
We’re Not Talking About The Beastie Boys Scene In ‘Star Trek Beyond’ Enough

Josh Kurp

[Spoilers for Star Trek Beyond , obviously]

There are certain memes that will continue to go viral until the end of time, or the bourbon bagel burger kills us all, whichever comes first. To use a recent example: Celine a Scene supposes that adding her 1997 titanically powerful ballad, “My Heart Will Go On,” to “epic scenes” makes them “even more emotional and epic.” It works really well, as does the Walk of Life Project , which is basically the same idea as Celine a Scene, except with “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits. It’s an effective concept for an untold amount of songs. Jurassic Park is a perfect movie… but wouldn’t it be even more perfect with “Walk the Dinosaur” playing during one of the T-rex scenes? Yes, yes it would.

Both Celine a Scene and Walk of Life Project, while clever, only work for certain moments, though. They have to be either poignant, or the final scene in the movie. Meanwhile, every film ever would be better with any Beastie Boys song at any point. Take a look at the Star Trek reboots as proof.

In Star Trek , we’re introduced to a young James T. Kirk right after he “borrows” a Corvette. As his step-father yells at him for stealing the car, Kirk ends the phone call and starts blasting “Sabotage,” which is still a favorite amongst angsty youngsters even in the mid-2240s (maybe this makes a little more sense than people in the 31st century being familiar with Beck ).

In Star Trek Into Darkness , we hear another Beastie Boys song — the Fat Boy Slim remix of “Body Movin'” — while Kirk canoodles with two nice Caitian girls.

Lastly, and most importantly, in Star Trek Beyond , “Sabotage” literally saves the Federation. That is not hyperbole — a Beastie Boys song from 1994 protects the good people and aliens of Yorktown from Krall’s Swarm; if it hadn’t, the Swarm would have moved on to other parts of the universe, leaving behind only death and destruction. It’s insane, so insane that if you haven’t seen Beyond , first off, sorry for ruining the ending for you, but also, it’s really hard to explain.

“Okay, so,” one would hypothetically begin, “Stringer Bell destroys the Enterprise with assistance from his bee-like alien ships, and also there’s this bioweapon artifact that’s going to kill everyone, or something, and the only way Kirk and his crew, including an alien named after Jennifer Lawrence , can stop Stringer’s bees is by playing a 20th century ‘classical’ music song, which disrupts the aliens. That song is by Jewish punks-turned-rappers Beastie Boys.” I don’t know how many cans of Romulan ale Simon Pegg had downed when he came up with that, but I’m glad he did.

I’m not the only one.

On another subject, i REALLY enjoyed Star Trek. Best use of Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" EVER. Adam Yauch would be proud. #RIPAdamandAnton — The Dō Hø (@NectarousD) July 26, 2016
Ever since I saw the new Star Trek movie i've listened to Sabotage by the Beastie Boys at least 10 times a day — wesley (@built4ourthis) July 25, 2016
I saw Star Trek Beyond. I can't believe the Beastie Boys saved the universe. — Wee Babby Jaso (@BabbyJaso) July 25, 2016
Star Trek: Beyond wins the award for best use of a Beastie Boys song in a film. — Ramez Naam (@ramez) July 25, 2016
Things that J.J. Abrams has brought to both Star Trek and Star Wars that can never be undone? @greggrunberg and Beastie Boys (Ello Asty) — Da7e Gonzales (@Da7e) July 25, 2016

A lot of comparisons have been made between Star Trek Beyond and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (not only because J.J. Abrams’ name is attached to both), and how we’re living in a “ Star Wars world.” But having a pop song save millions of lives is unique to Star Trek . It can get away with using contemporary (for us in 2016) references like that because, well, Earth exists in the Star Trek universe; English isn’t even English, it’s “Galactic Basic Standard,” in Star Wars . The franchise, which is now 13 movies deep, should be taking these kind of goofy chances. It’s no crazier than Spock swimming with whales in Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home , and that’s the most beloved Star Trek movie.

Star Trek is also working at a disadvantage. Before the Abrams reboot was released in 2009, the franchise was creatively drained and commercially ignored. Enterprise was a bust, and Nemesis barely made its $60 million budget back. The 1990s and 2000s weren’t a good time for Star Wars , either, but the dreaded prequels were still massive hits, and also, this is Star Wars we’re talking about. Everyone’s seen the original trilogy. (Do not @ me on Twitter if you haven’t seen the original trilogy.) The first three Trek movies? Not so much. The Empire Strikes Back earned $209 million at the box office in 1980. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , released two years later: under $100 million. Casual movie fans don’t have the same familiarity with Kirk, Spock, and Bones as they do Luke, Han, and Leia. Add the eternally cool and universally beloved Beastie Boys into the mix, though (especially a song as well known as “Sabotage”), and Star Trek Beyond suddenly appeals to a lot more people.

We know there’s going to be a Star Trek 4 , with Chris Hemsworth returning as Kirk’s father. How can it top Star Trek Beyond ‘s use of the Beastie Boys? It can’t, unless Greg Grunberg — Abrams’ good luck charm who’s also been in all of the films — raps “So What’cha Want.” Start from there, Simon Pegg.

I would also accept Public Enemy.

Star Trek : Beyond reminded me of something important. And it goes like this, "Fight the powers that be!" – Public Enemy @StarTrekMovie — Broad Smile 33 (@EddiewilsonLevi) July 24, 2016

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The Beastie Boys Meet 'Star Trek Beyond'

star trek beyond beastie boy

The original Star Trek was known for its music, and the reboot movies have followed in its footsteps. Star Trek Beyond features an intense instrumental score by Michael Giacchino, but it also includes some more modern tunes. The song "Sledgehammer" by Rihanna was heavily featured in promotions for the movie, and a high-energy rock song plays through one of the film's most climactic scenes. If you watched the movie but didn't recognize the music in this sequence, you might be wondering what the song in the big Star Trek Beyond scene is, and I have your answer right here.

The track is none other than "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys, from the group's 1994 album III Communication . Producer JJ Abrams is known to be a big Beastie Boys fan , and "Sabotage" was also featured in 2009's Star Trek , which Abrams directed. Then in 2012, Abrams included the group's song "Body Movin'" in Star Trek Into Darkness . It therefore wasn't a huge surprise to fans when the Star Trek Beyond trailer featured "Sabotage," foreshadowing that there would be Beastie Boys music in the new film as well. If you missed it, here's how "Sabotage" plays into the climax scene of Star Trek Beyond. Spoilers ahead!

In the middle of the film's biggest battle, Kirk, Spock, and the rest of their crew realize they need to find a way to take Krall (the series' newest villain, played by Idris Elba) by surprise in order to defeat him. They struggle to locate a "loud, distracting" thing to do the trick, but then the character Jalyah (played by Sofia Boutella) comes up with an idea. Although it is 250 years in the future, Jaylah has a collection of '90s rock music, and so the group blasts "Sabotage" as they initiate the siege. Soon after, there is a transition into another battle scene, which — shocker — our heroes ultimately win. And so, the Beastie Boys tune plays a small but notable part in helping the good guys save the day.

The inclusion of the song in the film is also notable because, in general, the Beastie Boys do not allow their music to be used for commercial enterprises. In fact, as the NY Daily News reports , Adam Yauch included in his will a stipulation that forbade the use of the group's music for advertising purposes, and the surviving members of the group previously turned down a request for "Sabotage" to be included in an Arnold Schwarzenneger movie.

star trek beyond beastie boy

But the Beastie Boys, who have referenced Star Trek in their own songs , obviously weren't opposed to the use of their music in the famed franchise. This is good news for fans of both the band and the series, who can now enjoy the massive Star Trek Beyond scene with a healthy dose of "Sabotage."

Images: Paramount

star trek beyond beastie boy


Exploring The Iconic Use Of The Beastie Boys’ Sabotage In Star Trek Beyond

February 3, 2023

The iconic rock song , “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys, has been featured in countless films and television shows, but perhaps its most iconic appearance is in the 2016 installment of the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek Beyond. The song is played during the film’s memorable opening sequence, setting the stage for the thrilling adventure that follows. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the song is used in the film, its significance to the story, and the Beastie Boys’ reaction to its inclusion. We’ll also discuss the history of the song and its place in music history. So if you’re a fan of the Beastie Boys and Star Trek, or just want to know what rock song they played in Star Trek Beyond, read on!

What Movie Used The Song Sabotage?

What Movie Used The Song Sabotage?

The Beastie Boys song “Sabotage” was famously featured in the 2013 Marvel superhero film “Guardians of the Galaxy”. It was used during a key scene in the movie when Star-Lord and the gang are trying to steal a powerful orb from a vault. The song’s hard-hitting lyrics and classic rock riffs perfectly fit the chaotic scene and gave it an added layer of intensity. The song has become iconic in the Marvel movie universe and has been featured in several other films, including “The Avengers” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.

Who Did The Music For The Star Trek Movies?

Who Did The Music For The Star Trek Movies?

The music for the Star Trek movies has been composed by some of the biggest names in the music industry. The first two films in the series were scored by Jerry Goldsmith, who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score for both films. Goldsmith’s score for The Wrath of Khan is widely considered to be one of the greatest scores of all time. The next three films were scored by James Horner, who also received Academy Award nominations for his work on Star Trek II and III. The sixth and final film in the original series was scored by Cliff Eidelman, and Leonard Nimoy wrote the song “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” for the end credits. The new Star Trek movie series, beginning with 2009’s Star Trek, has been scored by Michael Giacchino, who has won numerous awards for his work on films such as Up and Inside Out.

Jerry Goldsmith was hired to score the film as Star Trek transitioned from television to film. In addition to changing the sound of the franchise in theaters, he altered it in television. Despite the praise Goldsmith received for his score for the first film, the second film in the franchise, Wrath of Khan, was widely regarded as the film needed to be removed from the franchise. Horner composed the music for Star Trek’s first two films (The Search for Spock in 1984 and The Voyage Home in 1986). Horner was experimenting with brass and percussion a lot during his early years, and many of his early works are shown in Wrath of Khan. This is one of his compositional talents, and it was something he was looking for beneath the surface. Since the original Star Trek television series , Giacchino has masterfully modernized it. In Star Trek (2009), director J.J. Abrams injected more intensity, but Giacchino wasn’t worried. The new Star Trek, which is clearly resonate with people all over the world, speaks to a changing society on a global scale.

Classic & Modern: A Musical Journey With Star Trek Beyond

It has long been rumored that Jerry Goldsmith, an Academy Award-winning composer who wrote the iconic score for the original Star Trek films and the first few series, was responsible for the Star Trek music. The Star Trek Beyond soundtrack, on the other hand, was unique in its approach, which featured a diverse range of classic and contemporary music. The Beastie Boys’ iconic 1994 song sabotage appears in a key scene, as does Goldsmith’s classic themes. This song captures the spirit of the film and its characters, which serves as a reminder of how much the franchise has grown and how much it still means to fans. The Beastie Boys’ classic rock anthem , ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun,’ adds to Goldsmith’s timeless themes, but modern listeners will appreciate the addition of the Beastie Boys classic rock anthem. When they collaborate, they create a musical experience that is both classic and modern, as well as perfectly representing the spirit of Star Trek.

Star Trek Beyond Songs Played

The soundtrack to the 2016 film Star Trek Beyond features a blend of classic and modern music, with original compositions from Michael Giacchino, classic rock songs from the 1960s and 1970s, and even a new recording of the iconic theme song . The memorable classic rock songs from the soundtrack include “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys, “Come Together” by Aerosmith, “The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac, and “Ride the Lightning” by Metallica. Michael Giacchino’s original score for Star Trek Beyond is exciting and dynamic, ranging from the heroic and triumphant to the bittersweet and contemplative. The track list also includes a heartfelt new version of the classic Star Trek theme song performed by the band The Foo Fighters. With its memorable mix of classic and contemporary music, Star Trek Beyond’s soundtrack is sure to please fans of the franchise.

Musical Mastery In ‘star Trek Beyond’

The music of Star Trek Beyond was no exception to this rule, as the franchise has long featured iconic songs. One of the most intense scenes in the film depicts the Beastie Boys’ hit single “Sabotage” from their 1994 album III Communication in the background. The backdrop of this song was ideal for creating the perfect mood for the dramatic action and providing the perfect backdrop for the dramatic music. Michael Giacchino composed the film’s music, which includes licensed Beastie Boys songs Body Movin’ (Fat Boy Slim Remix) and Everybody Want to Go to Heaven, but they are not included on the film’s soundtrack album . Something to Remember Me By was a song that appeared on the first episode of Just Beyond. If you enjoy sci-fi films, Star Trek Beyond’s music perfectly captures the excitement and suspense of this thrilling film, making it a must-see for any fan of these genres.

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Beastie Boys turn Star Trek Beyond trailer into sci-fi thrill ride — watch

Dire times ahead for Captain James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise

Beastie Boys turn Star Trek Beyond trailer into sci-fi thrill ride — watch

We know J.J. Abrams loves the Beastie Boys . There’s an alien subtly named after Hello Nasty in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Captain James T. Kirk blasts “Sabotage” in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek . So, even though he’s stepping out of the director’s chair for the third go-around on the U.S.S. Enterprise, his presence is still being felt.

Case in point: “Sabotage” pops up once more in the international trailer for Star Trek Beyond .

Which is probably a good thing as things look pretty dire for our heroes. “We got no ship, no crew … how are we going to get out of this one,” Kirk breathlessly asks Commander Spock, who replies: “We will find hope in the impossible.” What follows is a collection of action-packed scenes that should delight newer fans and terrify the veterans who prefer a more humble offering.

Watch below.

Directed by Justin Lin and written by Doug Jung and “Scotty” himself Simon Pegg , Star Trek Beyond  brings back  Chris Pine , Zachary Quinto , Karl Urban , Zoe Saldana , John Cho , and Anton Yelchin alongside newcomers  Idris Elba and  Sofia Boutella . The film hits theaters on July 22nd, 2016, after which CBS will premiere a brand new TV series that’ll bridge the next Star Trek film planned for 2019.

Update – Tuesday, December 15th at 9:20 p.m. CT:  Director Justin Len has confirmed Elba’s character as Krall, described as a “character that has a very distinct philosophy that’s very different.” While we know him to be the villain of the film, most other details are being kept under wraps.

idris elba

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Beastie boys turn star trek beyond trailer into sci-fi thrill ride -- watch.

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JJ Abrams: Beastie Boys 'Sabotage' in Star Trek Beyond trailer "connects to the story of the movie"

He's gonna set it straight, this watergate.

The first trailer for Star Trek Beyond arrived earlier this week, complete with a Beastie Boys soundtrack, and you can check it out below. 

But after speaking to its producer, JJ Abrams, it's not just for fun: it turns out there's a plot reason for the choice of  'Sabotage'.

As you'd expect, Abrams still has a lot of say in proceedings, and considering he's such a big Beastie Boys fan - and the fact that Star Trek (2009) kicked off with a young Kirk joyriding to the tune of 'Sabotage' too - we asked whether that was his idea to put the song over the Star Trek Beyond  trailer. 

It seems that it wasn't - but it does connect to the story of the film. Could this mean the plot of Star Trek Beyond will centre on, you know, some sabotage?

preview for Star Wars: The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams

"It was an idea that Justin [Lin] had," says Abrams. "It actually connects to the story of the movie. It was a fun thing to see this trailer, and obviously I am very excited to see how he finished this film."

You can see Abrams talking about it in our video interview above - the Beastie Boys chat kicks off at 2.10 or so - but if you watch from the start, you can hear all about how Star Wars' Poe Dameron has nothing to do with Con Air's Cameron Poe.

So now you know.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is out in cinemas now. Star Trek Beyond is out on July 22, 2016. 

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Published Dec 14, 2015

Star Trek Beyond Trailer Released

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The wait is over. Paramount Pictures has just released the first full trailer for Star Trek Beyond . And it's 90 seconds of action, with glimpses of the main crew and several important newcomers, as well as flashes of humor (including a grousing Dr. McCoy), all playing out against The Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," a song that should ring a bell for fans of Star Trek (2009) .

Star Trek Beyond will open on July 22. Keep an eye on for additional news about the latest Enterprise adventure.

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'Star Trek Beyond' First Trailer Is Set to the Beastie Boys and Looks Absolutely Thrilling

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This is just fun.

While setting the premiere trailer for Star Trek Beyond to Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" might seem like an odd pairing, it quickly comes together perfectly as a fast-paced wall of excitement that has us BEYOND excited for the next chapter in the long-running franchise.

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The sprawling action can likely be credited to Fast & Furious alum Justin Lin taking the directorial reins from J.J. Abrams (who is busy with another Star franchise), and it's clear he's brought a lot of that intensity with him for Captain Kirk and the Enterprise crew to deal with.

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So, while virtually all of your attention currently resides in a galaxy far, far away, make sure to save some anticipation for July 22, 2016, when Star Trek Beyond hits theaters, starring Idris Elba, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Anton Yelchin and Karl Urban.

Watch the video below to see why Quinto wears his Spock eyebrows like a badge of honor.

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Are the Beastie Boys Secretly Gods in the Star Trek Universe?

How can a 20th century band write songs namechecking half the crew of the Starship Enterprise without anyone in the future noticing? There’s only one (extremely convoluted) explanation.

There are two inescapable, irreconcilable facts about the beloved hip-hop group the Beastie Boys , and the obsessively beloved sci-fi franchise Star Trek . Fact #1: The Beastie Boys music is part of the Star Trek universe. Fact #2: The Beastie Boys have songs that directly mention Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and more — even though this music was written about 250 years earlier than these people are supposed to exist. It’s a paradox, or it would be, except there is one simple explanation… the Beastie Boys are gods.

Okay, when I say “simple,” I admittedly mean “incredibly complicated” — although next to most parts of Star Trek ’s labyrinthine, intimidating canon, proving Mike D, MCA and Ad-Rock are omnipotent brings is comparatively straight-forward. Please keep this in mind, since the explanation begins with a reminder that there are two Star Trek universes out there, and we’re going to talk about both. There’s the classic timeline of the 1960s show and The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine and all that, and the “Kelvin” timeline, which split off in J.J. Abrams’ first Trek movie, which was set before the events of the original TV series. It’s how Abrams was able to tell a story with the classic characters without ruining the original franchise’s beloved continuity and riling up its legion of obsessed fans.

The first appearance of the Beastie Boys comes in the first Trek movie set in the Kelvin universe, when a young James T. Kirk plays “Sabotage” while driving his stepfather’s vintage car off a cliff. It’s the year 2245, and the audience sees Kirk hit play on the car’s music system, so it’s not just the movie’s soundtrack — Kirk is definitely and intentionally listening to the Beastie Boys’ 1994 hit “Sabotage.” Although we only hear the band’s music in the Kelvin universe, the Beastie Boys were releasing their music centuries before the two timelines split, which proves that the band must exist in both Trek universes.

Despite operating primarily in the 20th century, Beastie Boys somehow know these future U.S.S. Enterprise crew members, who won’t exist for 250 years. The band referred to them in three songs, and the first mention happened in 1989, when the Beastie Boys released the album Paul’s Boutique . The “Stop That Train” portion of “B-Boy Bouillabaisse” contain these lyrics:

Same faces every day but you don’t know their names Party people going placed on the D-train (Stop that train, I wanna get off) Check it, trench coat wingtip going to work And you’ll be pulling a train like Captain Kirk

In 1998’s Hello Nasty , “Intergalactic” mentions the captain’s first officer by name:

If you try to knock me you’ll get mocked I’ll stir fry you in my wok Your knees’ll start shakin’ and your fingers pop Like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock

And two more of Kirk’s trusted comrades are name dropped in “The Brouhaha,” off the 2004 album To the 5 Boroughs :

Communicator check one-two, one-two This is Bones McCoy on a line to Sulu Set the bullshit to warp factor one Check your tricorder, set your phasers on stun

Obviously, it’s not just the crew names. The Beastie Boys knew about the Vulcan nerve pinch ability, long before Earthlings became aware of Vulcans or that there were any sentient aliens in the universe. They knew the precise terminology people in the future would use when describing space flight. Weirdly, they could have known about tricorder technology because it presumably began in the 1990s ( as it did in our universe ) but it’s still uncanny.

Some kind of time travel must have occurred to make this paradox possible, which makes sense because it’s surprisingly easy to travel through time in Star Trek . Reboot a warp drive, have a bad transporter accident, get too close to any celestial body doing anything weird, and you could be thrown through time. Many ships have time-travel technology, including the Enterprise , who went to 20th century Earth three times — the first trip was to 1920s New York when Bones briefly went crazy (also a long story), while the second was to 1968, when the Beastie Boys were merely Beastie Toddlers.

The third visit, however, offers a possible explanation, and the answer is humpback whales. In the year 2286 (in the classic Trek universe), a mysterious space probe flew to Earth and started causing havoc for unknown reasons. Spock discovers the signal the probe emits is much like the call of a humpback whale. Unfortunately, they’ve been extinct for a century, forcing the Enterprise to fly 300 years back in time to 1986 San Francisco in an attempt to catch themselves some whales… which is the same year the Beastie Boys released their first studio album, Licensed to Ill.

Could the Boys have met Kirk, Spock, Bones and Sulu during their brief sojourn on Earth? It’s not impossible, but it’s unlikely. Kirk and crew stayed mainly in the Bay Area during their time there, while the Beastie Boys only played three concerts that summer , in Florida, Maryland and Washington D.C. While we don’t know how long Kirk and crew visited 1986, it’s highly implausible that they stayed more than a few weeks, and chances are the Beastie Boys were busy recording License to Ill . However, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that some combination of Mike D, MCA and Ad-Rock made a brief jaunt to San Francisco while the Enterprise crew did their whale hunting. 

But even if we could prove they did meet up, it wouldn’t explain the bigger mystery: Why aren’t 23rd-century people freaked about this band that could seemingly see into the future? It’s not like the Beastie Boys’ music isn’t still being played. In Star Trek Beyond , “Sabotage” is found in the wrecked U.S.S. Franklin ’s music library, so it’s safe to assume it’s in the library of most starships through the future equivalent of Spotify. And when the Franklin blasts “Sabotage” into space to destroy a cybernetically-linked horde of enemy ships (long story, but the music makes them explode), Bones asks, “Is this classical music?” which Spock confirms:

More importantly — much more importantly — why isn’t Kirk specifically freaked out by centuries-old music that mentions he and his co-workers by name? Maybe Spock, Sulu and Bones have never listened to the band, but we know Kirk is a huge fan, not only because he plays it during his stepfather-hating antics in his childhood and fully rocks out to it in Beyond , but because in the second movie, Star Trek Into Darkness , he plays another Beasties song when simultaneously romancing two cat-women:

This song is the Fatboy Slim remix of “Body Movin’,” included in tour editions of Hello Nasty and its eventual deluxe release. And Kirk is listening to this Beastie Boys deep cut on vinyl . The man’s a superfan, which means he must have listened to “Intergalactic” — not only is this one of the band’s biggest hits, but the song and the album both won Grammys in 1999 , and also he’s listening to Hello Nasty right in the goddamn scene. (He could technically be listening to The Sounds of Silence anthology, but that also has “Intergalactic” on it.) It’s unlikely he’s never heard “Stop That Train” and “The Brouhaha”; it’s unfathomable that he somehow never heard Ad-Rock rap about a Vulcan named Mr. Spock. 

Yet he doesn’t notice it. No one in either Star Trek universe notices it. So not only did someone need to travel through time to make the namedrops happen, someone had to have the power to fundamentally alter reality in this tiny but exceedingly weird way. Who has this power but the gods?

It’s what fits all the criteria. It explains the time paradox, because the Beastie Boys could travel through time at will, meeting the U.S.S. Enterprise crew one day in 2286, and rapping about them the next day in 1989. It’s the only sensible reason that Kirk and every other Beastie Boys fan in the known galaxy could listen to their namedrops and never manage to see the association. 

Plus, Star Trek is chock full of gods, god-like beings and people (and a computer or two) who think they’re gods. To be fair, Starfleet usually classifies these beings as aliens, but if they can alter reality itself, is there really a difference?

However, there are only two races in Star Trek that have the power to travel through time and manipulate reality to this degree, the Prophets and the Q , and only one of these would be interested in pulling a useless stunt like this. The Q — that’s their collective name and individual name — are immortal, omnipotent beings who are very bored, and thus tend to go around to various civilizations and mess with them. Sometimes they put all of humanity on trial to see if it’s worth keeping, sometimes they trick Captain Picard into thinking he’s died and gone to heaven as a gag. (The same Q did both of these things, by the way.) Commemorating the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise through 20th-century human music and then preventing that same crew from recognizing those shout-outs when they listen to them? That’s a Q move for sure.

The question now is, did a Q bring news of Kirk and crew to the Beastie Boys in the 1980s, or are the Beastie Boys themselves members of the Q? 

This, unfortunately, is a question we cannot answer for certain. A Q could have given an exceedingly random hand to an Earth band, but three Q coming to Earth, starting a rap group and hanging around for a few decades to enjoy an immensely popular musical career is much more in line with Q antics. Why would a single Q tell the Beastie Boys about Kirk and rerig reality in a way no one notices what they’ve done? Who could possibly gain anything but the band?

And here we come to our final answer. The only reasons the Beastie Boys would prevent the Enterprise crew from recognizing their names in the band’s lyrics is because 1) the Beastie Boys didn’t want them to notice; and 2) they also didn’t want to change their music. Then why bother to mention Kirk and the others at all if they were going to prevent them from realizing the connection? There is only one sensible explanation, and since their music came out in the 1980s, long before the timeline split, it applies to both the classic and the Kelvin universes.

It’s not about the namedrops at all. It’s about three bored Q who decide to spend some time becoming Earth music stars for a few decades. Thanks to their ability to travel through time, they would know exactly how Starfleet works, what technology they use and who some of its greatest heroes are. They decide to mention them in some of their songs, possibly without even thinking about it. Eventually, they quit and go off into the universe into a different time to do something else when it suddenly dawns on them — if the people in the 23rd century hear this music, they’ll know something was chronologically up with the Beastie Boys. The band will no longer be remembered for its music, but because of its mystery.

Like many recording artists, Q (Mike D), Q (MCA) and Q (Ad-Rock) love the music they created and can’t bear the idea of changing it. After all, they know people are going to continue loving their albums for centuries! There’s only one way their musical legacy can live on and wholly intact — they must use their omnipotence to alter reality so that their listeners cannot connect their lyrics to the real people mentioned in them, while leaving the music as it was intended. 

It’s the only logical explanation, and I believe Mr. Spock would agree. The Beastie Boys are Trek gods, and James T. Kirk — in the Kelvin universe, at least — has great taste in music. And if the classic universe’s Captain Kirk isn’t a fan, it’s his damn loss.

star trek beyond beastie boy

Rob Bricken

Rob Bricken has been a professional nerd for 20 years, the editor of Gizmodo’s geeky pop culture site io9, and was the creator of the poorly named but fan-favorite news blog Topless Robot. When the zombie apocalypse comes, he’ll be among the first to die.

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‘Star Trek Beyond’: 7 Easter Eggs and In Jokes to Look For

Numbers with hidden meanings, a familiar Beastie Boys tune and more are scattered through the latest voyage


(Mild spoilers ahead: You might not want to keep reading if you have not seen “Star Trek Beyond”)

There is no doubt that Paramount intends “Star Trek Beyond” to appeal to a wide audience. But, as Kirk, Spock and the rest of the U.S.S. Enterprise embark on a new, dangerous adventure, filmmakers have made sure to embed some secret treasures for general fans and trekkies alike.

Here are six things to keep your eyes peeled for as you watch “Star Trek Beyond,” in theaters this weekend.

1. “Sabotage”… again The 1994 Beastie Boys song is artfully weaved into the storyline. Considered “classical music” by U.S.S. Enterprise crew standards, the protagonists use the song — with its high, screeching frequencies — to battle an enemy. (And we won’t spoil it further than that.) What fans may recall — especially ones who watch the first two films to prep for “Beyond” — is that the ’90s ditty appeared in 2009s “Star Trek,” blasting on the car stereo as a young pre-Captain Kirk takes an action-packed joy ride in his stepdad’s wheels.

In “Beyond,” the call back to the first appearance of the Beastie’s hit happens when Kirk gives a knowing nod and says he likes it.

2. Sulu Is gay As John Cho has previously discussed , his character Sulu is revealed to be gay in the film. The revelation about his sexuality happens when the Enterprise lands on the Starbase Yorktown and greets his daughter and his male partner. By the way, Sulu’s hubby is played by “Beyond” co-writer Doug Jung . It’s a quick moment, but one that is much more clear than the b link-and-you’ll-miss-it maybe gay couple in “Finding Dory.”

3. The ’60s get a call out Seeing as “Star Trek” began on the small screen in the 1960s, the decade gets a callout at least twice in the movie. Kirk delivers his captain’s log, recorded on day “966” of his five-year mission — an apparent wink to original television series, which first aired in 1966. Later, an old Federation ship the crew discovers on a foreign planet is discovered to be from “the 2160s” and has retro decor reminiscent of the era.

4. Alibaba what!? It apparently took a village to get this sequel into theaters, as the opening credits indicate. Of course there’s the usual Paramount Pictures opening animation with the studio’s logo, and then the same for J.J. Abrams ‘ Bad Robot Pictures, which produced the film. Sneaky Shark and Perfect Storm Entertainment were also behind the production. Then something unfamiliar flashes across the screen: a logo for Alibaba Pictures — the Chinese film company that helped finance the “Star Trek” sequel. Hey, as China’s film market continues to grow exponentially, on pace to usurp North America in the coming months, this may only be the beginning of that sort of thing.

5. Bezos appearance, double confirmed We knew ahead of time that Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos was appearing in the film as a Starfleet official from an alien race . And now we can confirm his name appears in the credits. Bezos appears early on in the film attaching a universal translator to a fellow alien’s collar (seen below, right).

Great thing about making Trek is having passionate people drop by, like @JeffBezos . Here he is with Lydia Wilson. — Justin Lin (@justinlin) July 20, 2016

6. More alien friends Director Justin Lin also brought some of his actor buddies onto the set to play aliens :  Danny Pudi , who Lin also directed in “Community,” and Kim Kold, who was in Lin’s “Fast & Furious 6.” And yes, their names also appear in the credits.

7. Sentimental ending As we wrote about previously , there are two important tributes that appear in the end credits: one for the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy, who appeared in the series and who died last year, and Anton Yelchin , who died tragically from a freak accident involving his car at the young age of 27.

What else did you spot hiding in plain sight in “Star Trek Beyond”? Tell us in the comments or tweet @TheWrap !

Jeremy Fuster contributed to this report.

star trek beyond beastie boy

The Real Reason Why "Sabotage" Was Used In Star Trek

With Star Trek out on DVD today, we're reminded of the awkward insertion of the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" into the 24th century. But was it as random as it seemed, or just returning an overdue rap favor?

Believe it or not, it makes sense that the Beastie Boys would appear in Star Trek , even if it is only a slightly unbelievable oldies station in a hijacked future car. After all, the Beasties haven't been shy about mentioning Star Trek in their songs. To wit:

The Brouhaha:

Communicator check one two, one two This is Bones McCoy on a line to Sulu Set the bullshit to warp factor one Check your tricorder, set your phasers on stun

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Stop That Train:

French trenchcoat wing tip going to work And you'll be pulling a train like Captain Kirk


Your knees start shakin' and your fingers pop Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock

But it's not just the Beasties who like to namedrop the crew and missions of the Starship Enterprise; here're some other Star Trek cameos in rap:

MC Lars - "Space Game"

'Cause I get more play than Captain Kirk He found out and went berserk like a jealous jerk But no puny Vulcan death grip can paralyze me I said beam me up Scotty and then I got free

DangerDoom - "Space Hoes"

When it come to wreck, cruisers like them dudes Are red shirts off Star Trek, he Kirk, he Spock, he McCoy

Dilated Peoples - "Right On"

Innovator of rhyme communication with data like Star Trek, The Next Generation

Public Enemy - "Don't Believe the Hype"

They got to be beating that pipe you know what I'm sayin' Yo the Megas got 'em goin' up to see Captain Kirk

Redman - "Sooperman Luva II"

I lived in the same building with Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk Got R2D2 and Mork from Ork puttin in work

Xzibit - "Shroomz"

Pull the phone out, acceleration and we bone out In the zone out beyond Captain Kirk and Klingon

Master P - "Captain Kirk"

Are you ready to boldly go, where no family has gone before? The Ghetto Enterprise has landed. Captain Kirk has arrived, I repeat, Captain Kirk, has arrived. Women, if you're lucky, Captain Kirk will save you, and beam your loved ones to the fortune and fame you are lookin' for. I mean the next generation, ya' heard me? Are you ready? (Yes I Am!!!!)

Yes, Star Trek 's rap connections are so wide and deep that suddenly their usage in Star Trek suddenly seems a lot more... well, logical, if still entirely anarchronistic. There's really nothing else to add, apart from...

Additional research and reporting from Sarah Williams .

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"Star Trek Beyond" trailer is here

By Lauren Moraski

December 14, 2015 / 2:53 PM EST / CBS News

Both action and humor fill the debut trailer for "Star Trek Beyond," which surfaced Monday.

The third movie in the rebooted franchise shows the Captain Kirk and the Enterprise gang gearing up for a potentially dangerous mission. Set to Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," the teaser gives a first look at actors Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine, Idris Elba, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin and John Cho.

Directed by Justin Lin ("Fast & Furious") and produced by J.J. Abrams (director of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens") , "Star Trek Beyond" is due out on July 22, 2016.

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Sabotage - Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys

Jaylah and USS Enterprise use it for corrupting enemy's communication

Star Trek Theme - The Columbia Studio Orchestra

Star Trek Theme

The Columbia Studio Orchestra

Intro of the film

Sledgehammer - Rihanna


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Fight the Power - Public Enemy

Fight the Power

Public Enemy

Jaylah turn on this song when she and Scotty try to fix USS Franklin

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Beastie Boys in studio

BEASTIE BOYS Celebrate 30 Years of ‘Ill Communication’ With Deluxe Vinyl Reissue Announcement!

Originally released 30 years ago today on May 31, 1994, Ill Communication was much more than the record that returned Beastie Boys to #1 on the Billboard 200. In short order, the fourth album from Michael “Mike D” Diamond, Adam “Adrock” Horovitz and Adam “MCA” Yauch would become a multi-platinum juggernaut that pervaded every aspect of pop culture. Ill Communication ‘s charge to global domination was led by “Sabotage” and its unforgettable Spike Jonze/Nathanial Hornblower-directed tribute to ’70s cop shows, as Rolling Stone dubbed the album 1994’s “soundtrack for summer.”

Fans and critics alike were equally and instantly floored by hip hop highlights like the opening “Sure Shot,” the classic Jimmy Smith homage “Root Down” and the Q-Tip collaboration “Get It Together,” while a Vibe cover story hailed Beastie Boys as “perhaps the most consistently innovative musicians to emerge out of hip hop.” It was a claim that Ill Communication continues to back up, as the album’s infectious sprawl enthralls multiple generations of listeners. From household name hits to sublime instrumentals (“Sabrosa,” “Ricky’s Theme”) to hardcore punk workouts (“Tough Guy,” “Heart Attack Man”) and realms beyond (“Bodhisattva Vow,” “Shambala”), Ill Communication has never stopped growing in stature and impact.

Grand Royal, Capitol Records and UMe are proud to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Ill Communication with the July 26 release of two limited edition versions of this Beastie Boys opus:

* A 3LP Deluxe Edition that resurrects a rare version of the album originally released as a limited run in 2009. Long out-of-print and sought after by fans and collectors, the Ill Communication 30th anniversary vinyl edition features lenticular cover art and includes a third LP with 12 bonus tracks (featuring rarities including a live version of “The Maestro” from 1992’s Check Your Head , “Mullet Head,” and ten more remixes, B-sides and assorted oddities), all housed in a rigid slipcase and pressed on 180g vinyl.

* A limited edition cassette of the original album, marking the first time in decades Ill Communication will be available in the format.

So fire up the turntable and dust off that Walkman, and join in the celebration of 30 years of Ill Communication with Beastie Boys and the album’s supporting cast of Mario Caldato Jr. (who co-produced the record with the band), Money Mark, Eric Bobo, Amery “AWOL” Smith, Eugene Gore, Q-Tip and Biz Markie. Because you can’t, you won’t and you don’t stop… PRE-ORDER HERE

star trek beyond beastie boy



30th Anniversary Tracklists

• Sure Shot (Side A)

• Tough Guy (Side A)

• B-Boys Makin’ With The Freak Freak (Side A)

• Bobo On The Corner (Side A)

• Root Down (Side A)

• Sabotage (Side B)

• Get It Together (Side B)

• Sabrosa (Side B)

• The Update (Side B)

• Futterman’s Rule (Side B)

• Alright Hear This (Side C)

• Eugene’s Lament (Side C)

• Flute Loop (Side C)

• Do It (Side C)

• Ricky’s Theme (Side C)

• Heart Attack Man (Side D)

• The Scoop (Side D)

• Shambala (Side D)

• Bodhisattva Vow (Side D)

• Transitions (Side D)

• Root Down (Free Zone Mix) (Side E)

• Resolution Time (Side E)

• Get It Together (Buck-Wild Remix) (Side E)

• Dope Little Song (Side E)

• Sure Shot (European B-Boy Mix) (Side E)

• Heart Attack Man (Unplugged) (Side E)

• The Vibes (Side F)

• Atwater Basketball Association File No. 172-C (Side F)

• Heart Attack Man (Live) (Side F)

• The Maestro (Live) (Side F)

• Mullet Head (Side F)

• Sure Shot (European B-Boy Instrumental) (Side F)

• Sabotage (Side A)

• Get It Together (Side A)

• Sabrosa (Side A)

• The Update (Side A)

• Futterman’s Rule (Side A)

• Alright Hear This (Side B)

• Eugene’s Lament (Side B)

• Flute Loop (Side B)

• Do It (Side B)

• Ricky’s Theme (Side B)

• Heart Attack Man (Side B)

• The Scoop (Side B)

• Shambala (Side B)

• Bodhisattva Vow (Side B)

• Transitions (Side B)

star trek beyond beastie boy

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    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

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  8. Star Trek Beyond

    Star Trek Beyond is a 2016 American science fiction action film directed by Justin Lin, ... The Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" was used in the movie's trailer, as well as the final battle scene. Marketing Simon Pegg and Zoe Saldaña at a press conference for Star Trek Beyond in Mexico.

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  14. 'Star Trek Beyond': 7 Easter Eggs and In Jokes to Look For

    But, as Kirk, Spock and the rest of the U.S.S. Enterprise embark on a new, dangerous adventure, filmmakers have made sure to embed some secret treasures for general fans and trekkies alike. Here ...

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    From Star Trek Beyond (2016)

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    Classic Trek isn't the only thing getting it's time in the sun in this movie. The Beastie Boys also get a tip of the hat as the background music for the trailer. And this is the second fan ...

  17. The Real Reason Why "Sabotage" Was Used In Star Trek

    Graeme McMillan. Published November 17, 2009. Comments ( 93) With Star Trek out on DVD today, we're reminded of the awkward insertion of the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" into the 24th century. But was ...

  18. Star Trek Beyond (2016) Beastie Boys Sabotage scene : r/startrek

    Star Trek Beyond (2016) Beastie Boys Sabotage scene. Just going to put this out here: in TOS, literally three different episodes end with Kirk saving the day by talking a computer to death. This scene is so hokey and wonky. It's something that would NEVER happen in TNG, DS9 or the original films.

  19. "Star Trek Beyond" trailer is here

    By Lauren Moraski. December 14, 2015 / 2:53 PM EST / CBS News. Both action and humor fill the debut trailer for "Star Trek Beyond," which surfaced Monday. The third movie in the rebooted franchise ...

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    Movie: Star Trek BeyondMusic: Beastie Boys - Sabotage

  21. Star Trek Beyond Soundtrack (2016)

    Star Trek Beyond Soundtrack [2016] 25 songs / 220K views. List of Songs + Song. Sabotage. Beastie Boys. Add time. Jaylah and USS Enterprise use it for corrupting enemy's communication. Star Trek Theme. The Columbia Studio Orchestra. Add time. Intro of the film. Sledgehammer. Rihanna. Add time.

  22. "Is that classical music?" : r/startrek

    Western perspecrive here but you wouldnt call midevile sounding music "classical", and "modern" is a term that describes an era roughly 100 years old and long gone right now. Sure bt the 23rd centry maybe it'll have a diffrent name butwouldnt be "classical." Like, when was the last time you heard ANYBODY refer to 80s music as "classical".

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    Beastie Boys will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ill Communication with the July 26 release of two limited ... and realms beyond ... The Star Trek universe is full of interesting characters ...

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    "Let's make some noise!" Star Trek Beyond (2016) FanVidMusic: Beastie Boys - SabotageJust for fun. No copyright infringement intended.