taiwan motorcycle tour


Hidden gem of asia.

While Thailand and Bali get most of the attention when it comes to traveling in Asia, Taiwan is the hidden gem. It's a mecca of gorgeous motorcycle roads. In the US, people travel many hours to ride The Tail of the Dragon. In Taiwan, you can link roads that rival the Dragon together all the way down the mountains of central Taiwan. With 268 peaks over 3000 meters (9800 feet), Taiwan has endless natural scenery to explore. Yushan is the tallest mountain in Taiwan at 3952 meters, 200 meters taller than Mt. Fuji and the highest road in Taiwan goes over Mt Hehuan at 3200 meters.

sunset over mountain in taiwan

The streets of Taiwan offer up plenty of opportunities for photographers with their rustic charm mixed with new architecture.

Northern Taiwan

Northern Taiwan has gorgeous beaches and rock cliffs along the north coast and Yilan, in the northeast. Many surf breaks dot the coasts with surf hostels that will put you up and rent you a board. Gorgeous roads wind their way along the coast with spectacular views and nice curves. In Taipei, there's the famous Taipei 101 and many great museums, and the inland regions of the west side have plenty of waterfalls and hot springs to explore. 

See Best Motorcycle Roads in Taiwan

family of three scooter

Scooter nation, it's called, because there are more scooters than people. Not that more than one is always necessary.

Taiwan small city street

Central Taiwan

Sun Moon Lake is the largest fresh body of water in Taiwan

Sun Moon Lake at sunrise

Central Taiwan boasts some of the most gorgeous scenery you'll find in Taiwan. About 2 hours ride from Taichung, you'll find Sun Moon Lake, the largest fresh body of water in Taiwan. 

Sunset on Alishan above clouds

Alishan and Yushan

Jade Mountain (Yushan) and Alishan are famous for gorgeous sunsets and high altitude tea farms. It's truly stunning scenery.

Rent a bike and ride over Alishan.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Taroko Gorge

On the central east side of Taiwan you'll find Taroko Gorge, a sight to behold, with towering cliffs, deep cuts, natural hot springs, and trails that skirt the edge of certain death. Plenty of beautiful waterfalls are within easy hiking distance.

The highest road in Taiwan twists its way past Cingjing, an alpine village with sheep and European style chalets, and on up to Hehuansan at 3275 meters. After stopping at many gorgeous overlooks, you face 2.5 hours of twists and turns all the way down into Taroko. It's truly one of the greatest roads in the world.

The east coast is wild with large cliffs and weather that can shift in an instant. Wind and waves pound the coast, carried many thousands of kilometers from across the open Pacific. Surf towns dot the east coast of Taiwan. You could link surf hostels together and surf every day the waves are pumping.

Winding road up to Hehuansan as the sunsets

Get a bike and ride to the top of Hehuansan, 3275 meters high!

taiwan motorcycle tour

Sanxiantia Bridge is one of the most famous stops on the southeastern coastline near Taitung. From Taitung, you can take a ferry to Green Island.

Sanxiantia at sunset with low clouds

Southern Taiwan has many famous spots that make the guidebooks such as Kenting and Green Island.

Of course, there are a lot of hidden spots in the south which are easier to find by motorcycle or scooter.

Taitung is famous for natural hot springs, Pingtung has quaint aboriginal villages nestled in the mountains, and several of the greatest roads in Taiwan can be found in the mountains near Kaohsiung and Tainan.


The gorgeous south coast is a great place to relax in the sun and enjoy cool breezes off the ocean. If you enjoy water sports, snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, and scuba diving are all great activities.


Roads of Taiwan

A 2 part vlog series on riding around the central and southern parts of Taiwan.

A vlog of riding the 20, one of the most incredible twisty roads in the southern part of Taiwan.

The 21 is THE go-to road for those who live in Taichung. The convenience of location, beautiful twists and turns, and good asphalt make it the sport bike riders first choice.

If you want to find these roads yourself, check out our page on the Best Motorcycle Roads in Taiwan .

Don't have a bike?

Rent one and go see these beautiful sights!

road to Taroko gorge above clouds

  • Customer Reviews

Taiwan Tours M13


Experience Taiwan with M13 ’s awesome tour!


Explore Taiwan with M13!

Admire breathtaking scenery., experience the culture., a glimpse of the experience..


Time is running out!

Reserve your spot now, what our customers say..

"I myself never have been in Asia and this tour have been probably the best thing ever happened to me,if you want to see the real Taiwan you won't be mistaken to take M13's tour. The tour includes everything you just have to come and enjoy the awesomeness of Taiwan and M13 as your tour guide. Visited July 2014"

"Hey, Just thought I would email to say thank you again for what was an amazing tour that I certainly won’t forget! Coming from a recommendation from Jason and not having seen many of your videos didn’t matter as i still thought you were a great tour guide and I would recommend your tour to anyone and everyone! I know he does not show it but I know Jason felt the same way. I guess it’s almost only just settling in now I’m back home but I do miss Taiwan already! All the best for the future and maybe see you next year."

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  • Sep 3, 2019
  • 10 min read

11 Days Taiwan Solo on Motorcycle

Updated: Jan 7, 2020

taiwan motorcycle tour

This is not my first Taiwan motorcycle adventure. In fact, it is the second.

In April 2019, together with 3 lady bikers Tiny Jen, Louise Tan and Hui Xian, we initiated a lady bikers Taiwan ride. The ride around was planned for 15 days. On day 1 of riding, I had an accident when parking my bike at the homestay and injured my right foot ligament. There was a sharp pain when it happened, immediately my foot was swollen and I can hardly move a single step.

I have no choice to withdraw from the rest of the ride and returned to Malaysia a week later when I managed to walk. The girls completed the ride successfully. Cheers for their accomplishment! 🥂🎉🍻

taiwan motorcycle tour

My recovery took more than 3 months, luckily I was able to pick up some routine riding and dancing slowly but with high care to avoid further injuries.

taiwan motorcycle tour

My Taiwan solo ride was quite an impromptu decision. I have always wanted to ride at Taiwan again, may be somewhere in 2020 or later. This came up to my consideration when I was planning my solo holiday destination in August 2019, a lady biker friend randomly proposed why not Taiwan? Actually it was not a bad idea! She enlighten me and all the preparation kick started after that moment.

Two weeks later, I'm on the flight to Taiwan, embarking an 11 days overseas solo ride adventure.


桃園机场 Tao Yuan Airport - 長泓機車出租Chang Hong Yamaha Bike shop

Stay: Duke hotel⭐⭐

Arrived Tao Yuan Airport around 3pm, took the airport MRT to station A21 at Zhong Li and got a taxi to send me right infront of the bike shop doorstep.

The hotel was just few minutes ride away from the bike shop but a bit kelam kabut as I'm still adjusting to the traffic and opposite road direction vs Malaysia.

Spend the night at 中原夜市 Zhong Yuan night market, enjoying the crowd energy and variates of street food.

復興橋 Fu Xin Bridge - 武嶺合歡山 Wulin He Huan Shan - 清境農場 Qing Jing Farm

Highlight Route: Route 7,7甲,14

Stay: 天祥茶行景觀民宿 Tian Hsiang Tea B&B⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A total of 250km mountain ride that took me 7 hours. Hardly could see any vehicle or human being, its only the mountain, trees, wind, road, me and my bike. The road was narrow single lane but for both ways, there are mirrors on the corners for road users to check on vehicles that come from opposite direction, but some mirrors are quite blur due to weather and dust.

It got really foggy at one point about 10km ride, the visibility was really poor.

taiwan motorcycle tour

清境 Qing Jing

It's Bailu typhoon day! Could not ride anywhere as the wind and rain were too strong out there.

I was suppose to stay at Lishan last night and ride to Qing King today. Made a last minute change to push further miles to Qing Jing so I have some buffer if my plan was affected by typhoon. Really glad I made the decision after consulting many locals. Could not imagine how to ride in such a weather in the mountains.

The B&B hosts were very kind and friendly. Knowing I was alone and without food, they went extra miles to upgrade my room, extended it with same rate and cooked me some nice warm spaghetti with a special touch of fried egg for lunch. The place has beautiful view of the mountains, I wasn't bored staying in whole day as I took my time to experience typhoon first time in my life, in my room🤣

taiwan motorcycle tour

日月潭 Sun Moon Lake - 奮起湖火车站 FenQiHu Station - 奮起湖大酒店便当 Fenqihu Hotel bento

Stay: 奮起湖天主堂 Fenqihu Catholic Church⭐⭐

My original plan was to ride through 阿里山 Alishan to 奮起湖 Fenqihu, many locals reminded me to avoid the route as there would have chances of landslide, falling rocks and trees, broken road due to yesterday typhoon. Took their advice on an alternative 149 route which was also a mountain pass and safely arrive my destination.

The locals were right as the road around Sun Moon Lake was like a disaster, covered by fallen trees, branches, leaves and rocks.

Could not imagine if I had to ride through this whole day, I'll be super stressed and worried.

taiwan motorcycle tour

大內龍貓車站 Danei Totoro Station - 高雄市 Kao Shiung City - 台南國1仁德战备跑道 Tainan Rende highway- 船帆石 Kenting National Park

Stay: 墾丁140民宿 Kenting 140 B&B ⭐⭐⭐

Detour into Kao Shiung City to meet two local bikers who planned to ride with me today. 修哥 Show is the founder of Taiwan famous FB group on Taiwan bike touring, he brought me a bright yellow banner stated 'Taiwan bike touring in progress' and some stickers. 宥然大哥 You Ran is a retiree who has toured around Taiwan few times, he also brought me a DIY wood craft.

Both of them have shared lots of places which tourist least travelled, my next few days journey was quite interesting because of their tips.

taiwan motorcycle tour

鵝鑾鼻燈塔 Eluanbi Lighthouse - 龍磐石 Longpan park - 風吹砂 fengchuisha - 旭海 Xuhai - 南田观景台 Nantian viewpoint - 多良车站 Duoliang railway station - 太麻里平交道 Taimali railway

Highlight route: 旭海 26 Xuhai 26

Stay: 路得行旅 Norden Ruder ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The journey started to fill with endless blue sea view from here.

The Xuhai route 26 from Kenting is my top 1 most scenic coastal route in Taiwan. You gotta enjoy less traffic, nice winding road with sea on your right. Must not miss this!

taiwan motorcycle tour

池上伯朗大道 Chishang Brown Boulevard - 池上天堂路 Chishang Paradise Road - 六十石山金针花 Sixty Stone Mountain Orange waterlily - 玉里天堂路 Yuli Paradise Road - 長光梯田 Diamond boulevard - 項鍊海岸工作室

Stay: 海公主民宿 Sea Princess B&B ⭐⭐⭐

taiwan motorcycle tour

親不知子步道 Qinbuzhizi - 七星潭 Qixingtan - 太魯閣 Taroko National Park

Highlight route: 東西橫貫公路 Taroko Route 8

Stay: Meci Hotel ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Must do Taroko Route 8 national Park. The ride into Taroko Gorge was stunning and officially my best mountain route in Taiwan.

taiwan motorcycle tour

清水斷崖 Qingshui cliff - 建华冰店 JianHua Ice cream shop - 粉鳥林 Fenniaolin - 三貂角燈塔 Sandiaojiao lighthouse - 十份瀑布 Shifen waterfall - 不厭亭 Buyanting - 九份老街 Jiufen old street

Highlight route: 蘇花公路 Suhua route 9

Stay: 九重町 Chiu Chun Dint ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Suhua route 9 is a famous coastal route at East of Taiwan. Its an important connection between the two Township of Su Ao and Hua Lien, hence its named after the initial of the two towns, Suhua. The sea is just next to the route, but it can be a stressful ride as its single lane for each direction, the traffic is quite congested, many big trucks and tour buses, not to mentioned there are multiple maintenance work going on along the way.

The ride was not as pleasant and relax as Xuhai route 26 but if its first time riding in Taiwan, this is also highly recommended.

Another highlight is the ride from Jiu Fen to 不厭亭. Could not get the exact English name in Google map so if you plan to visit there just copy and paste the Chinese characters. 不厭亭 is a hut right at the peak of the mountain, looking down from the hut, there lays the 'lonely road'. It did feels lonely when viewing it from the peak, especially coupled by the fog and the mountains.

taiwan motorcycle tour

阴阳海 Ying Yang Sea - 野柳地質公園 Yeliu Park - 富贵角燈塔 Fu Gui Jiao lighthouse - 內湖太古哈雷 Harley Davidson Neihu - 長泓機車出租 Chang Hong Yamaha bike shop

Stay: Taipei city

taiwan motorcycle tour

Back to home sweet home Malaysia😍🇲🇾


taiwan motorcycle tour

Its already my second scooter rental from this bike shop.

The first rental only last for few days as I injured my foot on day 1 and stuck in the mountain for days.

Junior Deng was able to provide immediate support during the emergency, he contacted many transporters around my area to bring me and the bike back to town. His main concern was not his bike but to get me immediate medical attention as this resources are lacked in the country side. It was quite challenging at that time as it happened during weekend and many transporters are not available. Eventually we managed to find one to deliver the bike back however I chose to stay back and rest a few more days as I notice my injury was under control. Junior Deng's quick action relieved me from the stress on bike logistic and allowed me to focus on recovery.

Choose to rent from them once again as they are extremely reliable, I rented it for 9 days. After riding for a day, Bailu typhoon hit Taiwan and I was forced to make adjustment to my riding plan. I was concerned about unable to return the bike as schedule and Junior Deng sent me a warm message reminding me safety is the top priority, do not ride on typhoon day for the sack to be on track, it is OK to extend the rental and I do not need to worry about paying more rental.

Such a kind hearted business man!

Times of emergency like this show the true colour of an individual, I was so touched!

Highly recommended bike rental shop! check out the link below~


Many solo travelers will choose backpacker hostel for cost savings purpose, I did not opt for this as I would like to have some space and comfort especially after a long day ride.

Most of my accommodation are researched via booking.com and agoda.com, applying the filters of review rate above 8, attached bathroom, parking space, distance from current and next day route and free cancellation. I also read a lot of reviews before deciding.

Once I shortlisted the options, I will compare the prices in both apps, if I am able to connect with the property directly, via their website or contact from google, I will also compare the direct rates vs the 2 famous booking apps.

Most of the time, booking.com and agoda.com offer better deal, not necessarily a cheaper rate, but also the conveniences of breakfast inclusive, free cancellation, book now pay at hotel. These are important considerations for riding as there are possibilities that we loss track and unable to arrive the property during the day.

I love the comprehensive filter function in booking.com however most of my deals are settled with agoda.com as they offer Agoda cash for some bookings. I was upgraded after accumulating many bookings and it opens up more deals. They also have frequent discount and bonus which I can claim it against my booking.

One important principle when I ride, not to rush for destination as this result unnecessary pressure as well as missing out wonderful experience along the way.

Generally, accommodation is booked one day ahead during bedtime. I even fell asleep surveying and woke up without a place to stay on next day! LOL! As my riding days increase, the accommodation is booked the day itself when Im pretty sure everything is on track.

Why is travel with two wheels so exciting?

Because the best scenery is along the journey and the most memorable moments are the people and the riding itself!

So, no rush to the accommodation for the sake of advance booking!


Unlike Malaysia, Taiwan has some restrictions on motorcycle below 250cc (lets call it small bike), check out my interesting observations!

1. Small bikes are not allowed to use highway and toll way. For Google navigation, I checked the Route Options with 'Avoid motorways' and 'Avoid toll roads', this shall give me a 98% of accurate country roads which small bikes can freely use. As for the 2%, it may be new constructed roads which are not updated in Google maps. LOL!

2. Generally I avoid road icon of with a shape of flower ( the first icon below), it represent the highway which small bikes are prohibited. If riding on road icon of with a shape of shield, I am safe :) (98% of the time :p)

taiwan motorcycle tour

3. Avoid riding at lane which stated '禁行机车', that is for high speed road users and small bikes are not allowed. Always keep to the right lane, right is always right! :p

taiwan motorcycle tour

4. In city and town, small bikes are required to perform 'hook turn' when turning left at junction or cross road traffic light. Look out for the 'hook turn' sign as well as the 'Left turn box' across the road, if you see any of these, hook turn is a must.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Still not sure when to perform hook turn? Easy, just follow the locals!

Not sure how to do hook turn? check out the video below~

English version:

Chinese version:


For preparation, below are some of Facebook page which I follow and refer for planning. Practical information include places to visit, accommodation, routes, food, weather, road condition. These are important information to ensure a safe and pleasant ride in Taiwan. Mainly in mandarin.

1. 台灣機車環島美景-【路況-民宿-美食】

Taiwan Close group specialize in Taiwan motorcycle touring, lots of sharing on places and routes. Also strong community support if you have any questions or challenge when riding in Taiwan.

2. 台灣颱風論壇|天氣特急

Taiwan typhoon page with a group of weather experts. They provide real time update of critical weather condition, even have live broadcast during typhoon day.

3. 中橫路況交通資訊站

Reporting of Central national way. This route is across central Taiwan mountains area, hence information like landslide, falling rocks, falling tree, road maintenance and closure are critical for planning.

4. 蘇花公路即時路況

Updates on Suhua route.


How much Taiwan dollar did I invest for this solo adventure?

Accommodation 8690

Transport 659

Total 16237

Applying an average rate of TWD 1 : RM 0.13, this is approximately RM 2111.

This exclude return flight ticket and TWD3000 bike deposit which the bike shop withhold for 3 months until it is clear for any traffic summons.

Taiwan is a beautiful country to tour around. The most beautiful element in Taiwan is the people, they are friendly, kind, engaging, warm and supportive, I mean extremely.

Riding alone in Taiwan does feel very safe, just need to be extra alert of the other road users. If you can speak and read mandarin, it makes your trip a lot more easier. But rest assure, with the technology of Google translator, it is not difficult to communicate with the locals. Taiwanese are willing to go extra miles to help you when you are in need.

Personally, I can't remember how I completed this solo ride. It feels like a dream, a dream that come true.

After the accident in April, many felt pity for me as I was so close to achieve a milestone. However I always believe that everything happen for a reason, and now I finally realize it was to inspire this solo ride. I always wanted to return and ride again but the plan was never so soon and definitely not alone.

Overwhelm with gratitude, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the angels who pray for my journey, who support and give me courage, who never doubt in me, who lift me and back me up all the time.

Above all, glory to God!

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17 Days Laos On Motorcycle

Taiwan Moto Tour – By Any Means

on April 10, 2017

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I have been wanting to do a motorcycle tour in Taiwan ever since I watched Charlie Boorman ride there in his By Any Means television series in 2009. Not an easy task when there is no regular motorcycle rental permitted for foreigners. I decided eventually to follow the title of that show and ride Taiwan by any means possible.

If you are a celebrity like Charlie you have the connections to obtain a regular size motorcycle however for the rest of us without residence and a Taiwan licence it is not possible. I previously found a surf tour company based in the south offering motorcycle tours and signed on however the tour never ran due to lack of participants. Taiwan is not a destination people think of for motorcycle touring.

I noticed another tour company pop up offering scooter tours. Operated by a person calling himself M13, a expat video blogger who apparently is famous? – I’d never heard of him and offering no itinerary is too unprofessional for me to take seriously so I decided to do a small solo tour using train then scooter from Hualien.

I flew from Tokyo with Vanilla Air the low cost arm of ANA. This is second time I have used them and both experiences were good with staff that offer friendly service unlike some LCC’s. Easy to get from the airport as the MRT started running there March 2017. I arrive in Taipei and thought I was still in Japan as most of the shops were Japanese brands.

taiwan motorcycle tour

The next day I take a train down east coast to Hualien. I have pre booked this and that was fortunate as unknowingly I had arrived at peak holiday season – I chose early April based on least rainfall. It was extremely crowded at the station and with a long queue to collect my ticket I wonder if I am going to make it but fortunately no language issues and only short walk to train.

taiwan motorcycle tour

In Hualien on a Sunday afternoon I walk around and everyone rides so there must be some rental shops and indeed they can be found around the train station. I was looking at bikes when a shop person speaks to me in English do I want to rent – bingo. I had already read on a Japanese riders blog not to say you want to go far on the scooter as they will not rent them for touring, so I just played dumb tourist. I have a Taiwan phone number from sim card I got at the airport (China eastern telco – fantastic speed) which is something needed and my international drivers permit. My license is held for security.

I had been worried if they would ask to hold my passport like in SE Asia rental shops and then how I would go checking in to hotels without it. I had made a colour photocopy just in case but while that sort of thing is normal in SE Asia I think it may not have been accepted here and the language barrier would make it difficult to explain. I had the vision of them phoning the rental shop and then the shop saying WTF am I doing so far away haha. Anyway no need to have worried and I paid the fee of about $65 for four days and got the bike that afternoon as well no extra charge.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I took one of those shitty cap style helmets from the shop as well not letting on I had my own as that might have triggered alarm bells and promptly stored it under the seat after my shake down ride around town. I was pleased as punch to secure a bike, I had come here with no clear idea if I was going to be able to as a westerner. This is my ride. A Sym Jet Power 125cc. Yes that is the name.

I have rented many scooters in Philippines but this one has some neat features for a 125cc class bike. Fuel filler is at the front below dash so no need to unpack your bag to open the seat to refuel. The seat has electronic release from a dash button, and rear passenger pegs retract into body, very fancy. LED running lights for hi vis and above average looking wavy disc and large caliber front brake. Performance seems quite adequate so far.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Tonight my first attempt to eat using Google translate app on phone. It is very unreliable. I could see something spicy and something salad so picked those. The way of ordering (that I would find repeated on this trip) is you have a laminated menu sheet and a white board marker pen and you tick the items you want then take to cashier and pay. Not encountered this before but it worked well.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I often read of people not having a navigation solution that works for them on tour. My setup has remained mostly unchanged for the last 9 years. I use a Garmin GPS inside a So Easy Rider case. Inside the case is room for a power bank battery so no need to be pulling the rental bike apart trying to wire up to the bike’s battery. The case has two long velcro straps so you can mount it to anything even the most difficult layouts like this Sym scooter.

Next day I set off along the coast road north. Driving is on the right hand side in Taiwan and in urban areas there is often a dedicated lane for the many small capacity scooters which are very much a way of life here. At traffic lights scooters have to do a J turn. Rather than turn left at lights you go to queue at a designated waiting area to the right of where you want to turn. I was turning right on red lights like you do in Philippines but I am not sure it is legal.

taiwan motorcycle tour

The coast road north is interesting enough for first timer. Speed limits are very conservative in Taiwan much like Japan, 30, 40, 50kph. I had the speedo covered with the GPS but doubt I was going fast anywhere. However cars speed like crazy, much the same as Thailand. Next I rode into the Taroko National park to visit the famous Taroko gorge. The road has been hewn out of rock and some parts now a walkway but some still the actual main road!

taiwan motorcycle tour

From here it is a long winding climb from sea level to alpine heights. The scenery is much more spectacular then I had expected.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I was concerned about fuel since the Sym has a fuel tank just 4.5 litres. That is 20.5 litres less than my FJR. But it also has an engine and weight a fraction of my motorcycle. I need not have worried as about 2/3 rds of the way up was a petrol station in middle of nowhere.

taiwan motorcycle tour

There was a lady at the gas station selling hot coffee and rice wrapped in banana leaf or bamboo, that was perfect as I foolishly set off without any food or water. The CPC brand petrol station is state owned and the only brand of fuel you can buy. It is full service and no need to remove your helmet. $1.00 AUS a litre for 95 octane.  

taiwan motorcycle tour

The Sym Jet 125 was starting to struggle for power at these high altitudes. I had to put my mid layer on and switch to my winter gloves as the temperature fell below 10 degrees.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Final climb is very steep, you can see it in the below photo in distance zig-zagging up. The combination of high altitude and steep incline had the Sym back crawling at wide open throttle to the 3275m summit.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Magnificent view and an amazing road. These photos do not do it justice. The water on side of road here was frozen despite the bright sunlight.

taiwan motorcycle tour

The scenery riding down the other side continues to be magnificent.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Seems legit.

After the descent I continue on some busy roads. I saw some really stupid driving this afternoon. Impatient people passing on blind corners with oncoming traffic to gain one car forward in a line of cars going nowhere fast. I stopped a number of times to let aggressive drivers get away from me so I am not involved.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I make it to Sun Moon Lake but the sun is gone already, it was a big day for a 125cc scooter. Tonight dinner again was a bit of a mystery as Google translate said something chicken with rice, but it was tasty.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Day two I am riding south. I have no clear idea of what are the good roads in Taiwan. I choose my route today based simply on the roads looking interesting in Google maps, the Yushan national park and the Alishan scenic region.

taiwan motorcycle tour

It is very hazy like northern Thailand.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I pick up some lunch today at a 7/11 to be better prepared. Wish I was on that MT-09 Tracer but still glad to be here.

taiwan motorcycle tour

The road is spectacular in the Yushan National park. It goes on like this for ages. Superb!

taiwan motorcycle tour

The haze obscured the view but with naked eyes I could still see a fair bit.

I stopped at the top at one of the rest areas and had my packed lunch from the 7/11 and then found the building there was formerly a railway station. The highest steam locomotive watering point in Taiwan. Built in the Japanese colonial period. Fascinating for me being the ex rail guy.  

taiwan motorcycle tour

The ride down the other side is very good. I did not take too many photos here, as is often the case with a good but closed in road there is no place to photograph it. But it was fun riding even on my little bike.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Scooters are everywhere in Taiwan. Big bikes seem quite rare. At a break a big group of riders on an outing arrive all are riding maxi scooters rather than mid size motorcycles. Very scenic riding all afternoon, how lucky I was to choose this region to visit.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I was not expecting anything on the last part of todays route to the hotel but again I am delighted to find myself on another good riding road which winds it’s way through endless palm trees as the scenery takes on a different view reminding me somewhat of the Philippines countryside.

Tonight I am staying in a small onsen village that dates back to the Japanese colonial era. I did not know it was that until I arrived. I simply wanted somewhere I could stage to ride over the Nanbu cross country highway the next day so this seemed a good point on the map.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Walking around I could have been back in Japan as the layout was exactly like any of the 1000’s of hot spring resort villages. The hotel I am in was huge but it’s glory days were long gone and the rooms very old and dated now.  

taiwan motorcycle tour

I could not get google translate to work with the menu where I chose to eat tonight so the staff member suggested two dishes and I understood rice and soup so said ok and hoped for the best. I need not have worried as I got a nice fried rice and a mussel type of soup with tangy vegetables inside and was totally satisfied with the meal.

I have the niggling thought that my route tomorrow is not going to be rideable but brush that aside to call and end to this wonderful day.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Day three it has warmed up considerably to previous days to already being 21 at breakfast and forecast was saying 28 which sounded nice. I was riding south along a route called Coffee Road. Again by chance it seems I have chosen a nice motorcycling road and I find quite a few other riders on this route enjoying the never ended curves servicing coffee farms.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I then turned east in the Nanhua district to enjoy a ride on new hot mix road with great surveying. I noticed a road advisory sign saying something about no access or road closed so turned around and used Google translate to read it saying the road was closed beyond the town ahead. Bugger, I stop at a rest area to have early lunch and decide what to do.

I did search Google about this road but I think I got confused with results for the central cross island road being open. Well it was a great ride to this point of the road still.

taiwan motorcycle tour

My hotel is booked for tonight over the range on the east coast and to get there going south is a 300km detour, not possible. If I go straight back to Sun Moon Lake avoiding the mountainous route through the national park it is 190km which I think is achievable so I set off. (With hindsight I could have gone south then simply stopped a similar distance or when I saw a hotel and then next day made up the extra, but this escaped me at the time)

taiwan motorcycle tour

I really enjoyed the ride back. Knowing the road ahead to some degree let me pick up my pace. On a couple of straights I thought I’d see what it could do and got it up to. 95kph (GPS checked) which is impressive on a scooter. Back on the coffee road I met up with a bunch of guys on a group ride when we all were stopped at road works. After this I tagged on to their group and enjoyed riding together. It was a nice experience on fun roads. Time for a ice coffee rest break at a 7/11.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I was glad to get off the bike at Sun Moon Lake after a long day. The combination of feet forward seating position and small wheels transfers every bump to your lower back. Fun bike but not made to tour. Beer time.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Todays revised route.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I had planned to be on the east coast and to ride along the ocean today instead I get to ride the incredible cross island highway again. Not disappointed with this unexpected development.

But first an oddly named ice coffee and shop

taiwan motorcycle tour

Dreaming of being on a bigger bike today with my back quite sore from the ride position of the Sym. I had considered a Yamaha T-Max 530 as a possible touring bike in Japan, smaller yet still with good shielding from cold wind, electronic cruise and electric screen same as my big bike but based on my experience here the ride position will not suit me.

Not having gears doesn’t bother me, operating a clutch has never been a key enjoyment of riding for me. I always chuckle at the guys on forums who get emotional about scooters not being manly enough. Delusional about their perceived machismo. However riding the Sym I did miss engine braking. I was constantly needing to brake. DCT like this NC750 has would be ok as you can manually shift by paddles and hold a gear but then if doing that perhaps just old foot shift and clutch is as easy.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Some more photos of the incredible cross island highway – alas the weather deteriorated a little up high.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Lunch at 3275m. Bit overcast but still an enjoyable view. Then time to enjoy the very long descent.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I arrive back at the gorge and it really is a spectacular road despite the dull weather.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Need to be ready to get off the road quick here, cars drive very fast, busses are like the one in the movie Speed, no stopping haha. (update – I edited out some other bus and car crazy stuff from this post in 2021 in the interest of making it read better)

I made a small video this ride. I am not a fan of video, partly cause you shoot to entertain others, while I photograph (stills) just for myself. But I also find all the amateur Youtube content incredibly boring.

Returning the bike I was 400km over my allowance and the guy seemed little upset but I had no issue to pay the extra money and no harm was done so actually his bike earned him double and no need to feel upset.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Prior to leaving Japan I picked up a mini puncture repair can and put it in my checked luggage to see if it passed ok through x-ray. It is about the size of small deodorant spray can (think Lynx/Axe brand size). Having this with me removed some of the worry of being stranded with a puncture on this trip and will be a regular on my trips from now.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I returned to Taipei by train the next day and enjoyed some good food and time relaxing in the city reflecting on the ride in the many excellent coffee shops. I have really enjoyed riding Taiwan even though it was by scooter.

taiwan motorcycle tour

I’d love to return and spend more time here once I can find a regular bike to rent, small capacity ok just needs to be conventional seating. I’ll bring a proper camera next time too instead of phone.

I had a great time in Taiwan. People are friendly and honest. Everything works. Countryside is beautiful and cities are tidy.


Wow, some many good things in this post and such pretty scenery. Of course I don't have smell-o-vision for the smoke so that helps. I am glad you were able to rent the scooter.

I learn something in each of your posts so I appreciate the time you are to document your travels.

What the bus driver is trying to do in that one post is scary. I typically pull over as well when stuck in too much traffic especially the aggressive kind. My rule of thumb is "take yourself out of the equation." Like you said, when it all goes sideways I don't want to be anywhere near it.

Thanks Brandy. I had more crazy drivers on this ride than usual that is for sure. I never saw a single traffic police so as much as I enjoy riding places where there are fewer rules being enforced that can have a downside. Given the choice I will still take this anyday over places that are nanny states.

Amazing little journey, Warren. The scenery is in part very much like what you would find in Europe, but seems less frequented (or did you just wait until you had a "free shot"?). Traveling by scooter is not too bad, as long as you indeed limit the distance. Very smart move to rent a city scooter, and take it touring. Did the rental shop ever wonder about the mileage?

Hi Sonja, yes the shop guy was surprised and asked where did I go, I said just all over the place not elaborating. I thought maybe he is upset but then if I had rented it for a couple more days then the distance allowed and cost would have been the same so reality is he got that money in a shorter time so no need to be concerned.

On the long weekend it was a bit busy but then on other days there was not that many people and very few western tourists, just me mostly.

Wow Taiwan looks like a really nice place to ride. I didn't expect it to look like that at all. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for visiting Mitchell, it is a really nice place.

Wow! What a journey, looks incredible. I've always wanted to do some touring, but thinking I'll start with some weekends around Europe first :).

Thanks Gary. Hey if your in Europe then so many choices at your door step!

Your Asian adventures continue! A really enjoyable read, and again, the pictures of the scenery were spectacular.

Thanks for dropping by! Taiwan is a destination I would love to ride more if I could find a conventional type motorcycle, need not be big, 250cc would suffix. It is firmly on my list to revisit along with Malaysia and Indonesia when I can find bikes.

This part of Taiwan is exactly what I have missed. The pictures are beautify. Will attempt a figure-8 route on my next attempt in Taiwan.

Max http://maxmotorcyclediary.blogspot.sg/

Hi Max, thanks for visiting, the middle is superb mountain scenery and low traffic roads. I will return for sure but need something that doesn't have my feet in forward position like a scooter.

I presume the restriction is based on capacity so should be able to rent a 125-150cc regular bike without Taiwan licence, and there are some great models made that capacity just need to find somewhere with one to rent.

nice looking fun ride! (I rode a 4 speed 125cc in Taipei for 2.5 years in the early 1990s but only one real mountain trip down to Ilan)

I would love to go back and ride some more. 250cc bike would be good but not able to find so far.

you can rent from http://www.cheapcartaiwan.com all English..

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They don’t offer anything suitable. The scooter I rented would be far better than the ancient Sym 125 they have. There is a rental shop 555scooters.com that I might try if I visit again but still nobody renting big bikes.

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Taiwan’s mountains are truly amazing. For foreigners it’s hard to rent big bike in Taiwan however you can still rent conventional 150cc motorcycles at Taipei. I think it’s called SYM Wolf 150 which is a replica of Honda’s CB150

Thanks Lee. If you know of rental shop with the SYM Wolf 150 I’d love to know as that bike would be fine for me to do another ride.

Hi Warren, did you ever find where to rent a bike? Looking at doing a trip with my son and would prefer a bike to a scooter even a small one. Rode in Tibet with 150cc Hondas and had a ball. Andrew

No big bike rental still due to laws. 555scooters.com has a 150cc bike and 155cc Yamaha Smax scooter.

Hi guys, Sorry for the stupid question but 150 / 155cc are considered as big bike by the Taiwanese law?

If 555 scooters rent this kind of bike, is it legal?

Yes those are ok. The 155 Yamaha Nmax is good machine, I rented one in North Sumatra. The feet forward ride position is hard on lower back but power wise its quite punchy. The Honda XR150 rental shops have in Vietnam would be ideal, not sure why nobody rents them out. Perhaps people just not aware of interest in moto touring.

Reading your trip report really makes me want to go back to Taiwan. Like you I really enjoyed my visit and it was far more beautiful than my preconceptions of it. I intended to rent a scooter in Hualien as you did but I didn’t have a motorcycle license at the time. I have rented and ridden in Southeast Asia without and taken on the insurance risk but in Taiwan I decided it would be too risky. Instead I rented a bicycle and spent a few days riding south over the mountains, valleys and coast to Taitung and it was a fantastic trip.

Hi Tim, I’d like to go back and have a bigger bike as I found touring on a scooter caused me considerable back pain. I did find a shop with 150cc road bike for rent but that was pre covid and might not exist now. Very affordable country too, both to fly to (well within Asia it is) and for everything on the ground.

For big bike rentals over 250 cc and tours try these guys, they speak English http://www.coolaboola.com.tw

Thanks for the tip Chris!

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Your Guide to the Ultimate Scooter Road Trip around Taiwan

  • taiwanscene

Though it might be known for its excellent public transport and astonishingly affordable high-speed rail, Taiwan was built for being explored on the back of a bike. With well-maintained roads trickling down from north to south, a cross-country scooter road trip offers riders the chance to get closer to the real Formosa than they ever would from the window seat of a train.

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can hit all the highlights in less than a single week, from historic landmarks to jaw-dropping landscapes.

First: Scooter Road Trip Essentials

In the past, all you needed to make a scooter trip around Taiwan was some cash in your pocket and some form of photo ID. Thankfully (for pedestrians everywhere), this Wild West attitude has since been abandoned and you’ll need a scooter license that is valid for use in Taiwan if you don’t want to get yourself in serious trouble. ( Read more: Everything You Need to Know About Getting A Scooter License in Taiwan )

taiwan motorcycle tour

Finding a place to rent a bike, meanwhile, is fairly straightforward, as there is an abundance of services in every major town and city — almost always clustered around the largest local station. In Taipei, Bikefarm offers no-fuss English-speaking service with affordable short-term and long-term rentals. But don’t rev off immediately — before leaving you should make sure you have the following:

  • A smartphone holder . Trust us, you don’t want to pull over every third kilometer to check where you are on the map. Smartphone holders can be bought from most larger mechanics or helmet stores, making them about as easy to acquire as bubble milk tea.
  • A portable charger. Nothing drains your cell phone battery like GPS. Bringing a portable charger could be the difference between a leisurely ride up the East Coast and two hours spent waiting at a Hualien 7-Eleven while your phone recharges.
  • Waterproof clothing. It rains quite a bit in Taiwan — make sure your backpack has adequate waterproofing too. 

Once you’re all kitted out, you’re ready for this six-day Taiwan scooter road trip.

Day 1: Taipei to Lukang

To make the most of your scooter road trip, you’ll want to circle Taiwan in an anticlockwise direction. As driving is on the right here, you’ll have a better view of the sea — particularly as you cruise up the remarkably scenic east coast (but let’s not get ahead of ourselves).

Taking Highway 3 southwest out of Taipei, you begin your journey on a winding country road that snakes its way past Taoist shrines and groves of betel nut trees toward Taoyuan city. About an hour out of the city, pull over to stretch your legs and check out historic Daxi (大溪) whose elaborate Baroque shopfronts hark back to the town’s heyday as a tea and camphor trading hub.

Stock up on glutinous Hakka-style treats at Tsai Peanut Candy (蔡記花生糖) before moving on. Ahead of you, Highway 3 winds past reservoirs and crumpled hills as it descends through the heartlands of Tainan’s Hakka ethnic group. As you pass Taichung, consider detouring to check out Fengchia Night Market (逢甲夜市), Taiwan’s largest, for some serious street eats. When you’re done, it’s an easy hour’s ride southwest to your destination, the historic trading port of Lukang (鹿港). ( While you’re in central Taiwan: 72 Hours in Taichung, Part 1 (Why?) )

taiwan motorcycle tour

Day 2: Lukang to Tainan

After allowing yourself a few hours to wander Lukang’s romantic red brick old quarter, you’re back on your bike for a couple of hours cruising south through Changhua County against a patchwork of rice paddies. Xiluo Bridge (西螺大橋), a crisscrossed tunnel of crimson steel girders takes you into Yunlin County. Further south, make a stop in Beigang (北港), an otherwise sleepy town that fans out from Chaotian Temple (北港朝天宮), an opulent 18th-century shrine to the sea goddess Mazu. Allow yourself a minute or two to hunt for traditional snacks along the busy market street that leads up to the temple’s main gate before you continue on your journey.

taiwan motorcycle tour

Tainan, an hour and a half to the south of Beigang, is a treat for food fanatics and history buffs alike. Tainan Confucius Temple (台南孔廟) — Taiwan’s most prestigious place of learning at the time of its construction in 1688 — is a great place to get your bearings before you lose them all over again, wandering the warren of traditional streets squeezed into West Central District. Shennong Street (神農街), with its too-hip-to-be-large cafes and dessert shops, is more than worth your while. After dark, suave speakeasies like Long Light Bar beckon with the promise of a crafty nightcap (or three). ( You might also like: 5 ways to experience Tainan, Taiwan’s Ancient Capital )

taiwan motorcycle tour

Day 3: Tainan to Jialeshui

The third day of your itinerary offers diverse experiences as you cruise through urban landscapes and across the southern plains toward Kenting National Park. Leaving Tainan on Highway 1, you’ll pass right in front of Chimei Museum (奇美博物館), an exquisite neoclassical museum housing an impressive collection of western art, antiquities, and natural artifacts. The highway then presses south, cutting a swathe through central Kaohsiung. If you want to extend your trip by a couple of days, you can detour here to the port of Donggang (東港), your gateway to Xiaoliuqiu Island, and some of Taiwan’s best snorkeling spots. 

taiwan motorcycle tour

Continuing south from Kaohsiung, you’ll find yourself on Highway 26, which hugs the Pingtung Coast all the way to Kenting. Hengchun (恆春), with its well-preserved Qing Dynasty walls and lively drinking and dining scene, is worth checking out before you continue on through the park. About 20 minutes further south, make a rest stop at Eluanbi (鵝鑾鼻) to check out Taiwan’s Southernmost Point. Why most travelers turn back here is a mystery, because press on and the landscape suddenly morph’s into tropical tundra — orange-red cliffs which tumble dramatically into the Bashi Strait. Follow the coastline fifteen minutes further north and the highway kisses Jialeshui (佳樂水), one of Kenting’s most beautiful stretches of sand and a fantastic spot for some late afternoon surfing. ( Read also: A First Timer’s Guide to Kenting National Park )

Day 4: Jialeshui to Donghe

From Jialeshui, you’ll need to circle back in order to join Highway 9, which takes you across the mountainous Hengchun Peninsula before running up the southeast coast. Stop to refuel before joining the road as there are few opportunities to do so before you reach Taitung County. A series of hairpin turns and switchbacks takes you up through the foothills of the Central Mountain Range, passing indigenous villages and a couple of spectacular lookout points.

The road gets really special once you reach the town of Daren and the Pacific Ocean. From here, the highway whips up toward Taimali, an endless reel of surf-pounded beaches on one side and steep vegetation-covered rises on the other. Jinlun (金崙), a village known for its indigenous Paiwan culture and abundant hot springs, is well worth a rest stop. Otherwise press on the north, switching to Highway 11 at Taitung City as you continue to follow the Pacific Coast past coconut groves and sugar apple farms toward Donghe (東河). ( Read also: The Taitung/Zhiben Region is a Rich Bounty of Scenic & Healthy Exercise Adventures )

Another great place for catching waves, Donghe attracts surfers from across Taiwan who flock to the village during October when it hosts the Taiwan Open of Surfing. Boards are available to rent at hostels and homestays like Jinzun Surf House , a harborfront property set across several beautifully refurbished traditional bungalows. The beach itself, arguably one of the prettiest in Taitung, is also a great spot to throw down a towel and catch a few rays, perhaps after scoffing down a couple of pork baozi from Old Street Donghe Buns — one of the village’s top street eats.

Day 5: Donghe to Taroko

Though you might be tempted to linger in Donghe, you’ll want to leave yourself enough time to enjoy this next leg of your itinerary at your leisure. For the first few hours, Highway 11 traces the edge of the Coastal Mountain range, offering some glorious backcountry scenery. Be sure to stop in Chenggong for some of the freshest seafood in Taiwan, Sung Ma Ma Seafood Restaurant being one particularly satisfying vendor.

Further north, you’ll eventually peel away from the coast as you approach Hualien City. The East Coast’s largest urban area is a great potential base for your excursion to Taroko, as accommodation within the park itself is often fully booked. Regardless, stop for dinner at sprawling Dongdamen Night Market for live music, prize games, and indigenous street eats you’ll be hard pressed to find anywhere else in Taiwan. 

taiwan motorcycle tour

From Hualien, it’s just over another 20 kilometers up Highway 9 to reach Taroko. If you’re pressed for time, a quick loop of the park’s main highway, lacing in and out of marble cliff faces, will allow you to see several highlights, including Swallow’s Grotto, a twisted ravine that plunges tightly into the silvery Liwu River. The Shakadang Trail , meanwhile, is an immensely satisfying wander up one of the river’s tributaries — ideal if you haven’t the time for one of the park’s spectacular longer hikes. ( Read more: Gorge Soaring – The Views of Eagles along Taroko Gorge’s Trails )

taiwan motorcycle tour

Day 6: Taroko to Taipei

Start early for this final stage of your scooter road trip. Again you’re on Highway 9 which soon after Taroko begins to wrap itself around the Qingshui Cliffs, almost vertical rises of marble that sink into the incredible blue of the Pacific Ocean. Though this is arguably the most beautiful drive in Taiwan , find a rest stop to park your bike before you take any photos. Accidents aren’t uncommon on this narrow stretch of road, which is often shared by tour buses and cargo trucks. 

taiwan motorcycle tour

While most day-trippers will turn back after Qingshui, you’ll continue on the highway as it climbs higher and higher toward Yilan County. About an hour beyond the cliffs, the road cuts a wide and dramatic arc around Dong’ao Bay, an area that stands out for the incredible duck-egg blue of its water. Descending into the Yilan Plain, you can either continue on Highway 9, which wiggles its way over mountains to Taipei, or switch to the longer Highway 2, affording an extra couple of hours of scenic driving along the northeastern coast.

taiwan motorcycle tour

(Words by Seb Morgan; Cover Photo by Mark 高維隆 )

Preparing a Road Trip in Taiwan?

  • Driving in Taiwan: What Every Visitor Needs to Know
  • Riding a Scooter in Taiwan (Part two): Best Places to Explore by Scooter
  • How To Get A Car License in Taiwan: Your Guide to Getting Behind the Wheel

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M13 Scooter Tours


Our Affiliate, Taiwan Tours M13 is offering scooter tours around Taiwan. Please click the link to find out more information on this life changing tour!

An all inclusive motorcycle/scooter tour. From one to eleven days. Avoiding traffic and cities see the best of what the East Coast and central mountain ranges have to offer. While staying in luxury vacation rentals, vacation villas, private BnBs Comparable to 3-4 star hotels.

What's Included

Scooter rental

City bike tour in Taipei

English Guide

You must be 18 years of age or older, or 12 years or older and accompanied by a parent or guardian to join our tours. Please check our FAQ section for information about what to bring, wear, and much more.

We can not change the schedule or offer any refunds when notice is given in less than 24 hours before the tour starts.

Private tours are also available, simply contact us

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Taiwan’s Grand Riders

“I Didn’t Stop Riding Because I Got Old, I Got Old Because I Stopped Riding.”

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Moscow city tour by motorbike

  • Best price guarantee.
  • We speak your language.
  • All our motorbikes are completely safe.
  • Choose us – you will not get bored – promise

Best Price Guarantee

If you find similar services at a lower price, inform us about the alternative proposal and we will make the best offer.


Motorbike city tour in Moscow

  Red Square, Bolotnaya Square, Observation platforms of the capital and much more. We will pick you up from home, take you to the most beautiful places of the city. If desired, plunge into the world of the motorcycle culture of the capital, drink refreshing biker tea in one of the themed moto bars.

City tour (day / night).

  The tour includes: Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Bolotnaya Square, Moscow Boulevard Ring, Chistye Prudy, Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery, Patriarch’s Ponds, ul. Arbat, Museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy, State Museum AS Pushkin.

Duration the program is counted for 1,5 hours (26 km).

Moscow day tour

    The tour includes: Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Bolotnaya Square, Moscow Boulevard Ring, Chistye Prudy, Vysokopetrovsky monastery, Patriarch’s Ponds, ul. Arbat, Museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy, State Museum AS Pushkin, Novodevichy Women’s Monastery, Kutuzovsky Prospect, view of the Moscow-City Shopping Center.

Duration the program is counted for 2,5 hours (36 km).

Night "Biker" Excursion

    For the sophisticated or just deciding to learn more about the international biker culture, listen to biker traditions, signs, as well as plunge into the world of motorcycle nightlife. The tour includes:  Moscow Kremlin, Observation Platform near the Moscow-City Shopping Center, Bike Center “Sexton”.

Duration the program is counted for 1,5 hours (29 km).

   For the sophisticated or just deciding to learn more about the international biker culture, listen to biker traditions, signs, as well as plunge into the world of motorcycle nightlife/ – we made a route 54 km long: Moscow Kremlin, Observation Platform near the Moscow-City Shopping Center, Bike Center “Sexton”, Observation deck on the Sparrow Hills, Biker Bar “Night Train”.

    For the sophisticated or just deciding to learn more about the international biker culture, listen to biker traditions, signs, as well as plunge into the world of motorcycle nightlife – we made a route of 65 km: Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Marsh Square, Observation deck near the Moscow-City International Business Center, Bike Center “Sexton”, Observation deck on Sparrow Hills, Moscow State University Building, Biker Bar “Night Train”.

Duration the program is counted for 3,5 hours (65 km).

*Additional services:

Services of a professional photographer for photographs in the process of moving motorcycles (the photographer rides a passenger on another motorcycle) – 3500rub / hour

Attention. The number of participants is limited. Book your tour in advance!

Please prove you are human by selecting the truck .

Frequently asked Questions

Are there any restrictions on participation?

– By weight: not more than 90 kg for sport bikes and not more than 110 kg for grand tourists (Goldwing);

– All pilots are prohibited to take passengers in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

– The volume of luggage (handbags, backpacks, etc.) is not more than 15 liters. Larger volume of baggage – must be reported in advance (for the carriage of goods a number of motorcycles are foreseen);

  – It is strictly forbidden to ride without a helmet. (helmet provided);

Is it safe?

    Our equipment is completely safe regardless of the chosen route and kind of entertainment. We also recommend that you have insurance in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

We are always in touch

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World Tour // Europe & Asia - North Route: Munich - Moscow - Da Nang

High altitude icon

Adventure, unforgettable moments and friends for a lifetime!

This is not just a tour, but an intercontinental adventure! It starts in Munich and heads east towards the Czech Republic and beyond. If someone asks you at the first coffee break, still in Bavaria, where you are going, then you should thoroughly enjoy the expression on your counterpart’s face when you casually reply: “Vietnam”. It’ll be almost 20,000 km before you get there though! Quickly we move on to Poland and further on to the Baltic States. Along the way, there are beautiful cities like Krakow and Vilnius, which inspire and enchant us. Then we switch to adventure mode; changing to Russian territory and riding to Moscow. Here, the tension rises into the immeasurable, as we are irresistibly drawn out into the taiga. We cross the Volga and soon the Ural Mountains appear in front of us. Although “soon” should be measured by Siberian standards, as it takes us a week to get here from Moscow after all. Now the direction of travel changes towards the southeast as we head for Kazakhstan. The scenery is gently changing too, as endless forests give way to colorful steppes that accompany us to the other country’s edge. Beyond the border, Kyrgyzstan fascinates us with its breathtaking, untouched mountain world. And then we enter China at one of the highest border crossings in the world; receiving our papers in Kashgar and staying for some time. There is a lot to see and experience, as Kashgar was an important trading post along the Silk Road. This trade route ran along the northern edge of the Taklamakan Desert and we follow it for a several days, while the surroundings slowly begin to match our ideas of China. We ride to the second deepest point on earth, climb the westernmost spur of the Great Wall of China and cross the Quilian mountain range before reaching the ancient Chinese capital of Xi’an. Finally the real China! We journey further south and visit sights of all kinds; tasting fresh mangoes and other exotic fruits. All the while eating up endless curves in areas that few motorcyclists will ever experience. In Laos, everything seems quieter and more peaceful, as cities like Luang Prabang and Lak Sao radiate warmth and openness. In Vietnam we visit remarkable caves before we finally reach the tropical beaches of Da Nang where our epic adventure sadly comes to an end. And if someone asks you where you come from as you sip your sundowner, you can say: “From Germany, by motorcycle,” and casually smile into the sunset.

Special Challenges

Your expedition vehicle.

To participate in the Edelweiss World Tour sections you will need to bring your own bike. If you prefer to join with a rental motorcycle we can send you an offer on request!

Marc and Gerhard from the World Tour Management will be available for you for any questions or concerns at [email protected]!

Travel schedule.

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29 Jul 2026 - 13 Oct 2026

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Moscow to Saint-Petersburg on Motorcycle

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Moscow to Saint-Petersburg on Motorcycle

Organised by: Rush Moto Travel

Tour Name: Moscow to Saint-Petersburg on Motorcycle Tour ID: 11629 Tour type: Scheduled Duration: 10 days Distance: 2000 km Best Season: June – August Minimum Participants: 6 riders Maximum Participants: 25 riders

Brief info about the tour: Ideal tour for the first visit to Russia – you will see both Russia capitals, beautiful Moscow with the Red Square and Kremlin and fascinating Saint-Petersburg with Peterhof and Hermitage. Plus there will be plenty of small towns and villages, local cuisine and Russian nature Moscow – Valday – Saint-Petersburg – Pskov – Moscow

Day 1 Arriving to Moscow

Today you arrive in Moscow. After some rest, there will be a kick off meeting regarding the tour. We will brief you on the details, an itinerary, and give some advice about rules and customs in Russia. After the kick off we will go for a walk and explore Moscow, as well as have a dinner in a nice restaurant near the Kremlin with the Russian cuisine.

Day 2 Explore Moscow

This day we have an excursion around the city. Starting with Kremlin and Red Square, we will see GUM (The main shopping mall) and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Later on we will explore the subway (Metro) and have a walk on Arbat, which is the most famous pedestrian street in Moscow, where you can buy authentic Russian souvenirs.

Day 3 Moscow – Valday

Distance: 400 km

In the morning we will go to the Red Square to make photos with the bikes. After that, we leave Moscow and head to Valday. We will have lunch somewhere in the middle of the day, most probably in Tver. Also we visit Valdaisky Iversky Svyatoozersky Bogoroditsky Monastery, one of the most praised places for Orthodox Russians. This night we will spend in the cozy hotel on the territory of the Valdai National Park. Here you will see the authentic household with meat and dairy products and have a chance to take Russian baths.

Day 4 Valday – Saint-Petersburg

Today we ride through several small towns and villages. One of the cities along our way is Novgorod – one of the oldest and most famous cities in Russia. It celebrated the 1155th anniversary in 2014. The old Kremlin and Monastery preserved in the heart of the city. We also stop in Gatchina and take a look at the Castle and a Park, and have a coffee and catch our breath back. After that, we go straight to Saint Petersburg, check-in in the hotel and have a dinner in the Museum of Russian Vodka.

Day 5 Saint-Petersburg

Today we have a sightseeing tour around the city. In the morning we go to Peterhof, where you see dozens of fountains in the Lower Garden – funny and pompous, simple and complex – they have delighted guests for the past two and a half centuries. From Peterhof we come back to the city center and after lunch continue with the Palace Square, Nevskiy Prospect and other places of interest.

Day 6 Saint-Petersburg (Another Day)

Today we go to Hermitage, one of the best museum in the world. It was calculated that to see all exhibits of the Hermitage you need at least a week. We don’t have so much time, but trust us, even half a day walk will impress you. In the second half of the day we see St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. In the evening its free time.

Day 7 Saint-Petersburg – Pechory

Distance: 350 km

Our plan for today is to visit Pskov and stay for night at Pechory. Along with Novgorod, Pskov its one of the oldest Russian cities. The very old church remained untouched in the very center, in Kremlin. We have a short sightseeing tour around the city and then head to Pechory. Its a small town where we will stay in private house with old Russian interior and real home-made food. After big cities it will be pure relax and joy. We can visit banya, make Russian BBQ or ride along the old sights that are located around the city.

Day 8 Pechory – Derbovezh

Distance: 430 km

Derbovezh is a lake where you can experience fishing, boat tours on the lake and real Russian baths (sauna) – if you are ready for it. There are some other activities available: volleyball, sunbathing on the beach, swimming in the crystal clear water, etc. The dinner will be made by a local chief, and in the evening we will hear some more stories about Russia, our culture and history.

Day 9 Derbovezh – Moscow

Distance: 375 km

The is our last riding day. In the morning we take a 100 km segment of the highway and after we go to secondary roads. We will finish the day in the best beer restaurant in Moscow with a farewell party!

Day 10 Departure

Departure from Moscow

Accommodation details

During this tour, you will be accommodated at several 3-4 star hotels on a twin room sharing basis. If you would like a single room there will be a single supplement: Rs. 28,600/

Bike vecort

Bring your own bike

  • Rs 1,56,000 (Single Rider)
  • Rs 1,56,000 (Dual Rider)

BMW f700

Displacement : 1170 cc

Maximum Power: 125 hp

No. of Gears : 6


  • Rs. 2,36,000 (Single Rider)
  • Rs. 1,80,000 (Dual Rider)

BMW f800

Displacement : 645 cc

Maximum Power: 66.6 hp


BMW f1200

BMW R1200 GS

  • Rs. 2,64,000 (Single Rider)
  • Rs. 1,94,000 (Dual Rider)

The above tariff is in INR for indicative purposes. The rate of exchange prevailing on the day of payment will apply. Below is the Tariff in Euro (EUR)

Inclusions and exclusions, price includes.

  • Motorcycle rental (If renting from us)
  • Fuel (If renting from us)
  • Accommodation
  • Breakfasts (during all days)
  • Lunches and Dinners (during riding days only)
  • Professional English speaking Road Captain and Support Staff
  • Backup Vehicle with mechanic, basic spare parts and your luggage
  • Motorcycle Insurance
  • Entry Ticket to all interest

Price Excludes

  • Pick up and drop to/from airport
  • Remaining Meals
  • Personal Expenses
  • Personal health/travel insurance
  • Extra Motorcycle Insurance (Rs.28,000/- extra)
  • Anything not mentioned in the inclusions

Security Deposit for the motorcycle

A fully refundable security deposit of Rs. 80,000, Rs. 96,000 & Rs. 1,20,000 for BMW F700 GS, F800 GS & F1200 GS respectively needs to be paid when the bike is handed over to you.

Payment Terms

To confirm your spot, an advance of 30% of the total amount needs to be paid. The balance needs to be paid 60-120 days before the tour start date Cancellation Policy: More than 120 days prior to departure date – Fully refunded More than 60 days prior to departure date – Advance payment (30% of the tour price) More than 30 days prior to departure date – (50% of the tour price) Less than 30 days prior to departure date – No refund No refund will be applicable in case of cancellation due to Natural contingency, political turmoil or disaster.

How to get there

Renting From us: Book your flight to arrive at Vnukovo International Airport (VKO) which is the nearest  airport to Moscow You can book your return journey on Day 10 Departing from Vnukovo International Airport (VKO) which is the nearest airport to Moscow Bringing your own bike? You can ride your bike or ship it to Vnukovo International Airport (VKO) which is the nearest airport to Moscow

Other Important Information

The following dietary requirements are served and/or catered for: Vegetarian Non- Vegetarian

Special Preferences In case of special food preference, kindly communicate to us while making a reservation

Group   ride Dates: 01 – 10 Jun 2019 01 – 10 Jul 2019 01 – 10 Aug 2019

This Moscow to Saint-Petersburg on Motorcycle is a scheduled trip. If you want to venture out with your own gang, we can customize this tour for you. Do get in touch with us for more details.

Recent Reviews

A great way to see Russia by motorcycle.. I arranged a custom tour using my own motorcycle. Great service, support and communication throughout the process. I would happily recommend them.

We’ve just come back from a tour form Moscow to Saint Petersburg and back and we’re totally satisfied and happy for a really great experience. Perfect organization and very friendly people. We love Russia, Thank you guys!!!

Bikes were perfect, guids were perfect (Vlad ✌️), lots of fun and of course Abhazia was beautiful and kind of exotic. Definitely recommend if you want to travel in and around Russia without any headache.

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Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour

By tying donation requests to pledges of tax cuts and other policies, Trump is testing the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws.

taiwan motorcycle tour

When Donald Trump met some of the country’s top donors at a luxurious New York hotel earlier this month, he told the group that a businessman had recently offered $1 million to his presidential effort and wanted to have lunch.

“I’m not having lunch,” Trump said he responded, according to donors who attended. “You’ve got to make it $25 million.”

Another businessman, he said, had traditionally given $2 million to $3 million to Republicans. Instead, he said he told the donor that he wanted a $25 million or $50 million contribution or he would not be “very happy.”

As he closed his pitch at the Pierre Hotel, Trump explained to the group why it was in their interest to cut large checks. If he was not put back in office, taxes would go up for them under President Biden , who vows to let Trump-era tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations expire at the end of 2025.

“The tax cuts all expire for wealthy and poor and middle-income and everything else, but they expire in another seven months and he’s not going to renew them, which means taxes are going to go up by four times,” Trump said, exaggerating the size of the cuts. “You’re going to have the biggest tax increase in history.”

Seconds after promising the tax cuts, Trump made his pitch explicit. “So whatever you guys can do, I appreciate it,” he said.

The remarks are just one example of a series of audacious requests by Trump for big-money contributions in recent months, according to 11 donors, advisers and others close to the former president, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe his fundraising. The pleas for millions in donations come as the presumptive Republican nominee seeks to close a cash gap with Biden and to pay for costly legal bills in his four criminal indictments.

Trump sometimes makes requests higher than his team expects to receive, sometimes surprising his own advisers because he is asking for so much money. By frequently tying the fundraising requests within seconds of promises of tax cuts, oil project infrastructure approvals and other favorable policies and asking for sums more than his campaign and the GOP can legally accept from an individual, Trump is also testing the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws, according to legal experts.

In one recent meeting staged by his super PAC, Trump asked oil industry executives to raise $1 billion for his campaign and said raising such a sum would be a “deal” given how much money they would save if he were reelected as president.

In recent meetings with donors, he has repeatedly suggested they should give millions of dollars without saying where it should go.

Larry Noble, a longtime campaign finance lawyer, said Trump was technically allowed to ask only for contributions of $3,300 or less for his campaign, according to federal laws. But he can appear at events for his super PAC where the price of admission is far higher — as long as he doesn’t ask for the money directly.

“He can’t say, ‘I want you to give me $1 million,’” Noble said.

And after a 2016 Supreme Court decision overturning a public-corruption conviction of former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell, it would require an explicit quid pro quo for a specific government action in direct exchange for a contribution to be viewed as illegal, Noble said.

Also, even if presented with evidence Trump might have gone over the line, multiple prominent campaign finance lawyers said, the Federal Election Commission, which is gridlocked with three Republicans and three Democrats, is unlikely to investigate any of Trump’s fundraising in an election year.

Trump is certainly not the first candidate to seek large checks from moneyed interests. Advisers say that Trump regularly makes the same policy promises on the campaign trail that he does behind closed doors with wealthy donors, and evidence has not emerged that Trump has directly linked a specific policy outcome to a specific donation.

Oftentimes, his comments at the events are about foreign policy and topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration.

For example, at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors.

The Trump campaign did not respond to detailed questions about his fundraising requests but issued a statement in support of his efforts.

“As Joe Biden’s backers in Hollywood and Silicon Valley are withholding their support for Biden’s failing campaign, donors across the country are maximizing their efforts to reelect President Trump because they realize we cannot afford another four years of Joe Biden’s terrible policies,” Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a statement.

The former president was once reluctant to call donors and decried the role of big money in politics. He also often railed about having to take pictures — berating advisers for scheduling too many “clicks” — and sought to cast himself as an outsider who was not beholden to the traditional moneyed interests that shape Washington.

“He didn’t want to make fundraising calls,” said Sam Nunberg, a former aide on Trump’s 2016 campaign. On the 2020 campaign, he would reluctantly participate in fundraisers, advisers said, seeing them as an unpleasant necessity.

Part of his opposition to making calls was that he liked the perception that he was an outsider who was going to “drain the swamp.”

“I will say this — [the] people [who] control special interests, lobbyists, donors, they make large contributions to politicians and they have total control over those politicians,” Trump said during a 2016 debate. “And frankly, I know the system better than anybody else, and I’m the only one up here that’s going to be able to fix that system, because that system is wrong.”

This time, campaign advisers say, Trump needs the money and he is taking an active role in raising it. The Trump campaign and RNC reported that they jointly raised $76 million in April , about $25 million more than the Biden campaign said it raised across all its committees in the same month. But the Biden operation still had about $60 million more cash on hand than the Trump campaign.

Trump has met with an assortment of real estate, legal, finance, oil and other business executives in recent months, according to people familiar with invitation lists. He has often promised agenda items they would like passed as part of his broader fundraising pitch, and sometimes has asked allies to bundle millions or more, according to people close to the former president. Some of the meetings have included tours of his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., and his New York apartment.

Trump, four people close to him say, is closely tracking who gives what amount to his campaign and associated efforts — and which allies are bundling large checks for him. He has often told allies how much money he expects them to raise.

In the days following the recent meeting with oil industry donors, executives discussed whether it would even be possible to meet Trump’s $1 billion request, according to four people in the oil industry familiar with the discussions.

But they are trying. Trump has repeatedly pressured oil magnate Harold Hamm to raise significant money for him, telling Hamm that he is “behind” and “needs the money,” according to a person familiar with the outreach. Hamm had an event for Trump in Texas on Wednesday, where the price of admission was about $250,000 for oil executives, according to people familiar with the matter.

The meeting stretched for many hours, attendees said, and included photos with the top donors. At the fundraiser, he promised to cut taxes on corporations and give oil executives an array of policies they wanted and said he was being outraised by the Democrats and the unions, asking the crowd to “be generous, please.”

“So give me some of your money,” he said, drawing laughs. “True. I’m begging for your money.”

At another event, Trump told the group that if they wanted a picture with him and did not have one, then they needed to give more.

He also held a fundraiser at the home of Kentucky coal baron Joe Craft earlier in May, according to a person with knowledge of the event.

Trump has regularly joked with donors and advisers that he doesn’t spend more than 10 minutes with someone if the person doesn’t give $10 million, according to people who have heard the comments. He also has complained about some of his billionaire friends not giving enough.

In Florida earlier this month, the crowd seemed stunned after Trump offered the stage to anyone who would cut a $1 million check, according to people present. He kept asking people to come forward, according to audio of the event. Then two people took him up on the offer. The limit to contributing to the RNC and the campaign — the entities hosting the event — was less than $1 million.

At a meeting with financial titans in Palm Beach earlier this year, he asked the group what regulations they viewed as the most onerous, according to a person who attended. He then remarked at a larger fundraiser that donors were telling him they cared more about regulations than taxes, according to a donor who attended.

At the New York fundraiser, Trump told the crowd that he wanted to hear what was on their minds and heard their thoughts about former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley — whose prospects as a potential vice-presidential pick he dismissed — and a range of issues related to Israel.

To end the roundtable, he told the room that it was time to go to another fundraiser, prompting laughter when he joked that the next crowd would be less wealthy than the current one.

Election 2024

Get the latest news on the 2024 election from our reporters on the campaign trail and in Washington.

Who is running?: President Biden and Donald Trump secured their parties’ nominations for the presidency . Here’s how we ended up with a Trump-Biden rematch .

Presidential debates: Biden and Trump agreed to a June 27 debate on CNN and a Sept. 10 debate broadcast by ABC News.

Key dates and events: From January to June, voters in all states and U.S. territories will pick their party’s nominee for president ahead of the summer conventions. Here are key dates and events on the 2024 election calendar .

Abortion and the election: Voters in about a dozen states could decide the fate of abortion rights with constitutional amendments on the ballot in a pivotal election year. Biden supports legal access to abortion , and he has encouraged Congress to pass a law that would codify abortion rights nationwide. After months of mixed signals about his position, Trump said the issue should be left to states . Here’s how Biden’s and Trump’s abortion stances have shifted over the years.

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    Ride across high mountains, plains, basins, coast. Traversing canyons, forests, and cities. You can experience it all in Taiwan. We'll get to the Countryside, Cities, Mountain top and Coast, Stay in townships to enjoy featured traditional meals, you'll experience the "Real Beautiful Taiwan". We know Taiwan !

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  5. Taipei Motorbike Tour

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  15. THE TOP 10 Motorcycle Tours in Taiwan (w/Prices)

    The best Motorcycle Tours in Taiwan according to Viator travelers are: Ultimate Taipei Sightseeing Tour; Taipei Street Food & Night Market Tour with a Local: Private & Custom; Xiao Long Bao & Beef Noodles Cooking Class; Local Beitou Walking Tour - Experience First UBER / UBER eats from 50 years ago; Full-Day Private Custom Taipei City Tour

  16. M13 Scooter Tours

    Our Affiliate, Taiwan Tours M13 is offering scooter tours around Taiwan. Please click the link to find out more information on this life changing tour! An all inclusive motorcycle/scooter tour. From one to eleven days. Avoiding traffic and cities see the best of what the East Coast and central mountain ranges have to offer.

  17. Taiwan's Grand Riders

    Motorcyclist. Taiwan's Grand Riders. "I Didn't Stop Riding Because I Got Old, I Got Old Because I Stopped Riding.". By Peter Starr.

  18. Moscow city tour by motorbike

    For the sophisticated or just deciding to learn more about the international biker culture, listen to biker traditions, signs, as well as plunge into the world of motorcycle nightlife - we made a route of 65 km: Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Marsh Square, Observation deck near the Moscow-City International Business Center, Bike Center "Sexton", Observation deck on ...

  19. World Tour // Europe & Asia

    from $35,770. *. per rider in double room (2026) Price for passenger in double room. $23,430. Single room supplement. $7,130. Included services. * Please note the dates and tour prices for 2026 not being confirmed yet.

  20. 10 Days

    Personal health/travel insurance; Extra Motorcycle Insurance (Rs.28,000/- extra) Anything not mentioned in the inclusions; Security Deposit for the motorcycle. A fully refundable security deposit of Rs. 80,000, Rs. 96,000 & Rs. 1,20,000 for BMW F700 GS, F800 GS & F1200 GS respectively needs to be paid when the bike is handed over to you. ...

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    Motorcycle tour to most famous Georgia wine region and to Armenia, ancient country with thousand year history. Duration. 10 days. Price. € 3 250. Closest date. 01 Oct - 10 Oct 2024. Turkey - Cappadocia, Kars, Konya, Ankara, Trabzon. Tour of the ancient Anatolian Kingdom.

  22. Taipei Motorbike Tour

    One of the first things you'll notice when visiting Taiwan is that almost everyone gets around by motorcycle. Discover Taipei the local way on a guided motorbike tour of the city. Zip about on the back of a motorbike and sightsee Taipei with an experienced English speaking guide. With four route options, you can dictate your own itinerary.

  23. Trump Allegedly Suggested He Would Have Bombed Beijing and ...

    Former US President and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reportedly suggested he would have bombed Beijing and Moscow if they invaded Taiwan and Ukraine under his presidency.. According to the Washington Post, Trump made the comment during an unspecified leg of his nationwide fundraising tour, a statement which reportedly shocked some of his donors.

  24. THE TOP 10 Motorcycle Tours in Taiwan (w/Prices)

    City Discovery: Pingxi, Shifen & Jiufen Private Day Trip. 48. Escape the crowded city of Taipei for the day and discover the natural beauty of the Taiwanese countryside. It takes over an hour to get to Pingxi and Shifen by train, so enjoy a private tour with a professional guide to save yourself time and stress.

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    Whether mass rapid transit can lure motorcyclist is of great policy concern. This is the first study on mass rapid transit effects on motorcycle travel. Difference-in-differences was used to examine metro stations' treatment effects. Both new and old stations reduced motorcycle mode choice probability versus the metro. Both new and old stations reduced household motorcycle vehicle kilometers ...

  26. Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour

    When Donald Trump met some of the country's top donors at a luxurious New York hotel earlier this month, he told the group that a businessman had recently offered $1 million to his presidential ...