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Top 10 Things To See at the Louvre: Maps and Videos

Sean Finelli Last Updated: May 1, 2024

Are you headed to the Louvre and unsure what to see other than the Mona Lisa? The good news is there’s so much more to explore, and we’re here to help. Here are the top things to see at the Louvre.

Pro Tip: Planning to visit the Louvre in Paris? Bookmark this post in your browser so you can easily find it when you’re in the city. Check out our guide to Paris for more planning resources, our top-rated Louvre tours for a memorable trip, and how to visit the Louvre .

Best Things to See at the Louvre Museum in Paris

The Louvre in Paris is a massive museum with one of the most impressive collections in the world. With so much ground to cover and important artwork to see, it can be difficult to know where to start and where to focus your attention.

In this article, we cover the top must-see pieces in the Louvre and where to find them. Here’s our curated list of top 10 artworks that deserve a spot on your bucket list!

  • The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike)
  • Liberty Leading the People
  • Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss
  • The Coronation of Napoleon
  • The Raft of the Medusa
  • The Mona Lisa
  • The Sleeping Hermaphrodite
  • Venus de Milo
  • Hammurabi Code
  • Great Sphinx of Tanis

Ready to explore? Discover all the intriguing details about each piece as you continue reading.

To find out more about what to see and how to visit the Louvre, explore the menu below:

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Not ready to book a tour? See if a Louvre Museums tour is worth it .

1. The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike)

winged Victory of Samothrace 700 x 425

The Winged Victory of Samothrace is, in my opinion, the greatest sculpture in the Louvre, which makes it one of the greatest in history. It is rivaled by few except perhaps the Lacöon Group in the Vatican Museums and David in Accademia. It sits atop the incredible Daru Staircase, adding to its powerful energy. 


With intricate detailing, the majestic sculpture looks as though her clothing is billowing in the wind as she stands atop the prow of a ship.

In Ancient Greece, the goddess of Victory was called Nike, which is where the shoe brand takes its name today. It is believed the statue would have been perched powerfully at the prow of a ship.

As you walk up to the statue, make sure to walk up the right side of the stairs if possible, since the statue was created to be viewed from its front-left side.

That’s why if you look at the other side of the statue, the quality of the sculpture is not as refined. It is truly the top thing to see at the Louvre and best seen in person!

Location:  Denon Wing, Floor 1, Room 703

2. Liberty Leading the People

Liberty Leading the People Delacroix Louvre 700 x 425

Delacroix is considered one of the greatest romantic painters of French Romanticism. He was the Bernini or Michelangelo of that era. The painting is an allegory of the 1830 revolution.


Liberty is depicted as the bare bosom centerpiece holding the  Tricolore  flag of France. This was the flag that the militia bore when storming the Bastille. After the revolution, the Tricolore replaced a blue flag with the gold fleur-de-lis, and has been used ever since.

The figure, Liberty, is not unique to this image. She stands in the New York / New Jersey Upper Bay outside of Manhattan. Liberty is famous iconography of ancient Greek origin. Her semi-nude appearance is likely a historical reference to ancient Greece. It would be the same figure as the  Winged Victory of Samothrace  sculpted 2,000 years earlier.

The figures alongside Liberty represent all classes fighting together. The man in the top hat is a member of the French upper class. In the same line are a factory worker, a student, and other professions alongside one another.

Prior to this painting, Delacroix worked directly for Charles X and depended on him to keep up his lifestyle. He battled internally, working for the enemy.

In a letter to his nephew, he wrote about “dodging bullets the same as the heroes, deposing the enemy.” In another letter to his brother, he wrote, “I have undertaken a modern subject, a barricade, and although I may not have fought for my country, at least I shall have painted for her. It has restored my good spirits.” 

 Location: Salon of 1831

3. Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss by Antonio Canova

Pysche Revived by Cupids Kiss 700 x 425 Canova Louvre

One of the most romantic works of art in the Louvre Museum, Cupid and Psyche is a sculpture that depicts two young lovers in an embrace. Here, the Princess Psyche wakes up for the first time with a kiss from Cupid. The sculpture depicts a story written by Roman poet Lucius Apuleius in the second century A.D.


In the same motion as the above sculpture, Canova created another version of the ancient legend. Proserpina was the unwilling wife of Pluto, the god of the underworld.

Venus, the goddess of love, sent Psyche with a jar to the underworld and have Proserpina fill it up with the secret of divine beauty.

Venus warned Psyche not to look in the jar, but what woman would carry a jar of divine beauty and not take a peek?

Unfortunately for Psyche, the jar was not filled with beauty but with the “Sleep of Innermost Darkness.” Psyche fell into a deep sleep.

Cupid found Psyche asleep with the jar next to her and knew what had happened. His heart was broken, so he took her in his arms to give her one last kiss. Cupid’s kiss of true love revived Psyche, and Canova’s statue adds life to the moment she awakes.

When Canova created this masterpiece, he included a handle on the base of Psyche’s foot to rotate the whole thing. As a result, the movement of the two bodies is an important element of the sculpture, so make sure you walk around the entire piece. Canova reached such fame during his life that they say his funeral rivaled that of Michelangelo in Florence or Raphael’s in Rome.

Location: Richelieu Wing, Room 4, Department of Sculptures.

4. The Coronation of Napoleon

tour rapido louvre

This famous Louvre painting depicts the coronation of Napoleon, which happened in the famous Notre Dame cathedral. After multiple victorious military campaigns in Italy and Egypt, Napoleon took over as the leader of the Empire. The coronation took place on December 2nd, 1804.


Napoleon persuaded the pope to travel from Rome to Paris to bless him as he was named emperor. Napoleon even styled himself after Charlemagne, who was crowned Emperor 1,000 years earlier. Considering that the pope rarely traveled for anyone, his traveling to Paris was a big deal.  

Napoleon commissioned painter Jacques-Louis David but gave him precise instructions on how and who should be depicted. With life-like detailing, the painting depicts over 100 individual people.

It is also a Bonaparte family portrait, including his mother, who didn’t even attend since she was against the coronation. Jacques-Louis David not only attended the ceremony but also had multiple attendees pose afterward to obtain their likeness.

At the ceremony, Napoleon took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head, facing the crowd. Kings respected popes over time because they wanted the pope to crown them. It was of great symbolic importance to get “God’s” approval.

In the painting, however, you’ll see Napoleon crowning the empress. Depicting this part of the scene instead of his own coronation was a nobler gesture. The painting was an instant success, with Bonaparte himself showing his pleasure. David, also fully understanding his own success, said, “I shall slide into posterity in the shadow of my hero.”

Location:  Denon Wing, Floor 1, Room 702

Our Best Versailles and Paris Louvre Tours

SGT Louvre Blog Tour Card 388 x 200

Top-Rated Tour

Secrets of the Louvre Museum Tour with Mona Lisa

The Louvre is the largest art museum on Earth and the crowning jewel of Paris, which is why it’s on everyone’s bucket list. Don’t miss out on an incredible opportunity! Join a passionate guide for a tour of the most famous artwork at the Louvre. Skip-the-line admissions included.

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Versailles isn’t that difficult to get to by train, but why stress over the logistics? Meet a local guide in central Paris who will purchase your train tickets and ensure you get off at the right stop. Then enjoy a guided tour of the palace and the unforgettable gardens. Skip-the-line admissions included to the palace and gardens.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if a Louvre Museums tour is worth it .

5. The Raft of the Medusa

Paris Louvre Tour Guide Raft of Medusa Lg Great 700 x 425

Painted by Théodore Géricault, The Raft of the Medusa depicts the brutal aftermath of a French boat that ran aground in Africa on July 2nd, 1816. The remaining survivors, as many as 150 men, built a raft from the ship’s lumber to save themselves. After almost two weeks, only 10 of the men survived. They endured extreme dehydration, despair, and angst, and even resorted to murder and cannibalism.


The painting depicts not only this tragedy but another horrifying event. A French military ship passed by the raft and did not stop to pick them up. After their rescue, this issue came to light, which started a national drama.

 In preparing for the painting, Gericault interviewed at least two survivors. He had them pose for him in order to get the figures as realistic as possible. Gericault also studied corpses to get true representations of the tone and color of dying flesh. 

He spent countless weeks creating preparatory drawings from all angles prior to starting what you see today. The painting is on a huge canvas, 16 feet by 23 feet, which makes it even more powerful.

His plan was to release the painting at the Paris Salon of 1819 and create controversy. The relatively unknown 27-year-old artist instantly took center stage as a leading Romantic painter with this masterpiece. His work would influence masters such as Delacroix and Manet.

Location: Denon Wing, 1st floor, Room 700 (Mollien)

6. The Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa Paris Louvre La Gioconda Leonardo da Vinci

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is undoubtedly the most famous painting at the Louvre Museum and probably in the world. It looks as though she is smiling until you look at her head-on. From this angle, her mouth looks downturned. After the painting’s theft in 1911, pictures of the Mona Lisa appeared in newspapers across the world. If you’ve ever wondered why the Mona Lisa is famous, this is one of the main reasons.

Da Vinci was famous for not finishing his commissions as he was easily distracted. His genius became much more evident as time went on. Some things he had invented were later developed, for example, a diving suit. He was always innovating and trying methods far before his time. 


The Mona Lisa is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of wealthy Florentine cloth merchant Francesco Giocondo. Gherardini’s clothes are quite unremarkable, with nothing she’s wearing showing aristocratic status.

Surprisingly, instead of giving the painting to the merchant upon completion, he brought it with him to France. That is why we have it in the Louvre today!

Why number six? The portrait’s fame comes more from it being stolen and da Vinci’s fame than its artistic superiority. It is definitely great, but not the greatest. Da Vinci would likely agree with this since he and other artists used portraits like this to earn money and not to win “awards”.

Location: Denon Wing, Room 711

7. The Sleeping Hermaphrodite

Sleeping Hermaphrodite on a Bed Louvre

A hermaphrodite, in classical reference, is female in appearance but possesses the “bits and pieces” of a male. Ancient Mediterraneans celebrated and sculpted the hermaphrodite as if she/he were a unicorn today. This can be seen in the hoards of statues dedicated to this sexual being created during antiquity.

There are many anthropological differences between our societies to explain why a hermaphrodite was so celebrated in the past and forgotten in modern times. The Romans and Greeks sculpted this figure with tremendous care, which can be seen in the details.

This particular hermaphrodite is of perfect composition in terms of believability other than the obvious syntax differences. If you walk up from behind, you’ll see what appears to be a beautifully soft woman of practically perfect proportions inviting you into bed with her. Then all of a sudden, surprise, there are some extra parts.

Bernini’s Contribution

The bed was added by Bernini and compliments the sculpture as if they were sculpted together. It’s important to note that the human figure is, without doubt, the most difficult of things to create in an art form. This is because, as humans, we can immediately see if anything is out of proportion. The first step is getting the proportions right.

After that, you need to make the composition human-like. The elements of the sculpture appear soft to the touch. This is complemented by the robe wrapped around her/him, which is 100% the same material but appears to be different.

Location:  Sully Wing, Floor 1, Room 348 (Salle des Caryatides)

8. Venus de Milo

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With a captivating backstory, Venus de Milo dates back to around 100 B.C. Unearthed in 1820, the ancient Greek statue came from the island of Melos. It likely depicts the goddess Venus who represents love, beauty, sex, and fertility.


While the name is “Venus” today, it may not be the goddess Venus at all. First of all, Venus is a Roman goddess and not a Greek goddess. Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love, and thus her name should be Aphrodite de Milo.

That said, it may not even be Aphrodite since there is very little symbolism without her arms. It could be Amphitrite, who was deified as a goddess on the island of Melos (Milo).

The sculptor is also a mystery. Praxiteles may be able to take credit for the masterpiece, but this is not certain. Many believe the sculptor is Alexandros of Antioch, who lived in the second century B.C. Regardless, the marble statue is celebrated for its Hellenistic artistry.

The mystery behind who she is and who brought her to life, coupled with her charms, attracts attention. The intrinsic beauty of her face is undeniable.

Location: Sully Wing, Floor 1, Room 346 (Parthenon Room)

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9. Hammurabi Code

A well-preserved Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia, the Code of Hammurabi dates back to about 1754 B.C. (Middle Chronology). King Hammurabi, the sixth Babylonian King, originally enacted the law, which is why it bears his name. It may not be the most impressive stone art in the Louvre, but it’s an incredible piece of history.


Hammurabi was the King of Babylon and ruled from 1792-1750 B.C. The Hammurabi Code is the most important legal code from the ancient Middle East. It is older than the biblical laws of Christianity. The stele consists of 280 laws and deals with various problems and situations of Ancient Babylonia.

It is the shape of an index finger and measures 7.5 feet (2.5 meters). On top, you can see the figure of the god Shamash presenting the code to Hammurabi himself. The material came from Magan in Sumeria, the modern United Arab Emirates, and Oman.

Discovered in 1901 and translated the following year, it is written in the Akkadian language through the cuneiform script and broken up into three main parts. The first two parts basically praise Hammurabi as the protector of the “weak and oppressed.”

The third part includes the actual laws themselves. The longest chapter of laws speaks about engagement, marriage, divorce, adoption, adultery, incest, inheritance, and the duties of children’s nurses.

Location: Richelieu Wing, Floor 1, Room 227, Mésopotamie.

10. Great Sphinx of Tanis

Louvre sphinx guide with man and woman

The Great Sphinx of Tanis also goes by the name “the guardian of the Louvre Museum.” Found in Tanis, Egypt’s capital during the 21st and 23rd Dynasties, she is one of the largest sphinxes you can find outside Egypt.


Impressive to look at, the  Great Sphinx of Tanis was discovered in 1825 among the ruins of the temple of Amun in Tanis. The claws are outstretched to give the impression that she’s ready to pounce on you! An interesting fact about this sphinx is that it’s difficult to date accurately.

It seems that after the original construction, the following pharaohs decided to replace their predecessors’ names with their own. They scratched out the original text and replaced it as generations went on.

Today, you can see the following: Ammenemes II (12th Dynasty, 1929 – 1895 B.C.), Merneptah (19th Dynasty, 1212 – 02 B.C.), and Shoshenq I (22nd Dynasty, 945 – 24 B.C.). For this reason, egyptologists range its “birth” from the 4th (2613 to 2494 B.C.) to the 12th Dynasty (1991 B.C. – 1783 B.C.).

The word “sphinx” is a Greek word signifying the close relationship between the sun god Ra (the lion’s body) and the king (the human head). The actual word in Egyptian would have been shesep-ankh , which signifies a living image. The statue’s position symbolizes it as a protector of Egypt against any foreign intruders.

Location: Sully Wing, Floor 1, Room 338, Crypt of the Sphinx.

How to See Paris in A Day Guide

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if  Paris tours are worth it .

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The Louvre is the largest art museum on Earth and the crown jewel of Paris. You could spend days here, but instead, join a passionate, English-speaking guide for a tour of the most famous artworks. View the Mona Lisa , the Coronation of Napoleon , Winged Victory of Samothrace , and so much more.

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Top 10 Things to See at the Louvre with Map Itinerary

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About Sean Finelli

Sean is a co-founder and owner of The Tour Guy and its subsidiary The Roman Guy. He studied finance and statistics, but that is his "Dr. Jekyll" side! His "Mr. Hyde" is in love with travel, art, history, and culture. Sean has read libraries of historical text and believes that all internet content should come from books. A practice he follows!

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Comments (3).

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May 16, 2019

Top Ten things to See at the Louvre Museum – Map Itinerary Included I am interested in this tour around May 24th. I cant find a link to pay for this. Please help

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Bonjour! Thanks for reading! Unfortunately, our day tours for the Louvre are full on May 24th. We still have availability for the Louvre Under the Stars Evening Tour that begins at 6:45PM. If you have any questions, please reach out to our travel experts via chat or phone. tel:+18882905595

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June 6, 2020

very nice guide. i love the maps;)

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Power Traveller

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets

The Louvre Museum Garden Tour offers visitors an opportunity to explore the stunning Tuileries Garden and gain skip-the-line access to the renowned Louvre Museum. Led by an English-speaking guide , this two-hour experience provides valuable insights into Parisian art and history, allowing guests to appreciate the museum’s treasures at their own pace. With convenient accessibility and flexible cancellation policies, the tour caters to a range of travelers. However, the true allure of this experience lies in the chance to uncover the captivating stories and hidden gems that reside within the Louvre’s hallowed halls.

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Key Points

  • Guided Tuileries Garden exploration and skip-the-line access to the Louvre Museum, providing a comprehensive and efficient museum experience.
  • Live English-speaking guide offers historical insights, enhancing the visitor’s understanding and appreciation of the art and architecture.
  • Wheelchair accessibility and flexible cancellation policy ensure an inclusive and convenient tour.
  • Mixed customer reviews, with some praising the guide while others reporting issues with guide availability.
  • Streamlined booking process through the tour provider’s website or app, allowing for easy reservation and payment.

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Tour Overview and Pricing

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Tour Overview and Pricing

The Louvre Museum Garden Tour offers visitors a combination of a guided exploration of the Tuileries Garden and dedicated skip-the-line access to the esteemed Louvre Museum.

Priced from $43.34 per person, the 2-hour tour provides the opportunity to learn about the museum’s history and Paris from a live English-speaking guide. Guests can freely explore the Louvre after the tour, taking advantage of the skip-the-line admission.

The tour is wheelchair accessible , and there’s a 24-hour free cancellation policy for a full refund. While tips and food aren’t included, the tour’s overall convenience and access make it an appealing option for those seeking to maximize their Louvre experience.

Experience Highlights

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Experience Highlights

On the Louvre Museum Garden Tour , visitors are treated to a guided exploration of the Tuileries Garden , which lies adjacent to the renowned Louvre Museum.

The tour provides dedicated skip-the-line access to the Louvre, allowing guests to bypass the long queues and dive straight into the museum’s vast collection.

The live English-speaking guide shares insights into the museum’s history and Paris, enhancing the overall experience.

After the garden tour, visitors can stay inside the Louvre for as long as they desire, seeing the art and architecture at their own pace.

Meeting Point and Accessibility

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Meeting Point and Accessibility

According to the information provided, the meeting point for the Louvre Museum Garden Tour is next to the equestrian Statue of Louis XIV.

Participants should arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled tour time.

The tour is wheelchair accessible , allowing guests with mobility needs to fully enjoy the experience.

This accessibility ensures the tour is inclusive and caters to the needs of all visitors.

It’s essential to arrive on time to ensure a smooth start to the tour and maximize the time exploring the stunning Tuileries Garden and the Louvre Museum.

Tour Inclusions

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Tour Inclusions

The Louvre Museum Garden Tour includes a guided exploration of the iconic Tuileries Garden, as well as dedicated skip-the-line access to the Louvre Museum.

This allows visitors to bypass the often lengthy queues and dive straight into the museum’s vast collection of art and artifacts.

The tour also provides visitors with the opportunity to spend as much time as they’d like exploring the Louvre’s galleries, seeing the museum’s rich history and diverse exhibitions.

While the tour guide’s expertise and insights are included, tips, gratuities, food, and beverages aren’t part of the tour package.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Customer Reviews and Feedback

Reviews and feedback for the Louvre Museum Garden Tour provide a mixed picture .

While some customers praised the friendly guide , others reported disappointment – a customer had to purchase new tickets at an additional cost when the guide failed to show up.

With an overall rating of 3 out of 5 based on 2 reviews, the tour seems to have room for improvement.

Customers should be aware of the potential for issues with guide availability and plan accordingly.

Despite the mixed reviews, the tour offers convenient skip-the-line access to the Louvre and the opportunity to explore the renowned Tuileries Garden with a live guide.

How to Book

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - How to Book

Booking the Louvre Museum Garden Tour is a straightforward process. Visitors can reserve their spots in advance through the tour provider’s website or mobile app. The booking process is user-friendly and allows for easy selection of the desired date, time, and party size.

With the "Reserve now & pay later" option, customers can hold their spot without immediate payment, making the booking process even more convenient.

What to Bring

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - What to Bring

When preparing for the Louvre Museum Garden Tour , visitors should bring a few essential items.

The tour includes a guided walk through the Tuileries Garden and skip-the-line access to the Louvre Museum, so visitors should come prepared.

Here’s what to bring:

  • Comfortable walking shoes , as the tour involves a lot of walking through the gardens.
  • Sun protection , such as a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen, to stay comfortable during the outdoor portion of the tour.
  • A bottle of water to stay hydrated .
  • A small backpack or purse to carry personal items, as large bags aren’t permitted inside the Louvre.

Bringing these items will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable Louvre Museum Garden Tour experience.

Additional Information

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Additional Information

Along With the essentials mentioned previously, there are a few more details worth noting about the Louvre Museum Garden Tour.

The tour offers free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance, allowing for flexibility in planning. Visitors also have the option to reserve now and pay later , making it convenient to secure their spot.

The tour meets at the equestrian Statue of Louis XIV , and participants are advised to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Importantly, the tour is wheelchair accessible , ensuring accessibility for all guests.

While tips and gratuities aren’t included, the overall customer feedback has been mixed, with some positive comments about the friendly guide, but also negative experiences where the guide didn’t show up.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Take Pictures Inside the Louvre Museum?

Visitors are generally allowed to take photos inside the Louvre Museum, except in certain restricted areas. However, the use of tripods, flashes, and commercial photography is typically prohibited without prior permission from the museum.

Is There a Dress Code for the Tour?

There is no dress code requirement for this tour. Visitors can wear casual, comfortable clothing and footwear. The focus is on the guided tour and skip-the-line access to the Louvre Museum, not on formal attire.

Are There Any Discounts Available for Students or Seniors?

There are no student or senior discounts specifically mentioned for this tour. However, it’s always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking to ensure you get the best price possible.

Can I Join the Tour if I Arrive Late?

If someone arrives late for the tour, they may still be able to join, but they’ll likely have to purchase new skip-the-line tickets at an additional cost since they missed the group entry. The tour guide may not be able to wait for late arrivals.

What Happens if the Tour Is Canceled Due to Weather?

If the tour is canceled due to inclement weather, the tour provider will offer a full refund or the option to reschedule. They’ll provide clear communication to all registered participants about the cancellation and next steps.

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The Louvre Museum Garden Tour provides a unique opportunity to explore the iconic Tuileries Garden and the renowned Louvre Museum in a hassle-free manner. With skip-the-line access , a knowledgeable guide , and a convenient cancellation policy, this tour offers an enriching cultural experience that allows visitors to enjoy Parisian art and history at their own pace. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply seeking a captivating sightseeing adventure, this tour is an excellent choice.

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World In Paris

Home > Paris Attractions > Louvre Guide 2024: Best Way to See the Louvre, Louvre Must-See, Map, and Top Louvre Tips by a Local

Louvre Guide 2024: Best Way to See the Louvre, Louvre Must-See, Map, and Top Louvre Tips by a Local

Louvre museum guide.

All about the Louvre: must-see, map of the Louvre entrances, and top tips for planning your Louvre itinerary.

If you ever find yourself in the French capital, don’t miss the Louvre Museum , one of the top things to do in Paris .

Located on the Seine River’s right bank, in the first Arrondissement, the Louvre is one of the world’s largest museums, home to incredible artworks. From Ancient Egypt statues to Baroque portraits, there’s something for everyone in the Louvre!

After visiting the Louvre Museum many times (at least twice a year), I have put together this Guide to the Louvre Museum  to help visitors with the latest information and my most precious Louvre tips. Use this Louvre Guide to decide what to see at the Louvre and plan your Louvre itinerary. Enjoy!

Visit the Louvre

Table of Contents

  • Why Visit the Louvre Museum
  • Opening Hours and Best Time to Visit the Louvre Museum
  • How to Visit the Louvre Museum
  • Map of the Louvre Entrances [2024] & Best Louvre Entrance 2024
  • A Peek Inside the Louvre (Take a Louvre Map!)
  • Best Way to Visit the Louvre
  • What to See at the Louvre (Louvre Highlights)
  • Other Tips for Visiting the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is one of the top sights to visit in Paris. We recommend visiting the Louvre in the following Paris itineraries:

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  • 3 days in Paris itinerary
  • 4 days in Paris itinerary
  • 5 days in Paris itinerary
  • 6 days in Paris itinerary
  • 7 days in Paris itinerary

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Louvre Museum Paris

Haters will tell you to skip the Louvre because it’s expensive and the lines are long. But the 10 million people who visit the Louvre Museum annually are no fools, carried along by clichés. Come to visit and experience this incredible Museum for yourself!

The Louvre Museum is the world’s largest art museum and also the most visited.   The Louvre Museum houses a collection of more than 35,000 works of art spread over 60,000 square meters that range from ancient civilizations from the 6th century BC to the 19th century. If you have minimal interest in the arts, you will find something you like when visiting the Louvre!

Thanks to the Louvre’s Glass Pyramid , designed by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei, the Louvre Museum is also one of France’s most iconic monuments and one of Paris’s top photo spots for photographers. When it gets dark, the illuminated Louvre Pyramid is a must-see of Paris at night .

You will find some of the world’s most famous paintings and sculptures in the Louvre. The Mona Lisa , the Venus of Milo , the Code of Hammurabi , the Regent Diamond , and Napoleon I’s Coronation are just a few examples.

The Louvre is also part of the history of France.   The Louvre was built in the 12th century by King Philippe Auguste II as his royal palace. Over the years, the Louvre Palace symbolized the French monarchy’s wealth, power, and decadence, and its rooms and halls are stunning.

Louvre Museum Guide, Louvre tips, Louvre Artworks, Skip the Line Louvre, Visit the Louvre, First Trip to Paris, Paris Travel Tips #louvre #louvremuseum #paris

2. Opening Hours and Best Time to Visit the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday to Monday. The last entry is one hour before the closing time, and they start evacuating the rooms at 5.30 p.m.

The Louvre is closed on 1 January, 1 May, and 25 December.

Before the pandemic, the Louvre held night sessions on Wednesday and Friday from 6 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. Currently (2024), the night session is only on Fridays.

2.1 The Louvre is Free for All Visitors on the First Friday of the Month (after 6 p.m.)

The Louvre Museum is free for all visitors on the first Friday of the month, night session (except in July, August, and 14th of July).

Given the interest in visiting the Louvre for free, only online reservations guarantee free entry to the Museum on Friday night. Reservations for the free Louvre Friday nights open a few days before the end of the month. Your booked ticket will cost 0€ and will be valid only on the selected date and time slot.

2.2 Best Day and Best Time to Visit the Louvre

The table below shows the estimated visitor flow in the Louvre Museum, and it is divided into days and time slots for the low season and high season. The  green  colour means fewer visitors while the  red  colour means more crowds. The Louvre is closed on Tuesdays.


» The best day to visit the Louvre Museum depends on the season (low season or high season). Generally speaking, visiting the Louvre during the week rather than the weekend is a good idea.

»  Since the Louvre is closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays see more visitors. Therefore, the best days to visit the Louvre are Mondays and Thursdays.

» What is the best time to visit the Louvre?  Arrive early in the morning, before the Museum’s opening.

3. How to Visit the Louvre Museum

How to visit the Louvre? While most people opt for a Louvre self-guided tour, a Louvre guided tour (private or with a small group) is an excellent idea if you are visiting the Louvre for the first time. Benefit from the special Louvre entrance for groups, with 0 waiting time, and see the major Louvre highlights with the explanations of a certified and passionate English-speaking guide.

  • Priority Entrance Ticket + Small Group Guided Tour
  • Priority Entrance Ticket + Private Guided Tour
  • Other Louvre Guided Tour Options

If you prefer to visit the Louvre on a self-guided tour, you can buy your Louvre ticket with an audio guide for the best Louvre experience.

3.1 Book Your Louvre Timed Entrance Ticket Online

Sold out tickets at Louvre Museum

Due to the current circumstances, the Louvre has reduced the number of daily visitors. This means that there are fewer Louvre tickets to sell each day.

We strongly advise buying your Louvre tickets online in advance , as only online booking can guarantee your entrance to the Museum on a specific day. When you purchase the tickets online, you choose a specific date and time slot, ensuring a quick entry to the Museum in less than 30 minutes.

Visitors entitled to free admission also need to use the online booking system. At the end of the process, the cost will be 0€. This allows the Louvre to fully control the number of daily visitors — Click here to buy your Louvre tickets

3.2 Leave Your Coat and Backpack in the Cloakroom

Under the Glass Pyramid, a Cloakroom provides you with lockers and places for umbrellas free of charge. Remember that suitcases and bulky bags are prohibited. In case of difficulty, you can contact the help desk next door.

4. Map of the Louvre Entrances [2024]

There are five official Louvre entrances, shown on the Louvre Map here below:  Glass Pyramid , Porte des Lions , Carrousel du Louvre , and  Passage Richelieu .

Louvre Map - Best Louvre Entrances 2019

The  Glass Pyramid , Carrousel du Louvre , and  Passage Richelieu are always open, while the Porte des Lions is closed on Fridays.

» The  Glass Pyramid   is the main Louvre entrance, and anybody can use it. It is also the most impressive access to the Louvre.

» Passage Richelieu entrance is for guided groups or visitors with a membership card (Amis du Louvre, Louvre Pro, Ministère de la Culture, Pass Education, ICOM).

» Galerie du Carrousel  (99 Rue de Rivoli) is another entrance to the Louvre Museum that anybody can use. The advantage of this Louvre Museum entrance is the direct access from the Parisian Metro (metro station Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre, line 1, take exit #6). Also, this is the best Louvre entrance to wait in line during rainy days in Paris or when it is too cold outside. 

» Porte des Lions is another option, but it’s a bit eccentric and only available for visitors with a ticket. There’s no Cloakroom nearby, so you will be denied access if you carry bulky objects. Please note this access is closed on Fridays, and sometimes the Museum management closes it without notice.

4.1 Best Louvre Entrance 2024

The best Louvre Entrance is Passage Richelieu , with zero waiting time. This entrance, however, is reserved for guided groups or people with membership cards.

The Louvre Glass Pyramid is the most popular entrance, and you can see long lines in the high season and on weekends. That said, in January 2024, I entered the Museum through the Glass Pyramid with a timed entrance ticket and only had to wait 10 minutes (low season, weekday).

The Carrousel du Louvre entrance is less crowded than the Pyramid, and you avoid the hazards of the weather. Personally, I find it a bit claustrophobic when it is overcrowded.

Porte des Lions can be a good entrance, but it’s a bit hit-and-miss, as sometimes it is closed without any previous notice.

4.2 Entering the Louvre through the Glass Pyramid

Louvre Glass Pyramid

The Louvre Glass Pyramid has different lines marked with different colours:

  • Yellow line  for visitors with special passes, such as annual visitor cards or tourist cards
  • Orange line  for visitors without a pre-purchased ticket
  • Green line  for visitors with tickets with a specific time slot
  • Blue Line  for disabled visitors, pregnant women, visitors with strollers, or visitors with mobility issues. These visitors have access to the lift down to the Main Hall.

The green line is split into two lines, and each line is for different time slots. Before waiting in line, check that you are in the line for your time slot!

Glass Pyramid Lines

The Louvre Glass Pyramid is the Museum’s main entrance. To access the Louvre Museum through the Pyramid, you will find several controls:

  • Before joining the line to access the Museum, there’s a first ticket control to ensure you are on the right day, time slot, and line (picture above).
  • Right after entering the Glass Pyramid, you will be asked to use the hand sanitizer, and then, there’s the security control (scanner).

After the scanner, you will take the stairs down to the Main Hall, with the Information Desk, Cloakroom, Visitors’ Assistance Area, one of the restaurants and Paul’s bakery. You can see the entrances to the three different Louvre Wings from the Main Hall: Denon, Sully , and Richelieu . They are located on the Mezzanine.

tour rapido louvre

Choose the Louvre Wing that appeals to you most and take the stairs up to the Mezzanine. Here, you can pick up the audio guides (on the desktop right before the tripods), and there’s the second ticket control. If you are entitled to free admission, you will be asked to show proof of free admission at this moment.

tour rapido louvre

5. A Peek Inside the Louvre (Take a Louvre Map!)

Louvre Map

5.1 Louvre Sections

The Art Treasures of the Louvre Museum are grouped into eight curatorial departments or Louvre sections: 

  • Egyptian Antiquities
  • Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities
  • Near Eastern Antiquities
  • Islamic Art, Paintings
  • Decorative Arts
  • Prints and Drawings

5.2 Louvre Layout

The Louvre’s treasures are exhibited in the Museum’s three interconnected Wings: Richelieu Wing , Denon Wing , and Sully Wing, clearly marked on the Louvre map.

In addition to these Wings, the Museum’s inner courtyards display the biggest sculptures.

On the Louvre map, you will find the Denon Wing facing the Seine River. Denon Wing is named after M. Denon (1747-1825), the first director of the Musée du Louvre. In Denon Wing, visitors find important artworks such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci or The Winged Victory of Samothrace.

If you want to concentrate on one Louvre Wing only, we suggest the Denon Wing.

The Sully Wing is located between the Denon Wing and the Richelieu Wing and is named after M. Sully (1559-1641), Chief Minister of King Henri IV. In the Sully Wing, visitors can find the Medieval Louvre, the Egyptian Antiquities, and the Venus of Milo.

Richelieu Wing

On the map of the Louvre, you will find the Richelieu Wing facing Rue de Rivoli. The Richelieu Wing is named after Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642), Chief Minister of King Louis XIII. In Richelieu Wing, visitors can find French paintings and sculptures, Napoleon III apartments, and Near Eastern Antiquities.

5.3 Take a Louvre Map (with Highlights)

Taking a map of the Louvre Museum is paramount for visiting the Louvre. You have paper versions (Louvre map with highlights) in the Information Kiosk in the Central Hall, and there are also some QR codes with the Louvre Museum map to flash while you are waiting in line to enter the Glass Pyramid.

The Louvre map comes with the plans of the four floors, and you can find all the Louvre sections by floor and Wings and some of the Louvre highlights.

6. Best Way to See the Louvre

With 403 rooms, 14.5 km of rooms and corridors, and 72.735 m2 of exhibition spaces, visiting the entire Louvre in one day is impossible . If you spent one minute seeing each Louvre artwork, it would take 64 days to see everything in the Museum!

How to navigate the Louvre? There’s no right or wrong Louvre itinerary. You can decide to visit just one Wing, all floors, or walk through the different Louvre Wings. If you return to the Central Hall and then head to another Louvre Wing, you will have to show your Louvre ticket again.

Any exit from the Louvre Museum is final, and you won’t be able to come back with the same ticket.

Five Ways to Visit the Louvre

In our opinion, there are five ways to visit the Louvre:

1- Enter the Museum and start walking through galleries and galleries randomly. This is not the best option in a vast museum like the Louvre.

2- Follow the experts at your own pace with a Louvre Museum audio guide or a phone app. You can buy your skip-the-line Louvre ticket + audio guide online in advance and pick up the audio guide when you arrive at the Museum. Remember to grab the Louvre must-see map at the Main Hall.

3- Join a Louvre guided tour and visit the Louvre highlights with a professional guide. After the tour, you can visit other artworks, but you’ll surely have covered the basics.

4- Write down a Louvre bucket list , study it at home with the help of this Louvre Map , and try to make a Louvre itinerary that makes sense from a logistics point of view to avoid walking unnecessary kilometres.

TIP: Do you need some help for a quick visit? Click here to see how to visit the Louvre in 2 hours or less

5- Pick a specific department (e.g., Italian Paintings) and focus on this department only to get the most out of it. This is my favourite way to visit the Louvre because I am local in Paris and can visit the Louvre whenever I want. This way of touring the Louvre is also perfect for frequent Paris travellers or people interested in a specific subject.

Whatever you decide, grab the Louvre highlights map upon your arrival , take a break from time to time and use the restrooms when you see them (I never find the restrooms when I need them most, lol).

7. What to See at the Louvre (Louvre Highlights)

Best way to see the Louvre

If you are wondering what to see at the Louvre in one day, we can help. Everybody has a different Louvre must-see list, but some Louvre artworks appear on everybody’s bucket list.

7.1 Louvre Must-See Guide By the Louvre Museum

The Louvre has a selection of masterpieces  that you can check on its website. This is the Louvre best route if you don’t have particular interests and want to cover the basics. There are 11 artworks in total :

  • The Caryatids
  • Venus de Milo
  • Winged Victory of Samothrace
  • Venus and the Three Graces Presenting Gifts to a Young Woman (Botticelli)
  • La Belle Ferronière (Da Vinci)
  • Sainte Anne (Da Vinci)
  • Mona Lisa (Da Vinci)
  • The Raft of the Medusa (Gérciault)
  • Liberty Leading the People (Délacroix)
  • The Slaves (Michelangelo)
  • Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova)
  • The Glass Pyramid

7.2 Louvre Must-See List by CNN 

Best Louvre Artwork

To honour the Louvre’s 220th anniversary, CNN asked its users through its Instagram account about the Louvre highlights. Here is the Louvre must-see list by CNN:

  • The Winged Victory of Samothrace
  • Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova) is one of the famous Greek Mythology stories.
  • The Louvre Building
  • The Consecration of Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on 2 December 1804 (David)
  • Venus of Milo
  • The Young Martyr (Delaroche) – depicts the sacrifice of a young Christian woman into the Tiber River.
  • The Virgin of the Rocks (Da Vinci) – another of Leonardo’s masterworks.
  • The Lacemaker (Vermeer) – with this painting, the achievement of Vermeer’s maturity is complete.

7.3 Louvre Highlights (World in Paris’ List)

French sculpture at Louvre

My Louvre must-see list is a combination of the two lists above plus some other Primitive Italian artworks (Duccio, Cimabue), The Wedding Feast at Cana (Veronese) – sharing the room with the Mona Lisa, – and something by Caravaggio.

On this bucket list, there’s also the oldest exposed item: the statue of Aïn Ghazal , dated around 7000 BC! (Sully Wing, Ground Floor, room #303).

I complete my personal Louvre must-see guide with the most bizarre item exposed, The Hermaphrodite (Sully Wing, Ground Floor Salle des Caryatides #348).

Top Louvre Artwork

8. Other Tips for Visiting the Louvre Museum

8.1 the louvre ticket is a combined ticket.

Few people know that in addition to the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions of the Louvre, the Louvre ticket gives you to the Musée Eugène Delacroix (6 Rue de Furstenberg, Paris 6) within 48 hours of first use. To visit the Musée Eugène Delacroix for free, you need to purchase and visit the Louvre Museum first.

8.2 Louvre Dress Code: Dress Like an Onion!

What to wear in the Louvre?   There is no Louvre dress code; you can wear what you want when visiting the Louvre. Just keep in mind that you will walk A LOT. Wear comfortable shoes. And dress in layers, like an onion!

Wearing layers is perfect in wintertime, when it is cold outside and warm inside.

8.3 Carry a Power Bank

A power bank is essential if you want to take pictures and navigate the Louvre with your phone all day. The last time I visited, I entered the Louvre at 9.30 a.m., and two hours later, my phone was dead.

Remember that you must show your Louvre ticket whenever you want to access the rooms from the Main Hall, so keeping your phone charged is essential if you have your ticket stored in it. Print out the ticket if you don’t want to carry a power bank.

8.4 Accessibility in the Louvre

The Louvre is accessible to disabled visitors, with various elevators and wheelchair lifts and even a Tactile Gallery. If you have mobility issues, look for the disabled symbols in the Louvre Museum map and adapt your Louvre itinerary accordingly.

At the Glass Pyramid , there’s a line (blue line) for disabled visitors or visitors with mobility issues. These visitors have access to the lift down to the Main Hall.

Walking sticks, folding bags, strollers, baby carriers, and wheelchairs are available free of charge for visitors at the Visitors Assistance Area , located in the Main Hall (level -2), behind the Information Area and next to the Cloakroom. An ID card will be requested as a caution.

8.5 Bring your Snacks and Water

tour rapido louvre

Inside the Louvre are a couple of restaurants, but they are overpriced, and the food is so-so. Bring your snacks, sandwiches, and water if you travel on a budget. There are no restrictions on bringing your refreshments to the Louvre.

Eating inside the Louvre exhibition rooms is forbidden, but there are some benches in the Central Hall (Mezzanine), just before the ticket control, and nobody will bother you if you are eating a sandwich or a snack there.

Once you are done and have some energy back, show your tickets again to return to the exhibition areas. You can drink water wherever you want.

TIP: fans of Angelina Paris tearoom will be happy to know that there is an Angelina inside the Louvre with no line! Angelina Louvre is located in the Richelieu Wing, 1st floor, between the Napoleon III Apartments and Decorative Arts galleries.

8.6 Beware of Pickpockets

I never had any problem when visiting the Louvre, but it seems that pickpockets are an issue in this Museum. Never leave your bag unattended, and if somebody comes to you asking for your email or a donation, ignore him and walk away. It is a scam.

TIP: travel safely; use an anti-theft shoulder bag or an anti-theft backpack

8.7 Visit the Louvre Museum More than Once (If You Can)

If you are interested in the Arts, you will have to revisit the Louvre Museum to enjoy other paintings and sculptures that you missed during the previous visit. Paris is always a good idea , and another visit to the Louvre may be the perfect excuse to come back to Paris 😉

Louvre Paris

And there you have it, a quick Louvre Museum guide with the best tips for visiting the Louvre Museum. Use these Louvre tips to find your best way to see the Louvre, to get the shortest lines and the best experience inside!

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How to visit the Louvre: 16 tips for a perfect time there

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Home » France » How to visit the Louvre: 16 tips for a perfect time there

The Louvre is probably one of the most famous museums in the world. Almost everyone knows the iconic pyramidal construction and it’s a spot visitors to Paris always have on their list. But, the Louvre is also one of the biggest museums in the world, with more than 35,000 works of art and 300 rooms it’s sometimes overwhelming for the people visiting it. So if you’re thinking about how to visit the Louvre and enjoy your time there, fear no more! Here are some tips so you have the perfect visit to the Louvre.

1. First of all, you don’t have to visit the Louvre

Yes, it’s one of the most important museums in the world but if you’re not that into art or you feel like you’d rather visit other important spots in Paris, simply don’t go. Every visitor is different and everyone has different interests. It’s valid to skip places you’re not interested in. Really, if you’re just going so you can get a picture of the Mona Lisa, just skip it, you’ll probably enjoy more doing other things.

You can visit the Louvre for free but it will be crowded.

2. You won’t see everything, even if you visit it many times

The Louvre is HUGE so you’ll never be able to see everything in one visit (not even in two or three). Accept that you won’t see all of it and stop rushing it. I’ve seen so many people going from room to room, rushing it, trying to see everything. My guess is that they get out of the museum tired and cranky. Remember you’re probably on vacation, enjoy what you can in the time you have, don’t rush it.

3. How to visit the Louvre depends on you

With so many works of art and rooms to offer, the best thing to do is to plan beforehand what do you actually want to see in the Louvre. Before visiting, check the plans of the Louvre. Take your time to check the interactive map (I spent hours there before visiting) on the website of the Louvre. This interactive map will give you a better idea of where everything is. You can also print or save in your computer a map with all the information on the wings and rooms .

To have a general idea of the artworks housed in the Louvre check also the 8 curatorial departments the museum is divided in  Egyptian Antiquities ; Greek, Roman and Etruscan Antiquities ;  Near Eastern Antiquities ; Islamic Art ; Decorative Art ;  Sculpture ; Paintings ; and Drawings & Prints .

4. Know how to get there

Since the Louvre is so famous, there are many ways to get there. You can use public transportation (which is better) or get there by car (there’s an underground place to park on Avenue du Général Lemonier). Most of the times it’s better to use the bus since the metro lines serving the Louvre can be crowded. Also, there are Vélib’ bike stations near the museum.

5. Buy your tickets in advance

If you want to avoid lines, buy your tickets in advance. Go to the official website of the Louvre to buy them. Another option is to have the Paris Pass , which gives you access to several museums around Paris and you can also take the fast track lane.

6. Know where to enter

Most visitors enter the Louvre through the glass pyramid of the museum. Once you’re there, you’ll see signs like these:

Signs of entrance in the Louvre

This entrance is good if there’s no line but it’s safer to go into the museum through the Carrousel du Louvre . This is an underground shopping mall and you can enter the Louvre near an inverted glass pyramid that’s near the Apple store. There are almost no people in this line so it’s quicker. The Métro line 1 station is connected to the Carrousel du Louvre.

7. If you’re not sure, get a guide

Maybe you’re not that into art but you’re interested in seeing what the Louvre has to offer. In that case, the best option is to get a guide. There are guided tours in English every day at 11 am and 2 pm. These tours will take you to the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Venus de Milo, and a great selection of masterpieces. Book your “Welcome to the Louvre” tour here  for 12 €.

The audio guide can be frustrating to use, instead, download the official Louvre app for iOS and Android . This is a free app but you can also buy additional information.

8. Get there early or during the evening

Most guides recommend getting to the Louvre super early to beat the crowds… and since most guides do this, most people do this too. It’s true that there are fewer people at 9 am when the Louvre opens but also consider getting there after 3 pm (right after Parisians have their food ). And for the best experience, visit the Louvre for the late-night opening: arrive after 6 pm on Wednesdays or Fridays and enjoy the museum up until 9:45 pm.

9. Wear comfortable clothing

Especially, wear comfy shoes. Avoid bringing big bags or backpacks, you won’t be able to move as freely as you’d want.

10. Respect the art

Rules at the Louvre Museum

If you’ve gone to enough museums, you know how this works. Don’t smoke, drink, eat, raise your voice, touch artworks or run inside the museum. You can be asked to walk out in case you don’t follow these rules (and really… why would you even smoke inside the Louvre?).

Taking pictures and videos are permitted in the permanent collection exhibition rooms, don’t use flash or other lighting equipment. In the temporary exhibition rooms, you can’t take photos or videos.

11. Be careful of pickpockets

Since there are many tourists (and people in general) it’s a place where you may get robbed. Just be careful of your belongings and exercise your common sense .

12. Use the bathroom

Before entering the wings there are restrooms, don’t miss the chance to go. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to miss on something just because you want to go to the bathroom… not that it has happened to me.

13. Use the elevators

Save time and energy with these. If you check the map beforehand, you’ll see the elevators marked there so you don’t get lost.

14. Get out of the museum if you need to

The ticket you buy to enter the Louvre is good all day and for multiple entrances. If you’re planning on visiting different wings, a good idea is to exit the wing and cross through the entrance hall to enter other wings It’s faster and you don’t have to walk through the museum again.

15. Enjoy the building itself

The Louvre was originally a fortress but then it became one of the main residences of French kings. In 1793 (!) it became a museum so the building itself it’s worth a look. Don’t miss:

  • Apollo Gallery (first floor, room 66) which seems to be covered in gold
  • Islamic Galleries (ground floor and lower level) that is one of the newest wings of the Louvre
  • Napoleon III Apartments, Richelieu Wing (first floor, rooms 82 to 92) where you can see the high style of living Napoleon had
  • Marly Court, Richelieu Wing (ground floor and lower level), a white marble and stone courtyard full of sculptures
  • Summer Apartments of Anne of Austria, Denon Wing (ground floor, rooms 22 to 28) where you’ll be able to see breathtaking ceilings commissioned by King Louis XIV in 1655.

16. Visit the Tuileries Garden

Guide to visit the Louvre

A nice place that also the kids will love . These gardens are between the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde. This is the largest and oldest public park in Paris and you’ll love its landscape art, sculptures, and a relaxing vibe. After relaxing there, have a nice hot chocolate in Angelina (a true Parisian thing to do!).

We hope these tips were useful, enjoy your visit to the Louvre!

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Skip-the-Line Louvre Highlights Tour: Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo & the Crown Jewels

454 reviews

Medieval art can be tough to appreciate if you don't have a guide to interpret it.

Why take this tour?

Skip the line into the Louvre and enjoy a specially-crafted itinerary to make the most of your visit

Familiarize yourself with the stories behind some of the world's best-known masterpieces

Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the building as your guide recounts stories surrounding the royalty that once walked the very halls you will navigate

Tour starting at 10:15 AM only: Enjoy an intimate tour with a small group of max six guests.

  • Sites Visited
  • Louvre Museum
  • Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"
  • Italian sculptures
  • Classic Greek art rooms
  • French painting galleries
  • Tour Includes
  • Local English-speaking guide
  • Expertly guided walking tour
  • Skip-the-line ticket for Louvre Museum

Skip the line and see the best of the Louvre in just 2 hours

Total customer reviews: 454, latest reviews.

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Visitor Trails - Helpful tips before or during your visit

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Visitor Trails Helpful tips before or during your visit

Don’t know where to start? Be your own guide with these tours designed according to the amount of time you plan to spend in the museum and what interests you. To prepare your visit, be sure to check on room openings and closures. Some works may not be on display due to special exhibitions, loans, conservation treatment, etc. If this is the case, jump ahead to the next stop, as this won’t alter your tour route.

tour rapido louvre

The Louvre’s Masterpieces

What exactly is a masterpiece? Follow this trail to find out!

tour rapido louvre

My Louvre by Antoine Compagnon

Writer in residence

tour rapido louvre

Journey along the Nile

Explore ancient Egypt as a family!

tour rapido louvre

Secret Treasures of the Richelieu Wing

tour rapido louvre

Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s Louvre Highlights

Artworks featured in the 'APES**T' music video

See map of the museum  


  1. Tripadvisor

    tour rapido louvre

  2. Principais Obras Do Museu Do Louvre: Como Visitar Louvre Rápido

    tour rapido louvre

  3. Principais Obras Do Museu Do Louvre: Como Visitar Louvre Rápido

    tour rapido louvre

  4. Recorrido rápido por el museo del Louvre de París

    tour rapido louvre

  5. Principais Obras Do Museu Do Louvre: Como Visitar Louvre Rápido

    tour rapido louvre

  6. Tripadvisor

    tour rapido louvre


  1. Route du Louvre : arrivée du marathon de 5:08:44 à fin de course

  2. Paris : inside Louvre Museum Part 1 #louvremuseum #paris

  3. Louvre Paris 💙🇫🇷 Do the hit #louvre #shorts #dothehit

  4. Louvre Museum tour || Louvre Museum || visit paris|| an unforgettable trip ||

  5. Tour to Louvre Museum Paris

  6. RFM


  1. Welcome to the Louvre

    Discover the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Venus de Milo, and other masterpieces of the Louvre with trained guides who take you through the museum's most impressive spaces, such as the medieval moat, giving you a fascinating insight into the history of the palace.. Available languages and times. English; Every day at 9.45 a.m. Additional tour at 2 p.m. on weekends and ...

  2. Online tours

    The Advent of the Artist. For its 5th edition, the Petite Galerie takes a closer look at the transition from the typically anonymous craftsman of the classical period to the artist of the Renaissance, featuring works by Delacroix, Rembrandt, Tintoret and more. Launch virtual tour.

  3. Mona Lisa Express Quick Access to the Louvre Icons

    2024 Cultural & Theme Tours in Paris: Check out reviews and photos of the Mona Lisa Express Quick Access to the Louvre Icons. Book now from US$94.86! ... Our 1.5-hour express tour takes you directly to the Louvre's iconic treasures, from the Winged Victory of Samothrace to Mona Lisa, in record time.

  4. Louvre Museum Fast Track Entry + Pop Culture Walking Tour

    Discover the heart of Paris with a tour that puts the world-renowned Louvre Museum center stage. Skip the long lines and dive straight into the Louvre Museum with a timed entry ticket. Walk through some of Paris's most iconic landmarks, blending art, history, and pop culture. Once inside, follow a specially curated route designed to highlight ...

  5. Louvre Museum Official Website

    Ce 19 août est la #JourneeMondialePhotographie ! Postez votre plus belle photo du Louvre en mentionnant le compte du Musée (@museelouvre) et avec le hashtag #LouvrePhotographyDay et nous posterons en story celles qui nous auront le plus marqués !

  6. Official: Louvre Museum Pop Culture Tour+Timed Entry Ticket

    The Louvre Museum's official Pop Culture Tour offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience the iconic institution through a unique lens. Featuring a timed entry ticket and guided exploration, this immersive experience blends art, history, and pop culture in a seamless package.With fast-track access, visitors can dive headfirst into a curated journey, discovering the museum's hidden ...

  7. Top 10 Things To See at the Louvre: Maps and Videos

    See if a Louvre Museums tour is worth it. 1. The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike) The Winged Victory of Samothrace is, in my opinion, the greatest sculpture in the Louvre, which makes it one of the greatest in history. It is rivaled by few except perhaps the Lacöon Group in the Vatican Museums and David in Accademia.

  8. Louvre Museum Garden Tour & Skip the Line Tickets

    The Louvre Museum Garden Tour offers visitors a combination of a guided exploration of the Tuileries Garden and dedicated skip-the-line access to the esteemed Louvre Museum. Priced from $43.34 per person, the 2-hour tour provides the opportunity to learn about the museum's history and Paris from a live English-speaking guide. Guests can ...

  9. Paris: Louvre Skip-the-Line Tour with Private Tour Upgrade 2024

    Private Self-guided Audio Tour of the Eiffel Tower (no ticket) 2. from $5.69. Paris, Île-de-France. Rolls-Royce 2 hours Paris illumination Tour. from $1,136.75. Price varies by group size. Paris, Île-de-France. Versailles Palace & Louvre Museum Private Day Tour from Paris.

  10. Fast-track for Louvre Museum & Self-Guided Tours in Paris

    Combine the benefits of a guide with the freedom of an independent visit during this self-guided audio tour of the Louvre Museum. Get help navigating the sprawling art museum, and learn the histories behind masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. Audio guides include access to five other self-guided Paris tours and skip-the-line admission tickets.

  11. Exhibitions and Events News and programming

    Another Louvre. Until July 5th, every Monday, Friday and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Every Friday at 6:30 p.m. From July 6th to September 20th, every day at 2:30p.m. Enjoy a visit away from the crowds and discover the lesser-known treasures and stunning settings of 'another Louvre.'.

  12. Paris: Louvre Museum Masterpieces Tour with Reserved Access

    Get instant and Reserved Access to the Louvre for an exclusive journey through the museum's must-see attractions. Your expert guide will unveil subtle details most visitors never learn about the works of art on show. Discover the "Mona Lisa", the "Venus de Milo" and the "Winged Victory of Samothrace". The tour also features Greek and Roman ...

  13. Louvre Guide 2024: Best Way to See the Louvre, Louvre Must-See, Map

    While most people opt for a Louvre self-guided tour, a Louvre guided tour (private or with a small group) is an excellent idea if you are visiting the Louvre for the first time. Benefit from the special Louvre entrance for groups, with 0 waiting time, and see the major Louvre highlights with the explanations of a certified and passionate ...

  14. How to visit the Louvre: 16 tips for a perfect time there

    And for the best experience, visit the Louvre for the late-night opening: arrive after 6 pm on Wednesdays or Fridays and enjoy the museum up until 9:45 pm. 9. Wear comfortable clothing. Especially, wear comfy shoes. Avoid bringing big bags or backpacks, you won't be able to move as freely as you'd want. 10.

  15. Visit the Louvre with a guide in english

    I propose a 1h30-2h tour where I'll tell you all about what makes the Louvre so famous and its great works, but I'll also tell you about the secrets the museum holds.

  16. Highlights of the Louvre Skip-the-Line Guided Tour

    See the best of the Louvre with a closing-time visit to the Mona Lisa. 754 3 h 15 max. From $168. Paris in a Day Tour with Louvre, City Walk, Eiffel Tower & River Cruise. See the best of Paris with this full day tour including pre-reserved Louvre tickets, a walking tour past the Eiffel Tower, and a scenic river cruise. 759 9 h 15 max.

  17. Paris: Louvre Masterpieces Tour with Pre-Reserved Tickets

    Discover the masterpieces of the Louvre museum in Paris with this guided tour including pre-reserved priority access tickets. Navigate through the 35,000 works of art in eight curatorial departments easily with a guide to uncover gems like 'Venus of Milo' and The Coronation of Napoleon.'. Choose a small group tour of max six people for maximum ...

  18. Visit Everything you need to know before visiting the museum

    Enjoy the Louvre experience with your children at no extra cost - admission to the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions is free for all visitors under the age of 18 (or 26 for EEA residents). The museum also offers guided tours, practical workshops and storytelling sessions in the palace, as well as a selection of online media ...

  19. Visiting the Louvre: 11 Mistakes to Avoid for a Painless Visit!

    Louvre Skip-the-Line Ticket with Guidance to Mona Lisa. ️ Best for those who have Mona Lisa at the top of their bucket list. ️ Explore the Louvre at your pace without a guide after. ↳ Book it. #3 PICK. Guided Tour with Skip-the-Line Entry. ️ 3 hours with a guide for the most comprehensive tour.

  20. Hours & admission

    Become a member of the Amis du Louvre. The Amis du Louvre offers a range of membership programmes (youth, solo and duo, family), with prices ranging from €15 to €120. Opening hours and prices for the Louvre, Tuileries Garden and Musée National Eugène-Delacroix.

  21. Semi-private Louvre tour

    Recently returned from 5 nights in Paris,group of 4.We had all our tours arranged through our travel agent in USA. The company they use in France is called Meet the French. We did a private evening tour of Louvre,we told the guide the things we did not want to miss and allowed him to add whatever else he thought we would enjoy.

  22. Visitor Trails Helpful tips before or during your visit

    Helpful tips before or during your visit. Don't know where to start? Be your own guide with these tours designed according to the amount of time you plan to spend in the museum and what interests you. To prepare your visit, be sure to check on room openings and closures. Some works may not be on display due to special exhibitions, loans ...