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30 Reasons to visit Japan – Why you should visit Japan once in your life

Our starting point in Japan was the awesome city of Osaka. Even though it's not the most popular tourist destination in Japan, we absolutely loved it here. We actually spent most of our time in Japan in Osaka - twelve whole days! It's a city with lots of activities, great restaurants and of course amazing hotels. In this article we will share our tips on things to do in Osaka. This includes cultural activities, fun days out exploring, visiting the best spots and we have a great hotel recommendation for you. We know this won't be the only article we will be sharing about Osaka, since we have so much to share!

Are you still not sure why you should visit Japan at least once in your life? In this post you can find 30 reasons to visit Japan! It’s one of our favourite destinations in Asia. Probably because it has the perfect mix of culture, history and modern comfort. And lets not forget the amazing food they have! Japan is a unique country, and even though you might have an image of how it will be, this beautiful country will definitely still surprise you!

Below you can read 30 reasons why you should visit Japan. If you’ve been persuaded already, be sure to check our other articles of Japan and keep your eyes peeled for more on this blog! 

30 reasons to visit japan

30 Reasons to visit Japan at least once in your life

1. japan has some of the most beautiful places.

A Day Trip to Mount Fuji from Tokyo, Things to do in Japan, Things to do at Mount Fuji, Lake Kawaguchiko, Chureito Pagoda, Mountain, Fuji-San, Japan, Japanese mountain, Biggest mountain in Japan, dag trip naar Mount Fuji

Japan offers a lot of beautiful places. There are a lot of popular and unique, of the beaten track destinations that you should include in your itinerary. This means there is so much to explore and there really is something for anybody! From nature, such as beautiful blue ponds, waterfalls and bamboo forests to culture, with amazing temples and shrines.

Read more of our Japan blogs! 25 Most Beautiful Places in Japan to include in your itinerary A Day Trip to Mount Fuji from Tokyo 8 Fun things to do in Osaka

2. japan is a very safe country.

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan is one of the safest countries to travel in the world. According to Worldatlas.com, Japan was in the top 10 of the World’s Safest Countries in 2017 . What makes Japan so safe? For one thing, Japan puts a strong focus on crime prevention, with measurements such as ATM’s inside buildings or banks and the fact that firearms aren’t readily available.

During our time in Japan we also felt incredibly safe and didn’t have any problems whatsoever.

3. There is a lot of history to discover in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

The ancient Japanese culture is really interesting, and it has been around for thousands of years. Even now the culture and heritage is very prominent in the country. During your visit in Japan you can learn a lot about the history by visiting castles, temples, shrines and more. Especially Kyoto is a perfect destination if you want to experience the ancient Japanese culture.

4. There are countless of beautiful temples and shrines in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan offers countless of beautiful Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines throughout the country. The above photo was taken at the Fushimi Inari shrine and is a gorgeous spot in Kyoto. But also in Osaka, Tokyo, Mount Fuji and almost every city and town in Japan you can find temples and shrines that are worth a visit.

5. Japan is also very modern

30 reasons to visit japan

Like I’ve mentioned before, Japan is a perfect mix culture, history and modern comfort. There are skyscrapers, modern restaurants and everything else you can come across in the modern world. But, Japan does have it’s own unique, modern style and can’t be compared with any other modern country.

6. It’s very easy to travel around Japan

When you're at Lake Kawaguchiko, you can travel around by bus or train. We took the train to Shimoyoshida Station. From here you can walk to Arakura Sengen Shrine and there you'll find the Chureito Pagoda

The public transport in Japan is very efficient! It’s so easy to travel from one destination to another in this country. In just a few days time you can see a lot! Plus, the trains in Japan are super punctual. It’s almost not possible for them to have a delay.

7. Japan is a super clean country

30 reasons to visit japan

Everything in Japan is super, super clean. You’ll never find any litter on the streets anywhere for that matter. Every hotel and accommodation we stayed at always smelled rosy clean and every restaurant table is efficiently cleaned before we sit down.

8. Everything is so kawaii in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

How can everything in Japan be so freakin’ cute?! You’ll be surprised to see the biggest companies having advertising with the most cute characters. It’s just part of the Japanese culture that everything should be adorable. If you’re a sucker for kawaii, then you just have to visit Japan!

9. Japan has some of the most amazing food

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan has more amazing food than only ramen or sushi! For instance, try the Okonomiyaki pancakes, made with cabbage and topped with a variety of options. This can be anything from meat to seafood! Other food to try in Japan are Soba noodles, Yakiniku barbecue, Tempura, Sukiyaki, Yakitori and much, much more…

10. Eat all the Matcha in Japan!

30 reasons to visit japan

One thing we absolutely love is matcha-flavoured sweets. And in Japan you can really eat anything in matcha flavour: chocolate, cookies, ice-cream and even in burgers. For those of you that don’t know: matcha is green tea, made from the finest tea leafs. The leafs are steamed, dried and made into a powder. It’s super healthy and delicious!

11. The KitKats in Japan come in countless of flavours

30 reasons to visit japan

Lets keep talking about food a bit longer… Because, well, I love food and Japan is an excellent place for foodies. KitKats are available in all kinds of flavours in Japan. Strawberry, pear, citrus golden blend, cinnamon cookie, strawberry cheesecake, wasabi and many more! Yes, also matcha! Really try out some of those crazy flavours!

12. It’s easier to stick to your budget in Japan than you would think!

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove was a lot smaller than we thought, but we still really enjoyed it. You can take some excellent photos here

We expected Japan to be very expensive and compared to most Asian countries, it is. Luckily, we still found that Japan can easily be explored on a budget! Of course, it really depends what your budget is… But we managed with a budget of approximately 30 euros per person a day. For accomodation, we stayed in an Airbnb, mostly ate a lot of ramen (and even sushi!) and still did a lot of activities. Many touristic attractions in Japan are free!

We found the transport in Japan to be the most expensive. We eventually decided to travel by train and always looked for the most affordable train ticket.

13. There is definitely a weird, but cool, side to Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

To us Japan was a bit weird at times. We can’t ignore the fact that it’s a bit different than, let’s say, Western Europe. All those big blown up signs and other 3D models in the streets, maid cafes and grown ups in game halls. But all this actually makes Japan so cool!

14. Japan offers the most beautiful cherry blossoms

30 reasons to visit japan

Yoshinoyama, Nara, Japan in spring season.

One of the most popular times to visit Japan is during spring. This is, of course, because of the amazing pink cherry blossoms that cover the streets. But not only the trees start to blossom when spring approaches, everything else in Japan turns into “sakura” mode. Think fake cherry blossom flowers in stores, cherry blossom drinks and even food.

15. You can enjoy nature in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

Although Japan has big, heavily urbanised cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, there is also a lot of nature to explore. In fact, two thirds of Japan is actually covered by forested mountains and hills ! But in Japan you also have waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains and more.

16. It’s possible to visit the incredible Mount Fuji

30 reasons to visit japan

One of our favourite places in Japan is Mount Fuji. It’s such an iconic landmark and an Cultural Site on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. It’s possible to enjoy the beauty of Mount Fuji from different places, and you can also climb Mount Fuji.

17. Japan has some of the most amazing architecture

Are you a sucker for architecture? Well, in Japan you can find beautiful architecture. Especially the traditional Japanese style is unique and very aesthetically pleasing. You’ll definitely enjoy the castles, temples and shrines.

18. You can encounter beautiful wildlife

Nara is perfect for taking photos. The deer can be super sweet but also quite dangerous and aggressive.

In Nara Park you can find deer roaming the streets freely and in the forest of Jigokudani valley you can find the Snow Monkeys. But there is a lot more wild life in Japan, such as tanuki (sort of raccoon), wild boars, squirrels and more!

19. In Japan you can feel like a kid in Disney World

30 reasons to visit japan

The last time I felt the same way as in Japan was when I was a little kid in Disney World. Not only are there toys everywhere, just walking around on the streets you won’t know where to look! There is something to see anywhere. One day we were walking around in Osaka and suddenly saw people driving around in Mario Kart cars on the streets. Adult people feeling like kids again!

20. Japan is perfect if you’re an anime lover…

30 reasons to visit japan

Book your ticket to Japan right now if you’re an anime fan. Japan is the birthplace of anime, manga and video games. Some of the best places to enjoy anime in Japan are the Tokyo Anime Center, Akihabara, J-World Tokyo and Pokémon Mega Center Tokyo.

21. … And if you still love toys, no matter what age

30 reasons to visit japan

Don’t be embarrassed.. Just buy that Pokémon toy, no matter what age you are. Like I said before, Japan makes you feel like a kid again. Enjoy it!

Read more of our Japan blogs! 14 Fun things to do in Kyoto 10 Fun things to do in Tokyo

22. you can play videogames in cool game arcades in japan.

10 fun things to do in Japan, Shibuya Crossing, Ueno Park, Kawasaki Warehouse, Harajuku, Ginza, Golden Gai, Akihabara Electric Town, Gotokuji Temple, Sensoji Temple, Pompompurin Cafe

We went to Kawasaki Warehouse Arcade in Tokyo and had a lot of fun. It was really one of the coolest places ever. And in Japan you can find a lot more game arcades and other places where you can play games.

23. Have some karaoke fun in Japan!

The fun doesn’t stop at toys and game arcades, you can also have karaoke fun in Japan! Karaoke actually originated in Japan and is enjoyed by people of all ages in the country.

24. Japanese fashion is trendsetting

30 reasons to visit japan

The fashion in Japan is really better than the clothes in this photo, I promise.  

Of course the traditional clothing in Japan is absolutely beautiful. Just think of the details of the Geisha outfit or all the beautiful fabrics they use for kimono’s. But in Japanese big cities, such as Tokyo, there is a lot of trendsetting fashion. In areas such as Harajuku or Shibuya you can see many locals walking around in great styles.

25. You can try on a kimono and other Japanese traditional clothing

This photo is taken at the Chureito Pagoda, while we were walking back. The beautiful flower were still in bloom. Check out our Mount Fuji day trip itinerary below

Dress up as a geisha or buy your own kimono or yukata. One of the best places to dress up in Japanese traditional clothing is Kyoto. You rent a beautiful kimono and walk around in the city.

26. Experience the most busy intersection in the world at Shibuya

The Shibuya District from above and you can see the busy Shibuya intersection

Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo is a very cool, exciting place. It’s actually claimed to be one of the busiest intersection in the world. It’s really cool to see thousand people crossing the streets at once.

27. There are many themed restaurants in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

There are very adorable themed restaurants in Japan, such as Pompompurin Café that you can see on the photo above. In addition, there are themed restaurants that are a bit weird or crazy. For instance, the Robot restaurant in Tokyo or Kawaii Monster Café Harajuku (cute and crazy!).

28. There are 21 World Heritage Sites in Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

Himeji, Japan at Himeji Castle in spring season.

There are 21 World Heritage Sites in Japan, with 17 cultural sites and four natural sites. Plus, there are actually eight more sites that might become World Heritage Sites. The photo above is of the gorgeous Himeji castle that is also a World Heritage Site.

29. In Japan there are vending machines for anything

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan has the highest density of vending machines in the whole world. The country has about 5.52 million vending machines! And you can get almost anything from them: coffee, tea, candy, soup, hot food, and much more.

30. It’s probably one of the most awesome countries in the world

30 reasons to visit japan

This list can go on and on. There is so much to see, so much to do and it’s such a unique country. Trust me, Japan really should be on your list!

That were 30 reasons why you should visit Japan at least once in your life! Have you ever been to Japan? Let us know in the comments!

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This is an awesome post! I had already thought about visiting Japan and now I reaaally want to go! Beautiful photos!

I absolutely loved Japan for many of these reasons! If I had the time, I would definitely go back there. I also have many ice cream photos too! Haha!

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24 Reasons to Visit Japan, Voted the 'Best Country in the World' by Our Readers

By Tokyo Halfie

Uji canal in Kyoto

Japan was voted the best country in the world in the 2023 Readers' Choice Awards . Here, resident foodie and travel connoisseur Tokyo Halfie explains 24 reasons why you should visit Japan in 2024.

With a rich cultural heritage that eloquently integrates tradition and innovation, Japan is full of juxtapositions. After a two-year entry restriction that was lifted earlier this year, international travelers are flocking back to explore the splendors the country has to offer.

The diverse landscape unveils its ever-changing tapestry of colors, from the delicate pink sakura cherry blossoms in the spring to the vibrant fiery gradation of koyo autumn foliage. The seasonal transitions are beautifully mirrored in its remarkable dining scene, featuring shun-no-shokuzai (seasonal ingredients).

From the vivacious festivals in cities to serene onsen hot springs in the countryside, there are boundless possibilities for discovery.

Aerial Tokyo City View with Tokyo Tower Minato Tokyo Japan.

Tokyo Tower

1. The thriving restaurant scene

First and foremost, Tokyo has some of the best restaurants in the world, from casual rustic walk-ins to globally acclaimed omakase spots. Chefs dedicate their lives to mastering techniques with their shokunin spirit—the virtue of seeking perfection in their craft. Intricately prepared dishes are served with impeccable service, stemming from the tradition of omotenashi—a deep-rooted psyche of taking care of guests.

2. The vast spectrum of cuisines

The country offers various cuisines, ranging from traditional genres (sushi, tempura, and kaiseki) to progressive and experimental fusions. The appreciation for the change in seasons is often ingrained in any genre, featuring domestically sourced fresh produce Japan’s diverse landscape offers a wide variety of local vegetables, seafood and meat throughout the year. Each region will have their local speciality, whether it be seasonal ingredients or kyodo ryori (literally translating to ‘regional cuisine’).

Stack of sake barrels

3. The finely brewed sake

Sake literally translates to ‘alcohol’ in Japanese—rice wine is technically referred to as nihonshu. The beverage was initially brewed in Shinto shrines, and has held a sacred place in the country’s culture. Its production process encapsulates centuries of craftsmanship, carefully blending premium rice, pure water, yeast, and koji fungus. The mountainous terrains provide mineral-rich natural waters, with each water source greatly influencing the character and flavour notes of the final product.

4. Stunning spring blossoms

With flowers emerging after a cold winter, spring represents “new beginnings” in Japan (including the school year, which starts in April). The first sakura, or cherry blossom, appears in the southern islands, and the phenomenon moves its way northwards. There are over 600 types of sakura trees across the country with varying shades of pink. Petals gradually unfold outwards until reaching their peak mankai (full bloom) for a mere few days.

5. Festive summer activities

Summer marks the matsuri festival season, with each region hosting their annual bon-odori (traditional communal dance) or hanabi-taikai (fireworks convention). Many will attend wearing a yukata, a lighter and more casual version of a kimono. Generally, yatai vendors can be found at these celebrations, serving a variety of street food including yakisoba (stir-fried noodles with soy and oyster sauces) and ringo-ame (candy apples).

6. Glorious autumn foliage

As temperatures gradually decline following the scorching summer, the renowned koyo or autumn foliage begins in mid-September in Hokkaido. Leaves transition from shades of green to a breathtaking gradation of red, orange and yellow. The peak season in Kyoto is generally around mid to late November when many visit the stunning zen gardens at Buddhist temples and their colouring momiji (Japanese maple) trees.

7. Refreshing winter weather

Contrary to the grey British winters, the Kanto region (including Tokyo) is usually dry and crisp this time of year, with higher chances of blue skies. Snow can be enjoyed in the mountains, hosting world-renowned ski resorts such as Niseko and Hakuba. It is also the best season to enjoy the onsen (hot springs) at serene Ryokans (traditional Japanese inns)—even snow monkeys can be found bathing in the wild at Jigokudani Monkey Park .

Tsukiji Market Tokyo A bright red fish placed in ice for sale in a fish market.

8. Juxtapositions in Tokyo

The Japanese capital is the epitome of paradoxes—the organized chaos of the Scramble Crossing in Shibuya is just one of many examples, with thousands of pedestrians crossing simultaneously. The tranquil Meiji-Jingu Shrine is located next to the pop-culture epicenter Harajuku; the Imperial Palace and pristinely trimmed trees are within walking distance from the bustling business district in Marunouchi. From the early-morning fish market in Toyosu to late-night cocktails in Roppongi, Tokyo is a city that never sleeps.

9. Astonishing history in Kyoto

This historic city was once the capital of Japan for over 1,000 years, from the 8th to 19th centuries. It is home to over 3,000 Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, 16 of which are registered as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites . From the magnificent Kinkakuji Temple (also known as the “Golden Pavilion”) to the incredible Kiyomizu-dera Temple, there is an abundance of extraordinary monuments. The Arashiyama bamboo forest and the red gates of Fushimi Inari Shrine also top many bucket lists .

10. Natural treasures in Hokkaido

The largest prefecture in Japan is also the northernmost island, renowned for its natural wonders. The diverse landscapes and surrounding oceans provide an affluent range of fresh ingredients, including seasonal seafood and vegetables. From blissful spring walks in colorful flower fields to powder-skiing in the winter mountains or slurping miso ramen at the local hole-in-the-wall to tasting delicacies, the region offers myriad activities.

11. Craftsmanship in Hokuriku

Hokuriku is located along the Sea of Japan on the northwestern side of the country’s main island Honshu. The local delicacy Kobako-gani (female snow crab) can only be eaten between November and December, the most popular months to visit Ishikawa and its capital Kanazawa. For those seeking an artisanal experience, Fukui prefecture is rich in craftsmanship, including handmade knives, Echizen washi paper and pottery.

12. Casual bites in Kyushu

In the south of Japan, eight prefectures make up the Kyushu region. The Hakata district in Fukuoka is famous for its casual bites, which are referred to as B-kyu gurume (literally translating to “B-grade” gourmet). The regional ramen here is prepared with a tonkotsu pork-based broth, and served with thin noodles. Other local favorites include mizutaki (chicken hotpot), gyoza (dumplings) and mentaiko (spiced pollock roe).

13. The art island Naoshima

Once nearly-abandoned fishing islands in the Seto Inland Sea, Naoshima, along with Teshima and Inujima, were transformed into ‘art islands’ over the last few decades. Museums and art displays can be found all around the islands, including the iconic yellow pumpkin sculpture by the legendary Yayoi Kusama. The Art House Project renovated seven kominka old houses into interactive exhibitions; the Chichu Art Museum by celebrated architect Tadao Ando and the Lee Ufan Museum are also not to be missed.

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Family with small child hiking through rainforest of Yakushima Island Kagoshima Japan

14. The rainforest in Yakushima

A temperate rainforest stretches across the sub-tropical island, which is another UNESCO World Heritage. Many travelers trek through the moss-covered forest to appreciate the 83-feet-high Jomon-Sugi, the oldest Cryptomeria tree that is believed to be a few thousand years old. The enchanted national park is also said to be the inspiration for the acclaimed animation film Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli, which is also known for creating My Neighbor Totoro .

15. The tropical Okinawa

Beautiful white sand beaches can be found on the tropical islands of Okinawa. Some of the most-visited include the Honto main island, as well as Ishigaki and Miyako islands. Snorkelling and scuba diving with tropical fish in the clear water are popular activities in the summer – those with luck may even encounter turtles, manta rays, or even sharks. In more urban areas, Ryukyu architecture including castles and fortresses are scattered throughout.

People fishing at kawaguchiko lake in the morning

16. Magnificent Mount Fuji

The majestic and symmetrical form of Mount Fuji captures the essence of nature’s grandeur and is even visible from Tokyo on a clear day. Its spiritual presence can be enjoyed throughout the seasons, with cherry blossom trees adorning its surrounding forests in the spring to the snow-capped peak in the winter. The tranquil Ashinoko Lake in Hakone is a favored destination to enjoy picturesque views of the symbolic mountain.

17. Relaxing hot springs

With over 100 active volcanoes, Japan has thousands of onsen hot spring locations. Whether it be at a rustic town bath or a luxurious traditional ryokan, visitors can soak in mineral-rich waters to relax and rejuvenate. There are several unwritten rules when bathing—the most important etiquette is to shower before entering fully unclothed (swimsuits are generally prohibited) for sanitary reasons.

alleys in the famous Shinjuku district in Tokyo Japan.

18. The abundance of architecture

The architecture in Japan blends history and modernization, with ancient landmarks coexisting alongside futuristic skyscrapers. Many temples and shrines date back over a thousand years, whilst high-rises continuously emerge with innovative designs (including Azabudai Hills , a multi-year project still in progress as of autumn 2023). Tadao Ando is one of the country’s most notable architects, often featuring concrete in his minimalistic and spacious structures.

19. World class contemporary art

Japan has a flourishing contemporary art scene, led by internationally celebrated artists including Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami and Yoshitomo Nara. Their avant-garde works can be discovered at galleries and museums around the country. Polka dots and infinity rooms by Kusama redefine perception, while Murakami blends pop culture and traditional Japanese motifs with vibrant flower-like characters. Nara’s wide-eyed characters evoke both innocence and rebellion with timeless charm.

Kawagoe Festival

20. Seasonal festivals

The Japanese calendar is rife with festivals, celebrating each season with traditional rituals. In the spring, friends and family gather at ohanami picnics to admire the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms; bamboo branches are covered with colorful tanzaku paper during the Tanabata star festival in the summer. Mochi offerings are made during the tsukimi autumn moon festival, and snow festivals in the winter showcase ice sculptures.

21. The efficient public transport

The nation takes great pride in its incredible public transport system, which is widely known for its reliability and punctuality. The Shinkansen bullet trains operate frequently, swiftly transferring passengers across the country at speeds of up to 300 km/h. Subways and trains , which are most pleasant outside commuting hours, arrive on time by the minute. Those traveling from abroad are able to apply for the Japan Rail Pass, which offers unlimited travel on specified rail lines for a set period of time.

22. The outstanding cleanliness

The country’s reputation for exceptional cleanliness extends far beyond its tidy streets, reflecting a culture deeply rooted in respect. There is a sense of communal responsibility to keep public areas clean for others, stemming from early years in the classroom where students partake in cleaning routines. Furthermore, it is customary in Japanese homes to remove shoes before entering. Travelers may find limited access to rubbish bins outdoors—the norm is for one to take home their own trash.

Omoide Yokocho Shinjuku Tokyo

23. The trustworthy safety

Japan consistently ranks as one of the safest countries globally, with impressively low crime rates. Cash found on the street is typically handed to the police (totaling a few billion yen every year, or several tens of millions of pounds), simply out of goodwill—a testament to a society that profoundly honors integrity. It is also not uncommon for children to commute to school unsupervised. The trust in the community is demonstrated in the heartwarming show Old Enough! , which follows kindergarteners adventuring on errands alone for their first time.

24. Thoughtful customer service

The commitment to customer service is second to none, attributed by politeness and attention to detail. The omotenashi culture wholeheartedly embodies hospitality, proactively anticipating the needs of guests. From hotel concierge to staff at shopping malls, visitors are regularly welcomed and attended to with pristine care. Bowing is an example of the inherently embedded mindset of humility, a respectful gesture that is ingrained in society.

How to Do Tokyo Like a Local

As one of Hoshinoya Tokyo 's Edo Meisters—a concierge specializing in the history of the Kanda, Nihonbashi, and Ningyocho neighborhoods—Ryota Onaka knows his hometown. His ideal day exploring our readers' Number 1 Large International City involves craft, tempura, and sweet treats.

“Stepping inside Tenmo feels like you're traveling back in time. It has a beautiful atmosphere and a long history: It started as a food stall in 1885. Ask the chef to prepare butterbur-sprout tempura or the sweetfish if you visit in the spring.”

”This confectionery is famous for its traditional Japanese treats, but its most popular item is kintsuba: red bean paste wrapped in wheat-flour dough. Most kintsuba in Tokyo is square because it's easier to make, but Eitaro Sohonpo still does the classic round version—the shape it's supposed to be. Order a hot coffee or tea, and watch the cooks bake them in front of you.”

“The store, Ubukeya , is originally from Osaka but opened an outpost in Tokyo in the 1800s and still sells daily essentials like scissors, tweezers, and knives. All the items are made by hand, and each product is really special. Part of the name means ‘baby hair’ because their blades are so thin and sharp.”


The Tokyo EDITION, Ginza

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Why travel to Japan? 20 best reasons to visit it

June 15, 2022

A Shinkansen In the Tokaido Shinkansen Line passing near Mount fuji

There are a endless number of reasons to visit Japan , as the country has something to entice almost every kind of traveler.

Whether you’re dying to explore Japanese history and culture at the variety of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country, indulge in diverse Japanese cuisine, or experience a ride on the lighting-fast Shinkansen trains, a trip to Japanese promises adventure around every corner.

From the chance to visit some of the many impressive temples and castles around the country, to the opportunity to take a dip in an Onsen hot spring, below you’ll find the 20 best reasons why you should visit Japan .

It’s easy to get around on public transportation

Japan has one of the most efficient and reliable public transport systems in the world, with a wide range of travel options including bus, train, and subway services across the country.

Joetsu Shinaksen E4 series

One of the best ways to get between cities is to ride the Shinkansen bullet trains , which can reach a speed of up to 300 km/h and boast a range of luxury services onboard. The most cost-efficient way to travel by Shinkansen is to buy a JR Pass online before traveling to Japan.

Book your Japan Rail Pass now

Japan is very clean

The Japanese really pride themselves on their cleanliness , and upon first arrival in the country you may be surprised by how sparkling clean the streets are.

Hotels and restaurants tend to be absolutely spotless , filled with pleasant smells, and regularly and efficiently cleaned. One downside is that there tends to be a total absence of trash cans in public spaces. However, you can just follow the Japanese example and carry garbage with you until you find a place to get rid of it later on.

Japanese people are polite and friendly

The Japanese have a worldwide reputation for being uncommonly polite, friendly, and welcoming. Although the language barrier may prove a challenge at times, people in Japan usually try to be as helpful as possible if you ask anything of them.

Is Japan safe to travel?

It’s a good idea to brush up on Japanese etiquette tips before traveling: locals will appreciate your efforts to respect local customs!

The incredible natural landscapes

Although Japan is perhaps best known internationally for its technologically advanced cities, the majority of the country is actually taken up by a vast expanse of forested hills and mountains , and there is lots of nature to explore.

One of the most obvious beauty spots to visit is the iconic Mount Fuji , but you shouldn’t rule out a visit to lesser known natural gems such as the Arashiyama bamboo forest or the Ritsurin landscape gardens on Shikoku Island .

The large number of UNESCO sites

Japan boasts a total of 21 World Heritage Sites , including 17 cultural monuments and 4 natural landscapes, and there are currently 8 more sites pending UNESCO classification.

Toshogu shrine is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Travelers interested in Japanese history should definitely pay a visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial , which commemorates the victims of the 1945 atomic bomb, as well as Shirakawago and Gokayama , historic villages which feature unique thatched-roof dwellings.

The majestic temples in Japan

There are number of stunning historic temples and shrines in almost every town and city in Japan, while larger cultural centers can have up to 1,000 temples within their municipality.

One of the most impressive temples in Japan is the Byodoin Buddhist temple in Uji, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that dates back over a thousand years. The Toji temple in Kyoto , which boasts the tallest wooden pagoda in Japan and an extensive garden full of cherry trees, is also well worth visiting.

The unique castles

Visitors to Japan can dig deep into the country’s history by exploring the elegant architecture and fascinating family legacies of Japanese castles.

Hirosaki Castle during the sakura

Primarily serving as the homes for local feudal lords and their family during the Sengoku period of Japanese history, the castles in Japan are defined by their elegant façades and interiors, as well as extensive defensive features.

Some of the most impressive castles in Japan include the well-preserved Hikone castle , which dates back to 1622, and the castle in Himeji .

The spectacular cherry blossom season

Japan is one of the best places in the world to view the spring cherry blossom and attend a Cherry blossom festival.

Once the cherry blossom season peaks in April , locals and visitors alike flock to Japanese parks and gardens to engage in hanami (picnics beneath the cherry trees). Some of the best places to experience the blooming flowers include Hirosaki Castle Park and Shinjuku Gyoen, located in the heart of Tokyo.

The exciting summer festivals

If you’re visiting Japan during the summer months, you should plan to experience some of the colourful Matsuri festivals which take place all over the country.

Obon festival: floating lanterns (toro nagashi)

These traditional celebrations pay tribute to legendary historical events and different deities connected to an individual shrine in the towns where they take place. Many Matsuri festivals feature processions of enormous floats , colorful parades, and spectacular fireworks shows.

Christmas in Japan is magical

Spending in Christmas in Japan is worth the effort just to experience the range of extravagant winter illuminations that saturate the city streets during the festive period.

Those planning to spend winter in Japan are also advised to visit the Sapporo snow festival in Hokkaido, where you can see a range of incredible ice sculptures , many based on well-known pop culture characters.

The world-class powder snow

Winter sports enthusiasts shouldn’t miss the chance to go snowboarding and skiing in Japan at one of the many resorts across the country, as Japanese powder snow is considered some of the best in the world.

Kiroro Ski Resort, Hokkaido

Many of the best ski resorts in Japan are located on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, such as Furano, Rusutsu, and Niseko, as well as in the Japanese Alps on Honshu.

The chance to bathe in a natural hot spring

Onsens are Japanese hot spring baths filled with mineral-rich spring water heated by geothermal forces , somewhat like a natural Jacuzzi.

Onsen baths have been present all over Japan since at least the 8th Century , when the belief that hot springs had curative and rejuvenating powers was at its height. Taking a bath in an onsen is an incredibly relaxing experience , and popular with both Japanese locals and tourists.

The superb Japanese cuisine

Food is incredibly important in Japanese culture , and while in the country you’ll be able to sample a huge range of the many delicious dishes that make up Japanese cuisine.

Toyosu Market - Fish stalls

From worldwide favorites like sushi and ramen , to Sukiyaki (beef hot pot) and Yakiniku (Japanese barbeque), there are an endless number of dishes in Japan guaranteed to make your mouth water.

Japan is also the country with the most 3-star Michelin restaurants in the world , and there are are also a number of Matsuri food and drink festivals you can experience during your trip.

The fantastic architecture

You’ll be able to take in some incredible modern architecture while in the major Japanese cities, such as the Tokyo Skytree , the tallest building in the capital.

You can also find some exquisite examples of traditional Japanese architecture all over the country, such as the majestic Ise shrines on the Shima Peninsula.

The advanced technology

From futuristic capsule hotels with complimentary tablets, to high-tech public toilets , advanced technology is in full display in every corner of Japan’s cities.

Alfa X Shinkansen cabin

If you feel like getting an inside look at technological advancements in Japan, pay a visit to the permanent robotics exhibitions at Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo’s Odaiba district .

Japan is a Mecca for manga and anime lovers

If you first fell in love with Japan through manga and anime , you’re bound to be in heaven during a visit to Tokyo, which boasts a number of anime-themed experiences .

Visit J-World Tokyo , an indoor amusement park based around popular manga characters, the One Piece Tower, or the Pokémon Mega Center Tokyo , a huge store which offers a range of Pokémon merchandise exclusive to Japan.

It’s the home of Studio Ghibli

Fans of classic Japanese animation films like Princess Mononoke (1997) and Spirited Away (2001) shouldn’t miss the chance to see some of celebrated director Hayao Miyazaki’s creations at the Studio Ghibli museum in Mitaka .

30 reasons to visit japan

Children can play on a huge replica of the Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro (1988) and watch animated shorts exclusive to the museum. There is also an ever-changing range of exhibitions exploring Ghibli’s creative process.

Japan is the birthplace of karaoke

If you love belting out your favorite songs, whether in front of a small group of friends or a crowd of random strangers, then you’ll want to take advantage of the huge karaoke culture while in Japan.

You might not be aware that Karaoke actually originated in Japan and continues to be incredibly popular: there are currently around 100,000 karaoke boxes and bars across the country.

The fashion

Fashion lovers arriving in Japan should head directly to Tokyo’s most stylish area , Harajuku , where most of the biggest Japanese trendsetters set up shop.

Takeshita Dori, Harajuku

Those more interested in traditional Japanese fashion may want to pay a visit to Kyoto and try on one of the elegant kimonos or yukatas the city is famous for.

Japan is very safe

Japan is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world, and has one of the lowest global crime rates .

Japanese people often leave their doors unlocked, children are perfectly safe traveling on the subway by themselves , and visitors are able to walk around the cities at night without having to worry.

Nevertheless,as when traveling to any foreign destination, visitors to Japan should still exercise caution in crowded places and use common sense.

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Mt. Fuji with Chureito Pagoda in autumn

11 amazing reasons you should visit Japan now

Because Japan is now open to tourists, plus all the great things you don't want to miss before the end of 2022

Emma Steen

Hello, world! It’s been a long time coming, but Japan is finally ready to reopen its borders fully on October 11. This means that quarantine protocols will be lifted and only those who show symptoms of Covid-19 will have to undergo a test upon arrival. Better yet, Japan is resuming its visa-free travel scheme, so globetrotters can plan their trips on their own terms without having to make arrangements via travel agencies. 

Some of you have been waiting to book your flights to Japan for over two years now and we’re thrilled to welcome you back. A lot has changed over the course of the pandemic. A number of city redevelopment projects were implemented in the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics and better multilingual support was put in place in anticipation of more visitors from abroad. We saw a few long-established attractions close to make way for a ton of cool new venues . As if you needed any more convincing, we’ve compiled a list of reasons why the next three months are the prime time to visit Japan.

Guide to Japan’s reopening for tourism : visa-free travel, valid vaccines, PCR tests and more

We've been expecting you...

Because the yen is super cheap right now

1.  Because the yen is super cheap right now

Personally, we’re not too excited about the yen falling to a 24-year low. Nevertheless, there’s a window of opportunity here for tourists to splurge on their dream vacation for an unusually affordable rate.

Because Japan is one of the safest destinations in the world

2.  Because Japan is one of the safest destinations in the world

Perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve gone on a holiday overseas and you’re not quite as confident about navigating a foreign country as you were pre-pandemic. Well, never fear because Japan is consistently ranked as one of the safest places in the world , which makes it an excellent place to be a carefree (and solo) tourist.

Because Ghibli Park is opening this November

3.  Because Ghibli Park is opening this November

  • Transport & Travel

We’ve been counting down the days to the launch of the world’s first Ghibli Park and, from what we’ve seen so far, the theme park is looking to be everything we dreamed of and more. While the park is set to open in stages, this soft opening promises plenty to see in sections like the Hill of Youth, the Dondoko Forest and Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse.

Because teamLab’s exhibitions are worth the extra journey

4.  Because teamLab’s exhibitions are worth the extra journey

In August, we bid farewell to teamLab’s first permanent digital art museum in Tokyo’s Odaiba district (don’t panic, it’s coming back next year). Before the teamLab Borderless museum closed, however, the art collective opened a new permanent nighttime exhibition at a botanical garden in Osaka, with multiple interactive installations that evolve with the changing seasons. There's also the sensational teamLab forest in the historical Mifuneyama Rakuen Park in Saga prefecture, complete with digital monoliths in an abondoned bathhouse.

Because you can get discounted shinkansen tickets

5.  Because you can get discounted shinkansen tickets

  • Public transport

Japan is bigger than you might think it is, and with so many unique prefectures to visit, you’ll want to plan for a few journeys on the bullet train to get the most out of your stay. Shinkansen fares can look a little steep at first glance, but most of the major train companies offer fantastic discounts and multi-journey passes for foreign passport holders.

Because autumn is arguably Japan’s best season

6.  Because autumn is arguably Japan’s best season

  • Things to do

Every season has its own appeal in Japan, but if we had to pick a favourite, we'd say  autumn . Why? Well, this is when everything here well and truly flourishes. Red momiji (Japanese maple) and bright yellow ginkgo leaves make for breathtaking landscapes . Plus, the cool, crisp weather creates the perfect conditions for a dip in the onsen  hot springs .

Because Japan has some of the best ski resorts in the world

7.  Because Japan has some of the best ski resorts in the world

Autumn in Japan even overlaps with the beginning of ski and snowboarding season – and we’ve got some of the best snowy mountain resorts in the world. While ski lifts in popular villages like Hakuba or Nozawa Onsen in Nagano start running in early-December (weather pending), the season opens sooner the farther north you go. In Hokkaido, for instance, ski resorts open as early as November.

Because 2022 is a big year for art festivals

8.  Because 2022 is a big year for art festivals

Some of Japan’s biggest contemporary art festivals are only scheduled to occur once every two or three years. Due to the pandemic, however, a number of these events were forced to cancel or postpone their festival, which is why so many of them are happening now. Festivals worth seeing include the Echigo Tsumari Art Field (ends November 13; pictured above), where you'll find over 200 permanent installations by artists such as Yayoi Kusama and Leandro Erlich, as well as the Setouchi Triennale (ends November 6) on Japan's 'art islands' including Naoshima .

Because Super Nintendo World is worth the hype

9.  Because Super Nintendo World is worth the hype

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Opened in spring of 2021, USJ’s new Super Nintendo World lets you step into a video game in real life with side quests to complete, points to unlock, and yellow blocks to ‘punch’ as Mario and Luigi would.

Because Tokyo was recently ranked as one of the best cities in the world to find your soulmate

10.  Because Tokyo was recently ranked as one of the best cities in the world to find your soulmate

Okay, so we’ve seen the statistics and we’re still unsure about this claim , but whether or not you believe in soulmates or that Tokyo is the place to find yours, one thing we can confirm is that Japan is indisputably great for single travellers. From capsule hotels to solo-sized karaoke booths to yakiniku joints with one-person barbecue grills, everything here is designed so that single people don't miss out on any fun.

Because there is actually an infinite number of reasons to love Japan

11.  Because there is actually an infinite number of reasons to love Japan

The truth is, the list of fun new things Japan has to offer right now is endless. For manga and anime lovers, we’ve got jaw-dropping attractions like a life-sized Gundam robot that moves, a Sailor Moon Museum and an entire island resort dedicated to Hello Kitty .

Beyond budget-friendly omakase sushi and Michelin-approved ramen , our ever-evolving food scene boasts indoor yokocho halls , modern omakase meals and neo izakaya . Even the hotels here are attractions in their own right, with guest rooms that also double as art installations  (like the Shiroiya Hotel, pictured above), receptions that are managed by robots and icy igloos . Take it from us – don’t wait on booking those flights.

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30 Breathtaking Places to Visit Before You Die (Japan Edition)

30 reasons to visit japan

  • miraclewatage

Making a bucket list of places you should see before you die? Well, if Japan isn't on it, it should be! Japan has a lot to offer in terms of breathtaking scenery and incredible attractions. In this article, we'll introduce 30 spectacular places in Japan worth visiting before your time is up. We'll let the pictures do the talking!

Check out our writers’ top Japan travel ideas!

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1. Hoshitouge Rice Terraces (Niigata)

The "water mirror," which you can see before spring, is a wondrous sight! The Matsudai area is well-known as one of the venues of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, which is held once every 3 years.

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JR Pass for Whole Japan

Explore Japan in the most convenient and economical way with a Japan Rail Pass! It is valid for the majority of railways and local buses operated by JR. 

2. Icicles of Misotsuchi (Saitama)

In mid-winter, icicles appear on the surface of a mountain facing the Arakawa River. During the "Otaki Ice Festival," the scene is lit up in a whimsical display!

3. Hida Great Limestone Cave (Gifu)

The Hida Great Limestone Cave was discovered in 1965. It is said that 250 million years ago it was at the bottom of the sea.

Check out our writers’ top Japan travel ideas!

4. Firefly Squid Spawn (Toyama)

When firefly squid move into shallow waters, the coastline of Toyama turns an ephemeral blue. You can witness this phenomenon during the spawning season from March to May. It normally happens at night when the sea is quiet without moonlight.

5. Shirakawa-go (Gifu)

In 1995, Shirakawa-go was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The area is lit up at night every weekend in July.

6. Blue Pond (Hokkaido)

"Blue pond" is the nickname of this stunning artificial pond in central Hokkaido . The pond was selected as part of OS X Mountain Lion's wallpaper package by Apple Inc.

7. The Philosophy Tree (Hokkaido)

This poplar tree stands in a way reminiscent of a pondering philosopher, earning it the nickname "The Philosophy Tree."

8. Kawachi Fuji Garden (Fukuoka)

Kawachi Fuji Garden is open only in the spring and autumn. Highlights include a 73-meter wisteria trellis and 200-meter wisteria tunnel. There are also around 700 maple trees, of which 18 are 70-80 years old.

9. Mifuneyama Rakuen (Saga)

This Japanese-style garden is in Saga, Kyushu, and was built in 1845. Here you can enjoy 200,000 azalea, 5,000 cherry blossom trees, and 170-year-old Japanese wisteria.

10. Adachi Museum of Art (Shimane)

The Adachi Museum of Art is popular due to its breathtaking Japanese garden and collection of Taikan Yokoyama artwork.

11. Kaminoko-ike (Hokkaido)

The water of Kaminoko-ike is almost completely transparent, so you can see the trees lying at the bottom.

12. Takeda Castle (Hyogo)

While Takeda Castle was destroyed 400 years ago, its stone wall remains in its original style. Among Japan's castles, Takeda is regarded as one of the finest.

13. Takachiho Gorge (Miyazaki)

Navigating a row boat through the enchanting Takachiho Gorge will make you feel like you've already ascended to the heavens!

14. Suspension Bridges of the Sumatakyo (Shizuoka)

The suspension bridges hovering over the stunning Sumatakyo Gorge run up to 90 meters long!

15. Ogasawara Islands (Tokyo)

Believe it or not, the Ogasawara Islands are part of Tokyo! You can reach them via a ship tour from Tokyo City, which takes a whopping 25 hours! 

16. Kouri Bridge (Okinawa)

Kouri Bridge runs for 1,960 meters, making it the 2nd longest in Japan!

17. Nanatsugama Godan Falls (Yamanashi)

Nanatsugama Godan Falls is known as one of Japan's three biggest ravines. It cascades into several "pots," and was selected as one of "Japan's 100 Best Falls."

18. Naruto Whirlpools (Tokushima)

The Naruto Whirlpools are amongst the largest in the world! And you can get right up close on a cruise tour!

19. Nabegataki Falls (Kumamoto)

While appearing small from the front, a huge space exists in the back.

20. Okoshiki Beach (Kumamoto)

Selected as one of the Best 100 Beaches in Japan!  

21. Bitchu Matsuyama Castle (Okayama)

Bicchu Matsuyama Castle sits upon the top of Mt. Gagyu, making it the highest castle tower in Japan. It is also the oldest surviving castle in Japan!

22. Shimonada Station (Ehime)

Shimonada Station flaunts sweeping views of the Iyo Nada Sea from the station platform, making it a popular haunt for keen photographers. 

23. Kurobe Gorge Railway (Toyama)

Kurobe Gorge was elected as one of the Top 3 Valleys in Japan. The best time to see the area's vivid maple trees is from mid to late November.

24. Higanbana in Kinchakuda (Saitama)

Here you can see the beautiful sight of blooming red spider lilies every year from September to October.

Japan Shinkansen, Narita Express (N'EX) & Express Train Tickets

Plan ahead by booking your shinkansen, airport train, and express train tickets online in English. Have the tickets sent to you by mail or collect them at the station once you're in Japan.

25. Shunan Complex (Yamaguchi)

This stunning industrial night view is found in the Shunan area of Yamaguchi Prefecture.

26. Oya Stone Mining (Tochigi)

Here you can discover the fascinating history of Oya stone excavation. There is also a church where you can get married!

27. Akiyoshido Cave (Yamaguchi)

This massive limestone cave is 10 km long with ceilings of up to 80 m high! In the photo is the famous "One-Hundred Plates." 

28. Night View From Inasa-yama (Nagasaki)

Inasa-yama (Mt. Inasa) is the best spot to enjoy the after-dark scenery of Nagasaki. It's also considered one of the world's top 3 night views.

29. Unkai Terrace (Hokkaido)

Only those who wake up early in summer can relish this otherworldly experience. Even during the peak season, "unkai" (sea of clouds) only appear during very specific weather patterns, so there's no guarantee!

30. Yoshigaura Onsen Lamp no Yado (Ishikawa)

This "Onsen Yado" (hot spring hotel) opened in 1578! The open-air and cave baths facing the beach are super popular!

The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.

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30 reasons to visit japan

There are many reasons to visit the land of the rising sun, Japan. It is a land infused with both past and future, from deeply ingrained age-old cultures and old shinto shrines to bullet trains and skyscrapers.

You will find yourself delighting all your senses here, being in peace and serenity while enjoying the company of the people and also immersing in its arts, culture and beauty. Not to mention also feasting on all the delicious Japanese food.

Here are some top reasons why you should visit Japan.

Night View in Tokyo, Japan

Night View in Tokyo, Japan. Photo by Toshihiro Oimatsu

Maiko / Geisha under the Sakura trees, Japan

Maiko / Geisha under the Sakura trees, Japan. Photo by Kelvin Cheong

Japanese people are one of the most intriguing people in the world.

Yes, you may find them reserved at times which can be mistaken as unfriendly, but you will be surprised to know they are actually very helpful and open instead. Give a smile and some gestures and you are ready to reach out to them.

Being reserved is actually part of their culture, as maintaining their “wa” (harmony) is of utmost importance, and if you think about it, it is actually a really beautiful practice. This is also why you will see that people wait patiently in lines, rarely make loud noises and is always polite.

Japanese people also always strive for peace and comfort, therefore keeping everyone in a pleasant mode, which you will also be compelled to reciprocate.

They are also generous, considerate, kind and helpful and these show in their home hospitality and also in customer service.

Clean and safe

If there is one place in this world to be awarded cleanest, Japan is the place. On top of it, it is also very safe. You will find it almost impossible to find trash lying around public places and people seem to take a conscious effort to maintain things the way it is. There is no spitting, or people shouting or even any sort of rowdy gatherings here. Public places like the train or toilets are impeccably clean, somewhat almost unreal.

Mentally you will feel at peace because the people are very respectful to strangers and also one another. You also rarely hear of things getting lost or theft and even the women can be walking around late at night without fear.

Torii Miyajima floating at sea, Japan

Torii Miyajima floating at sea, Japan. Photo by Lluis

Culture and History

Sakura tree in spring, Japan

Sakura tree in spring, Japan. Photo by Yoshiki

Japan is not only rich in culture in terms of what the people practice or live as principles, it is also rich in the architectures, celebrations and festivals.

Here you can find ancient castles and long practicing temples / shrines that stood the test of time. There are also many festivals to join in throughout the year as it is important as part of their lives.

Few notable cultural icons are like the castles in Osaka or Kyoto or the cherry blossom festival in spring (around April) where you revel not only in the beauty of these rare flowers but also in the festivals that surround it.

The history of Japan is ever so dramatic ranging from deep nostalgia to melancholy to intriguing and it marks is still prominent everywhere in Japan. The old tiny shrines are still dotted all over the busy city while cobbled stones street lined Kyoto city and out of the city, you find old teahouses up and down the hilly countryside flowing with crystal clear streams.

Thousands and thousands of Torii, Japan

Thousands and thousands of Torii, Japan. Photo by Mark Doliner

Food is also an important part of life for the Japanese, therefore you can see the thoughts and efforts put into their food. Japanese food is one of the top-notch cuisines in the world; imagine haute food even at the simplest food stall.

Everything is prepared with much detail to the textures and flavours that you find yourself constantly delighting your palate. Japanese food is generally healthy, fresh, nutritious and well presented.

Here you can find from good old noodle soup like ramen or udon to soft fluffy rice with yakiniku (grilled meats and vegetables) to carefully selected meat slices for shabu-shabu to beautifully crafted sushi and carefully picked freshest of seafood.

There are also all sorts of alcoholic drinks like umeshu or choya (fruit liquor) or asahi and yebisu (beer) or sake (fermented rice). The portions here are usually small and would be delight for those who love to eat quality variety instead of quantity.

Typical set of Food in Japan

Typical set of Food in Japan.

Nature and Architectures

Japan is a really beautiful country naturally with snow-capped mountains, clear blue flowing streams and lush green countrysides. At the same time, you will see man-made architectures blending harmoniously into the nature making everything a canvas of art itself.

Imagine thousand years old temples and shrines among the fields or perched on the mountain top or resting below the giant monolith trees. Hot springs bath at the valley with rushing streams down the sides and birds chirping in the distance.

Japan is the epitome of peace, tranquillity and harmony between people and nature.

Also as the season changes, Japan transition gracefully from one kind of beauty to another, the most famous being spring which is the cherry blossoms season while the autumn brings vivid orange hues of maple leaves, hot springs surrounded by snows during winter and lush green fields in the summer.

Winter in Gassho Village, Japan

Winter in Gassho Village, Japan. Photo by Yoshiki

Contemporary Arts, Fashion and Technology

Shinkansen bullet train, Japan

Shinkansen bullet train, Japan. Photo by MIKI Yoshihito

As one of the most advanced countries in Asia, Japan is leading in the area of technology with bullet trains, automatic self-cleaning toilets, fastest internet speed in the world, vending machines to serve every needs and skyscrapers crawling the cities.

While on the other hand, Japan has its own trend in fashion, always standing out in some ways in compared to the world but also always beautiful in its own ways. Japan is also leading in the area of contemporary art now with various artists bringing refreshing new ideas and ways of arts that mesmerize the world.

It is almost impossible to name everything on why you should visit Japan as you can see it is a country full of wonders to every sense.  Some even say it is one of the best place to travel with baby in Asia ! One will have to come to Japan and experience for himself how special this place is and how different it is from the rest of the world.

Why visit Japan again? Visit Japan for the kind and friendly people, for the rich yet imminent age-old culture and living history, for the clean and safe environment, for the fine delicious food, for the beautiful blend of nature and architectures and for the contemporary fine arts, trendy fashion and modern technology.

Shinto in middle of a forest, Japan

Shinto in middle of forest, Japan. Photo by YoTuT

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30 reasons to visit japan

Author: Rachel

Japan, as one of her very first trip far away from home, Rachel found it to be eye-opening and awe-inspiring. She got so fascinated by the distinction of Japan, especially the people and how such country so unique from the rest can exist in this chaotic world, that she went back twice to further her endless discovery of it. With that said, there is still much to explore in Japan! Google+ View all posts by Rachel

1 thought on “Why Visit Japan”

Yes I agree I have recently retuned from visiting my daughter in Rokko whilst she was on her study abroad, sadly she has will be returning to uk soon due to coronavirus. I had a wonderful time in Japan and met some lovely people, so helpful and friendly It was amazing I recommend you visit, I will be returning to see more sights and my daughter will keep in touch with her Japanese friends very sad to leave.

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Why travel to Japan? The top 17 reasons to visit The Land of the Rising Sun

There are so many reasons why you should travel to Japan. An extraordinary country, there’s something for all ages and tastes. But if it’s your first time interrailing in the country, then you might be lost for inspiration.

To ensure you’re on the right path, here are 17 incredible reasons why you should visit Japan.

1) The Breath-Taking Cherry Blossom Season

30 reasons to visit japan

Perhaps the main reason why so many people travel to Japan every year is because of the beautiful cherry blossoms. With the season peaking in April, there are so many wonderful places to enjoy the picturesque trees, including the awe-inspiring Yoshino, Maruyama Park and Himeji Castle .

2) The Fascinating Temples

30 reasons to visit japan

No matter where you’re interrailing in Japan, you’re never far from a temple. So if you’re looking for a break from the bustling city life, then a trip to one of Japan’s traditional temples is bound to please.

With an abundance of both Shinto Shrines and Buddhist temples scattered around the country, you’ll have a wonderful day exploring these spiritual buildings. 

Two beautiful temples to visit are the Kiyomizue-dera Temple in eastern Kyoto and the Toji Temple, a five-story pagoda with the tallest wooden tower in the country.

3) The Soothing Onsens

Takaragawa Onsen, image courtesy of Tripadvisor

Japan’s famous hot spring baths, the onsens , are heated by geothermal forces and are said to have soothing powers. Present in Japan since the 1st Century, they are frequented by tourists and locals alike, offering a unique experience no matter what season you visit.

4) The Delicious Japanese Cuisine

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan is known for its delectable cuisine. A very important part of the culture, there are so many incredible foods to try during your interrailing trip, including the prolific sushi and sashimi to ramen, Gyudon (beef with rice) and other mouth-watering delights. 

During your trip, if you’re lucky, you might be able to attend one of its iconic food and drink festivals, including the Ramen Expo in Osaka and the Kyushu Beer Festival in Fukuoka. 

5) How Quick and Efficient Public Transportation is

30 reasons to visit japan

Not only are the Shinkansen (bullet trains) fast, but during your Japan trip, you’ll love the efficiency of all the trains in Japan. Known for their punctuality, there are so many different connections to choose from – allowing you to visit tons of locations throughout your getaway without having to wait for hours upon end.

6) The Awe-Inspiring Landscapes

Take in these amazing landscapes when you travel to Japan

With so many diverse landscapes to be explored, you’ll have tons of opportunities to capture some incredible photos. From mountains to waterfalls, there’s something for everything in Japan. Perhaps one of the most extraordinary natural landscapes to visit is the much-admired Mt Fuji (pictured above). And if you want to discover the beauty of the mountain whilst learning some fascinating history, you can book a tour around it. 

Alternatively, if you’re looking for the hustle and bustle, you can head to the bright lights of Tokyo and enjoy views out over the city from the Skytree or Tokyo Tower .

7) The Abundance of UNESCO Sites

30 reasons to visit japan

Did you know that Japan has 21 World Heritage Sites that you can visit? The ideal place to interrail around if you want a mixture of natural landscapes, cultural monuments and more, you can spend your days exploring these extraordinary places whether you’re travelling alone or with friends. 

Whether you visit the poignant Hiroshima Peace Memorial , the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto or the Itsukushima Shrine , the UNESCO sights are remarkable.

8) Two Iconic Animation Attractions: Disneyland and Studio Ghibli

why so many people travel to Japan – Tokyo Disneyland.

For anyone that loves Disney, you’ll be pleased to know that Japan is home to Disneyland-themed parks just outside of Tokyo. Opened in 1983, it has two parks to choose from, including the original Disneyland Tokyo and Tokyo DisneySea. 

If you’re looking for something less Americanised and something more traditional, then perhaps the Studio Ghibli Museum is more suitable. An interactive attraction that celebrates all of Japan’s respected Oscar-winning directors, it’s sure to delight every visitor.

9) It’s a Very Safe Country

30 reasons to visit japan

Did you know that Japan is one of the safest places to visit? Frequently listed in the top 10, it prioritised crime prevention through a series of safety measures. For example, firearms aren’t readily available – unlike other countries. Because of this, along with the local’s friendly behaviour, you’ll feel at home whilst interrailing around it.

10) The Locals Are Lovely

30 reasons to visit japan

One of the main reasons people go back to Japan every year is down to the overwhelming politeness and friendly nature of the locals. Not only do they respect your space, but they are very welcoming and love to socialise.

11) It Has a Captivating History

30 reasons to visit japan

If you love history, then you’ll adore Japan. One of the most intriguing and captivating cultures globally, you can discover how the country has evolved over thousands of years. Combining history with a modern flair, you can see how it’s seamlessly represented everywhere in the country – whether you spend your time visiting shrines, castles or temples.

12) Sing The Night Away at Karaoke

30 reasons to visit japan

If you’re not familiar with Japan’s love for karaoke, then you’ll be surprised the moment that you plan a night out in one of its main cities. In Japan karaoke is an extremely popular pastime and it’s offered in dozens of bars across the country. One in particular that tourists love to visit is Karaoke Kan in Tokyo – which is famous as it was where Bill Murray frequented in the hit film Lost in Translation .

13) Enjoy a Geisha Performance

30 reasons to visit japan

If you really want to revel in Japanese culture, then spend a night (or two) enjoying a Geisha performance. A show that’s considered to be only for the highly privileged, these rare appearances are simply extraordinary. The most esteemed Geisha performance can be seen as Miyako Odori in Kyoto. Telling a variety of stories, from love to loss, these fascinating shows are unlike anything else.

14) Its Unique Themed Restaurants

30 reasons to visit japan

Another reason why Japan is beloved by tourists is because of it’s extraordinary themed restaurants. From Tokyo’s ultra-futuristic Robot Restaurant to the spooky Vampire Cafe , there’s a themed restaurant out there no matter what you’re into!

15) The Futurist Cities

30 reasons to visit japan

Although Japan’s renowned for its enchanting history, it’s also incredibly modern. From the futuristic robot exhibitions in Miraikan to the cutting-edge capsule hotels across the country, there’s no denying that Japan is constantly finding ways to modernise and innovate.

16) There Are Over 200 KitKat Flavours

30 reasons to visit japan

Did you know that Japan has over 200 KitKat flavours to choose from? From the not-so-unique (strawberry), to the delicious (Cinnamon Cookie) and the bizarre (Wasabi and Pear), this is a little known fact that fascinates tourists when they visit Japan every year.

17) The Remarkable Castles

30 reasons to visit japan

And the last key reason why you should visit the Land of the Rising Sun on an interrailing adventure is because of its remarkable castles. Peppered throughout the country and dating back hundreds of years, there are so many beautiful castles to visit. One, in particular, that’s popular with tourists is Osaka Castle – a notorious landmark that dates to the 16th-Century.

Final thoughts on why you should travel to Japan

So, there you go! Those are the top 17 reasons why you should visit Japan. A breath-taking and extraordinary country, it’s easy to see why over 30 million tourists visited in 2018. The ultimate place to interrail in, you’ll create unforgettable memories the moment you arrive there.

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  • 10 Captivating Reasons To Visit Japan: Unveiling The Land Of Endless Wonders

26 Apr 2024

Regarded as the best country in the world in 2023 by Reader’s Choice Awards, do you still need reasons to visit Japan ? Japan has everything from cherry blossoms to roaming in the rainforests to savouring delicious sushi. This country is a land of true contrast that offers a great mixture of the old and the new. A remarkably diverse country where travellers can experience high-tech cities or discover peace in the ancient shrines. Let’s dive into what the government offers visitors and the reasons to explore Japan.

Check Out The Reasons To Visit Japan

Japan’s nature is immensely diversified, ranging from the landscape of Hokkaido to the beautiful crystal-clear waters of the Okinawa Islands. Here are some best reasons to visit Japan on your next vacation.

1. Cherry Blossom

Experience the beauty of cherry blossoms in Japan, one of the major reasons to visit Japan.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Japan is beautiful all year round but there’s no better time to visit the country than during Cherry Blossom season. Picture this: exquisite landscapes, and bustling streets which are enhanced with pink blossoms aka Sakura. The ephemeral nature of cherry blossoms symbolises the fleeting nature of life while providing a breathtaking view that one shouldn’t miss out on.

What is Hanami?

Furthermore, did you know that there is a ritual of Hanami or Flower viewing? It is an important part of the Japanese culture, where people gather to enjoy each other’s company and appreciate nature. The cherry blossoms season is not just cherished in nature but in Japanese cuisines as well. Sakura flowers that are commonly known as cherry blossoms are preserved and used as an ingredient in everything from cakes to cocktails. Additionally, it is one of the most popular foods associated with the season is Hanami Dango. A tri-coloured dumpling that is made out of sweetened rice flour.

Best Places To Witness Cherry Blossoms:

  • Mount Yoshino
  • Kyoto Botanical Garden
  • Lake Kawaguchiko
  • Hirosaki Castle Park

Famous Food To Savour:

  • Toraya Sakura Mochi
  • Cherry Blossom Cakes
  • Cherry Blossom Milk Pudding

Must Read: Things To Do In Japan

2. Historical Heritage

One of the best reasons to visit Japan is due to its rich heritage.

Image Source: Shutterstock

For the history aficionado, Japan’s cultural heritage is steeped in centuries-old traditions that exist to date. Plan your itinerary well to explore the beautiful ancient temples and shrines and seek blessings. Or visit geisha districts to immerse yourself in the rich past.

Discover Kyoto which is known as the cultural heart of Japan. Take a stroll down the paths of Kyoto or Takayama’s Old Town to witness the traditional wooden houses. Explore the gentle reminder of resilience and hope at Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park. Transport yourself to a different era and embark on an exciting journey through time. In addition to this, all the cultural heritage of Japan stands as a testament to the nation’s enduring legacy. Hence, it is one of the most captivating reasons to visit Japan.

Top Attractions:

  • Fushimi Inari Shrine

Places To Stay In Japan:

  • K’s House Ito Onsen
  • Hilton Tokyo
  • Tokyo Grand Hotel

3. Japanese cuisine

Delve into the gastrointestinal delights with Japanese cuisines, one of the highlight and reasons to visit Japan.

Did someone say yummy food? Yes, sushi, ramen, tempura, mochi and the list goes on. Japan offers a chance for food lovers to taste authentic local dishes. Delve into the gastrointestinal delights with a boundless variety of regional and seasonal dishes. Restaurants in Japan range from mobile food stands to centuries-old ryotei. Travellers can encounter distinct geographic delicacies in different regions of Japan.

Furthermore, Tokyo is known as the world’s most exciting dining destination. Local creations from Tokyo are formerly known as Edo. The most popular sushi type in Tokyo is Nigiri-Zushi which originated as a fast-food dish in the city. While Kyoto offers rich culinary traditions and one shouldn’t miss the opportunity to explore the Nishiki Market.

On the other hand, the people of Osaka are said to spend more on food than on anything else. Takoyaki is one of the popular street snacks which means ‘grilled octopus.’ What’s more is that food lovers will undoubtedly find Japan as a paradise to be in and savour yummy food.

Must Try Dishes:

  • Okonomiyaki
  • Kitsune Udon

Where To Eat:

  • Neon-laden Dotonbori District

Suggested Read: Japan Travel Guide

4. Picturesque Landscape

One of the best reasons to visit Japan is its picturesque landscapes.

One of the best reasons to visit Japan is the snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys and pristine beaches. The most iconic symbol of Japan is Mount Fuji offering a majestic backdrop for nature lovers. It is not only one of the tallest mountains in Japan but is also a volcano. But if you are looking to explore the country beyond the mountains, head to the breathtaking countryside of the Japanese Alps. Or even better venture to Hokkaido and enjoy the hot spring bath with a jaw-dropping view. So, when travelling to Japan make sure to protect the environment and the beautiful landscape of the country.

Must Visit Places In Japan:

  • Okinawa Island
  • Nachi Waterfall
  • Mount Wakakusa

Cities Of Japan To Explore:

5. Unusual Experiences

Immerse in the kawaii culture of Japan.

From the moment you set foot, be ready to experience the unconventional, creative and eccentric that Japan has to offer. Have you ever heard of square watermelon? Originating in Japan, these novelty fruits are meticulously crafted to grow into a square shape. Moreover, these watermelons are easier to stack and store in their limited living spaces. Another unique aspect of the country is its Kawaii culture, characterised by the love for all things cute. Visitors can immerse themselves in this kawaii world by exploring themed cafés and shopping for weird souvenirs.

Places To Visit For Unusual Experience:

  • Tea ceremony

Entry Fee: N/A

6. Onsen Retreats

Experience the Japanese onsen for perfect relocation and rejuvenation.

Image Source: Pixabay

Amidst Japan’s bustling cities and vibrant cultural scene lies a tranquil oasis waiting to be discovered. Like the traditional Japanese hot spring or onsen. Renowned for their healing properties and serene ambience, onsen has been an integral part of Japanese culture for centuries. All in all it offers a blissful retreat from the rigours of daily life.

Moreover, onsen resorts provide the perfect escape for weary travellers seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Tucked away in the mountains, overlooking the sea, or nestled in the heart of a bustling city, each onsen offers a unique experience.

Onsen To Explore:

  • Yunessun Spa Resort, Hakone Kowakien
  • Beppu Onsen Hoyo Land
  • Arima Olsen
  • Shibu Onsen

Best Experience In Onsen:

  • Relax in mineral-rich thermal waters
  • Enjoy serene surroundings in nature
  • Experience traditional Japanese hospitality
  • Try outdoor baths with scenic views

Suggested Read: Library Hostel In Japan

7. Cultural Encounters

Japan is famous for its unforgettable cultural encounters and love for anime and manga.

Japan offers a wealth of cultural experiences that captivate and inspire visitors from around the world. From traditional arts such as ikebana (flower arranging) and calligraphy to modern pop culture like anime, manga, and cosplay. So, whether you’re learning to make sushi or attending a performance of traditional Kabuki theatre, Japan’s rich cultural heritage is sure to leave a lasting impression. Thus, visiting Japan is a lifetime experience.

Must Experience:

  • Traditional Tea Ceremony
  • Experience the elegance of Japanese attire
  • Visit a sumo match and witness the excitement of Japan’s national sport

Location: N/A

Further Read: Spring Flower Cruise In Japan

Whether you’re exploring the vibrant streets of Tokyo, sampling delectable cuisine in Kyoto, or soaking in the healing waters of a traditional onsen, Japan’s diverse attractions are sure to leave a lasting impression. Plan a trip to Japan and experience the quirky cultural phenomena of serene natural retreats. So pack your bags and head to the country of the land of the rising sun.

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Cover Image Credit: Pixabey

Frequently Asked Questions About Reasons To Visit Japan

Why visit Japan for my next trip?

If you're wondering why Japan should be your next trip destination, here's the answer: its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, delicious cuisine, advanced technology, traditional festivals, and the unique blend of ancient traditions with modernity offer an unforgettable experience waiting to be discovered.

What hidden gems does Japan hold for adventurous travellers?

Japan offers hidden treasures like secluded hot springs, mystical forests, quaint villages, off-the-beaten-path temples, and remote islands, inviting adventurous souls to explore its lesser-known wonders.

When is the best season to visit Japan?

The best season to visit Japan is typically spring, March to May for cherry blossom season and fewer crowds, or during autumn September to November for greenery and comfortable weather.

What are the top reasons to visit Japan?

People love Japan for its cool culture, beautiful nature, yummy food, smart stuff, fun festivals and mix of old and new, making it super exciting to explore.

Why visit Japan in winter?

Winter in Japan is awesome! You can see cool snow festivals, soak in hot springs, enjoy pretty lights, ski and see beautiful snowy scenery everywhere.

What seasonal attractions draw tourists to Japan?

Japan's seasonal attractions include cherry blossoms in spring, vibrant foliage in autumn, snow festivals in winter and beach destinations in summer, offering year-round allure for travellers.

What makes Japanese cuisine a highlight for food enthusiasts?

Japanese cuisine delights food enthusiasts with its fresh seafood, sushi, sashimi, ramen, tempura, matcha desserts and diverse regional specialities, showcasing culinary excellence and innovation.

What family-friendly attractions does Japan offer?

The country offers family-friendly attractions such as theme parks like Disneyland and Universal Studios, interactive museums, kid-friendly festivals, animal cafes, and traditional cultural experiences suitable for all ages.

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30 reasons to visit japan

Reasons To Visit Japan

Believed by many to be one of the best countries in the world, Japan’s reputation precedes it. Clean, safe, welcoming, beautiful and down-right diverse, the list of things to love about Japan goes on and on. From its unique, artfully-presented food to landscapes that defy description, we’ve managed to whittle our list down to seven reasons to visit Japan this year.

Reasons to visit Japan

Whether it’s at a bustling market or a five-star restaurant, Japanese cuisine is renowned across the world for its exceptional quality, dedication to fresh ingredients and superb presentation. And yet, it is often the utter simplicity of Japanese cuisine – many dishes use just a handful of ingredients – that wins people over. Some of the most famous dishes include sushi, sashimi, tempura, sukiyaki and the meticulously crafted courses of kaiseki. The traditional Washoku way of preparing and serving food has even been given the nod as Intangible Cultural Heritage. And the deep-rooted tradition of omotenashi , a time-honoured skill of great hospitality, accompanies each and every meal no matter how small or large.

30 reasons to visit japan

Located along the ‘Ring of Fire’, Japan is home to 10% of the world’s active volcanoes, making it a hive of geothermal activity. This has resulted in one of the most significant aspects of Japanese life, the onsen . These mineral-rich hot springs provide the ultimate tranquil bathing experience and have been in use for thousands of years and remain an integral tradition today. For visitors, many hotels offer their own take on the onsen , some more traditional than others, but for an authentic experience, book into one of the many beautiful Japanese inns (or ryokans ) scattered across the country and luxuriate in the steaming water.

30 reasons to visit japan

Diverse / photogenic landscapes

Japan’s glittering cities often hog the limelight, but the landscape is in fact incredibly diverse. From the rugged wilderness of Hokkaido to the sun-soaked beaches of Okinawa , snow-capped peaks (hello, Mount Fuji ) to fields filled with flowers, quaint and fascinating hamlets hidden in the mountains to mysterious bamboo groves, there are some surprising discoveries to be made. This diversity means there’s no end to the activities you can enjoy either, from skiing to intrepid hiking, cruises across the inland seas and exploring ancient temples that tower above the pretty streets below. And we haven’t even gotten to Japan’s famous gardens…

30 reasons to visit japan

Across Japan , there are hundreds of beautifully-designed gardens, said to represent the three most beautiful aspects of nature and changing coats to match the passing seasons. While the prominent cities host their fair share of stunning green areas, you can also pay a visit to one of the ‘Three Great Gardens of Japan’: Kenroku-en, Karaku-en or Koraku-en. Kenroku-en is said to be at its most beautiful in the winter; Karaku-en is all about spring, when the garden turns pink thanks to the thousands of plum blossoms; and Koraku-en showcases the splendour of Japan in autumn. Each is criss-crossed by streams and ponds, ornate bridges and winding pathways, and will certainly be a highlight on your trip to Japan.

30 reasons to visit japan


Influenced by tools and techniques imported from Korea and China as well as the introduction of Bhuddism, a distinctive feature of Japanese architecture is the curving, elongated rooftops, built from timber and placed at right angles allowing them to sway without falling down. In fact, a great deal of traditional Japanese architecture was determined by the need to be flexible in case of an earthquake, and many structures make use of lightweight materials like wood, bamboo, straw and paper. This minimalistic use of materials is also one of the most important elements in maintaining harmony with nature. Another highly recognisable feature is the presence of transitional spaces, achieved with sliding screens and a free-flowing design between indoors and outdoors. You’ll have the chance to learn all about Japan’s architectural traditions on a guided tour of its striking temples, castles and ryokans.

30 reasons to visit japan

Cherry blossoms

Known in Japanese as sakura , Japan’s iconic cherry blossoms symbolise the start of spring, alongside a sense of renewal and hope. Over 100 varieties arrive in waves of white and pink, beginning in the south in early February and reaching the northern corners of Hokkaido by early May. Taking the time to enjoy these blooms is a longstanding tradition in Japan, known as hanami , and many locals gather in parks and gardens with a picnic to do just that. Cameras at the ready!

30 reasons to visit japan

One of the most iconic images associated with Japan , it is a privilege to see Geisha ( geiko ) perform their skills, which include the art of conversation and dances accompanied by traditional music. For centuries, this was an exclusive opportunity reserved for trusted individuals but certain establishments have opened up to outside visitors (with the help of an agent or hotel). While Geisha reside in several cities across Japan, Kyoto remains the most prestigious destination to enjoy a geiko performance at a traditional tea house.

30 reasons to visit japan

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24 reasons to visit Japan – officially the best country in the world – in 2024

By Tokyo Halfie

Uji canal in Kyoto

Japan was voted the best country in the world in the 2023 Readers' Choice Awards. Here, resident foodie and travel connoisseur Tokyo Halfie explains 24 reasons why you should visit Japan in 2024.

With a rich cultural heritage that eloquently integrates tradition and innovation, Japan is full of juxtapositions. After a two-year entry restriction that was lifted earlier this year, international travellers are flocking back to explore the splendours the country has to offer.

The diverse landscape unveils its ever-changing tapestry of colours, from the delicate pink sakura cherry blossoms in the spring to the vibrant fiery gradation of koyo autumn foliage. The seasonal transitions are beautifully mirrored in its remarkable dining scene, featuring shun-no-shokuzai (seasonal ingredients).

From the vivacious festivals in cities to serene onsen hot springs in the countryside, there are boundless possibilities for discovery.

Aerial Tokyo City View with Tokyo Tower Minato Tokyo Japan.

1. The thriving restaurant scene

First and foremost, Tokyo has some of the best restaurants in the world, from casual rustic walk-ins to globally acclaimed omakase spots. Chefs dedicate their lives to mastering techniques with their shokunin spirit – the virtue of seeking perfection in their craft. Intricately prepared dishes are served with impeccable service, stemming from the tradition of omotenashi – a deep-rooted psyche of taking care of guests.

2. The vast spectrum of cuisines

The country offers various cuisines, ranging from traditional genres (sushi, tempura, and kaiseki) to progressive and experimental fusions. The appreciation for the change in seasons is often ingrained in any genre, featuring domestically sourced fresh produce – Japan’s diverse landscape offers a wide variety of local vegetables, seafood and meat throughout the year. Each region will have their local speciality, whether it be seasonal ingredients or kyodo ryori (literally translating to ‘regional cuisine’).

Stack of sake barrels

3. The finely brewed sake

Sake literally translates to ‘alcohol’ in Japanese – rice wine is technically referred to as nihonshu. The beverage was initially brewed in Shinto shrines, and has held a sacred place in the country’s culture. Its production process encapsulates centuries of craftsmanship, carefully blending premium rice, pure water, yeast, and koji fungus. The mountainous terrains provide mineral-rich natural waters, with each water source greatly influencing the character and flavour notes of the final product.

4. Stunning spring blossoms

With flowers emerging after a cold winter , spring represents “new beginnings” in Japan (including the school year, which starts in April ). The first sakura, or cherry blossom, appears in the southern islands, and the phenomenon moves its way northwards. There are over 600 types of sakura trees across the country with varying shades of pink. Petals gradually unfold outwards until reaching their peak mankai (full bloom) for a mere few days.

5. Festive summer activities

Summer marks the matsuri festival season, with each region hosting their annual bon-odori (traditional communal dance) or hanabi-taikai (fireworks convention). Many will attend wearing a yukata, a lighter and more casual version of a kimono. Generally, yatai vendors can be found at these celebrations, serving a variety of street food including yakisoba (stir-fried noodles with soy and oyster sauces) and ringo-ame (candy apples).

6. Glorious autumn foliage

As temperatures gradually decline following the scorching summer , the renowned koyo or autumn foliage begins in mid- September in Hokkaido. Leaves transition from shades of green to a breathtaking gradation of red, orange and yellow. The peak season in Kyoto is generally around mid to late November when many visit the stunning zen gardens at Buddhist temples and their colouring momiji (Japanese maple) trees.

7. Refreshing winter weather

Contrary to the grey British winters , the Kanto region (including Tokyo) is usually dry and crisp this time of year, with higher chances of blue skies. Snow can be enjoyed in the mountains, hosting world-renowned ski resorts such as Niseko and Hakuba. It is also the best season to enjoy the onsen (hot springs) at serene Ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) – even snow monkeys can be found bathing in the wild at Jigokudani Monkey Park .

Tsukiji Market Tokyo A bright red fish placed in ice for sale in a fish market.

8. Juxtapositions in Tokyo

The Japanese capital is the epitome of paradoxes – the organised chaos of the Scramble Crossing in Shibuya is just one of many examples, with thousands of pedestrians crossing simultaneously. The tranquil Meiji-Jingu Shrine is located next to the pop-culture epicentre Harajuku; the Imperial Palace and pristinely trimmed trees are within walking distance from the bustling business district in Marunouchi. From the early-morning fish market in Toyosu to late-night cocktails in Roppongi, Tokyo is a city that never sleeps.

9. Astonishing history in Kyoto

This historic city was once the capital of Japan for over 1,000 years, from the 8th to 19th centuries. It is home to over 3,000 Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, 16 of which are registered as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites . From the magnificent Kinkakuji Temple (also known as the “Golden Pavilion”) to the incredible Kiyomizu-dera Temple, there is an abundance of extraordinary monuments. The Arashiyama bamboo forest and the red gates of Fushimi Inari Shrine also top many bucket lists .

10. Natural treasures in Hokkaido

The largest prefecture in Japan is also the northernmost island, renowned for its natural wonders. The diverse landscapes and surrounding oceans provide an affluent range of fresh ingredients, including seasonal seafood and vegetables. From blissful spring walks in colourful flower fields to powder-skiing in the winter mountains or slurping miso ramen at the local hole-in-the-wall to tasting delicacies, the region offers myriad activities.

11. Craftsmanship in Hokuriku

Hokuriku is located along the Sea of Japan on the northwestern side of the country’s main island Honshu. The local delicacy Kobako-gani (female snow crab) can only be eaten between November and December , the most popular months to visit Ishikawa and its capital Kanazawa. For those seeking an artisanal experience, Fukui prefecture is rich in craftsmanship, including handmade knives, Echizen washi paper and pottery.

12. Casual bites in Kyushu

In the south of Japan, eight prefectures make up the Kyushu region. The Hakata district in Fukuoka is famous for its casual bites, which are referred to as B-kyu gurume (literally translating to “B-grade” gourmet). The regional ramen here is prepared with a tonkotsu pork-based broth, and served with thin noodles. Other local favourites include mizutaki (chicken hotpot), gyoza (dumplings) and mentaiko (spiced pollock roe).

13. The art island Naoshima

Once nearly-abandoned fishing islands in the Seto Inland Sea, Naoshima, along with Teshima and Inujima, were transformed into ‘art islands’ over the last few decades. Museums and art displays can be found all around the islands, including the iconic yellow pumpkin sculpture by the legendary Yayoi Kusama. The Art House Project renovated seven kominka old houses into interactive exhibitions; the Chichu Art Museum by celebrated architect Tadao Ando and the Lee Ufan Museum are also not to be missed.

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Family with small child hiking through rainforest of Yakushima Island Kagoshima Japan

14. The rainforest in Yakushima

A temperate rainforest stretches across the sub-tropical island, which is another UNESCO World Heritage. Many travellers trek through the moss-covered forest to appreciate the 25.3 metre-high Jomon-Sugi, the oldest Cryptomeria tree that is believed to be a few thousand years old. The enchanted national park is also said to be the inspiration for the acclaimed animation film Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli, which is also known for creating My Neighbour Totoro .

15. The tropical Okinawa

Beautiful white sand beaches can be found on the tropical islands of Okinawa. Some of the most-visited include the Honto main island, as well as Ishigaki and Miyako islands. Snorkelling and scuba diving with tropical fish in the clear water are popular activities in the summer – those with luck may even encounter turtles, manta rays, or even sharks. In more urban areas, Ryukyu architecture including castles and fortresses are scattered throughout.

People fishing at kawaguchiko lake in the morning

16. Magnificent Mount Fuji

The majestic and symmetrical form of Mount Fuji captures the essence of nature’s grandeur and is even visible from Tokyo on a clear day. Its spiritual presence can be enjoyed throughout the seasons, with cherry blossom trees adorning its surrounding forests in the spring to the snow-capped peak in the winter. The tranquil Ashinoko Lake in Hakone is a favoured destination to enjoy picturesque views of the symbolic mountain.

17. Relaxing hot springs

With over 100 active volcanoes, Japan has thousands of onsen hot spring locations. Whether it be at a rustic town bath or a luxurious traditional ryokan, visitors can soak in mineral-rich waters to relax and rejuvenate. There are several unwritten rules when bathing – the most important etiquette is to shower before entering fully unclothed (swimsuits are generally prohibited) for sanitary reasons.

alleys in the famous Shinjuku district in Tokyo Japan.

18. The abundance of architecture

The architecture in Japan blends history and modernisation, with ancient landmarks coexisting alongside futuristic skyscrapers. Many temples and shrines date back over a thousand years, whilst high-rises continuously emerge with innovative designs (including Azabudai Hills , a multi-year project still in progress as of autumn 2023). Tadao Ando is one of the country’s most notable architects, often featuring concrete in his minimalistic and spacious structures.

19. World class contemporary art

Japan has a flourishing contemporary art scene, led by internationally celebrated artists including Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami and Yoshitomo Nara. Their avant-garde works can be discovered at galleries and museums around the country. Polka dots and infinity rooms by Kusama redefine perception, while Murakami blends pop culture and traditional Japanese motifs with vibrant flower-like characters. Nara’s wide-eyed characters evoke both innocence and rebellion with timeless charm.

Kawagoe Festival

20. Seasonal festivals

The Japanese calendar is rife with festivals, celebrating each season with traditional rituals. In the spring, friends and family gather at ohanami picnics to admire the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms; bamboo branches are covered with colourful tanzaku paper during the Tanabata star festival in the summer. Mochi offerings are made during the tsukimi autumn moon festival, and snow festivals in the winter showcase ice sculptures.

21. The efficient public transport

The nation takes great pride in its incredible public transport system, which is widely known for its reliability and punctuality. The Shinkansen bullet trains operate frequently, swiftly transferring passengers across the country at speeds of up to 300 km/h. Subways and trains , which are most pleasant outside commuting hours, arrive on time by the minute. Those travelling from abroad are able to apply for the Japan Rail Pass, which offers unlimited travel on specified rail lines for a set period of time.

22. The outstanding cleanliness

The country’s reputation for exceptional cleanliness extends far beyond its tidy streets, reflecting a culture deeply rooted in respect. There is a sense of communal responsibility to keep public areas clean for others, stemming from early years in the classroom where students partake in cleaning routines. Furthermore, it is customary in Japanese homes to remove shoes before entering. Travellers may find limited access to rubbish bins outdoors – the norm is for one to take home their own trash.

Omoide Yokocho Shinjuku Tokyo

23. The trustworthy safety

Japan consistently ranks as one of the safest countries globally, with impressively low crime rates. Cash found on the street is typically handed to the police (totalling a few billion yen every year, or several tens of millions of pounds), simply out of goodwill – a testament to a society that profoundly honours integrity. It is also not uncommon for children to commute to school unsupervised. The trust in the community is demonstrated in the heartwarming show Old Enough!, which follows kindergarteners adventuring on errands alone for their first time.

24. Thoughtful customer service

The commitment to customer service is second to none, attributed by politeness and attention to detail. The omotenashi culture wholeheartedly embodies hospitality, proactively anticipating the needs of guests. From hotel concierge to staff at shopping malls, visitors are regularly welcomed and attended to with pristine care. Bowing is an example of the inherently embedded mindset of humility, a respectful gesture that is ingrained in society.

9 Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan at Least Once in Your Life

1.9 Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan at Least Once in Your Life

  What are the reasons why Japan is worth a visit? Well, a lot of things spring to mind. The culture. The food. The art. It’s definitely worth the visit. Japan is a unique country. And even though you might have an idea of what it’s like in Japan, this beautiful country will definitely still surprise you!

  Here are nine reasons why we think every traveler should make it a point to add Japan in their travel list:

Japan perfectly blends the old with the new

  Japan is a perfect mix of heritage, culture, and modern comfort. In big cities in Japan, you can see skyscrapers, modern restaurants, and state-of-the-art facilities. But that does not mean the country has completely obsoleted its deep cultural heritage.

There are a lot of exquisite temples and shrines in Japan

  You can still visit old shrines and monuments that are carefully preserved over the centuries. Japan has a plethora of religious architectural structures in different regions of the country. In Kyoto, one of the most visited regions, there are around 2000 temples and shrines. Most of these structures stood for more than hundreds of years already, yet they remain to be as majestic as they were before.

  Are you already listing down your must-visit places in Japan? Here are some of the most picturesque temples and shrines that have stood the test of time:

 Meiju Jingu Shrine


  Meiju Jingu Japan perfectly blends the old with the new. Shrine was completed and dedicated to Emperor Meiji and the Empress Shoken in 1920. You can find the shrine beside the busy Harajuku Station. The shrine and the adjacent Yoyogi Park make up a huge forested part of a densely populated city.

 Kiyomizu-dera Temple


  The Kiyomizu-dera temple, which stood since 778 AD, is one of the most celebrated temples in Kyoto, Japan. The central hall of the temple is appraised as a National Treasure. Another prominent reason to visit and see this place is the temple’s wooden stage. The stage offers an incredible panoramic view of Kyoto in a sea of maples. Currently, the temple is undergoing renovations in some areas including its main hall but visitors are still permitted to enter the hall. The renovation is expected to be completed in 2021.

  You can find the temple in the eastern part of the Higashiyama area.

 To-ji Temple


  The Toji Temple stands in the east, and on the west side graced the Saiji Temple, which is now defunct. These temples served as Kyoto’s guardian landmarks and are now a place for worshipping and offerings. Up to the present time, the temple is still one of the country’s most important UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

  Three decades after its establishment, the temples went through a lot of developments in its architecture. Kobo Daishi, the then appointed head priest of To-ji, built large wooden buildings that still towers over To-ji today.

  If you want to tour around Toji Temple, you should definitely check out its five-story pagoda. The structure contained relics of Dainichi Nyorai, and is said to be a form of the historical Buddha himself.

The food is out of this world


  Japanese cuisine offers an abundance of gastronomical pleasures. Sushi might be the first dish that springs to mind when you think of Japanese food. But there’s more to Japanese food than just sushi or ramen!

   Japanese restaurants range from yatai (mobile food stalls) to unique theme restaurants. A lot of food places are specialized in a single type of dish, while others offer diverse dishes.

  There’s actually a wider range of amazing dishes to try in Japan. As an example, you can try Okonomiyaki pancakes which are made of cabbage and topped with a variety of options. Other foods to try in Japan are miso soup, gyoza, takoyaki, udon, yakitori, sashimi, tamagoyaki, tempura, and so much more.

It’s easier to stick to your budget

  Undeniably, Japan can be very costly compared to most Asian countries. Fortunately, there are still ways to explore the country on a budget. Of course, it really depends on how much you are willing to shell out on your trip. For accommodation, you can choose Airbnb or capsule hotels over extravagant lodgings. Aside from that, many tourist spots in Japan are free, so you can certainly enjoy your stay while sticking to your budget!

  However, modes of transportation in Japan are quite expensive. So it’s best to decide before your trip whether or not you need their railway pass.

It’s clean and safe

  One of the first things you will notice when you are in Japan is how clean everywhere is. Everything in Japan is super clean and ordered. You’ll never find any litter on the streets anywhere or litter bins for that matter. The cities in Japan are outstandingly well looked after. Graffiti is rare and people seldom throw trash on the ground.

  There is a prevailing idea in Japan that clean is good. Cleanliness is always important in every household. The adults teach their kids to value cleanliness and consider cleaning time as a part of their daily schedule.

  So if well-cleaned accommodation and restaurants sound like a delight for the neat freak in you, then Japan is definitely your must-visit!

It has the most beautiful cherry blossoms


  If seeing the cherry blossoms is on your bucket list, then Japan is the best place to be.

  Spring is the best season to visit Japan if you want to see the crowning glory of sakura. During the peak of the season, pink cherry blossoms usually cover the streets. It’s definitely one of the most picturesque scenes you can come across with.

  When spring comes, not only the trees start to blossom, everything else in the country turns into a “pink” mode. Think fake cherry blossom flowers in stores, cherry blossom drinks and even food. You would see fake cherry blossom flowers and blossom-themed food and drinks in stores.

  Another key point, the blooming time of cherry trees varies every year, depending on the weather. If the weather during the weeks preceding the cherry blossom season is mild, the blooming time will happen early. If it is cold, blossoms will happen a bit later. Every year, the beginning of the blooming season can vary by as much as two weeks.

  Are you already mapping out your Japan itinerary? Check this article to see when and where to see the cherry blossoms in Japan in 2020.

It has the most efficient public transportation

  Commuting all around the city and country through train has never been easier and more efficient in Japan. The public transportation in the country never comes late and always departs on time.

  Thus, it’s so easy to travel from one place to another with this level of efficiency and punctuality. This is really helpful when you plan to stay in the country for only a short time. With the limited time you have, you can already explore much of Japan.

It has one of the best natural landscapes


  Japan is filled with amazing sceneries that are scattered across the country for you to soak in its natural beauty. For most people, the first things that come to mind when you think of Japan are skyscrapers and bright neon lights. However, there is a lot more to Japan than its urban landscapes.

  The extraordinary view of Mount Fuji, the lovely sight of Arashiyama bamboo forest, the temples and gardens, and the spectacular rocky mountains make Japan the perfect destination for nature and adventure lovers all year round.

  Japan has the most amazing people.

  There is a reason why some people think that Japan is the most polite country in the world. Well, Japanese people do seem to be rays of sunshine, don’t they?

  To be more specific, taxi drivers are unfailingly courteous all the time. Department store attendants treat their customers with the utmost respect. Hotel concierges greet their guests with a dance of bows.

In conclusion…

  There is always a good reason why experienced and first-time travelers should give Japan a try. And with all these reasons in mind, we hope you get to explore their culture first-hand.

  If you do, be sure to check our photograph services , so when you go home, you bring with you memories that will last a lifetime.


  •  “Why Visit Japan? 8 Reasons to Drop Everything and Go”
  •  “30 Reasons to visit Japan – Why you should visit Japan once in your life”
  •  “Types of Restaurants”
  •  “What Japan can teach about cleanliness.”

30 reasons to visit japan

Roamin Nomads

20 Reasons to Visit Japan

There are many reasons to travel to Japan. For one, it is a fascinating country with a rich and complex culture. Additionally, it is a very safe place to visit and offers an amazing array of experiences for tourists. Whether you’re interested in the food, the history, or the natural beauty of Japan, there is something for everyone. We have a list of 20 reasons to visit Japan to help you book your trip today!

So, why not consider a trip to Japan the next time you’re looking for an amazing travel destination? You won’t be disappointed – discover the best things to do in Japan too.

20 Reasons You Should Travel to Japan

30 reasons to visit japan

  • The food is amazing
  • The culture is fascinating and unique
  • The history is rich and intriguing
  • The natural scenery is breathtaking
  • Tokyo is a world-class city
  • There are endless things to do and see
  • It’s a safe and welcoming country
  • The people are friendly and helpful
  • English is widely spoken
  • The transportation system is efficient and easy to use
  • Japan is an incredibly clean country
  • There are many beautiful temples and shrines to visit
  • Skiing and snowboarding are popular activities in winter
  • The cherry blossoms are stunning in spring
  • There are many different festivals throughout the year
  • There are many hot springs (onsen) to relax in
  • The autumn leaves are beautiful in October
  • You can see wild monkeys and deer in some areas
  • There is a lot of interesting technology to see
  • Japan is an overall unique and amazing place to visit!

1. The food is amazing

Japan has some of the most delicious food in the world. There are endless options when it comes to cuisine, and you’re sure to find something to your taste. Whether you’re a fan of sushi, ramen, or teppanyaki, you won’t be disappointed.

2. The culture is fascinating and unique

Japan is a country with a rich and unique culture. There are many traditional ceremonies and festivals that are worth experiencing. You’ll also find lots of interesting museums and shopping districts to explore.

3. The history is rich and intriguing

One of the many reasons to visit Japan is its fascinating history which is well worth exploring. From ancient temples and shrines to modern megacities, there is plenty to see and do. Be sure to visit some of Japan’s famous historical sites, such as Kyoto or Hiroshima.

4. The natural scenery is breathtaking

Japan is a country with some stunning natural scenery. From snow-capped mountains and pristine lakes to lush forests and colorful coral reefs, there is something for everyone. Don’t forget to take time to appreciate Japan’s beautiful landscapes.

5. Tokyo is a world-class city

30 reasons to visit japan

Tokyo is one of the most impressive cities in the world. With its towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and endless nightlife, Tokyo offers something for everyone. It’s definitely worth spending some time exploring this amazing metropolis. Tokyo is one of the only reasons to visit Japan!

6. There are endless things to do and see

No matter what interests you, you’ll be able to find something fun to do in Japan. From skiing and snowboarding in winter to hiking and camping in summer, the possibilities are endless. Be sure to check out some of Japan’s famous landmarks and attractions, such as Mount Fuji or Disneyland Tokyo.

7. It’s a safe and welcoming country

If you ask people for reasons to visit Japan, the main thing they will say is that Japan is safe to travel to with a friendly population. You’ll feel welcome here no matter what your background or nationality is. English is also widely spoken, so you won’t have any trouble getting around or communicating with locals.

8. The people are friendly and helpful

The people of Japan are known for being friendly and helpful towards tourists. If you need any help or advice while traveling in Japan, don’t hesitate to ask someone nearby for assistance. Locals will be more than happy to help you get the most out of your trip to Japan!

9. English is widely spoken

As previously mentioned, English is widely spoken in Japan. This makes it easy to get around and communicate with locals, even if you don’t speak any Japanese. Most signs and menus are also written in English, so you’ll have no trouble finding your way around.

10. The transportation system is efficient and easy to use

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan has an excellent transportation system that is both efficient and easy to use. From trains and buses to taxis and rental cars, there are plenty of options for getting around the country. The transport infrastructure is also very well-developed, so you’ll be able to get where you need to go with ease.

11. Japan is an incredibly clean country

One of the things that visitors to Japan often remark on is how clean the country is. You’ll find that public areas are always well-maintained and litter-free. There’s also a strong culture of cleanliness, so you can expect high standards of hygiene wherever you go.

12. There are many beautiful temples and shrines to visit in Japan.

One of the most popular and well-known shrines is the Meiji Jingu in Tokyo. This shrine is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shoken. Visitors can learn about the history of the Meiji period as they walk through the beautiful grounds.

Another popular shrine is the Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto. This shrine is dedicated to Inari, the god of rice. Visitors can see thousands of red torii gates as they walk up the mountain path.

13. Skiing and snowboarding are popular activities in winter

There are many ski resorts located in the Japanese Alps. Some of the most popular resorts include Hakuba, Niseko, and Shiga Kogen. These resorts offer beautiful scenery and great skiing and snowboarding conditions.

14. The cherry blossoms are stunning in spring

Every year, people from all over the world come to Japan to see the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossom season typically lasts from late March to early April. The best place to see the cherry blossoms is in Tokyo’s Ueno Park. Although one of the seasonal reasons to visit Japan, it is still worth it!

15. There are many different festivals throughout the year

Some of the most popular festivals include the Sapporo Snow Festival, the Sendai Tanabata Festival, and the Kyoto Gion Matsuri. These festivals showcase different aspects of Japanese culture and are great fun for all ages.

16. There are many hot springs (onsen) to relax in

30 reasons to visit japan

There are over 3,000 onsen scattered across Japan. These hot springs are a great way to relax and rejuvenate after a long day of sightseeing. Many onsen are located in scenic areas, such as the mountains or by the sea.

17. The autumn leaves are beautiful in October

The autumn leaves typically peak in mid-October. The best place to see autumn leaves is in the Japanese Alps.

18. You can see wild monkeys and deer in some areas of Japan

There are several areas in Japan where you can see wild monkeys and deer. One of the most popular is Nara Park, located in the city of Nara. Here, you can feed the deer and even buy special crackers for them.

19. There is a lot of interesting technology to see

Japan is known for its cutting-edge technology. Some of the most popular attractions include the Tokyo Skytree, the bullet train, and robotic restaurants.

20. Japan is an overall unique and amazing place to visit!

There is truly something for everyone in Japan. From the vibrant city life of Tokyo to the tranquil beauty of the countryside, there is something to suit everyone’s taste.

About Japan

Aside from the reasons to visit Japan, here is some more information about the country and what to expect.

Japan is an island nation located in East Asia. It consists of four main islands (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido) and thousands of smaller islands. The capital city of Japan is Tokyo, which is also the country’s largest city.

What is the Weather Like in Japan?

The weather in Japan varies depending on the time of year and the region you are visiting. In general, the climate is mild with cool winters and warm summers. However, there can be significant variations between different parts of the country. For example, Hokkaido, the northernmost island, has a much cooler climate than the rest of Japan.

What is the Currency of Japan?

The currency of Japan is the Japanese Yen (JPY). 1 JPY is currently worth approximately 0.0094 USD.

What is the Population of Japan?

As of 2019, the population of Japan was estimated to be 126 million people. This makes it the 10th most populous country in the world.

What Are the Major Cities in Japan?

In addition to Tokyo, other major cities in Japan include Osaka, Nagoya, and Sapporo. These cities are all located on the main island of Honshu.

What is the Official Language of Japan?

The official language of Japan is Japanese. However, English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist areas.

What Are the Top Tourist Attractions in Japan?

Some of the top tourist attractions in Japan include Tokyo Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan, Mount Fuji, and the temples of Kyoto.

Is Japan a Safe Place to Visit?

Yes, Japan is an extremely safe place to visit . In fact, it is often ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. crime rates are very low, and the overall feeling in most areas is one of safety and security.

What Are Some Popular Foods in Japan?

30 reasons to visit japan

Some popular foods in Japan include sushi, ramen, tempura, and yakitori. Japanese cuisine is known for its freshness and variety, so be sure to try as many different dishes as you can while you’re in the country!

What Are Some Tips for Traveling to Japan?

  • Plan your trip in advance. This will allow you to get the best deals on flights and accommodation.
  • Pack light. You won’t need as many clothes as you think you will.
  • Be prepared for culture shock. Japan is a very different place from most Western countries, and it can take some time to adjust.
  • Learn some basic Japanese. Even a few phrases will go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable.
  • Have an open mind. Be prepared to try new things and have your perceptions of Japan challenged.

How Much Are Flights to Japan?

The cost of flights to Japan will vary depending on your departure point and the time of year you are traveling. However, it is generally possible to find reasonably priced flights from major airports in North America and Europe. For example, a round-trip flight from New York City to Tokyo may cost around $1000 USD.

Is Japan Safe?

Yes, Japan is a safe place to visit. The crime rate is very low, and the overall feeling in most areas is one of safety and security. However, as with any country, it is always important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.

What Are the Entry Requirements for Japan?

For citizens of most countries, a valid passport and tourist visa are all that are required for entry into Japan. However, it is always best to check with your local Japanese embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information.

When Is the Best Time to Visit Japan?

The best time to visit Japan depends on your interests and what you want to see and do during your trip. In general, the climate is mild with cool winters and warm summers. However, there can be significant variations between different parts of the country. For example, Hokkaido, the northernmost island, has a much cooler climate than the rest of Japan.

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Three Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan

The unique culture, the rich traditional heritage, the stunning landscapes.

Japan is truly an amazing country. You can discover its culture, with sumo, samurai, and religious festivals; explore its nature, with plenty of volcanoes, forests, and lakes; or wander around unique sites like Buddhist temples and Japanese gardens.

We have chosen three reasons why you should visit Japan: its culture which is unique and lively; its traditional heritage, that makes every place unique; and its breathtaking landscapes, that widely vary from place to place. Read our short guide and learn more about the three reasons that make Japan a must-visit country!

  • In recent years, the number of tourists visiting Japan has skyrocketed.
  • Japan is a country that has so much to offer, that you will never finish exploring it.
  • Its culture, a unique blend of foreign influences and local traditions, is easily recognizable.
  • The small stretch of land of Japan offers an incredibly wide variety of landscapes.
  • Japanese food is fresh, it cherishes seasonality and simple flavors.

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Exploring another country's culture is a fun and never-ending experience. In Japan, this is especially true. Its culture is unique, fascinating, and easily recognizable. Everyone knows something about sumo, the samurai, the geisha… but there is so much more to discover – any list would be incomplete.

Here are just some of the elements that make exploring Japanese culture an extremely fun adventure!

Buddhists and Shinto Festivals

No matter when you travel in Japan, there will surely be a festival somewhere. In fact, in Japan, there are as many matsuri (traditional festivals) as Shinto shrines. Every shrine organizes its own small festival to celebrate the kami dwelling inside it.

However, there are many important festivals that attract thousands of people. Some of them, like Kanda Matsuri and Gion Matsuri, come from the Shinto tradition. A long procession will go around the city, displaying the main shrine of the city. Others come from Buddhism, the most important being Obon, the Buddhist festival celebrating one's ancestors.

Every festival is a chance to join joyful parades, witness hundreds of people dressed with traditional costumes, eat special food, and take part in the many different activities.

Sumo originated 2,000 years ago and, nowadays, hardly anyone is unaware of this unique sport. Back in the days, sumo was seen as a dance to fight and drive away evil spirits, and today it is a fight of strength and intelligence between two athletes that spend their days training and eating to form their skills.

In Japan, there are sumo matches all year-round, with tournaments showing multiple matches throughout the day.

We strongly recommend to watch a full day of a tournament, as this is a sport you won't find anywhere else. Everything, from the way the fighters are dressed, to the referee, from their training, to the stage they fight on, is carefully thought to respect the sacredness of the sport.

Noh and Kabuki Theatre

Theatre is an important part of many cultures, and the noh and kabuki theatre are widely popular in Japan. Watching one of these shows is a unique experience. You will be amazed by the colorful masks, showy dresses, and the amazing skills of the performers.

Noh and kabuki are both stylized, and tell traditional stories. Noh is calm and quiet; while kabuki aims to shock and entertain the spectator with gruesome stories and spectacular performances.

The rich culture of Japan has left a rich heritage, and most of it can still be appreciated today, representing one of the strong points of the country. All over the country you will be able to visit medieval castles, religious structures, and unique gardens.

Today, these places are there to be peacefully enjoyed while meditating on the rich history of Japan.

Japan is home to many castles from medieval times, built when Japan consisted of a dozen small independent states. Many castles are on top of mountains and hills for defensive purposes. When Japan was unified, castles were built in the plains and became the center of castle towns. Many castles were destroyed later on, and only a dozen original castles survive today.

The most beautiful one is the Himeji Castle (near Kyoto), with a startling white appearance. The castle is a national treasure and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was completed in 1609 and it survived many calamities. It is also a famous spot for the cherry blossom festival.

Shinto Shrines

According to Shinto, the kami (deities) dwell inside the shrines. To Shinto practitioners, they are the most important place to worship and must be visited often, especially during the festivals. Maybe the most easily recognizable element of the shrines is the torii gate, which marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred.

Two of the must-visit shrines are the Fushimi Inari Shrine (Kyoto), famous because of its thousand red torii gates leading inside the forest; and the Itsukushima Shrine, built on a stretch of sand that gets covered with water at high tide, giving the impression that the torii gate is floating.

Buddhist Temples

Temples are to Buddhists what shrines are to Shinto practitioners. Every municipality has its own temple, which is structured always in the same way: a main hall with sacred items, a pagoda, a lecture hall, and several gates.

The Buddhist temple that is considered to be the most beautiful, is located in Tokyo: The Senso-ji Temple, built in the 7th century. Its gate, known as Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) is the symbol of the capital city.

Japanese gardens represent the effort of the artist to recreate the harmony Japanese people love in nature. This tradition originated during the 7th century, and since then many different styles have been developed, each one focusing on one or more different aspects of the creation of these beautiful gardens.

The gardens, designed following the principles of harmony, are decorated with ponds, streams of water, sand, rocks, lanterns, bridges, etc. Every element is important, and what you will have to do is just to walk around and contemplate the beautiful surroundings.

Many of the best gardens are to be found in Kyoto, and they are mainly decorated following the Zen principles.

Japan is a small country, but its landscape is very diverse and, without exception, truly beautiful. Mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, forests, beaches, islands, volcanoes… everything is to be found in this small stretch of land.

Here is a selection of what we think are the most unique landscapes you can appreciate.

Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom can't be appreciated all year round, but when it's there, it's amazing. Every year, for about a month between March and April, all the Japanese cherries of the country will blossom, coloring the parks and the cities with a beautiful, soothing, relaxing pink.

The sight is so unique and charming that Japanese people have created a festival to celebrate it and a word to describe it: hanami. In Japanese this indicates the traditional custom of appreciating the transient beauty of flowers. People will have picnics under the trees to fully appreciate this beauty as long as it lasts.

Climbing Mount Fuji, Japan's highest mountain, is the dream of many. The official climbing season goes from July to September. During this period, the mountain will be free of snow and the weather will be mild and nice.

From afar, the mountain is truly stunning. Its shape is unmistakable, and it is one of the symbols of Japan. Visibility is good during colder seasons, early in the morning or late in the afternoon. You can enjoy a relaxing view from the hot springs of Hakone.

Segano Bamboo Forest

Near Kyoto you will find this fascinating grove: A pathway cuts through thousands and thousands of bamboo trees, that move and make a rustling sound when the wind blows. You can walk or cycle through the forest.

The forest is located in the gorgeous district of Arashiyama, a popular touristic destination since the 8th century. The location has a beautiful rural atmosphere, and you will find temples, shrines, lakes and bridges there.

Aoiike – The Blue Pond

Outside the hot spring town of Shirogane you will find the Blue Pond, so called because of natural minerals dissolved into its water. In 1988, Mount Tokachi erupted, and the Biei River resulted and contained the damages.

Nowadays the pond is still a fairly unknown touristic attraction, and all you can do is to appreciate the wonderful color of the water and the peace surrounding this small place.

Hitachi Seaside Park

The park covers an area of 190 hectares, and is famous all over the country because of its baby blue-eyed flowers. In spring, around 4.5 million flowers will bloom and draw thousands of tourists. The park houses also thousands of daffodils, many different kinds of tulips, and other flowers.

Beside admiring the flowers, you can entertain yourself with numerous activities, like having a BBQ, cycling, running or walking along the athletic tracks, or sit and enjoy a coffee in one of the many cafes.

Explore Japan with Asia Highlights

We have listed just a bunch of reasons why you should visit Japan, and we bet you can't wait to start exploring this unique and fascinating country. Don't wait any longer and start planning your next trip with the help of Asia Highlights. Our knowledgeable staff will craft the perfect, hassle-free trip for you and your family.

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Here’s Why You Should Visit Japan Right Now

Here are our top 10 reasons why you should visit Japan right now. Read on and be inspired.

reasons why visit japan

Millions of travelers every year visit Japan, but why? Why visit Japan? What is so special about this country anyway? If you’re asking yourself all these questions, you’re in the right place. From Tokyo to Kyoto, from Osaka to Nara, we’re here to show you all of the beautiful things that Japan has to offer and that you won’t  find in any other country.

Without further ado, here’s a list of 10 reasons why you should visit Japan this year , a.k.a the 10 best things about Japan you are going to miss after leaving:

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan Right Now

1) japan’s temples and shrines are incredible.

All the beautiful ancient Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines are reason enough to visit Japan. One of the best-preserved cities in Japan, Kyoto houses more than 2,000 Buddhist temples and shrines within the limits of the Kansai Region city; Nara, on the other hand, is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites and some of the best temples in the country.

Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan

2) Japan is the cleanest country in the world

Japan has a strong culture of cleanliness, and its cities are extremely well looked after. Public spaces including streets, train or subway stations, and restrooms are very clean . You will find that many workers, particularly drivers, wear white gloves. Like, white white. Like, how-is-that-even-possible white. Even the metropolitan city of  Tokyo is so clean to the point where everything looks brand new! Japan   is the window into a future where people respect their surroundings.

3) Japan is filled with natural wonders

Japan is filled with perfect landscapes scattered across the country for people to soak in their beauty. For many people, the image that immediately comes to mind in conjunction with Japan is an image of skyscrapers, bright neon lights, and advanced technology, but there’s a lot more to Japan than its urban landscapes. The stunning spectacle of Mount Fuji, the magnificent sight of Arashiyama bamboo Forest ,   the many temples and gardens, and the magnificent rugged mountains make Japan an ideal destination for nature lovers all year round.

4) Japanese culture is fun to discover 

Japanese people create cartoon-ed versions of everything and make plastic food look incredible. They have the most unique flavors of food ever, and strangely addictive music videos. They invented banana slipcases, square watermelons, baby mops, and cuddle pillows. They have toilets that talk to you , blow-dry your bum, and even play music for you (both to relax and mask) while you do your business.

Yep, that was a weird moment.

5) Japanese public transportation is freakishly efficient

As much as Tokyo rush hour sucked, I do miss being able to commute all around the city and country by train. Also, I really appreciated the  punctuality of trains in Japan . During my trips, I used to travel mostly by local trains and Shinkansens, and those were never late, not once.

Imagine being in a place where if a train is due to arrive at 8.30, it actually pulls in at 8.29 and leaves at 8.30. Still freaks me out but in a great way of course.

Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan

6) Everything is cute in Japan

Japan has a kawaii (cute) culture, and it’s getting cuter by the minute .  Almost all major companies in Japan have a cute mascot that represents the company. Even the Japanese police force has a mascot! Sociologists say that it’s “escapism”, a tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming and fantasy. Artists say it’s one of the Japanese aesthetic ideals. The simple truth is that Japanese people just like cute stuff.

7) Japan’s cherry blossom season is mesmerizing

Japan’s cherry blossom is one of the most popular times of the year for travelers, flying into cities like Tokyo or Kyoto to catch this million-dollar view .

Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan

8) Japanese food is to die for

Was there ever any doubt that Japanese cuisine would make the list? Seriously, delicious food is probably the number one reason why you should visit Japan.

Any random hole-in-the-wall food place makes the best Sushi/Sashimi/ Donburi/R amen/Udon/Kobe beef/Soup/[insert any food] ever in existence. Even the 7/11s are equipped with high-quality food that will have you weirded out, and drooling at the same time!

Also, did you know there are more noodle shops in Tokyo than in any other city in the world? Did you know that Japan is the country with the most three-star Michelin restaurants?

9) Japan is very safe for solo travel

One of the safest countries in the world, Japan is considered the safest one in Asia. According to a report by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, only 1.4% of the population has been victims of assault.  Japan is so safe you can party like it’s 1990, get falling down drunk in central Tokyo , and still have your wallet and mobile phone by the time you wake up.

10) Japanese people are generally really really kind

They’re polite, they’re gracious and they somehow remember your name after only meeting you once (I so do not have the same talent). The language barrier is difficult at times, but they will do ANYTHING to help you. I’ve met some great people and having to leave them so soon indefinitely was the hardest part about leaving.

Reasons Why You Should Visit Japan

Honestly, I’ve left out so many mind-blowing things that you are missing out on experiencing by not visiting Japan .  Its 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, unique fashion sense, Tokyo night-time, wasabi Kit-Kat, and Automatic Taxi Doors (?). But honestly, I have to say that what most inspired me about Japan was experiencing a culture that demands  perf ection .

That’s what you will learn (and miss) from Japan and Japanese folks: whatever they may be doing in life, whether it’s trying to solve big global issues or making delicious noodles on a street corner, they do it with a  dedication to mastery.

Keep reading:

Japan 2 week itinerary for first-timers, 13 best things to do in tokyo for first-timers.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Tokyo


Many tourists come to visit Tokyo from all over the world, but why? From historical sites to pop culture spots, and skyscrapers to nature parks, Tokyo has so many things to offer to whoever is traveling here. The reasons why you should visit Tokyo are numerous, and we’ll break them down into 10 main reasons for you!

1. Cityscape & Scramble Crossing (Shibuya)

2. nature parks, 3. pop culture (harajuku), 4. izakaya (shinjuku), 5. historical area (yanesen), 6. fish market (tsukiji), 7. convenient transportation system, 8. temples & shrines (asakusa), 9. anime & games (nakano & akihabara), 10. hiking (mt. takao), japan wonder travel tours in tokyo, other articles you might like.

Shibuya (渋谷) is one of the most popular shopping areas in Tokyo. It attracts a number of visitors from around Japan as well as overseas with a range of shops and restaurants. Giant shopping complexes and office buildings create a stunning cityscape that is enjoyable from a roof-top observation deck called “SHIBUYA SKY”. Shibuya is also home to “ Shibuya Scramble Crossing ”, which is widely known as the busiest crossing in the world with more than 3,000 pedestrians at one time during peak hours! Don’t forget to pay a visit to Meiji Jingu Shrine , a sacred Shinto shrine that is always ranked among the top tourist attractions in Shibuya!  

If you are curious about more things to do in Shibuya, check this article; 1 Day Itinerary in Shibuya

30 reasons to visit japan

It may sound surprising, but Tokyo is home to a number of beautiful parks. They offer a relaxing time for busy people which helps them to get away from the bustles of the city in a peaceful environment in nature. You can visit “ Shinjuku Gyoen (新宿御苑) ” to admire seasonal flowers and serval different kinds of gardens. “Ueno Park (上野公園)” is a perfect destination for someone who enjoys historical sites. At Ueno Park, you can not only see the temples and shrines but also western mix designed museums that were built during the Meiji period. Head to “Odaiba Seaside Park (お台場海浜公園)” to take a refreshing stroll along the sandy beach featuring Rainbow Bridge brightly illuminated at night! You will find more quiet areas surrounded by nature on the west side of Tokyo. Here are other nature parks you can visit in Tokyo; 10 Recommend Nature Spots in Tokyo

30 reasons to visit japan

Harajuku is visited and loved by many teenagers and young adults as a center of fashion trends in Japan. It is also recognized as a must-visit to experience Japanese Pop-culture, which includes anime, manga (comic books), video games, kawaii fashion, and more! Takeshita Street (竹下通り) is the main shopping street packed with a number of shops such as cozy cafes, cosmetic stores, and small boutiques. “KIDDY LAND (キディランド)” is a unique shop specializing in selling a range of character goods such as Hello Kitty and Pokémon. Don’t miss the chance to try giant cotton candy at “ Totti Candy Factory ” and get some crepes to complete your Harajuku experience!

harajuku takeshita street

If you want to enjoy the nightlife in Tokyo, Shinjuku is the best destination for you! It boasts countless numbers of Izakaya bars that offer memorable nighttime tasty dishes and Japanese Sake. “Omoide Yokocho (思い出横丁)” is a narrow Izakaya street that is conveniently located within walking distance from JR Shinjuku station. Visiting there allows you to get an authentic Izakaya experience through interaction with locals. “ Kabukicho (歌舞伎町)” is a lively street full of entertaining spots and Izakaya bars that light up the area with glittering signboards and neon throughout the night. It looks exactly like the streets you would watch through video games and films !

30 reasons to visit japan

▶ Shinjuku Izakaya hopping tour On this tour, a local guide will take you to the local’s favorite spots which are often hard to find as a tourist. Take this tour if you want to enjoy true izakaya culture in Tokyo.

Omoide Yokocho Izakaya Alley Tokyo

Also, check out The Best Izakaya Alleys in Tokyo to decide where to go!

30 reasons to visit japan

Although Tokyo is widely known for its modern spots and cutting-edge technologies, it never disappoints tourists who are interested in Japanese history and culture as well. Yanesen (谷根千) refers to a peaceful area that consists of three districts: Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi. It features peaceful historical spots and shopping streets that preserve the nostalgic atmosphere back in the old days. “Yanaka Ginza (谷中銀座)” is a retro shopping street packed with small shops with heartwarming services. “Yanaka Cemetery (谷中霊園)” welcomes you with beautiful Cherry blossoms during the spring season. “Nezu Shrine (根津神社)” is a sacred shrine that attracts many people with beautiful azaleas and Senbon Torii Gate, which is particularly popular among foreign tourists as a photogenic spot! For more details of the area; One Day in Yanesen Area .

There are many historical sites you would see along the streets, but it would make it more interesting when you know some stories behind them. It is a good idea to join the guided tour in the area. ▶Book Yanaka Historical Walking Tour in Tokyo’s Old Town

Yanaka reien

You can’t get to know Japan without trying the unique food culture that fascinates people around the world! Tsukiji is a lively fish market which is home to numerous shops and restaurants dealing with fresh seafood. It can be divided into two areas: the inner market and the outer market. The inner market had moved to “Toyosu” (豊洲) in 2018, whereas the outer market still remains in the same place with lively shops and restaurants. If you want to see the tuna auction, visit Toyosu Market in the early morning ( For the tips to get tickets for tuna auction & things to do in Toyosu ), and if you want to walk around among the various markets which represent Japanese culinary culture and get some finger foods, visit Tsukiji Fish Market before afternoon. We have strong connections with Tsukiji, and offer the special opportunity to walk with our guide on the Tokyo Fish Market Tour to tell you some histories and background stories of the area. It is also a perfect spot to try traditional Japanese sweets such as Daifuku (大福) and snacks!

tsukiji banner

To learn more about Tsukiji; Things to Do in Tsukiji Market

30 reasons to visit japan

When you travel abroad, what you need to consider prior to your visit is how to get around the country. Tokyo welcomes international tourists with its convenient transportation system that helps you explore the city very easily. Yamanote Line (山手線) will take you to most of the famous tourist areas which include Shibuya , Harajuku , Shinjuku , and Akihabara . You can also take other JR Lines or subways that are very punctual and rarely fail to arrive on schedule. Taxis could be another option for those who don’t want to get bothered by crowded trains during rush hours. It could be challenging to rent a car and drive through the city if you are not familiar with the traffic rules in Japan and the complicated roads. Many locals living in Tokyo use public transportation daily, and trains in Japan are the cleanest and safest (and also the quietest) transportation in the world. It concludes that you don’t need a car just to explore Tokyo at all!

Recommended article: Transportation 101: Everything You Need to Know

30 reasons to visit japan

Asakusa always stays among the most popular tourist destinations in Tokyo. It is visited by both domestic and international tourists all year round. It boasts a number of historical spots such as Sensoji (浅草寺) , the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo. The iconic temple features a symbolic giant lantern that welcomes visitors at the entrance gate called “Kaminarimon Gate (雷門)”. Walk around the lively shopping street called “Nakamise-dori (仲見世通り)” to try local food as you take the approach leading to the main temple. You can cross the Azuma bridge over the Sumida River to reach Tokyo Skytree which is the tallest building offering the best view over Tokyo.

30 reasons to visit japan

Read more about the best things to do in Asakusa on 1 Day Itinerary in Asakusa

30 reasons to visit japan

Nakano (中野) and Akihabara (秋葉原) attract numerous visitors as a mecca of Japanese anime and gaming cultures. Akihabara boasts a number of shops specializing in anime, manga, video games, and card games which have enthusiastic fans around the world. Explore the intriguing area which also offers exciting tourist spots such as an amusement arcade. Nakano also attracts anime fans with a unique shopping spot known as “Nakano Broadway (中野ブロードウェイ)”. It is a huge shopping complex of four floors packed with small shops selling a large collection of plastic figurines, books, and anime products, etc!

▼Check out our Akihabara Anime Tour!

30 reasons to visit japan

Recommended article to read: Otaku Things to Do in Tokyo

30 reasons to visit japan

Mt. Takao is a popular hiking spot which is located in Hachioji city, Tokyo. It attracts about 3 million visitors every year with the beautiful nature and a range of hiking courses. This 599 meters high mountain is accessible in less than an hour by train from JR Shinjuku station, which makes it a perfect day trip destination for people who enjoy hiking on weekends! There are basically 9 courses which include the courses for both beginners and experienced hikers. Take a refreshing walk as you feel the seasonal changes and power of nature. For more details; Hiking Mount Takao

30 reasons to visit japan

Japan Wonder Travel is a travel agency that offers guided tours throughout Japan.  From private walking tours to delicious Food and Drink tours, we can help organize the best tours just for you! If you want to explore Japan and learn more about the history and backstories of each area you are traveling in, our knowledgeable and friendly guides will happily take you to the best spots!  In addition, we can provide you with any assistance you may need for your upcoming trip to Japan, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need some help! 

▶ Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market Food and Drink Tour Explore the most lively and popular fish market in Tokyo, where you will have the chance to try some of the local’s favorite street foods and sake along with your friendly English-speaking guide! 

tsukiji tour

▶ Tokyo 1–Day Highlights Private Walking Tour (8 Hours) There’s no better way to explore an area than taking a tour with a knowledgeable local guide. You will have the chance to learn about the history and interesting background stories of Tokyo, as well as discover some hidden gems which can be hard to do without a guide.

Asakusa Tokyo private tour

▶ Shinjuku Bar Hopping Tour: Experience Tokyo’s Nightlife in Izakaya Check out the best spots in Shinjuku while bar hopping through the lively and vibrant area. Try some delicious local food and drink as you explore the narrow yet photogenic alleys that the town has to offer. Experience Japanese izakaya culture and drink in Shinjuku like the locals!


Tokyo can’t be described in one single word. With its rich history and lively present, there are many things to do in Tokyo ranging from nature spots to cityscapes, and from historical sites to kawaii pop culture . Visit several of the spots we mentioned above to get a whole experience of Tokyo.

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30 reasons to visit japan

13 Things Tourists Should Never Do When Visiting Japan

W henever you travel to a new destination, it's important to be aware of the local customs. Japanese culture, in particular, is known for its heavy focus on etiquette. Social harmony is hugely important in Japan, and there is an intricate code of conduct centered around this concept. Many of the social norms in Japan can be quite different from those in the West, which can be intimidating for tourists visiting for the first time. However, with a little bit of knowledge, you can avoid making a social faux pas.

One of the first things you might notice when you visit Japan is how polite most people are. Courtesy and consideration towards others are highly valued in Japanese culture. In fact, there is even a term for it. The word "teinei" can translate to politeness, reverence, respect, and conscientiousness. You'll probably find that this extends to you as a tourist, even to the point where Japanese people will avoid telling you if you're doing something wrong to spare your feelings.

While Japanese people don't expect foreigners to know all of their customs, a little bit of cultural understanding goes a long way. In other words, small actions can make a big difference in showing respect and knowing the major taboos can prevent you from offending the locals. If you want to be a considerate tourist in Japan , these are some things you should avoid doing.

Read more: This Is What You Should Never Do When You Travel

Wear Your Shoes Inside

Most Asian cultures have a strict "no-shoe" policy in homes, temples, and some businesses, and Japan is no exception. Basically, it comes down to cleanliness. Tracking dirt from the outside indoors is considered highly unhygienic. Many Japanese interiors have tatami mats on the floors used as sitting areas and for dining. Futons are often rolled out on the floor for sleeping. Therefore, the less dirt and water tracked in, the better. If you're invited into a Japanese home or want to visit a temple, ryokan, or onsen, be prepared to take your shoes off.

Genkans are small areas at the entrance of a home or building where you can leave your shoes. Some restaurants have lockers where you can place your shoes in a secure spot. When you step into the interior of a building, there may be slippers available for you to wear inside. There will likely be different slippers for use in the bathroom because the bathroom is also considered unclean. Keep an eye out for genkans because they're a clear indicator that you will need to take your shoes off. You might also want to be mindful about wearing clean, hole-free socks.

Shake People's Hands

In general, Japanese people don't shake hands. In fact, purposely touching other people in public is not common practice. Bowing is the common way to greet someone and express respect. That being said, it's not necessarily rude to shake someone's hand. After all, many Japanese are aware that it's a common Western practice. However, you may find that your handshake is met with some awkwardness. You'll likely get a very soft handshake accompanied by a small bow.

Some Japanese people may initiate a handshake out of respect for your culture. If this happens, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, don't grip their hand too hard. While this might be a sign of confidence and strength in other cultures, it could be taken as a sign of aggression in Japan. Second, don't hold on to their hand for too long. And definitely don't pull them in for a hug as an add-on to the handshake. Japanese people don't typically hug either, so you'll probably be making the recipient doubly uneasy.

Bow Too High Or Too Low

Speaking of bowing, this is a great way to win brownie points with the Japanese people you meet. After all, bowing is the most common form of greeting in Japan. However, there is an art to doing it properly. Bow too low and for too long, and you might come off as being sarcastic or insincere. Bow too high, and you might seem arrogant or disrespectful.

The correct way to bow is from the waist forward with your hands at your sides. Women sometimes cross both hands in front of their midsection while bowing. If you're giving a casual bow, a slight nod of the head to an angle of about 15 degrees is usually the norm. To be more respectful to people you don't know very well, 30 degrees is acceptable. A bow of 45 degrees is typically reserved for VIPs or when you want to express apologies. Before you get too overwhelmed, just know that most Japanese people are well aware that bowing isn't common in some other cultures. Even if you do it slightly wrong, the gesture will likely be appreciated.

Speak Loudly In Public Places

If you've ever been on a train or bus and had to suffer through someone else jabbering away on their phone at high volume, you know how annoying it can be. You probably don't want to be that person anywhere, but particularly in Japan. Japanese culture is all about social harmony, and one way to achieve this is by not disturbing the people around you unnecessarily. Speaking loudly in public places is considered incredibly disrespectful.

While you might not get dirty looks for speaking somewhat loudly in public places like restaurants or parks, the train is one place where you have to be conscious of your noise levels. You may feel the urge to crank up your music on that long commute or narrate the Instagram reel or TikTok you're making of that scenic train ride , but your fellow commuters won't be very impressed. If you're traveling with someone else and want to chat, try to keep your volume to a minimum. You should also set your phone to "manner mode" (on silent or vibrate) and refrain from taking calls until you're off the train.

For all the folks who think tipping culture is getting out of control, you'll be happy to know that tipping is not common in Japan. It's not customary to tip valets , servers, bartenders, taxi drivers, and most other service providers. In fact, most people will chase after you with any extra money you leave beyond the bill or fare, and some may even be offended and refuse to take your tip. The thinking is that the price already incorporates the superb service. People take pride in offering great hospitality without expecting anything extra in return.

There are only a few exceptions to the no-tipping rule in Japan. It is acceptable to leave a tip at a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) for the room attendant or the ryokan owner. You can also tip geishas and private tour guides. The respectful way to give or leave a tip is in an envelope. Whipping out money from your wallet and handing it over directly is considered bad taste. If you're handing the envelope directly to the recipient, pass it to them with both hands. 

Visit An Onsen If You Have Tattoos

Onsen are hot springs or baths, and soaking in them is a quintessential Japanese pastime. However, be aware that many onsens do not allow guests with tattoos to enter. This is because tattoos have traditionally been associated with gangsters and outlaws in Japan. During the Edo period (1603 to 1868), tattoos were a form of punishment for criminals. In the Meiji period, the government banned tattoos outright, causing many yakuza members to don ink as a form of rebellion. Although the ban on tattoos was lifted in 1948, the stigma still remains to this day.

Times are changing though, so there are some onsens and ryokans with hot springs that allow people with tattoos to soak in the pools. Some ryokans will also allow you to book the baths for a private session so that you don't risk offending anyone. If you are allowed to soak in the pools, be sure to follow the onsen rules. Strip down to your birthday suit, wash off before entering the pools, and don't dip the towel they provide you in the pool.

Place Your Chopsticks Vertically In Your Bowl

You may get odd looks in Japan if you stick your chopsticks upright in your bowl. At Japanese funerals, a bowl of rice is typically left for the deceased with a pair of chopsticks sticking straight up. Incense sticks are also placed vertically in bowls at funerals. Therefore, similarly, placing your chopsticks at the dinner table will probably remind people of death, which no one really wants to think about when enjoying a meal. Some people also think you invite bad luck when you place chopsticks vertically in a bowl.

If you want to show your dining companions that you have good table manners, set your chopsticks to the side of your bowl or plate on the chopstick holder if one is provided. If there is no chopstick rest, set your chopsticks directly on the placemat or table. Never pass food from one set of chopsticks to another. This is also similar to a funeral rite where family members pass a deceased person's bones with chopsticks. In addition, don't use chopsticks to take food from the communal serving dish. Use the serving utensils that come with the dish or a clean pair of chopsticks.

Point Directly At People

Pointing directly at people is considered bad form in Japan because it has connotations of anger and aggression. Much like in Western culture, pointing also functions as a way of singling someone out or emphasizing something they've done wrong. This goes against Japan's typically conformist, non-confrontational societal norms. It's fine to point at an inanimate object or in the general direction of something, but try not to point directly at people if you can avoid it.

If you want to gesture at someone or indicate that you want someone to come over to you, use your whole hand with your fingers pointed down. A good way to remember this is to think of the waving cats you see in Asian restaurants and businesses. Those cats actually originated in Japan, and they're called "maneki-neko," which means "beckoning cat." They're not actually meant to be waving; they're beckoning people and good luck into the business.

Pour Your Own Drink

If you're at a social event in Japan where drinks are being served, don't grab the bottle and start topping yourself up. It's customary to pour drinks for other people at the table first as a sign of respect. Your tablemates will do the same for you in return. There is often a hierarchy involved with pouring drinks in Japan. Younger people pour drinks for senior people first, and lower-level workers will serve senior colleagues first. However, if everyone at the table is around the same age or equal in status, people take turns pouring drinks.

It's also polite to wait until everyone at the table has been served to take a sip of your drink. One thing that most people will find familiar in Japanese drinking culture is the cheers ritual. Usually, after the first round of drinks have been poured, everyone will say "kanpai" (cheers) and clink glasses before drinking. This will probably happen multiple times. In fact, drinking sessions in Japan can go on for hours and get quite rowdy. If you've decided you're at your limit, simply leave your beverage untouched so that no one feels the need to top you up again.

Public Displays Of Affection

In general, Japanese people are not touchy-feely — at least not in public. You won't see many people hugging or kissing on the streets. Public displays of affection are considered taboo, so anything more than holding hands is likely to raise eyebrows. This is because romance, passion, and physical affection are private affairs in Japan and are not meant to be on display for everyone to see.

The Japanese term "icha icha" loosely translates to lovey-dovey behavior in public and it can refer to anything from flirting to making out and talking explicitly about sexual topics. According to Sora News 24 , many Japanese people are uncomfortable seeing people acting this way, especially in confined spaces where it's right in front of their faces. Some people find PDAs irritating, while others find it downright repugnant.

For LGBTQI+ couples, Japan is relatively safe in that you're unlikely to experience outright harassment or discrimination. Same-sex marriages are not legal in Japan yet, but many prefectures have recognized same-sex partnerships. However, just as with hetero couples, overt displays of affection might invite some dirty looks. No matter what your sexual orientation, if you want to avoid offending anyone, it's best to tone down the PDAs until you're behind closed doors.

Offer A Business Card With One Hand

Business relationships are a big deal in Japan, so much so that the simple act of exchanging business cards has its own particular etiquette. Business cards are symbolic of the person and the business they represent, so they should be treated with respect. If you plan on networking in Japan, be sure your cards are clean, crisp, and kept in a respectable place like a proper business card holder.

The correct way to present someone your card is to first turn it towards them so the writing is facing their direction. Then, hand your card over with both hands. When someone offers you their business card, receive it with both hands. Handing a business card off flippantly indicates that you don't respect the company you work for or, worse, the other person. After you have received their card, take the time to read it and place it on the table or hold onto it until the exchange is over. In other words, don't just stuff it in your pocket or wallet in front of the other person.

Walk Down The Center Of A Path Of Shrine

Japanese shrines are some of the most unmissable tourist destinations in Japan , so you'll probably want to visit at least one while in the country. Being the holy places they are, shrines come with their own set of rules. One of the first rules you should be aware of is to stay to the sides when entering a torii gate. The middle of the path is reserved for the gods. If you want to be extra respectful, you can make a small bow before passing under the gate.

Once you've stepped through the torii onto the sacred grounds, you'll see a basin with water. This is for purifying yourself before entering the main area of the shrine. Use the ladle to wash the left hand first, then the right. Then, pour some water onto your left hand and use it to rinse your mouth. Now you're ready to enter the shrine. Remember that shrines are sanctuaries for the gods, so dress respectfully and speak softly. In some shrines, there may be rules against taking photos in the main areas. That said, keep an eye out for signs displaying the rules.

Open A Taxi Door Yourself

It's second nature for most people hailing a taxi to reach for the door when the cab comes to a stop. However, in Japan that's not the case. Most taxis have automatic rear doors that the driver controls. Passengers are supposed to wait for the driver to open the door for them. This has the dual benefit of providing an extra level of hospitality for you and ensuring safety for the driver. When you're dropped off at your destination, the driver will open the door for you once you've paid your fare.

Other than the automatic doors, taxis in Japan are pretty similar to everywhere else in the world. You can hail them down on the street, call a cab company to send a taxi or order a ride through an app. If you want to hail a taxi on the street, look for a red light that indicates a car is vacant. Green means they already have a fare. Most taxis in Japan take cash, credit cards, and debit cards for payment. Every taxi will have a meter that calculates the fare, so you don't have to worry about shady drivers overcharging. Uber is also available in Japan, but most people prefer taxis over ride-share apps .

Read the original article on Explore .

Beautiful temple in Japan

Japan, famously polite, struggles to cope with influx of tourists

Huge numbers of visitors are causing chaos at such popular spots as Mount Fuji and Kyoto, leading to some extreme measures to tamp down the crowds.

TOKYO — Japan is proud of its “omotenashi” spirit, its practice of wholeheartedly caring and catering for guests. But a post-covid surge in tourist numbers, coupled with a weak yen that makes Japan cheaper for many visitors, is pushing Japan’s world-famous hospitality to the brink.

One town is installing a huge screen to stop tourists causing traffic jams while they take selfies in front of Mount Fuji. At least one overrun restaurant is reserving Friday nights for locals only. Even the deer of Nara, usually very proactive about coming forth for snacks, have had their fill.

This is because international tourists, unable to enter Japan for 2½ years during the covid pandemic, now appear to be making up for lost time.

The Japanese yen has been steadily weakening, losing more than 40 percent of its value against the U.S. dollar in the past five years and making Japan a much cheaper place to visit.

A staggering 25.1 million tourists visited the country last year, marking a sixfold increase from 2022. In March, at the start of the cherry blossom season, 3.08 million visitors arrived in the country, according to data from the Japan National Tourism Organization ( JNTO ), with the monthly number surpassing 3 million for the first time since records began in 1964.

Just over a quarter of tourists this year have come from South Korea, while about 17 percent are from Taiwan and 15 percent from China. Americans have made up less than 7 percent of tourists since January.

The influx has been good for the Japanese economy: Spending by visitors to Japan in the first quarter of this year totaled $11.4 billion (1.75 trillion yen), the highest quarterly figure ever recorded, according to the Japan Tourism Agency . The average spending per person was about $1,300 (208,760 yen), up 41.6 percent from the same period in 2019.

But, in many popular places, it has not been good for the locals. There have been widespread complaints about overcrowding, litter, strain on infrastructure and a particularly Japanese worry: not being able to devote the requisite amount of care to each visit.

The concept of “omotenashi” is at the heart of the Japanese service sector. This wholehearted hospitality and level of attentive service can be felt in hotels, restaurants and shops from the moment one arrives in Japan — in fact, from the moment the air marshallers on the airport tarmac bow as planes taxi up to the boarding bridge. It’s in the white gloves of taxi drivers and the individually wrapped wet wipe that accompanies even the cheapest cup of coffee.

“Overtourism is a serious issue in Japan with tourism concentrated in the major centers, lacking the infrastructure to deal with the volume of visitors,” said Max Mackee, founder of adventure travel company Kammui.

“This can ruin the tourists’ experience, particularly as the beauty of Japan is often found in its peace and meditative moments, even in cities like Tokyo. It’s also a serious issue for the local population, which is not equipped to handle visitors, which can lead to local resentment, environmental impact or even closure of restaurants and bars and other establishments on the tourist trail.”

Screening off Mount Fuji

Fed up with badly behaved tourists, the town of Fujikawaguchiko is building a screen to block views of Mount Fuji at a popular photo spot.

The Lawson convenience store in the town has become a hit on social media because the renowned volcanic cone sits perfectly above the store’s neon sign. Tourists have flocked to the store’s parking lot to take photos of themselves in front of the Instagrammable scene.

Residents complained about the traffic problems, unauthorized parking, trespassing and littering this was causing. The Ibishi Dental Clinic, across the street, even installed a barrier to keep tourists away and ensure customers could get in.

“When we asked people to move their cars, some yelled back, and some even threw lit cigarettes. There are days where it’s difficult to provide proper medical services,” the clinic wrote in a statement on its website .

“Obviously it’s regretful for us too, to lose that view from our clinic, but we believe that it’s now an inevitable measure that needs to be taken in response to the unthinkable violations that exceed all measures we have taken until now.”

Lawson even issued a statement apologizing to residents and customers for the inconvenience.

The town has decided on more extreme measures: It is constructing a mesh net that is 8 feet tall and 65 feet wide to block the view, expected to be finished next week. “To ensure the safety of both tourists and drivers, and to ensure the peaceful life of residents, we have regrettably come to the difficult decision to proceed with this construction,” the town of Fujikawaguchiko posted on its website .

Then there are the crowds on the mountain itself.

Mount Fuji — Japan’s highest peak and a popular tourist destination — has been dealing with overcrowding in recent years, and the influx of overseas tourists has led the prefecture to take measures.

Starting this week, authorities have instituted an online booking system to stop Mount Fuji’s most popular trail from becoming excessively crowded during the summer hiking season. A maximum of 4,000 people will be allowed on the Yoshida Trail each day during the July-to-September hiking season, with 3,000 of the spots requiring advance bookings at $13 a pop.

Kyoto crackdown

In February, Koji Matsui was elected as Kyoto’s new mayor after campaigning against overtourism. Kyoto, just over two hours from Tokyo by bullet train, is famous for its temples and shrines and its traditional wooden buildings.

The city, once Japan’s capital, has a resident population of about 1.5 million but saw more than 20 times that number — about 32 million — of tourists arriving last year.

One major attraction is the Gion district, where geisha and their apprentices can be seen walking around in traditional kimonos and makeup. Kyoto last month banned tourists from entering private alleys in Gion after locals complained that the neighborhood was “not a theme park” and urged the government to act against unruly tourists.

Matsui’s other campaign pledges included charging tourists more than residents to take public transport fares and creating special tourist bus routes. The new mayor also plans to introduce “smart” garbage cans that send signals to the management bureau when full to try to curtail littering.

“ While we are very grateful for the large number of tourists attracted by the charms of Kyoto, we are now facing serious challenges in achieving a healthy balance between tourists and local citizens, ” Matsui said during his inauguration news conference.

The picturesque temples and gardens of Nara, just south of Kyoto, make it a popular side trip. And almost every visitor goes to Nara Park, where deer wander freely and vendors sell rice crackers, which the deer love. Usually.

Nara deer usually approach people and famously “bow” to — or sometimes butt — them to ask for the crackers. Not anymore.

This month during Golden Week, a popular Japanese holiday period, visitors to Nara found that deer were done with the rice snacks.

“Deer crackers have now become absolutely worthless due to the sudden surge in deer crackers during Golden Week,” one visitor wrote on X, posting a photo of an unimpressed deer lying beside four uneaten crackers.

これはGWの急激なシカ高せんべい安によって紙くず同然の価値となった鹿せんべい。 pic.twitter.com/hJNus8d0MA — 魅惑のなめろうフィットネス (@cqFv4ntcLoT6Sk6) May 5, 2024

Hiroshima, another regular stop on the tourist trail due to the Peace Memorial Museum commemorating the site of the 1945 U.S. nuclear bombing, is also feeling the strain.

Hiroshima is famous for okonomiyaki, a savory vegetable and meat pancake cooked on a griddle in front of the customer. But okonomiyaki restaurants are becoming so overcrowded that one popular place, Momiji-tei , has reserved Friday evenings exclusively for locals.

“It feels wrong for us to become a restaurant that is inaccessible to our regulars who supported us throughout the pandemic,” owner Ryota Fujiwara told local media. “We want to make sure to preserve their place even if it’s just once a week.”

30 reasons to visit japan


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    Temples & Shrines (Asakusa) 9. Anime & Games (Nakano & Akihabara) 10. Hiking (Mt. Takao) 1. Cityscape & Scramble Crossing (Shibuya) Shibuya (渋谷) is one of the most popular shopping areas in Tokyo. It attracts a number of visitors from around Japan as well as overseas with a range of shops and restaurants.

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    First, don't grip their hand too hard. While this might be a sign of confidence and strength in other cultures, it could be taken as a sign of aggression in Japan. Second, don't hold on to their ...

  25. Japan tries to deal with tourists causing chaos, traffic jams, litter

    The influx has been good for the Japanese economy: Spending by visitors to Japan in the first quarter of this year totaled $11.4 billion (1.75 trillion yen), the highest quarterly figure ever ...

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