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College Study Tours: The Top Benefits of Learning Abroad

Last Updated on February 28, 2017

Learners of the World: The Benefits of Study Tours to Students

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What is a study Tour?

A study tour is an experience where students study abroad as an alternative to traditional classroom-based learning. Students are required to meet course objectives and graded on specific learning outcomes based on the class syllabus. Traditional travel destinations include:

  • Europe region
  • Asia region
  • Latin America region
  • USA and Canda region
  • Austraila region
  • New Zeland region

The most common ages for travelers are 18-35 years old.

Here are the benefits of study tours to students:

Aids in learning.

As one famous adage goes and I quote, “There's no education quite like the lessons of travel.” It is a great and effective way to learn specific subjects beyond textbooks and lectures. Joining a study tour with an expert guide who's very knowledgeable about the place or topic is like having on-hand answers to questions that may not be fully accounted in some books. A study gives you a solid picture of how or what one really is when seen in person.

When we talk of a sculpture, let's say the famous Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, Denmark, seeing it on a picture, many of us may have said to ourselves, I wonder how it looks in person or what made it very interesting. Once you see the actual piece and how impressive and detailed the work is, then you now have instant answers to your questions. Most famous sites even have their own facilities that hold records of a site's/subject's history, founding and everything related to it.

Creates a new and fun experience

We may have heard from someone before that “we learn from experience.” While good teaching is still an important learning foundation for each of us (especially during our younger years – and I don't think that can be easily replaced) the world is also an effective classroom. Although classroom learning can be rewarding, long hours of lectures may sometimes be a daunting event; an option for a study tour anytime in the course of study can be an exciting and fun new experience that students may look forward to.

A study tour helps students appreciate their field of study more and it really helps them better realize the interaction between their chosen fields of study to the rest of the world. Study tours help students open themselves to many possibilities that are not just contained in one geographical location or culture.

Study tours expose students to other cultures

Study tours can be a great way to learn new things about different cultures and be aware of certain differences between them, as well as similarities. It makes students see certain issues in a new perspective and some study tours even allow students to immerse themselves in a different community even if it's just a short period of time. In return, they are exposed to cultures of different socio-economic statuses which help them build compassion and better understanding for these cultures. To a certain extent, we can say that study tours allow people to gain a new perspective on things simply because they've been there; they have experienced it and somehow built a connection to that culture or place.

Opportunity to find new interests and enhance existing ones

After traveling to many places, there will be different things you'll see that may not be available or done in your area or country. Being exposed first hand to things related to your study, as well as new things you'll see for the first time, there are a lot of opportunities for you to discover new interests or enhance existing passions. A lot of business ideas nowadays are based on things they saw in another place but couldn't find it in another – so they decide to build one.

Builds friendship and enhance social skills

Spending time with people outside of the classroom and exploring and finding new things together definitely allows students to have and share a common experience. Especially if you are traveling to a different country for your study tour, before leaving it is definitely advisable to somehow learn quite a few words as well as common practices in that country for a better social experience. Let's say, you are traveling to Denmark, it wouldn't hurt to learn a few helpful Danish words, don't you think? And once you're in that country, maximize the opportunity to socialize with locals; you might learn a thing or two that is way different from the country you came from.

Good study tours offer great possibilities to people of different ages and cultures. They are definitely an effective tool for experiential learning not only about your field of study but also its relation and effects to different places and culture . Study tours may be arranged to accommodate both small and large groups and depending on your needs. Check out your course syllabus if a study tour is included or reputable travel agencies to find out more about your options for great study trips.

So go ahead! Take advantage of a study tour opportunity, make new friends, increase your knowledge and understanding, and explore new terrains, people, and culture.

Abigail Agres and Kaylee Wilson are lifestyle and mom bloggers. They write for TeamBenns, Denmark's premier travel agency for group travel and student tours .

Kaylee Wilson

Kaylee Wilson is a proud single mom and a professional writer. She currently contributes at http://helpyourteennow.com/ . Help Your Teen Now brings together a vast collection of resources that will help families find their bearings. Click here to learn more.

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The Benefits of Study Trips for Students


A study trip is a short term course where students attend language lessons and participate in cultural activities and tours. These trips are usually seen as ways for students to take a short break from their school routine and explore new places. However, there are valuable benefits of study trips waiting to be discovered. Beyond the scenic landscapes and tourist attractions, study trips offer students a unique opportunity for growth, language learning, and networking.

Broadening Horizons

One of the benefits of study trips is broadening students’ horizons. Through traveling and immersion in new cultures, languages, and environments, students gain a deeper understanding of the world around them . Experiencing firsthand the customs, traditions, and daily lives of people from other countries promotes empathy, tolerance, and cultural awareness.

Personal Growth

woman navigating the train system

Leaving the familiarity of home and school leads to personal growth in many ways. Study trips encourage independence as students navigate unfamiliarity, make decisions, and solve problems on their own. Overcoming challenges like language barriers or cultural differences builds confidence, resilience, and adaptability—essential qualities for success in today’s world.

Cultural Exchange and International Friendships

couple lighting incense at a shrine

Study trips lead to cultural exchange and international friendships. Interacting with students from different countries who have different perspectives, traditions, and experiences are benefits of study trips. These cross-cultural connections not only improve students’ understanding of the world but also create lifelong friendships that continue after the trip , opening doors to future collaborations, exchange programs, and career opportunities.

Language Acquisition

One of the most important benefits of study trips is the opportunity for language acquisition. Immersion in a foreign language is the best way for students to enhance their language skills. Whether ordering food at a local restaurant, or chatting with native speakers, students are able to use the language in real-life situations, which speeds up the learning process. Beyond textbooks, study trips offer an authentic language experience that creates fluency, confidence, and real world application.  

Career Development

Study trips provide opportunities that impact students’ futures. One of these opportunities is the language learning that happens during a study trip. Immersion speeds up the ability to learn the language, giving students practical communication skills that are necessary in today’s global job market. Proficiency in a second language increases students’ competitiveness, opening doors to international job opportunities, cross-cultural collaborations, and global networking. Language skills also show adaptability and a willingness to take on new challenges—qualities highly desired by employers. 

For careers in international business, diplomacy, or academia, the language proficiency gained through study trips increases students’ chances for success and opens doors to a world of possibilities . Students who wish to move on to long term studies in a country, or university , or explore employment opportunities abroad will also have a leg up on those who have not learned the language or spent time living in the country before.

What students say about the benefits of study trips

This Study Trip experience has quite honestly been a life altering moment for me, as dramatic as it may sound it’s true! Japan was always a dream destination for me but I wanted some pre-booked activities, classes & people to meet to make the trip worthwhile and the StudyTrip / GGN absolutely delivered and exceeded what was offered. I now have a clearer focus on my goals to study / live in Japan in the future thanks to the 3 week taster course of sorts, and we couldn’t have asked for more friendly, cooperative, and more understanding guides and staff to assist us through the journey. I leave Japan tomorrow feeling fulfilled, overjoyed, and with a group of new lifelong friends, thank you!! 

-George, UK

Very interesting and I had the opportunity to prepare for the exam and future job opportunities.

-Manuel, Mexico

The benefits of study trips offer more than just a short escape from the classroom—they shape students’ lives in meaningful and lasting ways. From promoting personal growth, learning a new language, and opportunities for career development there are a variety of benefits of study trips. Click here to get in touch with a member of the Go! Go! Nihon team today to see how you too can provide a life changing experience for your students.

importance of study tour for students

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The reasons why educational field trips are important for students.

importance of study tour for students

Educational Field Trip plays a vital role in the school curriculum, which serves a wide range of benefits in several ways including learning and teaching. One of them is that they help students to learn through authentic experience and can be an interesting way to explore new things for both the learners and teachers. This is the reason why students should encourage to engage in field trips which are significant for students. In terms of educational, students have ample opportunity to witness new things, learn about new environments at their own pace and immerse themselves in an authentic experience, without having to the anxiety of homework, exams or tests. Most importantly, field trips contribute greatly to build self-confidence and foster a sense of teamwork and community. It is highly recommended for you to add educational school trips part of traveling, you definitely get abundantly memorable experience and deep knowledge of various aspects in life.

importance of educational field trip

The Importance of Field Trip in Teaching

Educational Field Trips can associate with a variety of benefits for teachers and students. In terms of teaching, it would be better for the teacher to take part in field trips mostly because of its advantages. It is true that the trips provide teachers with ample opportunity to develop personality and professionalism. Obviously, it is necessary for teachers to get in touch with innovative practices and the latest teaching methods to apply these ways into the curriculum at school. Educational field trips help teachers widen their horizons of knowledge and broadening the scope of their syllabus. Most educational trips pay much attention to outdoor activities with a wide range of aspects in life. It means the trips allow the teacher to connect the classroom with real-life and authentic experience. Therefore, it is considered a fantastic way to improve their lessons and catch up with innovative teaching which is more practical and meaningful. Most importantly, the teacher is a guide to inspire and stimulate students to understand the world that exists beyond the school curriculums. To be more precise, students will be encouraged to learn not only knowledge but also soft skills, life skills, communication skills and more.


The Importance of Educational Field Trip in Learning


The Importance of Field Trip in Student Life

It would not be completed your trips if you forgot to set up an educational field trip in your student life. It is time for you to learn new things and get a deeper understanding of life. Having an educational trip in the early part of the term is so wise since it will allow students to bond with classmates they may not know very well. Getting away from school a day is always exciting for students and gives students an opportunity to spend time with each other in a new environment. Most of the educational tours organized with groups so it is beneficial for students to develop a sense of community. They can chat, observe and learn about each other.

students get hands-on experience from school tour

The Important of Educational Tour

It is true that there are various benefits to take from educational excursions. Though the primary purpose of educational tours is to educate students, they are also used as part of the curriculum to cover a wide range of life skills including teamwork, time management, communication, etc. This is because educational travel allows students to dip in fresh experiences, and use them to enhance their career prospects. If you are setting up an educational tour, you should spend the time to research useful information and prepare the necessary things for this. For example, you should pay much attention to the means of transportation, the budget, the number of students, etc. The importance of educational tours for students can be better in various ways. First of all, this tour provides ample opportunity to exchange and learn many skills with each other. On educational field trips, students feel the sense of enjoyment which offers them to acquire a fresh perspective, learn new things and witness different sides of the country. This opens up endless possibilities to understand the world. Going on educational tours means to have a major educational element including giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience a new environment and enjoy a day away from the classroom.

The important of educational tour

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Importance of Educational Excursion for Students

L K Monu Borkala

  • What are educational excursions?
  • Significance and importance of excursions for students

Educational excursions or tours are short trips by students, under the supervision of the school management. Students are taken to a place away from their usual routine environment.

The main aim of education is to impart knowledge. Imparting knowledge through a hands-on experience is one of the ways of making learning more interesting.

There are different methods through which schools and colleges try to deliver academic concepts. One of the most effective methods is by conducting educational tours.

Schools nowadays have made educational tours a part of their curriculum thereby making studying fascinating and engrossing.

The importance of educational excursions in schools is manifold. Here we have jotted down a comprehensive list of the benefits of school excursions. Though the list is not exhaustive, the key advantages are listed below.

Importance of Excursions for Students

1. practical knowledge is better than bookish knowledge.

According to a research article conducted and published in the US National Library of Medicine , National Institutes of Health, about 65% of students prefer visual learning aids.

These learners prefer to see how to do things rather than just talk about them. They prefer to watch demonstrations rather than sit through a lecture.

True to the famous phrase ‘seeing is believing’, your perspective changes when you see something in person.

For example, learning about a historical monument by actually visiting the site gives you a better insight than reading about it through text.

Educational excursions help students to grasp concepts through visual learning.

2. Stress Buster

stress written on board

Students are confined to the four walls of a classroom for most of their day. The drudgery and the monotony of the four walls can lead to a stressful learning experience .

However, educational trips organised by schools serve as a miracle stress buster. The very announcement of a school excursion gets students excited and enlivened.

Educational trips relax students who are otherwise anxious in a competitive classroom environment. It serves as a break from the normal routine of a usual day in school.

3. Builds Corporate Attitude

Educational tours build corporate attitudes amongst the students. Students taken on tours to corporate offices and industries will be exposed to the current employees in the sector.

This kind of exposure introduces them to the actions, conduct and practices of the employees.

Usually, these practices are formal and official which is a stark contrast to the informal behaviour and mannerisms of a college student.

Being exposed to the corporate attitude can give students an insight into the corporate attitude which they may have to adopt in the future.

4. Interactive Sessions

One of the main benefits of school excursions is the interactive sessions during these trips. Such field trips allow students to freely interact with friends, teachers, and others.

Educational excursions usually involve the interaction of a third person who is not a teacher or not part of the school management. This gives students a bit of liberty to interact with these new contacts.

For example, a trip to a science centre or a museum involves the interaction of students with the curator or guide of the museum.

5. Discipline

Teachers often expect the students to be on their best behaviour when on a field trip. Students follow these instructions well, as they are aware that their behaviour will reflect on their school.

So educational trips indirectly teach students discipline and control.

6. Added Information

Visiting a site often results in the transfer of new information. At times, certain data is not included in a textbook. Such omitted data can be directly gained from the excursion venue.

Further, experts can add more valuable and practical information to students during live interactive sessions.

For example, a doctor or hospital manager can explain a concept missing from the textbook during an educational trip to the local hospital.

A sales representative can elucidate details on sales invoices during an educational excursion to the supermarket.

It helps to get more exposure to any topic. Apart from textbook information, educational tours can add more exposure to any subject. It dives deeper into the topic than what is taught inside the classrooms.

7. Academic Augmentation

One of the importance of Educational excursions is the boost it gives to concepts learned in the classroom. A teacher can reinforce basic concepts by arranging an excursion to the topic related site.

For example, management students learning about human resources and employee management can be taken on an excursion to a factory or a company.

This gives students an enhanced learning experience on how resources are managed in factories and companies.

This also improves academic performance of students. A student exposed to educational tours has more practical knowledge .

Being able to transfer this practical knowledge on to paper during examinations can give you a better chance of scoring higher grades.

Students not exposed to excursions and educational tours will have only bookish knowledge and may just simply try to reproduce what the text book claims.

8. Opportunity

Educational excursions organised by schools allow students to travel to these new sites. It also provides the less fortunate students an opportunity to travel to these places without incurring much expenses.

9. Knowledge Organisation Is Better in A Naturalistic Learning Experience

Research conducted and published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology concluded that the organization of knowledge is crucially important for many cognitive processes.

The current study investigated whether naturalistic learning experiences can drive rapid measurable changes in children.

An investigation on the effects of a week-long zoo summer camp (compared with a control school-based camp) on the degree to which 4- to 9-year-old children’s knowledge about animals was organized.

These findings provide novel evidence that naturalistic experiences can drive rapid changes in knowledge organization.

10. More Memory Power Through Hands-On Experiences

Seeing, touching, and live experience of an academic concept enhances memory power.

According to the findings published in Psychological Science , a journal of the Association of Psychological Science, exploring objects through touch can generate detailed, durable memories for those objects.

11. Better Perspective

Travelling often involves new situations, new people, and new adventures. Some educational excursions are organised to a different state or country.

Such excursions introduce students to a whole new world. A world they might not have seen or encountered.

Therefore, field trips enhance students’ outlook and help them to gain a fresh perspective of the world around them.

12. Educational Excursions Make Students Curious

person trekking over the hills

One of the benefits of excursions is that these educational trips make students curious and thirsty for more knowledge on the topic.

Students are eager to learn and see what they have learned in the classroom through textbooks.

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13. A Fun Time with Friends

Excursions are a fun-filled time with classmates and peers. Students enjoy interacting with friends outside of the school campus. It increases the bond between classmates and allows them to interact freely with each other.

14. A Unique Learning Environment

childern studying in the woods

Educational excursions provide a unique and informal way of learning. It provides a break from the usual desk and chair learning method.

Excursions to open spaces like zoos and botanical gardens and parks provide a natural learning environment . Such natural surroundings provide a casual and relaxed method of studying.

15. Opens a Window of Opportunity

Another importance of excursions for students is that this exposure opens up a window of opportunity when it comes to careers and choices.

During interactive sessions on educational excursions, students talk to different people from varied fields. In classrooms, student’s knowledge of the outside world is limited. This also helps in improving the art of communication in students.

Excursions introduce students to other professions other than the ones introduced behind closed doors of a classroom.

16. Two-Step Learning Process

One of the importance of excursions in schools is that it involves a beneficial two-step process.

Step 1: It is the first step where teachers usually research on the excursion site before taking students. Teachers prepare themselves well to supplement the practical knowledge with facts, figures, and additional information on the place of visit.

Step 2: It involves the knowledge enhancement for students in terms of the feel and live experience of education. These trips contribute to better academic performances for students.

Therefore, educational excursion benefits both teachers and students, making them more adaptable to new learning methods . This in turn enhances the popularity of the school.

Including educational excursions and trips in schools has become part of the curriculum in many parts of the country.

Due to the innumerable benefits of educational excursions, the modern educational system has included excursions and trips as part of the school curriculum in many parts of the country.

Students are given a hands-on learning experience on these trips, thereby providing a holistic approach to education.

The time has now come to include educational tours and excursions in the curriculum. Modern industries today warrant the need for educational institutions to compulsorily include excursions in the syllabus.

This practical exposure encourages students to perform better and score higher grades. It provides an all round development of students which is the main aim of today’s education.

Including educational excursions in the curriculum will guarantee a holistic approach for students.

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How Can Educational Tours Improve the Quality of Education?

As an educator or school administrator, it is always your responsibility to be looking for new ways to improve and enrich the education of your students. With most students today having complete access to computers, phones, and the internet, finding new tools to improve the education quality your classes offer is vital towards keeping students interested and engaged. One of those tools is educational tours .

So how exactly do educational tours improve a student’s quality of education? Educational tours offer a variety of benefits that improve education quality, with subject-centered tours, instilling lifetime learning habits, helping students understand the importance of learning in context, developing their social education tools, and giving them a true perspective of the path they might want to take.

In this article, we will discuss the importance for educators and schools to look outside the classroom to create more fulfilling learning experiences, and why educational tours are essential towards holistic education.

Why Schools Need to Start Looking Outside the Classroom

Traditional education has taught us that the more time spent in the classroom, the more children can learn. Many supporters of classroom-intensive learning advocate for fewer extracurricular activities and more classroom hours hitting the books.

But recent studies have found that sticking to the classroom might not be as education and fulfilling as some teachers would tell you. Here are a few disadvantages backed by research to schools that prioritize classrooms and grades as the defining factor in a student’s education:

Grades Tied to Self-Esteem

A paper from the University of Michigan found that roughly 80% of students view their grades as a foundation of their self-worth . Researchers found that school grades were the most relevant indicator of predicting a student’s sense of self-worth or self-esteem.

Regardless of other factors, a student with lower grades would generally have lower self-esteem than their peers with higher grades. Children with lower self-esteem caused by grades were reported to have greater anxiety, distractions, and memory problems caused by the stress.

Increase of Cheating

It should come as no surprise that schools that put a greater emphasis on grades and tests generate more stress and anxiety in their students to score higher on every exam. While some might see this as a kind of tough love, there are lines that show we might be pushing students too far, to the point that they choose to cheat instead.

According to one study, it was found that 64% of high school students admitted to cheating on a test . And perhaps the most interesting finding is the way students rationalize their behavior – they still see themselves as honest people, and think of their behavior as an exception to the rule.

Another study found that students who are praised for their intelligence are more likely to cheat than others, with researchers speculating this is caused by the greater expectations on the smarter students.

Standardized Testing Isn’t Always Objective

There is more than just a correlation between minority or underprivileged students and low standardized test scores. The American standardized testing system is a decades-old system, with the standards set in a time that was much more culturally and racially subjective than today. Some attributes and understandings are simply privileged in these tests, with others denigrated.

Standardized tests do not truly assess a student’s general intelligence; they simply assess how much a student understands of the standards of the test’s creators. There is a reason why SAT scores have almost always been found to favor students from wealthy Caucasian families, with access to tutors and technology.

It is clear that much needs to be addressed with our general understanding of and reliance on testing, classroom-focused activities, and grades. While greater changes to our schooling system and the culture of schooling will take years to implement, there are ways schools and educators can start changing the way they educate students and getting outside the classroom today. One of those ways is with educational tours.

What Exactly are Educational Tours?

Educational Tours from Junior Tours are exceptional travel experiences tailored for the specific educational needs of any student group. They can help students understand the purpose of their learning, and see their education in the true context in which it is used.

With a fully customized, planned, and detailed itinerary, any school and their student group can turn the boring annual school field trips into an educational tour that students will remember for years.

What makes educational tours different from field trips? Field trips might be a lackadaisical bus ride to the museum, or maybe an overnight trip to a national park. But our tours are finely crafted to give students and their teachers and parents or chaperones a truly revelatory learning experience, with a tour guide assisting and guiding you every step of the way.

How Educational Tours Improve Education Quality

young student girl drawing a travel trip landmark

1) Subject-Centered Tours

The benefit of working with Junior Tours year after year is that you never have to look elsewhere for a different kind of trip. Junior Tours works overtime to provide any kind of trip you and your students might be looking for, making your desired subject the central theme of every educational tour.

At Junior Tours, we offer the following tours by subject:

  • Drama: New York, Chicago, Toronto
  • Art: New York, Chicago, Washington D.C.
  • Music & Band: Concert Performance Music Festival
  • Foreign Language: Montreal/Quebec, New Orleans, Chicago, New York
  • Business: New York, Chicago, Atlanta
  • Fashion: New York
  • African American: Atlanta, Washington D.C., New York
  • History: New York, Williamsburg, Washington D.C., Boston, Philadelphia

Every item on the itinerary works towards enriching the learning experience related to your group’s chosen subject. We understand how important it is to keep students engaged and interested, which is why we will work with you to make sure that the entire trip is as enlightening and relevant as you and your students want.

2) 24/7 Learning Experience

There is no greater commodity than time, and the more people involved, the more important every minute becomes. With dozens of students, teachers, and chaperones involved, it is crucial to make sure that every minute of a field trip is planned and executed as effectively as possible.

Our leadership at Junior Tours understands the stress and difficulty of managing a large group of students outside of campus (believe us – we’ve been there). With years of tours under our belts, we know exactly how to manage and move a group from one place to another, turning what could be a slow and tedious field trip into an efficient 24/7 learning experience for everyone involved.

Educational tours from Junior Tours come with professionally trained tour escorts that will lead, guide, and motivate your students and chaperones 24 hours a day. Trips like these can’t survive on their educational benefits alone – students need to see and follow the enthusiasm and energy of a seasoned pro tour guide, who is not only an expert in their chosen subject matter, but also an expert at getting the most out of every situation.

Rest assured – you can promise your parents that every hour their child spends away from home will be an hour well spent. Not only will we make sure that every waking hour is spent learning, but that your students will start to see that learning is a lifelong, 24/7 quality endeavor.

3) Learning in Context

As great as it can be to sit in a quiet classroom setting and lecture students for hours with a whiteboard and their textbooks, with zero distractions and opportunities to waste time, an academic experience that offers nothing else can be detrimental to a student’s overall growth.

The biggest problem with classroom learning is that it is all, simply put, by the book. It creates students who are “book smart”; students who understand the concept of what they are learning, but not always the purpose of it.

Perhaps now more than ever, it is crucial for students to understand the meaning of context. That certain social truths aren’t always as objective as they might seem on paper, and that understanding how learning can be differently interpreted from the true context of a situation is incredibly important for a quality understanding.

With some subjects, the facts and numbers aren’t nearly enough, because facts and numbers can’t illustrate the sobriety or severity of what the students are learning about. And this is something students need to learn before heading off to university.

Whether it’s understanding the true importance of a historical event by visiting sites and seeing the historical settings, or putting your students in the actual city or culture where fashion, business, drama, and art thrive to give them the full taste of what they are learning, learning in context for students who are growing up in the disconnected digital age has never been more relevant.

4) Social Education

The smartest people are not always the most well-rounded people. Some people are geniuses in school, but never truly show it or live up to their potential because they are lacking in other areas of their growth.

Perhaps they never truly learn how to work with others at school, or they lack the right motivation, or how to transpose their learning and understanding into situations that involve group dynamics. If a school produces countless students that are incredibly smart but lack the social tools to apply their education to helping their community or even themselves, is that school actually helping their students?

Educational tours help students learn outside of the traditional classroom setting, which for some smarter students, becomes a handicap over the years. By taking your students on a field trip where they are forced to move, interact, search, ask, and see for themselves, we help your students develop or improve the social tools they need to truly apply their education in an active way.

Produce students who are not only intelligent but socially capable of applying their intelligence towards helping themselves and those around them. In a world growing increasingly digital and alone, students have to be shown that there is more to learn beyond the screen and the classroom by interacting with each other and the world around them.

5) Real Perspective

There is no denying that our students are the future. And one of the best things a school can do for its students is helping to set them on the path they might want to take. With an educational tour, we can set the gears in motion that will help your students kickstart the rest of their lives. While some students may just see the trip as a fun educational activity, other students will see it as the first look into their dream careers (whether they know it or not).

Educational tours offer students the real, in-your-shoes perspective of what they might want to study or become. It’s a kind of personal growth that is impossible to experience in the classroom or online, something that you can’t read about or watch on a screen.

A student might believe all their life that they want to pursue theater or music or art, but it isn’t until they are standing in the place where their passion is actually performed that they can realize whether this dream is right for them. Whether it’s asking for tips from people in the careers they might want to pursue, or just seeing the setting for themselves, the experience can be eye-opening for students young and old.

It’s a revelatory feeling that can make or break a student’s dreams, filling them with motivation or making them question their choices, but ultimately they will be thankful for the experience.

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We customize and personalize every trip with the love and care necessary to create something truly memorable, and with no hidden costs and affordable prices, we make sure every student can take part in our trips. Keeping your students excited and involved doesn’t always have to involve technology – with Junior Tours, we can give your students a quality trip they will never forget.

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Importance of Educational Tours For School Students

27 january 2023 the manthan school.

Last updated on June 30th, 2023 at 12:38 pm

Educational tours are a crucial component of the academic program because they give students the chance to learn outside of the classroom and get useful practical experience. There is a proverb that goes, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I comprehend,” and it refers to the idea that seeing something being done in a certain location helps people remember it better.

educational tour

Reasons To Opt For Educational Tours In Schoo

importance of study tour for students

Here are a few reasons why educational trips are important in schools :

Enhances knowledge and understanding

Educational trips provide students with a chance to learn about a particular place or subject in a more interactive and immersive way. For instance, visiting a historical site or a museum helps students better understand the history and culture of a place.

Promotes teamwork and social skills

Educational trips involve group activities and require students to work together, which helps them develop teamwork skills and social skills. This is crucial for younger pupils because it fosters their confidence and self-worth.

Encourages independent learning

Educational trips require students to be more self-directed and take ownership of their learning. This helps students develop problem-solving skills and become more independent learners.

Promotes creativity and critical thinking

Educational trips provide students with a chance to think creatively and critically about the things they see and experience. This helps students develop their critical thinking skills and become more innovative learners.

Provides a break from the monotony of classroom learning

Educational trips give students a break from the traditional classroom setting and allow them to learn in a more fun and interactive way . This helps to keep students engaged and motivated to learn.


Generally, educational tours in school are a great way for students to learn about different subjects, cultures, and historical events in a hands-on and interactive way. These tours can take place locally, nationally, or internationally, depending on the goals and interests of the group. Some examples of educational tours for school kids might include:

Science and nature tours: These tours take students to museums, zoos, aquariums, or natural habitats to learn about various scientific concepts and the natural world.

Historical tours: These tours take students to historical landmarks and sites, such as battlefields, museums, or cultural centers, to learn about significant events in history and different cultures.

Art and cultural tours: These tours take students to art museums, galleries, or cultural centers to learn about different artistic styles and cultural traditions.

Community service tours: These tours take students to locations where they participate in community service projects, such as helping to rebuild homes or assisting with environmental conservation efforts.

Importance Of Educational Tour

Let’s know why educational tours important for school students:

Exposure to new cultures and environments

Field tours are incredibly enriching and educational for students. Educational tours provide the opportunity for students to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of life in other countries or regions. These tours are organised to focus on specific subjects, such as history, language, art, or science, or they can be more general in nature, allowing students to experience a wide range of cultural and educational activities.

By participating in an educational tour, students gain first-hand exposure to different cultures, historical sites, and natural landscapes. It helps to broaden their understanding of the world and encourage them to think more critically about the world around them. Educational tours can also provide students with the opportunity to develop important skills such as independence, problem-solving, and teamwork, as they navigate unfamiliar environments and cultures.

Hands-on learning experiences

Educational tours that incorporate interactive learning can be a powerful tool for students to deepen their understanding of a subject or topic. By actively participating in the learning process, students are more likely to retain information and develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, interactive learning can be more engaging and enjoyable for students, making it a valuable addition to any educational tour.

Development of social skills

skills: Educational tours provide students with the opportunity to interact with their peers and adults in a new setting, helping to develop their social skills and confidence.

Improvement of communication skills

Educational tours require students to communicate and collaborate with their peers and adults, helping to improve their communication skills .

Development of problem-solving skills

Educational tours often involve challenges and unexpected situations that require students to use their problem-solving skills to find solutions.

Enhancement of critical thinking skills

Educational tours encourage students to think critically about the information and experiences they are exposed to, helping to enhance their critical thinking skills.

Increased motivation and engagement

Educational tours provide students with a sense of excitement and adventure, which can lead to increased motivation and engagement in learning.

Development of leadership skills

Educational tours provide students with the opportunity to take on leadership roles and responsibilities, helping to develop their leadership skills .

Building of lifelong memories

In addition to the academic benefits, educational tours also provide an opportunity for students to build lifelong memories. These trips allow students to make new friends, bond with their classmates, and create memories that will stay with them for a lifetime. Hence, educational tours are a valuable educational tool that helps students learn about the world and build lasting memories.

Enhance Academic Performance

During educational tours, students are exposed to a variety of teaching philosophies and discover new perspectives on their fields of study. Students return to the classroom with a deeper connection and greater motivation for their studies when they are able to see, touch, and smell the very things they have learned about in books.

Thus, educational tours are a valuable addition to a student’s education and help them learn and grow in a variety of ways.

Things to consider when planning for an educational tour

Budget: It is important to consider the cost of the educational tour and ensure that it is within the school’s budget.

Safety: The safety of the students should be a top priority. Consider the safety measures in place at the destination, such as emergency procedures, transportation, and accommodations.

Educational value: The tour should offer opportunities for students to learn and engage with new experiences. Consider the curriculum and how the tour aligns with it.

Student demographics: Take into consideration the needs and abilities of the students, including physical limitations, language barriers, and special needs.

Teacher involvement: Consider the role of teachers on the tour and how they can contribute to the educational experience.

Cultural sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences and respect local customs and traditions. Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of the tour and choose destinations that prioritize sustainable practices.

Student and parent involvement: Involve students and parents in the planning process and encourage their input and feedback.

L ength of the tour: Consider the length of the tour and whether it is feasible for the students and teachers.

Pre-tour preparation: Plan activities and materials for before and after the tour to enhance the the learning experience and provide context for the destination.

We at The Manthan School , Greater Noida West, ensure that our students can reap the benefits of educational tours while following all the safety and other factors. For more information, visit our website: www.themanthanschool.co.in/ or feel free to write to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

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Last Updated on 30 June 2023 by The Manthan School

Smiling young Black man and Black woman standing next to an open car trunk filled with items.

A Family Guide to Study Abroad

  • Stacie Nevadomski Berdan
  • , William Gertz
  • and Allan Goodman, CEO

All families are unique, but the importance of family support for students seeking to study abroad is shared. With  A Family Guide to Study Abroad , the AIFS Foundation and IIE continue to provide valuable guidance on understanding the impact of and options for study abroad while updating information and tips to empower today’s students and their families to succeed.  

Today’s graduates need a global mindset and international experience to compete for jobs. Studying abroad equips students with real-life, hands-on skills that no classroom can match, while opening up a world of personal and professional opportunities.   

You can champion study abroad as an essential component of your student’s education. This book contains critical information you’ll need to inform yourself, as well as support your student as they navigate the study abroad experience.   

A book cover titled "A Family Guide to Study Abroad" with icons of a globe, passport, suitcases, an airplane, and a classical building. Authors: Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, William Gertz, and Allan Goodman

In this guide, packed with practical information written specifically for families who want to learn more about study abroad, the authors make a strong case for the importance of family involvement that can influence and shape a successful cross-cultural experience, including:  

  • clarifying the value of study abroad  
  • identifying the right study abroad program  
  • figuring out the financials  
  • staying safe and healthy abroad  
  • preparing for success abroad  
  • offering the appropriate mixture of support  
  • helping your student use the experience for personal and professional success 
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importance of study tour for students

  • Nicholas Wise 3  

11 Accesses

Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people from other cultures and familiarizing oneself with different customs and practices (Stone and Petrick 2014 ). Many such programs are led by academics with the intent that students will increase their global awareness and complement classroom knowledge. A key objective is to integrate theory and practice. While universities seek to promote international agendas and transnational education, students embrace the opportunity to travel. Combining it with education transcends the traditional classroom, where students are brought into cultural settings through social activities consumed at the source (Kusek and Wise 2019 ). Study tours include semesters abroad,...

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Kusek, Weronika A., and Nicholas Wise. 2019. Human geography and professional mobility . London: Routledge.

Book   Google Scholar  

Nyaupane, Gyan, Cody Morris Paris, and Victor Teye. 2011. Study abroad motivations, destination selection and pre-trip attitude formation. International Journal of Tourism Research 13: 205–217.

Article   Google Scholar  

Stone, M.J., and J.F. Petrick. 2014. The educational benefits of travel experiences: A literature review. Journal of Travel Research 52: 731–744.

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Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA

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School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA

Jafar Jafari

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Honggen Xiao

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School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK

David Airey

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Wise, N. (2022). Study Tour. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_309-3

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_309-3

Received : 25 December 2020

Accepted : 19 February 2021

Published : 03 March 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

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International Programs

Why you should study abroad: a first-generation student's life-changing semester in barcelona.

Zayla Loftsgard profile photo

Hello! I am Zayla Loftsgard, and I studied in Barcelona through the IES program during the spring semester of my sophomore year! My favorite thing about Barcelona is how versatile it is. I enjoyed being able to go hiking and being right on the beach. I lived in an apartment with Barcelona residents right on the beach. I enjoyed this because of the location but it was enjoyable to meet more locals of Barcelona.  

Another thing I enjoyed about Barcelona was how many different cultural activities the city celebrated. Attending these events allowed me to see more of Spain's culture and meet more people. One of my favorite events was St. George's Day. This is a day celebrating love, and the streets were covered in roses and many other events to celebrate.  

I learned a lot about myself while studying abroad. One thing in particular that I learned was how to adjust to constant change and obstacles. When living in a new country I was constantly adapting to change in all parts of my life. This experience showed me how to move through challenges and the benefits that come from them.  

"While in Europe, I was able to appreciate the importance of doing things you enjoy. This made me reevaluate how I prioritize my responsibilities and enjoyment in my own life."

Another thing I learned was how interested I am in seeing and learning about different cultures. My favorite trip abroad was going to Morocco; this trip became my favorite because it was an environment that was so much different than anything I have ever experienced. These cultural experiences changed my identity in some ways. While in Europe, I was able to appreciate the importance of doing things you enjoy. This made me reevaluate how I prioritize my responsibilities and enjoyment in my own life.  

My biggest tip to University of Iowa students who are interested in going abroad would be to DO IT! Have an open mind while preparing for this experience and don’t let what you see and hear from others greatly affect the choices you make. As a first-generation student, studying abroad made me realize the importance of global experiences and my education.


The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. The scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad with the intent to serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus. Upon completion of the study abroad program and return to UI, award recipients are asked to submit a photo and an open letter to prospective students or suggest an alternate means of sharing with prospective students.

Please note that the opinions and views expressed by ambassadors are solely those of the students and do not reflect or represent the views of International Programs or the University of Iowa.

International Programs  (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement.  IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.

  • global access ambassador
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  • study abroad

International Programs at the University of Iowa supports the right of all individuals to live freely and to live in peace. We condemn all acts of violence based on race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and perceived national or cultural origin. In affirming its commitment to human dignity, International Programs strongly upholds the values expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights .  

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The Register’s 10 Things to Ask on a College Tour

Asking questions that matter to Catholic families and incoming students can help focus on-campus time.

Tours give insights into campus life, from Mass times to sports opportunities.

For high-school seniors, their first steps on a college campus offer them a chance to look into their potential futures. Between course offerings, athletic history, personal anecdotes from the tour guide and Mass times, Catholic high-school students have a lot to take into consideration. Instead of memorizing every detail, asking questions that matter to Catholic families and incoming students can help focus on-campus time. 

Here are the Register’s “10 Things to Ask on a College Tour”:

 What are the best school traditions?

School history colors student life at any college or university. Maybe it is a particular song or catchphrase or deep-seated athletic rivalry. Ultimately, school customs and legends help new students feel like they belong. Faith-based traditions are particularly beautiful at Catholic colleges — from the annual May crowning of a statue of Our Lady and special Lenten Holy Week liturgies to Eucharistic processions. Finding meaningful traditions is important.

 What is liturgical life like on campus?

Attending a Catholic college or university allows students to explore their faith through the sacraments. From the University of Notre Dame’s celebration of more than 40 Sunday Masses and 160 daily Masses every week, to the perpetual adoration offered at Ave Maria University, Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist can form the “source and summit” of Christian life, as well as college life. Colleen Walker, a senior at Ave Maria University, in Ave Maria, Florida, said that her college’s rich faith life has allowed her to be “led ever deeper into conformity to the Truth himself, Jesus Christ.” Catholic universities also benefit from impressive places of worship, like The Catholic University of America’s connection to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and Christendom College’s Christ the King Chapel. Catholic students who are serious about their faith should be knowledgeable about liturgies on their future campuses and where to find faithful fellowship, too.

 What is the career center like?

Students should inquire about their potential school’s career center and take note of its location on campus. Excellent higher education institutes will be eager to provide their students with the tools to become successful graduates. Deeply committed Catholic colleges may also include discerning vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the guidance. “The faith is obviously the most important thing. We’re an academic institution, but we’re built and founded with the intention of providing a truly Catholic liberal education, and the sacramental life goes hand-in-hand with that,” Jon Daley, director of admissions at Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California, told the Register. Post-graduate networking opportunities, like Benedictine College’s The Raven Walk, a new networking platform connecting alumni and current students through mentorship programs and groups, or Belmont Abbey’s focus on internship assistance, can help support your student’s eventual transition into “real life.”

How are the dining halls?

Hungry students want to know: “What’s good to eat on campus?” Be sure to investigate dining hall meal plans and campus restaurant options (at the University of Mary, the university’s campus restaurant is open 24/7 to students and guests during the school year). And what about the best coffee shop or ice cream machine?

 What is residential life like?

Student residences are the backdrop to formative collegiate experiences. In dorms, students take on new experiences, like getting along with a new roommate, attending a party or gathering down the hall, or going to a resident adviser for guidance. Single-sex dorms are a part of the Register’s criteria for the annual college guide, and new this year is indicating how many years students are required to live on campus. Families who prioritize their child’s faith life can also inquire if dorms offer priests-in-residence (or women religious), or if some rectors are members of religious communities.

 Are athletic events and clubs important to social life?

Between football, baseball, hockey, lacrosse or ultimate Frisbee, college athletics can be a great way to cheer on your classmates or be a part of the team. 

New to the college guide this year, the Register is highlighting which athletic conference these colleges or universities belong to. Campuses are a great place to play sports casually and form friendships on the field, too.

 What are the academic requirements for students across all majors?

College is primarily an academic journey, where students connect with professors and classmates in pursuit of the truth. Authentically Catholic colleges and universities often promote a strong core curriculum, which can provide the opportunity to develop interdisciplinary skills. 

Some unique programs include Thomas Aquinas College’s single degree based on the Great Books and the University of St. Thomas in Houston’s robust core curriculum, which integrates theology and philosophy, regardless of the major students pursue. 

On the graduate level, St. Thomas also offers the only Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, which is based on the Catholic literary tradition. 

And at the University of Dallas, students read the entire Divine Comedy as well as the totality of Paradise Lost . 

University of Dallas tour

 Are there opportunities to study abroad?

Many students are interested in experiencing another culture during their time in college, and study-abroad programs help to provide this exciting opportunity. European study-abroad experiences also offer unique accessibility to pilgrimage sites and historic churches, whether it is through a semester-long program, like Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Austria program, or a summer trip. 

“Franciscan’s Austria program is rooted in faith and traditions of a Catholic education,” said Jordan Dillon, a senior at Steubenville studying marketing, adding that abroad she was “able to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ.”

 What is the library like?

If students are going to be engaging in rigorous curriculums and discern their futures, they need a beautiful place to study. A centrally located, well-stocked library on campus can be a convenient and inspiring study spot. Tour guides can provide an outline of resources available at the library and the sort of research and study spots available. 

The Thomas Aquinas College campus in New England during fall | Courtesy of Thomas Aquinas College

What opportunities will I find to grow in my Catholic faith during my college career?

As Catholics, choosing a college requires more than just a checklist of academic, athletic and social offerings.

 It is an important next step in discerning the life plan that God holds for each student. 

Admissions events at Catholic colleges should be able to highlight the importance of faith. Making faith a central part of the college search can help to clarify the exciting uncertainty that accompanies this impactful decision. 

Happy decision-making!

  • catholic college students
  • catholic colleges and universities
  • catholic identity college guide
  • college guide

Catalina Scheider Galiñanes

Catalina Scheider Galiñanes Catalina Scheider Galiñanes is currently a News Intern with the National Catholic Register. She is a senior at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Economics and Political Science with a minor in Constitutional Studies from the Washington, D.C. area.

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  5. A Study Tour for Unique Cultural Education and Exploration

    importance of study tour for students

  6. Executive Education Trips & Study Tours

    importance of study tour for students


  1. College Study Tours: The Top Benefits of Learning Abroad

    Here are the benefits of study tours to students: Aids in learning. ... While good teaching is still an important learning foundation for each of us (especially during our younger years - and I don't think that can be easily replaced) the world is also an effective classroom. Although classroom learning can be rewarding, long hours of ...

  2. The Advantages of an Educational Tour

    This can be one of the most beneficial aspects of an educational tour. The importance of a school trip to study other cultures cannot be overstated. Students gain a much deeper understanding of the world along with an appreciation of diversity, world history, language and customs. Students also develop self-confidence learning to acclimate to a ...

  3. The Benefits of Study Trips for Students

    Broadening Horizons. One of the benefits of study trips is broadening students' horizons. Through traveling and immersion in new cultures, languages, and environments, students gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Experiencing firsthand the customs, traditions, and daily lives of people from other countries promotes empathy ...

  4. The Reasons Why Educational Field Trips Are Important For Students

    The importance of educational tours for students can be better in various ways. First of all, this tour provides ample opportunity to exchange and learn many skills with each other. On educational field trips, students feel the sense of enjoyment which offers them to acquire a fresh perspective, learn new things and witness different sides of ...

  5. Benefits of Educational Tours

    The importance of taking the students out of the classroom to absorb, interact and be immersed in history and educational tours have several learning benefits for students to obtain practical information within the brain. Educational Trips have many advantages in a student's life like new learning, entertainment, social interaction, experiences ...

  6. Educational Excursion for Students: Importance & Benefits

    One of the benefits of excursions is that these educational trips make students curious and thirsty for more knowledge on the topic. Students are eager to learn and see what they have learned in the classroom through textbooks. You May Also Like Importance of Education in Life. 13. A Fun Time with Friends.

  7. PDF Short-Term Academic Study Tours Best Practices Handbook

    ecuting the learning objectives and programmatic goals. Students who participate in short-t. rm study tours earn academic credit for the experience. It is an opportunity for students to grow. demically, as well as personally and professionally. Administrative and fiscal duties. rative offices, and handling.

  8. How Can Educational Tours Improve the Quality of Education?

    Keeping your students excited and involved doesn't always have to involve technology - with Junior Tours, we can give your students a quality trip they will never forget. Contact us at 1-800-631-2241 or send us your information and request for a student tour quote today. In this article, we will discuss the importance of educational tours ...

  9. The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences:

    Learning outcomes have been found from the travel portion of the study experience, and some research has found that out-of-class experiences were the most impactful portion of study abroad. Personal growth, increase in life skills, and knowledge also result from independent international travel, as well as "objectiveless" travel.

  10. Importance of Educational Tours For School Students

    Here are a few reasons why educational trips are important in schools:. Enhances knowledge and understanding. Educational trips provide students with a chance to learn about a particular place or subject in a more interactive and immersive way. For instance, visiting a historical site or a museum helps students better understand the history and culture of a place.

  11. A Family Guide to Study Abroad

    All families are unique, but the importance of family support for students seeking to study abroad is shared. With A Family Guide to Study Abroad, the AIFS Foundation and IIE continue to provide valuable guidance on understanding the impact of and options for study abroad while updating information and tips to empower today's students and their families to succeed.


    Additionally, this study sought to understand the importance and impact of study tour activities on extending thinking and views of education and global perspectives. ... There is a growing concern that American students lack the skills to succeed in a global

  13. Study Tours as a Form of Practitioner Research

    Practitioner research has the potential to impact education at the student, classroom, school, and district levels. (Center for Practitioner Research, 2008) Well-planned study tours afford participants the opportunity to study, reflect on, and impact education. A quick review of the literature on short-term study tours by educators revealed two ...


    Study Tours that get results require close attention to intentional design of learning and experience sharing beyond the technical content. The key is to allocate adequate time and resources, have a strong design and delivery team, and give adequate attention to

  15. Study Tour

    Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people from other ...


    importance of active learning, critical thinking, complex and creative problem solving as key drivers for the future STEM (Science, Technology and Engineering) graduates and therefore require more attention. ... the study tour students are now aware that study content covered in the area of Information System in India and Australia at the ...

  17. PDF The Experiential Learning Impact of International and Domestic Study

    (2014) of a study tour to India found study tour faculty assessments corroborated survey results that indicate that the majority of study tour students were better able to achieve course learning outcomes because of their study tour participation to India. Howard and Gulawani (2014) concluded that well designed learning outcomes

  18. (PDF) Educational Benefits of Study Tours for the Students of

    This study explores the need and importance of study tours that add the learning experience throughout the life of students at the university level and in practical life. For collecting data, a ...

  19. Why you should study abroad: a first-generation student's life-changing

    As a first-generation student, studying abroad made me realize the importance of global experiences and my education. LEARN HOW YOU CAN APPLY FOR A GLOBAL ACCESS AMBASSADOR SCHOLARSHIP. The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year.

  20. PDF Guidelines for Organizing Study Tours

    Preliminary Information for Study Tour Program. Destination and dates of the study tour (verifying that dates of the study tour/associated travel have not been scheduled during regular semester classes) must be stated. The full-time faculty member(s) serving as program organizer(s) and chaperone(s) must be identified.

  21. The Register's 10 Things to Ask on a College Tour

    It is an important next step in discerning the life plan that God holds for each student. Admissions events at Catholic colleges should be able to highlight the importance of faith.