hermes store

The New Hermès Store is a Postage Stamp Versailles on Madison Avenue

Among the distinct isles that make up New York City, each with their own zip codes and reality distortion fields, 706 Madison Avenue is drama-free principality, both exclusive and inviting, where service is the lingua franca.

Headshot of Mike Albo

On a recent bright morning, a select few convened at a former bank on Manhattan’s Upper East Side for the first look at one of those enviable renovations where no expense was spared. Scarves floated overhead, suspended between tall open frames, and along the walls like resplendent, illuminated scrolls.

One of the hosts gestured to the “obsessive collections of art” started by his great-great-great-grandfather, 150 of the works now hanging on the walls, and then mentioned that there was a champagne bar on the third floor. A perfectly timed collective titter erupted that made me certain I had suddenly become an extra in a crowd scene on season two of And Just Like That…

“New York City is a dream. We still believe in the American Dream,” said Pierre-Alexis Dumas, the artistic director of Hermès and a descendant of founder ­Thierry Hermès. With the unwrapping of the label’s newest Maison, at the corner of 63rd Street and Madison Avenue , “there’s a bit of Hermès in New York, but also a bit of New York in Hermès.” Everyone applauded, then excitedly swept around the store like so many Charlottes, yet…I couldn’t help wondering, do they really want to bring New York into Hermès?

Do they know how crowded it is here now? That everyone moved back to the city post-pandemic bringing three friends, and they’re all too busy BeRealing each other to say ‘Excuse me’? That 99 percent of restaurants are 100 percent full of 30-year-olds on Raya dates? That they wait in line for hours for every sneaker drop like it’s a royal funeral? That the fictional façade that was the Friends building is among the most visited sights in the city? That’s New York now: congested like a Harry Styles concert just got out.

hermes store

The antidote to all that may be found here, the grandest iteration of the growing store-as-immersive-museum category. Like that Van Gogh experience, this place envelopes you. I visited again on a Friday morning, a week after the official opening, and was greeted by the serene concierge director, Casey Legler, a French-born former Olympic swimmer and model who was the first female to be signed to Ford Men’s.

With Legler’s extensive background in hospitality (Le Coucou, Blue Hill at Stone Barns), there may be no better person to represent the city for Hermès than Legler, who uses they/them pronouns: tall, magnetic, friendly, they are the unfazed, confident New Yorker that you can still spot every now and then around town, if you bother to look up from your phone. Clients may come in irked about the wait time for an appointment or how long it took to snag their Birkin, but among Legler’s responsibilities is to gently remind customers that quality takes time.

“You have to complete 18 months as an apprentice before making a bag,” they said.

hermes store

The concierge desk here is the first of its kind, a staff of six in addition to a butler service befitting a store that’s bigger than a flagship (the other two Maisons are in Paris and Shanghai). Legler’s role is to create “animations”—moments when servers bring out afternoon tea, or an evening conversation with artists (programming begins early this year).

“I’ll work here forever,” they said. “When I started, I felt like I was going back to an Olympic team.”

A man walked around holding his phone out and talking to a woman loudly in French in speaker mode, and rather than getting irritated I became calmer knowing that annoying people are an international class. Legler looked at him without a hint of distaste. We strolled the first floor and stumbled into the Horizons section, where patrons’ wildest dreams are made real: a portable dog tent, a skateboard, a pool table. “It’s bespoke on top of bespoke,” Legler said.

In the equestrian section, over a series of beautifully crafted leather saddles with a combined price that would get you two Audis, they pointed to a painting by Paul Slater featuring a jockey floating in midair without a horse and whispered “ Farfelu ,” one of those beautiful French words that sound like something Juliette Binoche would sigh into her belted camel coat.

hermes store

Up the stairwell, which features artwork of different eras, is the Maison department, where Tim Skeeter, floor director, showed me his favorite items: a $47,600, hand-painted papier-mâché armchair by Studio Mumbai with a beechwood frame that looked ancient yet fresh, and a similarly priced table in Belgian blue stone, its cool, dark surface hand-chiseled by someone who, like me, may have mild OCD but harnessed it for a better use than going back home three times to make sure an ember from his one-hitter didn’t spontaneously leap onto the New York Review of Books back issues he will never read.

Next door, Allan Quinta­nilla, men’s floor director, noted that the deep green mosaic marquetry walls of his domain alone took three months to install; the store, which is the first Hermès Maison to house the men’s and women’s boutiques under the same roof, has been in the works for eight and a half years, “because,” said Bob Chavez, president and CEO of Hermès Americas, “everything takes time at Hermès.”

Quintanilla led me to the made-to-measure suite, where one can begin a customized journey with a $1,100 shirt (even I know that is sort of affordable). When asked what he liked most about this new space, he immediately replied as someone who is excellent at retail because he loves it: “The intimacy. It’s really a moment to be with your client.”

hermes store

One flight up, Nicole David, the women’s floor director, also curates her area to speak to the locals. If someone wants to serve heiress-at-daytime-charity-event realness , there’s a status-screaming cream cashmere jacket that’s exclusive to the store (there are only six in existence) for $37,200. She picked up a $3,725 embroidered cardigan off the rack. “Just put this over a T-shirt and jeans… I’ve noticed that women coming out of the pandemic are taking the sweatpants off,” she said.

High on a shelf but too bright to ignore was a jumping boot in acid pink (or “rose flash”; only four pairs exist) timed perfectly for next summer’s inevitable Barbiecore wave. And then there’s the jewelry inner sanctum, where an $869,600 Kelly Gavroche necklace encased in glass was so elegant yet deceptively casual that it was begging to grace Cate Blanchett’s neck at next year’s Oscars.

hermes store

The fourth story is Valhalla: leather goods, and the air is ripe with the pheromones of bag lust . “People can really browse and wonder at a Birkin or Kelly and understand what it is,” said floor director Denise Persad. Nearby was a $9,350 medium-size roller, in a “Traffic Jam” print that you can only get here and in Beverly Hills; it stirred my own luggage thirst because it would help complete my impossible daydream of moving into Gore Vidal’s Amalfi Coast villa. I needed to get some air to snap out of it when, miraculously, a door opened onto a rooftop garden, a postage stamp Versailles that materialized like a mirage.

Across the street a neighbor had taped posters on the windows: Hillary 2020 on one and Bernie 2020 on the other, the handiwork of a confused recluse marooned inside their own fantasyland. That’s also New York, a series of distinct isles with their own zip codes and reality distortion fields all floating in the same ocean. The original multiverse.

Here, Legler and company had fashioned a drama-free principality, both exclusive and inviting, where service is the lingua franca. Ask and you shall receive, usually with a Dominique Ansel cookie thrown in.

This story appears in the December 2022/January 2023 issue of Town & Country. SUBSCRIBE NOW

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Apple Watch Hermès - 42mm Noir/Gold Twill Jump Attelage Single Tour

Works with most versions of Apple Watch.

Noir/Gold (black/brown) Twill Jump Single Tour strap with woven nylon pattern, polished stainless steel lugs and buckle.

Product Information

A time-honored design, reimagined with new textiles. The most delicate band available for Series 10, the Twill Jump Attelage Single Tour is an ethereal wisp of form. With a nod to the precise edge painting used throughout Hermès, colorful contrasting borders enliven this elegantly thin band.

What’s in the Box

Apple Watch Hermès Twill Jump Attelage Single Tour

Material: Polyamide Yarn


Apple watch models.

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Accueil mitigé dans cette boutique Hermès. La vendeuse semble plus préoccupée par le fait de réaliser une vente que d’apporter un réel conseil. Quant à la responsable, elle ne salut pas les clients qui entrent même si elle les dévisage. Surtout, elle leur demande de ne pas marcher dans la boutique lors de l’essayage d’une chaussure mais plutôt de rester dans la toute petite cabine d’essayage. Pas facile d’être sûr d’avoir choisi la bonne taille. Dommage et surtout pas au niveau de cette superbe marque chez qui nous allons régulièrement à Paris et ailleurs.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN1dGE2TUZREAE - 0 --------------


Étant parisien et de passage à Tours je voulais acheter un sac mais les salariés m’ont sous estimé. Tant pis cela profitera au CA du magasin à Paris.

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marque que j'apprécie particulièrement tant au niveau montres ,que bijoux, foulards,.......Toutefois , je n'ai pas du tout apprécié l'accueil qui a été fait à ma fille. En effet , je l'ai envoyé à la boutique me chercher un étui phone. Elle a été reçue sur le pas de la porte et lorsque qu'elle a fait voir le modèle que je voulais , une jeune vendeuse lui a répondu qu'ils ne faisaient pas les accessoires, fin de non recevoir!!! Il aurait peut-être été judicieux de lui proposer éventuellement de lui commander ou du moins de chercher une solution!!

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURXdW9pcmtRRRAB - 0 --------------


C’est une boutique exceptionnelle avec une équipe tres professionnel qui a su parfaitement nous conseiller. Accueil chaleureux, je recommande.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUM2N2YzNE1nEAE - 0 --------------


Nous étions pour un échange de carré, l’accueil et le professionnalisme de l’ensemble de l’équipe était au rdv. C’est une boutique intimiste j’ai su que c’est la 2e plus petite au monde grâce à Clémentine, ses connaissances sur la maison Hermès nous a fait voyager. Tom était de très bon conseil pour mon mari. Enfin la directrice était très avenante et courtoise. Une expérience tout le contraire de Deauville!

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNhOV9pQjNBRRAB - 0 --------------


Magasin exceptionnel ! Autant par le professionnalisme de l'équipe, la propreté. JADORE

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURxdDV6UVFnEAE - 0 --------------


Vendeuse très gentille et qui m'a beaucoup aidé, merci! De plus, boutique très jolie et très bien organisée.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUR5cXFDUmF3EAE - 0 --------------


Personnel très professionnel et toujours souriant ( malgré les masques obligatoires )Belle boutique Hermès très agréable.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ4OVpfZHVBRRAB - 0 --------------


------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURNcTg3eV9RRRAB - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) pas professionnel du tout! LE DIRECTEUR a placé mon sac sur le sol sans demander la permission! (Avis d'origine) not professional at all! MANAGER placed my bag on the floor without asking for permission!

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURNbktETi1nRRAB - 0 --------------


Un grand bonheur à chaque fois que de visiter cette boutique. Les vendeuses y sont charmantes et connaissent leur catalogue sur le bout des doigts. Incontournable.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQwM3JidU5nEAE - 0 --------------


Belle boutique, très bon accueil

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURVamVULWh3RRAB - 0 --------------


Super accueil

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUM0eVBlUHRRRRAB - 0 --------------


Très mauvais accueil. Un vendeur brun très condescendant qui devait me rappeler quand il recevrait les chaussures que je voulais et qui ne l'a jamais fait. Expérience client indigne d'une telle enseigne.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURvc18tVGRREAE - 0 --------------


Maison d'excellence! Produits d'excellence ! Foulards, chaussures, bottes cavalières, ceintures, Montres, bijoux, sacs... Cravates... Du cuir oui mais du Hermès !!!

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURJaUlmYU1nEAE - 0 --------------


Acceuil, présentation des produits, conseils des différents vendeurs ! A recommander pour les amateurs de la marque !

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNJMTY2RWJBEAE - 0 --------------


Accueil parfait et prestation de qualité

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNJX283YmtnRRAB - 0 --------------


Des professionnels

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNJbnBURjJBRRAB - 0 --------------


Un accueil incomparable. Des produits magnifiques

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURnaEkzODlnRRAB - 0 --------------


Toujours un vrai accueil de qualité

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURRb29Ianl3RRAB - 0 --------------


L accueil le luxe les beaux objets la qualité

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURRbjk3N3VnRRAB - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) Très bon service! Produits fantastiques. Toujours passer le magasin quand je vais à Tours. (Avis d'origine) Very good service! Fantastic goods. Always passing the store when I go to Tours.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNBbDZEVENnEAE - 0 --------------


Ma femme adore ces bijoux et nous sommes toujours de passage dans cette boutique. Accueil parfait et prix du marché

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURnaE1tTWNREAE - 0 --------------


Très bon accueil et j'ai trouvé ce que je voulais

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3Zy1ldzhnRRAB - 0 --------------


Magasin très élégant avec un accueil sur mesure

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNRaXJmaDN3RRAB - 0 --------------

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Complete Guide To Hermès Bags: Names, Prices, And How To Buy

From Birkins To Bolides: The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Hermès Handbag

The holy grail of luxury handbags.

by Emma Treagus Updated on June 4, 2024

At Luxe Digital, we test and recommend products that we think you will love. If you buy something, we might earn a commission . This supports our team at no extra cost for you.

Renowned for their cult-following and exclusive releases, Hermès handbags are the holy grail of luxury accessories. Symbolic of its French origins, the affluent label is immune to indifference. You’re either turning your nose up at the six-figure price tags with an “I wouldn’t buy one even if I could attitude.” Or your social media feeds reflect a vision board where the Birkin and Kelly constantly compete for renewed infatuation. Either way, as the ultimate status symbol—mutually signed off by decades of it-girls and style icons—it’s undeniable that Hermès has left its mark on the fashion industry. However, we believe that the time-honored label has done far more than that. 

We all know that not anybody can just buy a new Hermès Birkin. To be invited to make the purchase requires a record of loyalty and patiently waiting out year-long waiting lists. And whilst such unwavering exclusivity may rub many up the wrong way, it also makes a Hermès handbag an incredibly smart investment. In fact, because of such preferential treatment, many Hermès handbags increase in value, retailing for more second-hand than new. Fashion lovers rejoice: if everyone else can justify investing in art—we don’t see why you can’t invest in a timeless bag. After all, it does so much more than ornamenting a wall. 

Hermès Birkin

best hermes bags the hermes birkin - Luxe Digital

Flying high in affluent fashion circles, it could be considered ironic that the Hermès Birkin bag was born mid-flight on the back of a sickness bag. Serendipitously seated next to Hermès CEO and artistic director, Jean-Louis Dumas, young mother and it-girl, Jane Birkin, implored the designer to create a bag with greater functionality. Little did they know that the design would become the crème de la crème of the Hermes range—and of luxury handbags in general. 

Today the iconic multi-pocketed rectangular silhouette comes in a range of sizes, colors and skins, with the exclusive bi-annual release remaining a secret to everyone but those invited to purchase a freshly minted Birkin. Thankfully for the rest of us, the resale market is equally impressive, albeit slightly more accessible. 

Covetable and collectable in equal measure, the Hermès Birkin bag comes in four sizes: Birkin 25 (also known as the Baby Birkin), Birkin 30, Birkin 35, and Birkin 40. Conveniently, the clue is in the name: For example, a Birkin 30 bag is 30 centimeters wide across the base.

Best for: Worth the wait. 

Hermès Kelly

best hermes bags the hermes kelly - Luxe Digital

Effortlessly elegant and unapologetically sophisticated, the Hermès Kelly bag pays homage to Grace Kelly in style and name. After the actress-turned-Princess of Monaco famously used the handbag to conceal her baby bump, Hermès renamed the Sac-à-Dépêches, crediting the Princess for popularizing the timeless trapezoid silhouette. 

Like Grace Kelly herself, the Kelly bag marries bold modernism with understated nobility. And whilst the Hermès handbag has been reimagined in a variety of hues, sizes, and fabrics, each iteration remains true to the original design with its signature triangular gussets, cutout flaps, shoulder straps, and double-sided strap clasp closure—making the Hermès Kelly instantly recognizable to fashion aficionados and novices alike. 

Best for: Grace-fully chic style. 

Hermès Constance

best hermes bags the hermes constance - Luxe Digital

Celebrating continuity in a world of seasonal trends, Constance was created to be passed down to many future generations. Released on the day of the birth of Catherine Chaillet’s—the designer—daughter, the timeless Hermès bag was named after the newborn. The iconic exaggerated H hardware alludes to the immortality of the elegant-but-contemporary label. Whilst the perfectly proportioned crossbody silhouette poses as a highly functional yet equally fashionable addition to any ensemble. 

Like the Birkin and the Kelly Bag, the Hermès Constance cannot be purchased new online, but it can be found in perfect condition on many reputable e-retailers such as Farfetch and Fashionphile . 

Best for: Mastering the art of contemporary continuity. 

Hermès Haut à Courroies 

best hermes bags the hermes haut a courroies - Luxe Digital

As the OG Hermès bag, the Haut à Courroies (HAC) carries with it the history of the affluent label. The tall, oversized silhouette was originally designed to carry saddles and riding boots. Whilst the brand’s signature adoption of the indestructible saddle stitch gives it the ability to endure centuries of use—be it on horseback or screaming through airport security.

The ultimate designer travel bag, the Haut à Courroies counts Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, and Travis Scott amongst its fans. Whilst the spacious interior makes it the antidote to any on-the-go day.

Best for: Tall, dark, and handsome, please.

Hermès Picotin

best hermes bags the hermes picotin - Luxe Digital

Taking its name from the measure of feed given to horses, the Hermès Picotin honors Parisian simplicity with its minimalist bucket silhouette and uncomplicated detailing. In fact, the only real accent is a subtle equestrian-inspired padlock, alluding to the mystery kept inside the Hermès Picotin by the individual. 

As one of the most decadent totes , we’re keeping our Picotin away from the stables and sticking to the streets. We adore the buttery soft leather iterations for an everyday elegant accessory or designer work bag . Whilst the canvas versions lend themselves to a slightly sportier (yet undeniably sophisticated) aesthetic. 

Best for: Equestrian-inspired elegance in spades. 

Hermès Evelyne

best hermes bags the hermes evelyne - Luxe Digital

Distinguished by the exaggerated perforated H, the Hermès Evelyne bag marries casual-sporty-chic with designer decadence. Significant of the brand’s equestrian roots, the perforated detailing was originally worn against the rider’s body for optimal ventilation. But like many things Hermès, the once-practical accent now serves as the ultimate status symbol—worn outwards by in-the-know girls and high-profile faces worldwide. 

With many generations of the Hermès Evelyne bag, additional features range from adjustable shoulder straps to exterior pockets, all of which speak to the highly functional yet unapologetically fashionable nature of the cult-favorite silhouette. 

Best for: Equestrian essential turned luxury.

Hermès Bolide

best hermes bags the hermes bolide - Luxe Digital

Understanding the importance of slow fashion for a fast-paced lifestyle, the Hermès Bolide doesn’t succumb to the chaos of a life in motion. But rather it brings a piece of serenity to the mundane—such as airport lines and supermarket queues. 

Drawing inspiration from Henry Ford’s factory, the zip closure speaks to innovation that remains on-trend for centuries to come. And as one of the most iconic Hermès purses, other practical elements such as the removable shoulder strap make the Hermès Bolide far more than just a classical showpiece. 

Best for: A frontrunner in functional fashion. 

Hermès Jypsière

best hermes bags the hermes jypsiere - Luxe Digital

Acknowledging the transitional lifestyle of the predecessors to digital nomads—gypsies—the Jypsière speaks to a carefree and confident attitude with understated elegance. Positioned as a classic reinterpretation of the iconic Kelly bag, the messenger silhouette is designed for everyday use. The adjustable shoulder strap sits comfortably on the hip. And the slightly rounded bottom gives off a relaxed-yet-refined feel. 

Style it with casual denims and off-the-shoulder knits as seen on Nicole Scherzinger or go full boho with a headscarf like Ella MacPhearson. Either way, Hermès Jypsière proves that you don’t have to live in a caravan to adopt a free-spirited way of living. 

Best for: With love from Paris. 

Hermès Herbag

best hermes bags the hermes herbag - Luxe Digital

Two for the price of one is not something you expect to hear from one of the most popular luxury brands , Hermès. But the Herbag is exactly that. As one of the affluent label’s most accessible designs, the top of the bag can be detached from the bottom for mix-and-match styling. Whilst the removable zipped pouch pulls double duty as one of our best designer wallets for women.

The canvas construction is endlessly durable and easy to wear with a slightly more relaxed feel. Whilst the overall aesthetic of the Herbag is reminiscent of the popularized Kelly bag in sophistication and style.

Best for: Multifaceted personalities. 

Hermès Garden Party

best hermes bags the hermes garden party - Luxe Digital

It’s simple. The Hermès Garden Party bag is the designer equivalent of Mary Poppins’ endless tote. And the spacious interior makes room enough for all the essentials—be it a hat stand or spontaneous picnic blanket. 

Besides its generous dimensions, the casual nature of the bag is emphasized by the canvas exterior and leather accents. Whilst a range of fun prints reflects an outgoing, celebratory attitude. We think it’s safe to say that the Hermès Garden Party lives up to its name in spirit and performance. 

Best for: Pulling it out of the bag. 

Hermès Lindy

best hermes bags the hermes lindy - Luxe Digital

A tribute to the legendary street dance, the Lindy Hop, this Hermès handbag encapsulates the groove of the 1920s. The soft, supple leather silhouette moves to the rhythm of your everyday routine. Whilst the signature side handles allow the curvy structure to hug the body. 

The gold-plated hardware adds a touch of pizazz to the effortlessly elegant Hermès bag. And the versatility of the design promises to keep up with your upbeat, on-the-go lifestyle. 

Best for: A life in motion—but make it elegant. 

What makes Hermès bags so special? 

Founded by Thierry Hermès in 1837, Hermès started as an equestrian harness workshop in Paris. And whilst the brand specialized in harnesses and saddles for European nobility, it was their equestrian-inspired handbags that stole the show. Hermès released its first bag—the Haut à Courroies—in 1892, designed specifically for carrying saddles and riding boots. This was followed by the Sac à Dépêches (now known as the Kelly), the Constance, and the Birkin—all of which remain household names to this day. 

What are now renowned as status symbol accessories began as functional pieces. Not only did Hermès patent zip closures for maximum security, but perforated sides were designed for optimal ventilation whilst riding. Adjustable straps prioritized comfort. And perhaps most importantly, premium materials ensured endless durability and wearability. Hermès famously adopted the indestructible saddle stitch, which cannot be replicated by machinery. Therefore Hermès handbags are hand stitched by a single artisan, ensuring impeccable attention to detail and unparalleled craftsmanship. 

Along with the bags’ timeless aesthetics, the brand’s exclusive approach to production resulted in years-long waiting lists, making them increase in value over time. Talk about a smart (and stylish) investment, right? 

How much does a Hermès bag cost? 

If you’ve tried to buy a Hermès bag, you’ll know that it’s not as simple as visiting the official website. Although you’ll find a few smaller bags, most of the iconic silhouettes can only be purchased second hand. Therefore the cost of Hermès bags usually comes down to the specific model, how limited it is, as well as the condition that it’s in. 

The most popular hermès bag, the Birkin typically ranges between $10,000 to $56,000 on the resale market. Whilst less popularized silhouettes such as the Garden Party and Herbag may range between $2,000 to $10,000. 

Is an Hermès bag an investment?  

Absolutely. Like all hyper-limited purchases that are high in demand, a Hermès bag is more than just a status symbol—it can also be a super smart investment. Distinguishing itself from other affluent labels, one has to be invited to purchase most Hermès models new. This means that the minute you leave the Hermès store with a Birkin, Constance, Kelly or other iconic silhouette, it has almost certainly already increased in value. 

With such a robust resale market, purchasing the right preloved Hermès bag can also be a smart financial decision. In general, limited edition styles, discontinued colors, and bags kept in perfect condition are bound to catch the attention of collectors, making them an excellent choice for fashion investors. 

What is the most expensive Hermès bag ever sold?  

Renowned as the ultimate status symbol, Birkin bags are the most exclusive, most sought-after—and naturally the most expensive Hermès bags. So how much is a Birkin bag? Or rather, how much could it be?

Made from rose gold and inlaid with 2,712 diamonds , the Sac Bijou Birkin took center stage in Hermès’ Haute Bijouterie jewelry collection. The design was released in 2012 with a price tag of $2 million. And whilst the mini Birkin bag is fully functional, it was intended to be worn as a bracelet. 

If we’re calling the Sac Bijou Birkin a jewelry piece and not a bag, the most expensive Hermès bag ever sold would be the Birkin bag by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka, which sold for $1.9 million in 2008. Made from platinum and adorned with over 2,000 white diamonds , only one was ever made and released. The embellished strap can be removed and used as a necklace while the encrusted 8 karat dazzling diamond can be worn as a brooch. 

Where can you buy an Hermès bag?  

Whilst smaller types of Hermès bags can be found on the brand’s official site, if you’re after one of the classics, you’ll have to dig a little deeper. Of course, you could visit one of Hermès’ boutique stores. But this may require a flight, and you aren’t guaranteed to find what you are looking for as stock varies from one store to another. And if you’re wondering how to buy a Birkin bag in particular, well that requires an invitation from the brand itself after years-long waiting lists. 

Fortunately for those of us who aren’t on Hermès’ VIP list, we can find many signature models on reputable online retailers such as Farfetch , Fashionphile and Vestiaire Collective . Because the resale market is so robust, most Hermès bags are kept in impeccable condition, and finding the right one can actually be a really good investment. 

What is the difference between a Kelly and a Birkin bag?  

Both the Kelly bag and the Birkin are named after icons. And both have waitlists exclusively reserved for Hermès loyalists. So what sets them apart? In short, the Kelly epitomizes elegance with its signature clasp closure over the top, shoulder straps and trapezoid silhouette. Whilst the Birkin is recognized by its lock closure, shorter tote handles and rectangular silhouette, making it the better choice for everyday use. 

Both models come in a range of sizes, colorways and materials, although the Kelly has greater variety, while the Birkin remains slightly more exclusive. 

The colors of Hermès bags  

Marrying time-honored silhouettes with soul-stirring hues, color is the language through which Hermès communicates with its cult following. And those well-versed in the brand’s particular colloquialisms are likely already frequent users of terms such as: Vert Anglaise and Parchemin Pink. But for those who aren’t, understanding why some shades of pink are ten times the value of others can be pretty confusing. 

The extraordinary beauty of the affluent French label: exclusivity and mystery . One never knows what shades seasonal collections will bring in. And as a result, the brand’s signature limited hues are renowned for garnering a dedicated following of their own. Classical colors such as black, red, navy, dark green, brown and beige/cream are regular features and easy to find on the resale market. Whilst signature exotic shades such as Himalaya White and Rose Azalee are limited editions and have become highly sought after on the resale market.  

Which Hermès bag should I buy?  

Buying and selling Hermès bags can be a great way to make money. But just like any investment, you have to know Hermès bags’ names and prices. Iconic models such as the Birkin, Kelly and Constance are highly exclusive and sought after. 

The best Birkin to invest in is the mini Birkin bag. Classical colors consistently sell well, whilst exotic hues can be a hit or miss. However the biggest factor in determining which second hand Hermès bag to buy ultimately comes down to what condition it’s in and whether the Birkin bag price tag already reflects that or whether it can be sold for more. 

Less exclusive models such as the Garden Party, Herbag and Evelyne are a lot more accessible. So if you’re buying a Hermès bag to actually use, we would recommend looking at these silhouettes on reputable online stores like Farfetch . 

Frequently asked questions about the most popular Hermès bags

Popularized by it-girl, Jane Birkin, in the 1980s, the Hermès Birkin bag garnered a cult following of its own. The Birkin’s overnight fame and limited release resulted in long waiting lists. And today you have to be invited to purchase one from the brand itself. However, the Birkin bag is equally popular on the resale market, with the Birkin 25 being the most highly sought-after Birkin bag.

While many Hermès bags are iconic in their own right, the Birkin bag is renowned as the famous Hermès bag. Unknowingly seated next to Hermès CEO on a flight from London to Paris, Jane Birkin expressed a need for a more functional designer handbag. Exchanging the use of her name for the limited edition bag, Jane Birkin made the Birkin Bag a household name. And subsequently, it became the object of desire for all young women.

Singapore flight attendant turned influencer, Jamie Chua is renowned for having the most Hermès bags. The socialite’s collection exceeds 200 bags, all of which are displayed in her enormous walk-in closet.

When it comes to Hermès bags’ names and prices, the Birkin bag is easily the most exclusive, most sought after and therefore most expensive. With the comeback of smaller silhouettes, the Birkin 25 is particularly hard to find. Whilst exotic colors and materials are more exclusive than classical hues.

About the author

boutique hermes tours

Emma Treagus

Women’s fashion & travel editor.

A former fashion assistant and budding entrepreneur who calls the world her home, Emma writes many of Luxe Digital’s women’s style and travel stories, drawing on her passion and experience for slow fashion alongside an appreciation for current trends. When she’s not getting her way with words, you’ll find her exploring a new city (at quite a walking pace)—locating the nearest sushi restaurant or devouring a book on the beach.

Learn more about Emma Treagus

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21st – 28th july 2024.

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DAY 1: Sunday, 21st July ‍ Rome – Orvieto – Rapolano di Serre

Welcome to the start of our sensational journey through Tuscany! Departing from Rome, we firstly make our way to the medieval town of Orvieto. Upon arrival, a funicular will take us to the hilltop location of this beautiful town with the incredible Orvieto Cathedral as its centre piece – a masterpiece of gothic architecture adorned with beautiful and intricate frescos of a time gone by. Enjoy some free time to explore the labyrinth of narrow cobblestoned streets as you discover hidden gems and indulge in a delicious lunch at one of the local trattorias – for our white wine lovers don’t forget to try the famous Orvieto Classico.  With a full belly and a satisfied pallet, we continue north into the heart of Tuscany where we arrive at our extraordinary home for the next seven days – the Castello delle Serre, a meticulously restored medieval castle nestled amongst the rolling hills of Tuscany. Tonight, please join us at our Grand Welcome Reception where we raise our glasses to the beginning of this Italian adventure, celebrating new friendships and the exciting experiences that lie ahead of us.    (B,D)


Transfer from Rome to Castello delle Serre

Visit the Medieval town of Orvieto

Grand Welcome Reception

boutique hermes tours

DAY 2: Monday, 22nd July ‍ Montepulciano

Get ready for a day of wine indulgence in the picturesque region of Montepulciano, renowned for its Nobile di Montepulciano wine. Our first stop is the esteemed Poliziano winery, known as one of the region's most prestigious producers. You’ll attend a wine masterclass and learn about the importance of the Sangiovese grape to the area.   We then continue north into the heart of Tuscany, where we’ll take a walking orientation tour. You'll then have plenty of time to explore the winding streets and have a leisurely, long lunch at one of the local restaurants. In the afternoon, we visit Palazzo Ricci, home to the renowned Di Ricci winery. This promises to be an unforgettable experience as we explore their underground "wine cathedral" and learn about their time-honoured techniques and passion for crafting exceptional wines. To add to the magic of the evening, we’ll then venture out to their vineyards, and come together for a sensational long table dinner prepared by the acclaimed Italian MasterChef star, Nicolo Duchini. Salute! (B,D)

Poliziano Winery

Visit Montepulciano

Visit Di Ricci winery and have dinner  amongst the vineyards

boutique hermes tours

DAY 3: Tuesday, 23rd July ‍ Florence

Today we drive north to Florence, Tuscany’s Renaissance capital. Our adventure will begin at the renowned Accademia Museum, where our wonderful local specialist Sam will show us the museum’s famous highlights, which of course includes the magnificent Statue of David, sculpted by Michelangelo. We'll then continue our exploration of the city on foot, and see such highlights including the awe-inspiring Duomo, Piazza Signoria – the city’s main square, and the ‘instagramable’ Ponte Vecchio which spans the River Arno. After our tour why not indulge in some retail therapy as the city is renowned for their exquisite leather goods, dazzling silver and gold jewellery, and of course mouth-watering gelato. As the afternoon draws to a close, we'll venture up into the Tuscan Hills where we'll embark on a truffle hunting expedition with a local truffle hunter and his faithful dog. You’ll witness their remarkable expertise as they uncover these elusive culinary delights hidden within the woods. To cap off an unforgettable day, we'll savour an extraordinary evening at the breathtaking Villa Machiavelli. This historic residence, once inhabited by the esteemed Machiavelli himself, will serve as the backdrop for a delicious dinner that will highlight our freshly sourced truffles as well as other Tuscan specialties including their famous “Bistecca Fiorentina”.   Buon Appetito! (B,D)

Guided tour of Florence and the Accademia Museum

Go Truffle Hunting

Dinner at Villa Machiavelli

boutique hermes tours

DAY 4: Wednesday, 24th July ‍ Chianti

Today we go tripping through the Chianti wine region, which is considered a paradise for wine enthusiasts, boasting a rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and a legacy of producing some of the world's most esteemed and flavourful wines. ‍ Our first stop is the Tolaini vineyard, whose wines are known internationally for their depth, complexity, and elegant flavours as well as the company’s commitment to sustainable viticulture. You'll have the opportunity to tour their cellars, uncover their winemaking secrets, and sample the exquisite flavours of their wines during an extensive tasting session. Next, we'll drive through their picturesque property to “Al Passo”, a scenic viewpoint overlooking the rolling Tuscan Hills, where a delicious Tuscan picnic awaits, featuring an array of charcuterie, cheeses, olives, peperoncini, crusty bread, and, of course, more of Tolaini's delightful wines. ‍ Afterwards, we'll venture a short distance to the breathtaking Castello di Brolio, considered to be the birthplace of the Chianti wine industry. You’ll explore the stunning gardens and gain exclusive access to their private residence, which has been owned by the Ricasoli family since 1141 (and yes, they still do call it home). We’ll then make our way to a private tasting room where you'll indulge in a sampling of five of their finest vintages. Finally, we'll return to our private Castello, where the remainder of the day and evening is yours to enjoy at leisure. Tonight, take a stroll through our village, Rapolano di Serre, and dine at one of their local, small restaurants. (B,L)

Visit Tolaini Winery

Picnic lunch in Chianti

Tour Castello di Brolio

Visit Ricasoli Winery

boutique hermes tours

DAY 5: Thursday, 25th July ‍ Siena and San Gimignano

Prepare for a day of unforgettable experiences as we explore two iconic Tuscan towns that top everyone's Italian bucket list. Our first destination is the magical city of Siena, renowned for its world-famous horse race, the Palio, since 1482. You'll fall in love with the charm and charisma (not to mention her knowledge) of our local specialist, Agnese, who’ll lead you on a fascinating walking tour, unravelling the secrets and stories that make Siena truly special. Following the tour, take your time to indulge in a leisurely, long lunch, savouring the flavours of Sienese cuisine or continue your exploration of Siena's rich medieval heritage. After lunch, as we begin our journey back to our Castello, we have an unmissable stop at the truly fascinating town of San Gimignano, known as the "town of fine towers."  You’ll be amazed as Agnese guides you through the narrow streets and imparts the incredible history that spans centuries, leaving you with a deep appreciation for this remarkable UNESCO World Heritage Site. San Gimignano's unique and well-preserved medieval architecture, along with its breathtaking panoramic views, is sure to make it a favourite highlight of our time together.   (B)

Walking tour of Siena

Walking tour of San Gimignano

boutique hermes tours

DAY 6: Friday, 26th July ‍ Cooking School and Terme San Giovanni

Prepare for a day of culinary delights and relaxation as we set off for two new and wonderful experiences. Firstly, we journey to the family home of Nonna Ciana, where Chef Umberto and Nonna Ciana herself will share with you the secrets of authentic Italian cooking. Brace yourself for a hands-on cooking course, where you'll immerse yourself in the art of Italian cuisine, getting your hands dirty as you knead and roll the pasta dough, create delicious sauces from scratch, and prepare a traditional dessert you’ll be replicating at dinner parties for years to come. Throughout the day, you'll rotate between four different cooking stations, covering antipasti, pasta, a mouth-watering main course, and, of course, a delicious dolce. After the cooking lesson, you’ll all gather together to enjoy the fruits of your labour which will be perfectly complemented by local wines.   In the afternoon, we'll return to our Castello, allowing you time to relax before we head out to the Terme San Giovanni thermal spa pools. Spend the evening unwinding in the therapeutic waters of the spa, letting the soothing ambiance and natural healing properties of the pools melt away any remaining traces of stress, rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.  As Friday is “late night” at the spa, grab a cocktail and a bite to eat at one of the eateries as the sun sets over the rolling Tuscan Hills. (B,L)

Italian cooking class and lunch

Terme San Giovanni thermal pools

boutique hermes tours

DAY 7: Saturday, 27th July ‍ Montalcino

Today, we embark on an extraordinary journey to the clifftop town of Montalcino, renowned for its world-famous Brunello wines, celebrated for their exceptional quality, depth and complex character representing the pinnacle of Tuscan wine making craftsmanship. Our selected highlight destination is the esteemed Col d'Orcia winery, recognised as one of the oldest and most awarded producers in the region. Prepare for an immersive experience as you explore the winery's organic park, gaining unique insights into their biodynamic farming practices. A cellar tour awaits, offering an exclusive Brunello barrel tasting, allowing you to savour the essence of this iconic wine in its early stages. You’ll then be guided through a tasting of seven of their exquisite wines, which will be paired with a delectable four-course farm to table lunch set in the estate's elegant villa.   After our lavish lunch, we’ll return to the Castello for one final, memorable celebration. As the sun sets, join us poolside for our inaugural White Party, where we invite you to don your sexiest white outfit. Experience a night of indulgence with fabulous food, drinks, funky tunes, and dancing under the stars. This evening will be the perfect finale to our extraordinary journey through Tuscany as we celebrate the incredible memories and friendships we’ve made together. (B,L,D)

Exclusive Brunello tasting at Col d’Orcia Winery

Four course luncheon at Villa Col d’Orcia

Farewell Party

boutique hermes tours

DAY 8: Sunday, 28th July Castello delle Serre – Florence

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.  Our tour concludes after breakfast where a complimentary transfer has been arranged to take you to Florence.   If you have time up your sleeve and would like to see a little more of this fascinating country, please join us on our 2 day extension to the stunning city of Venice.   (B)

Transfer to Santa Maria Novella train station in Florence.

Legend: (B) – Breakfast, (L) – Lunch, (D) – Dinner

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Copyright © Hermes Holidays 2021

Designed by  The Brand Illusionist

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Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Deployment Buckle Kilim


Orders will begin shipping after Sept. 20

Single tour deployment buckle band in Vert Moyen rubber

Made in Switzerland

Band: Wrist size from 6.1" to 7.5"

You can match this band with any stainless steel Apple Watch case (Series 10 or previous versions). The 46 mm band is compatible with the Apple Watch 44 mm, 45 mm or 46 mm cases, as well as with the Apple Watch Ultra 49 mm case.

  • Delivery with Chronopost or FedEx within 3-4 working days
  • In-store collection available within 3-4 business days
  • Delivered in a specially designed orange box tied with a Bolduc ribbon
  • See the delivery FAQs for details on shipping methods, costs and delivery times
  • Free Shipping
  • By card: Visa®, MasterCard®, Maestro®, American Express®, JCB® and UnionPay®
  • Card payment authenticated and secured with 3D Secure: Verified by Visa®, MasterCard® SecureCode, American Express SafeKey®
  • By PayPal® and Apple Pay®
  • Easy and complimentary, within 30 days
  • The Apple Watch Hermès straps must be returned in their original packaging.
  • See conditions and procedure in our return FAQs

Your purchases are delivered in an orange box tied with a Bolduc ribbon, with the exception of fragrances, makeup and beauty products, books, certain equestrian and bulky items. During checkout, you can include a card with a personalized message and a priceless invoice. The gift recipient can exchange a gift. For more details, please contact Customer Service . 

Product reference:   H0002611JCV

Like to know more? Contact Customer Service

View: Flat, Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Deployment Buckle Kilim

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Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Deployment Buckle Kilim


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  6. Hermès reopens Paris flagship on avenue George V

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  1. Hermès Tours

    Store Hermès Tours • 9 rue des Halles • Tours (37000 ) • Hermes Store in Tours, France Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. Orders placed after 2 pm (EDT) on Friday, 9/6 will begin shipping on Wednesday, 9/11.

  2. Hermès Tours

    Store Hermès Tours • 9 rue des Halles • Tours (37000) • Hermes Store in Tours, France

  3. Tour the Most Beautiful Hermes Store in New York City

    An $869,600 Kelly Gavroche necklace at Hermès New York. One flight up, Nicole David, the women's floor director, also curates her area to speak to the locals. If someone wants to serve heiress ...

  4. Buy Apple Watch Hermès Series 10 GPS + Cellular, 42mm Silver Titanium

    Apple Watch Hermès Series 10 GPS + Cellular, 42mm Silver Titanium Case with Rouge Grenat Torsade Double Tour. ... In‑store trade‑in requires presentation of a valid photo ID (local law may require saving this information). Offer may not be available in all stores, and may vary between in‑store and online trade‑in. ...

  5. 42mm Noir/Gold Twill Jump Attelage Single Tour

    A time-honored design, reimagined with new textiles. The most delicate band available for Series 10, the Twill Jump Attelage Single Tour is an ethereal wisp of form. With a nod to the precise edge painting used throughout Hermès, colorful contrasting borders enliven this elegantly thin band.

  6. Guide to Shopping for Hermès in Paris

    Guide to Shopping for Hermès in Paris

  7. Hermes Stores Tours

    Hermès Tours. Store page(new window) 9 rue des Halles, Tours, 37000 , France. + 33 (0)2 47 05 73 25. + 33 (0)2 47 47 03 98. More details. Find our Hermès stores in Tours, France. Hours, addresses and practical information for our Hermès stores in Tours.


  9. Hermès Tours à Tours

    Magasin de maroquinerie Hermès Tours Tours. Découvrez le numéro de téléphone, les avis clients (72), l'adresse, les horaires d'ouverture et les photos du Magasin de maroquinerie. ... Fantastic goods. Always passing the store when I go to Tours. T. 5 / 5. Le 18/03/2018 à 07:13. Ma femme adore ces bijoux et nous sommes toujours de passage ...

  10. Boutiques Hermès Tours

    Nos boutiques Hermès à Tours, France. Saisir un lieu . Carte. Utiliser ma position actuelle. Trouver. 1 boutiques trouvées. boutique trouvée. Hermès Tours. Page du magasin (nouvelle fenêtre) Emplacement. 9 rue des Halles, 37000 Tours, France . Numéro de téléphone + 33 (0)2 47 05 73 25 + 33 (0)2 47 47 03 98 ;

  11. Hermès Tours

    Store Hermès Tours • 9 rue des Halles • Tours (37000 ) • Hermes Store in Tours, France

  12. A Quick-and-Easy Guide to Shopping Hermès in Paris

    A Quick-and-Easy Guide to Shopping Hermès in Paris

  13. Guide To The Best Hermès Bags: Names, Prices, And How To Buy

    Covetable and collectable in equal measure, the Hermès Birkin bag comes in four sizes: Birkin 25 (also known as the Baby Birkin), Birkin 30, Birkin 35, and Birkin 40. Conveniently, the clue is in the name: For example, a Birkin 30 bag is 30 centimeters wide across the base. Best for: Worth the wait.

  14. Always an amazing experience in the Hermes George V store!

    Hermes: Always an amazing experience in the Hermes George V store! - See 329 traveler reviews, 106 candid photos, and great deals for Paris, France, at Tripadvisor.

  15. Band Apple Watch Hermès Double Tour 46 mm Hapi

    Double tour band in Gold Swift calfskin. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. Orders placed after 2 pm (EDT) on Friday, September 6th will begin shipping on Wednesday, September 11th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days;

  16. Boutique Gay Tours

    Following the tour, take your time to indulge in a leisurely, long lunch, savouring the flavours of Sienese cuisine or continue your exploration of Siena's rich medieval heritage. After lunch, as we begin our journey back to our Castello, we have an unmissable stop at the truly fascinating town of San Gimignano, known as the "town of fine towers."

  17. Hermès Tours

    Store Hermès Tours • 9 rue des Halles • Tours (37000 ) • Hermes Store in Tours, France

  18. Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm

    Single tour band in Noir Swift calfskin. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. Orders placed after 2 pm (EDT) on Friday, September 6th will begin shipping on Wednesday, September 11th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days;

  19. Band Apple Watch Hermès Double Tour 42 mm Hapi Attelage

    Double tour band in Bleu de France Swift calfskin. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days; Delivered in a specially designed orange box tied with a Bolduc ribbon;

  20. Band Apple Watch Hermès Double Tour 42 mm Torsade

    Single tour band in Vert Moyen knitted nylon. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. Orders placed after 2 pm (EDT) on Friday, September 6th will begin shipping on Wednesday, September 11th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days;

  21. Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Torsade

    Single tour band in Rouge Grenat knitted nylon. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. Orders placed after 2 pm (EDT) on Friday, September 6th will begin shipping on Wednesday, September 11th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days;

  22. The official Hermes online store

    The official Hermes online store | Hermès USA

  23. Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Deployment Buckle Kilim

    Single tour deployment buckle band in Vert Moyen rubber. Kindly note our Distribution Center will be closed on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th. ... In-store collection available within 3-4 business days; Delivered in a specially designed orange box tied with a Bolduc ribbon;