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theme of pax journey home

Book Review

Pax, journey home.

  • Sara Pennypacker
  • Children's Fiction

pax journey home book

Readability Age Range

  • 8 to 12 years old
  • Balzer + Bray (An Imprint of Harper Collins)
  • A New York Times bestseller

Year Published

Thirteen-year-old Peter is struggling with his overwhelming feelings of loss and guilt because of the past war. Both of Peter’s parents are dead and he was forced to send away his pet fox, Pax. Meanwhile, Pax has begun a family with his mate. But when one of the young kits falls ill, Pax can only think of one solution. He must return to the human boy who once saved him.

Plot Summary

Pax is a fox. And though he may look like any other fox you might spot running through the wooded growth, he’s actually quite a bit different. Pax, you see, was once a friend of a human boy; a boy who saved him as a kit and raised him back to health. And by the time they were forced to part ways—for reasons Pax still doesn’t understand—Pax had learned that not all humans are dangerous. Some can be trusted. Some are good.

Now that Pax is a father, after finding a beloved mate named Bristle, he teaches his kits that valuable lesson, too. There are many dangers in the wild. And humans and their machines can be dangerous. But not all. Not all.

At the same time that Pax is teaching his new family and making a home at the Deserted Farm, his boy, 13-year-old Peter, is struggling mightily. The just-past war has taken so much from him. His parents are both dead. He was forced to send away his pet fox. And he was sent away too, to survive on his own since his grandfather—the only living family he has—is too bitter and distrustful to show Peter kindness. A local woman named Vola has opened her home and life to him, but it’s not the same.

Besides, Peter refuses to grow close to Vola, no matter her goodness. People and things he loves tend to die or leave. So, giving love is something Peter cannot do. He’s convinced that life is filled with too much pain to be shared. Peter’s overwhelming sense of loss and grief and guilt all make it plain what he must do.

Now that he’s stronger, Peter will join the Water Warriors for a time. This group, which analyzes and repair waterways that were poisoned during the war, will give Peter an opportunity to make his way back home. There he’ll move into the abandoned house his family used to live in. And he’ll be alone. That’s best.

Life can indeed seem filled with pain sometimes, whether you’re a boy or a fox. Pax sees that too, after his beloved little vixen kit gets sick and grows weaker and weaker. He has no way of knowing that the pond he took her to drink from was poisoned by chemicals that have killed everything that once lived in and around it. She soon begins stumbling and falling, no matter her effort.

But life can offer goodness and hope, too. When Pax catches a scent on the wind that he hasn’t smelled in a very long time, he realizes there might be a chance for his kit. It’s the smell of his boy! Surely the boy will know what to do. The boy helped him. The boy is good. But will the boy be good enough? Will he crack open his locked-down emotional protections?  Will he be able to help?

Healing comes in many forms. And two old friends desperately need the healing power of love right now.

Christian Beliefs

There’s no references to faith in God in this story, but thoughtful readers can find biblical parallels to the power of love, redemption and forgiveness in this tale.

Other Belief Systems

There are certain beliefs that the central characters are operating with here. The harsh things of war and life have left Peter with the belief that he must be strong and relationship-free if he hopes to survive. Caring about people and things only brings him pain. So, he avoids intimacy with other people and jams down memories of his family—and that includes Pax. In fact, when painful, guilt-filled thoughts of abandoning Pax bubble up, Peter creates a mental “penance” that he repeats until the feelings subside. He imagines the day he found the wounded kit, and instead of rescuing it, he takes his father’s advice and leaves the animal to die. Peter repeats this penance almost like a prayer.

On the other hand, Pax’s belief system is much more rudimentary. He knows what is dangerous, what is safe, what is bad, what is good. His beliefs are not self-deferential or self-absorbed, as a human’s might be. They just are. And that’s exactly how he communicates with his kits and those he loves. One of his strongest beliefs is an unswerving faith in Peter.

Authority Roles

Vola is a loving older woman who welcomes Peter in and with time offers to, in a sense, adopt him and give him half of what she has now—and everything when she passes. Hers is a tough love, but a sincere one that greets with open arms while not forcing anything on the struggling boy. In fact, Vola’s levelheaded and wise approach to those in her life also sways Peter’s grandfather. He’s a decidedly grumpy and recalcitrant individual who slowly comes around to understanding both Peter and Vola, and he even reaches out for a better connection with his grandson.

Samuel and Jade are a twenty-something pair of Water Warriors that Peter realizes are a couple. (They eventually marry.) He travels with them at first because he thinks their romantic feelings for each other will allow him to keep to himself. But Peter soon learns that they both are easy people to connect with. And Jade in particular has a special “secret weapon of kindness” that disarms him and draws him in. The three grow close. And during a particularly emotional moment when Peter remembers his parents, Samuel and Jade hug and comfort the emotionally shaken boy. In fact, it’s because of them that Peter begins to consider the possibility of facing and working through his past wounds.

In his own way Pax is a great illustration of what human parents should be. He thinks and communicates from his own animal perspective, but he’s willing to go to any and every extreme to protect and aid his kits—particularly his sick and near-death young vixen kit.

Profanity & Violence

No foul language or alcohol. There is, however, quite a bit of danger and peril here. Peter remembers the war that killed his father. He thinks back on his mother’s death as well. (None of those memories are visually violent, but they could still be disturbing for younger readers.) Peter also focuses on different versions of his “penance” which readers could find upsetting. And later, in an effort to protect himself emotionally, Peter picks up a rifle to kill a wounded animal (before turning from that path).

On the animal front, the foxes must be constantly wary of dangerous predators. Pax’s young daughter is snatched up by a large owl and almost taken away, but for his quick actions breaking the bird’s thigh and leg bone. Animals are threatened and burned by fires and explosions. Pax and a kit are swept over a waterfall and almost drown. And the poisonous waters, caused as an aftereffect of the war, are an ever-present danger as well. Animals are poisoned and Pax finds burrows and nests of other animals that have died from the poisons. In a very powerful sense this story is able to communicate the need for clean water and the incredible danger and deadliness of thoughtless man-made pollution.

Sexual Content

None, other than some loving fox licks.

Discussion Topics

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Why do you think Peter creates his imaginary “penance” when thinking about Pax? How did he think it would help him? Compare that to Pax’s thoughts about his new kits and growing family. What do you think the book is trying to say about family?

Why do you think Peter’s grandfather was so negative and harsh to people around him? Why do you think that began to change? For that matter, Peter went through some pretty important emotional changes. What do you think caused that change?

When Pax handed his suffering kit off to Peter, what do you think he was feeling? Both Pax and Peter express grief over lost loved ones. How are they alike and different? How do you think Pax’s choice to leave his daughter affected both Pax and Peter? Are there some biblical parallels that these kinds of choices bring to mind? What is the importance of the name (Sliver) that Peter gives to Pax’s kit?

What do you think this story is saying about starting over after something bad happens?

Additional Comments

Pax, Journey Home is a sequel to the award-winning first book Pax. But it stands alone without having to read that first book if you choose. It contains some powerful messages about family, adoption, forgiveness and friendship for thoughtful young readers. And the book holds a clear positive message about environmental conservation.

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Reviewed by Bob Hoose

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by Sara Pennypacker ; illustrated by Jon Klassen ‧ RELEASE DATE: Sept. 7, 2021

An impressive sequel.

Boy and fox follow separate paths in postwar rebuilding.

A year after Peter finds refuge with former soldier Vola, he prepares to leave to return to his childhood home. He plans to join the Junior Water Warriors, young people repurposing the machines and structures of war to reclaim reservoirs and rivers poisoned in the conflict, and then to set out on his own to live apart from others. At 13, Peter is competent and self-contained. Vola marvels at the construction of the floor of the cabin he’s built on her land, but the losses he’s sustained have left a mark. He imposes a penance on himself, reimagining the story of rescuing the orphaned kit Pax as one in which he follows his father’s counsel to kill the animal before he could form a connection. He thinks of his heart as having a stone inside it. Pax, meanwhile, has fathered three kits who claim his attention and devotion. Alternating chapters from the fox’s point of view demonstrate Pax’s care for his family—his mate, Bristle; her brother; and the three kits. Pax becomes especially attached to his daughter, who accompanies him on a journey that intersects with Peter’s and allows Peter to not only redeem his past, but imagine a future. This is a deftly nuanced look at the fragility and strength of the human heart. All the human characters read as White. Illustrations not seen.

Pub Date: Sept. 7, 2021

ISBN: 978-0-06-293034-7

Page Count: 256

Publisher: Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins

Review Posted Online: June 28, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 15, 2021


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From the school for good and evil series , vol. 1.

by Soman Chainani ; illustrated by Iacopo Bruno ‧ RELEASE DATE: May 14, 2013

Rich and strange (and kitted out with an eye-catching cover), but stronger in the set pieces than the internal logic.

Chainani works an elaborate sea change akin to Gregory Maguire’s Wicked (1995), though he leaves the waters muddied.

Every four years, two children, one regarded as particularly nice and the other particularly nasty, are snatched from the village of Gavaldon by the shadowy School Master to attend the divided titular school. Those who survive to graduate become major or minor characters in fairy tales. When it happens to sweet, Disney princess–like Sophie and  her friend Agatha, plain of features, sour of disposition and low of self-esteem, they are both horrified to discover that they’ve been dropped not where they expect but at Evil and at Good respectively. Gradually—too gradually, as the author strings out hundreds of pages of Hogwarts-style pranks, classroom mishaps and competitions both academic and romantic—it becomes clear that the placement wasn’t a mistake at all. Growing into their true natures amid revelations and marked physical changes, the two spark escalating rivalry between the wings of the school. This leads up to a vicious climactic fight that sees Good and Evil repeatedly switching sides. At this point, readers are likely to feel suddenly left behind, as, thanks to summary deus ex machina resolutions, everything turns out swell(ish).

Pub Date: May 14, 2013

ISBN: 978-0-06-210489-2

Page Count: 496

Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

Review Posted Online: Feb. 12, 2013

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2013


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by Katherine Marsh ‧ RELEASE DATE: Aug. 7, 2018

A captivating book situated in present-day discourse around the refugee crisis, featuring two boys who stand by their high...

Two parallel stories, one of a Syrian boy from Aleppo fleeing war, and another of a white American boy, son of a NATO contractor, dealing with the challenges of growing up, intersect at a house in Brussels.

Ahmed lost his father while crossing the Mediterranean. Alone and broke in Europe, he takes things into his own hands to get to safety but ends up having to hide in the basement of a residential house. After months of hiding, he is discovered by Max, a boy of similar age and parallel high integrity and courage, who is experiencing his own set of troubles learning a new language, moving to a new country, and being teased at school. In an unexpected turn of events, the two boys and their new friends Farah, a Muslim Belgian girl, and Oscar, a white Belgian boy, successfully scheme for Ahmed to go to school while he remains in hiding the rest of the time. What is at stake for Ahmed is immense, and so is the risk to everyone involved. Marsh invites art and history to motivate her protagonists, drawing parallels to gentiles who protected Jews fleeing Nazi terror and citing present-day political news. This well-crafted and suspenseful novel touches on the topics of refugees and immigrant integration, terrorism, Islam, Islamophobia, and the Syrian war with sensitivity and grace.

Pub Date: Aug. 7, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-250-30757-6

Page Count: 368

Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

Review Posted Online: June 10, 2018

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2018


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theme of pax journey home

Pax: Journey Home

Pax: Journey Home

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From award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax; this is a gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling novel about chosen families and the healing power of love. A New York Times bestseller!It’s been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter–newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness–leaves his adopted home with Vola to join the Water Warriors, a group of people determined to heal the land from the scars of the war.When one of Pax’s kits falls desperately ill, he turns to the one human he knows he can trust. And no matter how hard Peter tries to harden his broken heart, love keeps finding a way in. Now both boy and fox find themselves on journeys toward home, healing–and each other, once again.As he did for Pax, Jon Klassen, New York Times bestseller, Caldecott medalist, and two-time Caldecott Honoree, has created stunning jacket and interior illustrations.

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The Creatives Behind the Book

Sara Pennypacker is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Pax; the award-winning Clementine books and its spinoff series, Waylon!; and the acclaimed novel Summer of the Gypsy Moths. She divides her time between Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Florida. You can visit her online at

Jon Klassen is the author-illustrator of I Want My Hat Back, a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Book; This Is Not My Hat, winner of the Caldecott Medal and the Kate Greenaway Medal; and We Found a Hat. He is also the illustrator of two Caldecott Honor books, Sam and Dave Dig a Hole and Extra Yarn, both written by Mac Barnett. Jon Klassen lives in Los Angeles.

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  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 361
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 362

Chess has always been the protector over his younger siblings, Emma loves math, and Finn does what Finn does best - acting silly and being adored. They’ve been a happy family, just the three of them and their mom. But everything changes when reports of three kidnapped children reach the Greystone kids, and they’re shocked by the startling similarities between themselves and these complete strangers. The other kids share their same first and middle names. They’re the same ages. They even have identical birthdays. Who, exactly, are these strangers?

  • 4 out of 5 stars

Not the Ending I Expected!

  • By Glojean on 04-23-21

Where the Watermelons Grow Audiobook By Cindy Baldwin cover art

Where the Watermelons Grow

By: Cindy Baldwin

  • Narrated by: Sisi Aisha Johnson
  • Length: 5 hrs and 18 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 54
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 43
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 43

When 12-year-old Della Kelly finds her mother furiously digging black seeds from a watermelon in the middle of the night and talking to people who aren't there, Della worries it’s happening again - that the sickness that put her mama in the hospital four years ago is back. That her mama is going to be hospitalized for months like she was last time. With her daddy struggling to save the farm and her mama in denial about what’s happening, it’s up to Della to heal her mama for good.

Where the watermelon grow

  • By Sarah Brown on 09-01-18

Echo Mountain Audiobook By Lauren Wolk cover art

Echo Mountain

By: Lauren Wolk

  • Narrated by: Holly Linneman
  • Length: 9 hrs and 12 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 236
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 192
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 191

After losing almost everything in the Great Depression, Ellie’s family is forced to leave their home in town and start over in the untamed wilderness of nearby Echo Mountain. Ellie has found a welcome freedom, and a love of the natural world, in her new life on the mountain. But there is little joy after a terrible accident leaves her father in a coma. An accident unfairly blamed on Ellie. Ellie is a girl who takes matters into her own hands, and determined to help her father she will make her way to the top of the mountain in search of healing secrets....

  • By Anonymous User on 02-13-23

The Last Audiobook By Katherine Applegate cover art

  • Endling, Book 1
  • Narrated by: Lisa Flanagan
  • Length: 8 hrs and 34 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 349
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 292
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 292

First Katherine Applegate thrilled listeners with the action-packed Animorphs series. Then she stole our hearts with the award-winning The One and Only Ivan. Now she takes us on an unforgettable journey in this first book of an epic middle grade series! Byx is the youngest member of her dairne pack. Believed to possess remarkable abilities, her mythical doglike species has been hunted to near extinction in the war-torn kingdom of Nedarra. After her pack is hunted down and killed, Byx fears she may be the last of her species. The Endling.

A Plethora of Action

  • By cktb on 07-12-18

Publisher's summary

From award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax ; this is a gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling novel about chosen families and the healing power of love. A New York Times best seller!

It’s been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.

Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter - newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness - leaves his adopted home with Vola to join the Water Warriors, a group of people determined to heal the land from the scars of the war.

When one of Pax's kits falls desperately ill, he turns to the one human he knows he can trust. And no matter how hard Peter tries to harden his broken heart, love keeps finding a way in. Now both boy and fox find themselves on journeys toward home, healing - and each other, once again.

As he did for Pax , Jon Klassen, New York Times best seller, Caldecott medalist, and two-time Caldecott Honoree, has created stunning jacket and interior illustrations.

  • Series: Pax , Book 2
  • Unabridged Audiobook
  • Categories: Children's Audiobooks

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Wilder Boys Audiobook By Brandon Wallace cover art

Wilder Boys

  • Wilder Boys, Book 1

By: Brandon Wallace

  • Narrated by: Brian Holden
  • Length: 5 hrs and 4 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 80
  • Performance 5 out of 5 stars 63
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 63

Jake and Taylor Wilder have been taking care of themselves for a long time. Their father abandoned the family years ago, and their mother is too busy working and running interference between the boys and her boyfriend, Bull, to spend a lot of time with them. Thirteen-year-old Jake spends most of his time reading. He pores over his father's journal, which is full of wilderness facts and survival tips. Eleven-year-old Taylor likes to be outside playing with their dog, Cody, or joking around with the other kids in the neighborhood. But one night everything changes.

  • 2 out of 5 stars

NOT family friendly

  • By Jeremy Hoff on 11-21-21

Walking the Choctaw Road Audiobook By Tim Tingle cover art

Walking the Choctaw Road

  • Stories from Red People Memory

By: Tim Tingle

  • Narrated by: Tim Tingle
  • Length: 3 hrs and 38 mins
  • Overall 5 out of 5 stars 45
  • Performance 5 out of 5 stars 38
  • Story 5 out of 5 stars 38

In Walking the Choctaw Road , Tim Tingle reaches far back into tribal memory to offer a deeply personal collection of stories woven from the supernatural, mythical, historical, and oral accounts of Choctaw people living today.

Authentic Story Telling!

  • By Cara on 01-17-13

Raft of Stars Audiobook By Andrew J. Graff cover art

Raft of Stars

By: Andrew J. Graff

  • Narrated by: Lincoln Hoppe
  • Length: 11 hrs and 45 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 448
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 393
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 389

It’s the summer of 1994 in Claypot, Wisconsin, and the lives of 10-year-old Fischer “Fish” Branson and Dale “Bread” Breadwin are shaped by the two fathers they don’t talk about. One night, tired of seeing his best friend bruised and terrorized by his no-good dad, Fish takes action. A gunshot rings out and the two boys flee the scene, believing themselves murderers. They head for the woods, where they find their way onto a raft, but the natural terrors of Ironsforge gorge threaten to overwhelm them.

  • By Lukester454 on 05-03-21

Prodigal Summer Audiobook By Barbara Kingsolver cover art

Prodigal Summer

By: Barbara Kingsolver

  • Narrated by: Barbara Kingsolver
  • Length: 15 hrs and 46 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,009
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,275
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,272

Prodigal Summer weaves together three stories of human love within a larger tapestry of lives in southern Appalachia. At the heart of these intertwined narratives is a den of coyotes that have recently migrated into the region. Deanna Wolfe, a reclusive wildlife biologist, watches them from an isolated mountain cabin where she is caught off-guard by Eddie Bondo, a young hunter who comes to invade her most private spaces and her solitary life.

  • By Lily on 10-12-08

The Child Finder Audiobook By Rene Denfeld cover art

The Child Finder

By: Rene Denfeld

  • Narrated by: Alyssa Bresnahan
  • Length: 8 hrs and 40 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,732
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,565
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,561

Three years ago, Madison Culver disappeared when her family was choosing a Christmas tree in Oregon's Skookum National Forest. She would be eight years old now - if she has survived. Desperate to find their beloved daughter, certain someone took her, the Culvers turn to Naomi, a private investigator with an uncanny talent for locating the lost and missing. Known to the police and a select group of parents as "the Child Finder", Naomi is their last hope.

One Dimensional

  • By Sara on 10-04-17

Martin Marten Audiobook By Brian Doyle cover art

Martin Marten

By: Brian Doyle

  • Narrated by: Travis Baldree
  • Length: 10 hrs and 11 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 127
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 110
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 112

Dave is 14 years old, living with his family in a cabin on Oregon's Mount Hood. Dave will soon enter high school, with adulthood and a future not far off - a future away from his mother, father, his precocious younger sister, and the wilderness where he's lived all his life. And Dave is not the only one approaching adulthood and its freedoms that summer. Martin, a pine marten (of the mustelid family), is leaving his own mother and siblings and setting off on his own as well. As Dave and Martin set off on their own adventures, their lives, paths, and trails will cross.

Captivated to the end

  • By Sidney Dickson on 03-23-19

The Lighthouse Road Audiobook By Peter Geye cover art

The Lighthouse Road

By: Peter Geye

  • Narrated by: Tara Ochs
  • Length: 10 hrs and 22 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 132
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 115
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 116

The story moves back and forth in time from the arrival of Thea from her isolated village in arctic Norway in search of a new life in the near wilderness of a small town and logging camp on the shore of Lake Superior to the travails of her orphaned son, Odd, some twenty years later. When Thea’s aunt and uncle do not meet her boat as planned, she’s initially left abandoned with no money or prospects and without speaking the language.

Narrator wrecks storyline

  • By customer on 12-01-17

Once Upon a River Audiobook By Bonnie Jo Campbell cover art

Once Upon a River

By: Bonnie Jo Campbell

  • Narrated by: Susan Bennett
  • Length: 11 hrs and 27 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 174
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 157
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 156

A finalist for the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, Bonnie Jo Campbell is a rising star in contemporary fiction. Hailed by Booklist as a female Huckleberry Finn, Campbell’s heroine is 16yearold Margo Crane. Complicit in her father’s death, Margo flees home for the Stark River. And as she follows the current, she learns the ways of the world from the eccentric characters she meets.

Great Narrator - Horrific story

  • By J. Kromrie on 11-04-20

Bearstone Audiobook By Will Hobbs cover art

By: Will Hobbs

  • Narrated by: George Guidall
  • Length: 4 hrs and 8 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 58
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 48

Growing up without parents and without schooling, 14-year-old Cloyd is trouble - trouble to himself and everyone else. Sent by his tribe to a home for Indian boys, he is alone and half-wild in remote Utah canyons. As his feeling of isolation turns to desperation, he runs away to find even more trouble. When Cloyd is found and taken to live with an old rancher, he begins to explore the countryside.

Too much swearing

  • By C. M. on 05-15-23

Breaking Wild Audiobook By Diane Les Becquets cover art

Breaking Wild

By: Diane Les Becquets

  • Narrated by: Therese Plummer, Saskia Maarleveld
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 1,012
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 926
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 926

Driven to spend days alone in the wilderness, Amy Raye, mother of two, is compelled by the quiet and the rush of nature. But this time, her venture into a remote area presents a different set of dangers than Amy Raye has planned for, and she finds herself on the verge of the precarious edge that she's flirted with her entire life.

Rampant animal cruelty. Unsympathetic characters.

  • By Lori on 05-21-16

Sunrise Audiobook By Susan May Warren cover art

  • Sky King Ranch, Book 1

By: Susan May Warren

  • Narrated by: Cynthia Farrell
  • Length: 11 hrs and 23 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 135
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 121
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 122

Pilot Dodge Kingston has always been the heir to Sky King Ranch. But after a terrible family fight, he left to become a pararescue jumper. A decade later, he's headed home to the destiny that awaits him. That's not all that's waiting for Dodge. His childhood best friend and former flame, Echo Yazzie, is a true Alaskan - a homesteader, dogsledder, and research guide for the DNR.

Horrible narration

  • By Suzi Roberts on 01-29-22

Fire and Ice: A Liam Campbell Mystery Audiobook By Dana Stabenow cover art

Fire and Ice: A Liam Campbell Mystery

  • Liam Campbell Mysteries, Book 1

By: Dana Stabenow

  • Narrated by: Marguerite Gavin
  • Length: 9 hrs and 19 mins
  • Overall 3.5 out of 5 stars 1,044
  • Performance 4 out of 5 stars 920
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 915

In this mystery series by Dana Stabenow, the Edgar Award-winning author returns to the Alaskan setting she's famous for, with a wonderful character - state trooper Liam Campbell. Liam's just been transferred from Anchorage to the small fishing village of Newenham, Alaska - where a local pilot seems to have lost his head.

A quick heads up!

  • By Dr. Daniel Chapman on 05-30-14

The Last House on Needless Street Audiobook By Catriona Ward cover art

The Last House on Needless Street

By: Catriona Ward

  • Narrated by: Christopher Ragland
  • Length: 12 hrs
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 4,134
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,720
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 3,706

In a boarded-up house on a dead-end street at the edge of the wild Washington woods lives a family of three. A teenage girl who isn’t allowed outside, not after last time. A man who drinks alone in front of his TV, trying to ignore the gaps in his memory. And a house cat who loves napping and reading the Bible. An unspeakable secret binds them together, but when a new neighbor moves in next door, what is buried out among the birch trees may come back to haunt them all.

I can only listen in 1-2 hour segments!

  • By Brenda on 10-04-21

Far North Audiobook By Marcel Theroux cover art

By: Marcel Theroux

  • Narrated by: Yelena Schmulenson
  • Length: 8 hrs and 39 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 280
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 142
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 143

My father had an expression for a thing that turned out bad. He'd say it had gone west. But going west always sounded pretty good to me. After all, westwards is the path of the sun. And through as much history as I know of, people have moved west to settle and find freedom. But our world had gone north, truly gone north, and just how far north I was beginning to learn.


  • By Joan on 01-14-10

Thieving Forest Audiobook By Martha Conway cover art

Thieving Forest

By: Martha Conway

  • Narrated by: Soneela Nankani
  • Length: 13 hrs and 22 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 113
  • Performance 4 out of 5 stars 98
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 98

On a humid day in June 1806, on the edge of Ohio's Great Black Swamp, 17-year-old Susanna Quiner watches from behind a maple tree as a band of Potawatomi Indians kidnaps her four older sisters from their cabin. With both her parents dead and all the other settlers out in their fields, Susanna makes the rash decision to pursue them herself. What follows is a young woman's quest to find her sisters and the parallel story of her sisters' new lives.

Skip the audiobook, read the real thing.

  • By Kelly on 11-26-15

Arcadia Audiobook By Lauren Groff cover art

By: Lauren Groff

  • Narrated by: Andrew Garman
  • Length: 11 hrs and 8 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 365
  • Performance 4 out of 5 stars 317
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 315

Lauren Groff’s acclaimed debut novel The Monsters of Templeton was short-listed for the Orange Prize. Her second novel, Arcadia opens in the late 1960s with a group of young idealists forming a commune in western New York State. Into this group is born Bit, who grows into a quiet, distant man. Over the course of 50 years, Bit witnesses the utopia crumble and the world change in unimaginable ways.

Luscious prose, intimate and realistic

  • By Kathleen on 03-22-12

The Lightest Object in the Universe Audiobook By Kimi Eisele cover art

The Lightest Object in the Universe

By: Kimi Eisele

  • Narrated by: Gabra Zackman
  • Length: 10 hrs and 29 mins
  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars 76
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 67
  • Story 4 out of 5 stars 68

What if the end times allowed people to see and build the world anew? This is the landscape that Kimi Eisele creates in her surprising and original debut novel. Evoking the spirit of such monumental love stories as Cold Mountain and the creative vision of novels like Station Eleven, The Lightest Object in the Universe tells the story of what happens after the global economy collapses and the electrical grid goes down.

Don't waste your time.......

  • By Chester Johnson on 07-18-19

Wildland Audiobook By Rebecca Hodge cover art

By: Rebecca Hodge

  • Narrated by: Kirsten Potter
  • Length: 8 hrs and 30 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 42
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 30

When Kat Jamison retreats to the Blue Ridge Mountains, she's counting on peace and solitude to help her make a difficult decision. Her breast cancer has returned, but after the death of her husband, her will to fight is dampened. Her getaway is complicated by a pair of abandoned dogs and two friendly children staying nearby, Lily and Nirav. But when lightning ignites a deadly wildfire, Kat's cabin is cut off from the rest of the camp, separating Lily and Nirav from their parents. Kat, the children, and the dogs must flee on foot through the drought-stricken forest....

Highly Recommended

  • By Pearl Jackson on 06-07-20

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A Horse Named Sky

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  • Length: 4 hrs and 11 mins
  • Overall 5 out of 5 stars 2
  • Performance 5 out of 5 stars 1
  • Story 5 out of 5 stars 1

Young colt Sky was born with the urge to run. Alongside his band, he moves across the range searching for fresh water and abundant grazing. But humans have begun to encroach on Sky’s homelands. With fewer resources to share, Sky knows that he must leave if his family is to survive. He hopes that one day, he’ll be strong and brave enough to return and challenge the stallion to lead the herd. Being a lone wild horse in a vast landscape is not easy, and things get even more dangerous when Sky is captured and forced to run for the Pony Express.

How to Steal a Dog Audiobook By Barbara O’Connor cover art

How to Steal a Dog

By: Barbara O’Connor

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  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 312

Barbara O’Connor’s How to Steal a Dog blew critics away and quickly became a fan-favorite. After being abandoned by her father, Georgina Hayes is forced to spend much of her time watching her younger brother, while their mother works two jobs to make ends meet. When she sees a missing-dog poster offering a $500 reward, Georgina cooks up a scheme to steal a look-a-like dog and claim the reward. But things don’t quite go as planned.

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Clementine Audiobook By Sara Pennypacker cover art

  • Clementine, Book 1
  • Narrated by: Jessica Almasy
  • Length: 1 hr and 28 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 563
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 439
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 437

When her best friend and neighbor Margaret comes to her with a problem, Clementine goes to many lengths to help her friend. This sets off a rollicking adventure-filled week that finds Clementine getting into and out of further trouble, while learning valuable life lessons.

One credit for a 1.5 hr book!?

  • By Nothing really matters on 02-21-16

Bridge to Terabithia Audiobook By Katherine Paterson cover art

Bridge to Terabithia

By: Katherine Paterson

  • Narrated by: Robert Sean Leonard
  • Length: 3 hrs and 30 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,205
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,848
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,845

Jess Aarons has been practicing all summer so he can be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. And he almost is, until the new girl in school, Leslie Burke, outpaces him. The two become fast friends and spend most days in the woods behind Leslie's house, where they invent an enchanted land called Terabithia. One morning, Leslie goes to Terabithia without Jess and a tragedy occurs.

Not sure why they banned this book all the same...

  • By Exec. Chef 'Special K' on 03-03-13

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Audiobook By E. L. Konigsburg cover art

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

By: E. L. Konigsburg

  • Narrated by: Jill Clayburgh
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,768
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,414
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,424

When suburban Claudia Kincaid decides to run away, she knows she doesn't just want to run from somewhere she wants to run to somewhere--to a place that is comfortable, beautiful, and preferably elegant. She chooses the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Knowing that her younger brother, Jamie, has money and thus can help her with the serious cash flow problem she invites him along.

How to be different on the inside, where it counts

  • By Bonny on 04-28-13

Fish in a Tree Audiobook By Lynda Hunt cover art

Fish in a Tree

By: Lynda Hunt

  • Narrated by: Kathleen McInerney
  • Length: 5 hrs and 44 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,730
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,236
  • Story 5 out of 5 stars 2,242

Ally has been smart enough to fool a lot of smart people. Every time she lands in a new school, she is able to hide her inability to read by creating clever yet disruptive distractions. She is afraid to ask for help; after all, how can you cure dumb? However, her newest teacher Mr. Daniels sees the bright, creative kid underneath the trouble maker. With his help, Ally learns not to be so hard on herself and that dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of.

Great book but...not just dyslexia

  • By Jennifer Hurst on 12-31-15

The Secret Zoo Audiobook By Bryan Chick cover art

The Secret Zoo

By: Bryan Chick

  • Narrated by: Patrick Lawlor
  • Length: 6 hrs and 18 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 347
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 264
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 268

Noah, his sister Megan, and their best friends, Richie and Ella, live next door to the zoo. Megan is the first to notice the puzzling behavior of some of the animals. One day Megan disappears, and her brother and their friends realize it’s up to them to find her. Their only choice is to follow a series of clues and sneak into the zoo. But once inside, will they discover there’s much more to the Clarksville City Zoo than they could ever have guessed?

lots of laughter

  • By Sheri on 07-12-10

Alone Audiobook By Megan E. Freeman cover art

By: Megan E. Freeman

  • Narrated by: Gail Shalan
  • Length: 4 hrs and 30 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 190
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 159
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 160

When 12-year-old Maddie hatches a scheme for a secret sleepover with her two best friends, she ends up waking up to a nightmare. She’s alone - left behind in a town that has been mysteriously evacuated and abandoned. With no one to rely on, no power, and no working phone lines or internet access, Maddie slowly learns to survive on her own. Her only companions are a Rottweiler named George and all the books she can read. After a rough start, Maddie learns to trust her own ingenuity and invents clever ways to survive in a place that has been deserted and forgotten.

  • By Cynthia A Samuels on 09-18-22

The Westing Game Audiobook By Ellen Raskin cover art

The Westing Game

By: Ellen Raskin

  • Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell
  • Length: 6 hrs and 59 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,381
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,122
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,126

A bizarre chain of events begins when 16 unlikely people gather for the reading of Samuel W. Westing's will. And though no one knows why the eccentric, game-loving millionaire has chosen a virtual stranger - and a possible murderer - to inherit his vast fortune, one thing's for sure: Sam Westing may be dead...but that won't stop him from playing one last game!

I love this story

  • By Alex on 12-17-18

Where the Red Fern Grows Audiobook By Wilson Rawls cover art

Where the Red Fern Grows

By: Wilson Rawls

  • Narrated by: Anthony Heald
  • Length: 6 hrs and 56 mins
  • Overall 5 out of 5 stars 7,411
  • Performance 5 out of 5 stars 6,149
  • Story 5 out of 5 stars 6,169

Since its publication over forty years ago, this heartwarming tale of a boy and his dogs has touched millions. A tale of adventure, special friendship and coming-of-age, Where the Red Fern Grows makes for delightful listening. This unabridged production, featuring a moving performance by Anthony Heald, brings this enduring classic to life and makes a powerful story even more unforgettable.

What a great story!

  • By Mary A. on 11-18-03

What listeners say about Pax, Journey Home

  • 5 out of 5 stars 4.9 out of 5.0
  • 5 Stars 147
  • 5 Stars 120
  • 5 Stars 123

Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews. reviews, amazon reviews.

  • Overall 5 out of 5 stars
  • Performance 4 out of 5 stars
  • Story 5 out of 5 stars

Profile Image for brickey_reads

  • brickey_reads

The way the man read it made me understand a little more than just reading the actual book

It’s a really great book and I recommend. Me and my friend have read it and we think it’s one of the best books.

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  • Performance 5 out of 5 stars

Profile Image for J. Watson

Emotional Journey

We enjoyed the emotion journey and growth Peter went through. Very good teaching moments for my boys.

Profile Image for Rathkeaux

a wonderfully touching story that really pulls at your heart strings. The narrator does a great job aswell!

Profile Image for Elena

Good job, Sara Pennypacker! This book was well written and it was a great book for me. This book also includes things that are very enjoyable and I think this will become a beloved classic book!

Profile Image for Melany Secoda

  • Melany Secoda

Awesome book!!!

It was very enjoyable to read. It was a great book overall. If you had to ask me I would say this is one of the best books I read. It showed loss and love that just warm your heart. I would say the best part was the ending. I couldn’t stop listening the this amazing book. If you decide to read it you will probably like it if you enjoy books with a lot of cliffhangers that want you to read the book all at once.

Profile Image for KEITH

incredibly enjoyable story

this was just what I was needing, very enjoyable, I listened to the first book and this one in 3 days....couldn't stop listening

  • Overall 4 out of 5 stars
  • Performance 3 out of 5 stars

Profile Image for MMN

Sad but I loved it

When I used this to go to sleep I cried myself to sleep but it is very good this is my 5th Listen

  • Story 4 out of 5 stars

Profile Image for concerned parent

  • concerned parent

Pretty good

This book is a good story for people who like pets and animals Read this book that is all I am going to say

1 person found this helpful

Profile Image for Jessica

Love the foxs!

The foxs were amazing love the reader 🩵 I read it 3 times!! Loved it 💖 thanks for the amazing story 🤩 and for the cute foxs 🥰

Profile Image for LIDI

Fantastic book and narration!

Engaging and interesting storyline. We loved the narration and the storylines. Would absolutely recommend to others

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Pax, Journey Home Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

By sara pennypacker.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

Written by Timothy Sexton

Even before the story begins—before even the Table of Contents—running is situated as being symbolic. A simple illustration precedes the text capturing Pax frozen in time as he leaps through the air and almost seems to be flying. The opening words of the story will intensify the symbolism: “Pax ran.” From there, the description of Pax running is forever equated with the state of freedom he has enjoyed for the past year since being set from the world of cages that comes with being a pet.

The Water Warriors

The Water Warriors are an organization which repurposes equipment and the workforce of the military in order to fix damage to the environment caused by the recently ended war. Peter’s grandfather is dismissive of them as “do-gooders” pretending to be real soldiers. With this perspective, they are immediately endowed with the symbolic status of unappreciated heroes in a society that equates heroism with violence and destruction.

Peter’s Cabin

Peter builds a cabin for himself on Vola’s property. With only a few absolutely necessary exceptions, alone was responsible for constructing every piece of it. The cabin becomes the symbol of Peter’s growing independence and maturity.

The Marshmallow Incident

The marshmallow incident occurs during a night of camping when Peter is roasting a marshmallow over the open fire. He lays the burnt treat to his side to allow it to cool, but Pax makes a go for it and winds up burning his snout. Peter views this incident as a failure on his part to protect his pet, but his father suggests that Pax might see it as precisely the opposite since Peter immediately took action to soothe the raccoon’s pain. That it turns out this is exactly how Pax did view things makes the marshmallow incident a symbol of the complexity of perception that can allow two completely different interpretations of the same event to both be valid.

The Reservoir

Pax notices that the water in the reservoir does not smell like any water he’s ever known. It carries no scent of the past like water from the sky or the always moving currents of a river. This lack of a past gives it a sense of something pristine. For Peter, the reservoir is broad and deep and filled with promise. For both animal and human, the reservoir becomes an optimistic symbol of the future.

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Study Guide for Pax, Journey Home

Pax, Journey Home study guide contains a biography of Sara Pennypacker, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Pax, Journey Home - Chapters 40 - 44 Summary & Analysis

Pax, Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker

In Chapter 40, Peter was angry with himself as he piled up kindling and put all of his belongings from his old life on top of it. He believed that he hurt everything that he loved, just like he had hurt Pax’s kit. As Peter’s things burned, he cried for the life he had lost. When he calmed, he realized that like the phoenix in the myth his mother once told him, he had built a nest and burned all of the mementos of his old life. A new life would rise from the ashes of that fire.

When the smoke cleared and Peter looked up, Pax was sitting next to the shed holding what Peter feared was a dead kit in his jaws. Peter thought Pax had come to show Peter what he had done. However, when Pax began walking toward...

(read more from the Chapters 40 - 44 Summary)

View Pax, Journey Home Chapters 30 - 39


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Pax, journey home audible audiobook – unabridged.

From award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax ; this is a gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling novel about chosen families and the healing power of love. A New York Times best seller!

It’s been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.

Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter - newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness - leaves his adopted home with Vola to join the Water Warriors, a group of people determined to heal the land from the scars of the war.

When one of Pax's kits falls desperately ill, he turns to the one human he knows he can trust. And no matter how hard Peter tries to harden his broken heart, love keeps finding a way in. Now both boy and fox find themselves on journeys toward home, healing - and each other, once again.

As he did for Pax , Jon Klassen, New York Times best seller, Caldecott medalist, and two-time Caldecott Honoree, has created stunning jacket and interior illustrations.

  • Listening Length 4 hours and 33 minutes
  • Author Sara Pennypacker
  • Narrator Michael Curran-Dorsano
  • Audible release date September 7, 2021
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperAudio
  • ASIN B08TN14L3F
  • Version Unabridged
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • See all details

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  1. Pax, Journey Home

    theme of pax journey home

  2. Sara Pennypacker Presents: Pax, Journey Home

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  3. Pax, Journey Home

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  4. Pax, Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker and Jon Klassen

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  5. Pax Journey Home

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  6. Pax, Journey Home eBook : Pennypacker, Sara, Klassen, Jon:

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  1. WAE24 Fireside Chat

  2. Restored Bunny Cage

  3. Author Interaction with Sara Pennypacker

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  5. Final Fantasy XV

  6. PAX 2. Chapter 31


  1. Pax, Journey Home Themes

    All animals including foxes should be cautious of deadly predators. Pax loves his young kit and is forced to act harshly when a large owl attempts to snatch her away. In the blink of an eye, Pax injures the bird and saves his kit. The poisoning of waterways causes the deaths of many animals. The experiences depict the cruelty and harsh life ...

  2. Pax, Journey Home (Pax, #2) by Sara Pennypacker

    Plot-wise, I'd say PAX, JOURNEY HOME had higher stakes and a more obvious character arc while still carrying all the simplistic beauty of PAX. Once again, Pennypacker weaves heart-wrenching themes, a beautiful storyline, and the bond between a boy and his fox into a story that somehow manages to fit together like a masterpiece.

  3. Pax, Journey Home Summary & Study Guide

    Kindle. In the children's novel Pax, Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker, Peter believed it was safest for him to withdraw from society and never love again because he had lost both of his parents and his pet fox. As an excuse to return to his hometown, he joined the Water Warriors, a group dedicated to cleaning the water contaminated during the ...

  4. Pax, Journey Home Themes & Motifs

    The Stages of Grief and Letting Go. Peter's response to his father's death and the loss of Pax demonstrate the stages of grief and letting go. Peter first tries to deny that he needs affection or other people. He is angry when he reaches his old house and recognizes how naive he was before the war. After Peter burns his old belongings and ...

  5. Pax, Journey Home

    Pax, Journey Home is a sequel to the award-winning first book Pax. ... Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book's review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the ...

  6. Pax, Journey Home

    Pax, Journey Home [Pennypacker, Sara, Klassen, Jon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pax, Journey Home ... The themes of grief and regret (some might say war, but I'm not sure war is a theme as much as a circumstance which anchors to the theme) and how it affects children, hearts, adults, relationships, the body, etc. is ...


    A captivating book situated in present-day discourse around the refugee crisis, featuring two boys who stand by their high values in the face of grave risk and succeed in drawing goodwill from others. (Historical fiction. 10-14) Share your opinion of this book. Boy and fox follow separate paths in postwar rebuilding.

  8. Pax, Journey Home

    From award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax; this is a gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling novel about chosen families and the healing power of love. A New York Times bestseller!It's been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter ...

  9. Pax: Journey Home Book Review

    PAX: JOURNEY HOME takes place a year after the harrowing events of Book 1. The war that caused so much wanton destruction and carnage is over, but the damage to bodies, environment, and souls lingers. Peter is now 13, his father is dead, and in the wake of losing Pax the boy is determined never to feel anything again.

  10. Pax, Journey Home

    Books. Pax, Journey Home. Sara Pennypacker. HarperCollins Publishers, Sep 14, 2021 - Juvenile Fiction - 256 pages. From bestselling and award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax; gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling with stunning illustrations by award-winning author and illustrator Jon Klassen.

  11. Pax: Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker (Pax, #2)

    A New York Times bestseller!It's been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter-newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness-leaves ...

  12. Cover Reveal: 'Pax, Journey Home'

    Pax, Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, 17.99 Sept. ISBN 978--06-293034-7. In her new middle grade novel, 'Pax, Journey Home,' Sara Pennypacker resumes the story begun ...

  13. Pax, Journey Home

    Pax, Journey Home. From award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax; this is a gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling novel about chosen families and the healing power of love. A New York Times bestseller! It's been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other.

  14. Pax, Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker

    A New York Times best seller! It's been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives. Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter - newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness - leaves ...

  15. Pax, Journey Home Kindle Edition

    Sara Pennypacker is the author of the New York Times bestselling Pax and Pax, Journey Home; the award-winning Clementine series and its spinoff series, Waylon; and the acclaimed novels Summer of the Gypsy Moths and Here in the Real World.She divides her time between Cape Cod, MA, and Florida. You can visit her online at Jon Klassen grew up in Niagara Falls, Canada, and now ...

  16. Pax, Journey Home Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

    The Reservoir. Pax notices that the water in the reservoir does not smell like any water he's ever known. It carries no scent of the past like water from the sky or the always moving currents of a river. This lack of a past gives it a sense of something pristine. For Peter, the reservoir is broad and deep and filled with promise.

  17. Pax, Journey Home

    Sara Pennypacker is the author of the New York Times bestselling Pax and Pax, Journey Home; the award-winning Clementine series and its spinoff series, Waylon; and the acclaimed novels Summer of the Gypsy Moths and Here in the Real World.She divides her time between Cape Cod, MA, and Florida. You can visit her online at Jon Klassen grew up in Niagara Falls, Canada, and now ...

  18. Pax, Journey Home

    Summary. In Chapter 40, Peter was angry with himself as he piled up kindling and put all of his belongings from his old life on top of it. He believed that he hurt everything that he loved, just like he had hurt Pax's kit. As Peter's things burned, he cried for the life he had lost. When he calmed, he realized that like the phoenix in the ...

  19. Pax, Journey Home

    Pax, Journey Home HarperCollins, 2021. MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide) Pennypacker, Sara. Pax, Journey Home HarperCollins, 2021. Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as ...

  20. Pax, Journey Home Hardcover

    Paperback. $10.51 4 Used from $13.60 17 New from $6.73. From bestselling and award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes the long-awaited sequel to Pax; gorgeously crafted, utterly compelling with stunning illustrations by award-winning author and illustrator Jon Klassen. It's been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other.

  21. Pax, Journey Home (Audible Audio Edition): Sara Pennypacker

    Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter - newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness - leaves his adopted home with Vola to join the Water Warriors, a group of people determined to heal the land from the scars of the war.