Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

8 Ways to Choose the Perfect Tour Company

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

tour group posing with Nomadic Matt during a hike in the hills

That idea of tours being bad is an old and outdated perception.

These days tour groups have become more adept at the changing landscape. They feature smaller groups, more authentic experiences, a better environmental impact, and more local guides.

I love group tours.

Even though I am an independent traveler, I find group tours super fun, a great way to meet people, learn more from an informed guide, go to places you normally can’t, and wet your feet in travel. My first trip overseas was on an organized tour. I didn’t know the first thing about travel and that tour gave me the confidence to travel on my own. It was the taste test I needed to become hooked on travel. Tours give a lot of people time to adjust to the “travel lifestyle.”

Unlike in the past, today’s tours are eco-friendly, cater to all travel styles, over cheap, and make a point to use local transportation and guides. And many destinations (like Halong Bay, the Galápagos Islands, the Serengeti, Machu Picchu, Antarctica, Everest) are virtually inaccessible without an organized group tour!

In this article, I am going to tell you how to find the best tour company so you get one that is inexpensive, eco-friendly, provides local guides, and gives back to the local community:

1. Research the costs

With tour companies, it’s not always true that you get what you pay for. Many tour companies nickel-and-dime you, while some are really good at maximizing value for your every penny. Ask how your money is spent to find out if you are really getting the best value for your money. How much of your fee is their overhead? Are you paying for top-notch hotels but staying in two-star guesthouses? You want a company that is transparent with why prices are the way they are.

Moreover, make sure you ask if there are added fees to pay when arrive. Many companies require you to pay additional money when the tour starts or don’t include park or attraction entrance fees. That cheap tour won’t be so cheap if you have to pay for everything while you’re there!

2. Make sure you are the audience 

Is the tour geared toward older couples? Young people? Families? You don’t want to end up on a loud Contiki tour full of drunk twenty-year-olds when all you want is a quiet holiday.

There’s a tour company for everyone — just make sure you don’t end up on one that isn’t yours. Most tour companies list their guest demographics on their “About” page, and you can usually see from the photos of their tours who goes on it.

You can also tell the audience based on accommodation: if it’s hostels or guesthouses, it’s usually for backpackers and budget travelers; if it’s fancy digs, it’s for older travelers and families.

This is very important because these are the people you’ll be traveling with so you want to make sure it’s the kind of people you are traveling with. I’m still friends with the people from my first tour in 2003 because they were people like me. The tour in Japan that was filled with older families? Not so much. We didn’t have much in common. Wonderful people but we didn’t connect.

So, I always look for tours that have my demographic in them.

3. Get local guides

Guides can make or break your trip. They are going to explain everything to you and keep the flow of the tour going. I don’t want them hiring some young kid, non-expert, or someone who doesn’t know the place well. I’ve been on tours where the guide was a walking encyclopedia, and on somewhere the guide was a glorified timekeeper.

Make sure the company uses knowledgeable, local guides. The guide should be a local or at least a long-term resident, know the local language, have travel experience, and know life-saving techniques.

If you are unsure about the guides, call the customer service line and ask them about their guides.

4. Safety record 

Make sure the company follows all the proper safety requirements and is accredited by the local government, the government where they are registered, and any other appropriate trade organizations.

5. A balanced schedule 

You’re paying for them to fill most of your day. How do they do that? Are they doing that? Do they have a lot of activities organized, or do they leave you to your own devices?

That said, you don’t want a schedule that is crammed with things to do. Make sure you get a schedule of all the activities and pick a tour that is balanced. Running around will leave you wishing you had a holiday from your holiday, but you don’t want to be sitting around all day, either.

I love taking small group tours because they generally have a good balance. Any tour that requires you to be on a huge bus and hits 6 cities in 5 days is not a tour to take!

6. Environmental impact

There’s a growing trend among travelers called ecotourism . It’s about more responsible travel, not only toward the environment but also toward the locals in an area. This means using local guides, hotels, and services, and making sure to reduce waste and your footprint on the local habitat.

Moreover, these companies tend to offer better and more interactive tours that also give you a good degree of autonomy.

I think it’s important to pick a company that provides great value and gives back to the place you are visiting. After all, did you go there to ruin it for others? Doubtful.

Check with groups like the International Ecotourism Society for a list of companies that have been certified “eco-friendly.” With so much money pouring into the industry now, you have a lot of companies fraudulently saying they practice ecotourism but end up being involved in terrible labor practices, animal abuse, and waste.

7. Group size

Tour companies that have smaller groups tend to be much more mindful of the environment and the impact they are leaving. It’s a lot easier to meet people in a group of 10-15 than it is in a group of 60. I don’t like to go on tours with more than 15 people on them. However, I have friends who love Contiki tours with 40-50 people. Know what you are getting yourself into, so you don’t find yourself with a group too small or too large for your tastes.

Just remember larger groups tend to stay at bigger, more impersonal accommodations (they can only accommodate the numbers), eat at more touristy restaurants, and tend to travel to more destinations quicker.

In my expert opinion, small group tours are the best.

8. Check their reputation

How have other travelers enjoyed their time? Look for online reviews to see what a company’s reputation is. It might not always be what they claim, and it’s important to find out the truth before you book.

Remember that MOST people only write a review if something goes wrong. Someone might give a tour company one star just because their eggs were runny. Find the average. Someone might hate a tour because the weather was hot. Seriously. These are actual negative reviews from the tour operator company, Thomas Cook:

“On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.”

“We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.”

“We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.”

“No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.”

“Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.”

“When we were in Spain, there were too many Spanish people there. The receptionist spoke Spanish, the food was Spanish. No one told us that there would be so many foreigners.”

“We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.”

So how can you trust the reviews you read online?

Take them with a grain of salt. You can read reviews on websites TrustPilot . The approval rating should look like a bell curve but with more A’s and B’s than C’s. I look for companies that average 85% or higher (or 4 out of 5 stars). If a company is that highly rated, the negative reviews are probably just outliers.  

My Recommended (Best) Tour Companies

Here are some of my favorite small, day-tour, or backpacker bus tour companies:

  • Take Walks – This is my favorite walking tour company. They run a wide variety of insightful and entertaining tours around Europe and the US. What makes them so good is they get you inside access to attractions and places you can’t get elsewhere. Their guides rock too!
  • Get Your Guide – A massive marketplace for tours, activities, and excursions. If you’re looking for something niche, you’ll find it here!
  • Devour Food Tours – My go-to tour company for tasty food tours around Europe and the US.
  • Kiwi Experience – A hop-on, hop-off bus tour company in New Zealand for backpackers!
  • Baz Bus – A hop on, hop off again bus tour company in South Africa for all travelers.
  • New Europe – Free walking tours throughout Europe.
  • Free Tours By Foot – Pay-what-you-like tours throughout Europe and the United States. They are one of my favorite free walking tour companies in the world!


When it comes to multi-day, multi-week tours (think trips through Morocco, sailing in the Galápagos, etc.), I highly recommend using Intrepid Travel .

Intrepid is my favorite and best small group tour operator out there! I really love their guides, their small groups, off-the-beaten-track itineraries, and their commitment to the local environment and community. I always have an incredible time on their tours. They are my favorite multi-day tour operator and the only one I use now (the picture at the top of this page is me on their Patagonia trip). Intrepid is environmentally friendly, uses local guides and transportation, doesn’t rush their tours, and are quite inexpensive. I don’t even consider anyone else when it comes to multi-day trips.

I love tours. They are a great way to meet people, get a local to add value and knowledge, and see places you can’t get to alone! I don’t take them often but I do take them. And, since I follow the above rules, I always have a good time. Some of my favorite travel memories were when I was on a group trip. If you follow my tips above, you’ll never go wrong either.


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Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations Tour Dates

Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations

  • Thu 12 Sep Eastbourne, Congress Theatre Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Fri 20 Sep Sheffield City Hall and Memorial Hall Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Sat 21 Sep Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne Theatre & Opera House Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Thu 3 Oct Edinburgh, Assembly Rooms Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Sat 5 Oct Harrogate Royal Hall Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Thu 17 Oct Portsmouth, Kings Theatre Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Sun 20 Oct Tunbridge Wells, Assembly Hall Theatre Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Wed 23 Oct Chelmsford Theatre Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Fri 25 Oct Dudley Town Hall Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Thu 7 Nov Windsor, Theatre Royal Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets
  • Fri 9 May Blackpool Winter Gardens Just My Imagination UK - The Music of The Temptations View tickets

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Many of the most beautiful places in the world don’t have mobile phone service. Just Ahead is designed to work wherever you are, even without WiFi or a cell signal. Just be sure to download your guide before you go on your trip.


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Welcome to the official site of Just My Imagination

A musical celebration of the Kings of Motown THE TEMPTATIONS


Just my imagination is a celebration of the motown legends named by billboard magazine as ‘the number 1 group in the history of rhythm and blues’, from their first hit, “the way you do the things you do” in 1964, through the career highs of “my girl”, “ain’t too proud”, “get ready”, “papa was a rolling stone” and “just my imagination”, this iconic group’s musical legacy spanned more than 50 years and 24 temptations., this original production draws from the “classic five” era and is inspired by the pace and energy of the hit broadway show “ain’t too proud” which earned a phenomenal 12 tony nominations in 2019., featuring a cast of dynamic west end performers and some of the nation’s most talented musicians, “just my imagination” brings a fresh, exhilarating and incomparable night of sing along, dance along magic to theatres throughout the uk.


My girl    ★★   get ready    ★★   just my imagination    ★★  ain’t too proud, papa was a rolling stone     ★★★    treat her like a lady      ★★★      i can’t get next to you, i wish it would rain     ★★★     the way you do the things you do    ★★★     beauty is only skin deep, upcoming dates.

august 2024

2024 31 aug 7:00 pm SKEGNESS Club Tropicana 7:00 pm TICKETS

september 2024

2024 08 sep 2:30 pm LEEDS Bibis Italianissimo 2:30 pm TICKETS

2024 12 sep 7:30 pm EASTBOURNE Congress Theatre 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 20 sep 7:30 pm SHEFFIELD Sheffield City Hall 7:30 pm TICKETS

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october 2024

2024 02 oct 7:30 pm PERTH Perth Concert Hall 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 03 oct 7:30 pm EDINBURGH Assembly Rooms 7:30 pm TICKETS

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2024 17 oct 7:30 pm PORTSMOUTH Kings Theatre, Portsmouth 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 20 oct 7:30 pm TUNBRIDGE WELLS Tunbridge Assembly Hall 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 23 oct 7:30 pm CHELMSFORD Chelmsford Theatre 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 25 oct 7:30 pm DUDLEY Dudley Town Hall 7:30 pm TICKETS

2024 31 oct 9:00 pm HAMPSHIRE The Concorde 9:00 pm TICKETS

november 2024

2024 07 nov 7:30 pm WINDSOR Theatre Royal 7:30 pm TICKETS

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Directed by the multi-award winning and multi-award nominated Director and Choreographer

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Chris Murrell

Eddie Kendricks

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Clinton Elvis

David Ruffin

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Julian Cannonier

Otis Williams

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Sean Hinds Jnr

Paul Williams

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Jordan Eskers

Melvin Franklin

This is a tribute show and is in no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows. Promoter reserves the right to alter the programme.

Managing Director : [email protected] Booking : [email protected] General : [email protected]

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© Veritas Theatre Productions

Jordan Eskeisa is a young musical theatre performer and musician and has just graduated from Performance Preparation Academy in 2023. Whilst training Jordan performed as Mark in Rent , Parsee Man and Vocal Captain in Just So , and Lurch in The Addams Family .

Most recently Jordan has worked with The New Wolsey Theatre on a rock and roll pantomime, Dick Whittington and his Cat , and has written an original fairytale musical titled Flames. 

Professional Experience:

LMJ Productions, The Flyrights       

Epic Creations, Emperors of Soul

Extravaganza Productions  ,  Aladdin 2009 – Genie of the Lamp       

Kings Head Theatre, Nursery Crimes 2009 – Wolf                          

Secret Cinema, The Harder They Come – Horsemouth               

Arts UK/ The Harder They Come – Sergeant                

English Theatre, Frankfurt,    Five Guys Named Moe –  Four Eyed Moe         

Flying Music, Dancing In The Streets –    Stevie Wonder

Recently Clinton was seen on the show Let It Shine a BBC One broadcasted show which was Take That’s very own Gary Barlow’s search for a band to perform on his new musical tour “The Band” entered  the show as the first contestant Jan 7th 2017 going all the way to the semi final with his band “Iron Sun”.

In 2022 Clinton performed as a contestant on the ITV1 programme StarStruck, which featured hopefuls taken the stage as a trio to perform as their music icon Clinton performed as part of Team John Legend Performing All Of Me.





just my tour

Things to Do in Bykovo, Russia - Bykovo Attractions

Things to do in bykovo.

  • Good for Kids
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Church of Vladimir


2. Bykovo Manor


3. Chapel of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Spring

4. vr club bykovo, 5. bykovskie baths.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture

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Taylor Swift Wears Black Gloves at the ‘Eras Tour’ in Edinburgh After Hand Cramp: ‘My Hand is Frozen’

Taylor Swift just added a new accessory to her Eras Tour wardrobe.

The 34-year-old singer wore a pair of small black gloves while performing The Tortured Poets Department segment of her concert in Edinburgh, Scotland , on Saturday, June 8. The rest of her outfit — a custom white Vivienne Westwood gown and matching lace-up boots — remained the same.

Swift most likely opted to wear the gloves due to practical reasons. The night before, while performing at the same venue, she experienced a hand cramp from the cold weather, per Deadline .

“Oh God! Hand cramp!” She reportedly told the crowd on Friday, June 7. “I’m so sorry everyone, this has never happened before but my hand is frozen, I’m just going to warm it. I’m so embarrassed. My hand’s like a claw!”

Taylor Swift Is Absolutely ‘Bejeweled’ in Her ‘Eras Tour’ Concert Outfits: See Photos

For many of us, getting a hand cramp from the cold during the month of June is an unfamiliar concept — but for Scots, chilly summer weather is the norm.

After spotting Swift’s newly gloved hands at the concert on June 8, fans took to social media to discuss their theories.

“NEW BLACK GLOVES?!?” One fan wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Here’s my not-exciting theory: they’re for practical purposes. It’s chilly in Edinburgh. TTPD is long and she dances very little until Broken Heart. Her hands need to be warm to avoid another acoustic-set hand cramp. So, gloves. But ✨fashionable✨ ones! 🫶”

In addition to cold weather, the sun in Scotland does not begin to set until around 10 pm in the summer months — a detail that Swift seemed to appreciate.

Taylor Swift’s Red Carpet Style Evolution

“I love performing this entire show in the sunlight, because I’m pretty sure I just, like, saw somebody getting engaged over here,” Swift said after performing “Cardigan” on Friday, June 7.

She continued : "You have no idea, I never get to see that, right? Because it’s, like, dark usually at night.”

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Taylor swift congratulates fans who get engaged at eras tour show in scotland: ‘man, that’s amazing’.

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It’s a love story at the Eras Tour!

Taylor Swift sweetly congratulated a couple after she witnessed them get engaged during her combined “Folklore” and “Evermore” set at her Eras Tour show in Edinburgh, Scotland, Friday night.

“I love performing this entire show in the sunlight ’cause I’m pretty sure I just, like, saw somebody get engaged over here,” the pop star told the crowd at Murrayfield Stadium in a clip shared on Threads .

Taylor Swift performing

taylor swift’s reaction to witnessing the engagement at yesterday eras tour (Scotland). — 488.8K likes, 1.9M views | 12h — SWIFTs TikTok (@SwiftsTiktok) June 8, 2024

Once fans confirmed the exciting news, the “Karma” hitmaker, 34, pumped both her arms in the air and screamed, “Yes!”

“Congratulations, wow!” she enthusiastically added. “I just saw that whole thing. Man, that’s amazing … Thanks for doing that at my concert; that’s a big moment!”

Friday night’s concert marked the first of three shows Swift has scheduled in Scotland .

She then tours the rest of the UK, hitting Liverpool, Cardiff, London and Dublin before venturing elsewhere in Europe.

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift PDA

The milestone moment for Swift’s Scottish fans comes as engagement rumors continue to swirl around the Grammy winner herself and her NFL star beau, Travis Kelce.

Earlier this year, a person close to the famous couple told Page Six that Swift and Kelce have “discussed” taking the next step in their relationship and that “there is a plan.”

“They will get engaged on their one-year anniversary in July,” the source further claimed.

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Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift PDA

Kelce, 34, then fueled engagement rumors in March while he and his brother, Jason Kelce, spoke about lab-grown diamonds on their “New Heights” podcast.

Swift and the Kansas City Chiefs tight end, who have been dating almost a year , went public with their romance in September 2023 when the “Lover” singer supported Travis at a game at Arrowhead Stadium.

She then offered a glimpse into their relationship during her Time Person of the Year profile in December 2023, explaining why they decided to confirm their romance.

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift holding hands

“When you say a relationship is public, that means I’m going to see him do what he loves, we’re showing up for each other, other people are there and we don’t care,” Swift noted at the time.

A close friend of Travis’ recently said that he hopes wedding bells are in the couple’s near future .

Patrick Regan said on the “Your Day Off” podcast this past Monday of the superstars tying the knot, “Hopefully soon, that’ll be fun.”

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Taylor Swift performing


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Jennifer Lopez cancels "This is Me ... Now" tour to spend time with family: "I am completely heartsick"

By Lucia Suarez Sang

Updated on: May 31, 2024 / 8:13 PM EDT / CBS News

A "heartsick and devastated" Jennifer Lopez canceled her upcoming summer tour to spend more time with her "children, family and close friends," Live Nation announced Friday.

Lopez released a statement to her fans on her OntheJLo apologizing for deciding to pull the plug on her tour weeks before it was set to kick off.

"I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down," she wrote. "Please know that I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel that it was absolutely necessary."

She continued: "I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again. I love you all so much. Until next time…"

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The 54-year-old was set to embark on a 30+ city tour on June 26 in Orlando, Florida, to promote her new album "This is Me…Now," which dropped in February. The singer was scheduled to make stops across North America, including Miami, Los Angeles, Toronto, and New York City before wrapping up in Houston on Aug. 31.

Live Nation said fans who purchased tickets through Ticketmaster will automatically be refunded. For those who purchased through third-party resale sites like SeatGeek, StubHub and VividSeats, fans will need to reach out to them for more details.

Lopez is currently promoting the release of her Netflix movie "Atlas," which hit the streaming platform on May 24.

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Lucia Suarez Sang is an associate managing editor at Previously, Lucia was the director of digital content at FOX61 News in Connecticut and has previously written for outlets including, Fox News Latino and the Rutland Herald.

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Jennifer Lopez cancels 2024 tour This Is Me: 'Completely heartsick and devastated'

just my tour

Jennifer Lopez has canceled her summer North American tour , which was to be her first in five years, weeks before she was scheduled to go on the road.

The pop star made the announcement Friday in her On The JLo fan newsletter.

"Representatives for Live Nation announced today that the Jennifer Lopez US Summer 2024 Tour 'THIS IS ME...LIVE' is canceled, citing ... 'Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends,'" the newsletter reads.

The statement was followed by a personal note , "A Special Message to My JLovers OnTheJLo."

"I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down. Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary. I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again," Lopez wrote. "I love you all so much. Until next time..."

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USA TODAY has reached out to Live Nation for comment.

Lopez's first show of the tour had been slated for June 26 in Orlando, Florida.

This Is Me... Live announcement comes after seven tour dates were canceled

The announcement comes weeks after several shows on the tour were canceled without explanation. According to Ticketmaster, Lopez's scheduled performances in Nashville, Tennessee; New Orleans; Raleigh, North Carolina; Atlanta; Houston; Cleveland and Tampa, Florida would no longer take place.

"Unfortunately, the event organizer has had to cancel your event," the message for those pages reads.

This is Me...Live was a 30-date arena tour that was going to feature Lopez's chart-breakers and classic hits from her discography, like songs "On The Floor," "Let's Get Loud" and "Jenny from the Block." Her most recent tour in 2019, the It's My Party tour, sold out venues across the country.

The tour was in support of her new album, “This is Me … Now,” which released in February. The record was accompanied by an Amazon Prime musical movie, “ This is Me … Now: A Love Story ."

Speaking to USA TODAY earlier this year about "This is Me ... Now" possibly being her swan song, Lopez said, "This was going to be the quintessential thing I have been searching for and wanted to say about love."

"I’ve been on this search for so long, since people first met me and my first record came out and even before that in my first movie role, where I’ve been on this journey trying to figure this thing out for myself. This (album) kind of closed the loop in a way,” she said. “It captures this moment to really say the things I want to say about love, and that is that true love does exist and some things are forever. Please don’t give up on that because that’s all that matters in life … love.”'

Bennifer timeline: Their love story spans two decades, two engagements

Separate outings have fueled speculation about marriage with Ben Affleck

Lopez's announcement also comes amid widespread speculation about her marriage of nearly two years to Ben Affleck.

After various media reports suggested Lopez and Affleck may no longer be living together, the Hollywood A-List couple has been increasingly under the microscope, with media prying over their whereabouts and whether both are still wearing their rings.

On May 16, Lopez and Affleck were photographed together for the first time in over a month, with each spotted wearing their respective wedding rings.

The two were engaged to each other twice: first in 2002 then again in 2021. The couple got married in a late-night ceremony in Las Vegas on July 16, 2022, which Lopez called "the best possible wedding we could have imagined."

This is the second marriage for Affleck and the fourth for Lopez.

Tour refunds for JLo tickets

Tickets will automatically be refunded, according to the newsletter.

Fans who purchased from third-party sites such as SeatGeek, StubHub and VividSeats should reach out to those websites for refunds.

Contributing: Melissa Ruggieri and Taijuan Moorman

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Jennifer Lopez Cancels Summer Tour

The singer and actress said she was “heartsick and devastated” about the decision, which comes on the heels of a hit Netflix movie and persistent rumors about her marriage.

Jennifer Lopez stands in a white, sleeveless dress and looks to her right.

By Maya Salam

Jennifer Lopez announced on Friday that she has canceled her “This Is Me … Live” summer tour. In a message on her website she said she was “heartsick and devastated” about the decision.

“Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary,” she continued, promising her fans that they’d be “together again.”

An accompanying statement from Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, said that “Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends,” and that tickets bought through Ticketmaster would be refunded automatically.

The tour, scheduled for arenas across the country, appeared to be struggling with ticket sales; earlier this year, a handful of dates had been canceled and several shows appeared to have a number of unsold seats, Variety reported in March.

The cancellation comes during a time when Lopez, 54, has been in the spotlight for both her work and her personal life. She currently stars in the sci-fi action thriller “Atlas,” which has been the No. 1 film on Netflix in the United States since its debut last week.

And in February, she released an expansive, ambitious project, which she had poured $20 million of her own money into. It included a studio album, “ This Is Me … Now ”; an accompanying musical film, “ This Is Me … Now: A Love Story ”; and a making-of documentary, “The Greatest Love Story Never Told,” which stars her husband, the actor and director Ben Affleck, 51. The pair also appeared together in an ad for Dunkin’ Donuts that debuted during this year’s Super Bowl.

Despite the recent collaborations, rumors have been swirling for weeks that their marriage is in trouble , with tabloids offering reports almost daily on the state of their union. Lopez and Affleck were famously minted as “Bennifer” when they dated from about 2002 to 2004, a period that included a brief engagement. They reunited in 2021 and married in July 2022.

A representative for Lopez did not immediately respond on Friday to questions about the tour cancellation or the reports about her marriage to Affleck.

Maya Salam is an editor and reporter, focusing primarily on pop culture across genres. More about Maya Salam

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    CNN —. "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and "Time After Time" singer Cyndi Lauper has announced her farewell tour. In what will be her first major tour in more than a decade - and her ...

  21. Taylor Swift congratulates fans who get engaged at Eras Tour show

    Taylor Swift sweetly congratulated a couple after she witnessed them get engaged during her combined "Folklore" and "Evermore" set at her Eras Tour show in Edinburgh, Scotland, Friday ...

  22. Just My Tour & Travel

    Just My Tour & Travel, Jakarta, Indonesia. 92 likes. Our 24 hour services : 1. Tiket Kereta Api 2. Tiket Penerbangan Dalam dan Luar Negeri 3....

  23. Jennifer Lopez cancels "This is Me ... Now" tour to spend time with

    Jennifer Lopez cancels summer tour 00:19. A "heartsick and devastated" Jennifer Lopez canceled her upcoming summer tour to spend more time with her "children, family and close friends," Live ...

  24. Jennifer Lopez cancels 2024 tour after concert issues

    KiMi Robinson. USA TODAY. Jennifer Lopez has canceled her summer North American tour, which was to be her first in five years, weeks before she was scheduled to go on the road. The pop star made ...

  25. Jennifer Lopez Cancels Summer Tour

    By Maya Salam. May 31, 2024. Jennifer Lopez announced on Friday that she has canceled her "This Is Me …. Live" summer tour. In a message on her website she said she was "heartsick and ...

  26. Just My Luck (2006 film)

    Just My Luck is a 2006 American romantic comedy film directed by Donald Petrie, from a screenplay by I. Marlene King and Amy B. Harris, starring Lindsay Lohan, Chris Pine, Faizon Love, Missi Pyle, and McFly.It tells the story of Ashley Albright who works in public relations and is the luckiest person in Manhattan, while Jake Hardin is a janitor and would-be music producer who seems to have ...