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Czcigodni Księża, Szanowni Państwo

Pragniemy zaprosić Wszystkich do Pielgrzymowania z naszym biurem,  aby przez tę formę modlitwy, umacniać własna wiarę. Jakim bogactwem dla człowieka może być pielgrzymowanie, pokazał nam Pielgrzym Świata – Jan Paweł II. Przez pielgrzymki stawał się coraz bardziej Papieżem, którego określono mianem „Wielki”.

Pielgrzymki to nie są zwykłe podróże, to szansa przeżycia czegoś wyjątkowego. Dobry standard świadczeń, należyta opieka nad Pielgrzymami, dbałość o szczegóły w organizacji i realizacji programu zawsze były naszym atutem i pozostaną naszym priorytetem. Komfort i poczucie bezpieczeństwa pozwalają bowiem Pielgrzymom skupić się na poszukiwaniu Boga. Z każdej Pielgrzymki wyciągami wnioski, wsłuchujemy się w potrzeby i sugestie naszych Klientów.Ponadto pragniemy zaznaczyć, że zawsze najważniejszym punktem wszystkich programów jest codzienna Msza Święta.

Z radością przedstawiamy ofertę z wybranymi Pielgrzymkami organizowanymi przez naszą firmę - Konsorcjum Polskich Biur Podróży, Trade & Travel Company.Nasi Pracownicy  to nie tylko eksperci ale równieź podróżnicy i pielgrzymi z pasją, która przekłada się na zadowolenie naszych Klientów. Nasze Pielgrzymki odbywają się pod patronatem Tygodnika Katolickiego NIEDZIELA, który docenił nasze zaangażowanie w wykonywaną pracę oraz przygotowywanie pielgrzymek w zgodzie z wiarą i nauką Kościoła Katolickiego. Potwierdzeniem tego jest pięciokrotne odznaczenie naszej firmy medalem Mater Verbi. Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnego pielgrzymowania.

Już św. Hieronim nawoływał do poznania Ziemi Świętej nie dla zaspokojenia ciekawości, ale dla należytego zrozumienia tekstu biblijnego - muszą poznać Palestynę ci, którzy chcą zrozumieć Pismo św. Tradycja pielgrzymowania jest obecna od samych początków chrześcijaństwa. Już pierwsi chrześcijanie pielgrzymowali do miejsc pobytu Chrystusa. Pielgrzymka do Ziemi Świętej poprowadzi nas właśnie śladami Jezusa Chrystusa. W czasie pobytu nawiedzimy między innymi: Tabghę, Górę Błogosławieństw, Kafarnaum, Górę Tabor, Nazaret, Górę Karmel, Betlejem, Ein Karem oraz Jerozolimę. Dodatkowo przepłyniemy repliką łodzi z czasów Jezusa po wodach Jeziora Galilejskiego, odnowimy przyrzeczenia Chrztu Świętego w rzece Jordan, a Małżeństwa będą miały możliwość odnowić Przysięgę Małżeńską w Kanie Galilejskiej.

Pielgrzymka do Meksyku, do Sanktuarium Matki Bożej z Guadalupe, jest niezmiennie ogromnym przeżyciem dla Pielgrzymów. Dla wielu z Nich jest to pierwsza tak daleka i egzotyczna podróż. Nawiedzamy miejsca święte dla Meksykanów, odkrywamy tajemnice prekolumbijskich Indian i poznajemy współczesną kulturę Meksyku. Pod świętym obrazem Matki Bożej, której objawienia zaowocowały nawróceniem milionów Indian i dały początek ewangelizacji Ameryki Łacińskiej, czekają nas wzruszające chwile. 

Zapraszamy także na Pielgrzymki do Armenii i Gruzji, wciąż do końca nieodkrytych krajów Zakaukazia. Kraina kamiennych kościołów u stóp zaśnieżonego szczytu Araratu to miejsce, które odegrało ogromną rolę   w początkach chrześcijaństwa.

Pielgrzymka do Portugalii daje możliwość odwiedzenia 2 ważnych centrów pielgrzymkowych Europy.  W trakcie 8 dni będę mieli Państwo szansę modlić się w Fatimie – miejscu, gdzie Matka Boska objawiła się trójce pastuszków, oraz pokłonić się przed grobem Św. Jakuba w Santiago de Compostela

Malta - to tu w roku 60 n.e. zatrzymał się w drodze do Rzymu św. Paweł i to właśnie tutaj powstała jedna     z pierwszych gmin chrześcijańskich. Przez całe wieki Malta była ostoją chrześcijaństwa wobec bliskości imperium tureckiego i świata arabskiego. Dziś jest krajem słynącym nadal z dbałości o religię i tradycje chrześcijańskie, ale także ze wspaniałych zabytków sprzed naszej ery i sprzyjającego klimatu śródziemnomorskiego.

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pełną ofertą Pielgrzymek organizowanych przez naszą firmę - Konsorcjum Polskich Biur Podróży, Trade & Travel Company.

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Cities [ edit ]


  • 48.483333 135.066667 1 Khabarovsk — the capital and major regional center (population 570,000)
  • 50.55 137 3 Komsomolsk-on-Amur — a good sized city that is the steel center of Far Eastern Russia
  • 59.383333 143.3 4 Okhotsk — First Russian settlement in the Far East (17th Century) and former headquarters of Vitus Bering, discoverer of the Bering Strait and Alaska; located in the region's far north
  • 53.15 140.733333 5 Nikolaevsk-on-Amur
  • 49.083333 140.266667 6 Vanino
  • 48.966667 140.283333 7 Sovetskaya Gavan
  • 48.748889 135.646111 8 Sikachi-Alyan — a small village of the Nanai people with a museum of local culture, opportunities for fine Nanai dining, and 13000 year old Nanai cliff drawings

Other destinations [ edit ]

  • 57.104283 138.257106 4 Dzhugdzhursky Nature Reserve
  • 48.204944 134.858911 5 Bolshekhekhtsirsky Nature Reserve
  • 48.10582 135.136973 7 Vladimirovka , located miles and miles away from Komsomolsk, a native village of Negidals.

Understand [ edit ]

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Geography [ edit ]

Khabarovsk Krai occupies a long swathe of Russia's Pacific coastline, a full 2000 kilometers of it, going as far south as Sakhalin and north to Magadan Oblast . At nearly 800.000 km², it's Russias fourth largest province. In the north, taiga and tundra prevail, deciduous forests in the south, and swampy forests in the central areas around Nikolaevsk-on-Amur . As a testament to its size there are more than 50 thousand lakes to fish in, more rivers and streams than you would care to count, and several mountain ranges intersect the region, including the northern reaches of the Sikhote-Alin mountains shared with Primorsky krai. The highest point is Mount Bery, towering nearly in fact, three quarters of the area is occupied by mountains and plateaus.

Biodiversity [ edit ]

The diversity of purely North animals like brown bear and sheer South representatives like Eastern softshell spiny turtle (Trionix) is backed by the legend that God would mix the rest of seeds and animals when somebody told him about missing spot on Earth.

One can encounter pine-tree and wild Far-Eastern grape which came definitely from the South. Its blue round berries with sour taste are cultivated in gardens to produce home wine.

Like Trionix many species are listed in the Red Book.

Culture [ edit ]

Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's 1975 film Dersu Uzala, based on a book by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, describes the friendship of a Russian explorer and his Nanai guide named Dersu Uzala. (Wikipedia)

Aboriginal culture within small enclaves across the krai are Nanai, Ulchi, Manchur, Orochi, Udege, Negidal, Nivkhi, Evenki and varies in each settlement.

Facts [ edit ]

Talk [ edit ].

See Russian phrasebook .

Get in [ edit ]

Khabarovsk is a major transportation hub for the entire Russian Far East and will likely be any visitor's first stop by either the Trans-Siberian Railway or via Khabarovsk's international airport ( KHV  IATA ).

From China there are two entrance routes: one begins on the border with the Heihe - Blagoveshchensk crossing point, the other from Fuyuan town on Amur river. Another possible way is one from Sakhalin, where international ferry operates between Russian Korsakov and Japan's Wakkanai . A one-night bus trip along the federal highway Vladivostok-Khabarovsk is an option for a traveller, if the train carriage by some odd reason is not preferable.

Do [ edit ]

Fishing and hunting in the wild are the major attractions for local villagers, town and city dwellers as well as trekking routes to taiga plains and mountains untouched by humans are favourite activities for all sorts of tourists. Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk mountain bike clubs are all at it. Taiga forest roads are always abuzz with mosquitos in summer and the best seasons for visiting are May and September when the air is not so stifling and the sun is just warm. Winter attracts regional skiers and snowboarders to the ski bases "Holdomi" and "Amut Snow Lake" near Komsomolsk and "Spartak" slopes near Khabarovsk.

Eat [ edit ]

Local food follows traditional Russian cuisine featured with salted bracken, mushrooms, Korean and Chinese and even European dishes served in theme restaurants of two big cities. Don't forget to taste pancakes with a spoonful of linden, wildflower, buckweat honey or a season caviar stuffing.

Stay safe [ edit ]

Snakes and bears are rare attackers in the wild, lest provoked. More dangerous are infectious ticks which are active most of all in spring. Use spray against ticks.

Go next [ edit ]

Khabarovsk is the hub for regional air travel with important flights to Russian destinations Anadyr , Irkutsk , Krasnoyarsk , Magadan , Moscow , Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky , Yakutsk , and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , as well as international flights to Niigata , Japan and to Seoul , Korea . There are no direct flights to/from the US .

The next major stops to the east on the Trans-Siberian Railway are Ussuriysk and Vladivostok ; to the west, Birobidzhan .

There is a regular ferry from Vanino (the terminus of the Baikal-Amur Mainline ) to Kholmsk , Sakhalin .

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Khabarovsk city, Russia

The capital city of Khabarovsk krai .

Khabarovsk - Overview

Khabarovsk , the administrative center of Khabarovsk Krai, is one of the largest industrial, transport, cultural, educational, and scientific centers of the Far East of Russia. This city is located at the intersection of international railway and air transport routes on the right bank of the Amur River, near the border with China.

The population of Khabarovsk is about 613,500 (2022), the area - 383 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 4212, the postal codes - 680000-680150.

Khabarovsk city flag

Khabarovsk city coat of arms.

Khabarovsk city coat of arms

Khabarovsk city map, Russia

Khabarovsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

25 August, 2017 / Russian banknotes and the sights depicted on them .

1 August, 2017 / Khabarovsk - the view from above .

21 December, 2016 / Flying over diverse Russia .

21 April, 2013 / Khabarovsk - the center of the Russian Far East .

16 January, 2011 / Siberian tiger walking the highway .

More posts..

History of Khabarovsk

Foundation of khabarovsk.

Until the mid-19th century, the territory of present-day Khabarovsk, in accordance with the Nerchinsk Treaty, was located on a neutral territory, not delimited between the Qing Empire (China) and the Russian Empire. In 1858, the Aigun Treaty was signed, according to which the entire left bank of the Amur River passed into the possession of the Russian Empire, the right bank of the Amur to the Ussuri River became part of China.

After signing the treaty, the 13th Siberian Line Battalion was sent to establish settlements along the Amur. One of the new settlements was named Khabarovka - in honor of Yerofey Khabarov, a 17th-century Russian explorer known for his attempts to colonize this region for Russia. In 1864, the first plan for the development of the future town was made. By 1865, there were 1,294 residents in Khabarovka - mostly soldiers and officers.

Initially, only military buildings were constructed in Khabarovka. Five years after the foundation, there were already 167 buildings in the settlement including the house of the commander, barracks, warehouses, residential buildings, and trading shops. Due to its very convenient location at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, Khabarovka began to develop very quickly.

Following the military settlers, civilians began to arrive from all parts of the Russian Empire including Moscow and St. Petersburg. At that time, their main occupations were hunting, fur trade, and fishing. The settlers were provided with free fertile land, which also contributed to the influx of new residents to Khabarovka.

More historical facts…

Khabarovsk - a regional center of the Russian Far East

In 1873, the first elementary school was opened in Khabarovka. The Russo-Chinese treaty of 1881 allowed duty-free trade in the 50-kilometer land border zone and the goods of Chinese and English manufacturers could be bought half cheaper here.

By 1880, Khabarovka was already a rather large settlement of Primorsky Oblast with a population of 2,036 people (47.3% - military, 23% - bourgeois, 21.3% - foreigners (mainly Chinese workers), 1.4% - representatives of the indigenous population, and 7% - officers, clergy, merchants, industrialists).

At that time, the capital of Primorsky Oblast was Nikolayevsk (today’s Nikolayevsk-on-Amur), but Khabarovka had a more advantageous geographical position, as it was located at the crossroads of all communication lines from Vladivostok and the coast. In 1880, Khabarovka became the center of Primorsky Oblast and transformed into a town. In 1893, the town was renamed Khabarovsk.

In 1894, the Amur (Khabarovsk) department of the Russian Geographical Society was created with a museum (the Khabarovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore) and a library. In 1895, the first vocational technical school was opened - the railway school of the Ministry of Railways. During these years, a lot of stone houses were built in Khabarovsk. Most of them are preserved in the city to this day.

In 1897, the first train departed from the Khabarovsk railway station. The Ussuri Railway connected Khabarovsk with Vladivostok. The population of the town was about 14,900 people.

Khabarovsk in the 20th century and beyond

In 1916, the construction of a railway bridge over the Amur was completed and Khabarovsk was connected by the Amur Railway with Eastern Siberia.

November 14, 1922, after the liquidation of the Far Eastern Republic, Khabarovsk became part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. On December 6, 1923, the administrative center of the Russian Far East was transferred to Khabarovsk from Chita. In 1925, the railway bridge over the Amur was restored.

On January 4, 1926, Far Eastern Krai was formed with its center in Khabarovsk. The population of the city was about 52 thousand people. On October 23, 1934, the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute was established in Khabarovsk. In 1936, Khabarovsk was connected by rail with Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

By 1939, the population of Khabarovsk increased to 200 thousand people. From June 1940, the command of the Far Eastern Front was deployed in Khabarovsk. From August 1945, the headquarters of the High Command of Soviet Forces in the Far East and the command of the 1st Far Eastern Front were stationed in the city.

On March 16, 1946, the Khabarovsk Drama Theater was created. In 1949, a trial was held in Khabarovsk in the case of former members of the Japanese Kwantung Army. The most significant changes in the city occurred in the post-war decades.

In 1960, the Khabarovsk television studio began broadcasting. On October 24, 1964, the Khabarovsk Shipyard produced the first “Rocket”, a famous Soviet hydrofoil ship. On September 1, 1967, the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education (the Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture) was opened. On September 1, 1968, the Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture was opened.

In 1975, the population of Khabarovsk was about 502,000 people. By 1990, Khabarovsk was formed as a multifunctional economic center of national importance. The population reached its maximum of 616 thousand people.

In May 2000, federal districts were formed in the Russian Federation. Khabarovsk became the center of the Far Eastern Federal District. In 2008, the railway station was completely renovated. In 2009, the reconstruction of the bridge across the Amur was finished. In late summer - early fall of 2013, Khabarovsk was affected by flooding, which became the strongest over the entire observation period since 1897.

On December 13, 2018, the center of the Far Eastern Federal District was moved from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok.

Pictures of Khabarovsk

Pre-revolutionary architecture in Khabarovsk

Pre-revolutionary architecture in Khabarovsk

Author: Tanya Yakushina

Lenin Square in Khabarovsk

Lenin Square in Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk cityscape

Khabarovsk cityscape

Author: Santiago Rios

Khabarovsk - Features

Khabarovsk is often considered the capital of the Russian Far East. The city is located in Asia, in the southern part of the Central Amur Lowland, near the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, about 17 km from the border with China. The city stands on the elevated right bank of the Amur River, the relief of which is diverse and complex.

The distance from Moscow to Khabarovsk by roads is about 8,250 km, to Vladivostok - 750 km. About half of the population of Khabarovsk Krai lives in this city. Khabarovsk is a bit similar to the large cities of the Volga region. Here you can see similar new buildings wedging chaotically into the cityscape and an abundance of pre-revolutionary architecture.

Although Khabarovsk can’t boast of Vladivostok’s seaside flavor or all-Russian sights, it’s still worth coming here, and to some extent this is inevitable: all routes of the Khabarovsk region converge here.

The climate in Khabarovsk is temperate monsoon, with snowy cold winters and hot humid summers. The average temperature in January is minus 20.5 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 21.8 degrees Celsius. The number of sunny days per year is significantly higher than in a number of large cities of Russia (up to 300 days a year; in Moscow and St. Petersburg - about 100).

From November to March, very dry and frosty continental air with clear and sunny weather is established over the city. The best time to visit Khabarovsk is June and September when the weather is not too hot.

Khabarovsk is a major hub at the junction of water, air, rail, and road communications from the north and west of the country, Primorye, Sakhalin, and the ports of Khabarovsk Krai. The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through the city, as well as the railway line to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This city is the connecting point of the federal highways “Amur” (Chita - Khabarovsk), “Ussuri” (Khabarovsk - Vladivostok), and Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Urban transport includes trams, trolleybuses, buses, minibuses, and taxis.

The international airport “Novy” offers regular flights to Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Yakutsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Seoul (South Korea), Tokyo (Japan).

The design of the Russian 5,000 rubles banknote features Khabarovsk. On its front side you can see the monument to Muravyov-Amursky (the founder of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok) on the background of the embankment of the Amur River. The Khabarovsk bridge over the Amur is depicted on the back of the banknote. At the time of construction, in 1916, it was one of the longest bridges in the world and was called “The Amur Miracle”.

The fork-shaped cross depicted on the coat of arms of Khabarovsk symbolizes the location of the city at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers. Fish reminds of the main occupation of the first residents - fishing. The white-breasted bear and the Amur tiger are endemic to the Amur land.

Main Attractions of Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after Nikolai Grodekov . The expositions of this museum feature exhibits on the paleontology and geology of the Amur Region, the flora and fauna of the Far East, the fish of the Amur basin, the culture of the indigenous peoples of the Amur region and Russian settlers, the history of the development of the Russian Far East, the events of the Civil War in the Far East (1917-1922). The museum building (1896) is a monument of architecture, culture, and history of federal significance. Shevchenko Street, 11.

Amur (Khabarovsk) Cliff - the most beautiful place in the city located in the center of Admiral Gennady Nevelsky Embankment running along the Amur River bank, near the Khabarovsk Regional Museum. In 1858, a military detachment led by commander Yakov Dyachenko landed here. He decided to set up his camp here, which later became a military settlement, and even later - the village of Khabarovka.

Here you can find a good observation deck with beautiful views of the Amur River and the city. Nearby, there is a park with the famous monument to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Muravyov-Amursky. This monument is depicted on the Russian banknote of 5,000 rubles. Shevchenko Street, 15.

The Far Eastern Art Museum - the largest museum of fine art in the Russian Far East. The collection of this museum has about 16 thousand works of art of the Old Russian, Russian pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods. Here you can also see the Far Eastern and Western European fine art, the art of the peoples of the Amur Region, works of Russian icon painting of the 15th-20th centuries. Shevchenko Street, 7.

Military History Museum of the Far Eastern Military District . The museum exhibits documents, photographs, banners of all periods of the history of the Far Eastern Military District, starting with the Russian Civil War in the Far East and to our time. In the courtyard, there is an exhibition of military equipment. Shevchenko Street, 20.

Khabarovsk Assumption Cathedral - the first stone building and one of the largest churches in Khabarovsk. The original building was demolished in 1930. In 2002, the cathedral was restored according to a new architectural project in the Russian style with some eclectic features. The new cathedral as a whole differs from the original building, but has some of its elements. In particular, the shapes of the arches and domes of the new cathedral were taken from the old version. Sobornaya (Komsomolskaya) Square.

Khabarovsk Bridge (“The Amur Miracle”) - one of the main symbols of Khabarovsk. The construction of this bridge completed the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1916. This bridge is depicted on the Russian 5,000 Rubles banknote. In the 1990s, the bridge was reconstructed, its old openwork spans were dismantled. Nearby, you can find the Museum of the History of the Amur Bridge with the last preserved span of the original design.

Lenin Square - the central and most picturesque square in Khabarovsk. In size, it is second only to Red Square in Moscow. It is framed by buildings of various styles of architecture, size, and number of storeys. There are beautiful fountains, well-groomed flower beds, and trimmed lawns here.

Severny Park - a cascade of three small but very picturesque ponds. In the middle of the green lawns and trees there are small arbors, as well as a snow-white wedding palace. Nearby, you can see the Church of Seraphim of Sarov. Kakhovskaya Street, 1.

Khabarovsk city of Russia photos

Churches of khabarovsk.

Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Khabarovsk

Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Khabarovsk

Author: Sergey V. Makogonov

Assumption Cathedral in Khabarovsk

Assumption Cathedral in Khabarovsk

Author: Jason Rogers

Transfiguration Cathedral  in Khabarovsk

Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk

Lenin monument in Khabarovsk

Lenin Monument in Khabarovsk

Lenin Monument in Khabarovsk

Author: Kudinov D.M.

The questions of our visitors

The comments of our visitors.

I lived in Khabarovsk for many years. I was an American working there. I spoke fluent Russian and pretty much blended right in. No one guessed I was a foreigner. I made lots of truly wonderful friends some of whom became like family.

I walked about any time I felt like it and never had any sort of problems. I lived in several other cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg and Khabarovsk is my favorite. If I could figure out a way to live there permanently, I would with pleasure.

I had the pleasure of flying a number of flights to Khabarovsk in the early 1990's. I met some wonderful people, one very special person. While the city was in a semi state of disrepair, it still held the historic beauty of its earlier years.

It has been over 20 years since my visit and I would very much like to return. Perhaps not in this life time but the memories live on.

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Global airlines raise 2024 profit outlook as travel soars

By Tim Hepher and Lisa Barrington

DUBAI (Reuters) -Global airlines on Monday raised their profit forecast for 2024 and projected industry wide revenues just shy of $1 trillion as a record number of travellers board flights.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) said it expected the worldwide industry to generate $30.5 billion of profit this year, higher than an upwardly revised $27.4 billion in 2023 as carriers keep a lid on underlying labour costs despite recent strikes.

That comes just four years after the industry collapsed to a $140 billion loss in 2020 as a result of the pandemic and is above the $25.7 billion forecast for 2024 issued in December.

"The environment is better than we had expected, particularly in Asia," Director General Willie Walsh told Reuters on the sidelines of an annual meeting of IATA's more than 300 members, which account for more than 80% of global air traffic.

However, the airline industry warned its ability to serve a strong rebound in travel demand is being hampered by disruption to global supply chains, including deliveries of its own fleets.

Passenger yields - or the average amount paid by a passenger to fly one mile - are expected to strengthen by 3.2% compared with 2023, IATA said in a twice-yearly economic outlook. In part, that is because capacity growth is constrained, driving up average fares.

By contrast, the corresponding figure for cargo is expected to fall 17.5% in 2024 as freight markets return towards normal patterns after booming during the pandemic.

Airline activity is widely seen as a litmus test for business or consumer confidence, as well as trade.

The industry has high fixed costs and regulations that discourage most cross-border mergers, meaning it remains fragmented.

"The margin remains wafer thin; we're still looking at a margin of just over 3%," Walsh said. "(That) performance is still well below where the industry needs to be."

In Asia, IATA more than trebled its industry profit forecast for 2024 to $2.2 billion despite a sluggish recovery in international travel in China.

At $14.9 billion, unchanged from earlier forecasts, North America remains the most profitable region with "strong consumer spending despite cost-of-living pressure," IATA said.

IATA said airlines had been hit by unforeseen maintenance issues. That appeared to be a reference to repair bottlenecks for engines built by Pratt & Whitney, which are expected to leave hundreds of Airbus jets grounded this summer.

Industry sources said on Friday that Airbus, the world's largest planemaker, was itself facing a new surge in supply problems, casting doubt on output plans for the second half. The planemaker has said it is sticking by full-year delivery goals.

Rival Boeing is producing far fewer of its best-selling 737 MAX jets than originally planned after a mid-air cabin panel blowout in January prompted U.S. regulators to cap its production.

IATA's 2025 annual general meeting will be held in Delhi, India, hosted by Indian carrier IndiGo, the organisation said on Monday.

(Additional reporting by Aditi Shah and Alexander Cornwell; Editing by Jamie Freed)

FILE PHOTO: An Airbus A350-1000 flies during an aerial display at the Singapore Airshow at Changi Exhibition Centre in Singapore, February 20, 2024. REUTERS/Edgar Su/File Photo

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