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14 Rue Victor Hugo 38300 Bourgoin-Jallieu

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Combien ça coûte , les aides et moyens de financement, ils ont choisi l'accompagnement à domicile avec o 2, agrégateur de contenus.

o2 la tour du pin

Faire ensemble ★

8h de sérénité par semaine

Grâce à Nicole, notre maison est toujours impeccable et nous sortons dans notre quartier en toute quiétude pour faire nos courses sous son regard bienveillant.

o2 la tour du pin

Faire ensemble ★★

4h d’accompagnement hebdomadaire, pour vivre en toute liberté !

Grâce à Carole, je peux rester vivre chez moi. Elle s’occupe de l’entretien de ma maison, on va faire les courses, on prépare ensemble mes repas et elle m’accompagne aussi à mes rendez-vous. Et puis surtout, on discute beaucoup toutes les deux ! J’adore passer du temps avec elle et ça soulage aussi mes proches.

o2 la tour du pin

Faire ensemble ★★★

5h d’accompagnement hebdomadaire, un sourire retrouvé !

Il devenait difficile pour moi de prendre soin de mon chien. La perspective de m’en séparer était un crève coeur. Sandra m’aide à m’occuper de lui, il peut rester avec moi et c’est un vrai bonheur !

Service+Ville+CP - Les villes autour

Retrouvez aussi nos services d' aide aux personnes âgées autour de la tour-du-pin.

  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Bourgoin-Jallieu
  • Aide aux personnes âgées aux Abrets en Dauphiné
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Ruy-Montceau
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Morestel
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Saint-Savin
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Saint-Chef
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Saint-Clair-de-la-Tour
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Dolomieu
  • Aide aux personnes âgées au Grand-Lemps
  • Aide aux personnes âgées à Cessieu
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  • Offices de Tourisme

Office de Tourisme des Vals du Dauphiné-Bureau de La Tour du Pin

Que recherchez-vous ?

Commerces et services.

Office de Tourisme des Vals du Dauphiné-Bureau de La Tour du Pin

Votre office de tourisme vous accompagne dans la découverte de la Tour-du-Pin et son territoire "les Vals du Dauphiné": conseils, brochures et guides, suggestions d'activités et itinéraires, billetterie, boutique...

Sur la route des stations la ville " étape" est idéalement située entre Lyon, Grenoble et Chambéry. L'Office de Tourisme vous conseille de découvrir le charme du centre historique et les alentours avec la carte touristique des Vals du Dauphiné. Une halte s’impose chez les pâtissiers pour savourer le Miron, chocolat, spécialité de la ville. L'architecture, les légendes et l'histoire vous permettront de bien comprendre les caractéristiques du centre urbain et des Vals du Dauphiné. Ne manquez pas l'église qui surplombe la cité turripinoise et qui abrite le célèbre triptyque du XVI° classé monument historique et le triptyque contemporain réalisé en 2001 par le grand maitre d'art sacré Arcabas. Ce temps de pause sera aussi une occasion pour profiter des beaux panoramas sur les Alpes toutes proches, des nombreux châteaux et maisons fortes nichés dans un paysage verdoyant.

Informations complémentaires

Accueil vélo

Bons plans !

Un autres bureau d'informations touristiques est à votre disposition à Pont de Beauvoisin.

Informations pratiques

Office de Tourisme Les Vals du Dauphiné

Du 02/01 au 07/07/2024 Ouverture le mardi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 17h30. Le vendredi de 9h à 12h30. Fermeture exceptionnelle le 28/06. Du 08/07 au 01/09/2024 Ouverture le mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 17h30. Le samedi de 9h à 12h30. Fermé lundi et dimanche. Fermeture exceptionnelle le 15 août. Du 02/09 au 24/12/2024 Ouverture le mardi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 17h30. Le vendredi de 9h à 12h30. Fermeture exceptionnelle le 1er novembre.

Accès libre. Tarifs boutique https://tourisme-valsdudauphine.fr/tourisme-famille-isere/uploads/2020/06/livret-boutique-2022-Pret-%C3%A0-imprimer.pdf.

Carte bancaire/crédit

Votre itinéraire

Itinéraire avec Google Map

le Chateau de Vaulserre

Office de Tourisme les Vals du Dauphiné-Bureau de Pont-de-Beauvoisin

Votre office de tourisme vous accompagne dans la découverte de Pont-de-Beauvoisin et son territoire "les Vals du Dauphiné": conseils, brochures et guides, suggestions d'activités et itinéraires, billetterie, boutique...

Parcours d&#039;orientation VTT vert

Parcours d'orientation en VTT

Parcours d'orientation vtt vert.

Une autre manière de découvrir et de se balader de manière ludique à en VTT ou à pied : la course d'orientation.

Parcours d&#039;orientation VTT bleu

Parcours d'orientation

Parcours d'orientation vtt bleu.

Parcours d&#039;orientation VTT jaune

Parcours d'orientation VTT jaune

Chemins de soie

Parcours / sentier thématique

Circuit "les chemins de soie".

5 itinéraires urbains pour découvrir Les Abrets, La Bâtie-Montgascon, Corbelin, St André-le-Gaz et Fitilieu. Au fil de leur patrimoine textile et de leur paysage, retrouvez l'âme des soieries.

Itinrance La Trans'Vals du Dauphin

Itinéraire de randonnée pédestre

Itinérance de gare en gare - la trans' vals du dauphiné.

A pied ou en VTT, à la sortie, entre deux gares, cette itinérance/ randonnée vous fera découvrir les Vals du Dauphiné, ses vallons, ses panoramas, son terroir et ses richesses patrimoniales. Retour tout doux par le train jusqu'au point de départ.

Rando St Jacques de Compostelle GR65 Valencogne

De Romagnieu à Valencogne : GR 65 - Chemin de St Jacques de Compostelle en Isère

Arrivée par la Savoie, le relief s'adoucit sur les collines du Dauphiné invitant à cheminer sur ce tracé millénaire, sportif et spirituel emprunté par St Jacques de Compostelle.

o2 la tour du pin

Château la Tour du Pin

Saint-émilion grand cru, vintages: 2010, price range, serving temperature, ageing potential, grape varieties.

  • Cabernet Franc

Growing methods

Website retailer, our suggestions.

Château Chasse-Spleen

Château Chasse-Spleen

Château Labat

Château Labat

Château Larrivet Haut-Brion

Château Larrivet Haut-Brion

Pessac-léognan (red), search within our selection, red varieties, white varieties.

o2 la tour du pin

A year in the life of a winemaker


o2 la tour du pin

Wine Tourism


Be notified of all the news concerning the Bordeaux wines.


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La Tour-du-Pin

Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the isère.

Sous-prefecture of Isere, La Tour-du-Pin is a commune in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region located in the heart of historical Dauphine. It takes place forty kilometers from Lyon, and about sixty kilometers from Grenoble , not far from the airports of Lyon Saint-Exupéry or Chambéry-Savoie.

A strategic city since the Gallo-Roman era, La Tour-du-Pin was located on the road linking Lyon and Vienna to neighboring Italy. Became a powerful barony of the county of Savoy in the twelfth century, she took the road to the kingdom of France in the middle of the fourteenth century, with the rest of Dauphine.

Even today, it is possible to admire many architectural remains that trace the entire history of La Tour-du-Pin through the centuries, revealing its richness and multiculturalism.

Geographical information

Nearest cities & towns, things to see and do.

  • Built in the 19th century, on the remains of an earlier building, the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption church houses a 16th century wooden triptych classified as an historic monument. The latter represents the Entombment, the Ascent from Calvary, as well as the Descent from the Cross, Ecce homo and Saint Jerome.
  • Several castles also take place on the territory of La Tour-du-Pin, like that of Cuirieu built between the 17th and 18th centuries. The latter is listed in the Historic Monuments, in particular for its French garden and for its outbuildings. It is also possible to admire the castle of Tournin . Built at the same time as the previous one, it is partly listed in the Historic Monuments for its facades, roofs, garden and courtyard. Do not miss the Château de Châbons either, a 17th century building built on the site of an old farmyard building of a medieval castle.
  • Transformed into a cultural center, the old halls of La Tour-du-Pin are still visible, as are some vestiges of the old fortifications, like the Henri IV tower.
  • Also listed as a Historic Monument, the Maison des Dauphins dates back to the 16th century and deserves a stop.
  • Several possibilities for free discovery of the city are available to you:
  • The Urban walk guide which offers you a circuit of around one hour to discover the sights of the city.
  • For the more athletic, two orientation courses are available, one for children and a second, longer, for adults.
  • Ronde d'un Art du Monde offers a city tour through the discovery of 4 contemporary works.
  • All media can be picked up at the Tourist Office, under the Halls, at the Tour du Pin.
  • Discovering while having fun is also possible, for the youngest (6 to 12 years old), get the Rando game "Le Miron de La Tour du Pin" and go in search of clues to reconstruct the story and solve the mystery of the Vals du Dauphiné. 6 € the game to be obtained at the Tourist Office.

Places of interest

Events and festivities.

  • The market is held every Tuesday and Saturday morning. An organic and local farmers' market is also offered on Wednesday afternoons.
  • In July, place at the Miron festival with the program of a craft market, entertainment for children, an aperitif-concert, sports demonstrations or parades in horse-drawn carriages.
  • The cultural season offers a rich and varied program each year, including the Theatrical Festival, which highlights amateur theater in October.

Tournin Castle

Visits, leisure and activities nearby

Leisure activities.

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o2 la tour du pin

Bed & breakfasts

o2 la tour du pin

Vacation rentals

o2 la tour du pin

Related articles La Tour-du-Pin

La Tour-du-Pin tourism and travel guide

Photo of La Tour-du-Pin in Isere

Photo is of Cremieu at 23 km from La Tour-du-Pin

Visit La Tour-du-Pin: highlights and tourist information

La Tour-du-Pin is situated in the Isere department and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region.

Below you can see some of the places that we have visited and reviewed and can recommend when you are sightseeing close to La Tour-du-Pin in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

Popular places to visit nearby include Cremieu at 23 km and Belley at 29 km.

La Tour-du-Pin, France: places to visit and attractions

Note that all distances below are 'direct' and real driving distances will be greater!




Vienne (town)



Palais Ideal

Palais Ideal


Lyon Presqu'ile

Lyon Old Town

Lyon Old Town


... or see ALL recommended places to visit in Isere

Arrange a visit to La Tour-du-Pin

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Hotels in La Tour-du-Pin

Booking.com: best prices

o2 la tour du pin

Reserve excursions

Map of places to visit near la tour-du-pin, markets in and near la tour-du-pin.

Market days in La Tour-du-Pin: weekly market: Tuesday & Saturday;

  • La Tour-du-Pin: market Tuesday & Saturday (0km)
  • Morestel: market Sunday (12km)
  • Bourgoin-Jallieu: market Thursday & Sunday (13km)
  • Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers: market Wednesday (16km)
  • Le Pont-de-Beauvoisin: market Monday (18km)
  • Le Grand-Lemps: market Tuesday & Friday (19km)
  • Cremieu: market Wednesday (23km)
  • Villefontaine: market Wednesday (23km)
  • Saint-Jean-de-Bournay: market Monday (25km)
  • Voiron: market Wednesday (25km)

More information about La Tour-du-Pin, Rhone-Alpes

Tourist attractions near la tour-du-pin, france.

What to do at La Tour-du-Pin? Some places with official tourist classifications and other places of interest to visit nearby that should provide inspiration if you are visiting La Tour-du-Pin.

  • Aquarium du Lac du Bourget (38km)

Most beautiful villages in France

(see also beautiful French villages )

  • Perouges (43km)
  • Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye (47km)

Recommended detour towns (fr: plus beau détour)

  • Cremieu (23km)

Regional Natural Parcs

  • Chartreuse (34km)

Remarkable gardens

  • Les jardins du Prieuré (34km)
  • Parc du château du Touvet (46km)
  • Jardin du musée Hébert (46km)

Protected historical centre (fr: secteur sauvegardé)

(see also historical French towns )

  • Chambery (38km)

Sites of natural beauty

  • Mont Granier (39km)
  • Mont Jalla (46km)
  • Grand parc de Miribel-Jonage (48km)
  • Laboratoire d’écologie des hydrosystèmes naturels et anthropisés (51km)

Amusement park / theme park

  • Walibi Rhone Alpes (11km)

Towns of Art and history

  • Vienne (44km)
  • Grenoble (48km)

Villages in bloom 4* (fr: ville fleurie)

  • Morestel (12km)
  • Nances (28km)
  • Saint-Vulbas (32km)
  • Aix-les-Bains (39km)
  • Chaponnay (40km)
  • Saint-Gervais (41km)

Geography and distances

La Tour-du-Pin is in the east of France at 48 kilometres from Grenoble, the department capital (general information: La Tour-du-Pin is 434 kilometres from Paris).

Geographical Information

Commune: La Tour-du-Pin

Canton: Tour-du-Pin

Arrondissement: Tour-du-Pin

Department: Isere

Region: Rhone-Alpes

New region: Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Postcode: 38110

Distance to La Tour-du-Pin

from Grenoble (prefecture): 48 km

from Paris: 434 km

from Calais: 655 km

from Nice: 253 km

from Bordeaux: 478 km

from Strasbourg: 378 km

Getting here

For driving distances to La Tour-du-Pin from anywhere in France see driving distances and route planner .

We have 13 other places listed as being close (less than kilometres from ): Cessieu , Dolomieu , La Chapelle-de-la-Tour , Le Passage , Montagnieu , Montcarra , Rochetoirin , Saint-Clair-de-la-Tour , Saint-Didier-de-la-Tour , Saint-Jean-de-Soudain , Saint-Victor-de-Cessieu , Sainte-Blandine and Torchefelon .

This page in French: Visiter La Tour-du-Pin

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La Tour-du-Pin

Subprefecture of isère, auvergne-rhône-alpes, france / from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, dear wikiwand ai, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions:.

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Farr Vintners Logo

Tour du Pin 2010

View all vintages of this wine


Tasting Notes

The 2010 La Tour du Pin is showing incredibly well. A blend of 75% Merlot and the rest Cabernet Franc from just over 17 acres, this wine is a sleeper of the vintage. It offers up loads of blueberry, black raspberry and boysenberry fruit, stunning opulence, freshness and precision, despite its flesh and fat. Pure, fragrant and -open for business,- so to speak, this is a gorgeous wine to drink over the next 10-15 years. The world wine market hasn't caught up to the quality of this estate, which is now owned by the proprietors of Cheval Blanc and operated under the administration of the same staff that produces that outstanding Bordeaux.

Blackberries with peaches and hints of lemons. Full bodied, with fine tannins and a clean finish. Attractive wine. Always delicate

85% Merlot. 15% Cabernet Franc. Cheval team have been in charge for four years. Very fresh, seems skinnier on the nose than the Quinault L'Enclos served with it. But on the palate it is really quite broad and sweet with excellent palate breadth. Quite firm on the finish. A bit tough even on the finish. Very dry tannins. Quite severe - especially on the finish.

This property goes from strength to strength under owners Cheval Blanc. Elegant, perfumed, sweet and ripe with beautiful texture and tannins. Fresh acidity behind. Drink 2016-2026.

2010: This very perfumed style of wine is slightly cooler and fresher than the more opulent, glycerin-imbued 2009. Exhibiting terrific aromatics (black and red fruits, licorice, and graphite), medium to full-bodied flavors, super purity, and a long finish, it should drink nicely when young and evolve for 10-15 years, although I can't see it ever being very long-aged.

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Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin

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    Pour plus d'informations, contactez nous au 02 43 72 02 02. (1) Offre valable pour toute première signature d'un contrat O 2 de prestations régulières en ménage-repassage avant le 16/05/2021 et de la réalisation d'une première intervention avant le 20/06/2021.

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  4. Office de Tourisme des Vals du Dauphiné-Bureau de La Tour du Pin

    38110 La Tour-du-Pin; 04 76 32 11 24; [email protected] | [email protected]; Vals du Dauphiné Tourisme; Ouvertures. Du 02/01 au 07/07/2024 Ouverture le mardi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 17h30. Le vendredi de 9h à 12h30. Fermeture exceptionnelle le 28/06. Du 08/07 au 01/09/2024

  5. Google Maps

    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  6. Château la Tour du Pin

    A smooth-velvety texture with a long warming finish. Food Pairing: Calves liver with garlic and sage. Also: Beef stew with prunes, or beef stroganoff. Price range. $55 - $70. Serving temperature. 59-62.6° F. Ageing potential. 5 - 30 years.

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    Tourist attractions near La Tour-du-Pin, France. What to do at La Tour-du-Pin? Some places with official tourist classifications and other places of interest to visit nearby that should provide inspiration if you are visiting La Tour-du-Pin. Aquarium. Aquarium du Lac du Bourget (38km) Most beautiful villages in France (see also beautiful French ...

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  11. La Tour-du-Pin

    La Tour-du-Pin is a commune. It is found in the Isère department in the southeastern part of France This page was last changed on 6 June 2020, at 21:44. ...

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    La Tour-du-Pin. Closed Place de la Gare 38110 La Tour Du Pin Facebook Twitter Instagram. See practical information Stations of France 3,000 stations in France; Need help? We are at your service; Download the Ma Gare SNCF app Discover our app; SNCF.com; T&Cs and privacy policy ...

  13. La Tour-du-Pin

    1 French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds, glaciers > 1 km 2 (0.386 sq mi or 247 acres) and river estuaries. La Tour-du-Pin is a subprefecture of the Isère department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in Southeastern France.

  14. Optic 2000

    Optic 2000, La Tour-du-Pin. 71 likes · 7 were here. Bienvenue sur le site de votre opticien Optic 2000 La Tour-du-Pin : retrouvez toutes nos lunettes de

  15. Gare La Tour-du-Pin : accès, services et infos pratiques

    2 Place de la Gare 38110. La Tour du Pin. Horaire d'ouverture Gare. Du lundi au samedi : 05h35 - 19h40 Dimanche et jour férié : 06h45 - 19h40. Guichet. Lundi au samedi : 06h35 - 19h40 Dimanche et férié : 06h45 - 19h40. Distributeur de titre de transport TER. Achetez aussi vos billets sur votre mobile.

  16. Train timetables Paris-La Tour-du-Pin

    Train timetable info Paris-La Tour-du-Pin. Number routes per day. 21. Average route time. 2h 58m. Shortest route time. 2h 44m. First hour of departure. 5h 52m.

  17. Hugh of La Tour-du-Pin

    Hugh of La Tour-du-Pin [1] (1197/1198 - December 1249) was the bishop of Clermont from 1227 until his death. [2] Hugh was a son of Albert, lord of La Tour-du-Pin, and Marie d'Auvergne. [2] He is called magister, showing that he had a formal education. Before his election as bishop, he was the prior of the Cluniac abbey of Sauxillanges, where ...

  18. Train schedules

    La Tour-du-Pin. Close. Select one of the suggested options to go to the station page. Suggestions are available. Other station? Please type the full name. Breadcrumb. Home / Your stations and services / La Tour-du-Pin / Train schedules Station; Train schedules; Intermodality;

  19. 4 appartements T2/F2 en location à la Tour-du-Pin (38110)

    Vous pourriez être intéressé. 4 annonces, Location, Appartements, 2 pièces/T2, à la Tour-du-Pin (38), Prix min : 450€/mois, Prix max : 525€/mois, 4 dans le quartier Centre Est Sud, 1 av. balcon, 1 av. parking, 1 meublés, Répartition : 3 annonces de professionnels, 1 annonces de particulier.

  20. Tour du Pin 2010. Fine Wine from Bordeaux

    Tasting Notes. The 2010 La Tour du Pin is showing incredibly well. A blend of 75% Merlot and the rest Cabernet Franc from just over 17 acres, this wine is a sleeper of the vintage. It offers up loads of blueberry, black raspberry and boysenberry fruit, stunning opulence, freshness and precision, despite its flesh and fat.

  21. Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin : La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

    Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin by La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Henriette Lucie (Dillon) marquise de, 1770-1853. Publication date 1971 Topics La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Henriette Lucie (Dillon) marquise de, 1770-1853, France -- Social life and customs, United States -- Social life and customs -- 1783-1865

  22. Ciné-club

    Ciné-club, La Tour-du-Pin. 44 likes. Le ciné-club a pour but de promouvoir, soutenir, favoriser les initiatives susceptibles de diffuser la culture cinématographique.

  23. Guigues VIII of Viennois

    Guigues VIII de la Tour-du-Pin (1309 - 28 July 1333) was the Dauphin of Vienne from 1318 to his death. He was the eldest son of the Dauphin John II and Beatrice of Hungary. Career. Only nine years of age when his father died, he succeeded under the regency of his uncle Henri Dauphin, the bishop-elect of Metz, which was exercised until 1323.