Classic Traveller Character Generator

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Classic Traveller Character Generator

Cosmic Canvas

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A suite of free generation tools for the Traveller Role Playing Game.

FreeTrader Ship

Building a galaxy?

Here are some tools, t.a.s. - traveller assembly system.

Need an NPC quick? A ship's crew? The Traveller Assembly System is here to help. Based on the Classic Traveller Character Generator by Paul Gorman , T.A.S. is designed to get you crewed up quickly...if they survive creation...

Assemble Travellers

StarScribe - Subsector Generator

StarScribe lets you quickly and easily build out a subsector of space. It randomly populates an 8x10 grid and integrates with WorldWeaver for planet details. It's still a Work in Progress , so it's not pretty, but it can save you 80 dice rolls.

Scribe Sectors

WorldWeaver - Planet Generator

Players veer off course? Finding yourself in uncharted space? WorldWeaver randomly generates a Universal World Profile for a planet in Markdown format, allowing for quick integration into your own notes.

Weave Worlds

Never heard of Traveller?

" Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of the Far future . Humanity has gone to the stars and found them crowded with other forms of life and other sentient races, and science and technology have advanced vastly over the present day - but the essential nature of humanity is unchanged. Life continues as it does today, only spread out over the sea of stars . "

- Traveller Core Rulebook, 2008 Edition

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Here's a great break down.

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These tools can help...

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use RNG to help you construct original themes and content without brain drain.

adapt to unpredictable scenarios

alter course or adjust encounters on the fly when players throw the inevitable wrench in the gears.

... and more!

Happy Travelling !

Scout Ship

MegaTraveller Basic Character Generator

Decision making, character summary.

classic traveller character generator

TRAVELLER Character Generator

Traveller Character Generator

Welcome to my Traveller Character Generators based on the Mongoose Rule sets.

Click the links below to start creating your character.

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Science Fiction Tabletop Roleplaying Games

  • September 3, 2022

Classic Traveller Character generator

Expanding the Classic Traveller Character Generator to include alien races is a new initiative of mine! This enhancement will undoubtedly enrich the gameplay experience for both players and Game Masters. Adding diversity and unique traits for alien species can open up new storytelling possibilities and immerse players even deeper into the Traveller universe.

The Classic Traveller Character Generator is a Java Script program originally written by Paul Gorman. Frank Filz have been contributing to it, and his web site links to his version. There is also the original source code link below.

I have taken a different approach and will be adding the alien races to the character generator in the coming months.

  • Classic Traveller Character Generator with Supplement 4

The options are documented in the sections below:

URL Parameters Example:

  • debug  – show all the rolls plus a few extra decision making steps
  • verbose  – show all the rolls
  • none  – don’t show the history at all
  • any other value  – results in a simplified history, the default

Specify a preferred service instead of random.

Specify the minimum score for the preferred service (applies to the random service if a preferred service is not specified). The score is normally the enlistment bonus the character has for a particular service.

The selection algorithm normally takes the preferred service (random or using the service option above) and starts with the enlistment bonus for that service. It then checks each service in order, if the examined service has a higher enlistment bonus that the currently selected service, it switches. If they are the same, there is a 2D roll, 8+ switches.

  • 0  – default value, score is calculated for each service as above
  • 1-3  – these values give a preference to the chosen service
  • 4  – since 4 is higher than the maximum enlistment bonus, the selected service will be chosen for enlistment, the draft can still occur.
  • 8888  – overrides the draft with the preferred service (the character is still treated as having been drafted, but the preferred service is chosen).
  • 9999  – overrides the enlistment roll, forcing enlistment to the selected service (no draft).

This option allows guiding the mustering out process. The default process is to make up to three cash rolls before rolling on the material benefits table.

  • ship  – don’t roll for cash until a ship is acquired if possible
  • TAS  – don’t roll for cash until Travellers’ is acquired if possible
  • special  – combination of above
  • split  – alternate cash and material benefits rolls (until mmaximum number of cash rolls have been taken).
  • any other value  – default behavior of taking cash rolls first.

This option allows specifying the maximum number of cash rolls to make. It may be set anywhere from 0 to 3 or even higher (setting it higher is considerd “cheating”).

This option is a real timesaver. It lets the system re-roll characters until it finds one that meets the specfied criteria.

  • ship  – keep rolling characters until a ship is acquired
  • TAS  – keep rolling characters until Travellers’ is acquired
  • special  – keep rolling until ship or TAS is acquired
  • skill  – keep rolling until skill is acquired. Note that this option is currently a bit limited. Skills that are multiple words can not be searched for.

When used with hunt=>skill, specifies the minimum level of skill sought.

This option allows customization of the skill tables to meet specific versions of Classic Traveller. The changes all surround the vehicle skill. The default is The Traveller Book.

  • 1977  – Use the 1977 vehicles (ATV and Air/Raft), Merchants get Strength +1 instead of vehicle and Other gets Forgery instead of Vehicle.
  • 1981  – Use the 1981 vehicles (Vehicle cascade, except Air/Raft for Army, Merchants Strength +1 replaced with Vehicle, Other Forgery replaced with Vehicle)
  • any other value  – Default as per The Traveller Book. Note this is a mish-mash between 1977 and 1981.

This option controls when the Personal Development table is used. The default will not use the Personal Development table if Education is 8+.

  • always  – The Personal Development table is always available.

This option allows leaving cascade skills for the player to determine after the fact. For benefits, it will distribute the benefit as a weapon and then add to the cascade skill. Verbose history can be used to unwind if the player wants to take multiple weapon benefits.

  • skip  – Leave cascade skills to be determined later.

With this option, the generator will not accept a character that musters out with less than the specified number of terms. It also assures the character doesn’t voluntarily muster out before that time. The default is 1, and if left at default, will still allow deceased characters.

With this option, the generator will limit the maximum number of terms for a character to the specified amount. Mandatory re-enlistment will not be checked for characters that hit the limit (this allows a GM to specify the maximum age of PCs or NPCs).

This option will limit the maximum number of attempts to find a requested character. The default is 10000 and bounds the time spent attempting to generate a requested character.

Source Code

The Classic Traveller Character Generator project is hosted on github. The primary, original repo is:



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Classic Traveller Character Generator

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Character generator for the classic Traveller RPG


Folders and files, repository files navigation, classic traveller character generator.

This JavaScript character generator for the classic Traveller sci-fi roleplaying game follows the character creation rules in The Traveller Book ( available in PDF ).

Yes, characters can die during character creation!

Play with it now.

(Reload the page to generate another character.)

Thanks to a contribution from Frank Filz, a verbose mode adds behind-the-scenes character creation details.

License (2-Clause BSD License)

Copyright © 2015, Paul Gorman All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


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Martin Ralya's blog about TTRPGs, miniatures, &c. / Established 2009

A spiffy online Classic Traveller character generator

This Classic Traveller character generator on Devil Ghost is a hoot. The visuals are a perfect match for Traveller, and it couldn’t be easier to use: just refresh to get a new character. [1]

Here’s my favorite character I’ve rolled up so far:

classic traveller character generator

Just look at this dude: he spent five terms — 20 years — in the military, working his way steadily up to the rank of colonel, and has the mustering-out benefits of someone who was a very successful soldier. But what interests me most is one skill in particular: Dagger-3.

Dagger-1 is a professional knife fighter, or equivalent. Like if there’s a job that involves knifey stuff, you can get hired to do that job with Dagger-1.

Dagger-2 is an elite knife fighter. This is someone with special skills, who stands out even among skilled knife fighters.

But Dagger-3? Dagger-3 is a fucking ninja assassin. And in his 20 years in the service, that must be what Colonel Wang spent the most time doing.

Why? What kinds of missions did he undertake? How did they shape him as a person? Who is he today, mustering out at 38 with the means to travel the galaxy?

I had some ideas the moment I scanned his character sheet, and I bet you did too. That’s why I love Classic Traveller ‘s (paid link ) minimalist characters and delightfully random character creation.

[1] I do wish there was a permalink for each character, but I don’t know enough about programming to know if that might be difficult to produce.

12 thoughts on “A spiffy online Classic Traveller character generator”

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I do love the Classic Traveller conceit of ‘skill of 1 is employable’. So like an NPC soldier would have Rifle-1 or SMG-1. Pilot-1 is enough to get a pretty good, steady job.

And Dagger-3 is basically someone who has probably killed a person wearing power armor with just a knife and (maybe) the element of surprise. I’ve heard of a character with Cutlass-5, which would be like the Inigo Montoya of cutlass use.

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Cutlass-5 is insane! Playing around with generators, Wang’s Dagger-3 is the highest skill I’ve seen so far.

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After several clicks with some cheating options on, I got this bad dude:

URL Parms: history=verbose&hunt=skill&skill=Gun&level=7&cascade=skip&maxcash=0

Army General Malika Tamm 9B5979 Age 46 7 terms Cr0

Skills: Blade-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Gambling-1, Gun-9, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Tactics-2

Benefits: 8,000/yr Retirement Pay, Gun, High Passage, High Passage

So that could be either Rifle-10 or SMG-10, either of which he gets +2 DM for Advantageous Dexterity. Even at very long range he nets a +5 against Battle Dress with a Rifle… (i.e. he only fails to hit on a 2…).

The galaxy’s most notorious hired gun!

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I’ve been using that CharGen for several years for NPCs. I copy and paste to my word processing program, have several multipage documents of these NPCs.

Nice! I’ve got a little Cepheus Solo campaign going, and generating my party randomly was a ton of fun — and has led to plenty of surprises.

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Gun-10… Think Seal team Sniper using a Barret 50cal. Hired by revolutionaries to defend a specific area for a bounty on each POW taken. Someone capable of hitting the emergency eject button on Battle Dress at 3000 meters, every time. By the time a platoon of Imperial Space Marines in full Battle Dress carrying FGMP15s know they are in trouble would be way to late. Just leave a note on a pole for the Marines to surrender NOW!!! place your fancy weapons on the ground and step into the shipping container near the pole. A nice bounty would be the weapons and armor of all POWs he takes. A full platoon in battle dress and weapons would be enough to by a nicely equipped star ship with MCrs left over. An interesting patron might offer a PC group a job to rescue the POWs and their gear for a couple of years mortgage payments on their ship.

I dig it! I’d play that game.

Take your group up against a motivated sniper Laser Rifle-10 with a +2 for DEX? Guarding a platoon of BD trained Marines? Well, if you like a challenge. The sniper would have at least a squad for security, wearing something camo and bullet resistant. They would be POW guards and prepared defense security posts. Add a devious GM and a few pirates coming to get the BD armor and weapons should make a very interesting time for the players. Fill out your wills and grab your body bags before trying. A quick and dirty game using a cut and paste from that character generator.

I more meant in the sense that I’d play the game that spun out of that idea — your riff on a single skill is awesome. :-)

I have learned a few things running many different games over too many years. Basic rules are… 1. Make it memorable. 2. The great and twisted god Murphy and his laws are always in effect. Many names for Murphy, every culture had one. Loki, Coyote, Pan, Killroy, or whoever was blamed for misfortune, freedom, choice, self interest and more. 3. The more challenge, the longer it shall be remembered. 4. Don’t think outside the box, throw the box away. 5. Listen to your players, they know best how to cause them difficulties. 6. Never be afraid to kill a character. A good death can make for an outrageously memorable session. 7. Rule Zero means you are the god of your universe. The characters most of interest to the game gods are the most tormented and tortured. Complaints mean they need more torment. 8. Never be afraid to give the players too much equipment or cash. The more they have, the more they have and protect and to lose. 9. Misjumps are openings to new adventures. Use them, Pirate fleets are great for forcing early jumps, especially when your ship is overloaded with refugees. 10. Old Si Fi has great adventure ideas. It may be outdated, but the ideas are still terrific. Younger players almost never read the older golden age literature, use it.

I have been playing and running since the original 3 LLBs. Make it memorable and challenging, exploit every player character error with Murphys rules. Let them get their special designed TL15 Merchant badly damaged back to a Class B TL10 post for repairs and watch the loot in their cargo holds go to pay for repairs. Don’t forget the import taxes, bribes, crooked officials, unrefined fuel, exotic diseases, and settling the bill with the guy who sold you the defective missiles without firing pins.

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Traveller Character Generator

Based on the mongoose 2nd edition rules.

Creating Traveller characters has always been a fun mini-game since the original "Little Black Books". For player character generation I recommend sitting down with your group of players and rolling the characters by hand. However, for the busy GM this tool can save a lot of time and effort. It can also be a great tool to teach new players about the game. Feel free to use this application however you want. I hope you enjoy it and get lots of great ideas from it.

Classic Traveller Character Generator

Incorporating Book 1 and Supplement 4.

Version 0.8 of Tue, Apr 26, 2005.


Use this form to generate up to sixteen characters at a time for your Traveller games. Please submit comments, suggestions and bug reports to [email protected] and we will respond to them as time permits. You can also read notes about how the character generator works.

This is an old project and may contain errors.

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The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises . Copyright 1977 — 2020 Far Future Enterprises.

Copyright © 2005 the author.

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Classic Traveller Character Generator

  • Thread starter estar
  • Start date Dec 6, 2018
  • Dec 6, 2018

I extended Frank Filz excellent classic traveller character generator to include the Citizen of Imperium. I also added a basic web interface to select a career. The rules change I made are The Draft now Navy, Army, Marines, Scout, Sailors, and Flyers for random character generation (the default). The choice of Nobles career sets your social level to a minimum of A. In the random career selection there is a 1 in 3 change of the noble career being selected if the character starting Soc is A or better. Frank Filz Character Generator Mine with Citizen of Imperium added  

Supplement Four

Army General Valentina Smith 69A477 Age 46 7 terms Cr40,000 Skills: ATV-1, Brawling-2, Electronics-2, Gambling-1, Rifle-5, SMG-3, Small Watercraft-1, Spear-1 Benefits: 8,000/yr Retirement Pay, Middle Passage, Middle Passage, Rifle Service History: Rolled attributes: 7BA367 Attempted to enlist in Army. Enlistment roll 8 + 3 vs 5 Enlistment accepted. Learned Rifle-1 -------------------------------------------- Term 1 age 22 Commission roll 11 + 1 vs 5 Learned SMG-1 Commissioned during first term of service as Lieutenant. Promotion roll 5 + 0 vs 6 Learned Spear-1 Improved SMG-2 Increased education by 1 to 7 Survival roll 5 + 2 vs 5 Reenlistment roll 8 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for second term. -------------------------------------------- Term 2 age 26 Promotion roll 11 + 1 vs 6 Promoted to Captain. Learned Electronics-1 Increased strength by 1 to 8 Survival roll 6 + 2 vs 5 Reenlistment roll 8 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for third term. -------------------------------------------- Term 3 age 30 Promotion roll 7 + 1 vs 6 Promoted to Major. Increased endurance by 1 to B Learned Brawling-1 Survival roll 9 + 2 vs 5 Reenlistment roll 7 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for fourth term. -------------------------------------------- Term 4 age 34 Promotion roll 7 + 1 vs 6 Promoted to Lt Colonel. Improved SMG-3 Learned Small Watercraft-1 Survival roll 7 + 2 vs 5 Aging strength throw 7 vs 8 Decreased strength by -1 to 7 Aging dexterity throw 5 vs 7 Decreased dexterity by -1 to A Aging endurance throw 8 vs 8 Reenlistment roll 10 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for fifth term. -------------------------------------------- Term 5 age 38 Promotion roll 6 + 1 vs 6 Promoted to Colonel. Improved Brawling-2 Improved Electronics-2 Survival roll 7 + 2 vs 5 Aging strength throw 8 vs 8 Aging dexterity throw 9 vs 7 Aging endurance throw 2 vs 8 Decreased endurance by -1 to A Reenlistment roll 8 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for sixth term. -------------------------------------------- Term 6 age 42 Promotion roll 6 + 1 vs 6 Promoted to General. Increased strength by 1 to 8 Learned Gambling-1 Survival roll 7 + 2 vs 5 Aging strength throw 7 vs 8 Decreased strength by -1 to 7 Aging dexterity throw 7 vs 7 Aging endurance throw 10 vs 8 Reenlistment roll 8 vs 7 Voluntarily reenlisted for seventh term. -------------------------------------------- Term 7 age 46 Learned ATV-1 Survival roll 10 + 2 vs 5 Aging strength throw 3 vs 8 Decreased strength by -1 to 6 Aging dexterity throw 2 vs 7 Decreased dexterity by -1 to 9 Aging endurance throw 9 vs 8 Reenlistment roll 9 vs 7 Mandatory retirement after seventh term. -------------------------------------------- Mustered Out 10,000 credits 10,000 credits 20,000 credits Rifle Improved Rifle-2 Improved Rifle-3 Middle Passage Improved Rifle-4 Improved Rifle-5 Middle Passage Increased intelligence by 1 to 4 Click to expand...

Good point about skill limits, I think I know what I can do to easily fix that. I will answer the other question after reviewing the code again. The general intent is to follow the rules except when a player's choice is involved in which case an algorithm is used to generate the choices. Like the fore mention noble career. The original source is here Specifically this file My modification is here  

  • Dec 7, 2018

Rob, I'll have to give your changes a look over. I think I have some different ideas on how to incorporate Supplement 4, but that's all easily handled by more options... Let's also make it clear that Paul Gorman originated the tool. I have done a lot of work on it, but I wouldn't have even started without his efforts producing a usable tool. As to the maximum skill limit, while Paul used TTB, he did not implement the maximum skill rule. That should be added as an option. The optional death rule would be easy to implement, fix up the order of adding skills (currently done before survival roll) and always muster out even dead characters. Then if the optional rule is in use, a dead character isn't... The hunt option would need to be modified (currently it skips dead characters). Other that various cheat options (which must be explicitly chosen), and the notes above, the tool attempts to apply the rules correctly. Any issues where it doesn't should be reported (you can actually report issues in github). Rob, if you are comfortable with github, issue a pull request to my github repo and that will put me on notice of your changes. I'll then make the updates I want to make (as separate patches), and merge your stuff in at some point. Frank  

As a general rule of thumb.... Click to expand...


It's to avoid creating a Mary Sue character; in other systems, you either actually have to grind that out, or you have have fixed number of points to distribute, with some common sense limitations in place to avoid creating idiot savants. You could think of it as the Kelly Bundy Effect, that for every piece of new information, she has to forget something else.  



  • Dec 8, 2018
estar said: Good point about skill limits, I think I know what I can do to easily fix that. I will answer the other question after reviewing the code again. The general intent is to follow the rules except when a player's choice is involved in which case an algorithm is used to generate the choices. Like the fore mention noble career. Click to expand...
ffilz said: Rob, if you are comfortable with github, issue a pull request to my github repo and that will put me on notice of your changes. I'll then make the updates I want to make (as separate patches), and merge your stuff in at some point. Click to expand...

Sent the pull request  

  • Dec 10, 2018
estar said: Sent the pull request Click to expand...
  • Jan 14, 2020

A player just used this to generate a Belter. The survival roll is wrong. It does 2D+1 vs 5 instead of 2D+Terms vs 9... I REALLY need to take the time to work on integrating this into my version and adding various options (especially an option for my alternate skill tables). Frank  

  • Jan 20, 2020

It looks like my mindspring web site will soon die. Fortunately github also has web pages and I have cloned my website there:  

Shadow Shack

Shadow Shack

ffilz said: A player just used this to generate a Belter. The survival roll is wrong. It does 2D+1 vs 5 instead of 2D+Terms vs 9... Click to expand...
  • Jan 21, 2020

I will take a look at this. Thanks for pointing this stuff out.  

Fixed it. The issue was a misplaced curly bracket. However instead of checking age, I changed it to assign this.terms to dm directly. Code: checkSurvival: function () { var dm = 0; var sv = roll(2); dm = this.terms; this.verboseHistory('Survival roll ' + sv + ' + ' + dm + ' vs ' + 5); if ((sv + dm) >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } },  

estar said: Fixed it. The issue was a misplaced curly bracket. However instead of checking age, I changed it to assign this.terms to dm directly. Code: checkSurvival: function () { var dm = 0; var sv = roll(2); dm = this.terms; this.verboseHistory('Survival roll ' + sv + ' + ' + dm + ' vs ' + 5); if ((sv + dm) >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } }, Click to expand...

Dang it missed that. OK it is fixed now Code: checkSurvival: function () { var dm = 0; var sv = roll(2); dm = this.terms; this.verboseHistory('Survival roll ' + sv + ' + ' + dm + ' vs ' + 9); if ((sv + dm) >= 9) { return true; } else { return false; } }, Question what is the point of this code. I could only find calls to check Survival not to survivalThrow or survivalDM Code: survivalThrow: 9, survivalDM: function (attributes) { var dm = 0; return dm; },  

If folks want to look at the javascript for any other errors here is the link  


  • Oct 25, 2020
Supplement Four said: That's pretty awesome. (random character): Army General Valentina Smith 69A477 Age 46 Click to expand...

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    Character and Subsector generators for Classic Traveller, with TAS Forms! CT. Hi, some time ago I discovered the Classic Traveller Facsimile Edition, and while reading it I thought the various forms looked pretty cool and the deadly character generation a fun mini-game in itself. So, one thing lead to another and I ended up creating a character ...

  17. Character generator for the classic Traveller RPG

    This JavaScript character generator for the classic Traveller sci-fi roleplaying game follows the character creation rules in The Traveller Book (available in PDF). Yes, characters can die during character creation! Play with it now. (Reload the page to generate another character.) Thanks to a contribution from Frank Filz, a verbose mode adds ...

  18. A spiffy online Classic Traveller character generator

    Generate random characters for Classic Traveller, a sci-fi roleplaying game, with this easy-to-use tool on Devil Ghost. See examples of quirky and interesting characters, such as Colonel Wang, a ninja assassin.

  19. Various tools for Classic Traveller, and maybe more

    Create your own Classic Traveller character with this online tool that mimics the rules from the hardcover Traveller Book. You can choose your skills, education, background, and more, and see the results instantly.

  20. Traveller Character Generator

    Create Traveller characters online based on the Mongoose 2nd Edition rules. This tool can save time and effort for busy GMs and teach new players about the game.

  21. SignalGK: Online Traveller Resource

    Generate up to sixteen characters for your Traveller games based on Book 1 and Supplement 4. This is an old project and may contain errors, please report them to the author.

  22. Classic Traveller Character Generator

    Baron. I extended Frank Filz excellent classic traveller character generator to include the Citizen of Imperium. I also added a basic web interface to select a career. The Draft now Navy, Army, Marines, Scout, Sailors, and Flyers for random character generation (the default). In the random career selection there is a 1 in 3 change of the noble ...

  23. TRAVELLER Character Generator

    Traveller Character Generator. Character Generator: Name/Gender/Race Character Name: Gender: Female: Male: Race: Tip Human Tip: Aslan Tip: Droyne Tip: Hiver Tip: K ...