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Travel Insurance for Cambodia Expat – All You Need to Know


  • Expat Assurance
  • Publié le 30 November 2022

The question of travel insurance for Cambodia expats really arises. Although this country makes you dream through the beauty of its landscapes and the richness of its culture, it remains far from the level and comfort of Western life.

Indeed, Cambodia is trying to recover after many years of war that damaged the country until the late 1990s. Despite some initiatives to improve public health services, Cambodia’s social protection system is still struggling to be finalized.

Given the limited healthcare and structural difficulties affecting healthcare facilities, taking out private travel insurance for Cambodia is essential before moving.

Choosing the Right Travel Insurance for Cambodia: Focus on the Healthcare System

In 2018, Cambodia was ranked 99th (out of 151 countries) on the Human Development Index. However, efforts have been made to provide mandatory health coverage to the population.

Social Security is Still Under Development

In 2008, Cambodia set up the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), a social protection scheme for all employees and their dependents.

The NSSF also covers expatriates and their beneficiaries. However, the NSSF only covers work-related accidents. The NSSF currently covers only 10% of the working population.

It should be noted that the introduction of formal health insurance was planned for 2012 but has not yet been implemented.

Quality of Health Care in Cambodia

Healthcare in Cambodia is far from satisfactory. The level of public hospitals is uneven. They are generally under-equipped and below the quality standards of Western hospitals.

In Cambodia, expatriates can be treated in private hospitals or clinics. These facilities offer high-quality healthcare services. However, they may lack specialized doctors or specific medical equipment.

In the event of a severe health problem, it is strongly recommended that expatriates seek medical treatment outside Cambodia (for example, in Bangkok, Thailand, or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) or even request repatriation to their country of origin.

This is one of the reasons why expatriates should always have travel insurance for Cambodia during their stay.

Cost of Healthcare in Cambodia

In Cambodia, the fees charged in private medical facilities are very variable, ranging from $5 to $90 for a consultation with a doctor and from $100 to $650 for a night in a hospital.

In addition, there are additional costs related to any examinations (X-rays, ultrasounds, scans, MRI, etc.).

In order to give you a better idea of the cost of care provided by private health establishments in Cambodia, here are the rates charged by the structures generally frequented by American expatriates:

Remember that in Cambodia, all medical transportation costs, in the case of a transfer to a hospital in another city, are the patient’s responsibility. Travel insurance for Cambodia can help alleviate this problem, especially when combined with a repatriation option.

Practical Information About Healthcare in Cambodia

Future American expatriates need to be able to learn the Cambodian language (Khmer) to be able to talk with doctors.

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Emergency Numbers in Cambodia

Here are the main emergency numbers to know in Cambodia:

  • Police: 117
  • Firemen: 118

Mandatory Vaccines

No vaccine is required to enter Cambodia. However, some vaccines are recommended, depending on the region visited, against the following diseases:

  • Diphtheria,
  • Japanese encephalitis,
  • Hepatitis A and B,
  • Poliomyelitis,

In Cambodia, the situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic is under control. The number of new infections per day is low (less than 50).

Trips are available throughout the country. Educational institutions, restaurants, nightclubs, museums, movie theaters, and tourist sites are open.

While barrier measures and masks are required, there is no curfew.

Please note that upon arrival, international travelers may or may not be placed in isolation in the following situations:

  • Travelers who test positive are placed in quarantine for a minimum of 10 days
  • Fully vaccinated travelers who test negative are not quarantined
  • Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers are quarantined for 14 days.

Given the uncertainties of the situation, it is strongly recommended that you purchase a health insurance policy that covers all costs related to Covid-19.

This policy provides “healthcare benefits” that apply in the event of suspected or detected Covid-19. Exploratory treatments prescribed by doctors are also covered, as well as hospitalizations.

How to Choose Travel Insurance for Cambodia Expats

Given the weaknesses of the local healthcare system, it is essential to take out travel insurance for Cambodia expats.

Such insurance must cover health and hospitalization costs in private institutions as well as any evacuation between institutions or to a neighboring country.

International Insurance Companies: Guarantee of Expertise and Reliability

To purchase travel insurance for Cambodia expats, it is recommended to turn to an American company specializing in international insurance.

The proposed contract is governed by American law, which protects the insured. Moreover, with this type of contract, all exchanges and procedures related to the management of the agreement are done in the US.

Another reason to choose a private health insurance contract for the expatriate is that it is in his interest to benefit from the expertise of these companies. Indeed, these companies know the field perfectly and are familiar with the problems encountered by Americans.

American international insurance companies are best positioned to answer expatriates’ questions, guide them, and implement the necessary assistance logistics in case of unforeseen events.

Guarantees to Be Covered by Cambodia Travel Insurance

Among the guarantees that must be covered by the travel insurance for Cambodia expats are the coverage of health and hospitalization expenses, as well as repatriation assistance.

These guarantees are usually included in all contracts. However, it is advisable to check the possible exclusions that may apply as well as the ceilings and deductibles that may be mentioned.

Studying these different elements is essential for the expatriate. The objective is to avoid paying heavy expenses during his stay in Cambodia.

Note that other valid guarantees can be added, such as

  • Luggage insurance (loss, theft, destruction, and delay of delivery)
  • Death benefit (payment of a capital sum to the beneficiaries in case of death of the insured)
  • Disability insurance (payment of a lump sum to supplement resources in the event of a disabling accident).

Some insurance companies also offer contingency plans for expatriates who wish to prepare for their retirement during their expatriation in Cambodia.

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Travel Insurance for Cambodia

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Do I need a travel insurance for Cambodia?

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Cambodia, the home to mysterious Angkor Wat, is a safe, friendly and welcoming country. Tourists from all over the world come here every year to enjoy their holiday and admire the beautiful nature scenery, join the colorful festival, explore the rich culture, or just simply relax by the endless sandy beaches.

If you are now preparing your packing list for Cambodia and wondering if you need a travel insurance for your journey or not. This article is for you.

We will help you learn from why you need a travel insurance or what risks you may encounter during your Cambodia trip , to how to choose the most suitable insurance plan for you and your family.

In this article, we aim to answer all the questions you may have regarding travel insurance for Cambodia .

First thing first, we will answer your most asked question.

Travel insurance for Cambodia is an absolute must!

Cambodia, if you take common-sense precautions, is a safe place to travel but accidents happen. You’ll want to be covered for medical treatment as well as missed flights, theft, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Here is our guide for Cambodia Safety & Precautions

Holidays are for relaxing, de-stressing and not worrying about what could happen if…x, y, or z should occur. Buying reputable travel insurance before you go alleviates you of this worry. Make sure you check that the insurance you are buying covers you for the activities that you are planning.

If you have to claim later, make sure you keep all documentation.

Traveling without an insurance plan is never a good idea, especially when you are traversing unfamiliar territory with rules and regulations that are different to what you know at home. Not only does an insurance plan help protect you against uncertain financial and health risks, but they also provide you with a peace of mind as you travel.

Accidents do happen and we cannot always prevent them, but if you are covered by insurance, you will not have to pay the full cost of a loss, which can come in mounting bills. And when it comes to peace of mind, this will not be just for you, but also for your loved ones back home.

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Here are some of reasons you want to get travel insurance for Cambodia:

Even healthy people get sick and have accidents

Just because you’re young and healthy doesn’t mean you won’t need medical care. Accidents (often of the traffic variety) happen with astonishing frequency. Last year, nearly a dozen of my friends in Siem Reap contracted dengue fever. I got bitten by an unvaccinated puppy and had to get rabies shots in Sihanoukville. Even if you’re a low-risk traveler, that’s no guarantee that you won’t get sick or hurt.

Medical care isn’t cheap

Many people traveling around Southeast Asia think that they don’t need to buy an insurance plan because medical care in the region is cheap; they figure they can just pay out of pocket if an emergency comes up. And that’s true for minor complaints, but if you need to stay overnight or have surgery, the cost can be in the thousands and even higher if you need to leave the country for care. Most expats familiar with the state of medicine in Cambodia wouldn’t dream of having even minor surgery here, and neither should you.

Payment for emergency care is required in advance

If for any reason you end up in the hospital, payment is always required up front. Cambodian hospitals have been known to let patients die rather than give them free care. So unless you have a credit card on you — and remember that purses and wallets are often stolen in traffic accidents — know that without insurance you won’t be receiving care (and even most policies require payment up front, particularly for smaller claims).

Medical evacuation is (very) expensive

For anything but the most minor problem, most foreigners will opt to go to Bangkok or Singapore for treatment. If you aren’t able to make it onto a plane under your own steam, you’ll need to be airlifted by helicopter, which can cost upwards of $20,000. And here, too, payment is required up front. If you need a medical evacuation back to your home country, it can cost five times that. Even flying home with a broken leg can require an expensive business-class seat.

Travel insurance isn’t just for medical care

Depending on your policy, travel insurance covers a range of other situations, from cancelled trips to delayed flights, from stolen cameras to lost baggage. If you end up in the hospital, your plan may cover flying a parent or partner to Cambodia to be with you. Many of the most important benefits of travel insurance in Cambodia are not medical in nature, so be sure to check your policy before you go.

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1. Look beyond the costs

Cost should not be your only consideration when buying travel insurance. As a general rule, you should only consider policies that include $2 million for medical expenses, $1 million for personal liability, $3,000 for cancellation, $1,500 for baggage and $250 for cash.

Note that the level of excess you opt for – the part of the claim that you must meet before the insurer pays out – will affect your premium. Not all insurers allow you to adjust the excess, but the more you are prepared to pay, the lower your premium will be.

2. Consider annual cover vs single-trip

There are two main types of travel insurance – single-trip, which only covers one getaway, or annual multi-trip, which covers you for every trip you make over the course of a year.

A single-trip policy is best for people who will only go on one holiday in a 12-month period, and can cost as little as a few pounds. Annual policies can be a cheaper option if you know you’ll be going away several times in a year.

3. Family finances

If you are travelling with your partner and children, consider opting for family travel insurance – and check with your insurer to see if it will cover your children if they travel without you – on a school trip, for example.

Annual policies can be a cheaper option for multiple trips

4. Check what countries are covered

It is vital you check if the Cambodia and its neighbor countries, especially Thailand are covered by your policy, as not all will be included.

If you are looking at an annual multi-trip policy, be aware that insurers tend to offer European cover or worldwide cover, with the latter attracting a higher premium in most cases.

5. Get specialist cover if required

Many standard travel insurance policies won’t include high-risk activities, such as scuba diving or skiing. So, it might be worth taking out a specialist single-trip policy to cover a particular holiday.

If you are older or have a pre-existing medical condition, then you may also struggle to get travel insurance, as you are viewed as high risk. Specialist insurers – including Age UK and Saga – offer travel cover regardless of your age.

It’s vital that you are upfront and honest about any pre-existing medical complaints, even minor ones, as non-disclosure could result in your claim being rejected. Use the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s (BIBA) tool to find a specialist provider at Biba.org.uk/find-insurance.

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6. Maximum trip duration

If you opt for annual multi-trip travel insurance, check how many days come under your ‘maximum trip duration’. Most insurers will cover individual trips of up to around 31 days. If you are planning on being away for longer, speak to insurers directly or opt for specialist cover.

7. Driving overseas

If you plan on driving abroad, make sure you’re covered by your car insurance – some insurers do this as standard while others require you to pay extra.

8. Airline failure

Recent years have seen the collapse of a number of airlines and travel companies, so check the small print to see if you’re covered in this event. If you’re not protected as standard, you could add this extra cover for a fee.

9. Do you need cover for bags?

Before automatically including baggage cover in your travel insurance, check whether you are already covered under your home contents insurance.

10. Get cover when you book your trip

Buy your travel insurance as soon as you book your getaway. That way, if your holiday is cancelled or delayed before you head off, you can claim for it. Also check the policy document’s small print to ensure you’re covered for the total amount you paid.

Another consideration might be redundancy cover if you are concerned about losing your job.

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Top topics for Cambodia travel insurance

You can see below the top topics that people are discussing about Cambodia travel insurance.

From trip cancellation to adventurous motorbiking across the country, travel insurance can be picked individually and tailored to your needs. They also come as a package that would cover just about everything. Here are the main things that travel insurance should cover for your trip to Cambodia.

You won’t have to pay huge medical bills

  • Injuries and accidents are alarmingly common in Cambodia, although your risk of hurting yourself while travelling is fairly low if you don’t ride a motorcycle or participate in extreme or adventure sports.
  • However, it’s still worth protecting yourself against the cost of medical care with insurance. A good travel insurance policy will cover most or all of your medical fees, meaning you won’t be stuck with a huge medical bill to pay if you hurt yourself while on holiday.
  • When you purchase travel insurance, it’s important to check that it provides medical coverage for all of the things you plan to do while on holiday. If you plan on renting a motorbike, it’s also important that you have the right license.
  • If you plan on scuba diving, you should also check that your policy provides covers for medical bills and evacuation in the event that you’re injured while in the water.
  • The vast majority of people have safe, peaceful and injury-free experiences in Cambodia. For the few that don’t, travel insurance makes dealing with the stress and costs of medical care a much easier process.

Your baggage and possessions will be protected

  • It is the fact that you need to take at least 2 flights to get to Cambodia, hence, the chance to miss your luggage somewhere along the way is a little bit higher comparing with Thailand or Vietnam. In such case, travel insurance makes replacing your lost or stolen items, delayed bags or other personal property-related much easier.
  • If you’re worried about losing your baggage on the way to Cambodia, it’s important to purchase a travel insurance policy that includes coverage for lost or delayed bags. You’ll also want to make sure you’re protected in the event that your bags or belongings are stolen or go missing.
  • Theft is rare in Cambodia, although some forms of transportation such as long-distance bus trips can occasionally result in missing items. Likewise, while it’s rare for items to be stolen, spending time in nightlife areas and crowded markets can attract the occasional pickpocket.
  • It’s always better to be prepared ahead of time for lost or stolen items. With a travel insurance policy, you’ll be able to replace lost, stolen or delayed items without taking a financial hit.

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You’re insured for cancelled and missed flights

  • Missing a connection can have a domino effect on the rest of your travel and accommodation bookings.
  • Flight cancellations have to be substituted and these can be expensive.
  • Travel insurance coverage for delays and cancellations takes the financial stress out of these unfortunate situations.

You’re safe in emergency medical situations

  • While Cambodia offers a reasonable standard of medical care, more severe cases will require evacuation to Thailand or Singapore.
  • Medical evacuation can run into tens of thousands of dollars, having the peace of mind that you are covered for this if needed means that you can concentrate on getting better.
  • A good travel insurance policy will include coverage for emergency medical evacuation, letting you trek, explore and adventure with confidence that you’re in reliable hands if anything goes wrong during your holiday.
  • Although medical evacuation is available even without insurance, you could be stuck with an extreme bill — often in the tens of thousands of dollars — in the event that you face a serious injury while trekking or exploring and aren’t covered by travel insurance.

You don’t need to worry about politics

  • Cambodia has enjoyed many years of political stability, but things can change.
  • Should government advice warn against travel to Cambodia after you have booked your trip, having insurance coverage to pay for any loss you take during cancelation will help with the disappointment.
  • With a comprehensive travel insurance policy, you’ll be protected against sudden political events that can affect your trip. If there’s an airport riot, coup or terrorist attack, you can cancel your trip without having to worry about costly fees and penalties.
  • It’s important to remember that Cambodia is a safe country, and that events like the ones listed in the paragraphs above are rare. However, they do happen, and it’s worth making sure that you’re ready and prepared in the event that you get caught up in politics while travelling.

Take care when you party

  • Alcohol is very cheap in Cambodia in comparison to the West but fake alcohol is an issue, particularly with spirits. If the price of the drink is too cheap to be believed then the liquor is not to be trusted; find somewhere else to drink, it might cost you a little more, but you will save yourself more than a headache.
  • Counterfeiting also applies to drugs, recreational and otherwise. Stay away from recreational drugs; it’s just not worth it. Take some supplies with you of over-the-counter or prescriptions drugs that you might need. If you find you need something that you haven’t bought, find a reputable pharmacy.

Missing flights or cancellations cause chaos and cost money

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In general, a travel insurance plan will never cover you in 2 main cases:

1. Pre-existing medical conditions 

Generally, pre-existing medical conditions are not covered. If you have a pre-existing condition, you must first get a quote to determine whether or not the condition will be covered.

While getting a quote, you need to disclose pre-existing medical conditions including recurring illnesses or injuries, on-going or lifelong conditions, previous surgeries and any conditions you are currently suffering from.

This information will then be used to determine if you need to pay any extra premium, a higher amount of money you pay towards a claim, or a medical related exclusion.

For policies where pre-existing conditions are not covered, you are covered for all the usual situations as long as they are unrelated to the medical condition you had or were aware of before you bought it.

2. They do not cover stupid

World Nomads puts this best by saying, “deliberately putting your life in danger is not covered.” This means things like picking fights with locals, racing your rental car, and even picking up a sexually transmitted disease.

If you fancy risking your neck, it is likely you will be doing it on your own dime.

Another stupid thing that you may encounter but never get covered is getting accidents when drunk. Yes, it is damming true even if your insurance plan covers these activities such as driving, scuba diving, or cliff jumping. But in case you are drunk, the coverage is NONE.

So we recommend you keep yourself in track and have the common sense of doing the right things, or you will regret for that.

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You can purchase travel insurance every time you go on a trip, or you can opt for an annual multi-trip travel insurance, which usually covers any number of trips within a certain period, usually a year. If you are a regular traveler, or you are planning a long-haul adventure, an annual insurance may work out cheaper.

It can also be the case that levels of cover, particularly for medical expenses, baggage and cancellation tend to be more generous on an annual policy. If you are a frequent traveler, it takes the hassle out of organizing insurance for every trip you take.

First, reflect on your vision for the trip, decide on activities you think having insurance would be a good idea for. Or if you are unsure, opt for comprehensive plan.

Always read your policy documents carefully so you understand your coverage. You can easily search for insurances online, study the quote and fine print, and especially pay attention to:

  • What is included and excluded in the policy
  • How to contact your insurer when you are overseas
  • What paperwork or information you need to take with you
  • The monetary limits for claims on individual items and as a whole
  • The proof you might need to make a claim
  • 24/7 hotline assistance with free call number from overseas. Accidents do not have regular office hours, so your insurance should not either.

To help you in your query you can compare insurances online through dedicated websites, but in any case, double check the contract policy and coverage on the insurance provider website itself before making the purchase and contact them in case you are unsure about specific points. Below are some main insurance comparative websites: 

  • Squaremouth : This site helps you to compare 107 travel insurance policies from 22 providers with more than 45,000 reviews.
  • Insure My Trip : This is an extremely useful online insurance marketplace : Most major travel insurance companies are listed, and you can compare them and their policies side by side. You can also filter searches based on important factors such as customer feedback and more.
  • Gobear : This is an online review community. Before you make any purchase online, you can go to this site to see what other people have to say about the company or service. Then you will have the information you need to make the best purchase.

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Now that you know travel insurance is a good investment before any trip, you will be wondering which companies provide good plans.

Though some banks also offer travel insurance, the most common way that many people often buy insurance is through websites of renowned companies. They always offer many different plans for different budget levels and travel styles/dates. So you can easily choose the one most suitable to you. Some good reputable insurance companies which we recommend are: IM Global , AIA , World Nomad , AXA , …

By the way, try not to opt for the cheapest travel insurance option. Many of them do not offer what you will need. Always compare and make sure you study the plan well!

The purchasing process is different from each company, but generally, it will go through these 7 steps:

1. Access the site of the insurance company

You will need to make up your mind about which company has a good and sustainable plan for your trip. Then follow through to their website.

2. Choose your trip coverage

The 2 types of trip coverages are:

  • Single coverage: This is a coverage for a single trip. It is perfect for occasional travelers
  • Annual coverage: This is a whole year plan. It is suitable for those who go travel frequently, either for business or personal purposes.

3. Fill in the form

The system will ask you for some demographic information such as name, age, gender, ID number, some important dates (requested coverage effective date, departure date, return date and so on), contact information (address, phone number, email).

4. Choose your plan

Before or after you submit the form, the system will process the information. They will then send you a quotation according to their calculations. Now is the time to choose a suitable plan for your budget.

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5. Review your information

It is important to check the information you provided on the form. Make sure that everything is correct.

6. Choose your payment

Fill out your payment information – payment type, card holder’s information and billing address. Do not forget to sign your name if requested.

7. Complete the purchase

After submitting the payment form, you should receive a confirmation email. Check your inbox and follow the instructions then.

Although you can buy the insurance whenever you can (even one day before your departure), I suggest you should purchase it at least a week in advance. Because due to the policy of each company, your insurance can either be verified immediately after your payment or the verification process might require 2 – 5 days.

Sometimes, it is even essential to obtain an insurance plan before you apply for a visa for certain countries. Of course, not all passports require acquiring visa in advance, but it is best to check online.

Just visit our Cambodia visa guide to learn more.

Copy your insurance plan and give it to one or two trusted people back home who can provide the information in case you lose yours or are unable to provide it, for instance your bag got lost or unfortunately you become unconscious after an accident.

It is also advisable to keep your insurer and emergency contact details somewhere they can be easily found, such as your wallet.

Make sure you have a list of stuff you are taking on your holiday, including any receipts if possible. Also, in most cases, you will need to advance the payment of your medical care. It is therefore strongly advised that you keep every supporting document such as your hospital bills, flight ticket invoice, police reports for loss and theft... That will make any claims considerably easier.

In summary: make sure you have travel insurance. Even the most careful and well-prepared traveler cannot foresee every eventuality. Don’t take the risk of travelling without insurance – the downside is simply not worth it.

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Q. Is Cambodia safe to travel?

Generally, The kingdom of Cambodia is safe to visit and travel around. The only exception to this rule is remote areas at night. Violent crime in the country is rare. Petty crimes like a bag, purse snatching, pick pocketing and other types of petty crimes prevail. In order to make your trip safe, please follow our safety guide for Cambodia

Q. Is there health insurance in Cambodia?

There is no national health insurance available in Cambodia, instead the best option is to take out a policy in your home country or with an international provider. Whilst general health care is reasonably inexpensive, standards are also very variable and services may be extremely limited in certain areas.

This increases the possibility of the necessity of medical evacuation to the nearest advanced providers of Bangkok and Singapore. However, this process of evacuation can be extremely expensive, and therefore it’s strongly recommended you ensure your policy includes medivac. Within this policy it should cover the eventuality of having to be airlifted in the case of serious illness or injury.

Q. Which travel insurance is best?

This will depend on what activities are you going to do in Cambodia, and what you expect to be covered. Check “ How to pick the right travel insurance plan? ” above.

Q. What to pack for Cambodia?

Check out the full packing list for Cambodia

Q. Do I need a visa to visit Cambodia?

The answer is “YES, you do”. But Cambodia has one of the easiest Visa policies in the world, thanks to the development of tourism. Here is how you can apply for Cambodia Visa  

  • Mekong & Central Plain
  • Northwestern
  • Southern Coast
  • About 1 week
  • About 2 weeks
  • About 3 weeks
  • About 4 weeks
  • Cycling & Biking
  • Family Vacation
  • Honeymoon Vacation
  • Luxury Holiday
  • Trek & Hike
  • Wellness & Leisure


We believe you have the right to arm yourselves with as much information as possible before making any decision.

Check below our detailed tips & guide for every places to visit in Cambodia , recommendation regarding the inclusion in each theme you prefer , and what you can do based on the time frame you have.


One of the most fish abundant lakes in the world and supports 360 floating villages and thousands of waterbirds.


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Cruising the Mekong River: A Journey of Scenic Beauty and Cultural Delights

Taking a cruise on the fascinating Mekong River offers a unique and memorable travel experience. The Mekong River, one of the longest rivers in Asia, flows through several countries, including China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Each destination along the river offers its own distinct cultural, historical, and natural attractions. In this article, we will go over what you can expect when cruising the Mekong River. 

Cambodia street food

Cambodia street food

How many days do you need and how to plan the best itinerary in Cambodia?

How long to spend in Cambodia may seem like a ridiculous question to address, but if you have plenty of time and aren’t sure how much to dedicate, this blog will definitely help you out. 

How long can you stay in Cambodia? 

Well, as long as you like! From 7 days to a month, there are various ways you can travel across Cambodia and uncover its secrets. Advising an ideal trip length for Cambodia is a bit of a complex challenge, as it depends on several factors such as the places you wish to visit, the activities you plan to join, or if you want to combine Cambodia with its neighbor countries. 

Stay tuned! We are going to sort all these things out including the step-by-step guide to create the best itinerary in Cambodia.

HASSLE-FREE ENTRY: Gov’t scraps PCR and rapid tests for international arrivals

After nearly two years of restricting international arrivals as part of Covid-19 prevention measures, Cambodia yesterday become the first country in Southeast Asia to drop the requirements for both pre-travel PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test and on-arrival rapid antigen test for fully vaccinated travellers into the Kingdom.

Cambodia abolished Covid tests & enable on-arrival visa system

Cambodia has abolished the need for a PCR negative test obtained 72 hours before arrival and rapid test upon arrival in Cambodia. They also enable to visa-on arrival system on the strike to facilitate the reopening process of the tourism sector as reported on March 17th, 2022.

Angelina Jolie surprises fans by turning up at Angkor Wat

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who is well known to Cambodians, has returned to the Kingdom for the first time since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020.

In the past, the American film star directed the film First They Killed My Father here after starring in Tomb Raider , released in 2001, which is considered the first international movie in modern times to introduce the wonder of Angkor Wat to a wider, western audience.

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Travel Insurance

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Are you thinking of going to Cambodia?

If you’re going to Cambodia, make sure you have the right travel insurance . The things you need to take into account are:

  • The cost of your trip – Because if you have to cancel, you want to know that you can get that cost back
  • The activities you’re likely to be doing – if you’re planning anything really extreme, we can offer you extra cover with our  extreme sports cover  policy, if needed
  • The cost of your baggage
  • And don’t forget to check the  latest travel advice for Cambodia from the FCDO

Our Coronavirus Travel Insurance is rated Superior by a leading UK Consumer Champion. All of our policies will cover you if you catch Coronavirus.

What is covered with travel insurance to Cambodia?

 As standard, our policies cover for  over 50 sports and activities , so you can get up to more on your holiday. We also offer a range of benefits, some of which include:

  • Medical expenses and hospital benefit
  • Personal accident and liability
  • Cancelling and cutting short your holiday
  • Abandoning your trip
  • Delayed departure
  • Accommodation cover
  • Personal belongings and baggage
  • Personal money, passport and travel documents
  • Legal expenses

For more information about what’s covered with travel insurance for Cambodia, have a read of our  policy documents here . 

To make sure that you have the best possible holiday experience, we’ve put together some fun facts and other information that you might want to know before your trip to Cambodia:

Do you need a visa for Cambodia?

Yes, as a UK citizen you will need to apply for a visa to be able to travel to Cambodia. You can  apply for an eVisa  online before you travel, or if you’re travelling to Phnom Penh or Siem Reap, you can get a tourist visa on arrival at these airports. You must be sure to arrive with a passport photo if you wish to get visas on arrival.

You can find more information about  visas and entry requirements for Cambodia here .

Healthcare in Cambodia

The public healthcare facilities in Cambodia aren’t in very good condition and have a much lower standard than the UKs facilities. Private healthcare facilities in Cambodia are of much better standards but can often be quite expensive, so travel insurance with medical conditions is advised.

It’s also important to make sure that you speak to your GP at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to travel to check whether there are any vaccinations, or any other preventives needed.

For more information about  healthcare in Cambodia, visit GOV.uk here .

Can I get assistance if I fall ill or injure myself while in Cambodia?

Yes – In the unfortunate event of needing emergency medical treatment while abroad, our 24-hour assistance team are always on hand to help you.

All our travel insurance policyholders can call our specialised team in an emergency.

Did you know that?

  • In 2008 the price of rat meat quadrupled in Cambodia, jumping from 16p to 70p a kilo. Rat meat is enjoyed as food by Cambodians, particularly if they’re on a budget. It’s also exported – neighbouring Vietnam takes a tonne of live rats a day.
  • Cambodians celebrate New Year in mid-April, at the end of their harvest season. It’s traditional to splash and throw water at each other to show blessings and good wishes. It gets boisterous so water pistols were banned in 2001.
  • Cambodia has a very young population. Half of all Cambodians were born after 1991.
  • The flag of Cambodia has changed six times since 1970. It’s the only flag in the world to feature a real building – a picture of Angkor Wat, the 12th-century temple complex that is Cambodia’s most famous landmark.
  • In Skuon, Cambodia, deep-fried spider is a popular snack food. The tarantulas are caught in their hundreds from their burrows and fried up in garlic. The legs are crispy, the head is meaty and the big round abdomen is full of brown goo. Bon appetit!
  • Cambodia is a kingdom but the monarch is elected for life from members of the royal family by senior political and religious figures. Current ruler King Norodom Sihamoni was elected in 2004 after his father abdicated. Before that, he taught ballet.
  • The ruins of Angkor, Cambodia, are thought to be all that’s left of the largest pre-industrial city in the world, covering more than 1,000sq km. It had more than 1,000 temples and at its heart Angkor Wat, the world’s largest religious structure.

*Discount excludes any premium generated to cover medical conditions or optional extras & is automatically applied. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Discount tiers of 5% for premiums between £0-49, 10% for £50-249, & 20% for £250+ apply. Offer ends at 23:59 on 30/09/24. T&Cs apply.

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  • Destinations

Cambodia Travel Insurance Requirements

Last updated: 03/07/2024

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia explicitly recommends that all foreign visitors secure a travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses of up to $50,000. See the Royal Embassy of Cambodia’s website for the latest travel requirements.

Squaremouth’s Cambodia Travel Insurance Recommendations

Although travel insurance is not required, Squaremouth recommends travelers purchase a policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage for Covid-19.

The Emergency Medical benefit can reimburse travelers for the cost of treatment during their trip, such as hospital fees and physician services. Travelers visiting Cambodia need to make sure they purchase a policy that can cover treatment for Covid-19. Most providers on Squaremouth.com offer this coverage.

In addition to this, Squaremouth recommends travelers buy a policy with at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. Medical Evacuation can cover the cost of an evacuation to the nearest hospital in the event of an emergency.

In addition to these benefits, Squaremouth recommends a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes other benefits for the most common travel insurance concerns. Primarily, this includes Trip Cancellation coverage and Medical Evacuation coverage.

Travelers who have prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses may also be concerned about losing their financial investment in their trip. In this case, Squaremouth recommends insuring these costs through the Trip Cancellation benefit. Trip Cancellation can reimburse 100% of a traveler’s prepaid and non-refundable trip costs if they need to cancel for a covered reason, such as not being able to travel because they are sick with Covid-19 or another illness.

Click here to begin your search for Cambodia Travel Insurance.

Cambodia Travel Insurance Trends and Data

Cambodia was slowly becoming a more popular tourist destination prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, and travelers are expected to continue visiting the country following the pandemic.

Destination Rank: 84

Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 0.14%

Average Premium: $249.85

Average Trip Cost: $3,154.96

Squaremouth Analytics compares thousands of travel insurance policies purchased pre- and post-pandemic to identify changes and trends in the travel insurance industry.

Helpful Resources

  • U.S. Department of State – Cambodia
  • The Royal Embassy of Cambodia

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Squaremouth's destination information is free and available for use within your reporting. Please credit Squaremouth.com for any information used.

Squaremouth's topic experts are on hand to answer your questions. Contact a member of our team for media inquiries about Squaremouth Analytics or to schedule an interview.

Steven Benna, Lead Data Analyst: [email protected]

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About Cambodia Travel Insurance

Cambodia Travel Insurance supplies consultation and selective insurance plans for Cambodia travelers. We research to simplify the way customers find and buy insurance. So that it reduces your time and effort on setting up for the overseas trip. We are a member of Global Immigration Services Pte. Ltd, a commercial company who are experienced in consulting International Travel & Related services. Our experts guide you on preparing for your international journey in the best way.

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If not, let’s start to protect your benefit now.


A Guide to Travel Insurance for Cambodia

Travel Insurance Cambodia

You’ve got your Cambodia eVisa sorted, you’ve had all your vaccinations, you’ve packed clothes for all weather eventualities. But have you taken out a travel insurance policy?

If you forget to pack your umbrella or your sunglasses, it is not the end of the world. However, if you don’t buy travel insurance and then land at Phnom Penh to find your luggage is lost, you will find yourself wishing that you had taken out a policy! 

Not to mention if you find yourself in an accident or the victim of a crime. Holidays are for exploring and getting out of your comfort zone, but you want to be able to enjoy your time away with peace of mind. You’ve waited all year for this getaway!

Getting the right type of cover in advance ensures that any personal valuables are covered during your stay in the kingdom and that you can access the best medical treatment available in the event of an emergency. Read on for more information on how to protect yourself during your time away.

  • 1 Cambodia Travel Insurance Cover
  • 2 Health Insurance in Cambodia – Why You Must Get It
  • 3 Crime in Cambodia
  • 4 Travel Accidents in Cambodia

Cambodia Travel Insurance Cover

Getting the right insurance cover that includes all the activities you are going to undertake is vital when planning a trip to this Southeast Asian country. 

Accidents can happen to anyone. Cambodia is a developing country and in a worst-case scenario, you want to know that you will receive adequate care. Investing in travel insurance is investing in your well-being, which you really can’t put a price on.

Some things to consider when deciding what type of policy to take out are:

1. How long is your trip?

Is it a short but sweet sojourn into Cambodia or a longer voyage? Insurance providers have different packages for short trips, long stays and even annual multi-trip options.

2. Are you travelling to other countries too?

 If you are doing a big trip covering not only Cambodia but, say, Vietnam and Thailand too, then you should research providers that insure you for all 3 countries together.

3. Are you a solo traveller or travelling as a couple or as a family?

Travelling as a group can save you a significant amount. Travel insurance companies often have special deals for couples or families and with some policies, kids even go free.

4. What types of activities do you intend to do whilst you’re in the kingdom?

Check what is covered. If you are doing any special activities, such as macro diving on the island of Koh Rong, then this may not be covered. Always check the small print before signing up for a policy. 

Even if you are travelling on a budget, you should never under-insure yourself to cut costs as you may end up paying more in the long run!   

Health Insurance in Cambodia – Why You Must Get It

Public healthcare in Cambodia is generally of a low standard . You can find better medical care in the country’s private health facilities, however, the cost of medical attention can be expensive .

All tourists are advised to purchase insurance that covers medical treatment before travelling to the region.

In severe cases, evacuation to Thailand or Singapore may be required as many treatments aren’t available in Cambodia .

As well as being extremely distressing, medical evacuation can run you up a bill of thousands of dollars!

Make sure you have the appropriate vaccines before you travel. You should arrange them well in advance of your trip; 4 to 8 weeks is the standard recommendation.

When you arrive, take preventive measures to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, which can carry dengue and malaria. Carry important medical documents with you, as well as a list of medications that you regularly take. Bring adequate supplies of any prescription medication as supplies are limited in pharmacies and counterfeit or expired drugs can be an issue. 

Should you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, the number to call is 119 . In the event that you require medical care, be sure to contact your insurance provider promptly.

Street Food in Cambodia

Like to try the local specialities when you’re away? Take care with what you order as rat meat is a Cambodian speciality, as well as tarantulas deep fried in garlic. 

Prefer to stick to more familiar foods like chicken? If you order a poultry dish, check that it is cooked thoroughly all the way through as there have been outbreaks of bird flu amongst poultry in the country. 

Travellers’ diarrhea is a common ailment for tourists visiting Cambodia. 

Here are some things you can do to avoid getting a bad stomach:

  • Make sure that food is cooked thoroughly.
  • Avoid raw food products.
  • Only drink bottled water.
  • Avoid drinks containing ice.

Crime in Cambodia

Theft is common across Asia and this includes Cambodia. Keep an eye on your valuables at all times whilst you are away. It is better to leave them in a safe in your hotel whenever possible or not to bring them at all.

If you plan to bring your smartphone or camera out with you each day to snap the amazing sites, make sure they are insured! Look out for passing motorcyclists; walking nonchalantly along the road with your iPhone in your hand is not a sensible idea! 

Before you set off on your trip, it is recommended to make a photocopy of the receipts of any valuables you will be taking with you. The insurance company will ask for this if you make a claim.

You should also carry a photocopy of your passport with you while you are out and about, but keep the original safely stored away in your accommodation.

Be on your guard when taking public transport and keep a careful eye on your possessions.

Aside from petty crime, there have been some instances of armed robbery and sexual offences in Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville and Siem Reap. 

While this is rare, it is important to take care after dark. There are measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of this type of crime:

  • Travel by car rather than on motorcycle taxis.
  • Travel in groups wherever possible. 
  • Stick to well-lit public spaces when walking at night.
  • Avoid beaches in the Sihanoukville area at night. 

In the unlikely event that you are targeted by a kidnapper or armed street criminal, it is advised that you adhere to their demands. The emergency line to dial to contact the police is 117 .

Safety in Rural and Border Areas of Cambodia

Planning to visit more rural parts of the country? In addition to making sure that you have the correct vaccinations beforehand, you should also be aware of some safety precautions.

Exercise extreme caution in rural areas as mined areas are often unmarked. It is important to stay on the marked paths to avoid landmines and don’t pick up metal objects. This is the case in the areas surrounding the temples too, so resist the urge to wander around the undergrowth next to religious icons.

Planning to cross the border between Cambodia and one of its neighbouring countries?

Conditions can be basic at the more remote crossings, so ask locals for advice before you head there and only use recognised roads. If you are travelling to Thailand, ensure that you follow the instructions of the local authorities.

Travel Accidents in Cambodia

Planning to bike along the highways around the Tonle Sap Lake? Motorbiking can be a great, flexible way to get around in Cambodia. However, before you decide to rent a bike or scooter, you should make sure you know what your travel insurance covers and how to seek assistance in the event of an accident.

To ensure you are covered you should:

  • Secure a motorbike license in your home country.
  • Once licensed, get an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) specifically for motorbike riding.

There are some travel agents and renters that can arrange a Cambodian license for you for a fee; however, this isn’t “by the book”.  

Some policies will not cover this type of activity as standard, so you may have to pay a premium. If you are planning to drive a car while you are away, make sure to bring your driver’s license. Drive with care and attention as traffic is chaotic and medical facilities are basic should an accident occur. 

If you are hiring a bike, scooter or car overnight, make sure that your accommodation has secure parking. Don’t leave your helmet or any valuables in plain sight as any thieves passing by may take a liking to it!

Best Travel Insurance Company in Cambodia

Now that you’ve read through our information regarding keeping safe as a tourist in Cambodia, you may be looking for the best travel insurance provider to purchase your policy.

Here are some of the companies that offer cover for Cambodia:

  • World Nomads Insurance is renowned for having very comprehensive coverage.
  • Forte Travel Insurance Cambodia – the kingdom’s premier insurance company – choose between the standard and super plan.
  • AIA Insurance Cambodia.

Remember, there are different types of policy you can get depending on how many are in your travel party, so keep your eyes out for the best deals. Just like with purchasing your travel visa, the entire process can be completed online.

Related Answers

Privacy overview.

List of insurance companies in Cambodia

Find below the list of insurance companies, currently operating in the Kingdom. We intent to keep this list up-to-date, but we do not guarantee the accuracy of this page at the time you are reading this. 

Also, it is important to note that AG Cambodia does not necessarily work with these entities. This list is for your information purpose only. 

Insurance is a vital aspect of financial management and risk mitigation for individuals and businesses globally. Cambodia’s insurance industry has seen a massive transformation over the past few years due to rising economic growth. Consequently, the demand for insurance products and services has increased considerably, with numerous insurance companies setting up shop in the country. AG Cambodia is a leading brokerage firm in Cambodia dealing with many insurance companies and helping clients to choose the appropriate insurance coverage.

The Insurance Industry in Cambodia has made significant strides since operations began back in 1990. With extensive support from the Cambodian Government and private investors, the insurance industry continues to show remarkable growth momentum, providing various insurance products to individuals and organizations operating in Cambodia.

At present, there are nineteen insurance companies operating in Cambodia, each offering different types of policies. Six of the companies are Life Insurance firms, whereas the remaining thirteen operate as General Insurance companies. Some of the leading insurance companies in Cambodia supplying General Insurance policies include Cambodia-Vietnam Insurance, Forte Insurance, Infinity Insurance, and NAGICO Insurance. For those looking to purchase Life Insurance, some prominent companies to consider include PRUDENTIAL Cambodia, Manulife Cambodia, and CAMBODIAN PUBLIC LIFE.

Recent reports suggest that the overall insurance penetration rate in Cambodia has not reached its potential, with the country having a low penetration rate of 0.7%. The low penetration is attributed to limited knowledge and awareness among the population about the importance of insurance coverage. However, as the Cambodian economy continues to grow, it is expected that this figure will increase significantly in the coming years.

Cambodia’s emerging middle-class population is one of the primary drivers of insurance demand. With increasing economic growth and living standards, residents are looking to secure their lives, assets, and businesses. More business owners are embracing insurance policies to protect their interests, especially with the rising number of risks, including natural disasters and accidents. Additionally, the government of Cambodia has been providing support to attract foreign investment in the industry. Recently the Cambodian government introduced regulations encouraging micro-insurance initiatives to promote more affordable, accessible, and sustainable insurance services across the country.

Cambodia’s Insurance industry has several insurance product offerings targeted at mitigating risk. General Insurance policies provide protection for assets such as property, vehicles, and businesses, while Accident Insurance provides health and compensation coverage for injuries caused by accidents. Other Insurance options in Cambodia include Medical Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Micro-insurance. Micro-Insurance has been quite successful in Cambodia, offering low-cost coverage options to people in remote and rural areas, who were previously excluded from accessing insurance services.

In summary, the insurance industry in Cambodia has come a long way since its introduction, reflecting the economic progress of the country. The insurance industry continues to gain momentum as individuals and businesses realize the importance of mitigating risks. With nineteen insurance companies offering various insurance products and the government supporting the industry, the potential for insurance growth in Cambodia is enormous. AG Cambodia, as one of the leading brokerage firms in Cambodia, is committed to helping individuals and businesses navigate the insurance landscape to select the right policies that will meet their specific needs.

  • Retiring in Cambodia: A Guide for Expats
  • Do I Need Travel Insurance for Cambodia?
  • Understanding Insurance in Cambodia: A Beginner’s Guide
  • Navigating the Complexities of Death in Cambodia: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Introduction to Insurance Needs in Cambodia: A Must-Have for Peace of Mind
  • Buying residential apartment in Cambodia requires to have fire insurance for property?
  • Why Is It Important To Have Home Insurance?
  • What to do if you have Covid-19 in Cambodia
  • Corona Virus (COVID-19) in Cambodia
  • Cabinet Medical Francais – Dr Sebban
  • Poe-ma closes its Cambodian branch
  • Pharmacie de la gare
  • Sen Sok Hospital
  • Calmette Hospital : the dean of hospitals
  • Is the Water Festival a safe event?
  • Khema Clinic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Doctor Garen and the Naga Clinic
  • Information On Health Insurance In Cambodia
  • Why should you insure your property?
  • Traffic in Cambodia. What you need to know
  • 313 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh 12300
  • 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Monday through Friday
  • 023 998 018
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Move to Cambodia

  • Health insurance and travel insurance

Get a no-commitment expat health insurance quote now!

Health insurance is a topic that some expats try to ignore. Many who abhor the idea of the “nanny state” end up in Cambodia and, sticking to their guns, choose not to purchase insurance. It’s only when they end up in the hospital after getting into a moto accident that they learn the folly of their ways.

While Cambodia is not a very dangerous place, its roads are. And while basic medical care is quite inexpensive, there are many procedures that no one who cares about his health should have done here, and medical evacuation is very, very expensive . If you’re not insured for it, expect to spend upwards of $20,000 if you need to be airlifted to Singapore or Bangkok–and your transporters will expect to be paid up front.

Whether you decide to get travel insurance or health insurance is up to you, but just make sure to get some sort of insurance!

If you’re moving to Cambodia long term, another option is to get real health insurance. When you’re deciding whether or not you need to get a comprehensive plan, remember that it’s quite easy to get admitted to the hospital in Cambodia —  being willing to pay the bill is enough to get you hospitalized for minor procedures.

Cigna Global , a well-known American insurance company, has several plans designed specifically for expats who are living and working abroad and we’ve heard great reviews from Cambodia expats who use them. Depending on the plan, they offer $1,000,000 coverage and up; the platinum plan has unlimited coverage. They have optional benefits that include worldwide outpatient cover, vision and dental, and medical evacuation (and trust us, you’ll want the latter). Check out their international plans and get a quote from Cigna Global online  now.

Cigna Global cignaglobal.com

Many short-term expats get by using only travel insurance. For those who are in Cambodia for a short period of time and who have a national health-care system at home, this is a reasonable choice. Travel insurance is much cheaper than expat health insurance , but it will usually only cover enough care to stabilize you. For example, if you’re in a serious car accident, travel insurance will cover your acute-care hospital bills but won’t cover the months of rehabilitation you’ll need. They will, however, send you home, so for those who have some kind of coverage in their home country, travel insurance can be a good option. If you’re trying to decide on a plan, we have tips on what to look for in a good travel insurance policy .

The most flexible travel insurance policy available is provided by World Nomads . They offer excellent options for those who claim Cambodia as their country of residence (as well as for those residing outside the country and just visiting). You can what it would check cost to get insured via World Nomads using the widget below.

We may (or may not) earn commission on sales made through some links on this page. Learn more .

  • Where to live in Phnom Penh
  • Sihanoukville
  • Kep and Kampot
  • The Cambodian provinces
  • Long-term hotels and guesthouses
  • Finding a shared apartment
  • Finding your own apartment
  • Buying property in Cambodia
  • Electricity and water
  • Internet and cable
  • Hiring household staff
  • Banking in Cambodia
  • How to get a phone and SIM card
  • Receiving mail in Cambodia
  • Sending mail in Cambodia
  • Getting a post office box
  • Getting around by tuk tuk
  • Getting around by moto taxi
  • Getting a Cambodian driving license
  • Cambodian road safety
  • Dealing with the police
  • Long-distance buses
  • Cambodia international and domestic flights
  • Religious organizations and worship
  • Sex and dating
  • Gay culture
  • Schools in Cambodia
  • Common ailments in Cambodia
  • The state of medical care in Cambodia
  • Doctors and clinics
  • Pharmacies and medicine
  • Women’s health
  • Dental care
  • Getting medical care outside of Cambodia
  • Robberies and bag-snatchings
  • Hotel and apartment break-ins
  • Emergency numbers and dealing with the police
  • Recreational drugs in Cambodia
  • Clothing and dress
  • Women and safety

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  1. Cambodia Travel Insurance

    Cambodia Travel Insurance is an insurance agent supplying the best solution to choose and buy the suitable travel insurance plan for your Cambodia trip. We simplify the process so that minimizes your time and efforts on this document. ... (GIS) group of companies, the world leading in Online Travel & Related Services. ©1997-2024. Global ...

  2. Travel Insurance for Cambodia

    Travel health insurance for Cambodia usually includes coverage for emergency medical treatment, dental care, medical evacuation, and 24-hour traveler assistance hotlines. These benefits may also be purchased in conjunction with travel-related benefits such as travel delays, trip cancellation, and more in a comprehensive travel insurance plan.

  3. Travel Insurance for Cambodia

    This Travel Insurance to Cambodia offers compensation for loss, breakage, or damage caused directly by theft, robbery, burglary, accidents, or mishandling by carriers during the insured person's journey. To qualify for coverage, the loss must be reported to local authorities or carriers within 24 hours.

  4. Forte

    Forte - Home Page ... Forte Insurance

  5. Forte

    Travel Insurance can get you compensation for the following events: Payable for loss and damage to your baggage and personal effects - such as jewelry and photographic equipment, up to the maximum limits stated in your chosen plan. Payable for expenses incurred outside Cambodia such as medical, surgical, hospital, and other charges as a result ...

  6. Forte

    Give us a call at 023 885 077, or request a call back and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Forte Life Assurance and Forte Insurance and Royal University of Phnom Penh Sign Long-Term Partnership Agreement on Human Resource Development, Education Promotion and Insurance Benefits. Forte inspires IFL students with an office tour and ...

  7. Travel Insurance for Cambodia: Our Best Options in 2024

    VisitorsCoverage: Best Medical Coverage. Among the internet's best-known insurance platforms, VisitorsCoverage is a pioneering Silicon Valley insurtech company that offers comprehensive medical coverage for travellers going abroad to Cambodia. It lets you choose between various plans tailored to meet the specific needs of your trip to Cambodia, including coverage for medical emergencies, trip ...

  8. Cambodia Travel Insurance

    Travelers need to carry negative COVID reports prior to 72-hours of departure. Travelers should provide proof of health coverage with a minimum of $50,000 medical coverage. Anyone arriving in Cambodia will be required to deposit $2,000 to cover health tests and quarantine costs. Travelers will be quarantined for 14 days in government-approved ...

  9. Cambodia Travel Health Insurance for Visitors

    As of 2022, you no longer need travel health insurance to enter Cambodia. Previously, due to Covid, the government made travel insurance mandatory for all visitors. However, now the entry requirements are more relaxed, and you are no longer required to purchase travel insurance. That being said, you are still highly recommended to buy a travel ...

  10. Travel insurance for Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

    Travel insurance cover options for Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. Buy travel insurance from World Nomads | Get a quote, extend, or claim online 24/7. ... World Nomads (Canada) Ltd (BC: 0700178; Business No: 001 85379 7942 RC0001) is a licensed agent sponsored by AIG Insurance Company of Canada at 120 Bremner Boulevard, Suite 2200, Toronto, Ontario ...

  11. Cambodia Travel Insurance

    Ensuring your health and safety is crucial when traveling to Cambodia. Carry emergency contact numbers for local authorities, including police, 117; ambulance, 119; and fire services, 118; and the tourist police hotline: +855 12 942 484, and keep them readily accessible. It's recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses and ...

  12. Travel Insurance for Cambodia Expat

    574 €. N/A. Remember that in Cambodia, all medical transportation costs, in the case of a transfer to a hospital in another city, are the patient's responsibility. Travel insurance for Cambodia can help alleviate this problem, especially when combined with a repatriation option.

  13. Travel Insurance for Cambodia

    10 pocket tips for buying a good travel insurance. 1. Look beyond the costs. Cost should not be your only consideration when buying travel insurance. As a general rule, you should only consider policies that include $2 million for medical expenses, $1 million for personal liability, $3,000 for cancellation, $1,500 for baggage and $250 for cash.

  14. Cambodia Travel Insurance

    The cost of your baggage. And don't forget to check the latest travel advice for Cambodia from the FCDO. Our Coronavirus Travel Insurance is rated Superior by a leading UK Consumer Champion. All of our policies will cover you if you catch Coronavirus. Call Free 0800 072 6778.

  15. Cambodia Travel Insurance Requirements

    Squaremouth's Cambodia Travel Insurance Recommendations. Although travel insurance is not required, Squaremouth recommends travelers purchase a policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage for Covid-19. The Emergency Medical benefit can reimburse travelers for the cost of treatment during their trip, such as hospital fees and ...

  16. Forte

    Forte's Domestic In-Land Travel Insurance frees you from worry while you travel in Cambodia. Travel insurance is essential even for domestic trips, because misfortune can happen at any time and any place. Having insurance coverage grants you peace of mind as you explore the wonders right here in Cambodia. Getting in-land travel insurance is easy and affordable. For premiums of just US$ 3 to ...

  17. About Us

    Cambodia Travel Insurance supplies consultation and selective insurance plans for Cambodia travelers. We research to simplify the way customers find and buy insurance. ... (GIS) group of companies, the world leading in Online Travel & Related Services. ©1997-2024. Global Immigration Services Limited trading as Cambodia Travel Insurance ...

  18. Travel Insurance for Cambodia

    Here are some of the companies that offer cover for Cambodia: World Nomads Insurance is renowned for having very comprehensive coverage. Forte Travel Insurance Cambodia - the kingdom's premier insurance company - choose between the standard and super plan. AIA Insurance Cambodia.

  19. List of insurance companies in Cambodia

    General Insurance policies provide protection for assets such as property, vehicles, and businesses, while Accident Insurance provides health and compensation coverage for injuries caused by accidents. Other Insurance options in Cambodia include Medical Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Micro-insurance.

  20. Health insurance and travel insurance

    For those who are in Cambodia for a short period of time and who have a national health-care system at home, this is a reasonable choice. Travel insurance is much cheaper than expat health insurance, but it will usually only cover enough care to stabilize you. For example, if you're in a serious car accident, travel insurance will cover your ...

  21. Medical and Travel Insurance

    The spouse or fiancée, children (aged 18 years or less) or parents or accompany of the Insured Person permanently residing with the Insured Person. The Company. Cambodian National Insurance Company (CAMINCO) or any company designated by them while providing the benefits described in the policy. Usual Country Of Residence Means.

  22. Forte

    Domestic Inland Travel Insurance. PA & IEMA Insurance. Travel Outbound and Inbound Insurance. CancKoampea Insurance. Contact Us. ... Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia (+855) 23 885 077 / 066 (+855) 23 986 922 / 882 798. [email protected] [email protected].

  23. Health Insurance in Cambodia: What You Need to Know in 2022

    It basically pertains to the amount you must pay before the health insurance company pays for your medical expenses. After your deductibles are determined — which can be around $100, $500, $1,000 or more — your insurance company will decrease the premium in return. It can yield a discount of 5%-10% or more.