la nostra guida delle Cinque Terre in 3 giorni erano interessati: Tour di 3 giorni della Costiera Amalfitana. Verona in tre giorni. 3 giorni a Santorini.

  2. Liguria, itinerario di 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre

    Cosa vedere in 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre in Liguria. Se avete più giorni a disposizione per visitare la costa della Liguria, l'itinerario di 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre che vi proponiamo di seguito può essere unito ad un itinerario on the road di altri 3 giorni tra Genova e Sestri Levante. Iniziamo la scoperta delle Cinque Terre, cinque ...

  3. Visitare le Cinque Terre in tre giorni

    Senza fretta e al tempo stesso senza dilungarvi nelle visite dei monumenti delle Cinque Terre ci vorranno 3 giorni. È la durata ideale per riuscire a visitare tutti e cinque i paesi, ammirare appieno l'architettura, visitare i meravigliosi sentieri delle Cinque Terre.Se volete anche riposarvi in spiaggia, visitare le città più vicine alle Cinque Terre, fare trekking per i sentieri più ...

  4. Tour delle Cinque Terre

    339€. Vivi le meravigliose Cinque Terre con un tour guidato. 1° giorno: Arrivo previsto nel primo pomeriggio, sistemazione in hotel, cena libera e pernottamento. 2° giorno: Prima colazione in hotel, incontro con la guida e trasferimento in treno a Riomaggiore, da dove inizia la nostra visita.

  5. Itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

    I cinque borghi sono uno più suggestivo dell'altro, considera che dal 1997 sono Patrimonio dell'Umanità tutelato dall'Unesco. In questo articolo ti propongo un itinerario per visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni, proprio quello che abbiamo seguito noi.Si tratta di un itinerario che lascia tempo al relax perché quando si è genitori e si hanno bambini…beh, di tempo per riposarsi non ...

  6. Gorgeous Cinque Terre 3 Day Itinerary

    Gorgeous Cinque Terre 3 Day Itinerary. Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso al Mare, Riomaggiore and Corniglia: these are the fabulous five villages composing that part of Liguria called Cinque Terre. Definitely worth visiting for its naturalistic trails, colorful fishermen houses and lovely beaches, it also offers delicious typical food such as ...

  7. 3-day Full Immersion Tour in Cinque Terre from Florence

    3-day eXPerience for a Full Immersion in Cinque Terre from Florence. Escape the agitation and fast-paced lifestyle of Florence and enjoy this 3-day mini-tour in Cinque Terre ,which will give you an authentic insight into the villages and the easygoing lifestyle typical of the region. You can reach the beautiful villages either by train or boat.

  8. Perfect 3 Days In Cinque Terre Itinerary

    Tickets can be bought at the Cinque Terre National Park office or at the train station. The price of the tickets has increased in 2022. Here's an overview: The Cinque Terre Card for one day: EUR 18.20. The Cinque Terre Card for two days: EUR 33. The Cinque Terre Card for three days: EUR 47.

  9. Cinque Terre Itinerary: The Perfect 3 Days in Cinque Terre

    Day 1: Beach at Monterosso al Mare and Vernazza Harbor. Day 2: Corniglia Views and Pizza Sunset in Riomaggiore. Day 3: Nessun Dorma Pesto Class, Boat Tour, and Fresh Pasta in Manarola. So let's get to it - the most perfect 3 day Cinque Terre itinerary coming right up! But first, some important logistics!

  10. The Perfect 2 to 3 Days in Cinque Terre Itinerary

    Mapping out a 2 to 3 days in Cinque Terre itinerary is an excellent way to ensure you see the best of these gorgeous villages on the Italian Riviera. While most people tend to go to the Amalfi Coast while searching for the famously beautiful views of the Italian seaside, Cinque Terre is a fiercely charming competitor located in the Liguria region.

  11. Tour di 3 giorni nelle Cinque Terre da La Spezia, Cinque Terre Card inclusa

    Escursione di 3 giorni alla scoperta delle Cinque Terre con card inclusa da La Spezia highlights: Un tour di 3 giorni alla scoperta delle Cinque Terre con il massimo delle libertà. Ammira promontori e coste a perdita d'occhio dove la simbiosi tra mare e montagna trionfano sul paesaggio circostante. Lasciati trasportare dall' incredibile ...

  12. Cinque Terre Itinerary: The BEST 2 or 3 Days in Cinque Terre, Italy

    3 Cinque Terre itinerary: Day 2. 3.1 Start the day in Manarola. 3.2 Have lunch at La Scogliera. 3.3 Embark on a boat tour. 3.4 Explore Riomaggiore. 3.5 Watch the sunset in Riomaggiore. 4 Cinque Terre itinerary: Day 3. 4.1 Walk along the Porto Venere promenade. 4.2 Visit San Pietro church.

  13. Cinque Terre in 3 Days: a guidebook for getting the most out of your

    Cinque Terre is a corner of northern Italy with a breathtaking beauty that, nestled between the mountains and the intense blue of the sea, offers a wide range of activities. Cinque Terre is a National Park that is home to five of Italy's most beautiful villages: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. These jewels are ...

  14. Cinque Terre: itinerario di 3 giorni

    Giorno 1: Monterosso al Mare e Vernazza. La prima giornata parte proprio da Monterosso al Mare, il borgo più grande e popoloso delle Cinque Terre. Una volta arrivati sarete nella zona di Fegina, con una spiaggia ampia e mare cristallino. Passeggiando per il lungomare arriverete nel centro storico, con i tipici carruggi colorati e con i ...

  15. 3 Days Escorted tour of Cinque Terre, with local tastings

    Day 1: Arrival at the Cinque Terre. Day 2: Guided tour of the Cinque Terre. Day 3: Food tasting and check-out. Included: 2 nights in a B&B boutique in Cinque Terre. 2 breakfast. 1 full-day tour of the Cinque Terre. 1 wine tasting.

  16. How to "Do" Cinque Terre in 3 Days: Guide & Itinerary

    HOW TO GET TO CINQUE TERRE. The closest airports to Cinque Terre are Pisa, Genova, Milan, and Florence. You can reach the Cinque Terre from any of these cities by train or car, but no doubt, Cinque Terre is best reached by train. The closest airport is Pisa and it's about a 1.5-hour train ride. Milan Malpensa is the largest airport in ...

  17. Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre: 3 giorni di trekking UNESCO

    Itinerario trekking alle Cinque Terre di 3 giorni. Quello che vi propongo di seguito è un itinerario trekking alle Cinque Terre di 3 giorni che ho fatto con un locale. Un trekking adatto a tutti. L'itinerario prevede partenza e ritorno su Levanto, che è facilmente raggiungibile sia in auto che in treno.

  18. Itinerario delle Cinque Terre: consigli su come visitarle al meglio

    4) Le Cinque Terre in treno: l'itinerario via mare è di sicuro molto affascinante, ma onde evitare possibili "malesseri", abbiamo optato per il treno, che si è rivelato davvero comodissimo. Le corse sono veloci, puntuali e frequenti, e da un paese all'altro ci si impiegano appena due o tre minuti. Il biglietto giornaliero può essere ...

  19. Visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni

    Visitare le Cinque Terre in 3 giorni. In uno dei tratti più suggestivi della Riviera Ligure, sospese tra il mare e i monti, si trovano le Cinque Terre, una meta perfetta per trascorrere un weekend in Italia. Cinque piccoli borghi caratteristici, incastonati tra un mare cristallino e il verde delle alture, che meritano di essere scoperti con un ...

  20. 3-Day Cinque Terre Itinerary: A Taste of Italy's 5 Lands

    Before we launch into this 3-day Cinque Terre itinerary, let's go over some logistics of what you can expect here. The Cinque Terre - which translates to "five lands" in Italian - consists of five vibrant fishing villages perched along the Italian Riviera coastline. From south to north, the towns include Riomaggiore, Manarola ...

  21. Itinerario di quattro giorni alle Cinque Terre

    Quattro giorni alle Cinque Terre: itinerario giorno per giorno. Aggiornato il: Oct 9, 2022. E' arrivato un po' all'improvviso questo viaggio di fine estate, per concludere il mese di agosto e cominciare settembre nel migliore dei modi. Due donne, mille treni e chilogrammi di focaccia (o di gelato?).

  22. Tour Alle Cinque Terre E La Spezia

    TOUR DELLA LIGURIA. 8 giorni 7 notti. TRA LANGHE E CINQUE TERRE, SULLE TRACCE DEL GUSTO Scopri di più ». 5 giorni 4 notti. TREKKING CINQUE TERRE: DA LEVANTO A ISOLA PALMARIA Scopri di più ». 4 giorni 3 notti. TOUR ALLE CINQUE TERRE E LA SPEZIA - TUTTI I TOUR: Tour enogastronomia, outdoor, tradizione e crocieristi.

  23. From Milan: Florence & Cinque Terre 4 Day Tour

    Explore the cobbled streets, picturesque piazzas, and shady promenades of Lucca. Experience the charm of Cinque Terre: five vibrant villages nestled on the coast. Full description. Day one We leave Milan for La Spezia, the gateway to Cinque Terre. Whether you're drawn to its maritime heritage or vibrant art scene, La Spezia promises an exciting ...