Flashpacking Family

A Complete Harry Potter Studio Tour London Review (+8 Top Tips)

When you have a Harry Potter fan in your family, one of the best experiences you can give them is a Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Before booking our Harry Potter Studio Tour, we had so many questions.

We thought it would be helpful to write a Harry Potter Studio Tour review to help other families get the most out of their visit.

As well as giving all our top tips for a successful visit to the Harry Potter Studios, we’ve answered a few FAQs at the end.

If you want to know what to expect, when to go and how to get tickets if WB Studios have sold out on the date you want… read on…

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Family standing outside the Warner Bros Studio Tour London.

These are our top tips for making the most of your Warner Bros Studio Tour.

1. Do some research on the WB Studio Tour

This may sound like a strange tip. If you like Harry Potter, you’ll love the Warner Bros Studio Tour right?

Probably, yes. But maybe not.

It is a good idea to find out a little about the tour before you go. Thinking of the Harry Potter Studios as a museum is a good start.

Once you are in that mindset, your tour of the Harry Potter Studios will make more sense.

It is somewhere you can go to explore the magic of the Harry Potter films. You get to see real costumes, sets and props used in the movies and as the tour progresses, you get to see how the films were made.

The ‘tour’ is mostly self-guided, except for a little intro at the start.

We didn’t really have any idea what to expect. Our youngest (8) was expecting a theme park!

We obviously didn’t manage his expectations very well because he wasn’t really all that enthusiastic about it. But then, he wasn’t really a Harry Potter fan either.

Once you have decided that it is most definitely for you, snap up your tickets!

Family of four standing in front of Hogwarts in the Snow at the WB Studio Tour.

2. Buy your Harry Potter Studio Tour tickets in advance

If there’s only one thing we can tell you to make your trip to the WB Studios successful, it is to buy your tickets in advance.

The WB Studios Tour is hugely popular. People come from all over the world to visit and it is busy all year round.

It is absolutely essential that you buy your Harry Potter Studio Tour London tickets well in advance.

We booked our tickets 3 months in advance. It was a Monday during school term time in November and even then, there were barely any tickets left for the day we wanted.

Tickets are around £51 per person. You can buy them on the WB Studio website here . Children Under 4 are FREE and this is very telling. It is not really suitable for children under 4.

Top Tip : If you find that tickets are sold out on the day that you want, you can check a tour company as they should have more availability.

They are more expensive but may be your only option if you can’t be flexible on dates. GetYourGuide is a good place to look.

See here to book the best rated WB Studio tour (including transportation from London).

See here to book Harry Potter Studio Tour and a private transfer

See here for a family package tour from London (2 Adults & 2 Kids).

Eticket for the Harry Potter Studio Tour London.

3. Do all the free things on the Harry Potter tour

You’ve spent a lot of money on your tickets so be sure to make the most of any freebies along the tour!

  • Grab a free Activity Passport which includes a fun Golden Snitch hunt, puzzles and Harry Potter trivia. The passport also includes space for souvenir stamps that can be collected at key points throughout the tour such as Platform 9 ¾ and Gringotts Bank. You can collect the Passports from a staff member at any point during the Studio Tour.
  • You don’t need to pay for an audio guide when you have staff members on hand to dish all the fascinating facts. They are hugely knowledgeable and love to talk about everything Harry Potter!
  • The kids will be sure to love the free wand-duelling class next to the Forbidden Forest.
  • Do the extra things like attempting to pick up the broomstick while muttering ‘Wingardium Leviosa’.

Woman standing looking down at a broomstick at Harry Potter Studio Tour in London.

4. Grab your Harry Potter merchandise before your tour

If you want to keep the costs down during your visit to the Harry Potter Studios, you should consider buying any Harry Potter merch beforehand.

Items in the store at the studios are more expensive and if you’re visiting with kids, sometimes it can be hard to say no. Buying in advance gets around this issue.

Another thing to consider if you are going to by a gift is that buying it beforehand will mean that you will have it in your photos. You obviously can’t have your wand in your photos if you wait until the end of the tour to visit the store.

There is plenty of official merchandise on Amazon which you can browse here .

If you want other gift ideas for Harry Potter fans, take a look at this post on Harry Potter themed gifts for kids .

Having just said all this….just bear in mind that some of stuff in the shop is exclusive to the Harry Potter tour and you won’t be able to get it once you leave.

A final note on this, you can also visit the Harry Potter store at Platform 9 3/4 at London’s Kings Cross Station if you are staying in London. There you will find the trolley that passes through the wall and you can have your photo taken.

It is one of the best free things to do in London with kids (who are Harry Potter fans).

Boy wearing a Hogwarts tshirt looking at a large selection of wands at the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London.

5. Buying professional photos at Harry Potter Studios

If you do want to buy the professional photos, wait until the end of the tour to do so.

You can collect the tickets as you go and then buy all together once you have seen them all. This will also save you time.

Just a word of warning here. The professional photos are very expensive (£14 for a photo).

You can sometimes take your own pictures but in some places (the train ride next to the Hogwarts Express) – it seemed to be strictly monitored.

In fact, I got told off for taking a photo before the experience had even started.

Family experiencing one of the green screen experiences at the Warner Bros Studio Tour.

6. Take your time

You have to book a timeslot when you buy your Harry Potter tickets, but once you are in, you can take as long as you like.

Actually, once you are past The Great Hall, you can take as long as you like. Up until this point, you are on a guided tour and you need to stick with your group.

After this point, you are free to wander as you please.

Spend some time chatting to the staff. This guy in the photo below was great. He pretended to be a Goblin in Gringotts Bank and fooled a few people who were rushing by. They are so knowledgeable and interesting.

People tend to rush through to try to get ahead of the pack but if you hang back, you can often get better photos without loads of people in them.

Consider buying tickets towards the end of the day so that you are one of the last to leave.

You can, of course, be the first ones in but then there will be a steady stream of visitors all day. To be in with a chance of having the place almost to yourself, it is best to go later.

Last admission is 6.30pm and by about 8pm it starts to get quieter. The Studios close at 10pm.

Member of staff at the Harry Potter Studio Tour London pretending to be a Goblin in Gringotts Bank.

7. The best bits of the tour at WB Studios

People ask what the best bits about the Harry Potter Studio tour were.

This is quite subjective because everyone’s opinions will differ. These are just our favourite bits of the Harry Potter Studios Tour:

  • The dragon encounter in the vault under Gringotts Bank was pretty spectacular. We won’t spoil it but it is a little scary, especially for little ones.
  • Pulling a potted Mandrake in Professor Sprout’s Greenhouse (in the outside area just after the Backlot Café).
  • Wandering through the Forbidden Forest – watch out for those pesky spiders!
  • Making Dobby dance.
  • Taking a ride on the Hogwarts Express.

Collection of photos from the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London with the dragon under Gringotts Bank, a lday making Dobby dance and the Hogwarts Express.

Tip for Diagon Alley at Harry Potter Studio Tour London

People come in waves so if this is your favourite part, hang around and see if you can get a photo without people in it.

Diagon Alley at the Harry Potter Studio Tour London full of people.

This was the view just a few minutes later.

Photo of Diagon Alley at the Warner Bros Studio Tour London with no people in it.

8. Consider taking food with you to save time

We would recommend taking your own food. Not only does it help keep costs down but it will also save time if you are in a rush. The queues can be quite long in the cafés and you won’t want to spend a long time waiting for food.

If you prefer to buy food at the Studios, here is some information on the restaurants at Harry Potter Studios.

There are a few places to eat at the Harry Potter Studios and they are reasonably priced. You can read more about the eateries here .

  • Chocolate Frog Café  – in the main lobby serves a selection of hot and cold drinks and sweet treats.
  • The Food Hall – in the main lobby serves a fairly comprehensive breakfast and lunch menu.
  • The Backlot Café – at the half way point of the tour serves breakfast and lunch and, of course, Butterbeer.
  • The Hub Café – in the main lobby serves hot and cold drinks and baked goods.

If you are having lunch there, the kids will love the Harry Potter bus shaped sandwich boxes.

If you want to try the Butterbeer, you probably only want to get one per family. You can ONLY buy the Butterbeer at the Backlot Café which is around the half way point (after seeing the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4).

Note – Butterbeer does not taste good! Children will probably prefer the Butterbeer Ice Cream.

Sign pointing to Butterbeer and Butterbeer Ice Cream at the Backlot Cafe at the Warner Bros Studio Tour.

Here are some FAQs about visiting the Harry Potter Studio Tour London

We are often asked about our Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Understandably, when you’re spending a lot of money on something, you want to make sure it is worth it. And once you’ve made the decision to go, you want to make sure you get the most out of your visit.

Here are some of the questions we get asked about the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Where are the Warner Bros Studios?

We thought we would start with this for anyone unaware that the Warner Bros Studios are actually NOT IN LONDON.

It is easy to get to the Harry Potter studios from London though.

Note that the Warner Bros Studio Tour is right next door to the Warner Bros Studios.

The address for WB Studios is :

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Studio Tour Drive Leavesden WD25 7LR.

The easiest way to reach the WB Studios from London is by train.

The closest train station to Harry Potter Studios is Watford Junction . Trains depart from London Euston and take around 20 minutes.

You can get a WB Studios shuttle bus from Watford Junction. The journey is included in your ticket price.

You can also arrange guided tours from London if you don’t want to take the train. We recommend this one.

We live very close to the studios so we drove. There is an enormous car park and parking is free.

There are also hotels nearby if you prefer to stay in the area. Here is a list of hotels near the Warner Bros Studios for families .

See here for our recommendations for hotels in London for families .

If you are staying in London with kids, there are loads of fun Harry Potter experiences in London . We also have a whole section on the blog for visiting London with kids .

Warner Bros Studio Tour London shuttle bus.

Do you need to be a Harry Potter fan to enjoy the Harry Potter studio tour?

One of the most frequently asked questions about the Harry Potter Studio tour is whether or not you need to like Harry Potter.

Based on our experience with one child who loves Harry Potter and the other who doesn’t, I would say it really does help to be a Harry Potter fan.

I love the Harry Potter films. Admittedly, I haven’t read the books and am told by my son that the books are better.

Either way, I would class myself as a Harry Potter fan (although not fanatical) and I enjoyed the tour.

It is an interesting experience and unless you actually dislike Harry Potter, I can’t think that you wouldn’t enjoy the tour.

How long does the Harry Potter tour take?

The Harry Potter tour lasts as long as you want it to really. You could be the first one in and the last one out.

There are parts that you cannot go back to and do again though (like the Hogwarts Dining Hall) so make sure you have completed each area fully before you move on.

Ideally you should allow at least 3 – 4 hours to do the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Is Harry Potter Studio Tour all inside?

We thought that the tour was all inside but actually, around 10% of the WB Studio tour is outside.

This is something you need to consider if you are visiting in the winter or when it is raining.

When you arrive, you have the option of storing your coats in the cloakroom but you might not want to store your coats if you think you will get cold easily.

Having said that, you will only spend around 10-15 minutes outside so weigh up the need to carry your coat around the rest of the tour.

We kept our coats but they were just lightweight puffer jackets by Mountain Warehouse . They were easy to fold down into our Osprey day bag .

Family visiting the outdoor sets at the WB Studio Tour in London.

What age is best for the Harry Potter Studio tour?

There is no age restriction at the Harry Potter Studio tour.

We mentioned briefly above, however, that children under 4 are free because the tour isn’t really suited to young children.

Firstly, it is best if they have a slight concept at least of Harry Potter. Secondly, there is a lot of walking involved.

If you are thinking about taking kids on the WB Studio tour, we would recommend waiting until they have seen the films or read the books before taking them.

Having said that, children aged 6+ will get something out of the visit. But then you need to think whether it is worth paying that money for them to potentially not enjoy it.

When is the best time to visit Harry Potter World London?

If at all possible, go on a weekday during term time. Easier said than done when you have school aged kids. If you have an inset day, maybe consider using it to visit the Studios.

We visited on a Monday and booked one of the last tickets of the day.

Don’t be fooled when you arrive and there is no queue for the ‘Tour Entrance’.

From here, you pass through into a holding area and it will fill up. We got so excited when we saw there was no queue (photo below).

We also visited during Hogwarts in the Snow. It is one of the things we recommend for kids to do at Christmas in London . It was so pretty seeing the sets covered in snow. You even get to see how they make the snow at the end of the tour.

If you can, time your visit to coincide with one of the special events. The best are the Dark Arts which is a great Halloween event for kids . See other places to visit at Halloween in London with kids . Hogwarts in the Snow (around Christmas) is also great.

Empty queue outside the Harry Potter Studios Tour entrance.

And finally – is the Harry Potter Studio Tour London worth it?

We thought we would leave this to the end so that you have enough information to make up your own mind.

For so  many, the London Harry Potter Studio Tour is one of the best Harry Potter experiences in the UK .

Personally, we have mixed opinions.

For Harry Potter fans, yes it is worth it. For younger children, no it probably isn’t.

It is a lot of money but you can spend an entire day there if you want which makes it seem more reasonable.

We hope you found our review of the Harry Potter Studio Tour helpful. If you have any questions that we haven’t covered, please drop us a line and we’d be happy to help.

If you’re thinking of visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort, don’t miss our recommendations for family-friendly hotels near Universal Orlando .

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🪄 The 7 Best Harry Potter Tours In London [2024 Reviews]

No matter if Harry Potter is somewhat new to you or you’re an absolute fanatic, going on a tour is one of the most magical experiences you can have.

While the story’s popularity has taken over the world, if you’re in London, you’re in for a real treat. As the movies were filmed in the city, you’ll get firsthand insight into the wizarding world and see things that aren’t available anywhere else on the planet.

There are tons of HP tours out there, but we’re here to bring you those that are a head above the rest. We’ve put on our cloaks and set out to find the top Harry Potter tours in London that you’ll never forget – not even with a Memory Charm.

Best London Harry Potter Tours

Quick answer: the 7 best harry potter tours in london for 2024.

  • London Fully-Guided Making of Harry Potter Tour
  • Harry Potter Black Taxi Private Tour
  • Harry Potter Tour of Warner Bros. Studio with Transport from London
  • London: Harry Potter Studio and Locations Tour
  • Harry Potter in London – Private Tour
  • Harry Potter London Bus Tour of Film Locations in London
  • The Magic of Harry Potter Private Guided Tour for Kids and Families in London

Harry Potter Tours in London Reviews

1. london fully-guided making of harry potter tour.

  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Departure: Euston War Memorial, outside Euston station
  • Departure Time: 11:05 AM
  • Includes:   Fully guided tour of Warner Bros. Studios with a dedicated, English-speaking Studio Tour Guide, a dmission with timed entry to Warner Bros Studios, t ransportation

It’s no secret that Warner Bros. Studios London is a blast, no matter the age or background of the attendee. However, did you also know that the studios include original sets, props, and costumes for each of the amazing Harry Potter films?

While the general admission experience is certainly memorable, if you want to learn and see the most you’ll need a personalized tour like the London: Fully-Guided Making of Harry Potter Tour !

This 6-hour tour is the perfect amount of time for a full-fledged experience while still staying brief enough to catch children’s interest.

Limited to a maximum group size of 8 people, this tour offers a personalized experience where your guide will cater only to you.  Meet your guide at the central London meetup spot, hop on a train and you’re off!

Upon arriving to the studios, you’ll enjoy a short film before entering the magnificent Great Hall set where your guided tour kicks off.

Your guide will share with you secrets and behind-the-scenes facts and stories not heard anywhere else on a regular tour.

The production secrets and inside info is captivating and will make you want to watch the movies again as soon as you get home!

While there’s certainly more to experience than we can fit in here, some of the highlights are seeing the Original Hogwarts Express, Diagon Alley, and Gringotts Bank.

If you belong to Gryffindor house, you’ll enjoy seeing their common room, boys’ dormitory, and more. Once the tour is finished, you can choose to browse shops, enjoy a coffee in the café, explore the studio further, or hop back on a train to London.

More Information & Tour Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, other experiences you may enjoy:, 2. harry potter black taxi private tour.

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Departure: Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Departure Time:  9:00 AM. 1:00 PM, 5:00 PM
  • Includes:  A personalized private tour, transport by private London Black Taxi, local guide

Do you want to have a VIP Potterhead experience with secret access to different sites and exclusive insider secrets? Then do yourself a favor and check out the Private Tour: Harry Potter Black Taxi Tour of London !

This 3-hour tour will have you following in the footsteps of Mr. Potter and other key characters from the films as you’re driven around in a London cab!

The private black taxi includes an incredibly professional, knowledgeable guide who will take you through all kinds of thrilling locations used in the films.

You won’t have to worry about a meetup point, as they’ll pick you up right at your hotel. Each cab accommodates 5 passengers under a fixed price, which makes it one of the most affordable personalized tour experiences out there.

Once everyone is nice and comfortable in the cab, you’ll set out onto the city streets, making your first stop at Diagon Alley – a quirky, spooky, and silly place where everyone stocks up on wizard supplies before the start of each school year.

Check out Platform 9 3/4  at King’s Cross station, the Knight Bus Bridge, and even the Leaky Cauldron pub!

You’ll also get to see the red telephone box used as a portal to the Ministry of Magic, the spot where Harry and Voldemort first meet after the harrowing Triwizard Tournament, and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

Throughout each visit, your guide will fill you in on interesting HP trivia, and facts that you don’t hear about anywhere else.

3. Harry Potter Tour of Warner Bros. Studio with Transport from London

  • Duration: 7 hours
  • Departure:  Victoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9TP
  • Departure Time: 8:15 AM – 1:45 PM
  • Includes:  Entry ticket to Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour London, return transfers in air-conditioned coach

Are you ready to step into the magical wizarding world of Harry Potter up close and personal? If you want to see the books brought to life, look no further than the Harry Potter Tour of Warner Bros. Studio with Transport from London .

The seamless organization and leadership of the guides make the experience that much more easygoing, so all you have to focus on is having fun!

This 7-hour tour starts off at Victoria Coach Station, which is centrally-located and easy to access from any part of London. There are many different departure times available, making it easy to fit into your schedule. Just select the departure time of your choosing when booking.

Hop on your air-conditioned coach and enjoy comfortable seats and large windows for unobstructed views.

Upon arrival, you’ll get to follow in the footsteps of countless Hogwarts students. Now it’s time to see and learn all about the incredible sets from the movies!

After cramming so many facts and stories into your head, you can cruise around at your leisure. There’s a café with delicious coffee and pastries, shops, or you can go back to your favorite parts of the studios.

Hagrid’s Hut and the Gryffindor common room are always fun to see, or ride a broomstick with the green-screen technology the actors worked with on the set!

Thanks to the professionalism and knowledge of the tour staff, everything goes off without a hitch. You don’t have to be stressed out or worried about the coach leaving without you as they will make sure everyone is on board and has a wonderful time.

4. London: Harry Potter Studio and Locations Tour

  • Duration: 11 hours
  • Departure: Outside the Empire Casino on Leicester Square
  • Departure Time: Morning
  • Includes:  Walking tour of London’s Harry Potter movie locations, e ntrance to Warner Bros. Studio for “The Making of Harry Potter” tour, t ransportation by luxury bus, p rofessional tour guide

Do the other tours we’ve covered sound interesting but you’re looking for something even more comprehensive?

If you really want to dive in deep and experience just about everything possible regarding HP, then you’re in luck! The London: Harry Potter Studio and Locations Tour offers exactly that!

Lasting 11 hours, this tour does include roundtrip transportation from central London, making it very easy to access.

You’ll start out by meeting your tour guide early in the morning right outside Empire Casino on Leicester Square. Then, hop on a climate-controlled, luxury bus that is very comfortable with large windows and plenty of seats.

Once you arrive to the studios, you’ll start off by taking the “The Making of Harry Potter” tour, which include tons of authentic props, breathtaking sets, costumes, and much more directly from the films.

Step into the Great Hall, the Forbidden Forest, Diagon Alley, Professor Sprout’s Greenhouse, and even check out Hogwarts Express locomotive!

What really takes this experience to the next level is your guide, who are always so knowledgeable and helpful throughout the entire time. They’ll be able to tell you stories about the films and interesting facts that aren’t readily available for others outside of your group.

What’s great about this tour is that you’ll have plenty of time after the tour to cruise around as well. You can grab a meal or just a coffee in their café, check out the cool gifts at the shops, or go back through the studios at your leisure.

5. Harry Potter in London – Private Tour

  • Departure:  The Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9¾, London N1 9AP, UK
  • Departure Time: Varies
  • Includes:  3 hour private walking tour of the best Harry Potter film locations in London, local guide

On the other side of the spectrum, if you’re looking for a shorter tour that’s easier to fit into a busy schedule we have just the ticket for you.

The Harry Potter in London – Private Tour lasts 3 hours, making it perfect for seeing the entire experience but keeping it brief enough for kids. Not to mention, kids go free of charge on this one, making it incredibly budget-friendly!

Start by meeting up with your tour guide at the steps of the Parcel Yard, located right in front of the Platform 9 ¾ shop. It’s super easy to access from London, and you can pretty much choose when you’d like to return, as well.

When you’re with your guide, they’ll ask you about what you’re specifically interested in and design your tour to accommodate those interests.

This customized tour is highly interactive, making sure all ground is covered and nothing is left out. They offer tons of great information that you wouldn’t otherwise learn, even though the studio tour is so comprehensive.

Aside from King’s Cross Station, you’ll head to Leicester Square which has many film locations and inspiration spots for Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley.

After, you’ll see the Ministry of Magic filming location which feels like you’re stepping straight into the movie. The Brockdale Bridge entrance to the Leaky Cauldron pub is also quite cool!

Of course, those are just a few of the 10+ London film locations you’ll get to explore. The walking tour is perfect if you’re worried about getting lost in the bustling metropolis, and hear insider knowledge while perusing the area!

6. Harry Potter London Bus Tour of Film Locations in London

  • Departure:  St Pancras Station, Euston Rd, London N1C 4QL, UK
  • Includes:  Professional guide

London isn’t exactly known for their warm, sunny weather. If you happen to be visiting at any time other than the peak summer months, it can be quite windy and wet. However, with the Harry Potter London Bus Tour of Film Locations that shouldn’t impede you at all!

Not only that, but if you’d like to learn about the films while staying on a tight budget, we can’t recommend this one enough. Lasting 3 hours, you can choose to take it in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Meet your guide at the Saint Pancras Station, located in central London, and hop on the climate-controlled luxury coach.

Get comfortable in your seat, sit back, and relax as your guide offers HP-themed commentary filled with thrilling insight and information hard to find anywhere else.

You’ll not only learn about the films and sets, but about where JK Rowling gained inspiration for so many concepts featured in the legendary books. If you’re looking to meet fellow Potterheads, it’s a great way to do so and chat about the experience with other “muggles”.

Pass Number 12, Grimmauld Place, known as the beloved, Sirius Black, in the Order of the Phoenix. You’ll get to see Diagon Alley – one of the first “magic” places that you see in the books and films.

It’s where Hogwarts students get their school supplies, including their wands. Don’t forget to grab a pint at the Leaky Cauldron wizarding pub!

No Harry Potter London tour is complete without a visit to perhaps the most popular HP photo op: Platform 9 ¾. The trolley placed halfway through muggle and magic worlds is located publicly at the station for everyone to take some fun snaps with.

7. The Magic of Harry Potter Private Guided Tour for Kids and Families in London

  • Departure:  Piccadilly Circus, London W1B, UK
  • Includes:  Local guide, professional art historian guide, professional kid-friendly guide

Last but certainly not least, we bring you The Magic of Harry Potter Private Guided Tour for Kids and Families in London .

This is yet another 3-hour tour perfect for people of all ages. However, this is a private and personalized experience so it’s tailored exactly to you and your group’s interests.

Your tour will start out by meeting your guide at Piccadilly Circus, located in central London. The station is also very easy to access by the tube, and you’ll meet your guide right outside the Criterion Theatre.

You can choose either the morning or afternoon tour, depending on which works better with your schedule. If you are bringing kids along, this is absolutely one of the best options. The guides are excellent with younger participants, keeping them entertained the entire time.

As it is a walking tour, you definitely don’t want kids to get bored – but these 3 hours will fly by for all of you!

Start out in the infamous Leicester Square known for its clubs, pubs, and shops. It’s also home to the legendary Odeon cinema, which has been the location for each one of the Harry Potter movies!

Next is Trafalgar Square: one of the most important in London which was made in 1830 to commemorate the British victory against the French and Spanish.

Relating it back to Harry Potter, the square is also seen with a bunch of Death Eaters appearing on their way to Diagon Alley, where they end up taking Garrick Ollivander. You and your group will then head to Leadenhall Market which was the actual location used for Diagon Alley in the Philosopher’s Stone.

Aside from these iconic spots, your guide will take you to various others and teach you all about how they were used in the films.

Tour Guides

The Fully-Guided Making of Harry Potter Tour is our Editors Choice for the best Harry Potter tour in London

Robert Baker

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Finding the Universe

Travel tales, photography and a dash of humor

Hogwarts Castle Model - Warner Bros Studio Tour

Taking a Harry Potter Studio Tour in London: Everything You Need to Know

Last updated: April 9, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 24 Comments

If you’re a Harry Potter fan visiting the UK, the chances are high that you want to take the Harry Potter Studio Tour near London. This tour, of the Warner Bros. Studio where the majority of the films were shot, is a fascinating experience, and well worth doing even if you’re not a Harry Potter fan.

You can visit places like the Great Hall, the railway station, various filming locations from inside Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest, and even Diagon Alley.

Harry Potter Studio Tour - Common Room

As well as visiting the film sets, you will also learn all about how the films were made, see many of the props from the movies, get to participate in some green screen magic, have the opportunity to try Butterbeer, and of course, buy all the Harry Potter merchandise you can imagine!

In this guide we’re going to go through everything you need to know to visit the Harry Potter Studios, including how to get there, how to get tickets, information for making the most of your day, and lots more! Let’s get started by answering some questions you may have.

Where Was Harry Potter Filmed?

Harry Potter was filmed all across the UK, at real world locations such as Glenfinnan Viaduct, Alnwick Castle, Glencoe in Scotland and Leadenhall Market in London . See our full guide to Harry Potter filming locations in the UK for more.

The interior sets and the majority of the rest of the films were shot at the Warner Bros. Studio in Leavesden, just outside London.

Where is the Harry Potter Studio Tour?

The Harry Potter Studio Tour takes place in the Warner Bros. Studio, which is found in Leavesden, England. This is around 20 miles northwest of London.

The Warner Bros. Studio is a fully working film studio, one of the largest in the UK, and many films have been shot here, including the whole Harry Potter franchise as well as some of the Star Wars,   Batman , and Mission: Impossible films.

Dumbledores office

Harry Potter Studio Opening Times

You will definitely want to check the website for up-to-date opening times, but generally throughout the year the studio is open from 8.30am through to 10pm. More specifically:

  • Doors open at 8.30am
  • First tour starts at 9am
  • Final tour starts at 6.30pm
  • Studio closes at 10pm

These times do vary by day. In terms of dates, the Studio is open every day of the week. There are some exceptions, it is closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (25th and 26th of December).

How Much Does the Harry Potter Studio Tour Cost?

Prices for the standard tour are as follows (correct as of April 2024).

  • Adult: £53.50
  • Child aged 5-15: £43
  • Childer Under 4: Free
  • Family: £172
  • Carer: Free

For a family, this can be either 2 adults and 2 children, or 1 adult and 3 children.

You can also purchase more expensive tour packages, but these are the basic prices. Note that these are just entry prices, and don’t include any transport.

Is the Harry Potter Studio Tour Accessible?

The Harry Potter Studio Tour is accessible, and visitors can bring one carer free of charge with proof of entitlement.

For the studio itself, the majority of it is level and accessible for wheelchair users. There are some exceptions, such as the Hogwarts Bridge and the Knights Bus. Diagon Alley also includes an incline and cobbled streets.

Wheelchairs and mobility scooters are permitted but mobility scooters cannot be wider than 86cm.

Visitors with assistance dogs are welcome and water bowls can be provided. There’s also a dedicated toilet area for assistance dogs.

For visitors with a hearing impairment, induction loops can be provided. A portable iPad is also available (this must be booked in advance), which can provide a subtitled version of some of the films. It’s also possible to book a BSL tour in advance.

For more information on accessibility and any other needs you have, please visit the accessibility section of the official website.

How to Get to the Harry Potter Studio Tour

You have two major options for getting to the Harry Potter Studio Tour – you can take a tour which includes your transport, or you can make your own way there using either public transport or a car.

We’ll go through both of these options so you can make the right decision as to which is going to be best for you.

Certainly, the easiest option for getting to the Harry Potter Studios is to take a tour which includes your return transport.

These tours leave from various locations around London (and other parts of the UK), and included in the price of your tour will be pre-booked timed entry to the Studio Tour and return transport to and from a pick-up point.

Note that most tours do not include a guide inside the experience as it is largely self-guided. However, you can book a tour, such as this one , which does include a guide for the time inside the studio as well. When choosing tours, do check how long they give you at the studio. You will generally want a minimum of three hours, although you might find four hours will be more suitable if you want to experience everything.

Some options include:

  • This tour  which departs from the Victoria Coach Station in London
  • Another tour with departure from Victoria Coach Station in London
  • A slightly longer tour giving you 4 hours at the studio, with departure from Kings Cross Station, London
  • This is a fully guided tour which includes return transport and a guide throughout the experience.
  • This tour of the Harry Potter studios , which includes return transport from central London hotels
  • If you want to do more on your day, this tour includes a tour of Oxford as well as the Studios , with departures from Great Portland Street, London
  • This tour , with one of our favorite walking tour companies Take Walks includes a short walking tour of central London (including some Harry Potter filming locations in London ), followed by round trip transport to the studio and entry to the Studio Tour for four hours. We’ve done this tour and it is a good option although does make for a full day.

As you can see, there are lots of options! We’ve got more on all of these in the section below on how to buy your tickets for the Studio Tour.

Hagrid Hut interior

By Public Transport

From central London, it’s fairly easy to get to the Harry Potter Studios by public transport. You will take the train from Euston Station to Watford Junction.

Then you need to take a dedicated shuttle bus operated by the Studio Tour that runs from just outside Watford Junction Station (it is well sign posted), that takes you directly to the studios.

Bus to Warner Bros Studio Tour

For the train, you can either buy your tickets in advance here , or you can pay on the day using a contactless or Oyster card. This will require you to tap in and tap out using the yellow card readers. Note that Oyster cards and contactless cards do not work beyond Watford Junction, so don’t go any further than this.

See our  guide to buying and using the Oyster card in London , and our  guide to paying for public transport in London  for more information on using these forms of payment for travel in and around London.

For the shuttle bus, this is included in the price of your entry ticket. To board the bus you will need to have a valid pre-purchased ticket to the Harry Potter Studios, or proof of a ticket booking confirmation (printed or on your phone).

Getting to the Harry Potter Studios by car is relatively easy. Depending on the time of day, exact departure location and traffic, the drive from central London takes around an hour to ninety minutes.

From Oxford it’s around an hour, and it’s around two hours from Birmingham. Visitors with valid pre-purchased Studio tickets can take advantage of free parking on site. Note you cannot enter the parking area without a valid ticket or booking confirmation for that day.

Where to Buy Harry Potter Studio Tour Tickets

If you are making your own way to the Harry Potter studios, you have to buy your ticket in advance from the official website . You cannot turn up without a ticket, and tickets are not for sale on site.

Tickets go on sale well in advance, but despite the site having capacity for up to 6,000 people a day, they tend to sell out far in advance, so you will want to plan as far ahead as possible.

The summer months, weekends, and school holidays are the busiest days of the year for the Studio so we recommend that you book as far in advance as you can if you are visiting over those periods.

Weekdays often have better availability, so if you are flexible, look at different days of the week to maximise your chances of getting a ticket.


Tickets are for timed entry, which helps the studios manage visitor numbers throughout the day. Whilst there is no limit to how long you can stay after you enter, you do need to enter the attraction at the time you book. There is a little bit of flexibility in this, but it’s best not to show up hours later than your time to avoid disappointment.

The WB Studios Tour folks recommend you arrive at the site at least 20 minutes before your ticket time so you can go through the security checks.

If you can’t buy a ticket from the official site, don’t worry, you still have lots of options.

First, you can opt to take a tour with a tour company, as these have a different ticket allocation system. Whilst this will be slightly more expensive, at least you will still be able to go, and it will include transport as well. See here for some of the tour options available, and here for even more !

Another option is to book a Deluxe Tour, which includes a two-hour guided tour of the studios, a photo package, a hot meal, butterbeer, souvenir guidebook and special designated parking. Following the guided tour, you are free to explore yourself. As Deluxe Tours are more expensive, they tend to have better availability.

Broomstick training

Deluxe Tours can be booked directly with the Studios, subject to availability, on the official site here .

How Long Does the Harry Potter Studio Tour take?

The regular tour itself is self-guided, other than an introduction at the beginning, so you can take as long as you like to wander the studios.

The average length of a visit is around three and a half hours, and that is what the studio estimates most people will take and forecast their capacity around.

Dumbledores office

This is also about the amount of time that most tour companies will give you, although some offer a bit more time on site, so if you think you will need more time, be sure to pick a tour company that offers more time.

Where to Stay Near the Harry Potter Studios

The majority of visitors to the Harry Potter Studios visit from London as a day trip, and choose a hotel in London. If you go down this route, you might want to consider a hotel that makes it easier to get to the studios, be that by public transport or on one of the tours.

We’ve suggested some options below, as well as some hotels near the Studios themselves if you want to be really close.

Note that hotels in London are relatively expensive, especially those located near major attractions, and rooms aren’t always huge. However, we’ve picked what we think are a good choice for you.

We also recommend reading our guide to where to stay in London for some suggested options across all budgets.

Hotels near London Victoria train station (where most bus tours depart)

  • Comfort Inn Buckingham Palace Road – great value 3* property just 5 minutes walk from London Victoria train station
  • The Resident Hotel – well reviewed 4* property, five minutes from London Victoria.
  • Lime Tree Hotel – A well reviewed boutique hotel, around nine minutes walk from London Victoria
  • Walrus Bar and Hostel – it’s not too close to London Victoria (15-20 minutes by public transport, or a 35 minute walk), but it’s very central and is a great budget option for London in general

Hotels near Euston train station (for the train)

  • YHA London St. Pancras – a good value budget option a short walk from both Euston and Kings Cross stations. Offers both private and dormitory style rooms
  • Comfort Inn and Suites King Cross – a great mid-range option, with all rooms coming with a kitchenette
  • Point A Hotels – comfortable, cosy rooms, part of the well rated budget-friendly Point A hotel chain
  • Radisson Blu Edwardian – luxury, boutique accommodation, a short walk from Euston station

Hotels near the Harry Potter Studios

  • Mercure London – one of the closest hotels to the actual studios, this would be a good option if you are driving and want to be as close as possible
  • Holiday Inn Express London – right next to Watford Junction, this mid-range and well reviewed property is convenient for both trains to London, and for the studio shuttle
  • Jurys Inn London Watford – another great mid-range option, just a short walk from Watford Junction train station

Our Harry Potter Studio Tour Review and Experience

Now for the fun stuff! Although, if you want your visit to be a surprise, you might want to skip this section, as you now have everything you need to know in order to visit.

Still, if you want an idea of what to expect from your visit, read on, and we’ll share our own experiences of visiting the Harry Potter Studios! We have actually visited a few times over the years, both via a tour and using our own transport, and well talk about that a bit as well.

The first time we visited the studios we came from central London, taking the train to Watford Junction and the Shuttle Bus to the studio. When we visited there was a fee for the shuttle bus, but this is now included in the price of the ticket. The train was easy, and the shuttle bus departure point was well marked just outside the train station.

We pre-booked our tickets on the official website, so with our email booking confirmation we picked up our tickets from the kiosks. They have both staffed ticket windows and automatic kiosks – both work!

Once we had our ticket, which had our entry time on it, we went through security and joined the line for entry.

On another visit we took a tour to central London to compare the experience, specifically this tour . Whilst getting to the studio ourselves was easy enough, obviously having a bus take us directly to and from the studio from central London did make things even easier. However as it wasn’t a guided tour, once we were on site the experience was the same as visiting ourselves.

Warner Bros Studio Tour Entrance

All entries for the Harry Potter Studio Tour are timed, so you have to wait in line, as they let each group in all together. Still, waiting in line is made fun, as the line has the cupboard under the stairs set right next to it, meaning you can start getting excited about your upcoming adventure straight away (and start taking pictures!).

At the time of our entry, we were all ushered into a large waiting room with a series of screens around the walls and given a brief introduction as to what we might expect. We then went into a cinema where some of the key cast members shared their thoughts. Then, the cinema screen rolled away, revealing a giant wooden door before us. Here, a guide welcomed us, and prepared us for our journey.

Cupboard under the stairs

The Great Hall and Beyond

After our introduction, the massive wooden doors we were standing in front of opened, and the Great Hall was revealed. I have to say, this was pretty amazing, to be able to step into the world of Harry Potter. The Great Hall set was used as the Great Hall for six of the films, with many scenes shot here.

Great Hall Hogwarts

It certainly felt like the most complete of the sets we visited, as it was totally immersive and all around us, and was quite an experience.

From the Great Hall we were essentially allowed to continue on our own into the first half of the tour building. This had so much to see that I won’t go into it all here.

To give you an idea though, you can do everything from practice your wand waving through to seeing the Womping Willow in action through to visiting the potions laboratory, meeting Buckbeak, hanging out on Platform 9 3/4, and wandering around the Forbidden Forest!

Platform 9 3/4 Warner Bros Studio Tour

Food and Butterbeer

Around half way through the tour, you come to the Backlot Cafe. This serves hot and cold food, as well as that famous drink – Butterbeer! This is a non-alcoholic beverage that tastes sort of like a mix of marshmallows and popcorn. It is definitely a must-try when visiting! We can also recommend the Butterbeer icecream which is very good.


You don’t have to eat here, as there are other dining options on site, including the Studio Cafe. However, if you want to try Butterbeer, the Backlot Cafe is the place to do it.

Privet Drive and the Night Bus

Once you’ve finished your butterbeer experience, it’s time to head outside to Privet Drive! Here you can see the house where Harry grew up, as well as a number of other fairly large props and sets, including the Knight Bus and the bridge that led across the ravine outside Hogwarts.

Knight Bus

This is the only outside part of the tour, and it isn’t a huge area, although if the weather isn’t great you might want a waterproof jacket to enjoy this part of the tour.

Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley and the Last of the Tour

After seeing the exterior part of the tour, you enter the final part of the tour. Don’t worry though, you’re only really half way though – there’s loads to see still! From here you’re going to see a lot of the props and costumes, as well as detailed information on how these were created, and the work that went into them.

Diagon Alley

You’re also going to have the opportunity to walk through Gringotts Bank, meet a dragon, walk right down Diagon Alley, and see such locations as Ollivanders Wand Shop!

Finally, and perhaps most impressively, you come to the 1:24 scale model of Hogwarts itself. This is a massive construction that fills a whole room, and is truly spectacular. You can also watch videos to see how the model was used and digitally merged into the final films, which is very impressive.

Once you’re done with all the above, you pop out into the shop, where you can buy pretty much any Harry Potter merchandise you can imagine!

Harry Potter Studio Tour Props

Tips for Visiting the Harry Potter Studio

Based on our experiences visiting the Harry Potter Studio in London, we’ve put together the following tips to help you plan your visit and maximise your time.

Decide how you want to visit

As described earlier in detail, you have a number of options for visiting the Harry Potter Studios, although depending on ticket availability, you might not always have every option. However, the main options are:

  • Book a standard tour and plan your own transport, either by train/shuttle or car
  • Book a deluxe tour and plan your own transport, either by train/shuttle or car
  • Book a tour that includes transport and entry like this

Whichever you choose to go for, you will definitely have a great time!

Book your tickets in advance

We can’t emphasise this enough – tickets are not available on site – you have to book in advance . If you’re travelling independently, you can do that through the official site .

If tickets are not available through the official site for the time you want to visit, or you’d rather let someone else handle your transport, here is a good selection of tours to choose from , and here are some more options .

Plan your time

The average visit time is three and a half hours, so make sure you give yourself at least this much time on site. Don’t forget there’s food on-site as well as a massive gift shop, so you’ll want to factor time in for these activities too. Some fans can easily spend 4 or 5 hours here.

Whilst the majority of tours that include transport give you at least three hours on site, some allow for longer visits, so make sure to book the right tour for you. There is a lot to do and see on site, so more time can definitely be put to good use and you don’t want to feel rushed!

london harry potter tour review

One of the best parts of visiting the Harry Potter Studios is just how interactive the experience can be. Whilst it’s certainly not a theme park, there’s a lot to do, from practicing your wand skills through to pushing your own trolley through the wall at platform 9 3/4 through to riding and summoning your own broomstick!

Some of these experiences will have a short queue, but due to the timed system for entry, these will never be too long.

Many visitors also come in full Harry Potter outfits, so don’t be afraid to dress up and get into the swing of things. You won’t be alone, and it adds to the experience for many people!

Wand training

Further Reading

And that’s it for our guide to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. We hope you found it useful – we certainly had a lot of fun taking the tour and putting this post together!

As well as this post, we’ve also got a lot more content that we think you’ll find useful, both Harry Potter related, and other content to help you plan your time in London and the UK.

  • Whilst this is one of the best places for Harry Potter fans to visit in the UK, it’s by no means the only Harry Potter location or activity you can take part in. Check out our guides to finding Harry Potter in London, Harry Potter in Edinburgh and Harry Potter in Scotland for more inspiration.
  • We also have a complete guide to Harry Potter filming locations in the UK
  • A  Two Day London Itinerary  to help you see all the highlights of London. There’s also a  1 day version  if you’re short on time, and both a  3 day  and a  six day itinerary  if you’re here for longer
  • Our detailed  packing list for London , to help you prepare for your trip
  • Our  guide to buying and using the London Oyster Card , and our  guide to public transport in London  to help you get around without spending too much money
  • My tips for finding the  best Photography Locations in London
  • Our full  review of the London Pass  to help you decide if this attractions pass can save you money on your visit to London
  • The best Things to Do in Kensington , London, in case you wanted to focus more on a specific region of the city
  • A review of a  one day walking tour in London , should you want a guided tour of all of London’s highlights
  • Our  detailed itinerary for  two weeks in the UK , should you want to have London as the start of a bigger adventure. We also have a  one week UK itinerary  for a slightly shorter visit.
  • Thoughts on taking a  day trip from London, taking in Stonehenge, Bath and the Cotswolds , our  guide to visiting Oxford for a day, and our guide to things to do in Cambridge .
  • The  Eyewitness Travel Guide to London , which has all sorts of information within, including more itineraries and ideas for your trip. We also recommend the  Rick Steve’s London 2019  guide, the #1 bestseller on Amazon for UK travel guides, and always an excellent source of relevant information

And that’s it! Are you a Harry Potter wanting to take the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio Tour? Have any questions about a visit? Let us know your thoughts or questions in the comments below!

A detailed guide to taking a Harry Potter Studio tour, including how to get tickets, how to get to the Harry Potter studios from London, tour options, and tips!

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There are 24 comments on this post

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15th August 2023 at 8:43 am

what an amazing detailed blog. really helped me understand and plan the trip. I am booked for 1st October 5:30 as didn’t get any other day or time slot on the website,, do you think I should look at going through a tour agent to get more time in the day time or evening is fine? hoping there will be no issues in taking public transport while coming back. we will be staying in Westminster.

Laurence Norah says

15th August 2023 at 9:08 am

Thanks very much! So I think you will be fine. On the 1st October it looks like the studio tour doesn’t close until 10pm, and I would say that 4.5 hours should be more than enough. The last bus to the station leaves at 10pm, so just be sure to be on that. In terms of trains, looking at the West Midlands train timetables, the last train on a Sunday back to central London is at quarter to 1 in the morning, so I think you will be fine.

Enjoy your visit!

George says

3rd May 2023 at 7:47 am

I just finished reading your post about taking a Harry Potter studio tour and I have to say it was incredibly informative and enjoyable to read! You provided a lot of helpful information for anyone planning on taking a tour, from practical tips on transportation and timing to advice on how to make the most out of the experience.

One of the things I really appreciated about your post was how you made it clear that the tour is not just for die-hard Harry Potter fans. Even for those who have only seen the movies, the tour can be a fascinating and immersive experience. I also liked how you emphasized the importance of taking your time and really exploring each exhibit and set, rather than rushing through them.

Your post was also full of helpful details, from what to expect on the tour to how to save money on tickets. I particularly appreciated your recommendation to book tickets in advance to avoid disappointment, as well as your advice to avoid peak times if possible.

Overall, I thought your post was a fantastic resource for anyone planning on taking a Harry Potter studio tour. You provided a wealth of information and tips that will undoubtedly make the experience more enjoyable for anyone who reads your post. Thanks for sharing your insights and expertise with us!

4th May 2023 at 5:30 pm

Thanks very much George, I appreciate your feedback!

3rd April 2023 at 10:58 am

Hi there! I just read your blog post about taking a Harry Potter Studio Tour and I have to say, it’s an incredibly informative and detailed guide. I’ve been to the Studio Tour myself and I can attest to the accuracy of your tips and advice.

I particularly appreciate the way you organized your post into different sections, making it easy for readers to find the information they need. Your advice about booking tickets in advance and arriving early is spot on – it’s definitely worth taking those extra steps to avoid long lines and ensure the best possible experience.

Your photos are also amazing and really bring the tour to life. It’s wonderful to see all the different sets and props up close and your photos do a great job of capturing the intricate details that went into creating them.

Overall, I think this post is a fantastic resource for anyone planning a visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour. You’ve covered everything from transportation to food to the best photo opportunities, making it a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to make the most of their visit. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!

Highly Recommended to all.

3rd April 2023 at 11:27 am

Thanks very much, I’m glad to hear you found the post useful and you enjoyed your Harry Potter Studio Tour 🙂

Jean searle says

25th October 2021 at 11:18 pm

My family live on the wirral it would take us about 3 1/ 2 hrs to get there with the price of fuel costly then the stay overnight in the hotel with bed and breakfast. Your outstanding entry price for an adult £48 Kids price extortionate my granddaughter is 8yrs old obsessed with Harry Potter reads the books loves the films she is desperate to come on the studio tour but can’t justify you outrageous prices. And then we have to pay for fuel to travel back. I am registered disabled but not in a wheelchair. My husband is my carer we are also pensioners do you honestly expect a disabled person to pay £48 to get in while OK my carer is free surely you should have compensation for the disabled person. As it stands we have to keep letting the 8yr old down as we can’t afford your prices. Then the added extras for the bus etc. I would ask you to see if you could establish a different rate for children under 10 and the disabled pensioner please as we would bring her but out of our pension we cannot afford your cost. Hope you take into account what I have said. Underprivileged children should be catered for I know.you have to make your money but at the cost of a child. Shame on you. My granddaughter may never get to see it now.xc

26th October 2021 at 10:13 am

Thanks for your message! So to be clear, this website is not associated with the Warner Bros Studio or Harry Potter tour. It’s just a guide to visiting. If you want to reach out to them directly, you’ll need to do so via their website. Their contact information can be found here: https://www.wbstudiotour.co.uk/contact-us/

All the best,

Dave Gaudie says

23rd July 2021 at 6:54 pm

Can I take photos throughout the tour ?

23rd July 2021 at 7:02 pm

Yep photography is permitted pretty much everywhere in the Harry Potter studio tour. There are a few exceptions – you can’t do photography in the pre-show cinema, or in the green screen areas. You also can’t use a tripod.

Have a great visit, and let me know if you have any more questions!

13th October 2019 at 4:38 am

Hello! I am so excited to have found your blog. I plan to read the entire london portion. I booked tickets to the studio for 1/1. I thought it would be a fun way to start the new year. Now I am wondering if it will be a problem to get to the studio. TfL site states train will be running on a sunday schedule. How much extra travel time should we think about? Our tix are for 1230p. We are staying by the waterloo station. Thank you for your amazing insights!

13th October 2019 at 3:25 pm

Thanks very much, I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time.

For the trains, all you’d have to do is check the timetables for a Sunday and this should give you an idea of how much time you will need 🙂 You shouldn’t have to worry too much I don’t think, 1230 should give you plenty of time to get there! Have a wonderful time!

Nurika Abdullah says

27th September 2019 at 12:33 am

Hi thank you for this it is so useful especially for first timers like me. My concern is on the age, in the studios website it says below 16 must be accompanied by adults. I am thinking of sending my 15 and 13 yr old kids on their own. Would this be possible if I take a guided tour instead? Many thanks Nurika

27th September 2019 at 7:02 pm

Unfortunately the policy is that all children must be accompanied by an adult, even on the guided tours

26th September 2019 at 7:33 am

Thank you for you site and sharing some great information!! It is just awesome!!

Would you happen to know the difference between the Studio’s VIP tour and the Fully-Guided Making of Harry Potter Tour. Looks like the Fully-Guided might have a couple more stops?

26th September 2019 at 10:49 pm

So the VIP tour (I guess you mean the Deluxe tour?) includes a few extras like butterbeer, souvenir photo, meal and guidebook. So quite a few extras. The fully guided tour includes the tour, but I believe it’s the same actual tour as the Deluxe tour, just without the extras. Of course, it also include round trip transport from London as well.

So it’s more about if you want the extras or not, or if you prefer the transport.

Have an amazing time, whichever you go for!

Dr. Abraham K. George says

2nd May 2019 at 10:15 pm

Wow! What lovely immersive writing, and lots of fine fine details. A pleasure to read. I’m so glad I stumbled on to this blog. My search is over. Have bookmarked it. Going to follow it faithfully for our first-time holiday to London + Scotland this month. The fully guided tour seems to be the best of the lot as it probably gives you the maximum time possible to spend at the studio (I hope). By the way, tickets are sold out on the official site. Thank you so much, Abraham

3rd May 2019 at 4:39 pm

Hi Abraham – my pleasure, and I hope you have a wonderful tour. For sure, the tours are very popular so they sell out far in advance on the official website, but there are a number of other ways to get a trip, so I hope you are able to visit still 🙂

27th March 2019 at 7:48 pm

Hi can i ask the extra activities you mentioned are they free or do I need to account for extra spending money Regard emma

27th March 2019 at 7:59 pm

So the activities like the wand workshop, broomstick summoning and other interactive things like that are included. The only thing you would need money for is the giftshop, or if you want to eat or try butter beer. For the green screen broomstick flying experience, where you are filmed on a broomstick against a green screen, that is an extra price as you get the experience as photos or a DVD. There are also some other opportunities to buy photos through the tour, but these are of course optional 🙂

Have a wonderful time!

Robert says

13th March 2019 at 4:51 pm

Excellent information! I’ve been to the WB Harry Potter Studios twice (2015, 2017), and you really covered everything in accurate detail.

One tiny error though it probably won’t confuse anyone: You wrote “Then you need to take a dedicated shuttle bus operated by the Studio Tour that runs from just outside Euston Station (it is well sign posted), that takes you directly to the studios.” I believe you meant “Watford Junction Station” instead of “Euston Station” in that sentence.

Thanks for your terrific work on the entire site. A colleague of mine sent me a link to it knowing I have led student/parent groups to London. I’ve enjoyed digging into it!

13th March 2019 at 5:00 pm

Thanks so much for your comment! We loved visiting and writing this post was a real pleasure 🙂 Thanks also for spotting that error – I’ve fixed it now 🙂

Thanks again!

Roslia santamaria says

28th November 2018 at 7:02 am

Thank you so much..This is very useful!!

28th November 2018 at 11:21 am

My pleasure Roslia 🙂

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Harry Potter Studios, London: full review of the Warner Bros Studio Tour

  • Post date January 12, 2020
  • Post categories In England , Cultural Travel , London
  • Tags Culture , Entertainment

Harry Potter Studio Tour London

The Harry Potter Studio Tour takes you behind the scenes to see the real film sets, original costumes, Platform 9 ¾, Hogwarts Castle and so much more. And it’s not just for Harry Potter fans.

When I booked my last trip to London , my sister suggested she’d join me and we’d go to the Harry Potter Studios together, to do a tour of the sets where the Harry Potter movies were made.

Having visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in LA, which was a brilliant experience, I got curious and Googled it.

I found that The Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making Of Harry Potter (that’s the full name of it…) had some really amazing reviews online and it looked like a truly exciting day trip from London.

But it wasn’t until we got inside the studios that I could fully appreciate what an impressive, immersive, spectacular and fun experience it was!

The whole experience is designed so beautifully and with so much attention to detail that it really left us stunned.

Hogwarts Castle model at the Harry Potter Studio London

Visiting the Harry Potter Studios takes a good few hours and it does take a bit of planning in advance.

In this post, I’ve gathered all the tips and advice that will help you plan your visit efficiently and added some extra tips that will help you make the most of it.

By the way, the Warner Brothers Studio Tour isn’t only for avid fans of the J.K. Rowling books or of the Harry Potter movies. Even if you only watched some of the movies or read some of the books, you will definitely have a great time at the studios.

How to get tickets to the harry potter studio

Tickets to harry potter studio may sell out for your dates, because it is such a popular attraction, so you have to buy your tickets online in advance as soon as you can.

here are your harry potter studio ticket options:

Your main options are: Just the entry ticket; ticket + transport; or ticket + transport + a guided tour.

1.  Book a ticket that includes transport to and from the studios: I think this is the most practical option, as you won’t have to plan the journey by yourself (it’s outside of London). This option doesn’t include a live guide, but you can buy an audio guide when you get to the studios.

2.  Book a fully guided tour : This option includes transport, entry tickets and a dedicated guide who will take you around the studios.

3. Get tickets for the studios without transport. You can get them from the studio tour website and I suggest you also check for current discount codes on Klook .

Tips on booking tickets to the harry potter studio

If you don’t take a guided tour, I recommend adding the audio-visual guide to your order.

Tickets to the Warner Brothers Studios are for specific time slots. That means you have to pick your time of entry when you book the ticket.

However, you can stay in the Harry Potter Studios as long as you like (that would be several hours, normally).

Demand is high in summer and during weekends. If you visit in the summer months, try to book for a weekday rather than Saturday or Sunday.

That way, you’ll stand a better chance of finding tickets at the time slots that are convenient for you.

You want to arrive about 20 minutes before your time of entry, as there might be a line and there are some security checks.

There are several other ticket packages available, I’ll give you more details about them later in this post.

Where is the harry potter studio tour?

Though the official name of the tour is The Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, it is actually not in London itself, but very close to it in Leavesden (Hertfordshire, England).

It doesn’t take very long to get there from central London, and can easily make for a nice day trip from London.

How to get to the warner bros harry potter studios

The easy way to get to the Warner Brothers Studios is by joining a tour that includes transport to the studios from London and back.

The other option is to plan how to get there yourself using public transport (a train and then a shuttle bus) or by car.

If you don’t want to worry about transport, there are different options to choose from.

Tours including transport & tickets from london

Tours from London leave from central locations in the city that are easy to get to: Victoria Station or Baker Street.

Check availability here or use the calendar below.

WB studio guided tours, transport included

  • Book a fully guided tour : This tour includes transport from London and back, an entry ticket and a dedicated guide who’ll take you through the studios.
  • A guided tour combining film locations and the WB Studios : This guided tour takes you on a walking tour around Harry Potter film locations in London and then continues with a tour of the Warner Bros. Studios.

Tours to the harry potter studio combining other uk destinations

  • With a tour in Oxford : This full-day trip includes a visit to the studios followed by a guided tour in Oxford. The Great Hall at Christ Church College in Oxford was the inspiration for the Hogwarts Great Hall.
  • Dover to London & Heathrow Transfer via Warner Bros Studios : This option will help you make the most of your time in England. This tour takes you by bus directly from Dover to the Warner Bros Studios and then takes you back to your London or Heathrow hotel. The price also includes the entrance ticket to the studios.
  • From York : This tour departs from York train station early in the morning and takes you to London and to the Harry Potter studio. The price includes all transportation and admission to the studio.

Getting to the WB studios by public transport

If you want to plan your own journey to the Harry Potter studios, you’ll have to take a train from London and then a bus to the studios.

When you plan the journey, you want to allow more time in case the train is delayed or the bus gets full quickly and you have to wait for the next one.

First, take a train from Euston Station in central London and get off at Watford Junction.

You can use your Oyster or contactless card for this train ride, or buy train tickets in advance here by searching for London-Watford Junction trains.

Outside the station, you’ll see the bus stop for the Harry Potter Studio Tour shuttle bus, that goes from the train station to the studios.

Prepare some cash in advance, as there’s a small charge for the bus. Also have your ticket booking confirmation ready (you can show them the email confirmation on your phone).

The train ride from London should take about 20 minutes with the express train, but if you board a local train it takes about an hour.

If you’re not sure which train to board, ask the staff at London Euston station for advice.

The shuttle bus ride should take around 15 minutes.

How to get to the harry potter studios by car

You can use postcode WD25 7LR in your satnav system to reach the studios.

The studios provide free parking (you’ll have to show your booking confirmation).

Check the official website for detailed routes from London and other parts of the UK.

What to do when you arrive at the warner bros studios

The entrance to the Harry Potter Studios

When you arrive, collect your ticket from the ticket desk. It will have your entry time printed on it.

When you collect your ticket, they’ll give you a beautifully illustrated Harry Potter passport , full of puzzles, trivia and a Golden Snitch hunt to play during the tour.

If you didn’t get a passport with your ticket, you can ask a staff member to get you one during the tour.

Then you’ll have to go through a security check and probably stand in line to get in.

I recommend you book an audio-visual guide with your ticket (unless you’re taking a guided tour of course). Pick it up at the Digital Guide desk. It’s available in 10 different languages.

If you forgot to pre-book it, you can still hire one when you arrive.

There’s a cloakroom at the Warner Bros Studios that you can use to store your bags or coats for free.

You can also have a hot chocolate at the Chocolate Frog Café 🙂

It all goes quite quickly and you’ll soon find yourself inside with a large group of people and a guide who’ll give you a short briefing.

Inside the harry potter studios

The Studio Tour starts with a short film about the making of Harry Potter. It’s a little appetizer before you actually go into the studios.

After the film, the door to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is revealed and that’s where the spectacular Harry Potter experience really starts!

The Hogwarts  Great Hall

Once the door opens, you’ll find yourself in the Great Hall.

It’s a magnificent surprise and I can’t think of a better way to start a tour like this.

You’ll want to take pictures of the great costumes and the Sorting Hat, but there will be lots of people around… I waited till they were all ushered into the next room so I could take some photos 😉

You can basically stay until the staff ask you to move on, because another group is about to enter The Great Hall.

However, during the rest of the tour you’ll be completely free to explore everything at your own pace.

Highlights from the harry potter studio tour

There is  a lot  to see in the studios. You can easily spend 3-4 hours there, or even more.

Everything is presented in a way that really draws you in.

The audiovisual guide has video interviews, behind the scenes photos and much more. It is well worth getting.

I’ll give you a quick description of the highlight, without revealing too much, because you really want to experience it yourself 🙂

After The Great Hall, you’re introduced to the people behind the movies, from the costume designers to the soundtrack composers.

There are many costumes and wigs on display, as well as models and parts of the set, including the marble staircase, the boys’ dormitory, the Gryffindor common room and Dumbledore’s office.

The Gryffindor Common Room film set

The sets are full of fascinating details to spot.

Original props from the different movies are displayed in the middle of the room, like the golden egg and the Triwizard Cup.

The potion classroom is super entertaining, as is the Weasley family house, full of mechanical tricks.

Potions Classroom at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

The special effects and visual effects part of the tour is really exciting and you’ll get to try the green screen yourself.

Walking into the forbidden forest is a truly immersive experience!

A full-size Hogwarts Express train awaits you in the next room, next to Platform 9 3/4 in a recreation of King’s Cross station in London.

You can board the train and walk inside the carriages.

When you exit the train station, there are even more movie sets to discover, like the 4 Privet Drive house, the Knight Bus and the bridge to Hogwarts.

We felt like we’d seen so much! But there was still a lot more to see.

This tour keeps surprising you. It feels like at every stage there should be a “Wait! There’s More!” sign 😉

In the next rooms, we learnt about the set design and special effects, the various creatures from the movies and how they were made and lots of behind the scenes secrets.

Towards the end of the tour, expect some more beautiful highlights:

A very impressive model of Hogwarts Castle occupies an entire room and as you walk around it you can see how it was shot from different angles.

The Diagon Alley set is as wonderful as you’d expect, colourful and full of cool details.

Diagon Alley at the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studios

And… there’s more, but I don’t want to reveal everything.

The harry potter studio tour shops

There are several shops in the Warner Bros Studios with plenty of gifts and souvenirs for both adults and kids.

The Studio Shop is the main shop. It’s the one you reach at the end of the tour and it is simply huge.

It offers all the official merchandise you can imagine, collectables, wants, costumes and clothing items (a Gryffindor Scarf or a Deathly Hallows scarf? tough choice), homeware, art and more.

They also have Harry Potter sweets like the irresistible Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and Peppermint Toads.

There are smaller souvenir shops you’ll go through during the tour:

One is the Forbidden Forest Shop and the other is the Railway Shop , next to Platform 9¾.

Hotels near the harry potter studios

If you want to stay close to the Warner Brothers Studios for easy access, here are some good hotels in the area:

holiday inn london watford junction

This hotel has great reviews and is located only a 5 minute walk from Watford Junction railway station, where you can take the 15 minute shuttle bus to the Harry Potter Studios. If you arrive by car, it’s a quick ride.

travelodge watford central

A budget-friendly option, about 15 minutes walk from Watford Junction and about 10 minutes by car from the studios.

jurys inn london watford

Another convenient option, a very short walk to Watford Junction and a short drive to the WB Studios.

mercure london north watford hunton park

This hotel is close to the studios, but there is no direct access on foot, so it’s a good place to stay if you arrive by car or if you want to take a taxi.

My tips on the harry potter studio tour

Visiting the Harry Potter Studios is an experience that you want to prepare for. There is so much to see you might be overwhelmed!

Here are some tips I want to share after visiting myself that will help you make the most of your visit:

Book your tickets way in advance, preferably on a weekday to avoid the crowds. Check availability here:

Watch at some of the Harry Potter movies or read some of the books shortly before you go. You don’t have to read or watch the entire series to enjoy the tour, but it will make your experience much more meaningful.

When you select the time of entry , make it as early as you can, so that you have as much time as you like inside.

Allow at least 3 hours for a self-guided tour, or even four. Then, if you’re a big fan, you’ll want to spend some time in the gift shop.

You’ll want to take a lot of pictures and videos, so make sure your phone is fully charged and bring a power bank with you just in case.

On selected dates, there are special events in the Warner Bros Studios. Have a look at the official website to see if any of those coincide with the dates of your visit. These include events like Valentine’s Dinner in the Great Hall or the Christmas event Hogwarts in the Snow.

You can bring some food with you or eat at the Backlot Café. It’s about halfway through the tour. If you bring snacks with you, you can eat them at the cafe.

If you’re an avid fan, you can come in a Harry Potter outfit. I saw quite a few fans who dressed up for the tour.

save this harry potter studio tour guide on pinterest

Harry Potter Studio Tour London

Faq – harry potter studio tour london

The Harry Potter tour takes 3-4 hours on average.

Definitely! It’s an amazing experience, beautifully designed and very entertaining.

You can buy tickets on the official site or join a tour that includes tickets and transport.

The Harry Potter Studios are in Leavesden, Hertfordshire, north of London.

The nearest train station is Watford Junction.

Take a train from Euston Station to Watford Junction and then a shuttle bus to the Warner Brothers Studios.

No, it’s a tour around the film sets of the Harry Potter movies.

The studios opened in March 2012.

Thanks for sharing, I was supposed to visit earlier this year but I’ll have to get back another time, now I will be even better prepared!

I live in London and have been curious about this tour. Yes, I find it so expensive. Thanks for putting together this post with a lot of useful info.

I know the price can be an issue… Still, it’s such a great experience, it’s worth it 🙂

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  • United Kingdom

Review of the Fully Guided Harry Potter Studio Tour ⚡️

A standard visit to the harry potter studios in london is remarkable, but nothing compares to a fully guided tour. i've paid the extra to be taken behind the scenes, and you can too..

Kristoffer Fons avatar

I’ve just returned from London, where I embarked on a fully guided tour of the Harry Potter World. 

  • I bought this exact tour .

In this article, I’ll share insights from this exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of London’s Harry Potter Studios in this post.

First, let me tell you about the Harry Potter World in London to set the scene.

What can you expect at Harry Potter Studios?

See everything from diagon alley to gringotts and hogwarts, changing exhibits yearly, my review of the fully guided studio tour ⭐️, what’s included in the ticket price 🎟️, fast travel by train from london, arriving at harry potter studios, behind the scenes in harry potter world, this is the best harry potter experience in london, is the behind-the-scenes luxury tour worth it , how to get to the studios from london, what do you see at harry potter studios.

See my other guide, the general guide to visiting Harry Potter World in London .

Travel blogger at Harry Potter World

So, what’s it all about? Well, imagine stepping right into the pages of J.K. Rowling’s books or onto the sets of the films. 

That’s what visiting the  Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter  (the studio’s proper name)  feels like.

  • By the way – it’s not in central London but in Leavesden , near Watford.

I returned on the same tour to film a video – check out my 2023 guide to the Harry Potter Studios:

This place is huge, packed with real sets, costumes, and props used in the Harry Potter films.

Great Hall at Harry Potter Studios in London

Think of standing in the iconic Great Hall , sneaking down Diagon Alley , and even gawking at the doors of Gringotts Wizarding Bank . It’s all there, and it’s all real.

And it’s not just about looking. This place lets you get hands-on with the magic, too.

You can hop aboard the Hogwarts Express at a recreated Platform 9¾ – they’ve even got a luggage trolley disappearing into the wall. And if you’ve ever fancied a spin in the Weasley’s flying car , this is your chance!

diagon alley

One of the most incredible things about the studios is how it peels back the curtain on filmmaking. 

Ever wondered how they made Dobby look so lifelike or how they built those complex sets?

The Creature Effects and Art Department sections have you covered, showing off the incredible craftsmanship and detailing that went into creating Harry’s world.

Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter Studios

Moreover, the studios keep things fresh with changing exhibits and events throughout the year.

Imagine seeing the Hogwarts castle model dusted with a wintery coating of snow or exploring the darker side of magic in the ‘Dark Arts’ event.

There’s always something new to see and do.

Christmas at Harry Potter World

Whether you’re a die-hard Potterhead, a film buff, or just looking for a day out that’s a bit different, the Harry Potter Studios offers a peek into the magic behind the movies that brought one of our favourite wizarding worlds to life. 

And honestly, who could resist that?

I’m a massive Harry Potter fan, so I had to book the fully guided tour that takes you behind the scenes in the Harry Potter Studios. 

Was it worth it?

Wands at Harry Potter Studios in London

While browsing GetYourGuide , I chanced upon tickets for a guided tour at Harry Potter Studios, scheduled for a week later. As a long-time fan, I couldn’t resist.

I swiftly secured my ticket, booked a flight to London and arranged a night’s stay at The Phoenix – a charming hotel in the Paddington/Bayswater area of London .

With that, I was set for my magical escapade.

Tickets for this luxury tour are quite pricey, but when you consider the array of benefits included, it’s undeniable value for money:

  • A guide accompanies you from Euston St to the Harry Potter Studios
  • Return train ticket from Euston to Watford Junction
  • Shuttle bus transfer from Watford Junction to the studios
  • Complete guidance and fast-track access throughout the entire tour
  • Opportunity to re-enter the studios after completing the guided tour, again bypassing the queue

Read more about the tour and book for yourself here (free cancellation)

Our rendezvous point was at Euston Station, underneath the grand ‘ Arrivals ‘ board.

The guide, easy to spot with his tour flag, briefed us that we had about 15 minutes before the train departure – just enough time for a coffee and an Irn-Bru (the drink I’m still craving daily after living in Scotland). 

The journey from Euston to Watford Junction was a swift 20 minutes.

Once there, our guide led us to a shuttle bus for a brief 10-15 minute drive to the studios, located amid the tranquil countryside.

Harry Potter Studios from the outside

Though the exterior of the Harry Potter Studios may not be particularly awe-inspiring, what lies inside is nothing short of spectacular.

Upon disembarking from the shuttle, our second guide led us into the massive box-like building.

Once inside, each visitor was given a headset, a brilliant feature ensuring everyone could clearly hear the guide, regardless of their proximity.

Guided tour of Harry Potter World, tour guide

As we stepped into the studios, we were greeted by the splendid sight of the Great Hall.

As an ardent fan who has read each book at least ten times and sought every Harry Potter experience in London, and Edinburgh I was thoroughly impressed by the wealth of knowledge our guide offered.

Our guide expertly navigated the roped-off boundaries separating us from the numerous sets, props, and costumes, providing a depth of insight and engaging stories about the actors, the Harry Potter universe, and the exhibits.

inside Harry Potter World

The opportunity to experience such intimacy with the magic behind the films validates the cost of the ‘luxury tour’.

I’ve done a video from the Studios – and even though it’s in Danish I’m sure you can get a feel for the vibes:

At the tour’s conclusion, the guide offered to escort anyone who wished to revisit the studios back to the entrance, bypassing the queue.

However, I opted to return to London – travelling alone, waking up incredibly early, and the shuttle back seemed the best choice with a busy day at the office ahead.

There’s no doubt about it: if you’re a superfan of Harry Potter then this fully guided tour is a must and in my opinion one of the best things to do in London .

Check out availability for the tour at GetYourGuide here (they usually sell out quickly as it’s extremely popular!).

Frequently asked questions:

In response to this question, I cannot help but answer with an enthusiastic yes ! In this article, I’ve alluded to my Harry Potter fandom several times, expressing how the series has formed an integral part of my childhood.

Suddenly finding oneself walking through the Forbidden Forest, strolling down Diagon Alley, and stepping into Hagrid’s hut is surreal.

Given these uniquely personal experiences, I firmly believe the exclusive studio tour is worth the additional cost.

This sentiment isn’t just mine but echoes the overwhelmingly positive feedback from other superfans who have embarked on the tour. For these reasons, the luxury behind-the-scenes tour is a justifiable expense for any die-hard Harry Potter fan.

Although referred to as ‘Harry Potter Studios in London’, they’re technically located in the small town of Leavesden, just outside Watford, around 30 kilometres north of central London. There are numerous transportation options from London; the easiest is the combined entrance and transport ticket from London.

You’ll find an abundance of mesmerising exhibits! From the awe-inspiring Great Hall and the winding alleyways of Diagon Alley to the exterior of Petunia Dursley’s house, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into the Harry Potter universe. Other attractions include the knight bus, the Forbidden Forest complete with Hagrid’s Cabin, Dumbledore’s office, the intricate corridors of Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, the Weasley’s flying car, and the Hogwarts Express – which you can actually step aboard. Furthermore, you can enter the Elixir classroom and absorb the detailed ambience. 

Websites I use to book my trips 👇 • Booking.com has the best offers on hotels and unique places to stay • GetYourGuide is the best place to book tours & activities with free cancellation • This power bank is the one thing I never travel without • Welcome Pickups is the best & safest place to pre-book airport transfers Psst 👀 Have you subscribed to my Youtube channel and my Instagram where I provide more useful travel tips?

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Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter

london harry potter tour review

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london harry potter tour review

Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour with Transport from London

london harry potter tour review

Warner Bros. Studio Harry Potter Tour with Superior Transport from London

london harry potter tour review

Fully Guided Tour of Warner Bros Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

london harry potter tour review

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter and Oxford Day Trip

london harry potter tour review

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London The Making of Harry Potter with return transfers

london harry potter tour review

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Tanya G

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter - All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

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Amazingly great!! - Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter

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  • Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter

Amazingly great!!

My 5 year old son insisted I leave you a review so here you go….. Harry Potter world was insanely great and I’m giving it 5 stars, it’s my most favourite place I’ve been so far! Took him for his 6th birthday and he absolutely loved it! As did mum and dad so if ur thinking of going….DO IT

london harry potter tour review

Thank you for taking the time leave a review of your recent Studio Tour experience. We are delighted we could celebrate your son's birthday with you and are happy to hear that the day was magical. We look forward to welcoming you back to the attraction again in the future.

Overall had a brilliant day there's lots to see! Went on a Saturday afternoon which was very busy. I'd recommend visiting later in the day as it seemed to be quieter when we left at around 3/4pm Parking - If you drive an EV, don't bother paying for priority parking as all of the EV chargers are right at the front near the entrance (you couldn't get any closer). Barely any cars were using the EV chargers and that was on a busy Saturday afternoon.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of your recent visit. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed exploring the behind-the-scenes magic with us. We look forward to welcoming you back for another visit again in the future.

I have never seen a Harry Potter film but this was a great day out and you see some unbelievable things , our son is autistic and really struggled when he was having a video made in the green screen area but the staff were more than fantastic , thank you

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of your recent visit. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed exploring the behind-the-scenes magic with us, and that our staff helped enhance your son's experience. We look forward to welcoming you back for another visit again in the future.

We visited the studios with our son who has read all books and has watched the movies a hundred times! Both my son and my husband are Harry Potter fans while I have only seen movies 1 and 2 once! I must admit that it was a very fun experience for all three of us. They have done an amazing work and you really feel the magic! Congrats to all members of the staff! The only thing we might have changed is visiting with golden tours as we believe the 4 hours were not enough ( if you want to rest for 30 mins in the banklot cafe and also visit the shop). We rushed the last part of the studios and risked not having time to buy the things we wanted from the shop. At 19.15 there was a big queue ( approx. 15 mins for the cashier), while when we arrived at 15.30 there was no queue at all but we did not think to shop before the tour. Our son wants to visit again!

london harry potter tour review

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of your recent Warner Bros. Studio Tour London experience. We are pleased to hear that you enjoyed exploring the Studio Tour with us, and that there was something for everyone in your family to enjoy. We look forward to welcoming you back to the Studio Tour again in the future.

I bought my son a ticket as a gift for his birthday, my son is 13 and has addition needs and struggles with becoming overwhelmed in large crowds, as well a tasks such as waiting in a queue difficult. From the moment we arrived and spoke to the lovely lady at the ticket office we were treated with so much kindness and understanding which continued throughout the entire day. All staff members couldn’t be more helpful and friendly and made us feel welcome, informing us that there was a sensory room available if my son became overwhelmed as well as a sensory bag available at the information desk at no extra cost, this included items such as ear defenders and multiple fidget toys. They informed us of any upcoming loud noises and smoke machines and gave us the option to skip these areas if needed. We had an entire day of fun and my son thoroughly enjoyed himself, even asking to go back at another stage. I cannot thank all staff and everyone at Warner bro’s studio tour for making this day so special for us and helping my son to feel so included in something he absolutely loves!

london harry potter tour review

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of your recent visit. We are pleased to hear that you enjoyed the Studio Tour and felt our staff enhanced your son’s visit. We take pride in creating an entertaining, inclusive, and exciting experience, so we will pass along your kind words. We look forward to welcoming you back to the Studio Tour again in the future, as there is always more to discover.

Such a must do for Potter heads! It was so fun and exciting to walk through everything. There are tons of things to admire and see including lots of interactive places/activities for children (or adults) like making a howler, dualing with wands and even using magical props like broomsticks. It’s informative and educational whilst still being thrilling. You can see places like Hagrid’s hut, The Forbidden Forest, Bellatrix’s vault, Gringott’s bank, platform 9 and 3/4, etc. Tons to see and every corner has something new and exciting from props, special effects, creatures, rooms, entire scenes, etc. There are some fun little shops throughout where you can buy merch and Honeyduke snacks. The final souvenir shop at the end is the best, huge and has so many things to offer. A bit expensive but… no surprises there. They also have bathrooms throughout, a cafeteria where you can buy things like Butterbeer (and you get to keep the cup as a souvenir and there’s even a little rinsing station to clean it) and snacks and a regular coffee shop, Starbucks I think it was, in the main lobby. Even as adults, we found this experience to be amazing, entertaining and incredibly fun. Definitely worth it.

london harry potter tour review

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of your recent Studio Tour experience. We are glad to hear how much you enjoyed exploring the filmmaking magic that went into bringing the Harry Potter stories to life. We hope to see you again soon, as there's always more magic to discover.

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  • Mar 24, 2023

Harry Potter Studio Tour Review

Thinking about going to Warner Bros. studio London for The Making of Harry Potter tour, but not sure if it's worth the rather expensive price or what to expect? Having visited there myself, I can tell you with certainty that the studio is an absolute must-see for every Harry Potter fan. And as for what to expect... Read my Harry Potter studio tour review for lots of useful tips, from booking your tickets to getting there and making the most of your experience. It's everything I wish I had known before going!

Harry Potter studio tour London review

Buying tickets to Warner Bros. studio tour

In order to visit the Harry Potter studio tour, you must book your tickets in advance. Having a ticket is a prerequisite for being allowed on site, so you can't just show up and hope to be admitted. The tickets are timed, and visitors are grouped according to their timeslot and let inside at regular intervals.

When it comes to booking tickets, you have two options:

Buying tickets from the Warner Bros. website and making your own way to the studio. The pro here is flexibility - you can spend as much or as little time visiting the Harry Potter studio tour and leave whenever you feel ready. I have read very varying accounts of how much time people have ended up spending at the studio, so it's tricky to know in advance just how long you will want to stay for. However, with this option, it might not always be possible to get a ticket for the date you want, especially if booking at relatively short notice (and when I say short notice, I mean the next month or two).

Going through a tour company and getting a package of entrance tickets + bus transfer from Central London . The pro here is not having to worry about train + shuttle bus times, as you know exactly what time the bus leaves that gets you to your booked entrance slot. I also found availability of the package tickets to be a lot better than the tickets on the WB website. Picking this option does make it more expensive though, plus you are less flexible with your time at the Harry Potter studio tour.

Tip: If you decide to book on the Warner Bros website, but can't see any availability for your dates of visit, don't feel forced to book the bus package straight away. When I was booking our tickets, I discovered that availability changed every day and suddenly dates became bookable that had previously shown as full. So I kept checking, and, eventually, a slot opened up that worked for us. Of course, there's no guarantee that this will happen, but it's worth a try anyway.

Travelling to Warner Bros. studio from London

Warner Bros. Studio is located in Leavesden, which is quite a long way away from Central London. The best train station is Watford Junction, as there's a free shuttle bus from here arranged by the studio that ferries the guests back and forth at regular intervals.

If you decided to opt for a package of ticket + bus transfer, then not much to plan for you, as you will be driven straight to the studio. The tour company will give you the details of where the pickup point in Central London is. From what I've seen, the majority of pick ups are in the area of Victoria station, but there are a few other possible pickup locations, like King's Cross or Baker Street. All you have to do is find your way there, and also be at the collection point at Warner Bros Studio at the right time after completing the tour.

I chose to make my own way to the studios. The first part of the journey was taking the train from Euston station to Watford Junction. You can use an Oyster card or contactless for this journey, as Watford Junction is inside the London transport network. The trains are quite frequent and the journey time is around 15-20 minutes, and you can check the schedule in advance for your travel date.

The trickiest bit for me was figuring how to time arrival at Watford Junction, so that the wait for the shuttle bus would be minimal. The Warner Bros. website doesn't have a fixed timetable, instead saying that the buses run "at least every 30 minutes from 9.20am". Now, I don't know if they run more frequently, but I planned my timings based on 30 minute intervals, and there was indeed a bus there at that time.

The bus station is right next to the train station and it's easy to identify which stop the shuttle bus leaves from. You have to show your Harry Potter tour ticket to be able to board. Once you're on the bus, it will take another 15 minutes or so to get to the Warner Bros. Studio, during which you get shown a short intro video.

Harry Potter studio tour London shuttle bus

Tip: If you are travelling to Watford Junction using an Oyster card or contactless, make sure you keep your eyes open for where to tap in at Euston station. Usually, there are gates to pass through, where you use your card or ticket to open them, but the platform that we were assigned didn't have these gates in operation on entrance. There was a single tapping point pretty high up, which we completely missed, as it was hidden by the crowd of people streaming onto the train. So then we had to ask staff where to tap in, run all the way back up to do it and run back down to get on the train, which we almost missed as a result.

On the way back to London, there is a screen in the cloakroom area of the WB studio that counts down the time until the next shuttle bus. That's where it all went a bit wrong for us. We exited when it said the shuttle bus would be leaving in five minutes and queued up at the collection point. However, the only shuttle bus that came dropped off the passengers from Watford, and then went and parked up at the charging point instead of picking us up. So we waited and waited, and the queue got longer and longer. There were only a few seats towards the very front of the queue under the small bus shelter, whereas everyone else had to stand the whole time. Plus, there is no screen at the bus shelter that tells you when to expect the next bus. I don't even know how long we stood there for, it certainly felt like an eternity, but when a shuttle bus finally arrived for the trip to the station, there were so many people waiting that not everyone managed to fit onto the bus, even though they allowed people to stand on the top deck, which is normally prohibited. I really hope the people who had to remain behind didn't have to wait 30 minutes for the next shuttle...

Arrival at Harry Potter studio tour

Whether you come on a tour bus or the shuttle bus from Watford Junction, you get dropped off in the parking lot of the Leavesden studio, from where you walk a short way through a wand alley towards the building entrance.

Harry Potter studio tour entrance

At the entrance, there are bag searches in operation, so be prepared for a short wait as the security men go through everyone's bags. After completing that, you end up in a very large lobby, with the digital guide station and cloakroom right by the entrance, plus as you walk further in, there are several cafes, toilets, the studio souvenir shop, as well as the queueing point for starting the tour.

Harry Potter studio tour lobby

Cloakrooms are free to use and will take bags and coats. If your visit is during the colder time of the year and you come wearing a coat, be aware that though most of the tour is indoor, some of the sets are outside, so the cloakroom attendant recommended keeping our coats on.

If you arrive with time to kill before your entrance timeslot, you could do your Harry Potter souvenir shop straight away and then leave the shopping bags in the cloakroom, so as not to carry them around. The souvenir shop is very large and has lots of different categories to choose from:

Harry Potter studio tour souvenir shop

My tip: definitely get the souvenir guidebook! You can pre-buy it when booking the tickets at the Warner Bros. website, in which case you will get a voucher to show to the cashier. You will still have to pick the book up in the shop and queue up with the rest of the shoppers, so there is no advantage of pre-booking vs. just buying it when you get there. The book is a lovely memory and is put together in a great way, with lots of photos and interesting bits and bobs to know about each set. I love mine!

I opted for pre-booking digital guides as well, so we picked those up on arrival. You don't have to pre-book and can also decide to just pay for one on arrival, and it's the same queue for both. To be honest, my tip for you is to skip them. I thought the digital guide experience wasn't very cohesive with the exhibition. There is TONS of extra information on the guide, with many videos and photos, so you end up having to spend a lot of time standing around looking at a tiny screen rather than the exhibits. I found it rather overwhelming and time-consuming. There were a few extra bits on the digital guides we found interesting, like the talk about how the child actors were schooled during the filming, but by and large, we felt the actual sets and the information displays at the exhibition were more than enough to have a great experience. Plus, about halfway through the tour, my guide decided to give up the ghost. By that time, we'd given up on using them anyway, so it wasn't a big deal.

Food and drink at Harry Potter studio tour

For our visit, I booked the Warner Bros. studio afternoon tea in the Food Hall before starting the tour, and I can highly recommend it. The Food Hall is in the lobby area, so you can visit here either before or after the studio tour.

I'll be honest with you, I wasn't expecting much in terms of taste and quality as it's such a popular tourist destination, but the food was really excellent and the service very friendly. There were sandwiches, savoury pastries, sweet pastries and scones. The visual highlight was the golden snitch choux, which I stupidly forgot to take a close-up photo of... Not only was everything delicious, but, compared to what you pay for afternoon tea in Central London, I felt it was great value for money as well (£70 for 2 people when we visited in February 2023).

Afternoon tea at Harry Potter studio tour

We went for a traditional afternoon tea, but there are also vegan and gluten-free options on offer. The portion size is generous and it's very filling, but if you can't finish everything there and then, the staff can put the leftovers in a doggy bag and even store it for you until the end of your tour.

During our session, there were quite a few tables still free and there was a sign inviting visitors to ask about the afternoon tea, so it might be possible to be spontaneous and get a spot on arrival, but booking in advance is of course a more certain way to guarantee access.

I was also really looking forward to a break in the Backlot Café, which is located about midway through the tour. By that time, we were ready for a small rest after walking around for so long. The coolest thing about the Backlot Café is of course the famous butterbeer. Unfortunately, the queue was out the door and there weren't any free tables to sit at either, so we had to pass. That means I still don't know what butterbeer tastes like... *sigh* Therefore, my tip for you - if having a taste of butterbeer is a non-optional activity during your Harry Potter studio tour, be prepared for waiting, and you might have to drink it while standing too.

Harry Potter Studio Tour Backlot café queue

There are actually two queues in the photo above, one is for food + butterbeer, and the other one, on the right hand side, is for just butterbeer. Both queues were long and only got longer.

There are more cafés in the lobby that you can visit before or after the tour, but I didn't use them, so nothing to report here.

What happens during the Harry Potter studio tour?

The first (short) part of the Harry Potter studio tour is led by staff. After everyone has gathered for the current timeslot, you are ushered through the first few rooms as a group, with some staff announcements plus a video during those. The last staff-led room is the Great Hall. Here, you are given some time to take photos, after which you have to leave the room, as the next group will be coming along shortly. You can't come back to that first part of the tour afterwards.

Staff intro at the gates to the Great Hall, Harry Potter studio tour London

After the Great Hall, you are no longer linked to your timeslot group and can explore the exhibition at your own pace, however quickly or slowly you want to do it. You can also double back if you want to see something again. There are members of staff around in case you have questions about any of the sets, but there's no guide assigned to your group. If you do want a guided tour of the Harry Potter studio, you might want to look into their deluxe tickets .

Most of the sets are visible to everyone. What I mean by that is that you are naturally walking through them (Forbidden Forest, Gringotts, Diagon Alley) or by them (Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms, Dumbledore's office etc.) as you go through the studio tour. And my oh my is there a lot of awesome stuff to see and learn. The amount of detail that goes into making each of these sets is absolutely incredible! I don't want to give too much away, but here are a few photos to whet your appetite:

Gryffindor dormitory Harry Potter studio tour London

As you go through, you learn both things specific to the Harry Potter film franchise and also more generic things about film making. One of my favourite parts was discovering how the goblin masks were made - a truly fascinating and intricate process that is shown through a really well-made video.

Some sets have to be entered to be seen. These are the sets like the inside of Hogwarts Express, Privet Drive and the greenhouse. Because they can only take so many people at once, that results in queues to get in, which means we skipped those. Here's the queue to get on board Hogwarts Express, for example:

Queue to enter Hogwarts Express

Also, the majority of the sets are of the 'you can look, but you can't touch' variety, but there are some very cool free photo ops where you interact with the set, like Hagrid's motorbike, Mr. Weasley's car and Bellatrix Lestrange's vault. There was hardly any queuing needed for those, and the photos turned out awesome. And speaking of which, photography during the Warner Bros. studio tour is not only allowed but also actively encouraged, so do bring along a camera to make sure you have plenty of memories to take home with you.

On top of that, in the green-screen experience areas, you can get transplanted into the Harry Potter world, flying a broom or riding the Hogwarts Express. There is no filming or photography allowed here, except for what is done by the staff. After filming, you can purchase photos or videos, but those come at an additional cost and are yet another thing we decided to pass on. If you do want to take part, there were hardly any people queuing, so you will be able to get your turn quickly.

Another fun part of the Harry Potter studio tour for me was the Activity Passport. The staff will tell you where to pick one up at the beginning of the tour, and then you can collect stamps at various points as well as answer trivia questions. The passport made for a really cool souvenir!

Harry Potter studio tour Activity Passport

So how much time did all of the above take? I mentioned in the beginning of the post that it seems to be very individual, so I am not sure you can use my visit as a guideline for yours. For us, just the actual tour, excluding afternoon tea, browsing the souvenir shop and things like that, so just walking through the exhibition, took 3.5 hours. And that was skipping all the places with queues and the green screen experiences. There is a lot to take in and time sure does fly when you're having fun!

I hope you found this post useful and that it answered any questions you might have ahead of your visit. I thought that Harry Potter studio tour was absolutely amazing and hopefully you feel that way as well after you see it all for yourself! Feel free to also check out my other London posts to make your stay in the capital even more fun.

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Review: Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London

By: Author The Working Line

Posted on Published: January 30, 2023  - Last updated: September 22, 2023

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If you’re ever looking for Harry Potter things to do in London , you have to visit the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in Leavesden. I’ve been three times already, and as much as I think it’s a bit pricey, the Harry Potter experience you get out of it is crazy magical.

Later on, I’ll talk about all the best Harry Potter shops in London, alongside Harry Potter film locations, and probably Harry Potter things to do in London as well (two of them are paying a visit to the Millenium Bridge on Southbank, and the other one is paying a visit to the Lego Store in Leicester Square to see all the beautiful Harry Potter installations).

But for now, if you set aside makeup shopping and visiting all the best TK Maxx in London in search of new candle brands, visiting the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in Leavesden, just outside of London, is probably the next best thing.

The first time I visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour was about 5 years ago. My sister turned 15 that very same day and so she got to enter Hogwarts by herself, meaning she got to push the doors to the Great Hall as is the tradition at the Warner Bros studios when it’s someone’s birthday.

Aside from being able to take the Tour for the second time, we were delighted, a few years ago, to see that a few props and movie sets had been added just for the sake of the 15th Anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone .

So let’s get to it, and if you’d like to see more amazing things to do in London and places to see , check out the following guides:

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I’m a bit disappointed I couldn’t share all the pics I wanted to here, but I had to make a selection to show you a bit of everything: movie sets, props, accessories…

The Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour is huge, and there’s really a lot to see. I had more than 400 pics and narrowed them down to 86, then to 30 .

You’ve got props and accessories and movie sets of all the movies mixed in the Harry Potter Studio Tour. You’ve got the the Ministry of Magic close to Umbridge’s office, there’s the Great Hall and all the wigs and outfits used during the movies, Snape’s Potions room and Molly’s kitchen, Goblins’, Dobby’s and Nearly Headless Nick’s masks…

It’s a big mix of things and sets that will take you away to Harry’s world, and truly a must-see for any Harry Potter fan .

The second year we visited the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in London , we saw that a few more movie sets and props had been added, as well as Harry Potter things to do inside the studios.

Privet Drive and the Hogwarts Express had both been added to the tour, and on top on being able to climb on a broom, you could also make Fluffy drool, as well as taste Butterbeer and Butterbeer ice cream at the end of the tour.

The third time I paid a visit to the Warner Bros Harry Potter studios, I also saw that the Forbidden Forest had been added, which clearly was one of my favorite parts of the tour.

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Entrance

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When you enter the Harry Potter Studio Tour, you’ll see in the entrance a few props already, as well as the flying Ford Anglia used in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (the one that flies over King’s Cross Station).

You’ll probably be given a badge, as was the case for me the few times I went to the Tour. The first room is a kind of recap of the movies, really dark, and the only room in which you’re not allowed to take pictures if I remember well.

Then, just outside this first room, and once the short movie is done, the door opens to the front of the Great Hall.

The doors are still closed, and the employee taking care of the start of your tour will ask whose birthday it is – if that’s your birthday, you’ll be allowed to come to the front and push the doors open, unveiling the Great Hall.

Best Harry Potter Things to Do in London: The Great Hall

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Depending on the time of the year (Halloween, Christmas) , the Great Hall is adjusted to look just like the movies. I went at Christmastime only once, but it really looked good, with a huge Christmas tree and decorations.

When you look up, you’ll see the shimmering lights of the candles suspended in the air that you can spot in the Harry Potter movies.

You’ll see the Sorting Hat, along with two of the long house tables, and, at the end of the Great Hall, all the teachers with the outfits used in the Harry Potter saga. One of the best parts of the Great Hall, though, is Professor Dumbledore’s Owl Lecturn.

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Movie Sets

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One of the most impressive parts of the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in London is the meeting scene with the Death-Eaters at the Malfoys’ Manor when they kill Charity Burbage.

That part of the Studio Tour is really grand, with a long table, and you can recognize each character from their wig and even just their outfit.

A few years after my first visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, I saw that you could also get inside the Hogwarts Express, which wasn’t even on the first time I came.

You can hop in to see Harry and Ron on their way to Hogwarts, and even the outfits worn at the very end of the last movie (sigh: all was well).

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Diagon Alley

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Diagon Alley is another really impressive part of the Warner Bros Studios in Leavesden. What I mostly love about the Harry Potter Studio Tour is really all the detail Harry Potter fans can enjoy.

I’ve always loved props, and have always been kind of interested in the cinema industry (before I wanted to become a makeup artist, I wanted to be an actress – shhh).

As such, seeing all kinds of wand boxes at Ollivander’s, seeing Knockturn Alley, and the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes shop in Diagon Alley really is super impressive – especially since it does actually move as it does in the movies.

Best Harry Potter Things to Do in London: Ministry of Magic

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Another great part of the Harry Potter Studio Tour is the huge room in which you can see the Ministry of Magic – probably one of my favorites.

You have the Magic is Might monument, the grand sculpture of Muggles being crushed inside the Ministry of Magic, as well as Dolores Umbridge’s office, with all the pink details it entails.

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Props

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As I said, I’m a big fan of detail, and the props are what I was most attracted to all three times I visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

I’m a makeup artist , aren’t I, and I clearly loved seeing the makeup artists’ stations during the tour. I could see a lot of products I was already used to bringing on photoshoots with me, and it really just felt heartwarming.

I also loved seeing the Philosopher’s Stone, the Beauxbatons girls’ hats, the Fat Lady’s portrait, Voldemort reborn, as well as the chess pieces you can see in the first Harry Potter movie.

Although I only took a picture of the two chess pieces you can see above, the entire chess set is there, full-size and really huge.

Best Harry Potter Things to Do in London: Leaving for Hogwarts

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As I said, the first time I paid a visit to the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour, the Hogwarts Express had not yet been installed.

It was really fun to actually get to go on Platform 9 3/4 without having to queue at King’s Cross Station (because there’s really always a huge queue).

The replica of the Hogwarts castle was there, on the other hand, and while it’s not the huge castle you’d expect, it’s still bigger than most human beings and still impressive.

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Privet Drive

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Being able to actually enter 4, Privet Drive is a game-changer when you love the Harry Potter books and movies. You’ve got flying letters everywhere, popping out of the chimney and the mailbox, and you can really imagine yourself on the movie set.

Harry Potter’s cupboard is not located in that part of the Studio Tour; it’s at the entrance of the Tour, which I thought was a shame, but you’ve still got lots to see inside this room.

It’s quite small inside, which means you may have to wait a little bit before entering on peak days, but it’s worth it.

Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London: End of the Tour

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And so we come to the Backlot Café to taste Butterbeer and Butterbeer Ice Cream.

My thoughts on both? Butterbeer is a mix of really thick, sugary cream that almost looks like a beer and like soda under that’s absolutely disgusting .

We ate all of the creams, as it was stunning but left the soda – the mix of both is not a great idea at all.

It was pretty expensive too, £3.95 for a normal-sized glass. If you are not keen on wasting money, do buy the Butterbeer Ice Cream though.

It’s a really thick and creamy ice cream with something that tastes like caramel on it – it is a delicious, exquisite ice cream that I’d definitely buy again if I went back to the Studios, even though it costs £4.95.

Overall, the Harry Potter Studio Tour ‘restaurant’ or coffee shop, however you want to call it, does not offer the best food.

Another time I visited the Warner Bros Studios, I got a muffin that was rather dry – so I’d really just stick to the Butterbeer Ice Cream.

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All in all, I do think that visiting the Warner Bros Studios is one of the best Harry Potter things to do in London, especially if you’re looking for filming locations.

The second time I visited, I also came with my sister (I only went on my own the last time), and we ended up enjoying it more than the first time. We really took the time to enjoy every bit of the tour, which also featured more props and movie sets than the first time.

Until next time!

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london harry potter tour review

The Working Line

Sam is a certified fashion makeup artist, a freelance writer, a blogger and a digital nomad. Since 2019, she roams around the world, from London to Rome and shares her knowledge about makeup, scented candles, travel, blogging and the digital nomad lifestyle.

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The Ultimate Harry Potter Studio Tour Review (+ top tips)

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Put on your favorite Gryffindor shirt , everyone (mine is this one – LOVE IT!)

When Harry Potter first became popular in the States, I was 11 and obsessed with chapter books.

I vividly remember reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ( Philosopher’s Stone in the UK ) under my blanket with a flashlight like the little geek I was.

Because of the release dates of the books, I’m part of the generation that quite literally grew up with Harry Potter as the new books (and films) came out.

I even co-created a Harry Potter club on the playground in elementary school.

There were ‘report cards’ for Potions and Defense against the Dark Arts and we also ‘sorted’ people into Houses.

I regret nothing . Everything . NOTHING.

Anyways, now that I live in the UK as an American expat in the UK , I’ve had the opportunity to go to the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford a few times.

A room in the Harry Potter Studio Tour

⭐️ Top tip! ⭐️

The Harry Potter Studio Tour sells out FAST, so if you want to go, book your tickets + transfers here now (I recommend this one).

>>Click here to book in advance

Also, my husband was an extra in the movies so, you know, home sweet home to him.

Here’s my Harry Potter studio tour review to help you decide whether or not to splurge and make this a part of your trip to London, whether you’re a short-term visitor or a student studying abroad in London . 

Oh, and pro tip: it’s a great date option in London for a Harry Potter loving couple!

Scroll to the bottom for my advice on the best tours of the Harry Potter studios to take and why I think you should join this guided tour rather than booking your own transportation separately.


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Harry Potter Studio Tour Review: The Experience

The line for the tour starts in the lobby.

There are ticket counters, a gift shop, and a café in the lobby area where you can wander around until the start time on your ticket.

Make sure to scroll to the end of this post to see how to buy tickets, as this attraction sells out fast and months in advance, so the chance you can just stroll up on the day are minimal.

In the lobby area, they’ve got a few props dotted around to get you excited, and then, once it’s time for you to discover Harry Potter’s magical world, you enter two rooms.

Photo of Harry Potter

The first part of the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour experience is a holding room where a staff member (dressed in Hogwarts robes, obviously) tells you to have a great time but DO NOT TOUCH BECAUSE THESE PROPS ARE BASICALLY NATIONAL TREASURES.

This is the real set where the cast and crew filmed many of the scenes of the movies, and this is no Universal Studios recreation.

This is the real deal.

IMPORTANT: are you coming to the UK from abroad?

In case you’re reading this from outside the UK and will be a foreign visitor here, you need to know these 2 things to stay safe and save money.

  • Travel insurance – you need it when going overseas! I use this site to get the best quotes and purchase my packages from. Do not skip this – having medical coverage abroad as well as other coverage in case of missed flights, lost luggage, etc is essential. As I said, I have never gone wrong using this site .
  • International debit cards without fees – do not get stuck paying extortionate foreign fees when using your card abroad (and the UK is almost all card these days). I use the Wise debit and travel card which you can apply and learn more about here .

You then go into a movie theater, where you watch a recording of Daniel, Emma, and Rupert talking about how they grew up at these studios.

By this point I had already almost shed a tear, let’s be honest.

They do a really nice transition into the first room, the Great Hall, which waits for you just behind the massive set of doors you see in the movie theater.

The Great Hall in Harry Potter at the Studio Tour

This is where you are allowed to mill about on your own and the fangirling really kicks in. OH HEY, DUMBLEDORE, HEY.

Costumes on display at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

One of the tour guides gives lots of information about the Great Hall and which movies the costumes are from and then sets you free to explore the rest on your own.

Sets on display at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

The first room of the Harry Potter Studio tour holds the majority of the sets that you’ll see on the tour.

Potions and cauldrons at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

It’s a massive space and has been laid out to make it easy to make your way around as fast as you want or just stop and stare with your mouth hanging open as you hate yourself for not being a child actor in England at the time of filming because you TOTALLY could have been Hermione.

These are really the “larger than life” areas that help bring the movies back to life for you.

london harry potter tour review

I found it incredibly easy to take my time to wander around here, listening to the audio guide or reading the descriptions on the side of the set pieces.

No one is there rushing you to continue on – it’s just you and Harry Potter bliss.

Harry Potter's bed

Another component of the first section is an exhibit on Platform 9 3/4, including the Hogwarts Express, plenty of chances to pretend you’re on your way to Hogwarts, and a reconstructed set on the inside of the train taking you from the gang’s first journey to the end of the series.

Train carriage with model Harry and Ron

There’s not as much to look at in this room, but the main focus is on the train anyway, so it does its job well.

Hogwarts Express at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

After the first rooms, you make your way outside to see the exterior sets. There’s a café and places to sit and eat in case you come around lunch or dinnertime, and you can try Butter Beer or Butter Beer ice cream.

If these are going to be an essential part of your trip to the Harry Potter studio tour, make sure you leave time as the lines can get long.

Food queue at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

The exterior sets don’t lend themselves to being as naturally impressive as the interior sets, but there are great photo opportunities on the Knight Bus, in front of the Dursley’s House, and in the flying car.

Note that the Dursley’s Houses are very much open air sets – there are no coverings, so if the weather is poor then you’re going to experience that when trying to take your pictures of you knocking on the door.

Harry Potter's house at Privet Drive

The last time I was there, there wasn’t a sign that explained that the Dursleys lived at 4 Privet Drive, but I would imagine they’ve added that to help all of the people taking pictures of the “Dursley house” while standing in front of 3 Privet Drive.

They do look identical, but one was home to Harry Potter and one was probably home to an average British family who were too polite to ask their neighbors to calm it down with all the wizarding that went on after dark.

From there, you head into the “Creatures” section, which is a smaller room but is probably the best room for understanding the technical ways the crews brought the world to life.

Masks at the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Leavesden

It also gets pretty weird, like when you’re confronted with dead/knocked out dummies of your favorite characters.


A body on a shelf at Harry Potter tour

Or when this happens.

A giant spider on the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford England

Or when you come face to face with a dying Voldemort. All I can say is KILL IT. KILL IT NOW.

A dying Voldemort in the Harry Potter Studio tour in England

Then you’re led into Diagon Alley, which is one of the most immersive parts of the tour and speaks for itself.

If you’ve been to the Harry Potter area in Universal Studios Orlando, you may be familiar with some of the Diagon Alley sets as they have been recreated there.

However, these are the real deal, and one of the reasons why my review of the Harry Potter studio tour in London is meant to show you how this is the ultimate in Harry Potter fandom.

Harry Potter set in the Studio Tour

After the sets is the blueprints section where you see the architectural drawings for many of the major structures, as well as the concept art that helped them to get the tone and feel of the movies correct.

Set design blueprints

At the end, you might be dragging a bit after taking in so much information.

It’s Harry Potter overload in the best way possible.

You meander around the corner, wondering if this is the end of the tour.

And then, BOOM.

You stumble upon the castle model and you start to get a tingle inside and soft music is playing in the background and the lights are dimmed.

The audio guide starts up with the “Final days” clips where you hear various actors and crew talk about how much of a family they had become, and suddenly you are feeling ALL THE FEELS. I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING.

Hogwarts models at Harry Potter Studio Tour

This is the model they used through every film to help film exterior castle shots, and it’s truly a testament to how much detail and precision and care went into creating the films.

Once you’ve wiped your snot all over your jacket and have already queued up all 8 films on your Netflix from your phone, you exit into a tribute to all of the cast and crew of the films (4,000+ wands in total).

Wand boxes

And then it’s time for Harry Potter mecca, also known as the gift shop.

The gift shop is moderately to expensively priced, with adult shirts ranging from about 18 to 25 pounds.

But you can pretty much buy anything Potter related here, so if you want something to take home, you’ll find it here.

Gift shop at the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Overall, I would highly recommend the Harry Potter studio tour to any fan.

It’s also great for any non-fans who are interested in movie-making, and you can easily take the whole family and have everyone enjoy it.

They say to leave 3 to 3 1/2 hours for the tour, and we took exactly 3 1/2 hours.

They have a ‘green screen’ exhibit where you can ride on a broomstick, but this usually has a line, which would add time.

We also didn’t spend that long in the gift shop, so tack that on as more time.

They offer an audio guide, and while it doesn’t necessarily make or break the experience, I found it really interesting and it has clips short enough so that it’s not droning on and on.

Also Tom Felton (who plays Draco) narrates it, so, if he’s your thing, there’s that.

As JK Rowling’s quote says on the last wall as you exit,

“The stories we love best do live in us forever, so whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”


Harry Potter Studio Tour Prices (2022)

There are group ticket prices for the Harry Potter Studio tour, but if you’re heading there as an individual person or family, here’s what you need to know

Price for an adult ticket: £51.50 Price for a child’s ticket (5-15 years): £40.00

Tickets are free for a child from 0 to 4 years old, so at least you can save yourself that expense.

There is also an add-on charge if you want to purchase a guidebook and a digital guide.

How to Book Tickets to the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Tickets to the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour exhibit sell out fast, and they book well in advance.

If you think you’re just going to show up randomly and be able to get in, clearly you don’t understand the absolute powerhouse that (still) is Harry Potter.

The best way to book tickets is to book either directly through the website or by purchasing tickets to Harry Potter studio tour in a package with transportation to and from London.  

If you’re unsure how to get around and want someone else to do it for you, this is the best way to book tickets .

You can also book a fully-guided tour of the Harry Potter studio tour combined with transfers and tickets for the ultimate Harry Potter fan

Other special experiences when it comes to the Harry Potter Studio Tour include:

  • Breakfast at the Harry Potter Studio Tour
  • Harry Potter Studio Tour and a Day Trip to Oxford Package

Check out this guide on how to get to the Harry Potter Studio Tour from London for more information.

london harry potter tour review

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9 thoughts on “The Ultimate Harry Potter Studio Tour Review (+ top tips)”

This is so funny because I ALMOST did a review of the Harry Potter Studio Tour today! I typed it in and then thought, I’ll do Chatsworth House because it’ll take me 2 days to review the studio tour.

I LOVED it! I’d go back in a second. Most of your photos look similar to mine but I don’t remember that shot of nagini on the table with the dark lords, and the TRAIN! I didn’t realize they’d added that. When I went two years ago the concession stand was just a tiny stand outside and there was no Hogwarts train. Perfect excuse for another visit soon 🙂 I loved how in the burrow it had a pot washing itself and needles knitting themselves.

I might try out that Tom Felton-narrated audio guide next time :). I became an instant Draco-fan when someone who went to FanEX a few years ago had Tom call me on the phone. I heard a British accent. And then I died.

Ugh. I just love Harry Potter.

Great review!

I LOVE that you were just about to review it (also, sorry, didn’t mean to steal your thunder haha). We must lead parallel lives…

Cannot believe Tom Felton called you on the phone, so jealous. Ah, talking about it just makes me want to go back! I want to go around Christmas when it’s all decorated and there is snow on the castle. 🙂

I think we do lol. I went at Christmas time and it was magical 🙂 Though I think it’s magical any old time :p

Ah I love Harry Potter too! I went on this tour about 3 years ago, so I definitely want to go again to see the new additions. This year I was lucky enough to check out the HP world in Orlando. I’d definitely recommend going if you ever get the chance!

Oh that’s awesome! I’m actually from Orlando so am spoiled! I went when it first opened but they’ve added so much since then it’s probably a completely new experience. I hope you had fun! From what I remember, the ride in the castle was AMAZING!

Ah wow! If I lived there I think I’d be there all the time!!

Oh my god this is the coolest thing ever!!! I was about 8 or 9 when I read the first book and read them all as they came out, saw all the movies and really grew up with them!

🙂 🙂 You should make it your mission to go one day! Definitely worth it!

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Unique Fully Guided Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

Delight as the magic of Harry Potter comes to life again before your eyes. This fully guided London studios tour will take you back to your favorite scenes, with the real props, costumes and sets, and unforgettable behind-the-scenes commentary from an expert English-speaking  Studio Tour guide who knows how the film magic brought the books to life. Get exclusive Timed entry to the experience of the Great Hall, Hagrid’s Hut and Platform 9 ¾, with return transport from Central London.

  • Arrive by authentic Muggle train and step into Hogwarts on the *only* fully-guided tour of the spectacular Warner Bros. Studios: The Making of Harry Potter, in small groups of 8 or less so you can really appreciate the magic.
  • Your official Studio tour guide will be there to help you make the most of our exclusive time entry - so there’s no waiting in line and priority re-entry, meaning you won’t miss a moment.
  • See the amazing sets, costumes and props from across the eight amazing Harry Potter movies: all so detailed and recognizable. Sip on some Butterbeer, ride a broomstick and enter the breathtaking Great Hall …

Your Harry Potter Studio Tour Experience

What's included.

  • Fully guided tour of Warner Bros. Studios in English, with an expert Harry Potter tour guide
  • Small groups of 8 people or fewer
  • Admission with timed entry to Warner Bros Studios
  • Transportation to and from the meeting point

Sites Visited

  • Warners Brothers Studios (inside) 

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the Making of Harry Potter on our fully-guided Warner Bros. Studio Tour in English. As a Warner Bros. Studio Tour London preferred partner, we’re the only tour company that allows you to learn about the real-life movie magic used to create the beloved film series from an official, Studio Tour guide.   

Start your magical journey in Central London, where you’ll meet a City Wonders representative to collect your return train tickets directly to Watford Junction Station. After arriving at Watford Junction, you’ll be taken to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London via an official shuttle bus.

Once you arrive at the Studios, you’ll enjoy timed access and a greeting from a dedicated English-speaking  Studio Tour guide, who will reveal the wonders you’ll encounter throughout your tour of the original sets, props, and costumes from the Harry Potter™ film series. Next, view a short introductory film before being led into the most iconic set of the series: the Great Hall.  

From there, your Studio Tour guide will begin to share production secrets and inside information, as well as highlight the processes used to bring the films to life. As the only fully-guided tour, this experience is completely unique and the best way to explore the behind-the-scenes magic of the Harry Potter film series as you walk along the famous cobbled street of Diagon Alley™, featuring the shop fronts of Ollivanders™, Flourish and Blotts™, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, Gringotts™ Bank and Eeylops Owl Emporium™.

You’ll also visit the original Hogwarts Express locomotive and a re-creation of Platform 9 ¾ where you can climb aboard the train’s carriage and pose for a photo with a luggage trolley as it disappears through the platform wall. Enjoy other memorable sets from the Harry Potter film series, including the Gryffindor common room, the boys’ dormitory, Hagrid’s Hut, the Potions classroom, and Dumbledore’s office – all while being captivated by the secrets and insights shared by your guide.

Step Into the Forbidden Forest

Defy Professor Dumbledore’s orders and follow Harry, Ron and Hermione’s footsteps into the Forbidden Forest. Home to Buckbeak the Hippogriff, Aragog the Acromantula and 19 trees, each with a diameter of over 12 feet, visitors are invited to walk beneath the giant entwined roots and discover how to control the weather using the same techniques used during filming.

15th September – 5th November Delve a little deeper into the world of the Dark Arts as the Studios are transformed for the Halloween Season. From floating pumpkins in the Great Hall to pools of silvery unicorn blood, you’ll learn how the Prop Making Department hand-crafted spooky items to bring the Wizarding World to life. You’ll also be able to test out your wand combat skills against an actual Death Eater as they patrol an eerier Diagon Alley!

Hogwarts in the Snow

11th November – 14th January The Studio Tour becomes even more magical during the Christmas season! Explore Hogwarts in the Snow to learn how film-makers created ice that never melts and fireplaces that burn forever with special effects. Special Christmas props including hand-made cards, Christmas trees, and decorations from the Yule Ball will also be on display.

Once your guided tour comes to an end, you have the option to re-enter and explore the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London at your leisure, find a special Harry Potter souvenir at the Studio Shop or enjoy a coffee in the Studio Tour Cafe. When you're ready to head back to central London, your City Wonders representative will provide train tickets and all necessary information for an easy journey.

This unique, fully-guided tour at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter is the only tour of its kind and is sure to create the memory of a lifetime!

Thousands of 5-Star Reviews

Tripadvisor, know before you go, meeting point.

Euston War Memorial outside of Euston Station - Open in Google Maps

Important Notes

  • We will do everything within our power to ensure timings and itineraries are respected; however, due to issues beyond our control, timings and sites are subject to last minute changes on rare occasions.

Cancelation Policy

This tour is subject to a 48-hour cancelation policy. If you wish to cancel or amend your booking, you can do so without charge by contacting us up to 48 hours in advance of your expected departure time.

  • Book Direct: Best prices always guaranteed.
  • Multilingual Customer Service: Talk to us, we are here to help.
  • No Hidden Costs: All taxes and fees included.

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Explore the Churchill War Rooms in a hidden bunker beneath London, where the Prime Minister and his aides planned their victory over Hitler. Our expert guide will also give you the stories behind Westminster, 10 Downing Street, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament.

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Warner Bros. Studio Tour London   Reviews

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Harry Potter Tour - Amazing Set up

This was the last instalment for my wife's 65th birthday. She loves Harry Potter. The staff are amazing, one member brought us a portable seat, as my wife damage her back few months ago. The staff are really nice and do a wonderful things to make your visit worth while. The food was really nice, not nasty, flavours were wonderful. The tour is amazing and we were very impressed with the attention to detail. The sets and props are so cool. We hope to visit again in the near future. Pass this message on to the hard working staff at this tour.

Date of experience : 20 April 2024

amazing amazing amazing

I've been about 4 times, most recently just last week and it has always been, and will always be, an AMAZING experience from start to finish. All the staff are extremely nice and knowledgeable, but the place itself?? Beyond any dreams!! It has everything, or at least most of the things any fan would want to see and the graphics, design and technology involved is astonishingly well done. I'm so proud for Harry Potter to be a British creation and so proud we have the studios, with a lot of original items, here. And the shop at the end!? Absolute heaven, can spend a good few hours there even though it's so pricey

Date of experience : 15 August 2023

Absolutely fantastic day out

Absolutely fantastic day out. Your eyes really couldn't take it all in. Interactive displays and with staff so interesting. Yes they want to upsell with photos and videos but you suit your own budget. Eating in the food court wasn't overly expensive and it was very tasty. The Butter Butterbeer was delicious and a must try. Worth every penny!

Date of experience : 26 March 2023

Totally amazing

As soon as you walk in, you wow from the start.. Having never watched a Harry Potter film, I'm so looking forward to watching them all in a day or two when I'm off work. My niece Ruby who's 10 loves and knows all about Harry Potter said I am very lucky to go.. I now know what she means. I went with a friend who needed help looking after two grandchildren 9 n 10. What a great time we had.Totally amazing work throughout the studio. Just one word of warning food and souvenirs are truly expensive. Not pocket money friendly at all for some. Take your own food and buy a postcard to keep.

Date of experience : 14 February 2024

Security at entrance is unbeliveably…

Security at entrance is unbeliveably rude. Put up a sign with instructions to tell visitors what to do when entering instead of yelling at them…we have paid ridicoulous money to visit!! Show some respect and common courtesy!! First and last visit

Date of experience : 02 October 2022

dreadful customer service- Still not…

dreadful customer service- Still not received confirmation email even tho money has been taken from my account- Emails, Phone NOT answered. Shameful service . NO way to get in contact -- Case Number WB-0416293 - Can PLEASE CONTACT ME.

Date of experience : 13 January 2022

Wonderful experience at the studio

I had a wonderful time at the studio both enjoying foods, drinks and if course experiencing the sets, probs special effects and so on. And the staff were soo awesome and helpful. I was visiting with my husband and 1,5 year old and it we are definitely going back next time we are in London.

Date of experience : 17 October 2023

very bad phone line been waiting for…

very bad phone line been waiting for more than 1hr no one answer how we can redeem the unsed ticket if no web site that can booked it or any customer service to answer the phone call.are they cant afford to pay someone to answer phone call even the ticket is not cheap.

Date of experience : 05 January 2022

Watford is not London

Watford is not London. Having a customer service line is useless if you never answer it. Don't tell people maximum 3 weeks delivery if that's not the maximum but instead the average. Losers. God I wish my Mrs wasn't into HP so I didn't have to deal with these jesters.

Date of experience : 12 February 2022

Absolutely terrible customer service

Absolutely terrible customer service. These jokers cancel an experience one month in advance which may seem fair enough, but when it’s for your sons birthday and all they will do is refund your tickets and give you free tickets too come again is awful. They forget people save and prepay for travel and accommodation just to visit themselves. Their replies are typical corporate greed with no thought for whose really visiting. I wouldn’t recommend these jokers too anyone, the service would be better from a death eater than these lot

Date of experience : 21 October 2021

AMAZING Dinner in the Great Hall event!

Absolutely amazing experience! We attended the Dinner in the Great Hall event in December so it was also Hogwarts in the Snow. It was absolutely amazing from start to finish! Great food, amazing service and friendly staff. I cannot recommend it enough. The special event costs more than a usual ticket but you get so much included in the price and there were barely any people there so it made all the exhibits really easy to see and get photos with etc! Genuinely loved every minute!

Date of experience : 15 December 2022

Magically... they changed the dates

We went to the Warner website to buy the tickets. Our goal was to buy them for 28 December 2023. We waited 15 minutes in the queue to access the website and when we were released, we chose the date and the number of tickets, in our case, 2 adults and 2 young people. We followed the step-by-step instructions to pay and we did so. Strangely enough, when we went to check the tickets, the date of the visit "magically" changed to 28 September 2023. We've already sent three forms and no-one has replied. We've called and we simply can't understand what's being said on the phone. We urgently need to change the date to 28 December, otherwise we'll lose the money we've paid.

Date of experience : 24 September 2023

Absolutely brilliant

Absolutely brilliant. The staff are amazing. They really do go the extra mile for visitors. The sets are amazing. A must see for Potter fans. The addition of Gringotts is fantastic! My only complaint is the cost of food, but it isn’t any worse than other attractions throughout the U.K. I’d definitely go for a 3rd visit

Date of experience : 13 October 2021

Awesome place for Harry Potter Fans!

We went to warner bros harry potter studio, it was amazing! Really kind staff who gave you lots of details about everything, even though the tickets were pricey it was totally worth it. My daughter had an awesome time, there was lots to see! you can even interact with stuff around the place, in the greenhouse, the train, and lots more! we were able to get my daughter a minister for magic I.D card with her picture on and information all about her hair colour, her eyes, and more. You can buy different candies, and even meet some death eaters, learn some wand skills, shop whilst your touring, and take photos with them! you can have a go on the broomstick green screen experience which my daughter loved, and get a video of you flying across the street, over the thames river, past different hogwarts places and lots more! Really really recommend it!

Date of experience : 16 September 2023

We loved it

We loved it. A family of 5! Great experience & totally worth it. We booked a Saturday evening tour at 5.30pm. It was busy but less crowded. No long ques & easy to take photos. Staff were welcoming & friendly. Special thanks to the lady member of staff who came to our rescue when my 2year old boy decided to have a screaming meltdown half an hour round. She was excellent & took us to the sensory room for some time out, offering us water. Would definitely recommend & go back.

Date of experience : 22 May 2022

Thank you to the wonderful staff

We travelled to the studio for the second time on 19th of July 2023. During the tour my daughter became unwell and the assistance we received was amazing. Firstly the staff then the medic at the studio. I want to thank you all so much for your care and attention. Fortunately the medic was happy for us to continue and my two kids and my wife and myself had a wonderful time. I can honestly say I was so impressed with the staff and the full experience. Thank you all again

Date of experience : 19 July 2023

A Must for Harry Potter Fans!

I've visited the tour three times now over around the last 5 years and I still love it each time I visit! There's so much to see and I usually spend around 2-3 hours there. My favourite parts of the tour are the Hogwarts Castle replica as well as the Diagon Alley set. It's great that new things get added to the tour and that there are different themes (such as Christmas and dark arts) so that the visits vary each time.

Date of experience : 15 December 2021

Gift tickets are a scam

Gift tickets are a scam: don't buy. Impossible to redeem on their site, which does everything possible to make sure it doesn't recognise the details. Basically they get your money for ages, then you can't get a ticket or redeem a voucher. Avoid!

Date of experience : 23 August 2022

Although we had the most amazing time…

Although we had the most amazing time at the studio tour in London we purchased a video and photos, paying over £60 and when we got home the video has errors on it and isn’t what was shown to us prior to purchase. The photos are also not correct. I’ve contacted customer services via the phone and they have said it’s an external company called PomVom but they don’t reply and nor does WB studio tours customer services. I’m now out of pocket for a video that is useless as it’s only showing a green screen with our little boy on a broom stick. So upset and don’t know where to go now, other than contacting my bank! I hope WB actually see this and deal with it. Case Number WB-0972097

Date of experience : 13 January 2023

A fantastic place

A fantastic place. There were five of us including one adult in a wheelchair and we had no issues at all. Staff were polite and welcoming and we all had a fantastic day out. The food was good. The only recommendation we would make would be to slightly widen the queuing area at the gift shop as it was a bit narrow with the wheelchair

Date of experience : 10 August 2023

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london harry potter tour review

The Harry Potter London Tour Review at Warner Brothers Studio

If you like Harry Potter and you’re going to London you pretty much have no choice but to do the Harry Potter London Tour at Warner Brothers Studio.  From strolling through the cobblestoned Diagon Alley to checking out Weasley’s crooked dining room, everything in the tour is extremely well done and there are thousands of props to see along with the rebuilt scenes from the movie.

I’ll try to give you an idea of what to expect along with a sneak peak at some of the amazing sets without spoiling too much of the fun for you and who you how to get tickets for your studio tour.

Tip: Use WalletFlo for all your credit card needs. It’s free and will help you optimize your rewards and savings!

The Harry Potter London Tour Experience

Your Harry Potter London tour experience begins before you arrive at the studio.

Get sorted by the Sorting Hat

The first thing you have to do is get selected to your respective house. That’s right. Go to the official Harry Potter site, WizardingWorld.com , sign-up, complete the questionnaire and let the Sorting Hat determine your fate. I’d like to just point that I did get chosen for Gryffindor (*ahem*) while Brad ended up with good ole Ravenclaw.

Some of the questions you’ll answer online are actually kind of thought provoking and will make you think about some odd scenarios but the test only takes a few of minutes. For the true Potter fans, finding out your house before you go is a must.

Related: Hocus Pocus Filming Sites in Salem, MA Guide 

Harry Potter

There’s also a whole gaming community on the site where you can earn points for your house by competing in wand duels and things like that but after getting it handed to me in my first few attempts I gave it a rest pretty quickly (some of the people on that site are pretty serious and on a different level).

Harry Potter London Tickets 

The second thing you need to do is book your tickets online  you can do that here as far in advance as possible. This is especially true if you are wanting to visit any time close to the holidays.

In such a case, you need to book at least a month ahead if not longer to have a chance at getting your preferred time slot. If you’re visiting at any other time of the year, you should be okay waiting even only a few days before your visit but do try to still book early.

Tickets cost £47 ($63 USD) per adult (16+ years). Ages 5 to 15 are £38 ($51 USD) and must be accompanied by an adult. Children four and under are free.

They also have a family packages. With those, two adults & two children OR one adult & three children can get in for £150.

It seems pretty steep, but this is one of the pricey attractions in London (it’s actually located outside of London) where you’ll actually get your money’s worth. If for some reason you have to re-schedule you can do so but it’s £10 to reschedule your tour so try get your date right the first time.

Harry Potters Cupboard on Harry Potter London Tour

One thing we found out is that you can actually enter your tour before your designated time. Try to keep it within reason but we were about 45 minutes early for our designated slot and they just let us go right on in. When choosing your time slot one thing you might want to think about is doing a later tour. The reason? Field trips! 

I’m assuming UK schools are like the US in that they usually don’t do field trips later in the day so your chances of being hit with endless herds of school children may be less. Of course, this is Harry Potter, so you’ve got to expect for tons of kids to be running around but during our tour (which was around noon), there were endless droves of school children pouring in, which made it kind of hard impossible to get good photos of some of the sets. So just think about that when planning.

Harry Potter Studios London The Great Hall

During the tour, you are free to roam about the movie sets at your own pace with the one exception being the Great Hall. In there, you’re only given something like 15-20 minutes before the next group arrives so it’s a little quick (though you can always hop back in the room once the next group enters).

Harry Potter Studios London The Great Hall

The Harry Potter Studio Tour London Great Hall is pretty stunning and lining the walls are uniforms and costumes worn by the characters of the different houses, including some of the original attire worn by none other than Harry Potter himself.

The tables are set with all of their fancy silverware and decked out in the most delicious-looking fake food you’ve probably ever seen. Apparently, the producers used real food in the first Harry Potter but after old food started causing a nasty stench in the place they moved to decorative props instead.

Harry Potter Studios London The Great Hall

Tons of extremely detailed sets and props to check out

From there it’s off to wherever you’d like to venture.  You’ll be amazed by the thousands of props on display. The attention to detail that went into making everything from the wand boxes to the potion bottles is utterly mind blowing.

Wands at Harry Potter Tour London

The studio has all of the major sets you’d probably expect it to have. You get to see the Gryffindor common room, the dorm rooms, Dumbledore’s “office,” the potion room, a room from the Weasley’s house, and a bunch more. At each exhibit there are little information panels with tons of interesting facts about the props that you’d likely never know. Also, while we didn’t do the headset tour, I was told that there’s plenty of interesting info to learn while doing those.

As of March 2015, they have Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express. And now they even have the Forbidden Forest.

Gryffindor Boys Dormitory Harry Potter London Tour

Harry Potter Tour London green screen experience

Although we didn’t, you can opt for a green-screen experience where you can actually ride a broom in front of a green screen and get some kind of sweet video/photos made. I think they even dress you up a little with a scarf and cloak. I’m not sure what it costs to do that but it seemed like a lot of people weren’t passing up the opportunity to do a little broom flying.

Motorbike on Harry Potter London Tour

After you’re done exploring the first building you move into the cafe area. Here, they sell hotdogs and other food items  (even breakfast dishes before 11:30) so you can relax a little bit and get off your feet if you want. The one thing you have to try here is butterbeer!

Harry Potter Studio Tour London Butterbeer!

First, butterbeer is not alcoholic so don’t get too excited. It tasted just like cream soda to me (which I liked but Brad didn’t care for). The foam on top of the “soda” is extremely sweet and tastes like butterscotch.

I saw where some recommended only getting one cup for two people but honestly the cups are so small I recommend going with one cup for each person. I’m not 100% sure, but I think each glass of butterbeer costed about £3.

Foamy butterbeer at the Harry Potter Studio Tour London

After you drink up on butterbeer you head outside into the parking lot for some more interesting set pieces. There’s the triple-decker purple bus that you won’t miss as soon as you step out, the Covered Bridge from Hogwarts, Harry’s house, and if you visit during the winter, you’ll be showered with a bit of snow as you walk outside.

Harry Potter London The Knight Bus

From there, you enter into the third portion of the tour. Once you enter the third building  you’ll come across a number of fascinating props and costumes used in the different movies.

One of my favorites was seeing Voldemort’s little (disgusting) veiny corpse from the Deathly Hallows II and some of the other moving props. It’s really something to see these props close up and it gives you more appreciation for the artists who likely spent hundreds of hours working to create these props.

Voldemort creature at Harry Potter Studio tour London

Harry Potter London Diagon Alley

After that, the next main attraction is Diagon Alley!

It’s really cool to see the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes shop, Ollivander’s Wand Shop, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour, and a few others. The lighting changes from dim to bright pretty quickly as you walk through so be ready to adjust your camera settings if you’re shooting manual with a DSLR. Overall, Diagon Alley was one of the coolest portions of the tour and really make you feel like you’ve entered into the world of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter London Diagon Alley

Harry Potter London Tour Hogwarts set up

The final attraction that awaits you is the magnificent Hogwarts model.

The model of the castle and the surrounding rocky mountain upon which it’s built, is simply phenomenal. It was much more massive and far more life-like than anything I’d imagined it would be. As the lights dim in the room, yellow lights twinkle throughout the castle, creating a life-like appearance where you’re left almost anticipating someone walking out of the castle.

Hogwarts model Harry Potter London

If you visit in the winter the castle is topped with “snow” and really is spectacular. It may surprise you how long you spend in this room as there’s plenty of different angles to admire this work of art from.

Harry Potter London Tour Gift Shop

Once you leave the last exhibit you end up in the gift shop.

It’s a pretty large gift shop with tons of different types of souvenirs, from wands to sweaters and scarves to candies from the movie and all kinds of different stationary items. As you might expect, it’s all pretty overpriced, especially the clothing items. We left with a magnet and a chocolate frog so we got out of there without splurging which was great but if you intend on getting any kind of clothing souvenir keep in mind that it’s going to cost you.

Warner Brothers Studio FAQ

The price per adult (ages 16 years and above) is £47.

Yes, you need to purchase your tickets in advance. If you are planning to visit during a holiday, make sure to purchase them far in advance.

On average, you will spend about 3.5 hours at the tour.

You can purchase butterbeer at the Backlot Café. It can come in a frothy drink or you can get it in ice cream form.

No, the butterbeer is not alcoholic. According to the website, “ Butterbeer is suitable for those with gluten, wheat and nut allergies. It does, however, contain trace amounts of dairy so it is unsuitable for vegans or anyone with lactose intolerance. “

You can get sorted before your visit by going to the official Harry Potter site,  WizardingWorld.com .

Yes, you can enjoy a special seasonal exhibits at different times in the year. These include: Hogwarts in the Snow and A Celebration of Slytherin .

Yes, you can enjoy facilities like the Chocolate Frog Café, Hub Café, the Food Hall, Backlot Café.

Main attractions that you should check out include: – Great Hall – Forbidden Forest – Diagon Alley – Platform 9 3/4 /Hogwarts Express – Knight Bus – Privet Drive – Hogwarts Bridge In addition, there are tons of costumes and special effects that you can check out.

You can enhance your visit by picking up an activity passport which includes things like a Golden Snitch hunt, puzzles and trivia. You can also get souvenir stamps at key points throughout the tour. You can also download the free Wizarding World app – the official Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts companion. This is a great way to find out more details about the area of the studio tour you are in. You can also rent a digital guide for £4.95. Digital Guides are available in the following subtitled languages; English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Brazilian and Portuguese.

Parking is free of charge and is a short walk away from the main entrance. However, you can also purchase priority parking which is located next to the entrance. This will cost you an additional £10. Priority Parking is only available to pre-book online ahead of your visit and cannot be purchased on the day.

According to the website, “taking of photographs and capturing video footage with handheld cameras and mobile devices is allowed in all areas of the Studio Tour, apart from the pre-show cinema and green screen areas.”

Overall, the Harry Potter London tour is a must-see attraction in London for any Harry Potter (of any age). I didn’t hop on the Harry Potter bandwagon until about a year ago and I thought this place was pretty amazing so I could only imagine how other must feel who’ve read all the books and seen all the movies over the years.  It’s a little pricey but the way that this place captivates your imagination is priceless and completely worth the visit.

london harry potter tour review

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of UponArriving.com and the credit card app, WalletFlo . He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio .

Overall, I never was such a huge fan of HP, I mean, I liked the books and movies, but I for sure wasn’t a ‘Potterhead’ or what it’s called. But visiting this place was an absolute joy! They’ve so much on display! A day is almost too short to check it all out. Loved it. Really loved it.

I agree there’s so much to see and so little time there and that you don’t even have to be a Harry Potter junkie to appreciate this place! Thanks for reading!

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Absolutely fantastic experience right the way through from start to finish an amazing day out

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London Harry Potter Walking Tour: An OG Fan Review

Are you a Potter fan heading to London and want to check out all the London Harry Potter locations you can? 

One of the most time-friendly ways to see Harry Potter filming locations in London in a short period of time is to take a Harry Potter walking tour. On a recent trip back to London, I made a point of getting to every Harry Potter attraction London has to offer, and I succeeded in getting to almost every single one. 

As part of this ultimate Harry Potter London tour, I signed up for a London Harry Potter walking tour to check the many filming locations and learn about some Harry Potter film trivia. I’ve written up this detailed review of my experience to help other Harry Potter fans decide whether a Harry Potter walking tour is worth the time and money during your trip. 

After all, I’m one of the OG Harry Potter fans, you know, the fans who went to midnight book release parties and stayed up all night reading the latest installment. The kind who’s gone to Harry Potter festivals and owns a set of official robes.

Don’t forget to pin this post to come back to later when you’re planning your Harry Potter London itinerary ! 

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london harry potter walking tour review

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Whenever possible, I recommend buying books at local bookshops or through Bookshop.org , because shopping there puts the profits right into the hands of indie bookstores all over the country.

Harry Potter Walking Tours London: What’s Available? 

When I was planning out my itinerary of the ultimate Harry Potter trip to London, I knew I wanted to try a Harry Potter walking tour, but how to choose? There are several available, including: 

  • Original Harry Potter Locations Tour — London ( OHPL )
  • The Best London Harry Potter Tour ( BLHP )
  • Harry Potter in London — Private Tour 
  • Original Harry Potter Locations by Boat — London ( OHPL-B )
  • Harry Potter London Walking Tour ( HPLWT )

And a few more. All of the above tours range from $20-$90 (the most expensive being the private tour, of course). 

Assuming you want to join a group tour and don’t want to shell out fo r a private Harry Potter walking tour , let’s take a quick look at the similarities and differences among the top 4 options for Harry Potter walking tours in London. This information is up-to-date as of January, 2024.

Hopefully this table helps you do a quick and easy comparison of the top London Harry Potter walking tours to help you decide on which tour is best for you. While you’ll see similar Harry Potter locations in each of the tours, there are important differences to note, including the languages available, tour duration, cost, and start and end points. 

After comparing the tours, I decided on the Original Harry Potter Locations Tour . The time and locations fit really well into my schedule (taking me right to the Palace Theater right before I had tickets for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ), it has the best and most reviews, and perhaps most of all, because they offer a friendly House trivia competition during the tour. 

So from here on out, I will be reviewing this specific London Harry Potter walking tour . 

Related : Looking for more Harry Potter activities in London ? Why not try out a Harry Potter-inspired afternoon tea , one of the many themed afternoon teas in London.

London Harry Potter Walking Tour Review

I signed up for a 10:30 am tour on a Sunday morning for the Original Harry Potter Locations walking tour . The meeting point was easy to find with Google Maps, and conveniently, it was right next to Southwark Cathedral, which has some very cool literary stained glass windows inside and a fun William Shakespeare statue outside. 

william shakespeare statue london

The tour guide did not hold a sign but did call out for “anyone here for the Harry Potter walking tour” enough times that it would’ve been impossible to miss the meeting point. 

Over the next 2.5 hours, we did a good bit of walking around London. It is important to note that the tour did in fact take 2.5 hours, despite it being listed as 2 hours on Viator. The tour guide told us right from the beginning that it would actually be 2.5. That meant we had to leave the tour about 15 minutes early to catch our reservation for the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play, but we were still able to participate in the vast majority of the tour.

What is the tour like? 

Our guide was named John but informed us we could call him Hagrid if we liked. He fit the part, a substantial, bearded gentleman with a certain rugged friendliness about him. 

John was great with the kids on the tour, easygoing, and obviously passionate about Harry Potter. He even showed us a photo of him cosplaying Hagrid for some event or other and proudly let us know he was a Hufflepuff. 

london harry potter walking tour guide

Once everyone was marked present for the tour, we were sorted into houses. If you already knew your house sorting, he wouldn’t argue with you; if you weren’t sure, you could draw a house card from his “sorting hat” and join a house that way. The houses were just for fun and for the friendly Harry Potter trivia competition that accompanied the walking tour. 

For me, the trivia competition was a big draw that set this London Harry Potter walking tour apart from the others. They all involve lots of walking, which means inevitably there are periods of walking between Harry Potter filming locations. So why not engage in a friendly trivia competition during the travel time? 

The Harry Potter trivia contest was informal and unstructured. Periodically throughout the tour, Hagrid would ask us a question about the Harry Potter books or movies, and a correct answer would gain the answerer’s house 10 points. He kept track of our points on his iPad but didn’t try to fan up an intense competition. 

harry potter fan on london harry potter walking tour

This London Harry Potter walking tour did involve one short ride on the London underground (not included in the cost of the ticket). It’s easy to manage with today’s contactless payment systems (just tap your card or phone on entrance and exit, making sure to use the same card both times). Still, for newcomers, the tour guide was also there to walk anyone through the process who was unfamiliar with buying a ticket for the London underground. 

Throughout the tour, we walked across London and visited several Harry Potter filming sites or places loosely related with Harry Potter trivia (see the next section for more on what we saw!). At each location, our tour guide would tell us the association with the Harry Potter franchise and, if applicable, use his tablet to show us scenes from the movies that were filmed in the location. 

While not all the movie trivia was new to me, some of it was. Overall, our tour guide for the London Harry Potter walking tour was obviously knowledgeable about the making of the Potter films and clearly enjoyed finding out new tidbits to share with tour goers.

Related : If you’re a Harry Potter fan heading to NYC soon, be sure to check out my Harry Potter NYC bucket list.

London Harry Potter filming locations visited

During our London Harry Potter walking tour, we visited many Harry Potter filming locations and other Potter-related sights. Here are some of the highlights of the tour:

harry potter window burrough market harry potter filming location

Borough Market : used for filming in the third film, when the Knight bus drops off Harry at the Leaky Cauldron; also used as the view from Harry’s window at the Leaky Cauldron. Our tour guide shared with us some fun trivia about what it was like filming there in such a busy part of London and with trains going by every few minutes (that shaky camera effect in the third movie isn’t all special effects!)

The Globe Theatre : not a London Harry Potter filming location, but here our guide shared some interesting trivia about the actress who plays Madame Hooch in the first film.

Millenium Bridge Harry Potter filming location London harry potter walking tour

Millennium Bridge : aka Death Eater Bridge, the bridge the Death Eaters take down in the seventh Harry Potter film. Our guide shared some fun behind-the-scenes trivia about making that scene as well as how Londoners have always felt about the structure.

Old Scotland Yard: A filming location for the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry of Magic, used in the 5th and 7th films 

Goodwin’s Court: the supposed inspiration for Knockturn Alley

Palace Theater : the current home of the two-part Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play

harry potter house of spells london harry potter walking tour location

At the end of the tour, the guide led tour goers to the House of Spells, one of the many Harry Potter-themed stores in London, where those on the tour could get a 10% discount. He also pointed out the way for anyone interested in checking out the House of MinaLima, another impressive London Harry Potter shop . 

Related : If you like visiting places that feel like you’ve stepped into Hogwarts, head north to Manchester, England to visit the John Rylands Library and Chetham’s Library !

Verdict: is the London Harry Potter walking tour worth it?

If you’re a Potter fan in London, then absolutely, the London Harry Potter walking tour is a great way to spend a few hours and some dollars in London. You’re likely to learn some behind-the-scenes facts about making the movies, you’re guaranteed to see some of London’s most famous sites (including the Globe Theater, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and views of Tower Bridge), and you’ll more likely than not have a great time. 

Plus, you can always recreate the movie scenes in the original filming locations, if that’s your kind of thing. 

Overall, our tour experience was fun, informal, informative, and friendly. Just the kind of laidback Harry Potter attraction in London that will break up the more fast-paced sightseeing. 

Related : For more bookish travel sights in London, check out the Sherlock Holmes Museum and the Charles Dickens Museum

Tips for taking a London Harry Potter walking tour

  • Note that if you choose the Original Harry Potter Locations Tour — London, the tour time is actually 2.5 hours , not 2 hours as it’s listed on Viator , so plan accordingly.
  • Our guide informed us that the Original Harry Potter Locations Tour with Boat ride is essentially the same tour, except instead of walking across the Thames on Milennium Bridge, you take a ferry across. He clarified that it’s NOT a sightseeing ferry ride down the Thames, but more a means of transport from point A to point B. So if you’re looking for a scenic Thames boat ride, you’ll want to look elsewhere and maybe just choose the cheaper Harry Potter walking tour option. 

london underground on harry potter walking tour

  • Come prepared to ride the London underground . It helps if you’ve already set up a card on your phone for contactless pay and if you’ve already ridden the underground before, though that’s not necessary. 
  • Wear your house gear ! You’ll be amongst other Harry Potter fans, so why not nerd out and show your House pride on the walking tour and during the trivia competition? 
  • If the timing works out, you can combine the London Harry Potter walking tour with a showing of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ! As the tour ends near the Palace Theater, it can work out well to book a morning walking tour that leads right into a matinée showing of Cursed Child Part One. Plus, it’s nice to know during all the walking that you will have a nice, long, seated rest coming up. There is a different Harry Potter walking tour that also includes tickets to see Cursed Child , but I can’t vouch for that tour personally.

For diehard Harry Potter fans in London, a Harry Potter walking tour is a great way to see some of the film locations and learn some Harry Potter trivia you never knew. It’s a worthwhile way to fill a few hours’ time while covering a lot of ground and seeing many iconic London sights along the way.

What’s the best walking tour you’ve ever taken? Drop it in the comments!

Don’t forget to pin this post for later and subscribe to my newsletter for more Harry Potter travel content, literary travel insights, and personal book recommendations!

london harry potter filming locations tour

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I'm Constance, an avid reader and traveler. I love tracking down the best literary sights everywhere I go, from the best indie bookstores to author's homes and fictional locations you can visit in real life. I'm also passionate about all things tea and chocolate. I have a BA in English literature and an MS in Nutrition Science.

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Harry Potter offers magical boost to UK tourism

Sam Thorne guides Harry Potter fans through the gothic streets of Edinburgh, where controversial author JK Rowling dreamt up the boy wizard more than three decades ago.

The Scottish capital attracts lovers of the bespectacled schoolboy from across the world, boosting the UK economy and helping generate billions of pounds in global sales of Potter-related offerings.

"Here you will encounter the tomb of Voldemort," Thorne tells his tour group, in reference to the villainous dark lord of magic who murdered Potter's parents when he was a baby.

The tour, numbering some 20 fans, snakes through Greyfriars Kirkyard cemetery where some gravestones bear names similar to several characters, although Rowling -- much criticised for her views on transgender rights -- has not admitted any link.

American Kate Merson, 43, works in Edinburgh and is on the walk with her husband and two children, seeking to satisfy her nine-year-old's obsession with Potter -- and her desire to explore the magical world of Hogwarts.

- 'Busier and crazier' -

Rowling wrote seven Potter books which were published between 1997 and 2007, spawning eight blockbuster movies in a multi-billion-dollar global phenomenon.

Fans remain captivated by Edinburgh, whose sights and scenes were the inspiration for fantastical characters and locations.

"It's only gotten busier and busier and crazier and crazier. There's more people coming in -- who are all asking for tours as well," Thorne, 33, told AFP.

His "Potter Trail" lasts one-and-a-half hours and takes several dozen tourists across the city's pretty streets. His recommended tour donation is £20 ($26) per person.

Thorne's popular guided walk ends on the colourful Instagram-friendly Victoria Street... in front of two heaving Potter merchandise shops thronged by muggles, or non-wizards.

Briya Maru, a 27-year-old Indian who lives in Toronto, queues in the driving rain in front of one of the shops, waiting to splurge cash on Potter souvenirs.

"It was symbolic for me to get them from here, the Harry Potter city," Maru told AFP, adding she was searching for "exclusive" artefacts.

Manager Monica Alsina says business is brisk at her 'Enchanted Galaxy' shop, where punters can buy a "magic wand" for £40 and the most expensive item -- a limited-edition character sculpture -- costs £650.

- 'Tourism engine' -

"The shop has been doing great. Harry Potter is just getting more and more popular," said Alsina.

There have been no new books or films -- but the "Potterverse" has in recent years expanded to include a hit video game, a play in London's West End and the "Fantastic Beasts" film franchise, while a television series is also in the works.

"Harry Potter is a fantastic engine for tourism in Scotland," said Jenni Steele, spokeswoman for tourism agency VisitScotland.

Fans of the extremely popular franchise also flock to filming destinations in England, including London and surrounding areas, the Cotswolds and York.

Devotees also tend to visit "The Making of Harry Potter" film-studio park, which has attracted 19 million visitors since it opened in 2012.

Tickets for the attraction close to London cost a minimum of £53 each and total revenues have already passed one billion dollars.

But in recent years, Pottermania has been overshadowed by Rowling's views, including her belief that biological sex is immutable. She denies being transphobic.

In Edinburgh, her views have been difficult for some.

"It's been a tough time to be a Harry Potter fan as a result of her comments, chiefly because one of the reasons why the wizarding world meant so much to so many people is because Harry was seen as being an outsider," Thorne told AFP.

"For people who really felt that, Harry Potter was a form of escapism for them, a place where they could feel accepted -- it does feel like a betrayal."

Yet the best-selling franchise continues to generate huge sales.

"Adults who grew up with it now show it to their children. It's a fandom that only gets bigger," said Alsina.


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london harry potter tour review

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” Returns to UK Theaters for 20th Anniversary

by Neave Williamson · Published May 26, 2024 · Updated May 26, 2024

The film version of  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban brought some of our favorite moments to the big screen, from finally meeting the rest of the Marauders to seeing Harry get revenge on at least one member of the Dursley family. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its release, the film will be back in selected cinemas across the United Kingdom for a limited time.

Warner Bros. Pictures announced earlier this week that the film will return to screens on May 31, exactly 20 years after it first took the world by storm. Cinemas across the UK are showing the film for a few days, bringing back the adventures of Harry’s third year at Hogwarts. Similar events were held when both Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets turned 20, and we’re happy to see the trend continue.

This isn’t the only way you’ll be able to celebrate the anniversary in the UK. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London announced a new feature focused on the film back in February, which opened at the start of the month. The exhibit includes props from the film, as well as a chance to experience the Knight Bus in motion, courtesy of a full cross-section built by the original filmmakers. There’s also plenty of learning to do in the feature, with a new display of Professor Trelawney’s Divination classroom for any budding Seers to explore and a boggart-infested wardrobe to create Professor Lupin’s Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Various cinema chains, as well as some independent cinemas, are joining in on the celebrations. Tickets for showings are available now, so double-check if your local one is joining in on the magic before it’s too late. Will you be taking a trip to see the film on a big screen again?


Blockbuster film returns to UK cinemas from 31st May

THURSDAY 23RD MAY 2024: Over 25 years after we were first introduced to the wizarding world, Harry Potter magic continues to shine brightly…

This month, in honour of its 20th anniversary - Warner Bros Pictures is excited to announce that one of its best loved films Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is returning to UK cinemas for a limited time only!

Premiering in 2004, the third film instalment in the iconic Harry Potter series was highly anticipated by fans and as wannabe Hogwarts students, wizards and witches of all ages flocked to their local screens for opening weekends all over the globe, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban quickly became a runaway success - grossing over $804m worldwide.

Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, particularly since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion.

But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison.

It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be…but is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was directed by Alfonso Cuarón with screenplay by Steve Kloves - based on the 1999 novel of the same name, written by J. K. Rowling .

The film stars Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson , Rupert Grint , Gary Oldman , Robbie Coltrane , Michael Gambon , Richard Griffiths , Alan Rickman , Fiona Shaw , Maggie Smith , Timothy Spall , David Thewlis , Emma Thompson , and Julie Walters .

For screening availability please check your local cinema listings.

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Neave Williamson

I've been a proud Slytherin for as long as I can remember, and love taking inspiration from the Wizarding World for short films.

  • Next story  Five Hogwarts Professors That We Barely Saw
  • Previous story  Five Heartwarming Motherly Moments in the “Harry Potter” Series

MuggleNet Archive

Important dates.

Scorpius Malfoy (CC – London and New York)

Composer (FB1)

Wed, Jun 12

Thu, jun 13.


  1. A Complete Harry Potter Studio Tour London Review (+8 Top Tips)

    It is absolutely essential that you buy your Harry Potter Studio Tour London tickets well in advance. We booked our tickets 3 months in advance. It was a Monday during school term time in November and even then, there were barely any tickets left for the day we wanted. Tickets are around £51 per person.

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    London Fully-Guided Making of Harry Potter Tour Harry Potter Black Taxi Private Tour Harry Potter Tour of Warner Bros. Studio with Transport; Best Guided Tour. Best Private Tour. Best Full Day Tour. Departure: Euston War Memorial, outside Euston station: Hotel pickup and drop-off: Victoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Rd: Start: 11:05 AM

  3. Visiting the Harry Potter Studio Tour London: Review, Tips and Guide!

    Harry Potter Studio Opening Times. You will definitely want to check the website for up-to-date opening times, but generally throughout the year the studio is open from 8.30am through to 10pm. More specifically: Doors open at 8.30am; First tour starts at 9am; Final tour starts at 6.30pm

  4. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

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  6. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Things to do near Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter Cheslyn House & Gardens Vape Club London Private Driver Escape Hunt Watford Cassiobury Park The Snow Centre The Cooking Academy Leavesden Country Park Gambado Enigma Rooms Watford Golf at The Grove Sequoia at The Grove Bhaktivedanta Manor - Hare Krishna Temple The ...

  7. Review of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter: Definitely worth it - See 46,635 traveler reviews, 51,983 candid photos, and great deals for Leavesden, UK, at Tripadvisor.

  8. Review of the Fully Guided Harry Potter Studio Tour in London⚡️

    A standard visit to the Harry Potter Studios in London is remarkable, but nothing compares to a fully guided tour. I've paid the extra to be taken behind the scenes, and you can too. Kristoffer Fons. October 21, 2023 Updated. 6 min Read. I've just returned from London, where I embarked on a fully guided tour of the Harry Potter World.

  9. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Book your tickets online for Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter, Leavesden: See 46,629 reviews, articles, and 51,981 photos of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter on Tripadvisor.

  10. Amazingly great!!

    Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter: Amazingly great!! - See 46,634 traveller reviews, 51,983 candid photos, and great deals for Leavesden, UK, at Tripadvisor.

  11. Harry Potter Studio Tour London Review

    Not only was everything delicious, but, compared to what you pay for afternoon tea in Central London, I felt it was great value for money as well (£70 for 2 people when we visited in February 2023). Afternoon tea at Harry Potter studio tour.

  12. Harry Potter Deluxe Tour Review

    Review of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter Reviewed February 27, 2019 I am a Harry Potter movie fan and I must say that the Deluxe Tour experience is a bit challenging to review because of the cost.

  13. Review: Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London

    The Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour is huge, and there's really a lot to see. I had more than 400 pics and narrowed them down to 86, then to 30. You've got props and accessories and movie sets of all the movies mixed in the Harry Potter Studio Tour. You've got the the Ministry of Magic close to Umbridge's office, there's the ...

  14. The Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour Review

    Overall, I would highly recommend the Harry Potter studio tour to any fan. It's also great for any non-fans who are interested in movie-making, and you can easily take the whole family and have everyone enjoy it. They say to leave 3 to 3 1/2 hours for the tour, and we took exactly 3 1/2 hours.

  15. Harry Potter Studio Tour

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  16. Harry Potter tour London

    6h. English. 8. Everyday. 11:05 & 12:05. Delight as the magic of Harry Potter comes to life again before your eyes. This fully guided London studios tour will take you back to your favorite scenes, with the real props, costumes and sets, and unforgettable behind-the-scenes commentary from an expert English-speaking Studio Tour guide who knows ...

  17. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Reviews

    Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Reviews 73 ... Harry Potter Tour - Amazing Set up. This was the last instalment for my wife's 65th birthday. She loves Harry Potter. The staff are amazing, one member brought us a portable seat, as my wife damage her back few months ago. The staff are really nice and do a wonderful things to make your visit worth ...

  18. The Harry Potter London Tour Review at Warner Brothers Studio

    During the tour, you are free to roam about the movie sets at your own pace with the one exception being the Great Hall. In there, you're only given something like 15-20 minutes before the next group arrives so it's a little quick (though you can always hop back in the room once the next group enters). Harry Potter Studios London: The Great ...

  19. London Harry Potter Walking Tour: An OG Fan Review

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  20. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Discover the magic of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London! Explore authentic sets, props, and costumes from the Harry Potter films. ... Walk in the footsteps of Harry Potter and explore the wonders of the Wizarding World ... 83,548 Google reviews, June 2024. 2021 Travellers' Choice. Certificate of Excellence 2019.

  21. Warner Bros. London Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter

    3.138 - 56.393 reviews with an average score of 8,5. Real reviews by Civitatis clients, page Warner Bros. Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter, London.

  22. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Enter the world of Harry Potter™ at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London. With convenient transportation from the city to the studio, this self-guided Harry Potter tour introduces you to all the details that went into the making of the magical movies, including film sets, props, costumes, and special effects. Stand in the Great Hall, walk along Diagon Alley, see Dumbledore's office and more ...

  23. Magical London: Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour

    Explore the real Diagon Alley, where Harry buys his first wand. Even see the bridge destroyed by the Death Eaters in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". For part of your guided tour, choose to either take the London Underground or a short boat trip down the Thames. Both options follow this itinerary: 1. Southwark Cathedral 2.

  24. Harry Potter offers magical boost to UK tourism

    Manager Monica Alsina says business is brisk at her 'Enchanted Galaxy' shop, where punters can buy a "magic wand" for £40 and the most expensive item — a limited-edition character ...

  25. Harry Potter offers magical boost to UK tourism

    Sam Thorne guides Harry Potter fans through the gothic streets of Edinburgh, where controversial author JK Rowling dreamt up the boy wizard more than three decades ago.Thorne's popular guided walk ...

  26. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Returns to UK Theaters for

    Source. Warner Bros. Pictures announced earlier this week that the film will return to screens on May 31, exactly 20 years after it first took the world by storm. Cinemas across the UK are showing the film for a few days, bringing back the adventures of Harry's third year at Hogwarts.