Top 5 Best College Europe Trips You Should Experience!

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Are you looking for an adventurous college experience? Make memories that will last a lifetime and explore Europe with your classmates on a college trip! With our specialized tour packages, you’ll get the chance to explore the sights and culture of this amazing continent. Don’t wait – book your college trip across Europe and make lifelong memories today!

Looking to the best college Europe trips? Discover the ultimate guide to experiencing Europe during college with top trips, volunteering opportunities, study abroad programs, and essential tips for a successful adventure!

As a college student, there’s no better time to explore and immerse yourself in different cultures. And what better destination to do so than Europe?

With its rich history, diverse languages, and stunning landscapes, Europe offers endless opportunities for college students to broaden their horizons and gain valuable life experiences. Whether you’re looking for a backpacking adventure or a study abroad program, there’s something for everyone in Europe.

One great way to see multiple European countries is through a EuroRail tour. This trip allows you to travel by train between cities and countries at your own pace.

You can purchase a pass that allows unlimited travel within certain regions or buy individual tickets as needed. The EuroRail system is easy to use and provides a unique perspective on Europe’s breathtaking scenery, from the snow-capped Alps in Switzerland to the Mediterranean coastline in Italy.

If you’re looking for an adventure with friends, consider planning a group backpacking trip through Europe. This type of trip can be customized based on your interests and budget.

You can book hostels or campsites and travel by train or bus between destinations. Group trips are an excellent opportunity to bond with friends while taking in all Europe offers- from historic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris to vibrant nightlife scenes in Amsterdam.

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Table of Contents

Looking fo the best college Europe trips? Discover the ultimate guide to experiencing Europe during college with top trips, volunteering opportunities, study abroad programs, and essential tips for a successful adventure!

Brief overview of the top college Europe trips

Europe is a popular destination for college students seeking adventure, cultural experiences, and academic opportunities. From backpacking through the continent to studying abroad at top universities, there are plenty of options for students exploring the Old World. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the top college Europe trips .

One popular option is the EuroRail Tour, which allows students to travel by train through multiple European countries. This is a great way to see many different places in a short amount of time and experience the diverse cultures throughout Europe.

With various passes available, travelers can choose how long they want their trip to last and how many countries they want to visit. Some popular routes include traveling from France to Spain , Germany to Italy, or exploring Scandinavia.

Another option for college students is backpacking through Europe with friends or classmates. This type of trip can be more budget-friendly than other options while providing an immersive cultural experience.

Travelers can save money on accommodations and spend more on local activities like visiting museums or trying new foods by staying in hostels or camping along the way. Backpacking also allows for more flexibility in itinerary planning which means you can change your plans on the fly depending on what you feel like doing next!

Importance of exploring Europe during the college years

Europe is a melting pot of different cultures, languages, and traditions. It offers endless opportunities for students to explore, learn, and grow during their college years.

There are so many reasons why exploring Europe during college is essential. It’s an opportunity to expand your horizons and see the world differently.

You’ll meet people from all walks of life, learn new languages, try new foods, and experience different ways of life. Exploring Europe during college can also help you develop important skills such as independence, adaptability, and problem-solving.

You’ll be forced to independently navigate unfamiliar territory, which can be daunting but incredibly rewarding. Learning how to budget your money while traveling is another valuable skill you’ll develop.

Balancing fun experiences with necessary expenses like food and transportation will help you become more financially responsible. Another reason discovering Europe during college is so important is that it’s a chance to break out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Whether skiing in Switzerland, exploring ancient ruins in Greece, or sailing around Croatia’s coast – there’s something for everyone in Europe. Stepping outside of what’s familiar can be scary at first but ultimately helps build confidence in yourself and your abilities to explore the world around you!

Benefits of experiencing different cultures and environments

One of the biggest benefits of experiencing different cultures and environments during college is the personal growth that comes with it. When you step outside your comfort zone and immerse yourself in a new culture, you will be forced to adapt to different ways of life, customs, and beliefs.

This will broaden your perspective and challenge your preconceived notions about the world. You will become more open-minded and empathetic towards those different from you, which is crucial in today’s global society.

Additionally, experiencing different cultures and environments can also improve your communication skills. When you are in a foreign country where the primary language is not your own, you will inevitably need to communicate with locals who may not speak English fluently.

This requires patience, creativity, and problem-solving skills. You may find yourself using hand gestures or pointing to pictures just to get by – this type of flexibility and adaptability can significantly improve your communication skills in any situation.

Are you planning your travels? Here’re my top travel resources!

I’m a serial planner both in life and in travel – I have bucket lists, things to do, see, and everything. So, I always love when my life is sorted easily using tools and resources that would make my general planning a little smoother and easier. Therefore, in my many years of traveling the world, I’ve seen myself returning to these travel resources repeatedly. And here I am, sharing my tips to make your life easy and breezy so you can stress less, travel heaps, and focus on the fun part of travel!

  •  – I book all my hotels through this website and don’t honestly use anything else. They always have the best prices, in my opinion.
  • Airbnb  – If I’m traveling long-term to one destination, I book my flats through Airbnb.
  • Skyscanner  – The best place to find cheap flights on flexible dates. I use this a lot to score cheap flights within Europe!
  • SafetyWing  – Always travel insured! Never leave your home country without one. It is worth the extra money, I promise you!
  • GetYourGuide  – Hands-down, the best place to find cool and unique tours if you don’t feel like winging it, and go straight to a local expert. I use this a lot in new destinations to get acquainted with the area!
  • My Pretty Wild World Travel Diary (coming soon)  – A book you can write down your travel plans, create itineraries, track down your budget, and dot down memories along the way! A handy book you can keep and read later to revisit memory lane.
  • Pretty Wild World Travel Planning Printables (coming soon)  – Are you a nut like me when it comes to planning? Yes? Good. My travel planning resource in one zip file is an easy-to-use printable planner that comes with tips that helps you plan your travels during the planning stage, a pre-flight checklist, an itinerary planner, and so on.

EuroRail Tour

The EuroRail Tour is a classic and often the first choice for many college students exploring Europe. The Eurail pass allows unlimited travel in up to 31 European countries with varying validity periods. With trains running frequently between destinations, it’s easy to hop on and off at your leisure and discover the best that Europe has to offer.

It’s a great way to travel across several countries, especially if you need more time or want to avoid booking multiple flights or buses. One of the biggest advantages of the EuroRail Tour is its flexibility.

You can create your itinerary or simply go where the wind takes you. Additionally, most major cities have train stations in their heart, making exploring each destination convenient without worrying about transportation logistics.

Different types of passes cater to different needs; if you’re traveling alone or with friends, there’s a pass that will fit your budget and schedule perfectly. The only downside is that some trains require seat reservations or additional fees, which can add up over time, so check beforehand and plan accordingly.

Group Backpacking Trip

Group Backpacking Trip Backpacking in Europe is a great way to explore the continent on a budget. With affordable hostels, cheap food, and excellent transportation systems, backpacking is an accessible and cost-effective option for college students.

Going on a trip with friends or other travelers can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. One popular way to go backpacking in Europe is by joining a group trip.

You can find organized tours that will take you to multiple cities and countries over several weeks or even months. These trips typically include transportation, accommodations, and some activities or excursions.

Going on a group trip can be a great way to meet other travelers and make new friends while also having the support of experienced guides who can help with planning and logistics. Another option for group backpacking trips is to plan your itinerary with friends or other college students.

This gives you more flexibility regarding where you go and how long you stay in each place. You could plan your route through Europe based on your interests, travel style, and budget.

This option allows for more independence but comes with more responsibility for planning and budgeting. However, it can be a great bonding experience as you work together to create an unforgettable trip that fits everyone’s interests and preferences.

Going on a group backpacking trip through Europe is an excellent way to see the continent while making lifelong memories with friends or fellow travelers. Whether you join an organized tour or plan your own adventure, plenty of options are available that cater to different budgets, travel styles, and interests.

Language Immersion Programs

If you’re passionate about languages, then a language immersion program is perfect! It’s an excellent way to immerse yourself in a foreign culture while learning a new language.

The program typically lasts anywhere from two weeks to six months, depending on the course and the duration of your stay. These programs are also available throughout the year, so you can enroll in summer or winter courses, depending on your academic schedule.

When choosing a language immersion program in Europe, there are many options! France and Italy are popular choices for those who want to learn French or Italian respectively.

However, if you want something different, why not study Icelandic or Lithuanian? Plenty of universities offer these language courses, and it’s an exciting opportunity to explore lesser-known cultures as well.

On top of that, many programs offer cultural activities such as city tours and cooking classes, which allow you to fully immerse yourself in the local culture outside the classroom. In addition to these benefits, participating in a language immersion program can improve your employment prospects after college.

Many companies require employees who speak more than one language, so this experience will make you stand out from other applicants. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to develop intercultural communication skills that will serve you well throughout life.

If you’re interested in applying for a language immersion program in Europe but need help finding courses or universities that suit your needs – don’t worry! Websites like Go Overseas ( make it easy for students to find information about various programs and get recommendations from former participants before deciding on one that fits their goals and interests perfectly!

Study Abroad Programs

Popular study abroad programs in europe.

Studying abroad in Europe is a popular choice for college students who want to gain international experience while continuing their education. Some of Europe’s most popular study-abroad programs are in countries such as Spain , Italy, and France. These programs offer a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a new culture while still earning credits toward their degree.

Spain is one of Europe’s most popular destinations for study abroad programs. The country is known for its rich culture and history, beautiful landscapes, and delicious cuisine .

Programs in Spain often offer courses that focus on the Spanish language and culture and classes on business, history, literature, and more. Students can also participate in cultural activities such as flamenco dancing or attending local festivals.

Italy is another top destination for study abroad programs in Europe. The country offers a mix of art, history, and fashion , making it an attractive choice for many students.

Programs often offer Italian language and culture courses but also cover topics like art history or culinary arts . Students can also take advantage of the country’s location within the European Union by exploring other nearby countries during their free time.

Benefits of studying abroad in Europe

Studying abroad in Europe is an unforgettable experience that offers numerous benefits for college students. One of the biggest advantages is the opportunity to immerse oneself in a completely different culture. By living in a foreign country, students can learn about new customs and traditions, try different foods, and meet people worldwide.

This can broaden one’s perspective and create a well-rounded understanding of the world. Another benefit of studying abroad in Europe is the chance to gain valuable skills and experiences that may be difficult to obtain at home.

For example, attending a European university may provide access to unique courses or research opportunities unavailable elsewhere. Additionally, learning a new language or improving language skills can be incredibly beneficial, personally and professionally.

Studying abroad also requires adaptability, independence, and problem-solving skills highly valued by employers. Studying abroad can be an incredible way for college students to develop personally and professionally while creating unforgettable memories.

Top European universities for study abroad programs

Europe is a great destination if you’re looking to study abroad during your college years. With top-notch universities and abundant cultural experiences, Europe has something to offer every type of student.

Here are some of the top European universities for study abroad programs: One of the most well-known universities in Europe is Oxford University in England.

This historic institution has been around for over 800 years and boasts an impressive alumni list, including numerous world leaders and Nobel Prize winners. With a strong emphasis on research and academic excellence, Oxford University offers students a challenging but rewarding study abroad experience.

Another top European university is the Sorbonne in Paris , France. Founded in 1253, this prestigious institution is renowned for its humanities and social sciences programs.

Students who study at the Sorbonne can immerse themselves in the French language and culture while receiving an exceptional education from some of the best professors in Europe. If you want to study business or economics, consider applying to Bocconi University in Milan , Italy.

This highly regarded university offers courses taught entirely in English and has partnerships with over 200 universities worldwide. With a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, Bocconi University is a great choice for students who want to gain practical skills to help them succeed in their future careers.

Application process for study abroad programs

Getting accepted into a study abroad program in Europe is a competitive process, but it is absolutely doable with some preparation and effort. Here are some tips to help you navigate the application process and increase your chances of being accepted:

First, it’s important to research the specific program(s) you’re interested in and ensure you meet all the eligibility requirements. These include minimum GPA requirements, language proficiency exams, or certain prerequisites for coursework or field trips.

Once you have determined which programs you are eligible for, start gathering all of the necessary application materials – these may include transcripts, letters of recommendation from professors or advisors, personal statements or essays, and copies of your passport. Next, make sure to pay close attention to deadlines – many study abroad programs have early application deadlines that can be several months before the actual start date of the program.

Give yourself ample time to gather all materials and submit your application before these deadlines. It’s also a good idea to contact any program coordinators or faculty advisors with any questions you may have during the application process – they can often provide valuable insight into what makes a successful applicant.

Applying for a study abroad program in Europe requires careful planning and attention to detail. Doing your research and staying organized throughout the process can increase your chances of being accepted into a program and embarking on an unforgettable adventure overseas!

European Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering might be the perfect option if you’re looking for a unique and fulfilling way to explore Europe during your college years. There are countless opportunities to volunteer across Europe, ranging from teaching English in local schools to working on wildlife conservation projects.

Here are some of the most popular European volunteering opportunities for college students.

Teaching English

Teaching English is a great way to experience Europe as a college student. While it requires some proficiency in the language, it’s an opportunity to gain practical teaching experience while immersing oneself in the local culture. Many European countries seek native English speakers to teach their language to students of all ages.

Different types of programs are available, from private language schools to public schools and even private tutoring sessions. Private language schools are popular options for those who want to teach English in Europe.

These schools usually require a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate, although some may accept candidates who need teaching experience. Private language schools offer flexible schedules and competitive compensation packages, including housing allowances and flight reimbursements.

They also offer opportunities for cultural exchange and networking with other teachers worldwide. Public schools are another option for teaching English in Europe.

Many European countries actively recruit native-speaking teachers for their public school system, which provides an opportunity for an extended stay abroad. Public school positions typically require a bachelor’s degree or higher and relevant teaching experience or certification.

Some countries may require fluency in the local language as well. Regardless of which program one chooses, teaching English can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time.

It’s not just about imparting knowledge of grammar and vocabulary – it’s about creating engaging lesson plans that cater to student’s needs while promoting cross-cultural understanding. Teaching English can deepen one’s appreciation of different cultures while helping students improve their prospects by learning a valuable skill that can open doors to international education or employment opportunities later on.

Wildlife and environmental conservation

Europe is home to some of the world’s most beautiful natural wonders, from the snow-capped Alps to the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean. It’s no wonder many students come here for volunteer opportunities in wildlife and environmental conservation. Not only do you get to experience stunning landscapes and meet like-minded individuals, but you also get to positively impact the environment.

One popular way to volunteer in environmental conservation is through organizations that monitor and protect marine life. In countries such as Spain and Greece, volunteers assist with sea turtle conservation efforts by monitoring nesting sites, collecting data on breeding behavior, and protecting eggs from predators.

In Portugal, volunteers play a crucial role in protecting dolphins in their natural habitat by monitoring populations and promoting responsible tourism practices. These programs are educational and offer a unique opportunity for students to get up close with sea creatures they may have never encountered before.

If you’re more interested in land-based conservation efforts, opportunities also exist across Europe. Many national parks, such as Germany’s Black Forest or Romania’s Carpathian Mountains, offer volunteer programs where participants can assist with trail maintenance, tree planting, wildlife monitoring, or building birdhouses – all important tasks that help preserve these beautiful areas for future generations.

Other programs focus on reforestation, fighting climate change by planting trees or implementing sustainable agriculture practices. Volunteering in environmental conservation during your college years in Europe will make an important contribution towards a better future for yourself and our planet!

Working in hostels and local communities

Working in hostels and local communities can be an incredibly rewarding experience for college students looking to explore Europe . Many hostels offer free accommodations in exchange for a few hours of work each day, which is a great way to save money on housing costs while gaining valuable work experience. Hostel jobs can range from cleaning and reception work to organizing events and tours for guests.

In addition to hostel work, there are many opportunities to volunteer with local organizations and communities. From teaching English to working with environmental conservation groups, there are countless ways for college students to give back while exploring Europe.

Working with locals allows you to better understand the culture and community you are visiting, providing a more meaningful travel experience . Furthermore, volunteering can help develop communication skills, cultural awareness, and leadership abilities that can be beneficial in future careers or personal relationships.

Benefits of volunteering during college years

Volunteering during college gives students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a foreign country. It also allows them to get out of their comfort zone and gain skills that may not be taught in the classroom.

One of the biggest benefits is that it broadens one’s perspective and raises awareness about social issues and cultural differences. Moreover, volunteering abroad can improve your language skills, as you will interact with locals daily.

For instance, if you’re teaching English, you’ll have to communicate with students who may need to speak your language fluently. This will force you to adapt your communication style and learn new vocabulary.

Additionally, it’s an excellent way to build connections with locals who can introduce you to their culture and traditions. By making local friends, you’ll become more integrated into their community and learn about their customs firsthand.

How to find and apply for volunteer programs in Europe

There are several ways to find and apply for volunteer programs in Europe. One of the easiest ways is to use online platforms connecting volunteers with needy organizations. Websites like Workaway, HelpX, and WWOOF offer various European volunteering opportunities.

These websites allow you to browse through different types of volunteer work, including teaching English, working on farms, conservation projects, and more. You can also filter by location and duration of the program to find the perfect match for your interests and availability.

Another way to find volunteer programs in Europe is through international non-profit organizations like International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) or Projects Abroad. These organizations offer a variety of volunteer opportunities across different countries in Europe .

They also provide support throughout the application process, including arranging accommodations and providing training for volunteers before starting their program. However, these programs may come at a higher cost than other options and usually require longer-term commitments.

When applying for a volunteer program in Europe, it’s important to read carefully the requirements and expectations of the organization beforehand. Make sure you understand what responsibilities you’ll have as a volunteer, how many hours per week you’ll be working, what type of accommodation will be provided (if any), whether or not meals are included in your stay (and if not, how much money will be required), etc. Make sure that you follow all instructions provided during the application so that there are no problems later on when trying to get started with your volunteering experience!

Hold up! Have you thought about the importance of travel insurance?

Remember this:  anything can happen. Travel is fun, but your health is more important; thus, I always, always, always recommend getting insured during the duration of your trip. I have benefitted from having one multiple times, and it has been covered for thousands of euros!

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I can’t highly recommend them enough. Otherwise, I rarely get sick; hence I don’t always need to head to a hospital, but knowing that I have travel insurance makes me feel safe at the very least.

Read my post about  why you should get travel insurance  for more information. Otherwise, you can get a free quote from  SafetyWing  – they’re the best, in my opinion.

Popular European countries for volunteering

When it comes to volunteering in Europe during your college years, plenty of countries offer incredible experiences. Spain, for instance, is a popular destination for those interested in teaching English.

A view of picturesque Teresitas Beach in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Spain is a fantastic destination for college students exploring Europe. It’s a country rich in history, culture, and food. Madrid is the capital city and one of the most popular tourist destinations.

The city is known for its art scene, vibrant nightlife, and delicious cuisine. Many college students visit Madrid to experience the famous tapas bars that serve small plates of food to share.

Barcelona is another must-visit city in Spain. It’s located on the country’s northeast coast and has a unique culture that blends Catalan traditions with modern art and architecture.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Barcelona is the Sagrada Familia, an unfinished basilica designed by Antoni Gaudi. It’s an impressive structure that attracts millions of visitors each year.

Other notable sights in Barcelona include Park Guell, La Rambla Street, and the Gothic Quarter . If you’re interested in Spanish history, visit the Andalusia region in southern Spain.

The region was ruled by Muslims for over 700 years before being conquered by Christians in 1492. As a result of this complex history, Andalusia has a unique blend of Islamic and Christian architecture and traditions.

Some popular cities in Andalusia include Granada with its famous Alhambra Palace; Seville with its stunning Cathedral; Cordoba with its well-preserved Mezquita mosque-cathedral; Malaga with its beautiful beaches . Spain also offers plenty of outdoor activities for adventurous college students who want to explore nature while abroad: hiking through mountain ranges such as Picos de Europa or Sierra Nevada; surfing on world-renowned beaches such as Zarautz or Mundaka; skiing or snowboarding at resorts like Baqueira Beret or Sierra Nevada during winter months are just some examples!

Related reads to help you plan your trip:

  • Spain Bucket List: 10 Best Things to See, Eat, and Do
  • Top 10 Experiences and Parades in Spain during Holy Week
  • Top 10 Places to Visit for Semana Santa in Spain

underrated countries in europe

Romania is an incredibly diverse and beautiful country located in Southeast Europe. It is home to picturesque landscapes, historic castles, and ancient ruins, making it an attractive destination for college students seeking a unique European adventure.

Several volunteering opportunities are available in Romania for college students who want to explore the country while giving back to local communities. One popular way to volunteer in Romania is by working on wildlife and environmental conservation projects.

The country boasts several national parks and wildlife reserves where volunteers can participate in conservation efforts like wildlife monitoring, habitat restoration, and community education programs. These projects offer a unique opportunity to experience Romania’s natural beauty while positively impacting its environment.

Another popular volunteering opportunity in Romania is teaching English as a foreign language. The country has a high demand for English language skills due to its growing tourism industry, making it an ideal destination for students who want to teach English during their trip.

Volunteering as an English teacher helps locals improve their language skills and allows them to immerse themselves in Romanian culture by living with host families or working alongside local teachers. Overall, Romania offers plenty of exciting volunteering opportunities for college students seeking an immersive cultural experience while giving back to the local community.

  • Top 10 Things to do in Bucharest (Romania)
  • Top 15 BEST Places to Visit in Romania
  • Top 10 Stunning Castles in Romania to Visit

most visited tourist attractions in europe parthenon athens greece

Greece is one of the most popular destinations for college students exploring Europe. With its beautiful beaches , ancient ruins, and vibrant nightlife, Greece has something for everyone. One must-see destination in Greece is Athens , the country’s capital city.

Here you can visit the Acropolis, home to some of Greece’s most iconic landmarks, such as the Parthenon temple and the Theatre of Dionysus. In addition to its rich history, Athens has a bustling city center with plenty of shops and restaurants catering to all budgets.

Another destination in Greece that should be on your list is Santorini Island. This picturesque island is known for its white-washed buildings with blue domed roofs overlooking the Aegean Sea.

You can take a boat ride from Athens to Santorini Island or fly directly from other European cities such as Rome or London. While on the island, you can enjoy stunning sunsets and delicious Greek food at local restaurants while exploring various beaches, including Perissa Beach and Kamari Beach.

Crete Island should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for a more adventurous experience in Greece. Crete Island is known for its stunning natural beauty, with rugged mountains and pristine beaches that offer hiking, surfing, windsurfing, and scuba diving.

In addition to outdoor activities, Crete Island has many historical sites, such as Knossos Palace, where visitors can learn about ancient Minoan civilization. Overall, Greece offers an unforgettable experience for college students looking to broaden their horizons beyond their borders while enjoying an affordable trip filled with adventure and fun!

  • Top 15 Places to Visit in Greece
  • Top 14 Beautiful Castles in Greece

Panoramic aerial view of Erfurt in a beautiful summer day, Germany

Germany is a fantastic destination for college students looking to explore Europe, and it has a lot to offer. One popular spot is Berlin , known for its vibrant art scene and historic landmarks. If you’re interested in history, check out the Berlin Wall, an iconic symbol of the Cold War that divided the city for decades.

You can also visit the Brandenburg Gate, which has stood as a symbol of peace and unity since 1791. Another must-see location in Germany is Munich .

Known for its beer gardens and traditional Bavarian culture, there’s plenty to do here to entertain you during your trip. Be sure to visit Marienplatz, the city’s central square with stunning architecture, which hosts daily performances of Glockenspiel, a medieval clock tower show that tells stories from Bavarian folklore.

If you want outdoor activities in Germany, head south to Berchtesgaden National Park. This stunning nature reserve is home to soaring mountains and sparkling lakes , perfect for hiking or swimming.

The park also features historical sites such as Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest retreat and underground salt mines that offer tours for visitors. Whether you’re into history or natural beauty, Germany has something unique and exciting around every corner.

  • Top 9 Places to Visit in Germany
  • Top 14 Stunning Castles in Germany

Louvre Museum, Paris, France

France is one of the most visited countries in Europe , and for a good reason. It boasts the world’s most famous landmarks , such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris, known as the city of love, is also a hub of art and fashion, making it a popular destination for college students.

Aside from sightseeing in Paris, France offers many other experiences worth exploring during your college years. One such experience is learning the French language while practicing your French skills with locals.

The language is known to be one of the most romantic languages in the world, and learning it will allow you to connect more with French people and gain cultural insights into their way of life. You can enroll in language schools or sign up for programs that offer immersive learning experiences where you can live with a local family while practicing your French skills.

Another fun activity to engage in in France is wine tasting. France produces some of the best wines globally; therefore, exploring different vineyards would be an excellent way to familiarize yourself with different types of wine available locally.

Wine-tasting tours are provided by many companies that specialize in organizing tours around wine regions throughout France. Wine tours allow young adults to learn about winemaking techniques and sample some delicious wines while having fun with friends or meeting new people from all over the world who share similar interests.

  • Top 10 Places to Visit in France
  • Chateaux in France: Top 10 Best Castles in France to Visit!
  • Paris Itinerary: How to Spend Three Days in Paris (France)
  • Top 22 Things to do in Paris (France)
  • Is Paris Worth Visiting? 20 Reasons Why You Should!
  • Is Paris Safe for Travel in 2023? And Safety Tips to Follow!

United Kingdom

Big Ben, London

There are endless possibilities when it comes to exploring the United Kingdom during your college years. From wandering through the bustling streets of London to hiking through the scenic countryside of Scotland, there is something for everyone.

One must-visit destination in the UK is Oxford, home to one of the world’s most prestigious universities and a wealth of history and culture. You can explore grand libraries , historic churches, and stunning architecture in Oxford.

Stroll through the picturesque campus of Oxford University and take in the stunning views of its Gothic-style buildings. Make sure to visit some quintessential English pubs like The Turf Tavern or The Eagle and Child, famous for being frequented by J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis back in their day.

In addition to all that history and culture, there are plenty of great cafes and shops where you can grab some snacks or souvenirs before continuing your journey across England. Another great destination within the United Kingdom is Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, which boasts stunning views and rich Scottish heritage.

Take a tour through Edinburgh Castle and see where Mary Queen of Scots lived, or walk down The Royal Mile, where street performers put on an entertaining show every day. If you’re feeling adventurous, climb up Arthur’s Seat for breathtaking views over the Edinburgh skyline or visit Holyrood Palace next door to The Scottish Parliament building!

  • Top 15 Iconic and Beautiful Castles in England (The UK)
  • Top 10 Trails and National Parks in England (The UK)
  • Top 10 Places to Visit in the United Kingdom

Bergamo, Italy

Italy is one of the most popular countries to visit in Europe , and for a good reason. The country offers diverse experiences, from soaking up the culture in Rome to enjoying the beautiful coastline in Amalfi.

One must-visit destination in Italy is Florence , a city known for its art, architecture, and incredible food. The city has many famous landmarks, including the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio Bridge.

For students interested in art history or looking to appreciate beautiful works of art, Florence has plenty of museums, including the Uffizi Gallery and Accademia Gallery, home to Michelangelo’s David statue. Another must-visit destination in Italy is Venice .

This unique city boasts canals instead of roads and offers stunning views around every corner. Students can explore iconic landmarks like St Mark’s Square or ride a gondola through the winding waterways while enjoying gelato or pizza.

Additionally, Italy has some of the best food in Europe, with each region having unique dishes and flavors. From pasta dishes like Carbonara or Cacio e Pepe to pizza toppings like Margherita or prosciutto with arugula – there’s something for everyone!

  • Christmas in Italy: 8 Best Christmas Markets in Italy
  • Top 15 Beautiful Castles in Italy
  • Top 14 Places to Visit in Italy

Places to Visit in The Mediterranean Porto Portugal

Portugal is a beautiful country to visit during a college Europe trip , especially for those who love the sun, sea, and sand. The beaches in Portugal are known for their golden sand and crystal-clear waters. Some popular beaches to check out during your visit include Praia da Rocha, Praia do Vau, and Praia de Alvor.

In addition to the beaches, Portugal is also famous for its delicious food and wine. Be sure to try authentic Portuguese dishes such as grilled sardines, pastel de nata (custard tart), and bacalhau (salt cod).

For those interested in history and culture, Portugal has plenty of sites to explore. Lisbon’s historic district, Alfama, is filled with narrow streets lined with colorful houses adorned with balconies filled with flowers.

The district also features landmarks such as St George’s Castle, which offers a stunning view of the city below. Another must-visit site is the Jerónimos Monastery in Belem which was built in the 16th century and features beautiful architecture influenced by Portuguese explorers’ discoveries.

Every trip to Portugal would be complete with indulging in some port wine tasting at one of the many vineyards in the country. Port wine is a fortified wine produced exclusively in Portugal’s Douro Valley region using grapes grown on steep terraces along the Douro riverbanks.

You can take guided tours of these vineyards, where you’ll learn how port wine is made and sample different types of port wines while enjoying stunning views of the valley. Portugal has something unique to offer every traveler, making it an excellent destination for any college Europe trip itinerary!

  • Top 15 Places to Visit in Portugal
  • Top 10 Things to do in Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Top 10 Beautiful Castles in Portugal to Visit
  • Is Portugal Safe for Travel? And Safety Tips to Follow!

The Netherlands

top day trips from amsterdam the netherlands brussels

The Netherlands is small, but it packs a big punch in terms of culture, scenery, and history. For anyone interested in biking, Amsterdam is the perfect destination. With its flat terrain and extensive network of bike paths, Amsterdam is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world.

Renting a bike and exploring the city’s many neighborhoods and canals is an experience that should be noticed. For those interested in art and history, there are plenty of museums to visit in Amsterdam.

The Rijksmuseum has an impressive collection of Dutch masterpieces, including works by Rembrandt and Vermeer. The Van Gogh Museum features an extensive collection of works by Vincent van Gogh, including many famous paintings such as “Starry Night.” The Anne Frank House is also located in Amsterdam and offers visitors a glimpse into the life of Anne Frank during World War II.

Outside of Amsterdam, plenty of other beautiful places to explore in The Netherlands exist. The Keukenhof Gardens are famous for their stunning displays of tulips during the springtime.

Rotterdam is a modern city with innovative architecture and plenty of cultural attractions, such as the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum for contemporary art lovers. And for those looking for more adventure, hiking or cycling through De Hoge Veluwe National Park or sailing on Ijsselmeer Lake are perfect options to fully experience this charming country.

  • Top 11 Things to do in Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 10 Best Day Trips from Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Top 13 Places to Visit in the Netherlands

dubrovnik, croatia, historic center

Croatia is a hidden gem for college students seeking a unique European experience. With its sparkling blue waters, charming coastal towns, and rich history, Croatia has something for everyone. The country is known for its breathtaking national parks, including the famous Plitvice Lakes National Park , which boasts 16 cascading lakes and stunning waterfalls.

Another must-see destination is Dubrovnik, a medieval walled city on the Adriatic Sea that offers visitors endless opportunities to explore its historical landmarks. If you’re looking to volunteer in Croatia during your college years, plenty of opportunities are available.

Many organizations focus on marine conservation efforts along the coastline. You can help with beach cleanups or participate in sea turtle conservation programs.

For those interested in education and working with children, teaching English to local youth is also an option. When it comes to budgeting for a trip to Croatia, remember that this country is generally less expensive than some other popular European destinations like Italy or France.

Food and drink prices are reasonable in most places, and plenty of affordable accommodations options are available such as hostels or vacation rentals. Whether you’re looking to backpack along the coast or explore local markets and museums, there’s no shortage of things to do in this magical country at the crossroads of Central Europe and the Mediterranean.

  • Top 10 Beautiful Places to Visit in Croatia
  • Top 10 Stunning Castles in Croatia to Visit
  • Top 14 Things to do in Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Essential Tips for a Successful College Europe Trip

Budget and financial planning are the most important things to consider when planning a college Europe trip. Europe can be expensive to travel , so it’s essential to plan ahead and ensure you have enough money for all your activities and expenses.

One way to save money is by researching affordable accommodations such as hostels or Airbnb rentals instead of staying in expensive hotels. You can also save on public transportation costs instead of taxis or rental cars.

Another important aspect of financial planning is creating a daily budget for food and other expenses so you can spend your money wisely. Travel insurance and safety considerations are also crucial when planning a college Europe trip.

It’s vital to purchase travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, lost luggage, trip cancellations, etc., before embarking on your journey. You never know what might happen while traveling abroad, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs of the countries you’ll be visiting, stay aware of your surroundings, and avoid carrying large sums of cash or valuables in crowded areas. Taking these precautions seriously minimizes potential risks and ensures a safe and enjoyable trip across Europe!

Budgeting and financial planning for a European trip

When planning a college Europe trip, it’s crucial to have a solid budget and financial plan in place. Europe can be an expensive destination, and unexpected costs can quickly increase.

Travel insurance and safety considerations

Travel Insurance and Safety Considerations One of the most important things to consider when planning a college trip to Europe is travel insurance. You never know what might happen during your travels, such as unexpected flight cancellations or medical emergencies.

That’s why it’s crucial to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers all potential costs. Ensure your policy includes medical coverage, trip cancellation, interruption protection, lost or stolen belongings coverage, and emergency assistance services.

When choosing a travel insurance policy, read the fine print carefully and understand what is covered and what is not. Some policies may only cover specific types of incidents or activities, so if you plan on engaging in adventurous activities like skydiving or rock climbing, choose a policy that covers those activities.

Additionally, check with your credit card company, as some cards offer travel protection benefits if you book your trip using their card. Besides travel insurance, safety should be a top priority when traveling abroad.

Before departing for Europe, research the crime rates and safety conditions of the countries or cities you visit. Be aware of common scams and pickpocketing techniques in tourist hotspots like museums and markets.

It’s also important to keep copies of important documents such as passports and visas in case they are lost or stolen during your travels. Be mindful of local laws and customs to avoid unnecessary trouble traveling through Europe.

Cultural etiquette and respecting local customs

When traveling to Europe , it’s important to remember that each country has unique customs and traditions. Awareness of cultural etiquette can help you avoid offending locals and enhance your overall travel experience.

Here are some tips for respecting local customs during your trip: Firstly, it’s important to dress appropriately.

In some European countries, such as Italy and Spain, it’s common for locals to dress up even for casual occasions. Avoid wearing revealing clothing or anything with offensive language or graphics.

In more conservative countries like Turkey or Morocco, covering your shoulders and knees is a sign of respect when visiting religious sites. Research the cultural norms of the place you’re visiting ahead of time to avoid any surprises.

Secondly, always try to learn a few basic phrases in the local language. While English is widely spoken in many European countries, making an effort to speak in the native language shows respect for the culture and will be appreciated by locals.

Learn how to say “hello,” “please,” “thank you,” and other basic phrases before your trip. Not only will this show respect for local customs, but it also can help you connect with people on a deeper level while traveling.

Be mindful of different dining customs across Europe. In France, it’s considered rude to ask for substitutions or modifications when ordering food at a restaurant – what you see is what you get!

In Italy, never order a cappuccino after lunchtime as this is considered strange by locals who drink coffee at certain times of day only – mainly in the morning! If unsure about dining customs somewhere new, read up on them first so you don’t offend anyone unwittingly during meal times on your travels!

Packing essentials for a European adventure

When packing for a college student trip to Europe, it’s important to remember that you’ll be working with limited space. You’ll want to pack the essentials and leave room for any souvenirs or extra items you pick up. Here are some key packing tips for your European adventure:

First, ensure you have a sturdy backpack or suitcase that is easy to carry around on your travels. A backpack is highly recommended, as it allows for hands-free movement and can fit easily in overhead compartments on trains and buses.

Look for one with multiple pockets and compartments to stay organized throughout your trip. When it comes to clothes, pack light and versatile items that can be layered or mixed and matched easily.

Stick to neutral colors like black, white, gray, or beige so you can wear them in different combinations without feeling repetitive. Bring at least one dressy outfit for special occasions like a night out with new friends or a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant.

And remember, comfortable walking shoes ! You’ll be doing plenty of sightseeing on foot, so invest in good quality sneakers or boots that won’t give you blisters after long days of exploring.

Staying connected and informed during your Europe trip

Staying connected and informed during your Europe trip is crucial to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. Whether staying in touch with friends and family back home, checking the weather forecast, or finding your way around a new city, there are many ways to stay connected and informed during your travels. A reliable internet connection is one of the most important things you’ll need to stay connected.

Most hotels and hostels offer free Wi-Fi, but purchasing an international data plan from your mobile provider is also a good idea before you go. This will allow you to use your phone for navigation, translation apps, and other useful tools, even when you’re out exploring.

For added flexibility, you can also purchase portable Wi-Fi hotspots or SIM cards from local providers in many countries. It’s important to note that not all countries have the same standards for internet accessibility, so make sure you research beforehand if there are any restrictions or limitations on internet usage in the country you’re traveling to.

Another important aspect of staying informed while traveling is keeping up with the news and events happening in the areas you visit. You can download news apps like BBC News or CNN International to stay up-to-date on current events back home and locally in Europe.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with public transportation schedules like trains and buses to experience everything due to timing issues. Ensure that your phone has emergency contact numbers saved for the countries you’re visiting so that if any unforeseen events occur during your trip, there is always someone who can immediately assist.

What are my favorite travel must-haves?

As a frequent traveler, I’ve learned a lot throughout my years of travel, and there are five items that I always carry with me regardless of where I go and how long the trip is. Here are my five travel must-haves!

  • Warm packable jacket  – I always carry a light jacket, even when heading to warm countries. There hasn’t been a time I never used it, especially in airports and planes.
  • Transparent toiletry bag  – I often bring a carry-on if I’m only traveling within Europe for a few days. Life is so much easier to go through security checks with a transparent toiletry bag.
  • Kindle Paperwhite  – I love a good read and always take my Kindle everywhere. It keeps me entertained during long flights and waiting times.
  • Powerbank  – I don’t know how I could travel without one! Having a power bank saved me a ton since I carry a lot of electronic devices with me.
  • Travel Adapter  – I never leave my luggage without a travel adapter! I carry one with me all the time. It is just one of that travel-must haves that doesn’t hurt to have in your bag at all times.

So, are you ready to plan your European college trip?

There are a plethora of college Europe trips that students can embark on to enrich their experiences and broaden their horizons. Whether you opt for a backpacking trip through some of Europe’s most iconic cities or enroll in a study abroad program at one of the continent’s top universities, the opportunities for adventure and learning are boundless.

It is worth noting that planning ahead is crucial for any successful college Europe trip. From budgeting and financial planning to packing essentials and staying connected during your journey, taking the necessary steps can ensure that your trip is unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Remember to respect local customs, practice cultural etiquette, and keep an open mind as you explore new destinations and interact with people from different backgrounds. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have an amazing time on your college Europe trip – so don’t hesitate to start planning your next adventure today!

Plan your trip to Europe: Monthly breakdown

  • Europe in January
  • Europe in February
  • Europe in March
  • Europe in April
  • Europe in May
  • Europe in June
  • Europe in July
  • Europe in August
  • Europe in September
  • Europe in October
  • Europe in November
  • Europe in December

Plan your trip to Europe by season

  • Winter in Europe: Top 21 Winter Destinations in Europe
  • Spring in Europe: Top 15 Spring Destinations in Europe
  • Summer in Europe: Top 14 Best Summer Destinations in Europe
  • Autumn in Europe: Top 15 Fall Destinations in Europe

Europe by Experience

  • Northern Lights Holiday: Top 10 Destinations to Spot Aurora Borealis
  • Where to See the Midnight Sun: Top 8 Places Where the Sun Never Sets
  • 25 Beautiful Castles in Europe That Would Inspire Your Wanderlust
  • 30 BEST Fairytale like Towns in Europe (That Will Tickle Your Wanderlust)
  • Top 20 Cheapest Countries in Europe to Visit for Budget Travelers
  • Top 10 BEST Destinations for New Year’s Eve in Europe
  • Christmas in Europe: Top 15 MAGICAL Ideas for Christmas
  • 26+ Best National Parks in Europe You Must Check Out!
  • Top 25 Best European Foods You Must Try!
  • Top 15 Best Road Trips in Europe
  • 30 BEST Places to Visit in Europe
  • 26 Most Romantic Destinations in Europe
  • Top 10 Party Destinations in Europe to Experience

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Are you looking for an adventurous college experience? Make memories that will last a lifetime and explore Europe with your classmates on a college trip! With our specialized tour packages, you’ll get the chance to explore the sights and culture of this amazing continent. Don’t wait – book your college trip across Europe and make lifelong memories today!

Evan Kristine a.k.a Pretty Wild World is a professional blogger with over 10 years of experience in content creation. Originally from the Philippines, she's been living in Finland for 15+ years working as a chef and entrepreneur in Tampere, Finland.

She's an expert in Finland travel and explores the country often sharing her insights and tips in this blog and social medias. She also splits her free time either going for weekend getaways in Europe on her holidays or exploring different home decor ideas for her future house in the lush Finnish forest.

This blog curates the best of travel, interior design, minimalist fashion, DIY wedding hacks, and a bit of beauty. Its a safe space for everyone who have various interests!

Evan Kristine is also the food blogger behind at The Kitchen Abroad and on her free time, she enjoys decorating her 75m2 apartment and shares her experience over at Solía Avenue .

A true master of her own life and despite her busy schedule juggling life as a chef, blogger, and entrepreneur, she still finds time to read 50+ books a year and indulge in several hobbies like hiking, working out, yoga, and painting.

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college student travel europe

Tips for travelling in Europe on a student budget


Dreaming of seeing the Eiffel tower, gliding through Venice on a gondola or making a wish in the Trevi Fountain? Who doesn’t dream of taking a trip around Europe? 

However, travelling in Europe doesn’t come cheap especially when you are on a student budget. Throw in the cost tuition fees and living expenses, and even backpacking across Europe becomes  a luxury many can’t afford.

Fortunately, there are many student travel agencies, discounts and cheap destinations to help you turn those dreams into reality. 

Whether you’re looking to head across the pond for a big summer trip or just take a winter or spring break vacay, there are plenty of ways to see Europe for cheap. Between finding cheap flights and budget tips like using your student identity card for discounts, we have got all the tips you need while travelling in Europe on a student budget . 

Here’s how you can travel in Europe on a student budget: 

1. book cheap flight or train tickets  .

While you may think it’s impossible to fly for less than US$50, you can find several cheap student flights in Europe on these budget airlines. If you’re travelling in Europe on a budget, you may be better off flying between two cheap destinations and getting a train ticket to the more expensive destinations. Consider buses too, which can go as low as US$10 for trips between two cities.

When travelling in Europe on a budget, one way to save money is to take red-eye flights. These flights are generally the cheapest way to travel in Europe on a budget.

Booking your tickets weeks in advance is a great way to save some cash. You can save up to 30% on tickets just by booking your tickets as early as six weeks in advance. 

Downloading local transport apps keeps you up to date with discounts, and you will be able to book tickets or compare prices conveniently. However, it is best to avoid tourist hot spots during peak seasons as prices will be much more expensive. 


Couchsurfing allows travellers to connect with hosts who open up their homes for free accommodation. Source: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP

2. Stay at hostels or couch surf

Accommodation is often the most expensive part of travelling. Don’t worry, though — there are a number of more affordable options available. One of the most common cheaper accommodation options available for students while travelling on a student budget is hostels.

Not only are they cheap,  it’s a place too meet other travellers too. However, hostels aren’t always the cheapest options, especially when they are located in expensive cities such as London and Paris. 

If that’s the case, AirBnBs are a better alternative. For those who are more adventurous, give Couchsurfing a try. Couchsurfing is a new take on a very old “broke traveller” experience – where you sleep on someone’s couch so that you have a roof over your head while travelling somewhere. 

In 2007, an app was designed where you can search the place you’re going to and find many hosts who are happy to have you come sleep on their couch, or willing to spare bed, for free.

3. Get around Europe on a budget

Many underestimate the cost of transportation as there are many you don’t think about. These costs include the bus fare from the airport, metro passes around the city or bus tickets for day trips. 

If you’re staying in a city, use the local subway or bus system to get around instead of renting a car or taking taxis. Smaller cities have the option of renting a bicycle or scooter for tourists to travel around. 

The other thing many European cities have going for them is their walkability. Although slower, it’s free and easy. Plus, in most cities you’ll likely be walking by some of the most famous sights in the world – maybe Rome’s Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or Gaudi’s famous modernist buildings in Barcelona.


Walking while in Europe is a great way to experience the culture while taking in the scenery. Source: Charly Triballeau/AFP

4. Join the walking tours

Admission fees to museums and monuments can add up.  Luckily, many European hostels have free walking tours. These tours usually take about an hour to complete, enough time for you to get your bearings and map out places you might want to visit later. Many free walking tours include a city’s history and main attractions. 

While some free walking tours are completely free, they do require a tip. If you’re a museum fan, you can schedule your visit around a day that offers free entry. In London, the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of every month. 

5. Indulge in street food or local markets

Eating at fancy, sit-down restaurants for every meal while you are in Europe will definitely throw your budget out the window. 

Fortunately, Europe has many options for you to enjoy delicious food at an affordable price. With many local markets and street food stalls to choose from, you can enjoy the food and culture of the country without breaking the bank. 

Many of the smaller restaurants and cafes with fewer tourists are known to serve cheaper food that is just as delicious. A tip when travelling is to keep an eye on where the locals eat and your stomach will definitely be satisfied. 

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Budget travel across Europe is much more than finding the best deals. It's an incredible journey tailor-made for college students, offering a distinct perspective on a continent steeped in history. While students may find themselves at the same iconic spots as our more seasoned counterparts, they have a knack for blazing their own trails. Picture this: a student wanders off the tourist track, uncovering hidden gems, hanging out in local haunts, making fast friends, trying out the language with locals, and soaking in a vibrant tapestry of life. Europe becomes the canvas, and students paint it with diverse experiences, even daring to leap into spontaneous adventures that will become the stuff of legendary college tales and life-changing memories.

Student travelers tend to take local transportation instead of booked bus tours. They are likelier to take a chance to eat and drink off-the-beaten-path rather than tourist cafés, pubs, and restaurants. Not surprisingly, they seek out and participate in cultural events and nightlife geared toward local youth. As a student in Europe, you not only gain a unique perspective about significant destinations but also take advantage of the many discounts available to high school, university, and young people under 26 years of age.

But discounts for museums, railway passes, and concerts alone are not enough to offer significant savings and keep your travel expenses low. Budget travel involves developing wise spending habits and results from some advanced planning. That's why we have compiled a few useful tips for students traveling in Europe this summer or any season you plan to visit.

1. Start Your Planning as a Student in Europe Before You Go

In these days of universal connectivity and information at your fingertips, it is still worth reading up on your potential destinations. Having a clue where you are going means you don't need to walk around the streets gazing at a guidebook or an app, having already done some background guidebook studying, related reading, and watching of films — in addition to web research. Shared stories from other students can be very useful. Still, such information is often anecdotal by comparison to in-depth reading. After all, as a student, you generally travel due to a profound interest in the culture(s) you are visiting, in addition to the adventure. Ironically, you can often find the best deals simply by researching off-the-beaten-track locations before you go by all sorts of available media.

Planning does not preclude spontaneity and having fun while studying in Europe. On the contrary, knowing when and where to find some of the best free or cheap places to see, eat, go out, enjoy festivals, or even get off the beaten track expands your possibilities. A summer or semester in Paris, Rome, Florence, or Barcelona provides plenty of time to explore free or cheap activities and neighborhoods while enjoying many great walking, eating, and partying cities in Europe — and the world.

2. Know Your Budget and the Current Exchange Rates in Europe

When setting up a budget for your trip to Europe, there are a few major financial factors to consider:

  • The exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro. Check your favorite online exchange rate calculator and learn the best ways to get a reasonable exchange rate without excessive charges. Currently (2023), the dollar is strong against the euro, and Europe is relatively cheap if you get away from tourist congregations.
  • Enjoy the bargain destinations in Europe that have joined the eurozone before they become more expensive. For example, many of Europe's central and eastern block countries, such as Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Czech Republic, are much cheaper than the more expensive countries in Scandinavia. Even Prague is still relatively inexpensive compared to many cities in the U.S., though prices are rising.
  • Tailor your spending accordingly; this may be the first time you have had to live on a budget since you are away from home.

3. Avoid the Tourist Hotspots During High Season When and Where Possible

When sketching out your travel plans, remember that many of Europe's most famous cities — the ones you've likely been dreaming about — can also be the most expensive. We're talking about London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, and Berlin — the bustling metropolises of their respective countries. These cities practically define excitement, but they're also known for their prices that seem to have an uncanny knack to swallow up your hard-earned cash. Now, I'm not saying you should steer clear of these iconic urban cultural wonders entirely, but think of them as appetizers in a grand feast of European exploration.

Picture this: Instead of throwing all your savings into the big city tour, carve out some time to venture off the beaten path. That's where the magic happens. The legendary destinations might attract countless tourists yearly, but over-tourism is real. If you're up for the adventure, you can avoid the crowds and dive into the true essence of Europe in a more authentic, budget-friendly way.

Take London, for instance. Spend a few days soaking in the London vibe, enjoy the famous landmarks, and savor British culture. But don't stop there — hop on a train and explore the hidden gems in the U.K. Paris has its secrets. If you're up for it, consider the camaraderie of a hostel or a stay in the easily accessible outskirts. Then, ride the subway or a lightning-fast commuter train into the heart of the action. Trust me, you'll still get your fill of delicious baguettes and croissants. France is a treasure trove of experiences beyond the Eiffel Tower — think Montpellier, Lyon, Bordeaux, and the towns like Arles and student haven Aix-en-Provence that beckon with their own unique charms, where some of the greatest Impressionist and artists of periods flocked for the indescribable light, the warm people, and the great food — all easily accessible thanks to the stellar transportation network.

Even better, if you're already on a study-abroad adventure, consider exploring Europe during the off-season. Not only will you save some serious dollars, but you'll also experience the continent in a whole new light. The tourist hordes have retreated, life gets closer to normal, and the locals become much more eager to share their culture when they're not dodging selfie sticks every five seconds. So, whether you're planning a summer getaway or an off-season escape, as a student, Europe can be your oyster, and it's time to savor every pearl of wisdom the continent offers.

4. Affordable Adventures Across Europe: Train, Bus, and Ride-Sharing

Picture this: You, the intrepid student explorer, are ready to embark on a European odyssey like no other. Suppose you seek the scenic landscapes crisscrossed by Europe's efficient and delightful train systems, with the occasional thrill of a "bullet train" or the famed TGV. In that case, this is your call to adventure. Let's dive into the world of budget travel options.

  • Rail Adventures with Eurail: Hold onto your tickets because the Eurail Global Pass is about to be your passport to over 33 dreamy countries. And guess what? If you're under 27, you're eligible for a youth railway pass. Tailor your journey with single-country rail passes crafted just for students. Feeling even more adventurous? RailPass offers customizable rail passes for curious souls who can't get enough of Europe's surprises and beauty. Prepare for serious savings, especially when wanderlust leads you on epic, long-haul adventures. You can also opt for the Eurail One Country pass if you wish to explore France or Italy. Also look out for exclusive discounts from SNCF , the French rail system, for those who plan ahead but wish to go to specific destinations, often with options to visit cities in countries nearby. More budget means more exploring, more indulgence, and more unforgettable moments.
  • Bus Across Europe on a Budget:  With rail travel costs rising at times, budget-conscious students are hopping aboard Europe's low-cost but ultra-comfortable bus services. These comfortable buses will take you across continents, countries, and even within cities without burning a hole in your wallet. Do a bit of searching, and you'll uncover local and international bus routes that won't dent your bank account. Check out handy apps like Omnio and Trainline (which also compare train and bus routes) to prepare your adventure itinerary.
  • Ride-Sharing: Where Adventure Meets Savings: Hitchhiking? That's so last century. For the modern student traveler, there are safe and convenient alternatives. European universities are hotspots for ride-sharing info, with bulletin boards brimming with student ride-sharing opportunities. It's not just about reaching your destination; it's a chance to meet kindred spirits and explore together. Plus, you'll stumble upon ride-sharing ads at hostels and student hangouts, like cozy coffee houses near universities. But what really sets this way to travel on a budget apart? Ride-sharing services that connect you with fellow travelers and drivers headed your way. You can hop in a private vehicle for journeys within countries or across borders for a small fee and a share of fuel costs. Visit , the ultimate ride-sharing hub that lists rides spanning Europe. Starting your journey from the UK? No worries; you can access this service from nearly any country. Knowing a bit of the language of the countries in which you are traveling does not hurt. Still, most Europeans speak some English; hopefully, you speak a bit of the tongue or are willing to learn.

5. Use Youth Hostels, Couchsurfing, or HelpAway and More to Budget European Accommodations

Youth Hostels

Solo adventurers and budget-savvy students will find gems in Europe's bustling cities and charming towns—Youth Hostels! These havens offer more than just a place to rest your head; they're a great place to develop traveler friendships and unforgettable experiences. Here are some reasons Youth Hostels are your ultimate companions on your European journey.

  • Pocket-Friendly Explorations:  One of the golden rules of budget travel is paying for what you need, not an entire room. That's where Youth Hostels shine. In Europe, they're scattered seemingly everywhere to be discovered. Many are proud International Youth Hostel Association members, meaning sweet discounts for members like you.
  • Solo Travel Made Easy:  Imagine a cozy dorm bed in a Parisian hostel setting you back just $30-$40 a night. Now, imagine if you're not traveling solo — you can often snag a double room at the same spot and split the cost, making it a win-win for your budget.
  • Youthful Adventures:  Youth Hostels cater to the young and the young at heart. They're vibrant hubs where fellow explorers become fast friends, and spontaneous travel companions are often found. When you're not just exploring a destination but also sharing the journey, magic happens.
  • Hassle-Free Booking:  Thanks to platforms like (please see our section on youth hostels for other similar options), you can easily plan your adventures. Most often, like Hostelworld, they now have apps or websites that let you book your spot in advance, ensuring you stick to your budget and eliminate the stress of last-minute accommodations.
  • Morning Booking Magic:  Here's a pro tip, especially for those summer escapades. Accommodations tend to vanish in peak season. So, make it a morning ritual to reach out to hostels, guesthouses, or hotels in your new city. Booking early means you'll score the most comfortable digs.
  • Buddy Up for Savings:  What if hostels are scarce or fully booked? Fear not! Europe is teeming with fellow adventurers. Whether on a train or wandering through town, striking up a conversation can lead to sharing a hotel room for a night or two. Splitting costs means more euros in your pocket for more European escapades.
  • Unforgettable Memories:  Beyond the budget benefits, Youth Hostels create unforgettable memories. They're hubs of cultural exchange, late-night conversations, and stories that often become a big part of your travel memories and spontaneous decisions.

So, whether you're embarking on a semester abroad, a gap year adventure, or a summer exploration, Europe's youth hostels are central to many budget-friendly, memory-filled escapades. Be adventurous and make your hostel stay an unforgettable part of your European journey. (The editor-in-chief certainly did so during his summers and gap year trips to extend his budget.)

Couchsurfing Adventures for Students

Couchsurfing is an exciting and budget-friendly accommodation option for students looking to explore the world in a more authentic way. Here's a description of Couchsurfing options tailored to students. (The annual plan is less than $30 for free lodging .)

Picture this: You, the intrepid student traveler, embark on a European journey. But here's the twist — you're not just visiting new places but also immersing yourself deeper into the local culture while potentially meeting and making lifelong friends.

  • Stay with Locals: Couchsurfing isn't just about finding a place to crash; it's about connecting with locals excited to share their homes and insights into their hometowns. As a student, this means immersing yourself in the authentic side of a destination, far away from the touristy veneer.
  • Diverse Accommodations: While it's called "Couchsurfing," the reality is far more diverse. You might find yourself on a comfy couch, a spare bed, or a cozy guest room. The accommodation options are as varied as the people you'll meet.
  • Cultural Exchange: Couchsurfing isn't just a free place to stay; it's a chance to engage in cultural exchange. Your host might offer to show you their favorite local spots, share meals, and introduce you to their friends. It's an immersive experience that textbooks can't provide.
  • Budget-Friendly: Couchsurfing is a game-changer in terms of cost for students. It's often entirely free, which leaves you with more funds for exploring and trying out local cuisine or exciting activities.
  • Safety First: While Couchsurfing can be an incredibly enriching experience, it's crucial to prioritize safety. The platform has verification systems, reviews, and profiles to help you choose trustworthy hosts and surfers. Always read reviews and trust your instincts when choosing a host or guest.
  • Creating Lifelong Memories: Beyond a place to sleep, Couchsurfing often leads to lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. You'll hear stories, share experiences, and make connections that can last a lifetime.
  • Responsible Travel: Couchsurfing promotes responsible travel by encouraging cultural respect and sustainable practices. It's an opportunity to be a responsible traveler, positively impacting the places you visit.

Workaway for Students: Unlocking a World of Advantages

For students seeking an culturally immersive, budget-friendly, and cross-cultural way to explore Europe during more extended periods, Workaway , like some other similar organizations, is worth checking out (just $49 a year for a membership that will save you so much more). Here are some of advantages of Workaway tailored to students:

  • Cultural Immersion: Workaway allows students to dive deep into the local culture of their host country. By living and working alongside locals, you gain insights and experiences that go beyond typical tourist encounters.
  • Unique Learning Opportunities: Whether you're teaching English, helping with organic farming, or contributing to a community project, Workaway offers diverse learning experiences. You can acquire new skills and knowledge that complement your academic pursuits.
  • Budget-Friendly Travel: As a student, every penny counts. Workaway provides accommodation and often meals in exchange for your work, significantly reducing your travel expenses. This allows you to explore more places and extend your adventures.
  • Flexibility: Workaway offers flexibility in terms of the type of work, location, and duration of your stay. Students can plan their trips around school breaks or choose shorter commitments that fit their academic schedules.
  • Networking: Engaging in Workaway exposes students to a global network of hosts and fellow volunteers. You'll make connections with people from various backgrounds and cultures, expanding your social and professional network.
  • Resume Enhancement: Workaway experiences can be valuable additions to your resume. They demonstrate adaptability, teamwork, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone — qualities that can impress future employers.
  • Language Practice: If you're studying a foreign language, Workaway provides an excellent opportunity to practice and improve your language skills in a real-life context.
  • Meaningful Travel: Many Workaway projects focus on sustainability, community development, or social causes. This allows students to engage in meaningful travel, knowing their contributions are making a positive impact.
  • Adventure Variety: Workaway offers a wide range of opportunities, from volunteering on farms to working in hostels, teaching, childcare, and more. You can tailor your adventures to match your interests and passions.
  • Travel Safety: The Workaway platform provides a degree of safety and security, as hosts are reviewed by previous volunteers. It's a trusted way to connect with hosts and ensure a safe travel experience.
  • Independence: Workaway encourages independence and self-reliance. Students gain confidence in navigating unfamiliar environments and problem-solving, which can be empowering.
  • Lifelong Memories: Beyond the practical benefits, Workaway often leads to unforgettable memories, lifelong friendships, and personal growth. The experiences you gain can shape your outlook on the world.

Workaway is a fantastic way for students to combine travel, learning, and cultural immersion. The organiation empowers you to explore the world while minimizing costs and maximizing meaningful experiences. Whether it's a summer break, gap year, or semester abroad, Workaway opens doors to a world of opportunities for students on a budget but with adventurous spirits.

6. Take Advantage of the Many Student Discounts in Europe

Find out where the discounts are and use them. Contact a student travel agency in your hometown and find out about discount fares. Get an International Student Identity Card (ISIC) before you leave, and show it wherever you go, at hostels, ticket counters, restaurants, museums, etc. You'll be surprised at how many discounts you will get in Europe just by showing a student I.D. Also, keep in mind that some sights offer group discounts. So if you are with fellow travelers, you might want to join up for a day as a "family" to get reduced admission to an attraction, sight, or event.

And here's an insider tip: don't underestimate the persuasive power of a friendly chat. If you talk to the right person and spend some time in friendly conversation, you may get a discount just for brightening up the vendor's day. This won't happen at the Louvre in Paris, where booking tickets online in advance is often advisable. However, it is possible at a less popular attraction, where a bored ticket vendor might look forward to a friendly conversation with a visitor.

7. Enjoy the Many Free and Fun Things to Do Across Europe

Ask at the local tourist information booth if they have a calendar of events or a brochure for young people so you know what's going on at your destination while you're there, or do a search online before you leave or at the many WiFi hotspots that are now almost everywhere in Europe. Many cities and towns across Europe offer summer festivals, including free events such as concerts, fairs, exhibits, and more. And even if there is a highbrow and costly classical music festival at one of your destinations, most cities will offer free events to the general public at the same time or steep discounts for students if interested.

Cities all over Europe hold free outdoor concerts n parks and squares in the summer. It would help if you found out beforehand where the action will be and ensure you get there ahead of time. But you don't have to look for a scheduled event to have something free and fun to do. Many sites across Europe attract crowds of young people. There's always fun to be had for free: street musicians, jugglers, acrobats, magicians, painters — all of them offering some form of entertainment, some of which is very high-quality. There is plenty of information on the many festivals in Europe , and some even plan their trips around visits to festivals for a guaranteed great time.

In sum, if you follow these essential tips, while Europe remains expensive for travelers by comparison with many parts of the world, you can enjoy a great spring, summer, or fall break for far less than you imagine possible.

Volker Poelzl is a Living Abroad Contributing Editor for A travel writer fluent in five languages he regularly writes about Language Learning and cultural immersion.

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Camera, two US passports, pen, and brown sunglasses on top of European map

The Best Tips for College Students Traveling Around Europe

Georgia went to Europe last summer, visiting seven countries in three weeks. If you're studying abroad there, her tips might make your trip even better!

by Georgia Krendel CollegeXpress Student Writer, Clemson University

Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Originally Posted: Jun 7, 2018

Last summer my sister and I were lucky enough to travel to seven European countries for about three weeks. Though it was a quick trip, we both learned a lot about ourselves and traveling while having the experience of a lifetime. If you plan to study abroad in Europe or become an avid traveler, here are some tips to help make your life easier.


What better way to travel across Europe than by train? This mode of transportation is great for many reasons. First, trains aren’t as time-consuming as most flights. You can show up about 25 minutes before your train leaves and make it to your seat with plenty of time to spare. 

My favorite part about train travel was seeing different parts of Europe. Looking out the window is like experiencing a whole different world. Yes, on a plane you get to experience a beautiful aerial view, but nothing compares to the views of Switzerland’s countryside from the train window. Trains are also much cheaper than plane tickets. This brings me to my next tip…

Eurail Pass

If you plan on taking more than just a couple of train rides while you’re abroad, then the Eurail Pass is a must. The Eurail Pass is basically one train ticket that functions as multiple. It allows you to get on any train whenever you want. (Some trains do require a reservation, but these are usually the overnight ones, so check ahead of time.) 

Eurail also has an easy-to-use app that tells you everything you need to know, including departure and arrival times as well as location.  Want to go to a nearby city for the day? Check the app and hop on a train! Yes, it’s that easy. My sister and I even took a train from Nice, France, to Monaco for dinner one night. Eurail also sends you a free gift if you send in your pass after your trip is complete.

Related: How to Be Extra Safe While Studying Abroad in College

Traveling light

This is crucial. It doesn’t matter if you’re going somewhere for a week or a month—you can fit everything you need while you're traveling into a carry-on bag. Take what you think you need and cut it in half; trust me, you won’t need that one top that only goes with that one pair of jeans and sandals. You’ll be able to do your laundry in hostels easily (more on those below). You aren’t going to want to lug around a giant bag because most hostels don’t have elevators…and guess who’s stuck carrying it up all those stairs? You got it—you. While I was in Europe, I took a carry-on bag and a backpack and didn’t even wear half the clothes I had packed.

clemson flag

I love hostels. After my trip last summer, I wouldn’t even consider staying in a hotel because hostels are just that great. For starters, they’re so much cheaper than hotels. Staying in hostels is also a great way to meet people from all over the world, especially if you’re traveling alone. My sister and I met quite a few travelers from different countries who were flying solo—some my age, some older, and all with unique stories about why they were traveling. We eventually ended up going out to eat with them and just hanging out and getting to know them. Meeting people from all over the world is truly eye-opening.

Hostels have kitchens that allow you to cook your own food. This is a huge plus, especially if you’re trying to save money or eat right. They also almost always offer laundry machines. Hostel staff usually consist of very well-traveled individuals who are there to help you see the best parts of the city.  If you want more from your trip than just a touristy view, definitely ask the staff for recommendations. Chances are they know the best places in town and the best way to experience the culture .

Insider tip: Bring flip-flops. You wouldn’t want to shower barefoot in your college dorm, right? Trust me, you won’t want to in hostel showers either. Lastly, check out It’s a very helpful website when looking for hostels. Booking is super easy through this website.

Related: 10 Things You Need to Pack for Study Abroad

Money exchange

First, make sure your bank knows you’re traveling out of the country. If you don’t notify them, they may deem your card stolen and inactivate it or an ATM will snatch it from you (this happened to my brother in Spain last year). Try your best not to do a money exchange at the airport or train station. Your best bet is to look for a place with 0% commission. A good way to find the best one is to ask the hostel staff or even a tour guide—they would love to give you some guidance. 

blue sky

Public transportation

Use it. That’s what it’s there for. At first, taxis might not seem expensive, but believe me, they’ll add up. Public transportation is definitely the way to go. For one, it’s significantly cheaper than other options. In addition, you get to experience how the locals get around. It might seem difficult to navigate or figure out at first, but after a bit of practice, you’ll get it. European public transportation is usually pretty easy to get the hang of.


Honestly, I never had a serious issue with pickpockets. But I know people who have. I tried my best to only carry around a small bag and always kept it close to me, holding it against my body in large crowds. I love carrying backpacks around at home, but when traveling, I advise against them. The only situation in which I would recommend one is if you’re traveling in a group and have someone to keep an eye on it while it’s on your back. I recommended a cross-body bag that’s relatively small. Carrying around a large purse will get old really quickly.

Related: How You Can Overcome 3 Common Study Abroad Stressors

This might shock you, but in some countries, it’s actually considered rude to tip! I know, crazy, right? It’s because in Europe, waiting tables is considered a profession. Some countries do expect a tip though, so make sure you do your research before heading out for a meal.

swimming pool

Let’s be honest—this is a huge concern to most people when they go abroad. Before you sit down at a restaurant, ask if they offer free Wi-Fi. Most do but refrain from broadcasting it. I know some travelers who won’t eat at a restaurant unless they have Wi-Fi. This is a fair system in my opinion—you only want to use data if it is necessary (i.e., an emergency/maps/locating something). I tried to limit my data usage because I didn’t want my phone bill to be through the roof. Before you leave home, you should call your phone company and work out a plan for your data for the duration of your trip.

Related: 6 Smart Financial Plans Before You Study Abroad

Traveling anywhere in Europe as a student will help you learn a lot and make memories that will stick with you forever. From riding trains with amazing views to meeting new people to staying in hostels, every adventure is a chance to grow and have fun. Remembering stuff like how to get around, where to stay, and even how to tip can make your trip smoother and more exciting. So keep it light, stay open to new things, and let Europe work its magic on you. Bon voyage! 

Did you enjoy this blog? Check out even more fun travel tips from students and experts with  Our Best Advice on Studying Abroad in College .

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About Georgia Krendel

Georgia Krendel is a freshman Political Science major at Clemson University. She is originally from Lynbrook, New York. She plays the trombone in Clemson’s marching band, pep band, and concert band. She played in her high school’s jazz band, pit orchestra, orchestra, and wind ensemble. In her free time she likes to snowboard, horseback ride, and travel. Georgia has been riding horses since she was seven years old and has been showing competitively since she was 12. She played softball through high school as well as volleyball for multiple travel teams.

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TFT is the leader in European teen travel. Not only do we have 20 years of on the ground experience, but we also offer the largest variety of programs of any teen travel company. Our in-depth knowledge of the region and insider access allows us to expertly design all our itineraries. Our wide variety of European programs  allow every participant to discovery each country like a true traveler.

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Teenage travelers explore Amsterdam on summer travel program in Europe

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Teen traveler at Alpine lake in Swiss Alps during summer youth adventure travel program

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High school students smile in Santorini on their summer teen tour to Greece.

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Teenage travelers throw coin in Trevi fountain during summer youth travel program in Rome

01 / 04 Make a wish and toss a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Rome

Teenage travelers at John Lennon Wall Prague on summer adventure travel program

02 / 04 Sign the famous John Lennon Wall in Prague

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03 / 04 Hike through the Swiss Alps

Teenage travelers swim in Mediterranean Sea during summer youth travel program in Greece

04 / 04 Swim in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea

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The BeauTraveler

7 Best Destinations for Cheap Student Travel in Europe

The world does not stop reminding us that college years are one of the best periods. Everyone has high expectations for this stage and wants to remember it for life. As a result, students tend to desire to go somewhere with friends.

Traveling as a student can bring real fun and enjoyment. However, they frequently face financial issues. Pressure at universities usually prevents them from getting a high-paying job while studying. This fact explains why undergraduates often seek budget travel options.

In this post, we’re going to share some inexpensive destinations for cheap student travel in Europe. From Turkiye to Poland, you can consider your cheap destinations in Europe when traveling as a student!

Table of Content

Best Places to Go in Europe on a Budget for Students

student traveling to dubrovnik, croatia

Situated in the heart of the Balkans, Serbia remains one of the most popular European destinations for budget travelers. Not only is it known for its formidable architecture and scenery, it’s also among the continent’s most affordable travel options.

If you’re a student traveling to Serbia , you can also check the link in case you want to delegate in-depth research and paper assignments to fulfill your credit online.

One of the least expensive destinations in Europe for students is Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. You can easily find a hostel starting from €5 like River Hostel in Zemun or Up Hostel in Stari Grad .

If you have an extra budget, I’d also recommend a medium-range hotel like Hotel Slavija in Vracar for the best experience. In addition to accommodation, you can expect to spend around €155 for your travel expenses per week – even less if you plan to visit cities outside Belgrade like Nis or Novi Sad.

Belgrade, Serbia

Poland is a reasonably priced state in Europe with a sound economic foundation. It is an always welcoming country with accepting and outgoing people.

Tourists’ favorite cities such as Kraków , Wrocław , Poznań, Gdańsk , Lublin , and Warsaw attract students worldwide due to their rich history and beautiful buildings and architecture. These cities are popular destinations for studying, so the prices there are student-friendly.

For example, the 7-day stay in Krakow, with its grand historic architecture, will cost €216 per person!

The hostel prices in Warsaw start from €7.00, like one at Free Parking Host . If you’re traveling as a couple, you can also find a budget hotel room for two people for less than €100 like Ibis Budget Warszawa Centrum or Premiere Classe Versovie .

Warsaw, Poland

While the majority of Turkiye is located in Asia, the European side of the country also deserves a shoutout as one of the best destinations for budget travelers in Europe.

The European side of Turkiye boasts a piece of this scenic region, including Istanbul and the nearby cities . Moreover, its affordability is also suitable for youngsters who strive for a fulfilling journey. From the journey between Asia and Europe in Istanbul, to exploring the ancient city of Cappadocia – there are so many things to do on a budget in Turkiye!

There is a global habit of traveling to Turkiye in the summer, but there are a lot of cities in this country that offer so many things to do at other times of the year. In the winter, destinations like Uludag in Bursa or Erciyes in Kayseri are popular for skiing and other winter sports.

In the off-season like winter, you can find budget hotels for as low as €80 – like Miapera Hotel in Beyoglu or All Seasons Hotel in Fatih . You can expect an even lower rate if you choose to stay at a hostel or Airbnb in Istanbul.

Cappadocia, Turkiye

Czechia is probably Poland’s closest competitor in attracting students from all over Europe. The prices there are slightly higher than in Poland, but they are still within the reach of the students.

Scholarship recipients can have a vacation similar to wealthy people in some expensive countries.

The average cost of a 7-day stay in wonderful Prague is €290, and you can expect paying a budget hotel room from €50 at accommodations like Hotel Penzion Rohoznik or Hotel Mala Strana . If you don’t mind hostels, you can also find some comfy options like Expo Capsule Hostel or Plus Prague Hostel starting from €30 per night.

If that’s not enough to convince you to visit Prague as a student, buying groceries at supermarkets like Billa is also reasonable – making it a perfect place to live on a budget!

Chain Bridge in Prague, Czechia

Hungary, especially Budapest , attracts European students with its affordability and many entertainment options. Visitors worldwide admire popular tourist destinations.

There are, for example, the famous Chain Bridge, the Danube River, and the Buda Castle District. And you can enjoy it without spending any money!

Budget travelers can confidently plan to pay between €40 and €60 a day in this country for lodging, transportation, eating, and amusement. The slightly more comfortable conditions will cost around €80.

The cheapest accommodation prices start from €19 in Budapest, but you can also consider staying at medium-range B&Bs or hotels in the city like Czako Bed & Breakfast or Easy Star Hotel Budapest for less than €50 per night.

Budapest, Hungary

The sunny and impressive Croatia is particularly popular during the summer, especially if you’re looking for another alternative for a beach weekend in Europe. While popular places like Dubrovnik and Istria can be ridiculously expensive during the on-peak season, you can consider visiting during winter for a lower price.  

You can budget between €40 and €50 per day, but the accommodation rate varies depending on which part of Croatia you’re going to.

It’s hard to find hostels in Dubrovnik that cost less than €50 per night during summer, but you can book a hotel room at the same price range during winter. Accommodations like Hotel Perla or Hotel Adria are reasonably priced that you won’t pay more than €100 per night there during the off-season in Dubrovnik!

krka national park in croatia

When it comes to summer weekends, youth can’t avoid imagining them at the beach with a refreshing glass of Mojito or ice cream. Bulgaria is a great place to visit if you’re an outdoor enthusiast looking for experiencing the best of you summer – even if your budget is pretty low!

If you plan to visit the capital city of Bulgaria in Sofia , you can expect to spend around €60 per day or even less if you choose some budget-friendly restaurants for your meals.

You can find hostels that cost for as low as €25 per night in Sofia, including Osogovo Rooms or Hostel Mostel . For a few bucks extra, you can even consider staying at a decent hotel like Stivan Iskar Hotel or Hotel Simona Complex .

Alternatively, you can also spend less in smaller cities like Kiten, Primorsko, or rural areas in Bulgaria. The prices of groceries will be lower, but Sofia is probably the best choice if you’re looking for the most accessible destination in Bulgaria.

7 Rila Lakes in Bulgaria

To sum it up, there are so many exciting budget travel options for students in Europe. Whether you’re looking for the best place to go in Europe during warm or cold season, you can spend on average of €250 to spend a week in one of these Europe destinations.

From exploring the intersection of the Black Sea, the Bosphorus and Marmara Sea in Istanbul for warmer destinations, to skiing in Zakopane or other ski resorts in Poland – there are so many things to do in Europe for students on a budget.

So, are you ready to plan your Euro trip as a student?

7 Best Destinations for Cheap Student Travel in Europe - The BeauTraveler


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8 best travel destinations for students

As We Saw It

7 Best Places for Students to Travel in Europe

Two Lisbon trams. Text overlay says

Three things make a person happy: love, exciting work, and the opportunity to travel. If we combine all these components, we will get people who are genuinely enjoying their lives.

We’ve ranked the best places for students to travel in Europe on vacation. All seven European cities on this list are distinguished by the sun and the little money you need to have fun.

Puerta del Sol in the evening

One of the best destinations for your vacation is Madrid , especially if you appreciate architecture. However, Madrid is not only full of historical monuments but also places to party: clubs, bars, cafes, and discos. From the tourist area of ​​Lavapies to the fashionable Salamanca district, young people can try entertainment for every taste here.

“In Madrid, I recommend the Bar Cock, whose decor refers to private English clubs and has not changed since its opening in 1921.” noticed Elijah Schmaltz, the travel writer at PapersOwl . There are many unusual things in the bar, and they could probably tell many juicy stories.

Many celebrities and politicians, movie stars, and writers patronize El Cock, such as Antonio Resines and the Coen brothers. If you’re looking for a drink, Dry Martini, Mojito, Caipirinha, and Manhattan deserve special attention on its menu.

Woman waiting for a tram in Lisbon

Two things are constantly present in the Portuguese capital: the sun and music, the main components of youth recreation. The attractiveness of Lisbon is affordable entertainment. There are a lot of festivals and presentations in shopping centers with the participation of Portuguese and foreign performers.

Lisbon is dominated by nightlife during the summer. Discos and nightclubs, cafes, and tasting rooms beckon with offers to have fun in an exciting company. There is the possibility of inexpensive accommodation in a network of hostels and campsites.

If you enjoy outdoor activities, you won’t get bored. It’s easy to find places to go surfing, windsurfing, kiting, diving, snorkeling, sailing and motor boat trips, parachuting, and paragliding.

Eiffel tower and Paris skyline with people in the foreground. 

France’s capital city attracts youth with museums, music, and historic buildings. It is the ideal variant for spring break, but if you wish for a more boisterous place with a French flair, you should head to Ho Chi Minh City in Asia.

The cheapest way to visit Paris is to stay in hostels. Fortunately, the city has many of them.

One of the benefits of traveling as a student is the opportunity to see the culture of another country. For those who love to watch performances, we recommend theaters. You can purchase a student subscription to theaters in Paris, and it’s valid for a full year. If you don’t plan to stay that long, there’s another cool way to save money.

Suppose you want to go to a specific performance. Go to the box office 2 hours before it starts, because the remaining tickets usually go on sale half an hour in advance. Thus, you can get to the Comédie Francaise for 5-6 euros and the Opera for €8, making it very affordable for your budget. And at this low price, you can get tickets to the best places!

4. Barcelona

Barcelona pier and water illuminated at nighttime. Good spot for student travel

The capital of Spain’s Catalonia region is one of the most dynamic cities in the EU and one of the most popular places for students to visit in Europe.

Two of the most attractive districts in Barcelona are:

The Sants quarter is full of shops, of which there are about 500. Also, there are many bars and restaurants, several clubs and discos. The advantage of the quarter is that it is the central station of Barcelona, ​​where all high-speed trains (AVE) arrive. There are also several bus lines and several metro stations in the quarter. Sants is close to the central universities in Barcelona.

Vila Olimpica

In the past, Vila Olimpica was an industrial and fishing area. Then Barcelona authorities completely transformed this area for the Olympic Games. Today it is a fashionable and lively quarter of Barcelona.

At the end of Marina Street, two important buildings are called “twin towers.” We are talking about the Arts Hotel and Mafra Tower. Also, in the Vila Olympique, there is a famous sculpture of a giant fish made of bronze Peix d’Or.

This is a self-sufficient quarter where you will see many supermarkets, beauty salons, libraries, shopping centers, etc. In addition, the quarter has access to the beach, where the most famous clubs are located. Vila Olimpica is home to Pompeu Fabra University and the excellent university library.

5. Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik as seen from Mt Srd. Cheap student travel destination.

Another great place Located in the south of the historical region of Dalmatia, Dubrovnik attracts tourists of various categories, including youth.

Since 1979, the natural beauty of Dubrovnik and its national park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Be sure to take a look at the town from Mount Srđ. There is a unique observation deck – from which you can see all these orange roofs framed by sea blue.

Dubrovnik has many bars and discos, so those who like to have fun will easily choose something interesting. Around the old town, several bars are open until late at night or until the morning. And Dubrovnik has beaches, so you can get a tan as well!

If you are vacationing in Dubrovnik in August, don’t forget – every year in the Old Town there is a festival with performances and concerts. Talented people from various countries come here with their performances. Also, as a big plus for students and people with low budgets, Dubrovnik is one of the cheapest places in the EU.

6. Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca is another ideal place for a low-cost but fantastic experience. The resort is known for entertainment, constant sun, white sand, crystal clear water, and nightlife. Here, stunning landscapes rapidly replace each other. This fantastic combination of sheer coasts of the island, rocky bays, and golden sand of many kilometers of beaches have turned Mallorca into one of the most popular resorts in the Mediterranean .

Aerial view of Palma de Mallorca waterfront, beach and city.

Palma de Mallorca’s capital is an ancient town founded by the Romans, later conquered by the Arabs, and then by the Catalans. Pollensa Bay is a bohemian resort where artists and artists come for inspiration…so it’s a good destination if you’re the creative sort.

If you like to party when you travel, there is Magaluf, a famous Spanish resort in Mallorca. As a rule, British and Scandinavian youth come here, flocking to Magaluf to hang out and have non-stop parties.

Palma de Mallorca offers a wide variety of water sports along with countless bars, cafes, and restaurants to enjoy.

Porto bridge and skylilne, one of the best places for students to travel for vacation

If you’re a fan of wine or port, you’re in luck. Located in the north of Portugal, Porto has plenty of port houses to enjoy on its waterfront, and it’s in the Douro Valley, one of the best wine regions of Portugal. But that’s not all the country’s second-largest city has going for it. There are plenty of other reasons to visit Porto as well.

For one thing, Porto has a vibrant nightlife. Every night, many cafes are transformed into bars, nightclubs open, DJ concerts are thundering. Various establishments are scattered throughout Porto, from the historic center to the ocean.

Porto’s nightlife is the perfect symbiosis of the cultural mood of the town and the modern dynamics of nightlife – bright, extravagant, stylish, and fun.

Ready for a vacation in Europe?

There’s no point inlooking for “better” times to travel. That time is now! The best time to discover the world is while you’re a student! After all, you are young, thirsty for new experiences, ready for crazy ideas…and yet, you do not need super comfortable conditions.

Traveling is not as expensive as it may seem. So grab your backpack, buy a low-cost ticket, look for cheap accommodation, and go!

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Written by Linda

Linda is multilingual and has been to over 50 countries. Her insatiable love of travel, cuisine, and foreign languages inspired her to create As We Saw It, where she documents her trips, shares practical itineraries, and offers insider tips. She’s passionate about helping fellow travelers save time, money, and hassle, and loves to discover new places to explore.

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Everything You Need to Know about Traveling as a College Student

Published by rachel bicha on august 8, 2021 august 8, 2021.

Traveling as a college student can be super exciting, but it can also present a lot of new challenges—especially if you’re not used to being the one who plans the vacations. When do you go? How can you afford to travel when you’re eating ramen noodles for dinner every night? How is your phone going to work abroad? We’ve got answers to all those questions and more. Keep scrolling for 23 of our best tips on traveling as a college student.

Travel when you can. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a trip has to be long to be worth it— weekend trips are a great way to see nearby (and not-so-nearby) places and cities without spending a ton of money or disrupting your schedule too much.

Flexibility and free time are your friends . This is one of the rare periods of your life where you will have a lot of control over your schedule. How you schedule your classes, your work/jobs and summer plans can all help you make more room in your schedule for traveling. It may feel like you don’t have much time to travel, but the truth is you have way more flexibility with a student schedule than with a 9-5 and a set amount of vacation days.

Find ways to travel efficiently. Use your weekends, holidays, school breaks and other free time well. Add a day of traveling onto a long weekend so you can spend the most time traveling without missing much class or work. Traveling during holidays and school breaks is a great way to take longer trips. Take advantage of long breaks like winter and summer vacations while you have them—they won’t exist once you graduate!

college off season travel

Travel during off-season times. Take advantage of college breaks to travel—especially if it’s during an off-peak time for the place you’re going. For example, since everyone tends to head to the beach for spring break, it can be a great time to head to Europe or anywhere cooler (ski trip, anyone?). Off-season destinations have the double advantage of being cheaper than in peak season and less crowded.

Ballin’ on a budget

One of the toughest parts of traveling as a college student is traveling on a student budget . Some things to help with that too—all the student discounts, travel during off-season, etc. 

Make a budget —and stick to it before and after your trip! Plan ahead to figure out about how much things will cost, how much you can afford to spend and then stick to what you’ve planned. Need a budget guide? Check out our study abroad budget guide or our ultimate travel budget guide .

student travel

Get student discounts. Bring your student ID everywhere: it’ll score you discounts on everything from train tickets to museum passes around the world. And if you’re not sure if a place offers a student discount, just ask! The worst someone can say is no.

Buy tickets in advance when you can. You get your semester calendar in advance so use it well! Figure out when you think you can travel, check it against your class syllabi and buy your tickets asap. (Pro tip: 2-3 months out is usually the sweet spot, no need to purchase tickets a year in advance!) 

Be creative with ways to save. You can travel on the cheap without missing out on your dream destinations, you just need to get creative! Traveling with friends and splitting costs is always a good way to save money. Take public transportation when you can. Consider budget destinations or accommodations—working with your budget may mean your trip looks different than you thought it might, but it’s a good chance to stretch yourself and try things you may not have thought of otherwise.

Watch for sales. Airlines, hotels, and etc. do sales all the time—we do too! Don’t pay full price when you don’t have to. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are great times to purchase a few plane tickets for the upcoming year if you have trips planned already. If you want to get notified about our sales and upcoming deals all year long, just hop on our email list and we’ll keep you updated. 

Making plans

Double-check on your money . If you’re traveling internationally, you’ll want to check in with your bank before you go. Make sure you’re familiar with any international debit/credit card fees. Plan to take out cash in the local currency when you arrive (or order them in advance from your bank) if you’re going for a long time or if you have high international fees on your cards. Cash will also be useful at local shops and restaurants. You can also have your bank put a travel notice on your account so your purchases aren’t accidentally marked as fraud.

Double-check on your phone. If you’re traveling internationally, your regular phone plan may not work either. International data and roaming charges can add up SUPER fast, so make sure you call your phone company and see what options they have for travels abroad. You can also consider getting a local SIM card for the country you’ll be in if you’re staying for an extended period of time.

Find out the travel requirements for visas and Covid-19, if applicable. Covid-19 travel requirements are still apt to change, but you can find a list of everywhere that’s open to US travelers and requirements for entry on our blog . Don’t forget that ALL travelers (even if you’re a citizen, even if you’re vaccinated) returning to the US from an international destination need to have a negative Covid-19 test taken within 3 days prior to entry. If you need a visa for your destination, be sure to apply well in advance of your trip. Keep in mind that any transit destinations (i.e. places where you have layovers) may require visas and/or Covid-19 testing as well, even if you’re not leaving the airport. Always double check documentation requirements!

college student travel europe

Pack smart. When you’re flying, make sure you pack any essentials (medicines, essential toiletries, money, etc.) and a change of clothes or two in your carry-on bags. In the rare and unfortunate situation that your bags get lost or delayed, this will make your life a lot easier. And pack lightly, too. It’ll save your wallet (on baggage fees) and your back.

Do your research. Research the destination you’re traveling to before you actually go. Of course you’ll want to figure out where to go and what to see, but you might also want to learn a bit about the local customs and culture, too. Customs are different around the world, so if you can learn a bit before you can go, it’ll help a lot! Learn a few phrases in the local language, find out about local foods you can try while you’re there and understand some of the local customs and manners.

Finding somewhere to stay

Stay with friends. As a college student, you’ll probably meet people from tons of different places at school. Planning travels to your friends’ hometowns is a great way to see new places, hang out with your friends, and save money all at once! 

student hotels

Give hostels a chance! They’re not as common in the US so they may feel unfamiliar or weird or straight-up sketchy, but in many places, they can be awesome and a great way to save money. If you’re traveling in Europe or Southeast Asia, give hostels a try for sure! If you’re looking for a hotel, check out our student discounts on hotels.

Look at reviews. Whether it’s for Airbnb, hostels, restaurants or pretty much anything—reviews will take your trip from zero to hero really fast. Reading a few reviews will help you find the best places to stay (and eat!). Keep in mind that no matter how amazing the place is, everywhere has *some* bad reviews. Just look for places that have mostly positive reviews—that’s usually a great sign. 

The more you know

Take advantage of the chance to study abroad. Arguably the best travel opportunity as a student is studying abroad. When else are you going to have the chance to take several months to just go live, study and explore another country? If there’s a place you’ve always wanted to go, chances are good you can study abroad there. If not, talk to the study abroad office at your school and see what programs are available for your major or what programs are most popular. Australia , Italy and the UK are some of the most popular study abroad destinations, but you can study abroad almost anywhere! Wherever you go, make sure you take the chance to do it!

college student travel europe

Stay safe . Traveling is really safe, but it definitely pays off to be prepared! Travel with friends and use the buddy system or, if you’re traveling solo, check in at regular times with friends at home so they’ll know you’re safe. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your phone charged in case you get lost or need it for anything. 

Don’t be shy! There are college students and young people around the world, so don’t be afraid to make new friends when you’re traveling. Some of the best friends are the ones you meet during a trip. Some easy ways to meet people while you’re away: stay in hostels where you’ll meet other young travelers, join free walking tours of the city or go on a group tour to explore a new city with new people.

Red eye flights are your friend. Red-eyes will save you money (they’re usually a lot cheaper) and time, since you’ll be traveling when you’d usually just be sleeping anyways. And more money again, since you won’t have to pay for a hotel room when you spend the night on a plane. Triple win. 

student travel

Early bird gets the ‘gram. The secret to the perfect insta ? Early mornings. Get out early if you want to get pics of really instagrammable spots without a ton of crowds in them. 

Beat the jetlag. Fight through the jetlag as much as possible so you can explore as much as you can. Resist the urge to nap too much throughout the day, as it’ll only make the jetlag worse. Try to adjust yourself to sleeping and eating in time with your new time zone as soon as you arrive. Even if the first few days are rough, it’ll help in the long run!

Read the fine print when you’re booking travel . Whether it’s flights, hotels, activities or something else, travel purchases usually come with fine print. Make sure you know the details of your travel. Are your flights are refundable or not? Do you have to use your train tickets for a certain time only and are they flexible? Do your reservations have additional fees you’ll have to pay at checkout?

Want more travel deals and advice on traveling as a college student? Jump on our email list and we’ll send you everything straight to your inbox.

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College Study Abroad


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study abroad student in hammock porch

Explore 40+ Study Abroad Locations

Featured study abroad programs .

At CIEE, we offer a variety of college study abroad programs covering semester, summer, and January terms. In addition to studying internationally, we provide internships abroad where students gain professional skills and experience in real-world work environments. Learn more about our comprehensive college study abroad programs and international internships below.

Featured Study Abroad Programs

spring semester students abroad copenhagen denmark

Spring Study Programs

Study abroad on one of CIEE's spring programs! Start planning your adventure today.

buenos aires fall students coast

Fall Study Programs

Kick off the school year by studying or interning abroad during the Fall semester.

interns abroad virtual internship computer

Intern Abroad

Dive into an international internship (in-person, virtual, for-credit - your choice!).

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CIEE provides study abroad programs in some of the world's top locations, from Spain and Italy to South Korea and Australia . With 150+ programs in over 30 countries, your dream study abroad destination is just a few clicks away!

Trending Study Abroad Destinations

historic building in barcelona city center sunny

Study abroad in Spain with CIEE on one of our top study programs in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Alcalá de Henares, or Palma de Mallorca.

seoul buddha statue in city center

South Korea

Study abroad in South Korea with CIEE in Seoul and put your Korean lanuage skills to the test, all while learning more about Korean culture.

Umbrellas in Italy

Study abroad in Italy with CIEE in Rome, Florence, or Milan where you can explore Italian culture, language, fashion, cuisine, and more.

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Why choose ciee.

pottery class cape town students smile

High-Quality Study Abroad Programs

For more than 75 years, CIEE has set the standard for study abroad programs.

Academics:  Our rigorous academic programs extend outside the classroom walls, offering you the experience and skills you need to succeed in your college career and beyond.

Cultural Immersion:  We offer you the life-changing opportunity to travel abroad and live like a local, rounding out your experience with exciting cultural excursions and activities.

Student Support:  Our resident directors and staff, highly trained support teams, and health & safety specialists are with you at every step of your journey.

students abroad amman ride bus

$8+ Million in Scholarships and Grants

CIEE is committed to helping every student – regardless of socioeconomic background or academic major – access a transformative study abroad experience. If you’re looking to travel abroad, but are worried about covering the costs, CIEE offers a variety of study abroad scholarships & grants for students with demonstrated financial need and proven academic merit.

CIEE maintains many partnerships  to help students grow academically, professionally, and personally through study abroad. 

Explore Scholarships & Grants

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Flexibility To Design Your Own Program

With  CIEE's Open Campus Block Program , you can design your very own study abroad program to include up to three different locations. Feel free to build your own program using our custom study abroad tool, spin the globe , or take a look at experiences around some of our most popular open campus combinations!

Build Your Own Program

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Health & Safety

Living abroad means a new environment and lifestyle - two things that can affect your  health and safety . With planning and awareness, living abroad can be a very healthy, safe, and rewarding experience for you.

CIEE has partnered with experts in producing resources that address health concerns for students who are thinking about studying abroad. As a founding member of the Interassociational Advisory Committee on Safety and Responsibility in Study Abroad, we are committed to the operation of safe and secure study experiences.

College Study Abroad Blogs

french slang words study abroad

Top 20 French Slang Words and Phrases You Must Know

France, a country renowned for its rich culture, beautiful language, and vibrant history, is also home to a dynamic and ever-evolving lexicon of slang. From the bustling streets of Paris... keep reading

  • Activities & Excursions
  • Foreign Language
  • Planning/Packing

internship abroad cost

How Much do Internships Abroad Cost?

In today’s globalized world, internships abroad have become invaluable to students’ future careers – essential, even. International experience offers life-changing outcomes from personal growth to professional training to exposure to... keep reading

  • Internships

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Questions About College Study Abroad

Put simply, study abroad is when a student pursues their academic goals in a foreign country. By studying abroad, students learn more about different cultures, languages, people, and more, transforming their global perspective and cultural understanding. 

Read more: What is Study Abroad? Everything You Need to Know!

Yes! Students who study with CIEE can earn college credit abroad for specific courses they take. We recommend that students check with their campus study abroad office prior to leaving for their program to ensure that course credits can be counted. 

Search all Courses

Yes, CIEE study abroad is a legit study abroad organization that was founded in 1947 with the mission of promoting international education and exchange. Headquartered in Portland, Maine, CIEE aims to humanize international relations and foster peace through international educational programs that promote intercultural understanding.

Check out our full list of study abroad programs!

Studying abroad can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be, but in general, the cost to study abroad can range anywhere from $3,650 for January programs to $19,968 or more for semester programs . The cost of studying abroad varies depending on several factors, including:

  • Program type
  • Length of study

While the cost of study abroad programs for college students is constantly changing, CIEE program fees typically include all essentials outside of airfare and meals. This typically includes tuition, housing, pre-departure advising, orientation, on-side staff and 24/7 emergency support, cultural activities, and travel protection. Read more: Study Abroad Scholarships & Grants

While the length of your study abroad program varies based on your study abroad program provider, CIEE offers four different study abroad program durations:

  • Semester Programs:  Fall or spring semester study abroad programs typically last 15-17 weeks.
  • Summer Programs :  A single summer session lasts four weeks, but students can choose to enroll in one, two, or three consecutive sessions for a full summer abroad.
  • January Programs :  January study abroad programs are typically between two and three weeks long.
  • Open Campus Block Programs :  Open Campus Block programs allow students to design their own custom study abroad programs that last for six, 12, or up to 18 consecutive weeks.

If you’re wondering how to study abroad in college , follow these simple steps:

  • Search our study abroad programs and find one that you love!
  • Ensure program dates, expenses, financial aid, courses, etc. fit into your goals
  • Connect with your campus study abroad office
  • Start your application

Read more: How Does Studying Abroad Work?

There are countless benefits of studying abroad in college, from getting out of your comfort zone by connecting with new cultures and languages, to making new friends and gaining a new perspective on the world. Not to mention if you complete an internship abroad , you’ll boost your resume with real-world international work experience.

Read more: Benefits of Study Abroad

CIEE Study Abroad Reviews

"I absolutely loved the program - classes were structured well and the professors are amazing. CIEE is very supportive and also efficient with housing."

Ella S. | Spring 2022 | Seville, Spain

"CIEE Study Abroad is an incredible program providing the students to experience different culture and appreciate the opportunities to widely open their eyes."

Linda L. | Spring 2022 | Dublin, Ireland

"The classes were super personalized and my professors recommended so many things in Prague as well as took us on a variety of field trips that made Prague feel more like home."

Brynn C. | Spring 2022 | Prague, Czech Republic

"They genuinely care about every student and did everything they could to ensure the students enjoyed their time abroad."

Noel S. | Summer 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark

"It was an amazing experience. I felt truly immersed in the culture and environment of my host country. I also made friendshops that will last a lifetime."

Emma S. | Summer 2022 | Monteverde, Costa Rica

cape town students at cliff overlook sun

CIEE School of Record: Tulane University

Tulane University serves as CIEE's School of Record for all CIEE Study College Abroad programs. Tulane University is one of the nation’s premier research universities with highly respected academic programs in many of the fastest-growing academic areas of interest for international study, including architecture, engineering, technology, public health, business, liberal arts, and world languages.

The university is fully accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, as well as by leading academic organizations in the areas of engineering, architecture, public health, and business.

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college student travel europe

Best. Summer. Ever.

New friends. New cultures. New adventures. Seeing where this is going? This is the summer of new. So get away to Costa Rica for a week, or explore every corner of Europe for weeks on end. It’s like study abroad, without the whole classroom thing.

BIG summer adventures

Fast-paced, multi-country tours.

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Ultimate Europe

A 35-day, cross-continent odyssey.

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European Road Trip

An iconic 17-day adventure.

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Highlights of Europe

24 days of European awe.

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Grand Tour of Europe

One month. Every bucket-list destination.

More summer trips

Down to the last deet.

Trips curated to travel perfection, with so much included and lots to obsess over.

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Multilingual Tour Director & local guides

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Private deluxe motorcoach

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Hand-picked accomodations

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Welcome Dinner with drinks

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Daily breakfast & three-course Farewell Dinner

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Metro passes

college student travel europe

Entrances to popular attractions

See everything you get →

A man and woman smiling at each other in front of white buildings on a cliff by the ocean.

Why go with EF Ultimate Break

Summer break faqs, .css-1m22qs9{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background:none;border:0;color:inherit;display:grid;font-size:17px;font-weight:700;line-height:1.2;grid-template-columns:1fr auto;margin:0;padding:16px;text-align:left;width:100%;}.css-1m22qs9 path{stroke:#191919;} how do i book one of your summer break trips .css-xxs3zl{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}@media print{.css-xxs3zl{display:none;}}.

We make it easy for college students to book summer travel. Whether you’re looking for a quick getaway or a longer, study-abroad alternative, we have an array of trips to amazing destinations all over the world. To book, just browse our itineraries by destination or departure date. If you have questions, our expert Trip Consultants are standing by—just chat or call and they’ll answer questions, help you pick a destination, and set you up with a payment plan.

I’m a broke college student! How do people afford EF Ultimate Break trips?

Good news: we offer tons of payment plans perfect for the college budget. Check out our payment plans to see how we make summer break affordable for college students. And did we mention you could travel for free? Sign up to become a Brand Ambassador and you could get discounts and free travel when you sign up your friends.

Any discounts if I book with a group of friends?

You can save in a few ways if you book for a group. For starters, you can save money by referring other college students who book your trip (or even a different one). If you’re planning a trip with friends from college, call in and talk to a Trip Consultant. They’ll make sure you get the right discount and even set things up so you can room together.

What makes a summer trip with EF Ultimate Break different?

We. Plan. Everything. For real. We know you’re busy with school, friends, and more, so we take the stress out of travel and plan trips exclusively for college students and make them accessible with a ton of payment options. Each of our trips is led by a rockstar Tour Director who makes you feel at home when you’re away from home. Plus important things like flights and accommodations are included in the up-front cost. Long story short: we make travel easy for college students.

Which EF Ultimate Break trips are best for summertime?

It depends on what you’re looking for. Want a short getaway before heading back to college? Check out Costa Rica or our other shorter, warm-weather Latin America trips like Belize, Peru, or Colombia. Want to country hop across Europe with other college students and see...well, everything? We got you. Ultimate Europe is a 35-day odyssey that has your entire bucket list covered. The real answer, though, is that you can’t go wrong! Explore all our trips and find a summer break escape that's right for you.

Can I book solo? My friends are being lame.

Of course! This is group travel for college students, so new friends are built right into the trip. About 60% of our travelers book solo , so you won’t be alone in traveling on your own.

Is an EF Ultimate Break trip safe?

This one’s for all the parents out there. Health and safety is a major priority on our trips. We’re approved by the World Travel & Tourism Council and have global staff available 24/7 if anything comes up. For information on COVID-19 and how it relates to college travel, check out our safety FAQs here .

Do you have long trips? I want to travel but can’t study abroad.

Yes! We have a bunch of longer trips for college students that take you all across Europe. You’ll dive into culture, art, food, architecture...literally everything that Europe has to offer. These are perfect summer break trips for college students and are ideal for anyone not studying abroad but wanting to explore the world.

college student travel europe

How to Travel as a College Student

I adore taking trips. I've often said that my travels serve as my "anti-drug." That's the actual state of affairs. There is nothing more enjoyable than traveling to a new location and getting to know a new city. I made a commitment to travel whenever I could when I entered college after high school.

Looking back at my college years, I successfully did that. As an undergrad, I visited several cities, such as  Miami , NYC, Las Vegas, and Nashville. People would ask me, "Aren't college students supposed to be broke?" In today's post, I discuss different ways to travel as a college student. It's going to be easier than you thought. Participating in illegal activities was not one of them! Cheap student travel can happen.

Stay With Friends or Family

The 1st way to travel as a college student was to stay with family or friends. On some of the trips that I went on, I stayed with friends. I was there if they had an extra couch or decent floor space. I easily saved a couple of hundred dollars by doing that. It took the stress out of trying to find a hotel or other lodging place.

Use Some of Your Student Refund

We're up to number three on the list of how to travel as a college student. I will be the first to say I never purchased a car or expensive clothes with my student refund. However, I did use some of my refund for a few trips. There may be better decisions than this, especially if your refund is student loan money. You will eventually have to pay back. Just keeping it real, some of my refund was from  student loans . I don't regret using it to travel at all. It allowed me to see other cities besides Atlanta and  Savannah . My comfort zone expanded because of that. I'm sure the same will happen to you. Just spend your refund sparingly.

Work a PT Job

I worked a part-time job during the majority of my college days. At one of my jobs, I was a busser at a restaurant. I made GREAT money there. After I had paid a couple of bills I had each month, I saved a decent amount for travel. A couple of road trips and fraternity conferences were paid for with that money. The crazy thing was that I didn't get a car until the summer before my senior year. I found several ways to get to that job before then.

Travel as a Group

The most common way I saved money was to travel with a group. There were numerous road trips where 4-5 of us would pile into someone's car and split the gas and hotel charges. If we knew someone that lived in the city that we were visiting, we would save even more money by just having to pay for gas. Numerous road trips cost less than $60 per person because of this strategy.

If you're going to do group travel, make sure that you and the people you're traveling with are on one accord. Out of all the group trips I've been on, I only had one that started badly. To keep it short, I will say that I had to book a room at another hotel to keep people from potentially fighting. Most of the group came with me, while three stayed at the original hotel. Once we separated from them, the trip turned out great.

Study Abroad Program

 Studying abroad is an excellent way for college students to gain new experiences, meet new people, and travel the world. By participating in a study abroad program, you can earn a global perspective on your studies in college, experience new cultures and lifestyles, and develop valuable skills that will help you in your career.

The way it works is that you apply for a study abroad program through your college or university. The application may be required to include letters of recommendation from faculty members, an essay describing why you want to participate in the program, and a statement of financial resources. Once accepted into the program, you will typically work with a study abroad advisor who will help you with your travel details, such as the logistics of flights and accommodations.

Backpacking your way through another country is a great way to see the sights and experience new cultures firsthand. One of the benefits is that you will have more freedom to explore on your own and decide where to go and what to do, depending on your interests and preferences. There are many ways to backpack – from backpacking across Europe using the Eurail pass to taking a tour of national parks in the United States to trekking through a remote country on foot.

Remember that you will need to be flexible and adaptable to travel on a backpacker's budget . You may need to stay in inexpensive hostels or guesthouses or camp outdoors in a tent. If you plan to go backpacking on your own, you should have some basic survival skills, such as knowing how to read a map, set up camp, and find your way in the wilderness.

Hostels are another popular way for college students to travel affordably. These accommodations typically offer rooms where you share a bathroom with other guests or dorm-style accommodations with bunk beds. There are common areas where you can hang out, meet fellow travelers, or even work on your laptop.

Although there are many benefits to staying in hostels, such as low cost and social opportunities, it is essential to research before you book a room. For example, consider the hostel's location and whether it is safe for women travelers. Also, find out what amenities are offered – for example, many hostels will have a shared kitchen where you can cook your own meals.

Exchange Progam

Another popular way for college students to travel is through an exchange program. This program allows you to study at a foreign university while paying your regular tuition at your home university. There are typically exchange programs through student organizations or universities themselves.

If you decide to participate in an exchange program, you will need to work with your college or university to get approved for the program. You will typically need to pass a test of your language skills, provide a statement of financial resources, and meet other requirements depending on the program.

Volunteer Abroad

If you have a strong interest in volunteering abroad, many organizations can help you find volunteer opportunities. These types of programs may take place in foreign countries for periods of a week or longer.

When you volunteer abroad, you typically work with local organizations and communities to help with various projects. For example, you may help to construct houses, teach English in schools, mentor children, or work on agricultural projects.

While participating in a volunteer program can be very rewarding, it is essential to do research before signing up for one. Consider what type of project you would like to work on and ensure that your skills match the program's needs. Also, find out what training or support will be offered and what steps you need to take to get started.

This article was published on My Money Chronicles .

How to Travel the World as a College Student


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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

The Best Credit Cards for Students Who Want to Travel

Young man with backpack in airport looking at a flight timetable

Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by any of these entities. This page does not include all card companies or all available card offers.

While I didn’t take my first international trip until after I graduated college (I went to Costa Rica when I was 23), being a college student doesn’t mean you have to skip out on travel. From studying abroad to gap years to spring break trips, there are a lot of ways to travel while in school.

However, students usually don’t have a lot of money which makes affording trips abroad challenging.

Fortunately, there are lots of ways to save for a trip on a budget. One of the best ways to do this is by getting a rewards credit card.

Since students don’t have a credit history and may not have an income yet, it will be hard to get approved for the travel credit cards with the most rewards .

The good news is that banks know this, and many have created cards specifically designed for students. These are easier to get approved for (banks don’t expect you to have a credit history as a student), so that you can start building credit and using those rewards to help you travel for cheap!

Here’s my list of the best credit cards for students:

Table of Contents

MY TOP PICK: Capital One SavorOne Student Cash Rewards Credit Card

Bank of america travel rewards student credit card, chime credit builder visa® credit card, tips for getting a credit card as a student, frequently asked questions about credit cards for students.

Here’s a look at the main benefits of the card:

  • bonus_miles_full
  • 3% cash back on dining, entertainment, popular streaming services, and grocery stores
  • 5% cash back on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel
  • 8% cash back on Capital One Entertainment purchases
  • 10% cash back on purchases on Uber and Uber Eats
  • Uber One monthly membership fee covered through November 14, 2024
  • Travel accident insurance
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • No annual fee

  If you want a more straightforward card, Capital One also offers the card_name . It offers nearly all the same benefits, except instead of the different bonus categories, you’ll get an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases. The Quicksilver also comes in a secured version if you can’t get approved for an unsecured card.

With this card, you’ll get:

  • 25,000 Online Bonus Points after making $1,000 USD in purchases in the first 90 days
  • Unlimited 1.5 points per $1 USD spent on all purchases

Learn more  

The downsides are that there’s no welcome bonus and you must open a Chime checking account to use the card (though as a student, you may be opening your first account anyway). Unlike most secured cards, there’s no set credit limit, which you create yourself with the money you deposit into your Chime checking account (which you then use to pay off your balance).

  • No interest charges
  • No minimum security deposit required
  • No credit check (so there’s no impact on your current score)
  • The ability to set your own credit limit
  • An easy-to-use app to manage your account and card

(Note: To apply for Credit Builder, you must have received a single qualifying direct deposit of $200 or more to your Chime® Checking Account. The qualifying direct deposit must be from your employer, payroll provider, gig economy payer, or benefits payer by Automated Clearing House (ACH) deposit OR Original Credit Transaction (OCT). Bank ACH transfers, Pay Anyone transfers, verification or trial deposits from financial institutions, peer to peer transfers from services such as PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo, mobile check deposits, cash deposits, one-time direct deposits, such as tax refunds and other similar transactions, and any deposit to which Chime deems to not be a qualifying direct deposit are not qualifying direct deposits.)

Getting your first card can be a bit intimidating as you may not know how credit cards work . But it doesn’t have to be.

Using credit cards responsibly starts with building healthy habits. As long as you pay off your entire balance each month, your regular purchases can work for you, earning rewards that can be used for future travel.

It’s a good idea to start building credit as soon as you can, not only to reap the benefits of rewards cards but also to establish a lengthy credit history that can help you in other aspects of life. At some point in the future, you may want to buy a house, lease a car, apply for a business loan, or do other activities that require a credit check. (Some apartments and even some jobs require it.) So the earlier you start building a credit history, the better.

Certain credit cards are specifically designed for students, with an easier approval process that requires no credit history and lower spending limits that are in line with the limited (or nonexistent) income of a student.

Requirements for student cards may include:

  • Proof of enrollment
  • If under 21, an income source (e.g., part-time job, scholarship, or grant)
  • A minimum age of 18
  • A Social Security number
  • US citizenship or permanent residency

Note: Student cards are designed for people with no credit. If you’re rebuilding your credit, check out the best credit cards for those with bad credit .

How do I get a credit card as a student? Getting a credit card can be as simple as applying for cards geared towards students, like those listed above. Many even offer a pre-approval process, meaning you can see if you’ll be approved without having an impact on your score. You can also contact your local bank or credit union for information, as they may have a card for you as well.

Can I get a credit card if I’m a full-time student? Yes! The cards above (along with many others) are geared toward students, even if you’re studying full-time.

At what age can students get a credit card? Students can start applying for credit cards at the age of 18, though requirements can make it difficult to be approved (you’ll have to prove independent income). Your best option for building credit if you’re between the ages of 18 and 21 is to get either a secured credit card or a student credit card. You can also become an authorized user on someone else’s card.

After age 21, restrictions fall away, and it becomes easier to get a regular, unsecured credit card.

Can I get a credit card as a student with no income? If you’re under 21, you’ll have to prove independent income. However, depending on the card issuer, they may accept student loans, grants, or scholarships as proof of income. If you have someone who can co-sign for you, some credit card issuers may allow a co-signer’s income to count toward approval.

What happens to my student card when I graduate? Most student credit cards have a non-student version. In many cases, when you graduate, your account, along with its limits and history, will simply be converted to that option. In other cases, you’ll want to upgrade or open a new account. But even if you open other cards and don’t use that account as much, you’ll want to keep it open to maintain the length of your credit history.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to wait until you graduate college to start building a credit history and earning rewards. Not only will a card help you earn cheap (or free) travel, but you’ll learn how credit cards work and establish healthy financial habits that will help you throughout your life!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Nomadic Matt has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. Some or all of the card offers on this page are from advertisers and compensation may impact how and where card products appear on the site. Nomadic Matt and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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person tapping a credit card to make a purchase


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Summer College Tours: Who to Meet and What to Do

Summer allows for longer college visits, but some parts of campus may be closed and some people unavailable.

Summer College Tours Checklist

A group of young people are walking up a set of stairs. They are carrying backpacks and handbags. Scene is casual and relaxed

Getty Images

Whether students are set on a major or still exploring, one of the top priorities should be asking to visit a building where they might spend a lot of their time.

Key takeaways:

  • Summer visits allow you to spend more time on campus.
  • Professors and others may be unavailable and some buildings may be closed.
  • Plan visits when you can meet in person with someone.

While many students and families take college visits during the school year, the summer is still a busy time for college admissions offices to coordinate campus visits. With students not bound by a school schedule or single-day campus tours during the school year, the summer offers more flexibility for students and parents to spend a longer time or multiple days on campus.

“The summer really is an ideal time for that exploration," says Kent Barnds, vice president of admissions, financial aid, and communication and marketing at Augustana College in Illinois. "There’s a little greater flexibility on a college campus then to accommodate visits. Summer is sometimes an ideal time for a student and a family that is at the beginning of the college search and may be a little uncertain about what they want."

Summer visits often allow students and families to explore campus more freely and find parking more easily, says Kelly Nolin, director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Montana .

A less-crowded campus can also be good for students who may feel anxious about the college experience and can be a less-intimidating way for them to acclimate to a campus environment, she adds.

But it also means students won't get a sense of what the campus feels like when everyone is there, Nolin says. Families should also be aware that some professors may not be available and some offices or buildings may be closed or inaccessible during the summer.

But experts say that with some planning and coordination, families can still schedule effective campus visits. Here are some tips for planning summer college tours.

Be Intentional When Planning a Visit

While it's less frequent than during the academic year, some colleges hold formal visit days during the summer to ensure people from certain offices are present, such as financial aid, academic advising , counseling, residence life and career services. Augustana does this each summer, Barnds says, and he encourages families to plan their visits on those days if possible.

An alternative would be to coordinate with a person or office your student sees as a priority, such as a coach for a prospective athlete or a professor in their field of interest, and schedule an in-person meeting with them – then plan the rest of the visit around that. Families who show up unannounced hoping to see certain people or buildings may not have much luck, Barnds says.

“It never hurts to ask if that meeting might be available, but I do think that students and families have to temper their expectations about who may be available on any given day," he says. "That’s one of the reasons why one of the formal days might be better visit opportunities, because usually college campuses might be mobilizing more resources."

Employees on 12-month contracts, such as those in career services , financial aid and residence life , will likely be on campus, Barnds says, but Nolin says it's still best to plan a meeting ahead of time, preferably at least two weeks in advance. Admissions counselors can often help with this.

"Counselors are a great resource for not just the time on campus but for what families might want to do in the area," she says. "They can recommend other things to check out. They can also set realistic expectations for who is and who isn’t on campus."

Who to Meet and What to See on Campus Visits

A crucial part of an effective college visit is getting questions answered and having conversations about important parts of the college experience, such as available courses, extracurricular activities , residence life, joining a Greek organization and what's available through student support services.

Visiting certain buildings and offices and meeting with specific campus personnel can also help students make informed college decisions. Here's who and what should be on that list, experts say.

Speak With Tour Guides

Barnds, who is also Augustana's executive vice president for strategy and innovation, says the most important resource during summer visits is often the student tour guide.

"That experience of going on a campus tour with a current student, having the ability to ask that current student questions, that’s the most important part of that summer visit experience," he says.

If possible, students should elect to take a guided rather than self-guided tour so that someone is there to answer questions or provide access to buildings that might otherwise be closed, he says.

Visit Primary Study Buildings and Meet With Faculty

College tours sometimes take students through campus without entering buildings. Whether students are set on a major or still exploring, one of the top priorities should be asking to visit a building where they might spend a lot of their time, Barnds says.

For example, a prospective biology major should ask to see a lab, while a prospective journalism student should ask to see the journalism building or student publications office.

Nolin adds that students should also visit the campus library and university center, and meet with faculty or other academic representatives in their prospective major.

"This might not be a faculty member since many professors are not on campus during the summer," Nolin says. "However, they may be able to talk with a departmental adviser or recruiter."

Though some professors are off campus or out of town conducting research during the summer, some may still be local and available to meet in person either in their office or at an off-campus location such as a coffee shop. Others may be open to meeting virtually, Barnds says.

Eat at the Campus Dining Center

Some schools require residential students, especially first-year students , to purchase a meal plan , which can cost between $3,000 and $5,500, or much more in some cases. Because of that, and the number of meals students will likely eat on campus , experts say visiting students should eat at least one meal on campus. Some schools provide at least one complimentary meal as part of the visit.

"Summer is a good time to try out the dining center because it’s a lot less crowded, although choices may be limited," Nolin says. "It’s most important for students with allergies or food intolerances to try a meal while visiting so they can make sure their nutritional needs will be met."

If the dining center is closed, Barnds encourages students to ask current students or campus employees to recommend several local restaurants where students often enjoy eating. This allows prospective students to get a taste of what’s available in town and experience the atmosphere off campus.

Tour a Residence Hall

Some schools require first-year students to live on campus , but some students may choose to do so for convenience or other reasons even as upperclassmen. Experts say visiting students should ask to see a residence hall building and a dorm room while on their visit if it's not part of the tour.

These visits can typically be set up through the school's residence life office, and some schools have a model dorm room for students to tour while visiting.

Meet With Student Services and Other Support Personnel

Some students may need additional support while in college, whether for academic tutoring, mental health counseling, physical or learning disability accommodations or special health needs and accommodations. Others may want to meet with people in the diversity office, a campus religious ministry or the health center.

Scheduling those meetings over the summer may allow for more meetings and in-depth conversations with the appropriate people, experts say. Knowing where those offices are located, who to contact and what services are available is important to ask about on a summer campus tour, Barnds says.

"Those are sometimes the facilities people don’t see on their campus tours but are the most important facilities once they actually get to a campus," he says.

Searching for a college? Get our  complete rankings  of Best Colleges.

14 Tips for an Effective College Visit

Close up of a group of college students entering the university

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  8. 7 Tips for Budget Student Travel in Europe

    The cost of traveling and living in Croatia skyrocketed immediately. 3. Avoid the Tourist Hotspots During High Season When and Where Possible. When sketching out your travel plans, remember that many of Europe's most famous cities — the ones you've likely been dreaming about — can also be the most expensive.

  9. Student Trips & Educational Tours Europe

    Learning outside the classroom is crucial, and that's why WorldStrides is accredited by the same educational bodies across North America and Canada that accredit K-12 schools. It allows us to offer students high school and college preparatory credit, and teachers free professional development. We even have a dedicated Curriculum and Academics ...

  10. Top European Travel Tips for College Students

    The Best Tips for College Students Traveling Around Europe. Georgia went to Europe last summer, visiting seven countries in three weeks. If you're studying abroad there, her tips might make your trip even better! ... Originally Posted: Jun 7, 2018. Bookmark. Last summer my sister and I were lucky enough to travel to seven European countries for ...

  11. Europe Student Travel Teen Tours

    TFT is the leader in European teen travel. Not only do we have 20 years of on the ground experience, but we also offer the largest variety of programs of any teen travel company. ... Greece Island Hopping Summer Break for College Students Cultural Exploration, For College Students. Dates. Jun 18 - Jun 28 Full; Current Grades. ages 19-22 ...

  12. 7 Best Destinations for Cheap Student Travel in Europe

    7 Best Destinations for Cheap Student Travel in Europe. / europe, bulgaria, croatia, czechia, hungary, poland, serbia, travel / By The BeauTraveler Team. The world does not stop reminding us that college years are one of the best periods. Everyone has high expectations for this stage and wants to remember it for life.

  13. 7 Best Places for Students to Travel in Europe

    ALSO READ: 10 Crazy and Unusual Things to Do in Paris. 4. Barcelona. The capital of Spain's Catalonia region is one of the most dynamic cities in the EU and one of the most popular places for students to visit in Europe. Two of the most attractive districts in Barcelona are:

  14. Gap Year Programs in Europe

    For centuries, Europe has been the region of choice for students and travelers wanting to enrich themselves and do some exploring. Taking a year between high school and college or college and grad school provides the opportunity to see the world, make memories, learn new skills, and clarify career goals.

  15. Summer Study Abroad

    Shake Up Your Summer with Study Abroad! Summer is the perfect time for a change of scenery. Your dreams - both personal and academic - can come true as you explore dozens of summer study abroad programs around the world. Our summer programs for college students allow you to intern in Dublin, learn Korean at Yonsei University, study the roots of apartheid in Cape Town, and so much more.

  16. Everything You Need to Know about Traveling as a College Student

    One of the toughest parts of traveling as a college student is traveling on a student budget. Some things to help with that too—all the student discounts, travel during off-season, etc. Make a budget —and stick to it before and after your trip! Plan ahead to figure out about how much things will cost, how much you can afford to spend and ...

  17. Trips for Young Adults

    AESU is a tour operator specializing in fun-filled trips in Europe, Asia and South America, for students, young adults, and young alumni. ... Unique trips for recent college grads, young alumni, and traditional alumni travelers. ... See the world and study abroad with customized programs for professors and travel planners. Any age group, any ...

  18. Ultimate Europe

    Aug 23 -Sep 26 $5,639 Essential. Sep 11 -Oct 15 $5,639 Essential. Sep 11 -Oct 15 $6,939 Plus. Sep 24 -Oct 28 $5,639 Essential. Discover your place in the world while immersing yourself in it on a 35-day adventure through Europe. Book Ultimate Europe today!

  19. College Study Abroad

    For more than 75 years, CIEE has set the standard for study abroad programs. Academics: Our rigorous academic programs extend outside the classroom walls, offering you the experience and skills you need to succeed in your college career and beyond. Cultural Immersion: We offer you the life-changing opportunity to travel abroad and live like a local, rounding out your experience with exciting ...

  20. Student travel programs

    We bottled some of this event's magic in our student Summit video recap. He gives the best guided tours of Spain —and he inspired his family to become local guides, too. Hundreds of destinations. Endless possibilities. EF Educational Tours offers student tours at the lowest prices guaranteed. Learn why teachers and parents choose EF for ...

  21. The Best Way to Travel Young

    Perfect for college students, young professionals & anyone 18-35 looking for an adventure. ... Not that you needed another reason to travel, but now you have a great excuse—trips are on sale until 5/31! ... Find your trip, pay over time—we'll handle the rest. Travel BFFs included. Popular trips. Ultimate Europe. 35 days, 14 cities. Save ...

  22. Summer Study Abroad Programs for 2024

    Average costs of tuition. The cost of tuition will vary by country and length of your program. You will also find differences in price between enrolling directly at a university or studying abroad through a third-party provider. Generally, on average summer programs can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $8,000 USD.

  23. #1 for College Summer Break Trips

    Do you have long trips? I want to travel but can't study abroad. Accommodations, activities, breakfasts all included—monthly payment plans available. The best way to go abroad for college summer break. Affordable group travel for college students and anyone 18-35. Visit Europe, Asia, South America and beyond!

  24. How to Travel as a College Student

    Stay With Friends or Family. The 1st way to travel as a college student was to stay with family or friends. On some of the trips that I went on, I stayed with friends. I was there if they had an ...

  25. 13 Best Places to Study Abroad in 2024

    🎓 Top universities: Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Barcelona, Technical University of Catalonia 📚 Fields of study: Spanish, Hispanic Studies, Science, Modern Languages, Sports Science 💰 Avg cost of tuition for a semester (direct enrollment): $2,000 - $5,000 USD. According to the QS 2023 report, Barcelona is one of the best cities to live in the world as a student ...

  26. Bronx students share their life-changing European travel experiences

    On the 10-day all-expenses-paid trip, they gained once-in-a-lifetime experiences like learning about the history of the Colosseum in Italy and making tapas in Spain. The participants were chosen ...

  27. Best Credit Cards for Students Who Travel (Updated 2024)

    MY TOP PICK: Capital One SavorOne Student Cash Rewards Credit Card. Capital One has some of the best travel credit cards out there, and they offer several fantastic student options too. This card has several bonus categories in which you can earn even more for your purchases, including 3% cash back on dining and grocery purchases, and a stellar 10% cash back on Uber and Uber Eats.

  28. Summer College Tours: Who to Meet and What to Do

    Visit Primary Study Buildings and Meet With Faculty. College tours sometimes take students through campus without entering buildings. Whether students are set on a major or still exploring, one of ...