Best mini amps for guitar: power up your practice with these tiny towers of tone

Short on space? Practice anywhere with these small guitar amps that pack a punch

Positive Grid Spark Mini amp with a coiled guitar cable

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If you're looking for a compact solution to practice, the best mini amps for guitar will deliver great sound without costing the earth, or taking up too much space. Perhaps you’re looking for something small to sit at your desk when the inspiration to noodle strikes, or maybe you just want something compact and portable for warm-ups before a show. Whichever it is, we've got a great selection of small guitar amps for you.

Mini guitar amps have come a long way in recent years, going from the sort of thing your aunt would buy you at Christmas, to great amps for home practice in their own right. Thanks to major advances in technology the best small guitar amps no longer fizz like a wasp in a jar but instead offer a character that’s just as good as any full-sized offering. We’ve seen more and more major manufacturers join the micro amplifier gang, so we figured it was time to put all of these amazing amps in one place.

If you’re new to guitar amplifiers, or just want to learn more about mini amps themselves, check out our buying advice section at the end of this article. If you’re ready to pull the trigger on a miniature practice solution, keep scrolling to see our top picks.

Best mini amps for guitar: Guitar World's choice

Coming in at number one for us, it just had to be the Positive Grid Spark Mini. Bagging itself four and a half stars in our review, this 10-watt mini amp sounds a lot louder than you’d expect, with a fantastically intuitive app that features plenty of practice tools and loads of flexibility when dialing in your dream guitar tone. Simply superb.

Coming in a close second, we’ve gone for the Blackstar Fly 3, partly due to its great sound, and partly because it's incredible value for money. The drive channel is fantastic and it’s got a lovely built-in delay too. When you consider the price, you’re getting a lot of amplifier for your hard-earned cash.

Best mini amps for guitar: Product guide

Best mini amps for guitar: Positive Grid Spark Mini

1. Positive Grid Spark Mini

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

We’ve had one of these amps sitting on our desk for the last few months now, and it really does live up to the hype. The Positive Grid Spark Mini is the perfect practice or writing companion, simple enough to dive into quickly, yet with enough depth to keep you coming back for more.

The sounds are outstanding quality and whether clean or high gain, this amp delivers such an incredibly vibrant and clear tone you’ll forget it’s coming from a tiny cabinet. Thanks to the passive radiator located on the underside, this thing is stupendously loud. Seriously though – turn it up over halfway with a humbucker-equipped guitar and watch the complaints come in from partners and family members.

It’s not just got great sound either, the companion Spark App is truly useful, providing a way to sculpt exacting guitar tones, or just download user-made presets. It also features a tuner and metronome, as well as some incredible practice tools like Smart Jam, which gives you a full band to play with that responds to your playing dynamics.

Read the full Positive Grid Spark Mini review  

Best mini amps for guitar: Blackstar Fly 3

2. Blackstar Fly 3

The Blackstar Fly 3 has been around for a while now, but it’s still one of the best mini amps in the game. Combining ultimate portability with an incredibly loud sound, this battery-powered beast delivers fantastic tone on the go.

It’s got clean and overdrive channels, a built-in digital delay, and Blackstar’s patented ISF feature for tone sculpting. There’s a lot of play in the gain control on both settings, allowing you to dial in a great sound whether you’re a single-coil or humbucker kind of player.

The built-in delay is really usable, and whilst the delay time isn’t as long as what you might get on a bespoke pedal, it adds an excellent sense of space to your tone that’s perfect for practice. It’s also available for bass and acoustic guitar , so has got every type of guitar player covered. 

Best mini amps for guitar: Boss Katana-Mini

3. Boss Katana-Mini

Featuring Boss’ renowned Waza technology, the Boss Katana-Mini delivers searing rock tones in a tiny format. Weighing in at just north of a kilo and able to be powered by batteries, this mini amp is a fantastic way to practice on the go.

It excels at distorted tones and we absolutely loved the ‘brown’ setting on it, which is perfect for classic rock and metal. It’s clear and articulate, with bags of sustain considering the size of the amplifier. The clean tones are perfectly usable, but we found them to be a little boxy compared to some others on this list.

On battery life, it’ll last between 6 and 8 hours depending on the setting but it doesn’t come with a power adapter so we’d recommend getting some rechargeable batteries for it. Considering the cost and the quality of the sound, the Katana-Mini is a hell of a lot of amplifier for your money.

Read the full Boss Katana-Mini review  

Best mini amps for guitar: Orange Crush Mini

4. Orange Crush Mini

If you’re looking for a great practice amp to use with your existing pedalboard , or you just want top-tier sound without having to download any apps, then you should definitely check out the Orange Crush Mini. 

The clean tone is a little on the quiet side, but dial in some gain and you’ll soon find this mini amp’s full voice. The single EQ knob adjusts the midrange content, giving you everything from super scooped to a lovely, heady guitar tone. Combined with your guitar’s tone and volume controls, you can dial in pretty much any sound you can think of.

It’s got a built-in tuner, an aux-in, and interestingly, an 8ohm speaker out for connecting to a larger cabinet. This makes the Orange Crush Mini a fantastic, no-frills mini amp for practice at home or on the move.

Best mini amps for guitar: Laney Mini-ST Lion

5. Laney Mini-ST Lion

Combining retro styling with phenomenal clean tones, the Laney Mini-ST Lion offers a massive sound thanks to its stereo speaker setup and excellent connectivity options. Considering the cost of this amp, you’re getting a lot for your money.

The clean tones are really quite nice here, giving you excellent clarity and articulation with a variety of playing styles. The onboard delay works excellently to accentuate your licks and riffs, and although the drive channel is a little flabby at higher volumes, it does the job well enough for a practice amp.

To get the utmost out of this amp it really needs to be paired with the Ultimate Guitar ‘ToneBridge’ app, which allows you to instantly dial in famous guitar tones and play along with their respective guitar tabs. You’ll have to pay after the first three months, but for the guitarist who needs a small practice amp, we’d say it’s worth it.

Best mini amps for guitar: Yamaha THR5

6. Yamaha THR5

The Yamaha THR5 is the smallest of the Japanese giant’s modeling range of amplifiers. Despite its size, it still provides all the excellent sounds we’ve come to expect from the THR range, matching realistically modeled amps with some excellent effects.

There are five amp sounds on offer here, ranging from pristine and clean to modern high gain. We found the crunch tone to be particularly addictive, delivering a lovely saturated tone that’s not a million miles away from a full-fat tube amplifier. The modern high gain setting is super fun as well, great for lead work and heavy riffs.

One of the best things about the THR series is the quality of the effects, and this is present on this mini amp as well. There’s a real sense of stereo space on some of the delays and reverbs, even though the speakers are only small, the fact that they are full-range makes for an amazing depth of sound.

Best mini amps for guitar: Vox Mini Go 3

7. Vox Mini Go 3

The Vox Go Mini definitely flies under the radar when it comes to the best small guitar amps. Despite this, it’s really quite good, and definitely worth your consideration if you’re after an amplifier with lots of tone and practice options.

With amp models based on the popular Vox Cambridge series, you get a nice selection of tones from Fender-inspired clean amps right through to Mesa/Boogie style high gain sounds. The sound quality is fantastic considering the size of the speaker, with all the tones providing an excellent platform for practice, no matter what your playing style.

It’s got loads of other great features too, with a built-in rhythm machine to jam along to, a mic input for practicing your vocal lines, and some really high-quality effects. An aux-in and headphone out allow for jamming along to your own tunes or silent practice, rounding out this mini amplifier’s complete feature set.

Best mini amps for guitar: Marshall MS-2

8. Marshall MS-2

This two-channel mini amp has been around for a while now but still remains popular thanks to its excellent value for money and two-channel operation. The Marshall MS-2 has that classic Marshall black and gold look, with the benefit of a belt clip for playing on the go.

We love the clean tone on this thing, which stays clean no matter the volume and has a nice variety used in conjunction with the tone knob. There’s a bit of boxiness to the drive channel, which is inevitable considering the size of the cabinet, but we still felt it captured the majority of that Marshall mojo, perfect for hard rock riffing.

It definitely sounds better with the volume cranked and it’s deceptively loud, so if you’re planning on playing while walking around the house with it, be warned you will get noise complaints! Thankfully it also features a headphone jack so you can practice silently.

Best mini amps for guitar: Danelectro Honeytone

9. Danelectro Honeytone

As far as vintage cool goes, the Danelectro Honeytone has got you covered if you want a small guitar amp that looks great. Combining excellent tone with its retro-inspired design, this amp is perfect for practicing at home and looking great whilst doing it.

The clean tone on this is really nice, sounding very articulate and full. It’s your classic solid-state clean tone, but for a practice amp more than capable of doing the job. The overdrive can be dialed in to taste and gets a little fizzy at higher settings, but it adds nicely to the overall versatility.

It’s not got tonnes of features compared to some others on this list, but you do get a headphone out, and the ability to run it on a 9V battery if you wish. Considering its size it’s very loud too, so you won’t have any problems hearing yourself.

Best mini amps for guitar: Fender Mini '65 Twin-Amp

10. Fender Mini '65 Twin-Amp

The Fender Mini ‘65 Twin-Amp sees one of the world’s most popular, and most weighty, amps get the miniaturized treatment. Of course, it’s not as excessively loud as its full-size counterpart, but considering it is just one watt, it still packs a hefty punch.

It’s all about the clean tone on this amp, which as you’d expect from Fender is excellent. It’s nice and clear without ever getting shrill and sounds really full for an amp this size. Dialing in the gain offers a tone that’s usable, but it’s not going to blow you away compared to some of the other offerings here.

A headphone out and belt clip round out this amplifier’s features, making it a simple and easy-to-use affair. We will say it looks absolutely amazing though and is sure to win the affection of other guitar players when they spot it on your shelf or desk.

Best mini amps for guitar: Buying advice

Marshall, Orange, Fender, and Blackstar mini amps with lego figurines

What is a mini amp?

A mini amp is just like a regular guitar amp , but smaller. Due to the smaller size, you’ll find they have less overall volume and fewer features as the speakers and cabinet need to be smaller in order for them to fit into your living space. That doesn’t mean you can’t get great sound out of them, many mini guitar amps use technologies like passive radiators to increase the volume, resulting in an amplifier that’s deceptively loud. 

What are the benefits of using a mini amp?

Most guitarists turn to small guitar amps when they need something to practice with whilst either saving space, or being easy to transport with them. We use a mini amp on our desk, as it’s super easy to plug in and play when inspiration strikes. Many of the best small guitar amps feature recording outs, which means you can either use it as an audio interface in its own right or plug it into your existing rig. Many mini amps also come with practice apps, which can include backing tracks to play along to, access to more effects or amp sounds, as well as tuners and metronomes.

Rather than having to set up your whole rig each time you want to play, a mini amp lets you quickly plug in and get a great sound. They’re also much lower in volume, so less chance of annoying your neighbors or family trying than cranking your regular 2x12 tube amp . If you find that you do need more volume and have a little more room to play with, take a look at our pick of the best desktop amps . 

Controls and connectivity on a Positive Grid Spark Mini amp

Are there any mini amps with effects?

Most mini amps come with either a single effect or none. Usually you’ll find digital delay onboard, and sometimes an overdrive switch but as technology has advanced more modern offerings like the Spark Mini, Yamaha THR5, and Vox Mini GO 3 have started to include both amp models and effects. Mini amps with effects are typically more expensive, whereas those without can often come in around or below the $/£50 mark. It all depends on what you need for your practice regimen, so if you don’t use effects with your regular rig, you probably won’t miss them with your practice amp. 

Can I use a mini amp for live performances?

Unfortunately, a mini amp isn’t likely to have enough power for a live performance. Most of the small guitar amps on this list come in under 10 watts, which is nowhere near enough to shine onstage. These amps are designed for use at home, and some of them will sound very loud in smaller spaces. Put a mini amp in a proper venue though and it’ll soon get swallowed up by the drums, bass, PA system, and other guitars. If you need an amp on the cheap, have a look at our best budget guitar amps under $500 for some bargain buys that are gig ready. 

Read more about our rating system, how we choose the gear we feature, and exactly how we test each product.

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Matt McCracken

Matt is a Junior Deals Writer here at Guitar World. He regularly tests and reviews music gear with a focus on guitars, amps, pedals, modelers, and pretty much anything else guitar-related. Responsible for over 60 buying guides, a large part of his role is helping guitarists find the best deals on gear. Matt worked in music retail for 5 years at Dawsons Music and Northwest Guitars and has written for various music sites including MusicRadar, Guitar Player,, Ultimate Guitar, and Thomann’s A regularly gigging guitarist with over 20 years of experience playing live and producing bands, he's performed everything from jazz to djent, gigging all over the country in more dingy venues than you can shake a drop-tuned guitar at. When he's not holed up in his home studio recording new songs or tweaking with pedal settings, you’ll find him making a racket with Northern noise hounds JACKALS . 

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Home » Amps » 17 Best Mini Guitar Amps in 2024 (All Price Ranges)

17 Best Mini Guitar Amps in 2024 (All Price Ranges)

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Buying a new mini guitar amp, just like any other piece of gear, can be a lot of fun. The experience of going to guitar shops, watching videos, and reading articles can be a good experience if you’re getting accurate information.

All this is even more interesting when you know what you are looking for in an amplifier. Once you know what you’re looking for, all that’s left to do is compare specs and listen to what others in the industry are saying about different models.

Best Mini Guitar Amps (Featured Image)

I’ll start this article by jumping straight into reviews on the best mini guitar amps at each price point, but if you want to learn more about them before reading reviews check out our buying guide at the bottom of the page.

Here Are the Best Mini Guitar Amps

1. yamaha thr5 (best overall).

Yamaha THR5

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My Review: If you are a guitarist who composes and records, but also travels constantly, this Yamaha amp is ideal for you. This is one of the most powerful mini amps on this list thanks to the 2×3″ speakers with a total power of 10W. Although quite powerful, the dimensions are small, 271x 167x 120 mm, and weighs 2 kg. This is a digital amplifier that offers many effects and preamps that I will talk about in more detail below. But first, let’s mention the power supply options.

Like other mini amps in this review, the THR has two options: an AC adapter or 8xAA batteries depending on how you use it. The downside with the batteries is that due to the power of the amp, they do not last long, about 8h. So batteries are not a good option for practicing or recording. This means if you are at home or have the option to use the AC adapter, you are going to want to use the AC adapter. For any outdoor occasion, the batteries will do the job for you.

When it comes to the inputs, you have the standard features, the instrumental jack, and the aux.

But with the outputs, other than the headphones, there is also a USB port that connects to a computer. With the amp, there is also a complimentary copy of Cubase AI in which is a great software to record in. Imagine a scenario where you travel and carry a laptop, headphones, and a Yamaha THR5 amp. Nothing can stop you from recording the latest material that comes into your head.

To all of this you can add 5 different preamps: Clean, Crunch, Lead, Brit Hi, and Modern as well as the most famous and most used effects: Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Delay, and Reverb. All in all, I would say this is the best mini guitar amp out there right now that’s reasonably priced.

2. Roland Micro Cube (Editor’s Choice)

Roland Micro Cube

My Review: The Roland Micro Cube is the real deal when it comes to mini amps. It may not be the most compact amp in this category but it definitely has everything a modern guitarist needs. With dimensions of 227 x 247 x 172 mm and a weight of only 2.7 kg, it is a highly portable amp for practicing at home but also for playing outdoors. The amp is powered by 6 AA batteries or DC adapter.

This is a modeling/digital amp so there are a bunch of preamps and effects on it. Plus it comes with an extra perk, an original feature for this amp, the I-Cube link. This connects the amp to any iOS device to help you enrich your practice session and gives you the option to record the music you play. There are several free guitar apps for jamming, learning, and recording that are compatible with the Roland Micro Cube.

The guitar connects to the instrumental jack, and in addition to the I-Cube link, there is another output for headphones or recording. And the most interesting part of any amp, the knob panel.

Here the knob panel is divided into two groups, one of which contains the most basic settings: gain, volume, tone, and master. The other group of knobs is for choosing one of the 8 amp models, adding effects (chorus, flanger, phaser, tremolo, and octave) and the delay/reverb knob. And to the right of the knob panel is the tuner.

What is rare with this type of amps is the holding strap. This makes the amp easy to carry around. The only real limitation is that it only with iOS devices. Everything else is top-notch.

3. Vox Mini 3 G2 (Best Value)

Vox Mini 3 G2

My Review: The Vox Mini 3 G2 is a compact, lightweight, and portable mini amp with a classic look. This makes it ideal for anyone on the go who wants to be able to spend more time practicing guitar wherever they are. It has 1×5″ speakers with 3W output power. There are two power supply options, an AC adapter or 6 AA batteries that last up to 12h.

On the control panel, you will find the standard (1/4) instrumental input. Next to it here are the microphone and the aux input for playing songs or backing tracks. There is also a headphone output. This can be handy because it allows you to play at any time without being too loud for your family or neighbors.

This amp is digital which means that you can choose between 11 different amps and 12 most used effects including a compressor, chorus, flanger, tremolo, different types of reverb, and delay on tap. And what makes this mini amp complete for practicing is the tuner.

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4. Boss Katana mini combo (Best Under $100)

Boss Katana mini combo

My Review: If you are anything like me, you are probably not used to hearing Boss in context to a guitar amp, are you? But not only does it produce amplifiers, Boss has come out with a great “katana” series with different dimensions and power, but also with great performance and features.

Like (almost) all amps on this “mini” list, the Boss Katana amp has small dimensions of 230 x181 x116 mm and weighs only 1.2 kg. Surprisingly, this small size amp is packed with a 1×4″ speaker with the power of 7W. This is loud enough to be used in any environment although I would definitely not recommend it for band rehearsals.

The Boss Katana mini combo is a solid state amp that can operate on an adapter (DC) or batteries (6 x AA). It has two inputs, one instrumental and one aux. What is interesting is that besides the standard headphone output, the Boss Katana mini combo also has a recording output. This feature gives it a huge advantage over its competitors.

It is a USB output that connects the amp to your computer. It can be used as a recording insert to record music in a recording program. This gives a well-balanced clean and overdrive so you don’t need to make any adjustments in the recording program itself. On the knob panel are the gain, volume, EQ, and delay panels, and on the right is the power button.

Unlike other amps where the delay is set with a tap button, here the delay is adjusted via two knobs, time and volume, which in my opinion is much easier to use. All in all, I would say this is the best mini guitar amplifier under $100.

5. Blackstar Fly 3 (Budget Pick)

Blackstar Fly 3

My Review: Blackstar is a guitar amp manufacturer that has made tremendous progress in the last few years. This is thanks to a group of ex-Marshall engineers who are really well versed in the art of making guitar amps.

This amp has a phenomenal design that, to be fair, can be said for all Blackstar models. What makes the “Fly 3″ a mini amp are its dimensions, of course. With a size of 170 x 126 x 102 millimeters and a weight of less than one kg (0.9).

The body of this amp houses a 1×3” speaker that produces 3W of output power. According to the dimensions and its power, this is an ideal portable mini guitar amp. Next to the instrumental jack for the guitar, there is also a line-input for practicing with backing tracks or simply for playing music. And, of course, the inevitable part of this type of amps is the headphone jack which is very useful when it comes to practicing in any environment.

The knob panel is very simple and created from only four knobs which looking from left to right are gain, volume, EQ / ISF, and delay. The first, second, and fourth knobs are probably already familiar to you. But let’s focus on the third one because it is something that only exists in the Blackstar amps, and that is the ISF. This is a very interesting and innovative feature that is a characteristic of the Blackstar amps, the Infinite Shape Feature, or IFS.

By simply turning this knob clockwise, you can choose between two types of amp sound, American or British. The difference between them is that the American style sounds tight, focused, percussive response, and the British sounds woody, crunchy, and warm.

This technology in this analog amp is a great replacement for the preset in the digital amps (selecting different types of guitar models).

Related Article: Recommended Guitar Amps (All Price Ranges)

6. Marshall MS2 (Best Micro)

Marshall MS2

My Review: If you want to have a guitar amp with you every time you leave the house, the Marshall MS2 is a great option. This is the smallest solid-state guitar amp you can find on the market. Its dimensions of 110 x 140 x 60 mm and weight of only 0.34kg make this amp very portable.

However, its tiny body houses a 1×2 ‘speaker, and the output power is very small at just 1W.

While it is quite good for practicing, 1W is too little unless you practice in a quiet environment, which to be honest, is not always the case. If you set it to a higher volume the clean channel will distort, like any other amplifier regardless of the power.

Fortunately, there is a headphone output so if you wear headphones you can literally play while walking down the street. In addition to the “micro” size and weight, the amplifier runs on batteries and can even be attached to your guitar strap.

In any case, the guitar would take up way more space than the amp. But when you are using it at home and there is no need to spend the battery (which to be fair, does not last long) you have an AC adapter that will do the job.

This amp with a classic Marshall look will surprise you with the original and recognizable Marshall clean and overdrive sound. As this is a solid-state amp, the sound generator options compared to other digital amps are minimal.

On the front panel, there are only 3 knobs, one for volume and tone, and the third one for activation and change from clean to overdrive.

But what this micro amp lacks is the aux input. Without it, backing tracks can not be added to play along, so if you are not a solo performer you will need an extra device to make your playing more interesting. And finally, the amp also comes in three color variants. Standard black, silver, and red.

7. Fender Frontman 10G

Fender Frontman 10G

My Review: You have probably come across this amp many times before and you roughly know what it’s all about. Compared to all amps so far, this Fender amp falls behind, by far.

So why is it on this list? One simple reason, the Fender Frontman 10G is the most popular guitar amp for beginners, and it really deserves this status. The amp has the standard recognizable Fender look with skirted knobs, silver grille cloth, and a black frame.

Its price is low because it is a small solid-state amp. Plus it usually goes in a beginner combo package with a guitar, a guitar strap, a cable, picks, etc. The reason is simple, it is very cheap and small, which makes it suitable for even the youngest beginners.

Measuring 280 x 260 x 146 mm and weighing 3.8 kg, it is easy to carry from one place to another. Although it does not run on batteries (which reduces mobility) it has all the other features of a solid amp for home practicing. It has a standard 1/4 instrumental jack input, an aux-in for backing and play-along tracks, and a standard and useful headphone output.

The front panel is clear and simple. Looking from left to right they are Gain, Clean/Drive button, Volume, Treble, Bass, and a power switch.

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8. Laney Mini Lion (Best Under $50)

Laney Mini Lion

My Review: The Laney Mini Lion is a good example of an inexpensive, nicely designed, and original amplifier. The dimensions of this amp are 173 x 100 x 120 mm and it weighs 1 kg, which makes it an ideal desktop and practicing amp. Its maximum power of 3W comes from the 1×3” speaker mounted in an elegantly built body that looks like a retro radio.

Like all other mini amps, the Laney Mini Lion works on a power adapter when it has access to electricity or on 6 AAA batteries as an alternative when playing outdoors or on the road. The reason for the low cost and lack of guitar effects is that this is a solid-state amp. Now let’s look at the knob panel.

Here, besides the most basic gain, tone, and volume knobs, there is another feature that makes the amplifier unique, and that is the LSI, or more precisely, the Laney Smartphone Insert. It is an output that works best with iOS devices but also supports Android systems. Basically, it is an output that connects the amp to the “Tonebridge” app.

This Ultimate Guitar’s app gives you access to thousands of presets made for a wide range of songs and styles. So with help from your device, you can transform your solid-state amp into an amp with a bunch of original sounds from famous songs and artists. The app is easy to use and selecting amp presets and effects can be a very fun process. In addition, you can also make a list of sounds that will give you easier access to the original amp and effects sounds. Well done, Leney!

9. Orange Crush Mini

Orange Crush Mini

My Review: This amp is a direct competitor to the Laney Mini Lion especially in terms of size, weight, power, and price. It has dimensions of 149 x 139 x 80 mm, and it weighs 0.8 kg. Before we really get into the specifics of this amp, for all those who are not familiar with the brand I can say that the Orange amps are a great manufacturer that is very reliable and offers great blues models.

Although the output power is 3W, it comes with a 1×4” speaker, which in terms of size could be more powerful. It is a solid-state guitar amp that works on a DC adapter or a 9V battery that lasts up to 12h.

Although in the input/output section the options are standard, this amp also has an external speaker output for connecting to a more powerful speaker which is a good option to have if you even need to use this amp on a stage.

Standard in and outputs include the instrumental jack, the aux-in, and the headphone output.

The knob panel is also very simple with gain, tone, and volume plus a built-in tuner. The amp has no on/off switch and is activated just by inserting the input jack. And as its last feature, the design of this Orange Crush Mini has the standard and original look, recognizable for all other Orange models.

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10. Monoprice 611705 (Best Mini Tube Amp)

Monoprice 611705

My Review: Now here is something different when it comes to mini amps. This amp is ideal for all tube fans.

The Monoprice 611705 is the smallest and the cheapest tube amp on the market. Compared to the previous amps, this tube amp is the largest and heaviest, but for a reason. With dimensions of 305 x 310 x 210 mm and weighs 6 kg, the guitar cabinet houses an 8” Celestion Custom speaker with 5W output power.

This speaker is very specific and is often used as part of other more expensive tube amps. In the preamp section, there is one ECC83/12AX7 preamp tube, and in the power section, there is one 6v6GT power tube that produces the natural and unpredictable sound which is specific to the tube amps.

The amp does not run on batteries and is not a good option for playing outdoors. But the amp is lightweight and can be easily carried by hand from one place to another. This is great when you want to go to a friend to jam and you do not want to compromise the warm tube sound.

The amp also has an option to limit the power so it can be limited to 1W. This is good if you want to have a fresh clean sound without the natural distortion. The knob panel is very simple.

It has the high and low canal guitar input, the on/off switch, the volume, and the tone. Here the tone knob is a balance between bass and treble that is controlled by turning from left to right. Simple as that.

11. Danelectro N-10 Honeytone (Cheapest Mini Amp)

small travel guitar amp

My Review: Here is the cheapest option for a mini amp. It is a micro solid-state amp with a 1×2” speaker with a total power of 1W. And the dimensions are small: 152 x 76 x 152 mm, weighing only 0.43 kg.

What makes it extra portable is the belt clip with which the amp can be easily carried wherever you go. It also has a leather handle.

Normally, in favor of portability, this amp runs on a single 9V battery or a DC adapter. The input and output are simple, instrumental jack and headphone out. The downside that makes it fall short of being a good amp for practicing is that it doesn’t have an aux-in.

But the idea is to use it more for playing instead of practicing, so it does serve its purpose.

The amp is off when the volume knob is turned all the way to the left. One move to the right turns it on and then increases the volume. The second knob is the tone knob, and the last one is for turning on and controlling the overdrive. What gives this amp an extra character is its unique design. It is characterized by its specific aqua color and a beautiful vintage look.

Related Article: Our Favorite Electric Guitars Amps Under $1000

12. Vox Pathfinder 10

Vox Pathfinder 10

My Review: Here is another Vox model. But this one is made to serve a different purpose. The Vox Pathfinder 10 is a super amp for jamming with other musicians and recording. The amp is easy to transport because it does not take up much space (380 x 260 x 170 mm) and is quite lightweight (4.8 kg).

The output power is 10W, which is solid for an amp of this size. The sound comes out through a 1 x 6.5” Vox Bulldog speaker, specially built for Vox amps. This solid-state type of amp is powered by a power cable, which is limited to use only in an indoor environment (home or a studio). There is a standard instrumental jack input and a headphone output. The same output can be used for recording.

However, to record with this amp, it will need extra effect pedals because the options for different sounds and effects are limited. The knobs on the knob panel from left to right are: gain, clean/overdrive button, the treble, and the bass knob. The last knob is the volume, and then on the right, there is an on/off switch.

13. Marshall MG10

Marshall MG10

My Review: The Marshall MG10 is one of the most obvious rivals to the Vox Pathfinder 10 for several reasons. The dimensions (296 x 314 x 175 mm) of the two amps are almost the same, and the same goes for the weight of 4.8 kg which is exactly the same. This is a solid-state amp with a 1×6.5” speaker and with a total output power of 10W. This makes it very portable.

The line out makes this amp good for gigs and rehearsals with the band, but only if you happen to have a bigger speaker or a sound mixer control. This way you are not sacrificing the original Marshall tone. The amp has no batteries so it is best to keep it at home or in a studio. It is also good for practicing due to the aux-in and the headphone output.

A big downside is that it doesn’t have reverb (as with all other amps that do not have reverb). Without it, the sound usually sounds drier and duller. But with the right placement of the other knobs and an extra pedal, a phenomenal Marshall sound can be achieved.

The knob panel is simple: the clean volume is located on the left. In a separate section there is the gain and the volume for the overdrive, on the spot that is usually reserved for the tone is the control knob. And all the way to the right is the power switch. The amp comes in two color variants: the standard Marshall black and gold, and a black and silver option. This is easily one of the best mini amps out there.

14. Vox Amplug 2 AC30

Vox Amplug 2 AC30

My Review: Here is something very different. This is an amp that you will definitely not even feel that you are carrying with you. It weighs only 40 g, which by itself is amazing, and the dimensions of 86 x 31 x 80 mm make it smaller than your phone. Its size does not allow it to have a built-in speaker, but there is a solution for that as well. Using the correct jack, the headphone output can also be used to connect it to another amp, speakers, or headphones, depending on your needs, of course.

This modeling amp runs on two AA batteries that can last up to 15 hours of active use. The guitar connects with an Integrated 6.3mm jack for direct connection which saves a lot of space plus it would not be the end of the world if you forget the cable at home. This amp is ideal for practicing due to the aux-in for adding extra tracks to play along and a headphone output so it can be used virtually anywhere.

The amp also allows the possibility of using multiple effects, namely three: chorus, delay, and reverb. There are four knobs, one for gain, tone, volume, and one for the rest of the effects.

Looking at the name of this amp it is obvious that it is an imitation of the legendary model of Vox, AC30. Besides the Vox Amplug 2 AC30, there are four other models: blues, clean, lead, and metal. So choose wisely.

15. Harley Benton Rockplug

small travel guitar amp

My Review: The Harley Benton Rockplug Classic Rock amp is cheaper and in my opinion a better replacement for the Vox Amplug 2. Let’s focus first on the common features in which the Harley Benton is equal with the Vox Amplug 2, and then we will focus on the advantages that this amazing device has. The dimensions are very similar (80 x 30 x 15 mm), with a very minimal difference that is frankly imperceptible. The same goes for the weight because there is only a 10 g difference. A small advantage that the Vox Amplug has is the effects.

However, the Harley Benton Rockplug has a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts up to 15h.

The great thing is after your battery runs out, there is no need to bother buying new ones or recharging the old ones. Simply plug the USB cable on the charging mini USB port.

To always know how full your battery is there is also an LED indicator.

In addition to the instrumental jack, the standard aux-in, and headphones-out, this amp also has an adapter for connecting a second headphone. There are three control knobs, drive, tone, and volume. Another perk is that the Harley Benton Rockplug has an analog overdrive circuit.

16. ZT Lunchbox Junior

small travel guitar amp

My Review: Jazz musicians, here’s an amp for you. Looking at the specifications above this amp sounds impressive. It is a loud mini portable amplifier that can be used wherever you are, even in a car without consuming the battery. Imagine, an amp measuring 197 x 112 x 165 mm, and weighing just 2.3 kg can have an output power of an incredible 35W.

This power comes from the unique 5” ZT custom speaker. The power supply has three options: using the power cable for playing at home, in a studio, for recording and even playing gigs. And then the second option is using the 12V battery so you can perform outside. As an extra option is the 9V output power for your pedals (loop, if you ask me). And the third option is a car adapter cable if you want to practice while traveling and at the same time not use the battery.

Like most of the amps on this list, the ZT Lunchbox Junior has aux-in for audio files and headphone output for silent practicing. The great warm and mellow sound is controlled through a simple knob panel that has three knobs: volume, tone, and gain. At the back of the amp are the power switch and the speaker on/of switch.

17. Roland Mobile Cube

small travel guitar amp

My Review: This is a complete package for you and your family, friends, and bandmates. Although it has two 4” speakers with a total power of 2×2.5W, the amp has quite small dimensions of 280 x 108 x 177 mm and weighs only 2.5 kg. It is super portable because it is powered by a DC adapter or 6 AA batteries. An extra accessory to this amp is the carrying strap.

What makes it different from the other amplifiers on this list is that the Roland Mobile Cube is not exclusively a guitar amp. You can plug in a microphone, keyboard, guitar, and bass guitar.

This is ideal if you play multiple instruments. So you do not have to carry a different amp for every instrument. There are two aux inputs, one single and one dual so there is an option to connect two audio devices or with two different aux jacks.

The knob panel is on the top of the amp and is very simple and clear. Looking from left to right, first, there is the microphone volume, then two knobs, one for selecting an instrument and one for volume. At the far right are the tone and the delay/reverb knob. The Roland Mobile Cube is great for practicing any instrument, street performance, or singing and playing outside.

Choosing the Right Mini Guitar Amp (Buying Guide)

There are amplifiers of different sizes, for different guitars and styles, principles of operation, effects, and imitations, So the chances are that all that stands between you and your perfect amp is a bit of research.

Let’s look at what the options are specifically for mini guitar amps and what you should pay attention to before buying.

Do I Need an Expensive Mini Amplifier?

Every time we enter a store for musical instruments we already have a certain budget in mind that we are willing to spend. So of course, one of the first things you are going to ask about is the price of the product. As a beginner, it is normal for the budget to be smaller. And with a smaller budget, there are fewer options.

Most low budget amplifiers have about the same quality or options. But even with cheaper guitar amps, there are good models that stand out from the rest. The price of these products is always dictated by their brand, so when you buy a Fender, Vox, or a Marshall amplifier you will pay more but you will have a guarantee for good sound.

However, technological progress has given a boost to less branded manufacturers to reach quality but at a significantly lower price. That is why you will meet guitar amps that have a similar price but differ greatly in power, size, effects, etc.

My advice when it comes to cheaper amps always look for and research lesser-known manufacturers (lesser-known brands) because sometimes they offer much more for the same amount of money. On the other hand, if you decide to spend more money on a more expensive amplifier as a permanent solution, do not skimp. In this case, a cheaper option can be found as well, but it might be a 50-50 chance that you end up with a quality product.

What Size and Weight Should I Choose?

Customer needs have led guitar amps manufacturers to produce a variety of models. This mostly depends on the environment in which it is used.

So it makes sense to use the largest amplifiers in the studio or at home, but not so much on a gig. They have a very high quality and powerful sound, so they are usually played in concerts where there is a large stage, so the size is not a problem. Their size and weight also make them more difficult to transport and take up more space, so they are not very practical if you travel constantly.

Medium-sized amps are much easier to use outside the home, rehearsing, playing live gigs, and exercising. They are good for playing in bars because they do not take up much space in the vehicle or on stage, and their dimensions allow them to have an output power of at least 50W, which is the minimum to be used in combination with the rhythm section. However, these amplifiers compared to the larger ones have lower sound quality because their power does not permit a lot of room to balance the sound and the volume.

Lastly, the mini guitar amps are here for anyone who is not into the previous two types or already owns one (or two) of them. The main purpose of these amps is for practicing and playing outdoors and their main perk is that they are very portable. They are small and light so you can easily take them with you wherever you go. This way you can play constantly and stay in shape. What makes them ideal for practicing are the extra features that make practice easier and more interesting.

This includes a USB connection, aux input, headphones, multiple effects, recording options etc. In addition to practicing, the mini amps are the best choice for any street performer. Almost all mini amps run on batteries so you do not have to worry about where you want to stop and perform.

How Important is the Volume?

The size greatly affects the volume, and the volume affects the sound quality. Larger amplifiers are more powerful, leaving more room for manipulation of volume and sound quality. The ideal volume for producing quality sound is usually found when the volume knob is set between 2 or 3.

What happens with smaller amps when trying to reach loudness to catch up with other instruments or on a gig, while the volume increases, the sound loses quality. This applies to almost every device. The louder it is, the more it is strained and eventually, it will break faster.

With amplifiers, the first thing to go is the speakers.

But the need for loud volume is mostly for live performances, gigs, and concerts or band rehearsals. For playing and practicing at home or in a quiet environment the mini amps are more than enough. They have more options for using headphones or USB connections with your computer or other devices so the volume and power of the speakers are not crucial.

Why Should I Buy Tube Amp?

This is the oldest type of amplifier and although it is “ancient” technology, they are still among the most sought after on the market and the most popular among fans of good guitar sound. These amps produce the sound through the tubes that receive the electric signal from the guitar and then they amplify it.

The tubes are not perfect units so the sound is very organic, natural, and soft. By increasing the amp, the tubes create a natural distortion and the sound is amazing.

But the tubes heat up and wear out with time and use. They also need to be preheated to a certain degree for the amp to start producing the sound. This means that, even after the amp is turned on, the tubes need a few minutes to warm up and start processing the signal and producing the sound.

That’s why there is a “standby” switch on them that deactivates the speaker but the amp stays on to keep the tubes warm. This way you do not have to wait before playing. As a solution for overheating, the body of the amp is large enough to have more ventilation and space to reduce overheating.

The size also brings weight so these amplifiers are not a good option for performing and playing gigs. But they still remain ideal amps for recording music in the studio or for playing concerts. Recently, several tube models have appeared on the market that fall into the category of “mini” amps, a few of which we will take a look at later.

Why Should I Buy Solid-state Amp?

These amplifiers were a temporary solution to the problematic tube amps. Although the principle of sound production is the same (the amp registers the electrical signal and converts it into a sound wave), the difference is in the parts that make the sound. With solid-state amps, this is done by the transistor circuit.

In these amplifiers, the parts from which they are made take up significantly less space than the tube amps. Therefore the solid-state amps are smaller compared to the tube amp with the same power. Although when it comes to power, size, and weight, the solid-state amps might sound ideal, still their sound can not be compared to the tube.

The reason is simple, the sound produced by the transistor is perfectly accurately measured in frequencies. That is why it is flat and does not have the natural sound waves that the tube amp is capable of producing.

But in some cases these amplifiers are irreplaceable. They are physically very durable because the parts are simply built, are stronger, and more compact. When using a solid-state amp you are free to relax and not think about whether it will be damaged or broken during transportation or when you up the volume. This makes them ideal for constant travel and playing live gigs and rehearsals.

A big advantage that the solid-state amps have over the tube amps is that the solid-state amps do not need time to warm up before they start producing sound. In the case of solid-state amps with a simple press of the on/off switch you are ready to go.

Why Should I Buy a Digital/Modeling?

With the rapid technological progress in this area, the modeling amps are getting better and it will not be long before they take over from the tube amps. Before getting to know the modeling amps in more detail I too was skeptical. I personally did not expect something so “artificial” to simulate such an original and natural sound.

Although not yet at the right level, the modeling amplifiers are slowly starting to catch up with the best tube amplifiers. Proof that they are moving in the right direction is that there are modeling amps that are produced by companies such as Fender or Vox, which are already manufacturers of some of the best tube amplifiers.

The sound they produce mimics the unpredictability of the tubes and their natural distortion. But the plus side is that all the problems we usually encounter with the tube amps are excluded when we are talking about modeling amps. There are no heating tubes here so the amplifier can start as soon as it is switched on.

The system that produces the sound is small and does not take up space, and therefore doesn’t add too much weight. And they have imitations of many different models of the most famous tube amps plus all the most famous and most used guitar effects. This already looks like a perfect amplifier. However, when buying a modeling amp, it is worth investing in more expensive manufacturers and models.

Best Amp for Every Style?

Each style of music is recognizable by its original sound, so it is no coincidence that there are many different models of amplifiers. The amplifiers and their purpose were determined by the most famous guitarists and bands that left a mark on a certain style of music.

Your guitar idol is a very big factor in choosing guitars, amps, and effect pedals. So choose the amplifier that best matches the music you listen to and want to play. Let’s look at a few examples of amplifiers that suit a particular style or genre according to their most popular users.

  • Vox is a leading manufacturer of guitar amps because of their consistency, something

they have proven time and time again. This is a versatile amp that is the first choice of many blues, jazz, and blues/rock musicians. They gained their popularity through the endorsement of several guitarists, including Ritchie Blackmore, Queen’s Brian May, and U2’s lead guitarist, Dick Evans.

  • Marshall (in my opinion) is the most legendary manufacturer of guitar amplifiers when it

comes to rock and hard rock music. This does not necessarily mean that it is the best, but still, to get a true picture of what kind of amplifier it is, take a look at the long list of names in rock and roll culture that are supporters of this brand, such as, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Tom Morello, and of course, Slash.

  • Fender is another manufacturer of incredibly good amplifiers.

Unlike the previous two, the Fender amps are designed for virtually any type of music. Since these amps have existed for a very long time they have been played by jazz, blues, and rock musicians alike with some big names to back up the brand.

The best examples would be Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, George Benson, and Joe Bonamassa. This is just a very short list of my favorite amplifier manufacturers based on purpose and style. Naturally, there are several other very good amplifiers that deserve to be found on this list so we will take a look at them below.

Do I Need a Portable Amp?

When choosing an amplifier for guitarists who are constantly traveling and always want to have the option of playing and practicing, portability is a very big factor. This is especially important when looking for an amp that will work for band rehearsals, small gigs, playing outdoors, or for practicing at home or on the road.

The best amps for this purpose belong to the category “mini amps”. They usually have fewer options for setting treble, bass and middle, reverb, and overdrive. But if you invest in a quality modeling amp with all the most important features (aux-in, headphones outputs, USB connections, recording, etc) you can get a phenomenal amp that will last. These amps are, of course, small, and they might not be the most powerful amps, but you will find that they are loud enough to fulfill their purpose.

Do I Need Battery-powered Amp?

The battery-powered amps are very useful when you want to play wherever you are.

This is especially important for street performers who rarely have the opportunity to supply their gear with electricity. While the ability to run on batteries is a big advantage, it is just as important to have the option of an adapter or power cord.

With constant use, the batteries wear out and need to be constantly replaced or recharged.

Most batteries last between 12 and 15 hours of active use. This is good if you use the amp outdoors. But while you are using it at home and have access to electricity, it makes the most sense to plug the amplifier into an electrical outlet.

What Guitar Effects Do Amps Have?

The most basic control knobs in amplifiers are the equalizer (treble, middle, and bass), the reverb, and the drive knobs. These options are found in the tube and solid-state amplifiers. With the mini amps, it often happens that they are limited, usually at the expense of the middle and the reverb control. But the new modeling amps are a different story.

With modeling amps, in addition to the most basic options, there are also various preamps of already known and popular models. Next to them, there is a whole section that houses the most used guitar effects such as reverb, distortion, delay, flanger, and chorus. The quality of these effects cannot be compared to analog guitar pedals. But when you take a look at the price, they are not to be underestimated.

The way these effects work is very simple and they are selected through a single knob.

For certain effects, such as the delay, three knobs are mainly used, time, feedback, and volume. If there is less space on the knob panel (especially with the mini amps) a simpler variant is tap to set the delay.

How to Choose the Best Mini Amp for Practicing?

Practicing the guitar for many guitarists is a daily aspiration and even need. It’s about staying in shape, learning songs, or recording music. But hardly anyone can be in the studio or in a practice room for long periods of time. Every day we waste a lot of time waiting for transportation, during work breaks or long trips. And if you have the right guitar gear you can use it this time.

That’s why you need a mini amp for practicing wherever you need it, which you can put in a backpack or even in your pocket. And it would be ideal if it had a headphone output so that you would not disturb your family or neighbors if you stay up practicing in the late hours. Another feature that a good practice amp must-have is the aux input through which songs can be played for learning or backing tracks to play along.

And as an extra feature that would complete the best practice amp is a recording output through which you can record and save all the ideas that come to you while playing.

Can I Use a Mini Guitar Amp for Gigs?

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the ideal guitar amplifier for gigs.

First, you need an amp that will be loud enough to match the rhythm section, especially with the drums. The ideal power for this purpose is about 60 watts. Anything below 60 watts should be played much louder to balance with the band, which is not good for the amp.

Amplifiers with this power are usually made with a 1×8” speaker or bigger which means it no longer belongs to the mini amp category. So if you want to carry a more powerful amp it will cost you a lot of space and weight. Therefore, for playing gigs, you can not use a mini amp.

And last but not least, do not wear tube amps on gigs.

The reasons are simple, compared to the solid-state or the modeling amps they are heavier, bigger, and more fragile, and then they need time to warm up. But still, to be fair, nothing can replace the tube sound so if some gigs mean a lot to you, feel free to bring your favorite amp.

What Extra Features Should a Good Mini Amp Have?

When it comes to functionality, the latest models of guitar amps (whether small or large, but mostly digital) have many features that make practicing and playing much easier than some older models. Among the first important features of the guitar amp is the aux input. This input connects devices (such as phones, tablets, etc.) using an aux cable through which audio exercises, songs, or backing tracks can be played.

The next thing a good amplifier should have is a headphone output. This is ideal for practicing anytime, anywhere without bothering other people. One of the most useful things you can find in amps is the USB connection for recording on your computer.

This means that the amplifier is connected through a special recording software with your computer. This allows you to make and record your original music through the amplifier and its effects.

Chris from Guitar Lobby

My name is Chris and I’ve had a passion for music and guitars for as long as I can remember. I started this website with some of my friends who are musicians, music teachers, gear heads, and music enthusiasts so we could provide high-quality guitar and music-related content.

I’ve been playing guitar since I was 13 years old and am an avid collector. Amps, pedals, guitars, bass, drums, microphones, studio, and recording gear, I love it all.

I was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania. My background is in Electrical Engineering, earning a Bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University. With my engineering experience, I’ve developed as a designer of guitar amplifiers and effects. A true passion of mine, I’ve designed, built, and repaired a wide range of guitar amps and electronics. Here at the Guitar Lobby, our aim is to share our passion for Music and gear with the rest of the music community.

3 thoughts on “17 Best Mini Guitar Amps in 2024 (All Price Ranges)”

I’m so glad to see that there are still some great mini guitar amps available in 2022! I’m currently using an amp that is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and it works great for me.

Thanks for this article. Would you mind sharing why you left the Spark MINI out of this list? It gained so much popularity recently! Not warranted?

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The 13 Best Mini Portable Guitar Amps (Top Picks of This Year)

  • Written by: Tiff Bryan
  • Gear & Tech Reviews

Best Mini Portable Guitar Amps Battery Powered

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Looking for the best mini guitar amp for home, studio, or travel use? Here are 13 of the best wee beasties on the market today.

Think small guitar amps are just toys? Think again, my friend! We’ve found 13 game-changing mini guitar amplifiers, both battery and mains powered, that are primed to win over your heart. 

The neat thing about all these combo amplifiers? They’re inexpensive, portable and don’t take up much room.  

Beginner to advanced or whether you’re strumming in your backroom or hitting small intimate stages, these mini amp beasts are about to become your ultimate sidekick.

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Who Needs A Small Mini Guitar Amp?

  • The Bedroom Strummer : For those late-night jam and practice sessions, a mini guitar amp is your go-to companion. It's perfect for living room players who want to rock out without disturbing the neighbors (or being moaned at by your other half - you know too well what we mean!)
  • The Lunchtime Lick Master : Even on the busiest workdays, a mini guitar amp is a savior for professionals who crave their midday dose of music. Sneak in some practice during lunch breaks and keep your skills sharp without missing a beat.
  • The Weekend Warrior : Heading to small gigs or impromptu jam sessions? A mini guitar amp is a must-have for those who want a punch of sound without hauling heavy gear.
  • The Dorm-Room Rockstar : College life can be cramped, but a mini guitar amp turns any dorm room into a stage. It's ideal for students who crave sonic exploration without crowding their space.

Ready to snag a pint-sized amp you can smuggle into your gear collection? Time to roll out the reviews and rock.

1. Vox VX15 GT 15W Digital Modeling Amp

Vox VX15 Guitar Amp best small amp for home use

You can’t deny that Vox are the granddaddy of epic amp tone. And when it comes to their Vox VX15 GT, they don’t disappoint.

This 15-watt modelling amp packs in a whopping 11 amp simulators and 8 effects, including delay, flanger and chorus.

The added tap button is handy to easily set your own delay time and let your inner Edge rip.

With impressive amp modelling, solid build quality, and the ability to plug in a microphone and external devices such as your MP3 player or phone, the VX15 is a wee little beast.

You’ll love: The lightweight combo amp’s ability to be polite and quiet or brash and loud as you command.

  • Wattage – 15 Watts
  • Power – Power adaptor 
  • Controls – Volume, gain, tone, amp simulators, effects, 
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, Mic, AUX jack
  • Amp simulators – 11
  • FX – 8 
  • Dimensions – 31.3D x 35.4W x 20.8H cm | 3.8 kg

2. Fender Mini '57 Twin Amp

Fender Mini '57 Twin Micro Portable Guitar Amp

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The Fender Mini ’57 is a super-compact practice amp that would feel equally at home sitting on your desktop or practice room floor. The retro tweed finish makes this amp perfect for those players who love rocking that vintage Fender vibe. Whilst the modest 2 by 2-inch 1-watt speakers won’t give you earth-shattering power, the volume is loud enough and perfect for not bothering others you live with when you’re practicing your chops at home. One tip with this amp when using the distortion sound is to turn the tone knob low, and the result is less fuzz and more pleasing rock n’ roll growl.

Users report that using the amp with headphones is a joy and has the desirable knock-on effect of making you want to pick up your guitar more than ever.

You’ll love:   The real vintage fabric and leather handle make this cheap-as-chips mini practice amp feel much more expensive than it actually is.

  • Wattage  -1 Watt
  • Power  – 1 x 9V battery or 9V power adaptor 
  • Controls  – Power, volume, tone, drive
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, Mic
  • Amp simulators  – Non
  • FX  – Non
  • Dimensions  – 7.6D x 14.6W x 13.3H cm |0.5 Kg

3. Boss Katana Mini Amplifier

Boss Katana Mini Portable Guitar Amp, best small amp for beginners, best small amp for home use, guitar gift, gift idea for musicians

You don’t have to look hard online to find glowing reviews of the Katana Mini amp by Boss. It offers you a wide range of lush tones, and the 7 watts deliver a shockingly louder sound than you’d imagine from such a petite guy. Whether you’re sitting on the sofa at home, jamming with your band, or getting a cheeky practice session in at work, both the clean and driven sounds are fantastic on the Katana.

The choice of ‘brown’, crunch, and clean tones means this amp not only sounds good, but it’s bags of fun to play. Rich, full tones with a warm ambient delay, this Boss micro amp offers you much more than you’d expect once you plug it in and let rip.

You’ll love:  Many users are singing the praises at the impressive battery life this mini amp gives you.

  • Wattage  -7 Watts
  • Power  – 6 x AA batteries and AC power adaptor 
  • Controls  – Amp type, volume, gain, bass, middle, treble, delay time, delay level
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, Aux in
  • Amp simulators  – Non – 3 tone choices
  • FX  – 1: Delay
  • Dimensions  – 11.6D x 23.0W x 18.1H cm |1 Kg

4. Marshall MS4 Mini Micro Full Stack

Marshall MS4 Mini Micro Full Stack

If you’re a diehard Marshall fan and you’re after a tiny portable amp, the MS4 Mini Micro Full Stack is going to be right up your street. Ideal for on-the-go practice, the MS4 has an impressive amount of distortion when you crank up the gain, and balancing the volume level on your guitar will help produce a great clean sound to boot. The Micro Stack has two speaker cabs, headphone output for rocking out in private, and is powered by either a 9V battery or  AC power adapter .

You’ll love:  G reat mini Marshall tone delivered by the uber-cool-looking stack design.

  • Power  – 9V battery
  • Controls  – Volume, gain, tone
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, headphones
  • Amp simulators  – Non 
  • Dimensions  –  6D x 11W x 26H cm |1 lb

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5. Roland CUBE-10GX Guitar Amplifier

Roland CUBE-10GX 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier best small mini practice

There are an impressive amount of features packed into the Roland Micro Cube that put other small amplifiers to shame.

3 COSM amp models, 8 DSP effects, tuner, stereo aux input for external devices, carry strap and even a memory function for saving your favourite amp settings. You name it; the Micro Cube fits it in.

Regardless of if you’re on the road or noodling about chilling at home, Roland’s Micro Cube would be a smart purchase choice if you’re the kind of player who likes fiddling around with different amp sounds and effects.

You’ll love:  The terrific-sounding amp for such a small price tag.

  • Wattage  – 10 Watts
  • Power  – AC power adaptor 
  • Controls  – Gain, volume, amp type, effects, tuner, tone, master, memory function
  • Amp simulators  – 8
  • FX  – 8
  • Dimensions  – 17.9D x 34.6W x 31.7H cm | 4.7 kg

6. Blackstar Fly 3 Mini Amp

Blackstar Fly 3 Mini Combo Amplifier

The Blackstar FLY 3 is a handy mini portable guitar amp. The two-channel 3-watt practice amp features tape delay, EQ and aux input for you to plug in your device of choice, such as an MP3 player or phone. At first look, you might be concerned about the capabilities of this amp due to its tiny size, but once you plug in your guitar, any worries will instantly disappear. The Fly 3 gives you the grunt of a larger amp but at a small price. It’s a no-brainer.

You’ll love:  The ability to connect to the  Fly 103 cabinet  to create a 6-watt stereo amp experience if the urge takes over you.

  • Wattage  – 3 Watts
  • Power  –  6 x AA batteries or  6.5V DC power supply  
  • Controls  – Volume, gain, ISF EQ, overdrive switch, delay level
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, line in/Aux, headphones
  • FX  – 1
  • Dimensions  – 14.2D x 19.3W x 10.9H cm | 1 kg

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7. VOX Pathfinder 10 Guitar Amp

VOX Pathfinder 10 Guitar Practice Amp Combo

The Pathfinder 10 gives you everything you’d expect from a Vox amp; growling crunch and crisp, rich, clean tones. From blues, jazz, rock, whatever your style of playing, this 10-watt combo amp will serve you well and deliver stellar sound. One of the bigger mini amps on our list, the Vox Pathfinder 10 is still little enough to be portable. If you’re looking to buy a no-frills just ‘plug-and-play’ great sounding amp, look no further. All in all, the size and wattage of this twin-channel amp makes the Pathfinder 10 an excellent choice for both home practice and studio jamming.

You’ll love: The super  cool  grill colour options  including  Union Jack,  Classic  and  Denim .

  • Wattage  -10 Watts
  • Power  – AC Power Adaptor integrated
  • Controls  – Gain, volume, treble, bass, clean/overdrive switch
  • Amp simulators  – Non – 2 channels
  • Dimensions  – ‎20.3D x 43.2W x 30.5H cm| 454 g

8. Yamaha THR5 Guitar Amp

Yamaha THR5 10 Watt Practice Combo Guitar Amp

The 10-watt THR5 portable Yamaha desktop guitar amp oozes quality and offers you multiple sound and effect combinations. With 5 amp sims to choose from, USB input, tuner and intuitive tone switches, the THR5 is a mighty versatile little amp. The THR5 is solid-state, but Yamaha has modelled the internal signal paths from famous tube amps to give you a tone you’ll fall in love with. Whilst this amp isn’t one of the cheapest on our list, the THR5 has added features you’ll find helpful day-to-day. Take the USB connection, for example. It gives you two channels of recording to your computer and two channels of playback from your computer. This is useful if you like to make your own music or simply record your guitar practice sessions. In conclusion, if you’re after a quality micro amp that’s anything but a toy, the THR5 is worth looking at.

You’ll love:  The  super durable rugged metal chassis design.

  • Power  – AC power adaptor (included) or 8 x AA batteries
  • Controls  – Amp Model, gain, master, tone, effect, delay/reverb, volume, tap tempo/Tuner
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, headphones, USB
  • Amp simulators  – 5
  • Dimensions  – ‎12D x 27.1W x 16.7H cm | 2 kg

9. Orange Amps Crush Mini 3W

Orange Amps Crush Mini 3W Analogue Combo Amp Front

Okay, so don’t expect hair-curling volumes or knock-out tones from this little guy, but do expect fun distortion and crunchy tones from the Orange Crush Mini amp. With its 3″ speaker, the tone control delivers a vintage boxy midrange tone, or you can tweak away for a brighter modern tone. The Crush Mini is more than just a great-sounding amp. It also has a built-in tuner, a headphone output, and an Aux-In jack. This means you can tune your guitar, practice quietly with headphones, or jam along to your favorite songs.

Just be careful not to knock this amp around too much; built like a tank; it ain’t.

You’ll love:  Plugging it into your 4×12 cab, cranking the gain and letting your guitar scream like a Banshee on a full moon.

  • Power  – 9V battery or DC adapter
  • Controls  – Gain, tone, volume
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, headphones, aux in
  • Dimensions  – ‎8.3D x 15W x 14.5H cm | 904 g

10. Orange Micro Terror MT20 Amp Head

Orange Micro Terror MT20 Guitar Amp Head

Are you looking for an amp head that won’t result in a trip to the chiropractor every time you pick it up? The Orange Micro Terror MT20 amp is your man. The Micro Terror won’t only surprise you by how small and light it is, but the hybrid design with 12AX7 preamp tube and 20-watt power amp combine to deliver a sound that’ll knock your socks off. Coupled with any speaker cabinet that’s 8-16 Ohm, such as the Orange PPC-108 cab or even 4×12 cabinets, you get enough grunt for metal and plenty of bright sparkle for jazz. Don’t underestimate the power of this bitesize little dude; tweak away at the volume and gain and enjoy the ride.

You’ll love:  The   distinctive Orange amp sound delivered at a pleasingly small price tag.

  • Wattage  -20 Watts
  • Power  – DC 15V Adapter (included)
  • Controls  – Gain, volume, tone, power
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, speaker, headphones, aux
  • Dimensions  – ‎9.2D x 16.5W x 13.5H cm | 907.18 g

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11. Marshall MG10 Guitar Amp

Marshall MG10 CF Portable Mini Guitar Amplifier

If you’re looking for a great starter guitar amp that’s portable, simple to use and cheap, or if you’re just after a second small amp that’s convenient to practice with at home, the MG10 CF from Marshall is a stellar choice. It is intuitive and easy for any player to get their head around. The two channels give you clean and crunch, volume control for each, and a tone contour control that allows you to dial in the sound to your taste. You get that classic Marshall build quality at a fraction of the price of the big boys from the diddy MG10 CF. What’s more, we think you’ll find the amp strikingly loud for its size.

You’ll love:  The carbon fibre finish or classic Marshall black and gold colour options.

  • Power  – Integrated power lead
  • Controls  – Gain/volume, gain, volume, contour
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, Headphones, MP3
  • Dimensions  – ‎17D x 29W x 31H cm | 4.8kg

12. Danelectro Honeytone N-10 Mini Guitar Amp

Danelectro Honeytone N-10 Guitar Mini Amp

If you’re the type of person who likes their guitar gear not just to sound good but to look good, your search is over. Danelectro’s Honeytone N-10 gives you a clean or overdriven sound that belies its stature. And this little fella looks undeniably cool too. It has a clip so you can attach it to your belt, comes with a 9V battery, and features a headphone jack, volume, tone, and overdrive controls.

The perfect amp to walk around with while you are practicing or jamming. It may be small, but this stylish retro micro amp packs a punch.

You’ll love:  The ease at which you’ll be able to practice on your guitar with this tiny amp sat within arm’s reach on your desk or coffee table.

  • Wattage  – 1 Watt
  • Power  – 9V battery (included)
  • Controls  – Volume, tone, overdrive
  • Dimensions  – ‎7.6D x 15.2W x 15.2H cm | 431 g

13. VOX amPlug 2 Guitar Headphone Amp

Vox AP2 AC30 Micro Guitar Headphone Amplifiers

What’s that? You want an even more tiny portable guitar amp solution? You couldn’t get any more micro than the Vox amPlug 2 headphone amp then.

The perfect no-fuss on-the-go practicing aid, simply plug your guitar and headphones into this headphone amp, and you’re good to go. You can even plug in your metronome or MP3 into this funky gadget to play along with. With its gain, tone, volume and fx dials, the amPlug packs in a surprising amount of features into its teeny tiny body.

You’ll love:  The  choice you get of different Vox amPlug 2 models including,  Classic AC30 ,  Blues , Clean, Lead and Metal. We just wish Vox would bring out a super amPlug with all these babies combined in one!

  • Power  – 2 x AAA batteries
  • Controls  – Gain, tone, volume, fx
  • Ins/Outs:  Instrument, Headphones, Aux
  • Amp simulators  – 3
  • FX  – 3
  • Dimensions  – ‎‎8D x 8.6W x 3.1H cm | 40 g

Summing it Up

If you want a surefire way of increasing your enjoyment of playing the guitar, it’s all about making your practice time convenient and fun. The best way to achieve this is to get yourself a mini portable amplifier. As you’ve just discovered in our list of the top 13 micro guitar amps for beginners, intermediates and beyond, you have the choice of getting either a basic or feature-packed amp. Both types have their advantages; The benefit of a no-frills small guitar amp is its ease of use. This makes practice painless as they eliminate you having to get too involved in the controls.

Conversely, the benefit of a singing-all-dancing feature-rich micro amp is that it gives you a choice of settings. This can make your practice time more interesting, creative, and fun. The choice is yours. But whichever type of small amp you go for, plug in and have hours of playing fun.

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The Best Portable Guitar Amps for Playing Your Tunes On the Road

By Joshua Kanter

Joshua Kanter

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, Rolling Stone may receive an affiliate commission.

Portability doesn’t have to mean sacrificing sound quality, especially when it comes to guitar amps. While even the biggest guitar amps for electric or acoustic models still have handles that make it easy to take on the road, most still aren’t ideal for commutes to the studio or a venue. The good news is that you can still find plenty of new portable guitar amps that feature a more lightweight, travel-friendly design with all the functions you’ll need. Whether you occasionally play an open mic, or just want a great-sounding amp that’s ready to hit the road when you are, we found a range of the best portable guitar amps for every situation.

Portable Guitar Amp Buying Guide

Here’s what to look for in a powerful, portable guitar amp:

Amp Type : When you’re shopping for the best portable guitar amp for you, you’ll likely find two main options out there: solid state and tube. Solid state amps use transistors to amplify the signal, while tube amps use vacuum tubes. Generally, solid state amps tend to be more reliable and less expensive, but many guitarists prefer the warmer, more natural sound of tube amps.

Power: If you’re playing small gigs or practicing at home, a lower-wattage amp will likely suffice. However, if you’re playing larger venues or need more volume, you’ll want to look for a higher-wattage amp to reach the back row. An amp that’s 40 watts should be powerful enough to get loud for a good-sized crowd, while 20 watts and under will keep the coffeehouse patrons happy.

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Effects: Reverb, delay, and distortion are just a few to think about, as well as tone-shaping controls like EQ and gain. These can be useful for shaping your sound and adding extra dimension to your playing, and if possible, we recommend going for an amp that has at least these options on it. Other extras can include a built-in drum machine, and the ability to control everything from an app via Bluetooth.

What Are the Best Portable Guitar Amps?

Here are our favorite portable guitar amps for both playing on the road and practicing alike.

Mark Five: 25 Guitar Combo Amp

This combo amp has the power to get seriously loud, while still being light enough to stay portable. The Mark Five: 25 contains a total of six preamp tubes and two power tubes inside, with two channels, two inputs, and 10/25W of switchable kick. Controls like presence, reverb, and even a footswitch are included, while there’s plenty of equalization opportunities to play with to get your perfect sound and volume set for any small to mid-sized performance.

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Buy Fender Mustang Micro Headphone Amplifier $89.99

Fender Mustang LT40S

The bigger brother of the Micro, Fender’s Mustang brings all the fun and experimentation into an amp that’s about half the size of other portables and still powerful (and light) at 40 watts with 4″ speakers inside. The user interface is easy to get the hang of, with a screen and plenty of effects and settings to explore. An added bonus: You can save your favorites with the Fender app. Use the built-in tuner to get started, tap your desired tempo, and crank this light-but-loud unit all the way up.

Buy Fender Mustang LT40S $229.99

Yamaha THR10II 10W 2×3 Guitar Combo Amp

Compared side-by-side with the others in the bunch, Yamaha’s THR10II looks like it’s from another time, maybe even another planet. But it sounds great, and portability wasn’t lost in the design of this rectangular little powerhouse. At 15 watts, it’s still plenty loud for solo practice, and provides the option of emulating realistic tube-amp tones along with 15 guitar amps, three bass amps, three mic models for acoustic-electrics, and flat modes for everything else. It’s Bluetooth and USB compatible for headphones and desktops/laptops for when you’re ready to record.

Buy Yamaha THR10II 10W Guitar Combo Amp $299.99

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Guitar Kraft

This is our review of the best mini guitar amp.

Based on our playing experience, we believe the Boss Katana Mini – 7W Combo Amp is the best portable guitar amp for smaller applications. We’ve been using this amp since 2021 and it has ticked all the right boxes for us.

If all you want is a decent practice amp without all the digital bells and whistles, then the Boss Katana Mini with it’s minimal yet practical features is a great choice for budget mini amp seekers.

However, we don’t want our experience with the amp bias our recommendations and hence we’ve included 8 more portable amps across size, wattage and feature spectrum.

Each portable mini amp we’ve selected offers something unique and we hope you find the one that fits your specific requirements.

Let’s dig in…

9 Best Mini Guitar Amps

  • Boss Katana Mini – Combo Amp (Editor’s Choice)
  • Positive Grid Spark GO Ultra-Portable Smart Guitar Amp (Best Features)
  • Blackstar Electric Guitar Mini Amplifier, (FLY3) (Best Budget)
  • VOX MINI3 G2 Battery Powered Modeling Amp (Best Value)
  • Marshall MS2 Battery-Powered Micro Guitar Amplifier (Best Micro)
  • Orange Crush Mini Guitar Amplifier
  • Donner Mini Guitar Amp Digital (Best Digital)
  • RockJam Electric Guitar Amplifier (Best No Frills)
  • Yamaha THR5 Desktop Guitar Combo Amp (Best Premium)

9 Best Mini Guitar Amps Reviewed

We have compiled a list of the best mini amps for guitar available on the market for you. Discover these amazing compact amplifiers which provide incredible sound quality without occupying too much space.

Boss Katana Mini – 7-Watt Combo Amp

small travel guitar amp

Boss Katana Mini is an excellent choice if you want a decent without all the bells and whistles of endless features in a small package.

  • Compact design with amazing sound quality
  • Authentic multi-stage analog gain circuit
  • Adapter not included; expensive

This tiny powerhouse with a 7W output offers a big sound, thanks to its 1x 4″ custom speaker , advanced hardware, refined circuitry and special components. We were impressed by the rich and full tones produced by the amp, making it perfect for practice sessions and jamming at home or on the go.

We loved how versatile the Katana Mini could be, offering three different amp types: Brown, Crunch, and Clean . The crunch and brown tones delivers an impressive punch , but the clean tone wasn’t as bright as we’d hoped. The amp also features a genuine three-band analog tone stack for natural sound shaping, and the built-in tape-style delay adds an extra layer of ambience to your playing.

Being battery-powered, the Boss Katana Mini is incredibly portable, weighing just under three pounds. It’s great for taking on the go, whether you want to practice in the park or jam with your friends. However, be mindful that it doesn’t come with a power supply and runs on six AA-sized batteries , so make sure you stock up.

Positive Grid Spark GO 5W Ultra-Portable Smart Guitar Amp

small travel guitar amp

A fantastic choice for guitarists looking for a portable, versatile, and feature-packed mini amp.

  • Impressive sound quality for its compact size
  • Wide variety of built-in amps and effects
  • 8-hour battery life for all-day jamming
  • Could be overwhelming for beginners

We were surprised what the folks at Positive Grid have managed with this small guitar amp. The Positive Grid Spark GO is probably the peak of innovation packed in a tiny box .

Whether you’re playing electric, acoustic, or bass guitar, the Spark GO offers a rich, detailed tone that truly defies its compact dimensions.

The ultimate USP for a recording artist is the seamless integration with the Spark app. The app makes 33 amp models and 43 effects accessible with a tap . This allows you to create custom presets or download more than 50,000 tones from the ToneCloud community.

The Spark app even has an Auto Chords feature that analyzes and displays chords for your favorite songs in real-time.

Another really cool feature is the Smart Jam function, an AI-powered bandmate that listens, learns, and adapts to your playing style . This makes jamming alone a lot more interactive and enjoyable, as you get the feel of playing with a virtual band. 

We don’t recommend the Spark GO for beginners though . The reason being, all the smart features does have a learning curve and may frustrate some. And all those amp models and effects can easily distract you from your practice time – we’d rather have you spend your time in nailing that lick.

Blackstar Electric Guitar Mini Amplifier, Black (FLY3)

small travel guitar amp

The Blackstar Electric Guitar Mini Amplifier is a compact, portable, and versatile solution for players on the go.

  • Incredible tonal balance and feel at low volumes
  • Patented ISF for Tonal Variety
  • Intended primarily for guitar use, not bass
  • Could have more options for built-in effects

Designed to maintain the same tonal balance and feel of a larger guitar amp even at low volumes, this mini amplifier is great for practicing in small spaces or on the go without sacrificing sound quality.

The classic Blackstar box design delivers a decent output at 3W in a compact size. Besides you’ll get 2 channels – clean and overdrive delivered over a patented ISF (Infinite Shape Feature) –  access wide range of tones from American to British with the turn of a knob. 

Onboard knobs include Volume, Gain, Equalizer (ISF) and tape delay . Input/Output has an instrument jack, MP3 output, headphone output and an RJ45 speaker output

Overall, the Blackstar Electric Guitar Mini Amplifier is a superb choice for those looking for a lightweight, compact, and powerful mini amp for practice sessions, travel, or simply those with limited space. Its performance and design make it a valuable addition to any guitarist’s gear collection.

VOX MINI3 G2 Battery Powered Modeling Amp

small travel guitar amp

Another tiny gem at the lower wattage spectrum yet impressive sound and versatility.

  • Classic look
  • VOX Bassilator circuit for powerful, low-frequency tones
  • Effects quality may not be as high as more expensive amps

A battery powered Modeling Amp, VOX MINI3 G2 is usefully versatile with its 11 different amp models and 12 popular effects making it perfect for various instruments and musical styles. Thanks to its compact design, this amp is an excellent choice for those always on the go or if you want a reliable amp for daily practice.

Moreover, the proprietary VOX Bassilator circuit delivers a deep, powerful sound with ultra-low frequencies that hold up even at lower volumes. This feature clearly adds depth without distortion or loss of quality. 

We liked the neat setup of the control panel that makes everything accessible from the top . Besides the amp models and effects knobs you get Gain, Tone, Volume, Inst. Jack, Mic-in, Aux, Phone and more – all in one place. 

The dual power options provide flexibility , as you can use either the included AC adapter or six AA batteries to power the amp. With high-quality batteries, the amp is capable of running for up to 10 hours , perfect for long jam sessions and performances.

Marshall MS2 Battery-Powered Micro Guitar Amplifier

small travel guitar amp

Best micro-size amp that fits anywhere, goes everywhere and an excellent choice for guitarists seeking true Marshall tone in a portable package.

  • Compact and portable
  • Battery and mains power options
  • Classic Marshall tone
  • Limited volume and sound control
  • Slightly weak clean channel

Despite its 1W Output and a 1×2″ speaker, this mini amp delivers the true Marshall tone that guitarists love. Weighing only 0.34 lbs., it’s easy to carry around and perfect for practicing on the go or in your bedroom.

Onboard knob includes Volume, Tone and Channel for Clean and Overdrive – just enough for tiny room practice sessions. 

The amp offers both, a 9V battery and mains power options – no need to carry 6 AA batteries. The clamp on the back is a nice touch – just clamp the amp on your belt and start shredding. However, We suggest using a headphone as the tiny speaker output may fall short for some.

When it comes to performance, the Marshall MS2 provides both clean and overdrive channels with a single tone control . While the clean channel distorts on higher volume, the overdrive channel delivers that classic Marshall sound. 

Orange Crush Mini 3W Guitar Amplifier

small travel guitar amp

This is the second in micro-size amp lineup that we think is worth your pocket besides the Marshall MS2 we mentioned earlier. 

  • Impressive sound range in a small package
  • Speaker output for use as an amp head
  • Built-in tuner
  • Clean tone is difficult to achieve
  • Single channel

At 3W and 1×4″ speaker , this mini guitar amp packs a punch, delivering classic Orange tone for bedroom jamming or warming up backstage. Slightly heavier at 1.7 lbs., t he top panel knobs are standard with gain, tone and volume . The versatile and straightforward controls provide a wide range of sound options, from clean and clear to high-gain and heavy.

We liked the built-in tuner which will certainly come in handy for most of you. And the instrument jack also acts and the power on/off button.

The remaining input/output the aux-in and the headphone output . Besides the 9V battery slot is at the bottom and you also get a DC adapter for power source.

However, a few users noted that single channel made it somewhat challenging to lock in a good, clean tone.

In our experience, the Orange Amps Crush Mini 3W Guitar Combo Amplifier Bundle is a reliable, affordable option for those seeking a small, versatile guitar amp with classic Orange tone. 

Donner Mini Guitar Amp Digital

small travel guitar amp

A child among the big legends, Donner nevertheless has a pretty solid offer for guitarists on the market for the best portable amp.

  • 7 amplifier models for various styles and sounds
  • Built-in drum machine with 40 patterns for practice
  • 3 types of effects (mod, delay, reverb) with easy one-knob control
  • Built-in metronome not very useful
  • 1 x 3″ Speaker

The 7 amplifier models offer a wide range of tonal options , making it suitable for various genres and styles, from clean tones to high gain.

The built-in drum machine with 40 patterns is a fun addition , significantly enhancing solo practice and jam sessions. However, we’re not sure of the utility of the built-in metronome with no indicators for the tempo or time signature.

The simple one-knob control for the 3 types of effects (mod, delay, reverb) made it easy to add depth to our sound. The 1x 3″ speaker certainly does the job but falls a bit short to match upto the 5W output the amp delivers. 

On the input/output front you get all that you expect plus bluetooth for connecting your smartphone . Donner also offers 3 power options – Battery, DC and a USB-C port.

For your bedroom practice sessions, Donner offers enough value to be in the running for your final choice.

RockJam 10 Watt Electric Guitar Amplifier

small travel guitar amp

Now, some of you may have the budget for a bedroom amp but still carry hope for a louder amp. For you, the RockJam 10 Watt Electric Guitar Amplifier is a worthy consideration offering powerful sound and versatility.

  • 10 Watt power output for rich and dynamic sound
  • Built-in headphone output for quiet practice sessions
  • Three-band EQ for precise sound control
  • No onboard effects
  • No battery power source

At 10W with the choice of a speaker and a headphone ,  RockJam amplifier is perfect for bedroom practice, jam sessions with friends, or even small performances on stage. If you’re not a stickler for brands, this amp will do the job in your budget.  

We liked the 3-band EQ, giving control to finely adjust the bass, midrange, and treble frequencies to create your desired sound. 

Also note the amp only offers electric for power supply – there’s no battery or USB options available.

If you’re looking to add some distortion or grit to your guitar sound, this amplifier has you covered with its overdrive and gain controls . However, the lack of onboard effects or tape-delay limits your choices on tonal variety you can get out of the amp.

Think of a really stripped down version for a Guitar amp with pretty basic features but big volume – you get the RockJam 10W amp. If this is all you need then go for it./

Yamaha THR5 10-Watt Desktop Guitar Combo Amp

small travel guitar amp

This portable Yamaha THR5 amp is a perfect option for anyone looking for quality sound, versatility, and convenience. 

  • High-quality and diverse sound options
  • Vintage looks
  • USB connectivity and useful editing software
  • On the quieter side
  • Potentially short battery life

We have personally experienced this Yamaha THR5 10-Watt Desktop Guitar Combo Amp, and we can confidently say that it’s an impressive piece of equipment the best portable guitar amps. With its 5 classic amp models and range of effects driven by Yamaha’s signature VCM technology , you can achieve various tones to suit different styles.

The amp is lightweight and portable, perfect for those who want a versatile option whether playing on the move or practicing at home. The ability to run on AC power or batteries makes it even more convenient, ideal for those spontaneous jam sessions.

One of the pleasant surprises was the true hi-fi stereo sound that this amp offers, thanks to it being developed with Yamaha’s award-winning AV division . It delivers an immersive and full listening experience despite its compact size.

However, we noticed it could be quieter than expected , so if you’re looking for a mini amp with considerable power, this might not be your best choice. On the other hand, this makes it perfect for quiet practice sessions, and the sound quality remains exceptional at lower volume levels.

Connecting the amp to your computer via USB allows you to record, playback and edit your presets, which is a fantastic feature for musicians who like to experiment and save their favorite tones digitally. The amp comes with Cubase AI recording software , so you don’t need to worry about additional purchases in that regard. Moreover, the sound quality is superb when connecting headphones, offering an engaging and intimate listening experience.

Our Verdict

As stated at the start of this article, we recommend the Boss Katana Mini for most use cases of personal use. It’s well built, sounds good, has all the key features that’d we would expect in a portable amp and is well within the budget of most.

And as it is with all guitar gear, it’s personal. So go ahead and choose from the other 8 we’ve reviewed or buy something that is not in the list but you dig it nevertheless. 🙂

Buying Guide

Choosing a good mini guitar amp for home comes down to 5 to 6 key features before making your final choice. Since the purpose of portable guitar amps is to facilitate your playing needs in smaller and personal settings, the feature set are also designed to suit the purpose.

However digital innovations has made it possible to pack in more punch on a budget amp. If this is you first purchase, here’s the basics you should be looking for: 

  • Wattage: Mini guitar amps usually range from 1 to 10 watts. The wattage determines how loud the amp can be, but also affects the tonal character and sound. Consider your practice or performance needs when choosing wattage.
  • Speaker Size: The speaker size, generally ranging from 3 to 6 inches, can affect the overall tone and sound quality of a mini guitar amp. Smaller speakers tend to produce a brighter sound, while larger speakers may have more bass response.
  • Built-in Effects: Many mini guitar amps come with built-in effects, such as reverb or chorus, that can add depth and character to your playing. If you prefer a variety of sound options, look for an amp with multiple built-in effects.
  • Connectivity: Choose an amp with a range of input and output options, such as a headphone jack, aux input, and line output. These options give you flexibility when practicing, performing, or recording.
  • Size and Weight: Consider the overall size and weight of the mini guitar amp. Portability may be a priority, so ensure the amp will be easy to transport and fits your needs.

By taking into account these features and considerations, you will be well on your way to finding the perfect mini guitar amp for your playing needs.

Remember that the most important factor is to choose an amp that suits your preferences and helps you achieve the sound and functionality you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do mini guitar amps produce a sound quality comparable to full-sized amps.

Yes, many mini guitar amps can produce a sound quality comparable to full-sized amps. Although they may have smaller speakers and lower wattage, modern technology has provided mini guitar amps with the ability to emulate the tones and effects of larger amps. Despite their size, they are quite capable of producing a powerful, rich sound, making them a great option for practice sessions and small performances.

Can I use a mini guitar amp to record guitar?

Certainly! Mini guitar amps can be an excellent choice for recording guitar. Thanks to their compact size, they are easy to transport and can fit into any recording space without taking up too much room. Many mini guitar amps come with headphone outputs and USB connectivity, allowing you to directly connect with your recording equipment and software. This capability makes them a practical and efficient choice for recording purposes.

Can I use mini guitar amps for gigs or live performances?

Mini guitar amps can be used for smaller gigs and live performances, such as acoustic sets and intimate venues. Their portability and lightweight nature make them easy to set up and transport, allowing you to focus on your performance. Some mini amps may also come with battery-powered options, providing added flexibility during shows. However, it’s essential to gauge the power and projection of your particular mini amp to determine if it is suitable for the size and type of performance you have planned.

What accessories do I need to buy with a portable guitar amp?

When purchasing a mini guitar amp, you may want to consider the following accessories:

  • A guitar cable: To connect your electric guitar to the amp
  • Power adapter: If the amp does not come with one or you require an additional one
  • Batteries: If the amp is battery-powered and does not include batteries
  • Gig bag or case: To protect and transport your amp
  • Auxiliary cable: To connect your audio devices for playing along with your favorite songs
  • Headphones: For silent practice sessions or monitoring while recording
  • Extension speaker: If your mini amp requires additional projection for larger venues or live performances

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More Useful Reads:

How to use a metronome for guitar practice (8 examples with exercises), beginner’s guitar strings guide: all you need to know, 9 guitar tuning tips beginner guitarists ought to know,

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Happy New Guitar Day

THESE 5 Best Small Travel Guitar Amps You Can Bring Along

Need a guitar amp that you can take with you on your travels with no hassle.  Check out these best small travel guitar amp choices for 2022.

Quick Links To Our Best Mini Travel Guitar Amp Recommendations

  • Positive Grid Spark 40 – Our Top Choice!

Roland Cube-ST

Boss katana compact, vox amplug 2 ac-30, blackstar fly3.

  • 1 Quick Links To Our Best Mini Travel Guitar Amp Recommendations
  • 2.1 Our Favorite Micro Guitar Amp For Traveling – Positive Grid Spark 40
  • 2.2 Roland Cube-ST
  • 2.3 BOSS Katana Compact
  • 2.4 VOX Amplug 2 AC-30
  • 2.5 Blackstar Fly3
  • 3 Best Travel Guitar Amplifier Conclusion

Looking for travel guitars ?  Look here.  Also take a look at these best small tube amps .

Our Best Micro Guitar Amp For Traveling Reviews

Our favorite micro guitar amp for traveling – positive grid spark 40.

small travel guitar amp

The fact that this amp is a 40-watt power hybrid amp is the first thing to notice.  This means you can control your sound through the device’s physical interface or software download on your phone.

It has the physical interface you’d expect from a solid-state amp: 7 amp models, including bass and acoustic guitar, a 3-band EQ, gain and master controllers, and built-in FX (Mod, Delay, and Reverb).

Its software, on the other hand, is driven by Positive Grid’s outstanding BIAS technology, which gives you access to over 10,000 sounds.  This amp provides every tonal setting you could want.

This is an excellent choice for a portable guitar.

small travel guitar amp

The Roland Mobile Cube and Roland Micro Cube are smaller Cube alternatives, but the Street demonstrates why you might want to go a little bigger on sometimes.  You’ll give up some portability in exchange for higher sound quality, more features, and more versatility in how you can utilise the amp.

Although this amp’s power output isn’t as high as some of the other options, the larger speakers are more crucial.  The sound quality difference between a tiny amp with a 3′′ driver and two 6.5′′ speakers can be substantial.  Even switching from a mono to stereo setup might result in a significant improvement in perceived audio quality.

The twin input channels are another important feature of this amplifier.  You’ve got your standard guitar/instrument input, as well as built-in effects, amp models, and EQ.  Then there’s a separate mic/line level input with EQ, volume control, and effects.  This is a tremendous benefit for a busker because you can use the same amp for your guitar and voice.

As you can see, the separate mic/line and guitar/instrument inputs and controls give you a lot of flexibility over your overall sound.  Unlike some other amps with built-in effects, the EFX and delay/reverb are on distinct settings, allowing you to combine them.

Check The Latest Price On The Roland Cube-ST

small travel guitar amp

Both the clean and driving sounds on the Katana are wonderful, whether you’re relaxing on the sofa at home, jamming with your band, or sneaking in a practice session at work.  This amp not only sounds great, but it’s also a lot of fun to play thanks to the variety of ‘brown,’ crunch, and clean tones.

This Boss mini amp delivers much more than you’d expect once you plug it in and let it rip. Rich full tones with a soft ambient delay, this Boss micro amp offers much more than you’d expect once you plug it in and let it rip.

Check The Latest Price On The BOSS Katana Compact

small travel guitar amp

It’s easy to plug into any electric guitar or bass thanks to the 180-degree rotating socket, and the built-in Reverb, Chorus, and Delay Effects make it a terrific alternative for crafting intriguing tracks.

The Gain, Tone, and Volume controls are all simple to use, and the Aux in connector lets you connect an external sound source to play through the device as you play guitar!  This is perfect for jamming in silence over any music you have.  This is wonderful if you’re a late-night guitarist who wants to be able to perform anytime, anywhere.

Check The Latest Price On The VOX Amplug 2 AC-30

small travel guitar amp

Not only is this a great practice amp and desktop amplifier because of the smaller size and MP3/Line input, but it’s also a great recording amplifier because you can use the Emulated Line Out to record directly to your computer or hook straight up to a PA when your big touring rig is out of commission! It may be battery or DC powered, and you can make your FLY 3 into a 6 watt stereo amp by adding the Blackstar FLY 103 3″ Extension Speaker Cabinet!  If you want to stream music to a speaker via Bluetooth, the Blackstar Fly 3 Bluetooth Mini Amp is a great option for people who like to jam along with their music.

We have a full Blackstar Fly 3 review as well.

Check The Latest Price On The Blackstar Fly3

Best Travel Guitar Amplifier Conclusion

If you are looking to bring along a guitar amp that is easy to travel with, any of these options above will suit you well!

Check out these small Fender guitar amps as well or these best small acoustic guitar amp choices.

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The best small guitar amps of 2024

By Julian Vittorio

Posted on Jun 26, 2023 5:00 PM EDT

10 minute read

Best overall

Supro makes one of the best small guitar amps.

Supro 1612RT Amulet

Best wireless.

Yamaha makes the best small guitar amp that's wireless.

Yamaha THR30 II Wireless

Best budget.

Monoprice makes one of the best small guitar amps at an affordable price.

Monoprice 5-Watt Tube Amplifier

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Whether you’re performing around town, studio-hopping, or just short on free space at home, you don’t have to sacrifice sound quality or style when opting for a small guitar amp. Apart from being inherently compact and portable, small guitar amps have many creative advantages over their larger counterparts due to their ability to produce full-spectrum sound and ear-pleasing overdrive at lower volumes, making them a fantastic first choice for practicing at home or miking up in a studio. In this article, we’ll give you a quick rundown of our favorite mini amps for every task, big and small, to help you decide which of the best small guitar amps is right for your next creative project.

  • Best overall: Supro 1612RT Amulet
  • Best Fender: Fender ‘57 Custom Champ
  • Best for bass: Boss Dual Cube LX
  • Best wireless: Yamaha THR30 II Wireless
  • Best budget: Monoprice 5-Watt Tube Amplifier

How we chose the best small guitar amps

We built this list of the best small guitar amps based primarily on brand reputation, favoring manufacturers with a long track record of creating high-quality musical instruments like Fender, Supro, Yamaha, and Boss. We placed a secondary emphasis on versatility and sound quality, opting for a combination of tube-based and solid-state amp designs to represent a variety of play styles and creative needs. Amps that include extra features like USB connectivity, headphone jacks , and built-in effects are also represented to account for the large number of musicians looking for a small amp primarily for playing, recording, and composing at home.

The best small guitar amps: Reviews & Recommendations

As guitarists , we know the importance of big tones and the value of small, easily transported gear. Here are our picks for electric guitar amps that overdeliver but don’t force you to overexert yourself to move them around.

Why it made the cut: The Supro 1612RT Amulet features rich tube tone and switchable wattage in a small and stylish package.

  • Power: 15 watts (switchable to 5 watts and 1 watt)
  • Speakers: 1 x 10-inch
  • Effects: Reverb, vibrato
  • Dimensions: 17.5 x 17 x 8 inches (H x W x D)
  • Weight: 28.9 pounds
  • Switchable wattage for tube overdrive at any volume
  • Built-in tube reverb and tremolo
  • Celestion G10 speaker delivers assertive, full-bodied tone
  • Heavier and bulkier than other small tube amps

Suppose you’re looking for a guitar amp that can deliver plenty of volume and authentic tube tone without dominating your space. In that case, the Supro 1612RT Amulet offers a perfect balance of size and tonal versatility in a stylish design that looks great in any room. Featuring a 10-inch Celestion G10 speaker and 2-band EQ, the 1612RT Amulet has a distinct midrange-forward sound that pairs well with effects and stands out in a mix, making it a great choice for studio and stage applications alike. Unlike traditional tube guitar amp designs, the Amulet also includes a unique three-way wattage switch, allowing players to access the amp’s natural tube overdrive at a range of volumes without the need to turn all the way up.

While the Supro 1612RT Amulet’s larger speaker produces ample low-end to deliver its versatile and full-bodied sound, it adds quite a bit of weight and bulk compared to 8-inch speaker designs like the Fender ‘57 Custom Champ . We think this trade-off is more than worth it due to the wider tonal palette of a larger speaker, but this is something to consider if you’re looking to travel frequently with your small guitar amp.

Why it made the cut: The ‘57 Custom Champ is one of Fender’s smallest tube amps and delivers tons of classic tweed overdrive in a portable configuration.

  • Power: 5 watts
  • Speakers: 1 x 8-inch
  • Effects: N/A
  • Dimensions: 12.5 x 13.5 x 7.6 inches (H x W x D)
  • Weight: 15 pounds
  • Very lightweight and compact
  • Full-throated, versatile, harmonically rich tone
  • High-quality handwired construction
  • Quieter than larger amps

If you’re looking for authentic Fender tone in the smallest package possible, the Fender ‘57 Custom Champ packs enough punch and sparkle to satisfy even the most discerning guitarists. With a 5-watt, 15-pound design built around a custom Weber speaker and three tubes, each ‘57 Custom Champ is wired by hand in true vintage fashion, departing from more modern PCB designs. The result is a very responsive and sensitive amplifier that delivers tons of high-end sparkle and full-bodied overdrive across its entire volume range despite its below-average size volume. Though it’s not loud enough to keep up with a full live band, the ‘57 Custom Champ has an advantage over bigger and louder amps in recording and home practice settings due to its ability to produce complex and musical tube overdrive without bothering the neighbors.

While the ‘57 Custom Champ is far and away our favorite small Fender amplifier, its price tag may be out of reach for more casual players who don’t require vintage-spec tone and watertight quality control out of the box. Suppose you’re looking to spend a bit less. In that case, the slightly larger and heavier Fender Pro Junior IV features a very similar sound, design philosophy, and level of responsiveness with a tone profile that leans a bit brighter.

Why it made the cut: The Dual Cube LX is the perfect traveling companion for bassists looking to compose or practice thanks to its built-in effects and battery-powered design.

  • Type: Solid state
  • Power: 10 watts
  • Speakers: 2 x 5-inch
  • Effects: Reverb, chorus, flanger, looper, echo, wah
  • Dimensions: 10.3 x 13.4 x 8.1 inches (H x W x D)
  • Weight: 9.75 pounds
  • Lightweight design with battery-powered option
  • Multiple effects and preamp voicings with onboard looper
  • Built-in USB functionality for livestreaming and recording
  • Footswitch sold separately
  • Too quiet for playing with bands
  • Small speakers sacrifice some low-end volume

“Portable” isn’t the first thing we’d usually associate with a bass amp, but the unique and lightweight Boss Dual Cube LX manages to be just that and a whole lot more. With a huge suite of built-in stompbox-style effects and switchable preamp voicings, the Dual Cube LX is a dream for recording, composing, and practicing on the go. In addition to packing 10 watts of power and dual 5-inch speakers, this tiny bass amp features dual stereo XLR line outputs, a 3.5mm jack, and a dedicated USB output, allowing for direct connection to a wide variety of live sound and recording equipment. While this is all certainly impressive, we were most blown away by the ability to run the Boss Dual Cube LX at full volume using eight AA batteries, which allowed us to test it in remote recording applications with a laptop.

Like all small bass guitar amps, the Boss Dual Cube LX struggles a bit to push the sub-bass frequencies and volume required to hold its own in a live band scenario. Regarding rehearsing, this amp is decidedly best at stripped-down configurations featuring an equally quiet guitar or vocal and no drum kit. While the Boss Dual Cube LX does come with its own AC adapter for wall power, we wished it came with a footswitch to harness the amp’s awesome looper ability right out of the box. 

Why it made the cut: The Yamaha THR30 II Wireless features a built-in rechargeable battery, USB connectivity, and several modeling options that make it a powerful and flexible tool for creativity on the go.

  • Power: 30 watts (15 watts battery-powered)
  • Speakers: 2 x 3.5-inch
  • Effects: Reverb, chorus, tremolo, phaser, echo
  • Dimensions: 7.9 x 16.4 x 6.1 inches (H x W x D)
  • Weight: 9.5 pounds
  • Models 15 guitar amps, 3 bass amps, and 3 acoustic mics
  • Control backing tracks and adjust settings via Bluetooth
  • Integrated wireless receiver and built-in rechargeable battery
  • Wireless transmitter sold separately

If you’re looking for an all-in-one amp for playing or recording acoustic , electric , and bass guitar, the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless is a fantastic option with a portable and versatile design that can easily integrate with small spaces and busy lifestyles. Weighing in at just under 10 pounds, the THR30 II Wireless features 21 different amp and mic modeling options to produce a wide range of tones from clean to crunchy alongside an array of classic effects like reverb, chorus, and tremolo. When plugged in, the amp’s 30 watts of power and two 3.5-inch speakers produce ample volume for practicing or performing live in stripped-down musical settings. If you’re hitting the road or playing outdoors, the THR30 II Wireless’s built-in rechargeable battery keeps things humming along at a reduced power of 15 watts.

In addition to its modeling capabilities, the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless features other high-tech functions, including Bluetooth connectivity for streaming backing tracks to the amp, making tone adjustments, and recalling presets directly from your smartphone. A plug-and-play USB connection also allows the amp to function as a recording interface for sending two channels of audio directly to your computer. If you want even more freedom of movement, the amp features a unique built-in wireless receiver for cable-free performance, but you’ll need to pick up the required Line 6 Relay G10TII transmitter unit separately.

Looking to save some cash but still want similar features, including effects modeling, an audio interface, plus Bluetooth speaker functionality? Check out the Positive Grid Spark Mini 10W Smart Amp , a truly portable guitar amp under $500.

Why it made the cut: This small, no-frills amp delivers authentic tube tone at a surprisingly affordable price point.

  • Power: 5 watts (switchable to 1 watt)
  • Dimensions: 12 x 12.2 x 8.3 inches (H x W x D)
  • Weight: 13.2 pounds
  • Real tube overdrive at an affordable price point
  • Switchable wattage offers tonal variation at a range of volumes
  • Sturdy, substantial construction
  • Very basic tone controls, no reverb
  • Build quality reflects budget price tag
  • Not as portable as lighter amps

Things to consider before buying a small guitar amp

Do you require an amp with built-in effects.

If you don’t have guitar pedals or other outboard gear, you may want to consider a guitar amp with built-in effects. Our best overall pick, the Supro 1612RT Amulet, features a combination of built-in tube-powered reverb and tremolo to deliver a range of classic tones. If you’re looking for even more options, consider an amplifier with built-in echo, chorus, and other classic effects like the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless .

Will you be traveling with your small guitar amp?

If you’re traveling or commuting with your small guitar amp, size, and weight are important factors to consider. Generally speaking, solid-state amps are better travel companions due to having lighter circuitry and fewer sensitive components than tube amps, and when considering amp dimensions, any design with an 8-inch speaker should provide a good balance of volume and portability.

Do you have a preference between real tube overdrive and emulation?

Small tube amps have a unique sound all their own thanks to their ability to create rich, warm analog overdrive without the need for extra pedals or effects circuitry. While these designs are highly sought-after by tone purists and often work well with guitar pedals , the best small tube amps generally don’t include any other built-in effects. If you want a little more tonal flexibility, consider a solid-state amplifier like the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless that’s built to model several different types of cabinets and preamps.

Small guitar amps cost anywhere from around $120 to over $2,000.

Yes, you can use a small guitar amp for live performances in small indoor spaces, particularly if you’re not playing with a loud drummer. If you’re playing outdoors or in a venue that requires more volume, it’s common practice to add a microphone to the front of your small amp and send it through the PA system.

There are many small amps with effects, including the Boss Dual Tube LX for guitar and bass , the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless , and the Supro 1612RT Amulet .

The size of an amp rarely matters unless you don’t have the option to amplify it further using a microphone. For example, a small amp placed on stage in a venue can be amplified further using a microphone and a PA system. Additionally, small amps are ideal for recording studios because they can sound rich and full without getting too loud. If you need an amp to fill a space with sound while unassisted by a PA system, then bigger is definitely better .

Final thoughts on the best small guitar amps

Our favorite small guitar amp for stage and studio use is the Supro 1612RT Amulet, thanks to its incredibly rich tone, flexible tube overdrive, and integrated tremolo with reverb. If you’re looking for something a bit smaller, the Fender ‘57 Custom Champ is an equally versatile option sans effects that’s even snappier and more responsive but a bit quieter. For buskers, home recordists, and frequent travelers, we recommend the Yamaha THR30 II Wireless for its minimal weight, wireless capabilities, and built-in battery, while we recommend the solid-state Boss Dual Cube LX for bassists looking for a solid practice amp with a built-in USB interface and effects.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

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  1. Best mini amps for guitar: miniature practice solutions

    Most of the small guitar amps on this list come in under 10 watts, which is nowhere near enough to shine onstage. These amps are designed for use at home, and some of them will sound very loud in smaller spaces. Put a mini amp in a proper venue though and it'll soon get swallowed up by the drums, bass, PA system, and other guitars. ...

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    The Monoprice 611705 is the smallest and the cheapest tube amp on the market. Compared to the previous amps, this tube amp is the largest and heaviest, but for a reason. With dimensions of 305 x 310 x 210 mm and weighs 6 kg, the guitar cabinet houses an 8" Celestion Custom speaker with 5W output power.

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    8. Yamaha THR5 Guitar Amp. Learn more. The 10-watt THR5 portable Yamaha desktop guitar amp oozes quality and offers you multiple sound and effect combinations. With 5 amp sims to choose from, USB input, tuner and intuitive tone switches, the THR5 is a mighty versatile little amp.

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    Mark Five: 25 Guitar Combo Amp. This combo amp has the power to get seriously loud, while still being light enough to stay portable. The Mark Five: 25 contains a total of six preamp tubes and two ...

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    Yes, it's a housetrained tube amp with a super-simple setup, and if you want something small and manageable but can't get inspired without that genuine tube heat, this is where the action's at. Today's best Positive Grid Spark 40 and Supro Delta King 8 deals. Positive Grid Spark 40. £259. View.

  9. 9 Best Mini Guitar Amps (Updated 2024)

    Donner Mini Guitar Amp Digital. A child among the big legends, Donner nevertheless has a pretty solid offer for guitarists on the market for the best portable amp. Pros. 7 amplifier models for various styles and sounds. Built-in drum machine with 40 patterns for practice. 3 types of effects (mod, delay, reverb) with easy one-knob control.

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  11. THESE 5 Best Small Travel Guitar Amps You Can Bring Along

    2.1 Our Favorite Micro Guitar Amp For Traveling - Positive Grid Spark 40. 2.2 Roland Cube-ST. 2.3 BOSS Katana Compact. 2.4 VOX Amplug 2 AC-30. 2.5 Blackstar Fly3. 3 Best Travel Guitar Amplifier Conclusion.

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  14. The best small guitar amps of 2024

    Best overall. Supro 1612RT Amulet. SEE IT. This amp provides lots of volume and tube tone while not taking up too much space. Best wireless. Yamaha THR30 II Wireless. SEE IT. This all-in-one-amp ...

  15. What is the Best Travel Guitar Amp?

    Looking for a small battery powered amp that sounds decent and fits into a backpack? We picked our top 4 small and lightweight travel guitar amps. Maybe one ...

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  17. Elektrostal

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