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Home » Work and Travel » 35 BEST Travel Jobs to Make Money While Travelling

35 BEST Travel Jobs to Make Money While Travelling

Do you wish you could travel more but don’t have enough money?

Then this guide is for you! It will tell you all about the types of epic travel jobs that you can do. Ultimately, this post will help you find work and travel the world… FOREVER.

There are a surprising number of jobs that involve travelling, a few canny ways to make money travelling abroad, and even some jobs where you actually get paid to travel… (The best kind!)

From freelancing to affiliate marketing, travel blogging, tending the bar at a hip hostel–there are seriously all kinds of awesome – and some terrible – travel jobs you can get to make ends meet and prolong your travels.

The life of a working traveller is varied and complex: there are countless tools in your arsenal! In today’s post, I’m giving you the lowdown on some of the best travel jobs for backpackers, expats, and aspiring digital nomads. And realistically, for nearly all of them, you don’t need no tertiary education.

Ditch your desk, amigos: the world is waiting and the only thing you need to SUCCEED is  grit.

Nic working on a laptop in Bohinj, near Bled in Slovenia.

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  • Making Money Travelling the World:Types of Travel Work

The 35 Best Travel Jobs in 2024

Did you find your dream travel job, making money travelling the world: types of travel work.

There are lots of different types of travel jobs out there, and they can roughly be broken down into three categories. Let’s take a look at them before we delve into the jobs themselves…

There are some jobs that will pay you to travel the world. This might sound very glamorous at first, but you have to bear in mind you may not get as much of a chance to actually explore as you will be working. These could be travel jobs or potentially even travel careers , but they still generally require the level of input from you that any regular ol’ boring job would.

Jobs that require travel and pay well, such as being an airline pilot or foreign service travel jobs, will offer you a chance to save up mega-cashola and to hopefully see parts of the world during your downtime. But to be honest (and in my opinion) these travel careers don’t have the same kind of freedom as being a digital nomad.

Personally, I’m a big believer in making money through a digital nomad job as these jobs allow you to work from literally anywhere in the world, on your own schedule, and often as your own boss.

It takes time to set up a career as a digital nomad career… But it’s easy to get started now and to begin your journey!

All you need is a laptop plus a few other of the digital nomad essentials , and idea of WHAT you want to do, and a place in the world that you’re content to get some work done from. Well, that and playlist that gets you in the zone!

Beccoming a digital nomad changes how you travel , so for backpackers that want to retain their backpacker-roots, you need a job for backpacker. These travel jobs are job-jobs.

They could be wicked jobs, they could be shitkicker jobs. They could, potentially, also progress into careers, but they wouldn’t be travel careers. You’d just be an expat with a regular ol’ job.

Many of the best travelling jobs for backpackers are super casual affairs – seasonal work or temporary labour gigs. I’ve found paying work on goat farms, behind bars, in hostels, on construction sites, on beaches, and in many other places whilst backpacking around the world. It’s usually very easy to find some casual work as a backpacker.

All you need is a good smile, good work ethic, and maybe the willingess to be paid under the table for less than minimum wage! (Oops, did I say that? You do you.) 😉

paid travel jobs near me

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Let’s look at how to work and travel like a BOSS (or self-employed hustler). Ideas range from online trading to teaching yoga to consulting. Don’t Work Another Day ; we have something for every CV!

1. Make Money Blogging

Starting a blog is one of the best travel jobs out there. You can travel whenever you want and make money out of your adventures to keep you going! However, blogging is not easy and it’s not one of those jobs to make money quickly.

Blogging offers a great introduction to many different digital nomad careers. You’ll learn more about SEO, copywriting, web design, social media management, marketing and PR… the list goes on! All you need to get started is a decent laptop for travel blogging and loads of patience!

If you want to get a taste of blogging before launching your own, you can look into becoming a virtual assistant or if writing is more your thing becoming a freelance service provider , like Sofie Couwenbergh is also a viable option. Working for a blogger is the best way to learn the tricks of the trade!

Full disclosure: The travel blogging industry is competitive, cutthroat, and, honestly, oversaturated. DO expect a long road to the top.

How Much Can You Earn?

  • From $0 – $50,000 per month!

Digital Nomad in Malta

Finding a work-friendly atmosphere is important – check out Tribal Bali …

Having a job is one thing, but being able to sit down and get some work in is a whole other story. Luckily there are amazing coworking spaces all over the globe. But what if you could combine working and a place to live? Say no more…

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Introducing the best Coworking Hostel in the World – Tribal Bali!

A unique coworking and co-living hostel for those that want to travel the world while working from their laptops. Make use of the massive open-air coworking spaces and sip on delicious coffee. If you need a quick screen break, just take a refreshing dip in the infinity pool or grab a drink at the bar. Need more work inspiration?

Staying at a digital nomad-friendly hostel is a really smart way to get more done whilst still enjoying the social life of travelling… Mingle, share ideas, brainstorm, make connections and find your tribe at Tribal Bali!

2. Teach English Abroad

Nic and Shorty playing with a kid in Bagan, Myanmar/ Burma.

For backpackers looking to settle somewhere for a year or more to save up some serious cash, teaching English abroad is one of the best jobs for nomads.

These days, you can teach English in most countries in the world while seeing all the goods they got to offer at the same time! This is probably one of the best travel careers out there: there’s a low barrier to entry and most native speakers can get a travel job teaching English.

Being a native speaker gives you an obvious advantage, but it’s also possible for non-native speakers to get work teaching English too.  You don’t even really need a degree to teach English in many countries, however, nabbing a TEFL certificate through an online course first will help you hit the ground running. (And hopefully will mean you won’t be a crap teacher too ?)

It’s a small investment that will help you score more gigs AND better-paying gigs in the long run. Plus, think of the children! Won’t somebody think of the children!?!?

  • $1500 – $3000 depending on the country.

3. Teach English Online

a girl working on her laptop in a cafe with a view of rice fields in Bali behind her

Thanks to the power of the internet, the world of teaching English online has opened doors to English speakers everywhere! You can work from anywhere! (Provided you have a solid internet connection.)

What’s the best part? Depending on the company you work for, you can choose your own schedule and commitment level. Whatever works for you!

Teaching English online is fast becoming one of the best ways for backpackers to make money online without a doubt. Online teaching platforms connect prospective teachers with keen students. Set your pricing, choose your hours, and market yourself to potential clients.

The money isn’t impressive, particularly in the early days, but this is a job that you can grow and literally do anywhere. Nothing beats a location independent gig!

  • About $1500 per month.

4. Dropshipping

remote worker doing some work at a cafe in Seminyak, bali

Dropshipping is when you ship products to customers, usually in Europe or the USA, from somewhere cheap (usually China). Essentially, you manage the online storefront while a third party handles the logistics of storing and shipping products.

Now, dropshipping CAN be profitable. It can also be a major headache: you have been warned.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Digital nomad in Portugal. Coffee, laptop and work in Lagos.

Affiliate marketing is very simple. It means that you recommend a product or service to your audience, and if someone on your website uses or buys that product or service, you get a commission!

Affiliate marketing is basically being a middle man and is one of the most popular, proven, and sustainable ways to create income online.

If you are interested in online jobs travellers can easily utilise, learning effective affiliate marketing strategies is the holy grail. Passive income is fucking POWERFUL.

  • Oodles but you need the traffic to earn it. But then, it all flows in passively. 😉

6. Crytocurrency and Day Trading

A large sculpture of a Peseta coin, Spain

The exciting world of cryptocurrency investment has come a long way. You can HODL, stake, mine, generate interest (yup – totally a thing now!), and, of course, trade.

Day trading is a really exciting – but very nerve-wracking – way to make money while travelling. I have no experience trading stocks, but a lot of people I know have been trading cryptocurrency for a while now and have seen rather delectables return on their investments (with some losses along the way).

If you have money that you can afford to lose (seriously, this shit carries risk), then day trading is one of the most exciting travel jobs out there right now.

  • The sky’s the limit!

7. Volunteering

shirtless man volunteering in rural india with two kids swinging on his arms

Okiedoke – volunteering! Now, clearly, volunteering ISN’T a travel job, however, it’s functionally the same. You work (hard), you greatly reduce your travel costs, plus you’ll have some life-changing experiences while you’re at it. So it fits the bill!

Now, while voluntourism has received some flak over the years (and the trade has only become stickier in the COVID-times ), volunteering still remains one of the most meaningful ways to travel. A free feed and bed is certainly a win, but it’s the experience and the knowledge that you’re actually making a difference is what makes it, honestly, one of the best travel jobs for backpackers.

You have a lot of good options for volunteering abroad:

  • WWOOF – An organisation primarily concerned with connecting working travellers with volunteering gigs on organic farms and agricultural projects.
  • Workaway (and its numerous alternatives ) – As well as agricultural projects, these guys tend to also connect you to volunteering gigs around the board. Hostel work, translation and copywriting, building skate ramps, building backyard dunnies: it’s a wide net.
  • Worldpackers – Our personal fave platform for this bizz.

Worldpackers is a smashing organisation. They’ve got more of a community focus than many of the alternatives and they run a tight ship too!

We sent one of our tried and true broke backpackers on a volunteering mission to Vietnam and the results were stellar. So stellar, in fact, that we happily partnered with them to bring Broke Backpacker readers a discount on the signup fee!

Just enter the code BROKEBACKPACKER at the checkout when signing up or do the clicky-click below!

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Worldpackers: connecting travellers with  meaningful travel experiences.

We’ve also got a review of Workaway you can peruse if Worldpackers doesn’t float your boat. They’re a bit more stuffy (a natural caveat for being the lead of the pack), but they have volunteering gigs coming out of the ears!

And as one brief little sidenote, it’s worth noting the skills you pick up volunteering can go a LONG way to aiding you in your career as a working traveller. The more you know, the more backpacker jobs open up to you.

8. Become A Freelance Travel Photographer

paid travel jobs near me

If you love taking pictures, why don’t you make the most of your skills and be paid for it? Breaking into freelance photography is no easy, feat but it’s totally possible if you have perseverance and work at honing your craft every day.

You can travel the world forever by snapping away… If you get really good at your craft, you can even land a job that pays you to travel as a professional photographer for either the media or, the dream, National Geographic.

  • $0 – $5000
  • BEST Cameras for Travellers
  • GoPro Alternatives to Make You  Whoah
  • Top Camera Bags – Buyer’s Guide!
  • Essential Camera Accessories You NEED

9. Teach Yoga

a girl going a yoga handstand on a beach

Yoga continues to grow in popularity around the world, and yoga instructors are in high demand. While not the highest paying job for travellers, finding work as a yoga instructor is one of the more assured ways to work and travel.

Travellers love yoga and are keen on lessons just about anywhere in the world. Combine that with hostels, cafes, and community centres (among a million other venues) always being on the lookout

Getting a yoga certification CERTAINLY helps you stand out from the crowd but it necessarily isn’t needed. Talk to other guests at your hostel, or people around any beach, hippy, or traveller town and see what you can rustle up. Start off with a sesh at a world-class yoga retreat to learn a few Asanas and limber up first and the rest will be easy.

Alternatively, head over to Yoga Travel Jobs Directory and see if there are any worthwhile postings. The beauty of this one is that the informality allows you to find work on the road in most places without the added red tape.

  • $5/hour or even less in developing nations. Bounce on over to the northern beaches of Sydney though, and activewear soccer mums eat that shit up for $50+ a pop!

10. Fitness Instructor

Similar to yoga, if you’re in shape and know how to break a sweat, you can get paid to help others do the same! I love finding creative ways to stay in shape while travelling and you’ll find plenty of other travellers who will share this interest.

Will's first fitness competition in Sydney.

See if your hostel wants to organise any activities or events which you can market by word of mouth or by putting a flyer up. Head to a park or the beach and BOOM! You’re a certified fitness instructor… sort of.

Certifications are for losers without glorious, rippling muscles.

11. Tour Director

photo of a tour group led by will having dinner in lahore pakistan

Directors accompany a tour group for the entirety of the itinerary and basically make sure people are having a good time. If it’s a twenty-one-day culture tour through Central America, the tour director is there the entire time, leading the group, answering questions, communicating with the bus driver, and, most importantly, creating solutions when shit goes wrong.

This is one of the travel industry careers that require the most work, but if you think you possess the qualities, there are thousands of amazing adventure tour companies looking for new leaders worldwide.

This industry is very competitive, but once you get your foot in the door you’ll be offered work left and right. I’ve got some experience leading adventure tours myself and this is a solid choice of job that involves travelling… You just need to have endless amounts of energy.

These are maybe the best jobs for travel and adventure for those that seek the high life and the pay ain’t too shabby either!.

  • $1000 – $3000

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Drink water from ANYWHERE. The Grayl Geopress is the worlds leading filtered water bottle protecting you from all manner of waterborne nasties.

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We’ve tested the Geopress  rigorously  from the icy heights of Pakistan to the tropical jungles of Bali, and can confirm: it’s the best water bottle you’ll ever buy!

12. Travel Tour Guide

Eating Okonomiyaki in Osaka Japan on a street food tour.

As opposed to a tour director, a tour guide usually does shorter tours (think three-hour walking tours). Ideally, tour guides are experts in their niche, but sometimes just a bit more knowledge than the average Joe will suffice

If you have experience or certification, getting tour guide work will be easy. If you travelling in the EU , you can also find tour guide work within Europe relatively easy (free walking tours, etc.) without certification.

Otherwise, there are lots of people on the web tapping into their entrepreneurial spirit and starting their own tour jobs while on the road.

  • $500 – $1500

13. Work on A Boat

A person sitting on a wooden boat with blue sea and jungle covered islands in the distance.

Unfortunately, the days of being a pirate are kinda over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still work and live on a boat!

A traveller’s job on a boat is certainly easier to get with experience, but sometimes it’s as easy as just walking onto a dock and asking around. Teach yourself to tie knots first and you’ll be golden.

Want to significantly increase your chances of getting hired on a superyacht or boat? Consider taking a course at the Super Yacht School – an online training company that educates people on everything they need to know regarding how to land a job on a superyacht as a crew member.

Alternatively, become a cruise ship worker and live the party-working-travelling-life on the high seas. Drugs, booze, and nights of wanton hedonism – excellent!

  • $1200 – $2500

14. Boat Delivery

Rear view of a boat with views of mountains in the background

More boats! This one is a bit difficult to get into as a newbie, but if you have some experience working on the high seas, boat delivery has some serious work and travel potential. Typically the pay won’t be very high (if at all) but you’ll get your experience up and get to sail the seven seas for free!

Getting into this travel career could lead to more lucrative gigs in the future too, so it’s worth considering if the goal is simply finding jobs that let you travel.

Head over to Crewseekers.net or cruisersforum.com for some killer job leads!

15. Making and Selling Jewellery

handcrafts on the beach working with silver and precious stones

Screw travel jobs – be a travel entrepreneur! While you can make and sell anything, jewellery is certainly the backpacker artisans staple, and I’ve met lots of people who make and sell jewellery whilst travelling .

Some critics of budget backpacking might have a go at you for – ahem – “begpacking” , but to those critics I say… get a job, ya hippy! If you’re wheeling, dealing, and hustling on the road, you are the literal opposite of a begpacker. It’s fun too!

The materials can be cheap and light to carry, it’s an artsy and fun thing to do, and you can set up shop (busking-style) in most places in the world that are kind to street merchants (i.e. not Malaysia). Selling handmade jewellery on the street isn’t the path to becoming a billionaire, but if you can make a decent product, it’s a great way to bring in enough to cover a day of gallivanting.

It isn’t strictly one of the easiest travel jobs out there if you genuinely care about your craft. Sourcing ethical materials, making the jewellery, and haggling for a fair price can all be a real battle. But damn you’ll have some ten-outta-ten adventures along the way!

  • $300 – $1000 per month

16. Importing Stuff to Sell


A personal favourite of mine, this is what I sometimes refer to as the ‘ stuff your backpack’ method. It’s an easy w ay to make some money back after quitting your job to travel .

When in exotic countries, you will find awesome trinkets and doodads that people back home will go crazy over! Think hippy stuff: chillums, trousers, jewellery, festival belts, etc. These items will be authentic and dirt cheap.

Then, when you are outside that country and back in the good ol’ inflationary West, you can sell the authentic handcrafted Indian peace pipe that you paid $.75 cents for in Mumbai for $15 at festivals or online! It’s a great way to make 1,000% or more on your investments.

To make the most money though, you’ll have to frequently hit the road and stuff your backpack (a big hiking backpack is good for this) as well as have a good eye for stuff to take back home. If you can somehow inject something about chakras into the marketing spiel you’ll give to sell it, it’s a winner.

  • $500 – $2000 per month

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

17. Busking

buskers station in wanaka

Another of the world’s oldest professions that now catches some flak from the world’s newest crybabies: busking. If you have a talent, you can flaunt it for some cash in the street AND – better yet – make a bunch of people smile too!

You doen’t have to be a wandering musician with a travel-sized guitar either; magic, acrobatics, juggling, flow, dance – anything that’s impressive enough to score a tip is worth the shot, and you can score some mean tips! (Believe it or not.)

If the artisti di strada chooses the right location and is talented (or smiley) enough, there’s a pretty good chance they are making some dough! Enough to cover a day’s cost at least… You just need to know how to busk !

Also, if you are a musician, you should look into giving lessons for work while travelling or even playing some low-key gigs at bars or hostels. It’s a good way to score a feed, and it’s certainly not a bad payoff for a few hours of jammin’!

The resident in-house dirtbag busker on The Broke Backpacker team had this to say:

“I’ve had $5/hour days, I’ve had $50/hour days; busking is large part luck, however, there is a hidden art and science to the craft.”

18. Scuba Diving Instructor

Two people taking a selfie whilst scuba diving.

Get paid for adventure. Underwater adventures no less!

Becoming a certified scuba diver and instructor takes a bit of investment, but it can be one of the most fun ways to work and travel the world simultaneously. You need a handful of courses and certifications, as well as having logged in a certain amount of hours underwater yourself, and then the world is your… oyster. (Huehuehue.)

If you are already certified, get excited! If you aren’t, you can do it at home, or take advantage of many (significantly cheaper) programs that exist in countries like Thailand and the Philippines. Hands down this is one of the best ways to get paid to travel PLUS you can pick up paying work in lots of different countries around the world.

Plus, y’know, dive for a living. Not bad, ‘ey?

  • $1000 – $4000 per month.

19. Surf Instructor

A person surfing

Similar to a scuba instructor but without all of the need for certifications. You just need to be a badass surfer! Surfing instructors can do well for themselves by travelling, surfing, meeting people who are interested and want to learn, and then offering their services.

Plus, let’s be real… you’ll get laid. A lot.

You won’t earn as much as a scuba instructor, but you’ll be getting paid to surf and travel at the same time which is probably the coolest thing ever! I’m a big fan of surfing and hoping to spend a year or two getting a hell of a lot better in the future. If you are looking for cool jobs you can do while travelling, this may be for you.

There are lots of resources for finding potential gigs. Surf Travel Jobs is an excellent starting point.

  • $500 – $1500 per month.

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Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

20. Buy A Place and Rent It

An old cottage covered in rose bushes and a tin roof near Queenstown, New Zealand.

If you have been working for a while, you may have some savings. Rather than blowing it all on a couple of fast-paced years of travel, invest it into buying a property at home and renting it out whilst you travel (thus living off the rent money).

You can advertise your place on lots of different websites including Airbnb or one of the many excellent sites like Airbnb , and it can very easily turn into big bucks! Pretty soon, you’ll be making money while travelling; so much so that some of my friends don’t even stay at their own place when they return to their hometown.

  • $600 – $2000 per month.

21. Housesitting

Will chilling on the terrace with two white dogs

Sort of a work-exchange-meets-job, housesitting while travelling is HAWT right now. Typically you pet-sit for an extended amount of time, and in return, you are given free rein over an entire house. Housesitting gigs rarely pay, but you can’t really complain as their still jobs that allow you to travel near-indefinitely.

You’ll be getting free accommodation, a big ass kitchen, and the privacy of your own house! This is one of the best ways to travel!

As with all good things, it’s challenging to crack into, but once you gain experience and a resume, you’ll have your choice of gigs. As far as travel work goes, this one comes highly recommended – it barely counts as working!

  • A free house!

22. Work as an Au Pair

Au-pairing is one of the oldest travel careers around and is still a great option to save some money and see the world. Personally, kids ain’t for me, but if you are bubbly, happy, smiley and don’t mind cleaning up the misdirected poopoos, then there are plenty of little ones who need a lovely person like you to help take care of them.

It doesn’t always pay… and if it does pay it’s not always much. But you can earn up to 5k a month if you’re happy to travel for work (which, you should be) to teach in some more far-flung lands.

You’ll get free lodging and food and likely some pocket change for the weekend if you’re volunteering in Europe. Being an au-pair is a pretty solid way to get paid to travel and live in a new country.

  • $0 – $5000 per month.

23. Hostel Work

danielle cooking in a hostel

Hostel work is one of the best-kept not-so-secret-secrets of the budget backpacking trade . Once upon a time, it was hush-hush, but now not so much. So let me tell you – finding hostel gigs is SUPER simple and hostel work is one of the best travel jobs for backpackers.

Hostel work is one of the easiest travel jobs to get – just ask the hostels you are staying at if they are looking for any help. They will know exactly what this means. “Help” means manning the front desk graveyard shift, sweeping the floors, or most likely minding the bar, all in exchange for free accommodation.

If they are looking for any “help” , they miiight pay a bit of cash, but more likely, you’ll get a free bed and some food out of it. Hostels are one of the staples for travel work and are a phenomenal way to save money while travelling – not to mention free entry into the hostel life shenanigans is a pretty sweet dealer for a lone ranger looking for some buds.

…And bud. 😉

  • Usually just a free stay. Maybe some weed money (or weed) if you’re lucky.

24. Bar Work

Two guys working in a bar as bartenders.

Similar to hostel work, bar jobs have kept the backpacker going since basically the dawn of time. Often the bar work will be in a hostel bar (mentioned above) but just as legit is finding work at standalone bars.

This is particularly true in seasonal European cities (but I’ve seen it in South America, Australia, Asia… basically everywhere). Alcoholics are everywhere and they need a charming face with a winning smile to pour their drinks dammit!

The best way to find a bar job is just to walk around and ask if the bars are looking for any help. Or, if you’re having a pint somewhere, strike up a conversation with the bartender and get the scoop. A simple inquisition can lead to a lot of opportunities.

Full disclosure though: the booze and babes of the graveyard shift are fun for a while, but a few too many staffies a few too many months later and you’ll find yourself stuck right in a classic backpacker trap. And hungover.

  • $800 – $2000 per month

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25. Become a Party Promoter/Brand Ambassador

a big group of people at maya beach in thailand, gathering for a group picture acting like pirates

If you are a fun-loving party animal with some social media/writing/promoting skills, then you could be a candidate to score a job as a brand ambassador for a tour business specializing in party-based tours. I’ve met someone who did this for a period; while the money wasn’t always hella tight, the nights of debauchery sure were!

A good option to break into this field is Stoke Travel . Every year, Stoke Travel gives 100+ regular travellers the opportunity to work and travel by volunteering at events or doing internships in their Barcelona and Byron Bay Office.

That’s right. Three square meals per day and unlimited booze. You’re basically travelling for free !

For the right individual, this job promises to be helluva of a lot of fun. (Possibly, too much fun…? )

  • Free drinks – $1200

26. Seasonal Jobs

two girls smiling holding snowboards on a snowy mountain

This is a large category that encompasses many different travel jobs. Restaurants, construction, hotels, cruise ship jobs, ski resorts, mining, deep-sea Alaskan fishing gigs, the list goes on! While a lot of these jobs are covered elsewhere in this post, seasonal jobs are worth noting.

You can literally travel the world working, chasing the season (which by the way usually equates to amazingly beautiful weather) and making money when jobs are in demand and at their highest paying…

Depending on the industry, you can end up both in some pretty off the beaten path destinations as well as touristed ones. Or both! The ski resorts in the summer trekking season is usually a much more peaceful vibe once all the loquacious Aussies have packed up shop.

  • $1000 – $5000 per month

27. Construction

Construction Work or English Teaching in Vang Vieng

You can find construction work basically anywhere in the world, however, the right destinations (eg. Australia and New Zealand) pay a mean wage. If you’re operating above board that is.

Otherwise, asking around for something more informal is usually the way to go. If you have construction experience, jump on those work exchange platforms for some cheap volunteering gigs .

Many hostels, farms, and everything in between will advertise their needs in hopes of finding a qualified working traveller. You’ll get food, lodging, and (depending on the project) a bit of money as well. It’ll get you networked too – word of mouth carries!

If you have experience as a plumber or electrician, you can make bank and even land a job where you are paid to travel to and from different world projects. Also, insider tip: traffic controllers Down Under get paid an ungodly amount for literally doing nothing. They usually pick the cutest girl to man the stop sign though – yay, sexism!

  • $1200 – $3000 per month but hugely variable depending on your trade and skillset,

28. Transport a Car or RV

Will with a car on the beach in New Zealand

Car and RV dealerships or car rental companies sometimes hire people to drive cars to different destinations. Rental companies often find themselves with too many cars in one destination and want to move them to an area where rentals are more in demand. Car dealerships may need a specific car, with specific options or colours, that they arrange to get from another dealer.

While most companies work with full-time professional drivers, there may be some opportunities for one-time trips. The trick with these jobs is getting a car that’s going where you want to go at the right time. You’ll need a clean driver’s license and may need a specialty license to drive RVs, but it’s worth it for a free and rocking RV road trip !

Some transport companies that you may be able to score some delivery gigs with include:

  • Imoova is one of the biggest search platforms for relocations.
  • Jucy has some nice opportunities on RVs.
  • Cars Arrive Auto Relocation is USA based and has some good options.
  • HitTheRoad.ca is a well-known Canadian company that offers mostly long-distance, one way, one trip driving contracts for cars.
  • A free road trip!

29. Professional Chef

Man cooking food on the grill using his hands.

If you have some cooking abilities or some legitimate kitchen experience, you can find a job by asking around at kitchens in hotels, cruise ships, boats, or retreats. Also, take a look into Worldpackers and Workaway as you can certainly find some cook-work opportunities for a free place to stay.

The downside is that you’ll have to work in close proximity to chefs. Chefs are primadonnas. Get in and out of the hospo industry as quick as possible, amigos.

If thou gaze too long into an abyss…

  • $1500 – $3000 per month

30. Travel Nurse

guy with road rash after crashing moped in jungle

Stop right now and listen to me. If you are a nurse, or if you are thinking about becoming a nurse, becoming a travel nurse is one of the single most amazing careers you can get into.

Travelling nurses are usually hired for thirteen to twenty-six weeks in whatever location they choose and all of your travel expenses are usually paid. Housing is usually covered, and due to the high demand and urgency, travelling nurses are paid more than regular nurses. It’s one of the best ways to travel, work and save a stupid amount of money.

Plus, you know, saving lives and all that jazz.

  • $1500 – $4000 per month.

31. Flight Attendant

Two girls walking towards a plane at sunset in Mexico

An oldie but a goodie, being a flight attendant isn’t as glamorous as it once was, but in terms of travel friendly jobs , this is a fantastic travel career. It’s really the OG travel job (right after busker AKA a wandering minstrel).

Free flights, long stopovers to explore, and the ability to tweak your schedule to have a few weeks off a month – there’s a lot to like! This is one of the best careers that involve travelling, and if you get hired by a quality airline, this is a job that not only requires travel but can also pay well.

  • $1800 – $2500 per month

mockup of a person holding a smartphone in white background with Holafly logo

A new country, a new contract, a new piece of plastic – booooring. Instead, buy an eSIM!

An eSIM works just like an app: you buy it, you download it, and BOOM! You’re connected the minute you land. It’s that easy.

Is your phone eSIM ready? Read about how e-Sims work or click below to see one of the top eSIM providers on the market and  ditch the plastic .

32. New Zealand/Australia Work Visa

A person jumping in front of the Sydney Opera House in New South Wales, Australia

Not strictly a top travel job so much as a top place to find a job. Yes, the rumours you’ve heard are true: Australia does have an obscenely high minimum wage (as does New Zealand, albeit not as high).

Depending on where you are from and if you are able, New Zealand and Australia are two excellent countries to get work visas for. The visa allows you to be employed in most industries, but you’ll most likely find jobs in the hospitality, tourism, and agricultural fields. Come Down Under where you can travel and work for a year or maybe two!

However, both New Zealand and Australia’s cost of living is high, so finding a job that provides you with both a room and food will net you some huge savings. The more remote you go, the better you will earn too. (Sheep shearers make BANK… and then blow it all on cocaine and meth…)

Watch out though: not all Ozzies and Kiwis subscribe to the “mateship and fair go for all” mentality they’re known for. It’s not uncommon to get paid a fraction of that obscenely high minimum wage.

  • $1800 – $3500 per month
  • Backpacking Australia Travel Guide
  • Where to Stay in Australia
  • Backpacking New Zealand Travel Guide
  • Where to Stay in New Zealand

33. Ski Resort Jobs

a snowboard in the snowy mountains of park city utah

While I mentioned resorts and seasonal gigs before, skiing deserves its own holler(back girl). Ski resorts are notorious for hiring travellers and often under the table. Ski resort gigs can be the best seasonal jobs for travelling.

As an “unofficial” ski resort worker, you won’t get paid much (and you will likely be overworked), but it’s a great way to work hard, play hard, and make some travel friends along the way! Plus, there will always be the skiing/snowboarding perks which are obviously EPIC.

You don’t have to be an instructor though. Many seasonal jobs in lodges or working the lifts are widely available. Oh, and the snowbum life is pretty hedonistic – it’s basically working, partying, and picking up Insta-brand vacayers between your shifts.

  • $1000 – $2000 per month.

34. Tattoo Artist

Man topless with tattoos looking at a list.

Backpackers love to get tattoos on the road , so there is always a demand for talented artists. And I’ve met some amazing tattoo artists travelling the world and paying their way through freelance work in hostels and backpacker hangouts. Talk about a creative travel job!

The better you get at your craft, the more doors that will open up to you. You don’t even need a gun! I’ve met and befriended some phenomenal stick-and-poke artists who earn money working while they travel.

Plus getting paid by people to inflict large amounts of bodily harm on them really isn’t too bad either!

  • $500 – $15000 per month (be prepared to adjust your rates to reflect the country you’re in – ain’t nobody stupid enough to pay $100+ an hour in Mexico).

35. Join the Peace Corps

peace corps - a travel job and lifestyle

This is certainly one of the noblest travel jobs on this list and it deserves a mention! Providing a different work and travel experience, the Peace Corps is no joke and essentially makes you an international aid worker in a foreign country.

It’s a two-year commitment, you have very little influence on where you are stationed, and you only get two days off per month.

You don’t get paid much but, hell, you will be earning and you will get paid to travel to somewhere new. And what’s more, is relevant work experience can take the place of a college degree.

Check out:  This Peace Corps volunteer’s blog all about her experiences volunteering in Vanuatu.

Do You Need Insurance as a Working Traveller?

If you are going to be living and working outside of your home country, you really do need to think about getting health insurance. If you have an accident or get sick, then those hospital bills are going to completely nullify any money you’ve earned and saved.

For long term cover, we recommend SafetyWing . They specialise in covering digital nomads and those working outside of their home country. It’s basically a subscription model – month to month payments – on international health insurance without the need to provide an itinerary.

Month to month payments, no lock-in contracts, and no itineraries required: that’s the exact kind of insurance digital nomads and long-term traveller types need. Cover yo’ pretty little self while you live the DREAM!

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to work! Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

There are so many ways to work and travel; sometimes you just gotta get a bit creative! As long as you are cutting the costs of travel and picking up a job where and when needed, you’ll find a way.

Not every traveling job needs to be a career. Covering your living costs is a fantastic start, and all the skills and confidence will take you soooo much further in life than one simple job ever could.

Taking a leap of faith on a new vocation on the road is fantastic. It’s a step outside of your comfort zone and right into the growth of travel. In many ways, that’s what it means to BE a broke backpacker .

You don’t have to be broke to be a broke backpacker. Nay, being resourceful, willing, and kind-hearted with a good work ethic – that makes you more of a broke backpacker than holes in your undies and lack of consistent showering ever will.

So get out there and work on the road! Start with a shit-kicker job. Then once you’ve levelled up appropriately (and with some ingenuity), you’ll find a job that involves travelling and where you get paid to travel and live in a new country. Maybe you’ll even live in a mini-campervan conversion and start rockin’ the super nomad life. Then, you’re not just hunting for the best travel jobs anymore.

No, that’s a travel career: a whole new adventure!

will hatton working in chiang mai

Elina Mattila

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15 High Paying Travel Jobs [2023]

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Traveling for work can be an incredible and amazing opportunity. There are plenty of jobs that allow people who consider money and travel to be the two most pertinent goals in their lives. Below are 15 high-paying travel jobs to consider.

Key Takeaways:

When traveling for work, you might not get a lot of choice in where you go, how long you stay, or what you do there, but you will get the opportunity to see more of the country and the world than the average person does, and you’ll get paid to do it.

Jobs such as airplane pilot, flight attendant , and cruise director are jobs that require you to travel.

Becoming an international house sitter can be an easy way to trave to new places without much experience needed.

15 High Paying Travel Jobs

15 High-paying travel jobs

Jobs that require travel and pay well faq.

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Airline Pilot

Average Salary : $67,120 Job Openings: 1,098

Airline pilots carry people from place to place as they embark on family vacations, and incredible adventures, and return home. They operate aircraft to travel short and long distances safely and efficiently.

The daily journeys of an airline pilots will take them to a multitude of new cities and countries. Being an airline pilot is one of the few jobs that pay well and definitively requires traveling every time they clock in.

Their responsibilities include:

Providing flight plans

Going through maintenance checks and ensuring there is enough fuel before take-off

Filing reports of any mechanical issues with aircrafts

Communicating effectively with air traffic control, support staff , and passengers

Using the equipment properly to fly planes and land them at their destinations on time

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Director Of Sales

Average Annual Salary: $127,012 Job Openings: 1,763

A director of sales is responsible for managing the sales operation of the team, ensuring that members comply with the sales strategies and procedures in meeting sales goals. This means traveling to clients and potential customers to close deals and keep sales coming in.

Because of the importance of the role, a high salary is commanded. A sales director must have excellent leadership and decision-making skills to support and acknowledge the team’s best efforts.

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Senior Product Manager

Average Annual Salary: $134,508 Job Openings: 3,713

A senior product manager oversees the workflow and workforce involved in product and service development, ensuring a high return for its investments. They are primarily responsible for assessing and providing recommendations, producing review and reference documents, and obtaining feedback from consumers and high-ranking company personnel.

Senior product manager must lead a group of product managers, motivating and supervising them in their joint effort to accomplish goals according to the company’s standards and policies.

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Cruise Director

Average Annual Salary: $43,237 Job Openings: 5,103

Being a cruise director is an excellent option for people who enjoy customer service interactions and want to travel to new locations while working. While aboard the cruise ship, directors get to explore unique routes through the sea to tropical lands and alluring attractions.

As a cruise director, you are responsible for running the passenger entertainment and activities portion of the experience while on the boat. Cruise directors act as the liaison between happenings on the vessel and the passengers who are looking to let loose. You also do a lot of work to manage the safety of all passengers on board.

It’s a great position if you are someone who wants to see the world and spend a lot of your professional time on the ocean.

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Event Planner

Average Annual Salary: $44,411 Job Openings: 15,981

Event planning can take you to exciting places where client parties are set up or the materials for their functions are located. Depending on your exact niche of event planning, you can travel anywhere to both nearby cities and distant countries.

Your responsibilities as an event planner are to conceptualize, coordinate and execute the ideal soirée for any occasion because an enormous amount of planning goes into spectacular events like weddings, product releases, and fundraising functions. The duties of an event planner demand advanced organizational skills and a knack for networking.

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Location Scout

Average Annual Salary: $47,112 Job Openings: 633

A trained location scout often seeks out the brilliant places that movies, television, and photographers manage to capture on film. Location scouts often start as production assistants before making their way up the ranks.

Finding the perfect place to shoot the commercial for a new beer product or the ideal location to secretly capture the authenticity of a proposal involves a decent amount of research.

There’s trial and error to the detective work that a location scout must do to discover the unique place they’re seeking. They must communicate effectively with other production team members to find what they’re looking for too.

As the name entails, the job of a location scout involves traveling to different places in search of an ideal spot. A scout will work on a wide variety of projects throughout their career, and each will take them to different types of locations.

Sometimes it might just bring them to an interesting location within their city, but occasionally, it can take them as far as different continents.

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ESL Teacher

Average Annual Salary: $48,320 Job Openings: 37,225

While being an ESL teacher isn’t necessarily a job that requires travel, it’s very common for people in this occupation to teach abroad. Many professionals who go into a career as an ESL teacher find that their services are mainly required outside of the United States.

An ESL teacher helps to build students’ knowledge of English when it is their second language. This involves preparing materials, assigning homework, and designing effective lessons that encourage fluency of English in non-native speakers.

ESL teachers must also evaluate students’ performance over time to ensure they’re hitting milestones that lead toward fluency.

As of 2021, there are approximately 250,000 native English speakers who work abroad as ESL teachers. These teachers work at 40,000 language institutes and schools from around the globe [1].

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Truck Driver

Average Annual Salary: $51,066 Job Openings: 352,358

Truck drivers can make stops closer to home, but most of their work is completed with long-haul drives. This involves driving to different states or even opposite coastlines to carry materials where they need to go.

A truck driver is responsible for transporting goods to various locations in a safe and timely manner. This requires strong communication with dispatchers, adhering to all traffic and driving laws, and paying attention to any potential mechanical issues that could arise during the journey.

While the travels required for a truck driving position aren’t as glamorous as other jobs, it still involves a great deal of exploration across the open roads.

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Executive Recruiter

Average Annual Salary: $57,170 Job Openings: 62,329

While it might not seem like it has much to do with being an executive recruiter , the position often requires some level of travel. Potential employees for major companies aren’t always located conveniently in the same city.

An executive recruiter will be expected to travel to various locations to get familiar with promising candidates or sell them on a particular job.

Executive recruiters help to identify promising prospective hires and assess their skills. Companies hire these recruiters because the hiring process of a new employee is expensive to accomplish, and they want to make sure they get it right the first time.

This includes discussing in detail the organization’s hiring needs and customer base, conducting a lot of research into the industry, and tracking potential candidates in various ways.

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Environmental Scientist

Average Annual Salary: $58,036 Job Openings: 29,804

Though environmental scientists spend a decent percentage of their career in labs, they also conduct much fieldwork. To find the information that their job requires, many environmental scientists must travel for work to various types of locations.

Environmental scientists conduct research that assists them in identifying potential hazards to humans and our home planet. Their job is also to help hypothesize solutions to imminent risks, like pollution. They usually work for the government or independent programs in pursuit of environmental knowledge.

Some of an environmental scientist ’s duties include:

Deciding on the proper way to collect data

Analyzing samples of materials like soil

Writing reports to detail findings

Outlining plans to control environmental damage

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Travel Writer

Average Annual Salary: $59,197 Job Openings: 11,069

Travel writers travel around and create content on unique spots, restaurants, and sites for the huge audience of people who are curious about faraway places and attractions.

Travel writers are often self-employed or freelancing professionals who write about the industry of travel in general and particular locations of interest that the public might want to know more about.

This could be anything from a detailed exposès about the quality of an upscale restaurant in Paris to information about the best natural wonders to visit in Vietnam.

Unsurprisingly, writing reviews and guidelines about incredible destinations does demand a lot of travel. Travel writers are commonly required to travel to various exciting locations that they write about to gather firsthand accounts and information.

Most writers in this niche are also full-time travelers to ensure that they always have a generous amount of material to work with.

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House Sitter

Average Annual Salary: $61,729 Job Openings: 6,811

House sitters give homeowners peace of mind that their houses are taken care of while they are away for an extended period of time. An international house sitter travels around the globe to stay in people’s homes and take care of them.

International house sitters are masters of organization and communicating from a distance. They relay all information to homeowners to ensure that they can enjoy themselves without worrying while they’re away.

There is a huge market for international house sitters who are willing and ready to travel abroad at a moment’s notice because it’s more difficult to find an abundance of clients when staying local. Many people who become international house sitters get into the industry for its perks of consistent travel opportunities.

Some of their general professional tasks include:

Maintaining proper security on the premises

Household cleaning duties, lawn care, and pool maintenance

Caring for plants and animals

Forwarding phone calls and mail

Contacting home service providers like plumbers when needed

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Marine Biologist

Average Annual Salary: $61,804 Job Openings: 1,767

Travel is required for multiple facets of a marine biologist ’s job. Marine biologists must travel to attend various conferences related to their studies and conduct their hands-on research.

There is an entire world of activity lurking under the surface of the ocean that humans know very little about. Marine biologists work towards building a greater understanding of the ocean and the creatures that reside in it.

There are many science-related activities that go into a career as a marine biologist , but there’s also a fair amount of exploration too. If you’re planning on a career as a marine biologist who mainly does field research, you’re likely in for a lifetime of traveling to exotic locations.

The days of a marine biologist consist of:

Researching the ocean and marine life

Data collection

Monitoring the populations of ocean animals

Studying the impacts of humans on the ocean environment

Examining the feature of marine animals

Writing up research reports of findings

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Average Annual Salary: $61,892 Job Openings: 169

Another position that comes with its fair share of traveling is being an entertainer . Entertainers showcase their particular artistic talents like dancing, singing, or theatre to capture an audience’s attention.

The occupation requires a great deal of commitment to the craft and above-average teamwork skills. It is also common for the job of an entertainer to require traveling. Many entertainers go on tour to different cities or even counties for greater exposure. They’ll also often work in resorts or on cruises that take them to distant lands.

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Traveling Nurse

Average Annual Salary: $70,233 Job Openings: 265,800

A travel nurse fills the same role as one who stays in the same location, but their job also requires them to travel. This could involve traveling between various healthcare facilities to provide their services or acting in short-term roles because a particular location lacks staffing.

These types of nurses will also be dispatched to other countries that are in need of medical services to provide a helping hand.

Depending on the location that they’re working in, a travel nurse must have special training. For example, if they’re headed to a foreign country to assist with a disease that’s wreaking havoc, they’ll need to be trained in the treatment of this affliction.

While being a travel nurse is a time-consuming and difficult job, it’s extremely rewarding and gives you the chance to make a difference in various places while traveling.

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How do I get paid to travel?

Yes you can get paid to travel. You’ll need to find a job that requires you to travel. People often immediately think of corporate jobs that require employees to take regular business trips when they think of jobs that require you to travel, but there are some occupations that are actually designed around travel instead of just needing you to take a trip every once in a while.

For example, a position as a cruise director, truck driver , or airline pilot has traveling in the job description. You might not get a lot of choice in where you go, how long you stay, or what you do there, but you will get the opportunity to see more of the country and the world than the average person does, and you’ll get paid to do it.

If you care more about quality than quantity, a career as a travel writer , a travel nurse, an ESL teacher, or a news reporter might be enjoyable for you. Yes, you’ll have to go where you’re assigned, but you’ll usually get to spend a significant amount of time in the location rather than a day or two at a time.

There are a number of other careers that involve a lot of travel as well. Working in a scientific research field such as marine biology or environmental science, for example, will also often come with a significant amount of travel as you conduct research, meet with other scientists, and attend conferences.

How do I live a travel lifestyle?

You live a travel lifestyle by making travel a priority. That means choosing a job that either requires you to travel or gives you the resources to travel, and it means keeping travel as a priority as you choose how to allocate your time, money, and energy.

One of the first steps to doing this is by setting up a travel fund that you add to each month. This may mean giving up some other non-essential items you’d like to purchase, but it’ll be worth it, and you’ll be surprised by how fast those little expenses add up in your travel fund.

Many people also choose to downsize their homes so that they have less to worry about while they’re on the road and more money to put towards travel, and others work to build reward points by using just one airline and one hotel chain.

To live a travel lifestyle, you’ll also need to be creative about how you travel and take opportunities as they come to you. You likely won’t be able to take elaborate, month-long trips regularly, but you can take advantage of your three-day weekends by planning a quick trip to the mountains or nearby city.

Make your travel funds stretch farther by looking for opportunities to visit friends who live in interesting places and visiting places during their off-seasons. Subscribe to email lists that send out travel deals, and keep an eye on flights as they go on sale throughout the year.

What job allows you to travel the world?

A job as an airline pilot, cruise director, or flight attendant allows you to travel the world. In these jobs, your workplace is moving you from one location to another, so you’ll by default get to travel the world.

You won’t necessarily get to choose your destination or have an extended, leisurely stay at each place you visit, but you’ll be exposed to a wide variety of locations across the globe. In addition, these jobs usually come with perks such as deeply discounted airfare or cruises, allowing you to travel where you want to go on your off time.

If none of these roles interests you, there are other jobs that allow you to travel the world as well. A role as an ESL teacher, for example, can give you the opportunity to work in other countries teaching English to students.

If you’re more interested in short stays in a variety of places than in teaching somewhere exotic full-time, working in a role such as a travel agent or writer will also require you to travel for work.

Do travel agents travel?

Yes, travel agents travel. In order to be able to give their clients good advice, travel agents need to be familiar with the properties and locations they’re recommending, so they often go on “familiarization trips” to accomplish this.

On these trips, travel agents will visit and test hotels, restaurants, and activities so that they can confidently make recommendations and itineraries that their clients will enjoy. This makes for a trip full of long, busy workdays rather than a leisurely vacation, but it will allow you to explore the nooks and crannies of some of the most beautiful places in the world.

Many new hotels and resorts will even ask travel agents to come to stay with them for free so that you can recommend them to future guests – this can be a glamorous and fun perk, especially since you can sometimes invite a guest as well.

International TEFL Academy – How Large Is The Job Market for English Teachers Abroad?

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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9 Jobs That Can Be Done While Traveling

Posted: December 24, 2023 | Last updated: December 24, 2023

<p>In a world of high-speed living and remote jobs, earning money anywhere is possible. Travel isn’t cheap. It costs a lot of money, and working in an office does not leave much time for leisure. If you are on vacation and have seen all there is to be seen, you may look for something else to pass the time.</p> <p>Remote jobs don’t have to be boring. In fact, many of them are great options for earning free or discounted travel. You just have to know how to choose which of these <a href="https://wealthofgeeks.com/travel-experts-share-everything-they-wish-tourists-knew/">travel</a> jobs is right for you.</p>

In a world of high-speed living and remote jobs, earning money anywhere is possible. Travel isn’t cheap. It costs a lot of money, and working in an office does not leave much time for leisure. If you are on vacation and have seen all there is to be seen, you may look for something else to pass the time.

Remote jobs don’t have to be boring. In fact, many of them are great options for earning free or discounted travel. You just have to know how to choose which of these travel jobs is right for you.

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1. Blogging

Blogging while traveling is a great way to earn some money. Your office is wherever your laptop is, so you are never tied down to one place. This can help you travel the world with just a laptop and a bit of data, which you can always find in local cafes or restaurants . It’s even better if you do travel writing, so you can combine firsthand experience with creative writing that helps others plan their travels.

<p><span>The rise of Mukbang videos, where people eat insane amounts of food while sometimes conversing with the camera, is weirdly intriguing to many and simultaneously perplexing. While it attracts massive audiences, the fascination with watching someone devour excessive quantities of food remains a mystery. Moreover, this trend raises concerns about promoting unhealthy eating habits and overindulgence.</span></p>

2. Vlogging

Similar to blogging, video blogging, also called “ vlogging ,” is a visual form of content. You can write blogs for your website but also work as a freelancer for other people’s websites. When it comes to vlogging, however, people usually vlog for their own channels. It takes more time to succeed but can also be more rewarding monetarily. All you need is a smartphone with a nice camera, or if you want to be fancy, a laptop with some video editing software like Adobe PremierePro or DaVinci Resolve.

<p>Interestingly, it seems like millennials have a better understanding of technology. Gen Z grew up with tech, but millennials have more experience with the inner workings, like troubleshooting a computer or building an HTML code. I would think the opposite would be true, but tech has become too easy for Gen Z in some ways.</p>

3. Video Commercials

This one is both fun and rewarding. If you have a smartphone with a decent camera and invest in an excellent DJI drone, you can earn some nice money on your travels. Combine this with an investment in a decent laptop and a video editing course, and you have a recipe for success. When I was on vacation in Corfu , I discovered an opportunity with their beautiful beachfront Tavernas. I packed my drone, visited a few of them on foot, and offered them my services. I scored two jobs for filming a video ad and one logo redesign job, which made me a nice profit for less than a full day of work.

paid travel jobs near me

4. Singing and Playing an Instrument

Singing or playing an instrument is another excellent way to earn some surprisingly good money. If you are a good singer and can play an instrument, you can always play in the city center or other popular spots. Many great talents have been discovered performing in public this way. You can also offer your skills to local restaurants or lounges if they are in need of live music or other entertainment.

<p>If you know how to cut hair, another great way to earn money is to offer free haircuts and keep profits from their tips if they decide to give you one. You only need hair clippers for this one, so you can be flexible and earn well in countries where haircuts are expensive. <em>Pro tip</em>: You can combine this with vlogging and use this as your content on your vlog to increase exposure.</p>

5. Haircuts for Tips

If you know how to cut hair, another great way to earn money is to offer free haircuts and keep profits from their tips if they decide to give you one. You only need hair clippers for this one, so you can be flexible and earn well in countries where haircuts are expensive. Pro tip : You can combine this with vlogging and use this as your content on your vlog to increase exposure.

<p><span>In a tabloid or on a gossip website, if a celebrity looks to be posing in a staged photo, they most certainly are. Stars view it as a cooperative effort that benefits all parties, and fans frequently aren’t aware that the “candid” photos were expertly staged before being made public.</span></p>

6. Exposure for Businesses

This travel job is for those with a well-developed online business. If you already have a travel blog , you can always ask restaurant owners, bar owners, hotels, and others who provide services in tourism if they would like to collaborate on a promotion on your website. The business will get exposure to your audience, and you can negotiate payment or exchanges for that promotion, like a one-night hotel stay or a free meal.

<p>This unique locale lets guests taste wine from three family-owned micro-wineries: Blacksmith Cellars, Sunset Cellars, and King Andrew Vineyard. Staff at the tasting room are wine producers and grape growers, providing expert knowledge on the local wines and the Suisun Valley wine region. The tasting list changes weekly. And guess what — you can bring picnics or snacks (but no outside drinks). Stop by La Barista Espresso for deli sandwiches on your way to the <a href="https://suisunvalleywinecoop.com/" rel="nofollow noopener">Suisun Valley Wine Co-op</a>.</p><ul> <li><strong>Blacksmith Cellars:</strong> Founded in 2003, winemaker Matt Smith crafts complex wines, distinctive varietal-driven and blended wines.</li> <li><strong>Sunset Cellars:</strong> Starting in 1997 in the garage of the Inner Sunset neighborhood in <a href="https://wealthofgeeks.com/kid-friendly-things-to-do-in-san-francisco/">San Francisco</a>, Sunset Cellars has a minimalist winemaking style and respects the grower’s efforts in the vineyards.</li> <li><strong>King Andrew Vineyard:</strong> After growing grapes in their own vineyard, Roger King and his wife Carol brought their bottled wine from small lot production to the winery. The fresh and vibrant wines are bottled with limited intervention.</li> </ul><p>Reservations are not required, but they are recommended.</p>

7. Bartending

A good barista is always a much-needed part of the crew. If you know how to mix drinks or make a killer espresso, you can always offer your services to nightclubs or cafes and earn a decent wage, plus tips.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nina Lishchuk.

8. Temporary Tattoos or Hair Styling

Unlike the classic tattoo industry, where laws and regulations can tie up employment approval, temporary tattoos can be done anytime, anywhere, and do not fall under any laws and regulations. There is a low risk of infection with temporary tattoos or paints, unlike classic tattoos that are created by piercing the skin. Hair braiding or wrapping is popular at beach destinations and can also be done anytime, anywhere.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

9. Working on a Cruise Ship

Working on a cruise ship is more permanent, but it still fits within the scope of travel jobs. There are numerous jobs that you can do on a cruise ship, and each of those offers some nice wages. Understandably, a captain makes much more than a cabin steward, but all employees receive benefits and gratuity. You can use the time between shifts to discover beautiful cities wherever you stop. 

<p>Discussions about places to visit in Montenegro tend to begin with Kotor, and it is easy to see why. Kotor packs plenty into its relatively small borders, with a proud maritime history allied to modern cafes, restaurants, and bars, plus some of the most alluring churches in this part of the world. Stop for a romantic courtyard lunch at Pržun before taking the arduous walk up to the fortress walls, where the ultimate view of the Bay of Kotor awaits.</p>

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General election latest: Keir Starmer responds to 'spineless' attack from Tories and says he'll debate Rishi Sunak head-to-head

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer fields questions live on Sky News as the general election campaign continues.

Friday 24 May 2024 10:50, UK

  • General Election 2024

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General election called for 4 July

  • Starmer tells Sky News Sunak 'sounding a bit desperate' over TV debates
  • Comments come after Tories accused him of being 'spineless'
  • Labour leader launches party's campaign in Scotland
  • Corbyn to stand against Labour as an independent
  • Another Tory MP stepping down
  • Live reporting by  Faith Ridler

Expert analysis

  • Sam Coates: PM needs to capitalise on surprise
  • Sophy Ridge: This is what the Tories don't want to talk about

Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Subscribe to Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: What happens next? | Which MPs are standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency's changing | Sky's coverage plans

By Professor Michael Thrasher, Sky News election analyst

The electoral geography of the UK is changing.

Following the recommendations of independent Boundary Commissions for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the next UK general election - which Sky News understands will be on 4 July - will be fought on new constituency boundaries, replacing those in operation since 2010.

This is the sixth periodic review to be implemented since the war. The next review is not scheduled until October 2031.

Exploring how this movement of voters affects the political makeup of the House of Commons is a task that Colin Rallings and myself have been doing over the past thirty years following previous boundary adjustments.

There are winners and losers in different parts of the UK - read the full analysis here:

Sir Keir Starmer "alone bears responsibility" for Jeremy Corbyn's decision to stand as an independent candidate in the general election, left-wing pressure group Momentum has said. 

It also accused the Labour leader and his "Westminster clique" of "treating the people of Islington with contempt".

Mr Corbyn has been suspended from Labour since 2020, after he refused to fully accept findings from the Equality and Human Rights Commission that the party broke equality law when he was its leader.

He claimed that antisemitism had been "dramatically overstated for political reasons". 

Because Mr Corbyn is now standing against the Labour Party, he is automatically expelled as a member.

"This is an almighty mess for Labour and Keir Starmer alone bears responsibility," said Kate Dove, Momentum's chairwoman.

She added: "Jeremy Corbyn has loyally served the people of Islington North as their Labour MP for over 40 years.

"He wanted to run again as the Labour candidate and the local party backed him, too. 

"But Starmer and his Westminster clique again denied local people the chance to choose their own candidate and blocked Jeremy. 

"Starmer has treated the people of Islington with contempt, setting the stage for a divisive and distracting election campaign."

Sir Keir told Sky News that the decision to stand as an independent was a "matter for Jeremy Corbyn".

He added: "I'm very clear. The first thing I said as Labour leader is that I would tear antisemitism out of our party by the roots. 

"And that is why I took the decision that Jeremy Corbyn would not stand as a Labour candidate in this election."

Sir Keir Starmer is up in Glasgow, where he and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar are launching the country's election campaign. 

Mr Sarwar takes to the floor first, declaring: "The moment has finally arrived."

He says: "Our country has been desperate for a general election and now it's upon us. Scotland and the UK is desperate for change, crying out for change, and Labour is ready to deliver it."

He describes the Tories as "chaotic and divided", adding this is also the perfect description of the SNP government in Scotland.

Mr Sarwar hands over to Sir Keir, who says: "We are at that moment, the prime minister has finally got round to calling the election.

"Standing in the rain without an umbrella telling us he's the man with the plan."

Gesturing to Labour members around him, he says: "This is what Scotland needs, this is what Scotland has been waiting for."

He adds that the Scottish voice is "vital".

"17 years here in Scotland snipping around and around without anything material delivered," he says.

"17 years under the SNP, 14 years in Westminster - chaos and division, feeding chaos and division."

He adds: "There's a cost - a human cost - to that."

We've got three key dates for your diary from the Electoral Commission should you need to register to vote in the general election.

18 June: This is the deadline to register, which you can do online at gov.uk/register-to-vote .

19 June: This is the deadline to apply for a postal vote, should you not be around when polling stations open on 4 July.

26 June: This is the deadline to apply for a proxy vote, which allows someone to vote on your behalf, and also to apply for a Voter ID certificate should you not have another valid form of identification.

This is the first general election where ID is needed to vote - find out more about registration here:

Jeremy Corbyn has been informed he is no longer a member of the Labour Party, Sky News has been told.

This was largely expected after he confirmed today he will run as an independent candidate for his Islington North constituency - against Labour.

Mr Corbyn, the former Labour leader, has been suspended by Labour since 2020 after he refused to fully accept the Equality and Human Rights Commission's findings that the party broke equality law when he was in charge and said antisemitism had been "dramatically overstated for political reasons".

By Faye Brown , political reporter

A 90-year-old pensioner who has paid off his mortgage is having "sleepless nights" after being hit with a "feudal" £17,000 bill for ground rent.

Derek Taylor is one of five leaseholders at Elgin House, North Herts, whose annual ground rent has risen from £25 to £2,350 - an increase of 9,000%.

The rise has been backdated to 2018, meaning he now owes £17,169 in one lump sum and is facing legal action if he does not pay.

The case has renewed calls for the next government to abolish England's centuries-old leasehold system, which campaigners say is "feudal" and "exploitative".

A ground rent is a charge leaseholders have to pay so they can have a home on land they do not own and does not require a service in return.

You can read more from Sky News below:

The latest edition of Electoral Dysfunction  is in your podcast feeds now, and one of the main topics was the optics of Rishi Sunak's announcement of the general election date.

In case you missed it, he went out on to Downing Street in the pouring rain, and throughout his speech, the song Things Can Only Get Better by D:Ream was blaring out - which was the official anthem of Sir Tony Blair's landslide victory for Labour in 1997 ( more here ).

Our political editor Beth Rigby  explained that Mr Sunak did the announcement on the street because he "wanted to be traditional".

But former Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson  branded the launch "disastrous", saying: "The idea of tradition and all the rest of it, well, that's great and all.

"But you're the prime minister - you make the traditions here.

"How f****** incompetent do you have to be to launch a campaign that badly?

"And how much do you not protect your boss by allowing him to do it or encouraging him to do it?"

She added: "Wait for a break in the clouds, okay? Look, how hard is that?"

Jess Phillips , Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley said he wanted to avoid advertising that he is a centi-millionaire by having "a lackey holding an umbrella".

She added that he "wouldn't have lost a single vote" if someone had been holding an umbrella, or he'd delivered the speech inside.

"He will lose votes because of the way he launched it," she said.

👉 Listen above then tap here to follow Electoral Dysfunction wherever you get your podcasts 👈

Email Beth, Jess, and Ruth at [email protected], post on X to @BethRigby, or send a WhatsApp voice note on 07934 200 444.

Labour has claimed it is ridiculous to describe the fall in the energy price cap as good news.

It will be £1,568 a year from 1 July - a drop of £122 from the previous quarter.

Claire Coutinho, the energy secretary, told Sky News it is "really welcome news" (7.23am post).

But Ed Miliband, the shadow energy secretary, said: "Only Rishi Sunak's Conservatives could look at energy bills still being hundreds of pounds a year higher for families and call it good news."

The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, a non-profit organisation, has said the average annual dual-fuel bill for a UK household is still about 40% - or £450 - higher than before the energy crisis began.

Mr Miliband added: "If the Tories get back in, Britain will remain vulnerable to dictators like Putin, and family finances will continue to be rocked by sky-high energy bills.

“A Labour government will cut bills by setting up Great British Energy, a new publicly-owned company to invest in homegrown clean energy so we can boost energy independence and cut bills for good."

But Ms Coutinho described Great British Energy as a "complete gimmick" and a "drop in the ocean".

She also accused Labour of having "no plan" on energy security.

In our conversation with Sir Keir Starmer, he is also asked about news that Jeremy Corbyn will run against the Labour in Islington North.

"That's a matter for Jeremy Corbyn," he says. 

"I'm very clear. The first thing I said as Labour leader is that I would tear antisemitism out of our party by the roots. 

"That was my first solemn promise and I followed through all my heart. And that is why I took the decision that Jeremy Corbyn would not stand as a Labour candidate this election. 

"Jeremy standing is independent, that's a matter for him. 

"We will have an excellent Labour candidate in Islington North, making the same argument as we will across the country, which is, it's time to end 40 years of chaos and division. 

"It's time to turn the page on a fresh start and rebuild our country together."

Sir Keir Starmer is asked about a number of pledges that he has abandoned since running for the Labour leadership, including plans to spend £28bn a year on green investments.

Are people right to worry that promises made now could be broken?

The Labour leader takes tuition fees as an example, saying he agrees the "current system is unfair" on students and universities. 

"I did advocate getting rid of tuition fees, you're absolutely right about that," Sir Keir says. "Now, damage has been done to the economy, we've got to make a choice.

"We've got (NHS) waiting lists that are the best part of eight million - the money is not available to do both.

"In the end, if you can't do both, you have to make a decision. I've taken a political choice."

He reiterates this is the "practical reality of the damage the Tories have done to the economy".

Sir Keir says he has "prioritised the NHS", and he wants people to be aware of this before of the election - so they can judge him on it.

He says he thinks he has made the "right priority".

Asked why Labour are ahead in the polls, he says this is because "we are a changed Labour party".

Sir Keir adds: "If we get the privilege of coming into government it will be to serve, and service will be tattooed through everything we do."

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