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ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle manual

ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

manual ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja


View the manual for the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle here, for free. This manual comes under the category not categorized and has been rated by 2 people with an average of a 7.2. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle or do you need help?  Ask your question here

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Question and answer

ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle #1

The ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is a child-friendly product geared towards individuals aged eight years and older. With no specific gender targeting, it is suitable for both boys and girls. This magnetic puzzle is designed for solo play, making it ideal for independent entertainment. Safety precautions are in place as this product is not suitable for children under the age of three. It is important to note that adult supervision may be necessary for children within the recommended age range to ensure safe and proper use. As the name suggests, this puzzle is inspired by the popular video game Minecraft. It incorporates magnetic pieces that allow players to construct and solve various puzzles. The puzzle is portable and travel-friendly, making it a convenient option for on-the-go entertainment. The dimensions and specific features of this product are not provided in the given information. However, it is expected to meet the quality standards associated with the ThinkFun brand. The puzzle is expected to be made out of durable materials, ensuring longevity and resistance to wear and tear. While the product does not provide a detailed description, it can be inferred that the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle offers an engaging and challenging experience for children aged eight and up. Its magnetic construction allows for easy manipulation of puzzle pieces, promoting problem-solving skills and creativity.

Safety warning

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle below.

How do I assemble the puzzle pieces?

To assemble the puzzle, start by identifying the corresponding edges and magnetic connections on each piece, and then simply align and connect them together until the puzzle is complete.

What do I do if a puzzle piece is not fitting properly?

If a puzzle piece is not fitting properly, ensure that you have correctly identified the corresponding edges and magnetic connections. If the piece still does not fit, try flipping it around or rotating it to find the correct alignment.

How do I solve a particularly challenging puzzle?

When facing a challenging puzzle, it is often helpful to visually analyze the image on the puzzle pieces and try to identify distinct patterns or recurring elements. Additionally, you can start by connecting larger sections of the puzzle first and gradually fill in the smaller details.

Can I create my own designs with the puzzle pieces?

Absolutely! The puzzle pieces are designed to be versatile, allowing you to create your own unique designs and structures. Feel free to unleash your creativity and explore various combinations and arrangements to form your own Minecraft-inspired creations.

How do I store the puzzle pieces when I'm done playing?

Once you are finished playing with the puzzle, it is important to store the pieces in an organized manner to prevent loss and damage. Consider using a small container or bag specifically designated for the puzzle pieces, ensuring they are kept secure and easily accessible for future use.

Does the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle have a recommended age group?

Yes, the recommended age group for the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is children.

What is the minimum age recommended for the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle?

The minimum age recommended for the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is 8 years old.

Is the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle suitable for any gender?

Yes, the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is suitable for any gender.

Can the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle be played by multiple players?

No, the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is designed for solo play only.

Is the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle safe for children aged 0-3 years?

No, the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is not safe for children aged 0-3 years.

Is the manual of the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle available in English?

Yes, the manual of the ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is available in English .

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Instrukcja obsługi ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

instrukcja ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja


Tu możesz bezpłatnie wyświetlić instrukcję dotyczącą ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle. Ta instrukcja należy do kategorii nieskategoryzowane i otrzymała oceny od 2 osób ze średnią 7.2. Ta instrukcja jest dostępna w następujących językach: Angielski. Czy masz pytanie dotyczące ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle lub potrzebujesz pomocy?  Zadaj pytanie tutaj

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ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle #1

Niezakwalifikowana zagadka podróżna Minecraft ThinkFun to gra logiczna, która jest przenośna i magnetyczna. Zalecany wiek dla graczy to 8 lat lub więcej. Gra może być używana zarówno przez dziewczynki, jak i chłopców, nie ma dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć. Minimalna liczba graczy to jeden, a maksymalna to również jeden. Należy także zauważyć, że produkt ten nie jest przeznaczony dla dzieci w wieku od 0 do 3 lat. Celem zgadywanki podróżnej Minecraft ThinkFun jest rozwiązanie logicznych zagadek, które są związane z popularną grą komputerową Minecraft. Gracze używają magnetycznych kawałków, które reprezentują różne elementy z gry, aby stworzyć lub poruszyć się po planszy i znaleźć rozwiązanie. Gra zapewnia stymulację umysłową i rozwija umiejętności myślenia analitycznego oraz logicznego. Produkt ten, ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle, zalecany jest dla dzieci w wieku od 8 lat, a jego konstrukcja przewiduje zastosowanie zarówno dla chłopców, jak i dla dziewczynek. Może być używany przez jednego gracza naraz i nie jest odpowiedni dla dzieci w wieku od 0 do 3 lat. Ta mobilna i magnetyczna gra logiczna jest interesującym wyzwaniem dla fanów gry Minecraft, ponieważ pozwala na rozwijanie umiejętności logicznego myślenia i rozwiązywania zagadek.

Ostrzeżenie bezpieczeństwa

Nie możesz w instrukcji znaleźć odpowiedzi na swoje pytanie? Odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące modelu ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzlemożesz być dostępna w sekcji FAQ poniżej.

Jak złożyć kawałki układanki?

Aby złożyć układankę, zacznij od zidentyfikowania odpowiednich krawędzi i połączeń magnetycznych na każdym kawałku, a następnie po prostu dopasuj je i połącz, aż układanka będzie kompletna.

Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli element puzzli nie pasuje odpowiednio?

W przypadku, gdy element układanki nie pasuje prawidłowo, upewnij się, że poprawnie zidentyfikowałeś odpowiednie krawędzie i połączenia magnetyczne. Jeśli element wciąż się nie mieści, spróbuj go obrócić lub przekręcić, aby znaleźć poprawne dopasowanie.

Jak rozwiązać szczególnie trudną łamigłówkę?

W przypadku trudnego układanki, często pomocne jest wizualne analizowanie obrazu na kawałkach układanki i próba identyfikacji wyraźnych wzorców lub powtarzających się elementów. Dodatkowo, możesz zacząć od łączenia większych sekcji układanki i stopniowo uzupełniać mniejsze szczegóły.

Czy mogę tworzyć własne wzory przy pomocy puzzli do gry ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle?

Oczywiście! Kawałki puzzli są zaprojektowane w taki sposób, aby były wszechstronne, umożliwiając tworzenie unikalnych wzorów i struktur. Swobodnie wykorzystaj swoją kreatywność i eksploruj różne kombinacje i układy, aby tworzyć własne inspiracje z Minecrafta.

Jak przechowywać kawałki łamigłówki po zakończeniu gry w ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle?

Po zakończeniu zabawy z zagadką, ważne jest przechowywanie elementów w porządku, aby zapobiec ich zgubieniu i uszkodzeniu. Rozważ użycie małego pojemniczka lub torby specjalnie przeznaczonych na elementy zagadki, upewniając się, że są one bezpieczne i łatwo dostępne do przyszłego użycia.

Czy ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle ma zalecaną grupę wiekową?

Tak, zalecana grupa wiekowa dla ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle to dzieci.

Jaki jest minimalny wiek zalecany dla ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle?

Minimalny wiek zalecany dla ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle to 8 lat.

Czy ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle jest odpowiednie dla każdej płci?

Tak, ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle jest odpowiedni dla każdej płci.

Czy ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle może być grane przez wielu graczy?

Nie, ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle jest przeznaczone tylko do gry solo.

Czy ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle jest bezpieczna dla dzieci w wieku 0-3 lat?

Nie, ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle nie jest bezpieczna dla dzieci w wieku 0-3 lata.

Czy instrukcja obsługi ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle jest dostępna w języku Polski?

Niestety nie posiadamy instrukcji obsługi ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle dostępnej w języku Polski. Ta instrukcja jest dostępna w języku Angielski.

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minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Minecraft: Magnetic Travel Puzzle

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Minecraft: Magnetic Travel Puzzle (M:MTP for short) is a travel game by ThinkFun in which the goal is to arrange 3 types of objects, each coming in 3 different colors, in a 3 by 3 grid, such that certain conditions are satisfied.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

As you progress through the 40 included challenges, the types of conditions you encounter become gradually more complex. While in the beginning you may be given all the colors of the objects with one clue and all the types of the objects with another, later on you need to analyze 5 or 6 clues at once, which makes the game more challenging and fun. That being said, at the hardest levels, M:MTP is still relatively easy, so experienced puzzlers will probably breeze through it within an hour or two.

At its core, M:MTP is identical to ThinkFun’s previously released Clue Master . Both games are presented in the form of magnetic notebooks, so they are easy to pick up and travel around with. The illustrations of the Minecraft edition are all based on the popular video game, so its fans may be particularly appreciative.

If you are looking for a casual puzzle to pass an hour or two on a road trip, then M:MTP would be a great choice. I only wish there were more challenges included, especially more difficult ones.

  • 1 player, 8 years and up
  • 40 challenges with increasing difficulties
  • easy to transport and play on the go
  • cool Minecraft based art
  • most puzzles can be solved with a few simple techniques

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja


minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

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Game of the Month: Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

Minecraft! Does your kid love to spend hours building worlds in the popular sandbox video game? Would you like them to peel their eyes off the screen once in a while but can't figure out how without whining and tears? This Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is the ultimate solution and will entertain your kids without electronics!

Minecraft puzzle game

Although this Minecraft Puzzle is billed as a "travel" game, there is no need to confine it to road trips . Your kids will love playing it at home just as much as they will when they are stuck in the car for hours on end.

(Note: ThinkFun provided us with a complementary game; this post contains affiliate links that may earn commission. All opinions are my own, of course.)

My 11 year old, who hasn't spent much time with the on-line Minecraft video game but was familiar with its concept and world was immediately drawn to the Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle because of the familiar graphics. He knows his friends play Minecraft and now he could play it at home, too.

About the Minecraft Magnetic Puzzle

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle consists of several elements. There is a very sturdy spiral bound book containing 40 puzzle challenges in beginner, intermediate and expert levels. The board game, or "crafting table" is attached to the book so the challenge and board can sit side by side, perfect for traveling. Nine magnetic Minecraft objects make up the puzzle pieces. The instruction book is written with ThinkFun's trademark thoroughness.

Open book of Minecraft magnetic travel puzzle.

Minecraft enthusiasts will appreciate that the puzzle challenges follow a fun narrative.

The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from traveling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. –ThinkFun

Each challenge puzzle asks the player to place the nine Minecraft objects on the game board in a specific order according to type and color of object. The challenge gives clues to help the player solve the puzzle and arrange the objects in the correct positions.

Buy it on Amazon: Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Benefits of the Minecraft Travel Magnetic Puzzle Game

Like all of ThinkFun's single player games , the Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle requires kids to engage their critical thinking and logic skills. One of my favorite aspects of this type of game is that kids gain confidence and self-esteem as they make their way through harder and harder challenge levels.

Need a little more help understanding the puzzle? Watch this helpful video.

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PuzzleNation Product Review: Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle


[Note: I received a free copy of this product in exchange for a fair, unbiased review. Due diligence, full disclosure, and all that.]

Minecraft is one of the biggest indie video game success stories of the last twenty years. A simple block-style game about building things (and destroying things) is now a multimedia empire, complete with toys, LEGOs, and of course, video games across numerous platforms.

It was only a matter of time before it made the leap to puzzles, and as it turns out, the clever folks at ThinkFun were just the designers to bring Minecraft into a puzzlier world.

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle pits the player against devious deduction puzzles with elements of the Minecraft universe included. By using the clues provided on each challenge card, the player must arrange three swords, pickaxes, and pieces of armor (all different colors, making nine unique game pieces) on the 3×3 crafting table in a particular pattern.


Completing the grid is the only way to bypass the ender dragon (who is placing these challenge obstacles in your path) and continue onto the next world in your journey.

The instructions, puzzles, solutions, game board, and pieces are all contained within the single spiral-bound game book, making this one of ThinkFun’s most portable products yet. The magnetic pieces are fairly sturdy, as is the game board, so it will hold up nicely to the rigors of travel (and being stuffed into various carry-on bags).


The gameplay itself is all about interpreting the clues provided with each challenge card. Some clues offer hints on where to place pieces according to color, others according to shape. Additional clues center around a given piece’s location on the grid or in relation to another piece.

For instance, in Beginner Challenge #5 in the image below, the solver gets two hints: one about color and the other about the game pieces.

All three of the blue pieces will be placed along the diagonal, according to the first hint. And according to the second hint, a piece of armor will be in the upper right corner and a pickaxe will be in the middle square. Combining these two hints tells us where to place the blue armor and blue pickaxe. And since only one blue gamepiece is left, the blue sword goes in the lower left corner.


Similarly, the combination of the yellow square in the center of the top row in the first hint and the sword image in the center of the top row in the second hint tells us where to place the yellow sword. Once that’s in place, we look at the remaining sword image on the second hint and know where to place the gray sword.

The gray square in the upper left corner of the first hint and the pickaxe image in the upper left corner of the second hint point to where to play the gray pickaxe (and the yellow pickaxe by process of elimination).


With two game pieces left and one unoccupied yellow square in the first hint, the solver can easily complete this challenge, besting the ender dragon’s latest obstacle and moving forward.

Once you graduate from the Beginner and Intermediate difficulty levels, you’ll face a new wrinkle: negative clues. Negative clues are layouts that must be avoided, so instead of telling you where to place a piece, they tell you expressly where NOT to place a piece, ratcheting up the difficulty.

For instance, in Advanced Challenge #25, the negative hints tell us that a gray gamepiece can never be directly below and to the right of a blue gamepiece, or above and to the left of a yellow gamepiece.


These restrictions will prove to be valuable hints going forward, often telling a savvy solver more about the layout of the crafting table than the regular clues!

By gradually teaching deductive reasoning — slowly introducing new ways to provide information and eliminate possibilities — the solver quickly grasps a key component of strategy and planning: “If this, then that” thinking.

This sort of cause-and-effect observation allows a solver to hold several pieces of information in your head at once, eliminating red herrings and unhelpful possibilities until you’re left with one solution that fits all the requirements. (Just as every Sudoku puzzle is an exercise in deduction, so is every challenge card in Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle .)

Fun for younger solvers and older alike, ThinkFun’s latest deduction puzzle game turns Minecraft into Mindcraft, adding a valuable puzzly tool to the arsenal of every solver.

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is available from ThinkFun  and certain online retailers .

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Tabletop Review: ‘Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle’ Is Perfect for Trips and Outings

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Travel season is now in full swing as the weather warms up, and schools are beginning to releasing kids for Spring Break. Outdoor sport seasons are also starting to kick up again, which means a lot of families are clocking in extra traveling hours, or hours at sport practices and games. I’ve previously written about our favorite things to bring along to entertain kids (and especially non-participating siblings) in these cases, so when ThinkFun sent me a complimentary copy of their new Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle , I was eager to see if it might be a fun addition to our entertainment bag.

What is Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle ?

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is a logic based game of deduction for a single player age 8+ and is made up of 40 challenges that increase in difficulty, each taking minutes to play. It has an MSRP of $14.99.

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Components

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle contains the following:

  • 1 Instruction Book
  • 9 Magnetic Minecraft Pieces
  • 1 Challenge Booklet with Magnetic Board, Challenges, and Solutions

The component list is very simple, which is exactly what you need for a game that’s supposed to be travel friendly. The Instruction Book gives a good overview of the logical and deductive reasoning reasoning needed for the game which can be helpful for kids who aren’t as familiar with logic based puzzle games. The Magnetic Pieces are all big enough to be easy to keep track of, but small enough to be travel friendly. They are all designs that Minecraft players should be familiar with (Sword, Pickaxe, and Armor) in 3 different colors each. The Challenge Booklet is a particularly clever design. It’s bound so that you can open it up and have the Challenges appear on your left and the Magnetic playing board (it looks like a Crafting Table) on the other. There’s just enough space on the sides of the board to keep the magnets at the ready until you place them. Beneath all of the Challenges is a grid with all of the solutions. The whole thing small enough to put in a kid’s lap or on a restaurant table, and you can easily fold up the Instruction Book under the Challenges and keep the Magnetic Pieces on the Board  to keep everything perfectly contained between play sessions.

How to Play Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

The goal of Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is to solve each Challenge Puzzle by using logic and deductive reasoning along with positive or negative clues provided by the Challenge.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Because of the travel based nature of the game, there is minimal set up involved. The first time you play, the Magnetic Pieces do need to be punched out of a sheet, but even a kid can handle that part. Otherwise all you need to do is push the Magnetic Pieces to the side of the Magnetic Board and choose a Challenge to play. That’s it.

The Challenges

The Gameplay mechanic is quick to catch onto, but the logical reasoning you need to solve the Challenges is where the real brain power comes in. Once you’ve selected your Challenge, you simply follow the clues provided to determine where to place each Magnetic Piece on the 3×3 Magnetic Board.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

The first 20 puzzles (Beginner and Intermediate level) use positive clues, or clues that tell you where pieces go. The clues might involve color or object type as well as something about the location the piece will end up in as well. Challenges 20-40 (Advanced and Expert) start working in negative clues which  are clues that tell the player what patterns should not appear in the final solution. You can see some Challenge examples below.

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If you think you’ve solved the Challenge, you can check it against the Solutions which appear behind all of the Challenges.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

There’s no true end to the game, although you can declare yourself a winner if you solve all 40 Challenges.

Why You Should Play Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

I’m a big fan of logic games and puzzles for kids (although you can play them too, grown-ups!) and I’ve been a fan of ThinkFun’s puzzles since we first purchased a copy of on of their best known games, Rush Hour .  The educational value is clear, they’re casual enough to pick up for a small amount of time or a longer session, and setting up and cleaning up goes fast. They’re usually a calmer, quieter activity, which sometimes we need. I love the simplicity of this travel version that keeps all of the brain power of the other ThinkFun logic games, but with the ease of something that can be taken on the go. I really hope this is not the last travel puzzle ThinkFun rolls out with.

The pieces and components are perfect for a travel game, and like I said, I’m a big fan of how compact the Challenge Booklet is.

Gameplay is fast to catch onto, but the Challenges are where the brain power comes in. I handed off the game to A, our 9-year-old, to play during the ride on a recent day trip. A takes to logic and spatial reasoning puzzles pretty well (he made Gifted for that skill set), and he was eventually able to solve all of the puzzles, but admitted that the negative space ones were a lot trickier to do. He would happily keep the game in our car’s entertainment bag to bring out and replay again. The age recommendation of 8+ is just about right, but a slightly younger kid with decent logic and spatial reasoning might be able to take to it too.

One of the nicest features is that even if your kid doesn’t play Minecraft , they won’t be at any disadvantage to playing this game. If your kid is Minecraft obsessed, they’ll probably really get a kick out of the tie-in art that goes along with this. With a MSRP of $14.99, it’s reasonably priced to grab for your own entertainment or even to gift to a Minecraft fan you know. If you want the game for an upcoming trip, you can even grab an Amazon Prime eligible copy right now for $13.92 .

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ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logic Game & STEM Toy For Kids Ages 8 & Up

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ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logic Game & STEM Toy For Kids Ages 8 & Up

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • What You Get - The Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Includes 9 Magnetic Minecraft Items, An Instruction Manual, And A Challenge Booklet Containing 40 Beginner To Expert Challenges And Solutions
  • Clear Instructions – Easy To Learn With A Clear, High Quality Instruction Manual. You Can Start Playing Immediately
  • Develops Critical Skills - Learn Logical Reasoning And Deduction Skills Through Fun Gameplay
  • Comes With Multi-Level Challenges - Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Comes With 40 Beginner To Expert Challenges That Become Increasingly Difficult As You Play Through Them

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ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logic Game & STEM Toy For Kids Ages 8 & Up

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The Minecraft magnetic travel puzzle is one of ThinkFun most fun STEM toys for boys and girls. It's a fun logic game that comes with 40 challenges of increasing difficulty, from beginner to expert, and is one of the best gifts you can buy for kids who like smart games and a challenge. The game is made with high quality components, and comes with a very clear and easy to understand instruction manual - you'll be able to play within minutes of opening the box. Like all of ThinkFun games, The Minecraft magnetic travel puzzle is built to develop critical thinking skills. Playing through the increasingly difficult challenges will improve logical reasoning and critical thinking skills, all through fun gameplay.

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Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from traveling through the worlds of minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path..

Solve the challenges and advance on your journey, using your most powerful weapon—YOUR BRAIN! In this mind-bending game of deductive reasoning, players use positive and negative visual clues to place magnetic Minecraft weapons and armor on the Crafting Table in the correct arrangement. When your arrangement includes all the Clue Patterns on the Challenge—YOU WIN!

  • 9 Magnetic Minecraft items
  • hallenge booklet containing 40 beginner to expert challenges and solutions
  • Instruction Manual

How to Play

What's in the box.

  • 9 Magnetic Minecraft Items, An Instruction Manual, Challenge Booklet Containing 40 Beginner To Expert Challenges And Solutions

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Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the theme, travel, and sturdiness of the tabletop game. They mention that it's engaging, fun, and great for logic and Minecraft fans. Some appreciate the quality and design of the book and pieces. However, some customers have mixed opinions on ease of use, magnetic, and value.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the theme of the tabletop game fun, engaging, and a great non-screen past time for a road trip. They also say the logic puzzles are fun and increase in difficulty. Customers also say it provides hours of car entertainment and is a good boredom buster.

"This is such a great puzzle for 8+ kids and even adults! It's so thought provoking ...." Read more

"...It has several options to play which keeps it fun for longer . Overall it’s a good choice if you want to get them something that isn’t electronic." Read more

"...This is just right and entertaining for the boys ." Read more

"...Perfect for kids when they have downtime. Much better than video games ." Read more

Customers find the game great to take on travel, as it's magnetic and portable. They also say it makes a great gift while on the road, perfect for a road trip, and easy to travel with.

"... Great to take on travel because it's magnetic. My son & I enjoy sitting down together and working out the answers...." Read more

"...Vacation getaways in their RV games need to be small and compact . This is just right and entertaining for the boys." Read more

"...(actually great for travel )...." Read more

"I like that it is portable and makes a great gift while on the road, but I was disappointed in its construction. It peels very quickly...." Read more

Customers find the game pretty well made, durable, and built to last. They also appreciate the quality of the puzzle book and pieces.

"Works great, like the quality , can dent, but easy to use. I like the size of it so we can use it in the car. Color was fine, & great value!" Read more

"...The quality of the puzzle book and pieces (other than the color..) is excellent...." Read more

"...That’s my advice from one mom to another. Otherwise, the quality and design is great and so fun!" Read more

"I love the quality of this game ! Most games these days are made so cheaply...." Read more

Customers find the game to be a great gift for Minecraft fans. They also say it's portable and fun.

" Perfect gift for the family . Vacation getaways in their RV games need to be small and compact. This is just right and entertaining for the boys." Read more

"... Perfect gift idea !" Read more

" Great gift for little Minecraft fans !" Read more

Customers find the puzzle options in the book excellent, with enough variety and difficulty to keep them interested as they grow. They also appreciate the different levels of the game within the book, which allows different players the ability to participate.

"...It has several options to play which keeps it fun for longer. Overall it’s a good choice if you want to get them something that isn’t electronic." Read more

"...There are different levels of the game within the book which allows different players the ability to participate...." Read more

"...Seems to have enough variety and difficulty to keep her interested as she grows." Read more

"Excellent quality and puzzle options . Gift for 6 year old but 4 year old brother lived also. A thoughtful NON ELECTRONIC 😁 gift..." Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of use. Some mention that the challenges start off really simple and work up slowly. They find the game challenging enough for adults. However, others say that the puzzles are too hard for kids, and the instructions are not much.

"Works great, like the quality, can dent, but easy to use . I like the size of it so we can use it in the car. Color was fine, & great value!" Read more

"...It seems a bit complex . He figured it out, but it could be frustrating in the car because they want help, and you are driving...." Read more

"...It was really fun and challenging . Kids can play alone or with others too...." Read more

"...Takes a minute for you to understand how it works, but easy enough to explain to my (very smart) 8 year old niece who absolutely loves it...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the magnetic pieces. Some mention that it's great as you can use it in a restaurant, while travelling, and the magnetic parts stay attached very well. They like that you can reinsert the magnets in the original carrier to keep from losing them. However, some customers say that the pieces are magnetic and they lost 2/9 game pieces, the magnet backing ripping off, and that 1 of the magnet is missing.

"...Great to take on travel because it's magnetic . My son & I enjoy sitting down together and working out the answers...." Read more

"...It was fun for a roadtrip. Only downside is that the pieces are magnetic and we lost 2/9 game pieces the 2nd day, so it's unusable now." Read more

"...Glossy, thick, the magnetic pieces stay attached very well (actually great for travel)...." Read more

"...It peels very quickly. I do like that you can reinsert the magnets in the original carrier to keep from losing them, but it is very difficult to..." Read more

Customers are mixed about the value of the tabletop game. Some mention it's well worth the price, an inexpensive gift for any Minecraft fan, and a good purchase for puzzle fans. Others say it'd be a waste of money, with not really a lot of content and boring.

"...Color was fine, & great value !" Read more

"Not 5 stars because it's not really a lot of content . Kind of like sudoku, but mine-craft themed...." Read more

"...It’s a great and inexpensive gift for any Minecraft fan!" Read more

"...first puzzle in the booklet, found that it was missing 2 pieces so it is unusable ...." Read more

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

minecraft magnetic travel puzzle instrukcja

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  1. How to play Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Learn the rules to the game: Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle, quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.Don't own the game? Buy...

  2. ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle manual

    The ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is a child-friendly product geared towards individuals aged eight years and older. With no specific gender targeting, it is suitable for both boys and girls. This magnetic puzzle is designed for solo play, making it ideal for independent entertainment. Safety precautions are in place as this product ...

  3. Instrukcja obsługi ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Tu możesz bezpłatnie wyświetlić instrukcję dotyczącą ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle. Ta instrukcja należy do kategorii nieskategoryzowane i otrzymała oceny od 2 osób ze średnią 7.2. Ta instrukcja jest dostępna w następujących językach: Angielski.

  4. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle by ThinkFun

    The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from traveling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. Solve ...

  5. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    In this mind-bending game of deductive reasoning, players use positive and negative visual clues to place magnetic Minecraft weapons and armor on the Crafting Table in the correct arrangement. When your arrangement includes all the Clue Patterns on the Challenge—YOU WIN! Type: Brainteasers Logic Games Travel Games.

  6. PDF Instruction Manual

    of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. Solve the challenges and advance on your journey, using your most powerful weapon—YOUR BRAIN! YOUR GOAL: Use the visual Clues given to place your magnetic weapons and armor on the Crafting Table in the correct arrangement. When your arrangement

  7. Minecraft: Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Review Minecraft: Magnetic Travel Puzzle (M:MTP for short) is a travel game by ThinkFun in which the goal is to arrange 3 types of objects, each coming in 3 different colors, in a 3 by 3 grid, such that certain conditions are satisfied. As you progress through the 40 included…

  8. PDF Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logical Deduction Game The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from travelling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly di˚ cult challenges in your path. Solve the challenges and advance on your journey, using your most powerful weapon—your brain! In this mind-bending game of

  9. How To Play Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Place the pieces on the crafting table using the provided clues.#HowToPlay #Minecraft

  10. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Take your love of Minecraft on the road with Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle! The ender dragon awaits but you need the best equipment possible! Solve the 40 challenges to advance your journey using your most important piece of equipment--your brain! With each challenge getting progressively challenging, work your way through expert to prepare to journey to the End to face the ender dragon!

  11. ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Instrukcja do Gry: Poznaj zasady i ... ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle - Opinie Klienci, którzy zakupili ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle, mogą podzielić się swoją opinią poprzez ankietę Zaufanych Opinii. Prezentujemy wszystkie oceny (zarówno pozytywne jak i negatywne), a Zaufane Opinie oznaczone są zieloną tarczą. ...

  12. Play Offline with the Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from traveling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. Each challenge puzzle asks the player to place the nine Minecraft objects on the game board in a specific order according to type and color of object. The challenge gives clues to help the player ...

  13. PuzzleNation Product Review: Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    The instructions, puzzles, solutions, game board, and pieces are all contained within the single spiral-bound game book, making this one of ThinkFun's most portable products yet. The magnetic pieces are fairly sturdy, as is the game board, so it will hold up nicely to the rigors of travel (and being stuffed into various carry-on bags).

  14. Thinkfun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Board Game : Target

    In this mind-bending game of deductive reasoning, players use positive and negative visual clues to place magnetic Minecraft weapons and armor on the Crafting Table in the correct arrangement. When your arrangement includes all the Clue Patterns on the Challenge—YOU WIN! Suggested Age: 8 Years and Up. Type of Game: Creative Games.

  15. Tabletop Review: 'Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle' Is ...

    Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle is a logic based game of deduction for a single player age 8+ and is made up of 40 challenges that increase in difficulty, each taking minutes to play. It has an MSRP of $14.99. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Components Components for 'Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle.' Photo by Elizabeth MacAndrew ...

  16. ThinkFun Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logic Game & STEM Toy For

    The Minecraft magnetic travel puzzle is one of ThinkFun most fun STEM toys for boys and girls. It's a fun logic game that comes with 40 challenges of increasing difficulty, from beginner to expert, and is one of the best gifts you can buy for kids who like smart games and a challenge. The game is made with high quality components, and comes ...

  17. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle from ThinkFun

    TTPM reviews the Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle by Thinkfun! For full review and shopping info

  18. Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Game

    The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from traveling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. Solve the challenges and advance on your journey, using your most powerful weapon—YOUR BRAIN! In this mind-bending game of deductive reasoning, players use positive and

  19. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

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  20. PDF Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle

    Minecraft Magnetic Travel Puzzle Logical Deduction Game The ender dragon is trying to prevent you from travelling through the worlds of Minecraft by placing 40 increasingly difficult challenges in your path. Solve the challenges and advance on your journey, using your most powerful weapon—your brain! In this mind-bending game of

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  23. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...