Bhutan Tours & Vacations

Man wearing a red cap looking at the view atop of the mountain in Bhutan on a clear sunny day

Bhutan measures its success by Gross National Happiness and by the end of your Intrepid tour, you’ll have contributed more than your fair share of smiles to the cause.

This tiny Himalayan kingdom does things differently. Having only been open to visitors for 45 years, Bhutan puts its environment, culture and well-being ahead of economics. This place absorbs more carbon than it creates and a Bhutan tour is perfect for trekkers, nature lovers and Buddhist pilgrims. From the jaw-dropping Tiger’s Nest to the prayer halls of Gangte Goemba, you’ll experience moments – and people – that make happiness seem like the norm, not a pursuit.

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Bhutan Expedition: Hike the Trans Bhutan Trail

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Articles of Bhutan

8 offbeat trips to escape the crowds in 2023

9 ways to get to know a place through multi-active adventures in 2023 

According to Lonely Planet, Bhutan is the top country to visit in 2020: here’s why we agree

10 destinations that want you to be a better traveller

5 lessons I learned from visiting Bhutan with Intrepid

9 alternative travel spots for 2018

10 epic destinations to make you feel small

10 questions with the first documented woman to travel to every country

Bhutan at a glance

Capital city.

Thimphu (population approximately 115,000)

Bhutanese ngultrum (BTN)

(GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka



Type D (Old British 3-pin) Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth) Type G (Irish/British 3-pin) Type M (see D)

Learn more about Bhutan

Culture and customs.

If travelers can tear their eyes away from the backdrop of the mighty Himalayas, they’ll discover a rich, remarkable culture in Bhutan that is quickly modernizing yet truly anchored in tradition.

Since opening up to travelers in 1974, Bhutan has seen visitor numbers rise from just a couple of hundred to upwards of 200,000. The appeal is obvious: pristine alpine landscapes, magnificent Buddhist architecture, and an air of mystery that pulls travelers in, not to mention the much-discussed Gross National Happiness used to measure national well-being, which is prioritized over GDP.

Bhutan is the only country in the world to be carbon negative. Since 2007 the country has been run by a democratic government, with three separate parties having won the three national elections. Approximately 75 percent of the population are Buddhist and these religious values are used to guide government policy along with prioritizing sustainability and cultural preservation.

In society, the Bhutanese follow ‘driglam namzha’, a traditional etiquette supporting respect for authority, devotion to family, and a dedication to civic duty. The flag, which was adopted in 1965, features the country’s emblem of the Thunder Dragon on a backdrop of golden yellow and orange. The yellow represents the king and his secular power, while the orange represents Buddhism. The dragon holds jewels in each of his claws, representing the wealth of the nation.

And it’s the word ‘wealth’ that perhaps describes Bhutan best. A wealth of tradition, of culture, of history. A wealth of beauty, of happiness, of prosperity. In the future, given the way the country has been progressing, there’ll no doubt be a large amount of wealth brought in by more and more tourists. What will be interesting is how Bhutan manages to balance its age-old traditions with its quickening march toward modernity.

History and government

Early history.

As one of the few countries in the world to have never been conquered or occupied by another, Bhutan has a long history of independent governance. Although its early history is shrouded in mystery, Bhutan is thought to have been inhabited from as early as 2000BC. Tibetan Buddhism was introduced into the region around the 9th century, when many Tibetans fled neighboring Tibet to seek refuge in Bhutan.

The leadership and governance of Bhutan has always been linked to its religion, and this continues in today’s political, legal, and religious leadership of the country. The 16th and 17th centuries saw some conflict with Tibet, although Bhutan was never officially taken over by its neighbor. External threats from the British presented themselves in the 18th and 19th centuries; however, once again Bhutan was never officially controlled or governed by an external power.

Recent history

In the last 40 years, Bhutan has had many ‘firsts’. Bhutan introduced a new monetary system and currency in 1974 and also opened up its borders to welcome foreign tourists in the same year. By 2000, Bhutan had its first television set and internet cafe, and by 2004 Bhutan became the first country in the world to ban the sale of tobacco products. Bhutan’s first constitution was drawn up in 2005, and its first democratic multi-party election was held in 2008, when the constitution was finally ratified. It has held two democratic elections since.

Today, Bhutan’s economy relies mainly on tourism, agriculture, and forestry, although ‘Gross National Happiness’ continues to be valued more than economic abundance or growth in domestic product. Bhutan has been held up as an example of what a country can be when it puts culture, the environment, and well-being ahead of economic development, but there are challenges too: after the new government took control in 2013, the prime minister admitted that the focus on the Gross National Happiness measure sometimes distracted from addressing Bhutan’s problems including unemployment, corruption, and poverty.

Eating and drinking

Bhutan is famous for its spicy cuisine that’ll knock the socks off the most hardy traveler. Almost everything is served with chilies, so if you like things spicy, you may just have found heaven – for others it’ll be hotter than hell.

A few dishes to look out for

  • Ema datshi These are very hot chilies served in a cheese sauce. This is Bhutan’s national dish, with ema translating as ‘chili’ and ‘datshi’ as cheese.
  • Phak sha pa Sliced pork stewed using red chili, onion, tomato, ginger and sliced radish.
  • Red rice The Bhutanese eat loads of rice and you’ll notice that the rice is usually a reddish color. This is because it’s grown in the fertile Paro Valley soil. It has a nutty flavor and is typically paired with mushrooms and chilli.
  • Momos These Tibetan dumplings are filled with meat, cheese or vegetables and are generally served up as a snack. Never say to no-no to a Momo.
  • Red Panda beer The Red Panda Brewery, which is Bhutan’s first, was started by a man named Fritz Maurer who came to Bhutan from Switzerland after answering a newspaper ad for a qualified cheesemaker. Not only does he make Swiss cheese, he also produces this hefeweizen beer.

Plant-based options

Vegetarians will find traveling through Bhutan easy as meat does not play a huge part in the Bhutanese diet. Vegans may have a more difficult time as dishes will often come with cheese. Be sure to ask that your dish is prepared without butter or cheese.

Of course, this is all a lot easier when you’re traveling with a local. If you travel with Intrepid, you’ll have a local leader who can help you decipher menus and recommend good plant-based choices. 

Geography and environment

This landlocked kingdom may occupy a small space in the world globe but there’s nothing small about the mountains that lie within. Sharing borders with China and India, Bhutan is known as 'The Switzerland of Asia' for its mountainous topography and similarity to Swiss landscapes.

Bhutan has largely resisted overdevelopment, which has left much of its natural environment intact. As a result of this, Bhutan is one of the most species-rich countries in the world – with hundreds of species of mammals, birds, and plants calling the Bhutanese valleys, mountains, and meadows home. Endangered red pandas and snow leopards can be found in Bhutan as well as a huge variety of wildflowers and birds.

The country can be divided into three areas. In the south, you’ll find the lowlands fronting the Indian border, which enjoys a subtropical climate. This region sees monsoonal rains from June to mid-October and mild winters through December, January, and February.

Travel north and the climate becomes progressively colder as the Himalayas rise. The central belt of the country, in the lower foothills of the Himalayas, features cold, dry winters and warm summers with monsoonal rains on the southern sides, while the valleys experience less rainfall thanks to the mountains’ protection.

In the northern regions, as the Himalayas rise above 8202 feet (2500 meters), the winters are cold and while the summer can be warm, the valleys are generally protected against monsoonal rain. The temperatures turn freezing as you reach the China-Tibet border, with the mountains rising to a high point at Gangkhar Puensum (7570 m/24,480 ft) – the highest unclimbed mountain in the world

If you’re after top-quality handicrafts and colorful art, then Bhutan will delight. While Bhutan isn’t known as a top shopping destination, there are many talented artisans creating good quality souvenirs to buy here.

It's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand generally have strict quarantine laws.

  • Hand-woven fabric Traditional weaving is at its very best in Bhutan. Choose from colorful rugs, clothing, blankets, and accessories when visiting one of the many textile stores and boutiques in Bhutan’s cities.
  • Traditional music Why not pick up a CD of Bhutanese harmonies, or chanting monks, as a melodic stress-buster for when you’re back at home and in work mode.
  • Spiritual souvenirs Vibrant prayer flags, fragrant incense, and prayer beads make meaningful gifts for friends and family back home.

Festival and events

Bhutan's festival calendar is packed with colorful occasions filled with celebrations and dancing.

Paro Spring Festival (Paro Tshechu)

The people of Paro welcome the start of spring with five days of cultural and spiritual celebration. Locals shake off the winter blues by indulging in sword dancing, drumming, and feasting. Expect to see stirring rituals, colorful clothing, and touching displays of faith if you’re lucky enough to travel during this time.

Thimphu Festival (Thimphu Tschechu)

This three-day festival is meant to be highly auspicious to all who attend. Bhutanese people travel from all over to attend this spiritual celebration that features prayers and rituals to invoke the gods as well as traditional dance, costume, and theatre. This highly joyous time gives travelers an important insight into Bhutan’s culture and the chance to mingle with locals.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

Winter Solstice

Traditional Day of Offerings

Birthday of His Majesty the 5th King

Birthday of Third Druk Gyalpo

Buddha’s Parinirvana*

Birthday Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche

Buddha’s First Sermon

Blessed Rainy Day

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel’s Coronation

Descending Day of Lord Buddha

Birth Anniversary of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo/Constitution Day

National Day

*Please note dates of Bhutan's public holidays may vary.

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Bhutan adventure, check out these books:

  • Buttertea at Sunrise: a Year in the Bhutan Himalaya  – Britta Das
  • Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: a Portrait of Bhutan  – Ashi Dori Wangmo
  • The Heart of the Buddha  – Elsie Sze
  • Beyond the Sky and Earth  – Jamie Zeppa
  • The Blessing of Bhutan  – Russ Carpenter
  • The Divine Madman: the Sublime Life and Songs of Drukpa Kunley  – Translated by Keith Dowman
  • Seeing with the Third Eye: Growing up with Angay in Rural Bhutan  – T. Sangay Wangchuk

Bhutan travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

When is the best time to visit Bhutan?

Bhutan experiences monsoonal weather between June and August and consequently is not a particularly pleasant time to visit the country.

The best times to visit are the shoulder seasons of March to May and September to November, with the later months being particularly pleasant as rainfall is lower and the views tend to be clearer.

December to February sees snowfall in many areas but it can be a beautiful time to visit thanks to the snow covering the mountainous landscape.

Is it safe to visit Bhutan?

Yes, it is safe to visit Bhutan. The crime rate in Bhutan is low although petty crime does happen. Travelers should be alert and keep an eye on their belongings, particularly in crowded or well-touristed areas.

If you are visiting high-altitude areas be sure to discuss altitude sickness with a doctor and plan accordingly. Flooding and landslides occur during the monsoon period (June–September) so follow local advice and check with your tour operator for disruptions.

Do I need a visa to travel to Bhutan?

All nationalities require a visa for Bhutan and, at this stage, travelers can only enter as part of a group visa on a tour. Independent visas are not issued and the cost of the visa is included in your tour. If you are traveling with Intrepid, please provide your booking agent with the following information for us to apply for your group visa:

  • a scanned color copy of the photo page of your passport (consisting of both the flip pages)
  • full name as per passport
  • date of birth
  • nationality
  • passport number & date of issue/expiry,
  • email address you will access while traveling
  • arrival and departure flight details

Due to the controlled nature of travel in Bhutan, the group visa can only be submitted once we have the above details from ALL travelers in the group. Failure to advise any of the information above can slow the visa-issuing process and delay the visa for the whole group.

Visas are generally issued within 5 days of departure and as close as 48 hours prior to travel into the country. We will send your group visa to your traveling email address. Please print this visa and carry it with you as you will need it at the time of boarding your Bhutan flight.

You must show the copy of your Bhutan group visa at the check-in for your flight to Bhutan and on arrival at immigration in Bhutan where you will have a Bhutan entry stamp placed into your passport

Is tipping customary in Bhutan?

Tipping isn’t compulsory in Bhutan, but many people who work in tourism are accustomed to receiving tips so it's wise to set aside a small amount to show your appreciation for drivers, cooks, and other service workers. Most hotels and restaurants will include a service fee in the final bill.

Your local leader may discuss the idea of running a group tipping kitty on the first day of your trip. In a group tipping kitty, everybody contributes an equal amount at the start of the tour that your leader uses to tip drivers, local guides, and hotel staff on your behalf. The leader will keep a running record of all monies spent, which can be checked at any time. Any money remaining at the end of the tour is returned to group members.

This is often the easiest way to avoid the hassle of needing small change and knowing when and what is an appropriate amount to tip. Participation in this kitty is optional, and you are welcome to manage your own tipping separately if you prefer. Please note the tipping kitty excludes tips for your tour leader.

What is the internet access like in Bhutan?

Most tourist hotels will have free wifi, as will many restaurants or cafes in Bhutan’s larger cities. It’s possible to buy a local SIM though internet access will be limited in remote and mountainous regions.

Can I use my cell phone while in Bhutan?

If you plan on using your cell phone in Bhutan be sure to activate global roaming and check charges with your provider before you leave home. If your phone is unlocked, you can purchase a local SIM on arrival. The best coverage is with B-Mobile, while Tashi Cell has similar costs but more limited coverage. Please note that coverage will be limited in more remote areas.

What are the toilets like in Bhutan?

You will have to adjust to different standards of hygiene and sanitation while in Bhutan. Squat toilets are the norm across the country, which may take some getting used to, though Western-style, flushable toilets can be found in large hotels and some tourist areas.

Can I drink the water in Bhutan?

Drinking tap water isn't recommended in Bhutan. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water and fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water instead. Ask your leader where filtered water can be found. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Bhutan?

Credit cards are accepted are large hotels and the bigger stores but a heavy surcharge often applies. Keep in mind that tours in Bhutan are fully prepaid and include all meals and transport, so your only spending money should be for souvenirs, snacks and drinks. It’s best to bring and use US dollars for large purchases.

What is ATM access like in Bhutan?

There are ATMs available in Bhutan’s larger cities though they won’t accept some foreign cards. If you are traveling outside of the main cities be sure to carry cash to cover small purchases.

What is the weather like in Bhutan?

Bhutan’s weather varies depending on your location and the time of year.

In the capital, Thimphu, the temperature averages from 41°F ( 5°C ) in January to 68°F ( 20°C ) in the summertime. This summer period, from June–August, also sees the monsoonal rains arrive. The nearby city of Paro experiences a similar climate.

The city of Punakha, which is located at 4250 feet (1300 meters), has a warmer climate than Thimphu. The average temperature ranges from 75°F ( 11°C ) in winter to 75°F ( 24°C ) in the summertime. Because of the mountainous terrain, the rains here generally affect the southern side while the valleys experience less intense rainfall.

Is Bhutan safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Bhutan, like most Asian countries, is not particularly appreciative of public displays of affection regardless of sexual orientation.

Homosexuality has been illegal in Bhutan since 2004, but in 2019 a bill was passed to decriminalize what was known as ‘unnatural sex’.

LGBTQIA+ people are generally accepted in Bhutan but work still needs to be done to change social attitudes toward those that identify differently.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel.

If you are traveling solo on an Intrepid group tour, you will share accommodation with a passenger of the same gender as per your passport information. If you don’t identify with the gender assigned on your passport, please let us know at the time of booking and we’ll arrange the rooming configuration accordingly. A single supplement is available on some tours for travelers who do not wish to share a room.

Is Bhutan accessible for travelers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them towards the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Traveling through Bhutan is difficult for those with physical disabilities. There are only a few hotels that have accessible rooms and bathrooms, and it’s rare that buildings will have been adapted for accessibility issues. That said, all travel through Bhutan must be done through a tour group so if you’re interested in traveling there then Intrepid will do all it can to make that dream a reality

As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

What to wear in Bhutan

During winter, if traveling to high-altitude areas, you’ll need cold-weather gear, thermals, good waterproof boots, and a warm/windproof jacket. If you’re not taking on an alpine trek, however, warm clothes are necessary for the evening but a fleece and windbreaker should suffice during the day.

In the summertime, lightweight clothing is best along with a raincoat, as well as a jumper for the evening. You may add warmer clothes if heading into the higher reaches of the Himalayas, including a beanie, gloves, scarf, and down jacket.

For ideas on what to pack for your Bhutan tour, take a look at Intrepid’s   ultimate packing list .

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

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Bhutan Tours

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  • Bhutan Birding Tours
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Bhutan trips & vacation packages

Bhutan Tours & Vacation Packages | Top 10+ Bhutan Travel Packages

Welcome to Bhutan – the land of the Thunder Dragon on the eastern slope of the Himalayas. Holding the majestic landscapes with breathtaking vistas, pristine forests, snow-capped mountain ranges coupled with the long-lasting cultural diversity shrouded in mythology, ancient beliefs and Buddhist traditions, Bhutan offers authentic experiences in the journey hike up to the most sacred Buddhist temples. Strolling along the longest suspension bridge in the country and learn about the daily life of Bhutanese monks in the Punakha Dzong which is widely known as the Place of Great Happiness. Let your soul mingle with the excitement of the most vibrant festivals, wear the traditional dress and gain a deep insight into the mystical cultural identity of the happiest kingdom in the world. The warmth, hospitality, and politeness of the local people ensure a memorable vacation not only unique but truly valuable.

Go Bhutan Tours offers Bhutan tours, vacation packages and all travel services. We specialize in tailor-making Bhutan tour itineraries for individuals, families, & groups of all sizes. Our Bhutan tours are always designed to help you experience authentic Bhutan. Feel free to customize any tour to incorporate your preferred destinations, interests & schedule.

    Starting September 1st, 2023, the Bhutan Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) will be discounted by 50% , reducing the cost from $200 per person per night to $100 per person per night. This reduced rate will be in effect for four years until August 31st, 2027.  

Go Bhutan Tours - A Journey to Inside Happiness

Easy Bhutan Tour Planning

Easy Bhutan Trip Planning

  • Speak 1-1 with a dedicated Bhutan Travel Expert
  • Replete Support for Bhutan Visa
  • Free Inquiry - Promptly Response - Consistent service - Seamless itinerary
  • We share commitment to quality and the delivery of authentic travel experiences

Local Expert Bhutan Tour Service Customizing

Local Expert Bhutan Service Customizing

  • Over 18 years experience in tailoring Bhutan tour packages
  • Your time, your pace - no limited change, without charge
  • Hand-picked Accommodations with Thorough Scouts

Authentic Bhutan Vacation

Authentic Bhutan Vacation

  • We want you to go home with amazing stories about your trip
  • Explore the last Shangri-La in the World
  • Unlock the Happiest Country on Earth
  • Journey to the Kingdom of Happiness

Outstanding Bhutan Trip Reviews

Outstanding Bhutan Trip Reviews

  • The Trusted Partner of Bhutan Government
  • Professional & Enthusiastic Staff
  • 5-star Reviews from Happy Clients on Tripsadvisor

4 Easy Steps For Your Bhutan Vacation Packages

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Get Inspiration of a Bhutan tour itinerary

Having no idea how to start your Bhutan tour? Don’t worry! You can get inspiration from our ready-made trip itinerary.

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Select a favorite Bhutan tour

If you want a custom tour, make a free inquiry by chatting, emailing, or filling the contact form, and then tell us your ideas. We are happy to tailor a unique Bhutan trip that suit you most.

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Book Bhutan Tour Packages with Us

Once you’ve found the Bhutan tour you’d love to take, keep working 1-1 with our dedicated travel expert until you are totally satisfied to book.

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Enjoy Bhutan Trip & Service

Now, it’s time to enjoy your Bhutan holiday package and create your own beautiful travel memories with your private service.

Bhutan Tours by Theme

Bhutan Classic Tours

Bhutan Tour Packages 2024 - 2025

Zangthopelri Lhakhang - Bhutan vacation packages

Bhutan Tour Itinerary Packages 2023 – 2024

Mystical Treasures Discovery – 7 Days

Tour Route:  Paro – Thimphu  – Punakha – Wangdi – Paro

Tour Highlights

  • Explore Thimphu's cultural gems, including Memorial Chorten, Tashichho Dzong, Buddha Point, Changangkha Lhakhang
  • Visit the Drupthob Goemba and Zangthopelri Lhakhang, immersing in the spiritual essence of Bhutan
  • Discover the artistry of Jhunghi handmade paper factory and admire Bhutanese postal services at the Thimphu Post office
  • Enjoy the picturesque journey to Punakha/Wangdi, passing through the mesmerizing Dochu La pass
  • Discover the historical significance of Paro as you visit the Rinpung Dzong

Dochula Pass - Bhutan trip

Enchanting Bhutan Odyssey – 6 Days

Tour Route: Paro – Thimphu  – Punakha – Dochula Pass – Paro

  • Visit Tachogang Lhakhang, National Memorial Chorten, and Tashichho Dzong
  • Marvel at the magnificent Kuensel Phodrang
  • Discover the unique Takin at Motithang Takin Preserve, a serene natural habitat
  • Delve into Bhutanese culture at Simtokha Dzong and Zilukha Nunnery
  • Embark on an unforgettable trek to the sacred Taktsang Monastery

National Memorial Chorten - Bhutan tours

Bhutan Spiritual Wonders – 5 Days

Tour Route: Paro – Thimphu  – Punakha – Paro

  • Hike to the legendary Tiger's Nest, perched on a cliffside with breathtaking views
  • Discover the grandeur of Punakha Dzong, an architectural marvel at the confluence of two rivers
  • Witness the world's largest sitting Buddha statue
  • Admire the iconic Paro Dzong, a symbol of Bhutan's rich cultural heritage
  • Visit the historic Chimmi Lhakhang, a sacred monastery with intriguing stories

Hear from Our Clients Say About Us

David Tolson and his friend review Bhutan tours

David Tolson & His Friend

Our Bhutan trip was one of the greatest and most unforgettable experiences of our lives! Go Bhutan Tours is very well organized with professional and friendly staff, communicates effectively, and takes our wishes into account. We experienced and truly felt the magic as well as spiritual vibes in monasteries. We learned about Buddhism and the royal family in Bhutan, and we immersed ourselves in Bhutanese culture through visits to villages, schools, and homestays. We had very interesting and honest discussions with our guide and driver. We thoroughly enjoyed discovering the authenticity of central and eastern Bhutan.

Anna Family Reviews Bhutan tours

Anna Family

We had planned to visit Bhutan, and we are glad we did. We spent 2 weeks in such a country with Go Bhutan Tours, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. We had a great time here, and we visited amazing places. Bhutan is an incredible destination that combines awe-inspiring nature, stunning landscapes, rich history, friendly people, and delicious food. Sonam was great, always helpful during the trip, making it a wonderful experience.

Couple visit Bhutan - Bhutan tours

Alejandro R. & Isabella S.

Bhutan Tours promptly addressed our questions, setting them apart from all the other travel agents. The trip itself exceeded our expectations. Our guide was highly knowledgeable, and the driver's skills were simply astounding. During our journey, we were fortunate to meet the owner of Go Bhutan Tours, a truly wonderful person. We were treated to an array of breathtaking views, explored various sites, and had the pleasure of interacting with warm and welcoming local people. In a word, we were elated with the entire experience and wholeheartedly recommend this travel agency.

Buddha Dordenma, Thimphu -Bhutan tours

Andrea Group

When we first started planning our trip to Bhutan, we were a bit overwhelmed. There were so many tour companies and itineraries to choose from. However, when we discovered Go Bhutan Tours, we felt like we were on the right track. One of the tour operators guided us through our plans with phone calls before our Bhutan trip and provided us with a thorough and clear travel guide, itineraries, as well as easy-to-understand cost breakdowns and comparisons. Once we arrived, our guide took us out to dinner and checked in with us regularly. The driver couldn't have been kinder and more accommodating. We managed to cover everything on our agenda and even more. Thank you so much!

Popular Attractions on Bhutan Tours

Popular tourist places and destinations in Bhutan that should be on your  must visit list when you travel to Bhutan.

Thimphu in Bhutan - Bhutan tours

Bhutan Travel Highlights

  • The Best Of Bhutan Travel
  • Transportation in Bhutan
  • Culture and Custom in Bhutan
  • Eating & Drinking in Bhutan

Best Time to Visit Bhutan

  • Shopping in Bhutan
  • Highlight Festivals & Events in Bhutan
  • Health & Safety in Bhutan

Bhutan Attractions

The Best of Bhutan Travel

Discover the best of Bhutan with our exclusive Bhutan travel packages offered by "Go Bhutan Tours." If you're curious about Bhutan travel costs, we have you covered with affordable and all-inclusive options. Our meticulously crafted travel packages allow you to explore the enchanting landscapes, immerse yourself in Bhutanese culture, and witness the awe-inspiring beauty of this Himalayan kingdom.

From the iconic Tiger's Nest Monastery to the serene prayer halls of Gangte Goemba, our Bhutan travel packages provide an unparalleled opportunity to experience the hidden treasures of this isolated nation. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a culture connoisseur, or an adventure seeker, Bhutan has something for everyone. "Go Bhutan Tours" ensures that your journey to Bhutan is not only memorable but also hassle-free. Explore our offerings, discover the diverse landscapes, and immerse yourself in the magic of Bhutan.

Transporation in Bhutan


Go Bhutan Tours uses local transportation alternatives and conventional modes of transportation whenever possible because they typically have less of an impact on the environment, help small local businesses, and are far more enjoyable. The type of excursion you choose while on a Bhutan tour package will determine how you get there. Minibus: Due to the weather, a lack of paved roads, and limited public transportation choices, traveling around Bhutan can be challenging. So plan on taking a minibus while you're not hiking.

Bhutan Culture and Custom

Culture & Custom

Embark on a journey to explore the fascinating culture and customs of Bhutan with "Go Bhutan Tours." Beyond the awe-inspiring Himalayas lies a land where tradition and modernization harmoniously coexist. Bhutan's unique allure has enticed a growing number of travelers since it opened its doors in 1974, welcoming over 200,000 visitors.

The enchantment of Bhutan is evident in its alpine landscapes, mesmerizing Buddhist architecture, and its enigmatic ambiance. It's a place where Gross National Happiness (GNH) takes precedence over GDP, emphasizing the well-being of its people. Bhutan holds the distinction of being the only nation on Earth with a net negative carbon footprint, a testament to its commitment to preserving the environment, influenced by its Buddhist heritage, which makes up nearly 75% of the population.

In Bhutan, the term that resonates most profoundly is "rich." This nation is rich in history, heritage, and customs, offering a wealth of cultural experiences. As Bhutan continues to evolve, there is a delicate balance to be struck between tradition and the rapid advancement of technology, a transition that will be fascinating to witness. Join our Bhutan Tours to delve into the heart of this rich culture and tradition, and explore the customs that make Bhutan truly unique.

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Eating & Drinking

The spicy food of Bhutan is renowned for knocking even the most traveler's socks off. If you prefer things spicy, you might just have reached heaven because most of it is garnished with chilies; but, for someone else, it will be pretty warm. Here are some dishes to watch out for a Bhutan vacation:

These cheese sauce-covered, extremely hot chillies are offered. It’s the traditional dish of Bhutan, where ema is the word for "chili" and datshi is the word for "cheese."

Phak sha pa

Red chile, onion, tomato, ginger, and radish slices are used to stew chopped pork.

The Bhutanese consume a lot of wheat, which is often reddish in hue. This is as a result of its cultivation in the rich Paro Valley soil. This one has a nutty taste and is frequently served with chili and mushrooms.

These Tibetan dumplings are typically served as a snack and are filled with meat, cheese, or veggies. Momos should never be refused.

Red Panda beer

The Bumthang Brewery, which is operated by a Swiss citizen who wed a Bhutanese, produces the famous Red Panda Weiss Beer of Bhutan. The sole export brewery in Bhutan is this one. There is a thin white foam on the beer, which has a murky yellow color. Residents and visitors alike adore this excellent beer.

Plan-based options

Vegetarians will have an easy time traveling to Bhutan because the country does not consume a meal of meat. Because cheese is frequently used in meals, vegans may find it more challenging. Make sure to specify that you want your meals cooked without dairy or margarine. Obviously, vacationing with a local makes everything much simpler. With Go Bhutan Tours, you'll get a local guide who can explain meals and suggest healthy plant-based options.

Best time for Bhutan tour and vacation

The most stunning moment to go on a Bhutan tour is the spring periods of mid-March to early May, when rhododendrons and other flowers are in blossom and the temperature has started to warm up, which are often cited as the ideal times to travel. Another great period is in the fall, from September through November, when the sky is predicted to be bright and the hills should be visible. It appears that March/April and September/October are the busiest carnival seasons.

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A Bhutan trip will satisfy your desire for high caliber handicrafts and vibrant art. Despite Bhutan's lack of a reputation as a premier shopping location, there are many skilled artists producing high-quality goods here. To be assured that you can carry particular things back into your place of origin, it is a great idea to verify with your local customs officers. General terms, the laws governing customs are rigorous in the US and Canada.

Hand-Woven Fabric

In Bhutan, artisanal spinning is at its very best. Visit one of the numerous textile shopping options in the towns of Bhutan to select from a wide variety of vibrant rugs, clothes, shawls, and decorations.

Traditional Music

Consider purchasing a CD of singing monks from Bhutan to use as a musical stress relief when you get home and are back in office daily.

Spiritual Souvenirs

For parents and friends, colorful prayer banners, aromatic candles, and rosary beads make thoughtful presents.

Enjoy Bhutan festivals during vacation

Highlight Festivals & Events

Step into the vibrant tapestry of Bhutan's culture with "Go Bhutan Tours" and immerse yourself in the colorful world of Bhutanese festivals and events. Bhutan is not just about its breathtaking landscapes and ancient traditions; it's also a land of joyous celebrations and major events.

Throughout the year, Bhutan hosts a plethora of festivals that offer a glimpse into the heart and soul of this remarkable nation. From the lively Paro Tsechu to the mystical Punakha Drubchen, these festivals are a window into Bhutan's rich religious and cultural heritage. The Tshechus, or religious festivals, are among the major events in Bhutan, and they are celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm.

Let "Go Bhutan Tours" be your gateway to the enchanting world of Bhutan's festivals and events, where the past and present come together in a joyous celebration of culture and heritage.

Health and Safe Vacation in Bhutan

Health & Safety

Go Bhutan Tours makes each precaution to make sure the Bhutan vacations are safe, enjoyable, and fun for everyone. The company takes the health and safety of its visitors carefully. We advise all passengers to get the most recent information prior to boarding from their local government or regional travel guide agency.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bhutan

Bhutan travel FAQs - Bhutan tours

How large is Bhutan?

Bhutan is 38,394 square kilometres. It is comparable in size to Switzerland, with both countries being landlocked and mountainous. Even the houses in Bhutan have a similar shape and appearance to those in Switzerland.

How to get to Bhutan?

Bhutan, a landlocked country, allows entry only by land or air. It has one international airport in Paro, served by two airlines. Bhutan trips promise a transformative experience in the magic of this enchanting kingdom. 

Is Bhutan a safe destination to visit?

Bhutan is a safe destination for travelers when planning a Bhutan tour, with low levels of crime. However, petty crimes can sometimes happen. Therefore, visitors should remain vigilant and take care of themselves and their belongings.

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Travel & Food, Itineraries & Guides, Hotel Reviews

The Perfect 1-Week Itinerary For Bhutan

July 15, 2017 by Bino 3 Comments

It has been nearly 7 years since I first ventured into the little known thunder dragon kingdom of Bhutan on a fateful morning from Bangkok. This country – sandwiched between China and India – remains one of the least visited places in the world. It was a long time dream that brought me here and during my own experience going around the country, I would have to say that my fascination with Bhutan only grew. There is a strong sense of spirituality that permeates the land – one that is only accentuated by the scenery and the kindhearted nature of the locals. By the end of the trip, I was totally relaxed in a way that no private resort could ever impel me.

Bhutan is a highly mountainous country and a trip from one end to another could easily take weeks. The classic route which takes around a week brings you from Paro where most international flights land to as far as Punakha. This gives you a good overview of the country. Here are my suggestions on some attractions in Bhutan that you shouldn’t miss for a one week trip.

Morning / Afternoon

trip ke bhutan

Start the trip right with a dramatic arrival at Paro International Airport . Perched in a deep valley, you’ll be greeted by spectacular views as you touch down. The airport is also widely regarded as one of the most challenging in the world with only a select few pilots qualified to land there.

Make your way to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan and get your bearings at the Buddha Point in Kuensel Phodrang . The large Buddha statue is strategically located in the mountains and the view of the surrounding Thimphu Valley allows for a quick orientation of the city.

Soak in a bit of the local spiritual atmosphere at the National Memorial Chorten . Much more than just a monument, the chorten is also a reflection of the importance religion figures in daily life. In the day, you’ll find plenty of locals going around the chorten , turning the prayer wheels and chanting.

From here, make your way to Thimphu Dzong , the seat of Bhutan’s government and where you’ll find offices of the King.

Morning to Afternoon

If you happen to be in Thimphu during the weekend, a stop at the colorful Centenary Farmers’ Market is a must. This is the largest domestic market in Bhutan, attracting farmers from faraway towns who sell their agricultural produce here. For artists and photographers, this is a great place to capture uninhibited scenes of local life.

Continue your tour of Thimphu with a visit to a number of museums:

Folk Heritage Museum , a showcase of the country’s rural past with exhibitions involving tools and equipment used in the countryside.

The National Textile Museum offers a peek at the country’s rich heritage in weaving. Exhibitions here involve plenty of fabric, including the royal dresses and wedding clothes worn by the fourth king and his wives.

Witness the entire process of making paper at the Papermaking Factory . There are live demonstrations and you can even make a bit of your own as a souvenir.

End this museum-filled day by checking out the national animal, Takin ; a goat-antelope with a notably swollen face.

trip ke bhutan

dochula pass by goran hoglund | cc 2.0

Start the day early with a drive to Punakha. On the way, you will pass by the Dochula Pass – a collection of 108 chortens built by the Queen Mother to commemorate Bhutan’s victory over Indian militants. If you happen to be here on a clear day, look out and you will also see the Himalayas in the distance.

From here, it’s a further 1.5 hour drive to Punakha Dzong , one of the most attractive of Bhutan’s many dzongs. Its riverside location makes it one of the most iconic spots in Bhutan especially when the surrounding Jacaranda trees are in full bloom in April.

Walk past some picturesque rice fields and hike up a hill to the Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten . Well worth the one hour hike for the majestic views of the surrounding Punakha Valley, the 4-storey temple is also a stunning example of Bhutanese architecture.

Another worthy stop is the Chimi Lakhang . The walk getting there offers a good peek at rural life as you pass through plenty of rice fields. Also recognized by locals as a fertility temples, your walk will also be colored with plenty of phallic symbols painted around the surrounding buildings.

trip ke bhutan

Make your way back to Dochula to see the Dochula Festival (Druk Wangyel Tshechu). Held every 13th December, the festival was first commemorated in 2011 to celebrate the Bhutanese army’s victory over insurgent Indian forces in the southern part of Bhutan. Watch the soldiers performing traditional folk and mask dances. For those who are curious about the Bhutanese royal family, this is one of the rare instances where tourists can see them in the flesh.

trip ke bhutan

Drive north of Paro Valley and pass by Drukgyal Dzong .  Built in 1647 by the great Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, father and unifier of medieval Bhutan, a fire ravaged the dzong. It was deliberately left in ruins in order to remind the people of the victories of Bhutan’s unifier.

The local fortress, Paro Dzong, is one of Bhutan’s most popular. It is in the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage status.

trip ke bhutan

Put your walking shoes on as you hike up around 1000 meters up to the Tiger’s Nest Monastery . One of Bhutan’s most iconic sights, the temple is precariously perched on a narrow cliff at over 3,000 meters above sea level. How it got there is the stuff of legends. According to tradition, a tigress flew here to transport the materials to construct the building.

Depending on one’s fitness level, it takes around 2 or 2.5 hours to reach the monastery from the base.

After making your way down, head to the Kyichu Lakhang . Its origins purportedly date back from the 7th century, making it one of the oldest temples in Bhutan. Look out for the two orange trees in the garden which is said to bear fruit regardless of the season.

Take some last minute photo opportunities before taking a morning flight out of Bhutan.

Special Interests

Photography tours – I visited Bhutan back before I had upgraded my photography equipment into a DSLR so a return visit is definitely due. Bhutan’s untouched beauty offers much in the way of photography, whether it be of landscapes or of a culture that has not been overrun by mass commercialization. There are customized tours to Bhutan catering just to photographers including this one that’s hosted by award-winning photographer Scott A. Woodward who has visited Bhutan himself and is familiar with nice spots for photography. Participants get to have equipment from Lowepro including a water-resistant camera bag and tripod.

Sketching tours – Due to the dramatic scenery and untouched beauty of the country, Bhutan also offers plenty of sketching opportunities for artists. DrukAsia offers specialized sketching tours with Erwin Lian whose works have been featured in various outlets such as The Straits Times and Channelnewsasia. The tours follow the same itineraries essentially but with more time allocated for sketching.

DrukAsia is one of the largest travel agencies specialising in Bhutan. They offer plenty of tours including specialized ones such as photography and sketching tours. I went with them when I visited the Thunder Dragon Kingdom some years back. You can check them out HERE .

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Hi, my name is Bino and I started I Wander around 15 years ago with the aim of sharing about some of my personal journeys and experiences, hoping that the information may benefit readers like yourselves. Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Alternatively, you can also email me at b i n o (at) You can follow I Wander on Facebook , Telegram , or Instagram . Also, if you liked this article, please feel free to SHARE or RETWEET

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July 18, 2017 at 12:37 pm

Hello Nice article about whole week plan for Bhutan. Thanks.

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February 6, 2019 at 12:20 am

hi bino, loved to read about your Bhutan trip.Hope you enjoyed your trip to Bhutan a lot. God Speed…. regards Sudhanshu

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April 7, 2019 at 1:12 pm

Seems like its been a long time since you’ve last visited this incredible country but it looks amazing back then and it still is. Thanks for sharing this short and concise travel itinerary with us. This 1 week travel itinerary is perfect for travelers wanting to visit Bhutan for a short time yet not miss some of the major tourist attractions around the place.

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Bhutan Tours

Bhutan is the land of monasteries, art, mountains and culture. Bhutan is no ordinary destination. It is the remaining part of the Great Himalayan Kingdom of yesteryear, which is still endowed with mystery, culture and tradition . Bhutan takes pride in providing a unique style of vacation, which focus on rejuvenation and minimalistic lifestyle.

This is the land of red rice, chilies being staple food, dancing monks and many other unique traditions. Bhutan bleeds with traditions, like no other country on the face of earth. This is the prime destination famous for photogenic landscapes, prime monasteries, majestic festivals, medieval styled local settings, unparalleled shopping experience and so on.

Top Activities To Enjoy In Bhutan

Tourists from all over the world are attracted to Bhutan for the following reasons:

Spiritual visits – there are numerous monasteries here for exploring and enjoying cultural activities. Choose 8 days Bhutan – The Himalayan Splendor package to enjoy a cultural vacation.

Angling – with a license costing Nu 500 per day, you can enjoy fishing near specific monasteries (closed during October to December)

Birdwatching – Bhutan is blessed with 600 bird species, thanks to lack of hunting and preservation of unique habitats

Trekking – Bhutan is dedicated to trekking. Top places for trekking are Thanza, Jhomolhari, Laya-Gasa trek, SoiYaksa valley and others. If you are planning to have a trekking vacation, choose 8 days Gangtey Trek.

Golf – available in Thimphu

Cycling/Mountain biking – top routes include Paro, Bumthang Valley, Thimphu and others

Rafting / Kayaking – Punakha valley is the best place to enjoy these activities. You can also find many companies who provide these activities with trained instructors.

Mountaineering – Jhomolhari is the iconic place for this activity.

Best Time To Visit Bhutan

Mid of September to May is the best time to visit this region. This is the festival time and you can spot numerous cultural activities, fairs and others during this season. The climate is also mild, allowing you to explore deeper and raw regions.

Tips To Enjoy Bhutan

Do not rely on vehicles. Vehicles can scale only a part of Bhutan. Rest have to be on foot. Yaks can be used to carry your items, while you walk beside them. However, choose shorter and easier trails to enjoy the walk with your family.

Bhutan is comparatively pollutant-free. However, do not forget to wear sunglasses and sun screen to protect your skin.

You might not find electricity in rural places of Bhutan . Thus, take power banks, solar powered chargers and others with you.

Finding medical services is also hard in rural regions. Thus, bring required medications with you.

It is better to carry local cash, Indian rupee or US dollars with you, rather than cards.

15 Itinerary Found Select Destination

3 Nights 4 days Bhutan Tour - Itinerary, Package

4 Days - Bhutan Tour

Paro - Thimphu - Paro

trip ke bhutan

  • Visit Tashichho Dzong, Chuzon in Thimphu
  • See largest statue of Buddha in Kuensel Phodrang
  • Visit Textile and Folk Heritage Museum
  • Visit Taktshang Monastery
  • See the valley to Drukgyel Dzong
  • See Bhutanese Museum and Kyichu Lhakhang

4 Nights 5 Days Bhutan Tour Package

5 Days - Bhutan Tour Package

Paro - Thimphu - Punakha - Paro

  • Visit Kyichu Lhakhang and Paro Rinpung Dzong at Paro
  • Explore Taktsang Monastery in Paro
  • See the largest Buddha Statue at Kuensel Phodrang
  • Enjoy a walking trail to the Tiger's Nest Monastery
  • Visit Changangkha Monastery at Thimpu
  • Enjoy the shopping of arts and textiles of Bhutanese, Thimpu
  • Explore Punakha Dzong and Chimi Lhakhang in Punakha

4 Nights 5 Days Bhutan Itinerary

5 Days - Bhutan Itinerary

  • Visit Tashichho Dzong and markets in Thimphu
  • See Bhutan’s largest Buddha statue at Kuensel Phodrang
  • Folk Heritage and Textile museum to see the traditional art and culture
  • Visit Takin Preserve to spot Takin
  • See the collection of ancient weapons at Ta Dzong
  • Visit Taktsang Monastery
  • Enjoy Shopping at Paro
  • See Typical Bhutanese farmhouse at Drukgyel Dzong

4 Nights 5 Days Paro Thimphu Punakha Tour - Itinerary

5 Days - Paro Thimphu Punakha Tour

  • Visit Tschogang Lhakhang and Tashichho Dzong fortress in Thimphu
  • Enjoy shopping at local crafts bazaar
  • See largest Buddha statue at Buddha Point
  • Visit Punakha Dzong, Chimi Lhakhang and Dochu la Pass
  • Visit famous Tiger's Nest Monastery and Ta Dzong at Paro
  • Visit City Center to learn the culture of Paro

4 Nights 5 Days Bhutan Tour with Le Meridien Hotel

5 Days - Bhutan Tour with Le Meridien Hotel

  • Visit Chuzom, Tashichho Dzong and local market at Thimphu
  • Offer prayer to Lord Buddha at Kuensel Phodrang
  • Enjoy the overview of the Thimpu Valley
  • Visit King's Memorial Chorten
  • Experience the weaving techniques at Textile Museum
  • Experience Bhutanese Folk heritage and rural history at Folk heritage museum

5 Nights 6 Days Bhutan Tour - Itinerary, Package

6 Days - Bhutan Tour Package

Paro - Thimphu - Punakha - Wangdue - Paro

  • Visit Chuzom and markets in Thimphu
  • Grand Panoramic view of Thimphu valley from Buddha Point
  • Admire the largest Buddha Statue of Bhutan at Kuensel Phodrang
  • See people circumambulating, spinning prayer wheel at King’s Memorial Chorten
  • Visit Handicraft Emporium, Textile and Folk Heritage Museum in Thimphu

6 Nights 7 Days Bhutan Tour Package - Itinerary

7 Days - Bhutan Tour

  • See the statue of Chenrezig with eleven heads at Changangkha Lhakhang
  • Visit Handicrafts Emporium and local crafts bazaar
  • Visit the Sangchhen Dorji Lhuendrup Lhakhang Nunnery
  • Visit the nearby village at Wangdue

6 Nights 7 Days Bhutan Luxury Tour with COMO Uma and Taj Tashi Hotel

7 Days - Bhutan Luxury Tour with COMO Uma and Taj Tashi Hotel

  • En-route stop at Chuzom to Thimphu
  • Stroll the markets at Thimpu
  • See the largest Buddha statue at Kuensel Phodrang
  • Visit King's Memorial Chorten at Thimphu
  • See 11 head statue of Chenrezig at Changangkha Lhakhang
  • Explore the art of weaving with exhibitions at Textile Museum
  • Visit Folk Heritage Museum and Tashichho Dzong Thimphu

8 Days Bhutan Trekking Tour - Gangtey Trekking Itinerary, Trip

8 Days - Bhutan Itinerary (Gangtey Trek Bhutan)

Thimphu - Gangtey - Gogona - Khotokha - Wangdue Phodrang - Punakha - Thimphu - Paro

  • Explore the National Memorial Chorten and Institute of Zorig Chusum
  • Art and craft lessons at the Painting school
  • Trekking at Gogona and Khotokha
  • Visit Paper making Factory, Handicrafts Emporium at Thimphu
  • Visit Simtokha Dzong monastery
  • Explore the Rinpung Dzong, Drukgyel Dzong and Ta Dzong

7 Nights 8 Days Bhutan Tour - The Himalayan Splendor Trip

8 Days - Bhutan Tour Package

Paro - Thimphu – Trongsa - Bumthang – Punakha - Paro

  • Visit National Library, Traditional Medicine institute, Thmphu
  • Explore Gangkar Puensum, Chendebji Chorten, Trongsa
  • Visit Kurje Lhakhang at Bhumthang
  • Explore traditional Bhutanese Farm House, Paro
  • Visit Kyichu Lhakhang at Paro

Adventure Activities in Bhutan

Airports in bhutan, best time to visit bhutan, bhutan travel guide, culture and traditions of bhutan, currency in bhutan, famous fairs and festivals of bhutan, history of bhutan, how to reach bhutan, interesting reasons why bhutan is the happiest country, monasteries in bhutan, permits and visa in bhutan, phuentsholing, planning a perfect punakha valley vacation in bhutan, reasons to visit bhutan, samdrup jongkhar, top things to do in bhutan, tourist destination in bhutan, trashiyangtse, trekking in bhutan, wangdue phodrang dzong, what to eat in bhutan, what to wear in bhutan, wildlife sanctuaries in bhutan, frequently asked questions, q. what is unique about bhutan, q. when is the best time to visit bhutan.

The best to visit Bhutan is from March to May. This is the spring season, when nature will be at prime. October and November are the right time for trekking and other outdoor activities.

Q. How hard is the Tiger's Nest hike?

Q. what should you not miss in bhutan.

Top things not to miss in Bhutan are Tiger’s Nest Monastery, Buddha Dorgenma, National Memorial Chorten, Tashicho-Dzong, Dochula Pass, PhunakaDzong, NamgyalChorten, Fertility temple, and others. Do not miss the cuisine and natural attractions of the land.

Q. What is the famous food of Bhutan?

Ema Datshi (Cheese and chili), Jashamaru (chicken), PhakshaPaa (spicy pork), red rice, momos, and others. The best local beverage is brewed ara, a beverage brewed from maize, rice, wheat or millet.

Q. What are the places that Indian tourists can visit on their Bhutan Permit?

Q. why do tourists visit bhutan.

The country’s tourism, nature, and culture are untouched by commercialization. The monasteries and Chortens provide a Buddhism culture , which is colorful and interesting. There are numerous natural beauties in Bhutan and outdoor activities like trekking, hiking, white water rafting and others are attracting tourists. Bhutan is a rejuvenating site for modern day travelers.

Q. Are there any adventure activities to enjoy in Bhutan?

Adventure activities to cover in Bhutan are white water rafting, kayaking, angling, archery, bridge crossing, rock climbing, trekking , hiking, mountain biking, and others.

Q. What should I buy from Bhutan?

Top souvenirs to buy in Bhutan are silver articles, Himalayan beads, bamboo or cane articles, wooden articles, handloom, handicraft items, carved masks, handmade paper, Buddhist paintings, sculptures, and others.

Q. What is the culture of Bhutan?

Q. what is paro tshechu, q. what is thimphutshechu, q. which is the best season for adventure sports in bhutan.

March to May and November to end of December are the right months to visit Bhutan for adventure activities . Top activities to enjoy are kayaking, mountain biking, rafting, camping, trekking, hiking, archery, paragliding, and others.

Q. What is Bhutan famous for?

Bhutan is famous for its unique and raw culture, rich heritage, ancient form of Buddhism, and natural beauty. 72% of Bhutan is forest, making it the largest biodiversity.

Q. Which is the best rock climbing zone in Bhutan?

Western Bhutan is the best place to enjoy rock climbing. The best of all is the Nose. It is located closer to Thimphu and holds 13 routes with varying difficulties and lengths for rock climbing.

Q. How many days should I spend in Bhutan?

If you are looking for an overall holistic vacation, you need minimum of five days to cover the iconic destinations of Bhutan. If you wish to cover one of the three regions open for tourists, a weekend getaway trip is enough.

Q. What are the tourist attractions in Bhutan?

Top attractions in Bhutan are TashichhoDzong, Punakha Dzong, Paro Taktsang, Gangteng Monastery, RinpungDizong, Chele La Pass, Gangtey Valley, ZuriDzong, Dochula Pass, BudhaDoredenma, and others.

Q. What is the best month to visit Bhutan?

Spring is the best time to visit Bhutan. Spring starts in March and ends by May.

Q. How much does a Bhutan visa cost?

Bhutan visa cost $40 per head. This is over and above the minimum daily fee of $250 per head. This is fee set by the government for tourists, including the sustainability development charge.

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THE 10 BEST Bhutan Tours & Excursions

Bhutan tours.

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  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
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  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

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1. Best of Bhutan Tour( Culture- Hikes- Short Trek- Monastic Stay)

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2. Amazing Bhutan in 7 Days

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3. Bhutan Family Vacation With Cultural Tour

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4. Photography Tour in Thimphu and Dochula Pass

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5. 2 Nights Paro and Thimphu Tour, Bhutan

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6. Marvels of Bhutan

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7. 5 Days Glimpse of Bhutan

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8. Taktsang day hike

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9. Off the Beaten Path: Discovering Bhutan's Hidden Gems in 09 Days

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10. 5-Day Private tour of Bhutan

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11. Bhutan Trip

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12. Bhutan Highlights Tour 7 Nights 8 Days - Everyday Departures

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13. 8 Days Classic Bhutan tour with easy hikes

trip ke bhutan

14. 7 Days In The Magical Kingdom of Bhutan

trip ke bhutan

15. 4 Days- Private Bhutan Tour with Tiger Nest

trip ke bhutan

16. Bhutan Spiritual & Wellness Tour Package With Monastic Stay -7Night 8Days

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17. 10 Days Essence of BHUTAN

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18. Glimpse of Bhutan

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19. 9 Days Druk-path Trek with Cultural sightseeing

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20. 6 Days Explore the Hidden Kingdom of Bhutan

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21. 15-Day Bird Watching and Cultural Tour in Bhutan

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22. The floating statue of Dorji Phagmo In Paro

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23. Bhutan Tour Package

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24. 6 Nights 7 Days Explore Bhutan Tour Package

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25. 9 Days Authentic Bhutan Tour by Local Experts

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26. 8 Days Bhutan Cultural Tour with 2-Day Bumdrak Trek

trip ke bhutan

27. Private 7 Days Tour in Bhutan

trip ke bhutan

28. 6 Days Best of Bhutan Tour

trip ke bhutan

29. 5 Days Private Bhutan Short Escape

trip ke bhutan

30. 12 Days Bhutan In-depth Tour

What travelers are saying.


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trip ke bhutan


7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan Wonderful Tour

Trip duration, start point, max altitude, best season, diffic. level, accomodations & meals.

  • 3N 3-Star Hotels in Kathmandu
  • 3N 3-Star Hotels in Bhutan
  • 6 Breakfasts
  • Lunch & Dinner in Bhutan (incl.)
  • Lunch & Dinner in KTM (Excl.)
  • Bottled water every day

Locations Covered

  • Tiger’s Nest Temple

Trip Highlights

  • Thrilling flight with stunning views of the Himalayan Vistas
  • Explore Kathmandu’s cultural treasures: temples, palaces, and more
  • Unforgettable hike to Bhutan’s iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery
  • Immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of Nepal and Bhutan
  • Delight in the flavors of traditional cousines in both countries

"Experience the charm of Nepal and Bhutan in just 7 days with the Kathmandu Bhutan wonderful tour . This cultural journey offers a glimpse into the beauty of both South Asian countries. Starting from Kathmandu, the Nepal Bhutan Tour Package allows you to explore the enchanting Himalayan regions in a week. "

Embark on an extraordinary journey to South Asia, beginning with your arrival in Kathmandu, Nepal. Renowned for its ancient temples, monuments, monasteries, ethnic diversity, and abundant flora and fauna, Nepal captivates visitors with its breathtaking vistas of lush green hills and forests. Its cultural and natural wonders are so captivating that one visit is simply not enough.

As part of this delightful tour, you will also venture from Kathmandu to Bhutan for a unique cultural experience lasting four days. Nestled between the colossal nations of China and India, Bhutan is a small, landlocked country like Nepal. Bhutan has embraced and preserved Buddhism, providing an opportunity to delve into the teachings and witness the harmonious way of life among its people. Bhutan’s commitment to Gross National Happiness rather than GDP sets an admirable example of environmental preservation and cultural heritage, making it a country that strives to protect its pristine surroundings.

How do you travel to these two Himalayan nations?

The 7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan wonderful tour offers convenient travel arrangements to these two Himalayan nations. Your journey commences in Kathmandu, where our representative will greet you at the airport and transport you to your hotel. During this Nepal Bhutan Tour Package , you will have the opportunity to explore the prominent attractions of Kathmandu, including the Kathmandu Durbar Square, where you can witness the temple of the living goddess and participate in the Kora at Boudhanath Stupa. Additionally, you will embark on a hike to the Swoyambhunath Temple, affectionately known as the Monkey Temple.

Once you have thoroughly explored the sights of Kathmandu, your Bhutan adventure from Kathmandu begins with an exhilarating short flight from Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu to Paro International Airport. In Bhutan, you will have the chance to visit remarkable landmarks such as Tashicho Dzong (Fortress), Tiger’s Nest (Taktsang Monastery), Kuenselphodrang, National Textile Museum, Craft Bazaar, Rinpung Dzong, and other notable attractions. The hike to Tiger’s Nest is a highlight of the Bhutan tour package, taking approximately four to five hours round trip.

Visa and Flight

Obtaining a tourist visa for Nepal is a simple process. Upon arrival at Kathmandu airport, you can fill out the Nepal visa application form at the provided machine at the airport or fill it out online at home before you start your journey, print it, and present it for access. The tourist visa fee for a 15-day stay with multiple entries is USD 30.

For Bhutan, the tourist visa process is different. It needs to be arranged through the tour operator, and approval is granted by the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB). Rest assured, we will take care of the visa process and provide you with an e-Visa Clearance Letter before you embark on your Bhutan trip.

When it comes to flights, during peak seasons, two operators, Druk Air, and Bhutan Airlines, offer daily flights from Kathmandu to Bhutan. They ensure convenient travel between the two destinations.

Best time to take the 7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan Tour

The best time to take the 7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan Wonderful Tour Package is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons.

In spring, both Kathmandu and Bhutan experience mild temperatures and blooming landscapes. It’s a great time to explore the cultural attractions in Kathmandu and witness the Vibrant festivals and celebrations. In Bhutan, you can enjoy pleasant weather by visiting landmarks like Tiger’s Nest monastery and immersing yourself in the local culture.

Autumn is another fantastic season for this tour. The weather is generally clear, providing excellent visibility of the Himalayan peaks and allowing for memorable experiences in both countries. Kathmandu’s pleasant temperatures make it ideal for sightseeing, while Bhutan’s cultural heritage and natural beauty shine during this time.

The above seasons are popular for the 7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan Wonderful Tour due to their favorable weather conditions and the optimal experiences they offer. However, it’s important to consider your specific preferences and interests. If you have festivals or activities in mind, it’s advisable to check the event calendars and plan accordingly. Immerse yourself in the vibrant festivals of Nepal and the festivals of Bhutan for a truly life-changing experience. Discover the rich cultural heritage of these two Himalayan nations by participating in their colorful and captivating celebrations.

Join us on the 7-Day Kathmandu Bhutan Wonderful Tour for a remarkable experience in these breathtaking Himalayan nations. If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to make your dream trip a reality.

Looking for more exciting travel options? Here are some additional suggestions to enhance your journey of Nepal and Bhutan:

  • 3 Nights 4 Days Lhasa City Tour
  • Nagarkot Dhulikhel One Day Hike 
  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter Landing Tour

Itinerary Expand All

Upon arrival at Kathamndu’ Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), you will receive a warm meet and greet before being transferred to your hotel. If you arrive early, we can organize exciting activities such as city sightseeing or a cooking class to make the most of your time in Kathmandu. Rest and relax overnight at your hotel.

  • Overnight at the Hotel in Kathmandu

Our knowledgeable guide will pick you up from your hotel and provide transportation for the day’s sightseeing in Kathmandu. After enjoying your breakfast, we will embark on a journey to visit four major landmarks in the city: Pashupatinath, Boudhanath, Swoyambhunath (Monkey Temple), and Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Swoyambhunath Temple (Monkey Temple)

We begin with a visit to Swoyambhunath, also known as the Monkey Temple. This ancient landmark, with a history of 2500 years, is considered the Radiant Lotus of the Valley. It holds great religious significance for Buddhists and is located atop a picturesque hill within the Kathmandu valley. From here, you can enjoy panoramic views of the entire valley. Keep an eye out for the monkeys that inhabit the area, learning the temple its nickname.

Boudhanath Stupa

After exploring the Monkey Temple, we will drive to Boudhanath Stupa. This renowned stupa, which underwent restoration after the 2015 mega earthquake, is the largest of its kind in the world. It serves as a representation of Tibetan Buddhist culture in Nepal. Surrounding the stupa, you will find antique shops offering a variety of items related to Tibetan culture and lifestyle.

Pashupatinath Temple

Nest, we will visit the sacred Pashupatinath Temple, situated on the banks of the Bagmati River. This temple holds immense religious significance for Hindus, attracting devotees from around the globe throughout the year. During the auspicious festival of Shiva Ratri, hundreds of thousands of devotees and Sadhus gather here to pay their respects.

Kathmandu Durbar Square  

Our final stop for the day is Kathmandu Durbar Square, where you can explore Hanuman Dhoka, the ancient royal residential quarter, as well as the Mahadev Parvati Temple and the temple house of Kumari, the Living Goddess. Take a leisurely walk through the local bazaar before returning to your hotel.

Relax and unwind overnight at your hotel in Kathmandu, reflecting on the captivating sights you have experienced.

  • Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu
  • Breakfast Included

Experience the most breathtaking mountain flight of a lifetime, where you will witness the world’s highest peaks from the comfort of your aircraft window. As you fly in from the Indian plains, the pilot will announce the names of the majestic peaks, provided the weather is clear. Descending into the high mountains, you will be enchanted by the stunning valley of Paro, adorned with alpine forests, monasteries, temples, and charming farmhouses. Just before landing, catch a glimpse of the fertile valley, the Paro Dzong (Fortress), and the flowing Paro Chu (River).

Upon arrival, our representative will warmly welcome and assist you. Enjoy a delicious lunch in Paro before embarking on a scenic drive to Thimphu, the unique capital of Bhutan. Prepare to be surprised as you will explore the city that has no traffic lights but instead employs traffic policemen following the British-Indian colonial tradition. In the evening, you can leisurely explore the city or take a stroll from Clock Tower Square for some shopping.

For early arrivals, we can organize a tour of some of the popular landmarks in Paro and Thimphu. Relax and unwind overnight at your hotel in Thimphu, cherishing the memorable experience of the day.

  • Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu 
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Included 

Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, offers a range of attractions and sights to explore. Here are some highlights of Thimphu sightseeing:

Tashichho Dzong: Tashichho Dzong is a magnificent fortress-like structure that serves as the seat of Bhutan’s government and the central monastic body. It is an impressive architectural landmark with beautifully painted walls, golden roofs, and intricate woodwork. Visitors can witness the changing of the guard ceremony held outside the dzong.

Buddha Dordenma: Located atop a hill overlooking Thimphu, the Buddha Dordenma is a gigantic bronze statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. It stands at a height of 51.5 meters (169 feet) and is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world. The site offers panoramic views of Thimphu City and the surrounding mountains.

Memorial Chorten: The Memorial Chorten, also known as the Thimphu Chorten, is a sacred shrine built in memory of Bhutan’s third king, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. It is a popular place of worship for locals, who circumambulate the chorten while reciting prayers. The site offers insights into Bhutanese religious and spiritual practices.

Folk Heritage Museum: This museum provides a glimpse into traditional Bhutanese rural life and culture. It showcases various artifacts, tools, and household items that depict the country’s rich heritage. Visitors can explore a typical Bhutanese farmhouse and learn about traditional Bhutanese customs, costumes, and practices.

National Textile Museum: Bhutan is known for its intricate and vibrant textiles, and the National Textile Museum showcases the country’s textile traditions. The museum displays a wide range of traditional textiles, including hand-woven fabrics, costumes, and intricate embroidery. Visitors can learn about the techniques, symbolism, and significance of Bhutanese textiles.

Changangkha Lhakhang: This ancient temple is perched on a hilltop overlooking Thimphu. It is a popular pilgrimage site for Bhutanese parents who come to seek blessings for their newborns. The temple offers panoramic views of Thimphu City and the surrounding valleys.

Craft Bazaar: The Craft Bazaar in Thimphu is a vibrant market where local artisans and craftsmen display and sell their handmade products. Visitors can find a wide variety of traditional handicrafts, textiles, paintings, and souvenirs that showcase Bhutanese craftsmanship.

These are just a few of the many attractions and experiences Thimphu has to offer. The city also has several monasteries, temples, markets, and restaurants where you can immerse yourself in Bhutanese culture, cuisine, and way of life.

Later in the afternoon, take a drive back to Paro.

  • Overnight at the Hotel in Paro
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Included

A day trip to Tiger’s Nest (also known as Taktsang Monastery) is one of the most iconic and popular excursions in Bhutan. Here’s what you can expect during the hike to Tiger’s Nest:

Start of the Hike: The hike begins from the base of the mountain, located near Paro. You’ll have the opportunity to witness the majestic Taktsang Monastery perched on a cliff in the distance. The monastery is one of Bhutan’s most sacred sites and holds great cultural and religious significance.

Scenic Views: As you ascend the trail, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, including lush green valleys, cascading waterfalls, and the Paro Valley below. The hike offers numerous photo opportunities to capture the natural beauty of Bhutan.

Prayer Wheels and Mani Walls: Along the trail, you’ll pass by colorful prayer wheels and mani walls, which are stone structures inscribed with Buddhist mantras. Locals and pilgrims spin the prayer wheels and offer prayers as they make their way to Tiger’s Nest.

Cafeteria: About halfway through the hike, there is a cafeteria where you can take a break, enjoy refreshments, and soak in the panoramic views. It’s a great spot to rest, regain energy, and appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.

Tiger’s Nest Monastery: The highlight of the hike is reaching Tiger’s Nest itself. Perched dramatically on a sheer cliff, the monastery is an architectural marvel. Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Bhutanese Buddhism, meditated in a cave here in the 8th century. Visitors can explore the monastery complex, including its temples, shrines, and meditation halls.

Meditation Caves: Within the Tiger’s Nest complex, there are several caves where Guru Rinpoche is said to have meditated. These caves hold immense spiritual significance and are revered by devotees. You may have the opportunity to visit some of these sacred caves.

The hike to Tiger’s Nest is moderately challenging, with steep sections and a total elevation gain of approximately 900 meters (2,950 feet). It takes around 4-6 hours to complete the round trip, depending on your pace and the time spent exploring the monastery.

Note: Make sure to wear comfortable and sturdy shoes, dress in layers as the weather can change, and carry water and snacks for the hike. Remember to respect the monastery’s rules and customs, such as removing your shoes and covering your shoulders and knees while inside.

The hike to Tiger’s Nest is a rewarding and memorable experience, combining natural beauty, cultural heritage, and spiritual significance in one breathtaking location.

After hiking to Tiger’s Nest, you will be witnessing the following places until the time permits:

Paro Rinpung Dzong: This impressive fortress-monastery is a prominent landmark in Paro. It houses administrative offices, religious shrines, and beautifully painted murals. Visitors can stroll through its courtyards and experience the spiritual atmosphere.

National Museum of Bhutan: Located in a historic watchtower, the National Museum offers insights into Bhutanese history, culture, and art. The museum houses a rich collection of artifacts, including traditional costumes, religious paintings, weaponry, and ancient manuscripts.

Kyichu Lhakhang: This ancient temple is one of the oldest and most sacred in Bhutan. It is believed to have been built in the 7th century by the Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo. Kyichu Lhakhang is known for its spiritual significance and serene surroundings.

Drukgyel Dzong: Although in ruins, Drukgyel Dzong holds historical significance as a former fortress defending against Tibetan invasions. It is located in the upper Paro Valley and offers a glimpse into Bhutan’s military history.

Paro Town: Take some time to explore the charming streets of Paro Town. It offers a blend of traditional Bhutanese architecture, colorful shops, and local markets. You can browse for handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs while immersing yourself in the local atmosphere.

Farmhouses : Paro Valley is dotted with traditional farmhouses, many of which offer homestay experiences. You can get a glimpse of rural life, engage in traditional activities, and enjoy Bhutanese hospitality.

We can also offer you the traditional dinner at the farmhouse if you prefer.

After an early morning breakfast or a packed breakfast, you will make your way to Paro International Airport for your return flight to Kathmandu. If possible, request a right-side window seat during the flight to enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of the mountains, including the magnificent Mount Everest.

At this point, the tour comes to an end. I hope you had a wonderful time exploring Bhutan and experiencing its unique culture, landscapes, and traditions. Safe travels back to Kathmandu!

Note: You can also choose to depart to other destinations from Bhutan such as Delhi, Bangladesh, Bangkok, Singapore, etc.

  • Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu 

We will provide a transfer service on the last day to the Tribhuvan International Airport for your departure flight back home.

  • Breakfast Included 

What's Included

  • Accommodation in 3 Star hotels, twin sharing
  • English Speaking Tour Guide for the entire tour
  • Meals on Full board plan (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) in Bhutan
  • Private Transportation
  • All airports to the hotel to airport transfers
  • Processing and approve the permit, Visa Fee
  • Sightseeing and entrance fees
  • Best Price Guaranteed

For cancellation more than 30 days before the Tour Start Date, No Cancellation fee is charged. For cancellation from 29 calendar days up to and including 4 calendar days before the Tour Start Date, a charge of 30% of the total invoice amount is charged. For a cancellation occurring within 3 days of the date of travel or No Show shall be charged 100% of the total invoice amount. Learn more about Terms and Conditions.

  • Privacy Protected
  • Secure Online Payment
  • Guaranteed Departure

Got questions? Reach out to us for expert assistance in tailoring your dream trip. Let's begin your journey!

What's Included ?

What's excluded .

  • Travel Insurance
  • Bhutan Sustainable Development Fee (SDF): $200/night - effective from 20 June 2022
  • Flight fares (to/from Paro)
  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu
  • Personal Expenses (Laundry services, Telephone calls, Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic drinks
  • Nepal Visa ($30 for 15 days)

Customer Reviews

Travelgal224466 . jan 05, 2020, flawless this company is built on kindness & customer service.

I just returned from a tour, impeccably organized by Anup and his company, of Kathmandu, Nepal and Paro/Thimphu, Bhutan. From Anup’s first timely response to my initial inquiry email to the day I departed to come home, he provided exceptional, personal customer service unlike any I have ever received before. As a solo woman traveler, I felt cared for, safe and well taken care of. Anup himself greeted me when…

I just returned from a tour, impeccably organized by Anup and his company, of Kathmandu, Nepal and Paro/Thimphu, Bhutan. From Anup’s first timely response to my initial inquiry email to the day I departed to come home, he provided exceptional, personal customer service unlike any I have ever received before. As a solo woman traveler, I felt cared for, safe and well taken care of. Anup himself greeted me when I arrived in Kathmandu and, to my surprise, also took time out of his busy day to personally see me off on my last. I also received numerous texts and emails from him throughout my tour, as he checked up on me to be sure I was enjoying myself and that everything was going as planned. He genuinely cared about “little things” to a busy tour organizer, but that were of great importance to me, such as booking me a seat on my requested side of the plane from Kathmandu to Paro to ensure I had the chance to get that perfect picture of Mount Everest from the window (‘got it!). The tour guides and drivers that he booked for me were courteous and caring and I couldn’t have asked for better. The hotels were perfectly fine. I am happy to answer any questions that future travellers to beautiful Bhutan and fascinating Nepal may have. I very highly recommend Anup and his company, Himalayan Windows, for any tours to this part of the world.

Trip Information Expand All

Payment & cancellation .

Payment: A deposit of 30% of the total tour cost is required to book the tour with Himalayan Windows (HW). The remaining balance is to be paid three days prior to the departure date. Payment can be made via Wire Transfer or Credit Card. All credit card payments are securely processed and a bank fee applies.

Cancellation: For cancellations more than 30 days before the Tour Start Date, there will be no cancellation fee. If the cancellation happens within 29-4 days prior to the Tour Start Date, a charge of 30% of the total invoice amount will be applied. Cancellations occurring within 3 days or less of the start date or in the case of a no-show, 100% of the total invoice amount will be charged. Learn more about Terms and Conditions .


Accommodation: Accommodation is typically provided in twin rooms in cities, though a single supplement can be requested for an additional fee. During peak season, it can be difficult to find single or twin rooms in the mountains, so our lodges usually offer dormitory-style accommodation. Our priority is always to provide clean and safe rooms for our guests.

Meals: Our packages in Bhutan include full board meals, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner included. For treks, all meals are provided, but you will need to pay extra for drinking water and snacks.


Nepal Visa: If you are planning a trip to Nepal, you must have a valid passport and Nepal Visa. Depending on your country of origin, you may need to obtain a Nepal Tourist Visa before your arrival. To be eligible, your passport should be valid for a minimum of six months from your Tour Start Date. If you are planning on traveling to multiple countries on your trip, make sure to get a multi-entries Nepal Visa.

Bhutan Visa Clearance: All visitors to Bhutan must have a valid Bhutan Visa Clearance before their trip. To obtain it, you must submit a color-scanned copy of your passport, which must be valid for at least 6 months from the start date of your tour. Your tour operator will send you a Visa Clearance prior to your departure, which you must present at the Druk Air/Bhutan Airlines counter during check-in. Once you arrive at Paro Airport, your passport will be stamped with the original visa.

Tibet Group Visa (TGV): All travelers from any nation intending to go to Tibet from Nepal must obtain a Tibet Group Visa (TGV) in Kathmandu with the help of a tour operator. To ensure the successful application of the TGV, you should plan to arrive in Kathmandu 3-4 working days before your travel date. If you are coming from China, you will not require a TGV; instead, you will need a Chinese Visa and Permit. To find out more about the process of entering Tibet, please look into the Tibet entry procedure.


Nepal & Bhutan: Visiting Nepal and Bhutan at the same time is ideal as they share a similar climate. From high mountains to low land sub-tropical plains and jungles, the two countries have similar weather. The best time to visit is from March to April (spring) and October to December (autumn and early winter). During these months, the air is clean and fresh with sunny skies. January and February are colder months, while June, July, and August (summer) are typically monsoon seasons.

Tibet: It is best to visit Tibet between April and October when the weather is warm and the skies are clear. However, from November to March, it is still possible to explore certain areas like Namtso, Everest Base Camp, and Mount Kailash, as long as the roads are not blocked by snow. Temperatures during this time may be quite cold.


HimalayanWindows strongly recommends that anyone planning to travel in the Himalayas purchase Travel Insurance. This policy will provide coverage in the case of medical emergencies, evacuation, theft, loss of belongings, and last-minute tour/ticket cancellations. Having this protection in place will help ensure that your trip is safe and enjoyable.

Bhutan Tour FAQ`s

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Bhutan tour Where is Bhutan? Bhutan is a small, landlocked country situated in the eastern Himalayas between China and India. Its landscape ranges from Subtropical plains and forests in the south to subalpine forests and the snowy Himalayas in the North. Bhutan is a principally Buddhist country, and it is recognized as the last stronghold of Mahayana Buddhism. Do I need to use a… Read More »

Nepal Travel FAQ`s

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Nepal Tour and Trekking Do I Need A Visa To Enter Nepal? Yes, all foreigners, Except Indians, need a Nepalese visa to enter Nepal. Most nationals can get an on-arrival visa at the TIA airport. However, it is advised to consult with your nearby Embassy or Consulate of Nepal. What do I need to get my visa? You need to have a valid passport, some… Read More »


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These works like painting real fairy tale about a small village on the forest millennia, peaceful monasteries mountainside with snow and people in the kingdom in the Himalayas. Two photographers Hai Piano and Nguyen Thanh Tung and others from Vietnam shared their experiences on Bhutan photography tour to Bhutan through these beautiful photos.

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Spring in Bhutan

“We passed this little village in the town of Paro, Bhutan in the sunny afternoon after a day of climbing up Tiger Nest. Upon seeing the old peach tree inside the house, every fatigue melted away. The children going back from school joking and talking in a peaceful space as fairy” , photographer Hai Piano said.


The moment scenes rotate quickly in sunrise at Dochula Pass.

The ancient pine forest on Dochula Pass

Nguyen Thanh Tung said that he took this photo in the morning when on the road from Thimphu to the ancient capital of Punakha, found the whole snowy mountain range Himalayan shining bright when dawn up around an ancient pine forest on Dochula Pass.

Those characters will be transformed into "black hats" gathered before the festival.

Those characters will be transformed into “black hats” gathered before the festival. They will immersive mythical knights.

Fort in the old capital of Punakha.

Fort in the old capital of Punakha with majestic architecture but close. In most of the fortress, half the area of local is administrative bodies, the other half is a Buddhist monastery.

Tsechu festival is popular in every regions of Bhutan, which mostly mask dance to ward off evil spirits and bring peace. Snapshot in Bumthang in central Bhutan.

Tsechu festival is popular in every regions of Bhutan , which mostly mask dance to ward off evil spirits and bring peace. Snapshot in Bumthang in central Bhutan.

Himalayan Buddhist or Vajrayana is the state religion of Bhutan.

Himalayan Buddhist or Vajrayana is the state religion of Bhutan . Buddhism creating its own identity to the culture, lifestyle and way of ruling the country of Bhutan. They often will pray 3 times a day: morning before going to work or to school, afternoon after finishing work and evening before going to sleep. And unlike some Asian countries, their prayer is not begging for his personal safety but demand peace for living beings, mankind.

Radi village in northeastern Bhutan

Radi village in northeastern Bhutan is known as the gold carpet or basket of rice, by structural terraces winding mountain surrounding village.

Students in Bumthang

Students in Bumthang – Central Bhutan playing beside the peach near the palace.

Traditional costumes of Bhutan

Traditonal costums of Bhutan . The scene is like in the myth with ancient cherry, the girls wearing traditional costume Kira. The boys are elegant in a set of GHO.

Punakha Valley grain season.

Beatiful Punakha Valley grain season.

The scene from Bumthang to Mongar.

From Bumthang to Mongar, scenery like temperate regions such as Europe , with the great ancient pine forests at elevations above 3,000 meters. Forest maple leaves turn brilliant red and yellow color with green color of pine needles and snowy mountain peaks in the distance.

Drukgyel village fortress, one of the oldest villages Bhutan.

Drukgyel village fortress, one of the oldest villages Bhutan – in the twilight, the mountain behind is the border between Tibet ( China ) and Bhutan. Hilltop fort was built in 1649.

Tiger Nest Monastery

When first climbing up the legendary monastery Tiger Nest in cliff with an elevation of 3,200 meters with hypoxic thin air, many Vietnamese make every effort to the destination by the belief that if reaching to the place where Guru Rinpoche had meditated will bring them wellbeing and happiness.

Khaling festival in eastern Bhutan.

Khaling festival in eastern Bhutan celebrate the season.

See more Bhutan photos:

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Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Bhutan you can refer to

  • 5D4N Classic Bhutan Tour
  • 9D8N Classic Bhutan Tour
  • Thimphu Private Car Charter
  • 6D5N Dagala Thousand Lake Trek
  • 6D5N Druk Path Trek
  • 14D13N Laya – Gasa Trek
  • 7D6N Classic Bhutan Tour
  • 8D7N Classic Bhutan Tour
  • 6D5N Classic Bhutan Tour

Read more: The fullest Bhutan travel guide blog for a wonderful trip to Bhutan for the first-timers and Bhutan guide here .

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Bhutan Tour From Nepal

Our package of Bhutan Tour From Nepal offers you 4 days and 3 nights pleasuring tour of Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon. We as a Nepal's top travel agency value your interest, inquiry us for Bhutan tour at a very affordable cost price.


Trip Highlight

Trip length: 4 Days

Destination: Nepal & Bhutan.

Starts in: Kathmandu

Ends in: Kathmandu

Activity: Culture, Nature & Historical Tours

Accommodation: Hotels

Explore Bhutan's capital city as well as remote shrines and temples nestled in the countryside.

Talk with a Buddhist monk, visit an arts-and-crafts school, and enjoy a home-cooked meal at a family farmhouse.

Explore the beauty of Paro and Dzong

Explore Bhutan’s unique geographical and climatic variations

  • Include & Exclude

Date & Price

Bhutan tour from nepal  .

"Bhutan is an unsurpassed symbol of how to protect and retain traditional culture"

Bhutan , the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is no emblematic place. It is a Himalayan kingdom loaded with superstition and mythology, where the finest historic culture blossom and the most recent universal enhancement are vigorously grasped. Rich in Culture and welcoming folks, one can see the uncommon way of living at marvelous Bhutan's Kingdom. The trip of Bhutan tour from Nepal will be totally different from  Trekking in Nepal's  Himalayas where engaging with culture and places will be focused rather than hike or trek.

The country of Bhutan is also respectfully known as ‘The Land of Happiness’ because of the current survey which was concluded that the folks of Bhutan are the cheerful folks living on earth! You can enter and exit Bhutan according your preferred point via connecting flight from  Nepal, India, Thailand, Singapore and Bangladish.

This alluring country grips its own particular and sole existence on the entire planet. The ritual and culture is the most vital aspect for the folks of this country and the fusion of it with nature and the stunning Himalayas is something that can blast away anyone’s mind and soul.

Being based on the southern hill of the eastern Himalayas, the land resides mostly of lofty and steep mountains and hasty rivers that shape into the broad lowland. It is also repleted with numbers of monasteries and Dzong.

Bhutan can be recognized as a Buddhist country too as the chiefly Buddhist ritual is pursued here. Major livelihood possessions of the Bhutanese are tourism, hydroelectric power, and agriculture. This country has perpetuated its custom, culture with foremost vital and the folks out here use the dress that used to be adorned from ancient days.

During the package of 4 days Bhutan tour from Nepal, you will reveal ancient monasteries, unique construction, imposing high hill valley and Himalaya landscapes, where snow-capped mountains stand neighboring the shady ravine curl up in an opaque forest. You will ride to Thimpu and decipher the hidden treasure of Paro. This is a short but amazing trip to Bhutan, which will offer you an artistic awareness of Bhutanese folks.

trip ke bhutan

Best season to travel to Bhutan

Bhutan is in the midst of the Eastern Himalayas and bordered by Tibet, Sikkim, Chumbi Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and North Bengal. The high season months are March-May and September-November, while June, July, and December-February comprise the low season.

Pack your bag with cotton or light woolen wears in summer and heavy woolens and down jacket in winter.

Best places to visit in Bhutan

The capital city of Bhutan as well as remote shrines and temples nestled in the countryside. Here you can visit many shrines and temples.

The GasaDzong whose local name is Tashi Thing on Dzong is a citadel that dressed as a defense garrison during the 17th century. The country’s protecting deity is TashiThongmon and hence this barricade was titled after this immortal as an allegorical reference. The garrison is of an uncommon circular shaped methodic with three lookouts which are based at critical points in the structure.

Bhutan postal museum and paper making factory  is place you can select postage stamp with your photos and send to your family.Bhutanese paper factory also popular in Thimpu build in 1990 by Royal government of Bhutan.Which represent Bhutanese paper making history.

Paro Rinpung Dzong   is farm house built in 1645 now being used as an administration center and school for monks. Bhutanese farming and harvesting grains is unique feature of those areas.You can participate with their daily activities and intact with them.

Tiger's Nest Monastery hike. 

Taktsang Monastry is known as ”Tiger Nest”.It takes 2 hr hiking to reach the monasteries depending your fitness level.After taking views and photos you will heading down to cafeteria it takes 1 hr to reach bottom of cafeteria following forest and meadow then take lunch in the bottom of the monasteries.Kyichu temple is popular temple build by songsten gampo at 7 th  century represent history of Bhutan.Traditional  hotspring also popular in this area where you can fresh up your body with natural hot spring and release aches .

  The Culture of Bhutan

trip ke bhutan

Encouraged by its acquaintance and exclusively with a strong prestige of  Tibet , the civilization of Bhutan is plainly celestial which can be explored with  Three Diamond Adventure's  Bhutan tour packages which are available online. The honor of their ancient culture and rituals are so strongly entrenched in the hearts of the Bhutanese folks that they show it with full of joy in and around their life. Along with our cost-effective priced Bhutan tour packages review how even their houses are renovated with prayer flags everywhere. The customs of Bhutan is very bright and is realized in their cultures. Join with Three Diamond Adventures to experience a whole new shadow in your new starting point with our Bhutan packages.

  Three Diamond Adventures  is always ready to make your trip of Bhutan, we are always ready for your  inquiry  about the trip or you can also  book now  for the trip.

3 night 4 days Bhutan trip itinerary from Nepal

Day 01: Arrive Paro by Air & transfer to Thimphu (55km, approx. 1.1/2 hours drive L, D)

Day 02: Thimphu – Paro SightSeeing(55km, approx 1.1/2 hour drive B,L,D)

Day 03: Paro Sightseeing - Tiger's Nest Monastery hike. (9am to 5pm B, L, D)

Day 04: depart from paro. (b).

 Optional Itinerary 8 Night 9 days Bhutan Trip

Day 01: Arrival in Tribhun International airport Kathmandu and departure to hotel. Overnight at hotel In Kathmandu.

Day02: Paro and THIMPHU

      Ta Dzong

      Paro Dzong/ Rimpung Dzong

      Tachogang Temple

      Tashi Choe Dzong

      Dinner at Zombala 2 Restaurant Overnight at Thimphu


      Dochu la Pass

      Fertility museum/ Chimi Lhakhang

      Khamsum Yulley Namgyal

      Punakha Dzong

      Punakha Suspension Bridge Overnight at Punakha


      Phojikha  Valley

      Black nack Crane Center

       Drink tea overlook valley Overnight at Gantey


      National Memorial Chorten

      Buddha Point

      Takin Zoo

      Lunch at Folk Heritage Museum Restaurant

      Thimphu Clock tower and exploration walk in Main Street Overnight at Thimphu


      Chele la pass view point

      Dumtse Lhakhang

      Try Traditional Custom( Complementary for 1 day)

      Archery at Farmhouse (not included)

      Shopping/ exploration walk in Paro Main Street Overnight Paro


      Takshang Hike

      Kichu Lhakhang Overnight at Paro

Day08: paro to Kathmandu flight and arrival in Kathmandu.

Day09:  DEPARTURE: Kathmandu to unwanted destination.

Notice: Government of Bhutan charge 100 US per person per night for Sustainable development fee effective from 1 september 2023 to 31 Auguest 2027 net charge will be depending on how many group of people visiting Bhutan.

In addition, fifty percent discount on the SDF shall be granted on the rates applied to children aged between 6 to 12 years for US Dollar paying children visiting as tourists.

For more details we are available on What app +977 9849212812

Note: You can remember us for Tibet Kailash Mansarovar yatra

           China tour and help to apply China tourist Visa

Day 01:Kathmandu to Paro arrival by druk Air & transfer to Thimphu (55km, approx. 1.1/2 hours drive L, D)

You are flying Kathmandu to  paro by Druk air or Bhutan airlines then our representative Three Diamond Adventure will wecome you at airport and drop you to Thimpu and help you to check in hotel.

After some time refreshment your trip begin for :

Kuenselphodrang is known as Buddha point where large Buddha statue located at the top of the hill.Here you can enjoy at Kuensel Phodrang nature park , Thimpu valley ,magnificent Himalayan mountain range.

Tashichhoe Dzong is castel represent Bhutanese architect building made in 1641by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel again re-constructed by late king which has different courtyard for throne, monk and king.

Craft Bazzar is popular to explore glimpse of Bhutanese handmade craft product.

Day 02: Thimphu – Paro Sight Seeing (55km, approx 1.1/2 hour drive B,L,D)

Bhutan postal museum and paper making factory is place you can select postage stamp with your photos and send to your family.Bhutanese paper factory also popular in Thimpu build in 1990 by Royal government of Bhutan.Which represent Bhutanese paper making history.

Paro Rinpung Dzong  is farm house built in 1645 now being used as an administration center and school for monks. Bhutanese farming and harvesting grains is unique feature of those areas.You can participate with their daily activities and intact with them.

Journey start after finish breakfast at paro you will drive to the base of Taktsang Monastry and start hiking up the mountain also known as ”Tiger Nest”.It takes 2 hr hiking to reach the monasteries depending your fitness level.After taking views and photos you will heading down to cafeteria it takes 1 hr to reach bottom of cafeteria following forest and meadow then take lunch in the bottom of the monasteries.Kyichu temple is popular temple build by songsten gampo at 7 th century represent history of Bhutan.Traditional  hotspring also popular in this area where you can fresh up your body with natural hot spring and release aches.

After memorable trip of bhutan trip we will deparature Paro airport  and flight to Kathmandu  for safe flight back to your onward destination.

  • Bhutan entry visa fee.
  • Pickups and drops from hotels and airports.
  • Government approved three star category hotels on twin- shared basis with breakfast.
  • Lunch and dinner on basis o tourist standard.
  • Transportation in comfortable private vehicle(s).
  • English speaking trained and experienced local guide and staff.
  • All entrance and permit fees for visits to monuments and museums.
  • Company services and all required Bhutanese government taxes/royaltie.
  • Nepal entry visa fee.
  • Travel medical insurance.
  • soft and hard drinks.
  • Tips for guide and potter.

Submit Your Review

Bhutan trip Dates & Prices represent most of our offerings which are subject to change accordingly to our subjected terms. Our every trip packages have dates & prices which follow flexibility to get modified/changed as per our client's desire which also include changes in the itinerary and the trip schedules. Along with that, our prices can also be adjusted if the trip bookings are made by a group with a considerable number of people.

Bhutan has unique tourism package offer you attractive Bhutanese lifestyle, rich culture, their belief and know as country of happiness.

You can select different package according your holiday:

  • Bhutan tour 8 days
  • Druk Path trek 10 days
  • Jumolhari trek 13 days
  • luxuries of Amankora
  • Paro festival tour 7 night 8 days
  • Bhutan ,Sikkim,Darjeeling tour
  • Wangchu-Is a river that flow from North Thimphu to south Thimphu.
  • ZURI DZONG- NOT POSSIBLE. Hotel in Bhutan
  • 3 star hotel list as below.
  • Thimphu Hotel Pedling/ Hotel Amodhara/Namseling Boutique-1nights
  • Punakha Meri Phensum Resort/ Hotel Vara / Hotel Pema Karpo-1 night 
  • Gantey Hotel Dewachen – 1 night
  • Paro Mandala Resort/Tenzinling Resort/Dewachen Resort-1 nights
Bhutan Tour 4 days, Bhutan tour from Nepal, Bhutan tour from Kathmandu, Bhutan tour Itinerary Cost 2024/2025, Bhutan Cultural Tour, Bhutan Tour From Nepal, Bhutan Tour packages, Bhutan Travel, Bhutan

Annapurna Region Treks

  • Annapurna Base Camp trek - 8 days
  • Ghorepani Poonhill and Annapurna Base Camp trek
  • Annapurna Region Trekking
  • Ruby Valley Trek
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
  • Mardi Himal base camp Trek
  • Tilicho Lake Trekking
  • Panchase Trek

Everest Region Treks

  • Luxury Everest Trek
  • Makalu Base Camp trek
  • Everest Kalapathar trek
  • Everest,Syangboche, Khumjung 5 days trek
  • Everest Base Camp 12 days trek
  • Everest View Trek
  • Everest Classic Trekking(Jiri to EBC)
  • Everest Three High Pass Trek
  • Gokyo Kalapathar Trek
  • Gokyo Lake Trek

Langtang Region Treks

  • Tamang heritage trek
  • Langtang valley kyanji Lirung Trek
  • Langtang Kyanjin Lirung Gosaikunda Trek
  • Langtang Helambu Trek
  • Langtang Ganja La Pass Trek

Other Activities

  • Paragliding
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Jungle Safari

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23 essential things to know before visiting Bhutan

Erin  Levi

Feb 2, 2024 • 15 min read

Two buddhist monks at Punakha Dzong, Bhutan

You'll want to observe proper etiquette at Bhutan's Buddhist sites, such as Punakha Dzong © Kateryna Mashkevych / Shutterstock

Perched in the Himalayas between India and China, tiny Bhutan , with cliff-hanging monasteries, golden-roof temples and colorful prayer flags strung along trails and peaks, stands as the last Buddhist kingdom on earth.

Its careful tourism policy has allowed it to slowly open to the outside world without compromising its culture and traditions or degrading its pristine natural environment – two pillars of  Gross National Happiness (GNH), a unique philosophy that guides the government of Bhutan. 

Having traveled extensively in Bhutan on assignment, I’ve come to embrace its diverse seasons and activities, from horse trekking in Bumthang to rafting down the purple-jacaranda-lined Punakha River to learning how to make hoentey (a specialty buckwheat dumpling eaten during Lomba, the New Year) in the semi-remote Haa Valley.

This quick guide navigates Bhutan's cultural landscape, highlighting its local customs and quirks, as you plan your journey to the country known locally as Druk Yul, the Land of the Thunder Dragon. 

1. Independent travel is finally possible, but a tour operator is still the way to go

Since reopening in 2022, Bhutan has scrapped its all-inclusive tour-package minimum, and initially raised the Sustainable Daily Fee (SDF) to US$200 before reducing it to US$100 , valid now through September 2027. There is a 50% discount for kids ages six to 11, with no SDF for those under six. A one-time US$40 visa-application fee  also applies.

Fees are significantly lower for travelers from India, who can visit with a special permit. Indian travelers need to have a passport or voter ID card. Indian Aadhar cards are not accepted. Meanwhile, Bangladeshi and Maldivian nationals are  eligible for visa upon arrival , but must pay the SDF.

The good news is that adventurous travelers planning a trip can now independently book accommodations, guides (mandatory for any journey beyond Thimphu and Paro) and transportation. You can also, for the first time ever, extend your visa while you’re there, and you can even drive your own car – for a fee. 

However, for activities like trekking, attending festivals or engaging in more specialized interests, such as birding, horse trekking or cycling, using a tour operator will undoubtedly enhance your overall experience – and is generally required. Lists of certified tour operators, guides and accommodations, including hotels and homestays, can be found on the official Bhutan Travel website .

A resting area by a pool in Thimphu, Bhutan, on a bright day, with the clouds overhead reflected in the water.

2. Book early for festivals and trekking in the high season

Since reopening, there are no longer incentives for offseason travel, except for occasional hotel deals. This means you may as well time your trip with autumn and spring, when the most famous tsechus (monastic festivals) take place and the leaves change or rhododendrons bloom, respectively. Book far ahead if you’re considering attending a celebration or going trekking.

That said, locals argue that anytime of year is wonderful to visit Bhutan – and that summer and winter are just as wonderful, with plenty of lesser-known festivals. But these seasons are not ideal if you’re planning a multiday trek, due to muddy trails and chilly camping.

Still, the winter holiday season is auspicious, offering crisp air, clear skies and perfect light for photography, with few travelers. Plus, if you go for the December 17 National Day celebrations at Changlimithang Stadium in Thimphu , you may even get the chance to meet the king! 

3. Travel insurance is mandatory 

Per Bhutan’s Tourism Rules and Regulations 2022 , you must have travel insurance that covers accidental death, permanent disability due to accidents, emergency medical evacuation and hospital charges in case of sickness. You’ll need your proof of insurance coverage – in English – in order to apply for your visa. 

If you do find yourself feeling unwell during your trip, consider a visit to Thimphu’s National Institute of Traditional Medicine . A doctor will assess your pulse, temperature and ask about your bowels. In turn, you’ll receive a prescription for ayurvedic medicine crafted from local plants, all at no cost. (A small donation is appreciated.) Another moniker for Bhutan is “Menjong,” which aptly means “Land of Medicinal Herbs.”

Alternatively, head to the nearest hospital or health clinic for treatment geared towards Western medicine. The Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital , also known as the National Referral Hospital, is the biggest in Bhutan and located in Thimphu. 

Close-up of an airplane wing with a full plane in the distance and people on the tarmac at Bhutan International Airport, seen during daytime in winter.

4. Only two airlines fly to Bhutan

Bhutan is served by two national airlines: Drukair and Bhutan Airlines . Because of the challenging landing conditions at Paro International Airport, surrounded by peaks as high as 5500m (18,000ft), only a select few pilots are authorized to fly there.

Direct flights to and from Paro connect you to various destinations, including Bangladesh (Dhaka), India (Bagdogra, Guwahati, Kolkata and New Delhi), Nepal (Kathmandu), Singapore, Thailand (Bangkok) and, from March 2024, the UAE (Sharjah). While Bangkok and Delhi are common entry points, Kathmandu promises the most epic route, with glimpses of Mt Everest on clear days. Request a window seat on the left-hand side when flying to Bhutan. 

Note that it’s not possible to check your luggage through to your final destination, so you’ll have to claim it before boarding your Bhutan connection. 

You can also reach Bhutan overland via India. (Bhutan has border disputes with China. Transit is not possible.) 

5. Bhutan is the world’s first carbon-negative country

Bhutan gained global attention for being the world's first carbon-negative country. Aside from its relatively underpopulated and underdeveloped status (being roughly the same size as Switzerland with only 10% of its population), a key factor in sustaining this achievement is a landmark constitutional mandate requiring the country to maintain a minimum of 60% forest coverage at all times. This is further supported by the environmental conservation pillar of GNH. 

Plastic has also been banned since 1999, though it's not regularly enforced. Nevertheless, do your part to keep the environment clean. There’s plenty of signage to remind you along the way: “Clean & beautiful environment is a feast to the soul,” says one placard en route to the Tiger’s Nest Monastery . 

6. Bhutan is exceptionally safe

Bhutan, a happy and devout Buddhist nation, maintains a low crime rate, with violent crime being scarce. One of the safest countries you’ll ever visit, it’s ranked the 25th-least-corrupt nation out of 180 countries by Transparency International. 

As a single woman, I never felt unsafe on any of my trips to Bhutan. I was also never truly “alone” since I was always under the watchful eye of my guide or local friends. In recent years, the number of female guides has increased, which is more good news for solo women travelers . 

7. Save the hike up to Tiger's Nest for the end

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) can occur when travelers are above 2500m (8202ft). Given that the most commonly visited cities Thimphu and Paro are just 200m to 300m below that threshold, and that several treks in the Bhutanese Himalayas traverse mountain passes reaching heights of 5000m, AMS is a risk in Bhutan.

Ascend slowly, take rest days when needed, and if you begin to feel ill, stop. If it's not managed carefully, AMS can develop into life-threatening forms of altitude sickness, so pay close attention to how you're feeling. If your symptoms don’t ease, descend right away. Helicopter rescue is always an option in case of emergency.

Note: Due to the altitude, acclimatization may be necessary. I recommend waiting a few days or until the end of your trip – saving the best for last! – before embarking on the iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery trek , which ascends about 1000m (3000ft). Make sure to schedule a traditional hot-stone bath afterward as well.

8. Stay current on your vaccinations

No vaccines are required for entry into Bhutan. This includes the COVID-19 jab, although you may need proof of it if you’re traveling via India.

That said, you should stay up-to-date with your vaccines and consult a healthcare professional at least eight weeks before your departure in case you need any boosters. Standard recommendations include vaccinations for hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, and typhoid, in addition to childhood vaccinations for measles-mumps-rubella and polio.  

For longer trips, including travelers who are moving to Bhutan, you may wish to consider vaccinations for Japanese encephalitis and rabies. Rabies is particularly noteworthy since friendly animals, like monkeys and dogs, can all transmit the virus, and untreated infection is fatal. If you are bitten by an animal, such as a stray dog, immediately go to the nearest health clinic and get a postexposure prophylaxis shot (you’ll need a total of four). 

9. Pack a few medical essentials

Be wary of mosquito-borne illnesses when visiting in the summer months and in the southern regions. Because of climate change, Bhutan had its first nation-wide dengue epidemic in 2019. Dengue is deadly, and there is no vaccine to protect against it. (Malaria, which can be prevented with drugs, is rare and – fingers crossed – anticipated to be eliminated by 2025 .)

You’ll need sunscreen too. Bhutan's average elevation is 3280m (10,760ft), making it one of the highest countries in the world. It also shares the same latitude as Texas, Egypt and the Bahamas, so the sun is strong. Protect your skin – and your eyes. 

There are no tunnels in Bhutan, which means the mountain roads are windy. You may want to consider bringing Dramamine for car sickness and Diamox for altitude sickness – consult your healthcare provider before you travel to discuss whether they're right for you. Pack your own diapers and tampons, if you use them; you can, however, find menstrual pads in stores and at select hotels and restaurants. And don’t forget earplugs – at night, howling dogs can be disruptive to sleep, especially in downtown Thimphu. 

A top-down view of pan of chilies and cheese, or ema datse, the national dish of Bhutan

10. Bhutanese food is surprisingly delicious – and spicy!

For decades, Bhutanese cuisine suffered in reputation because travelers were mostly exposed to mediocre buffets at their three-star hotels, featuring Indian, Chinese and continental dishes tailored precisely to their palates.

Thankfully, those buffets are slowly being phased out. The local cuisine, emphasizing fresh and seasonal ingredients, is on the up and up and proving to be extremely tasty, if you know where to go. Ask your tour operator or guide for recommendations. 

And while Bhutanese cuisine is defined by hot chili peppers, such as with ema datse (chilies with cheese) and kewa datse  (potatoes, chilies and cheese), dishes can be modified according to your taste if requested in advance. Still, you may need antacids. 

11. Don’t drink the tap water

Tap water isn’t safe to drink in Bhutan unless it has been boiled or purified. Ask your hotel or guesthouse for boiled water, or purchase bottled water to have on your person. 

Do, however, drink the local whiskey and lager (Bhutan has a flourishing craft-beer scene). 

12. Learn local etiquette

“ Kuzu zangpo la ” means “hello” in Dzongkha, a Sino-Tibetan language and the national language of Bhutan, most commonly spoken in the western part of the country. Recite this while bowing (shaking hands is less common). The deeper the bow, the greater the respect. 

Aside from Dzongkha (and the many other local languages and dialects), English is widely spoken because it is the language of instruction in schools. When Bhutanese converse in English, it is common to hear the word “la” at the end of a sentence or question as a sign of respect; for example, “Thank you, la.” Feel free to reciprocate. 

If you find yourself invited into someone’s home and offered food, tradition dictates that you say the words “ meshu meshu”  while covering your mouth with your hands. After two or three offers, it is customary to accept. Similarly, if you are the one making an offer, or even giving a gift or tip, expect similar resistance. (Do consider giving a small tip if someone has invited you into their home and served you food or arra, a local spirit distilled from rice.)

13. Tipping is appreciated (but not mandatory) 

Even if you’ve paid in advance for your all-inclusive trip, show appreciation to your guide and driver by tipping them at the end. On a trek, extend this gesture to the crew – ie the cook, any helpers and the horsemen. While 10–15% is normal, the amount and currency are up to you. 

Tipping is not necessary at restaurants and hotels. A 10% service charge is already added to your bill when you dine out. 

14. Bhutan has nightlife

While most people are drawn to Bhutan for its serene landscapes, peaceful Buddhist monasteries and imposing fortresses ( dzongs ) such as  Punakha Dzong , the country is hiding a buzzing nightlife and music scene that is equally worth exploring. 

Thimphu's nightlife centers around Chang Lam near the stadium, featuring diverse options like the Zone (a popular bar hangout), Mojo Park (a fantastic music venue, where the band Misty Terrace got its start), the Grey Area (Bhutan’s first gastropub) and nightclubs Space 34 and Viva City, which are open to the wee hours.

Note:  Bhutan has ended dry Tuesdays and bars ars are now open throughout the week. 

15. It is finally legal to smoke in Bhutan, but be discreet

Bhutan was long known for its drastic yet visionary health law that forbade smoking and the trade of tobacco products. While the law was recently reversed, smoking must be done “out of sight,” ie behind buildings. The same goes for vaping.

Despite cannabis growing prolifically throughout the country, it remains illegal. Possession can land you in jail for up to one year. The only “drugs” produced in the country are traditional medicines. 

Note: While vaping products are sold in a few places in Thimphu, they’re not widely available. It’s advisable to bring your own. 

16. Keep an open mind

Whether it’s migoi  (yeti) sightings in Bhutan’s wild east, the significance of phalluses as symbols of protection or the flying tiger bringing Guru Rinpoche to the cave where the gravity-defying Tiger’s Nest Monastery now stands, folktales, myths and legends are an integral part of Bhutan’s culture and national pride – and believed to be true.

Approach Bhutan with an open mind. Westerners may find it challenging to suspend logic and reason, but be kind when pushing back, and consider setting aside your own preconceptions. Do as the new tourism tagline says: Believe. 

17. Pack layers

You’ll want layers for fluctuating temperatures and varying terrains, and modest clothing for entering temples and monasteries, including socks for cold temple floors. Aside from a good pair of hiking boots, bring a nicer shoe to wear with a gho  or kira  (Bhutanese national dress for men and women, respectively), should you decide to buy an outfit  – highly recommended if you’re attending a festival or meeting with a dignitary. For inspiration, follow Bhutan Street Fashion on Instagram or Facebook.

18. Carry small change

Cash is necessary for buying souvenirs, leaving small donations at monasteries, nunneries and temples (particularly if you’d like a blessing from a monk), and giving tips to your guide, driver and trekking crew, as mentioned earlier. 

If you’re an independent traveler, you’ll want to have small bills on hand to pay for entrance fees to sites and museums. Few – as in almost zero – businesses accept credit cards.

19. Stay connected

SIM cards used to be challenging to obtain, but now you can easily get them upon arrival at Paro International Airport. You can also rent a pocket Wi-Fi device there – useful if you’re planning to visit remote regions and need to be online. 

20. Bring cash and download these apps

It’s easier to bring your own money (make sure the bills are crisp) rather than rely on and seek out ATM machines in the country. The official currency in Bhutan is the ngultrum, which is pegged 1:1 to the Indian rupee. Do exchange at a bank or hotel so that you can have some small ngultrum notes for butter-lamp offerings and such. 

Most Bhutanese businesses accept cash or payments through either goBoB or the  BNB MyPay app . Foreign visitors can activate the app by downloading it from Google Play or Apple's App Store, inserting a local SIM purchased at the airport and funding the digital wallet with their credit or debit card. While goBoB is more popular among locals, some tour operators argue MyPay is better for foreigners because it is linked to more international card networks and is powered by Stripe.

A woman and three young children spinning a prayer wheel at the Tibetan-style National Memorial Chorten, one of the most visible religious structures in Thimphu.

21. Spin prayer wheels clockwise, and other temple tips

When visiting Buddhist monasteries, nunneries and temples, observe proper etiquette: remove shoes and hats, wear clothing that covers your shoulders and knees, refrain from photography in altar rooms, avoid pointing, never lean against a stupa and consider leaving a small donation on the altar or with a monk. If seeking a blessing, it's customary to offer a small donation.

Be it in a car or on foot, circumambulation of a Buddhist temple or shrine, such as a stupa or chorten, must always be clockwise. To go counterclockwise, whether it’s out of ignorance or on purpose, is seen as offensive, culturally insensitive and unlucky. Similarly, prayer wheels, which help purify karma, should be spun in a clockwise direction. 

22. Don’t bargain hard

Unlike some other places in Asia, like India or Vietnam, where you’re expected to haggle, Bhutan’s market scene is a lot more straightforward. You typically pay the price that’s listed – aggressive negotiating tactics are a foreign concept. 

That said, be prepared to spend a pretty penny if you plan to shop. Your eyes will be undoubtedly drawn to abundantly colorful textiles crafted from natural fibers, like silk and cotton. These can take months to assemble, and the prices – which can top four figures – reflect the meticulous work and cultural richness woven into each piece, often done by women.

Note: Geometric yathras , textiles made of yak wool and commonly found in central Bhutan’s Bumthang region, are more budget-friendly.) 

23. Consult the lunar calendar

The Bhutanese calendar is based on Tibet's, which follows the lunar calendar. Buddhist festivals, like tsechus, follow the lunar calendar, meaning the dates change from year to year. There are other cultural festivals, like Bhutan National Day and the Black Necked Crane Festival in Phobjikha Valley, that follow the Gregorian calendar and therefore stay the same.

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The Snowman Trek

trip ke bhutan

30 days from

The ultimate high-level traverse through the Bhutan Himalaya, from Shana, through Laya, to Lunana.

Holiday Grades

Our holiday grades explained.

To show the relative difficulty of our holidays, each trip is graded on a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the most challenging. Although we have tried to make our grading system as clear as possible, it cannot take into account your personal interests, abilities or experience. If you have any questions about the nature of a particular trip or its suitability for you, please read the 'Is this holiday for you?' section or contact us.


Suitable for most people in good health, holidays at this grade include only limited amounts of activity.


Suitable for reasonably fit individuals, such as weekend walkers and cyclists. There can be the occasional more difficult day.


Physically challenging holidays, where you need to be prepared before you go.

10 - 12 TOUGH

Our toughest holidays, involving many long days, often in isolated areas. A high level of fitness and previous wilderness and mountain experience is essential.

  • Take on the full Snowman Trek, from Shana to Trongsa through the Himalaya
  • Traverse Laya and Lunana across 11 high passes, up to an altitude of 5300 metres
  • Each year only a handful of trekking groups complete this world-class circuit
  • Explore Kathmandu and Paro, and visit the Taktsang (Tiger's Nest) Monastery
  • The later of this year's departures coincides with the Chomolhari Festival

At a Glance

  • Group Size 4 to 12
  • 25 days trekking
  • 5 days touring and sightseeing
  • Max altitude - 5300 metres
  • Join In Kathmandu

Accommodation & Meals

  • All meals included
  • 23 nights Camping
  • 6 nights Hotel

Quite possibly the greatest trail on Earth, Bhutan's incredible Snowman Trek traverses west to east beneath the chain of Himalayan peaks that form the border between Bhutan and Tibet. Starting out from Paro, this challenging 25 day trek crosses five 5000 metre passes and leads through the 'shangri-la' region of Lunana, one of the most isolated inhabited valleys on the planet. Along the way we'll journey through traditional villages, like Laya and have close-up views of stunning mountains, including Chomolhari, the astounding Jitchu Drake and the world's highest unclimbed peak, Gangkar Puensum. We'll also have time to absorb some of the unique culture of this special Himalayan Kingdom, with visits to the spectacular cliff-face Taktsang 'Tiger's Nest' Monastery and the picturesque Punakha Dzong. Not for novices, this tough trek is the holy grail for seasoned Himalayan trekkers .

The later departure in 2024 (BST.1) coincides with the 2-day Chomolhari Festival at Jangothang.

BOOK EARLY for BHUTAN! With only two airlines operating flights into Paro from Kathmandu, seats are limited and in high demand. Book early to guarantee your place on your chosen departure.

Is this holiday for you?

The Snowman Trek is widely regarded as one of the hardest treks in the world. This is due to its length, altitude, and the fact that 11 high passes must be crossed. The itinerary is paced to suit experienced trekkers looking for a very challenging trip.  For a continuous period of almost 2 weeks we will be camping above 4000 metres and trekking for, on average, 7-8 hours a day. Prior experien …

The Snowman Trek is widely regarded as one of the hardest treks in the world. This is due to its length, altitude, and the fact that 11 high passes must be crossed. The itinerary is paced to suit experienced trekkers looking for a very challenging trip.  For a continuous period of almost 2 weeks we will be camping above 4000 metres and trekking for, on average, 7-8 hours a day. Prior experience of high altitude trekking is essential. The route follows a trail throughout and, though there is no scrambling or glaciers to cross, there are some rugged sections where extra care needs to be taken. You should also be prepared for variable weather and cold temperatures. Due to the remote nature of this trek a degree of flexibility with regard the itinerary is needed as the route may need to be adapted if conditions intervene.  These challenges should be judged as positive attractions to someone looking for the ultimate trekking adventure.


We are one of the few companies that offer the complete Snowman Trek, all the way from Shana, west of Paro, following the border with Tibet, to Lunana beneath Gangar Puensum, the highest unclimbed mountain on Earth!

trip ke bhutan

The holiday starts at the group hotel in Kathmandu. Transfers from Kathmandu Airport are provided. The rest of the day is free to relax or for independent sightseeing. We have also arranged for dinner in the hotel tonight, which you can take at your own leisure.


The group will meet in the lobby of the hotel. We transfer together back to airport in time to check in for the flight to Paro. The flight from Kathmandu to Bhutan is one of the most spectacular of all mountain flights. From the left side of the plane Everest, Makalu and Kangchenjunga, three of the world's highest mountains, are clearly visible. The total flying time is only 45 minutes and soon we are descending into the Paro Valley, enjoying the splendid views of alpine forests, small monasteries, temples and flat-roofed farmhouses. On arrival we will be met by our Tour Leader who will accompany us to the hotel. If the flight to Paro is in the morning, there may be time today to visit the National Museum housed in an ancient watchtower, high above the Paro Valley overlooking the Dzong.

This morning we hike up to one of the most important religious site in the entire Himalaya, the Tiger's Nest. The monastery has a most stunning location, perched on the ledge of a cliff 700 metres above the Paro Valley, and is only accessible on foot. Not just a cultural experience, this hike up to over 3000 metres will provide excellent acclimatisation ahead of our trek. Around half way up the trail there is a classic viewpoint, looking across the gorge to the monastic buildings clinging to the cliff wall opposite. There is a small teahouse here where we can stop for a rest with a truly unforgettable view. The final approach to the monastery takes us down to a sacred waterfall, surrounded by a thousand fluttering prayer flags, where every crack in the rock is crammed with tsa-tsas (small caskets containing the ashes of the dead), before climbing back up towards the monastery. If we are lucky we will be allowed inside to look at some of the chambers and altar rooms. We return to Paro in the afternoon. Tonight we will want to repack our bags ready for beginning our trek in the morning. You may leave some items you won't need on the trek at the hotel.

From Paro we drive west for (30 mins) to the end of the surfaced road at the ruins of Drugyel Dzong (2530m). From here, we continue following a farm road for around 1 -1.5 hours, passing through small hamlets of houses built in traditional Bhutanese design. Arriving at Shana (2880m), we will be happy to stretch our legs. While our bags are loaded on the ponies, we will set off following a path beside the river before climbing to our first night's camp at Thongbu Samba (3100m).

We gain height slowly as we continue along the river through a mixed forest. The autumn colours of the leaves contrast with the Pale Spanish moss (old man's beard). After rain, the trail can be muddy and there will possibly be slippery rocks to contend with. Our crew will be on hand to assist. The trail undulates as we make our way north and after crossing a bridge at 3560 metres, we make a short steep climb to reach a junction of two valleys, marked by a chorten. From near here, weather permitting, we can see Chomolhari at the head of the valley. Our trail stays on the west bank of the Paro Chu and our next camp at Soi Thangka is only a half an hour's walk away.

We continue our trek today on the cow herder's trail up to the small hamlet of Jumphu. From here, we re-join the main trekking trail to today's camp at Jangothang (Chomolhari Basecamp). We have lunch in a meadow at Tikithang, from where it is another hour until camp. Our camp tonight is next to a ruined dzong (4100m) beneath the huge east face of Chomolhari.

We will spend a further 2 nights at Jangothang as an important part of our acclimatisation. Today, we'll take the opportunity to hike up to the twin lakes at Tshophu, a great place from which to look back at the peaks on Bhutan's northern border with Tibet including the striking Jitchu Drake. Green grass, grazing yaks, stunning mountain scenery - it doesn't come much better than this.The trail ascends into a valley running towards the south-east and it will take a couple of hours to reach the lakes. We drop back to our camp at Jangothang for a late lunch and a restful afternoon. BST.01.24 will have the opportunity to visit the Chomolhari Festival today.

Today is a scheduled rest day, intended to aid everyone's acclimatisation before we cross the Nyele La (4850m). There are further options for exploration from camp including the hike up the ridge behind the ruined dzong to a grassy summit at approximately 4500 metres, from where there is an incredible close-up view of Chomolhari. For a spectacular view of Jitchu Drake closer to camp (even better at sunrise if you can get up sufficiently early), follow the river for 20 minutes to a lone house and here the mountain is presented before you. We spend a third night at Jangothang. BST.01.24 will have the opportunity to visit the Chomolhari Festival today.

Today we must cross the Nyele La (4850m) to reach Lingshi. We follow the river for a while, before crossing it on a bridge. From here the path climbs steeply at first, the trail offers fine views toward Chomolhari and Jitchu Drake. We are now near the Tibetan Border as we make our way along a broad hanging valley to the final steep slopes leading to the Nyele La, which is adorned with prayer flags. From the pass, we descend, steeply at first, to follow a ridge before finally dropping through forests of rhododendron and pine to our camp beside the river.

After breakfast, we climb up to Lingshi Dzong. From here, our path contours the hillside. There are views across the valley to the Basingthang Peaks and we can watch kestrels hovering above the ridges. After a couple of hours the path turns a corner and there is a view of Tserim Gang, before we descend to Gang Yul (meaning 'village at the pass'). Home to about 150 people, living in a dozen or so beautifully designed houses, this village offers great photo opportunities. The village sits beneath limestone cliffs and is dwarfed by the east face of Jitchu Drake. Leaving the village, the path continues along the hillside to Chebisa, a picturesque valley of pastures and shingle roofed stone houses. It is here that the blue sheep (or bharal) come to graze during summer. We will make camp here for the night at 3860 metres.

From Chebisa we follow an undulating trail up to the Gombu La (4420m). The views back to Lingshi and the surrounding peaks are spectacular. Hill partridges have been seen here and it is common to spot lbearded vultures (ammergeier) soaring above the alpine pastures. From the pass we descend through a forest of cypress, spruce, and rhododendron to reach our camp at Somothang (4220m). We will most likely camp beside the river, but we may also decide hike up the valley for a further hour to make tomorrow's hike a little easier.

We start early for the climb up to the Jare La (4760m). There are great views of the 7000 metre Tiger Mountain (Gangchen Tagg) from the pass. We should be able to look over to tomorrow's objective, the Shinge La, which is the lowest point of the horizon opposite. As we descend through more pine forest we keep a look out for takin, the national animal of Bhutan, which are quite common in this part of Bhutan. The scenery on this day's walk inspired Victor Saunders, one of Britain's most travelled Himalayan climbers, to comment that this was the best walking he'd ever done! We cross a river and camp in a very scenic position, just a short walk up the hillside, at Robluthang (4160m).

We follow a yak trail above the camp for around 2 hours until we reach a beautiful hanging valley with a lone yak herders hut. The path takes the left side of the valley and soon the Shinge La (5000m) is visible. The final climb is quite strenuous, but save some energy to place a small stone on one of the four cairns that mark the end of the climbing. This pass marks the boundary of the Laya District. Our descent follows an obvious path into the centre of the valley, to a clearing by a huge rock. We continue descending until we see a bank of moraine, which is holding back a very picturesque lake. The backdrop to this beautiful valley is Kang Che Da, the Great Tiger Mountain. We camp a short way down the valley at Limithang (4120m), in a meadow by the river.

A beautiful morning's walk today through a bird spotter's paradise. Although shorter than some of the days so far, there is quite a lot of up and down. We cross a bridge and follow the left bank of the river on an undulating trail through a forest of spruce and juniper. As we descend we start to see Spanish moss once again hanging from the trees. The path then climbs above the river and soon we see the first houses on the outskirts of Laya (3800m). The people of Laya are very welcoming and present a striking picture, with their pointed hats, hair covered in mustard oil and highly decorative jewellery. We aim to arrive in time for lunch and have the afternoon free to look around the village and visit the monastery. We set up camp on one of the village fields. In the autumn the fields have been harvested and finding a camping place is easy.

A well earned rest day. This is also a good time to catch up on laundry, diary writing etc. There are opportunities for walks around the village for those who simply have to exercise!

We follow the main path through the village, which descends to the lowest house, passes through a large entrance chorten and drops down to the river. During the monsoon, from June to September, this valley receives a great deal of rainfall. As a result, the forest is particularly lush and impressive. We pass by an army camp and continue on a trail alongside the Mo Chu to a small turn off to Rodophu. From here, the ascent is gentle, through mixed shrub and coniferous forest by the side of a tributary of the Mo Chu. There are many alpine flowers, including scabious, miniature michaelmas daisy, celandine and wild roses. We continue to the traditional camping place at Rodophu (4215m), a single yak herder's hut just above the tree line.

We make a steady climb to the Tsome La (4900m.) where we enjoy superb views of Chomolhari and Jichu Drake, and across to Lunana and the peaks of the Tibetan border. Our route now crosses a high barren plateau to a campsite at Narethang (4940m) situated between the Tsome La and Karakachu La. This is quite a high camp at this stage of our trek but it is the only site available before crossing the Karakachu La and we will be descending again tomorrow. Our camp is facing the great Gangla Karchu whose glacial lake is also visible from here.

Setting off once more across the high plateau we walk below the spectacular peak of Gangla Karchung (6395m) before making a short, steep climb to the summit of the Karakachu La (5080m) where we find simply stunning views to the north. A whole group of unclimbed 7000 metre mountains, including Masakang, the Tshendayang Group and Teri Gang, provides one of the finest mountain panoramas in Bhutan. What makes it even more special is the fact that only a relative handful of visitors have seen it! There is still a long descent into the Tarina Valley, but the scenery is breathtaking, as we enter a huge lost valley, totally devoid of population. Our camp-site is by the river at a place known as Tarina (3940m). After last night's high camp the air down here will feel positively rich!

We wake up in one of the most beautiful valleys in Bhutan; snowy mountains, virgin forest, and clear mountain streams - it doesn't come much better. We follow the river down for a couple of hours before climbing up to Woche (3940m), the first village of Lunana. Woche is a small settlement of about 25 stone houses. This part of Bhutan rarely receives visitors from outside of the country and the villagers are always happy to welcome guests who have travelled from so far. From Woche, we have a steady ascent to Domchuthang, from where an hour's steep climb brings us to our campsite by the side of Green Lake (4440m).

Our first objective is the Keche La (4670m), a 1 to 2 hour climb from camp to the pass. We make a steep descent to Threkha (3900m) a village of around 20 scattered houses with views of the ernomous 'Table Mountain' Zongophu Gang (7100m). We descend for a further half an hour and then embark on a gentle climb to reach Lhedi (3800m) where we will stop for lunch. In the afternoon, we follow a trail along the river-bed, walking up through moraine created during the 1994 glacial outburst from the Lugge Tsho and Tshopdak Tsho. We are now in the very heart of Lunana, so isolated from the rest of Bhutan that very few people speak Dzongkha, the country's main language. We set up camp near the village of Chozo (4070m). At Chozo there will be a hand over from yaks/horses provided by our friends from Laya, to a new team from Lunana.

If everything has gone to schedule, we plan to have a rest day at Chozo, as there is plenty of scope for photography and exploration. A walk up to ridge above the village provides a view of Table Mountain, Kangphu Gang, Norbu gang and Jeje Kangphu (7300m).

With fresh legs after a day's rest, we trek beside the Lunana River to the base of the Sinthey La. From there we have a steep ascent of around 1000 metres to reach the top of the pass. As we climb the slope, which is covered in dwarf rhododendron we will want to pause to look back at the whole vista of the Lunana Valley, including the villages of Thanza, Chozo and Tencho. As we approach the Sinthey La the grazing yaks in the valley below appear as tiny dots. If you missed the earlier views of the table mountain (Singye Gang), Kangphu Gang or Jeje Kangphu, today's trail offers another chance to see these majestic mountains. From the Sinthey La (5200m), the trail descends offering views of two small azure blue lakes, one above the other. The nomads have named the lakes Tshokaynya (lakes resembling fishes). We camp on the shores of the larger lake at 4940 metres.

We follow the shoreline of the blue-green lake of Tsochena before making a gentle ascent to a ridge at 5100 metres where there is another spectacular panorama. After going up and down over several small hills we reach a glacial lake and the route now descends briefly before climbing again up to the next pass, the Loju La (5140m). Finally, after crossing a small saddle we enter a wide glacial valley from where the trail descends to the campsite at Jichu Dramo (5050m.).

After leaving camp we climb through ancient moraine to the crest of the Rinchen Zoe La (5320m), the highest pass of our trek. We are once more rewarded by spectacular mountain scenery with an impressive array of Himalayan peaks. Closer to hand, Rinchen Zoe Peak (5650m.) rises above the pass to the west. Descending from the pass, our route now leads into a wide valley with several lakes and descends along a moraine to the Tampe Chu. Here the vegetation begins to thicken again and we see our first real trees since Lhedi. After a couple more hours we reach our overnight camp at Chukarpo (4600m.).

We continue our descent, following the Tampe Chu to a meadow and yak herder huts at Gala Pang Chhu (4010m). This area is home to blood pheasant, Himalayan monal and Himalayan black bear. This is subalpine zone with good cover of forest of conifer and hemlock. From here, we climb steeply to Tampe Tsho, a beautiful clear turquoise lake where we make camp (4300m).

From the lake we climb directly up to the final pass of the trek, the Thampe La (4600m). This is an area inhabited by blue sheep and we may well spot some of this rare breed of mountain goat. After taking in the splendid views, much softened now as we look south across the foothills, we descend to the sacred lake known as Om Thso. It is forbidden to throw stones (or anything else) into the lake and we pass it quietly and reverently. Beyond the lake we walk beside a waterfall and stream that feeds a second smaller lake. We end the day with a descent of steep ground through mixed forest to a camp known as Maurothang (3610m) on the banks of the Nikka Chu.

During our final day of trekking we need to transfer our baggage from yaks to horses as we will now be dropping down below 3000 metres and yaks do not appreciate being taken this low! The trail follows the river to reach a large grassy area overlooking the road and the village of Sephu (2870m). We finally reach the road at the Nikka Chu Bridge at Sephu where there are several stores. This is where our vehicle will be waiting for us and after saying goodbye to our team we climb aboard for a drive for approximately one hour across the Pele La to Gangtey in the Phobjikha Valley. Here we check into our hotel and enjoy the luxury of a shower and a real bed!

Returning to the main east-west highway, we drive through the picturesque town of Wangdi situated below another imposing dzong. There is also an opportunity to visit Punakha. It is well worth spending some time looking around the magnificent dzong, which was built in 1637. Lying at the junction of the Mo (mother) Chu and the Po (father) Chu, the Dzong is the winter home of over 1000 monks. Back on the main road, we cross the final pass in this spectacular cross Bhutan road journey, the Dochu La and then its downhill all the way to Thimphu. We check into our hotel and there will be time for some souvenir buying before a celebratory evening meal.

We transfer to Paro Airport for the flight to Kathmandu. The flight takes only 45 minutes and on arrival we transfer to our comfortable hotel. The remainder of the day is free to explore the city or for shopping in the bazaars. An evening meal is included at the hotel, for those that wish to dine together, or you are free to head out into Thamel independently to a restaurant of your choice.

The holiday ends after breakfast. Transfers to Kathmandu airport are provided. If you would like to spend more time exploring Nepal, why not pre-book a full day-tour of the Kathmandu Valley, or a multi-day excursion to a wildlife reserve in Chitwan National Park. Contact the KE Team for more details.


Essential Information

We've compiled some of our Frequently Asked Questions to help you learn more about this amazing trip.

  • A professional and qualified tour leader plus support crew
  • Bhutan visa fee
  • Flights between Kathmandu and Paro
  • All transfers and land transport involved in the itinerary
  • All accommodation as described
  • Full service camping on trek including all camping equipment
  • 'Thermarest' inflatable camping mats whilst camping
  • FREE Sleeping bag and down jacket hire is available for this holiday on request
  • Travel insurance
  • Nepalese visa costs
  • Tips for drivers and trek staff
  • Miscellaneous expenses - beer and souvenirs etc

The holiday starts at the group hotel in Kathmandu. Airport transfers are provided for all clients arriving Kathmandu on Day 1 and departing on the last day of the Land Only itinerary and all clients with additional nights booked through KE. Hotel contact details and an emergency telephone number will be provided with your booking confirmation.

All meals are included in the holiday price.

It is not recommended to drink untreated water from the taps. If you are on a trekking or cycling holiday, water is supplied to fill up your individual bottles. This will be boiled, filtered or provided in large jerry cans or 5 litre bottles. Additionally you should take purification tablets or a filter bottle (such as a Water-To-Go bottle ) to treat your water when in towns or where water is not supplied. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.

The Bhutanese love chillies; red, green, raw, cooked and flavouring their condiments – fans of spicy food will be in their element in Bhutan! Don’t panic if spicy food is not for you, all the hotels and restaurants in Thimpu and Paro offer a range of delicious dishes suitable for all tastes. Breakfasts whilst in hotels will consist of choice of cereal or muesli, eggs, toast, beans, sausage or bacon with tea, coffee and juices.  You can expect to be fed very well during the trekking section of you holiday. Our trekking chefs are old hands at managing camps and meals whilst in the mountains. A senior trek cook and camp manager must have a minimum of five years of training and experience to qualify for the post! Our cooks have undergone training both on Bhutanese and continental dishes and can be expected to serve a wide variety of delicious food on trek. Breakfast and dinner will be taken at the camp sites, whilst lunches will generally be carried on ponies and served mid-way on the trekking route for the day. Tea and hot drinks will be provided at mealtimes and you will also usually get a wakeup call from the camp crew with a nice cup of hot  Chai!   Whilst on trek drinking water will be purified by boiling and will be provided regularly. We recommend that you bring along a few of your favourite snacks to eat on the trail as depending on the day's requirements, there may be several hours between breakfast and lunch.

Whilst we can cater for vegetarians, albeit sometimes with a more limited choice, we cannot always provide special diets.  Due to the nature of some of the trips that we operate and the countries in which we operate them, it can be very hard (and sometimes impossible) to cater for a wide range of dietary choices and you may have to supplement your diet with food/snacks from home.  If you have specific dietary requirements please do speak to our sales team and they will be able to advise you whether or not we will be able to offer your specific choice.  Please note that we are unable to provide separate menus and cannot accept liability for any problems arising from special dietary requirements or intolerances.

This holiday includes 2 nights in Kathmandu, one en route to Bhutan and one on the return journey. In Kathmandu we use a comfortable, centrally located hotel. In Bhutan, we will also use comfortable and well-located hotels throughout. Whilst on trek there are 23 nights full service camping where you will enjoy a full-service from our friendly camp team. You will sleep in hardy 2 man dome tents and inflatable Thermarest mattresses are provided. All the camp equipment and luggage will be transported between camps by ponies or yaks, you need only carry your day pack. Our team will erect and dismantle the tents for you, cook, and take care of all the camp chores. During walking days, having stayed behind to collapse camp, it is usual for the team and the pack animals to overtake us during the day and we will usually arrive into camp to find it already established, with our personal bags already placed into our pre-assigned tents and the kettle on! In camp, as well as the tents used for sleeping, there will also be a mess tent, with chairs and tables, where the group will dine (and socialise into the evening), a toilet tent and even a shower tent where hot water can be provided for you to wash with. Hot water in bowls for washing will also be provided to you in the mornings and when you arrive at the camp each day. On cold nights, we'll even provide hot water bags/bottles when it is time for you to retreat to your tents for the evening. All accommodation is on a twin share basis. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired with another single traveller of the same sex. Single rooms and/or single tents are available for a supplementary cost. If you are planning to extend your holiday, additional nights in Kathmandu are available on request.

Flights to Bhutan

It is possible to fly to Bhutan from Kathmandu, Delhi, Bangkok and Singapore, as well as from Dhaka and several regional airports in India. Our preferred port of transit for this holiday is Kathmandu, which has daily flights to Paro and a good tourism infrastructure. In addition, Nepal visas are easily obtained on arrival and are relatively inexpensive. Druk Air and Bhutan Airlines are the only airlines operating flights to Bhutan and seats can be limited, particularly around the time of the major festivals. Early booking is essential. It is not always possible to confirm seats immediately and it is not uncommon for passengers to be ‘waitlisted’ for several weeks until their booking clears. In rare circumstances, it may be necessary to route our groups or individual clients through an alternative airport if waiting lists are not cleared in good time.

The group will be met and escorted in Kathmandu by a local KE representative. Once in Bhutan the group will accompanied throughout by a professional and qualified tour leader. During the trek the tour leader will be assisted by local guides and a full trek crew including cooks, baggage animals and their handlers.

This holiday involves going to very high altitude. During the course of your trip you will be spending at least one night above 4000 metres and/or trekking to 5000 metres or above. This is not something that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but it is important that we follow some simple rules in order to acclimatise successfully. Before coming on this holiday you should read the advice on trekking at high altitude . Unless you have previous experience of trekking above 4000 metres you should consult one of our trekking experts before embarking on this holiday. On this trip we carry a portable altitude chamber (PAC-bag) and/or bottled oxygen for use in emergencies.

Approximately £350 (or equivalent in Euros, US dollars etc.) changed into local currency should be allowed for miscellaneous expenses including porter and trek crew tips, drinks, snacks etc. We recommend that you carry your travel money in the form of cash, since you will exchange the majority of this on arrival (into Nepalese rupees in Kathmandu, and into Bhutanese Ngultrum at Paro Airport). Sterling, US Dollars and Euros are equally acceptable for exchange in Nepal and in Bhutan. You can withdraw cash from ATM's in Kathmandu. In Bhutan money can be easily exchanged but you cannot rely on withdrawing money from ATM's.

Tipping is the accepted way of saying thank you for good service.  As a rough guide we suggest that each group member contributes US$400 (in local currency equivalent) to a group tipping pool, around $20 per person of this should go into a kitty for drivers, hotel porters and waiters (you can give this to your tour leader who will make sure it is distributed fairly). Normally the trek staff (assistant guides, cook, ponymen etc…) are given their tips at the end of the trek. You will usually have two different trek crews during the Snowman Trek, one as far as Laya and another for the trek into Lunana. The tipping pool should be split fairly between the crews. Your Bhutanese tour leader will advise the group on an appropriate level of tipping for each crew and crew member. Most groups will mark the end of their trek by handing out the tips with a bit of a ceremony on the last evening.  A tip for your main Bhutanese tour leader(s) is not included in the above. As a group you may want to make a separate collection to tip your tour leader(s) separately during dinner on your final evening in Bhutan.

For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage, which should be a soft duffel bag, and a daypack. Your bag on trek will be carried by pack animals and should not weigh more than 15kg. It is possible to leave extra baggage at the hotel in Kathmandu and also in Paro. Baggage left in Paro will meet you at your first hotel post trek. Checked baggage allowance for the flight from Kathmandu to Paro is 30kg. For other international flights please check your baggage allowance with your airline.

For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can check the trip status for each departure in ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status and so you are free to proceed with your international flight booking and other travel arrangements.

The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required , and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country that you visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website .

All nationalities require a visa. The visa process is partly automated and the fee is $30 for 15 days, $50 for 30 days, $125 for 90 days. The visa is FREE for children under 10 years. The visa allows multiple re-entry. Payment must be made in cash and USD, GBP or Euros are accepted.

Part of this on-arrival visa process involves filling in a ‘Tourist Visa Application Form’ and you can simplify the procedure at Kathmandu Airport by filling this form in online ( within 15 days of travelling ) at this link . This generates a receipt which you present (hard copy or saved on your phone) on arrival. This should allow you to go straight to the cashier to pay for your visa and has the potential to save you time in the visa queue.

Whilst these are not now needed for the visa process, we recommend that you travel with at least 2 spare passport photographs.

If you are travelling via India (Delhi or Calcutta) to your destination you may also require a visa for India. This may apply even if you are not leaving the airport unless your baggage has been checked all the way through to your destination. Generally, if you use the same carrier for both legs of your journey, you will not need an India Visa. Please download the detailed information document: Visa PDF India .

Visa Bhutan

All nationalities require a visa. KE will apply for the visa for you and the visa fee is included in your holiday cost.

Please note that this will be a group visa and will list the names, date of birth and passport details for all members of the group. A copy of this visa will be issued to each member of the group in Kathmandu prior to your check-in for the flight to Paro in Bhutan and your passport will be stamped on arrival in Paro.

We require a copy of the information page of your passport in order to make the arrangements for your Bhutan Visa. A colour scan must be emailed or posted to us at the earliest opportunity.

If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.

Dengue fever is a known risk in places visited. It is a tropical viral disease spread by daytime biting mosquitoes. There is currently no vaccine or prophylaxis available and therefore the best form of prevention is to avoid being bitten. We recommend you take precautions to avoid mosquito bites .


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid.

Malarial prophylaxis is not usually required for trips in the mountains, however if you are visiting rural and remote low lying areas then they might be necessary.

On holidays to more remote areas you should also have a dentist check up. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro .

The unit of currency in Nepal is the Nepalese Rupee.

The unit of currency in Bhutan is the Bhutanese Ngultrum.

Getting some additional exercise before coming on an active holiday makes a lot of sense. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find the experience.  This holiday falls within our highest grade and you need to be aerobically fit and also comfortable with walking up to 7 or 8 hours each day with ascents and/or descents of up to 1000 metres (3300 feet) over several days.  Hill walking, with a good amount of ascent and descent, is the best training, and we would suggest that you try to fit in a number of long weekend walks before you depart. Running, cycling and swimming are also good for developing cardio vascular fitness and stamina.

There is little you can do to prepare for the altitude but if you have an excellent level of fitness this can help.

In general the climate of Bhutan is colder and damper than one would expect to find in the Himalaya of India or Nepal. The monsoon usually arrives in June, and lasts until early September, bringing with it the heavy rainfall which is responsible for the lush vegetation which carpets much of Bhutan. March and April, as well as late September through to November are the best months to visit Bhutan. Post-monsoon the weather is normally bright and clear. Day-time highs of around 20°C can be expected at altitudes around 2000 metres, whilst at our highest camps the maximum daytime temperature will be 10°C to 12°C. At night-time, the temperature will fall below freezing and at our highest camps you need to be prepared for very cold night time temperatures. Although prolonged periods of bad weather are not common outside of the monsoon season, mountains do create their own weather and short-lived periods of rain or snow can never be completely ruled out.

As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's ‘Travel Aware ’ campaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we recommend that prior to travel, all KE clients visit the official UK Government website at and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: for essential travel advice and tips.

KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe.  Should the FCDO advise against travel for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation.  We receive regular updates direct from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground.  If you have any questions about government travel advice, please call our office.

KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by example in our KE office by reducing our plastic use.

  • 'Lunana - A Yak in the Classroom' (2019 film) - Bhutan's first Oscar-nominated film.

Bhutan, a Trekker's guide. Bart Jordans. Cicerone Press.

Bhutan. (Lonely Planet Guide). Stan Armington.

Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon. Owen Edmunds

Bhutan Himalaya. Nepa Maps

Indexed general map of Bhutan, providing a general overview at 1:390,000 of the main trekking routes. Bold hill-shading indicates the general relief, and light green shading highlights the national park areas. Highways, main roads and selected minor routes are marked, and highlighted in different colours are the trekking routes. Selected peaks passes and altitudes are marked, and symbols denote campsites, monasteries, monuments, and places of interest.

It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation.  When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.

For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct.  Please go to our Travel Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.

Please note that a paper copy of your travel insurance is required if you are travelling to Huaraz and the Huayhuash region.

Please try to keep the weight of your trek bag to a minimum. See the 'baggage allowance' section for further details.

The packed weight of your kit bag while trekking should be no more than 15kg.

You SHOULD bring the following items:

Sleeping Bag (comfort rating -15C)*

Warm jacket (down)*

Hiking boots

Waterproof and windproof jacket

Waterproof and windproof overtrousers

Trekking trousers

Thermal baselayer leggings

Thermal baselayer shirts

Fleece jacket

Scarf or buff

Thermal gloves

Warm and waterproof gloves or mittens

Daypack 30 litres.

Headtorch with spare batteries

Washbag and toiletries

Antibacterial handwash

Sun protection (including total bloc for lips, nose etc.)

Water bottles (2 or 3 x 1 Litre). (Note that the tube on camelback / platypus type systems can be prone to freezing in cold conditions) (we encourage re-filling water bottles rather than single use plastic)

Water purification tablets

Selection of dry bags (to keep kit bag contents dry)

Basic First Aid Kit including: Antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium), altitude (Diamox), painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite). Glucose tablets and multi-vitamin tablets are also a good idea.

The following items are optional:

Sleeping bag liner

Thermos flask

Swimwear (for the hotel pool in Kathmandu)

Travel clothes

Trainers or similar

Spare laces

Trekking poles

Gaiters (highly recommended due to muddy conditions)

Insect repellant – (DEET)

Pen-knife (note: always pack sharp objects in hold baggage)

Repair kit – (eg. needle, thread, duct tape)

Small travel towel

Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)

*FREE sleeping bag and down jacket hire is included in your KE holiday booking upon request. Please make all requests at least 6 weeks prior to the trip departure date. Note all hire / rental equipment is issued in Bhutan. Please remember to allow room in your trek bag for these items. ‘Thermarest’ inflatable camping mats are provided whilst camping.

PHD Gear Advisor:  PHD specialise in cold weather equipment, from the world’s lightest right up to the most protective for Everest or the Poles. It’s a large range. So to help you choose what you need to keep you warm, PHD have listed the gear that is appropriate for this expedition. Click here.


The Bhutanese get dressed up for festivals and you may want to take a smarter set of clothes with you to use on the days you are attending the festivals. Long sleeves and long trousers are best, women might want to bring a scarf. Dirty boots or open toed sandals should be avoided where possible. Hats and umbrellas should be avoided.


Bhutan’s Tshechus (festivals) are religious events and the festival grounds are purified and consecrated by lamas. The dancers are in a state of meditation, they believe that they transform themselves into the deities they represent on the dance ground, generating a spiritual power, which purifies, enlightens and blesses the spectators. Out of respect, whilst watching the dances, you should not eat, drink, talk or laugh loudly at inappropriate times. You should not use flash photography and please be respectful when photographing dancers or onlookers. The festivals are not tourist attractions, they are manifestations of religious traditions thousands of year’s old, which we are fortunate to be able to witness.

Cotswold Outdoor Red Panton

Chitwan Jungle Extension

The jungles of southern Nepal are an interesting counterpoint to trekking in the foothills or the high Himalaya. Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge provides a relaxing and comforta...

US$1,545 per person

Extension Details

The jungles of southern Nepal are an interesting counterpoint to trekking in the foothills or the high Himalaya. Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge provides a relaxing and comfortable base for a wildlife safari and cultural village experience. During two days of wildlife viewing in the Chitwan National Park 'buffer zone' - the interface area between visitors and the animals that live at Chitwan – you will be accompanied by expert guides on safaris by jeep by boat and on foot. 

Sharing Price from

Single traveller price from, single room supplement from, deposit per person from.

trip ke bhutan

Extension Itinerary

KE extension package services begin with a transfer to Kathmandu airport for the flight to Bharatpur. You are met by a Tiger Tops representative and transfer to the lodge. After a welcome briefing, you head off for the first of your jungle activities which may be by jeep, on foot or by boat. We can enjoy an excellent meal from the Tharu kitchen before retiring.

After an early wake-up call you will go out with your guide to catch the birds and animals at the watering hole. After breakfast at the lodge you will go out on safari again. As with yesterday your safaris can be by jeep, on foot or by boat. After a full day of wildlife viewing, you spend your final night at Tharu Lodge.

You have another opportunity this morning to observe the animals at the watering hole, then after breakfast at the lodge, you transfer to the airport for the flight to Kathmandu where KE extension package services end.

Whats Included

  • Return flights - Kathmandu / Bharatpur / Kathmandu
  • Kathmandu Airport transfers
  • Transfers to the lodge on arrival at Bharatpur Airport
  • 2 nights full board accommodation at Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge
  • Jungle activities including jeep rides / boat rides / nature walks and birdwatching
  • Airport departure tax
  • National park buffer zone fee

What's Not Included

  • Any additional hotel nights required in Kathmandu before or after the extension
  • Expenses of a personal nature - drinks and souvenirs etc.


Kathmandu Tour - Nagarkot and Bhaktapur

The Kathmandu Valley contains the cities of Patan, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu itself, all of which were once independent kingdoms. An exploration of the valley’s histori...

US$175 per person

The Kathmandu Valley contains the cities of Patan, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu itself, all of which were once independent kingdoms. An exploration of the valley’s historic and cultural sights is an excellent way to begin or end your adventure in Nepal. Highlights of this tour includes a very early drive up to Nagarkot on the Kathmandu Valley rim, the perfect place to watch a Himalayan sunrise. This is followed by a tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Bhaktapur, renowned for its temples and traditional buildings. 

trip ke bhutan

We have a long morning of sightseeing in the Kathmandu Valley, beginning with a very early start (at around 0430). We drive for approximately 1 hour through the quiet streets to Nargakot on the valley rim to watch the sunrise light up the Himalayas. Dropping back down to the valley, you will then have a guided tour of medieval Bhaktapur before returning to your hotel towards midday.

  • Experienced tour guide
  • Vehicle transport and driver
  • Entrance fees
  • Packed breakfast to be provided. Other meals and drinks are not included

Fantastic trek with stunning scenery ★★★★

This trek is amazing but be aware it deserves its billing as one of the worlds toughest treks ! The scenery is wonderful and the panoramas breath taking. In general the trek was well organised and the support staff very friendly and helpful. The quality of the food was incredible given the tricky conditions and remote nature of our route. I would recommend a good quality 4 season sleeping bag as the temperatures drop well below freezing overnight ( probably as low as - 10C )

Stunning and superb ★★★★★

Stunning scenery in a very remote area, with colour provided by locals - camp beside a live archery range! Excellent local guide, very communicative and knowledgeable about the culture of the country. A fantastic journey.

The Land of the Thunder Dragon ★★★★★

It was the trip of a lifetime, I feel very privileged ★★★★★

Unspoilt, beautiful valleys and stunning mountain panoramas ★★★★★

Traveller Reviews

Fantastic trek with stunning scenery, stunning and superb, the land of the thunder dragon, it was the trip of a lifetime, i feel very privileged, unspoilt, beautiful valleys and stunning mountain panoramas, related articles.


Another view of the Himalaya


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Private Departure?

Gather a few friends, family or club and take over your own departure.

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More Information

  • The Snowman Trek With Flights Without Flights
  • Departure Reference: BST /01/24/
  • This trip departs the UK on Sun 6 Oct returning to the UK on Tue 5 Nov This trip begins on Mon 7 Oct and ends on Tue 5 Nov
  • This departure is guaranteed. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$1,025
  • Single Supplement Price: US$410 - All hotel nights in Kathmandu and Bhutan
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$1,785

Download Trip Notes

  • Departure Reference: BST /01/25/
  • This trip departs the UK on Fri 19 Sep returning to the UK on Sun 19 Oct This trip begins on Sat 20 Sep and ends on Sun 19 Oct
  • This departure is available to book. Secure your place today with a deposit of US$1,025
  • Single Supplement Price: US$680 - All hotel nights in Kathmandu and Bhutan
  • Single Tent Upgrade: US$1,755
  • Departure Reference: BST /02/25/
  • This trip departs the UK on Mon 6 Oct returning to the UK on Wed 5 Nov This trip begins on Tue 7 Oct and ends on Wed 5 Nov

Land Only Information


Flight Inclusive Information

Changes to flights.

Please be aware that the flight industry is experiencing a high level of service fluctuation and changes to your flights may occur. This may also require amends to the transfers and joining arrangements. Thank you all for continuing your patience and understanding.

BOOK WITH KE CONFIDENCE - No surcharge guarantee

The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators, KE have undertaken to guarantee the Land Only price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay , whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our 'No Surcharge Guarantee'.

KE Adventure is a fully bonded tour operator. We hold an ATOL license (No: 2808) and are bonded with ABTA (Membership No: W4341)


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trip ke bhutan

Terletak di timur Himalaya, Bhutan adalah negara dengan keindahan alam luar biasa yang masih belum terjamah, budaya yang menawan, dan komitmen kuat untuk melestarikan warisan budaya dan lingkungannya.

Negara ini dikenal dengan julukan "Land of the Thunder Dragon" (Tanah Naga Petir) karena medannya yang dipenuhi gunung-gunung dan badai dengan petir yang bergemuruh seperti raungan naga. Nama ini mencerminkan mitologi Bhutan yang kaya dan penghormatan masyararakatnya terhadap naga yang dianggap sakral dan sosok pelindung untuk dalam budaya Bhutan.

Lanskap alam Bhutan yang indah, mencakup gunung-gunung, lembah hijau, dan biara-biara yang tenang, akan memberimu pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Bhutan adalah surga bagi para pecinta alam, dengan rute-rute trekking terkenal seperti Snowman Trek, hiking trek terpanjang di Bhutan, dan Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest) yang terkenal. Negara ini juga memiliki banyak satwa langka, sehingga membuatnya semakin menarik di mata pecinta alam.

Budaya Bhutan banyak terpengaruh dari Agama Buddha. Kamu akan banyak menemui dzong, sebuah jenis bangunan biara yang berbenteng, biara-biara, dan bendera doa ketika menjelajah. Untuk merasakan keindahan budaya Bhutan, kunjungilah kota-kota seperti Paro, Thimphu, dan Punakha, atau mengikuti festival tradisional seperti Paro Tsechu.

Bhutan menerapkan responsible tourism (wisata yang bertanggung jawab) untuk memastikan kamu dapat memiliki pengalaman wisata yang menyenangkan sembari tetap menjaga lingkungan. Negara ini juga memiliki Gross National Happiness yang mengedepankan perkembangan berkelanjutan.

Untuk mengunjungi Bhutan, kamu akan membutuhkan perencanaan matang, karena membutuhakan visa dan biaya harian yang mencakup akomodasi, makanan, dan pemandu.

trip ke bhutan

Kenali Bhutan

Kenali daya tariknya yang tak boleh terlewat

Panduan lengkap berlibur dan informasi penting.

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Tips Perjalanan ke Bhutan

Yang wajib Anda ketahui sebelum berkunjung

Yang sering ditanyakan, hal yang perlu disiapkan hingga cara terbaik berkunjung.

Ya, kamu memerlukan visa untuk berkunjung ke Bhutan. Visa dapat diajukan melalui agen perjalanan yang berlisensi karena kamu tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa turis sendiri.

Waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung ke Bhutan adalah pada musim semi (Maret-Mei) dan musim gugur (September-November). Pada musim ini, cuaca di Bhutan sejuk dan cerah, sehingga ideal untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan wisata.

Bhutan memiliki banyak destinasi wisata yang menarik, khususnya wisata alam dan budaya. Beberapa tempat wisata terbaik di Bhutan adalah Paro Taktsang, atau Tiger’s Nest Monastery yang dibangun di tebing dan memiliki pemandangan indah, dan Punakha Dzong yang bersejarah. Ibu kota Bhutan, Thimphu, juga layak dieksplorasi karena memiliki sederet landmark bersejarah seperit Tashichho Dzong. Selain itu, ada juga Bumthang Valley yang terkenal dengan biara-biara kuno dan pemandangannya yang indah, serta Phobjikha Valley, spot yang indah untuk mengamati burung. Tempat wisata lain di Bhutan yang menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah Haa Valley yang berlum terjamah dan Wangdue Phodrang yang menampilkan pemandangan Wangdue Phodrang Dzong yang menawan.

Sebelum mengunjungi Bhutan, kamu harus mempersiapkan visa wisata dari operator wisat yang berlisensi. Kamu juga harus membayar biaya harian yang mencakup beberapa fasilitas, seperit akomodasi, makanan, transportasi, hingga pemandu. Biaya ini dibuat untuk mempromosikan wisata berkelanjutan dan mendukung infrastruktur dan layanan di Bhutan. Perlu diketahui, biaya-biaya ini harus diatur dari operator wisata Bhutan yang sudah berlisensi dan dibayar sebelum wisata.

Bhutan memiliki ragam kuliner khas yang sebagian besar terpengaruh dari India, Tibet, dan Nepal dengan cita rasa yang tentunya menggugah selera. Kamu wajib mencoba Ema datshi. Makanan nasional Bhutan ini terbuat dari cabai hijau atau merah yang diiris memanjang yang dimasak dengan datshi (keju khas Bhutan). Ada juga hidangan sejenis dendeng, Shakam Paa, yang terbuat dari daging sapi yang sudah dikeringkan dan dimasak dengan bumbu berupa cabai kering, dengan tambahan berupa lobak putih ataupun sayuran lainnya. Namun jika menginginkan makanan yang menyegarkan, kamu dapat mencoba Goen hogay, salad tradisional khas Bhutan dari olahan timun yang diiris tipis lalu dicampur dengan cabai, tomat, ketumbar, bawang bombai, merica, lada sichuan, dan keju datshi.

See All Practical Tips for Bhutan

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Jelajahi Bhutan

Susun rencana liburan Anda dengan ide pilihan berikut

Selalu ada diskon untukmu.

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Destinasi Terdekat dari Bhutan


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Druk Asia Singapore

Bhutan Travel Specialist, Druk Air Representative (Royal Bhutan Airlines)

Druk Asia Singapore

Cara Pergi ke Bhutan

Terbang ke Bhutan bersama Drukair

Ini adalah cara yang paling mudah untuk memasuki Bhutan, dan sebagian besar wisatawan memasuki Bhutan melalui rute ini. Drukair adalah maskapai nasional Bhutan dan menghubungkan Bhutan ke 5 negara lain yaitu India, Nepal, Thailand, Singapura dan Bangladesh. Bhutan memiliki empat bandara, dimana hanya satu yang menjadi titik masuk utama bagi wisatawan internasional, yaitu Bandara Paro. Sementara tiga bandara lainnya hanya melayani rute domestik.

Waktu penerbangan

Dengan sedikit pengecualian, Drukair biasanya berangkat pagi hari, sekitar 06.30 dari Singapura dan Thailand. Hal ini karena kondisi angin membuat pendaratan di Bandara Paro setelah pukul 12 siang lebih sulit. Drukair akan berangkat Singapura pagi-pagi sekali, lalu berbalik dan lepas landas dari bandara Paro sebelum jam 12 siang. Berikut adalah rata-rata waktu keberangkatan dan kedatangan Drukair di berbagai kota. Waktu ini dapat bervariasi sesuai musim, jadi berkonsultasilah dengan kami begitu Anda siap merencanakan perjalanan Anda.

Memesan penerbangan anda

Kami dapat membantu Anda memesan tiket hingga 30 hari tanpa biaya dan denda. Biaya pembatalan hanya akan berlaku jika Anda telah menerbitkan tiket Anda. Fasilitas reservasi ini akan memberikan Anda waktu untuk mengkonfirmasi penerbangan Anda dan merencanakan tur Anda di Bhutan. Anda juga dapat menjadwal ulang kunjungan Anda jika perlu. Setelah Anda mengkonfirmasi tur darat Anda, Anda bisa memberi kami catatan untuk menerbitkan tiket Anda. Penerbitan hanya bisa dilakukan setelah kami menerima pembayaran tiket, karena pembatalan setelah penerbitan dikenai biaya.

Mengemudi melalui India

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan


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Planning to travel to Bhutan during a festival?

On popular dates of travel such as during festival time, flight tickets tend to get fully reserved 5 months prior. Due to limited flight and seats available, we recommend you to reserve your ticket as early as possible. You can reserve your ticket for free with us and plan your trip to Bhutan with a peace of mind knowing that you will have a spot on your flight to Bhutan.

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  • The Best of Bhutan 2016
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  • Jojo’s Building Room No. 56,
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  • Thimphu - Bhutan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • 60 Albert Street, #12-03/04
  • Singapore 189969
  • T: +65 6338-9909
  • Druk Asia Vacations(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd,
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  • No 8 Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
  • Kuala Lumpur 50480
  • T: 018-661 7699
  • Office Line: 03-6411 5740/5741
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How many days to spend in Bhutan? What to see and do in Bhutan?  Join our Bhutan Trip Packages with budget prices, qualified tour services, flexible Bhutan hotel options, and so on. The Bhutan itineraries below will give you a better idea of how to plan your Bhutan Trip. Our Bhutan tours of 4-days to 17-days cover many classic routes with popular and favorite places to stay from our clients. Also, our Bhutan travel experts are keen to share their Bhutan knowledge and experiences to be sure your Bhutan journey is unique and with more Bhutan travel options available.

The Bhutan tour packages below allow you to travel to the most beautiful mountains and valleys, visit the most sacred monasteries and learn about the most authentic Bhutanese culture in local museums. Please also feel free to let us know if you want to do more hiking or travel to Bhutan during local festivals. It is our honor to design a satisfactory Bhutan tour with reasonable price for you!

Bhutan Tour Packages FAQ


At least 5 days are necessary if you want to visit all the most popular tourist attractions in Bhutan, such as the Taktsang Monastery (Tiger Nest Monastery), National Museum and Tashichho Dzong. Around 7 days are needed if you want to travel to some remote area, such as the Haa Valley. Around 10 days are needed if you want to trek on the mountains and valleys in Bhutan. Some of our customers even spent 30 days, the longest staying time allowed for tourists, exploring over two thirds of the land of the country.

It is more unlikely to have altitude sickness in Bhutan than most other high-altitude areas. There are two reasons.

First, most tourist attractions in Bhutan are located in the middle area of Bhutan, where the altitude is between 2000 meters and 3000 meters. As you may have known, most people will have altitude sickness only when they are in areas, where the altitude is over 3000 meters.

Second, the percentage of forest cover in Bhutan is over 72.5%. So, the oxygen content in air is higher than most other high-altitude area.

Tipping is recommended but not required . The Bhutan government do not require tourists to tip drivers, tour guides, waiters and other local people who will serve you, because their income is not bad. However, tipping is still recommended, because if you tip them, they will offer even better service, especially for hiking and mountaineering itineraries, you might need porters and cooks, and they need to carry heavy luggage or cooking utensils during the tour.

Some of our customers even tip their tour guides and drivers prior to the start of their tour.

The Electronic visa is the most popular type of visa for tourists who want to travel to Bhutan. You just need to send us the photocopy of your passport (the page with your photo). You can also apply for a Bhutan visa in India or Nepal, where there are Bhutan embassies. Citizens of India, Bangladesh and Maldives can travel to Bhutan without applying for a visa.

Although it is not difficult for tourists to apply for a Bhutan visa, tourists are not allowed to travel to Bhutan on their own. They must book a tour with a licensed local travel agency, so please check out our Bhutan tour packages, it would be a great honor for us to arrange a Bhutan tour for you!

Like China and India, beef, pork, vegetable and rice are the most-eaten food in Bhutan. There almost no polluted crops in Bhutan, because local people almost use no pesticide. Milk or red tea and wine brewed with highland barley, wheat or corn are the major beverage in Bhutan.

Both western and local cuisines are available in Bhutan. Local people like pepper, but they seldom use pepper to cook for tourists. If you also like pepper, please feel free to let your tour guides know. They will ask the restaurants to prepare spicy food for you.

The best way to travel to Bhutan is taking a plane to Paro, where Bhutan's only international airport is located in, from Thailand, India, Nepal, Bangladesh or Singapore. Druk Air, the Royal Bhutan Airlines, is the only carrier for the international flights to Bhutan

The Indian cities, where there are flights to Bhutan, are Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bagdogra, Gaya and Guwahati. Other Cities, where there are flights to Bhutan, are Bangkok (Thailand), Kathmandu (Nepal), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Changi (Singapore).

Tourists can also travel to Bhutan from India by road, but the condition of the roads is not good, so this way is not recommended.

The best times to travel to Bhutan are March , April , May , June , September and October . Based on the differences of altitudes, Bhutan is divided into north, middle and south parts. The altitude of the north part is over 3000 meters and very cold, while the south part is only around 1500 meters above the sea level and very wet and hot. Fortunately, most tourist attractions are in the middle part, where enjoys mild climate and is suitable for tourism all year round. However, the climate of the 5 months listed above is even more delightful, so tourists will get the best experience if they travel to Bhutan in those 5 months.

Bhutan Tour Packages Reviews

trip ke bhutan

Best luxury tour in Bhutan

Booked the luxury tour to Bhutan through them… Excellent arrangement and perfect with the choice of hotels and sightseeing.. Tony Yin our Agent was very good in understanding the requirements.

trip ke bhutan

A wonderful family trip for us

My parents and I enjoyed it a lot! Kyle is always very responsive to my questions — his recommendations and advice also turned out to be very helpful. Our tourist guide, Rinzin was also great. He is fluent in English and Chinese, so he communicated with my parents very well. The itinerary for each day was clear and well-arranged. Each meal was taken care of with a lot of effort. We tried plenty of healthy organic vegetable products from Bhutan. Besides, we were lucky to have a very experienced driver. I didn't feel dizzy at all, even after the trips across the mountains.

trip ke bhutan


We chose Asia Odyssey Travel as it was the best offer that we have found in terms of value and what they have offered as a travel experience. We booked a 5 day tour for Bhutan and the experience did not disappoint us in any way. We were taken good care of trough all the stages starting with the booking itself, itinerary, visa and all the details for pick up for airport. We have visited National Memorial Chorten,Takin Sanctuary,Taktshang (Tiger’s nest), Punakha Dzong (just to name the most important ones) and we were impressed by the beauty of the country as well as how friendly our guide was.

This will be an experience that we will not forget!

I strongly recommend it for everyone who is in search of an unique destination.

trip ke bhutan

Hassle free tour

They were very responsive to all my questions even though we are different timezone. They handle all the visa requirements etc and food arrangements and hotels . I did not have to worry about any of those things I just show up and enjoy the tour. Everything was hassle free.

trip ke bhutan

Amazing Bhutan

I was planning a trip of a lifetime to Bhutan when I stumbled upon Asia Odyssey Travel with raving reviews. I immediately sent an inquiry and was promptly answered by Isaac Wei, representative of the agency. I told him that I was planning a 4 day trip to Bhutan. Isaac sent me the itinerary he prepared for our 4 day trip including places to see, hotel information and other details. He is very responsive to all my inquiries and clarifications. I then approved and paid for our tour. They also prepared our visa.

Upon arrival in Bhutan, we were welcomed by our wonderful tour guide, Tashi and Pema.They gave us white scarf to officially welcome us in Bhutan. They immediately started the tour. The hotels provided were decent with friendly staff.

Our tour was well thought out. Everything was explained to us. Tashi was very knowledgeable and very accommodating, The highlight of the trip was the trek to Tiger's Nest. It was surreal, being inside the monastery in Tiger's Nest.

We had the trip of a lifetime! A memory that I will forever cherish.

Please support Asia Odyssey Travel, you will never be disappointed. Make sure you request for Tashi and Pema as your tour guides.

trip ke bhutan

Breathtaking Beauty of Bhutan

At the beginning, I was a bit hesitant to book Bhutan's tour thru an online travel agency. But Asia Odyssey Travel turns out to be the right choice for this trip!

We appreciate Jojo's quick response to our inquiries including tailoring the itineraries to our requests. Our guide, Jigme Yoedzer, and our driver, Phub Gyeltshen, were wonderful and very accommodating in catering to our pace, preferred excursions and likings.

Bhutan is a such beautiful country with strong belief of living in harmony with nature. A true gem in this modern world. We had a great time during our trip and enjoyed the scenery very much.

Kudos to the wonderful team of Asia Odyssey Tour - Jojo, Jigme & Phub!!

Highly recommended!!

Espectacular viaje a Butan!!!!

Asia Odissey service is simple outstanding!!! Everything went as planned, according to schedule, and with little extra amazing surprises on top of what we book that made it even better.

Long story short, our only duty during the trip was to enjoy it, they took care of everything since we start planning our trip.

trip ke bhutan

An experience for the lifetime

Great trip with great guides

To be honest, I was a little reluctant to book with Asia Odyssey Travel as they are not US based and the price was much lower than other tours. But I took a chance and very happy that I did. Asia Odyssey Travel did a great job start to finish. Prior to leaving for our tour, Kyle was in frequent contact with a very quick response time.

And once there, our tour guide (Karma) driver (Yeshi) were fantastic.They tailored our excursions to our liking. Very knowledgeable and finny! They even carried my camera gear to the Tigers nest as it was quite a hike for me being 68 years old. In addition to be in very interesting, they were very fun. Bhutan is a wonderful country and Karma and Yeshi made us feel right at home. They even invited us to one of their local hangouts one evening to play snookers. Highly recommend Asia Odyssey Travel.

trip ke bhutan

Best planning

Great help in planning my trip even though I screwed up and accidentally damaged my passport and needed to get a new one. Had no problems charging dates of my trip and helping with all the little hiccups with the planned. Thanks

trip ke bhutan

Beautiful and majestic

The country scenery, the people, from the tour guide, driver, and hotel service staff were wonderful. We love the experience of having lunch and visiting the home of one of the villagers. The tour guide Sherub really made sure we were comfortable and went with our pace. Thank you for the unforgettable memories.

trip ke bhutan

Asia Odyssey helped me fulfill a dream…

Asia Odyssey helped me fulfill a dream to visit Bhutan -the Kingdom of happiness. And that it was. From the wonderful organisation of Kyle with quick responses - nothing was too difficult to do or organise. And Asia odyssey Travel Company compilation of the trip and logistics was wonderful and pleasant. Visiting the Kingdom of Bhutan was easy visa, easy travel, and happiness plus. Morgan

trip ke bhutan

The best experience I have!

I have booked for a family trip ( my elder mother+ 2 toddlers kids + me and my sister= 5 persons). We came all the way from France to Bangkok to Bhutan.

Our tour person Mr Tony Yin is a professional and efficient person. He makes sure all things go smoothly and he replies my WhatsApp messages each time when necessary.

When arriving at Paro airport (Bhutan), our local tour guide Mr Pema very very very gentle and polite, and he waited us there since 2 hours before our arrival. Our local driver , Mr Karma is a lovely man, strong man and stable, we respect him alot as he knows how to drive on the difficult roads in Bhutan.

The most touching part is Mr Pema and Mr karma accompanied us all the way to the Taktshang monastery (tiger's nest) up to the hill and then down to the base! They carried our kids on them and our things. Bhutan trip is an unforgettable experience, because local people are educated, yet modest, rich in culture and environmentally preserved, compassion, sharing , love and happiness, although they are materially poor conditions ! I would recommend everyone to follow this tour to Bhutan, to give our children a good teaching of authentic way of living.

Memorable trip

One of the best trips I ever had, I give five stars for the professionalism and good itinerary. I had a great informatory trip. The guid was very knowledgeable with all part of and the city. His historic background is rich and coming from the heart. Our driver was very careful and patient with traffic and both were very prompt. One small hiccup in one of the hotels (Which I don’t think they have control off) that they were offering hot water from 6pm-11pm. And 6am -9 am everyday and had no shampoo. Other than that food was ok and service was good. I highly recommend this travel agency, if you go to Bhutan make sure to use them.

trip ke bhutan

Amazing trip to one of the most secluded countries

I was a little bit worried at first because I don't know anyone from Bhutan, and it was hard to find information on the internet. But Asia Odyssey did not disappoint. The consultant (Kyle) is very patient and cater all my requests (including proof of company incorporation).

I was supposedly in the group tour, but since my flight was canceled (by the airlines, not Asia Odyssey's fault) they even changed my tour to private!

Bhutan Holiday

Amazing country organised by Asia Odyssey Travel. A country with a different way of life. Very friendly people and had a great guide (Pema) and driver which made the holiday. I would recommend this country to anyone. Tigers nest was the pinnacle of the holiday.

trip ke bhutan

Great tour company. Excellent service.

My 6 nights tour in Bhutan was perfectly organized. Clear and easy communication before the tour. Our tour guide Dorji and driver Kishore were extremely helpful, courteous, knowledgable, and fun. We had an amazing time seeing the beautiful, green, and peaceful country. We were taken to local places and festivals to communicate with the beautiful people of Bhutan and join their traditional activities. Thank you for these unforgettable moments. I would love to travel with Asia Odyssey Travel again.

Bhutan exceeded all expectations

Bhutan is a beautiful country, my family and I found the tour had great value for money. Everything was included while with world-class service. We had our three children with us, and Asia Odyssey Travel made a large effort to ensure the trip was as enjoyable for them as it was for us. Our guide and driver were awesome, they work hard to make sure all pick-ups, meals, hotels, driving, and sightseeing were comfortable, and they were flexible for any additional requests. Our family had a truly enjoyable 7-day tour in Bhutan. I would really advise anyone to make use of the service of this company.

trip ke bhutan

Unforgettable trip to Bhutan, highly recommended.

We just completed a trip to Paro, Thimpu, and Punakha for our New Year holiday. From the time I got in contact with Kyle of Asia Odyssey Travel for an inquiry to the end of our tour, everything was smooth and efficient. Though it was a little cold in winter, we did enjoy the bright and sunny days, hotels with lower prices, and fewer tourists. Kyle was flexible on itinerary design for our requests. Our guide, Kishore, was knowledgeable about history, religion, culture, flora, and even birds. Our driver, Dago, was skilled, safe, and reliable. Overall, we would not hesitate to recommend Kyle and his team, an excellent company to choose for your trip to Bhutan!

trip ke bhutan

7 Days Magical Western Bhutan Tour

My husband and I booked a 7 days private trip with Asia Odyssey Travel. They proved well worth our trust by realizing our wish list perfectly. We enjoyed beautiful landscapes, valleys, Dzongs, monasteries, cities, and villages. We also attended the annual festivities, the traditional Bhutan dresses were amazing. We tried the traditional Bhutanese hot stone bath, it was very comfortable. We felt very satisfied with all their arrangements, the hotels couldn't be nicer, the service couldn't be better. Highly recommended.

Amazing experience in real Bhutan

As someone who has traveled the world, I can say without hesitation that this was one of the best tour experiences I've ever had. The hotels are very well located, comfortable, and carefully chosen for their high service standards. Our guide was outstanding and knowledgeable about culture, religion, and history. He was flexible to adjust the itinerary and make sure everything runs smoothly. I cannot recommend this company highly enough! Thank you for showing us a real Bhutan that is beyond my expectations.

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Ini Biaya dan Cara Berwisata ke Bhutan travel travel tips.

Wisata Bhutan

JAKARTA, - Bhutan tergolong wisata eksklusif yang cocok untuk penggemar wisata alam dan budaya. Wisatawan yang ingin pelesiran di negara kecil ini pun tak bisa sembarangan jika ingin masuk ke negara ini.

Pertama, untuk memasuki Bhutan, wisatawan harus menggunakan jasa travel agent asli negara tersebut. Tak sembarang travel agent, hanya yang terdaftar di situs resmi pariwisata Bhutan yakni .

Tarif masuknya pun sudah dipatok oleh pemerintah setempat.Untuk premium daily package harganya 200 dollar AS (sekitar Rp 2,7 juta) per orang, per malam. Harga tersebut berlaku untuk musim dingin dan musim panas. Sementara untuk musim semi dan gugur, harganya 250 dollar (sekitar Rp 3,4 juta) AS per orang per malam.

"Selintas memang terdengar mahal, namun semuanya sudah disiapkan. Termasuk penginapan minimal di hotel bintang tiga," kata Key Account Manager Tourism Council of Bhutan, Thsering Pem saat Travel Agent Seminar yang berlangsung di Jakarta, Senin (30/5/2016).

Harga tersebut termasuk tiket pesawat Drukair, satu-satunya maskapai yang melayani penerbangan dari dan ke Bhutan. Maskapai ini punya rute dari beberapa negara seperti India, Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh, dan Singapura.

Namun paket harga tersebut sudah termasuk penginapan, seluruh agenda makan, pemandu wisata asli Bhutan, transportasi darat, camping dan trekking, pajak, juga royalti untuk pembangunan setempat sebesar 65 dollar AS.

trip ke bhutan

Maskapai nasional Bhutan, Drukair memiliki penerbangan dari beberapa negara antara lain India, Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh, dan Singapura. Maskapai tersebut bahkan memberikan diskon sebesar 10 persen jika Anda traveling dalam grup minimal 10 orang.

Bandara utama di negara tersebut adalah Paro International Airport. Terletak di Kota Paro, bandara tersebut terletak sekitar 45 menit perjalanan darat menuju ibu kota Bhutan yakni Thimphu.

"Dari cultural heritage sampai destinasi alam, banyak yang bisa dilihat di Bhutan. Kami memang tertutup namun di situlah kebahagiaan berasal," tambah Pem.


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Traveling in Bhutan: What You Need to Know Before You Go

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Unless you're from a select few countries, such as India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives, travel to Bhutan is expensive and not easily undertaken. However, the distinctive Buddhist culture, unspoiled scenery, and fresh mountain air make it very worthwhile. The number of people visiting Bhutan is increasing every year, reflective of growing interest in the country as a tourism destination. Here's what you need to know to plan your trip.

Tours and Independent Travel

The Bhutanese government is hesitant about allowing visitors into the country. Independent travel to Bhutan is opening up, but it's not something the government encourages. Generally, visitors to Bhutan must either be tourists or guests of the government. The only other options for visiting the country are to receive an invitation from "a citizen of some standing" or a volunteer organization.

With the exception of passport holders from India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives, all tourists must travel on a pre-planned, prepaid, guided package tour or custom-designed travel program.

Getting a Visa

Everyone traveling to Bhutan must obtain a visa in advance, except for passport holders from India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives. Passport holders from these three countries are classified as "regional tourists" and can obtain a free Entry Permit on arrival upon producing their passport with a minimum of six months validity. Indian nationals can also use their Voters Identity Card. Citizens of these countries must still pay a Sustainable Development Fee of $17 per day. An exemption applies to tourists visiting 11 specific districts in eastern Bhutan, from Trongsa to Trashigang. The Bhutanese government is aiming to increase tourism in this region.

For other passport holders, the Sustainable Development Fee is $65, which is included in the "Minimum Daily Package" rate (see below). The visa cost is $40. The visas must be applied for and paid for in advance, from registered tour operators (not embassies), at the same time as booking the rest of your trip. You should make your travel arrangements at least 90 days before travel to allow time for all the formalities to be completed.

The visas are processed through an online system by the tour operators and are approved by the Tourism Council of Bhutan once full payment of the cost of the trip has been received. Tourists are issued a visa clearance letter to be presented at immigration upon arrival at the airport. The visa is then stamped in the passport.

Getting There

The only international airport in Bhutan is located at Paro, about an hour's drive from Thimphu. Currently, two national airlines operate flights to Bhutan: Drukair and Bhutan Airlines. Departure points include Bangkok (Thailand), Kathmandu (Nepal), New Delhi and Kolkata (India), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Yangoon (Myanmar), and Singapore.

It's also possible to travel to Bhutan from India overland by road. The main border crossing is Jaigaon-Phuentsholing. There are two others, at Gelephu and Samdrup Jongkhar.

The minimum price of tours (called a "Minimum Daily Package") to Bhutan is set by the government to control tourism and protect the environment, and can't be negotiated. The price includes all accommodations, meals, transportation, guides and porters, and cultural programs. Part of it also goes towards free education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation in Bhutan.

"Minimum Daily Package" prices vary according to the season and the number of tourists in the group.

High Season: March, April, May, September, October, and November

  • $250 per person per day for a group of three or more people.
  • $280 per person per day for a group of two people.
  • $290 per day for single individuals.

Low Season: January, February, June, July, and August

  • $200 per person per day for a group of three or more people.
  • $230 per person per day for a group of two people.
  • $240 per day for single individuals.

Discounts are available for children and students.

Do note that each tour operator has their preferred hotels. These are often the ones that cost less. Therefore, tourists should find out the hotels they've been assigned to, do some research about hotels in Bhutan, and ask to switch hotels if they are not satisfied. Most people assume they're stuck with a fixed itinerary and the hotels allocated to them. However, tour companies will, in fact, accommodate requests in order to keep business.

Tour Companies

The Bhutan Tourist Corporation Limited (BTCL) is highly recommended for making travel bookings to Bhutan. This company is owned by members of the royal family and advertises itself as Bhutan's number one travel agency since 1991. The drivers, guides, and accommodations provided are excellent. If you're interested in photography, see what Rainbow Photography Tours of Bhutan has to offer.

The Tourism Council of Bhutan also has a list of registered tour operators on its website.

The Bhutanese currency is called Ngultrum (BTN) and its value is linked to the Indian Rupee. The Indian Rupee can be used as legal tender in Bhutan, but the Ngultrum is not legal tender in India. There are a limited number of ATMs available.

Development in Bhutan

Bhutan is rapidly changing with a great deal of construction going on, particularly in Thimphu and Paro. As a result, these places have already started to lose their charm and authenticity. Visitors are advised to fly internally from Paro to Bumthang, in the heart of Bhutan, in order to experience the traditional Bhutan. If you're thinking about visiting Bhutan, it's better to go sooner rather than later!

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    14. 7 Days In The Magical Kingdom of Bhutan. This 6 Nights 7 Days cultural tour is one of the most popular tours in Bhutan filled with gentle nature hikes through the…. 15. Bhutan Spiritual & Wellness Tour Package With Monastic Stay -7Night 8Days.

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    Pertama, untuk memasuki Bhutan, wisatawan harus menggunakan jasa travel agent asli negara tersebut. Tak sembarang travel agent, hanya yang terdaftar di situs resmi pariwisata Bhutan yakni Tarif masuknya pun sudah dipatok oleh pemerintah setempat.Untuk premium daily package harganya 200 dollar AS (sekitar Rp 2,7 juta) per ...

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    5.0/5. Outstanding. Posted on May 6, 2024. We had a wonderful stay at the beautiful COMO Uma Paro hotel. The grounds are lovely with the villas spread apart to allow for the utmost privacy. The food was delicious. We highly recommend a hot stone bath followed by their signature massage.

  25. Traveling in Bhutan: What You Need to Know Before You Go

    The Bhutan Tourist Corporation Limited (BTCL) is highly recommended for making travel bookings to Bhutan. This company is owned by members of the royal family and advertises itself as Bhutan's number one travel agency since 1991. The drivers, guides, and accommodations provided are excellent.