Free Walking Tour Lyon

General information.

Tour in English

Tour in Spanish

10:30 am / 5:00 pm

Tip only basis

English / Spanish

lyon free tour

Free walking tour Lyon guides you through Lyon city in central France, known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. The city is home to many historic landmarks, including the Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière , a church that offers panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. Lyon is also known for its vibrant culinary scene, with many famous restaurants and food markets, such as the Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse, showcasing the city’s delicious cuisine. The city is also a hub of arts and culture, with numerous theaters, opera houses, and museums showcasing the city’s rich heritage and cultural traditions.

Meet your guide in front of the Opera.

Tip only basis. You must tip your guide at the end of the tour. It is recommended to tip from 10 to 20 euros per person.

Free Walking Tour Lyon begins in front of the iconic Opera House, a symbol of Lyon’s vibrant cultural scene and a fitting starting point for our exploration.

Our first stop is the majestic Place des Terreaux, where we’ll marvel at the impressive Bartholdi Fountain and take in the grandeur of the City Hall. As we wander through this historic square, you’ll learn about its significance in Lyon’s past and present, from political gatherings to lively festivals.

Next, we’ll venture into the enchanting streets of Old Lyon, a UNESCO World Heritage site brimming with charm and history. Wind your way through cobblestone alleyways lined with colorful Renaissance buildings, discovering hidden traboules and medieval treasures around every corner.


Free Walking Tour Lyon continues to the Église Saint-Paul – Chapelle Sainte Marguerite, a stunning example of Gothic architecture nestled in the heart of the city. Step inside to admire its soaring vaulted ceilings, intricate stained glass windows, and serene ambiance, offering a moment of reflection amidst the bustling streets.

No visit to Lyon would be complete without a visit to its magnificent Cathedral. Towering over the city skyline, the Lyon Cathedral impresses with its imposing facades and ornate interiors. Take a moment to admire its stunning architecture and learn about the centuries of history contained within its walls.

Our final stop in Free Walking Tour Lyon brings us to the imposing Palace of Justice of Lyon, a testament to Lyon’s rich legal heritage. Marvel at its neoclassical facade and learn about its role in shaping the city’s judicial system as we reflect on the enduring legacy of law and order in Lyon.

Frequently asked questions

What is the maximum of participants.

The maximum of participants is 15 people.

Can I book a private walking tour?

Yes, you can book a private walking tour by contacting us straight via email.

Can I bring my children?

Yes, in Free Tour Lyon everyone is welcome.

What should I bring?

Check out the weather on the day of the tour to make sure you bring and umbrella in case is raining. Bring comfortable shoes, cash and a big smile 🙂

lyon free tour


Free tour and private guide – visit lyon with us.


Are you looking for the best way to discover the beautiful city of Lyon? You’ve found the right place! Don’t take the risk to miss anything, be sure to catch the best and the most interesting of Lyon. Bring monuments and streets to life through history and fun fact,


Choose how you want to explore Lyon

Here are all your options to discover the best of Lyon and to create outstanding memories during your stay in the best city in the world!

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The Essential Tour

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Private Tour

Culture and history

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Tour privado

Why lyonexplorer is one of the best option to visit lyon.

Our success comes from our philosophy. From the free walking tours to the thematic private tours , we always adapt as best as possible our tours to our public in order to create  the best experience possible!

We will bring you through the heart of the city of Lyon, and you will learn about the two thousand years of history that has taken place in this dynamic city. We’ll give you advice on the best things to do and to see in Lyon. And our job is particularly easy in Lyon because, according to us, it’s the most beautiful city in France !

Roman history , gastronomy , murals, workers revolts of the canuts . The “Capital des Gaules” is a must see in France, full of secrets, hidden places and unknown history. So take time to enjoy and visit Lyon with us !

Since always, LyonExplorer put all its efforts in giving you the best, but if you still have doubts, take a look at the comments on TripAdvisor:


– Is booking mandatory to participate in a free walking tour?

Yes, it is. In order to give you the best experience, we limit the size of the group. Especially in winter, if nobody booked, the tour won’t happened, so it’s really important to book. But if you forgot to book, don’t hesitate to come anyway, we never know!

– Are tours family friendly?

Our tours are family friendly. Nonetheless, if you have a stroller, you have to be aware that we’ll be climbing some steps. So, be prepared for it!

– In which languages are you offering your freetour?

Our tours are in French, English and Spanish.

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Free Walking Tour of Lyon

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Discover the best of Lyon exploring its most important monuments and delving into its history accompanied by an expert local guide .

Place Bellecour in Lyon city centre

Lyon Free Walking Tour

Your free walking tour of Lyon will begin on Avenue du Doyenné. From there, you'll wander over to the  Musée des Beaux-Arts , one of France's most important museums and largest collections of fine art.

Continue exploring Lyon on foot, reaching the  Saint-Nizier Church , whose impressive Gothic-style façade will leave you in awe. The next stop on your route will be  Place Bellecour , one of Europe's largest open squares, where you'll arrive after strolling through the famous  Place des Jacobins , a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to one of the city's most photographed fountains.

Walk alongside the River Saône, entering  Vieux Lyon , the  Old Town , where you'll be immersed in the city's fascinating Medieval architecture. Discover the history and curious facts surrounding the legendary  traboules , historic passageways used to get around the city, as you admire the pink tower of the  Traboule de la Tour Rose .

Finally, you'll visit  Lyon Cathedral , dedicated to John the Baptist, located at the foot of Fourvière hill.

  • It is not possible to book this free tour of Lyon for groups of more than 6 people.
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult. There is a maximum of 3 children permitted per adult.

More Information

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English.

English speaking guide

Not included

When to book.

You can book up until 10 hours before the activity as long as there are still places. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


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Frequently asked questions

Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

Q - How to book?

A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

Q - Is a minimum number of participants required?

A - This activity requires a minimum of 4 participants. Should this number not be reached, we'll get in touch with you to offer alternatives.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Free cancellation

Meeting point.

6 Avenue du Doyenné

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Be Original Tours

Free Lyon Original Walking Tour

Explore Lyon through a Different Lens

Lyon is the third-largest city in France and a beautiful tourist destination. This beautiful city was not so popular for travel until it became home to a couple of UNESCO world heritage sights. The city has its own massive share of history and culture. A great stop for visitors and travelers who love a little bit of history. On this free Lyon Walking tour, we explore the city’s hidden gems, from the Roman amphitheater to the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière. 

The city of Lyon, has an old city with a lot of hidden treasures, making it even more fun to explore. As we go about this free Lyon walking tour, expect to meet the Canuts atop the hills, the Traboules; secret alleys built in the 4th century.  Brace yourself for an exhilarating time as our tour guides break down the history of these beautiful sights and of course, feel free to grab yourself a silk souvenir while we are at it. 

Why Choose Us

  • Diverse Destinations: With expertise in local culture and modern art, our diverse destinations bring you an authenticity beyond the reach of any other travel company
  • Perfect Prices: Our prices are perfectly tailored for an interesting, and immersive discovery of the city through a different lens
  • Terrific Tour Guide: Each tour guide brings something unique to the table – one of which is being terrific!
  • Scenic Sights: When traveling, scenic sights are a must that even we cannot compromise.
  • Fast Booking: Create your own booking in less than 5 minutes through our user-friendly websites and guides
  • Instant Support: Travelling gives rise to queries, concerns, and doubts; so, we make sure that we’re always here to put your mind at ease

Perfect for:

  • Backpackers

TIP: If you’re looking for where to find the finest live music, the best clubs to go to, and the best restaurants to eat in we’ll make sure you get all the inside info! To get a complete nightlife experience of Lyon, Join us for our  Free Lyon Pub Crawl and experience the vibrant activities in Lyon when the sunsets.

N.B.: The tour may take one of the several routes through the city depending on the guide, the needs of the group, and the weather on the day.

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Free Walking Tour Lyon

Explore lyon, france with lyonexplorer free walking tour, free  lyon walking tour.

Do you want to learn more about Lyon ? Do you want to know all its secrets ? Would you like to spend a few hours with friendly people ? Do you want tips to explore places by yourself?

Join a LyonExplorer free walking tour , this is the best solution to discover the beautiful city of Lyon.

Me, Nico, created this company in 2017 after a 3 months trip in South America. I’m in love with my city and when I came back from my trip, I discovered that there was no free walking tour in the third biggest cities of France. So, I created it and since then, I have the privilege to share my knowledge and my love for Lyon with everybody.

And if you're wondering why we're doing free walking tours, here's why: I’m not a businessman, I’m just passionate about my city and I love sharing and meeting people. That’s why a free walking tour was the best option for me. Letting people decide the price for a tour is the fairest way to do it according to me.

So join us and see you soon !

Pictures from our walks


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What visitors think about Free  Lyon Walking Tour?

Rating: 5 out of 5

Frequently asked questions about the tour

Is booking mandatory to participate in a free walking tour, are tours family friendly, in which languages are you offering your tour, where and how can i find you, why should i choose lyonexplorer over another company, get inspired by the free tour community blog.

lyon free tour

What to do in Lyon in one, two or three days ?

If you have no idea what to do in Lyon, don’t panic. Nico, the founder of LyonExlorer, has a couple of great recommendations!

lyon free tour

What is a Traboule and why is it famous in Lyon?

No, Traboule is not the last trendy dance on TikTok or an exotic food specialty. It's a Lyonnais’s word to identify passages through buildings!

lyon free tour

Hidden Gems of Lyon: Off-the-Beaten-Path Neighborhoods and Attractions

Discover the hidden gems of Lyon with off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods and attractions, offering a unique and authentic experience.

Want to know more about our tours?

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Travel to Lyon logo, with burgundy map of France with a white heart here Lyon is located.

🇫🇷 21 Best Free Things to Do in Lyon: Big Fun on a Budget!

  • Post author: Lisa Garrett
  • Post last modified: May 2, 2024
  • Post category: Lyon Things to Do

Planning a trip to Lyon, but need to stick to a budget?  No worries!  There are plenty of amazing free things to do in Lyon!

I’ve visited Lyon several times.  Sometimes I’ll splurge on a tour, but sometimes I need to keep expenses in check.

You’ll be happy to learn that some of the best attractions in Lyon are also free! 

See Lyon’s gorgeous hilltop Notre-Dame Basilica?  Free.   Look for Lyon’s famous trompe l’oeil murals?  Free.   Explore the Roman ruins?  Free.  Visit the zoo?  Free!

Ready to learn about more great free Lyon things to do?  Lace up your shoes and let’s go!

Visiting the Parc de la Tete D'Or is one of the best free things to do in Lyon. Be sure to see the fancy green and gold entry gate!

Disclaimer :  This page may contain affiliate links.  I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links (at no additional cost to you).

Table of Contents

Exploring the Heart of Lyon

Lyon is one of the most beautiful cities in France, rich in history and art. In Lyon, it’s easy to immerse yourself in a world of architectural wonders without spending a cent.

You won’t want to miss these stunning landmarks!

1. Place des Terreaux

When you meander through Place des Terreaux, you’re not just walking across a public square; you’re stepping through centuries of history.

Here, you’ll find the City Hall and the stunning Palais Saint-Pierre (which now houses Lyon’s Fine Arts Museum). It’s not only a feast for the eyes but also a hub for cultural events—often free!

This expansive space is lined with historically significant buildings. 

It’s also home to a magnificent fountain crafted by Bartholdi, making it one of the most Instagrammable places in Lyon !

2. Bartholdi Fountain

The Bartholdi Fountain in the Place des Terreaux in Lyon France.

Take a moment to gaze at the powerful horses that seem to leap from the water – it’s an impressive sight that captures the imagination.

Designed by the creator of the Statue of Liberty, this fascinating sculpture is a masterpiece of art, with water cascading over horses and an impressive chariot.

I love this photo I captured of the fountain’s horses, with the impressive Hôtel de Ville in the background!

3. Hôtel de Ville

Just at the edge of the square, the Hôtel de Ville – Lyon’s City Hall – grabs your attention with its stunning 17th-century Baroque facade.

It’s not just a functioning city hall; it’s a historical treasure. The building’s lavish design is a testament to the grandeur of Lyon’s past, with its elegant, classical French architecture.

Public Access is limited to specific events, but you can admire the exterior anytime!

4. Place Bellecour

As one of the largest open squares in Europe, Place Bellecour is a vast expanse where you can admire the surrounding architecture and the statue of Louis XIV on horseback. With no cost to wander, it’s a must-visit spot to feel the pulse of the city.

You’ll find the Lyon Tourist Information office here, where you can buy your Lyon City Card. 

With free museum entry, free tours, and free public transit, it’s my favorite way to save money in Lyon!  Want more details?  Read my full review of the Lyon City Card !

Spend a little and save a lot by purchasing your Lyon City Card !  It’s the best way to save money on your trip to Lyon.

5. Lyon Opera House

Marvel at the blend of modern and historical architecture at the Opera House, where a 1990s renovation added a stunning glass dome onto a 19th-century structure. 

Lyon’s Opera House is located right next to the Hôtel de Ville metro station.  If you’re taking public transportation in Lyon, be sure to take a moment to admire this one-of-a-kind building!

Fourvière Hill Sights

As you explore Lyon, Fourvière Hill offers a treasure trove of historical and picturesque experiences, all for free.

From the majestic Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière to the ancient Roman Amphitheatre and the stunning panoramic views, each visit promises a priceless experience.

6. Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière

The Basilique Notre Dame in Lyon, France has incredible architecture and is one of the reasons Lyon is worth visiting.

Even if you’re only spending one day in Lyon , you’ll definitely want to head up to the top of Fourvière Hill to see grand Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière.

The Notre Dame Basilica is an important French landmark and also a stunning architectural wonder.  It’s lovingly referred to as the ‘upside down elephant’ by locals for its unique architecture, featuring 4 towers reaching to the sky.

Be sure to head inside the basilica to see the incredible gilded mosaics.  I can never decide which is more impressive – the outside or the inside of this basilica!

Entrance to this spiritual sanctuary is free, allowing you to admire the basilica’s elegance and serenity at no cost.  Visiting the basilica is certainly one of the best things to do in Lyon .

7. Panoramic Views from Fourvière

Don’t miss the stunning views from Fourvière Hill, one of Lyon’s most breathtaking vantage points.

Witness the Lyon cityscape unfold before you in a stunning panorama that spans from the old town to the distant Alps. This is the perfect spot to capture amazing Lyon photos, and it’s completely free to enjoy.

8. Roman Amphitheatre

Just a short walk from the basilica lies the Roman Amphitheater, a remarkable reminder of Lyon’s ancient Roman history. It’s part of what makes Lyon a UNESCO World Heritage site .

Discover this well-preserved site where gladiators once battled. Today, it’s a fascinating glimpse into Roman civilization, and you can explore it without spending a penny.

The Roman theater is still used to this day, most notably for concerts during the Fourvière Nights (Les Nuits de Fourvière) in the summer.  (Sorry, the festival isn’t free!)

Vieux Lyon Exploration

Embark on a journey through the heart of Lyon’s history as you explore the treasures of Vieux Lyon .

Your adventure through this Renaissance district reveals hidden traboules and grand cathedrals, each with a story to tell.

Stroll through the cobbled streets of one of Europe’s largest Renaissance neighborhoods. Here, the captivating traboules—hidden passageways—are yours to discover, weaving through courtyards and between buildings.

9. Stroll Through Traboules

One of the beautiful traboules in Lyon France, The walls are reddish in color, and a tall tower with multiple windows is in the center.

As you meander the cobblestone streets of Vieux Lyon, don’t miss the magic of the traboules.

These secret passageways, once used by silk workers, are architectural wonders that connect one street to another.

Discover over 40 publicly accessible traboules in this area, each with its unique charm. Some of the most noteworthy traboules include:

  • La Longue Traboule :  As you might guess from the name, this is the longest traboule in Lyon
  • Traboule of La Tour Rose : Notable for its beautiful courtyard and pink tower.

To experience the traboules, look for discreet doors or archways.  Public traboules are marked by a sign. Be sure to respect the privacy of residents and keep noise to a minimum as you explore.

10. Visit the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Your exploration of Vieux Lyon is incomplete without visiting its iconic cathedrals.   

You will most certainly cross by the Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste.  It’s located right in the center of Vieux Lyon, on the Place Saint-Jean.

This Gothic beauty is a stunner, and it’s free to visit.  Go inside to view the incredible stained-glass windows and the ornate astronomical clock.  There is also a room housing a Treasury exhibit, which you can view at no charge.

(Tip:  One of the best bouchons in Old Lyon faces this stunning cathedral!)

 Free Art and Culture in Lyon

Lyon’s cultural scene is vibrant, offering a wealth of free opportunities to immerse yourself in art and history.

Explore museums, marvel at street art, and even walk on artistic masterpieces.

11. Find Lyon’s murals

The full Mur des Canuts mural in Lyon, France. It depicts typical buildings, shops, and people in the Croix Rousse neighborhood of Lyon.

Embark on a treasure hunt for street art across Lyon’s diverse neighborhoods.

Some of Lyon’s remarkable murals are so incredibly realistic that I did a double take!

Two of the most famous Lyon murals are the Mur des Canuts and the Fresque des Lyonnais.  But there are plenty of other amazing murals to find if you keep your eyes open as you explore the city! 

Grab your camera and spot these urban canvases that transform the city into an open-air gallery.

  • Fresque des Lyonnais :  2 Rue de la Martinière (right on the banks of the Saone river).  This depicts famous people from Lyon’s history.
  • Mur des Canuts : 36 Bd des Canuts (in the heart of Lyon’s Croix-Rousse neighborhood).  This mural shows a slice of life in the Croix-Rousse, with colorful apartment buildings, shops, and neighborhood residents.

12. Museums

In general, all of Lyon’s museums have entry fees.  But if you purchase the Lyon City Card , you get free access to over 20 great Lyon museums!

Even without the card, you can visit parts of several museums for free:

  • Musée des Beaux-Arts Courtyard :  While visiting the Musee des Beaux Arts itself is not free, you don’t have to pay anything to enjoy its beautiful courtyard.  Classical statues dot the garden, so it’s a great place to enjoy a moment of quiet.  It’s one of my favorite hidden gems of Lyon!
  • Musée des Confluences Rooftop :  You don’t need to buy a ticket to visit the rooftop of the Musée des Confluences.  Enjoy magnificent views or enjoy a bite at the cafeteria.
  • Musée Gadagnes Rooftop Garden :   Located in Vieux Lyon, the Musée Gadagnes contains the World Puppetry Museum and the Museum of Lyon History.  Most people don’t know that it is free to visit the rooftop garden.  Spend a moment enjoying the roses!
  • Lugdunum Museum :  This museum takes you on a journey through Lyon’s Roman history and you can enjoy a free visit on the 1 st Sunday of the month.  You’ll find it right next to the Gallo-Roman theater on the slopes of Fourvière Hill.

13. Painted Staircases

Lastly, stumble upon the whimsically painted staircases hidden around the city.

Each becomes a unique physical artwork, blending functionality with aesthetics. These staircases turn ordinary city tours into an enchanting journey through local artists’ creativity.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Escaliers Prunelle (2 Rue Prunelle):  The base of the staircase (where you can take the best photos) is on Rue Rivet.
  • Escaliers Montée des Carmélites :  This Lyon hidden gem is in the southwestern corner of the Jardin des Plantes.
  • Escalier Mermet (25 Rue René Leynaud)

Natural Escapes and Gardens

Embrace the harmony of nature in Lyon’s lush gardens and parks –without spending a dime!

Enjoy the vibrant flowers and lush greenery that provide a serene escape from urban life.

14. Picnic in the Parc de la Tête d’Or

Step into Parc de la Tête d’Or, Lyon’s largest and most splendid park.   I like picking up lunch items from a local market and enjoying a picnic here. And check out the fancy entry gate!

Spread over 117 hectares, it offers a chance to wander through diverse landscapes, from serene lakesides to expansive lawns. Must-see attractions include:

  • Botanical Garden : Home to over 15,000 plants, bask in the vast array of colors.
  • Rose Gardens : With more than 350 varieties of roses, your senses are in for a treat.
  • Zoo :  The Lyon Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in France. With giraffes, elephants, and more, visiting the zoo is one of the best free things to do in Lyon for families.

15. Stroll the River Banks

Experience tranquility as you meander along the banks of the Rhône and Saône rivers:

  • Rhône River : Discover the revitalized riverbanks featuring leisurely paths ideal for jogging, picnicking, or cycling.
  • Saône River : Immerse yourself in authentic local culture as you pass by historic buildings admiring the reflection of the city on the water.  (Historic Vieux Lyon lies on the west side of the Saône River.)

16. Explore Île Barbe

Take a short trip to Île Barbe, a small island on the Saône River, and discover this hidden gem of natural beauty. The island is home to lush gardens and parks that offer an idyllic setting for a picnic or a quiet afternoon reading in the sun.

In July, enjoy a free summer concert series on Sundays!

Lyon’s Quaint Neighborhoods

Walking through Lyon’s quaint neighborhoods offers an authentic glimpse into the local lifestyle and culture, and it’s absolutely free.

You’ll find a blend of picturesque streets, bustling markets, and charming cafes that capture Lyon’s vibrant atmosphere.

17. Croix-Rousse District

The Cour des Voraces traboule in Lyon. Building is gray with several levels of angled staircases with wrought iron railings.

Croix-Rousse is a hilltop district with panoramic views of Lyon. This neighborhood is famous for its unique traboules—hidden passageways once used by silk workers.

Strolling through Croix-Rousse, you are greeted by the daily market on Boulevard de la Croix-Rousse, offering fresh produce and local goods.

  • Atmosphere : The area thrives with an artistic vibe, showcasing colorful murals and street art that invite your curiosity.
  • Cafes and Boutiques : Lined with indie shops and cozy cafes, it’s perfect for a leisurely afternoon exploring bohemian charms.
  • Le Mur des Canuts :  This incredible trompe-l’oeil mural is one of the best reasons to visit Lyon’s  Croix-Rousse neighborhood.  It’s one of the largest murals in Europe!
  • Cour des Voraces : One of Lyon’s most impressive traboules, famous for its imposing six-story staircase.

18. Confluence Area

The Confluence district is at the forefront of modernity, where the rivers Rhône and Saône merge.

Once an industrial area, it has undergone a dramatic transformation into a lively waterfront locality.

  • Musee des Confluences :  Admire the modern architecture of one of Lyon’s most popular museums .
  • Orange Cube :  The Confluences area is the perfect place to admire modern architecture.  My tour guide said the orange cube is nicknamed ‘Mimolette’, as it looks like a chunk of this orange French cheese.
  • Urban Parks and Plazas : Wander around the rejuvenated docks and sit by the water to watch the world go by.
  • Pôle de Commerces et de Loisirs : While the mall is a centerpiece, its outdoor spaces buzz with activity and are a great spot for people-watching.  (You’ll love the waterfront views!)

Experiencing Local Life

Explore Lyon’s vibrant atmosphere and delve into its culinary legacy. You’ll uncover the essence of French culture by trying regional delicacies and browsing local markets.

19. Visit Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse

Array of tiny cakes and pastries in Les Halles Paul Bocuse Lyon.

Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse is certainly one of the must-see attractions in Lyon , especially if you’re a foodie.

The products at this gourmet market are a bit on the spendy side, but ‘window shopping’ is free!  Marvel at the almost-too-pretty-to-eat pastries and the tempting chocolate displays and inhale the delicious aromas from the market’s restaurants.

20. Shopping at Local Markets

Stroll through Lyon’s open-air markets where vendors proudly display an array of regional products.

The colors and smells of fresh produce, cheeses, and charcuteries will enchant you.

My favorite Lyon market is the Saint-Antione Market.  It’s right on the banks of the Saone and is open daily (except Mondays).  The produce is incredible! 

Buying local products at a market and enjoying a picnic lunch is a great way to save money during your trip to Lyon.

Free Lyon Events

Lyon hosts a variety of splendid events and festivals throughout the year. Among these, the Fête des Lumières stands out as a must-see extravaganza of lights that transforms the city into an atmospheric canvas.

21. Celebrate the Fête des Lumières

Every December, Lyon bursts with color and light during the Fête des Lumières. This four-day festival is more than just a gathering; it’s an expression of the city’s soul, drawing in a whopping 3-4 million visitors each year.

Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect:

  • Dates : Typically from December 5th to December 8th
  • Locations : City-wide, with hotspots at Place des Terreaux, and the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
  • Shows : Free light installations and projections from international artists.
  • Vibe : A magical time when the city is bathed in a warm glow, offering a unique festive atmosphere.

Immerse yourself in the lively streets as they pulse with illuminated artworks and innovative installations.   It’s a unique experience you’ll never forget!

Free Lyon Attractions Map

Wondering where to find all these free Lyon attractions? Here’s a map to help keep you on budget during your trip to Lyon!

Lyon Free Things to Do FAQ

Discover the hidden charms and exclusive experiences of Lyon without spending a dime. Uncover the city’s lesser-known spots and free festive delights!

Venture to the serene Ile Barbe, an enchanting island on the Saône river. Relax at the Parc de la Tête d’Or’s botanical gardens, away from the bustling city center.

Stroll through the cobblestone streets of Vieux Lyon to admire Renaissance architecture. Peek inside the majestic courtyards and traverse the historic traboules without spending anything.

Celebrate the famous Fête des Lumières, a stunning light festival in December that transforms the city with mesmerizing installations and artwork, all for free.

There are many top Lyon attractions that you can enjoy for free. Wander along the banks of the Rhône and Saône rivers, see the stunning Notre-Dame Basilica, explore the Roman ruins, and search for Lyon’s vibrant murals.

For some free hidden gems in Lyon, explore the vibrant street art and painted stairways in the Croix-Rousse hillside neighborhood.  Then duck into the courtyard of Lyon’s Fine Arts Museum or visit the rooftop of the Musée des Confluences for some fabulous views.

Visiting Lyon is certainly not as expensive as visiting Paris. Lyon has a wide variety of hotel options from budget to luxury. If you’re on a budget, there are plenty of free attractions in Lyon, so you can have a great trip without breaking the bank.

Final Thoughts:

All the free attractions in Lyon make it easy to have a great time even if you’re traveling on a budget.

Check out these related posts to help you enjoy your time in Lyon! Learn how to save money with the Lyon City Card , explore historic Vieux Lyon , or see the fabulous Mur des Canuts !

  • Top things to do in Lyon France
  • Best restaurants in Vieux Lyon
  • Best photo spots in Lyon
  • Best cooking classes and food tours in Lyon

Are you ready to book your trip to Lyon?

Looking for the top picks for your trip to Lyon? Here are some of the best tours, hotels, and more to help you plan the perfect vacation!

Top Tours and Experiences in Lyon

  • Old Town Walking Food Tour (Vieux Lyon sightseeing + tasty local favorites)
  • E-Bike Tour of Lyon (A fun & easy way to see Lyon’s top sights!)
  • Market Tour, Cooking Class+ Lunch (Perfect for those who love to cook!)
  • Beaujolais Golden Stones Wine Tour (The best day trip for wine lovers)
  • Lyon City Card (Amazing value! I buy this every time I visit Lyon)

Top Hotels in Lyon

  • Villa Florentine (Fabulous 5-star hotel in Vieux Lyon)
  • Grand Hotel des Terreaux (I stayed here! Great location)
  • Hôtel Bayard Bellecour (Highly rated budget-friendly hotel)

Traveling to Lyon on a budget? Pin this for later so you don’t miss any of these amazing free Lyon sights!

Free things to do in Lyon pin.  Top:  Place des Terreaux, with the horses of the Bartholdi Fountain in front of the Hotel de ville.  Lower left:  The front towers of the Notre Dame de Fourviere Basilica.  Lower right:  Statue of a centaur in the Parc de la Tete D'Or.

Lisa Garrett

Lisa Garrett is the founder of Travel to Lyon.

She has explored Lyon with her husband (Chris) as well as on solo trips to France. She will be living in Lyon this summer to bring you even more tips to help you plan the perfect trip to Lyon!

Learn more about Lisa !

Me, Lisa, in a gondola in Venice.

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Things to Do in Lyon France

Lyon walking tour.

The French city of Lyon is ideal to visit on foot because all the major Lyon attractions are close to each other. You can learn about Lyon and the best things to do in Lyon from many websites, but I grew up in Lyon and lived there for many years and want to share my local knowledge with you.

In my opinion, the ideal starting point for a Lyon walking tour is Perrache railway station and from here you can reach all Lyon France points of interest on foot. However, you can use the tube, tram or bus if walking isn’t your style. A single ticket costs 1.80 Euro and you can use this ticket as many times as you like on public transport for one hour only.  Each time you change transport, you will need to validate your ticket.  However, I recommend you travel on foot because it makes for a more interesting experience and you never know what you might discover around the corner when exploring this historic city.

History of Lyon France

Lyon city France was built in a strategic location between and around the banks of 2 major rivers: the Rhone and Saone.  The city became a natural centre of communication as the Romans used the city as a starting point for a network of roads. In Lyon today, you can still find a lot of evidence of Roman heritage such as the Gallo-Roman Amphitheatre which features among Lyon attractions. Lyon was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1998.

Lyon Weather

Lyon has a nice all-year round climate.  It can be very hot during the summer months, but the winter is relatively mild.  The best time to visit this city is May to September when temperatures in Lyon France are at their warmest.  The average Lyon temperature during these months is approximately 22-25 degrees Celsius.

Where is Lyon in France?

Lyon is situated in the south east of France and is part of the Rhone-Alpes region.  The city also benefits from being within easy access to many popular leisure activities as a result of its position.  Lyon is a one-hour drive from the Alps where you can enjoy all mountain activities. The Mediterranean Sea is a 3-and-a-half-hour drive by car where you can enjoy water activities. By high speed train, Lyon France to Paris is 2 hours, Lyon France to Brussels is 4 hours or Lyon France to Marseille is 1 hour 40.  This makes Lyon an idea base for Lyon day trips to other French destinations.

lyon map

How to Get to Lyon by Plane

It is easy to fly to Lyon. Lyon has one international airport, Lyon Saint Exupery, airport code LYS. The airport is located 20 kilometres to the east of the city.

The best way to visit Lyon France from the airport is the fast tram. The tram runs every 15 minutes (30 minutes between 04H25 to 06H00 and 21H00 to midnight) and the journey is 29 minutes to Lyon Part-Dieu.

Alternatively, you can rent a car from the airport and if you want to find the best prices click here. However, if you are just intending to stay and visit Lyon, a car is not the best option. It is very easy to travel inside Lyon city centre because Lyon has very good public transport links and this is the best way to visit Lyon tourist attractions.

If you don’t use the tram, you can take a taxi from the airport to reach the city centre. Taxis are very convenient, but they can be expensive. On average it will cost you between 50 and 100 Euro depending on the time of the journey.

How Much Does a Taxi Cost in Lyon?

In Lyon, the minimum taxi fare is 7 Euro, but fares automatically start at 2 Euros. There are additional charges when you use a taxi to go to the airport or to the train station and when you have pets or large bags. If you don’t want to pay extra for a trip to the station, find out the name of a road nearby and ask the taxi to drop you there rather than the station itself.

How to Get to Lyon by Train

There are two railway stations in Lyon city centre and the third one is located at Lyon Saint-Exupery airport. The railway stations within Lyon city centre are Lyon Perrache and Lyon Part-Dieu. Both stations gave you access to the whole French rail network. It is very easy to travel from Paris to Lyon or Lyon to Marseille with the TGV (high speed train). For the best train ticket prices, click here .

What to See in Lyon France in One Day – Free Walking Tour Lyon

Day 1: morning – presqu’ile / afternoon – old lyon and basilique fourvière.

You need to start your Lyon free walking tour next to the Perrache railway station. From here, you need to take the pedestrian road till Ampere Victor Hugo, where you are going to find a statue of Andre-Marie Ampere (a French physicist). Turn right in the rue des Remparts d’Ainay and then left to the rue de la Charité. Located at number 34, you will find the Musée des Tissus et des Arts Decoratifs.  You can carry on walking along the rue de la Charité till the Clocher de la Charité.  This tower was part of the Charité hospital where the homeless could find refuge but in 1933 the hospital was demolished for unsanitary conditions. Now the Clocher is the last remaining part of this hospital. The Lyonnais call it la Tour de l’Horloge maybe because it has a big clock (horloge is French for clock) on top.

Place Bellecour

We are now in the largest pedestrian square in Europe, Place Bellecour. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Place Bellecour is situated between the Saône and Rhône river. The big statue of Louis XIV on horseback is one of the most famous meeting points for Lyonnais. When I was younger, we usually met here as it was the easiest way to find someone (no mobile phones at this time). Perhaps it’s now time for a nice coffee with a croissant in one of the most famous brasseries in this area called l’Espace.

From here, you need to cross the Place Bellecour towards rue Emile Zola, in front of the big statue of Louis XIV. On your left, you are going to find la Place des Celestins with the theatre behind. Continue walking along the rue Jean Fabre where you are going to find Place des Jacobins and a beautiful fountain.

Follow the rue de Brest to head towards Place des Terreaux.  Keep walking straight ahead until you reach the Place des Terreaux.  If you like, enjoy the nice streets and passages to your left and right.

Place Bellecour

Place des Terreaux:

The masterpiece of the Place des Terreaux is the Bartholdi fountain. Interestingly, the fountain was moved during the construction of the Terreaux car park and was put back after its completion. The fountain was inaugurated in 1892 and restored in 2016. After 2 years and 3.58 million Euros the fountain is looking better than ever. During the car park construction, Roman artefacts and ruins were also found.

It’s now time to cross the Saône, so take the rue d’Algerie and cross the bridge de la Feuillée. Carry on walking straight ahead until you reach Place Saint-Paul and then turn left into rue Juiverie where we start our visit of Vieux Lyon (old Lyon) with the famous Traboules.

Place des Terreaux

What are the Traboules ?

Traboules are secret passages between two parallel streets and are unique Lyon France points of interest. These passages were used by silk merchants to move goods quicker, as it removed the need for them to go down the length of a street to reach a parallel street. The traboules are still hidden in the old town, but will you find them?

To enter the traboules, you simply need to open a door on the street. So, when you are in old Lyon try to push a closed door and you will eventually find one that will open. You are allowed to go inside these passageways and visit the traboules but remember that there are people living here so you need to be quiet and respectful. Take time to enjoy the mediaeval part of Lyon and if you want to eat here, you are in the best place for food as there are many fabulous restaurants in Lyon France. Whilst you are here, you need to try eating in a Bouchon which is the name of a type of restaurant which serves Lyon specialities like cervelles des canuts (fresh cheese with garlic and herbs).

At the end of this area of Lyon, you will find the Saint Jean Cathedral which became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1998.  The Saint Jean Cathedral is a mix of Roman and Gothic architecture which took three centuries to finish. Don’t miss out on entering the cathedral and enjoying the inside.

lyon traboule

Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière

Our next stop on our Lyon walking tour is the Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière and you have 2 options on how to get there. The first option is to climb across the Parc des Hauteures (a steep climb) or the second option is to use the funicular (nicknamed Ficelles). Taking a ride with the funicular is fun and you can still walk down via the gardens downhill!


Of all the Lyon landmarks, the Basilique is the masterpiece of Lyon and is one of the many free things to do in Lyon. Built on top of the hill known as Fourvière, the Basilique became the symbol of Lyon and, of all the Lyon sights, is a very beautiful and striking silhouette over the city. It is a unique building because within it are two different churches.  One on top of the other. In fact, Lyonnais refer to this building as l’elephant retourne (the upside-down elephant) because of its size and the structure resembles an elephant on its back with its legs in the air! Before going inside, head to the esplanade behind the church and admire panoramic views of Lyon.

Now, it’s time to head inside and I will leave you to discover the beauty of the cathedral for yourself. Don’t forget to go down the stairs to see the other church underneath.

Basilique Fourviere

Lyon City Guide Video

Things to Do in Lyon if You Have 2 Days

Ruines gallo-romaines.

If you have more time in this city, here are some other ideas about what to do in Lyon France and other places to visit in Lyon.  On day two, you can visit the Ruines Gallo-Romaines next to the Fourvière Basilique. Here you will see an impressive Roman theatre which has a 90m diameter and was built around 15 BC. Later, a second build extended the diameter to 108m and the theatre now has a capacity for 10,000 people.

The Roman theatre and Roman museum are a popular tourist attraction but once a year, during the summer time, you can go and watch a performance called Nuits de Fourvière.

Parc de la Tête D’Or

Now it is time to visit the most prestigious park in Lyon: Parc de la Tête D’Or. This park is open from 6.30am until 8:30pm in winter and until 10:30pm from mid-April to October.  The nearest tube station is Massena and you can find the entrance on the Boulevard des Belges. The main entrance to the park is Place du General Leclerc and it is free to visit.

This is an ideal place to visit when the weather is good and is one of the many things to do in Lyon with kids. There is something for everyone, from the magnificent gardens to the animals in the zoo. You can take a picnic and rest next to century old trees. Kids can watch a puppet show with Guignol or ride a pony.

parc tete d or gate

Musée d’Art Contemporain and the Cite Internationale

Next to the Parc de la Tete D’Or is the Musée d’Art Contemporain and the Cite Internationale. You can use a Velo’V self-service bike. You can buy a Velo’V day pass which costs 4 Euros and you can use the bikes as many times as you want for 24 hours. The first 30 minutes of each ride are free and after you need to pay for any extra time you use. So, our Off The Tourist Treadmill tip is to take a bike ride for less than 30 minutes, put the bike back and take another bike.  Like this you will always be in the free 30 minutes. Check out the Velo’V website.

Brotteaux area

With your bike you can now go to visit the Brotteaux area with the Brotteaux railway station.  This was the first railway station in Lyon but is not in use now. In this area you will see beautiful architecture. Just get lost in this area and take time to enjoy a coffee or a glass of wine. It’s not a cheap part of the city but it is a very good area to find the best Lyonnaise cuisine.

Halles Lyon Paul Bocuse

You can carry on with your bike to Halles Lyon Paul Bocuse (closed on Mondays), where you can find the finest shops. This is very good place to taste Lyon delicatessen delights.

Things to See in Lyon France if you Have 3 Days

Confluence area to croix rousse.

Today, you can start your free tour Lyon in the Confluence area and rent a Velo’V to enjoy a ride along the Rhône. Stay on the Rhône banks and head towards the Parc de la Tête d’Or, cross the Rhône at the Pont de Latter de Tassigny and use the tunnel Modes Doux to go to the Croix Rousse. This tunnel is a secret area of Lyon and is one of the quirky things to do in Lyon.  The tunnel is for pedestrians and cyclists only and you will find yourself in the middle of a light show. This is one of the best experiences to do for free in Lyon. The best time to visit is during the Fetes des Lumieres (8 December).

When you are on the other side, you can carry on along the Saône banks toward L’Ile Barbe in the north. This is a nice small island where you will find an old Abbey built in the fifth century.


Things to Do in Lyon at Night

There are plenty of things to do at night in Lyon. Lyon is a beautiful place to see at night.  With 2 rivers and plenty of bridges it is ideal for taking atmospheric photographs.

If you want to enjoy a drink, you can try these places:

  • Café du Soleil is one of the oldest cafés in the city (more than 2 centuries old) and is a good choice to start your night. 69005 Lyon 2 rue Saint Georges.
  • Peniche Loupika is located in Quai Rambaud in the 2nd arrondissement. I love to be able to have a drink on a boat and it’s always nice to be close to the water.
  • One of my favourite places to have a drink and to listen to live music is Eden Rock café (69002, 68 rue Merciere). Get inside and go upstairs where you will find a small room where you can dance and listen to live bands. It’s a great place with a cool atmosphere.

lyon by night

What is la Fete des Lumieres ?

Each year on the 8 December, the festival of lights (Fete des Lumieres) takes place on four magical evenings. This tradition dates back to 1852 when the decision was taken to erect a statue of the Virgin Mary on Fourvière hill. Lyonnais put candles in the windows to celebrate this. The people of Lyon came together in a spirit of solidarity.  Since then, all Lyonnais celebrate this festival and now it has become one of the Lyon events not to be missed and has an international reputation. If you can be in Lyon at this time, it is a truly magical experience but be aware that it attracts a lot of visitors to the city.

Lyon fete lumieres

Top Things to Do in Lyon with Kids

The best thing to do with kids is to go to the Park de la Tête d’Or and to visit the zoo which is free and very nice in good weather. Inside the park, you can see the puppet show with Guignol. This puppet is one of the symbols of Lyon.

Another good place to visit with children is the Miniature and Cinema Museum.  You can find this museum in old Lyon (60 rue Saint Jean). It is very interesting, and you will discover more than 100 scenes.

Something else for the children is to visit the traboules where they can hunt for secret hidden passages in the old part of Lyon.


Romantic Things to Do in Lyon.

Walking in the Croix Rousse area is very romantic and there are plenty of things to do in Croix Rousse Lyon like exploring the high street and visiting the local market that is held every morning (the largest market being on Tuesday mornings). Don’t miss the Mur des Canuts located on the Boulevard des Canuts.  Canuts is the name for Lyonnais silk workers and the Mur des Canuts is an impressive trompe-l’oeil which illustrates the life of these workers. It is the biggest wall painting in Europe at more than 1200 square meters.  In the middle of the stairs, you will recognize the Guignol puppet. There are also plenty of intimate restaurants in the Croix Rousse area.

You can also have a romantic meal on board the Hermes boat. In my opinion, this is one of the best romantic restaurants in Lyon France.  You will eat a very nice meal and enjoy Lyon sightseeing at the same time.

Alternative Things to Do in Lyon

Other Lyon activities include riding the big wheel in Place Bellecour. The ride offers a unique view of Lyon. Another fun thing to do take a boat ride along the Rhône and Saône river. Alternatively, if you feel sporty you can ride a bike along the banks of the rivers.

Shopping in Lyon France

In Lyon, you can shop at Lyon La Part Dieu which is a large shopping mall near the railways station.  Here you will find well-known high street retailers and other boutiques.  Otherwise, you can head to the pedestrian zone called rue de la Republique where you will find plenty of retailers including small boulangeries (bakers) which sell a speciality of Lyon called Brioche Praline and Coussins de Lyon (chocolate marzipan sweets).  There is a huge shop called Fnac which sells books, electronics, music and photography equipment.

Are you still not sure to want to visit Lyon, check 21 Reasons to visit Lyon

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Olivier De Winne

Olivier De Winne studied and worked in France until 2005 when he moved to England. In the past, he has set up and managed several companies in different industries. Olivier is excited about his new career as a digital nomad. He is currently co-founder of two websites and two YouTube channels. His aim is to be free of the rat race.

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Wow, this is such a detailed and prilliant write up. My husband, 10 years old son and I are in Leon in March for 7 days, any ideas of which part of Leon is best to stay at as a tourist?

' src=

Hi – we’re glad you found our post informative. It depends on your budget but a nice place to stay is inside the Presqu’ile (from Perrache to Place des Terreaux) or old Lyon. Perrache is a good place because the trains are on your doorstep and for a nice hotel you can go to: Mercure Lyon Centre Château Perrache. Please help us by booking on via the link on our Travel Resources page. This will help us but it will be the same price for you. If you have any other questions about Lyon, I will be pleased to help you. Thanks.

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Free Tour of Lyon

Free Tour of Lyon France — #1

Overview of the tour in Lyon

We will start in the charming Plaza de la Comedia, in the heart of Lyon, where we will find the City Hall and the Opera House. We will go to the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, one of the most important in the country since it houses large collections of art. We will continue touring Lyon on foot until we reach the spectacular Church Saint Nizier with an imposing exterior of the Gothic style. Our next stop will be the Plaza de Bellecour, one of the largest rectangular squares in Europe. However, before reaching this large pedestrian square, we will pass through the famous Jacobins Square with one of the most photographed fountains. We will walk along the Saona River until we enter Old Lyon, where we will marvel at its fascinating medieval architecture. Also, we’ll get see the famous Traboule of the rose tower, and there our expert guide in local history will reveal the most interesting stories. Finally, we will visit the remarkable San Juan Bautista Cathedral, at the foot of the Fourviere Hill.

This activity includes:

Place de la Comédie

  • Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
  • Saint Nizier church
  • Place des Jacobins
  • Place Bellecour
  • San Juan Bautista Cathedral

Meeting point

Meeting point: Place de la Comédie. Look for the orange umbrella!

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Free Tour of the Alternative Neighborhood la Croix-Rousse

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Lyon vs PSG live stream: Can you watch for free?

French juggernauts Paris Saint-Germain look to end a two-year drought at the Coupe de France when they take on Lyon in the final today at Stade Pierre-Mauroy. A win for PSG would extend their record to 15 French Cup titles, while Lyon–who haven’t won since 2012–are seeking their sixth title in club history.

Watch the Lyon vs PSG Live Stream on Fubo

Watch the lyon vs psg live stream on youtube tv, watch the lyon vs psg live stream on directv stream, watch the lyon vs psg live stream from abroad.

The match is starting very soon, at 3:00 p.m. ET. If you’re in the United States and want to watch, it will be televised on Fox Soccer Plus and Fox Deportes, but we’ve also found some different ways you can watch a live stream of the match for free.

Fubo includes both Fox Soccer Plus and Fox Deportes, allowing you to watch a live stream of Lyon vs PSG in either English or Spanish. You’ll need to get the base “Pro” channel package and the “International Sports Plus” add-on to get the necessary channels, but the main package and any add-ons can be included in your seven-day free trial.

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Once signed up, you can watch the match live on your computer via the Fubo website, or on any streaming device that has the Fubo app.

YouTube TV is the only other live-TV streaming service that includes Fox Soccer Plus. It’s available in the “Sports Plus” add-on (you’ll also need the “Base Plan”), while Fox Deportes is in the “Spanish Plus” add-on. Like with Fubo, though, you can select the base channel package and any add-ons to go with your five-day free trial.

After you sign up, you can watch Lyon vs PSG live on your computer via the YouTube TV website, or on your phone, tablet or any other streaming device via the YouTube TV app.

If you don’t mind watching the match in Spanish, DirecTV Stream is a good backup option. It doesn’t offer Fox Soccer Plus, but you can get Fox Deportes in the “Optimo Mas” channel package.

After signing up, you’ll be able to watch Lyon vs PSG (in Spanish) live on the DirecTV Stream website or app.

If you’re outside the United States, you’ll find that Fubo, YouTube TV and DirecTV Stream are all blocked. But if you use a virtual private network (VPN), you can hide your IP address/location and connect to a digital server in the US, allowing you to bypass those blocks and access any of these streaming services from abroad.

We recommend NordVPN for its reliability, speed and number of unique features. It’s very easy to use, it tops our list of the best VPN services and it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out free of any risk.

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    Free Tour Lyon provides free walking tours in the splendid city of Lyon, once the capital of Roman Gaul and now the culinary capital of France, and thus the world! Lyon has a long history, a picturesque old town (Vieux Lyon) and lots of culture. But it is also a very modern French city, full of life, class and food! ...

  2. The best 16 Free Walking Tours at Lyon

    Free Tour : L'essentiel de Lyon, amusez-vous en français ! 6 ratings. 4.3 Duration: 2h and 30min Starts at: 10:00 fri 24. sat 25. sun 26. mon 27. tue 28. wed 29. thu 30. fri 31. sat 1. Guru: Dassah Tours Lyon Free walking tours France Free walking tours in Lyon 2,486 opinions from other walkers about Lyon tours 4.78

  3. 13 Free Tours in Lyon, France

    Discover the secret passages and hidden pieces of art on this unique walking tour through Lyon, explore the most important and iconic places with local guides. Languages. French, English +1. Duration. 2h 30min. Start time. 10:30 AM, 2:00 PM. Info & Booking. Walking Tour NEW.

  4. Free walking tour in Lyon Information

    The Essential Free Walking Tour. The best Free Tour to explore the hidden places of Lyon and get an overview all over the city. Meeting point in the middle of Terreaux square. 10:30 AM : In English and Spanish. 2 PM : In French. Duration around 2.5h.

  5. All Our Free Walking Tours in Lyon

    Free City Tour Lyon. Time: 10:00 am. Days: Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Meeting point: Place des Terreaux. Areas covered: I start on the main town square, Place des Terreaux, with the Hôtel de Ville, Museum of Fine Arts and the Bartholdi Fountain. Then we head to Croix-Rousse, one of the historic neighborhoods of Lyon with many Traboules and ...

  6. Free Walking Tour Lyon

    Free Walking Tour Lyon begins in front of the iconic Opera House, a symbol of Lyon's vibrant cultural scene and a fitting starting point for our exploration. Our first stop is the majestic Place des Terreaux, where we'll marvel at the impressive Bartholdi Fountain and take in the grandeur of the City Hall. As we wander through this historic ...

  7. Essential Free Walking Tour of Lyon

    Overview of the tour in Lyon. The peninsula, the old district, Croix Rousse hill…. Secret passages (Traboules), abandoned church, architecture, roman ruins, street art…. Recommendations for the best bakery, museums, pubs, activities, restaurants and places to visit by yourself. On this Alternative Free Walking tour, I'll guide you around ...

  8. Free Tour Lyon

    Hear about Lyon's past and imagine its future during the Free Tour Lyon with a local guide that will tell you all about the history and the fascinating identity of la Ville des Lumières as you walk past Vieux Lyon, admire the magnificent Traboule de la Tour Rose, and behold the stunning Church of the Jacobins. See key landmarks such as the Lyon Cathedral, and walk along the banks of the ...

  9. Authentic visit in Lyon

    Free walking tour in Lyon Information; Private tour in Lyon - Thematic or tailor-made; They have visited Lyon with us and they liked it; Tips recommendations and best spots in Lyon; Contact. For any questions, Contact us by - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +

  10. Free Walking Tour of Lyon

    Lyon Free Walking Tour. Your free walking tour of Lyon will begin on Avenue du Doyenné. From there, you'll wander over to the Musée des Beaux-Arts, one of France's most important museums and largest collections of fine art.. Continue exploring Lyon on foot, reaching the Saint-Nizier Church, whose impressive Gothic-style façade will leave you in awe.

  11. Free Lyon Original Walking Tour

    Explore Lyon through a Different Lens Lyon is the third-largest city in France and a beautiful tourist destination. This beautiful city was not so popular for…

  12. Essential Free Tour Lyon

    Your Free Essential Tour of Lyon will take you through the historic center of the city in a fun overview of its best monuments. In the Odeon and the Roman Amphitheater of the Three Gauls you will see a huge ancient leisure center that had capacity for 10,000 people! A very important part of the tour will take place in the Vieux Lyon Quarter, an ancient area with charming cobbled streets.

  13. Free Walking Tour Lyon

    Join a LyonExplorer free walking tour, this is the best solution to discover the beautiful city of Lyon. Me, Nico, created this company in 2017 after a 3 months trip in South America. I'm in love with my city and when I came back from my trip, I discovered that there was no free walking tour in the third biggest cities of France.

  14. 21 Best Free Things to Do in Lyon: Big Fun on a Budget!

    17. Croix-Rousse District. A great way to spend a day in Lyon on a budget is to explore the Croix-Rousse neighborhood and search for this famous traboule! Croix-Rousse is a hilltop district with panoramic views of Lyon. This neighborhood is famous for its unique traboules—hidden passageways once used by silk workers.

  15. LyonExplorer

    The Essential Free Walking Tour is the best option to discover the city of Lyon. It starts at Les Terreaux Square at 10.30am in English and 2pm in French. During this Tour, we'll walk through - Croix Rousse Hill, the industrial past of Lyon and the place where happened the most important revolt in Europe. - Vieux Lyon (The old district), one of ...

  16. About Free Walking Tours in Lyon

    About Free Tour Lyon. I love art, food, history and of course Lyon. My mission is to provide fun, affordable tours of Lyon. Lyon is an amazing city, full of life, food, culture and art and I love to show this to visitors. Come with me on a Free Tour of Lyon! Book Now »

  17. Free Walking Tour Lyon

    Lyon Free Walking Tours offer lots to see and explore, from renaissance architecture, Roman ruins, and the regal 19th-century Presqu'ile quarter. Spend a morning roaming through the traboules of Vieux Lyon. Constructed during the Renaissance, these passageways run beneath the buildings towards the river.

  18. Top Free Things to Do in Lyon

    The Traboules of Vieux Lyon and Croix-Rousse. These are the secret passages in Lyon. They are free to visit, but they can be a bit hard to find. On some free city maps you find a list of addresses. Just press the service button to get into the building or push the door open. The famous Traboules are open from 7am to 7pm.

  19. Things to Do in Lyon France

    Day 1: Morning - Presqu'ile / Afternoon - Old Lyon and Basilique Fourvière. You need to start your Lyon free walking tour next to the Perrache railway station. From here, you need to take the pedestrian road till Ampere Victor Hugo, where you are going to find a statue of Andre-Marie Ampere (a French physicist).

  20. Los mejores 16 Free Tours en Lyon

    Free Tour : Lo ESENCIAL de LYON 📸 "Historia y Personajes Lyoneses" 115 opiniones. 4.6 Duración: 2 horas y 30 minutos Horario: 10:00 mar 21. mié 22. jue 23. vie 24. sáb 25. dom 26. lun 27. mar 28. mié 29. Guru: Dassah Tours Lyon Free tours Francia Free Tours en Lyon

  21. Food Tours in Lyon

    On our Food Tours, you will taste many of the culinary highlights of the city. We will try out many of the typical dishes, like the Quenelles, the Salade Lyonnais and Andouilletes. Of course we will also taste many other products, like the many cheeses and pastries typical of the city. On market days, we will visit the popular markets on the ...

  22. Lyon Highlights & Secrets Walking Guided Tour (small group ...

    Half-day Tours in Lyon: Check out 748 reviews and photos of Viator's Lyon Highlights & Secrets Walking Guided Tour (small group) ... Free Cancellation. From. $36.19. Old Lyon Private Guided Walking Tour. 3. 2 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $287.74. Private Guided Walking Tour of Lyon Traboules. 0.

  23. The BEST Lyon Walking tours 2024

    Our most recommended Lyon Walking tours. 1. Lyon: Guided Sightseeing Cruise. Journey through more than 2,000 years of history on a river cruise of Lyon, and discover the rich heritage of the multifaceted city where ancient and contemporary treasures combine. Board the pleasure boat for an in-depth tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and ...

  24. Discover Lyon Magazine

    February 5, 2020. There are some great parks in Lyon. Some are intimate and small and others enormous. Some have amazing views over Lyon or over the river. It is easy to escape the city and enjoy some nature. Check out this list of Top Parks in Lyon. Parc de la Tête... 1 2. Free Tour Lyon's Magazine.

  25. ATP World Tour Open Parc Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Lyon Results

    13th Race at Pimlico, Saturday May 18, 20241 3-16 Miles Dirt. Purse $2,000,000, 3-Year-OldsPreakness Stakes 149th RunningHorseWgtPPStrt1/41/23…

  26. Frances Tiafoe advances in Lyon

    Frances Tiafoe snapped a three-match tour-level losing streak on Tuesday at the Open Parc, where he moved past Spaniard Jaume Munar to reach the second round on debut in Lyon.. The American led Munar 4-3 before play was suspended on Monday night. Returning on Tuesday, the 26-year-old sealed a 7-6(5), 6-4 victory after one hour and 41 minutes.

  27. Free Tour of Lyon

    Tours in Lyon; Free Tour of Lyon; Free Tour of Lyon. Duration: 2 hours | Provided by Viva's Tour. This tour is currently unbookable. See products available today and tomorrow. Overview Includes Meeting point Reviews (47) 1 /5. Spanish | 10:30 AM . Fri, Sat, Sun. from €0 Tip based. Contact Us.

  28. Lyon vs PSG live stream: Can you watch for free?

    Watch the Lyon vs PSG Live Stream from Abroad. The match starts at 3:00 p.m. ET. If you're in the United States and want to watch, it will be televised on Fox Soccer Plus and Fox Deportes, but ...

  29. Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard reaches Lyon final

    French wild card Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard continued his dream run on Friday at the Open Parc where he overcame second seed Alexander Bublik 6-4, 7-5 to reach his first ATP Tour final in Lyon.. In front of a lively home crowd, the 6'8" 20-year-old played big-man tennis to earn his first Top 20 win. Mpetshi Perricard clubbed 28 winners and won 85 per cent (34/40) of his first-serve points ...

  30. First-Time Winner Spotlight: Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard

    It doesn't get much better than winning your first ATP Tour title, but Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard's maiden trophy was even more special because it came in his hometown of Lyon. What's more, the 20-year-old saved a match point against Tomas Martin Etcheverry in Saturday's Open Parc final.. The home favourite battled to a 6-4, 1-6, 7-6(7) win in the ATP 250 title match to claim glory in just his ...