
100+ Tourism Research Topics: Trends and Future Directions

Tourism Research Topics

Tourism research stands at the crossroads of exploration and understanding, dissecting the intricacies of an industry that transcends geographical boundaries. In this blog, we delve into the realm of tourism research topics, examining their importance, trends, popular areas of study, challenges faced by researchers, and the future directions that the field is poised to take.

Key Trends in Tourism Research

Table of Contents

  • Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism has become a cornerstone of research in recent years, reflecting the global shift towards eco-conscious travel. Researchers are delving into the intricate balance between satisfying the wanderlust of tourists and preserving the environment.

Initiatives such as wildlife conservation, eco-friendly accommodations, and community engagement are key focus areas.

Technology in Tourism

The pervasive influence of technology on tourism cannot be overstated. From online booking platforms to virtual reality experiences, researchers are exploring the impact of technology on travel behavior.

Emerging areas of study include the use of artificial intelligence in personalized travel recommendations and the implications of augmented reality for enhancing tourist attractions.

What is the Importance of Tourism Research for Students?

Tourism research holds significant importance for students pursuing studies in various disciplines, including tourism management, hospitality, business, sociology, and environmental studies. Here are some key reasons why tourism research is valuable for students:

Academic Enrichment

  • Increases Understanding: By conducting study on the tourist business, students may increase their comprehension of the intricate relationships between the economic, social, cultural, and environmental facets of the sector.
  • Application of Theoretical information: This increases the practical relevance of their education by giving them the chance to apply the theoretical information they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

Skill Development

  • Research Skills: Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data are just a few of the vital research skills that come from conducting tourist research. These abilities are adaptable and useful in a range of work environments.
  • Communication abilities: Through research papers, presentations, and conversations, students learn how to effectively express their results, which improves both their writing and spoken communication abilities.

Industry Insights

  • Current Trends and Issues: Research allows students to stay abreast of current trends, challenges, and emerging issues in the tourism industry. This awareness is crucial for adapting to the dynamic nature of the field.
  • In-Depth Knowledge: By delving into specific tourism research topics, students gain in-depth knowledge of particular sectors within the industry, positioning themselves as experts in specialized areas.

Career Opportunities

  • Competitive Advantage: Having experience in tourism research can provide students with a competitive advantage in the job market. Employers value candidates who can bring a research-driven perspective to decision-making.
  • Diverse Career Paths: Whether in academia, policy-making, destination management, or market analysis, a background in tourism research opens doors to a variety of career paths within the broader field of tourism and hospitality.

Contributions to Sustainable Practices

  • Environmental and Social Responsibility: Tourism research often focuses on sustainable practices. Students, through their research, can contribute ideas and solutions for promoting responsible tourism, minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

Global Perspective

  • Cultural Awareness: Researching diverse tourism topics exposes students to various cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This global perspective is crucial in an industry where interactions with people from different backgrounds are common.

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Analytical Thinking: Research involves analyzing complex issues and developing solutions. This cultivates students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, valuable attributes in any professional setting.

Personal Growth

  • Confidence Building: Successfully conducting research and presenting findings builds students’ confidence in their abilities. It empowers them to tackle challenges and approach tasks with a systematic mindset.

In summary, tourism research is a multifaceted learning experience that goes beyond textbooks, providing students with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives needed for a successful and impactful career in the tourism industry or related fields.

100+ Tourism Research Topics: Category Wise

  • Impact of Technology on Travel
  • Cultural Tourism and Heritage Preservation
  • Dark Tourism: Ethics and Motivations
  • Community-Based Tourism for Socioeconomic Development
  • Wildlife Tourism and Conservation
  • Gastronomic Tourism: Culinary Experiences
  • Adventure Tourism: Risk and Reward
  • Medical Tourism: Trends and Implications
  • Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages
  • LGBTQ+ Tourism: Diversity in Travel
  • Film Tourism: Influence on Destination Choice
  • Cruise Tourism: Environmental Impact
  • Rural Tourism: Exploring Off-the-Beaten-Path
  • Urban Tourism and City Planning
  • Educational Tourism: Learning Journeys
  • Wellness Tourism: Mind and Body Retreats
  • Space Tourism: Future Frontiers
  • Luxury Tourism and Experiential Travel
  • Sports Tourism: Events and Impact
  • Volunteer Tourism: Traveling for a Cause
  • Accessible Tourism: Inclusive Travel
  • Niche Tourism: Unusual Destinations
  • The Psychology of Tourist Behavior
  • Destination Marketing and Branding
  • Over-tourism: Challenges and Solutions
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism
  • Cruise Tourism: Cultural Interactions
  • Heritage Tourism Management
  • Tourism and Globalization
  • Impact of Political Instability on Tourism
  • COVID-19 and Tourism: Recovery Strategies
  • Solo Travel: Trends and Safety Concerns
  • E-Tourism: Online Booking Trends
  • Responsible Tourism Practices
  • Agritourism: Farm and Rural Experiences
  • Wildlife Sanctuaries: Balancing Conservation and Tourism
  • Backpacking Culture: Trends and Challenges
  • Tourism Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Social Media Influencers in Tourism
  • Geotourism: Exploring Geological Wonders
  • Virtual Reality in Tourism Experiences
  • Tourism Policy and Regulation
  • Sustainable Transportation in Tourism
  • Wellness Retreats: Trends and Impacts
  • Coastal and Marine Tourism
  • Historical Tourism and Interpretation
  • Space-Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Tourism
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Tourism
  • Slow Tourism: Embracing the Journey
  • Geopolitics and Tourism
  • Adventure Sports Tourism: Risk Management
  • Wellness Tourism: The Spa Industry
  • Religious Festivals and Tourism
  • Volunteer Tourism: Cultural Exchange
  • Impacts of Terrorism on Tourism
  • Tourism and Gender Equality
  • Dark Sky Tourism: Stargazing Adventures
  • Social Justice in Tourism
  • Music Tourism: Festivals and Events
  • Cruise Tourism: Port Infrastructure
  • Urban Regeneration through Tourism
  • Wellness Tourism: Mindful Travel
  • Cultural Appropriation in Tourism
  • Sports Mega-Events and Tourism
  • Virtual Tourism: Exploring from Home
  • Tourism Education and Training
  • Destination Resilience to Crises
  • Adventure Tourism: Environmental Stewardship
  • Slow Food Movement and Culinary Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism: Technology Solutions
  • Adventure Tourism: Cultural Immersion
  • Experiential Learning in Tourism
  • Tourism and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Indigenous Tourism: Empowerment and Challenges
  • Film-Induced Tourism: Pop Culture Impact
  • Ephemeral Tourism Events
  • Adventure Tourism: Cultural Sensitivity
  • Slum Tourism: Ethical Considerations
  • Tourism and Water Conservation
  • Space Tourism: Ethical Considerations
  • Rural Tourism: Community Engagement
  • Wellness Tourism: Mind-Body Connection
  • Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Adventure Tourism: Extreme Sports
  • The Role of Festivals in Tourism
  • Cultural Tourism and Social Inclusion
  • Wellness Tourism: Alternative Therapies
  • Tourism and Human Rights
  • Heritage Conservation and Tourism
  • Adventure Tourism: Risk Perception
  • Virtual Reality Museums and Tourism
  • Responsible Wildlife Tourism
  • Tourism and Disaster Management
  • Festivals as Cultural Tourism Attractions
  • Adventure Tourism: Psychological Benefits
  • Wellness Tourism: Eco-Friendly Retreats
  • Tourism and Aging Population
  • Culinary Tourism: Fusion Cuisine
  • Adventure Tourism: Cross-Cultural Interactions

Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Research

Data collection and analysis.

While technology has streamlined data collection, challenges persist in ensuring data accuracy and relevance. Researchers are exploring advanced methodologies, such as big data analytics and machine learning, to overcome these hurdles and derive meaningful insights.

Globalization and Tourism

The globalization of the tourism industry poses both challenges and opportunities. Researchers are scrutinizing the impact of global trends on local economies, cultural identities, and the environment. Striking a balance between global and local interests is a complex task that requires careful consideration.

Future Directions in Tourism Research

Emerging tourism destinations.

The landscape of tourist destinations is ever-evolving. Researchers are turning their attention to emerging destinations, investigating the factors that contribute to their rise and the implications for the broader tourism industry. 

This includes understanding the appeal of off-the-beaten-path locations and the potential challenges associated with their sudden popularity.

Post-Pandemic Tourism

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the tourism industry in unprecedented ways. Researchers are exploring the long-term effects of the pandemic on travel behavior, destination preferences, and the overall structure of the tourism sector. 

Strategies for recovery and resilience are also under the microscope as the industry adapts to the new normal.

Resources for Tourism Research Topics

  • Academic Journals and Publications: Leading academic journals in tourism research, such as the “Journal of Sustainable Tourism” and the “Annals of Tourism Research,” provide a wealth of knowledge for researchers. These publications cover a wide array of topics, from sustainable practices to cultural tourism.
  • Conferences and Events: Attending conferences and events, such as the “International Conference on Tourism Research” and the “World Tourism Forum,” offers researchers the opportunity to engage with peers, present their work, and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.
  • Online Databases and Research Platforms: Online databases, including Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and Tourism Management Database , provide access to a vast repository of research articles, theses, and reports. These platforms facilitate collaboration and information exchange among researchers.

In conclusion, the landscape of tourism research topics is vast and dynamic, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the tourism industry. As researchers continue to explore sustainable practices, emerging trends, and the post-pandemic landscape, the importance of their work cannot be overstated. 

By navigating the challenges and embracing the opportunities presented, tourism researchers contribute to a more informed and resilient industry, ensuring that the joy of travel remains accessible for generations to come.

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tourism presentation topics

Top 20 Tourism Keynote Topics for Inspiring Journeys

Tourism is an ever-evolving industry shaped by global trends, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences. As the world redefines travel experiences, tourism keynote speakers are crucial in guiding professionals and enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we present the top 20 tourism keynote topics that promise to inspire, educate, and transform the way we view the world of travel.

RELATED: Tourism Academy Keynote Speakers

1. Sustainable Tourism: Crafting a Greener Future

Explore how the tourism industry can minimize its carbon footprint, preserve natural resources, and contribute positively to local communities.

2. The Rise of Experiential Travel: Beyond Sightseeing

Dive into the realm of immersive travel experiences that go beyond checking off tourist spots, focusing on meaningful connections and personal growth.

3. Tech-Driven Travel: Navigating the Digital Frontier

Discover how cutting-edge technologies like AI, AR, and blockchain reshape the travel landscape, from booking to on-site experiences.

4. Destination Marketing 2.0: Storytelling in the Digital Age

Uncover the power of compelling narratives and effective digital marketing strategies in enticing travelers to explore new destinations.

5. Wellness Tourism: Traveling for Mind, Body, and Soul

Delve into the wellness travel trend, exploring the demand for destinations that offer relaxation, self-care, and holistic experiences.

6. Cultural Immersion: Connecting Through Authentic Encounters

Learn about the value of authentic cultural interactions, fostering understanding and appreciation for diverse traditions worldwide.

7. Luxury Travel Redefined: Exclusivity with Purpose

Examine the changing definition of luxury in travel as high-end experiences embrace sustainability, unique encounters, and philanthropy.

8. Adventure Tourism: Conquering Boundaries Safely

Explore the world of adrenaline-pumping adventures while also understanding the importance of safety, conservation, and responsible exploration.

9. Food Tourism: Savoring Culinary Journeys

Delight in the exploration of local cuisines and culinary traditions that contribute to a deeper connection with destinations.

10. Solo Travel Empowerment: Discovering Independence

Empower individuals to step out of their comfort zones, highlighting the personal growth and empowerment of solo travel.

11. Travel Photography: Capturing Moments, Sharing Stories

Unleash the art of travel photography as a medium for storytelling and inspiring wanderlust in the digital age.

12. Hospitality Trends: Redefining Guest Experiences

Examine the evolving hospitality landscape, including personalized services, boutique accommodations, and the integration of AI in guest interactions.

13. Volunteer and Impact Travel: Making a Difference on the Go

Learn about the transformative power of combining travel with community service and environmental conservation efforts.

14. The Future of Aviation: Sustainable Air Travel

Discuss innovations in aviation that prioritize environmental responsibility while maintaining the efficiency and convenience of air travel.

15. Crisis Management in Tourism: Navigating Unforeseen Challenges

Address the importance of preparedness and resilience in unexpected events, from natural disasters to global health crises.

16. Cultural Heritage Preservation: Balancing Tourism and Tradition

Examine strategies for protecting and promoting cultural heritage sites while ensuring respectful and sustainable tourism practices.

17. The Sharing Economy and Travel: Disruption and Adaptation

Explore the impact of platforms like Airbnb and Uber on the tourism industry, from transportation accommodations.

18. Inclusive and Accessible Tourism: Opening Doors for All

Highlight the significance of making travel accessible to people of all abilities, ensuring everyone can experience the joys of exploration.

19. Trends in Family Travel: From Multigenerational to Nomadic Families

Analyze the evolving dynamics of family travel, including the rise of multigenerational trips and families embracing nomadic lifestyles.

20. Reimagining Urban Tourism: Cities as Sustainable Hubs

Discuss how cities can innovate to manage over-tourism, focusing on sustainable urban planning, community engagement, and preserving local culture.


As the tourism industry continues to evolve, these 20 keynote topics offer a glimpse into travel's diverse and dynamic landscape. From sustainable practices to cutting-edge technologies, from solo adventures to multigenerational journeys, these topics reflect an industry's aspirations and challenges that shape how we explore the world. Whether you're a tourism professional, an enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of travel, these keynote topics will inspire and spark meaningful conversations.


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10 Creative Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates


Curiosity and traveling are both a key part of the human nature.

In today’s interconnected world, traveling or going on a vacation to the other side of the globe, is no problem at all (that is until the COVID crisis is over).

However traveling is not always related to holidays or vacations, it’s also very common for work and business related events.

Here are some of best Prezi presentation templates related to traveling around the world, planning a holiday or making tourism trips.

All the templates are meant for the Prezi presentation software, so unfortunately there’s no way for you to create a boring list of bullet points… you have to force yourself to be more creative this time! Head’s up… some templates actually also include a PowerPoint PPT version, be sure to check or ask before you purchase if you need one!

1. Travel Destinations Presentation Template

beach resort 3D concept

Is your next vacation or holiday long due? Better don’t look at this template then! A creative presentation template for talking about a sunny beach vacation or tourism. A 3D scene with a blue travel suitcase, a globe, airplane, hot air balloon, sandy palm island and a beach ball. Talk about global tourism business, your own vacation plans or popular travel destinations.

2. Travel Agency Presentation Template

travel infographic illystration

Designed especially for travel and holiday topics, this template is recommended for travel agencies, tourism companies, flight companies. Prezi has a large light blue zoomable world map, icons that showing locations and semi-transparent colorful bars for image, video, text, symbols and shapes. Colorful bars, shape elements are designed with CSS and that means you can change a color of bars very easily. Also, scale elements larger or smaller, depending on your needs. Slide backgrounds have been designed slightly transparent with white color to increase readability of text. Demo topics are most common for travel Agencies- flights, car, hotels, food, ferry. You can also include topics like accommodation, car rental, booking a hotel, rooms for rent, holiday offers.

3. Vacation Planning Presentation Template

3D beach on a computer screen

Vacation themed Prezi template with a 3D concept. A beautiful tropical island beach background on a computer screen with water pouring out onto the keyboard. Template also includes an airplane flying out of the monitor, parachutes with a cargo box and a human silhouette. Perfect for a summer vacation, traveling, tourism or holiday themed presentation. All separated elements, so you can replace or move objects and create your own unique concept. Present about travel planning, holidays, vacations, tourism, agency, summer trips. Happy vacations!

4. Idea City Presentation Template

small city as a planet

Are you a creative person? Do you dare to make an interesting presentation?A 3D Prezi Next presentation template with a small planet city concept. A sphere city globe with skyscrapers and an ocean on a blue sky background. Zoom into the topic circles with great visual transition effects, as the objects and background move separately. Use the default placeholder content or create your own presentation slides. Present about global topics such as international travel, tourism or about various business or technical innovations in the world. Take your viewers on a journey around the globe and build your own storyworld.

5. Travel Ideas Presentation Template

traveling suitcase with infographic tiles

Prezi presentation template for a travel related presentation. A classic travel case on an airport hallway background. Talk about vacation plans, travel planning, tourism. Create a simple and infographic presentation illustrated with icons. Add more symbols from the prezi insert menu. Talk about travel insurance, low cost airlines, checking in online, booking travels online, travel agencies, food in airports or best time to travel etc…

6. Tourism Locations Presentation Template

3D folded map with clouds and airplane

Prezi Template with a 3D folded world map, clouds, map markers and an airplane. A good Prezi for presenting about traveling, business, holiday, vacation, company locations, business targets, route planning, tourism attractions or tourists All separated elements: move the markers around and zoom anywhere in the locations to present interesting details. Contact us for custom job to replace the image on the 3D folded map. Present about aviation, flying, travel agency or guide, booking travels online, renting apartments on travels.

7. World Map Wall Presentation Template

dotted world map on a wall

Prezi Template with a customizable dotted world map theme. A world map on an office wall background. Change the overall background color and that suits your theme. Use the built in Prezi colors or add your own via CSS. Make a presentation about a world related topic. Talk about business, global warming, war, nature, travel. A great prezi template for an international world map presentation.

8. Global Topic Presentation Template

world illustrated with an airplane

A creative 3D Prezi Template with an animated video background: a spinning globe and a flying airplane. A professional looking multipurpose Prezi for a business or personal presentation. Add your own symbols and colors around the globe. Zoom in for the content details: use text, images, videos or symbols. A good template for talking about travel, tourism, global business, world politics etc. A realistic world on a simple white background. Create a simple circle infographic report of introduce your company.

9. Travel Stories Presentation Template

traveling stories movie roll presentation

Prezi presentation template for a world related presentation. Talk about a global issue or problem. 3D globe on a sky background with a round film strip, illustrating a story to be told. Zoom in and insert your own content anywhere. Talk about global warming, world wars, nature, politics, or traveling.

10. World Travel 3D Presentation Template

3D globe presentation template

Take your audience around the world! A creative multipurpose Prezi Next presentation template with a small 3D globe concept. Small planet with a transport car/truck, social media tree, airplane, a city, palm island and a macbook laptop. Great template for talking about international topics: global business, international trade, vacation or tourism. Take your viewers on journey around the globe, show timelines, deadlines, technologies, social media links. Build your own little storyworld and amaze your audience.

Feel like traveling yet?

In case you’re looking for some more inspiration about the topic, especially about the visual side of your presentation, then be sure to check out Pinterest for some travel ideas and explore the world as we see it.

In case you didn’t stumble upon a presentation template you were looking for, then it’s also a good idea to check our 25 Creative Presentation Templates or our entire gallery of Prezi Templates .

The COVID-19 crisis deeply worsened the situation for all travel and tourism related businesses, however with the quick vaccinations happening across the globe, we might hope that things will soon get to normal in a few years.

creative-abstract-3d-design-agency-multimedia-presentation-template-for-prezi-and-powerpoint-Slide1 (4)

Make Your Presentations Unforgettable .

25 Stunning Presentation Templates Guaranteed to Impress Your Audience Every Time

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20+ Best Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates

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YoTravel is a beautifully designed template that comes with 30 slide designs. The slides are easy to customize, making it possible to create a unique ...

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PPT Keynote

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FAQs About Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates

What exactly are travel & tourism presentation templates.

Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates are pre-designed layouts and patterns for presentations that are related to travel and tourism. These templates are commonly used by travel agencies, tourism departments, hotels, and airlines presentations to provide a professional and eye-catching appearance. They are equipped with travel-related graphics, designed themes, font styles, and placeholders for travel or tourism related content.

They can be found in different formats like for PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides. Some templates even come with detailed reports, graphs, charts, and more making it easier to present any travel data clearly and concisely.

Why should I use a Travel & Tourism Presentation Template?

Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates not only save time and effort but also provide a professional, cohesive look to your presentation. They are pre-designed, so you don't need to worry about choosing colors, font styles, or creating impactful graphics—they are already created for you.

By using these templates, you can easily present your content in a visually appealing way that connects with the audience. The travel-related themes enhance the audience's experience and make your content easier to understand. They also come with customizable elements which let you tailor the presentation to suit your particular needs.

Where can I find Travel & Tourism Presentation templates?

Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates can be found on a variety of online platforms. Websites dedicated to presentation templates, such as SlideModel, PowerPointTemplates, Canva, and TemplateMonster often have a whole category dedicated to travel and tourism templates. They usually come in different formats like PPT, PPTX, KEY for compatibility with various presentation software.

In addition, several software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple's Keynote provide inbuilt templates that you can use, modify, and customize according to your requirements.

Are these Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates easy to use?

Yes, Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates are typically designed to be user-friendly. Most templates are easy to edit and require no advanced technical knowledge. Elements such as text, images, charts, and colors can typically be edited with just a few clicks. In many templates, it's as simple as dragging and dropping your content into the placeholders.

Templates often come with instructions or guidelines to help users navigate, and if you run into any major issues, the site or platform where you downloaded the template from often has a customer service team or community forum that can help.

Can I customize the Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates according to my need?

Yes, the majority of Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates are designed to be customizable. They often come with a variety of slide layouts, color schemes, fonts, and graphics that can be easily modified. Some of them even allow you to add in multimedia elements, like videos or audio clips.

Even though these templates have a pre-set design, you can usually change individual elements to fit your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to maintain a professional design while still ensuring your presentation aligns with your brand’s look and feel or the specific theme of your presentation.

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Tips to a winning presentation about your travel experience

By mona lavare posted may 01, 2021 09:35 am.

tourism presentation topics

Presentations on traveling adventures can inspire other people to explore. You can use them to teach about social differences and showcase your knowledge. You now have a fresh view that you need to share with other people.

PowerPoint presentations are such an excellent way to exhibit experience engagingly. They allow you to use visual elements to get your point across. And what is a story about traveling without demonstrational pictures and videos?

Tips for an Amazing Travel Presentation

  • Create an Outline

You probably have a lot to say about your experience. To make sure that you don’t get lost in all the details, you can create an outline before the actual presentation. Break your ideas into a few fundamental points. You can develop them later, giving your presentation a logical structure.

This outline can help you with your speech, too. You have your major points already structured. This helps you stay on track with less digressing onto other subjects (which happens easily if you don’t have a plan beforehand). Also, an outline will help you to make sure you mention those key points that can be all too easy to forget.

  • Pick an Appropriate Design

As with any presentation, the design of your slide deck is the first thing people see. It’s also an excellent way to set the mood from the start. Having an interesting and creative design will let your audience know what kind of performance they’re attending. It will also tell them something about yourself.

You can also try to match the design of your presentation to the culture you’re talking about. Put some classical motifs in there to create a mood that’s fitting. It’s a detail that people will enjoy.

Luckily, getting a suitable design doesn’t have to be too much work. There’s a large assortment of  templates for PowerPoint presentations  that you can choose from. All you need to do is select a design that fits both your content and your character.

  • Tell Your Story

Your presentation shouldn’t be just about the sites you’ve visited in which you simply showcase some details and pieces of information. It should also be about you. Why did you attend those places? What do you think about them?

Your presentation should feel individual. It should let people know about your reactions, your struggles, and your experience. Forget the principles! This is an opportunity to talk about yourself a bit.

Building up a story will keep your public trying to guess what’s next. If they engage with what you tell, they’re more likely to get the fundamental ideas and essential events. Turning your speech into a story will also make you feel more approachable and rational.

  • Motivate People

The center of your presentation is to motivate people to travel more; to inspire interest and broaden boundaries. You could turn it into something informative. Share what you’ve got about general misconceptions of other cultures. Getting to understand more about other lifestyles and perspectives is one of the perks of traveling.

You almost surely came across some attractive cultural barriers or difficulties and other memorable events. Teach somebody about them. Show them how you’ve improved as a personality because of them. Chances are they will need to have a similar background or at least learn more about it.

  • Teach People about Cultural Differences

Every country or town has a particular kind of lifestyle. Things that we think normal in a place might be unusual somewhere else. When traveling, we meet different people and different styles of living.

What cultural differences did you find unique? Did they give you a fresh perspective? Multiculturalism is becoming an essential part of our lives, so it can be a significant point of your presentation.

  • Share Your Favorite Things

Did you have a favorite place, food, or activity? Share the motives why you loved that special thing with your public. Would you go back? Should other people try that too?

Talking about your favorite things will make people understand why your experience was enjoyable. It suggests that they might enjoy that too. Your audience will notice your enthusiasm for all that you’ve experienced and will be more likely to become engaged and interested.

  • Don’t Forget about Visuals.

Think if someone described a wonderful painting to you. Wouldn’t you want to view it for yourself and have your conclusion? It’s nice to understand someone else’s perspective on something, but if you want people to be interested, you’ll need to explain to them what you’re talking about.

We contract with visual elements in a more strong way than we do with stories or text. Pictures or videos can carry so much more sense and feelings than words can. So, to maximize the impact of your presentation, don’t also forget to add your personal photos or videos.

  • Let Your Spirit Come Through

Now, if you’re not excited about your travels, why should other people be? Let them know why you enjoyed this adventure. Would they feel identical if they went through the same situation?

Emotions are contagious. The chances are that if you’re active and enthusiastic while you’re telling your story, your listeners will feel the same. And people will compare what they’re feeling with your presentation. So make sure they get the proper reaction!

Long Story Short

Presentations about your traveling background are great for inspiring people. If we want to grow as people, we need to get out of our comfort zones and explore our surroundings. We have to know other cultures and respect our differences. Informing people about your experience can quickly turn educational and thought-provoking.

Just make sure to get what’s essential across to your public. Plan, use visual elements and concentrate on your story. People want to know private things, not just facts about the areas you’ve attended. Show them what an excellent time you had and give them ideas to do the same! Just don’t ignore your passion once you’re back at home – make people feel how exceptional this adventure was for you.

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Tourism presentation templates beyond PowerPoint

Best free tourism presentation templates for winning new clients. Use themes and slides that take your presentation from boring to captivating.

Tourism presentation templates beyond PowerPoint

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What makes a good tourism presentation template?

A good tourism presentation template should:

1) Visually appealing and easy to navigate 2) Tailored to your specific audience 3) Show rather than tell about your destinations, experiences, and services. 4) Organized and well-labeled - making it easy for viewers to find the information they need 5) Use high-quality images and graphics that capture the essence of your destination 6) Have concise text and highlight the most important points

By following these tips, you can create an effective tourism PowerPoint template that will help promote your destination effectively.

But you can do even better by using these tips in our own interactive tourism presentation templates, which create better engagement and better conversions than any PPT ever will.

What to include in a tourism presentation template?

7 most useful slides included in tourism presentations:

  • Introduction
  • About the destination
  • Photo gallery
  • Pricing plans
  • Extra services and attractions

The introduction slid e should introduce your company and cover the experience you are offering and who it’s for.

The destination slide should detail and showcase the beautiful places your company offers tourists to visit.

The map slide can show where these destinations are located in relation to one another and help orient viewers.

The photo gallery slide will entice your prospects and tempt them to visit your destination

The itinerary slide should orient your clients about the trip timetable

The pricing slide will exclude potential clients that can’t afford your tourist package

The extra services plan slide can help you upsell your offering by giving additional value to those willing to pay for it

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Dissertation Writing Tools

  • 1. Complete Dissertation Writing Guide - eBook
  • 2. Dissertation Templates Pack
  • 3. Research Methodology Handbook
  • 4. Academic Writing Checklist
  • 5. Citation Style Guide
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  • 7. Literature Review Toolkit
  • 8. Grammar and Style Guide
  • 9. Dissertation Proposal Template
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tourism presentation topics

Tourism and Hospitality Dissertation Topics Ideas

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating academic journey delving into Tourism Dissertation Topics? Selecting the perfect topic can seem daunting but fear not! With the boundless opportunities within the realm of tourism, crafting your dissertation can be an exciting endeavor. Tourism research topics encompass a diverse array of captivating subjects, ranging from the […]

Tourism dissertation Topics

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating academic journey delving into Tourism Dissertation Topics? Selecting the perfect topic can seem daunting but fear not! With the boundless opportunities within the realm of tourism, crafting your dissertation can be an exciting endeavor.

Tourism research topics encompass a diverse array of captivating subjects, ranging from the exploration of distinct hospitality styles to the immersion in delectable cuisines, cultural customs, accommodations, travel services, entertainment hubs, and vibrant musical events. With such rich content, students can draw inspiration from their own travel experiences, infusing their research with personal anecdotes and insights.

Consider the staggering growth of international tourist arrivals, as evidenced by the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, which surged by an impressive 7% in 2010, reaching an astounding 940 million. This statistic underscores the undeniable relevance and immense potential for growth within the tourism industry, making it an ideal avenue for your academic exploration.

Whether you’re intrigued by the allure of exotic destinations or fascinated by the intricacies of tourism management, there’s a wealth of opportunities awaiting your exploration. Let’s transform your dissertation into an extraordinary voyage of discovery, where every topic you delve into unlocks new insights and enriches your understanding of this dynamic field. Get ready to embark on an exciting academic adventure as we explore captivating tourism research topics together!

Table of Contents

Tourism Dissertation Topics Ideas to Take You Out of Dissertation Writing Nightmare

Unlock the excitement of selecting tourism research topics, accommodation tourism dissertation topics:.

  • The Impact of Boutique Hotels on Tourist Experience: A Comparative Study
  • Sustainable Practices in Eco-Lodges: Balancing Environmental Conservation with Guest Comfort
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity in Hotel Design: Enhancing Accommodation Options for Persons with Disabilities
  • The Rise of Airbnb: Disrupting Traditional Accommodation Models and its Implications for Local Communities
  • Luxury Camping: Exploring the Growing Trend of Glamping and Its Influence on Tourism Experiences

Food and Beverage Services:

  • Culinary Tourism: Analyzing the Influence of Local Cuisine on Tourist Destination Choices
  • Farm-to-Table Dining Experiences: Evaluating the Sustainability and Authenticity of Locally Sourced Food in Tourism
  • Food Tourism in Urban Settings: Exploring Food Tours and Gastronomic Adventures in Metropolitan Areas
  • Food Trucks and Street Food Culture: Impact on Destination Image and Visitor Satisfaction
  • Allergen Management in Hospitality: Strategies for Ensuring Safe Dining Experiences for Guests with Food Allergies

Recreation and Entertainment:

  • Adventure Tourism and Risk Management: Balancing Thrills with Safety Measures in Extreme Sports Activities
  • Cultural Festivals as Tourism Attractions: Assessing Their Role in Destination Marketing and Community Development
  • Virtual Reality Experiences in Tourism: Examining Their Potential to Enhance Visitor Engagement and Satisfaction
  • Sustainable Theme Parks: Strategies for Minimizing Environmental Footprint and Maximizing Social Benefits
  • Urban Exploration Tourism: Investigating the Phenomenon of “Ruin Tourism” and Its Ethical Considerations


  • High-Speed Rail Tourism: Assessing the Impact of Train Travel on Tourism Patterns and Destination Accessibility
  • Electric Vehicles in Tourism: Exploring Sustainable Transportation Options for Tourists in Urban Areas
  • Cruise Tourism and Destination Development: Analyzing the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Port Infrastructure Expansion
  • Micro-Mobility Solutions for Tourists: Evaluating the Role of Scooter Sharing and Bike Rentals in Urban Tourism
  • Airport Design and Passenger Experience: Enhancing Airport Facilities to Improve Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Competitiveness

Travel Services:

  • Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Destination Marketing: Investigating the Role of Digital Platforms in Tourism Promotion
  • Peer-to-Peer Travel Platforms: Examining the Sharing Economy’s Impact on Traditional Travel Services
  • Sustainable Tour Operator Practices: Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact and Supporting Local Communities
  • Wellness Tourism and Spa Services: Understanding Tourist Preferences for Health and Wellness Experiences
  • Travel Insurance in Tourism: Assessing the Importance of Comprehensive Coverage for Tourists’ Peace of Mind


  • Community-Based Ecotourism Initiatives: Evaluating Their Effectiveness in Promoting Conservation and Socio-Economic Development
  • Wildlife Watching Tourism: Balancing Conservation Goals with Tourist Satisfaction in Natural Habitats
  • Ecotourism Certification Programs: Assessing Their Role in Ensuring Environmental Responsibility and Quality Assurance
  • Indigenous Tourism and Cultural Preservation: Exploring Indigenous-led Ecotourism Enterprises and Their Contribution to Cultural Heritage Conservation
  • Marine Ecotourism: Examining Sustainable Practices for Diving and Snorkeling Activities in Coral Reefs and Marine Sanctuaries

Dark Ecotourism:

  • Thana tourism: Exploring Tourist Interest in Dark Tourism Sites Related to Death and Tragedy
  • Disaster Tourism: Understanding Visitor Motivations and Ethical Considerations in Visiting Areas Affected by Natural Disasters
  • War Tourism: Analyzing the Heritage Tourism Potential of Battlefields and War Memorials
  • Prison Tourism: Examining the Growing Interest in Visiting Historical and Active Prisons as Tourist Attractions
  • Nuclear Tourism: Investigating Tourist Interest in Visiting Sites Associated with Nuclear Disasters and Energy Production


  • Employee Turnover in Hospitality: Exploring Causes, Consequences, and Strategies for Retention in the Hospitality Industry
  • Personalization in Hospitality Services: Implementing Customized Experiences to Enhance Guest Satisfaction and Loyalty
  • Hotel Revenue Management Strategies: Optimizing Pricing and Inventory to Maximize Profitability
  • Service Quality in Luxury Hospitality: Assessing the Importance of Attention to Detail and Personalized Service Delivery
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Hospitality Workforce: Promoting Equality and Equity in Hiring and Advancement Practices

Tourism Management:

  • Crisis Management in Tourism: Developing Resilience Strategies for Coping with Unforeseen Events
  • Destination Governance Models: Analyzing Public-Private Partnerships in Tourism Development and Management
  • Sustainable Tourism Destination Planning: Integrating Environmental, Social, and Economic Considerations
  • Tourism Carrying Capacity: Implementing Measures to Ensure Sustainable Visitor Management and Environmental Protection
  • Tourism Education and Workforce Development: Addressing Skills Gaps and Training Needs in the Tourism Industry

Tourism Marketing:

  • Destination Branding Strategies: Creating Unique and Memorable Brand Identities to Attract Tourists
  • Digital Marketing Trends in Tourism: Leveraging Social Media, Influencer Marketing, and Content Strategies to Reach Target Audiences
  • Niche Tourism Market Segmentation: Identifying and Targeting Specific Market Segments for Tailored Marketing Campaigns
  • Destination Image and Perception Management: Strategies for Shaping Tourist Perceptions and Overcoming Negative Stereotypes
  • Sustainable Tourism Marketing: Communicating Environmental and Social Responsibility Initiatives to Eco-Conscious Travelers
  • More  What are some good thesis topics in tourism marketing?

Sport Tourism Dissertation Topics:

  • Mega Sporting Events and Destination Development: Assessing the Legacy Effects of Hosting Events like the Olympics or FIFA World Cup
  • Adventure Sports Tourism: Exploring the Growing Popularity of Activities like Rock Climbing, Surfing, and Mountain Biking in Tourist Destinations
  • Golf Tourism: Analyzing the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Golf Resorts and Tournaments on Local Communities
  • Sports Event Management: Strategies for Planning and Executing Successful Sporting Events to Attract Tourists and Enhance Destination Image
  • Health and Wellness Tourism: Investigating the Role of Sports and Fitness Facilities in Attracting Health-Conscious Travelers to Resorts and Spas
  • More Sports Tourism Dissertation Topics Ideas

Sustainable Tourism Dissertation Topics:

  • Community-Based Tourism Enterprises: Assessing Their Contribution to Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas
  • Ecological Footprint Analysis of Tourist Activities: Measuring and Mitigating Environmental Impact in Popular Tourist Destinations
  • Certification Programs for Sustainable Tourism: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Labels like Green Globe and EarthCheck in Promoting Responsible Travel
  • Wildlife Conservation and Tourism: Balancing Visitor Experience with Wildlife Protection in Natural Reserves and Parks
  • Responsible Tourism Education and Awareness: Strategies for Engaging Tourists and Industry Stakeholders in Sustainable Practices and Ethical Behavior
  • More Sustainable Tourism Dissertation Topics Ideas

Travel and Tourism Dissertation Topics:

  • Cultural Heritage Tourism: Examining the Preservation and Promotion of Historical Sites, Museums, and Cultural Festivals as Tourist Attractions
  • Medical Tourism: Understanding the Motivations and Experiences of Travelers Seeking Healthcare Services Abroad
  • Volunteer Tourism (Voluntourism): Analyzing the Benefits and Challenges of Volunteer Programs for Local Communities and Tourists
  • Culinary Tourism: Exploring Food and Wine Tours, Cooking Classes, and Culinary Festivals as Tourism Experiences
  • Film Tourism: Investigating the Influence of Movies and TV Shows on Destination Choice and Visitor Behavior, and Strategies for Destination Marketing Utilizing Film Locations
  • More Travel and Tourism Dissertation Topics Ideas

Tourism Research Proposal Topics Ideas for college students.

So here are some of the tourism research proposal topics and ideas that will you find a theme for your project.

  • Attitude towards eco-tourism in Scotland among British tourists
  • Implications of the internet in the development of ecotourism
  • Is ecotourism better than Europe in other parts of the world?
  • Factors that are affecting ecotourism buying behavior
  • Integrated marketing communications to ecotourism in the United States of America
  • Developing a marketing plan for the London dungeon
  • Man-made dark tourism sites: the perception and attitude of Europeans
  • All about Jack, the ripper site
  • Is it socially good to visit a site of suffering and death by the local communities?
  • Factors affecting the customer buying behavior of dark tourism in the United States of America
  • Hospitality in religion
  • The effects of globalization on the international hospitality industry
  • The role of hospitality in the development of a country
  • Is marketing the only thing responsible for building the international hospitality industry in New York?
  • The internet revolution and hospitality
  • The death of tourism and hospitality in Asia
  • How tsunami affected the tourism industry of Phuket, Thailand?
  • How to remove the negative and bad reputation of Amsterdam using integrated marketing communication?
  • How to motivate people to visit and stay at the Marriot hotel in Dubai ?
  • Is South Asia the best tourist destination in winter times?
  • Bangkok as a winter holiday destination
  • Educational tourism program – how to make it.
  • Why do British students prefer cultural exchange programs in the US?
  • Why do international students prefer the UK as the best education destination in the world?
  • Comparison of the British with an American student
  • International education tourist programs and the contribution of British students to promote them.
  • Can a high volume of tourists have a negative effect on Switzerland’s environment?
  • What can be done to revitalize the tourism industry in Pakistan?
  • Tourist trap: A menace or a blessing?
  • In-depth analysis of any country’s tourism industry
  • Factors Influencing Visitor’s Choices to Visit Urban Destinations
  • Government instability. When a place is suffering from political problems, it will drive tourists away.
  • How have high prices affected tourism in London?
  • Does Swansea have the potential in becoming the new ecotourism destination of the UK?
  • Do British customers prefer international ecotourism rather than British ecotourism?
  • Examining the implications of the Internet on the growth of ecotourism
  •  How to promote Beaumaris-Prison in Anglesey, Wales, as a new dark-tourism site in the UK.
  • Factors affecting British customers when choosing dark-tourism sites in foreign countries.
  • How to develop a marketing plan for London-Dungeon.
  • How to make Mercat-Tour in Scotland a dark tourism site.
  • The implications of the Tsunami on the tourism industry in Phuket, Thailand.
  • Role of strategic human resource management in developing sustainable competitive advantage in contemporary budget hotel chains.
  • What makes South-East Asia an attractive tourist destination during winter for British customers?
  • The Role of the London Olympics in enhancing the scope of tourism to the city.
  • Perception and attitude toward Beijing’s world-heritage tour among British tourists.

Hope these topics will help you come up with memorable tourism dissertations. Writing a dissertation on tourism can be fun as compared to other dissertations as you can write about any exotic place you are dying to visit.

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
  • 2-3 research questions.
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8 steps to a winning presentation about your travel experience


So you just came back from an amazing trip. You’ve learned a lot; you’ve grown as a person . You feel different. You would love to share with others your many stories of new places, of different sights and sounds.

Presentations on traveling experience can inspire other people to travel. You can use them to teach about cultural differences and showcase your experience. You now have a fresh perspective that you need to share with other people.

PowerPoint presentations are such a great way to exhibit experience in an engaging way. They allow you to use visual elements to get your point across. And what is a story about traveling without demonstrational pictures and videos?

Tips for an Amazing Travel Presentation

1. create an outline.

You probably have a lot to say about your experience. To make sure that you don’t get lost in all the details, you can create an outline before the actual presentation. Break your ideas into a few fundamental points. You can develop them later, giving your presentation a logical structure.

This outline can help you with your speech, too. You have your major points already structured. This helps you stay on track with less digressing onto other subjects (which happens easily if you don’t have a plan beforehand). Also, an outline will help you to make sure you mention those key points that can be all too easy to forget.

2. Choose an Appropriate Design

As with any presentation, the design of your slide deck is the first thing people see. It’s also a good way to set the mood from the start. Having a colorful and creative design will let your audience know what kind of presentation they’re attending. It will also tell them something about yourself.

You can also try to match the design of your presentation to the culture you’re talking about. Put some traditional motifs in there to create an atmosphere that’s fitting. It’s a detail that people will appreciate.

Luckily, finding a suitable design doesn’t have to be too much work. There’s a large variety of free PowerPoint templates that you can choose from. All you need to do is pick a design that fits both your content and your personality.

3. Tell Your Story

Your presentation shouldn’t be just about the places you’ve visited in which you simply showcase some facts and pieces of information. It should also be about you. Why did you visit those places? How do you feel about them?

Your presentation should feel personal. It should let people know about your impressions, your struggles, and your experience. Forget the generalities! This is a chance to talk about yourself a bit.

Building up a narrative will keep your audience trying to guess what’s next. If they engage with what you say, they’re more likely to remember the fundamental ideas and important events. Turning your speech into a story will also make you feel more approachable and human.

4. Inspire People

The focus of your presentation is probably to motivate people to travel more; to inspire interest and broaden horizons. You could turn it into something educational. Share what you’ve learned about general misconceptions of other cultures. Getting to know more about other lifestyles and perspectives is one of the perks of traveling.

You almost certainly came across some interesting cultural barriers or challenges and other memorable experiences. Teach people about them. Show them how you’ve grown as a person because of them. Chances are they will want to have a similar experience or at least learn more about it.

5. Teach People about Cultural Differences

Every country or city has a unique kind of lifestyle. Things that we consider normal in a place might be strange somewhere else. When traveling, we encounter different people and various styles of living.

What cultural differences did you find peculiar? Did they give you a fresh perspective? Multiculturalism is becoming more and more important part of our lives, so it can be a major point of your presentation.

6. Share Your Favorite Things

Did you have a favorite place, food, or activity? Share the reasons why you loved that particular thing with your audience. Would you go back? Should other people try that too?

Talking about your favorite things will make people understand why your experience was enjoyable. It suggests that they might enjoy that too. Your audience will notice your enthusiasm for all that you’ve experienced and will be more likely to become engaged and interested.

7. Don’t Forget about Visuals

Imagine if someone described a beautiful painting to you. Wouldn’t you want to see it for yourself and have your own opinion? It’s nice to hear someone else’s perspective on something, but if you really want people to be enthusiastic, you’ll need to show them what you’re talking about.

We engage with visual elements in a more powerful way than we do with stories or text. Images or videos can carry so much more meaning and feelings than words can. So, to maximize the effect of your presentation, don’t forget to also add your personal photographs or videos.

8. Let Your Enthusiasm Come Through

Now, if you’re not passionate about your travels, why should other people be? Let them understand why you enjoyed this experience. Would they feel the same if they went through the same thing?

Feelings are contagious. Chances are that if you’re energetic and enthusiastic while you’re telling your story, your audience will feel the same. And people will associate what they’re feeling with your presentation. So make sure they get the right impression!

Long Story Short

Presentations about your traveling experience are great for inspiring people. If we want to grow as people, we need to get out of our comfort zones and explore our surroundings. We have to understand other cultures and respect our differences. Telling people about your experience can easily turn educational and thought-provoking.

Just make sure to get what’s important across to your audience. Plan beforehand, use visual elements, and focus on your story. People want to know personal things, not just facts about the places you’ve visited. Show them what a great time you had and give them reasons to do the same! Just don’t forget your passion once you’re back at home – make people feel how great this experience was for you.

travel presentation tips

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

How to Do a Presentation for The Travel Industry

Written By: The Planet D

Digital Nomads

Updated On: April 27, 2023

Keith Jenkins of Velvet Escape is a respected speaker and presenter in the travel world sharing his knowledge of business and the tourism industry with everyone from travel bloggers to PR professionals and tourism boards.

We are thrilled to have him share his advice on how to prepare and present a presentation in your area of expertise. So take it away Keith!

Table of Contents

How to Do a Travel Presentation

If someone had told me years ago that I would one day be speaking at conferences, I would have laughed it off with a “Yeah, right!”.

Oh, wait a minute, someone did tell me a few years ago that I should look into public speaking – the argument was that my ‘investment banker to blogger entrepreneur’ background would be an inspiring story to tell.

That suggestion was met with a pursed-lipped “Hmmmm” and a shake of my head.

Prepare for Professional Speaking Engagements

how to do a presentation keith

The thing that held me back was that I’ve never felt comfortable standing in front of a crowd.

I have plenty of experience chairing a meeting or presenting a product to a client but standing in front of a hundred people (or more) and talking was a daunting idea.

As time passed and my blog grew, it gradually dawned on me that the experiences I’d gained from creating the Velvet Escape brand, building the blog and marketing it via social media would be useful to others.

Moreover, I realised that speaking in public is a great way to market my brand and reach out to a new audience.

It’s something I had to do if I wanted to take my brand further.

Start Doing Small Presentations

how to do a presentation speaking

I decided to test the waters by organising blogging seminars in Amsterdam and it was quite a revelation to discover that I quite enjoy speaking in public.

At my first seminar, I used little cards which contained my notes.

I held these in my hands as I spoke but I threw them out before the second seminar – they were too distracting and made me feel uneasy.

I figured I didn’t need the cards anyway because I knew the subject matter inside-out.

First Lesson – Know the Story

This was my first lesson: you know the story, tell it naturally. Discard anything that prevents you from telling the story in a natural manner.

So, I stood in front of the room and simply talked, using only my slides on the wall as a guide.

The seminars were an excellent way to learn about my own speaking capabilities and test various techniques.

Since then, I’ve spoken at seminars and conferences such as Travel Bloggers Unite, GoMedia Canada and most recently, at the World Travel Market in London.

Showcase Your Expertise

keynote speaking at travel conference in manchester

Public speaking is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and generate exposure for your blog outside your usual circles.

It’s also an opportunity to create an alternative source of income. There are many subjects that travel bloggers can speak about and there are various types of audiences that can be targeted.

Experienced travel bloggers can target other bloggers and talk about blogging techniques, writing, photography, social media or SEO.

If you have an inspiring story to tell, with thought-provoking anecdotes, you could approach schools or companies looking for motivational speakers.

For those who are thinking of speaking in public for the first time, I‘ve listed below some tips based on my own experience.

Tips to Prepare for your Presentation

One thing that always helps me is not to treat the presentation as a ‘presentation’ but merely as a ‘story-telling’ session – you’re there to tell a story you know very well.

Putting myself in this frame of mind relaxes me and gives me an extra confidence boost – this is a mental technique I used very often at interviews during my banking days.


  • Choose a topic you’re perfectly comfortable with and which reflects your expertise
  • I still use Powerpoint for my slides but there are other, more sophisticated programs in which to create a presentation
  • Keep the text on your slides concise
  • Use images that are relevant
  • ‘Rehearse’ the story in your mind as you create the slides. Make notes.
  • Dress appropriately – you are representing your brand!
  • Decide beforehand if you want to hold on to your notes. Some speakers feel more comfortable holding something in their hand, be it their notes, the microphone or a cup of tea (the last has the added advantage of being warm, i.e. relaxing, and it helps to create a casual atmosphere). Most importantly, do what makes you feel comfortable
  • Choose a good spot to stand where you’re in full view of your audience. It’s advisable to move around but don’t overdo it – it may make your audience dizzy!
  • Look out for friendly faces in different sections of the audience. Spread your attention evenly across the room by moving your gaze from one friendly face to another
  • Effective body language is paramount to the success of your presentation. Stand tall, move confidently and look your audience straight in the eye. Remember, you’re the expert! Keep your hand gestures to a minimum – use your hands sparingly to drive home a point. Don’t forget to smile!
  • Speak up but vary the tone of your voice to avoid monotony. As with hand gestures, use a different tone to drive home a point
  • As you speak, make occasional references to your slides on the wall
  • Interact with your audience by soliciting a response through a joke (if this works, great. If it doesn’t, you’ll be the only one laughing so be careful with jokes), a reference to someone in the audience or by asking a question.

After your presentation, try to get some feedback from the audience about the subject matter and how they think the presentation went.

Ask if they have any take-aways from the presentation.

Use this feedback to improve your presentation and the style in which it’s delivered.

Happy speaking! 

  • Get Paid to Travel the World – The Ultimate How To Guide
  • How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps
  • How to Make Money Blogging

Keith Jenkins is available to speak at conferences or conduct seminars on utilising social media for branding, networking and marketing purposes; travel blogging (branding, monetising, working with travel bloggers); his experiences in promoting destinations via social media and blogging. Speaking engagements in 2011 include: Blue Badges tour guides, London, Travel Bloggers Unite, Manchester, Social Media, Girona, Travel Bloggers Unite, Innsbruck, Go Media Canada, Edmonton , World Travel Market, London

Follow Keith on Twitter and Facebook 

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  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
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Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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9 thoughts on “How to Do a Presentation for The Travel Industry”

Thanks for these tips Keith. I’m doing my first talk on travel blogging in Zanzibar in two weeks so will definitely be using your tips to help me 🙂

GrrrlTraveler, you can see Keith in action (holding on to his teacup for dear life!) here.

It’s the first in a set of 7 parts of Keith’s talk in Manchester last spring. (There also is a set of him & Janice Waugh talking at Innsbruck on that channel)

That video clip raises two other important tips for public speaking.

1) Just as he gets going, Keith checks to see who he’s talking to. In this case he asks the audience to stick up their hand if they have a blog. It’s a really useful thing to do so that you know how, and at what level to pitch your talk. The audience in front of you may not be the one you were expecting.

2) What Keith failed to do – and I’ve been noticing this a lot recently, particularly in many of the high-powered presentations at Le Web earlier this month – is vocalise the response ‘for the camera’. Whether the talk is being officially filmed or not, these days there is *always* somebody in the audience with a video camera and unless they quickly turn around to film the audience, the viewers of that video will never know how many hands went up.

Apart from the first occasion (when you can gauge the answer to “how many people know who I am?” from the laugh!) this guy, Gary Vanyerchuk, throws out loads of questions to his audience and always says what the response was.

Thanks Alastair, that’s a great point to make about repeating it for the camera. Public Speaking is definitely something that takes work and practice. We learned a lot from IOETI and will be working more at engaging with the audience and having them join the conversation more. Thanks for sharing the links. It’s a great way to learn from others.

you guys are all awesome! Keith, even though I haven’t seen / heard you at a conference, I just know you are skilled and professional!

Nice post! I like that this is a very unique topic. I’ve had to do large presentations in front of an audience before, but I’ve never really taken on the travel blogging perspective! Some nice ideas here.

Heard you speak at WTM Keith and you have definitely followed all your own advice! Look forward to hearing more from you as we can all learn a LOT from you and your brand. Cheers Cole

What an awesome guide!

I also have found that I quite enjoy public speaking…when it’s something I’m passionate about and know inside-out! More speaking is on my goal list for 2012 – these tips will help. Thanks!

Keith is certainly knowledeable in anything about blogging and promotion. He puts his money where his mouth is. He’s also quite a nice guy and generous with advice to anyone who asks. We can only wish him all the success.

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tourism presentation topics

12 Tips for Successful Travel Agency Presentations

The following guest column is the latest in a series by the founder of Talking Travel . Even travel sellers who feel at ease when talking to clients one-to-one can tense up when their agency needs to address a group of clients or prepare presentations on destinations, tours, cruises or other products.    Here are 12 quick tips for organizing group presentations for current and future clients. 1. Have a purpose or goal and stick to it. For every presentation you do, you should have a specific defined purpose and then a singular focus on achieving this goal. If we use the example of a presentation on a trip to Japan, everything you do, from the second the client arrives to the next day’s follow-up, has to relate to booking travel to Japan. 2. Research the audience. You want to have the right people at the presentation, so you must be crystal clear about the agenda. You also must search your database to identify clients who have expressed an interest in the featured destination, traveled to similar destinations or expressed interest in a new and exciting alternative. (This is where niche market notations in the client file pays dividends. Someone interested in culinary travel may be interested in a shopping-and-cooking experience, or learning about a tea ceremony or having a behind-the-scenes visit to a famous restaurant.) 3. Entice them to attend. The invitation to attend should impart a feeling of exclusivity and specialness that makes the client feel important. This strategy also tends to lower no-show and regrets rate. 4. Create the ambience. Agencies that emote travel by crafting an atmosphere of far-away places, excitement, exploration, relaxation, getting away from it all and more tend to be most successful. They do this with displays of posters, statues, masks, costumes and other decorations. This helps to create a three-way relationship between the client, the destination and the agency. 5. Get attendees involved and invested. Audience interaction will make a presentation more meaningful. The challenge is to encourage participation without alienating the introverts in the room. To get them involved and invested, consider a simple get-to-know-you questionnaire or ask people to list all the countries they’ve visited. Hand out a blank map at the beginning of the presentation and ask each person to add in certain locations. Or ask simple questions, such as: name three foods you would eat in Japan. At the end of the presentation, you can have a drawing for a prize. 6. Watch your watch. Choose a time that is comfortable for your clients to attend, whether this is in the afternoon or evening. Strictly adhere to a set time to start and end the presentation. Time parameters help you to plan, while at the same time, showing the audience that you respect their time. 7. Remove any barriers to attendance. Address issues of accessibility so that clients of all physical abilities are able to attend.  Likewise, arrange for easy parking – free if possible – to create a more welcoming atmosphere. 8. Involve all the senses. Just think how you react when you walk by a bakery and are tempted by the smell of fresh cookies and cakes! This is the same atmosphere that successful presentations achieve. In travel you can play to all the senses by: •    serving refreshments and snacks when the clients arrive •    providing a taste of the destination during or after the presentation (indigenous food and drink) •    playing music from the destination •    allowing the audience to touch and smell the destination by passing around souvenirs or artifacts, perhaps even sand or exotic fruit. •    featuring quality in-focus maps, photos and videos. 9. Ensure the speaker conveys positivity and energy. Nothing kills a presentation like a poorly prepared speaker. Longevity or position in a company is no guarantee that the speaker will excite the audience through positive intonation and body language. Interview the speaker beforehand. Ensure that s/he knows the audience and knows the information. Avoid speakers who only know a packaged presentation and refuse to divert from it — or those who tend to deliver a commercial ad for their product without addressing the topic of the presentation. 10. Create excitement. Contests, giveaways, discounts, early booking incentives, etc., add excitement to a presentation. It may be a bottle of champagne in the client’s suite or it may be something more immediate, such as a gift card. This is where you involve partners such as a tour wholesaler, bookstore, luggage shop, ethnic restaurant etc.  It’s one of those cross-marketing win-win-win opportunities. 11. Take the next step. Too many presentations end with the host bidding the clients a safe drive home, rather than creating next steps in the sales/booking procedure. You can keep the momentum going in a number of ways. Hand out personalized booking forms for a credit card deposit. Distribute a list of niche market activities or tour options. Indicate that you will personally call attendees in the next day or so to chat about their upcoming trip.  Provide brochures to remind clients about the advantages, features and benefits of destination. And remember to provide your own contact information and a reminder about the experience and expertise you bring to the travel satisfaction equation. 12. Make follow-up a priority. Just as you said you would, contact all attendees (or the group leader) to gauge their feelings and ensure that all their questions and concerns are addressed as well as to provide guidance on how to proceed with the booking.   Of course, this is not the end of relationship-building with the client. Even if they don’t travel to a featured destination, the skill with which the presentation was conducted will impress on the client the need (yes –the need!) to keep the name of your agency front and center. The presentation investment you make will come back to reward you. Travel educator Steve Gillick delivers sales, marketing and destination training to travel professionals via his consultancy Talking Travel . He served as president and COO of the Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors from 2001 to 2012. Contact Steve at [email protected] .

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: January 15, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

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Tourism is Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels, but Challenges Remain

World Economic Forum, [email protected]

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  • High-income economies in Europe and Asia-Pacific continue to lead the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Index, with the United States, Spain and Japan topping the rankings again.
  • Despite post-pandemic growth, the global tourism sector still faces complex challenges, with recovery varied by region; only marginal overall score improvements since the 2021 edition.
  • Developing economies are making strides – who account for 52 out of 71 economies improving since 2019 – but significant investment is needed to bridge gaps and increase market share.
  • Read the report here .

New York, USA, 21 May 2024 – International tourist arrivals and the travel and tourism sector’s contribution to global GDP are expected to return to pre-pandemic levels this year, driven by the lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions and strong pent-up demand, as per the new World Economic Forum travel and tourism study, released today.

Topping the 2024 list of economies are the United States, Spain, Japan, France and Australia. The Middle East had the highest recovery rates in international tourist arrivals (20% above the 2019 level), while Europe, Africa and the Americas all showed a strong recovery of around 90% in 2023.

These are some of the top findings of the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024 (TTDI) , a biennial report published in collaboration with the University of Surrey, which analyses the travel and tourism sectors of 119 countries around a range of factors and policies.

“This year marks a turning point for the travel and tourism sector, which we know has the capacity to unlock growth and serve communities through economic and social transformation,” said Francisco Betti, Head of the Global Industries team at the World Economic Forum. “The TTDI offers a forward-looking window into the current and future state of travel and tourism for leaders to navigate the latest trends in this complex sector and sustainably unlock its potential for communities and countries across the world.”

Post-pandemic recovery

The global tourism industry is expected to recover from the lows of the COVID-19 pandemic and surpass the levels seen before the crisis. This is largely being driven by a significant increase in demand worldwide, which has coincided with more available flights, better international openness, and increased interest and investment in natural and cultural attractions.

However, the global recovery has been mixed. While 71 of the 119 ranked economies increased their scores since 2019, the average index score is just 0.7% above pre-pandemic levels.

Although the sector has moved past the shock of the global health crisis, it continues to deal with other external challenges, from growing macroeconomic, geopolitical and environmental risks, to increased scrutiny of its sustainability practices and the impact of new digital technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence. In addition, labour shortages are ongoing, and air route capacity, capital investment, productivity and other sector supply factors have not kept up with the increase in demand. This imbalance, worsened by global inflation, has increased prices and service issues.

TTDI 2024 highlights Out of the top 30 index scorers in 2024, 26 are high-income economies, 19 are based in Europe, seven are in Asia-Pacific, three are in the Americas and one (the United Arab Emirates) is in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). The top 10 countries in the 2024 edition are the United States, Spain, Japan, France, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Italy and Switzerland.

The results highlight that high-income economies generally continue to have more favourable conditions for travel and tourism development. This is helped by conducive business environments, dynamic labour markets, open travel policies, strong transport and tourism infrastructure, and well-developed natural, cultural and non-leisure attractions.

Nevertheless, developing countries have seen some of the greatest improvements in recent years. Among the upper-middle-income economies, China has cemented its ranking in the top 10; major emerging travel and tourism destinations of Indonesia, Brazil and Türkiye have joined China in the top quartile of the rankings. More broadly, low- to upper-middle-income economies account for over 70% of countries that have improved their scores since 2019, while MENA and sub-Saharan Africa are among the most improved regions. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the only high-income economies to rank among the top 10 most improved economies between 2019 and 2024.

Despite these strides, the TTDI warns that significant investment is needed to close gaps in enabling conditions and market share between developing and high-income countries. One possible pathway to help achieve this would be sustainably leveraging natural and cultural assets – which are less correlated with country income level than other factors – and can offer developing economies an opportunity for tourism-led economic development.

“It’s essential to bridge the divide between differing economies’ ability to build a strong environment for their travel and tourism sector to thrive,” said Iis Tussyadiah, Professor and Head of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey. “The sector has big potential to foster prosperity and mitigate global risks, but that potential can only be fully realized through a strategic and inclusive approach.”

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Mitigating future global challenges

According to the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Global Risks Report, the travel and tourism sector faces various complex risks , including geopolitical uncertainties, economic fluctuations, inflation and extreme weather. Balancing growth with sustainability also remains a major problem, due to high seasonality, overcrowding, and a likely return of pre-pandemic emissions levels. The report also analyses persistent concerns about equity and inclusion. While the tourism sector offers a major source of relatively high-wage jobs, particularly in developing countries, gender parity remains a major issue for regions such as MENA and South Asia.

Despite these challenges, the sector can play a significant role in addressing them. To achieve this, decision-makers should prioritize actions such as leveraging tourism for nature conservation efforts; investing in skilled, inclusive and resilient workforces; strategically managing visitor behaviour and infrastructure development; encouraging cultural exchange between visitors and local communities; and using the sector to bridge the digital divide, among other policies.

If managed strategically, the travel and tourism sector – which has historically represented 10% of global GDP and employment – has the potential to emerge as a key contributor to the well-being and prosperity of communities worldwide.

About the Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

The 2024 edition of the TTDI includes several improvements based on newly available data and recently developed indicators on the environmental and social impact of travel and tourism. The changes made to the 2024 Index limit its comparability to the previously published TTDI 2021. This year's report includes recalculated 2019 and 2021 results, using new adjustments. TTDI 2024 reflects the latest available data at the time of collection – end of 2023. The TTDI is part of the Forum’s broader work with industry communities actively working to build a better future enabled by sustainable, inclusive, and resilient industry ecosystems.

Notes to editors

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  2. Top 20 Tourism Keynote Topics for Inspiring Journeys

    Explore the world of adrenaline-pumping adventures while also understanding the importance of safety, conservation, and responsible exploration. 9. Food Tourism: Savoring Culinary Journeys. Delight in the exploration of local cuisines and culinary traditions that contribute to a deeper connection with destinations. 10.

  3. 22+ Best Free Travel & Tourism PowerPoint Presentation Templates for 2024

    Here are some of the best templates on Envato Elements: 1. Travelics Travel Creative PowerPoint Template. Slide through the gallery above. See more of Travelics, a top-notch travel slide template. Check out this modern travel presentation example. Travelics is a modern tour and travel PPT presentation download.

  4. 10 Creative Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates

    2. Travel Agency Presentation Template. Designed especially for travel and holiday topics, this template is recommended for travel agencies, tourism companies, flight companies. Prezi has a large light blue zoomable world map, icons that showing locations and semi-transparent colorful bars for image, video, text, symbols and shapes.

  5. Free Google Slides & PowerPoint Templates about tourism

    Download the African Culture Tourism Campaign presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Improve your campaign management with this template that will definitely make a difference. It will empower you to organize, execute, and track the effectiveness of your campaign. Enriched with innovative resources, it facilitates seamless communication ...

  6. Explore Adventure: 50 Templates for Tourism Presentations

    Lightweight Travel Adventure Presentation Ideas. Prepare to embark on exhilarating adventures with our curated selection of lightweight travel presentation ideas. In this section dedicated to adventure tourism, we offer a range of creative presentation ideas and backgrounds tailored specifically for those seeking thrills and excitement while ...

  7. Tourism Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for tourism-related presentations. They can be used by travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, and other businesses in the tourism industry to showcase destinations, travel packages, and services to potential customers. Create captivating presentations about tourism with these Google Slide templates.

  8. 20+ Best Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates

    Travel & Tourism Presentation Templates are pre-designed layouts and patterns for presentations that are related to travel and tourism. These templates are commonly used by travel agencies, tourism departments, hotels, and airlines presentations to provide a professional and eye-catching appearance. They are equipped with travel-related ...

  9. Travel and Tourism PowerPoint Template

    The Travel and Tourism PowerPoint template has professional presentation slides to showcase the best world destinations, travel reviews, maps, and more. Tour agencies, travel guides, or other businesses in the tourism market will find this creative template helpful in promoting services such as travel packages, tours, local experiences, etc.

  10. Travel and Tourism 101 Workshop Presentation

    Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. If you love traveling, sightseeing, tourism and, in short, going on an adventure, then you'll most likely know not only the ABC of travel and tourism, but the equivalent to a C2 certification. Jokes aside, there are many things to take into account when traveling ...

  11. Tips to a winning presentation about your travel experience

    Tips for an Amazing Travel Presentation. Create an Outline. You probably have a lot to say about your experience. To make sure that you don't get lost in all the details, you can create an outline before the actual presentation. Break your ideas into a few fundamental points.

  12. Free Travel Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Discover Our Cruise Crew! Theme for Marketing presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your...

  13. Travel Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Free Travel Slide Templates for an Adventurous Slideshow. Make your travel presentations come to life with this travel PowerPoint template. Whether you're a student, traveler, or lecturer, these templates will help you show off your vacation photos, present data about your trips, or manage your lessons. With a range of customizable slides ...

  14. Tourism presentation templates beyond PowerPoint

    A good tourism presentation template should: 1) Visually appealing and easy to navigate. 2) Tailored to your specific audience. 3) Show rather than tell about your destinations, experiences, and services. 4) Organized and well-labeled - making it easy for viewers to find the information they need.

  15. 201 Best Tourism and Hospitality Dissertation Topics Ideas 2024

    Accommodation Tourism Dissertation Topics: The Impact of Boutique Hotels on Tourist Experience: A Comparative Study. Sustainable Practices in Eco-Lodges: Balancing Environmental Conservation with Guest Comfort. Accessibility and Inclusivity in Hotel Design: Enhancing Accommodation Options for Persons with Disabilities.

  16. 8 steps to a winning presentation about your travel experience

    1. Create an Outline. You probably have a lot to say about your experience. To make sure that you don't get lost in all the details, you can create an outline before the actual presentation. Break your ideas into a few fundamental points. You can develop them later, giving your presentation a logical structure.

  17. How to Do a Presentation for The Travel Industry

    Look out for friendly faces in different sections of the audience. Spread your attention evenly across the room by moving your gaze from one friendly face to another. Effective body language is paramount to the success of your presentation. Stand tall, move confidently and look your audience straight in the eye.

  18. 12 Tips for Successful Travel Agency Presentations

    6. Watch your watch. Choose a time that is comfortable for your clients to attend, whether this is in the afternoon or evening. Strictly adhere to a set time to start and end the presentation ...

  19. 50 Top Presentation Templates for Vacation and Getaways

    9. Mountain Valley. Escape to the tranquility of the Mountain Valley - Free Presentation Template and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of nature. This captivating template is tailor-made for presentations on the perfect vacation, tourism, summer memories, and the allure of pristine landscapes.

  20. Elegant Hospitality & Tourism. Free Presentation Template

    Enliven your short courses or college career presentations with this elegant, photo-centric Powerpoint and Google Slides template, designed specifically for the hospitality and tourism industry. With a tasteful brown and white color palette, this minimal template works exceedingly well for both business and education-centric presentations ...

  21. 120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

    Step 3: Be novel. Make sure you either select a new topic or bring an entirely new and unique perspective to an already covered issue. For instance, don't make a presentation on the "best lead generation strategies.". Your audience has probably heard those dozens of times already. Corny.


    CONFERENCE TOPICS. Home. ITHMC'24. International Tourism and Hospitality Management Congress (ITHMC) will provide a unique forum for attendees from academia, industry, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state of the art research and industrial case studies.

  23. 46 Tourism English ESL powerpoints

    General Topics. Tourism. 46 Tourism English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time ... annabb22. Have you ever ...? - Page 1 is a model se. 7037 uses. grayo46. Travel and Airport C. This PPT will allow . 7008 uses. evalc. Places in the town. 30 slides with about. 5398 uses. Rhiannon. the ocean. perfect game to prac ...

  24. 51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

    Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation. 2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging.

  25. Tourism is Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels, but Challenges Remain

    International tourist arrivals and the travel and tourism sector's contribution to global GDP are expected to return to pre-pandemic levels this year, driven by the lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions and strong pent-up demand, as per the new World Economic Forum travel and tourism study, released today. Topping the 2024 list of economies are the United States, Spain, Japan ...