
Have A Safe Trip Messages for Boyfriend (2024)

safe trip message to boyfriend

One of the underrated pleasures of life is travelling. It’s a lifetime experience that helps you learn more about diverse people, places and cultures. The importance of travelling cannot be overemphasized as you stand to gain a wealth of experience from it. What’s there to not love about travelling? Absolutely nothing, I guess. And what better way to go on a trip than with good wishes from the love of your life.

What’s more important than an exciting journey is the safety of the traveller. So, while looking forward to the fun of the trip, you need the safety wishes more. The prayers and wishes usually come before you embark on a trip. This piece is all about saying safe trip wishes and prayers for the man in your life. You’ll want them to know that your warmth, thoughts and prayers are with them through the trip, right?

There are a lot of ways to wish them a safe trip, and I’ve taken out time to bring you some of the best Have a Safe Trip Messages for Boyfriend. Enjoy the read!

Have A Safe Trip Messages to My Boyfriend

I’m not sure you’ll want to miss out on these lovely safe trip messages for your boyfriend.

1. May this journey of yours bring you extraordinary memories and sweet moments. I wish you a safe journey along with a safe return.

2. May you have a lot of fun on the way, my love. I wish you a safe trip.

3. May this journey brings peace to your mind and joy to your heart. Have a safe journey.

4. I hope to see you safe and sound when you finally return. Till then, enjoy everything that comes your way. Have a safe journey.

5. Happy journey, my Love. May it be a smooth trip.

6. Wishing you the happiest and most interesting journey of your life yet. Be good in health and mind.

7. May you be safe wherever you are, and may the Almighty God keep you safe and healthy.

8. I already miss you here, my Love. I want you to have the best experience through this trip. Have an enjoyable trip.

9. I hope you prepared well for this journey. I pray that God in His infinite mercy protects and keeps you.

10. Never stop believing in God because He’s the one who saves. May He keep you safe throughout this your travel.

Best Safe Trip Quotes for Him – Boyfriend

Send these best heartwarming quotes to your boyfriend when he’s out on a trip to let him know how much he means to you.

11. I can’t wait to travel around the world with you, my Love but till then, be safe and healthy through this trip of yours.

12. Wishing you a safe and stress-free journey. Be careful and pay attention to details.

13. I’m already waiting to see the pictures from this trip. Journey mercies, my Love.

14. Have a pleasant trip . You will be missed here.

15. Wishing you a great and safe journey. Have a blast and be well.

16. Some people say travelling makes you wise. Some people say travelling makes you humble. I say, don’t think and just travel. Bon voyage.

17. Just think of all those beautiful things that you can have while you are travelling. These experiences are repeated a few times in life. So, make the most of your stay in that city.

18. Get lost, run out of money, and do crazy things – these are the memories from your travels that will last a lifetime. But make sure you travel safely and take care of yourself.

19. Wishing you a memorable voyage. May your route there be unimpeded. May only good things happen in your travel.

Powerful Safe Trip Prayer for Boyfriend

You definitely want one or more of these powerful safe trip prayers for your boyfriend while he’s on a trip.

20. May God protect you. May He guide you. May your journey be safe and smooth. May we have every reason to thank God on your arrival. Have a safe journey, dear. God be with you every step of the trip.

21. Your journey will be smooth and safe for you. Have a safe flight dear .

22. You will never travel when the ground is thirsty. The people of the world will never need your blood. You will have a safe flight to the glory of God. And we will have every reason to thank God for your safe trip. Have a safe journey, my Love.

23. I pray that the sky will be so clear and there will be no rain or any turbulence. I pray that the pilot will have clear eyes and the journey will be smooth and peaceful. May God’s hands be upon you every step of the way. Have a safe journey.

24. I know the aircraft is conducive. I know the engines are sound and working well. I know the pilots are safe and sound. I knew all through God who told me. I wish you the safest trip back home. Your protection is guaranteed, my dear. May God be with you.

25. I know they will tell you to fasten your seatbelts, but you may never really have any reason to fasten unless you are landing after a safe journey. May God be with you, my dear. Do have a safe trip back home.

26. As you embark on this journey, may God protect you, and may His angels be by your side every step of the way. Safe journey my Love .

27. God will guide and protect you as you board the plane. God will watch over everything you do. He will keep you from all sorts of accidents. Have a safe trip.

28. God will protect your body and soul from all dangers. He will be with you every step of the way. Have a safe journey.

29. He has sent His angels to protect you. I am very sure of that. He will protect you on this journey you are about to commence. He will guide you and make you fit in spirit, soul and body to withstand whatever turbulence that may come your way. Safe trip.

30. God will give you peace as the journey will be a long one. He will guide you to do the right things. Have a safe trip.

31. Oh Lord Almighty, the protector of the universe and all that is therein. I commit my Love into your hands. Be his companion throughout the journey. Wear him your protective armour. Keep him from any danger that may arrive through Jesus Christ, Amen.

32. Dear Lord, preserve my Love. Be with him, guide him and protect him as he embarks on this journey. Surround him with your affection and be with him through the air, road and water. Amen.

33. The road will stretch forth and be your friend. The wind will blow and guide your directions. The sun will rise and light your path. God will be in control of the wheels. This is my prayer for you. Have a safe trip.

34. May the angels protect you and be with you today. May every instrument of the journey work in your favour. Have a nice trip, Love.

35. May the heavens be with you as you start this long journey. Have a good experience, my Love.

36. I pray today that you travel safely. Have a safe flight.

37. God will send his angels to guide and protect you all through your journey. Have a safe trip.

38. Wishing you the best of your trip. Wishing you the best of each moment. Never forget that I will be here to welcome you at all times. Have a safe trip.

39. Your tomorrow will be better than today. Your every day will be as amazing as ever. I wish you a safe trip today. And have fun every step of the way.

40. I miss you so much and I hope you make it home safely. Have a safe journey, my Love.

41. God be with you today and forever. Have a safe trip, Baby.

42. I may not have the power to bring you safely from there. The only power I have right now is to wish you a very safe journey and Godspeed. You will get here safely. Safe journey!

43. God stays with his people. He supports them and protects them wherever they are. He has supported you all through the years and I am sure he will do the same as you travel today. Have a safe trip, dear.

44. Let us in our gladsome mind, praise the Lord for he is kind. His mercies endure forever. He has assured us that you will get here safely. We are happy and waiting for you to get here. We all have missed you. Have a blissful trip.

45. I know you have a lot of stories to tell. I am sure you have a lot of things to share. We are happy that you have finally decided to come home. We are grateful that you have achieved even more than we thought you would. We are deeply thankful to God that we are going to meet again. Have a safe journey, my dear.

46. Your closet was filled with specks of dust due to years of neglect. But not to worry, I have cleaned out your room for you. Your room misses you and I am sure you miss it too. Have a safe trip, dear. May the blessings and protection of God be with you.

46. God’s path for us is clear. He has chosen your path for you and I am happy that you embarked on this journey based on the direction of God in your life. I wish you a safe trip as you journey down. Safe journey, dearie.

47. I know you can’t even wait to get home. It has been a long time and I am happy that you are coming back, FINALLY! Do have a safe trip, darling.

48. No matter how hard life is, I want you to know that no one has ever crossed the road of success without having to step on failures along the way. You have had your fair share of hurdles and hustles and now, I want to wish you a safe journey as you come home. Have a safe trip, dear.

49. You are my friend and I will forever appreciate your friendship. Even though we do not get to chat and talk every day, you have remained evergreen in my heart. I care about your journey that’s why I want to wish you a safe journey home. God be with you and protect you as you fly down here.

50. I am so excited to hear that you will be coming down soon. I miss everything about you. Have a safe trip dear.

When the one you love dearly is away on a trip, one of the simplest and most effective ways of getting into his head and letting him know that you’re thinking about him is by sending him loved up messages.

The icing on the cake will be sending him beautiful and thoughtful safe trip messages when he’s about to head back home. Oh, what a delight! Trust me, this is one of the little things that matter.

Of course, I won’t let you cross that bridge alone. I’m with you, every step of the way. If you are not good at crafting beautiful messages, I’m here with my list of well thought out wishes, prayers and messages that’ll fan the embers of your relationship.

Make sure you go through the Have A Safe Trip Messages for Boyfriend above and pick the best of them all, just for your boyfriend. Don’t forget to thank me later. Cheers!

safe trip message to boyfriend

Written by Olalekan Adebumiti

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Safe journey messages to my love: 100+ quotes and prayers to send your loved ones

Goodbyes are not the easiest things to do, especially for loved ones, because it means you will not see them for some time. Crafting and sending safe journey messages to my love is one way to make such a situation more tolerable for both parties. It leaves your loved one knowing they will be in your thoughts until you meet again. This mere act can keep the fire burning and prevent people from falling out of love.

sweetheart safe journey my love


Perfect safe journey wishes to my love, safe journey message to my girlfriend, have a safe journey and take care wishes, prayers for safe journey quotes, how to wish your boyfriend a happy journey, how do you write a safe journey message, is it correct to say happy journey, what does a great journey ahead mean.

The core reason to wish someone you love a safe journey is to ask God to protect them as they travel. Travelling can be uncertain due to accidents and carjacking that can lead to injury or even loss of life. For this reason, people rely on safe journey wishes before travelling and then show gratitude for arriving at their destinations safely.

100+ happy journey wishes for my love

Long-distance relationships can be challenging, especially when you and your loved one are miles apart. One way to show love and care for your partner is by sending them a loving sweetheart and safe journey my love messages . These messages show your affection and ensure your partner's safety and well-being as they embark on their travels.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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Prayers for a safe journey are crucial in any relationship. That's why families that pray together stay together. You can kill two birds with one stone because it is also an opportunity to remind your partner how much you love them.

How do you wish someone you love a safe journey? Below are some of the best safe journey messages to my love.

  • When the journey becomes boring and uneventful, remember how much fun we will have when you come back—counting the minutes until I see your face, my angel. But, before then, travel safe, my dear.
  • If I have just a single wish today, mine would be for you to travel safely. So let your trip be safe to and fro, sweetheart—much love.
  • I won't miss this opportunity to wish my love safe travels. You have left me behind, but I will be with you in spirit everywhere you go.
  • As you travel, go knowing that you are always on my mind. You will especially be in my thoughts every single second as you travel. Safe journey, and take care, my dear.
  • You can take my heart with you, but I may have to file a report with the police if you stay long without coming back. So stay safe and come back as soon as possible.
  • Dear, it is my wish that your ride will be smooth throughout this journey. When you feel that you are missing me, close your eyes and think of me. Soon, we will see each other again. I love you.
  • My love, you are the most caring person I know. Even when you are about to travel, you have taken your time to ensure I will be comfortable while you are away. May you travel safely and be fruitful in our engagements.
  • Every new dawn presents us with a journey of some kind. This is just another kind, and I hope you will enjoy every bit of it. You will return in one piece, and we will be happy together once again.
  • Baby, I want you to take advantage and enjoy every moment of this journey. Enjoy the incredible views and use the trip for relaxation because life will be back to normal when you return.
  • There is no better feeling than being on the road with a gentle breeze and scenic landscapes to mesmerize your eyes. Enjoy every bit of this trip, honey.
  • I have already started missing you, my love, before you even embark on your journey. I wish you a safe and adventurous journey. I will wait for you to tell me you have arrived safely.
  • None of us loves being left alone, but we will have to compromise because this trip means so much to you, sweetheart. So I will keep you in my heart and be at the airport to pick you up when you return. Safe journey, love.
  • This trip is an opportunity for you to forget about everything but me. So close your eyes and enjoy the relaxation caused by the cool breeze. Have a safe trip, darling.
  • I am a little jealous that you are the one travelling to lovely places while I remain to take care of our house. However, I am happy that you will soon be home, and I will not miss you anymore. Safe journey, dear wifey.
  • You will be away for only a few days, but it will feel like an eternity to me. So, have a safe trip, and know that I will miss you.
  • How far you travel doesn't matter because you will always be in my heart and prayers. I will patiently await your return because you are as much mine as I am yours. Journey mercies, my queen.
  • To me, you have always been the best gift that keeps giving. So, this is your time to take a break and have some fun away from me. Travel safely, and when you return, I will try to make life more comfortable.
  • I would be lying if I said I would be okay while you are away. Eagerly anticipate the moment you will be back. Have a safe trip.
  • You will be gone halfway around the world, but no distance can break the bond between us. So take care, my love, and let your trip be successful.
  • Through travelling, we learn more about our planet. Don't forget to take photos of all the excitement so that you can share your experiences with me. Have a lovely trip, love.
  • If I had the choice, I would hug you tightly and never let you go. But since this is important to you, I will hold back and wait for you to return. Have a lovely trip, princess.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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Safe journey message to my girlfriend

Safe trip prayer messages for your woman should remind her of your immense love lest she may find herself someone more caring and fail to return. Women deserve attention even when they are away; hence, you must show dedication before leaving the house. Some of the best journey mercy wishes to say to her include:

  • I pray that your journey will be safe and stress-free.
  • Have one of a kind trip. You will be missed here!
  • You came into my life with so much glitter and endless love. For that, I will love you unconditionally to my last days. Safe journey, my ride or die; I miss you.
  • Dear love, may your trip be filled with fun all the way. Let it bring peace to your mind and give your heart joy. Safe travels, sweetie.
  • I will see you safe and sound when you get back. But, before then, make the most of this trip by going to all the exciting places you can. Safe journey.
  • Let this journey give you extraordinary memories and experiences. May your journey be safe so that you return to me safe and sound.
  • Your journeys have always been eye-opening and exciting. May this one be no different. Be safe and travel mercies.
  • I pray to God to cover you with love and care in this journey. Hopefully, the journey will go well as planned, and you will be back safe.
  • I am so over the moon about your journey ahead. As you leave in good health, I hope you will also return safe and sound.
  • My lovely queen, I will be left behind to count days as I wait for your arrival. I hope your trip will be how you imagined it to be. Have fun and travel safely.
  • You are always jovial; I know you will have the happiest journey. So travel and return in good health and mind.
  • I hope the trip will be not only meaningful but also memorable. May the ride be safe and enjoyable from beginning to end. I am already missing you.
  • You planned for this journey to be enlightening with the best experiences. Hopefully, you will enjoy every aspect of it and create beautiful memories—best wishes to you, my love.
  • I already miss you and wish you were back, but I would be robbing you of some breathtaking experiences. So till you get back, have a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • We vowed to create our most memorable memories together, but this journey is too incredible an adventure to give up on. I know you will have lots of exciting stories for me when you return. Safe trip.
  • You have been preparing for this journey for the longest time. I hope nothing will go wrong and you will have the experience to cherish. Journey mercies love.
  • It will be hard for me not to worry about your safety, especially when you will be away for so long. Promise me you will take care of yourself, my love. Happy travelling!
  • I hope you will reach your destination safely. Return well and bring lovely gifts with you.
  • May this journey bring positive change to your life? Let it enable you to grow as a person and make you appreciate nature even more. Happy trip, dear!
  • I will make it my complete occupation to wait for you until you return, and when you are back, I will make time for all your unbelievable stories of the trip. Have a memorable journey.
  • Dear love, I hope this will be the best trip of your life even though I won't be there to travel with you. Let the heavens protect you and deliver you to be safe and sound.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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Have a safe journey and take care wishes

Just because your love is on a trip does not mean you cannot put a smile on their face. Sending them beautiful messages will keep them happy.

  • Go safe, move safe, stay safe, Leave safe, and then come back safe.
  • No matter where you go, you'll always be in my heart. Safe journey!
  • May God Almighty always keep his kind eyes on you in this journey. Stay safe.
  • Wishing with all my heart that you have an amazing, wonderful, and exciting trip.
  • May your journey be filled with adventures and excitement. May you experience it all.
  • Enjoy the sweet memories the trip will bring, and have a wonderful time. Safe journey, baby.
  • I pray for God's protection in every beautiful step you take away from home. Have a safe journey, my love.
  • May such trips fill your life with splendour and harmony so that every moment of your life will feel good. So travel safe and come back soon, dear.
  • Dear love, I am happy to see you go on this beautiful journey. May you achieve the purpose of the journey. I wish you a lovely trip.
  • As you embark on this journey, you have left a sweet memory behind, but I hope it won't hinder you from enjoying the best of life—a safe journey to the queen of my heart.
  • Whether you are here or out of sight, you will always be the hero of my life. So have a safe journey and create sweet memories to share with me.
  • Carry our good memory in your mind because I will always be yours no matter where you are. Safe journey, my soulmate.
  • The joy of anticipating your beautiful return will keep me in a great vigil as I wait. I will be praying to the Almighty to bring you home safely.
  • Let the route be smooth for your trip, let the sunshine clear the way, warm your spirit, and let your heart be joyous as you experience new adventures. Safe journey, princess.
  • It is my prayer that as you go in safety, you will also return in safety. Let this not be the end of your journey in this life. Wishing you well and will miss you. Safe journey!
  • Trips are for healing the mind and soul, so make the most out of this one. Have a safe journey.
  • I will not be by your side, but my prayers will be with you throughout this journey.
  • You are my missing piece; hence I will not be complete until you return from this journey. So enjoy yourself but also remember the people you have left behind. Have a safe journey, and take care.
  • Safe journey, and I hope you have the most amazing time and come back with amazing memories you'll tell the grandkids.
  • May the Angels of God fly you safely wherever you roam and guide you back safely to your family and home. I love you dearly.
  • You're more special than words I can come up with; have a safe journey, and always know that I love you dearly and continuously pray for you.
  • May your travel cures the biggest worries of your life and give you answers to all you need. Stay Safe, and always remember how much you mean to me. I love you.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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Prayers for safe journey quotes

What is a prayer for your love who is travelling? Sharing safe journey quotes can help ease these anxieties of travelling, providing comfort, solace, and a sense of protection. Below are prayer quotes you can share with your loved ones.

  • Wishing you the very best of luck and all the good things that life has to offer
  • The best time for a new beginning is right now. Good luck with your new journey.
  • May God grant you a safe journey and bring you back home with wonderful memories.
  • May you have a journey that's free of danger and full of beautiful experiences.
  • May the angels of the Lord go before you and protect you on your journey.
  • There shall be no qualms on your way; I lift my hands to heaven, saying beautiful prayers for your sake; you will go and return safely. The land is yours to conquer.
  • Every journey is in your hands, dear Lord! You know what is before us; make this journey wonderful for my beloved, and show him more reasons to love and trust you every day.
  • May the Lord protect you. In His hands lies all that is good. He will bless you in your going out and in your return. Have a wonderful journey.
  • The Lord shall be your protector and defence every mile of the way. Have a safe journey, and your mind may never be far from home.
  • God will never leave you. He will follow you through to your destination. Safe journey to you, gorgeous.
  • Every mile of your journey shall be smooth for you; I pray that the Lord will remove every hindrance from your path and make your journey beautiful. Have a safe journey.
  • An angel shall be by your side as you travel through the oceans; nothing will ever harm you as long as God lives. You shall testify of this journey.
  • I'm always connected with you by love, no matter where you are. Safe Journey, My heart.
  • Wishing you a safe journey, my love. You know how much I cherish travelling, but whenever I'm not travelling with you, I always feel lonely till you return.
  • Once you're far from me, you're always in my mind. I constantly think about you because nothing is more important than you. Love you forever.
  • The road ahead may be long, but you'll make it there safe and sound. Happy journey.
  • Thinking about you on this trip and fervently asking God to shower you with His blessings and protection on this trip. Stay safe, my love.
  • Here's today's reminder: You're in God's care and my prayers today. Have a safe trip, and always know how much I love you.
  • No matter how far you go or how long you're gone, know that my love will always find a way to follow you. Safe journey.
  • Every time I see the stars, I'll think of you and send you my love. Stay safe on your journey.
  • I may not be able to be there with you physically, but my love will always be with you. Have a safe journey.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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How to wish your boyfriend a happy journey?

  • Wishing your boyfriend a happy journey is a thoughtful way to show your love and support for him. Here are some ways you can wish him a happy journey:
  • I will be missing you until you're back safe in my arms again. Travel safe, honey.
  • May the angels guide you back home to me. You shall surely have a safe arrival. You're not alone.
  • I can't wait to see you again, but in the meantime, travel safely and come home to me soon.
  • There's no place I'd rather be than in your arms. Stay safe so that you can come home to me soon.
  • I'll be counting down the days until you'reI'll be home safe and sound. Until then, travel safely and take care of yourself.
  • I don't care how far you have to go or how long it takes; just come home safe to me. I love you.
  • You're one of the most amazing people I have in this world. I wish you a safe and wonderful trip, dear.
  • No matter what happens on your journey, always remember that I love you and will be waiting for you to come home. Safe journey, my love.
  • Safe journey, my love. I'll check in on you often and count the days until you're home.
  • I hate to see you go, but I know you'll be back safe and sound before I know it. Have a safe journey.
  • Stay safe, and come home soon so that we can pick up where we left off. I can't wait to see you again.
  • I know you'll have a safe and successful journey, but hurry back home to me anyway. I miss you already.
  • No matter where your journey takes you, always remember that my love will be with you every step of the way. Safe travels.
  • The joy of welcoming you back home today is second to none; I have prayed for you, and God will guide you home to me in safety.
  • No matter the route you wish to go through on this journey, the Lord will bring you home safely. Wishing you a smooth journey.
  • I have no single doubt that God has heard all my prayers for you on this journey. Your safety is guaranteed, my dear. May your journey be free of stress and hindrances.
  • May the Lord guide you in every mile you cross; you shall arrive safely at your destination. Have a safe journey, dearest.
  • May your journey be free from stress, and I pray that God Almighty brings you home safely into my welcoming arms. You're my heartbeat forever.
  • I pray your journey is peaceful and you get maximum success and enjoyment from this trip. Can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Already missing you.
  • Distance means so little when someone special means so much. You're someone special every day.
  • Whenever you're going far from me, my heart and mind, thoughts always centre around you because you're my everything. Safe trip, my heartbeat.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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If you are writing a safe journey message, you can begin your message with a friendly greeting to make the person feel welcomed and appreciated. Let the person know that you wish them a safe and successful journey.

Yes, it is common to say "happy journey" or "safe journey" to someone who is embarking on a trip. Both phrases convey good wishes for a pleasant and safe journey. However, keep in mind that the phrase "happy journey" is more commonly used for leisurely travel, while "safe journey" is more appropriate for someone travelling for work or other important reasons.

How do you bless for a safe journey?

There are many ways to bless someone for a safe journey, and it largely depends on your personal beliefs and practices. If you are religious, offer a prayer for the person's safe journey. Ask for protection, guidance, and a smooth trip.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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Speak positive words and affirmations to the person, such as "May your journey be safe and successful" or "I wish you a safe and happy journey."

The phrase "a great journey ahead" typically means that there are exciting and new experiences to be had in the future. It implies that there will be challenges to face, discoveries to be made, and personal growth to be achieved. The journey may be physical, such as embarking on a trip to a new place, or it may be metaphorical, such as starting a new phase of life or pursuing a new goal.

Safe journey messages to my love are a tradition in which partners wish their significant others well in their travels. If, for some reason, you will not be travelling with your loved ones, then you have to let them know they will be in your thoughts and prayers.

safe trip message to boyfriend

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READ ALSO: 120+ deep love messages for him to make him feel adored listed the top deep love messages for him to make him feel adored. There are so many ways to make a man happy. Expressing your love through some love messages is one of the tools that you have at your disposal to make him feel adored.

Deep love messages for him will go a long way in spicing up your relationship. Every time you send these love messages for him from the heart, it ignites a new desire that will compel him to love you more. It lets him know how much you love him and how often you're thinking of him.


Gladys Mokeira Obiero (Lifestyle writer) Gladys is a content creator who has worked with Tuko since 2018, where she won the Best Writer Award in 2022. She previously held other positions, including an editing role at,, and She graduated from the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor’s Degree in Project Planning and Management. In 2023, Gladys finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: [email protected]

Jackline Wangare (Lifestyle writer) Jackline Simwa is a content writer at, where she has worked since mid-2021. She tackles diverse topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Previously, she worked at The Campanile at Kenyatta University. She has more than five years in writing. Jackline graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2019) and a Diploma in Marketing (2015) from Kenyatta University. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and Google News Initiative course in 2024. Email: [email protected].

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65 Beautiful Quotes to Wish Someone a Safe Journey

Know someone who is about to set off on holiday or go abroad? Here are 65 creative and thoughtful ways to say ‘Have a safe trip’. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes to show them that you care.

Saying goodbye to someone who’s about to depart on a journey can be difficult. Even as a writer, I often struggle to find the right words to say.

These days, I’m usually on the receiving end of goodbyes – but I’ve had to say my fair share of farewells, too.

While ‘Have a safe journey’ will sometimes suffice, quoting a simple message, a beautiful saying or even a traditional blessing is an easy way to make a farewell more meaningful and memorable.

I’ve searched books, song lyrics and inspirational sites to come up with this list of 65 safe journey wishes . You can say these out loud, or you can copy and paste your favourite into an email, use it in a caption on social media, or better still, jot it down on a hand-written note!

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Tips for wishing someone a safe journey

Goodbyes are often emotional and can be overwhelming, especially when they take place at the airport or at the station. These tips can make saying farewell that much easier.

  • Don’t leave your goodbye until the last minute. If you want to make it meaningful, make sure you set aside enough time to say everything you want to say.
  • Focus on the next time you’ll meet. Whether it’s catching up for a meal or picking them up from the airport, make a plan and remind them (and yourself) that it’s only a matter of time before you see each other again.
  • Make a time to speak. If you know you’ll hear their voice when the flight lands or the train pulls in, you’ll feel much better about sending them off.
  • Remember, the person travelling is excited for the journey ahead – but they’re probably just as emotional as you!
  • Reassure them that you’ll be thinking of them. These safe journey wishes are perfect for just that.
  • It’s not only about what you say, it’s also what you do. Depending on your relationship, a warm hug or a hand on the shoulder can mean a lot.

Short and sweet safe journey wishes

These safe journey messages are thoughtful but to the point. They’re especially good for saying a quick goodbye on social media or by text message.

  • Best wishes for a safe, happy and fulfilling journey.
  • May the road be kind to you.
  • Go safe, move safe, leave safe, home safe.

A quote graphic.

This goodbye message comes from a Middle English phrase meaning ‘May you prosper’.

When NASA astronaut John Glenn made the first manned orbital flight in 1962, mission control used the word ‘Godspeed’ to wish him a safe journey.

  • Catch you on the flip side!

We often use this friendly way of saying goodbye in Australia. It comes from late-night radio DJs, who would use the phrase before they put on a vinyl record.

Listeners knew they wouldn’t hear from the DJ again until the record had played through and they had ‘flipped’ the vinyl to the B side.

  • Stay out of trouble!

A cheeky way of saying ‘Have a safe journey’, appropriate for someone you know well!

  • Smooth sailing!

First coined in the 14th Century, this phrase prophesied calm waters free from rough waves for someone who was about to set sail on the high seas.

It doesn’t just apply to water travel – nowadays, it can be used as a generic saying to wish someone a breezy journey.

  • “May the air be clear, your flight smooth, the plane ride safe, and the sky blue!” – Unknown
  • “May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake!” – Unknown

A quote graphic.

  • “The world is waiting for you. Good Luck. Travel Safe. Go!” – Phil Keoghan (The Amazing Race)
  • “I don’t want you coming back empty-handed – I want you coming back with a head full of tall tales, absurdities, and little moments of beauty. Have a safe trip!” – Unknown

How to wish someone safe travels in a different language

Are you saying goodbye to someone who is travelling overseas? Why not wish them a safe journey in the local language of their destination.

  • Bon voyage! – French
  • Buon viaggio! – Italian
  • Gluckliche reise! – German
  • Viaje seguro! – Spanish
  • Boa viagem! – Portuguese

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • Tsetchem leshalom (נסיעה בטוחה) – Hebrew
  • Chuyến đi an toàn – Vietnamese
  • Anzen’na tabi (安全な旅) – Japanese
  • Yīlù píng’ān (一路平安) – Chinese
  • Surakshit yaatra (सुरक्षित यात्रा) – Hindi
  • Mae alsalama (مع السلامة) – Arabic
  • Safari salama – Swahili

Inspiring safe journey wishes

Are you wishing a safe journey to some who is feeling nervous or anxious? Or maybe you just want to offer some parting words of wisdom that will inspire them to make the most of their trip. Travelling is a life-changing experience , and these quotes perfectly capture that sentiment.

These inspirational journey quotes and travel affirmations are suitable for family, friends or your significant other.

  • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
  • “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land.” – Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
  • “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

A quote graphic.

  • “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” – Beth Ditto
  • “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” – J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
  • “Embrace what you don’t understand, what you can’t see just yet, experience something new.” – Unknown
  • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Lanterns in Chiang Mai.

  • “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road
  • “Today is the first step on a brand new journey. All you have to do is keep moving.” – Unknown
  • “Most people spend their lives dreaming about somewhere else, go there.” – Unknown
  • “Ships may be safest docked in the harbour, but that is not what they were designed to do.” – Unknown
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

A mountaintop monastery with a beautiful quote overlaid on the graphic.

  • “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “The world is open to an endless stream of potential experiences; it’s up to you to navigate that raging torrent of possibilities and find your own destination.” – Unknown
  • “Remember that true contentment comes from stepping out into the unknown and beating back the ghosts of insecurity. Enjoy this trip and all that it has to offer and let your mind be open to new experiences.” – Unknown
  • “Get ready for the unexpected, for the trivial and mundane to be turned into the profound and insightful.” – Unknown
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” – Anthony Bourdain

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Henry David Thoreau

Safe journey wishes for your significant other

Saying farewell to the person you love – be they a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife – is often the hardest goodbye of all.

These romantic quotes can help you convey your feelings while wishing your loved one a safe journey.

  • “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown
  • “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi

A beautiful quote graphic.

  • “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” – Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)
  • “You’re my favourite hello, but my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

And if it’s you who’s saying goodbye…

  • “Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you Tomorrow I’ll miss you Remember I’ll always be true And then while I’m away I’ll write home every day And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you” – The Beatles, All My Loving
  • “So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go” – John Denver, Leaving on a Jet Plane

Thoughtful safe journey wishes for friends & family

These friendly travel quotes are perfect if you’re parting ways with a friend or family member.

  • “Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart.” – Unknown
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens

Traditional safe journey messages from around the world

Every culture and religion has its own beautiful and poetic ways of saying farewell. Here are just a few of my favourites.

  • “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand, May Angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.” – Traditional Irish farewell

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Goodbye, goodbye, loved one, goodbye. We’ll meet again, God willing.” – Kwa Heri by Libana, a Swahili goodbye song
  • “May you ride comfortably and tirelessly on the road you travel! May your golden way be filled with prosperity! Please go easy and well on your way! Please go well!” – Traditional Mongolian farewell

Beautiful safe travel blessings & prayers

  • For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. – Psalm 91:11-12
  • “Arise with you in the morning, travel with you through each day, Welcome you on your arrival. God, be with you all the way.” – Christian prayer
  • “Be mindful, O Lord, of those who travel by land, by sea, and by air… upon them all send forth Thy mercies, for Thou art the Giver of all good things.” – Orthodox Christian prayer

And there you have it – 65 thoughtful and heartfelt ways to say farewell to someone who’s travelling. What are your favourite goodbye quotes?

World’s best and golden words I’ve read here . I wanted to wish my crush and this site helped me a lot . Thank you very much.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Just a little note on the Portuguese wishes, “Viagem segura” is grammatically correct but no one really says it that way, we say “Boa viagem”

Obrigado, Rita! I’ve just updated it 🙂

Amazing, these are cute wishes and I think best way to say good-bye to anyone in a beautiful way. Keep sharing good stuff!

Great page! Very inspiring. Very meaningful. Very informative.

Please note typo: Buon viaggion! – Italian should be Buon viaggio! (There is no letter n.)

Keep up the good work,

Whoops, fixed! Thanks for pointing out the typo.

Kindest, Emily

Your words are amazing!

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Safe Trip Messages & Quotes for Love

Table of Contents

How do I write a safe journey message to my love ? — Is that what you ask? If you find it difficult to come up with the right words, we’re here to help. Writing a love note showing your care and concern for your special someone doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s just all your words has to come from the heart.

Nowadays, we live in a world where everything is expedited, and progress is accelerated. In a relationship, be it long distance or short, it is important that we affirm our love for each other in every possible way.

You should use every opportunity to express your love to your partner. This helps to strengthen your bond and keeps the love scintillating. Let’s have a look at some of the lovely messages for wishing your loved one a safe journey.

Why Write a Safe Journey Message to My Love?

Saying goodbye to loved ones you won’t see for a while is not the easiest of things to do. But writing a heartfelt safe journey message to your love can make things bearable for both sides. Your loved one will go knowing they are in your thoughts until you see each other again. This simple act can keep the love alive and keep couples from falling out of love.

Writing a message wishing your love a safe trip can reassure them that you’re always with them and you’ll see them soon. Like any other milestone in a relationship, sharing your love message will always be special and meaningful.

An image of a car on the road during daytime

List of the Safe Journey Messages for Your Love

You want your honey to be safe wherever they go, especially when they are flying or leaving for a distant place. Take some time to express your love and bid her goodbye with a sweet gesture.

Writing a safe journey message for your love will let them know you are concerned and thinking of them. Some of the nicest things to say to your special person when they are leaving for a trip are as follows:

Safe Journey Messages for Your Loved One

  • Words cannot describe what you mean to me. I’ll just tell you, “I love you.” Have a safe journey, my love, and see you again when you return to me.
  • There’s a strong chance I will buy a ticket and just go with you. I want us to be together so badly. Please have a safe journey.
  • You have been preparing for this journey for the longest time. I hope everything goes as planned and you have a memorable experience. Safe travels, my darling.
  • Trips are for healing the mind and soul, so make the most out of this one. Have a safe journey.
  • Enjoy the lovely memories of the trip, and have a wonderful time. Safe journey, baby.

Perfect Safe Trip Quotes for Your Partner

  • We promised to make our most treasured moments together, but this journey is too incredible an adventure to give up on. I’m sure you’ll have a ton of interesting stories to share with me.
  • My prayers are with you. I wish you a smooth journey. I miss you already. Have a safe trip.
  • I can almost see you when I close my eyes. But I won’t have to close my eyes anymore because I’ll soon have you with me. I love you, baby. Have a safe trip.
  • Take care of yourself during this journey. I know it’s going to be long and strenuous. Know that I’ll be missing you. Have a safe trip, my love.
  • I hope to see you soon. My heart beats earnestly for your embrace. It’s a countdown till I see you again. Have a safe trip.

Safe Journey Wishes for your special one

  • May your journey be free from stress, and I pray that God Almighty brings you home safely into my welcoming arms. You’re my heartbeat forever.
  • I know you haven’t left yet, but I already miss you, please just go and come back safe soon. Okay, thanks.
  • I hope you get this before you take off. Take my love with you as you go. You are always in my heart. Have a safe journey, baby.
  • I know this trip is a dream come true for you. That’s why I want you to enjoy every moment of it and get ready to tell me in detail. I can’t wait to see you again. Have a safe journey.
  • You are everything I have wanted in a partner and more. I’ll be missing you. Have a safe trip.

Are you still wondering how to write a safe journey message to my love ? This article must have given you some great ideas to craft one on your own.

Writing a safe journey wish to your loved one is a heartwarming gesture that signals how much you love and care for your partner . It will let your loved ones know that you’re thinking of them and wish them luck and safety as they travel.

Safe Trip Messages & Quotes for Love

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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100+ Happy Journey Messages To Wish Someone Safe Travels

Sharing is caring!

Searching for the right message to say “happy journey”? Here are short and meaningful ideas to wish someone safe travels on their adventure.

Saying goodbye to someone who is about to depart can be overwhelming. Depending on the situation, the departing moment can be sad, happy, excited, or thrilled.

The most crucial sense during farewell is the assurance that the person about to leave, and you will be keeping in touch and treasuring the moments. Hence, the sense of importance to both parties is what makes the messages and wishes meaningful.

Happy Journey Messages To Wish Someone Safe Travels

When do you wish someone a “happy journey” or “safe travels”?

You may say happy journey wishes and safe travel messages when someone is leaving for another place for good. It can be sad, but the sense of giving importance and value to each individual will make meaningful send-off.

On the other hand, there are travels where both parties will feel happiness and excitement. This happens when someone will travel for an extended vacation for a fantastic adventure.

Also, there are short journeys, or travels of someone who wishing them with words of encouragement will be helpful. These are business-related travels where someone needs to conduct business presentations or to close out some deals. They will need the wish of luck messages.

Why do you wish someone a “happy journey” or “safe travels”?

Whether it is simple or complex wishful messages for someone who will take a long or short journey, it plays an essential role in the mental health of the person that travels.

Wishes can be an assurance that somebody cares, and the person is valuable. It is a way to boost morale. It gives hope to the person who is about to leave. It gives courage and inspiration to fulfill the purpose of the journey. Wishing someone a safe trip or happy adventure, can also be an e xpression of sense of accountability.

Safe Travels wishes

Short “Happy Journey” Wishes

Here are short and quick messages to wish someone a “happy journey”.

  • I wish you well in your journey. I hope to see you healthy and fulfilled.
  • Take good care of yourself while having fun!
  • Have a wonderful trip, Bon Voyage!
  • You deserve the rest and trip. Bring home the sweet memories
  • Think of the new life and new memories!
  • Have fun and take memorable photos
  • I wish you and your family a safe flight
  • Take the blast on your cruise vacation. Enjoy every bit of fun!
  • Because you are a wonderful person, that is why you deserve such a fantastic reward!
  • I’m sure the trip gives you a lot of fun and memories. Keep safe when you come back home
  • I am happy you decided to take the once in a lifetime vacation
  • I wish you all the best on your tour. God Speed
  • Leave the problems here and go, have fun!
  • The next time around, we both will join in a beautiful vacation trip
  • Now it’s time to value Instagram
  • I can’t wait to see your trip around the world
  • I can’t wait to see your photos!
  • Honestly, I’m jealous that you are taking this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
  • Finally, your journey comes. I am grateful to have you in my life
  • I’m sure my place will be boring without you. Have a safe trip
  • Please let me know when you land—We just want to make sure you’re safe!
  • Don’t worry, the pilot is going to take care of you
  • Planes are the safest mode of transportation, it is rare they get trouble. But still, I pray for your safe flight
  • I will be standing at the terminal until you get back!
  • You’ll be missed by all of us!
  • The office is boring without you! Please come home ASAP
  • Congratulations on the journey! I cannot wait to hear the fun and memories
  • Fill your journey with joy and laughter
  • Do not get back until you bring us presents
  • Make use of your time while you are there. Focus on pampering yourself!

happy journey messages

Best “happy journey” messages

Wish someone you care about a Happy Journey with these ideas below.

  • You deserve your most longing vacation. We hope you will be filled with joy and happiness in your journey
  • I am happy that you are making use of your time in your vacation to relieve the stress
  • I wish your safety as you travel. Don’t forget to drive safely and always fasten your seatbelt
  • Even if I couldn’t go with you on this trip, I still enjoy to the fullest.
  • I am happy to know that you and your dad had finally decided to take this trip. I know it will be fantastic!
  • Reach home safely with more happiness. I will be waiting for you. Happy journey!
  • I am glad that you have a wonderful time with your trip
  • Enjoy your vacation time and have lots of fun, I may have missed it, but I am happy for you
  • I wish your trip to have more great memories to cherish. Safe journey, my friend
  • Have a blast of happiness with this trip!
  • May you satisfy the purpose of your journey. We hope for your joy and safe return
  • Congratulations! Finally, you were able to use your PTO for Vacation!
  • Be safe, and enjoy the mountain adventure! Feel the coolness and breeze of nature and be happy
  • I want to hope you the best of luck on your journey. I hope for the prosperity and fulfillment of your purpose. I am happy for you!
  • I am happy that this trip will be your opportunity to close the deal. Kudos!
  • Don’t worry about your desk here, I’ll guard it for you. Just enjoy your trip!
  • Let me see if anything comes up along the way. Have a safe trip, my brother
  • You may have an awesome trip. When you get back, let us have lunch.
  • We may be missing you as you take your journey, but don’t think about that; just think of the happiness and sweet memories you will find on your trip.
  • Savor the excitement and chill of your vacation. Remember, it rarely happens
  • Leave the problems behind and be happy with your vacation
  • Take the chance to relieve your stress with this trip. Happy journey
  • Grab the chance of making this journey to be an incredible experience between the two of you. Spend it to the utmost romance.
  • A bit of adventure can spice up your marriage. Heat it up this time!
  • Spend a little adventure to heat up your relationship. Be happy!
  • May this journey will bring peace of mind to both of you and take the chances of coping up. Have a wonderful trip
  • I think this trip is your sweetest journey as far as I can remember. Cherish it!
  • May your vacation will bring happiness and blessing. !
  • Never hesitate to take photos and videos and post on Facebook and IG! Be happy
  • Spending a particular time with someone you love is the most memorable trip I can give you. Enjoy!

“Have a safe and happy trip” Messages

Send someone a kind message to with them a happy and safe journey.

  • Do the very thing that others have not done! Vacation time! Bon, voyage!
  • May every day be a holiday.
  • Fill your journey with excitement and adventure!
  • Fill your vacation with smile, laughter, and fun
  • Today is a brand new journey to a thousand miles. Take lots of pictures
  • Make others get jealous! Post as many photos in IG
  • Make it a habit that at least in a year you spend once to journey to a solace place.
  • The exciting events on your trip are now part of your life’s book. Enjoy it!
  • And now the new adventure begins! I’m excited for you, buddy!
  • Be safe in the long and winding road.
  • Do not bring stress and problems in your journey!
  • Make your smartphone the chronicler of your fascinating adventure. Have a safe trip.
  • This journey will be a great help for you to open your heart and mind. Happy journey
  • Do not let anyone ruin your travel vacation. Enjoy every food and place. Have fun!
  • I hope you will have a carefree journey and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Bring back the happiness of your life
  • Feel the ocean breeze as you smoothly sail the blue ocean
  • Your time is counted, but vacation seldom happens. Savor the taste of your trip
  • Do not hesitate to learn from other people on this journey! Have a safe trip
  • Open your senses and feed your soul. This is what your journey is all about. I wish you all the best
  • Ships are built not for the harbors but to bring you to the best place on this planet. Have a safe journey
  • I know that traveling alone is your weakness. This time, overcome and make it your strength!
  • Remember that your travel today will be one of your deep reflection of tomorrow. You will learn from it.
  • Fill your bags with experiences and memories. Of course, include the souvenirs for me.
  • Do not just hop around the city, soak yourself with the culture and society. It will be more fun.
  • Do not forget to meet, greet, and thank the faces you meet in the places you visit. Surely, they will treasure you
  • The best thing about traveling is you get to understand the dynamics of the society. Learn from it.
  • Taking yourself away from your solace and taking yourself some time to travel allows you to gain confidence and courage.
  • The best memories during a journey are when you get lost, run out of money, and get drunk!
  • Do you know what the exciting difference of traveling today than 20 years ago? The Facebook
  • Remember the two essential rules in this journey: Turn off your cellphone and Unplug your laptop.

happy adventure messages

Safe journey prayers

For the religious type, sending them a sweet prayer on their trip might be the best message.

  • It is my prayer that you will embrace life and always be true. Have a safe travel
  • I pray for your safe journey. May this trip will help you resolve the problems and struggles you are facing.
  • I thank God for allowing you to take this journey.
  • In this journey, nobody will dare to stop the sun nor stop the flowing breeze. May your experiences will fill your empty heart
  • I pray to our dear God that He will bless your way to your destination
  • Lord, may you protect and cover my friend’s journey.
  • Lord, you are our guide. May you help my brother find the right path through this trip
  • May the Lord bless you and help you learn things that will make you grow
  • This trip has been my long prayer for you. Enjoy it!
  • I see your eyes are gleaming, and your smile is breaking. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to travel
  • The Lord is your light. The Lord is your Shepherd. Do not be afraid of your journey.
  • The Lord will surely bless and embrace you to comfort you. This trip will be your chance to self-reflect

Traveling is fun and exciting. However, some journeys can be sad. But one thing is for sure, in this life we all have to move forward, take the path, and learn.

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100+ Happy Journey Messages To Wish Someone Safe Travels

Last modified 01/23/2024

Have a good trip messages for my boyfriend

download romantic have a good trip text messages for your boyfriend

If your love is going to trip, you should see out him in a very nice way through a message that can carry on his mobile or consult every time you log into your account at social networking, you will see that every time he reads it he will remember you, feel your love and affection and will miss you very much.

Download the best have a good trip romantic messages for my boyfriend

:: “ I wish you well on your journey my love , my heart goes with you and will accompany you wherever you are”. Category : Have a good trip messages :: “I am going to need you during this time but remember that I  will be waiting here with open arms and willing to surrender all to you, my love”

Category : Have a good trip messages

:: “ Remember you are my love here and anywhere in the world where you are, have fun and learn a lot from all the cultures that you visit”. Category : Have a good trip messages :: “I know that you will leave my side for a few days but I take comfort in knowing that you will return soon, rest assured that I will be waiting with all my heart ” Category : Have a good trip messages :: “I feel a little bad because we had never been separated before because of a travel but I understand that you need to have to leave, do not forget my love I wish you the best for you and do not forget to bring me a nice touch”. Category : Have a good trip messages

Download the best safe journey wishes messages for my boyfriend

:: “ Happy trip my love , take lots of pictures of all the places you visit to teach them to me and tell me everything you lived there”. Category : Have a good trip wishes :: “ Take care, my life , remember that I am here waiting for your return and wishing you the best during your trip”. Category : Have a good trip wishes :: “ Do not forget that distance is not an obstacle to our love , I will say goodbye at the airport and will always be aware of your calls and emails, I love you so much” Category : Have a good trip wishes :: “I know it is not possible to travel together but I am still glad you have the opportunity to learn about another country, I will always be thinking of you and sending you my love across the distance ”. Category : Have a good trip wishes :: “I will enjoy a lot with each message you send me and every photo you teach me because I am going to feel I will be there. I love you very much and I will be waiting with all my love ”. Category : Have a good trip wishes :: “Wherever you would travel, you will get a part of my being also. I love you and I wish you well on your journey, don’t get late in your return, my heaven” Category : Have a good trip wishes

Share any of these messages in the Facebook Wall of your boyfriend or send them through text messages and you will feel better when he reminds you at every moment he is away from you, feeling your love despite the distance.

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100+ Examples for Safe Journey Wishes Messages that Inspire

Explore a treasure trove of 100+ inspiring safe journey wishes messages and discover the perfect way to send love and well wishes to your loved ones!

Life is an incredible journey, filled with adventures, challenges, and opportunities. As our loved ones embark on their own journeys, whether for business, pleasure, or any other reason, it's natural to wish them well and pray for their safety. Sending heartfelt Safe Journey wishes is a thoughtful way to express your love, care, and encouragement.

In this article, we'll provide you with over 100 examples of Safe Journey wishes messages that inspire and uplift. Whether you're sending these wishes to a family member, a friend, a colleague, or anyone close to your heart, these messages will convey your warmest thoughts and best wishes for their safe travels.

But remember, if you ever find yourself seeking even more personalized or thematic Safe Journey wishes, you can turn to Anakin AI's AI Content Generator . It's a powerful tool that can assist you in crafting the perfect message for any occasion, ensuring your loved ones feel your presence and care even when you're miles apart.

Now, let's explore a wide array of Safe Journey messages that you can use to brighten someone's travels.

safe trip message to boyfriend

10 Messages for Wishes of Safe Journey

  • Wishing you a safe journey filled with beautiful moments and unforgettable experiences. Take care and enjoy every step of the way!
  • May your journey be safe and smooth, and may you return home with a heart full of joy and wonderful memories. Have a great trip!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe journey. May you find happiness and adventure wherever you go. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you embark on this new journey, may you be surrounded by love, peace, and protection. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Have a safe trip and come back with stories to tell!
  • Safe travels, my dear friend! May your journey be free from any obstacles and may you find beauty and serenity in every destination you visit.
  • Wishing you a safe journey as you explore new horizons. May you find inspiration, happiness, and fulfillment along the way. Enjoy your trip!
  • May the road ahead be smooth and the skies above be clear. Have a safe journey and may you return home with a heart full of wonderful memories.
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and pleasant journey. May you have a fantastic time and come back refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you a safe trip and a memorable experience!

10 Messages for Safe Travel Wishes

  • Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey as you set off on your travels. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your journey be filled with beautiful moments, new friendships, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you embark on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with excitement, happiness, and unforgettable experiences. Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a safe trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing sights, delicious food, and unforgettable moments. Have a great trip!
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey as you explore new destinations. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new experiences, and cherished memories. Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to tell!

10 Messages for Safe Trip Wishes

  • Wishing you a safe and smooth trip as you embark on this new adventure. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your trip be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on your journey, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your trip be filled with happiness, adventure, and unforgettable moments. Have a safe journey and enjoy every step of the way!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe trip. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your trip be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey to your destination!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your trip be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your trip be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have a safe journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable trip. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Have a Safe Journey and Take Care

  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your travels. Wishing you a wonderful trip filled with happiness and adventure.
  • As you embark on this new journey, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. May your travels be filled with joy, love, and amazing experiences.
  • Have a safe journey, my friend! Take care and enjoy every step of the way. May you return home with a heart full of beautiful memories and stories to tell.
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip. Take care of yourself and have a fantastic time exploring new places and creating unforgettable memories.
  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care and stay healthy. May your travels be filled with happiness, peace, and wonderful adventures.
  • As you set off on this new adventure, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. Wishing you a fantastic trip and a safe return home.
  • Have a safe journey, my friend! Take care and enjoy every moment of your travels. May you have amazing experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip. Take care of yourself and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Have a great time!
  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care and stay safe throughout your travels. May you find happiness, love, and inspiration in every destination.
  • As you embark on this new adventure, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. Wishing you a safe journey and a wonderful time exploring new horizons.

10 Messages for Happy Journey Wishes

  • Wishing you a happy journey filled with laughter, love, and amazing experiences. May every moment of your travels bring you joy and happiness.
  • Happy journey, my friend! May your travels be filled with beautiful sights, delicious food, and unforgettable memories. Have a fantastic trip!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you find happiness, peace, and inspiration in every destination. Wishing you a joyful and memorable journey.
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with happiness, excitement, and wonderful surprises. Have a happy and safe trip!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a happy journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you a happy trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Happy journey, my dear! May your travels be filled with joy, new friendships, and unforgettable experiences. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a happy and pleasant journey as you explore new destinations. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new experiences, and cherished memories. Have a happy journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a happy and enjoyable journey. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Happy Journey

  • May your journey be filled with happiness, laughter, and wonderful experiences. Wishing you a happy and safe trip to your destination!
  • Happy journey, my friend! May your travels be filled with joy, love, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you find happiness, peace, and fulfillment in every destination. Wishing you a joyful and memorable journey.
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with happiness, excitement, and unforgettable moments. Have a happy and safe trip!
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a happy trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Happy journey, my dear! May your travels be filled with joy, new friendships, and amazing experiences. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a happy and pleasant journey as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your journey be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have a happy journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!

10 Messages for Safe Travels Message

  • Wishing you safe travels as you embark on this new adventure. May your journey be filled with beautiful moments and amazing experiences.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your trip be filled with joy, love, and wonderful discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on this new journey, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you safe travels and a memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, exciting, and filled with unforgettable memories. Have a great trip and enjoy every moment!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for safe travels. May you have smooth journeys and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your travels be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you safe and enjoyable trips to all your destinations!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you safe and pleasant travels as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have safe journeys and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for safe and enjoyable travels. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Wishing Travel Safe

  • Wishing you a safe and smooth journey as you travel to new destinations. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Travel safe, my friend! May your journey be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you safe travels and a memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, happy, and filled with unforgettable moments. Have a great trip and enjoy every step of the way!
  • May your travels be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you safe and enjoyable trips to all your destinations!
  • Travel safe, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!

10 Messages for Message for a Safe Travel

  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • Have a safe travel, my friend! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your trip. Wishing you a fantastic time and safe returns.
  • As you embark on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable journey!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, exciting, and filled with unforgettable experiences. Have a great trip and enjoy every step of the way!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe travel. May you have smooth journeys and return home with a heart full of joy and happiness.
  • Have a safe travel, my dear! Take care and stay safe throughout your journey. May you find happiness, peace, and inspiration in every destination.
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant travel as you explore new places. May you find beauty, serenity, and happiness along the way.
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable travel. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

Sending Safe Journey wishes is a meaningful way to show your concern and affection for someone setting out on a new adventure. Whether it's a short trip or a long journey, your thoughtful words can provide comfort and reassurance.

As you use the variety of Safe Journey messages provided in this article, remember that Anakin AI's AI Content Generator is always available to help you create customized messages tailored to the specific circumstances and preferences of your loved ones. With this powerful tool, you can ensure that your well-wishes resonate deeply and bring joy to those embarking on their travels.

So, the next time someone you care about is about to journey to new horizons, use these messages as a starting point to convey your love, support, and best wishes for their safe and memorable journey. May their travels be filled with adventure, discovery, and moments of joy, and may they return safely to share their tales of exploration with you. Safe travels!

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Safe travel messages for him, this article is about safe travel messages for him — enjoy your reading.

Angbeen Chaudhary

If your special someone is travelling somewhere then it must be so hard for you to accept it and think about living without their company for days. But life goes on and smart people are those who accept the reality and move on with it. So if your boyfriend or husband is travelling somewhere due to studies, work, leisure or any other reason, bid him farewell in a warm way with a special loving wish that will remind him of you when you wont be with him.

In this list I have compiled some great messages and wishes that you can send to your husband before he sets foot on that journey and let him know that you are happy for him and all the milestones he wishes to achieve in his life. Wish him well!

You are my whole world! Just imagining to spend these days without you gives me goose bumps but I am happy if you are. Enjoy your trip! I will be waiting for you when you come back!

Dear husband/boyfriend! We have spent so much time in each other’s company that the thought of you leaving for a few days scares me. I love you so much and I know you will miss me too throughout this trip. Have a safe journey ahead!

The bed will be so lonely without you on the other side! I know this trip is very important for you and I hope you achieve everything you ever wish for. Have a safe trip and return back soon safe and sound. I will miss you tremendously!

You have always been so fond of traveling and I know you are so excited for this trip. And I am excited for you! Have a great trip and make loads of good memories!

You cannot imagine how much I wish I was accompanying you on this trip but God had other plans. Nevermind! You have a great time! And don’t forget to take lots of pictures. Bon voyage!

I know you hate traveling but some things are just important part of life that one has to do. Don’t be nervous, you will have a great time there. If you ever get homesick, think of me and it will cheer you up. Travel safe love!

Nothing can compare to the love I have for you my love! The trip you are about to make will be hard for both of us as it will be the first time we will not see each other for so many days but I know it is for our own good. Have a safe journey and don’t forget that I love you! I will be waiting for you return!

Bon voyage dear! I never thought you had to leave for a trip on such short notice and if I am honest it gives me chills to think about home without you. Have a great trip and make the most of your time. I love you!

They say distance tells us what a relationship is really made of. I think of your trip as a test for us and our relationship and I know both of us will pass it with flying colors. I love you baby and I will miss you so much! Have a safe trip!

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Have a Safe Trip Wishes and Messages (2024)

So your lover or a loved one is going on a journey and since you know sending safe trip wishes is a way to put smiles on their face, you decide to find some. Isn’t that thoughtful of you?

Well, below are enough have a safe trip wishes and messages for someone special to you. The best collection of Have a safe trip wishes and messages for lovers & loved ones in 2024 and beyond.

Safe Trip Wishes and Messages for Lovers & Loved Ones

Cutest Safe Trip Wishes and Text Messages for Lovers and Loved Ones.

I describe this journey as Safe, And I declare it to be fulfilling. You will go and be back safely. Safe Trip to you, dear.

You will go and be back safe and sound. You will be back hale and hearty, No evil on the road shall be your portion. Enjoy your trip and be back with testimonies.

Sweet journey full of harmony, With its end in untold testimony, Is what I wish you my dear friend. Have a safe trip beloved.

Happily have you started this journey, And joyously you shall end it. Testimonies shall abound for you, Be back safely. Miss you.

I wish you all you wish yourself, I wish you all the goodies available there. Feel special like it’s your fatherland. And I wish you the safest trip ever.

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If by boat, it will not capsize, If by bus or car, it will not end in accident, If by air, it will not crash. You are safe on this journey in Jesus name. Stay safe and lovely. Take care.

This is joy in its prime. I am so happy you are taking this trip, And as a friend, I celebrate with you. Safe journey to you, my friend indeed.

It’s been amazing to have you around. You have proven to be a friend indeed. I wish you safe trip back home. Would love to see you soon.

This journey might keep us away from each other, But I do not want it to diminish our love for each other. As we depart in peace, I wish we meet again in peace. Take good care of yourself for me. Safe Trip.

I learned that you will be travelling abroad. So great a news it is! I wish you a safe landing there . But don’t forget your friend here, please.

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105 Love Messages to Keep the Romance Alive While You're Apart

These romantic messages are sure to woo your partner.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

When you can't physically be with your partner — whether that's because you're doing long distance, traveling solo, or just spending a few days apart — it's important to let them know that you're thinking of them by sending thoughtful and romantic love messages. Near, far, wherever you are, it's nice to remind your special someone just how much they mean to you. If you're wondering how to write a love letter or simply looking for a romantic text to send while apart, we've got you covered with these sweet messages and romantic quotes.

When you're crafting your love message, remember that it doesn't have to follow dated traditions — you know your partner well enough to get deeper than complimenting their looks.

Truly romantic love messages should show your partner just how you feel. Below, we've suggested ideas for "love letters for him" and "love letters for her," but if the former speaks more to your lady love's strengths, use it for her. Whatever the reason for showing your partner some affection (and to be clear, you never need a reason), here are 105 romantic love messages that will help you write a love letter or just send a short and sweet text. And once you reunite, why not plan a  romantic getaway  to celebrate your relationship?

Romantic Love Messages for Wife

The best part of my day is your smile.

Being with you is the easiest choice I have ever made, and I'm so lucky I get to make it every day.

I love you more every day.

I love your honesty, your passion, your resilience, your courage, your partnership, and your smile.

As we grow separately, we also grow together, and it's truly a privilege.

You're my soulmate, my best friend, my partner, and my confidante. Thank you for that.

I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.

Your smile takes my breath away. It took my breath away on the day we met, on our wedding day, today, and every day in between.

Thank you for teaching me what marrying your best friend means.

I wish every day you could see yourself the way I see you. Because I see you as absolutely perfect.

When I put my arms around you, I never want to let you go.

My life was black and white until you came in and added color.

Romantic Love Messages for Husband

I feel safest and happiest when I'm in your arms.

I choose you every day, and I'm so lucky you choose me, too.

I didn't know what marrying your best friend meant until I met you.

You're my first thought every morning and my last thought before I go to sleep.

You inspire a love in me that I never knew was possible.

I can't wait to come home to you tonight.

I love you more than pizza. And I really love pizza.

I am so lucky to have you by my side today, tomorrow, and forever.

You make my heart soar, my mind race, and my lips form a perfect smile.

There are a million ways to say how much I love you that I truly don't know where to start.

How to Start Your Love Messages for Him

Thank you for lifting me up when I'm at my best and my worst. I promise to always return the favor. (Then reflect on times when you have each pushed each other to be better, or been there for each other.)

There are a million words to describe our love, but let's start with this one: everlasting. (Then give a few other words that describe your love and explain why.)

I'll take care of you, and you'll take care of me. (Discuss your partnership and how you appreciate being there for each other 50/50.)

I want to explore your eyes, the curves of your face, and the pout of your lips forever. (Tell him what else you want to explore.)

I'd say you're my dream come true, but that would be an understatement. (Explain why he's better than a "dream come true" or a "prince charming.")

How to Start Your Love Messages for Her

I love who you are, I love who you were, I love who you are becoming. (Then add a sentence about her in the past, present, and future.)

I get lost in your eyes, I feel safe in your touch. (Then explain how she moves each one of your senses.)

You are beautiful when you wake, beautiful before your hair is brushed, beautiful at work, beautiful when you're all dressed up, and beautiful on the couch in sweatpants. (Add examples of when her beauty mesmerizes you.)

You touch every part of my life. (Name a few parts of your life that she has changed for the better.)

P.S. I hope you feel beautiful today. (You can also say "I hope you feel as beautiful as you did when ___, and then fill in the blank.)

Romantic Quotes for Love Messages for Her

"We were together. I forget the rest." — Walt Whitman

"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips." — Percy Bysshe Shelley

"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours." — Maya Angelou

"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." — Nicholas Sparks

"I loved her and I loved no one else and we had a lovely magic time while we were alone." — Ernest Hemingway

"You are my today and all of my tomorrows." — Leo Christopher

"When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance." — John Lennon

"Love makes you want to be better. But maybe love, real love, also gives you permission to just be the…[person] you are." — Gillian Flynn

"Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet." — Katharine Lee Bates

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever." — Alfred Tennyson

"People say they find love, as if it were an object hidden by a rock. But love takes many forms, and it is never the same for any man and woman." — Mitch Albom

"You're the greatest risk I've ever taken. And the greatest reward." — Sylvia Day

"True love stories never have endings." — Richard Bach

"All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love." — Leo Tolstoy

"To love another person is to see the face of God." — Victor Hugo

"Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full." — Rumi

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day so I never have to live without you." — A. A. Milne

"I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)." — E.E. Cummings

"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope…I have loved none but you." — Jane Austen

"I have died every day waiting for you; darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more." — Christina Perri​​​​​​

"I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else." — John Keats

"You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." — Margaret Mitchell

"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." — Zora Neale Hurston

Romantic Quotes for Love Messages for Him

"It was one of those fine little love stories that can make you smile in your sleep at night." — Hunter S. Thompson

"We loved with a love that was more than love." — Edgar Allen Poe

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." — Dr. Seuss

"For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person, and we are finally home." — Stephanie Perkins

"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear." — John Lennon

"I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." — Roy Croft

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." — Emily Brontë

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride." — Pablo Neruda

"To love is to burn, to be on fire." — Jane Austen

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." — Mother Teresa

"Where there is love there is life." — Mahatma Gandhi

"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides." — David Viscott

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." — Plato

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." — Nora Ephron

"We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright." — Ernest Hemingway

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Mitch Albom

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it." — Swedish proverb

"You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are." — Melissa Etheridge

"You and I, it's as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to Earth together, to see if we know what we were taught." — Boris Pasternak

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." — Nicholas Sparks

"I remember who I am when I'm with you." — Nicole Christie

"All I've ever wanted was to be near you." — Shannon Hale

"You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing." — E.E. Cummings

"No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star." — Diana Peterfreund

"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." — Paulo Coehlo

"Love is a game that two can play and both win." — Eva Gabor

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." — Aristotle

Romantic Text Messages for Him or Her

Just so you know, I'm madly in love with you.

Counting the hours until we're together again.

I can't focus today, and I blame it on you. Because I can't stop thinking about you.

Tell me how you'll kiss me when I see you tonight.

Every time I think about you, my heart dances.

It was hard to get out of bed this morning, because I just want to hold you forever.

A friendly reminder that you bring so much joy into my life, and I love you for it.

I want to say I love you in a thoroughly non-corny way, but nothing comes to mind, so let me just say this: I love you.

You are beautiful, sexy, and cute, all at the same time.

Plans for the weekend? You, me, cuddling for 48 hours straight?

Wish you were here! *Insert travel photo*

Goofy and Short Love Messages for Him or Her That You Can Put in a Text

I love you like XO.

You're the cheese to my pizza.

Every time we part, I realize I want s'more. *Insert fire and chocolate emojis*

I love you more than *insert taco emoji*

You're my *insert sun emoji* and my *insert stars emoji*

Hey there *insert honey emoji*! I just wanted to say I love you.

Our puppy and I have big plans to give you a million kisses tonight.

You're the *insert light bulb emoji* of my life.

Me + You = A forever kind of love

Here's the plan for tonight: *insert bento box emoji, movie emoji, wine emoji, and kissing emoji*

I like you a lot-tle. 

I *whale emoji* always love you!

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Safe Journey Messages to Your Boyfriend

Safe Journey Messages to Your Boyfriend

Safe Journey Messages to Your Boyfriend : This article is for sharing some Safe Journey Messages to your Boyfriend. A boyfriend is a very important person in the life of any girl because he is our other half, who complements us and completes us. Your boyfriend will definitely be on your mind while you are away from each other. This is why I’ll share here some of the most romantic messages you can write to wish him a safe journey.

• Hey Honey, I am so glad you had a safe trip. I hope you did everything you wanted to and that you had fun while away. I miss you so much already. Please just take your time coming back because I want the moment you walk through the door to be as special as possible… Love you.

• I know you’re going to come back safe. We are all here waiting for you. I love you so much! I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.

• My love, I know this will most likely be a short letter. I am lazy and not very good at writing. I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate you in my life, and to ask for your safe travels. Enjoy your vacation and keep in touch! 🙂

• I promise that I’ll be here for you to love you, hold you and care for you. A word of advice from a girlfriend: go slow – we have all the time in the world, and I sure don’t want you to rush anything. We will be together soon and forever.

• As you leave to travel back home, I want you to know that I am sending you my love. You are my life and my soul. Without you, my world would be nothing but darkness. The days without you are so dark and sad without your smile to brighten them.

• I do not want to see you for a while, I don’t mean it in a bad way. I am just not ready to let go just yet. I will wait for you until you are back again, my world is empty without you in it. You make life worth living and I wait patiently until the day we see each other again.

• I miss and love you so much it hurts. I want nothing more than to be with you. All I can think about night and day is you. I vividly imagine the things we will be doing together in just a few weeks. These days are so hard without you, but they are also the happiest days of my life because they are carrying me closer and closer to a life with you. Every moment away from you is like torture, but everything is worth it when I just have to hear your

• You know I’m always thinking of you and praying for you, positive thoughts no matter what. You’re my everything. Just to let you know I love you!

• If you are off to war, you will always be in my heart wherever you go. May you bring a lot of peace to this planet. I love you and I miss you every day!

• I am saying goodbye I know as you go away it’s hard to do / a place in my heart is empty and something is new / I wish that we could be together in this case / but I love you and all of your adventure-side\

• I hate that you have to leave but I love that you get to go.

• This is just a small email to say that I love you so much. I don’t want you to leave even though I know it is for the best. Safe journey, my friend, and don’t forget to keep in touch!

• Don’t worry about a thing because I think about you constantly and dream of us together when we are separated. Until I see you again, keep safe and enjoy your time away. I miss you.

• No matter how far we are from each other, you’re always in my heart and on my mind. I want to be able to see those big beautiful blue eyes of yours whenever I miss you, but the world won’t allow that. I hope you have a safe trip and will be able to get back home soon!

• I am so thankful to have met you and to call you mine. You are an amazing boyfriend and I am so lucky that we can get as close as we do. I hope your day is filled with joy and cheer, just like Ur girl back home. Have a wonderful day!

• Despite all the miles, you’ve always been here for me. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Until we meet again- please stay safe, with all my love.

• I am going to miss you so much. Good luck in your travels, I hope you enjoy yourself. I will think of you and wait for your return. You are a wonderful man and I sure do love you!

• I am so excited for you to come home. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms and show you all the love that I have built up while you were away

• I am sure you will do great! I hope you have a wonderful flight. My thoughts are with you and I miss you already. Call me on my cell phone when you land safely. Take care and I love you!

• In the beginning, I only wanted everyone to see how much we loved each other. Now I just want everyone to beam with joy at how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are my world and nothing will ever compare with the love we share.

• I can’t wait for you to get back. There’s so much to do! Counting down the days until you’re back home and all mine again!

• I hope you’ll have a safe trip. Be sure to let me know you got there and are enjoying yourself!

• I know this job means a lot to you. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. The sunshine is warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. Keep safe!

• You’re in a safe place; be fearless about your dreams and safe journey messages to your boyfriend for someone who´s going through a big change, either personally or professionally, is a superbly emotional way of helping them.

• Travel safely my love. I’ll be waiting for you when you return. Have a safe flight.

• I don’t know how I got this lucky to have you. You are the most perfect boyfriend a girl could ask for. I can’t imagine life without you, thank you for everything. I will miss you so much while you’re away and can’t wait to see your cute face when you get back! I love you!

• Goodbye my love, till we meet again! I will miss the way you hug me tight, and your warm and tender smile. I’ll think of those lips so soft and sweet, each memory will keep me warm at night. But most of all my heart will miss a beat, wondering if you are safe from all the world out there. Keep safe and know how much I care.

• We are not usually much of a letter-writing couple, but I thought it was going to be your last day. I don’t know if you will get this or read it – but please, come back safely and unharmed. We miss you so much and could really use your help. I love you and miss you.

• I am going to miss you so much. This next month will go by without you and there’s nothing I can do about it. I know sometimes I don’t say it enough, but I really do care about your safety. Please be careful out there.

• You are the man I’ve always wanted! I feel so happy when you walk into a room when you look at me with those beautiful brown bedroom eyes. You are my sunshine and my rain. Every time I am around you, it just feels right. I know that we have a wonderful future together and as long as I have your love, everything will be alright! every time I see you I know it’s you cause u are the 1 of the 2 things that can really make me happy

• Hey sweetie, hope your flight doesn’t experience any turbulence. Keep calm & text me soon.

• I hope you have a safe trip. I’ll see you when you get back. Love, Maria

• It was fun dating you, but right now I need to take a break. I will be focusing on myself and my own happiness first, so I need some space. Everything seemed to be moving really fast and it was hard to keep up, so if we ever want to get back together in the future, then we can talk about it. Right now though, I need to move on.

• Hope you have a great journey, and I hope to see you again soon.

• I promise to make you proud. I know it’s only a few weeks until we see each other, but I really miss you. I hope your time away is going well, and that all of your travels are smooth. I can’t wait to see you again, sweetie. Have a safe journey!

• I want to wish you a safe trip on your flight, and I hope that it goes well. I miss you more than words could ever express and will be thinking of you the entire time. I can’t wait to see you again, SOON!

• I don’t have enough words to say how much you mean to me, but I’ll try. I will miss you like crazy but know that you are not far from me. You are my everything and I just want to see you safe and happy. If I could be beside you, I would but instead, I wish for your happiness and a safe journey back to me. Thank you for all that you do, for giving us so much of yourself. You are our hero!

• Hello, I want to wish you a safe trip, I hope everything goes perfectly for you today! I will give you a call when you are settled. Xoxo

• Hey babe, I miss you already. I hope you had a nice trip and that you can get some rest. I’m excited to see you when you come home tomorrow. Reply back when you can, and let me know what time you’ll be home and how your day went.

• I hope you are safe. I know that you left to do good, but it has been hard on me and I just wanted to tell you that I pray for the best and that I love you and miss you.

• Hey, I hope your trip is good. I’ll be thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you when you get back, I’m sure it will be the most romantic proposal in the world! Love you!

• I want you to know how much I love you and how much I will miss you while you are away. I will think of you every day and wait for your safe return. I hope our paths will cross again soon.

• As you travel today, may your travels be safe and filled with wonderful sights. I’m so glad you are coming home tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see you! My arms will be there to hug you tight.

• I know you’re pain must be unbearable in losing your best friend. Sending you good vibrations from across the miles to give you strength to get through this hard time. I know that she will always be with you, watching over and guiding you. On this day of love, know that our love is with you too my friend.

• Each day away from you is like a part of me is missing. I miss your smile, your touch, your beautiful face, and those eyes that see right through to my heart. You are my world and the most amazing man I’ve ever known. I can’t wait until our paths cross again!

• I pray that the next time that I see you, we’ll be together at last. I’ve tried to pass the time without you but it hurts so much. It’s like there’s a piece of me missing. When I wake up in the morning, and you’re not here beside me…I go through the motions of the day, waiting for night to come, so I can dream of you. In my dreams, I can run my fingers through your hair and kiss your lips. The

• wishing you a safe journey, I know that you will be thinking of me as you travel, I’d love to see you soon and I can’t wait to wrap my arms around you. for this one moment in time when we are together life is perfect, my heart is full from the love we share. there will never be anyone else like you.

• I think about you every day, even when we are not together. I hope you enjoy your trip and come home to me soon. I can’t wait to see you again.

• Our love goes beyond the physical and I know you feel it too. I promise one day we will be together forever, but for now, your words will have to sustain me. One day you will receive this letter, but until that day you will always have my heart!

• You are an amazing person and I wish you the very best in the world. I will treasure every memory, especially when we were together. I want to say this to you because your happiness means everything to me and I need you to know that if I could choose anyone in the world to care for it would be you! You have made me so happy my love and always will.

• I want to be with you, with every breath of my body I want to be with you. Our hearts are connected and even though we are miles apart it feels like we are right by each other’s side. I miss your smile, I miss cuddling, I miss your laugh, and most of all I miss your kiss, your touch, and your love. But since there is no way for me to be with you at the moment, just know that every second of every day I will be sending

• I know you’ll be back before I know it. Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself over there and come home safe so we can have many more adventures together in the future… I miss you already!

• It has been an honor serving with you. You are a dedicated leader and a fine young man. I wish you great success in all your future endeavors. Safe journey and Godspeed!

• When you are away from me my mind is always with you. I wish you could take the place of this card so that we could hug and kiss. I miss your beautiful eyes, your happy laugh, and your strong embrace. I love you always.

• May your journey be safe, may you always find a place to rest your head. May you have good company and pleasantries as you travel the land. And when you return to me I shall have a warm fire, fine wine, and a place for you to lay your head.

• My heart is yours, my thoughts are of you. I look forward to our future and the bliss it will bring us. And I pray we always have this deep connection between us.

• I feel the need to say that you are the most amazing man I know without having met you. You’ve seen me through some of the best and worst times in my life. You’ve been there holding me up when I felt like there was no one else to keep me standing. I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate you. May God bless you on your journey.

• We pray for a safe journey just for you. May your day today be filled with nothing but love, happiness, and prosperity. Take care, sweetie! Until next time…

• I think of you often and can’t help but miss you while we’re apart. I pray that you are always safe wherever you go. My dear, please be careful and come home to me soon.

• Take every step slowly, but firmly. Don’t look back, just keep walking forward. No matter where you are, know that I’m wishing you a safe journey.

• I know it’s hard to leave, but we will be fine. I am going to miss you terribly, but I want you to enjoy this trip and get home safe. I love you very much and you can call me on the phone anytime!

• I wish you a safe trip. I’ll wait here for you at home. I love you, your beautiful wife.

• We’ve come a long way, babe. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being you and the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and more. You are truly amazing, babe. I wish our journey together is full of only happiness and joy.

• You are the love of my life. I look forward to each day with you by my side. Spend a few extra minutes with those you love because you never know when they will no longer be there. Sometimes I can’t believe that we have been together so long, time flies when you are having fun. I am crazy in love with you and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

• Journey on with courage, trust, and faith in yourself and you will reach your destination. I love you so much, and I am proud of you my love.

• I feel so lucky to have found you. I love you more than words could ever tell. Even when we’re apart a part of me always knows how close you are. I am so glad you came into my life, without you I don’t know where I would be.

• To: My boyfriend From Your girlfriend! It’s my last semester at Boston University. I’m kind of nervous, but also very excited to graduate. I don’t know where I am going to live afterward so will you think about moving together with me to Los Angeles?

• I pray that the weather be good to you today. May you make it home safe and in one piece. I love you more than words could express and I am glad that our paths crossed. Have a great day baby!

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safe trip message to boyfriend

Mother's Day messages | Birthday messages

Last modified 01/22/2024

good wishes phrases, good wishes sms, happy trip message for boyfriend

Being able to travel is one of the best experiences for any person. When you travel, you visit new places, know different people and learn traditions different from your own. If your boyfriend is going to travel, express your best feelings for him in an original way. If you are looking for nice thoughts to wish him success in his journey, then you are in the right place. In this article we present you with a list of words for your boyfriend on his journey. Send these messages through Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp and make the boy you love feel very happy to make this trip. Free list of nice have a good trip messages for my boyfriend: :: “I hope everything goes well for my prince charming, you know I love you with all my strength and where ever you are I will always love you”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “You are going on a trip and I am a little sad because I will miss you a lot, but I also feel very happy because I know that everything is going to go very well”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “I wish you all the best in this journey you are making, I hope you can make the most out of each day. I will be waiting with great enthusiasm”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “It has always been one of your greatest dreams to travel and now that you are going to travel, I really do wish you all the best wish all my love”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “It is the first time we are going to be separated and I will definitely miss you my dear, but I am also very excited because you are so happy about making this trip”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “I hope everything goes excellent my love, you will live an unforgettable experience and when you return you have to tell me all the experiences you lived there”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “My love, the best of luck on this journey you are making. Make the most out of your stay in this country and have fun because you deserve it”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “I wish you a safe journey my love, I sincerely hope that this is a wonderful experience that you will remember fondly for the rest of your life”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “I would love to go with you, but I am very excited because I know you will make the most out of the next few months and live beautiful moments you will always remember”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “You are very lucky to have a job that allows you to travel everywhere, I wish you all the luck in the world on this trip and I hope everything goes very well my love”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “Although I will not be joining you on this journey, my heart will be with you wherever you go. I love you a lot my love and I wish you all the best in this important event”. Category : have a good trip messages :: “Before you go I will ask you to please leave my lips impregnated with the taste of your sweet kiss, have a great trip, I love you so much my love”. Category : have a good trip messages We are sure that you have likes several of these words that wish your boyfriend a happy journey. When your boyfriend receives one of these phrases he is going to feel very happy because you want the best. Image courtesy of “photostock” /

If you liked this page you can help us by cliking on ” I liked it” on facebook, G+, twitter. Also if you want you can help this website by sending your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, have a good trip messages for my boyfriend, and will be published, others friends will thank you .

Tags: have a good trip messages for my boyfriend, have a good trip phrases for my boyfriend, have a good trip poems for my boyfriend, have a good trip quotations for my boyfriend, have a good trip sms for my boyfriend, have a good trip text messages for my boyfriend, have a good trip texts for my boyfriend, have a good trip thoughts for my boyfriend, have a good trip verses for my boyfriend, have a good trip wordings for my boyfriend

110 Best "Happy Anniversary" Wishes and Messages for Couples

Whether you're celebrating your own big day or another duo you love, here's what to write in your card.

preview for 5 Types of Romantic Relationships

For husbands

For partner, for parents.

When it comes to extending these warm and well wishes, whether it's for your wife or husband or another duo you love, you go wrong with any of these thoughtful wedding anniversary wishes for couples that will pull at their heartstrings (and yours).

If you’re the one writing inside an anniversary card for your partner, include love quotes for her or heartwarming messages for him — or get personal and add inside jokes and references that only the two of you would know. Including personal tidbits makes the message even more impactful. When it comes to other couples, of couse, you don't have to wish anyone a happy anniversary, but when it's a particuarly big year, it's definitely nice to acklowledge it. You can use one of these in a card if they are close friends or family. Or, drop them in the comment's section on Instagram or send as a text after they share a photo of their day together.

For couples

  • There’s nothing better than watching your love for each other flourish and grow each year. Happy anniversary to a wonderful couple.
  • You two are made for each other and it shows! Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • Wishing you both all the love and happiness today and forever. Happy anniversary!
  • No other couple complements each other the way that you do. Happy anniversary to the beautiful pair who makes marriage look so easy!
  • The way you look at each other shows everyone around you just how much you respect and love each other. Keep being a shining example of what real love looks like. Happy anniversary.
  • May God continue to cover and bless you in your union.
  • Who said that marriage was hard? Not you guys because you make it seem absolutely effortless. Happy anniversary
  • What a beautiful and loving couple. Wishing you a lifetime of love. Happy anniversary!
  • No marriage is perfect, but you guys come really close. Happy anniversary!
  • Wow, another year in the books! You guys are the perfect match. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to the couple who demonstrates unconditional love.
  • It’s a privilege and honor to watch your love continue to blossom. Happy anniversary!
  • May you be blessed with many more! Happy anniversary.
  • You two are the most adorable love birds I’ve ever known. Wishing you a lifetime of love.
  • Your love is so inspiring. You’re the perfect example of real love. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the couple whose love lights up every room.
  • Family gatherings wouldn’t be the same without you guys. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • I marvel at the wonderful life you’ve built together. You guys could teach a class on how to do marriage right. Congratulations!
  • You two are a true inspiration! Cheers to making marriage look easy.
  • A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, and partnership. You exemplify all of those qualities beautifully.
  • Wishing you an eternity of holy matrimony. Happy anniversary.
  • May your love continue to burn. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • Spending time with you guys is one of my favorite pastimes. You make life more enjoyable. Happy anniversary!
  • Another year married, another year to celebrate! Happy anniversary.
  • Congratulations on another year together as a healthy and happy couple.

smiling family enjoying drinks at birthday party

  • Marrying you was the best decision I’ve ever made. Happy anniversary, baby. I love you with all my heart.
  • Thank you for being my husband, protector, and best friend. Happy anniversary!
  • There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God that you’re my person. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Happy anniversary, babe!
  • Spending my life with you is the greatest blessing I could’ve ever received. Cheers to another year together in love. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the man who will always have my heart. I love you!
  • You light up my life in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine. Saying “I do” have been the two most important words I’ve ever uttered.
  • Cheers to us! We’ve made it another year as one. I love you! Happy anniversary.
  • Wishing us a lifetime together. Happy anniversary, honey.
  • I’m the luckiest person on earth to have a husband as loving and kind as you! Happy anniversary.
  • Every day my love for you grows deeper. I can’t imagine my life without you. Happy anniversary.
  • Here’s to another year around the sun being great together!
  • You’re the cherry on top of life. You make everything better. Happy anniversary!
  • I’ve loved you since the first day our eyes locked. Nothing has changed. Happy anniversary to my better half.
  • I love doing life with you! You’re the greatest and I’m forever grateful. Happy anniversary.
  • Loving you is so easy. You’re truly the best husband any person could ever hope for! Happy anniversary.
  • I’m so proud to call you my husband. Cheers to another year in love. Happy anniversary.
  • I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Happy anniversary to the person who brightens every day.
  • I can’t believe I get to call you mine. Happy anniversary to my forever knight in shining armor.
  • Some things are just meant to be. We’re one of them. Thank you for loving me another year. Happy anniversary!
  • As long as I have breath in my body, you’ll always be the love of my life. Happy anniversary!
  • Cheers to another fantastic year together. I look forward to many more. Happy anniversary, babe!
  • When I saw you walk down the aisle all those years ago, I knew that we’d be together forever. Your beauty is unmatched. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • I’m the luckiest person on the planet because I get to wake up to you every day. Here’s to another year of seeing beauty up close and personal. Happy anniversary.
  • I’ll never stop loving you. Here’s to a lifetime together. Happy anniversary.
  • So many years ago you made me the happiest person on earth. That feeling hasn’t changed. Happy anniversary!
  • Your smile could light the darkest room. I plan to keep you smiling! Happy anniversary, sunshine.
  • You make me better. Thank you for loving me after all these years. Happy anniversary!
  • Wishing us the happiest anniversary. Our marriage is one of the things I’m most proud of.
  • Having you as my life partner is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. Wishing us a lifetime of happiness. Happy anniversary!
  • Our love grows stronger every year and for that I’m forever grateful. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • Doing life with you is one of my greatest joys. I’m blessed beyond measure. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the woman responsible for making me the happiest person to ever walk the earth.
  • 365 down, a lifetime to go! Happy anniversary.
  • I look forward to growing old with you. You are my favorite person and I’m the luckiest. Happy anniversary.
  • I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect wife. You are everything and then some. Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
  • Happy anniversary! I’m so glad I got to marry my best friend.
  • Like anything, marriage has its ups and downs. Thank you for always sticking by my side through the good times and bad. I love you to infinity and beyond. Happy anniversary!
  • You are my soulmate and I can’t imagine a second without you in my life. Happy anniversary.
  • My love for you deepens with each breath. You are my favorite human.

happy senior woman getting bouquet from her husband outdoors in garden

  • I can’t believe we’ve been together for so long, but I guess time flies when you’re having fun! Happy anniversary.
  • You make me smile every day of the year and today is no exception. Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
  • I love you more with each passing day. I love watching you blossom in all areas of your life. Happy anniversary!
  • Through thick and thin, I will always love you. Happy anniversary!
  • You’ll always be my rock! Thanks for rocking with me another year. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • It’s such an amazing feeling to be loved by you. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
  • You bring so much joy to my life! I can’t imagine a day without you. Happy anniversary, honey.
  • You are the yin to my yang. Happy anniversary to my lover and best friend.
  • Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • Happy anniversary to the strongest, most thoughtful and caring person I know. Happy anniversary, baby.
  • Life with you is like heaven on earth. I love you so much! Happy anniversary.
  • You guys, I literally wouldn’t be here without you! So thank you for being the most amazing parents on the planet. Happy anniversary!
  • I’ve grown up watching what it meant to be a loving and caring couple. Thank you for being the blueprint for a healthy marriage. Happy anniversary!
  • Wishing my favorite couple a happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to you two crazy kids!
  • I’ve learned from the best when it comes to what a happy marriage should be. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example. Happy anniversary!
  • You two were made for each other and meant to be. I’m living proof! Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the most loving love birds I’ve even known.
  • Your love for one another is so admirable. I’m lucky to have witnessed it on a daily basis. Happy anniversary to my all-time favorite couple.
  • Happy anniversary to the best parents anyone could ever have! Wishing you a day filled with food, love, and laughter!
  • Watching you look into each other’s eyes is something that will never get old. Happy anniversary, love birds!
  • After so many years together, you’re starting to look alike! Just kidding. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary, mom and dad! I’m so grateful to have the both of you as parents. Keep being the wonderful couple that I’ll always look up to.
  • I know that you’ll keep enjoying each other’s company for years to come. Here’s to a lifetime of bliss.
  • You two make marriage look easy. I hope that one day I can find someone who I can live happily ever after with — just like you guys! Happy anniversary.
  • It’s hard to believe that you two have been together for half a century. But hey, who’s counting? Happy anniversary!
  • You’ve both set a high standard on what it means to be happily committed. Thank you for being the best parents. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary, mom and dad. I’m so glad you guys found each other because if you didn’t, where would I be?
  • You two have a love that seems to get stronger each year. I love and respect you for always putting our family first. Happy anniversary!
  • I hope you both continue to love and cherish each other for the rest of your lives. Happy anniversary!
  • No other couple could ever compare to you two. Happy anniversary to the best to ever say “I do!”
  • If marriage is anything like you’ve demonstrated, I can’t wait for my wedding day. Thank you for being a shining example in so many ways. Happy anniversary!
  • I don’t know where I’d be without the two of you! Thank you for coming together to create such a magnificent human being: me! Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary! I’m so honored that I get the chance to celebrate your love.
  • Decades of love, support and kindness. Your relationship is what I aspire to have one day. Happy anniversary.
  • Best wishes and blessings as you continue walking life’s path united in love. Happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of love and togetherness. Wishing you a fantastic anniversary!
  • Here’s to another year of creating beautiful memories together. Happy anniversary!
  • Celebrating your love today and always. Happy anniversary to a fantastic couple!
  • Congratulations on another year of love and companionship. May your bond continue to strengthen with each passing year. Happy anniversary!
  • Everyday we see how happy you make each other. That’s what they call true love!
  • Wishing you both a lifetime of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Happy anniversary!
  • Here’s to the love that grows stronger with each passing year. Happy anniversary and cheers to many more years of happiness together.
  • Happy anniversary to two incredible people who deserve all the happiness in the world. Cheers to your love!
  • Congratulations on [insert number] years together — here’s to many more.
  • Enjoy your anniversary and the many more to come!

@media(max-width: 64rem){.css-o9j0dn:before{margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-right:0.625rem;color:#ffffff;width:1.25rem;bottom:-0.2rem;height:1.25rem;content:'_';display:inline-block;position:relative;line-height:1;background-repeat:no-repeat;}.loaded .css-o9j0dn:before{background-image:url(/_assets/design-tokens/goodhousekeeping/static/images/Clover.5c7a1a0.svg);}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.loaded .css-o9j0dn:before{background-image:url(/_assets/design-tokens/goodhousekeeping/static/images/Clover.5c7a1a0.svg);}} Relationships

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Security Alert May 17, 2024

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Mexico Travel Advisory

Travel advisory august 22, 2023, mexico - see state summaries.

Reissued after periodic review with general security updates, and the removal of obsolete COVID-19 page links.

Country Summary: Violent crime – such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery – is widespread and common in Mexico. The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in many areas of Mexico, as travel by U.S. government employees to certain areas is prohibited or restricted. In many states, local emergency services are limited outside the state capital or major cities.

U.S. citizens are advised to adhere to restrictions on U.S. government employee travel. State-specific restrictions are included in the individual state advisories below. U.S. government employees may not travel between cities after dark, may not hail taxis on the street, and must rely on dispatched vehicles, including app-based services like Uber, and regulated taxi stands. U.S. government employees should avoid traveling alone, especially in remote areas. U.S. government employees may not drive from the U.S.-Mexico border to or from the interior parts of Mexico, except daytime travel within Baja California and between Nogales and Hermosillo on Mexican Federal Highway 15D, and between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey on Highway 85D.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Mexico.

Do Not Travel To:

  • Colima state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Guerrero state  due to  crime .
  • Michoacan state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Sinaloa state due to  crime  and  kidnapping
  • Tamaulipas state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping.
  • Zacatecas  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .

Reconsider Travel To:

  • Baja California  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Chihuahua state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Durango state  due to  crime .
  • Guanajuato state  due to  crime and kidnapping .
  • Jalisco state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Morelos state  due to  crime .
  • Sonora state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .

Exercise Increased Caution When Traveling To:

  • Aguascalientes  state due to  crime .
  • Baja California Sur state  due to  crime .
  • Chiapas state  due to  crime .
  • Coahuila state  due to  crime .
  • Hidalgo state  due to  crime .
  • Mexico City  due to  crime .
  • Mexico State  due to  crime .
  • Nayarit state  due to  crime.
  • Nuevo Leon  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Oaxaca state  due to  crime .
  • Puebla state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Queretaro state  due to  crime .
  • Quintana Roo state  due to  crime .
  • San Luis Potosi state  due to  crime and kidnapping .
  • Tabasco state  due to  crime .
  • Tlaxcala state due to  crime .
  • Veracruz state  due to  crime .

Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling To:

  • Campeche state
  • Yucatan state

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

If you decide to travel to Mexico:

  • Keep traveling companions and family back home informed of your travel plans. If separating from your travel group, send a friend your GPS location. If taking a taxi alone, take a photo of the taxi number and/or license plate and text it to a friend.
  • Use toll roads when possible and avoid driving alone or at night. In many states, police presence and emergency services are extremely limited outside the state capital or major cities.
  • Exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the U.S. Embassy on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Mexico.
  • Mariners planning travel to Mexico should check for U.S. maritime  advisories  and  alerts , which include instructions on reporting suspicious activities and attacks to Mexican naval authorities.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest travel health information related to your travel. 

Aguascalientes state – Exercise Increased Caution

Exercise increased caution due to crime.

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Aguascalientes state.

Baja California state – Reconsider Travel

Reconsider travel due to crime and kidnapping.

Transnational criminal organizations compete in the border area to establish narco-trafficking and human smuggling routes. Violent crime and gang activity are common. Travelers should remain on main highways and avoid remote locations. Of particular concern is the high number of homicides in the non-tourist areas of Tijuana. Most homicides appeared to be targeted; however, criminal organization assassinations and territorial disputes can result in bystanders being injured or killed. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

U.S. government employees must adhere to the noted restrictions:

  • Mexicali Valley:  U.S. government employees should avoid the Mexicali Valley due to the heightened possibility of violence between rival cartel factions.  The boundaries of the restricted area are: to the east, the Baja California/Arizona and Baja California/Sonora borders; to the south, from La Ventana (on Highway 5) due east to the Colorado River; to the west, Highway 5; and to the north, Boulevard Lazaro Cardenas/Highway 92/Highway 1 to Carretera Aeropuerto, from the intersection of Highway 1 and Carretera Aeropuerto due north to the Baja California/California border, and from that point eastward along the Baja California/California border.
  • Travelers may use Highways 2 and 2D to transit between Mexicali, Los Algodones, and San Luis Rio Colorado during daylight hours. Travelers may also use Highways 1 and 8 to transit to and from the Mexicali Airport during daylight hours.  Travel on Highway 5 is permissible during daylight hours.

There are no other travel restrictions for U.S. government employees in Baja California state. These include high-traffic tourism areas of border and coastal communities, such as  Tijuana ,  Ensenada , and  Rosarito .

Baja California Sur state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Baja California Sur state.

Campeche state – Exercise Normal Precautions

Exercise normal precautions.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Campeche state.

Chiapas state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Chiapas state.

Chihuahua state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common. Most homicides are targeted assassinations against members of criminal organizations. Battles for territory between criminal groups have resulted in violent crime in areas frequented by U.S. citizens and U.S. government employees, including restaurants and malls during daylight hours. Bystanders have been injured or killed in shooting incidents. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

U.S. government employee travel is limited to the following areas with the noted restrictions:

  • Ciudad Juarez:  U.S. government employees may travel to the area of Ciudad Juarez bounded to the east by Bulevar Independencia; to the south by De los Montes Urales/Avenida Manuel J Clouthier/Carretera de Juárez; to the west by Via Juan Gabriel/Avenida de los Insurgentes/Calle Miguel Ahumada/Francisco Javier Mina/Melchor Ocampo; and to the north by the U.S.-Mexico border.  Direct travel to the Ciudad Juarez airport (officially called the Abraham González International Airport) and the factories located along Bulevar Independencia and Las Torres is permitted.  Travel to San Jerónimo is permitted only through the United States via the Santa Teresa U.S. Port of Entry; travel via Anapra is prohibited.

U.S. government employees may only travel from Ciudad Juarez to the city of Chihuahua during daylight hours via Federal Highway 45, with stops permitted only at the Guardia Nacional División Caminos station, the Umbral del Milenio overlook area, the border inspection station at KM 35, and the shops and restaurants on Federal Highway 45 in the city of Ahumada.

  • U.S. government employees may travel between Ciudad Juarez and Ascension via Highway 2.
  • Nuevo Casas Grandes Area (including Nuevo Casas Grandes, Casas Grandes, Mata Ortiz, Colonia Juárez, Colonia LeBaron, Paquimé and San Buenaventura):  U.S. government employees may travel to the Nuevo Casas Grandes area during daylight hours via Mexico Federal Highway 2, and subsequently Federal Highway 10, to Nuevo Casas Grandes.  Employees are permitted to stay overnight in the cities of Nuevo Casas Grandes and Casas Grandes only.
  • City of Chihuahua:  U.S. government employees may travel at any time to the area of the city of Chihuahua bounded to the north by Avenida Transformación; to the east by Avenida Tecnológico/Manuel Gómez Morín/Highway 16/Blvd.José Fuentes Mares; to the west by the city boundary; and to the south by Periférico Francisco R. Almada.
  • U.S. government employees may travel on Highways 45, 16, and 45D through the city of Chihuahua and to the Chihuahua airport (officially called the General Roberto Fierro Villalobos International Airport). 
  • U.S. government employees may travel to Santa Eulalia to the east of the city of Chihuahua, as well as to Juan Aldama via Highway 16 to the northeast.
  • U.S. government employees may travel south of the city of Chihuahua on Highway 45 to the southern boundary of Parral, including each town directly connected to Highway 45, including Lázaro Cárdenas, Pedro Meoqui, Santa Cruz de Rosales, Delicias, Camargo, Ciudad Jiménez, and Parral itself.
  • U.S. government employees may only travel on official business from the city of Chihuahua on Highway 16 to Ciudad Cuauhtémoc bounded by Highway 21 to the north and east, Highway 5 to the west, and Bulevar Jorge Castillo Cabrera to the south. 
  • Ojinaga:  U.S. government employees must travel to Ojinaga via U.S. Highway 67 and enter through the U.S. Port of Entry in Presidio, Texas.
  • Palomas:  U.S. government employees may travel to Palomas via U.S. highways through the U.S. Port of Entry in Columbus, New Mexico, or via Highway 2 in Mexico.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Chihuahua, including  Copper Canyon .

Coahuila state – Exercise Increased Caution

Violent crime and gang activity occur in parts of Coahuila state. 

U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions:

  • Zaragoza, Morelos, Allende, Nava, Jimenez, Villa Union, Guerrero, and Hidalgo municipalities : U.S. government employees may not travel to these municipalities.
  • Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuña:  U.S. government employees must travel directly from the United States and observe a curfew from midnight to 6:00 a.m. in both cities.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Coahuila state.

Colima state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime and kidnapping.  

Violent crime and gang activity are widespread. Most homicides are targeted assassinations against members of criminal organizations. Shooting incidents between criminal groups have injured or killed bystanders. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.  

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following areas with noted restrictions: 

  • Manzanillo:   U.S. government employee travel is limited to the tourist and port areas of Manzanillo.  
  • Employees traveling to Manzanillo from Guadalajara must use Federal Toll Road 54D during daylight hours.  

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Colima state. 

Durango state – Reconsider Travel

Reconsider travel due to crime.

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Durango state.

  • West and south of Federal Highway 45:  U.S. government employees may not travel to this region of Durango state.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Durango state.

Guanajuato state – Reconsider Travel

Gang violence, often associated with the theft of petroleum and natural gas from the state oil company and other suppliers, occurs in Guanajuato, primarily in the south and central areas of the state.  Of particular concern is the high number of murders in the southern region of the state associated with cartel-related violence. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Areas south of Federal Highway 45D:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area south of and including Federal Highway 45D, Celaya, Salamanca, and Irapuato.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Guanajuato state, which includes tourist areas in:  San Miguel de Allende ,  Guanajuato City , and  surrounding areas.

Guerrero state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime.

Crime and violence are widespread. Armed groups operate independently of the government in many areas of Guerrero. Members of these groups frequently maintain roadblocks and may use violence towards travelers. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping in previous years.

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following area with the noted restrictions:

  • Taxco:  U.S. government employees must use Federal Highway 95D, which passes through Cuernavaca, Morelos, and stay within downtown tourist areas of Taxco. Employees may visit Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park during the day with a licensed tour operator.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of the state of Guerrero, including to tourist areas in  Acapulco ,  Zihuatanejo , and  Ixtapa .

Hidalgo state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Hidalgo state.

Jalisco state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Jalisco state. In Guadalajara, territorial battles between criminal groups take place in tourist areas. Shooting incidents between criminal groups have injured or killed innocent bystanders. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Jalisco-Michoacan border and Federal Highway 110:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area between Federal Highway 110 and the Jalisco-Michoacan border, nor travel on Federal Highway 110 between Tuxpan, Jalisco, and the Michoacan border.
  • Federal Highway 80:  U.S. government employees may not travel on Federal Highway 80 south of Cocula.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S government employees in Jalisco state which includes tourist areas in:  Guadalajara Metropolitan Area ,  Puerto Vallarta (including neighboring Riviera Nayarit) ,  Chapala , and  Ajijic .

Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico) – Exercise Increased Caution

Both violent and non-violent crime occur throughout Mexico City. Use additional caution, particularly at night, outside of the frequented tourist areas where police and security patrol more routinely. Petty crime occurs frequently in both tourist and non-tourist areas.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico City.

Mexico State (Estado de Mexico) – Exercise Increased Caution

Both violent and non-violent crime occur throughout Mexico State. Use additional caution in areas outside of the frequented tourist areas, although petty crime occurs frequently in tourist areas as well.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico State.

Michoacan state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime and kidnapping.

Crime and violence are widespread in Michoacan state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following areas with the noted restrictions:

  • Federal Highway 15D:   U.S. government employees may travel on Federal Highway 15D to transit the state between Mexico City and Guadalajara.
  • Morelia:  U.S. government employees may travel by air and by land using Federal Highways 43 or 48D from Federal Highway 15D.
  • Lazaro Cardenas:  U.S. government employees must travel by air only and limit activities to the city center or port areas.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of the state of Michoacan, including the portions of the  Monarch Butterfly Reserve  located in Michoacan.

Morelos state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Morelos state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Morelos state.

Nayarit state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout Nayarit state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S government employees in Nayarit state.

Nuevo Leon state – Exercise Increased Caution

Exercise increased caution due to crime and kidnapping.

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Nuevo Leon state.

Oaxaca state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence occur throughout the state.

U.S. travelers are reminded that U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions:

  • Isthmus region:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area of Oaxaca bounded by Federal Highway 185D to the west, Federal Highway 190 to the north, and the Oaxaca-Chiapas border to the east.  This includes the cities of Juchitan de Zaragoza, Salina Cruz, and San Blas Atempa.  
  • Federal Highway 200 northwest of Pinotepa:  U.S. government employees may not use Federal Highway 200 between Pinotepa and the Oaxaca-Guerrero border.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees to other parts of Oaxaca state, which include tourist areas in:  Oaxaca City ,  Monte Alban ,  Puerto Escondido,  and  Huatulco .

Puebla state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Puebla state.

Queretaro state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Queretaro state.

Quintana Roo state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur in any location, at any time, including in popular tourist destinations.  Travelers should maintain a high level of situational awareness, avoid areas where illicit activities occur, and promptly depart from potentially dangerous situations. 

While not directed at tourists, shootings between rival gangs have injured innocent bystanders.  Additionally, U.S. citizens have been the victims of both non-violent and violent crimes in tourist and non-tourist areas.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Quintana Roo state. However, personnel are advised to exercise increased situational awareness after dark in downtown areas of Cancun, Tulum, and Playa del Carmen, and to remain in well-lit pedestrian streets and tourist zones.

San Luis Potosi state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state.  U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in San Luis Potosi state.

Sinaloa state – Do Not Travel

Violent crime is widespread. Criminal organizations are based in and operating in Sinaloa. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Mazatlan:  U.S. government employees may travel to Mazatlan by air or sea only, are limited to the Zona Dorada and historic town center, and must travel via direct routes between these destinations and the airport and sea terminal.
  • Los Mochis and Topolobampo:  U.S. government employees may travel to Los Mochis and Topolobampo by air or sea only, are restricted to the city and the port, and must travel via direct routes between these destinations and the airport.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Sinaloa state.

Sonora state – Reconsider Travel

Sonora is a key location used by the international drug trade and human trafficking networks. Violent crime is widespread. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Travelers should maintain a heightened level of awareness of their surroundings in all their travels in Sonora.  Security incidents may occur in any area of Sonora.

  • Travel between Hermosillo and Nogales:  U.S. government employees may travel between the U.S. Ports of Entry in Nogales and Hermosillo during daylight hours via Federal Highway 15 only. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures. Travelers should exercise caution and avoid unnecessary stops as security incidents, including sporadic, armed carjackings, and shootings have been reported along this highway during daylight hours. Travelers should have a full tank of gas and inform friends or family members of their planned travel.
  • Nogales:  U.S. government employees may not travel in the triangular area north of Avenida Tecnologico, west of Bulevar Luis Donaldo Colosio (Periferico), nor east of Federal Highway 15D (Corredor Fiscal). U.S. government employees also may not travel in the residential and business areas to east of the railroad tracks along Plutarco Elias Calle (HWY 15) and Calle Ruiz Cortino, including the business area around the Morley pedestrian gate port-of-entry. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in Nogales due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.  
  • Puerto Peñasco:  U.S. government employees may travel between Puerto Peñasco and the Lukeville-Sonoyta U.S. Port of Entry during daylight hours via Federal Highway 8 only. They may not travel on any other route to Puerto Peñasco. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in Puerto Peñasco. due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.
  • Triangular region near Mariposa U.S. Port of Entry:  U.S. government employees may not travel into or through the triangular region west of the Mariposa U.S. Port of Entry, east of Sonoyta, and north of Altar municipality.
  • San Luis Rio Colorado, Cananea, and Agua Prieta : U.S. government employees may travel directly from the nearest U.S. Port of Entry to San Luis Rio Colorado, Cananea (via Douglas Port of Entry), and Agua Prieta, but may not go beyond the city limits. Travel is limited to daylight hours only. Travel between Nogales and Cananea via Imuris is not permitted. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in these cities due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.
  • Eastern and southern Sonora (including San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas and Alamos):  U.S. government employees may not travel to areas of Sonora east of Federal Highway 17, the road between Moctezuma and Sahuaripa, and State Highway 20 between Sahuaripa and the intersection with Federal Highway 16. U.S. government employees may travel to San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas and Alamos; travel to Alamos is only permitted by air and within city limits.  U.S. government employees may not travel to areas of Sonora south of Federal Highway 16 and east of Federal Highway 15 (south of Hermosillo), as well as all points south of Guaymas, including Empalme, Guaymas, Obregon, and Navojoa.  U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in these areas due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.

U.S. government employees may travel to other parts of Sonora state in compliance with the above restrictions, including tourist areas in: Hermosillo , Bahia de Kino , and Puerto Penasco .

Tabasco state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Tabasco state.

Tamaulipas state – Do Not Travel

Organized crime activity – including gun battles, murder, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, forced disappearances, extortion, and sexual assault – is common along the northern border and in Ciudad Victoria. Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses, as well as private automobiles traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers and demanding ransom payments.

Heavily armed members of criminal groups often patrol areas of the state and operate with impunity particularly along the border region from Reynosa to Nuevo Laredo.  In these areas, local law enforcement has limited capacity to respond to incidents of crime. Law enforcement capacity is greater in the tri-city area of Tampico, Ciudad Madero, and Altamira, which has a lower rate of violent criminal activity compared to the rest of the state.

U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo:  U.S. government employees may only travel within a limited radius around and between the U.S. Consulates in Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros, their homes, the respective U.S. Ports of Entry, and limited downtown sites, subject to an overnight curfew.
  • Overland travel in Tamaulipas:  U.S. government employees may not travel between cities in Tamaulipas using interior Mexican highways. Travel between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey is limited to Federal Highway 85D during daylight hours with prior authorization.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other parts of Tamaulipas state.

Tlaxcala state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Tlaxcala state.

Veracruz state – Exercise Increased Caution

Violent crime and gang activity occur with increasing frequency in Veracruz, particularly in the center and south near Cordoba and Coatzacoalcos. While most gang-related violence is targeted, violence perpetrated by criminal organizations can affect bystanders. Impromptu roadblocks requiring payment to pass are common.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Veracruz state.

Yucatan state – Exercise Normal Precautions

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Yucatan state, which include tourist areas in:  Chichen Itza ,  Merida ,  Uxmal , and  Valladolid .

Zacatecas state – Do Not Travel

Violent crime, extortion, and gang activity are widespread in Zacatecas state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Zacatecas City : U.S. government employee travel is limited to Zacatecas City proper, and employees may not travel overland to Zacatecas City.
  • U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Zacatecas state.

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  2. The 80+ Best Safe Journey Messages (Text To My Love MSG)

    Safe Journey Messages For Him/Boyfriend Text. Share these memorable safe travel messages with your boyfriend and let him know how much you want to make sure he has the best journey ever!. Wishing you lots of love from my heart, as you get ready to travel - Have a blast and safe journey!

  3. Safe journey messages to my love: 100+ quotes and prayers to send your

    100+ happy journey wishes for my love. Long-distance relationships can be challenging, especially when you and your loved one are miles apart. One way to show love and care for your partner is by sending them a loving sweetheart and safe journey my love messages.These messages show your affection and ensure your partner's safety and well-being as they embark on their travels.

  4. 100+ Happy Journey Wishes

    Sweetheart, counting down the days until your return, but until then, enjoy every moment to the fullest! Wishing you an amazing journey ahead! Have a happy journey. May you don't have to face any trouble and have a safe and wholesome journey. Rooting for you. Best wishes for the journey. Stay safe and enjoy your break.

  5. Safe Journey Quotes: 65 Creative & Meaningful Messages

    The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.". - J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan) "Embrace what you don't understand, what you can't see just yet, experience something new.". - Unknown. "Life is a journey, not a destination.".

  6. 100 Bon Voyage Messages: Have a Safe Trip Quotes

    Religious Messages for a Safe Trip. Go with confidence, conviction, and excitement. May God make all your dreams and wishes come true. Have a safe and happy journey! My family and I pray that the journey you're about to undertake benefits your soul and body so that you may reach its end and come back safe and sound.

  7. Safe Trip Messages & Quotes for Love

    I love you, baby. Have a safe trip. Take care of yourself during this journey. I know it's going to be long and strenuous. Know that I'll be missing you. Have a safe trip, my love. I hope to see you soon. My heart beats earnestly for your embrace. It's a countdown till I see you again.

  8. 2024 Trending Safe Journey Quotes for Boyfriend

    Have a safe journey, love of my life. 13. My dear, on this journey, may you encounter people and experiences that will be instrumental in your life even when you come back home. Have a safe flight, dear. 14. I wish you, my darling, a safe flight in air and a peaceful landing. Do enjoy every moment of your stay.

  9. 100+ Happy Journey Messages To Wish Someone Safe Travels

    I will be waiting for you. Happy journey! I am glad that you have a wonderful time with your trip. Enjoy your vacation time and have lots of fun, I may have missed it, but I am happy for you. I wish your trip to have more great memories to cherish. Safe journey, my friend. Have a blast of happiness with this trip!

  10. Best have a good trip love messages

    Download the best safe journey wishes messages for my boyfriend. :: " Happy trip my love, take lots of pictures of all the places you visit to teach them to me and tell me everything you lived there". :: " Take care, my life, remember that I am here waiting for your return and wishing you the best during your trip".

  11. Quotes and Sayings to Wish Someone a Safe & Happy Journey

    Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy journey! May you have a safe journey, and may the Almighty protect you from all evils and devils. Live in those moments of beauty, those moments of grandeur, and take the path before you. There is a certain magic in those little moments, standing by the sea, staring down from the top of a mountain.

  12. 60+ Safe Journey Message to My Love

    With every breath, I pray for your safe passage, my darling. Be safe, my love, and return to me unharmed. Your safety is my utmost concern. Travel well, my dearest. May angels watch over you and keep you safe, my sweetheart. My love, may your journey be as safe and secure as our love.

  13. 80 Best Love Messages For Safe Journey (To My Love)

    Safe journey. Every time I see the stars, I'll be thinking of you and sending you my love. Stay safe on your journey. I may not be able to be there with you physically, but my love will always be with you. Have a safe journey. I can't wait to see you again, but in the meantime, travel safely and come home to me soon.

  14. 100+ Examples for Safe Journey Wishes Messages that Inspire

    Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to tell! 10 Messages for Safe Trip Wishes. Wishing you a safe and smooth trip as you embark on this new adventure. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy. Safe travels, my friend!

  15. Safe travel messages for him

    If your special someone is travelling somewhere then it must be so hard for you to accept it and think about living without their company for days. But life goes on and smart people are those who accept the reality and move on with it. So if your boyfriend or husband is travelling somewhere due to studies, work, leisure or any other reason, bid him farewell in a warm way with a special loving ...

  16. 88 Thoughtful Safe Travel Quotes to Wish Loved Ones Well on Their

    Safe Travel Quotes for Anxious Travelers. "Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.". — Babs Hoffman. "Fear is only temporary. Regret lasts forever.". — Unknown. "Everything you want is on the other side of fear.". - Jack Canfield. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.".

  17. Have a Safe Trip Wishes and Messages (2024)

    Safe Trip to you, dear. You will go and be back safe and sound. You will be back hale and hearty, No evil on the road shall be your portion. Enjoy your trip and be back with testimonies. Sweet journey full of harmony, With its end in untold testimony, Is what I wish you my dear friend. Have a safe trip beloved.

  18. 105 Romantic Love Messages for When You're Apart

    Romantic Quotes for Love Messages for Her. "We were together. I forget the rest." — Walt Whitman. "Soul meets soul on lovers' lips." — Percy Bysshe Shelley. "In all the world, there is no ...

  19. Safe Journey Messages To Your Boyfriend

    Safe Journey Messages to Your Boyfriend. • Hey Honey, I am so glad you had a safe trip. I hope you did everything you wanted to and that you had fun while away. I miss you so much already. Please just take your time coming back because I want the moment you walk through the door to be as special as possible…. Love you.

  20. Good Have A Good Trip Messages For My Boyfriend

    Free list of nice have a good trip messages for my boyfriend: :: "I hope everything goes well for my prince charming, you know I love you with all my strength and where ever you are I will always love you". Category :have a good trip messages. :: "You are going on a trip and I am a little sad because I will miss you a lot, but I also feel ...

  21. 50 Best Good Night Texts to Send Him or Her Before Bed

    I hope that your rest is awesome and deep. Good night, babe. Good night, honey. Good night and have a good sleep. Good night, beautiful! Dream sweet dreams, my love. Missing you as I drift off to ...

  22. 110 Best "Happy Anniversary" Wishes and Messages for Your Card

    What a beautiful and loving couple. Wishing you a lifetime of love. Happy anniversary! No marriage is perfect, but you guys come really close. Happy anniversary! Wow, another year in the books ...

  23. Good To Go! accounts & passes

    Good To Go! accounts are a great option for visitors, or people who only need to use toll roads for a short amount of time. To save money and easily pay tolls: Open a Good To Go! account, and check the box marking it as a temporary account. This will allow you to select the Pay As You Go payment option, and pay tolls automatically with your ...

  24. Mexico Travel Advisory

    Reissued after periodic review with general security updates, and the removal of obsolete COVID-19 page links. Country Summary: Violent crime - such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery - is widespread and common in Mexico.The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in many areas of Mexico, as travel by U.S. government employees to ...