VOY Season 4

The fourth season of Star Trek: Voyager debuted on 3 September 1997 , with twenty-six episodes that ran through 20 May 1998 .

  • 3 Background information
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest and co-stars
  • 4.5 Companies
  • 5 Media releases
  • 6 External links

Episodes [ ]

Summary [ ].

Season four furthered and even embellished upon the changes to the franchise already seen by the middle to end of season three .

" Scorpion, Part II " concluded the season three finale and – most crucially to the future of the series – introduced a new character, Seven of Nine . One episode later, Jennifer Lien left the cast and Kes departed Voyager , not to return until the season six episode " Fury ".

Seven of Nine had plenty of character development on which to catch up when compared to the other principal actors. Season four could be described as the "Seven of Nine season", heavy with episodes centering solely on developing Jeri Ryan 's new character. Relationships between Seven of Nine and all the other main characters needed to be quickly established, and so conflict between Seven and B'Elanna Torres was introduced in " Day of Honor ", and Harry Kim 's infatuation with Seven became a hallmark of the season in " Revulsion ". The Doctor , for so long a student under Kes ' tutelage, turned teacher to Seven in " Prey ", kinship with Tuvok was explored in " Hunters " and, quintessential to the remainder of the series, Seven's relationship with Janeway took center-stage in " The Gift ", " The Raven ", " Retrospect ", " The Omega Directive ", and the season finale, " Hope and Fear ". However, with audience figures ballooning, it appeared that the producers of Voyager had finally found a character that appealed to the crucial 16-24-year-old male demographic.

Prior to season four, story writers had given Voyager six thwarted opportunities to return to the Alpha Quadrant , aside from the series premiere " Caretaker ". However, as the series continued to mature, episodes presenting the Voyager crew with the possibility of returning home were absent throughout season four, until the finale " Hope and Fear ". Instead, making large jumps closer to Earth became a regular occurrence. Kes' "gift" at the start of the season provided Voyager with its first big jump, knocking 10,000 light years and 10 years off their journey, as well as placing them well outside Borg space. These "jumps" would continue throughout the remainder of the series, getting Voyager out of danger while simultaneously removing years from their journey. Consequently, fewer opportunities to return to Earth in one "giant leap" were presented for this and remaining seasons, with season five 's " Timeless ", season seven 's " Inside Man " and the series finale " Endgame " being notable exceptions.

Alongside this change of pace, the concept of the crew as "family" and Voyager as "home" started in season three was continued in season four and script writers clearly made a conscious effort to include these references in their scripts. Examples of this can be found scattered throughout many season four episodes:

" So, how's the newest member of our family ? "

" This ship has become our home , it's part of our family . "

" We do not stand alone. We are in the arms of family . "

" It's time to meet your new family . "

Other notable developments in season four included the cementing of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres ' relationship in " Day of Honor ", the Krenim conflict (hinted at in season three's " Before and After ") and the opening of Voyager 's new astrometrics lab in " Year of Hell ". Additionally, " Demon " introduced "grey mode" in which all non-essential ship functions are shut down to conserve power.

However, one of the biggest developments for the series arc as a whole occurred midway through the season in " Message in a Bottle " when The Doctor is transported back to the Alpha Quadrant using alien technology and makes Voyager 's first contact with Starfleet since being stranded. Voyager 's use of the alien technology has unforeseen consequences however, as the crew are introduced to the Hirogen , a hunting species who would re-assert themselves throughout the remainder of the season in " Hunters ", " Prey ", and " The Killing Game ", and at least once in each subsequent season. By the end of the series, the Hirogen joined the Kazon , the Borg , and the Vidiians as one of the few species to interact regularly with Voyager and whose interactions often created or furthered a particular story arc involving that species.

It is fair to say that by mid-season four, the introduction of Seven of Nine, the departure of Kes, and the new "jump" method of moving Voyager closer to home meant the series had become quite different from the previous three seasons.

Background information [ ]

  • This season was broadcast concurrent with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 6 .
  • Beginning with " Scorpion, Part II ", the screen credits for the cast were modified to remove the ranks of their characters, as was presented in the pilot, except for Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway. They would remain unchanged from this point on through the end of the series.
  • Jeri Ryan joins the cast as Seven of Nine and Jennifer Lien , as Kes , leaves the cast.
  • Roxann Dawson was pregnant during Season 4. B'Elanna Torres wears a lab coat to hide Dawson's pregnancy for most of the season.
  • This is the only season of Voyager not to feature Earth , but did feature a visit to the Alpha Quadrant in " Message in a Bottle ".
  • The lone character to " crossover " from another Star Trek series this season is Admiral Hayes , in " Hunters " and " Hope and Fear ".
  • Shortly after the completion of production on this season, a wrap party was held on 13 March 1998 . ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 40 , p. 10)

Credits [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway

Also starring [ ]

  • Robert Beltran as Chakotay
  • Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
  • Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
  • Ethan Phillips as Neelix
  • Robert Picardo as The Doctor
  • Tim Russ as Tuvok
  • Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine
  • Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Additionally, an "Also Starring" credit for " Jennifer Lien as Kes " was displayed following the title card for the first two episodes, " Scorpion, Part II " and " The Gift "; after which she left the series.

Guest and co-stars [ ]

  • VOY Season 4 performers
  • Rick Berman
  • Jeri Taylor

Associate Producer: Dawn Velazquez Executive Story Editor: Lisa Klink

(not a complete list)

  • Jay Chattaway ("Scorpion, Part II", "Scientific Method", "Random Thoughts", "Hunters", "Retrospect", "Unforgettable", "One")
  • Dennis McCarthy ("The Gift", "Day of Honor", "The Raven", "Year of Hell", "Year of Hell, Part II", "Concerning Flight", "Prey", "Vis à Vis", "Living Witness", "Hope and Fear")
  • David Bell ("Nemesis", "Revulsion", "Waking Moments", "The Killing Game", "The Killing Game, Part II", "Demon")
  • Paul Baillargeon ("Mortal Coil", "Message in a Bottle", "The Omega Directive")

Director of Photography: Marvin V. Rush , ASC Production Designer: Richard D. James Editor: Daryl Baskin Unit Production Manager: Brad Yacobian First Assistant Director: Adele Simmons Second Assistant Director: Arlene Fukai

  • Junie Lowry-Johnson , CSA

Original Casting by: Nan Dutton , CSA Casting Executive: Helen Mossler , CSA Costume Designer: Robert Blackman Set Decorator: Jim Mees Visual Effects Producer: Dan Curry Visual Effects Supervisor: David Takemura Scenic Art Supervisor/Technical Consultant: Michael Okuda Senior Illustrator/Technical Consultant: Rick Sternbach Make-Up Designer/Make-Up Supervisor: Michael Westmore Art Director: Louise Dorton Set Designer: Greg Hooper Assistant Editor: Keith Dabney Visual Effects Coordinator: A.Y. Dexter Delara Visual Effects Assistant Editor: Elizabeth Castro Visual Effects Associate: Chad Zimmerman Script Supervisor: Cosmo Genovese Special Effects: Dick Brownfield Property Master: Alan Sims Construction Coordinator: Al Smutko Scenic Artist: Wendy Drapanas Video Supervisor: Denise Okuda Hair Designer: Josée Normand

  • Natalie Wood
  • Tina Hoffman
  • Scott Wheeler
  • Suzan Bagdadi
  • Charlotte A. Gravenor

Wardrobe Supervisor: Carol Kunz Sound Mixer: Alan Bernard , CAS Camera Operator: Judd Kehl Chief Lighting Technician: Bill Peets First Company Grip: Randy Burgess

  • Kimberley Shull
  • Jamie Thomas

Music Editor: Gerry Sackman Supervising Sound Editor: Bill Wistrom Supervising Sound Effects Editor: Jim Wolvington

  • Masanobu Tomita
  • T. Ashley Harvey
  • Dale Chaloukian

Production Coordinator: Diane Overdiek Post Production Coordinator: April Rossi

  • David Rossi
  • Kristina Kochoff
  • Sandra Sena

Pre-Production Coordinator: Lolita Fatjo Assistant to Producers: Michael O'Halloran Stunt Coordinator: Dennis Madalone Science Consultant: André Bormanis Main Title Design by: Dan Curry

Companies [ ]

Main Title Design by: Santa Barbara Studios Post Production Sound: Modern Sound Filmed with: Panavision cameras and lenses Motion Control Photography: Image "G" Digital Optical Effects: Digital Magic Special Video Compositing: CIS Hollywood Editing Facilities: Unitel Video Computer Generated Effects: Foundation Imaging

Media releases [ ]

  • VOY Season 4 UK VHS
  • VOY Season 4 DVD

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: Voyager season 4 at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Star Trek Voyager Season 4 episode reviews at Ex Astris Scientia
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Klingon augment virus

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Star Trek: Voyager - Episode Guide - Season 4

This is when Voyager becomes assimilated – not merely by Borg- and Borg technology-centered episodes, but also by the new character Seven of Nine herself.

Stealing the drone through whom the Borg communicated with voyager’s crew during the season-opening battle with Species 8472. In return, the so-called “Seven of Nine” rapidly begins stealing the show, along with the companionship of the Doctor; these two characters essentially become a fragmented Data, i.e. the mouthpiece for outsiders to learn human culture.

The introduction of Seven to the cast also results in the swift ejection of Kes from Star Trek: Voyager, regrettable only in that she didn’t take freakin’ Neelix with her…

1. Scorpion, Part II – A Borg drone is assigned to work with Janeway, Tuvok and the Voyager crew, who come up with an ingenious biological weapon to use against Species 8472. Naturally, the Borg rapidly renege on the deal (shocker!), but Janeway et al are way too clever to completely trust them. ****

2. The Gift – Kes is rapidly “changing” and “becoming something else” (namely expendable with the arrival of Seven of Nine), so her psychokinetic abilities are running amok. The last few minutes with Janeway and Kes running down corridors become unintentionally hilarious if you imagine the explosions are a bombardment from the producers trying to get Kes off the damn show already … **

3. Day of Honor – B’Elanna plays out the events of the Police song “Any Other Day” except on a starship and involving her refusal to complete a Klingon rite of passage. **

4. Nemesis – Not to be confused with the godawful tenth Star Trek movie, “Nemesis” instead tells a strange tale of Chakotay’s informal enlistment into a guerilla war. ***

5. Revulsion – Torres and The Doctor board an alien ship which had sent a distress signal . The sole survivor is a clearly deranged hologram; the whole thing descends into psycho killer mode quickly and, together with “Prototype” serves as a cautionary tale for B’Elanna: Never board an alien ship which is not populated by humanoids. ***

6. The Raven – Slowly becoming biologically more human, Seven has strange visions composed of memories of her time as a drone mixed with symbolic remembrances of her childhood. ***

7. Scientific Method – A dark and über-creepy story about aliens who can walk freely among the specimens of various species upon which they experiment. When Seven finally sees (literally) the reality of the situation on Voyager, it’s almost enough to send her scrabbling back to the collective. ***

8. Year of Hell, Part I – A race with control over time resets history in a region of space through which Voyager is passing. The result is a vast empire “defended” by ships with superior technology to Voyager’s, and months upon months of continuous attacks. Meanwhile, Chakotay and Paris are captured by the “timeship” manipulating history repeatedly. ***

9. Year of Hell, Part II – A seriously shredded Voyager takes refuge in a nebula (good old nebula!) to enact repairs. Aboard the timeship, Chakotay finally sees the egocentric nature of the captain’s ways. They manage to restore the timeline which began this leg of the voyage (or at least close enough) and even provide the captain which a more productive life in the reset universe. ***

10. Random Thoughts – On a world where violent thoughts themselves are forbidden, B’Elanna is busted for just such crimethink. Seeing Tuvok solve a whodunit mystery is always cool, but the suspense in this one is ruined fairly early by a very small cast. ***

11.  Concerning Flight – Components of Voyager as well as Janeway’s hologram of Leonardo da Vinci are (rather easily) stolen and about to be fleeced on the black market. So Janeway and Da Vinci save the day, escaping via a magical glider which hypnotizes pursuers into not shooting from 60 or so feet away. **

12. Mortal Coil – A freak accident kills Neelix, and when Seven unfortunately revives him 10 hours later, he whines about the lack of afterlife. *

13. Waking Moments – A trippy (literally) episode featuring a race with yet another unique spin on the invasion plan: These guys put their prey into a shard dream state and have their way in the dream world. Naturally, Chakotay and his very sloppily defined indigenous abilities help save the day. ***

14. Message in a Bottle – Voyager finds an apparently abandoned subspace communications network. They locate a Federation starship in the Alpha Quadrant and send the Doctor through. Upon arrival, he discovers that Romulans have taken the ship, with only he and the ship’s own, more advanced, EMH. Hilarious interplay between the Doctors combines nicely with the general suspense of the episode. ****.

15. Hunters – Introducing the Hirogen, a rather unstable-seeming nomad species which is obsessed with eternally hunting “lesser species.” In “Hunters,” the Federation uses a Hirogen communication network to transmit a detailed message to Voyager. The Hirogen soon demand that Voyager cease using the network and shortly after *that* begin the shooting war… **

16. Prey – Species 8472 is back … or at least one weak and wounded member of ‘em is. Hirogen hunters think they have the fluidic beastie captured, but just one survives to be treated aboard the Enterprise. The 8472er has followed the hunter to Voyager, however, and the battle resumes. Janeway and Seven have a tiff over how the 8472 should be dealt with. ***

17. Retrospect – What starts as an intriguing-looking whodunit turns into an underdone script with the Voyager bridge crew all ultimately blaming the victim; in this case, it’s Seven, who has vivid memories of a trader stealing Borg technology out of her body. 0

18-19. The Killing Game – Now here’s how you do a holodeck story. Hirogen take over Voyager and force the crew to play out various war scenarios. Most of the action takes place in a Casablanca-feeling French village. Nazis and aliens as bad guys? Vive la resistance? Seven first as a lounge singer, then as hero? The Doctor doing Doctor things? Klingons verses Nazi troops? Nice. *****

20. Vis à Vis – An alien requesting assistance with his ship gets on board Voyager and performs the ol’ body-swapping trip with Paris. Pretty standard stuff here. **

21. The Omega Directive –Voyager encounters incredibly explosive omega particles and Janeway is under standing orders to destroy all such particles regardless of circumstances. ***

22. Unforgettable – An alien contacts Voyager – and specifically Chakotay – in an effort to gain political asylum with Voyager and the Federation. Naturally, she’s (all together now) not all that she seems! ****

23. Living Witness – An absolutely fascinating look at the distortions of history and dogma. Some 700 years in the future, the EMH is reinitialized on a Delta Quadrant world and the Doctor pressed by a local historian for details of the EEEEvil Voyager crew. His mere telling of the truth, however, has a profound effect on the planet’s peoples. A great twist and satisfying ending, too. ****

24. Demon – Paris and Kim head down to a “Demon-class” planet for fuel, only to find a bizarre substance which they ultimately identify as “biomimetic fluid.” Standard “life but not as we know it” kinda stuff, but a stunning payoff for this episode does come … about one season later. **

25. One – From season 4 on, one can’t blame the uninitiated for thinking of Star Trek: Voyager as the “Doctor and Seven Show.” This episode serves as prime example of the phenomenon. So as to pass through a nebula cram-packed with lethal radiation, all Voyager crew except Seven and (naturally) The Doctor are put into stasis. Eventually the Doctor shuts down as well, leaving Seven to fend for her own against loneliness – and other dangers. ***

26. Hope and Fear – Quite an interesting and heady episode, if you’re willing to look past some rather obvious plot holes. An alien with an otherworldly (sorry) talent for languages helps Voyager decode certain tricky bits of the message Voyager received in “Hunters” – or does he? Despite the improbability of several plot devices in “Hope and Fear”, some good questions regarding Janeway’s decisions emerge – and, upon consideration, the baddie here isn’t totally unjustified in his actions. ***

star trek voyager season 4

Star Trek: Voyager's Season 4 Finale Needed To Be Better Than What We Got

Star Trek: Voyager delivered a disappointing season 4 ending in comparison to its other finale episodes. Before the finale, season 4 delivered a well-rounded episode set and some shake-ups that made Voyager 's cast of characters work better together. The season began with the departure of Kes (Jennifer Lein) and the introduction of Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), which helped cement the characters' dynamics more cohesively. Likewise, Voyager season 4 had some of the series' best episodes , including the two-part "Year of Hell" which is often considered the show's pinnacle.

After a season of highs, Voyager should have delivered an explosive season 4 finale to close things out. However, the actual finale, "Hope and Fear," ended up being a disappointment. The episode had a great guest start in the form of Ray Wise as Arturis, an alien with the power to seemingly get Voyager 's crew home using quantum slipstream technology. "Hope and Fear" also brought back several storylines that the season had success with, such as the Borg and season 4 villain Species 8472 . However, where season 4 had succeeded before, "Hope and Fear" ended up missing the mark .

Star Trek: Voyagers Hope And Fear Fails As Season 4's Finale

The episode was lackluster at best.

If "Hope and Fear" had aired mid-season 4, it might have done better, but the episode completely failed as a finale. For one thing, "Hope and Fear" broke Voyager 's usual mold of ending the season with a two-parter . Voyager 's usual two-part finale/openers not only provided a cliffhanger for the next season to resolve but generally created a much more interesting and involved storyline. "Hope and Fear" itself wouldn't have worked as a two-parter, but if Voyager had done a different storyline with the last episode of season 4, they might have been able to create something more engaging.

Im So Glad This Star Trek: Voyager Season 4 Episode Made A Risky Story Decision

One Star Trek: Voyager season 4 episode made a smart storytelling choice, jumping right into the action instead of wasting time on exposition.

Likewise, "Hope and Fear" reusing plotlines that Voyager had already done made the episode feel tired. Season 4 extensively explored the fallout from the two-parter, "Scorpion," which dealt with Voyager's participation in the Borg's conflict with Species 8472. The Borg and Species 8472 had already been explored extensively throughout the season, so returning to the storyline one more time almost made it seem like Voyager was out of ideas . The attempt to show some of the conflict's consequences in the form of Arturis didn't hit the mark, even if Ray Wise turned in a creditable performance.

The One Exciting Thing That Star Trek: Voyagers Season 4 Finale Introduced

"hope and fear" did introduce one good thing to the franchise.

However, "Hope and Fear" did end up introducing one interesting concept to Star Trek: Voyager which was explored in later episodes. "Hope and Fear" was the first appearance of the quantum slipstream drive, a technology which, during the episode, propelled the USS Voyager 300 lightyears closer to its destination in a matter of minutes. Slipstream technology would go on to be a crucial part of Voyager's 100th episode "Timeless," an incredible episode with an engaging time-travel plot that showed the consequences of the technology beautifully.

While slipstream travel was only briefly referenced in Discovery 's third season, the slipstream drive made a bigger appearance in Prodigy season 1, with Admiral Janeway's USS Dauntless acting as another reference to "Hope and Fear."

Additionally, slipstream drives have become a small but important aspect of the modern Star Trek franchise , being referenced in shows like Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Prodigy . While slipstream travel was only briefly referenced in Discovery 's third season, the slipstream drive made a bigger appearance in Prodigy season 1, with Admiral Janeway's USS Dauntless acting as another reference to "Hope and Fear," taking its name from Arturis's original ship . Despite Star Trek: Voyager delivering a less-than-stellar installment with "Hope and Fear," the franchise has still found ways to make the episode important.

Star Trek: Voyager

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Release Date May 23, 1995

Genres Sci-Fi, Adventure

Network UPN

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Rating TV-PG

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Voyager's Season 4 Finale Needed To Be Better Than What We Got

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Star Trek: Voyager

Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

  • Rick Berman
  • Michael Piller
  • Jeri Taylor
  • Kate Mulgrew
  • Robert Beltran
  • Roxann Dawson
  • 433 User reviews
  • 26 Critic reviews
  • 33 wins & 84 nominations total

Episodes 168

"Star Trek: Discovery" Season 3 Explained

Photos 2088

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Top cast 99+

Kate Mulgrew

  • Capt. Kathryn Janeway …

Robert Beltran

  • Cmdr. Chakotay …

Roxann Dawson

  • Lt. B'Elanna Torres …

Robert Duncan McNeill

  • Lt. Tom Paris …

Ethan Phillips

  • The Doctor …

Tim Russ

  • Lt. Tuvok …

Garrett Wang

  • Ensign Harry Kim …

Tarik Ergin

  • Lt. Ayala …

Majel Barrett

  • Voyager Computer …

Jeri Ryan

  • Seven of Nine …

Jennifer Lien

  • William McKenzie …
  • Ensign Brooks …

Scarlett Pomers

  • Naomi Wildman
  • Science Division Officer …

Martha Hackett

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Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Did you know

  • Trivia When auditioning for the part of the holographic doctor, Robert Picardo was asked to say the line "Somebody forgot to turn off my program." He did so, then ad-libbed "I'm a doctor, not a light bulb" and got the part.
  • Goofs There is speculation that the way the Ocampa are shown to have offspring is an impossible situation, as a species where the female can only have offspring at one event in her life would half in population every generation, even if every single member had offspring. While Ocampa females can only become pregnant once in their lifetime, if was never stated how many children could be born at one time. Kes mentions having an uncle, implying that multiple births from one pregnancy are possible.

Seven of Nine : Fun will now commence.

  • Alternate versions Several episodes, such as the show's debut and finale, were originally aired as 2-hour TV-movies. For syndication, these episodes were reedited into two-part episodes to fit one-hour timeslots.
  • Connections Edited into Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (1999)

User reviews 433

  • Mar 17, 2004

Women in Science Fiction

Production art

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  • Why do the Nacelles of the Voyager pivot before going to warp?
  • Is it true there is a costume error in the first season?
  • How many of Voyager's shuttles were destroyed throughout the course of the show?
  • January 16, 1995 (United States)
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  • Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant - 6100 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Paramount Television
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 44 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

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7 star trek: voyager problems chakotay’s return can fix.


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Star Trek: Voyager Cast & Character Guide

8 alpha quadrant things star trek: voyager found in delta quadrant, star trek gives chakotay the voyager reward he always deserved.

Captain Chakotay's (Robert Beltran) return in Star Trek: Prodigy can fix 7 problems that the USS Voyager left in the Delta Quadrant in Star Trek: Voyager . As the USS Voyager crew blazed a trail through the Delta Quadrant on their 70,000 lightyear journey back to Earth, Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) sometimes had to play pretty fast and loose with Star Trek 's Prime Directive , leaving problems in Voyager's wake. With a lifetime of travel ahead, and no guarantee that wormholes or anomalies would speed up the trip, Janeway couldn't stay long, and follow-up missions were just about impossible .

Star Trek: Prodigy 's USS Protostar was originally commanded by Captain Chakotay on a mission to return to the Delta Quadrant and fix the problems caused by Voyager's homeward trip . A temporal anomaly diverted the Protostar, leaving Captain Chakotay stranded on the planet Solum in an alternate 25th century future timeline. In Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 , Chakotay returns not only to his proper timeline, but also the captain's chair of the USS Voyager-A, after Admiral Janeway's retirement. If Chakotay takes Voyager-A on the Protostar's original mission, there are still problems in the Delta Quadrant that could benefit from a follow-up.

7 Voyager-A Can Check In On The Time Dilated Society

Star trek: voyager season 6, episode 12 "blink of an eye".

It's unlikely that the same civilization on the unnamed planet from Star Trek: Voyager season 6, episode 12 "Blink of an Eye" is still there, since the planet existed in its own unique flow of time, but it's not entirely impossible. Voyager's presence as "the skyship" contaminated the civilization's entire existence , and inspired its people to explore the stars in hopes of reaching the USS Voyager someday. First contact was achieved , but the alien world would have to overcome the time differential in order to participate in the wider galactic society.

There's no denying that the Prime Directive was completely tossed out with this culture.

At the rate that the society from "Blink of an Eye" develops, the technology to mitigate temporal differences might actually be developed by the time Chakotay gets back to the Delta Quadrant . Voyager's presence may have been a net positive instead of an actual problem, but there's no denying that the Prime Directive was completely tossed out with this culture, so it's worth a follow-up.

6 Paris And Janeway's Salamander Babies Can Come Home

Star trek: voyager season 2, episode 14 "threshold".

It's been brought up before as a joke, but the truth is that the offspring of Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) and Captain Janeway are still out there in the Delta Quadrant , abandoned by parents who turned back into 24th-century humans and went on their merry way. Ostensibly, the salamander babies are the product of an evolutionary leap for humanity, so they're probably sentient, which rasies questions. How do they feel about this? What have they done in the meantime? Could they, like Paris and Janeway, be transformed into bipedal humans?

Tom Paris Actor Explains “Moral” Of Star Trek: Voyager’s Salamander Episode

Tom Paris actor Robert Duncan McNeill explained what he saw as the true "moral" of Star Trek: Voyager's controversial season 2 episode, "Threshold"

With Captain Chakotay's return to the Delta Quadrant, there's a real chance to recontextualize and improve the nonsensical third act of "Threshold" , and make one of Star Trek: Voyager 's weirdest episodes actually matter in the long run. Maybe one of the salamander babies, in a grown-up human form, joins the Voyager-A crew, hoping to explore the galaxy and find out where they truly belong.

5 Resolution For Two Duplicate Voyager Crews

Star trek: voyager season 4, episode 24 "demon" & season 6, episode 21 "live fast and prosper".

In Star Trek: Voyager season 4, episode 24, "Demon", the USS Voyager crew let biomemetic Silver Blood aliens from a Demon-class planet copy them in order to experience life as organic beings . Star Trek: Voyager caught up with the Silver Blood from "Demon" in a rare Star Trek sequel episode , season 5's "Course: Oblivion", so we as the audience know about the tragic fate that befell the Voyager crew's copies, but the crew themselves never learned that their doubles died.

In its seven seasons, Star Trek: Voyager introduced many new faces to the Trek universe. Here is a breakdown of the show's main cast and characters.

Another set of Voyager duplicates appears in Star Trek: Voyager season 6, episode 21, "Live Fast and Prosper", when con artists take on the identities of Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ) . The episode ends with the impostors returning what they've stolen, but the con artists are still out there, capable of committing the same crimes in the name of the Federation once the real USS Voyager has moved on.

After returning to the Delta Quadrant, Captain Chakotay and the Voyager-A crew could stumble across a mystery seeming to involve the old Voyager crew. Chakotay's curiosity would launch an investigation that reveals the demise of the Silver Blood doubles, the further crimes of their impostors -- or even both. Because the Silver Blood really believed they were the Voyager crew, they wouldn't have done anything that the real Voyager crew wouldn't have done. The Voyager crew impersonators, however, might have caused additional problems Chakotay's Voyager-A crew needs to fix.

4 Chakotay Can Revisit The Voth's Changed Society

Star trek: voyager season 3, episode 23, "distant origin".

The USS Voyager's presence in the Delta Quadrant contributed to completely upending Voth society, which was based on the purity of the Voth species as natives of Star Trek 's Delta Quadrant . Genetic similarities between the Voth and Voyager's crew proved that the Voth had originated in the Alpha Quadrant. Chakotay had to sit back and watch Scientist Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz) renounce his findings, like a hadrosaur Galileo, to maintain the status quo dictated by Voth religious doctrine. Gegen's life was ruined, and it was Voyager's fault.

Despite believing they were the only Alpha Quadrant representatives in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager crew often found they weren't alone.

A return trip to the Voth homeworld would determine whether scientific fact has triumphed over Voth religious dogma, or if Chakotay and other Alpha Quadrant representatives are still considered agents of heresy. Because Chakotay's influence pressured Gegen to stand up for the truth , Chakotay is also one of the best people to fix the social problems that were caused by Voyager's initial visit to the Voth.

3 The Hirogen & Iden's Hologram Rebellion

Star trek: voyager season 7, episodes 9 & 10, "flesh and blood".

Without any type of local currency , the USS Voyager crew often traded with Delta Quadrant aliens in order to get much-needed supplies. Plenty of Alpha Quadrant technology was left behind in the Delta Quadrant as a result of these trades, which impacted alien societies differently, depending on what their rate of development currently was. Although initially reluctant to trade Federation technology, desperate times called for desperate solutions, such as when Captain Janeway traded hologram technology to the Hirogen in exchange for the Voyager crew's lives.

In Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 4, "No Win Scenario", Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) recounts an encounter with a Hirogen hunter, so the Hirogen must have made their way to the Alpha Quadrant before 2385.

As a result of Janeway's gift of Federation hologram technology, the Hirogen develop self-aware holograms who eventually fight for their own freedom, in the hologram-Hirogen conflict dubbed Iden's Rebellion. Voyager leaves the holograms behind on a peaceful colony, but there's no guarantee the predatory Hirogen will let them live. Do the holograms keep their freedom? Do the Hirogen create more holograms? Captain Chakotay's return would answer these questions.

2 Resolving The Kazon Infighting

Star trek: voyager season 1 - season 2.

A single Federation replicator can completely change the course of a society limited by scarcity, and Star Trek: Voyager 's Cardassian spy Seska (Martha Hackett) gave replicator technology to the Kazon, in a bid for her own power. Even after learning that Federation technology was used for nefarious means, the warring Kazon sects were not a problem for the USS Voyager to solve, due to Janeway's determination to keep moving forward and early adherence to the Prime Directive.

Where Janeway insists on staying the course, however, Captain Chakotay values harmony, so Chakotay is much more likely to spend time in Kazon space to try brokering a peace between the Kazon tribes . Chakotay would also recognize that the Kazon's stolen replicator technology shifted the balance of power in Kazon space, and use the Voyager-A mission to redistribute technology equitably. ​​​

1 Revisiting The Ocampa's Development

Star trek: voyager season 1, episode 1, "caretaker".

Captain Janeway destroyed the Caretaker's array that brought the USS Voyager to the Delta Quadrant in the first place, ostensibly to protect the Ocampa from the territorial Kazon. Unfortunately, Voyager didn't return to the Ocampa homeworld to see how the Ocampa were doing on their own, since that would mean backtracking on a journey that was already projected to take several decades. Without the guidance of the Caretaker to help the Ocampa survive, Chakotay's Voyager-A crew could render aid if the Ocampa need it.

A few Ocampa colonies were scattered here and there, such as the one in Star Trek: Voyager season 2, episode 10, "Cold Fire", where some Ocampa lived beyond their projected nine-year lifespan, but they were still short-lived.

With a lifespan of only nine years, several generations of Ocampa would have come and gone since their first contact with the USS Voyager. Captain Chakotay's return to the Ocampa homeworld would reveal if anything has changed in the intervening decades, like a species-wide development of the Ocampa telekinetic powers that Kes (Jennifer Lien) exhibited before leaving Voyager.

Robert Beltran's Chakotay finally earns a long-deserved reward with an important Star Trek: Voyager legacy attached to it.

The USS Voyager left behind a lot more problems on its path through the Delta Quadrant. Captain Janeway made first contact with more species than any other Star Trek captain since Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), and not all of those meetings resulted in alliances. Janeway's enemies in the Delta Quadrant would almost surely have a score to settle with any returning Federation ship. Captain Chakotay's patient leadership style is very different from Janeway's , however, so Chakotay might even be able to smooth things over to make new friends out of Star Trek: Voyager foes.

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S4 e1 - scorpion (2), s4 e2 - the gift, s4 e3 - day of honor, s4 e4 - nemesis, s4 e5 - revulsion, s4 e6 - the raven, s4 e7 - scientific method, s4 e8 - year of hell (1), s4 e9 - year of hell (2), s4 e10 - random thoughts, s4 e11 - concerning flight, s4 e12 - mortal coil, s4 e13 - waking moments, s4 e14 - message in a bottle, s4 e15 - hunters, s4 e16 - prey, s4 e17 - retrospect, s4 e18 - the killing game (1), s4 e19 - the killing game (2), s4 e20 - vis à vis, streaming, rent, or buy star trek: voyager – season 4:.

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On their long voyage back to Earth, Capt. Janeway and her spaceship crew do battle with Kazons, Borg, Cardassians and other galactic enemies.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 4 to film in early 2025

By daniel roman | 11:46 am edt.

Pictured: Anson Mount as Pike of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS. Photo Cr: Marni Grossman/Paramount+ ©2022 ViacomCBS. All Rights Reserved.

There have been a lot of Star Trek shows coming out in the past few years, but few have captured hearts and minds like Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . This prequel series follows Captain Pike (Anson Mount) and his crew aboard the USS Enterprise, filling in the years before Captain James T. Kirk took over the ship in the original series. After experimenting with weightier storytelling in Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek: Picard , Strange New Worlds signified a return to form for the franchise with its adventure-of-the-week episodes and lighter tone.

It's obvious that Paramount+ knows it's got a hit on its hands, because Strange New Worlds has already aired two seasons and has a third on the way in 2025. But that's not all! The show also got an early renewal for season 4 all the way back in April of 2024, so we've known for a while now that we've got a few more outings with Pike on the Enterprise ahead. And the latest news coming out of Starfleet indicates the fourth season may start filming even earlier than expected — which means we may be watching it even earlier than expected. It's exciting times on the final frontier!

This comes from The Hollywood Reporter , which just published an interview with Paul Wesley, the actor who portrays young James T. Kirk in Strange New Worlds . The interview is primarily about how Wesley launched his Brother's Bond Bourbon business with his Vampire Diaries costar Ian Somerhalder, but it did contain an interesting tidbit about the filming schedule for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as well .

"Definitely, for me, neither takes a priority," Wesley replied when THR asked how he balances his time between acting and his business endeavors. "I mean, it’s one of these situations where, with acting, it’s very much a freelance job. For example, I’m going off to shoot season four of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds in February , and they know that. So, I’ve accounted for that time, and I’m committed to that, and Ian’s gonna take over some of my duties, and I have other team members. I need to be in front of the camera. I need to do things, as far as finding characters. That, for me, that’s rewarding. I’ve done it since I was a child. I’ve literally been doing theater since I was in third grade, and so I have to continue doing it. And also it feeds the product. If I’m doing well, then the company’s thriving as well, because I have more eyeballs on me, I suppose."

110 - A Quality of Mercy

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 4 to film in February 2025

It's important to note that the February date is just when Wesley is being called to Toronto for filming — for all we know, it could start even earlier than that for other actors. But regardless, it's good to have a finite time window where we know production will be ramping up on Strange New Worlds season 4. This means it'll likely be filming before season 3 even releases in 2025. And that makes it very possible that we could get season 4 in 2026, which is fantastic. Take that, two-year-gap norm for genre shows!

Of course, Strange New Worlds isn't the only Star Trek show on the way. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy began production last month in Toronto as well. That one stars Holly Hunter as the head of the titular Starfleet Academy which trains prospective members of Starfleet. Paul Giamatti plays a mysterious villain, and Kerrice Brooks, Bella Shepard, George Hawkins, Karim Diané, Zoë Steiner, and Sandro Rosta play new recruits at the academy. It's also expected to feature appearances from a bunch of Star Trek veterans like Tig Notaro, Oded Fehr and Mary Wiseman from Star Trek: Discovery and Robert Picardo from Star Trek: Voyager . Starfleet Academy is an ambitious show, and it's going to be interesting to see how it stands besides the likes of Strange New Worlds .

So strap in for more Star Trek in 2025 and 2026! Something tells me it's going to be a good few years in Starfleet.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4 Gets Exciting Filming Update From Kirk Actor


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Season 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds hasn’t been released, but actor Paul Wesley, who plays Captain James T. Kirk on the series, is already talking about filming Season 4. Per Screen Rant , Wesley said he’s “off to shoot Season 4 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds in February.”

Wesley and his Vampire Diaries co-star Ian Somerhalder, own a bourbon brewing company. Wesley said some of his work for the company will be handed over to Somerhalder when he is off shooting Season 4. “So, I’ve accounted for that time, and I’m committed to that, and Ian’s gonna take over some of my duties and I have other team members,” Wesley said.

Zachary Quinto Remains Hopeful for Spock Return Despite Star Trek 4 Stalling

Zachary Quinto, who played Spock in the Kelvin movies, said he would return to portray the character at any time.

Wesley’s Kirk is a recurring character in the first two seasons of Strange New Worlds and will continue to be in Season 3. The series follows an earlier period before Kirk captains the starship Enterprise. Anson Mount stars in the series as Captain Christopher Pike. Filming on Season 3 of the series wrapped earlier this year and is expected to air on Paramount+ sometime in 2025.

More of Kirk and Spock’s Friendship to Come?

The third season may bring with it more hints of the friendship between Kirk and Spock (Ethan Peck). Wesley told Screen Rant there is going to be “some amazing stuff in Season 3.” He added, “ It’s a slow burn. You don’t want to explore everything out of the gate. It’s nice to have the characters slowly get to know one another because that friendship is so important to this series.”

It’s nice to have the characters slowly get to know one another because that friendship is so important to this series.

Wesley said it is nice that the show is sprinkling in “hints of what’s to come. Hints of how connected they will be, even though they could not be more opposite. Kirk and Spock are very yin and yang in a good way. We explore that,” Wesley said.

A clip from Season 3 was shown at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con that showed a scene in which Pike and his crew are posing as Vulcans for a mission. The crew had been injected with a revised Kerkhovian serum and are transformed into Vulcans, lack of emotion and all, which ends up annoying Spock.

A returning behind-the-scenes presence will be director Jonathan Frakes. He is probably best known as Commander Will Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and later Captain Riker in Star Trek: Picard. Frakes is a seasoned director having directed multiple episodes of several Star Trek series, Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Insurrection.

Earlier this year Frakes said one episode in particular that he directed for the upcoming season is “the best episode of television I’ve ever done.” Frakes added the episode has a “Hollywood Murder Mystery” theme. Frakes directed the "Those Old Scientists” episode of Strange New Worlds in Season 2, a crossover between the live-action show and the animated Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Magic: The Gathering Animated Series Moving Forward With Star Trek: Picard Showrunner

Terry Matalas, showrunner for Picard Season 3 and Vision Quest, set to helm Magic: The Gathering Animated series for Netflix

Strange New Worlds is not the only Star Trek series fans have to look forward to on Paramount+ in the near future. S tar Trek: Starfleet Academy is forthcoming, and will star Holly Hunter, Paul Giamatti, Tig Notaro, Oded Fehr and Mary Wiseman. Star Trek: Voyager’s Robert Picardo will be reprising his role as The Doctor.

A teaser trailer for Star Trek: Section 31, a movie starring Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgieou, dropped last month. The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks, which stars Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome, will premiere Oct. 24.

Source: Screen Rant

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)


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  23. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4 Gets Exciting Filming ...

    Star Trek: Voyager's Robert Picardo will be reprising his role as The Doctor. A teaser trailer for Star Trek: Section 31, a movie starring Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgieou, dropped last month. The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks, which stars Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome, will premiere Oct. 24. Source: Screen Rant

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