Cuyo, Palawan – Where Everything Is Laid Back

Cuyo, Palawan – Where Everything Is Laid Back

Cuyo is a place where time stands still. In this island, life is unhurried. It’s not even a go-to destination when you hear about someone taking a trip to Palawan . Mostly, it’s off to see the beauty of El Nido or to see the wonders of Busuanga.

Pamalican Island Main Beach in Cuyo, Palawan Image source: PHG/creative commons

No matter how quiet life may be in the island of Cuyo , it does deserve its fair share of visitors – if only to appreciate the beauty of its surroundings. It’s tempting enough not to write about Cuyo so as not to invite more people to its shores, but that would rob them off an opportunity to see such a beauty.

There is no doubt that Cuyo is such a wonderful place, but visitors to this lovely place should also be responsible enough to just leave footprints and nothing else.

Here, culture is preserved amidst the modernization of the town’s neighbors.

Before the Spaniards came and colonized the town, it was the Chinese who found the island and introduced trade and barter to its people.

Later on, a Malay chief called Matuod arrived and formed a settlement around the island. Datu Magbanua, a Malay Mohemedan, also settled in Cuyo. Magbanua was a noted leader so much so that other chieftains were aware of his qualities.

Chinese Mandarines also arrived and settled in Cuyo during Magbanua’s time. They discovered gold deposits in Mt Aguago and taught gold mining, pottery and other handicrafts. However, natives grew suspicious of them and drove them out. They eventually settled in Ilongilong, which is now the present Iloilo.

In 1622, Count San Agustin together with five other Spanish missionaries colonized Cuyo and introduced Christianity.

A Muslim fleet led by Datu Tagul raided Cuyo and other places in Palawan in 1636. They attacked the convent and the church and even set the town in fire. However, their raids didn’t last long as a Spanish naval flotilla under Capt Nicolas Gonzales met them.

The encounter led to the death of Datu Tagul and 300 of his men were captured.

Capusan beach, Cuyo Image source:

Cuyo is known for having preserved much of its cultural heritage. For example, the tipano band – comprised of musicians playing the flute and drum – and the de kwerdas – string band – play music during different social occasions.

During the post-harvest courting season, songs are sung by the Cuyonon youth. Even the dances in Cuyo have native and Spanish influences, and the most known of which is the Mazurka de Cuyo – a social dance with mazurka steps.

Cuyonons also merge song, dance and drama as evidenced in Sayaw, which is an enactment of a story with musical accompaniment.

Each year, the town celebrates the Feast of San Agustin on August 28.

Cuyo reached the attention of most when the independent film Ploning was released. It starred Judy Ann Santos, a darling of Philippine film and television. The film was shot entirely in Cuyo.

Apart from being a film-worthy destination, there are a couple of attractions worth seeing in town, and these are:

Cuyo Fortress Church Image source:

Cuyo Fortress Church – within walking distance from the port. The church is massive and dates back to 1683. It was built by Augustinian Recollects to serve as both a church and as protected against Muslim raiders.

Cuyo Town Proper – walk around this place to see some old houses, some of which were featured in the film Ploning .

Capusan Beach – a white stretch of sand located next to the port. Take a walk or swim in the waters in this beach.

Quijano beach Image source:

Quijano Beach – located in the town of Magsaysay and is about 15 minutes away from the Cuyo town proper. This beach is a popular spot for windsurfing from October to April, and there’s even a high-end resort here called Quijano Windsurfing Retreat.

Mt Aguado – once you get to the top after a trek, you’ll be treated to a wonderful view of the island.

Getting to Cuyo

Right now, the best way to get to the island is by ship from Puerto Princesa or Iloilo. So, you can book a flight to either PP or Iloilo then board a ship that docks in Cuyo. There are two shipping lines that offer trips, Milagrosa Shipping Lines and Montenegro Shipping Lines. 

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Exploring the Charms of Cuyo Island, Palawan

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You’ll find both sleepy old-world charm and pulse-quickening modern thrills in Cuyo, the former capital of Palawan strung out in the Sulu Sea

Towards the end of a 14-hour voyage from Iloilo City, I caught sight of land, lit by the orange glow of sunrise. The ferry I was on had bobbed across the sea through the night, rocked by monsoon winds, so finally stepping onto terra firma was no small relief. I would’ve kissed the ground if there hadn’t been a frazzled crowd, burdened by bags, eager to disembark and leave the port.

The three-level iron vessel had docked at Cuyo Island, a speck of earth situated where, looking at a rudimentary map of the Philippines, one would assume there was nothing but a vast expanse of water. A regular stopover for passenger ferries traveling between Iloilo and Puerto Princesa, it is the largest of 45 tiny islands that comprise the Cuyo Archipelago in the middle of the Sulu Sea. Despite its size and isolation, Cuyo town is the oldest colonial settlement of Palawan, established in 1622. It also became the second provincial capital — after Taytay — from 1873 to 1903.

Several capiz-windowed ancestral houses still dot the townscape, which is designed like most of the country’s Spanish-era conurbations. Administrative and religious buildings are clustered around a leafy plaza, while the residential sprawl spreads out from the center. But no other structure harks back to this bygone era as much as the  Fort of Cuyo , a few minutes’ walk from the pier. One of the most magnificent Spanish fortifications in the country, it lords over the township like an overprotective parent. Built to guard the settlement from Moro raiders, its 2m-thick perimeter of coral stone surrounds the  St. Augustine Parish Church , convent and adoration chapel. The heavy cannons and statues of Catholic saints standing on the 10m-high walls are clear indications that the island was both a military and religious stronghold.

Entering the stone archways, I tiptoed into the silent refuge of the church, where I could hear nothing but the somber murmuring of a lone old woman praying the rosary in front of the silver-paneled altar. The belfry rose above the formidable walls. Roosting on a high ledge was a flock of evil-eyed starlings that weren’t too happy about my sudden intrusion. As the birds flitted noisily away, I emerged onto a wraparound balcony, taking in the panoramic views of the town proper and nearby islands. From where I stood, I could see  Capusan Beach , an immaculate stretch of white sand that sweeps away from the port and tapers into a sandbar, an ideal viewpoint to marvel at breathtaking sunsets.

The next day, on a motorbike trip, local photographer Ronald Palay showed me the rest of the island that time seemed to have forgotten. We rode all the way to the even more tranquil eastern side of the island, where much of the critically acclaimed 2008 indie film  Ploning  was shot. Starring big-name actress Judy Ann Santos, the Cuyonon-language movie was based on a local folksong about a maiden’s romantic longing for her lover who had left the island. Among the quaint spots we visited that were used as filming locations were the  Igabas Chapel , sitting on a hill of volcanic rocks shaded by old acacias, and  Aceros Park , a forested watershed with brooks and cold springs, nicknamed “Little Baguio” for its cool surroundings. Another 17th-century fortress was built on this side of the island, but was never finished. Its ruins can be found along the shores of Barangay Lucbuan in an area the locals still call  kuta , or fortress, and it was dressed up with styrofoam crosses by the production crew for the movie’s cemetery scenes.

The long, slow day ended at the last traditional Cuyonon house on the island, with cogon roofing and a separate kitchen also built on stilts. While not used as a filming location, the rustic dwelling also exuded the movie’s nostalgia. And it was spooky: the abandoned hut had a large crab claw hanging next to a photo of the Virgin Mary by the door, both items traditionally hung outside rural homes to ward off  aswang , or mythical vampire-like ghouls believed by superstitious islanders to prowl the hinterlands at night.

After many languid days spent soaking up the island’s charm, my body was craving for adrenaline. Cuyo has recently been heralded as a paradise for kiteboarding, so I couldn’t leave without experiencing the island’s relatively new attraction. For introductory lessons, I met up with local kiter Jing Tabangay at Capusan Beach. He calls this island the best spot for kiteboarding in the Philippines, if not one of the best in the world. Cuyo’s geographical isolation and low-lying topography allows the north-eastern  amihan  trade winds to blow strongly and consistently from October to June, peaking between the months of December to February. On days when the wind is particularly strong, the wind whistles through the beachside trees and the eaves of houses, beckoning kiters to take a ride.

A group of Swedish windsurfers were reportedly the first ones to discover the island’s potential as an oasis for wind-based watersports in the late 1980s, but kiteboarding itself was only introduced by kiters from Boracay Island in the last decade. Capusan Beach, in particular, is the perfect spot, because it stretches out into a sandbar that enjoys wind blowing towards and away from the coastline. The sandbar also naturally creates a wide sand flat of calm shallows, ideal for kiteboarding, while choppy waters behind the sandbar are conducive to kitesurfing (essentially kiteboarding on waves).

Jing first taught me the basics of kiteboarding on dry land. These exercises focused on kite control. I practiced with a 2m training kite attached to a body harness, tracing an imaginary figure “8” in the sky. After getting used to the gear, we moved on to the professional 9m kite, which can harness enough wind power to lift a kiter several meters off the ground. To properly maneuver this kite, I had to lean back and allow my body weight to counter its pull. As a safety precaution, my instructor had to hold on to me to prevent the kite from crashing, or worse, dragging my lanky frame all the way to mainland Palawan. Kiteboarding does require a lot of upper body strength, a little epiphany that slowly came to me while I struggled with my gear. It also explained why my coach, who has been kiteboarding for eight years, was built like a wrestler.

Eager to see how the pros do it, I turned over the gear to Jing. He walked out onto the sandbar where a steady gust of wind then picked up the kite, pulling him across the shallows. He gave the kite a tug and it quickly lifted him up, allowing the masterful execution of several gravity-defying tricks. I watched what I had yet to learn — twists, somersaults — and felt my heart start to thump.

My sea adventure hadn’t ended when the ferry docked after all. What had started as a slow weekend of walking around town, inspecting the remnants of past glory, was turning into a high-octane thrill ride. Its colonial heritage and natural landscapes are an obvious draw, but Cuyo’s aptitude for watersports was a tremendous surprise.

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Jude The Tourist

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Cuyo Island Travel Destination 2023: A Palawan Paradise You Must Explore

  • October 6, 2023

Cuyo Island

Welcome to Cuyo Island: Your Gateway to Palawan Paradise

Cuyo Island - Beach

Picture yourself strolling along a stretch of powdery white sand, your toes sinking into the warm embrace of the shore. The gentle whisper of the ocean breeze is the only sound you hear, inviting you to explore the enchantment that is Cuyo Island . As you embark on this virtual journey, allow us to be your guides to a place where serenity meets tropical splendor. This is Cuyo Island, a well-kept secret waiting to be discovered.

Cuyo Island isn’t just a destination; it’s a promise of paradise. Its year-round sunshine, clear skies, and temperate climate create an environment where time seems to stand still. But what truly sets this island apart is the warmth of its people and the richness of its culture. The locals, with their infectious smiles and welcoming spirit, will make you feel like part of their island family. Delve into the island’s history, and you’ll discover a tapestry of stories etched in the walls of ancient Spanish forts and echoed in the melodies of traditional songs. Nature here is not just a backdrop; it’s a symphony of colors and textures, from pristine beaches to dense forests and vibrant underwater ecosystems.

Why should you read on and plan your trip to Cuyo Island? It gives an experience that is not similar to others. In the pages that follow, we will be your tour guides through Cuyo’s breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and must-visit sites. We’ll unveil the exciting activities that await adventurers and introduce you to the mouthwatering flavors of Cuyo’s local delicacies. We’ll also help you find the perfect place to rest your head, from charming beachfront resorts to cozy guest houses nestled among the locals.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey that will leave you with cherished memories and a deep appreciation for nature’s beauty and human warmth, continue reading. Cuyo Island is your Palawan paradise, and we’re here to show you why it’s a destination you absolutely must explore.

Let’s dive into the wonders of Cuyo Island, where blissful moments are born and treasured memories are made.

Cuyo Island - Welcome

Exploring Cuyo’s Ideal Climate

Cuyo Island boasts a climate that’s the envy of many, making it a year-round haven for travelers seeking the perfect balance between sun and rain. Understanding the island’s weather patterns adds a layer of insight to your Cuyo adventure.

Two Distinct Seasons:

The Philippines experiences two primary seasons, characterized by rains and prevailing winds. The Amihan winds, blowing from the north, grace Cuyo Island from November to March, offering drier and more pleasant conditions. Meanwhile, the Habagat winds, originating from the south, prevail from June to October, coinciding with the monsoon/typhoon season in other parts of the Philippines.

Cuyo’s Unique Location:

Cuyo Island lies strategically to the south of the typhoon belt that affects much of the archipelago annually. This favorable positioning shields the island from the full force of typhoons, resulting in a more stable and predictable climate.

Rainfall and Temperatures:

Rainfall on Cuyo Island predominantly takes the form of short, heavy downpours, which bring a refreshing coolness and nourish the island’s lush, green vegetation. Even during the dry Amihan season, when the winds prevail, there are occasional hot and windless days. Notably, the months of April and May, known as the doldrums, see slightly higher temperatures but are still pleasant. Overall, Cuyo’s equatorial location ensures consistent temperatures throughout the year.

Cuyo Island offers sunshine and ideal weather conditions that welcome travelers anytime, ensuring that your journey to this Palawan paradise is filled with warmth and the promise of memorable adventures.

Unraveling the Past: Cuyo Island’s Rich Historical Tapestry

Cuyo Island’s history unfolds like a captivating narrative, tracing its origins to encounters with diverse cultures and the enduring legacy of its indigenous people.

Chinese Traders and Malay Settlers:

Long before the Spanish era, Cuyo Island attracted the attention of Chinese traders, who introduced trade and barter to the island’s inhabitants. Later, Malay chief Matuod established a settlement, laying the foundation for Cuyo’s multicultural heritage.

The Arrival of Spanish Missionaries:

In 1622, Count San Agustin and five Spanish missionaries arrived on Cuyo Island, ushering in a new era of Christianity and Spanish influence. Their efforts left an indelible mark on the island’s cultural landscape.

Datu Tagul’s Raid and Spanish Resistance:

In 1636, a Muslim fleet led by Datu Tagul raided Cuyo and neighboring Palawan areas, setting the town ablaze. However, their incursion was met with determined Spanish resistance. A naval flotilla, led by Capt. Nicolas Gonzales confronted them, resulting in Datu Tagul’s demise and the capture of 300 of his men.

Island Dreamscape: Cuyo’s Natural Wonders

Cuyo Island - Natural Wonder

Cuyo Island is a genuine art of nature as seen by its geographical beauty . As you soar above this tropical haven in awe-inspiring aerial views, you’ll witness a canvas painted by Mother Nature herself.

The tropical sun caresses Cuyo’s verdant forests, painting a vivid canvas of lush emerald shades. Pristine beaches, adorned with powdery sands and lapped by crystal-clear waters, stretch endlessly along the coastline. The turquoise expanse of the sea extends as far as the eye can see, merging seamlessly with the cerulean sky.

This dreamscape of an island is a testament to the unparalleled artistry of nature, where every corner holds a visual delight. Whether you’re an adventurous hiker, a beachcomber, or simply seeking serenity, Cuyo Island’s natural wonders offer a sensory journey like no other.

Prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking beauty of Cuyo’s landscapes—a paradise where nature’s artistry takes center stage, inviting you to explore, discover, and cherish every moment.

A Warm Welcome: Meeting the Friendly Locals

Cuyo Island’s true treasures aren’t just its natural beauty but also the genuine warmth of its people. Cuyonons embrace a simple, resourceful, and content way of life that leaves a lasting impression on every visitor.

Resourceful and Gracious:

Cuyonons find joy in the basics of life and possess remarkable resourcefulness. They craft tuba from coconuts and create delectable cashew brittle, showcasing their culinary talents.

Cuyo Island, Palawan, Philippines

A Timeless, Rural Haven:

Life on Cuyo Island moves at a relaxed pace, epitomizing rural simplicity that captivates those who step onto its shores. It’s a place where time stands still, and modern materialism gives way to profound contentment.

Unspoiled Gems:

Cuyo’s untouched beaches and charming townsfolk are the island’s hidden gems. Here, you’ll discover a community that thrives on gratitude, where happiness is found in love and life, and living harmoniously with nature is a way of life.

A Heartwarming Welcome:

Visitors to Cuyo Island are met with open arms and warm smiles, making them feel like honorary members of the community. The island’s hospitality is an unforgettable part of the Cuyo experience.

Cuyo Island offers not just a journey through its stunning landscapes but also a heartwarming encounter with a community that cherishes life’s simple joys and shares them generously with visitors.

Island Charms: Embracing Cuyo’s Unique Cultural Heritage

Cuyo Island is not just a feast for the eyes; it’s a celebration of vibrant culture and deep-rooted traditions. Immerse yourself in the island’s cultural tapestry, where every visit is an invitation to embrace its unique heritage.

Throughout the year, Cuyo comes alive with a kaleidoscope of colorful festivals and spirited dance performances. These events provide a front-row seat to the island’s rich cultural heritage, offering a captivating fusion of traditional and contemporary expressions. Cuyo Island proudly preserves its cultural heritage. The island is home to the tipano band, featuring musicians playing flutes and drums, and the de kwerdas string band, adding musical charm to various social occasions.

The island’s dances bear both native and Spanish influences, with the famous Mazurka de Cuyo standing out as a social dance with mazurka steps. Cuyonons also blend song, dance, and drama in Sayaw, an artful enactment of stories accompanied by music.

Cuyo Island’s rich historical tapestry weaves together the threads of diverse cultures, resilience in the face of challenges, and a profound connection to its heritage. Exploring this island paradise is not just a journey through its natural beauty but also a voyage through time and history.

Delve deeper into Cuyo’s cultural soul, and you’ll have the privilege of witnessing age-old ceremonies and celebrations that have been lovingly passed down through generations. From religious processions that honor local saints to the rhythmic beats of indigenous dances, each experience connects you to the heart of Cuyo Island’s history and traditions.

Prepare to be enchanted by the island’s cultural charms—a testament to the enduring spirit of Cuyo’s people and an integral part of your journey as you explore this Palawan paradise.

Cuyo’s Hidden Gems: Exploring Spectacular Landmarks

Cuyo Island is a treasure trove of hidden gems, each more spectacular than the last. As you embark on your adventure, prepare to be in awe of the remarkable landmarks that grace this island paradise.

One of the standout attractions is the iconic Cabigsing Beach, where striking rock formations create a dramatic backdrop against the pristine shoreline. This natural wonder is a photographer’s dream and an ideal spot for a leisurely beachcombing stroll.

For those seeking unique experiences, the Cathedral Cave offers an underground adventure like no other. Venture into the heart of the island’s limestone landscape to explore the intricate caverns and awe-inspiring chambers that have been carved by time.

These are just the beginning of the captivating landmarks waiting to be discovered on Cuyo Island. From historical sites that reveal the island’s past to natural wonders that showcase its beauty, your journey will be a tapestry of unforgettable experiences. 

Adventure Awaits: Exciting Activities for Every Traveler

Cuyo Island is a playground for adventurers, offering a diverse range of activities to suit every traveler’s desires. Whether you seek thrills, relaxation, or both, this paradise has something for you.

Kiteboarding and Windsurfing:

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Cuyo Island, hailed as one of Asia’s best spots for windsurfing and kiteboarding, boasts ideal conditions during the Amihan season (December to March). Capusan Beach and Quejano/Victoria Beach offer ample space and crystal-clear waters, catering to both beginners and experienced riders.

Hike Mt. Aguado for Panoramic Views:

Conquer Mt. Aguado and be rewarded with panoramic vistas of Cuyo Islands. This hike is a must for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Island-Hopping Adventures:

Explore the smaller, scenic islands of Bisucay, Pandan, and Quiminatin through island-hopping excursions. Discover hidden coves, pristine beaches, and the vibrant marine life of the archipelago.

Visit a Cashew Plantation:

Get an up-close look at the island’s cashew industry by visiting a cashew plantation. Witness the harvesting and processing of cashew nuts, a vital part of Cuyo’s agricultural heritage.

Anino Retreat in Victoria Beach:

Cuyo Island - Anino Retreat

Escape to Anino Retreat on Victoria Beach, where romance and adventure unite. This spot is not only ideal for a romantic getaway but also a hub for kitesurfing and windsurfing enthusiasts.

Explore Magsaysay on a Motorcycle:

Hire a motorcycle for a tour of Magsaysay, the eastern town known for its picturesque landscapes. It’s the same location where the Filipino movie “Ploning” was filmed, offering a glimpse into the island’s cultural richness.


Discover the underwater wonders of the Cuyo Archipelago through snorkeling. Explore pristine spots teeming with marine life, and be sure to steer clear of hazards like fishermen and sea urchins.

Cuyo Island promises adventure at every turn, making it a dream destination for travelers seeking unforgettable experiences amidst its natural beauty.

Flavors of Cuyo: A Culinary Journey 

Prepare to tantalize your taste buds as you embark on a culinary odyssey through Cuyo Island’s rich and diverse local cuisine. Your visit to this paradise would be incomplete without savoring the unique flavors that define the island’s gastronomic heritage.

Among the culinary highlights is “linapay,” a seafood dish that captures the essence of Cuyo’s coastal life. Freshly caught seafood, expertly prepared, delivers a burst of flavors that resonate with the island’s maritime heritage.

Buti-buti (Popped Rice):

Cuyo Island - Buti-buti, Popped Rice

Start your culinary adventure with “buti-buti,” a delightful snack of popped rice that’s crispy, light, and perfect for munching during your island explorations.

Lato - Cuyo Island

Explore the oceanic wonders of Cuyo with “lato,” a local seaweed delicacy that offers a refreshing taste of the sea. Its burst of briny goodness is a testament to the island’s coastal life.

Combo (Saba Bananas Fried in Coconut Oil):

Combo (Saba Bananas Fried in Coconut Oil) - Cuyo Island

Indulge in “combo,” a savory treat that features saba bananas fried in fragrant coconut oil, enveloped in a mixture of flour and egg. This dish is a unique twist on banana fritters, setting it apart from the more common “maruya.”

Bondok (Cookies):

Satisfy your sweet tooth with “bondok,” traditional cookies that capture the essence of Cuyo’s culinary traditions. Each bite is a journey into the island’s flavors and history.

Tirek (Sea Urchin):

For the adventurous palate, “tirek” offers a taste of the sea’s delicacies. These sea urchins provide a burst of briny flavors, making them a must-try for seafood enthusiasts.

For a sweet indulgence, don’t miss the “Kasoy” treats, where the island’s renowned cashews take center stage. From cashew brittle to cashew pastries, these delightful creations showcase the island’s bountiful harvest in every bite.

Your culinary journey on Cuyo Island is a tapestry of tastes and traditions, where each dish tells a story of the island’s heritage. Allow our guide to lead you to the best local eateries and hidden gems, where you can savor these delectable dishes and connect with the soul of Cuyo through its cuisine.

Where to Stay in Paradise: Cuyo Islands’ Best Lodging Choices

Cuyo Island beckons with a diverse range of lodging options, ensuring your stay in this tropical paradise is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you seek beachfront luxury or a cozy retreat, there’s a perfect abode awaiting your arrival.

Anino Kite Resort:

Located just 20 minutes from Cuyo town in Magsaysay, Anino Kite Resort offers a haven for kiteboarding and kite surfing enthusiasts. With stunning beachfront cottages and double rooms, it provides a private escape amidst unspoiled nature. Activities abound, from kitesurfing and windsurfing to island excursions and snorkeling.

Cuyo Beach House:

Nestled on a secluded beach, Cuyo Beach House is a unique vacation rental perfect for those seeking privacy and tranquility. It’s available from December 1st through March 31st and accommodates up to four guests. Longer-stay options are available during the off-season.

Nikki’s Pension:

Nikki's Pension - Cuyo Island

Nikki’s Pension boasts 14 rooms, soon to be doubled with new construction. Along with comfortable lodging, it features a fast-food restaurant and a videoke bar. Located near Capusan Public Beach, it’s a popular choice from December to March.

Feroland Hotel and Villa Gange Pensione:

Tenga-Tenga’s Feroland Hotel and Catadman’s Villa Gange Pensione offer cozy accommodations. Feroland Hotel has eight rooms, while Villa Gange Pensione offers air-conditioned and fan rooms along with a communal kitchen.

Baywatch Resort, Jade Felimar Value Inn, Apohlic Pension Cabibsing, and Discovery Bay Resort Hotel: These options provide a variety of rooms to suit different preferences and budgets.

With these diverse lodging choices, your stay on Cuyo Island promises both comfort and unforgettable memories. Whether you’re drawn to adventure, relaxation, or both, your perfect oasis awaits amidst the beauty of Cuyo.

Navigating the Journey: Your Travel Options and Tips

Embarking on your journey to Cuyo Island is an adventure in itself, with multiple travel options that connect you to this Palawan paradise. Whether you’re starting your journey in Manila, Puerto Princesa, or other parts of Palawan, we’ve got you covered with comprehensive travel information.

By Plane & Ferry from Manila:

If you’re traveling from Manila, you can catch daily flights from NAIA terminals to Puerto Princesa, Palawan’s provincial capital. While there are no direct flights to Cuyo Island, charter flights are available. From Puerto Princesa, ferry services provide a scenic route to Cuyo.

By Ferry: Cuyo Island is well-connected by ferry services. The full ferry schedule, including routes  and timings, can be found on the Cuyo Kiteboarding website.

By Montenegro Shipping:

  • Puerto Princesa to Cuyo: Departs Monday 18:00, Arrives Tuesday 10:00
  • Cuyo to Puerto Princesa: Departs Saturday 18:00, Arrives Sunday 10:00

By Milagrosa Shipping:

  • Puerto Princesa to Cuyo: Departs Thursday and Sunday 15:00, Arrives Friday and Monday 08:00
  • Cuyo to Puerto Princesa: Departs Monday and Friday 15:00, Arrives Tuesday and Saturday 08:00

Iloilo to Cuyo:

  • Montenegro Shipping: Departs Saturday 08:00, Arrives Saturday 20:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping: Departs Monday and Thursday 19:00, Arrives Tuesday and Friday 10:00

Cuyo to Iloilo:

  • Montenegro Shipping: Departs Tuesday 14:00, Arrives Wednesday 04:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping: Departs Monday and Thursday 15:00, Arrives Tuesday and Friday 06:00

Manila – Coron – Cuyo – Manila:

  • Serrano Shipping – M/V D’Asean Journey:
  • Manila to Coron: Departs Monday 16:00, Arrives Tuesday 11:00
  • Coron to Cuyo: Departs Tuesday 17:00, Arrives Wednesday 03:00
  • Cuyo to Coron: Departs Thursday 22:00, Arrives Friday 08:00
  • Coron to Manila: Departs Friday 17:00, Arrives Saturday 11:00

Please note that travel times may vary due to weather, tides, cargo, and mechanical issues. It’s advisable to make inquiries close to your planned travel date with someone knowledgeable about these services.

Upon arriving on Cuyo Island, transportation options like tricycles and motorcycle rentals are readily available for exploring the island. Local bangka boats offer island-hopping and snorkeling excursions. Remember to be responsible and dispose of trash properly, preserving the island’s pristine beauty for all to enjoy.

For a unique island-hopping experience, consider renting a “banka” at Anino Kite Resort in Magsaysay. Your journey to Cuyo Island promises to be as exciting as the destination itself, with a world of natural wonders awaiting your exploration.

Insider Insights: Making the Most of Your Palawan Adventure

Cuyo Island beach

To ensure a seamless and enjoyable adventure on Cuyo Island , it’s essential to be well-prepared with these insider tips:

Money Matters:

Cuyo Island doesn’t have ATMs or cash machines, so it’s crucial to plan your budget accordingly. Ensure you have enough cash on hand for your entire stay.

Internet Connectivity:

While there are internet cafes in Cuyo Town, the connection speeds can be slow and occasionally unreliable. Prepare to disconnect from the digital world and embrace the island’s tranquility.

Ideal Time to Visit:

For the best experience, plan your visit to Cuyo Island between November and May, the dry season when the winds are gentle. Avoid the rainy season when rough winds may disrupt activities.

Payment Methods:

Credit cards and traveler’s cheques are not widely accepted on the island. Be sure to carry sufficient cash for your expenses.

Kitesurfing Season:

If you’re a kitesurfing enthusiast, mark your calendar for the kitesurfing season, which typically runs from October to April. During this period, the island became a haven for water sports enthusiasts.

These insider insights will help you make the most of your Palawan adventure on Cuyo Island, ensuring a memorable and worry-free experience in this paradise.

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Travel Guide: Cuyo Island

Posted by Lonely Travelogue | Aug 27, 2013 | Uncategorized

Travel Guide: Cuyo Island

The first capital of Palawan. That is already a statement. 

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Cuyo Group of Islands is composed of 45 island and islets being managed by three municipalities namely Cuyo, Magsaysay and Agutaya. Pamalican Island in which the famous Amanpulo Resorts is located is part of Cuyo Municipality. Cuyo should not be only associated with the exclusive resort. It also has its history and other undeveloped attraction to boast.  What to Do in Cuyo? Weather you are a curious backpacker or an affluent tourist Cuyo has something to offer to you. During the months of October to March or during the Amihan season Windsurfing fanatic from all over the globe flock in Capusan Beach and Quijano Windsurfing Retreat to do water sport activities. Cuyo actually is tagged as the best windsurfing destination in Asia.  But for a non windsurfing fanatic Cuyo will offer you a contrast life in the metro. The simple life in this Island will give you a rest thus a moment of silence for your souls. Here are some of the places in which you can visit in Cuyo.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

One the old houses in Magsaysay. The movie Ploning staring Judy Anne Santos was shot here.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Cashew Nuts

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Bought this fresh Lapu-Lapu for Ph70.00 😉

  • Have a serene walk in Capusan beach and watch the golden sunset in a sandbar. 
  • Reflect on the history while walking on the walls of the Old Spanish Fort and say a little prayer on the century old church/.
  • You can take a walk in the Old Port and observed how times and tides changed the old community.
  • You can also walk on LM Beach and Coreng Beach. But mind that these places are far and roads are not yet developed.
  • You can also have some nice peaceful swimming in Quijano Windsurfing Retreat during its off season. 
  • Climb Mt. Aguado for your 360 degrees view of the island and have a spiritual retreat for yourself while crossing the stations of the cross.
  • Give some livelihood by buying some Lato, Cashew nuts and fresh fish from the locals. 
  • Visit century old houses.

How to see the Island?   You can rent a motorcycle and tour the whole island for a day. I rented a tricycle with a driver because I do not know how to drive a single motorcycle. I payed Php500 including the gasoline and we where able to see the above mention attraction for one day.

Capusan Beach and the Old Fort is just in the city center.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

My Tour Guide   Cuyo Island has a big potential to be a major tourist paradise however a lot of works has to be done first. The local tourism office is still in the process of organizing island tours. Thus one has connect directly to the tourism office for proper assistance if you want an island hopping.   Where to Stay in Cuyo?

  • Location: Tenga-Tenga, Cuyo Town 
  • Contact: 0909-3992044/0946-5349724
  • Accom/Rate: Fan Room (Php200-Ph250), Motorbike Rental, Homestyle Food

cuyo palawan tourist spot

  • Location: Tenga-Tenga, Cuyo Town
  • Contact: 0912-6433703
  • Accom/Rate: Fan Room (Single Php200, Double Php300), Aircon w/TandB (Php600), Motorbike Rental, Massage
  • Location: Cabigsing, Cuyo Town
  • Contact: 0917-3050191
  • Accom/Rate: Aircon Rooms w/TandB (Php1,300)
  • Location: Pawa, Cuyo Town
  • Contact: 0930-0976307
  • Contact: 0949-3699478
  • Accom/Rate:
  • Contact: 0921-7904848
  • Accom/Rate: Fan Room (Php700)

cuyo palawan tourist spot

  • Contact: 0920-8760008/0907-6318537
  • Accom/Rate: Fan Room (Single Php300), Aircon w/TandB (Php700), Motorbike Rental, Massage

cuyo palawan tourist spot

  • Location: Catadman, Cuyo
  • Contact: 0928-5212337
  • Contact: 0939-4849397
  • Accom/Rate: Php250 per head. Two beds in one room. Fan room.

How to Go to Cuyo? Via Air Although there is an airport in Cuyo Island, its functions do not include commercial flight. The unpaved runway is used for transporting live sea foods to Metro Manila straight to the posh Chinese Restaurants or for exports.  So it is not possible to go to Cuyo by air at this time (August 2013)  Via Sea There are two option in which you can take a boat to Cuyo Island. Via Puerto Princesa, Palawan or Via Iloilo. Various airlines in Manila flies to Puerto Princesa and Iloilo daily. Each route has the same time travel of 14-16 hours. There are two shipping company plying from Puerto Princesa, Palawan and Iloilo to Cuyo Island.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Via Montenegro Shipping Lines From Iloilo Every Saturdays Only. Departs from Iloilo in the Morning and Arrives in Cuyo at in the evening. The same ship will depart for Puerto Princesa at 10PM Fare: Php700 (Economy), Php800 (Fiesta), Php900 (Mabuhay/Tourist)   From Puerto Princesa Every Monday Only. Departs from Puerto Princesa at 6PM and Arrives in Cuyo at 9 or 10AM. The same ship will depart for Iloilo.    Fare: Php700 (Economy), Php800 (Fiesta), Php900 (Mabuhay/Tourist) Montenegro Table of Fares                 Economy Fiesta Mabuhay/Tourist Iloilo – Cuyo         Php700         Php800         Php900 Cuyo – Puerto Princesa Php920         Php1,060 Php1,200 Iloilo – Puerto Princesa Php1,220 Php1,400 Php1,590 Via Milagrosa Shipping Lines From Iloilo Every Mondays and Thursdays at 7PM. Will arrive in Cuyo at 9 or 10AM the next day. The same ship will depart for Puerto Princesa at 3PM thus stays in Cuyo for 5 hours. Fare: Php475 (Economy/Lower Deck/Non-Aircon), Php575 (Deluxe/Upper Deck/Non-Aircon), Php750 (Tourist/Aircon)   From Puerto Princesa Every Thursdays and Sundays at 3PM. Will arrive in Cuyo at 6 or 7AM the next day. The same ship will depart for Iloilo at 12NN thus stays in Cuyo for 5 hours. Fare: Php725 (Economy/Lower Deck/Non-Aircon), Php835 (Deluxe/Upper Deck/Non-Aircon), Php980 (Tourist/Aircon)    Milagrosa Table of Fares

                 Economy Deluxe Tourist Iloilo – Cuyo         Php475         Php575         Php750 Cuyo – Puerto Princesa Php725         Php835         Php980 Iloilo – Puerto Princesa Php950         Php1,150 Php1,550 Suggested Route

From Iloilo take the Milagrosa Boat to Cuyo on a Thursday night. You have a choice to explore the Island for five hours as the boat will arrive in Cuyo at 9AM then leaves at 3PM.  If you want to stay for a night, take the same boat and wait for the Montenegro boat bound to Puerto Princesa Palawan that will arrive and depart on Saturday night.

This is what I did during my Northern Palawan Adventure =) There is also a boat plying Cuyo-Coron every Wednesday and Sunday. It leaves at 10PM and arrives in Coron at 6AM. Fare is Php1,000.00 For more information you can contact the local Tourism Office Mr. Ramil B. Ceralbo or the Municipal Planning Personell Mr. Rolando B. Caabay at 0920-2967375  

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Mr. Caabay showed some hospitality 😉   This is part of my Northern Palawan Series 

  • Backpacking 101: Northern Palawan Budget and Itinerary
  • Cuyo Island: The Mystical Aura of an Island in the Sulu Sea
  • The Little Boy Tour Guide in Capusan Beach
  • Getting Around Cuyo Island (Cuyo and Magsaysay)
  • Five Things To Do in Puerto Princesa City: DIY City Tour
  • El Nido Via RoroBus
  • The Wind, The Beach and The Dark Clouds of El Nido
  • In Pictures: El Nido Tour A (Big Lagoon, Small Lagoon, Entalula, Shimizu, 7 Commando)
  • In Pictures: El Nido Tour C (Hidden Beach, Tapiutan Island, Matinloc Shrine, Cadlao Lagoon, Helicopter Island)
  • Perfect Moment in Maremegmeg Beach, El Nido Palawan
  • Fuerza de Sta. Isabel: Your Romantic Lovebird’s Paradise in Taytay Palawan

If this helps you or inspired you please share it in any Social Media platform or comment here if you wish to ask for more =)  This is the travel blog of Jherson Jaya – banker by profession, adventurer by passion. Everything written here were based on his experiences. The lust of seeing new places thrilled him to explore both the explored and unexplored world. Old and new architecture fanatic; lover of food, both exotic and indulgence; and founds peace in long bus and train rides – thats how he describe his way of traveling.     Follow his adventure by liking his Facebook Page  LonelyTravelogue  and following him on  Twitter  and  Instagram . 

About The Author

Lonely Travelogue

Lonely Travelogue

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A Day in Cuyo Island, Palawan

Although I didn’t have the best time during the long ferry ride from Iloilo to Cuyo , my excitement shot up when we finally arrived in Cuyo Island. It was finally THE MOMENT! My first time to set foot in Palawan Province and on my way to explore this tiny remote island all by my lonesome. I already had a good first impression of Cuyo after seeing this long and inviting white sand beach conveniently lying beside the pier … beckoning to be discovered.

Cuyo was popularized by the Philippine romantic drama film “ Ploning ,” starred by veteran actress Judy Ann Santos. After taking a walk along the beach and the streets of Cuyo Town proper, I could sense why the island was the perfect setting to film such a beautiful story … how the seascapes of Cuyo could bring out the romance of life in a typical coastal village in the Philippines.

Movie trailer of Ploning, which was shot entirely  in Cuyo

Cuyo Fortress Church

For the stopover in Cuyo island, the Milagrosa ferry took around six hours, which was ample time to wander around some of the tourist spots in Cuyo. Within walking distance from the pier was the Cuyo Fortress Church. This massive church was first built in 1683 by Augustinian recollects to double as a house of worship and fortification against Muslim raiders.

After asking permission from the parish priest, I climbed up the stairs and walked along the pathways on top of the fortress walls. The topmost level of the bell tower had a great view of the whole church complex, the town plaza, and a few outlying islands.

Capusan Beach

Beside the pier is a charming baywalk and a white sand stretch named Capusan Beach. The beach was great for a short stroll. Some of the other passengers went to the northern end to take a dip. There were some interesting photographic subjects in Capusan like this flock of migratory birds and two wrecked boats I saw.

Since I had four more hours to explore Cuyo, I wanted to visit a few spots around the island, particularly Magsaysay town situated at the other side of the island. I approached a tricycle driver and asked him how much it would cost to take me to Quijano Beach in Magsaysay. The driver offered me P400 for the round trip transfers. I told him it was too expensive. Luckily, a habal-habal (single motorcycle) driver was nearby and offered me only P200 for the ride.

Quijano Beach and Magsaysay Town

It took 1 hour and 15 minutes from Cuyo Town Proper to Quijano Beach in Magsaysay Town. The road from Cuyo to Magsaysay town proper was bearable but the section from Magsaysay to Quijano Beach was very rough.

It would have been better if the beach was excellent but the sand fell short of my expectations. Quijano Beach had a strong yellow-orange color sand, which was a bit coarse. The beach was super calm during my visit but I read online that it’s an excellent windsurfing spot during months of October to April. There was a high-end resort at the beach called Quijano Windsurfing Retreat.

Tabunan Beach and Pier

Tabunan Beach is nearer to Cuyo Town Proper, around 10 minutes by motorcycle / habal-habal. The driver charged me an additional P50 for the ride. It used to be a popular local hangout place but my habal-habal driver told me that they have actually grown tired of bumming out at the beach … ALL DAY ALL YEAR :) A few kilometers off the coast was Bisucay Isand, which had a very long and inviting white sand beach. The locals back in town told me there’s a passenger pumpboat departing Cuyo Pier for Bisucay Island daily at around noontime.

Here’s a video I took when I was at Tabunan Bay:

Cuyo Town Proper

I asked my habal-habal driver to drop me off at an intersection I spotted earlier lined with a few old houses. He told me some of these houses, now used for commercial purposes, appeared in the movie “Ploning.” I went in a carinderia/local eatery near a school for a proper meal (compared to eating instant noodles at the boat). A serving of adobo, one cup of rice, and a bottle of Coke for just P55 did the trick.

Oh! and Amanpulo Resort, the most exclusive/expensive resort in the Philippines, is actually within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Cuyo. Just made some wishful thinking to visit the island as a day trip while I was planning the trip :) The ultra luxury resort, however, is still a few more hours by boat and an expensive plane ride from the main Cuyo Island.

Don’t leave yet. There’s more!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

August 3, 2011 at 8:26 am

This is by far the most inviting Cuyo Island hideaway I wanna visit someday. I first saw this in the blog of Estan Cabigas and then yours Marcos. Thank you for sharing this.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

August 3, 2011 at 9:09 am

Thanks again Sir. I’m really glad to see your comments in my blog :) I was also inspired to visit Cuyo because of Estan and Angel ( Next time, I’m hoping to spend a few days in Cuyo so I can visit the other islands as well.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

June 21, 2012 at 11:40 am

hi .. ngayon ko lang nabasa ng buo ung experience mo tungkol sa cuyo. and super proud ako to be one of them. thank you kasi nagustuhan mo ung places. next time, try to visit the bisucay island. you will find peace there. remote area man, hindi kawalan kung anong kulang sa kanila, they lived happily and contented. :)) thanks again, sir ! till your next journey! matamang salamat! :D

June 21, 2012 at 3:39 pm

Yes. I don’t know when I’ll be coming back to Cuyo. Definitely, I will want to explore nearby island and islets. I’ve been meaning to visit them during my previous trip pero mag-isa lang ako that time and I didn’t have enough money to rent a whole boat :)

June 24, 2012 at 2:41 pm

hey ! kapag pala naisip mo ng pumunta ulit sa palawan, just tell me. para kapag nagpunta ka ng bisucay island, may matutuluyan ka. :)) wala ka ng problemahin sa tutuluyan mo. :)

cuyo palawan tourist spot

August 3, 2011 at 12:50 pm

with all these photos you shared, it makes me wanna go to Cuyo island soon! I just don’t know if I could bear the long ferry ride… Kudos to you, you had patience for such a long ride… :)

August 6, 2011 at 10:44 am

Kaya yan Mervz :) I came prepared if ever I get super bored din, had my ipod loaded with hours of music and movies to keep me entertained.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

August 3, 2011 at 6:49 pm

For some reason, i have been “missing” your blogs. Now I have to check out your other travel journals. This is good! Stunning photography to match good narratives. Btw, is Cuyo really that “clean”? I noticed in all the pics that the places look so sanitized.

August 6, 2011 at 10:55 am

Hehe, thanks for stumbling at my blog. I really appreciate that you like my write-up too, it’s nice to know that other people also appreciate my story. There were parts of Cuyo that weren’t clean particularly the part of Capusan Beach that was nearer to the pier and a part of Tabunan Beach. I think the garbage was brought there because of the current. The streets of the town proper itself were clean.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

September 1, 2011 at 12:06 am

hi marcos,,vince here,,,cuyonin thanks for featuring cuyo sa blog mo,,,,,,sna mbasa pa to ng ibang cuyonin,,,,

September 3, 2011 at 11:24 am

Ahh… thanks for dropping by vincente :) Ganda ng Cuyo!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

March 26, 2014 at 4:16 pm

thanks so much sa pag upload about cuyo palawan — cuyonon ako aneman nalilipay ako mayad

March 27, 2014 at 7:31 am

My pleasure crispie :) You home is beautiful. I am always fantasizing about visiting Cuyo again.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

September 29, 2011 at 2:22 pm

sir marcos request sana ma featured mo rin ang roxas palawan almost part ng norther palawan na feature mo na sana ma feature mo din yung roxas ^_^… i half ilonggo and half Kagayane’n…aabangan ko tong story na to salamat ganda kasi ng mga story mo bout sa places na napuntahan mo laking roxas kasi ako sana ma featured lang salamat again

October 12, 2011 at 7:48 am

Ahh… the only memory I have of Roxas was the bus terminal. I have yet to explore the rest of the town. Could you suggest some nice places to visit?

cuyo palawan tourist spot

November 2, 2011 at 9:50 am

Thanks for sharing you experience when you visit Cuyo, Palawan. I know someone residing there, kaya dapat invite nya ko dun sa province nya ha ha ha! Na-excite ako makapunta dun, how much na spend mo?(if I may asked)… Text ko na nga un friend ko regarding your blog :) God bless!

November 11, 2011 at 6:31 pm

Cool. Posted my itinerary here:

cuyo palawan tourist spot

November 29, 2011 at 10:00 pm

great pix and great blog! napadaan lang here…awww…how i wish i can be brave n travel solo ;)

December 20, 2011 at 11:43 pm

thanks hana :D

cuyo palawan tourist spot

January 16, 2012 at 4:30 am

One of my dream destinations to visit in the Philippines. Sana makapunta din ako dito. Nice photos.

February 2, 2012 at 2:03 am

I’m sure you can. Ikaw pa!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

January 24, 2012 at 8:58 pm

Taking the boat in a couple of days (from Iloilo to Puerto Princesa). Thanks so much for all the details and for recording your experience. I hope you had a wonderful time and have learnt to overcome your ‘talking to other travellers’ shyness a little!

February 2, 2012 at 3:00 am

I really did! now that I’ve traveled more, I did get to be more open to new people … it’s still a work in progress :) Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

February 13, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Hello, Im from Cuyo Island too. Thank you for visiting our island. I really missed my hometown since Im studying here in Manila. Aww, maganda pa rin ang Cuyo. Thank you po talaga, atleast I was able see Cuyo through your blog. Pagbalik camo uman sa ameng banwang Cuyo :)

cuyo palawan tourist spot

February 13, 2012 at 3:37 pm

wow! I AM PROUD TO BE CUYONO! angtinlo ingan! nice!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

March 23, 2012 at 3:11 am

I’m from Brooke’s Point, Palawan, “Home of the Biggest Pearl in the world”! Although the Pearl is now in New York Museum valued at USD 75Million and weighing 14 pounds!. We have “Ocean Spring” Where you can find Potable water in the ocean.. and lot more! By the way, what cam are you using? Your pictures are so crisp & vibrant! Thanks & long live!

April 14, 2012 at 12:07 am

I have yet to visit Brooke’s Point but I’ve taken down some notes if ever that day comes. I’m using a Nikon D40.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

March 23, 2012 at 4:32 pm

im from cuyo too. i’m glad u enjoyed ur stay there.. matamang salamat kanimo. :) (maraming salamat sayo) :)

You’re welcome Anne ^_^

cuyo palawan tourist spot

March 24, 2012 at 7:51 am

Mark thanks for featuring my hometown… My beloved Cuyo… I hope you had a great time. Sayang nga lang, you’re alone. You should try and experienced to befriend true blooded Cuyonon… you will discover how really nice and very kind Cuyonon people is.. Matamang salamat! Abante Cuyo!

April 14, 2012 at 12:06 am

My pleasure. Hope to meet one someday :D

cuyo palawan tourist spot

March 26, 2012 at 3:14 pm

hi marcos, i’ve been in palawan for 5 years, i traveled back and forth from manila because of my job.. mostly i stayed in the main land.. but ive only been to 2 of their beautiful islands (Coron and Culion), by third week of april im going to visit cuyo island for the first time, and i am excited about it.. thnx for your blog and the pics for some sneak preview of the place..

April 13, 2012 at 11:59 pm

Cool! I actually haven’t been to those two islands :) dying to visit them as well.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

April 3, 2012 at 10:58 am

Thanks, Marc! Best travel review about our hometown so far. I’m glad you’ve got the chance to visit our place. Hopefully those who will be coming to our town because of your blog will also keep it clean and take good care of Cuyo the way Cuyunons have taken care of it. Basipang makabalik ka pa ra uman sa ameng banwa sa madarason nga adlaw kalidyos (P.S. You might also want to experience Holy Week in our town).

April 13, 2012 at 11:20 pm

My pleasure Tin-tin. I’d love to go back. It’s only a boat ride away from my hometown, hehe.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

May 8, 2012 at 9:55 am

taga cuyo po ako…salamat sa pagdaan sa aming munting paraiso at pagpost sa website mo!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

January 9, 2013 at 2:53 pm

gusto ko gid ni kadtuan… tnx sa informative post.

January 10, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Go :D nice blog btw!

cuyo palawan tourist spot

April 10, 2013 at 9:07 pm

salamat sa pag visit ng cuyo island, sna sa pag balik mo sa cuyo. para mas masayahan k mga month august ( 3rd week of august then holyweek ksi yan ung mga well celebrated na holidays sa cuyo. tnx..

cuyo palawan tourist spot

May 10, 2013 at 10:03 am

Hello Marcos, thanks for posting this…i was researching for a place to visit that is not so common and this is it…the vessel Milagrosa tig marais ang viaje kay ga panghapit-hapit. Admired your patience…lol…tnx again.

May 10, 2013 at 10:06 am

thanks Marcos, you gave me an idea and interest to visit cuyo…nice pictures and video.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

February 5, 2014 at 7:12 am

Hi Sir Marcos, My name is Philip, A friend told me about your blog. You see I’m a university student doing a thesis on one of the families in cuyo, the ponce de Leon’s. Do you have any information or tips on where to find documents or people to help in my research? You see I’m going to cuyo on friday and won’t stay long, so I wanted to have some info before hand.

February 5, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Sorry Philip, I only visited Cuyo once on my may to Puerto Princesa. I’m sure the local government units in Cuyo will be able to be of better help. Good luck!

February 5, 2014 at 9:00 pm

Thanks Marcos

cuyo palawan tourist spot

August 27, 2016 at 9:13 am

Cuyo! One of my dream destination islands. Looking forward to get there so soon

cuyo palawan tourist spot

April 4, 2017 at 12:04 am

This places seems so calm, relaxing and rich in history, Marcos!

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Things to Do in Cuyo: Attractions & Tourist Spots (2024)

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Rizal Park

1 . Rizal Park

Bisucay Island

2 . Bisucay Island

Cuyo Island

3 . Cuyo Island

cuyo palawan tourist spot

4 . Boracay

cuyo palawan tourist spot

5 . Capusan Beach

White Beach

6 . White Beach

cuyo palawan tourist spot

7 . Saint Augustine Parish

Boracay Island Sunset Sailing

8 . Boracay Island Sunset Sailing

cuyo palawan tourist spot

9 . Friday Beach

cuyo palawan tourist spot

10 . Puka Shell Beach

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Popular Types of Attractions in Cuyo

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Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

Ella Larena

1. Puerto Princesa Underground River (Puerto Princesa)

  • 2. Tubbataha Reef (Cagayancillo Islands)

3.Kayangan Lake (Coron)

4. barracuda lake (coron), 5. nacpan beach (el nido), 6. big lagoon (el nido), 7. small lagoon (el nido), 8. port barton (san vicente), 9. honda bay (puerto princesa), 10. twin lagoon (coron), 11. seven commandos beach (el nido), 12. shipwreck diving (coron), 13. long beach (san vicente), 14. mt. tapyas (coron), 15. secret lagoon (el nido), 16. snake island (el nido), 17. calauit safari park (busuanga), 18. shimizu island (el nido), 19. siete pecados (coron), 20. iwahig firefly watching (puerto princesa), 21. historical tour in culion, 22. onok island (balabac), 23. manguao lake (taytay), 24. fort santa isabel (taytay).

  • 25. Punta Sebaring Beach (Balabac)

26. Cuyo Fort (Cuyo Islands)

27. mt. aguado (cuyo islands), 28. cagayancillo fort (cagayancillo islands).

Shimizu Island and Nacpan Beach

Travel to the islands of Palawan and find out why it's a top destination not just in the Philippines but the whole world. What are the top tourist attractions and things to do here? Read on to find out to plan your ultimate getaway.

Named as the Philippines' last ecological frontier,  Palawan is one of the country's wealthiest provinces in terms of biodiversity. It's lined with sugary beaches, cays, and towering limestone formations that are unlike any other. Swiftlets - colloquially known as balinsasayaw - whose nests are prized delicacies, have made these formations their home.

  • Browse the best Palawan tours and experiences   and Palawan hotels and resorts for your trip
  • Book  Boracay to Palawan Philippine tour packages


See our popular Palawan Tours and Activities

Coron island hopping tour to kayangan lake & barracuda lake | palawan super ultimate package, shared puerto princesa underground river tour in palawan with lunch & hotel transfers, private transfer - el nido palawan lio airport to/from any hotel in el nido town.

Video by the Philippine Department of Tourism

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Suffice to say that Palawan tours are unmatched in Asia, and wherever you go, you won't run out of things to do. Especially if you plan to visit its significant provinces, namely  El Nido ,  Puerto Princesa ,  Coron , and San Vicente . Here are some for starters:

See our popular Palawan Vacation Packages

Budget-friendly 4-day coron palawan package at skylodge resort with flights from manila & tour, 5-day nature & islands adventure package to puerto princesa and el nido palawan, stress-free 5-day coron palawan package at bacau bay resort with flights from manila.

Entrance to Puerto Princesa's famous Underground River

The world's second-longest subterranean river is the  Puerto Princesa Underground River . It's the one that attracts thousands of tourists here and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site . The drive going to the jump-off point in Sabang Wharf will treat you to a refreshing view of the rural landscape.

After this, you will board an outrigger boat that will take you to where the underground river is. After disembarking, there is a brief trek through a forested nature trail and wooden pathways until you reach the cave opening where paddle boats going inside the cave are docked.

  • Check our article on the best Puerto Princesa hotels and resorts
  • See other things to do in Puerto Princesa
  • Go on a Puerto Princesa whale shark tour

See our popular Puerto Princesa Underground River Tours

Shared palawan puerto princesa underground river tour with lunch & transfers, private puerto princesa palawan underground river tour & buenavista view deck with lunch.

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

Nature lovers will enjoy the experience of paddling through the cave system. Prepare to see the stalactites and stalagmites of various shapes and sizes when you join a  Puerto Princesa Underground River tour .

The ride will take you through a portion of the 8.2-kilometer subterranean river that runs under the protected cave, giving you plenty of time to marvel at the rock formations that you'll pass by. You'll see stalactites resembling vegetables, dinosaurs, and religious icons within the cave.

  • Book Puerto Princesa hotels for your vacation
  • Manila to Puerto Princesa flights
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  • Clark to Puerto Princesa flights

See our popular Puerto Princesa Tours and Activities

Private puerto princesa airport palawan to or from any puerto princesa city hotel transfer service, palawan puerto princesa honda bay island hopping tour with lunch | starfish, luli, & cowrie islands, 2. tubbataha reef (cagayancillo islands).

Diver swims by school of fish in Tubbataha Reef

Situated in the southern region of the island is a marine sanctuary called the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park , one of the best diving spots in the Philippines and the world This beautiful area can be found in the waters of the Cagayancillo town and is also recognized as one of the  UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Philippines . The whole sanctuary comprises two atolls, or ring-shaped reefs, that are home to an array of colorful aquatic animals and corals.

In fact, you can find over a thousand different marine animals here, such as sea turtles, sharks, manta rays, and clownfish. Aside from the water-dwelling creatures, about 100 species of birds can also be found here, with some of them even making their nests in the trees that cover the surrounding islands. 

When visiting the Tubbataha Reef, diving is a must-try experience and is the best way to witness the wonderful diversity found here. Vibrant corals provide picturesque scenes as you dip under the waves. If you have more experience with diving, you can head past the corals to swim deeper where rarer animals such as moray eels, barracudas, and parrotfish can be seen. 

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

Coron is a laid back destination that has plenty to offer visitors. The island has lakes, lagoons, and beautiful white-sand beaches. This tropical destination lets you relax, unwind, and get away from the daily grind. One of the best attractions in  Coron island-hopping tours is no other than  Kayangan Lake . 

  • Check our picks for the  best Coron hotels and resorts
  • Book a flight to Coron for your upcoming Palawan vacation

Before you can reach this amazing tourist place in Coron, you will do a brief walk when your ship docks at the entrance. Note the impressive formations of limestones and azure waters as you approach the bay.

See our popular Coron Vacation Packages

Comfy 4-day coron palawan budget package at ruhe suites with flights from manila, tour & transfers.

You'll have to walk a flight of stairs to a vantage point when you reach the cove so you can see the most iconic image of this attraction. It's the area's best-known place and where you can take photos before you go to the lake. It is the highlight of Coron's ultimate island hopping tour .

Landscape of Coron in Palawan, Philippines

From there, you can walk down to the lake, the salty water of which is quite refreshing. The mixture of saltwater and freshwater makes the lake's surface look like a mirror. It seems shallow, and from the walking platform, you can almost see the bottom!

In its turquoise waters, you can swim, dive, and attempt to get as close as you can to the bottom. The water's clarity encourages you to see as far as you can when you plunge underneath. Make sure to try a tour in Kayangan Lake for a memorable experience in Coron.

See our popular Coron Island Hopping Tours

Palawan coron malcapuya, banana & bulog dos islands shared tour with lunch & transfers, coron palawan kayangan lake & twin lagoon island hopping & snorkeling tour with lunch & transfers.

Sunray at the Barracuda Lake in Coron, Palawan

Another popular lake attraction in Coron is Barracuda Lake. The Tagbanuas, Cuyonon, and Calmiananen were the original inhabitants of the Calmianes Islands which included Coron.

The rock formations and the turquoise waters of the lake will make you stop and stare for a moment before dousing the afternoon heat by diving into it. 

  • Book a  Coron firefly watching  tour

It got its name from the fact that divers discovered the skeleton of a barracuda in its depths. Barracuda Lake is also one of the cleanest lakes in the country and a famous attraction included in an island-hopping tour in Coron.

See our popular Barracuda Lake Tours

The boat ride to the lake is picturesque; until you reach the docking zone, you will see sedimentary formations towering over the ocean. It's one of the ethereal adventures that you can have on your Coron excursion. 

Many  island-hopping tours in Coron include Barracuda Lake. There is an entrance fee and a guide fee; both are often included in the Barracuda Lake tour package already. During your trip, make sure to take plenty of photographs and videos before plunging into the turquoise waters!

Aerial shot of El Nido's Nacpan Beach

Nacpan Beach is a four-kilometer strip of cream-colored sand and coconut trees with crystal clear turquoise water. It is17th kilometers north of El Nido town proper in Palawan. 

Tourists can lie on the beach or settle in hammocks if they want to do some sunbathing. They can also opt to rest in Nacpan's shady spots.

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

  • Read our recommendations on the  best El Nido Palawan hotels and resorts

Aside from swimming, visitors can also do surfing, kayaking, and stand up paddleboard when trying Nacpan Beach tours. Mask, fins, and snorkel are available for those who want to explore the crystal clear water. 

Nacpan is one-half of the famous twin beaches in the area—the other one is called Calitang Beach. Travelers can ride a tricycle, where two to three people can fit, to reach Nacpan Beach. Tricycle ride can last for an hour to 90 minutes.

A hassle-free way to get to the attraction is to join a guided tour in Nacpan beach! There are restaurants along the coast that range from affordable to expensive. There are also snacks for sale along the beach's entrance although the selection is limited.  

  • Boracay to El Nido flights Clark to El Nido flights

Kayaking in El Nido's Big Lagoon

The Big Lagoon is uniquely famous for its vibrantly colored waters and picturesque limestone rocks on the horizon. It's off the eastern coast of Miniloc Island in El Nido, Palawan. It's best accessible via a guided boat package, which is the  El Nido island-hopping Big Lagoon tour .

The boat will approach Big Lagoon around a rock that fronts a smaller lagoon. And from here, the unforgettable dazzling blue of the water greets visitors. The pool at the entrance is an awe-striking Gatorade-blue that tourists usually stay on the boats a bit to marvel.

  • Book El Nido hotels for your vacation

While boats can drive you further into the lagoon, most guides dock only at the entrance to give room for swimmers, snorkelers, and kayakers. The water lightens to a bright periwinkle until it meets a small beach.

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

See our popular El Nido Island Hopping Tours

Palawan el nido shared island hopping tour a with lunch & transfers | secret lagoon, shimizu island, palawan el nido shared island hopping tour c with lunch & transfers | secret beach, hidden beach, palawan el nido shared island hopping tour d with lunch & transfers | cadlao lagoon, paradise beach.

Like many of Palawan's pretty lagoons, the Big Lagoon is surrounded by limestone rocks. But here, the rocks only reach hill-high. In between are beautiful clear canals and a few coves. In this tourist attraction, a tiny cave connects to a room-size small lagoon.

The Big Lagoon boasts a generous space to host any relaxing water activity often included in an  El Nido sland-hopping tour .

At its shallowest, you can swim leisurely with sea turtles and then snorkel a bit farther with corals right beneath you. You can also free-dive up to 50 m deep, but jellyfish and urchins frequent there, too so be careful.

Aerial view of travelers kayaking in El Nido's Small Lagon

However, when it comes to the uniqueness and allure it exudes, it can't be overlooked. El Nido Small Lagoon island-hopping tour  is a tourist favorite because towering limestone cliffs surround its turquoise waters. 

The Small Lagoon has a narrower entrance, unlike the Big Lagoon where the opening is easily reachable. To get inside, you can plunge or ride a kayak and go through a gap on a limestone wall.

Once inside, you can swim or kayak around Small Lagoon's natural waters and appreciate its calm environment accompanied by the flow of wildlife. 

You can visit this attraction of El Nido by booking an  El Nido Small Lagoon island-hopping tour . Take note that there are constraints to the number of tourists and time spent in Small Lagoon to maintain its captivating ambiance.

  • Book a direct flight to El Nido for your upcoming Palawan itinerary

Top view of Port Barton's beach and coconut trees

Situated 1-2 hours by land from Poblacion, this peaceful coastal town is an accessible location for international travelers. You can go here or choose to remain for a few evenings.

  • Read our article on the best hotels and resorts in Port Barton
  • Book transportation from San Vicente Palawan Airport

More restaurants and bars are available here compared to Long Beach and Poblacion. It is similar to El Nido's chill beach atmosphere. 

One of the best Port Barton tours is island-hopping. You can explore nearby islands such as Starfish Island, Exotic Island, German Island, Inaladelan Island, and German Island that are part of island-hopping tours in Palawan .

See our popular Port Barton Tours

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Other attractions you should visit in Port Barton include Bigaho Falls, Pamuayan Falls, Itaytay Beach, Long Beach, Aquarium Reef, Twin Reef, Marine Sanctuary, and more. It's no wonder most tourists keep coming back to this beautiful destination.

Beach view of Honda Bay in Puerto Princesa

Honda Bay is one of the first tourist spots in Palawan to have made a mark on the tourist map, with its beautiful beaches and strategic location.

With a pier that's accessible from anywhere in the capital within 30 minutes, Honda Bay tours allow travelers the ease of uncovering three gorgeous sandbars: Luli Island, Cowrie Island, and Starfish Island.

Cowrie Island is named after the cowrie shells within the area. Aside from swimming and lounging, it's the perfect place to enjoy a sumptuous picnic-style dinner. 

Luli Island, on the other hand, got its name derived from its unique sandbar. It disappears during high tide, while it reappears during low tide.

Cottages can be rented throughout the bay, and snorkel equipment rentals are also available. Lastly, Starfish Island is named as such because of the abundant number of starfishes found within its powdery white sands. Go swim and snorkel when you try a Honda Bay island-hopping tour .

See our popular Honda Bay Island Hopping Tours

Palawan puerto princesa honda bay island hopping tour with lunch | luli, cowrie & starfish islands, puerto princesa honda bay island hopping tour in palawan with lunch | luli, cowrie & starfish island.

Pandan Island is also worth mentioning as it's included in some Honda Bay island hopping tours. It got its name from the numerous Pandan trees surrounding the area. You can rent a cottage, try water activities such as jet ski or kayak, make a sandcastle and more.

Top 28 Palawan Philippines Tourist Spots and Things to Do: Home to The Best Islands & Beaches

The Twin Lagoon in Coron Island, Palawan province is picturesque lagoons divided by towering limestone walls. Visiting the lagoons offers a bit of adventure.

From the town proper, they are accessible only by boat, which will take you through a maze of giant karst walls. If you're eager for a hassle-free adventure, you can book a  Twin Lagoon tour .

See our popular Twin Lagoon Tours

Coron palawan twin lagoon island hopping tour with lunch & transfers.

Boats dock on the first lagoon, and then visitors must swim from here to reach a rickety wooden staircase that leads to the second. At low tide, you can instead wade through a cavern that connects both lagoons.

Other times you need to swim utterly underwater for a few meters and resurface on the separate pool. It’s one of the best attractions included in a Coron ultimate tour .

The ethnic Tagbanua tribe is the guardian of the Twin Lagoons. To the tribe, all such areas are sacred. However, the Tagbanua has had to lease a few of these tourist sites to outside companies.

Thankfully, non-profit groups are now helping to empower the Tagbanua to operate some of  Palawan island-hopping tours , which include immersive camp programs in their traditional beach homes.

Beach view of Seven Commandoes in El Nido

The beach is part of  El Nido island hopping tours , which also includes favorites Big Lagoon and Small Lagoon. 

Seven Commandos is usually the tour's first stop, where visitors can swim, snorkel, and feast on refreshing coconut juice. Boats will dock here for around 45 minutes.

After this, you can enjoy your free time and unwind within the area before you visit the other tourist spots included, especially those included in  island-hopping tour in El Nido . It’s a perfect way to spend a day in El Nido.

It was said that save for the high-end resorts found in El Nido, this is the only island with bars. The original one was mostly just a small hut that serves drinks ranging from fruit shakes to cocktails.

Food is also served here. The beach also has a beach volleyball court which is perfect for big groups.

Shipwreck diving in Coron, Palawan

While Coron is sometimes likened to El Nido - owing to their similar limestones – something that sets Coron apart is its impressive shipwreck sites, often packaged in a reefs and wrecks tour .

A total of these 13 can be found between the waters of Culion and Busuanga and may be accessed via  Coron diving packages . The majority of these are part of a Japanese fleet used during World War II. Collectively, these Coron dive sites have been declared by Forbes as among the world's best. 

Although most of the wrecks are submerged over 100 feet below water (perfect for wreck divers), some are between 10 and 30 feet - shallow enough to be explored by merely snorkeling.

Among this is the Skeleton Wreck, a popular attraction in a Coron island-hopping tour , which is a steel-hulled boat believed to have belonged to a local fisherman.

Another one is the Lusong Gunboat, which lies 11 meters off the coast of Lusong Island. At low tide, its keel breaks through the shallows, making it perfect for snorkelers.

The keel of a large cargo ship, Tangat Wreck, also protrudes upright near the surface in Tangat Island. Corals, nudibranchs, fishes, and even sea turtles inhabit the wrecks, providing excellent opportunities for underwater photography.

Shallower wrecks are often in  Coron island hopping tours , along with other attractions, such as Coral Garden and Black Beach.

  • Book flights to Busuanga for your upcoming Palawan getaway 

See our popular Philippine Scuba Diving Packages & Courses

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Aerial view of Long Beach in San Vicente, Palawan

The coastline of 14 kilometers is undeveloped and is three times the size of the White Beach of Boracay. It’s 40 kilometers from Port Barton, another primary destination in San Vicente. Try Port Barton tours if you'd like to enjoy the town in its fullest. 

  • Check out the  best San Vicente hotels and resorts

Long Beach houses some front beach and non-beach accommodations. For those who want direct access to various parts of the 14.7 km white-sand beach, booking a location here is perfect.

Long Beach includes different barangays that serve as jumping points for public transport such as New Agutaya, San Isidro, and Alimuangan. There are also a lot of restaurants available here, serving both local and international cuisines.

If you want to explore the longest white beach in the Philippines, pack your stuff and visit this tourist destination in San Vicente ! The best way to explore Long Beach is by renting a motorcycle or by joining a guided tour.

Mt. Tapyas viewing deck in Coron, Palawan

A journey to Mt. Tapyas' viewing deck is worth it. Despite the 724-step ascent, it'll be worth all the sweat because you'll see Coron's unusual perspective that gets better as you go higher.

You'll see a big white cross when you reach the top, which you can also know when you're in town but not as panoramic as in the viewing deck.

From the city center, Mt. Tapyas is easy to reach. You can travel to the base by walking, join a sightseeing tour in Coron , or rent a tricycle.

The mountain is easy to climb because most of it involves walking on concrete steps, and there are several platforms and benches where visitors can stop and rest before going on.

Before you reach the top, there are about 700 steps. Don't worry as, during your way up, there are rails to hold on.

Feel the fresh air and see the city from a panoramic point of view as you slowly reach the top. Rest a while before going down; wait until sunset to watch the blue sky turn red and then dark.

Mt. Tapyas is an ideal half-day trip for those who are looking for a different activity aside from the usual Coron island-hopping tours.

See our popular Coron Tours and Activities

Private busuanga airport to or from any hotel in coron town van transfer service, shared coron busuanga airport to or from coron palawan town proper transfer service.

Top view of El Nido's Secret Lagoon

You're going to pass via an opening like some hollow rocky cave, so be extra careful and dock your head. If it is low tide, you can easily wade into the entrance. 

Once inside, a small natural pool surrounded by extremely high limestone cliffs will welcome you, which is the Secret Lagoon. In its lovely white sand, you can plunge in the natural cold pool or just lounge and relax. Appreciate and enjoy the surrounding scenery while in the lagoon.

The water is colder here due to the cliffs that cover it from the sun rays, compared to the Big Lagoon and Small Lagoon. The Secret Lagoon's mystery is what makes it a worthy destination. It's a significant component of  island-hopping tours in El Nido and is loved by the locals.

Boats around Snake Island in El Nido, Palawan

Like any other island in El Nido, Snake Island tours are popular because it has crystal clear turquoise waters. It's one of the islands that will give you the experience and feeling of walking in the middle of the sea. 

Watch the marine life underneath like small fishes, sea turtles, corals, and starfishes via snorkeling along the shoreline. Snake Island is also a paradise filled with thick foliage and lots of mangroves where monkeys are often seen.

See our popular El Nido Snake Island Tours

Palawan el nido shared island hopping tour b with lunch & transfers | snake island, cudognon cave, hassle-free 5-day el nido palawan package at seda lio 5-star hotel with island hopping & snorkeling.

It also houses a small shed on top of a hill that boasts a stunning bird's eye view of the snake-looking sand trail, and a panoramic view of the Bacuit Bay and nearby El Nido islands.

Snake Island is part  El Nido island-hopping tour  and is either the lunch stop or the start-off point of the said tour. The major crowd-pullers of Tour B are the scenic sandspit of Vigan Island and the caves that are in the set (Cathedral Cave and Cudugnon Cave). 

Tower of giraffes at Calauit Safari Park in Coron, Philippines

Housing thousands of endangered and endemic species, Calauit Safari Park remains to be the Philippines' only game reserve and wildlife sanctuary.

Its resident species include African animals that were transported from Kenya in 1976, including the reticulated giraffe and the world's most endangered zebra species, the Grevy's zebra.

These animals can be found freely roaming in the sanctuary's 3,700-hectare expanse, along with mouse deer, bearcats, and the Calamian deer, which is in here.

Visitors who are participating in a Calauit Safari Park tour are allowed to do guided feeding to giraffes while on foot, providing a thrilling experience that's at par with Kenyan safaris.

The safari park has the porcupine and the Binturong (bearcat) of the Philippines. There's also the bearded pig of Palawan, one of the country's endemic four wild pig species.

The Philippine freshwater crocodile is also being taken care of here. Under the Philippine Red List of Threatened Wildlife, all are endangered species.

Shimizu Island in El Nido

The Japanese-sounding name makes one wonder about the island's origin. According to guides and boatmen, a group of scuba divers explored the waters of El Nido decades ago. Unfortunately, one of them didn't make it back from a deep underwater tunnel.

Days were spent searching for the diver's body until it's on an island with imposing rock formations and beautiful white sand. The deceased diver's last name was Shimizu, and the island was named after him.

Visitors can explore the island during El Nido island hopping tour  while the boatmen prepare lunch. Boats will dock here for less than one hour, so make good use of the time swimming and snorkeling while waiting for the meal to be served.

Under the shade of the hot noonday sun, the boatmen will serve grilled fare of meat and seafood, vegetables, and fresh fruits for dessert. There are also local folks who sell sodas and ice cream around the area.

Aerial shot of boats at Siete Pecados in Coron, Palawan

The area is known for its vibrant marine life, immersive as you dive into its turquoise waters. Siete Pecados is Coron city's closest dive site to the town proper. In just a few minutes, the boat takes you right in the middle of the islets.

You only need to climb down the ladder to get to the water, or you can hop off and snorkel directly. This practicality makes Siete Pecados a top Coron destination to visit.

Siete Pecados is inhabited with sea turtles, tropical angelfish, and squid. Often waiting for some bread from divers, the fish swarm wonderfully around you as if you've reached their current.

Baby sharks and octopi, with more species coming in and out of their home reefs, are often seen here! There is a powerful current along Siete Pecados, so a rope along the water guides snorkelers.

Close up shot of a firefly at night

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It started in 2007 and now being managed by the locals of Barangay Iwahig. It's temporarily closed due to rehabilitation purposes, but it'll be opened soon to the public. 

This tourist attraction is among the bucket lists of tourists as it also gives them a chance to have a close encounter with fireflies. The watching site, which is around 45 minutes away from the city proper, opens at 6 p.m. as the fireflies usually come out in the evening. 

Fireflies live in the mangroves and trees situated along the banks and Sicsican and Iwahig Rivers. They typically thrive in pollution and noise-free areas. Using flash photography during the tour is, however, discouraged as this may disturb the fireflies which are inhabiting the area.

See our popular Firefly Watching Tours

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The world's largest leper colony in the 1900s, Culion is a town that's well-suited for people wanting to try heritage tours .

Cut off from the rest of the world, its former inhabitants – including Spanish priests and caregivers - lived among themselves and were isolated until it was declared leprosy-free in 2006.

Remnants of the Spanish-era settlement remain intact until today, including a nursery for children, a sanitorium, a male dormitory, and several plazas. 

The best way to cap off your day is by taking the 333 steps up to Aguila's viewpoint, which overlooks the municipality and the other islands in Calamianes. It's a unique tourist spot included in Palawan island-hopping tours that deserves at least a place in your route. 

See our popular Palawan Island Hopping Tours

From Coron town, you can take the 1:30 p.m. passenger boat to Culion. The ship leaves Culion for Coron the next day at 7 a.m. If you don't plan on staying the night, you can join a day tour to Coron . It's hassle-free, and you'll get free pick-up and drop off to your hotel in Coron.

Aerial view of Onok Island

Photo by @tim5official on Instagram

Sitting off the shores of Balabac town in the southwestern portion of Palawan is Onok Island, a peaceful, privately-owned island surrounded by clear waters and covered with a forest of palm trees. From the island also stems a sandbar that you can walk on when the tide is low. To get here, you will need to go on a boat ride from Rio Tuba town. 

Upon reaching the island, you will dock set foot on soft powdery sand. You can then walk around the perimeter of the island to find the perfect spot to lay down and sunbathe or head over to the wooden walkway that leads to wooden huts built on stilts. After settling down in your preferred spot, it's time to get in the water for a leisurely swim. If you want to see the marine life in the area, you can rent paddle boats and go towards deeper spots where you can snorkel. 

Under the waves, you will find coral reefs, schools of fish, and some giant clams. When you return to the island to rest, you can also enjoy the unobstructed view of the pristine sea. 

Manguao Lake

Photo by Taytay, Palawan Tourism Office

Manguao Lake sits in the town of Taytay in the northern region of Palawan Island. This 640-hectare lake is known to be one of the largest freshwater lakes in the Philippines. Bordering its blue waters are lush forests that offer beautiful scenery to tourists and locals, making it a great spot for a peaceful getaway. 

Inside the lake, you can find 3 endemic fish species. Meanwhile, the surrounding lush forests are home to about 136 birds and 29 kinds of mammals. Birdwatchers often flock to the lake to try and spot rarer or endemic species such as the Palawan peacock pheasant, Palawan hornbill, and Philippine duck. In light of the lake's rich biodiversity, it is also recognized as a Municipal Conservation area and Ecotourism Zone.

While the lake's waters are calm and may seem very inviting, the local government does not recommend swimming in it during the dry season due to the cyanobacteria that bloom there. Instead, it is safer to wade in the waters during the rainy season. Aside from being a great place to stop and relax, the lake is a well-known fishing spot among locals. 

Fort Santa Isabel

Fort Santa Isabel, which is commonly known as the Taytay Fort, is a structure that dates back to 1667, when it was first built out of wood. It was named in honor of the Queen Isabella II of Spain. Eventually, it was rebuilt using coral stone and was finally completed in 1738. This coastal fortification mainly served as a way to protect Taytay from Muslim warrior-raiders during the Spanish reign in the Philippines. Back then, the Spanish army had fired cannons from the fortress whenever the Muslim forces would sail towards the small town. 

A bastion or garitas is located at each corner of the fort. Aside from serving as a means of protection, the structure is also recognized as an important part of the local heritage, especially religion. Etched into some portions of the stone walls are Roman Catholic scenes and figures that were highly revered during the Spanish reign. 

In 2018, the local government collaborated with the National Historical Commission to restore this grand structure to its former glory. 

25. Punta Sebaring Beach (Balabac) 

Punta Sebaring Beach

Photo by

Punta Sebaring Beach is another white-sand beach that rivals the beauty of its more famous counterparts, such as Boracay Island's White Beach. This hidden gem sits along the edge of Bugsuk Island, which is part of Balabac, the southernmost town of Palawan. As Punta Sebaring Beach is located in a more remote region of the province, you will need to take a boat from the mainland to reach it. 

When you finally arrive at the beach, you will immediately see its powdery white sand go on for miles. The beach's beauty has remained unspoiled as there are no commercial establishments on the island nor along the shore. Past the beach, you will find towering palm trees and the local community. Make your way across the beach when the tide is low to find a stunning sandbar that stems from Punta Sebaring. As the water laps the sand, it gives the entire sandbar a rippled texture, adding to the already scenic appeal of the area. 

While there are no hotels or resorts on the island, you can coordinate with the local government of Balabac before your visit if you wish to spend the night here. 

Entrance to Cuyo Fort

Photo by Cuyo Island

The Cuyo Fort stands in the center of the historic Cuyo Island, which is located in the northeastern waters of Palawan Island. The municipality of Cuyo is the oldest town in the province and served as Palawan's second capital from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. During the Spanish colonization era in the Philippines, Spanish forces constructed the fort to serve as a fortress from attacks by the Moro people. It was completed in 1680 and was made out of stone and mortar. Aside from providing protection, this naval structure also housed the town's church, adoration chapel, and convent, making it one of the most unique forts in the country. 

Along with the church, a belfry was also erected inside the fort's premises, along with watchtowers. Today, the fortress' walls measure up to ten meters high, and you can even walk along the renovated portions of the wall to get a better view of the island and its surroundings. The church also remains a significant part of the community and is the venue for the town's annual Feast of St. Augustine, which takes place every 28th of August.

Statues at Mt. Aguado's peak

Photo by A Journey of Faith

Another popular tourist attraction on Cuyo Island is Mt. Aguado. This towering mountain is covered with lush forests that house various species of birds and mammals and is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts. However, the mountain does not only serve as an ecotourism site. It is also best known for the life-sized statues that depict the Stations of Cross, a testament to the strong Spanish and Catholic influence on the island. 

These statues begin at the foot of the mountain continue all the way to the peak. Devout Catholics make the pilgrimage to the mountain annually as part of Holy Week rites observed in Cuyo. At the end of the trail, you will be rewarded with a 360-degree view of the whole island. From here, you can even see the surrounding islands that also make up the Cuyo Archipelago. 

To protect the town of Cagayancillo from invaders in the late 16th century, the Spanish forces that colonized the area at the time decided to build the Cagayancillo Fort. This naval fortress, however, took over a hundred years to complete and was only fully constructed in the early 18th century under the leadership of a Spanish priest. In contrast to other forts built in Palawan under the Spanish regime, this one was built using sea rocks and limestones. 

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Top view of Big Lagoon in El Nido, Palawan

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Cuyo Tourist Places to Visit in Cuyo, Palawan, Philippines

Cuyo is a 4 th class municipality in Palawan province in Philippines, about 350 kms from provincial capital Puerto Princesa and about 1600 kms from Manila city. Manamoc, Bisucay, Caponayan Pamalican, Pandan, Round, Imalaguan, Lubid, Quiminatin and Cauayan are other small islands near Cuyo Island.

Geography of Cuyo :

Cuyo is placed between latitude 10°51′ in the north and longitude 121°01′ in the east which occupies an area of 85 sq. km.

History of Cuyo :

Cuyo is one of the ancient towns in Palawan province and it served as the 2 nd capital of Palawan from 1873 to 1903 during Spanish rule in Philippines.

Cuyo is houses Spanish colonial period church, convent and fort and a schoolhouse, and a statue of national hero Jose Rizal.

Connectivity to Cuyo :

Cuyo has its own airport situated 1 kms from the heart of town with connections to Puerto Princesa, Cuyo, Boracay and Manila.

Cuyo has good connectivity with Puerto Princesa, Iloilo, Manila and Coron by ferry. The boats are usually departs from Cuyo Island Monday, Thursday, Sunday and leaves from other cities Friday and Tuesday. Montenegro Shipping Lines and Milagrosa Shipping Lines are the major boat operators.

Buses are accessible only to travel within Island. Tricycles and motor cycles are available for rent at Cuyo town.

Things to do in Cuyo :

Cuyo is the heaven of water sports lovers offers different adventure activities for tourists. The activities include snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, kiting, bicycling, motor biking and hopping. Ther are two windsurfing seasons namely Amihan season (from October to March) and Habagat season (from April to September).

Culture, Food and Shopping in Cuyo :

Cuyo has a strong cultural background dating back to 350 years. Pastores, the Chotis, Lanceros de Cuyo, Birginia and Paraguanen are the popular dance styles and Ang Gegma, Daragang Taga Cuyo and Tiis Manong Pido are the famous love songs among the natives Cuyo.

Tourists can taste different flavor cashew nuts in Cuyo and Tirek, Bondok, Combo and Lato are the purchasable items. Cuyo houses many traditional food corners serve customers with variety of dishes and also the town is well packed with shopping centres, retail outlets and health centres as well.

Tourist Attractions in Cuyo :    

Cuyo Fort :

Cuyo Fort was built during Spanish colonial era 1680. It is considered as one of the best ancient fort in Philippines.

Fish Sanctuary :

Fish Sanctuary is reserved fish sanctuary situated opposite of Quijano Windsurfing Retreat in Magsaysay. It is placed in the vicinity of Quijano beach.

Cuyo Church :

Cuyo Church was built in the year 1860 during Spanish rule in Philippines and is still good in condition.

Jose Rizal Monument :

Jose Rizal Monument is the statue of national hero Jose Rizal in Cuyo.

Other tourist attractions near Cuyo are :

  • Cuyo Convent
  • Schoolhouse

Best time to visit Cuyo :

The months of dry season are good time to visit Cuyo.

Accommodation Options in Cuyo :

Cuyo is one of the best tourism centres in Philippines visited by thousands of tourists within the country and foreign every year to enjoy holidays. The facilities available in the hotels and resorts of Cuyo include rooms with TV, private bath and hot water, fridge, 24 hour room service, workout room, open parking facilities, 24 hour concierge, internet access, , laundry and dry cleaning.  The major hotels and resorts located in and around Cuyo are as follows:

  • Quijano Windsurfing Retreat
  • Nikki’s Pension
  • Feroland Hotel
  • PCAT Baywatch Resort
  • Tabunan Discovery Resort
  • Coco Verde Beach Resort
  • Feroland Lodging House
  • Amanpulo Pamalican Island Resort
  • Amanpulo Resort

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Cuyo Islands

cuyo palawan tourist spot

  • 1.1 Cuyo Town
  • 1.2 Flora and fauna
  • 1.4 History
  • 1.5 Weather
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2 By boat
  • 3 Get around
  • 6.1 Money transfer

The Cuyo Islands are a group of islands in Palawan Province , Philippines . The archipelago is in the Sulu Sea, to the northeast of the main island of Palawan , south of Mindoro and west of Panay . There are 45 islands, many of which are uninhabited. Their total land area is 130 km² (50 square miles); population in 2010 was about 46,000.

Understand [ edit ]

Cuyo Island, in the south of the archipelago, is the largest island and has most of the population.

Cuyo is divided into two island groups: the Quiniluban group in the north and the Cuyo group in the south. The largest island in the Cuyo group is Cuyo Island which has an area of 22 square miles and a population of approximately 20,000 people; it is one of the least exploited inhabited islands in the country. It is divided into three municipalities: Cuyo, Agutaya, and Magsaysay.

Cuyo Town [ edit ]

Cuyo Town is the oldest in Palawan Province, with a historic fort which shelters a church and a convent within its high stone walls. Constructed during the Spanish colonial era to protect the population from Moro pirates , it is one of the oldest forts in the Philippines. All the streets in town have been cemented but the town has preserved the hispanic plaza and church structures. Dominating the town centre is Cuyo's church, convent, and fort built by the Spanish and finished in 1680. Nearby stands a schoolhouse, and a park with a monument to national hero Jose Rizal.

Flora and fauna [ edit ]

Cuyo is covered with mango, cashew and coconut trees that gracefully sway in the wind. Thick clumps of bamboo abound.

People [ edit ]

The Cuyonon are very resourceful and have found ways to make the best of what they have like making tuba, a fermented toddy from coconut, and cashew brittle, both local specialties. Life is slow and the epitome of “rural living” in its simplicity, the kind that grows on people who visit the island. Its several beaches, gracious townsfolk, and simple life are its gems.

History [ edit ]

Chinese traders where the first to discover Cuyo island and introduced the trade and barter system in the locality. Later Chief Matunod of Malay origin arrived in big bangkas called “sakayan” and formed settlements on the island. A Malay Muslim by the name Datu Magbanua later also settled in Cuyo. His leadership was so great and powerful that even chieftains from other islands recognized his rule. The Malays brought with them their dances and when blended with native dance, the “Soriano”, it became known as the “pondo-pondo” one of the most popular folk dances even up to the present.

During the leadership of Datu Magbanua, three Chinese Mandarins arrived on the island and settled on Cuyo. The Chinese discovered gold deposits on Mt. Aguado and introduced gold mining, smith working, pottery, and other handicrafts. The natives of Cuyo became suspicious of their presence and were able to drive them out. They sailed to Ilongilong (today known as Iloilo) and formed another settlement called “Parian”.

In 1622, Count San Augustin and five Spanish missionaries colonized the island named by them as Cuyo and introduced Christianity. The friendly character of the people proved to be a blessing to the Spaniards who did not find difficulties in converting the population of Cuyo Island to Christianity. They were immediately able to baptize 500 Cuyonons.

In 1636 a powerful Muslim fleet under Datu Tagul raided Cuyo and other places in Palawan. In Cuyo they attacked the convent and the church and set the town on fire and took with them prisoners including a priest Fr. Francisco de Jesus Maria. They then proceeded to Agutaya and Culion and wrought havoc and destruction on the helpless and defenseless civilians. Again their prized captive was another priest from Culion, Fr. Alonzo de San Augustin who was captured while saying mass. A Spanish naval flotilla of 6 vessels and 250 men under Capt. Nicolas Gonzales met the returning pirates with their loot and booty on December 21, 1636. Datu Tagul was killed, 300 of his men captured and 120 prisoners were liberated. The two captured priests were not so lucky.

Weather [ edit ]

There are two distinct seasons in the Philippines generally distinguished by the rains and prevailing direction of the winds. The amihan season gradually begins in November with winds from the North and lasts until March and is typically drier. The habagat seasonal winds blow in from the southeast from June to October. This also coincides with the monsoon/typhoon season. Cuyo lies to the south of the direct typhoon belt that batters much of the archipelago. Most rain during this period comes in the form of short, heavy downpours bringing a pleasant coolness and lush green vegetation. During the dry amihan there are periods of hot, dusty and windless days. Apart from the April and May doldrums when it's a few degrees hotter, temperatures are nearly always the same regardless of the season being within the equatorial zone.

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ], by boat [ edit ].

Ferry services connecting several times a week with Puerto Princesa and Iloilo. Weekly from Manila via Coron

Puerto Princesa to Cuyo

  • Montenegro Shipping: Dep Monday 18:00 - Arr Tuesday 10:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping: Dep Thursday and Sunday 15:00 - Arr Monday 8:00

Cuyo to Puerto Princesa

  • Montenegro Shipping: Dep Saturday 22:00 - Arr Sunday 10:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping: Dep Monday and Friday 15:00 - Arr Tuesday and Saturday 8:00

Iloilo to Cuyo

  • Montenegro Shipping Lines: Dep Saturday 8:00 - Arr Saturday 20:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping Lines: Dep Monday and Thursday 19:00 - Arr Tuesday and Friday 8:00

Cuyo to Iloilo

  • Montenegro Shipping Lines: Dep Tuesday 14:00 - Arr Wednesday 4:00
  • Milagrosa Shipping Lines: Dep Friday 17:00 and Monday 17:00 - Arr Tuesday and Saturday 6:00

Manila – Coron – Cuyo

  • Serrano Shipping Co. - M/V D’Asean Journey (Manila South Port Area Gate 1 near Delfan Port)
  • Manila – Coron Dep Sunday 16:00 - Arr Monday 11:00
  • Coron – Cuyo Dep Monday 17:00 - Arr Tuesday 03:00

Cuyo – Coron – Manila Serrano Shipping Co. - M/V D’Asean Journey

  • Cuyo – Coron Dep Thursday 22:00 - Arr Friday 8:00
  • Coron – Manila Dep Thursday 17:00 - Arr Friday 11:00

These schedules are meant as a guide only and often not precise due to weather, tides, cargo delays and mechanical problems. Make inquiries near your planned departure date with these companies.

Get around [ edit ]

There are lots of tricycles around Cuyo Town. Best to agree on a price before setting out as most units are territorial.

Small motorcycles are available for rent in the public market and at a couple of locations just back one street from the pier.

Bicycles can also be rented. Inquire locally. Local bangka boats are available for island hopping and snorkeling. Visitors are reminded to dispose of their trash properly. If you bring it in, pack it out.

See [ edit ]

  • Cuyo Fort and St. Augustine Parish Church ( from Cuyo Port, walk up Sandoval St and turn left at Rizal St, walk past the Municipal Hall and Palawan State University ). During the early Spanish period Fort Cuyo was constructed to protect the Cuyonon from sporadic Moro attacks and finished in 1680. The original complex of stone and mortar was a square with four bastions. The present complex, which occupies 1 ha, is a solid rectangular edifice with walls 10 m high and 2 m thick. It has a tall belfry and watchtowers; its cannons, which face the sea, are now fired only during town celebrations. It is one of the oldest forts in the Philippines. It is unique because the church, the convent and the Perpetual Adoration chapel are all within the fort. In 1762 one of the British ships that invaded Manila fired at the Cuyo fort but it was not damaged. In 1873, the capital of Paragua (present day Palawan) was transferred to Cuyo from Taytay. Cuyo Fort and Church is only a few minutes walk from Cuyo Port. A tour of the place can be made without a guide since there are ample signs explaining the different areas of the fort. ₱200 . ( updated Mar 2017 )

Do [ edit ]

  • Kiteboarding and windsurfing . The Philippines is considered by some people to be one of the best places for windsurfing and kiteboarding in Asia and Cuyo Island has become a good choice for many. It has two spots for these sports. One is located in Cuyo Town at Capusan Beach. The other is located at Quejano/Victoria Beach some 20 minutes away. Kiteboarding instruction at Capusan is provided exclusively by the Cuyo Watersports Association and the Buradol Kite Central, a part of the local Nikki's syndicate. The Anino Kite Resort also provides kiteboarding instruction, storage, and rental of kite equipment. The Philippines has two principal seasons known by its seasonal wind direction called amihan and habagat. For the kiters it's the amihan season which brings them back in small clusters every year. This season lasts from December to March and is characterized by moderate humidity, seldom any significant rainfall and an almost daily, consistent wind from the northeast. ( updated Sep 2017 )
  • Capusan Beach and Quejano/Victoria Beach . Capusan Beach in Cuyo Town is the most popular spot for kiteboarding due to its long sand bar, ample space, combination of shallow and deep water and free public access. Quejano/Victoria Beach on the east side of the island also offers very good conditions. Those who consider themselves mediocre kiters find ideal conditions to practice the water start in chest deep crystal clear water in a pristine landscape of green hills with several distant islands in view. Both locations have excellent conditions for beginners and experienced riders.  
  • Aguado pilgrimage . Mt. Aguado features life-size stations of the Way of the Cross constructed from the foot to the peak of the mountain. Cuyonon devotees, visitors and tourists make the annual pilgrimage to Mt. Aguado as part of the penitential rites done in Cuyo during the Holy Week particularly on Holy Thursday.  
  • Snorkeling . There are numerous places within the entire Cuyo Archipelago where one can find an amazing variety of underwater sights. For the casual visitor it is generally advisable to snorkel in those areas free from hazards such as fishermen and other surface water sports activities. Black sea urchins are to be avoided!  

Buy [ edit ]

Most native handicrafts are made elsewhere and brought to Cuyo. Traditional crafts such as pottery and weaving have died out completely. Cuyo is not known for any noteworthy shopping opportunities.

Money transfer [ edit ]

Since there are no ATM/cash machines on Cuyo visitors are advised to budget accordingly. There are however a few options available if funds run short:

  • Western Union now has agencies located near each other. One is a sub-branch located within the Charlie Marketing store in Barangay Cabigsing and the other is just down the street at G-Cash . Both offer currency exchange for US dollars and euros only. Best to compare rates as they are not affiliated.

Eat [ edit ]

Local specialties include:

  • Cashew nuts (salted, roasted, bande, brittle, chewy bars)
  • Lato (an edible seaweed)
  • Combo (saba bananas fried in coconut oil wrapped in a mixture of flour and egg, not like maruya)
  • Bondok (cookies)
  • Tirek (sea urchin)

Sleep [ edit ]

  • Anino Kite Resort located at the most beautiful beach of Cuyo Island in Magsaysay some 20 minutes from Cuyo town at the east shore of Cuyo island with three cottages and four double rooms, all overlooking the beach. Two of the cottages have two extra beds for children. Kitesurfing, kiteboarding, canoeing, swimming, snorkeling, island excursions, etc. Reservations and inquiries: Victoria Peralta +63 929 603 3275. Rates between April and September ₱2000-4700 . Rates between October and March ₱3200-6750 . Same price for single or double occupancy. Occupancy per cottage is maximum two adults & one child below 4 years. Breakfast included in room rates. Kite instruction, free kite storage & kiting assistance. Free rescue service by boat. Free drinking water, coffee & tea. Free wifi. Mobile phone provider Smart (not Globe).
  • Apohlic Pension , Cabigsing , ☏ +63 918 501 2315 (Bert Baloco) . With 3 fan rooms and communal kitchen.  
  • Baywatch Resort ( of the Palawan State University ), ☏ +63 918 477 0102 . Cuyo Branch at Capusan Beach with 1 air-con room and 4 fan rooms.  
  • Cuyo Beach House , [email protected] . A unique private house on a lovely, secluded beach.  
  • Discovery Bay Resort Hotel , Tabunan , ☏ +63 905 271 1089 , +63 947 800 9121 .  
  • Feroland Hotel , Tenga-Tenga , ☏ +63 921 790 4848 . With 8 rooms located nearby.  
  • Jade Felimar Value Inn , Juan Luna St, Cuyo Town , ☏ +63 280 65958 , +63 922 8540335 , +63 930 3478084 . Fan double rooms and A/C double rooms.  
  • Nikki's Pension , ☏ +63 920 876 0008 . With 14 rooms, fast-food restaurant and videoke bar at Capusan Public Beach next to the pier and public market. Often fully booked Dec-Mar.  
  • Villa Gange Pensione , Catadman , ☏ +63 916 502 9397 . 6 air-con rooms, 4 fan rooms and communal kitchen. Often fully booked Dec-Mar.  

Connect [ edit ]

  • There are several internet cafes in Cuyo Town all using the SMART Network. Connection speeds are typically slow and occasionally not connecting.
  • Cycom Internet Cafe & Airline Ticketing Office : Main Road 50 metres before principal gasoline station: Ronald Palay + 63 9399 064750

Go next [ edit ]

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Top Things to Do in Cuyo Islands, Philippines - Cuyo Islands Must-See Attractions

Things to do in cuyo islands.

  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

1. Cuyo Town Beach


2. St Augustine's Church


3. Mt Aguardo

cuyo palawan tourist spot

4. Manamoc Island

5. tagawayan island.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

6. Bisucay Island

cuyo palawan tourist spot

7. Montenegro Shipping Lines


8. Cocoro Island

9. mt english.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

10. Cuyo Watersports Association


11. Anino Kite Retreat

What travellers are saying.

Luc C

  • Cuyo Town Beach
  • St Augustine's Church
  • Manamoc Island
  • Montenegro Shipping Lines
  • Bisucay Island
  • Cocoro Island

Let me take you to the best places.


Cuyo’s Pandan Island

cuyo palawan tourist spot

The open water of northern Sulu Sea, between mainland Palawan and Panay is dotted with  islands and islets with white sand beaches that are among the world’s best. One of them is the Pandan Island belonging to the Cuyo Group.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

It is just small island with stretch of white sand on its northeast and southwest coasts. On the northwest and southeast part are hills that give a 360 degree view of the surrounding. Rocks are scattered on the area.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

To reach the island, one needs to brave the huge waves of Sulu Sea via two hours boat ride from the town of Cuyo.

Due to unpredictable weather and huge waves, Pandan Island is the only island we have visited (aside from our base Cuyo Island) when I, along with my travel friends Mario, Ate Claudia, Rico, Racquel and Jen went to Cuyo last August of 2009 for their town Fiesta.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

The ride going there was actually the roughest boat ride I have experienced, but it was all worth it.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

[…] Pandan Island, Cuyo by Lakwatsero […]

cuyo palawan tourist spot

how much is the boat ride?

cuyo palawan tourist spot

estan, it’s 4000, the boat is good for 6 to 8 pax

cuyo palawan tourist spot

yea,angel… off the beaten path trips are more interesting and exciting! 🙂

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Grabe, isang taon bago iblog! haha

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Cuyo Island, Palawan: “Ploning” Motorcycle Tour of Magsaysay

Little Baguio

The forested springs of Aceros Park are also known as “Little Baguio”.

After taking in the top attractions of Cuyo Island, Palawan such as the fortress-church of Cuyo and Capusan Beach, I went on a motorcycle tour of Magsaysay, a municipality which occupies the eastern half of the island. My impromptu tour guide was Ronald Palay, a local photographer and businessman introduced to me by former tourism officer Ramil Ceralbo who I met at the municipal hall. Aboard his motorcycle, we visited the lesser-known parts of the island, many of which were shooting locations of Ploning , a critically acclaimed 2008 Filipino drama film based on a Cuyonon folk song, starring Judy Ann Santos. Ronald personally knows the film’s director and co-writer, Dante Nico Garcia, and witnessed the shooting of the movie. The movie in a Cuyo island of quieter times, sometime after World War II.

View of Mt. Bombon from Fort Ruins

View of Mt. Bonbon from the fort ruins in Barangay Lucbuan.

Magsaysay Fort Ruins

The ruins of an unfinished 17th century Spanish fortress in Barangay Lucbuan.

Among the shooting locations we visited were the Igabas Chapel and Aceros Park in Barangay Igabas, both lush and peaceful locations. The former is a small chapel sitting on a hill of black volcanic boulders. This humble place of worship can be reached by concrete steps underneath a canopy of old acacia trees. Aceros Park is also a quaint spot, shaded by many trees and thickets. There were concrete pools of spring water where locals bathed, washed their clothes and collected fresh water from. Because of its relatively cool temperatures, the forested area is nicknamed “Little Baguio”, referring to the summer capital in northern Luzon.

The third and last movie location we visited were the ruins of an unfinished Spanish fort in Barangay Lucbuan, which was used as a cemetery in the film. The production crew crafted fake tombstones out of styrofoam to transform the Lucbuan fort ruins  into an old graveyard. This seaside fortress on the northeast coast of the island was built in the 17th century together with the one in Cuyo town but for some reason was never completed. Locals still call the area kuta or fortress. The low-lying pile of coral stone has pretty views overlooking a beach cove and, in the distance, the highest point on the island, Mt. Bonbon. Cuyo Airport is also located in Barangay Lucbuan, served by twice weekly flights from Puerto Princesa. We watched an Air Juan flight touch down on the grassy airstrip, before returning to Cuyo town.

Cuyo Airport

Cuyo Airport is located in Magsaysay municipality, serviced by flights from Puerto Princesa.

House of Primitivo Heredero

The abandoned Heredero House is the last standing traditional Cuyonon house on Cuyo Island.

Lastly, at Barangay Lacaren, we dropped by an abandoned thatch house which was not part of the film but was worth visiting because Ronald told me it was the last traditional Cuyonon house of its kind, characterized by cogon grass roofs and a separate kitchen also built on stilts. The native house was owned by a certain Primitivo Herdero who passed away earlier in 2014. Primitivo and his wife, who also passed away some years before, had no children, so their home was left in ruins with no inheritors. The vegetable garden has taken over the property, with the pumpkin patch now strangling the fragile bamboo structure. We climbed the bamboo porch, gingerly treading the delicate bamboo slats. The front door was padlocked, and hung beside it was a strange sight: a pair of large crab claws next to an image of the Virgin Mary. Apparently, the claws were a deterrent for the aswang , a vampire-like witch ghoul in Philippine mythology. More common items used against such malevolent creatures are garlic or holy oil.  It would be shame to see the Heredero house further deteriorate, and I hope the local government will adopt the house and preserve it for its cultural value.

The motorcycle tour of Magsaysay’s humble “tourist spots”, if one may call them such, was a relaxing experience worth doing if you have an extra day on Cuyo Island, or you especially enjoyed the film, Ploning .

For more travel information, check out my travel guide of Cuyo Island .

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aceros park cuyo cuyo airport cuyo fort ruins cuyo island igabas chapel little baguio magsaysay magsaysay town ploning movie

One Reply to “Cuyo Island, Palawan: “Ploning” Motorcycle Tour of Magsaysay”

[…] Edgar was really inspired by his trip that he ended up writing a series of Cuyo Island blog entries and one of which is a “Ploning” Motocycle Tour of Magsaysay! […]

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cuyo palawan tourist spot

Palawan’s Best Things To Do: An Awesome Itinerary

06/04/2022 by Ashley Yap 2 Comments

Palawan in the Philippines is a vacation unto itself. Full of island hopping adventures, dramatic cliffs, hidden lagoons, underwater rivers, and white sand beaches, you have to put in a concerted effort not to find more things to do on Palawan than you have time for.

The following itinerary has some of the best things to do on Palawan beginning from what is usually the starting point for most visitors – Puerto Princesa:

Table of Contents

1. Puerto Princesa

honda bay palawan

Possibly your first stop in Palawan, thanks to the convenient airport, Puerto Princesa has two major things to do that make it worth stopping in for a day or two.

Where to Stay:

I stayed at Blue Palawan beach resort and thought it was decent. The restaurant was pretty good and the room was nice, too. They also offer free airport transport. It’s not the best place I’ve ever stayed, but neither is Puerto Princesa, to be honest!

Things to Do:

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park: Though not exactly in Puerto Princesa, the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contains the second longest underground river in the world. It is touristy and it takes quite a while to get there from Puerto Princesa, but when else are you going to get the chance to see such a thing?

Honda Bay:  Since I only had a day in Puerto Princesa, I chose to island hop in Honda Bay, which is about a 30-minute tricycle ride north of the city. There are plenty of options to do this as an organized tour, but I really wanted to do it independently, which worked out cheaper, too. You can read more about the islands, see what they look like, and learn how to do a Honda Bay DIY trip here.

Where to Go Next:

Most people head from Puerto Princesa to El Nido. I have  full directions on how to do that using a bus, van, or flight here . You can also stop in Port Barton on the way, or go from El Nido if you had been there first. See below for more details:

big lagoon el nido

El Nido is arguably Palawan’s most famous stop. When you head there and see the lagoons and limestone cliffs, you’ll understand why. There’s nowhere in the world quite like El Nido. That said, it’s also a tourist favorite, so don’t expect to get it all to yourself.

How to Get to El Nido:

The easiest way to get to El Nido is to fly, either from Puerto Princesa or from Manila. I have more information on how to get there here .

Click here for a list of tried-and-tested best hotels in El Nido!

Most people go island hopping in El Nido . If you don’t island hop at least one day, you’re missing out on most of the magic of El Nido. The island hopping is pretty rigid in its organization, with tours named A-D with the same stops on each. If you take a private tour you can customize things a bit more, though it’s a pretty penny. There are also great places to watch the sunset, do yoga, and check out other beaches and a waterfall. Read more at the links below:

Tour A: private tour here , group tour here

Tour B: private tour here , group tour here

Tour C: group tour here

All of the Things to do in El Nido

3. Port Barton

cuyo palawan tourist spot

When making our way through Palawan, the place I was most excited to visit was Port Barton . From what we had read online, it was meant to be much more secluded and far less developed than most other parts of Palawan, and  I was not disappointed! It has just as much of the beauty and charm of El Nido and Coron, but with far fewer backpackers.

How to Get to Port Barton:

Getting to Port Barton is very easy. Most get there from El Nido or Puerto Princesa. The cost for a 3 and a half hour minibus transfer from El Nido was 500PHP per person.

Though Port Barton is still very much up and coming, it has developed a lot in the last 12 months. They finally got 24 hour electricity at the end of 2018, and there are now a lot more homestays there than there were before. We stayed at Eashanti’s Place and I would definitely recommend it. However, if you are into partying and drinking late into the night, then the number one backpacker hostel for cheap drinks is CocoRico Hostel Bar and Restaurant . They have free rum and coke for an hour every day and are blasting music late into the night. For me, I much preferred strolling along the beach and dining in the many peaceful restaurants with seating literally right on the beach.

There is so much to do there, with the most popular activity being the day long island hopping tour which takes you to some awesome snorkelling spots and to incredible beaches. One stop even offers the chance to swim with sea turtles, which we weren’t able to do anywhere else in Palawan. Some other activities to consider doing when in Port Barton include: ● Visiting White Beach ● Enjoying the sunset from Port Barton’s main beach ● Hiking to Pamuayan Falls ● Taking a boat ride and trek to Bigaho Falls

– Bradley of Dream Big, Travel Far

4. Taytay (Flower Island Eco Resort)

cuyo palawan tourist spot

If playing castaway on a private island in the Philippines is on your bucket list, look no further than Taytay , a small island that’s just off the coast of northeast Palawan. Away from the crowds of El Nido, this Island provides quiet, solitude and a back-to-nature approach to island life in the Philippines.

Taytay was once the capital of Palawan during the Spanish colonial occupation, and although there’s not much to do in the town itself, it’s a useful jumping off point for island exploration, and there are reportedly some nice waterfall treks just to the north.

How to Get to Taytay:

You can take a shuttle from Puerto Princesa to Taytay, which takes about four hours. If you want a private transfer the resort can help you arrange that, but the best value option is to take one of the regular shared shuttles.

From Taytay you’ll need to get a private boat from the resort (pre-arrange this) – there are no public ferries as this is a private island.

Accessed by private ferry from the port of Taytay, Flower Island Eco Resort is the only building on this small island, and has been constructed out of low-impact materials. Mid-Range beach huts (mostly ventilated using the breeze) front the beach, which if you come during low season you may well have to yourself (or at most to a few other hotel guests).

The resort’s main mission is to preserve the island and surrounding nature through tourism. It’s largely self-sufficient and much of the food is grown on the island (or fished by line from the end of the hotel’s pier). To reduce food waste, each day has a different, surprise menu, where you get the best and freshest.

We went to visit the Save the Palawan Seas Foundation on a nearby island, which the resort mentioned above supports. The foundation has been campaigning to increase patrols against dynamite fishing (a huge threat to the coral in this part of the world as fish stocks decline due to pollution and local fishermen resort to more and more desperate measures to fetch a decent catch). They also teach villagers methods to grow their own vegetables at home, without pesticides, in order to reduce poverty. Spending an hour or two with the volunteers was a memorable part of our stay here and showed us some of the challenges and opportunities that lie in store for Islanders here.

Back on Flower Island, there’s a spa, cocktail bar, kayaks and snorkeling equipment aplenty and so we took to the water to see in an incredible array of color under the surface. The resort also offers tours to a nearby Pearl Farm which provides an interesting insight into how the pearl industry works, and how this delicate process is being threatened by climate change.

– Ellie of Soul Travel Blog

5. Coron Island

coron island hopping

Though Coron and El Nido are quite similar, they each have their own striking features that set them apart from one another, and both are worth visiting. Island hopping in Coron is quite magical, with islands that have caves, hidden lagoons (like the Twin Lagoon ), and even quiet tree houses.

How to Get to Coron Island:

“If traveling from El Nido, it’s possible to take a ferry to Coron Town Proper, which takes a couple of hours. You can also fly from El Nido or Manila into the airport, which will require a tricycle, taxi, or van ride of about 30 minutes to your accommodation. You can also take a TAO expedition, described in point 6 below.

I stayed at  Sanctuaria Treehouses  on the more northwestern, quiet side of Busuanga Island, just outside of Coron for two days and closer to Coron Town Proper for two days at Sophia’s Garden Resort and thought splitting time was the best way to do it. It gave me access to some of the farther, less visited islands at the beginning of my trip and proximity to the more popular Coron Island across the bay for the latter half.

Update 2023: Unfortunately, Sophia’s Garden Resort closed down due to the pandemic. Here’s a list  of tried and tested hotel recommendations by my team member, who visited Coron in 2023!

Like El Nido, you haven’t seen Coron if you haven’t island hopped (mostly because the island of Coron is not on the same island as Coron town, confusingly!). It’s a bit easier to go about organizing your own boat and picking your own stops in Coron than El Nido, which I detailed in this post . You can also find other things to do like hiking and even a saltwater hot spring – one of few in the world. The SCUBA diving is considered the best in the Philippines in Coron thanks to the WWII wrecks and Apo Reef as well.

If you’re trying to decide between Coron and El Nido, I go into the benefits and drawbacks of both in this post .

6. TAO Expedition

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Taking an expedition with TAO Philippines is a great way to experience some of the most beautiful islands of Palawan.

TAO Philippines is a locally owned company that runs multi-day island hopping tours through the remote islands of Northern Palawan. They offer both 3 and 5-day tours, which start and end in El Nido or Coron.

There is no itinerary or plan for the expedition. The days are spent swimming in turquoise waters, snorkeling through vibrant coral reefs, chilling on secluded beaches, and fishing off the back of the boat. At the end of each day, they supply drinks to enjoy while watching the gorgeous sunset.

TAO has 13 base camps on remote islands throughout Palawan and each day the team decides where to sleep that night. Accommodations are in gorgeous bamboo huts overlooking the ocean. Three delicious meals are served each day, which usually involve fresh seafood caught just before it’s served.

What I love about TAO is that they are more than a regular tour company, it’s a social enterprise. They use tourism as a tool to build resilient communities throughout Palawan. During the tour, you get many opportunities to interact with the local communities and see the various projects TAO has started on the islands.

The cost of the tour is $545 USD but well worth every penny. TAO is one of the most unique tours I’ve ever done and a great example of responsible tourism. If you want to join a TAO Expedition, you can book online through their website or visit their office in El Nido or Coron.

Taking a TAO Expedition was the highlight of my time in the Philippines, it’s the perfect tour for those looking for an adventure you can feel good about.

– Lora of Explore with Lora

7. Cuyo Island

Cuyo is often described as Philippines hidden gem and now I can see why. The oldest town in Palawan, Cuyo is full of rich culture which has evolved from both native and Spanish influences. Cuyo is perfect for those looking to relax on the white sandy beaches, take a dip in the crystal clear waters, eat tasty Filipino food, and interact with the locals who believe in a simple, carefree life.

How to Get to Cuyo:

Cuyo is the largest island of the Cuyo Archipelago with the biggest population and is situated in between Palawan and Panay. The most common option of transport is by ferry, however, the airline Juan Air also runs flights to Cuyo. We choose the overnight ferry option to save a night on accommodation, which took around 15 hours. Yes, that sounds like a long time, but don’t worry we managed a few hours’ sleep! The ferry is comfortable and they provide snacks, but if you’re a fussy eater like me, I’d suggest you take your own.

There’s never a bad time to visit Cuyo, however if you want to miss the rainfall it’s best to visit November until March when the weather tends to be drier and cooler. However, during rainy seasons you’ll only be greeted by short sharp bursts, which brings a period of wanted coolness! If you’re lucky enough to visit Cuyo during August you’ll get your experience the Cuyo Fiesta, full of dance, colour, and music to celebrate.

If you’re looking for a sweet place to stay, then you should check out the Anino Kite Resort . Just one mile from the airport this top accommodation on Cuyo offers WiFi, clean rooms and a free breakfast.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

First Name:

You can hire a boat for the day and explore the many islands situated around Cuyo to get some amazing photos, and the best part is that you’ll have the place all to yourself, unlike the famous El Nido and Coron (although, there are some clever ways to ditch the crowds in Coron! ). For the adrenaline junkies out there, Cuyo is an awesome place to learn kitesurfing. Swimming and relaxing on the beach are great, but watch out for the sea urchins – I’d recommend water shoes!

Just 300 meters from the pier, St Augustine’s Church was constructed by the Spanish missionaries in the 17th century, and its architecture is simple yet worth taking a look at. The church remains the most popular place in town to attend mass. Finally, we recommend hiking up Mt Aguado. Enjoy this 4km hike starting from the pier to take in 360 degree views of Cuyo Island, as well as the statues along the way telling the story of Christ.

– Louis of The Northern Boy

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Many places claim to be ‘off-the-beaten-track’ but Rizal , on Palawan’s south-west coast, really fits the bill. With many uninhabited beach coves lining the coastline, you’ll no doubt find a secluded spot to enjoy the unspoiled white sandy beaches, calm azure waters and some genuine peace and quiet – you’ll likely be the only tourist for miles. 

How to get to Rizal:

It’s not easy to get here; once you’ve flown into Puerto Princesa you’ll need to navigate a five+ hour journey out of the city, down some deserted roads, across dirt tracks – and even through a thick, seemingly impenetrable forest.  

But once you arrive, you’ll understand why the journey is worth it. Many places claim to be ‘off-the-beaten-track’, but Rizal really means it. We can almost guarantee that on this secluded section of Filipino coastline, you’ll be the only tourist there.  

We stayed at Momma Sally’s Guesthouse . Momma Sally is a Filipino native who grew up on this patch of land; she knows the area by heart. She can arrange an airport pick-up, provide you with home-cooked food, and take you to the market, should you desire.  

This really is the perfect place to live the deserted-beach lifestyle for a week, safe in the knowledge you’ve got a friend looking out for you.  

What to Do:

I spent a week moving from deserted beach-cove hut to sea-side hammock, with only local fishermen and friendly stray dogs as company. After early morning wakeup calls from the resident rooster, I spent my days watching unspoilt sunrises, drinking coffee, eating fresh fish, and alternating between reading a book on the hammock and dozing on the sand. 

If you’re worrying how you’ll be able to pass the time with so little to do – I wouldn’t. I’m one of the most active travellers I know, but Rizal really taught me to relax and appreciate mother earth’s true beauty. There’s a local market nearby which is worth prizing yourself off the hammock for, to take in rural Filipino life – oh, and to stock up on delicious fresh fruit for your next few days of lazing.

– Katie of Contemporary Class 

9. Tabon Caves

cuyo palawan tourist spot

It may not be one of the most famous spots in the Philippines, but the Tabon Caves is one of the most significant. It’s worth visiting to learn more about the important history of this site – and enjoy the stunning natural scenery that comes as a bonus!

How to get to Tabon Caves:

The easiest way to visit Tabon Caves is by tour from Puerto Princesa. If you shop around, you’ll be able to find one that’s not much more expensive than doing it independently. If you would like to do it yourself, you can get the bus to the small town of Quezon and go across by boat (about 800 pesos for the boat, with up to 6 people).

There are only a couple of guesthouses in Quezon (such as Noc’s Pension House ), so it’s possible to stay overnight if you want. But unless there are other things you would like to do in the area, it’s probably better to base yourself closer to (or in) Puerto Princesa and do Tabon Caves as a day trip.

There are two reasons why Tabon Caves are such an important Palawan site – one about nature and one about man. When it comes to nature, it’s easy to see for yourself. These beautiful caves open up in front of you, offering an easy exploration into caverns filled with interesting rock formations. Around them is a lush green jungle and a stunning coastline with a couple of beaches for swimming and picnics.

But it’s the history that makes them so special. It’s here that some of the oldest evidence of humans in Asia have been found. There was a famous discovery of the skeleton of the ‘Tabon Man’, that’s thought to be about 30,000 years old (and turned out to actually be a woman). And another fossilised bone fragment found here is estimated to be up to 50,000 years old!

When you stand in these caves or walk through the darkened tunnels, you can almost imagine what it would have been like for early man to shelter here at night and eat the meals that they had hunted in the jungles around them. There are about 30 protected caves here at the Tabon Caves complex but only seven are usually open to the public. They are easily accessible and there’s no climbing involved – there are even stairs in some of the steeper ones. It’s more of a museum than an adventure activity – but the nature has been quite well-preserved.

– Michael of Time Travel Turtle

10. Balabac

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Balabac is a group of islands in the southernmost tip of Palawan. Once an off-beat location, it’s becoming a more popular destination due to its virgin islands and sand bars.

How to get to Balabac:

To get to Balabac, you need to take a local flight to Puerto Princesa, Palawan. From there, commute to either Rio Tuba or Buliluyan port, where boats can take you to Balabac.

To get to the islands, you can arrange for an island hopping tour. Some locals also offer full packages, which include transfer from/to Balabac, accommodation and food.

For the accommodation, you can either camp overnight on the islands or stay in modest inns in mainland Balabac island. For the first, it’s best to consult with your boat operator as some islands aren’t ideal for overnight stays due to permission issues or insects.

Once you’re here the one thing you can do is relax and island hop. You can visit Onuk Island, a private island with white sand, blue water and where you can freedive to see giant clams and turtles. Onuk Island is the most sought-after islands in Balabac. You can also see Candaraman Island, another great beach that can easily beat popular tropical beaches around the world, and which has an area called “starfish alley” where you can take pictures with literally dozens of starfishes; Camiaran Island, a pinkish-sand beach; Mansalangan sand bar, with its picturesque sand formation; and Punta Sebaring, which has one of the finest, whitest sands in the country.

Island hopping can easily be done in 3 days.

Balabac is also known for whale sharks sightings and some higher end liveaboard diving opportunities.

Another thing that you can enjoy in Balabac is fresh, cheap seafood. Fish, shrimp, and crabs can be bought early in the morning from local fishers or, during island hopping tours, caught and/or cooked by your boat operator.

– Tara of Tara Lets Anywhere

I hope this itinerary gives you an idea of some of the best things to do in Palawan. It’s a gorgeous province of the Philippines with tons of variety, some very popular spots, and some off the beaten path gems.

Planning a trip to Palawan, the Philippines? Here are 10 best things you must not miss, as recommended by travel bloggers. Transportation tips, accommodation guides and the best things to do included, click to read now! #Palawan

The Perfect Philippines Itinerary

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01/30/2020 at 3:40 am

I love your posts, so clear and interesting! I am going for the first time to Philippines and i am really excited. However i only have 8 days this time as I am going to do a yoga teaching for a month right after.

my question is: If you are first time travelling to Philippines and have only 8 days should I do 1. Port Barton and el Nido or 2. Siargao ?

I am a lot into exploring and ideally less crowded more paradise like. I dont need any ‘luxury’ and I am going by my self end of Feb. any suggestions?

I know El Nido is like ‘THE’ place but i am not sure about how busy and tourity it might feel. In the other side Siargao seems really nice but not sure if the beauty would compare to el Nido.

Kristin says

01/30/2020 at 5:12 am

If you want it to be less touristy and you’re cool with getting on a motorbike to explore then consider Siargao, or if you want even less touristy then take a look at Siquijor or Camiguin! Siquijor info here:

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Indigenous Arts and Crafts

Saint Augustine Church in Cuyo, Palawan

Saint Augustine Church, located in Cuyo, Palawan, is a fortress-church that has been one of the favorite destinations of many pilgrims to rejuvenate their spirits and feel closer to God.

Saint Augustine Church in Cuyo, Palawan

Glories of the Past

Saint Augustine Church was first constructed of nipa by the Augustinian Recollects, but was rebuilt in its current form in the early 18th century to be able to repel marauding Moro raiders during the Spanish period, doubling as a launching pad for Recollect missionaries in the Christianization of Palawan.

cuyo palawan tourist spot

Architectural Structure

The church itself is enclosed in high walls of coral stone and mortar, only the pediment and part of the second level are visible above the fortifications. As a fortress-church, it is very wide and occupies a large area. The main entrance is an arched portal. It is flanked by thick rectangular pilasters, each topped by a statue of an angel. A frieze of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is lodged in between the angels. The plastered pediment that rises above the walls is ringed by statues of saints and it contrasts against the ruggedness of the fort walls. Two circular windows accent each side of the facade and a clean cornice divides the triangular pediment. A large circular window dominates the pediment, which is capped by a cross.

cuyo palawan tourist spot


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    Being the oldest town in Palawan, Cuyo served as the province's second capital from 1873 to 1903, influencing the culture, language & tradition of the province. ... Fare (as of December 2009): Economy - P450. De Luxe - P540. Tourist - P665. Admiral - P1,600. Cuyo to Puerto Princesa: Departs the port of Cuyo every Wednesday and Saturday ...

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    1. Amanpulo. 689. from $3,542/night. Frequently Asked Questions about Cuyo Island. Where should I stay in Cuyo Island? What is Cuyo Island known for? Cuyo Island Tourism: Tripadvisor has 89 reviews of Cuyo Island Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Cuyo Island resource.

  6. Exploring the charms of Cuyo Island, Palawan

    Despite its size and isolation, Cuyo town is the oldest colonial settlement of Palawan, established in 1622. It also became the second provincial capital — after Taytay — from 1873 to 1903. Several capiz-windowed ancestral houses still dot the townscape, which is designed like most of the country's Spanish-era conurbations.

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    The first capital of Palawan. That is already a statement. Cuyo Group of Islands is composed of 45 island and islets being managed by three municipalities namely Cuyo, Magsaysay and Agutaya. ... Economy Deluxe Tourist Iloilo - Cuyo Php475 Php575 Php750 Cuyo - Puerto Princesa Php725 Php835 Php980 Iloilo - Puerto Princesa Php950 Php1,150 ...

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    Montenegro Shipping Lines. We used Montenegro ferries to travel between Coron and El Nido return and found it an easy way to travel between the... 8. Cocoro Island. 9. Mt English. 10. Cuyo Watersports Association. Jing is an incredible, generous, fun, talented, kind instructor.

  17. Cuyo's Pandan Island

    Cuyo, palawan. The open water of northern Sulu Sea, between mainland Palawan and Panay is dotted with islands and islets with white sand beaches that are among the world's best. One of them is the Pandan Island belonging to the Cuyo Group. It is just small island with stretch of white sand on its northeast and southwest.

  18. Cuyo Island, Palawan: "Ploning" Motorcycle Tour of Magsaysay

    After taking in the top attractions of Cuyo Island, Palawan such as the fortress-church of Cuyo and Capusan Beach, I went on a motorcycle tour of Magsaysay, a municipality which occupies the eastern half of the island. My impromptu tour guide was Ronald Palay, a local photographer and businessman introduced to me by former tourism officer Ramil Ceralbo who I met at the municipal hall.

  19. Cuyo Island: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Anino Kite Resort. 22. Nikki's Pension. 22. Feroland Hotel. 1. Amanpulo. 689. Cuyo Island Tourism: Tripadvisor has 89 reviews of Cuyo Island Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Cuyo Island resource.

  20. Palawan's BEST Things to Do: The Perfect Itinerary

    6. TAO Expedition. Taking an expedition with TAO Philippines is a great way to experience some of the most beautiful islands of Palawan. TAO Philippines is a locally owned company that runs multi-day island hopping tours through the remote islands of Northern Palawan.

  21. Saint Augustine Church in Cuyo, Palawan

    Saint Augustine Church, located in Cuyo, Palawan, is a fortress-church that has been one of the favorite destinations of many pilgrims to rejuvenate their spirits and feel closer to God. Glories of the Past. Saint Augustine Church was first constructed of nipa by the Augustinian Recollects, but was rebuilt in its current form in the early 18th ...