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What I Learned on My Crazy Quest for Six-Pack Abs

By John Jannuzzi

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Some people are born to be doctors. Some people, Bruce Springsteen and tramps included, are born to run. I was put on this earth to eat.

I grew up around a kitchen table, shopping in the husky department, and squirreling away Oreos like an extra in Heavyweights . It is the life I love. Though this fact of life is constantly at odds with my more superficial aspirations to look dead sexy. Previous attempts to correct this imbalance only ended with me standing half naked in front of my freezer in the dark, furiously unwrapping Reese’s peanut butter cups. An all too common experience I’d repent the following morning in the gym like clockwork.

For the better part of thirty years I’ve wanted that holy grail of fitness, a six pack . One which I was sure existed on the lower end of the body fat spectrum. (And to be honest, at the twilight of 29, my wild and unbridled eating habits were really starting to take a toll on not just my body, but my mood, stress level, and work.) Exercise-wise, I felt confident—I’m on the verge of being obsessive about weight lifting, really. But, all those things you always hear are true: “Abs are made in the kitchen,” “You can’t out-train a poor diet,” “Sugar is the devil,” and so on and so forth. I had a hunch that if I had somebody holding me accountable and coaching me—in the same way I learned to lift weights—I could stay on course, learn exactly what the hell I was putting into my body, and hopefully get the abs I’d been chasing for decades.

My shepherds on this journey would be the team at Manhattan’s Core Rhythm Fitness (CRF). I’d heard rumors of their results (and seen enough before-and-afters on Instagram), their resolve, and their generally strict oversight of your diet. I got in touch, we set a start date, and I had one last weekend of eating with no cares or concerns. It was pure bliss.

Back home, I made my first visit to CRF and met with head dude Rodrick Covington. He’s an impossibly cheerful and motivational guy, which is an odd compliment to my generally cold, dry, and blunt nature. Shortly after some high-energy conversation, I shuffle to the bathroom to pee in a cup. This would become routine for me—every two weeks I’d be tested to see how my body responded to certain foods and gauge my progress.

That was my first lesson with this whole thing, and it’s fairly obvious when you think about it. The way you eat, the way I eat, and the way somebody else eats could be exactly the same, but it can have profoundly different effects on our bodies. That’s why some people see extreme success when they “go paleo” or “do Atkins.” The hope, with CRF’s approach, is to find foods that your body in specific can use efficiently.

And though the CRF team available and blowing up my phone with motivational messages and helpful tips, I also sought motivation elsewhere. Every morning I'd comb through Reddit's fitness thread before heading to work out. It's a good place to go if you've got questions about fitness, are finding yourself unmotivated, or need some rallying. And as I'd find over the 10 weeks or so, I'd need a lot of that between wild sugar cravings (they eventually subside) and adjusting to a new type of diet.

The magical strip of paper dipped in my piss reveals one thing that is blatantly obvious. My sugar intake is out of control. I expected this, and I expected the decree that sugar, my one true love on this earth, would be ripped from my side for the remainder of my program. I thought of the stacks of candy in my freezer and how useless they’d be, the cookies in my jar to grow stale, and the Entenmann’s aisle that would have one less visitor. But, wanting be in “great” shape—running shirtless down the beach shape, head-turning shape, free from any semblance of a dad bod shape—would take sacrifice, and 10 weeks of being sugar-free seemed like a small price to pay for something I’d wanted for so long. Right? Right. And so, I bid adieu to sugar and said hello to bags of kale, a whole lot of fish, and a seemingly endless pile of peppers, cucumbers, onions, and their vegetable brethren.

The first chapter (each segment was referred to this way) was like a bomb to my social life, and that was my second lesson. When you’re on a diet, a program like this, or anything else that requires a true commitment, you sacrifice a lot. More than food. Going out to dinner, perhaps my favorite thing to do, now became a point of stress. I’d have to know where I was going, how the items were prepared, if there was any chance I would veer from the set path—in short, I had to be the customer every waiter dreads. Oh, and no alcohol. A few times I went to restaurants, but I eventually gave up on it. I resigned myself to cooking at home, which was satisfying and ostracizing at the same time. The regular cast of characters I ate meals with temporarily (I hope) fell off my radar. I’d planned to welcome them back with open arms, probably full of bread, when this was all over and me and my newly shredded abs could eat whatever I wanted.

Until then, me, myself, and I would wander the aisles of Whole Foods searching for new things to eat, dine alone on fish (so much fish), a shit-ton of vegetables (bless you, avocados), and not much else. All of those things would get filed into MyFitnessPal (a calorie tracking app) to be reviewed, tracked, and examined by the folks at CRF. For the first week or so, I felt like a newly-recovering addict. My head pounded, I yearned for sugar to the point of madness, I hungered for steak, for food with substance. My body was in withdrawal, and things I once found simple in the gym were suddenly monumentally hard. That unwelcome fatigue was my body on low-carb mode and low energy, and it completely sucked. My third lesson: It is going to suck. It’s the natural state of denying yourself what you want, and the chemical reality associated with withdrawal. If you’re setting off on a similar path, be prepared for mountains of suck, at least in the beginning.

A little into this thing I had dinner with my old colleagues. I'd been cooped up in my apartment alone for so long and one was visiting from out of town. I desperately wanted to go to a real-live restaurant, and of course, see my friends. They heard all about the diet after a flurry of questions when I ordered a club soda with lime at the bar. I told them about everything that I’d learned, and explained that whenever they see somebody who has shredded abs, or is in insanely good shape, that they’ve got no idea how much work that person has put in, how much they deny themselves, and how dedicated they are. Especially if they’re past, 25, let’s say. My former boss pondered that for a moment and said she knew it to be true, but she also mentioned that these people tended to be boring because they didn’t enjoy themselves as often as they should. And in the midst of this reunion with old friends, that sort of made sense, especially when gazing at a menu full of mouthwatering steak, fried morsels of heaven, and a cocktail list I desperately wanted to order from. As I said, I was born to eat, and eating with people, drinking with people, and sharing meals of food I love (food I was currently resisting) is perhaps my favorite past time. For the night, I’d have to make due with their company to enjoy myself. Sacrifice is real.

Slowly, life settled into a rhythm of sleeping (rest is extremely important when it comes to getting fit and healthy), exercising, eating, working, and eating. I found clever excuses for avoiding the now-complicated meals out such as “No,” and “I’m tired,” or simply not responding and crying. It seemed easier to avoid hanging out with people who would tempt me with “bites” of their dessert or try and persuade me to drink. And it was far more enjoyable to sit at home than to weather questions about why I was abstaining from alcohol, or the mind numbingly dull queries from the person who just started paleo and wanted to know all about what diet I was on. Eventually, the rhythm became less of a challenge, and bordered on enjoyable. My body literally felt like a lean machine, running like an efficient, clean, and well-oiled contraption. I looked forward to my bi-weekly check-ins with CRF that would usher in a new chapter of foods to eat. (You don’t know the sheer joy of eating almonds until you can't have them.)

More tests showed that though my body fat was down, and though I’d lost inches in my chest, stomach, and thighs, there was still a ways to go. I could see I was on the right track (even the faintest outline of an ab!), but was slightly disheartened at the speed at which I was traveling. But in that lies another lesson: It takes a lot of patience, a monumental amount, to accomplish fitness goals. Telling yourself you’re going to have a six pack a few weeks out from a vacation, or setting a time goal is good, it gives you something to work towards, but it also creates a potential for failure, disappointment, and some unrealistic expectations. About seven weeks into this, I realized that the shredded abs I was seeking would probably not come at the end of my 10 weeks.

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But, a lowered body fat percentage (almost sub 10!), and lost inches, and an overall better physique are good things. Maybe that mythical six pack would come in 15 weeks, maybe 20, maybe never. (They should revise that saying to “abs are made in the kitchen, low and slow.”) And as I learned in searching Reddit’s various fitness threads (something I do every morning), my body may not even have those exact Abercrombie ones I was chasing. Simply put: my muscles are different from everybody else’s. So are yours.

My CRF training is over. I’m leaving with a massively stronger understanding of what foods work well for my body, the amount of work required to really achieve fitness goals, and yes, a better looking body. But, the six pack I’d started out for? Not quite yet. I wish I could churn out a list of foods that would magically transform your midsection (along with exercise, there's no escaping that), but I can’t. I can only tell you that educating yourself about your diet will aid you enormously in your quest for fitness. Use what resources you can, you have the internet (I guess, since you’re reading this internet-only article). Find motivation and information in places like Reddit (despite what you may have heard, it’s an oddly supportive community), and information wherever you can whether that's from a trusted friend, a nutritionist, or doctor. And do so with the understanding that there is no way to cheat in any of this, and what works for one dude, another, and another, may not be for you.

Towards the end of the program, I was given guidelines for the beyond, where I'll be navigating the world of food without a spirit guide, without rules and restrictions. Like my colleague Ben Marcus, who famously did a six-day water fast , I found the guidelines pretty rigorous (although in this instance, not quite so harsh). And as far as I'm concerned, for the life I like to lead, they're too rigorous. Like Marcus, I'll be attempting the moderation thing. With a new understanding of food and its effects on not just my physique but my mood, stress, and well-being, it seems totally sustainable. And I know if I ever fall off the wagon and into a pillowy soft box of doughnuts, I can just hop back on the narrative CRF set for me.

II'll also caution you that there is a strong difference between being conscious about what you eat and being obsessive. Do not be obsessive, it can lead you to some wildly unhealthy habits that will ultimately do more harm than good. If you feel the urge to reward yourself with a peanut butter cup (a sweet sweet morsel from the heavens), or a whole pie, even, do it. Just understand that it's gonna set you back (duh). Unhealthy relationships with food are dangerous for many reasons and warping your eating habits to something abnormal isn't worth a six-pack.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat a steak dripping in maple syrup.

an around the world travel blog

Welcome to  a.b. journey ! This blog was created to capture the adventures of our 8-month journey around the world.

As an experience our journey was an incredible first hand look, feel and taste of some of the world’s most fascinating places, cultures and people. It was an opportunity to truly live limit-free and take in whatever life threw at us each day.

Simply put Alex & Brigitte.. we are a Brooklyn based couple and we’ve been living in New York city for years.

We traveled for 8 months covering 5 continents and 27 countries, and came full circle around the globe. We traveled fast and slow, high and low and  some of the world’s amazing places and faces.

Although our trip has officially concluded, our passion for travel lives on. We wanted to share not only our experiences and photos but also our insight into the trip. For those thinking of traveling around the world or curious about travel, we hope you enjoy a.b. journey!

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These are the trips we’ve taken since our world tour (2012 onward). Much has happened in the past few years, we have expanded our family and continue to discover the world, sharing our passion with our little ones. Here’s to planning the next trip, cheers!

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Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’

‘we tried something new, it wasn’t great.’.

By Jess Weatherbed , a news writer focused on creative industries, computing, and internet culture. Jess started her career at TechRadar, covering news and hardware reviews.

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Reddit is re-introducing a revised version of the awards system it phased out last year after acknowledging the golden upvote system had “missed the mark.”

“We tried something new, it wasn’t great (you called it),” Reddit said in its announcement post on Wednesday . “So we’re (re)launching awards, not-so-new but definitely improved. Rollout starts today on and Reddit’s iOS and Android apps.”

Most of the previous award system mechanisms will remain the same, according to Reddit, with a few tweaks — such as an award button placed under eligible posts, an updated UI to minimize clutter, and an awards leaderboard that displays the top gold and awards earned for a comment or post. New safety features have been introduced to keep awards off sensitive or NSFW subreddits, and allow users to report when awards are being misused. The platform has also created new awards and updated some of the old award designs.

And then there’s coins — the tokens Reddit users previously needed to purchase with real money to buy awards. Reddit acknowledges it “did not adequately communicate” to users why coins were being phased out. As such, the platform is compensating users who had their coin balance removed with a “number of exclusive awards” that they can give out for free.

Notably, coins aren’t technically returning. Instead, users will now need to purchase gold, which starts at $1.79 (or $1.99 via mobile) for 100 gold , and was introduced as part of Reddit’s Contributor Program to award other users with “ golden upvotes .” Reddit said the golden upvote “wasn’t as fun or expressive as legacy awards,” and will sunset the system now that the old awards program is back, though eligible creators can still use gold to earn money via its Contributor Program. 

Unlike golden upvotes, Reddit says its Contributor Program has attracted plenty of interest and is now being expanded to cover 35 countries . The company acknowledged user concerns about the potential for the program to be abused for spam, fraud, and karma farming, but says it hasn’t seen an increase in such behavior since the system was introduced six months ago.

Reddit’s apologetic attempt to placate its users may have only created further tension. Some commenters on the announcement post have expressed confusion about how the revamped awards program functions, and many are displeased that some of its most beloved features — like the ability to “gild” posts by donating a Reddit Premium subscription — are not returning.

So, while awards are coming back, the phrase “ thanks for the gold, kind stranger ” is still effectively a retired piece of Reddit history.

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Kelly Clarkson sets record straight on Ozempic rumors, says she started medication after 'bloodwork got so bad'

Kelly Clarkson has revealed she has slimmed down by taking a medication — but it’s not Ozempic .

Clarkson, 42, addressed speculation about her weight loss on Monday's episode of "The Kelly Clarkson Show" during an interview with guest Whoopi Goldberg. Their sitdown started with Clarkson complimenting Goldberg on how she looked.

“It’s all the weight I’ve lost. I’ve lost almost two people,” said Goldberg, who has acknowledged she’s taking the drug Mounjaro . “I am doing that wonderful shot that works for folks who need some help, and it’s been really good for me.”

Clarkson said she, too, has lost "a lot" of weight, saying, “Mine is a different one than people assume, but I ended up having to do that, too, because my bloodwork got so bad.”

“Everybody thinks it’s Ozempic. It’s not,” she added.

Ozempic, a drug that treats diabetes, is sometimes prescribed off-label for weight loss. It has skyrocketed in popularity and been credited by celebrities for helping them shed pounds .

Clarkson did not name the drug, which she described as “something that aids in helping break down the sugar — obviously my body doesn’t do it right.”

“My doctor chased me for, like, two years, and I was like, ‘No, I’m afraid of it. I already have thyroid problems,’” she said.

Clarkson revealed that at her heaviest she weighed 203 pounds and found herself unrecognizable.

She said that she taped a show for her birthday but that when she watched it back at her home in New York, “all of a sudden I paused it, and I was like ‘who is f--- is that?’” she recalled.

“You see it and you're like, ‘Well, she’s about to die of a heart attack,’" she added.

“It’s a weird thing. … I never saw that. I was never insecure about it. I was happy. People were like, 'Oh, she must not have been happy.' No, I was happy. I just did not see that,” she said. 

Clarkson recalled talking to her manager, who has known her for over 15 years, “and she was like, ‘I know, I’m kind of as shocked as you.’ And I think because your people are with you the whole time, so it’s gradual. You don’t even realize.”

Clarkson has previously been open about her health journey, revealing in January that she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic . She told People Magazine the same month that she dropped weight by focusing on what she ate and being more active. 

“I eat a healthy mix. I dropped weight because I’ve been listening to my doctor — a couple years I didn’t. And 90 percent of the time I’m really good at it because a protein diet is good for me anyway. I’m a Texas girl, so I like meat — sorry, vegetarians in the world!” she told the magazine, noting that “walking in the city is quite the workout.” 

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Polin’s Love Story in ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 Part 1 Delivers Glow-Ups, Deception and Some Super Sultry Moments: TV Review

By Aramide Tinubu

Aramide Tinubu

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Bridgerton. (L to R) Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington, Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton in episode 302 of Bridgerton. Cr. Liam Daniel/Netflix © 2024

Netflix ‘s acclaimed 19th century-set “ Bridgerton ” has returned for the first half of its third season, and it’s more lush and enticing than audiences might remember. Season 3 opens as a new crop of debutantes enter the marriage market. As the young ladies prepare to dazzle Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel), the latest Lady Whistledown (voiced by Julie Andrews) gossip pamphlet is being distributed. In Season 3 Part 1, familiar faces are spotlighted, new and evolving friendships flourish and blossoming romances infuse an air of freshness into the show. The catalyst for all this change begins with the metamorphosis of Penelope Featherington (a stellar Nicola Coughlan ). 

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The chemistry between the leads in “Bridgerton” and “Queen Charlotte” has consistently been praised. Still, there is something about seeing the bond between Colin and Penelope transform from comfortably platonic to yearning and passionate that elevates this journey.  Coughlan and Newton have always had a beautiful rapport, but watching Colin realize he desires Penelope sexually, which is revealed through his fixation on her lips and a newfound fascination with everything she’s doing, creates a sparkling tension throughout Part 1 that threatens to burst off the screen. In fact, during a carriage ride after a ball at the end of Episode 4, “Old Friends,” it nearly does. 

As usual, diversity is at the forefront of “Bridgerton.” This season, the Mondrichs, Alice (Emma Naomi) and Will (Martins Imhangbe), are no longer relegated to the sidelines. Moreover, differently abled members of the Ton are showcased, including a deaf debutant and a wheelchair-bound Lord. This inclusivity reinforces Shondaland and Netflix’s commitment to bringing all six Bridgerton siblings’ love stories to the screen while addressing and representing a 21st-century viewing audience.  

Also, though Polin is kept firmly in the spotlight, new showrunner Jess Brownell and her writers serve up some juicy subplots. They take the time to reveal some of the layers of characters who had previously been on the fringes of the narrative. Francesca (Hannah Dodd replacing Ruby Stokes), the pianoforte-loving sixth Bridgerton sibling, is also making her debut on the marriage market. While she’s just as stunning and poised as her older sister, Daphne (Phoebe Dynevor), Francesca has her own unique ideas regarding love and partnership. 

Like Pen, the blonde and statuesque Cressida Cowper (Jessica Madsen) is trying to snag a husband for the third year in a row. Despite her sour disposition, audiences learn that there is more to Cressida than her snide remarks and competitive nature. Like all of the women in the Ton, the future trajectory of her life depends on her getting a suitable marriage proposal, which is no small feat. As usual, Queen Charlotte and Lady Danbury (Adjoa Andoh) are bending the Ton to their will in the background, but it’s Lady Violet Bridgerton (Ruth Gemmell) who gets to do much more than mothering this season. 

“Bridgerton” Season 3, Part 1 marks the beginning of Polin’s electric romance, but that’s merely the core of the story. Going after what you desire is the theme that anchors these initial four episodes. Though various characters approach this tactic in a plethora of different ways, watching Penelope choose herself (and Lady Whistledown) even when she’s uncertain about the outcome is extremely heartening.  Additionally, it’s a reminder that even if you get exactly what you want, it might come at a cost.

All episodes of “Bridgerton” Season 3 Part 1 are streaming on Netflix .

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Kelly Clarkson Sets the Record Straight on Ozempic Rumors Amid Weight Loss Journey

Kelly clarkson revealed that she did not use ozempic to help her lose weight, but instead used another medication that helps break down sugars in her body..

Kelly Clarkson  is definitely feeling stronger—but it's not because of that medication.

The "Since U Been Gone" singer addressed  recent rumors surrounding her weight loss , revealing she did not use Ozempic—a medication intended to treat type 2 diabetes that has become popular in Hollywood for dropping pounds.

"My doctor chased me for like two years and I was like, 'No, I'm afraid of it. I already have thyroid problems,'" she explained on the  May 13 episode  of  The Kelly Clarkson Show . "Everybody thinks it Ozempic. It's not."

Instead, Kelly confessed she has been using a different medication to help her slim down after she weighed in at 203 pounds at her heaviest point.

"It's something else," she noted of the unnamed treatment, "but it's something that aids in helping break down the sugar—obviously my body doesn't do it right."

As Kelly explained, "I ended up having to do that, because my blood work got so bad." 

She was prompted to begin her weight loss journey after watching a performance of herself and not recognizing who she was watching on screen.

"We were in my house in New York like watching," the 42-year-old said, "and then all of a sudden I paused and I was like, 'Who the f--k is that?' I swear to god, it sounds insane."

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She added, You see it. And you're like, ‘Well, she about to die of a heart attack.'"

Kelly— who finalized her divorce from  Brandon Blackstock  in 2022 —added that those in her inner circle also didn't notice her body changing over time.

"I looked at my manager who's known me for over 15 years," the TV host recalled, "and she was like, 'I know I'm kind of shocked as you.' And I think because your people are with you the whole time, so it's gradual. You don't even realize."

However, there's one other part of her health journey Kelly wanted to set the record straight on. The  American Idol  alum felt many were concerned her size meant she was "miserable and depressed," but she explained it was nothing of the sort, even joking that she was "was riding high with someone" and living her best life.

The "Because of You" singer has been candid about her transformation as of late, noting she was further motivated to improve her health and change her diet  after she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic .

"I eat a healthy mix. I dropped weight because I've been listening to my doctor—a couple years I didn't,"  she told  People  in January . "And 90 percent of the time I'm really good at it because a protein diet is good for me anyway."

And while Kelly didn't use Ozempic for her weight loss, keep reading to find out what other stars have said about the diabetes medication.

Jon Gosselin

The Jon & Kate Plus 8 alum told Page Six in April 2024 that he lost 32 pounds in two months after taking injections of semaglutide, the generic form of Ozempic.

"You know what's annoying?" he said. "The regret of not starting it 10 years ago."

Ree Drummond

The Pioneer Woman star shared on her blog in March 2024 that her 50-pound weight loss in 2022 was not due to taking Ozempic or similar medications.

She added, "Not you'll never hear a second of judgment from me about people who choose that direction!"

Tracy Morgan

In August 2023, the 30 Rock alum said on  Today With Hoda and Jenna that he lost weight on Ozempic because it supressed his appetite.

In March 2024, his health journey appeared to take a surprising turn . "I've learned to out-eat Ozempic," he said on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon . "I gained 40 pounds."

Later that month, he clarified to E! News that he was joking, adding, "Ozempic did great by me and I was glad to use it."

Brooke Burke

“I can’t speak medically about it, but I do know that there’s so much information about what’s working and what’s not,” she shared during part of an interview with Fox News Digital . “I think that Ozempic has some great benefits, and I also think it has some dangers.”

Tori Spelling

The Beverly Hills, 90210 tried the drug to help her slim down after giving birth to her son Beau in 2017.

"I tried Ozempic and it didn't work for me," she shared in an April 2024 episode of her misSPELLING podcast, "so I went on Mounjaro, which did do the trick and I did lose weight."

"I think it's very important we understand certain medications are made for certain people," she told E! News' Francesca Amiker , "and to not take that away just for glamazon purposes."

Raven continued, "Do what you gotta do, just make sure you save the medication for the people who actually need it."

The Talk U.K. host revealed in September 2023 that she shed 42 pounds after using Ozempic earlier in the year.

"Whatever you choose is up to you," she exclusively told E! News . "It's not a dirty little secret when you've taken something to help you lose weight, which is perfectly fine."

She added, "We don't have to bulls--t."

Kelly Osbourne

Sharon's daughter has also weighed in on the Ozempic trend .

"I think it's amazing," the Fashion Police alum told E! News in January 2024. "There are a million ways to lose weight, why not do it through something that's isn't as boring as working out?"

Kate Winslet

The Titanic star, who was once a target for tabloids when it came to her weight, shared what she thought about the weight loss trend.

"I actually don't know what Ozempic is," Kate admitted to  The New York Times Magazine  in an interview published March 3. "All I know is that it's some pill that people are taking or something like that."

"Oh, my God," Kate remarked after learning about the drug. "This sounds terrible."

Heidi Montag

The Hills star revealed in December 2023 that she'd recently lost 22 pounds—without taking Ozempic. "There's no shortcuts in life. And if you're taking that shortcut, I don't know," she told Page Six of other celebrities using the drug. "I don't want to name names or get into it, it's just nothing I would ever do."

Heidi noted, "I want something that is sustainable. I want something that does also require hard work."

The  Trainwreck star did not hold back when she called out celebrities for not being honest about using Ozempic as a weight loss tool during her June 8, 2023 appearance on Watch What Happens Live.  

"Everyone and their mom is gonna try it. Everyone has been lying saying, 'Oh, smaller portions,'" she told Andy Cohen , who has also ppublicly weighed in on the Ozempic craze multiple times. "Like, shut the f--k up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things, or you got work done. Just stop."

Schumer, who has been open about her past medical procedures, added, "Be real with people. When I got lipo, I said I got lipo."

She admitted to becoming "immediately invested" in Ozempic last year, but explained that it was not "livable" for her to take the Type 2 diabetes drug and hindered her ability to spend time with her 4-year-old son Gene . 

"I was one of those people that felt so sick and couldn't play with my son," Schumer recalled. "I was so skinny, and he's throwing a ball at me and [I couldn't]."

"People have a mixed feeling about interventions like this," Dr. Drew exclusively told E! News at Fox's  Special Forces: World's Toughest Test  season two event in Los Angeles on Sept. 12, 2023. "They're tantalized by it, but on the other hand, they have this weird judgment."

He continued, "If we have a medication that can be helpful, by all means, people should be encouraged to think about it."

Forget winter, a hot take is coming.

The Game of Thrones alum was not shy w hen it came to sharing her opinion about  Ozempic and its advertisements.

In an April 5, 2023 Instagram Story, the actress reposted a tweet from writer Sophie Vershbow that read, "The Ozempic ads plastered across the Times Square subway station can f--k all the way off." One ad featured in Vershbow's Twitter photos read, "One shot to lose weight," while another offered similar text, "A weekly shot to lose weight."

Turner adding her own commentary, writing, "WTF."

Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk previously told E! News that the drug is not FDA-approved for chronic weight management.

"While we recognize that some healthcare providers may be prescribing Ozempic for patients whose goal is to lose weight, Novo Nordisk does not promote, suggest, or encourage off-label use of our medicines and is committed to fully complying with all applicable U.S. laws and regulations in the promotion of our products," the Danish pharmaceutical company said in a statement. "We trust that healthcare providers are evaluating a patient's individual needs and determining which medicine is right for that particular patient."

Chelsea Handler

Ozempic is no laughing matter for the comedian. Handler revealed her "anti-aging doctor" prescribed her the medication without realizing what the drug was.

"I didn't even know I was on it," she said during the Jan. 25, 2023 episode of  Call Her Daddy . "She said, 'If you ever want to drop five pounds, this is good.'"

But while she tried the drug, Handler noted that she didn't like how it made her feel.

"I came back from a vacation and I injected myself with it," she recalled. "I went to lunch with a girlfriend a few days later, and she was like, 'I'm not really eating anything. I'm so nauseous, I'm on Ozempic.' And I was like, 'I'm kind of nauseous too.' But I had just come back from Spain and was jet-lagged."

Ultimately, Handler stopped using the drug because it wasn't medically necessary for her, adding that she gave away the remaining doses to friends.

"I've injected about four or five of my friends with Ozempic, because I realized I didn't want to use it because it was silly," she said. "It's for heavy people. I have people coming over to my house, and I'm like, 'OK, I can see you at 1, I can see you at 2.'"

KoKo clapped back when commenters on Instagram speculated that she was taking Ozempic. 

"Let's not discredit my years of working out," Kardashian wrote on a January 2023 post. "I get up 5 days a week at 6am to train. Please stop with your assumptions. I guess new year still means mean people."

Dr. Terry Dubrow

In addition to embracing the weight-loss drug, Dubrow actually revealed in January 2023 he temporarily used Mounjaro to learn how it affects the body.

"I thought it was amazing," the Botched star shared. "I didn't have that much weight to lose. But I wanted to try it because so many of my patients were on it and I wanted to see what it was like when you're not diabetic and you only have 10 to 15 pounds to lose."

Although Dr. Dubrow didn't disclose how much weight he lost or how long he took the medication for, he confirmed he's no longer using it.

"I thought, 'You know what, I kind of want to get my appetite back,'" he explained the reason for quitting the medication, noting he also experienced "low-grade nausea."

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star got real about claims that she was taking the medication after her followers on social media took notice of her weight loss earlier this year.

Richards wrote back to one user under a Jan. 5, 2023 snap on Instagram of herself and her girlfriends after a workout, "I am NOT on ozempic." In another response, Richards added, "Never have been."

That wouldn't be the last time the Bravo star shot down the rumors, reiterating that she is "NOT taking" the medication under a Jan. 16 post on Instagram by Page Six . 

After fans questioned whether or not she was taking Ozempic, Jessica set the record straight.

Oh Lord," she told  Bustle in an interview published July 6, 2023. "I mean, it is not [Ozempic], it's willpower. I'm like, do people want me to be drinking again? Because that's when I was heavier. Or they want me to be having another baby? My body can't do it."

Dr. Paul Nassif

Nassif echoed his Botched costar in giving the drug two thumbs up .

"Just like he's telling everyone, no Ozempic-shaming," he exclusively told E! News Feb. 1. "I'm OK with it. I'm OK with Terry and—actually a lot of my friends I saw this last weekend—they all look incredible. Health-wise, they felt better, their blood sugars came down, their blood pressure came down. All of this can hopefully help with longevity, you just have to do it the right way."

In fact, the famed plastic surgeon said taking Ozempic potentially has other benefits outside of weight management."We're looking into Ozempic more also as an anti-aging treatment for the future," Nassif explained. "So, there's going to hopefully be some good things the more we learn about all these semaglutides and the different products. 

This Shah isn't shy about her Ozempic use. 

Gharachedaghi didn't "see a reason to hide" being on the medication when discussing her health journey , telling Entertainment Tonight in May 2023 that she would prefer to "just talk about it because there's so many people out there who want to do the same thing or they want to learn about what you did."

Of her 30-pound weight loss due to her experience with Semaglutide—the generic version of the weight-loss drug—the Shahs of Sunset star explained, "Obviously, I didn't look like this two months ago. So..I would be a liar to say I quit drinking alcohol and you know all of a sudden started working out like some people like to say."

Gharachedaghi went on to note that she still has an appetite, saying, "I'm actually a little hungry. Look I'm gonna go smoke a little pot and I'm gonna eat definitely."

The influencer said that using Ozempic to treat her type 2 diabetes negatively affected her overall health . 

"It was brand new, just got FDA approved, no one knew about it and I was so scared," Bader recalled on the Jan. 12, 2023 episode of the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast. "They said I need this. And I had a lot of mixed feelings."

After she went off the drug, Bader—who has been open about her battle with binge eating —said it caused a cycle of "bad binging."

"I saw a doctor, and they were like, 'It's 100 percent because you went on Ozempic,'" she explained. "It was making me think I wasn't hungry for so long. I lost some weight. I didn't want to be obsessed with being on it long term. I was like, 'I bet the second I got off I'm going to get starving again.' I did, and my binging got so much worse. So then I kind of blamed Ozempic."

Forget shedding for the wedding because The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member admitted she was taking Ozempic to lose weight prior to filming the season 13 reunion. 

During the April 4, 2023 episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen , Catania confirmed she had been taking the antidiabetic medication because she didn't want to be "looking any bigger than anyone else," at the taping, explaining, "I got on the bandwagon." She then joked that "not one" of her co-stars wasn't also taking Ozempic and said the only side effect she was experiencing was that she was "just not hungry."

Billie Jean King

The tennis legend—who has been open about her struggles with an eating disorder—expressed her reluctance in trying diabetes medication solely for weight loss purposes. 

"With the new injections, the Ozempics of the world, it's very interesting because my doctor wants me to try it," she shared in an April 2024 episode of Lemonada Media's Wiser Than Me podcast. "I don't want to lose weight fast because I think it looks horrible. I don't think it's healthy."

However, she noted that she has "taken a few injections"

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill 's daughter first opened up about taking the diabetes drug when she shared her PCOS diagnosis in March 2022. 

"To get the correct diagnosis you would need 2 out of the 5 characteristics of PCOS and I had 4," she wrote on Instagram at the time. "During my appointment with my endocrinologist I realized that may have been a factor in my issues with weight, so we decided to try a medicine to regulate my body more normally and create the tools to continue to keep my body and myself healthy as I get older."

Gracie offered an update on her health journey in a June 5 post after a commenter called out her alleged use of Type 2 diabetes medication.

"I did use Ozempic last year, yes," she wrote. "I am now on a low dose of Mounjaro for my PCOS as well as working out. No need to accuse when I have been open about it."

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  1. My ab journey (with pictures) : r/xxfitness

    I've been lurking this subreddit for a while and thought I'd share my ab/fitness journey in the past 2 months. For the most part, I wasn't active until I travelled to Asia for 2 weeks in early May, and returned losing 5 lb! Currently, I work in an office setting so I was used to walking only 4000-5000 steps a day.

  2. [ORIGINAL CONTENT] Reflection on a 4+ year AB journey

    I started by AB journey about 4...almost 5 years ago. Like most people I was intrigued by the sheet mask mania and at the time there were limited websites and articles out there about it. Technically speaking, sheet masks were my 'gateway drug' into the AB foray.

  3. [Discussion] When did you start your AB journey and what's ...

    In the long run, AB has appealed so much to me because it lets me carve out about an hour daily to devote to personal care. To some, that hour might sound like a ridiculous waste of time, but it's important both to my bodily and mental health. All naysayers may try to pry that hour from my well-moisturized and sun-protected hands.

  4. Progress through my AB Journey! : r/AsianBeauty

    This album contains some pics prior to the start of my journey, through my first foray into Western skincare products, and finally into (mostly) AB products. The first pic is from early June 2019. Final pics are from October 2019. Here is a shelfie of my current line-up!. 23, F, Asian, Sensitive + Dry/Dehydrated, possible FA (but I'm not 100% certain).

  5. How long have you been on the AB journey and where have you ...

    i started about 1.5 years ago because I started breaking out uncontrollably and thought AB could help. but it didn't really, only accutane/isotretinoin was able to help my acne. but AB has really helped keep my skin and lips hydrated from the effects of accutane. also, because of how AB really emphasises on hydration and sun protection, i feel ...

  6. Should I buy this? : r/AFKJourney

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  8. What I Learned on My Crazy Quest for Six-Pack Abs

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  9. Did you guys ever notice this "Return to World" buttom?

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  11. Be aware of what refunds/chargebacks do! : r/AFKJourney

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    The third and final leg of our journey will be dedicated to Australia and or New Zealand for approximately 3 weeks. After that it's back to NYC! Actual Itinerary. In total we visited 5 continents and 27 countries in 8 months.

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    Welcome to a.b. journey! This blog was created to capture the adventures of our 8-month journey around the world. As an experience our journey was an incredible first hand look, feel and taste of some of the world's most fascinating places, cultures and people. It was an opportunity to truly live limit-free and take in whatever

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    I want to share with you my Six pack journey. I have always wanted to go to that level so that I can see my core into its potential and in 2016 I had a lot o...

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  21. Kelly Clarkson sets record straight on Ozempic rumors, says she started

    Clarkson has previously been open about her health journey, revealing in January that she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. She told People Magazine the same month that she dropped weight by focusing ...

  22. AB journey

    AB journey. Thread starter Tim; Start date Dec 11, 2003; 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page. Go. Next Last. Tim Member. T. Join Date ... RSNetworx is the AB program used for DeviceNet, if the Controllogix is the master most of the info for each device including the Mits etc should be shown setup and if Explicit Messaging is used ...

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  24. Kelly Clarkson Sets the Record Straight on Ozempic Rumors Amid Weight

    Gracie offered an update on her health journey in a June 5 post after a commenter called out her alleged use of Type 2 diabetes medication. "I did use Ozempic last year, yes," she wrote.