Tourism Teacher

23 Types of Water Transport To Keep You Afloat

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There are many different types of water transport that form part of the wider transport industry. In this article I will teach you what these different types of water transport are and how they work. Ready to learn more? Read on…

What is water transport?

Runabout boat, pontoon boat, rigid inflatable boat, ship’s tender, cruise ship, personal watercraft, types of water transport- further reading.

Water transport is any form of transportational vehicle which is primarily used to travel by water. There are many different types of water transport, used for both cargo and passengers, which travel on many different waterways. You can find out more about all of the different types below…

One of the main types of water transport is a boat. This is the most likely form of vehicle you would use to travel on water, regardless of whether you’re on a canal or in the middle of the ocean . However, there are of course a lot of different types of boats. We can generally split boats into three categories:

  • Unpowered or human-powered boats 
  • Sailboats 
  • Motorboats 

Each category has many boats within it, all serving different purposes.

Types of Water Transport

These boats, as the name suggests, have a deck area. They are generally small, but have seating areas for groups of people – their main purpose is for leisure and sightseeing, or as a vessel from which to enter the water for swimming or other watersports. With a V-shaped hull, these boats are usually 25-35 feet in length.

Types of Water Transport

A catamaran is a type of boat which has two hulls. They are generally small-ish boats used for fishing or cruising, but this style of boat has been known to be used for car ferries too given their stability. 

Types of Water Transport

As the name suggests, these are boats on which people live. They are not motorised because they are usually moored in one place, floating. Often they are built to look more like a house than a boat, but some definitely retain their boat style. You tend to find them on canals or larger lakes, and many people live in houseboats year round. They are also rented out to tourists looking for something a bit different!

Types of Water Transport

These small open boats are an entry-level kind of vessel, used for casual boating and sporting activities. They have a steering wheel and small control panel.

Types of Water Transport

A lifeboat is a small rigid or inflatable boat, generally attached to a larger boat or ship, used for sea rescue when necessary. Ships legally have to have a certain number of lifeboats corresponding with the number of people on board. 

Types of Water Transport

This type of boat is used mostly on inland waters, and they are incredibly stable due to their wide and flat shape. They rely on tubes known as pontoons to float on the water. With sensible seating, they are used for sightseeing and fishing.

Types of Water Transport

A barge is a type of water transport used on canals – it is also often called a canal boat. They are long and flat-bottomed, and used either for carrying cargo or as recreational passenger boats. The insides can fit beds, kitchens, seating areas and more.

Types of Water Transport

An airboat is a small, flat-bottomed vessel which is powered by an aircraft-style propeller. They are used for tourist and fishing purposes in marshy and shallow waters – particularly the Everglades in Florida .

Types of Water Transport

These are mostly used for tourist purposes now, particularly on the Nile. They are Eastern Mediterranean wooden sailing boats, seating around 10 passengers with 2-3 crew members.

Types of Water Transport

A hovercraft is one of a few types of water transport which can also travel over land, through mud and on ice. They use special blowers in order to produce a large volume of air under the hull which is slightly above atmospheric pressure – this lifts the vessel allowing it to move. They have many uses.

Types of Water Transport

This is a small narrow boat propelled by the use of double-ended paddles. They are most commonly used for recreational purposes on small bodies of water.

Types of Water Transport

A liner is a very large boat designed to transport cargo or passengers long-distance from point A to point B, usually without stopping unless there is a need to refuel. They are generally not used these days, with flying being the optimal choice. The RMS Queen Mary 2 is the only ocean liner still in regular use, often completing trans-Atlantic journeys.

Types of Water Transport

There is no standard definition of a yacht but they are generally 33ft+ in length with overnight facilities, used for pleasure and usually the height of luxury. You tend to find yachts moored at places like Puerto Banus in Marbella, or Cannes in France . People often make an activity out of celebrity-yacht-spotting!

Types of Water Transport

A ferry is a type of boat generally used to carry passengers short-distance from A-B. They are used within waterside cities as public transport, such as the ferries in Venice or the ‘ferry across the Mersey’ in Liverpool. There are also ferries which travel a longer distance, from the UK to France for example, which also hold cars; these tend to have many more amenities on board such as cabins for sleeping, restaurants and bars, small cinemas and more.

Types of Water Transport

This type of boat is small and flat-bottomed with a square-cut bow; it is propelled by the use of a pole which is pushed against the riverbed. The person doing this is called a ‘punter’, and they will be stood on the boat at the back. Punts are used for recreational purposes mostly.

Types of Water Transport

Also known as a RIB, these tiny boats are – as the name suggests – rigid and inflatable. They are lightweight, high-capacity and unsinkable. RIBs are usually used as work boats; however, they are also used by scuba divers to reach dive sites which are in areas where larger boats can’t get to for whatever reason. They travel fast.

Types of Water Transport

This is one of the most useful types of water transport because a ship’s tender is used to transport people or goods from a large ship to a dock, where there is not enough space to dock the ship itself.

Types of Water Transport

A water taxi is used like land public transport to get people from one point to various other points. They will make multiple stops. Water taxis are used for commuting and also by tourists; you’ll find them in cities like Venice, Liverpool, Istanbul, Brussels, New Orleans and Budapest.

Other types of water transport

There are other types of water transport which are not technically boats, or are not referred to as such. This might be because they’re too big for that category, or too small, or simply operate in an entirely different manner.

Types of Water Transport

A ship is a large water vessel, reserved for travelling the oceans. Ships generally have to be 95ft+ long; they can typically stay at sea for much longer than boats and, as the saying goes, a ship could carry a boat but a boat could not carry a ship. All of that being said, there is no set legal definition of a ship versus a boat.

There are many types of ships, including but not limited to:

  • High-speed craft
  • Off-shore oil vessels
  • Motorised fishing trawlers
  • Factory ships
  • Cable layers
  • Cry cargo ships
  • Liquid cargo ships
  • Passenger carrying vessels
  • Special purpose vessels
  • Aircraft carriers
  • Minesweepers
  • Deep sea survey vessels

Types of Water Transport

One of the most well-known and exciting types of water transport is the cruise ship; they are, obviously, classed as ships – they are passenger carrying vessels, designed for staying at sea for an extended period of time. They differ from liners in that they stop at multiple ports as part of a round-trip. On board you’ll find a range of amenities including cabins, restaurants, shops, theatres, cinemas, bars, nightclubs, tattoo shops, water slides, go-karting tracks and much more. Not ever cruise ship has all of these, but this is just an example of how incredible cruise ships can be.

You can read more about cruising in my article, The 8 Major Types of Cruise.

Types of Water Transport

A surfboard is a tricky one to categorise as one of the types of water transport, but it is listed on many websites as being a form of transport despite not generally being used to go from point A to point B in any way. A surfboard is a narrow plank used to allow surfers to ride a wave for fun.

travel on water

A PWC is also known as a Jet Ski, which is actually a brand name (owned by Kawasaki) which has become synonymous with this kind of vessel. These differ from boats in that you stand or sit ON them, not in them. They are used for recreation mostly. However, law enforcement also use them due to their speed – and PWC fishing is a fast-growing industry.

Types of Water Transport

And the last of the types of water transport is the submarine. These vessels are used for underwater exploration. There are small two-person submarines which can be submerged for a couple of hours, and there are massive submarines which remain under the water for up to 6 months. These vessels can go much deeper than human divers, allowing for discovery and anti-surface warfare.

If you enjoyed this article on the different types of transport then I am sure that you will love these too!

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5 Best Things About Traveling On Water (& 5 Of The Worst)

Traveling over water is a method of transportation with many pros and cons attached to it, making it a very divisive experience for travelers.

There are many different ways in which you can travel around the world, but one that seems to divide opinions more often than not is water transportation. Whether you're swimming, on a boat, or just messing around on something fun, it's a method that is both exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

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Today, we're going to take a look at some of the many pros and cons that can be associated with this sort of thing, as well as how we personally feel about it all. But I think we can all agree that a jellyfish sting is the worst experience ever.

10 BEST - Water Sports

Water sports can mean anything from surfing to jet skis and beyond, and it’s something we’ve spoken about quite a bit. If you just want to take some time to yourself and have a bit of fun away from the stress of traveling, then there’s really no better way to do it than by challenging yourself in a new and different format.

Everyone loves a good adrenaline rush, and we all know that’s what this kind of form of entertainment provides people with. It’s silly to some but great to others.

9 WORST - Movie Stereotypes

Films like Jaws and Sharknado are incredibly different in their depiction of how ‘water’ works and how the sea functions, but with Jaws especially, a lot of folks received some lasting damage with that when it came to being a little bit fearful.

Movie stereotypes come and go as we all well know, but they stick with some more so than others, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that there is an awful lot of stuff down there which we just don’t understand or perhaps don’t even know exists.

8 BEST - Peaceful

There’s barely anything to listen to or take on board (pun not intended), and instead, there’s just this sense of serenity that you don’t really get from all too many other forms of travel. You are quite literally away from the majority of human beings that you may know and love and while we’ve said that in a fairly daunting way, the premise behind it isn’t actually all that concerning in our opinion.

RELATED:  10 Coolest Water Parks In The World

Being at peace with yourself and whatever it is you’re doing is now, and will forever be, a powerful emotion.

7 WORST - Nothing But Sea

In the same manner, as the last entry was positive for a similar reason, this one is also a little bit negative. When looking north, it’s just sea. When looking south, it’s just sea. When looking east and west – you kind of get the picture.

This idea that there’s no form of civilization within a certain radius is kind of terrifying, and it’s one of the best functions that come with using air travel as opposed to a boat in order to get around. It sounds a bit pathetic, but it’s the truth.

6 BEST - Glass Bottom Boat

You probably aren’t going to see sharks down there, so we wouldn’t hesitate to say that a glass-bottom boat will be absolutely fine in terms of safety.

One of the great parts about it is that it gives people a better view of the ocean and all of the wonders that lie beneath it. From the colorful fish to just generally seeing how day to day life works for the guys and girls down there, it’s a lot of fun to immerse yourself in this different world. You may never do it again, but even having a go as a one-off can be beneficial.

5 WORST - Storms

It doesn’t just happen in TV shows: storms are a very real threat at all times when out on the water and it’s about time that people start coming to terms with that. So many travelers at sea underestimate the power and function of these storms, to the point where they risk losing their lives more often than not.

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It’s all about being smart and not stepping over any boundaries because if you do, and orders aren’t followed, it can get a little bit sketchy and that’s the last thing you want.

4 BEST - Fishing

It doesn’t matter what the type of fish is, because fishing is an activity that goes back years upon years – and it never gets old. Whether it be with friends, on your own or perhaps even with some colleagues, there’s no better feeling than getting out there in the open waters and just going for it.

Some are better than others at fishing on a boat, and you could argue there would be no time for this during a travel expedition, but we’d suggest there is always time to stop and smell the roses (or, you know, catch some fish).

3 WORST - The Temperature

There are certain places you could visit where the water, in the shallow depths of the sea, is pretty warm , and that’s fair enough. Predominantly, though, you’ll find yourself in a situation whereby it’s going to be pretty cold most of the time, and that’s a burden we all have to deal with.

Falling or jumping into waters that cold can often send your body into a state of shock and if the person in question isn’t careful, it could lead to a series of lasting repercussions in the long run.

2 BEST - Building Relationships

Having spent time at sea ourselves, we can confirm that it’s one of the best places to build and nurture a relationship. That can be a literal relationship with your partner, or perhaps just a forming of a friendship that you previously didn’t even consider to be a possibility.

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The activities that people take part in when out at sea doesn’t really matter in this regard, because it can be whatever you want it to be. Open your mind up to new possibilities, and you may just be surprised by what you discover.

1 WORST - No Escape

It sounds scary and that isn’t our intention here, because we’re trying to take a more comedic approach with this last entry. When we say that there’s no escape, we mean that if you happen to be on a ferry or form of transport with folks you don’t like, it’s not like you can get off at the next step or go and hide away.

The odds are pretty strong that you’ll have to spend a significant amount of time with them, and it will quite literally feel like you’re trapped. Good luck with that!

NEXT: 10 Asian Beaches So Gorgeous They Look Fake

Best travel destinations to see by water

Gwen Pratesi

Before you hop on a flight and book a land package for your next vacation, consider instead what you might be able to see from the water on a ship. Traveling the world's vast oceans and waterways offers unrivaled views of some of the most magical destinations around the globe.

While you can reach most of these locales by plane, you may decide that the best way to see them is from a panoramic viewpoint at the bow of a ship. From remote vistas at the bottom of the world to stunning coastal scenes in southern Europe, these seven destinations will transport you to some of the most scenic places to see by water.

For cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Located in Alaska's Inside Passage, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is a bucket list destination best viewed from its icy glacier waters. Much of the vast interior of the park's 3.3 million acres is composed of water and mountains covered in dense rainforest — and most of it is not accessible by road or hiking paths — so the ideal way to see the park is from a cruise or expedition ship or tour vessel.

Even large cruise ships spend a day traversing these pristine waters where you'll watch — and hear — ice calving from the brilliant blue glaciers. Grab your binoculars and you might be able to see bald eagles flying overhead or catch a glimpse of brown bears and mountain goats along the shoreline.

Glacier Bay is also a humpback whale sanctuary, so keep a lookout for these majestic, endangered animals — some as large as 50 feet in length and weighing up to 40 tons. Park rangers board each ship to provide commentary throughout the day and assist with wildlife sightings for whales, harbor seals, sea otters, sea lions and various species of shorebirds.

travel on water

Related: Alaska cruise guide: Best itineraries, planning tips and things to do

The French Riviera

The coastal ports along the French Riviera offer some of the most dramatic and enchanting scenery in the world. There's nothing like sailing into Monaco and seeing Monaco-Ville, the Old Town, perched atop a 203-foot-high headland and the Oceanographic Museum rising out of the cliffside.

Known for its "lifestyles of the rich and famous," Monaco boasts yacht-filled marinas, palatial resorts and homes, winding roadways and hairpin turns that are home to the Monaco Grand Prix — all surrounded by the rugged cliffs of the Alps. While the glamorous scenery is beautiful by day, you won't want to miss the view of this destination when it's lit up at night.

travel on water

Related: Western Mediterranean vs. Eastern Mediterranean cruises: Which itinerary will I like more?

Hawaii's Napali Coast

Hawaii 's Napali Coast spans 17 miles on Kauai's North Shore along the Pacific Ocean. The landscape looks much as it has for centuries with its pristine, remote beaches, jagged peaks, imposing cliffs as high as 4,000 feet, and waterfalls cascading into lush green valleys that end at the sea.

While there is an 11-mile hiking trail in Napali Coast State Park — the Kalalau Trail — that's reachable via Haena State Park, the optimal way to view the majestic scenery is from the sea or by air. Your cruise ship may plan a cruise-by of the spectacular coastline, but to explore the marine life and sea caves along the coast, take a snorkeling tour to Nualolo Reef. Here you'll have incredible views below the water and from the boat with a backdrop of the emerald green mountains and waterfalls.

travel on water

If you're cruising to Istanbul, you'll arrive by one of the world's most famous waterways, the 37-mile-long Dardanelles. This narrow strait separates the continents of Europe and Asia and is the only waterway between the Aegean and Marmara seas. During Classical times, the Dardenelles was known as Hellespont and the ancient city of Troy was situated along the Asian shoreline.

Today, you'll pass hillsides, fields with olive groves and castles and strategic fortifications like the Kilitbahir Fortress as you sail. Once you reach the Bosphorus, the Golden Horn and Istanbul, the seven hills of the ancient city and the minarets of the magnificent Suleymanlye Mosque come into view. You might even hear a call to prayer in the background.

travel on water

Related: Mediterranean cruise guide: Best itineraries, planning tips and things to do

Norway's fjords

Coastal Norway is home to more than a thousand fjords boasting astounding natural beauty, with calm blue waters from the sea contrasted with jagged towering cliffs. It's hard to imagine that these rocky perches were once home to farmers — and still are in some places — as you sail from one fjord to another, admiring one of Norway's best-known attractions.

One of the most iconic fjords is the UNESCO-protected site of Geirangerfjord. Created by glaciers that carved out the fjords and mountain summits, Geirangerfjord has seven waterfalls, including the best-known Seven Sisters and Bridal Veil falls. For a closer look from the water's surface, plan to take a kayak, or go on a fishing or RIB Boat tour.

travel on water

Bora Bora and Moorea, French Polynesia

If you're dreaming of magical sun-filled days in a tropical island paradise in the far corner of the world, consider an island-hopping adventure in the South Pacific. While all the islands of French Polynesia boast glistening turquoise waters, pristine white sand beaches, lush green vegetation and vibrant flora, Moorea and Bora Bora top the list for their striking looks when seen from offshore.

The scenery is magical, with mountain peaks rising from the sea, palm trees swaying in the breeze and overwater bungalows situated along the coast atop crystal clear aquamarine lagoons. Below the water's surface, the views are equally as mesmerizing, with abundant marine life such as hawksbill turtles, colorful tropical fish, several species of dolphins, manta rays, blacktip reef and hammerhead sharks and humpback whales. To explore this fascinating underwater world, plan to go snorkeling or diving around the islands, especially close to the intricate coral reefs, which are teeming with fish and other sea life.

travel on water

The Emerald City is one of the top places in the world to see from the sea, especially when arriving in Sydney Harbour at night. This bustling metropolis with its sunlit skyscrapers by day is known for its spectacular harbor views after dark due to the illumination of the world-renowned Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. These iconic images of one of Australia 's largest cities in the Land Down Under are some of the most memorable views you'll ever have from the water.

travel on water

The journey to the bottom of the Earth is a trip of a lifetime for most travelers. Known as the Last Continent, Antarctica's otherworldly icy formations and rugged snow-covered landscape are best viewed via state-of-the-art expedition vessels that can navigate their way around by crunching through icy impasses.

Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, the first person to reac‎h the South Pole in 1911, described it this way, "Glittering white, shining blue, raven black … the land looks like a fairytale. Pinnacle after pinnacle, peak after peak -- crevassed, wild as any land on our globe, it lies, unseen and untrodden. It is a wonderful feeling to travel along it."

After a long journey to explore this unique wilderness ecosystem, adventurous travelers will be rewarded with unforgettable vistas of majestic mountains and icebergs, breaching whales and colonies of several species of penguins. While the scenery is breathtaking from the ship, part of the thrill of traveling to Antarctica is to see the ice floes and waterfalls up-close from a kayak or Zodiac. While you're out on the water, it's easy to be overcome with the vastness, ethereal beauty and extraordinary silence of this faraway place.

travel on water

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • 15 ways cruisers waste money
  • 12 best cruises for people who never want to grow up
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • Crossword Tips

Clue: Travel on water

Referring crossword puzzle answers, likely related crossword puzzle clues.

  • Move smoothly
  • Go yachting
  • Windmill blade

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The 8 Best Travel Water Bottles of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

An often overlooked item that can improve your trip

travel on water

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PeopleImages  / Getty Images 

A water bottle is an essential travel item, but finding the best one—in other words, one that doesn't leak and isn't heavy or fragile—can be challenging. We researched the best water bottles on the market and came up with a list of 26 to put to the test in our New York City testing lab. Travel editors tested the bottles for portability, insulation, durability, drinkability, and overall value by filling up the water bottles, dropping them onto the lab's concrete floor, and taking temperature readings. We then averaged scores for each category to give you the best travel water bottles for any trip or situation.

Final Verdict

Other travel water bottles we tested, product selection, how we tested.

  • What to Look For

What Trust TripSavvy

Best overall, takeya actives water bottle.

  • Drinkability 5 /5
  • Portability 4 /5
  • Insulation 5 /5
  • Durability 5 /5

Actives Spout lid has perfect water flow

Extra lid loop offers another carrying option

Passed the durability test with no damages

Superior insulation

Not completely leakproof

Our testers liked a lot about the Takeya Actives Spout Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle, particularly its drinkability, durability, insulation, and overall value. The superb drinkability ratings start with the bottle's Actives Spout lid, which maximizes water flow without the likelihood of spilling it all over your face a la other brands' wide-mouth bottles. "This is really a perfect cap," one tester said of the lid. "Just the right size so that you can get as much water as you want without spilling and can get a perfect flow of water from it."

The bottle held up well in the shake and durability tests but surprisingly had some leaks after walking around with it in a bag. It was also slightly heavier than some of the other bottles we tested. But where this bottle also stood out compared to others was its insulation. Our original temperature reading put the water temperature at about 55 degrees. At three hours, the temperature dropped to 47.5 degrees thanks to the ice in the bottle. And by six hours, the temperature had only risen to about 50 degrees.

Testers also enjoyed some unique features of this bottle, like the removable rubber anti-skid coaster at its base, the hinge-lock, which keeps the cap out of your way while drinking, and its style. "This is a great water bottle for everyday use," a tester concluded. "But because of the smaller cap and ease of drinking while being in motion, plus its durability, I also think it would be good for someone who is very active."

Material: 18/8 food-grade stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 18, 22, 24, 32, 40, and 64 ounces

TripSavvy / Conor Ralph

Best Overall, Runner-Up

Thermoflask bottle with chug lid and straw lid.

  • Portability 4.5 /5
  • Insulation 4 /5
  • Durability 4.5 /5

Includes two different lids

Cup holder compatible

Overall excellent value

A few dents from the drop test

The coolest thing about this water bottle? It comes with two lids—a chug lid and a straw lid. Both lids are leakproof—clutch for travel—and both passed the drop tests without cracking. We also liked that it was one of the few water bottles to fit in all cup holders and that it has a carrying handle, though we'd like to see that handle have the ability to fold down.

The vacuum insulation claims to keep liquids cold for up to 24 hours or hot for up to 12. After six hours, the temperature of the ice water we put in the bottle only increased from about 51 degrees to just under 55 degrees. The only real drawback we saw with this bottle was the bottle itself did dent when we dropped it. But the straw didn't open, and no leaks started.

Material: 18/8 food-grade stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 24 ounces

Best Budget

Mira water bottle.

  • Drinkability 4 /5
  • Portability 3.5 /5
  • Durability 3.5 /5

Good mouth opening

Testers rated the seal and drinkability highly

Water stayed decently cold

Heavy and no extra features

Didn't hold up well in drop tests

If you lose water bottles frequently, a budget bottle might be a wise choice. Our testers liked MIRA's insulated stainless steel water bottle best of the budget-friendly options we tested. The MIRA bottle has a good grip and a cap that stayed intact during the drop tests, and it's a good carrying size. It also did an excellent job of keeping water cold, only increasing from 54.5 degrees to just over 58 degrees over a span of six hours.

Be careful if you go with the MIRA, as many dents formed during the drop tests. "It's now wobbly and doesn't stand perfectly straight and balanced anymore," one tester noted after the drop tests. Still, if you're looking for a basic bottle that won't hurt to lose, this one is a good value that keeps water cold and is nice to drink from.

Material: 18/8 stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 17 and 25 ounces

Brita Insulated Filtered Water Bottle


  • Drinkability 4.5 /5
  • Seal 4.5 /5
  • Portability 5 /5
  • Durability 4 /5

Excellent insulation, holding temperature for six hours

Filters water

Good for carrying and holding

Lid potentially annoying for certain face shapes

Not the most durable

If you didn't already know, Brita makes water bottles, too. And it turns out the brand makes pretty good ones. Like the typical Brita counter water filter, the hard-sided water bottle includes a filter that reduces chlorine taste and odor. (Note: It's recommended to replace the filter every two months.) Besides the filter, this bottle has all of the typical features included in a quality reusable water bottle, like stainless steel construction and a leakproof lid.

This bottle has a silicone mouthpiece that our testers liked. "The water tasted great and pure," one tester noted. "The button to open the lid is nice and convenient, as is the handle on top." Our testers had one issue with this bottle: It dented fairly easily, and the seal was compromised when it landed on the lid during the drop tests. But, overall, our testers liked this bottle quite a bit.

Material: Stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 20 and 32 ounces

Best for Hiking

Nalgene 32-ounce wide mouth tritan bottle.

  • Insulation 2 /5


Lid loop offers additional carrying options

Very tough to break or dent

Wide mouth makes for easier spilling

There are a few pieces of gear that are absolute game-changers. The 32-ounce Nalgene Water Bottle is one of those products. Nalgene has been around for decades, but we still remember getting our first Nalgene bottle as a teenager in the early 2000s. Nalgene has manufactured this water bottle for over 50 years, fine-tuning its design so that the water bottle is durable enough to survive in any condition or hiking adventure. This lightweight water bottle features BPA-free Tritan material, which can handle both cold and hot drinks. The opening is large enough for ice cubes to fit inside, which also makes it a breeze to wash by hand. You'll be able to track your water intake easily when you're on the go using the measurement markers displayed on the side, and the loop-attached lid guarantees you'll never lose it.

Material: Tritan renew copolyester | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 32 ounces

Best for Portability

Hydro flask standard mouth water bottle.

Hydro Flask

  • Insulation 3.5 /5

Carrying loop boosts ease of use

Fits everywhere

Grippy outer material

Not great durability

Temperature holding could be better

Bend, Oregon-based Hydro Flask has elbowed its way into the competitive insulated water bottle market by making high-quality and functional tumblers and bottles. We've always been Nalgene fans because of the brand's lightweight, rugged, and inexpensive bottles. But Hydro Flask has grown on us over the past decade for its functionality. The Standard Mouth Flex Cap bottle has quickly become one of our favorites in the Hydro Flask line.

Our testers also liked the Standard Mouth Flex Cap bottle for many reasons, including its textured finish for boosted grip, its superior seal that didn't allow any leaking, and the actual flex cap, which has a loop that pivots and moves with you as you walk. "The size of the bottle fits perfectly into a backpack holder and fits securely in there without feeling top heavy, so it'll fall out. It also fits well into a car cup holder," a tester reported.

Two downsides dropped the overall scoring of this bottle. The temperature increased almost 8 degrees over six hours (although it stayed remarkably stable for three hours). And it dented easily. "A couple more falls could have likely broken the bottom rim and made the bottle unusable," a tester noted. "The lid and cap, however, stayed intact."

Material: 18/8 pro-grade stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 18, 21, and 24 ounces

Best Splurge

Yeti stainless steel bottle.

Narrow mouthpiece helps prevent spills

Holds temperature well

Very strong and durable

A bit heavy

When we see a YETI product, we know two things are likely to be true about it. First, it's going to be expensive. Second, it's going to be excellent quality. The Rambler bottle isn't that much more costly than others on this list. But it is of top-shelf quality, and if you don't tend to lose water bottles, it is definitely worth the higher price.

"A delight to drink from," one tester succinctly described the Rambler. "The mouth opening was a great size, and the water tasted terrific and cold."

The Rambler comes with a chug cap, and if you get a smaller size (it comes in five sizes, up to 64 ounces), it's likely to fit easily into a backpack pocket or car cup holder. The temperature only increased by about 2 degrees over six hours. And, because it's YETI, there were basically no dents or scuffs during the drop tests. Like the Hydro Flask, the YETI Rambler has edged its way into our water bottle rotation with our Nalgene, and we're good with it.

Material: 18/8 kitchen-grade stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 18, 26, 36, 46, and 64 ounces

Best Thermos

Healthy human vacuum insulated double walled thermos.

Excellent drinkability

Cap stayed intact during drop tests

Excellent insulation

Sustained some denting

There's a lot to like about the Healthy Human Water Bottle. For one, it was one of our top performers in the temperature test, dropping almost a full degree over six hours. Our testers also enjoyed the size of the lid for drinking as water poured out easily but not too quickly. It was also super comfortable for our testers to hold. Like others on this list, it did dent somewhat easily during the drop tests, but the cap was not damaged and only suffered minor scuffs.

Material: 18/8 stainless steel | BPA-free: Yes | Sizes: 16, 21, 32, and 40 ounces

Our thorough testing revealed the Takeya Actives Insulated Water Bottle to be the best overall. In terms of price, insulation, and durability, this bottle takes the cake. The ThermoFlask 24 Oz. Bottle came in a close second, impressing our testers with its top-notch leak protection and drinkability.

We tested 26 bottles for this roundup. Other bottles we tested not included above in our list were as follows:

CamelBak Eddy+ : We like the size of this bottle and feel it is ideal for active pursuits, but it did not hold up well during our durability or seal tests, and the bite-and-suck straw isn't the most comfortable to use.

CamelBak Podium Bike Water Bottle : This bottle is durable, seals well, and is lightweight. It is also difficult to squeeze to get the water out and would not suit anyone with hand weakness.

Purist Mover Vacuum Water Bottle : The Purist Mover is easy to grip and does not leak while in pristine condition. Our tester deducted points on durability because it began to leak after being dropped twice and noted that anyone with nails would have difficulty opening the thumb slot.

Kleen Kanteen Classic Water Bottle : Our tester found this bottle easy to drink from, and the textured exterior easy to grip. Though it is not expensive, the durability test demonstrated that even a modest drop would make this bottle unusable.

Kleen Kanteen TKWide : We liked drinking from this bottle and didn't have any issues with leaking, but it became uncomfortably heavy when filled, especially considering the handle is made of a sturdy metal without rubber.

S'well Stainless Steel Water Bottle : Our testers liked the shape of this bottle and the fact that it easily fits in a cup holder. It's not as durable as we'd like, and after being dented a few times, it wouldn't stand up straight.

Platypus DuoLock SoftBottle : Malleable yet durable, this soft bottle performed reasonably well and didn't leak. However, after only three hours, the water had reached room temperature, and the cap was somewhat cumbersome when drinking.

Que The Collapsible Bottle : The unique design of the Que bottle played well with our testers. The main drawbacks they found were it had very little insulating capability and that the rubber material tended to pick up dust and hair.

W&P Porter Glass Water Bottle : This pick has a good-sized mouth opening and keeps the water inside tasting pure due to its glass construction. This also means it is more fragile than bottles made of other materials.

Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle : Multiple lids provide a comfortable drinking experience, and the seal was not perfect but solid. We took points away after the drop test, which resulted in several dents and damaged the cap to the point of causing leakage.

E-Senior Collapsible Water Bottle : Easy to stow with a good seal, this bottle survived the durability test beautifully. Unfortunately, we found it awkward to drink from and grip while full.

MoChic Flat Water Bottle : In terms of drinkability, seal, and durability, this is a great option. The main drawback was that its unique shape (kind of a flask/water bottle hybrid) is not easy to fit into standard cup holders or backpacks.

We selected products based on internet research and the expertise of travel writers, editors, and our lab testing team. Internet research included examining what other prominent media sites have featured and highest-rated products on sites like Amazon and REI. Individual expertise came from the experience of TripSavvy's editors and writers and the water bottles we've used over the years.

Once we selected an initial list of products, we narrowed it down to the 26 tested above based on price points, intended uses, features, and styles. We wanted to provide a diverse list of products to fit as many different types of consumers, travelers, and outdoor-focused individuals as possible.

We tested water bottles for drinkability, seal, portability, insulation, durability, and value. Each bottle was rated on a five-point scale for each category. We averaged each score to create an overall score for each bottle.

First, we filled each bottle with ice a quarter of the way. Then we filled the rest with cold water from the water machine in our testing lab. An initial temperature reading was taken. Testers took temperature readings three and six hours after the initial reading. For drinkability, testers took drinks from the bottles while standing still and walking, noting any spills or splashes.

We tested the seal by shaking the bottles, holding them upside down for one minute, tossing them in backpacks, and carrying them around for five minutes. Testers rated portability based on the bottles' grip, carrying handles, and how well they fit in cup holders and backpack carrying pockets.

Drop tests tested durability. Testers dropped the filled bottles three times on the lids and three times on the main body and rated the bottles based on the damage. Lastly, testers rated value based on how the bottles performed across all tests.

What to Look For in a Travel Water Bottle

These days, insulated bottles' standard water material is 18/8 stainless steel. Be on the hunt for that material if you're looking for a quality bottle. Other brands, like Nalgene, feature a proprietary Tritan plastic material. Most importantly, be sure the bottle you pick is BPA-free.

Like the 18/8 stainless steel construction, most quality bottles will claim up to 24 hours of keeping liquids cold. This claim will vary based on many factors, like how cold the liquid is initially when it's placed in the bottle and how warm or cold it is when you use it. Vacuum and double vacuum insulations are the best types of insulation these days, so look for that when purchasing a water bottle if insulation matters to you.

Style of Lid and Cap

While materials and insulations are mostly the same in reusable water bottles, lid and cap styles can vary. Do you prefer a wide-mouth lid? Standard-mouth? Do you like a straw? A smaller lid? Those are all personal preferences to consider when picking a water bottle.

Extra Features

Some water bottles have bonus features like filters, purifiers, or fruit infusers. If that interests you, be on the lookout for those additional items. Just know that with those extra items likely comes increased costs.

This is less of an issue if you're only putting water in your water bottle. You can either hand wash your bottle or throw it in the dishwasher if it's dishwasher-safe. All water bottles come with cleaning instructions. But, if you're like us and put electrolytes or other liquids in your water bottle, cleaning can get a bit more involved. This might require additional scrubbing with warm or hot water and typical dish soap. Pro tip: If mold starts to form, fill your bottle a quarter of the way with ice and add coarse salt. Shake it hard until whatever is growing on the sides of your bottle is removed. We have noticed the traditional Nalgene material is more likely to grow mold than new Nalgene materials and the 18/8 stainless steel.

Another rule is to give your bottle a good scrubbing before using it for the first time.

Any reusable water bottle! The only potential issue is forgetting there's water in it when you go through the security line. Reusable water bottles are excellent for travel as they are better for the planet and help you avoid overpaying for a water bottle after going through the TSA security checkpoint .

We love bottles that have some sort of carrying loop on the lid. It's easier to carry in your hands or attach to a backpack or other luggage with a carabiner. Most carry-on backpacks and other luggage items also have water bottle-specific pockets. If those options don't work, putting the bottle in your carry-on bag will work.

Nathan Allen is TripSavvy's Outdoor Gear Editor. Friends and family have made fun of him for the amount of liquids he keeps on hand. Nathan uses collapsible water bottles daily while trail running, biking water bottles often while cycling or mountain biking, and keeps them nearby for rehydration while working between his many outdoor pursuits. His current rotation of water bottles includes Nalgene's 48-ounce wide-mouth bottle, YETI's Rambler, and Hydro Flask's Standard-Mouth Bottle.

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19 top overwater bungalows around the world.

Explore the best places to spend your vacation in a private overwater retreat.

Top Overwater Bungalows Around the World

Aerial of Song Saa Private Island surrounded by sparkling blue waters

Courtesy of Song Saa Private Island

There's nothing quite like staying in these bucket list overwater bungalows.

Providing a unique and (typically) private setting, overwater bungalows around the world offer romantic retreats and plenty of Instagram-worthy vistas. Whether you're planning a bucket list trip, an epic proposal, a honeymoon or a couples retreat, overwater bungalows boast one-of-a-kind amenities and exclusive settings you can't find elsewhere.

While most overwater bungalows are adults-only or have age requirements, some options are family-friendly. When looking for the perfect overwater bungalow for your vacation style, consider how far you're willing to travel, if you are comfortable taking a boat to your resort and if you'd like a private pool on your terrace.

To make the planning easier, U.S. News compiled this list of the world's top overwater bungalows based on expert experience, traveler reviews and extensive editor research.

  • Best Overwater Bungalows in the Caribbean
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in Mexico
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in the Maldives
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in Bora Bora
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in Tahiti
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in Moorea
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in Fiji
  • Best Overwater Bungalows in the U.S.
  • Best Overwater Bungalows Elsewhere in the World

Best in the Caribbean

Aruba ocean villas: savaneta, aruba.

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: Outdoor beds and overwater dining

The adults-only Aruba Ocean Villas is located in Savaneta – the historic old capital of Aruba , on the southwest coast of the island. The sustainable and locally owned boutique resort offers the only overwater villas in Aruba. Each of the property's 13 beach and overwater villas has its own unique styling, including some with Jacuzzi tubs, open-air showers and dining areas.

One of the resort's overwater villa options, the Lou Lou, features a covered outdoor Jacuzzi and a palapa lounge. The Isla Alistaire villa, where recent honeymooners enjoyed the sunset views, includes indoor and outdoor sleeping areas, plus a private pool and double cabanas. The Dushi Sue has a spacious interior, as well as a large patio with beach chairs, daybeds and a hammock, while the Penthouse Villa Sophia is outfitted with a handmade artist-designed custom tub, a king-sized canopy bed with built-in air conditioning, and a private outdoor palapa with an outdoor bed to sleep on.

Guests can dine at The Old Man and The Sea, a romantic Hemingway-inspired restaurant with an overwater cabana. Beachside dining is also available, and the Toteki Beach Bar whips up signature cocktails. For recreation, visitors can use kayaks, paddleboards and snorkeling gear; chill out on beach; or book a relaxing massage in an open-air palapa.

Royalton Antigua, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort & Casino: Five Islands Village, Antigua

Overwater bungalows at Royalton Antigua, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort & Casino, in Five Islands Village, Antigua

Courtesy of Royalton Antigua, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort & Casino

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: All-inclusive with butler service

Set along St. John's Deep Bay, the Royalton Antigua is an all-inclusive resort with six overwater bungalows, in addition to the property's 294 suites. Each of the adults-only overwater bungalows is furnished with natural wood and has a swim-out infinity plunge pool, an overwater hammock and a king-sized bed. Butler service is included, and adults can relax within their private sanctuary while soaking in the in-suite Jacuzzi, eating in the dining room or watching marine life through the living room's glass floor. Recent travelers raved about the butler service and the ability to enjoy the water views from within your own bungalow.

While the overwater bungalows are for adults only, the Royalton Antigua is a family-friendly Caribbean resort . The Antigua resort has three swimming pools, a spa and a casino. The all-inclusive rates cover unlimited reservation-free dining at eight restaurants, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages at five bars, water sports equipment to use, supervised kids and teen clubs, instructor-led fitness classes, and daily entertainment.

Read: The Best All-Inclusive Resorts in the Caribbean

St. George's Caye Resort: St. George's Caye, Belize

Aerial of arc of bungalows at St. George's Caye Resort in Belize

Courtesy of St. George's Caye Resort

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: All-inclusive that's close to an international airport and Mayan ruins

St. George's Caye Resort is an adults-only all-inclusive resort situated 7 miles off the coast of Belize , surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Reachable by boat, the resort offers an island setting with access to Belize's jungle activities and Mayan ruins as well. The property's six overwater cabanas are set along a half-moon-shaped sunset dock and furnished with Belizean hardwood ceilings, air conditioning and minifridges; plus, each has a private porch with a hammock. Many recent guests say this property is a hidden gem because of its secluded and intimate setting, personalized service, and delicious food.

Guests arrive at the resort via a 20-minute van ride from the international airport, followed by a 20-minute boat ride. Round-trip transfers are part of the all-inclusive rates, which also cover daily breakfast, lunch and a four-course dinner; juice and water with meals; and daily coffee, tea and juice delivered to your cabana each morning. What's more, guests receive a complimentary rum punch daily, unlimited use of water activities equipment (including kayaks, snorkeling gear and paddleboards), in-pool scuba lessons and 24/7 pool access.

Sandals South Coast: White House, Jamaica

Interior of overwater bungalow (bed facing water) at Sandals South Coast in White House, Jamaica

Courtesy of Sandals Resorts

Best for: Destination weddings and honeymoons Top perk: Bungalows include an outdoor terrace with a soaking tub and lounge chairs

For the couple seeking a complete over-the-water experience, Sandals South Coast not only offers overwater bungalows, but it also has an overwater wedding chapel and overwater bar. Recently married couples said their wedding here exceeded their expectations, due to the staff. This popular wedding and honeymoon destination is located along 2 miles of shoreline on the south coast of Jamaica .

The all-inclusive resort's overwater bungalows are set along an elevated heart-shaped pathway and feature butler service, hardwood floors with glass panels to view the sea and custom king-sized beds. Each bungalow's spa-style bathroom has a walk-in rain shower along with double sinks, and the outdoor terrace features a lounge area, an outdoor shower, a two-person soaking tub and an over-the-water hammock.

Outside the accommodations, guests can go scuba diving, ride in a glass-bottom boat, go kayaking or snorkeling, or learn how to water-ski. There are also three beachfront pools, tennis courts and evening entertainment, as well as an on-site spa and fitness center. All-inclusive rates at this property cover unlimited dining at nine restaurants, premium liquor at seven bars (including a swim-up location), a stocked bar in every room, airport transfers and more.

Sandals Grande St. Lucian: Gros-Islet, St. Lucia

Table, chairs and tub on patio of overwater bungalow at Sandals Grande St. Lucian in Gros-Islet, St. Lucia

Best for: Destination weddings and honeymoons Top perk: Overwater wedding chapel

Couples looking for an awe-inspiring destination wedding venue should consider Sandals Grande St. Lucian , which boasts an over-the-water wedding chapel with panoramic views. What's more, the all-inclusive property has overwater accommodations where couples can relax and toast to their future together.

Perched above the Caribbean Sea, each bungalow has hardwood floors with lit glass panels to see the marine life below at any time, vaulted ceilings, and a custom king-sized bed with luxe linens. The bathroom has a walk-in rain shower and dual sinks, while the sun deck is equipped with an outdoor shower, a table and chairs, a soaking tub for two, and a hammock to soak in the view. The villa includes butler service, which recent couples rave about and say made their trip extra special.

Beyond the bungalow, couples can enjoy the St. Lucia resort's all-inclusive amenities, such as unlimited dining at 12 restaurants, unlimited premium liquor at seven bars (including swim-up locations), greens fees at the Greg Norman-designed golf course, and PADI-certified scuba diving and snorkeling equipment. You'll also get access to multiple pools, tennis courts and the fitness center. Round-trip airport transfers are included, and guests can enjoy amenities at two nearby Sandals locations as well.

Best in Mexico

El dorado maroma: playa del carmen, mexico.

View through plant of overwater bungalows at El Dorado Maroma in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Courtesy of El Dorado Maroma

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: All-inclusive with outdoor showers

Located along the coast between Cancun and Playa del Carmen , the all-inclusive El Dorado Maroma offers 30 overwater bungalows, called palafitos. From full butler service to in-bungalow daily breakfasts, the Palafitos-Overwater Bungalows perched above the aqua waters of Maroma Beach provide an indulgent experience.

The overwater bungalows at this top beach resort have glass-bottom floors, which travelers point as a highlight, noting you can see stingrays, sea stars and fish. The accommodations also feature indoor hot tubs for two, outdoor showers, and oversized decks with private infinity pools and ladders that offer direct ocean access. Palafitos guests can also enjoy drinks and gourmet light bites before dinner, and can request customized beach picnics.

Visitors can dine at the Overwater Grill & Wine Bar, which features two glass-floor dining rooms and panoramic views. The resort's all-inclusive rates cover all meals; 24-hour room service; and a premium selection of cocktails, wine and beer. Also included are daily activity programs, live shows, use of nonmotorized water sports equipment, cooking lessons, tequila tastings and guacamole demonstrations.

Read: The Best All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico

Rosewood Mayakoba: Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Best for: Ultra-luxurious honeymoons and couples retreats Top perk: Butler service and plunge pool

The 620-acre Rosewood Mayakoba sits where the mangroves meet the coast on the Yucatan Peninsula and provides an ultra-luxe setting with deluxe overwater lagoon suites. Guests are transferred from Cancun International Airport (about 30 miles north) to the Riviera Maya luxury resort via a private chauffeured SUV, and greeted with an in-villa mezcal welcome drink.

Suspended over the lagoon, each villa offers butler service, a daily fresh fruit bowl, a king-sized bed, a walk-in closet and a luxury bathroom with an outdoor garden shower. Travelers who have stayed in the villa say the service is impeccable, and the outdoor lounge terrace with a heated plunge pool is a highlight of the experience.

Beyond the villas, this resort just north of Playa del Carmen is a leader in sustainable tourism. Wellness experiences, a signature spa with sensory rituals and apothecary treatments, a fitness center, and multiple pools are a few of Rosewood Mayakoba's standout perks. Finally, the property's eight restaurants highlight Mexico's regional cuisine, international culinary dishes and sensorial experiences.

Read: The Top Adults-Only All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico

Best in the Maldives

Conrad maldives rangali island: maldives.

Chairs on patio of overwater bungalow at Conrad Maldives Rangali Island

Courtesy of Conrad Maldives Rangali Island

Best for: Couples and families Top perk: Underwater dining and the option to spend the night under the ocean

While some villas provide an over-the-water experience, at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island travelers can book The Muraka – a two-level residence with a submerged master bedroom – to spend the night 16 feet under the water.

The bedroom is set in a 180-degree curved acrylic dome and includes a bathroom with floor-to-ceiling windows and 24-hour butler service. The upper level is an exclusive residence suspended above the water with two additional bedrooms, a bathroom with an ocean view tub, and a spacious outdoor terrace with a private infinity pool. If you want to dine under the sea, book a table at Ithaa, the resort's award-winning underwater restaurant that serves fusion cuisine, fine wines and island cocktails.

The twin-island Maldives resort also has three distinct land and overwater villa areas situated around the atoll. The Conrad Maldives offers a selection of adults-only villas, in addition to the family-friendly section of accommodations. Set on stilts, water villas have thatched roofs, lounge areas with lagoon views, bathrooms with rain showers and separate tubs, and private sun decks with lounge areas and water access. Travelers rave about the setting, the service and the villas, with some guests making return visits and others saying a stay here is an idyllic once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Read: The Top Underwater Hotels Around the World

Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island: North Malé Atoll, Maldives

Best for: Families and groups Top perk: Family-focused amenities including baby gear available for use

This all-villa resort – formerly known as LUX* North Malé Atoll – features contemporary architecture and offers both romantic overwater accommodations for couples and family-friendly villas for all ages. Each villa has an enclosed living and lounge area, an indoor and outdoor shower, and an outdoor terrace with a private infinity pool. Recent travelers rave about the service and how much they enjoyed the entire experience, noting the array of wildlife like dolphins, sharks, rays and fish.

The family-friendly property has a kids club with supervised beachside activities for little ones, programs for young teens, cinematic experiences on the beach (or private movie viewings can be arranged with your butler), beachside tennis and a variety of water sports equipment available to use – such as canoes and stand-up paddleboards. Meanwhile, adults can hit the 24-hour fitness center or check out the Talise Spa's therapeutic treatments. Dining options here include floating breakfasts in your own private pool, Peruvian and Japanese fusion cuisine at Kayto, or Greek dishes at Shimmers beach club.

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Best in Bora Bora

Four seasons resort bora bora: bora bora, french polynesia.

Aerial of Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora with mountain in the background

Courtesy of Four Seasons Bora Bora

Best for: Families and couples Top perk: Private lagoon with biologist-led experiences

Showcasing views of Mount Otemanu , this family-friendly property offers a luxurious setting with a mix of land villas and overwater bungalows. Reachable via boat transfer from the Bora Bora airport, this property has a private lagoon with biologist-led experiences, a full-service spa with Polynesian treatments and Mediterranean cuisine at Arii Moana.

Featuring Polynesian artwork and traditional teak furnishings, the overwater bungalow suites at the Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora have either a plunge pool or a spacious patio for a private over-the-water sanctuary.

"We loved our overwater bungalow at the Four Seasons Bora Bora for its large soaking tub, comfortable king bed and expansive deck with stunning views of Mount Otemanu," says freelance travel writer and U.S. News contributor Holly Johnson . She adds that the dining was pricey, but spectacular. Johnson also discovered that the further out from the shore you go, the faster the current flows. "While we did have stunning views from our bungalow, we couldn't float or relax in the water below at all," she reflected. "I noticed travelers with bungalows closer to the shore were able to stand and float in the perfectly clear water next to their room. I would have loved that."

InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa: Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Overwater bungalow living room with see-through coffee table at InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa

Courtesy of InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa

Best for: Couples and families Top perk: Thalasso spa with glass-floor overwater treatment rooms

Combining Polynesian traditions with sustainable practices, the InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa is located on a motu (islet) and reachable only by boat from the Bora Bora airport. Once there, couples and families will find theme nights, casual beachside dining and upscale cuisine.

The property has 88 overwater suites and villas, each with a king-sized bed, a sitting area with a glass coffee table showcasing views of the fish and water below, and a bathroom with a separate shower and soaking tub. There's also a private terrace that features an outdoor shower, lounge furniture and direct water access.

Leilani Osmundson , digital producer for the Travel team at U.S. News, chose the resort for her honeymoon. "My favorite feature of the bungalow was the ability to stare at the gorgeous turquoise waters of Bora Bora at every turn; the bedroom and bathroom had enormous windows, and the coffee table in the living room area was made of glass so that we could see straight through to the water below." She also appreciated that the bungalows were quiet and spaced far enough apart for privacy.

Conrad Bora Bora Nui: Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Overwater bungalows of Conrad Bora Bora Nui at sunset

Courtesy of Hilton

Best for: Couples and families Top perk: Fine dining and overwater sushi restaurant

Upon arrival via boat from Bora Bora's airport, guests are greeted with a welcome drink and a tour of the resort. Situated on a private cove on Motu To'opua, the property offers a secluded setting with a mix of land villas and overwater bungalows. The resort draws a mix of honeymooners and couples thanks to its adults-only overwater bungalows, in addition to the kids club and activity programs like lei making and beachside ukulele lessons. What's more, the resort's hilltop wedding chapel features floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the sea.

There are several overwater bungalow options, ranging from king villas (with either a built-in hammock or a plunge pool) to the two-story presidential overwater villa. Each has a plush king-sized bed that looks directly out to the water and a spa-inspired bathroom with an extra-large soaking tub and separate rainfall shower, as well as a dining table, a lounge area, Bluetooth speakers throughout and a spacious terrace with direct water access.

One thing that resort guests say sets this property apart is its dining options, though you will want to make reservations for dinners prior to your arrival. The French cuisine at Iriatai blends innovative island flavors with classic dishes, Banyan showcases chef-prepared Chinese cuisine, Tamure Beach Grill offers Polynesian fare, and the Upa Upa Bar is a must-visit for sushi and cocktails in an overwater setting.

Best in Tahiti

Intercontinental tahiti resort & spa: tahiti, french polynesia.

Overwater bungalow living room of InterContinental Tahiti Resort & Spa

Courtesy of InterContinental Tahiti Resort & Spa

Best for: Families Top perk: Lagoonarium where guests can learn about reef environments

Situated on the island of Tahiti , less than 2 miles from French Polynesia's Faa'a International Airport, the InterContinental Tahiti Resort & Spa is an ideal choice for travelers looking to explore the island, or for those using Tahiti as a gateway to the country's smaller islands, including Moorea and Bora Bora. This tropical resort combines traditional Polynesian design and culture with luxury accommodations and overwater bungalows, along with a spa, cultural demonstrations, two freshwater infinity pools and a natural aquarium lagoon.

Recently renovated, the property's family-friendly overwater bungalows and villas have spa-inspired bathrooms with soaking tubs, separate sleeping and lounge areas, flat-screen TVs, minifridges. Another top-notch feature is the spacious outdoor decks with direct lagoon access and amazing sunset views, according to recent guests.

Best in Moorea

Hilton moorea lagoon resort and spa: moorea, french polynesia.

Aerial of Moorea Lagoon Resort and Spa

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: Overwater dining

The Hilton Moorea Lagoon Resort and Spa is an eco-friendly destination nestled on the island of Moorea, a short boat or plane ride from Tahiti. The property is home to the island's only overwater restaurant – Toatea Bar & Creperie – where travelers can savor French crepes while watching the lagoon sharks and fish below.

The resort's overwater Polynesian-style bungalows (set over the crystal-clear water of the Pacific Ocean) each have a king-sized bed, a glass floor panel with views of the exotic marine life below, and a marble bathroom with a separate claw-foot tub and shower. Each villa also features a private sun deck with lounge chairs and direct lagoon access, which allows travelers to snorkel in the water surrounding their bungalow.

Resort guests can enjoy the lagoon-style pool, head to the tennis courts for a match or do yoga at the fitness center. The full-service spa has a variety of treatments available, and those looking to explore the island beyond the resort can book four-wheel-drive tours, snorkeling with stingray excursions and more.

Best in Fiji

Likuliku lagoon resort: malolo island, fiji.

Best for: Couples and honeymooners Top perk: A taste of Fijian culture with all-inclusive rates

Likuliku Lagoon Resort is an adults-only wilderness retreat on the southeast coast of Malolo Island with authentic overwater bures. It's set amid a protected marine sanctuary and reachable by water taxi or helicopter. There are 10 overwater bures at the resort, each infused with natural elements and local woodwork and fabrics, blending Fijian cultural values and traditional architecture.

Each accommodation includes a king-sized bed (which can be separated into two twin beds) with a pillow menu, a bathroom with separate soaking tub and shower, and an outdoor deck with sun loungers and patio furniture. What's more, a chef's canape plate and freshly baked cookies are delivered daily.

Resort guests can book a spa treatment; snorkel, kayak or go stand-up paddleboarding; take a picnic to the property's private island; or swim in the infinity pool. The room rates include all meals (alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks cost extra), a welcome refreshment and lei upon arrival, a sarong, bottled water, a Friday night cocktail party, and use of nonmotorized water sports equipment.

Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay: Nadi, Fiji

Aerial of overwater bungalows of Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay

Courtesy of Marriott International

Best for: Couples Top perk: All-inclusive options and close to international airport

Offering the only overwater bungalows on the mainland of Fiji , this resort is an ideal option for travelers who prefer to be closer to an international airport. All of the property's adults-only bures have private staircases for direct lagoon access, along with luxurious accommodations (including king-sized beds), lounge spaces with espresso machines, premium bathrooms and private terraces. Recent overwater bungalow guests say the rooms are well-appointed and the service is exceptional. They recommend booking a couples massage and partaking in resort experiences like the fish feedings and snorkeling.

Beyond the overwater bungalows, the resort has beaches on the lagoon, three pools, a spa and oceanfront restaurants. For those seeking an all-inclusive experience, select resort packages include daily breakfast, lunch, dinner and beverages.

Best in the U.S.

Disney's polynesian village resort: orlando, florida.

Close-up of Moana artwork at guest room inside Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort

Kent Phillips | Courtesy of Walt Disney World Resort

Best for: Families Top perk: Close access to Walt Disney World parks

For an overwater experience within the continental United States, head to Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows within the Walt Disney World Resort . Set on the south shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon, the Polynesian-inspired overwater villas have room to sleep up to eight adults. Travelers recommend the space for families, noting that the privacy and close proximity to Magic Kingdom are ideal. Each bungalow is equipped with one king-sized bed, one queen-sized bed, one queen-sized pull-down bed and two single pull-down beds, plus a kitchen and a private deck with a plunge pool.

Within the South Pacific-themed resort, guests have access to two pools, campfire activities, motorized boat rentals, fishing and volleyball. For dining, the property's various options include Capt. Cook's, serving American and Polynesian classics for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as 'Ohana, the Kona Café and the Tambu Lounge.

Best Elsewhere in the World

Anantara the palm dubai resort: dubai, united arab emirates.

Interior of overwater bungalow of Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort

Paul Thuysbaert | Courtesy of Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort

Best for: Couples Top perk: Close to Dubai's attractions and shopping

Set on the palm-shaped human-made island of Palm Jumeirah, Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort offers Thai-style luxury and about 1,300 feet of private shoreline along the Arabian Gulf. The resort is home to the only overwater villas in the United Arab Emirates. Each of the one-bedroom overwater villas has a king-sized bed, a soaking tub with water views and a host to create a personalized stay. Recent travelers raved about the customized and attentive service of the villa hosts, as well as the glass panel in the floor, noting that with the lighting you can see marine life below at any time of the day.

While at the Dubai property, resorts guests can swim in three temperature-controlled lagoons, partake in water sports or go on a long-tail boat experience. The Anantara Spa offers an array of treatments (ranging from Asian to Arabic) and rituals for rejuvenation. For dining, Mekong dishes out traditional Asian cuisine, Bushman's Restaurant & Bar offers an upscale Aussie menu, Qamar serves regional specialties and Helios specializes in Mediterranean plates.

Song Saa Private Island: Koh Rong, Cambodia

Infinity pool on deck of overwater bungalow at Song Saa Private Island in Koh Rong, Cambodia

Best for: Eco-conscious couples and families Top perk: Eco-friendly construction and sustainability programs

Song Saa Private Island is an eco-friendly resort built with local materials by local artisans and designed with a deep connection to the environment in mind. With the resort offering barefoot luxury, shoes here are always optional. Located in Cambodia's Koh Rong Archipelago, the property is reachable via a 45-minute boat ride from Sihanoukville Port, which is less than 20 miles northwest of Sihanoukville International Airport.

The overwater bungalows at Song Saa Private Island were built with reclaimed timber and each includes a lounge area, a writing desk, a king-sized bed, a stocked minibar, a 40-inch flat-screen TV and a Bose surround sound system. The twin-vanity bathroom has an oversized sunken bathtub, and there's an outdoor shower on the sun deck. The patio features a private pool, a daybed and direct ocean access for fully immersing yourself in the natural setting. Travelers say the resort is a slice of paradise and the overwater bungalows are private and comfortable.

The property also boasts an infinity pool, a spa and a private white sand beach, as well as ecological and cultural programs. Complimentary activities here include island safaris, morning yoga and sea kayaking. The culinary experience at the two on-site restaurants and bars is based on seasonal ingredients and incorporates locally sourced ingredients.

Read: The Top Ecolodges Around the World

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Rachael Hood is a senior travel editor with a love for one-of-a-kind hotel settings. She has a lifetime of experience finding just the right hotel room for her trip and believes that a hotel choice can make or break a vacation. To curate this list of the best overwater bungalows, she used her own experience spending her honeymoon at Conrad Bora Bora Nui, along with her research expertise and luxury hotel background.

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8 Ways To Travel By Water

sail boat

Travelling by water can be a very different experience than travelling by road or air. There are some sights that you can only see on the water and some places that you can only access in a boat. In many cases, it can be a lot more serene. However, it also has the potential to be a lot more adventurous. Below are just eight different ways of exploring the world by water and the perks that each one has. 

Want full freedom to sail wherever and whenever you want? Owning a boat could be the perfect solution. Much like owning a car for exploring the land, owning a boat gives you full freedom to explore the water. Of course, this is also the most expensive way of exploring the world by water. You will need to have all the right equipment in order to be safe and know what parts to buy when something goes wrong. For example, if you need  Square Shank Copper Nails , you’ll need to know exactly where to get these from! You’ll also need to learn how to sail (unless you’re able to afford the extra expense of a yacht captain and crew).

Splashing out on a luxury yacht may be beyond many people’s capability, however, you could always opt for something smaller. Boats come in all forms from canal boats to sailing boats to dinghies – the latter of which anyone can afford. If you live by the water, you could try looking into boat lifts for sale or you could build your own jetty. Alternatively, you could find a local marina to moor it in. Boats need to be kept well maintained, so ideally you should always have them located nearby.

Rent a boat

If buying a boat is off the cards, but you still like the idea of being able to plan your own journey, you could try renting a boat. It’s the water equivalent of hiring a car. A quick search using keywords such as “ boat rental near me ” should find you a number of options in your area of choice. 

Boat rental comes in all forms. At the top end of the scale, you have yacht chartering – which could include renting out a luxury boat from somewhere like  for a couple of weeks. At the low end of the scale, you have the option of hiring out a sailboat or speedboat for a couple of hours. Renting a boat for a couple of weeks or days is much more likely to allow you to ‘travel’ – it could make a unique family vacation.

In most cases, you’ll need to pay extra for a captain or crew. Opting to drive the boat yourself could be cheaper, but you’ll generally need a boating license or some other proof that you can sail before a company will allow you to rent their boat. 

kayak adventure

Try a kayak adventure

Most people go kayaking as a day trip. However, a multi-day kayaking adventure is an option and could be a great way of exploring a river or coast. 

This is by far the most physically active way of travelling by water – it’s the aquatic equivalent of going on a hiking or cycling vacation. You could rent a kayak or you could bring your own. There are multi-day kayak tours in some places around the world that you can sign up for, but you may prefer to make your own journey. When it comes to accommodation, you could stay at hotels along the way or you could bring a tent if you plan on exploring somewhere fairly remote. Just be sure to avoid dangers by only travelling tried and tested kayak routes. 

Take a boat tour

Boat tours travel a set route. You’ll be accompanied by a guide who may take you to attractions along the way and there will be a crew on hand (or at the very least someone to steer the boat). They’re the water equivalent of a coach trip. 

Examples could include an Icelandic whale watching boat tour or a boat tour of the Amazon. Depending on the popularity and frequency of the tour, you’ll usually have to book these tours in advance. Private tours may be an option in some cases and could give you more freedom as to choosing your route. 

Hop on a ferry

Ferries are designed to transport crowds from A to B. Like taking a bus or a train, they’re an efficient form of public transport for travelling popular routes. 

Some ferries allow you to take your car onboard. Others are designed solely for transporting people. Ferries are often useful for crossing rivers or getting from island to island. Popular ferries may need to be booked in advance.

Take a freight ship

Freight ships are designed primarily for carrying goods not people, but there are some freight ships that allow you to sail onboard. It’s much like taking a cruise ship, but without the luxury – you can travel across large areas of water and sleep on board, but there won’t be any of the touristy amenities. 

A lot of people take freight ships when trying to travel to more remote destinations that may not necessarily be stopped at by ferries or planes. This guide to travelling by freight ship offers more information. 

cruise ship

Go on an ocean cruise

Ocean cruises allow you to travel to multiple countries or destinations while only ever having to unpack your bags once. They’re essentially floating hotels (some are even floating resorts) – they contain everything from gyms to swimming pools to restaurants. 

Cruises are suited to those that want a relaxing vacation as opposed to rugged travel. They follow a set route and you can take excursions at each stop while accompanied by a tour guide. 

Go on a river cruise

River cruises are just like ocean cruises but they run along rivers instead. Such boats tend to be smaller than ocean cruise liners and may have less amenities on board, however they can still be very luxurious. 

A river cruise could be a perfect way to explore various inland cities while only ever having to unpack once. Popular examples include Mississippi cruises, Danube cruises and Nile cruises. 

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Tione is a full-time student and a Blogger. When she is not in class she is actively working on her blog.

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25 Best Lake Vacations in the U.S.

From flooded volcanoes to world-renowned wetland areas, here's where to go for a lakeside getaway.

America offers a lake vacation for every season and activity, and no matter where you live, even in the Southwest desert, chances are there's one near you. Satellite mapping has yet to yield a precise answer, but the best guess is that there are between three and four million lakes across the U.S., ranging from duck ponds to wonders like Oregon's Crater Lake.

Minnesota, known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes, actually counts nearly 14,000 — the most named lakes among the lower 48 states. Michigan comes in a close second and Florida third, while among smaller states, Maine stands out with nearly 6,000. But Alaska trumps them all with an estimated three million lakes. We're partial to Lake Clark by Port Alsworth, where wilderness adventures are guaranteed, whether you're in the mood for kayaking, fishing, or spotting grizzly bears and caribou.

While Lake Tahoe is most popular for winter sports and Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago windsurfing continues well into fall, we associate most lakes with summer vacation , as places to cool off and chill out. After all, bodies of water can inspire quiet reflection, most famously in the case of Henry David Thoreau, who sought out Walden Pond in the backwoods of Massachusetts.

These are the 25 best lake vacations in the United States.

Lake Champlain, New York and Vermont

Best for History: On both land and water, Lake Champlain played a major part in three major American conflicts: the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812. The lake's long and often bloody history is recalled at forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point on the New York side, as well as at Mount Independence and the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum on the Vermont shore. You could stick to the New York side and add another lake to your itinerary with a stay at the nearby Sagamore , a historic resort on the shore of Lake George, just south of Ticonderoga.

Lake Superior, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Best for Fishing: Lake Superior is so vast it could easily hold all of the water from all of the other Great Lakes. That means there's plenty of room for fish to thrive: salmon, trout, walleye, smelt, whitefish, herring, northern pike, smallmouth bass, and many other game species can be caught in abundance along the lake's tristate shores. No matter what time of year, some sort of fishing is in season; Duluth, Minnesota, and Bayfield, Wisconsin are among the charter hubs.

Crater Lake, Oregon

Best for Geology: Other lakes have shipwrecks or sunken towns, but only Crater Lake offers the bragging rights of visiting a flooded volcano that also happens to be the deepest lake in the U.S. (and the ninth deepest in the world). Without a deep-sea submersible, you won't be able to reach the absolute bottom (1,943 feet). But there's plenty to appreciate from the surface: lava cones, sheer cliffs, and rock formations like Phantom Ship. Try a Wizard Island boat cruise, which combines a tour of the lake's perimeter with up-close views of Wizard Island, a 763-foot cinder cone created after Mount Mazama's last eruption about 7,700 years ago.

Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin

Best for Windsurfing: Steady wind and easy launch make Winnebago the lake of choice for Wisconsin windsurfers and kite surfers — especially in summer, when the shallow, sandy bottom creates water temperatures that are downright tropical (75 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit). In winter, the lake converts to a natural rink for sail-powered ice racing.

Lake Kabetogama, Minnesota

Best for Kayak or Canoe Camping: Paddle along the same routes as early French trappers, traders, and explorers on Lake Kabetogama in northern Minnesota. Part of the waterways that make up Voyageurs National Park , the lake offers more than two dozen wilderness campsites that can be reached only by boat, including gorgeous spots along Lost Bay and among the Chief Wooden Frog Islands. Keep an eye out for wildlife along the shore, from bears and bald eagles to otters and wolves.

Lake Clark, Alaska

Best for Wilderness Adventures: The only way to reach super-secluded Lake Clark is by flying in by a bush plane or float plane. Flanked by snowcapped peaks, thick boreal forest, and whitewater rivers, the 42-mile-long lake is quintessential Alaska. Fishing, kayaking, and wildlife-watching are the main aquatic activities, while the lakeshore lends itself to weeklong hikes and backwoods camping. Tiny Port Alsworth offers a visitor center, kayak rentals, guide services, outfitters, a post office, and lodging.

Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada

Don Eim/Travel + Leisure

Best for Snow Sports: High-altitude Tahoe (6,225 feet) is best for skiing, snowboarding, and other cold-weather sports. There are 15 winter resorts ringing the shore, and you can hike along snowy forest trails, snuggle up beside a fire in a lakeshore café, or ride the Sky Express to the top of Heavenly's highest peak for a snow-mantled panorama of the entire lake basin.

Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois

Best for Beaches: With more than 1,600 miles of shoreline, Lake Michigan offers more beaches than any other American lake. But it's not just quantity — there's a beach for nearly every taste. The big-city strands that front Chicago, the wild rolling dunes of northern Indiana, and the pastoral shores of Wisconsin's Door Peninsula offer totally different sun-and-sand experiences on the same lake. Nature lovers staying in the Traverse City area are especially spoiled for choice, with the nearby Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore being home to several sandy beaches, scalable dunes, and waterfront hiking trails.

Finger Lakes, New York

Best for Wine Tastings: With more than a hundred vintners, the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York is one of the prime wine regions of the Eastern U.S. The largest concentration of tasting rooms is along Highway 414 on the east side of Lake Seneca. Wineries with spectacular waterfront locations include Belhurst Estate in Geneva and Thirsty Owl in Ovid. Riesling is the most popular plonk, but the lakes region also produces fine pinot gris, cabernet franc, pinot noir, chardonnay, and gewürztraminer.

Lake Powell, Utah and Arizona

Best for Desert Houseboating: From the original "Planet of the Apes" to "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle," more than two dozen movies have been filmed in and around the drop-dead gorgeous Lake Powell. Spin your own high-adventure tale on a houseboat cruise through the red-rock desert wilderness. Created by Glen Canyon Dam in northern Arizona, the vast lake stretches for nearly 200 miles into uninhabited southern Utah and includes more than 80 side canyons where yours will often be the only boat.

Lake Havasu, Arizona

Best for Partying: Thousands of college students gather on the Arizona side of Lake Havasu each spring for around-the-clock boat parties. There are plenty of places to party onshore too, whatever the season — nightclubs, bars, restaurants, lake-view hotel rooms, and the patio of Heat Hotel .

Moosehead Lake, Maine

Best for Ice Sports: With winter temperatures that often plunge below freezing and lake ice that's two feet thick, Moosehead Lake is prime territory for ice sports enthusiasts. The ice-fishing season runs from Jan. 1 to April 30; local outfitters rent heated fishing shacks, equipment, and snowmobiles to get you there. Ice racing — cars speeding around the frozen lake surface — takes place on winter weekends on a groomed track near Greenville. The 160-mile Moosehead Lake Snowmobile Trail loops right around the lake, with a side trail (Route 66) that cuts straight across the ice.

Walden Pond, Massachusetts

Best for Relaxation: Suburbia may have sprawled through much of the woodland west of Boston, but Walden Pond remains much as it was in the olden days, an oasis of calm for collecting your thoughts. The forest-covered shores look much as they did in the 1840s when pioneer environmentalist Henry David Thoreau lived deliberately by himself in a cabin overlooking the small glacial lake. Swimming, fishing, and canoeing are the main aquatic activities; trails lead to tranquil spots around the shore.

Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming

Best for Sailing: Awesome wilderness scenery, waterfront wildlife, and a steady breeze make Yellowstone Lake a surprisingly great place to unfurl your canvas and set sail. Bridge Bay Marina on the north shore provides a launch ramp, floating docks, and a ranger station to purchase the national park's non-motorized boating permit. Sailors can overnight at special campsites on the lake's secluded (and roadless) south shore. People have been cruising Yellowstone since 1871 when the Hayden Expedition used a sail-powered rowboat to explore the lake.

Table Rock, Missouri

Best for Music: Combine catfish, cannonballs, and crooning for the ultimate stay at Table Rock Lake in the Ozarks of southern Missouri. Located on the outskirts of music-mad Branson, the lakeshore and its waterfront resorts are ideal for vacations that blend awesome outdoor recreation and classic country music. The annual Bluegrass & Barbecue Festival takes place over three weeks each spring on the Indian Point Peninsula on the lake's north shore.

Caddo Lake, Texas and Louisiana

Best for Bigfoot Searches and Sightings: A world-renowned wetland area, Caddo Lake is bounded by primeval swamps, sunken cypress trees, and a thick forest where strange creatures are rumored to dwell. Hairy, apelike figures have been detected around the lakeshore dozens of times, according to the North American Wood Ape Conservancy . Whether you believe the stories or not, Caddo is an eerily beautiful place to explore by foot or boat.

Lake Chelan, Washington

Best for Hiking: Dozens of trails lead along the 55-mile-long Lake Chelan and into the snow-tipped Cascades on either side. The best is the Chelan Lakeshore Trail, which can be done as an out-and-back day hike from the Golden West Visitor Center or as a 17-mile overnight backpack journey to Prince Creek in Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Bookending the longer hike are rides on the legendary Lady of the Lake steamer.

Lake Charles, Louisiana

Best for Cajun Culture: Cajun culture comes alive along the shores of Lake Charles in southwest Louisiana, where the waterfront provides a scenic backdrop for several annual food and music festivals. Ryan Street in downtown Lake Charles (two blocks off the water) is the place to head year-round for local tunes and eats in the heart of the bayou country.

Lake Washington, Washington

Best for Hydroplane Racing: The world's fastest boats race on Seattle's Lake Washington when the H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Series rolls into town as part of the annual Seafair summer festival . These 3,000-horsepower boats can breach 200 miles per hour on a straightaway and reach as high as 220 mph on the Lake Washington circuit. Vintage "thunderboats" are on display at the nearby Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum in Kent, Washington.

Flathead Lake, Montana

Best for Horseback Riding: Montana's largest freshwater lake is a wildlife mecca, with bighorn sheep, bald eagles, and wild horses freely roaming its islands. Along the shore, equestrian adventures await at the all-inclusive Flathead Lake Lodge , where guests can enjoy horseback riding lessons, trail rides, cookout rides, rodeos, and team roping demonstrations. Other dude ranches in the Flathead Valley can organize multi-day packhorse camping trips into the surrounding wilderness mountains.

Lady Bird Lake, Texas

Best for Stand-up Paddleboarding: Lady Bird Lake meanders right through Austin, which happens to be the home base of SUP ATX , America's largest stand-up paddleboard maker. Named after the former first lady, the lake offers a super-smooth surface for learning and perfecting the sport. Fans can tour the SUP ATX factory, buy a brand-new board at the Austin showroom, or start with a rental from Texas Rowing Center . It boasts a large fleet of stand-up paddleboard rentals, as well as demos, lessons, and summer camps.

Lake Oconee, Georgia

Best for Golf: About halfway between Atlanta and the legendary golf haven of Augusta, Georgia, the Lake Oconee area has emerged as one of the country's leading golf destinations since The Landing course opened in 1986. Seven world-class golf courses frame the lakeshore. Among them is the Tom Fazio-designed National course and the Jack Nicklaus signature, Great Waters.

Lake Erie, Ohio

Best for Bird Watching: Since the 1960s, when the Cuyahoga River famously caught fire, Ohio's north shore has morphed from a disaster area into an eco poster child. Environmental initiatives over the last 40 years have brought the birds (and many other creatures) back to the lakeshore. The state's Lake Erie Birding Trail spans 312 miles along the waterfront between Toledo and Conneaut, passing through marshes, estuaries, and lakefront woodlands where you can spot more than 400 bird species.

Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Best for Triathlons: If you're going to train for a triathlon, spend that time at Coeur d'Alene, where the setting is both conducive and inspiringly beautiful, thanks to lengthy lakeside running and biking trails and clean, clear water. With a heritage stretching back to the early 1980s, CDA was one of the first places to catch on to the three-sport craze, and the lakeshore's competitive triathlon each August was long ago dubbed the Scenic Challenge .

Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

Best for Pampering: Wellness meets wilderness at Spa Shiki on the shores of Missouri's sprawling backwoods lake. From Swedish massage to organic green tea wraps, soothing treatments are the hallmark of this lakeside retreat. Mix your pampering with other Ozark activities like boating, bass fishing, biking, hiking, and waterfront golf.

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water bottles standing beside a tent in the meadow

Reusable water bottles are a traveler’s best friend. But how do you find potable water to fill them?


6 plastic-free ways to travel with safe drinking water

These tips can help you stay hydrated and healthy while adventuring—and ditch single-use plastic while you do it.

Staying hydrated when you travel can be a challenge, particularly in places where tap water is unsafe or unavailable. Rather than reaching for a single-use plastic bottle and contributing to the world’s plastic problem , learn some new strategies for safe water consumption wherever you roam.

B.Y.O.F.B. (bring your own filtration bottle)

Travelers looking for an all-in-one approach might consider a self-contained filtration and purification bottle, with a combined filter and vessel that make it easy to clean, carry, and drink water on the go. LifeStraw uses a hollow fiber membrane and an activated carbon capsule to remove bacteria, parasites, and microplastics and to reduce foul odors and tastes. GRAYL takes its commitment to safe water consumption a step further, protecting against viruses as well.

Not all filtration bottles are created equal: Some rely on suction, others require pressure, some protect against a variety of pathogens and others don’t. Filter lifespans vary widely and aren’t available in all destinations, so you may need to pack extras. Carefully read product descriptions and instructions.

Disrupt dangerous DNA

There’s a good chance you’ve already consumed UV-purified water—bottling companies and municipal treatment plants often use this method. Thanks to lightweight, innovative products like Steripen and Larq Bottle , travelers can take similar tech on the road.

At specific intensities, ultraviolet light destroys the DNA of viruses, protozoa, and bacteria . With a touch of a button and a swirl of the wand, the Steripen fills the water with UV rays intended to kill more than 99 percent of bacteria and viruses in a few minutes.

While UV light has the power to purify, it doesn’t filter sediment, heavy metals, and other particulates, so it’s best to use UV devices in combination with a filter.

Personal filtration system

This is a good option if you prefer a filtration system that’s compact enough to travel and flexible enough to let you configure the components according to your needs.

The detachable filter on both the LifeStraw Flex and Sawyer Mini doubles as a straw for sipping directly from the water source and can be used on a hydration pack as well. Both systems use a hollow fiber membrane, but the Flex adds an activated carbon capsule to catch chemicals and heavy metals. The Flex filter requires replacement after about 25 gallons of use—much sooner than the Sawyer, which claims to last for 100,000.

Electrify to purify

Adventurers opting for lightweight convenience might also consider an electrolytic water purifying device. Small in size but big on results, the portable gadget zaps a simple brine solution—easily made on the spot from salt and water—with an electric current to create a disinfectant you can add to your water (up to 20 liters at a time) to destroy almost all pathogens.

Unlike UV devices, this type of disinfectant can perform in turbid water. The device is long-lasting and rechargeable—the Potable Aqua PURE is advertised to purify about 60,000 liters of water before replacement parts are required, and its battery can be charged via USB. If taste or chemical sensitivity are concerns, be aware that disinfectant does leave a chlorine residue in the water.

Keep tabs on chemical treatments

Chlorine tablets can be hazardous to handle and iodine tablets have been linked to health issues . And both leave treated water with an unpleasant odor and taste. One alternative is sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC): It’s affordable, easy to use, and achieves the same purifying results as chlorine, with fewer risks.

Drop a NaDCC purification tablet— Aquatabs are one example—in non-turbid water to release hypochlorous acid, which reduces most pathogens and renders the water drinkable after about 30 minutes. Keep in mind: This method doesn’t remove particulates or contaminants like pesticides. If you’re treating turbid water, it’s best to filter before dissolving the tablets. Remember to read the instructions for any time adjustments that may be required.

Speak up, set an example

Filtered water may be available for free—if you know where to look. Apps like RefillMyBottle and Tap can pinpoint water refill stations while you’re on the road.

Using water filtration and purification tools has helped Mike and Anne Howard, the husband-and-wife traveling duo HoneyTrek , globetrot continuously for over 2,000 days without breaking their no-plastic-bottles pact.

And sometimes it’s simply a matter of speaking up: The more travelers ask restaurants, hotels, and tour operators to refill their reusable water bottles, the more those services cater to demand—and the less single-use plastic gets used.

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8 Travel-Friendly Water Purifiers That Actually Work

By Kaitlyn McInnis

The Best Water Filters and Purifiers to Bring on the Go

It’s easy to take water for granted when you live and work in a building that has clean drinking water running in abundance from every faucet—but that’s not always the case when traveling abroad or heading out into nature while camping or hiking.

I learned that the hard way when I spent three months in a cabin in the woods that ran on lake water. I subscribe to the eight-cups-a-day rule, and I have an emotional support water bottle that I carry from room-to-room at all times. I am, simply put, a big water drinker . And sure, I was able to drive to the grocery store to buy water—but finding a water purifying solution that allowed me to drink the lake water was much more convenient, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly than having to add gallons of drinking water to my grocery list.

Over the last month or so, I’ve tried a handful of different water purifiers and filtration systems at my cabin on the lake . Of all the styles I tested, there were eight that I will continue to use on future trips to the woods and bring with me on my next vacation abroad . Read on for the best high-quality portable water purifiers and filters to ensure you always have access to bacteria- and sediment-free drinking water on the go.

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Image may contain Bottle and Shaker

Larq PureVis water bottle

Best water bottle

The Larq self-cleaning bottle is by far my favorite portable water purifier that I’ve tried so far. The 17-ounce water bottle features unique UV-C LED technology that neutralizes 99.999 percent of harmful bacteria such as E-coli and salmonella in under 60 seconds at the push of a button. The stainless steel bottle also activates a self-cleaning mode every two hours which helps to keep the bottle itself from developing that dreaded musty water bottle smell that can occur over time. Despite its high-tech functionalities, you can drink out of it like you would any other water bottle; the UV technology is confined to the bottle cap and does not interfere with filling or drinking from the bottle itself.

travel on water

LifeStraw personal water filter

Best straw filter

Sometimes carrying around a water bottle or water filtration system is just not practical—which is where the LifeStraw comes in. This compact personal water filter works as a regular drinking straw while instantly filtering out over 99.999 percent of bacteria, parasites, and sediment such as microplastics, silt, sand, and cloudiness. The compact straw and filtration has an unlimited shelf life and can easily slip into your handbag or backpack for emergency use . Use it to take a sip straight from a flowing stream or drink a glass of tap water from the faucet in your hotel room.

travel on water

Sawyer Squeeze water filter system

Best for backpacking

Lightweight and easy to transport, the Sawyer Squeeze water filter system will be your best bet if you’re setting up camp in the woods but are trying to keep your load light. The hollow-fiber membrane filter removes more than 99.999 percent of all bacteria, viruses, and parasites at a rate of about one liter per minute—but we particularly like this system for its compact and easy-to-use squeeze bottle design. All you have to do is fill up the pouch with water, attach the hollow-fiber filter, and squeeze the water through the system into your preferred water bottle (or even directly into your mouth).

travel on water

Platypus GravityWorks water filter system

Best for large quantities of water

The GravityWorks water filter system is my personal favorite for filtering large volumes of sediment-heavy water. The water filtration system works—as the name suggests—by using a combination of gravity and microfilters to ensure removal of up more than 99.99 percent of bacteria and parasites as well as any sand, dirt, or sediment that can often appear in lake or stream water.

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Image may contain Tool Brush and Toothbrush

Katadyn Steripen Classic 3 UV water purifier

Best multi-purpose purifier

The Katadyn Steripen Classic 3 UV is a hand-held water purification device made to destroy everything from parasites to bacteria and viruses in less than 90 seconds thanks to the built-in ultraviolet (UV-C) light rays. The handy device easily fits over cups, mugs, and even most water bottle mouths for added convenience and comes with a pre-filter for removing sentiment, microplastics, and other particles that might not be visible to the naked eye. Bring it on family or group camping trips where you can divvy up who carries what.

travel on water

Potable Aqua water purification tablets

Best tablets for groups or families

The Potable Aqua water purification tablet is a great option for purifying large quantities of water to have on hand over a weekend at a lake house or campsite. The two-step process helps to eliminate waterborne bacteria and viruses in up to half a gallon of water per germicidal iodine tablet. The second bottle is a neutralizing tablet, which, although not necessary to ensure safety, helps to improve the overall flavor of the water so you don’t taste the remnants of iodine or anything else that might be floating in the water.

travel on water

Aquatabs water purification tablets

Best tablets for individuals

Looking for something ultra-compact to throw into your emergency preparedness kit, wallet, or jacket pocket? Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets are extremely small and slender (we’re talking half the size of a credit card ), but despite the compact size, the powerhouse purification system can remove up to 99.99 percent of bacteria and viruses from half a gallon of water per tablet thanks to the neutralizing salt-based chlorine known as sodium dichloroisocyanurate.

Image may contain Jug and Water Jug

Larq PureVis pitcher

Best pitcher

The Larq PureVis pitcher isn’t quite as portable as other options I’ve tested out, but it’s the best option for setting up in the kitchen during a long-term stay abroad or at a Airbnb in the woods . The water-purifying pitcher removes contaminants like bacteria, lead, mercury, pharmaceuticals, and VOCs while the innovative self-cleaning filter helps to prevent bio-contaminant growth from developing within the pitcher itself.

How far does sound travel in the ocean?

The distance that sound travels in the ocean varies greatly, depending primarily upon water temperature and pressure..

illustration of whale and sound channel

Water temperature and pressure determine how far sound travels in the ocean.

While sound moves at a much faster speed in the water than in air , the distance that sound waves travel is primarily dependent upon ocean temperature and pressure. While pressure continues to increase as ocean depth increases, the temperature of the ocean only decreases up to a certain point, after which it remains relatively stable. These factors have a curious effect on how (and how far) sound waves travel.

Imagine a whale is swimming through the ocean and calls out to its pod. The whale produces sound waves that move like ripples in the water. As the whale’s sound waves travel through the water, their speed decreases with increasing depth (as the temperature drops), causing the sound waves to refract downward . Once the sound waves reach the bottom of what is known as the thermocline layer, the speed of sound reaches its minimum. The thermocline is a region characterized by rapid change in temperature and pressure which occurs at different depths around the world. Below the thermocline "layer," the temperature remains constant, but pressure continues to increase. This causes the speed of sound to increase and makes the sound waves refract upward .  

The area in the ocean where sound waves refract up and down is known as the "sound channel." The channeling of sound waves allows sound to travel thousands of miles without the signal losing considerable energy.  In fact, hydrophones, or underwater microphones, if placed at the proper depth, can pick up whale songs and manmade noises from many kilometers away.

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  • Noise in the Ocean: A National Issue (National Marine Sanctuaries)
  • Just how noisy is the ocean? Learn about a NOAA Effort to Monitor Underwater Sound
  • Sound in the Sea Gallery
  • Acoustic Monitoring

Last updated: 01/20/23 Author: NOAA How to cite this article

travel on water

Eat, drink and be on the water

Good day dear readers. I'm Gail Ciampa, Journal food and dining editor.

After starts and stops and buckets of rain, mostly beautiful summer days are upon us. The time is right to jump on a boat and enjoy the ride, maybe with a few drinks and bites to eat.

I've enjoyed many cruises out of Newport, a few special ones with dinner, but those aren't offered every day. So I headed to Rowes Wharf in Boston for a night on the Odyssey with a dinner in air-conditioned comfort.

The Odyssey has been around a long time and I have fond memories aboard the old girl. I had a 40th birthday Sunday brunch for my husband and his friends on the ship. (My youngest was a baby so it was a long time ago.) Then a wonderful childhood friend got married on a harbor cruise. Her kids are teens.

Last week's trip began with drinks on the top deck while passengers boarded from 6 to 7 p.m. If you've been around Boston for a long time, seeing the changes to the city from the water are quite remarkable. The Boston Seaport is a sea of high rises but the working waterfront still survives, too.

We moved to an airy dining room for a three course dinner. There were choices for appetizer (a peach and arugula salad or red pepper bisque) and main course (olive oil poached salmon, pan-seared chicken breast or gnocchi with vegetables). There was also a dessert table, featuring macarons, petit fours and other bite size treats. They had lovely wine choices and made excellent cocktails including a Bulleit Old Fashioned.

A DJ played a great mix of old and new music to create a nice atmosphere. The servers were attentive as could be.

It was a lovely three hours on the Odyssey, adding another happy memory to my list.

I noticed they are hosting upcoming Captain's Specials through July 30 with dinner for $84. It's a nice summer adventure.

If you want to stick closer to home, Newport has a few options for special sails but none with dinner. But you certainly can enjoy being on the water in Newport Harbor and Narragansett Bay.

Newport Classic Cruises offers sunset sails, lighthouse and mimosa cruises, a smuggler's cocktail cruise and more on one of their classic yachts and schooners. Learn more at , 23 Bowen's Wharf, (401) 847-0000.

Sightsailing offers daily scheduled public sailing cruises out of Bowen's Wharf in Newport. They have a Champagne Sunset sail and Morning Mimosa sail. Find them at 32 Bowen’s Wharf Newport, (401) 849-3333, .

Gansett Cruises , 2 Bowen's Landing, Newport, offers at taste of Rhode Island on their morning, afternoon and evening tours. Complimentary refreshments are offered by the Captain including Del’s Frozen Lemonade, Stuffies and Champagne toasts, depending on the cruise. On all trips, there's also a cash bar for locally brewed beers, regional wines and signature cocktails.

News you can use

Soccer fans? Are you out there? If you are looking for viewing parties, I found a few spots hosting watch parties for the FIFA Women's World Cup. There aren't as many offerings as when the men played last year. That's not what should happen when the USA Women are going for their third straight World Title. But that's the way it is I'm afraid.

You can refer to my story that ran last Friday in print and posted that day online. It's right here. The games are on TV, too, on Fox. I watched the USA versus Vietnam last Friday night and it was a good show.

Here's another addition that was sent to me over the weekend. I like that you can watch under the stars at Ladder 133 Kitchen & Social , 133 Douglas Ave., Providence. They will be airing all games during their operating hours. They have 33 TVs and an outdoor patio bar with additional TVs. Tonight's game with the USA facing the Netherlands is at 9 p.m. and they have a watch party with 1/2-off chicken wings and $4 Truly drink specials. Truly is a USA Women's Soccer sponsor. They have daily Appy Hour food specials.

Mike Reppucci, founder and president of Rhode Island’s much-awarded Sons of Liberty Spirits Co., has introduced two new ready-to-drink adult beverage brands: Bar on Board Cocktails (B.o.B), an 80’s retro-themed vodka cocktail line, and Lani Sangria, your own local, bottled cooler. 

Bar on Board Cocktails (B.o.B), pronounced like the name Bob, are vodka-based cocktails crafted to be light, full-flavored versions a Moscow Mule (Ginger BOB), a Cosmopolitan (Basic BOB), a vodka margarita (BOB A-Rita) and Sex on the Beach (BOB on the Beach).

Reppucci explained “These are lower alcohol versions of popular cocktails, with a surprising amount of flavor.” All four flavors are canned at 4.5% alcohol by volume (abv), which is on par with seltzers, but lower compared to over-the-bar cocktails. 

“A Moscow Mule at a bar is going to be somewhere around eleven percent alcohol,” Reppucci explained. “These BOBs provide all the flavor of a great drink, with less alcohol and less calories. You get to enjoy a full-flavored cocktail, but at the abv of your standard seltzer.” The entire Bar on Board cocktail line is vodka-based, gluten-free and made without artificial flavors. They cost $10-$12 for a four-pack.

Lani Sangrias come in red and white and are made with premium vodka, wine and real fruit. They are are canned at 9% alcohol by volume, gluten-free, and made with no artificial sweeteners. Sold in 4-packs, both the Red and White Sangrias incorporate a variety of fruit that are listed on the labels. The Red Sangria leans heavily into the use of grapes and showcases a balance of wine tannins and fruit juiciness. The White Sangria is highlighted by lighter fruits such as peach and orange. The suggested retail price for the 4-pack is $12-$14.

You can use their handy online location map to find stores that stock the drinks and sangria. Find it here.

Pass the doughnuts

PVDonuts has opened up shop at 158 Wickenden St., Providence. The city's original and wildly popular artisan doughnut shop left their Ives Street home  after seven years, closing on June 25. Their new location is in the same neighborhood. The bakery and coffee shop, owned by Lori and Paul Kettelle, is in the space formerly occupied by Picture This, a frame shop and art gallery.

Their Welcome to Wickenden menu is posted on their Instagram page.

New dining spots

I'm thrilled to report three great new spots to enjoy in Providence: Gift Horse, from chef Ben Sukle owner of Oberlin; There, There, a modern diner with outside dining; and Seoul Providence, an Asian fusion restaurant by day and a nightclub with DJs by night.

Any town would be proud to welcome these three spots. We are very lucky to have them in Providence.

Here's my story on all three restaurants and their owners .

Today is the opening of East Side Cheese and Provisions, a new cheese shop in Wayland Square that I reported on a few weeks ago. Also newly opened at 752 Hope St. in Providence is Lotus Pepper which offers Vietnamese home cooking in a casual setting. They have some tables outside, too. Learn more on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

That's it for now dear readers. I'm not headed out on a boat or to a new restaurant. But, before the week is over I might suggest a round of mini golf to challenge my husband. There will be plenty of nights ahead to stay put. But July is not the time to do that in New England. See you all next week.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Eat, drink and be on the water

A new cocktail line comes from Mike Reppucci, the man who brought you Sons of Liberty.

Every product is independently selected by (obsessive) editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.

Our Best-in-Class Water Bottle Is 25 Percent Off

Portrait of Emma Wartzman

My Hydro Flask is attached to my hip — and I’m not the only one who loves this water bottle. Now, just in time for summer adventures, the 32-ounce wide-mouth model is on sale for 25 percent off.

The body is insulated, which keeps water cold for hours on end — and even ice cubes clinking around for nearly an entire day. The inside is stainless steel, and there aren’t too many nooks and crannies, making it easy to clean; I simply throw the bottle and lid in the dishwasher and give the straw an extra scrub with a dedicated brush. About that straw: It’s attached to the lid, which makes me drink far more water than I would otherwise. With nothing to unscrew and tilt back, I sip mindlessly all day long. I don’t mind taking it on walks sans bag, thanks to the comfortable handle. But when it’s time to take it out and about for hours, the straw piece snaps securely down so it never leaks.

Hydro Flask Wide Mouth With Flex Straw Cap

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Caitlin Clark back in action: How to watch Indiana Fever vs. Seattle Storm on Wednesday

travel on water

Caitlin Clark is already set to play in the fifth game of her rookie season with the Indiana Fever.

And, already, she's nursing an ankle injury that may keep her limited Wednesday when the Fever travel to face the Seattle Storm. The game will take place at Climate Pledge Arena in northwest Seattle.

The Fever (0-4) nearly pulled out their first victory Monday night in a tough loss against the Connecticut Sun (3-0), a game in which Clark rolled her ankle while on defense late in the first half. She would get treatment and return to action in the second half.

After the game, Clark said "I'll be good," when asked about her availability moving forward.

Here's everything you need to know about Caitlin Clark and the Fever playing the Storm Wednesday night:

When is Indiana Fever vs. Seattle Storm?

  • Date: Wednesday, May 22
  • Start time: 10 p.m. ET

Caitlin Clark and the Fever will play against the Seattle Storm (1-3) at 10 p.m. ET. The game will take place at Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle.

How to watch Caitlin Clark and the Fever vs. Storm

  • Live stream: WNBA League Pass

The Fever game against the Storm will only be broadcast locally in the greater Seattle area. Fans can stream the game on WNBA League Pass. Fans can get League Pass by downloading the WNBA app.

Caitlin Clark stats last game

The Fever remained winless Monday in a hard-fought game against the Connecticut Sun. Indiana lost, 88-84, though the Fever held a lead midway through the fourth quarter, and even tied the game at 84 with 30 seconds to play. Clark scored 17 points on 5-of-11 shooting, including 3 of 7 from 3-point range.

She made all four of her free throw attempts and added five assists, three rebounds and committed five turnovers. She also was called for five fouls. Clark rolled her ankle in the first half and eventually went into the locker room for treatment. She returned to the game and made some key shots down the stretch.

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    Hydro Flask Wide Mouth With Flex Straw Cap - 32 Oz. $34. $45 now 25% off. $34. $34 at Amazon. Buy. The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy ...

  26. Caitlin Clark back in action: How to watch Indiana Fever vs. Seattle

    The Fever remained winless Monday in a hard-fought game against the Connecticut Sun. Indiana lost, 88-84, though the Fever held a lead midway through the fourth quarter, and even tied the game at ...

  27. Travel on water propelled by wind (4)/383435 Crossword Clue

    The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "Travel on water propelled by wind (4)/383435/", 4 letters crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Enter a Crossword Clue. A clue is required.

  28. Journalism students will travel to Paris to cover the 2024 Summer

    Sixteen journalism students are going for the gold this summer, as the Reynolds School of Journalism prepares to travel to the Olympic Games in Paris. Along with a group of faculty members, the students will be immersed in an experiential learning environment and get the chance to report at an ...

  29. Trapped cargo ship Dali will refloat to Baltimore Monday at high tide

    Almost two months after its devastating collision with a Baltimore bridge, the trapped cargo ship Dali will refloat and travel to the Baltimore marine terminal on Monday morning, officials said.

  30. 13 McIsaac Dr, Springwater, ON L4M 4A4

    Ontario. Simcoe County. Springwater. L4M 4A4. Centre Vespra. Zillow has 27 photos of this $1,599,999 8 beds, 8 baths, 4,011 Square Feet single family home located at 13 McIsaac Dr, Springwater, ON L4M 4A4 built in 2018. MLS #40587918.