Web oficial de turismo de Andalucía

  • http://www.facebook.com/viveandalucia
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  • Places to visit
  • Explore Andalusia
  • Plan the trip
  • Professional

Our capitals

Much more than cities

Province of Almeria

  • Almería y su Entorno
  • Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento
  • Cabo de Gata y Níjar

Costa de Almería

  • Sierra de los Filabres
  • Sierra de María/Los Velez
  • Valle de Almanzora

Province of Cadiz

  • Costa de la Luz (Cádiz)
  • Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales
  • Jerez de la Frontera
  • Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema

Province of Cordoba

  • Córdoba y su Entorno
  • Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir
  • La Campiña (Córdoba)
  • Alto Guadiato
  • La Subbética
  • Los Pedroches

Province of Granada

  • Altiplano de Granada
  • Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín
  • Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado
  • La Vega y la Campana
  • El Poniente Granadino
  • Granada y Sierra Nevada
  • La Alpujarra

Province of Huelva

  • Andévalo y Parque Minero
  • Doñana y Entorno
  • Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
  • Costa de la Luz (Huelva)
  • Huelva y Lugares Colombinos
  • Niebla y el Condado

Province of Jaen

  • Jaén y Entorno
  • Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros
  • Sierra Mágina

Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas

  • Úbeda/Baeza
  • Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén

Province of Malaga

  • Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental
  • Antequera y Entorno
  • Costa del Sol Occidental
  • Málaga y Entorno
  • Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal
  • Valle del Guadalhorce

Province of Seville

  • El Aljarafe
  • La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir
  • La Vega del Guadalquivir
  • Sevilla y Entorno
  • Sierra Norte

Main attractions

Mezquita de Córdoba

Alcazaba de Málaga

Jaén Cathedral

Cádiz Cathedral

Muelle de las Carabelas

Alcazaba de Almería

Alhambra y Generalife

Andalusia's Natural Treasures

Cerro del Hierro

Duna de Bolonia

Caminito del Rey

Georuta Desierto de Gorafe

La Geoda de Pulpí

Gruta de las Maravillas

Tinto River

Los Alcornocales

Sierra Nevada

Sierras Subbéticas

Torcal de Antequera


  • Costa del Sol
  • Costa de la Luz- Cadiz
  • Costa de la Luz-Huelva
  • Costa Tropical
  • Blue Flag beaches
  • Gastronomic Activities
  • Michelin Star

Cultural Tourism

  • Adapted Golf
  • Pitch & Putt

Nature Areas

  • Leisure Parks
  • Health and Beauty

Places of leisure

Offers and Experiences

Astrotourism - Star Tourism

Tourist Routes

Andalucía a caballo

Meetings and congresses

  • Spanish language schools


Andalusia made to measure

With the family

Digital and energetic nomad

Andalusia all year round

Summer in Andalusia

Autumn in Andalusia

Christmas in Andalusia

Andalusia in Spring

How to get around in Andalusia

Come by air, by boat or by land

Transport companies in Andalusia

  • Practical information

Where to sleep?


Housing for tourism purposes

Rural House

Country House Lodge

Rural Resort

Campsites and overnight parking

Youth Hostel

Boarding House

Where to eat ?

  • Restaurants

Gourmet markets

Things to do

Ideas for your trip

Publications and Brochures

City brochures

Coast leaflets

Area brochure

Specialised brochures

Folletos genéricos

Provincial leaflets

Specialised books

What is NAC?

How does NAC work?

How to create offers in NAC ?

SmartData Andalusia

¿Qué es smartdata?

Fuentes smartdata

Solicitar usuario

Acceso smartdata

Material Audiovisual

Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia


  • Our capitals . Our capitals . Our capitals . Our capitals . Almería +info Almería +info Almería +info Almería +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Granada +info Granada +info Granada +info Granada +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info
  • Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno
  • Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento
  • Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar
  • Costa de Almería Costa de Almería Costa de Almería Costa de Almería
  • Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres
  • Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez
  • Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora
  • Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz)
  • Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales
  • Cádiz Cádiz Cádiz Cádiz
  • Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera
  • Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema
  • Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno
  • Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir
  • La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba)
  • Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato
  • La Subbética La Subbética La Subbética La Subbética
  • Los Pedroches Los Pedroches Los Pedroches Los Pedroches
  • Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada
  • Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín
  • Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado
  • La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana
  • El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino
  • Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada
  • La Alpujarra La Alpujarra La Alpujarra La Alpujarra
  • Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero
  • Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno
  • Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
  • Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva)
  • Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos
  • Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado
  • Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno
  • Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros
  • Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina
  • Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas
  • Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza
  • Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén
  • Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental
  • Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno
  • Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental
  • Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno
  • Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal
  • Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce
  • El Aljarafe El Aljarafe El Aljarafe El Aljarafe
  • La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir
  • La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir
  • Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno
  • Sierra Norte Sierra Norte Sierra Norte Sierra Norte
  • Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info
  • Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info
  • Costa del Sol Costa del Sol Costa del Sol Costa del Sol
  • Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz
  • Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva
  • Costa Tropical Costa Tropical Costa Tropical Costa Tropical
  • Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches
  • Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities
  • Michelin Star Michelin Star Michelin Star Michelin Star
  • Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes
  • Adapted Golf Adapted Golf Adapted Golf Adapted Golf
  • Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt
  • Live . Live . Live . Live . Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info - +info - +info - +info - +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info
  • Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info - +info - +info - +info - +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info
  • Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info
  • How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Practical information +info Practical information +info Practical information +info Practical information +info
  • Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info
  • Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info
  • Things to do . Things to do . Things to do . Things to do . Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Events +info Events +info Events +info Events +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info News +info News +info News +info News +info
  • Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . City brochures +info City brochures +info City brochures +info City brochures +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info
  • NAC +info . NAC +info . NAC +info . NAC +info . What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info Who we are +info Who we are +info Who we are +info Who we are +info
  • SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . ¿Qué es smartdata? +info ¿Qué es smartdata? +info ¿Qué es smartdata? href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/que-es-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info ¿Qué es smartdata? +info Fuentes smartdata +info Fuentes smartdata +info Fuentes smartdata href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/fuentes-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Fuentes smartdata +info Solicitar usuario +info Solicitar usuario +info Solicitar usuario href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/solicitar-usuario/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Solicitar usuario +info Acceso smartdata +info Acceso smartdata +info Acceso smartdata href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/acceso-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Acceso smartdata +info
  • Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/terminos" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Lo último +info Lo último +info Lo último href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/search" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Lo último +info Colecciones +info Colecciones +info Colecciones href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/collections" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Colecciones +info
  • - +info - +info - +info - +info

Green Tour Al-Andalus

Green Tour Al-Andalus

Green Tour Al-Andalus is a rural tourism, ecotourism and adventure sports company. They organise routes to discover nature (visits to nature reserves, birdwatching, photography workshops, hides), environmental days for schools and adventure sports activities. They also organise cultural visits to the main cities in Western Andalusia , like Seville , Cádiz , Cordoba , Ronda , etc.

They offer organised and a-la-carte activities and clients can have a tailormade day.

Green Tour Al-Andalus has professional guides working in many different areas, like biologists, ornithologists, nature photographers, adventure sports experts, etc.

The office is situated in Morón de la Frontera , and they also own Sierra Sur Multiadventure Nature Centre , a 46-hectare Mediterranean forest situated a few minutes from Morón . It has facilities for archery, climbing wall, zipline, hiking, etc., which are ideal for school groups wishing to combine nature and multisports activities.

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green tour al andalus

Services and infrastructure

Target audiences, type of activity, registry number.

Andalusia with pride

Andalusia with pride


Medium-Sized Towns

Practical guide of Andalusia

Practical guide of Andalusia



  • Discover Andalusia
  • The best sun in the world
  • 100% Natural
  • Andalusia flavor


  • Almería
  • Cádiz
  • Córdoba
  • Jaén
  • Málaga


  • Active turism
  • Conferences and Congresses
  • Touristic Routes


  • Accommodations
  • Guided Activities Companies
  • Tour Operators and Travel Agencies

Andalucía Maps

Seville horses on Al Andalus tour

Al-Andalus: Southern Spain by Luxury Rail

The highlights.

  • Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art and a chance to watch the “dancing Andalusian horses”
  • All meals and excursions included
  • Five UNESCO World Heritage Sites: from the incredible Alhambra to the mosque of Córdoba
  • Ronda, the birthplace of bullfighting
  • Visit a local winery and sample regional wines in Jerez
  • Six nights onboard the Al-Andalus
  • Málaga’s impressive Alcazaba Moorish fortress

Enjoy the Spanish landscape on the Al-Andalus luxury train as you journey through the country’s southernmost territory. The train combines attentive service, lush décor, and elegant cuisine for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Tour includes day touring by motorcoach to incredible restaurants and sites not reachable by train and a long list of UNESCO World Heritage sites you will never forget. The seven-day, six-night tour begins in Seville, with stops in Jerez, Cádiz, Ronda, Cordoba, Ubeda, Baeza and Granada before ending in Málaga (tour also operates in reverse). You can easily get to the start of this trip by high-speed, 2.5-hour AVE train from Madrid straight to Seville or Málaga.

And when we book your hotels pre and post-train, we offer a great value with our Virtuoso partner hotels: the offer includes exclusive and valuable complimentary amenities which can add a value of hundreds of dollars to your booking.

View IRT Society Vice President Angela Walker’s account of her Al-Andalus adventure .

*For 2025 departures, Málaga will be removed from the itinerary to allow for more time in Granada. 

green tour al andalus

Countries Visited

Day 1: seville-jerez.

Welcome reception for passengers in the Hotel del Alabardero in Seville at 10 a.m. While the crew transfers your luggage to the train, enjoy a guided tour of Seville, the capital of Andalusia and one of the most historic cities in Spain. This includes lunch and a panoramic tour that includes the famous Plaza de España. Then, transfer to the Al Andalus train. Meet the train crew and enjoy a welcome drink before unpacking in your private cabin.

Dinner is served on board as the Al Andalus makes its way to Jerez, where it will stop for the night.

Day 2: Jerez-Cádiz-Jerez

After breakfast on board, the train travels to Jerez.  From there, a motorcoach transfers you to Cádiz, one of the oldest cities in Europe and popularly known as “la Tacita de Plata” (the Silver Teacup). Enjoy a city tour of Cádiz, free time, and lunch.

Return to Jerez in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight on the train, stationed in Jerez.

Day 3: Jerez-Ronda

Breakfast on board, followed by a visit to a winery in Jerez, the birthplace of Sherry and some of the most deeply rooted Andalusian traditions. Then visit the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art, where you will enjoy the show “How the Andalusian Horses Dance.”

Lunch will be served on board as the train travels to breathtaking Ronda, set on a plateau cut by the dramatic Tajo de Ronda gorge through which the Guadalevín River runs. Dinner in a Ronda restaurant. Overnight on the train, stationed in Ronda.

Day 4: Ronda-Cordoba

After breakfast, visit Ronda, the birthplace of bullfighting. Lunch on board the train while traveling to Cordoba.

Tour, dinner, and overnight stay in Cordoba.

Day 5: Cordoba-Úbeda-Baeza-Granada

This morning visit the unique Mosque-Cathedral and continue exploring Cordoba. Lunch on board while traveling to Úbeda and Baeza, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage cities.

This evening, dinner is served as the train arrives to Granada, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

For 2024 departures: The afternoon includes an additional visit to an oil mill (Almazara) and olive oil tasting.

Day 6: Granada

This morning is dedicated to visiting the Alhambra, the rich palace complex that housed the Nasrid rulers from the Kingdom of Granada. After lunch, there is more time to visit this beautiful city. Dinner and overnight in Granada.

Day 7: Granada-Málaga

After enjoying your last breakfast on board, say goodbye to the train and its crew and travel by coach to Málaga. Visit the extensively restored Alcazaba fort, known for its Moorish architecture.

Free time and lunch at the AC Hotel by Marriott Malaga Palace, where your trip will end at approximately 5:00 p.m.

*For 2025 departures, your journey will end in Granada after a tour of Nasrid city, followed by lunch. 

Day 1: Málaga-Granada

Welcome reception for passengers at the AC Hotel by Marriott Malaga Palace at 10 a.m. Lunch in the Parador Gibralfaro.

Then, in the afternoon, travel by coach to Granada and board the waiting Al Andalus train. Meet the train crew and enjoy a welcome drink before settling in to your private cabin.  Dinner and overnight in Granada.

*For 2025 departures, your journey begins in Granada at a local hotel at 12 p.m. 

Day 2: Granada-Linares/Baeza

This morning is dedicated to visiting the famed Alhambra, the rich palace complex that housed the Nasrid rulers from the Kingdom of Granada. After lunch, there is more time to visit this beautiful city. Dinner is served on board as the train travels to Linares/Baeza, where it stops for the night.

Day 3: Linares/Baeza-Úbeda-Cordoba

After breakfast, visit Úbeda and Baeza, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage cities. Lunch on board while traveling to Cordoba. Tour, dinner and overnight stay in Cordoba.

For 2024 departures: Today includes an additional visit to an oil mill (Almazara) and olive oil tasting.

Day 4: Cordoba-Ronda

Morning visit of Cordoba’s unique Mosque-Cathedral. Return to the train for lunch and travel to breathtaking Ronda, set on a plateau cut by the dramatic Tajo de Ronda gorge through which the Guadalevín River runs. After a tour of Ronda, enjoy dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight on board in Ronda.

Day 5: Ronda-Jerez

Enjoy breakfast on board as the train travels to Jerez. Visit a winery in Jerez, the birthplace of Sherry as well as some of the most deeply rooted Andalusian traditions. Then visit the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art, where you will enjoy the show “How the Andalusian Horses Dance.”

Lunch on board in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, followed by free time. Dinner on board and overnight in Jerez.

Day 6: Jerez-Cádiz-Jerez

A motorcoach transfers you to Cádiz, one of the oldest cities in Europe and popularly known as “la Tacita de Plata” (the Silver Teacup). Enjoy a city tour of Cádiz, free time, and lunch.

Day 7: Seville

After enjoying your last breakfast on board, say goodbye to the train and its crew.  Visit the city of Seville, the capital of Andalusia and one of the most historic cities in Spain.

Lunch in the Hotel del Alabardero, where your trip ends at approximately 5 p.m.

Dates & Prices

September 15 - 21

September 22 - 28 *

September 29 - October 5

October 6 - 12 *

October 13 - 19

October 20 - 26 *

October 27 - November 2

November 3 - 9 *

*Starred departures run Málaga to Seville.

  • Prices are per person.
  • Please note: We cannot hold space on this train. A 15% deposit will be required immediately to confirm your cabin.
  • Tour is priced in Euro. View approximate exchange rates .

March 23 - 29

March 30 - April 5 *

April 6 - 12

April 13 - 19 *

April 20 - 26

April 27 - May 3 *

May 11 - 17 *

May 18 - 24

May 25 - 31 *

June 8 - 14

June 15 - 21 *

September 7 - 13

September 14 - 20 *

September 21 - 27

September 28 - October 4 *

October 5 - 11

October 12 - 18 *

*Starred departures run Granada to Seville.

Book Your Journey

  • Grand Class Room
  • September 15 , 2024 - September 21 , 2024
  • September 22 , 2024 - September 28 , 2024
  • September 29 , 2024 - October 5 , 2024
  • October 6 , 2024 - October 12 , 2024
  • October 13 , 2024 - October 19 , 2024
  • October 20 , 2024 - October 26 , 2024
  • October 27 , 2024 - November 2 , 2024
  • November 3 , 2024 - November 9 , 2024
  • March 23 , 2025 - March 29 , 2025
  • March 30 , 2025 - April 5 , 2025
  • April 6 , 2025 - April 12 , 2025
  • April 13 , 2025 - April 19 , 2025
  • April 20 , 2025 - April 26 , 2025
  • April 27 , 2025 - May 3 , 2025
  • May 4 , 2025 - May 10 , 2025
  • May 11 , 2025 - May 17 , 2025
  • May 18 , 2025 - May 24 , 2025
  • May 25 , 2025 - May 31 , 2025
  • June 8 , 2025 - June 14 , 2025
  • June 15 , 2025 - June 21 , 2025
  • September 7 , 2025 - September 13 , 2025
  • September 14 , 2025 - September 20 , 2025
  • September 21 , 2025 - September 27 , 2025
  • September 28 , 2025 - October 4 , 2025
  • October 5 , 2025 - October 11 , 2025
  • October 12 , 2025 - October 18 , 2025

Reviews From Our Travelers

We’ve traveled a lot, and we can tell you: they made a tremendous effort. The staff treated us wonderfully. They did everything they could possibly do for us. It was not pretentious in any way, though. It was elegant. …I just felt that we were treated like royalty.

H. & J. Pitch, May, 2015

This was the most wonderful trip I have ever experienced. The staff were delightful, thoughtful, caring and smiling throughout. Never have I had such a splendid trip; it is expensive; I won't be doing it every day of the week however I loved every second

Guy, May 2015

Everything including the air arrangements was perfect. The tour included many very interesting sites. The food was fabulous and made from local ingredients served in unique settings. The hotels were local, luxurious and very unique. Some of best we have stayed in.

Florida Traveler, May 2015

Seville and Malaga can easily be reached by high-speed regular train from Barcelona or Madrid. Contact us if you would like to utilize our concierge service to extend your journey in Spain — or elsewhere in Europe.

Inquire About This Journey

For dates and prices, please click here .

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green tour al andalus

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green tour al andalus


green tour al andalus


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green tour al andalus


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Tailor Made Tours

Visit Al Andalus Tailor Made Tour services is aimed at providing the guests with a unique made to measure traveling and tour experience. The concept is to combine what you want and how you want it with our expertise on the field to create a unique tour package to answer you expectations and wishes on how you want to travel.

green tour al andalus

Client Testimonials

The people are hospitable, accommodating and all around amazing. If you plan to tour Spain, don’t do it alone! These guys are rock solid (Masha’Allah)! Thank you for an amazing experience
Tour was amazing and the guys behind it ensured we are comfortable and accommodated to our needs! Highly recommended!
Love the place, beautiful view, great people, superb hospitality, knowledgable and super friendly guides. Makes u comfortable, feels like home, and the tourguides, makes u feel like you’ve known them forever. Take some time to visit Al Andalus, feel the magic when u know about the past and the present.

green tour al andalus



Visit Al Andalus

Visit Al Andalus Tours by Astrolab Travel Group. Visit Al Andalus halal tours is a fully licensed travel and tours agency with registry number CIAN 187722-3, based in Granada, Spain. We love what we do and we are constantly working to create and offer the best halal tours in Spain, Portugal and Morocco.


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 +34 685 259 782  /  +34 722 393 033


© Visit Al Andalus Tours Aviso legal: Real decreto legislativo 1-2007. Ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios. Ley 34-2002. Ley de comercio electrónico.


Al Andalus Train

Travel through the South of Spain with maximum comfort aboard the luxurious train Al Andalus. You will visit the most beautiful cities of Andalusia, enjoying unique landscapes and the most select of Spanish gastronomy.

Al-Andalus Train Map

The Al Andalus train takes a tour of 7 days and 6 nights, visiting cities such as Seville, Cordoba, Cadiz, Ronda and Granada. A very special opportunity to get to know Andalusia with exclusive attention, maximum comfort and surrounded by the glamour of the Belle Epoque.

In this luxurious hotel on wheels, you will stay in glamorous first-class rooms that recall the elegance of the 20s. They are modernized with all comfort, have full bathroom, WIFI and panoramic views to contemplate the amazing landscapes.

Restaurante Tren Al Andalus

Tours and excursions

Feel like in the Thousand and One Nights strolling through the arches of the Mosque of Cordoba. Relive the past of the Arab sultans who inhabited the Alhambra in Granada. From Seville to Cadiz, incredible World Heritage cities await you to show you the best of Andalusia.

Suite Deluxe del Tren Al Andalus

Iberian ham from Jabugo, olive oil and typical dishes of the famous Andalusian cuisine, paired with the best sherry wines, liqueurs and teas, will not miss at the table of the elegant restaurant of the Al Andalus train. This is a trip to eat it!

Excursiones desde el Tren Al Andalus

What our customers say

We show you the al andalus train reviews from real guests who have booked with us.

green tour al andalus

“Fabulous food and exquisite service”

"The trip itself was spectacular, with special mention to the divine Andalusian gastronomy and the excellent wines ."

“Wonderful experience”

"The South of Spain is really impressive. It has the perfect mix for an amazing journey: culture, enviable gastronomy and extraordinary people ."

“Unforgettable places”

"My congratulations to the staff both outside and inside the Al Andalus Train. We enjoyed the stay and the food very much. The places we visit are definitely unforgettable ."


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