Atlas Obsession

Atlas Obsession

Mammoth Cave National Park – Which Tour Should You Do?

“My God… That’s spectacular.” On our final tour at Mammoth Cave National Park, the man directly in front of us said this exact line every single time we turned a corner. No, I’m not exaggerating. While I didn’t share his same enthusiasm, I will say that Mammoth Cave is pretty cool. Some of these rock formations are incredible and it’s worth a visit to tour this cave system.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Table of Contents

About Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave National Park is home to the worlds largest cave system, with over 400 miles of cave discovered and mapped so far (and still many miles of cave that still need to be explored). The cave is massive and until you visit, it can be difficult to really understand how the true scale of these caves.

Mammoth Cave National Park is located in central Kentucky, just outside of Cave City. A visit here is a little different than most of your national park experiences. Rather than just jumping in your car and exploring on your own, you must sign up for guided tours of the cave. There is a self guided tour option for those who don’t like the idea of a group tour. However, a ranger led tour will give you so much more information about the area you’re exploring.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

We took three tours: The Star Chamber Tour, The Historic Tour, and the Domes and Dripstones Tour. All three were great and all taught us something new about the cave system. But there are still several others to choose from.

Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

The star chamber tour.

This tour at Mammoth Cave is a bit different than most. The cave is filled with artificial lights which are turned on during most tours so everyone can see where they are going. But during this tour, these artificial lights are turned off. You follow your guide through the cave by oil lantern, just like the early tourists who visited here. Because of the limited light, it can be difficult to truly grasp how big the cave really is. Still, it is a great experience. You’ll travel down through the main entrance and down Gothic Avenue before reaching the Star Chamber, at which point you’ll turn around and retrace your steps.

If you’re going to do this tour, I recommend making this your first tour. It’s a great introduction to the cave. The cave feels big, but the lanterns don’t really let you see the true scale. The next day, when we took the Historic Tour, my mom and I were in awe of how big the cave really was. I don’t think you’ll get that same experience if you do the Star Chamber Tour at the end.

It’s such a unique experience that I have to recommend doing this tour.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Total Distance: 2 miles Length of Tour: 2.5 hours Number of Stairs: 160 Cost: $30 per adult

Historic Tour

This tour is a classic and leads you down into Mammoth Cave. You’ll enter through the main entrance and retrace some of the steps you made on the Star Chamber tour. However, now you have the artificial lights turned on and you can really get a sense for how massive this cave system is. It’s amazing how much different and bigger the cave feels with those artificial lights.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

There are two big things to be aware of before signing up for this tour. There can be low ceilings and narrow passage ways. At a few points in the tour, you may need to crouch down and walk along the passage way for an extended period. For reference, I’m 5 feet 4 inches and I occasionally had to crouch down, while my mom at 5 feet 7 inches had to duck more often.

My mom was a little nervous about this, but said that the rangers over exaggerated how bad it was going to be. Still, you know your limits. If you are concerned, talk to rangers before you book your tickets. They will also reiterate all of this information at the safety briefing before starting your tour.

Total Distance: 2 miles Length of Tour: 2 hours Number of Stairs: 540 Cost: $24 per adult

Domes and Dripstones

This is the tour that I think of when I think of Mammoth Cave. It was on this tour that we heard “My God… That’s incredible!” at least 25 times in the course of the two hour tour.

From the visitor center, you’ll board a bus and travel to another entrance to the cave. At this second entrance, you’ll descend a narrow staircase down into the cave. Once you’re down here, the rangers will lead you to some of the most incredible rock formations of the cave system. The highlight for me was the Frozen Niagra area toward the end of the tour.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

This tour had more narrow spaces than the Historic Tour, but I found myself having to duck less on this tour than on the Historic Tour. You will get a safety briefing before your tour that will outline exactly what you’re going to go through.

Total Distance: 1 miles Length of Tour: 2 hours Number of Stairs: 500 Cost: $30 per adult

More Tour Options

The above three tours are the tours that I have first hand experience with. But those aren’t the only tours available at Mammoth Cave.

Accessible Tour – For those with limited mobility, take a look at this tour. This is 2 hours, 0.5 miles, and has no stairs. Cost: $27 per adult.

Cleveland Avenue – This focuses on Cleveland Avenue and the Snowball Room and you’ll see unique passages and gypsum covered walls. This is 2 hours, 1 mile, and 200 stairs. Cost: $30 per adult.

Discovery (Self Guided) – This is the only self-guided option to explore Mammoth Cave. This is 1.25 hours, 0.75 miles, and 125 stairs. Cost: $12 per adult.

Extended Historic – Unsurprisingly, this the Historic Tour with an extension (to the 1840s Cave Experiment). This is 2.25 hours, 2 miles, and 540 stairs. Cost: $27 per adult.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Frozen Niagara – If you only want to see Frozen Niagara and skip the rest of the Domes and Dripstones tour, look at this tour. This is 1.25 hours, 0.25 miles, and 110 stairs (98 are optional). Cost: $26 per adult.

Gothic Avenue – This focuses on more in depth on Gothic Avenue, which is also seen on Star Chamber, Historic Tour, and Violet City Lantern Tour. This is 2 hours, 1 mile, and 160 stairs. Cost: $23 per adult.

Grand Avenue – This is another in depth tour, but it does a deeper dive on the Domes and Dripstones tour. This is 4 hours, 4 miles, and 1313 stairs. Cost: $42 per adult.

Great Onyx Lantern Tour – This is another lantern tour, but it should be noted that this cave is not known to be part of the Mammoth Cave system. Remember that the cave system is still being mapped and explored, so one day, they may be able to connect it with the Mammoth Cave system. This is 2.25 hours, 1 miles, and 40 stairs. Cost: $31 per adult.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Grand Historic – This is one of the most in depth tours and you’ll visit many of the iconic sites that are also seen on the Historic, Extended Historic, Gothic Avenue, Star Chamber, River Styx, Mammoth Passage, and Violet City tours. This is 4 hours, 4 miles, and 640 stairs. This tour is currently not offered.

Intro to Caving – For those who have an interest in caving and want to get off the beaten path, consider this tour. This tour is 3.5 hours, 1 mile, and 300 steps. Cost: $49 per adult.

Mammoth Passage – This is an introduction to the Historic Tour and is a guided version of the Discovery (Self Guided tour). This is 1.25 hours, 0.75 miles, and 125 stairs. Cost: $15 per adult.

River Styx Lantern Tour – You’ll follow the Historic Tour, but also detour to the underground water level. This is 2.5 hours, 2.5 miles, and 600 stairs. Cost: $26 per adult.

Trog Tour – This tour is for kids age 8-12 only. From the Historic Entrance they’ll learn all about cave exploration. This is 2.75 hours, 1.5 miles, and 200 steps. Cost: $25 per child.

Violet City Lantern Tour – This is another lantern tour option, but is slightly longer than the Star Chamber tour. This is 3 hours, 3 miles, and 160 stairs. Cost: $32 per adult.

Wild Cave Tour – For the most adventurous tour at Mammoth Cave National Park, check out the Wild Cave Tour. This all day tour is very physical as you’ll literally be crawling through holes in the cave. This is 6 hours, 6 miles, and 500 stairs. Cost: $79 per adult.

Wondering Woods – This is more focusing on the surrounding forests, but does feature a short visit to the cave. This is 1.5 hours, 1 mile, and 194 stairs. This tour is currently not offered.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Which Tour Should You Do?

The choice of tours is entirely up to you and you should take your own preferences into account, particularly if you love geology. But for the average person, I think the three tours I did (Star Chamber, Historic, and Domes and Dripstones) is a really good combination. Many tours overlap (at least partially) with another tour and I feel like we really got to see a lot of the cave.

On our trip, we arrived into Cave City at around 3:00pm. We got an early dinner in Cave City and then drove to Mammoth Cave National Park We took the Star Chamber Tour at 6:15 that evening. The next day we took the 10:00am Historic Tour and the 2:15 Domes and Dripstones Tour.

If you’re doing both the Historic Tour and Domes and Dripstones on the same day, I think this spacing (10am Historic and 2:15 Domes and Dripstones) works well. The Historic Tour finishes at 12:00, so you have plenty of time for lunch (there’s a Camp Store that serves sandwiches just down the road from the visitor center) and time to relax. If you take an earlier tour, you may be rushed during lunch.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Also note, that tour times change based on the season. We were here in early August when there were numerous tours available, but in winter fewer tours are offered. Always look ahead on the NPS website to see what tours are available for your dates.

It’s a good idea to book your tickets in advance. We booked our tours online approximately six weeks in advance for a visit in August. At that time, there were still plenty of tickets available. However, by the time we arrived in Cave City, nearly everything was sold out. If there’s a tour you really want to do, buy your ticket in advance.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Booking Your Tour

While you can wait until you’re at Mammoth Cave National Park to select your tours, you run the risk of tours selling out. Despite large groups for some of the tours (there must have been 100 people on two of my three tours), they regularly sell out. This is especially true during the peak travel months.

So, once you know when you’ll be at Mammoth Cave National Park, book your tours through the website.

Additional Helpful Tour Information

Each tour at Mammoth Cave (except the Accessible Tour) contains a lot of stairs. Both the Historic Tour and Domes and Dripstones state that you will do over 500 stairs. That said, the stairs are not all at once and are spread out throughout the tour, which is anywhere from .75 to 2 miles in length.

Tour groups can get big. The Star Chamber Tour has limited spots since they have limited lanterns. Our group for this tour had approximately 30 people. However, our groups for the Historic Tour and Domes and Dripstones were at least 100 people. To get the most out of your tour (and to maximize your time for photos), stick to the front of the group.

We were at the back of the group for the Star Chamber Tour, but I don’t think we missed much. For the other two tours, had we stayed at the back, we would have gotten the essential information, but we would have missed some more of the “fun facts” and other random tidbits from our ranger. He’d typically give these facts to the front of the group while we waited for the back part of the group to file in.

There are no facilities on your tour. Use the bathroom before you depart and carry anything you might need (although you really shouldn’t need much as food and drinks other than water are not allowed in the cave).

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Getting to Mammoth Cave

Look at the map before you go. There is no service and the National Park Service strongly recommends avoiding Google Maps to navigate you to the visitor center. We used Google Maps and had no problems, but it’s something you should be aware of.

When to Visit Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave is 52 degrees all year round, so they can be visited at any point. The biggest thing to note is that tour offerings change throughout the year. Summer will have more tours offered than winter.

We visited in early August, so while it was hot and humid outside (with temperatures in the upper 80s), the inside of the cave was cool. I wore leggings and had a light sweatshirt (I only used my sweatshirt on two of the three tours).

Where to Stay

The nearest town to Mammoth Cave is Cave City. It’s a small town with not a lot of options, but you will find a few choices for hotels and restaurants.

Final Thoughts

I’ve visited other caves, including Carlsbad Caverns National Park , but nothing was quite like Mammoth Cave National Park. The sheer scale is hard to imagine and when you’re standing in the cave, you can really feel small. It’s definitely worth a visit to Mammoth Cave National Park just to experience it.

Continue Your Adventure

Similar National Parks : For a similar, but also different, cave experience, check out New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns National Park . Or in South Dakota, visit Wind Cave National Park or Jewel Cave National Monument .

Nearby National Parks : Nearby is relative, but if you’re chasing national parks, there’s a few to look into. You have Indiana Dunes National Park to the north, Gateway Arch National Park to the west, and New River Gorge National Park to the east. All are between a five to six hour drive from Mammoth Cave.

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Best Mammoth Cave Tour for Families

With so many cave tours to choose from, how do you know which one is best for your family we break it down in this article with our recommendations for the best mammoth cave tour for your family..

star chamber tour mammoth cave

On the road home from Mammoth Cave National Park, our grandsons were on the phone trying to talk their mom (who stayed home) into a second trip to the caves. Yes, they had that much fun! So we wanted to share the best Mammoth Cave tour for families with you. 

But we almost messed up. There are over a dozen cave tours, and we discovered that not all are kid-friendly or even interesting to kids. Based only on the description on the NPS website, our tour selection could have resulted in a boring trip for the boys (age 10 and 12). Due to a combination of luck and extensive research, we ended up with amazing tours they loved. 

Here are our thoughts on the best and the worst tours for families in Mammoth Cave National Park.

Best Mammoth Cave Tours Based on Your Family

Let’s be realistic; what works for a 2-year-old might not be the best cave tour for your teen. So we’ve broken the tours into categories based on age and mobility to help you choose the Mammoth Cave tours that are best for your family.

Best Overall Mammoth Cave Tour for Families: Domes and Dripstones

Our recommendation is the Domes and Dripstones Tour for a family tour. It’s an interesting tour that will entertain family members of all ages. Our family is still talking about this one.

About the Domes and Dripstones Tour

There are just enough tight squeezes between the rocks that our grandsons felt like they were on a big cave adventure. And the youngest (10)  was the only one to go through some tunnels without ducking.

The Domes and Dripstones Tour also features a collection of stalactites and stalagmites that we all found interesting. The most famous is the dripstone Frozen Niagra, which is stunning. You won’t find the extensive stalactites and stalagmites in Mammoth Caves that we saw in Carlsbad Caverns National Park .

The tour guides share a lot of history along this tour with stories that all ages will enjoy. These sections of Mammoth Cave have been a tourist destination for over 100 years. They also explain the science of the natural formation of the caves in a family-friendly way.

You will get a workout on the Domes and Dripstones Tour as you climb up and down 540 steps. The good news is that the 2-hour tour moves at a meandering pace so that you can take your time on the stairs

Large open cavern on the best mammoth cave tour for families - Domes and Dripstones

Domes and Dripstones might not be good for families with:

  • Independent toddlers who demand exploring on their own. (You know if this is your child.) The narrow passages, deep drops and hundreds of stairs require a tight rein on toddlers.
  • Anyone with health issues, those 540 stairs will give you a good workout. 
  • Someone with extreme claustrophobia might not enjoy it. The tight spaces are not extensive and usually open up to a larger area quickly, so most folks don’t even think about it. But they do exist and should be considered if you have concerns. 

Best Challenging Tour for Your Family: Grand Avenue Tour

The Grand Avenue Tour might be the best tour for your family if your kids are pre-teen to teen and love an adventure. On this 4-hour tour, you cover everything in the Domes and Dripstones Tour plus a lot more!

According to the NPS description : You’ll be “going through slot canyons, tubular passageways, tall canyons, and tunnels sparkled with gypsum”… and you’ll cover “a wide variety of the history and geology of Mammoth Cave”.

We did not take this extended tour because I was concerned the boys couldn’t stay engaged for 4 hours. In hindsight, that was a good call. A 2-hour tour was the limit for the 10-year-old. When evaluating if your kids could handle this 4-hour tour, remember that there is no free exploring; you must stay with and follow the ranger guide. It’s a bit like being in school for 4 hours without a recess, except maybe more interesting than learning how to conjugate verbs.

There is a minimum age of 6 for this tour because of its 4-hour length and the 1300 stairs you will climb. The park rangers have designated this a difficult hike because of all those stairs. However, the tour travels at a comfortable pace, so don’t be frightened by those stairs unless you have a health issue.

Best Easy and Short Tour: Frozen Niagara Tour

The highlight of the Domes and Dripstones Tour is the finale at the Frozen Niagara section of the cave. It’s a beautiful section discovered in 1923. The large draping flowstone appears as a frozen waterfall. This tour is the way to shortcut right to that fantastic site.

The Frozen Niagara Tour lasts a little over an hour, including the short bus ride to and from the entrance. You’ll descend into the cave with only 12 stair steps and a walking distance of ¼ mile.

Although the caving experience is minimal on the Frozen Niagara Tour, it is an easy way to see one of the most famous sites in Mammoth Cave National Park if you have an active toddler or health restrictions. 

Ranger standing outside Mammoth Cave Historic Tour with our grandsons. Boys have thumbs up

Ready for a Second Tour? Family Friendly Cave Tours that Round Out Your Visit

We’d encourage you to take a second tour with your kids while at Mammoth Cave to experience all the park offers. And the best second tour explores the original historical sections of the cave. You have several choices, listed from easiest to most challenging:

  • Easy: Discovery Self Guided Tour
  • Easy to Moderate: Gothic Avenue Tour
  • Moderate: Historic Tour
  • Moderate with extra features: Extended Historic Tour

All of these tours focus on the history of Mammoth Cave. The most impressive part of the tour is the massive open rooms that gave the caves their name. Did you think the caves were named after the animal? Nope… they were named because the early explored sections of the cave were “Mammothly” big.

The tours explore periods when the caves were mined for saltpeter, which was used in gunpowder. Much of the mining equipment was abandoned in the cave. The guides also have abundant stories to tell about early explorers and the first tourists.

The biggest difference between these 4 tours is primarily in how far they travel into the cave system. I recommend only planning to take one tour from this group, choosing the level best suited for your family.

Best History Tour of Mammoth Cave for Families: The Historic Tour

Want to walk through the tunnels that “humans have used for thousands of years”? Then the Historic Tour is for you as you tour many of the originally opened sections of Mammoth Cave. Your guide will regal you with past stories, talking about early explorers and visitors plus the mining operations.

The 2-hour tour travels about 2 miles, first through the large open rooms that made the cave famous. And then you’ll explore deeper into the cave, including tighter spaces. Some might find the steeper inclines and the 540 steps a bit challenging on this tour. But just like our favorite Domes and Dripstones Tour above, it moves at a slow enough pace that visitors in good health should be able to keep up.

We wish we had been able to get tickets for this very popular tour instead of the Gothic Avenue Tour listed below. I think we all would have really enjoyed walking through the deeper caverns.

Best Cave Tour for History Buffs: Extended Historic Tour

For a little more historical information, grab a ticket for the extended Historic Tour, which is the same tour as above with a bonus side trip “to one of the sites of the famous 1840s Mammoth Cave experiment to treat consumption”. 

If you have a few history buffs in your family, it’s worth adding this extra 15 minutes to your tour. But our grandkids would have been happy to skip this section. Know your audience.

Best Quick Tour: Discovery Self-Guided Tour

The Self Guided Tour is only offered when the park is super busy. It’s the option for many people who didn’t realize you needed to order your tour tickets online and in advance. So on busy days, the park opens up the Self Guided Tour with same-day ticket sales only.

Although I think it’s very thoughtful that the park has this overflow option for visitors, I also think the 30-minute Self-Guided Tour is a great option for people who can’t easily participate in a two-hour tour. For that reason, I wish they offered it all the time.

The Self-Guided Tour focuses on the history of the cave. You’ll find signage throughout the trail explaining the artifacts and geology of the cave. You can move at your own pace, but most people complete the tour in less than ½ hour. Rangers are available to answer questions as you travel along the ¾-mile trail. Although rated an easy trail, keep in mind there are 125 stair steps required, and the walk back to the visitor center is a fairly steep graded walkway.

2 boys standing next to cave structure that looks like a throne. From the Gothic Avenue Tour at Mammoth Cave National Park

Best Easy Guided Tour: Gothic Avenue Tour

We embarked on the Gothic Avenue Tour on our second morning at Mammoth Cave National Park. The size of the rooms is astounding. The large open rooms just keep going in this section of the cave. No wonder early visitors were impressed.

The guides shared many stories about the early visitors, explaining the historical graffiti and the early mining operations in great detail. Overall it was an interesting experience.

In hindsight, I would choose the Historic or Extended Historic Tour for our family’s tour. The Gothic Avenue Tour moved too slow for two energetic boys, and they were ready to move on after the first hour. 

Gothic Avenue Tour is Good for:

  • Families with small children because the walkways are wide and there are no steep drops. They can easily walk holding hands with their parents. 
  • Family members who wanted to move at a slower pace. 
  • People with claustrophobia might be able to handle this tour since this cave section is very open. 

Best Mammoth Cave Tours for the Adventurous Family

These 4 tours are restricted to children at least 6 years old. The tours are a bit more challenging and your kids need to be able to listen to and follow instructions for their safety. 

These tours are smaller groups and have a very limited schedule, so make sure you order your tickets as soon as possible. When we ordered our tickets, about 2 weeks prior to our visit to Mammoth Cave, all these were sold out. The information I’m sharing is from the NPS website and Facebook Page since we didn’t have an opportunity to try any of them.

All except the Great Onyx Lantern Tour cover a lot of the sections included in the historic tours so would be a great substitute for families with older children.

Great Onyx Lantern Tour

Great Onyx Cave is not believed to be connected to the Mammoth Cave system, it sits in an area of the park by itself. But because it is unique, tours are offered with only a short bus ride from the visitor’s center. You’ll tour the cave by lamplight, recreating the experience of early visitors.

According to the NPS website description : “Great Onyx Cave houses an abundance of beautiful geologic formations that sparkle in the lantern light of this tour. Visitors on this tour can see many stalactites, stalagmites, gypsum crystals, and helictites.”

Tour walkway along the underground river styx.

River Styx Tour

The River Styx Tour is the same as the Historic Tour with a really cool side trip down to the underground water level. The tour is 2 ½ hours long, covering 2.5 miles.

River Styx flows through and under the Mammoth Cave system, eventually emptying into the Green River. Early visitors to the cave were able to tour this section in a small boat. Because human interaction was affecting the little creatures that live in the river, you can now only walk along the river on a raised platform.

Family climbing out of the Mammoth Cave Tour from the Star Chamber tour. Large flight of stairs leading out into dusk.

Star Chamber Tour

The rangers describe the Star Chamber Tour as an experience rather than site seeing. It’s “an evening tour in Mammoth Cave by lantern light, this winding its way to historic Star Chamber.” The tour is by lantern light to get the feel of what it felt like to be an early explorer walking through the caverns.

The 2 ½ hour tour travels through some of the same areas as the Gothic Avenue and Historic Tour and is only offered in the evening. 

Ranger Guide telling story to children on the Violet City Lantern Tour at Mammoth Cave National Park

Violet City Lantern Tour

“A truly historic way to experience Mammoth Cave, this tour travels exclusively by lantern light.”

For a longer, 3-hour and 3-mile exploration by lantern light, the Violet City Lantern Tour is quite the experience. Although there are only 160 steps, you’ll find several steep walking grades that make this a difficult tour.

Best Mammoth Cave Tour for Families by Age

Here’s a quick recap of which tours are probably best for families of different age groups. Of course, you know your kids best so take into account their unique abilities when selecting your tour.

Best Tour for Families with Babies

Since babies are allowed on most tours if you carry them on your chest, you are then only limited by your own level of fitness. If you can carry your baby for 2 hours going up and down stairs, then the Domes and Dripstones Tour is our top choice.

It’s important to know that the only way to include a baby on a Mammoth Cave NP tour is to carry the baby in a chest harness or chest carrier. Strollers and backpack carriers are not allowed on the tours. Babies are also not allowed on the tours with a 6+ age restriction.

Check the list below for the number of steps and the difficulty level to help you choose.

Best Tour for Families with Toddlers

Families with toddlers have a unique buddle of energy to accommodate. The basic Historic Tour is a good choice. The wider walkways will allow your toddler to walk holding hands with you. The tour often stops at benches for stories which will give you a break.

Be prepared to carry your toddler for some of this tour, 2 hours of walking is a lot for many little ones.

Best Tour for Families with Grade Schoolers

The best tour for school-aged kids is the Domes and Dripstones Tour, which is also our top recommendation for families. The tour has enough variety that kids will love exploring the cave.

Best Tour for Families with Pre-Teens and Teens

Teens will also love the Domes and Dripstones Tour. However, try to add in a second tour for them from the Lanterns tours that take them into parts of Mammoth Cave that few visitors see. They will appreciate the extra side trips that make those tours unique.

List of Mammoth Cave Tours at a Glance

The tours offered at Mammoth Cave can vary based on the season and demand. This is the current list of offerings. Tours may vary seasonally.

Why You Should Trust Us When Planning your Mammoth Cave Trip

Brad and I are on a mission to explore all of the US National Parks. Mammoth Cave National Park was the 33rd park we’ve visited! Before visiting a park like Mammoth Cave, we research like crazy to ensure we are ready to explore, have fun and create great memories. Then we go and do!

This article summarizes our personal experiences in the park, additional research, and all of our pre-visit research. 

The advice you read here is exactly what we’d tell our best friends if they plan a trip to Mammoth Cave! We hope you enjoy your visit to Mammoth Cave National Park.

About Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave National Park is in rural Southern Kentucky. Rolling green hills, dotted with farms and ranches, define the landscape. The aptly named Green River cuts through the park. 

Underneath all of this serene beauty, there is a whole other world of caves. The Mammoth Cave system runs over 450 miles. That makes it the world’s longest cave. The cave is a collection of caverns and tunnels connected by passageways. Over thousands of years, underground rivers and seeping rain have eroded the limestone creating the cave.

It’s estimated that Mammoth Cave might be over 600 miles long, with new passageways yet to be discovered. To be considered part of the same cave, a passageway must exist that a human can pass through. The most recent 50-mile addition was found when water levels dropped in one of the caverns exposing an opening that led to more miles of the cave. Rangers shared that they often join together to explore more of the cave system on their day off… that’s their entertainment!

Boy in cave tunnel in the Mammoth Cave Museum, demonstrates size of some connecting tunnels between caves.

Arrive Early to Explore the Museum

The museum in the Mammoth Cave National Park visitor center is extremely well designed to engage visitors of all ages. Our youngest (10) climbed through the mock cave tunnel repeatedly while our older grandson (12) explored independently. There are many hands-on activities to engage your kids while teaching them about the science and history of the caves.

As always, we had to drag Grandpa Brad out of the museum because he loved the abundance of explainer displays and videos. Mammoth Cave’s museum is one of the best we’ve experienced during our National Park Adventures.

Junior Ranger Program

When we picked up our Junior Ranger booklets in the gift shop, the clerk gave us a tip that all the answers could be found in the museum. Of course, that encourages your kids to search through all the displays. 

I’d suggest you spend 30 minutes in the Museum before your tour to plant a few seeds of knowledge about caves with your kids. Then another 30 minutes after your tour explore and finish their Jr Ranger books.

What to Expect Inside Mammoth Cave


The temperature in the caves is a constant 54 degrees so you might want to bring along a light jacket. Temperatures on the top will vary with the season from cold winters to hot summers.

Formations in the Caves

Stalactites and Stalagmites make their home in many caves. These are the formations you anticipate seeing in caves that result from water dripping over limestone. However, most of the cave is open caverns. You won’t find as many of the beautiful cave structures as you can experience in the caves of Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Size of Tour Groups

Tour size varies from a couple of dozen to over 100 people. The more popular tours will have bigger groups. However, even though our Domes and Dripstones tour comprised of about 110 visitors, we surprisingly didn’t feel crowded.

Bathrooms on Mammoth Cave Tours

Bathrooms on the tours are non-existent. You’ll find beautiful bathrooms at the visitor center so go before you head out. 

Tour Guides

The tour guides are excellent. They come prepared with a variety of stories to tell to illustrate the history and geography of the caves. Our first guide was a college student and our second guide was a retired teacher. Both exhibited a passion for the caves during the tours.

There is no free exploring. You must stay on the paths following the tour guides. They will remind you to not touch the rocks. Some additional rules for your cave tours:

  • Photography is encouraged although you can’t use a flash. Tripods and monopods are not allowed as they will slow up the tour. If you are a professional photographer, you can apply for a special tour, although not many are granted.
  • Child backpack carriers and strollers are not allowed. Feel free to use a front pack for babies.
  • Large backpacks are not allowed. They defined that as “Metal framed backpacks and backpacks that are higher than the shoulder or that are of a length that extends below the hips”
  • Firearms or other weapons
  • Pets (You can kennel for a small fee nearby.)

What to Bring on Your Cave Tour

  • Light Jacket
  • Bottle of water
  • Small snacks are allowed, especially for longer hikes or if you have health concerns.
  • A camera that can be used without flash
  • Closed-toed shoes are best for the metal stairs and extensive walking.
  • Your tickets – they will be checked as you board the buses or enter the caves.

More Information for Planning Your Family’s Mammoth Cave Tours

How to get tickets for your mammoth cave tour.

While tour tickets are available at the visitor center, it is better to purchase your tickets in advance online through . During our visit, tickets for almost all tours were sold out for same-day purchase. So waiting means you may not get in.

You should order your tickets as soon as you are confident in your tour dates. Two weeks prior to our visit there were a lot of tours available, but by the week of our trip, the selection was limited.

How Many Mammoth Cave Tours Should You Plan to Take?

If you can fit it into your schedule, I’d recommend you take at least 2 tours that explore a different section of Mammoth Cave. We scheduled one each morning and then left our afternoon free to explore outside the caves. 

How to Mix and Match Your Cave Tours

There are over a dozen different cave tours. Most tours are not completely unique, many overlap with the ground covered by other tours to capture the highlights of Mammoth Cave. For example, the Gothic Avenue Tour is primarily a subset of the Historic Tour. And the Frozen Niagara Tour is a short tour of the ending point for the Domes and Dripstones Tour.

Is There an Accessible Tour of Mammoth Cave?

Currently, the accessible tour is unavailable due to elevator issues and there is no clear date on when it will be reopened. 

What’s the Best Time of Day to Take a Cave Tour?

The biggest consideration in planning your family trip into the caves is that you and your kids will be a captive audience for the length of the tour. There are no bathrooms and there is no exit mid-tour. Once you start, you have to finish along with the rest of the group.

So the best time to take your tour will be different for every family. Consider when your kids are most able to focus. For example, your 4-year-old that takes afternoon naps is probably better on a morning tour. While a 15-year-old who sleeps in during the summer months might be more engaged right after lunch.

Pets in Mammoth Cave National Park

We were excited to learn that pets are welcome on the outdoor hiking trails in Mammoth Cave National Park. Most National Parks severely restrict pet access. So we originally planned to bring Charlie along on our trip. However, temperatures soared into the high 90s the week of our road trip so we left her with a friend to enjoy the air conditioning. That dog just plain hates hot weather!

While dogs are not allowed on the cave tours, you’ll find shaded outdoor kennels available for your use at the Mammoth Cave Kennels just a short walk from the visitor’s center for a very low fee. There are some restrictions so make sure you read about pets in Mammoth Cave NP before you head out on your road trip.

Where to Stay When Visiting Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave National Park is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. You’ll want a lodging plan before you head that way. Luckily there are great options for both camping and hotels.

Hotels, Motels and More

Inside the park, you can relax at the historic Lodge at Mammoth Cave . It is located directly next to the visitor center and features a mix of modern hotel rooms as well as historic cottages nestled in a woodland setting. All are within walking distance of cave tours and park trails.

Cave City is the nearest town, only about a 15 minute drive. You’ll find a variety of more traditional motels here. You can check Cave City motel availability here.

Campgrounds in Mammoth Cave National Park and Nearby

There are 3 beautiful campgrounds in Mammoth Cave National Park. We camped in the main campground and loved the large well shaded campsite. Make sure you get camping reservations because this park can fill up fast.

Re-capping the Best Mammoth Cave Tour for Families

The best Mammoth Cave tour for families is the Domes and Dripstones tour. We recommend that you combine this tour with one of the historical tours for a fully rounded trip to Mammoth Cave National Park. We’ve also included tips to adjust your tour plans based on your unique family. I hope you have a great time!

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Ladona Stork

The Authors: Hey, we are Ladona and Brad, avid campers and hikers. We are crazy about getting outdoors at every possible moment and have decades of experience exploring nature. Our current goal is to visit all 63 US National Parks and just completed #42. WooHoo! Our mission is to help you plan your own adventures and create memories beyond your imagination!

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FUN! Mammoth Cave National Park lantern tour! Kentucky travel blog

As you can imagine, THE thing to do at Mammoth Cave National Park is to go underground and inside Mammoth Cave!

And one of the ways you can go inside Mammoth Cave is by doing a lantern tour!

And it can be fun to do a lantern tour in Mammoth Cave!

If you do the Mammoth Cave lantern tour, it’s very likely it’ll leave a lasting impression on you!

Quite literally, you will be using a lantern to light your way through the cave!

best mammoth cave tours: lantern tour in mammoth cave national park. Violet City Lantern Tour, the Star Chamber Lantern Tour, Great Onyx Lantern Tour. kentucky travel blog

In other cave tours, the trails are already lighted, so you can see as you’re walking through the cave just fine without holding any sort of lighting yourself.

Which tour is best at Mammoth Cave?

There are different types of Mammoth Cave tours that you can do.

And depending on the park ranger you speak to, you might be told that the best tour is a historic tour… or that the best tour is a formations tour… or that the best tour is a geology tour… or yes, that the best tour is a lantern tour!

mammoth cave lantern tour. national park kentucky

There was one park ranger who said the lantern tour is one of his favorite ways to explore Mammoth Cave.

This park ranger was hesitant to specify any individual cave tour as his favorite.

But he basically said that he likes any of the lantern tours because he likes the experience of walking through the cave by the light of a lantern only.

mammoth cave lantern tour. kentucky travel blog

What are the lantern tours in Mammoth Cave National Park?

There are several Mammoth Cave lantern tours.

The lantern tours in Mammoth Cave National Park include the Violet City Lantern Tour, the Star Chamber Lantern Tour, and the Great Onyx Lantern Tour.

Mammoth Cave National Park lantern tours:

  • The Violet City Lantern Tour is $25 per person. (3 hours, 3 miles, 160 steps, difficult)
  • The Star Chamber Tour is $25 per person. (evening lantern tour, 2.5 hours, 1.5 miles 160 steps, moderate)
  • The Great Onyx Lantern Tour is $23 per person. (2 hours 15 minutes, 1 mile, 82 steps, moderate)

While the Great Onyx Lantern Tour is offered by Mammoth Cave National Park, the tour does not take place in Mammoth Cave itself. You will be exploring another Kentucky cave called the Great Onyx Cave.

River Styx lantern

river styx tour lantern, mammoth cave. mammoth cave lantern tour. kentucky travel blog

My lantern experience inside Mammoth Cave was by doing the River Styx Tour.

While you won’t be walking most of Mammoth Cave by lantern on the River Styx Tour , there is a small portion in which you will use only a lantern to light your way too.

Nearing the actual River Styx area of Mammoth Cave, it’s a lantern tour to go the final portion to River Styx! 

mammoth cave lantern tour. kentucky travel blog

I didn’t do a full “lantern tour” in Mammoth Cave National Park, but it did do a “lantern tour” at Jewel Cave National Monument , and it was fun!

So I can very much imagine that if you choose to do a lantern tour in Mammoth Cave National Park, you will have fun with it too!

What to wear to a Mammoth Cave lantern tour

It is said that inside Mammoth Cave is consistently in the mid-50s.

So, you will likely want to wear a sweatshirt or light jacket inside Mammoth Cave.

Also because you will be walking a lot, you will want to wear good walking shoes inside Mammoth Cave.

Also while we are talking about what to wear, we will also talk about what not to wear on your next cave trip after Mammoth Cave!

Take a full-body picture of yourself when you are inside Mammoth Cave!

This way, you will know what NOT to wear the next time you go inside a cave!

There’s a disease that’s deadly to bats that is known to exist in Mammoth Cave called white-nose syndrome. (This doesn’t affect humans at all.)

White-nose syndrome is thought to have been mostly spread from cave to cave by humans who have entered a cave with the fungus and then tracked it into another cave.

This is why it’s best not to wear the same shoes (or even clothes) that you wore into Mammoth Cave into any other cave in the world.

The most serious park I went to, Craters of the Moon National Monument , didn’t want you wearing ANYTHING into the Craters of the Moon caves that you wore into any cave in the last 15 years!

It was literally a question that was asked upon entry to the park!

So, by taking a picture of yourself, you’ll know what you wore into Mammoth Cave so you’ll know what not to wear to another cave!

Save the bats!

Why save the bats?!

And that’s a little bit about doing a Mammoth Cave lantern tour!

I walked through Mammoth Cave with a lantern in May 2022. Your experience may vary!

More for planning your trip to Mammoth Cave:

  • Best Mammoth Cave tours
  • Mammoth Cave discovery tour
  • Mammoth Cave frozen niagara
  • Mammoth Cave fat man’s misery
  • Above ground: Things to do in Mammoth Cave National Park

More national parks with caves:

  • Wind Cave National Park
  • Jewel Cave National Monument
  • Craters of the Moon National Monument


lantern cave tour in kentucky. mammoth cave national park

These Tours Of Kentucky's Mammoth Cave Are Worth Taking, Ranked By Difficulty


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These Tours Of Kentucky's Mammoth Cave Are Worth Taking, Ranked By Difficulty

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Frozen niagara tour, domes & dripstones tour: very easy to moderate, historic tour: easy, grand avenue tour: moderate to difficult, violet city tour & star chamber tour: moderate, river styx tour: moderate, wild cave tour: difficult, accessible cave tour.

Mammoth Cave is one of the most well-known landmark features in Kentucky. The cave has a long history within the state and has kept many travelers intrigued by its slightly unusual and captivating caverns, which span 400 miles underground. It's also known as the world's largest cave system , and this, alone, spurs a fascination that is rarely seen with other, smaller caves.

Related: Krubera Cave Is The World's Deepest, And Getting To The Bottom Isn't Even The Half Of It

What's perhaps even more peculiar about this cave system is that its above-ground surroundings are just as intriguing. Some tours allow visitors to wind their way through one of many hiking trails that wind through the woodland forests in the region, making for a very full-on adventure. Visitors must sign up for a tour in order to see the caves and trust us when we say it's worth it. Not only will guests be able to navigate the caverns with a pro leading the way, but they'll also gain an interesting insight into the history of Mammoth Cave.


Mammoth Cave continues to be one of the most fascinating underground cavern systems in the world. While tours are ongoing throughout the year and change according to cave conditions and availability, one thing remains the same: It's entirely worth visiting. We've updated this feature to include relevant information such as tour prices, detailed difficulty levels, walking distance, and any other details one might need to know prior to choosing one. The hope is that this will make planning a future trip easier, and will provide visitors with an idea of what to expect whenever they do.

Both of these tours are ranked as being fairly easy since they don't encompass as many steps as the others. The Frozen Niagara Tour is great for those who are still unsure about how deep they want to go into Mammoth Cave, and it's only a quarter-mile tour. Additionally, this tour is much shorter than the others, taking only about an hour and 15 minutes to complete. Visitors have the option to complete the full 98 steps but are only required to take 12. The shuttle bus takes roughly a half-hour to the site of the tour, and visitors have the chance to see formations in the Frozen Niagara section of the cave as well as the Drapery Room.

Similarly, Domes & Dripstones takes visitors on a limited tour, but this one goes a bit deeper, with a total length of three-quarters of a mile and a time span of two hours. Visitors will see the same cavern sections with the addition of unique formations they'll be walking past as opposed to taking the shuttle straight to Frozen Niagara.

Frozen Niagara Tour Details

  • Duration: 1.25 hours
  • Distance: 0.25 miles (0.4 km)
  • Total Stairs: 12, plus an optional 98
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
  • Restrooms: No
  • Fees: $18 Adults, $14 Youth, $9 Senior Pass Holder, $9 Access Pass Holder.

Domes & Dripstones Tour Details

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 0.75 miles (1.2 km)
  • Total Stairs: 500, including 280 on the initial staircase descent
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Fees: $21 Adults, $16 Youth, $10.50 Senior Pass Holder, $10.50 Access Pass Holder.

When choosing any tour, one that includes a ton of history is always the best bet. The Mammoth Cave Historic Tour is by far the most popular and one of the mid-length tours (some take up to six hours!), with a length of two hours covering a span of two miles. This is a great tour for newcomers to cave systems as well as Mammoth Cave; starting at the main entrance of the cave, guests will take 440 steps down into the cave itself to explore several major features.

Included are stops at Mammoth Dome, Bottomless Pit, Fat Man's Misery (squeezing in tight spaces required), Tall Man's Misery (crouching required), and some saltpeter mines. A 200-year history will be discussed throughout the tour, and it's by far one of the most beginner-friendly treks offered by the cave.

The Grand Avenue Tour comes in at a moderate ranking because it is four hours long, and covers a distance of four miles. There are bathroom stops included on this tour, and, along the way, visitors will see Cleveland Avenue, Boone Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, and Mt. McKinley before ending in Frozen Niagara and the Drapery room. This is a great option for those who want to see the lesser-explored parts of the cave.

Grand Avenue Tour Details

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Distance: 4 miles (6.4 km)
  • Total Stairs: 1313
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Ages: 6 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
  • Restrooms: Yes
  • Fees: $35 Adults, $27 Youth, $17.50 Senior Pass Holder, $17.50 Access Pass Holder.

The Violet City Tour takes travelers down into the cave by lantern light to see some of the most famous and notable signatures that have been left on the walls throughout history. Along the way, the tour overlaps parts of Gothic Avenue, the Historic Tour, Star Chamber, and Mammoth Passage Tours. The tour lasts about three hours over a span of three miles.

Alternatively, the Star Chamber Tour covers many of the same features, but it is shorter at a length of two and a half hours, covering a distance of one and a half miles.

Violet City Tour Details

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Distance: 3 miles (4.8 km)
  • Total Stairs: 160 and numerous hills with no handrails.
  • Tickets available for each tour time: 38
  • Fees: $25 Adults, $20 Youth, $12.50 Senior Pass Holder, $12.50 Access Pass Holder.

Star Chamber Tour Details

  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Distance: 2 miles (3.2 km)
  • Total Stairs: 160
  • Tickets available for each tour time: 40

For anyone interested in the cave's water features, the River Styx Tour is the way to go. This tour takes two and a half hours, covering two and a half miles through the cavern's most impressive lakes and flowing waters.

The Dead Sea, Lake Lethe, and River Styx are all included.

River Styx Tour Details

  • Distance: 2.5 miles (4 km)
  • Total Stairs: Approximately 600, including 155 at Mammoth Dome.
  • Restrooms: No, restrooms are temporarily unavailable on this tour.
  • Tickets available for each tour time: 30
  • Fees: $22 Adults, $16 Youth, $11 Senior Pass Holder, $11 Access Pass Holder.

The longest and most strenuous hike is the Wild Cave Tour which takes visitors through the experience as though they were cave explorers, themselves.

The tour is six hours long and traverses a distance of six miles, feeling much more like an underground hike. Belly crawling, rock scrambling, climbing, and narrow passageways are all part of this tour for the truly adventurous. Visitors receive knee pads and a hard hat, and it should be booked in advance to avoid choosing a sold-out date.

This tour is open to anyone who has mobility issues and features elevators rather than stairs throughout the tour. Guests will see the Grand Avenue route of the cave over the span of two hours, covering a total distance of half a mile.

No matter which tour one chooses when visiting Kentucky's famous Mammoth Cave, it's certain to be an experience that they'll remember. As one of the most unique cave systems on earth, it's worth the price of a tour - and worth the effort it takes to get there.

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Consider the Wonders

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Cave Tours at Mammoth Cave NP

star chamber tour mammoth cave

You must be ready to go and explore the wonder of Mammoth Cave.  It’s an incredible experience for all, but with so many tour options, which one is for you.  Below, you’ll find brief descriptions for every tour Mammoth Cave offers.  Please note that not every tour is always available.  It’s important to check the TOUR SCHEDULE for current offerings before your trip.  Another important thing to do, make a RESERVATION for a tour.  Some of the most popular tours can fill up very quickly so be sure to make a reservation, which you can do up to 6 months in advance.

star chamber tour mammoth cave


< 1 mile tours.


This tour is designed for anyone with a disability or limited mobility as it has NO STAIRS .  It is an easy, 2 hour tour for all ages.


This tour is the self-guided version of the Mammoth Passage Tour and is great for anyone who isn’t a big fan of tours.  It’s an easy, 30 minute tour for all ages.


This tour has 500 total stairs and is a very popular tour at the park.  It includes the entire Frozen Niagara Tour as well as parts of the Grand Avenue.  It’s a moderate, 2 hour tour for all ages.


This is one of the most famous areas of the cave.  If you would prefer a short hike and only 12 stairs, this is the tour for you.  It’s an easy, 1 hour and 15 minute tour for all ages.


Want more time for the perfect photo of Frozen Niagara? Take this tour after the Visitor Center closes.  It’s an easy 1 hour and 30 minute tour for all ages.


This tour enters through the Historic Entrance and goes to some of the largest rooms in the cave.  If you’re not a big fan of tight spaces, this would be a good tour for you.  It’s an easy, 1 hour and 15 minute tour for all ages.

1 - 2 Mile Tours


This tour is for the history lovers.  It begins at the Historic Entrance and offers additional sites from the Historic Tour.  It is an easy, 2 hour tour for all ages.


This tour has geology and history with its sparkling walls and unique passageways.  It does have 200 stairs both at the beginning and end so keep that in mind.  It’s a moderate, 2 hour and 30 minute tour for all ages.


Do you like architecture?  You’ll see some unique formations on this tour that focuses on history.  It’s a moderate, 2 hour tour for all ages.

Experience a different cave on this lantern tour.  You’ll see unusual rock formations with the help of the glow from your lantern and learn about early Kentucky cave tourism.  This is a moderate, 2 hour and 15 minute tour for those 6 years and older.


The classic, original tour of Mammoth Cave.  Experience lots of stairs and some tight spaces as you make your way to the room that gave Mammoth Cave its name.  This is a moderate, 2 hour tour for all ages.


Want to see a little more of the cave?  Take the extended tour if you have extra time.  This is a moderate 2 hour and 15 minute tour for all ages.


Crawl and climb through the cave and learn about caving safely on this tour.  Hiking boots are required.  This is a strenuous, 3 hour and 30 minute tour for those 10 years and older.


This is a lantern lit tour in the evenings and goes to some of the historic areas of the cave. No flashlight use on this tour.  It is a moderate, 2 hour and 30 minute tour for those 6 years and older.

An off-trail crawling adventure for kids ages 8 to 12 years old.  Climb, slide, and belly crawl your way around the cave.  Parents must attend the beginning and end of the tour.  This is a moderate, 2 hour and 45 minute tour for those 8 to 12 years old.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

2+ Mile Tours


For all the geology lovers our there, this tour is for you.  Canyons, tube passageways, and tunnels await you on this tour.  This is a strenuous, 4 hour tour for those 6 years and older.  

Want more geology experiences? Take this in-depth tour.  It is a moderate, 2 hour and 30 minute tour for all ages.


Are you looking to combine hiking and caving?  This tour is ideal for those who enjoy that!  It’s a strenuous, 3 hour tour for those 6 years and older.

Take an all day, extreme adventure through the cave as you make your way through the challenging obstacles of the cave. This is a strenuous, 6 hour tour for those 16 years and older.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

I would highly encourage you to take deep dive into the cave tour descriptions which you can find by clicking on any of the tour names above or heading to the Mammoth Cave National Park Cave Tours WEBSITE .  Read the descriptions carefully and know what you’re getting into.  Most of tours have stairs, tight spaces, and crowds.  Check all the details so you can make the best decision for yourself.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

If you have time while at the park, we would encourage you to take the self-guided DISCOVERY TOUR or the MAMMOTH PASSAGE TOUR to start and then choose an additional tour to experience more of the cave.  If you go on 2 or even 3 of the short tours, you can really experience all that Mammoth Cave has to offer.  It’s a beautiful thing to see.

star chamber tour mammoth cave

Consider the Wonders is a travel blog intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV, travel, or hiking experts and are not making recommendations.   These are our opinions and you should do your own research and make your own decisions.

Consider the Wonders is not affiliated with Mammoth Cave National Park or the National Park Service.

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The Adventures of Trail & Hitch

Two geeks, two cats in an airstream., best cave tours of mammoth cave.

Travel Adventures , Washington DC - Trail (Anne) - July 10, 2021

After writing a lengthy article on “ How to Visit Mammoth Cave National Park ,” I feel that I should make suggestions as to which cave tours to go on. We spent two weeks in the Mammoth Cave area and got to go on many of the major tours.

Historic Tour or River Styx Tour

I enjoyed the Historic Tour the most, out of all that we attended. We started at the Lodge Rotunda for a quick orientation before hiking down to the Historic Entrance. Our rangers guided us at an even pace, stopping every so often to tell a story or to point out a classic Mammoth Cave landmarks, which were visited by historical figures of the 1800s and early 1900s.

Highlights include crossing bridges over both Sidesaddle Pit and Bottomless Pit, squeezing through Fat Man’s Misery, crouching down into Tall Man’s Agony, and finally climbing up The Tower to view Ruins of Karnack and the great Mammoth Dome. Overall a fantastic tour featuring both history and cave decoration viewing.

At the time, I really wanted to take the River Styx Tour, which also includes the Historic Tour but then takes a side path down to an underground river. As much as I love history, I would have also enjoyed learning about the geology of Mammoth Cave. Sadly during our visit NPS closed the River Styx area due to a recent flood.

Up The Tower to Mammoth Dome

Violet City Lantern Tour

If you love history and wish to explore Mammoth Cave as they did in the past, then Violet City Lantern Tour is perfect.

A German mining engineer by the name of Max Kämper discovered a passage in 1918, along with his cave guide, Edwin Bishop. Together they crawled through a narrow passageway connecting Ultima Thule and Kämper’s Hall, which he named after himself. Today that passage area is known as Violet City, named after the cave owner’s wife, Violet Blair Janin.

From the shelters outside the visitor center, our ranger gave out lanterns before hiking down to the Historic Entrance. We passed landmarks we’ve seen on other shorter tours, such as the Rotunda, Broadway Avenue, and Giant’s Coffin.

Along the Main Cave just past Giant’s Coffin, we ventured into new territory. We saw the remains of old underground huts which housed Turburciolsis patients. Further down, we enter an underground canyon known as the Star Chamber, where the roof seems to rise about 20 or 30 feet above the ground and mimics a starry night. At a place called the Cataracts, we passed a subterranean waterfall pouring out of a hole in the ceiling.

Violet City Lantern Tours

At one point, after passing a 2000-year-old petroglyph, we end up at a spot where a 1935 work crew found the mummified remains of a Palio-Indian. Nicknamed “Lost John,” the National Park Service considered the 5-foot-3-inch man a major archaeological find and exhibited his body until 1976 when federal law prohibited the display of Indian human remains. The Rangers re-interred Lost John in a hidden location near where he was found.

Violet CIty

Near Ultima Thule, we climbed up and through the Grand Portal, a 60-foot wide and 50-foot high passage leading to Kämper’s Hall and Violet City. Sadly our lamps lacked sufficiency to illuminate the huge hall, but we saw dripstone formations, stalactites hanging down from the dark, and curtains of calcite. If you ask nicely, maybe your ranger will let you shine a flashlight on the Marble Temple, which is a flowstone wall decorated by stalactites on either side. We also passed several domes and Bishop’s Pit before climbing up and out a man-made tunnel to Violet City’s Exit.

Important Cave Touring Tip: Do not tailgate the person before. Since the cave path is dark and only lit by lanterns, keep an eye out for when the person before you stops or slows down. If you are a fast walker, I suggest going to the back of the group. That way you can pause longer, and catch-up quickly. If you are slow, move up front with the ranger who sets the pace for the group.

We pause for a rest and a history lesson

Grand Avenue Tour

Grand Avenue demands endurance from any hiker, but you’ll be rewarded with fascinating cave decorations and a wealth of stories as told by your ranger. Thankfully, our rangers were kind enough to go at an even pace and provide frequent stops along the way. We enjoyed this tour for its exceptional overview of the size and intricacy of the Mammoth Cave System.

After our orientation at the visitor center shelters, we took a short bus trip to the Carmicheal Entrance. This man-made passageway goes downward and into an area known as Cleaveland Avenue. The low ceiling tunnel felt long and unending, especially in low light. Here the walls showed evidence of an underground river now long gone.

Snowball room in Mammoth Cave – courtesy of

Snowballs & Grapes

After about a mile, we ended up in the Snowball Room. In this cavern, the ceiling is dotted with mineral lumps similar to snowballs in shape. These gypsum “blisters” formed as the mineral pushed outward into the cave by more gypsum forming in a layer just behind the surface. Beneath the faux snow roof, rows of tables stand ready to serve those who need a break. Our ranger tells us during certain times of the year, the Snowball room serves food. Just passed the Snowball Room, we entered an area called Mary’s Vineyard. Here the cave displays grapelike formations in the limestone deposits on the cave ceiling. As water carrying calcium carbonite drops downward, the water precipitates clusters of minerals, suspended in grape-like formations from the ceiling.

Gypsum Flowers & Flowstones

Our ranger then lead us to steep-walled Boone’s Avenue, a good example of one of the cave passages formed by water. Along the walls, there is past evidence of fast moving water, working its way down along a mild slope into deeper portions the cave. Through the winding channels, we arrived at Kentucky Avenue where the most fantastic gypsum crystals and needles can be found. Then at Grand Central Station, where at least five passages converge, we pause for our ranger to explain how this intersection of joints came to be. Our group then moved into the upper cave levels, where we finally got to see a fascinating variety of dripstone and flowstone formations such as the Frozen Niagara, Drapery Room, and Onyx Colonnade. All of it made a fine reward for the longest trip in Mammoth Cave.

Gypsum Flowers on Kentucky Avenue

Great Onyx Cave Lantern Tour

In 1915, Edmund Turner discovered Great Onyx Cave just after agreeing to be a shareowner with Flint Ridge landowner L. P. Edwards. As soon as Edwards agreed, Turner showed him where to dig, and resulted in the Great Onyx Cave, so named because of its cave onyx formations. Together, Turner continued to explore the cave while Edwards rushed to commercialize it.

At first, the owners of Great Onyx Cave refused to sell their land when the federal government in the 1930s, when it was making land purchases for the formation of Mammoth Cave National Park. When the National Park was established in 1941, Great Onyx Cave remained a privately held “island” within the Park’s borders. In January 1961, the owners finally sold Great Onyx Cave to the National Park Service. Today, you can take tours to the Great Onyx Cave depending on the season.

Great Onyx Cave Entrance

Despite search efforts, cave explorers have yet to find a connection between Great Onyx Cave to the rest of the Flint Ridge Cave System and Mammoth Cave. In fact, passages in the Flint Ridge Cave System pass beneath surveyed passages of Great Onyx Cave. During the cave’s commercialization, the owners most likely piled rocks and sand against the walls during their trail construction. During construction, it’s possible that they blocked off passages which might have connected to Mammoth Cave.

Although there are 8 mapped miles of Great Onyx Cave, you’ll only see a fraction of it. For those who love cave decorations, Great Onyx Cave is the tour you’ll want. Sadly, you’ll have to examine this geologic attraction by lantern light, putting a shadowy backdrop for an amazing yet abundant volume of dripstone gypsum, helictite formations, and travertine flowstones.

Great Onyx Cave

Mammoth Self-Guided Discovery Tour

If you have only time for a short visit to Mammoth Caves, I suggest the self-paced Discovery Tour. They usually offer this tour during the summer months and on weekends during spring and fall. You’ll visit the Rotunda, one of the largest rooms in the cave, and explore a Houchins Narrows and Audobon Avenue. Visitors will learn about 19th-century saltpeter mining operations and the geologic origins of Mammoth Cave from one of the many rangers stationed about the cave. Sadly you cannot reserve this tour online, the NPS only sells tickets daily and on a first-come-first-served base.

Saltpeter Sites

Wild Cave Tour

If you are up for an adventure, take the “extremely strenuous” Wild Cave Tour. They offer this tour daily in the summertime for adults only. After you pass the “42-inch-diameter-narrow-fit” test, they go through a detailed orientation on gear and safety. You’ll get overalls, gloves, and a hardhat with a headlamp. You’ll be crawling a majority of the 5-miles that this tour covers, so it’s not for the faint-hearted. At one section, you must traverse a slippery ledge while leaning across the chasm to put your hands on the far wall to balance yourself, then sidestep down the slope. Important: If you’re don’t like heights, super enclosed spaces or darkness, do not go on the Wild Cave Tour! Those who are relatively fit, and little to no fears of such things, will thoroughly enjoy this amazing experience.

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About author / trail (anne).

An attentive wife, lover of geekish things, avid blogger, amateur photographer, and a freelance web developer & desktop publisher for hire who is seeking wisdom through the passions of adventure.

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We’re planning a trip to Mammoth Cave in early April. We love the idea of the violet city lantern tour. However I’m a little claustrophobic and wanted to ensure that the trails, paths, etc had plenty of overhead headspace. Please advise. Thanks

I would advise against it. There are a few places where we had to duck and squeeze through passages. If you want a cave tour that has plenty of overhead space I suggest visiting Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico.

You can’t help NOT love the park & caves! Enjoy them both & treat them with respect- for all our families& friends-You won’t regret it! Thanks-A Friend From Michigan! You all are GREAT!

I know! You’re totally right: respect nature — especially if you wish them to last through the generations to come. National parks are a fantastic legacy that America has to offer.

Amazing pictures and wonderful overview of the tours.

Thanks! Spending two weeks at Mammoth allowed us to take nearly all the tours. With the exception of a few tours only run certain seasons.

Very, very cool. I love that the NPS reinterred Lost John, too. I think they’ve done a pretty good job handling things like that.

I think everyone can learn a thing or two about the graceful way rangers respect historical artifacts and nature. I really admire them for that.

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The Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park

Are you ready to explore the hidden wonders of Mammoth Cave National Park? Join us on the Star Chamber Tour, where you will be guided through the majestic chambers and passages of the world’s longest known cave system. This unique experience offers a glimpse into the breathtaking beauty and natural history of the cave, making it a must-see attraction for all adventure seekers. Book your tour today and discover the magic of the Star Chamber in Mammoth Cave National Park .

History of the Star Chamber Tour

The Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience. This tour takes guests on a journey through one of the most stunning natural wonders in the world. The history of the Star Chamber Tour dates back to its discovery and the subsequent development of the tour experience.

Discovery of the Star Chamber

The Star Chamber was discovered in Mammoth Cave in the early 19th century by early explorers. Its name comes from the twinkling effect created by the gypsum crystals that cover the chamber walls and ceiling. The beauty and mystery of the Star Chamber have captivated visitors for centuries, making it a must-see destination in Mammoth Cave National Park.

Development of the Tour Experience

Over the years, the Star Chamber Tour has evolved to provide visitors with a truly immersive experience. Visitors can now embark on guided tours that take them deep into the cave system, where they can explore the wonders of the Star Chamber up close. Knowledgeable guides lead guests through the dark and narrow passageways, sharing the history and geology of the cave along the way.

Notable Features of the Star Chamber

One of the most striking features of the Star Chamber is the dazzling display of gypsum crystals that adorn the walls and ceiling. These crystals sparkle and shimmer in the dim light, creating a magical and otherworldly atmosphere. Visitors can also marvel at the unique rock formations and geological formations that have been shaped by millions of years of natural processes.

Overall, the Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park offers a one-of-a-kind experience that allows visitors to connect with the natural world in a meaningful way. Whether you’re a seasoned cave explorer or a first-time visitor, the Star Chamber Tour is sure to leave you in awe of the beauty and wonder of Mammoth Cave.

Preparing for the Star Chamber Tour

Before embarking on the Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park, there are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Ticket Reservations

It is highly recommended to make advance reservations for the Star Chamber Tour, as this popular tour tends to fill up quickly. Reservations can be made online through the official Mammoth Cave National Park website or by calling the visitor center. Be sure to book your tickets well in advance to secure your spot on the tour.

What to Bring

When preparing for the Star Chamber Tour, be sure to pack some essential items to enhance your experience. It is recommended to bring a flashlight or headlamp, as the cave can be quite dark in certain areas. Comfortable walking shoes with good traction are also a must, as the cave terrain can be uneven and slippery. Additionally, be sure to dress in layers as the cave temperature can be cool and damp.

Safety Guidelines

Safety is a top priority on the Star Chamber Tour, so it is important to adhere to the following guidelines. Stay with your tour group at all times and listen to your guide’s instructions. Avoid touching any formations or wildlife within the cave to preserve the delicate ecosystem. Be mindful of your surroundings and watch your step to prevent any slips or falls. Lastly, be prepared for confined spaces and low ceilings throughout the tour.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park.

Exploring the Star Chamber

Located deep within Mammoth Cave National Park, the Star Chamber is a hidden gem that mesmerizes visitors with its unique beauty. This underground chamber is adorned with sparkling gypsum crystals that resemble a starry night sky, hence its name. Exploring the Star Chamber is a must for any visitor looking to experience the wonders of Mammoth Cave.

Guided Tour Information

To visit the Star Chamber, visitors can join a guided tour led by experienced park rangers. These tours provide valuable insights into the geological formations of the cave and the history of the Star Chamber. The tour typically lasts for about 2 hours and covers a moderate level of difficulty, making it suitable for most visitors.

Highlights of the Tour

During the guided tour of the Star Chamber, visitors can expect to see a variety of stunning formations, including the famous gypsum crystals that give the chamber its name. The tour also includes stops at other notable attractions within Mammoth Cave National Park, providing a comprehensive overview of the park’s natural beauty.

Visitor Experiences

Visitors who have explored the Star Chamber rave about the otherworldly beauty of the gypsum crystals and the peaceful atmosphere of the underground chamber. Many describe the experience as awe-inspiring and unforgettable, making it a highlight of their visit to Mammoth Cave National Park. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned explorer, the Star Chamber tour is sure to leave you with lasting memories.

In conclusion, the Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park offers visitors a unique and unforgettable underground experience. From exploring the fascinating history of the cave to witnessing the stunning beauty of the Star Chamber itself, this tour is sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether you are a seasoned cave explorer or a first-time visitor, the Star Chamber Tour is a must-see attraction in Mammoth Cave National Park. Plan your visit today and prepare to be amazed by the wonders that lie beneath the surface.

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star chamber tour mammoth cave

Fun and Exciting Things to Do Mammoth Cave National Park

T here is never a bad time to visit Mammoth Cave National Park since the underground temperature is fairly consistent year-round and stays between 55 and 58 degrees Fahrenheit. Even after a rain shower, the cave takes on new life when the water trickles in through many of the surface runoffs.

Mammoth Cave offers a variety of cave tours throughout the year that is guided by park rangers. Please note that tours and times are subject to change and may be seasonal.

If you are planning to take a cave tour while at Mammoth Cave National Park , it is strongly recommended that you make your reservations in advance by calling the reservation line at 1-800-967-2283.

These tours have a tendency to book up quickly. The local time zone for Mammoth Cave is Central Standard Time. Cave tours are offered every day except Christmas Day and tickets must be picked up at the visitor center at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure. Any reservation cancellations or unsold tickets may also be available at the Visitor Center shortly before the scheduled departure time as well. All tours begin and end at the Visitor Center.

The Historic Tour

The Historic Tour is two hours long and is a 2-mile strenuous tour. On this tour, visitors may view artifacts left by Native Americans, discover mining operation ruins, and see evidence of early explorers. Visitors must descend and climb over 130 stairs on a steel tower. Not recommended for people with a fear of heights or closed spaces. This tour is limited to 120 people.

The Frozen Niagara Tour

The Frozen Niagara Tour is two hours long and is a strenuous three-quarter mile tour. Visitors ride a bus to the entrance and are able to view huge pits, domes, decorative dripstone formations, stalactites, and stalagmites. Highlights include Crystal Lake, Onyx Colonnade, Onyx Chamber, and Frozen Niagara. Visitors must descend about 300 steps and walk along steep terrain. Not recommended for people with a fear of heights or closed spaces or who cannot climb steps. This tour is limited to 120 people.

The Discovery Tour

The Discovery Tour is half an hour long and a moderate three-quarter mile tour. Visitors explore a large canyon passage, visit one of the largest rooms in the cave, learn about 19th Century saltpeter mining operations, and learn about the geologic origins of Mammoth Cave. Visitors must be able to climb and descend a stairway with over 60 steps. This tour is designed for people who cannot participate in longer tours and is only offered when visitation warrants.

The Travertine Tour

The Travertine Tour is an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes and is an easy quarter-mile tour. Visitors ride a bus to the Frozen Niagara entrance and view some of the cave’s geologic artistry including stalactites and stalagmites. They must be able to climb a minimum of 18 steps with an additional 98 steps being optional. This tour is designed for people with difficulty walking and for people with infants or small children. The tour capacity is 40 people.

The Violet City Lantern Tour at Mammoth Cave National Park

The Violet City Lantern Tour lasts three hours and is a strenuous three-mile tour. The first half-mile follows the route of the Historic Tour. Visitors follow the path of famous explorers on a nostalgic tour by the light of coal-oil lanterns. No flashlights are allowed. They view the site of former saltpeter mining operations, evidence of prehistoric exploration, ruins of a tuberculosis hospital, and some of the largest rooms and passageways in the cave. This tour is limited to 60 people.

The Grand Avenue Tour

The Grand Avenue Tour is four and a half hours long. It is a very strenuous 4-mile route. This tour overlaps portions of the Frozen Niagara and Travertine Tours. Visitors hike through avenues that represent four separate aspects of cave formation.

The trip begins with a bus ride to Carmichael Entrance. This tour is not recommended for people with physical limitations since there are over 500 stairs to climb and steep switchback trails. There is a scheduled 35-minute lunch break at the Snowball Room and food may be purchased. Restrooms are also available. Children must be at least 6 years old to take this tour. The tour is limited to 120 people.

The Wild Cave Tour

The Wild Cave Tour is an extremely strenuous 5 and a half-mile tour that lasts from six to six and a half hours. Participants must be 16 years or older and may be asked for identification to show proof of age. They must also have a chest size of no more than 42 inches in order to fit through the tight spaces. Visitors climb, crawl, and squeeze through passages and are provided with helmets and lights.

Kneepads are also available or you may bring your own. Hard plastic or roller blade type kneepads are not allowed. High-top shoes or boots that cover the ankles and have lug or deeply treaded soles are required. Long pants and gloves are recommended as well. Visitors should bring lunch and a small water bottle in a small pack. Restrooms are available. This tour is limited to 14 people and tickets held at the “Will Call” desk must be picked up 30 minutes prior to departure or they will be released for resale.

The Introduction to Caving Tour

The Introduction to Caving Tour is designed for youth, adults, and families to learn and explore the basic responsibilities of caving. Helmets with lights are provided and there is a lot of stooping, bending, and crawling through cave passages. Visitors may bring their own kneepads however, hard plastic or roller blade type kneepads are not allowed.

High-top shoes or boots that cover the ankles and have lug or deeply treaded soles are required. Long pants and gloves are recommended as well. Youths must be at least 10 years old and an adult must accompany anyone under 16. This tour is limited to 20 people and tickets held at the “Will Call” desk must be picked up 30 minutes prior to departure or they will be released for resale.

The Making of Mammoth Tour

The Making of Mammoth Tour is a strenuous two-and-a-half-mile tour that lasts about two and a half hours. Two miles of the passageway on this tour overlaps the Historic Tour’s route.

This tour is not recommended for people who have a fear of heights or are in closed spaces. Visitors must climb and descend a steel tower that has over 130 steps. The tour will examine the cave’s ancient origins which date back 325 million years and look at the way the cave formations are still ongoing even today. The tour is limited to 60 people.

The Mobility Impaired Tour

The Mobility Impaired Tour is designed for physically impaired visitors who are unable to participate in other cave tours. They will ride in a van to the elevator entrance, descend into the cave, and see tubular passages with delicately encrusted gypsum walls. The tour is an easy one-mile route that lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Two wheelchairs are available for use. The restrooms however are not wheelchair accessible. This tour is limited to 9 people. Special tours are also available for those who have hearing and/or speech impairments. On these tours, the guides use sign language to enhance the enjoyment and understanding of the tour.

If you are not sure which tour is right for you or which ones are being offered when you are planning your visit, you may call the information line at 1-800-346-8908. This line is available seven days a week and provides information regarding tours at Mammoth Cave National Park and some other exciting cave adventures in the Mammoth Cave area.

Of note, there are certain precautions currently in place due to the spread of the White-Nose Syndrome in Bats. You will be required to sanitize your shoes along with other measures to help prevent the further spread of this disease. You can check the National Parks Service website for Mammoth Cave for up-to-date information on this disease that is afflicting the Bats of Mammoth Cave.

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There is never a bad time to visit Mammoth Cave National Park since the underground temperature is fairly consistent year-round and stays between 55 and 58 degrees Fahrenheit. Even after a rain shower, the cave takes on new life when the water trickles in through many of the surface runoffs. Mammoth Cave offers a variety of cave tours throughout the […]

Domes and Dripstones Tour

Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

This classic tour visits areas of Mammoth Cave that have been used for nearly 100 years. This tour begins in a sinkhole, passes through huge domes, amazing breakdown, and ends in the dripstone section known as Frozen Niagara. Please note that this tour ascends and descends hundreds of stairs and several steep inclines, which can be difficult for many visitors, as there are no alternative routes. Focusing on the natural formation of the cave, this tour is ideal for people interested in science and wanting to see stalactites and stalagmites.  96 of the 734 stair steps is optional.

Select a date to see a list of times

Need to Know

All tours begin at the Visitor Center. Tickets must be picked up 30 minutes prior to tour time. No refunds for no shows or late arrivals.

If you have a fear of heights or suffer from claustrophobia, this tour is not the best choice for you. Visitors with known heart or respiratory conditions, poor circulation or difficulty walking long distances and negotiating stairs should carefully consider their limitations. Evacuation from the cave to a hospital for medical attention could take several hours.

Mammoth Cave National Park is located in the central time zone and observes daylight savings time.

Do not rely exclusively on your mobile GPS, Google Maps, or similar automated navigation systems to get to the park Visitor Center in time for your cave tour. Routes can be misleading and incorrect. Directions from the North: Take Interstate 65 to Exit 53 (Cave City Exit). Turn right onto KY-70. Follow 70/255 as it becomes the Mammoth Cave Parkway in the park. Follow the Mammoth Cave Parkway to the Visitor Center. Directions from the South: Take Interstate 65 to Exit 48 (Park City Exit). Turn left onto KY-255 and follow 255 as it becomes the Park City Road into the park. Follow Park City Road until it joins the Mammoth Cave Parkway; turn left. Follow the Mammoth Cave Parkway to the Visitor Center.

Children 5 and under do not require a reservation or ticket. Youth under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older on all tours. Interagency Senior and Interagency Access ticket pricing applies to Interagency Senior and Interagency Access Pass holders only. The Interagency Annual Pass is NOT accepted for tours or camping.

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Domes and Dripstones tour, has vast areas of flowstone that resemble draperies. Domes and Dripstones tour

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star chamber tour mammoth cave


  • Return to The Civil War

Slavery, Survival, and Spelunking: A Soldier's American Journey

Camp Nelson National Monument

Dates & Times

Type of event.

1:00 pm 2:00 pm CDT


Camp Nelson National Monument (CANE) and Mammoth Cave National Park (MACA) will commemorate Juneteenth Day and the 160 th  Anniversary of Camp Nelson during a presentation of a special U.S. flag to the 12th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery [USCHA] (Reactivated) on Saturday, June 22 at 1 p.m. CDT at the Mammoth Cave outdoor amphitheater. The ceremony will pay tribute to African Americans soldiers, civilians, and refugees, who pursued freedom, equality, and the rights of citizenship. One of the enlistees to the 12th USCHA was a man named William Garvin, who was born into slavery in southcentral Kentucky in 1847 or 1848. Garvin self-emancipated by enlisting in the U.S. Army and was assigned to the 12th USCHA at Bowling Green on February 7, 1865. After the war, Garvin settled in Edmonson County, Kentucky and served as a cave guide and explorer at nearby Mammoth Cave. His famous discovery during his time at the cave was the maze-like passage known as Corkscrew which opened a variety of cave tour routes for visitors in the late 1800s. The special commemoration event and flag presentation is free and open to the public. The Mammoth Cave outdoor amphitheater is located between the main hotel building and the camp store and is wheelchair accessible. Location: Mammoth Cave National Park 1 Mammoth Cave Pkwy Mammoth Cave, KY 42259

Reservation or Registration: No

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  4. Cave Tours

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  6. Mammoth Cave, Star Chamber Tour: Ranger Rick describes church in a cave

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  1. Star Chamber Tour, Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

    Described as more of an experience tour than a sightseeing tour, Star Chamber explores historic sections of the cave in the lighting of the earliest explorers, emerging from the cave in late evening. Focusing on early history of Mammoth Cave, this tour includes a trip into Gothic Avenue. This tour is ideal for visitors wanting a unique way to ...

  2. Cave Tours

    A tour group gathers in Star Chamber on the Violet City Lantern Tour. NPS Photo/ Tegan Sorensen. Getting Started. A journey into Mammoth Cave on a guided cave tour is an essential part of a visit to the park. Whether it is your first time to the park or your tenth, there are several things to consider when planning your trip.

  3. Star Chamber

    Location: Mammoth Cave, KY 42259. Significance: This section of the cave gives visitors the illusion of the night sky. Designation: World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve. Amenities. 1 listed. Visitors will enter the cave by lantern light for the Star Chamber tour, you will learn of the early travels of both guides and visitors in the 1800's.

  4. Star Chamber (Lantern) Tour

    Reviewed September 4, 2023 via mobile. We did the Star Chamber Tour, which is a lantern tour. All electricity was turned off in the cave and the only light was the light put off by our 14 lanterns in the group of 40. It was an incredible experience and in my opinion the best way to experience Mammoth Cave.

  5. Star Chamber Tour

    An evening tour in Mammoth Cave by lantern light, this tour winds its way to historic Star Chamber. Described as more of an experience tour than a sightseeing tour, Star Chamber explores historic sections of the cave in the lighting of the earliest explorers, emerging from the cave in late evening.

  6. Star Chamber Tour

    Mammoth Cave: Star Chamber Tour - See 4,292 traveler reviews, 3,178 candid photos, and great deals for Mammoth Cave National Park, KY, at Tripadvisor. ... This was a great tour of Mammoth Cave. The guide was very informative about the history and uses of the cave in the past. The hike was not strenuous and was well lit.

  7. Mammoth Cave-Star Chamber Tour

    Mammoth Cave National Park: Mammoth Cave-Star Chamber Tour - See 5,692 traveler reviews, 3,688 candid photos, and great deals for Mammoth Cave National Park, KY, at Tripadvisor.

  8. Video (U.S. National Park Service)

    Join Ranger Ashley as she shows you Star Chamber, 189 feet beneath the surface. Duration. ... mammoth cave national park; beneath your feet; cave; mammoth cave; This Site All NPS Download the official NPS app before your next visit. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior.

  9. Mammoth Cave National Park

    Violet City Lantern Tour - This is another lantern tour option, but is slightly longer than the Star Chamber tour. This is 3 hours, 3 miles, and 160 stairs. Cost: $32 per adult. Wild Cave Tour - For the most adventurous tour at Mammoth Cave National Park, check out the Wild Cave Tour. This all day tour is very physical as you'll literally ...

  10. Best Mammoth Cave Tour for Families

    Star Chamber Tour - NPS photo Star Chamber Tour. The rangers describe the Star Chamber Tour as an experience rather than site seeing. It's "an evening tour in Mammoth Cave by lantern light, this winding its way to historic Star Chamber." The tour is by lantern light to get the feel of what it felt like to be an early explorer walking ...

  11. FUN! Mammoth Cave National Park lantern tour! Kentucky travel blog

    Mammoth Cave National Park lantern tours: The Violet City Lantern Tour is $25 per person. (3 hours, 3 miles, 160 steps, difficult) The Star Chamber Tour is $25 per person. (evening lantern tour, 2.5 hours, 1.5 miles 160 steps, moderate) The Great Onyx Lantern Tour is $23 per person. (2 hours 15 minutes, 1 mile, 82 steps, moderate) While the ...

  12. These Tours Of Kentucky's Mammoth Cave Are Worth Taking ...

    The Mammoth Cave Historic Tour is by far the most popular and one of the mid-length tours (some take up to six hours!), with a length of two hours covering a span of two miles. ... Along the way, the tour overlaps parts of Gothic Avenue, the Historic Tour, Star Chamber, and Mammoth Passage Tours. The tour lasts about three hours over a span of ...

  13. Cave Tours at Mammoth Cave NP

    The classic, original tour of Mammoth Cave. Experience lots of stairs and some tight spaces as you make your way to the room that gave Mammoth Cave its name. This is a moderate, 2 hour tour for all ages. ... STAR CHAMBER. This is a lantern lit tour in the evenings and goes to some of the historic areas of the cave. No flashlight use on this ...

  14. Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

    Mammoth Cave National Park Tours. Explore up to ten miles of the incredible Mammoth Cave! With more than 400 miles (644 km) of mapped passageways, Mammoth Cave ranks as the world's longest known cave system. Mammoth Cave National Park was established in 1941, designated a World Heritage Site in 1981 and became the core area of an International ...

  15. Star Chamber & Grand Avenue Tours vs. Historic Tour

    Mammoth Cave: Star Chamber & Grand Avenue Tours vs. Historic Tour - See 4,270 traveler reviews, 3,136 candid photos, and great deals for Mammoth Cave National Park, KY, at Tripadvisor. ... It is a fun tour, but ONLY if you have been in the cave before with the lights on. I have been to Mammoth Cave many times,, and I had seen the huge rooms of ...

  16. Best Cave Tours of Mammoth Cave

    Best Cave Tours of Mammoth Cave. Travel Adventures, Washington DC-Trail ... Further down, we enter an underground canyon known as the Star Chamber, where the roof seems to rise about 20 or 30 feet above the ground and mimics a starry night. At a place called the Cataracts, we passed a subterranean waterfall pouring out of a hole in the ceiling. ...

  17. The Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park

    Overall, the Star Chamber Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park offers a one-of-a-kind experience that allows visitors to connect with the natural world in a meaningful way. Whether you're a seasoned cave explorer or a first-time visitor, the Star Chamber Tour is sure to leave you in awe of the beauty and wonder of Mammoth Cave. ...

  18. Mammoth Cave Tours : r/nationalparks

    Star Chamber Is one of the other lantern Tours. It follows along a part of the Historic Tour route and goes into Gothic Avenue. It is a lovely tour. Great Onyx Lantern Tour does not go into Mammoth Cave itself, it goes into a totally separate cave, Great Onyx Cave, and discusses how the legal issues surrounding the way that Great Onyx Cave was ...

  19. Tips for Mammoth Cave in April : r/NationalPark

    The Star Chamber tour is really cool. Going through the caves with lanterns is a nice way to explore. It is a good enough length that you won't get bored. ... Absolutely love Mammoth Cave. Historic tour is great, and the Great Onyx lantern tour is beautiful! Great Onyx is a separate cave but absolutely worth it and so fun to do by lantern light.

  20. Historic Tour, Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

    Turn right onto KY-70. Follow 70/255 as it becomes the Mammoth Cave Parkway in the park. Follow the Mammoth Cave Parkway to the Visitor Center. Directions from the South: Take Interstate 65 to Exit 48 (Park City Exit). Turn left onto KY-255 and follow 255 as it becomes the Park City Road into the park. Follow Park City Road until it joins the ...

  21. Other Cave Tours

    This tour focuses on 1800s tourism and uses of Mammoth Cave, and is ideal for people with a high interest in history. Portions of this tour are also seen on the Star Chamber, Historic and Violet City Lantern Tours. Duration: 2 hours. Distance: 1.7 miles (2.74 km) Total Stairs: 170.

  22. Fun and Exciting Things to Do Mammoth Cave National Park

    If you are planning to take a cave tour while at Mammoth Cave National Park, it is strongly recommended that you make your reservations in advance by calling the reservation line at 1-800-967-2283

  23. Domes and Dripstones Tour, Mammoth Cave National Park Tours

    Find out more details and check site availability for Domes and Dripstones Tour in Mammoth Cave National Park Tours at Mammoth Cave National Park with <p>This classic tour visits areas of Mammoth Cave that have been used for nearly 100 years. This tour begins in a sinkhole, passes through huge domes, amazing b.

  24. Event Details (U.S. National Park Service)

    Camp Nelson National Monument (CANE) and Mammoth Cave National Park (MACA) will commemorate Juneteenth Day and the 160 th Anniversary of Camp Nelson during a presentation of a special U.S. flag to the 12th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery [USCHA] (Reactivated) on Saturday, June 22 at 1 p.m. CDT at the Mammoth Cave outdoor amphitheater. The ceremony will pay tribute to African Americans soldiers ...