Journey Beyond the Horizon

A guide to the spectacular Harau Valley, Indonesia- facts, tips, and more

The western part of Sumatra Island is full of natural wonders- volcanoes, waterfalls, rainforests, gorges, and more. One of them looks like a paradise- a wide canyon with vertical rocky walls, and multiple waterfalls jumping from the top of these walls. This is the Harau Valley- a national park, one of the must-visit places in West Sumatra . And this is a guide to this paradise, with basic facts, and everything you should know to include it in your itinerary.

Table of Contents

Basic facts about the Harau Valley

The range of Barisan Mountains stretches from the north to the south end of Sumatra Island, forming the main watershed of the island. Its middle part, known as Minangkabau Highlands is located in the administrative and geographical region of West Sumatra. Due to specific geological features, there is an area where the mountains are ruptured, forming a trench with branches between the hills.

Mountain streams flow from the hills. Some of them reach the main trench, forming a small river. Other streams jump from the walls of the trench and its branches, forming spectacular waterfalls, and contributing to the main river. Then, this river merges with more and more small rivers until all of them join the Batang Kuantan River that reaches the Strait of Malacca.

This trench is the Harau Valley. It has vertical slopes but a plain and wide bottom. The canyon is short (only about 3 km), with one main sub-canyon (actually, there are more, but their slopes are not so spectacular and look more like “normal” valleys).

This spectacular beauty is located not far from Payakumbuh City, in the north-northeast direction, and only about 20 km from the Equator of the Earth. Today, the area around the valley is declared as a natural reserve. It is covered by a lush tropical rainforest, inhabited by at least two species of monkeys.

The plain bottom is mostly agricultural land, where you can see local peasants working in the rice fields with their buffalos. All of this creates incredibly beautiful and picturesque landscapes- the reason why Harau Valley has turned into a popular tourist attraction and is nicknamed “the Yosemite of Indonesia”.

Picturesque rural landscape of Harau Valley

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Harau Valley in detail

Let’s look at the satellite map and zoom into the area north-northeast of Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The city of Payakumbuh is located on a plain, and this plain is surrounded by dark green mountains from the north and east. Several valleys descend to the plain, and you can notice that one of the valleys has sharper boundaries between its bottom and the mountains around it. This is what the Harau Valley looks like from above.

You can notice that it consists of a main valley, descending from north to south, and a short side valley from the east. There is a sharp, dark green hill between them. And where they merge, the valley opens into a larger plain.

This larger plain is covered by agricultural fields and villages. And since it is part of a tourist attraction, there are a lot of new guesthouses, small hotels, and bungalows for tourists here, as well as souvenir shops and restaurants.

If you proceed to the north, you enter the main Harau Valley, surrounded by vertical rock walls on both sides. The bottom is still flat, but much narrower, with more hotels and other attractions.

About two km further, the valley opens again, and this is the end of the vertical rock walls. Here is the most picturesque landscape of Harau Valley, because this is the best place where you can see local rural life with the spectacular walls of the canyon in the background.

The short side valley is spectacular too. Again, it is mostly surrounded by rock walls, but not as majestic as the main valley. The main attractions in this place are the waterfalls.

Rock climbing

Needless to say, these spectacular rock walls, from about 80 to 300 m tall have attracted climbers. So, one of the activities here is rock climbing, and the main starting point for this activity is on the main valley, at Akar Berayu resort. Climbing in this otherworldly place is amazing, accompanied by sounds of monkeys, birds, your own echo, and of course- the distant waterfalls.

Spectacular Rock Walls of Harau

The waterfalls

There are many waterfalls in Harau Valley jumping from the rock walls. You can easily see 6 of them:

  • The first waterfall (sometimes called “Abdi”). You can easily see it falling from the west wall of the main valley, exactly at the “gate” of the valley. It is thin but magnificent.
  • Air Terjun Lembah Harau . This one falls from the east wall of the main valley, right beside the main road. Today, there is a pool established under it.
  • Sarasah Pincuran Tigo . This waterfall is beyond the walls, at the eastern slope of the valley. It is more hidden but can be seen from the road falling magnificently through the jungle.
  • Sarasah Bunta 1, 2, and 3 . These are three waterfalls, falling from the north walls of the side valley. There are pools under each of them and established bungalows, stalls, fast food, and more tourist facilities beside the pools.

Sarasah Bunta 3 Waterfall

Harau Valley from above

All of these waterfalls are some of the main attractions in the Harau Valley, and when you walk on the bottom of the valley and its side sub-valley, the waterfalls are a must-visit. But how about looking at the valley from above? There are some short hiking trails, leading to the plateau-shaped terrain above the rock walls, and one of them is the most popular.

It ascends from the beginning of the side valley to the points over the northern wall of the valley. However, keep in mind that it is steep and probably not proper for everyone. On rainy days it can be even dangerous.

There is another, better way to observe the valley from above. There is a road that follows the “edge” between the plain of the side valley, surrounds it, and ascends south of this valley, to a higher point where you can enjoy a majestic panoramic view of Harau Valley. The road is paved and proper for motorcycles and cars.

Harau Valley from above

Hobbit Movie Set?

If you research Google Maps, not far from the main center of the Harau Valley, you can see a spot named “Hobbit Movie Set”. But don’t expect anything special- the movie “Hobbit” has nothing to do with the Harau Valley (it was set in New Zealand, after all). The only thing you can see in this spot is a weird sign “Welcome to the Hobbit Movie Set”, hidden in the thick jungle of bush, and that’s all. Even the locals here can’t explain clearly who made it and why- obviously, it is an unsuccessful attempt to create another “point of interest”, so you don’t need to waste your time here.

"Hobbit Movie Set"

This is shortly what the Harau Valley looks like. So, how to arrange your trip to this beautiful gem?

How to visit the Harau Valley

The nearest big town is Payakumbuh. However, most travelers base their trips on Bukittinggi , a much more famous city, with more points of interest.

How to reach the Harau Valley

You have basically three ways to visit and explore Harau Valley- by public transport, by private transport, or by joining a tour.

By public transport

This is the cheapest, but not so convenient option. You have to go to Aur Kuning Bus Terminal in Bukittinggi and ask for a bus (actually, a minibus) to Harau Valley. It will pass through Payakumbuh (and if you are based there, you can catch it from there) and will drop you in the village of Sarilamak, at a point with a noticeable gate to Harau Valley.

But from there, you still have to find another transport to explore the valley- it is too large to be walked on foot. You can find a local opelet (something like a motorcycle with a sidecar) or rent a scooter. The opelet can take you about 5 km further, to the real beginning of the valley.

Returning to Bukittinggi is the same but in reverse. You just have to wait for a passing minibus in Sarilamak to Bukittinggi. For the whole transport, you can expect something about 50,000 to 60,000 IDR (in two directions).

Approaching Harau Valley

By private transport

This is much more convenient. But if you want to do it by taxi or by private car, it can be quite expensive. A rental car with a driver can be about 800,000 to 1,000,000 IDR for one day. You can find a car without a driver for about 400,000 to 500,000 IDR per day, but you have to leave a deposit of about 2,000,000 IDR.

The best way is by renting a scooter/motorcycle from Bukittinggi. That’s what we did- it was only 130,000 IDR (plus about 40,000 IDR for fuel “Pertamine”), and we had the freedom to explore almost everything in Harau Valley for one day.

You can ask your accommodation in Bukittinggi to help you arrange a scooter. But if they can’t help (because not every property can do it), you have an option (as in our case)- go to Sewa Bus Pariwisata, a small vehicle rental company (See its location  here! ), and rent a scooter (better do it in advance, in case that they may not have an available scooter at the moment). You only have to leave your passport as a deposit.

However- it is proper only if you go to Harau Valley for one day, otherwise you may need your passport to check in a hotel there.

Keep in mind that in Indonesia the traffic is on the left side (like in the UK), and you may have some difficulties until you get used to it. Beware of the traffic mess, especially when you leave Bukittinggi- cars, motorcycles, trucks, and other vehicles are everywhere! Once out of the city, it is much better.

The distance from Bukittinggi to the Harau Valley is 48 km and you can reach it by scooter for an hour and a half. When you approach the canyon, you have to stop at a small checkpoint to pay an entrance fee of 10,000 IDR.

Another waterfall of Harau

By joining a tour

Some tours guide you around the Minangkabau Highlands- not only to the Harau Valley, but also to the other popular attractions in the area- the city of Bukittinggi, Pagaruyung Palace , and more. Here are two tours:

  • Private Multiday Tour in Minangkabau with accommodation 4 days This trip starts and ends at Minangkabau Airport in Padang . It guides you to Padang Panjang Minangkabau Cultural Center, then explore Harau Valley, Pagaruyung Palace, Bukittinggi, and back to Padang.
  • West Sumatra Cultural Tour With Accommodation 4 Days 3 Nights This one is like the first trip, however, its main focus is Haray Valley, and it includes a whole day of trekking around the valley. Again, its starting and ending point is Padang.

Where to stay in Harau Valley

This is for those who travel to Harau Valley privately and want to spend more time in this picturesque place. There are a lot of places to stay, and new properties are still in construction. Most of them are just homestays or small resorts with bungalows, but there are hotels too.

You can find some of these properties on Booking or Agoda , but most of them are not present there. You can see them on Google Maps, some of them have websites, others- only a phone number (and usually, they don’t speak English), and many of them don’t share their contact. For those who like glamping, you can try The Edge Harau Glamping.

Most of these properties are not just for spending the night, but to live at least a few days in a paradise-like environment. So, they are located in different points of the Harau Valley- some in the main valley, some in the side valley, some a bit further, but in a spot with spectacular views.

Extraordinary accommodation in Harau Valley

We explored the Harau Valley for one day starting from Bukittinggi. We spent a few hours and saw the most essential of the area- this duration is perfectly enough for exploration by scooter, but it was not enough for relaxation and enjoyment- it is just too beautiful to be scurried so fast. But even if you haven’t enough time, this amazing paradise is always worth visiting.

Check some travel books about Sumatra:

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This is a guide to the Harau Valley in West Sumatra, Indonesia, one of the most beautiful canyons in the country.

Hi, we are Krasen and Ying Ying. Krasen is from Bulgaria, and Ying Ying is from China. We are passionate about geography and history, and we believe that the best way to experience it is by exploring the Earth in reality, not in a school, and not virtually.

So, we created this blog Journey Beyond the Horizon, where we share geographical knowledge, travel guides and tips how to experience it when you explore our planet, and a lot of inspiration.

And we wish you a happy journey, not just virtually, but most of all- in reality.

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10 Best Tourist Attractions in Payakumbuh, Indonesia

Payakumbuh is a delightful town in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra. Home to idyllic scenery, stunning colonial-era architecture, and plenty of unique attractions, it’s no surprise that this charming place is a popular destination for tourists. From ancient ruins to vibrant markets, Payakumbuh has something to offer every visitor. To get a glimpse of the best of this city, here are 10 of the best tourist attractions in Payakumbuh, Indonesia.

1. Taman Pagaruyung – This grand palace, built in the late 1700s, was the former home of the Minangkabau kings. It features ornate wooden buildings painted with a bright blue hue that will take your breath away. A visit to the palace will also give you a glimpse into Payakumbuh history and culture .

Lereng Anai Waterfall

Lereng Anai Waterfall is a breathtaking cascade of cascading waterfalls, situated in the Gunung Talang Nature Reserve near Payakumbuh. With heights ranging from four to six metres, this is an ideal spot to relax and take in the stunning scenery. For a more adventurous experience, visitors can traverse the multiple ladders and walkways that traverse the sidewalls serving as a mini nature trail.

Lowal Godang Hill

Lowal Godang Hill is located in the city center of Payakumbuh, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions . It offers breathtaking views of the city and surrounding countryside, and is the perfect spot for a picnic or night stroll. The hill is also popular for being an historical site associated with the Minangkabau Kingdom.

Tasik Nan Tigo

Tasik Nan Tigo is located in the heart of Payakumbuh, and is an ideal spot for fishing, boating, or simply lazing in the sun. With the lake surrounded by stunning views of lush greenery, this peaceful lake is certainly worth a visit. A wide variety of fish can be found here such as exotic carp, catfish, and even crocodiles.

Bukit Siguntang Hill

Bukit Siguntang Hill is a popular tourist attraction located just outside of Payakumbuh. This extinct volcano offers stunning views of the city and surrounding land, and can be accessed by a cable car or stairs. Visitors will find various trails winding through the hill, perfect for hiking and bird-watching.

Kerinci Seblat National Park

Kerinci Seblat National Parkis one of the largest national parks in Indonesia . Situated just south of Payakumbuh, the park is home to various unique species of fauna and flora, including orangutans, tigers, rhinoceroses, and many others. Visitors can take a tour of the park, and observe the various species in their natural habitat.

Indrapura Fortress

Indrapura Fortress is a popular tourist attraction located in the outskirts of Payakumbuh. It was originally built to be a defensive fortress by the Minangkabau sultans in the 16th century, and is now fully restored. Visitors can explore the inner courtyard, the towers, the royal chambers, and even the secret passageways.

Taman Kita Park

Taman Kita Park is an idyllic spot located just south of Payakumbuh. This public park is the perfect spot for a leisurely stroll, and offers visitors stunning views of the city. There are multiple paths leading to various areas within the park, such as a botanical garden, playground, and a small lake.

Museums of the Arca Domas

The Museums of the Arca Domas is one of the most renowned tourist attractions in Payakumbuh. This series of museums showcases the history of the Minangkabau region, and includes collections of cultural artifacts, photographs, traditional artifacts, and more. Visitors can explore the museum displays and learn more about the history of the region.

Tirtasari Beach

Tirtasari Beach is one of the most visited beaches in Payakumbuh. It is a great spot for swimming, sunbathing, and beach activities. This secluded beach is lined with tall palm trees, and offers great views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can also take part in the water sports activities such asstand-up paddle boarding and kayaking.

Gadut Village

Gadut Village is a small village located just outside of Payakumbuh. Tourists can explore this vibrant community and get a glimpse of the traditional lifestyle of the locals. The village has colorful rows of traditional houses and a unique architecture that is unique to this area. Visitors can also find some interesting souvenirs in the local market.

Preparation Before Traveling in Payakumbuh, Indonesia

If you’re planning your next vacation to Payakumbuh, Indonesia, it’s essential to be prepared. Payakumbuh is a city of about 400,000 people in the western part of the country, close to the Indonesia-Malaysia border. Payakumbuh has a tropical climate and is a popular tourist destination because of its beautiful beaches, amazing nature, and various cultural activities.

Here is a list of things you should consider to ensure you have a successful trip to Payakumbuh:

  • Book your place of stay in advance. Hotels and holiday apartments tend to book up fast, so it’s important to book accommodation in advance. This will also help you find the best value for money.
  • Make sure to pack the essentials. Especially during the rainy season, packing suitable clothing is essential when visiting Payakumbuh, as temperatures can drop rapidly. Also, pack any required medication, sunscreen, as well as insect repellent.
  • Research the area and its customs. Payakumbuh has a unique culture, so it’s important you know the local customs and etiquette. Research the religions, traditions and acceptable attire before you visit.
  • Bring enough cash. It’s best to bring plenty of cash as ATMs and credit cards are not widely accepted in Payakumbuh. Make sure you convert your currency in advance.
  • Be vaccinated. Before visiting Payakumbuh, make sure to check the most up-to-date traveller’s health information. Vaccinations can help protect against many common illnesses in the area.

These are some of the essential things to consider when preparing for a trip to Payakumbuh, Indonesia. By following this advice, you’re sure to have an amazing, culturally-enriching experience during your stay.

Payakumbuh, Indonesia is known for its diverse attractions and activities that offer visitors the perfect mix of culture, adventure, and relaxation. From hot springs to spectacular waterfalls and traditional villages, Payakumbuh has something to offer for everyone. Whether you are looking for outdoor activities or a more peaceful atmosphere to relax in, Payakumbuh has it all. With its unique culture and vibrant landscapes, Payakumbuh is a fantastic destination for those looking for fun and adventure.

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Memasuki lokasi Istana pagaruyung, anda bisa langsung menikmati keindahan struktur Istana dan mengabadaikan dengan kamera kesayangan anda. Berpose di anak tangga menuju halaman dan bangunan Istana Pagaruyung sebagai background. Disisi kanan dan kiri berdiri rangkiang   sebagai penyimpanan pasokan seperti padi dan lain-lain. Memiliki halaman yang sangat luas membuat anda sangat leluasa untuk berjalan sambil menikmati pemandangan yang tidak terhalang oleh gedung tinggi seperti di kota besar.

Setelah berkeliling halaman Istana Pagaruyung, anda bisa langsung masuk ke Istana dengan melewati tangga bagian depan terbuat dari kayu seperti bahan bangunan Istana ini pada umumnya. Didalam Istana anda akan di pandu oleh guide menerangkan tata letak ruang dan struktur desain interior. Termasuk juga dengan peralatan yang digunakan di dalam istana.


Selain pemandangan dan sejarah seputar Istana Pagaruyung, anda juga bisa menikmati hal lain yang tak kalah serunya. Yaitu nilai budaya dan filosofi kearifan lokal masyarakat suku Minangkabau. Hal yang dimaksud adalah pakaian adat yang merupakan ciri khas tiap daerah di Indonseia, tak ketinggalan Sumatera Barat. Di bagian bawah Istana Pagaruyung, terdapat ruang untuk berganti pakaian. Disini anda bisa menyewa pakaian adat untuk merasakan bagaimana rasanya menjadi pemangku adat Minangkabau. Terdapat berbagai pilihan pakaian dapat anda sewa. Mulai dari ukuran dewasa dan remaja baik itu pria maupun wanita, sampai untuk anak-anak. Anda juga akan dibantu oleh potografer resmi Istana Pagaruyung untuk bisa mendapatkan hasil jepretan yang profesional dari bermacam angle. Mulai dari outdoor sampai indoor dengan interior memukau. Yang merupakan karya tangan para ahli khusus dan tentunya punya nilai filosofi sendiri dalam mengerjakannya.

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39 komentar untuk "Berkunjung ke Lembah Harau dan Istano Basa Pagaruyung"

aku kok seneng liat mba Dian pakai baju daerah, keliatan pas anggun dan cantik.

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Waduh..tarimo kasih Uni Rina :)

Waaah...cantik²nya bisa pakai baju asli daerah. Belum pernah uy berkunjung ke Rumah Adat. Kapan yaaa?

Di anjungan Sumbar TMII juga ada kayaknya Mbak

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Asik, ya,Jalan-jalan. Byk pengalaman baru yg didapatkan. Mudah2 bs kesempatan ke sana

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

rindu makan minang. terima kasih karena sharing

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung Mbak

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

kalau istana aku sudah pernah tapi lembah harau belum, jd mau, aku lihat alam sumabr indah

yuk ke sumbar lagi

Wuih acaranya padet bener ya, Mbak. Ya padet jalan-jalannya, ya padet kulinerannya (pengin) wkwkwkwk. Seru ih, kapan2 benerean pengin ikut ke sana. Terutama pepotoan di istano basa, hahahah (banci kamera. Next ditunggu yang di Rumah Buya

iya..padat merayap dan kilat biar bisa ici-icip semua kwkwk

Yang anti mainstream bukan cuma horang Kaya, eh salah horang Jakarta maksudnya. Saya juga horang Makassar anti mainstream. hehehe...

hihihi toss kita

Ya Allah Mba, aku kangennnn ikh rasanya makan durian pake ketan gitu. Hahhhh baca ini selalu bikin saya baper karena rindu kampung halaman. Semoga tahun depan bisa ke sana

Dudududu cerita dan fotonya sujses bikin saya mufeeeeng mba Dian! Senengnya bisa halan-halan ya.

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Seru ya trip ke Padangnya, banyak tempat wisata yang bagus, makanannya enak dan murah lagi.

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Wih traveling ke minangkabaunya belum selesai ya mba, bikin mupeng aja setiap mampir ke blog hihi. Seru ya adat minangkabau dan kulinernya. Mau jugaaaa ~

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Yobana rancak ko Uni Dian mamakai suntiang, onde.. 😄 kapan yaak, bisa nge-trip kece kek gitu 😂

Subhanllah mbaaaak ... Indonesia itu kaya dan keren banget. Ahhhh bikin makin cemburu aja nih sama yang sering travelling.

Ya alloh, makanannya bikin ngiri semua. Dan kayaknya menunya jarang ada juga di rumah makan padang yang ada di jabodetabek. Kapan moztrip ke padang lagi yak, kalap makan bisa2.

Mba dian, mashaAllah lembah harau sungguh indah sekali, ada air terjun juga. Banyak melihat kebesaranNya. Melihat ijo2 yang seger. Btw bajunya meski bikin gerah tapi syantik mba Dian :)

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

wuaaaa komplit banget ini mbak jalan2 iya, makan iya, ditambah bisa foto kece pakai baju adat :D bikin pengen banget deh cobain semua kuliner khas minangkabau....

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Masya Allah indah nya alam dan budaya Indonesia. Semoga suatu saat akupun bisa menginjakkan kaki di Padang Aamiinn

Indonesia banget... Kapan ya bisa keliling ke tempat2 begini. jadi mupeng nih. Bagus banget buat nambah pengetahuan

Wiiih kayaknya bakalan jadi salah satu destinasi wisata nih kalau saya pulang ke kampung suami. Bookmark aah.

Dini hari baca ini, jadi pengen makan nasi padang plus dikira anak kuliahan #eh

Ya Allah, keren banget pemandangan di sana yaaa. Aku ngiler lihat nasi padang dan sate adangnya. Anyway, mbak dian cantik banget. Bagi resepnya donggg

Di Lembah Harau kenapa ga berfoto di spot ala korea itu mbaaak? Itu lho pohon yg ga da daunnya itu. Kalau di photo ntar keliatan lagi musim gugur di negara 4 musim lho. Apa lagi klo pake atribut pakaian tradisional korea. Lengkap deh.

uwaaaa aku pengennnnn ksanaaaaaa.... itu loh keren banget mbak liburannya.. pemandangannya bikin pengen buru2 berangkat

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Seru banget ini jalan-jalannya, aku mah tetap kalau liburan pasti yang selalu dicari adalah kulinerannya. Lihat makanan di jam segini jadi bikin laper dan ingin ngeGo-Food nasi padang rasanya.

Waduh, tripnya bener2 bikin mupeng buat yg jarang jalan kayak aku. Belum pernah sm sekali jalan ke daerah ini sih. Tenpatnua cakep banget ya. Smg suatu saat bs jalan kesini. :)

Ya allah kak aku rindu balek ke kampung halaman di pariaman. Ngiler liat makanannya bisa jadi contekan aku nih kak Kalo kesana.

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

wah asik ada balon terbang, Mpo jadi pengen ke sana juga. nabung dulu ah

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Seruuu banget! Jadi pengen kesana dan foto foto di istana juga lengkap dengan baju adat :D

Ke solok ga ada mbak? Ke bukik cinangkiak, tempat wisata baru..

Ya Allah mupengg tingkat tujuhbelas 😂

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

travelling keliling Indonesia memang selalu mengesankan ya Mbak :) terlalu banyak hal mempesona dan berkesan yg kita jumpai setiap menginjakkan kaki di daerah yg baru kita datangi.. indahnya negeri ini..

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Pagaruyung Travel Guide

Experience pagaruyung.

Jam Gadang Bukittinggi

Jam Gadang Bukittinggi

Istano Basa Pagaruyung

Istano Basa Pagaruyung

Cagar Budaya Ustano Rajo Alam, Pagaruyung, Batusangkar

Cagar Budaya Ustano Rajo Alam, Pagaruyung, Batusangkar

Japanese tunnel

Japanese tunnel

Puncak Lawang

Puncak Lawang

Christine Hakim Idea Park

Christine Hakim Idea Park

Harau Canyon

Harau Canyon

Lembah Anai Waterfall

Lembah Anai Waterfall

Situs Prasasti Pagaruyung - Opschrift Ādityavarman - आदित्यवर्मन

Situs Prasasti Pagaruyung - Opschrift Ādityavarman - आदित्यवर्मन

Masjid Raya Bukittinggi

Masjid Raya Bukittinggi

What to eat.

Rumah Makan Pondok Flora

Rumah Makan Pondok Flora

Kiniko Coffee House

Kiniko Coffee House

Kadaitoks Cafe

Kadaitoks Cafe



Maha Pudding

Maha Pudding

Cafe and Resto Rumah Pohon Abdul

Cafe and Resto Rumah Pohon Abdul

Martabak Kubang Simpang Yarsi

Martabak Kubang Simpang Yarsi

PM Cafe & Lounge Family Karaoke

PM Cafe & Lounge Family Karaoke

Sate Mak Aciak

Sate Mak Aciak

Bedudal Cafe

Bedudal Cafe

Bagoes Cafe

Bagoes Cafe



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Lokasi, Harga Tiket Masuk, dan Jam Operasional Istana Pagaruyung Sumatera Barat Terbaru 2021

Jika liburan di istana pagaruyung, sempatkan untuk menyewa baju adat minang dan befoto dengan latar rumah gadang., penulis: sinta agustina, editor: nurul intaniar.

Lokasi, Harga Tiket Masuk, dan Jam Operasional Istana Pagaruyung Sumatera Barat Terbaru 2021

TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM - Istana Pagaruyung atau Istana Basa Pagaruyung merupakan tempat wisata di Sumatera Barat dengan rumah adat Minang, rumah gadang.

Dalam bahasa Minangkabau, rumah gadang berarti rumah besar.

Seperti namanya, rumah gadang begitu besar dengan atap gonjong menyerupai tanduk kerbau.

Rumah gadang di Istana Pagaruyung memiliki tiga tingkat dengan 72 tonggak penyangga utama.

Sementara dinding Istana Pagaruyung dihiasi ornamen ukiran khas Minangkabau.

Baca juga: Lokasi, Harga Tiket Masuk, dan Jam Operasional Harau Dream Park Sumatera Barat Terbaru Agustus 2021

Setidaknya terdapat 58 motif yang terukir pada dinding bangunan tersebut.

Istana Basa Pagaruyung

Jika liburan di Istana Pagaruyung , sempatkan untuk menyewa baju adat Minang dan befoto dengan latar rumah gadang.

Selain itu, wisatawan juga bisa mencicipi kuliner Minang di tempat ini.

Baca juga: 4 Aktivitas Seru yang Bisa Dilakukan di Ngarai Sianok, Wisata Alam di Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat

Lokasi Istana Pagaruyung

Istana Pagaruyung berlokasi di di Jalan Sutan Alam Bagagarsyah, Pagaruyung, Tanjung Emas , Kabupaten Tanah Datar , Sumatera Barat .

Dari pusat kota Padang, Istana Pagaruyung berjarak sekira 105 kilometer.

Istana Pagaruyung dapat ditempuh selama 2 jam 53 menit menggunakan kendaraan bermotor.

Sementara jika datang dari Bukittinggi, Istana Pagaruyung dapat ditempuh selama 1 jam 14 menit dengan jarak tempuh 44 kilometer.

Peserta Tour de Singkarak (TdS) 2014 disambut dengan tarian khas Minang sebelum memasuki Istano Basa Pagaruyung, di Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat, Senin (9/6/2014).

Baca juga: 7 Tempat Wisata Populer di Sumatera Barat, Danau Maninjau Tawarkan Pesona Alam Memukau

Harga tiket masuk Istana Pagaruyung

Sumber: Tribun Travel

Berita terkini, berita populer.


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Pagaruyung Palace

Witness the upsized rumah gadang.

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Uniqueness of this attraction

Other things to do here, what to bring home, who should i travel with, getting around, insiders’ tips.

  • When you are there, do not forget to also rent their traditional costume and take a picture as remembrance. Fees are not very costly so if you have the time, do have some of your picture take wearing these traditional outfit.
  • If you are planning to visit the palace around noon time, it might get a little hot as there are not many trees there so there would not be a lot of shades available there.
  • Do expect crowds if you are visiting during the school holidays in Indonesia as the palace is also a popular spot for school field trips. So, do not be surprised if you see little children in uniforms walking around the palace during these times.
  • Should you plan to go on a private tour package, be sure that you enquire at a licensed tour operator to avoid getting scammed.
  • If you are travelling on a tight budget, it is recommended to rent a transportation from the city of Padang to get to Batusangkar or Bukittinggi area.

Pagaruyung Palace Padang

Opening hours

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Pagaruyung Palace


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PAGARUYUNG PALACE: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

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Kerajaan Pagaruyung: Sejarah, Letak, Pendiri, dan Peninggalan stori, widya lestari ningsih,, nibras nada nailufar.

Tim Redaksi

Widya Lestari Ningsih

Penulis nibras nada nailufar.

Dari manuskrip yang terdapat pada bagian belakang arca Amoghapasa, diketahui bahwa pada 1347 M Adityawarman menyatakan dirinya sebagai raja di Malayapura.

Meski nama Pagaruyung tidak ditemukan dalam berbagai sumber sejarah, Adityawarman diduga kuat sebagai pendiri Kerajaan Pagaruyung .

Adityawarman adalah seorang keturunan Minangkabau-Jawa, putra dari Adwayawarman (pemimpin Ekspedisi Pamalayu dari Kerajaan Kediri) dan Dara Jingga (putri Kerajaan Dharmasraya).

Namun, sebagian sejarawan berpendapat bahwa Adityawarman adalah putra dari Raden Wijaya (pendiri Kerajaan Majapahit) dan Dara Jingga.

Terlepas dari perbedaan pendapat para ahli, Adityawarman adalah sepupu Raja Jayanegara (raja kedua Majapahit) dari pihak ibu.

Baca juga: Jayanegara, Raja Majapahit yang Dibenci

Sebelum mendirikan Kerajaan Pagaruyung, ia pernah menaklukkan Bali dan Palembang bersama Mahapatih Gajah Mada.

Pasalnya, Adityawarman adalah raja bawahan (uparaja) dari Majapahit yang dikirim untuk menundukkan daerah-daerah penting di Sumatera.

Dalam perjalanannya, ia berusaha melepaskan diri dari Majapahit hingga dikejar oleh pasukan dari Jawa Timur.

Setelah terlibat pertempuran dahsyat di daerah Padang Sibusuk, Adityawarman akhirnya menang.

Puncak kejayaan Kerajaan Pagaruyung

Di bawah pemerintahan Adityawarman dan putranya, Ananggawarman, Kerajaan Pagaruyung menjadi sangat kuat hingga berhasil melebarkan kekuasaannya ke wilayah Sumatera bagian tengah.

Dari berita China, diketahui bahwa…

Tag kerajaan pagaruyung puncak kejayaan kerajaan pagaruyung raja-raja kerajaan pagaruyung pendiri kerajaan pagaruyung letak kerajaan pagaruyung sejarah singkat kerajaan pagaruyung peninggalan kerajaan pagaruyung kerajaan nusantara.


Kerajaan Indraprahasta: Sejarah, Raja-Raja, dan Keruntuhan

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Kerajaan Siak: Silsilah Raja, Puncak Kejayaan, dan Peninggalan

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Kertanegara, Pembawa Kejayaan dan Raja Terakhir Kerajaan Singasari

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Raden Wijaya, Pendiri Kerajaan Majapahit

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Pemberontakan Nambi, Gugurnya Patih Pertama Kerajaan Majapahit

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5 Travel Jurusan Padang Payakumbuh Terbaru

Travel padang payakumbuh ayah ke ongkos dari nomor bandara didi tour kota sumatera barat pagaruyung tpa sarah alamat armada no telp panjang antar jemput mobil tarif wisata cv

Transportasi sekarang ini terdiri dari banyak pilihan, salah satunya adalah travel. Dimana travel ini memberikan keuntungan tersendiri untuk setiap penumpangnya. Seperti penumpang akan lebih nyaman karena penupang bisa beristirahat di dalam mobil ataupun bus.

Jurusan Padang – Payakumbuh sendiri memang masih jarang ada layanan travel, tetapi tak perlu khawatir karena masih ada layanan transportasi travel Padang Payakumbuh yang dapat digunakan. Meskipun tidak sebanyak kota lain, tetap bisa merasakan pelayanan yang baik.

Bahkan rute dari atau ke Bandara juga dilayani dengan baik. Sehingga Anda tidak perlu takut kelelahan di perjalanan. Lalu apa saja referensi dari transportasi dengan jurusan Padang – Payakumbuh yang bisa digunakan? Berikut adalah beberapa di antaranya:

1. TPA Tour & Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Abdul Muis No.15C, Jati Baru, Padang Timur, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 08.00 – 18.00 WIB Nomor Telepon: 082382472888

Jadwal keberangkatan baik itu jam berangkat dan rute singgahnya langsung saja ditanyakan ke customer service dengan menghubungi kontak yang sudah tertera. Begitupun dengan informasi armada beserta fasilitas dan layanan yang diberikan.

Dengan demikian informasi yang diperoleh akan lebih jelas dan lengkap, selain itu bisa juga dengan mendatangi alamatnya secara langsung.

Alamat: Jalan S. Parman No.31, Ulak Karang Selatan, Padang Utara, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 08.00 – 17.00 WIB No Telp: 082174569466

Keberangkatan dengan rute Padang – Payakumbuh dari jam keberangkatan dan rute singgah dapat ditanyakan secara langsung ke loket atau mendatangi alamat. Selain itu juga bisa menghubungi kontak yang sudah tertera.

Untuk armada yang digunakan beserta fasilitas dan layanan yang diberikan juga langsung saja ditanyakan agar lebih jelas nantinya.

3. Nusa Mulya Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Khatib Sulaiman No.65, Lolong Belanti, Padang Utara, Padang City, Sumatera Barat (Samping RM. Pauh Piaman) No Telp: 085376667087 Website:

Jam keberangkatan dengan rute Padang  – Bukit Tinggi – Payakumbuh ini bisa ditanyakan secara langsung ke pihak travel sehingga nantinya informasi yang akan diperoleh juga lebih jelas.

Sedangkan untuk armada yang digunakan adalah mobil Toyota Innova dan Isuzu Panther. Dimana dibekali dengan fasilitasfull AC, reclining seat, musik, tanpa asap rokok dan layanan antar jemput baik itu door to door maupun point to point.

4. Sarah Nursyfa Transport ❤️

Alamat: Jalan S. Parman No.233C, Ulak, Karang Selatan, Padang Utara, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 04.00 – 18.00 WIB No Telp: 085274125675

Rute yang dilalui oleh travel ini sendiri adalah Padang Panjang – Bukit Tinggi – Payakumbuh, dimana untuk jam keberangkatan dan juga armada yang digunakan beserta fasilitas dan layanan yang diberikan bisa ditanyakan secara langsung ke pihak travel.

Anda bisa menghubungi kontak tersebut atau mendatangi kantor secara langsung, sehingga info yang diperoleh akan lebih jelas.

5. Didi Tour & Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.98, Parik Rantang, Payakumbuh Barat, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 07.00 – 21.00 WIB Tarif: Hubungi customer service No Telp: 08126712544

Keberangkatan dengan jurusan Padang – Payakumbuh ini bisa ditanyakan ke pihak travel, begitupun dengan jam keberangkatan dan armada yang digunakan. Dengan langsung bertanya tentu saja info yang diperoleh akan lebih jelas dan juga lengkap.

West Sumatra Traveler

West Sumatra Traveler

Let us take you on an adventure!

Batusangkar At a Glance…

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Batusangkar is the former capital of the Minangkabau kingdom, and is situated North East of Padang.

Known locally as the ‘city of culture’, Batusangkar has a lot to offer the curious traveler, from the finest example of Minangkabau architecture at Pagaruyung palace to the exhilarating Pacu Jawi cow races.

Top tip; Batusangkar is the home of the traditional Kawah Daun; a hot drink made from the leaf of the coffee plant and often drank out of coconut shell halves. A favorite spot of ours to enjoy this is Tabek Patah on the road to Payakumbuh; you can sip your Kawah Daun whilst enjoying a beautiful panoramic view. Otherwise, ask anyone in the city (more luck can be had with the over 40’s) and they’ll happily point you towards their favorite spot for a cuppa.

How to get there?

There are buses from Aur Kuning in Bukittinggi , which take about an hour to reach Batusangkar. Alternatively, the trip from Padang takes about two hours – buses are available and we are currently looking into where these leave from.

Where next?

Sawahlunto! This beautiful little town, surrounded by hills, is located about an hour and a half away from Batusangkar. Public transport is available from the city center.

Where to get more information?

I hope you’ve found this article helpful. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find our articles on a specific place, or alternatively peruse the rest of the site to find out about some of the other great destinations in West Sumatra. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, or send us an e-mail at [email protected] – we look forward to hearing from you!

pagaruyung travel payakumbuh

Jen is an English girl who found herself in Sumatra one day and never went back. A wife, mother, traveler and book worm, she has lived in Padang long enough to speak the language and unearth plenty of useful hints and tips for the weary traveler…

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Jen is an English girl who found herself in Sumatra one day and never went back. A wife, mother, traveler and book worm, she has lived in Padang long enough to speak the language and unearth plenty of useful hints and tips for the weary traveler...

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    5. Didi Tour & Travel ️. Alamat: Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.98, Parik Rantang, Payakumbuh Barat, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 07.00 - 21.00 WIB Tarif: Hubungi customer service No Telp: 08126712544. Keberangkatan dengan jurusan Padang - Payakumbuh ini bisa ditanyakan ke pihak travel, begitupun dengan jam keberangkatan dan armada yang digunakan.

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