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August 26, 2018 By Michelle Maraj 35 Comments

The Ultimate Packing List for Work Trips

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As you start to travel almost every week, your business trip packing list will become routine. You might find yourself packing for your corporate trip in less than fifteen minutes! When trying to create my packing list for a work trip, I consider what items I will pack for personal travel as well. My work trip packing list is similar to my regular travel packing list, just the types of clothes that I bring will change. If you travel frequently enough, you might find it helpful to keep some items permanently in your suitcase, and only repack your clothing every week.

Building a Packing List for a Work Trip

Since I travel on a weekly basis, this Ultimate Business Trip Packing List is broken up by the following:

  • Essentials left in my suitcase each week
  • Items refreshed each week
  • What’s in my laptop bag
  • What I expect at the hotel

Packing Essentials for a Business Trip

If you travel for work frequently enough, it may make sense to have “doubles” of your toiletries, so you do not have to include them on your business trip packing list and pack them every single week. I keep the following items in my suitcase at all times:

Umbrella  // It is a good habit to check the weather before you start packing, but I have a small travel umbrella that I leave in my suitcase at all times, just in case. If you have an outer pocket on your bag, I would recommend leaving the umbrella in that pocket for easy access.

Toiletries // I keep travel-sized bottles of all of my usual toiletries in my suitcase at all times. This includes small bottles of: shampoo, conditioner, face wash, make-up remover, lotion. I then refill these every few weeks as needed. In addition I will keep a double of my toothbrush, toothpaste, cotton balls, deodorant, hairbrush and hair ties, and razor so that I do not need to repack these each week. As a woman, I also keep tampons and pads in my suitcase at all times.

Spare phone charger // I have a habit of leaving my phone chargers behind at home or at the office, and I have accidentally traveled without a phone charger before! Now, I always leave an extra phone charger in my bag, just in case.

Laundry Bag // My  Away Bigger Carry-On  suitcase came with a laundry bag inside, and I use this to keep my dirty clothes separate from the clean clothes I have not worn yet. I would recommend bringing some type of reusable bag to use as a laundry bag in your suitcase, so you can keep dirty underwear and socks at minimum separate from your work clothes.

All of my toiletries on my business trip packing list are travel sized, so that I do not have to worry about checking a bag. I keep shower items (shampoo, conditioner, face wash) in a separate plastic bag from my remaining items, so that when I am fast to unpack after arriving at the hotel. I use this TSA-approved clear toiletry bag to keep my items organized.

Refreshed Each Week While Traveling for Work

When I am traveling for work, I always bring enough clothes for the number of days that I am traveling, plus one extra day. You never know when you will spill something on your shirt, or you get stranded somewhere overnight! If I was traveling for work Monday through Thursday (3 nights), and I dressed business professional and wore a suit on the plane there, then I would pack in my suitcase:

4 Button-Up Tops // I primarily wear Express Portofino Shirts to work. I like these tops because you can wear them with a blazer, without a jacket, and even out to dinner in the evening. They are very versatile, and a staple in my work uniform. I always pack one extra shirt than days I am traveling – if I am staying 3 nights, I will pack 4 shirts to have one as a back-up.

2 Work Bottoms (Pants or Skirt) // If you include the dress pants that I wear on the plane, I would typically pack two additional bottoms to rotate between. I will bring additional bottoms that coordinate with my blazers for the week. For example, if I am wearing a black blazer, I would choose black bottoms. Navy blazer, navy bottoms.

1 Additional Blazer // Some people can get away with only bringing one blazer (worn on the plane) with them during the week, especially if you only wear your blazer while traveling but then take it off during the day while working. I personally like to bring a blazer to rotate between, and as a back-up in case I spill something on my other blazer.

1 Pair of Jeans, No Holes // It is a good idea to bring a pair of casual pants for when you are going to a team dinner or running errands after work. Occasionally I will wear my work pants to dinner as well, so I do not feel a need to bring more than one pair of casual pants. I opt for no holes or tears, to remain slightly more professional.

1 Pair of Heels // Assuming I already wore a pair of heels on my travel day to the client, I will bring an additional pair of heels to rotate between. I find that if I try to wear the same pair of heels everyday for a week, that they will start to smell.

1 Pair of Casual Shoes (Sandals or Flats) // It’s a good idea to bring a pair of casual shoes, for both team dinners or walking around the hotel. If you need to run down to the front desk, it’s a bit awkward to do so in pajamas and heels.

4 Pairs of Underwear // Always bring an extra pair, just in case!

4 Pairs of No-Show Socks // Whether you need no-shoe socks for your heels or dress socks for your shoes, don’t forget to pack your socks in your suitcase.

1 Set of Pajamas // You will not want to sleep in your dress clothes at night; don’t forget to pack a set of pajamas in your suitcase. My pajamas are usually a free firm shirt and a pair of shorts!

Work-out Clothes // I don’t typically work out during the week while I am traveling, but I threw this on the list so that you do not forget. It is a good idea to work out on the road, but you will need to find extra space to fit your work-out shoes and clothes. It’s possible, though!

Make-up Case //  My make-up case contains all of my daily-wear make-up, and since I use the same make-up on the weekends I will repack this each week. Depending on your routine, it may make sense to have doubles of your make-up on your business trip packing list as well

Hair Dryer  // You may be fine with the hotel hair dryer, however I have been working on improving my hair maintenance. I recently invested in the T3 Featherweight Compact hair dryer – it is so fast at drying my hair, and it is great for traveling. This hair dryer came with a dust bag and the hair dryer folds in half, for easier packing.

Jewelry // Depending on the level of formality, I might bring my jewelry case while traveling . I prefer studs or small hoops for a professional look, and might bring a few necklaces and bracelets to rotate between.

I also have developed a wardrobe that will work for both the work day and the evening. The shirts or blouses that I bring are usually convertible and fine for dinner in the evening. However, if you are wearing nicer shirts or dresses during the day, you may also want to consider packing casual tops for the evening as well.

My Laptop Bag Necessities

My biggest fear is leaving my laptop charger at home. Most of these items are always in my work bag and travel with me even to the office, but I wanted to go ahead and include on the packing list for work trips here. 

Work Laptop & Charger // Make sure that you bring your work computer! It’s difficult to get anything done without your laptop and you do not want to waste time waiting on it to be shipped. The single most important thing for you to bring is your computer.

Wireless Mouse // You can order a cheap mouse off Amazon  for less than $10, and you can bring it on the road to increase your efficiency. I always opt for colors other than black, so that it does not get mixed up with anyone else’s belongings.

Headphones // I love my AirPods as they are great for taking calls, but any type of headphones are a good idea to keep in your work bag. You may have to take phone calls or watch videos in a conference room with your colleagues, and it is much easier to take these calls hands-free.

Phone Charger // I leave a phone charger in my work bag as well, so that I can charge my phone on the go. Especially if you are wasting time at the airport, it is important to keep your phone charger so you can contact coworkers when you land, or call an Uber if necessary.

Office/Client Access Badge // If you have been traveling to a client for a while, you likely received some sort of access badge to get into their building. You do not want to have to bother your client to get another badge assigned to you, or go through the hassle of speaking to security each time. If you have an access badge, make sure to leave it in your work bag so you do not forget it.

Pens & a Notepad // Even though we primarily use our computers these days, you may need to jot down client notes while your computer is loading, or draw out a sketch to explain an idea. It is a good idea to leave pens and a notepad in your bag at all times, so you never have to worry about asking your coworker to borrow one.

Gum  // Especially after a long flight or lunch, you will want fresh breath over the course of your work trip. Make sure to pack some gum in your laptop bag, so that you always feel fresh.

These items are always in my bag, so I will usually have them on my work trip as well. You never realize how badly you miss your wireless mouse until the day that you accidentally leave it at home!

Packing for a conference? Check out our post on What to Pack for a Business Conference . 

Hotel Expectations During a Business Trip

There are a few items that I do not have on my packing list for work trips, because I expect my hotel to have them. If you are not picky about your toiletries like shampoo or conditioner, it would be much easier to just use the hotel versions rather than worrying about leaks in your suitcase. These items include:

Hand Lotion // I am picky for my face, but not for the rest of my body when it comes to lotion. It’s one less bottle that I have to pack, so I do expect to be able to use the hand lotion available in the hotel room.

Water Bottles // You typically get free water bottles with Marriott Platinum! It is greener to bring your own reusable water bottle, however I will admit I do not usually remember to. I do expect that there will be water in my hotel room, or at least easily accessible in the hotel, when I arrive.

Iron // One day, I do hope to invest in a portable steamer. For now however, I do expect an iron in the hotel room so that I can iron my clothes. I like to unpack the night that I arrive at the hotel, and I iron all of my clothes for the week at once. It can be difficult to iron all of your clothes the first night since you are likely tired from traveling, but you will thank yourself later in the week.

Towels // I know some consultants are particular and prefer to bring their own towels, rather than using those available at the hotel.  I, however, expect towels in the hotel and will gladly use those.

The single most important thing to bring on your business trip, honestly, is your work laptop. If you need toiletries that aren’t found in your hotel room, you can often call the front desk and they can bring additional toiletries to you. I ran out of toothpaste and forgot to re-pack it, and fortunately the hotel always has toothpaste packets to offer. Everything else, you can buy on the road.

Packing Your Suitcase for a Business Trip

When packing my suitcase for a work trip, 50% of my suitcase will be clothing. I use three packing cubes that fit in the compression compartment of my suitcase – one cube for my blazers and pants, one cube for shirts, and one cube for underwear.

If you liked the Ultimate Business Trip Packing List, you can download a free pdf checklist below. If there’s anything missing from this packing list, let us know in the comments below.

Learn more about traveling for work

  • 10 Work Trip Instagram Captions
  • Why a Trolley Strap is a Requirement for Your Next Work Bag
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The Ultimate Packing List for Work Trips

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  • Packing Lists

Business Trip Packing List for Overnight, 3-Day, and 5-Day Trips

Published September 19, 2023

Written by:

work trip checklist

Laura Lopuch

Laura’s first trip was when she was 3 months old, instilling an insatiable wanderlust. She hasn’t stopped traveling, or writing...

Fred Perrotta

Fred Perrotta

Co-founder, tortuga.

Fred Perrotta is the co-founder and CEO of Tortuga. His first backpacking trip to Europe inspired him to start the...

Man in blazer wearing backpack

The Tortuga Promise

At Tortuga, our mission is to make travel easier. Our advice and recommendations are based on years of travel experience. We only recommend products that we use on our own travels.

Table of Contents

Whether you’re heading out on a last-minute, overnight business trip, or a five-day conference abroad, packing for business travel is always different than prepping for a fun vacation.

Your work trip packing list will likely include more electronics and gear. So you’ll need to plan around the extra items and weight.

Also, traditional business clothes are notoriously delicate and wrinkle-prone, so they can be difficult to pack.

This article will break down how and what to pack for your business trip. We’ll cover men’s and women’s business clothing , advice on managing your electronics, and more.

Laptop Backpack

Protect your laptop when you fly.

  • Personal-Item-Sized
  • Comfortable to carry
  • Built to last

How to Pack for a Business Trip

Carry on plus personal item.

When packing for a work trip, use carry-on-sized luggage plus a personal item that can carry your laptop.

How to Pack Your Laptop for Travel

Pack your laptop in your personal item when you travel, ideally in a backpack, briefcase, or messenger bag with a dedicated laptop sleeve for protection. If you’re using a tote or other bag that doesn’t have a padded area for your laptop, invest in a laptop sleeve to protect it.

If you’re one-bagging, make sure you choose luggage that has a dedicated laptop compartment. Remove your laptop before stowing your bag in the overhead compartment so that you can work during your flight.

Whatever you do, never, ever put your laptop in a checked bag and risk it being broken, lost, or stolen while in transit.

Roll Your Clothes and Pack Them in Packing Cubes

Once upon a time, I didn’t use  packing cubes . And my bag was a disaster. It took long minutes to find the shirt I was looking for or clean socks. Not anymore, thanks to packing cubes.

To look your best, you should fold your clothes along the seams then roll them . Yes, this even applies to most dress clothes. When you arrive, hang your clothes in the closet or even in the bathroom when you shower to release more wrinkles. Your hotel should have an iron for any necessary touchups beyond that.

For maximum organization, use packing cubes and assign each one a purpose. For example, a smaller packing cube holds underwear. A larger cube keeps your shirts organized and wrinkle-free. Then, roll them before zipping them away to make each item easy to find while preventing creases and wrinkles.

How to Pack Your Suit: Fold, Don’t Roll

A traditional, wool suit must be packed properly to keep its shape while in transit. To pack a suit in a carry on , fold it, don’t roll it.

Alternatively, you can try a wrinkle-free suit from Bluffworks or Ministry of Supply ( men’s , women’s ). Wrinkle-free, synthetic fabrics have improved dramatically from the early days of stiff, plastic-y dress shirts.

Stuff smaller, soft accessories like your socks, tie, and pocket square in your shoes to preserve their shape.

work trip checklist

Business Trip Packing List

A good business trip packing list is built around a solid core, personalized to your needs and style. “Work clothes” can vary depending on your industry and the nature of your trip. You could be dressed anywhere from a three-piece suit to a shirt and slacks to a hoodie and jeans. Pack and dress as makes sense for your business trip.

Let’s start with the basics.

  • Copy of itinerary
  • Boarding pass
  • Transportation and accommodations

If your business trip takes you across borders, don’t leave home without your passport. If you’re traveling abroad for your business trip, know that some countries won’t let you in without a guarantee of when you’ll leave. Pack a copy of your complete itinerary, including evidence of when you’ll leave the country, to show border security.

After your passport, your boarding pass is your most important document. Mobile boarding passes are convenient, but make sure that you’ll have internet access via your phone if you plan to use one. Or, take a screenshot of the boarding pass and use it offline through your photo app.

For your own convenience, print out the details of your transportation from the airport to your accommodations (if you’ve booked anything), the address of where you’re staying (for customs forms and taxi drivers).

I use  TripIt  to aggregate all of my trip details in one place. Using the app is more convenient than carrying a stack of printouts with me. However, paper copies are better for border crossings and for when you don’t have WiFi access or a local SIM card.


  • Phone and charger
  • Headphones or earbuds
  • Laptop and charger
  • Adapter (if traveling abroad)

Carry earbuds if you want to travel light or noise-canceling headphones if you want a quieter trip. For the latter, we like Bose’s QuietComfort line.

The  Macbook Pro  and  Macbook Air  are the most popular choices for Apple users. We recommend the lightest computer you can get that doesn’t sacrifice the performance you’ll need. Dave at Too Many Adapters wrote a helpful guide to  choosing a laptop for work and travel .

  • Eye mask and ear plugs
  • Water bottle
  • Kindle or book
  • Pen and notebook

If you’re taking long flights or overnight trains, earplugs and an eye mask make for all-natural, compact sleep aids.

Get a reusable, refillable water bottle for your travels so that you can stay hydrated without generating the extra trash of plastic bottles.

I’m still old-school and read physical books instead of using a Kindle. Either way, don’t forget a good book to pass long hours waiting or traveling.

Clothes: Business Travel Wardrobe

When packing clothes for a business trip, look for items that pull double-duty and that can be dressed up or down.

Meaning: that black dress looks equally stunning with a scarf for a casual business meeting or a statement necklace for a client dinner. Whatever your personal style is, pack items that make you feel comfortable and confident.

Although the exact items will differ depending on your style and gender, the clothes section of a 3-day business packing list looks like this:

  • 3 tops; 2 dress tops and 1 casual top
  • 1-2 bottoms
  • 3 pairs of underwear
  • 3 pairs of socks
  • 1 set of pajamas
  • 2 pairs of shoes : 1 dress shoe and 1 athletic/casual shoes
  • Workout clothes (optional)

Woman's colorful shirt in shadows

Women’s Business Travel Wardrobe

Use the above business trip packing list template and add the following for a 3-day business trip.

2 Blouses and 1 T-Shirt

  • 1 lightweight t-shirt to dress up or down

Pack two business-appropriate blouses or collared shirts and wear the more casual t-shirt on the plane. I love J.Crew’s vintage cotton t-shirts as they look chic (and feel comfortable) with jeans or slacks. 

Everlane has a range of modern, basic shirts that work for both business and casual attire. Their Japanese GoWeave line is especially good for travel since the fabric is durable, wrinkle-resistant, and comfortable.

  • 1 dark-colored blazer or suit jacket

It’s no secret that I’m a huge J.Crew fan. Their women’s blazers fit well, look chic, and last a long time. Consider a wool blazer that keeps you cool in hot boardrooms and warm on chilly airplanes.

If you’re willing to make the investment, consider a wrinkle-resistant blazer, like the Kinetic Blazer by Ministry of Supply , that you can pack without worrying about it turning into a rumpled mess. En route, wear your blazer so it doesn’t get wrinkled in your carry on bag.

2 Bottoms and 1 Dress

  • 1 pair of slacks or skirt
  • 1 pair of dark-wash  jeans , worn on the plane
  • 1  dress (optional)

Opt for  Betabrand’s Yoga Dress Pants  for sleek black pants made from stretchy material like your favorite yoga pants. Alternatively, look at ADAY’s line of pants for a wrinkle, odor, and pill-resistant pair of business travel pants that are technical, travel-ready, and fashionable.

I live in jeans, and even on the dressiest business trip, I’d yearn for a pair. If you’re like me, wear your jeans on the plane. My favorites are Lucky Brand jeans with some stretch woven in.

Love your dresses? Pack a versatile dress like one from  Draper James  or any of the odor-and-wrinkle-resistant merino wool dresses by Wool& .

3 Pairs of Underwear and Socks

  • 3 pairs of  socks
  • 3 pairs of  underwear
  • 2  bras

If you want to hand wash your underwear, you can get away with packing less. However, for a short 3-day business trip like this one, pack one pair per day. Because you’ll save more on time vs packing space.

2 Pairs of Shoes

  • 1 pair of business-appropriate shoes
  • 1 pair of athletic shoes, worn on the plane

Pack one pair of professional shoes that are small, light, and comfortable, like this  pair of classic black heels from Clarks , or a simple and easy-to pack pair of flats or loafers by Rothy’s .

You can wear your heels through the airport, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead, I wear a pair of black athletic shoes that I can use for a run or workout at my destination.

1 Set of Pajamas

  • 1 lightweight shirt
  • 1 lightweight, athletic pair of shorts

My favorite packing light secret? Make your pajamas and workout clothes the same outfit. Snag a quick, sweaty workout in the AM and hand wash your clothes in the sink. By the time you’re ready for bedtime, your clothes will be dry and ready for you.

Man wearing backpack at Union Station in Los Angeles

Men’s Business Travel Wardrobe

Use the business trip packing list template and add the following for a 3-day business trip.

2 Dress Shirts and 1 Casual T-Shirt

  • 2 wrinkle-resistant dress shirts
  • 1 casual shirt that’s suitable for after-dinner drinks and on the airplane

Ironing dress shirts is a pain. Instead, opt for a wrinkle-resistant dress shirt (or two), like one from Bluffworks . They are made from 98% polyester (that’s a good thing), have lots of stretch, are breathable, and dry quickly. The best part is that they’re machine washable. Perfect for happy hour or the boardroom in any city you visit.

For your casual shirt, opt for a versatile merino wool t-shirt that will stand up to the rigors of travel.

2 Pairs of Pants

  • 2 pairs of pants and/or  jeans

For a pair of pants that can easily work for business and leisure alike, pack a pair of basic, but high-performance pants, like the good-looking  Outlier Slim Dungarees . If you prefer jeans, try  Bonobos’ Extra Stretch Travel Jeans  which are made from lightweight, 10.5 ounce denim and have a 1% stretch.

Stick to 1-2 pairs of pants and wear your more casual pair on your flight.

Avoid doing laundry on a quick, three-day business trip and, instead, pack three pairs of underwear and three pairs of socks.

1 Blazer or Jacket

Read the full Buyer’s Guide to Travel Blazers for all of our favorites. Or, jump right to our top pick, the wrinkle-free  Bluffworks Gramercy Travel Blazer .

  • 1 pair of dress shoes
  • 1 pair of athletic shoes for workouts (optional)

Think small, light, and comfortable for your shoes. Like the  Lenox Hill Cap Toe Oxfords from Cole Haan  or  Vivobarefoot Ra II.

Packing two pairs? Wear the heavier or bulkier pair through the airport and pack the lighter pair.

  • 1 lightweight, athletic pair of shorts

Woman walking across grey cityscape

5-Day Business Trip Packing List

For a longer, five-day business trip, be prepared to hand wash your clothes mid-trip. Or, have the hotel do it for you. Check with the front desk to see if they offer a laundry service for guests. Make sure to ask how long it will take and the price.

Not keen on doing laundry? Prepare to pack a little more in your luggage. You can still pack carry-on-only for a five-day trip. Some of our customers travel for weeks, months, or years out of just a carry on .

When your clothes get a little wrinkled or smelly, hang them up in the bathroom while you take a hot, steamy shower. The hot, moist air eases wrinkles and smells from your clothes.

What to add to the base list above for a five-day business trip:

  • 2 pairs of socks
  • 2 pairs of underwear
  • 1 blouse or dress shirt
  • 1 casual shirt to dress up or down

Overnight Business Trip Packing List

Ready for a quick, easy packing list for a one-night business trip? Reduce the number of items in your one-day work trip packing list by two.

Pack an outfit, wear an outfit, and add the non-clothing essentials.

What to pack for an overnight business trip:

  • 1 dress shirt
  • 1 casual shirt
  • 1 pair of dress pants or skirt
  • 1 pair of casual pants
  • 1-2 pairs of shoes (one dress pair and one athletic)
  • 1 pair of underwear
  • 1 pair of socks
  • 1 blazer or jacket
  • Book or kindle
  • Notebook and pen
  • Ear plugs and eye mask
  • Travel adaptor and passport (if international)

Steal a page from George Clooney’s well-refined playbook from  Up in The Air  and streamline your airport experience by packing only in a carry on bag . You’ll save time at the airport and feel more confident.

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Tortuga travel backpack pro $350.

Max Carry On Size

Laura’s first trip was when she was 3 months old, instilling an insatiable wanderlust. She hasn’t stopped traveling, or writing about it. As an expert in carry on travel, she’s flown on over 100 flights with only a carry on bag. Even on trips with her husband and kids.

She believes travel is the great educator — and vital to our humanity.

Read more from Laura

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  • Packing Lists

The Ultimate Business Trip Packing List

Here are the best clothes, shoes, luggage, and more for your next business trip.

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In This Article

Packing Checklist for a Business Trip

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Travel + Leisure / Alli Waataja

Traveling for work isn't as relaxing as going on vacation , but it can certainly be exciting. The key to helping your business trip run as smoothly as possible is planning ahead. So, what do you need, and what should you bring? We have you covered.

"When traveling on a business trip , you're going to be meeting a lot of people, you might have long nights (including a few nightcaps), and you're probably going to be on the go," says travel expert Sarah Dandashy of Ask a Concierge.

With this in mind, you'll want to bring pieces you can mix and match for different events, as well as comfortable footwear, practical accessories, and lightweight luggage. Find expert business travel tips and our curated recommendations below.

We rounded up everything from wrinkle-free apparel and supportive shoes to must-have accessories and thoughtfully designed bags to get you through your next business trip.

Daywear for Women

  • Best Slacks: Everlane Tencel Way-High Taper Pant
  • Best Business-casual Trousers: Athleta Brooklyn Ankle Pant
  • Best Blouse: Quince Washable Stretch Silk Notch Collar Blouse
  • Best Sleeveless Top: M.M.LaFleur The Nora Top

Eveningwear for Women

  • Best Day-to-night Dress: Modern Citizen Iman Cotton Twill Split-Hem Dress
  • Best Sweater: Banana Republic Bella Merino Sweater Polo
  • Best Blazer: Spanx The Perfect Blazer
  • Best Overcoat: Loft Two Button Coat

Daywear for Men

  • Best Trousers: Lululemon Commission Classic-Fit Pant
  • Best Chinos: Bearbottom Stretch Chino Pant
  • Best Button-down: UntuckIt Wrinkle-Free Performance Gironde Shirt

Eveningwear for Men

  • Best Dress Shirt: Bonobos Desk To Dinner Shirt
  • Best Slacks: Suitsupply Pleated Vigo Trousers
  • Best Blazer: Zara Stretch Blazer
  • Best Overcoat: Charles Tyrwhitt Cotton Classic Raincoat

Best Shoes for Women

  • Best Flats: Naturalizer Samantha Half d'Orsay Flat
  • Best Loafers: Nisolo Emma Loafer
  • Best Heels: Marion Parke Classic Pump 45 Leather Kitten Heel
  • Best Travel-day Shoes: Vionic Zinah Slip On Sneaker

Best Shoes for Men

  • Best Loafers: Cole Haan Osborn Grand 360 Penny Loafer
  • Best Dress Shoes: Allen Edmonds Park Avenue Oxford
  • Best Travel-day Shoes: Moral Code Kai Sneaker


  • Best Belt: Nordstrom Marco Burnished Leather Belt
  • Best Wallet: Leatherology Slim Zip Travel Wallet
  • Best Travel Tech Kit: Mark & Graham Essential Tech Folio
  • Best Portable Charger: Nimble Champ Portable Charger
  • Best Water Bottle: Monos Kiyo UVC Water Bottle
  • Best Carry-on: July Carry On Pro
  • Best Checked Suitcase: Solgaard Check-In Closet
  • Best Packing Cubes: Away The Insider Packing Cubes (Set of 4)
  • Best Toiletry Bag: Dagne Dover Hunter Toiletry Bag
  • Best Laptop Bag: CalPak Haven Laptop Tote Bag

T+L's Top Picks and Tips

When deciding what clothes to pack for a business trip, make sure you have something to wear to every scheduled event while still avoiding overpacking . The key is to bring versatile pieces you can mix and match for various occasions that easily transition from day to night. Also, wrinkle-free materials are always a plus.

Best Slacks

Everlane tencel way-high taper pant.

Our favorite women's slacks for travel come from Everlane. As the name suggests, Way-High Taper Pants have a high-rise waist with side pockets and flattering, professional-looking pleats. Sustainably sourced from wood pulp, the ultra-soft, wrinkle-resistant Tencel lyocell fabric is perfect for packing.

Best Business-casual Trousers

Athleta brooklyn ankle pants.

For something that leans more business-casual, go with the Brooklyn Ankle Pant. These soft, stretchy trousers are comfy enough to wear on the plane yet sophisticated enough to wear to a business meeting or networking event. We also love that they come in an inclusive range of 16 sizes in regular, tall, and petite fits.

Best Blouse

Quince silk notch collar blouse.

Made of 90 percent silk and 10 percent spandex, this blouse drapes perfectly, and has a subtle sheen and a nice stretch. It's easy to tuck into skirts or pants, while the tailored collar elevates any professional ensemble. Best of all, the washable design is nowhere near as delicate as most silk shirts.

Best Sleeveless Top

M.m.lafleur the nora top.


If you're traveling to a warmer climate or just need more daytime options, this one's for you. The Nora Top is a drapey, boat-neck, sleeveless shirt that promises to resist wrinkling, while an anti-odor finish helps prevent smelly armpits during your next meeting. It also layers beautifully under a blazer and is conveniently machine-washable.

Best Day-to-night Dress

Modern citizen iman cotton twill split-hem dress.

Modern Citizen

The best clothes for business travel transition seamlessly from day to night — that's why we love Modern Citizen's super-versatile Iman Dress. The flattering silhouette is slightly fitted but definitely not too tight, with ruching at the waist and a split hem in the back that ensures you can move around with ease. You can wear this dress on its own, with a blazer, or under a long coat.

Best Sweater

Banana republic bella merino sweater polo.

Banana Republic

It's always good to have a nice sweater on hand during a business trip. We love this one from Banana Republic, which is made of 100 percent merino wool. It features a pull-over design with a folded camp-style collar and a slightly relaxed fit that's easy to tuck into pants, or wear untucked if you prefer a more casual look.

Best Blazer

Spanx the perfect blazer.

Saks Fifth Avenue

Appropriately dubbed "The Perfect Blazer," this versatile outerwear piece from Spanx is just the thing for your next work trip. It's made of stretchy, smoothing ponte fabric and features a slightly longer cut that layers beautifully over virtually any top. The easy-going material is also machine-washable and a breeze to care for — no dry-cleaning necessary.

Best Overcoat

Loft two button coat.

For something a bit warmer, reach for the Two Button Coat. It has a relaxed fit that layers effortlessly over any professional outfit, while notched lapels, flap pockets, and a button closure offer a professional appeal. This coat is also machine-washable, so you don't have to worry about dry-cleaning.

Best Trousers

Lululemon commission pant.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a guy who doesn't prefer these pants over regular trousers — lululemon knows a thing or two about travel pants . And in true lululemon fashion, they're made of a breathable, sweat-wicking, non-wrinkling performance material. But thanks to the traditional fly, belt loops, and snap-button pockets, they look just like any other business-ready pants.

Best Chinos

Bearbottom stretch chino pant.

If the perfect chinos exist, you're looking at them. Woven from cotton with a hint of spandex, these midweight pants are structured and breathable with just the right amount of stretch. The tapered ankle makes them an ideal choice to wear with business-casual sneakers, loafers, Oxfords, or Chelsea boots.

Best Button-down

Untuckit wrinkle-free performance gironde shirt.

If you're looking for wrinkle-proof shirts for business trips, UntuckIt has you covered. Not only does the Gironde Shirt never need ironing, but it also wicks away sweat and is the perfect length to wear untucked with your work pants of choice. You might want something that tucks in for evening looks, but this is undoubtedly a great daytime option you'll be glad to have at the ready.

Best Dress Shirt

Bonobos desk to dinner shirt.

As the name implies, the Desk To Dinner Shirt can be worn all day at business meetings, then into the night while schmoozing with clients over dinner or drinks. The slim-fit design can be tucked into pants or worn untucked for a more laid-back look, and you can count on the collar to stay in place no matter how you wear it — or how long.

Suitsupply Pleated Vigo Trousers

Suitsupply's Vigo Trousers feature a high-rise waist and a tailored, slim-fit cut with a single pleat down the front and modern cuffed ankles. They're formal enough to wear to a nice dinner with loafers and a crisp dress shirt but also versatile enough to rock with a pair of clean leather sneakers.

Zara Stretch Blazer

This straight-fit men's blazer from Zara is great for layering over button-down shirts, polos, crewneck sweaters, or crisp T-shirts. The material is wrinkle-resistant and lightweight, making it a go-to for business trips or wearing on the plane.

Charles Tyrwhitt Cotton Classic Raincoat

Charles Tyrwhitt

This is technically a raincoat because of its water-repellent finish, but it works perfectly as a versatile and lightweight overcoat as well. The hoodless design is made of an extra-stretchy, wrinkle-proof material that's easy to pack and unlikely to stain if you spill coffee or a cocktail.

Shoes take up a lot of space in a suitcase, so you'll want to bring no more than two or three pairs, including what you wear en route to your destination. Think ahead to the meetings or events you'll be attending, consider the formality of each occasion, and prioritize comfort.

Naturalizer Samantha d'Orsay Flat

These sleek pointed-toe flats are more than just flattering and versatile — they're also exceptionally comfy. Boasting contoured footbeds with arch support, cushioning, and full-foot flexibility, they'll keep your feet happy for hours on end.

Best Loafers

Nisolo emma d'orsay oxford.

A stylish pair of loafers is a travel fashion staple and Nisolo makes our favorite women's loafers. Featuring a feminine d'Orsay silhouette, the Emma is a polished, easy-on loafer that goes with just about any professional attire. These shoes also have cushioned, shock-absorbing insoles, and you can bet the genuine leather uppers will conform to the shape of your feet for the perfect fit.

Marion Parke Classic Pump 45 Leather Kitten Heel

Neiman Marcus

These timeless pumps from Marion Parke can be worn with everything from ankle pants and pleated trousers to pencil skirts and dresses. What's more, the slim silhouette won't take up much space in your suitcase. This footwear brand is expensive, but it's known for its remarkably comfortable styles, each featuring contoured insoles with adaptable cushioning and pressure relief for the balls of your feet.

Best Travel-day Shoes

Vionic slip-on sneaker.

If you need comfortable shoes to wear on the plane but still want to look put-together, Vionic's Zinah Sneaker might be your best bet. The laceless, slip-on design boasts a sleek, laid-back aesthetic resembling a cross between a tennis shoe and a flat. Thanks to the brand's podiatrist-designed arch support, you can bet these shoes won't hurt your feet.

Cole Haan Osborn Grand 360 Penny Loafer

When it comes to men's loafers , you really can't go wrong with Cole Haan. This classic, clean-cut pair features smooth leather uppers and a structured silhouette with traditional stitching. With OrthoLite footbeds, you can count on next-level cushioning, arch support, and antimicrobial odor resistance.

Best Dress Shoes

Allen edmonds park avenue oxford.

Featuring traditional cap toes with six-eyelet laces, these gorgeous leather oxfords are the ideal dress shoes for business trips. While they pair well with a suit, you can also rock them with chinos, slacks, suit separates, and everything in between.

Moral Code Kai Sneaker

For travel days, we recommend the Kai Sneaker from Moral Code. These laid-back yet professional-looking shoes have smooth leather uppers that wipe clean in a pinch, durable rubber outsoles, and padded footbeds that promise to conform to the shape of your foot to keep you comfortable with every step.

The right accessories are crucial for business trips. Still, you want to avoid bringing more than you'll actually use, as overpacking will just weigh you down during your busy schedule. Here's what we recommend.

Nordstrom Marco Burnished Leather Belt

Don't forget to pack a belt for your business trip. Even if you're not sure which outfit you'll need it for, you'll be glad to have it when the occasion arises — plus it takes up almost no space in your suitcase. Consider this classic burnished leather one, and order it one size larger than your typical pants size.

Best Wallet

Leatherology slim zip travel wallet.

Leatherology's Slim Zip Travel Wallet is made of buttery-soft, full-grain leather and comes in your choice of several tasteful hues. It has seven card slots, three bill compartments for things like cash and receipts, and a spacious main compartment big enough to fit your phone, boarding pass, or passport. We also appreciate that it zips up to keep everything secure.

Best Travel Tech Kit

Mark & graham essential tech folio.

Mark & Graham

This clever leather pouch makes it easy to stay organized when traveling with lots of tech gadgets. With multiple compartments, sleeves, and pockets, you'll have a designated spot for your phone, tablet, charging cables, earbuds, stylus pen, important cards, and then some.

Best Portable Charger

Nimble champ portable charger.

"I always travel with a portable cellphone battery charger," Dandashy says. With this in mind, we recommend packing the Nimble Champ. This compact, on-the-go charger weighs less than half a pound and boasts super-fast charging that takes you from zero to 80 percent battery life in just 30 minutes. It can even charge two devices at once.

Best Water Bottle

Monos kiyo uvc bottle.

Dandashy says she always brings a reusable water bottle on business trips. We like this one from Monos, which calls on ultraviolet technology to kill over 99.9 percent of bacteria in your drinking water. We admit this is a lot to spend on a water bottle, but it might be worth it for the built-in purification system, plus it's backed by a two-year warranty.

The best luggage for business trips is lightweight, functional, and professional-looking. Whether you opt to carry on or check your baggage, we strongly suggest keeping your valuables with you, whether in a carry-on suitcase or "personal item" bag .

Best Carry-on

July carry on pro snapsleeve.

July's Carry On Pro was built for business travel. This compact yet spacious suitcase flaunts a crush-proof polycarbonate shell, an extra-long telescoping handle, and smooth-rolling spinner wheels. There's a hidden laundry bag inside, an ejectable USB power bank, and an external magnetic compartment for your laptop that detaches with the press of a button when you need to remove it when going through security. The price is a little steep for the size, but it's backed by a lifetime warranty.

Best Checked Suitcase

Solgaard check-in closet.

For those who want to check their bags, we suggest the Solgaard Check-In Closet. This mid-sized suitcase has a nearly unbreakable polycarbonate shell and a built-in shelving system with five compartments and compression straps that help you pack as much as possible. We like that you can remove and hang up the closet system for easy access during your trip.

Best Packing Cubes

Away the insider packing cubes.

Away is a go-to for high-quality luggage at reasonable price points. Designed to compress your belongings, the brand's Insider Packing Cubes allow you to fit more into your suitcase while simplifying the packing and unpacking process. Made of nylon with mesh panels on top, they're breathable and water-resistant while making it easy to see what's inside.

Best Toiletry Bag

Dagne dover hunter toiletry bag.

Dagne Dover

The Hunter Toiletry Bag is made of water-resistant neoprene with large, smooth-gliding zippers that'll never get stuck. Available in two sizes, this multi-compartment satchel is just the thing for packing and organizing your toothbrush, razor, shampoo, deodorant, skin care products, comb, contact lenses — you name it.

Best Laptop Bag

Calpak haven laptop tote bag.

If you need something to carry your laptop on the plane or to and from meetings, the Haven Tote is an excellent choice. Made of easy-to-clean faux leather, it has a spacious main compartment, a large pocket for your computer or tablet, and three smaller pockets for all the little things you want to keep within reach. "I always pack hand sanitizer, a water bottle, a few packs of gum, and vitamins," Dandashy says. There's also an external trolley sleeve for when you want to slide it onto the handle of your suitcase.

According to Dandashy, the best way to pack a suit is to put it in a garment bag and bring it as your carry-on. This will help you avoid folding it up and having to iron it when you arrive. Of course, this may not always be an option.

"If you must pack it in a suitcase, carefully fold your suit with tissue paper," says Dandashy, explaining that this helps prevent wrinkles and keeps the fabric looking immaculate. "Pop out each shoulder, and fold the suit backward so that the lapels touch. Place tissue paper on either side of the jacket, carefully folding it into thirds." Then fold the pants lengthwise, placing tissue paper in between the folds.

Wrinkle-free clothing materials are usually made at least partially of synthetic fibers, like spandex, nylon, and elastane. This gives a garment more stretch and flexibility, which ultimately prevents wrinkling and creasing. Ponte and other jersey knits also resist wrinkling. If you prefer natural fabrics, consider bamboo-derived textiles or lyocell, which is sourced from wood pulp.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Theresa Holland is a seasoned commerce writer specializing in travel, apparel, footwear, and packing essentials. For this roundup, she searched high and low to find the best items for business trips, narrowing it down to versatile apparel and practical products travelers will be glad to have on hand. While researching business trip packing lists, we spoke with travel expert Sarah Dandashy of Ask a Concierge.

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work trip checklist

Business Travel Guide

Essential business travel checklist [updated 2024].


Business travel comes with its own set of complexities and uncertainties. To navigate these successfully, you need careful planning and attention to detail. Our comprehensive business travel checklist will ensure that you’re well-prepared for every aspect of your business journey. From the moment you start planning your trip to the post-travel follow-up, we’ve got you covered.

So, whether you’re about to embark on your first business trip or looking to enhance your travel routine, read on to discover how to make your business travel experience efficient, enjoyable, and productive.

Let’s get started on the path to becoming a savvy business traveller with our ultimate business travel checklist.

Pre Business Travel Checklist

  • Check and Validate Your Documents: Ensure that your passport, ID, and any required visas are up-to-date and valid.
  • Budget and Itinerary Planning: If you are responsible for booking your travel, be aware of any budget constraints or itinerary requirements. In case someone else handles the bookings, submit your proposed itinerary to the designated person.
  • Opt for Direct and Simple Travel: Consider your budget when booking your travel; aim for the most direct options available.
  • Strategic Arrival and Departure Planning: Align your arrival and departure plans with the purpose of your travel, such as meetings or events. Assess whether arriving the night before or departing the day after is necessary based on your meeting schedule.
  • Proximity Matters for Accommodations: Book accommodations near the location where your business activities will take place. This will save you time and streamline your schedule.
  • Efficient Transport Planning: Arrange transport to the airport or train station, considering each leg of the journey. Plan and book transportation in advance to avoid last-minute hassles.
  • Utilize Loyalty Programs: If you are a member of airline or hotel loyalty programs , take advantage of them when making bookings to accumulate points. If not already a member, consider signing up, especially if you travel for business frequently.
  • Fast-Track Your Travel with Programs: Explore programs like Global Entry , TSA PreCheck , or Clear for expedited security processes, making your travel experience faster and more convenient.
  • Consider Trip Insurance: Evaluate the option of trip insurance to provide coverage for unforeseen circumstances, offering you peace of mind during your journey.

Business Travel “Packing” Checklist

When it comes to packing for your business trip, it’s important to be organized and ensure you have everything you need. Here’s a checklist of essential items to pack:

1. Travel documents

Travel documents are crucial for a smooth journey, ensuring you have the necessary paperwork to reach your destination and return home. These documents establish your identity, authorize your travel, and provide vital information to authorities. Having a complete set of travel documents is essential for a hassle-free trip.

Documents Checklist For Business Travel:

  • Visa (if required)
  • Driver’s License
  • Travel insurance documents
  • Business permits
  • Itinerary with flight details and hotel reservations
  • Photocopies of important documents
  • Emergency contact information

2. Electronics and accessories

In today’s digital age, electronic devices and accessories play a pivotal role in staying connected, productive, and entertained during your journey. They enable you to work efficiently, communicate seamlessly, and stay organized while on the road. Packing the right electronics and accessories ensures you’re well-equipped for the demands of modern business travel.

Electronics Checklist For Business Travel :

  • Laptop or tablet
  • Chargers for all electronic devices
  • Adapter plugs (if travelling internationally)
  • Headphones or earbuds
  • USB flash drive
  • Travel surge protector
  • Portable Wi-Fi hotspot (if needed)

3. Medications and personal care

Maintaining your health and personal care routine is essential to feeling your best during your trip. Medications and personal care items help you stay healthy and comfortable. Packing these items ensures you have the necessary supplies to address health needs and maintain hygiene, contributing to a worry-free journey.

Personal Care Checklist For Business Trave l:

  • Prescription medications
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Allergy medication (if needed)
  • First aid kit (band-aids, antiseptic wipes, etc.)
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap)
  • Shampoo and conditioner (travel-sized)
  • Razor and shaving cream
  • Contact lenses or eyeglasses and solution
  • Hand sanitiser

4. Toiletries & cosmetics

Toiletries and cosmetics help you maintain personal hygiene and grooming standards during your trip. They contribute to your comfort and confidence, ensuring you look and feel your best while conducting business and engaging with colleagues and clients.

Toiletries & Cosmetics Business Travel Checklist:

  • Body wash or soap
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Face wash or cleanser
  • Moisturizer
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Makeup (if applicable)
  • Makeup remover wipes
  • Hair products (gel, hairspray, etc.)
  • Feminine hygiene products (if needed)
  • Perfume or cologne
  • Nail clippers and nail file

5. Clothing For Men & Women

Selecting the right clothing is essential for business travellers. Your attire communicates professionalism and reflects your respect for the business environment. Packing appropriate clothing ensures you’re well-prepared for meetings, presentations, and other business-related activities. 

Checklist For Men:

  • Dress shirts
  • Suits or blazers
  • Dress shoes
  • Socks and underwear
  • Casual clothing for downtime

Checklist for women:

  • Blouses or formal tops
  • Dresses or suits
  • Comfortable but stylish shoes
  • Accessories (jewellery, scarves, etc.)
  • Undergarments

Bonus Business Travel Tips

While we’ve covered the essentials, here are some bonus tips to enhance your business travel experience:

1. During Your Stay

Explore local cuisine : When dining out, try local cuisine to immerse yourself in the culture regardless of your business travel destination . Ask colleagues or locals for restaurant recommendations to savour authentic dishes.

Network beyond meetings : Look for events, industry conferences, or local business gatherings during your stay. These can provide valuable connections and insights.

Cultural Awareness : Show respect for local customs and traditions. A small effort, like learning a few basic phrases in the local language, can go a long way in building rapport.

Stay Active : If your schedule allows, find time for physical activity. Some hotels have fitness centres, or you can take a morning jog to energize yourself for the day.

2. Staying Healthy and Safe

Travel insurance review: Before departure, thoroughly review your travel insurance policy to understand coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations and lost luggage.

Hydration reminder : In-flight and during your stay, prioritize hydration. Carry a reusable water bottle and drink regularly to stay alert and healthy.

Emergency contacts on speed dial: Save local emergency numbers, including the nearest hospital and embassy or consulate, in your phone for quick access.

3. Expense Tracking Tips

Expense Tracking Apps : Consider using digital expense tracking apps or software to log expenses in real-time. This simplifies the process and ensures you don’t miss any deductions.

Organize receipts : Keep all receipts in one place, such as an envelope or a designated folder in your bag. This makes it easier to account for expenses when filling out reports.

Currency conversion Apps : Install a reliable currency conversion app on your phone to instantly calculate expenses in your home currency. It helps you stay within budget.

Credit card statements : Regularly review your credit card statements online to spot any unauthorized charges or errors promptly. Notify your bank of any discrepancies.

Is travel insurance necessary for a business trip?

Yes, having travel insurance is highly recommended for business trips. It can provide coverage for unexpected events like trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage, offering you peace of mind during your travels.

How can I prevent jet lag during long-haul flights?

To minimize jet lag, adjust your sleep schedule before departure, stay hydrated, avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, and set your watch to your destination’s time zone as soon as you board the plane.

Are there any apps or tools to help me find local networking events?

Yes, several apps and websites can help you find local networking events, such as Meetup, Eventbrite, and LinkedIn. You can search for relevant business or industry events in your destination city.

How can I make the most of downtime during business trips?

Use downtime to explore the local culture, try new cuisine, or relax and recharge. You can also catch up on work tasks, read, or use the hotel’s amenities like the gym or spa to make the most of your stay.

This checklist has covered everything you need, from preparing before your trip to staying safe and tracking expenses. Each journey is a chance to grow and discover. So, pack wisely, embrace the adventure, and make the most of every moment. Remember, business travel is more than just reaching your destination; it’s about the experiences and connections you make along the way.

If you’re seeking top-notch hotels and serviced apartments for your business trips, explore our business travel accommodation options and take the first step toward seamless and comfortable travel. Click here to book your next business trip and experience the difference.

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Your ultimate packing list: business travel checklist

Nothing is worse than a business trip that catches you by surprise. With this ultimate packing list, business travel was never easier; get going with all the necessities.

By Jessica Freedman

February 9, 2024

Man packing suitcase with passport in hand

Don’t let a business trip catch you by surprise, having a packing list for a business trip is crucial to save time and make sure you don’t leave home without the essentials. Use a checklist; business trips are easier and more productive when you’re prepared. In this article we’ll walk you through everything you need to plan a business trip and create a business trip packing list:

  • The must-haves

The work essentials

The personal items you can’t leave without, the nice-to-haves.

When it comes to making your business travel checklist, you want to make sure you have the necessities to ensure that you can work just as comfortably and effectively as if you were at the office (whether that be a physical office or your home office). 

The benefits of a packing list for a business trip

There are many benefits of having a packing list for business travel. Let’s take a look at what they are.

A business travel checklist streamlines the packing process

For starters, it streamlines the planning and packing process, meaning that you can easily and quickly put together your things for a business trip, even if a trip is decided at the last minute. When you are traveling for business, you are already eating into your personal time during the week with your friends and family, so the last thing you want to do is waste even more time pondering what you are going to bring with you. With a packing checklist, business trips are hands down a piece of cake. 

Ensures you only take the necessities

Sometimes when you are packing at the last minute you throw in items that are not necessary, weighing you down, and forcing you to check a bag. Checking a bag is anything but productive because it slows down the time it takes to get out of the airport, and hence get to your hotel or meetings. With a packing list you can be sure you only take the essentials, which are more or less the same no matter where you go. 

Keeps you organized

With a nicely defined list that is divided into the must-have documents, work essentials, personal items you can’t leave without, and other items that might come in handy, you can be sure to stay organized. Certain items like your toiletries you can even keep packed in your toiletry bag, making sure not only you don’t forget a thing, and cutting down on the time it takes to pack your suitcase.

Creating a work trip checklist

So now that you know why a business trip checklist is such a good idea let’s get started on tips to create a checklist for your business trip. We’ll start with the must-haves, then move on to the work essentials, the personal items you can’t leave without and the nice-to-haves.

The must-haves 

It’s time to start preparing for your business trip, so what is it you can’t leave home without?

The must-have business travel checklist:

  • Passport or ID
  • Proof of Covid vaccination – consult our other helpful pointers for traveling safe
  • Boarding pass
  • Work credit card
  • Work laptop and charger
  • Work cell phone and charger
  • Personal cell phone and charger
  • Headphones – they come in handy if you have to conduct phone calls while in transit
  • Notebook (to jot any important information down)

Eagle's eye view of bed with suitcase, passport, and clothes for business trip.

When it comes to preparing the work essentials, you want to make sure you have everything necessary to work comfortably from anywhere (whether that be from the airport, the train station, on the plane or from your hotel room). Thankfully most documents are now available on the cloud, but just in case, you may want to have a backup on a flash drive of your presentation, and any printout flyers or documents you need to share with your colleagues or potential clients. Lastly, on your checklist for a business trip preparation list, make sure that you put your business cards. 

Everyone has their own ideas of what they can’t leave without, but then of course there are also some basics (think toothbrush) that anyone will agree you must have no matter what. Don’t leave home without your pajamas, socks, underwear, change of clothes for each day of your work trip, sunglasses, toothpaste and toothbrush, floss, shampoo and conditioner, hairbrush, cream, and chapstick.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to prepare for the unexpected. For example, why not pack some pain killers? Going to a meeting with a headache is the last thing you want to do. Or why not pack an extra pair of underwear? It doesn’t take up space and you never know, if your flight gets delayed you may end up having to stay another night. Another “nice-to-have” is some healthy snacks like almonds or a protein bar. If you’re in a hitch and you’re running to a meeting or in your hotel room with nothing nearby to eat, at least you have something to tide you over until the next meal.

A portable charging dock is another “nice-to-have” because when you’re on the go, you don’t want to be left without a charged cell phone to help you navigate and keep track of your meetings. 

business travel tips

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Planning a business trip 101

5 tricks & tips for preparing for your next business trip.

We’ve covered the steps to plan your business trip in the above article, but there’s more to planning your business trip. A business travel checklist goes beyond just a packing list but is more a comprehensive road map to preparing for your business trip in order to make it a success.

The idea of making it a comprehensive checklist for business trip preparation is the fact that it can be easily replicated for any type of business trip, whether it be overnight, an extended trip or to an international destination. 

As you become a seasoned business traveler, it will get easier, and your checklist will change. Think of it as a work in progress to alleviate any stress related to packing or not knowing what to bring. For those of you working as HR or office managers guiding others to prepare for their business trips, it’s important to have your own comprehensive checklist that can easily be shared with your travelers, to make things easier and more productive.

Girl closing suitcase on the floor of bedroom

1. Review business trip checklist prior to packing for your trip

Once you’ve made a comprehensive checklist for your business trip, you can fine tune as you go. Create a digital version of the checklist so that you can virtually check off as you go, and you don’t waste paper printing it out. You may consider creating separate work trip checklists for each kind of business trip: short or long, multi-destination, an international business travel checklist, winter business trip, or for a summer business trip, to make it easier. Review the list and see what will be necessary prior to packing.

2. Pack your important items in your carry-on

If you decide to check a bag, be sure to have all your most important personal items in your carry-on in case your luggage gets lost. Put your laptop, chargers for phone and laptop, business cards, a change of clothes and a toothbrush. That way if you are caught without your bag, you are prepared.

3. Just because it’s on the list doesn’t mean you have to take it

With a comprehensive work travel packing list, there will be a lot of items on there “just in case” but that doesn’t mean you have to pack them no matter what. It’s more of a reference to help you in the decision-making process. With more practice it will be easier to understand items that will change based on the details of your trip, and other must-haves that must be packed no matter what.

4. Double check documents

Travel documents are the most important item on your list, but beyond making sure you have all the necessary documents, it’s also important to ensure that they are up-to-date. Imagine you get to the airport only to discover that your passport has expired yesterday. To avoid this nightmare, be sure to set alerts in your phone to renew your documents with enough time in advance to avoid potential travel nightmares.  

Keep in mind that if you’re traveling internationally, you may want to make sure that your passport isn’t going to expire within six months as some countries won’t let you in. Check if there are necessary business visa entry requirements. You may also want to check for extra Covid-related requirements although a lot of countries have already relaxed these requirements in recent months. Check our guide to traveling safe for more information. 

5. Read up on your destination

Researching your destination before traveling is a great idea, especially if you are traveling to a country with a different religion or cultural norms. This way you make sure to avoid doing anything that is culturally taboo. For example in Japan, it’s just as disrespectful to arrive too far ahead of time as it is to arrive late. Reading up on your destination will ensure you avoid cultural faux pas. Be sure to include research as part of your ultimate packing list. 

Check out our etiquette guides for more tips: APAC Business Etiquette , Americas travel etiquette and tips and tricks to do better business in EMEA .

And that’s how packing lists simplify business travel 

We’ve looked at everything you should keep in mind when it comes time to create a packing list for a business trip in order to simplify business travel. Of course, the more organized you are, the more effective you can be when it comes time to hit the road. 

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The Ultimate Business Travel Checklist

Over the years, I’ve been on many business trips, and how successful they were almost always came down to how well they were planned.

There’s an awful lot to think about when planning a business trip, from where to stay to what to pack. You also need to prepare for your home and office while you’re absent.

In this article, I cover everything you’ll need to do to set yourself up for a successful business trip, including tips for accommodation, packing, transportation, preparing your home and work space, and purchasing your flight.

While getting to travel on the company’s dime sounds like the Holy Grail of great travel jobs , it can honestly be a lot of work to organize a business trip . Below you’ll find my complete business travel checklist so you’ll be able to plan the best trip possible, and avoid my mistakes!

In this article, you’ll find a:

  • Business Travel Checklist , which covers all aspects of getting ready for a trip other than packing.
  • Business Trip Packing List , with everything you’ll need for a successful trip. Scroll down for our printable business trip packing list!

Our business travel checklist

Click here to download a printable business trip travel checklist!

Your first steps

First, find out who’s responsible for your travel planning. Some businesses leave all the travel planning and flight booking to their employees, and have you submit your receipts later. Other businesses will handle every last detail of your travel planning (lucky you!) from pickup at the airport, to flights, hotels and accommodation.

Most businesses fall somewhere in between. It can save you a lot of hassle if you find out who’s responsible for what, early on.

Years ago, I had a last minute business trip to Amsterdam where I spent a few hours and a lot of stress trying to find affordable accommodation in the city. It turns out my employer had already arranged a place for me to stay with a colleague. Even if you think you know who’ll plan your trip, ask!

If you’re responsible for booking your flight, and you’re looking to save money, be sure to check out our post on six easy steps for nailing the cheapest flight . o start, we really love getting a quick price comparison on Google Flights (here are a few great tips for using Google Flights ) or Skyscanner .

Check flights on Skyscanner.

If you’re flying regularly for business, be sure to sign up for an airlines loyalty program, and book with them as much as possible. This can translate into some great upgrades and free flights as well as other perks.

Get your work place ready

So you don’t worry about work while you’re away, and to ease your transition back when you return, try to get your affairs in order at your office before you leave.

Make sure you finish the work projects you are currently working on.

Let coworkers and business partners know where you’re going, and how long you’ll be gone.

Set up an out of office email, if necessary.

Prepare the schedule for your business meetings on your trip; you should know exactly where and when each meeting will take place.

Make sure you’ve organized all the important documents for your trip, including the confirmations, copies of your travel documents, presentations and handouts. Print them out, if necessary, and insure they’re saved to a zip drive or on your hard drive. It’s a good idea to back them up to a cloud service (we like Amazon) to ensure that you can access them anywhere in the world.

Prepare your home for when you’ll be gone

Tell your family about your exact itinerary and leave your addresses and contact phone numbers.

Tell a trusted friend about your exact itinerary and ask someone to take care of your family pets and plants while you’re gone.  If you don’t have a friend or family member that can pitch in, consider getting a housesitter. Probably the most well known and largest place to find house and pet sitters is through  Trusted Housesitters .

Check sitters available on Trusted Housesitters here.

Take safety measures, such as locking all doors and windows, turning on the alarm and try to create the illusion that you are at home by turning some lights on or with a radio that has a timer function.

Suspend or redirect routine deliveries such as newspapers or milk, if necessary.

Give the house a quick clean before you leave. Normally, my house is kinda messy and chaotic, but I hate coming home to a dirty, messy house after a trip, so we give it a complete clean before we go. It’s nice to be able to relax a bit when you get back, rather than stress about how messy the house is.

Turn down the thermostat if it’s cold outside or turn it up if it’s really hot. There’s no point warming or cooling an empty house.

Make sure you check with your home insurance to see if you need to have someone check in on your house while you’re gone. Each home insurance policy is different, but many policies won’t cover damages from floods, water leaks, break ins or theft if the house is not regularly attended.

Travel preparations

If you are going abroad, make sure you have all the necessary travel documents.

If you need any vaccinations or medical documents for the country you are going to, take care of that, too.

Get some cash in the local currency. There are ATMs in nearly every airport in the world. however sometimes the lines are long or the machines are down. You don’t need money for your entire trip, just make sure you have enough on hand to pay for the taxi and a bite to eat when you get there.

Look into any specific workplace customs or practices for where you’re traveling. There’s a great article here on business culture in Singapore , and one for Japan here . A quick Google search should help you find others.

World Nomads Travel Insurance

Charge all of your devices the day before you leave on your trip. That way you won’t be caught flat-footed if your plane doesn’t offer outlets or USB charging ports.

Where to Stay

I’ve put these tips near the beginning, because I honestly believe that your accommodation is the most important part of your stay once your dates are set and your transportation is booked.

Start looking for accommodation early. It can be surprising how early accommodation books out. The earlier you start looking, the easier it will be for you to find a good place for a good price.

Look beyond a hotel room. Hotel rooms are often small, impersonal and honestly, overpriced. You’ll probably be surprised at how favorably the price of a fully furnished, serviced apartment compares. Corporate apartments also have the advantage of having essential business amenities like fast WiFi.

For example, corporate serviced apartments are often more comfortable and private than a hotel. Singapore’s well known as being one of the most expensive destinations for business travel in the Asia-Pacific region, making value for your dollar especially important.

Stay close to work. Look for accommodation that is not far from the place where most of your meetings will take place to avoid having to commute in a foreign city. I’m often surprised how bad traffic and subway crowding can be, even during off peak hours.

Make it work friendly. Make sure your accommodation has a work space where you can use your laptop and make phone calls. A small table and chair will work perfectly.

At the airport and in the air

Savvy business travelers suggest signing up for Global Entry and TSA Precheck . Global Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection program that pre-qualifies you for faster customs, while TSA Precheck will get you boarded faster, as many US airports have special (and faster!) precheck lines where you can skip needing to remove shoes, laptops, liquids, belts or light jackets.

Double check any baggage requirements.  You never know when the rules will change. The USA has even floated the idea of banning laptops in the cabin for all flights that depart, land, or even touch down in the USA.

Try to travel carry on only. Checked bags have a potential to be lost or delayed, adding to your stress. If you can do with just a carry on you’ll be more flexible if there are problems and out of the airport quicker once you land.

If you do check a bag, be sure to keep essentials like your laptop, any business documents and tech, some underwear, and prescriptions in your carry-on bag in case your checked luggage is lost or delayed.

Get a lightweight, sturdy carry on bag with wheels, and carry a personal item as well. You can find more tips on choosing a carry-on here , and our tips for choosing the best business laptop backpack here .

Get clothing designed for travel. If you’re short on space, consider getting a travel jacket or travel gear with hidden pockets or that is wrinkle resistant. We like the SCOTTeVEST women’s trench coat or the streamlined men’s Revolution jacke t.

Stay hydrated on the plane . It’s amazing how much a flight can dehydrate the body. Drink more liquids than normal, and go easy on the alcohol to stay hydrated.

Go to bed normally. Studies have shown that the best way to reduce jet lag is to get as much sunshine as possible at your destination and to sleep normal hours. Tempted to take a quick power nap? Chances are it will just extend your jet lag.

Packing tips

When you pack, use a list with everything you need (see our handy packing list below). Focus on clothing items, toiletries, personal documents, money and banking cards, chargers and the items you need for your business meetings and give yourself time to add and remove items from the list. Try to limit the items you pack to the ones that you will really need.

Tip: Check out our favorite toiletries bags for travel here!

Don’t forget to take weather into account. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to check the rain forecast and wished for my handy travel umbrella.

I love packing cubes, because they make organizing my luggage a snap. Check out more in our blog post on how to use packing cubes .

Make sure the liquids in your carry-on luggage (such as your shampoo or your soap) are in bottles that are not larger than 3 oz. (100 ml), otherwise you risk getting them removed by airport control.

Put your shampoo and conditioner, and any other liquids that may leak, in a zip-lock plastic bag. Changes in air pressure on the plane have made liquids come gushing out of bottles more than once on my flights, and the zip-lock bags have saved my clothes from many a spill.

Don’t pack what you don’t need. If you’re certain your hotel will have a hair dryer, shampoo and conditioner, there’s no need to pack these items. If there’s none in your room, ask for one to be brought to you.

Business Trip Packing List

Your business culture will determine exactly what to bring (whether it’s formal business attire like suits or business casual), but these tips should work either way.

Click here to download a printable business trip packing list!

Personal items

Credit cards and bank cards

Any other banking or personal ID you’ll need

Business cards to hand out

Find out what business functions you’ll need to attend (e.g., formal business dinners, or giving a presentation) and include clothes for those.

Bring layers, and make sure all your clothes coordinate by sticking to colors and patterns that all mix together.

Shirt. I recommend one top per day, if possible.

Pants or skirt. I recommend one pair for every two days. If you’ve color co-ordinated your clothing, you can get away with wearing a neutral colored bottom at least two days in a row.

Underwear. I recommend one pair per day, if that’s possible, so you won’t need to bother washing them.

Jacket. Check out our favorite  casual women’s hoodie travel jacket here . For more formal business travel, we like the SCOTTeVEST women’s trench coat, men’s travel blazer, or the streamlined  men’s Jacket .

Outerwear. Depending on the weather, you may need extra gear like sunglasses and a sun hat, or a scarf and gloves.

Footwear. Make sure that you pack at least one pair of comfortable business appropriate shoes, as you never know if you’ll have to walk between offices. If you enjoy working out, make sure you bring some proper footwear for that as well.

Pantyhose. I am NOT a fan of these devices of torture, but if you’re in a very conservative business environment, they may be expected.

Tech and business

WiFi hotspot. Hotel WiFi can be unreliable, so we bring our GLocalMe portable WiFi with us wherever we go. I love having internet at our fingertips across the globe, and it saves us a fortune in roaming charges.  Check out our review of GlocalMe mobile WiFi here.

Tip! Too much gear? We understand. Read our article on how to travel lighter with electronics .

Laptop or tablet

Cell phone charger. Consider both a wall plug charger and a portable external battery charger.

Bring noise cancelling headphones. They’re not only fantastic for shutting out the chatty seatmate next to you when you’re trying to work, but they also do a wonderful job in loud hotel rooms, cafes, and new workplaces.

Tip! If you’re looking for a place to work while you’re away, check out our article on how to find the best places to work while traveling .

Plug converter. Depending on the country you’re in, you might need a different electrical plug. To make life easier, make sure all your chargers and devices are usable with 110-240 volts.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Earplugs. You’ll thank me for this one, whether it’s for the plane or the hotel room. These affordable  Flents Contour Ear Plugs  get great reviews.

See prices and reviews.

Prescription and non-prescription drugs

Skincare products

Electric razor or disposable razor

Spare contact lenses, a case and contact lens solution if required

Prescription for eyeglasses

For women only

Bring your own tampons and pads, or use a menstrual cup like the Diva cup. In some countries, tampons can be especially hard to find, and brands can be quite a bit different away from home. Trust me, as a female traveler, the last thing you want is to overestimate the absorbency of a new product.

Optional extras

If you have the room and want to take along a few extras that’s fine. Here are a few examples.

Wide scarf in your carry on. This can double as a blanket during flight, and a fashion accessory later.

A small first aid bag with items you think you’ll need like pain relievers, band aids and cough drops. It’s never a bad idea to pack Pepto Bismol and Ex-Lax (or, as we call it, the stop and go duo).

Birth control

Voltage converters. We like this  Universal World Wide Travel Charger Adapter .

See prices now.

Tip! Check out our article on How Not to Fry Your Electronics overseas for more tips.

Travel clothes steamer or travel iron

Tide stain remover pen

Lint roller

Small compression bag for laundry

Breath mints. Avoid gum, as it’s considered rude in many countries.

Travel pillow and or blanket

Baby wipes or facial wipes. We always travel with a small pack of these, as they’re wonderful for freshening up before leaving the plane.

Snacks. We often carry small packets of trail mix or protein bars in our carry on. They’re fantastic if airplane food service is sketchy, or if our hotel doesn’t have an affordable minibar.

Was this list helpful? What do you pack on a business trip? Let us know in the comments below!

Need some more packing list tips?

Check out our  beach packing list and our road trip packing lists!

I suggest to check your wallet. Nothing is more evanescent than the title “best travel credit card.” The competitive balance is always shifting and just this month Chase seized the high ground with two of the first Visa Infinite cards issued in the United States

Thanks for the perfect checklist, Ms Micki Kosman. I use to travel often, but do not know that there is such a huge mandatory checklist to be noted. One tip “earplugs” are some useful tips for a traveller. Your tips on “easy tips for nailing the cheapest flight” were really very useful. Also, the travel Preparation tips were very useful.

You shared very important information and I read it carefully and gain amazing knowledge. Thanks and keep it up.

If I were to go on a business trip, I would make sure to find the right limousine since this will provide convenience. Well, I also agree with you that it would be a great idea to hire a person that will plan the travel. Thank you for sharing here as well the importance of talking to a family member who will take care of my house whilst I’m gone.

This is an awesome blog on travel checklist, very helpful and full of resources that will save you time and money when you travel.

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The Ultimate Business Travel Essentials Checklist

The ultimate business travel essentials checklist, documentation & currency, toiletries & medication, electronics, documentation & currency, toiletries & medication, food & drink, did you find this article useful.

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The Ultimate Travel Packet for Your Executive’s Business Travel

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A journey of a thousand miles may begin with a single step, but a successful business trip begins with a kick ass travel list. This goldmine checklist, complete with useful tips organized by category, was created specifically for traveling executives after a Ninja asked what to include in a travel packet for the boss’s upcoming trip. So of course, we went straight to the experts: the OfficeNinjas Ambassadors.

This list is comprehensive, packed with Ninja-approved items and hacks for every possible situation we could imagine. But you should feel free to edit and make it your own go-to guide for business travel. Pare down, make tweaks, and add special exceptions tailored specifically to your company and team. Once you have the Ultimate Packing List customized to your boss’s specific needs, prepping for an upcoming trip will be the easiest part of your day.


  • Include the confirmation/reservation numbers, phone numbers, and addresses for flights, trains, rental cars, cabs, and hotels.
  • Include estimated travel time from the airport to the hotel or other destinations, as well as information on potential delays due to traffic, road construction, and inclement weather.

Ninja Tip: Send your boss a meeting request with airline details (terminals numbers, flight and seat numbers, departure and arrival times, etc.) in the subject line so that travel time is blocked out and the information is instantly accessible. For example-  Subject: Alaska 309 (SFO-SEA): lv 735pm arr 924pm, conf# AP35IRE Location: Seat 24A (window).

Ninja Tip: Once you’ve hammered out all the details, funnel them into PackPoint  so you and the traveler can both access the full spread on a convenient app.


Ninja Tip: Keep a pack of affordable luggage tags in the office as a backup.


Ninja Tip: Install a map app, like Waze  or Google Maps , on your boss’s phone. You can even download an area for offline use in Google Maps, in case of a poor signal. Screenshots of entire routes can also be saved.


Track all frequent traveler membership numbers for airlines, hotels, dining, and rental car companies in one place using TripIt or Points .


Use Spot Hero to reserve parking spaces in advance, and ParkMe  to locate spots.


e.g. the client’s admin, office manager at satellite office, etc.


Download one of these apps to your boss’s phone. They allow users to book hotel rooms by the hour so your exec can catch up on emails or even take a nap:

  • Hotels by Day


Ninja Tip: Purchase travel dictionaries/phrasebooks or download a translation app to your exec’s phone (for international travel). Popular options include:

  • Google Translate
  • Lonely Planet Phrasebook & Dictionary ( Spanish , French , Mandarin , Japanese , German )


Clarify who should take the lead on resolving conflicts and rescheduling travel.


Meeting Prep



Download Charlie  on your exec’s phone. Charlie combs through a bunch of online sources and will send your exec a one-pager on who they’re going to meet before even seeing them.

Ninja Tip: Include suggested topics of conversation as well as personal details that may cause someone to be distracted or unengaged (like a recent birth or death in the family)


Appropriate behavior varies greatly from culture to culture, refer to this infographic to ensure your exec is properly informed.


An obvious item but one that’s commonly forgotten!


These apps identify and reserve on-demand meeting space:

Ninja Tip: Walk Score will tell you if they need to travel by car to get there.


From casual to white tie, this attire guide breaks it down for you.


Try these healthy options:

  • Love With Food
  • Quest Nutrition Protein Bars and Chips
  • And don’t forget mints , pocketmist , gum , or breath spray

Financial Considerations



Remind your exec of these tips for traveling with plastic overseas.


Pouches  for receipts and small miscellaneous items.


Blank expense reports or ensure that your office’s expense reporting app has been downloaded to your boss’s phone.

Ninja Tip: Download an app that lets your boss scan documents or receipts and save them as PDFs, such as Tiny Scanner , Smart Receipts , Expensify , Abacus , or Shoeboxed .


Download a currency conversion app to your boss’s phone for international travel. Popular options include XE Currency , Currency Converter , and Convert Pad .

Local Points of Interest



Check Yelp , Opentable , TripAdvisor , and Zagat before providing your exec with recommendations.


Ninja Tip: Does your exec’s loved one have an affinity for snow globes or any other trinket? Let your boss know where he/she can purchase these personal items. Boom. You’re now a hero to your boss.


  • Parks and historical monuments
  • Museums and theaters
  • Fun/quirky exhibits

Ninja Tip: Check out AroundMe for nearby amenities.

There you have it, Ninjas! The Ultimate Exec Travel Packet. Let’s recap:

The Ultimate Exec Travel Packet:

  • Travel itinerary
  • Luggage tags
  • Maps and detailed directions
  • Loyalty membership numbers
  • Parking info and costs
  • Local host contact info
  • Local spots to decompress
  • Travel dictionaries & phrasebooks
  • Protocol for last-minute itinerary changes
  • Provide travel itinerary to exec’s family/partner


  • Brief bios on meeting attendees
  • Notes on business etiquette (for international travel)
  • Extra business cards
  • Locations for small meetings and one-on-one conversations
  • Dress code for meetings and social engagements
  • Healthy snacks for heavy meeting days


  • Corporate credit cards
  • Clear, zippered envelopes
  • Expense reports or app
  • Currency conversion app


  • Highly reviewed bars and restaurants
  • Stores that sell souvenirs and collectors’ items
  • Attractions and activities within walking or short driving distance

Do you have any additional items or Ninja Tips to add to the Ultimate Exec Travel Packet? Leave your ideas in the comments section!

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I provide full itineraries for any of my traveling staff via PDF to their email. This way, they can have it on their smart phone, iPad, etc., as well as providing copies to family as needed. I post a copy in my office so when someone asks “Where is _____?” I don’t have to go searching. The itineraries always have all flight details, any car rental info, hotel confirmation numbers, any necessary phone numbers, email addresses, addresses for the offices/conference centers, etc. When I have multiple staff traveling to the same place from different locations, everyone has the full itinerary of arriving/departing flights so they know they can meet up at the airport and share a cab or a car. I’ve spoiled everyone with the itineraries. I even do them for myself when I travel.

Spoken like a true Ninja! It definitely sounds like those spoil your team… who knows what they would do if you set them up with some apps too! Do you start each itinerary from scratch for each trip, or keep a template somehow?

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I use a 8 1/2 by 11 clear envelope for our CEO and put a copy of his flight itinerary on one side and his hotel on the other. This way he never has to open the envelope but flips from airport side to hotel side until he arrives. When he gets there, he pulls out the hotel portion and behind it is all his papers for his conference/meeting. He slips all his receipts in the envelope throughout the trip and brings the envelope back to me when he returns to fill out his reimbursement. I recently filled out a more detailed one page itinerary for another one of our executives with all her information of where she needed to be – flight numbers, hotel details etc. She preferred this method and I sold her on the clear envelope to carry everything in.

Great tip. Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

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This is what I do, Lisa.

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This is great! Thank you :)

You’re welcome, Carole! How often do you plan business travel?

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Her Packing List

Packing Lists

Ultimate female packing list for a minimalist business trip.

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The following packing list for a minimalist business trip was submitted by Rachel. See all packing lists .

When I first started traveling for work , I may have appeared a little high maintenance… I packed my life into a roller bag, a giant computer bag, and my purse. I imagined myself as Legally Blonde ’s Elle Woods when I showed up to the TSA line , teetering on too-tall heels, my matching pink luggage in tow.

After being on the road for much of the last three years, my attitude, gear, and how I travel has changed dramatically : now I’m less Legally Blonde , and more Catch Me if You Can . For work I travel about 30 percent of the time to different client sites, enough so my inner adventurer gets excited about the boutique hotel and off-the-beaten-path restaurant, but not too much where I forget where I traveled last week.

packing list for a minimalist business trip

My Lightbulb Moment

About two years ago, I took a trip with a colleague to Los Angeles over four days. On the way back to the airport, I noticed she didn’t have a roller bag or duffle. She only carried a Northface backpack and large purse. I asked where her bag was, concerned she forgot it. She responded with, “I only ever bring a backpack and a purse . If I can’t pack it in here I don’t need it.”

I was incredulous! I had never heard of anyone doing that. It. Blew. My. Mind. I thought maybe there’s something to it and challenged myself to give it a try .

minimalist business trip packing list

On the next several trips I made a conscious effort to bring less stuff . No I don’t need five pairs of shoes. No I don’t need my bathing suit and towel for the hotel pool. No I don’t need a suit and a change of clothes for each day and an extra outfit—just in case. You get the picture.

I gained momentum and thought about what else I could cut, analyzing what I didn’t use and leaving anything unused behind on the next trip. I discovered packing cubes , blogs about traveling light , and new ideas sparked. I soon fit everything in my Northface and carried a purse with room to spare. Then I hit a wall…

I loved the freedom from carrying so little . BUT I didn’t feel or look particularly professional carrying a bright yellow backpack. I started looking around at airports at the different consultants on the road and saw men and women in backpacks that looked professional and comfortable . I made mental notes of brands, shapes, sizes, colors, material, etc. I quoted backpack facts to my husband whose eyes started to glaze over any time I pulled up the REI website or eBags or whichever was my favorite of the moment. Then I found the one.

>>Read the female packing guide to working from the road .

female packing list for a packing list for a minimalist business trip

What I Pack Now

Now I pack everything in my purse and Timbuk2 Jet Laptop Pack (review coming soon). It is 30 liters of organization and compartmentalization so I know where everything is and can reach it at a moment’s notice.

A couple of the things I really like from a work travel perspective are its clean look and it fits under the seat in front of you on most airplanes. You can carry it both as a backpack and as a briefcase, and it has a separate laptop compartment. I can carry everything I need and have room for more if I pick up something new in my travels.

On the plane, I will typically dress in jeans, cardigan, and my flats (which match both my suit and casual attire). I plan my tops so when my meeting ends I can swap the skirt for jeans and be ready for a casual night around town or for a glass of wine with a colleague.

I’ll use jewelry to dress my outfits up or down, as it’s a great way to change the feel of an outfit in an instant without taking up much space in my bag.

>>Check out this versatile 16L minimalist packing list .

My Packing List for a Minimalist Business Trip:

Minimal toiletries for a minimalist business trip packing list

  • Toiletries : razor, face lotion, comb, floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, q-tips, nail kit, Kleenex, spare contacts + contact solution , face wash, menstrual cup , and depending on the hotel, shampoo and conditioner. Often times, if I know the hotel will have decent toiletries, I’ll change out what I bring and just use what they provide.
  • Minimalist makeup kit
  • Mini medical kit – Band aids, aspirin, Imodium, etc.
  • Electronics: Laptop, phone, chargers
  • Travel coffee mug
  • Water bottle
  • Pen set: I like color options
  • Scarf: for warmth and fashion
  • Book or Nook depending on the length of the trip
  • 1 suit skirt and jacket (or packable blazer )
  • 1 pair jeans
  • 1 workout outfit
  • 1 sleep outfit
  • 1 pair of tennis shoes
  • 1 pair of flats
  • 1, 2, or 3 dress shirts (one shirt for the number of nights I’m gone)
  • 1 pair underwear for each night
  • 1 pair pantyhose for each meeting

minimalist business trip packing list packed up

Overall, my way of seeing the world has changed because of what I pack. I glide through airports in a way I didn’t before. If I’m running late I’m confident that I can physically run to the gate.

I am more hands free, and when I want access to something, I know exactly where it is. And, because I’m packing in the same way each trip with similar items, I pack faster with more consistency.

Even with what I bring, I could still cut back if I needed. With each trip I continue to experiment with the combination of items I bring, and I look forward to perfecting the system and learning how others do the same.

  • Check out this awesome article on how HPL’s best minimalist packing tips can be used to organize your home !

About the author: Rachel is a consultant, outdoor enthusiast, and animal lover who travels frequently around the U.S. for work and pleasure. When not on the road for work, you can find her planning her next hike on the Appalachian Trail, half-marathon through the mountains out west, or swing through South America—and she never checks a bag (except maybe backpacking gear). She lives in Chicago with her husband and a small menagerie of pets.

minimalist business packing list

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Ultimate Female Packing List for Spain in Spring

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Travel resources, hpl learnables.

H PL Packing Method – Learn to pack your lightest bag ever in this revolutionary packing course by HPL founder, Brooke.

Book Your Trip

Viator – Enhance your trip experience by booking from thousands of tours across the globe. – Search for hotels, hostels, and apartments using this one resource. Use it for flights, car rentals, and airport taxis as well.

Trusted Housesitters – Save money on travel accommodation by becoming a housesitter. Housesitters often have extra duties, like caring for pets and gardens.

Reader Interactions

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August 2, 2017 at 6:50 pm

This is so great – I went to Italy for almost three weeks with just a carryon and it was SO FREEING. But I still had too much stuff. I’ve come a long way from my younger years when I’d carry full-size toiletries items and a massive suitcase full of “options.” Now I know better and I know I’ve got favorite pieces and I should just take those. It’s way easier to just have a few things to choose from and it’s so easy to move from place to place when my bag is light and small.

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August 10, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Hi, thanks a lot for this insight 😀 Honestly, it’s always like: oh I need, this and this and that and in the end you only end up using a few things, that would even have fitted into a tiny bag. One question I have to you: how do you keep your tops without wrinkles?

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April 21, 2019 at 1:23 am

I lay my tops or blouses on my bed and fold each one carefully, smoothing as I go. It’s really a matter of practice. But here’s the good part! Once folded, slide the blouse or top into a one gallon zip lock bag, One top to a bag. Without moving the bag around too much, or lifting it, I suck the air out of the bag and seal it. With practice, this makes an airtight parcel that keeps the shirts smooth. I’ve even been able to slide the bag across the room without disturbing the contents, as long as the seal is unbroken! I hope this works for you!

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January 7, 2020 at 7:26 pm

I’m a big believer in rolling your tops. I also tend to pick fabrics which don’t wrinkle much anyway. Lastly when I’m in my room, the first thing I do is unpack everything, hang it, and if it looks wrinkled at all, use either the hotel iron or a fun trick I learned. In the morning when you are showering, hang whatever is wrinkled in the room with you and make sure the door is closed. The heat from the shower steams up the room as well as your clothes -essentially steaming out all the wrinkles! Hope that helps!

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June 6, 2021 at 6:02 pm

Great article! Just out of curiosity, what brand is the 2-in-1 makeup compact in your picture?

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The Essential Business Travel Checklist

business travel essentials laid out on table for business trip

There are a lot of things to remember when you’re traveling for business. Did you finish the presentation? Do you have your phone charger? What was your contact’s name again? Being so, we’re here to help you remember all the essentials with our ultimate business travel checklist.

This business travel checklist can help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t forget something important when you’re traveling for work. Below, we cover what you need to remember before, during, and after you travel. We also share some useful hacks from seasoned travelers to make things a bit easier for you, as well as provide links to helpful resources.

But before getting started, remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to business travel. Every destination — and every company that requires travel — is different. With that being the case, some of the below tips (such as booking accommodations or purchasing trip insurance) may not be applicable. But no matter what, we encourage you to cover your bases and ensure that the essentials are taken care of, and this guide is a great place to do just that.

Your complete business travel checklist:

Research your destination.

  • Read about the area  you’ll be traveling to, even if you've been there before. Consider things that will be important to know on your trip, such as the current political situation, cultural differences, crime, business hours, and business attire.
  • Research the top attractions and foods to try at your destination. You may end up with some free time to see more than you expected. You may even turn it into a bleisure trip .
  • Talk to friends and colleagues who have been to the location before in case they have any tips.

Make travel arrangements

  • Check that your passport, ID, and appropriate visas are valid.
  • If you’re responsible for booking travel yourself, find out about any budget or itinerary requirements. If you’re not responsible for booking travel, submit your proposed itinerary to the appropriate person.
  • Book the most direct and simple travel that your budget will allow.
  • Plan your arrival and departure with your reason for traveling (i.e. meetings) in mind. Consider whether you’ll need to arrive the night before or leave the next day based on your meeting times.
  • Book accommodations close to where your business will take place.
  • Book transport to the airport or train station. Think about each leg of the journey and what you’ll need to book ahead of time.
  • If you’re a member of airline or hotel loyalty programs , consider booking with those brands to get points. If you travel for business frequently and aren't signed up for these programs, make sure to do so.
  • Sign up for Global Entry ,  TSA PreCheck , or Clear , if appropriate. These will make traveling a bit faster and easier.
  • Consider trip insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances.

Create your itinerary

  • Communicate with the people you’ll be meeting with to make sure there's an itinerary for your trip. You should know who you’re meeting with, and when and where those meetings will take place. 
  • Check if there’s anything out of the ordinary that you need to bring with you. Confirm whether you will have access to Wi-Fi, power, a presentation screen, and other necessary equipment.
  • Know your schedule and what functions you're going to attend so that you can pack appropriately (more on this later).

Prepare for your meetings

  • Establish some quick goals and objectives for each of your meetings.
  • Review the names, roles, and titles of the people you’ll be meeting with.
  • Prepare necessary documents and presentations in a shareable format, and send them ahead of time if necessary.
  • Review the key information that you’ll need to share.
  • Save a map and directions to your meetings on your phone or computer, or print them out if you prefer. If you have to drive or take public transportation, be sure to plan ahead and take traffic and other delays into consideration.
  • Check whether you need to purchase any travel supplies to restock from your last trip.
  • Check TSA and other appropriate regulations restricting the size and weight of your luggage, and any restrictions on personal items like toiletries.
  • Try to limit yourself to a carry-on suitcase if possible. You’ll save yourself the time and stress associated with checking a bag. If you do check a bag, make sure you have essentials like your electronics, medications, and a change of clothes in your carry-on just in case.
  • Consider using packing cubes to organize and streamline your belongings.
  • Put toiletries in a clear plastic bag that you can seal to prevent leaks.
  • Bring clothes that are wrinkle-resistant and easy to layer. Stick to solid and neutral colors so that they're easy to combine into various outfits. This will make planning your outfits easier for a multi-day trip.
  • Consider bringing a wide scarf to use for cold weather. It can double as a blanket on the plane and a cover-up for modesty in certain countries or cultures.
  • Passport/visa for the location(s) you’re visiting, credit cards, bank cards, and a personal ID (consider storing a high-res image of these on your phone as a backup).
  • Vaccination record with the appropriate immunizations for the location(s) you’re visiting.
  • Enough local currency for transportation and a bite to eat when you arrive. You can change more money later if necessary.
  • Business cards.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Appropriate gear for the weather at your destination.
  • Chargers (and plug converters if necessary) for all of your devices.
  • Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs for the plane and noisy spaces.
  • Necessary medications.
  • “Deal with anything” kit, including band-aids, stain remover pen, lint roller, breath mints, allergy medication, upset stomach medication, pain relievers, cold medication, hand sanitizer, face mask, and baby wipes.
  • Casual clothes for evenings and weekends.
  • Workout gear.
  • Water bottle.

Get ready to leave

  • Save all of the documents you need to a hard drive or the cloud so that you have an extra copy.
  • If needed, print your tickets and confirmations for transport, lodging, and flights.
  • Set up your out-of-office message for the days you’ll be traveling.
  • Let your coworkers know where you’re going and for how long.
  • Make sure you have coverage for office responsibilities that you’ll miss.
  • Find someone to take care of your pets and water your plants while you’re gone.
  • If you’ll be gone for more than a few days, consider  pausing your mail and packages.
  • Give your itinerary and contact information to a trusted friend or family member so they know where you are.
  • Consider cleaning and putting a meal in the freezer so that you come home to a clean house and easy dinner.
  • Charge all of your devices the night before so that you don’t end up with unexpected outages.
  • Check the weather forecast for your destination so that you can add any necessary gear, like an umbrella.

On travel day

  • Lock your doors and windows, adjust your thermostat, and turn on your alarm.
  • Clean out the refrigerator and take out the trash.
  • If there is a time difference at your destination, try to get as much sunlight as possible during the day to reduce jet lag .
  • Make sure to hydrate more than usual. This will help with travel fatigue and jet lag.
  • Keep a printed version of this checklist and your packing list in your suitcase so that you have it for all your future trips (or store a digital version on your phone or computer).
  • Do your best to take a short walk outside, take a scenic route to a meeting, or visit a restaurant at your destination. You don’t want the only things you see to be hotel rooms and conference centers!

Put this business travel checklist to good use!

Traveling for work doesn't have to be stressful. With this business travel checklist, you'll be well on your way to a streamlined trip that may just turn into a vacation along the way.

Up next, check out 12 of the coolest ice hotels around the world . 

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Laura Fredericks

Laura brings a decade of insight to improving marketing, as she has worked in technology since 2010. She has experience starting and scaling a business, driving customer marketing, and speaking at live events, including WeDC Fest 2018. She founded Describli and Paradigm Labs, and currently works with companies to improve their customer relationship management and content strategy.

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The Ultimate Packing List

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Christine Sarkis

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Ashley Rossi

There's a 95 percent chance Senior Editor Christine Sarkis is thinking about travel right now. Follow her on Instagram @postcartography and Twitter @ChristineSarkis .

Christine Sarkis is an SATW-award-winning journalist and executive editor at SmarterTravel. Her stories have also appeared on USA Today, Conde Nast Traveler, Huffington Post, and Business Insider. Her advice has been featured in dozens of print and online publications including The New York Times , Conde Nast Traveler , and People magazine. She has also shared travel tips on television and radio shows including Good Morning America, Marketplace, and Here & Now. Her work has been published in the anthologies Spain from a Backpack and The Best Women's Travel Writing 2008 . She is currently working on a travel memoir.

The Handy Item I Always Pack : The Trtl Pillow . It's easy to pack and comfortable, and makes it so I can actually sleep on flights.

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : Seeing the Aurora Borealis from the comfort of somewhere warm, like a glass igloo or hot spring.

Travel Motto : Curiosity is an amazing compass.

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : Aisle all the way.

Email Christine Sarkis at [email protected] .

Ashley Rossi is always ready for her next trip. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram for travel tips, destination ideas, and off the beaten path spots.

After interning at SmarterTravel, Ashley joined the team full time in 2015. She's lived on three continents, but still never knows where her next adventure will take her. She's always searching for upcoming destination hotspots, secluded retreats, and hidden gems to share with the world.

Ashley's stories have been featured online on USA Today, Business Insider, TripAdvisor, Huffington Post, Jetsetter, and Yahoo! Travel, as well as other publications.

The Handy Item I Always Pack : "A reusable filtered water bottle—it saves you money, keeps you hydrated, and eliminates waste—win-win."

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : "A week in a bamboo beach hut on India's Andaman Islands."

Travel Motto : "Travel light, often, and in good company."

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : "Window—best view in the house."

Travel Smarter! Sign up for our free newsletter.

Packing mishaps range from inconvenient (heading to the Caribbean without a swimsuit) to disastrous (discovering you left the country without your wallet), but most are preventable. We’ve created this ultimate packing list to help you pack well every time.

The Ultimate Packing Checklist

To see the ultimate packing list, scroll down the page or click here for an editable PDF version that you can save or print out. To customize the list, simply download or print it, then edit for your specific needs. You can also download the editable, mobile-friendly checklist here .

Clothes to Pack

  • Dress Shirts
  • Casual Shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Laundry Kit
  • Leisure Shoes
  • Hiking Boots
  • Dress Shoes
  • Collapsible Tote

Shop Our Clothing Packing List

Toiletries to Pack

  • Dental Floss
  • Conditioner
  • Styling Tools
  • Facial Cleanser
  • Face Lotion
  • Moisturizer
  • Contact Lenses
  • Contact Solution
  • Shaving Supplies
  • Makeup Remover
  • Menstrual Products
  • Birth Control/Medication
  • Nail Clippers
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • First-Aid Ointment
  • Insect Repellent
  • Pain Relievers

Shop Our Toiletries Packing List

Miscellaneous Items

  • Laptop/Tablet
  • Film/Memory Card
  • List of Medications
  • Banking Contacts/Information
  • Electronic Chargers
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Copy of Passport
  • Plug Adapter

Shop Our Miscellaneous Items List

What to Pack in Your Carry-on

  • Books or E-Books
  • Travel Blanket
  • Travel Pillow
  • Disinfecting Wipes
  • Change of Clothes
  • Empty Water Bottle
  • In-Flight Medications
  • Passport/Visa/ID
  • Credit/ATM cards
  • Insurance Cards
  • Maps/Directions

Shop Our Carry-On Essentials List

Packing Tips for Clothes and Other Items

Close up of person reading the SmarterTravel Ultimate Packing List on their phone while packing a suitcase

When packing for a vacation the most important things to keep in mind are the length of your trip, the weather, and any non-standard clothing or gear you might need.

Your first step when packing is to decide if you’ll be checking a bag or only taking a carry-on and then curate the amount of clothing you’ll need based on that decision. Typically, you should avoid checking a bag in situations where you have a layover since the likelihood of your bag going missing goes up with every connection . You might also want to avoid checking a bag if you absolutely need items in your bag on arrival—for example, if you’re going on a cruise.

If you’re packing more minimally, focus on packing layering clothes in more neutral colors. That’s not because we don’t like fun colors and patterns; it just means that neutral-colored clothing is more versatile, so you can wear these items more than once when you’re tight on space.

How to Pack in Just a Personal Item Sized Bag

Also invest in clothing that does double duty, like multi-use wraps , crushable hats , self-cooling and heating fabrics like merino wool layers , bug-repellent clothing , wrinkle-resistant shirts, quick-drying activewear and undergarments, casual sneakers, UPF-proof clothing , and compressible jackets … just to name a few. Look toward popular athleisure brands like Lululemon , prAna , and Athleta for comfortable yet stylish travel clothing.

When curating your packing list, you should keep in mind the length of your trip and decide on quantities from there. For a shorter trip (three to five days), you can probably manage with the following: one pair of underwear and socks per day, one pair of pajamas, one to two dressier outfits, one to two activewear or athleisure outfits, one to two casual outfits, and one to two pairs of shoes. For a longer trip (over a week), you can manage with one pair of underwear and socks per day, two pairs of pajamas, three dressier outfits, three to four casual outfits, two pairs of shoes, and two activewear or athleisure outfits.

And if you’re able to do laundry on your vacation, you can probably manage with even fewer items. Just don’t forget to pack a travel laundry kit .

Scrubba Untouched Review

Also make sure to bring along accessories like a money belt, scarf or sarong (can be used for things like an airplane blanket , coverup at the beach, or to throw over your dress on a cool evening), and a collapsible tote or day bag for any extra items you might acquire on your travels. If traveling to a city or destination that is prone to pickpocketing, make sure to pack some pickpocket-proof clothing and gear .

Depending on the type of trip you’re going on, you may need to invest in some special travel gear. We’ve tested out everything from waterproof baby carriers to interchangeable heels , so you can trust our recommendations. If you’re headed out on an organized group tour , you’ll most likely get a packing list from the tour provider, which should make your trip planning easier. If not, do your research online (one tip is to look at locations on Instagram and see what people are wearing) and consult this story for other handy lists of tips.

For more active trips, make sure you have a sturdy pair of hiking boots, quick-drying clothing, a day pack, snacks, and any necessary equipment. Check out our specific packing lists for hiking trips and camping trips .

Another type of trip that you may need to pack slightly specific items for is a cruise . Make sure you pack non-standard items like seasickness remedies, formal wear, dress shoes, and your bathing suit. Beach vacations also require different items like water shoes, towels, sunscreen, and maybe even snorkel gear. Luckily for you, we also have a specific cruise packing list and a beach vacation packing list .

Lastly, you need to consider the weather. For warm-weather destinations like jungles and Caribbean islands, you can obviously skip the coats and gloves, but if you’re headed out on a ski vacation then you’ll need a whole slew of things like goggles, a neck gaiter, snow boots, and more. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a specific Caribbean vacation packing list , a Mexico vacation packing list , and even a ski trip packing list .

10 Secrets I Learned Working in a Hotel

To help keep things organized, we love using packing cubes and/or compression sacks. They’re especially useful for when you’re traveling to multiple destinations in one trip.

Wondering how to pack all of your items? Enter the great debate of the rolling vs. folding method! While this is definitely a personal preference, we put two editors to the test to find out which method is in fact, more space-saving. Watch the video below to see the answer.

How to Pack Toiletries and Medications

Whether it’s important medication or your favorite lipstick, forgetting any type of toiletry can range from being mildly inconvenient to becoming a serious problem. For toiletries, make sure to pack your essentials, like medication, contacts, and any other items that you might not be able to purchase or replace during your travels. (Put them in your carry-on bag, not your checked suitcase.) However, if you forget items like a toothbrush or razor, you can typically call the front desk at the hotel for a spare.

We also recommend traveling with some type of a travel first-aid kit , which includes items like tweezers, first-aid ointment, bandages, travel-sized hand sanitizer, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Make sure to check TSA guidelines if you’re traveling with medication , as well as the policies and regulations at your destination.

Packing Tips for Everything Else …

Traveling without tech items like your phone, laptop, tablet, or camera can be a major bummer. For those traveling abroad, you’ll also want to remember to pack electronic adapters and converters . Other tech-related items for photographers to pack are a sturdy camera bag , backup batteries, and memory cards, as well as lens cleaner. And don’t forget smartphone essentials like a backup charger, waterproof case if you’re headed out on the water, and a phone stand or tripod for photos.

A travel packing tip we’ve learned the hard way? Travel with a copy of your passport, credit card, and bank contacts, as well as a list of medications and your emergency contacts.

If you are traveling abroad, we have an entire checklist for you, but the most important thing to note here is your passport and visas . Make sure that your passport is up to date, has as least six months of validity, and has enough blank pages for any stamps. Another tip for international travel? Give yourself plenty of time to apply for any visas that you might need and to arrange for a visit to a travel clinic if any special medications or vaccines are needed. You should also familiarize yourself with any remaining COVID-19 travel restrictions at your destination.

There are also some items that you may not think to pack, but should, like an electronic tracker , duct tape , toilet paper, a decoy wallet, or a whistle.

The 10 Best Expandable Suitcases

What to Always Pack in Your Carry-on Bag

In case you’re separated from your checked bag or other items, you should always make sure that you have your ID, wallet, house keys, medications, valuables, camera, phone, laptop, tablet, pen, cash and cards, glasses, and copy of your itinerary with you on the plane.

Other items that you might want to have handy with you include entertainment for your flight, comfort-promoting items like a blanket or pillow, as well as an empty water bottle to fill up post-security (here is a list of our favorites ), a change of clothes (just in case your luggage is lost or delayed), snacks, and gum.

If you’re looking to pack carry-on only, you guessed it: We also have a separate packing list and tips for that, as well as the best bags to use for carry-on only .

What to Pack to Stay Healthy While Traveling

The pandemic has significantly changed the way we travel and, by extension, the items we prioritize in our luggage. While many destinations have loosened or entirely lifted COVID-19 restrictions, some venues and events may still require a mask or proof of vaccination/negative COVID test to enter. Plan ahead to see if any activities on your itinerary have restrictions in place.

Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer , while always a good idea to have on hand at the airport , have become absolute carry-on musts. Wiping down areas like your tray table, airplane seat armrest, and hotel television remote can spare you from a variety of common travel bugs.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2013. It has been updated to reflect the most current information. Ashley Rossi contributed to this story.

All of the products featured in this story were hand-selected by our travel editors. Some of the links featured in this story are affiliate links, and SmarterTravel may collect a commission (at no cost to you) if you shop through them. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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The Complete Travel Packing Checklist for 2024 & the Best Packing Tips [Printable]

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Erin Miller

Content Contributor

188 Published Articles

Countries Visited: 26 U.S. States Visited: 28

Keri Stooksbury's image

Keri Stooksbury


35 Published Articles 3250 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 47 U.S. States Visited: 28

The Complete Travel Packing Checklist for 2024 & the Best Packing Tips [Printable]

Table of Contents

General packing tips & tricks, apps for packing assistance, apps for itinerary management, before leaving the house.

We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply to the offers below. See our  Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology. Opinions and recommendations are ours alone.

When it comes down to it, packing for a trip (domestic or international) can be stressful. Do you wait until the last minute? Put off researching what you’ll need for certain activities or weather at your destination? Get distracted easily, or have young kiddos that need attention? It happens to the best of us!

On one hand, if you under-pack you might not be prepared. But if you over-pack, you run the risk of incurring hefty baggage fees or missing out on space to bring home that lovely souvenir. If you forget an essential travel document, you could even miss your trip altogether! We get stressed just thinking about it!

That’s why Upgraded Points is bringing you a guide full of packing tips and tricks, a printable travel checklist, a list of apps to help you out, and reminders for to-do’s around the house before you leave.

We’re here to assuage your anxieties and make sure you’ve got what you need, you’ve cut what you don’t, and there’s no wallet/phone/swimsuit/teddy bear left behind!

Hot Tip: Don’t forget to also check out our “Carry-On Travel Essentials” guide where we’ve compiled a “His” and “Hers” list of some great products that we simply can’t do without when we travel!

📋  Click To View Our Printable Travel Packing List >>  📋

Printable Travel Packing List

Before you even take your suitcase out of the closet

Check the weather at your destination.

This seems intuitive, but you’d be surprised how many people are stuck traveling in rainy season without a raincoat.

Note how many days/nights you will be away.

This will help you decide the number of necessary outfits. Obviously, how often you prefer to wear the same clothes plays a part in this as well.

Note any special activities/events you may partake in.

Traveling for a birthday? You don’t want to forget that heartfelt gift you bought weeks in advance. Going to a wedding? It’d be a shame if you showed up without your suit. Hiking in Hawaii? Your water-shoes won’t get much use if you leave them behind.

Packing List

Make a packing list early and review it at least twice. (Yes, twice.)

You can easily find printable vacation packing lists online (like ours above), or you can write out your own. There are also a number of apps you can utilize if you prefer something more tech-based. Read about several of these below!

Timing is key here. If you jot things down or review your printed list in advance, it gives you the opportunity to take a second look with a fresh mind. All too often you’ll remember something you didn’t yesterday when your brain was thinking about pizza instead of packing.

If you’re printing a list that’s not trip specific, review it first and immediately cross off items you won’t need. Why bring a winter coat to the beach?

Take items you can grab at your destination off the list.

If you’re planning to travel with only a carry-on, this tip is especially important as it will save space (at least for your outgoing journey!).

Most times when traveling, your hotel will provide shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, etc.; why waste space packing them? If you’re a little picky about your toiletries or you’re not staying at a hotel, you’ll probably still encounter a drugstore where you can buy anything you might need.

Purchase travel-sized containers or toiletries if you plan on bringing your own.

Remember regulations for the amount of liquids you can bring in a carry-on for a flight. You’ll want travel-sized containers if you plan on carrying liquids this way.

Even if you’re flying with a checked bag and are allowed more liquids, do you really need that 16oz bottle of shampoo for a weeklong trip? Cutting it will save you room for other essential items.

Choose the right luggage.

Luggage Choice

Yes, different airlines have different restrictions on sizes for carry-ons and checked bags but stick to some general guidelines and you should be safe.

For carry-ons, you’re generally accepted at/under max linear dimensions of 155cm/45in. For checked bags, you’re generally safe under 158cm/62in max linear dimensions. However, be sure to check the airline you’re flying with prior to packing, as some can be stingy!

You also want to seriously consider the type of bag you enjoy traveling with – shoulder bag , backpack , roller bag, hard shell , soft shell, etc. There are definitely loads of options so just remember, your bag shouldn’t stress you out, it should make traveling easier.

Hot Tip:  We’ve done tons of research on this topic so don’t miss our articles on the best carry-on bags and the best checked luggage bags for any type of traveler. 

When you’ve done your prep and you’re almost ready to pack

Essentials first.

Gather your most important items first. This includes all travel documents such as your passport, ID/driver’s license, boarding passes, hotel reservations, etc. This also includes anything you’ll seriously regret forgetting and can’t purchase while traveling: wallet , credit cards , camera , cell phone, etc.

This being said, there are a number of apps that can assist with itinerary management and decrease the number of printed documents you’ll need to carry. See our list of helpful packing apps at the end of this post.

Choose an appropriately sized suitcase.

If you only have 1 suitcase, then you’re set. If you’ve got more options, attempt to use the smaller one – most people tend to overpack when their suitcase is too large for their trip. You don’t really need an extra sweater, 2 more t-shirts, and another pair of boots just because they fit! Plus, your baggage will be a lot easier to handle if it’s smaller and lighter, which will cut your stress level significantly.

Lay everything out.

Lay out Clothes

Laying all of your items out allows you to plan outfits and account for your days/nights away. When everything’s laid out, you can clearly see how much you’re bringing and spot missing items easier. This also includes shoes, accessories, toiletries, etc.

Dividing items into sections based on where they’ll be packed is also helpful.

Lastly, don’t forget to lay out your plane/travel day outfit and consider it with your other pieces.

Pick simple mix-and-match pieces to prevent overpacking.

In general, choose simple tops and bottoms that can be mixed and matched to make multiple outfits. Did you know that just 3 bottoms (pants, shorts, skirt, etc.), 4 tops (tee, tank, etc.), and 2 outer layers (sweater, coat, or cardigan) can make up to 24 different outfits??

Depending on the reason for your trip, you might need to pack a special item that can only be worn once (suit, bridesmaid dress, etc.), but try to keep these to a minimum! This step is key if you’re pressed for space.


Once you’ve laid out all your items, really consider the number of days you’ll be on your trip. Chances are you could stand to put a few things back in the closet in order to pack more efficiently. Remember, no one wants to pay a fee for overweight baggage or lug around extra clothes for no reason!

Pack it up.

You never thought we’d actually get to this step, did you? There are a number of recommended packing tips when it comes to getting everything neatly in the suitcase. This can be overwhelming, but if you pick up the right habits packing will seem much less stressful.

Check, double-check, and triple-check your essentials.

Put a checkmark next to each item you’ve packed and DON’T TAKE IT OUT OF YOUR BAG. If you’re not ready to pack an item, do NOT check the box! That’s exactly how you leave your phone at home on the charger next to your bed. “But the box was checked!!!” you’ll say…

(Note: this rule actually goes for everything, not just essentials.)

If you’re notorious for leaving essentials at home, print an extra travel checklist just for those items and tape it to your front door the night before you leave. Make a promise that you can’t walk out without reviewing the list one final time.

Fold, Interfold, Bundle, or Roll?

Fold or roll

By now you’ve probably heard that old-fashioned folding isn’t the best method to use when it comes to packing, especially in tight cases. If you have the room to spare, virtually any of these methods will do.

Interfolding involves layering clothes on top of each other in a top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top format, then interweaving them as you fold them together. If you fold the items in accordance with the size of your suitcase, you’re left with a neat little bundle that will fit right in. Additionally, this style of folding will leave your clothing virtually wrinkle-free.

Bundle packing is very similar to interfolding, but you are tightly folding or wrapping your clothing items around a soft core (like a dopp kit , stack of underwear, cloth zippered jewelry bag , etc.). Bundle packing is also said to reduce wrinkles and save space.

Many people also recommend rolling when packing your clothes – at least for softer items and jeans. Again, this method tends to save room and reduce creasing in the process.

If none of the above methods are doing the trick and you don’t have the option of a hanging garment bag , it may be beneficial to learn the proper way to fold nicer items (like a dress shirt or suit coat ) for the best results.

Pack liquids in secure bags.

Toiletries that can leak will leak. These should be placed in a plastic zippered bag or another secure bag of your choosing. Some travelers even encourage cutting small squares of plastic wrap to cover the opening between bottles and their lids in attempts to prevent further seepage.

Utilize shoe space when you can.

Rolled-up socks, belts, gloves, stocking caps, and other small items can easily fit into shoes (as long as they’re relatively clean and not smelly!). This also helps the shoe hold its shape throughout your travels. Rolled-up belts can also be used to keep a shirt collar stiff if needed.

Prevent dirty shoes from soiling clothes.

Pack them in a separate space or utilize plastic bags/shower caps to cover the bottoms and prevent dirtying the rest of your clothing. Have a delicate pair of dress shoes or heels? Pack them in their own bags if possible, or clean the bottoms and wrap with a durable garment.

Toss a dryer sheet into your suitcase to keep things smelling fresh.

While you’re at it, grab a stain pen or stain wipes for your carry-on. If you happen to spill on one of the only tops you’ve brought and don’t have laundry facilities, you’re cutting your number of outfits drastically. If you know you’ll have laundry facilities or need to wash your clothes by hand, you can purchase individual detergent packets.

Pack a change of clothes in your carry-on.

Change of clothes

By packing a change of clothes and undergarments in your carry-on , you’re covered for at least a day if your baggage gets delayed or lost. Some travelers may want to pack an extra pair of shoes just in case.

Similarly, if you’re heading to a beach locale, pack a swimsuit and sandals . If you have to wait to check into your hotel, you can head to the pool while the concierge keeps your luggage.

Keep expensive/irreplaceable items on your person.

As a general rule of thumb, you should leave irreplaceable items at home. This includes objects such as expensive jewelry and heirlooms. If you must travel with them, these items should be kept with you at all times. Do not trust them to be safe when placed in checked baggage; if your suitcase is lost, delayed, or stolen, you’re out of luck.

Similarly, if you must travel with official documents such as birth certificates or social security cards, check to see if a certified copy will suffice. Or maybe take a photo on your phone for less hassle. Otherwise, the same rule applies to these irreplaceable documents.

Follow the TSA 3-1-1 rule for liquids in carry-on baggage.

3 – Travelers may carry liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes in containers of 3.4oz (100ml) or smaller.

1 – These items must fit into 1 clear plastic quart-sized bag.

1 – Only 1 bag per passenger is allowed.

Remove this bag from your carry-on and place it separately in the screening bin. This is meant to slightly expedite passing through security .


The following apps can be ultra helpful for those who prefer a mobile device to the standard pen and paper methods.

Evernote: While Evernote isn’t technically travel-oriented, it’s all about lists and can be a big help for packing. With Evernote, you can sync your packing list across all your devices, making it easy to keep track of things no matter where you are…even out at the store buying items from your list!

Evernote also enables sharing notes with others, which is especially helpful for group trips. Need reminders? No problem, you can set alerts in Evernote to keep you on top of your game.

Packing Pro: This app is everything you ever wanted if you’re a list maker, and everything you didn’t know you needed if you’re a forgetful person. Packing Pro helps travelers get organized via packing lists. From templates and suggestions to customizable designs, Packing Pro has options for every type of traveler. Users are allowed an unlimited number of packing lists of an unlimited length, and you can even add images, alerts, and mark “need to buy” items.

It also has iCloud support and the ability to share your lists via email, AirDrop, Dropbox, etc. You can also export and edit your lists with Excel, Numbers, or Google Docs. If you’re the type that physically needs to cross things off, you can send directly to a printer too.

The Expert List-Making Assistant is a cool feature if you’re low-maintenance: it will take your parameters (number of people, destination, weather, etc.) and automatically create lists for you.

PackPoint: PackPoint’s purpose is to take the guesswork out of packing. The app pretty much tells you what to pack based on how long you’re traveling, where you’re going, the weather when you get there, and any activities you have planned (chosen from a pre-defined list in the app). With PackPoint Premium, users can connect to TripIt, share their lists across devices, and add customizable packing items/activities.

Travel List: Travel List seems to have fewer bells and whistles. You can do many of the same things as with Packing Pro and PackPoint: create customizable packing lists, sync across your devices, share with other people, and create alerts/reminders. One nice component is their calendar view, which gives a different type of visualization that some people really prefer. And this one is compatible with Apple Watch, which can be a huge organizational perk.

Lists To Do: This app keeps things simple for general to-do lists and is super easy to use. See your list’s percentage progress for a clear visual on how much you have left to do/pack before jetting off and set yourself reminders and share lists with your travel companions.


The following apps are helpful for keeping all your travel information in one place. From flight itineraries to hotel confirmation, event tickets to dinner reservations, they’ve got you covered. Plus, this means fewer printed travel documents you need to worry about carrying with you.

Google Trips: In a nutshell, Google Trips seamlessly integrates reservations (flights, hotels, rental cars, etc.) from your Gmail and creates a specific “trip” in the app. These trips are like folders of information including some basic categories like Reservations, Things to Do, Saved Places, Day Plans, Food & Drink, Getting Around, and Need to Know.

It also provides opportunities for travel inspiration, traveler reviews, dining/drink options, and encyclopedic information on several hundred top cities and attractions around the globe.

Also good to note: when you download your trip, everything is available offline in case you’re stuck without WiFi or data.

Kayak Trips: Part of Kayak’s main app includes a platform called Trips, which acts as an itinerary management app to keep all your pertinent travel information together. With Trips, you can forward your booking confirmations to [email protected] , where your itinerary is managed for you in a nice timeline format with maps and important info all on one screen.

Kayak Trips gives you the ability to send other people access to your travel plans through sharing options, link to your calendar app for planning consistency, and receive SMS and email flight alerts.

TripIt: TripIt is one of the most popular travel organization apps on the market. The app automatically imports flight, hotel, rental car, and other booking confirmations ( concert tickets from StubHub, dinner reservations from OpenTable, etc.) from your e-mail. If you don’t appreciate the e-mail scan, you can always forward your emails to [email protected] or manually input all the information into the system.

TripIt then creates an itinerary in an easy-to-read format, including space for directions between airports, rental car pickup, and hotel details. TripIt also allows for calendar syncing and makes it easy to send your travel info to family/friends by sharing via text, Evernote, LinkedIn, Slack, or WhatsApp.

With TripIt Pro, users get real-time flight alerts, help to find alternative flights, an airline seat tracker for better seats, reward program points tracking, and interactive airport maps.

In this section, we list some steps you might forget to take when you’re in a hurry to leave for vacation.

Remember to:

  • Download your travel resources (guidebooks, language apps, etc.)
  • Notify credit card companies of upcoming travel if required (international trips)
  • Set an email auto-responder if necessary
  • Take out the garbage
  • Check the washing machine for wet clothes
  • Check the dishwasher for dirty dishes
  • Turn off all lights and electronics
  • Set lighting timers
  • Water the plants
  • Drip taps (in cold climates where pipes could freeze)
  • Close/lock all doors and windows; pull all curtains
  • Set alarm system

For longer trips, don’t forget to:

  • Empty the refrigerator/pantry of perishable food
  • Unplug electronics
  • Put a hold on your mail
  • Consider having a friend check on your house from time to time

The Upgraded Points team is always jetting off somewhere and even we  still have trouble packing sometimes!

Additionally, if you’re interested in “the best of the best” travel products to up your packing game, check out these posts:

  • All Our Best Travel Product Reviews – In One Place
  • The Best Checked Luggage Bags For Any Traveler
  • The Best Carry-on Luggage Bags for Any Traveler
  • The Best Travel Duffel Bags on the Market

Lastly, if you’re looking for the top travel-related gifts, we’ve got you covered with our Best Gifts for Travelers .

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to fold or roll clothes in a suitcase.

Whether it’s better to fold or roll clothes for your suitcase may depend on a number of things. If you’ve no concern about saving space, folding could be just fine. However, if you’re trying to fit a lot of clothes into a small bag, there’s no shortage of youtube videos out there which prove rolling clothes can help with this task.

Additionally, interfolding and bundling are other techniques that could be helpful space savers. However, to save the most space, vacuum bags will be your best bet – just keep in mind your weight limit when packing a lot of things into one case!

Do packing cubes really save space?

Packing cubes don’t necessarily save space but they definitely help you stay organized when packing.

They can also help by keeping items separated — who wants smelly gym clothes next to their fancy dinner outfits?

How do I maximize space in my luggage?

To maximize space when packing, try using these methods for your contents: roll, bundle, or interfold (explanations above). Each has its own special technique but all can help you save space and fit more into your luggage of choice.

Another quick space-saving tip? Utilize typically unused space. For example, pack socks or belts inside your shoes.

How to I pack clothes without wrinkling them?

Here are a few quick tips to decrease wrinkling when packing your clothes into a suitcase: iron first, use a roll or interfold method, pack wrinkle-prone items in garment bags or utilize tissue paper between folds and layers, and/or choose fabrics that are less likely to wrinkle in the first place (wool, Tencel, knit, cashmere, polyester, nylon, spandex).

How should I pack toiletries in my suitcase?

When packing toiletries, you’ll want to be sure they’re kept separate from your clothes in a special bag or case. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy — a Ziplock baggie will do — but this will prevent the leaking of liquid onto your clothing items.

Additionally, you can place a small piece of cling-wrap between the bottles and lids of your liquids to prevent leakage.

If you’re bringing them in your carry-on, you’ll want to be sure you’re adhering to the 3-1-1 rule (use 3 oz containers max, in 1 quart-sized bag, with one bag per traveler) in order to pass easily through security.

Should I pack valuable items in my suitcase?

Always keep valuable items on your person while traveling. This includes identification cards, passports, visas, money, credit cards, jewelry, important medications, etc.

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About Erin Miller

An experienced points hacker, Erin is Alex’s partner-in-crime and contributes to Upgraded Points with in-depth guides and relationship management. Erin’s work has been cited in multiple major publications.


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5 simple ways to stay healthy, avoid sickness, and feel energized during your next business trip

  • Insider spoke with three travel and wellness experts about staying healthy during a business trip.
  • Staying hydrated and eating light foods will help maintain your regular routine while on the road.
  • This article is part of "Work + Play," a series about blending business travel with personal experiences.

Insider Today

When it comes to business or leisure travel, it's common for travelers to come home feeling ill.

The combination of public transportation, disrupted sleep routines, and contact with high-use surfaces can contribute to travelers feeling under the weather. But if traveling is a big part of your job, there are things you can do — and not do — in order to make a healthy return home.

With business travel back in full swing, Insider spoke with three experts about what you can do to stay healthy on the road.  

Take extra precautions during a flight 

If you have plans to travel on a plane, which can be a hotbed of germs, there are a few extra precautions you can take.

"While we can't control the air around us, we can control the germs we may bring to our face with our hands," said Dr. Efrat LaMandre, founder of the health and wellness brand The Knew Method . "Therefore, avoid touching your face, eyes, and nose as they can all be entry points for germs."

Dr. LaMandre also advises travelers to stay hydrated because "drinking water during your flight keeps your mucous membranes moist, and dry passages and throat can make you more susceptible to respiratory infections." 

Jerry Justin Alexidor is a frequent business traveler, and while his travel concierge company Black Zama is based in Tulum, Mexico, his travels take him all over the world. When he's flying, he makes an effort to keep to himself.

"I usually stay within my seating area and limit my movement," Alexidor said. "And if I can budget it, I upgrade to a premium economy or business class seat for some extra room. It makes me feel less claustrophobic and less like I'm breathing in the germs of other passengers." 

Consider your food and drink intake

While we're traveling and away from our regular routines, it can be tempting to consume lots of high-calorie comfort foods. Priceline CEO Brett Keller travels often for work and makes an effort to choose healthier foods while he's on the road.

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"Airport food is generally heavy, and I try to avoid greasy food right before and after flights — so no pizza, burgers, or fries for me," Keller said. "I pick up lighter foods like sushi packs and bring extra snacks like sliced apples and power bars."

Another way to eat healthier on the road is to plan ahead. After a long day of traveling, our decision-making abilities are often impaired, and we might be more likely to reach for empty calories. Looking up what's available in the airport or in your hotel can result in healthier choices.

"Doing a little research about where you're headed allows you to prepare," Alexidor said. "When I go out to eat with clients on the road, I always ask the waiter questions about the food preparation, and of course, I keep myself hydrated."

Aim for low-impact exercises

Given the choice between getting up and going to the gym or laying in bed for an extra hour, most of us would choose the extra shut-eye. But getting a few minutes of low-impact exercise like walking or swimming can give your immune system an extra boost and help you sleep better at night.

"When I'm on the road, I try to get some time on the Stairmaster and/or the treadmill," Alexidor said. "While I don't over-exert myself when traveling for work, I feel more mentally and physically present when I get my cardio in." 

If you can, consider heading outdoors for your workout. "I always try to run outside the same day I land," Keller explained. "A morning run allows me to explore the local area before spending all day in meetings, and the combination of fresh air, sunshine, and exercise energizes me for the day." 

Practice good personal hygiene and cleaning routines  

Frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer are important ways to ward off any germs, along with cleaning high-use surfaces. Hotel rooms see a lot of turnover and cleaning on arrival should be a priority.

"The first order of business is heading to a local pharmacy and picking up some Lysol disinfectant," Alexidor said. "I wipe down the door knobs or any handles — a lesson learned throughout the pandemic that still applies today. I then spray down any areas that would touch my skin or body."

Above all, get rest

Of all of the precautions you can take, one of the best things to do is give your body rest before, during, and after your trip.

"You need to get your sleep, eat right, and take your supplements year-round so that you can boost your immunity to be able to handle the germs that are sure to come your way," Dr. LaMandre advised. 

And when you're on the road, one of the best things to do is not to push yourself and try to keep a regular schedule. "I've learned not to stay out late your first night or two. Letting your body adjust to its new setting with good sleep, exercise, and hydration is probably the best way to avoid getting sick," Keller said. 

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work trip checklist

39 Step Guide to Planning for a Vacation (Checklist & Timeline PDF)

P lanning for a vacation can feel overwhelming, especially if you are traveling with kids. Luckily travel planning is my superpower and over the years, I’ve gotten my process and timeline down to a science. To help others, I’ve boiled down my 20-plus years of trip planning experience into this trip planning checklist.

Since travel planning gives me joy, along with the anticipation of the trip, I tend to start planning as early as possible. Therefore, this vacation planning timeline and checklist is spaced out over a 12 month period, which is ideal for international trips. It also allows you to tackle just a few tasks at a time and not be overwhelmed with the planning process.

However, I realize everyone is not an advance planner like I am, so you can always compress this vacation planning timeline to suit your trip.

Download the Vacation Planning Checklist

Planning for vacation checklist.

If you are planning an international trip, especially if you are traveling during peak season or to a very popular destination, you need to start planning quite early. The preliminary stages should begin as far out as 12 months to decide on a destination, budget, and timeframe.

There are destinations, such as National Parks in the summer or Caribbean resorts during Festive Week, that can book up as early as nine to twelve months in advance.

Here is my step-by-step guide for planning a vacation:

Pick Your Destination

The first step to planning a vacation is figuring out where you are going. It sounds easy, but sometimes it takes a lot of work to figure out when, where, and how much. Start by discussing your vacation preferences and how you will make a decision. Will your choice be influenced by budget? Finding a flight deal? Will everyone in the family get a vote?

This process usually requires a bit preliminary research into a various destinations such as how much a trip costs, popular things to do, and the best time of year to visit.

Determine Your Trip Budget

We all have dream destinations, but there is a reason why there is something called a “bucket list”. Not every destination is affordable to us at this time. Sometimes we need to save up for years to afford a trip. Maybe we need to strategize about earning points and miles to make travel more affordable. Other times we need to wait for a flight sale. The whole reason we went to Morocco and Vienna was because we found a flight sale (although those destinations were ones that we were considering.)

When planning your trip budget, be sure to include airfare (if needed), accommodations, local transportation, activities, food, and other expenses such as gratuities, travel insurance, visas, etc. I have many guides to help you understand the trip cost for many destinations including Europe , London , Paris , Italy , Portugal , Amsterdam , Scotland , Iceland , Ireland , Japan , Morocco , and more.

Decide on Dates

Many times, especially when it comes to family travel, we don’t have a lot of flexibility when it comes to travel. Even so, you need to decide if you are traveling for spring break, summer vacation, or over the December holiday break. If you have more availability, you may want to research weather and trends to visit destinations during shoulder seasons or off-season when things are more affordable. Once you decide on a general time frame, you can start to research flight prices.

Research Airfare and Set Alerts

Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Once you have determined your destination and dates, it is time to start planning in earnest. I recommend using an app such as Hopper to see the cheapest times to fly. You can also set alerts and the app will let you know when they think it is a good time to buy.

I also subscribe to Going , which is a flight deal service that lets you set your preferred home airports and destinations and they will send out flight deal alerts.

Lastly, if you want to find the best way to accumulate points and miles through credit card spending and sign up bonuses, I’d suggest downloading the Travel Freely app to track your credit cards and learn how to earn points.

Request Paid Time Off

Before you book anything, especially anything non-refundable, be sure to request time off from your employer and get the approval on record.

Book Flights

Once the above steps are complete, you have a bit more breathing room. I typically try to book my international flights about six to eight months in advance for the most availability of reward seats and the best rates. Domestic flights should be booked about three to six months if possible, or at least four to six weeks in advance.

This is a good time to start paying attention to those flight deal alerts and look for sales around major events like Black Friday or Travel Tuesday. Some airlines also offer anniversary sales (JetBlue) or seasonal sales (Southwest.)

Book Accommodations

If you are traveling during a particularly busy time, you will want to start looking for accommodation early. National Park lodges book up very quickly after reservations open for the following year, generally nine to twelve months in advance. Other destinations that have limited availability and book up at least six months in advance include the Amalfi Coast, Greek Islands , and anywhere that you don’t have a large inventory of rooms and there is a limited season. Remember that you can always try Airbnb and these competitors too for alternatives to hotels.

For other trips, look to book accommodations anywhere from six months to three months in advance.

Purchase Travel Insurance

Purchasing travel insurance as soon as you book your trip has a few advantages. First, it protects you in case something comes up that forces you to cancel before you leave (for included reasons.) Also, if you are purchasing cancel anytime or cancel for any reason coverage, you generally need to purchase this within 14 days of your first trip deposit.

Having a travel insurance policy on your whole trip will typically also protect you against trip interruption, baggage loss, theft, and, importantly especially when traveling internationally, medical coverage.

Double Check Passport Validity

Remember that many countries require your passport to be valid for at least six months after your arrival. Double check the expiration dates of all of your travelers’ passports if traveling internationally. Also research your destination’s validity requirements and make sure that you are within that window. Be sure to give yourself a minimum of eight weeks to get a passport renewal and remember that things like government shutdowns can make this time frame much longer.

Check Visa and Vaccination Requirements

When traveling internationally, research if you require any visas or additional vaccinations including yellow fever, Covid-19, and others. If vaccinations are required, you may need to book an appointment at a travel clinic. Some visas can be purchased on arrival but others require paperwork to be completed in advance.

Start to Research Activities and Things to Do

Around three to six months out, you will want to begin to research your activities and things to do. I have some suggestions on how to do this and other ways to prepare kids for an international trip . You need to do this in advance because some attractions require advance reservations that sell out as soon as they open up (such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam ).

You don’t need to create your full itinerary yet, but what I do is open a Google Doc and when I find something I’m interested in, I copy the website, opening days/hours, and any relevant information (e.g. advance tickets required) into the document so that I can go in later and start to organize by day. I also open Google Maps and star/save each location on the map so that I can start to visualize where everything is in relation to each other and where I am staying (or would like to stay.)

Create An Itinerary Outline

By three months out, you need to really dig into your vacation planning. That is, unless you want to be disappointed when things you want to do or places you want to stay are booked. Start by putting together a skeleton outline.

Go back to the document that you started when researching things that you want to do. Refer to the hours and days they are open and the map to see which things are near each other. You will also want to make sure you have a balance of activities and downtime.

When traveling with young kids, I try to make sure that we only have one organized activity a day, two at most. You can also look to incorporate at least one thing a day that the kids chose to do. Plan the more physical activities and tours in the morning when everyone is fresh and take into consideration the weather as well.

Book Tours & Activities

Start booking your tours, classes, private guides, and activities between three months and one month out. Keep in mind, as mentioned above, some attractions have tickets that go on sale at very specific times and they sell out very quickly. Other attractions, such as the Louvre Museum and many others, require timed entry tickets.

If you are visiting National Parks, keep in mind that some require reservations (such as driving the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park ) and others require permits for specific hikes.

As you book your activities, put the confirmation numbers, contact information, cancellation policy, meeting place, and meeting time in your itinerary and/or your calendar (for the appropriate time zone!) Print any tickets or save them to your mobile wallet. You may also want to file or upload any confirmations or documentation to the Cloud so it is accessible at any time.

Book Your Other Transportation

If you require a rental car, try to book one between three to six months out for international trips, especially if you require an automatic transmission. Since there is usually limited inventory, those tend to book up fast and car rental prices increase the closer you to get to the date.

Trains can also book up, especially if you want an assigned seat in a premium cabin (which makes it easier for storing luggage.) Often trains start taking reservations from about 90 days in advance, but others open earlier.

Book Dining Reservations

Between four and two weeks out, it is time to start researching and booking dining reservations (earlier if you are looking for Michelin Star restaurants.) When reading blogs, I usually make a note about restaurants that they recommend and add them to my Google Doc and Map. I also use Yelp, TripAdvisor, OpenTable, The Fork, and Resy. Because I’m a bit of a research nut, I don’t just look at reviews, I also look at the restaurant websites to get a sense of formality, menu, and price.

I then consider the other activities we have planned for the day and where we will be for lunch and dinner time. If we are exhausted, I know we will want to stay close to the hotel for dinner and have something informal. For days with more downtime, or maybe the last night of the trip, we might want more of a splurge or special meal. When booked, add the reservation time and address, along with the booking method in case you need to cancel, to the itinerary.

Finalize Your Itinerary

Once everything is booked, it is time to finalize the itinerary. I usually keep this as a Google Doc and set it to be available offline. This means that I can edit it and access it on the road. I also print out at least one copy to carry with me and sometimes I’ve given a copy to my daughter too so she can easily see what we are doing each day. When she was younger, we would review the itinerary each night to discuss what we would do the next time. This helps a lot with sensitive kids.

It is a good idea to also send a copy to friends or family in case of an emergency.

Obtain an International Driving Permit

If you are renting a car in another country, you should research whether or not that country requires an International Driving Permit. Note that car rental companies are not very good about providing this information. You can get one at AAA offices, just call ahead to see if you need an appointment.

Order Foreign Currency

It is possible to get foreign currency from a local ATM when you arrive in-country, but then you need to pay additional fees if the bank doesn’t have a partnership with your home bank. And, the ATMs in airports tend to have higher fees. Just in case I have trouble finding an ATM or getting my card to work if I don’t have a PIN, I like to have some currency in my pocket when I arrive. You can usually get a pretty decent exchange rate from your local bank.

I know with Bank of America, you can place your order online and either have it shipped to you or you can pick it up at your local branch. This is a good time to take care of a few other money-related things:

  • Let your bank know that you will be traveling so that they don’t put a hold on any transactions;
  • Make sure your credit card(s) of choice don’t charge foreign transaction fees;
  • Make sure you have a PIN for your chip-enabled credit cards, as some international terminals require a chip and PIN;
  • Also notify your credit card provider to let them know about any international travel plans so they don’t trigger fraud alerts or deny transactions.

Arrange Pet Sitting or House Sitting

If you have pets, make sure you arrange pet sitting or kennel boarding. You may also want to consider house sitters for someone to take care of your plants, bring in the mail, and make sure your house isn’t empty. You can find house sitters on sites such as and other resources if you don’t have someone already.

Determine International Cell Plan

Make sure you know what your cell carrier’s international plan options are. Is some data included, like T-Mobile, or do they charge a daily fee, like Verizon? A cheaper option is often to purchase an e-SIM for unlocked, compatible phones. I use Textr because it is much cheaper than using my Verizon international plan. If you are interested, you can sign up using this link to save $3.00 off your data plan.

Purchase Travel Items

This is a good time to look through your closet and see if you need anything for your upcoming trip. Do you have good walking shoes? A lockable day bag? A good packable sunhat ? Are you suitcases in good working order? Do you need a travel umbrella? An international adapter? Make sure to give yourself time to shop and for order to deliverable.

Download Apps, Maps, and Entertainment

While you are on your home WiFi, be sure to download all the mobile apps that you might need on your trip including transit apps, phrasebook apps, airline apps, etc. Also go into Google Maps and download maps for the destinations you are visiting.

Make sure all your mobile tickets are saved in your mobile wallet and download any books, movies, or shows that you might want to use on the trip including on the plane.

Arrange for Mail to Be Held

Call the post office and arrange for your mail to be held while you are away (unless you hired a house sitter.) You may also want to ask your neighbors to keep an eye out for any package deliveries.

Alert Your Alarm Company or Police

If you have a home alarm monitoring service, you should reach out to them and let them know that you are traveling and give them alternate ways to contact you. You could also let the local police know so that they can schedule patrols.

Back Up Your Computer and Phones

If you are traveling with your computer, make sure it is backed up before you leave, same with your phone. Phones are a prime target for theft and computers have a way of getting stolen, broken, or left behind.

Arrange Parking and Airport Transportation

At least 24 hours before departure, figure out how you are getting to the airport and make your transportation arrangements or reserve your airport parking. If using a ride share service, you can schedule a pick up in advance to ensure a driver will be availability.

Packing for a big trip requires some thought so don’t leave it until the last minute. Make sure you are aware of your airline’s luggage weight and size restrictions. Also remember a clear, quart-size bag for your carry on liquids. Don’t forget your important documents, Passports, tickets, medications, etc.

See my tips for packing for a long flight .

Check In and Download Boarding Passes

Check in to your flight, double check your seat assignments, and download your boarding passes. You want to make sure your passport information and Known Traveler Numbers are all saved in your airline profiles before you check in.

This brings you up to your departure day and that last race to get things done before you leave for the airport!

Set Your Out of Office Message

Enjoy your paid time off! Set your out of office message to let people know that you will be on vacation.

Change Your Voicemail Message

If you are going out of the country and won’t be able to get voice calls, let people know by changing your voicemail message. You can suggest they contact you on FaceTime to WhatsApp instead.

Reset Your Thermostat

Before you leave the house, reset your thermostat so that you aren’t paying to heat or cool your house more than you need to while you are gone.

Empty Perishables from Refrigerator

No need to come home to a stinky fridge! Empty your refrigerator of all perishables before you go away.

Take Out Garbage

Now that your fridge is empty, time to take out the garbage. If you don’t want to bring it all the way to the curb, ask your housesitter or neighbor to bring it out for you on garbage day.

Unplug Appliances

Make sure you unplug appliances such as hairdryers, curling or flattening irons, toasters, or other devices that could catch fire.

Put Lights on a Timer

You can easily turn your lights into smart devices and either set timers or use the app to turn the lights on and off at appropriate times so that your house doesn’t look deserted while you are away.

Secure Valuables

Thieves prey on houses when people are on vacation, that is why it is important to not post on social media until you get home and have the lights go on and off to make it look like you are home. Even still, secure your valuables such as jewelry and computers in a safe location, such as an in-home safe.

Add Last Minute Items to Suitcases

Don’t forget all those last minute items that need to go into your suitcase and carry-on bag…toiletries, brush, wallets, money, chargers, etc.

Double Check Tickets / Passports / IDs

Before you jump in the car, make sure you have your IDs, passports, and any tickets or documents that your trip requires.

Set the house alarm (if you have one) and off you go…have fun!

Download the Trip Planning Checklist PDF

The post 39 Step Guide to Planning for a Vacation (Checklist & Timeline PDF) appeared first on We3Travel .

Don’t know where to start with your trip planning? Use this guide to planning for a vacation checklist, complete with a timeline and printable PDF.

Camping checklist for your next trip

By Roadtrippers

When hitting the open road, it’s fun to trade some hotel nights for camping stays. Whether you tent camp or tote a small RV, there are plenty of ways to create outdoor fun along our highways and byways.

This camping checklist is a quick and easy guide to the essentials you’ll want to pack along the way.

Camping-friendly trip planner app

It’s clutch to have the right app at your fingertips when you’re car, tent, or RV camping. That’s because it’ll tailor the stops and stays to your roadtripping style.

Prefer state and public campgrounds? A camping-friendly app will help you find them.

Towing an RV that has height restrictions? An RV friendly app will map a route to keep it safe.

Want to mix it up between hotels and campgrounds? The right trip planning app includes both.

Roadtrippers is one such app that’ll help you get all the camping-essential locations on your checklist.

Related How to find campgrounds, RV parks, and dispersed camping on Roadtrippers

Tent camping in a wooded area in Olympic National Park

Here’s your camping essentials checklist when stopping for the night:

  • Tent – There’s a wide world of options to choose from. The best fit for roadtripping folk is generally something that compacts nicely and is super easy to set up
  • Sleeping bags – Ditto above
  • Packable pillow – We dig the Wise Owl variety , but there are many other options
  • Headlamps – Because hands free lighting is a must for making camp in the dark
  • Flashlights
  • Camping chairs – Check out the new style that’s super packable
  • Camp table – Not all campsites will have a picnic table. Pick a packable one of your own
  • Camping lantern – Headlamps will blind your travel companions, you’ll want one of these for when you’re sitting around the table at night

Related Rooftop tent camping: A beginner’s guide to gear, installation, and more

Fun (optional) stuff

  • Portable fire pit
  • S’more kit
  • Fire starters
  • Camping pad

Fix-it stuff

Here are the essential tools for common camping repair needs:

  • Multitool – Part pliers, part knife, and part thingamajig, this tool is a lifesaver at campsites around the world
  • Duct tape – The universal fix-it-all
  • Firewood axe
  • Handheld vacuum

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Campside cooking

These items make for a full camp kitchen:

  • Refillable propane growler
  • Nested cooking pots
  • Cooking utensils (often included with nested camping pots )
  • Can opener/corkscrew combo tool
  • Cooler (Pro tip: pick a cooler with a built in cutting board divider )
  • Collapsible wash basin
  • Fresh water storage container
  • Portable grill

Fun (optional) cooking stuff

  • Camping coffee
  • Roasting forks

Camping clothing checklist

Expect the unexpected when it comes to camping attire:

  • Quick drying clothes
  • Moisture wicking underwear
  • Easy-to-shed/easy-to-add clothing layers (e.g. a thermal underwear base layer )
  • Hiking shoes
  • Camping socks
  • Water shoes

Clean camping checklist

Here are the things to keep yourself and your surroundings squeaky clean:

  • Compostable toilet paper
  • Eco-friendly trash bags
  • Camping toiletry kit
  • First aid kit
  • Quick dry towel
  • Biodegradable camp soap

a white smart car parked at a campsite with a red tent popped behind it

Other optional camping checklist items

  • Solar power station
  • Charging pack for phones
  • Portable camp shower
  • Camping games

Camping out is a fun way to roll on road trips. Use this checklist to ensure you have all the items needed for the journey. You can even let us plan it all out for you with Roadtrippers’ Autopilot™ . Autopilot combines patent-pending AI technology with data from 38 million real-life trips to create trips quickly and thoroughly.

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Creating a business trip packing list

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Even in our post-digital world, there are some physical items you can’t do without – especially on a business trip. Forget your passport and you won’t be getting on your flight. Forget your phone or laptop and you’ll struggle to communicate with your colleagues and clients. Forget important business documents and you could be risking anything from your professional reputation to a client relationship. These are all easy mistakes to make, but you can see how much they would cost your business to put right – and cause you stress in the process.

This handy guide explains how to pack for a business trip – giving you more time to focus on acing your meeting or that big conference you’re presenting at. Here are 10 essential items to include on your packing list for a business trip.

1. Travel documents

The most important item on your business trip packing list is your passport, without which you won’t be able to set foot on an airplane. It’s a good idea to keep all your travel documents – including any airline reservations, hotel confirmations and rental car details – in one safe place. That way, you can access them quickly as soon as you need them, avoiding that moment of panic when you can’t find your boarding pass.

2. Laptop or tablet

Taking a laptop or tablet with you on your trip is a great way to stay productive. Whether you’re reviewing a presentation or typing up post-meeting notes, using a laptop or tablet to work while you’re on the move will really make your travel time count. Whatever electronic devices you find most useful – don’t forget to pack the relevant chargers. Adapters are a must if you’re travelling abroad, so try and pick up one before your trip – it’ll save you time and money compared to buying one at the airport.

Phones are an essential in modern business life. Without one you’ll really struggle to communicate with your colleagues or your client, and they can also help you stay organized. Download a corporate travel app such as myCWT   and you’ll be able to sync your phone with your work calendar to give you the reminders you need to stick to your work schedule and travel itinerary.

4. Wi-Fi access

Think about wireless options if you need to work remotely, navigate your way around your destination, or speak to your family back home. Wi-Fi access in hotel rooms is not always free. At certain hotels, in-room internet can come with a heft daily charge, one that’s equivalent to what you might pay in a month with a wireless card. All major phone carriers sell internet cards – and you can also use them across different devices, whereas a hotel’s Wi-Fi will often only cover one device. Alternatively, sign up to CWT Hotel Intel  and you’ll be able to browse a directory of global hotels and read travelers’ own reviews. This will let you see which hotels rank highest in terms of Wi-Fi options – enabling you to make an informed choice about where to stay.

5. Clothing and accessories

Bring the right clothes. Being armed with the most appropriate jacket, pair of shoes or accessories can make all the difference when you’re preparing for a jam-packed itinerary – and even those spontaneous, last-minute drinks which are great for networking. You’re likely to need to pack a mixture of formal business attire and casual clothing, along with underwear, socks and pajamas. Bear in mind the weather at your destination – if it’s wet and windy, you’ll wish you’d packed a travel umbrella and a raincoat. Remember that toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste might not be provided in your hotel – so bring your own just in case.

6. Wallet or purse

Remembering your wallet or purse is an absolute must. Without it you’ll struggle to pay for anything on your business trip, causing yourself unnecessary headaches. Even if you’re likely be making most of your payments by card, it’s always good to have loose change and small notes for smaller items. As a general rule of thumb, only take what you need, like the cards you need to use, and take just a small handful of local currency – it’ll limit the damage if your wallet or purse gets lost or stolen. Make sure you have your wallet or purse close to hand – perhaps in a jacket or trouser pocket – so you can easily retrieve it when you need to.

7. Breath mints

When you’re meeting someone for the first time in the business world, it’s important to make a strong first impression. You never know who you might meet – and if this person is a client or potentially important connection, you don’t want to worry about bad breath. It’s easy to overlook this essential – so don’t forget to pack some mints to chew at regular intervals and particularly after meals.

8. Printed handouts

Ask yourself: what work documents do you need for your business trip? Whether it’s presentation handouts or meeting agendas, they’re an important part of any business travel checklist. Sure, there will probably be somewhere to print them at your destination, but don’t leave that to chance. It won’t take a minute to print and pack the handouts you need, and you’ll feel much better knowing you have them with you when you arrive at your destination.

9. Office supplies

Think about what kind of stationery you’ll need to take with you. It sounds simple, but if your business trip involves a client meeting, you’ll need a pen and notepad to record any action points and make sure you look organized. Think about what other office supplies you need to include on your business trip packing list – sticky notes to set yourself quick visual reminders, paperclips to keep your documents together, and folders to protect them from damage. You don’t need to take an entire office supply store with you – but a few useful items will really help.

10. Business cards

Even if you’re only intending to meet with familiar faces, you can’t leave business cards off your business trip packing list. You never know when you’ll bump into someone who could be a great addition to your network – and in those cases, you’ll want to be sure they can get in touch with you. Bring a generous supply of business cards so you don’t run out, and tuck them in your pockets, briefcase, wallet or purse so you’re always prepared when you make a connection. Business cards are essential if you’re going to a conference – and they make great name badges too.

Once you’ve ticked off each of these elements of your business travel checklist, don’t forget to check and double check.

Packing for an overnight trip

If you’re packing for an overnight trip, pack for carry-on luggage only. This will save you time when you arrive and eliminate the risk of losing your luggage. As such, you should aim to keep your business trip packing list to a minimum, taking a change of clothes and essential toiletries, your phone, laptop and a notepad and pen. You should also let key people know where you are, making sure your travel manager knows your business trip itinerary, and carry minimal cards and currency in your wallet or purse.

Travelling for 3, 4 or 5 days

Your business travel checklist will clearly be more extensive for a trip that’s a few days long. As well as the overnight trip essentials above, you’ll need a combination of smart and casual clothes. If you’re travelling between different destinations, consider where your internet access is coming from – a Wi-Fi card or hotspot is your key to staying productive and connected with the right people.

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