Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux - Changes and additions in the re-release

Next week, another Atlus re-release lands on Nintendo 3DS with  Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux getting the do-over treatment this time around. As is now commonplace with Atlus, this port is an enhanced re-release which features both new content and other tweaks not present in the original 2010 game. Additionally, much like with Radiant Historia earlier in the year, this is also the first time Strange Journey will see an official release in Europe thanks to the publishing team at Deep Silver.

I've had some time with the game ahead of launch, and I wanted to break down what additions and changes you can expect in the new version:

Alex & The Womb of Grief

In terms of 'new content' in Strange Journey Redux , it all revolves around a new character Alex and a new dungeon area called the 'Womb of Grief'.  


While playing through the main storyline, you'll inevitably encounter Alex as she tries to murder the protagonist. At this point in the game, a new dungeon is unlocked for exploration, accessed independently from the game's original dungeon areas. Additional floors of the Womb of Grief periodically become available as you progress through the main game.

These new floors offer a slight bump in challenge from the original dungeon mazes, both in enemy strength and dungeon design. Progressing through the Womb of Grief will not only shed more light on Alex and her goals, but will also reward the player with some new demons and new Sub-Apps not found in the original release. 

The Womb of Grief also holds a handful of new Ex Mission side quests. Many of these are 'challenge battles', which place a limitation on the player as you are tasked to defeat a certain enemy group.


Three New Endings

The original Strange Journey had three separate ending you could see, depending on the player's alignment before a key moment near the end of the game. These endings are still available in Strange Journey Redux , but three new endings can also be seen if the player finishes the Womb of Grief.

Without getting into spoiler details, these new endings are still aligned the same way as before, but now you can ultimately choose between the old or new version of the ending of your final alignment - as long as you have completed the Womb of Grief. That means there are six endings in total to see.

New Sub-Apps and Commander Skills

App mechanics have been in several recent SMT titles such as Shin Megami Tensei IV and Apocalypse . Sub-Apps offer a variety of bonuses to the player such as HP regeneration or lowering the encounter rate. In the original release of Strange Journey , the player had a limit on the number of Sub-Apps that could be equipped at any one time.

This limitation is removed in Strange Journey Redux , and now you can simultaneously equip as many Sub-Apps as you'd like  (with the exception of Apps that do opposite effects, such as raising or lowering enemy encounter rate). Additionally, Sub-Apps can be equipped or unequipped anywhere on the field, whereas this had to be done at Terminal locations in the original release.


There are several new Sub-Apps with new bonuses, many of which are obtained through the new Womb of Grief dungeon. One such new Sub-App is 'March to Death', which prevents the Game Over screen when the Main Character is KOed, as long as one demon in the battle party is still alive. Several other new Sub-Apps improve the versatility of the game's Demon Co-op mechanics. There is also a Sub-App that prevents encounters with low-level enemies, and another Sub-App that shows you where teleporters will take you.

Commander Skills

Some of the new Sub-Apps unlock a new mechanic known as Commander Skills. These are battle abilities that the protagonist character can use in combat, with various effects. One such commander skill is 'Assailment', which increases the attack potency of the rest of the team for one turn. There are also some Auto Commander Skills that activate randomly during any given turn. One such Auto Commander Skill is 'Blitzkrieg', which allows the full player party to attack before the enemy party.



As expected in re-releasing on 3DS, the game has a noticeable jump in visual design, especially when it comes to the game's user interface. While the character designs were originally drawn by Kazuma Kaneko, these have been slightly updated by Masayuki Doi, who also designed the newcomer Alex. Character portraits are also a little more animated, featuring various facial expressions during dialogue.


A handful of event scenes have been added to key story moments in the game. These aren't fully animated cutscenes, but rather still art with some dynamic effects.

Dialogue is also fully voiced this time around with Japanese voiceovers. A handful of new musical tracks are also found in the re-release, mostly centering around the new content.

Finally, the game has a new animated opening for the re-release. Note, while this is the opening to the game, it does in fact contain some spoilers. The opening is also subtitled in the English release.

Other Changes

Several other changes are also made to the game's numerous systems. Note that some of these changes are significant and others are fairly minor mechanical tweaks.

  • The original Strange Journey only held two total save slots on the DS cart, and saves could only be made either at the home-base Command Room or various Terminals scattered among the game maps. Strange Journey Redux has 20 normal save slots in addition to a single field save slot that allows you to save anywhere on any map.
  • Three different difficulty options can be selected this time around and can be changed at any time during the playthrough. A fourth 'Impossible' difficulty is available on a second playthrough, which cannot be changed once selected. The original Strange Journey did not have an option to change the default difficulty.
  • More demons can be held by the player at one time. By the end of the game, you can hold 18 total demons compared to 12 in the original release.
  • When fusing a new demon using a Demon Source, the player can directly choose which skills are transferred to the fused demon.
  • When a demon wants to change one of its skills, you can now see what skill it will change to before deciding to allow the skill mutation. 
  • When performing a Special Fusion, component demons can be directly added from the Demon Compendium (rather than having all demons in present in the current party).
  • ~30* new demons, obtained via the new content. [Note*: Some of the 'new' demons were available in the original release through in-game password only].
  • Now sub apps, player level, and map progress can be carried over into new game plus, which was not the case in the original.
  • A demon can be changed in the battle party during combat in one turn instead of two.
  • When retreating from battle, a chance of success is given as a percentage.
  • You can heal your party at the home base for free, rather than at a macca cost.
  • The thumb-pad can be set to either move the player or slide the lower screen map via the config menu.
  • You can browse maps of other floors, rather than just the one you are currently on.
  • Battle animations can be set to Default speed, Double speed, or Skipped entirely.
  • You can 'dash' in the dungeon in the forward direction.
  • You can set a toggle to have a final check before starting the selected battle actions.
  • You can set a toggle to have doors automatically open with a forward movement, rather than having to press A.
  • If there is an open slot in the four-person battle party when a demon is recruited, they will automatically join the battle party rather than going directly to the reserve.
  • When a demon in your stock reaches Analysis Level 3, they will offer their Demon Source in the same battle, rather than at the next level-up.
  • If a demon's weakness is found before Analysis Level 2, it will be remembered in the Demonica's memory (in the original release you had to get the Analysis Level to 2 to see weaknesses at all.)
  • A handful of text/localization tweaks throughout.

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux releases on May 15 in North America and May 18 in Europe for Nintendo 3DS.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

Review Platform:

Developer(s), publisher(s).

  • 🇪🇺 Deep Silver

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is exactly what is advertised: a strange, phenomenal journey into the unknown. Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

Set sometime in the Earth’s near future, a mysterious dimensional phenomenon known as the Schwarzwelt appears in Antarctica and threatens to very quickly engulf the entire world. An international investigation team comprised of the best and brightest is sent to investigate the Schwarzwelt from the inside. They end up finding angels and demons waging war on one another for the fate of both the world and the humans who reside there. In true Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) fashion, the crucial decision of who to side with falls on you, the player, as a nameless member of the investigation team. Will you ultimately pick a route with either the more lawful-minded angels, the chaotic demons, or have humanity solve their own problems?

The narrative in SMT: Strange Journey Redux is a thrilling, intense one about extremes. The idea that humanity brought the Schwarzwelt on themselves through their tendency towards self-destructive actions was compelling, and I found it especially relevant given so many of the more troubling headlines we see today. Personally, I loved the science fiction undertones intermixed with the supernatural, though I know that is certainly a bit different from the norm as far as SMT storylines go. Another thing that is unique is that the crew all consists of older, more mature characters, which I felt fit the general tone of the game’s storyline really well.

Because this game is so focused on extremes, all of your decisions and the endings tend to never be that simple or easy. As such, the characters represent philosophical ideals instead of feeling like actual people. I found them to be likable, but also hard to approach. Zelenin and Jimenez both have moments when they stand out, but I often found those moments to be when their actions almost went counter to the routes they represented (Law and Chaos, specifically); for example, Jimenez’s fondness for Bugaboo and the main character’s friendship, despite the “only the strong survive” mentality he so often took. Gore is an even more extreme example of this philosophical modeling, given his otherworldly connections later on in the plot. Even Alex, who seems to represent humanity’s selfishness even in the face of extreme change and danger, can sometimes suffer from this. I came to like the characters all in their own ways and I was truthfully torn when it came to having to decide their fates, but it is in a different sort of manner to how you might grow attached to, say, the Persona characters (to name another SMT spinoff). The only characters that truly seem to be “real” in a sense are the crew members of the Red Sprite, and they’re pretty minor in the plot’s grand scheme.

Dungeon-crawling and demon fusion are the staples behind SMT: Strange Journey Redux’s challenging gameplay. This is best exemplified in the plot itself, as the player’s character wears a special suit of armor called a Demonica. This suit gives the player access to the Demon Summoning Program, thus giving them the ability to summon and control demons to fight in the party. Having a strong set of demons at your side is invaluable in the trials that await gamers over the course of SMT: Strange Journey Redux. Demons are acquired by one of three ways: talking to a particular demon during a battle in a demon negotiation; fusing existing demons in your roster together in order to create a new demon that inherits the skills of its predecessors; or generating passwords that summon demons you can then put into your party lineup. Players can even share these passwords with fellow gamers, so others may call forth your tailored demons during their own playthrough if they desire. Demon negotiations are quite a bit of work as every demon has its own distinct personality. Winning a demon over during a negotiation is no easy feat, but it is definitely worth trying if you wish to use acquired demons in the fusion process since you can create some truly powerful allies! You can spend a great deal of time fusing demons together, especially if you’re looking for a future demon to inherit a particularly useful skill or ability. I found the demon collecting and fusion mechanics to be highly addictive, and I put quite a bit of thought and strategy behind my reasoning for fusing certain demons together since I always needed to be mindful of which skills or statistics would work best in a particular dungeon or boss fight. While I didn’t take full advantage of the demon password system until the final portion of the game, I truly appreciated its implementation during some very challenging boss fights.

Dungeon-crawling in SMT: Strange Journey Redux can be a time-consuming affair as every new map is complex and often features more pathways and puzzles than one can shake a stick at. Adding to the nuances already in play in these puzzle-laden expeditions is the fact that the player’s character is tasked with retrieving Forma, a special item that is either found lying around the various dungeon areas or that is being held by hostile demons. Forma allows you to gain access to new items and equipment, which is vitally important as the only way your character’s abilities and skillsets improve or alter is through upgrading your Demonica and weaponry. Some of these upgrades include special Apps for the Demonica that gives the player entry to areas of dungeons that otherwise would be completely blocked off. These dungeon altering special Apps may simply unlock doors or deactivate traps, or they may shift the layout of an entire area so that you gain access to new terrain.

It is easy to look at the sheer amount of things to do in SMT: Strange Journey Redux and feel overwhelmed, but every new puzzle blocking the way has a cleverly crafted solution waiting to be uncovered. I often found myself getting overly frustrated with a dungeon’s design or the tediousness associated with level-grinding, and had to shut off my 3DS for a while to avoid throwing it against a wall. Then when I’d go back a little while later, I was in sheer awe when I figured out what I needed to do in order to actually advance. There are certain areas that are much more frustrating than others (looking at you, Eridanus), but the sense of accomplishment and relief I experienced when I surpassed those challenges made me feel downright giddy. Thankfully, while there are more traditional save points populating the dungeons, the game allows for a quicksave feature when you’re out on the field, which is great for those with only a limited amount of time to play. I found that to be a very handheld-friendly feature, especially since you will no doubt be spending quite a bit of time level-grinding in each new area.

As Strange Journey Redux is an enhanced 3DS port of a 2009 DS title, there is new content to be had: new demons were added to the existing roster, Japanese voice acting was included, and the character designs were revamped. The in-game graphics are serviceable and haven’t been altered much from the original Nintendo DS release, but the updated character artwork and illustrated scenes are quite gorgeous. The musical score, both tracks from the original release and the new route pieces, are well-done and add to the atmosphere of the game wonderfully. Naturally, the biggest addition is the extra story content as the game’s total endings are brought up from the original three (Law, Chaos, Neutral) to six (New Law, New Chaos, and New Neutral). Because the storyline is built upon moral and philosophical extremes, the new story content expands on that notion to make further commentary on the original game’s narrative and endings. In a way, it’s a creative approach to the additional plotlines, though it isn’t without its fair share of weaknesses either.

Perhaps the biggest of these weaknesses is the fact that the Redux content is largely unconnected to the main game. Newcomer Alex does in fact show up in the original story a few times, but most of her scenes are entirely skippable if one opts to not do the Womb of Grief dungeon, easily Redux’s biggest addition. The Womb of Grief has levels that can only be advanced depending on where the player is in the main story and what Apps are available to you, but going back to it time and again feels as though it takes you out of the main plot. The Womb of Grief also has several dungeon features found throughout the main quest’s dungeons, such as warp puzzles and invisible floors, though very rarely do they feel as well-implemented as they do in the main game’s areas. I often felt like taking the time to traverse this lengthy optional dungeon was a chore, at least up until the later portions when everything comes together in both the main plot and Alex’s quest.

That being said, partaking in SMT: Strange Journey Redux’s new content is the only way to access the new endings, so it is worthwhile it if you wish to see them instead of any of the previous ones. As with the old endings, the new ones are sure to garner mixed reactions from gamers. I reached the New Neutral Ending myself on a blind playthrough, though I apparently teetered quite a bit between Law and Chaos with my decisions. I knew the New Neutral Ending wasn’t quite as well-liked by some compared to the previous Neutral ending, but I rather enjoyed the realistic way it covered the final story moments of the game and the way it approached my character’s moral neutrality. Someone might not like the new routes at all, or vice-versa. The endings are purely up to one’s interpretation, however the fact that there are now six endings is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Special mention should also be made of the new final boss, whom I came to have quite a few feelings for as a result of several lengthy and difficult first attempts. Eventually, I devised a strategy that worked well against them, but I certainly felt I’d earned that New Neutral Ending when all was said and done!

All in all, I really enjoyed the time I spent with SMT: Strange Journey Redux. The plot and characters really make you think about philosophy and morality and, as a result, I became addicted to playing just a “little more” every time I saw another story scene. It’s a game that stayed with me well after having finished it, and the sense of accomplishment that I felt at surpassing the many challenges that awaited me during my playthrough was incredible. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux isn’t a game for everyone, but those with the patience and resolve to trek into the Schwarzwelt will find a journey well worth taking.

Excellent choice-based philosophical narrative, well-implemented strategic gameplay, overcoming challenging dungeons is rewarding, addicting demon collecting and fusing.

New story content not seamlessly intermixed, perception of endings might be hit or miss, challenges can be daunting, tedious level-grinding.

Bottom Line

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux's challenging gameplay might not be for everyone, but those it does appeal to will find a well-crafted dungeon-crawling experience with a thought-provoking narrative.

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SMT:SJR / Empyrean Ascent: Maps and Walkthrough Tips

Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux. Location: Empyrean Ascent.

If you haven’t got there yet, check my Womb of Grief maps .

Empyrean Ascent is a solid dungeon that is a nice addition to the gameplay of Strange Journey. It only consists of two floors, but they are full of tricks. Here are my maps and walkthrough advice.

How to get there

If you want to get the alternative ending on New Game+, you have to clear Womb of Grief before finishing sector Horologium on Neutral route. You will meet the Redux exclusive character, Alex, and learn a bit more about her storyline. The last door in Womb of Grief will lead you to Empyrean Ascent.

Be prepared

I highly recommend getting Omen Bug and Guidance Angel sub-apps before heading in. You will also need the maximum level of both Gate Search and Unlock, though some doors are lower in level.

Final boss fight strategy

Shekinah is a composite of all Cosmic Egg minibosses, plus her own instance in the beginning of the battle. She will switch her weaknesses along the battle. Demon Co-Op is essential, so it’s better to have a variety of demons with elemental skills and a good gun. In case you really want to use demons of different alignments, get yourself Co-Op Enhance W, though it will still inflict less damage. If you are a beginner in the franchise and are not afraid of spoilers, make sure to check Shekinah’s stats on SMT Wiki .

Once Shekinah’s HP is almost gone, Demeter will be summoned to heal her. After that, Shekinah will unlock Cocytus, a passive skill that reflects damage if you aim at her current weakness. Keep her busy and utilize weaknesses while you can.

Upper Layer

This level is a warp maze. The warps here are conditional, so if you use Guidance Angel sub-app, they will all point to the start of the current portion of the dungeon. Warps look like doorways with masks (?) on the sides. You need to check the number of items on each warp. Once you pass through a warp (successfully, i.e. you get teleported) you can go through warps with this number +1 without teleporting. For example, if you teleport through an empty warp, you can move through warps with 1 mask, and so on. You can reset your count by going through the first warp which is usually 0.

The overall strategy is go get to the furthest point of the maze chunk and get teleported to the next one through a zero warp. You will get through normal and one-sided doors on your way, so unlock everything you can. There are also some trapdoors and stairs to use.

Empyrean Ascent Upper Layer

Lower Layer

If you thought that the Upper Layer is hard, this one is clearly sadistic. It doesn’t have a consistent symmetrical structure or logic. The good news is that you don’t have to clear it to finish the game. You can head straight to the room in the center to beat Shekinah.

If you decide to accept Louisa Ferre’s quest, you need to get to each of the four switches to clear the way to optional superbosses. There are no conditions to warps here, and you can utilize the stairs to pass through upper layer.

smt strange journey apps

Optional bosses are marked by orange tint.

Both maps have the same dimensions. Download them and click back and forth to see how stairs and trapdoors are connected.

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One thought on “ SMT:SJR / Empyrean Ascent: Maps and Walkthrough Tips ”

Thank You again for the maps of the Ascent.

Below you can find and updated map of upper layer. Sadly – incomplete, as I’m on my 1st playthrough.

But I plan on going back to this game one day, that’s for sure.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey 2

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Strange Journey 2 is a fangame, "what if" sequel to original Strange Journey title.

This game is free, and for personal use only, not for sale or redistribution. All the rights for Megami Tensei trademarks belong to ATLUS company.

Game features:

- first person dungeon crawling

- six main dungeons with puzzles

- press-turn and demon co-op combat

- VR battles against famous bosses of Megaten series

Your playstyle is defined by smart combination of alignment bonuses, Demonica apps, demons fused,  explorational equipment, Moon phases and commander skills

Modern AI models were used to generate characters and demons in Kazuma Kaneko style and backgrounds in 90s japanese animation style with retro pixelated look.

Development log

  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey 2, new big update 2.0 May 11, 2024
  • Strange Journey 2 fangame updated Apr 24, 2024
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey 2 is out. Apr 11, 2024

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Saw your game in the PSMT discord server. Just letting you know that I have respect for anyone who makes fan games like this

Bless you, absolute mad lad.

smt strange journey apps

Lord Yuan Shu

Video Game Walkthrough Guides FAQs

Strange Journey Walkthrough: Carina Sector

Carina Sector : Sector Code C

Lots of new things to check out. HP Regen I , Enemy Begone , and Fracastoro are all available (though you may be running out of capacity for sub-apps.)  All kinds of new weapons and armor, though for the weapons it is up to you whether you prefer rolling the dice on a weaker weapon ( Athame Dagger ) with high upside (3 attacks).

Before entering Carina Sector, you may wish to acquire the recipe for one of the special fusions ; Tyrant Mitra . To fuse Tyrant Mitra you will need to be level 25, and have Fallen Bifrons (16), Night Fomorian (16), and Jaki Ippon-Datara (14) . You will find them around floor 3-4 and higher of Bootes Sector.

Many new enemies that will give you trouble if you have not been upgrading your Demon’s consistently. New enemies are always harder anyways since you are experimenting against the unknown. Head south and east for a locked door, a deceased crewman and a Recovery Core x3 forma. West of here for an AT Carite x1 . Look for another east path just north of here that is long but leads to a Muscle Drink x1 treasure. North a bit more and east for a route that leads to stairs going up.

In the door and then Jimenez sees a contraption. Space Manipulation point confirmed…Error! Nothing you can do here with your current applications. Return down the stairs and now check out the north area of the 1F. A Recovery Core x3 forma is here, along with a Knockout Gas x3 treasure. In the northwest corner is a DF Carite x1 . Take that east route along the north wall. Along the way, grab the Miracle Core x3 . East as you get out for a new area.

Within is Mastema . You can say whether you trust Mastema or not, and then re-enter to see that Mastema is just going to hang out here for the time being. South of that room for an AT Carite x1 . Go west down the two-square path to speak to a floating pig saying that Master Horkos is eating a ton of food today. If you take that middle path back west you will see another demon talking about Master Horkos’ eating. Anyway, in this big area as you go south you will see a few more locked doors, and then a path going west (at the far south) that leads to stairs going down. Also a path going up to the east. We’ll go to these in a bit, but if  you go to the far north you can first heal up (west path after going all the way north) or hit the elevator just east of that. Elevator takes you to 4F, which consequently takes you to a terminal. Might be a good time to return, you may be able to buy something decent now like a Gustible Vest .

Back to the southeast of 1F now. Take that path going up first. Go north and west for an Enemy Search – a Karasu Tengu and Kuda . Back south and go up the stairs to Carina 3F. The north route here looks like a dead end but the wall at the north has a locked door to the east. Up the stairs again to 4F. Looks like this is the production area. Take the east route a long ways and you will come to Amrita Soda x2 . And that’s it, so head back down to the basement.

Arthur interrupts to say he found the location of Ship 3. As you go north through the door here in Carina B1F,  you see that it is pitch dark. Only way to know where to go is to ‘feel’ your way through by finding the walls. You start by having to go all the way north and all the way east. Then go north three spaces, and west all the way for a door. South for AC Carite x2 and north for a Haunt Plasm x1 and Bead x2 . Time to head back into the dark area again. Go east all the way, north all the way, west all the way, north all the way, east a few squares and then north. Take this east through a door for AT Carite x2 .

Back to the dark area. West all the way then south three spots. You should be able to head north, west or east at this intersection. Head east a few squares to reach a door. East as you get through, then north for a Terminal. South through another door, and now you are in the dark area once more. Immediately go west as far as you can, then south a few spots until you see a door.

South all the way and west all the way to see good old Jack Frost . He wants an Ice Vest to get back at this demon. New EX Mission: The snowman’s revenge . We’ll have to get one and deliver it shortly. Meanwhile, head north and take the Mental Drink x2 . Back to the door and the dark area. Look for a path going south right in line with the red exclamation mark. Enter the door.

We see the Elve, Ship 3 , but it has undergone some odd changes. It seems to have turned into Horkos, Glutton of Hell , or rather Horkos has sucked the Elve in and consumed it, and is now using it as armor. Then the bugaboo demon heads out and is absorbed too. You can choose to stay if you like but you’ll lose another 20 HP. Time to head out.

Go visit Mastema in that room on 1F of Carina. Mastema has a way of fusing a certain crystal to your weapons, but needs some things first to carry this out. New Main Mission: Mastema’s Request . I already had a Hathor in the Compendium to buy but had to input a password to get Wilder Jueyuan . Beast and Snake tangle is the password. If you want Hathor it is “Nymph and Angel harem”. Return to Mastema and hand over Hathor and Jueyuan. After this there is a scene with Mastema and Zelenin . The two demons are then fused into a crystal, which we now are calling the Shibboleth . You then acquire the Shibboleth in hopes of using it as a weapon to damage Horkos. And as a means of protecting Zelenin, Mastema sends an ‘angel’ demon with her, Power the Divine. Main Mission: Mastema’s Request complete.

Go over to Irving at the Lab and you will hand over that Shibboleth. You now have the Horkos Buster . Rest up and head back to the basement, and shoot that Horkos Buster at Horkos. His bond with the Elve Ship 3 will grow weaker. Horkos then knocks Jimenez back and runs away. As you leave, Zelenin sends in that Horkos has moved to the room above (where Mastema previously was). Make your way back and then again we see Horkos, still fused to the Elve. Shoot as soon as you can as Jimenez will distract him. Horkos flees once more but drops some things; Chakra Pot x1, Sacrifice x1 and Findite , a rare forma.

Back to Irving to learn more about that Findite Forma . This will now enhance the unlock feature of your Main App; you now have Unlock B . With Unlock B we can open doors previously inaccessible; including some on Antlia Sector A and Bootes Sector B . We’ll take a detour to open these doors in those previous sectors, though if you wish to skip ahead to the main guide just pass the next four paragraphs.

If you are going back to Antlia , go to the far north wall on Antlia 1F. Use the Unlock B to go in the door. Then go straight north (another locked door in the northeast that you still cannot open) and then go west. North for another locked door and south all the way for yet another locked door. Head west instead and talk to the High Pixie . This was the regular Pixie earlier but now she has grown into this High Pixie. She says she wants faeries here and then first asks for a Goblin . New EX Mission; Faerie Land establishment I. Quickly summon a Goblin and then deliver that Goblin to High Pixie. EX Mission Faerie land establishment I is complete and you get a Sleeping Stone x1 as a reward. Nothing else you can do here as the rooms behind her are full of nothing.

Now to Bootes to look for Unlock B doors. Head to the northeast of Bootes to find one of the doors (but outside of the Bootes Palace). Two treasures within; 1500 Macca and Bead x1 . Go southeast of here and in the corner is another door you can now unlock. You will find some Forma, and the God of Wine, Dionysus . Accept his mission and he will mention a poisonous wine, distilled from the feather of a vicious bird named Zhen . Turns out we will need to negotiate one of these pristine feathers from a Zhen, you cannot kill the bird first. New EX Mission; Death distilled .

Nothing to do with that yet so head to the southwest of this region. Three demons will have you ambushed. Dawson and some other strike team members save you. Mike and Keema are also here. Agree to help them but the enemies are onto you already; EX Mission: Escape Plan has now commenced. Take the right door first to evade the enemies. Next, the left one and then the back door. Finally, the right door to make your way out. But you hear a violin; it is Fiend David, he who plays the tune of death. Having some experience through Carina Sector, you should be able to handle a tough enemy like this. Tyranny from Wendigo and Mitra was a big help, and David is weak against Zio so load up on lightning-users. After victory, EX Mission Escape plan is finished. Death Omen x1 is your reward. Return this to Irving and along with the other Forma, you should now have Enemy Lullaby and Fiend Converter sub apps available. Upon buying Fiend Converter you will unlock Fiend David for fusion creation.

Enter the Bootes palace for the final Unlock type B doors. Go to the east end of 4F to find a door that you can go east through. A Summon Stone x1 is within. Up the stairs now and take the door on 5F at the south end. Lots of lava here, so just go south and look east for Sacrifice x1 . Go up a few stairs to 7F and then towards the west part of 7F. This will allow you to go down staircases on the west end to 5F where there are two Unlock type B doors. One has a Bead Chain x1 and the other has Ag Incense x1 (along with AT Bootite II x1 forma .

Now return to Carina Sector . There are Unlock type B doors here that we can search out now that we have this on our Main App. Start off by going south on 1F Carina and then go through the yellow-tape door here going east. DF Carite x2 is within and then you can go east through that door for a shortcut. East a few more steps for another door to scan through. You will be able to get the Recovery Core x5 south of you. Take the north route going east to speak with another demon talking about the amount of production they are going through.

East more and you have a few options. A door going east and then a door going north. East is a Terminal. Take the north door and follow that path west, south a tad, east and south to a Soma Drop x1 , 32o0 Macca , and Revival Bead x2 . Stairs going northeast, so climb them to a different part of Carina 2F. West and south through a door, and then east and south for a heal spot. Take that southwest route to see Horkos , still barely fused to that Elve Ship. Fire that Horkos Buster once more and Horkos will be in bad shape. Still, he manages to flee with the Elve Ship. You obtain a Bead Chain x1 , Vi Incense x1 and then MacCleary calls in to say he seems to have something like a signal from the Elve’s ship. Horkos is nearby in the east room. Go there and fire away to finally send Horkos packing. He goes in hiding while the Elve is destroyed.

Your group rests and you meet Louisa Ferre . A well informed girl. Meanwhile the pig attacks but Arthur gets the Plasma Shield up in time. New Main Mission: Carina’s Rosetta . Enter Carina and you will get a signal. Head up the stairs and Horkos will flee once more; but you acquire the Swine’s Hoof . Return this to Irving for him to examine. Irving turns the Swine’s Hoof into a new function for your Demonica, the Phase Shifter . After you obtain Phase Shifter A , rest up and head out.

Return to that 2F scan spot to shift phases. Take the northwest exit to go through a few doors and then take the Calm Core x3 forma and go up the stairs. Detox Core x3 will be waiting just as you get up to Carina 3F . Further east and through a door for another Detox Core x3 .

Now south and west and you will find three doors leading to dark rooms.

Enter the middle door and go south until you can go west, then go west all the way. Look south for an entrance to a St Incense x1 . Return to the dark area and go south when you can, then east when you can for another door to open. East and north for another entrance to the dark area, but instead go east and north all the way for a DF Carite II x2 forma. Back to the southwest door, and you see that forma just south of here? Make your way here in the dark area and enter to grab the Divine Shield x1 . All the way east for a Terminal, then follow the north path until you reach a locked door. Go through it and follow until you get Chakra Drop x3 . Follow the path for another Phase Shifting experience.

Head north, west and south. Follow this path until you get Bead x2 . Up a tad and west for more Type A Phase Shifting. In this new area of 3F you can wrap around counter clockwise for a Miracle Core x3 , and then turn around. You can go north and west through some doors out of the phase shift, but first head northeast and look for some stairs to 4F, then wrap around counter clockwise and grab the AC Carite x1 forma . Nothing else here so go back down to 3F and then take the northern path going east in this area for Detox Core x5 . Now go south into the ‘dark’ area (not the phase area). Work your way south, west, and counter-clockwise so that the forma in this area is west of you. Return to the dark area entrance by the stairs going up. Head south and east until you see a door going south; go through. Now head straight west, north and west through another door. You are in a new ‘phase’ area instead of a dark area.

Follow this phase area south and take the southwest route. Likely will come across a Jirae Seal x1 forma . If you take the north route here it leads to the beginning of the phase shift in this area (and it’s a one-way door so it’s a lot of backtracking if you take it). South of here for a terminal in the phase shift. route. Return east and stay the path as it leads to a Summon Stone x1 . East more for the stairs going up.

As soon as you get up here, a marker on the map for a large enemy. We can assume this is Horkos. Head west for a Miracle Core x1 forma. Take the nearby terminal as you get close to the Horkos room, and then rest up. You want allies that can cast Zio or Agi spells. Doppelganger is nice to have around because any attack at him by Horkos will just be reflected. Horkos has a strong attack so having something like Arm Shot to reduce his attack power is a must. Don’t do it any more than three times though or else he will cancel it. Horkos will also go on a Grocery Run to pick up a Katakirauwa , which he will then eat shortly thereafter. The more HP from the Katakirauwa that you take off, the less that Horkos will be healed. Horkos also has a ‘Taking a Bite’ ability that can do about 70-80 damage plus absorb half of that. But Air Dive is the scariest move he has, taking off 100+ damage to all members. Helps to have that Doppelganger to reflect it for 100 or so damage to Horkos. This is a long battle as he has 1800 HP but stay healed and go through your demons if you have to; focus on Fire and Elec attacks to get group beat downs. Tyrant Horkos will then be available through fusion.

You obtain Stomach Acid and Rosetta Car . You emerge back at the Red Sprite, rewarded for your victory as Main Mission Carina’s Rosetta is complete.

1 thought on “Strange Journey Walkthrough: Carina Sector”

oh god i hated david so much


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Megami Tensei Wiki

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Demonica (SMT SJ Art)

The Demonica

The Demonica , short for " DEMO untable N ext I ntegrated C apability A rmor," is a device and a set of equipment featured in the series.

  • 1 Appearances
  • 2.1.1 Analysis
  • 2.1.2 Sub-Apps
  • 2.1.3 Designation
  • 2.2 Shin Megami Tensei IV

Appearances [ ]

  • Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV -Prayers-
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV DEMONIC GENE
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
  • Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight : Accessory
  • Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight : Accessory
  • Persona 5 Royal : DLC Costume
  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore : Costume

Profile [ ]

Shin megami tensei: strange journey [ ].

Unlike any previous game, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey characters summon demons though the use of the Demonica, as opposed to the COMP of other Megami Tensei games. The Demonica allows the protagonist to summon, communicate with and transport demons, and also has several other functions, including it gaining experience, levels and stats, instead of the wearer. The Demonica initially starts by mysteriously receiving the Demon Summoning Program , which allows the protagonist to see the otherwise invisible demons within the Schwarzwelt . As the plot progresses, the protagonist and the crew of the Red Sprite gain several upgrades to the Demonica using the Rare Forma gained from the Schwarzwelt including, but not limited to: detecting more valuable forma, revealing invisible doors, unlocking races for demon fusion, and detecting invisible enemies. In negotiations, the Demonica can even convince demons about events that are not true, such as the protagonist being a beautiful woman.

Jack's Squad has a different model of Demonica. It is black and more combat-oriented albeit vastly inferior to the ones used by the Red Sprite team as supported by Arthur, comments from several Jack's Squad crew members, and the need of a Forma Search from the Red Sprite crew.

Analysis [ ]

The base abilities of the Demonica, on top of allowing the crew to survive the harsh environment of the Schwarzwelt, is identification and analysis of the inhabitants of the Schwarzwelt. Enemies first appear as Unknown data forms, and must be defeated at least once so that the Demonica can analyze and identify their forms. In the meantime, any elemental affinities detected will be memorized by the Demonica.

Once analysis reaches level 1, the demon is identified, allowing the protagonist to communicate with it. Certain types of demons are open to conversation; other types will always refuse communication unless the player has equipped the Lunatic Sub-App to facilitate communication during a full moon.

Defeating more of the same demon, or finishing combat with the demon in the active party, raises the analysis level. At level 2, all of the demon's affinities are revealed. Level 2 analysis is also automatically attained by fusing or recruiting the demon.

Once a demon reaches analysis level 3, the player obtains its D-Source at the end of the next battle if that demon is also in their stock. A demon's D-Source will always contain up to three fixed skills, with a bonus skill randomly selected from the demon's own learned skills. The Double Scoop Sub-App can instead allow for two bonus skills in a D-Source. Reaching level 3 analysis also halves the Compendium cost for the demon, encouraging a player to use their new demon rather than immediately fuse it off.

The D-Source allows the player to impart skills that a demon cannot inherit normally through fusion, and may contain strong skills way before the player attains demons that learn them naturally. The player can only hold 1 copy of a D-Source at a time. Demons can re-issue their D-Source after the player has used them when they level up, albeit rarely, even with the Demon Juicer Sub-App that facilitates this process.

On a New Game Plus , D-Sources are not carried forward, but analysis levels are. Recruiting demons that have been previously fully analyzed will immediately grant the player their D-Source, allowing them to quickly fill up their D-Source reserves on subsequent playthroughs.

Sub-Apps [ ]

The Demonica also has Sub-Apps, programs that affect things such as battle frequency, prizes awarded from victorious battles and how your summoned demon's skills grow. Unlike regular programs, Sub-Apps only have a limited space to work with and only a few can be equipped at any time. In Redux , the Demonica has no maximum Sub-App capacity, letting the player enable as many as they need.

Designation [ ]

The Demonicas of the crew has different colored sleeves depending on a crewmember's role on the Red Sprite. Yellow sleeves designate members of the operations team and related teams while blue sleeves designate members relating to support teams such as the resupply team or the medical team. A red sleeve always denotes members of the strike team. The protagonist and Demonee-Ho seem to be the odd ones out, having white sleeves on their Demonicas, which are ambiguous to what they represent.

Shin Megami Tensei IV [ ]

In this world the Demonica armor was built by Country A and Japan to protect soldiers who fought demons, and most of the ordinary suits are black ones. The Japanese Counter-Demon Force , under the government's Ministry of Defense Tamagami , adopted it to combat demons, making Japan the second-best nation at combating demons in the world.

The Demonica is introduced to Flynn and the other Samurai via the Black Samurai , who wears a Black Demonica . The gauntlets used by the Samurai were originally attached to Demonica suits, and is a feature that can be easily removed.

Two variations of the Demonica suit can be obtained in-game, but instead of serving as the COMP equivalent, the suit is simply armor. These suits also lack the adaptability of the ones shown in Strange Journey , as well lacking the ability to integrate apps and the summoning program with the entire suit. The Black Demonica can be gained for free when visiting the Counter-Demon Force Base in Kasumigaseki, while the original Demonica must be bought in three separate pieces (Helmet, Body Armor, Bottoms) at a special arms shop in Ginza .

Gallery [ ]

A Demonica as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

See also [ ]

  • Demonica-L, Demonica-N, & Demonica-C
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • 1 Makoto Yuki
  • 2 Ren Amamiya
  • 3 Goro Akechi


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  1. List of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Apps and SubApps

    Apps and SubApps are an integral part of the gameplay in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and Strange Journey Redux. Apps are the main software programs of the Demonica armor, responsible for the suit's visor and navigational capabilities. They can be researched or upgraded with Rare Forma, and are automatically awarded to the Protagonist after taking the Rare Forma piece to the Red Sprite ...

  2. What are the new Sub-Apps?

    New MegaTen: This was a joke New Game Plus app in the original that would either crash or, rarely, thank you for buying and playing Strange Journey. While removed, I vaguely remember reading one of the developers wanted to make this into an actual, full-fledged sub-game involving randomly generated areas.

  3. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux. HOME. CHARACTERS. SYSTEM. PURCHASE. Exploit enemy weaknesses for allies to perform follow-up attacks. Equip new weapons and Sub Apps to gain new skills. You'll need good gear and the cooperation of your demon allies to defeat the menaces lurking within the Schwarzwelt.

  4. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    North America. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is a game for the Nintendo DS console. An enhanced port to the Nintendo 3DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, was released on May 15, 2018. The game includes new artwork for the characters, voice acting, animation, new demons, and three new endings. 350 demons are fusable in-game.

  5. Does anyone have any tips about SMT strange journey? : r/Megaten

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).

  6. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

    App mechanics have been in several recent SMT titles such as Shin Megami Tensei IV and ... Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux releases on May 15 in North America and May 18 in Europe for ...

  7. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    The character is protected by Tetraja. The character has an empty status ailment box, and so is not afflicted by any status ailment currently. _____ Status Ailments ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ These are the status ailments in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Death ¯¯¯¯¯ Demon's HP reaches 0.

  8. Which subapps to get?

    Right now the only sub app I have on me is the one that let's you talk to demons on a full moon. I currently have about 12000 macca. zeik56 14 years ago #2. Probably the most useful sub-app is Relax Spray, since it makes negotiating so much easier. Of course it's super expensive early on, and I wouldn't just blow all my money on it.

  9. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, known as Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey in Japan, is a game for the Nintendo 3DS console. It is an updated port of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. The game includes various Quality of Life changes and improvements, new artwork for the characters--including portraits for every crew member, new EX Missions, updated visuals for the ...

  10. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Info

    beginning data ds game home item journey list map megami mission nintendo scan shin smt stats strange tensei update walkthrough. Add a new page. edit this panel. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Info Table of contents. Pre-sale information What is known Scans & images Famitsu Videos Release date.

  11. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey [a] is a role-playing video game developed by Atlus and Lancarse for the Nintendo DS.The game is the sixth entry in the Shin Megami Tensei series, which forms the core of the Megami Tensei franchise. It was released in Japan in 2009, and in North America in 2010. An enhanced port for the Nintendo 3DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, [b] was ...

  12. I'm starting strange journey redux tomorrow, any tips to get ...

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).

  13. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Review

    Game Review. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is exactly what is advertised: a strange, phenomenal journey into the unknown. Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

  14. Any tips to consider when starting SMT: Strange Journey Redux?

    Any SMT game (Strange Journey included) is meant to be played at a deliberate pace. Don't race; progress as quickly as you can, but as slow as you must. If enemies are too strong, don't be afraid to retreat to a weaker area and grind for XP/Macca, fuse stronger demons, get better gear, etc. And don't feel ashamed to camp near a Heal Spot so you ...

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    The overall strategy is go get to the furthest point of the maze chunk and get teleported to the next one through a zero warp. You will get through normal and one-sided doors on your way, so unlock everything you can. There are also some trapdoors and stairs to use. Upper Layer of Empyrean Ascent in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux.

  16. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey 2 by JamesHillten

    Strange Journey 2 is a fangame, "what if" sequel to original Strange Journey title. This game is free, and for personal use only, not for sale or redistribution. All the rights for Megami Tensei trademarks belong to ATLUS company. Game features: - first person dungeon crawling. - six main dungeons with puzzles. - press-turn and demon co-op combat.

  17. Strange Journey Redux NG+ questions : r/Megaten

    Strange Journey Redux NG+ questions . So I've just beaten the new neutral route (first try, followed my heart and didn't end up going into law like I did in SMT IV yahhhhhh) ... A list of equipment, sub apps, and a fusion calculator should help. Playing the game six times for all endings is NOT necessary. Maintain Neutral as best as you can ...

  18. Strange Journey Walkthrough: Carina Sector · Lord Yuan Shu

    Carina Sector : Sector Code C. Lots of new things to check out. HP Regen I, Enemy Begone, and Fracastoro are all available (though you may be running out of capacity for sub-apps.) All kinds of new weapons and armor, though for the weapons it is up to you whether you prefer rolling the dice on a weaker weapon (Athame Dagger) with high upside (3 attacks).

  19. List of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Extra Missions

    The following is a list of all extra missions available in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and Redux. Availability: Talk to Dent in the Red Sprite's Deck area after completing Sector Antlia. Choose to Talk to Dent. How to complete: The player and Dent compete in a game called "Don't count to 30", in which the goal is to count up from one to thirty, up to three numbers at a time. The goal ...

  20. Is Strange Journey really that tough? : r/Megaten

    34. Award. awildsylveon. • 3 yr. ago. For me Strange Journey had a bit of a tough learning curve but it does level out. The worst part IMO is not being able to see the demons until you fight them so many times- you're basically flying blind and it leaves a lot up to chance in the earlier stages of a dungeon. 11.

  21. List of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Forma

    This is a list of forma in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. Forma are special materials peculiar to the Schwarzwelt. They can be used to develop equipment and extend the protagonist's Demonica's functionality. They are obtained by defeating enemies in battle and from searching the field in a given sector. There are three types of Forma: base, assist and rare. Base Forma are Forma pieces ...

  22. Demonica

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. Unlike any previous game, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey characters summon demons though the use of the Demonica, as opposed to the COMP of other Megami Tensei games. The Demonica allows the protagonist to summon, communicate with and transport demons, and also has several other functions, including it ...

  23. strange journey redux demonica questions : r/Megaten

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).