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Finland Travel Advisory

Travel advisory july 26, 2023, finland - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise normal precautions in Finland.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Finland.

If you decide to travel to Finland:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive travel alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Finland.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .

Travel Advisory Levels

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Finnish-ing touches: all you need to know before your trip to Finland

Kerry Walker

Apr 24, 2022 • 9 min read

Helsinkians spend some time inside Löyly's sauna. 

In Finland, the sauna is a way of life – and an essential experience for any visitor © Jonathan Stokes / Lonely Planet

Finland is the kind of place a child with a particularly vivid imagination might dream up, complete with flying reindeer, the real Santa and so much snow.

It’s a place of extremes – of darkness and light, of bitter cold and unfathomable wilderness. And it’s bound to be right up there with your Nordic dream destinations, whether you’ve come to dash through frozen forests by husky-drawn sleigh as the Northern Lights flash overhead in Lapland, or hunker down in a back-of-beyond summer cottage on the shores of a placid lake in the undying light of summer.

If you love saunas, silence and nature, you’ll fit right in. Here are the things to know to help you plan and prepare your trip and stay safe and healthy in Finland. 

Planning your trip to Finland

Consider arriving outside of helsinki.

Helsinki is the country’s principal gateway, though if you’re coming to Finalnd for a non-urban adventure you might consider flying into a regional airport like Rovaniemi (gateway to Lapland and Santa HQ) or Tampere (gateway to the lakes) instead. Once you’re in Finland, public transport is pretty good and efficient, with trains and buses joining the dots between major cities and towns. But if you’re heading into the wilds, you should count on renting a car, as distances are vast. Pack drinks and snacks for the journey as there’s little in the way of services between hubs.

The roads that sweep north to Lapland are often empty, but you’ll need to watch out for reindeer (the Porokello app warns of high-risk reindeer-crash areas) and ice in winter. 

Summers are for primeval pleasures; winters are for festive magic 

Finland is too big for just one bite, so plan carefully and resist the temptation to cram everything into one trip. 

Summer, you say? The Finns would agree: after long, dark, snowbound winters, they embrace the lighter days of summer with a truly biological urgency. June to August is a brilliant period for hiking and camping in wilderness areas like the reindeer-bobbled fells of Urho Kekkonen National Park in Northern Lapland , above the Arctic Circle. It’s also a great time to jump into a kayak to paddle the Lakeland (there are 188,000), waving to seals as you drift from one gorgeous little speck of an island to the next in Åland on the Baltic. 

Summer is when Finns tiptoe away from the world and back to nature in middle-of-nowhere cottages, some of which are totally off the grid. Days are spent in gleefully primeval ways: foraging for berries, swimming in ice-cold lakes, relaxing in saunas and spending nights under a canopy of stars. The climax is Juhannus , or midsummer, in late June, when families come together for picnics and dancing around bonfires. 

September is quiet and glorious in Lapland, with forests turning gold and crimson and reindeer beginning to rut. As snow arrives in October, a hush falls over the land and many sights and hotels close. But winter brings festive sparkle and visits to Santa in the Arctic north. As the days get shorter, you’ll enjoy the full-on Narnia effect, with dogsledding, snowmobiling, skiing and overnight stays in ice hotels . Get lucky in Lapland and you’ll see the Northern Lights come out to play (statistically October, November and March are best).

The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over snowed-in cottage in Lapland village. Finland

Keep costs down by eating at markets and camping

Finland isn’t cheap, but there are ways to cut costs and save a few euros. Make lunch your main meal of the day, as many restaurants and cafes serve a good-value all-you-can-eat lunch buffet that includes soups, salads and day specials. Most big towns also have a ​​ kauppahalli (covered market hall), where you can grab picnic fixings (breads, cheeses, deli produce, smoked fish) and graze at one of the stalls or cafes selling snacks.

Camping is an inexpensive way to travel around. Most campsites are excellent, with cabins to rent as well as plenty of space to pitch a tent – but they tend to only open from June to August. If you’re willing to forego the warm shower, you can wild-camp thanks to jokamiehenoikeus (everyman’s right) – a great (if adventurous) option in a country with 41 national parks and almost endless expanses of nature. 

Etiquette in Finland: how to fit in with the locals

Keep things casual .

Even in the heart of Helsinki, you can just tell that the Finns are craving the space and solace of the great outdoors, counting down the minutes and hours until they can give civilization the slip and escape to their mökki (summer cottage). The way they dress reflects their nature-loving spirit: casual, practical, sustainable and well suited to the extremes of the seasons. There’s no need to pack lots of fancy clothes, especially if you’re heading beyond the city (as you most likely are). Pack loose layers, thermals and sturdy walking shoes instead. 

Say hello, Finnish style

Kissing on the cheek? No. As a nation that prizes extreme apartness, Finns are a touch more reserved when it comes to greetings. Making eye contact and shaking hands is pretty standard; friends and family tend to hug. “ Hei ” and “ moi ” are two ways to say “hello.” Repeat the latter twice (“ moi moi ”) and it doubles as goodbye. Oh, and remember to be punctual – the Finns always are.

Remember that silence is golden

The old “silence is golden” proverb never rings truer than in Finland. Deep and introspective, the Finns aren’t fans of idle chitchat. Silence here is rarely seen as awkward; if there’s nothing pertinent to say, that’s just fine. You’ll often see friends together in the sauna, silent, perfectly happy in each other’s quiet company. So if a conversation comes to a natural halt, don’t feel as though you have to fill in the gaps with small talk.

And if you’re planning on having a lively chat with your mates in the sauna, think again. In Finland, the sauna demands deep respect – legend even has it that if you behave immodestly, you’ll have to face the fury of the saunatonttu , or sauna elf, who might burn it down in fury.

A blonde woman with a colorful towel in a sauna, Finland

Give the sauna a whirl – and take it seriously

Stripping naked, roasting in a sauna heated to 175°F (80°C), beating yourself with a circulation-boosting birch whisk (a vasta or vihta ), then diving into an avanto (ice hole): this is a Finn’s idea of fun. Sounds masochistic? This country has 1001 ways to toughen you up and the ritual of the sauna (pronounced “sah-OO-nah” rather than “SAW-nuh”) is just one of them. 

The sauna isn’t a luxury in Finland: it’s a way of life. Marriage, divorce, birth, death, new job: you name the life event and you can bet a sauna is involved. There are around three million saunas in Finland, in a country with a population of just 5.5 million. This is where the Finns socialize, do business, put the world to rights, rest, meditate and cleanse. Learning the art of sauna-going is offers a window into the country’s soul. 

Public saunas are nearly always separated by gender. To sauna like a Finn, shower first, get naked, keep quiet, take a towel to sit on and ladle water onto the stove to produce fragrant löyly (steam), taking care not to splash too freely. You should work up a sweat in around 15 minutes – but remember, it’s not a competition. Take frequent breaks and drink water to rehydrate.

People in reindeer-pulled sleigh caravan safari through a wintry forest in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

Embrace the outlandish 

This isolated land of extremes has bred a nation of fiercely independent and idiosyncratic people. Squeaky cheese ( leipäjuusto ) you dunk in coffee, salty licorice ( salmiakki ), ice swimming, flying reindeer, Moomins: Finns love things that the rest of the world consider...odd. If you single out any of these quirky institutions for praise, you just might make friends for life here. This passion for the weird and wonderful extends to a crazy line-up of events, with world championships for everything from wife-carrying to air-guitar playing and swamp soccer.

Health and safety in Finland 

Green, clean and conscientious, Finland is incredibly safe. Still, it’s worth bearing a few things in mind to make sure you stay healthy and happy.

Bring the bug spray

Though not exactly a health risk, the swarms of blood-thirsty insects that descend on the country’s north in summer can be a real bugbear. The mosquitoes, sandflies, midges and horse flies are at their most ferocious in July, but all summer long you’ll need to go armed with strong repellent, especially around lakes and in swampy, densely forested areas. In the wilderness, there are plenty of remote huts where you can crash with a mat and sleeping bag, but bringing along your own tent generally offers more protection from the mosquito storms.

Besides repellent, you might want to bring along a mosquito cap or hat and a travel net to cover your bed or your tent flap to keep the pesky biters at bay.

If you encounter any health issues, you’ll be in good hands

Perhaps it’s the air, the crystal-clear water at the turn of a tap, the vast open spaces, the long forest hikes, or the immune system-boosting saunas and ice swims: Finland radiates good health like few other places on earth. And the country has some of the best health care in the world – so if you do get sick you’ll be in the very best hands. As with all the Nordic countries, the level of care is extraordinarily high and doctors and medical staff generally speak excellent English. 

There are specific travel vaccinations to worry about, though you’ll want to make sure you have decent travel insurance all the same, especially if you’re planning on a winter-sports extravaganza in Lapland or straying from the well-trodden-path in the wilds of a national park. 

If you’re a citizen of the EU, European Economic Area (EEA) or UK, you’re entitled to emergency medical treatment with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), though you will still have to pay a daily or per-appointment fee as a Finn would. Otherwise, look into whether your country has a reciprocal arrangement for free medical care in Finland. 

Sunset, morning light with big brown bear walking around lake in the morning light. Dangerous animal in nature forest and meadow habitat: wildlife scene from Finland, near Russian border

Keep an eye out in the wild

Beyond the cities, Finland is a wild, wild place. As with all extreme climates, there are the obvious risks of exposure, hypothermia and frostbite in the Arctic north, and rivers can be prone to flooding when the snow melts. It goes without saying that you should venture out well prepared with the right thermal gear if you are visiting Lapland in winter, when temperatures can plummet to a bitterly cold -22°F (-30°C). Always take a good map and compass, and inform someone of your whereabouts if you’re heading out into one of the vast national parks in the north. 

Predators like brown bears and wolves roam the forested wilds on the Russian border in the country’s east, though they generally mind their own business and pose no real threat.

You might also like: Capital gains: Helsinki on a budget Autumn in Finland: an alternative fall foliage tour Reindeer, bears and elusive seals: Finland’s finest wildlife experiences

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ETIAS for Finland

Eu visa waiver for u.s. citizens visiting finland.

U.S. passport holders can visit Finland visa-free for up to 90 days . Registering with the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) will soon be mandatory.

Americans planning a trip to Finland should be prepared for the new EU entry requirement . ETIAS goes live in 2025.

ETIAS Finland for U.S. citizens

U.S. citizens will soon need to apply for ETIAS to travel to Finland . The new visa waiver is an entry requirement for American tourists and business travelers.

Travelers who meet the ETIAS requirements for Finland can apply from 2025. It takes to fill out the online form and the approved travel authorization is sent by email.

The Finland ETIAS can be used to stay anywhere in the Schengen Area for up to 3 months. It is valid for 3 years, or until the U.S. passport expires, and for multiple trips.


ETIAS requirements for U.S. citizens to visit Finland

To apply for ETIAS for Finland, U.S. citizens must be visiting for:

  • Up to 90 days per 180-day period
  • Tourism, business, or transit

U.S. citizens must meet all the health and security requirements to receive ETIAS approval and travel to Finland visa-free.

Documents required to travel Finland

Finland is a member of the Schengen Area which means Schengen visa policy applies.

To travel to Finland, U.S. citizens need :

  • Valid passport or equivalent travel document
  • ETIAS or visa¹

¹Americans can travel to Finland with ETIAS to stay for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. A visa is required for longer stays or to work in Finland.

U.S. citizens staying in Finland for more than 90-days :

  • ETIAS for Americans is only valid for short-term stays of up to 90 days. If one intends to remain in Finland for longer than 90 days, they must obtain the appropriate visa

How long does my U.S. passport need to be valid to apply for ETIAS?

Your U.S. passport must be valid for at least 3 months after you’ll depart the Schengen Area.

If your passport is about to expire, you should renew it before applying for ETIAS. ETIAS is only valid with the passport used to apply. If you change your passport, you must reapply for ETIAS.

Do I need to apply for ETIAS to visit Finland if I already have a Schengen visa?

No, if you already have a Schengen visa, American citizens will not need to apply for the ETIAS when you travel to Finland.

However, if your visa expires and you meet the corresponding requirements, Americans can apply for ETIAS travel authorization .

Do I need to apply for ETIAS to visit Finland if I already have a visa?

No, if you already have a visa, you do not need to apply for ETIAS to travel to Finland.

However, if your visa expires and you meet the requirements, you can apply for ETIAS travel authorization .

How long does it take to process ETIAS for Finland?

It takes just a few minutes to fill out the ETIAS application for Finland. Most applications submitted by U.S. passport holders will be approved following automatic processing .

Processing takes longer if manual processing is required. This only takes place if there is an alert in a security database.

Information About Finland for American Tourists

Finland (Suomi) is a Nordic country, located in the Fennoscandian region in Northern Europe , which also includes Norway and Sweden . Finland borders with Russia to the east, Norway to the north, and Sweden to the west.

The capital city of Helsinki is a vibrant metropolis. American visitors can enjoy a thriving arts and culture scene with museums, galleries, and theaters to explore.

As well as cities, visitors can also experience the beauty of the countryside, including the Finnish Lakeland . Winter activities such as dog-sledding, snowmobiling, and skiing are also popular in Finland, with the Lapland region being a favored destination.

Rovaniemi in Finland is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights .

About Finland

Capital : Helsinki

Language : Finnish

Area : 338424 km²

Population : over 5.5. million

Timezone : UTC/GTM 2

Currency : euro (€)

Code : +358

Electric sockets : 230 V AC, 50Hz. Type F also known as Schuko. This socket also works with plug C (standard European plug) and plug E

U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, Finland

Address : Itäinen Puistotie 14 B 00140 Helsinki, Finland

Phone : (+358) 9 616 250

Medical Information for U.S. citizens in Finland

Recommended vaccines :

  • Routine Vaccines
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Tick-borne encephalitis

Emergencies :

  • 112 is the pan-European emergency number and is always free to call. It is the only emergency number used in Finland.

Finland Tours & Vacations

Red wooden cottage amongst the trees reflected in the lake in rural Finland

With winter skies painted in dancing lights, a capital city steeped in Nordic culture and plenty of chic Scandinavian style, there's much more to this northern gem than snow and saunas.

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Finnish Lapland in Winter

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Finland at a glance

Capital city.

Helsinki (pop: 631,000)

5.5 million

Finnish, Swedish

(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius



Type C (European 2-pin) Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth)

Learn more about Finland

Best time to visit finland.

Finland has pleasant summers, with July being the warmest month (temperatures usually average around 59°F).

Outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking and fishing are popular during summer and spring.

In Lapland midsummer is also the time of the midnight sun, a phenomenon where the sun barely sets.

Winter runs from November to March and during this time expect plenty of snowfall - perfect for skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and sledding. With temperatures regularly hitting -4°F, Finland's winters are particularly cold, so pack accordingly if traveling at this time.

Geography and environment

Finland is home to large tracts of forest, a multitude of pure lakes and hundreds of islands, making it one of nature's most blessed landscapes.

The north of Finland (known as Lapland) is characterized by relatively flat terrain, demarcated by long rivers and due to its Arctic location, extreme snowfall and ice can be found, particularly in winter.

Bordering   Sweden ,   Norway   and   Russia , Finland also has long stretches of coastline along the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia.

The coastal areas are home to thousands of rocky islands (which are mostly uninhabited) while the interior of the country is dominated by forests and lakes.

Top 5 culinary delights of Finland

1. karelian pasty.

This traditional, savory pie can be found widely throughout Finland. Featuring a rye crust filled with rice and served with egg and butter, this is a simple yet tasty snack ideal for vegetarians.

Finland is home to some of the world's best fresh produce, and the variety of berries on offer is astounding. Blessed with ideal climatic conditions for berry-growing, visitors can expect to snap up superior tasting, fresh cloudberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and lingonberries, See them offered fresh at markets and shops, served alongside meals in sauces, jams and spreads or baked in delicious pies.

3. Kaalikaaryleet

These baked cabbage rolls are a standard entry on most Finnish restaurant menus. Featuring ground beef, rice, onion and cream wrapped in cabbage rolls and served with cranberry or lingonberry sauce, they may be hard to pronounce but they sure are easy to eat.

4. Graavilohi

Finland has a proud heritage steeped in fishing, so it's no surprise that the quality of seafood is very high. This simple meal of salted salmon doesn't need any dressings or condiments as the pure, natural flavors of the salmon are the main attraction.

These sweet bread treats have numerous varieties, from cinnamon, to almonds and raisins. Typically eaten with a coffee, pulla are an inexpensive cafe snack - a great, budget choice in a notoriously expensive country.

Festivals and events

Public holidays that may impact travel include:.

Ascension Day

Whit Sunday

Midsummer Day

All Saints' Day

St Stephen's Day (Tapaninpäivä)

Please note that the dates of  Finland's public holidays  may vary.

Further reading

Similar destinations.

Sweden or Finland?

Finland travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Is tipping customary in Finland?

Tipping isn't customary or expected in Finland and is generally left up to the discretion of the customer. If the service in a café or restaurant is exceptional, feel free to leave spare change or a small tip.

What is the internet access like in Finland?

Travelers should be able to access the internet at cyber cafés and Wi-Fi hot spots in Finland's major cities and towns. Remote and rural areas will have less internet availability, so be prepared for this when traveling out of the city.

Can I use my cell phone while in Finland?

As the home of Nokia, cell phone coverage is generally very good in Finland. Travelers should activate global roaming before leaving home.

What are the toilets like in Finland?

Western-style, flushable toilets are the standard in Finland.

Can I drink the water in Finland?

Tap water is considered safe to drink unless otherwise marked.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Finland?

Major credit cards are accepted by most large shops and hotels in Finland. Smaller vendors may not accept credit cards, so carry enough cash to cover small purchases.

What is ATM access like in Finland?

ATMs are commonly found in Finland's cities and urban areas. Remote regions will have less ATM availability, so prepare accordingly before traveling away from cities.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

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Go to: Smart Traveller

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Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

travel to finland from usa

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Good to know

Faqs for booking flights from finland to the united states, how does kayak find such low prices on flights from finland to the united states.

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from Finland to the United States.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from Finland to the United States?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to the United States from Finland is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from Finland to the United States?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to the United States with an airline and back to Finland with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from Finland to the United States?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to the United States from Finland up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top 5 airlines serving from Finland to the United States

The wine was low quality Finnair label stuff in small bottles and only one small bottle each. Embarassinng. A competing airline served me two generous glasses of a nice South African Shiraz from regular wine bottles, a Beck's beer, and a generous Dewar's White Label on the rocks. Cabin service was good and polite, plane interior was beautiful, but cramped.

All good- I love BA and the professionalism of the crew and pilots.

Great flight- smooth, nice crew, nice clean aircraft, departed a little late but arrived 10 early.

It was listed on my ticket as Finnair but there was no indication that the flight was Finnair. In fact the number was even different. There were no employees there until exactly 2 hours before so we had to wait in line at Iberia and hope

I booked the flight with Finnair, which made the arrangements for downloading a boarding pass unnecessarily complicated. I wouldn't do that again. Instead I'd book direct with AA.

Flight ok, but me and other two passengers didn’t have connection with the entertainment in our seats. So, no movies, no games, no music… for 9 hours. The crew just told us that there’s nothing they can do but I noticed during the flight that there were empty seats, so they could have offered to us to change seats. Customer service could be better.

Had a nice flight to London on BA will fly with them again in the future

Finnair cancelled my flight 12 hours prior to leaving for Helsinki. They stated there were mechanical problems. I had to scurry around to find a new flight that would meet my needs for arrival in Helsinki. Luckily I was able to find alternate transportation through Lufthansa/United.

I’m very disappointed, to fly into an airplane for 10 straight hours, and not having a TV even though when I put the ticket I was told that I will have entertainment for the TV. Very disappointed.

Helpful steward. Allowed me to move to some empty seats and I was able to get some sleep. He also had milk for my tea. Americans don’t realise that cream or half and half ruin tea.

Bathrooms weren’t too clean. Onboard entertainment was light. Other than that everything was great. Food, service, comfort and crew. Although it was hard to understand the crew announcements.

Much better, not their fault but my plane was so delayed causing me to have to take this airline rather than my earlier connecting flight

This was my first time flying SAS and used them for 4 flights. The crews, flight and communication was outstanding. I flew premium economy and was extremely impressed by their SAS lounges. I will 100% ise SAS again. Everyone was so pleasant!

I upgraded to economy plus and it’s so worth the price. The crew is exceptional and the food is pretty decent. I would definitely fly with them again.

I had economy plus and it’s definitely worth the price. The seats are so comfortable, so much space, great large TV screens, and you get fed often. Really decent food (although other fish was overcooked.) They do need better movie choices. The crew is the best. Super friendly and accommodating. So much better than most American run Airlines.

They lost my luggage. Tromso in winter without warm clothes is not fun.

The flight was on time and loading was fine. I really disliked that all drinks other than coffee or tea had a cost. Deplaning was also an issue as people did not wait for those in front of them to get out before they pushed forward

I paid for wifi and it worked about a total of 5 min. Feel ripped off

Overall, this flight team did a fantastic job. They came often with the water, coffee and tea. There was no meal choice in coach, but the lasagna lunch was decent. The sandwich snack just before landing was tasty. The baggage bins were large, so no trouble holding carry on luggage.

Good friendly service and food - The seats in business class are old, too hard and not very comfortable.

Delayed so that missed connecting flight. Connecting flight was also delayed on the tarmac but they closed the gate before the rescheduled time.

Attendants were rude. Scowling. Seats were miserable and we paid extra.

Took off over an hour late with multiple mechanical issues. Gate agent in Dallas was lazy and was slow as molasses. Had a line 10 people long. Spirit bad..

2 hour flight with no drink service from the bahamas?!! There was very little turbulence and the turbulence didnt seem to affect first class drink service. I understand that they may not be able to pour all kinds of drinks, but thye can hand out bottles of water at lease

As no headphones/ ear pieces in back of seat for entertainment system, would have been to been offered rather than asking & waiting a long time. I know we are in economy but cost of ticket was high.

The flight was short. However, my bag was delayed and was put on another flight.

Flight attendant was incredible. Very efficient, friendly and pleasant. Patricia was one of the best I have ever seen. Please give her a big raise!

LIT to DFW - 3 hours late; the entire plane had been boarded before they told us there was a delay due to a weather-related ground stop in Dallas. DFW to MAY - 2+ hours late due to A/C needing to be repaired after everyone had boarded, then when we finally reach the runway, the First Officer timed out and we had to taxi all the way back to the gate and wait for a new one. I arrived in New Orleans 5+ hours later than I should have. Return flights were completely cancelled; rebooked through the app to fly through CLT instead of DFW. MSY to CLT had no issues, but CLT to LIT was delayed 1.25 hrs because flight attendants had not arrived to the airport yet. At least they didn’t make us all sit on the plane to wait for them. I should have driven.

Tray table was filthy when I sat down. I needed to have someone come clean it because there was food and stains on it WiFi didn’t work after paying for in-flight WiFi. Food was terrible and was not filling at all Chicken was rubbery Flight attendant had an attitude, interrupted me and wasn’t able to answer basic questions about the food selection such as “does the chicken have red sauce in it”. If your flight attendants are not going to know what is in the meals so we can make an educated decision based on dietary restrictions, they shouldn’t be on the plane. My 1.5 year old niece was sleeping and dropped her binkie. I went on the ground under the chairs looking for it. It was at that time that she came up to me as I’m CLEARLY on all 4s with a flashlight and said “I need to get by”. I said one moment please I’m getting something from under the seat (while my head was literally under the seat). Her reply was “no you need to move now” and proceeded to almost push me out of the way. I looked up and all I saw was her toes under my eyes. When I looked in front of me, her private parts were inches away from my face. I then made a comment “you couldn’t waited 2 seconds?” and her response was, “no I need to use the bathroom”. I understand that and would never want to be the reason someone couldn’t get to the bathroom but I was under the seat. She could’ve gone around the other way instead of harassing me, basically placing her private parts on my head and borderline pushing me out of the way. You don’t pay that much for this deplorable experience. This was by far the worst experience I have ever had on American. I will be absolutely thinking twice and thrice about flying American Airlines again. I would rather pay more to fly delta because at least I know their WiFi will work and their flight attendants won’t have a shitty attitude for no reason, nor will they act the way this woman did. Unacceptable.

Liked - nothing. Disliked - delayed 35+ min sitting on the plane. Caused me to miss my connection in Charlotte. American Airlines is the worst US Air Carrier company with atrocious customer service.

So Iceland Air is one step above Spirit Airlines. They do not feed you unless you pay for it or are in Saga Class. So, bring your food. They have a drink service, but it's in a large Dixie cup. Ask for the can, that is the only way you'll get a real drink. Also, we missed our connecting flight so they put us up in a flea-bag motel. Don't get me wrong, the staff was nice and friendly, however, there was no shower gel or shampoo in the hotel. We have to go to the corner store to pick some up. The room was not in great shape. Holes in the bathroom, a badly repaired ceiling in the room. The window was warn out. So, you get the just of how bad it was.

Food and staff were excellent. Seats on Saga (business class) are comparable to domestic first class of US Airlines, regarding space and recline. Entertainment options had little international component.

Flight delayed Delay to the gate upon arrival Baggage took more than an hour so we missed our connecting!!! Terrible experience!

There is no food without paying $. Only soft drinks are included in your fare.

Some drinks and basic snack will be good. Water should be served at least once an hour. Blankets for folks who might be cold.

my flight was at 3:45 after that they delayed to 4:40 I have transit from Chicago to Frankfurt and Frankfurt to vina airport from vina to Erbil buy the Time I come to Frankfort my other flight left me I have to stay at airport all day with my 5 kids ask for help no one help me I spent at airport almost $450 just for food was horrible flight ever I call and ask for hotel from united customer service they been telling me we can’t provide any hotel I need some refund or fixed my flight when I return to America need some one respond my email

My experience would have been greatly improved by arriving on time to connect to my Porto flight. The staff that dealt with the aftermath of the late arrival evidently booked my group into a hotel in Frankfurt. This reduced my time in Porto Portugal a day and half. I do want to commend Jorge Klein for his hard work. He spent a great deal.of time trying to rebook the flight and he eventually did rebook for the next day and did provide accommodations for me overnight. This was a big issue for me and the group I traveled. The rest of the trip was good.

Not your fault…..didn’t get my drink until just before landing….bumpy flight.

Boarding was a zoo. London ground crew was useless. Poor communication regarding where to line up. We were group 2, and everyone was jammed in together. Ground crew didn’t seem to care.

We liked the direct flight from Frankfurt to Orlando, however, it was a little confusing as I thought I was traveling with Lufthansa from Izmir- Frankfurt-Orlando. We were not able to check in online twenty-four hours before the flight from Izmir. One lady in our group wanted to check two suitcases in Izmir, but was not allowed to do so. She was allowed to take the extra bag into the cablin. Others in our group were able to check two bags. In Frankfurt several in our group were given stand-by boarding tickets, which worried them. Everyone eventually was allowed to board, but it caused them to worry. I didn't have any of those problem.

Boarding, comfort, food/drinks, entertainment and most of all an extremely courteous and friendly group of flight attendants made my 12 hour flight an absolute joy!

The bad part was 2 hour delay and we were seating in the airplane it was getting hot and uncomfortable But after they fixed the problem everything went so smooth Crew were amazing very nice polite and caring

Touchscreens do not work. WiFi did not work. Food is possibly the worst on any European airline. Drinks came by only four times on a cross-Atlantic. The plane was two hours late because—it was announced—Lufthansa didn't have enough large aircraft in their fleet to accommodate an on-time flight.

It was freezing in the airplane. Everyone was wearing everything they had with them. The crew acknowledged it was cold, but did nothing about it

The flight attendants were superb and the service was outstanding. Some passengers with small children were very rude and inconsiderate, kids were constantly crying and some were running around the aisle unsupervised.

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Finland's PM allows partial opening of border with Russia after relevant law adopted

The Finland-Russia border can be partially opened when the "deportation law" is adopted.

Source : Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo in an interview with Yle Radio Suomi, as reported by European Pravda

Details : Orpo reported that, following the intelligence data, Russia has not changed its policy and the situation at the border remains unchanged.

Despite the fact that there has been no noticeable increase in illegal crossings at the border with the arrival of spring, thousands of people in Russia are still waiting for the opportunity to cross the Finnish border.

Quote : "We have all the reasons to believe that when we open the border crossing point, people will almost certainly come there."

More details : A bill to return asylum seekers to Russia will be submitted to parliament next week.

"We will try to cautiously open the border when the law is passed. When it is adopted, then, by weighing and discussing, we could try to open movement across the border," Orpo noted.

He said Finland is willing to normalise the situation, but everything depends on Russia.

"We could try to start with one border crossing point. If cooperation is established on both sides of the border, it would allow opening others," he explained.

Background :

・In April, the Finnish government left the border with Russia closed indefinitely to counteract the hybrid migration crisis.

・The Finnish Border Guard has launched an investigation into about two dozen cases related to the organisation of illegal entry into Finland through the border with Russia.

・Since last autumn, Russia has been gathering asylum seekers on Finland's eastern border, which means that it is turning people seeking asylum or a better life into a "tool" to achieve its own goals.

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Finland to Present Plan to Push Back Migrants on Russian Border


FILE PHOTO: Migrants arrive with bicycles to the international border crossing at Salla, northern Finland, November 23, 2023. Lehtikuva/Jussi Nukari via REUTERS/File Photo

By Anne Kauranen and Essi Lehto

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland will propose a law next week allowing border agents to block asylum seekers trying to enter from Russia, the prime minister said on Sunday, a decision that could cause Helsinki to temporarily breach its international commitments.

Finland shut its border with Russia last year to stop a growing number of arrivals from countries including Syria and Somalia, and accused Moscow of weaponising migration against it and the European Union, an assertion the Kremlin denies.

Finland annoyed Russia last year by abandoning its long-held military non-alignment and joining the NATO alliance in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. It has also signed a bilateral defence pact with the United States.

The draft law proposed by the right-wing governing coalition acknowledges that turning migrants back to Russia without processing their asylum applications would be in breach of Finland's international human rights commitments, but says its use will be temporary and limited.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo said the proposal would go to parliament next week, where it will be submitted to the constitutional committee for review.

It will need five-sixths of votes cast in parliament to pass - the high bar required for constitutional matters - and success is not certain.

"As this phenomenon is in Russia's hands - who comes, where from and when, to Finland's border - we cannot permit it. Therefore we have to augment our legislation," Orpo told reporters.    

Fewer than 40 migrants have crossed the border from Russia through the wilderness this year since Finland shut its land crossings, while some 1,300 arrived through the crossings last year, Border Guard data showed. One railway crossing remains open, for cargo only.

Finnish leaders say the legislation is still needed because migrants could start arriving again as warmer weather makes travel easier.

"There are still thousands of people in Russia ... who are waiting for an opportunity to reach the Finnish border," Orpo said, citing intelligence reports.

Finland shares a 1,340 km (830 mile) border with Russia.    

The bill would allow border authorities to turn back asylum seekers who cross from Russia, with or without using force. But it would not apply to children and disabled people, whose asylum applications Finland would continue to accept.

Contacted by Reuters on May 3, Finland's largest opposition group, the Social Democrats, said they would not commit to supporting the bill before parliament had discussed the final version. 

Finland's ombudsman for non-discrimination, Kristina Stenman, said it would be alarming if Finland refused to accept asylum applications from people arriving at its borders.

(Reporting by Anne Kauranen and Essi Lehto in Helsinki, Terje Solsvik in Oslo; editing by William Maclean and Kevin Liffey)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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TOPSHOT - A woman wades through flood waters at an inundated residential area in Garissa, on May 9, 2024. Kenya is grappling with one of its worst floods in recent history, the latest in a string of weather catastrophes, following weeks of extreme rainfall scientists have linked to a changing climate. At least 257 people have been killed and more than 55,000 households have been displaced as murky waters submerge entire villages, destroy roads and inundate dams. (Photo by LUIS TATO / AFP) (Photo by LUIS TATO/AFP via Getty Images)

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  1. Entry requirements

    Entry requirements. Your conditions of entry to Finland are re-evaluated upon arrival in the country. In addition to your visa, you are asked to produce a valid passport or travel document, an insurance document for the duration of your stay and the supporting documents. You must prove that you have enough funds (EUR 50 per day) to support ...

  2. Entering Finland

    Visa fee. Requesting review of a visa decision. Entry requirements. Visa and residence permit of a Finnish citizen's family member. Visa of a EU citizen's family member. Residence permits to Finland. Seasonal workers' visa. Guidance for foreign citizens planning to travel to Finland.

  3. Finland International Travel Information

    For additional travel information. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern ...

  4. Traveling to Finland and COVID-19

    Restrictions on entry at Finland's external borders imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic will end on 30 June, 2022. This means that EU travellers, Schengen travellers and third-country travellers arriving in Finland will no longer be required to hold vaccination or COVID-19 test certificates, and COVID-19 tests will not be carried out at border crossing points.

  5. Finland Travel Advisory

    Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Exercise normal precautions in Finland. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Finland.. If you decide to travel to Finland: Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to receive travel alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.; Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

  6. Things to know before traveling to Finland

    As a nation that prizes extreme apartness, Finns are a touch more reserved when it comes to greetings. Making eye contact and shaking hands is pretty standard; friends and family tend to hug. " Hei " and " moi " are two ways to say "hello.". Repeat the latter twice (" moi moi ") and it doubles as goodbye.

  7. Can I travel to Finland? Travel Restrictions & Entry ...

    Visitors from the United States are not required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test or antigen result upon entering Finland. Can I travel to Finland without quarantine? Travelers from the United States are not required to quarantine.

  8. Your Official Finland Travel Guide


  9. Entering Finland and travelling

    Entering Finland and travelling abroad. This page includes tips and guidance related to entry in Finland and consular services. Entering Finland. Visa to visit Finland. Residence permits to Finland. Visa representation agreements. Visa facilitation agreements. Visa requirement and travel documents accepted by Finland.

  10. Alert: Finland Travel Advisory

    By U.S. Embassy Finland. 5 MINUTE READ. August 7, 2020. On August 6, 2020, in close coordination with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of State lifted the Global Level 4 Health Advisory. The Global Advisory, initially put in place on March 19, 2020, advised U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel ...

  11. The COVID-19 situation in the United States

    On November 8, 2021, the country-specific restrictions will be lifted and those who are fully vaccinated will be able to travel to the United States. UPDATED ON OCTOBER 27, 2021. On November 8, 2021, new travel guidelines will enter into force. Learn more about the guidelines in the October 25 proclamation and a White House fact sheet.

  12. Your Official Finland Travel Guide

    0°C. Helsinki region: cloudy. Use this guide to plan a trip to Finland and immerse yourself in the country's nature, forests, lakes and culture.

  13. United States of America: travel documents to Finland

    Travel documents accepted by Finnish authorities. Ordinary passport. Diplomatic passport. Official passport and Service passport. (*) Travel Document, bearing on ID page the words "Permit to re-enter" above the photograph. Form I-327 (Rev. 03/24/06) Y. Visa is required.

  14. Visa to visit Finland

    In Finland a minimum of EUR 50 a day is required. The inviting party may undertake to use its own funds to finance the visa applicant's travel. For this purpose, the inviting party must fill in the proof of sponsorship form. The form must be signed in the presence of a notary public, who authenticates the signature.

  15. Flights from United States of America to Finland

    Travel from United States of America to Finland conveniently with Finnair - best airline in Northern Europe. Find and book cheap flights from United States of America to Finland today!

  16. United States to Finland

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  17. Cheap Flights to Finland from $231

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  18. Cheap flights from United States to Finland

    Cheapest flights to Finland from United States. United States to Helsinki from $413. Price found May 15, 2024, 10:16 PM. United States to Ivalo from $726. Price found May 15, 2024, 6:01 PM. United States to Vaasa from $747. Price found May 15, 2024, 11:31 PM. United States to Rovaniemi from $779.

  19. Visas

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  20. ETIAS Finland for US Citizens

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  21. Best Finland Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    With winter skies painted in dancing lights, a capital city steeped in Nordic culture and plenty of chic Scandinavian style, there's much more to this northern gem than snow and saunas. Be immersed in Finnish culture on the streets of Helsinki or venture through world-class art displays. Book a Finland tour today.

  22. Practical tips for travellers to Finland

    Spring and autumn are the best seasons to see the Northern Lights in Finnish Lapland. Late summer and autumn are ideal for foraging and enjoying colourful autumn foliage. The spring months (until early May) offer the best skiing in Lapland - in the south, the snow will be gone by then. The summer months across Finland are known for their ...

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    Flights to Colorado, the United States. $651. Flights to District of Columbia, the United States. View more. Find flights to the United States from $272. Fly from Finland on Icelandair, Turkish Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines and more. Search for the United States flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal.

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  25. Finland's PM allows partial opening of border with Russia after ...

    The Finland-Russia border can be partially opened when the "deportation law" is adopted. Source: Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo in an interview with Yle Radio Suomi, as reported by European ...

  26. Finland to Present Plan to Push Back Migrants on Russian Border

    Finland shut its border with Russia last year to stop a growing number of arrivals from countries including Syria and Somalia, and accused Moscow of weaponising migration against it and the ...

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