motorcycle tours oregon

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motorcycle tours oregon

Oregon tour Riding the Oregon coast range.

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Riders often ask us at Pashnit Motorcycle Tours where to ride when they visit the Pacific Northwest. The answer is quite simple, really. Go to Coastal Oregon. These are places of immense beauty and awe-inspiring vistas. Seems simple enough. Ah, but getting there, now there is where the fun lies.

Southern Oregon...

Our tour begins from Ashland, Oregon, a few miles over the California border on the very edge of Southern Oregon.

Something special happens as we move across the imaginary state border. The terrain changes, the climate changes, the road surface change s, subtle things motorcyclists notice. It just feels... different.

Our route follows along deep rivers and train tracks that carve along gentle curves. Rivers come in the shape of loops. We'll ride one, then another, then another large loop into the hills & back. Southwestern Oregon will surprise you. The remoteness, the hilly terrain, small towns and the one thing we did not expect was the quality of the road surfaces.

This ride day is actually composed of seven loops into the hills and back as we make our way northward out to the Pacific Ocean across the Wild Rogue Wilderness.

What surprises our riders the most is how remote it is. Name a place where you can ride a 60-mile stretch of twisty road and see almost no one.

But there is one thing that's hard to avoid. Oregon is home to numerous covered bridges, Buster Keaton action movies, and the parade scene in the movie Animal House in the central Oregon town of Cottage Grove.

And the logging... They still do that here. While in nearby California logging has become a rarity, here in Oregon it's everywhere. Mountain ranges are lower in elevation than the Sierra Nevada range to the south.  Oregon remains the leading state in the nation for timber harvesting and lumber production. While logged stands of woodland seem everywhere, we ride, Oregon has the highest voluntary reforestation compliance rate in the nation -- averaging 97%. That means Oregonians plant as much as 47 million seedlings per year - every year, and as a result - annual forest growth exceeds harvest by 33%.

So, converting that to a motorcyclist's perspective - it means the forests are readily accessible, and the logging companies have carved out roads to gain ready access to their timber stands.

The Grandest Secret...

Herein lies the grand secret to Oregon Motorcycle Roads... When the logging companies maintain the roads for easy accessibility to their timber, the side effect is amazing motorcycle roads. Smooth, narrow, deserted, remote. Everything we love about riding motorcycles can be found here.

You will love these roads. Many riders simply can't believe their eyes. Twisty road that goes on and on...

Aufde rheide Memorial Drive, National Forest 19, also known as Aufderheide Scenic Drive overlooking Cougar Reservoir, is an Oregon favorite. Cougar Lake is a long, narrow mountain reservoir, built by the Corps of Engineers in 1963 by damming the South Fork of the McKenzie River about three miles south of Rainbow. Cougar Reservoir is located outside of Blue River along Aufderheide Drive, part of the West Cascades National Scenic Byway. The lake was named Cougar because of its proximity to Cougar Creek, a small stream used to designate the dam site on preliminary surveys. Colorful sunshades of conifer and deciduous trees escort riders along this charming river drive, and the curves are outstanding. Campgrounds abound with bridges and refreshing swimming holes along the way.

Oregon Coast Range...

You can't talk about Oregon without mentioning the Pacific Coastline. Now let's first establish that this isn't California and the Pacific Coast Road in Oregon is the polar opposite to NorCal's Highway 1 and the world-famous Big Sur coastline .

Rather, Oregon Highway 1 tracks lazily sometimes along the water, other lengths run through stands of forest. Through the years, we've made our way to Cape Arago State Park, near Coos Bay, and viewed 40-miles of coastal sand dunes plus visited the famous Haceta Head Lighthouse - one of eleven lighthouses along the Oregon coast.

Florence is a small city at the mouth of the Siuslaw River as it reaches the Pacific Ocean on the Oreg on coast. Its vast Sea Lion Caves are home to noisy sea lions. Nearby , trails around the restored 19th-century Heceta Head Lighthouse offer views of seabirds and migrating whales. Shops and galleries fill the city’s Historic Old Town district. Across the river are the towering sand mounds of the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

Florence was the site of a famous scene, when town authorities used 20 cases of explosives to try to blow up a forty-five-foot, eight-ton sperm whale that washed ashore in 1970. In addition to the stench and the possibility that the body would burst, local officials were concerned that people curious about the carcass might climb on it and fall in. Expectations assumed the whale would be disintegrated in the blast; the opposite occurred, when the blast instead distributed random whale blubber over a vast radius.  Large chunks of whale blubber were blasted as far away as a 1/2 mile, one large chunk landed on a vehicle and destroyed the automobile. In 2020 residents voted to name a new park in Florence, the Exploding Whale Memorial Park.

Oceans also mean lighthouses, and we will be riding right past the Umqua River Lighthouse. It was the first lighthouse on the Oregon Coast, and remains one of the few lighthouses you can climb to the top of. The Umpqua River Lighthouse has a rich history, and before it was placed at the top of the 100-foot bluff overlooking the entrance into Winchester Bay, it was commissioned in 1857 along the sandy beach of the Umpqua River. Less than 10 years later, a new lighthouse was needed, due to flooding the original lighthouse had fallen over. Luckily the light apparatus was moved because the structure had started to tilt after the Umpqua River rose 45 feet. It is one of the few coastal lighthouses you can ride right up to, and this easy access makes it a requisite stop to enjoy the cool ocean air.

The tiny town of Powers provides access into the Siskiyou National Forest in the Oregon Coast Range. Roads here are endlessly twisty, narrow and often single lane. Our ride is on paved logging roads past assorted dirt spider roads that reach off into the surrounding forest. Our dual sport riders see these, and pledge to return to explore the Coast Range even further. Other nearly ridgelines are covered in a carpet of new trees from recent replanting efforts, as the cycle of harvesting and replanting the forest extends over decades.

The Oregon Coast Range is low in elevation in stark contrast to our many tours in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range . The nearby Mount Bolivar is a mere 4300 ft, but regarded as the highest peak in the county and sometimes confused as the highest peak in the Oregon Coast Range. On the clearest of days, and if you stand in the right spot, it is said you can see from Mount Hood to Mount Shasta as well as to the Pacific Ocean. The majority of our day is spent in the Coast Range before finally reaching Gold Beach near the California border.

This tour will conclude in Gold Beach, Oregon; plan an extra day to explore the Northern California Motorcycle Wonderland a few miles away.

Tour: August 30-02, 2024 Meet: 57 N Main St, Ashland, OR Arrive: 7:00 AM, Safety Brief 7:30, Depart 8:00 AM

Cost: $540 per rider, $119 passenger.

ROADS: This tour includes narrow single lane paved mountain roads. The ride includes steep grades to 20% and negotiating tight hairpin corners. All roads on this tour are paved.  

EXPERIENCED RIDERS ONLY: This tour is not recommended for beginner riders or Ve ry Large Motorcycles. Riders are expected to have at least several years of enthusiastic experience on their motorcycle riding remote challenging paved mountain backroads along with at least 5000+ miles of concurrent recent experience.

HIGH DEMAND: This tour is limited by the amount of rooms at our host lodging. We have booked rooms months in advance and our tours sell out by the end of January. Get on our mailing list to be the first to know about new rides. Tours are planned & announced in the late fall of each year.

Book early to ensure a spot on this new ride. Check with us to see if any available spots are open. Some of our rides may have waiting lists to be able to join the group.


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OREGON COAST Motorcycle Tour

Starts Aug 30

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High Desert Adventures

Oregon’s Premier Off-Road Motorcycle Adventure Company

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Have you dreamt of seeing the splendor of the Pacific Northwest, Idaho, or Baja from the seat of your motorcycle?

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The wide variety of trails and dirt roads are suitable for the intermediate rider, from the wide open high desert to heavily treed forests. Daily riding distance is typically between 125 and 150 miles per day depending on the terrain and distance between lodging.

Our tours are fully supported and all-inclusive: we provide the tour, meals, lodging, lead and sweep riders, a support vehicle to carry your gear, and a High Desert Adventures t-shirt. You bring a well prepared off-road capable motorcycle (or rent one from us).

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Don’t take our word for it; here’s what people are saying about their HDA Experience:

I just completed my fourth High Desert Adventures trip, (2 in OR, 2 Rip to the Tip's). I think that says volumes for the experience I have with them, as I have the capability (a lot of which I've candidly learned from them) to do it on my own, potentially for less... (potentially is the key word).

I'd sum up why in a few areas: learning: not just riding, but all the elements that go into adventure riding - mechanical, navigation, how to creatively unfuck yourself, etc. fun: letting hda take care of the logistics while you focus on the journey is a game changer. camaraderie: moto brings all walks of life together, i've made friends i'd never have in "normal circumstances" and i'm very thankful for it..

— Bryant Alvey

My experience in Baja with High Desert Adventures was next level; I had been down to Mexico once or twice before, but I had never experienced anything like what these guys took us on. Everything from the tightest mountain singletrack all the way to 102mph on the beach; if you want to see it all, you go with these guys!

— Jubal Brown

My Baja 2021 trip with HDA. 1300 miles of pure dirt pleasure immersed in Baja hospitality. The trip is the real thing and a true rip to the tip, from Ensenada to Cabo. Single track, desert landscape, dunes, an oasis, a night ride, and more miles of beach riding than you can wish for. The staff was exceptional, from guide to sweeps, nobody gets left behind, we even had top notch “Gnarly Dave” mechanic extraordinaire in the support truck. (Gnarly is well known by those who follow Honda Racing and Johnny Campbell). Hotels and food were 5 stars from first to last day. This trip went back in the bucket list as soon as I got back home. Thank you HDA for an amazing adventure, so far at the top in my records. 

— Marcos Barnatan

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  • Southeast Oregon

Motorcycle Tours & Events


It’s said that four wheels move the body, but two wheels move the soul. Whether Standard, Cruiser, Touring, Sport, or Dirt, m otorcycles elicit a sense of adventure and even a little (or a lot) of rebellion from road warriors. The bond between machine and rider and the landscapes they cross is an experience unmatched; each journey is a visceral juxtaposition of fear and freedom with serenity and inner peace. From the Twisted Sisters in Texas to the Beartooth Highway in Montana, motorcyclists across the country seek adrenaline-filled adventure, and Eastern Oregon’s open roads provide no shortage of thrill. Here’s an overview of five of our favorite two-wheeled rides throughout Eastern Oregon’s picturesque regions.

Dooley Mountain Highway

Region: Northeast Oregon

This remote route in Northeast Oregon provides space, solitude, and technical twists to the heart’s content. The route’s nickname is “Oregon’s Little Dragon” for the short 14-mile climb that stacks 188 corners, rated 10-25 mph, and varies from open range to farmland to deep valleys. The route is quiet, practically devoid of tourists, making way for ample enjoyment on its tranquil twisties. At the northern end of the route, riders will find options for food, drink, and a good night’s rest in Baker City. First opened in 1889, the Geiser Grand Hotel is a historical gem that offers a warm and inviting stay complete with cigars and whiskey for tired riders. 

Oregon State Route 204 “Weston-Elgin Highway”  

Events: Chief Joseph Rally

This 42-mile stretch of Oregon State Route 204 is best-ridden in the summer months when the temperatures in the lowlands of the surrounding counties provide respite from the heat, not to mention its snow-covered roads in winter months are less than ideal for two-wheeled machines. The route beckons, providing plenty of sweepers beginning in Elgin and ending west in Weston. An overnight stay at Tamarack Three Bears Inn provides log cabin-style lodging with various culinary delights made from scratch by the neighboring Alpine Restaurant .

Journey Through Time Tour

Region: John Day River Territory

Miles: Two-Day Itinerary

Events: Blessing of the Bikes , A.B.A.T.E of Oregon Fossil Campout

The John Day River Territory boasts canyons, landscapes, and abandoned ghost towns that make for an interactive road adventure, not just for cowboys and cattle ranchers. Gillam County’s Journey Through Time Tour provides a detailed two-day itinerary to take the guesswork out of planning, complete with state parks, national monuments, museums, and a place to hit the hay. Curves, turns, and twists engage the eye as the majestic Painted Hills roll by, and the scenic roadways lead to neighborly communities and awe-inducing adventure.

East Steens Tour Route

Region: Southeast Oregon

Events: Giant Loop Ride

Complete with abrupt ravines and sun-soaked deserts, the East Steens Tour Route in Southeast Oregon is a geological wonder with over 143 miles of paved and gravel roads that mirror the extreme dichotomies of The Steens basins and ranges. Riders who seek the solitude of remote roads will find it here. The tour route runs north-south from the town of Burns south toward Fields. In Fields, riders can gas up, grab some grub, and stock up on provisions for the route through the Alvord Desert and Steens Mountain territory. Headed north, the road showcases the steep slopes of the Steens Mountains, which top out at just under 10,000’ and create a rainshadow responsible for the Alvord Desert , an expansive desert that takes you back in time. Riders can soak weary legs in one of the many natural hot springs including the Alvord Hot Springs . Riders need to beware of the native pronghorn, whose speeds match that of bikes, close to 60 miles per hour, as the route continues north. Travelers will find a series of lakes great for wildlife watching and fishing. OR-78 takes riders toward Crane and Burns . The tour route ends back in Burns, where riders meet modern-day conveniences and can enjoy an overnight stay at the Historic Central Hotel’s Swanky Digs.

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Backfire Station

Blue Mountain Scenic Byway:

Region: Oregon’s Rugged Country

Events: Pendleton Bike Week , Hodaka Days

This 183-mile route winds through national forests, ranching communities, and the wilderness land of the Blue Mountains. Named for their blue hues, the Blue Mountains are a range of mountains that climb upward of 9,000’ and run east-west along the Columbia, toward the Snake River. The Blue mountains wind past rolling ranchlands, rocky peaks, and wild rivers to provide scenic respite for riders. The west end of the byway starts along the mighty Columbia River and then heads south through ranch lands toward Heppner Junction, following a section of the historic Oregon Trail toward the town of Cecil. Next, the route winds along Willow Creek, surrounded by rolling wheat fields, where the communities of Ione and Lexington showcase historic frontier architecture. After passing the town of Heppner, known as the “Gateway to the Blues,” the road narrows and twists as it wanders away from the highway, winding through hills and canyons to the Umatilla National Forest . Eventually, the thick forest of fir and pine dissipates as the byway descends into a  permanently dry lake basin. Continuing on for nine miles to the North Fork John Day Wilderness , riders can end the day with an overnight at North Fork John Day Campground or continue riding on the Elkhorn Drive Scenic Byway . A motorcycle journey is not complete in Oregon’s Rugged Country without a pit stop and overnight stay at BackFire Station in Pendleton where the unique bikers paradise is home to a moto lounge, lodging, adventure bike rentals, and service in the remodeled old Pendleton Fire Station.

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Top-10 Motorcycle Rides In The Pacific Northwest

Top-10 Motorcycle Rides In The Pacific Northwest

Where can you find some of the most fun and challenging motorcycling roads, along with uniquely breathtaking views, including a volcano, beaches, and mountain passes? The Pacific Northwest has all of this and more. Spanning western Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California, the Pacific Northwest is home to bucket list-level motorcycle riding that begs to be explored. We’ve put together a list of the Top-10 motorcycle rides in the Pacific Northwest, so you have some good starting points for the motorcycling road trip of your life. Start your engines!

Top Motorcycle Rides In Washington State

Ride #1 - Spirit Lake Highway

Have you ever ridden your motorcycle with views of a white-capped volcano as a backdrop? In Washington State, you can. Winding up the western side of Mount Saint Helens, 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon, the Spirit Lake Highway leads you past fields of debris caused by the volcano explosion. On a clear day, you’ll experience views for miles despite the sometimes barren landscape.

Ride #2 - The Klickitat Loop

One of the best rides in the entire Pacific Northwest for those who love more spirited riding is the Klickitat Loop. While there are other rides in the area with more corners per mile, they often have more tourist traffic and law enforcement, making Klickitat the better option for those seeking more thrills than sightseeing.

Switchbacks are mixed in with fast sweepers, along with a few long straights, and the pavement surface is mostly good. Beware, there are open-range animal pastures along the route, so keep those eyes up and focused on the road ahead.

Top Motorcycle Rides In Oregon

Ride #3 - Highway 101

Love ocean view motorcycle riding? Oregon offers up endless ocean vistas along the 363-miles of Highway 101, stretching down the state’s entire Pacific coastline. The highway is located about an hour and a half outside of Portland, Oregon, and amenities are plentiful, making it an excellent choice for an overnight getaway ride.

Restaurants, breweries, and Airbnb’s provide ample places to stop, stretch, and rest before continuing on your motorcycle journey. There’s also a multitude of picturesque landmarks, such as Thor’s Well.

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Thor’s Well – Photo Credit: Google Maps

Ride #4 - The Estacada to Detroit Lake highway

Mt. Hood National Forest serves up rushing rivers, beautifully-constructed bridges, and tree-lined landscapes. The Estacada to Detroit Lake Highway meaders through the mountains of Oregon and over a high pass that may be snow-covered in the winter and sometimes early spring. In the fall, foliage is captivatingly vibrant, and summers are simply idyllic. Turn-offs are plentiful for riders wanting a more relaxed pace (or for those wanting past slow cars).

Side Trip: Oregon’s Covered Bridges

Oregon offers up ample day-trip rides to covered bridges across the state for those who can’t get enough of covered bridge touring on their motorcycle. You can find a complete list of Oregon-covered bridges HERE . 

Top Motorcycle Rides In Idaho

Ride #5 - Rolling Valleys And Mountains On HWY 55 

Highway 55 in Idaho traverses a wide variety of landscapes, from sandy deserts to alpine meadows and over majestic mountains. If you love off-the-bike excursions while motorcycle touring, you’ll find ample opportunities for hiking along the way and even river rafting.

Ride #6 - I-84 To Three Island Crossing

One of the most dangerous sections along the Oregon Trail is known as Three Island Crossing. About 30 minutes east of the Bruneau Sand Dunes, this historic location is where many early pioneers made the harrowing crossing of the mighty Snake River. You can still see the wagon-wheel ruts that over 100 years ago passed over what’s now a park. There’s also a rustic cabin you can book a night in for an overnight motorcycle road trip.

Top Motorcycle Rides In Western Montana

Ride #7 - Rattlesnake Pass to Wallowa Lake

Tracing the Snake River all the way to Asotin, where you begin a climb to the top of the butte, you’ll encounter some of the Pacific Northwest’s finest views. Looking southeast offers vistas of Hells Canyon cliffs, and the route gives you glimpses of Eagles Cap peak and the Wallowa mountain range.

You’ll carve down to the Grande Ronde River and Gorgan’s Oasis for a food and beverage break. Eventually, you’ll cross into Oregon, where the road becomes Highway 3, with a noticeable upgrade in pavement quality and gentler curves.

Ride #8 - The Yaak & Lake Koocanusa

If scenic routes are your thing, Yaak River Road leads you through dense forests and past Yaak Falls, eventually passing meadows full of large wildlife such as elk and bear. Climbing up through the pass on FS Rd 92 provides scenes of British Columbia to the north and Montana and Northern Idaho to the east. Next, you’re given vistas of Lake Koocanusa and Libby Dam, rounding out this ride as one of the most picture-perfect in the country.

Top Motorcycle Rides In Northern California

Ride #9 - California Route 36

How do 140 miles of twists and turns sound? A love for corners is required and handily rewarded along Northern California’s Route 36. This ride takes you through redwood forests and some quality views at the higher points of the ride, but you’ll probably be mostly focused on positioning yourself in the lane for the next turn. There are significant elevation changes on the eastern portion of the route, making this one of the wildest rides in the Pacific Northwest.

Ride #10 - Route 96, A Northern California Gem

A true rider’s road, Route 96 in Northern California delivers mountain ridge riding sans touristy crowds. You can see conifer forests, numerous rivers, and there’s a multitude of activities for getting off the bike for a break. Take a romp in the Klamath river for some of the best swimming, rafting, kayaking, and fishing in the state. The vast majority of the road surface is smooth and clean, lending plenty of traction for hard cornering if swift riding is what you’re after.

Whether you live in the area already or are only visiting temporarily, the Pacific Northwest has more world-class riding than you can imagine. Keep on top of that next turn approaching using your phone’s GPS in one of Rokform’s Motorcycle Mounts . With options for 1” RAM® Mount and direct handlebar placements, you’ll be able to keep your phone in the perfect viewing area so you can focus where it matters most––on the road ahead. Be sure to tag us on your Pacific Northwest motorcycle road trip on our Instagram !

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For a motorcyclist, this is the perfect Pacific Northwest road trip

Full-time adventurer Tim Burke explores the upper-left corner of the U.S. on two wheels

By Tim Burke

Start: Seattle, WA

End: Mount Rainier, WA

Total distance: 1,100 miles

If you only had seven days to cram in as much epic motorcycle traveling as possible, where would you start? I did what any reasonable person would do; I didn’t settle for just seven days. I quit my job, sold my things, and left Seattle to travel the entire world by motorcycle.

Eighteen months later, I’ve covered almost 75,000 miles across four continents and 53 countries. I almost hit a camel in Morocco, and gang members shoved guns in my face in Brazil. What a long, strange trip it’s been.

Even with all I’ve been privileged to see in the past year and a half, I still look back on my old stomping grounds with fond memories. The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is a motorcyclist’s playground.

So here it is: The ultimate seven-day journey through the upper-left corner of the United States.

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Stop 1: Seattle, Washington

Seattle is a great starting (or stopover) point for any motorcycle journey in the PNW. While we often ride to get away from, or avoid, the hustle and bustle of city life, this city is worth making an exception for. As with most big cities, traffic is a problem here. While Seattle undergoes one of the biggest construction projects in the nation—burying one of its main arteries 200 feet below ground—and Interstate 5 being a rush-hour parking lot, it’s still well worth the visit.

Seattle is home to one of the best craft-beer scenes in the entire country. There are more than 150 microbreweries scattered across the city, which makes it a beer connoisseur’s dream.

Seattle’s vibrant music and entertainment scene made a name for itself in the 1990s, giving rise to bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana. While its heyday may have been more than 20 years ago, it’s still alive and kicking today.

In addition to the Space Needle and Pike Place, its lively farmers’ markets and hundreds of parks will keep you busy while your bike is on its kickstand. For a big city, it’s got personality.

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Stop 2: The Cascades

With warm summers and daylight that stretches well past 10 p.m. during the height of summer, outdoor-life is unbeatable here in the PNW. Once you get your fill of seafood, beer, and city life, the motorcycling and scenery of the Cascades that lie beyond is incredible.

Just 30 minutes outside of the city, yet far enough away to make you feel that you’ve escaped urbanism, is Snoqualmie Falls. The river plummets 261 feet down a rock face and into an explosion of mist below.

The mist rises hundreds of feet into the air and offers natural air-conditioning on hot days. Just 20 minutes further up Interstate 90, toward Snoqualmie Pass, is Franklin Falls.

The Cascade Mountains, from Oregon to the Canadian border, are jam-packed with these waterfalls, gravel roads, and stunning mountain passes. With limited time though, the Olympic Peninsula is next on the list.

motorcycle tours oregon

Stop 3: The Olympics

The Olympics are impressive from 30 miles away. But up close and personal, they’re even better.

From mainland Washington, you’ll board one of Washington’s 23 ferries and sail across Puget Sound. The Washington state ferry system is one of my favorite aspects of this area.The drive-on/drive-off ships are affordable and link sections of land that are otherwise hours apart.

If the weather is decent, do not sit inside: Stand outside and keep your eyes open for orca, humpback, and gray whales in the water. Life slows down once on the Olympic Peninsula. You’ll know what I mean once you’re there.

One of my favorite roads wraps along the edges of  Lake Crescent  on the northern end of the Peninsula. Take in the sights of alpine mountains dipping their toes into the icy waters of the lakes and the sea.

As you push further west toward the Pacific Ocean, you’ll pass through small villages, seemingly sustained only by the logging and forestry industries. The Pacific side of the Olympics is one of the most desolate stretches of coastline available in the United States.

Far separated from any big city, it’s easy to disconnect from stress. And better still, there is no shortage of camping opportunities along the coast.

motorcycle tours oregon

Stop 4: Astoria, Oregon

Each mile of southbound progress brings you closer to the Oregon border.

The massive and looming Astoria-Megler Bridge is 4.1 miles long and carries you across the width of the Columbia River and into Oregon.

Astoria, Oregon—you may recognize it from the movie “The Goonies”—is one of my favorite cities on the west coast. Once you arrive in this picturesque town, with its collection of craft breweries and restaurants, you’ll realize why.

This area’s hidden gem—an absolute must-see—is outside the city limits. Just south of the mouth of the mighty Columbia River lies Clatsop Split. The most epic part isn’t riding the shoreline at sunset, however.

It’s the wreck of the  Peter Iredale , a ship that was run ashore during a massive storm in the 1900s. More than 100 years later, its remains are still part of this Pacific landscape. There’s just something special about this one. Trust me, don’t miss it.

motorcycle tours oregon

Stop 5: Oregon Coast

Officially on the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), consider yourself on one of the most iconic coastal routes on the continent. If you’re willing, you can follow the PCH all the way to the Mexican border. The Oregon Coast is simply magical. In my opinion, its lower traffic levels and quieter feel make it the best part of the the entire PCH.

As you weave your way past rocky coves and small fishing villages, on roads that seem to barely cling onto cliff sides, it will be hard to not pull over and take pictures every five minutes. Be sure to stop at the famous  Tillamook Cheese Factory  on your way past for a few free samples.

Continue down the highway to  Newport, Oregon , which lies at the mouth of the Rogue River, and is the perfect spot for lunch.

One of my favorite off-the-track spots along the Oregon coast is called  Thor’s Well . It’s a natural rock formation that sits just slightly higher than sea level. When the water level is just right, water washes over the rocks, drains into the “well,” and provides the effect of a bottomless hole.

motorcycle tours oregon

Stop 6: Columbia River Gorge

With that daunting work week looming ahead and only a few days left to close the road trip loop, make your way across Oregon’s coastal mountain range on any number of twisty two-lane roads. Head toward Oregon’s largest recreational playground, the Columbia River Gorge.

The Gorge stretches over 80 miles through valleys of canyons filled with wildflowers. With Mount Hood’s year-round skiing, the river’s consistent winds for kitesurfing, endless hiking, and a maze of dirt roads through National Forests on both sides of the Gorge, you can spend a lifetime exploring here.

Since that time requirement isn’t realistic for most of us, I will suggest the Rowena Plateau as a “must-see” for any motorcyclist. The curvy road climbs up the steep cliffs of the valley, offering an incredible view of the entire Gorge from the top.

motorcycle tours oregon

Stop 7: Mount Rainier

Mount Rainier is as iconic to the Pacific Northwest as the Eiffel Tower is to Paris. The glaciated summit climbs 14,410 feet (4392 m) out of the earth’s crust and looms high above the surrounding lands.

Surrounded by gravel forest service roads, single track trails, a number of paved mountain passes, and a few lookout points within the National Park, there is something for every kind of motorcyclist here. Day or night, Mount Rainier does not disappoint.

A few worthwhile “pins” to add to your maps for exploring the Mt. Rainier area include Chinook Pass on Washington State Route 410 (5,430 ft / 1,655 m); Tipsoo Lake; Paradise and Stevens Canyon Road; and the  Sunrise Visitor Center  (6400 ft / 1950 m).

In addition to these attractions, almost limitless camping options exist in the lush forests surrounding the volcano.

Meet the Author

motorcycle tours oregon

Almost two years ago, Tim quit his job in the aviation industry. He sold most of his belongings and hit the road in a mission to see the world via motorcycle. Since then, he’s traveled through 53 countries and covered over 75,000 miles. To track his travels in real-time, follow along on his social media channels below.

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Oregon Motorcycle Rides

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Dark rainforests, barren deserts, sandy beaches and snow-capped mountaintops; The state of Oregon has it all. It is true that Oregon covers one of the most geographically diverse areas of land in North America, and it is also true that this diversity has resulted in some of the best motorcycle roads anywhere! After personally spending more than a year exploring Oregon on motorcycles, I can say with confidence that there are a number of motorcycle roads and routes perfectly capable of making your wildest two-wheeled daydreams come true, no matter your riding style!

motorcycle tours oregon

Finding the Best Motorcycle Roads in Oregon

If you’re unfamiliar with Oregon or certain regions within the state, it is possible to find some pretty good motorcycle routes simply by spending a few hours clicking and dragging on a map of the state… but why do this when you can browse and choose from the best rides in the state in mere moments?! The REVER App is free to use and makes planning out your next motorcycle ride or trip as simple as checking out routes in your intended area and selecting what looks best to you. Then just gas up and go! Create new routes, log your rides and share with friends all within the app. Want even more planning and tracking tools at your disposal? Upgrade your account to REVER Pro for features like turn-by-turn + voice navigation, 3D animated route exploration, weather radar + alerts, and much more. Explore everything that REVER and REVER Pro can offer you when it comes to planning and logging your next motorcycle ride or trip.

Tips for Riding in Oregon

Oregon, if explored in all of it’s extremes, is a state that will put you and your gear setup to a proper, thorough test. In this land anything goes, and if you intend to explore and experience it all on two wheels then that means having everything from well-vented summer gear to insulative rain gear that will keep out the bitterly cold PNW rain. From one extreme to another, a well-thought out layering system will keep you comfortable and best able to enjoy the ride. If riding in the remote deserts that sprawl across the southeastern portion of the state, be sure to carry in a high volume of water via a wearable hydration system or other water storage device. Also consider packing in some extra gasoline so that your bike doesn’t starve while traversing the gas stations that are far-and-few-between in the high desert… Your buddy won’t appreciate having to tow you all the way into town! A RotopaX or fuel bladder are both great solutions for expanding your fuel range. There are, of course, rides and routes in Oregon that won’t require much specialized gear at all. In fact many areas have very consistent and predictable weather all summer long. This being said, always do your due diligence by researching weather forecasts for different points along your intended route. This way there are no surprises that render you unprepared and unhappy while out on your ride.

Oregon Attractions

Close your eyes and dream up a landscape that you’d like to ride through… Whatever you may be picturing, there is a strong likelihood that something very close to it can be found in Oregon! Actually, there are some landscapes found in the state that are even beyond the imagination. Take for example Crater Lake. Named for its appearance as what some would guess is some sort of asteroid impact site, this geological formation is actually a Caldera (the collapsed magma chamber of a once-towering volcano) that has filled with water and formed a pristine, emerald-blue lake rimmed by towering walls of igneous rock. Another such incredible landscape is that of the Alvord Desert, an expansive dry lake bed in the southeastern area of the state backdropped by an impressive mountain range. And yes - you can ride your motorcycle on it! The Oregon coastline is a must-ride destination, given that it is home to some of the best motorcycle roads in all of the American West. Some of the state’s other top destinations include the city of Portland, for its many museums, art galleries and excellent food; the Columbia River Gorge for it’s stunning views, wineries and outdoor recreation; and the Cascade Mountain Range for it’s winter and summer recreational uses.

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REVER's Top Five Oregon Motorcycle Roads

Ochoco national forest loop.

Starting near Prineville then heading northeast past Ochoco Reservoir then make a sweet lollipop along the John Day river and then back on more twisty roads.

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Mount Hood Loop

This loop circles the perimeter of Mount Hood using some paved mountain trails and scenic highway. An ADV bike is perfect for the mix of surfaces.

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Three Lynx Loop Out Of Estacada

This loop south of Portland heads down the Clackamas River through Three Lynx on the 224, before jumping on NF46/Clackamas River Road, along Detroit Lake, onto the N Santiam Highway/22, then back to Estacada.

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Carlton To Beaver Loop

This loop heads west out of Carlton to Beaver along the Nestucca Access Road and McGuire Reservoir, through Elk Bend along the Nestucca River. Then back south on Gilbert Creek Road, Coast Creek Road, Williams Creek Road, back on the 18 to McMinnville and to Carlton.

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Columbia River Loop

This is a short but scenic ride out of Troutdale east to Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint and then back along the Columbia on the 84.

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"You don't stop riding when you get old, you get old when you stop riding." ― Anonymous

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Father dies in motorcycle crash during memorial ride for late daughter

ANCHORAGE, Alaska ( KTUU /Gray News) - The father of Cynthia Hoffman, the woman who was murdered by four teenagers in 2019 near Thunderbird Falls in Alaska, was killed Sunday after losing control of his motorcycle on the Parks Highway during a memorial ride honoring his late daughter.

Alaska State Troopers reported that 58-year-old Timothy Hoffman lost control of his motorcycle around mile 49 of the Parks Highway near South Rainbow Street in the Meadow Lakes area and rolled into the center median.

Timothy Hoffman was participating in an annual memorial ride for his late daughter when the incident happened, according to his brother Donald Hoffman Jr., who posted about the crash on his Facebook.

“He was happy, really, you know, ecstatic about riding,” Donald Hoffman said the day after his brother’s fatal accident. “He’s like that every year. He just wants to go and have a good time. Cynthia loved Harleys. He’s a Harley lover.”

Timothy Hoffman’s death came five years to the day of his daughter’s murder.

The ride started Sunday morning in Anchorage. Timothy Hoffman’s passenger that day was his wife, and Cynthia Hoffman’s mother, Jeannie.

“It was the first time his wife, this was the first time she ever rode on the bike with him on the memorial ride. He always drove by himself,” Donald Hoffman recalled.

Donald Hoffman said the first part of the ride was to the Victims for Justice Memorial, where Cynthia Hoffman’s name is etched in stone.

After that, it was off to Thunderbird Falls.

“That’s where he said a prayer, his No. 1 club member said a prayer in some words,” Donald Hoffman said. “And then we walked over across the bridge to the river and dropped roses because that’s her middle name, Cynthia Rose.”

Cynthia Hoffman was 19 years old when she was murdered near Thunderbird Falls in Alaska.

The group made one more stop on their way to the closing party in Big Lake. It was after this stop, roughly two miles from the party, where the tragic accident happened.

“We switched places. I pulled to the front, he pulled right behind me,” Donald Hoffman described. “Got up past Metal Creek and that’s when the accident happened.”

Timothy Hoffman was piloting the motorcycle with his wife at the time of the crash. Troopers said he was not wearing a helmet at the time, while his wife was.

Both were found unresponsive after authorities were notified around 1:30 p.m. Sunday.

Troopers said Timothy Hoffman and his wife were both hospitalized with life-threatening injuries, but he was pronounced dead at the hospital. His wife remains in critical condition.

The crash closed down the Parks Highway for two-and-a-half hours, troopers said, with traffic being diverted to an adjacent frontage road.

The crash investigation remains ongoing.

Timothy Hoffman’s daughter was 19 years old when she was murdered in June 2019 by four teenagers who were accused of being “catfished” by another man to execute the killing for a large amount of money.

Two of the four convicted defendants, Darin Schilmiller and Denali Brehmer, have been sentenced to 99 years each. The other two, Caleb Leyland and Kayden McIntosh, are awaiting sentencing .

“He worked hard,” Donald Hoffman added. “He had a big family to take care of. He took care of foster children. Anybody that needed a place or some food or some money, he was there always.”

Donald Hoffman said he has established an account at Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union to benefit his brother’s family. The account number is 191814, and donations will go directly to Timothy Hoffman’s family for help with medical and household bills.

Copyright 2024 KTUU via Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Ride the western wilderness.

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Ride to the end of the earth, prudhoe bay adventure, ride to the end of the earth in the far north.

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Warm temps and hospitality in the heart of winter, motorcycle tours and adventures.



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Recently picked up a BMW GS 700 from the Portland location for what was supposed to be a trip to the Canadian Rockies. (more…)

They’re awesome. Great service, excellent bikes.

I will never hesitate to rent from this company if I’m ever in need of a rental bike. Everything about my experience with them was amazing, and 5 stars isn’t enough. Yelp needs to give a “turn it up to 11” option. Visited August 2016. (more…)

They looked after me like I was their best and only customer from the moment I called them. Their bikes are all very well maintained and they have loads of choice. (more…)

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Alaska paved or unpaved? That is the question.

If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that there are many different ways to experience Alaska on a motorcycle. If you stick to the pavement, you will be served up a buffet of dramatic scenes. Stay on the Alaska paved highway system and you will ride past cascading waterfalls, untamed rivers, precipitous fjords, and … Read More

A Warm Return to Laos with MotoQuest Rider Robert Arvizo

A Warm Return to Laos with MotoQuest Rider Robert Arvizo

One of the most rewarding aspects of taking riders on adventures around the world is when they decide to ride with us again on a different trip. Not only is this a testament to the quality of the experiences that we offer, but it also gives us the opportunity to really get to know some … Read More


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Fly & Ride: Your Adventure, Streamlined

Skip the long haul and jump straight into adventure with our Fly & Ride packages. Arrive with your motorcycle gear and find your motorcycle primed and waiting. We handle the details, so you can hit the road faster, chasing horizons and making memories that last a lifetime. Check out our North American Motorcycle Fleet . 

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  • Tailored Routes : We don't just offer tours; we offer experiences designed around the roads less traveled and the hidden gems known only to locals.
  • Comprehensive Support : Ride with confidence, knowing our team is with you at every twist and turn, ensuring a safe and smooth journey.
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BAJA California Adventure Motorcycle Tour

BAJA ON DOWN Level 4 Riders  3 0-50% Off-Road

> March 15 - 24, 2024 SOLD OUT Southbound (San Diego to Cabo)

> november 01-10, 2024 southbound (san diego to cabo).

BAJA ON UP Level 4 Riders  3 0-50% Off-Road

> March 31 - April 9, 2023 Northbound (Cabo to San Diego), SAVE $400!

> march 29 - april 7, 2024 northbound (cabo to san diego), save $400, > november 15-24, 2024 northbound (cabo to san diego), save $400.

PRIVATE TOUR DATES: Inquire for details. 

Spirit of the Southwest (Utah, Nevada, Arizona)

Group & truck support october 4–13, 2024 october 18-27, 2024, self-guided or private group tours.

Choose the perfect dates that suit your preferences, either on your own or with your friends. Whether you decide to rent a bike or bring your own, rest assured that we will take care of booking your accommodations and providing you with a detailed road-book of the route.

California Coast PCH+ ADV Tour

Self-Guided Group + Truck Support Package:

  • May 20 to 30, 2023 - Northbound from San Diego to Bend *Inquire for Availability*
  • September 23 to Oct 1, 2023 - Southbound from Bend to San Diego *Inquire for Availability*

Self-Guided, Self-Supported & Private Guided Group Packages:

  • Choose your own dates, and ask if we have bikes available!

"Best of the Southwest" Oregon ADV Tour: Volcanos, Coast & Redwoods

June 11-18, 2023 - , *truck supported trip, $3750, august 13-20, 2023  , october 8-15, 2023  , self-guided or private group tour dates: pick your ideal dates and ride solo, or bring your friends, "best week in oregon" dual sport ride in high desert & cascade mountains, july 10-16, 2023 - truck supported group  .

*Inquire for Availability*

August 10-16, 2023 - Truck Supported Group  

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Please keep in mind that all options for North American motorcycle trips may not be shown on our site. With our motorcycle rentals based in Oregon , routes can be customized to your liking and total trip duration. As with any travel plans provided by RIDE Adventures, it's best to start a conversation with one of our staff or guides about what type of trip you're looking for. Our interest is the same as yours: making sure you have the best time possible on your riding vacation!


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Highway 101 Motorsports

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About the Business

(No longer Highway 101 -Harley-Davidson). We are Highway 101 Motorsports, located in Coos Bay and just 10 minutes south of the Oregon Dunes gateway, Highway 101 Motorsports is the most Southern Authorized Can-Am Off-Road and Sea-Doo dealer on the Oregon Coast. Our inventory of off-road vehicles showcase the latest Can-Am models and Sea-Doo models to satisfy all of your outdoor ventures for work or play. We are also an Authorized Dealer for SSR Motorsports and Aventon E-Bicycles and carry a variety of previously owned motorcycles. Whether you are looking for recreational or utility purposes, our Sales Department takes great pride in helping you find the right vehicle to meet your needs. Our knowledgeable Service and Parts departments are trained to keep your motorsport vehicle performing at its best while offering accessories for that customized look. Highway 101 Motorsports – your first choice for off-road and outdoor adventures. …

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536 S 2nd St

Coos Bay, OR 97420

Serving Coos Bay Area

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Photo of Joshua J.

Bought a couple jet skis for our vacation and when we got one of them out on the lake had a couple of issues with one of them. Called up the service department and Sean (sp?) told me to run it down real quick and they'd hook it up to the computer. Made the drive down from Florence and they had the issues taken care of in 5 minutes. Saved our vacation.

Photo of Frank J.

Stopped in to pick up a T-shirt. Just passing through so I can't speak to their sales or service departments. Their T-shirt selection was pretty sparse. Note to management: Old school Bikers wear *BLACK* T-shirts so if you want to make sales, have plenty of design choices in that color. Short sleeve..... This would have been a just ok, 3 star review but they had fresh pastries from Safeway and REALLY good coffee there. Plus, the gal who rang up my purchase was very "old school" herself, so here's your five stars.

Photo of Kristy W.

I was really impressed with this store, and the selection of merchandise they have in stock. They have so much eye candy in there! Not just for the women, but for the men as well. That is what really impressed me! The bikes they had in stock looked great too, but we already have one so we were not in the market for looking to purchase one. I made a bee line for the hand bags, and I immediately noticed that they were not just very cute, but they were also really affordable! Now when I go to the HD dealership closest to me they only keep in stock the most expensive hand bags they can. Makes a girl not want to get them when it is just a tiny little hand bag. I ended up getting a pair of the clear lensed glasses with the Rhine stone frames of coarse. Nothing but style for this girl. We have not rode at night yet since my purchase, so I can't tell you how much I really love them. But they really do fit my face well. Which is a plus! I am shocked from another reviewer that says it is spendy here because really, it is not much more than any other HD dealer, and like I said. They actually stock up on the cheaper hand bags unlike some of the other HD dealers I can think of that I have been to. My only complaint would be is they need a bigger boot selection.

A bunch of us took a ride from Florence to Coos Bay to shop here.

A bunch of us took a ride from Florence to Coos Bay to shop here.

Photo of Richard M.

It's hard to feel good about 101 Harley when my bike blows an engine on our 5 day motorcycle tour up to Oregon. We made it to Coos Bay before the whole trip unraveled. What really pissed me off was the service manager, he really didn't show much emotion, or care about getting me back on the road. The bikes still there and I had to call him in the am to find out what was going on after three days of hearing nothing. He kept us standing in the dealership for 7 hours Saturday waiting to find out what was wrong with the bike. He should of just let us get on our way and tell me he needed more time. The owner is a great guy, helping me get a rental car, driving me to the airport, and generally just being a concerned owner. The good news is my bikes being shipped down to my local dealer and Harley is paying for the shipping.

Photo of Violet M.

Even the female employees ignore women customers and if you aren't in your riding gear it's even worse....

Photo of Connie L.

What a nice store! And, just listen to their customers RAVE about them. We don't own a Harley, but we came very close, and while shopping, we looked in a multitude of locations. Always... we returned to Coos Bay, knowing we'd get value, great pricing, and the friendliest of service possible. I love the Harley enthusiasts that hang in the parking lot. Ask around, and you'll quickly hear all the "good things" about this Harley dealership. The store is always clean, and the showroom is expansive. Employees are very knowledgable and never pushy. Like that very much! IF we were in the market for a Harley, there's no question how far we would drive (even if we didn't live here) to shop Highway 101 Harley Store. It's THAT good. :)

Photo of Fergus G.

Don't waste your money here. Unappreciative owners and despicable salesman. My wife and I have bought multiple, five, motorcycles from this dealer, but NEVER again. The the sales guy only wanted too talk to us when he was good and ready. He refused to budge off full retail price, and went on and on about why we should pay what he demanded. Do yourself a favor and shop any other dealer.

Photo of BroC H.

Owner Al Pettit is in denial about his employees. Avoid this business as your life depends on the machine they work on. Had my passing lamps fall off after service work done on ultra front forks fluid change. Had another service work done 2years ago on a $450 electronic brain part installed that takes 15minutes charged $550on labor. Look up Google reviews, one can see the shop is allowed to post 5 stars, with 9 reviews they have 3.9, if one reads they can see who is legit on reviews and which are their employees owners reviews posting 5stars. Pitiful when a shop has to pat itself on the back and ignores the employees poor reviews and service work. Shame on you Al Pettit!! 9-3-15 UPDATE: Returned from Sturgis, on trip where friends oil change done by 101 HD was 3.5quarts low on return since we found only half quart left in bag. Owner of bike has confronted them about having to put in 3.5quarts on a 3.5 thousand mile trip, their Service Manager Lincoln states Harley has posted to expect to lose 1 quart of oil per 1k miles, with no explanation of where it is going since bike does not burn oil/ or leaks oil. Bike had 25k total miles on machine, but then again this is Highway 101 Harley Davidson and at this point we believe they did not do the service they charged for. This shop should be a negative star reviews, but have to leave at the one star rating. AGAIN IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE KEEP YOUR BIKE AWAY FROM THIS SHOP!

16 other reviews that are not currently recommended

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Transform your journey into an exhilarating Harley Tour by selecting one of our incredible Harley models such as the Harley-Davidson Electra Glide, Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, Harley-Davidson Road Glide, Harley-Davidson Road Glide Ultra, Harley-Davidson Street Glide Touring Edition, Harley-Davidson Road Glide Touring Edition, Harley-Davidson Street Glide, or for a different riding experience, choose from our sport touring models like the BMW R 1250 GS, BMW R 1250 RT, Yamaha FJR1300, and Yamaha Super Tenere 1200.

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  • Changes to the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) Go Into Effect on July 1, 2024
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Significant modifications to OFLA will take effect July 1, 2024, pursuant to legislation passed in 2023 and 2024.   

The 2023 legislation requires all Oregon employers to adopt a measured forward leave year, while the 2024 legislation makes a number of changes, including:  

OFLA will no longer run together with Paid Leave Oregon. Eligible employees may draw on either OFLA or Paid Leave Oregon (but not both) for qualifying events. Accordingly, the list of OFLA qualifying events will be shorter and include only:   

Home care for the employee’s child as well as school and childcare closures for public health emergencies  


Pregnancy disability  

From July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, OFLA will also provide up to two additional weeks of leave to facilitate the legal processes required for placement of a foster child or adoption. Paid Leave will incorporate this leave beginning January 1, 2025.  

OFLA leave will be capped at 12 weeks for home care of the employee’s child and bereavement. Bereavement leave is further limited to two weeks per family member with a maximum of four weeks in a given leave year.  

OFLA will provide up to 12 additional weeks for pregnancy disability.  

Additionally, OFLA will no longer contain special provisions regarding teachers taking leave near the end of term nor will it provide additional sick child leave for employees who take 12 weeks of parental leave.  

Oregon employers are required to notify any employees for whom OFLA will not apply to a leave previously approved for use on July 1 and forward. Employers must also inform them of their ability to apply for benefits with Paid Leave Oregon (or the administrator of the employer’s equivalent plan, if any). Notice should be provided as soon as practicable and no later than June 1, 2024.  

OFLA Rule  »

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Tokyo DisneySea’s new Fantasy Springs area is now open. Here’s what awaits visitors

By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN

(CNN) — Tokyo DisneySea – the global brand’s only ocean-themed park – has just unveiled its long-awaited expansion to the public.

The new themed land, called Fantasy Springs, combines the worlds of three popular Disney movie franchises – “Peter Pan,” “Frozen” and “Tangled.”

Spanning 140,000 square meters and built at a cost of $2 billion (or 310 billion yen), it’s the eighth “port” in DisneySea and is the park’s largest expansion since opening in 2001. (The resort’s original Tokyo Disneyland park – owned by Oriental Land Co. Ltd. – opened its doors in 1983 and was the first Disney park to be built outside of the United States.)

A few Disney firsts

Visitors to the new port first head through a tunnel passage made of rocks shaped like Disney characters from the three film franchises that inspired Fantasy Springs.

Behind the waterfall at the entrance, called Magic Fountain, sits four new rides, a new hotel and eight new dining outlets (including three inside the hotel).

One of the most anticipated additions inside Fantasy Springs is undoubtedly Rapunzel’s Forest, Disney’s first Tangled-inspired themed area.

Visitors can tour the kingdom of Corona, visit the tower where Rapunzel lives and relive the love story between Rapunzel and thief Flynn Rider on a five-minute gondola ride called Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival.

The Snuggly Duckling, a tavern named for and designed like the speakeasy featured in the movie, serves the likes of cheeseburgers and German-style pancake desserts.

Peter Pan’s Never Land Adventure

Elsewhere in Fantasy Springs, Peter Pan’s Never Land Adventure is a new ride that allows visitors to join “boy who never grows up” alongside Tinker Bell and the Lost Kids on a quest to save John Darling – a main character in the 1953 movie – from Captain Hook and his pirates.

It isn’t the first Peter Pan ride to appear in the Tokyo Disney Resort – Peter Pan’s Flight can be found nearby at Tokyo Disneyland. But Disney promises guests won’t suffer from deja vu; the new six-minute attraction “seamlessly blends ride vehicle motion with show elements and all-new animation, including a groundbreaking projection system.”

The Peter Pan-themed area inside Fantasy Springs also offers a family-friendly buggy ride through Pixie Hollow, the fairy valley where Tinker Bell and her pals live.

Naturally all of those “lost kids” still need to eat. Chicken tenders and Pixi Dust soda can be found at the Lookout Cookout restaurant. Or, for something unusual, try the roast beef-flavored popcorn that’s for sale onsite.

Frozen Kingdom

Frozen Kingdom, meanwhile, uses projection mapping technology to take guests on a journey with the film’s famed sisters, Anna and Elsa.

Throughout the six-and-a-half-minute ride, you’ll have a chance sing along to all those hit songs that have haunted parents Spotify lists for the last decade, such as “Do you want to build a snowman?” “For the First Time in Forever,” “Love is an Open Door” and, of course, “Let it Go.”

Nearby, the Royal Banquet of Arendelle is a restaurant inside a replica of the grand Arendelle Castle and is decorated with books and artwork from the world of Frozen.

A humbly named bakehouse called “Oaken’s OK Foods” serves an array of Scandinavian-inspired baked goods.

For those who need a memory refresh, Oaken is the shopkeeper from Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post and Sauna and appears in the 2013 Frozen movie.

How to access and stay in the park

A one-day Fantasy Springs Magic passport is currently included for guests buying one of Tokyo Disney’s hotel vacation packages or available for purchase by those staying at the new Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel inside the expansion.

The hotel comprises two types of rooms: the 419-key Fantasy Chateau, and the more luxurious 56-room Grand Chateau.

There are three dining outlets within the establishment, including a lobby lounge, an all-day dining restaurant inspired by all the Disney forests (from “Snow White” to “Sleeping Beauty”) and French restaurant Le Rebellure.

Guests not staying at a Disney hotel can obtain a standby pass or purchase a Disney Premier Access pass to enter Fantasy Springs, however, there is a visitor cap. More info on the various options can be found at the Tokyo Disney Resort website .

The-CNN-Wire ™ & © 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved.

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