Our Next Adventure

The Ultimate Packing List for Baby Travel (+printable checklist!)

Over the years, i’ve written a lot about how to travel with a baby..

Between leaping head first into baby travel when Evelyn was 5 weeks old, to taking our special needs baby Sophie on several trips around the country, we’ve become pretty well-acquainted with the world of travel with a baby by now.

Truthfully, traveling with a baby is not all that bad. But it does require a ton of preparation for  all the things  that you might possibly need.

We’ve covered  what to pack in your carry on  before, along with  everything you need to know before flying with a baby . I’ve even shared our favorite baby travel gear and travel-friendly toys .

But one thing I haven’t covered? A comprehensive, everything-you-must-pack guide to make the whole trip with baby go extra smoothly!

travel 3 month baby

We were reminded of just how much stuff one little human can require as we prepared for our month-long adventure around Southern California . Our packing list felt endless . And I can say pretty confidently that we left nothing behind.

So let me spare you the stress of wondering “what am I forgetting” ?

Read on for our ultimate baby packing list of EVERYTHING you might ever need when traveling with a baby!  (+a free printable checklist at the bottom of this post!)

Pin it for later:.

travel 3 month baby

BabyBjorn Travel Crib | Brica Travel Bassinet | BabyZen Yoyo Stroller | BabyZen Bassinet | MiaMily Carrier | MiaMily Infant Insert | Babyzen Yoyo Adapter Clips | Doona Car Seat Stroller | MaxiCosi Car Sea t | Car Seat Travel Bag

Baby Packing List | Travel Gear

First things first, the big stuff !

You may not need all of these items for every trip, but for the most part, we bring this same travel-friendly baby gear just about everywhere we go:

  • Baby Carrier | A baby carrier is a must, even if it’s nothing more than an efficient way to move through the airport. I know not all kiddos love the carrier, but we find that having both a carrier and stroller available when we travel with Sophie is essential. You just never know when you’ll run into a place with lots of stairs or uneven sidwalks, so it’s good to have a back up that will keep you moving freely. We started out with the  ErgoBaby , but made the switch to the more lightweight and compact  MiaMily toddler carrier with Infant Insert and absolutely love it. Still on the fence? Read up and compare  all of our favorite carriers for babies and toddlers here .
  • Stroller  | Even though our carrier is indispensable, we like to have options. For newborns, I adore the Doona Car Seat & Stroller 2-in-1 . I only wish this had been around when our girls were babies because it takes so much hassle out of traveling with a baby! For us personally, we love and recommend the lightweight and carry-on compliant  Babyzen YOYO+ , which is great for older babies who can sit up on their own (don’t forget the puchase a compatible backpack carry bag – so worth it)! For newborns you can add on the bassinet pack onto the YOYO+, just keep in mind you will have to gate check the stroller with this add-on.
  • Car Seat  | Depending on where you’re going, you may or may not want to bring the car seat. If you will need one, the Maxi Cosi and  Nuna Pipa  are two that can adapt to a YOYO+ without the bassinet add-on (just get some  adapters like these , and you’re good to go!). For older babies, a popular choice is the  Cosco Scenera Next , which is super lightweight at just 10 pounds. I recommend getting a car seat bag to keep it clean while flying, and if you’re worried about it getting banged up by luggage handlers, you can upgrade to a padded car seat bag .
  • Travel Crib | We’ve always brought our own travel crib, mostly because I want our kids to feel the comfort of a familiar sleeping environment, no matter where we are. We’ve been especially happy with our  Baby Bjorn Travel Crib , which has held up with our travels all over the country these past 6 years. For infants, you can get away with a more compact option, like this Travel Pod Bassinet . And if you’re in a pinch, most family-friendly hotels will offer cribs for free, or you can rent one from a baby gear rental company, like BabyQuip . Read up on all  our favorite baby travel cribs here .

Pro Tip: Don’t want the stress of traveling with all your gear? Use BabyQuip and get bulky items like cribs, strollers, high chairs, car seats and so much more delivered straight to your hotel or rental!

travel 3 month baby

Packing Cubes | Sun Hat | Baby Socks | Moccasins | Pajamas | Boys Swimsuit | Girls Swimsuit

Baby Packing List | Clothes

Sure, babies require a lot of stuff to pack, but the one area where they don’t take up much space in the suitcase: clothes!

I use these packing cubes for everyone in the family and almost everything for baby can fit into just one:

  • Pants & Leggings  | Usually 2-3 pairs. In colder months I’ll skip the rompers and dresses, and add more leggings, pants and sweaters.
  • Shirts & Onesies | Usually 2-3 tops, adding 2-3 more in winter months.
  • Dresses or Rompers | Usually 2-3 for warmer destinations, because they’re so easy to pack and don’t require mixing and matching tops and bottoms.
  • Socks | 2-3 pairs , even in the summer months in case we end up somewhere chilly.
  • Booties or Shoes | I’ve recently become obsessed with little baby shoes, but I try to stick to one simple pair of baby moccasins that match everything for travel, like these from BirdRock Baby .
  • Hat | A must, no matter where you’re traveling, whether a sun hat for the spring and winter, or a fuzzy hat for the fall and winter.
  • Swimsuit | Only if necessary, of course. These boy and girl options from Rufflebutts are our favorites.
  • Pajamas | I stick to just 2 pairs of footie pajamas  (plus a 3rd pair worn on our travel day).

This might not seem like a lot of clothes, but if we’re traveling for more than 5 days, we’ll wash and rewear items to keep our packing light. This means making sure we have access to laundry facilities while we travel (whether it be an Airbnb with a washing machine, hotel with a laundry room, or a wash and fold laundry service nearby).

travel 3 month baby

Tommee Tippee Bottles | Formula Dispenser | Travel Mug | Slim Ice Packs | Pumping Backpack | Breast Pump Battery Pack | Bottle Cooler | Nursing/Car Seat Cover | Muslin Swaddle Blankets | Dr. Brown’s Bottle Wipes | Travel Dish Soap | Travel Bottle Drying Rac k ( similar one here ) | Stackable Snack Container | Silicone Snack Cup | Wipe-Clean Bibs | Spoon with Case | Folding Spoons | Squeeze Pouch Baby Food | Sippy Cup with Weighted Straw | Travel High Chair

Baby Packing List | Nursing & Feeding

Things change quickly with a baby, and depending on their age and feeding habits, you may need any of the following:

  • Bottles | We’ve always traveled with just two bottles and been fine. Tommee Tippee and Dr. Brown’s are our favorites.
  • Drying Rack | I love our OXO travel drying rack ( similar option here ); it’s come in handy more times than I can count! We also have a larger version of this Boon travel drying rack at home, and would highly recommend either. It’s truly one of the items you don’t think you need until you’re balancing wet bottles around a hotel sink.
  • Dish Soap | Never fails, I always forget dish soap! If you’re staying in an Airbnb, there’s no need to bring your own (unless you’re particular about what you use). But if you’re staying in a hotel, for sure pack this little travel-size one  for washing bottles!
  • Nursing Cover | There’s a good chance you’ll have little privacy for nursing during travels, and at the very least a nursing cover can help with getting little ones to fall asleep in busy places. Or for a lighter solution, a muslin swaddle is great and doubles as a blankie.
  • Breast Pump & Supplies  | It’s a pain to lug around for sure, but if you’re going to need it, consider investing in a few pieces to make pumping on-the-go easier: a special  backpack and battery pack . (and good news, the airline won’t count this against your carry on luggage allowance)
  • Cooler Bag | We love a little cooler bag with ultra-thin ice packs , or if you need room for more bottles, this Medela cooler bag is a great option too.
  • Formula Dispenser | For babies on a formula-fed diet, this little guy makes mixing bottles on the go so much easier .
  • Tall Insulated Mug  | This simple, yet useful item is a must for an on-the-go bottle warmer. Just ask your airport coffee shop to fill it with piping hot water after you get through security, and then dip your bottle in to warm milk up in no time!
  • Wipe-Clean Bib | Once baby is into solids, a wipe-and-reuse bib is awesome for on-the-go feedings.
  • Travel Spoon | Our favorite is still this one that comes with a little case for easy storage, or try these squeeze pouch food adapter spoons .
  • Snack Catcher | This travel container is perfect for little cereals you don’t want spilled all over.
  • Squeeze Pouch Baby Food | If you’re feeding while traveling, skip the mess and squeeze it from  pouch form onto the spoon!
  • Sippy Cup | We’ve tried many of the years, and these classic sippy cups from Munchkin or these sippy cups with weighted straws are both at the top of our list of favorites.
  • Bottles Wipes | It’s tough to clean bottles, pacifiers, and spoons on-the-go, but  these bottle wipes are a safe and easy way to do it when you don’t have a sink handy.
  • Travel High Chair | If you have the space for it, I can’t recommend this travel high chair enough, which folds down flat for packing. You could also opt for a cloth seat harness for an even lighter, more compact option.

travel 3 month baby

Refillable Wipes Case | Dirty Diaper Baggies | Hand Sanitizer | Hand Sanitizing Wipes | Natural Bug Spray | Sunscreen Stick | Brush & Comb Set | GoToob+ Container | 2-in-1 Shampoo and Body Wash | First Aid Kit | Inflatable Bath Tub | Travel Size Pain Reliever | Travel Size Diaper Rash Cream | Travel Size Lotion | Travel Thermometer | Nail Clipper

Baby Packing List | Health & Bath

  • Diapers | My rule of thumb is to pack a maximum of 8 diapers in the baby backpack and then buy more as soon as we arrive.
  • Travel Wipes Case | These no-frills travel wipes cases have become my favorite over the years. Like diapers, I load one up with as many as I can fit and then buy more once we’ve arrived in our destination.
  • Dirty Diaper Baggies | These dirty diaper baggies have also come in handy more times than I can count.
  • Baby First Aid Kit | We keep a super simple kit that includes only the basics, like travel-size diaper rash cream , infant pain reliever , a few bandages , a small  thermometer , nail clipper , skin cream , etc. For all those other ‘what if’s’, we’ll buy it at our destination if needed.
  • Prescription Medicines | Keep liquids in their original containers to avoid any issues with TSA, and for anything needing kept cold, we use our bottle cooler bag with ultra-thin ice packs .
  • Sunscreen | These pocket sunscreen sticks are my absolute favorite because they’re easy to apply and take up so much less space.
  • Mosquito Repellent | This natural one is our favorite. No chemicals or stink!
  • Sanitizing Wipes | Especially good for wiping down a dirty airplane seat. I always keep a small travel-size pack in the diaper backpack.
  • Hand Sanitizer | For obvious reasons, I always keep a travel-size hand sanitize r clipped to the backpack.
  • Baby Shampoo & Body Wash | This 2-in-1 combo is our favorite, filled in a small GoToob+ travel container .
  • Brush or Comb | Of course.
  • Inflatable Travel Tub | Finally, this handy inflatable bath tub is an absolute favorite of ours and has gotten way more use than I ever thought it would. It’s definitely worth the purchase if you don’t have access to a tub or your baby is not sitting up on their own yet.

Read Next: Everything You Need to Know Before Traveling with a Baby

travel 3 month baby

Portable Baby Gym (similar travel-friendly option here ) | Muslin Swaddle Blankets | Minkie Blanket | Baby Shusher | Clip-On Sound Machine | Pacifier Clips | Pacifiers | Peek-A-Boo Book | Stacking Cups | Musical Toy | Travel Crib Sheet

Baby Packing List | Play & Sleep

  • Play Mat | We’ve stayed in lots of Airbnbs with hardwood floors and little comfortable space for baby to play. I so wish this fold-and-go baby gym was around when my kids were little (or this similar travel-friendly option ).
  • Small Toys | I try to keep toys to a minimum, mostly because when you’re traveling, you’re out and about a lot anyway. Sassy brand makes a ton of my favorite simple baby toys, and I keep a little collection in one of these  mesh storage bags for easy packing.
  • Pacifiers & Pacifier Clips | We find these pacifiers with these clips  to work great!
  • Swaddle Blankets | Another must-pack item, Aden & Anais makes our favorite muslin swaddle blankets that double as a nursing cover or burp rag too.
  • Crib Sheet | Whether you bring your own travel crib or use the hotels, we like to have our own crib sheet. This crib sheet that’s designed specifically for portable cribs has traveled with us again and again.
  • White Noise Machine | We love our  Shusher and I swear it has made all the difference in helping our babies fall asleep in new places. This portable sound machine is another favorite among traveling moms.
  • Favorite Blankie | Even though it can be a bit of a pain to travel with, having a soft baby blanket sure is nice for wrapping baby up on a cold airplane or having a familiar comfort from home.

travel 3 month baby

FreshlyPicked Diaper Backpack | Passport Cover | Reusable Storage Bags | Dropper Stopper Tether (similar options here and here )

Baby Packing List |  Miscellaneous Must-Haves

  • Diaper Backpack | A good diaper bag is essential, and I can’t recommend going with a backpack style enough! Having your hands free, especially in airports, is a necessity, and this FreshlyPicked diaper backpack has travelled with us all over the world!
  • Birth Certificate or Passport | Did you know some airlines require you to show a birth certificate for your lap baby? To be safe, I always carry a copy in my wallet. And if you’re planning on traveling internationally, be sure to start the process for your baby’s passport as soon as possible.
  • Dropper Stopper Baby Tether | From toys, to bottles, to snack cups, this is our favorite item for keeping all of our baby essentials from hitting the dirty airplane floor (similar options here and here )
  • Plastic Storage Bags | Whether one-time use, or an  eco-friendly reusable , we’re always finding a need for the modest plastic storage bag. Whether for dirty clothes from a blow out incident, saving leftover snacks, keeping trinkets and keepsakes together, we’re always finding a new use for these.

Free Printable Checklist: Baby Travel Packing List!

It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve traveled with a baby, I’m always bound to forget something!

After many missed essentials, I finally created our own baby travel packing list ! We use it for every trip, and now you can use for yourself!

get it here!

travel 3 month baby

Thanks for being a subscriber!

PS. You can also find this and all of our  printable family travel planning tools exclusively for subscribers in our free resource library .

What are your must-have packing list items when traveling with baby?

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Wife and mom to two sassy little girls, Laura has been sharing her family's travels here on Our Next Adventure since 2016! Though lots has changed in both our family and the world of travel over the years, one thing remains: we love exploring new places together!

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Have Baby Will Travel

Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 3-6mos.

flying with an infant, flying with a baby, flying with infant, flying with baby, airplane with baby, airplane with infant

Flying with an infant of this age means one thing for mom (or dad)…

You’re. Busy.

But this is also one of the more rewarding and fun times to travel with your baby! They’re alert. You can usually figure out what they need when they need it. They’re still quite easily distracted.

Unlike newborns , babies of this age are at least in the beginning stages of a routine. So, while that makes your life easier as a parent, an understandable fear is blowing that routine with travel.

Both of my kids fell into a fairly structured routine at a very early age. And both adapted well to temporary changes during travel, as well as coming home.

Our Experiences Flying with a Baby 3-6 Months Old…

For us, this was a very easy time to travel with baby. Not yet mobile, still on a mostly liquid diet, and a fairly defined routine of eat and sleep times. In terms of getting around, baby is easily carted in their travel car seat used as an infant carrier, pretty content to ride in a stroller, and safe and snug in the infant carrier car seat used with or without the base .

Flying with an Infant 3-6 Months Old: Biggest Concerns

Our biggest concerns when flying with an infant this age were keeping him (quietly) busy and hoping to avoid him getting sick .

Our son was just shy of six months when we visited family in Florida, and we were flying in the height of the H1N1 pandemic. Little did we know that just over 10 years later, travel during COVID-19 would make H1N1 seem like a walk in the park.

Flying with an Infant 3-6 Months Old: The Reality

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Ok, I’m not gonna lie here… We totally lucked out.

Flying Southwest meant we had to figure out their unusual boarding procedures, but ultimately (since it wasn’t a full flight) we did not have to gate check his car seat (we didn’t buy our son a seat), and we were able to bring him on board and keep him in his seat . It’s safest for a baby to fly in a car seat , but that is not always doable for all families.

Our son nursed both times before takeoff, and passed out for pretty much both of our three-hour flights. I had a sippy of water for him to suck on in case he did not want to nurse, as well as a couple of teething biscuits for him to munch/dissolve into an indescribable goo. Neither of my kids seemed particularly bothered by their ears during take off and landing, but having a drink, snack, or pacifier to suck on (just in case) is always recommended.

Flying with an Infant 3-6 Months Old: Extra Consideration

As I mentioned, we were traveling during the the H1N1 pandemic. Paranoia was rampant about bringing kids into a germ-laden environment. I did bring anti-bacterial wipes, which I went over armrests and the tray tables with. And, because I worry, I then went over those again with our usual wipes. I was afraid of the anti-bacterial residue. Had our son actually been awake during those flights, I would have gone over the laminated safety card as well, since that was his go-to distraction whenever we first board.

As always, changes of clothes are recommended for baby and you, as well as plastic bags to put them in. Here your carry-on bag will be more full of diapers (and possibly bottles) than toys or snacks. If you’ve started solids already, the foil pouches of food are so easy to travel with (I had to pack jars). If baby is bottle-fed , the weight of pre-made formula may outweigh the convenience of not having to mix it. Personally, I’d travel with the can of formula powder. It’s easier going through security . You can mix it up with bottled water once you’re at the gate.

And, at this age, they are usually just as happy to play with the seat belt buckle or safety card than any toy you could pack for them.

Tips for Flying with an Infant 3-6 Months Old:

  • Get baby used to room temperature bottles and food, so you don’t have the additional hassle of heating en route.
  • If baby can bear weight on their legs, consider purchasing slip-on diapers. Not all airplane bathrooms have change tables. If they do they are only big enough to change a baby kitten on.
  • A cloth carrier or sling doesn’t take up much room in your carry-on and is useful to keep your hands free. This is most helpful especially if you’re flying solo. Keep in mind you’ll have to take baby out for taxi, take-off, and landing.

You will be busy and have your hands full when flying with an infant at this delightful stage. But be sure to relish how (relatively) easy they are to distract and comfort.  

And take lots of pictures if you can!

Have Baby Will Travel  is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates/Influencer Program. If you make a purchase through this site, we may receive a small commission.  Click here to check out our Amazon Store .

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  • Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with a Toddler
  • The Ulitmate Tip List: Flying with a Baby or Toddler
  • Infant Travel: Planning Your First Trip with Baby
  • Tips for Flying with a Sick Baby
  • Traveling with a Baby? It Gets Easier…
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  • Baby Travel Gear Essentials
  • 10 Dos & Don’ts for Flying with Babies & Toddlers
  • Tips for Flying with a Baby or Toddler at Every Age & Stage
  • Tips to Clear Airport Security with Babies & Toddlers

93 Responses to Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 3-6mos.

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Great tips! The only thing I would add is that it is exhausting flying with baby, so plan some rest and relaxation time for all of you right after arriving at your destination. Our youngest was three months old when we traveled to Florida, we got in late, and headed out to Kennedy first thing the next morning for a Shuttle Launch. Sure wished they had been launching a day later!

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Yes! No matter the age of your baby/toddler, it’s nice to have a free day on either end of a travel day for the inevitable “hangover” 😉

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Hi there!! Just a quick question..I’ve been reading all your blogs and I do find em very helpful. But I was Wondering if you can help me. I am flying internationally in the next couple months my baby will be 5 months old. How can I go about his stroller? I have a britax b agile and we are flying Korean Air? I tried calling the airlines and they’re not helpful language is the problem with the customer service I’m kind of getting really nervous about it. I know I probably cannot gate check my stroller so if I can check it in as luggage can I check in my car seat too? I have infant car seat and hoping to take it with us…do you think you can spare me some info? Thanks so much any help will be great I hope someone can give me some info cause I desperately been going through Internet for it…

Korean Air’s policies don’t seem much different from other airlines. You should be fine gate-checking if that’s what you choose to do. Good luck! http://www.koreanair.com/local/kr/gd/eng/cs/sn/eng_cs_sn_if.jsp

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Hi Corrine, So if the the car seat and stroller can be checked in for free, do they still allow an extra luggage for the infant, free of charge?

Thank you so much for the tips!

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Is it safe for the 5 months baby to travel internationally? The length of the flights is about 26-31 hours. Is it too long for 5 months old baby? I am afraid that the baby might be too little and if he gets weak from the trip he may get disease easily. Do I understand right .or I think too much?

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What an amazing site! I feel so lucky that I found it! I am heading to Orlando on a Sunwing charter flight in 2 weeks. After a few phones calls to the travel agent and to Sunwing, I am still confused (I know I must be stunned!) about the policy with infant car seat/stroller combinations. I have a 4 month old and wanted to gate check my Baby Trend infant seat that fits into my Baby trend snap and go stroller. Do you think this will be allowed? I cannot get a good answer about this from anyone. Thanks in advance! Love your site!

Hi Marni! If it is truly the super light snap & go then I think you should be ok in gate checking – just tell the gate agent that it’s a two-piece stroller and they should give you two gate check tags for it. People gate check Bugaboos all the time, and they fold down into two pieces.

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I bring my stroller and car seat when we travel. I have had no issues getting two gate check tickets. I do however place my car seat in a bag because it can get pretty nasty if you don’t. Lesson learned the hard way.

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Hi, I’m travelling from Dublin to Portugal with my 4 month old daughter. The flight isn’t long-3 hours but it falls right at her bedtime. My concern is will she transition from the plane, to the buggy,to the car, to the buggy, to bed ok?!!!! Any tips on helping her to sleep on through the night. She’s such a good baby at night I fear for her routine 🙁

Hi Julie! Certainly the safest and surest way for her to fall asleep is to have her own seat with her car seat/infant carrier installed, and then that way if she does drop off you won’t need to life her and transport her during all your “legs.” If that’s not an option, I suggest being as prepared as possible–don’t shift or disturb her from the plane until you’re ready to exit, and if you’ve safely done the transfer to buggy, don’t transfer to the car seat until you and the seat are all set, so once she’s in you’re off again. Same as once you’ve arrived–don’t take her out of her car seat until the bed’s ready for her to be put down in it. In my experience, the minimum amount of disturbance surrounding the necessary transfers really helped my guys transfer more easily. Good luck!

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There are really very useful tips that you shared with us and its important travel tips for flying with an infant.must follow this tips when parents travel in plane with kids.

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Thanks for all the great tips!

Quick question: if I want to bring the car seat on the plane for my 5 month old to sleep in, do I have to pay for her seat (I.e. pay for her flight)?

If you want to be assured of a seat for your daughter, you will need to pay for it. Check with your airline to see if they offer discounted fares for infants or children. Some still do!

Good luck and have a great flight!

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Hello! I love this site. I am traveling alone with my 6 month old soon. Do you have any recommendations on the best ways to nurse without flashing or offending people. I have a regular light sheet cover-up with the neck loop but sometimes the baby swipes it off to the side with her hands. Thanks for any suggestions!

Honestly Dani, I have nursed in airports and on airplanes — as discretely as I could since my littles hated covers too — and no one batted an eye. I felt most comfortable in actual “nursing” wear, so I invested in a couple of nursing tops that revealed really little except that bit that the baby usually covers 🙂 Good luck and try not to sweat it! If worse comes to worse, if you don’t make eye contact with anyone besides your baby, you won’t know if you’re getting the stink eye.

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We had a stroller that fit in the carry on luggage it was the best thing ever, especially as airports are huge and you can use to right up to the gate :). Although the flight attendants always think it is to big till we folded it up.

I’ll have to check that out, Ashley–thanks!

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Do you recall the brand ?

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I’m guessing it’s the GB Pockit stroller. Worth every penny if you travel fairly often or visit theme parks/zoos with lots of walking and designated stroller parking far away from attractions (like Disneyworld). It goes on sale on Amazon once in a while ($125).

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Hello Ladies, I am traveling tomorrow from NY to Aruba for the first time with my 5 month old, husband and family. I have asked a lot of my fellow mommy friends for tips and suggestions on traveling with an infant. Almost every single tip was covered here Corrine’s blog and your further suggestions. However something I found online and everyone has raved about its convenience for your little one is the Flyebaby travel hammock! I purchased it and plan to use it as we have a total of 6.5 hours in the air tomorrow! My son LOVES to lay back and have face to face time as he wiggles and squirms and this will allow him to do just that! Check it out! and I will let you all know if it lives up to all the hype! http://flyebaby.com/

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Hi. Flight attendants on Amazon have warned that the Flyebaby travel hammock is not FAA approved, is not safe and is not allowed on airplanes. I would suggest nobody purchase this as any quality airline will not allow you to take it on board and it is very dangerous for your baby.

Thank you, Gail! Not sure how I missed that comment and yes–I absolutely would never recommend that product.

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I’ll be flying from north carolina to Texas. It’s a fairly short plane ride 2 hours each flight so 4 in total with a 1 hour layover. My son will be just turning 3 months, he is extremely colic, so I’m petrified he will cry and cry and I won’t be able to do anything to help him calm down. Last thing I want is a plane full of angry people. Any advice for flying with a colic baby? (He is breast fed/ gets breast milk in a bottle) but when he is in one of his moods he will cry through the feeding!

So long as you are attempting to soothe your son, don’t worry about anything or anyone around you. If he seems to be in pain due to ear pressure, don’t hesitate to offer infant pain relief medication. It may be a long flight for you, so try to psyche yourself up for it and hope for the best. Good luck!

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hi Corinne , your tips are really helpful, thank you! question, can your spouse or siblings (not traveling ) help you go through the security, or is there a certain point to where they have to stop and cant make you company ?

Hi Wendy! Unfortunately, your spouse or siblings will not be able to accompany you through security.

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Hi! Great site! We are currently expecting and due in August 2016.We had planned to fly to Australia from Scotland in December 2016 – is this too far for a 3 month old?

Not too far but would definitely be a long one. At 3mos. your baby may already be in a routine, so try to mimic that as best you can (meal and nap times) while you’re en route. Good luck!

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Hi Corinne – We’re taking our 4 month old to India from NYC next week to meet the family. Our first leg of the trip is 14 hours to Dubai and then another 4 hours to our my hometown in India. We’re there for about 36 hours and then take off to attend a wedding (another 4 hour flight and a 4 hour car journey). I’m reconsidering all this at the last minute as I’m getting extremely nervous and am worried for the baby. He’s a very active baby on a good schedule, mostly sleeping through the night. Is this travel insane for him? Should we consider canceling some of it? Any advice you have to give would be very much appreciated.

Don’t cancel! Your baby is still young enough to not be TOO affected by all the time change and travel time. Try to stick to a semblance of a routine as best you can, and prepare to have a rough week or so getting back to normal. Babies are typically more resilient than we are, and your little guy will end up all the more flexible for his adventures.

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Hello I want to travel with my baby when she is 3 months but hear that is a time when they go through a huge spurt. I know it’s not set in stone but I’m afraid to risk it and travel while she’s not in her space of comfort Is going when she is 9-10 weeks easier

Hi Meleny! A few weeks here or there won’t really make much of a difference. So long as you have all her comfort items (and you!) at the ready, she will be just fine. Have a great trip!

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Hi there, I am also planning to take my 4 month old to india from nyc to attend a wedding. I am very nervous and thinking whether I should cancel my trip. Please let me know your experience. Thanks!

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I’m thinking of flying to Spain with my little one. By that time he will be almost 6 months old. Is flying from New York to Spain which is around a 6 hour flight to much for my little one. Is it safe at this age?

Hi Ahinoa! Your trip sounds great and 6 hours is not too long to fly with a 6-month-old. Just make sure you’re prepared and all will be well!

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Hi Corinne! I will be flying out from Seattle to Texas sometime in April with my 3 month old infant. (He will be 5 months when we fly). I’ve read one of the previous comments and I was curious of the baby’s ears can hurt by the pressure. So I was wondering if I was to buy an ear muff for my LO, would it help? And I was also curious if I would have to pay for us to bring his carseat?

Hi Naomi! The pressure doesn’t damage their ears, but it can really hurt. Ear muffs won’t do much, but the act of swallowing can help, which is why it’s recommend to give a bottle or pacifier or nurse during take-off and landing. Most airlines will allow you to gate-check a car seat free of charge, and I recommend transporting it in a padded travel bag, since baggage handlers aren’t always very gentle with your belongings. Have a great flight!

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What a great website! Im planning to have long holiday with my baby next month, will be 4,5 months when we travel. We will travel from auckland to singapore ( 12 hours) and i will travel without my husband. We booked car seat. I just wonder if my baby will be ok sleep on car seat for that long? Would he be fine with his back? and im so worry with other passangers if he is cranky during flt so im so nervous. Also.. any tips on how i will carry that car seat to the airplane and pass the security? While i will also have my trolley? As i dont wanna miss anything that i might need during the flight. Thanks

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I’ll be traveling with my five month old next week. We didn’t buy her a plane ticket. But can we still bring a car seat if there’s vacant seats on the plane? And do lap infant have a seat belt?

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Flying from TN to AZ in March with my 6 month old. What are the dos and don’ts of checked baby baggage? Food, formula, diaper rash cream, etc.

Make sure your carry-on is packed with more than you think you’ll need for the duration of your travel day. Keep all of baby’s items together to present for inspection when going through security. You don’t have to abide by the liquid restriction rules when travel with baby but you do need to justify everything you’re bringing. Have a great flight!

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Hi’ I have a 4 month little boy and am flying to Hawaii at the end of February with him. I was wondering if you happen to know if Alaska Airlines allows the flyebaby? I want to order one because I think that will be great to put him in for the 5 hour plane ride but I want to make sure that he will be able to use it for the majority of the plane ride. Thank you!!

Hi Taylor. I wouldn’t use one of those things. Either purchase a seat for your son and he can ride in his car seat, or resign yourself to holding a lap infant for the duration of the flight. If you’re not flying solo, you can spell each other off. Have a great flight!

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Hai , I am planning to travel with my 6 month old baby from boston to india. It’s long hour journey ..will it be safe fot my baby pls let me know thank u

Perfectly safe for baby, but a long flight required lots of preparation–not the least of which includes enough food and diapers. Good luck!

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Hello to Everyone i am travelling in April with my 5 months old baby. i have no idea how it ll be with 5 months old. Is it safe for baby to travel like 13 hours flight? Can i have some information regarding this situation please? Thank you

13 hours is a long flight, make sure you’re prepared with enough food and diapers, and hopefully you won’t be flying alone so you can take a break!

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Hi Corinne! I will be traveling to Abu Dhabi and Dubai from San Diego. I have a 4 month old son who screams and fights sleep all the time! I am also thinking he is very colicky because he is very fussy all the time. I am kind of waiting it out till he is 6 months so that he is a bit matured, or does it really matter? I know I should purchase his own seat and also I am planning on taking a stroller that turns into a bassinet just in case he falls asleep. Also the thing is my little one won’t sleep unless he is swaddled and hears white noise, otherwise he will be screaming at the top of his lungs! He is the most fussiest baby in the world! Do you think I should still pursue my travel plans? Also since it’s my first time visiting this country, I don’t think we can take tours cause I have a fussy baby! What should I do? Is this trip worth going to?

I don’t think waiting will change much! If it’s any consolation, airplanes are quite noisy and you may find the hum of the engine kind of works as a white noise machine–certainly you can swaddle and hold him. You might be better off seeing if you can arrange for a car or taxi to do your own tours at your own pace. That way you can call it quits if baby is not cooperating and at the very least you can operate on your own time frame. Good luck!

Aww thank you Corinne! Yes I agree with you in regards in doing our own tours or taxi to get around, that would be the best thing to do! I will see what I can do to make it work, if not I guess I will wait till he gets a bit older.

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We never purchased a seat for our son until we had two. Honestly, if we had he would have just ended up in mom’s lap anyways. And he has always been a great traveler. He’s quiet, except for fits of giggles, never cries, and sleeps for most of the time.

Unfortunately we had one incident with a guy being disgusted at my wife breast-feeding when he joined us in our row. She was even completely covered. For all he knew she was doing magic tricks under there. But he made a disgusted sound, and ultimately asked to move. I had to bite my tongue very hard.

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Hi there, I just came across your site and thank goodness! I love all the information and it’s been so helpful in getting ready for our first flight with a baby! I exclusively pump for my 4 month old and i’m nervous about flying with pumped breastmilk. I tried calling the airline I’m flying with but honestly they didn’t help much at all they just said I can bring some. Any idea how much I can bring? How I should store it? I have a small cooler bag for it but should I put it in bags? or bottles? Help!

Wowza–good for you for exclusively pumping. The rules about breast milk are the same for any other liquid when traveling with an infant under 2. You aren’t restricted by the amount you can bring, but it’s easiest and best if you keep it all together in whatever vessel you prefer. Bring as much as you think you’ll need and extra to see you through any delays. Will baby take the breast or do you supplement with formula at all? Would be ideal if you had some kind of back up as well.

My son’s first flight (cross-country) wasn’t until he was 6 months old. Luckily he was always very well behaved. We didn’t bother buying him a seat for his car seat as he always wanted to be on mom or dad anyways. We found breast feeding helped a lot at take off and landing, he never cried. Also, he generally just fell right asleep for the duration of the flight.

But of course there was one issue with a guy who was supposed to next to us being very displeased with mom breastfeeding (even though it was even under a cover). But we’ll just leave that be.

Awesome to hear. Thanks for sharing!

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Hi Corinne. I have a 3 month old and she will be just turning 4 months when I travel with her and my mom to Michigan. It is a 2 hour time difference. Currently she sleeps through the night…10pm to 7am. I am very stressed/worried that she will be thrown off and stop sleeping through the night. For istance, our flight out leaves at 7am…when she would usually wake up, but we will have to leave for airport around 430 am so, I will have to get her in carseat to airport etc. I am worried that waking her for the travel to the airport will mess up her full night sleep schedule I am exclusively breastfeeding and nurse to sleep at night, but she is such a good night sleep I don’t want to undo that….suggestions? Thoughts?

Hi Reyna! She may get thrown off for a day or two, but at 4mos you will have plenty of time to get back on track. The night before your flight, put her to bed in her travel clothes (should be comfy enough for sleep anyway) and if she is like mine were, you will have a few hours yet before a diaper change is necessary. Lift her straight from her bed into the car seat, and (fingers crossed) she won’t stir too much. If she stays awake, she may drift off again as you drive to the airport or when your flight is taking off. Try to stay on schedule for the remainder of the day, even if that means waking her from a nap that she went down late for. Stick to your usual routines while you’re away and you may have a few “off” days but it shouldn’t take too long to get back on track. Good luck!!!

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Hi, I’m flying from CA to NYC on Saturday with my 4.5 month old. I am very nervous about the almost 6 hour flight. I am nursing so don’t have to worry about bringing food. However what other staples besides diapers and wipes do you recommend for a 6 hour flight with a baby that age?

Will they let me nurse during take off and landing ?

Hi Allison! If baby will not be in his/her own seat, they will ask you to hold baby in a specific way during take-off and landing, which some believe to be possible to nurse in that position, but it’s not your traditional “cradle” hold. But the pressure may not affect your baby’s ears so nursing during that time is not a must. It is the act of swallowing that helps, so if baby takes a pacifier make sure to have one (or several) on hand and it might be a good idea to invest in one of those clips since they tend to get dropped so often. At 4.5 months you don’t have to really worry about toys or games or snacks, but don’t forget a change of outfit for baby and at least a clean top for you as well, because whatever mess baby may make, it will likely be on your lap 🙂 Have a great trip!!

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Have you had any issues when using a infant carrier/car seat and having the seat in front of the car seat not being able to recline? Going on our first trip (flying Southwest) and dreading having to tell someone that they can’t recline their seat.

If you are traveling Southwest (or any other US airline governed by the FAA) your infant’s need to be rear-facing overrides any reclining “rights” PLease read this post: https://havebabywilltravel.com/2014/10/20/using-car-seats-planes/ and print out the FAA regs. so you’ll be prepared once you’re on board. Good luck!!

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Hi Corrine. Thanks for the great info. I am a little confused about my situation. I don’t have an infant car seat. I have a kind of bulky 3 in 1. I normally carry my 4 month old in my wrap when we are out and about. I will be traveling from GA to MA. I don’t know if I should bring my lightweight stroller or my car seat in which I would purchase this TRAVELMATE car seat travel stroller. Although he prefers to be in my wrap, occasionally he doesnt want to be in it so Id like to bring something to put him in and it also helps when I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be traveling alone with him. Thanks for all your good tips.

Hi Carolina!

I agree, the bulky 3-in-1 isn’t ideal to travel with. Did you buy him a seat? It might be worthwhile to invest in a lightweight car seat used specifically for travel, but you can’t bring it on board unless you’ve purchased him a seat. Also, if you’re traveling alone you won’t want to leave in in the car seat alone while you went to the bathroom. Do you have a more structured carrier than the wrap to use? I know I “wore” my kids in the bathroom more than once. Not ideal but thank goodness for elastic waist pants!

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Hi, Corrine,

Great tips! I’m traveling solo with my 3.5m/o. I don’t see anything about carseat bases. Obviously, I will definitely need to bring a carseat to get her around Texas, but do I need to bring the base for the carseat as well? A base, carrier and stroller, plust carry-on, diaper bag and ergobaby carrier seem like A LOT to travel with solo! Also, do you know if the airline will count my lightweight overhead stroller (mtnbuggy) as a carry-on? I am hoping they’ll let me check-in the carrier at the gate, but i’d like to keep the stroller and my carry-on with me, as well as the diaper bag. So much! I’m already dreading this trip, but I would love to bring baby with me if it isn’t going to be toooo overwhelming and stressful. /c:

Hi Brenda! Best bet is to use an infant carrier car seat that can also be used without the base. The install might be a bit tricky, but is just as safe as when installed with the base. Good luck!

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Hi.. we are to deliver a baby in Nov 18 to 24 and want to know if I can take the baby after three months on a 24 hour travel through flight ?

It will be a long flight for everyone, most especially you! But it is totally fine, just be prepared to be tired 🙂

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Hi I am planning for a trip with my 4month boy and the flight is for 3hrs layover for 1hr then flight for 1hr and then a by road for 5hrs will it be to hectic for my baby and what all can i do to make the journey most comfortable for both of us keeping in mind that the baby is just satisfied with breastfeeding

He should be ok–at 4mos. he will not yet be mobile and the fact that he is exclusively breastfed also makes things easier. YOU will need to make sure you eat and drink enough to keep up your supply. The layover and short flight will be hectic and will probably zoom by. During the first flight try to rest as much as possible. If you’re on the road in a car, see if it’s possible to stop occasionally to feed and change him. Good luck!

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Great tips,but I dont believe I would be this fortunate with my 5 almost 6 month old.My mom is wanting to fly my lo anf I to Dallas to visit.Its only a 1-2hr flight I believe,from Midland to Dallas,however my babygirl dont do well being in such close quarters,with strangers,or loud noises,and is not consolable when she gets to crying and screaming,in fact it makes it worse,no matter what I do.Nothing works,not even breastfeeding her.I have tried everything I could think of.

Hi, Sharee… If possible, try to book your flight at a time when she is most cheerful and easily distracted. If you try to go at nap times and she’s over-stimulated it might make things worse. Best of luck to you!

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It’s my first time going on vacation with a baby. He will almost be 4 months. We are going to San Francisco..I’m not sure what to do when we go sight seeing. We aren’t renting a car it will be cheaper to taxi or Uber than pay for hotel parking . So do I just take his stroller that his car seat can sit on and use that while going around the town? I was told not to take my big stroller and just take an umbrella stroller. Idk what to do. Advice is needed

Hi Stacia! It depends on how big your “big stroller” is. Something like the Uppababy Vista is considered big but if the seat’s off and the car seat can snap in the frame is not bulky at all and could fit in the trunk of your cab or Uber. If you’ll be doing lots of walking and sightseeing, a stroller that you like pushing and your baby finds comfortable to ride in is key. A decent umbrella stroller that reclines is great for older babies and toddlers, but at 4 months your little guy will need extra support and comfort. Another option is to buy one of those frames that are not strollers at all but specifically for snapping a car seat into, but I don’t know how those will be for you if you’ll be putting a lot of miles in sightseeing. Always a good idea to pack a lightweight carrier or sling as well to give you and baby another option. Have a great trip!!

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Hi Corinne, flying with 6 month baby from Boston to manila in Jan. Concerned that we’ll mess up his sleep routine. Our flight is 1:30 am and arrives 6 am in Hongkong. He is breastfed and we have not started solids. Should we start solids soon? We will be back in Boston after 4 weeks so he’d be 7 months by then. I am traveling with my parents and sister, but without my husband. Wonder what we should prepare for the flighy as well.

Your trip sounds amazing! You will be gone for a long time, and I would probably think about starting a few solids–maybe ones that you can take with you or won’t change formulations much between countries like instant cereal or ripe, mashed bananas and avocados. At 6-7mos. their main nutrition is still breast milk or formula but this will get him used to the idea. Your routine will certainly be off for a few days, but keep in mind you can’t force someone to sleep but you can (sometimes) keep them awake. In a perfect world he will sleep for much of the flight, but if not he will certainly be tired and ready to nap at (likely) odd times. Once you arrive try to keep to local time as much as possible right away. And keep him busy with lots of fresh air and daylight when he’s supposed to be awake and keep lights and stimulation low when he’s supposed to be sleeping. Good luck!!

Oh yes, if you will be needing his car seat and stroller while you are in Manila, you should definitely bring them with you–unless you can borrow or rent what you’ll need when you arrive.

Also should we take his car seat and stroller? He has a bassinet reserved on the plane.

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Hi, I’m flying from North Carolina to California with a 9 yr old and 5 months old. I chose to ergo baby carry my daughter. How does take off and landing work? TIA

Hi Nicole! For takeoff and landing you will have to take your daughter out of the Ergo and hold her in the “burping” position on your lap. Have a great flight!

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Hello, I really like your site and it has been very helpful in preparing for our trip. My husband and I are planning a trip to Europe and at that time our son will be 16 months old and we will have our other son who will be 3 months old. So, we were planning on bringing a double stroller with one car seat on board. How would that have to be checked in? Also do you recommend that we get one seat for the car seat and have our 16 month old in our lab or get two seats? The flight should be around 8 hours or so…We were told that the airlines offer a bassinet type gear for infants who are 3 months and that the bassinet is placed with us. Do you know anything about that? Anyway before we make the commitment and purchase the tickets we wanted some advise…Any advise or info you can offer us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you… Georgina

Hi Georgina! If you can swing it, I definitely recommend purchasing at least one additional airplane seat for your sons, and you will have to install a car seat for whichever baby will be sitting in it. The bassinet is a great option for your littlest one, but I’m not sure which car seat you were planning on bringing on board. Certainly you can get the bassinet for your little guy and bring on board a convertible seat for the additional seat you purchased for your older son. If you still need to bring a car seat for your little one you could gate check that along with the stroller, although I recommend using a padded travel bag to protect it. Best case scenario is you get the bassinet AND additional seat for your older guy. Usually they are in the bulkhead seating area which usually costs a bit more, but some airlines (still) don’t charge for this (which is nice!) Hope I actually helped and didn’t confuse you further!

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No no no no no.

Do not fly with your baby unless you have no choice — as in you’re moving or emigrating. Do not torture hundreds of people for hours and hours because you can’t accept that babies have no self-control and that this will affect your life for some time.

I am a mother. I have needs, and I take care of them. I also recognize that I live in a society with other people. When my child was an infant, she was a big screamer for a long time. So here’s what I did: I recognized that there would be many years in which I could sit for hours in coffeeshops, and fly places with my child, but that this was not that time.

A few days ago I was on a two-hour flight with an infant who screamed like its parents were strangling and beating it for an hour. Every damn person on that plane had to share in the anxiety and unhappiness for a solid half hour at each end. It became clear that the baby was reacting to cabin pressurization and depressurization — its ears hurt, poor thing, and all because its parents were so selfish that they couldn’t wait a while to jet off again.

Some of the people on that flight may have needed sleep. Some may have been traveling with migraines, or nausea, or some other kind of pain worsened by having to listen to screaming that went on and on and on. NOBODY needed the stress those two parents generated by bringing their infant along.

DON’T DO IT. It’s selfish and anti-social. Wait till your child is older and can travel well — you’ll enjoy your family vacations then without making everyone else pay.

Might I suggest these for the next time you have to venture out into society: Noise Cancelling Headphones

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Hello Corinne

Nice Article you share with us.

Needs to know you What to pack in the diaper bag ???

Diapers – 03 – 04 depending on how long the journey is. More if your baby has looses or poops more often than others. Wet wipes – Buy a small pack for travelling purposes or keep aside a packet of wet wipes that has been used 75% to optimise the space in your bag. Washcloth – 2 or 3 2 X Change of clothes for the baby to be on the safe side (depends on how long the flight is). Cap in case it gets cold for the baby in the flight Extra blanket Medicines – as mentioned above Small pack of baby cream Rattles Pacifier Expressed breast milk in a bottle (if you don’t want to breastfeed on the flight) or formula, if formula fed. Bib, if carrying feed in a bottle. Mosquito roll on or patches, for travelling after. Hand sanitiser Nursing bib or shrug, if not wearing already. Comb and other essentials Hand cream for the mother (you can use the baby cream as well) Lip balm for the mother Small bottle of drinking water (use when water not available at the airport or flight). Wet bag (for soiled clothes or if using cloth diapers). Nursing pads for the mother 2 zip locs, just in case Any other essentials of the mother (carry your essentials also in the diaper bag and travel light). Mosquito net for the stroller / car seat for travel later. Ring Sling, if you’re a baby wearing mother. Change of clothes for yourself and the person accompanying you (if).

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Hi Corinne,

I read everything what your respond to concerning mothers for their infant child.

All of it made sense. I’m the GrandPa of my granddaughter… thanks for the advise your answered does answered the questions.. 🙂

Have a good day ma’am… GrandPa

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Hi, I’m new to this site but it all seems so insightful we are planning a trip to Vegas for October because my husband has a conference there so we decided to bring my friend that has a baby 12 days younger than my own to help with baby and watch her for a night or two while were there my question is if were only taking a taxi to get to and from the airport do I need to take a carseat my biggest dilemma being that it would then mean wed have to take two cabs 3 adults and 2 6mo olds

Hi Bethany! As strange as it may sound, it’s perfectly legal in most cities to ride in the back seat of a taxi with a baby or toddler on your lap. So there is really no need to bring a car seat if you would just be doing those two trips and you are comfortable with the idea of doing that.

However, I’m sure in Vegas you would be able to hire a car service or arrange for other airport transfer services like a shuttle bus. With the car service you could likely arrange to have one with a car seat installed. With a shuttle bus, car seats typically can’t be installed anyway.

Hope this helps and have a wonderful trip!

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I have recently booked a flight, hopefully this prepares me enough for the flight !

Tell us how it goes, Lana! Have a great trip and stay safe 🙂

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So helpful Corinne! Our first flight with baby is a casual 6 hour flight. We have our work cut out for us! These tips were helpful to make me feel a bit more at ease in the planning.

Have a great trip!

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” Flying with a baby is a major headache on its own. I wouldn’t say I like flying as it is, but things become all the more difficult with a baby. “

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I really like your site and it has been very helpful in preparing for our trip.

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37 best travel tips for traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler.

traveling with an infant

Family travel is exciting for you and your kids and can create special memories that last a lifetime, whether you’re off on an adventure abroad or simply going to visit Grandma. But traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler requires a little extra preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable trip. We’ve got the answers to common questions surrounding baby travel—short and long—plus a list of all the essentials and 37 tips for traveling with the little ones!

How Soon Can You Travel With a Newborn Baby?

When is it safe to travel with a newborn? It’s always wise to check with your healthcare provider before traveling with an infant. Your provider will likely offer specific guidance on whether you should or shouldn’t travel with your little newborn, depending on your little’s one's age and health status, as well as more general advice on when you can travel with a baby or older child. Whenever you do end up traveling with your little one, keep some safety precautions in mind. Your child is still developing their immune system, so it’s important to take protective measures, especially when flying or in crowded locations, such as

frequently washing hands

using hand sanitizer

avoiding visibly ill travelers.

Besides these basic safety precautions, keep reading for more tips on traveling with infants, plus older babies and toddlers, which include additional measures that will help keep your little one healthy, safe, and comfortable.

37 Tips for Traveling With an Infant, Older Baby, or Toddler

There are many ways you can help keep your infant, older baby, or toddler safe while traveling, and ensure that the trip is comfortable for all involved. It’s best to always consult with your child’s healthcare provider before traveling, especially with newborns or infants. Younger babies are more vulnerable than older babies and toddlers, so consider the provider’s advice and tips for traveling with an infant. Knowing how to travel with an infant isn’t much different from knowing how to travel with an older baby or toddler, but age can impact strategy. For example, traveling with a toddler opens up more opportunities for activities on your trip! You’ll probably notice that traveling with a 2-year-old is a lot more interactive than when your little one was just 3 or 6 months old. To cover all the bases, we’ve included 37 tips for traveling with babies of any age, but some apply more to younger babies, like infants and newborns, whereas others are more geared toward older babies and toddlers. However, all are worth considering when traveling with kids of any age and whether you’re flying to Paris or hopping in the car for a day trip.

1. Update Immunizations

Before you travel, including by car, on an airplane, or anywhere abroad, ensure your baby has had all the necessary immunizations. Following an immunization schedule is key to keeping your little one healthy throughout their life and, of course, when traveling. If you plan to travel abroad, be aware that some countries require additional vaccinations. You’ll want to consult your child’s healthcare provider for specific advice before planning any overseas trips, and you can contact the U.S. State Department for general information. As children will need immunizations and boosters throughout their early years, this tip also applies to travel with infants, older babies, and toddlers.

2. Consult Your Child’s Healthcare Provider

Remember that your baby’s healthcare provider is your ally and a great source of information. Don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions about traveling with an infant or how to best travel with a baby of any age. If you’re thinking of traveling with a newborn, the provider may suggest waiting in some cases, such as if your little one has an underlying health condition or was born prematurely.

3. Collect Medications and Important Documents

Before setting off on your adventure, remember to pack any medication your child will need while away from home. You can also purchase a sturdy folder to keep any important documents, such as your baby’s vaccination record, copies of recent medical reports, passport, etc. When traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and bring everything you might need!

4. Do Some Research

One of the best tips for traveling with newborns or older babies and toddlers is to hunt for and gather relevant information ahead of time. Besides things like looking up vaccination requirements, you can also research details about accommodations and activities. Some hotels offer amenities that may come in handy when traveling. For example, if you’re breastfeeding your baby , you might want a refrigerator in your hotel room to store extra milk.

5. Allow Extra Time

Always remember that traveling with an infant or baby of any age means everything will take a little more time (or sometimes a lot more time!). Be sure to start early and allow extra time when packing the car or getting to the airport, going through security, checking into your accommodation, eating out, etc. This additional time makes for a smooth trip and also helps keep stress to a minimum.

6. Bring Those Baby Essentials

Although your research may reveal that hotels or accommodations offer some basic baby necessities, it’s best to bring as much as you can with you. For example, if a hotel offers cribs, unless you can guarantee that their baby cribs are up to date on safety requirements, it’s better to bring your own travel crib if you’re able to do so. Other travel essentials for your baby include bottles, bibs, diapers and wipes , pacifiers, etc. Keep these in a separate diaper bag for easy access! Our baby travel checklist below includes all these items and more.

7. Don’t Forget Favorite Toys or Blankets

Your little one is still getting used to the world around them, so bring some reminders of home to soothe any discomfort when in unfamiliar places. A favorite plush toy, a familiar rattle, or a blanket with home scents can do wonders in keeping your babies and toddlers comfortable when traveling, so be sure not to leave Mr. Rabbit (or any other "lovey") at home!

8. Double Check Car Seats

Whether traveling with your infant, older baby, or toddler by car or plane, double-check any car seats you use for safety . Look up the expiration date to make sure the seat hasn’t expired, and ensure that it’s properly installed.

9. Keep Feedings and Sleep Schedules Consistent

When traveling with babies, especially newborns and infants, it’s best to keep feeding and sleep schedules consistent, even when crossing into other time zones. It’s hard for children to adjust to new routines, and a little consistency will do wonders. If you’re moving across several time zones and it’s impossible to stick to the same feeding times, try to adjust your schedule gradually. However, what’s most important is feeding your baby when they’re hungry, regardless of the hour, and giving yourself some extra grace.

10. Bring a First-Aid Kit

In addition to all your essential must-have items, it’s also helpful to have your baby’s first-aid kit with you when traveling. You can keep one in the car, diaper bag, or your little baby’s overnight bag. Do you have all the baby necessities in your diaper bag? Take our quiz below to find out!

11. Wash Hands Frequently

Although briefly mentioned above, this is one of the most important tips for traveling with an infant or child of any age, and it deserves a friendly reminder! Because your little one is still building their body’s natural immune defenses, they’re more susceptible to catching colds, flu, or other infections. And because you’ll be carrying your newborn while traveling or holding your baby’s hand, it’s best for you to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.

12. Stay Hydrated

Traveling in general, but especially traveling by plane, is dehydrating to the body. Staying hydrated yourself means staying healthy and alert for your child. To keep your newborn hydrated, you’ll want to feed them more often (if needed), and older babies and toddlers will need sips of water throughout the day. Hydration is also very important if your little one has diarrhea while traveling, which is common.

13. Bring Disposable or Hybrid Diapers

When you’re traveling, nothing beats the convenience of disposable diapers. Another option is a hybrid system, like Pampers Pure Hybrid Starter Kit, which uses reusable covers and disposable inserts to cut down on waste.

14. Provide Entertainment

You may find that your newborn sleeps through much of the trip, but that probably won’t be the case for an active older baby or toddler! When traveling with a baby who’s a bit older and more alert, it helps to provide some form of entertainment, whether in the car, on the train, or on an airplane. A soft toy or a picture book work well.

15. Bring Food and Snacks

You don’t have to travel with a baby to know that meals and snacks are an important part of any outing! You’ll need to breastfeed or bring formula, of course, supplemented by solid foods once your little one has been introduced to solids at around 6 months. Good travel food for babies can be anything they regularly eat—the point is to keep their tummy happy!

16. Sing Songs

Singing is a wonderful way to bond and engage with your baby or toddler. It’s an entertaining way to pass the time on long car drives, for instance, and has the added bonus of helping to boost vocabulary as well as other important language skills and developmental milestones for babies . Before long your not so little one will be singing along and repeating their favorite songs, again and again.

17. Plan Car Games

In addition to singing songs, keep your little one entertained with some fun car games. Your toddler may enjoy the classic game I Spy or even counting things (with your help) they see out the window, like cows or red cars. Another idea is to build or purchase a travel tray, a simple tray that connects to the back of one of the front seats and provides lots of things to touch, look at, and listen to!

18. Pack Bedding From Home

When possible, pack bedding for your baby or toddler, which, of course, is easier when traveling by car or when you have extra space in your suitcase. Familiar feels and scents will help keep them at ease as they experience a disruption to their usual routine. If you’re flying far on a plane, just grab something small, like their favorite blanket or bedsheet, to help them feel “at home.”

19. Provide Extra Attention

Traveling with a baby or an older child often interrupts typical at-home routines, and your little one will probably need more attention from you. Some tips include extra hugs and snuggles during the day and at night, plus bringing interactive games and activities into the mix.

20. Maintain a Typical Meal Routine

Although traveling is a great time to try new foods or allow some “treats,” try to stick to your usual meal routines as much as possible. Let your older baby or toddler know that traveling can include trying new food while at the same time continuing to eat healthy foods and maintain normal mealtimes.

21. Look for Specials

Many accommodations and restaurants offer special prices or deals for families, which can help reduce costs. “Kids stay free” is a common feature; you can also see if a hotel provides complimentary meals or packaged discounts for kids and families. Consider working with a travel club or agency that can help you coordinate a trip with children in mind.

22. Ask for Assistance

With a baby, travel isn’t always an easy task to accomplish on your own. If your little one is feeling extra fussy on the plane or train and you’ve run out of ideas, ask an attendant if they have anything special for babies or young kids, such as a picture book or a pack of crayons. If you need a changing pad in your hotel room, call the front desk. It really does take a village, and many travel clubs, airlines, hotels, and more offer special assistance for kids and families!

23. Pack for the Weather

Take a look at the weather report before you leave and pack accordingly. Consider bringing some extra layers for cooler night temperatures or extra supplies in case of rain or snow. Socks, rain covers, a warm jacket, and a hat will all come in handy if the weather takes an unexpected turn.

24. Take Preventive Measures

It’s not unusual for an illness or another health-related issue to pop up when you’re on the go and away from home. Colds and sore throats, diarrhea, car sickness, mosquito bites or bedbug bites —all these scenarios are possible with any kind of travel, including travels with your baby. Although you might not be able to completely prevent all these issues, it helps to prepare. You can do so by

getting necessary vaccinations before traveling

checking hotel rooms, bus seats, or train cars for bedbugs

bringing your own food or eating only hot food that’s thoroughly cooked

eating only a light snack before traveling to lessen motion sickness

staying hydrated.

25. Remember Special Considerations When Flying

Don’t forget that flying with a child will require some extra steps. If you have any questions, consult your little one’s healthcare provider and contact the airline. For example, all equipment like car seats and strollers will need to be visibly inspected at the airport. Read more about air travel in our article about flying with babies .

26. Plan Age-Appropriate Trips

Of course, traveling with a 1-year-old is going to be a little different than traveling with a 2-month-old! It helps to plan a trip that works for your child’s specific age, so if you’re traveling with a 9-month-old baby, think of something to do that meshes well with their abilities and interests. A simple trip going to visit grandparents or where there are lots of playgrounds is all you really need! But, of course, kids love playing outdoors or at the beach, so see more suggestions on where to travel with a baby at the end of the article.

27. Plan Breaks

For travel of any kind, remember that kids need breaks, naps, and downtime. If you’re taking a road trip, for example, research your routes thoroughly and plan for pit stops and breaks. It’s not easy for wriggly little ones to sit for too long, and getting out of the car to stretch legs or enjoy an attraction along the way helps keep spirits and energy levels high. If you’re on a plane, get up and walk the aisle a few times for a little movement and stimulation. Or if you’re spending the day at a theme park, squeeze in some time in the shade with a blanket for a quick snooze or a calming activity, like reading.

28. Bring Craft Supplies

Your toddler may need something more interactive to keep them entertained while on a road trip, airplane, or in a hotel room. Basic arts and crafts for toddlers can keep your little one occupied. Even just some crayons and a coloring book will help.

29. Adjust Sleep Schedules 2 to 3 Days Before if Needed

As mentioned before, when traveling with infants and older babies, it’s better to try and stick to the same feeding and sleeping schedules. But when traveling with toddlers, you may have more wiggle room to adjust their routines. For short trips, you might not even need to consider this tip, but if you’re moving across multiple time zones, you can gradually adjust sleep and eating schedules to the new time zone a few days before departing on your trip.

30. Pack Books

Are you wondering what to pack when traveling with a baby or toddler? Put books at the top of your list! Any kind of books —picture books, storybooks, interactive books—will keep your little one entertained while traveling. And if you usually read before falling asleep, it’s important to maintain your bedtime routine while away from home.

31. Respect Boundaries

Traveling with babies and toddlers (or, really, kids of any age) is a lot of fun for everyone. But remember that a change in a routine can be difficult for children, so it’s important to respect any boundaries they put up. For example, if your child doesn’t want to give Grandma a hug this trip or go on a ride at a theme park, don’t force it. They might be feeling shy or nervous, and it’s best not to force interactions, even with family members or activities.

32. Allow Your Child to Make Decisions

One of the best tips for traveling with toddlers and older babies is letting them make some decisions as they start to dabble in independence. Ask them what they want to eat for dinner or what they’d like to wear. Keep decisions manageable for their little brains by offering two or three choices rather than asking open-ended questions. It will allow them to take ownership of the travel experience!

33. Try New Things

Make traveling with your baby or toddler even more memorable by encouraging new experiences. You’ll probably remember these trips forever, but to make them stick in your youngster’s mind, have some fun with unique activities that you can’t do at home. Plus, as your little one is growing and developing, they’ll naturally want to try new things and test newly developed skills!

34. Anticipate Big Feelings

Again, changes in routines can be difficult for kids to manage. Traveling means leaving home behind, sleeping in a strange bed, and being without the usual comforts. This may be stressful, confusing, or even a bit scary for your little one. If these emotions come out in the form of temper tantrums , crying, or resisting, give your child extra support and love.

35. Supervise Water Play

Baby travel or traveling with a toddler might include a little water play, like splashing around in the pool or at the beach. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in kids of any age, and it can happen in seconds, whether children are swimming , playing in a shallow pool, or simply taking a bath. Watch children closely when in the water or during bath time.

36. Take Photos and Videos

With cameras built into phones, you probably don’t need a reminder to take photos! Still, be sure to capture the memories when traveling with your kids, especially as they get older. It will be fun for them to look back and remember the trip!

37. Keep a Scrapbook

Take a blank scrapbook with you and let your toddler draw or color in it each day of the trip. For infants and newborns, press their hand or foot into the page with a bit of paint and add photos. When you return home, you can add more pictures or little trinkets like ticket stubs to the book, and your child can keep it to remember the experience. As your babies get older, traveling with them will get more and more fun, so let them be part of making the memories!

Baby Travel Checklist

We know this list of tips for traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler is quite thorough, so to make it a bit easier for you, you’ll find a handy baby travel checklist below! We’ve included all the baby travel items that will help support a trip of any kind with any age group. Whether you’re wondering what to pack when traveling with a baby or hunting for those baby travel must-haves, we’ve included them all! This baby travel checklist works for kids of all ages, so you can use it when traveling with infants, older babies, toddlers, or even older children. It also works for short or long trips, by car, plane, or train. You can also download a version of the checklist and use it at home when preparing and packing for any upcoming family trips.


Baby Travel: Where to Go

Now that you have all of our travel tips, it’s time to think about where to travel with your baby. Not all destinations and activities are suitable for young children, so we’ve rounded up some of our best ideas for kid-friendly travel destinations!

Where to Vacation With an Infant, Older Baby, or Toddler in the United States

Luckily, the United States is a big country packed with various travel opportunities for babies and young children. Because there are so many choices, we’ve rounded up a few suggestions for each of the following themes: National Parks Among the best places to go when traveling with a newborn, older baby, or toddler are national and state parks. When you explore the great outdoors, you can avoid cramped environments and secure your sweet little one to your chest or carry older babies in backpacks while you enjoy fresh air and nature. Of course, toddlers will probably want a little independence as they toddle around! Some suggestions for kid-friendly national parks include the following:

All these parks offer a range of hiking suitable for carrying sleeping newborns or curious infants, plus interesting experiences for more mobile toddlers. Watch your child’s eyes light up at the scene of geysers erupting in Yellowstone, birds singing in the Everglades, or the sky-high trunks of the towering Redwoods! Vibrant Cities Although nature is ideal for traveling with babies or kids of any age, new cities also offer a lot of entertainment for the entire family (including you!). The United States is so diverse with different cultures, and your little one can enjoy various activities that can enrich their development. The list of kid-friendly cities in the United States is nearly endless, so if you’re simply looking for a bit of inspiration or a few suggestions for exciting cities, perhaps consider the following:

All these cities offer fun for you and your kids, even if your infant is simply watching the buzzy world around them. Take your little one to look for seals at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, explore adobe architecture in Santa Fe, New Mexico, or listen to street music in New Orleans. Theme Parks Although some theme parks aren’t suitable when traveling with newborns, infants, or young babies, many can be a lot of fun for toddlers and older kids! However, some of these classics cater to kids of all ages, rather than just focusing on thrilling roller coasters for the big kids. Again, you’ll find plenty of fun theme parks throughout the country, but for a few suggestions, you could consider the following:

These theme parks offer exciting scenes for even the youngest guests but can also entertain older children if you have a brood of various ages. Watch your baby delight at meeting their favorite Disney, Sesame Street, or fairy-tale characters! Beaches Although infants shouldn’t experience any direct sunlight until they are at least 6 months , beaches can offer a relaxing place to be with your little one, as long as they’re properly shaded. For older babies and toddlers, the beach is an exciting source of pure entertainment! The United States has a lot of coastlines to consider; here are just a few ideas:

A beach vacation with an infant, older baby, or toddler will expose your little one to an entirely new world. Plus, all the above suggestions offer complementary activities that your baby may love, such as visiting wildlife education centers, observing tide pools, or having fun at neighboring playgrounds. Road Trips Like national parks, road trips are also ideal for traveling with infants or children of any age, as you don’t have to interact too much with other travelers who can spread germs to your family. Plus, road trips can combine all the aforementioned ideas into one exciting adventure! A road trip doesn’t have to be long; you can simply pack snacks and head over to Grandma’s house or into the big city. But the United States is also known for its signature stretches of highway, and some of the most popular road-trip routes include the following:

Best Places to Travel With an Infant, Baby, or Toddler Abroad

A vacation abroad is a terrific way to open up the world to your little explorer! Although infants and young babies probably won’t remember much about a trip abroad, you can still use the opportunity to introduce them to new cultures and experiences. And, who knows, perhaps a trip at such a young age will spark an interest in travel as your adventurous baby grows up! A list of the best places to travel with an infant, baby, or toddler is endless, so we’ve included just a few popular family-friendly destinations in different parts of the world. Of course, use your imagination and go where you want!

The Bottom Line

Traveling with young infants, older babies, toddlers, or kids of any age can be a lot of fun, but it also requires a little extra prep! We hope this article helps you prepare for future family trips:

Use our suggestions on where to go to plan memorable experiences for the whole family.

Download our baby travel checklist to ensure you don’t forget any of the must-have items you’ll need.

Consider all our tips for traveling with newborns, babies, and toddlers to help your vacation go smoothly.

Remember that there is no age limit when it comes to travel, but it’s best to take extra precautions when traveling with infants, as they have yet to build up their body’s natural immunity. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider before planning any travel so you know what vaccinations your baby will need.

Family travel is a way to build wonderful memories that last a lifetime! Savor these exciting moments, whether you’re taking a simple trip to Grandma’s house, venturing out on an epic road trip to national parks, or enjoying an international vacation.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

  • Book: Caring for your baby and young child, birth to age 5, Sixth Edition Paperback – November 2, 2014 by American Academy of Pediatrics (Author)
  • Medline Plus: Traveling With Children
  • Zero to Three: Survival Strategies for Traveling With Your Baby or Toddler
  • Medline Plus: Toddler Development
  • Mayo Clinic: Infant and Toddler Health
  • Healthy Children: Sun Safety
  • Healthy Children: Travel Safety Tips
  • Healthy Children: Car Safety
  • CDC: Travel Recommendations for Nursing Families
  • CDC: Drowning Facts
  • CDC: Traveling With Children
  • Healthy Children: Car Sickness
  • La Leche League International: Travel

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  • Explore Baby Sleep
  • Parenting Life
  • Development

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How to travel with a 3-month-old (and why you should try it!)

First time mum Amy Hopkins travelled from London to Normandy with her young daughter. Here, she shares her tips for a happy holiday with a baby

A friend of mine refers to holidays with her kids as ‘anxiety abroad’, a phrase that played on my mind as I prepared to take my three-month-old daughter overseas for the first time. Now safely back, I’m pleased to report that, far from being an anxiety-fest, our first family holiday went surprisingly smoothly. Here’s what I learned about travelling with a tot:

travel 3 month baby

1 |  Babies (especially under six months) are ideal candidates for travel

For a start, babies who aren’t crawling yet generally stay where you put them, which means no running around after them and no need to babyproof once you get to your destination. They’re also small enough not to mind whether their bed is at home or in a hotel room – as long as mum and dad are nearby for snuggles. Plus, they travel light (see no.6).

travel 3 month baby

Amy’s daughter and husband at Deauville beach, Normandy

2 |  A change is as good as a rest

Caught in an endless cycle of feeds, nappies and naps, life with a newborn can feel pretty monotonous and a change of scene will do you the world of good. Of course, you’ll still have to change nappies, but there’s something strangely restorative about wiping a bum on a beach.

travel 3 month baby

Amy’s husband and daughter on the ferry to France

3 |  Baby will need her own passport

Your little one will need her own red book, no matter how young she is. It costs £49 to apply online and the passport will take up to three weeks to arrive. Baby’s first passport will be valid for five years, (although, by the time she’s five, I hope my daughter will look nothing like the squidgy bald baby in her current passport). Make sure your little one is added to your travel insurance too.

travel 3 month baby

Les Manoirs de Tourgéville

4 | If you can, go somewhere familiar and not too far away

For our first trip as a threesome, my husband and I decided to go to Normandy in northern France – far enough to feel like we’re getting away, but still a manageable journey (we hoped). Plus, we know France fairly well and speak the language (un peu).

For accommodation we chose Les Manoirs de Tourgéville , a four-star hotel near to the famous Deauville beach and a popular weekend retreat for Parisian families. Set in the heart of the Normandy countryside, the 25-room half-timbered mansion ticked all our boxes – intimate, quiet and relaxing, with added luxuries of an excellent restaurant, pool and spa. There’s also a gym, tennis courts and free bike hire if you’re feeling active (we weren’t). Small for a hotel, Les Manoirs feels more like a private country house, yet with the reassurance of knowing staff are close by.

travel 3 month baby

A split level Duplex room at Les Manoirs de Tourgéville

5 |  Find somewhere child friendly

This sounds obvious, but it’s worth investigating before you book. You can get a sense from a hotel’s website whether it really is family-friendly. Are there pictures of children on the website? Are travel cots and highchairs provided? Is there a baby listening/child-minding service?

Les Manoirs de Tourgéville provided a sturdy travel cot and our split-level duplex room was ideal for the three of us. My husband and I slept in the double bed on the mezzanine floor, with our daughter in the cot on the floor below. This meant we could have the television on without disturbing her and to check on her, all I had to do was peek over the banister. The room was immaculate and quiet with great air con and our baby slept beautifully which, for a parent, is enough to make the holiday a success. The small size of the hotel was ideal. Whether baby and her dad were in our room, or playing on the grass quad outside, I could sunbathe, swim or nip to the bar and still be within shouting distance.

travel 3 month baby

6 |  Pack light (unless you don’t need to – then take as much as you want!)

Tots under six months don’t need much stuff. If you’re breastfeeding, all you really need is nappy changing gear, clothes (which are tiny) and a couple of small toys (although a spoon works just as well). Plus your boobs of course – and you’ll be bringing those anyway. Other useful items are blackout blinds, a universal bath plug that can turn a shower into a bath and sun shades for your car and buggy. Travel steriliser bags are great for bottle feeding and, if sterilising on the go is going to be a challenge, you can buy pre-sterilised bottle liners. Remember that other countries have babies too – and those babies also eat, poop and get sick. So unless you’re staying somewhere very remote, you don’t need to pack all those ‘just in case’ items like teething gel, Calpol and hundreds of spare nappies.

That being said, since we drove, we took full advantage of our roof box and took much more than we really needed, including a baby bouncer, play gym, night light and baby monitor (and plug adapter, of course). None of these things were strictly necessary, but we used them all and they did make life easier. I say, if you’re going by car and it’s not a hassle to transport something that will come in handy, you may as well bring it.

travel 3 month baby

Amy holds baby Annie on Deauville beach

7 |  Think about how you’re going to transport your baby

Slings and baby-carrying packs are brilliant on holiday, not least because they leave you hands-free. In fact, if you’re going somewhere without decent pavements, you might want to forget the buggy altogether. If you feel you need a buggy, invest in a lightweight travel pushchair that folds up like an umbrella – you’ll be allowed to take it all the way to the plane if you’re flying. If your accommodation doesn’t provide a cot, think about investing in a travel system with a carry cot attachment that’s suitable for sleeping in. We travelled to France by ferry and took the baby’s soft bouncing chair on the boat with us. This proved a genius idea, as it gave her somewhere to sit, play and also nap.

travel 3 month baby

8 |  Adopt a laid back pace

Avoid putting yourself under pressure to arrive by a certain time. ‘It will take as long as it takes’ was the attitude we adopted at the start of our journey and ended up being pleasantly surprised when we arrived a lot sooner than anticipated. Normandy worked well as a destination because the journey could be broken up into three legs: London-Dover (2 hours), ferry crossing (1.5 hours) and Calais-Normandy (3 hours).

Once at your destination, less is often more when it comes to planning activities with babies. During our stay at Les Manoirs de Tourgéville, we took a day trip to the nearby Deauville beach, where the beach huts on the boardwalk are named after Hollywood stars. We only stayed a couple of hours before the baby started to grizzle, but it was enough time to push her down the promenade in her pram and grab a bite to eat.

travel 3 month baby

9 |  Keep baby to UK time and plan your journey around her routine

If your baby has a routine at home (lucky you!) it’s worth fitting your travel plans around her sleep patterns as much as you can. For instance, if you’re driving, you’ll want to hit the road just before baby’s nap. A sleeping passenger is much more pleasant for everyone than one who’s screaming.

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Les Manoirs’ elegant bar

10 |  Be prepared for things to go wrong and laugh about it when they do

One evening, we booked dinner in Les Manoir’s gorgeous 1899 restaurant. Our booking was for 7pm, the baby’s bedtime, and we naively assumed she would doze in her pram while we devoured into French cheeses and Calvados. However, babies rarely play ball and shortly after taking our seats on the terrace, she began screaming inconsolably. The restaurant staff couldn’t have been kinder but, acutely aware of other diners, we retreated from the restaurant. Back in our room, we were astonished and delighted when a waiter appeared at the door carrying aloft an enormous tray laden with Normandy sole, steak, breads, dessert and wine. With the baby settled in her cot, we retreated upstairs and tucked into our lavish picnic on the bed.

We had a handful of other minor calamities during our trip, mainly involving explosive poos. When you combine travel and babies, there will be mishaps, but there are also mishaps if you stay home, so don’t let that put you off. As with all travel, the challenges become the adventure. Said poos in French restaurants become the stories you’ll share with your child when she’s older.

travel 3 month baby

11 |  Accept that things will be different

Make no mistake, holidays change once you have a baby. You’ll be seeking shade instead of sunbathing, swapping late night dancing for night feeds and, if you’re like me, probably enjoying fewer glasses of wine. But your trip will be wonderful in a whole new way. I had to forgo evening meals in restaurants and my beloved holiday lie-ins, but watching my daughter drip her toes in the ocean and hearing her very first laugh (in an arcade on the P&O ferry) more than made up for that.

The lowdown: Les Manoirs de Tourgéville

Les Manoirs de Tourgéville, Deauville, France

From approx £114 a room for a night, based on two adults sharing

How to get there:

Fly to Deauville from London Stansted with RyanAir, travel with Eurotunnel, or by ferry from Dover to Calais. Les Manoirs is a three-hour drive from Calais.

Find out more and book  

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World Kids Travel

Where To Travel With A 3 Month Old?

Traveling with a 3 month old can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! By planning ahead, parents can make sure their baby is comfortable and safe while they explore the world.

Whether you’re looking for an exciting city escape or an outdoor adventure, there are plenty of great destinations for families with young children.

In this article, we’ll outline some of our top picks for where to travel with a 3 month old.

So if you’re eager to take your little one on their first trip, keep reading!

Table of Contents

Considerations For Traveling With A 3 Month Old

Traveling with a 3 month old can be an exciting and rewarding experience. From the moment of departure, you’re met with a sense of adventure as you embark on a new journey with your little one.

But before you even begin to pack, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when traveling with this age group.

The most important thing is safety. Pack light and make sure all items are appropriate for the infant’s age and size. Make sure car seats, strollers and other equipment have been properly tested for safety.

On the plane, use approved restraints or carriers to ensure baby’s protection in case of turbulence or unexpected air pockets. And don’t forget to bring along any necessary medications and first-aid supplies in case of emergencies.

No matter where you go or how long your trip lasts, make sure it is an enjoyable experience for both baby and parent alike by taking the time to plan ahead and research all available options. With a little extra preparation, your family can have a safe and memorable adventure together that will last for years to come.

Beach Destinations

Traveling with a 3 month old may seem daunting, but there are plenty of beach destinations that offer shorter trips and cost savings.

Take the Canary Islands for example; a short flight away from many European destinations, you can find yourself on one of the many beautiful beaches in no time. With its warm climate, diverse terrain, and year-round sunshine, it’s the perfect place to bring your baby.

If you want to save money while still having a great time, consider staying in one of the many budget-friendly accommodation options. From apartments to villas and even campsites, you’ll be able to find something that suits your needs and budget perfectly.

By taking shorter trips and saving on costs you’ll be able to make the most out of your vacation with your little one. That way you can focus on bonding with them and giving them the best experiences in life!

Mountain Retreats

Mountain retreats are an ideal destination for travelers with a 3 month old. Not only are they filled with soothing vistas and scenic trails, but the change of elevation can also be beneficial to their health.

Take the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, for example. This area offers fresh air, cool temperatures, and plenty of outdoor activities that you can enjoy with your little one.

A hike up to the mountaintops will provide you both with stunning views of the surrounding countryside and lingering moments of tranquility.

For those seeking a more relaxed experience, there is plenty to do at lower elevations as well. Lay a blanket on the grassy hillsides and let your baby explore nature’s wonders up close.

Take a leisurely stroll around a lake or river and introduce your infant to some of the local wildlife (just keep an eye out for any potential hazards!). Or just sit back and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere while you bond with your child – it’s sure to be an unforgettable journey!

  • Explore miles of hiking trails
  • Enjoy breathtaking views from mountaintops
  • Bond with your child at lower elevations
  • Take pictures of the picturesque landscape

City Breaks

City breaks with a three-month-old baby can be daunting, but with some pre-planning and research it can be the perfect opportunity for a family to explore new destinations.

Before setting off, make sure to research nappy changing facilities and places serving suitable food for the baby. Pre-booking is essential as most cities are constantly evolving and there’s no shortage of things to do . Some cities also offer baby gear rental services which could be an ideal solution if you’re travelling light.

With a little bit of thought and careful planning, city breaks with a three-month-old baby can be both enjoyable and memorable. Allowing yourself plenty of time to relax and explore will mean more precious memories are created along the way.

Throughout your stay maintain regular routines where possible to ensure your little one remains comfortable in their new environment. Don’t forget to take lots of photos and videos to capture all those special moments together!

Cultural Experiences

Exploring local markets is a great way to immerse oneself in the culture of a place, with the hustle and bustle of the stalls and vendors often creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Trying out local cuisine is another great way to get a taste of the culture.

It’s the perfect way to get a real feel for the local flavor!

Exploring Local Markets

Exploring local markets is a great way to experience the culture of a destination with a 3-month-old in tow.

From bustling bazaars to outdoor flea markets , these vibrant places are often full of sights, sounds, and smells that bring each destination to life.

Be sure you baby proof the area as much as possible before venturing out.

This could involve keeping your little one close in a carrier or even stroller, or making sure they don’t grab any food items off the shelves.

Meal planning can also be tricky while traveling with an infant, so make sure you have plenty of supplies on hand for when hunger strikes.

With some careful preparation and patience, exploring local markets can be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved!

Immersing In Local Cuisine

After exploring local markets, why not take the opportunity to immerse in some of the local cuisine? Try taking a tasting tour to sample all the delicious food on offer.

Food festivals are another great way to get a taste of regional flavors and explore what the locals eat.

Don’t forget to ask questions too – chances are you’ll be given some tips on how to make their favorite dish at home!

With a bit of research and planning, you can find yourself in the heart of a city’s culinary scene without having to worry about your little one.

No matter what kind of traveler you are, there’s something for everyone when it comes to experiencing culture through food.

Nature Getaways

For parents looking for a nature getaway with their 3 month old, the possibilities are endless.

From soothing sunsets over the sea to family-friendly mountain trails, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Travelers can find an array of options when planning their trip, such as camping in the great outdoors or renting a cabin nearby.

Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to relax and recharge or an adventure around every corner, these destinations offer it all.

For those who want to explore the area while taking in stunning views, they can go on hikes in nearby parks or take boat rides along rivers and lakes.

Alternatively, visitors can spend the day relaxing on beaches while watching beautiful sunsets and listening to gentle waves crashing onto shore.

With so much natural beauty surrounding them, travelers can be assured that they will have a truly magical experience with their 3 month old!

Adventure-Filled Escapes

If the idea of a nature getaway isn’t quite what you had in mind, then an adventure-filled escape might just be for you. With a little bit of planning and the right baby gear, traveling with a three-month-old can be an exciting and memorable experience!

Here are some things to look out for when booking your trip:

  • Hotel amenities that make your stay comfortable – look for facilities such as cribs or family rooms that can accommodate all of your needs.
  • Baby-friendly activities – see if there are age-appropriate attractions nearby that will keep everyone entertained.
  • Local transportation options – having a reliable way to get around is essential when traveling with a young child .
  • Restaurants with kid-friendly menus – make sure to find places that offer food suited to their tastes and dietary restrictions.

Whether you opt for a beachside bungalow or mountain lodge, taking a family vacation with a three month old can be incredibly rewarding. From exploring local attractions to simply enjoying quality time together, there’s plenty of opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for a 3 month old to travel by air.

Traveling with an infant can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to air travel.

It’s important to ask yourself, is it safe for a 3 month old to fly?

The answer is yes – with the right preparation and packing essentials, you and your little one can have a successful flight.

Jet lag prevention is also key; make sure you create a sleep schedule before and during the flight so that your baby can rest peacefully in-flight.

Once you have all of these elements taken care of, you’ll be ready to embark on your journey with your little one!

How Do I Keep A 3 Month Old Entertained While Traveling?

Traveling with an infant can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right packing essentials and staying organized, you can keep your 3 month old entertained while on the road.

From snuggly blankets and favorite toys to noise cancelling headphones and pacifiers, having the right items on hand will make all the difference. Make sure to pack plenty of snacks and drinks for your little one too!

When it comes to keeping a baby amused while traveling, planning ahead is key. Plan activities such as books or songs that you can do together in between destinations. With a little bit of creativity and thoughtfulness, you’ll be able to make your journey a memorable one.

What Is The Best Way To Transport A 3 Month Old On A Long Trip?

Traveling with a 3 month old can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.

The best way to transport your infant on a long trip is to be prepared and organized.

Make sure you have all the necessary baby gear on your packing list, including travel apps for entertainment, weather gear for any unexpected changes, and adequate travel insurance in case of emergencies.

When all these items are checked off your list, you’ll be ready to take on the journey!

Are There Any Vaccinations Required For A 3 Month Old Traveling Abroad?

Traveling abroad with an infant can be intimidating, but with a bit of preparation it can be a rewarding experience.

Before going on any international trip, it is important to check if there are any vaccinations required for a 3 month old traveling abroad.

Infant vaccines should be up-to-date and travel insurance should be purchased in case of any medical emergencies.

Additionally, it is wise to look into the country’s regulations and policies before booking a flight or making any other arrangements.

What Type Of Accommodations Are Best Suited For Traveling With A 3 Month Old?

When traveling with a 3 month old, it’s important to select the right accommodations.

Look for childproofed spaces that are safe and comfortable for your baby.

Consider packing items like a playpen, blackout curtains and a sound machine to create a sleep-friendly environment.

It’s also beneficial to look for amenities such as cribs and washing machines that will make life easier while you’re away from home.

With some thoughtful planning and packing tips, you can ensure your little one has an enjoyable and safe trip.

Traveling with a 3 month old can be a daunting task. It’s important to do your research and plan ahead to ensure the best trip possible.

Before embarking on any journey, always make sure that all necessary vaccinations are up-to-date.

Additionally, look for accommodations that have suitable amenities for a baby, such as cribs or extra space to accommodate a pack n’ play.

Above all else, remember the adage: ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.’ When it comes to traveling with an infant, each step should be taken with safety and preparation in mind.

With the right amount of planning and research, you and your 3 month old can have an amazing time exploring new places together!

Related posts:

  • Where To Travel With A 11 Month Old in 2023
  • Where To Travel With A 10 Month Old ?
  • Where To Travel With A 4 Month Old?
  • Where To Travel With A 2 Month Old?

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The best types of vacations to take with a baby

Tarah Chieffi

Bringing a new baby into your home changes life as you know it. Watching them sleep is more exciting than bingeing the latest Netflix show and you take more pictures of them in a day than you did on your last vacation.

Speaking of vacations, it's 100% possible to still enjoy travel with a baby in tow , but you'll need to get the right gear , learn about flying with an infant and determine which destinations specifically cater to tiny travelers.

We've laid out the four best types of vacations to take with a baby , with our favorite locations in each category and what you should pack for your trip . Whether your little one is unfazed by city life or you've got a beach baby on your hands, these are TPG's top picks for where and how to travel with a baby.

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All-inclusive resort

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When you visit a baby-friendly all-inclusive resort , you don't have to stress over having enough cash, finding fun activities to keep your kid entertained or deciding where to eat every meal because it's all included in the cost of your vacation.

Many resorts even provide cribs, strollers and bottle warmers that you can borrow during your stay, so you can pack light and focus on carrying your baby instead of extra suitcases.

On top of being situated right on the beach (because what baby doesn't love to eat sand?), all-inclusive resorts have kids clubs, splash areas and playgrounds designed to keep your baby contently cooing until it's time to head home.

Where to go

travel 3 month baby

Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie , Florida, is the only stateside location of the popular all-inclusive resort brand. Child care is available for an additional fee for babies between 4 and 23 months in the resort's Baby Club Med day care and you can request a baby welcome kit with a stroller, bathtub, bottle warmer, changing table and Pack 'n Play.

Related: Club Med helped set the course for all-inclusive resorts: Now it's adding 17 new locations around the world

If you are looking for a luxury resort that's still baby-friendly, Mexico's Finest Playa Mujeres goes above and beyond what you'd expect. In addition to standard baby gear like a baby monitor and high chair, the resort offers a variety of natural homemade purees for babies. You can visit the kids club facilities with babies ages 0 to 2 to play with toys or swim in the kiddie pool, but you are required to stay with them at all times. Child care is only available for kids ages 3 and up.

What to bring

travel 3 month baby

Because the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping babies under 6 months of age out of direct sunlight, you'll want to pack items to protect them from the sun. Though most resorts provide beach chairs and umbrellas, you may also want to bring a few baby-specific beach items like a pop-up shade tent (they are great during nap time), a full-body swimsuit with SPF protection and a hat (that they probably won't keep on).

Baby-friendly hotel

travel 3 month baby

Most hotels don't go out of their way to accommodate families traveling with babies , but a select few have made it a priority to offer child care, welcome kits with baby amenities and spacious rooms that give babies the peace and quiet they need so that parents can have their own peace and quiet.

travel 3 month baby

Loews Regency New York is located in New York City just two blocks from Central Park. The Loews Loves Families program (offered at multiple locations) hooks families up with a guide to area activities and dining options, as well as amenities like baby bathtubs, cribs, baby-proofing gear and even stuffed animals. The hotel has 58 suites, some with kitchenettes, that have the space, convenience and privacy you need when traveling with a baby.

travel 3 month baby

Andaz Mayakoba Resort Riviera Maya , 32 miles south of Cancun , has a top-notch complimentary kids club called Kimbo Kids Club, but until recently it was only available for kids ages 4 and up. With the introduction of Kimbo Baby — for kids ages 3 months to 4 years — even parents can steal a few hours for themselves while their baby is cared for by the resort's trained child care team. Rooms with terrace plunge pools give you and baby a private spot to splash in the shade.

City hotels especially can be noisy, which isn't much fun when you have an overtired baby on your hands . Pack a white noise machine to drown out the noise (pro tip: place the sound machine near the noise you are trying to drown out rather than near your baby). If you plan to spend some time at the hotel pool or on the beach, bring along a flotation device designed for babies. Many have detachable canopies for extra shade.

travel 3 month baby

Your baby won't be tall enough for their first roller coaster for years, but there's still plenty of fun to be had at a theme park . And if you decide to take turns riding roller coasters without them, your baby will be none the wiser.

All kidding aside, theme parks have lots of perks for babies. They are noisy and colorful, which can keep babies occupied for a surprisingly long time (but if they don't like loud noises, you might want to pack some noise-canceling headphones).

Plus, everyone expects theme parks to be full of kids. If your baby has a meltdown or throws your popcorn bucket at a passerby, you'll be surrounded by other parents who have likely been in the same position and will probably brush it off.

travel 3 month baby

We'd be remiss to leave Walt Disney World off a list of baby-friendly vacation spots. Even if you've been dozens of times, there's something magical about seeing it through your baby's eyes for the first time (when they are awake, at least). For maximum ease, stay at one of Disney's on-site hotels . They offer complimentary transportation to and from the parks and most have baby pools or splash pads available, as well. To preserve those precious first-visit memories, you can have an artist hand-cut your baby's silhouette portrait at Magic Kingdom or Disney Springs, or visit the Disney PhotoPass Studio at Disney Springs for a family portrait.

travel 3 month baby

Your baby probably still lacks the dexterity to build with Lego bricks, but that doesn't mean they are too young for Legoland California Resort . There are more than a dozen attractions with no height requirement, including sand pits where they can dig for dinosaur bones, a Duplo-themed interactive playground, a Coast Cruise boat ride and a Legoland Express train. There's also a convenient baby care center in the park where you can feed and change your baby in a cool, comfortable environment. An on-site hotel allows you to easily get back to your room for nap time or the inevitable change of clothes.

With so many theme parks on either the West Coast or in Central Florida, the temperatures can climb pretty high. Pack a fan designed to clip onto your stroller, sun protective clothing and some stylish baby sunglasses.

Mountain retreat

travel 3 month baby

Where better to test out a baby's developing senses than surrounded by nature? They can smell the fresh mountain air, touch leaves and pinecones (and most likely taste them, as well), listen to birds chirping in the trees and experience nature's majesty.

Related: Best ski resorts for families in North America

While babies are discovering the world around them, parents can escape the daily routine in a peaceful, relaxing setting. Bonus points if you book accommodations large enough to bring the grandparents along for a bit of built-in babysitting.

travel 3 month baby

Four Seasons Resort and Residences Jackson Hole in Teton Village, Wyoming, is a luxury mountain lodge resort less than 30 minutes from Grand Teton National Park . Rooms are cozy with a fireplace and furnished balcony with mountain views. Residence-style rooms have up to five bedrooms for multigenerational vacations. During your visit, you can swim in the heated outdoor pool, ride an aerial tram to the top of Rendezvous Peak and, in the winter, embark on a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the snow.

travel 3 month baby

Hyatt Place Keystone in Keystone, Colorado, is a great starting point for your mountain adventures, even if your adventures include nothing more than sitting in the hot tub (or near it if you are on baby duty) and taking in the mountain views. Breakfast and coffee — the preferred wake-up call of parents everywhere — are included with your stay. Opt for a suite over a standard room and you'll enjoy a separate bedroom where you can lay the baby down while you gaze into each other's eyes (or, more likely, at the TV).

If you are planning a wintertime visit, you'll need to pack certain items to keep your baby bundled safely. Not many things in the world are cuter than a baby in a snowsuit, but most snowsuits aren't safe to use in a car seat. Another option is to use a car seat or stroller cover that keeps your baby warm without the bulk.

Bottom line

Vacationing with a new baby can feel overwhelming, but if you know where to go and what to bring along, you can use it as an opportunity to rest, recharge and bond with your baby — all while creating lifelong memories.

travel 3 month baby

Can You Travel Internationally with a 3-Month-Old Baby?

This was the age we brought my son on his first flight: when he was just 3 months old! We flew across Canada, from Vancouver to Montreal. That was followed by an international flight to the U.S. and soon after, to Spain. So to the question about whether or not it’s possible to fly with an infant this young, I say:

It is possible to travel internationally with a 3-month-old baby. There is no definitive age for when an infant can begin international travel; but most parents will wait until at least 2-3 months of age due to health recommendations and the time needed to acquire travel documentation.

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know to prepare yourself for traveling with your 3-month-old baby: documentation, what to pack in your carry-on to have a successful flight, how to handle feedings, and more.

Please take a deep breath and know that it’s going to be fine! And perhaps even wonderful because it may open up a whole new world of family travel for you. I know that you may be nervous (I was!) but a baby this age is actually ideal for travel (speaking as a mom of a now-toddler!). You can do it! 🙂

Checklist: What to Pack for Your 3-Month-Old Baby on the Plane

travel 3 month baby

I remember that it seemed like I needed to pack SO much stuff for my baby in our diaper bag and carry-on bags when we first flew with him.

Even though I still think it’s a lot of stuff to pack these days with a toddler , I’m much better at streamlining and trusting that I don’t need as much stuff as it may seem.

I would encourage you to make some cuts where you can, because traveling with just the things you actually need is such a freeing feeling (or is this just me?). Remember that you can check your car seat and stroller for free on most airlines!

I’m going to give you a checklist as a foundation, but you know yourself and your baby best and will have to decide what other items are truly important for your trip. Here’s a list of what to pack in your carry-on for you and your 3-month-old baby:

  • Diapers (1 per hour of travel)
  • Wipes (1-2 packs)
  • Changing pad
  • Diaper rash cream
  • Pajamas (x3)
  • Light hoodie/sweater
  • Baby blanket
  • Light, breathable muslin blanket (to cover up for breastfeeding)
  • Pacifier (x2)
  • Pacifier/toy leashes
  • Portable sound machine + extra batteries
  • Water bottle
  • Baby bottles
  • Formula/milk
  • Dish wipes to clean bottles and pump parts
  • Baby Tylenol
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Baby nail clippers
  • Snacks for you!
  • Mini first aid kit
  • Ziploc/wet bag for soiled or wet clothes
  • A few small toys (your baby’s favorites)
  • Basic mini travel size toiletries for you (baby soap, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • A change of clothes for you!
  • Electronics, chargers, and batteries
  • Plug converters for your destination
  • Tylenol for you!
  • Handheld breast pump if breastfeeding
  • Baby monitor (to have handy when you arrive at your destination)
  • Fanny pack to wear at the airport, filled with your important documents!

How to Dress Your 3-Month-Old Baby on the Plane

travel 3 month baby

I recommend dressing your baby in what I call “ the perfect airplane outfit. ” Put your baby in a comfy, cotton (or other breathable fabric) zip-up onesie (long sleeves and covering the legs) — that’s it!

The breathable fabric will keep them comfortable on the flight. The fact that the onesie is footed will keep them warm without you having to worry about losing separates (baby socks always get lost!).

And the zipper (not some dreaded buttons or snaps) will allow you to maintain your sanity while changing your baby on the plane and in the airport and anywhere else you need to.

Then pack 2-3 more outfits just like this one in case your baby soils the first one! You do not, I repeat, you do NOT want to be caught out with no back up outfits on a travel day (that goes for the parents too!).

Tips for Navigating the Airport with Your 3-Month-Old Baby

travel 3 month baby

I wasn’t sure how the car, airport time, and actual time on the plane would play out with my little baby, but all went quite smoothly actually — and has (knock on wood) continued to be really smooth on all flights since that first one.

I think some of the tips we put into practice were really helpful and I hope they save you some grief as well! Here goes:

1. Change your baby right before you board the plane. Put on a fresh diaper and hope that you won’t have any blow outs in the air!

2. Feed your baby at the gate before boarding. Sometimes the boarding process can be annoyingly long and you don’t want a cranky, hungry baby while standing in line on the jetway with nothing you can do about it.

3. I know it’s hard to time changing and feeding your baby (both!) RIGHT before boarding, but do your best.

4. Many people will advise you to feed your baby during takeoff and landing because the sucking motion can help protect your baby’s ears, but this is easier said than done! In my experience, I was just lucky if the timing worked out and my baby was hungry during takeoff.

5. You can also try to offer your baby a pacifier during takeoff and landing to serve the same purpose.

6. Baby wear with a wrap or soft carrier as you’re navigating the airport and boarding the plane. This is what we’ve always done to great success but other parents use a small, easily collapsible stroller which would also be super useful I’m sure.

7. Look up the security’s rules for liquids (breastmilk and/or formula) in the country where you’ll be traveling. And then screenshot the rules on your phone and show them to a supervisor if you feel that the security workers have it wrong and want to throw away your milk.

TSA in the United States allows milk, formula, water, and baby food to be brought on board in amounts greater than 100ml for people traveling with babies, but some workers are ill-informed and have been known to throw away breastmilk and formula (the absolute horror — I cannot imagine!).

How to Keep Your 3-Month-Old Baby Comfortable on the Plane

travel 3 month baby

To make sure you have the best chance of keeping your baby comfy and happy on the plane, try your best to:

1. Attend to their needs first. It helps if you arrive at the airport with plenty of extra time. If you can slow down and make sure you’re doing whatever it is you need to do for your baby (feeding, changing, etc.) before worrying about rushing around the airport, you’re more likely to have a happier baby.

2. Dress them appropriately. A warm, but not overheated, baby is a happy baby. Bring a baby blanket in case the flight gets chilly.

3. Be prepared to care for their ears. Make an attempt to feed them or offer them a pacifier on takeoff and landing. It may not work, but you can give it a shot!

4. Don’t be shy. If you need help, ask for help. If you need to breastfeed, do it. Sometimes feeling embarrassed or like we’re inconveniencing others can make us delay getting the help we need for our baby and we just make things worse in the end. People are mostly kind and will be very willing to help a family with a small baby.

How to Feed Your 3 Month Old on the Plane and in the Airport

travel 3 month baby

This is a question that seems straightforward enough but still we may wonder: How do we feed our babies at the airport and on the plane?

If you’re breastfeeding, you really can just breastfeed wherever you are — you can sit on a bench anywhere in the airport and breastfeed.

If you want more privacy, many airports these days have nursing and baby rooms that you can seek out.

As for breastfeeding on the plane, again you just… do it. I don’t want to say whip it out and go for it, but that’s kind of what I have always done! You can use a cover or blanket to give yourself more privacy. If anyone at all makes you feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding, tell a flight attendant right away.

If you’re using formula, I have seen a great travel hack of pre-measuring out the formula into Ziploc bags. You’ll just ask the flight attendants for water when you board so you can make your bottle(s).

Documents You Will Need to Travel With Your 3 Month Old

So first of all, your baby is going to need a passport to travel internationally ( unless you happen to be traveling within North America — Canada, the U.S., and Mexico — and you’re driving instead of flying).

Additionally, you may need other documents for your baby, depending on your specific family and travel circumstances. You can refer to my article about the 6 documents you may need to travel with an infant internationally for more details if you’re still unsure after reading the chart below:

How to Get a Passport for Your 3-Month-Old Baby

travel 3 month baby

I recommend  getting a passport  as soon as possible for your baby if you plan on traveling together as a family. For minors (children under 16),  you have to go in person   with your partner  to apply for your baby’s passport. Their passport will be valid for 5 years.

You can find your  nearest passport office here . Some require you to make an appointment, while others have walk-in availability. When you visit the passport office in person, you’ll need to bring:

  • Form DS-11  filled out
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship
  • Photocopy of evidence of U.S. citizenship
  • Proof of parental relationship to your child
  • Identification for the parents
  • Photocopy of identification
  • Parental consent (if one parent is not present)

You can check the most recent  processing times  on the State Department website  here  to get an idea of how long it’s going to take to receive your child’s passport in the mail.

Review all of the important details and updates on the  State Department website  for applying for a passport for minors. Remember that you  cannot  submit a mail-in or online application for children under 16.

How to Take a Passport Photo for Your 3-Month-Old Baby

You have two choices for getting a passport photo taken for an infant: You can take them to a regular passport photo place (know that unfortunately, some places won’t take infant photos); or you can take your baby’s photo at home.

I’ve done both (one for my son’s Canadian passport and one for his American passport) and I much preferred the photo that I took myself at home with my iPhone!

At the photographer’s, I sat with my son in my lap and the guy slid a big white piece of paper between my baby and my chest. My baby was a little squish ball with no neck and the photo is pretty bad!

I recommend laying out a white sheet at home with your baby on it. Stand over them and take a photo with your iPhone. If you have some editing skills, it would be helpful because your photo can’t have any shadows. Your baby should be facing straight ahead with their eyes open.

If it doesn’t work out the first time you try, don’t worry! Try again later in the day or the next day — the lighting might be better and you’ll feel more relaxed after having done a “practice run.”

Happy travels with your 3 month old and best of luck to you and your family for all future travels! This is only the beginning 🙂 You can follow our family travel adventures on Instagram: @wayfaring.humans

Brittany is a Wayfaring Human who loves to adventure with her husband and son. When she's not having adventures, she's taking pictures of them and writing about them.

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Mom Van Up

Road Trip With a 3 Month Old: Is It Possible?

  • Date: July 18, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Traveling with a 3 month old will be different than traveling alone, but it is my favorite way to travel with my babies. 

3 month olds can enjoy road trips with an adult seated next to them to be sure they are safe and comfortable. Plan to stop every two hours and take the baby out of their carseat to feed and change the baby. 

Although it can be an adjustment I have enjoyed traveling with my very young babies! Road trips are a great way to stay flexible and comfortable when traveling with a baby. 

Can a 3 month old go on a road trip?

Three month old babies can travel by car safely as long as you stop regularly and keep a close eye on the baby. 

It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that you stop and take your baby out of the car seat at least every two hours . This is to make sure that they are not slumping down and having trouble breathing. 

This is called positional asphyxia and it is most common in very young babies or those born prematurely. Discuss the risk of positional asphyxia in your baby with your pediatrician who is familiar with your baby’s history. 

If you are used to driving 10 or more hours in a day to really get the miles in this may sound crazy, but give it a try.  

We just returned from a 3 week road trip and stopping frequently made for a much more relaxing trip. 

How often should you stop with a 3 month old on a road trip?

As long as your baby is healthy and fits in their car seat correctly they can safely ride in their seat for 2 hours at a time. Plan to drive no more than 8 hours in a single day with stops every two hours. 

Be sure to plan frequent stops, pack plenty of extra clothes and diapers and have an adult sit next to the baby to monitor their breathing and comfort. If your baby is showing any signs of discomfort or distress stop and take them out of the car seat. 

3 month old babies are likely still eating every 2-4 hours, so the frequent stops will make that easier. 

Do not feed young babies in their car seats as it can cause choking and it can also get the car seat wet and stinky! 

If you are having trouble finding places to stop consider:

Finding Rest Stops on Google Maps 

Using Google Maps to Find Interesting Things Close By 

Breaking Up the Trip With this VERY SIMPLE Planner  

Use Exit Signs to Stop at Familiar Restaurants

We have really enjoyed trying regional fast food chains, spur of the moment stops and well planned stops ahead of time. 

Traveling with kids requires a lot of flexibility, so it may be best to choose a few places that you would be happy stopping and stay flexible.  

How Often To Stop with a 3 Month Old

What to pack for a 3 month old on a road trip?

Packing for a trip with a newborn can get out of hand fast, but overpacking is not a bad idea when traveling with a baby. 

Be sure to pack extra clothes for the baby, plenty of diapers and formula. These essentials should be easily in reach in the car. Some babies enjoy a white noise machine, extra baby blankets, burp cloths, pacifiers, and be sure to pack extra clothes for parents easily within reach.  

Breastfeeding moms may be more comfortable if they pack a manual breast pump to relieve pressure while driving. While milk supply has stabilized by 3 months, many babies do experience a growth spurt around 3 months and that can affect milk supply. 

Babies often eat less when traveling making it uncomfortable for mom. 

I always travel with this manual pump , I have purchased 2 or more because this is the only comfortable one for me. A Haakaa can also be helpful for moms who are used to using one. 

Breast pads and a manual pump can save your outfit and make the trip much more comfortable.   

I think 2-3 extra outfits is a good idea for a 3 month old, you may not need them all, but they may come in handy. A few extra bibs are a great addition too. 

I have a more general baby packing list with a printable checklist that can help you with the number of outfits and diapers that you should pack. 

Tips for Traveling with a 3 Month Old

I have 4 kids and we take road trips frequently. I also grew up in a large family and we did major road trips twice a year. These are the best tips I have to make good memories, keep stress low and the car clean-ish. 

Start Early (Or Late)

Plan to do some driving during sleep times for your kids. Adults should not drive when they are drowsy, so do not push it, but starting early for those first few hours can make the trip feel a lot shorter to kids. 

Pack Drinks

Be sure to pack plenty of water and other drinks to be sure that mom and dad stay hydrated. It is too easy to become dehydrated  while traveling. 

This makes you much more susceptible to illness and tiredness. 

When you are taking care of a baby it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself, so be sure to pack snacks, drinks and comfort items for yourself. 

White Noise

It seems like the road noise should be plenty to comfort a baby, but all my kids have needed white noise machines at a moderate volume by their car seat. The linked one is the one I have used for years. The battery life isn’t great, but it has held up for a long time. 

Plan To Sleep

Make sure you have a comfortable place to sleep each night of your trip. 

Comfort is different for everyone, but be sure that you have a safe comfortable place to sleep so that you do not risk driving while sleep deprived.  

I like to use a hotel loyalty plan. This keeps me from having to choose where to stay, I just drive to the closest of my preferred brand of hotel. You can still be flexible and travel without hotel reservations. 

Decision fatigue is a big challenge for me on a vacation. 

If you do not want to do hotels, there are plenty of options for non-traditional accommodations . 

Road Trip with a 3 Month Old

Is it better to fly or drive with a 3 month old?

While it may seem easier to fly with a newborn, driving gives you greater control over your environment. 

Road trips are a great way to travel with a baby as you have greater control over what you have and where you go. It is important to take babies out of their car seats every two hours, and this is much easier in the car. Road trips also allow you to pack more supplies and keep things very accessible. 

Driving also allows you more privacy . Diaper changes, feedings and outfit changes are not easy in a car, but they are more private. 

Consider how you will travel when you arrive at your destination. It is possible to rent a car with a car seat, or you can travel with a car seat. 

If you are a frequent air traveler you may be more comfortable traveling by air, but if you do not do it regularly consider hiring a travel agent. 

I do not fly often and my family is very large, so we prefer driving. 

As a general rule, if you will be driving more than 20 hours and your trip is a week or less, flying may be easier on your baby. I recommend that you do not travel more than 8 hours in a day with a 3 month old, so it would take 3 days to cover that distance. 

Take your time when traveling with a baby, stop frequently and go slow. 

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What to know about traveling internationally with a baby

Caroline Picard

There's no doubt that babies can complicate travel plans. (There's a reason parents call it a trip, not a vacation!) Still, plenty of people travel outside of the U.S. with their infants. Some have family and friends they want to visit, while others figure it's easier to travel to far-flung destinations with a baby (who still sleeps 16 hours a day) than with a toddler (who wants to spend the flight walking up and down the aisle).

Whatever your reason, your trip will go more smoothly if you make a few preparations before booking your tickets and boarding your flight. Here's what you need to know about traveling internationally with an infant.

Requirements for traveling internationally with an infant

As you're planning your trip, take care of these must-dos:

Check travel advisories

Before booking, check the  U.S. Department of State's website Opens a new window for international travel advisories. You can also look at travel health advisories for your destination at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website Opens a new window as well as information on required vaccinations by country. Although most countries have lifted COVID-related restrictions, you can quickly check requirements for international travelers on the United Nations' Destination Tracker Opens a new window .

Talk to your baby's doctor

The American Academy of Pediatrics Opens a new window advises talking to your pediatrician before flying with a baby . Some doctors recommend delaying unessential travel for the first few weeks after birth (sometimes until babies are at least until 2 to 3 months old ). Babies are prone to catching infections – especially those who were born prematurely or have certain health conditions.

Once they clear your baby for travel , your pediatrician can verify that your baby is up to date on vaccinations, recommend preventative medications to pack, and determine whether your baby requires any additional immunizations. If your destination is experiencing measles outbreaks, for example, your doctor may adjust your baby's MMR vaccine schedule.

Depending on where you're traveling, your doctor may recommend – and some countries require – vaccinations for other infectious diseases (such as yellow fever or rabies) that aren't part of the standard childhood vaccine schedule. Book your appointment at least four to six weeks in advance of your trip, because it can take time to build up immunity after a vaccination.

Make sure your baby has a passport

For international travel, your baby needs a passport . Make two copies of each family member's passport, and leave one copy with a trusted friend or relative. 

If you're traveling as a solo parent, consider bringing documentation proving you're a legal guardian – as well as letter of consent (preferably notarized) from the other custodial parent saying "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission." If you have sole custody of your child, you might want to bring a copy of the custody agreement. 

12 tips for international travel with an infant

Consider travel insurance. Travel insurance ensures that you're not out of luck if, say, your baby gets an ear infection the day before you're scheduled to fly. (Keep in mind that your credit card may already offer travel insurance.)

Bring your baby's car seat. Though babies and toddlers under age 2 are allowed to fly free (or at a discount) sitting on your lap , it's safest if you buy an airplane seat for your baby. That way you'll be able to use your car seat on the plane , as long as it's approved for aircraft as well as motor vehicles. (It likely is – just check for a sticker on the car seat confirming this.) What's more, your car seat will come in handy at your destination – or at least on the car trips to and from the airport.

Request a bassinet. If you're on a long-haul flight, and especially if you forgo buying a seat for your baby, consider reserving a baby bassinet. Most family-friendly airlines offer free portable baby bassinets that attach to the bulkhead for longer international flights. These beds, which generally accommodate babies up to 20 pounds and 26 inches long, allow your baby to snooze during the flight. There are usually only a couple of bassinets available per flight – so be sure to call early, ideally when you book your tickets, to request one. 

Bring the basics. Depending on where you're traveling with your baby or toddler , you may not find your usual brand of formula, diapers, or baby food – although you'll usually identify a decent equivalent. At the very least, be sure to bring a two- to three-day supply of these products in your checked baggage, so you aren't pressed to find a pharmacy as soon as you arrive. If you're really attached to specific products, pack enough for your full trip, plus a couple days' worth of spares. (Here's what else to put on your baby packing list .)

Don't forget adaptors. You don't want to scramble to find a store that sells adaptors for your breast pump or sound machine when you're scheduled to be at the beach. Throughout Europe and in many countries worldwide, power outlets and voltage are different from the U.S. Be sure to check the requirements at your destination, and buy a few appropriate adaptors before you leave.

  • Pack a change of clothes. Having a couple of full-body changes of clothes in your carry-on bag, including socks, is essential. There's a good chance you'll have to deal with at least one leaky diaper or major spit-up on a long-haul flight .

Stock your carry-on. Besides a change of clothes, pack all of the essentials you'll need for the duration of your flight – bottles, formula, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, baby food – plus a few spares for potential delays. Think of it like your usual  diaper bag on steroids. Airports in the U.S. allow you to carry on liquids (such as water, pumped breast milk, and baby food) that surpass the usual 3.4-ounce limit, but be prepared to remove them from your bag when you go through the security checkpoint. For your return trip, you'll need to verify whether there are liquid limits in the country you're visiting.

Bring a carrier. A baby carrier is extra convenient for infant travel, especially when you're boarding your flight and when you're trying to help your baby fall asleep.

Pack sleep essentials. Sleep can be tricky when you're traveling with a baby. As much as possible, try to stick to the bedtime routine you follow at home. Pack anything your baby relies on to sleep, such as a sleep slack , night light, or sound machine. And while many hotels and rental apartments have play yards available, check beforehand to make sure your baby will have someplace safe to sleep.

Prep for jet lag. It may be worth gently adjusting your baby's sleep schedule before your trip, especially if you're traveling to a different time zone. Starting a few days before you leave, begin moving your baby's bedtime 15 minutes earlier or later every night to closer match your destination. (This trick can help you with jet lag, too!) Moving your baby's bedtime by even one hour before you travel can make a difference. When you arrive, try to stick to your baby's usual nap, meal, and bedtime schedule, adjusted for the local time zone, right away. Here are more tips for handling time changes with a baby .

Dress your baby in layers. Airplanes are usually chilly, but it's hard to predict just how cold. Dress your baby warmly in layers that you can remove or add if it's warmer or cooler than expected.

Leave yourself lots of time. Like most tasks, traveling with children takes a lot longer than traveling solo. The Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) recommends arriving three hours early for international flights, but you may want to get to the airport even earlier. That way you won't panic if, say, your baby has a massive diaper explosion on the car ride to the airport. Arriving extra early also helps ensure you can secure that baby bassinet you reserved when you booked your flight.

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Flying with baby: Parent FAQs. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Flying-with-Baby.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2017. Precautions for international travel: Information for parents. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/prevention/Pages/Precautions-for-International-Travel.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Tips for safe and stress-free family travel. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Travel-Safety-Tips.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. Travelers health: Vaccine recommendations for infants and children. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2020/family-travel/vaccine-recommendations-for-infants-and-children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Mayo Clinic. 2018. Prepare for jet lag before boarding the plane. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-prepare-for-jet-lag-before-boarding-the-plane/ Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Transportation Security Administration. Undated. Traveling with children. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/special-procedures/traveling-children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Federal Aviation Administration. 2023. Flying with children. https://www.faa.gov/travelers/fly_children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

USA.gov Opens a new window . 2023. International travel documents for children. https://www.usa.gov/travel-documents-children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Colleen de Bellefonds

Where to go next

happy baby in airplane terminal

Top Destinations For Traveling With A 3-Month-Old Baby

  • Last updated Jun 11, 2024
  • Difficulty Intemediate

Susan Meyers

  • Category Travel

where to travel with 3 month old baby

Traveling with a 3-month-old baby can be both exciting and challenging. While it may seem like a daunting task to venture into unfamiliar territory with a little one in tow, there are plenty of destinations that are perfect for exploring with a newborn. From serene beach getaways to vibrant cities with a rich cultural heritage, these top destinations provide a seamless blend of relaxation and adventure for families looking to embark on unforgettable journeys together. So pack your bags, grab your baby carrier, and get ready to discover the top destinations for traveling with a 3-month-old baby.

What You'll Learn

Best destinations for traveling with a 3-month-old baby, tips for traveling safely and comfortably with a 3-month-old, essential items to pack for traveling with a 3-month-old baby, making the most of your trip: activities and attractions for families with a 3-month-old.


Taking a trip with a 3-month-old baby may seem daunting, but with a little planning and preparation, it can be a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family. While there are countless destinations to choose from, certain places offer the ideal combination of baby-friendly amenities, a peaceful atmosphere, and activities that cater to both adults and little ones. Here are some of the best destinations for traveling with a 3-month-old baby:

  • Beach Resorts: Beach vacations can be a great choice for families with young babies. Destinations like the Maldives, Fiji, or the Hawaiian Islands offer warm weather, pristine beaches, and luxurious resorts that provide all the necessary amenities to accommodate your baby's needs. Look for resorts with dedicated baby pools, child-friendly restaurants, and convenient beach access.
  • All-Inclusive Resorts: All-inclusive resorts are perfect for families traveling with a 3-month-old baby because they take care of all the details, allowing you to relax and enjoy your vacation. Look for resorts that offer spacious rooms or suites with separate sleeping areas, providing you with privacy and comfort. Ensure the resort has baby-friendly amenities such as cribs, high chairs, and baby food options.
  • Cabin Rentals: If you prefer a more secluded getaway, renting a cabin in the woods or near a lake can be an excellent option. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy nature and provide a peaceful environment for your baby. Look for cabins with fully equipped kitchens and laundry facilities, as these will be essential for handling the baby's needs.
  • Family-Friendly Cities: Visiting family-friendly cities can also be a great option for traveling with a 3-month-old baby. Destinations like Copenhagen, Stockholm, or Toronto offer a wealth of attractions and activities suitable for all ages. Look for accommodations in central locations, close to parks, museums, and other family-friendly attractions.
  • Cruises: Cruises can be an excellent choice for families with a 3-month-old baby, as they offer a variety of activities and entertainment options. Many cruise lines provide nursery facilities with trained staff who can take care of your baby while you enjoy some adult time. Additionally, having all your meals and accommodations conveniently located on board makes traveling with a baby much easier.

Regardless of the destination you choose, make sure to bring all the essential items for your baby, including diapers, bottles, formula or baby food, and appropriate clothing for different weather conditions. It's also a good idea to have a stroller or baby carrier for easy transportation and to make sightseeing more comfortable.

Before embarking on your trip, consult with your pediatrician to ensure your baby is healthy enough for travel and discuss any necessary vaccinations. Remember to take it slow and be flexible with your itinerary, allowing plenty of time for rest and feeding breaks. With a little preparation and the right destination, traveling with a 3-month-old baby can be a memorable and enjoyable experience for the whole family.

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Traveling with a 3-month-old baby can be a challenging experience, but with proper planning and preparation, you can ensure a safe and comfortable journey for both you and your little one. Here are some tips to make your travel experience hassle-free:

  • Research and Choose the Right Destination: When traveling with a 3-month-old baby, it's important to select a destination that is baby-friendly. Look for places with good healthcare facilities, baby-friendly amenities, and a favorable climate for your baby's well-being. Be mindful of any travel advisories and check for any specific requirements or restrictions for traveling with infants.
  • Plan Your Travel Dates Wisely: Babies at this age are still developing their immune systems, so it's advisable to avoid traveling during peak flu seasons or when your baby is unwell. Choose a time when your baby is more likely to be calm and well-rested, such as after a feed or nap.
  • Pack Essential Supplies: When it comes to packing for your baby, it's better to be overprepared than underprepared. Make sure to pack enough diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, baby food (if needed), extra clothes, blankets, and any necessary medications. It's also useful to bring a small first-aid kit with items like a thermometer and baby-safe medicine.
  • Consider Baby Gear: Having the right baby gear can make traveling much easier. Invest in a sturdy and lightweight stroller that's easy to fold and maneuver. A baby carrier or sling can also be helpful, especially when navigating crowded areas or taking public transportation. If you're flying, check with the airline about their policies regarding strollers and car seats.
  • Plan for Regular Breaks: Traveling long distances can be tiring for both parents and babies. Plan for regular breaks in your journey to allow your baby to stretch, feed, and have diaper changes. This can help prevent fussiness and keep your baby comfortable throughout the trip.
  • Prioritize Hygiene: Keeping your baby's surroundings clean is crucial to prevent any illnesses. Carry travel-sized hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes to clean surfaces like tray tables, high chairs, and changing stations. Remember to wash your hands frequently and encourage others around your baby to do the same.
  • Be Mindful of Sun Protection: Protect your baby's delicate skin from the sun's harmful rays by using a baby-safe sunscreen and dressing them in lightweight, breathable clothing. Consider using a sun hat and a stroller or carrier with a sunshade for added protection.
  • Maintain a Routine: Babies thrive on routine, so try to stick to their usual feeding and sleeping schedule as much as possible, even while traveling. This can help reduce any disruptions and make your baby feel more secure and comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Stay Calm and Flexible: Traveling with a baby can be unpredictable, so it's important to stay calm and remain flexible if things don't go as planned. Be prepared for delays or unexpected changes, and remember to prioritize your baby's needs.
  • Enjoy the Journey: While traveling with a baby can be challenging, it's also an opportunity to create lasting memories. Take the time to enjoy the journey and embrace the new experiences with your little one.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience with your 3-month-old baby. Remember to prioritize your baby's needs, stay prepared, and enjoy the journey. Happy travels!

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Traveling with a 3-month-old baby can be both exciting and challenging. While it may seem overwhelming to pack for your little one, being prepared with the right essentials can make your journey much easier and enjoyable. Here are some essential items you should pack when traveling with a 3-month-old baby.

  • Diapers and wipes: Pack enough diapers and wipes to last the duration of your trip, and then some. It's always better to be over-prepared than under-prepared when it comes to diapering necessities. Make sure to pack them in a separate bag for easy access during your journey.
  • Changing pad: A portable changing pad is a must-have when traveling with a baby. It provides a clean and comfortable surface to change your baby's diaper, whether you're in a crowded airport or on a road trip. Look for a compact and foldable changing pad that can easily fit into your diaper bag.
  • Baby clothes: Pack enough clothes for your baby to stay comfortable throughout the trip. Keep in mind that babies can go through multiple outfit changes in a day, so it's a good idea to pack a few extras. Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off, such as onesies and leggings.
  • Blankets: Having a few lightweight blankets on hand is essential for keeping your baby warm and cozy during travel. You can use them to swaddle your baby, cover the stroller or car seat, or create a makeshift changing surface. Opt for soft and breathable blankets to ensure your baby's comfort.
  • Feeding essentials: If you're breastfeeding, be sure to pack nursing pads, a nursing cover, and extra burp cloths. If you're bottle-feeding, pack enough bottles, formula, and sterilized water for the duration of your trip. Don't forget to bring a bottle brush and some dish soap for cleaning the bottles.
  • Baby carrier or stroller: A baby carrier or a lightweight stroller is essential for navigating through airports, train stations, or even busy city streets. Choose a carrier or stroller that is comfortable for both you and your baby, and easy to fold and store when not in use.
  • Baby toiletries: Pack travel-size baby toiletries such as baby shampoo, lotion, and diaper cream. Don't forget to bring a baby nail clipper and a soft-bristled brush for grooming your little one. It's also a good idea to have a small first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, infant pain relievers, and a thermometer.
  • Entertainment and comfort items: Traveling can be stressful for a baby, so having some familiar and comforting items can help soothe them during the journey. Pack a favorite blanket or stuffed animal, a pacifier, and a few toys or books to keep your baby entertained.

Remember to check with the airline or transportation provider for any specific restrictions or guidelines regarding traveling with a baby. Being well-prepared with these essential items will ensure a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience for both you and your little one. Happy travels!

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Taking a trip with a 3-month-old baby can be a wonderful experience for the whole family. Although your baby may be too young to fully understand or participate in many activities, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of your trip and create lasting memories. Here are some ideas for activities and attractions that are suitable for families with a 3-month-old:

  • Visit baby-friendly beaches: If you're planning a beach vacation, choose a destination with a baby-friendly beach. Look for beaches with calm waters, shaded areas, and facilities such as changing tables and restrooms. Bring a sun hat, sunscreen, and a beach tent or umbrella to keep your baby protected from the sun. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shore, dip your baby's feet in the water, or simply relax on a beach blanket while your baby enjoys the sights and sounds of the beach.
  • Explore botanical gardens: Botanical gardens are a great option for a family outing with a 3-month-old baby. These tranquil and picturesque settings offer beautiful landscapes, exotic plants, and often provide stroller-friendly paths. Take your time to walk around, enjoy the fresh air, and introduce your baby to different colors, textures, and scents. Some botanical gardens even offer baby-friendly workshops or guided tours specifically designed for families.
  • Take a scenic drive: If your baby enjoys car rides, why not go on a scenic drive? Research routes that have breathtaking views, such as coastal drives, mountainous regions, or scenic highways. Pack a picnic lunch, bring a baby carrier, and plan for stops along the way to stretch your legs and take some family photos. Your baby will enjoy the change of scenery and the gentle motion of the car.
  • Visit animal sanctuaries or petting farms: Many cities and towns have animal sanctuaries or petting farms that offer hands-on experiences with animals. These attractions are usually suitable for a 3-month-old baby and are a chance for your little one to see and touch different animals up close. From friendly farm animals to exotic creatures, there's plenty to keep your baby engaged and entertained. Be sure to follow the guidelines and recommendations given by the staff to ensure a safe visit for you and your baby.
  • Explore local parks: Parks are a perfect place to spend time with your baby during your trip. Look for parks with safe playgrounds, picnic areas, and easy walking paths. Bring a blanket and some toys, and find a shady spot to relax and let your baby enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. You can also bring a baby carrier and go for a gentle stroll or even try some light hiking if the park has suitable trails.
  • Attend baby-friendly events: Check local event calendars to see if there are any baby-friendly events happening during your trip. Look for baby-friendly concerts, outdoor movie screenings, or even cultural events where families are welcome. These events can provide a fun and welcoming environment for your family, and you can introduce your baby to new sounds, tastes, and experiences.

Remember to be flexible and follow your baby's cues while traveling. Take breaks as needed for feeding, changing diapers, and napping. Keep your packing list minimal but include essentials like diapers, extra clothes, baby wipes, and a first aid kit. Most importantly, enjoy this special time together as a family and cherish the moments you spend exploring new places with your 3-month-old.

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Frequently asked questions.

It is generally recommended to choose destinations that are close to home and have suitable infrastructure for infants. Popular options include beach resorts, scenic mountain towns, and family-friendly cities.

While it is possible to travel internationally with a 3-month-old baby, it is important to consider the logistics and potential challenges. Long flights, different climates, and unfamiliar environments may not be ideal for such a young baby.

Some essential items to pack for your 3-month-old baby include diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, baby clothes, blankets, a stroller or carrier, a baby monitor, and any necessary medication. Make sure to also bring a first-aid kit and any documents, such as a passport or birth certificate.

It is important to prioritize your baby's safety while traveling. Ensure that the car seat is correctly installed in vehicles, keep the baby within arm's reach at all times, avoid exposing the baby to crowded areas or potential hazards, and follow any specific safety guidelines provided by accommodation providers or transportation services.

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travel 3 month baby

I Traveled Abroad With My 3-Month-Old Baby & Here's What It Was Like

My daughter was 3 months old when we took her on her first trip out of the country. Long before I had her, I definitely thought traveling internationally with a baby was going to be an absolute nightmare. The truth is, however, that traveling abroad with a baby was much easier than I ever imagined. If not for the fact that my husband and all his family are English, I'm sure there wouldn't be a need to travel with a baby so young, but we were excited to visit family and introduce our daughter to her relatives overseas. We waited until she was 3 months old to travel to give us time to transition out of the newborn stage, but we didn't want to wait too long so that family could see her while she was still tiny. The timing also coincided with an annual family vacation we wanted to be a part of, and it gave my husband's entire side of the family a chance to meet our daughter. Even though we knew our baby wouldn't have memories of this trip, we knew everyone else would, and that meant a lot to us.

Before we got on the plane, there was tons of prep to be done, and while the idea of packing wasn't too complicated, the reality was much different. My philosophy when we go anywhere is to basically pack everything my daughter can fit into. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to work on an overseas flight with baggage weight restrictions. So I had to plan. Getting a few weeks worth of clothing all into a suitcase — including my breast pump — was quite the task.

I was nervous that I'd be so exhausted that I wouldn't get to enjoy the delight traveling abroad has always been to me. I was worried that I might be short on patience with my husband or that I might even resent my daughter for how different she made this aspect of our lives. But that wasn't the case at all.

Other than all the stuff my husband or I had to do the morning of our flight — dressing her, feeding her, getting her in and out of the car seat, carrying her through security, changing her, feeding her again, etc. — she was actually pretty easy. She slept on the car ride to the airport, she enjoyed all the people watching, and with all the stimulation prior to our flight, everything was setting her up nicely for a good nap while in the air. I remembered everything I'd read and been told: breastfeed during takeoff and landing ; wear her in a sling close to you; bring a diaper for each hour of travel; stay calm, she'll follow your cues. So I did.

Boarding the flight, our daughter was happy to look around and catch the attention of strangers. She was interested in everything around her that was new and different. We picked a direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to London, England, a seven-hour overnight trip in hopes that all of our biological clocks would appreciate some semblance of a night's sleep. Once all was settled and the plane was ready for departure, though, she started to fuss. I asked my husband for the pillow I packed in our carry-on suitcase, one of the many comforts of home I'd brought, and began breastfeeding. She was as content as ever and ready to drift off. We hadn't purchased her own seat, so she was hopefully going to be comfortable on my lap for the long haul. I was amazed that over five hours later, which included a few turns passing her back and forth with my partner, she was still asleep. Happy that she had gotten an almost normal chunk of sleep “overnight,” I felt confident she'd be able to face a new day in a new time zone, which was five hours ahead of normal for us.

I already knew that traveling and changing time zones is taxing on my own body, but then there was the job of being a parent on top of that. I was nervous that I'd be so exhausted that I wouldn't get to enjoy the delight traveling abroad has always been to me. I was worried that I might be short on patience with my husband or that I might even resent my daughter for how different she made this aspect of our lives. But that wasn't the case at all. I communicated to my husband prior to our trip that I was going to need him to be on his game and aware of any way I might need his help, and our teamwork made all the difference. As for traveling being different now with my daughter in my life, I've realized that it's hard to resent her for anything when she actually just helps me see things with fresh eyes. It's as if I'm getting to experience everything for the first time all over again.

Breastfeeding helped keep her secure no matter the new places we went. I also brought with us things that would remind her of home, like the activity mat she's obsessed with, and I think having it in the floor of my in-law's living room must have made her feel more at home.

Even though my partner and I didn't get much sleep on the plane despite the fact that our baby had slept, we were all excited once we were ready to exit the airport — and probably operating on adrenaline — since we were about to see family. We had another two-and-half hour car ride to our destination, but since she was comfortable in the car seat we'd brought from home, my daughter was fine. I pushed past my own tiredness and greeted each new environment for her with cheer and excitement, and I believe that helped her to remain calm.

The next few weeks of our stay in England were a whirlwind. We visited all the family and friends we could pack in keepin a much busier schedule than we usually do at home. Surprisingly, our daughter wasn't disturbed too much about the new surroundings, and she happily went wherever we took her. She'd last a couple of hours wherever we were then either fall asleep on the car ride to the next place or take a nap on a blanket or on someone's lap. Remarkably, she kept her normal night-time routine of sleeping for about six hours, waking to breastfeed, and then sleeping again for another few hours.

I feel confident that breastfeeding helped keep her secure no matter the new places we went. I also brought with us things that would remind her of home, like the activity mat she's obsessed with, and I think having it in the floor of my in-law's living room must have made her feel more at home. Her adaptability to change at that age — since she wasn't fully able to perceive new people and places — were major points to our advantage in traveling with her then, too. The same trip might look very different with her now that she's almost 8 months old and can realize when she's being held by a stranger versus a family member. She's also much more mobile and curious now. When we traveled abroad five months ago, she wasn't even able to roll over yet, so sitting in our laps in airplane seats probably wouldn't be as easy as it was then since she's desperately trying to crawl all the time now.

Like I thought about most things before becoming a mom, I saw it as this huge, daunting task. But treating this experience with joy and positivity actually helped build up my own self-confidence.

travel 3 month baby

The flight back was a pleasant surprise to us, because even though we hadn't paid for our baby to have her own seat with her car seat in it, there were enough free seats on the plane that they let us bring it on board instead of stowing it with the luggage. It was wonderful to have our hands free, and I think she enjoyed the extra room, too. Though she didn't sleep as much as she did on the first flight, it still went better than I expected.

I had no idea that when we traveled internationally with our 3-month-old daughter that it'd be one of the easiest trips we'll probably ever take together. Like I thought about most things before becoming a mom, I saw it as this huge, daunting task. But treating this experience with joy and positivity actually helped build up my own self-confidence. We'll likely be traveling back and forth between my American and my husband's English families, so our child and any future children are going to grow up traveling a lot. I never want it to be a tiresome, stressful event for her, so I'm taking everything I learned on our trip to heart in an effort to keep the act of traveling not just a positive experience for her, but a genuine adventure for all of us.

travel 3 month baby

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Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead

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Baby and toddler travel

While pre-baby journey prep involved chucking some things in a bag and a drink at the airport, travelling with a child can feel daunting. Here are some tips…

Travelling with a baby or toddler: the basics

If you want to stay put for a while when you have a newborn, that’s understandable and totally normal. But when you are ready to head off, you will have all kinds of fun and adventures. Here are some tips to help things go as smoothly as possible.

Baby and toddler travel essentials

Think about what you’ll need, particularly if the journey takes longer than planned. Stuff to tick off includes:

  • drinks and snacks
  • nappies, wipes and changing mat
  • change of clothes.

(Which? 2018a, b)

Keep it all easily accessible and prep a few bags with one or two nappies, a small packet of wipes and some cream for easy dashes to the loo (Which? 2018a, b) .

Baby and toddler holiday essentials

Things you’ll probably need include:

  • a lightweight buggy
  • a baby carrier/ sling
  • a travel cot
  • a first-aid kit, medicines and sun protection
  • travel blackout blinds.

If you're formula feeding, you'll also need to think about:

  • a travel steriliser
  • bottles and teats
  • formula milk

(Which? 2018b)

See our guide  to sun safety for more tips. 

Travelling with a baby or toddler: top tips

  • Try to organise your baby's passport in plenty of time (GOV.UK, 2018a) . NB: this will involve the most hilarious photoshoot of your life.
  • If you are travelling to countries where you need a visa, you’ll need to sort that out too (GOV.UK, 2012) .
  • Make sure you sort travel and health insurance before you go (annual family policies are often the best value) (GOV.UK, 2012) .
  • Find out about required travel vaccinations (GOV.UK, 2012; Fit for travel, 2018)
  • Try not to rush – this will make journeys way more stressful.
  • It might be easier to go when your baby is young. Small babies are portable and often a lot more flexible than their toddler buddies. Usually infants must be at least two weeks old before they can travel although some airlines allow seven-day old infants on board. The booking policy differs from one airline to another, so it is important to check directly with the airlines (Which? c) . But three to seven months is a great window (The Guardian, 2005) .
  • Book outside the school holidays if you can – way cheaper and less crowded. 
  • You can make full use of the facilities: lots of airports have dedicated areas for entertaining children and have buggies you can use. Some airlines also let you keep your own pushchair with you right up to the boarding gate.
  • Try to keep stuff you need for your baby or toddler in your hand luggage.
  • It’s always good to check the weight limit for your airline before you travel.
  • Children under two years old usually sit on your lap, so taking a cushion or blanket can help.
  • On long-haul flights, you can request a bassinet for them to sleep in. Travelling at night can help them stick to their usual routines too.
  • A baby carrier or sling  for very young children and a back/hip carrier for toddlers is great for walking babies up and down the aisles. It also keeps your hands free.
  • It’s good to find out from the airport and your airline about the rules for fluids allowed through security and in cabin baggage.
  • If you need transfers from the airport, check with your airline about taking your baby car seat, or arrange to hire one when you get there.
  • If possible, sit in an easily accessible seat on the plane.
  • Changing cabin pressure during take-off and landing can be uncomfortable for your children, you can ease the discomfort by feeding babies, giving toddlers a dummy and older children a sweet to suck on.
  • You could attach a luggage label to your child’s clothing with their name and flight number on it.

(Baby Can Travel, 2018b; Which? 2018a, b)

By train or bus

  • Try to avoid rush hour. This means the carriages and buses are less crowded and there will be extra seats.
  • You’ll thank yourself for checking which train stations have lifts for pushchairs.
  • Perhaps try to avoid quiet zones on trains – other passengers may not be sympathetic to a chatty toddler or crying baby.
  • Try to use a sling or baby carrier rather than a buggy. It can be overwhelming arriving at a train station with a buggy, whereas using a sling will keep your hands free to find things like tickets.
  • Sit near the toilets on trains as there’s often more space and flip-up seats for pushchair space. When you get off the train, watch gaps and get off backwards as it’s often safer.
  • Plan the most direct route to avoid awkward train changes.
  • Reserve a seat, choosing a window seat for older babies and toddlers to look out of.
  • Pack a light bag with nappies, snacks and toys so you can stow other luggage in the rack. 
  • Plan how you get from the train station to your final destination, e.g. whether you need to book a taxi with a baby seat. 

(My Train Ticket, 2018; TFL, 2018).

  • Try to time your journey around nap times and stop for breaks if you need.
  • If you need to, dispatch one parent to the back seat to keep your child company.
  • Take window blinds for bright sunshine and music for bored children. Warning: be prepared for long stints of Twinkle Twinkle.
  • Make sure you keep toys handy.
  • Stock up on essentials like snacks, water, formula, extra bottles, extra soothers.
  • Make sure your car seat meets all the safety criteria for your baby or toddler. Read our guidelines here  and how to fit it here.

(Baby Can Travel, 2018c)

This page was last reviewed in March 2019

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

We also offer  antenatal courses   which are a great way to find out more about labour and life with a new baby. 

Baby Can Travel. (2018a) Airline perks for families with babies. Available at: https://www.babycantravel.com/2015/11/11/airline-perks-for-families-with-babies/ [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Baby Can Travel. (2018b) Inflight entertainment for babies and toddlers. Available at: https://www.babycantravel.com/2017/04/27/inflight-entertainment-for-babies-and-toddlers/ [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Baby Can Travel. (2018c) Road trip with a baby: 7 essential tips. Available at: https://www.babycantravel.com/2015/09/14/road-trip-with-a-baby-7-essential-tips/ [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Fit for travel. (2018) Travel health advice. Available at: https://www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk/home Accessed 15th October 2018]

GOV.UK. (2012) Checklist for travelling abroad. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/checklist-for-travellers--2 [Accessed 15th October 2018]

GOV.UK. (2018a) HM Passport Office. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-passport-office [Accessed 15th October 2018]

GOV.UK. (2018b) Apply for a European Health Insurance Card. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/european-health-insurance-card [Accessed 15th October 2018]

My Train Ticket. (2018) Travelling by train with children. Available at: http://www.mytrainticket.co.uk/travelling-with-children [Accessed 15th October 2018]

TFL. (2018) Getting around with your buggy. Available at: https://tfl.gov.uk/transport-accessibility/getting-around-with-your-buggy [Accessed 15th October 2018]

The Guardian. (2005) Have baby, won’t travel? Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2005/oct/22/familyholidays.family.guardiansaturdaytravelsection [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Which? (2018a) Top 10 baby and child travel tips. Available at: https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/travelling-with-children/article/travelling-with-children/top-10-baby-and-child-travel-tips [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Which? (2018b) Baby products to take on holiday. Available at: https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/travelling-with-children/article/travelling-with-children/baby-products-to-take-on-holiday [Accessed 15th October 2018]

Which? (2018c) What are my rights when flying with a baby? Available at: https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/advice/what-are-my-rights-when-flying-with-a-baby [Accessed 15th October 2018]

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  • Infant and toddler health

Is air travel safe for an infant?

Air travel is typically safe for most healthy, full-term infants after the first few weeks. Air travel may not be a good idea for babies born before their due date, called premature or pre-term.

Babies born early may still need time for their lungs to mature. So check with a healthcare professional before flying in a pressurized cabin or visiting high-altitude places.

And any infant with heart or lung problems should be cleared for air travel by a healthcare professional.

As you plan your trip, here are some things to keep in mind, such as the baby's age, your health and some basics of flying.

The baby's age, overall health

Experts caution against flying in the first seven days after a baby is born. Some healthcare professionals suggest not traveling for the first few months.

In general, babies and adults face the same risk of exposure to illness from travel. But a baby's immune system is still learning how to protect against germs. And in most cases, a baby's illness needs to be more closely watched by a healthcare professional.

Caregiver health and planning

It is important for caregivers to think about their own health too. Flying with a child can cause added sleep loss and stress. And adults are at risk for new germs and illness, as well.

Finding out what illnesses are spreading in your area and where you're going can help you prepare and take thoughtful action. And basic things like handwashing are even more important to prevent the spread of germs while traveling.

The baby's ears

Offering a baby something to suck on may help relieve the baby's ear discomfort. You can offer the baby a breast, bottle or pacifier to suck on during takeoff and the start of the landing process. It might help to try to time feedings so that your baby is hungry during these times.

Ask a healthcare professional when it's safe to fly with babies who have had ear surgery or an ear infection.

Also, airplane cabin noise levels are loud, mainly during takeoff. Cotton balls, noise-canceling headphones or small earplugs may limit your baby's exposure to this noise. This may help make it easier for your baby to sleep.

The baby's safety seat

Most infant car seats are certified for air travel. Airlines often allow infants to ride on a caregiver's lap during flight. But the Federal Aviation Administration recommends that infants ride in properly secured safety seats.

If you choose not to purchase a ticket for your infant, ask about open seats when you board the plane. It's possible an open seat could be assigned to your infant.

Don't be tempted to give your baby medicine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, others), to help the baby sleep during the flight. The practice isn't recommended, and sometimes the medicine can have the opposite effect.

Jay L. Hoecker, M.D.

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  • Jana LA, et al. Flying the family-friendly skies. In: Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality. 4th ed. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2020. https://www.aap.org/en/shopaap. Accessed Oct. 30, 2023.
  • Newborn-flying and mountain travel. Pediatric Patient Education. https://publications.aap.org/patiented. Accessed Oct. 30, 2023.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Traveling safely with infants & children. In: CDC Yellow Book 2024. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2024/family/infants-and-children. Accessed Oct. 30, 2023.
  • AskMayoExpert. Infant Fever. Accessed Nov. 18, 2023.
  • Schmitt BD. Pediatric Telephone Protocols: Office Version. 17th ed. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021.
  • Child safety on airplanes. Federal Aviation Administration. https://www.faa.gov/travelers/fly_children/. Accessed Nov. 18, 2023.

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travel 3 month baby

Hello Everyone,

My adult family is planning a summer 2010 vacation to France, and my husband and I just found out that we are 13 weeks pregnant. We are so excited as its our first baby! So by the time we head out on vacation the baby will be about 3 months old. If anyone has any suggestions, information, or anything that you think I should know. I would greatly appreciate all of your ideas and comments. Thank you all for taking the time to post.

Kind Regards,

' class=

Congratulations. You'll be fine.

Once your little one is 3 months old you should (just about) have got it all worked out (although sometimes I question that myself and mine is 20 months now). You'll know what you need to take in terms of feeding/dressing/changing.

There's not much point it telling you about liquids on planes etc.. cos the regulations will probably change by then and you don't know yourself how you'll be feeding.

' class=

When mine were very tiny I had a buggy that had a sort of carrycot on it - I was able to keep the baby in that right until I boarded, it was a god send. When I travelled with my children when they were tiny everyone was very helpful. Unless you are breast-feeding I would suggest that you take dried baby-milk powder(sufficient for the whole trip) with you as cabin crew do not like to put passengers liquids in their fridges - had an issue over a medicine that needed refridgeration - and you may not be able to find an exact product match in France. Really lovely baby clothes in France!

' class=

3 months is a great age for the baby to travel because all they need is you (and food and sleep)!

I have travelled with my young babies using a baby sling / baby carrier which has always been a godsend!

Breastfeeding is convenient if it works out for you. It can also be convenient to sleep with the baby in your bed (rather than worrying about a baby cot) if that suits you. I have found that the babies slept very well with me - must be comforting for them.

If it is your first baby, you may still be feeling very tired at the 3 month mark, so i wouldn't overestimate what you will be able to achieve in terms of sight seeing etc....

travel can mess up any feed / sleep routines you might have at home, but i have found that by letting the baby eat and sleep when it wants everything works out in the end (rather than trying to stick to a routine). Plenty of time to get things back on track at home.

Allow time at both ends of the trip for everyone to adjust to the time and cultural differences.

travel 3 month baby

There may be issues with the baby not being up to being out and about as much as the rest of the people are. Some babies are, some aren't. You won't know what you've got until you say hello!

You'll also likely be discovering your inner "mother bear" that you didn't even know you had. It will tick you off to no end that ________ did __________ in front of the baby (you fill in the blanks). You may still be a little emotional at that time, so give yourself some slack. Don't try to have the best trip to France of all time. If you're with Your family it will be different than if you're with your partner's family.

You might want to pack a water filter. My sister's son always was very sick for about two weeks whenever they came home from europe. We eventually decided it was a difference in water, as that was the only variable to speak of. If you're breastfeeding, that will take care of that issue. 3mo don't need to drink water.

Baby may still not be sleeping through the night either. That will add its own layer of hell to your vacation if so (sorry). We had one who did at 4 months and two who didn't until 8 mo. We tried all the standard cures with a firm hand but no such luck. It is very hard on you to have interrupted sleep night after night, so be kind to yourself.

You will be getting a lot of advice from everyone else on the trip about what you SHOULD be doing, so practice a mantra to prepare: "This is MY baby. I know what I think is right. I am a GOOD parent!" Some well meaning relatives can be so bossy!

Cheers to you as you get ready for your new arrival,and go through the arrival itself! Nothing will ever be the same. Allow yourself to change the plan when you find out your pre-baby self didn't realize just how different life would be.

Different and wonderful, so enjoy!


My invaluable piece of equipment when traveling was a stroller. Airlines will allow you to gate check it. Make sure that the stroller you will use for travel is sturdy, but also light-weight and compact enough. I can't say enough about the durability and efficiency of the MacClaren brand. They are worth every penny.

For the airline , do bring one more outfit than you expect to ever need. Like the previous poster, I have thrown away clothing because it was so soiled. I have seen babies get off the plane in just a diaper and blanket because they have gone through everything. That said, be efficient

Bring ziploc bags. All sizes.

Allow plenty of time. To get to the airport, check-in, go through security. Everything takes longer with children!

Airlines allow families to board early. Sometimes that is good, necessary and helpful, sometimes not. Depends on your child. Sometimes we would send my spouse ahead to stow things, while I waited to board last, especially if the baby was fussy. Remember international flights have a long boarding time, which adds to your total on-board time.

Label everything. You will have alot on your mind, and still be sleep deprived, even with two parents, it is not uncommon to leave something behind.

Enjoy the trip, your new baby and the joy of family travel.

' class=

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Apply for your First Adult Passport

Apply for a Child Under 16

Apply as a 16 or 17 Year Old

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Get a Passport Card

Respond to a Letter or Email

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply with their child, you will need to show us more documents.
  • You cannot renew your child's passport using Form DS-82.
  • Passports for children under age 16 are only valid for 5 years. 

Steps to Apply

1. fill out form ds-11 and print it.

Use our Form Filler tool  to fill out your child's form on a desktop or laptop computer and then print it. If you are experiencing technical issues with the Form Filler, download a PDF . 

Fill Out Form DS-11 Online

Tips to complete your child's form :

  • Do not sign your child's form until asked to do so by a passport acceptance agent or employee. 
  • You can apply for a passport book , a passport card , or both documents.
  • You may ask for a larger passport book with more visa pages, at no extra cost, by checking the 'large book' box at the top of the DS-11.

2. Get Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (and a photocopy)

Your evidence must be an original or replacement copy. The document must have the official seal or stamp of the office which issued it. You must submit one of the following documents for your child:

  • Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
  • Lists applicant's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
  • Lists the parent(s)' full names
  • Has the date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
  • Has the registrar's signature
  • Has the seal or stamp of the city, county, or state which issued it
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Please note you must also provide a document, such as a birth certificate, that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Full validity means the document is or was valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for children under 16. 

If you cannot submit one of these documents, go to our  Citizenship Evidence page  for more information.

Paper only : You cannot submit digital evidence of U.S. citizenship such as a mobile or electronic birth certificate. You must submit physical evidence of U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the document. 

Returning your child's document : We will return your child's document in a separate mailing up to 8 weeks after you receive the new passport.

Tips for making a photocopy :

  • Black and white (no color)
  • Use 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper
  • Use a single side of the paper

If you do not submit a photocopy, you must submit a second copy of your citizenship evidence. We will keep this copy for our records.

Sample U.S. Birth Certificate

3. Show Your Relationship to Your Child

You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:

  • U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
  • Foreign birth certificate
  • Adoption decree
  • Divorce or custody decree
  • A court order

Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show  both  U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).

You and your child may have different last names, as long as the document showing your relationship to your child lists your full name.

If your name is different than the one on the document showing your relationship to your child, submit proof of your legal name change.

4. Get a Photo ID (and a photocopy)

Both parents or guardians must bring a physical, photo ID and a photocopy of it. If your photo ID is from a different state than the state in which you are applying, bring a second photo ID. 

You must show at least  one  of these photo IDs:

  • Valid or expired, undamaged U.S. passport book or passport card 
  • In-state, fully valid driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
  • Certificate of Naturalization 
  • Certificate of Citizenship 
  • Government employee ID (city, county, state, or federal)
  • U.S. military or military dependent ID
  • Current (valid) foreign passport
  • Matricula Consular (Mexican Consular ID) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • Trusted Traveler IDs (including valid Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS cards)
  • Enhanced Tribal Cards and Native American tribal photo IDs
  • In-state, fully-valid learner's permit with photo
  • In-state, fully-valid non-driver ID with photo
  • Temporary driver's license with photo

If you do not have one of these photo IDs, go to our  Identification page  for more information.

5. Show More Documents (if both parents or guardians cannot apply)

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply in person with their child, you will need to show more documents.

Important : Submit  Form DS-3053  and other notarized statements within three months of signing them.

6. Provide a Photo

You must provide one photo with your child's application. Go to our  Passport Photo page  for photo requirements and to see examples of photos. 

  • Do not attach or staple your child's photo to the form. The acceptance agent or passport employee will review the photo and staple it to your form.
  • Some  passport acceptance facilities
  • A company which offers photo services
  • Home. Ask your friend or family member to take your child's photo. Print it on glossy or matte photo quality paper. 

7. Calculate Fees

When applying using Form DS-11, you will pay two separate fees - an application fee and an execution (acceptance) fee. You will pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State, and the execution (acceptance) fee to the facility which takes your application. 

  • Add $60 to your application fee if you want  expedited service .
  • Add $19.53 to your application fee if you want us to ship your completed passport in 1-2 days after we issue it.  

Child Applicants :

For more information on how to pay and a full list of fees, go to our  Passport Fees  page.

*How to fill out your check and pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State. Please note you must pay a separate execution (acceptance) fee. 

Families may write one check or money order to the U.S. Department of State if they are applying at the same time. The check or money order must include the name and date of birth of each applicant.

travel 3 month baby

8. Find Location to Apply

In the United States:

  • Traveling in more than 3 weeks?  Go to a  passport acceptance facility  such as a post office, library, or local government office. Check with the facility to see if you need to make an appointment. 
  • Traveling in less than 3 weeks?   Make an appointment  to apply at a passport agency or center.

In another country:

  • Contact your  U.S. embassy or consulate .

9. Track Your Application Status

You can  subscribe to email updates  about your application status, and  learn more about each status update .

It may take 2 weeks from the day you apply until your child's application status is “In Process.” 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you send my child's passport and supporting documents.

You will get multiple mailings. The number of mailings depends on what document(s) you asked for.

Passport Book : You may get your new passport and citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We will return the passport book using a trackable delivery service.

Passport Card : You may get your new passport card and your citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We only send the passport card via First Class Mail. We do not send cards using 1-2 day delivery services.

Both a Passport Book and Card : You may get three separate mailings:

  • New passport book
  • New passport card
  • Citizenship documents

Contacting Us : If you have been waiting more than 8 weeks for your documents, call us at  1-877-487-2778  to report that you have not received your documents. 

If you want us to reimburse you for a lost supporting document, you must contact us within 90 days of the date which we mailed your passport. You will also need to provide a receipt to show the cost of replacing the document. 

Can I pay for faster delivery and return shipping?

Yes. You may choose one or both of the following shipment options:

  • Delivering application to us : Pay for Priority Mail Express for faster shipping. The price for this service varies depending on the area of the country.
  • Returning the passport to you : Pay $19.53 for 1-2 day delivery. This means you will receive your passport   1-2 days after we send it. Include this fee with your check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. Do not submit a return envelope to us with postage pre-paid. 

You may receive your passport and supporting documents in separate mailings. If you are renewing a passport card, we will send it to you via First Class Mail. We do not use 1-2 day delivery services if you only applied for a passport card.

What countries require Form DS-3053 "Statement of Consent" to be notarized at an embassy or consulate?

In certain countries, a DS-3053 must be notarized at a  U.S. embassy or consulate  and cannot be notarized by a local notary public. Currently, these countries include:

Special Passport Fairs

Find a Special Passport Fair  near you!

We're holding special passport fairs all across the United States to help you get your passport more easily. New events are added to our site every week.

Most events are for first-time applicants and children, (who use Form DS-11). If you can use Form DS-82, you can renew by mail at your convenience!

Processing Times

Routine:  6-8 weeks*

Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60*

*Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel.  Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center.

  • It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport after we print it. 
  • Processing times + mailing times = total time to get a passport

Urgent Travel:  See our Get my Passport Fast page. 

How to Apply for your Child's Passport

Watch this video to learn how to apply in person for your child's U.S. passport!

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8-month-old baby missing, 5 people arrested, including parents and grandparents

REYNOLD STATION, Ky. ( WBKO /Gray News) - An 8-month-old baby is missing and five people, including the baby’s parents and grandparents, have been arrested.

Kentucky State Police opened an investigation after they conducted a welfare check concerning Miya Tucker on Thursday and did not find her.

During a search for her, authorities said they found Miya’s mother, Tesla Tucker, 29, and Cage Rudd, 30, at a hotel with meth and fentanyl pills in plain view. Miya was not there with them.

Troopers said that Tucker and Rudd falsely claimed that family services took Miya.

In an interview with WFIE , Kentucky State Trooper Cory King said family services removed three older siblings from the couple’s home “some time ago.” Troopers said they intended for Miya to join her siblings, but on May 30, family members notified them that they had not seen Miya since late April.

8-month-old Miya Tucker has brown hair and green eyes. Have you seen her?

After authorities conducted the welfare check and search warrant, troopers arrested and charged Tucker with first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl), possession of drug paraphernalia and abandonment of a minor. Miya’s father was also arrested and charged with first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl), first-degree possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), possession of drug paraphernalia and abandonment of a minor.

On Friday, Tucker and Rudd were charged with additional charges including first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (greater than 2 grams - methamphetamine), trafficking in legend drugs, trafficking in marijuana, first-degree child abuse, abandonment of a minor, engaging in organized crime and possession of paraphernalia, according to WBKO .

Tesla Tucker and Cale Rudd were arrested after authorities conducted a welfare check and...

Also on Friday, Miya’s grandfather Ricky Smith was charged with first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (greater than 2 grams - methamphetamine), trafficking in legend drugs, trafficking in marijuana, first-degree child abuse, abandonment of a minor, engaging in organized crime and possession of paraphernalia, possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and persistent felon offender I.

On Sunday, Miya’s grandmother Billie J. Smith, 49, was arrested and charged with second-degree domestic violence assault.

Authorities said Miya was not with her grandmother.

Also that evening, authorities arrested Timothy L. Roach, 37, after he allegedly went to the Smith’s residence and threw unprescribed suboxone under a vehicle. He was charged with second-degree possession of a controlled substance and first-degree prescription controlled substance not in a proper container.

On Tuesday, authorities announced that they were conducting a cadaver dog search in an area about half a mile from where Miya lived with her parents, according to WFIE .

According to authorities, Miya was born in October and her umbilical cord tested positive for meth.

Authorities said they are hopeful to have a conclusion soon, but the longer Miya is missing, the more grim the outcome will be.

“The community deserves to know what happened to Miya,” King said.

If Miya is not found during the cadaver dog search, troopers will bring in special equipment.

Authorities said there is no information on whether Miya was sold or taken.

“If someone is holding her for them, come forward. You won’t be in trouble,” King said.

Miya has brown hair and green eyes.

Anyone with information regarding the missing child can contact the Kentucky State Police at 270-826-3312. You can also send an anonymous tip on their website .

Copyright 2024 WBKO via Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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3 deputies, suspect shot in gated Ogle Co. community, suspect identified

OGLE COUNTY, Ill. (WIFR) - The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office releases the name of the suspect and state of those injured in a gated community shootout.

A woman called 911 because her adult son, Jonathon Gounaris, was having suicidal and homicidal ideations. When deputies arrived, they were told Gounaris was armed with multiple firearms.

The Ogle County Emergency Response Team (ERT) was activated. When the ERT went up to the house, they were immediately met with gunfire from Gounaris inside the home as they breached the front door. ERT members shot back at Gounaris and incapacitated him. During the exchange of bullets, one ERT member was hit in their armor, one was shot in the upper arm and one was shot in the face.

3 deputies shot in Ogle Co. gated community, suspect identified

When the ERT went inside the home, they found multiple firearms, a fixed-blade knife, pepper spray and ballistic armor.

Two ERT members were taken to KSB Hospital in Dixon for treatment and have been released. One ERT member was flown to OSF St. Anthony Hospital in Rockford for surgery. Gounaris was taken to a local hospital for surgery.

The Illinois State Police investigate the officer-involved shooting.

Previous coverage:

Three deputies and a suspect are in the hospital after a standoff situation and shootout at a home inside a gated Ogle County community.

During a brief news conference Wednesday, Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle said his office was called around 8:30 a.m. June 12, to 402 Wild Rice Lane in Lost Lake for someone threatening suicide and homicide. Lost Lake is northeast of Dixon and southwest of Oregon.

After multiple failed attempts over three hours to make contact with the person, including 50 unreturned phone calls from a hostage negotiator, authorities say they sent an emergency response team into the home.

Investigators report the emergency response team was fired at from inside the house and three deputies were hurt. The suspect was also shot by law enforcement. All were taken to area hospitals and are said to be in stable condition. Earlier Wednesday afternoon, KSB Hospital in Dixon said it received three patients from the scene.

Sheriff VanVickle said several agencies from around the area were called in to assist and Illinois State Police is handling the investigation.

This story is developing and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Illinois officials issued statements in response to the shooting Wednesday.

OGLE COUNTY, Ill. (WIFR) - The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office is on the scene of a reported shooting at an address inside a gated community near Dixon.

The Ogle County Sheriff's Office is investigating a reported shooting with multiple injuries...

The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office is calling the situation at Lost Lake a ‘critical incident.’ A deputy on the scene said law enforcement is investigating reports of multiple shots fired with multiple injuries at an address in the 400 block of Wild Rice Lane. Illinois State Police are also at the scene.

Multiple ambulances have been seen near the site and KSB Hospital in Dixon reports five people were transported from the scene, three of whom were received by its staff. The status of the other two reported patients is unclear at this time.

Reports of shots fired, multiple injuries near Lost Lake in Ogle County.

Lost Lake is located near Lost Nation, which is an unincorporated area between Dixon and Oregon.

Investigators say the scene is secure and there is no current threat to the public. Law enforcement plans to hold a news conference at 3:30 p.m. WIFR will carry the news conference live over the air, on WIFR.com, in the 23 News Now app and on social media.

Copyright 2024 WIFR. All rights reserved.

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  1. Ultimate Guide to Travel With a Baby: Including Expert Tips

    Traveling with a 3-month-old Baby. At three months old, babies are starting to develop a routine, and their immune systems are becoming stronger. This can be an excellent time to travel with a baby, as a 3 month old will spend large parts of the day just drifting between being awake and napping.

  2. Baby Travel Checklist: What to Pack When Traveling With Children

    Wipes, lots of them. A changing pad. Diaper cream (no more than 3.4 ounces if you're flying by plane) Two bibs. Three baby blankets that you can use as burp cloths or to cover yourself up with while breastfeeding. Two bottles (if you use them) Change of clothes for your baby.

  3. The Ultimate Packing List for Baby Travel (+printable checklist!)

    In colder months I'll skip the rompers and dresses, and add more leggings, pants and sweaters. Shirts & Onesies | Usually 2-3 tops, adding 2-3 more in winter months. Dresses or Rompers | Usually 2-3 for warmer destinations, because they're so easy to pack and don't require mixing and matching tops and bottoms.

  4. 22 Must-Have Baby Travel Essentials for 2024

    The 22 Must Have Baby Travel Gear Items. 1. Baby Carrier for Travel. When it comes to getting around while traveling with a baby, I highly recommend a baby carrier. Under the category of infant travel essentials, I absolutely loved my Baby K'tan Wrap and would recommend it to anyone. I would walk our daughter to sleep before our family ...

  5. Tips For Flying With A 3 Month Old Baby

    Decide whether you want to purchase a seat (this is usually 60-100% of an adult fare) and use an airline approved car seat or if your baby will sit on your lap for the flight. A lap baby often travels for free on USA domestic flights but in other cases the fare is usually 10% of an adult fare + any applicable taxes.

  6. 40 tips for traveling with your baby or toddler

    15 tips for traveling with a toddler or kid. 1. Pack plenty of toys and games. 2. Preload their tablets. 3. Don't forget the car seat. 4. Consider sleeping arrangements.

  7. Flying With a Baby

    A passport for international flights. All U.S. citizens, including newborns, need their own passports to fly internationally. To obtain one for your baby, you'll need to use the DS-11 form and apply together in person, so plan ahead. For domestic flights, babies and children under 18 don't need a passport or an ID. Her birth certificate.

  8. Flying with a Baby

    Babies change so fast - flying with a 3 month old is very different than flying with a 8 month old child, for example. Every flight and every time you travel with baby will be different. So even if you've had a bad experience flying with your baby in the past, don't let that stop you from trying again - family travel is so worth it ...

  9. Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 3-6mos

    Tips for Flying with an Infant 3-6 Months Old: Get baby used to room temperature bottles and food, so you don't have the additional hassle of heating en route. If baby can bear weight on their legs, consider purchasing slip-on diapers. Not all airplane bathrooms have change tables.

  10. 37 Tips for Traveling with Infants & Older Babies

    Whether traveling with your infant, older baby, or toddler by car or plane, double-check any car seats you use for safety. Look up the expiration date to make sure the seat hasn't expired, and ensure that it's properly installed. 9. Keep Feedings and Sleep Schedules Consistent.

  11. How to travel with a 3-month-old (and why you should try it!)

    From approx £114 a room for a night, based on two adults sharing. How to get there: Fly to Deauville from London Stansted with RyanAir, travel with Eurotunnel, or by ferry from Dover to Calais. Les Manoirs is a three-hour drive from Calais. Find out more and book.

  12. Where To Travel With A 3 Month Old?

    Mountain Retreats. Mountain retreats are an ideal destination for travelers with a 3 month old. Not only are they filled with soothing vistas and scenic trails, but the change of elevation can also be beneficial to their health. Take the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, for example.

  13. The best places to vacation with a baby

    Speaking of vacations, it's 100% possible to still enjoy travel with a baby in tow, ... With the introduction of Kimbo Baby — for kids ages 3 months to 4 years — even parents can steal a few hours for themselves while their baby is cared for by the resort's trained child care team. Rooms with terrace plunge pools give you and baby a private ...

  14. Can You Travel Internationally with a 3-Month-Old Baby?

    That was followed by an international flight to the U.S. and soon after, to Spain. So to the question about whether or not it's possible to fly with an infant this young, I say: It is possible to travel internationally with a 3-month-old baby. There is no definitive age for when an infant can begin international travel; but most parents will ...

  15. Road Trip With a 3 Month Old: Is It Possible?

    3 month olds can enjoy road trips with an adult seated next to them to be sure they are safe and comfortable. Plan to stop every two hours and take the baby out of their carseat to feed and change the baby. Although it can be an adjustment I have enjoyed traveling with my very young babies! Road trips are a great way to stay flexible and ...

  16. 10 Baby-Friendly Vacations That Everyone Can Enjoy

    In Steamboat Springs, Colorado, you can try your hand at ranching at Saddleback Ranch. 5. Road Trips. Road trips often make a good first vacation with your baby (Photo: Shutterstock) If your baby instantly falls asleep in the car, a family road trip may be a good vacation to start with.

  17. What to know about traveling internationally with a baby

    12 tips for international travel with an infant. Pack a change of clothes. Having a couple of full-body changes of clothes in your carry-on bag, including socks, is essential. There's a good chance you'll have to deal with at least one leaky diaper or major spit-up on a long-haul flight.

  18. Top Destinations For Traveling With A 3-Month-Old Baby

    Discover the top destinations for traveling with a 3-month-old baby and make the most of your family vacation. 525 Main St, Worcester, MA 01608. Mon - Sat: 9:00am-18:00pm. Sunday CLOSED. ... you can ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience with your 3-month-old baby. Remember to prioritize your baby's needs, stay prepared, and enjoy ...

  19. I Traveled Abroad With My 3-Month-Old Baby & Here's What It ...

    May 12, 2016. My daughter was 3 months old when we took her on her first trip out of the country. Long before I had her, I definitely thought traveling internationally with a baby was going to be ...

  20. Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead

    (Baby Can Travel, 2018c) This page was last reviewed in March 2019. Further information. Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700. We also offer antenatal courses which are a great way to find out more about labour and life with a new ...

  21. Air travel with infant: Is it safe?

    The baby's age, overall health. Experts caution against flying in the first seven days after a baby is born. Some healthcare professionals suggest not traveling for the first few months. In general, babies and adults face the same risk of exposure to illness from travel. But a baby's immune system is still learning how to protect against germs.

  22. Traveling with a 3 month old, any suggestions?

    3 months is a great age for the baby to travel because all they need is you (and food and sleep)! I have travelled with my young babies using a baby sling / baby carrier which has always been a godsend! Breastfeeding is convenient if it works out for you. It can also be convenient to sleep with the baby in your bed (rather than worrying about a ...

  23. Traveling with 3/4 month old : r/beyondthebump

    We travelled when baby was 3.5 months old and dreaded it, but he was actually a little angel. As others have said, feed at take off/landing to help with the ears, and take a carrier or sling for the airport. Also recommend checking as much luggage as you can (rather than carry on) to make the airport bit easier.

  24. Apply for a Child's U.S. Passport

    Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60* *Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel. Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center.

  25. 8-month-old baby missing, 5 people arrested, including parents and

    REYNOLD STATION, Ky. (WBKO/Gray News) - An 8-month-old baby is missing and five people, including the baby's parents and grandparents, have been arrested. Kentucky State Police opened an ...

  26. 3 deputies, suspect hurt after standoff turns to shootout in gated Ogle

    Law enforcement plans to hold a news conference at 3:30 p.m. WIFR will carry the news conference live over the air, on WIFR.com, in the 23 News Now app and on social media. ... 8-month-old baby ...